Health Effects of Vegetarian and Vegan Diets: Timothy J. Key, Paul N. Appleby and Magdalena S. Rosell
Health Effects of Vegetarian and Vegan Diets: Timothy J. Key, Paul N. Appleby and Magdalena S. Rosell
Health Effects of Vegetarian and Vegan Diets: Timothy J. Key, Paul N. Appleby and Magdalena S. Rosell
g The Authors 2006
Vegetarian diets do not contain meat, poultry or fish; vegan diets further exclude dairy products
and eggs. Vegetarian and vegan diets can vary widely, but the empirical evidence largely
relates to the nutritional content and health effects of the average diet of well-educated vege-
tarians living in Western countries, together with some information on vegetarians in non-
Western countries. In general, vegetarian diets provide relatively large amounts of cereals,
pulses, nuts, fruits and vegetables. In terms of nutrients, vegetarian diets are usually rich in
carbohydrates, n-6 fatty acids, dietary fibre, carotenoids, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E and
Mg, and relatively low in protein, saturated fat, long-chain n-3 fatty acids, retinol, vitamin B12
and Zn; vegans may have particularly low intakes of vitamin B12 and low intakes of Ca. Cross-
sectional studies of vegetarians and vegans have shown that on average they have a relatively
low BMI and a low plasma cholesterol concentration; recent studies have also shown higher
plasma homocysteine concentrations than in non-vegetarians. Cohort studies of vegetarians
have shown a moderate reduction in mortality from IHD but little difference in other major
causes of death or all-cause mortality in comparison with health-conscious non-vegetarians
from the same population. Studies of cancer have not shown clear differences in cancer rates
between vegetarians and non-vegetarians. More data are needed, particularly on the health
of vegans and on the possible impacts on health of low intakes of long-chain n-3 fatty acids
and vitamin B12. Overall, the data suggest that the health of Western vegetarians is good and
similar to that of comparable non-vegetarians.
A large number of individuals around the world follow with a very large increase in East Asia from only 8.7 in
vegetarian diets, but in most countries vegetarians com- 1964–6 to 58.5 in 2030 (World Health Organization,
prise only a small proportion of the population. India is 2003). Steinfeld (2004) has estimated that world total meat
a notable exception because a substantial proportion of production ( ·106 tonnes/year) increased from about 92
the population, perhaps approximately 35%, follows a in 1967–9 to 218 in 1997–9 and will increase further to
traditional vegetarian diet and has done so for many 376 in 2030, a fourfold increase in 60 years.
generations (International Vegetarian Union, 2005; Refsum Understanding of the health effects of vegetarian and
et al. 2001). The numbers of vegetarians in Western vegan diets is quite good but many uncertainties remain
countries are unknown, with estimates based on rather (Fraser, 1999; Key et al. 1999a; Sanders, 1999a; Willett,
small samples; for example, in a survey of 2251 indivi- 2003). The purpose of the present brief overview is to
duals throughout the UK (Henderson et al. 2002) 5 % summarize current knowledge on the health effects of
reported being vegetarian or vegan. While the number of vegetarian and vegan diets with an emphasis on recent
vegetarians may be increasing in some of the most affluent findings and results from large studies, including the work
countries, there is an opposite picture for other countries of the authors’ group on the European Prospective Investi-
around the world, in that meat consumption is increasing gation of Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Oxford cohort
greatly in many countries that until recently had a low (Davey et al. 2003). Most of the discussion is related
intake of meat. Per capita meat consumption (kg/year) is to vegetarians in affluent Western countries; the health of
predicted to increase from 24.2 in 1964–6 to 45.3 in 2030, vegetarians and individuals with a very low meat intake in
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36 T. J. Key et al.
poorer countries is a very important topic and there is some close to or above the recommended intakes, where appli-
information available, but proper consideration of this cable (Davey et al. 2003), and these nutrients are not dis-
topic is outside the scope of the present brief overview. cussed further in the present review. For n-3 fatty acids and
vitamin B12, however, there is substantial recent research
relevant to the status of vegetarians in relation to these
Dietary characteristics of vegetarian diets nutrients and this aspect will be discussed further, together
with Fe status.
Vegetarians are defined as individuals who do not eat
any meat, poultry or fish. Vegetarians are sub-classified as
lacto-ovo vegetarians who eat dairy products and/or eggs n-3 Fatty acids
and vegans who do not eat any animal products. Since Plant foods can provide a-linolenic acid but are devoid
vegetarian diets are defined by what they do not contain, of the long-chain n-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA (marine
the actual composition of vegetarian diets can vary widely. algae can provide EPA and DHA and are acceptable to
For the purpose of the present review the discussion is vegetarians but are not considered here as a plant food);
largely based on the observed average diet of vegetarians eggs and to a lesser extent dairy products contain low
as described in published reports, and mostly for indi- levels of EPA and DHA that vary according to the feeding
viduals living in affluent Western countries. of the animal. Studies of plasma levels of n-3 fatty acids
have consistently shown that vegetarians have lower levels
of EPA and DHA than meat-eaters, with lower levels in
Nutritional status of vegetarians vegans than in lacto-ovo-vegetarians (Sanders et al. 1978a;
Sanders, 1999b). Recently, it has been shown that plasma
Nutrient intake
levels of EPA and DHA in vegans are not related to the
Reviews by expert groups such as the American Dietetic duration of adherence to the diet over periods of £20
Association and Dietitians of Canada (2003) have con- years, suggesting that the endogenous production of these
cluded that a well-planned vegetarian diet is adequate for fatty acids in vegetarians and vegans may result in low
all stages of the life cycle including infancy, childhood and but stable plasma concentrations (Rosell et al. 2005c).
adolescence. Comparisons of the food intakes of vege- Studies using labelled a-linolenic acid have shown that
tarians and non-vegetarians show that vegetarian diets conversion of this fatty acid to EPA and DHA can occur in
generally provide relatively large amounts of cereals, human subjects but that the rate of conversion is low in
pulses, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Together with the differ- females and very low in males (Williams & Burdge, 2006).
ences in intakes of animal foods, these differences in food Vegetarian diets are usually rich in linoleic acid, which
intake result in several characteristic differences in nutrient may reduce the conversion of a-linolenic acid to EPA
intake. Vegetarian diets are usually rich in carbohydrates, and DHA (Davis & Kris-Etherton, 2003), but there is no
n-6 fatty acids, dietary fibre, carotenoids, folic acid, vita- direct evidence that plasma levels of EPA and DHA in
min C, vitamin E and Mg, and relatively low in protein, vegetarians can be substantially increased by following a
saturated fat, long-chain n-3 fatty acids, retinol, vitamin diet low in linoleic acid and high in a-linolenic acid.
B12 and Zn; vegans can have particularly low intakes of It is unknown whether the low levels of EPA and DHA
vitamin B12 and low intakes of Ca (e.g. data from EPIC- in the plasma of vegetarians have effects on health. In a
Oxford; Davey et al. 2003). small uncontrolled trial in which supplements of EPA and
These differences in nutrient intake might have favour- DHA were given to ten vegetarians Mezzano et al. (2000)
able or unfavourable effects on the nutritional status and observed an increase in the plasma levels of these fatty
health of vegetarians. Current knowledge of nutrition sug- acids and a reduction in platelet aggregation, a possible
gests that the relatively high intakes of dietary fibre, folic risk factor for CVD, but more research is needed to explore
acid, vitamin C, vitamin E and Mg and low intake of this possible effect.
saturated fat might all have benefits. In particular, vege-
tarians are more likely than non-vegetarians to reach the
Vitamin B12
UK Department of Health (1991) targets for fruit and
vegetables and the dietary reference values for saturated Food plants do not contain vitamin B12; therefore, the only
fatty acids of 10% total energy and NSP of 18 g/d. For reliable sources of vitamin B12 for vegetarians are dairy
example, mean saturated fat intakes expressed as percen- products and eggs, fortified foods and dietary supplements
tage energy are estimated as 10.7 and 10.4 in male and (Herbert, 1988; Dagnelie et al. 1991). It has been claimed
female meat-eaters, 9.4 and 9.3 in male and female vege- that some plant foods such as seaweed and tempeh might
tarians and 5.0 and 5.1 in male and female vegans (Davey provide true vitamin B12, but this claim has not been
et al. 2003). For NSP, mean intakes (g/d) are 18.7 and 18.9 established and much or all the material in these foods
in male and female meat-eaters, 22.7 and 21.8 in male and that is detected by assays for vitamin B12 may be vitamin
female vegetarians, and 27.7 and 26.4 in male and female B12 analogues that are either inactive or may antagonize
vegans (Davey et al. 2003). true vitamin B12 (Dagnelie et al. 1991; Dagnelie, 1997).
The impact on health of the relatively high intakes Early studies of vitamin B12 status in vegetarians have
of carbohydrates and n-6 fatty acids and relatively low shown that, as would be expected, dietary intake and
intakes of protein, retinol and Zn in vegetarians is unclear; plasma concentrations are lower than those in meat-eaters
mean intakes of these nutrients in vegetarians are probably (Armstrong et al. 1974; Sanders et al. 1978b). Clinical
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Plant foods and public health 37
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Plant foods and public health 39
Vegetarian athletes prostate, but there are no data on the risk for these cancers
in vegans; the only data on cancer risk are for vegetarians,
The question of whether vegetarianism is associated with
mostly lacto-vegetarians, who do not have reduced levels
beneficial or detrimental effects on athletic performance
of insulin-like growth factor-I. Vegetarians have low levels
has been investigated in some observational studies and
of long-chain n-3 fatty acids and often have low levels of
a few small trials (Nieman, 1999; Barr & Rideout, 2004).
vitamin B12 and raised levels of homocysteine; more
In general, there is little evidence that athletic performance
research on the health effects of these differences is
differs much between vegetarians and non-vegetarians,
needed. Overall, the health of vegetarians appears to be
as long as the diet is nutritionally adequate, but more data
good, but as with all dietary patterns care is needed to
are needed. Particular care needs to be taken to ensure
ensure that the diet is as nutritious and well-balanced as
adequate Fe status, and there is some evidence that the
possible according to current understanding.
lower muscle creatine concentration in vegetarians may
reduce supramaximal exercise performance (Barr &
Rideout, 2004).
Allen NE, Appleby PN, Davey GK, Kaaks R, Rinaldi S & Key TJ
Total mortality (2002) The associations of diet with serum insulin-like
growth factor I and its main binding proteins in 292 women
Total mortality appears to be similar in vegetarians and meat-eaters, vegetarians, and vegans. Cancer Epidemiology,
comparable non-vegetarians; in the pooled analysis of five Biomarkers & Prevention 11, 1441–1448.
prospective studies the death rate ratio in vegetarians Allen NE, Appleby PN, Davey GK & Key TJ (2000) Hormones
compared with non-vegetarians is 0.95 (95 % CI 0.82, 1.11; and diet: low insulin-like growth factor-I but normal bioavail-
Key et al. 1999b), and a subsequent analysis in EPIC- able androgens in vegan men. British Journal of Cancer 83,
Oxford shows a death rate ratio of 1.05 (95 % CI 0.86,
American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada (2003)
1.27; Key et al. 2003). Calculation of the standardized Position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians
mortality ratio in the three UK cohorts shows that mortality of Canada: Vegetarian diets. Journal of the American Dietetic
in the vegetarians is much lower than that in the general Association 103, 748–765.
population of England and Wales, with standardized Antony AC (2003) Vegetarianism and vitamin B-12 (cobalamin)
mortality ratios (mortality rates expressed as a proportion deficiency. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 78, 3–6.
of the national mortality rates, allowing for the effect of Appleby PN, Davey GK & Key TJ (2002) Hypertension and
age; %) of 59 (95 % CI 55, 63), 51 (95 % CI 47, 56) and 40 blood pressure among meat eaters, fish eaters, vegetarians
(95 % CI 35, 45) in the Health Food Shoppers study, the and vegans in EPIC-Oxford. Public Health Nutrition 5,
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(Key et al. 2003). Low standardized mortality ratios are
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studies to allow more than broad conclusions about the Lifestyle determinants and mortality in German vegetarians
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