A Summary of Your Relationship/s With Us:: Alex Prabhu
A Summary of Your Relationship/s With Us:: Alex Prabhu
A Summary of Your Relationship/s With Us:: Alex Prabhu
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Note: All bank deposits are insured up to maximum of Rs. 1,00,000 subject to change from time to time as specified by DICGC
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REWARDS CARD of ALEX PRABHU 4386 XXXX XXXX 4629 12Jan20 3880.14 42579.50
TOTAL 3880.14 42579.50
ALEX PRABHU Statement Period: Jan 1, 2020 to Jan 31, 2020
Your Citibank Account Statement as on Feb 1, 2020
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Net Relationship Value (NRV) is an aggregate of the average value of certain relationships you hold with us, calculated on a monthly basis. It not only considers the
savings balance in your account but also includes your fixed deposits (FD's), investments & insurance policies taken through Citibank.
a) Current/Savings Account 10,00,000 Average for the month, calculated based on total of daily end of day balance/total number of days.
___________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b) Fixed Deposit 30,00,000 Daily end of day balances of principal amount/total number of days.
___________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
**Towards active indivdual life insurance policies with the account holder as proposer.
W.e.f. 1st April 2015, you will get an additional one month to build up your Net Relationship Value (NRV) in case it falls below the required threshold. Further, we
have revised the NRV non-maintenance charges to only 1% of the NRV shortfall or Rs. 600, whichever is lower, applicable only if you are not able to maintain the
NRV by the end of the next month. The shortfall will be calculated on the higher NRV maintained across the two consecutive months.
Please note that the above example is for illustration purpose only.Threshold for the account varies basis the type of account held with the bank.
To know more on how to build up your NRV and to help you understand the above changes better, please visit www.citi.co.in/nrvfaq.htm.