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Paper – BCH 3.

Duration: 2.5 hrs Total Marks: 60(Term end examination 56 (Marks for Attendance 4)
Lectures: 65

Objective: The objective of the course is to provide the student with an understanding of basic
management concepts, principles and practices.

Unit 1: Introduction
a. Concept: Need for Study, Managerial Functions – An overview; Co-ordination: Essence of
b. Evolution of the Management Thought, Classical Approach – Taylor, Fayol, Neo-Classical and
Human Relations Approaches – Mayo, Hawthorne Experiments, Behavioural Approach, Systems
Approach, Contingency Approach – Lawerence & Lorsch, MBO - Peter F. Drucker, Re-engineering -
Hammer and Champy, Michael Porter – Five-force analysis, Three generic strategies and valuechain,
analysis, Senge’s Learning Organisation, ‘Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid’ – C.K. Prahalad.

Unit 2: Planning
a. Types of Plan – An overview to highlight the differences.
b. Strategic planning – Concept, process, Importance and limitations.
c. Environmental Analysis and diagnosis (Internal and external environment) –
Definition, Importance and Techniques (SWOT/TOWS/WOTS-UP, BCG Matrix, Competitor
Analysis), Business environment; Concept and Components
d. Decision-making – concept, importance; Committee and Group Decision-making,
Process, Perfect rationality and bounded rationality, Techniques (qualitative and quantitative, MIS,

Unit 3: Organising and Staffing

Concept and process of organising – An overview, Span of management, Different types of authority
(line, staff and functional), Decentralisation, Delegation of authority, Formal and Informal Structure;
Principles of Organising; Network Organisation Structure. Staffing: Concept of staffing, staffing

Unit 4: Directing and Control

a. Motivation: Concept, Importance, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation; Major Motivation theories -
Maslow’s Need-Hierarchy Theory; Hertzberg’s Two-factor Theory, Vroom’s Expectation Theory.
b. Leadership: Concept, Importance, Major theories of Leadership (Likert’s scale theory, Blake and
Mouten’s Managerial Grid theory, House’s Path Goal theory, Fred Fielder’s situational Leadership),
Transactional leadership, Transformational Leadership, Transforming Leadership.
c. Communication: Concept, purpose, process; Oral and written communication;
Formal and informal communication networks, Barriers to communication, overcoming barriers to
d. Control: Concept, Process, Limitations, Principles of Effective Control, Major Techniques of control
- Ratio Analysis, ROI, Budgetary Control, EVA, PERT/CPM. Emerging issues in Management

Unit V and Unit IV (For Internal Assessment)

Analysis of case studies based on syllabi of Unit I to Unit IV/ Assignments based on field
survey/subject tours wherever feasible/Quiz programmes/moot courts wherever feasible/class
presentations/class room seminars/Group discussions

Suggested Readings:
1. Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management: An International and
Leadership Perspective, McGraw Hill Education.
2. Stephen P Robbins and Madhushree Nanda Agrawal, Fundamentals of Management:
Essential Concepts and Applications, Pearson Education.
3. George Terry, Principles of Management, Richard D. Irwin
4. Newman, Summer, and Gilbert, Management, PHI
5. James H. Donnelly, Fundamentals of Management, Pearson Education.
6. B.P. Singh and A.K.Singh, Essentials of Management, Excel Books
7. Griffin, Management Principles and Application, Cengage Learning
1. Harvard Business Review, HBS, UK ,
2. Indian management, IMA, New Delhi
3. Vikalpa, IIM Ahmadabad

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