Drugs of Abuse Is: Metabolized by The Liver Enzyme CYP2D6, So CYP2D6 Inhibitors Will Prolong The
Drugs of Abuse Is: Metabolized by The Liver Enzyme CYP2D6, So CYP2D6 Inhibitors Will Prolong The
Drugs of Abuse Is: Metabolized by The Liver Enzyme CYP2D6, So CYP2D6 Inhibitors Will Prolong The
Typically screening of single urine specimen for many substances by qualitative screening procedure.
However, this procedure only detects drugs of recent use, therefore abstinence for a short duration,
abusing patients. And also it does not differentiate single casual use and chronic abuse.
Drugs of Abuse:
Other common names for methamphetamine include blue, crystal, ice, meth, SHABU, and speed
b. 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA)
Function: hallucinations, empathic and emotional response, euphoria, and increased visual and
tactile sensitivity.
Metabolism: Cytochrome P450 family enzymes play a central role in
the metabolismof MDMA,
Analysis: Routine drug screening by immunoassay, Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
e. Cocaine:
Function: used as a local anaesthetic and at higher levels functions as a CNS stimulant.
Metabolism: Half life 0.5-1hour with elimination dependent on liver metabolism;
benzoyleegonine (half life 4-7 hours) primary metabolite and filtered by the kidney
Benzoyleegonine is detectable in urine for 3 days following single use and as long as 20 days
following chronic use
Analysis: immunoassays and gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry
f. Opiates
1. Types of Opiates:
a. Naturally occurring: Opium, morphine, codeine
b. Chemically modified: Heroine, dilaudid, oxycodone
c. Synthetic: Demerol, methadone, darvon, talwin, fentanyl
2. Function: Narcotics used for their analgesic, sedative, and anaesthetic properties
3. Metabolism: Respiratory center depressant cause respiratory acidosis
4. Analysis: Immunoassays and gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry
g. Phencyclidine (PCP)
Function: produces stimulant, depressant, anaesthetic, and hallucigonenic effects
Metabolism: Distribute in lipophilic tissue such as brain and adipose tissue; elimination
dependent on it being metabolized by the liver, with 10-15% of the parent compound filtered by
the kidney; detectable in urine for as long as 7-30 days following chronic use
Analysis: Immunoassays and gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry
h. Tranquilizers:
Types of tranquilizers
a. Barbiturates: Phenobarbital (long acting), amobarbital (intermediate acting), and
secobarbital and pentoarbitaa (short acting)
b. Benzodiazepines: Diazepam (valium), chroldiazepoxide (Librium), lorazepam (ativan)
Function: Sedative hypnosis that produce depression of the CNS
Metabolism: Respiratory center depressants causing respiratory acidosis
Analysis: Immunoassays and gas-liquild chromatography