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Design and Analysis of Carry Bypass Adder Using CNTFET: Sree Harsha Parimi S.Mukilan M.Govindaraja Chowdary T.Ravi

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2012 - International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology


Design and Analysis of Carry Bypass Adder


Sree Harsha Parimi S.Mukilan M.Govindaraja Chowdary T.Ravi

M. Tech VLSI Design M. Tech VLSI Design M. Tech VLSI Design M. Tech VLSI Design
Sathyabama University Sathyabama University Sathyabama University Sathyabama University
Chennai, Tamil Nadu , Chennai, Tamil Nadu Chennai, Tamil Nadu Chennai, Tamil Nadu
[email protected] [email protected] govindarajachowdary89@gmail. [email protected]

Abstract— This paper enumerates the efficient design and Tremendous research efforts have recently been undertaken
analysis of a Carry Bypass Adder using Full Adder cell. The Full by various academic and industrial research groups for
Adder is designed using Stanford University CNTFET model and integrating new semiconductors, as the channel material to
proposed 10nm CNTFET model. There are many issues facing enable (i) more efficient transport of carriers that are having
while integrating more number of transistors like short channel
higher mobility and (ii) improved electrostatics at nanoscale.
effect, power dissipation, scaling of the transistors. To overcome
these problems, the carbon nano tubes have promising Towards this goal, molecular devices are becoming hopeful
applications in the field of electronics. The carbon nanotube is alternatives to the existing silicon technology. Carbon Nano
emerging as a viable replacement to the MOSFET. The transient Tube (CNT) technology is at the front of these technologies
and power analyses are obtained with operating voltage at 0.9V. due to the unique mechanical and electronic properties. Semi-
Simulations and analyses are carried out for the Full Adder Cell conducting carbon nanotube can be used as the channel in
and Carry Bypass Adder. The simulation results are presented Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor (CNTFET) [1].
and the analyses are compared with circuits designed using 32nm CNTFETs are novel devices that are expected to sustain
MOSFET. The comparison of results indicated that the proposed the transistor scalability while increasing its performance. One
10nm CNTFET based design is more efficient in power savings
and speed.
of the major differences between CNTFETs and MOSFETs is
that the channel of the former devices is formed by CNTs
Index Terms— CNT, CNTFET, Full adder cell, carry bypass instead of silicon, which enables a higher drive current density,
adder, Design constraints and Circuit simulation due to the larger current carrier mobility in CNTs compared to
bulk silicon. The main drawbacks of the MOSFET is that the
I.INTRODUCTION sensitivity of a MOSFET’s gate to static and high-voltage
Moore's law describes a long-term trend in the history of spikes makes it vulnerable to damage resulting from parasitic
computing hardware. The quantity of transistors that can be oscillation. This undesired self-oscillation could result in
placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit has doubled excessive gate-to-source voltage that permanently damages the
approximately every two years. The trend has continued for MOSFET’s gate insulation. Another MOSFET limitation is
more than half a century until 2007. Recent advancements gate capacitance. This parameter limits the frequency at which
made this law to continue even after this period. The scaling a MOSFET can operate effectively. CNTFET overcomes these
down of devices has been the driving force in technological limitations to produce better performance than MOSFET [2].
advances since late 20th century [2]. Aggressive scaling of
CMOS circuits has led to higher and higher integration density,
more functional complexity and better performance. However The Carbon nanotubes were discovered by S. Ijiima in
further scaling down has faced serious limits related to 1991 while performing some experiments on molecular
fabrication technology and device performances as the critical structure composed of carbonium. They can be considered as
dimension shrunk down to sub-22 nm range. Within the the result of folding graphite layers into carbon cylinders and
bounds of MOS technology, the possible circuit realizations may be composed of a single shell–single wall nanotubes
may be based on pMOS, nMOS, CMOS and even BiCMOS (SWNTs), or of several shells—multi-wall nanotubes
devices. As the device dimensions, such as the channel lengths (MWNTs) as shown in fig.1. Depending on the folding angle
approach to the sub-10 nm regime, direct tunnelling between and the diameter, nanotubes can be metallic or semiconducting.
source (S) and drain (D), and severe short channel effects Based on the chiral vector, the circular vector that is
present a fundamental challenge in continued scaling of Silicon perpendicular to the axis of the tube, CNTs are classified into
devices [2]. Arm Chair, Zigzag & Chiral as shown in fig.2. SWNTs are

ISBN : 978-1-4673-5144-7/12/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE

2012 - International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology


typically one atom in wall thickness, few tens of atoms in ratio. The valence and conduction bands of the carbon
circumference and many microns in length [5]. nanotube are symmetric, which allows complementary
structures in applications. The nearly ballistic transport at low
bias implies the possibility of deriving carbon nanotube
transistors [6].
CNTFET could be more of an interest due to its similarities
with MOSFET in terms of inherent electronic properties. Due
to these similarities, previously designed CMOS architectures
Fig. 1. Single walled and multi walled nanotubes
and basic CMOS-based platforms can still be used without any
major modifications.
A. Ballistic CNTFET Model
Stanford University 32nCNTFET model is the Ballistic
CNTFET model. The resistance of short one-dimensional
conductors is independent of their composition or the length of
the conductor, and only a function of the number of available
conduction channels (i.e., one-dimensional sub bands) and the
transmission at the contacts. For a single conduction channel
with 100% transparent contacts, the quantum resistance is a
universal constant given by [10]
Fig. 2. Arm-chair, zigzag and chiral forms of nano tubes RQ = 26 kΩ
This behavior is often called ballistic conduction, since
They have attracted much of an attention recently because electrons travel between two terminals without any scattering
of their remarkable electronic and mechanical properties. event. Note that the resistance of a ballistic conductor is not
zero, even though there is no scattering in the conduction
III.CARBON NANO TUBE FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR channel and no backscattering for electrons exiting the
conductor. The quantum resistance (or contact resistance, as it
A CNFET is formed by a carbon nanotube connecting two is sometimes called) originates from the mismatch between the
metal electrodes on either side that form source and drain large number of modes in the macroscopic contacts that the
contacts, with gate electrode separated from the nanotube by a current is distributed over, and the few electronic modes (one-
thin oxide film. Even though different types of gate structures dimensional sub bands) available in the one-dimensional
are in use, a coaxially gated CNTFET is considered for conductor.
symmetry and optimal results. Single-walled carbon nanotube
(SWCNT) transistors have attracted intensive attentions for
their potential as a novel generation of basic cells in IC design
[3]. Fig. 3 shows ballistic CNTFET structure [2].

Fig. 4. Illustration of a ballistic transport in a CNTFET

In fig.4, the carriers are injected into the CNT from contact
1 with energies up to μ1 and from contact 2 with energies up to
μ2. There is no scattering in the CNT, and carriers that are
injected at certain energy E traverse the tube without any
energy loss. The electrochemical potential equilibrates inside
the macroscopic leads. The net current is carried by carriers
with energy between μ1 and μ2 that travel from contact 1 to
contact 2 [10].
Short channel MOSFET like CNFETs are of particular
Fig. 3. Ballistic Carbon Nano Tube Field Effect Transistor interest because they are shown to provide near ballistic
current, thereby indicating maximum performance
Theoretical and experimental research has demonstrated the The peripheral length of the nanotube is given by[6]
unique electrical features of carbon nanotube transistors,
L = |Ch| = a (1)
including high transconductance and high ON/OFF current

ISBN : 978-1-4673-5144-7/12/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE

2012 - International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology


where, Ch is the chiral vector and a is the lattice constant. V.CARRY BYPASS ADDER
The tube diameter, dt, is given by [1, 2, 3] Fast adders are used to carry out complex additions with
dt = = (2) minimal delay. Each fast adder is tailor made for each function.
For a given set of chiral vectors, and tube diameter the
parameters of the CNTFET are designed [6].
The major parameters of the Stanford University CNTFET
model are the channel length is 32nm, Diameter is 0.144nm,
LSS and LDD is 32nm, TOX is 4nm, K is 16, Pitch is 20nm
and Chiral vector is (19,0).
B. Proposed Cntfet Model
The proposed model major parameters are like the channel
length is further reduced to 10nm. The chiral vector is taken as Fig. 6. Carry Bypass Adder
(17, 0). The diameter of the tube is thus obtained at 1.33nm. as
the channel length is taken as 10nm, the source side and drain Carry bypass adder (CBA) is an adder implementation that
side extensions (Lss and LDD) are also taken as 10nm. The oxide improves on the delay of a ripple carry adder (RCA).
thickness tOX should be 2 nm for the given channel length. The In order to build a 4-bit carry-bypass adder, 6 full adders
dielectric constant is K = 15 for graphite and the pitch is taken would be needed. The input buses would be a 4-bit A and a 4-
as 4nm [3]. bit B, with a carry-in (CIN) signal. The output would be a 4-bit
bus X and a carry-out signal (COUT).
The first two full adders would add the first two bits
Full adders form the basic building blocks of all digital together. The carry-out signal from the second full adder (C1)
VLSI circuits. Addition is used in many other arithmetic would drive the select signal for three 2 to 1 multiplexers. The
operations such as subtraction and multiplication. Adders are second set of 2 full adders would add the last two bits assuming
used not only in the arithmetic logic units (ALUs), but also in C1 is a logical 0. And the final set of full adders would assume
other parts of the processor, where they are used to calculate that C1 is a logical 1 [11].
addresses, table indices, and similar. Thus, lowering the power The multiplexers then control which output signal is used
consumption of the adder is an important design objective [12]. for COUT, X2 and X3 [11].
The full adder takes three inputs – A, B and Cin and gives
two outputs – Sum and Carry. Sum is given by Equation 3. VI. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
(3) A. Transient Analysis
Carry is given by Equation 4. The Full Adder Cell and Carry Bypass Adder are designed
(4) with Stanford University 32nm CNTFET Model and the
The gate level diagram of the full adder is shown in fig.4. proposed 10nm CNTFET model. Both circuits are simulated at
0.9V using HSPICE tool. For the purpose of comparison, the
circuit is designed using 32nm MOSFET, and simulated under
the same parameters. The transient analysis of the Full Adder
using the Stanford model is shown in fig.6.

Fig. 5. Full Adder Cell

Fig. 7. Transient analysis of FA using Stanford University CNTFET Model.

The transient analysis of the FA using the proposed

CNTFET model is shown in fig.7.

ISBN : 978-1-4673-5144-7/12/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE

2012 - International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology




MOSFET Stanford Proposed

(32 nm) University CNTFET
CNTFET (10nm)
Power 156.8 nW 17.48 nW 13.58 nW

Delay 21.06 ps 13.42 ps 9.642 ps

Delay 3.302 E -18 J 0.235 E -18 J 0.131 E -21 J
Fig. 8. Transient analysis of FA using the proposed CNTFET model.

The analyses for the Carry Bypass Adder are shown in

Table 2.


MOSFET Stanford Proposed
(32 nm) University CNTFET
CNTFET (10nm)
Power 533.7 nW 275.2 nW 180 nW
Delay 54.232 ps 35.35 ps 25.31 ps
Delay 28.944 E -18 J 9.728 E -18 J 4.556 E -18 J
Fig. 9. Transient analysis of CBA using Stanford University CNTFET model. Product

The graphs comparing the average power, delay and power

delay product of the full adder circuits are shown in figs.11, 12
and 13 respectively.

200 MOSFET 32 nm
100 CNTFET 32 nm

0 CNTFET 10 nm
Avg. Power (nW)

Fig. 11. Average Power

Fig. 10. Transient analysis of CBA using the proposed CNTFET model.


The CBA is also designed using 32nm MOSFET MOSFET 32 nm
technology and Stanford University CNTFET and also with CNTFET 32 nm
proposed CNTFET model. The average power, delay and 0 CNTFET 10 nm
power delay product are analysed. The analyses for the Full
Delay (ps)
Adder Cell are shown in Table 1.
Fig. 12. Delay

ISBN : 978-1-4673-5144-7/12/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE

2012 - International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology


with the proposed model consumes 34.59% less power than the
Stanford model. The delay of the circuit is reduced by 34.82%
4000 MOSFET 32 nm in the Stanford model and by 53.33% in the proposed model as
2000 compared to the MOSFET model.
CNTFET 32 nm It is observed that there is a significant decrease in the
0 power and delay of the circuits designed with CNTFETs. The
Power Delay CNTFET 10 nm
performance of the circuits designed with Stanford University
Product (10^-21 J) model is much better than MOSFET design, while the circuits
designed with the proposed CNTFET model show better
Fig. 13. Power Delay Product
performance characteristics than the other two models.
The graphs comparing the average power, delay and power
delay product of the CBA circuits are shown in figs.14, 15 and REFERENCES
16 respectively.
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the MOSFET model and the propose CNTFET model is Transactions on, vol. 50, no. 10, pp. 1853 - 1864, Sept. 2003.
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using Stanford CNTFET model consumes 48.44% less power Properties and Applications”
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ISBN : 978-1-4673-5144-7/12/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE

2012 - International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology


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ISBN : 978-1-4673-5144-7/12/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE

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