The First Well Retold by Bookbox
The First Well Retold by Bookbox
The First Well Retold by Bookbox
There once was a small kingdom around a very hot summer, it did not rain and the lake
dried up. People grew anxiousរ ំភភើប and went to the king. It had not rained for so long. Our fields
are barrenគ្មានកូន” said the farmers. There are no fish to catch. How shall we earn a living? asked
the fishermen. Save us from disasterមហនតរាយ, good king” urgedជម្មុញ the women, as their
children cried with thirst. The king sent his four generals. In all directions to look for water. The
first general went east, towards the sunrise, the second went south, to the dustធូលី and heat, the
third went west, where the sun sets, and the fourth followed the north star. They searched day
and night, night and day, high and low they searched everywhere, but in vainឥតម្បភោជន៍ . Three
of the generals returned, empty-handed. But the general who had gone north was determined not
to fail his king. At last, he reached a cold mountain village. As he sat at the foot the mountain, an
old woman came by and sat next to him. The general pointed at the horizonភជើងភមឃ and said, „ I
belong to a beautiful kingdom, where it had not rained for a whole year. Can you help me find
water? The woman motioned the general to follow her up the mountain and into a caveរូងភនំ.we
have no water in our country either” she said. Then, pointing to the icicles in the cave, she
continuedបនត: we call this ice. Take some, and your kingdom will never go thirsty again. The
general broke off a hugeធំ piece, loaded it onto his horse-cart and rushedម្បញាប់ back home. By
the time he reached the court, the enormous icicle had meltedរលាយ into small lumpដំ of ice.
Nobody in the court had ever seen ice, so everybody gazed at it with wonder. This must be a
water-seed” one of the ministers exclaimed suddenly. ម្ននក់កនងចំភោមរដឋមន្រនតីបានស្រែកភ្លាមៗ។The
king ordered the „water seed‟ to be sowedសាប immediately. While the farmers dug a hole, the
lump dwindledថយចុះ in the sun. they swiftlyោ៉ា ងរហ័ែ placed the seed in the hole, but before
they could cover it up, it had vanishedបាត់ . The farmers there grew confused and worried. They
dug deeper and deeper into the earth, all night long, looking for the mysteriousអាថ៌កំបាំង seed. At
the break of dawn, the king found the farmers fast asleep around a hole. Curiousចង់ដឹងចង់ភឃើញ,,
he peeped in and cried out in amazementអសាារយ: “wake up , my worthyែកដិែម men the water-
seed has sproutedពនាក,there`s water in the hole” this is how the first well was created.
The River and the Mountain
One day, the river thought to herself, Do I have to keep flowing all my life? Can`t I stop and rest
for a little while? She needed advice so she called out to the mountain and shared her thought
with him. The mountain just laughed and said: hey, look at me, I have been standing in the same
place for ages. The river replied, “ you are firm and fixed in one place, how could you ever get
tired? Look at me, I have to be on the move all the time. I don`t get rest for even a single minute”
the mountain smiled. That is how you see it, but I get tired of standing here,” he replied “ every
day I see the same trees and the same patch of sky. Sometimes I wish: if only I could run around
like the river. I would visit new forests and villages. I would water their fields, give life, and be
so deeply loved by all” the river interruptedផ្អាក, that`s strangeចស្មាក, your life is so comfortable
and peacefulែនតិភ្លព, yet you feel this way. you don`t it, my sister. You are worshipedភគ្មរពបូជា
by everyone. The mountain replied lovingly. You flow for the sakeម្បភោជន៍ of others. And
that`s not all. After giving away so much, you offer whatever remainsភៅែល់, to the sea. On
hearing this, the river bowedធនូ down to the mountain and said with great enthusiasmរ ីករាយ, you
are absolutely right, my brother. the true purposeភគ្មលបំណង of my life is to give life to others.
thank you for your kind wisdomម្បាជាា. She said then, while the mountain smiled at her newfound
positive energy, she gushed away with a loud gurgle, feeling very happy.
One day, Sringeri Srinivas set out for the cattleភគ្មម្កបី fair with his best cows. they had to go on
the new national highway. The cars and trucks had very loud horns. Paoon, ponn,pa, the cows
did not like the noise at all. They forced Sringeri Srinivas to take them back home. But the noise
stayed inside Sringeri Srinivas`s head and came back home with him. Even the sounds the
Sringeri Srinivas heard daily suddenly became too loud for him. The frogs, the koyals, the cows,
the tiger. Why were they so noisy? poor Sringeri Srinivas. He only wanted silenceសាាត់. He
should at the children if they talked loudly. Everyone tried to help. The children played cricket
quietly. The cows did not moo any more. Yet Sringeri Srinivas was not happy. “ I will go away
from this noisy place” he declaredម្បកាែ one morning. He walked away from his village and
reached a new town, which was even noisier. He met a young man wearing headphones, who
seemedហាក់បីដូចជា very happy, in spite of all the honking. “Aha, this is just what I need, “ he
said. He bought a big pair of headphones. No more noise. Now , when Sringeri Srinivas gets
very angry at the cars or the frogs, he just puts on his headphones and listens to some quiet
music. But he still has to take his cows to the cattle fair along the noisy highway. Maybe his
cows need headphones too.