The document outlines 8 steps to achieving high performance:
1. Set big goals to push your capabilities and build confidence.
2. Focus on behaviors that prove you can deliver results through identifying productive behaviors and adapting quickly.
3. Grow your capabilities faster than others through gaining diverse experiences and building crystallized intelligence.
4. Connect with your manager, peers, and the best performers to earn opportunities and help.
5. Maximize your fit within the organization's strategy and need for change to be more satisfied and committed.
6. Adapt new behaviors outside your comfort zone when needed to demonstrate leadership and effectiveness.
7. Commit to getting quality sleep of 6-10 hours to
The document outlines 8 steps to achieving high performance:
1. Set big goals to push your capabilities and build confidence.
2. Focus on behaviors that prove you can deliver results through identifying productive behaviors and adapting quickly.
3. Grow your capabilities faster than others through gaining diverse experiences and building crystallized intelligence.
4. Connect with your manager, peers, and the best performers to earn opportunities and help.
5. Maximize your fit within the organization's strategy and need for change to be more satisfied and committed.
6. Adapt new behaviors outside your comfort zone when needed to demonstrate leadership and effectiveness.
7. Commit to getting quality sleep of 6-10 hours to
The document outlines 8 steps to achieving high performance:
1. Set big goals to push your capabilities and build confidence.
2. Focus on behaviors that prove you can deliver results through identifying productive behaviors and adapting quickly.
3. Grow your capabilities faster than others through gaining diverse experiences and building crystallized intelligence.
4. Connect with your manager, peers, and the best performers to earn opportunities and help.
5. Maximize your fit within the organization's strategy and need for change to be more satisfied and committed.
6. Adapt new behaviors outside your comfort zone when needed to demonstrate leadership and effectiveness.
7. Commit to getting quality sleep of 6-10 hours to
The document outlines 8 steps to achieving high performance:
1. Set big goals to push your capabilities and build confidence.
2. Focus on behaviors that prove you can deliver results through identifying productive behaviors and adapting quickly.
3. Grow your capabilities faster than others through gaining diverse experiences and building crystallized intelligence.
4. Connect with your manager, peers, and the best performers to earn opportunities and help.
5. Maximize your fit within the organization's strategy and need for change to be more satisfied and committed.
6. Adapt new behaviors outside your comfort zone when needed to demonstrate leadership and effectiveness.
7. Commit to getting quality sleep of 6-10 hours to
Marc Effron ‘Do not try to change yourself. You are unlikely to succeed. But work hard to improve the way you perform’ – Peter Drucker The 8 steps 1. Set big goals 2. Behave to perform 3. Grow yourself faster 4. Connect 5. Maximize your fit 6. Fake it 7. Commit your body 8. Avoid distractions Some people begin their career with some clear performance advantages. They might be smarter than you, from a better socio economic background, be attractive or have good personality characteristics. These combined items predict up to 50% of anyone’s individual performance. You can call them the fixed 50%. You control every other factor that drives your performance from your capabilities and behavior to the size of your network. What’s the benefit of being a high performer? High performance will get you more of what you value, whether that’s flexibility, power, opportunity, pay, or recognition. Science says that high performance employees deliver anything between 100% to 500% more output than the average employee. IQ is inherited about 50% of the time and makes for a 25% impact of your performance. Blame your parents
The average college students IQ is 115. Higher
IQ matters if you have a complex job, however a high IQ can make you less of a effective manager. Another gift from your parents is personality, which like intelligence is about 50% inherited. Women tend to get better ratings than men, but lower salary increases. Race bias occurs globally, is pervasive and not disappearing fast enough. You can only achieve high performance when you have a high performer’s mindset. That mindset is one of competitive edge and self sacrifice and prioritizing performance at work above your other options. You will be evaluated not just for what you deliver but also relative to how others perform. That's going to be true throughout your life, and its best to recognize that. When are you, your worst enemy? 1. When you externalize failure 2. We assign intent to other’s actions 3. We ignore information that can help us perform. 1. Set big Goals Bigger goals focused on the right things, allow you to demonstrate higher performance. Bigger goal also test your capabilities and build self confidence in your ability to deliver great results in the future. since bigger goals are more challenging to achieve, you’re forced to build new skills and capabilities to achieve them. Science about goals 1. Goals matter 2. Bigger goals increase what we deliver 3. Fewer goals means higher achievement ( this is against conventional company MBOs) 4. Coach toward the future 2. Behave to perform Behaviors help you differentiate yourself as a high performer because they prove that you can do more than just get things done. High performers work hard to identify the most productive behaviors, learn new behaviors where needed and stop showing the less helpful ones. The science if high performance behaviors 1. Understand yourself 2. Choose the right behaviors 3. Adapt quickly
Your personality strongly influences your behaviors but does
not control them There are some basic behaviors that you need to have, else you cannot be a high performer- ethical, honest, fair , not screaming at employees etc. 4 things Transformational leaders do well • Connect • Innovate • Inspire • Model Study on behaviors of CEOS
What they show What they don’t show
• Fast • Respect • Aggressive • Open to criticism • Persistent • Listening • Efficient • Team work • Proactive • High standards Everyone around us sees us more accurately than we see ourselves. That is because we are wonderfully delusional about our own capabilities and behaviors and the less capable we are , the more delusional we are. The 11 Hogan derailers 1. Excitable –seems to lack persistence 2. Skeptical-seems to lack trust 3. Cautious-resistant to change and reluctant to take chances 4. Reserved-seems to be a poor communicator 5. Leisurely-seems stubborn an un-cooperative 6. Bold-seems unable to admit mistakes or learn from them 7. Mischievous-seems to have trouble maintaining commitments 8. Colorful-seems pre occupied with being noticed 9. Imaginative-seems creative but lacking in judgement 10. Diligent-tends to disempower staff 11. Dutiful-tends to be pleasant but does not support subordinates 3. Grow yourself faster You compete everyday against every individual in your company or industry who wants to be a high performer. If you grow more capabilities quickly, you ill earn more opportunities to perform better in the future. The great news about growing is that you have a lot of control on how fast you grow and how much you grow. When you grow, you build crystallized intelligence – giving you more facts, insights and observations that you can use for better results. There are two types of experiences –
functional experiences X management
experiences = faster growth Differences between experiences, behaviors and skills
Experiences Behaviors Skills
Drive car from home Obeyed all traffic rules Can operate a car, is to work without an and was polite to able to read and accident other drivers understand road signs Built and opened a Understood and Managed large scale new widget factory in operated within a local project, union a developing country culture push them to relations, production meet deadlines scheduling 4. Connect One research study showed that people struggle with the idea of networking as futile, threatening or morally questionable Connect with your manager • Perform • Help deliver what matters • Offer genuine personal friendship Connect with your peers • Know them well • Connect more with the best • Say yes when they ask you for help • Ask for help and advice Connecting can be one of the most challenging elements of becoming a high performer because you cant directly control its success, there are social conventions to follow, and some are naturally better at it. 5.Maximize your fit Science suggests that leaders who deliver innovation and rapid change are those who personally connect with subordinates, communicate a clear direction and give broad autonomy to their team members. People with a better fit in the organization deliver more, because they are more satisfied with their jobs and more committed to the company.
Two ways people fit with a company:
fit with company strategy and fit with amount of change company needs Companies win by either being the most innovative or the most efficient 6. Fake It Actors immerse themselves in a role when they want to do a great job. That’s not their true personality but they transform As your career evolves, your continued performance will depend on how you show new behaviors. How fast you adapt to these new behaviors will determine how quickly you will be a high performer. Sometime you need to behave outside your comfort zone
1. You need to emerge as a leader
2. You need to be a more effective leader 3. You need to demonstrate power 7.Commit your body What is the right amount of sleep? Sleep quality matters more than sleep quantity. The national sleep foundation outs it at between 6 and 10 hours everyday. Sleep loss hurts your basic functions, you will not blow your big presentation but wreck your car on the drive to office.
Less sleep makes you less alert, slows down
reaction speed and there is less attention. People tend to have hot beverages to counter sleep. The recommended amounts is between one to 8 cups of tea a day and one to four cups of coffee a day Only 5 % of people can fully function on less than six hours sleep. 8. Avoid Distractions Don’t get waylaid by the newest jargon in town. Natural talent plus lots of practice gets your results.