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Investigation of hydraulic activity of ground granulated
blast furnace slag in concrete
S.C. Pala, A. Mukherjeeb, S.R. Pathakc,*
Faculty of Civil Engineering, College of Military Engineering, Pune 4110031, India
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai 400076, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Pune 411005, India
Received 11 September 2002; accepted 3 February 2003
Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS), a by-product of the steel manufacturing industry, being used as an effective partial cement
replacement material, has already been proven to improve several performance characteristics of concrete. The reactivity of GGBFS has been
found to depend on the properties of slag, which vary with the source of slag, type of raw material used, method and the rate of cooling. The
present work aims at bringing out a novel relationship between the Hydraulic Index (HI) of slag at 7 and 28 days (HI7 and HI28) and the
influencing properties of slag, namely, glass content, fineness and chemical composition by employing multiple regression analysis on 37
slag samples from various sources. HI7 and HI28, thus obtained, have been mapped onto a Slag Activity Index (SAI) plot, giving an
indication of the ranges of strength of slag.
D 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Cement; Compressive strength; CaO; Granulated blast furnace slag; MgO
2.1.1. Fineness
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-20-553-7062. As with all cementing materials, the reactivity of slag is
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.R. Pathak). determined by its surface area. In general, increased fineness
0008-8846/03/$ – see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1482 S.C. Pal et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 33 (2003) 1481–1486
R ¼ :801 ð5Þ
Fig. 2. Scatter of HI7 values (normalized). HI28 ¼ 155:817 þ 0:976ðglassÞ
and 2.97. A w/c ratio of 0.485 used for PC was reduced to þ 99:603ððC þ M þ AÞ=SÞ
0.439 for mortars incorporating slag. For finely ground slag
( 498 m2/kg Blaine), a w/c ratio was further reduced to R ¼ :813 ð6Þ
0.419. Mortar cubes were moist cured at 23 °C and 100%
HI28 ¼ 36:908 þ 3:112ðCaOÞ 3:909ðSiO2 Þ
relative humidity (RH) and then tested in compression at 7
and 28 days. The HIs were calculated from these strength
þ2:989ðAl2 O3 Þ þ 2:425ðMgOÞ þ 0:966ðglassÞ
results of slag cubes in comparison to those of PC and
quartz cubes as per Keil’s [16] approach. þ12:5ðBlaineÞ
Multiple regression analysis was then employed on this
data to compute HI7 and HI28. The combination of different R ¼ :815 ð7Þ
slag parameters affecting the HI has been tested. The first
where again, Blaine represents Blaine’s fineness in units of
equation was developed using SiO2 and glass content of
500 m2/kg.
slag. Further, two of the compositional moduli, namely, (C/
The standard deviations for Eqs. (5), (6) and (7) are
S) and ((C + M + A)/S), often cited in the literature, have
15.36, 14.95 and 15.84, respectively. The relationship of
been incorporated along with the glass content to form Eqs.
HI28 with glass content and SiO2 gives an R value even less
(2) and (3), respectively. Ultimately, the influence of all the
than .8 and hence, is not considered here.
significant physical and chemical characteristics of slag
Eq. (7) with R=.815, best predicts HI28. Fig. 3 shows a
(SiO2, CaO, MgO, Al2O3, glass content and Blaine’s fine-
graph of a scatter of normalized values of HI28 from Eq. (7)
ness) have been simultaneously taken into account to obtain
vis-à-vis their corresponding experimental values.
HI7, giving rise to Eq. (4).
It is then obvious from the exhaustive HI7 and HI28
HI7 ¼ 325:627 9:144ðSiO2 Þ þ 0:735ðglassÞ relationships (Eqs. (4) and (7) above), that physical and
R ¼ :888 ð1Þ
HI7 ¼ 231:026 þ 0:72ðglassÞ þ 205:738ðC=SÞ
R ¼ :914 ð2Þ
ððC þ M þ AÞ=SÞ
R ¼ :925 ð3Þ
chemical properties, i.e., glass content, fineness and all 3. Using the equations developed in this work, the reactivity
major oxides such as CaO, SiO2, Al2O3 and MgO of slag, of slag can be determined knowing the physical and
in fact, do significantly influence the HI of slag both at 7 chemical properties of slag, even in the absence of mortar
and 28 days. Further, the glass content and fineness have a compressive strengths.
remarkable effect on HI7 and HI28, as is evident from the 4. A wide range of variations in the slag characteristics can
significant values of their corresponding coefficients in be accounted for in these equations, which not only
these relationships. predict the HI but also the strength performance of slag at
It is now instructive to study the connection between HIs 7 and 28 days.
as obtained from Keil’s [16] approach and SAI values as 5. HI7 has been found to numerically correspond to the SAI
defined by ASTM C989. Fig. 4 portrays the curves for Grades Grade 100 and Grade 120 slag.
80,100 and 120 as per SAI. The values of HI7 and HI28
computed from the equations developed herein have been
mapped on this plot. It has been observed that HI7 values in Acknowledgements
the range from 95 to 120 lie between the Grade 100 and Grade
120 curves, whereas HI7 of 125.22 (>120) lie above the One of the authors, S.R. Pathak, is indebted to Dr. Sudhir
Grade 120 curve. This means that at 7 days, SAI Grade 100 A. Kulkarni, Consultant, Mahindra British Telecom, Pune,
and Grade 120 numerically correspond to the HI (percent of India, for helpful discussions regarding the data analysis
controls) values of 100 and 120, respectively, as obtained carried out in the present work.
from the HI7 equation developed in this work, leading to a
direct correlation between SAI at 7 days and HI7. However, at
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