12.50 Percent Reject Rate FOR REVISION
12.50 Percent Reject Rate FOR REVISION
12.50 Percent Reject Rate FOR REVISION
Dasmariñas, Cavite
Submitted by:
Submitted To:
May 2018
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION...............................................................................3
DEFINITION OF TERMS................................................................................12
FISHBONE DIAGRAM..........................................................................................47
PROBLEM TREE............................................................................................48
OBJECTIVE TREE..........................................................................................52
Alternative Course of Action # 1:Replace Mondomix Aerator’s Gasket
RESEARCHER’S PROFILE.....................................................................................
for over 64 years since John Gokongwei, Jr. established Universal Corn
the Philippines through Chiz Curls, Chippy, and Potato Chips under the
“Jack and Jill” brand. URC entered the plastic industry in year 1990. In
divided into three focused group: The Branded Consumer Foods Group
grocery products.
The Agro-Industrial group, composed of UCP, Robina Farms, and
Robichem for the production and sales of animal feeds, day-old chicks,
hogs and veterinary medicine. The Commodity Food Group which is the
Sugar and Flour divisions, for the production of flour and sugar, and for
throughout the ASEAN region, they must carry a wide portfolio of delightful
company. These losses have direct effects on the punctuality and cost
coming from the part of the operators, the suppliers, the materials, the
factory equipment and others. These factors differ from one company to
another, depending on the type of process and products involved. Also,
the extent and the way these losses affect the company as a whole.
production but is also brought about by the defective outputs at the end of
the production. These rejects are the outputs that are not able to pass the
The researcher being exposed and deployed for 240 hours in the
Operation department has discovered that one of the most important and
availability, performance, and quality rate. Among the three factors, the
researcher has found out that Universal Robina Corporation Cavite plant
among these 6 rejects are the main concern of the company as seen in
does not pass the quality criteria. This is caused by unmet product and
mix process. The main contributor to his problem is the lack of air supply
mallows that stick together, or mallow ropes that is not fully cut into its
specified standard length. This problem occurs in the cutting process, but
it’s root can be traced back to pre-mix process and cleaning time. Sticky
mallow becomes hard to cut when its chilled water temperature and
dissolved solid is too high. This happens because of loose pressure gauge
in the vacuum machine. URC Cavite plant has been operating for 24
aerator’s gasket is only two of the many problems that they are
experiencing. Another type of reject that emerges from machine wear and
Statement of the Problem
General Objective
Specific Objectives
To replace worn out parts of machine for smooth flow of
Cavite plant located at 6th and 7th street First Cavite Industrial Estate,
company which affected the quality output of the said line and therefore
company, the data gathered for the completion of this study came from the
operators and most of the figures related to the actual appearance are
production area affecting the quality of their products. Also, this study
shows the company where it currently stands by taking the most recurrent
and important sources of product reject rate. This study helps the
For the researcher
readers by relating proven information, based from facts. The case study
situation that would widen the reader’s knowledge, especially if they are
involved in the and/or similar business venture. The readers may gain a
data on several topics associated with the concern issues that led to a
massive profit loss. Descriptive approach provides necessary information
regarding the uses and impact of Quality Control and OEE through several
Preliminary Interview
4. Among the production lines that was given, which among them
MML line, having the highest record in product reject rate since
year 2017 was observed by the researcher for several days. The
operation was thoroughly investigated from the first stage of the process
has found out several issues affecting the quality of the output. The rejects
that was observed are Deformed, double, empty pouch, trappings, off-
centered and burnt. 3 among these is the main concern of the company. It
report from the operation’s analyst. The 3-major concern is reflected in the
does not pass the quality criteria. This is caused by unmet product and
mix process. The main contributor to his problem is the lack of air supply
mallows that stick together, or mallow ropes that is not fully cut into its
specified standard length. This problem occurs in the cutting process, but
it’s root can be traced back to pre-mix process and cleaning time. Sticky
mallow becomes hard to cut when its chilled water temperature and
dissolved solid is too high. This happens because of loose pressure gauge
Another type of reject that emerges from machine wear and tear is Empty
conveyor and infeed conveyor is not synchronized due to malfunction of
was granted the permission to gather data from the operations analyst and
the supervisor.
Mr. Aaron, Mr. Percival, Mr. Ramil, and Mr. Mark (MML Production
Questions asked:
6. How do operators estimate the calibration of pressure in during the
Definition of terms
enough where it makes sense to track a reason for being down (typically
several minutes).
Defect - refers to an imperfection that impairs worth or utility.
Idling and Minor Stops - accounts for time where the equipment stops
for a short period of time (typically a minute or two) with the stop
resolved by the operator. Another name for Idling and Minor Stops
carried out as the machines are running in their normal production modes.
similar to First Pass Yield, in that it defines Good Parts as parts that
successfully pass through the manufacturing process the first time without
Reduced Speed - accounts for time where equipment runs slower than
the Ideal Cycle Time (the theoretical fastest possible time to manufacture
one part). Another name for reduced speed is slow cycles. Reduced
Reject Rate - is a rating that shows how many errors in production occur
in average.
Dissolved Solid – any minerals, salts, metals, cations or anions dissolved
sulfates) and some small amounts of organic matter that are dissolved in
to internal friction.
Chilled Water temperature – The water in the chilled water circuit will be
& Neto (2000) who state that quality, as a macro function of institutions,
as establishment of policies, the decision process, selection of personnel,
satisfy customer requirements. The two authors continue and state that
solution for improving the quality of products and services. Before one can
discuss the concept of TQM, one first needs to discuss, understand and
and social sciences (Hoyer & Hoyer, 2001). Quality does not only refer to
goods and services but includes qualiy of time, place, equipment and
philosophy and culture of the whole institution. All institutions and each
department within the institution need to adopt the same strategy, to serve
the customer with even better quality, lower cost, quicker response and
understanding and definition of the meaning of the term quality and even
the concept has had multiple and often muddled definitions and has been
for assuring quality may have changed, but the basic customer
expectations have been fairly constant for a long time (Hoyer & Hoyer,
work equally well for producing products and delivering services. From the
seem to be two levels in the concept of quality (Hoyer & Hoyer, 2001),
namely:· level one, by producing products or delivering services whose
two, products and services that satisfy customer expectations for their use
or consumption.
level two means satisfy the customer. Evans & Dean (2003) note that
quality is much more than that stated at level one, namely conformance to
specifications. They identify eight attributes for category one, namely: (1)
performance, (2) features, (3) reliability, (4) conformance, (5) durability, (6)
Canadian Root Cause Analysis Framework (2005) says that root cause
gathering process includes interviews with staff, who were directly and
event and other relevant processes took place, and observation of usual
understanding”, which is then used by the team to begin the “why” portion
of the analysis. Similarly, to solve a problem, one must first recognize and
understand what is causing the problem. This is the essence of root cause
analysis. According to Wilson et al., (1993) a root cause is the most basic
problem is not identified, then one is merely addressing the symptoms and
analysis tools have emerged from the literature as generic standards for
Some of them are the Why Why Analysis, Multi Vari Analysis,
the Current Reality Tree (CRT). He has added that Why Why analysis is
the most simplistic root cause analysis tool where as current reality tree is
The literatures confirmed that these tools do, in fact, have the
cause process using these tools to ensure that data are not lost. The data
safety or recovery.
the area of the occurrence from several views may be useful in analysis.
and partially completed work orders and procedures. This should be done
% of Amount loss
MONTH Actual Output Good Reject
Rejects (PHP 0.9285)
4,104,272.1 12 3,811,109.8
AUGUST 31,693,221.00 27,588,948.88
2 .95 3
3,853,203.3 12 3,577,974.5
SEPTEMBER 31,506,160.00 27,652,956.63
7 .23 6
3,552,982.8 11 3,299,198.3
OCTOBER 31,221,290.00 27,668,307.20
0 .38 2
3,932,215.3 12 3,651,342.8
NOVEMBER 32,470,812.00 28,538,596.67
3 .11 1
4,458,748.3 13 4,140,266.2
DECEMBER 31,985,282.00 27,526,533.69
1 .94 9
4,031,747.5 12 3,743,765.5
JANUARY 32,540,335.00 28,508,587.49
1 .39 4
23,933,169.4 75 22,223,657.3
TOTAL 191,417,100.00 167,483,930.56
4 .00 4
3,988,861.5 12 3,703,942.8
Average 31,902,850.00 27,913,988.43
7 .50 9
Source: Universal Robina Corporation-Cavite Plant Office of the Plant Manager; Industrial Engineering Department
Table 2.1 shows the summary of production loss of Universal Robina
accumulated is based from the total number of rejected products. The cost
Sample Computation
Reject Rate = 4,104,272.12 / 56,595.04 x 100 = 12.95%
Table 2.2 Breakdown of defects from the months of August 2017 to January 2018
Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 TOTAL
Deformed 32.50
1,054,775 1,113,676 1,165,886 1,288,000 1,276,847 1,029,468 7,778,280
Double 28.76
888,718 877,658 889,294 878,700 898,928 899,012 6,883,180
Pouch 723,978 732,288 723,296 738,983 710,938 714,386 5,337,097
Trappings 8.13
495,417 490,429 498,295 499,385 499,490 489,485 1,945,767
centered 402,077 401,772 409,081 401,001 400,102 398,430 1,232,558
Burnt 3.16
323,896 323,228 335,938 318,967 315,869 325,476 756,288
TOTAL 100.00
3,888,862 3,939,051 4,021,789 4,125,036 4,102,175 3,856,257 23,933,169
Source: Universal Robina Corporation-Cavite Plant Office of the Plant Manager; Industrial Engineering Department
Table 2.2 shows the percentage distribution and types of causes in rejects encountered in the production of
Marshmallow from the months of August 2017 to January 2018. The check sheet shows that the highest number of
rejected Wiggles is due to deformation, which is followed by the Double mallows, Empty pouch and Trappings.
Table 2.3 Pareto Chart Data
Deformed 7,778,280 32.50 % 32.50 %
Double 6,883,180 28.76 % 61.26 %
Empty Pouch 5,337,097 22.30 % 83.56 %
Trappings 1,945,767 8.13 % 91.69 %
Off-Centered 1,232,558 5.15 % 96.84 %
Uncoated 756,288 3.16 % 100.00 %
Total 23,933,169.44 100.00 %
Table 2.3 and Figure 2.1 Illustrates the Pareto diagram of the causes of
defects. The vital few shows the four main contributors to the problem
while the useful many explains the other two causes which are the least
Figure 2.2 Process Flow Schematic Diagram
Figure 2.2 shows the Schematic Diagram of process flow in producing Wiggles Marshmallow.
Figure 2.3a Wiggles Marshmallow Process Flow Chart
6.0 Batching: Automatic dosing ang weighing of all ingredients based on standard
weight per batch as indicated on Product Formulation through Programmable
START Logic Controller (PLC) Weighing vessel made of stainless steel is used at this
process step. Parameters such as weight, tolerance per ingredients and mixing
time will be monitored and observed.
6.0 Batching 7.0 Slurry Dissolving: Holding and pre-cooking of slurry at this step using dissolver
tank and steam coil made of stainless steel. Pre-cookin temperature of 80-83◦ and
steam pressure of 3-5 bars are the requirements to attain standard dissolved
solids of 80-83% Separation of foreign matters through mounted filter screen
7.0 Slurry inside the slurry holding tank prior to cooking such sack strongs, plastic strip and
Dissolving metal fragments.
8.0 Cooking: Slurry is being transferred to spiral cooker using Waukesha pump
with impeller made of stainless steel. Parameters such as back pressure at 2-4
8.0 Cooking
bars and cooking temperature ranges from 113 to 115◦ were being monitored
every hour. Biological hazards such as E.Coli, yeast and molds and other
microoranism inherent to the materials were being eliminated and reduced to its
acceptable level at this step.
9.0 Vacuuming
10.0 Syrup Holding: Syrup is being transferred to vessel 2 using Waukesha pump
with impeller, which was both made of stainless steel. Production Operator
11.0 Aerating monitor %dissolved solids at this step and outright rejection syrup with low %
dissolved solids.
11.0 Aerating: Srup is being transferred to mixing head using mono pump with
12.0 Color Injecting rubber stator and stainless steel rotor. Sterile compressed air is being ejected to
form aerated mass. Production Operator will conduct mass flow rate every start-
up and will monitor mass density every shift and air flow every hour. Micro Filter
with 0.02 was installed prior to aerating to control biological hazards such as yeast
A and molds. Aerated mass will be outright rejected during flow rate and off
standard density.
Figure 2.3b Wiggles Marshmallow Process Flow Chart
13.0 Extruding
Inspection fail
Point #1 For Disposal
14.0 Conveying 1 Deformed
mallow ropes
15.0 Dispensing
16.0 Cutting
Figure 2.3c Wiggles Marshmallow Process Flow Chart
Figure 2.3d Wiggles Marshmallow Process Flow Chart
Inspection fail
For Point #3 For Disposal
Dewrapping 21.0 Conveying 3 Deformed,
22.0 Primary
Wrapping pass
Point #4 23.0 Conveying
Sealing defects
24.0 Secondary
pass Wrapping
25.0 Metal
26.0 Casing
Figure 2.4 Product Description
Coating: Sugar, Hydrogenated vegetable fat (palm, coconut), skimmed milk powder, cocoa powder, whey powder, emulsifier
Marshmallow: Sugar, glucose, dextrose powder, gelatin, modified starch(corn), artificial flavor, and artificial colors (FD&C
Figure 2.4 shows the Marshmallow wiggles produced by MML under URC cavite. One pack contains 35 individually
packed mallows.
Water Activity 0.60-0.68 4 hours none
II. Process Parameter
Air capacity (air flow) 4-10 every hour 5
Mixing head speed, rpm 300-700 every hour 2.5
Input Pressure, bar 6-9 every hour 2.5
Mixing head Pressure regulator,
3-7 every hour none
Mixing head Pressue 4-7 every hour 2.5
Cooling water OUT Temperature
10-14 every hour none
Cooling water IN Temperature ▫C 8-10 every hour none
Cooling injection pump speed
3-5 every hour none
Conveyor speed Setting 15-45 every hour none
Extruder 1 Speed setting, rpm 35-65 every hour none
Extruder 2 Speed setting, rpm 35-65 every hour none
Extruder nozzle speed, rpm 25-35 every hour none
Source: URC Chocolate Line, Wiggles Marshmallow workstation
Figure 2.4 shows the product and process parameters that must be strictly followed by the operators and production
Table 2.5 Why Why Analysis of Wiggles Marshmallow rejects
Table 2.5 shows the Root Cause Analysis of Wiggles Marshmallow rejects. Category, Reject, Frequency and
Table 2.6 Root Cause Analysis of Deformed Mallows
Root Cause Analysis Total No. of
Presence of liquid
substance during
Unstable flow of air Leak in the
extruding process Worn out machine
Machine DEFORMED supply (Insufficient Aerator's supply 7,778,280.07 38.89
(Low density or Low gasket
air supply) gasket
Conentration of
Figure 2.6 shows the In-Process Specifications that must be considered and carefully
Figure 2.7 In-Process Specifications for Deformed Mallows
Figure 2.7 shows the sampling point guidelines that must be considered and carefully
Figure 2.8 Schematic Diagram of Aeration
Figure 2.8 shows the Aeration process. This is where the root cause of double
mallows is coming from. In this process, Syrup is being transferred to mixing head using
mono pump with rubber stator and stainless-steel rotor. Sterile compressed air is being
ejected to form aerated mass. Production Operator will conduct mass flow rate every
start-up and will monitor mass density every shift and air flow every hour. Micro Filter
with 0.02 is installed prior to aerating to control biological hazards such as yeast and
molds. Aerated mass will be outright rejected during flow rate and off standard density.
Figure 2.9 Process Flow reflecting Aeration
6.0 Batching: Automatic dosing ang weighing of all ingredients based on standard
weight per batch as indicated on Product Formulation through Programmable
START Logic Controller (PLC) Weighing vessel made of stainless steel is used at this
process step. Parameters such as weight, tolerance per ingredients and mixing
time will be monitored and observed.
6.0 Batching 7.0 Slurry Dissolving: Holding and pre-cooking of slurry at this step using dissolver
tank and steam coil made of stainless steel. Pre-cookin temperature of 80-83◦ and
steam pressure of 3-5 bars are the requirements to attain standard dissolved
solids of 80-83% Separation of foreign matters through mounted filter screen
7.0 Slurry inside the slurry holding tank prior to cooking such sack strongs, plastic strip and
Dissolving metal fragments.
8.0 Cooking: Slurry is being transferred to spiral cooker using Waukesha pump
with impeller made of stainless steel. Parameters such as back pressure at 2-4
8.0 Cooking
bars and cooking temperature ranges from 113 to 115◦ were being monitored
every hour. Biological hazards such as E.Coli, yeast and molds and other
microoranism inherent to the materials were being eliminated and reduced to its
acceptable level at this step.
9.0 Vacuuming
10.0 Syrup Holding: Syrup is being transferred to vessel 2 using Waukesha pump
with impeller, which was both made of stainless steel. Production Operator
11.0 Aerating monitor %dissolved solids at this step and outright rejection syrup with low %
dissolved solids.
11.0 Aerating: Srup is being transferred to mixing head using mono pump with
12.0 Color Injecting rubber stator and stainless steel rotor. Sterile compressed air is being ejected to
form aerated mass. Production Operator will conduct mass flow rate every start-
up and will monitor mass density every shift and air flow every hour. Micro Filter
with 0.02 was installed prior to aerating to control biological hazards such as yeast
A and molds. Aerated mass will be outright rejected during flow rate and off
standard density.
Figure 2.10a Mandomix Aerator Figure 2.10b Aerator’s Gasket
Figure 2.10(a) shows the physical appearance of Mandomix Aerator. Figure 2.20(b)
shows the image of Aerator’s gasket in which leak occurs. Figure 2.20(c) shows how
Table 2.7 Root Cause Analysis of Double Mallows
Figure 2.12 Schematic Diagram reflecting Vacuuming Process
Figure 2.12 The process in which double mallow occurs is in the Vacuuming
process. Here, cooked slurry is being transferred to vacuum vessel made of stainless
steel to remove excess moisture using vacuum pump to attain dissolved solids ranges
from 83 to 85% with vacuum pressure of 0.78 to -0.82 psi. Double mallow happens
when there is unstable pressure in the vacuum pump due to wear and tear of vacuum
vessel machine
Figure 2.13 Sampling Point Guidelines for Double Mallows
Figure 2.13 shows the product and process parameters that must be considered and
carefully managed by operators and supervisors in order to prevent Double mallows.
Figure 2.14 In-Process Specifications for Double Mallows
Figure 2.14 shows the sampling point guidelines that must be considered and carefully
Table 2.8 Summary of Maintenance Schedule in MML
Table 2.8 Maintenance Schedule report showing the status of personnel in charge
during the maintenance schedule. Some was able to attend their duty and some was
Table 2.9 Summary of Maintenance Personnel Attendance
Summary of attendance
attende unattende
d d
Marasigan 3 0
Glen Acosta 1 3
Roaring 1 4
Harold Isaga 2 2
Patrisha De
Jesus 1 3
Daisy Munar 1 3
Table 2.9 shows the number of cleaning days attended and days unattended by the
maintenance personnel. This explains the poor maintenance performance that also
contributed to dullness of the cutter for almost 20 years in which lead to the need for
6.0 Batching
7.0 Slurry
8.0 Cooking
9.0 Vacuuming
11.0 Aerating
Table 2.10 Root Cause Analysis of Empty Pouch
Figure 2.16 (a) the process in which double mallows occur. Figure 2.16 (b) Mechanism of Sensor illustrating the transfer
of information in identifying required speed the smart conveyor must perform for the items to reach the infeed conveyor in
Figure 2.17 Primary Packaging Process Flowchart
Inspection fail
For Point #3 For Disposal
Dewrapping 21.0 Conveying 3 Deformed,
22.0 Primary
Wrapping pass
Point #4 23.0 Conveying
Sealing defects
24.0 Secondary
pass Wrapping
25.0 Metal
26.0 Casing
LINE CATEGORY Chocolate line - MML - Wiggles Marshmallow MONTH Aug - Oct 2017
PROCESS Primary Packaging AREA
OPERATOR IN CHARGE Paul Estudillo Primary Packaging Conveyor Tevopharm 1
xxx August Transfer 2 2 Adjust Sensor
xxx August Transfer 2 1 Continue
xxx August Smart 1 2.5 Clog - Clean Sides
xxx August Smart 3 1 Adjust Sensor
xxx August Smart 1 5 Continue
xxx August Smart 1 6 Continue Report
xxx August Transfer 2 2.7 Clog - Clean Sides
xxx August Smart 2 3.5 Continue
xxx August Smart 1 2 Continue
xxx August Smart 3 2.5 Continue
xxx August Smart 1 1 1 Clog - Clean Sides
xxx August Smart 1 3 Continue Report
xxx August Smart 3 3.5 Continue Report
xxx August Transfer 2 2 Adjust Sensor
xxx September Smart 1 1 Continue
xxx September Transfer 3 1.5 Continue
xxx September Smart 1 2 Continue
xxx September Smart 1 1.5 Clog - Clean Sides
xxx September Transfer 2 5 Continue
xxx Septemner Smart 1 4.5 Continue Report
xxx September Smart 1 1.6 Clog - Clean Sides
xxx October Smart 3 2.5 Clog - Clean Sides
xxx October Smart 1 4 Continue Report
xxx October Smart 1 1 Clog - Clean Sides
xxx October Smart 3 2.5 Clog - Clean Sides
xxx October Transfer 3 1.5 Continue
xxx October Transfer 2 0.87 Clog - Clean Sides
wherein a line trouble report is summarized. The necessary information that can be
seen in the table which is essential in identifying occurrence of empty pouches are the
conveyor, CIP, and other issues. Conveyor tells which part of the conveyor (Main
conveyor, Transfer Conveyor, Smart Conveyor, Infeed Conveyor) the issue occurred.
CIP and other issues are those in which the production may still continue but number of
38.89% Worn out Sensor
machine gasket Universal Robina
Burnt Mallows Corporation is
Trappings experiencing 12.50%
20.31% Worn out reject rate in
Pressure Gauge producing
Wiggles amounting to
PHP 22,223,657.34
from the months of
14.11%Dull August 2017 to
Cutting tool January 2018.
Mandomix Aeration is responsible for supplying air. Worn out part causes
Leak in the gasket valve and results to low supply of air. With this, Sterile
compressed air being ejected to form aerated mass is not achieved. This
Wiggles Marshmallow. Worn out part causes the pressure gauge to loose.
Loose pressure gauge makes it hard for the workers to calibrate and maintain
above the standard and below the standard. When the pressure is too low,
the dissolved solid becomes too high. When the pressure is too high, the
chilled water temperature would also be high. This two would both result to
high viscosity of the syrup and would make it hard for the cutter to cut the
mallow ropes.
URC has been working for 20 years and they have changed their cutting
blade for only 5 times since they have started operation. The maintenance
4. Faulty Sensor
Sensor is responsible in identifying the required speed the conveyor must
make in order for the units to reach its destination in time. In the case of
dimension. When the product doesn’t meet the standard deviation, vacuum
pumps it out of the conveyor. In some cases, like small volume, or other
sensor tells the conveyor to move faster or slower based on the cases. Faulty
sensor will distract the flow of mallows making it unable to reach the infeed
conveyor in no time. With this, the infeed conveyor then passes through the
1. Profit Loss
rejects that occurred. On the other side, if the customers are not satisfied with
their product, there will be a big possibility that they will choose other
manufacturer. If they do so, the company will lose profit since they will have
2. Opportunity Loss
Defects are big problems to the company. If the company will keep on
producing low quality product, they might lose customers. The reputation of
3. Customer Dissatisfaction
Replace Replace Vacuum Provide additional
cutting blade
Aerator’s Pressure Gauge sensor
“Universal Robina Corporation is experiencing 12.50% reject rate in producing
Wiggles amounting to PHP 22,223,657.34 from the months of August 2017 to
January 2018.”
machine parts can be prolonged if taken good care and maintained well.
However, for URC which has been working 24 hours 6 days a week over 20
pressure gauge, the Mondomix aerator’s gasket and the cutting blade in the
cutting process are deteriorating, and the parts are slowly becoming
Additional sensor will help identify the flow of mallows in low volume
production and hence keeps the conveyor from moving in a required speed in
1. Profit Gain
Increase in the profit will occur in the company if the defective products
will decrease. Wasted money of the company will be lessened and can be used
in buying new machineries/ technologies to help in the production of the
2. Opportunity Gain
Due to good quality product produced by the company, their clients will
increase. More opportunities will be experienced like meeting their target output
on time and avoid rejects. Good reputation of the company will increase as well.
3. Customer Satisfaction
Decrease number of defects will help meet the order of the customer on
time. This will result to satisfied customers and will encourage them to be loyal to
the company.
remedy can serve permanently. First aid solutions such as applying liquid seal or tape
can only solve the issue in a few hours and minutes. In order to avoid problems for
- Brand new gasket seal reduces chances of air leak and prolong the running
- Brand new gasket will stop the maintenance staffs from repetitive fixing and
- The use of metal gasket seal as compared to rubber gasket seal reduces the
- Provision of another set of work instruction in cleaning the new gasket seal
Brand Name: Unbranded
Color: Black
-40 degrees_fahrenheit
250 degrees_fahrenheit
Source: https://www.amazon.com/Spring-
Material: Steel with Buna-N Lips
Metric/dp/B0063LFHGW Maximum Pressure: 10
Durometer hardness of 90A for
resistance to wear and abrasion
Temperature range of -40 to 230 degrees
F for use in low-temperature applications
SKU# ISI_6334
Manufacturer: iSi
Brand: TTO
https://www.espressoparts.com/isi- Color: Silver
Material: Rubber
Price: $4.25 / PHP 224.04
Brand: TTO
Color: Silver
Material: Silicone
Temperature Range:
Table 4.1 shows the proposed Aerator Gasket shaft seal. The chosen product is the
Gasket Shaft Seal – Silicone metric. It has the lowest price but gives long lasting
service as the gasket is made of Silicone material that can handle up to +225 degrees
Slitting machine’s cutting blade must be replaced with new one to avoid double
mallows from happening very often. The existing cutting blade is no longer effective
even when maintained and cleaned. The sharp blades have become dull for operating
in almost over 20 years. The new cutting blade that the company should have must
have a metal characteristic that has high tolerance with moisture, thus avoiding
- Sharp blade reduces production troubles and prolongs the production run time
- Additional Cost
Brand: Unbranded/Generic
Weight: 13 lbs.
Part Number 5080
Brand: Baucor
guillotine cutting
Price: $167.00 / PHP 8,724.92
stainless steel
Wear and tear of machine parts such as vacuum pressure gauge is inevitable
although its lifespan can be increased depending on the correct and effective
maintenance. With a company working for 24 hours in about 20 years such as URC, the
Gauge must be replaced in time to avoid machine malfunction and to stop further
- Minimize the need for the operator to go back and forth the Quality Control
Dry Vacuum Air Pressure Gauge
Price: US$7.99 / PHP 418.11
Brand: Unbranded/Generic
Color: Black
Material: Steel
NPT Lower Mount
Reading: -30 HG/0PSI
Dial Size: 2 inch Dial Size (Crimped
Accuracy: +/- 4/3/4%
Source: https://www.ebay.com/itm/2-Dry-
Scale: Dual Scale - PSI / Bar
Utility-Vacuum-Pressure-Gauge-Blk-Steel- Movement: Copper Alloy
Source: https://www.amazon.com/Filled-
Source: https://www.ebay.com/itm/2-Dry- Case: Steel case for protection in harsh
environments (painted black)
Connection: Copper Alloy Center Back
Mount; 1/8" NPT (for 1-1/2" dial)
0PSI-/152790579108 Normal Ambient Temp.: -4F to +140F
(-20C to +60C)
Net Weight: 58g
Table 4.3 shows the proposed Vacuum Pressure Gauge to be used by the company
in replace of the old Vacuum Pressure Gauge in the pre-mix solution specifically in
the Vacuum process/area. The best choice among the three is the $14.39 or PHP
753.01 Oil Filled Vacuum Pressure Gauge. Although it is more expensive than the
remaining two choices, its brand is reliable and the benefit it offers is more ideal than
the rest. Liquid-filled gauges are generally preferred over dry gauges for two
reasons: performance and ROI. Liquid-filled gauges are filled with a liquid, usually
conditions. Some of the benefit that liquid filled gauges offers are: protection against
Additional sensor will help identify the flow of mallows in low volume production
and hence keeps the conveyor from moving in a required speed in order for the unit to
- Reliable due to the information that it gives for the conveyor to determine the
- Precise transition of units from one conveyor to another reducing and eliminating
The DMP Position Finder
Price: $337.75/PHP17,517.06
Type: Linear
length 655nm)
Source: https://www.optex-
Output capacity: 4mA to 20mA
Price: $350 / PHP 18, 152.40
Type: Linear
Table 4.4 shows the list of sensors the company can choose. Sensor with the brand
name of SICK is the highly recommended sensor to be used due to its trusted brand
name, quality and specifications. The DMP Position Finder sensor by SICK
2,000mm is just perfectly right for the type of conveyor that Marshmallow line in URC is
Alternative BENEFITS
Courses of COST
Elimination of the
38.89% production
Continuously and
Aerator Gasket =
Alternative Course Smooth Operation
PHP 224.04 (7,778,280 units
of Action 1: Better quality of
Gasket affected) (PHP 0.92
Replace Aerator’s finished goods
Installation cost per unit) =
= PHP 356.50 PHP 7,156,017.60
- PHP 580.54
= PHP 7,155,437.06
Elimination of the
26.69% production
=PHP 6,323,444.18
Alternative Course
of Action 3:
Pressure Gauge Elimination of Minimize repetition
Replace Pre-mix
= PHP 753.01 20.31% equivalent for testing
Solution’s Vacuum
to 5,337,097 units
= PHP 4,909,019.73
Elimination of the
14.11% production
=PHP 1,772,698.87
As URC works hard to keep their successful state in the industry and envisions to
be the best Philippine food and beverage company throughout the ASEAN region, they
must carry a wide portfolio of delightful brands of exceptional quality and value,
equipped with efficient systems and motivated people. The study is all about meeting
amounting to PHP 22,223,657.34 from the months of August 2017 to January 2018.
The factors contributing to these loses are mainly concerned by wear and tear of
machine parts which are Pressure Gauge, and cutting blade. Other factors include
faulty sensor in packaging area that results to empty pouch. The researchers come up
The researcher recommends the implementation of all Alternative Courses of
recommendations tend to meet the allowable 7% reject rate of the company. All ACA
needs further study and analysis in the different field specifically the research and
development study.
Activities Personnel Involved
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13
For the 1st ACA, replacement of
Department /
Aerator gasket to be discussed in
the maintenance department
For the 2nd ACA, replacement of
pressure gauge to be discussed in
Department /
the maintenance department
Plan and Prepare the Proposal
The researcher gathers all necessary data needed about the study. All
important information about the study shall be analysed. The preparation of the data
After determining the problems that a company should focus on, the production
supervisors together with the QA staff will propose alternative courses of action to
the top management. Their aim is to reduce the problems experienced by the
company for the past six months. These will present the step by step process to be
Proposal will be studied, checked and evaluated first by the top management
before approval, since there are different factors that need to be considered for this
kind of project. It will consumes time, and budget and most especially it is a matter of
After the approval of proposal, first thing to be done is the scheduling of activities
as the allocation of budget for the different resources needed in the implementation.
implementation and for easy monitoring of the development of the proposed project.
Implementation of the 1st ACA
The implementation of the 1st ACA presented by the researcher is done at this
stage. The searching of a new aerator gasket shaft seal is to be done with careful
department. Several questions regarding the information on the pressure gauge and
done at this stage. Assignment of worker to specific processes are evalutated by the
operation’s analyst, plant manager and production supervisors. The possibility and
After all the ACA’s are implemented in the company, all the personnel in-charge
determine if there are flaws that should be improved and check on the development