Coastal Planning Management-Lesson4-Hydraulic Study

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Coastal Planning & Management

VDB 4233

Lesson – 4
Re-cap from previous session

• Overview of basic oceanographic

data and environmental forces

• Introduction to typical field


• Example of field measurement and

data analysis










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2002-03-26 03-28 03-30 04-01 04-03 04-05 04-07 04-09 04-11 04-13 04-15
Overall Learning Outcomes
CLO1 Assess the influencing environmental factors and
related coastal processes, and analyze causes of
coastal erosion/sedimentation

CLO2 Develop skills and knowledge for the planning and

management of coastal zone in respecting the
principles of sustainability

CLO3 Evaluate application of different coastal stabilization

schemes and the governing factors for their selection
and impacts

PO1 Acquire and apply engineering fundamentals to

complex civil engineering problems

PO2 Identify, formulate and solve complex civil engineering

problems using creativity and innovativeness
Coastal Planning & Management
Coastal Modelling & Case Studies

• Purpose of coastal and marine studies

• Overview of hydraulic and coastal
• Example applications and case studies
Why Coastal Hydraulic Studies?

• Understanding hydraulic

• Planning/design of
works (design parameters)

• Impact assessment of
coastal development

• Monitoring feedback
Scientific Requirement vs
Engineering Application

• Scientific investigations of sediment

transport in tidal areas can provide the
crucial information needed to understand
and predict the morphological changes.

• In most of the existing sediment transport

and morphological models, analysis are
made based on several assumptions,
probably due to lack of available data or as
part of the simplifications approach in
making realistic modelling assessment.

• Often these assumptions are made with

respect to most engineering application,
thus require careful judgment.
Important Appreciation

• Coastal processes is generally

very complex.

• Various factors influencing the

behavior and the corresponding

• Responses cannot be simply

generalized and it is very site

• Knowledge is progressively
developing especially in fine
sediment dynamics.
Why Modelling?

Resources constraint (time,

money, spatial coverage)

Knowledge deficiency/gap
(regression using field data;
analytical solutions)

Physical scale modeling

Hybrid modeling (regional

numerical modeling feeding
into local physical modeling)

Guidelines on Erosion
Control For Development
Projects In The Coastal Zone
(Garispanduan JPS 1/97),
aims at ensuring proper
planning & implementation of
coastal development projects.

Guidelines For Preparation of

Coastal Engineering Hydraulic
Study and Impact Evaluation (For
Hydraulic Studies using Numerical
Fifth edition
(December 2001))
Present Technology

New tools in predicting and accessing coastal

engineering projects / problems

State-of-the-art modelling software available

Name of Type Developer/ Knowledge Physical
Software Vendor Domain Domain
SMS proprietary USA Estuarine / Coastal Estuaries/
hydr coastal seas
AQUASEA proprietary USA Coastal hydraulics Estuaries/
coastal seas
QUAL2E Non-proprietary US EPA Water quality River/coastal
A Sample seas/ocean
of Coastal
MIKE21/ proprietary DHI Coastal hydraulics Estuaries/
Hydraulic MIKE3 coastal seas
Software DELFT3D proprietary DHL River/coastal/ River/coastal
Packages ocean hydraulics seas/ocean
TELEMAC proprietary LNH of EDF Coastal hydraulics Coastal seas
SEAWORKS proprietary HR Wallingford Coastal hydraulics Coastal seas
EFDC/ Non-proprietary John M.Hamrick, Estuarine / Coastal Estuaries/
HEM2D Tetratech, USEPA hydr coastal seas
GEMSS proprietary J. E. Edinger River/lake/ Rivers/lakes/
Associates, Inc., estuarial/coastal estuaries/
37 Wayne, PA hydraulics coastal seas
19087, USA
GCOM3D proprietary GEMS Australia Coastal/Ocean Coastal
hydraulics seas/ocean
SBEACH/ Non-proprietary US Army Corps of Coastal profile Coastal seas
GENESIS Engineers change/evolution


➢ HD – Hydrodynamic model (simulates currents and water level


➢ NSW – Near Shore Wave model (simulates propagation of waves

taking into account wave breaking, shoaling, refraction, etc.)

➢ MT – Mud Transport model (simulates movement of cohesive

material on the bed)

➢ ST – Sand Transport model (simulates movement of non-cohesive


➢ AD – Advection Dispersion model (simulates spreading of heat,

salt, coliform & xenobiotic compounds)

➢ WQ – Water Quality model (simulates spreading of DO, BOD,

ammonia, nitrate & phosphorus)
Impacts of Development

Development Problems/ IMPACTS

Projects Phenomena

•sand mining flooding terrestrial

•surface water environment
pollutants human &
extractions socio-
coastline economic
•gas & oil
subsidence changes environment
•coastal protection tourism &
works recreation
•land reclamation littoral
•ports & harbours agriculture
•coastal resorts pollution of aquatic
•industries coastal areas environment
Additional Factors

River – Sea Interactions:

▪ Suspended sediment
dispersion/Water Quality
▪ Sedimentation at river mouths
▪ Upstream flooding
▪ Nutrient outflows
▪ Backwater effects

Sea – level rise

▪ erosion
▪ coastal protection
Hydraulic Modelling
General Modelling Concept

Determination of Relevant Modules

Defining Model Area

Model Setting-up
Data Collection & Simulation
Field Work Calibration & Verification

Production Run

Interpretation of Results
Modelling Technology

▪ How many dimensions?

▪ Which model?

▪ GIGO – Garbage In, Garbage Out

Stage 1:
Field Investigation Works
Data Collection Hydrographic
and Analyses Survey
Waves, Currents Horizontal Control
Vertical Control
Winds Stage 2: Tidal Gage Setup
Sediments Modeling Works
River discharges Bathymetric Survey

Hydrodynamics River
Flow Regime Hydraulics
Sediment transport
Wave tranformation Back-water flooding
Coastline Changes

Hydraulic Study Stage 3:
Work Flow Interfacing with Sub-Components
Typical Coastal / Marine Study
& Example Applications
Coastal Erosion Studies

• When: Lives or coastal properties are threatened.

• Typical causes:
Interruption of longshore sand transport, reduction in
river sediment supply, dredging in the nearshore etc.
• Main Goal of Study:
Identify cause of erosion and propose options for
shore protection.
• Main Model/s used: LITPACK, MIKE21
• Project Examples:
Pantai Sabak Coastal Erosion Study, Kelantan
Coastal Protection Works at Pantai Sabak, Kelantan

Classified as a Category I (critical erosion) area

(NCES, 1985).

Scope of work:
- primary & secondary data collection
- comprehensive hydraulic study of the coastal
area using numerical models
- propose feasible defence options & carry out
technical and financial evaluation of the
proposed alternatives
- detailed design of the selected option
2D Sediment Transport

- Existing Condition
- Most of the transport
bypassing Pengkalan Datu
breakwater travels on a bar
parallel to the coast prior to re-
attaching to the surf zone 1.5
to 2 km further along the coast
The Proposed Beach Protection Scheme

◼ Series of Offshore Breakwater

Main Components of The Proposed Scheme

• Six (6) offshore breakwaters along Pantai Sabak covering

from the northern of Sg. Pengkalan Datu breakwater to
just north of the landfill site (including river training
allowing a new outlet of Sg. Raja Gali)

• An initial beach fill is required together with construction of

offshore breakwaters. This is because formation of a
tombolo behind the breakwater would likely lead to
significant erosion between the breakwater if no
nourishment was performed as part of the overall
Optimized Breakwaters’ Option:
Sediment Transport Averaged Over 5 Yrs

Hs = 1.5m,  = 45oN Hs = 1.5 m,  = 67.5oN Hs = 1.5 m,  = 90oN

Morphological Impact


• The protection of the Pantai Sabak coastline will lead to

accelerated erosion rates along the coast to the
northwest, downdrift of the proposed Breakwater 1

• The area is much less densely populated than the area

presently suffering the brunt of the erosion. It therefore
makes sense to protect the Pantai Sabak area knowing
that it will not solve but only transfer the overall erosion
Coastal Processes Study
Net downdrift transport rate

Erosion of P.Sabak Coastline

Bypass Pengkalan Datu

Mud Siltation Studies

• When: Navigation channels on muddy coast

(predominant on West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia)
• Typical causes:
High sedimentation from surrounding area especially
from Sg. Klang
• Main Goal of Study:
Identify cause of siltation and estimate rates of
siltation. Propose dredging requirement.
• Model/s used: MIKE21
• Project Examples: North Port Hydraulic Study, Port
North Port Hydraulic Study, Port Klang

Scope of work:
- collect, collate and calibrate data for hydraulic study;
- hydraulic modelling for analysis of currents, waves &
sediment transport
- identify sources of siltation material, predict volume
& rate of siltation within,around the channel due to
- analyse, propose requirements for
capital & maintenance dredging
and devise optimum dredging
strategy for the future 55


- hydrodynamic impact study on



to the port’s future development

-150 5

-5 5

40 50


plans 50 5



5 5 20

- financial analysis
5 Net Sedimentation (mm)


Above 100

5 50 - 100

30 5 20 - 50
5 5 - 20
-20 -5 - 5


-20 - -5
-50 - -20
25 -5 -100 - -50

20 -20 -150 - -100

Below -150

10 15 20 25 30 35 40
04/03/02 12:00:00
River Mouth Siltation Studies

• When: Navigation through river mouths is made difficult

because of frequent siltation.
• Typical causes:
Imbalance between river sediment supply and ability of
waves to move sediments away from the river mouth.
• Main Goal of Study:
Identify cause/s of problem and propose mitigating
• Model/s that can be used: MIKE21
• Project Examples:
National River Mouth study by JICA.
Setiu River Mouth Improvement Works, Terengganu.
Setiu River Mouth Improvement Works

Improvement works in the form of dredging and provision of structures to

stabilise the Setiu river mouth is to be carried out. A fish landing complex is
also to be constructed to cater for the growing fishermen population.

Studies include:
• collect, collate and review relevant data necessary for the design and
modelling works;
• identify various river mouth improvement alternatives;
• conduct a hydraulic study using numerical models to assess
effectiveness and impacts of the improvement works on the hydraulic
regime and select the most suitable option;
• determine environmental parameters for the detailed design;
• perform detailed design for the river mouth improvement works.
Sediment Dispersion Studies

• When: Reclamation and Dredging projects

• Typical causes:
Sediment re-suspension during dredging operations and
sediment losses during dumping.
• Main Goal of Study:
Identify extent of sediment plume and propose mitigating
options if necessary.
• Model/s used: MIKE21
• Project Examples:
Proposed Penang 2nd Bridge.
Proposed Tg. Langsat Port Expansion.
The Proposed Penang Second Bridge

Penang Second Bridge - the longest bridge in Southeast Asia.

Scope of work includes:

- Extensive hydraulic and
coastal modeling of the
impact of the bridge
construction on coastal
regime within the Penang
channel and adjacent waters using MIKE 21 modeling system.
- Investigation includes assessment on waves, tidal flows, sediment
transport and dispersion of suspended sediment;
- Investigation on the impact during construction based on various
components and implementation stages; and
- To provide assessment input for the concurrent EIA study
Thermal Plume Dispersion Studies

• When: In connection with Thermal Power Plant projects

• Typical causes:
Cooling water for the condensers is abstracted from the
sea and hot water is discharged back into the sea.
• Main Goal/s of Study:
Optimise location of intake and outlets to minimise heat re-
circulation and ensure water temperature at outfall is below
DOE limit.
• Model/s used: MIKE 21 AD
• Project Examples:
Telok Gong Combined Cycle Power Plant, Melaka
Telok Gong Combined Cycle Power Plant, Melaka

Powertek Berhad intended to convert the existing open cycle plant into a
combined cycle mode at its existing power plant at Teluk Gong, Melaka

A hydraulic modelling study and hydrographic

survey works to evaluate the recirculation of
the thermal plume was commissioned

Scope of work:
- numerical modelling to assess the
recirculation of cooling water
- investigate various options &
recommend the possible optimum
layout and lengths for the CW pipelines taking
into account the influence of proposed two land reclamation projects to
be constructed adjacent to the power plant
Typical Studies in a Project

• Usually, one project will involve many coastal aspects. For

example, a typical Reclamation & Dredging project may
involve the following:

– Determination of design wave and current conditions.

– Impact of project on waves, tidal flow, sediment
transport and coastal stability.
– Sediment dispersion during dredging and dumping.
– Possible coastal erosion due to dredging activities. This
is so since borrow area may act as a sediment trap (if
located in the littoral zone) and deprive downdrift areas
of sediments.
– Protection of reclaimed land (typically with revetments).
Ranca-Ranca Integrated Port, Labuan

Ranca-Ranca Integrated Port shall act as a hub for activities such as

transhipment centre, entreport or industrial port

The project site shall be reclaimed to accommodate

port facilities & to increase the existing land bank

- overall project planning
- total project management in producing masterplan
& justifying the project based on economic analysis and
other technical studies
- design, port layout, breakwater & wharf construction,
hydraulic aspects, environmental impacts, geotechnical
assessment, ship maneuvering, port management organization and core
- evaluate options to privatise the port construction and management
- advise the client on overall project implementation at macro & micro levels
inclusive of cashflow and financial analysis
Hotel JAL Fujairah Resort & Spa, UAE

The Hotel JAL Fujairah Resort & Spa is built on a 540 m private beach and
is currently under construction. All of its nine buildings will be lined up facing
the beach. As such, the beach is a primary feature and attraction for the

Scope of work:
- hydraulic model study to derive the main design parameters.
- detailed design of sill structure, groynes & beach nourishment

Project Area
Integrated Approach

Planning requires holistic approach

accompanied by regulatory and legislative
mechanisms (eg. ICZM / ISMP)
avoid independent developments leading
to adverse consequences elsewhere

Discourage development and construction of

structures on highly dynamic coasts
also require prior comprehensive study
or expect remedial measures
Need for ISMP

Negeri Sembilan

Monitoring should be implemented during & after

any coastal development in the vicinity of the

Monitoring assists in quicker detection of any

discrepancy between expected & effective coastline

Some monitoring works may serve as good ground

for continuing research in fostering better
understanding and developing new scientific
knowledge. This is where universities and local
institution can play active role in instituting significant
research, which will benefit the nation as a whole
The Future

Continuous development of such numerical models

More good data and records

Better user-friendliness & physical -based models

Capability of interfacing with other models and


 Coastal processes are influenced by many processess

and mechanisms

 Human interference can further add to the complexity

of the present natural processes

 The behavior of coastal processes, especially sediment

transport, in coastal areas can be more complex with
the interactions between these processes and

 Development for better understanding and predictive

tools greatly assist in the overall assessment for better
Re-cap of today’s lecture

• Purpose of coastal and marine studies

• Overview of hydraulic and coastal
• Example applications and case studies
Any question ??

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