Cleanse: Using Functional Foods and A Modified Elimination Diet
Cleanse: Using Functional Foods and A Modified Elimination Diet
Cleanse: Using Functional Foods and A Modified Elimination Diet
Using Functional Foods and a Modified Elimination Diet
This dietary/functional food approach has been most helpful with patients who prepared condiments, peanuts, vinegar, and alcoholic beverages.
complain of fatigue, recurrent gastrointestinal problems (especially diarrhea),
food intolerance or sensitivity, chemical or environmental sensitivities, chronic 8. Eat 5-7 small meals each day. Incorporate shakes as suggested in the 28-Day
headache, and muscle or joint pain of unknown origin. The diet and functional Cleanse Calendar. Try to eat every two to three hours, never letting more than
foods associated with the program are hypoallergenic, anti-inflammatory, and three hours lapse between meals. Remember, breakfast is ALWAYS a shake.
generally well-tolerated. Try drinking your shake through a straw to make it last longer.
It is theorized that, by simply eliminating foods that are most commonly 9. To maintain a healthy and stable blood sugar level, eat protein/carb/fat at each
associated with chronic disease and by providing a low glycemic, antioxidant-rich meal. Your body needs all three macronutrients to heal, repair, and rebuild its
diet, one can substantially improve his or her health and quality of life. This plan functional and structural biochemicals. Many people do well with a 40:30:30
goes beyond dietary modification, striving to achieve an optimal health outcome. balanced diet consisting of 40% protein, 30% good carbs, and 30% healthy
The plan incorporates very high quality, clinically tested functional food shakes fats.
that contain ingredients scientifically proven to support healthy body composition
and the body’s natural detoxification mechanisms. 10. Whenever possible, select fresh, organic, locally-grown foods that are in
season. Organic frozen foods are an acceptable second choice.
The first weeks of your 28-Day Cleanse may be challenging; however, your effort
will be rewarded. Although you will need to avoid many foods and beverages you 11. You may include one functional protein bar as a meal/snack each day, EXCEPT
are accustomed to eating daily, you will likely discover palate-pleasing flavors and when “fasting.” Fasting occurs on Days 12 through 14, when only shakes are
textures among alternate foods. You will also enjoy the convenience of functional allowed.
food “shakes” and the variety of flavors available. Most everyone who carefully
follows his/her practitioner’s dietary advice and consumes the shakes and 12. Keep fruit servings to no more than 1-2 servings/day. Too much fruit will spike
supplements as recommended achieves success. They feel better, look healthier your blood sugar and may cause your body to slow down the healing process
and younger, and have more energy. and the elimination of excess body fat. This is especially true for the insulin-
resistant patient.
This plan is only to be used under supervision of a licensed healthcare practitioner
following a comprehensive assessment of your personal needs and subsequent 13. You may find it helpful to keep a food diary and to pre-plan your meals
adjustments to the basic plan if necessary. The plan should not be followed
beyond 28 days without proper reassessment. Your response to this plan is based
upon your individual biochemical make up, medical history, and health status at
the time you begin. Should any troublesome symptoms occur while using the
plan, discontinue the functional food and contact your healthcare practitioner for
2. Eliminate fatty meats. Small amounts of wild game and loin cuts of lamb are A Message from David Perlmutter, MD, FACN
the only red meats allowed. Choose mostly chicken, turkey, and cold water
fish if you are not allergic or intolerant to any of these foods. Select from
organic, free-range, grass-fed products whenever possible.
The fundamental first step in any interventional
for toxic, metabolic, degenerative or
inflammatory disorders is reestablishing both gut
3. Eliminate gluten-containing foods or those prepared with them. Gluten is a health and hepatic detoxification function. The
mixture of proteins found in wheat, spelt, kamut, rye, triticale, and barley. OptiCleanseGHI Program provides a powerful
Although oats and corn are gluten-free, they are often cross-contaminated. and comprehensive approach to achieving
Omit unless guaranteed gluten-free. Rice, millet, buckwheat, quinoa, these goals. Our patients find OptiCleanseGHI
amaranth, teff, bean or chickpea flour, tapioca, yucca, cassava, and arrowroot simple to use and appreciate the efforts made to
are examples of gluten-free items that may be used as desired by most
develop a truly good tasting product. ”
4. Drink at least two quarts of water, preferably filtered, daily.
5. Avoid all alcohol-containing beverages, including beer, wine, liquor, and over-
the-counter products that contain alcohol, such as cold remedies and herbal
The statements in this booklet have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Products listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 3
Modified Elimination Diet
Food Group Enjoy (preferably organic) Avoid
Avoid all foods of known allergy/sensitivity
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Legumes
Beef, pork, veal, cold cuts, frankfurter, sausage,
Poultry, lamb, rabbit, bison, venison, cold water fish canned meats, tuna, mackerel, shellfish, any
(such as sardines, salmon, trout, halibut, etc.), all preparations with added solution. Note: Eggs,
legumes, dried peas, beans, lentils especially whites, tend to be allergenic. Avoid eggs
unless practitioner approved
Dairy Products
Milk, soy milk*, goat milk, buttermilk, cheese, ice
cream, puddings, non-dairy creamers, commercial
Unsweetened milk substitutes such as rice or hemp
yogurts, cream soups, creamed vegetables, soy
milk, unsweetened nut milk (only if not allergic/
cheese*, casein/caseinate-containing rice cheese.
sensitive to nuts), vegan-style rice cheese
Note: Avoid unsweetened, plain yogurt, unless
practitioner approved
All vegetables (except nightshades†), fresh, frozen, Canned vegetables, creamed vegetables, vegetables
or freshly juiced, especially cruciferous, such as prepared with cheese, butter sauce, or other type
cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, of sauce or prohibited ingredients, vegetables in
kale, collards, radishes, and watercress casseroles, nightshades†
**Many individuals requiring a gluten-free diet may tolerate oats and oat products. Use oat only if practitioner approves. Corn has a relatively high glycemic index
and is not tolerated by everyone. Use only in small amounts and as tolerated. Avoid peanuts and tree nuts, unless practitioner approved. Use soy only if practitioner
† include tomato, potato, eggplant, pepper (except black and white), tomatillo, pimento, and paprika.
Stevia, xylitol (as tolerated), and sweeteners present Brown sugar, honey, molasses, maple syrup,
in Complete Boost Pro fructose, all artificial sweeteners
Salt-free herbs and seasonings, including basil,
cayenne, caraway, chives, cinvnamon, curry, dill,
Salt, soy sauce, mayonnaise, ketchup, balsamic
dry mustard, garlic, ginger, mace, marjoram, mint,
or rice vinegar, salsa, chili pepper, pepper flakes,
nutmeg, parsley, poppy seeds, savory, tarragon,
tumeric. Celtic sea salt, not to exceed ______ per
The statements in this booklet have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Products listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 5
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6
Days 1 – 3 Days 4 – 5 Days 6 – 8 Days 9 – 11 Days 12 – 14 Days 15 – 28
i5™ or
OptiCleanse GHI™ or 1 serving/day 2 servings/day 3 servings/day 4 servings/day 5-7 servings/day 2 servings/day
OptiCleanse Plus™
MedCaps DPO™ 1 capsule 1 capsule 2 capsules 1 capsule 1 capsule
1 capsule/day
(optional with i5™) twice a day three times a day twice a day 1-2 times a day 1-2 times a day
Available in Chai, Creamy Chocolate & Vanilla Delight
A clinically-validated, all natural, fructose-free formula containing ingredients that promote overall gastrointestinal health and optimize the body’s ability to detoxify
harmful substances and respond to inflammation. Patented and proprietary ingredients include 21 grams of XYMOGEN’s all natural, vegetable-based protein, VegaPro™,
along with clinically relevant doses of XYMOGEN’s IgG 2000 DF™ and OncoPlex™ (SGS™ - sulforaphane glucosinolate). i5 is an appropriate gentle detox formula for
individuals chronically exposed to environmental toxins (e.g. hair salon, dry cleaner, etc.), those who are on multiple medications, or those who, due to health status,
may not tolerate a more intense protocol.
OptiCleanse GHI™
Available in Chai, Creamy Chocolate & Vanilla Delight
A pleasant-tasting, low-allergy functional food shake mix that features VegaPro™, a proprietary blend of rice and pea proteins along with a variety of macro and
micro-nutrients, herbs, and other nutraceuticals known to support and optimize detoxification in individuals experiencing signs and conditions associated with toxicity.
OptiCleanse GHI supports the gastrointestinal mucosa and the body’s natural anti-inflammatory response.
OptiCleanse Plus™
Available in Chai, Creamy Chocolate & Vanilla Delight
A pleasant-tasting, low-allergy functional food shake mix that features VegaPro™, XYMOGEN’s proprietary blend of rice and pea proteins, along with a variety of macro
and micro-nutrients and other nutraceuticals known to support mitochondrial energy production necessary for biotransformation/ detoxification. OptiCleanse Plus is an
ideal basic detox formula for individuals experiencing minor toxicity-associated signs and conditions.
Available in 60 packets
A combination of four targeted, conveniently dose-packaged nutritional formulas that provide comprehensive nutritional support. ActivEssentials Women™ contains iron
and additional calcium. ActivEssentials with Calcium™ contains extra calcium without iron. All ActivEssentials formulas include Albion® chelated minerals, activated B
vitamins, ORAC botanicals, and fresh, pure, third-party assayed fish oils. Calcium is in the form of dicalcium malate and microcrystalline hydroxyapatite (MCHC).
MedCaps DPO™
Available in 120 capsules
A unique, convenient, cost-effective formula that delivers ingredients shown to promote balanced activity between Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxification processes.
MedCaps DPO should be used as part of an overall detoxification protocol that supplies adequate high-quality protein, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber.
*Always have a shake for breakfast! The rest of the daily shakes can be used according to your needs.
The statements in this booklet have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Products listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 7
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Orlando, FL 32811