Asset Accounting
Asset Accounting
Asset Accounting
In SAP we don’t have option of creating the Chart of Depreciation for our own company
But SAP has given the option to copy the Existing Chart of Accounts of Germany or
Indian. We have to copy either Germany Chart of Depreciation or Indian Chart of
Depreciation and make changes according to our company Porocedure.
Depreciation Keys: Depreciation Keys are nothing but Rate+ Method say
5% SLM or 5%WDV
Posting Keys: We use the Following Posting Keys in Asset Accounting
[A] Sub Asset Master is to be created with reference to the Main Asset Master
[B] Main Asset Master is to be created with Asset Class
[C] Account Determination is specified in Asset Class
[D] For Account Determination we Assaign G L Account based on Nature of
We will create the Accounts and Determine Accounts like below for Asset Accounting
Testing Purpose
Why we have to De-select Deactivation Check Box for Land and Capital WIP even though
there is no Depreciation on Land and Capital WIP. At the time of Creating Land Master we give
Capitalization Date which would be Purchase Date of Land or Registration Date and Rate of
Depreciation as "0%"
Layout of 2000 - Depreciation on Asset Sub No Level will be like below
Asset No Main No Sub No Captalization
Mach.1 1 0 20.04.2005
Motor 1 1 02.09.2009
Sub Number for Main Asset No will always be ZERO. Depreciation will be calculated based on
Capitalization Date. Depreciation will be calculated at Sub Number Level.
Step 11. Creation of 15 GL Masters ( FS00)
Create 15 GL Masters as mentioned below under the TC=FS00
Step 14. Specify Intervals and Posting Rules: Same Path (TC== OAYR)
Select Company Code: PSL
Doubel Click on Posting Rules Folder
Select Monthly Posting Radio Button
SAVE → ENTER to save in your request.
Step 15. Specify Rounding Off Net Book Valeu and/ or Depreciation:
PATH: SPRO---->Financial Accounting---->Asset Accounting---->Valuation- ->
Amount Specifications(Comp.Code/Dep.Area)---->Specify Rounding off Net Book
Value and /or Depreciation (TC===OAYO)
Ignore Message and Press Enter
Company Code: PSL
Double Click on Rounding Specifications
Folder Select Area: 01 ( Book Depreciation)
Select Details Button
Select Automatically Calculated Depreciation Check Box
Select Rounding Radio Button
SAVE → ENTER to save in your request.
Point 2. Levels
Acquisition Year: 9999 . If we give Acquisition Year as 2009. 5% depreciation
Rate is applicable to only for the assets purchased in 2009. If we mention 9999 , 5%
is applicable to any asset acquired in any year.
Years: 999 (Maximum No. of Years)
If the Depreciation Method is Straight Line Method and Dep Rate is 5% - Life of asset
can be assuemed as 20 Years, if rate is 1% Life would be 100 Years. But in Written
Down value Method Life of the Asset is difficult to calculate as there would always be
some remining value. If we select 999 for Years, it will calculate upto any number of
Period: 12 Means the number of Months
Basic Value: 01 - Acquisition Value-- it is applicable to Straight Line Method.
In SLM, Dep will be calculated always on Acquisition Value
24- Net Book Value-- it is applicable to Written Down Method.
in WDV dep will be calculated on the Net Book value.
Percent: Rate of Depreciation
Reduction: Ex: Acquisition Value of the Asset: 100000
Less: Estimated Scrap Value at the end of the
Life of the Asset. 1000
Actual Asset Value for Depreciation Purpose 99000
If we are following 5% Dep Rate in Reduction Method, Dep will be calculated
on 99,000 but not on 100,000. In India this method is not applicable.
Rem Life: Depreciation will be calculated in 2 ways. One is Percentage Method
Second One is Useful Life Method. In India at Present 2nd Method is not
using by most of the Companies. For Example. If an Asset is Purchased in
2004 for Rs. 100,000 which is having Useful Life of 20 Years. So
Depreciation Per Anum is Rs. 5,000. If this Company is Implementing SAP
from 2009
onwards. Already 5years accounting was done in Other Accounting Software.
AT the time of Creation of Asset Master in SAP we should mention like
Acquisiton Value : 100,000 , Acc. Depreciation : 25,000. Select Remaining
Life check Box. System will Know Raining Life of Asset is 15 years.
System will calculate depreciation for 15 years only. This system is applicable
if Depreciation Method is Straight Line Method in which life of asset can be
assumed. In WDV it is not possible.
Step 4. Maintain Period Control Methods: Same Path (TC== AFAMP)
Chart of Depreciation: PSL → ENTER
Select New Entries Button
Period Description Acq. Additions Retirement Transfers
Control Year
006 PSL Period Control 01 01 01 01
Method ( Prorata at Period Start Date)
SAVE → ENTER to save in your request.
Note 1st Rule: Sub Asset Master is to Create with reference to the Main Asset Master.
200001-1 created with reference to Main Asset 200001 Machine No 1.
The other Rules 2nd, 3rd & 4th are same as above .
Report1: Report to view Each Sub Asset Wise , Year-wise Values:
Accounting---->Financial Accounting---->Fixed Assets---->Asset- ->Asset Explorer
Give Asset No: 200001-0 → ENTER
To view Depreciation Calculations
Select Display Dep. Calculation Button
Select Period Information Button
We can see the Report of Depreciation Calculation
Select Back Arrow
Select Comparisions Tab
Change the Asset to 200001-1
We can see the Depreciation for Sub Number 1
Select Planned Values Tab
Change the Fiscal Year to 2010 → ENTER
Select Display Dep. Calculation Button
We can see the Report of Depreciation Calculation
Select Back Arrow
Report2: Report to view All Assets for a Particular Period
Accounting---->Financial Accounting--->Fixed Assets--->Information Systems--->
Report on Asset Accounting --->Asset Balances---->Balance Lists--->Asset
Balances---> By Business Area (TC==S_ALR_87011965)
Depreciation Run Programme will take some time to Compleate. In Live Environment
where Assets are more, it take much time. So SAP has given an option to keep the
programme scheduled to run in nights when no data entry will take place. Dep run
programme will take place in Server system not at User System level. To make
Schedules , follow the below process.
Select Date and Time Button
Schedule Start Date: 08.09.09 Time : 23hrs 00 min 00ss
To Run Immediately, Select Immediate Button
Select Save or Ctrl+S
We get a Message " Background Tab was scheduled for Programme :"RAPOST2000"
3.Restart :
This Option is useful when we have Scheduled Depreciation Run and because of any
Reasons ( Either Technical or Power Problems) the scheduled Job is not Finished,
System gives a Message that Job is not Completed. Select the Restart Radio Button
4 Unplanned Posting :
This option is to be selected when the Depreciation Posting is not as per Planned one
In Live Environment, monthly we pass a Provisional Entry in F-02 in stead of Running
Depreciation Programme in SAP. Entry will be like below
SALE OF ASSET: When we sale the Asset , we will transfer the Acc. Depreciation to the
Particular Asset and transfer the Proft or Loss on sale of Asset to P& L A/c
Ex: Suppose if we sold Asset No: 200001-0
Acquistion Value 500000
Less: Accumulated Dep upto 30.04.09 1438
Net Book Value as on 30.04.09 498562
Asset Sale on 01.05.09 501000
Profit on Sale of Asset ( 501000-498562) 2438
Step 1. To Make Asset Retirement Field as Required Field for Field Status Group G052
( Accounts for Fixed Assets Retirement ) (TC==OBC4)
We have Asset No 200001-0, we want to transfer this asset from Hyd unit to Bangalore
Unit. In this type of Transfers we have to transfer the Asset at Cost price. There will be
no change in the Life of the Asset as it is transferred within the Company Code Level.
When we are transferring the Asset within 2 units of the same Company Code,there
will be No PROFIT or NO LOSS. We have to transfer both Acquisition Value(Gross
Value) and Accumulated Depreciation on that Asset. Eventhough Dep Programme is
not run, upto the date of transfer depreciation will be considered in sending unit. From
the date of Transfer Depreciation will be considered in Receiving Unit.
There are 2 types in Asset Transfers
Two Step Transfer Procedure One Step Transfer Procedure
In this Method first we have to In this method we will create Asset
1 Create Asset Master in Receiving Master and Transfer Values in One
Unit (AS01) Step only
2 Transfer the Asset Values
Two Step Transfer Procedure is followed when we want to Transfer Number of Assets
at a Single Time or Asset which is going to Transferred will be the Sub Asset Master
in the Receiving Unit.
For Testing Purpose we are Covering One Step Procedure
PATH: Accounting----->Fianancial Accounting----->Fixed Assets---->Posting--->
Transfer--->Transfer within Company Code (TC==ABUMN)
Asset No: 200001 Sub No: 0 Doc. Date: 01.05.09
Post.Dt: 01.05.09 Asset Value Dt: 01.05.09
Text : Asset Transfer
Select New Asset Radio Button
Description: Machine No 75 ( No of Receiving
Unit) Asset Class: PSL2001 (Dept-B)
Select Master Data Button
Business Area: PSLH
Select Additional Data Button
Capitalized on : 01.05.09
Select Depreciation Area Tab
Dep Key: PSL1 (Dep Key should be same as in Sending Unit)
Useful Life: 15 } Only for Informaion purpose
Period: 5 }
Ord. Dep. Date: 01.05.09 ( From date of Dep in receiving Unit)
Select Back Arrow → ENTER & SAVE
We can see the message that Document Posted.
We have so many assets, out of that Asset Motor 200000-1 is one Asset. If we are
not able to Use/Sold/Trnasfer the asset, we will Scrap it. The Net Book Value of
Asset will be charged to P& L Account.
As per Accounting Standard 28-Impairment of Assets: If the realisable value of the
assets are less than the Net Book Value, and Future Cash Flows are Negative, then we
have to Impair the Asset.
Ex: Acquisition Value: 100000
Acc. Depreciation 20000
Net Book Value 80000
Expected Sale Price 70000
Future Cash Losses Partial Impairment 10000
To View Motor Values as on 31.10.2009 ( S_ALR_87011965)
Press All Selections Button
Company Code: PSL
Buss. Area: PSLH
Report Date: 31.10.09
Select Execute Button ( F8)
Double Click on Dept-A
We can see Assets in Dept-A
Amount: 50000 Buss. PSLH
Area: Text: Machinery Purchase Posting
Post Key: 70 ( Asset Debit) A/c No: 500001-0
T. Type: 100 (External Acquisition of → ENTER
Remove TDC Codes and → ENTER
Amount: * Text: +
From Menu----->Document----->Simulate & SAVE