Preliminary Design of Tunnel
Preliminary Design of Tunnel
Preliminary Design of Tunnel
1) Geological survey was carried out in the range of 12km2 around the tunnel planned route.
2) The geology of the study area consists of interbedded sandstone and phyllite of the
Paleozoic, where many cracks develop as well as thinly developed bedding planes.
3) Survey results are shown in Figure 9.1-2.
4) Aerial photo interpretation was carried out by stereoscopic interpretation with scale of 1:
50,000, using the black-and-white photo, taken on 1 November 1992. Results have been
reflected on the geological mapping and surface geological survey results.
5) Electrical Resistivity Tomography prospecting has been done along the planned survey
lines which cross the original tunnel alignment. And because the seismic prospecting
exploration along the tunnel alignment could not be carried out due to the difficulty to
obtain permission, ERT was additionally carried out along the tunnel longitudinal
alignment. It should be noted that DOR had carried out several surveys for the feasibility
study in the vicinity of the project tunnel (in Feb. 2013) and the results of this study are also
reflected in the report. The survey results are shown in Figure 9.1-3.
6) Seismic refraction exploration was planned to be carried out along the tunnel alignment but
because of the availability of dynamite required by the survey was difficult, it was changed
to Microtremor Array Measurement (MAM). The survey results are shown in Figure 9.1-4.
7) Boring survey was conducted in order to confirm the depth and the properties of the
bedrock in the valley areas which cross the tunnel alignment. The boring results obtained
are reflected in the photos in Figure 9.1-5.
Soft Soil
Weathered rock
Fresh rock
· Although the groundwater level is assumed to be about 30-40m from surface in a mountain
part, about 5-10m from surface are confirmed in the valley area.
· In the west side portal area a little weathered alternations of sandstone and phyllite are
exposed, Relationship of excavation slope and bedding planes of the strata shows that
slopes to be cut are rather stable because the strata dip into the slope.
· In the east side portal, talus sedimentary layers are thick, and also cohesive soil is
distributed over the lower part of a talus cone.
· Longitudinal geological profile is shown in the attached drawing sheets.
Issues particularly important for the implementation of Nagdhunga Tunnel are summarized as
· It is of great importance in designing the tunnel support pattern and method of tunneling of
Nagdhunga Tunnel to maintain the groundwater level as much as possible to the present
level, where habitants are using surface water flow and groundwater, and houses near
eastern portal shall be maintained safely during tunneling. When shortage of water is
triggered it will induce serious difficulty in the implementation of the project.
· Slopes surrounding tunnel portals shall be maintained stable permanently and stream waters
shall be adequately managed not to harm the tunnel.
· In the planning of tunneling method it must be reflected that there distributes to some extent
hard massive sandstones which may be very difficult for mechanical excavation method
without using heavy breaker or some other auxiliary method.
· Another point of importance is that tunneling method and support design shall be adequate
to cope with fault zones to be encountered during tunneling although the exact location and
nature of the fault zones are not identified yet.
All of the above issues are to be reflected in the design of tunnel support and method of
excavation for Nagdhunga Tunnel.
Necessary auxiliary methods and measures and their cost thereof are considered in the design,
method of tunneling and cost analysis.
Condition of rock mass RQD Stability of face convergence
DⅠ Rock is significantly < 20 Partial plastic displacement and Where the strength is small and the
weathered and softened or elastic deformation could occur. Or invert concrete is not placed at an
sheared. even if the strength is high enough early stage, the convergence could
to limit the elastic deformation, reach 30 to 60 mm and does not
significant loosening of ground stop to increase even if the tunnel
along slippery discontinuous planes face has advanced more than 2 D
could occur. Requires fore-pilings.
DⅡ Rock is completely < 20 The strength is low compared to the Convergence of tunnels could
weathered and partly expected load and large plastic reach as large as 60 to 200 mm and
softened to soil, or heavily deformation as well as elastic does not stop to increase even if
sheared. Talus deposits and displacement could occur. In the tunnel face has advanced more
soil are included in this addition to the low strength, than 2 D, if the invert concrete is
class. significant loosening of ground not placed at an early stage
along slippery discontinuous planes
and large displacement could occur.
E Ground such as faults, Squeezing occurs and generates Large deformation could reach to
fractured zones and large occasional collapse in face area. 400mm.
talus deposit.
After walk out survey and examining the geological condition on various outcrops, tunnel types
and support designs are preliminarily determined. Then after getting information on
geotechnical and hydrological condition through field investigations, support patterns (and
Tunnel types) and length of distribution of each pattern is defined finally and is reflected in the
longitudinal tunnel profile.
Tunnel types are classified into 3 types in this study to reflect the geotechnical condition of the
tunnel so far encountered and are classified as CⅡ, DⅠ and DⅡ. Cross sections of each tunnel
type are shown in the Sheets NO. 10 to 12 of the Preliminary Design Drawings.
Type CⅡ is to be applied to the ground where rock mass is significantly fractured or sheared.
The type of rock is the alternation of thin slate and sandstone. This type of ground is expected
to develop in the area beneath the ridges and near western portal area and is supposed to share
about 60% of the total tunnel length.
Type DⅠis to be applied to the ground where rock mass is heavily sheared or weathered or to
the CⅡ ground where valley deposits distribute over the rock mass in thin coverage. This type
of ground is supposed to be encountered under the valley at two locations, at Thosne Khola and
west of it, beneath the small ridge at Chisapani where existence of fault zone is anticipated and
in the near portal area where overburden is small. This type of ground is supposed to be of
about 35% of the total tunnel length.
Type DⅡis to be applied to the ground where rock mass is totally weathered and overburden is
very small as in the area of both portals. This may occupy about 5% of the total tunnel length.
It is a general requirement for the tunnel to provide emergency parking areas when the tunnel is
very long. As for the Nagdhunga Tunnel there is a emergency parking lane in the east bound
direction. However, in the west bound direction emergency parking zones shall be provided. In
this study 2 numbers of emergency parking zones are designed at about 800m apart and is
named Type CⅡ-L.
9.4.2 SUPPORT PATTERNS (See Sheets NO. 13 to 16 of the Preliminary Design Drawings)
Referring to the standard support pattern in Table 9.4-1, support patterns for the Nagdhunga
Tunnel are designed.
· Support Pattern CⅡ corresponds to Tunnel Type CⅡ. It consists of 10cm thick shotcrete,
3m long rockbolts at spacing 1.5m peripherally and 1.2m longitudinally. Secondary
concrete lining is 30cm thick. Due to the fractured nature of the rock mass shotcreting for
the excavated face area is sometimes required.
· Support Pattern DⅠ is applied to tunnel class DⅠ. It consists of 15cm thick shotcrete, 3m
long rockbolts at spacing 1.2m peripherally and 1.0m longitudinally. Thickness of lining
concrete is 30cm. The Pattern requires face shotcrete 3 to 5cm thick to stabilize the
excavated face.
· When the rock mass in the invert is very weak and is likely to be deteriorated the support
requires extra H-shaped steel arch (H125) and 45cm thick invert concrete and is named
Support Pattern DⅠ-a. Pattern DⅠ-a requires also an auxiliary method such as fore-poling
and face shotcrete.
· Depending on the rate of ingress of groundwater under the valley area, chemical injection
with long span fore-piling may be required instead of fore-poling to maintain the
groundwater level. When tunneling encounters fault zones same measures may be required.
This support pattern is named as Pattern DⅠ-b.
· Support Pattern DⅡ corresponds to tunnel Type DⅡ. It consists of 20cm thick shotcrete
and rockbolts of 4m long at spacing 1.2m peripherally and 0.75m to 1.0m longitudinally
depending on the stability of the excavated face. It requires steel arch sets of 150H for the
temporary support of the weight of the above ground. Fore-poling by 3m long rockbolts are
generally required. Secondary lining concrete is 35cm thick in arch and 50cm thick in
· In eastern portal area the support pattern requires heavy auxiliary method such as long span
fore-piling with chemical injection to maintain the groundwater level (this support pattern is
named Support Pattern DⅡ-a). On the contrary, in the western portal area portal slope is to
be widely cut and fractured but fresh rock mass of CⅡclass is expected to appear in a short
distance from the portal.
· For the portal zones lining concrete shall be steel-reinforced in order to sustain the non-
uniform overburden loads acting on it permanently.
· Western tunnel entrance is to be of reinforced concrete structure of 80cm thick and eastern
tunnel entrance will be more rigid structure to cope with the ground pressure acting on it.
As for the emergency parking zones with which the cross sectional area is very large, the
parking zones shall be designed in Detail Design stage to locate them in the area of better
geotechnical condition.
Table 9.4-1 shows a list of support patterns.
Support Excavation Advance Excavation Auxiliary Rock Shotcrete Steel- Lining
Pattern area m2 per cycle method method bolt thickness rib thickness
CⅡ 89.16 1.2m Thinly Micro bench 3m 10cm 30cm
bedded mechanical long,
fractured 1.5m(p)
rock mass ,
Alt. of 1.2m(l),
DⅠ 91.26 1.0m Highly Ditto 3m 15cm 30cm
fractured long,
and 1.2m(p)
weathered ,1.0m(l)
rock mass
(+ Fault
DⅠ-a 101.97 1.0m Heavily Ditto Fore- Same 15cm 125H 30cm(arch)
fractured, poling 3m as 45cm(inv.)
weathered long above
DⅠ-b 101.97 1.0m Ditto with Ditto Fore-piling Same 15c 125H 30cm(arch)
groundwat (12m) with as 45cm(inv.)
er (under chemical above
the valleys) injection
DⅡ 105.06 0.75- Highly Ditto Fore- 4m 20cm 150H 35cm(arch)
1.0m weathered poling 3m long, 50cm(inv.)
rock mass long 1.2m(p) Steel
with thin 0.75- reinforced
rock cover 1.0m(l)
DⅡ-a 105.06 0.75- Ditto with Ditto Fore-piling Same 20cm 150H 35cm(arch)
1.0m groundwat (12m) with as 50cm(inv.)
er (eastern chemical above Steel
portal area) injection reinforced
Note: (p) means peripheral, (l) means longitudinal
Important notice on water proofing by chemical injection
In the design chemical injection is intended to be used with AGF in tunnel in order to minimize the
lowering of groundwater level. However, our intention is not to make the tunnel perfectly watertight
but to reduce the water inflow into the tunnel. Thus tunnel is not designed as watertight tunnel.
When geological structure is taken into consideration, that the strike of the strata is generally sub-
parallel to the tunnel axis and dip of the strata is considerably high to the north or to the south due to
occasional folding and that permeability of the rock mass across the bedding planes in thin
alternation of slates and sandstones is generally low because slates are impermeable and sandstones
are permeable and groundwater passes in the fissures of sandstone layers, area of the chemical
injection to be carried out with AGF may possibly be limited to along the arch periphery of the tunnel.
This shall be further studied in detailed design study.
During tunneling whenever groundwater inflows from the excavated side walls through shotcrete
chemical injection shall be done to reduce the rate of inflow.
Groundwater inflow from the face area if any can be accepted because groundwater comes from far
front of the face and when tunnel periphery is closed all the way after the completion of tunneling
groundwater cannot enter into the tunnel and groundwater level may recover gradually.
· Mechanical excavation has a great merit when it comes to excavate soft rock or hard rock of
poor nature where many planes of discontinuities develop. Overbreaks are much smaller,
support patterns are lighter and the rock mass surrounding the tunnel remains more intact
after excavation than D&B. However, when the rock mass is hard and intact it cannot
excavate the rock mass economically. In Nagdhunga Tunnel occasionally road-header may
encounter hard massive sandstone and utilization of giant breaker may be required in such a
(2) Excavation method
Tunnel excavation method is classified as shown in エラー! 参照元が見つかりません。.
Depending upon the geotechnical condition excavation face area is sometimes divided into
sections and when geotechnical condition is of extremely poor center diaphragm method or side
drift method are employed. However, geotechnical condition of the Nagdhunga Tunnel is
deemed to be of poor nature, not extremely poor, and owing to the merit of mechanical
excavation, excavation shall be done by nearly full face excavation method. It is called micro-
bench method (it is named full face method with auxiliary bench cut in the Table), which leaves
the lower bench by few meters from the upper bench excavation face. The lower half section is
excavated simultaneously or continuously with the excavation of upper half section. This
method can maintain the stability of the face more easily than full face excavation.
Division of Section Applicable
Excavation Method Advantages Disadvantages
of Heading Ground Condition
Common excavation method Labor saving by Full tunnel length cannot
for small section tunnel mechanized necessarily be excavated
Very stable ground for large construction by full face alone.
section tunnel (A=30m2) Construction Auxiliary bench cut will
Fairly stable ground for Management including be adopted as required.
medium section tunnel safety control is easy Fragment rocks from the
Full Face Method
(A˃50m2) because of the single- top of the tunnel may fall
Unfit for good grounds face excavation. down with increased
interspersed with poor energy & additional
ground that may require the safety measure are
change of the excavation required.
Comparatively stable Labor saving due to Difficult to switch to
ground, but difficult using mechanized other excavation method
the Full Face Method. construction when the face does not
Full-face excavation is made Construction stand up.
Full Face Method with difficult during construction. management including
Auxiliary Bench Cut Presence of some poor safety control is easy
ground in fairly good because of the single-
Bench length = ground. face excavation.
Bench length˃50m
Applicable to various Adaptable to change in Parallel excavation makes
ground such as softly the ground condition. difficult the balancing of
ground, swelling ground, cycle time for top heading
Bench Short Bench
and medium to hard rock and bench.
Cut Cut
ground. (The most
Method fundamental and popular
D ˂ Bench length≤
50m method.)
Deformation control of the Easy to make early Scaffolding is required for
excavated inner section is closure of the invert. the top heading
more urgently required than excavation.
Mini Bench in the case of the Short Selection for construction
Cut Bench Cut. machine tends to be
Squeezing ground that limited for top heading
require an early closure of
the excavated section
Bench length ˂D.
Ground of shallow Face stability is Displacement or
overburden where ground secured by dividing settlement during the
surface settlement is into small sections. removal of the diaphragm
required to be kept at a Ground Surface shall be checked.
Center Diaphragm Method minimum. settlement can be Time for diaphragm
Comparatively poor ground significantly reduced. removal is added to the
One method is to condition for a large section Divided sections of construction period.
provide a tunnel. heading are larger than The adoption of a special
diaphragm only to
Division of Section Applicable
Excavation Method Advantages Disadvantages
of Heading Ground Condition
the top heading, those used in the Side auxiliary method in the
while the other is to Drift Method, and tunnel is difficult.
provide both a top larger machines can be
heading and a used.
Bearing capacity of the Ground surface Small machines have to
ground is not sufficient for settlement can be be used for drift
adopting the Bench Cut reduced. excavation.
Method. Temporary diaphragms
Side Drift Method Ground of shallow can be more easily
overburden where ground removed than those of
surface settlement is center diaphragm
required to be kept at a method.
Tunnel excavation is designed to be commenced from both portals. Excavation from the
western portal is in ascending direction. This eases the excavation by providing natural
drainage downward towards the portal. On the contrary excavation from the eastern portal is in
descending direction and drainage of groundwater shall be done by pumping.
9.5.3 Sequence of Tunneling
Figure 9.5-2 shows the overall flow chart of procedure of micro bench-cut excavation and
Figure 9.5-3 illustrates the sequence of excavation.
Mobilization of
Auxiliary Method
1. long span fore-poling (with/
without injection)
2. fore-piling
Excavation Excavation
Upper Half Section Lower Half Section
Installation of
Note Waterproof Sheet
①. Auxiliary method will be adopted for
the west/east portal and D -I -a/b zone.
②. Steel rib will not be installed for C II and
D I zone.
Lining Concrete
protected by shotcrete and rockbolts or by free-flame and provide yards for tunneling operation.
Portal excavation then starts. First 17.5m long section is to be excavated by applying DⅡ
Support Pattern with fore-poling. Fore-poling, 3m long, is constructed at first from the portal
slope and mechanical excavation starts at upper half section by the length of 0.75m to 1.0m and
immediately after excavation primary shotcrete is applied to stabilize the excavated surface.
Steel support, H150, is installed then and secondary shotcrete is carried out. Rockbolts are
drilled and fixed and mechanical excavation continues in lower half section and supports are
installed continuously. Then next cycle fore-piling is constructed and upper-half excavation
Thin shotcreting may be required for the excavation face area to stabilize the poor rock mass.
Tunneling continues till 17.5m long from the portal and then tunneling continues by applying
Support Pattern CⅡ towards eastern portal.
Whenever fore-poling or fore-piling is required it is executed before commencement of next
cycle excavation utilizing the H-steel support as a guidance. Fore-poling is 3m long and is
executed in every excavation cycle where required by designated support pattern. On the
contrary fore-piling is 12m long and after execution of fore-poling tunnel is excavated by 9m
long continuously through applying designed support. After excavation of 9m is completed next
fore-piling starts.
Fore-piling is generally installed in arch section with injection of cement material to reinforce
the area surrounding fore-piling. However, when it is required to provide water-tight zone
around the whole tunnel periphery fore-piling is installed with chemical injection to all the
periphery of tunnel including invert.
When mechanical excavation encounters hard sandstones giant breaker is to be used or several
holes are drilled by drilling jumbo to ease the mechanical excavation.
Excavation from eastern portal
In the eastern portal area construction activity can be started independently from tunneling in
western portal. Gentle slope is to be cut till about 8m coverage above the tunnel is ensured.
During the open cut activity existing village road shall be diverted. As for the groundwater
treatment in the portal area to minimize the groundwater level shall be referred to 9.7.1 (2).
After finishing preparatory work tunnel excavation starts. Support Pattern DⅡshall be applied
till the zones where chemical injection from surface has been carried out. Afterwards tunneling
continues by applying DⅡ-a Pattern which accompanies installation of fore-piling with
chemical injection to establish watertight structure. Tunneling in descending gradient is
scheduled to continue till about 520m from the portal. When tunneling from western portal
delays tunneling from eastern portal should be continued to further west.
(2) Lining Concrete
Secondary lining concrete, to be commenced from both portals, follows the excavation about
several hundred meters to thousand meters apart. Behind the lining concrete water-proofing
sheets are fixed in order to prevent the groundwater entering into the tunnel through joints and
cracks of the lining concrete.
In portal area where non-uniform overburden loads acting permanently lining concrete shall be
reinforced by steel bars but in other section steel reinforcement is not required. Arch shaped
steel-form is to be used for secondary lining concrete.
(3) Muck Disposal
Excavated material is loaded onto the dump trucks by shovel and is transported inside the
tunnel till portal area. Muck then shall be transported by dump-cars to the spoil disposal area. In
western portal muck is transported by dump truck to the disposal area in the valley in front of
portal. In the eastern portal muck will be transported by dump cars to the temporary storage
yards within the ROW area in approach road.
(4) Observation and Measurement
Observation and measurement is the key monitoring activity in NATM to confirm the stability
of the tunnel.
Observation of geotechnical condition of the excavated face and condition of already supported
tunnel are to be carried out as a daily activity and are to be recorded on the sheets and stored for
later review.
Measurement of the rate of deformation of the tunnel is to be carried out once a day at the face
area to confirm the adequacy of the support installed. If deformation rate of tunnel is larger than
expected then additional support is installed to confine the deformation. With the progress of
tunnel measurement behind the face area is to be done once a week or once a month and when
deformation is confirmed to have finished measurement is no more required there.
Measurement is generally done by electro-optical distance measuring instrument. It measures
the deformation of the tunnel by measuring the displacement of the monitoring pins fixed on
the shotcrete. Results of measurements are recorded in the data sheets and are analyzed after
each measurement whether tunnel is getting stability or not and are stored for later review.
Figure 9.5-4 shows the flow chart of observation and measurement.
(6) Drainage Inside the Tunnel
The tunnel is descending to the west and parts of the eastern approach road descends to the
tunnel. Thus it is important to manage the rainfall water adequately. Drainage system shall have
enough capacity for the future climate change also. Some of the rainfall water from the
approach road shall be drained off before entering into the tunnel adequately.
In the tunnel at both sides of the bottom of tunnel shall be equipped with U-shaped water
channel other than center drain. Water from the tunnel then shall be gathered at outside the
western portal into water storage tank and then discharged to the drainage system to be
provided in the valley in front of the tunnel or used for other purposes.
Details of drainage system shall be suitably studied and designed in Detail Design Stage.
Some of the auxiliary methods are already explained and being designed in the support patterns
such as fore-poling and fore-piling in Type DⅠ-a and b and Type DⅡand DⅡ-a.
When tunneling encounters very poor ground where excavation face is very difficult to self-
supporting, shotcreting for the face and rock-bolting for the face are required. Support pattern D
Ⅱ requires long span fore-piling with or without chemical injection depending on the rate of
ingress of groundwater. When tunneling encounters fault zones extra auxiliary measures such as
injection grouting to improve the strength of the poor ground is required. These auxiliary
measures shall be selected adequately in accordance with the nature of the ground encountered
during tunneling.
Work inside tunnel for the
Work outside tunnel fault fracture zone
Preparation Work
Tunnel portal shall be located where slope is stable and natural drainage system is not harmful
for the structure. Preservation of natural environment is also required. Considering these issues
tunnel portals are fixed.
9.7.1 Eastern portal
Eastern portal is located in a very gentle slope where several houses exist and land is used for
agriculture. To reduce numbers of houses to be demolished or affected by tunneling as much as
possible, portal is fixed in the foot of the slope. Construction of the portal requires cutting of
the gentle slope to some extent. Cut slopes are protected permanently by shotcrete and
rockbolts or other slope protection measures and decorated by terraced flowers or grasses.
(1) Protection of houses near tunnel portal in eastern portal area
There are several houses near the tunnel portal. However, nearest house to the portal situates at
about 60m apart from the tunnel portal. Adequate slope protection is designed at the portal area
and tunnel excavation is to be done mechanically houses are not affected by tunnel construction
At No.2 + 700 there are two houses which are about 35m from the periphery of the tunnel.
Mechanical tunnel excavation at this distance has no influence to the stability of the houses and
very small level of vibration and noises are felt by the inhabitants.
Thus tunnel excavation as well as open cut excavation at the eastern portal area may not be a
harmful activities to the houses and residents.
(2) Treatment of groundwater at eastern portal area
Basic concept of the design (see Sheet NO. 21 of the Preliminary Design Drawings)
To minimize lowering of groundwater level at eastern portal area series of chemical injection is
designed. Objective of the chemical injection is to minimize the lowering of groundwater level
but not to get perfect watertight structures in the area.
In this concept and for the ease of open cut excavation in the area, groundwater level is to be
lowered to some extent along the slope above and east of tunnel.
· Open cut from No.2 + 880 to the east shall use gravity dewatering pumping well to lower
the groundwater level by about 3m.
· Zones from No.2 + 790 to No.2 + 880 shall be grouted by chemical injection from the
surface to the depth 3m deeper than finished grade of tunnel and road.
· Dimension of chemical injection is determined by the hypothesis that groundwater level
may be lowered by about 3m from the existing one through dewatering by gravity well
pump and dewatering by the weep holes in the retaining wall in the future.
Sequence of chemical injection is as following;
· Chemical injection from the surface at No.2 + 790 to No.2 + 820 where open cut of the
slope for tunnel portal starts.
· Chemical injection area is extended from here to both sides to cover the open cut
excavation of north and south walls.
· Chemical injection continues till No.2 + 880
· After completion of chemical injection works, open cut excavation starts from several
locations, from tunnel portal area and from east of it.
Longitudinal cross section and profile of the area for chemical injection from the surface is
shown in the Sheet NO. 21 of the Preliminary Design Drawings.
In the commencement of portal excavation long span fore-piling is to be carried out with
chemical injection. Figure 9.7-1 shows the typical example of the method.
Tunnel entrance structure will be similar to that shown in Figure 9.7-2.
(3) Drainage of the surface water
The small stream at southwest of the tunnel portal flowing to southeast shall be reconstructed
into new water channel in order not to inundate into the portal area during heavy rainfall. On
the cut slope in portal area water channels are designed to drain the rainfall to the outside of the
Rainfall waters from the approach road is designed to be drained by the water channels along
both sides of the road and are led to the underground water tank in the tunnel entrance and then
drained to western portal area through water channels fixed at both sides of the tunnel.
shall be protected by shotcrete and rockbolts or by free-flame for permanent stability. Thus
required width of space is provided for the working space for tunneling. Tunnel is to be
connected to the existing road which is to be partially relocated.
Strikes of the strata in the slope in front of the tunnel are sub-parallel to the tunnel axis with
high dip angles, slope is generally stable here. However, the slopes at both sides of the tunnel
are rather instable due to the strikes of the strata which requires adequate protection measures
during construction.
While the rock mass in the tunnel portal area is deemed to be of Class CⅡ owing to the slope
cut, excavation of the portal area, 17.5m long, is designed to be constructed by D-Ⅱ pattern.
(2) Drainage system
In the small valleys at both sides of the tunnel which are scheduled to be used as temporary
construction yard for installation of temporary facilities and stock yard, water channels are
designed and led to the valley in front of portal where continuous channels, composed of 2m
diameter corrugate pipes, are designed which have enough capacity for the future climate
change (see Sheet App.10 of the Preliminary Design Drawings). Tunnel portal and new road
shall be protected by debris flow from these two small valleys and debris flow prevention dams
are designed accordingly.
Entrance structure of the tunnel may be similar to that shown in Figure 9.7-3.
Major temporary facilities consist of water treatment plant for contaminated water from the
tunnel, concrete batching plant for shotcrete and lining concrete, diesel generators for electric
supply, air compressors for shotcrete and other activities, ventilation fan and dust collector to
keep inside the tunnel clean and temporary houses for office and labor camps and so on. Detail
is shown in the Table 15.5.3-1 in Chapter 15.
9.9.1 General
Those mentioned below are facilities to be installed for the road tunnel (inside and outside) to
secure the safe and smooth traffic flow.
· Ventilation Facilities
· Lighting Facilities
· Emergency Facilities
· Others
(1) Facilities for the Inside of Tunnel
The facilities to be installed inside of tunnel are shown on Table 9.9-1.
Facilities Name of Equipment
Tunnel Ventilation Jet fan, CO meter, VI meter, AV meter
Tunnel Lighting Interior Lighting, Entrance Lighting, Emergency Lighting
Emergency Facilities Emergency Telephone, Push Button Alarm, Fire Detector,
Fire Extinguisher, Fire Hydrant, Evacuation guide panel, Hydrant,
leaky coaxial cable, CC TV Camera, etc.
Control Office-1 (West Portal Side)
9.9.2 Ventilation Facilities
(1) Purpose of Ventilation
The ventilation system is very much necessary to secure the safe and comfortable driving inside
tunnel; also it shall contribute for the better circumstance for the superintendants that are used
to manage the tunnel maintenance work. For that purpose, the important factor is to alleviate
the harmful substances from the emission of vehicles, which may cause the instinctive dislike,
and to make the good visual field.
(2) Design Criteria
It is recommendable to apply “Japan Road Tunnel Ventilation Standard on 2001” for
Nagdhunga Tunnel, in consideration of environment criteria and social conditions in Nepal.
(3) Design Conditions
The design conditions is described as mentioned below. It is considered upon the basis of
“Japan Road Tunnel Ventilation Standard on 2001” and some factor is added in taking account
of environment/social situation in Nepal.
· Length of Tunnel: 2,450m
· Longitudinal gradient: +3.22%(rising gradient from West to East)
· Tunnel altitude: average altitude is 1,340m
· Cross section of tunnel: 72.3m2
· Hydraulic diameter: 8.5m
· Traffic conditions: Two way traffic
· Designed velocity inside tunnel: 40km/h
· Expected traffic volume and mix rate of big-sized car
Year 2020:Traffic volume = 7,400 unit/day, Mix rate of big-sized car = 55.4%
Year 2025:Traffic volume = 8,100 unit/day, Mix rate of big-sized car = 55.6%
Year 2030:Traffic volume = 9,500 unit/day, Mix rate of big-sized car = 55.8%
Year 2035:Traffic volume = 8,100 unit/day, Mix rate of big-sized car = 49.4%
The factors used for making Design Conditions are shown on the Table 9.9-3.
Future traffic volume (with Sindhuli Rd:2025, Fast Track Rd.:2031) ①=②+③ (veh/day)
Year 2020 2025 2030 2035
Direction Eastbound Westbound Total Eastbound Westbound Total Eastbound Westbound Total Eastbound Westbound Total
Passenger Car 1,100 1,300 2,400 1,400 1,400 2,800 1,500 1,700 3,200 1,500 1,700 3,200
Micro Bus 500 700 1,200 500 700 1,200 600 900 1,500 600 900 1,500
Mini Bus 300 400 700 300 500 800 400 500 900 300 500 800
Large Bus 900 1,000 1,900 1,000 1,100 2,100 1,200 1,400 2,600 1,100 1,300 2,400
Light Truck 600 200 800 600 200 800 700 200 900 600 200 800
Heavy truck 1,200 1,800 3,000 1,300 1,900 3,200 1,600 2,100 3,700 1,000 1,400 2,400
Total 4,600 5,400 10,000 5,100 5,800 10,900 6,000 6,800 12,800 5,100 6,000 11,100
% Large 45.7% 51.9% 49.0% 45.1% 51.7% 48.6% 46.7% 51.5% 49.2% 41.2% 45.0% 43.2%
Direction Eastbound Westbound Total Eastbound Westbound Total Eastbound Westbound Total Eastbound Westbound Total
Passenger Car 900 900 1,800 1,100 1,000 2,100 1,200 1,200 2,400 1,200 1,200 2,400
Micro Bus 400 500 900 400 500 900 500 600 1,100 500 600 1,100
Mini Bus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Large Bus 800 800 1,600 900 900 1,800 1,100 1,100 2,200 1,000 1,000 2,000
Light Truck 500 100 600 500 100 600 600 100 700 500 100 600
Heavy truck 1,100 1,400 2,500 1,200 1,500 2,700 1,400 1,700 3,100 900 1,100 2,000
Total 3,700 3,700 7,400 4,100 4,000 8,100 4,800 4,700 9,500 4,100 4,000 8,100
% Large 51.4% 59.5% 55.4% 51.2% 60.0% 55.6% 52.1% 59.6% 55.8% 46.3% 52.5% 49.4%
Direction Eastbound Westbound Total Eastbound Westbound Total Eastbound Westbound Total Eastbound Westbound Total
Passenger Car 200 400 600 300 400 700 300 500 800 300 500 800
Micro Bus 100 200 300 100 200 300 100 300 400 100 300 400
Mini Bus 300 400 700 300 500 800 400 500 900 300 500 800
Large Bus 100 200 300 100 200 300 100 300 400 100 300 400
Light Truck 100 100 200 100 100 200 100 100 200 100 100 200
Heavy truck 100 400 500 100 400 500 200 400 600 100 300 400
Total 900 1,700 2,600 1,000 1,800 2,800 1,200 2,100 3,300 1,000 2,000 3,000
% Large 22.2% 35.3% 30.8% 20.0% 33.3% 28.6% 25.0% 33.3% 30.3% 20.0% 30.0% 26.7%
Visibility Transmissions
Item Design Velocity CO
(beam length: 100 m)
3) Basic emission factor, speed & gradient factor and altitude factor
Table 9.9-5 indicates the basic-emission factor, speed and graduation compensating rate and
altitude compensating rate.
Particle matter (opacity) CO
Average (m2/km) Standard valuation (m2/km) Average (m3/km)
Compensating rate
Mix rate of Required air volume
Traffic Number of Jet Fan (unit)
year Big-sized car (m3/s)
(%) CO Visibility CO Visibility
2020 740 55.4 54 353 3 17
2025 810 55.6 58 388 3 21
2030 950 55.8 69 456 4 28
2035 810 49.4 58 353 3 17
The maximum number of jet fan shall be adopted; therefore, the number of jet fans shall be
twenty-eight (28) units in case of Nagdhunga Tunnel in consideration of 2030. Jet fan shall be
“JFX-1250” and those will be set at a distance of 160 m from the tunnel portal and at intervals
of 160 m in the tunnel.
It is considered that the traffic volume in Nagdhunga Tunnel will be reduced after 2030,
because the traffic will be diverted to the other new road, which is expected to construct by that
% Large = 60.0%
% Large = 55.8%
% Large = 55.0%
Jet fan JF-1250 (35m/s)
% Large = 50.0%
% Large = 49.4%
% Large = 45.0%
30 28 units
JF-1250 (35m/s)
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Traffic [veh/h]
Traffic unit/hr
Specification JFX-1250
(6) Operation of Ventilation for 24 hours Estimation for 2030
The 28 units of jet fan shall be installed against the traffic volume per hour at the time of peak
hour. The operation frequency of 24 hours on someday of 2030 is estimated on Table 9.9-8.
However, the 0~11 units of jet fans may be enough with maneuvering the jet fans in opposite
current or vice versa when the traffic flow is not busy. In this case, the accumulated electric
energy for one day shall be 5,850 kWh.
Direction East bound West bound Total (East + West) Nos. of JFX-1250
Traffic Large size Traffic Large size Traffic Large size Ventilation Direction
[veh/h] [%] [veh/h] [%] [veh/h] [%] East bound West bound
7 270 77.4 182 44.8 452 64.3 9 15
8 198 70.6 325 41.2 523 52.3 9 8
9 238 56.0 365 44.0 603 48.8 10 8
10 319 47.9 283 42.7 602 45.5 9 11
11 295 35.6 266 42.9 561 39.1 7 7
12 233 40.8 304 47.2 537 44.4 8 5
13 227 43.4 323 50.3 550 47.4 8 5
14 240 36.1 281 51.0 521 44.1 7 5
15 310 37.1 283 51.6 593 44.0 8 8
16 262 33.3 313 59.1 575 47.3 9 5
17 270 33.8 270 60.4 540 47.1 8 5
18 283 22.0 304 69.2 587 46.4 9 3
19 237 34.1 241 81.7 478 58.1 8 4
20 186 46.2 226 91.0 412 70.8 9 4
21 102 36.4 264 94.6 366 78.4 9 0
22 64 35.7 138 90.4 202 73.1 5 1
23 92 53.0 91 89.9 183 71.4 3 2
0 44 48.9 26 81.9 70 61.1 2 2
1 49 61.7 16 96.1 65 70.3 2 2
2 57 70.9 7 27.2 64 66.2 1 3
3 71 65.6 4 75.9 75 66.2 1 3
4 168 86.2 20 69.9 188 84.4 2 9
5 297 97.6 50 83.6 347 95.6 10 24
6 287 95.3 117 67.1 404 87.1 11 22
Traffic Direction
5) Selection of Light Source
LED lighting is used in common against the conventional light fixtures, because the overall
cost is less in respect of durability and power consumption. Therefore, it is recommended to use
LED lightings.
Interior Lighting(LED)
Back Up Lighting
(lighting system in case
of power cut)
Entrance lighting
Lighting outside
the Tunnel Entrance
which are:
· Prevention of accident
· Minimization of damage from accident
Prevention measures are basically composed of education of tunnel users such as i) to learn the
potential of accident in tunnel, ii) cooperation to the tunnel administrators with using the
emergency services, and iii) provision of a comprehensive safety and surveillance control
system. Counter disaster measures will be carried out not only by the staff of the tunnel
management office, but also by the tunnel users themselves. Therefore, public involvement is
very important.
(2) Classification of Tunnel and Installation of Emergency Facilities
The tunnel length of 2,450m with daily traffic of 9,500 (as of 2030) is classified for “Class A”
tunnel as depicted on Figure 9.9-6, which is specified on “Japanese Road Tunnel Safety
The class A tunnel requires provision of emergency facilities, as shown on Table 9.9-9.
Classfication of tunnel
AA A B C D Remarks
Emergency Telephone ○ ○ ○ ○
Information and Alarm Facility
○ ○ ○ ○ Information board at tunnel entrance
Information board
Fire Extinguisher ○ ○ ○
Fire Fighting
Fire Hydrant ○ ○
Evacuation Guide
Guide Board ○ ○ ○
Note: ○:Mandatory(standard) △:Recommended
Safety System Contents Detail
Information and Alarm Emergency Telephone
Facility Push Button Alarm
Fire Detector
Emergency Information board Information board at tunnel
Fire Fighting Facility Fire Extinguisher Portable fire extinguisher
Fire Hydrant
Evacuation Guide Guide Board Evacuation guide panel(LED)
Facility Smoke removal system Ventilation System
Other Emergency Hydrant
Facilities Radio communication support Wireless Radio System
Radio Rebroadcast System
Monitor System CCD TV Monitoring System
1) Emergency Telephone
Emergency Telephones will be set at both entrances and at intervals of 200 m in the tunnel.
Push Button Alarm with Extinguisher & Fire Hydrant
3) Fire Detector
Fire Detector will be set in the tunnel for automatic detection of fire and at intervals of 50 m.
The tunnel entrance information board, lighting system, fire fighting facilities and ventilation
system will be operated automatically or receiving a signal from an automatic fire detector.
Fire Detector
5) Extinguishers
Extinguishers shall be set at intervals of 50m.
6) Fire Hydrants
Setting interval of Fire hydrants is the same as extinguishers, 50m.
7) Guide Boards
Guide boards are illuminated signs to inform the location of Tunnel portal to road users. Guide
board shall be set at t intervals of 200m.
9) Hydrants
Hydrants shall be set at intervals of 200m in the tunnel inside the fire hydrant box. Outdoor
Hydrants for use outside the tunnel shall be set at both tunnel entrances.
Outdoor Hydrant
AM aerial wire Radio Receiving Panel
(2) Design condition
· Frequency: 50Hz
Application Source / Voltage
kW kVA
Jet Fan-13 AC/GC 3φ3W 415V 50 65.4
Jet Fan-14 AC/GC 3φ3W 415V 50 65.4
Fire Fighting Pump AC/GC 3φ3W 415V 30 39.2
Spare AC 3φ3W 415V -
Sub-total 431.6
Lighting control AC 3φ3W 415V 1.0
Entrance Lighting -1 AC 3φ3W 415V 13.0
Entrance Lighting -2 AC 3φ3W 415V 12.5
Entrance Lighting -3 AC 3φ3W 415V 12.0
Entrance Lighting -4 AC 3φ3W 415V 11.5
Interior Lighting -1 AC 3φ3W 415V 5.0
Entrance Lighting -5 AC 3φ3W 415V 13.0
Entrance Lighting -6 AC 3φ3W 415V 12.5
Entrance Lighting -7 AC 3φ3W 415V 12.0
Entrance Lighting -8 AC 3φ3W 415V 11.5
Interior Lighting -2 AC 3φ3W 415V 5.0
Interior Lighting -3 AC 3φ3W 415V 5.0
Lighting outside TN -1 AC 3φ3W 415V 0.5
Lighting outside TN -2 AC 3φ3W 415V 0.5
Spare AC 3φ3W 415V -
Spare AC 3φ3W 415V -
Sub-total AC 3φ3W 415V 115.0
Interior Lighting -4 AC/GC 3φ3W 415V 2.0
Guide Board -1 AC/GC 3φ3W 415V 2.0
Guide Board -2 AC/GC 3φ3W 415V 1.0
Spare AC/GC 3φ3W 415V -
Sub-total AC/GC 3φ3W 415V 4.0
Interior Lighting -5 INV 3φ3W 415V 2.0
Interior Lighting -6 INV 3φ3W 415V 2.0
Emergency Information board INV 3φ3W 415V 2.5
Others INV 3φ3W 415V 6.0
Spare INV 3φ3W 415V -
Sub-total INV 3φ3W 415V 12.5
CCTV Camera in TN INV 1φ2W 210V 2.5
Application Source / Voltage
kW kVA
CCTV Camera outside TN INV 1φ2W 210V 0.5
Spare INV 1φ2W 210V -
Spare INV 1φ2W 210V -
Subtotal INV 1φ2W 210V 3.0
Control Panel -1 INV 1φ2W 105V 2.5
Control Panel -2 INV 1φ2W 105V 2.0
Control Panel -3 INV 1φ2W 105V 1.5
Control Panel -4 INV 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Control Panel -5 INV 1φ2W 105V 0.5
Control Panel -6 INV 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Spare INV 1φ2W 105V -
Subtotal INV 1φ2W 105V 8.5
Power -1 AC/GC 3φ3W 210V 5.0
Power -2 AC/GC 3φ3W 210V 5.0
Power -3 AC/GC 3φ3W 210V 3.5
Power -4 AC/GC 3φ3W 210V 5.0
Power -5 AC/GC 3φ3W 210V 25.0
Power -6 AC/GC 3φ3W 210V 3.5
Power -7 AC/GC 3φ3W 210V 1.0
Spare AC/GC 3φ3W 210V -
Subtotal AC/GC 3φ3W 210V 48.0
Panel -1 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Panel -2 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Panel -3 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Panel -4 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Panel -5 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Panel -6 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Panel -7 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Panel -8 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 2.0
Panel -9 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 2.0
Spare AC/GC 1φ2W 105V -
Subtotal AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 11.0
Total 202.0
Application Source / Voltage
kW kVA
Jet Fan-1 AC 3φ3W 415V 50 65.4
Jet Fan-2 AC 3φ3W 415V 50 65.4
Jet Fan-3 AC 3φ3W 415V 50 65.4
Jet Fan-4 AC 3φ3W 415V 50 65.4
Jet Fan-5 AC 3φ3W 415V 50 65.4
Jet Fan-6 AC 3φ3W 415V 50 65.4
Jet Fan-7 AC 3φ3W 415V 50 65.4
Jet Fan-8 AC 3φ3W 415V 50 65.4
Sub-total 523.2
Jet Fan-9 AC 3φ3W 415V 50 65.4
Jet Fan-10 AC 3φ3W 415V 50 65.4
Jet Fan-11 AC 3φ3W 415V 50 65.4
Jet Fan-12 AC 3φ3W 415V 50 65.4
Jet Fan-13 AC/GC 3φ3W 415V 50 65.4
Jet Fan-14 AC/GC 3φ3W 415V 50 65.4
Spare AC 3φ3W 415V -
Spare AC 3φ3W 415V -
Sub-total 392.4
Lighting control AC 3φ3W 415V 1.0
Entrance Lighting -1 AC 3φ3W 415V 13.0
Entrance Lighting -2 AC 3φ3W 415V 12.5
Entrance Lighting -3 AC 3φ3W 415V 12.0
Entrance Lighting -4 AC 3φ3W 415V 11.5
Interior Lighting -1 AC 3φ3W 415V 5.0
Entrance Lighting -5 AC 3φ3W 415V 13.0
Entrance Lighting -6 AC 3φ3W 415V 12.5
Entrance Lighting -7 AC 3φ3W 415V 12.0
Entrance Lighting -8 AC 3φ3W 415V 11.5
Interior Lighting -2 AC 3φ3W 415V 5.0
Interior Lighting -3 AC 3φ3W 415V 5.0
Lighting outside TN -1 AC 3φ3W 415V 0.5
Lighting outside TN -2 AC 3φ3W 415V 0.5
Spare AC 3φ3W 415V -
Spare AC 3φ3W 415V -
Application Source / Voltage
kW kVA
Subtotal AC 3φ3W 415V 115.0
Interior Lighting -4 AC/GC 3φ3W 415V 2.0
Guide Board -1 AC/GC 3φ3W 415V 2.0
Guide Board -2 AC/GC 3φ3W 415V 1.0
Spare AC/GC 3φ3W 415V -
Subtotal AC/GC 3φ3W 415V 4.0
Interior Lighting -5 INV 3φ3W 415V 2.0
Interior Lighting -6 INV 3φ3W 415V 2.0
Emergency Information board INV 3φ3W 415V 2.5
Others INV 3φ3W 415V 6.0
Spare INV 3φ3W 415V -
Subtotal INV 3φ3W 415V 12.5
CCTV Camera in TN INV 1φ2W 210V 2.5
CCTV Camera outside TN INV 1φ2W 210V 0.5
Spare INV 1φ2W 210V -
Spare INV 1φ2W 210V -
Subtotal INV 1φ2W 210V 3.0
Control Panel -1 INV 1φ2W 105V 2.5
Control Panel -2 INV 1φ2W 105V 2.0
Control Panel -3 INV 1φ2W 105V 1.5
Control Panel -4 INV 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Control Panel -5 INV 1φ2W 105V 0.5
Control Panel -6 INV 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Spare INV 1φ2W 105V -
Subtotal INV 1φ2W 105V 8.5
Power -1 AC/GC 3φ3W 210V 5.0
Power -2 AC/GC 3φ3W 210V 5.0
Power -3 AC/GC 3φ3W 210V 3.5
Power -4 AC/GC 3φ3W 210V 5.0
Power -5 AC/GC 3φ3W 210V 25.0
Power -6 AC/GC 3φ3W 210V 3.5
Power -7 AC/GC 3φ3W 210V 1.0
Spare AC/GC 3φ3W 210V -
Subtotal AC/GC 3φ3W 210V 48.0
Application Source / Voltage
kW kVA
Panel -1 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Panel -2 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Panel -3 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Panel -4 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Panel -5 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Panel -6 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Panel -7 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 1.0
Panel -8 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 2.0
Panel -9 AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 2.0
Spare AC/GC 1φ2W 105V -
Subtotal AC/GC 1φ2W 105V 11.0
Total 202.0
· Remote control system
Capacity of Battery is as follows:
1) East Electrical room
· UPS: 30kVA
2) West Electrical room
· UPS: 30kVA
(6) Back Up Generator
Capacity of back-up generator is as follows:
1) East Electrical room
· Generator Capacity: 300kVA
2) West Electrical room
· Generator Capacity: 300kVA
The back-up generator system can provide the minimum functions of tunnel lighting,
emergency facilities’ operation in case of power cut. The back-up generator will be installed for
300 kVA at each Electrical room.
The planed back-up system will cover the quarter of lighting (only one side, alternating on and
off), 4 units of jet-fan, fire hydrant, CCTV camera and control systems, which is required
minimum function to secure the safe and adequate driving. Based on the estimation of
ventilation, 4 units of jet-fan will handle 14hours operation in year 2030.
Un-Interruptible Power Supply System shall be also needed to maintain the minimum functions
of tunnel lighting and emergency facility’s operation during unstable condition of back-up
system after just power cut (approximately 10 minutes).
For shortening the construction period, the tunnel excavation is planned to excavate from the
east and west portals. Excavated material of about 52,000 cubic meters comes out from the
eastern portal and about 176,000 cubic meters from the western portal.
No.3 Khani Khola No.1 Sisune Khola
No.2 Thapathok
9.11.1 Identification of NEA grid Substation for Power Supply to the Tunnel
For Power supply to the tunnel operation the nearest located Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA)
Grid Substation is 132/11kV Substation at Matatirtha.
NEA has already started construction of 60 MW Trishuli 3A, 38 MW Trishuli 3B, 14.6 MW
Upper Sanjen, 42.5MW Sanjen , 111MW Rasuagadhi, 5MW Tadi khola, 4.2 MW Tharpek, 102
MW Upper Trisuli -2 and 5 MW Upper Mailung-A are some other projects being considered
connected to the National Grid.
A new 220/132/33kv Substation is being built nearby Upper Trishuli 3B HEP which acts a Hub
for the evacuation of Hydro Electric Power generated in Trishuli 3B Hub 220/132kV Substation
Project in the Trishuli region. This Substation will be connected with 220 /132kV Matatirtha
S/S in Kathmandu by 220 kV double Circuit Distribution line which is in construction stage.
The existing space at 132/11 kV substation at Matatirtha is congested and to house the
220/132kV substation the substation area has to be extended and accordingly NEA has initiated
the land acquisition procedure for its extension and for this NEA has published public notice to
acquire the required land, on 26 September 2014 and the whole Project work of expansion is
expected to be complete within 2016.
With this extension of Matatirtha Substation area, it is easier to plan the route alignment for the
outgoing 11kV feeders from the Matatirtha substation, compared to the present condition. But
still the problem of fast urbanization causes public grievances for Distribution line alignment.
Because of this extension of Substation area in Matatirtha, Distribution line outlet from this
Substation to Tribhuvan Highway has been easily possible through cable trenching.
A 22 MVA, 132/11kV, 3 Phase Transformer is installed in Matatirtha Substation to supply the
local feeders.
For 11kV Power Supply to Tunnel Operation a separate reliable and dedicated 11kV double
circuit transmission System is required and accordingly two separate 11kV feeders are planned
from 132/11kVMata Tirtha Substation to the east control room located at tunnel portal and
from here by 11kVcable laid on the cable tray anchored on the one side of the tunnel the 11kV
Power will be fade to the west control room located at tunnel out let portal.
i) Principally it is possible to have dedicated Power Supply system for the tunnel operation as
the ventilation fans and light loads should be fed without any frequent Power outage are
vital for movement of vehicles inside the tunnels. For obtaining dedicated 11kV double
circuit Distribution line for tunnel operation necessary procedure and applications will be
submitted as per NEA Electricity Act at the tunnel construction time.
At Matatirtha Substation 11kV VCBs of ABB Italy made are installed for supply to local
feeders and its panel drawings are shown Figure 9.11-1.
For Power supply to tunnel operations two VCBs of the same make is proposed to install by
extending the 11kV bus and by doing so no adaptation panel will be required.
9.11.2 Power Supply to Tunnel Operation
To supply Power to the tunnel, two control rooms one near to the west wide tunnel portal (West
Control Room) and another near the east side tunnel portal (East Control Room) are planned.
Basically the tunnel length is 2.45KM long and have jet-fans for ventilation and lights among
other facilities. For supply of power to these facilities, an estimated total of 3600 KVA, 11/4.0
kV is required. Two 750KVA, 11/0.4kV and one 300KVA, 11/0.4kV transformers are planned
to be installed at the west side control room. Similarly, two750KVA, 11/0.4kV and one
300KVA, 11/0.4kV transformers are planned for installation at the east side control room.
The basic concept to design two control room each of them housing 2x750 kVA transformers
and 300kVA transformers of voltage 11/0.4kV at each tunnel portal is that, the one set of
ventilation and light loads is fed from east control room and other set of ventilation and light
loads is fed from west control room and doing so it minimizes the voltage loss in 400Volt
cables, as the length of cable will be halved.
9.11.3 Transformer Capacity
Transformer capacity of each Electrical room is as follows:
(1) East Electrical room
· Ventilation Transformer No.1: 750kVA
· Ventilation Transformer No.2: 750kVA
· Transformer for Lighting: 300kVA
(2) West Electrical room
· Ventilation Transformer No.1: 750kVA
· Ventilation Transformer No.2: 750kVA
· Transformer for Lighting: 300kVA
9.11.4 Un-Interruptible Power Supply System
Un-Interruptible Power Supply System shall be installed for the following systems which need
electricity all the time.
· Tunnel Information Board
· CCTV System
· Safety system control panel
· Remote control system
Capacity of Battery is as follows:
(1) East Electrical room
· UPS: 30kVA
(2) West Electrical room
· UPS: 30kVA
9.11.5 Selection of 11kV Cable size for Power Supply
Calculation for 11kV Cable size :
Total Transformer Capacity
East Control room 1800KVA
West Control room 1800KVA
Total load 3600 KVA
Current (I) =236.195675Amps
XLPE Cable size for 3600 KVA shall be
a) resistance =0.1618Ohm/km) or
b) 300 size ( resistance= 0,1302Ohm/KM)
Voltage drop =199.7268 V
Receiving end voltage =10654.06 V (resistance =0.1618Ohm/km) Aluminum Cable can be selected but for safe
margin Aluminum cable is preferably 300 is selected.
Hence two Nos. of 300, Aluminum Cable are selected for two 11kV Distribution line
circuits to be tapped to feed each of the 2x750 kVA and 300 KVA ,11/0.4kV transformers
located at east and west control rooms for tunnel operation.
9.11.6 11kV Power supply feeder from 132/11kV Matatirtha Substation to East and West
Control rooms for Tunnel operation.
Matatirtha Substation is located near to densely populated area of Thankot a lot of congested
houses are seen and the roads are narrow and the no free space available to locate the 11kV
Distribution line poles. Moreover the NEA has constructed cable trench for outgoing 11kV
distribution feeders from this substation and the cable duct is full and no space is left for new
cables in it. For future outgoing Distribution line feeder a new Distribution line route
alignment or cable duct route is to be planned.
An extensive site survey to identify a viable 11kV outgoing Distribution line feeder alignment
from this 132/11kV substation to Naghdhunga Power supply system was conducted. The
information of upgrading program of 132/11kV Substation to accommodate the 220/132kV
substation in the same substation premises with extension of the substation area and the
progress of land acquisition was collected.
The 132/11kV Matatirtha Substaion is seen in the Google map. The proposed extended
substation area is shown in Figure 9.11-3 and the boundary line is shown in red. The land
acquisition to extend the substation is under process.
Tunnel Total Length: 4.14 km
Underground Cabling: 1.95 km
Overhead Transmission: 2.19 km
Overhead Transmission
L=2.19 km
Exciting Road
Underground Cabling:
L=1.95 km
Highway Crossing
Public Road
(4m wide)
Expansion of SS
9.11.7 Transformers
To supply 11kV to the 2x750 and 300KVA Transformers installed in the
a) East control room
b) West control room
The following measures shall be taken
1) From 132/11kV Matatirtha Substation two outgoing, 3 core aluminum,
armored cables for 11kV double circuit Distribution line feeder shown in green color in
the Google map will be buried in cable duct of 1.95Km long
The path of the 11kV cable duct 1.95 Km long is shown in the Google map and is
described as follows
a) The 11kV cable duct starts from Matatirtha Substation
b) passes through a narrow road between the houses in both sides
c) reaches to a point near to the highway from where it follows parallel to the road
d) and it crosses the road
2) After crossing the road the each of the two cables will be connected to its relevant 11kV
circuit of overhead Distribution line circuit. The double circuit Distribution line is 2.19
KM long and follows along the approach road to the tunnel portal where the east control
room is located. The route map is attached.
3) Both circuits of the 11kV Distribution line shall be connected to 11kV bus in east
control by respective cables. To supply to the west control room from the 11kV bus
located in easrt control room an outgoing nearly 2.35 KM long,, 3core,
armored Aluminum cable will be laid in the cable rack anchored on one side of the
tunnel wall and then after passing out from the tunnel the cable will be connected to
11kV bus of east control room to supply power to 2x750 and 300 KVA transformers
located here to supply Power to the tunnel operation.
4) SLD
A SLD for Power supply containing all the equipments from the interconnection Substation to
the control rooms located at Tunnel inlet and out let portals
9.11.8 Brief description of the VCBs in the SLD
a) From 132/11kV Matairtha Substation for double circuit 11kV outgoing Distribution line
feeder following arrangements are necessary:
1) 3core,, Armored, Aluminum cable for each of the outgoing feeders for tunnel
2) 2Nos of VCBs of 1250 A rating for the outgoing feeders to be installed at Matatirtha
3) 2 Nos. of VCBs of 1250 A rating for the outgoing feeders to be installed at East Control
4) One sectionalizing VCB of 1250 A to be installed at East control room 11kv bus
5) 11kV double circuit overhead Distribution line
6) 3 Nos. of VCBs of 630 A for protection of the distribution transformers for east control
7) 3 Nos. of VCBs of 630 A for protection of the distribution transformers for west control
8) Estimation
9.11.9 Cost Estimation
Based on the equipments shown in the SLD and the design philosophy described above the cost
estimation is prepared and attached herewith.
The Bill of quantities for Power Supply to Tunnel operation prepared includes basically
following costs
a) The cost of the equipments to be incurred at the NEA interconnecting substation at
132/11kV Matatirtha Substation ,
b) The cost of 11kV cables laid on the cable trench from Matatirtha substation to the road
crossing , HDPE Pipes and joints pipes for 11kV cables installation works,
c) Cost of civil works of cable trench ,
d) Cost of overhead 11kV double circuit Distribution line starting from the end point of cable
trench and following the approach road to tunnel portal ,
e) Cost of equipments to be installed in east and west control rooms
f) Cost of 11kV cable to be laid at the cable rack on tunnel side wall for supply of Power to
west control room from east control room
g) The cost of the backup 300KVA diesel engine considered in the design is not included in
the BOQ as the information received is the diesel engines used in construction will be
utilized for operation time of tunnel to save cost.
The BOQ is prepared and attached herewith revel that for Power Supply to the tunnel operation
at least a fund of USD 1,499 thousands is required.
The Summary Table of the Cost breakdown is shown in the Table 9.11-1.
Item No Description Totals US$
1 11kV ABB Italy made Vacuum Circuit Breakers (VCB) 171,800
2 Other VCBs 146,880
3 Distribution Transformers 204,975
4 11kV double circuit Distribution line 204,564
5 Air Circuit Breakers (ACBs) 19,217
6 Aluminum Cable, HDPE Pipes and Pipe Joints (from Matathirtha SS to East Control Room) 252,252
6.2 HDPE Pipes 140mm 5 inches diameter 6kg/ 63,063
6.3 HDPE Pipe Joints 7,453
7 Aluminum Cable, HDPE Pipes and Pipe Joints (from East Control Room to West Control Room) 131,576
8 Civil works of cable trench (from Matathirtha SS to Highway Crossing) 107,388
11kV Cabling works on cable racks installed on left side wall of the tunnel for supply of Power to west
9 30,030
control room from east control room . from East Control Room to West Control Room.
10 Others 160,000
Total Costs 1,499,198
Refer to Annex 9.11-1 for details of the Cost Estimation.
Toll Facility
Tunnel Portal
Tunnel Portal
Toll Facility
9.13.1 Objective
The expected volume from excavation of tunnel is approximately 176,000 m2. The JICA-
assisted Data Collection Survey proposed three locations as candidates for disposing the
excavated soil. It further proposed several method such as, use of space for control office of the
tunnel, to improve existing road alignment at hair-pin curves if required and to provide a
The objective for the plan of Michi-no-Eki is to promote the road service facility for the safe
1 Michi-No-Eki is a facility developed in Japan, which literally means “road station”, provided on National Highways and
arterial roads for the purpose to integrate parking area, rest rooms (toilets), information facilities and community facilities
provided by local governments.
driving and comfortable service for road users such as truck, tourist bus and private vehicles,
and contributing tourism promotion and local economy.
9.13.2 Existing Rest Facilities along Tribhuvan Highway
(1) Location of Existing Rest Facilities
The JICA Survey Team carried out the existing rest facilities survey along Tribhuvan Highway
between Naubise and Nagdhunga Pass. Sixteen (16) rest facilities are located as shown in
Figure 9.13-1.
These rest facilities expect No.1 are illegally operated by the private companies. DOR has
ordered to these facilities to move out of ROW of DOR. Car drivers, truck drivers and tourist
buses are using these illegal rest facilities, it is understood that there are high demands for rest
(2) Average Distance between Rest Facilities
The average distance between rest facilities is shown in Table 9.13-1. The average distance is
approximately 0.82 km.
Distance (km)
Location No. Note
between point from base point
Eastside 12 0.74 0.74 Illegal
from West 13 0.81 1.55 Illegal
14 0.06 1.61 Illegal
15 0.16 1.77 Illegal
16 1.79 3.56 Check Point (Naagdhunga), Legal
Average 0.82 -
Source: JICA Survey Team
Multiple shop facilities Shops sells some snacks, drinks and fruits
Patan Area Bhaktapur Area Thamel Area
2) Pokhara
Pokhara is very famous lakeside resort in Nepal. Many tourists enjoy trekking in and around
District VCD 2s Major Agricultural Products
Mahadevsthan Paddy Rice, Maize, Wheat, Tomato, Mushroom and Cauliflower
Balambu Paddy Rice, Maize, Wheat and cauliflower
Kathmandu Dahachowk Paddy Rice, Maize, Wheat, Tomato and Mushroom
Thankot Paddy Rice, Maize, Wheat, Tomato and Mushroom
Baad Bhanjyang Paddy Rice, Maize, Wheat, Potato and Tomato
Dhanding Naubise Paddy Rice, Maize, Wheat, Potato, Tomato, Cauliflower and Cabbage
Source: JICA Survey Team
2 Village Development Committee: VDC is the lower administrative part of its local development ministry. Each district has
several VDCs, similar to municipalities but with greater public-government interaction and administration.
Evaluation Item Alternative-1 Alternative-2 Alternative-3
ž This site is located adjacent to West ž This site located at about 3.00 km ž This site located at about 8.00 km
Portal of a Tunnel. away from the West Portal of a away from the West Portal of a
ž About 150,000 – 200,000 cubic Tunnel. Tunnel.
Site Condition meters of excavated material can A ž About 150,000 – 200,000 cubic B ž This site located near Naubise. C
be disposal meters of excavated material can be
Landfill is near, cost is cheap. Landfill is middle, Cost is expensive. Landfill is far, Cost is more expensive.
Filling Cost A B C
Target Interval of
Number of Vehicle Number of Vehicle Demand of Parking
Stop at Michi-no-Eki Stop at Peak Time Spaces
x Design Traffic Volume
(2) Infrastructure Plan for Custom Facility
The plan for the infrastructure of the Michi-no-Eki will be designed based on the analysis of
present condition in terms of 1) water supply facility, 2) sewage facility, 3) energy and electric
power facility and 4) communication facility. Table 9.13.6-2 shows the present condition and
plan strategy for the infrastructure plan.
Infrastructure Present Condition Plan Strategy
1) Water supply · Water supply facility is not · The facility of water supply will be
facility existing in the project area used, according to constructing
because of disposal area. water tank.
· New deep well in the site will be
developed if necessary.
2) Sewage facility · Sewage disposal system by · The sewage facility and sanitary
discharging to stream. sewage system by septic tank will
· Sanitary sewage disposal system be constructed for public toilet and
by direct stream. restaurant.
3) Energy and · Middle-voltage line on the · The existing high-voltage line in the
electric power mountain site will be used by a lead-in cable
facility · Fire power supply by propane from the Tunnel.
gas and charcoal · The existing system for fire power
supply will be used.
Items Units Value Contents
Plaza area m2 442 m2 Including pedestrian aisle
Washstand: 3 pieces
Male 32.5 m2 (6.5m x 5.0m) Urinal: 6 pieces
Water closet: 3 pieces
Toilet Washstand: 3 pieces
Female 32.5 m2 (6.5m x 5.0m)
Water closet: 8 pieces
Access Aisle 7.5 m2 (1.5m x 5.0m) -
Total 78 m2 (13.0m x 6.0m) -
Restaurant 154 m2 (11.0m x 14.0m) Table: 9 sets
Wash place, cooking table,
Restaurant (1F) Kitchen 40 m2 (4.0m x 10.0m)
shelf, refrigerator, etc
Total 194 m2 -
ent Office and
m2 16 m2 (4.0m x 4.0m) Working table, PC, shelf, etc
Information Center
Shop (2F) m2 135 m2 (15.0m x 9.0m) Shelf, casher, table
Small and Middle 25 nos (5.0m x 2.3m) -
Parking Large 8 nos (15.0m x 2.3m) -
Total 552.0 m2 -
Green Area m2 290 m2 -
Water tank, septic tank, dump
Others m2 116.25 m2
9.13.7 Operation and Maintenance for the Michi-no-Eki
Scheme of administrative organization for the Michi-no-Eki and part of O&M is considered as
1) Based on the new regulation of MoPIT, DOR will be submitted the application document to
MoPIT which are permitted for bidding and sub-contract under DOR.
2) After submission the application document, MoPIT will judge this document and accept for
undertaking the bidding and selection private company under DOR.
3) DOR-PMU will conduct the bidding for private company to operate the rest facility
depending on fair evaluation.
4) Private company will operate and maintain the rest facility (Restaurant, Toilet, Shop). And,
revenue collected from the facility will be used for the O&M of the facility. However,
maintenance of parking space, drive way, information facility and beautification of Michi-
no-Eki will be responsibility of Tunnel Management Office.
5) Tunnel Management Office and private company should tie-up to operate and maintenance
of Michi-no-Eki.
Acceptance of document
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
precipitation normals (mm) 14.4 18.7 34.2 61.0 123.6 236.3 363.4 330.8 199.8 51.2 8.3 13.2
Mean temperature normals (℃) 10.8 13.0 16.7 19.9 22.2 24.1 24.3 24.3 23.3 20.1 15.7 12.0
9-68 Monitoring 18july2014.pdf
(2) Water usage of each basin
Tentatively water basins are divided into 5 locations as is shown in Figure 9.14-9.
2) B area
【Drinking water】
Drinking water is often from wells until near 100m upstream from the Totipakha Road. In the
higher locations upstream of it, drinking water is from water of stream.
【Agricultural water】
Tomato cultivation is a thriving place. Tomato cultivation makes use of the water of the stream.
There are a lot of paddy fields, there is a water use of the stream.
【Water use of other】
There is a large pond upstream, it is used as a venue for training fish farm.
House cultivation
Agricultural pond
3) C area
【Drinking water】
Residents of this watershed are using spring water or stream. There is information that has
water conveyance from afar.
【Agricultural water】
There is water in the stream, paddies irrigated area is wide.
Area panoramic view
4) D area
【Drinking water】
They are using the spring water in the upstream of the stream.
【Agricultural water】
Stream water can be seen only after rainfalls. There is a paddy field on the downstream side of
the Totipakha road, They are irrigated with rainfall.
Area panoramic view
5) E area
【Drinking water】
The use of the spring water.
【Agricultural water】
Not farmland.
9.14.3 Study of Groundwater Lowering Range
(1) Hydrological Method of Takahashi
A rough estimation of groundwater lowering due to tunnel excavation was done by using
Takahashi’s method which is one of Hydrological methods. The catchment area of the tunnel
approximates the shape and size of the basin with the flow path length comparable to the tunnel
length. This method consists of empirical rules. Hydrological method is represented by the
average permeability around the shape of the basin.
Kt=R2/6H (Kt:Average permeability)
R:Average basin width
A:Basin area (m2)
L:Flow pass length (m)
H:Relative elevation difference (m)
Groundwater level lowering range
water use.
The potential is a new well development in the second.
It may be possible to newly develop wells but it should be studied and prepared before
construction starts.
(2) Measures for Agricultural water
Flow rate of the stream is less when there is no rainfall. Therefore, paddy irrigation relies on
rainfall. It is possible that the flow rate of the stream is reduced by the tunnel excavation. But
paddy irrigation may be possible. However, it should be noted that there is a spring water in the
paddy fields of the downstream side of the Totipakharoad.
There is an item of some permanent measures.
① Development of a new well---unrealistic
② Pond Construction---very difficult
③ Crop substitution compensation
④ Compensation in money
⑤ Alternate site compensation
It is necessary to examine the measures in accordance with the situation.
Periodic monitoring of wells are necessary during construction in order to grasp the lowering of
groundwater by tunnel excavation. Periodic observations measure water level, flow rate and
water quality. Periodically monitoring points are shown in the APP NO. 11-d of Preliminary
Design Drawing Sheets. Monitoring shall be done for wells at the left bank of the river.
(2) Operation Risks
Characteristics of drivers’ driving manners and vehicle characteristics are as follows;
(a) Drivers try to overtake slow moving vehicles, even using space of an opposite direction
lane. If this kind of driving is practiced inside the tunnel, there is a high risk of fatal traffic
(b) There are many old trucks and they often stop on the road due to breakdown of vehicle.
Breakdown vehicles are particularly observed at up-grade sections. Currently they stop at a
shoulder or at an emergency bay.
(c) High rate of old model of vehicles causes high rate gas emission which affects visibility and
high contents of CO, NOx, etc. inside a tunnel.
Tunnel cross section and facilities were planned and designed in due consideration of above
drivers’ and vehicles’ characteristics.
During the detailed design, the following should be considered;
1) To cope with (a) and (b) above, study lane width and shoulder width
This Study : In due consideration of present vehicle condition, number of jet fans,
visibility meters, CO meters, etc. were planned.
Detailed Design : Review number of jet fans, etc., carefully in due consideration of
vehicle conditions.
3) To operate a tunnel safely, one of the most important issues is to educate the drivers prior to
opening of a tunnel. Under the Capacity Development Program, the Traffic Safety Campaign
is planned. This campaign should be continuously implemented even after a tunnel opened
to traffic by the Tunnel Management Office.
parallel to the tunnel axis and dips are generally in high angle to the north or to the south
depending on minor folds, groundwater may perforate into the fissures in the sandstones in
vertical direction and due to the thin alternation of sandstone and shale in which shale is
impervious groundwater may not migrate to lateral direction across the bedding planes.
If this is the case then waterproofing by chemical injection may be OK to be carried out along
the periphery of the tunnel arch instead of along all the periphery of the tunnel. It may reduce
the construction cost and time drastically.
It is strongly recommended to the DD designers to further study on this point after getting
results of seismic refraction survey and drilling surveys. Seismic survey may reveal the depth of
the debris above the rock mass. Some of drilling surveys shall be done in short length in the
rock perpendicular to the tunnel axis to confirm the strikes of the rock to be sub-parallel to
tunnel axis. Thus, adequate hydrological model can be established and proper chemical
injection design can be recommended.
Schematic geologic and hydrologic model is shown in APP. NO. 9-c and 9-d of Preliminary
Design Drawing Sheets.
(2) Ground treatment at the eastern portal area
Chemical injection from the surface is designed at eastern portal area in order to minimize the
lowering of groundwater level here. Along the tunnel and road axis talus deposits distribute
above the weathered rock mass. Groundwater is supposed to be trapped in weathered rock mass
as pressurized groundwater in the area from the drilling result of TC1 which was carried out at
the Data Collection Survey stage. However, in the talus deposit groundwater was hardly
detected during auger drilling survey in portal area, which may imply that talus deposits contain
high amount of very small particles.
It is recommended in DD stage to excavate a pit near the portal to ensure whether talus deposit
is impervious or not and if lower part of talus deposit contains groundwater. If groundwater is
supposed to be accumulated and trapped only in the uppermost weathered part of the rock mass,
then total length of the chemical injection treatment from the surface can be significantly
reduced. The treatment may target the zones from the lower part of talus deposits to weathered
rock mass till 3m coverage of treated zones are obtained beneath the tunnel base.
(3) Review of longitudinal geological profile of the tunnel
Due to the difficulty in carrying out seismic survey, dynamites are strictly controlled by the
army, and lack of adequate equipment for core drilling there are uncertainties in longitudinal
geological profile. Thus in the preliminary design tunnel is designed based on supposition that
rock mass may be somewhat inferior than is seen in outcrops. In DD stage seismic survey shall
be carried out in very early stage and core drilling shall be carried out equipped with adequate
double core tubes to make the longitudinal geological profile more accurate.
(4) Monitoring of groundwater level and preparation of adequate measures for water
Wells and springs to be monitored during construction stage are shown in APP. NO. 11-d of
Preliminary Design Drawing Sheets. There are 52 numbers of wells and springs in the figure
but only the left bank ones of the Ghate Khola shall be monitored. Groundwater level may be
lowered to some extent during tunneling due to the water inflow from sandstones, however,
owing to the chemical injection accompanied with AGF rate of ingress of groundwater is
deemed to be small and after completion of the tunnel construction groundwater level is
expected to recover to the original level.
However, during monitoring of groundwater level when significant lowering of groundwater
level occurs and it affects domestic water use significantly adequate measures shall be taken to
mitigate the situation. DD designers are recommended to prepare adequate temporary water
supply measures to be adopted in case of significant water shortage occurrence.
(5) Review of alignment in western portal outlet in view of traffic safety
In the preliminary design road to the western direction is descending by 3.22% in the tunnel till
0+200 followed by about 6.3% from here on to the west and meets a signal location where
relocated existing road intersects with the new road.
For the safety of traffic following two points shall be further studied in DD stage.
First one is traffic safety at signal location. New road including tunnel is of very high graded
road with much better pavement than is now and traffic is supposed to descend the new road in
fairly high speed. However, most of vehicles are of very old ones and most of the drivers has no
experience with signaling it is very doubtful whether vehicles can stop properly at the signal.
This is also the case for vehicles from existing road.
Second one is that in the vicinity of tunnel outlet vehicles from existing road may occasionally
plunge into the new road due to very small descending curve with gradient of 5%.
Due to the short duration for the preliminary study our team only could follow the selected
alignment. Above two issues may not be adequately resolved without shifting the tunnel portal
and alignment to some other location, which requires additional topographical survey and
geological investigations.
(6) Requirement of emergency escape measures
According to Japanese Standards, provision of an evacuation tunnel or escape shelter or similar
measures is mandatory for tunnels longer than 3.0km. The length of Nagdhunga Tunnel is
2.5km and fundamentally does not require such provisions. However, the GON requested the
Survey Team to conduct a study on the evacuation method as considering the present condition
of vehicles and driving manner of Nepal, provision of such facility is inevitable. They said they
became aware of the need after observing such facility in one of the tunnels being constructed
in Japan during the visit study to Japan in August. In addition GON said provision of such
measure also necessitates from the fact that Nagdhunga Tunnel- potentially being the first
highway tunnel in the history of Nepal- will hopefully be a model project for other similar
projects, such measure are desirable to be undertaken. Following the request from the GON, the
Survey Team conducted a study of different methods as shown in Table 9.15-1. The Survey
Team recommended Case-4 and suggests further study in the detailed design stage.
9.15.3 Important issues to Construction stage
(1) Flexible Action for Change Order
Tunnel construction methods highly depend on the geological conditions, accordingly
construction cost varies drastically. Even though detailed geological survey is undertaken, it is
impossible to reveal exact geological condition and it can only be known during construction. It
is also true that it is quite difficult and unrealistic to stop tunneling work during construction
and it should be continued.
In view of above, one of the most important considerations on tunnel construction is that the
Government can approve change order(s) based on the recommendations of the Consultant as
soon as the unexpected geological conditions are found. The contract of tunnel project should
clearly specify the above conditions so that the bidders can be able to bid based on the fare price
without taking account of changes of geological condition.
There will be plus or minus change orders. In anticipation of plus change orders, GON shall
prepare sufficient budget for the Project with the anticipation of change orders. Price
contingency and physical contingency should be included in the annual budget. In case that the
allocated budget for the Project is found to be insufficient, DOR shall realign the budget of
other projects in order for this tunnel project to be continued even under unexpected geological
Above these project risks and issues were summarized in Section 17.6 with other risks.
Ø In case of happening the vehicle trouble, Ø In case of happening the vehicle trouble, Ø In case of happening the vehicle trouble, Ø In case of happening the vehicle trouble, Ø In case of happening the vehicle trouble, emergency
emergency parking bay can be utilized. emergency parking bay can be utilized. emergency parking bay can be utilized. emergency parking bay can be utilized. parking bay can be utilized.
Safety Facilities Ø In case of happening serious traffic accidents like Ø In case of happening serious traffic accidents Ø In case of happening serious traffic accidents like Ø In case of happening serious traffic accidents like fire
Concept fire accident, escape of tunnel users and passing like fire accident, escape of tunnel users is fire accident, escape of tunnel users is possible by accident, escape of tunnel users is possible by utilizing
the evacuation vehicles are possible by utilizing possible by utilizing escaping shelter.(Adult utilizing escaping shelter.( A adult and a child can inclined escape adit.(Evacuation vehicle can not pass)
evacuation tunnel. two people can run in parallel) run in parallel)
Main Tunnel: 89.25m2 Main Tunnel: 89.25m2
Main Tunnel
Cross Sectional Main Tunnel: 89.25m2 Evacuation Tunnel: 19.56m2 Main Tunnel: 95.17m2 Main Tunnel: 89.58m2 Inclined Escape Adit: 19.56m2
Area Total: 108.81m2 Total: 108.81m2
(Base Case) (+19.23m2) or (1.21) (+5.92m2) or (1.07) +0.29m2) or (1.01) (+19.23m2) or (1.21)
Main Tunnel: 10,626 Million JPY Main Tunnel: 12,860 Million JPY Main Tunnel: 10,626 Million JPY Main Tunnel: 10,626 Million JPY
Cost Main Tunnel: 10,626 Million JPY Evacuation Tunnel: 3,349 Million JPY Escaping Shelter: 123 Million JPY Escaping Shelter: 99 Million JPY Inclined Escape Adit: 4,179 Million JPY
(2014 Price)
(Without VAT) Total: 13,975 Million JPY Total: 12,983 Million JPY Total: 10,725 Million JPY Total: 14,805 Million JPY
(Base Case) (3,349 Million JPY)or (1.32) (+2,357 Million JPY) or (1.22) (+99 Million JPY) or (1.01) (4,179 Million JPY)or (1.39)
43.0 months(Base Case) 43.0 months(+0.0 month) 44.0 months(+1.0 month) 43.0 months(+0.0 month) 43.0 months(+0.0 month)
- No safety measures are yet considered. - Evacuation tunnel L=2.45km, H=3.5m, width=3.5m, 5 - Escaping Shelter width of 1.5m provided. - Minimum Escaping Shelter width of 1.2m provided. - 4 Inclined Escape Adits are provided.
adits 500m interval
- Emergency vehicle for rescue and fire fighting can pass
Evacuation Tunnel.
- In case of another 2-lane tunnel required, Evacuation
Tunnel can be utilized as a part of additional Main Tunnel.
Recommendation Recommended