Master Project Quality Plan J80-1501
Master Project Quality Plan J80-1501
Master Project Quality Plan J80-1501
Approval Sheet
List of Acronyms
BI Budget Item
CAR Corrective Action Report
TOD Terminal Operations Department
EDR Equipment Deficiency Report
ERA Expenditure Request Approval
GI General Instruction
ID Inspection Department
IFP Invitation For Proposal
ITP Inspection and Test Plan
LSTK Lump Sum Turn-Key
MPQP Master Project Quality Plan
NCR Non-Conformance Report
MSAE Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
NMR Requirements
Non-Material Requirements
PID Project Inspection Division
PM Project Manager
PP Project Proposal
NAPD Northern Area Projects Department
PQI Project Quality Performance Indices
PQM Project Quality Manager
PQP Project Quality Plan
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
QMIS Quality Management Information System
SAEP Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure
SAES Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards
SAIR Saudi Aramco Inspection Representative
SAMSS Saudi Aramco Materials Specification
SAPMT Standards
Saudi Aramco Project Management Team
VID Vendors Inspection Division
Table of Content
1 SCOPE 17
1.1 GENERAL...................................................................................................................... 17
Continual improve the whole system to exceed التحسين) المستمر للنظام حتى
customers’ expectations through measurement/ تجاوز توقعات العمالء عن
طريق القياس و المقارنة و
comparison and taking necessary corrective
)اتخاذ االجراءات) التصحيحية
activities accordingly. المناسبة والضرورية
Precise implementation of the ISO 9001: 2008 تنفيذ نظام ادارة الجودة ايزو
Quality Management System. بدقة2008:9001
Improving welfare & safety of the employees. تحسين مستوى راحة و سالمة
Quality Objective
1 Scope
This Quality Plan is to establish the scope to be perform by BESCO pursuant to the
CONTRACT and describes or references the applicable drawings, standards and
specifications, as well as the administrative, procedural and technical requirements that
BESCO shall satisfy or adhere to in the performance of the work.
1.1 General
BESCO shall, in accordance with and subject to the terms & conditions of the Contract,
perform all operations, works, services and other related activities required and
necessary for the timely and satisfactory completion of supplying, Fabricating,
Galvanizing and delivering of the Steel Structure to Site.
The new Pipe Rack has been design for Hydrocracker Gas Scrubber in critical
combinations and locations.
1.4 Application
This quality plan applies to all Works and personnel directly related to the Project.
2. References
3.1.1 For the purpose of this quality plan, the general quality terms and
definitions given in the international standards ISO 9000 apply.
3.1.2 List of acronyms used in this document is given in the preceding pages of the
Quality Plan.
4.2.1 General This PQP complies, as applicable, with the requirements of ISO-9001-2008
“Quality Management Systems - Requirements” and SAEP-1154 “Guidelines for
Contractor’s Quality Plan”.
5 Management Responsibility
5.4 Planning Project Engineer quality responsibilities will include but not limited to: Implementation of the PQP. Ensure along with the Inspection Representative(s) that the Contractor(s),
sub-contractors and vendors implement project quality requirements in
accordance with the Contract. Ensure the review and approval of the QA/QC personnel by the Inspection
Representative(s). Ensure that a Project Management member acknowledges all QMIS latest
Version shall be used to record Project Quality Issues, PM Member provides
response to QMIS entries in the system in timely manner Resolve all deviations identified by Inspection Representatives with the VID
and address all open issues in regular Project Management/Contractor
meetings. Control of design review and changes. Control of all technical information received from, and issued to, other
departments, contractor(s), sub-contractors and vendors Shall have SAP role to process tasks for NCR/WS if any. Shall attend weekly Quality meeting along with Inspection. Track status of all issued Non-conformance Reports/Worksheets. Obtain Inspection Representative’s concurrence prior to the NCR closeout. Initiate Lesson Learned Implementation workshop at the early stage of
project. Shall take lead to clarify any conflicts if any, raised against the requirements
of ID during project execution with CSD and as per SAEP-302. Shall utilize SAP for Quality Transmittals to Inspection Department which
require Inspection review & approval in order to reduce hard copy transmittal. Project Engineer responsibilities will include but not limited to: Implementation of the PQP. Control of design review and changes. Control of all technical information received from, and issued to, other
departments, contractors or vendors. Inspect construction work and initial with dates all QMIS entries. (Response
time shall be 24 hours.) Ensure technical compliance. Maintain contact with other organizations within the Company for technical
issues related to the project. Review material specifications, purchase requisitions and purchase orders. Provide alternatives/suggestion to improve project quality, schedule and
cost. Provide awareness / training required for utilizing SAP workflow to PMT for
Quality Transmittals. The advantages of utilizing SAP are
Standardize & control Submittals Process
Maintain permanent record in SAP
Easy tracking / retrievable / utilizing
Utilizing workflow system
Easy to monitor quality status
Globally accessible
Reduce paperwork Prepare NCR for issuance by SAPMT. Promote and build awareness of the project quality requirements. Arrange for focused assessments of specific work elements to ensure that
the project quality activities and processes are effective. Participate in the mechanical acceptance activities per the guidelines of GI-
2.710. Track and maintain quality records related to the project.
5.6.1 General Formal management review for Install Hydrocracker Gas Scrubber project will be
scheduled and conducted during Design and Procurement Phase. PM will maintain the schedule and the records from the management reviews. Within three weeks before the review due date, PM will call for the
management review and finalize the exact date of the review. Management review participants shall include the following management
personnel or their delegates:
SAPD Manager
Inspection Department Manager
PID Superintendent
VID Superintendent
SAPMT Project Manager
Proponent Representative
Sr. Project Engineer
Project Quality Manager
Contractor and main subcontractor project managers
Contractor and subcontractor QA/QC managers
6 Resource Management
6.1Provision of Resources
6.1.1 PM will determine and arrange for the resources needed for the effective
execution of the project.
6.1.2 PQM will determine and arrange for inspection resources to ensure the
effectiveness of the project quality management system and its processes.
6.3 Infrastructure
6.3.1 Project Management will determine, provide, and maintain the
infrastructure needed during the execution of the project for all personnel fully
assigned to the project including Inspection Department personnel.
6.3.2 Infrastructure includes workspace and associated utilities, work equipment
and tools such as computers, copy machines, fax machines and stationeries, and
supporting services such as communications.
7 Product Realization
7.1.2 This quality plan identifies the quality objectives of the project. (refer to
section 5.4.1)
7.1.3 Specific required verification, validation, monitoring, inspection, and test
activities would be developed by the Contractor and reviewed by the project team
against the various Saudi Aramco requirements as parts of the Contractor’s quality
management system.
7.2Customer-related Processes
7.2.1 Not applicable. PM will ensure that the Contractor is maintaining records of the verification
7.4 Purchasing PQM or his representative shall ensure that the Contractor provides
continuous monitoring of those processes that require such needs and their
compliance with documented procedures. PQM or his representative shall ensure that the Contractor and its Sub-
Contractors implement suitable Preventive Maintenance of fabrication/installation
equipment. PQM or his representative shall ensure that all special processes are
performed by qualified personnel using approved written procedures and controlled
equipment. All process parameters shall be identified with acceptance criteria
specified and monitored.
8.1.1 Project team will plan and implement monitoring and measurement processes to
demonstrate conformity of the project, ensure the implementation of this quality
plan, and to continually improve the effectiveness of the project quality system. This
will include the quality audits and continuous monitoring of the project indices and
objective measures.
8.1.2 PM and PQM will ensure in maintaining a program for measurement, analysis, and
improvement of his own quality system.
8.3.2 The Inspection Representative shall document any violation to the Contract
requirements, with a copy to the PQM. He shall initiate NCR’s as required and
forward them to the Project Management Representative for issuance to the
contractor in accordance with GI400.001, SAEP-352, 12-SAMSS-007, 12-SAMSS-008,
SAES-H-001 and SAEP-1150.
8.3.3 When the Inspection Representative has generated a valid and agreed NCR that
was not issued by Project Management to the contractor as per SAEP-381 the
Project Quality Manager shall issue a Work Sheet to the Project Management
8.3.4 Project Manager or his representative shall ensure that all non-confirming
materials are quarantined and not used for the project until one of the following
acceptable resolution is achieved:
The non-conformance is waived as per SAEP-302.
The non-conformance is corrected to meet COMPANY requirements.
The non-conformance is scraped and replaced with new materials that meet
COMPANY requirements.
8.3.5 PQM or his representative(s) shall ensure that the Contractor’s quality plan
procedure and implementation for the control of non-conformance are in
accordance with Schedule “Q”.
Measurement Frequency
Performance Index (PQI): Monthly
EDRs Monthly
NCRs Weekly & Monthly
Weld Rejection Rate Weekly
Repeat Violations Weekly & Monthly
Final Inspection Acceptance Rate Monthly
Response to E-log entries Weekly
RTFI disagreement Weekly
NDT backlog Weekly
8.4.3 BESCO shall prepare and submit a monthly quality management report in a format
acceptable to Saudi Aramco to demonstrate effective implementation of the
Quality System. BESCO monthly quality management report shall include all items
specified in Paragraph 7.7 of Schedule “Q” with a summary of findings.
8.4.4 The Inspection Representative shall provide Quality Status Reports to the Project
Management Representative and PQM. These reports shall highlight deviations
from the contract, MSAERs, Project Specifications or BESCO Quality Plans. The
PQM through the ID Manager will also report specific areas of concern to
Proponent, Project Management and ES Executive Management in accordance with
8.5 Improvement The project and Team shall achieve established objective and continually set
challenging targets on potential improvement and/or weaknesses areas.