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AM) FEU, /)n-n-[Y _,IXI'-) W0jRSMIFT>EI> HIM.
Mat. c-Iiap. il. verfe 1!

("/l.\lt/JCy/'OU\\~: (^.ii.wiir.ikrr.s-j Ti i-.i.ism i. i-.v ,s'. ETHFAUDGE.

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Old and New Testaments *


Cranflateb out of tfje ©rigmal tongues,
By the special Command of King JAMES I. of ENGLAND.


At jj





Ci)ade0tOfom, (Massachusetts,)

Printed by and for SAMUEL ETHERIi~E .



E. LARKIN ; and J. WEST, boston.

i 1803, \

The Names and Order of all the Books, of the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS, with
the Number of their Chapters*

The Books of the OLD TESTAMENT

GENESIS hath Chapters - - 50 II. Chronicles hath Chapters - - 36 Daniel hath Chapters - - - 12
Exodus 40 Ezra --------- 10 Hofea -----..__

Leviticus --------27 Nehemiah --------13 Joel -- __ 3
Numbers ------- 36 Either --------- 10 Amos ---;-.._.. f>

Deuteronomy 34 Job -...--..- 42 'Obadiah i

Jofhua 24 Pfalms 150 Jonah - . 4

Judges 21 Proverbs - - 31/ Micah -------_. 7
Ruth 4 Ecclefiaftes------- 12 Nahum
I. Samuel ............ .31 The Song Solomon
of - - - - 8 Habakkuk ----.._ 33
II. Samuel 24 Ifaiah --------- 66 Zephaniah -

I. Kings -------- 22 Jeremiah 52 Haggai ----.._. 23

II. Kings - - 25 Lamentations ------- 5 Zechariah ------..14
I. Chronicles - 29 Ezekiel - - 48 Malachi -.-.4

The Books called APOCRTP

I. "p SDRAS hath Chapters - - 9 Wifdom hath Chapters - - The Story of Sufannah.
-*-« II. Efdras 16 Ecclefialticus The Idol Bel and the Dragon.
Tobit 14 Baruch, with the Epiitle of 1 The Prayer of Manaffes.
Judith 16 Jeremiah S/ I. Maccabees 16
The reft of Either ----- 6 The Song of the three Child/". II. Maccabees - - . . .

The Books of the NE WfE ST A ME NT

MATTHEW hath Chapters - 28 Ephefians hath C 6
To the Hebrews hath Chapters ,
Mark - - 16 Philippians The Epiitle of James - - .
Luke - - - 24 Coloffians . 4 I. Peter
John - - - - 21 I. Theffaloni; 5 II. Peter
TheAas -------- 28 II. TheffaloP^ 3 I. John ,

The Epiitle to the Romans - - 16 I. Timoth 6 II. John .... "

I. Corinthians 16 II. Timo# 4 III. John

II. Corinthians 13 Titus 3 Jude -

Galatians - .-„... .6 Philer/n
fa 1 Revelation --..._ 2S

JLHE increafing demand for the Holy Scriptures in our own country, nofwithffanding the

lingular and combined efforts of infidels to defray their credit and influence, is afacl which muff greatly
comfort and encourage the hearts of the friends of Chriffianity. Befde many thoufands of Biblesy

of the feveral flzes, which are annually imported, many large editions have been printed andfold in the
United States within the laff twelve years. This call for the Bible induced the Editor to undertake

the quarto edition of it, which he now offers to the public. He is not difpofed to magnify or eulogize
his own labours. It, is obvioufy an expenfve undertaking. He leaves it to the patrons of Ajnerican
literature to judge of the comparative merits of his edition, of the neatnefs and accuracy of its execution
and hopes, that in thefe rejpecls, they willfind it inferior to none of the American editions, which have
preceded it. Iff-, he is fur e ofpublic patronage. He will only fay, he has moff affiduonfly endeavoured

to deferve it.

Charlestown, Sept. 15, 1803",


X O the collection of facred writings, or holy Scriptures, of the Chaldee characters, and that the old Hebrew character is retained only by the
Old and New Teftament, Chriftians have given the name BIBLE, or The Book, Samaritans.

becaufe it is infinitely fuperior in value to all other books. It is the founda- The New Testament contains thofe infpired books which were written
tion both of the Jewifh and Chriftian Religion, though the Jews acknowledge by the Apoftles of our Lord after his afcenfion into heaven. This part of the
fcriptures of the Old Teftament, which were collected, reviled, and facred volume is ftiled the Netv Covenant, (as the original word ought ftrictly

1 by Ezra. He divided them into three parts, viz. to be rendered) becaufe it contains the " terms of the New Covenant between
T,aiv, con-aining Genefis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuter- God and man," or New Testament, becaufe in it the Chriftian's inheritance
is i'ealed to him as a fon and heir of God, and the death of Chrift as a Teftator
Pro. , containing Jofhua, Judges, with Ruth, Samuel, Kings, is related at large, and applied to the benefit of believers. This title implies
Ifaiah, Jeremiah, with his- Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, the twelve minor that in the Gofpel unfpeakable gifts are bequeathed to us, antecedent to all
prophets, Job, Ezra, Nehemiah, 2nd Either. conditions required of us.

III. The Hagiographia, or Holy Writings, under which name he included the The books of the New Teftament have been all transmitted to us in the
Pfalms, the Proverbs, Ecclcfiaftes, and the Song of Solomon ; making the whole Greek language, which at the time they were written, was the mo ft univerfal
number of books 22, equal to the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet. language. They may be divided into three claffes, Hiftorical, Epiftolary, and
The five books of the law are divided into 54 fections, one to be read every Prophetical. The chronological order of the biftorhal books, with the places
fabbathday in the year. The number was 54, becaufe in their intercalated where and times when written, according to Michaelis and other eminent
years, a month being added, there were 54 fabbaths. In other years, two critics who have conlidered the fubjeet, is as follows :

fhort fections were united, twice in a year, to reduce the number to 52. Books. Places. A.D.
The Scriptures were divided into fections, defignated by the letters of the St. Matthew, Jxjdea, or near it, 61 According to Dr. Lardner it

alphabet,A, B, C, &c. by Cardinal Hugo, who flourifhed about the year of, In Hebrew, for the ufe of was written in Greek, A.D. 64.
Our Lord 1*40. He wrote a comment on the Scriptures and compiled the the Hebrews.
firft Concordance. Afterwards, in 1445, Mordecai Nathan, a Jewifli rabbi, St. Mark, Rome, 61 Dr. Lardner fays, AD. 64.
improved this ufeful invention, and divided the Bible into chapters and verfes For the ul'e of the Romans, who
as they now ftand. underftood not Hebrew, or
Several books are cited in the Old Teftament which are now loft. Thefe are rather for Chriftians at large.
the book of Jajbcr, or the Righteous, referred to in Jofhua x. 13, and 2 Samuel St. Luke, Alexandria, or Corinth,* 630^4. This Gofpel, with the Acli
i. 18 ; the book of the Wars of the Lord, Numbers xxi. 14 ; the annals of the For the ufe of the Gentile of the ApoftIes,wcrcIii ft published
kings of Ifrael, fo frequently alluded to in the books of the Chronicles and Chriftians in Egypt, in Greece, according to Dr. Lard-
Kings. The authors of thefe annals were the prophets, who lived in the Greece, &c. ner.
kingdoms of Judah and Ifrael. A part only of Solomon's 3000 proverbs, and St. John, Ephesus, 69 Dr. Mill fays A.D. 97 not long
1005 fongs (1 Kings iv. 32) have been handed down to modern times, and we To refute the errors of Co- before his death.
have entirely loft the natural hiftory of plants, animals, birds, fifties, and rep- rinthus and the Gnoftics.
tiles, written by this wifeft of men. ! The Acts, by St. Luke, Alexandria, 630x64
Learned men are of the opinion that Ezra published the Scriptures in the For the ufe of all Chriftian churches,
* According to Dr. Owen.
Dr. Owen* Matthew wrote his Gofpel for the The New Teftament was .tranflated by William Tind al, affiited by Mint
is of the opinion that St.
ufe of the churches at Paleftine, then compofed of Jewifh converts, and adapted Coverdale, and printed in 1526, and in 1530 it was revifed and publifhed
it to the condition of the times, and the nature of their circumftances. by the fame author. This was the firft printed Bible in the Englifh language.
" When the Gentiles were admitted into the Chriftian Church, St. Luke, After the death of Tindal, Coverdale and John Rogers, minifter of an

as the exigence of their ftate required, ftrengthened their faith by another Englifh church in Germany, and the firft martyr in the reign of Queen Marv,
Gofpel, accommodated to their fpecial ufe. carefully revifed Tinpal's tranflation, compared it with the originals, added
" And when the invidious diftinction between Jew and Gentile had well the Apocrypha, dedicated it to Henry VIII, in 1537, under the borrowed
nigh ceafed, St- Mark, wifely rejecting the many peculiarities of thefe two name of Thomas Matthews, (whence it is called Matthews' Bible) and print-
ed it at Hamburgh, and by favour of Archbifhop Cranmer, and Bifhops Lat-
Gofpels, compiled a third out of their mofl important contents, for the benefit
and inftruction of chriftians at large. imer and Shaxton, obtained licenfe to publifh it in England.
" And afterwards, when the church was infefted by heretics, St. John un- The firft Bible printed by authority in England, was the verfion above men-
dertook to confute their -errors from the life and converfation of Chrift, which tioned, ftill further examined and amended, by Coverdale, and Archbifhop

produced the laft of thefe Gofpels ; and afforded the Author an opportunity of Cranmer, who added a preface, and after him called Cranmer's Bible. It was
relating feveral remarkable things which had been omitted by his predeceffors. printed in a large folio volume, in 1540, and by royal proclamation, every
" Thefe four Gofpels form one complete Syjlem of Divinity, and if read in the parifh was to be furnifhed with a copy in its church, under penalty of 40

order abovementioncd, we fnall find them improving on one another, and yet {hillings a month. Through the influence of the papifh priefts with the king,

al! confpiring to one end, to a perfect reprefentation of revealed religion. however, its fuppreffion was ordered two years after.

Each of the authors confulted the writings of his predeceffors ; and either by A new Englifh tranflation made by a number of Englifh exiles,
of the Bible,

the addition of facts, explanation of terms, or confirmation of doctrine, con- in Queen Mary's reign, (among whom were Coverdale and John Knox)
tributed fomething to the common flock, and the general inftruction of chrift- was printed at Geneva, in 1560, and called the Geneva Bible. It contained the
ians. They likewife quoted each other's words, and thereby recommended variations of readings, marginal annotations, &c. on which account it was
each other's hiltories ; by which means they became not only mutual vouchers highly valued by the puritans in that and the following reigns.
for the truth of thefe genuine Gofpels, but at the fame time joint oppofers of The Bijhop's Bible, afterwards called the Great Englijb Bible, is a tranflation

all thofe fpurious ones -that -were impioufly obtruded upon the world. St. made by Archbifhop Parker, by other learned men, and publifhed

Luke, by his quotations referred his readers to the Gofpel of St. Matthew. in a large folio volume with annotations, by the fame perfons, in 1568. This
St. Mark again referred to both the former. And all three were approved tranflation was ufed in churches for 40 years, though the Geneva Bible was
bv St. John, and appointed to be read in churches. Afterwards, when he more read in private families, having pafled through 30 editions in as many
wrote his own, it was ufhered into the world, with the knowledge, approba- years.
tion, and perhaps teftimony, of all the Afiatic Bifhops."f Thus was the whole All thefe tranflations were difliked by King James, who, in 1603, held a
.evangelical hiftory finally clofed, and the Canon of Scripture eftabliflied on conference on the fubject, at Hampton court, the refult of which was an order
the firmed ground and moft venerable authority. from the king for a new one, " not," as the preface expreffes it, " for a tranfla-

A TABLE of the Fourteen Epistles, written by St. Paul, with the places tion altogether new, nor yet to make a bad one a good one, but to make a good
where, and times when written, according to Dr. Lardner. one better, or of many good ones, one beft." Accordingly, in 1604, the king
Epijlles. Placet. A.D. appointed 54 learned men, to undertake the accomplifhment of the defign.
% Thessalonians, Corinth, 52. Three years elapfed before theyentered on the bufinefs. At this period (1607)
a Thessalonians, .Corinth, 52 47, of the 54, (the others, having deceafed or declined the office) formed thenv
„ . C Corinth, or near the end of ca felves into fix divifions, engaged in executing the bufinefs affigned them. Their
or i_beginning 01r
• •

£ Jcphesus, 5$ work was publifhed in 1613, with a dedication to King James, and a learned
I Corinthians, Ephesus, the beginning of 53 preface, and is commonly called, King Jamc? Bible. This fuperfeded all former
1 Timothy, Macedonia, 56 verfions, which foon fell into difufe, and is the one now univerfally ufed in all
Titus, Macedonia, or near it, before the end of 56
chriftian countries where the Englifh language is fpoken.
a Corinthians^ Macedonia, about October, 57 To this verfion of the holy Scriptures, the learned and judicious Selden,
Romans, Corinth, about February, 58 gives the following teftimony " The Englifh tranflation of the Bible
: is the
Ephesians, Rome, about April, 61 and renders the
beft tranflation in the world, fenfe of the original beft, taking
2 Timothy, Rome, about May, 61 in for the Englifh tranflation, the Bifhop's Bible, as well as King James'. The
Philippians, Rome, before the end of 62
tranflators in King James' time took an excellent way. That part of the Bible
Colossians, Rome, before the end of 62
was given to him who was moft excellent in fuch a tongue, and then they met
Philemon, Rome, before the end of 62 together, and one read the tranflation, the reft holding in their hands fome
Hebrews, Rome, or Italy, in the fpring of 63 Bible, either of the learned tongues, or French, Spanifh, Italian, &c. If they
A TABLE of the Catholic E-pistles, (as they are ftyled) and the Reve-
found any fault, they fpoke ; if not, he read on."
lation, according to Dr. Lardner,
The verfion of the Bible, of which we are fpeaking, has been in ufe almoft
Epiflc. Place. A.D. 200 years, and though not without its defects, is indeed highly excellent, being
James, Judea, 61 or beginning of 6a in its doctrines incorrupt, and in its general conftruction, faithful to the orig-
The two Epiftles of Peter, Rome, 64 inal. The few paffages which have been found incorrectly tranflated, have
1 John, Ephesus, about 80 .
been fatisfactorily explained by judicious commentators, fo that no one, who
a and 3 of John, Ephesus, between 80 and 90 fincerely wifhes to know the truth, need now be milled in his conceptions.
Jude, Unknown, 64 or 6j Should a new tranflation of the Scriptures be undertaken, (which we hope
Revelation, Patmos, or Ephesus, 95 or 96 may be done, if ever, by the concurrent voice of that portion of Chriftendom,
The Bible has been tranflated into a great variety of languages, which it
who fpeak the Englifh language) the tranflators will undoubtedly be deiirous
would be ufelefs here to enumerate. With great labour it was tranflated into
of adhering as nearly as poffible to the prefent verfion, and of adopting, where
the Indian language, by the apoftolic John Eliot, minifter of Roxbury, in they can, a conftruction familiarized by long ufe, and endeared by habitual
Maflachufetts, and published at Cambridge, (England) in 4to. in 1685.
reverence. The ftyle of the Bible has long been confidered as a ftandard of
The firft Englijb tranflation of the Bible was made by John Wickliffe,
the Englifh language, and has contributed, more than any other fingle caufe,
about the year 1360, but never printed. MS. copies of it are preferved in
to the prefervation of its purity. Its peculiar harmony and excellence can
many public libraries. About the year 1390 J. de Trevisa is faid to have never be improved by any changes that modern refinement might fubftitute.*
tranflated the whole Bible, but no copies of his MS. have be«n preferved.
* ice hi s oLifcrvatiuT sn
* See Grey's Key tg O. Teit. Ir.trod.
tiie focrGufpelj, 8vo. 1764, t Dr. Owen.
; 1

The Firft Book of MOSES,

Year before the ,
-common Year ? 4004
Julian Period
Cycle of the Sun



20 If And God
abundantly the moving creature that hath
II f
faid, *
life, and
Let the waters bring forth CHRIST
Dominical Letter
Cycle of the Moon
Creation from Tisri

1 The creation of heaven and earth ; 3 of the light; fowl that may fly above the earth in the t open fir- Esdras
6 of the firmament. 9 The earth separatedfrom mament of heaven. fi47-
the waters, and made fruitful. 14 The creation of 2 And God created great whales, and every living ing.
Or, creep- [I

the sun, moon, and stars ; 20 offish and fowl creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth tHeb.
t Heb. sou!.

24 of beasts and cattle ; 26 of man in the image abundantly after their kind, and every winged fowl face of the
firmament of
of God. 29 The appointment offood. after his kind and God faw that it was good. heaven.

h h Chap. 8
a Psalms 33
the beginning God created the heaven and 22 Arid God bleffed them, faying, Be fruitful, 17, &91.
6, &
AdYs 1415,
& 17 24.
1 36 5.
IN the earth. and multiply, and fill the waters in the feas, and let
Keb. ii 3. 2 And the earth was without form, and void fowl multiply in the earth. ;

and darknefs ivas upon the face of the deep and the 23 And the evening and the morning were the

Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. fifth day.
b 2 Cor. 4 6. 3 II And Godfaid, b Let there be light and there 24 If And God faid, Let the earth bring forth the liv-

was light. ing creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing,
4 And God faw the light, that it ivas good ; and and beaft of the earth after his kind and it was fo. :

t Heb. be-
tiu'en the
God divided t the light from the darknefs. 25 And God made the beaft of the earth after his
light and 5 And God called the light Day, and the darknefs kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that
between the
darkness. he called Night, t And the evening and the morn- creepeth upon the earth after his kind and God faw :

t Heb. And
the evening ing were the firft day, that it ivas good.
was, and tlie
morning was, 6 And God {'aid,
Let there be a t firmament in
26 If And God faid,
Let us make man in our 8c 9 Wis.
; 5 t, i
I 23. Cor.
cPs3lm 136
the midft of the waters, and let it divide the waters image, after our likenefs and let them have dominion ;
7. Eph. 4 I I

5. Jer. 10 12, from the waters. over the fiih of the fea, and over the fowl ofthe air, and 24. Col. 3 to.
& 51 15.
t Heb. expan- 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
waters which ivere under the firmament from the wa- creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
ters which were above the firmament and it was fo. : 27 So God created man in his own image in the ;

8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And image of God created he him k male and female kMat. 194. :

the evening and the morning were the fecond day. created he them.
d Job 38 8.
Psnlm337, 9 If And God faid, d Let the waters under the 28 And God bleffed them and God faid unto ;

&136 6. heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenifh the Chap. 9
' 1 1.

the dry land appear and it was fo. : earth, and fubdue it and have dominion over the filh

10 And God called the dry land Earth and the : of the fea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every
gathering together of the waters called he Seas tHeb.
and : living thing that f moveth upon the earth. creepeth.
God faw that it was good. 29 If And God faid, Behold, I have given you every
t Heb. tender
[ran. 11 And God faid, Let the earth bring forth t grafs, Heb.
herb t bearing feed, which is upon the face of all the ting seed.seed-
the herb yielding feed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree
after his kind, whofe feed is in itfelf, upon the earth : yielding feed m to you it fhall be for meat.
m Chap. 9 3.
and it was fo. 50 And to every beaft of the earth, and to every
12 And the earth brought forth grafs, and herb,
_ fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon
yielding feed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, t Heb. a
the earth, wherein there is t life, I have given eveiy living sctil.

whofe feed was in itfelf, after his kind and God faw : green herb for meat : and it was fo.
that it was good. 31 And " God faw every thing that he had made, n Ecclus.
39 > 6-
13 And the evening and the morning were the and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and
third day. the morning were the lixth day.
«Deur. 4 19.
14 And God faid, Let there be e lights in the fir-
t Heb.
tween the
1 56 7.
of the heaven, to divide t the day from the CHAP. II.

day and be- night and let them be for ligns, and for feafbns, and
1 The first sabbath. 4 The manner of the creation.
tween the
night. for days, and years : 8 The planting of the garden of Eden, 10 and the
15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of river thereof. 15 Man placed in Eden, and the
the heaven to give light upon the earth and it was fo. :
tree of knowledge only forbidden. 19 The flaming
16 And God made two great lights the greater ;
of the creatures. 21 The making of woman and
the rule of light t to rule the day, and the leffer light to rule the institution of marriage.
the day.
night he made the ftars alio.

17 And God fet them in the firmament of the

THUS the heavens and the earth were finifhed,
and all the hoft of them.
heaven to give light upon the earth, 2 a And on the feventh day God ended his work »s*»d.
f Jcr. 31 35.
18 And to f rule over the day and over the night, & 31 17. 1.
which he had made and he refted on the feventh day Dmt.5. '4-

and to divide the light from the darknefs and God Heb
Heb. 4 4.
; from all his work which he had made. "

faw that it was good. 3 And God bleffed the feventh day, and fan&ified
19 And the evening and the morning were the it ; becaufe that in it he had refted from all his work
fourth day. which God t created and made. 13»2Si
B 4 If Thefe
; . : ;;

The institution of marriage. GENESIS. The punishment of mankind.

CHRIST 4 If Thefe are the generations of the heavens CHAP. III.
4004. and of the earth when they were created in the ; The serpent deceiveth Eve. 6 Man's miserable 4004.

day that the Lord God made die earth and the fall. 9 God arraigneth them. 14 The serpent
heavens, cursed ; 15 the promised, seed. 16 The punish-
5 And every plant of the field before it was in the ment of mankind: 21 their first clothing : 22 their
earth, and every herb of the field before it grew ; for casting out of paradise.
the Lord God had not caufed it to rain upon the OW the ferpent was more fubtile than any beaft
earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. of the field which the Lord God had made.
t Heb.Tea,
Or, a mist
which went 6 But there went up a mill from the earth, and ||
And he faid unto the woman, t Yea, hath God faid, because, &c>
upfront, ire. watered the whole
face of the ground. Ye fhall not eat of every tree of the garden I
trie ground. -
7 And the Lord God formed man nt of the h dull of • -1
2 And the woman faid unto the ferpent, We
17 me
-'- and breathed into hisnoltnls the breath
1 1 1 i 1 1
eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden :
c cor. 4 45. of lite
1 and c man became a living foul. ; 3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midft
8 If A nd the Lord God planted a garden eaft ward in of the garden,. God hath faid, ye fhall not eat of it,
Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed. ; neither fhall ye touch it, left ye die.
9 And out of the ground made the Lord God to 4 a And the ferpent faid unto the woman,. Ye a
Cor. 11 3.
2 14.
grow every tree that is pleafant to the fight, and good fhall not furely die :
for food the tree of life alfo in the midft of the garden, : 5 For God doth know, that in the day ye eat
and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. thereof, then your eyes fhall be opened, and ye fhall
10 Tl And a river went out of Eden to water the be as gods, knowing good and evil.
garden and from thence it was parted, and became ; 6 If And when the woman faw that the tree %vas
into four heads. good for food, and that it was t pleafant to the eyes, tdesire.
Heb. a
d Cecil 24
The name of the firft is d Pifon : that is it which and a tree to be defired to make one wife,, flie took of
b Ecclus.
compafieth the whole land of Havilah, where there is the fruit thereof, b and did eat ; and gave aifo unto 24. Tim.25z 1

gold ; her hufband with her, and he did eat. 14.

12 And the gold of that land is good ; there is 7 And die eyes of them both were opened, and
bdellium and the onyx flone. they knew that they were naked : and they fewed
Or, things
13 And the name of the fecond river is Gihon the : fig leaves together, and made themfelves || aprons. ||

to gird about.
f Ileb. Cash. fame is it that cempaffeth the whole land of t Ethiopia. 8 And they heard the voice of the Lord God
14 And the name of the third river is Hiddekel walking in the garden in the t cool of the day and :
1'Keb. -wind.
|iOr, east-
•ivard to
that is it which goeth toward the eaft of Affyria. || Adam and his wife hid themfelves from the prefence
And the fourth river is Euphrates. of the Lord God amongft the trees of the garden.
Or, Adau
1 And the Lord God took H the man, and put him 9 If And the Lord God called unto Adam, and
into the garden of Eden, to drefs it, and to keep it. faid unto him, Where art thou I
16 And the Lord God commanded the man, fay- 1 And he faid, I heard thy voice in the garden and ,

+ Heb. eating
ing, Of every tree of the garden t thou mayefl freely I was afraid, becaufe I ivas naked and I hid myfelf.
rhtnt shclt
eat 11 And he faid, Who told thee that thou wast
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and naked? Haft thou eaten of the tree whereof I com-
evil, thou (halt not eat of it for in the day that thou : manded thee that thou fliouldeft not eat ?
^Si.eateft thereof t thou ftialt furely die. 12 And the man faid, The woman, whom thou gav-
18 If And the Lord God faid, It is not good that eft to be with me, flie gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
the man fhould be alone I will make him an help : 13 IT And the Lord God faid unto the woman,
' t mCet f° r mm ' What is this that thou haft done ? And the woman
19 And out of the ground the Lord God formed faid, The ferpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
ery beaft of the field, and every fowl of the air, and 14 If And the Lord God faid unto the ferpent,
K or , the mar. brought them unto Adam, to fee what he would call Becaufe thou haft done this, thou art cur&d above all

them and whatfoever Adam called every living

: cattle, and above every beaft of the field : upon thy
creature, that was the name thereof. belly flialt thou go, and duft fhalt thou eat all the
t Hek caih d. 20 And Adam t gave names to all cattle and to the , days of thy life.
fowl of the and to every beaft of the field but
air, : 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the
for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. woman, and between thy feed and her feed it fhall :

21 If And the Lord God caufed a deep fleep to bruife thy head, and thou fhalt bruife his heel.
fall upon Adam, and he flept and he took one of : 16 If Unto the woman he faid, I will greatly multi-
his ribs, and clofed up the nefh inftead thereof. ply thy forrow and thy conception in forrow thou

22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken flialt bring forth children ; and thy defire shall be to II ||
Or, subject
to thy hus-

from man, t made he a woman, and brought her thy hufband, and he fhall c rule over thee. band.
unto the man. 17 And unto Adam he faid, Becaufe thou haft c 1 Cor. 14
23 And Adam faid, This is now bone of my bones, hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and haft eaten
and flefh of my flefli flie fhall be called Woman :
; of the tree of which I commanded thee, faying, Thou
« i cor. n e. becaufe- ihe was e taken out of man. fhalt not eat of it; curfed is the ground for thy fake
r v '.re, 5.
24 f Therefore fhall a man leave his father and in forrow fhalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life :
IVa'k 07.
] Cor. 6 :6. his mother, and fhall cleave unto his wife and they ; 18 Thorns alfo and unfiles fhall it t bring forth to t Heb. caUSt
Eph.53!. to hid.
fhall be one flefli thee ; and thou flialt eat the herb of the field.
25 And they were both naked 3 the man and his 19 In the fweat of thy face fhalt thou eat bread, till
wife, and were not afhamed. thou return unto the ground ; for out of it waft thou
tany i. iauri

Wm (M<i

fi F?.vJifi„V|i. iv, vcrfc 1-, 5.

.. .,,-. in, rs,itts) PlTB£.iSMEO bi- .<?, STUiglTlJAGE.


The curse of Cain, CHAP. IV, V. The birth of Cainan.

taken for dull thou art, and unto dull {halt thou return.
16 And Cain went out from the prefence of the cj^rist
20 And Adam called his wife's name t Eve, be- Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the eaft of || 387.5.

came ihe was die mother of all living. Eden. That is.
n , . ||

21 II Unto Adam alfo, and to his wife, did the Lord 17 II And Cain knew his wife and ihe conceived vagabond.

God make coats of ikins, and clothed them. and bare t Enoch and he builded a city, and called c/,wi.
22 11 And the Lord God faid, Behold, die man is the name of the city after the name of his fon, Enoch.
become as one of us, to know good and evil. And 18 And unto Enoch was born Irad and Irad be- :

now, left he put forth his hand, and take alfo of the gat Mehujael and Mehujael begat Methufael and
: :

t Heb.
tree of life, and eat and live for ever ; Methufael begat t Lamech. Lemeclu
23 Therefore the Lord God fent him forth from 19 IF And Lamech took unto him two wives the :

the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other
he was taken. Zillah.
24 So he drove out the man and he placed at the
: 20 And Adah bare Jabal he was th6 father of fuch :

eaft of the garden of Eden cherubims, and a flaming as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle.
f\\ ord which turned every way, to keep the way of the 21 And his brother's name was Jubal he was the :

tree of life. father of all fuch as handle the harp and organ.
C H A P/ IV. 22 And Zillah, fhe alfo bare Tubal-cain, an t m- •\i>'nettcr\

ftrucler of every artificer in brafs and iron and the

1 The birth, occupation, and religion of Cain and Abel. :

8 The murder of Abel, and the curse of Cain. 1 7 Cain

filler of Tubal-cain was Naamah.
buildeth the city Enoch. 19 Of Lamech and his two
23 And Lamech faid unto his wives, Adah and
wives. 25 The birth of Seth and Enos. Zillah, hear my voice ;
ye wives of Lamech, hearken
unto my fpeech for I have flain a man to my Or, I

{ That is,
AND Adam knew Eve his wife and flie con- •

ceived, and bare Gain, and faid, I have gotten


wounding, and a young man to my hurt.


|| a

•would shy
man in w>
•wound, ire
gotten, or
24 If Cain fliall be avenged fevenfold, truly Lamech Or, in my
a man from the Lord.

acquired. hurt.
feventy and fevenfold.
t Heb. H.bel. 2 Ami ihe again bare his brother t Abel. And 25 IF And Adam knew his wife again and flie
+ Heb. a ;

fader. Abel was t a keeper of fheep, but Cain was a tiller of bare a fon, and called his name t Seth For God, said tH^?8^" :

the ground.
t He!), at she, hath appointed me another feed inftead of Abel, 3769.
3 And t in procefs of time it came to pafs, that
end of days.
Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering
whom Cain flew.
26 And to Seth, to him alfo there was born a fon
unto the Lord. ;

4 And Abel, he alfo brought of the firfllings of his

and he name t Enos then began men to V^'^Vau
called his : ||

call upon the name of the Lord. themselves

t Heb. sheep,
f flock, and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had by the nam
Dr, roats.
* Heb. 1 1 4.
refpect unto Abel, and to his offering : CHAP. V. of the Lord.

5ButuntoCain,andtohisoffering,hehadnotrefpe6l. 1 The genealogy, age, and death of the patriarchs,

And Cain wag very wroth, and his countenance fell. from Adam unto Noah. 24 The godliness and

6 And the Lord faid unto Cain, Why

art thou translation of Enoch.
wroth ? and why is thy countenance fallen"?
Or, I

7 If thou doeft well, (halt thou not be accepted ? and

THIS the book of the
generations of Adam. a 1
Chr. 1 1.

excelh ||
In the day that God created man, in the b like- bwisd.223
abject if thou doeft not well, fin lieth at the door. And unto II nefs of God made he him :
unto thee.
thee shall be his delire, and thou fhalt rule over him. 2 Male and female created he them, and bleffed
8 II And Cain talked with Abel his brother and it : them, and called their name Adam, in the day when
came to pafs, when they were in the field, that Cain they were created >

hWisd. to
rofe up againfl Abel his brother, and b flew him. 3 H And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years,
! John
9 And the Lord faid unto Cain, Where is Abel and begat a son in" his own likenefs, after his image
P, ;
thy brother ? And he faid, I know not. Am I my

and called his name Seth.

brother's keeper ? 4 c And the days of Adam, after he had begotten &c chftTI'
10 And he faid, What haft thou done ? the voice of

Seth, were eight hundred years and he begat fons ;

thy brother's 1 blood crieth unto me from the ground. and daughters.
11 And now art thou curfed from the earth, which 5 And all the days that Adam lived, were nine
hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood hundred and thirty years and he died. :

from thy hand. 6 1f And Seth lived an hundred and five years, and 37«5.
12 When- thou tilleft the ground, it fhall not hence- begat Enos.
forth yield unto thee her ftrength. Afugitive and a 7 And Seth lived, after he begat Enos, eight hun-
vagabond fhalt thou be in the earth. dred and feven years, and begat fons and daughters.
» Or,
13 And Cain faid unto the Lord, My punifli- II 8 And all the days of Seth were nine hundred and
greater tlia:i
that it may
ment is greater than I can bear. twelve years and he died.

fc forgiven. 14 Behold thou haft driven me out this day from 9 II And Enos lived ninety years, and begat 3679.
the face of the earth and from thy face fhall I be hid tHebJCwi •
; t Cainan.
and I fliall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth •
10 And Enos lived, after he begat Cainan, eighthun-
and it fliall come to pafs, that every one that findeth dred and fifteen years, and begat fons and daughters.
me fhall flay me. 11 And all the days of Enos were nine hundred
15 And the Lord faid unto him, Therefore, who- and five years and he died.:

joever flayeth Cain, vengeance fhall be taken on him 12 IT And Cainan lived feventy vears, and begat
c\ enfold. And the Lo r d fct a mark upon Cain, left *Mahalalcel. Or. M\;le
any finding him ihould kill him, 13 And Cainan lived, after he begatMahalaleel, eight
Iccl. .


Mans wickedness the cause of theflood. GENESIS. Noah andfamily, Esfr. go into the ark.

hundred and forty years, and begat fons and daughters. 6 And
repented the Lord that he had made man
C hrTst
14 And all the days of Cainan were nine hundred on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 2 +4 a.

and ten years and he died.

: 7 And the Lord faid, I will deilroy man whom I t^vo
3544- 15 Ty And Mahalaleel lived fixty and five years, have created, from the face of the earth, tboth man tHeb./™*
t Heb. jerei.
anci begat t Jared. and beaft, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the Z°aV!
16 And Mahalaleel lived after he begat Jared, eight air for it repenteth me that I have made them.

hundred and thirty years, and begat fons and daughters. 8 If But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
17 And all the days of Mahalaleel were eight hun- 9 Thefe are the generations- of Noah b Noah was b17-Ecclus. 44
2 Pet. 2 5. :

dred ninety and five years and he died. : man, and perfecl:
a j uft || in his generations, a:;z«f Noah II

9382. 18 H And Jared lived an hundred fixty and two walked with God.
years, and he begat Enoch. 10 And Noah begat three fons, Shem, Ham, and
19 And Jared lived, after he begat Enoch, eight Japheth.
hundred years, and begat fons and daughters. 11 The earth alfo was corrupt before God, and the
20 And all the days of Jared were nine hundred earth- was filled with violence.
fixty and two years and he died.
: 12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold,
33'7. 21 IF And Enoch lived fixty and five years, and be- itwas corrupt : for aU flefh had corrupted his way
* Gr.
Ma gat * Methufelah. upon the earth.
22 And Enoch walked with God, after he begat 13 And God faid unto Noah, The end of all flefh is
Methufelah, three hundred years, and begat fons and come before me for the earth is filled with violence

daughters. through them : and, behold, I will deftroy them ii with ||Or, front
the earth.
23 And all
the days of Enoch were three hundred the earth.
fixty and five years. 14IT. Make thee an ark of gopher wood t rooms : tHeb. nests,

d Ecclus. 44
;6. Heb. ii 5.
24 And d Enoch walked with God, and he was not (halt thou make in the ark, and fhalt pitch it within
for God took him. and without with pitch.
3130 25 ff And Methufelah lived an hundred eighty and 15 And this is the fashion which thou fhaltmake it
feven years, and begat f Lamech, of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits,
26 And Methufelah lived, after he begat Lamech, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty
feven hundred eighty and two years, and begat fons cubits,
and daughters. 16 A
window fhalt thou make to the ark, and in a
27 And all the days of Methufelah were nine hun- cubit fhalt thou finifh it above, and the door of the
dred fixty and nine years and he died. : ark fhalt thou fet in the fide thereof; with lower, fec-
28 H And Lamech lived an hundred eightv and two ond, and third stories fhalt thou make it.
years, and begat a fon ;
17 And behold I, even I, do bring a flood of waters
* Gr. Not. 29 And he called his name * Noah,' faying, This upon the earth, to deftroy all flefh, wherein is the
same fhall comfort us concerning our work and toil of breath of life,, from under heaven; and every thing
our hands, becaufe of the ground which the Lord that is in the earth fhall die.
hath curfed. 18 But with thee will I eftablifh my covenant and :

50 And Lamech lived, after he begat Noah, five hun- thou fhalt come into the ark ; thou, and thy fons, and
dred ninety and five years, and begat fons and daughters. thy wife, and thy fons' wives with thee.
2353- 31 And all the days of Lamech were feven hundred 19 And of every living thing of all flefh, two of
feventy and feven years and he died. : every sort fhalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them
744 s 32 IT And Noah was five hundred years old and : alive with thee, they fhall be male and female.
Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 20 Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their
CHAP. VI. kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his
kind two of every sort fhall come unto thee, to keep

1 The wickedness of the world, which provoked God's

them alive.
wrath, and caused the flood. 8 Noah findeth grace.
21 And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten,
14 The order y form, and end of the ark.
and thou fhalt gather it to thee and it fhall be for
ND it came to pafs, when men began to multiply food for thee, and for them.

A' on the face of the earth, and daughters were Thus did Noah according
22 e
; to all that God :Heb. 117,
born unto them, commanded him, fo did he.
2 That the fons of God faw the daughters of men
that they were fair and they took theni wives of all
which they chofe. 1 Noah with his family and the living creatures, enter

3 And the Lord faid, My fpirit fhall not always into the ark. 10 The beginning, increase, &c. of
ftrive with man, for that he alio is flefh : yet his days the flood.

54 6 9 .
fhall be an hundred and twenty years.
4 There were giants in the earth in thofe days :
AND the Lor d_ faid unto a Noah, Come thou, and a
thy houfe into the ark
all for thee have I feen :

ti or,*** and alfo after that, when the fons of God came in righteous before me in this generation.
nU' unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to 2 Of every clean beaft thou fhalt take to thee by
wculgniii- them, the fame became mighty men, which were of t fevens, the male and his female and of beafts that L" ;
«h not only old men of renown.
the imayin.i- rAl/^ip • 1
are not clean by two, the male and his female.
And God law that the i i
wickednefs of man was 3 Of fowls alfo of the air by fevens, the male and the
c'Xaigu great in the earth, and that every a imagination of the
|| female to keep feed alive upon the face of all the eartM.

Ma?T; 19/' thoughts of his heart was only evil t continually. 4 For yet feven days, and I will caufe it to rain
t Heb. evsry day.
; 1 : '

The ark resieth on mount Ararat, CHAP. VIII. Noah goeih out of the ark.
upon the earth forty days and forty nights ; and every commanded, goeth forth of the ark : 20 He buildeth
living fubftance that I have made will 1 1 deftroy from an altar, and offer eth sacrifice, which God accepteth.
off the face of the earth.
5 And Noah did according unto all that the Lord
AND God remembered Noah, and every living
thing, and all the cattle that was Avith him in the
commanded him, ark and God made a Avind to pafs over the earth, and

6 And Noah was hundred years old when the

fix the Avaters affuaged.
flood of waters was upon the earth. 2 The fountains alfo of the deep, and the windows
7 If And Noah went in, and his fons, and his wife, of heaven Avere ftopped, and the rain from heaven
and his fons' wives with him, into the ark, becaufe of AA'asreftrained.
the waters of the flood. _
3 And
the Avaters returned from off the earth t con- t Heb. in
going and
8 Of clean beafts, and of beafts that are not clean, and tinually and after the end of the hundred and fifty returning.

of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth, days, the Avaters AA^ere abated.
9 There went in two and tAvo unto Noah into the 4 If And the arkrefted in the feA enth month, on the

ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded feventeenth day of die month, upon the mountains of
Noah. Ararat.
+ Heb. were
5 And the AA aters t decreafed continually until the
|| Or, on tie
seventh day.
10 If And it came to pafs, after feven days, that
in going and
the waters of the flood were upon the earth. tenth month in the tenth month on the firft day of

11 In the fix hundreth year of Noah's life, in the the month, AA ere the tops of the mountains feen.

fecond month, the feventeenth day of the month, the 6 If And it came to pafs, at the end of forty days,
fame day were all the fountains of the great deep brok- that Noah opened the window of the ark Avhich he had
Or, flood en up, .and the windows of heaven were opened.
II made
12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and 7 And he fent forth a raA-en, which AA-ent forth tto and t Heb. in
forty nights. fro, until the Avaters Averedried up from off the earth. and return-
13 In the felf fame day entered Noah, and Shem, 8 Alfo he fent forth a dove from him, to fee if the ing.

and Ham, and Japheth, the fons of Noah, and Noah's waters were abated from off the face of the ground :

wife, and the three, wives of his fons with them, into 9 But the dove found no reft for the fble of her
the ark : foot, and file returned unto him into the ark for the :

14 They, and every beaft after his kind, and all the AA^aters were on the face of the whole earth. Then he
catde after their kind, and every creeping thing that put forth his hand, and took her, and t pulled her in tHeb.
creepeth upon the earth after his kind, and every fowl unto him into the ark. caused her

f h ,b. mng. after his kind, every bird of every t fort. 10 And he ftayed yet other feven days, and again
15 And they went in unto Noah, into the ark, two he fent forth the dove out of the ark :

and two of allfiefh, v. herein is the breath of life. 1 And the dove came in to him in the evening,
16 And they that went in, went in male and female and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf plucked off. So
of all ftefh, as God had commanded him and the : Noah knew that the Avaters Avere abated from off the
Lord fhuthim in. earth.
17 Tf And the flood was forty days upon the earth ; 12 And he
ftayed yet other feven days, and fent
and the waters increafed and bare up the ark, and it forth the dove Avhich returned not again unto him

was lifted up above the earth. any more.

18 And the waters prevailed, and were increafed 13 If And it came to pafs, in the fix hundredth and
greatly upon the earth and the ark went upon the
; firft year, in the firft month, the firft day of the month,
face of the waters. the Avaters were dried up from off the earth and Noah ;

19 And
the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and,
earth .and all the high hills that were under the whole
behold, the face of the ground Avas dry.
heaven were covered. 14 And in the fecond month, on the feven and
20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail twentieth day of the month, Avas the earth dried.
and the mountains were covered. 15 If And God fpakeunto Noah, faying,
bWis. 104. 21 „b And all flelh died that moved upon the earth, 16 Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy v^ife, and thy
both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beaft, and of every fons, and thy fons' wives Avith thee.
creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every 17 Bring forth Avith thee eA'ery living thing, that is
man : with thee, of all flefh, both of fowl, and of cattle, and
t Heb. t
breath of the
he 22 All
in whofe noftrils was tthe breath of life, of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth
ipirit cfii/e. was in the dry land, died.
of all that that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be
23 And every living fubftance was deftroyed which fruitful, and multiply upon the earth.
was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, 18 And Noah went forth, and his fons, and his
and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven ;
Avife, and his fons' Avives with him.
c Wis. 104.
2 Pet. 2 5.
and they Avere deftroyed from the earth and c Noah : 19 Every beaft, every creeping thing, and every
only remained alive, and they that were Avith him in fovvl , and
Avhatfoever creepeth upon the earth, after
the ark. their t kinds, Avent forth out of the ark. t Heb.
24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth an 20 If And Noah builded an altar unto the Lord,
hundred and fifty days. and took of every clean beaft, and of eA^ery clean
fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar.
21 And the Lord fmelled fa fweet favour and ;
tHeb. a
1 The waters assuage. 4 The ark resteth on Ararat. the Lord faid in his heart, I will not again curfe the savour of
7 The raven and the dove sent forth. 1 5 Noah being ground any more for man's fake ; for the
a Chap. 6 5.
Mat. 1519.
: ; ; ;

He replenisheth the world. GENESIS. The generations of Noah.

christ °f mail
s neart m
w ev ^ fr° ms youth neither will :
ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth : and Ham
2348. I again finite any more every thing living as I have is the father of t Canaan.
~*^v>-> done.
% 19 Thefe are the three fons of Noah ; and of them
tmb. A^yet earth remaineth, feed time and har-
22 t While the was the whole eardi overfpread.
rteLrf/^^veft, and cold and heat, and fummer and winter, and 20 If And Noah began to be an hufbandman, and he
day and night fhall not ceafe. planted a vineyard
21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunken ;
P. IX. C HA and he was uncovered within his tent.
1 God blessetb Noah. 4 Blood and murder areforbid- 22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, fawthe naked-
den. 8 God's covenant signified by the rainbow. nefs of his father, and told his two brethren without.
18 Noah replenisheth the world : 20 planteth a 23 And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and
•vineyard, is drunken, and mocked of his son : 25 he laid it upon both their fhoulders, and went backward,
curseth Canaan, 26 blessetb Shem, 27 and prophe- and covered the nakednefs of their father ; and their
sieth of Japheth : 29 he dieth. faces were backward, and they faw not their father's
ver. 79-
I 28.
AND God bleffed Noah and his fons, "and faid
unto them, a Be fruitful, and multiply, and re-
24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what
plenifh the earth. his younger fon had done unto him.
2 And the fear of you, and the dread of you, fhall 25 And hie faid, Curfed be Canaan a fervant of :

be upon every beaft of the earth, and upon every fowl fervants fhall he be unto his brethren.
of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and 26 And he faid, Bleffed be the Lord God of Shem
-upon all the fiihes of the fea : into your hand are they and Canaan fhall be his fervant. ||
Or, servant
to them.
delivered. 27 God fhall enlarge Japheth, and he fhall dwell
Or, per-
3 Every moving thing that liveth fhall be meat for in the tents of Shem and Canaan Ihall be his-- fervant.
b-Chap. 29.
you ; even as the b green herb have I given you all

28 H And Noah lived after the flood three hundred

things : j
and fifty years.
cLev. 17 14.
4 c But flefh with the life thereof, which is the blood 29 And all the days of Noah were nine hundred 1998.
thereof, fhall ye not. eat. and fifty years and he died. :

5 And finely your blood of your lives will I re-

quire at the hand of every beaft will I require it, and
at the hand of man at the hand of every man's brother
1 The generations of Noah. 2 The sons of Japheth,
will I require the life of man. 6 The so?is of Mam ; Nimrod the first monarch.
Mat. 26 52.

Rev. 3 10.
: 6 d Whofo fheddeth man's blood, by man fhall his 15 Canaan's descendants, and their settlement.
e-Chaj). 1 27.
blood be fhed e for in the image of God made he man. 21 The sons of Shem.
7 And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply ; bring forth
abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.
thefe are the generations of the
; Shem, Ham, and Japheth :
fons of
and unto
8 II And God fpake unto Noah, and to his fons with
them were fons born after the flood.
him, faying, 2 If a The fons of Japheth Gomer, and Magog, and ;
|[ c
I chr • !

9 And I, behold, I eftablifh covenant with you, my Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, andMefbech, andTiras.
and wjith your feed after you 3 And die fons of Gomer ; Afhkenaz, and Riphath,
10 And with every living creature that is with you, and Togarmah.
of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beaft of the 4 And die fons of Javan ; Elifhah, and Tarfhifh,
earth with you from ail that go out of the ark to
Kittim, and Dodanim.
every beaft of the earth. 5 By thefe were the iiles of the Gentiles divided
risa.54 9- 11 And f I will eftablifh my covenant with you : in their lands every one after his tongue, after their

neither fhall all flefh be cut oft' any more by the waters families, in their nations.
of a flood neither fhall there any more be a flood to
; 6 If
And the fons of Ham ; Cufli, and Mizraim, b 1 Chr. 1 8,

deftroy the earth. and Phut, and Canaan.

12 And God faid, This is the token of the covenant 7 And the fons of Cufh Seba, and Havilab, and ;

which I make between me and you, and every living Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabtechah and the fons of :

creature that is with you, for perpetual generations : Raamah Sheba, and Dedan.

13 I do fet my bow in the cloud, and it fhall be for 8 And Cufh begat Nimrod he began to be ;

a tjjken of a covenant between me and the earth. mighty one in the earth.
e -Ecdus. 43 14 g And it fhall come to pafs, when I bring a cloud 9 He was a mighty hunter before the Lord-
over the earth, that the bow ihall be feen in die cloud : wherefore it is faid, Even as Nimrod the mighty hun
15 And I will remember my covenant, which is ter before the Lord.
between me and you and every living creature of all 10 And the beginning of his kingdom was *BabeL * G ^atyi<m

flefh and the waters ihall no more become a flood to

: and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of
deftroy all flefh. Shinar.
16 And the bow fhall be in the cloud and I will ; 11 Out of that land went forth Afhur, and build- ||
Or, he
look upon it, that I may remember the everlafting ed Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah.
Or, the
covenant between God and every living creature of all 12 And Refen, between Nineveh and Calah the

streets efthi
flefh that is upon the earth. fame is a great cijy.
17 And God faid
unto Noah, This is the token of 13 And Mizraim begat Ludim, and Anamim, and
the covenant which I have eftablifhed between me and Lehabim, and Naphtuhim,
all flefh that is upon the earth. 14 And Pathnrfim, and Cafluliim, (out of whom
18 11 And the Ions of Noah that went forth of the came Philiftim,) and Caphtorim.
15 If And
The confusion of tongues. CHAP. XI, XII Godcalleth Abram, andblesseth him,
And Canaan begat f Sidon his firftborn, and 7 Go to, let
us go down, and there confound their CHRIST
u 15
language, that they may not underftand one another's

t Hsb.
16 And the Jebufite, and the Amorite, and the fpeech.
Tzidon. Girgafite, 8 So the Lord fcattered them abroad from thence
17 And the Hivite, and the Arkite, and the Sinite, upon the face of all the earth and they left ofF to build

18 And the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the the city.
and afterward were the families of the
Hamathite : 9 Therefore the name of it called
is Babel a be- I! ;

Canaanites fpread abroad. caufe the Lord

did there confound the language of all aWisd. 105.

19 And the border of the Canaanites was from Si- the earth and from thence did the Lord f batter them

tHeb. ^«a/^don, as thou comeft to Gerar, unto t Gaza ; as thou abroad upon the face of all the earth.
goeft unto Sodom, and Gomorrah, and Admah, and 10 1[ b Thefe are the generations of Shem Shem :
bi Chr. 1 17.

Zeboim, even unto Lafha. was an hundred years old,, and begat Arphaxad two
20 Thefe are the fons of Mam, after their families, years after the flood.
after their tongues, in their countries., and in their na- 11 And Shem lived,, after he begat Arphaxad, five 2346.

tions. .
hundred years, and begat fons and daughters.
21 II Unto Shem alfo, the father of all the children 12 And Arphaxad lived five and thirty years, and 2JII.

of Eber, the brother of Japheth the elder, even to begat Salah.

him were children born. 13 And Arphaxad lived, after he begat Salah, four
ci chtvi it- 22 The c children of Shem Elam, and Ailiur, and ; hundred and three years, and begat fons and daughters.
1" Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. 14 And Salah lived thirty years, and begat Eber. 2281,-

23 And the children of Aram Uz, and Hul, and ; 15 And Salah lived, after he begat Eber, four hun-
Gether, and Maili. dred and three years, and begat fons and daughters.
ha. 24 And Arohaxad begat f Salah r and Salali begat -
16 c And Eber lived four and thirty years, and be- C Chr. 2247.
!o, I I

Eber.. gat d Peleg- d Called,

Luke 3 35,
a ci»y
i Ig .
25 <*
And unto Eber were born two ions the name: 17 And Eber lived, after he begat Peleg, four hun- Phalec.
of one was Peleg ;for in his days was the earth divid- dred and thirty years, and begat fons and daughters.
ed and his brother's name was Joktan.
; 18 And Peleg lived thirty years, and begat Reu. 2217.

26 And Joktan begat Almodad, and Sheleph, and 19 And Peleg lived, after he begat Reu, two hun-
Hazarmaveth, and Jerah, dred and nine years, and begat fons and daughters.
27 And Hadoram, and Uzal, and Diklah, 20 And Reu lived two and thirty years T and begat 2185.
e Luke 3 35,
28 And Obal, and Abimael, and Sheba r e
Serug. Saruch
29 And Ophir, and Haviiah, and Jobab all thefe : 21 And Reu lived, after he begat Serug, two hun-
•were the fons of Joktan. dred and feven years, and begat fons and daughters.
30 And their dwelling was from Mefha, as thou 22 And Serug lived thirty years, and begat Nahor. 2155.

goeft unto Sephar, a mount of the eafl. 23 And Serug lived, after he begat Nahor, two
31 Thefe are the fons of Shem, after their families, hundred years, and begat fons and daughters.
after their tongues, in their lands, after their nations. 24 And Nahor lived nine and twenty years, and be- 2126.

32 Thefe are the families of the fons of Noah r after f Luke 3 34,
gat f Terah. T/iara.
their generations, in their nations : and by thefe were 25 And Nahor lived, after he begat Terah, an hun-
the nations divided in the earth after the flood. dred and nineteen years, and begat fons and daughters.
CHAP. XI. 26 And Terah lived feventy years, and s begat A- Josh.
bram, Nahor, and Haran.

24 2.
26. 1
1 One language in the world. 3 The building of Babel, 1

and the confusion of tongues. 10 The generations of 27 IT Now thefe are the generations of Terah Te- :

rah begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran and Haran be-

Shem. 27 The generations of Terah the father of ;

gat Lot.
Apr am. 31 Terah goeth from Ur to Haran, and
dieth there.
28 And Haran died before his father Terah in the
land of his nativity, in Ur of the Chaldees.
+ Hcb.

AND the whole earth
of one ffpeech,
was of one t language, and 29 And Abram and Nahor took them, wives the
name of Abram's wife was Sarai; and the name of

2 And
it came to pafs, as they journeyed from the Nahor's wife Milcah, the daughter of Haran, the fa-
they found a plain in the land of Shinar
eaft, that
; ther of Milcah, and the father of Ifcah..
and they dwelt there. 30 But Sarai was barren foe had no child. ; j,

tut'hi?"" 3 ^ And f they faid one to another, Go to, let us 31 II And Terah took Abram his fon, and Lot the 1923.

mak e brick, and f burn them thoroughly. And they fon of Haran hisfon's fon, and Sarai his daughter in
had brick for ftone, and flime had they for mortar. law, his fon Abram's wife and they went forth with
4 And they faid, Go to, let us build us a city, and a them from Ur h of the Chaldees, to go into the land hJudith
Neh. 9 7.
tower, whofe top may reach unto heaven and let us ; of Canaan ; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt Ailts 7 4.
7.. 'j

make us a name, left we be fcattered abroad upon the there.

face of the whole earth... 32 And the days of Terah were two hundred and 1921.

5 And the Lord came down to fee the city and the five years : and Terah died in Haran.
tower, which the children of men builded.
6 And the Lord faid, Behold, the people is one, CHAP. XII.
and they have all one language ; and this they begin 1 God calleth Abram, and blesseth him with a promise
to do Mid now nothing will be reftrained from them,
of Christ : 4 He with Lot departcth from Haran :
which they have imagined to do. 6 he journey eth through Canaan, which is promised
; ;

taketh Abratns wife, GEN E S I S. Abram removeth to Hebron.
CHRIST him in a vision : 10 he is driven by a famine into have taken her to me to wife now, therefore, behold C hrist:

1921. Egypt; fear maketh him feign his wife to be his sis- thy wife, take her, and go thy way. 1920.

ter. 14 Pharaoh having taken her from him, by 20 And Pharaoh commanded bis men concerning ^^^n-)
plagues is compelled to restore her ; he sendeth A- him and they fent him away, and his wife, and all

bram away. that he had.

a Ails 7 3.
NOW the a Lord had faid unto Abram, Get thee
out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and

from thy father's houfe, unto a land that I will fhew 1 Abram and Lot return out of Egypt : 7 by the dis-
agreement of their servants they part asunder.
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will
10 Lot gocth to Sodom. 14 God reneweth bis prom-
ise to Abram : 18 he removeth to Hebron, and there
blefs thee, and make thy name great ; and thou fhalt
be a bleffing.
buildeth an altar,

i^Ts.las h™
3 And
I will blefs them that blefs thee, and curfe
that curfeth thee ; b and in thee fhall all families
AND Abram
went up
wife, he all that
out of Egypt, he, and his
had, and Lot with him, in-
cir . ,
9 , 8.

3 25. Gai. 3 8. of the earth be bleifed. to the fouth.

4 If So Abram departed, as the Lord had fpoken 2 And Abram was very t rich in cattle, in filver, + Heb -

unto him and Lot went with him and Abram was
; :
and u
m gold.
• ' heavy.

fevent}^ and five years old when he departed out of 3 And he went on his journeys from the fouth,
Haran. even to Bethel, unto the place where his tent had
5 And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his been at the beginning, between Bethel and Hai
brother's fon, and all their fubltance that they had 4 Unto the a place of the altar, which he had made a chap. 12 r.
gathered, and the fouls that they had gotten in Haran; there at the fjrft and there Abram called on the name

and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan ;

of the Lord,
and into the land of Canaan they came, 5 AndLotalfo, which went with Abram, had flocks,
6 IF And Abram paffed through the land unto the and herds, and tents.
place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the 6 And the land was not able to bear them, that they
Canaanite was then in the land. might dwell together for their fubftance was great,

7 And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and faid, fo that they could not dwell together.
g chap. 1315° Unto thy feed will I give this land and there builded ; 7 If And there was a ftrife between the herdmen of
dChap. 134.
he an d altar unto the Lord, who appeared unto him. Abram's cattle and the herdmen of Lot's cattle. And
8 And he removed from thence unto a mountain the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelt then in the land.
on the eaft of Bethel, and pitched his tent, having 8 And Abram faid unto Lot, Let there be no ftrife, I9 , 7 .
Bethel on the weft, and Hai on the eaft ; and there I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my
he builded an altar unto the Lord, and called upon herdmen and thy herdmen for we be t brethren. : j

the name of the Lord. 9 Is not the whole land-before thee ? Separate thy^
t Heb. in 9 And Abram journeyed, t going on ftiil toward the felf, I pray thee, from me if thou wilt take the left
going and
journeying. fouth. hand, then I will go to the right or if thou depart to ;

10 If And was a famine in the land and

there : the right hand, then I will go to the left.
Abcarn went down into Egypt to fojourn there for ; 10 If And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the
the famine was grievous in the land. plain of Jordan, that it was well watered every where,
11 And it came to pafs, when he was come near to before the Lord deftroyed Sodom and Gomorrah,
enter into Egypt, that he faid unto Sarai his wife, Be- even as the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt,
hold now, I know that thou art a fair woman to look as thou eomeft unto Zoar.
upon : 11 Then Lot chofe him all the plain of Jordan ; and
12 Therefore it fhall come to pafs, when the Egyp- Lot journeyed eaft and they feparated themfelves

tians fhall fee thee, that they fhall fay, This is his wife the one, from the other.
and they will kill me, but they will lave thee alive. 12 Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan, and Lot
13 Say, I pray thee, thou art my
filter ; that it may dwelt in the cities of the plain, and pitched his tent
be well with me
for thy lake ; and foul fhall livemy toward Sodom.
becaufe of thee. 13 But the men of Sodom were wicked, and finners
cir. 1920.
14 If And it came to pafs, that, when Abram was before the Lord exceedingly.
come into Egypt? the Egyptians beheld the woman, 14 And the Lord faid unto Abram, after that Lot
that fhe was very fair. was feparated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and
15 The princes alfo of Pharaoh faw her, and com- look from the place where thou art northward, and
mended her before Pharaoh and the woman was tak-: fouthward, and eaftward, and weftward ;

en into Pharaoh's houfe. 15 For all the land which thou feeft, b to thee will j^p- n *>
16 And he entreated Abram well for her fake
and he had fheep and oxen, and he affes, and men fer-
: I give it, and to thy feed for ever.
16 And I will make thy feed as the duft of the earth

vants, and maid fervants, and (lie affes, and camels. fo that if a man can number the duft of the earth, then
, 17 And the Lord plagued Pharaoh and his houfe fhall thy feed alfo be numbered.
with great plagues, becaufe of Sarai, Abram's wife. 17 Arife, walk through the land in the length of it,
18 And Pharaoh called Abram, and faid, what is and in the breadth of it for I will give it unto thee.

this that thou haft done unto me ? why didft thou not 18 If Then Abram removed his tent, and came and
tell me that (lie was thy wife ? dwelt in the t plain of Mamre, which is in Hebron, +".<*•
19 Why
faidft thou, She is my filter ?. fo I might and built there an altar unto the Lord,
" """'
1 ; 1 :

Melchizedek blesseth Abram CHAP. XIV, XV. Canaan is promised again.

CHAP. XIV. 20 And bleffed be the moll high God, which hath
delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave
cir. 1917. The ba'tde of four kings against jive 12 Lot is
taken prisoner : 14 Abram rescue th him. 17 The him c tithes of all. c Heb. 7 .

2 1 IF And the king of Sodom faid unto Abram Give

king of Sodom meeteth Abrain ; Melchizedek bless-

ewhim, to whom he giveth tithes ; 21 The rest of me the t perfons, and take the goods to thy fell". •Heb. souk

22 And Abram faid to the king of Sodom, I have

the spoil, his partners having had their portion, he
lifted up mine hand unto the Lord, the moft high
restoreth to the king of Sodom.
God, the poffeffor of heaven and earth,,
AND it came to pafs, in the clays of Amraphel king

of Shinar, Arioch king of Ellafar, Chedorlaomer

23 That I will not take from a thread even to a flioe-
latchet, and that I will not take any thing that is dime,
king of Elam, and Tidal king of nations. left thou fhouldeft fay, I have made Abram rich :
2 That these made war with Bera king of Sodom, 24 Save only that which the young men have eaten,
and with Birfha king of (jfciorrah, Shinab king of and the portion of the men which went with me, Aner,
Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the king Eflicol, and Mamre ; let them take die ir portion.
of Bela, which is Zoar.
3 All thefe were joined together in the vale of Sid- CHAP. XV.
dim, which is the fait fea. 1 God encourageth Abram; 2 Abram complaineth for
4 Twelve years they ferved Chedorlaomer, and in want of an heir : 4 God promise th him a son, and a
•cir. igic.

the thirteenth year they rebelled. multiplying of his seed. 6 Abram is justified by
5 And in the fourteenth year came Chedorlaomer, faith. 7 Canaan is promised again, and confirmed
and the kings that ivere with him, and fmote the Re- by a sign and a vision.
phaims in Afhteroth-karnaim and the Zuzims in,
unto Abram
things the word of the Lord came
i Or, the
flain nf Kir-
Ham, and the Emims, in Shaveh-kiriathaim.
|| a faying, Fear in vilion, not,
I Or, the
6 And the Horites in their mount Seir, imto El- || I am thy fhield, and thy exceeding a great reward. apfainue*
pL::n J paran, which is by the wildemefs. 2 IF And Abram faid, Lord God, what wilt thou
7 And they returned, and came to En-mifhpat, give me, feeing I go childlefs, and the fteward of my'
which is Kadefh, and fmote all the country of the houfe is this Eliezer of Damafcus ?
Amalekites, and alfo the Amorites that dwelt in Ha- 3 And Abram faid, Behold, to me thou haft given
ze zontamar. no feed and, lo, one born in my houfe is mine heir.

8 And there went out the king of Sodom, and the 4 TF And, behold, the word of the Lord came unto
king of Gomorrah, and the king ofAdmah, and the king him, faying, This ihall not be thine heir but He that ;

of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela, (the fame is Zoar,) fhall come forth, out of thine own bowels fhall be
and they joined battle with them in the vale of Siddim. thine heir.
9 With Chedorlaomer the king of Elam, and with 5 And he brought him forth abroad, and faid,
Tidal king of nations, and Amraphel king of Shinar, Look now toward heaven, and tell the ftars, if thou
and Arioch king of Ellafar, four kings with five. be able to number them. And he faid unto him,
10 And the vale of Siddim was full o/flime pits ;
So fhall thy feed be. b Rem. a is.

and the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fled, and fell 6 IF And he c
believed in the Lord and he counted
cR 0m 43.
there and they that remained fled to the mountain
; it to him for righteouihefs. jamls 2 23-
1 And they took all the goods of Sodom and Go- 7 \\ And he faid unto him, I am the Lord that

morrah, and all their victuals, and went their way. brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee
12 IF And they took Lot, Abram's brother's fon, this land to inherit it.
(who dwelt in Sodom,) and his goods, and departed. 8 And he faid, Lord God, whereby fhall I know
13 And there came one that had efcaped, and told that I fhall inherit it ?
Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of 9 And he faid unto him, Take me an heifer of three
Mamre, the Amorite, brother of Eflicol, and brother years old, and a fhe goat of three years old, and a ram of
of Aner and theie ivere confederate with Abram.
: three years old, and a turtle dove, and a young pigeon.
14 H And when Abram heard that his brother was 10 And he took unto him all thefe, and divided
I Or, Ud taken captive, he armed his trained servants, bom
|| || them in the midft, and laid each piece one againft a-
l Or, IB- in his own houie, three hundred and eighteen, and nother but the birds divided he not.
purfued them unto Dan. 1 And when the fowls came down upon the car-
15 And he divided himfelfagainft them, he and his caffes, Abram drove them aw ay.
fervants, by night, and fmote them, and purfued them 12 1F And when the fun was going down, a deep
unto Hobah, which is on the left hand of Damafcus. fleep fell upon Abram and, lo, an horror of great

16 And he brought back all the goods, and alfo darknefs fell upon him.
brought again his brother Lot, and his goods, and the 13 And he faid unto Abram, Know of a furety
women alio, and the people. d
that dry feed lhall be a ftranger in a land that is not dAfts7&
17 1 And the king of Sodom went out to meet him theirs, mid fhall ferve them and they fhall afflict them

(after his returnfrom the flaughter of Chedorlaomer, four hundred years.

and of the kings that were with him) at the valley of 14 And alio that nation, whom they ihall ferve,
a 2 Sam. 18
Shaveh, which wthe a king's dale.
18. will I judge and afterward ihall they conic out with

JbHcb.7 1. 18 And b Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth great fubftance.

bread and wine and he was the prieft of the molt
And thou fhalt go to thy fathers in peace thou
15 ;

high God. be buried in a good old age.

19 And he bleffed him, and faid, Bleffed be Abram 1G But in the fourth generation they fhall conic hither
ofthe moll high God, polleffor of heaven and earth : again for the iniquity of die Amorites is not yet full.

17 And
: ;: 1 !

Hagar,beingafflicled,fleeth from Sarah. GENESIS. Isaac is promised to Sarah.

Christ 17 And xX came whei? the **un went

to P^' that '
CHAP. XVII. Before
9 3-j down, and it was dark, behold a fmoking furnace and
' God reneweth his covenant with Abram ; Abram's 1898.

^* a burning lamp that paffed between thofe pieces. name is changed, of greater blessings. 10
in token
tHdTT/^a amp
ffHre. 1 8 In that fame day the L o r p made a covenant with Circumcision is instituted. 15 Sarai's ?iame is chang-
&?3?5,& 2 6 Abram, faying, Unto thy feed have I given
7 this land, ed, and Isaac, with the blessing of a numerous issue,
4. Deut'344. from the river of Egypt, unto the great river, the river
promised her.
19 The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kad- AND when
Abram was
ninety years old and nine,,
appeared to Abram, and faid unto
monites, him, I am the Almighty God a
walk before me, and ach ap 2*
20 And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the
; .
be thou perfect.. ||
\\Or, upright,
Rephaims, 2 And I will make mvcovenant between me and
or, sincere.

21 And the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the thee and will multiply ftee exceedingly.
Girgafhites, and the Jebufites.
3 And Abram fell on his face and God tallied

XVI. with him, faying,.

1 Sarai, being barren, giveth Hagar
to Abram. 4 4 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and"
Hagar, being afflictedfor despising her mistress, thou fhalt be a father of t many nations. t Heb. mul- of in.
runneth ana ay ; 7 An
angel sendeth her back to sub- 5 Neither fhail thy name any more be called A- tions.

mit herself, fcfc. bram but thy name fhall be Abraham b for a father : Ho m 4 , 7.


cir. rgn.
Sarai, Abram's wife, bare him no children : of many nations have I made thee.
and fhe had an handmaid, an Egyptian, whofe 6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will
name was Haga^. make nations of thee and kings fhall come out of thee.

2 And Sarai laid unto Abram, Behold now, the Lord 7 And I will eftablifh my covenant between me and
hath reftrained. me from bearing I pray thee go in : thee, and thy feed after thee, in their generations, for
t Heb. be unto my maid it may be that I may t obtain children
; , an eveiiafting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and
buildod by
her. by her. And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai. to thy feed after thee.
1911. 3 And Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar her maid, 8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy feed after
the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the thee, the land t wherein thou ait a {banger, all the land f hh
land of Canaan, and gave her to her hufband Abram of Canaan, for an everlafting poffeflion ; and I will be
s° m

to be his wife. their God.

4 IT And he went in unto Hagar, and fhe conceived 9 If And God faid unto Abraham, Thou fhalt keep
and, when fhe faw that fhe had conceived, her mif- my covenant therefore, thou, and thy feed after thee,,
trefs was defpifed in her eyes. in their generations.
5 And Sarai laid unto Abram, wrong be upon My 10 This is my covenant which ye fhall keep, be-
thee I have given my maid into thy bofom
: and ; tween me and you, and thy feed after thee c Every cAa ?8 ; s

when fhe faw that fhe had conceived, I was defpifed in man child among you fhall be circumcifed..
her eyes the Lord judge between me and thee.
: 1 And ye fhall circumcife the fiefh of your fore-
6 But Abram laid unto Sarai, Behold, thy maid is fkin and it ihall be d a token of the covenant betwixt d Arts 7 8.
Rom. 411.
t Heb. that
wllicll is good
in thy hand do to her t as it pleafeth thee. And when
; me and you.
1n h \ne eyes. Sarai

f dealt hardly with her, the fled from her face. 12 And t he that is eight days old fhall be circum- tHeb. a stn
t Heb. ofeightduys.
effected her. 7 IT And the angel of the Lord found her by a cifed among you, every man child in your genera, el.ev. 12 3.
fountain of water in the wildernefs, by the fountain in tions he that is born in the home, or bought with jolmViY.;

the way to Shur. money of any ftranger, which is not of thy feed.
8 And he laid, Hagar, Sarai's maid, whence cameft 13. He that is bom in thy houfe, and he that is
thou I and whither wilt thou go ? And fhe laid, I flee bought with thy money, mult needs be circumcifed ;

from the face of my miftrefs Sarai. and my covenant fhall be in your fiefh for an everlaft-
9 And the angel of the Lord faid unto her, Return ing covenant..
to thy miftrefs, and fubmit thyfelf under her hands. 14 Andtheuncircumcifedman child, whofe fiefh of

10^ And the angel of the Lord faid unto her, I will his forefkin is not circumcifed, that foul fhall be cutoff
multiply thy feed exceedingly, that it fhail not be num- from his people ; he hath broken covenant. my
bered for multitude. 15 II And God faid unto Abraham, As for Sarai
11 And the angel of the Lord faid unto her, Be- thy wife, thou fhalt not call her name Sarai, but
hold, thou art with child, and fhalt bear a fon, and Sarah shall her name be.
shall hear. fhalt call his name Ifhrnael becaufe the Lord hath
; 16 And I will blefs her, and give thee a fon alfo of
heard thy affliction. her yea, I will blefs her,, and f Ihe fhall be a mother tM*. she
12 And he will be a wild man his hand will be a- ; of nations kings of people fhall be of her.
; n"tiom"
gairiit every man, and every man's hand againft him : 17 Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed,
a Clap. 251?. a and he fhall dwell
in the prefence of all his brethren. and faid in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him
13 And fhe called the name of the Lord that fpake that is an hundred years old ? and fhall Sarah that is.
unto her, Thou God feeft me for fhe faid, Have I : ninety years old, bear ?.

a'io here looked after him that feeth me ? 18 And Abraham faid unto God, Oh that Ifhrnael
bCbap. 2462.
14 Wherefore the well was called b Beer-lahairoi || might live before thee
|l The iv,
•melt f him behold, it is between Kadelh and Bered. 19 And God faid, f Sarah thy wife fhall bear thee g^;
l8l °-
and s;e'.h mi. 15 If And Hagar bare Abram a fon and Abram : a fon indeed and thou fhalt call his name Ifaac and
; :

called his fon's name, which Hagar bare, Ifhrnael. I will eftablifh my covenant with him for an everlaft-
15 And Abram was fourfebre and fix years old ing covenant, and with his feed after him.
i Hagar bare Ifhrnael to Abram, 20 And as for Ifhrnael, I have heard thee Behold, :

2 I have
: 8 ;

The promise of Isaac renewed, CHAP XVIIL Abraham intercedeth for Sodom*
Ihave bleffed him, and will make him fruitful, and time appointed I will return unto thee, according to CHRIST
s him exceedingly twelve princes fhall
will multiply :
the time of life, and Sarah fhall have a fon.
he beget ; and I will make him a great nation. 15 Then Sarah denied, faying, I laughed not for :

jr Chap. i6
21 But my covenant will I eftablifh with Ifaac, fhe was afraid. And he faid, Nay but thou diclft laugh. ;

whom Sarah fhall bear unto thee at this fet time in 16 And the men rofe up from thence, and looked

the next year. toward Sodom and Abraham went with them to

22 And he left off talking with him, and God went bring them on the way.
up from Abraham. 17 If And the Lord faid, Shall I hide from Abra-
23 If And Abraham took Ifhmael his fon, and all ham that thing which I do ;
that were bom in his houfe, and all that were bought 1 Seeing that Abraham fliall furely become a great
with his money, every male among the men of Abra- and mighty nation^ and all the nations of the earth
d dEhap. 12 3,
ham's houfe and circumcifed the flefh of their fore-
fliall be bleffed in him? &2218.
fkin in the felf fame day, as Sod had faid unto him. 19 For I know him> that he will command his Gal. 3

24 And Abraham was ninety years old and nine children,and his houfehold after him, and they fliall
when he was circumcifed in the flefh of his forefkin. keep the way of the Lord, to do juftice and judg-
25 And Iihmael his ion was thirteen years old when ment that the Lord may bring upon Abraham

he was circumcifed in the fiefh of his forefkin. thatwhich he hath fpoken of him*
26 In the felf fame day was Abraham circumcifed, 20 And the Lord faid, Becaufe the cry of Sodom
and Iihmael his ion ;
and Gomorrah is great, and becaufe their fin is very
27 And all the men of his houfe, born in the houfe, grievous
and bought with money of the ftranger, were circum- 211 will go down now, and fee whether they have
cifed with him. done altogether according to the cry of it, which is
CHAP. XVIII. come unto me and if not, I Avill know*

1 Abraham 9 The prom-

entertaineth three angels. 22 And the men turned their faces from thence,
ise of Isaac is renewed; Sarah's laughing reproved. and went toward Sodom but Abraham ftood yet :

17 The destruction of Sodom is revealed unto Abra- before the Lord.

ham ; he inter cedeth for it. 23 If And Abraham drew near, and faid, Wilt thou
1898. AND the Lord appeared unto him in the plains of
Mamre and he fat in the tent door in the heat
alfo deftroy
the righteous with the wicked ?
24 Peradventure there be
fifty righteous within the.

of the day ;
city wilt thou alfo deftroy and not fpare the place for

a Ilvb. 1 3 2.
2And he lifted up his eyes, and looked, and
to, the fifty righteous that are therein ?
three men flood by him and, when he law them,
he 25 That be far from thee to dp after this manner,
ran to meet them from the tent doer, and bowed him- to flay the righteous with the wicked and that the ;

toward the ground,

felf righteous fhould be as the wicked, that be far from
3 And faid My Lord, if now I have found favour in
thee Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right ?

thy fight, pal's notaway, I pray thee, from thy fervant 26 And the Lord faid, If I find in Sodom fifty
4 L*:t a little water, I pray you, be fetched, and righteous within the city, then I will fpare all the
wafh your feet, and reft yourlelves under the tree ;
place for their fakes.
Heb. stay. 5 And I will fetch a model of bread, and t comfort 27 And Abraham anfwered and faid, Behold now,
ye jour hearts after that ye mall pafs on for there-
; : I have taken upon me to fpeak unto the Lord, which
t Heb. yau
fore t are ye come to your fervant. And they faid, am but dull and allies :

So do as thou halt faid. _

28 Peradventure there fliall lack five of the fifty
6 And Abraham haftened into the tent unto Sarah, righteous wilt thou deftroy all the city fof lack of

iHeb. listen, and laid, f Make ready quickly three meafures of fine five ? And he faid, If I find there forty and five, I
meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the health. . will not deftroy it.
7 And Abraham ran unto the herd, and fetched a 29 And he fpake unto him yet again, and faid,
calf tender and good, and gave it unto a young man ;
Peradventure there fliall be forty found there. And
and he halted to drefs it. he faid. I will not do it for forty's fake.
8 And he took butter and milk, and the calf which - 30 And he iaidunto him, Oh let not the Lord be
lie had dreffed, and fet it before them and he flood ; angry, and I will fpeak Peradventure there fhall

by them under the tree, and they did eat. thirty be found there. And he faid, I will not do it,
9 M And they faid unto him, Where is Sarah thy if I find thirty there.
wife ? And he faid, Behold, in the tent. 31 And he faid, Behold now, I have taken upon
10 And he faid ? I will certainly return unto thee me to fpeak unto the Lord : Peradventure there
according to the time of life and, lo, b Sarah thy wife
; fhall be twenty found there. And he faid, I will not
fhall haA e a fon. And Sarah heard it in the tent door,
deftroy it for twenty's fake.
which was behind him. 32 And he faid, Oh let not the Lord be angry,
11 Now Abraham and Sarah Were old and well and I will fpeak yet but this once Peradventure ten :

{trick en in age and it ceafed to be with Sarah after

; fliall be found there. And he faid, I will not deftroy
the manner of women. it for ten's fake.
12 Therefore Sarah laughed within herfelf, faying, 33 And the Lord went his way, as foon as he
fet. 3 6.
After I am waxed old, fhall I have pleafure, my c lord had left communing with Abraham and Abraham
*. 1

being old alfo ? returned unto his place.

13 And the Lord faid unto Abraham, Wherefore CHAP. XIX.
did Sarah laugh, faying, Shall I of a furcty bear a 1 entertaineth two angels. 4
Lot The vicious Sodom-
child, which am old ? ites are stricken with btuidiiess, 12 Lot is sent •'.

14 Is any thing too hard for the Lord ? At the safet 7

: : 3

Lot depart eth from Sodom* GEN E S I S, Origin of Moab

and Arnmon,
leave to go plain efcape to the mountain, left thou be confirmed. CHRIST
safety into the mountain ; but obtaineth

24 Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed, 18 And Lot faid unto them, Oh not fo, my Lord. 1898. !

into Zodr.
19 Behold now, thy fervant hath found grace in
26 Lot's wife's punishment. 30 Lot cometh out of
thy fight, and thou haft magnified thy mercy, which
Zoar, andckvellcth in a cave. 31 The incestuous
thou haft fhewed unto me in laving my life and I
origin of Moab and Amnion.

cannot efcape to the mountain, left fome evil take me,

AND 1 there came two angels to Sodom at even
and Lot fat in the gate of Sodom and Lot,
feeing them, rofe up to meet them ; and
he bowed

and I die.
20 Behold now, this city is near to flee unto, and
it is a little one oh let me efcape thither, (is it not
himfelf with his face toward the ground
: !

a little one ?) and my foul (hall live.

2 And he laid, behold now, my lords, turn m,
and tarry all 21 And he faid unto him, See, I have accepted
I pray von, into your fervant's houfe, t Heb, tffr
»cha P . .8 4 . night,and * wafh your feet, and ye lhall rile up early, t thee concerning this thing alfo 7 that I will not over- face.
And they faid, ..Nay but we throw this city, for the\§hich thou haftfpoken.
and go on your ways. ;

night. 22 Hafte thee, efcape thither for I cannot do any ;

will abide in the ftreet all
thing till thou be come thither therefore the name
3 And he preffed upon them greatly and they
was called
of the city Zoar.. is,

turned in unto him, and entered into his houfe and

; Littk.
23 The fun was f rifen upon the earth when Lot ?«££*»»
he made them a feaft, and did bake unleavened bread,
entered into Zoar.
and they did eat.
24 IF Then c the Lord rained upon Sodom, and e Deut. 29
4 f Bat before they lay down, the men of the city, 23. Isa. 1

upon Gomorrah,, brhnftone and fire from the Lord 50

even the men of Sodom, compaffed the houfe round,
19. Jer.
40. Amos 4
out of heaven Luke
both old and voung, all the people from every quarter
11. ]
5 And they called unto Lot, and faid unto him,
25 And he overthrew thofe cities, and all the plain r 29. 7.

Where are the men which came in to thee this night ? and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which
bring them out unto us, that we may know them.
grew upon the ground.
6 And Lot went out at the door unto them, and 26 *U But his wife looked back from behind him,
fhut the door after him, _ .
and 1 he became a pillar of fait.
27 H And Abraham gat up early in the morning to

7 And faid, I pray you, brethren, do not fo wickedly.

the place where he flood before the Lord
8 Behold now,* I have two daughters which have :

not known man let me, I pray you, bring them out
28 Aid he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah,,
unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes :
and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and,,
lo, the fmoke of the country went up as the fmoke of
only unto thefe men do nothing, for therefore came
they under the ihadow of my roof. a furnace.
9 And they faid, Stand back. And they faid again, 29 And it came to pafs, when God deftroy ed the

This onefel/ow came in to fojoum, and he will needs citiesof the plain, that God remembered Abraham,
be a judge now will we deal worfe with thee than
and fent Lot out of the midft of the overthrow, when
with them. And they preffed fore upon the man, he overthrew the cities in the which Lot dwelt.
even Lot, and came near to break the door. 30 If And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in
10 But the men put forth their hand, and pulled the mountain, and his two daughters widi him for ;

Lot into the houfe to them, and fhut to the door. he feared to dwell in Zoar and he dwelt in a cave, ;

b wis. 19:7. 11 And they fmote the men that were at the door
b he and his two daughters.
of the houfe with blindnefs, bothfmall and great fo :
31 II And the firftborn faid unto the younger, Our
father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to
that they wearied themfelves to find the door.
12 if And the men faid unto Lot, Haft thou here come in unto us after the manner of all the earth ;
any befides ? foil in law, and thy fons, and thy daugh- 32 Come, let us make our father drink wine, and
ters, and whatsoever thou haft in the city, bring them we will lie with him, that we may preferve feed of
out of this place :
our father.
c chap. 18 so,
1 3 Yov we will deftroy this place, becaufe the
cry 33 Aid they made their father drink wine that
of them is waxen great before the face of the Lord ;
night and the firftborn went in and lay with her

and the Lord hath fent us to deftroy it. father and he perceived not when fhe lay down,

14 And Lot went out, and fpake unto his fons nor when fhe arofe.
in law, which married his daughters, and faid, Up, 34 And it came to pafs on the morrow, that the
get ye out of this place for the Lord will deftroy
firftborn faid unto the younger, Behold, I lay yefter-
this* city. But he feemed as one that mocked unto night with my father let us make him drink wine :

his fons in law. this night alfo and go thou in, and lie with him, that

15 And when the morning arofe, then the angels we may preferve feed of our father.
haftened Lot, faying, Arife, take thy wife, and thy 35 And they made their father'drink wine that night
tHeb. are two daughters which f are here left thou be confum- ; alfo and the younger arofe and lay with him and he
: ;

putt!sh .ed in
the iniquity of the city.
perceived not when fhe lay down nor when fhe arofe.
16 And d while he lingered, the men laid hold upon 36 Thus were both the daughters of Lot with
ilWis. 106.
his hand, and upon the hand of his wife, and upon child by their father.
the hand of his two daughters the Lord being mer- ; And the firftborn bare a fon, and called his name
ciful unto him and they brought him forth, and fet
: Moab the fame is the father of the Moabites unto

him without the city. this day.

17 And it came to pafs, when they had brought _
38 And the younger fhe alfo bare a fon, and called
them forth abroad, that he faid, Efcape for thy life ;
his name Benammi : the fame is the father of the
look not behind thee, neither ftay thou in all the children of Amnion unto this day,
Abraham prayetb for Abimeiech. CHAP. XX, XXI. Abimeiech'''s covenant with Abraham.
Abraham sojourning at Gerar, dcnieth his wife ; 1 Isaac is born, and circumcised. 6 Sarah's jog, 9
Abimeiech taketh her, but is reproved of God in a Ha gar and Ishmael are cast forth. 15 Hagar
dream. 9 Abimeiech rebuketh Abraham, 14 and in distress is relieved and comforted by an angel.
rcstoretb Sarah with presents, &c. 17 Abraham 22 Abimeiech'''s covenant with' Abraham. 33 A-
prayetb for Abimeiech. braham calleth on the Lord in Beer-sheba.

AND ] Abraham journeyed from thence toward the

fouth country, and dwelled between Kadelh
and Shur, and fojourned in Gerar. _
AND the Lord vifited Sarah as he had faid, and
the Lord did unto Sarah a as he had fpoken.
2 For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a fon b.W'78?'
2 And Abraham faid of Sarah his wife, She is my in his old age, at the let time of which God hadipok- HebM %.
filler and Abimeiech king of Gerar fent and took
: en to him.
Sarah. 3 And Abraham called the name of his fon that
3 But God came to Abimeiech in a dream by night, was born unto him, whom Sarah bare to him, Ifaac.
and faid to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, 4 And Abraham circumcifed his fon Ifaac, being
tHeb. mi
woman which thou haft taken for ihe w fa eight days old, as God had commanded him.
c c Chap. 17 11,
tied tc an for the ;

man's wife. 5 And Abraham was an hunched years old, when cir. 1897.

4 But Abimeiech had not come near her and he : his fon Ifaac was born unto him.
laid, Lord, wilt thou flay alfo a righteous nation ? 6 IT And Sarah faid, God hath made me to laugh,
5 Said he not unto me, She is my filter ? and Hie, so that all that hear will laugh with me.
v' even me herfelf, faid, He is my brother in the ||in- : 7 And Ihe faid, Who would have faid unto Abra-
taity.' tegrity of my heart, and innocency of my hands, have ham, that Sarah fhould have given children fuck '
I done this. for I have bome him a fon in his old age.
6 And God faid unto him in a dream, Yea, I know 8 And the child grew and was weaned and Abraham :

that thou didft this in the integrity of thy heart for I ; made a great feaft the same day that Ifaac was weaned.
alfo withheld thee from finning againllme therefore : 9 IF And Sarah faw the fon of Hagar the .Egyptian,
fuffered I thee not to touch her. which flie had borne unto Abraham, mocking.
7 Now, therefore, reftore the man his wife for he ; 10 Wherefore ihe faid unto Abraham, d Caftout cir. 189c,
d Gal. 4 30;
is a prophet, and he fhall pray for thee, and thou jfhalt this bond woman and her fon fer-the fon of this bond

live and if thou reftore he mot, know thou that thou

: woman fhall not be heir with my fon, even with Ifaac.
fhalt furely die, thou, and all that are thine. 11 And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's
8 Therefore Abimeiech rofe early in the morning, light, becaufe of his fon.
and called all his fervants, and told all thefe things in 12 And God faid unto Abraham, Let it not be
th'eir ears and the men were fore afraid.
: grievous in thy light, becaufe of the lad, and becaufe
9 _H Then Abimeiech called Abraham, and faid un- of thy bond woman in all that Sarah hath faid unto

to him, What haft thou done unto us ? and what have thee, hearken unto her voice for in Ilaac fllall thy

I offended thee, that thou haft brought on me, and feed be called.
on my kingdom, a great fin ? thou haft done deeds 13 And alfo of the fon of the bond woman will I
unto me that ought not to be done. make a nation, becaufe he is thy feed.
10 And Abimeiech faid unto Abraham, What 14 And Abraham rofe up early in the morning,
faweft thou, that thou haft done this thing ? and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it un-
11 And Abraham faid, Becaufe I thought, Surely to Hagar (putting it on her fhoulder,) and the child,
the fear of God is-not in this place and they will flay ; and fent her away and flie departed, and wandered

me for my wife's fake. in the wildernefs of Beer-iheba.

12 And yet indeed she is my filter ; flie is the 15 1[ And the water was ipent in the bottle, and
daughter of my facher, but not the daughter of my flie call the child under one of the flirubs.
mother ; and me became my wife. 16 And flie went, and fat her down over againft
13 And it came to pafs, when God caufed me to him a good way off, as it were a bow fhot for ihe :

wander from my father's houfe, that I faid unto her, faid, Let me not fee the death of the child. And flie
This is thy kindnefs which thou fhalt fhew unto me fat over againft him, and lifted up her voice and wept.
13. At every place whither we fhall
come, a fay of me, He 17 And God heard the voice of the lad and the :

is my brother. angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven, and faid

14 H And Abimeiech took fheep, and oxen, and unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar ? fear not for God •,

men fen-ants, and women fervants, and gave them un- hath heard the voice of the lad where he is.
to Abraham, and reltored him Sarah his wife. 18 Arife, lift up the lad, and hold him in thine
15 And Abimeiech faid, behold, my land is before hand for I will make him a great nation.
t Heb. as is
good in thine thee ; dwell t where it pleafeth thee. 19 And God opened her eyes, and flie.faw a well
16 And unto Sarah he faid, Behold, I have given of water and ihe went and filled the bottle with wa-

thy brother a. thou&nd pieces of filver behold, he is ; ter, and gave the lad drink.
to thee a covering of the eyes unto all that are with 20 And God was with the lad and he grew, and ;

thee, and with all other. Thus flie was reproved. dwelt in the wildernefs, and became an archer.
17 H So Abraham prayed unto God and God ; 21 And he dwelt in the wildernefs of Paran and :

healed Abimeiech, and his wife, and his maid fer- his mother took him a wife out of the land of Egypt.
vants; and they bare children. 22 II And it came to pafs at that time, that Abim-
18 For the Lord had fait clofed up all the wombs eiech, and Phicholthe chief captain of his hoft, fpake
of the houfe of Abimeiech becaufe of Sarah, Abra- unto Abraham, faying, God is with thee in all that
ham's wife. thou doeft.
23 Now.
. ; ;

The trial of Abraham s faith. GENESIS. Death of Sarah.

Christ ^
Now, therefore, fwear unto me here by God, himfelf a lamb for a burnt offering fo they went
C hrist
dr." .892. f that thou wilt not deal falfely with me, nor with my both of them together. cir l8 „. .

*° n nor **k'
w m
^ f°n s f°n but according to the kind-
9 And they came to the place which God had told -'*"Y s,J
* l

shait he «X'nefs that I have done unto thee, thou malt do unto him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid
me, and to the land wherein thou haft fojourned. the wood in. order and bound Ifaac his fon, and b laid b ^ am : 2U

24 And Abraham laid, I will fwear. him on the altar upon the wood.
25 And Abraham reproved Abimelech becaufe of 10 And Abraham ftretched forth his hand and
a well of water, which. Abirhelecn's fervantshad vio- took the knife to flay his fon.
lently taken away. 11 If And the angel of the Lord called unto him
26 And Abimelech faid, I wot not who hath done out of heaven, and faid, Abraham, Abraham And !

this thing neither didft thou tell me, neither yet

; he faid, Here ami. ^
heard I of it but to day. 12 And he faid, Lay not thine hand upon the lad,
27 And Abraham took fheep and oxen, and gave neither do thou any thing unto him for now I know

them unto Abimelech and both of them made a cov-

: that thou feareft God, feeing thou haft not withheld
enant. thy fon, thine only son, from. me.
28 And Abraham fet feven ewe lambs of the Hock 13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked,
by themfelves. and, behold, behind him a ram caught in a thicket
29 And Abimelech faid unto Abraham, What by his horns and Abraham went and took the ram,

'meanfhdfe feven ewe lambs which thou halt fet by and offered him up for a burnt offering in the (lead
themfelves ? of his fon,
he faid, For these feven ewe lambs (halt
30 14 And Abraham called the name of that place
thou take of my hand, that they maybe a witnefs IIJehovah-jireh as it is laid to this dav, In the mount That *,
: 1 .

unto me that I have digged this well. of die Lor d it mall be feen. Via %?&
'.veil of the
31 Wherefore he called that place Beer-fheba ; || 15 If And the angel of the Lord called unto A bra- "*
cir. i8yi.
becaufe there they fvvare both of them. ham out of heaven the fecond time,
32 Thus they made a covenant at Beer-fheba 16 And faid, c By myfelf have I fworn, faith the cPsa.1059.
then Abimelech rofe up, and Phicholthe chief captain Lord for becaufe thou haft done this thing, and J^^J
1 -

of his holt, and they returned into the land of the haft not withheld thy fon, thine only son ; Heb.6 1'/.'

Philiftines. 17 That in bleffmg I will blefs thee, and in multi-

Or, tree.
33 If And Abraham planted a grove in Beer-fhe- ||
plying I will multiply thy feed as the ftars of die heav-
ba, and called there on the name of the Lord, the en, and as the fand which is upon the fea t fhore and t Heb. up. ;

everlalting God. thy feed mail poffefs the gate of his enemies :

34 And Abraham fojourned in the Philiftines' land 18 d And in thy feed ftiallall the nations of the earth l^.' 2 ''
many days. be bleffed becaufe thou haft obeyed my voice.
; |«>- w™.
i* CHAP. XXII. 19 So Abraham returned unto his young men Gai.3 «"

Abraham commanded to offer up Isaac : 3 he gfa-

1 and they rofe up, and went together to Beer-llieba
and obedience : 11 an angel
eth proof of his faith and Abraham dwelt at Beer-fheba.
stayeth him, ana a ram is substituted in Isaac''s 20 If And it came to pafs, after thefe things, that it
stead ; Abraham calleth the place fehovah-jireh. was told Abraham, faying, Behold, Milcah, fhe hath
15 Abraham is again blessed. alio borne children unto thy brother Nahor ;

a HrtJa A ND it came to pafs, after thefe things, that a God


^b. Behdd J^\ did tempt Abraham, and faid unto him, Abra-
21 Huz his firftborn, and Buz his brother, and
Kemuel the father of Aram,
ham. And he faid, + Behold, here I am. 22 And Chefed, and Hazo, and Pildafh, and Jid-
2 And he faid, Take now thy fon, thine only son laph, and Bethuel.
Ifaac, whom thou lovefl, and get thee into the land of 23 And Bethuel begat e Rebekah thefe eight
Moriah, and offer him there for a burnt offering upon Milcah did bear to Nahor, Abraham's brother. Rebecca.

one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. 24 And his concubine, whofe name w<zsReumah,
3 If And Abraham rofe up early in the morning, flie bare alfo Tebah, and Galiam, and Thahafh, and
and faddled his afs, and took two of his young men Maachah.
with him, and ifaac his fon and clave the wood for
the burnt offering, and rofe up, and went unto the 1 The age and death of Sarah. 3 The purchase of
place^ of which God had told him. the field and cave of Machpelah, 19 where Sarah
4 Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his was ouried.
eyes and law the place afar off.
5 And Abraham laid unto his young men, Abide
AND Sarah was an hundred and feven and twen-
ty years old these were the years of the life of

ye here with the afs and I and the lad will go yon-
; Sarah.
der and wprfhip, and come again to you. 2 And Sarah died in Kirjatharba ; the fame is He-
6 And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offer- bron in the land of Canaan and Abraham came to

ing, and laid upon Ifaac his Ton and he took the
it ; mourn for Sarah, and to weep for her.
fire in his hand, and a knife and they went both of
: 3 IT And Abraham flood up from before his dead,
them together. and (pake unto the fons of Heth, faying,
7 And Ifaac fpal:c unto Abraham his father, and 4 I am a. ftranger and a fojourner with you give :

My father. And he faid,


*«" faid. t Here am I, my fon. me a poffeffion of a burying place with you, that I
And he faid, Behold the fire and the wood but ; may bury my dead out of my light.
1 o,-, m. where is the lamb for a burnt offering
5 And the children of Heth anfwered Abraham,
8 And Abraham faid, My fon, God will provide faying unto him,
6 Hear
Abrahamsweareth his servant, CHAP. XXIV.. Rebekah giveth water to the camehi
Before 5 Hear lis, my lord : Thou art f a mighty prince God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that thou
Q fhalt not take a wife unto my fon ofthe daughters of
among us in the choice of our fepulchres bury thy

the Canaanites, amongft whom I dwell

dead : none of us fhall withhold fi-ora thee his fe-
$H,£'<,fco.i. pulchre, but that thou mayeft bury thy dead. _
4 But thou ihalt go unto
country, and to my
7 And Abraham flood up, and bowed himfelf to kindred, and take a wife unto my Ion Ifaac.
the people cf the land, even to the children of Heth. 5 And the fervant faid unto him, Peradventure the
8 And he communed with them, faying, If it be your woman will not be willing to follow me unto this
mind that I fhould bury my dead out of my fight, hear land mull I needs bring dry fon again unto the land

me, and entreat for me to Ephronthe fon of Zohar, from whence thou cameil ?
9 That he may give me the cave of Machpelah, 6 And Abraham faid unto him, Beware thou, that
which he hath, which is in the end of his field ; for thou bring not my fon thither again.
t Heb. full
momy. f as much money as it is worth he fhall give it me, 7 The Lord God of heaven, which took me from
for a poffeflion of a burying place amongft you. my father's houfe, and from the land of my kindred,
10 And Ephron dwelt among the children of Heth. and which fpake unto me, and that fware unto me,
And Ephron the Hittite anfwered Abraham in the faying, b Unto thy feed will I give this land he fhall bChap.
& 5, St;
1 q 1 i

tHcb. ears.
t audience ofthe children of Heth, even of all that went fend his angel before thee, and thou fhalt take a wife 18, & 17 8.
in at the gates of his city, faying, unto my fon from thence.
11 Nay, my
lord, hear me The field give I thee,
: 8 And if the woman will not be willing to follow
and the cave that is therein, I give it thee ; in the thee, then thou ihalt be clear from this my oath :
prefence of the^lbns of my people give I it thee : bury only bring not my fon thither again.
d)y dead. 9 And the fervant put his hand under the thigh of
12 And Abraham bowed down himfelf before the Abraham his mafter, and fware to him concerning that
people of the land. matter.
13 And he fpake unto Ephron, in the audience of _
10 IF And the fervant took ten camels ofthe camels
Or, and.
the people of die land, faying, But if thou wilt give it, of his mafter, and departed (i| for all the goods of his

I pray thee, hear me I will give thee money for the

: mailer were in his hand ;) and he arofe, and went to
field ; take it of me, and I will bury dead there. my Mesopotamia, unto the city of Nahor.
14 And Ephron anfwered Abraham, faying unto him, 1 And he made his camels to kneel down without
15 My lord, hearken unto me The land is worth : the city by a well of water, at the time of the evening,
four hundred ihekels of lilver ; what is that betwixt even the time \ that women go out to draw water. tHeb.

me and thee ? bury therefore thy dead. 12 IF And he faid, O

Lord God of my mafter A- that -vc:i:n
•which dra u>
water go
16 And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron and A- ; braham, I pray diee, fend me good fpeedthis day, and }~CTih.
braham weighed to Ephron the filver, which he had fhew kindnefs unto my mailer Abraham.
named in the audience ofthe fons of Heth, four hun- 13 Behold, c I fland here by the well of water and ;
ever. 43

dred fhekels offilver current money with the merchant.

, the daughters ofthe men ofthe city come out to draw
17 And the field of Ephron* which was in Mach- water
pelah, which was before Mamre, the field, and the 14 And let it come to pafs, that the damfel to whom.
cave which was therein, and all the trees that were I fhall fay, Let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that
in the field, that were in all the borders round about, I may drink and fhe fhall fay, Drink, and I will

were made fure give thy camels drink a!fo let the same be fhe that

18 Unto Abraham for a poffeflion in the prefence thou hail appointed for thy fervant Ifaac and there- ;

ofthe children of Hetii, before all that went in at die by fhali I know that thou hail fhewed kindnefs unto
gate of his city. my mailer.
19 fl And after this Abraham buried Sarah his 15 \ And it came to pafs, before he had done
wife in the cave of the field of Machpelah, before fpeaking, that, behold, Rebekah came out, who was
Mamre the fame is Hebron in the land of Canaan.
: born to Bethuel, fon of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, A-
20 And the field, and the cave that is therein, were braham's brother, widi her pitcher upon her fhonlder.
made fure unto Abraham, for a poffeflion of a burying 16 And the damfel was fvery fair to look upon, tHeb. rccdof
place, by the 16ns of Heth. a virgin, neither had any man known her : and ihe
CHAP. 'XXIV. went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and
came up.
1 Abraham swear eth 10 The servant's
his servant.
17 And the fervant ran to meet her, and faid, Let
journey 12 his prayer and sign. 15 Rebekah
me, I pray thee, drink a little \yater of thy pitcher.
meeteih him, and fidfilleth his sign : 22 she receiveth 18 And ihe faid. Drink, my lord and ihe hailed,

jewels, sheweth her kindred, and inviteth him home ;

and let down her pitcher upon her hand, and gave him
the servant blesseth God. 29 Laban entertaineth drink.
him. 34 The servant sheweth his message, and 19 And, when ihe had done giving him drink, ike
asketh for Rebekah. 50 Laban and Bet huel approve
faid, I will draw water for thy camels alio, until they
of his proposal; Rebekah consenteth to go : 62 Isaac have done drinking.
meeteth her on her way.
20 And ihe hailed, and emptied her pitcher into
t Heb. gone
into dayi.
Abraham was
Lord had the
old, and\ well ilricken in age
blefled Abraham in all things.
the trough, and ran again unto the well to draw water,
and drew for all his camels.
2 And Abraham unto his eldeft fervant of his
faid 21 And the man, wondering at her, held his peace,
a ciup. 47 29. houfe, that ruled over all that he had, 'Put, I pray to wit, whedier the Lord had made his journey pros-
thee, thy hand under thigh my ;
perous or not.
3 And I will make thee fwear by the Lord, the 22 II And it came to pais, as the camels had done
' ;

The servant askethfor Rebekah. GENESIS. Isaac meeteth Rebekah.

Christ drinking, that the man took a golden earring ©f |j

44 And fhe fay to me Both drink thou and I will alfo C hrIst
, ,

half a ihekel weight, and two bracelets for her hands draw for thy camels let the fame be the woman whom

of ten shekels weight of gold, the Lord hath appointed out for my mailer's fon.
23 And laid, Whole daughter art thou? tell me, 45 And before I had done fpeaking in mine heart,
I pray thee Is there room in thy father's houfe for
behold, Rebekah came forth with her pitcher on her
us to lodge in ? fhoulder and Ihe went down unto the well, and drew

24 And fhe faid unto him, I am the daughter of water: and I faid unto her, Let rne drink, I pray thee.
Bethuel, the fon of Milcah, which fhe bare unto 46 And fhe made halle, and let down her pitcher
Nahor. from her shoulder, and faid, Drink, and I will give
25 She faid moreover unto him, have both We thy camels drink alfo. So I drank, and fhe made the
ftraw and provender enough, and room to lodge in, ! camels drink alfo.
26 And the man bowed down his head, and wor- 47 And I afked her, and faid, Whofe daughter art
fhipped the Lord. thou ? And me faid, The daughter of Bethuel, Nahor's
27 faid, Bieffed be the Lord God of my
And he fon, whom Milcah bare unto him and I put the ear* :

mailer Abraham, who hath not left deftitute my mat- ring upon her face, and the bracelets upon her
ter of his mercy and his truth I being in the way,
: hands.
the Lord led me to the houfe of my mailer's brethren. 48And I bowed down my head, and worfhipped
28 And the damfel ran, and told them of her moth- theLord, and bieffed the Lord God of my mafter
er's houfe thefe things. Abraham, which had led me in the right way, to take
29 Tf And Rebekah had a brother, and his name my mailer's brother's daughter unto his fon.
was Laban and Laban ran out unto the man unto
: 49 And now, if ye will deal kindly and truly with
the well. rny mafter, tell me : and if not, tell me ; that I may
30 And it came to pafs when he faw the earring, turn to the right hand, or to the left.
and bracelets upon his filler's hands, and when he 50 II Then Laban and Bethuel anfwered and faid,
heard the words of Rebekah his lifter, faying, Thus The thing proceedeth from the Lord we cannot :

fpake the man unto me that he came unto the man

; fpeak unto thee bad or good.
and, behold, he Hood by the camels at the well. 51 Behold, Rebekah is before thee, take her, and
3 1 And he faid, Come in, thou bieffed ofthe Lord; go, and let her be thy mailer's ton's wife, as the Lord
wherefore ftandeft thou without ? for I have prepared hath fpoken.
the houfe, and room for the camels, 52 And it came to pafs, that, when Abraham's
32 And the man came into the houfe and he un- : fervant heard their words, he worfhipped the Lord,
girded his camels, and gave ftraw and provender for bowing himself to the earth,
the camels, and water to walh his feet, and the men's 53 And the fervant brought forth f jewels of lilver, f HebVws^
feet that were with him. and jewels of gold, and raiment, and gave them to Re-
33 And there was fet meat before him to eat but : bekah hegave alfo to her brother and to her mother

he faid, I will not eat until I have told mine errand. precious things,
And he faid, Speak on. 54 And they did eat and drink, he and the men
34 If And he faid, I am Abraham's fervant. that were with him, and tarried all night and they :

35 And the Lord hath bieffed my mailer greatly, rofe up in the morning and he faid, e Send me away \^^n
56 8C59.
and he is become great and he hath given him flocks,
: unto mymafter.
and herds, and lilver, and gold, and menfervants, and 55 And her_ brother and her mother laid, Let the
maid fervants, and camels, and affes. damfel abide with us a few days, at the leall ten ; \Ov, a f,dl

36 And Sarah, my mailer's wife, bare a fon to my after that fhe fhall go.
year, or, ten
mailer when Ihe was old and unto him hath he giv-
: 56 And he faid unto them, Hinder me not, feeing
en all that he hath. the Lord hath profpered way ; fend me away, my
37 And my mailer made me fwear, faying, Thou that I may go to my
fhait not take a wife to my
fon of the daughters of the 57 And they laid, We
will call the damfel, and
Canaanites, in whofe land I dwell : inquire at her mouth,
38 But thou fhalt go unto my
father's houfe, and 58 And they called Rebekah, and faid unto her,
to mykindred, and take a wife unto fon. my Wilt thou go with this man ? And fhe faid, I will go.
And I faid unto my mailer, Perad venture the
39 59 And they lent away Rebekah their lifter, and
woman will not follow me. her nurfe, and Abraham's fervant, and his men.
4© And he faid unto me, The Lord, before whom 60 And they bieffed Rebekah, and faid unto her,
I walk, will fend his angel with thee, and profper thy Thou art our lifter, be thou the mother of thousands
way and thou fhalt take a wife for my fon of my
; of millions, and let thy feed poffefs the gate of thofe
kindred, and of my father's houfe. which hate them,
41 Then (halt thou be clear from this my oath, 61 And Rebekah arofe, and her damfels, and they
when thou cornel! to my kindred and if they give ; rode upon the camels, and followed the man and :

not thee one, thou fhalt be clear from my oath. the fervant took Rebekah, and went his way.
42 And I came this day unto the well, and faid, 62 II And Ifaac came from the way of the f well f Chap. 16
O Loud God of my mailer Abraham, if now thou do Lahai-roi for he dwelt in the fouth country.

prolper my way which I go ; 63 And Ifaac went out to meditate in the field at Or, r»
|| I

d Verse .3.
43 d Behold, I Hand by the well of water: and it the even tide and he lifted up his eyes, and faw, and,

fhall come to pafs, that when the virgin cometh forth behold, the camels were coming.
to draw water, and I fay to her, Give me, I pray thee, 64 And Rebekah lifted up her eyes ; and when fhe
a little water of thy pitcher to drink ;
faw Ifaac, fhe lighted off the camel.
65 For
Death of Ishmael. CHAP. XXV, XXVI. God blesseth Isaac.

65 For fhc had faiel unto the feryant, What man is 20 And Ifaac was forty years old when he took christ
this that walketh in the field to meet us ? And the Rebekah to wife, the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian ip 57 .

fervant had faid, It is my matter therefore fhe took

: of Paelan-aram, the fifter to Laban the Syrian. '-^ '

a veil and covered heffelf. „ 21 If And Ifaac entreated the Lord for his wife, l% 'f-

66 And the fervant told Ifaac all things that he had becaufe fhe was barren and the Lor d was entreated

done. of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived.

And Ifaac brought her into his mother Sarah's
67 22 And. the childreivftruggled together within her :

tent,and took Rebekah, and ihe became^ hisjvife : and flie faid, If it be fo, why am I thus ? And ihe went
and he loved her And Ifaac was comforted after his
: to inquire of the Lord.
mother's death. 23 And the Loud faiel unto her, nations art? Two
CHAP. XXV. in thy womb, anil two manner of people fhall be fep-
arated from thy bow els and the one people fliall be
1 The sons of Abraham by Keturah : 7 his age and :

12 The generations of Ishmael : 17 his age ftronger than the other people and the elder fliall e Rom. 91a -
death. ;

ferve the younger.

and death. 21 Isaac prayeth for Rebekah, being
barren. 24 The birth of Esau and Jacob : 27 their 24 If And when her days to be delivered were ful-
filled, behold, there were twins in her womb.
different manner of life. 29 Esau selleth his birth-
cir. '.853.
right to

"""HEN' again
was Keturah
Abraham took a wife and her name
25 And the fnft came out red, all over like an
hairy garment ; and they called his name Efau.
26 And after that came his brother out, anel f his fHoseais*.
hand took hold on Efau's heel and his name was
a iCir. 1 32. 2 And :i
fhe bare him Zimran, and Jokfhan, ana called Jacob and Ifaac was threefcore years olel when

Medan, and Midian, and Ifhbak, and Shuah. fhe bare them.
3 And Joklhan begat Sheba and Dedan. And the
27 If Anel the boys grew and Efau was a cunning 1837- :

fons of Dedan were Afshurim, and Letufhim, and

hunter, a man of the field ; anel Jacob was a plain
Leummim. man, dwelling in tents.
4 And the fons of Midian Ephah, and Epher, and
28 And Ifaac loved Efau, becaufe the did eat of t Heb veit-
Hanoch, and Abidah, and Eldaah. All thefe were iscn was in
his venifon ; but Rebekah loved Jacob. his mouth.
the children of Keturah.
29 Tf And Jacob fod pottage and Efau came from
5 If And Abraham gave all that he had unto Ifaac.

the field, and he was faint. .

6 But unto the fons of the concubines, which Abra-
30 And Efau faiel to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee,
ham had, Abraham gave gifts, and fent them away from
t with that fame red pottage ; for I am faint therefore tHeb. inm
Ifaac his ion (while he yet lived) eaftward unto the eaft

was his name calleel Edom. ^uh "v*

31 And Jacob faid, Sell me mis day my birthright.
M22. 7 If And thefe are the days of the years of Abra- cfr.TST'
32 Anel Efau faid, Behold, lam tat the point to t Heb.;
ham's life which he lived, an hundred tlireefcore and ;to die.
die and what profit fliall this birthright do to me ?
fifteen years. » '

33 And Jacob faid, Swear to me this day and he

8 Then Abraham gave up the ghoft, and died in ;

fware unto him and g he fold his birthrightunto Jacob. gHcb. :2 16.
a good old age, an old man, and full of years ; and :

was gathered to his people.

34 Tlien Jacob gave Efau bread and pottage of
lentiles anel he die! eat anel drink, and rofe up, and
9 And his fons Ifaac and Ifhmael buried him in ;

the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron, the

went his way. Thus Efau defpifed his birthright.

*chap. 23 16.
fon of Zohar theKittite, which is before Mamre
10 b The field which Abraham purchafed of the fons

1 Isaac,
because of famine, goeth to Gerar ; God hi-
of Heth there was Abraham buried and Sarah his wife.
: st ructeth him, and blesseth him : 9 he is reproved by
1 If And it came to pafs after the death of Abra- Abimelech for denying his wife: 12 he groweth rich:
ham, that God bleffed his fon Ifaac and Ifaac dwelt : 18 he diggeth the wells Esek, Sitnah, and Rehoboth.
,6l4 'by the c wel! Lahai-roi. 26 Abimelech makcth a covenant with him at Beer-
12 If Now thefe are the generations of Ifhmael, sheha.
Abraham's fon, whom Hagar die Egyptian, Sarah's
handmaid, bare unto Abrah AN D there was a famine in the land, befides the
famine that was in the days of Abraham.

* or.
• 29. . 13 And d thefe are the names of the fons of Ifhmael, And Ifaac went unto Abimelech king of the Philifl-
by their names, according to their generations The : ines, unto Gerar'.
firftborn of Ifhmael, Nebajoth and Kedar, and Ad- ;
2 If And the Lor d appeared unto him, and faid, Go
be el, and Mibfam, not down into Egypt ; dwell in the land which I fhall*
And Mifhma,
and Dumah, and Mafia, tell thee of.

114 15 Hadar, andTema, Jetur,Naphifh,andKedemah.

16 Thefe arexhe fons of Ifhmael, and thefe are their
names, by their towns, and by their caftles twelve ;
3 Sojourn in this land, and
wili blefs thee
I will be with thee, and
for unto thee, anel unto thy feeel,

will give all thefe countries, and I will perform the

T a chap,
' 5,ii '
princes according to their nations. oath which fware unto Abraham thy father
I :

3- 17 And thefe are the years of the life of Ifhmael, 4 And make thy feed to multiply as the ftars
I will
an hundred and thirty and feven years and hega\ e wn :
of heaven, and will give unto thy feed all thefe coun-
the ghoft and died, and Was gathered unto his people'. tries and in thy feed fhall all the nations of the earth

18 And
they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur, that be b
bleffed; bChap. is-
is before Egypt, as thou goeft toward Affyria & 22
t Hcb. m he t died in the prefence of all his brethren.
and :
5 Becaufe that Abraham obeyed my voice, anel rtJ.

kept my charge, my commandments, my ftatutes,

19 Tf And thefe. are the generations of Ifaac, Abra- anel my laws.
ham's fon Abraham begat Ifaac.
6 If And Ifaac dwelt in Gerar.
D 7 Anel
, : ;

God appeareth to Isaac. GENESIS. Rebekab instrufhth jfacoh.

CHRIST 7 And the men of the place afked him of his wife ;
Lord was with thee and we faid, Let there be now CHRIST

cir. 1804. and he faid, She is my filler

he feared to fay, She is : for on oath betwixt us, even betsvixt us and thee, and cir. 1804.
my wife left, said he, the men of the place fhould kill
; let us make a covenant with thee ;

me for Rebekah becaufe fhe was fair to look upon.

; 2# t That thou wilt do us no hurt, as we have tHeb. If
thou shalt.
8 And it came to pafs, when he had been there a not touched thee, and as we have done unto thee
long time, that Abimelech, king of the Phililtines, nothing but good, and have fent thee away in peace :
looked out at a window, and faw, and behold, Ifaac hou art now the bleifed of the Lord.
ivas fporting with Rebekah his wife. 30 And he made them a feafl, and they did eat
9 And Abimelech called Ifaac, and^ faid, Behold, and drink.
of afurety ihe is thy wife ; and how faidft thou, She 31 And they rofe up betimes in the morning, and
is my lifter ? And Ifaac faid unto him, Becauie I faid, fware one to another and Ifaac fent them away, and

Left I die for her. they departed from him in peace.

10 And Abimelech faid, What is this thou haft done 32 And it came to pafs the fame day, that Ifaac's
unto us ? one of the people might lightly have lain fervants came, and told him concerning the well which
with thy wife, and thou fhouldeit have brought guilti- they had digged, and faid unto him, have found We
nefs upon us. water.
11And Abimelech charged all his people, faying, 33 And he called it H Shebah therefore the name \ That fs,
An oath.

He that toucheth this man or his wife, fhall furely of the city is Beer-fheba unto this day.
][ That is, ||

Thev.-eU of
be put to dea*h. 34 TF And Efau was forty years old when he took ths oath.
t tith. found. 12 If Then Ifaac fo wed in that land, and t received to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and c Chap.
27 .

in the fame year an hundredfold; and the Lord Baihemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite 46. :
t Heb. bit-
blefled him. 35 Which c were t a grief of mind unto Ifaac and terness of
t Heb. ivcnt 13 And the man waxed great, and f went forward, to Rebekah,
and grew, until he became very great
14 For he had poffeflion of flocks, and poffeffion
!Or, hits- of herds, and great ftore of [[fervants and the Phi- :
1 Isaac sendeth Esau for venison.^ 6 Rebekah instrimt-
Pamir) etb Jacob how to obtain the blessing .-18 Jacob, under
liltines envied him :

15 For all the wells which his father's fervants had the person of Esau, obtaineth it. 30 Esau bringeth
•venison ; Isaac trembleth, but confirmetk the bless-
digged in the days of Abraham his father 5> the Phi-
liltines had ftopped them, and filled them with earth.
ing. 34 Esau complaineth, and by importunity ob-
taineth a blessing : 41 he threateneth Jacobus life:
16 And Abimelech laid unto Ifaac, Go from us ;
for thou art much mightier than we. 42 Rebekah disappointeth it.

17 And Ifaac departed thence, and pitched his tent

in the valley of Gerar, and dwelt there.
AN D it came to pals, that
and his eyes were dim, fo that he could not fee,
when Ifaac was old, cir. 1760..

18 IF And Ifaac digged again the wells of water which he called Efau his eldeft fon, and faid unto him, My
they had digged in the days of Abraham his father ;
fon And he faid unto him, Behold, here am I.

for the Phiiiftines had flopped them after the death 2 And he faid, Behold now, I am old, I know not
of Abraham and he called their names after the
the day of my death :
names by which his father had called them. 3 Now, therefore, take,. I pray thee, thy weapons,
19 And Ifaac's fervants digged in the valley, and thy quiver and thy bow., and go out to the field, and
r muii-Bing. found there a well of t fpringing water. f takeme sow^venifon- t Hebi
20 And the herdmen of Gerar did ftrive with Ifaac's 4 And make me favoury meat, fuch as I love, and
herdmen, faying, The water is ours and he called the :
bring it to me, that I may eat ; that my foul may
; is, name of the well Efek becauie they flrove with him.
I! ;
blefs thee before I die.
21 And they digged another well, and ftrove for _
5 And Rebekah heard when Ifaac fpake to Efau
That is, that alfo and he called the name of it Sitnah.
: \\
his fon. And Efau went to the field to hunt for ven-
22 And he removed from thence, and digged an- ifon, and to bring it.
other well ; and for that they ftrove not and he call- : 6 And Rebekah fpake unto Jacob her
IF fon, fay-
That ed the name of it Rehoboth ; and he faid, For now
is, It
ing, Behold, I heard thy father fpeak unto Efau thy
the Lord hath made room for us, and we fhall be \
brother, faying,
fruitful in the land. 7 Bring me venifori, and make me favoury meat,
23 And he went up from thence toBeer-fheba,
that I may eat, and blefs thee before the Lord before
24And the Lord appeared unto him the fame my death.
night, and faid, I am the God of Abraham thy father ;
8 Now therefore, my fon, obey voice, accord- my
fear not, for I am with thee,, and will blefs thee, and ing to that which. I command thee.
multiply thy feed, for my fervant Abraham's fake. 9 Go now to the flock, and fetch me from thence
25 And he builded an altar there, and called upon two good kids of the goats and I will make them ;

the name of the Lord, and pitched Ins tent there : favoury meat for thy father, fach as he loveth :

and there Ifaac's fervants digged a well. 10 And thou fhalt bring it to thy father, that he
26 IT Then Abimelech went to him from Gerar, may eat, and that he may blefs thee before his death.
and Ahuzzath one of his friends, and Phichol the 11 And Jacob faid to Rebekah his mother, Be-
chief captain of his army. hold, Efau my brother is a hairy man, and I am a.
27 And Ifaac faid unto them, Wherefore come ye fmooth man.
me, feeing ye hate me, and have fent me away
to 12 My father peradventure will feel me, and I fhall
from you ? feem to him as a deceiver ; and I fhall bring a curfe
28 Ajid they faid, t We faw certainly that the
Hel>. See-

in.- ive aw
upon me, and not a bleffmg.
2 13 And
Esau also obtaineth a blessing. CHAP. XXVXIL Isaac sefidetb away Jacob,
Before 13 And his mother faid unto him, Upon me be thy 35 And he faid, Thy brother came with fubtilty, CHRIST
CHRIST my voice, me
. i i*. ;7J<">. curfe, my foil ;only obey and go fetch and hadi taken away thy bleiling. cir. 7 6o. ,

them. 36 1 And he faid, Is not he rightly named Jacob 11

14 And he went, and fetched, and brought them to for he hath fupplanted me thefe two times he :

his mother and his : mother made iavoury meat, i'uch away my birthright and behold, now he hath taken

as his father loved. away my bie Sing. And he laid, Haft thou not referved
15 And Rebekah took t goodly raiment of her del- a bleiling for me ?

eft ion Efau, which were with her in the houfe, and 37 And liaac anfwered, and laid unto Efau, Behold,
put them upon Jacob her younger fon. I have made him thy lord, and all his brethren have
16 And ihe put the (kins of the kids of the goats I given to him for feryants and with corn and wine ;

upon his hands, and upon the fmooth of his neck. have I fuftained him and what fhall I do now unto
|| :
Or, sup-
17 And Ihe gave the favoury meat and the bread, thee, my fon ?

which ihe had prepared, into the hand of her fon Jacob. 38 And Efau faid unto his father, Haft thou but one
18 11 And he came unto his father, and laid, My bleiling, my father I blefs me, even me alio, O my fa-
father. And he faid, Here am I who art thou, my ion? And Efau lifted up his voice, and b wept. bllc-b. I?
; ther !

19 Jacob faid unto his father, I am Efau thy

And 39 And Ifaac his father anfwered, and faidunto
firftborn I have done according as thou badeft me
: him, Behold, c thy dwelling fhall be H the fatnefs of c Verse :•?

Or, of the
arife, I pray thee, fit and eat of my venifon, that thy the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above

; fains >...

foul may blefs me,. 40 And by thy fword fhait thou live, and ihait ferve
20 And Ifaac faid unto his fon, is it that thou How thy brother and it fhall come to pafs, when thou

haft found fo quickly, it my

ion ? And he faid, Becaufe ihalt have the dominion, that thou fhait break his yoke
the Lord thy God brought it f to me, from off thy neck*
21 And liaac faid unto Jacob, Come near, I pray 41 If And Efau hated Jacob, becaufe of the blefiirg
thee, that I may feel thee, my
ion, whether thou be wherewith his father bleffed him and Efau faid in :

my very fon Efau, or hoti his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at
22 And Jacob went near unto Ifaac his father and ; hand, d
Then will I (lay my brother Jacob. dOb:,

he left him, and faid, The voice is Jacob's voice, but 42 And thefe words of Efau her elder ion were told to
the hands are the hands of Eiau. Rebekah and ihefentar.d calledJacobheryoungeribn,

23 And he difcerned him not, becaufe his hands were and unto him, Behold, thy brother Efau, as touch-
hairy, as his brother Efau's hands fo he bleifed him. : ing thee, doth comfort himfelf, purposing to kill thee.
24 And he faid, Art thou my very fon Efau ? And 43 Now, therefore, my ion, obey my voice and ;

he am.
faid, I arife, flee thou to Laban my brother, to Haran ;

25 And hefaid, Bring it near to me, and I will eat 44 And tarry with him a few days, until thy broth-
of my fon's venifon, that my foul may blefs thee. And er's fury turn away
he brought it near to him, and he did eat and he ; 45 Until thy brother's anger turn away from thee,
brought him wine, and he drank. and he forget that which thou haft done to him then :

26 And his father Ifaac faid unto him, Come near I will fend and fetch thee from thence. Why ihould
now, and kits me, my fon. I be deprived alfo of you both in one day ?
27 And he came near, and kiffed him and he : 46 And Rebekah faid to Ifaac, e I am weary of my life, e cha< 26 *
fmclied die fmell of his raiment, and bleffed him, and becauie of the daughters of Heth if Jacob take a wife s

laid, See, the fmell of my ion is as the fmell of a field of the daughters of Hethj fuch as thefe which are of the
which the Lord hath bleifed : daughters of the land, what good fhall my life dome ?
28 Therefore a God give thee of the dew of heaven, C HA XXVIII.
and the fatnefs of the earth, and plenty of corn and
wine :
1 Isaac blcsseth Jacob, and sendeth him toPadan-aram.
29 Let peopleferve thee, and nations bow down to
9Esau marricth Mahala th the daughter oflshmael.
thee be lord over thy brethren, and let thy mother's
12 Jacob's vision. 18 The stone of Bethel. 20 Ja-
cob' s vovo.
fons bow down to thee curfed be every one that

curfe th thee, and bleifed be he that bleffeth thee.

30 II And it came to pafs, as foon as liaac had made
AND Ifaac called Jacob and bleffed him, and
charged hum and laid unto him* Thou ihalt not

an end of bleiling Jacob, and Jacob was yet icarce take a wife of the daughters of Canaan.
gone out from the prefence of liaac his father, that 2 a Arife, go to Padan-aranij to the houfe of Bethuel alios. 12 ic,

Efau his brother came in from his hunting. thy mother's father and take thee a wife from thence

3 And he alfo had made iavoury meat and brought , of die daughters of Laban thy mother's brother.
it unto his lather, and faid unto his father, Let my 3 And God Almighty blefs thee, and make thee
father arife, and eat of his fon's venifon, that thy foul fruitful, and multiply thee, that thou mayeit be t a t Ileb. an
a mi/j '


blefs me. multitude of people ; people.

32 And Ifaac his father faid unto him, Who art 4 And give thee the bleifing of Abraham, to thee,
thou ? And he faid, I am thy fon, thy firftborn Efau. and to thy feed with thee that thou mayeft inherit ;

frHeb. trem-
bled •with a
33 And Ifaac f trembled very exceedingly, and faid, the land t b wherein thou art a ftrangcr, which God tHeb. of tlly
rrcat trem- Who
where is he that hath f taken venifon, and
? gave unto Abraham. h Chap. 1 * 1

'&gh,wied. brought itme, and I have eaten of all before thou camcft, 5 And Ifaac i'ent away Jacob and he went to Pa-
i- :

and have bleifed him ? yea, and he fhall be bleifed. dan-aram unto Laban, fon of Bediuel the Syrian, the
34 H And when Efau heard the words of his father,
brother of Rebekah, Jacob's and Efau's mother.
he cried with a great and exceeding bitter cry, and faid 6 H When Efau faw that Ifaac had bleffed Jacob,
unto his father, Blefs me, eve n me alfo, O my father ! and fent him away to Padan-aram, to take him a
; ;

Jacob cometh to the well ofHaran. GENESIS. Jacob is deceived with Leah.

Christ W ^C ^ om ^ienc e; and that, as he blefled him, he tered the fheep, and put the ftone again Before
upon the CHRIST
1760.gave him a charge, faying, Thou fhalt not take a wife well's mouthin his place. 1760.
v-'nr>* ,
ofthe daughters of Canaan ; And
4 My brethren, whence
Jacob faid unto them,
7 And that Jacob obeyed his father and his mo- be ye And they faid, Of Haran are we.

ther, and was gone to Padan-aram ;

5 And he faid unto them, Know ye Laban the fon
8 And Efau feeing that the daughters of Canaan of Nahor And they faid, We know him.

CT«fa ^" e
t pleafed not Ifaac his father 6 And he faid unto them, t Is he well And they ? t Heb. is

eyti.&c. 9 Then went Efau unto Ifhmael, and took unto the faid, He is well and, behold, Rachel his daughter
: tollumf
wives which he had, Mahalaththe daughter of Ifhmael, cometh with the fheep.
Abraham's fon, the filler of Nebajoth, to be his wife. 7 And he faid, Lo, 'fit is yet high day, neither is it Wlek.yetthe .

day is great;
10 II And Jacob went out from Beer-iheba, and time that the cattle fhould be gathered together wa- :

y^wl! went toward c Haran. ter ye the fheep, and go andTeed them.
11 And he lighted upon a certain place, and tar-
8 And they faid, We
cannot until all the flocks be
ried there all night, becaufe the fun was fet and he : gathered together, and till they roll the ftone from
took of the ftones of that place, and put them for his the well's mouth then we water the fheep.

and lay down in that place to lleep.

pillows, 9 TfAnd while he yet fpake with them, Rachel
12 And he dreamed, and, behold, a ladder fet came with her father's fheep for fhe kept them.

upon the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven : 10 And it came to pafs, when Jacob faw Rachel the
and, behold, the angels of God afcending and de- daughter of Laban his mother's brother, and the fheep
fcending on it, of Laban his mother's brother, that Jacob went near,
d Cl:a", «''
&-4 8 3- 13 d And, behold, the Lord ftood above it, and and rolled the ftone from the well's mouth, and wa-
faid, I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and tered the flock of Laban his mother's brother.
the God of Ifaac the land whereon thou lieft, to thee
: 11 And Jocob kiffed Rachel, and lifted up his
Avill I give it, and to thy feed ;
voice and wept.
14 And thy feed (hall beasthe duftof the earth; and 12 And Jacob told Rachel that he was her father's
T HA. hreA
tnou flialt t fpread abroad e to the weft, and to the eaft, brother, and that he was Rebekah's fon and fhe :

eDeut.122S.and ( the north and to the fouth and in thee, and : ran and told her father.
t Crap. 12^,. c ,
&1K18, &22 in th;y Teed, fhall all the families ofthe earth be blefled. 13 And it came to pafs, when Laban heard the
" '' *"
' 15 And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee t tidings of Jacob his filler's fon, that he ran to meet t neb. hear*
in all places whither thou goeft, and will bring thee him, and embraced him, and kiffed him, and brought
again into this land : f yc I will not leave thee, until I him to his houfe. And he told Laban all thefe things.
have done that which I have fpoken to thee of. 14 And Laban faid to him, Surely thou art my
16 IT And Jacob awaked out of his ileep, and he faid, bone and my
flefh. And he abode with him | the t Heb. a
month of
Surely the Lord is in this place and I knew it not. ; fpace of a month. days.

-17 And he was afraid, and faid, How dreadful is 15 IT And Laban faid unto Jacob, Becaufe thou
this place this is none other but the houfe of God,
! art my brother, fhouldeft thou therefore ferve me for
and this is the gate of heaven. nought ? tell me, what shall thy wages be ?
18 And Jacob rofe up early in the morning, and 16 And Laban had two daughters the name of :

took the ftcna that he had put for his pillows, and fet the elder was Leah, and the name ofthe younger was
it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it. Rachel.
U That is.
The house of
19 And he called the name of that place Bethel: || 17 Leah was tender eyed, but Rachel was beauti-
(Joi. but the name of that city was called Luz at the firft. ful and well favoured.
20_ IT And Jacob vowed a vow, faying, If God will 18 And Jacob loved Rachel ; and faid, I will ferve
be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, thee feven years for Rachel thy younger daughter.
and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, 19 And Laban faid, it is better that I give her to
21 So that I come again to my father's houfe in thee, than that I fhould give her to another man :
peace then fhall the Lord be my God
; : abide with me.
22 And this (tone, which I have let for a pillar, 20 And Jacob ferved feven years for Rachel ; and
fhall be God's houfe and of all that thou fhalt give
: ihey fcemed unto him but a few days, for the love

me, I will finely give the tenth unto thee. he had to her.
CHAP. XXIX. 21 And Jacob faid unto Laban, Give me my wife,

for my days are fulfilled, that I may go in unto her.

Jacob cometh to the well of Haran : 9 he maketh
22 And Laban gathered together all the men ofthe
himself known to Rachel ; Lab an enter taineth him.
place, and made a feaft.
18 Jacob covenanteth for Rachel : 23 he is deceived 23 And it came to pafs in the evening, that he took
with Leah : 28 he marrieth also Rachel, andserveth
Leah his daughter, and brought her to him ; and he

for her seven years more. 3 1 Leah bqareth Reuben, went in unto her.
Simeon, Levi, and Judah.
24 And Laban gave unto his daughter Leah, Zilpah
ui^ufiup rTH HEN
Jacob t went on his journey, and came m-

his maid jof an handmaid.

to the land ofthe t people of the eaft.
A„,l ~~A K„U„I,1 4.1. „ C
25 And it came to pafs, that, in the morning, behold,
2 And 1...A
he 1looked, and, behold, „a well
in the field, it was Leah and he faid to Laban, What is this thou

and, lo, there were three flocks of fheep lying by it haft done unto me ? Did not I ferve with thee for Ra-
for out of that well they watered the flocks and a : chel ? wherefore then haft thou beguiled me ?
great ftone was upon the well's mouth. 26 And Laban faid, It muft not be fo done in our
3 And thither were all the flocks gathered and :
t country, to give the younger before the firftborn.
t H-'i\
they rolled the ftone from the well's mouth and wa- 27 Fulfil her week, and we will give thee this alfo,
Reuben JinAeth mandrakes, C HAP. XXX. Laban Jlay eth Jacob.
fervice which thou fhalt ferve with me yet and found mandrakes in the field, and brought CHRIST
CHRIST for the
1753- feven other years. them unto his mother Leah. Then Rachel faid to cir. 1748.
28 H And Jacob did fo, and fulfilled her week and ; Leah, Give me, I pray thee, of thy fori's mandrakes.
he gave him Rachel his daughter to wife alfo. 15 And flie laid unto her, Is zVafmall matter that
29 And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter Bilhah thou haft taken my hufband ? and wouldeft thou take
his handmaid to be her maid. away my fon's mandrakes alfo ? And Rachel faid,
30 And he went in alfo unto Rachel, and he loved Therefore he fhall lie with thee to night for thy fon's
alfo Rachel more than Leah, and ferved with him yet mandrakes.
leven other years. 16 And Jacob came out of the field in the evening,
3 If And when the Lord faw that Leah was hated, and Leah went out to meet him, and laid, Thou muft
he opened her womb but Rachel was barren. : come in unto me ; for furely I have hired thee with
cir. 1752
32 And Leah conceived, and bare a fon, and fhe my fon's mandrakes. And he lay with her that night.
fl That called his name Reuben for fhe laid, Surely the || ; 17 IT And God hearkened unto Leah, and fhe con-
See a son,
Lord hath looked upon my affliction; now, there- ceived, and bare Jacob the fifth fon.
fore, my hufband will love me. 18 And Leah faid, God hath given me mine hire,
cir. 1751 33 And conceived again, and bare a fon and
flie ; becaufe I have given my maiden to my hufband and. :

faid, Becaufe the Lord hath heard that I was hated, name Ilfachar. is,
flie called his II

An hire.

he hath, therefore, given me this son alfo and flie : 19 And Leah conceived again, and bare Jacob the cir -><4<5

5 That is,
called his name Simeon. |j fixth fon.
cir. T750, 34 And flie conceived again, and bare a fon and ; 20 And Leah faid, God hath endowed me with a
faid, Now this time will my hufband be joined unto good dowry ; now wi!L my hufband dwell with me,
me, becaufe I have borne him three fons therefore : becaufe I have borne him fix fons : and flie called his
b That is,
U That was his name called Levi.
j| name || Zebulun. ||

cir. 1749. 35 And flie conceived again, and bare a fon and ; 21 And afterwards flie bare a daughter, and b Called,
called, Mat. 4 13,
a Mat.
fhe faid, Now will I praife the Lord therefore flie

U That

is, : her name || Dinah. Zabulon.

cir. 1745.

t Heb. stood called his name

Praise. a
Juclah, and t left bearing. II
22 IT And God remembered Rachel, and God ||
That is,
from bearing.
CHAP. XXX. hearkened to her, and opened her Avomb.
23 And flie conceived and bare a fon ; and faid,
cir. 1745-

1 Rachel, in grief for her barrenness, gheth Bilhah God hath taken away my reproach :

her maid unto Jacob. 5 Bilhah bearcth

_ and Dan 24 And fhe called his name Jofeph ; and faid, ||

Naphtali. 9 Leah gheth Zilpah

her maid, who The Lord fhall add to me another fon.
bearcth Gad and Asher. 14 Reuben jindeth man- 25 IF And it came to pafs, when Rachel had borne
drakes, for which Rachel yieldeth her husband to
Jofeph, that Jacob faid unto Laban, Send me away, that
Leah : 17 Leah beareth Issachar, Zebulun, and I may go unto mine own place, and to my country.
Dinah. 22 Rachel beareth Joseph. 25 Jacob de- 26 Give me my wives and my children, for whom
sireth to depart ; Laban stayeth him on a new cove-
I have ferved thee, and let me go for thou knoweft :

nant. 37 Jacob's policy, whereby he becometh rich. my fervice which I have done thee.
AN D when Rachel faw that flie bare Jacob no
children, Rachel envied her fifler and faid un- ;
27 And Laban faid unto him, I pray thee, if I have
found favour in thine eyes, tarry : for I have learned by
to Jacob, Give me children, or elfe I die. experience, tfeat the Lord me for thy fake.
hatli bleffed
2 And Jacob's anger was kindled againfl Rachel 28 And he faid, appoint me thy wages, and I will
and he faid, Am I in God's ftead ? who hath with- give

held from thee the fruit of the womb ? 29 And he
faid unto him, Thou knoweft how I
3 And fhe faid T Behold my maid Bilhah, go in un- have ferved thee, and how thy cattle was with me.
to her and fhe ihall bear upon my knees, that I may
; 30 For it was little which thou hadft before I came,
+ Hcb. he alfo t have children by her. and it is now t increafed unto a multitude and the tHeb. rrck-
iiult by her ;

4 And fhe gave him Bilhah her handmaid to wife ;

Lord hath bleffed thee t fince my coming and now, :
en forth.
t Heh. at
and Jacob went unto her. my foot.
in when fhall I provide for mine own houfe alfo ?

5 ffAnd Bilhah conceived, and bare Jacob a fon. 31 And he faid, What fhall I give thee ? And Ja-
6 And Rachel God
hath judged me, and hath
faid, cob faid, Thou fhalt not give me any thing. If thou
alfo heard my voice, and hath given me a fon there- : wilt do this thing for me, I will again feed and keep
is, fore called fhe his name || Dan. thy flock
cir. 1747. 7 And Bilhah, Rachel's maid, conceived again, 32 I will pafs through all thy flock today, remov-
and bare cob a fecond fon.
J.) ing from thence all the fpeckled and (potted cattle,
f nib.
And Rachel faid. "With f great wrefllings have
and all the brown cattle among the Cheep, and the
God I wreftled with my filter, and I have prevailed and fpotted and fpeckled among the goats
and of such
\™?rsT ^ e ca^ed his name f » Naphtali. fhall be my hire.

a (iilled.
9 II When Leah faw that fhe had left bearing, fhe 33 So fhall my
righteoufnefs anfwer for me t in t Hcb. to-
> morrow.
Mat. 4 13. took Zilpahjier maid, and gave her Jacob to wife. time to come, when it fhall come for my hire before
cir. 1749. 10 And Zilpah, Leah's maid, bare Jacob a fon. thy face every one that is not fpeckled and fpotted
Th it i;,
11 And Leah faid, troop cometh and flie called A : among brown among the fheep, that
the goats, and
troop, or, his name Gad. II fhallbe accounted ftolen with me.
J747- 12 And Zilpah, Leah's maid, bare Jacob afecondfon. 34 And Laban faid, Behold, I would it might be
Bfo/"." 13 And Leah faid, t Happy am I, for the daughters according to thy word.
mat ls

will call me bleffed and flie called his name Afher.

35 And he removed that day the he goats that were
II And Reuben went in the days of wheat liar-
cir. 1748.
14 ringftraked and fpotted, and all the lhe goats that
Jacob departeth secretly, GEN E S Ij5» Labafi pursueth Jacob*
and every one that had 12 And lie faid, Lift up now thine eyes and fee, All
christ were fp eckled and fpotted, ^.vs?
some while in it, anct all the brown among the iheep,
cir. lv +5 .
the rams which leap upon the cattle arc ringftraked, 739i .

-"*~Y^ fpeckled, and grilled for I have leen all that Laban '^~*^
and gave them into the hands of his Ions. :

36 And he let three days' journey betwixt himfelf doeth unto thee,
and Jacob and Jacob fed the reft of Laban's flocks.
13 I am the God of Bethel, a where thou anointedft achs. & 18.
57 1i And Jacob took him rods of green poplar, and the pillar, and where thou vowedft a vow unto me :

of the hazel andcheftnut tree and pilled white ftrakes in

now arife, get thee out from this land, and return unto
them, and made the white appear whichw<wintherods. the land oi thy kindred.
38 And he fet the rods which he had pilled before 14 And Rachel and Leah anfwered; and faid unto ,

the flocks in the gutters in the watering troughs, when him, Is there yet any portion or inheritance for us in
the flocks came to drink, that they ihouki conceive our father's houfe ?
when they came to drink. 15 Are we not counted of him ftrangers ? for he
39 And die flocks conceived before the rods, and hath fold us, and hath quite devoured alio our money.
brought forth cattle ringftraked, fpeckled* and fpotted. 16 For all the riches which God hath taken from
40 And Jacob did feparate the lambs, and let the our father, that is ours, and our children's now then, :

faces of the flocks toward the ringflraked, and all the whatfoever God hath laid unto thee, do.,
brown in die flock of Laban and he put his own flocks
17 11 Then Jacob rofe up, and fet his fons and his
by themfelves, and put them not unto Laban's cattle. wives upon camels
41 And it came to pals, whenfoever the ftronger 18 And he carried away all his cattle, and all his
cattle did conceive, that Jacob laid the rods before the goods which lie had gotten, the cattle of his getting,
eyes of die cattle in the gutters, that they might con- which he had gotten in Padan-aram, for to go to Ifaac
ceive among the rods. his father in the land of Canaan,
42 But when the cattle were feeblc,he putr&wnot in: 19 And Laban w ent to ihear his flieep and Rachel

fo the feebler were Laban's, and the ftronger Jacob's. had ftolen the t images that were her father's. t a<*.
45 And die man increaied exceedingly, and had . 20 And Jacob ftole away t unawares to Laban the tffiS
much cattle, and maid fervants, and men fervants, and Syrian, in that he told him not that he fled. Lakan,
camels, and affes. 21 So he fled with all that he had and he rofe up,

and paffed over the river, and fet his face toward the
CHAP. XXXI.' mount Gilead.
1 Jacob, upon displeasure, departeth secretly. 19 Ra- 22 II And it was told Laban, on the third day, that
chel stealeth her father's images : 22 Laban pur- Jacob w as
sucth after Jacob, and complaineth of the wrong. 23 And he took his brethren with him, and purfued
54 Rachel's policy to hide the images. 36 Jacob's afterhim feven days' journey and they overtook him

complaint of Laban. 43 The covenant of Laban in the mount Gilead.

and Jacob at Galced. 24 And God came to Laban the Syrian in a dream
ND he heard the words of Laban's fons, faying, by night, and laid unto him, Take heed that thou
Jacob hath taken away all that was our father's ;
fpeak not to Jacob t either good or bad. I ok
su9d '"*""'
and of that which was our father's hath he gotten all 25 yi Then Laban overtook Jacob. Now Jacob
this glory. had pitched his tent in the mount and Laban with

2 And Jacob beheld die countenance of Laban, and, his brethren pitched in the mount of Gilead*
+ H el> -"7,7" behold, it was not toward him t as before. 26 And Laban faid to Jacob, What haft thou done,
and the „ „ \
lirr, before. 3 H And the Lord faid unto Jacob Return unto the , that thou haft ftolen away unawares to me, and carried
land of thy fathers, and to thy kindred and I will be ; away my daughters as captives taken With the fword ?
with thee. 27 Wherefore didft thou flee away fecretly, and
4 And Jacob fent and called Rachel and Leah to the t Ilealaway from me, and didft not tell me, that I
stolen mc.
field unto his flock, might have fent thee away with mirth, and with fongs,
5 And faid unto them, I fee your father's counte- with tabret and with harp ?
nance, that it is not toward me as before but the God : 28 And haft not fuffered me to kifs my fons and
of my father hath been with me. my daughters ? Thou haft now done foolifhly in s9
6 And ye know, that with all my power I have doing.
ferved your father. 29 It is in the power of my hand to do you hurt
7 And your lather hath deceived me, and changed but the God of your father fpake unto me yefternight,
my wages ten times but God fuffered him not to
: faying, Take thou heed that thou fpeak not to Jacob
hurt mc. either good or bad.
8 If he faid thus, The fpeckled fliali be thy wages ; 30 And now, though thou wouldeft needs be gone,
then all the cattle bare fpeckled and if he laid thus,
: becaufe thou fore longedft after thy father's houfe ;
The ringflraked fhall be thy hire then bare all the ; yet wherefore haft thou ftolen my gods ?
cattle ringflraked. 3 1 II And Jacob anfwered, and faid to Laban, Becaufe
9 Thus God hath taken away the cattle of your I was afraid for I faid, Peradventure thou wouldeft

father, and given them to me. take by force thy daughters from me.
10 And it came to pafs, at the time that the cattle 32 With whomfoever thou findeft thy gods, let
conceived, that I lifted up mine eyes, and faw in a him not live : before our brethren difcern diou what
t Or, he *cat dream, and, behold, the rams which leaped upon the
II is thine with me, and take it to thee. For Jacob knew
were ringflraked, Ipeckled, and grilled.
cattle not that Rachel had ftolen them.
11 And the angel of God fpake unto me in a dream, 33 And Laban went into Jacob's tent, and into
saying, Jacob. And I faid, Here am I. Leah's tent, and into the two maid fervants' tents ;
Covenant of Jacob and Lahan, CHAP. XXXII. Jacob sendcth a present to Esau,
Christ out ne f° und f'jem not Then went he out of Leah's - 53 The God
of Abraham, and the God of Nahor,
7i9 , tent, and entered into Rachel's tent.
the God
of their father, judge betwixt us. And Jacob
t^"v*«J 34 Now
Rachel had taken the images, and put them fware by the fear of his father Ifaac.
in the camel's furniture, and fat upon them. And 54 Then Jacob offered facrifice upon the mount,
Or, killed
tucb. feit.
Laoan f fearched ail the tent but found them not. and called his brethren to eat bread and they did eat :

35 And the faid to her father, let it not difpleai'e my bread, and tarried all night in the mount.
lord that I cannot rife up before thee ; for the cuf- 55 And early in the morning Laban' rofe up, and

tom of women is upon me. And he fearched, but killed his fons and his daughters, and bleffed them :
found not the images. and Laban departed, and returned unto his place.
36 IF And Jacob was wroth, and chode with Laban
and Jacob anfwered, and faid to Laban, what is my
trefpafs, what is my fin, that thou halt fo hotly pur- 1 Jacofrs vision at Mahanaim: Shis message to
fued after me ?
Esau : 6 he is afraid of Esau's coming : 9 he pray -
37 Whereas thou haft fearched all my fluff, what eth for his deliverance : 13 he sendcth a present to
haft thou found -of all thy houfehold fluff ? let it here Esau : 24 he vorestleth with an angel at Peniel,
before my brethren and thy brethren that they may where he is called Israel: 3\he halt eth upon his thigh.
judge betwixt us both.
38 This twenty years have I been with thee thy ;
D Jacob went on his way, and the angels of
met him.
That Is,
ewes and thy fhe goats have not call their young, and 2 And when Jacob fawthem, he faid, This is God's Ttvo hosts,

» the rams of thy flock have I not eaten. hoft and he called the name of that place Mahanaim. or, camps.
: II

39 That which was torn of beasts I brought not unto 3 IF And Jacob fent meffengers before him to Efau t Heb. field.
f my hand didft thou
bExod.2212. b
tnee J b^g t h e iofs f ft
. .
his brother, unto the land of Seir, the t country of
require it, whether ftolen by day, or ftolen by night. Edom.
40 Thus I was in the day the drought confumed
4 And he commanded them, faying, Thusfhall ye
me, and the froft by night and my fleep departed ;
fpeak unto my lord Efau Thy fervant Jacob faith

from mine eyes. thus, I have fojourned with Laban, and flayed there
41 Thus have I been twenty years in thy houfe : until now :

I ferved thee fourteen years for thy two daughters, 5 And I have oxen, and affes, flocks, and men fer-
and fix years for thy cattle ; and thou haft changed vants, and women fervants and I have fent to tell

my wages ten times. my lord, that I may find grace in thy fight.
42 Except the God of my
father, the God of Abra- 6 IT And the meffengers returned to Jacob, faying,
ham, and the fear of Ifaac, had been with me, furely We came to thy brother Efau, and alfo he cometh
thou hadft fent me away now empty God hath feen :
to meet thee, and four hundred men with him.
mine affliction, and the labour of my hands, and 7 Then Jacob was greatly afraid and diftreffed :

rebuked thee yefternight. and he divided the people that %oas with him, and the
43 If And Laban anfwered, and faid unto Jacob, flocks, and herds, and the camels, into two bands ;
These daughters are my daughters, and these children 8 And faid, If Efau come to the one company and
are my
children, and these cattle are my cattle, and all finite it, then the other company w hich is left ihall efcape,

that thou feeft is mine and what can I do this day

9 IF And Jacob faid, O
God of my father Abraham,
unto thefe my daughters, or unto their children which and God of my
father Ifaac, the Lord which faidft
they have borne ?
unto me a Return unto thy country , and to thy kin- a3-Chap. 3
44 Now, therefore, come thou, let us make a cov- dred, and I will deal well with thee :
enant, I and thou ; and let it be for a witnefs between 10 1 1 am not worthy of the leaft of all the mercies, t Heb. / am
me and thee. and of all the truth, which thou haft fhewed unto thy 8cc than all
less .

45 And Jacob took a ftone, and fet it up for a pillar. fervant : for with my
ftafflpaffed over this Jordan,
46 And Jacob faid unto
his brethren, Gather and now I am become two bands.
ftones and they tookftones, and made an heap ; and
11 Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my
they did eat there upon the heap. brother, from the hand of Efau : him, left
for I fear
47 And Laban called it Jegar-fahadutha but (1 :
he will come and finite me, and the mother f with the
J ac °k caU e d it Galeed. tHeb. upor.
tv^ofwt* children.
nets. 48 And Laban faid, This heap is a witnefs between 12 And thou faidft, I will furely do thee good, and
me and thee this day. Therefore was the name of it make thy feed as the fand of the fea, which cannot be
called Galeed
numbered for multitu de.
L2£& A 49 And Mizpah for he faid, The Lord watch
'I :
13 IF And he lodged there that fame night and ;
watch tiiicr. between me and thee, when we are abfent one from took of that which came to his hand, a preient for
another. Efau his brother :

50 If thou fhalt afflict my daughters, or if thou fhalt 14 Two hundred fhe goats, and twenty he goats,
fake other wives belides my daughters, no man is with two hundred ewes, and twenty rams,
us fee, God is witnefs betwixt me and thee.
15 Thirty milch camels with their colts, forty kine,
51 And Laban faid to Jacob, Behold this heap, and and ten bulls, twenty fhe affes, and ten foals.
behold this pillar, which I have caft betwixt me and 16 And he delivered them into the hand of his fer-
thee ;
vants, every drove by them Pelves and faid unto his ;

52 This heap be witnefs, and ^ispillarfo witnefs, fervants, Pafs over before me, and put a fpace be-
that I will not pafs over this heap to thee, and that
twixt drove and drove.
thou (halt not pafs over this heap, and this pillar, unto When
17 And he commanded the foremoft, faying,
me for harm. Efau my brother meetcth thee, and afketh thee, fay-
1 : ; . ;

Jacob and Esau meet. GENESIS. Shechem meth to marry Dinahs

christ in S> Whofe art thou ? and whither goeft thou ? and 6 Then the handmaidens came near, they and their
mv" whofe are theie before thee ? children, and they bowed themfelves.
U""Y^,,J 18 Then thou (halt fay, They be thy feryant Jacob' s 7 And Leah alio with her children came near, and
it is aflprefent lent unto my lord Efau:* and behold, bowed themfelves and after came Joieph near, and

he is behind us.
alio Rachel, and they bowed themfelves.
19 And i'o commanded he the fecond, and the 8 And he faid, t What meanest thou by all this t Heb. What
all this
third, and ail that followed the droves, faying, On this drove which I met ? And he faid, These are- to find 'Lit othee ?

manner {hall ye fpeak unto Efau, when ye find him. grace in the fight of my lord.
20 And fay ye moreover, Behold, thy fervant Ja- 9 And Efau faid, I have enough, my brother
cob is behind us. For he faid, I will appeafe him t keep that thou haft unto thyfelf. t Heb.
that to
with the prefent that goeth before me, and afterward 10 And Jacob faid, Nay, I pray thee; if now I that is thine.
+ Heb. my
I will fee his face peradventuie he will accept t of me.
have found grace in thy light, then receive my pre-
21 So went the prefent over before him and him- ; fent at my hand for therefore I have feen thy face,

felf lodged that night in the company. as though I had feen the face of God, and thou waft
22 And he role, up that night, and took his two pleafed with me.
wives, and his two women fervants, and his eleven 11 Take, I pray thee, my blefling that is brought
fons, and palled over the ford Jabbok. to thee becaufe God hath dealt gracioufiy with me,

+ Heb. caus 23 And he took them, and tlent them over the and becaufe I have enough. And he urged him, and
ed to pass.
brook, and lent over that he had. he took it.
24 II And Jacob was left alone and there wreftled : 12 And he faid, Let us take our journey, and let
+ Heb. as. a man with him until the us go, and I will go before thee.
tending of t breaking of the day.
the murninr, 25 And when he faw that he prevailed not againft 13 And he faid unto him, My
lord knoweth that
him, he touched the hollow of his thigh and the hol- ; the children are tender, and the flocks and herds with
low of Jacob's thigh was out ofjoint, as he wreftled young are with me and if men fhould overdrive

with him. them one day, all the flock will die,
26 And he faid, Let me go, for the day break eth. 14 Let my lord, I pray thee, pafs over before his
bHos«. 124. And he faid, b I will not let thee go, except thou blefs fervant ; and I will lead on foftly, according t as the t Heb. a C .
ording to
me. cattle that goeth before me, and the children be able the foot of the
to endure, until I come unto my lord unto Seir.
ivcrk, ire,
27 And he faid unto him, What is thy name ? And and accord.
he faid, Jacob. 15 And Efau faid, Let me now t leave with thee some fcot
tng to the
of the
cchar 35 io. .
28 And he faid, c Thy name fhall be called no more of the folk that are with me. And he faid, t What children.
t Heb. ie t,
Jacob, but Ifrael for as a prince haft thou power
: needeth it ? let me find grace in the fight of my lord. or, place.
with God and with men, and haft prevailed. 16 So Efau returned that day on his way unto Seir. Wherefore
29 And Jacob afked Mm, and faid, Tell me, I pray 17 II And Jacob journeyed to Succoth, and built this ?

thee, thy name. And he faid, wherefore is it that thou him an houfe, and made booths for his cattle there? :

doit afk after my name ? And he bleffed him there. fore the name of the place is called Succoth, j|
That is. «
|| That is,
Thrfaa of
30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel ||
18 IT And Jacob cameto Shalem, acity of Shechem, Called. I)

God. for I have feen God face to face, and my life is pre- which is in the land of Canaan, when he came from \'%lm. '
ferred. Padan-ararn, and pitched his tent before the city.
3 IT And as he paffed over Penuel, the fun rofe up- 19 And he bought a parcel of a field, where he had
on him, and he halted upon his thigh. fpread his tent, at the hand of the children of Hamor, Called, || ||

32 Therefore the children of Ifrael eat not of the Shechem's father, for an hundred pieces 'of money. 11 Emmor.
Or, lambs;
finew which fhrank, "which is upon the hollow of the 2D And he ere£ted there an altar, and called it ft

That is.

thigh, unto this day becaufe he touched the hollow EbeloheJfrael, Cod the Cc4
; (I
of Israel.
of Jacob's thigh in the finew that ihrank,
CHAP. XXXIII. 1 Dinah is defiled by Shechem : 4 he sueth to marry
1 The kindness of Jacob and Esau at their meeting. 17 her. 13 The sons of Jacob offer the condition of cir-
J acob comcth to Succoth : 18 at Shalem he buy eth a cumcision to the Sbechemites : 20Hamor arid Shechem
field, bialdeth an altar, and callcth it El-elohe- Israel. persuade them to accept it. 25 The sons of Jacob up-

A ND Jacob lifted up his eyes, and looked, and,


behold, Efau came, and with him four hundred

on thflt advantage slay them, and spoil their city.
30 Jacob reproveth Simeon and J^evi.
men. And he divided the children unto Leah, and
unto Rachel, and unto the two 'handmaids.
AN D Dinah the daughter of Leah which fhebare
unto Jacob, went out to lee the daughters of
cir. 1732.

2 And he put the handmaids and their children the land.

foremoft, and Leah and her children after, and Ra- 2 And when Shechem the fon of Hamor the Hi r
chel and Jofeph hindermoft. vite, prince of the country, faw her, he took her, and
3 And he palled over before them, and bowed
lay with her, and t defiled her. f Heb. hum-
bled her.
himfeif to the ground feven times, until he carne near 3 And his foul clave unto Dinah the daughter of
to his brother. Jacob and he loved the damfel, and fpake f kindly
le ffe'Jl
4 And Efau ran meet him, and embraced him,
to unto the damfel.
and fell on his neck, and killed him and they wept. : 4 II And Shechem fpake unto his father Hamor,
5 And he lifted up his eyes, and faw the women faying, Get me this damfel to wife
t H eb . to and the children, and faid, Who are thofe t with 5 And Jacob heard that he had defiled Dinah his
<*< thee? And he laid, The children which God hath daughter (now his fons were with his cattle in -the

gracioufiy given thy feryant. field :) and Jacob held his peace until they were come.
6 And
The sons of Jacob slay Hamor and Shechem, CHAP XXXV. Jacob blessed at Bethel.

Christ 6 ^ m Hamor the father of Shechem went out

* 28 They took their Cheep, and their oxen, and their CHRIST
cir.7i unto Jacob, to commune with him.
?. affes, and that which was in the city, and that which
U""Y" ° 7 And the fons of Jacob came out of the field when

xvas in the field,
they heard it : and the men were grieved, and they 29 And all their wealth, and all their little ones,
were very wroth, becaufe he had wrought folly_ in and their wives, took they captive, and (boiled even
Il'rael in lying with Jacob's daughter which thing ;
all that -was in the houfe.

ought not to be clone. 30 If And Jacob faid to Simeon and Levi, Ye have
8 And Hamor communed with them, faying, The troubled me, to make me to ftink among the inhabi-
foul of my lbn Shechem longeth for your daughter : tants of the land, among the Canaanites andthePerez-
I pray you give her hirn to wife. _
zites and I being few in number, they fhall gather

9 And make ye marriages with us, and give your themlelves together againft me, and flay me ; and I
daughters unto us, and take our daughters unto you. ihallbe deftroyed, I and my houfe.
10 And ye fhall dwell with us and the land lhall : 31 And they faid, Should he deal with our filler as
be before you dwell and trade you therein, and get with an harlot ?

you poffeffions therein. XXXV.

11 And Shechem laid unto her father, and unto her I God sendeth Jacob Bethel: 6 he buildeth an altar
brethren, Let me find grace in your eyes, and what at Bethel. 8 Deborah dietb. 9 Jacob blessed at Beth-
ye fhall lay unto me I will give. el. 16 Rachel travaileth of Benjamin, and dietb,
12 Afk me never lb much dowry and gift, and I in the way to Ephrath. 23 The sons of Jacob. 27
will give according as ye lhall fay unto me but give ; Jacob cometh to Isaac at Hebron. 28 Isaac's age,
me the damfel to wife. death, and burial.

13 If And the fons of Jacob anfwered
his father deceitfully, and laid, (becaufe he
Shechem and AND
God faid unto Jacob, Arife, go up to Bethel,
dwell there and make there an altar unto

had defiled Dinah their filler,) God, that appeared unto thee a when thou fleddeft a Chap. 27

14 And
they faid unto them, cannot do this We from the face of Esau thy brother.
thing, to give our lifter to one that is uncircumcifed ; 2 Then Jacob faid unto his houfehold, and to all
for thatwere a reproach unto us : that were with him, Put away the ftrange gods thatarc
15 But in this will we content unto you if ye will ; among you, and be clean, and change your garments
be as Ave be, that every male of you be circumcifed ; 3 And let us arife and go up to Bethel and I :

16 Then will we give our daughters unto you, and will make there an altar unto God, who anfwered me
we will take your daughters to us, and we will dwell in the day of my diflrefs, and was with me in the
with you, and we will become one people. way which I went.
1 But if ye will not hearken unto us to be circumcifed} 4 And they gave unto Jacob all the ftrange gods
then will we take our daughter, and we will be gone. which were in their hand, and all their earrings which
18 And their words pleafed Hamor, and Shechem were in their ears and Jacob hid them under the

Hamor 's fon. oak which was by Shechem.

19 And the young man deferred not to do the thing, 5 And they journeyed and the terror of God was

becaufe he had delight in Jacob's daughter and he ; upon the cities that were round about them, and they
was more honourable than all the houfe of his father. did not purfue after the fons of Jacob.
20 If And Hamor and Shechem his fon came unto 6 If So Jacob came to Luz, which is in the land of
the gate of their city, and communed with the men of Canaan, (that is Bethel,) he, and all the people that
their city, faying, were with him.
21 Thefe men are peaceable with us, therefore let 7 And he built there an altar, and called the place
That is.
them dwell in the land, and trade therein for the land, ; IIElbethel becaufe b there God appeared unto him,

The Cod cf
behold, it is large enough for them let us take their : when he fled from the face of his brother. Bethel.
b Chap. 2ii
daughters to us for wives, and let us give them our 8 If But Deborah, Rebekah's nurfe, died, and flie 13-

daughters. was buried beneath Bethel under an oak and the ;

That is.
22 Only herein will the men confent unto us for to name of it was called Allonbachuth.

dwell with us, to be one people, if every male among 9 If And God appeared unto Jacob again, when he weeping

us be circumcifed, as they are circumcifed. came out of Padan-aram, and blelfed him.
23 Shall not then- cattle, and their fubilance, and 10 And God faid unto him, Thy name is Jacob ;

every beaft of theirs, be ours ? only let us confent thy name lhall not be called any more Jacob, c but If- c Chap.

unto them, and they will dwell with us. rael ihall be thy name and he called his name Ifrael.

24 And unto Hamor and unto Shechem his fon, 11 And God faid unto him, lam God Almighty be ;

hearkened all that went out of the gate of his city : fruitful and multiply a nation and a company ofnations

and every male was circumcifed, all that went out of fhall be of thee and kings fhall come out of thy loins

the gate of his city. 12 And the land which I gave Abraham and Ifaac,
25 If And it came to pafs on the third day, when they to thee I will give it, and to thy feed after thee will I
a chap. 496. were fore, that two of the fons of Jacob, Simeon and give the land.
Levi, Dinah's brethren, took each man his fword, 13 And God went up from him in the place where
and came upon the city boldly, and flew all the males. he talked with him.
26 And they flew Hamor and Shechem his fon 14 U And Jacob fet up a pillar in the place where he
tHeb. mwt&.with the t edge of the fword, and took Dinah out of talked with him, cvena. pillar offtone and he poured;

Shechem 's houfe, and went out. a drink offering thereon, and he poured oil thereon.
27 The fons of Jacob came upon the flain, and 15 And Jacob called the name of the place where
fpoiled the city becaufe they had defiled their lifter.
; God fpake with, him Bethel.
E 16 If And
; : ; 1

Generations of Esau in Mount Seir^ GENESIS. The Kings of Edam.

.16 If And they journeyed from Bethel ; and there 10 Thefe are the namesi
of- Efau *s fons;
Eliphaz chrjst
. was but t a little way to come to Ephrath and Ra- the fon of Adah
the wife of Efau, Reuel the ion of dr 7 ,o. .

chel travailed, and lhe had hard labour. Bafhemath the wife of Efau.
t H:b. a lit-
tie pie e if 17 And it came to pafs, when fhe was in hard la- 11 And the fons of Eliphaz were Teman, mar,
bour, that the midwife faid unto her, Fear not ; thou Zepho, and Gatarn, and Kenaz.
fhalt have this fon alfo. 12 And Timna was concubine to Eliphaz, Efau's
1729 -18 And it came to pafs, as her foul was in depart- fon; and fhe bare to Eliphaz, Amalek thefe were

Thar is, ing, (for fhe died,) that fhe called his name Benoni ||
the fons of Adah, Efau's wife.
he** cfmy
]jut ki s fat h e r called him Benjamin. ||
13 And thefe are the fons of Reuel Nahath, and

19 And Rachel died, and was buried in the way Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah thefe were the fons
The s n 0/ (
rifjit hand. to Ephrath, which is Bethlehem. of Bafhemath, Efau's wife.
20 And Jacob fet a pillar upon her grave : that is 14 And thefe were the fons of Aholibamah, the
the pillar of Rachel's grave unto this day. daughter of Anah, the^ daughter of Zibcon, Efau's

21 And Ifrael journeyed, and fpread his tent be- wife and Hie bare to Efau, Jeufh, and Jaalam, and

yond the tower of Edar. Korah.

22 And it came to pafs, when Ifrael dwelt in that 15 TT Thefe were dukes of the fons of Efau ; the cir. 17:5,

d fons of Eliphaz, the firftborn son of Efau

uchap. 49-:- land, that Reuben went and lay with Bilhah, his duke ;

father's concubine and Ifrael heard it.

: the Now Teman, duke Omar, duke Zepho, duke Kenaz,
fons of Jacob were twelve 16 Duke Korah, duke Gatam, and duke Amalek.
23 If The fons of Leah Reuben, Jacob's firftborn,
; Thefe are the dukes that came of Eliphaz in the land
and Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, and Iffachar, and of Edom: thefe were the fons of Adah.
Zebulun. 17 And thefe «/<? the fons of Reuel, Efau's fon duke :

24 The fons of Rachel; Jofeph, and Benjamin. Nahath, duke Zerah, duke Shammah, duke Mizzah.
25 And the fons of Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid j Thefe are the dukes that came of Reuel in the land of
Dan and Naphtali. Edom Thefe are the fons of Bafhemath, Efau's wife.

26 And the fons of Zilpah, Leah's handmaid Gad ; 18 And thefe are the fons of Aholibamah, Efau's
and Afher. Thefe are the fons of Jacob, which were wife duke J eufh, duke Jaalam, duke Korah
; thefe :

born to him in Padan-aram. were the dukes that came of Aholibamah, the daugh-
27 ff And Jacob came unto Ifaac his father unto ter ofAnah, Efau's wife.
Mamre, unto the city of Arbah, (which is Hebron,) 19 Thefe are the fons of Efau, (who is Edom,)
where Abraham and Ifaac fojourned. and thefe are their dukes.
28 If And the days of Ifaac were an hundred and 20 If d Thefe are the fons of Seir the Horite, who c'r. 1840.
di Chron.i-
fourfcore years. inhabited the land Lotan, and Shobal, and Zibeon,
; 3?.
eChap- -5 8. 29 And Ifaac gave up the ghofl, and died, and e was and Anah,
gathered unto his people, being old and full of days ;
21 And Difhon, andEzer, andDifhan. Thefe are
and his fons Efau and Jacob buried him. the dukes of the Horites, the children of Seir in the
land of Edom.
CHAP. XXXVI. 22 And the children of Lotan were Hori and II He- i^.mmam. 1
2 Esaifs three wives : 6 his removal to mount Seir : 9 man and Lotan's fifler was Timna.
his generations in mount Seir : 15 The dukes which 23 And the children of Shobal were thefe Alvan, ;
descended of his sons. 20 the sons and dukes of Seir. and Manahath,and Ebal, Shepho, and Onam.
31 The kings of Edom. 40 the dukes that descended 24 And thefe are the children of Zibeon both ;

of Esau, according to their habitations. Ajah and Anah this was that Anah that found the
ei.-. 175s. ~\T O
thefe are the generations of Efau, who is
his father.

mules in the wildernefs, as he fed the affes of Zibeon

2 Efau took his wives of the daughters of Canaan
Adah the daughter of Elon the Hittite, and Aholiba-
25 And the children of Anah were thefe Difhon,
and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah.
mah the daughter ofAnah, the daughter ofZibeon 26 And thefe are the children of Difhon; Hemdan,
the Hivite ;
and Efhban, and Ithran, and Cheran.
3 And Bafhemath, Ifhmael's daughter, filter of 27 The children of Ezer are thefe Bilhan, and

Nebajoth. Zaavan, and Akan.

3 ! Chi™. 1 4 And a Adah bare to Efau, Eliphaz ; and Bafhe- 28 The children of Difhan are thefe Uz, and Aran.
math bare Reuel 29 Thefe are the dukes that came of the Horites ;

5 And Aholibamah bare Jeufh, and Jaalam, and

Cir. 17801
duke Lotan, duke Shobal, duke Zibeon, duke Anah,
Korah. Thefe arc the fons of Efau, which were born 30 Duke Difhon, duke Ezer, duke Difhan Thefe :

unto him in the land of Canaan. are the dukes that came of Hori, among their dukes
cm. 1740. 6 ^[ And Efau took his wives, and his fons, and his in the land of Seir.
tueb. mi,, daughters, and all the tperfons of his houfe, and his 3 If And
thefe are the kings that reigned in the
cattle, and all his beafts, and all his fubftance, which land of Edom, before there reigned any king over
he had got in the land of Canaan and went into the ; the children of Ifrael.
country from the face of his brother Jacob. 32 AndBelathe fon ofBeor reigned in Edom;
7 For their riches were more than that they might and the name of his city was Dinhabah.
dwell together and the land wherein they were
; 33 And Bela died, and Jobab the fon of Zerah of
flrangers could not bare them becaufe of their cattle. Bozrah reigned in his Head.
I0-.K24 4 3 Thus dwelt Efau in b mount Seir Efau is Edom. : 34 And Jobab died, and Hufham of the land of
9 If And thefe are the generations of Efau, the fa- Teraani reigned in his ftead.
-t-ri-t Edom. tber of tthe Edomites, in mount Seir. 35 And
Jofeph is rebuked by hisfather. CHAP. XXXVII. Jocob mournethfor Jofeph.

christ 35 ^ nc* Hufliam died, and Hadad tlic fon of Be- 12 If And his brethren went to feed their father's c gg|T
cir. 7 8o. dad (who finote Midian in theifeldof Moab) reigned flock in Shechem. ^v-

in his flead and the name of his city %vas Avith.
13 And Ifrael faid unto Jofeph, Do not thy breth-
36 And Hadad died, and Samlah of Mafrekah ren feed the flock in Shechem ? come, and I will fend
reigned in his Head* thee unto them. And he laid unto him, Here am I.
37 And Samlah died, and Saul of Rehoboth by the 14 And -he faid to him, Go, I pray thee, t fee !
™f;a c%f
river reigned in his {lead. whether it be w ell with thy brethren, and well with thylnthnn,,

58 And Saul died, and Baal-hanan the fon of Ach- the flocks; and bring me word again. Sohefenthim
bor reigned in his Head. out of the* vale of Hebron, and he came to Shechem.
39 And Baal-hanan the fon of Achbor died, and 15 And a certain man found him, and, behold, he
Hadar reigned in his flead and the name of his city
: was wandering in the field : and the man alked him,
was Pau ; and his wife's name was Mehetabel, the faying, What feekeft thou ?

daughter of Mat red, the daughter of Mezahab. 16 And he faid, I feek my brethren : tell me, I pray
<ir. 1496.
4Q T[ And thefe are the names of the dukes that thee, where they feed their flocks.
came of Efau, according to theh families, after their 17 And the man faid, They are departed hence for :

places, by their names duke Tirnnah, duke Alvah,

Iheard them fay, Let us go to Dothan. And Jofeph
duke Jetheth, went after his brethren, and found them in Dothan.
41 Duke Aholibamah, duke Elah, duke Pinon, 18 If And when they law him afar off, even before
42 Duke Kcnaz, duke Teman, duke Mibzar, he came near unto them, they confpired againit him
43 Duke Magdiel, duke Iram. Thefe be the dukes to flay him
of Edom, according to their habitations, in the land 19 And they faid one to another, Behold, this
t Heb. Eden:-, of their poifeflion he is Efau, the father of t the
: t dreamer cometh. J^2Sf
Edomites. 20 Come now, therefore, and let us flay him, and
CHAP. XXXVII. call him into fome pit and we will fay, Some evil

2 Joseph is hated by his brethren : 5 his two dreams : beafl hath devoured him and we ihall fee what will

12 Jacob sendeth him to "visit his brethren : 18 his become of his dreams.
brethren conspire his death 21 Reuben saiicth him ;
: 21 If And a Reuben heard it, and he delivered him °,cha
' *
'he is cast into a pit; they sell him to the Ishmeelites: out of their hands ; and faid, Let us not kill him.
29 Reuben''s grief, not finding him in the pit. 31 22 And Reuben faid unto them, Shed no blood, but
Jacob, decerned by the bloody coat, ?nour?ieth for him call him into this pit that is in the wildernefs, and
36 he is sold to Potiphar in Egypt. lay no hand upon him ; that he might rid him out of _

tHeb. of his
Jacob dwelt in the land t wherein his father their hands, to deliver him to his father again..
fiither's «-
was a flranger, in the land of Canaan. 23 If And
it came to pafs, w hen Jofeph was come

1729- 2 Thefe are the generations of Jacob Jofeph, being : unto his brethren, that they firipped Jofeph out of his
feventeen years old, was feeding the flock with his coat, his coat of many colours, that was on him
IP * ; _

brethren: and the lad was with the fons of Biihah, 24 And
they took him, and caft him into a pit:
and with the fons of Zilpah, his father's wives and ; and the pit was empty, there was no water in it.
Jofeph brought unto his father their evil report. 25 And they fat down to eat bread and they lifted :

3 Now Uraei loved Jofeph more than all his chil- up their eyes, and looked, and, behold,_ a company of
dren, becauie he was the ion of his old age and he : Ilhmeelites came from Gilead, with their camels bear-

: I made him a coat of many colours. \\ ing fpicery, and balm, and myrrh, going to cany it
4 And when his brethren faw that their father down to Egypt.
loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him, 26 And Judah faid unto his brethren, What profit
and could not 1'peak peaceably unto him. is it ifwe ilay our brother, and conceal his blood ?

5 If And Jofeph dreamed a dream, and he told it 27 Come, and let us fell him to the Ilhmeelites,
his brethren and they hated him yet the more.
: and led not our hand be upon him for he is our bro-

6 And he faid unto them, Hear, I pray you, this ther, and our flefh. And his brethren f w ere content. r
"W 1

dream which I have dreamed : 28 Then therepalfed byMidianites, merchantmen;
7 For behold, we were binding fheaves in the field, and they drew and lifted tip Jofeph out of the pit,
and, lo, my flieaf arofe, and alfo flood upright; and, b
and fold Jefeph to the Ifhmeelites for- twaenty pistes ^'io°
5 7"

behold, your fheaves ilood round about, and made of lilver and they brought Jofeph into Egypt.
: i-^AtiV-'.:

ol>eifance to my
fheaf. 29 If And Reuben returned unto the pit and, behold, ;

8 And his brethren faid unto him, Shalt thou indeed Jofeph %vas not in the pit and he rent his clothes.

reign over us r or ihalt thou indeed have dominion 30 And he returned unto his brethren, and faid,
over us ? And they hated him yet the more for his The child is not and I, whither lhall I go ?

dreams, and for his words. 31 If And they took Jofeph \s coat, and killed a kid
9 II And he dreamed yet another dream, and told of the goats, and dipped the coat in the blood :

it his brethren, and laid, Behold, I have dreamed a 32 And they fent the coat of many colours, and they
dream more and, behold, the fun, and the moon,
: brought?? to their father; and laid. This have we
and the eleven liars, made obeilance to me. found know now whether it be thy fon's coat or no.

10 And he told it to his father, and to his brethren : 33 And he knew it, and faid, It is my fon's coat
and his father rebuked him, and faid unto him, What an c evil beafl hath devoured him Jofeph is without ;
c ca»ap. 4;,

is this dream that thou hall dreamed ? Shall I, and doubt rent in pieces.
thy mother, and thy brethren, indeed come to bow 34 And Jacob rent his clothes, and put fackcloth
down ourlelves to thee, to the earth ? upon his loins, and mourned for his fon many days.
11 And his brethren envied him; but his father 35 And all his fons and ail his daughters, rofe up
obferved the faying. to
1 :

Tamar Judah,
deceiveih GEN E S I S. Joseph advanced by Potiphar.
to comfort him but he refufed to be comforted and
; :
fhe faid, Thy fignet, and thy bracelets, and thy ftaff
he faid. For I will go down into the grave unto my fon that is in thine hand. And he gave it her, and*came
mourning. Thus his father wept for him. inunto her and fhe conceived by him.

36 H" And the Midianites fold him into Egypt unto 19 And ihe arofe, and went away, and laid by her
veil from her, and put on the garments of her widow-

+Heb.«ir.-«-A.Potiphar, an t officer of Pharaoh's, and\\ captain of

the guard.
only eunuchs, but also chaviberlains. courtiers, add officers.
otj txecutiot&rs. Or, chief marshal.
f Heb. chief of the slaughtermen,
20 And Judah fent the kid by the hand of his friend
the Adullamite, to receive his pledge from the woman's

CHAP. XXXVIIL hand but he found her not.


1 Judah begetteth Er, Onan, andShdah. 6 Er mar- 21 Then he afked the men of that place, faying,
rieth Tamar, and dieth. The trespass and death of Where is the harlot that was openly by the way fide ? ||

Or, in

Onan. Tama)- stayethfor Shelah .-12 She deceive th And they faid, there was no harlot in this place.
Judah ; 27 to whom she beareth twins, Pharez and 22 And he returned to Judah, and faid, I cannot
Zarah. find her and alfo the men of the place faid, that there

:.r. 173?- AND came

down from
to pafs at that time, that Judah went
his brethren, and turned in to a cer-
was no harlot in this place.
23 And Judah faid, Let her take it to her, left we
tain Adullamite, whofe name ivas Hirah. t be fharned behold, I fent this kid, and thou hall
become <?
2 And Judah faw there a daughter of a certain Ca- not found her. contempt.

2 l Chi. 2 3. naanite, whofe name was a Shuah ; and he took her, 24 And it came to pafs, about three months after,
and went in unto her. that it was told Judah, faying, Tamar thy daughter in
3 And fhe conceived, and bare a fon; and he called law hath played the harlot ; and behold, fhe is
: N us . >-
his name b Er. with child by whoredom. And Judah faid, Bring her
4 And ihe conceived again, and bare a fon and fhe ; forth, and let her be burnt.
called his name Onan. 25 When fhe was brought forth, fhe fent to her

5 And lhe yet again conceived,.and bare a fon, and father in law, faying, By the man whofe thefe are, am
called his name Shelah : and he was at Chezib when I with child ; and fhe faid, Difcern, I pray thee, whofe
lhe bare him. are thefe, the fignet, and bracelets, and ftaff.
6 IF And Judah took a wife for Er his firftborn, 26 And Judah acknowledged them, and faid, She hath
whofe name was Tamar. been more righteous than I becaufe that I gave her ;

ciChr. : 7 And c Er, Judah's firftborn, was wicked in the not to Shelah my ion. And he knew her again no more.
fight of the Lorb and the Lord flew him. ; 27 H And it came to pafs, in the time of her travail,
And Judah faid unto Onan, Go in unto thy broth-
8 that, behold, twins were in her womb.
er's wife, and many her, and raife up feed to thy brother. 28 And it came to pafs, when fhe travailed, that the one
9 And Onan knew that the feed fhould not be his put out his hand and the midwife took and bound upon

and it came to pais, when he went in unto his brother's his hand a fcarlet thread, faying, This came out firft.
wife, that he fpilled it on the ground, left that he fhould 29 And it came to pais, as he drew back his hand,
give feed to his brother. that, behold, his brother came out; and fhe faid, How J,^**j; II
fH-?b. -was
fit In the
10 And the thing which he did t difpleafed the haft thou broken forth ? this breach be upon thee made this :

d breach a-
eyes of the Lord : wherefore he flew him alfo. therefore his name was called || Pharez. gainst thee ?
LORD. That A
Then faid Judah to Tamar his daughter in law,
1 30 And afterward came out his brother, that had the [

Remain a widow at thy father's hovife till Shelah my fcarlet thread upon his hand and his name was called ;
^ ch r
t t
' 2 **

fon be grown (for he faid, Left perad venture he die

|| Zarah. » That h,
alfo, as his brethren did.)
in her father's houfe.
And Tamar went and dwelt CHAP. XXXIX.
1 Joseph is advanced in
: Potiphar's house
7 he re-
tH:b. the 12 If And tinprocefs of time the daughter of Shuah,
d.-y\ '^ere
multiplied. Judah's wife, died and Judah was comforted, and
of his mistress ; is falsely
sistcth the temptations

went up unto his fheepfhearers to Timnath, he and accused by her, and cast i?ito prison: 21 God is
his friend Hirah the Adullamite.
with him there.
13 And it was told Tamar, faying, Behold, thy fa-
ther in law goeth up to Timnath to fhear his fheep.
AND Jofeph was brought
Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the
down to Egypt; and in *

14 And fhe put her widow's garments off from her, guard, an Egyptian, bought him of the hands of the
and covered her with a veil, and wrapped herfelf, and lihmeelites, which had brought him down thither.
t'-.b. the
riojr of eyes,
fat in t an open place, which is by the way to Timnath : 2 And the Lord was with Jofeph, and he was a
er, ofEnajim for fhe faw that Shelah was grown, and flie was not profperous man and he was in the houfe of his mafter

given unto him to wife. the Egyptian.

15 When Judah faw her, he thought her to be an 3 And his mafter faw that the Lord was with him,
harlot becaufe fhe had covered her face.
; and that the Lord made all that he did to profper in
16 .An'.l he turned unto her by the way, and faid, his hand.
Go to, I pray thee, let me come in unto thee ; (for he 4 And Jofeph found grace in his fight, and he ferved
knew not that fhe was his daughter in law.) And fhe him and he made him overfeer over his houfe, and

faid, What wilt thou give me, that thou mayeft come all that he had he put into his hand.
in unto me ? 5 And it came to pafs, from the time that he had
r Hfb. a kid
of the goats.
17 And he*faid, I will fend thee t a kid from the made him overfeer in his houfe, and over all he
flock. And fhe faid, Wilt thou give me a pledge till had, that the Lord bleffed the Egyptian's houfe for
thou fend it ? Jofeph's fake ; and the blefling of the Lord was upon
18 And he faid, What pledge (ball I give thee And ? all that he had in the houfe, and in the field.

6 And
The Butler and Baker Imprisoned, CHAP. XL. The Baker hanged.
6 And he left all that he had in Jofeph's hand and ; 2 And Pharoah was wroth againft two of^ his offi-
CHRIST cers, againft the chief of the butlers, and againft the
1720. he knew not ought he had, fave the bread which he
did eat and Joleph was a goodly person, and well
chief of the bakers.
favoured. 3 And he put them in ward in the houfe of the

7 1 And it came to pafs, after thefe things, that his captain of the guard, into the prifon, the place where
upon Jofeph and fhe faid,
matter's wife call her eyes ;
Joleph was bound.
Lie with me. 4 And the captain of the guard charged Jofeph
8 But he refufed and faid unto his mailer's wife,
with them, and he ferved them and they continued

Behold, my mailer wotteth not what is with me in the a feafon in ward.

houfe, and'he hath committed all that he hath to my 5 H And they dreamed a dream both of them, each
hand :
. .
man his dream in one night, each man according to the
9 There is none greater in this houfe than 1 neither :
interpretation of his dream ; the butler and the baker
hath he kept back any thing from me but thee, becaule of the king of Egypt, which were bound in the prifon.
thou art his wife how then can I do this great wick-
6 And Jofeph came in unto them, in the morning,
ednefs, and fin againil God ? and looked upon them, and, behold, they were fad.
10 And it cameto pal's, as fhe fpake to Jofeph day 7 And he afked Pharaoh's officers, that were with
by day, that he hearkened not unto her, to lie by her, him in the ward of his lord's houfe, faying, Where-
t Heb. are
or to be with her. fore t look ye so fadly to day ? your faces

1 And it came to pafs, about this time, that Joseph 8 And they faid unto him, We. have dreamed a
went into the houfe to do his bufinefs and there was ; dream, and there is no interpreter of it. And Jofeph
none of the men of the houfe there within. faid unto them, Do not interpretations belong to
12 And fhe caught him by his garment, faying, Lie God ? tell me them, I pray you.
with me and he left his garment in her hand, and fled,
9 And the chief butler told his dream to Jofeph,
and got him out. and faid unto him, In my dream, behold, a vine was
13 And it came to pafs, when fhe faw that he had before me ;
left his garment in her hand, and was fled forth, 10 And in the vine were three branches and it was

14 That fhe called unto the men of her houfe, and as though it budded, a7tdher bloffoms (hot forth ; and
fpake unto them, faying, See, he hath brought in an the chillers thereof brought forth ripe grapes.
Hebrew unto us to mock us he came in unto me to : 1 And Pharaoh's cup was in my hand and I took :

1 Hcb. great, lie with me and I cried with a t loud voice : the grapes, and preffed them into Pharaoh's cup, and

15 And it came to pafs. when he heard that I lifted I gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand.
up my voice, and cried, that he left his garment with 12 And Jofeph faid unto him, This is the interpre-
me, and fled, and got him out. tation of it The three branches are three days.

16 And fhe laid up his garment by her until his 13 Yet within three days fhall Pharaoh lift up
|| Or, reckon.

lord came home. thine head, and reflore thee unto thy place and :

17 And Ihe fpake unto him according to thefe thou flialt deliver Pharaoh's cup into his hand, after
words, faying, The Hebrew fervant, which thou haft the former manner when thou waft his butler.
brought unto us, came in unto me to mock me : 14 But t think on me when it fhall be well with tHeb. member ?nc

18 And it came to pafs, as I lifted up my voice and thee, and fhew kindnefs, I pray thee, unto me and ivith

cried, that he left his garment with me, and fled out. make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me out
19 And it came to pafs, when his mailer heard the of this houfe
words of his wife, which me fpake unto him, faying, 15 For indeed I was flolen away out of the land of
After this manner did thy fervant to me that his ; the Hebrews ; and here alio have I done nothing that
wrath was kindled. they fhould put me into the dungeon.
20 And Jofeph's mafter took him, and put him into 16 When the chief baker faw that the interpretation
the prifon, a place where the king's prifoners were was good, he faid unto Jofeph, I alfo was in my dream,
bound and he was there in the prifon.
: and, behold, I had three white bafkets on my head. toles.
Or, fuijcf \

-tHeb. extend- 21 But the Lord was with Jofeph, and t fhewed
*ff 17 And in the uppermoit bafket there was of all
ed kindness
*uij him. him mercy, and gave him favour in the fight of the manner of t bake meats for Pharaoh ; and the birds t Hrb. menr
of Pharaoh,
keeper of the prifon. did eat them out of the bafket upon my head. t'rieii*ork of
baker, or,
22 And the keeper of the prifon committed to Jo- 18 And Jofeph atifwered and faid, This is the in- cuok.
feph's hand all the prifoners that were in the prifon ;
terpretation thereof: The three bafkets are three days.
and whatfoever they did there, he was the doer of it. 19 Yet within three days fhall Pharaoh lift up thy Or, reckon II

thee, and
23 The keeper of the prifon looked not to any thing head from off thee, and fhall hang thee on a tree and tnke thy of-

that was under his hand becaule the Lord was with
; the birds fhall eat thy flefh from off thee.
fice//- i«i thee.

him and that which he did, the Lord made it to

: 20 H And it came to pafs the third day, which was
profper. Pharaoh's birth day, that he made a feafl unto all his Or, reckon- |l

CHAP. XL. fervants and lifted up the head of the chief butler,
: II

and of the chief baker among his fervants.


1 The hitler and baiter of Pharaoh imprisoned, and

21 And he reftored the chief butler unto his but-
committed to Joseph's charge. 5 Joseph interpreteth lerfhip again and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's

their dreams : 20 they come to pass according to his

hand :

interpretation. 23 The ingratitude of the butler.

22 But he hanged the chief baker ; as Jofeph had
Br. 172a
AND it came
to pafs after thefe things, that the
butler of the king of Egypt and his baker had
interpreted to them.
23 If Yet did not the chief butler remember Jofeph,
offended their lord the king of Egypt. but forgat him,
" 1 : :

Pharaoh telleth his dreams to Joseph. GENESIS. Joseph advanced by Pharaoh.

Before 20 And the lean and the ill favoured kine did eat ChriIt
up the firft feven fat kine : 1715-
71 5.
Pharaoh's two dreams : 9 his butler informeth him

1 21 And when they had t eaten them up, it could not .jrjj^^.
of Joseph. 14 Pharaoh telleth Joseph his dreams : be known that they had eaten them but they were tot}K)\ ;

25 Joseph interprcteth them, and giveth Pharaoh

full favoured as at the beginning. So I awoke.
ill IfkemT
counsel 38 Joseph advanced: 45 his wise provi- 22 And I law in my dream, and, behold, feven ears
sion in the years ofplenty : 50 Manasseh and Eph- came up in one ftalk, full and good.
raim are bom to him. 53 Thefamine beginneth. 23 And, behold, feven ears, withered, thin, and ou-maii.
|| n

A ! ND
it came to pafs, at the end of two full years,

that Pharaoh dreamed

bv the river.
and, behold, he flood
blafled with the eaft wind, fprung up after them
24 And the thin ears devoured the feven good ears.
And I told thisunto the magicians but there was none ;

*2 And, behold, there came up out of the river that could declare it unto me.
feven well favoured kine, and fat flefhed and they fed ;
25 HAnd Jofeph faid unto Pharaoh, The dream of
in a meadow. Pharaoh is one God hath fhewed Pharaoh what he

3 And, behold, feven other kine came up after them is about to do.

out of the river, ill favoured, and lean flefhed and ; 26 The feven good kine are feven years and the ;

Hood bv the other kine, upon the brink of the river. feven good ears are feven years the dream is one. • :

4 And the ill favoured and lean flefhed kine did 27 And the feven thin and ill favoured kine, that
eat up the feven well favoured and fat kine. So Pha- came up after them, are feven years and the feven ;

raoh awoke. empty ears, blafted with the eaft wind, fhali be feven
5 And lie flept and dreamed the fecond time and, : years of famine.
behold, feven ears of com came up upon one flalk, 28 This is the thing which I have fpoken unto
r Heb. fat. t rank and good. Pharaoh what God is about to do he fliewcth unto

6 And, behold, feven thin ears, and blafted with Pharaoh.

the eaft wind, fprung up after them. 29 Behold, there come feven years of great plenty
7 And the feven thin ears devoured the feven rank throughout all the land of Egypt
and full ears. And Pharaoh awoke, and, behold, 30 And there lhall arife after them feven years of fa-
it was a dream. mine and all the plenty fhall be forgotten in the land

8 And it came to pafs in the morning, that his fpi- of Egypt ; and the famine fhall conf'ume the land :

rit was troubled and he lent and called for all the
31 And the plenty fhall not be known in the land,
magicians of Egypt, and all the wife men thereof by reafon of that famine following for it shall be very ;

and Pharaoh told them his dreams but there was ; t grievous. t Heb.
none that could interpret them unto Pharaoh. 32 And for that the dream was doubled unto Pha-
9 Tl Then fpake the chief butler unto Pharaoh, fay- raoh twice ; it is becaufe the thing is eftablifhed by || lOt, pre.
pared of da,
ing, I do remember my faults this day. God, and God will fhortly bring it to pafs.
10 Pharaoh was wroth with his iervants, and put 33 Now, therefore, let Pharaoh look out a man dif-
me in ward in the captain of the guard's houle, both creet and wife, and fet him over the land of Egypt.
me and the chief baker. 34 Let Pharaoh do this, and let him appoint || offi-
1 And we dreamed a dream in one night, I and cers over the land, and take up the fifth part of the
he we dreamed each man according to the inter-
land of Egypt in the feven plenteous years.
pretation of his dream. 35 And let them gather all the food ofthofe good
12 And there was there with us a young man, an years that come, and lay up corn under the hand of
Hebrew, fervant to the captain of the guard and we ; Pharaoh, and let them keep food in the cities.
nch^o^told him, and a he interpreted to us our dreams to : 36 And that food fhall be for ftore to the land
cac man according to his dream he did interpret.
&c. ]-
l againfl the feven years of famine, which fhall be in
13 And it came to pal's, as he interpreted to us, fo the land of Egypt, that the land t perifh not through + Heb hel
it was : me he reftored unto mine office, and him he the famine. cut oft.

hanged. 37 And the thing was good in the eyes of Pha-

bp s . 105-0. 14. "[I Then Pharaoh
and called Jofeph, and
fent raoh, and in the eyes of all his fen-ants.
+ h,i„ made they f brought him hallily out of the dungeon
and : 38 II And Pharaoh faid unto his fervants, Can we
him run.
fo \\ VdXQ r\ himself, and changed his raiment, and came find such a one as this is, a man in whom the Spirit of
in unto Pharaoh, God is ?
15 And Pharaoh fakl unto Jofeph, I have dreamed 39 And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph, Forafmuch as
a dream, and there is none that can interpret it and : God hath fhewed thee all this, there is none fo dis-
J or, when Lhave heard fay of thee, that thou canft underlbmd II creet and wife as thou art :
a dream to interpret it. 40 c
my houfe, and according ^l^i"'
Thou fhalt be over M 1 53. 1 ic.
can,! inter- 16 And Jofeph anfwered Pharaoh, faying, It is not unto thy word fhall all my people fbe ruled only Acts 7 ic. :
ir^til. t
in me God fb.all give Pharaoh an anfwer of peace.
: in the throne will I be greater than thou. armed, or>
17 And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph, In my dream, 41 And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph, See, I have fet kiss.
behold, I flood upon the bank of the river : thee over all the land of Egypt.
18 And, behold, there came up out of the river 42 And Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand, and
feven kine, fat flefhed, and well favoured and they ; put it upon Jofeph's hand, and arrayed him in veftures
fed in a meadow :
of fine linen, and put a gold chain about his neck
II Or, silk. : i

19 And, behold, feven other kine came up after 43 And he made him to ride in the fecond chariot '

them, poor, and very ill favoured, and lean flefhed, which he had and they cried before him, tB;>w the dcrOr,father.

fuch as I never law in ail the land of Egypt for badnefs :

knee and he made him ruler over ail the land of Egypt. Abrech.

44 And
Jacob sendcth his sons to buy com. CHAP. XLII. They return with com and their money.
44 And Pharaoh laid unto Jofeph, I am Pharaoh, 6 If And
Jofeph was the governor -over the land,
and without thee fhall no man lift up his hand or foot and he ivas that fold to all the people of the land
it :

in all the land of Egypt. and Jofeph's brethren came, and bowed down them-
45 And Pharaoh called Jofeph's name Zaphnath- ||
felves before him with their faces to the earth.
paaneah and he gave him to wife Afenath, the
7 And Jofeph faw his brethren, and he knew them,
daughter of Potipherah H prieft of On. And Jofeph but made himfelf f'trange unto them, and fpake
went out over all the land of Egypt. t roughly unto them and he faid unto them, Whence
; t Heb.
hard >.frtr,g>

46 1[ And Joleph was thirty years old when he come ye ? And they faid, From the land of Canaan •with them.

flood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Jofeph to buy food.

went out from the pre fence of Pharaoh, and went 8 And Jofeph knew his brethren, but they knew
throughout all the land of Egypt. not him.
47 And in the feven plenteous years the earth 9 And Jofeph b remembered the dreams which lie bC.liap. 37
I 9-
brought forth by handfuls. dreamed of them, and faid unto them, Ye are fpies
48 And he gathered up all' the food of the feven to fee the nakednefs of the land you are come.
years, which were in the land of Egypt, and laid up 10 And they faid unto him, Nay, my lord but ;

the food in the cities the food of the field, which : to buy food are thy fervants come.
was round about every city, laid he up in the fame. 11 We<7n?all one man's fons we are true men, ;

49 And Jofeph gathered corn as the fand of the fea, thy fervants are no fpies.
very much, until he left numbering for it ivas with- ;
12 And he faid unto them, Nay, but to fee the
out number. nakednefs of the land ye are come.
J Chan. 46 20j
& 48 5- 50 If d And unto Jofeph were bom two fons before 13 And they faid, Thy fervants are twelve bre-
the years of famine came, which Afenath, the daugh- thren, the fons of one man in the land of Canaan ;
Or, prince. ter of Potipherah prielt of On, bare unto him. ||
and behold, th eyoungeft is this day with our father,
cir. 71 2.
51 And Jofeph called the name of the firftborn
and one is not.
]1 That is,
Manaffeh For God, said be, hath made me forget
: 14 And Jofeph faid unto them, That is it that I
all my toil, and all my father's houfe. fpake unto you, faying, Ye are fpies.
is, 52 And the name of the fecond called he ||Eph- 15 Hereby ye fhall be proved By the life of Pha-:

raim :For God hath cauied me to be fruitful in the raoh ye fhall not go forth hence, except your young-
land of my affliclion. eft brother come hither.
1708, 53 If And the feven years of plenteoufnefs that was 16 Send one of you, and let him fetch your bro-
in the land of Egypt were ended. ther, and ye fhall be f kept in prifon, that your words t Heb.
ePs. 10516.
54 e
And the feven years
of dearth began to come, may be proved, u h ether there be any truth in you :

according as Jofeph had faid and the dearth was in : or elfe, by the life of Pharaoh, finely ye are fpies.
all lands but in all the land of Egypt there was bread.
: 17 And he f put them all together into ward three t Heb.
55 And when all the land of Egypt was famiihed, days.
the people cried to Pharaoh for bread and Pharaoh : 18 And Jofeph faid unto them the third day, This
laid unto all the Egyptians, Go unto Jofeph what he ; do, and live ; for I fear God.
faith to you, do. 19 If ye be true men, let one of your brethren be
56 And the famine was over all the face of the bound in the houfe of your prifon ; go ye, carry corn
t Heb. cH
•wherein was.
earth. And Jofeph opened t all the ftorehoufes, and for the famine of your houfes :

fold unto the Egyptians and the famine waxed fore ; 20 But c bring your youngeft brother unto me fo ;
cchap. 43
in the land of Egypt. fhall your words be Aerified, and ye fhall not die.
57 And all countries came into Egypt to Jofeph And they did fo.
for to buy com ; becaufe that the famine was so fore 21 If And they faid one to another, W^e arc verily
in all lands. guilty concerning our brother, in that we faw the an-
C H A P. XLII. guifh of his foul, when he bef ought us, and we would
1 Jacob sendetb te?i of bis sons to buy com in Egypt : not hear ; therefore is this diftrefs come upon us.
6 they are imprisoned by Joseph far spies ; but are 22 And Reuben anfwered them, faying, d Spake achap. 37
set at liberty on condition to bring Benjamin .-21 Inot unto you, faying, Do not fin againft the child ?
their remorsefor Joseph; Simeon is keptfor a pledge. and ye would not hear therefore, behold, alio, his

25 They return with corn and their money .-29 their blood is required-
relation to Jacob. 35 Jacob is afraid, andrcfuseth 23 And they knew not that Jofeph underflood them :
send Benjamin.
to for fhe fpake unto them by an interpreter. tHrb.™
a(A4ts7i2. NO W when Jacob a faw that there was corn in
Egypt, Jacob faid unto his fons, do ye Why
24 And he turned himfelf about from them and ["Zt""r
wept; and returned to them again, and communed '™«»"' e*
look one upon another ? with them, and took from them Simeon, and bound
2 And he faid, Behold, I have heard that there is him before their eyes.
corn in Egypt get you down thither, and buy for
25If Then Jofeph commanded to fill their facks

us from thence that we may live, and not die.

; with corn, and to reftore every man 's money into his
3 And Jofeph's ten brethren went down to buy fack, and to give them provifion for the way and :

corn in Egypt. thus did he unto them.

4 But Benjamin, Jofeph's brother, Jacob font not 26 And they laded their affes with the corn, and
with his brethren for he faid, Left peradvcnture : departed thence.
mifchief befall him. 27 And as one of them opened his fack, to give his
5 And the fonsof Ifraelcame tobuy co/Tzamongthofe afs provender in the inn, he efpicd his money; for,
that came for the famine was in the land of Canaan.
: behold, it was in his lack's mouth.
28 And
Judah persuadcth Jacob to send Benjamin. GENESIS, Joseph inquireth after his father.
28 And he laid unto his brethren. My money 9 I will be furety for him of my hand fhalt thou re- Before
He fore

reftored and, lo, it is even in
; my lack :and their quire him if I bring him not unto thee, and let him

heart t failed them, and they were afraid, faying one before thee, then let me bear the blame for ever .
T Heb.ivcnl b Chap.
iortk. to another, What is this that God hath done unto us? 10 For except we had lingered, furely now we had 33.

Or, tiaiee
29 % And they came unto Jacob their father, unto returned this fecond time.

the land of Canaan, and told him all that befell unto 11 And their father Ifrael faid unto them, If it
them, faying, must be fo now, do this Take of the bell fruits in :

30 The man, who is the lord of the land, fpake the land in your veffels, and carry clown the man a
t TIcb.
with us hard t roughly to us, and took us for fpies of the country.
prefent, a little balm, and a little honey, fpices and
31 And v/e laid unto him, We are true men ; we myrrh, nuts and almonds :

are no fpies. 12 And take double money in your hand and the ;

32 We be twelve brethren, fons of our father one

: money that was brought again in the mouth of your
is not, and the youngeft is this day with our father facks, carry it again in your hand peradventure it ;

in the land of Canaan. %v as an overfight :

33 And the man, the lord of the counuy, faid unto 13 Take alio your brother, and arife, go again
us, Hereby rti all I know that ye are true men ; leave unto the man :

one of your brethren here with me, and take food for 14 And God Almighty give you mercy before the
the famine of your houfeholds, and be gone ;
man, that he may fend away your other brother, and
34 And bring your youngeft brother unto me : Benjamin. If I be bereaved of my children, I am
;'i 1 have

then lhall I know that ye are no fpies, but that ye are bereaved. been, &c.

true men : so will I deliver you your brother, and ye 15 U And the men took that prefent, and they took
ihall traffic in the land. double money in their hand, and Benjamin; androie
35 ITAnditcame to pafs, as they emptied their up, and went down to Egypt, and flood before Joieph.
facks, that, behold, every man's bundle of money was 16 And when Jofeph law Benjamin with them, he
in his lack and when both they and their father faw
faid to the ruler of his houfe, bring these men home,
the bundles of money, they were afraid. and f flay and make ready for these men ihall t dine f
a f^

36 And Jacob their father laid unto them, Me with me at noon. t Heb'.^V.
have ye bereaved of my children : Jofeph is not, and 17 And the man did as Joieph bade and the man :

Simeon is not, and ye will take Benjamin away : all brought the men into Jofeph's houfe.
thefe things are againft me. 18 And the men were afraid becaufe they were
37 And Reuben fpake unto his father, faying, Slay brought into Jofeph's houfe and they faid, Becaufe of :

my two fons, if I bring him not to thee deliver him

: the money, that was returned in our faeks at the firft
into my hand, and I will bring him to thee again. time, are we brought in, that he may f leek occafion
v* m
38 And he faid, my fon lhall not go clown with againft us, and fall upon us, and take us for bond- «"*"
you ;for his brother is dead, and he is left alone if : men, and our affes.
miichief befall him by the way in the which ye go, 19 If And they came near to the ftewa'rd of Jofeph's
then fhall ye bring down my gray hairs with ibrrow houfe and they communed with him at the door of

ta the grave, the houfe,

CHAP. XLIII. 20 And faid, O fir !
t we came indeed down at cj£*?-
*- *
1 Jacob is hardly persuaded to send Benjamin. 15 the firft time to buy food : inx denim lue
Joseph'' s brethren are brought into his house ; 19 21 And to pafs, when we came to the inn,
it came
they discover their fears to the steward. 26 Joseph that we opened our facks, and, behold, every man's
maketh them a feast. money was in the mouth of his fack, our money in
AND the famine was fore in the land. weight and we have brought it again in our hand.
full ;

1\. 2 And it came to pais, when they had eaten up 22 And other money have we brought down in our
the corn which they had brought out of Egypt, their hands to buy food we cannot tell who put our money

father faid unto them, Go again, buy us a little food. in our facks.
5 And Judah fpake unto him, faying, The man 23 And he faid, Peace be to you, fear not your ;

t Hc-b. pre- t did folemnly protcft unto us, faying, Ye lhall not God, and the God of your father, hath given you
testing pro-
fee my face, except your brother be with you.
;iChap. 42 2
trcafure in your lacks 1" I had your money. And he :
1'Heb. your
money came
4 If thou wilt lend our brother with us, we will go brought Simeon out unto them.
down and buy thee food : 24 And the man brought the men into Jofeph's
5 But if thou wilt not fend him, we will not go houie, and d gave them water, and they waiheel their 84 "
down for the man faid unto us, Ye fhall not fee my
: feet and he gave their aifes provender.

face, except your brother be with you. 25 And they made ready the prefent againft Jofeph
6 And Ifrael faid, Wherefore dealt ye so ill with came at noon for they heard that they ihoulcl eat

me, as to tell the man whether ye had yet a brother ? bread there,
THs-h. askin, 7 And they faid, The man f alked us, ftraitly of -25 H And when Jofeph came home they brought
asked us,
our Hate, and of our kindred, faying, Is your father him the prefent which was in their hand into the
yet alive ? have ye another brother ? and we told him houfe, and bowed themfelves to him to the earth.
+ lifb. '";;«': according to the t tenor of thefe words, t Could 27 And he afkedthem of their t welfare, and faid, + Heb-^«-
we certainly know that he would fay, Bring your f Is your father well ? the old man of whom ye fpake, + Heb Is -

brother down ? is he yet alive ? '

8 And Judah faid unto Ifrael his father, Send the lad 28 And they anfwered, Thy fervant our father is fcJ" er
with me, and we will arife and go that we may live,
; in good health, he is yet alive and they bowed down :'

and not die, both we, and thou, and'Aio our little ones. their heads, and made obeifance,
29 And
Joseph's brethren brought before him, CHAP. XLIV XL V. Joseph maketh himself known.
29 And he lifted up his eyes, and faw his brother 16 Judah faid, what fhall we fay unto my Before
^,g T wefpeak ? or how fhall we clear our- P h H.^t
iBenjamin, his mother's fon, and faid, Is this your
lord ? fhall
•^r^j younger brother, of whom ye fpake unto me ? And felves ? God hath found out the iniquity of thy fer- \J^^
he faid, God be gracious unto thee, my fon. vants behold, we arc my lord's fervants, both^we

30 And Jofeph made hafte for his bowels did yearn ;

and he alio wiuh whom the cup is found.
upon his brother and he fought where to weep and
: ; 17 And he faid, God forbid that I lhould do fo :

he entered into his chamber, and wept there. but the man in whofe hand the cup is found, he ihall
31 And he wafhed his face, and went out, and re- be my fervant and as for you, get ye up in peace

frained himfelf, and faid, Set on bread. unto your father.

32 And they fet on for him by himfelf, and for 18 IF Then Judah came near unto him, and faid,
them by themfelves, and for the Egyptians which did Oh, my lord, let thy fervant, I pray thee, ipeak a word
eat with him by themfelves becaufe the Egyptians ;
in my lord's ears, and let not thine anger burn againfl
might not eat bread with the Hebrews for that is an ; thy fervant for thou art even as Pharaoh.

abomination unto the Egyptians. 19 My lord afked his fervants, faying, Have ye a
33 And they fat before him, the firftborn according father, or a brother ?

to his birthright, and the youngeft according to his 20 iVnd we faid unto my lord, We
have a father,
youth and the men marvelled one at another.
: an old man, and a child of his old age, a little one and :

34 And he took and sent meffes unto them from his brother is dead, and he alone is left of his mother,
before him but Benjamin's mefs was five times fo
: and his father loveth him.
J much as any of theirs. And they drank, and t were 21 And thou faidft unto dry fervants, Bring him
merry with him. down unto me, that I may fet mine eyes upon him.
CHAP. XLIV. 22 And we laid unto my lord, The lad cannot leave
his father for if he fhould leave his father, hisfather
1 Josephs policy stay Benjamin : 6 his cup isfound
14 Joseph's brethren brought
would die.
in Benjamin's sack:
23 And thou fhidlt unto thy fervants, a
Except your ****'
before him. 18 Judah' s humble supplication to Joseph. "'

A ND he commanded t the fteward of his houfe,

youngeft brother come down with you, ye lhall fee

llZr J7%- faying, Fill the men's facks with food, as much
my face no more.
hcuse '
as they can cany, and put every man's money in his
24 And it cametopafs, when we came up unto thy
fervant my father, we told him the words of my lord.
fack's mouth.
my cup, the filver cup, in the fack's
2 And put 25 And our father faid, Go again, and buy us a
little food.
mouth of the youngeft, and his corn money. And
he did according to the word that Jofeph had fpoken.
26 And we faid, We
cannot go down if our young- :

eft brother be with vis, then will we go down for

3 As foon as the morning was light, the men were ;

fent away, they and th«ir affes.

we may not fee the man's face, except our youngeft
brother be with us.
4 And -when they were gone out of the city, and'not
yet far off, Jofeph faid unto his fteward, Up, follow
27 And. thy fervant my father faid unto us, Ye
after the men and, when thou doll overtake them, lay
know that my wife bare me two sons :
unto them, Wherefore have ye rewarded evil for good ? 28 And the one went out from me, and I faid,
5 Is not thiszV in which my lord drink eth,and where-
Surely he is torn in pieces and I faw him not lince \ cu?. P
; :

29 And if ye take this alfo from me, and mifchief 57 3o


U by indeed he Hdivineth? ye have done evil in fo doing.

befall him, ye fhall bring down my gray hairs with
6 IFAnd he overtook them,' and he fpake unto them
thefe fame words.
forrow to the grave.
7 And they faid unto him, Wherefore faith my 30 Now, therefore, when I come to thy fervant
lord thefewords? God forbid that thy fervants fhould
my father, and the lad be not with us (feeing that ;

his life is bound up in the lad's life ;)

do according to this thing.
8 Behold, the money which we found in our facks' 31 It fhall come to pals, when he feeth that the lad
is not with us, that he will die and thy fervants fhall
mouths, we brought again unto thee out of the land :

of Canaan how then fhould we ileal out of thy lord's

bring down the gray hairs of thy fervant our father
houfe filver or gold ? with forrow to the grave.
9 With whomfoever of thy fervants it be found,both 32 For thy fervant became furety for the lad unto
let him die, and we alfo will be my lord's bondmen. my father, faying, c If I bring him not unto thee, then c 5 I,np l

I lhall bear the blame to my father for ever.

10 And he faid, Now alfo let it be according unto
your words he with whom it is found fhall be my
33 Now, therefore, I pray thee, let thy fervant
fervant and ye fhall be blamelefs.
abide inflead of the lad a bondman to my lord and ;
let the lad go up with his brethren.
11 Then they fpeedily took down every man his
fack to the ground, and opened every man hisfack. 34 For how fhall I go up to my father, and the lad
12 And he fearched,dw/began at the eldeft,and left at be not with me ? left peradventure I fee the evil that
lhal 1 1 come on my father + v '

the youngefl,and the cup was found inBenjamin's fack

13 Then they rent their clothes, and laded every C HA P. XLV.
man his afs, and returned to the city. . 1 Joseph maketh himself known to his brethren, end
14 IF And Judah and his brethren came to Jofeph's comforteth them with God's past providence ; he
houfe!; (for he was yet there;) and they fell before him sendethfor his father by them : 16 Pharaoh is pleat -

on the ground. ed. 21 Joseph furnisheth them for their journey.

15 And Jofeph faid unto them, What deed is this 25 Jacob is revived.

that ye have done ? wot ye not that fuch a man as I
can certainly divine ? II
Jofeph could not
by him
that flood
refrain himfelf before all
; and he cried, Caufe
F every
5 :

Joseph sendeth for his father, GENESIS. Jacob goeth into Egypt.
every man to go out from me. And there flood no
fhe affes laden with corn and bread, and meat for his CHRIST
man with him, while Jofeph made himfelf known un- father by the way. 1706.

24 So he fent his brethren away, and they depart- *-*"y*0


to his brethren.
+ Heb. gave 2 And he t wept aloud
and the Egyptians and the
: ed and he faid unto them, See that ye fall not out

KKrhoufe of Pharaoh heard. by the way.

a Afts 7 13. 3 And Jofeph faid unto his brethren, a I am Jofeph: 25 1FAnd they went up out of Egypt, and came into
doth my father yet live ? And his brethren could not the land of Canaan unto Jacob their father,
anfwer him for they were H troubled at his prefence.
: 26 And told him, faying, Jofeph is yet alive, and
4 And Jofeph faid unto his brethren, Come near he is governor over all the land of Egypt. And t Ja- t h<*. his.
to me, I pray you. And they came near. And he faid, cob's heart fainted, for he believed them not.
I am Jofeph your brother, whom ye fold into Egypt. 27 And they told him ali the words of Jofeph,
tHtiaiiStr 5 Now, therefore, be not grieved, f nor angry with which he had faid unto them and when he faw the:

m^L b
yourfelves, that ye fold me hither b
for God did fend
: waggons, which Jofeph had fent to carry him, the fpirit
me before you to preferve life. of Jacob their father revived.
b Chap. 6 For thefe two years hath the f. imine been in the 28 And Ifrael faid, It is enough Jofeph my fon is :

io 20.
land and yet there arc five years, in the which there
yet alive I will go and fee him before I die.

shall neither be earing nor harveft.

7 And God fent me before you t to preferve you a
+ Heb. to put 1 Jacob is comforted by God at Beer-sheba : 5 he goeth
f»r you a pofterity in the earth, and to fave your lives by a
remnant. thence with his family into Egypt : 8 the number of
great deliverance.
those that went with hi?n. 28 Josep.h mectethjacob
8 So now it was not you that fent me hither, but
31 he instructeth his brethren how to answer Pha-
God and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and

lord of all his houfe, and a ruler throughout all the
land of Egypt.
9 Hafte ye, and go up to my father, and fay unto
AN D Ifrael took his journey with all that he had,
and came to Beer-fheba, and offered iacrifices

him, Thus faith thy fon Jofeph, God hath made me unto the God of his father Ifaac.
lord of all Egypt come down unto me, tarry not.
; 2And God fpake unto Ifrael in the vifions of the
1 And thou fhalt dwell in the land of Gofhen, and night, and faid, Jacob, Jacob And he Mel, Here am I.

thou (halt be near unto me, thou, and thy children, 3 And he faid, I am God, the God of thy father :

and thy children's children, and thy flocks, and thy fear not to go down into Egypt ; for I will there make
herds, and all that thou haft : of thee a great nation.
11 And there will I nourifh thee, (for yet there arc 4 I will go down with thee into Egypt and I will ;

five years of famine,) left thou and thy houfehold, alfo furely bring thee up again : and Jofeph fhall put
and all that thou hail come to poverty. his hand upon thine eyes.
12 And, behold, your eyes fee, and the eyes of my 5 H And Jacob rofe up from Beer-fheba and the :

brother Benjamin, that it is my mouth that fpeaketh fons of Ifrael carried Jacob their father, and their little
unto you. ones, and their wives, in the waggons which Pharaoh
13 And ye fhall tell my father of all my glory in had fent to carry him.
Egypt, anel of all that ye have feen and ye mall : 6 And they took their cattle, and their goods, which
hafle, and bring down my father hither. thejr had gotten in the land of Canaan, and came into
a Josh. 54 4..
14 U And he fell upon his brother Benjamin's neck Egypt.* a Jacob and all his feed with him PsaL io« i>

and wept ; and Benjamin wept upon his neck. 7 His fons, and his fons' fons with him, his daugh- Isaiah 53 4.
1 Moreover, he killed all his brethren, and wept ters, and his fons' daughters, and all his feed brought
upon them and after that his brethren talked with
: he with him into Egypt.
8 H And thefe are the names of the children of b F.xod.
him. 1

1, 8c 6 14.
16 11 And the fame
thereof was heard in Pharaoh's Ifrael which came into Egypt, Jacob and his fons
, :

houfe, faying, Jofeph's brethren are come. And it c

Reuben, Jacob's firflborn. c Num. 26 J.
Chron. 5 1, 1
* 'IK.. i- a t pleafed Pharaoh well, and his fervants. 9 And the fons of Reuben Hanoch, and Phallu,;
it the
17 And Pharaoh faid unto Jofeph, Say unto thy
c-.esof Vha and Hezron, and Carmi.
brethren, This do ye ; lade your beafls, and go, get 10 And d the fons of Simeon; Jemuel, and Jamin, dExod.6:5.
1 Chron. 4
you unto the land of Canaan ; and Ohad, and Jachin, andZohar and Shaul, the fon ; 24.

18 And take your father, and your houfeholds, and of a Canaanitifh woman.
come unto me ; and I will give you the good of the 11 And the fons of e Levi ; Gerfhon, Kohath, and e

land of Egypt, and ye fhall eat the fat of the land. Merari.
1 Now thou art commanded, this do ye Take you ; 12 And the fons of f Judali Er, and Onan, and ;
f I Chr«.
23, &
4 21.
waggons out of the land of Egypt, for your little ones, Shelah, and Pharez, and Zarah but g Er and Onan : g Chap. 38 3,
and for your wives, and bring your father, and come. died in the land of Canaan. And the fons of Pharez
* HcK n.l
20 Alio t regard not your fluff for the good of : were Hezron and Hamul.
IpartTtre. all the land of Egypt is yours. 13 And the fons of Iffachar ; Tola, and Phuvah, h 1 Chro. 7 U
211 And the chilelrcn of Ifrael did fo and Jofeph : and Job, and Shimron.
ineb.mnth. S ave them waggons, according to the t commandment 14 And the fons of Zebulun ; Sered, and Elon,
of Pharaoh, and gave them provifion for the way. and Jahleel.
22 To all of them he gave each man changes of 15 Thefe be the fons of Leah, which fhe bare unto
rtii merit but to Benjamin he gave, three hundred
: Jacob in Padanaram, with his daughter Dinah all the •

pieces of ftlver, and five changes of raiment. fouls of his fons and his daughters were thirty and three.
23 And to his father he fent after this manner ; ten 16 And the fons of Gad Ziphion, and Haggai,
H-b carr> .^.
s j a^ en Vv ith the good things of Egypt, and ten
\ Shuni, and Ezbon, Eri, and Arodi, and Areli.
17* And.
Joseph presenteth his brethren CHAP. XL VII. and father to Pharaoh.
x7 And the fons of Aiher Jimnah, and Ifhuah,
' ; your occupation ? And they faid unto Pharaoh, Thy C hrist
ST we and alio our
"™L and Ifui, and Beriah, and Serah their Hiter. And the lervants are fhepherds, both *^j,
-*^r ,-
«^^j fons of Beriah; Heber, and alchiel. M 4 They laid moreover unto Pharaoh, For to lbjourn
' J

chro. 7 3°.
^g hefe « n? the fons of Zilpah, whom Laban gave
in the land are we come for thy lervants have no

to Leah his daughter and thei'e ihe bare unto Jacob,

; pafture for their flocks ; for the famine is fore in the
even iixteen fouls. land of Canaan : now, therefore, we pray thee, let thy
19 The fons of Rachel, Jacob's wife; Jofeph, and lervants dwell in the land of Goihen.
Benjamin. 5 And Pharaoh fpake unto Joieph, faying, Thy fa-
:kip. 4i 20 k And unto Jofeph in the land of Egypt were born
50. ther and thy brethren are come unto thee ;

Manaffeh and Ephraim, which Afenath, the daughter 6 The land of Egypt is before thee in the bell of;

1r, prince. of Potipherah prieft of On, bare unto him.

the land make thy father and brethren to dwell in the ;

Clir. 7 6,
21 *And the fons of Benjamin were Belah, and land of Gofhen let them dwell ; and if thou knoweil
Becher, and Afhbel, Gera, and Naaman, Ehi, and any men of activity among them, then make them
Rofh, Muppim, and Huppim, and Aid. rulers over my cattle.
22 Thefe are the fons of Rachel, which were born 7 And Joieph brought in Jacob his father, and fet
to Jacob all the lbuls were fourteen.
him before Pharaoh and Jacob blelled Pharaoh.

23 And the fons of Dan Hulhim. ; 8 And Pharaoh laid unto Jacob, t How old art thou ? ™*g&
24 And the fons of Naphtali Jahzeel, and Guni, ; 9 And Jacob faid unto Pharaoh, u The days of the ^'{J^y
and Jezer, and Shillem. years of my pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty years: $|V°
few and evil have the days of die years of my life been, ? 3

25 Thefe are the fons of Bilhah, which Laban gave .

unto Rachel his daughter and lhe bare thefe unto ;

and have not attained unto the days of the years of the
Jacob all the fouls were feven.
life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage.

26 All the fouls that came with Jacob into Egypt, 10 And Jacob blelled Pharaoh, and went out from
Heb. thigh. which came out of his j loins, belkles Jacob's fons' before Pharaoh.
wives, all the fouls were threelcore and fix ;
1 If And Jofeph placed his father and his brethren,

27 And the fons of Jofeph, which were born him in and gave them a poileflion in the land of Egypt, in the
Deut. 10 22. Egypt, were two fouls

alt the fouls of the houfe of Ja-
; belt of the land, in the land of Ramefes, as Pharaoh
cob, which came into Egypt, were threefcore and ten. had commanded.
28 If And he lent Judah before him unto Jofeph, to 12 And Jofeph nourifhed his father, and his breth-
direcl his face unto Goihen and they came into the ren, and all his father's houfehold, with, bread, lit ac- } °fe*-jfld
land of Goihen. cording to their families. w«nVi«*.- /'-

29 And Jofeph made ready his chariot, and went 13 If And there was no bread in all the land for the c *dfcgu>\ :

up to meet Ifrael his father to Gofhen, and prefented famine was very fore, lb that the land of Egypt, and all '!"j!"
himlelf unto him and he fell on his neck, and wept the land of Canaan, fainted by reafon of the famine.

on his neck a good while. 14 And Jofeph gathered up all the money that was
30 And Ifrael faid unto Jofeph, Now let me die, found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan,
fince I have ieen thy face, becaufe thou art yet alive. for the corn which they bought and Jofeph brought :

31 II And Jofeph faid unto his brethren, and unto the money into Pharaoh's houle.
his lather's houfe, I will go up and lhew Pharaoh, and 15 And when money failed in the land of Egypt, 7 «a i

lay unto him, My brethren, and my father's houle, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto
which were in the land of Canaan, are come unto me Joieph, and faid, Give us bread
: for why lhould we ;

re men uf
32 And the men are fhepherds, for t their trade die in thy prefence ? for the money faileth.
11 tie. hath been to feed cattle and they have brought their ; 16 And Jofeph faid, Give your cattle and I will ;

Hocks, and their herds, and all that they have. give you for your cattle, if money fail.
33 And it lhall come to pafs, when Pharaoh fhall 17 And they brought their cattle unto Jofeph and :

call you, and fhall fay, What is your occupation ? Jofeph gave them bread in exchange for hories, and
34 That ye lhall lay, Thy lervants' trade hath been for the flocks, and for the cattle of the herds, and for
about cattle from our youth even until now, both we the affes and he f fed them with bread for all their Tffym

and alio our fathers that ye may dwell in the land of cattle for that year.

Goihen for every fhepherd is an abomination unto

: 18 When that year was ended, they came unto him
the Egyptians. '

the lecond year, and faid unto him, will not hide We
C P. XL VII. HA it from my lord, how that our money is fpent my lord ;

1 Joseph presenteth Jive of his brethren, and bis father, alio hath our herds of cattle there is not ought left in :

before Pharaoh : 11 he giveth them habitation and the light of my lord but our bodies and our lands.
maintenance .-15 he getteth all the money, cattle, and 19 Wherefore lhall we die before thine eyes, both
lands of the Egyptians for Pharaoh : 23 he lettcth we and our land ? buy us and our land for bread, and
the land to them for a fifth part. 28 Jacob's age ; we and our land will be lervants unto Pharaoh and ;

he sweareth Joseph to bury him with his fathers. give us leed, that we may live, and not die, that the
1706. THEN
Jofeph came and told Pharaoh, and laid,
My father, and my brethren, and their flocks,
land be not defolate.
20 And Jofeph bought all the land of Egypt for 't^ 1 -

and their herds, and all that they have, are come out Pharaoh for the Egyptians fold every man his field,

of the land of Canaan and, behold, they are in the

; becaufe the famine prevailed over them lb the land :

land of Goihen. became Pharaoh's.

2 And he took fome of his brethren, even five men, 21 And as for the people, he removed them to cities
and prefented them unto Pharaoh. from one end of the borders of Egypt even to the other
3 And Pharaoh laid unto his brethren, What is end thereof.
22 Only
:; 1 :

Joseph visiteth his sick father, GEN E S I S. Jacob blesseth his sons
22 Only the land of the priefts bought he not: for
when yet there was but a little way to come unto chI^t
the prielts had a portion assigned them of Pharaoh, Ephrath and I buried her there in the way of

Or, princes. and did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them Ephrath the fame is Bethlehem.
oTJ^! h
wherefore they fold not their lands. 8 II And Ifrael beheld Jofeph's fons, and faid, Who
23 f[ Then Jofeph faid unto the people, Behold, I are thefe.
have bought you this day, and your land, for Pharaoh 9 And Jofeph faid unto his father, They are my fons T
lo, here is ibed for you, and ye fhall fow the land. whom God hath given me in this place. And he faid,
24 And it lhall come to pafs, in the increafe, that Bring them I pray thee, unto me, and I will blefs them.

ye fhali give the fifth part unto Pharaoh and four : 10 (Now the eyes of Ifrael were f dim for age, so tHa.*«*«*
parts lhall be your own, for feed of the field, and for that he could not fee.) And he brought them near
your food, and for them of your houfeholds, and for unto him and he killed them, and embraced them.

food for your little ones. 1 And Ifrael faid unto Jofeph, I had not thought to
25 And they faid, Thou haft faved our lives let : fee thy face and, lo, God hath ihewed me alio thy feed.

us find grace in the light of my lord, and we will be 12 And Jofeph brought them out from between his.
Pharaoh's fervants. knees, and he bowed himfelf with his face to the earth.
26 And Jofeph made it a law over the land of 13 And Jofeph took them both, Ephraim in his
Egypt unto this day, that Pharaoh fhould have the right hand toward Ifrael's left hand, and Manaffeh in
'^or, princes, fifth part ; except the land of the priefts only, which
his left hand toward Ifrael's right hand, and brought
became not Pharaoh's. them near unto him.
27 1[ And Ifrael dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the 14 And Ifrael ftretched out his right hand, and laid
country of Gofhen and they had poffeflions therein
; zV upon Ephraim's head, who was the younger, and
and grew, and multiplied exceedingly. his left hand upon Manaifeh's head, guiding his hands
28 1[ And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt feventeen wittingly ; for Manaffeh was die firftborn.
t Heb. the
dtiys of the
years fo f the whole age of Jacob was an hundred
; And d he bleffed Jofeph, and faid, God, before' a Heb. n
15 21.

;e in of his forty and feven years. whom my fathers Abraham and Ifaac did walk, the
29 And the time drew nigh that Ifrael muft die : God which led me all my life long unto this day,
and he called his fon Jofeph, and faid unto him, If now 16 The Angel whichredeemed me from all evil, blefs.
bchup. 2., 2. I h a v e found grace in thy fight, b put, I pray thee, thy the lads and let my name be named on them, and the

hand under my thigh, and deal kindly and truly with name of my
fathers Abraham and Ifaac and let them ;

me bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt.

; t grow into a multitude in the midft of the earth, t Heb. as
50 But I will lie with my fathers and thou fhalt ;
17 And when Jofeph faw that his father laid his ££«?"""<
carry me out of Egypt, and bury me in their burying right hand upon the head of Ephraim, it difpleafed
place. And he laid, I will do as thou haft faid. him: and he held up his father's hand, to remove it
31 And he' laid, Swear unto me. And he fware from Ephraim's head unto Manaifeh's head.
c Heir. „ 21. unto him. And c Ifrael bowed himfelf upon the bed's 18 And Jofeph faid unto his father, Not fo, my fa-
head. ther for this is the firftborn
; put thy right hand up-

CHAP. XLVIII. on his head.

1 Joseph with his sons visiteth his sick father, who 19 And his father refufed, and faid, I know it, my
strengthened himself to bless them : 3 he repeateth fon, I know it : he alio fhall become a people, and he
God's promise: taketh Ephraim and Manassehas alfo fhall be great ; but truly his younger brother lhall
his oven ; andiclleih Joseph of his mother's grave : be greater than he, and his feed fhall become a t niul- tHeb./„/-
8 he blesseth Joseph's sons, and preferreth the titude of nations.
younger before the elder: 21 he prophesicth their re- 20 And he bleffed them that day, faying, In thee fhall
turn to Canaan, Ssfc. Ifrael blefs, faying, God make thee as Ephraim, and as
AND it came to pafs after thefe things, that one told

Jofeph, Behold, thy father is lick and he took :

Manaffeh. And he let Ephraim before Manaffeh.
21 IF And Ifrael faid unto Jofeph, Behold, I die ; but
with him his two ions, IVfcn iffeh and Ephraim. God fhall be with you, and bring you again unto the
2 And one told Jacob, and faid, Behold, thy fon Jo- land of your fathers.
feph cometh unto thee and Ifrael ftrengthened him-
: 22 Moreover, I have given to thee one portion
felf, and fat upon the bed. above thy brethren, which I took out of the hand of
3 If And Jacob faid unto Jofeph, God Almighty ap- the Amorite with my fword and with my bow.
• Cbap. 25
peared unto me at a Luz in the land of Canaan, and CHAP. XLIX.
35 6 9. bleffed me, 1 Jacob calleth his sons them: 3 their particu-
to bless
4 And laid unto me, Behold, I will make thee fruit- lar blessings; he prophesieth of'Christ ; 29 he charg-
ful, and multiply thee, and I will make of thee a mul- eth them about his burial, and dieth.
titude of people and will give this land to thy feed

after thee, for an everlafting poffefiion.

AN D Jacob called unto his fons, and faid, Gather
yourfelves together, that I may tell you that
b( lnp, .'.1
v ,
5 And now thy b two fons, Ephraim and Manalfeh, which lhall befall you in the laft days.
Joshua 14 4.
which were born unto thee in the land of Egypt, be- 2 Gather yourfelves together arid hear, ye fons of
fore I came unto thee into Egypt, are mine ; as Reu- Jacob and hearken unto Ifrael your father.

ben and Simeon, they fhall be mine. 3 II Reuben, thou art my firftborn, my might, and
6 And thy iffue, which thou begetteft after them, the beginning of my ftrength, the excellency of digni-
fhall be thine, and fhall be called after the name of ty, and the excellency of power -me*. i» not
their brethren in their inheritance. 4 Unliable as water, t thou fhalt not excel; becaufe ^""5
cCbap. 35 '9
7 And as for me, when I came from Padan, c
Ra- thou /Mventeft up to thy father's bed, then defiledft "• lChro -

chel died by me in the land of Canaan in the way, thou!'?? ; he went up to my couch.
II S °'{ ™>
5 IT Simeon
Jacob propbesietb of Christ. CHAP. L. His burial.

chiust 5 IT Simeon and Levi are brethren inflruments 29 IFAnd he charged them, and unto them, I
of cruelty are in their habitations. am to be gathered unto my people :
me with
6 Omv foul, come not thou into their fecret ; unto my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Ephron bth^*
tne "' affembly, mine honour, be not thou united for the Hittite
Z^mtf-oi !

tmc. '

i n their anger they Hew a man, and in their felf will

30 In the cave that is in the field of MachpeJah,
or.hoiighed they
! digged down a wall.
which is before Mamre, in the land of Canaan, c which cCh^.n a.

7 Curled be their anger, for it was fierce and their ;

Abraham bought with the field of Ephron the Hit-
wrath, for it was cruel : I will divide them in Jacob, tite, for a poffeffion of a burying place.

and fcatter them in Ifrael. 31 (There they buried Abraham and Sarah his
8 If Judah, thou art he whom
thy brethren fhall wife there they buried Ifaac and Rebekah his wife
; ;

praife ; thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies and there I buried Leah.)
thy father's children fhall bow down before thee. 32 The purchafe of the field, and of the cave that is

9 Judah is a lion's whelp from the prey, my fon, ;

therein, was from die children of Heth.
thou art gone up he Hooped down, he couched as
3 3 An d when Jacob had made an end of command -
a lion, and as an old lion who fhall roufe him up ?
ing his fons, he gathered up his feet into the bed, and
10 Thefceptre fhall not depart from Judah, nor a yielded up the ghoff and was gathered unto his people.

lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; CHAP. L.

and unto him shall the gathering of the people be : 1 The mourning for Jacob: 7 the funeral. 15 Joseph
11 Binding his foal unto the vine, and his afs's colt comforteth his brethren : 22 he seeth the third gene-
unto the choice vine he wafhed his garments in wine,
ration : 24 he prophesieth his brethren's return : 26
and his clodies in the blood of grapes. he dieth.
12 His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth
white with milk. AND
Jofeph fell upon
him, and luffed him.
his father's face, and wept
13 II Zebulun fhall dwell at the haven of the fea
and his border
2 And Jofeph commanded his fervants the phyfi-
and he shall be for an haven of fliips ;
cians to embalm his father : and the phyficians em-
shall be unto Zidon.
balmed Ifrael.
14 TT Iffachar is a itrong afs couching down between
two burdens :
3 And fortydays were fulfilled for him (for fo. are ;

fulfilled the days of uhofe which are embalmed ;) and

15 And he faw that reft was good, and the land
the Egyptians t mourned for him threefcore and ten t Heb. luepp
that it wotfpieaiant and boAved his fhoulder to bear,
and became afervant unto tribute.
4 IF And when the days of his mourning were pail,
16 IT Dan fhall judge his people, as one of the tribes
Jofeph fpake unto the houfe of Pharaoh, faying, If
of Ifrael.
+ Heb. an ar
. 17 Dan fhall be a ferpent by the way, f an adder in now I have found grace in- your eyes, fpeak, I pray
you, in the ears of Pharaoh, faying,
the path, that biteth the horie heels, fo that his rider
fhall fall backward.
5 a My
father maele me fwear, faying, Lo, I die : a
Chap. 47

in my grave Avhich I have digged for me in the land

18 1 have waited for thy falvation, O Lord !

of Canaan, there fhalt thou bury me. Now, there-

19 IF Gad, a troop fhall overcome him : but he fhall
fore, let me go up, I pray thee, and bury my father,
overcome at the laft.
20 IF Out of Afher his bread shall be fat, and he fhall
and I will come again.
6 And Pharaoh faid,. Go up, and buiy thy father,
yield royal dainties.
a hind he giveth goodly according as he made thee fwear.
21 IFNaphtali is let loofe :

words. 7 IFAnclJofeph.wentuptoburyhisfadier: and with

22 IF Jofeph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough
him went up all the fervants of Pharaoh, the elders of
his houfe, and all the elders of the land of Egypt,
tueb.daugh-by a well, whose t branches run over the wall.
23 The archers have forely grieved him, and fhot 8 And all the houfe of Jofeph, and his brethren, and
his father's houfe only their little ones, and their
at him, and hated him

flocks, and dieir herds, they left in the land of Golhen.

24 But his bow abode in flrength, and the arms of
9 And there went up with him both chariots and
his hands were made ftrong by the hands of the mighty
God of Jacob (from thence is die fhepherd, the flone
horfemen and it was a very great company.

of Ifrael ;)
10 And they came to the threfhing floor of Atad,
25 Even by the God of thy father, who fhall help which is beyond Jordan and there they mourned'

thee ; and by the Almighty, who fhall blefs thee with with a great and very fore lamentation -and he made :

bleffings of heaven above, bleffings of the deep that li-

a mourning for his father fcven days.
eth under, bleffings of the breaflsandof the womb :
1 And when the inhabitants of the land, the Ca-
26 The bleffings of thy father have prevailed above naanites, faw the mourning in the floor of- Atad, they
faid, This is a grievous mourning to the Egyptians
the bleffings of my progenitors unto the utmofl bound :

of the everlafting hills they fhall be on the head of wherefore the name of it was called Abel-mizraim, PThal I!

; Tii -

Jofeph, and on the crown of the head of him that was which is beyond Jordan.
feparate from his brethren. 12 And his fons did unto him according as he com-
27 IF Benjamin fhall ravin as a wolf: in^he^norning manded them :

he fhall devour the prey, and at night he fhall divide 13 For b his fons carried him into the land of Ca- bA«s 7 ia.
the fpoil. naan, and buried him in the cave of the field of Mach-
28 Allthefe are the twelve tribes of Ifrael and this is pelah, which Abraham c bought with the field, for a c Chap. 23
it that their father fpake unto them, and bleffed them
poffeiiion of a burying place, of Ephron the Hittite,
eveiy one according to his bleffing he bleffed them. before Mamre.
14 ^ Vnd

The children of Israel multiply greatly. EXODUS. Moses is found by Pharaoh'' s daughter.
14 IF And Jofeph returned into Egypt, he, and his God meant unto good, to bring to pafs, as it is this

brethren, and all that went up with him to bury his day, to fave much people alive.
lather, after he had buried his father. 21 Novv, therefore, fear ye not I will nourifh you, :

15 IF And when
Jofeph's brethren faw that their and your little ones. And he comforted them, "and
t Heb.
father was dead, they laid, Jofeph will peraolventure fpake t kindly unto them. their hearts,

hate us, and will certainly requite us all the evil which 22 IF And Jofeph dwelt in Egypt, he and his father's 1635.

we did unto him. houfe and Jofeph lived an hundred and ten years.

+ Heh
16 And they t fent meffengers unto Jofeph, faying, 23 And Jofeph faw Ephraim's children of the third
Thy father did command before he died, faying, generation : e the children alfo of Machir, the fon of e
Num. 2-

1*7 So i hall ye fay unto Jofeph, Forgive, I pray thee Manaffeh, were f brought up upon Joleph's knees. 1'Heb. borne.

now, the trefpafs of thy brethren, and their fin for ; 24 IF And Jofeph faid unto his brethren, I die and :

the}- did unto thee evil : and now, we pray thee, for- God will furely vifit you, and bring you out of this
f fHeb » "« -

give the trefpafs of the fervants of the God of thy father. land, unto the land which he fware to Abraham, to
And Jofeph wept when they ipake unto him. Ifaac, and to Jacob.
18 And his brethren alio went and fell down be- 25 And Jofeph took an oath of the children of
g gEx. 13 19.

fore his face and they laid, Behold, we be thy fer-

; Ifrael, faying, God will furely vifit you, and ye mall
vants. carry up my bones from hence.
dttap. 45 5- 19 And Jofeph faid unto them, Fear not ; for am 26 IF So Jofeph died, being an hundred and ten
I in the place of God ? years old and they embalmed him, and he was put

20 But as for you, ye thought evil againft me ; but in a coffin in Egypt.

The Second Book of MOSES, called EXODUS.

C H A P. I. wife to the Hebrew women, and fee them upon the Re Fore
a fon, then ye lhall him CHRiST
1 The children of Israel after Joseph'' s death multiply ftools, if it be kill ;but if it be
greatly. 15 The godliness of the mid-ivives. 22 Pha- a daughter, then fhe lhall live.
raoh commandeth the male children to be cast into 17 But the^ midwives feared God, and did not as cir. 163.5.

the river. the king of Egypt commanded them, but faved the
aCcn. 46 8.
OW a
thefe are the names of the children of If-
men children alive.
N~ which came into Egypt every man and
his houfehold came with Jacob.
18 And the king of Egypt called for the midwives,
and faid unto them, Why have ye done this thing, and
have lined the men children alive ?
2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah,
3 Iffachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin,
19 And the midwives faid unto Pharaoh, Becaufe
the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women
4 Dan., and Naphtali, Gad, and Aiher. ;

forthey are lively, and are delivered ere the midwives

fHeb. thigh, 5 And all the fouls that came out of the f loins of
\iGen. 46 -'7.
Jacob, were h feventy fouls for Jofeph was in Egypt:
come in unto them.
Dcut. 10 22.
20 Therefore God dealt well with the midwives :

and the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty.

6 And Jofeph died, and all his brethren, and all that
21 And it came to pafs, becaufe the midwives fear-
ed God, that he made them houfes.
C Acls 7 17- 7 c And the children of Ifrael were fruitful, and in-
creafed abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceed-
22 IF And Pharaoh charged all his people, faying,
and the land was filled with them.
Every fon that is born ye mall call into the river, and
ing might}' ;

every daughter ye fhall fave alive.

163.'. 8 IF Now there arofe up a new king over Egypt,
which knew not Jofeph. C H A P. II.
9 And he laid unto his people, Behold, the people of 1 Moses bom, and laid in an ark among the flags :

the children of Ifrael are more and mightier than we : 5 he isfound and brought up by Pharaoh's daughter :
10 Come on, let us deal wifely with them, fell they 11 he slayeth an Egyptian, &c. 23 God respect eth
multiph and it come to pals, that, when there falleth the Israelites' cry.

out ai 13 war, they join alio unto our enemies, and right there went a man of the houfe of Levi,
n Chap. 6 2C1.
Num. 26 ^9.
again'! us, and so get them up out of the land. and took wife a daughter of Levi.
1 Therefore they did 1'et over them tafkmafters to 2 And the woman conceived, and bare a fon and :
afflict them with their burdens. And they built for b
when fhe law him that he was a goodly child, fhe b Acls 7 .0.
hid him three months.
11 23.
Pharaoh treafure cities, Pi thorn and Raamfes.
VH. I: 12 tBut the more they afflicted them, the more 3 And when Ihe could not longer hide him, fhe
they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved took for him an ark of bulruihes, and daubed it with
1^' .
becaufe of the children of ifrael. ilime and with pitch, and put the child therein and ;

13 And the Egyptians made the children of Ifrael lhe laid it in the flags by the river's brink.
to ferve with rigour. 4 And his lifter lloocl afar oft, to wit, what would be
14 Andthey made their lives bitter with hard done to him.
! Midage, in mortar, and in brick, and in all manner 5 IF And the
daughter of Pharaoh came down to
ol fervico in the field all their fervice, wherein they
: wafh herself at the river, and her maidens walked
made the n ferve, was with rigour. along by the river's fide and when fhe law the ark

15 If And the king of Egypt lpake to the Hebrew among the flags, fhe fent her maid to fetch it.
midwives (< f which the name of the one was Shiph- 6 And when lhe had opened it, lhe faw the child

rah, and the name of the other Piu.h ;) and, behold, the babe wept. And fhe had companion
16 And he faid, When ye do the office of a mid- on him, and faid, This is one of the Hebrews' children.
7 Then
Moses keepeth Jethrosflock. CHAP. He is sent to deliver Israel.

7 Then faid his filter to Pharaoh's daughter, Shall flock to the back fide of the defert, and came to the
I go and call to thee a nurfe of the Hebrew women, mountain of God, even to Horeb.
thatfhe may nurfe the child for thee ? 2 And a the Angel of the Lord appeared unto him
a A«s
8 And Pharaoh's daughter faid unto her, Go. And in a flame of fire out of the midft of a bufh and :

the maid went and called the child's mother. he looked, and, behold, the bufh burned with fire,
9 And Pharaoh's daughter faid unto her. Take this and the bufh was not confumed.
child away, and nurfe it for me, and I will give thee thy 3 And Mofes faid, I will now turn afide and fee
wages. And the woman took the child, and nurled it. this great fight, why the bufh is not burnt.
10 And the child grew, and fhe brought him unto 4 And when the Lord faw that he turned afide to
Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her fon. And fee, God called unto him out of the midfl of the bufh,
£ is,
fhe called his name Mofes and ihe'faid, Becaufe I
1| : and faid, Mofes, Mofes And he faid, Here am I.
Qravin out.
drew him out of the water. 5 And he faid, Draw not nigh hither b put off thy ^°b,h |
: *s
1 If And it came to pafs in thofe days, when Mofes fhoes from off thy feet for the place whereon thou

was grown, that he went out unto his brethren, and flandelt is holy ground. Matth.
6 Moreover he faid, c I am the God of thy father, e

looked on- their burdens and he fpied an Egyptian


fruiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren. the God of Abraham, the God of Ifaac, and the God
*»*. 12 And he looked this way and that way, and of Jacob. And Mofes hid his face ; for he was afraid
when he faw that there was no man, he flew the to look upon God.
Egyptian, and hid him in the land. 7 If And the Lord faid, I have furely feen the
13 And when he went out the fecond day, behold, affliction of my
people which arc in Egypt, and have
two men of the Hebrews ltrove together and_ he heard their cry by reafon of their tafkm afters for I
: ;

faid to him that did the wrong, Wherefore fmiteft know their fbranvs ;

thou thy fellow ? 8 And I am come down to deliver them out of the
f Heb. a
a prince.
14 And he faid, Who made thee f a prince and a hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of
judge over us ? Intendeit thou to kill me as thou kill- that land unto a gcod land and a large, unto a land
edft the Egyptian ? And Mofes feared, and faid, flowing with milk and honey ; unto the place of the
furely this thing is known. Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and
15 Now, when Pharaoh heard this thing, he fought the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebufites.
to flay Mofes. But Mofes fled from the face of Pha- 9 Now, therefore, behold, the cry of the children
raoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian : and he fat of Ifrael is come unto me -T and I have alfo feen the
down by a well. oppreflion wherewith the Egyptians opprefs them.
jor, prince. Now
16 If the prieft of Midian had feven daugh-
10 Come now, therefore, and I will fend thee unto
: and they came and drew water, and filled the Pharaoh, that thou mayefl bring forth my
people, the
troughs to water their father's flock. children of Ifrael, out of Egypt.
17 And the fhepherd's came and drove them away: 11 If And Mofes faid unto "God, Who
am I, that I
but Mofes flood up and helped them, and watered fhould go unto Pharaoh, and that I fhould bring forth
their flock. the children of Krael out of Egypt I
18 And when they came to Reuel their father, he 12 And he faid, Certainly I will be with thee and :.

faid, is it that ye are come fo foon today I this shall be a token unto thee,, that I have fent thee :
19 And they faid, An
Egyptian delivered us out of When thou haft brought forth die people out of
the hand of "the Ihepherds, and alfo drew water Egypt, ye fhall ferve God upon this mountain.
enough for us, and watered the flock. 13 And Mofes faid unto God, Behold, when I come"
20 And he faid unto his daughters, And where is unto the children of Ifrael, and fhall fay unto them,
he ? why is it that ye have left the man ? call him, that The God of jour fathers hath fent me unto you ; and
he may eat bread. they fhall lay to me, What is his name I what fhall
21 And Mofes was content to dwell with the man : I fay unto them ?
and he gave Moles Zipporah his daughter. 14 And God faid unto Mofes, I AM THATI
22 And fhe bare him a fon, and he called his name AM : and he faid, Thus fhalt thou fay unto the
i chap. i8 3

« Gerfhom : for he faid, I have been a flranger in a children of Ifrael, I AMhath fent me unto you.
ftrange land. 15 Tf AndGod laid moreover unto Mofes.Thusfhalt
23 ff And it came to pafs in procefs of time, that the thou fay unto the children of Ifrael, The Lord God
king of Egypt died :and the children of Ifrael fighed of your fathers,, the God of Abraham, the God of
by reafon of the bondage, and they cried and their Uaac, and the God of Jacob, hath fent me unto you :

cry came up unto God by reafon of the bondage. this is my name forever, and this is my
24 And God heard their groaning, and God re- unto all generations.
AGtn. 15 14, membered his
covenant with Abraham, with Ifaac, 16 Go
and gather the elders of Ifrael together, and
8146 4. and with Jacob. fay unto them, the Lord God of your fathers, the
25 And God looked upon the children of Ifrael, God of Abraham, of Ifaac, and of Jacob, appeared
-t Hcb. knew.
and God t had refpecl unto them. unto me, faying, I have furely vilited you, and seen
that which is done to you in Egypt :

17 And I have laid, I will bring you up out of the

1 Moses kcepeth Jethro's flock : God appearetb to him
affliction of Egypt, unto the land of the Canaanites,
in a burning bush : 7 he sendeth him to deliver Is-
and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Periz-
rael, &c.
zites, and the Hivites, and the Jebufites, unto a land
W. "\TP W Mofes kept the flock of Jethro his father flowing with milk and honey.
J.M in law, the prieft of Midian ; and he led the 18 And they fhall hearken to thy voice and thou



Moses' rod turned into a serpent. EXODUS. Moses and Aaron apply to Pharaoh,
fhalt come, thou and the elders of Ifrael, unto the 13 And he faid, O my
Lord, fend, I pray thee, by
c r ^t
king of Egypt, and ye fhall fay unto him, the Lord the hand of him whom thou wilt fend. || ",,. J
God ofthe Hebrews hath met with us and now let us ; 14 And the anger of the Lord was kindled againft <-^^o
go, we beieech thee, three days' journey into the wil- Mofes, and he faid, Is not Aaron the Levite thy IhmUest.
dernefs, that we may facrifice to the Lord our God. brother ? I know that he can fpeak well. And alio,
19 And lam fure that the king of Egypt will
"If behold, he cometh forth to meet thee ; and when he
Or, hut by not let you go, no, not by a mighty hand.
feeth thee, he will be glad in his heart.
it o.izhand.
20 And I will itretch out my hand, and fmite 15 And
thou fhalt fpeak unto him, and put words
Egypt with all my wonders, which I will do in the in his mouth
and I will be with thy mouth, and with

midit thereof and after that he will let you go.

: his mouth, and will teach you what ye ihall do.
21 And I will give this people favour in the fight 16 And he fhall be thy ipokefman unto the people :

of the Egyptians and it fhall come to pafs, that,

; and he ihall be-, even he fhall be to thee inftead of
when ye go, ye ihall not go empty : a mouth, and b tnou fhalt be to him inftead of God. bciisp. 7 i.

d CJiap. 1 1 2, 22 But every woman ihall borrow of her neigh-

17 And thou fhalt take this rod in thine hand,
& 12 35.
bour, and of her that fojourneth in her houfe, jewels wherewith thou fhalt do figns.
of iilver, and jewels of gold, and raiment and ye : 18 Tf And Mofes w ent, and returned to Jethro his

fhall put them upon your fons, and upon your daugh- father in law, and faid unto him, Let me. go, I pray
\ o,-, Egypt, ters ; and ye fhall fpoil the Egyptians.
II thee, and return unto my brethren which are in
CHAP. IV. Egypt, and fee whether they be yet alive. And Je-
thro faid to Mofes, Go in peace.
1 Moses' rod is turned into_ a serpent : 6 his hand bc-
cometh leprous : 10 he is loth to be sent ; Aaron is 19 And the Lord faid unto Mofes in Midian, Go,
appointed to assist him. \& Moses departeth from return into Egypt : for all the men are dead which
fought thy life.
Jethro. 21 God's message to Pharaoh. 24 Zip-
porah circumcisetb her sou. 27 Aaron is sent to meet 20 And Mofes took his wife and his fons, and fet
Moses : 29 they go to the Israelites, arid the people them upon an afs, and he returned to the land of
believe them.
Egypt and Mofes took the rod of God in his hand.

And the Lord When

AND Mofes anfwered and faid, But, behold, they
will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice :
21 If
goeft to return into Egypt, fee that thou
faid unto Mofes,
thoie do all

for they will fay, The Lord hath not appeared unto wonders before Pharaoh which I have put in thine
hand but I will harden his heart, that he ihall not

let the people go.

2 And the Lord faid unto him, What is that in
thine hand ? And he faid, rod. A 22 And thou fhalt fay unto Pharaoh, Thus faith
3 And he faid, call it on the ground. And he can- the Lord, Ifrael is fon, evenmy firitbom. my
it on the ground, and it became a ferpent and Mofes :
23 And I fay unto thee, Let fon go, that he my
fled from before it.
may ferve me and if thou refufe to let him go, be-

4 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Put forth thine hold, I will flay thy fon, even thy iirftborn.
hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his 24 If And it came to pafs by the way, in the inn,
hand and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand : that the Lord met him and fought to kill him.
5 That they may believe that the Lord God of 25 Then Zipporah took a iharp ftone, and cut ||
Or, knife.

their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of lfaac, oif the forefkin of her fon, and t call it at his feet, t Hel>.
it touch

and + he God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee. and faid, Surely a bloody hufband art thou to me.
6 If And the Lord laid furthermore unto him, Put 26 So he let him go then ihe faid, : bloody huf- A
now thine hand into thy bofom. And he put his band thou art, becaufe of the circumcifion.
hand into Ins bofom and when he took it out, be-
21 If And the Lord faid to Aaron, Go into the
hold, his hand voas leprous as fnow. wiidemefs to meet Mofes. And he went, and met
7 And he faid, Put thine hand into thy bofom him in the mount of God and luffed him.
again. And he put his hand into his bofom again, 28 And Mofes told Aaron all the words of the
and plucked it out of his bofom and, behold, it was
Lord who had fent him, and all the iigns which he
turned again as his other flefh. had commanded him.
8 And it lhall come to pals, if they will not believe 29 If And Mofes and Aaron went, and gathered
thee, neither hearken to the voice of the fjrft lign, together all the elders of the children of Ifrael.
that they will believe the voice of the latter fign. 30 And Aaron fpake all the words which the Lo r d
9 And it lhall come to pais, if they will not believe had fpoken unto Mofes, and did the ilgns in the fight
alfo thefe two ligus, neither hearken unto thy voice, of the people.
thou fhalt take of the water of the river, and pour
31 And the people believed and when they heard :

it upon the dry laud: and the water, which thou takeft
that the Lord had viiited the children of Ifrael, and
' fUb. shall out of the river tihall become blood upon the, dry land. that he had looked upon their affliction, then they
1 t ud shall
10 ''And Mofes faid unto the Lord, my Lord, O bowed their heads, and worihipped.
Hc-b. a
man I am not f eloquent, neither t heretofore, nor lince CHAP.
r tferd
b. since thou haft ipoken unto thy fervant but I am flow of : iPharaoh chideth Moses and Aaron for their message :
:;, tU fpeech, and of a How tongue. 6 he increaseth the Israelites' task, 10 and allowed) 1

i ! J..y.
i 1 And the Lor d faid unto him, hath made Who them no straw: 15 he checked) their complaints: 20
man's mouth r or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or they cry out upon Moses and Aaron. 22 Moses com-
the feeing, or the blind ? have not I the Lord ? plained) to God.
t. :n :o. 12 Now, therefore, go, and I will be a with thy
mouth, and teach thee what thou fhalt fay.
AN D afterwards Mofes and Aaron went ii and told
Pharaoh, Thus faith the Lord God of Ifrael,

the Israelites cry out upon Moses and Aaron. G H A P. VI, Reuben, Simeon, and Levis genealogy.
Let my people go, that they may hold a feaft unto name, he hath done evil to this people : t neither hall chrTsT
me in the wildernels. thou delivered thy people at all. 1491.

2 And Pharaoh faid,, Who is the Lord, that I C HA P. VI.

fhould obey his voice to let Ifrael go ? I know not iP<M'--
1 God reneweth his promise by his name JEHOVAH, haitmt <u
the Lord, neither will I let Ifrael go.
10 Moses sent to Pharaoh. 14 The genealogy of
a Chap. 3 And they laid, a The God of the Hebrews hath
Reuben, 15 of Simeon, 16 of Levi, of whom came
-met with us let us go, we pray thee, three days' jour-
Moses and Aaron.
ney into the defert, and facrifice unto the Lord our
God; left he fall upon us with peflilence, or with the
THENwhat Lorddo
I will
faid unto Moles, Nowfhalt thou
to Pharaoh for with a llrong

4 And the king of Egypt faid unto them, Where- hand fhall he let them go, and with a flrong hand fhall
fore do ye, Moles and Aaron, let the people from he drive them out of his land.
their works ? get you unto your burdens. 2 And God fpake unto Mofes, and faid unto him,
5 And Pharaoh laid, Behold, the people of the I^mthe Lord :

land now are many, and ye make them reil from 3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Ifaac, and
their burdens. unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty but by :

6 IT And Pharaoh commanded the fame day the tafk- my name JEHOVAH
was I not known to them.
mafters of the people, and their officers, faying, 4 And I havealfo eilablifhed my covenant with
7 Ye fhall no more give the people llraw to make them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land of
brick, as heretofore let them go and gather flraw
: their pilgrimage, wherein they were ftrangers.
for themfelves. 5 And I have alfo heard the groaning of the chil-
8 And the tale of the bricks, which they did make dren of Ifrael, whom the Egyptians keep in bondage ;
heretofore, ye fhall lay upon them ye ihall not di-
; and I have remembered my covenant.
minifh an ght thereof: for they be idle ; therefore they 6 Wherefore fay unto the children of Ifrael, I am
cry, faying, Let us go and facrifice to our God. the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the
riub.Lctihs 9 tLet there more work be laid upon the men, burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of
t>?°'£n. that they may labour therein and let them not re- their bondage and I will redeem you with a ftretch-
?': ; ;

gard vain words, ed out arm, and with great judgments.

10 IT And the tafkmafters of the people went out, 7 And I will take you to me for a people, and I will
and their officers, and they fpake to the people, fay- be to you a God and ye fhall know that I am the

ing, Thus faith Pharaoh, I will not give you llraw. Lord your God, which bringeth you out from under
11 Go ye, get you llraw where ye can find it yet : the burdens of the Egyptians.
not aught of your work fhall be diminished. 8 And I will bring you in unto the land, concern-
12 So the people were fcattered abroad throughout ing the which I did ffwear to give it to Abraham, tHeb-
all the land of Egypt* t0 gather ftubble inltead of lira w. to Ifaac, and to Jacob; and I will give it you for an
13 And the talkmafters halted them, faying, Fulfil heritage : I am the Lord.
t Heb
per 'fad J*£ your
works, your] daily talks, as when there was llraw. 9 And Mofes fpake fo unto the children of Ifrael
his djy 14 And the officers of the children of Ifrael, which but they hearkened not unto Mofes for tanguilli of t ha. shun.
Pharaoh's talk mailers had fet over them, were beat- fpirit, and for cruel bondage. SS«2mb
en, and demanded, Wherefore have ye not fulfilled 10 II And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
your talk in making brick, both yefterday and today, 11 Go in, fpeak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, that
as heretofore ? he let the children of Ifrael go out of his iand.
15 IT Then
the officers of the children of Ifrael 12 And Mofes fpake before the Lord, faying, Be-
came and cried unto Pharaoh, faying, Wherefore hold, the children of Ifrael have not hearkened unto
dealell thou thus with thy fervants ? me how then fhall Pharaoh hear me, who am of

16 There is no llraw given unto thy fervants, and uncircumcifed lips ?

they fay to us, Make brick ; and, behold, thy fervants 13 And the Lord fpake unto Mofes and unto
are beaten but the fault is in thine own people.
: Aaron, and gave them a charge unto the children of
17 But he faid, Ye are idle, ye are idle ; therefore Ifrael, and unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, to bring the
ye fay, Let us go and do facrifice to the Lord. children of Ifrael out of the land of Egypt.
18 Go, therefore, now an d work for there fhall ; 14 IT Thefe be the heads of their fathers' houfes :

no llraw be given you, yet lhall ye deliver the tale The fens of Reuben, the firilbom of Ifrael; Ha- fcS™?!*
of bricks. noch and PaHu,TxezreartmdGarmi thefe be the fam- :

19 And the officers of the children of Ifrael did fee ilies of Reuben.
that they were in evil case, after it was faid, Ye fhall 15 IT b And thefons of Simeon Jemuel, and Jamin, \\^ hxt>"

not minifh aught from, your bricks of your dailj* talk. and Ohad, and Jachin, and Zohar, and Shaul the fon
20 If And they met Mofes and Aaron, who flood in of a Canaanitifh woman thefe are the families of

the way, as they came forth from Pharaoh ; Simeon.

21 And they faid unto them, The Lord look upon 16 IT And thefe are the names of c the fons of Levi, cNumb.jtr.
lC ?™9.'°'
t HeV
you, and judge becaufe ye have made our favour f to
5 according to their generations Gerflion, andKohath,;

be abhorred in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of and Merari. And the years of the life of Levi were
his fervants, to put a fword in their hands to flay us. an hundred thirty and feven years.
22 IT And Mofes returned unto the Lord, and faid, 17 The fons of Gerflion; Libni and Shimi, ac-
Lord, wherefore hail thou so evil entreated this peo- cording to their families.
ple ? why is it that thou hall fent me ? 18 And d the fons of Kohath Ami-am, and Izhar, * N°£&
' I £
23 For lince I came to Pharaoh to fpeak in thy and Hebron, and Uzziel. And die years of die life 6 2-

s: : ; i

Aaron s rod turned into a serpent. EXODUS. The plague of frogs.

chrT^t °f Kohath were an hundred thirty and three years. 10 And Jfrlofes ai*d Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, C hrist
and they did fo, as the Lord had commanded
^^r^J are19theAnd
-49i. the fons of Merari Mahali andMufhi thefe and 'w-
Aaron call down his rod before Pharaoh, and before *~ ^r*J
; : :

families of Levi, according to their generations.

S&2V55: 20 And Amram took him Jochebed his father's his fervants, and it became a ferpent.

filler to wife and fhe bare him Aaron and Mofes.

; 11 Then Pharaoh alfo called the wife men and the
And the years of the life ofAmram were an hundred forcerers now the magicians of Egypt, they alfo did

and thirty and feven years. in like manner with their enchantments
21 TI And the fons of Izhar Koran and Nepheg, ;
12 For they call down every man his rod, and they
and Zichr. became ferpents but Aaron's rod fwallowed up their

22 And the fons of Uzziel Mifhael, and Elza- ; rods.

phan, and Zithri. 13 Andhe hardened Pharaoh's heart, that he heark-
23 And Aaron took him Elifheba, daughter of Am- ened not unto them as the Lord had faid.

minadab, fifter of Naafhon, to wife and fhe bare ; 14 If And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Pharaoh's
him Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. heart is hardened, he refufeth to let the people go.
24 And the fons of Korah Afiir, and Elkanah, and ; 15 Get thee unto Pharaoh in the morning, lo, he
Abiafaph thefe are the families of the Korhites.
: goeth out unto the water, and thou fhalt ftand by
25 And Eleazar, Aaron's fon, took him one ofthe the river's brink againft he come and the rod which

daughters of Putiel to wife and f fhe bare him Phin-
; was turned to a ferpent lhalt thou take in thine hand.
ehas thefe are the heads of the fathers of the Le-
: 16 And thou fhalt fay unto him, The Lord God of
vites, according to their families. the Hebrews hath fent me unto thee, faying, Let my
26 Thefe are that Aaron and Mofes, to whom the people go, that they may ferve me in the wildernefs
Lord Bring out the children of Ifrael from the
faid, and, behold, hitherto thou wouldeft not hear.
land of Egypt, according to their armies. 17 Thus faith the Lord, In this thou fhalt know
27 Thefe are they which fpake to Pharaoh king of that I am the Lord : behold, I will finite with the
Egypt, to bring out the children of Ifrael from Egypt rod that is in mine hand upon the waters which are
thefe are that Mofes and Aaron. in the river, and they ihall be turned to blood.
28 H And it came topafs, on the day when the Lord 18 And the fifh that is in the river ihall die, and
fpake unto Mofes in the land of Egypt, the river Ihall ftink ; and the Egyptians Ihall lothe
29 That the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, I am to drink ofthe water ofthe river.
the Lord fpeak thou unto Pharaoh king of Egypt
: 19 HAnd the Lord fpake unto Mofes, Say unto
all that I fay unto thee. Aaron, Take thy rod, and ftretch out thine hand upon
30 And Mofes laid before the Lord, Behold, I am the waters of Egypt, upon their ftreams, upon their
ofimcircumcifediips, and howfhall Pharaoh hearken rivers, and upon their ponds, and upon all their t pools
unto me ? of water, that they may become blood ; and that waters.
VII. there may be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, .

1 Moses encouraged to go to Pharaoh ; his and Aaron'' both in vessels of wood, and in vessels of ftone.
age : 8 Aaron's rod turned into a serpent ; the magi- 20 And Moles and Aaron did fo, as the Lord com-
cians do the like ; Pharaoh's heart is hardened. 14 manded andhe a lifted up the rod, and fmote the a cha P 75
; .

Another message from God to Pharaoh. 19 The waters that were in the river in the light of Pharaoh,
river is turned into blood. and in the fight of his fervants ; and all the b waters ^f saIm 78

ND the Lord faid unto Mofes, See, I have made

thee a god to Pharaoh

be thy prophet.
; and Aaron thy brother
that were in the river were turned to blood.
21 And the fifh that was in the river died ; and the
river Hank, and the Egyptians could not drink ofthe
2 Thou lhalt fpeak all that I command thee ; and water of the river ; and there was blood throughout
Aaron thy brother ihall fpeak unto Pharaoh, that he all the land of Egypt.
fend the children of Ifrael out of his land. 22 c And the magicians of Egypt didfo with their en- cWi9dl "-
3 And I harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply
will chantments and Pharaoh's heart Mas hardened, nei-

my fignsand my wonders in the land of Egypt. ther did he hearken unto them as the Lord had faid.

4 But Pharaoh fhall not hearken unto you, that I 23 And Pharaoh turned, and went into his houfe,
may lay my hand upon Egypt, and bring forth mine neither did he fet his heart to this alfo.
armies and my people, the children of Ifrael, out of 24 And all the Egyptians digged round about the

the land of Egypt by great judgments. river for water to drink for they could not drink of

5 And the Egyptians fhall know that I am the the water of the river.
Lord, when I ftretch forth mine hand upon Egypt, 25 And feven days were fulfilled, after that the
and bring out the children of Ifrael from among them. Lord had fmitten the river.
6 And Mofes and Aaron did as the Lord com-
manded them, fo did they.
1 The plague of frogs. 8 Pharaoh sueth to Moses.

1491. 7 And Mofes was fourfcore years old, and Aaron 16 The dust is turned into lice, which the magicians
fourfcore and three years old, when they fpake unto could not do. 20 The plague of flies. 25 Pharaoh
Pharaoh. inclineth to let the people go, but yet is hardened.
8 IT And the Lord fpake unto Mofes and unto
Aaron, faying,
AND the Lord fpake unto Mofes, Go unto Pha-
raoh, and fay unto him, Thus faith the Lord,
9 When Pharaoh fhall fpeak unto you, faying, Shew Let my people go that they may ferve me.
a miracle for you then thou fhalt fay unto Aaron,
2 And if thou refufe to let them go, behold, I will
Take thy rod, and call it before Pharaoh, and it fhall finite all thy borders with frogs :

become a ferpent. 3 And the river fhall bring forth frogs abundantly,
2 which
The plagues of lice,flies, C H A P. IX. murrain, boils, and Mains.
which ihall go up, and come into thine houfe, and in- that am the Lord in the midft of the earth.
to thy bedchamber, and upon thy bed, and into the 23 And I put f a divifion between my people

houfe of thy fervants, and upon thy people, and into and thy people : li tomorrow ihall this fign be.
t Or, dough. thine ovens, and into thy kneading troughs || : 24 And the Lord
and b there came a
did fo :

4 And the frogs fhall come up both on thee, and grievous fwarm of flies into the houfe of Pharaoh,
upon thy people, and upon all thy fervants. and into his fervants' houfes, and into ail the land of
5 If And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, Say unto Egypt the land Avas corrupted by reafon of the
; II

Aaron, Stretch forth thine hand with thy rod over fwarm offlies.
the ftreams, over the rivers, and over the ponds, and 25 If And Pharaoh called for Mofes and for Aaron,
caufe frogs to come up upon the land of Egypt. and faid, Go ye, facrifice to your God in the land.
6 And Aaron ftretched out his hand over the wa- 26 AndMofes faid, It is not meet fo to do ; for Ave
ters of Egypt and the frogs came up, and covered
; ihall facrifice the abomination of the Egyptians to
the land of Egypt. theLoRD our God lo, ihall we facrifice the abomi-

awisd. 7 a And the magicians did fo with their enchant-

17 7. nation of the Egyptians before their eyes, and will
ments, and brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt. they net ftone us ?
8 If Then Pharaoh called for Mofes and Aaron, and 27 Wewill go three days' journey into the Avilder-
faid, Entreat the Lord, that he may take away the nefs, and facrifice to the Lord our God, as c he ihall Chapr
frogs from me, and from my people and I will let the ; command us.
people go, that they may do facrifice unto the Lord. 28 And Pharaoh faid, I will let you go, that ye may
iior, Have 9 And Mofes faid unto Pharaoh, Glory over me || : facrifice to the Lord your God in the Avildernefs
««riT&c when II
fhall I entreat for thee, and for thy fervants, only ye ihall not go faraway entreat for me.
Ar ery :

XoxTlgainit andfor thy people, f to deftroy the frogs from thee, and 29 And Mofes faid, Behold, I go out from thee,
t n" thy houfes, that they may remain in the river only ? and I Avill entreat the Lord that the fwarms offlies
TofA!a;nsf 10 And heTomorroAv. And he faid, Be
faid, ||
may depart from Pharaoh, from his fervants, and
tmorrw. -
lt according to thy that thou may eft know that
word ; from his people, tomorroAv but let not Pharaoh :

there is none like unto the Lord our God. deal deceitfully any more, in not letting the people
11 And the frogs fhall depart from thee, and from go to facrifice to the Lord,
thy houfes, and from thy fervants, and from thy peo- 30 And Mofes went out from Pharaoh, and en-
ple uhey fhall remain in the river only.
; treated the Lord.
12 And Mofes and Aaron Avent out from Pharaoh, 31 And the Lord did according to the word of
and Mofes cried unto the Lord, becaufe of the frogs Mofes and he removed the fwarms of flies from

which he had brought againft Pharaoh. Pharaoh, from his fervants, and from his people :
13 And the Lord did according to the word of there remained not one.
Mofes and the frogs died out of the houfes, out of
; 32 And Pharaoh hardened his heart at this time
the villages, and out of the fields. alfo, neither would he let the people go.
14 And they gathered them together upon heaps ;
and the land ftank.
15 But Avhen Pharaoh faw that there Avas refpite, 1 The murrain of feasts. % The plague of boils and
he hardened his heart, and hearkened not unto them Mains. 13 The plague of bail threatened, 22 and
sent. 11 Pharaohsuethto Moses; but is still hardened*
as the Lord had faid.
16 If And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Say unto
Aaron, Stretch out thy rod, and fmite the dull of the
Pharaoh, and
the unto Mofes, Go in unto
him, Thus faith the Lord
land, that it may become lice throughout all the land God of the HebreAA's, Let my people go, that they
of Egypt may ferve me.
17 And they did fo for Aaron ftretched out his
: 2 For if thou refufe to let them go, and wilt hold
hand with his rod, andfmote the duft of the earth, and them ftill,
it became lice in man and in beaft ; all the duft of the 3 Behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thy cattle
land became lice throughout all the land of Egypt. which is in the field, upon the horfes, upon the aifes,
18 And the magicians did fo with their enchant- upon the camels, upon the oxen, and upon the iheep :
ments to bring forth lice, but they could not ; fo there shall be a very grievous murrain.
there were lice upon man and upon beaft. 4 And the Lord ihall fever betAA een the cattle of r

19 Then the magicians faid unto Pharaoh, This is Ifrael and the cattle of Egypt and there ihall nothing

the fingerof God. And Pharaoh's heartAA^as hardened, die of all that is the children's of Ifrael.
and he hearkened not unto them; as the Lord had faid. 5 And the Lord appointed a fet time, faying, To-
20 IF And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Rife up early morroAV the Lord ihall do this thing in the land.
in the morning, and ftand before Pharaoh, (lo he com- 6 And the Lord did that thing on the morroAV,
eth forth to the water,) and fay unto him, Thus faith and all the cattle of Egypt died ; but of the cattle of
theLoRD, Let my people go, that they may ferve me the children of Ifrael died not one.
21 Elfe, if thou wilt not let my people go, behold, 7 And Pharaoh fent, and, behold, there AA^as not
I will fend fwarms of flies upon thee, and upon thy
one of the cattle of the Ifraelites dead. And the
1 or »«fx. fervants, and upon thy people, and into thy houfes heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he did not let
iom/bewt^and the houfes of the Egyptians fhallbe full of fwarms the people go.
*c '
offlies, and alfo the ground whereon they are. 8 If And the Lord faid unto Mofes and unto
22 And I will fever, in that day, the land of Gofhen, Aaron, Take to you handsful of allies of the furnace,
in which my people dAvell, that no fwarms offlies and let Mofes fprinkle it toward the heaA en in the r

ihall be there to the end thou mayeft know

; fight of Pharaoh ;

9 And
The plagues of hailyfre, E X O D U S. rainy locustSy_

chrTst 9 And ^ ftiall become fmall duft in all the land of 29 And Mofes faid unto him, As foon as I am gone C hrist
i4Pi. Egypt, and be a boil breaking forth with blains
fhall out of the city I will fpread abroad by hands unto the w-
upon man, and upon bealt, throughout all the land of Lord and the thunder fhall ceale, neither fhall *-»*v-o

Egypt. there be any more hail ; that thou mayeft know how
c Tsjlpi 24
10 And they took afhes of the furnace, and flood c r
earth is the Lord's.

that the
before Pharaoh and Moles fprinkled it up tOAvard
; as for thee and thy fervants, I know that
50 But
heaven and it became a boil breaking forth 'with
; ye will not yet fear the Lord God.
blains upon man, and upon beaft. 31 And the flax and the barley was fmitten for :

11 And the magicians could not ftand before Mo- the barley was in the ear and the flax was boiled.
fes,becaufe of the boil for the boil was upon the
: 32 But the wheat and the rye were not fmitten for :

magicians, and upon all the Egyptians. they were t not grown up. tHeh-hidder.,
or, dark,
12 And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, 33 And Mofes went out of the city from Pharaoh,
a ch^. 4 21. and he hearkened not unto them a as the Lord had
; and fpread abroad Ms hands unto the Lord and the :

ipoken unto Mofes. thunders and hail ceafed, and the rain was not
13 II And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Rife up early poured upon the earth.
in the morning, and ftand before Pharaoh, and fay 34 And when Pharaoh faw that the rain, and the
unto him, Thus faith the Lord God of the Hebrews, hail, and the thunders, were ceafed, he finned yet
Let my people go, that they may ferve me. more, and hardened his heart, he and his fervants.
14 For I will at this time fend all my plagues up- 35 And the heart of Pharaoh was. hardened, nei-
on thine heart, and upon thy fervants, and upon thy ther would he let the children of Ifrael go as the :

people that thou mayeft know that there is none like

; Lord had fpoken t by Mofes.. t Heb by the

me in all the earth. "CHAP. X.

hand of Mo-

15 For now I will ftretch outmy hand, that I may 1 God threateneth to send locusts. 7 Pharaoh, moved
fmite thee and thy people with peltilence ; and thou by his servants, incline th to let the Israelites go. 12
(halt be cut off from the earth. '
The plague of the locusts. 16. Pharaoh sucth to Mo-
+ Heb. m
o 17
16 And in very deed for b this cause have I trailed ses. 2 1 The plague of darkness. 24 Pharaoh again
;,.c, ,:..r.i. thee up, for to fhew in thee my
power ; and that my sueth to Moses, &?c.
name may be declared throughout all the earth.
17 As yet exalte!! thou thyfelf againll my people,
AND faid unto Mofes, Go in unto Pha-
the Lord
raoh: a forI have hardened his heart, and the achaP 4 ir

them go ?
that thou wilt not let heart of his fervants, that I might fhew thefe my ligns
18 Behold, tomorrow about this time, I will caufe before him :

it to rain a very grievous hail, fuch as hath not been in 2 And that thou mayeft tell in the ears of thy fon,
Egypt lince the foundation thereof even until now. and of thy fon's fon, what things I have wrought in
19 Send therefore now, and gather thy cattle, and Egypt, and my figns which I have done among them ;
all that thou haft in the field
_ for upon every man
: that ye may know how that I am the Lord.
and beaft which fhall be found in the field, and fhall _
3 And Mofes and Aaron came in unto Pharaoh and ,

not be brought home, the hail fhall come down upon faid unto him, Thus faith the Lord God of the He-
them, and they fhall die. brews, How long wilt thou refule to humble thyfelf be-
20 He that feared the word, of the Lord among the fore me Let my people go, that they may ferve me
? :

fervants of Pharaoh, made his fervants and his cattle 4 Elfe, if thou refufe to let my people go, behold,
flee into the houfes : tomorrow will I bring the locufts into thy coaft :
b wisd 16 9

t Heb. :et not

his Ilea;', un- 21 And he that t regarded not the word of the 5 And they fhall cover the t face of the earth, that tHeb, . eye .
Lord left his fervants and his cattle in the field. one cannot be able to fee the earth :and they lhall
22 If And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Stretch forth eat the refidue of that which is efcaped, which re-
thine hand toward heaven, that there may be hail in all maineth unto you from the hail, and fhall eat every
the land of Egypt, upon man, and upon beaft, and upon tree which groweth for you out of the field.
every herb of the field, throughout the land of Egypt. 6 And they fhall fill thy houfes, and the houfes ofall
23 And Mofes ftretched forth his rod toward hea- thy fervants,and the houies of all the Egyptians; which
ven, and the Lord fent thunder and hail, and the neither thy fathers nor thy fathers' fathers have feen,
lire ran along upon the ground and the Lord rained
; fince the day that they were upon the earth unto this
hail upon the land of Egypt. day. And he turned himfelf,and went out fromPharaoh.
24 So there was hail, and fire mingled with the 7 H And Pharaoh's fervants faid unto him, How
hail, very grievous, fuch as there was none like it in long fhall this man be a fnare unto us ? Let the men
all the land of Egypt fince it became a nation. go, that they may ferve the Lord their God. Know-
25 And the hail fmote throughout all the land of eft thou not yet that Egypt is deftroyed ?
Egypt, all that was in the field, both man and beaft ; 8 And Mofes and Aaron were brought again unto
and the hail fmote every herb of the field, and brake Pharaoh and he faid unto them, Go, ferve the Lord

every tree of the field. your God but t who are they that fhall go ?
; tHek.TO/iO
26 Only in the land of Gofhen, where the children 9 And Mofes faid, We
will go with our young and

of Ifrael were, was there no hail. with our old, with our fons and with our daughters,
27 H And Pharaoh fent and called for Mofes and with our flocks and with our herds will we go for :

Aaron ,_and faid unto them, I have finned this time the : we must hold a feaft unto the Lord.
Lord is righteous, and I and my people are wicked. 10 And he faid unto them, Let the Lord be fo
28 Entreat the Lord, (for it is enough, that there with you, as I will let you go, and your little ones
s '" ; r
./ow.'" be no more t mighty thunderings and hail and I will ; look to it; for evil is before you.
let you go, and ye lhall ftay no longer. 11 Not fo go now ye
: that <m> men, and ferve the
and darkness,. CHAP. XI, XII. The fiassover is instituted.

Lord for that ye did defire.


out from Pharaoh's prefence.

And they were driven
12 II And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Stretch out
AND the Lord faid unto Mofes, Yet will I bring
one plague more upon Pharaoh and upon Egypt
C hrjst

afterward he will let you go hence when he lhall let <-"\-«o

49 ; 1 i

thine hand over the land of Egypt for the locufts, that you go, he fhall furely thruft you out hence altogether.
they may come up upon the land of Egypt, and eat 2 Speak now in the ears of the people, and let every
every herb of the land, even all that the hail hath left. man borrow of his neighbour, and every woman of
13 And Mofes ltretched forth his rod over the land her neighbour, a jewels of filver, and jewels of gold. &%?%£ M'
of Egypt, and the Lord brought an eaft wind upon 3 And the Lord gave the people favour in the
the land all that day, and all that night and when
; fight of the Egyptians. Moreover, the man b Mofes >>Eccius.

it was morning, the eaft wind brought the locufts. was very great in the land of Egypt,, in the fight of 4S
14 And the locufts went up over all the land of Pharaoh's fervants, and in the fight of the people.
Egypt, and refted in all the coafts of Egypt very : 4 ^ And Mofes laid, Thus faith the Lord, c About ccimp.ia

grievous were they ; before them there were no fuch midnight will I go out into the midft of Egypt :

them (hall be fuch.

locufts as they, neither after 5 And all the firftborn in the land of Egypt fhall die, '

15 For they covered the face of the whole earth, from the firftborn of Pharaoh that fitteth upon his
fo that the land was darkened and they did eat every
; throne, even unto the firftborn of the maid fervant that
herb of the land, and all the fruit of the trees which is behind the mill and all the firftborn of beafts.

the hail had left, and there remained not any green 6 And there fhall be a great cry throughout all the
thing in the trees, or in the herbs of the field, through land of Egypt, fuch as there \\-c\s none like it, nor fhall-
allthe land of Egypt. be like it any more.
f Heb. hast- 16 If Then Pharaoh t called for Mofes and Aaron 7 But againft any of the children of Ifrael fhall not
ened to call.
in hafte and he faid, I have finned againft the Lord
; a dog move his tongue, againft man or beaft that ye ;

your God, and againii you. may know how that the Lord doth put a difference
17 Now, therefore, forgive, I pray thee, my fin between the Egyptians and Ifrael.
only this once, and entreat the Lord your God, that 8 And all thefe thy fervants lhall come down< unto
he may take away from me this death only. me, and bow down memfelves unto me, faying, Get
18 And he went out from Pharaoh, and entreated thee out, and all the people that t follow thee ; and t^tthyf&t.
the Lord. after that I will go out. And he went out from Pha-
19 And the Lord turned a mighty ftrong weft raoh in t a great anger.. ^
cf a%lf?
t l

wind, which took away the locufts, and f call them 9 II And the Lord laid unto Mofes, Pharaoh fhall
into the Red fea ; there remained not one locuft in all not hearken unto you, that my wonders may be mul-
the coafts of Egypt. tiplied in the land of Egypt.
20 But the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart, fo 10 And Mofes and Aaron did all thefe wonders
that he would not let the children of Ifrael go. before Pharaoh and the Lord hardened Pharaoh's

21 tT And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Stretchout heart, fo that he would not let the children of* Ifrael
thine hand toward heaven, that there may be dark- go out of his land.
t Heb. that nefs over the land of Egypt, t even darknefs which
ESS.** may be felt.
22 And Mofes ftretched forth his hand toward 1 The beginning of the year is changed. 3 The pass- '

heaven ; and there was a thick darknefs in all the over is instituted. 11 The rite of the passover. 15
land of Egypt three days. Unleavened bread. 29 The Egyptians'' firstborn
23 Thejr faw not one another, neither rofe any are slain. 31 The Israelites are driven out of the
c wisd.isi, from his place, for three days c but all the children
\Jand ; 37 they come to Succoth. 43 The ordinance

of Ifrael had light in their dwellings. of the passover.

24 tT unto Mofes, and faid, Go
And Pharaoh called
ye, ferve the Lord; only let your flocks and your herds
AND the Lord fpake unto Mofes and Aaron in
the land of Egypt, faying,
be flayed let your little ones alfo go with you.
: 2 This month shall be unto you the beginning of
t Heb. into 25 And Mofes faid, Thou mult give t us alfo fac- months it shall be the firft month of the year to you.
our hands.
rifices and burnt offerings, that we may facrifice unto 3 TT Speak ye unto all the_ congregation of Ifrael,
the Lord our God. faying, in the tenth day of this month they fhall take
26 Our cattle alfo lhall go with us there fhall not
: to them every man a lamb, according to the houfe Or, kid.

an hoof be left behind for thereof muft we take to

; of their fathers, a lamb for an houfe.
ferve the Lord our God: and we know not with 4 And if the houfehold be too little for the Iamb, let
what we muft ferve the Lord until we come thither. him and his neighbour next unto his houfe take it, ac-
27 HBut the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart, and cording to the number of the fouls every man accord- :

he would not let them go. ing to his eating fhall make your count for the lamb.
28 And Pharaoh faid unto him, Get thee from me, 5 Your lamb fhall be Math out blemifh, a male t of t Heb. J0»
of a year.
take heed to thyfelf, fee my face no more for in that
: the firft year ; ye fhall take, it out from the fheep, or.
day thou feeft my face thou fhalt die. from the goats.
29 And Mofes faid, Thou haft fpoken well I will ; 6 And ye lhall keep it up until the fourteenth day of
fee thy face again no more. die fame month and the whole affembly of the con-

gregation of Ifrael fhall kill it f in the evening. t Heb.

7 And they fhall take
betiuet n the'
of the blood, and flrikc it on tivo cvat.
1 God?s message to the Israelites to borrow jewels of the two fide polls, and on the upper door poll, of the
their neighbours. 4 Moses threateneth Pharaoh with houfes wherein they fhall eat it.
the death of the firstborn, 9 Pharaoh still bar dated. 8 And they lhall eat the flelh in that night, roaft

The feast of unleavened bread. E X O D U S. The ordinance of the pass over.

CHRIST with fire, and unleavened bread
and with bitter herbs ; fliall fay unto you, What mean ye by this fervice C hrist ?

they fhall eat it. 27 That ye fhall fay, it is the facrifice

of the Lord's i
49 ..
9 Eat not of it raw, nor fodden at all with water, paffover, who paffed over the houfes of the children
but roaft with fire his head with his legs, and with
: of Ifrael in Egypt, when he fmote the Egyptians, and
the purtenance thereof. delivered our houfes. And the people* bowed the
10 And ye iliall let nothing of it remain until the head, and worfhipped.
morning and that which remaineth of it until the
28 And the children of Ifrael went away, and did
morning, ye mall burn with fire. as the Lord had commanded Mofes and Aaron, fo
1 If And thus fhall ye eat it, With your loins girded, did they.
your fhoes on your feet, and your ftaffin your hand : 29 If And
came to pafs, that at midnight the a chap.
and ye fhall eat it in hafte it is the Lord's paffover.
; Lord fmote
the firftbom in the land of Egypt,
IX 4 '

12 For I will pals through the land of Egypt this from the firftborn of Pharaoh that fat on his throne, e wisd.
night, and will fmite all the firftborn in the land of unto the firftborn of the captive that was in the 8 "• '

8 or.princes. Egypt, both man and beaft and againfl all the gods; J| t dungeon, and all the firftborn of cattle. + Heb.
of Egypt I will execute judgment : I am the Lord. 30 And Pharaoh rofe up in the night, he, and all ^"p g
13 And the blood fhall be to you for a token upon his fervants, and all the Egyptians ; and there was a
the houfes where ye are : And when I fee the blood, I great cry in Egypt for there was not a houfe where

will pafs over you, and the plague iliall not be upon there was not one dead.
1- Heb. for you t to deflroy you, when I fmite the land of Egypt. 31 If And he called for Mofes and Aaron by night,
a datritcticn
14 And this day iliall be untoyou for a memorial : and faid, Rife up, and get you forth from among my
and ye fhall keep it a feaft to the Lord throughout people, both ye and the children cf Ifrael ; and go
your generations ye fhall keep it a feaft by an ordi-
: ferve the Lord, as ye have faid.
nance for ever. 32 Alfo take your flocks and your herds, as ye have
15 If Seven days fhall ye eat unleavened bread: even faid, and be gone ; and blefs me alfo.
the firfl day ye fhall put away leaven out of your 33 And upon the peo-
the Egyptians were urgent
houfes for whofoever eateth leavened bread from
; ple, that they might fend them out of the land in
the firft day until the feventh day, that foul fhall be hafte for they faid,
: be all dead men. We
cut off from Ifrael. 34 And the people took their dough before it was
16 And in the firft day there shall be an holy convo- leavened, their kneading troughs being bound up
|| 11 or.

cation, and in the feventh day there fhall be an holy in their clothes upon their fhoulders. ^ ugh -

convocation to you no manner of work fhall be done

: 35 And the children of Ifrael did according to the
t Keb. soui. in them, fave that which every t man muft eat, that word of Mofes ; and they borrowed of the Egyptians
only may he done of you. jewels of filver, and jewels of gold, and raiment. f cha P 3 .

17 Andye iliall obferve thefeastofunlezvemd bread; 3 6 And the Lord gave the people favour in the fight 22 ' &n2 '

for in this felf fame day have I brought your armies of the Egyptians, fo that they lent unto them such
out of the land of Egypt therefore fhall ye obferve
: things as they required : and they fpoiled the Egyp-
this day in your generations by an ordinance for ever. tians.
a Lev. 53 5.
Nvunb. 28 6 18 a In the firft month, on the fourteenth day of the
37 If And g the children of Ifrael journeyed from s ™<"°i>;
Ramefes to Succoth, ^about fix hundred thoufand on 33 3

month at even, ye fhall eat unleavened bread, until

the one and twentieth day of the month at even. foot that were men, befides children.
19 Seven days fhall there be no leaven found in 38 And fa mixed multitude went up alfo with tHeb.«
your houfes for whofoever eateth that which is
: them and flocks, and herds, even very much cattle. \ZV. m> *'

leavened, even that foul fhall be cut off from the con- 39 And they baked unleavened cakes of the dough
gregation of Ifrael, whether he be a ftranger, or born which they brought forth out of Egypt, for it was
in the land. not leavened becaufe they were thruft out of Egypt,

20 Ye nothing leavened in all your hab-

fhall eat : and could not tarry, neither had they prepared for
itations fhall ye eat unleavened bread. themfelves any victual.
21 If Then Mofes called for all the elders of Ifrael, 40 If Now the fojourningoftlie children of Ifrael, who
Or, kid. and laid unto them, Draw out, and take you a U lamb, dwelt in Egypt, was h four hundred and thirty years. hGen.i 5
according to your families, and kill the paffover. 41 And it came to pafs, at the end of the four hun- g'ca'Z
b tfeb, 11 28. 22 b And ye fhall take a bunch of hyffop, and dip dred and thirty years, even the felf fame day it came »*
it in the blood that is in the bafon, and ftrike the to pafs, that all the hofts of the Lord went out from
lintel and the two fide polls with the blood that is in the land of Egypt.
the bafon and none of you fhall go out at the door
; 42 It is t a night to be"much obferved unto the +.»<*• «
of his houfe until the morning. Lord for bringing them out from the land of Egypt ; Zw'aMjt
23 For the Lord will pals through to fmite the this w that night of the Lord to be obferved of all
Egyptians and when he feeth the blood upon the
; the children of Ifrael in their generations.
lintel and on the two fide pofts, the Lord will pafs 43 If And the Lord faid unto Mofes and Aaron,
over the door, and will not fuffer the deftroyer to This is the ordinance of the paffover ; There fhall no
come in unto your houfes to fmite you. ftranger eat thereof,
24 And ye fhall obferve this thing for an ordinance 44 But every man's fervant that is bought for mo-
to thee and to thy fons for ever. ney, when thou haft ciroumcifed him, thenfhall he eat
25 And it fhall come to pafs, when ye be come to thereof.
the land which the Lord will give you, according as 45 A foreigner and an hired fervant fhall not eat
he hath promifed, that ye fhall keep this fervice, thereof.
c josh. 4 6. 26 c And it ihall come to pais, when your children 46 In one houfe fhall it be eaten : thou fhalt not
The firstborn are sancllfiedto God, CHAP. XIII, XIV. Pharaoh pursueth the Israelites.
'y forth aU8 ^ t ° f the flefll abr0at11 0llt ° f t{le ll0ufe unto him, By ftrengthof hand the Lord brought us CHRIST

neither fliall ye break a bone thereof. out from Egypt, from the houfe of bondage :

i-*-y~o 47 All the congregation of Ifraei lhall t keep it. 15 And it came to pafs, when Pharaoh would
hardly let us go, that the Lord flew all the firftborn

J 48 And when a ftranger fliall fojourn Avith thee, and

V Heb. * it. in the land of Egypt, both the firftborn of man and
w jm j^^p ^g p affover to the Lord, let all his males
be circumcifed, and then let him come near and keep the firftborn of beaft : therefore I facrifice to the
it and he fhall be as one that is bom in the land for
; ; Lord all that openeth the matrix, being males tut ;

no uncircumcifed perfon fhall eat thereof. all the firftborn of my children I redeem.

49 One law fliall be to him that is homeborn, and 16 And it fliall be for a token upon thine hand, and
unto the ftranger that fojourneth among you. for frontlets between thine eyes : for by flrength of
50 Thus did all the children of Ifraei as the Lord ; hand the Lord brought us forth out of Egypt.
commanded Mofes and Aaron, fo did they. 17 II And it came to pafs, when Pharaoh had let the
51 And it came to pafs, thefelf fame day, that the people go, that God led them not through the way of
Lord did bring the children of Ifraei out of the land the land of the Philiftines, although that ivas near ;
of Egypt by their armies for God faid, Left peradventure, the people repent

XIII. CHAP. when they fee war, and they return to Egypt
18 But God led the people about, through the way

lThe firstborn are sanctified to God. 3 The memorial

of the wildernefs of the Red fea. And the children
of their dclherance from Egypt is commanded. 11
The firstlings of man and beast are set apart. 17 of Ifraei went up harneffed out of the land of Egypt.
Or, hy
fi'je in

The Israelites carry Joseph's bones ivith them out of 19 And Mofes took the bones of Jofeph with him : rank.

for he had ftraitly fwom the children of Ifraei, faying,

Egypt. 20 God guideth them by a pillar of a cloud
and a pillar offire.
God will furely vifit you ; and ye fhall carry up my c Gen. 50
25. Josh.
bones away hence with you.
the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
2 a Sanctify unto me all the firftborn, what-
20 *U And d they took their journey from Succoth,
and encamped in Etham, in the edge of the wildernefs.
24 32.
d Numb.
33 6.

LeV. a? 26-' foever openeth the womb among the children of If-
21 And e the Lord went before them by day in apil- e Numb.
&T16. i'uie rael, both of man and of beaft it is mine. 14 14.
lar of a cloud, to lead them the way and by night in a
; Deut. 1 33.
3 If And Mofes faid unto the people, Remember Nch. 9 12
pillar of fire, to give themlight to goby day and night,
19. Ps. 78
this day in which ye came out from Egypt, out of
+ Heb.Mf 22 He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, 14. 1 Cor.
the houfe of t bondage for by flrength of hand the
is 1.

•uanli, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.
Lord brought you out from this place : there fliall
no leavened bread be eaten. CHAP. XIV.
4 This day came ye out, in the mcnth Abib. 1 God instructeth the Israelites in their journey. 5
5 And it fhall be, when the Lord fliall bring thee Pharaoh pursueth after them. 10 The Israelites
into the land of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and murmur .-13 Moses comforteth them. 15 God in-
the Amorites, and the Hivites, and the Jebulites, structeth Moses. 19 The cloud remove th behind the
which he fware unto thy fathers to give thee, a land camp, &c.
flowing with milk and honey, that thou fhalt keep
this fervice in this
AND the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
2 Speak unto the children of Ifraei, that they
6 Seven days thou fhalt eat unleavened bread, and turn and encamp before a Pi-hahiroth, between Mig- a Numb.
in the feventh day shall be a feafl to the Lord. dol and the fea, over againft Baal-zephon :before it 33 7-

7 Unleavened bread fhall be eaten feven days and : fliall ye encamp by the fea.
there fhall no leavened bread be feen with thee ;
3 For Pharaoh will fay of the children of Ifraei,
neither fhall there be leaven feen with thee in all thy They are entangled in the land, the wildernefs hath
quarters. (hut them in.
8 And thou fhalt (hew thy fon in that day, faying, 4 And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, that he fliall
This is clone becaufe of that which the Lord did unto follow after them ; and I will be honoured upon Pha-
me, when I came forth out of Egypt. raoh, and upon all his hoft ; that the Egyptians may
9 And it fliall be for a fign unto thee upon thine know that I am the Lord. And they did fo.
hand, and for a memorial between thine eyes, that the 5 If And it was told the king of Egypt that the
Lord's law may be in thy mouth for with a flrong : people fled and the heart of Pharaoh and of his fer-

hand hath the Lord brought thee out of Egypt. vants was turned againft the people, and they faid,
10 Thou fhalt, therefore, keep this ordinance in
Why have we done this, that we have let Ifraei go
his fcafon from year to year. from ferving us ?
lllf And it fhall be, when the Lord fhall bring 6 And he made ready his chariot, and took his
thee into the land of the Canaanites, as he fware unto people with him.
thee and to thy fathers, and fhall give it thee, 7 And he took fix hundred chofen chariots, and all the u 12 b That thou fhalt tfet apart unto the Lord all chariots ofEgypt, and captains over every one of them.
Eiek. ^' 30. that openeth the matrix; and every firftling that 8 And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh king
X ptirJr! cometh of a beaft which thou haft, the males shall be of Egypt, and he purfued after the children of Ifraei
the Lord's. and the children of Ifraei went Out with an high hand.
13 And every firftlingof an afs thou fhalt redeem 9 But the b Egyptians purfued after them, (all the b josh. 24
Mac "
I Or, kid. with a lamb and if thou wilt not redeem it, then
|| ; horfes and chariots of Pharaoh, and his horfemen, and 4' .'

thou fhalt break his neck and all the firftborn of

: his army,) and overtook them encamping by the (ea,
man among thy children fhalt thou redeem. befide Pi-hahiroth, before Baal-zephon.
t Heb.
14 And it fhall be, when thy fon afketh thee t in 10 II And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of
time to come, faying, What is this ? that thou fhalt fay Ifraei lifted up their eyes, and, behold, the Egyptians
; ;

The Egyptians overthrown, E X O r> u a Moses song of deliverance.

all the hoft of Pharaoh
and the horfemen, and
marched after them and they were fore afraid and
riots, CHRIST
the children of Ifrael cried out unto the Lord. that came into the fea after them there remained cir. 1491. :

11 And they faid unto Mofes, Becaufe there were not fo much as one of them.
no graves in Egypt, haft thou taken us away to diein 29 But the children of Ifrael- walked upon dry land
in the midft of the fea and the waters were a wail
the wjldernefs ? wherefore haft thou dealt thus with

us, to cany us forth out of Egypt ?

unto them on their right hand, and on their left.
c Chap. 6 9 12 c Is not this the word that we did tell thee in 30 Thus the Lord faved Ifrael that day out of the
hand of the Egyptians and Ifrael faw the Egyptians
Egypt, faying, Let us alone, that we may ferve the ;

Egyptians ? for it had been better for us to ferve die dead upon the fea fhore.
3 1 And Ifrael faw that great t work which the L o r d
+ Heb.
Egyptians than that we fhould die in the wiklernefs. hand.
did upon the Egyptians and the people feared the
13 II And Mofes faid unto the people, Fear ye not

Hand ftill, and fee the falvation of the Lord which he Lord, and believed the Lord, and his fervant Mofes.
Or, for
will fhew to you today for the Egyptians whom
: || CHAP. XV.
hawmZtht ye have feen today, ye lhaii fee them again no more 22 The people want water. 23 The
1 Moses'' song.
i*dly,&z. forever. waters at Marah are bitter ;
a tree sweeteneth them.
14 The Lord fliall fight for you and ye (hall hold
27 At Elim are twelve wells, and threescore and ten
your peace. palm trees.
15If And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Wherefore

thou unto me ? fpeak unto the children of Ifrael,

crieft THEN long
fang a Mofes and the children of Ifrael this
unto the Lord, and fpake, faying, I will
aWisd. 10

that they go forward :

16 But lift thou up thy rod and ftretch out thine hand fing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed glorioufly

over the fea, and divide it and the children of Ifrael the horfe and his rider hath he thrown into the fea.

fhall go on dry ground through the midft of the fea. 2 The Lord is my ftrength and fong, and he is be-
17 And I, behold, I will harden the hearts of the come my falvation he is my God, and I will pre- :

Egyptians, and they fliall follow them and I will get pare him an habitation
my fathers' God, and I will ;

me honour upon Pharaoh, and upon all his hoft, up- exalt him.
on his chariots, and upon his horfemen. 3 The Lord is a man of war; The Lord is his
18 And the Egyptians fliall know that I am the name.
Lord, when I have gotten me honour upon Pharaoh, 4 Pharaoh's chariots and his hoft hath he caft into
upon his chariots, and upon his horfemen. the fea his chofen captains alfo are drowned in the ;

19 II And the angel of God, which went before the Red fea.
camp of Ifrael, removed, and went behind them; 5 The depths have covered them they fank into :

and the pillar of the cloud went from before their the bottom as a ftone.
face, and flood behind them :
6 Thy right hand, Lord, is become glorious O
20 And it came between the camp of the Egyptians in power Thy right hand, Lord, hath dallied in : O
and the camp of Ifrael and it was a cloud and dark- pieces the enemy.

nefs to them, but it gave light by night to these : fo that 7 And in the greatnefs of thine excellency thou haft
the one came not near the other all the night. overthrown them that rofe up againft thee : thou fent-
21 If And Mofes ftretched out his hand over the eft forth thy wrath, which confumed them as itubbie.
fea and the Lord caufed the fea to go back by a
8 And with the blaft of thy noflrils the waters were
ftrong eaft wind all that night, and made the fea dry gathered together the floods flood upright as an heap, :

d Josh. 4 23. land, and the waters were d divided. and the depths were congealed in the heart of the fea.
Vs. 1143.
e Ps. 78 13. 22 And the children of Ifrael went into the
midft 9 The enemy faid, I will purine, I will overtake s

! Cor. 10
Heb. n 29.
of the fea upon the dry ground ; and the waters were I will divide the fpoil my luft fliall be fatisfied upon ;

a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. them I will draw my fword my hand fhall deltroy
: ; [|
| Or, re'
23 If And the Egyptians purfued, and went in after them.
them to the midft of the fea, even all Pharaoh's horfes, 10 Thou didfl blow with thy wind, the fea covered
his chariots and his horfemen. them they fank as lead in the mighty waters. :

24 And it came to pafs, that in the morning watch 11 Who is like unto thee, Lord, among the O
the Lord looked unto the hoft of the Egyptians gods ? who is like thee, glorious in holinefs, fearful
|j I!
through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and trou- in praifes, doing wonders

bled the heft of the Egyptians, 12 Thou ftretchedfl out thy right hand* the earth
m to 25 And took off their chariot wheels, that they
{ Or, and fwallowed them.

^heavily, drave them heavily fo that the Egyptians faid, Let

13 Thou in thy mercy haft led forth the people
us flee from the face of Ifrael for the Lord fighteth;
which thou haft redeemed ; thou haft guidea them
for them againft the Egyptians. in thy ftrength unto thy holy habitation.
26 11 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Stretch out 14 b The people fhali hear, and be afraid forrow :
b Dent. 1

thine hand over the fea, that the waters may come fliall take hold on the inhabitants of Paleftina. 25. Josh.
2 9.

again upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots, and 15 Then the dukes of Edom fhall be amazed the ;

upon their horfemen. mighty men ofMoab, trembling, fliall take hold upon
27 And Mofes ftretched forth his hand over the them all the inhabitants of Canaan fliall melt away. :

fea, and the fea returned to his ftrength when the 16 e Fear and dread fhall fall upon them by the : c Deut. ;

25- Josh.
morning appeared, and the Egyptians fled againft it greatnefs of thine arm they fliall be as ftill as a ftone, 2 9.

and the Lord t overthrew the Egyptians in the midft till thy people pafs over, O Lord, till the people pafs
t Heb. shook
off. of the fea. over, which thou haft purchafed.
loin. 28 And the waters returned, and f
covered the cha- 17 Thou lhalt bring them in, and plant them in the
f Ps.
The Israelites murmur for bread. CHAP. XVI. Quails and mmm are setiU
mountain of thine inheritance, in the place, O Lord, 7 And in the morning, then ye fhall fee the glory CHRIST

which thou haft made for thee to dwell in, in the fanc- of the Lord for that he heareth your murmurings
; 1491.

tuary, O
Lord, which thy hands have eftablifhed. againft the Lord and what are we, that ye murmur

18 The Lord fhall reign for ever and ever. againft us ?

19 For the horfe of Pharaoh went in with his 8 And Mofes

faid, This shall be, when the Lord
chariots, and with his horfemen into die fea, and the fhall give you
in the evening flefh to eat, and in the
Lord brought again the waters of the fea upon them : morning bread to^ the full : for that the Lord hear-
but the children of Ifrael went on dry land in the eth your murmurings which ye murmur againft him
nridft of the fea. and what are we ? your murmurings are not againft
20 If And Miriam the prophetefs, the filter of us, but againft the Lord.
Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand and all the wo- ; 9 And Mofes fpake Unto Aaron, Say unto all the
men went out after her with timbrels and with dances. congregation of the children of Ifrael, Come near be-
21 And Miriam anfwered them, Sing ye to the fore the Lord for he hath heard your murmurings.

Lord, for he hath triumphed glorioufly the horfe : 10 And it came to pafs, as Aaron fpake unto, the
and his rider hath he thrown into the fea. whole congregation of the children of Ifrael, that they
22 H So Mofes brought Ifrael from the Red fea and ; looked toward the wildernefs and, behold, the glory ;

they went out into the wildernefs of Shur and they : of the Lord a appeared in the cloud. a Chap,
13 II.
went three days in the wildernefs, and found no water. 11 IF And die Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
23 IF And when they came to Marah, they could 12 I have heard the murmurings of the children of
not drink of the waters of Marah, for they were bit- Ifrael fpeak unto them, faying, At even ye fhall eat
That is,
\ittermss.\ ter ;therefore the name of it was called Marah. II flefh, and in the morning ye fhall be filled with bread :

24 And the people murmured againlt Mofes, fay- and ye that I am the Lord your God.
fhall know
ing, What fhall we drink ? 13 IF And it came to pafs, that at eA^en b the quails b Numfc.
25 AndhecrieduntotheLoRD; andtheLoRD fhew- came up, and covered the camp and in the morning ;

edhima d tree, w/6zV/6whenhe hadcaftinto the waters, the dew lay round about the hoft.
the waters were made fweet there he made for them
: 14 And Avhen c the dew that lay Avas gone up, be- c Numb. 1

7. ps. 78
a ftatute and an ordinance, and there he proved them, hold, upon the face of the wildernefs there lay a fmall Wisi 16n.
26 And faid, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the round thing, as fmall as the hoar froft, on the ground. 20.
voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which 15 And when the children of Ifrael faAA- it, they faid
is right in his fight, and wilt give ear tohis command- one to another, It is manna for they Avift not what
|| : |t Or,
What is
ments, and keep all his ftatutes, I will put none of it was. And Moles faid unto them, d This is the bread this ? or.

thefe difeafes upon thee, which I have brought upon Lord hath given you to eat.
Avhich the ft is
t. C1l.
a por-

the Egyptians fori am the Lord that healeth thee.

: 16This is the thing Avhich die Lord hath com-
IF d John f
31. 1 Cor.
e*J ufflb. 33 a.
27 IF * And they came to Elim, where were twelve manded, Gather of it every man according to his eat- 10 3.

wells of water, and threefcore and ten palm trees : ing, an omer f for every man according to the number :
t Heb. by
the p '/I, org
and they encamped there by the waters. of your tperfons, take ye every man for them Avliich herd.
t Heb.
CHAP. XVI. are in histents.
17 And the children of Ifrael did fo, and gathered

1 The Israelites come to Sin, and murmur for want of fome more, fome lefs.
bread. 4 God promiseth them bread andflesh from And Avhen they did e 2 Cor.
18 an omer, e he
mete it Avidi
heaven. 13 Quails and marina are sent. 16 The 1 i>
that gathered much had nothing oA'er, and he that
ordering of the manna. 22 A
double provision of
gathered little had no lack they gathered every man

it on the sixth day. according to his eating.

AN D they took their journey from Elim
the congregation of the children of Ifrael came
; and all 19 And Mofes faid, Let no man leave of it till the
unto the wildernefs of Sin, wrhich is between Eiim 20 Notwithftanding they hearkend not unto Mo-
and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the fecond month fes but fome of them left of it until the morning,

after their departing out of the land of Egypt. and it bred Avorms, and ftank and Mofes Avas Avroth ;

2 And the whole congregation of the children of Ifrael with them.

murmured againft Mofes and Aaron in the wildernefs. 21 And they gathered it every morning every man ;

3 And the children of Ifrael faid unto them, Would according to his eating and Avhen the fun waxed hot, :

to God we had died by the hand of the Lord in the it melted.

land of Egypt, when we fat by the flefh pots, and 22 IF And it came to pafs that on the fixth day they ,

when Ave did eat bread to the full for ye have brought: gathered twice as much bread, tAvo omers for one
us forth into this wildernefs, to kill tins whole affem- man : and all the rulers of the congregation came and
bly with hunger. told Mofes.
4 II Then faid the Lord unto Mofes, Behold, I will 23 And he faid unto them, This
is that Avhich the
rain bread from heaven for you and the people (hall go
; Lord hath faid, Tomorrow is the reft of the holy fab-
+ Heb. the
faction of tt-
out and gather t a certain rate every day, that I may bath unto the Lord bake that Which ye will bake:

tiayinhts prove them, whether they will walk in my law or no. today, and feethe that ye Avill feethe and that which ;
5 And itfhall come to pafs, that on thefixth day, remaineth over, lay up for you to be kept until the
they fhall prepare that which they bring in ; and it morning.
fhall be twice as much as they gather daily. 24 And they laid it up till the morning, as Mofes
6 And Mofes and Aaron faid unto all the children bade : and it did not ftink, neither Avas there any
of Ifrael, At even, then ye fhall know that the Lord worm therein.
hath brought you out from the land of Egypt 25 And Mofes faid, Eat that today ; for today is
H a fabbath

The people murmur for water. E X O D U S. Jethra cometh to Moses.

Before d
CHRIST a fabbath unto the Lord : today ye fhall not find it 1f Then came Amalek, and fought with Ifrael
8 C hrist
1491 in the field. in Rephidim. 49 i i.

26 Six days ye but on the feventh

fhall gather it ; 9 And Mofes faid unto Jofhua, Choofe us outmen,
e <-**v^»i

day, which is the fabbath, in it there fhall be none. and go out, fight with Amalek tomorrow I will ftaud f D$£- 2 $ :

27 H And it came to pafs, that there went out some

on the top of the hill with the rod of God in mine hand. "'3- e"',
Of the people on the feventh day for to gather, and 10 So Jofhua did as Mofes had faid to him, and ?««" Aa s
they found none. fought with Amalek and Mofes, Aaron, and Hur, \ |.5 Heb
" "

28 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, How long re- went up to the top of the hill.
fufe ye to keep my commandments, and my laws ? 11 And it came to pafs, when Mofes held up his
29 See, for that the Lord hath given you the fab- hand, that Ifrael prevailed and when he let down ;

bath, therefore he giveth you on the fixth day the his hand, Amalek prevailed.
bread of two days abide ye every man in his place
: 12 But Mofes' hands were heavy and they took a ;

let no man go out of his place on the feventh day. ftone, and put it under him, and he fat thereon and ;

30 So the people refted on the feventh day. Aaron and Hur ftayed up his hands, the one on the
31 And the houfe of Ifrael called the name there- one fide, and the other on the other fide and his ;

of Manna ; and it was like coriander feed, white and ; hands were Heady until the going down of the fun.
the tafte of it was like wafers made with honey. 13 And Jofhua difcomfited Amalek and his people
32 IT And Mofes faid, This is the thing which the with the edge of the fword.
Lord commandeth, Fill an omer of it to be kept for 14 If And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Write this
your generations that they may fee the bread where-
; for a memorial in a book, and rehearfe it in the ears
with I have fed you in the wildemefs, when I brought of Jofhua for f I will utterly put out the remembrance /^^f 2°-
you forth from the land of Egypt. of Amalek from under heaven. That is* 11

33 And Mofes faid unto Aaron, Take a pot, and 15 And Mofes built an altar, and called the name "'L«££
put an omer full of manna therein, and lay it up be-
fore the Lord, to be kept for your generations.
16 For he faid,
Becaufe f the Lord hath fworn, fhjjjzfi
34 As the Lord commanded Mofes, fo Aaron laid that the Lord will have war with Amalek from gene-
" thronetftke

, ,
• Lord, there-
it up before the Teftimony, to be kept. ratlOll to generation. fore, &c.
t Heb.
35 And the children of Ifrael did eat manna forty CHAP. the

f Josh. 5 12 f
years, until they came to a land inhabited they did :
XVIII. ttf%
the throne of
Nch. 915.
eat manna until they came unto the borders of the 7 .Moses enter taineth Jethro. 13 Jethro'' s counsel to the '

land of Canaan. Moses; his counsel accepted. 27 Jethro departeth m

36 Now
an omer is the tenth part of an ephah.
Jethro the prieft of Midian, Mofes' fa- .oap.oi
ther in law, heard of all that God had done
1 The people murmur for water and are
at Rephidim, for Mofes, and for Ifrael his people, and that the Lord
sent for it to 8 Amalek is over-
the rock in Horeb. had brought Ifrael out of Egypt ;

come by the holding up of Moses' hands. 14 God's 2 Then Jethro, Mofes' father in law, took Zippo-
wrath against Amalek : Moses buildeth the altar rah, Mofes' wife, after he had fent her back,
JEHOVAH nissi. 3 And her two fons, of which the b name of the bchaP .s*i,

AND 5 all the congregation of the children of Ifrael

journeyed from the wildemefs of Sin,
their journeys, according to the commandment of the
one was
in a ftrange land ;)
II Gerfhom; (for

4 And the name of the other was Eliezer (for the That
he faid, I have been an alien

II ;

That is,
a "' ir


Lord, and pitched in Rephidim ; and there was no God of my father, said he, was mine help, and deliv- %?£$*
water for the people to drink. ered me from the fword of Pharaoh.)
aNum. 10 2 a Wherefore the people did chide with Mofes, 5 And Jethro, Mofes' father in law, came with
and fai^, Give us water, that we may drink. And his fons and his wife unto Mofes into the wildemefs,

Mofes faid unto them, Why chide ye with me ? where- where he encamped at the mount of God :

ye tempt the Lord ? 6 And he faid unto Mofes, I, thy father in law Je-
d the people thirfted there for water and die thro, am come unto thee, and thy wife, and her two
urmured againft Mofes, and faid, Where- fons with her.
is that thou haft brought us up out of Egypt 7 If And Mofes went out to meet his father in law,
to kill us, and our children, and our cattle,with thirft? and didobeifance, and kiffedhim and they afked each ;

4 And Mofes cried unto the Lord, faying, What other of their t welfare and they came into the tent. tHeb./,««« :

fhall I do unto this people ? they be almoft ready to 8 And Mofes told his father in law all that the
ftone m$L Lord had done unto Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for
5 Aiiiphe Lord faid unto Mofes, Go on before the Ifrael's fake, and all the travail that had t come upon t Heb./<,«Ki
^people, and take with thee of the elders of Ifrael and them by the way, and how the Lord delivered them. them

bchap.yse. thy rod, wherewith

thou fmoteft the river, take in 9 If And Jethro rejoiced for all the goodnefs which
thine hand, and go. the Lord had done to Ifrael, whom he had delivered
c Num. so 11. 6 c Behold, I will Hand before thee there upon the out of the hand of the Egyptians.
!!.' rock inHoreb and thou flialt finite the rock, and there
; 10 And Jethro faid, Bleffed be the Lord, who hath
10 4. fhall come water out of it, that the people may drink. delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians, and
And Mofes did fo in the fight of the elders of Ifrael. out of the hand of Pharaoh, who hath delivered the
H 7 And he called the name of the place
Mafiah, people from under the hand of die Egyptians.
5 That and Meribah, becaufe of the chiding of the children
is, 1! 11 Now I know that the Lord is greater than all
Chiding, <

of Ifrael, and becaufe they tempted the Lord, faying, gods c for in the thing wherein they dealt proudly, be c chaP ,«

Is the Lord among us, or not ? was above them. &

J "' .£
14 18.


2 12 And
Jethros counsel to Moses. CHAP. XIX The people prepared^ $$c,

Christ 12 And Jetnro

Mofes' father in law, took a burnt
called unto him out of the mountain, faying, Thus r
CHR, g T
.49) . offering and God and Aaron came, and
facrifices for : fhalt thou fay to the houfe of Jacob, and tell the .491.
<^v^»> all the elders of Ifrael, to eat bread with Mofes' father children of Ifrael. t-^nr-o
in law before God. 4 h Ye have feen what I did unto the Egyptians, and bDeut. 29 *.
13 If And it came to pafs on the morrow, that Mo- how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you
fes fat to judge the people ; and the people ftood by unto myfelf.
Mofes from the morning unto the evening. 5 Now, c therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, cDeut. 5 s.
14 And when Mofes' father in law faw all thathe did and keep my covenant, then ye fhall be a peculiar treaf-
to the people, he faid, What is this thingthatthou doefl ure unto me above all people for d all the earth is mine. 4*><»* «« '*«

to the people ? why fitteft thou thyfelf alone, and all 6 And ye fhall be unto me e a kingdom ofpriefts, c'iv*l*s
the people ftand by thee from morning unto even ? and an holy nation. Thefe are the words Avhich 9 Rw*' ' *

15 And Mofes faid unto his father in law, Becaufe thou fhalt fpeak unto the children of Ifrael.
the people come unto me to inquire of God. 7 IT And Mofes came, and called for the elders of
16 When they have a matter they come unto me, and laid before their faces
the^ people, all thefe words
t Heb. a man anc| I judge between t one and another ; and Idomake which the Lord commanded him.
*ou. "
them know the ftatutes of God, and his laws. 8 And f all the people anfwered together, and faid, f chap. 2+ \
17 And Mofes' father in law faid unto him," The All that the Lord hath fpoken wewill do. And Mo- J^taH*
thing that thou doefl is not good. fes returned the words of the people unto the Lord.
dine 18 ^ Thou wiltfurely wear away, both thou and this 9 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Lo, I come unto
faZ.™ * people that is with thee for this thing is too heavy for
: thee in a thick cloud, that the people may hear Avhen
thee ; d thou ait not able to perform it thyfelf alone. And
' 9<
I fpeak with thee, and believe thee for ever.
19 Hearken now unto my voice ; I will give thee Mofes told the words of the people unto the Lord.
counfel, and God fhall be with thee. Be thou for the 10 IT And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Go unto the
people to God ward, that thou mayeft bring the caufes people, and fan6lify them today and tomorrow, and
unto God : let them wafh their clothes,
20 And thou fhalt teach them ordinances and laws, 11 And be ready againft the third day: for the third
and fhalt fliew them the way wherein they muft walk, day the Lord will come down in the fight of all the
and the work that they muft do. people upon mount Sinai.
21 Moreover, thou fhalt provide out of all the 12 And thou fhalt fet bounds unto the people round
people able men, fuch as fear God, men of truth, about, faying, Take heed to yourfelves that ye go not
4 hating covetoufnefs ; and place such over them, to be up into the mount, or touch the border of it g whofo- : g Heb. n z»
rulers of thoufands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers ever toucheth the mount, fhall be furely put to death.
of fifties, and rulers of tens, 13 There fhall not an hand touch it, but he fhall
22 And let them judge the people at all feafons : furely be ftoned, or fhot through whether it be beafl ;

and it fhail be, that every great matter they fhall bring or man, it fhall not live when the trumpet found-
: ||
1 or, soma:

unto thee ; but every fmall matter they fhall judge : eth long, they fhall come up to the mount.
fo fhall it be eafier for thyfelf, and they fhall bear the 14 H And Mofes went down from the mount unto
burden with thee. the people, and fan6tifiedthe people ; and they wafh-
23 If thou fhalt do this thing, and God command ed their clothes.^
thee so j then thou fhalt be able to endure, and all 15 And he faid unto the people, Be ready againft
this people fhall alfo go to their place in peace. the third day come not at your wives.

24 So Mofes hearkened to the voice of his father 16 IF And it came to pafs on the third day, in the
in law, and did all that he had faid. morning, that there were thunders, and lightnings,
25 And Mofes chofe able men out of all Ifrael, and and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of
made them heads over the people, rulers of thoufands, the trumpet exceeding loud fo that all the people

rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. that was in the camp, trembled.
26 And they judged the people at all feafons the : 17 And Mofes brought forth die people out of the
hard caufes they brought unto Mofes ; but every fmall camp to meet with God and they ftood at the neth-

matter they judged themfelves. er part of the mount. _

27 IT And Mofes let his father in law depart ; and 18 h And mount Sinai was altogether on a fmoke, hDeut.4n.
he went his way into his own land. becaufe the Lord defcended upon it in fire and the ;

CHAP. XIX. fmoke thereof afcended as the fmoke of a furnace,

and the whole mount quaked greatly.
1 The people come to Sinai. 3 God's messageunto the 19 And when the voice of the trumpet founded
people out of the mount. 7 Moses delivereth it, and
long, and waxed louder and louder, Mofes fpake, and
returneth the people's answer. 10 The people are or-
God anfwered him by a voice.
deredtobe prepared against the third day ; the moun- 20 And the Lord came down upon mount Sinai,
tain must not be touched. 16 The fearful presence
on the top of the mount and die Lord called Mo-

of God upon the mount. fesup to the top of the mount and Mofes went up. ;

^i. FN the third month, when the children of Ifrael 21 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Go down,
J. were gone forth out of the land of Egypt, the fame t charge the people, left they break through unto the tH«b. (*/»*.
day came they into the wildernefs of Sinai. Lord, to gaze, and many of them perifh.
2 For they were departed from Rephidim, and were 22 And let the priefts alfo, which come near to
come to the defert of Sinai, and had pitched in the wil- the Lord, fanclify themfelves, left the Lord break
dernefs ; and there Ifrael camped before the mount. forth upon them.
•aos t 38. 3 If And a Mofes went up unto God, and die Lord 23 And Mofes faid unto the Lord, The people can-

The ten commandments. EXODUS. Divers laws and ordinances.

CHRIST not come up to mount Sinai fop thou ehargedft us, : 22 IF And
the Lord faid unto Mofes, Thus thou
1 faying, Set bounds about the mount, and fanctify it. fhalt fay unto the children of Ifrael, Ye have feen >«-
24 And the Lord faid unto him, Away, get thee that I have talked with you from heaven. <^"y-«*j

down, and thou fhalt come up, thou, and Aaron with 23 Ye fhall not make with me gods of filver, nei-
thee ; but let not the priefts and the people break i ther fhall ye make unto you gods of gold.
through, to come up unto the Lord, left he break 24 IF An altar ofearth thou fhalt make unto me, and
forth upon them. fhalt facrifice thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy
25 So Mofes went down unto the people, and fpake peace offerings, thy fheep, and thine oxen. In all
unto them. places where I record my name, I will come unto
CHAP. XX. thee, and I will blefs thee.
1 The ten commandments. 18 The people are afraid': j
25 And if thou wilt make me an altar of ftone, l^'V 7 5

31 ,

Moses comforteth them. 22 Idolatry is forbidden. ! thou fhalt not f build it with hewn ftone for if thou tHeb.

lift up thy tool upon it, thou haft polluted it. i"'i'( %%.
24 Directions concerning building an altar of earth,
and altars of stone. 26 Neither fhalt thou go up by fteps unto mine '"*"•

altar, that thy nakednefs be not difcovered thereon.

a Dent.
Ps. 81 10.
5 6. AN D am
God fpake all thefe words, faying,
the Lord thy God, which have brought
2 a
thee out of the land of Egypt:? out of the houfe of 1 Lawsfor men servants, andfor the servant whose ear
t bondage.
is bored: 7for women servants : 12for man slaughter :
3 \ Thou fhalt have no other gods before me. 16 for stealers of'men: 17'for cursers ojparents :20J"or
b Lev. 26 1.
4 b Thou fhalt not make unto thee any graven smiters of servants : 22 for hurting a woman with
Ps. 977.
image, or any likenefs.o/ any thing that is in heaven child: 28 for an oxihatgoreth: 33 / or a pit-uncovered.
above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in
the water under the earth.
NO W thefe are the judgments which thou fhalt
before them.
5 Thou fhalt not bow down thy felf to them nor ferve , 2 a If thou buy an Hebrew fervant, fix years he fhall j^-J e
5 ?*
them fori the Lord thy God am a jealous God, vifit-
: ferve and in the feventh he fhall go out free for nothing. ie ^34 'i'

ing the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto 3 If he came in f by himfelf, he fhall go out by tHeb, -with
the third and fourth generation of them that hate me ;
himfelf; if he were married, then his wife fhail go
6 And fhewing mercy unto thoufands of them that out with him.
love me, and keep my commandments. 4 If his matter have given him a wife, and fhe have
eLev. 19 12
Beat. 511.
7 c Thou fhalt not take the name of the Lord thy borne him fons or daughters the wife and her children

Mutth. 5 33- God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guilt-
fhall be her mailer's, and he fhall go out by himfelf.
lefs that taketh his name in vain. 5 And if the fervant t fhall plainly fay, I love my tHeb. ?

8 Remember the fabbath day, to keep it holy. mafter,mywife,andmychiklren, Twill not goout free %. shd!l :

dCliap. 23 12 9 d Six days fhalt thou labour, and do all thy work : 6 Then his mafter fhall bring him unto the judges ;
Ezek. 20 12.
Luke 13 14. 10 But the feventh day is the fabbath of the Lord he fhall alfo bring him to the door, or unto the door-
thy God in it thou fhalt not do any work, thou, nor
poll and his mafter fhall bore his ear through with

thy fon, nor thy daughter, thy man fervant, nor thy jan awl and he fhall ferve him for ever.

maid fervant, nor thy cattle, nor thy ftranger that is 7 11 And if a man fell his daughter to be a maid-fer-
within thy gates. vant, fhe fhall not go out as the men fervants do.
11 For e in fix days the Lord made heaven and 8 If fhe t pleafe not her mafter, who hath betroth- t Heb. he
earth, the fea, and all that in them is, and refted the jedher to himfelf, then fhall he let her be redeemed evil in the
eyes of, &c. :

feventh day wherefore the Lord bleffed the fab-

; ;
to fell her unto a ftrange nation he fhall have no pow-
bath clay, and hallowed it. er, feeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her.
fOeut. 5 16.
Mattb. '5 4
12 II f Honour thy father and thy mother that thy ; 9 And if he have betrothed her unto his fon, he
K\,h. 6 :. days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy fhall deal with her after the manner of daughters.
God giveththee. 10 If he take him another wife, her food, her rai-
g Mattb. 52' 13s Thou fhalt not kill. ment, and her duty of marriage, fhall he not diminifh.

14 Thou fhalt not commit adultery. 11 And if he do not thefe three unto her, then
15 Thou fhalt not fteal. fhall fhe go out free without money.
16 Thou fhalt not bear falfe witnefs againft thy 12 1F b He that fmiteth a man fo that he die, fhall b Lev. 2417.
neighbour. be furely put to death.
h Rom. 7 7-
17 h Thou fhalt not covet thy neighbour's houfe, 13 And if a man lie not in wait, but God deliver
thou fhalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his him into his hand then c I will appoint thee a place c Deut.i 93
; .

man fervant, nor his maid fervant, nor his ox, nor his whither he fhall flee.
afs, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. 14 But if a man come prefumptuoufly upon his
i H.:b. la iE.
18if And 'all the people faw the thunderings, and neighbour, to flay him with guile thou fhalt take him ;

the lightnings, and the noife of the trumpet, and the from mine altar, that he may die.
mountain fmoking and when the people faw it, they
: 15 II And he that fmiteth his father or his mother,
removed, and flood afar off. fhall be furely put to death.
J: l>ut. 5 34, 1 And they faid unto Mofes, k Speak thou with us, and 16 IF Andhe that ftealeth a man, and fellethhim, or if
we will hear : but letnotGodfpeak with us, left we die. he be found in his hand, he fhall furely be putto death.
20 And Mofes faid unto the people, Fear not for
_ : 17 IF And d he that curfethhis father or his mother, d Lev. 209.

God is come to prove you and tliat his fear may be , fhall furely be put to death. Prov. 20 20.
Matth. 15 4.
before your faces, that ye fin not. 18 IF And ifmenftrive together, and one finite an- Or, 7 10.
21 And the people flood afar off; and Mofes drew

other with a ftone or with his lift, and he die not, but eth.
i Or, his
near unto the thick darknefs where God was. keepeth his bed : neighhwr;

19 If
Sundry laivs CHAP. XXII. and ordinances.
19 If he rife again, and walk abroad upon his ftaff, If a thief be found breaking up, and be fmitten CHRIST
CHRIST that he die, there shall no blood be shed for him. 1491.
1491. then fhall he that fmote him, be quit only he fhall :

pay for t the lofs of his time, and fhall caufe him to 3 If the fun be rifen upon him, there shall be blood
be thoroughly healed. shed for him for he fhould make full refutation : if

20 IF And if a man finite his fervant, or his maid, he have nothing, then he fhall be fold for his theft.
with a rod, and he die under his hand he fhall be ;
4 If the theft be certainly found in his hand alive,
fjkb.avsn- furely t puniihed. whether it be ox, or afs, or fheep ; he fhall reftore
21 Notwithftanding, if he continue a day or two, double.
he fhall not be puniihed : for he is his money. 5 IF If a man fhall caufe a field or vineyard to be
22 IF and hurt a woman with child,
If men ftrive, eaten, and fhall put in his beaft, and fhall feed in an-
fo that her fruit depart/;-<???z her, and yet no mifchief other man's field of the belt of his own field, and of

follow, he fhall be furely puniihed, according as the the bell of his own vineyard, fhall he make reftitution.
woman's hufband will lay upon him and he fhall pay ;
6 If fire break out, and catch in thorns, fo that the
as the judges determine. flacks of corn, or the Handing corn, or
23 And if any mifchief follow, then thou flialt give confumed therewith ; he that kindled the fire, fhall
life for life, furely make reftitution.
e Lev. 14 jo 24 e
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, 7 IF If a man fhall deliver unto his neighbour money
Deut .19 21.
Matth. s 38. foot for fcot, ,
or fluff to keep, and it be flolen out of the man's

25 Burning for burning, wound for wound, ftripe ; if the thief be found, let him pay double.
for ftripe. 8 If the thief be not found, then the mafter of the
26 TT And if a man fmite the eye of his fervant, or houfe fhall be brought unto the judges, to see whether
the eye of his maid, that it perifh ; he fhall let him he have put his hand unto his neighbour's goods.
go free for his eye's fake. 9 For all manner of trefpafs, whether it be for ox,^
27 And if he unite out his man fervant's tooth, „or for afs, for flieep, for raiment, or for any manner of
his maid fervant's tooth he fhall let him go free for ;
loft thing, which another challengeth to be his, the
his tooth's lake. caufe of both parties ihall come before the judges ;

28 If If an ox gore a man or a woman that they die and whom the judges fhall condemn, he fhall pay
f Gen. 9 5. then f the ox fhall be furely ftone'd, and his fleih fhall double unto his neighbour.
not be eaten but the owner of the ox shall be quit.
10 If a man deliver unto his neighbour an afs, or
29 But if the ox were wont to pufh "with his horn an ox, or a fheep, or any beaft, to keep ; and it die, or
in time palt, and it hath been teftified to his owner, be hurt, or driven away r no man feeing it :
and he hath not kept him in, but that he hath killed a 11 Then fhall an oath of the Lord be between
man or a woman ; the ox fhall be Honed, and his them both, that he hath, not put his hand unto his
owner alfo fhall be put to death. neighbour's goods
and the owner of it fhall accept

30 If there be laid on him a fum of money, then thereof, and he fhall not make it good.
he fhall give, for the ranfom of his life, whatfoever 12 And b if it fhall make bce B .3>
be flolen from him, he S j.

is laidupon him. I
reftitution unto the owner thereof.
31 Whether he have gored a foil, or have gored a 13 If it be torn inpieces-, ^wlethimbringit/brwit-
daughter, according to this judgment fhall it be done nefs, and he ihall not make good that which was torn.
unto him. 14 IF And if a man borrow aught of his neighbour,,
32 If the ox fhall pufh a man fervant or maid fer- and it be hurt, or die,, the owner thereof being not
vant he fhall give unto their mailer thirty fhekels of
; with it he fhall furely make it good.

filver,and the ox fhall be ftoned. 15 But if the owner thereof £c with it, he fhall not
33 IT And if a man ihall open a pit, or if a man make it good ifitfcanhiredZ/6i^,itcameforhishire.

fhall dig a pit, and not cover it, and an ox or an afs 16 IT c And if a man entice a maid that is not be- c Deut. 22
fall therein ;
trothed ? and lie with her r he fhall furely endow her-

34 The owner of the pit fhall make it good, and to be his wife.
give money unto the owner of them and the dead ; 17 If her father utterly refufe to give her unto him, he
beast fhall be his. fhall t pay money according to the dowry of virgins. tHeb.

II And if one man's ox hurt another's that he

35 18 IT Thou flialt not fuffer a witch to live.
die, then they fhall fell the live ox, and divide the 19 IF Whofoever lieth with a beaft, fhall furely be
money of it ; and the dead ox alio they ihall divide. put to death.
36 Or if it be known that the ox hath ufed to puih in
20 IF d He that facrificeth unto any god, fave unto f?,^* 13
time paft, and his owner hath not kept him in, he ihall the Lord only, he ihall be utterly deftroyed. iWc.2'24.
furely pay ox for ox, and the dead ihall be his own. ,2 1 IF e Thou fhal t neither vex a ilranger nor opprefs e Lev ? 33 -

CHAP. XXII. him for ye were ftrangers in the land of Egypt.


22 f Ye ihall not afflia any widow, or fotherlefs child. f Zech. 7 Co-

I Laws concerning theft : 5 damage : 7 trusts and 23 If thou affli6l them in any wife, and tiiey cry at
trespasses : 14 borrowing 16 fornication .-18 xvitch-
all unto me, I will furely hear their cry ;
craft .-19 bestiality : 20 idolatry .-21 the oppress- 24 And my wrath fhall wax hot, and I will kill you
big of strangers, widows, andfatherless : 25 usury with the fword and your wives fhall be widows, and
and pledges : 28 reverence to magistrates : 29 first your children fatherlefs.
fruits .-31 eating torn flesh.
25 IF e If thou lend money to any of my people that FTLev. 25 ;6
37 Deui
a man fhall ileal an ox or a and kill it, is poor by thee, thou ihalt not be to him as an ufurer,
I Or, goat. IF or fell it ; he fhall reftore five
|| flieep,
neither flialt. thou lay upon him uiiiry.
iy.F». <i 5-

oxen for an ox, and

a 1 Sam, l :6.
four fheep for a flieep. 26 TF If thou at all take thy neighbour's raiment to
1 ; 1

Sundry laws and religious precepts. EXODUS. An angel is promised.

christ P^dge, thou fhalt deliver it unto him by that the fun manded thee, in the time appointed of the month
1491- goeth down. Abib for in it thou cameft out from Egypt g and
; ;

u""v" 27_ For that is his covering only it is his raiment ; none fhall appear before me empty :)
for his lkin wherein fhall he fleep ? and it fhall come
: 16 And the feaft of harveft, the firft fruits of thy
to pafs, when he crieth unto me, that I will hear for ; labours, which thou haft fown in thy field ; and the
I am gracious. feaft of ingathering which is in the end of the year,
8 Aas 235. 28 If h Thou fhalt not revile the gods, nor curfe ||
when thou haft gathered in thy labours out of the field.
Or, ju d S es.
the mler of thy people> 17 Three times in the year all thy males fhall ap-
+ Heb. thy 29 II Thou fhalt not delay to offer t the firft of thy pear before the Lord God.
f Heb. tea: ripe fruits, and of thy t liquors the firftborn of thy :
18 IT Thou fhalt not offer the blood of facrifice my
Or, feast. [

i Chap. 13 2
13, St 3419. fons fhalt thou give unto me. with leavened bread neither fhall the fat of my
; !l

30 Likewife fhalt thou do with thine oxen, and facrifice remain until the morning. h Chap. 34
with thy fheep feven clays it fhall be with his dam
: ; 19 *The firft of the firft fruits of thy land thou fhalt iDeut. 14 2 r-
on the eighth day thou fhalt give it me, bring into the houfe of the Lord thy God. l
k Lev. 22 ?. 3 IT And ye fhall be holy men unto me k neither : : fhalt not feethe a kid in his mother's milk. k Chap. 32
zzek. 44 3..
20 H k Behold, I fend an Angel before thee, to keep 34-

flia]1 ye eat ^flefh tjJat i s torn of beafts in the field ;

ye fhall caft it to the dogs. thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which
I have prepared.
21 Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke
1 Laws concerning slander andfalse witness : 4 char- him not for he will not pardon your tranfgreffions
; :

itableness : & justice: 10 the year of rest : 12 the for my name is in him.
sabbath: 13 idolatry: 14 the three set feasts : 18 22 But if thou fhalt indeed obey his voice, and do
the blood and the fat of the sacrifice. 20 An angel all that I fpeak, then I will be an enemy unto thine en- |]
Or, I will
afflict then
Or, receix
is promisedfor a guide. emies, and an adverfary unto thine adverfaries.
that afflict

23 I For mine Angel fhall go before thee, and m bring IChap. 332.

hand with
fhalt not ||raife a falfe report : put not thine
the wicked to be an unrighteous wit- thee in unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and m Josh. 24

the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, and the Hivites,
-I- Heb. an- 2 II Thou fhalt not follow a multitude to do evil and the Jebufites ; and I will cut them off.
neither fhalt thou t fpeak in a caufe to decline after 24 Thou fhalt not bow down to their gods, nor n Deut. 7 25.

to wreft judgment. ferve them, nor do after their works ; n but thou fhalt
3 'if Neither fhalt thou countenance a poor man in utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their
> images.
his caufe. ,,•

4 IT If thou meet thine enemy's ox or his als going 25 And ye fhall ferve the Lord your God, and he
aDeut.2J4. aftray, thou fhalt furely bring it back to him again.
fhall blefs thy bread and thy water ; and I will take

5 a If thou fee the afs of him that hateth thee lying ficknefs away from the midft of thee. o Deut. 7 r%.
U Or, •wilt
thou cea se to
under his burden, and wouldeft forbear to help
26 ° There fhall nothing caft their young, nor be
help him ? or
end ivouldest him thou Hi alt furely help with him. barreninthy land the number of thy days I will fulfil.
cease to leave
thy business 6 II Thou fhalt not wreft the judgment of thy poor
27 I will fend my fear before thee, and will de-
for him ; thou ftroy all the people to whom thou fhalt come, and I will tHeb.ttccW.
ihait surely in his caufe. .
leave it to
join ivith 7 Keep thee far from a falfe matter ; and the inno- make all thine enemies turn their t backs unto thee. p]osh.24ifi.
cent and righteous flay thou not : for I will not juftify 28 And p I will fend hornets before thee, which
bDeut. 16 19. the wicked. • fhall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the
Ecclus. 20 29. b
thou fhalt take no gift for the gift Hittite, from before thee.
-t Heb. the 8 H And :

blindeth t the wife, and perverteth the words of the 29 I will not drive them out from before thee in
righteous. one year left the land become defolate, and the beaft

t Heb. sou!.
9 II not opprefs a ftranger for ye
Alio thou ftialt : of the field multiply againft thee.
know the t heart of a ftranger, feeing ye were ftran- 30 By little and little I will drive them out from
c Lev. 25 3 gers in the land of Egypt. .
before thee, until thou be increafed, and inheritthe land.
10 H And fix years thou fhalt low thy land, and
c 3 And I will fet thy bounds from the Red fea even
ftialt gather in the fruits thereof: .
unto the fea of the Philiftines, and from the defert
11 But thefeventh year thou fhalt let it reft and unto the river for I will deliver the inhabitants of

lie ftill that the poor of thy people may eat

and : the land into your hand ; and thou fhalt drive them
what they leave the beafts of the field ihall eat. In out before thee.
|©r, olive like manner thou fhalt deal with thy vineyard, and 32 q Thou fhalt make no covenant with them, nor qChap. 34
15. Deut. r%
d Chap. 20 8 with thy olive yard. II
with their gods.
Deut. 5 lj-
Luke 1314. 12 If d Six days thou ftialt do thy work, and on the 33 They fhall not dwell in thy land, left they make
thee fin againft me Tor if thou ferve their gods,
r Deut. 7 iS.
feventh day thou fhalt reft that thine ox and thine
; :
it Josh. 23 13.

afs may reft, and thefonofthy handmaid and the will furely be a fnare unto thee. Judg.23.

ftrangermay be refrefhed. CHAP. XXIV.

13 \ And in all things that I have faid unto you, be
and make no mention of the names of 1 Moses is called up into the mountain. 3 The people
circumfpecl :

4 Moses buildetb an altar and

other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.
promise obedience.
eDeut. 16 16
14 f e Three times thou ftialt keep a feaft unto me twelve pillars, and sprinkleth the blood of the cove-
nant. 9 The glory of God appeareth. 12 Moses
f Chip. 1 3 6, in the year.
being called up into the mount > Aaron and Hur
, ,
& .34 '8.
15 f Thou fhalt keep the feaft of unleavened bread :

(thou fhalt eat unleavened bread feven days, as I corn- have the charge of the people.
Moses goeth up into the mo untaln. CHAP. XXV. 'The ark and mercy seat.

Before A ND he faiduntoMofes, Comeupunto the Lord, 3 And this is the offering which ye fhall take of
1 f9

, J\ thou, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, andfeven- them gold, and filver, and brafs,

4 Andblue, and purple, and fcarlet, and

<-*"V"*J ty of the eiders of Ifrael ; and worfhip ye afar off. II fine linen,
the Lord

2 And Mofes alone fhall come near : and goats' hair,

but they fhail not come nigh ; neither fhall the people 5 And rams' fkins dyed red, and badgers' fkins,
go up with him. and fhittim -wood.
3 If And Mofes came and told the people all the 6 Oil for the light, fpices for anointing oil, and for
words of the Lord, and the judgments all and all : fweet incenfe,
aver. 7. the people anfwered with one voice, and faid,
All 7 Onyx ftones, and ftones to'.be fet in the b
ephod, b Chap. 38
c Cbap. 28
Deuti's ^. the words which the Lord
hath faid, will Ave do. and in die breaftplate. IS-

4 If And Mofes wrote all the words of the Lord, 8 And let them make me a fancluary, that I may
and rofe up early in the morning, and builded an al- dwell among them.
tar under the lull, and twelve pillars, according to the 9 According to all that I fhew thee, after the pat-
twelve tribes of Ifrael. tern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the in-
5 And he fent young men of the children of Ifrael, ftruments thereof, even fo fhall ye make it.
which offered burnt offerings, and facrificed peace 10 If dAnd they fhall make an ark of fhittim wood : dChap. 37 r?

offerings of oxen, unto the Lord. two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and
6 And Mofes took half of the blood, and put it in a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit
bafons ; and half of die blood he fprinkled on the altar. and a half the height thereof.
7 And he took the book of the covenant, and read 11 And thou fhalt overlay it with pure gold within ;

b ver. in the audience of the people

3. and they faid, b 11 that
: A and without fhalt thou overlay it and fhalt make ;

the Lord hath faid will we do, and be obedient. upon it a crown of gold round about.
8 And Mofes took the blood, and fprinkled it on 12 And thou fhait call four rings of gold for it, and
Vlft?2°' ^ c
P e °Pl e > and faid, Behold, the blood of the cove-
nant, which the Lord hath made with you concern-
put them in the four corners thereof and two rings
shall be in the one fide of it, and two rings in the

ing all thefe words. other fide of it.

9 1 Then went up Mofes and Aaron, Nadab, and 13 And diou fhalt make ftaves of fhittim wood,
Abihu, and feventy of the elders of Ifrael and overlay them with gold.
10 And they faw the God of Ifrael and there was : 14 And thou fhalt put the ftaves into the rings by the
under his feet, as it were a paved work of a fapphire fides of the ark, that the ark may be borne with them.
ftone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearnefs. 15 The ftaves fhall be in the rings of the ark ; they
11 And upon the nobles of the children of Ifrael he fhall not be taken from it.
laid not his hand alfo they faw God, and did eat
16 And thou fhalt put into the ark the teftimony,
and drink. which I fhall give thee.
12 If And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Come up to 17 And thou fhalt make a mercy feat of'pure gold

me into the mount, and be there and I will give thee ;

two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and
tables of ftone, and a law, and commandments which a cubit and a half the breadth thereof.
I have written ;that thou mayeft teach them. 18 Anddiou fhalt make two cherubims o/gold of :

13 And Mofes rofe up and his; and beaten work fhalt diou make them, in the two ends
Mofes went up into the mount of God. of the mercy feat.
14 And he faid unto the elders, Tarry ye here for us, 19 And make one cherub on the one end, and the
until we come again unto you and, behold, Aaron
: other cherub on the odier end even of the mercy
; Or, of the

and Hur are with you if any man have any matters
; feat fhall ye make the cherubims on the two ends
to do, let him come unto them. thereof.
15 If And Mofes went up into the mount, and a 20 And the cherubims fhall ftretch forth their wings
cloud covered the mount. on high, covering the mercy feat with their wings, and
16 And the glory of the Lord abode upon mount Si- their faces shall look one to another toward the ;

nai, and the cloud covered it fix days and the feventh : mercy feat fhall the faces of the cherubims be.
day he called unto Mofes out of the midft of the cloud. 21 And thou fhalt put the mercy feat above upon
17 And the fight of the glory of the Lord was like the ark and in the ark thou fhalt" put the teftimony

devouring fire on the top of the mount, in the eyes of that I fhall give thee.
the children of Ifrael. 22 And there I will meet with thee, and I will com-
18 And Mofes went into the midft of the cloud, mune with thee from above the mercy feat, from e be- Num. 7 8*,
gchap.3428.and gat him up into the mount and d Mofes was : in tween the two cherubims which <z;vupon the ark of
the mount forty days and forty nights. the teftimony, of all things whicli I will give thee
CHAP. XXV. in commandment unto the children of Ifrael.
23 "if f Thou fhalt alfo make a table of fhittim f 0^3*1
1 What the Israelites must offer for the making of the wood two cubits shall be the length thereof, and a

tdbernaSie. lb The form of the ark. .17 The mer- cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half die
cy seat with the cherubims. 23 The table with the height thereof.
furniture thereof. 3 1 The candlestick with its in- 24 And thou fhalt overlay it with pure gold, and
struments. make thereto a crown of gold round about.
AN D the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, that diey
25 And thou ihalt make unto it a border of an
hahdbreadth round about and thou fhalt make a

or,' heemA bring mean of every man that giveth

1 offering
II : golden crown to the border thereof round about.
a cu"p'3j 5. it willingly with his heart, ye fhall take my offering. 26 And thou fhalt make for it four rings of gold,
;: ; .

The candlesticks EXODUS. curtains-, &c. for the tabernacle*

^ P ut tn e Y
four feet thereof.
mo* m ^ie f°ur comers

that are on the curtain that is in the coupling of the fecond, that the
loops may take hold one of another.
C hrist
w , ,

u*v-y 27 Overagainft the border fhall the rings be, for 6 And thou flialt make fifty taches of gold, and *-*****+*
places of the ftaves to bear the table. couple the curtains together with the taches and it :

28 And thou flialt make the ftaves of ihittim wood, fliall be one tabernacle.
and overlay them with gold, that the table may be 7 11 And thou flialt make curtains of goats' hair, to
borne with them. be a covering upon the tabernacle ; eleven curtains
29 And thou fhalt make the dirties thereof, and flialt thou make.
fpoons thereof, and covers thereof, and bowls thereof, 8 The
length of one curtain shall be thirty cubits,
I^JhCl to cover withal
'I of pure gold fhalt thou make them. : and the breadth of one curtain four cubits : and the
30 And thou fhalt fet upon the table fhewbread eleven curtains shall be all of one meafure.
before me alway. 9 And thou fhalt couple five curtains by themfelves,
g chap. 37 17. 31 And thou
IT s a candleftick c/pure
flialt make and fix curtains by themfelves, and double the
gold ; of beaten work fhall the candleftick be made : fix th curtain the forefront of the tabernacle.

his fhaft, and his branches, his bowls, his knops, and 10 And thou flialt make fifty loops on the edge
his flowers, fhall be of the fame. of the one curtain that is outmoft in the coupling,
32 And fix branches lliall come out of the fides of and fifty loops in the edge of the curtain which cou-
it ; three branches of the candleftick out of the one pleth the fecond.
fide, and three branches of the candleftick out of the 11 And thou flialt make fifty taches of brafs, and
other fide : put the taches into the loops, and couple the tent ,°
r' eM"
33 Three bowls made like unto almonds, with a together, that it may be one.
knop and a flower in one branch and three bowls ;
12 And the remnant that remaineth of the curtains
made like almonds in the other branch, with a knop of the tent, the half curtain that remaineth, fliall
and a flower fo in the fix branches that come out
: hang over thebacklide of the tabernacle.
of the candleftick. 13 And a cubit on the one fide, and a cubit on the
34 And in the candleftick shall be four bowls made other fide, t of that which remaineth in the length t Heb. ,«

unto almonds, with their knops and their flowers.

like of the curtains of the tent, it fliall hang over the fides of a?™'w.
35 And there shall be a knop under two branches of the tabernacle, on this fide and on that fide, to cover it. plusas "'

the fame, and a knop under two branches of the lame, 14 If And thou flialt make a covering for the tent
and a knop under two branches of the fame, according grams' fkins dyed red, and a covering above of bad-
to the fix branches that proceed out of the candleftick. gers' fkins.
36 Their knops and their branches fhall be of the .15 IT And thou flialt make boards for the taberna-
fame all of it shall be one beaten work o/'pure gold.
: cle ^/"fhittim wood, Handing up.
37 And thou ihalt make the feven lamps thereof 16 Ten cubits shall be the length of a board, and a
I °al«,T and they fhall light the lamps thereof, that they
cubit and a half shall be the breadth of one board.
7a«1/ It"
ma y Si ye light over againft t it- 17 Two t tenons shall there be in one board, fet in \££-
38 And the tongs thereof, and the fnuff difhes order one againft another thus flialt thou make for

thereof, shall be 0/pure gold. all the boards of the tabernacle.

39 Of & talent of pure gold fhall he make it, with 18 And thou flialt make the boards for the taber-
all thefe vellels. nacle, twenty boards on the fouth fide fouthward.
40 And look that thou make them after their 19 And thou flialt make forty fockets of filver un-
pattern, f which was fhevved thee in the mount. der the twenty boards two fockets under one board

ii0ie "
CHAP. XXVI. for his two tenons, and two fockets under another
board for his two tenons.
1 The ten curtains of the tabernacle. 7 The eleven
20 And for the fecond fide of the tabernacle, on
curtains of goats3 hair. 14 The covering of rams 1

the north fide, there shall be twenty boards.

skins. 15 The boards of the tabernacle •with their
21 And their forty fockets 0/Tilver two fockets un-
sockets and bars. 31 The veil for the ark. 36
der one board, and two fockets under another board.
The hangingfor the door.
22 And for the fides of the tabernacle weftward,

M'OREOVER, thou flialt make the tabernacle

with ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue,
woritfJ" and purple, and fcarlet

with cherubims t of cunning

thou flialt make fix boards.
23 And two boards fhalt thou make for the cor-
: ners of the tabernacle in the two fides.
w&, or, work flialt thou make them. 24 And they fhall be f coupled together beneath, + ?e K
ei&roiderer. 2 The length of one curtain shall be eight and twen- and they fliall be coupled together above the head of
ty cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four cu- it unto one ring : thus fliall it be for them both ; they
bits and every one of the curtains rtiall have one
fhall be for the two corners.
meafure. 25 And they fliall be eight boards, and their fockets
3 The five curtains fliall be coupled together one o/iilver, fixteen fockets two fockets under one board,

to another and other five curtains shall be coupled

and two fockets under another board,
one to another. 26 IT And thou flialt make bars of (hiu'im wood
4 And thou fhalt make loops of blue upon the edge five for the boards of the one fide of the tabernacle,
of the on e_ curtain, from the felvage in the coupling 27 And five bars for the boards of the other fide of
and likewife fhalt thou make in the uttermoft edge the tabernacle, and five bars for the boards of the fide
of another curtain, in the coupling of the fecond. of the tabernacle, for the two fides Aveftward.
5 Fifty loops flialt thou make in the one curtain, 28 And the middle bar in the rnidft of the boards
and fifty loops flialt thou make in the edge of the fliall reach from end to end.

29 And
The altar and tabernacle, CHAP. XXVII, XXVIII. The garments, the ephod.
overlay the boards with gold, twenty pillars, and their twenty fockets of brafs the CHRIST
29 And thou fhalt

hooks of the pillars and their fillets of filver.

and make their rings of gold for places for the bars : 1491.

12 And for the breadth of the court, on the weft

and thou fhalt overlay the bars with gold. a fide, shall be hangings of fifty cubits their pillars ten,
30 And thou fhalt rear up the tabernacle, accord-

and their fockets ten.

ing to the fafhion thereof, which was fhewed thee
• in
13 And the breadth of the court on the eaft fide
the mount. ,

make a veil of blue, and purple, eaflward shall be fifty cubits.

3 1 IT And diou fhalt
14 The hangings of one fide of the gate shall be fifteen
and fcarlet, and fine twined linen, of cunning work ;

cubits their pillars three, and their fockets three.

with cherubims fhall it be made

32 And thou fhalt hang it upon four pillars of lhit- 15 Andon the other fide shall be hangings, fifteen
cubits : their pillars three, and their fockets three.
tim wood overlaid with gold their hooks shall be of

16 And for the gate of the court shall be an hanging

gold upon the four fockets of filver.
of twenty cubits, of'blue, and purple, and fcarlet, and
33 And thou fhalt hang up the veil under the taclies,
the fine twined linen, wrought with needle work and
that thou mayeft bring in thither within the veil

and the veil fhall divide unto their pillars shall be four, and their fockets four.
•ark of the teftimony :

17 All the pillars round about the court shall be fil-

you between the holy place and the molt holy.
leted with filver their hooks shall be of filver, and
34 And thou fhalt put the mercy feat upon the ark :

their fockets of brafs.

of the teftimony, in the moil holy place.
18 11 The length of the court shall be an hundred
35 And thou fhalt fet the table without the veil,
cubits, and the breadth f fifty every where, and the t Hife^
and the candleftick over againft the table, on the fide by fifty.
height five cubits of fine twined linen, and their foc-
of the tabernacle toward die fouth and thou ihalt :

kets of brafs.
put the table on the north fide.
36 H And thou fhalt make an hanging for the door 19 All the veffels of the tabernacle in all the fervice
thereof, and all the pins thereof, and all the pins of
of the tent, of blue, and purple, and fcarlet, and fine
the court, shall be of bra£s.
twined linen, wrought with needlework.
37 And thou fhalt make for the hanging five pillars 20 11 And thou lhalt command the children of If-
rael, that they bring thee pure oil olive beaten for the
of fhittim wood, and overlay them with gold and
their :

light, to caufe the lamp t to burn always. tHeb. to

hooks shall be of gold and thou fhalt call five fockets
: aicend up.

of brafs for them. 21 In the tabernacle of the congregation without

the veil, which is before the teftimony, Aaron and his
fons fhall order it from evening to morning before
1 The altar of burnt offering, with the vessels thereof th« Lord it shall be a ftatute for ever unto dieir

9 The court of the tabernacle inclosed with hangings generations on the behalf of the children of Ifrael.
and pillars. 18 The measure of the court, &c.
AND thou fhalt make an altar of fhittim wood, CHAP. XXVIII.
five cubits long,and five cubits broad the altar ; 1 Aaron and his four sons are set apart for thepriesfs
be four fquare, and the height thereof shall be office. 2 Holy garments are appointed. 6 The ephod.
three cubits.
15 The breastplate with twelve precious stones. 30
2 And thou fhalt make the horns of it upon the The Urim and Thummim ; of Aaron'' s entry into the
the fame sanctuary. 31 The robe of'the ephod'with pomegra-
four corners thereof his horns fhall be of

and thou fhalt overlay it with brafs. .-',.'„ nates and bells. 36 The plate of the mitre. 39 The
3 And thou fhalt make his pans to receive his alhes, embroidered coat. 40 The garmentsfor Aaron 's sons.
and his (hovels, and his bafons, and his flefh hooks,
and his fire pans all the veffels thereof thou lhalt
AND take thou unto thee Aaron thy brother, and
his fons with him, from among die children of
make o/brafs. Ifrael, that he may miniiler unto me in the prieft's

4 And thou fhalt make for it a grate of net work oj office, even Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and
t>rafs and upon the net lhalt thou make four brafen
Ithamar, Aaron's fons.
..rings in the four corners thereof. 2 II And thou fhalt make holy garments for Aaron
5 thou fhalt put it under the compafs of the
And thy brother, for glory and for beautv.
altar beneath, that the net may be even to the midft of 3 And thou fhalt ipeak unto all that are wife heart-
the altar. _ ed, whom I have filled witii the fpirit of wifdom, that
„ „ , ,

6 And thou fhalt make ftaves for the altar, ftaves of they may make Aaron's garments to confecrate him,
fhittim wood, and overlay them with brafs. that he may miniiler unto me in the prieft's office.
7 And the ftaves fhall be put into the rings, and 4 And thefe are the garments which they fhall make
the ftaves fhall be upon the two fides of the altar, to a breaftplate, and an ephod, and a robe, and a broid-
bC3JT it-
ered coat, a mitre, and a girdle and they fhall make ;

8 Hollow with boards fhalt thou make it : as t it holy garments for Aaron thy brother, and his fons,
was fhewed thee in the mount, fo fhall they make it. that he may miniiler unto me in the prieft's office.
9 1 And thou fhalt make the court of the taber- 5 And they fhall take gold, and blue, and purple,
hang- and and
nacle for the fouth fide fouthward there shall be
fcarlet, fine linen.

ings for the court o/fine twined linen, of an hundred 6 II And they fhall make the ephod of gold, of'blue,
cubits long, for one fide : and of purple, o/" fcarlet, and fine twined linen, with
10 And the twenty pillars thereof, and their twenty cunning work.
fockets, shall be of brafs the hooks of the pillars, and
; 7 It fhall have the two fhoulder pieces thereofjoin-
their fillets shall be of filver. ed at the two edges thereof and so it fhall be joined

11 And likewife for the north fide in length, there together.

shall be hangings of an hundred cubits long, and his 8 And the II curious girdle of the ephod, which is Jr°kr&
r ; : : ;

The breastplate* EXODUS. The Urim and Thummim*

Christ upon **' ^
a^ ^ e °f me feme, according to the work when he goeth in unto the holy place, for a memorial chrisT
I49 ,. thereof; even of gold, of blue, and purple, and fcarlet, before the Lord continually. i 49 i.
the breaftplate of judg- *n***
And thou fhalt put in {
s-cv-*^ and fine twined linen. 30 If
9 And thou fhalt take two onyx ftones, and grave ment the Urim and the Thummim and they fhall be ;.

on them the names of the children of Ifrael upon Aaron' s heart when he goeth in before the L o r d :

10 Six of their names on one ftone, and the other and Aaron fhall bear the judgment of the children of
fix names of the reft on the other ftone, according to Ifrael upon his heart, before the Lord continually.
their birth. 31 If And thou fhalt make the robe of the ephod all
awi>. 1854. 11 a With the work of an engraver in ftone, like of blue.
the engravings of a fignet, fhalt thou engrave the two 32 And there fhall be an hole in the top of it, in the
ftones with the names of the children of Ifrael thou : midft thereof: it fhall have a binding of woven work
{halt make them to be fet in ouches of gold. round about the hole of it, as it were the hole of an
12 And thou fhalt put the two ftones upon the habergeon, that it be not rent..
fhoulders of the ephod, for ftones of memorial unto 33 And beneath, upon the hem of it, thou fhalt n° r ikir,u

the children of Ifrael. And Aaron fhall bear their make pomegranates of blue, and of purple, and of
names before the Lord upon his two fhoulders for fcarlet, round about the hem thereof: and belis of
a memorial. gold between them round about
13 And thou fhalt make ouches o/gold 34 A
golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell
14 And two chains of pure gold at the ends : of and a pomegranate, upon the hem of the robe round
wreathen work fhalt diou make them, and fatten the about.
wreathen chains to the ouches. 35 v And it fhall be upon Aaron to minifter and b Ecclu3 «*

15 If And thou fhalt make the breaftplate of judg- his found fhall be heard when he goeth in unto the
ment with cunning work after the work of the ephod
; holy place before the Lord, and when he cometh out
thou fhalt make it o/gold, o/blue, and of purple, and
: that he die not..
of fcarlet, and of fine twined linen, fhalt thou make it. 36 If And thou fhalt make a plate of pure gold>
16 Four fquare it fhall be, being doubled a fpan ; and grave upon it, like the engravings of a fignet.
shall be the length thereof, and a fpan shall be the HOLINESS TO THE LORD.
breadth thereof. 37 And thou fhalt put it on a blue lace, that it may
VmiJfof ^
J^J1C* tnou ^^ ^
et * n fr fett i n S s of ftones, even be upon the mitre upon the forefront of the mitre it

^our rows °f ft°nes the first row shall be a fardius,

;• II fhall be.
r. ru
U by.
a t p az 3^ a carbuncle
this shall be the firft row.
: 38 And it fhall be upon Aaron's forehead, that
18 And the fecond row shall be an emerald, a fap- Aaron may bear the iniquity of the holy things, which
phire, and a diamond. the children of Ifrael fhall hallow in all their holy gifts
19 And the third row a ligure, an agate, and an and it fhall be always upon his forehead, that they
amethyft. may be accepted before the Lord.
20 And row a
beryl, and an onyx, and a
the fourth 39 If And thou fhalt embroider the coat of fine lin-
+ h«k fin- jafper ; they fhall be
gold in their t incloiings.
fet in en, and thou fhalt. make the mitre of fine linen, and
21 And the ftones fhall be with the names of the thou fhalt make the girdle of needle work.
children of Ifrael, twelve, according to their names, 40 IT And for Aaron's Ions thou fhalt make coats,
like the engravings of a fignet every one with his
; and thou fhalt make for them girdles, and bonnets
name fhall they be according to the twelve tribes. fhaltthou make for them, for glory and for beauty.
22 And thou fhalt make upon the breaftplate chains 41 And thou fhalt put them upon Aaron thy bro-
at the ends, of wreathen work, of pure gold. ther, and his fons with him and fhalt anoint them,

23 And thoufhalt make upon the breaftplate two andt confecrate them, and fanclify them, that they t Heb. jm
the ' r hand '
rings of gold, and fhalt put the two rings on the two may minifter unto me in the prieft's office.
ends of the breaftplate. 42 And thou fhalt make them linen breeches to
24 Andthou fhalt put the tw© wreathen chains of covert their nakednefs r from the loins even unto tHeb.^,*

gold in the two rings which are on the ends of the the thighs they fhall + reach. Jg**
breaftplate. 43 And they fhall be upon Aaron, and upon his + Heh - *«•'

25 And
the other two ends of the two wreathen fons, when they come in unto the tabernacle of the
chains thou fhalt fallen in the two ouches, and put congregation, or when they come near unto the altar
them on the moulder pieces of the ephod before it. to minifter in the holy place ; that they bear not ini-
26 And thou fhalt make two rings of gold, and thou quity and. die. It shall be a ftatute for ever unto him,
fhalt put them upon the two ends of the breaftplate, in and his feed after him.
the border thereof, which is in the fide offthe ephod CHAP. XXIX.
inward. 1 The sacrifice ami ceremonies of consecrating the
27 And two other rings of gold thou fhalt make, and priests. 38 The continual burnt offering. 45 God's
fhalt put them on the two fides ofthe ephod underneath, promise to dwell among the children
of Israel.
toward the forepart thereof, over againft the other
coupling thereof, above the curious girdle of the ephod.
AND this is the thing thatdo unto them
to hallow them, to minifter unto me in the
thou fhalt

28 And they fhall bind the breaftplate by the rings orieft's office: a Take one young bullock and two aLev * - 3>

thereof unto the rings of the ephod with a lace of blue, rams without blemifh,
that it may be above the curious girdle of the ephod, 2 And unleavened bread, and cakes unleavened
and that the breaftplate be not loofed from the ephod. tempered with oil, and wafers unleavened anoint&l
29 And Aaron fhall bear the names of the children with oil of \vhe?.ten flour fhalt thou make them.

of Ifrael in the breaftplate ofjudgment, upon his heart, 3 And thou fhalt put them into one baiket, ahd
The consecration of the priests-* C HA P. XXIX. The continual burnt offering.
bring them in the bafket, with the bullock and the bread, and one wafer out of the bafket of the unleav- CHRIST
M - two rams. ened bread that is before the Lord. 1491.

4 And Aaron and his fons thou fhalt bring unto the 24 And thou fhalt put all in the hands of Aaron,
door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and fhalt and in the hands of his fons, and fhalt f wave them tHeb.
shpke to
wafli them with water. for a wave offering before the Lord. and fro.
5 And thou fhalt take the garments, and put upon 25 And thou fhalt receive them of their hands, and
Aaron the coat, and the robe of the ephod, and the burn them upon the altar for a burnt offering, for a
ephod, and the breaftplate, and gird him with the fweet favour before the Lord it is an offering made

curious girdle of the ephod. by fire unto the Lord.

6 And thou fhalt put the mitre upon his head, and 26 And thou fhalt take the breaft. of the ram of
put the holy crown upon the mitre. Aaron's confecration, and wave it for a wave offering
7 Then fhalt thou take the anointing b oil, and pour before the Lord and it fhall be thy part.

it upon his head, and anoint him. 27 And thou fhalt fanclify the breaft of the wave
8 And thou fhalt bring his fons, and put coats upon offering, and the fhoulder of the heave offering which
them. is waved, and which is heaved up, -of the ram of the
9 And
thou fhalt gird them with girdles, (Aaron confecration, even of that which is for Aaron, and of
and his and t put the bonnets on them ; and the
fons,) thatwhich is for his fons :

prieft's office fhall be theirs for a perpetual ftatute : 28 And it fliall be Aaron's and his fons' by a ftatute
and thou fhalt t c confecrate Aaron and his fons. for ever from the children of Ifrael for it is an heave

10 And thou fhalt caufe a bullock to be brought offering and it fhall be an heave offering from the

before the tabernacle of the congregation ; and Aaron children of Ifrael of the facrifice of their peace offer-
and his fons fhall put their hands upon the head of the ings, even their heave offering unto the Lord.
bullock. 29 And the holy garments of Aaron fliall be his
11 And thou fhalt kill the bullock before the L o r d ,
fons' after him, to be anointed therein, and to be con-
by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. fecrated in them.
12 And thou fhalt take of the blood of the bullock, 30 And t that fon that is prieft in his ftead fliall put he of his
and put it upon the horns of the altar with thy finger, them on feven days, when he cometh into the taber- sons.
and pour all the blood befide the bottom of the altar. nacle of the congregation, to minifier in the holy place.
13 And e thou fhalt take all the fat that covereth the 31 And thou fhalt take the ram of die confecration,
inwards, and the caul that is above the liver, and the
|] and f feethe his flefh in the holy place. f Levit,
8 31.
two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, and burn M
32 And iVaronandhis fons fhall eat the flefh of the 12 *tth,
them upon the altar. ram, and the bread that is in the bafket, by the door
14 But the fiefh of the bullock, and his fkin, and of the tabernacle of the congregation.
his dung, fhalt thou burn with fire without the 33 And they fhall eat thofe things wherewith the
camp it is a fin offering.
: atonement was made, to confecrate and to fanftify
15 Thou fhalt alfo take one ram ; and Aaron and them but a ftranger fhall not eat thereof becaufe

his fons fhall put their hands upon the head of die they arc holy.
ram. 34 And if aught of the flefh of the confecrations, or
16 And thou fhalt
flay the ram, and thou fhalt take of the bread remain unto the morning, then thou
his blood, and fprinkle it round about upon the altar. fhalt burn the remainder with fire it fhall not be:

17 And thou fhalt cut the ram in pieces, and wafh eaten, becaufe it is holy.
the inwards of him, and his legs, and put them unto 35 And
thus fhalt thou do unto Aaron, and to his
his pieces, and unto his head.|| fons, according to all things which I have commanded
18 And thou fhalt bum the whole ram upon the thee feven days fhalt thou confecrate them.

altar it is a burnt offering unto the Lord

; it is a : 36 And
thou fhalt offer every day a bullock for a
fweet favour, an offering made by fire unto die Lord. fin offering for atonement and thou fhalt cleanfe

19 And thouflialt take the otherram; andAaronand the altar, when thou haft made an atonement for it,
liisfonsfhallput their hands upon the head of the ram. and thou fhalt anoint it to fanclify it.
20 Then fhalt thou kill the ram, and take of his 37 Seven days thou fhalt make an atonement for
blood, and put it upon the tip of the right ear of the altar, and fanclify it 5 and it fliall be an altar mofl
Aaron, and upon the tip of the right ear of his fons, holy whatibever toucheth the altar fliall be holy.

and upon the thumb of their right hand, and upon 38 II Now
this is that which thou fhalt offer upon
the great toe of their right foot, and fprinkle the e two lambs of the firft year, day by day Numb.
the altar :

blood upon the altar round about. continually.

21 And thou fhalt take of the blood that is upon 39 The one lamb thou fhalt offer in the morning
the altar, and of the anointing oil, and fprinkle it upon and the other lamb thou fhalt ofter at even :

Aaron, and upon his garments, and upon his fons, and 40 And with die one lamb a tenth deal of flour min-
npon the garments of his fons with him and he fhall : gled with the fourh part of an hin of beaten oil and ;

be hallowed, and his garments, and his fons, and his the fourth part of an hin of wine/era drink offering.
fons' garments with him. 41 And the other lamb thou fhalt offer at even,
22 Alfo thou fhalt take of the ram the fat, and the and fhalt do thereto according to the meat offering
rump, and the fat that covereth the inwards, and the of the morning, and according to the drink offering
caul above the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat thereof, for a fweet favour, an offering made by fire
that is upon them, and the right fhoulder for it is a ; unto die Lord.
ram of confecration ;
42 This shall be a continual burnt offering through-
23 And one loaf of bread, and one cake of oiled out your generations, at the door of the tabernacle of

The ransom of souls. EXODUS. The holy anointing oil.

the congregation before the Lord ; where I will meet 16 And thou fhalt take the atonement money of ChrrT
you, to fpeak there unto thee. the children of Ifrael, and fhalt appoint it for the fer- im-
vice of the tabernacle of the congregation ; that it may v>"v /
43 And there I will meet with the children of Ifrael, .

g Or, Israel.
and the tabernacle fhall be fanclified by my glory.
l| be a memorial unto the children of Ifrael before the
44 And I will fanclify the tabernacle of the congre- Lord, to make an atonement for your fouls.
gation, and the altar ; I will fanclify alfo both Aaron 17 And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,

and his fons, to minifter to me in the prieft's office. 18 Thou fhalt alio make a laver 0/"brafs, and his
h Lev.
a Cor. 6
45 If h And I will dwell among the children of Ifrael, foot also of brafs, to wafli withal : and thou fhalt put
and will be their God. it between the tabernacle of the congregation and the
46 And they fhall know that I am the Lord their altar, and thou fhalt put water therein :

God, them forth out of the land of Egypt,

that brought 19 For Aaron and his fons fhall wafh their hands
that I may dwell among them I^wztheLoRDtheirGod.
: and their feet thereat.
CHAP. XXX. 20 When
they go into the tabernacle of the con-
gregation, they fhall wafh with water, that they die
1 The altar of incense. 1 1 The ransom of souls. 17
The brazen lamer. 22 The holy anointing oil. 34 not ; or when they come near to the altar to minifter,.
The perfume. to burn offering made by fire unto the Lord :

A 2
N D thou fhalt make an altar to burn

upon o/fhittim wood fhalt thou- make


A cubit shall be the length thereof, and


a cubit
21 So they fhall wafh their hands and their feet,,
that they die not and it fhall be a ftatute for ever to

them, even to him and to his feed, throughout their

the breadth thereof, (four fquare fhall it be ;) and two generations.
cubits shall be the height thereof ; the horns thereof 22 H Moreover, the Lord fpake unto Mofes,
shall be of the fame. faying,
3 And thou fhalt overlay it with pure gold, the 23 Take thou alfo unto thee, principal fpices, of pure
f top thereof, and the f tides thereof round about, myrrh five hundred shekels, and of fweet cinnamon
t Heb roof,
^^ { 10ms thereof :

a crown of gold round about.

and thou fhalt make unto it half fo much, even two hundred and fifty shekels, and
of fweet calamus two hundred and fifty shekels.
4 And two golden rings fhalt thou make to it under 24 And of caffia five hundred shekels, after the
fhekel of the {ancillary, and of oil olive an c hin. 1*'
tHeb. riis. the crown of it, by the two t corners thereof ; upon
5' '*
the two fides of it fhalt thou make it : and they lhall 25 And thou fhalt make it an oil of holy ointment,
be for places for the ftaves to bear it withal. an ointment compound after the art of the apothe- SJSi*** j|
5 And thou fhalt make the ftaves o/'fhittim wood, cary it fhall be an holy anointing oil.

and overlay them with gold. 26 And thou fhalt anoint the tabernacle of the con-
6 And thou fhalt put it before the veil that is by gregation therewith, and the ark of the teftimony,
the ark of the teftimony, before the mercy feat that 27 And the table and all his veffels, and the candle -
is over the teftimony, where I will meet with thee. ftick and his veffels, and the altar of incenfe,
tHeb inctnse 7 And Aaron fhall burn thereon t fweet incenfe 28 And the altar of burnt offering with all his veC-
qf spied.
every morning when he drefleth the lamps, he fhall fels, and the laver and his foot.

burn incenfe upon it. 29 And thou fhalt fanclify them, that they may be
Or, sstteth
',| 8 And when Aaron flighteth the lamps tat even,
moft holy wharfoever toucheth them fhall be holy.

t Heb. cau he lhall burn incenfe upon it ; a

up. perpetual incenfe be- 30 And thou fhalt anoint Aaron and his fons, and
".;?"' fore the Lord, throughout your generations. confecrate them, that they may minifter unto me in
ti-jetn thi two 9 Ye fhall offer no ftrange incenfe thereon, nor the prieft's office.
3 And thou fhalt fpeak unto the children of Ifrael,
burnt facrifice, nor meat offering neither fhall ye

pour drink offering thereon. faying, This fhall be an holy anointing oil unto me
10 And Aaron fhall make an atonement upon the throughout your generations.
horns of it once in a year, with the blood of the fin 32 Upon man's flefh fhall it not be poured ; neither
offering of atonements ; once in the year fhall he make fhall ye make any other like it, after the compofition
atonement upon it, throughout your generations ; it of it ; it is holy, and it fhall be holy unto you.
is moft holy unto the Lord. 33 Whofoever compoundeth any like it, or who-
11 11 And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, foever putteth any of it upon a ftranger, fhall even be
a Numb. I 12 a When thou takeft the fum of the children of cut off from his people.
tHeb. then Ifrael, after t their number, then fhall they give every 34 If And_ the Lord faidunto Mofes, Take unto
oi '
man a ran foin f°r bis foul unto the Lord, when thou thee fweet fpices, ftacle, and onycha, and galbanum ;
numbereft them ; that there be no plague among these fweet fpices, with pure frankincenfe j of each
them, when thou nurnbereft them. fhall there be a like weight.
13 This they fhall give, every one that paffeth 35 And thou fhalt make it a perfume, a confection
among them that are numbered, half a fhekel, after after the art of the apothecary, f tempered together, t^Heb. >ait>-
b ei.
hLev. 2725. the fhekel of the fancluary ( a fhekel is twenty ge-
: pure and holy.
Num. 3 4".
Eiek.45 12. rahs :) an half fhekel shall be the offering of the Lord. 36 And thou fhalt beat some of it very fmall, and
14 Every one that paffeth among them that are put of it before the teftimony in the tabernacle of the
numbered, from twenty years old and above, fhall congregation, where I will meet with thee : it fhall
give an offering unto the Lord. be unto you moft holy.
t Heb. mul- 15 The rich fhall not t give more, and the poor 37 And as for the perfume which thou fhalt make,
fhall not t give lefs, than half a fhekel, when they give you fhall not make to yourfelves according to the
t K-b. if
an offering unto the Lord, to make an atonement compofition thereof; it fhall be unto thee holy for
for your fouls. the Lord.1

38 Whofoever
Moses receiveth the two tables. CHAP. XXXI, XXXII. He cometh down with them.

christ 38 Whofoever fhall make like unto that, to fmell the idolaters to be slain : 30 he pray eth for the peo-

^^ I4 q.. thereto, fhall even be cut off from his people.

Bezaleel and Aholiab are called and qualifiedfor the
AND when
come down
32 God's answer.
the people faw that Mofes delayed to
out of the mount, the people gather-
•work of the tabernacle. 12 The observation of the ed themfelves together unto Aaron, and faid unto him,
sabbath is again commanded. 18 Moses receiveth a
Up, make us gods which fhall go before us ; for as aAas 7 4®*

the two tables. for this Mofes, the man that brought us up out of the
AND the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
2 See, I have called by name Bezaleel the a fon
land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him.
2 And Aaron faid unto them, Break off the golden
cf Uri, the fon of Hur, of the tribe of Judah ; earrings which are in the ears of your wives, of your
3 And I have filled him with the fpirit of God, in fons, and of your daughters, and bring them unto me.
wifdom, and in underftanding, and in knowledge, and 3 And all the people brake off the golden earrings
in all manner of w orkmanfhip, which were in their ears, and brought themunto Aaron.
4 To devife cunning works, to work in gold, and 4 b And he received them at their hand and fafhion- ;•
^ |^,m ra

in filver, and in brafs, ed it with a graving tool, after he had made it a mol- ioi> 19-

5 And in cutting of ftones, to fet them, and in carv- ten calf; and they faid, Thefe be thy gods O Ifrael, ,.

ing of timber, to work in all manner of workmanfhip. which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.
6 And%, behold, I have given with him Aholiab 5 And when Aaron faw it, he built an altar before
the fori of Ahifamach, of the tribe of Dan ; and in the it; and Aaron made proclamation, and faid, Tomor-
hearts of all that are wife hearted I have put wifdom, row is a feaft to the Lord.
that they may make all that I have commanded thee ; 6 And they rofe up early "on the morrow, and offer-
7 The tabernacle of the congregation, and the ark ed burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings and ;

of the teftimony, and the mercy feat that is thereupon, the c people fat down to eat and to drink, and rofe up c » cor. 107,

t Heb, niseis, and all the t furniture of the tabernacle ; to play.

8 And the table and his furniture, and the pure can- 7 TT And the Lord faid unto Mofes, d Go, get thee dDeut.912.
dleftick with all his furniture, and the altar of incenfe^ down; for thy people, which thou broughteft out of
9 And the altar of burnt offering with all his furni- the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves :
ture and the laver and his foot
,' 8 e They have turned afide quickly out of the way eDeut.416.

10 And the clothes of fervice, and the holy gar- which I commanded them : they have made them a
ments for Aaron the prieft, and the garments of his molten and have worfhipped it, and have facri-
fons, to minifter in the prieft's office ; Thefe be thy gods, O Ifrael,
ficed thereunto,. and faid,
11 And the anointing oil, and fweet incenfe for the which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.
holy place ; according to all that I have commanded 9 And the Lord faid unto Mcfes, f I have feen this f chap. 33 ?•
Deut 9 * 3 "
thee, fhall they do.

people, and, behold, it is a ftiffnecked people :

12 H And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 10 Now, therefore, let me alone, that my wrath
13 Speak thou alfo unte the children of Ifrael, fay- may wax hot againft them, and that I may confume
ing, Verily my fabbaths ye fhall keep : for it is a fign them and I will make of thee a great nation.

between me and you throughout your generations ; 11 H e And. Mofes befought the t Lord his God, and? bpssmos^.
that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth fanc-
* faid, Lord why doth thy wrath wax hot againft thy /a «tf/;f/
tify people, which thou haft brought forth out of the land L0RD '

bchap. so 8. 14 b Ye fhall keep the fabbath therefore for it is ; of Egypt with great poAver, and with a mighty hand ?
Deat. $ 12,
holy unto you. Every one that defileth it fhall furely 12 h Wherefore mould the Egyptians fpeak, and hNmnb.14
be put to death for whofoever doeth any work there-
: fay, For mifchief did he bring them out to flay them "

in, that foul fhall be cut off from among his people. in the mountains, and to confume them from the face
15 Six days may work be done but in the feventh ; of the earth ? Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent
tHeb. is the fabbath of reft, t holy to the Lord ; whofoever of this evil againft thy people.
h ° l,ne "'
doeth any work in the fabbath day, he fhall furely be 13 Remember Abraham, Ifaac, and Ifrael, thy fer-
put to death. vants, to whom thou fwareft by thine own felf, and
16 Wherefore the children of Ifrael fhall keep the faidft unto them, i I will multiply your feed as the ftars Gen. 12 7, i

fabbath, to obferve the fabbath throughout their gen- h 157, &?8

of heaven, and all this land that I have fpoken of will I '3-
erations, for a perpetual covenant. give unto your feed, and they fhall inherit it for ever.
17 It is a fign between me and the children of Ifrael 14 And the Lord repented of the evil which he
r,Gen. 1 31, for ever for c in fix days the Lord made heaven and
: thought to do unto his people.
earth, and on the feventh day he refted, and was re- 15 H And Mofes turned, and went down from the
frefhed. mount, and the two tables of the teftimony were in his
18 TI And he gave unto Mofes, when he had made hand the tables TOm? written on both their fides on

an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, the one fide and on the other were they written.
d two tables of teftimony, tables of flone, written with
*Drot. > i» 16 And the k tables were the work of God, and the tcaa. 31 18.
the finger of God. writing was the writing ofGod, graven upon the tables.
CHAP. XXXII. 17 And when Jofhua heard the noife of the people,
1 The people, in the absence of Moses, cause Aaron to as they fhouted, he faid unto Mofes, There is a noife
make a golden calf. 7 God's displeasure thereat. of war in the camp.
11 At the entreaty of Moses he is appeased. 15 18 And he faid, It is not the voice of them that
Moses cometh down with the tables : 19 he breaketh fhout for maftery, neither is it the voice of them that
them beneath the mount : 20 he destroy eth the calf. cry for t being ovecome } but the noife of them that tHeb.

21 Aaron's excuse for himself, 25 Moses causeth fing, do I hear,
19 1 And

Moses prayeth for the people. EXGD U S. Moses entreateth to see God's glory.

Christ 19 II And it came to pafs, as foon as he came nigh which fware unto Abraham, to Ifaac, and to Jacob,
Unto thy feed will I give it
149'. unto the camp, that he faw the calf, and the dancing ; faying,
*-*^v^*> and Mofes' anger waxed hot, and he caft the tables out 2 And I will fend an Angel before thee h and I will ;

of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount, drive out the Canaanite, the Amorite, and the Hittite,
i Deut. 9 ai. 20 And he took the calf which thej' had made,
and the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebufite ;
and burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder, and 3 Unto a land flowing with milk and honey: fori
ftrawed it upon the water, and made the children of will not go vu>in the midft ofthee for thou art a c ftiff-
c Chap. 32 9.
Deut. 9 13.
Ifrael drink of it. necked people left I confume thee in the way.

21 If And Mofes faid unto Aaron, What did this 4 H And when the people heard thefeevil tidings, they
people unto thee, that thou haft brought lb great a fin mourned and no man did put on him his ornaments.

upon them ? 5 For the Lord had faid unto Mofes, Say unto the
22 And Aaron faid, Let not the anger of my lord children of Ifrael, Ye are a ftiffnecked people ; I will
wax hot : thou knoweft die people, that they are set come up into the midft of thee in a moment, and con-
on mifchief. fume thee : therefore now put off thy ornaments from
23 For they faid unto me, Make us gods which thee, that I may know what to do unto thee.
fhall go before us for as for this Mofes, the man
: 6 And the children of Ifrael ftripped themfelves of
that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot their ornaments by the mount Horeb.
not what is become of him. .7 H And Mofes took the tabernacle, an^ pitched it
24 And I faid unto them, Whofoever hath any gold, without the camp, afar off from the camp, and called
let them break it off So they gave it me
: then I caft : it the Tabernacle of the Congregation. And it came
it into the fire, and there came out this calf. to pafs, that every one which fought the Lord, went
25 II And when Mofes faw that the people were out unto the tabernacle of the congregation, which was
naked, (for Aaron had made them naked unto their without the camp.
+ Htb. those fhame among t their enemies,) 8 And it came to pafs, when Mofes went out unto
a'gainsTthfm. 26 Then Mofes flood in the gate of the camp, and the tabernacle, that all the people rofe up, and ftood

faid, Whoijon the Lord's fide ] let him ccweunto^ne. every man at his tent door, and looked after Mofes,
And all the fons of Levi gathered themfelves together until he was gone into the tabernacle.
unto him. 9 tT And it came to pafs, as Mofes entered into the
27 And he faid unto them, Thus faith the L^rd tabernacle, the cloudy pillar defcended, and ftood at
God man
his fword by his fide,
of Ifrael, Put every the door of the tabernacle, and the talked LORD
and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the with Mofes.
.camp, and flay every man his brother, and every man- 10 And all the people faw the cloudy pillar ftand at
his companion, and every man his neighbour. the tabernacle door and all the people rofe up and

28 And the children of Levi did according to the worfhip ped, in his tent door.
word of Mofes ; and there fell of the people that day 11 And the Lord (pake unto Mofes face to face, as
about three thoufand men. a man fpeaketh unto his fiyend. And he turned again
I or. And 29 For Mofes had faid, t Confecrate yourfelves
|| into the camp but his fervant Jofhua the fon of Nun,

cln"crau' today to the Lord, even every man upon his fon, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle.
y ri lv t0m anc^ u P° n hi s brother
da to the may beftow upon you
; 12 H And Mofes faid unto the Lord, See, thou fay-
lord, L a blefling this day. eft unto me, Bring up this people ; and thou haft not
cause every
man hath 30 fl And it came to pafs onthemorrow, thatMofes let me know whom thou wilt fend with me:; yet thou
his son faid unto the people, Ye have finned a great fin and ; haft faid, I know thee by name, and thou haft alio
now I W1 ^ S° U P unt0 tne Lord peradventure I fhall -, found grace in my fight.
+ b
a«r /wnij
ma k e an atonement for your fin. 13 Now, therefore, I pray thee, if I have found
31 And Mofes returned unto the Lord, and faid, grace in thy fight, fhew me now thy way, that I may
Oh this people have finned a great fin, and have
! know thee, that I may find grace in thy fight ; and
made them gods of gold ! confider that this nation is thy people.
32 Yet now, if thou wilt, forgive their fin and if ; 14 And he faid, My
prefence fhall go with thee, and
not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which I will give thee reft.
thou haft written. 15 And he faid unto him, If thy prefence go not
33 tT And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Whofoever xvith me, carry us not up hence 1
hath finned againft me, him will I blot out of my book. 16 For wherein fhall it be known here, that I and
34 Therefore now go, lead the people unto the place thy people have found grace in thy fight ? is it not in
of which I have fpoken unto thee. Behold, mine An- that thou goeft with us ? fo fhall we be feparated, I
gel fhall go before thee never thelefs, in the day when
: and thy people, from all the people that are upon the
I vifit, I will vifit their fin upon them. face of the earth.
35 And the Lord plagued the people, becaufc they 17 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, I will do this
made the calf which Aaron made. thing alio that thou haft fpoken for thou, haft found

C HA P. XXXIII. grace in my
fight, and I know thee by name.
1 The Lord refuseth to go with the people : 4 they 18 TI And he faid, I befeech thee fhew me thy glory.
mourn thereat. 7 The tabernacle is removed out of the 1 9 And he faid , I will make all my goodnefs pafs before
camp. 12 Moses prayeth for the continuance of thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before
God's presence. thee; d and will be gracious to whom I will begracious, dRom.yij.

A ND the Lord faid unto Mofes, Depart, and go


up hence, thou, and the people which thou haft

brought up out of the land of Egypt, unto the land
and will fhew mercy on whom I will fhew mercy.
20 And he faid, Thou canft not fee my face for
there Ihall no i»an fee me, and live.

21 And
God's covenant with Israel. CHAP. XXXIV, XXXV. Moses cometh down with the tables.

21 ^ nc*
me, and thou
^ LordHand upon
Behold, there is a place by
a rock fhalt
Thou fhalt make thee no molten gods.
The feaft of h unleavened bread fhalt
If thou
w~in»J 22 And it fhall come to pafs, while my glory paff- keep. Seven days fhalt thou eat unleavened bread, as hCha. 12 15.
eth by, that I will put thee in a cleft of the rock, and I commanded thee, in the time of the month Abib ;
iCha. 13
will cover thee with my hand while I pafs by month Abib thou cameft out from Egypt. 14.
: for in the *

k kCha.22 29.
23 And I will take away mine hand, and thou fhalt 19 All that openeth the matrix is mine and every ; Ezek. 44 30.

fee my back parts ; but my face fhall not be feen. firftling among thy cattle, whether ox or fheep, that

CHAP. XXXIV. is male.

20 But the firftling of an afs thou fhalt redeem with
1 The tables are renewed. 4 The name of the Lord Or,
a lamb and if thou redeem him not, then fhalt thou
I kid.
8 Moses entreateth God to go with the
break his neck. All the firftborn of diy fons thou
people. 10 God's covenant with them. 27 Moses'
fhalt redeem and none fhall appear before me
stay in the mount. ICha. 23 15,
a ©eut. io i. /t ND
the Lord faid unto Mofes, a Hew thee two m
21 IT Six days thou fhalt work but on the feventh \^;l\ ™;
tables of ftone like unto the firft ; and I will

day thou fhalt reft in earing time, and in harveft, thou Lute 13 14.
write upon these tables the words that were in the firft
fhalt reft.
tables, which thou breakeft
2 And be ready in the morning, and come up in
22 II "And thou fhalt obferve the feaft of weeks, -n cha. 2316.
of the firft fruitsof wheat harveft, and the feaft of
the mornifig unto mount Sinai, and prefent thyfelf t Heb. revo-
ingathering at the t year's end. lution of the
there to nrc in the top of the mount
fccfeap.toiz. 3 And no man fhall b come up with thee, neither let
23 If ° Thrice in the year fhall all your men children year.
o Cha. 23 14
appear before the Lord God, the God of Ifrael. 17.Dcu.16 it.
any man be feen throughout all the mount neither let ;

the flocks nor herds feed before that mount.

24 For I will caft out the nations before thee, and
enlarge thy borders neither fhall any man defire thy
4 IF And he hewed two tables of ftone like unto the :

land, when thou fhalt go up to appear before the Lord

firft and Mofes rofe up early in the morning, and
thy God, thrice in the year.
went up unto mount Sinai, as the Lord had command-
ed him, and took in his hand the two tables of ftone.
25 If p Thou fhalt not offer the blood of my facri- p Cha. 23 81 1

fice with leaven ; neither fhall the facrifice of the feaft

5 And the Lord defcended in the cloud, and ftood
of the paffover be left unto the morning.
with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord.
26 The firft of the firft fruits of thy land thou fhalt
6 And the Lord paired by before him, and proclaim-
bring unto the houfe of the Lord thy God. *Thou &HVu
ed, The Loud., the Lord God, merciful and gracious,
fhalt not feethe a kid in his mother's milk.
long fuffering, and abundant in goodnefs and truth ; -

27 If And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Write thou

^p. » 6 7 c Keeping mercy for thoufands, forgiving iniquity,
thefe words : for after the tenor of thefe words I have rDeut. 4 13.
jen 3218.' and tranfgreflion, and fin, andthat will by no means
clear the guilty / vifiting the iniquity of the fathers
made a covenant with thee,- and with Ifrael.
upon the children, and upon the children's children, 28 s And he was there with the Lord forty, days * cha. 24*
Deut 9 9 " '

unto the third and to the fourth generation. and forty nights ; he did neither eat bread nor drink
water : and he wrote upon the tables die words of the
8 IT And Mofes made hafte, and bowed his head
toward the earth, and worfhipped. covenant, the ten t commandments. tHeb.

9 And he faid, If now I have found grace in thy 29 If And it came to pafs, when Mofes came down •worii.
fight, O Lord, let my Lord, I pray thee, go among
from mount Sinai with the two tables of teftimony in
us, (for it /s a ftiffnecked people,) and pardon our ini- Mofes' hand, (when lie came down from the mount,)
quity and our fin, and take us for thine inheritance. that Mofes wift not that the fkin of his face fhone
a Brot. 10 If And he faid, Behold, d I make a covenant; while he talked with him.
5 2.

before all thy people I will do marvels, fitch as have 30 And when Aaron and all the children of Ifrael
not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation and faw Mofes, behold, the. fkin of his face fhone ; and

all the people, among which thou art, fhall fee the
they were afraid to come nigh him.
work of the Lord ; for it is a terrible thing that I will 31 And Mofes them
called unto ; and Aaron and
allthe rulers of the congregation returned unto him :
do with thee.
11 Obferve thou that which I command thee this and Mofes talked with them.
day ; behold, I drive out before thee the Amorite, 32 And afterward all the children of Ifrael came
and die Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, nigh and he gave them in commandment all that the

and the Hivite, and the Jebufite. Lord had fpoken with him in mount Sinai.
33 And till Mofes had done ipeaking with them, he
3? * 12 e T^
e he ? d to thyfelf, left thou make a cove-
nant with the inhabitants of the land whither thou put a veil on his face.
* t2Cor. 3 13.

goeft, left it be for a fnare in the midft of thee

34 But when Mofes went in before the Lord, to

But fpeak with him, he took the veil off until he came
13 ye fhall deftroy_ their altars, break their
tHA. j- images, and cut down their groves
And he came out and fpake unto the children
of Ifrael that which he was commanded.
14 For thou fhalt worfhip no other god for the :

f chap. 20 5. Lord, whofe name is Jealous, is a f jealous God 35 And the children of Ifrael faw the face of Mofes,

15 Left thou make a covenant with the inhabitants "hat the fkin of Mofes' face fhone and Mofes put :

of the land, and they go a whoring after their gods, the veil upon his face again, until he went in to fpeak
and do facrifice unto their gods, and one call thee, anc with him.
thou eat of his facrifice ; CHAP. XXXV.
1 '
16 And thcu *ake cf s their daughters unto thy fons 1 Of the sabbath. 4 The free gifts for the tabernacle.
and their daughters go a whoring after their gods, anc 20 The readiness of the people to offer. 30 Bezakel
make thy fons go a whoring, after their gods. and Aholiab are called to the work,
; ; ; ; ;;

Free gifts for the tabernacle. EXODUS. The people's liberality restrained.
Mofes gathered all the congregation of the 25 And all the women
that were wife hearted did
and brought that which they
C hrTst
1491. JC\- children of Ii'rael together, and laid unto them, fpin with their hands, H9 ..

u*"y"sJ Thefe are the words which the Lord hath com- had fpun both of blue, and of purple, and of fcarlet, <~>*~*~*j

manded, that ye fhould do them. and of fine linen.

iSSNfa?' 2 a Six days fhail work be done but on the feventh : 26 And all the women, whofe heart ftirred them
J*£; 3 '^ day there fhall be to you t up in wifdom, fpun goats' hair.
an holy day, a fabbath of
+ *££ reft to the Lord whofoever doeth work therein,
: 27 And the rulers brought onyx ftones, and ftones
fhall be put to death. to be fet for the ephod, and for the breaftplate ;

3 Ye fhall kindle no fire throughout your habita- 28 And f fpice, and oil for the light, and for the fchap.3023.
tions upon the fabbath day. anointing oil, and for the fweet incenfe.
4 If And Mofes fpake unto all the congregation of 29 The children of Ifrael brought a willing offering
the children of Ifrael, faying, This is the thing which unto the Lord, every man and woman, whofe heart
the Lord commanded, faying, made them willing to bring, for all manner of work,
5 Take ye from among you an offering unto the which the Lord had commanded to be made by the
bchap. 25 2.
Lord whofoever is of a willing heart, let him bring
: hand of Mofes.
it, an offering of the Lo r d gold, and filver, and brafs,
; 30 If And Mofes faid unto the children of Ifrael,
6 And blue, and purple, and fcarlet, and fine linen \
See, s the Lord hath called by name Bezaleel thefon gchap. 31*
and goats' hair, of Uri, the fon of Hur, of the tribe of Judah ;

7 And rams' fkins dyed red, and badgers' ikins, 31 And he hath filled him with the fpirit of God,
and fhittim wood, in wifdom, in underftanding, and in knowledge, and
8 And
oil for the light, and fpices for anointing oil, in all manner of workmanfhip ;

and for the fweet incenfe, 32 And to devife curious works, to work in gold,
9 And
onyx ftones, and ftones to be fet for the and in filver, and in brafs,
ephod, and for the breaftplate. 33 And in the cutting of ftones to fet them, and in
10 And every wife hearted among you fhall come, carving of wood, to make any manner of cunning work.
and make all that the Lord hath commanded ;
34 And he hath put in his heart that he may teach,
|ChaP .
26 1,
Y ne tabernacle, his tent, and his covering, his both he, and Aholiab the fon of Ahifamach, of the tribe
taches, and his boards, his bars, his pillars, and his of Dan.
fockets 35 Them
hath he filled with wifdom of heart, to
12 The ark and the flaves thereof, with the mercy work manner of work of the engraver, and of the
feat, and the veil of the covering cunning workman, and of the embroiderer, in blue,
13 The table and his flaves, and all his veffels, and and in purple, in fcarlet, and in fine linen, and of the
the fhewbread weaver, even of them that do any work, andofthofe
14 The
candleftick alfo for the light, and his furni- that devife cunning work.
ture, and
his lamps, with the oil for the light CHAP. XXXVI.
a chap. 301. A
15 d n d the incenfe altar, and his flaves, and the 1 The offerings are delivered to the workmen. 4 The
anointing oil, and the fweet incenfe, and the hanging people's liberality restrained. 8 The curtains with
for the door at the entering in of the tabernacle ; cherubims. 14 The curtains of goats' hair. 19 The
echip. 27 1. ,
16 e
The altar of burnt offering, with his brafen grate, covering ofskins. 20 Theboaraswith their sockets. 31
his flaves, and all
the laver and his foot
his veffels ; The bars. 35 The veil. 37 The hanging for the door.
17 The hangings of the court, his pillars, and their r"|"' HEN wrought Bezaleel and Aholiab, and every i^
fockets, and the hanging for the door of the court A wife hearted man, in whom the Lord put wif-
18 The pins of the tabernacle, and the pins of the dom and underftanding, to know how to work all •

court, and their cords ;

manner of work for the fervice of the fandluary , ac-
19 The clothes of fervice, to do fervice in the holy cording to all that the Lord had commanded.
place ; the holy garments for Aaron the prieft, and the 2 And Mofes called Bezaleel and Aholiab, and
garments of his fons, to minifter in the priefl's office. every wife hearted man, in whofe heart the Lord had
20 If And all the congregation of the children of put wifdom, even every one whofe heart ftirred him
Ifrael departed from the prefenc-e of Mofes. up, to come unto the work to do it.
21 And they came, every one whofe heart flirred 3 And they received of Mofes all the offering which
him up, and every one whom his fpirit made willing, the children of Ifrael had brought, for the work of the
and they brought the Lord's offering to the work of fervice of the fan£luary, to make it withal. And they
the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all his fer- brought yet unto him free offerings eveiy morning.
vice, and for the holy garments. 4 If And all the wife men, that wrought all the work
22 And they came, both men and women, as many of the fanftuary, came every man from his work
as were willing hearted, and brought bracelets, and which they made ;
earrings, and rings, and tablets, all jewels of gold and : 5 And they fpake unto Mofes, faying, The people
every man that offered, offered an offering of gold unto bring much more than enough for the fervice of the
the Lorb_ work which the Lord commanded to make.
23 And every man with whom was found blue, and 6 And Mofes gave commandment, and they caufed
purple, and fcarlet, and fine linen, and goats' hair, and it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, faying, Let
red fkins of rams, and badgers' fkins, brought them. neither man nor woman make any more work for the
24 Every one that -did offer an offering of lilver and offering of the fancluary. So the people were reftrain-
brafs, brought the Lord's offering and every man : ed from bringing.
with whom was found fhittim wood, for any work of 7 For the fluff they had was fufficient for all the
the fervice, brought it. work to make it, and too much.
8 % * And
The boards ninth their sockets. CHAP, XXXVII. The table with the vessels.

Christ 8 ^ ^ nc ever 3 W^e hearted man, among them that

r of the tabernacle, and five bars for the boards of the c^ig T
wrought the work of the tabernacle, made ten curtains tabernacle for the lides weftward.
£ of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and fcarlet 33 And he made the middle bar to fhoot through
r % '^*^ ^ i

& 3f?6. the boards from the one end to the other.
with, cherubims of cunning he them.
9 The length of one curtain was twenty and eight 34 And he overlaid the boards with gold, and made
cubits, and the breadth of one curiam four cubits : their rings of gold to be places lor the bars, and over-
the curtains %uerea\\ of one lize. laid the bars with gold.
10 And he coupled the five curtains one unto an- 35 IT And he made a veil of blue,' and purple, and-
other ;and the other five curtains he coupled one unto fcarlet, and fine twined linen with cherubims made

another. he it of cunning work.

11 And he made loops of blue on the edge of one 36 And he made thereurito four, pillars 0/ fhittim
curtain, from the felvage in the^ coupling likewife : wood, and overlaid them with gold their hooks were

he made in the uttermoft fide of another curtain, in of gold and he call for them four fockets of lilver.

the coupling of thefecond. 37 H And he made an hanging for the tabernacle

b Ch.ip. 26 12 b Fifty loops made he in one curtain, and fifty door of blue, and purple, and fcarlet, and fine twined
5 "J.
loops made he in the edge of the curtain which was linen, f of needle work. t »*.
in the coupling of the fecond
tain to another.
theioops held one cur-
: 38 And the five pillars of it with their hooks and
he overlaid their chapiters and their fillets with gold
U"T*T; or

%^ «

13 And he made fifty taches of gold, and coupled bm their rive lockets were of orais.
the curtains one unto another with the taches.
became one tabernacle.
1 The ark. 6 The mercy seat ivith cherubims. 10
14 il And he made curtains of goats' hair, for the
The table with his vessels. 17 The candlestick with
tent over the tabernacle eleven curtains he made them.

hislamps and instruments. 25 The altar of incense.

15 The length of one curtain was thirty cubits, and
29 The anointing oil, and sweet incense.
four cubits was the breadth of one curtain the eleven :

curtains were of one lize.

16 And he coupled five curtains by themfelves, and
AND Bezaleel made a
the ark of fhittim
two cubits and a half was the length of it, and
wood : =>

2i iC

fix curtains by themfelves. a cubit and a half the breadth of it, and a cubit and a
17 And he made fifty loops upon the uttermoft edge half the height of it.
of the curtain in the coupling, and fifty loops made he 2 And he overlaid it with pure gold within and with-
upon the edge of the curtain which coupleth the out, and made a crown of gold to it round about.
fecond; 3 And he caft for it four rings of gold, to be set by
18 And he made fifty taches o/brafs to couple the the four corners of it ; even two rings upon the one
tent together, that it might be one. fide of it, and two rings upon the other fide cf it.
19 II And he made a covering for the tent of rams' 4 And he made Haves 0/ fhittim wood, and over-
fkins dyed red, and a covering of badgers' fkins above laid them with. gold.
that. 5 And he put the ftaves into the rings by the fides
20 iT And
he made boards for the tabernacle of of the ark, to bear the ark.
Handing up.
:1, 6 j] And he made b the mercy feat of pure, gold : t> ch ?.
~ 5 17 '
21 The length of a board was ten cubits, and the two cubits and a half was the length thereof, and one
breadth of a board one cubit and a half. cubit and a half the -breadth thereof.
22 One board had two tenons, equally diftant one 7 And he made two cherubims of gold beaten out;

from another thus did he make for all the boards of

: of one piece made he them, on the two ends of the
the tabernacle. mercy feat
23 And he made boards for the tabernacle ; twenty 8 One cherub onthe end on this fide, and another °5'
l! cutDf'

boards for the fouthward

fo uth'iide : cherub on the other en*l on that fide out of the ^
il :
r' :,!;/'

24 And forty fockets of filver he made under the mercy feat made he the cherubims on the two ends,
twenty boards two fockets under one board for his
: thereof.
two tenons, and two lockets under another board for 9 Andthe cherubims fpread out their wings on
his two tcno: high, and covered with their wings over the mercy
25 And for the other fide of the tabernacle, which feat, with their faces one to another even to the

is toward the north corner, he made twenty boards ;

mercy featward were the faces of the cherubims.
26 And their forty fockets of lilver two fockets un- : 10 II And he made the table of fhittim \\ ood two :

der one board, and two fockets under another board. cubits was the length thereof, and a cubit the breadth
27 And for the fides of the tabernacle weftward, he thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.
made fix boards. 11 And he overlaid it with pure gold, and made
28 And two- boards made he for the comers of the thereunto a crown of gold round about.
tabernacle in the two fides. 12 Alio he made thereunto a border of an hand
29 And they wercf coupled beneath, and coupled breadth round about and made a crown of gold for

together at the head thereof, to one ring thus he did : the border thereof round about.
to both of them in both the corners. 13 And he caft for it four rings of gold, and put the
30 And there were eight boards, and their fockets rings upon the four corners that were in the four feet
t Heb, were fixteen fockets of filver, | under every board two thereof.
14 Over againft the border were the rings, the

fTi"? iockets
31 II And
he made c bars c/ fhittim wood five for : places for the Haves to bear the table.
c Chap. 26 the boards of the one fide of the tabernacle, 15 And lie made the ftaves of fhittim wood, and
3d. & 3" 3
32 And five bars for the boards of the other fide overlaid them with gold, to bear the table.
16 And
. : ;

The altar of burnt offering. EXODUS. The /aver of brass, and court.
16 Arid he made the veffels which 'were upon the 8 1T And he made the laver of brafs, and the foot
table, hisc
difhes, and his fpoons, and his bowls, and of it 0/brafs, of the looking glaffes of we women f ai-

his covers H to cover withal, o/'pure gold : fembling, which aifembled at the door of the taber-
I Or, to pour 17 H And he made the d candleftick of pure gold : nacle of the congregation.
out toithal.
d Chap. of beaten work made he the candleftick his lhaft, : 9 II And he made the court ; on the fouth fide
V- and his branch, his bowls, his knops, and his flowers, fouthward, the hangings of the court were of fine
were of the fame. twined linen, an hundred cubits.
18 And fix
branches going out of the fides thereof; 10 Their pillars were twenty, and their brafen fock-
three branches of the candleftick out of the one fide ets twenty the hooks of the pillars and their fillets

thereof, and three branches of the candleftick out of were of liiver.

the other fide thereof 11 And for the north fide, the hangings were an
19 Three bowls made after the fafhion of almonds hundred cubits, their pillars were twenty, and their
in one branch, a knop and a flower and three bowls : fockets of brafs twenty the hooks of the pillars and

made like almonds in another branch, a knop and a their fillets of liiver.
flower ; fo throughout the fix branches going out of 12 And tor the weft fide were hangings of fifty cu-

the candleftick. and their fockets ten : the hooks

bits, their pillars ten,
20 And in the candleftick were four bowls made of the pillars, and their fillets of liiver.
like almonds, his knops and his flowers 13 And for the eaft fide eaitward, fifty cubits.

21 And a knop under two branches of the fame, 14 The hangings of the one fide of the gate were fif-
and a knop under two branches of the fame, and a teen cubits, their pillars three, and their fockets three.
knop under two branches of the fame, according to 15 And for the other fide of the court gate, on this
the lix branches going out of it. hand and that hand, were hangings of fifteen cubits,
22 Their knops and their branches were ofthe fame: their pillars three, and their fockets diree.
all of it was one beaten work ofpure gold. 16 All die hangings of the court round about were
23 And he made his feven lamps, and his fnuflers, of fine twined linen.
and hisfnuff difhes, o/pure gold. 17 And the fockets for the pillars were of brafs
24 Of talent of pure gold made he it, and all the the hooks of the pillars and their fillets, o/Tilver and

veffels thereof. the overlaying of their chapiters, of liiver and all the :

t Chap. 30
25 IT e And he made the incenfe altar of fhittim pillars of the court were filleted with liiver.

wood: the length of it was a cubit, and the breadth 18 And the hanging for the gate of the court was
of it a cubit (it was four fquare ;) and two cubits was
; needle work, of blue, and purple, and fcarlet, and line
the height of it the horns thereof were of the fame.
; twined linen and twenty cubits was the length, and ;

26 And he overlaid it with pure gold, both the top the height in the breadth was five cubits, anfwerable
of it, and the fides thereof round about, and the horns to the hangings of the court.
of it alfo he made unto it a crown of gold round about.
: 19 And their pillars were four, and their fockets of
27 And he made two rings of gold for it under the brafs, four their hooks o/Tilver, and the overlaying ;

crown thereof, by the two corners of it, upon the two of their chapiters, and their fillets ofTilver.
fides thereof, to be places for the ftaves to bear it withal. 20 And all the b pins of the tabernacle, and of the *> ch 3f .: 7
28 And he made the ftaves of fhittim wood, and court round about, were of brafs. '

overlaid them with gold. 21 H This is the iiim of the tabernacle, even of the
f Chap. 30 34. 29 If And he made f the holy anointing oil, and the tabernacle of teftimony, as it was counted, accord-
pure incenfe of fweet fpices, according to the work of ing to the commandment of Mofes, for the lervice of
the apothecary. the Levites, by the hand of Ithamar, fon to Aaron the
CHAP. XXXVIII. prieft.
1 The altar of burnt offering. 8Thelaverofbrass. 9 The 22 And Bezaleel, the fon of Uri, the fon of Hur,
court. 21 The sum of thai which the people offered. of the tribe of Judah, made all that the Lord com-
aCkap. 97 J.
AN D fhittim wood
he made the altar of burnt offering of
five cubits was the length there-
manded Mofes

And with him was Aholiab,fon of Ahifamach,

of, and five cubits the breadth thereof; (it was four of the tribe of Dan, an engraver, and a cunning work-
fquare ;) and three cubits the height thereof. man, and ah embroiderer in blue, and in purple, and
2 And he made the horns thereof on the four cor- in fcarlet, and fine linen.
ners of it ; the horns thereof were of the fame : and 24 All the gold that was occupied for the work, in
he overlaid it with brafs. all the work of the holy place, even the gold of the of-
3 And he made all the veffels of the altar, the pots, fering, was twenty and nine talents, and feven hundred
and the fhoveIs,and the bafons, andthe fiefh hooks, and and thirty fhekels, after the fhekel of the fancluary.
the fire pans ; all the veffels thereof made he o/brafs. 25 And the filver of them that were numbered of
4 And he made for the altar a brafen grate of net- the congregation, was an hundred talents, and a thou-
work, under the compafs thereof, beneath unto the fand feven hundred and three fcore and fifteen fhekels,
rnidft of it. after the fhekel of the fancluary.
5 And he call four rings for the four ends of the 26 A bekah for f every man, that half a fhekel, t Hev.
ap °"'
grate of brafs, to be places for the ftaves. after the fhekel of the fancluary, for every one that
6 And he made the ftaves of fhittim wood, and went to be numbered, from twenty years old and
overlaid them with brafs. upward, for fix hundred thoufand, and three thoufand

7 And he put the ftaves into the rings on the fides and five hundred and fifty men.
of the altar, to bear it withal : he made the altar hol- 27 And of the hundred talents of filver were caft
low with boards. the fockets of the fan&uary,. and the fockets of the
2 veil;
The ephod, and breastplate* CHAP, XXXIX. AH the work finished
veil ; an hundred fockets of the hundred talents, a 17 And they put the two wreathen chains of gold
CHRIST in die tworings on the ends of the breaftplate.
talent for a fockets
28 And of the thoufand feven hundred feventy and 18 And the two ends of the two wreathen chains*
five shekels, he made hooks for the pillars, and over- they fattened in the two ouches, and put them on the
laid their chapiters, and filleted them. fhoulder pieces of the ephod before it.
29 the brafs of the offering was feventy talents,
And 19 And they made two rings of gold, and put them.
and two thoufand and four hundred fhekels* on the two ends of the breaftplate, upon the border of
30 And therewith he made the fockets to the door it, which was on the fide of the ephod inward.

of the tabernacle of the congregation, and the brafen 20 And they made two other golden rings, and put
altar, and the brafen grate for it, and all the veffels of them on the two fides of the ephod underneath, to-
the altar 1
ward the fore part of it, over againft the other coupling
31 the fockets of the court round about, and
And thereof, above the curious girdle of the ephod.
the fockets of the court gate, and all the pins of the tab- 21 And they did bind the breaftplate by his rings
ernacle, and all the pins of the court round about. unto the rings of the ephod, with a lace of blue, that it
CHAP. XXXIX. might be above the curious girdle of the cphod, and
1 The clothes of service and holy garments. 2 The that the breaftplate might not be loofed from the ephod
ephod. 8 The breastplate. 22 The robe of the as the Lord commanded Mofes.
cphod. 27 The coats, mitre, and girdle offine linen. 22 IF And he made the robe of the ephod of woven
30 The plate of the holy crown>. 32 All is viewed, work, all of blue.
and approved by Moses. 23 And there was an hole in the midft of the robe,

a Chap.
*t 35 >9-
31 10 AN D of the blue, and purple, and fcarlet, they
made a clothes of fervice, to do fervice in the
as the hole of an habergeon, with a band round about
the hole, that it lliould not rend.
holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron ; 24 And they made upon the hems of the robe
as the Lord commanded Moles* pomegranates of blue, and purple, and fcarlet, and
2 If And he made the ephod of gold, blue, and pur- twined linen.
Die, and fcarlet, and fine twined linen* 25 And they made d bells of pure gold, and put die d Cha. :8 z%
3 did beat the gold into thin plates, and
And they bells between the pomegranates upon the hem of the
cut into wires, to work it in the blue, and in the
it robe, round about, between the pomegranates ;

purple, and in the fcarlet, and in the fine linen, with 26 A

bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pome-
cunning work. granate, round about the hem of the robe to miniiter
4 They made fhoulder pieces for it* to couple it in; as the Lord commanded Moies*
together by the two edges was it coupled together.
: 27 IF And they made coats of fine linen, of woven
5 And the curious girdle of his ephod that was up- work, for Aaron, and for his fons
on it, was of the fame, according to the work thereof; 28 And a mitre of fine linen, and goodly bonnets of
o/'gold, blue, and fine twined
and purple, and fcarlet, fine linen, and linen breeches of fine twined linen ; e cha. 28 4 a

linen as the ;
Lord commanded Mofes. 29 And a girdle of fine twined linen, and blue, and
fcChap. :8 6 b
And they wrought onyx ftones inclofed in ouches purple* and fcarlet, of needle work as the Lord

of gold, graven as iignets are graven, with the names commanded Mofes.
of the children of Ifrael* 30 IF And they made the plate of the holy crown of
7 And he put them on the fhoulders of the ephod, pure gold, and wrote upon it a writing, like to the en-
t Chap. 58 1a
that they should be ftones for a memorial to the chil- gravings of a lignet, f HOLINESS TO THE LORD. f Cha. 28 36.

dren of Ifrael as the Lord commanded ;Mofes* 3 1 And they tied unto it a lace of blue, to fallen it on
8 IF And he made die brealtplate of cunning work, high upon the mitre as the Lord commanded Mofes.

like the work of the ephod of gold, blue, and purple, ; 32 IF Thus was all the work of the tabernacle of the
and fcarlet, and fine twined linen. tent of the congregation nnifhed ":and the children of
9 It was four fquare they made the breaftplate ; Ifrael did according to all that the Lop.d commanded
double a fpan was die length thereof* and a fpan the
: Moles, fo did they.
breadth thereof, being doubled* 33 And they brought die tabernacle unto Mofes,
10 And they fet in it four rows of ftones the first ; the tent* and all his furniture, his taches, his boards,
I Or, ruby. tow was a lardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle ; this
his bars, and his pillars, and his fockets ;

%vas the firft row : 34 And the covering of rams' Ikins dyed red, and the
1 And die fecond row, an emerald, a fapphire, and covering of badgers' Ikins, and the veil of the covering
a diamond ; 35 The ark of the teftimony, and die ftaves thereof,
12 And die third row, a ligure, an agate* and an and the mercy feat
amethyft 36 The table, and all die veffels thereof, and the
13 And the fourth row, a beryl, an onyx, and a jafper: fhewbread
they were inclofed in ouches of gold in their inclolings. 37 The pure candlcftick, with the lamps thereof,
14 And the ftones were according to the names of even with the lamps to be fet in order, and all the vef-
the children of Ifrael, twelve, according to their names, fels thereof, and the oil for light
like the engravings of a lignet, every one with his name, 38 And the golden altar, and the anointing oil, and
according to the twelve tribes. t the fweet incenfe, and the hanging for the tabernacle t Het>. ths

15 And they made upon the breaftplate chains at door ;

incense of
sweet spied.
the ends, 0/ wreathen work of pure gold. 3 9 The brafen altar, and his grate of brafs, his ftaves,
16 And they made two ouches of gold, and two and all his veffels the laver and his foot

gold rings and put die two rings in die two ends of
; 40 The hangings of the court, his pillars, and his
the breaftplate, fockets, and the hanging for the court gate, his cords

The tabernacle reared. E X O D U.S. '.-

'The cloud, &&
?- \ re
and his plus, and the veffels! of the fervice of the
all 18 And Mofes reared up the tabernacle, and fatten- christ
tabernacle for the tent of the congregaii on _;
ed his lockets, and fet up the boards thereof, and put ^^l
The of fervice, to do fervice in the holy in the bars thereof, and reared up his pillars.
place ; and the holy garments for Aaron the prieft, and 19 And he fpread abroad the tent over the taber-
his ions' garments, to minifter in the prieft's office. nacle, and put the covering of the tent above upon
42 According to ail that the Lord comma:: it ; as the Lord commanded Mofes.
Moles, fo the -children of Ifrael made all the work. 20 If And he took and put the teftimony into the
43 And Moles did look upon all the work, and be- ark, and let theftaves on the ark,' and put the mercy
hold, they had clone it as the Lord had commanded,
feat above upon the ark.

even lb had they done it and Moles bleffed them. :

21 And he brought the ark into the tabernacle, and
fet up the veil of the covering, and covered the ark l^'
CHAP. XL. of the teftimony ; as the Lord commanded Mofes.
1 The tabernacle is commanded to be reared, 9 and 22 If And he put the table in the tent of the con-
anointed. 12 Aaron and his sons to be sanctified. gregation, upon the fide of the tabernacle northward,
16 Moses^ pcrfonneth cdl things accordingly. 34 without the veil.
The cloud, &c. 23 And he fet the bread in order upon it before
AN D On Lordthe
fpake unto Mofes, faying,
the firft day of the firft month ihalt thou
the Lord ; as the Lord had commanded Mofes.
24 If And he put the candieftick in the tent of the^
let up the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation ; congregation, over againft the table, on the fide of
3 And thou fhalt put therein the ark of the' tefti- the tabernacle fouthward.
mony, and cover the ark with the veil. 25 And he lighted the lamps before the Lord ; as
4 And a thou fhalt bring in die table, and fet in the Lord commanded Mofes.

2a 35-
* Hrb.
order t the tilings that are to be fet in order upon it :
26 If And he put the golden altar in the tent of the
thereof. and thou ihalt bring in the candieftick, and light the congregation before the veil.
lamps thereof. 27 And he burnt fweet incenfe thereon ; as the
5 And thou fhalt fet the altar of gold for the incenfe Lord commanded Mofes.
before the ark of the teftimony, and put the hanging 28 H And he fet up the hanging at the door of the
of the door to the tabernacle. tabernacle.
6 And thou fhalt fet the altar of the burnt offering 29 And he put the altar of burnt offering by the
before the door of the tabernacl* of the tent of the door of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation, d c *
congregation. and offered upon it the burnt offering, and the meat 29 38,

7 And thou fhalt fet the laver between the tent of the offering as the Lord commanded Mofes.

congregation and. the altar, and (halt put water therein. 30 If And he fet the laver between the tent of the
8 And thou fhalt fet up the court round about, and congregation and the altar, and put water there, to
hang up the hanging at the court gate. waih withal.
9 H And thou (halt take the anointing oil^ and anoint 31 And Mofes, and Aaron, and his fons, wafhed
the tabernacle, and all that is therein, and ihalt hallow their hands and their feet thereat.
it, and all the veffels thereof and it fhall be holy.
; 32 When they went into the tent of the congrega-
10 And thou Ihalt anoint the altar of the burnt of- tion, and when they came near unto the altar, they
fering, and all his veffels, and fanclify the altar and : warned as the Lord commanded Mofes.

; V'h.
it fhall be an altar t niofl holy. 33 If And he reared up the court round about the
.•:;.'. of
betintsieSi 1 And thou fhalt anoint the laver and his foot, tabernacle and the altar, and fet up the hanging of
and fanctify it. the court gate fo Mofes finifhed the woi'k.

12 H And thou fhalt bring Aaron and his fons unto 34 If e Then a cloud covered the tent of the con- e Numb,
the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and gregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the taber- 9 '5-
i Kings
wafh them with water. nacle.
13 And thou ihalt put upon Aaron the holy gar- 35 And Mofes was not able to enter into the tent
ments, and anoint him, and ianclify him that he may ; of the congregation, becaufe the cloud abode thereon,
minifter unto me in the prieft's office. and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.
14 And thou fhalt bring his fons, and clothe them 36 And when the cloud was taken up from over
with coats : the tabernacle, the children of Ifrael t went onward lu,% e d
15 And thou fhalt anoint them_, as thou didft anoint in all their journeys :

their father, that they may minifter unto me in the 37 But if the cloud were not taken up, then they
prieft's office for their anointing ihall finely be an
: journeyed not till the day that it was taken up.
everlafting priefthood throughout their generations. 38 For the cloud of the Lord ivas upon the taber-
1G Thus did Mofes according to all that the Lord
: nacle by day, and fire was on it by night, in the fight
commanded him, fo did he. of all the houfe of Ifrael, throughout all their jour-
!49». 17 And it came to pafs, in the firft month, in the
"If neys.
fecond year, on the firft day of the month, that the
b Numb,
7 I.
* tabernacle was reared up. The
The Third Book of MOSES, called LEVITICUS.
ND when any will offer a meat offering unto the
1 Laves concerning
the burnt offerings, 3 of the herd,
10 of the flocks, 14 of the fowls.
his offering fhall be o/fine Hour
upon it, and put frankir
and he

AN D the Lord calied unto Mofes, and fpake

uuto.him out of the tabernacle of the congre-
2 And he fhall bring it to Aaron's ions, the priefts
and he lhall take thereout his handful of the flour

gation, laying, thereof, and of the oil thereof, with all the frank-"
2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and fay unto incenfe thereof ; andthe prieft lhall burn the memo-
them, If any man of you bring an offering unto the rial of it upon the altar, to be an offering made by fire,

Lord, ye fhall bring your offering of die cattle, even of a fweet favour unto the Lord.
of the herd, and of the flock. 3 And a the remnant of the meat offering shall be a Ecclna.

3 If If his offering be a burnt facrifice of the herd, Aaron's and his ions' it is a thing moft holy of the :

let him offer a male without blemifh he fhall offer

offerings of the Lord made by fire.
it of his own voluntary will, at the door of the taber- 4 If And if thou bring an oblation of a meat offering
nacle of the congregation before the Lord. baken in the oven, it shall be unleavened cakes of fine
a Exod. :9
4 a
And he
put his hand upon the head of the
fhall Hour mingled with oil, or unleavened wafers anointed
burnt offering and it fhall be accepted for him, to
with oil.
Or, en n
make atonement for him. 5 % And if thy oblation feameat offering baken \ in a |i

flat p :e,
5 And he fhall kill the bullock before the Lord : pan, it fhall be of fine Hour unleavened, mingled withoil.
and the priefts, Aaron's fons, fhall bring the blood, 6 Thou fhalt part it in pieces, and pour oil there-
and fprinkle the blood round about upon the altar that on : it is a meat offering.
is by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. 7 "If And if thy oblation be a meat offering baken in
6 And he fhall flay the burnt offering, and cut it the frying pan, it fhall be made o/"firifc flour with oil.
into his pieces. 8 And thou fhalt bring the meat offering that Is
7 And the fons of Aaron the prieft fhall put fire upon made of thefe things unto the Lord : and when it is
.the altar, and lay the wood in order upon the fire. prefented unto tire prieft, he fhall bring it unto the altar.
8 And the priefts, Aaron's fons, fhall lay the parts, 9 And the prieft fhall take from- the meat offering
the head, and the fat, in order upon the wood that is a memorial thereof, and fhall burn it upon the altar :
b ver. 7.

on the fire, which is upon the altar. it is an c

offering made by fire, of a fweet favour unto c Excd.IJ
9 But his inwards and his legs fhall he wafh in the Lord.
water and the priell fhall burn all on the altar, to be
: 10 And that which is left of the meat offering shall
a burnt facrifice, an offering made by fire, ofafweet be Aaron's and his fons' it is a thing meft holy of :

favour unto the Lord. die offerings of the Lord made by fire.
10 11 And if his offering be of the flocks, namelij,ol 11 No
meat offering, which ye fhall bring unto the
the fheep, or of the goats, for a burnt facrifice ; he Lord, fhall be made with leaven for ye fhall burn :

fhall bring it a male without blemifh. no leaven, nor any honey, in any offering of the Lord
11 And he fhall kill it on the iide of the altar north- made by fire.
ward before the Lord and the priefts, Aaron's fons,
: 12 If As for the oblation of the firfl fruits, ye fhall
lhall fprinkle his blood round about upon the altar. offer them unto the Lord ; but they fhall not j be t H«b.
12 And he fhall cut it into his pieces, with his head burnt on the altar for a fweet favour.
and his fat ; and the prieft lhall lay them in order on 13 If And every oblation of thy meat offering d fhalt *«*»* 9

the wood that is on the fire, which « upon the altar. hou feafon with fait neither fhalt thou fuller the fait

13 But he fhall wafh the inwards and the legs with of the covenant of thy God to be lacking from thy
water and the priefts fhall bring it all, and burn it
; meat offering with all thine offerings thou fhalt offer

upon the altar it is a burnt facrifice, an offering made

: fait.
by fire, of a fweet favour unto the Lord. 14 And if thou offer a meat offering of thy firft
14 II And if the burnt facrifice for his offering to .fruits unto the Lord, thou fhalt offer, for the meat
the Lord be of fowls, then he fhall bring his offering offering of thy firft fruits, green ears of corn dried by
erf turtle doves, or of young pigeons. die fire, even com beaten out of full ears.
15 And the prieft fhall bring it unto the altar, and 15 And thou fhalt put oil upon it, and lay frankin-
Or, p-n;h

off the head

wring off his head, and burn it on the altar
II and the : cenfe thereon it is a meatoffering.

•with the nail.

\ Or, the
blood thereof lhall be wrung out at the fide of the altar. 1 And the prieft fhall bum the memorial of it, part
filth thereof. 16 And he lhall pluck away his crop, with his || of the beaten corn thereof, and part of the oil thereof,
feathers, and caft it belide the altar, on the eafl part, with all the frankincenfe thereof it is an offering made :

by the place oftheafhes. by fire unto the Lord.

17 And he lhall cleave it with the wings thereof,
but fhall not divide it aiunder and the prieft fhall

burn it upon the altar, upon the wood that is upon 1 The peace offering of the herd, 6 of theflock ; 7 whe-
the fire ; it is a burnt facrifice, an offering made by ther a lamb, 12 or a goat.
fire, of a fweet favour unto the Lord.

AN D he
ing, if
if his oblation be a facrifice of peace offer-
offer zVof the herd, whether it be a
nale or female ; he fhall offer it without blemifh be-
1 The meat offering offlour with oil and incei ifc,k either Lord.
fore the
baken in tlx oxen, 5 or on a plate, lor in afrying}.pan.
2 And he fhall lay his hand upon the head of his
12 The oblation offirstfruits not to be burnt, Sfa
offering, and kill it at the door of the tabernacle of

The sin offering of ignorance for LEVITICUS, the priest andfor the congregation.
me congregation and Aaron's fons, the priefts, fliall and fliall lay his hand upon the bullock's head, and
Christ :

i 4 yo. fprinkle the blood upon the altar round about. kill the bullock before the Lord.
3 And he fliall of the peace of-
offer of the facrifice 5 And the prieft that is anointed fliall take of the
aExod. 29 22. fering, unto the Lord, a the
an offering made by fire bullock's blood, and bring it to the tabernacle of the
or,j« e >.
fo t that covereth the inwards, and all the fat that is
upon the inwards ;
6 And the prieft fliall dip his finger in the blood,
4 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, and fprinkle of the blood feven times before the Lord,
which is by the flanks, and the caul above the liver, before the veil of the fan£tiiary«

and over the' with the kidneys, itlhallhetake away. 7 And the prieft fliall put some of the blood upon
5 And Aaron's fons fhall burn it on the altar upon the horns of the altar of fweet incenfe before the Lord,
the burnt facrifice, which is upon the wood that is on which is in die tabernacle of the congregation ; and
the fire it is an offering made by fire, of a fweet favour
: fhall pour all the blood of the bullock at the bottom aChaP- s *'
unto the Lord. of the altar of the burnt offering, which is at the door
6 11 And if his offering, for a facrifice of peace offer- of the tabernacle of the congregation.
ing unto the Lord, be of the flock, male or female ;
8 And he fhall take off' from it all the fat of the bul-
he fliall offer it without blemilh. lock for the fin offering ; the fat that covereth the in-
7 1! If he offer a lamb for his offering, then fhall he wards, and all the fat that is upon the inwards :

offer it before the Lord. 9 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon
8 And
he fliall lay his hand upon the head of his them, which is by the flanks, and. the caul above the
offering, and kill it before the tabernacle of the con- liver, with the kidneys, it fhall he take away,
gregation and Aaron's fons fliall fprinkle the blood
: 10 As it was taken off from the bullock of the fac-
thereof round about upon the altar. rifice of peace offerings and the prieft fliall bum them

9 And he fliall offer, of the facrifice of the peace of- upon the altar of the burnt offering.
fering, an offering made by fire unto the Lord the ; 11 b And the fkin of the bullock, and all his ffefli, %*£.%%
fat thereof, and the whole rump, (it fliall he take off with his head, and with his legs, and his inwards, and
hard by die back bone,) and the fat that covereth the his dung,
inwards, and all the fat that is upon the inwards : 12 Even the whole bullock fhall he carry form
10 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon f without the camp unto a clean place, where the aflies tHeb. U
•without the
them, which is by the flanks, and the caul above the are poured out, and c burn him on the wood with fire :
cHeb. 13 n.
liver, with the kidneys, it fliall he take away. t where the allies are poured out, fliall he be burnt. t Heb. at the
11 And the priefl fhall bum it upon the altar ; it is 13 If And if the whole congregation of Ifrael fin pouring out
of the ashes.
the food of the offering made by fire unto the Lord. through ignorance, d and the thing be hid from the d Chap, j 2
12 If And if his offering be a goat, then he fhall offer eyes of the affembly, and they have done somewhat
it before the Lord. against any of the commandments of the Lord, con-
13 And he fhall lay his hand upon the head of it, cerning thingswhichfhould not be done, and are guilty;
and kill it before the tabernacle of the congregation 14 When the fin which they have finned againft it
and the fons of Aaron fhall fprinkle the blood thereof is known, then the congregation fhall offer a young
upon the altar round about. bullock for the fin, and bring him before the taberna-
14 And he fliall offer thereof his offering, even an cle of the congregation*
offering made by fire unto the Lord; the fat that cover- 15 And the elders of the congregation fliall lay their
eth die inwards, and all the fat that is upon the inwards hands upon the head of the bullock before the Lord j
15 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon and the bullock fhall be killed before the Lord.
them, which is by the flanks, and the caul above the 16 And the prieft that is anointed fliall bring of the
liverj with the kidneys, it ihail he take away. bullock's blood to the tabernacle of the congregation,
16 And the prieft fliall bum them upon the altar : 17 And the prieft fhall dip his finger in some of the
, it is the food of the offering made by fire, for a fweet blood, and fprinkle it feven times before the Lord*
bchap. 725. favour All the fat Mthe Lord's.
: even before the veil.
17 It shall be a perpetual ftatute for your genera- 18 And he fhall put Some of the blood upon the horns
tions, throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat neither of the altar which is before the Lord, that is in the
c Gen. 4. fat nor c blood. tabernacle of the congregation, and fhall pour out all
Chap. 7 26.
& 17 if
the blood at the bottom of the altar of the burnt offer-
ing, which is at the door of the tabernacle of the con-
1 The of ignorance for the priest, 13 for
sin offering
the congregation, 22 for a ruler; 27 for any of'the
19 And he fliall take all his fat from him, and burn
itupon the altar.
AND2 SpeakLord the fpake unto Mofes, faying,
unto the children of Ifrael, faying, If
20 And he fliall do with the bullock as he did with
the bullock for a fin offering fo fliall he do with this

a foul fliall fin through ignorance againft any of the and the prieft fliall make an atonement for them, and
commandments of the Lord, concerning things which it be forgiven them*
ought not to be done, and do againft any of them
fhall 21 And he fhall carry forth the bullock without the
3 If the prieft that is anointed do fin according to camp, and bum him as he burned the firft bullock it :

the fin of the people then let him bring, for his fin
; is a fin offering for the congregation!
which he hath finned, a young bullock without blem- 22 If When a ruler hath finned, and done somewhat
ifh, unto the Lord for a fin offering. through ignorance against any of the commandments
4 And he fhall bring the bullock unto the door of of the Lord his God concerning things which fliould
the tabernacle of the congregation before the Lord ; not be done, and is guilty ;

23 Or
The trespass offering. CHAP. V. Offerings in cases of sacrilege.
CHRIST 23 Or if his fin, wherein he hath finned, come to withal, and it be hid from him when he knoweth C hrist ;

1490. his knowledge he fhall bring his offering, a kid of of it, then he Iliall be guilty.
; U9°-
4 Or if a foul fwear, pronouncing with bis lips to *-^^ *"

the goats, a male without blemilh.

24 And he iliall lay his hand upon the head of the do evil, or to do good, whatfbever it be that a man
goat, and kill it in the place where they kill the burnt fhall pronounce with an oath, and it be hid from him
offering before the Lord it is a fin offering.: when he knoweth of it, then he fhall be guilty in one
25 And the prieft iliall take of the blood of the fin of thefe.
offering with his finger, and put it upon the horns of 5 And it iliall be, when he iliall be guilty in one of
the altar of burnt offering, and iliall pour out his blood thefe things, that he fhall confefs that he hath finned
at the bottom of the altar of burnt offering. in that thing.
26 And he iliall burn all his fat upon the altar, as 6 And he iliall bring his trefpafs offering unto the

the fat of the facrifice of peace offerings and the prieft Lord, for his iin which he hath iinned, a female

iliall make an atonement for him as concerning his from the flock, a lamb, or a kid of the goats, for a
fin, and it fhall be forgiven him. fin offering and the prieft fhall make an atonement :

tHeb, my 27 If And iff any one of the t common people fin for him concerning his iin.
t Heb. people through ignorance, while he doeth somewhat
against 7 If And iff he be not able to bring a lamb, then he thandHeb.

if the land.
any of the commandments of the Lord, concerning fhall bring, for his trefpafs which he hath committed, reach to the
sufficiency of
things which ought not to be done, and be guilty two turtle doves, or two young pigeons, unto the a lamb.

28 Or if his iin which he hath finned, come to his Lord one for a fin offering, and the other for a ;

knowledge then he iliall bring his offering, a kid of burnt offering.


the goats, a female without blemiih, for his iin which 8 And he fhall bring them unto the prieft, who
he hath finned. fhall offer that which is for the fin offering firft, and
29 And he iliall lay his hand upohthe head of the * wring off his head from his neck, but fhall not divide aciwp. 15 1

fin offering, and ilay the fin offering in the place of the it afunder.

burnt offering. 9 And he iliall fprinkle of the blood of the fin offer-
30 And take of the blood thereof
the prieft iliall ing upon the fide of the altar and the reft of the ;

with his finger, and put it upon the horns of the altar blood fhall be wrung out at the bottom of the altar :
of burnt offering, and fhaH pour out all the blood it is a fin offering.

thereof at the bottom of the altar. 10 And he fhall offer the fecond/or a burnt offer-
Or, irdi-
t Chap. 3 14- 31 And e he fhall take away all the fat thereof, as ing, according to the manner and the prieft iliall nance.
|| :

the fat is taken away from off the facrifice of peace make an atonement for him, for his iin which he hath
offerings ; and the prieft fhall burn it upon the alfar iinned, and it fhall be forgiven him.
fExoJus 29
fora f iweet favour unto the Lord and the prieft : 1 1 If But if he be not able to bring two turtle
fhall make an atonement for liim, and it fhall be for- doves, or two young pigeons then he that iinned fhall ;

given him. bring for his offering the tenth part of an ephah of fine
32 And he bring a lamb for a fin offering, he
if flour for a iin offering he iliall put no, oil upon it,

iliall a female without blemifh.

bring it neither fhall he put any frankincenfe thereon ; for
33 And he fhall lay his hand upon the head of the it is a fin offering.

fin offering, and ilay it for a fin offering in the place 12 Then iliall he bring it to the prieft, and the prieft
where they kill the burnt offering. fhall take his handful of it, b even a memorial thereof, bciwp. 2

34 And the prieft iliall take of the blood of the fin and burn it on the altar, c according to the offerings cchap.43
offering with his finger, and put it upon the horns of made by fire unto the Lord it is a fin offering. ;

the altar of burnt offering, and iliall pour out all the 13- And the prieft iliall make an atonement for him,
blood thereof at the bottom of the altar. as touching his fin that he hath finned in. one of thefe,
35 And he fhall take away all the fat thereof, as the and it fhall be forgiven him and the remnant fhall :

fat of the lamb is taken away from the facrifice of the be the prieft's as a meat offering.
peace offerings and the prieft iliall burn them upon
: 14 If And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
the altar, according to the offerings made by fire un- 15 If a foul commit a trefpafs, and fin through ig-
to the Lord : and the prieft fhall make an atonement norance in the holy things of the Lord ; then he fhall
for his fin that he hath committed, and it fhall be for- bring for his trefpafs unto the Lord, a ram without
given him. blemifh out of the flocks,, with thy eftimation by fhe-
C HA P. V. kels. of filver, after the iliekel of the fancluary, for a
1 The trespass offering of the flock for him that sin- trefpafs offering.
neth in concealing his knowledge, &c: 7 of fowls, 16 And he fhall make amends- for the harm that he
11 or offlour. 14 The trespass offering in case of hath done in the holy tiling, and fhall add the fifth
sacrilege, fcfc. part thereto,, and give it unto the prieft : and the prieft
AND if a foul fin, and hear the voice of fwearing,
and is a witnefs, whether he hath ken or known
make an atonement
ifs offering, be forgiven him.
and it fhall
for him with the ram of the

of it; if he do not utter z7,then hefhaUbearhis iniquity. 17 If And if a d foul fin, and commit any of thefe dcinp.4
2 Or if a foul touch any unclean thing, whether h things which are forbidden to be done by the com-
be a carcafs of an unclean beaft, or a carcafs of un- mandments of the Lord; though he wilt it not, yet
clean cattle, or the carcafs of unclean creeping things, is he guilty, and fhall bear his iniquity-

and if it be hidden from him ; he alfo fhall be unclean 18 And he fhall bring a ram without .blemifh out of
and guilty. die flock with thy eftimation, for a trefpafs offering,
3 Or if he touch the uncleannefs of man, whatfo- unto the prieft and the prieft fhall make an atone-

ever uncleannefs it be that a man iliall be defiled ment for him concerning his ignorance wherein he

The law of the meat offering LEVITICUS. and the trespass offering.

Christ errec^ an d will it not, and it fhall be forgiven him. fire ; it is molt holy, as is the fin offering, and as the
ij<5». 19 It is a trefpafs offering he hath certainly tref- : trefpafs offering.
^""^"^ p afl'ecl againft the Lord. 18 All the males among the children of Aaron fhall
ft shall be a ltatute forever in your genera-
C HA P. VI. eat of it.
tions concerning the offerings of the Lord made by
1 The trespass offering for sins clone wittingly. 8 the f
fire every one that toucheth them lhall be holy. f Exod. 29
Jaw of the burnt offering. 14 and of the meat offer- ;

ing :19 the offering at the priest's consecration.

19 "if And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
24 The sin offering,
20 This is the offering of Aaron, and of his fons,
which they fhall offer unto the Lord, in the day when
ND the Lord (pake unto Mofes, faying, he is anointed ; the tenth part of an s ephah of fine g Exod. 16
2 If a foul fin, and commit a trefpafs againft the 3<i.
flour for a meat offering perpetual, half of it in the
Lord, and lie unto his neighbour in that which was
Or, morning, and half thereof at night.
delivered him to keep, or in

f fellowfhip, or in a |j

21 In a pan it fhall be made with oil

Heh put.
thing taken away by violence, or hath deceived his and when it ;
tihz of the
neighbour isbaken thou fhalt bring it in and the baken pieces :

of the meat offering, fhalt uhou offer for a fweet favour
3 Or have found that which -was loft, and lieth con-
a Exod. 22 ii.
cerning if, and a
fweareth falfely ; in any of all thele unto the Lord.
that a man doeth, finning therein
22 And the prieft of his fons, that
is anointed in his
ftead, fhall offer a ltatute for ever unto the
it it is
4 Then itbecame he hath fmned, and is
lhall be,

guilty, that he fhall reftore that which lite took violent-

Lord it fhall be wholly burnt.

ly away, or the thing winch he hath deceitfully gotten,

23 For every meat offering for the prieft fhall be
or that which was delivered him to keep, or the loft
wholly burnt it lhall not be eaten.

thing which he found,

24 H And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
5 Or all that about which he hath fworn falfely he ;
25 Speak unto Aaron, and to his fons, faying. This
b chap. 5 16. is the law of the fin offering: In -the place where the
Qiajj even b rc ft ore it in the principal, and fhall add the
burnt offering is killed, fhall the fin offering be killed
fifth part more thereto, <z7zcf give it unto him to whom
Or, in the before the Lord it is molt holy.

day of his
itappertaineth, f in the day of his trefpafs offering.
26 The prieft that oftereth it for fin fhall eat it in

bein^ found 6 And he lhall bring his trefpafs offering unto the ;

guilty. the holy place fhall it be eaten, in the court of the taber-
t Hcb. in the Lord,
a ram without blemifh out of the Hock, with
day of his nacle of the congregation.
trespass. thy eftimation, for a trefpafs offering, unto the prieft.
cCliij). 515.
7 And the prieft fhall make an atonement for him
27 Whatfoever fhall touch the flefh thereof fhall be
before the Lord and it fhall be forgiven him, for any- holy and when there is fprinkled of the blood thereof
upon any garment, thou fhalt wafh that whereon it
thing of all that he hath done, in trelpafiing therein.
was fprinkled in the holy place.
8 If And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, h Chap.
9 Command Aaron andhisfons, faying, This is the 28 But the earthen veffel wherein it is fodden h fhall 33-

It is the burnt offering,

be broken and if it be fodden in a bralen pot, it fnall
Uning."" ^ au °^ tne burnt offering
* be-
: ||

be both fcoured and rinfed in water.

caufe of the burning upon the altar all night unto the
morning, and the fire of the altar {hall be burning in it
29 All the males among the priefts fhall eat thereof:
it is moft holy.
10 And the prieft fhall put on his linen garment,
and his linen breeches fhall he put upon his flefh, and 30 And no fin offering, whereof ^;zy of the blood
I Hebr. 13

is brought into the tabernacle of the congregation, to

take up the nfhes which the lire hath confirmed with
reconcile withal in the holy place, fhall be eaten it
the burnt offering on the altar, and he fhall put them ;

lhall be burnt in the fire.

belide the altar.
11 And lie fhall put off his garments, and put on C HA P-. VII.
other garments, and carry forth the afhes without the 1 The law of the trespass offering ; 11 the peace offer-
camp, unto a clean place. ings, 12 whether for a thanksgiving, 16 or a vow,
12 And the fire upon the altar fhall be burning in or a free will offering. 22' The fat and the blood are
it; it lhall not be put out and the prieft fhall burn : forbidden to be eaten. 28 The priests'' portion in
wood on it every morning, and lay the burnt offering the peace offerings.
in order upon it and he lhall burn thereon the fat of
; LIKEWISE this is the law of the trefpafs offering :

the peace offerings. it is moft holy.

13 The fire lhall ever be burning upon the altar ;
2 In the place where they kill the burnt offering,
it lhall never go out. fhall they
the -trefpafs offering
kill and the blood :
d .ip. 2

Numb. 15 4 14 *H d And this is the law of the meat offering The •

thereof lhall he fprinkle round about upon the altar.
foils of Aaron (hall offer it before the Lord, before the 3 And he lhall offer of it all the fat thereof ; the
altar. rump, and the fat that covereththe inwards :

15 And he fhall take

of it his handful, of the flour 4 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them,
of the meat offering, and of the oil thereof, and all the which is by the flanks, and the caul that is above the
frankincenfe which wupon the meat offering, and fhall liver, with the kidneys, it lhall he take away*
burn it upon the altar for a fweet favour, even the 5 And the prieft fhall burn them upon the altar for
e Chap. 3 c
memorial of it, unto the Lord. an offering made by fire unto the Lord it is a tret :

16 And the remainder thereof fhall Aaron and his pafs offering.
fons eat: with unleavened bread fhall it be eaten in 6 Every male among the priefts fhall eat thereof;
the holy place in the court of the tabernacle of the
; it be eaten in the holy place it is moft holy.
fhall :

congregation they fhall eat it. 7 As the lin offering is x fo is the trefpafs offering :

17 It lhall not be baken with leaven I have given : there is one law for them the prieft that maketh : .

it unto them for their portion of my offerings made by atonement therewith Hi ail have it.
8 And
T&efat and bloodforbidden to be eaten, CHAP. VIII. Moses conseeraieth Aaron and his sons.
8 And the prieft that offereth any man's burnt the Lord, fhall bring his oblation unto the Lord of
offering, e ven the prieft fhall have to himfelf the Ikin the facrifice of his peace offerings.
of the burnt offering which he hath offered. 30 His own hands fhall bring the offerings of the
9 And all the meat offering that is baken in the Lord made by fire ; the fat with the breaft, it fhall
oven, and all that is drelTed in the frying pan, and he bring, that d the breaft may be waved for a wave
d Exod,

Or, en the
Jlat plate, or,
B in the pan, fhall be the prieft's that offereth it. _
offering before the Lord.
slke. 10 And every meat offering mingled with oil, and 31 And the prieft ihall burn the fat upon the altar ;
dry, fhall all the fons of Aaron have, one as much as but the breaft be Aaron's and his fons'.
another. 32 And the right fhoulder fhall ye give unto the
11 H And
this is the law of the facrifice of peace prieft for an heave offering of the facrifices of
offerings, which he ihall offer unto the Lord : peace offerings.
12 If he offer it for a thanksgiving, then he lhall of- 33 He among the fons of Aaron, that offereth the
fer with the facrifice of thankfgiving unleavened cakes blood of the peace offerings, and the fat, ihall have the
mingled with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with right fhoulder for his part.
oil,and cakes mingled with oil, of fine flour, fried. 34 For the wave breaft and the heave fhoulder have
13 Befides the cakes, he fhall offer for his offering I taken of the children of Ifrael from off the facrifices
leavened bread with the facrifice of thankfgiving of his of their peace offerings, and have given them unto
peace offerings. Aaron the and unto his fons, by a ftatute for
14 And of it he fhall offer one out of the whole ob- ever, from, among the children of Ifrael.
lation, for an heave offering unto the Lord, and it 35 II This is the portion of the anointing of Aaron,
ihall be the prieft's that fprinkleth the blood of the and of the anointing of his fons, out of the offerings of
peace offerings. the Lord, made by fire, in the day when he prefented
15 And the flefh of the facrifice of his peace offerings them to minifter unto the Lord in the prieft's office ;
for thankfgiving, fhall be eaten the fame day that it is 36 Which the Lord commanded to be given them
offered he fhall not leave any of it until the morning.
; of the children of Ifrael, in the day that he anointed
16 But if the facrifice of his offering be a vow, or them, £//aftatute forever, throughout their generations,
a voluntary offering, it fhall be eaten the fame day 37 This fa the law of the burnt offering, of the
that he offereth his facrifice ; and on the morrow alfo meat offering, and of the fin offering, and of the tref-
the remainder of it fhall be eaten. pafs offering, and of the confecrations, and of the facri-
17 But the remainder of the flefh of the facrifice on fice of the peace offerings,
the third day fhall be burnt with fire. 38 Which the Lord commanded Mofes in mount
18 And if any of the flefh of the facrifice of his Sinai, in the day that he commanded the children of
peace offerings be eaten at all on the third day, it fhall Ifrael to offer their oblations unto the Lord, in the
not be accepted, neither fhall it be imputed unto him wildernefs of Sinai.
that offereth it it fhall be an abomination, and the

foul that eateth of it fhall bear his iniquity.

19 And the flefh that toucheth any_ unclean thing 1 Moses consecrateth Aaron and his sons: 14 their sin
fhall not be eaten ; it fhall be burnt with fire and as :
offering : 18 their burnt offering : 22 The ram of
for the flefh, all that be clean fhall eat thereof.
consecration. 31 The place and time of their conse-
20 But the foul that eateth of the flefh of the facrifice
of peace offerings that pertain unto the Lord, a hav-
ing his uncleannefs upon him, even that foul fhall be
AN DTakeLord
the fpake unto Mofes, faying,
Aaron, and his ions with him, and 3 the a ExotT. ;i

•cut off from his people. garments, and b the anointing oil, and a bullock for ? t"
b Exod.
21 Moreover, the foul that fhall touch any unclean the fin offering, and two rams, and a bafket of un- 30 2.).

thing, as the uncleannefs ofman, or any unclean beaft, leavened bread

or any abominable unclean thing, and eat of the flefh of 3 And gather thou all the congregation together
the facrifice of peace offerings, which pertain unto the unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.
Lord, even that foul fhall be cut off from his people. 4 And Mofes did as the Lord commanded him,
22 If And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, and the affembly was gathered together unto the door
23 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, faying, b Ye of the tabernacle of the congregation.
fhall eat no manner of fat, of ox, or of fheep, or of goat. 5 And Mofes laid unto the congregation, c this is •29 4.

24 And the fat of the f beaft that dieth of itfelf, and the thing which the Lord commanded to be done.
the fat of that which is torn with beafts, may be ufed 6 And Mofes brought Aaron and his fons, and
in any other ufe but ye fhall in no wife eat of it.
; wafhed them with water.
25 For whofoever eateth the fat of the beaft, of 7 And he put upon him the coat, and girded him
which men offer an offering made by fire unto the with the girdle, and clothed him with the robe, and
Lord, even the foul that eateth it fhall be cut off from put the ephod upon him, and he girded him with die
his people. curious girdle of the ephod, and bound it unto him
26 Moreover, ye fhall eat no manner of blood, therewith.
whether it be of fowl, or of beaft, in any of your dwel- 8 And he put the breaftplate upon him ; alfo he
lings. put in the breaftplate the Urim and the Thummim. d ExoOL
28 v.
27 Whatfoever foul it be that eateth any manner of 9 And he put the mitre upon his head ; alfo upon
blood, even that foul fhall be cut off from h s people. ;
the mitre, even upon his forefront, did he put the
28 IT And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, golden plate, the holy crown; as the Lord e com- e Exod.
38 37/ &d
29 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, faying, He manded Mofes.
that offereth the facrifice of his peace offerings unto 10 And Mofes took the anointing oil, and anointed
1 ;

The ram of consecration. L E VIT I C U S. The offerings for Aaron and the people.
lie fore
CmRisT the tabernacle, and all that was therein, and fanclified confecration it was Mofes' J
part ; as the Lord com- CHRIST
, them. manded Mofes. 1 190.

1 And
he fprinkled thereof upon the altar feven 30 And Mofes took of the anointing oil, and of 1 jExod.
29 26.
times, and anointed the altar and all his veffels, both the blood which was upon the altar, and fprinkled
the laver an I his foot, tofanctify them. it upon Aaron, and upon his garments, and upon his
f Psslm 133
2. Ecclcs. 12 And he f poured of the anointing oil upon fons, and upon his fons' garments with him and ;

45 >5- Aaron's head, and anointed him, to ianciify him. fanciifiedAaron, and his garments, and his fons, and
13 And Mofes brought Aaron's fons, and put coats his fons' garments with him.
+ Keb. *Mo.rf.upori them, and girded them with girdles, and f put 31 IF And Mofes faid unto Aaron, and to his fons,
bonnets upon them as the Lord commanded Moles. ;
Boil the fiefh at the door of the tabernacle of the con-
r Exod, m Exod.
gregation, and there m eat it with the bread that is in 29 31.
ay J©, 14 IF s And he brought the bullock for the iin of-
fering and Aaron and his fons laid their hands upon
the bafket of confecrations, as I commanded, faying,
the head of the builock for the fin offering. Aaron and his fons fhall eat it.
15 And he flew it ; and Mofes took the blood, and 32 And that which remaineth of the nefh, and of
put it upon the horns of the altar round about with his the bread, fhall ye burn with fire.
finger, and purified the altar, and poured the blood at 33 And ye fhall not go out of the door of the taber-
the bottom of the altar, and fanclified it, to make nacle of the congregation in feven days, until the
n Exod.
reconciliation upon it. days of your confecration be at an end for n feven :
*9 35-
16 And he took all the fat that was upon the in- days fhall he confecrate you.
wards, and the caul above the liver, and the two kid- 34 As he hath done this day, so the Lord hath
neys, and their fat, and Mofes burned it upon the commanded to do, to make an atonement for you.
altar. 35 Therefore mall ye abide at the door of the
17 But the bullock, and his hide, his flefh, and his tabernacle of the congregation day and night, feven
dung, he burnt .with fire without the camp as the ;
days, and keep the charge of the Lord, that ye die
h Exod.
jv 14. Lord h commanded Mofes. not for fo I am commanded.

18 IF And he brought the ram for the burnt offer- 36 So Aaron and his fons did all things which the
ing and Aaron and his fons laid their hands upon
: Lord commanded by the hand of Mofes.
the head of the ram.
19 And he killed it; and Mofes fprinkled the
blood upon the altar round about. 1 The
first offerings of Aaron for himself andfor the
people. 8 Aaron offereth them, first for himself, 15
20 And he cut the ram into pieces, and Mofes
burnt the head, and the pieces, and the fat.
and afterwardfor the people. 23 Moses and Aaron
bless the people, and fire cometb from the Lord upon
21 And he warned the inwards and the legs in
the altar.
water and Mofes burnt the whole ram upon the

altar it was a burnt facriiice for a fweet favour, and


an offering made by fire unto the Lord as the Lord :

AN D came to pafs, on the eighth day, that Mofes

Aaron and his fons, and the elders of Ifrael

commanded Mofes. 2 And he faid unto Aaron, a take thee a young a ex j.
Exod. 22 IF And he brought the other ram, the ram of
calf for a iin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering, 29 '

confecration and Aaron and his fons laid their hands

: without blemifh, and offer them before the Lord.
upon the head of the ram. 3 And unto the children of Ifrael thou fhalt fpeak,
23 And he flew it ; and Mofes took of the blood faying, Take ye a kid of the goats for a fin offering :

of it, and put it uponthe tip of Aaron's right ear, and and a calf, and a lamb, both of the firft year, without
upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great blemifh for a burnt offering

toe of his right foot. 4 Alfo a bullock and a ram for peace offerings, to
24 And he brought Aaron's fons, and Mofes put of f acrifice before the Lord: and a meat offering
the blood upon the tip of their right ears, and upon the with oil for today the Lord will appear unto you.

thumbs of their right hands, and upon the great toes 5 And they brought that which Mofes commanded
of their right feet and Mofes fprinkled the blood
: before the tabernacle of the congregation and all the ;

upon the altar round about. congregation drew near, and flood before the Lord.
25 And he took the fat, and the rump, and all the 6 And Mofes faid, This is the thing which the
fat that was upon the inwards, and the caul above the Lord commanded that ye mould do and the glory ;

liver, and the two kidneys, and their fat, and the of the Lord fhall appear unto you.
right moulder. 7 And Mofes faid unto Aaron, Go unto the altar,
26 And
out of the bafket of unleavened bread, that and offer thy fin offering, and thy burnt offering, and
ivas before the Lord, he took one unleavened cake, make an atonement for thyfelf, and for the people :

and a cake of oiled bread, and one wafer, and put and offer the offering of the people, and make an
them on the fat, and upon the right fhoulder : atonement for them as the Lord commanded.

2 (
21 And he put all k upon Aaron's hands, and upon 8 IF Aaron, therefore, went unto the altar, and flew
his fons' hands, and waved them for a wave offering the calf of the fin offering which was for himfelf.
before the Lord. 9 And the fons of Aaron brought the blood unto
23 And Mofes took them from off their hands,

him and he dipped his finger in the blood, and put it


l them on the altar upon the burnt offering

: upon the horns of the altar, and poured out the blood
they were confecrations for a fweet favour it is an ; at the bottom of the altar.
offering made by fire unto the Lord. 10 But the fat, and the kidneys, and the caul above
29 And M
Jes took the breaft, and waved it for the liver, of the fin offering, he burnt upon the altar,
a wave offering before the Lord : for of the ram of as the Lord commanded Mofes.
11 And
Nadab and Abihu burnt. CHAP. X, XI. The law of eating the holy things.
11 And the flefh and the hide he burnt with fire heads, neither rend your clothes, left ye die, and left CHRIST
without the camp. wrath come upon all the people but let your breth-
12 And he flew the burnt offering and Aaron's : ren, the whole houfe of Ifrael, bewail the burning
fons prefented unto him the blood, which he fprinkled which the Lord hath kindled.
round about upon the altar. 7 And ye fhall not go out from the door of the
for the
13 And they prefented the burnt offering unto him, tabernacle of the congregation, left ye die ;

with the pieces thereof, and the head and he burnt ;

anointing oil of the Lord is upon you. And they
did according to the word of Mofes.
them upon the altar.
8 If And the Lord fpake unto Aaron, faying,

14 And he did wafh the inwards and the legs, and

burnt them upon the burnt offering on the altar. 9 Do not drink wine nor flrong drink, thou, nor
15 IT And he brought the people's offering, and took thy fons with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of
the goat, which was the I'm offering for the people, and the congregation, left ye die it shall be a flatute for

flew and offered it for fin, as the firft.

ever throughout your generations ;
16 And he brought the burnt offering, and ottered 10 And that ye may put difference between holy
| Or, ordi- it according to the manner. ||
and unholy, and between unclean and clean :

t Heb. filled 17 And he brought the meat offering, and t btook 1 And that ye may teach the children of Ifrael all
the ftatutes which the Lord hath fpoken unto them
his hand
out of it. an handful thereof, and burnt it upon the altar, be-
b Exodus 29
fide the burnt facrifice of the morning.
by the hand of Mofes.
18 He flew alfo the bullock and the for a lacri- mm .

12 IF And Mofes fpake unto Aaron, and unto Elea-

fice of peace offerings' which was for the people
and : zar and unto Ithamar, his fons that were left, Take
Aaron's fons prefented unto him the blood, (which he the meat offering that remaineth of the offerings of
fprinkled upon the altar round about,)
the Lord made by fire, and eat it without leaven be-
19 And the fat of the bullock and of the ram, the fide the altar for it is raoft holy.

rump, and that which covereth the inwards, and the 13 And ye fhall eat it in the holy place, becaufe it
is thy due, and thy fons' due, of the facrifices of the
kidneys, and the caul above the liver :

20 And they put the fat upon the breads, and he Lord made by fire for fo I am commanded.

burnt the fat upon the altar. 14 And b the wave breaft, and heave fhoulder fhall 5jExod.a#

21 And the breafts and the right fhoulder Aaron ye eat in a clean place thou, and thy fons, and thy

waved/or a wave offering before the Lord as Mofes ;

daughters with thee for they be thy due, and thy fons

commanded. due, which are given out of the facrifices of peace of-
22 And Aaron lifted up his hand toward the people, ferings of the children of Ifrael.
and bleffed them and came down from offering of" the
15 The heave fhoulder and the wave breaft fhall
fin offering,and the burnt offering, and peace offerings. they bring, with the offerings made by fire of the fat,
23 IF And Mofes and Aaron went into the taberna- to wave it for a wave offering before the Lord and :

it fhall be thine, and thy fons' with thee, by a ftatute

cle of the congregation, and came out, and bleffed the
people and the glory of the Lord appeared unto all
for ever ; as the Lord hath commanded.
the people. 16 IF And Mofes diligently fought the goat of the
c C«n. 4 4.
24 And c there came a fire out from before the fin offering, and, behold, it was burnt and he was:
1 Kings 1838
1 Chrou. 7 1.
Lord, and confumed upon die altar the burnt offering angry with Eleazar and Ithamar, the fons of Aaron,
and the fat which when all the people faw, they (hom-
which were left alive, faying,
ed, and fell on their faces. 17 Wherefore have ye not eaten the fin offering in
X. CHAP. the holy place, feeing it is molt holy, and God hath
given it you to bear the iniquity of the congregation,
1 Nadab and Abihu, for offering strange fire, are burnt
to make atonement for them before the Lord ?
by fire from the Lord: 6 Aaron and his sons forbid-
18 Behold, the blood of it was not brought in
den to mourn for them. 8 The priests are forbidden
within the holy place ; ye fhould indeed have eaten it
wine when they go into the tabernacle. 12 The law c Chap. 6
16 Aaron's excuse for in the holy place, c as I commanded.
of eating the holy things. 26.

19 And Aaron faid unto Mofes, Behold, this day

transgressing thereof.
have they offered their fin offering and their burnt
3 4,

Chrou. 24
AND Nadab and Abihu, the fons of Aaron, took

either of them his cenfer, and put fire therein,

offering before the Lord and fuch things have be-

I 2
fallen me and if I had eaten the fin offering to-

and put incenfe thereon, and offered ftrange fire before day, fhould it have been accepted in the fight of the
the Lord, which he commanded them not. Lord ?
2 And there went out fire from the Lord, and de- 20 And when Mofes heard that, he was content.
voured them and they died before the Lord.

3 Then Mofes faid unto Aaron, This is it that the

Lord fpake, faying, I will be fan<Stified in them that 1 What beasts may, and what may not be eaten : 9
come nigh me, and before all the people I will be glo- what fishes : 13 whatfowls : 23 the creeping things
rified. And Aaron held his peace. which are unclean.
4 And Mofes called Mifhael and Elzaphan,
of Uzziel, the uncle of Aaron, and laid unto them,
the fons AND the Lord fpake unto Mofes, and to Aaron,
faying unto them,
Come near, cany your brethren from before the fanc- 2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, faying, a Thefc ^ Drat. [44,
Acts io 14.

tuary out of the camp. are the beafts which ye fhall eat, among all the beafts
5 So they went near, and carried them in their coats that are on the earth.
out of the camp as Mofes had faid.
; 3 Whatfoever partem the hoof, and is cloven foot-
6 IT And Mofes faid unto Aaron, and unto Ele- ed, fl7zr/cheweth die cud, among the beafts, that fhall
azar, and unto Ithamar, his fons, Uncover not your ye eat.
4 Neverthelefs,
; :

What beasts, fishes, fowls, LEVI T I G U S, may and may not he eaten.
4 Neverthelefs, thefe iliall ye not eat of them that 29 H Thefe alfo shall be unclean unto you among
chew the cud^ or of them that divide the hoof as
: the creeping things that creep upon the earth The :

the camel, becaufe he cheweth the cud, but divideth weafel, and the moufe, and the tortoife after his kind,
not the hoof ; he is unclean unto you. 30 And the ferret, and the chameleon, and the liz-
5 And the cony, becaufe he cheweth the cud, but ard, and the fhail, and the mole.
divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. 31 Thefe are unclean to you among all that creep
6 And the hare, becaufe he cheweth the cud, but whofoever doth touch them when they be dead, fhall
divideth not the hoof ; he is unclean unto you. be unclean until the even.
b s Mac-
6:8. 7 And b the fwine, though he divide the hoof, and 32 And upon whatfoever any of them when they
be cloven footed, yet he cheweth not the cud, he is are dead doth fall, it fhall be unclean whether it be

unclean to you. any veffel of wood, or raiment, or fkin, orfack, or

8 Of their flefh ye not eat, and their carcafs
iliall whatfoever veffel it be wherein any work is done, it
fhall ye not touch ;they are unclean to you. muft be put into water, and it fhall be unclean until
9 If Thefe iliall ye eat of all that arc in the waters : the even ; fo it fhall be cleanfed.
Whatfoever hath fins and fcales in the waters, in the 33 And every earthen veffel ,whereinto any of them
feas, and in the rivers, them fhall ye eat. falieth, whatfoever is in it fhall be unclean ; and c ye 62S.
10 And all that have not fins and fcales in the feas fhall break it.

and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and 34 Of all meat which maybe eaten, that on which
of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall such water cometh fhall be unclean and all drink that

be an abomination unto you ;

may be drunk hi every such veffel fhall be unclean.
11 They mail be even an abomination unto you ; 35 And every thing whereupon any part of their
ye fhall not eat of their flefh, bu+ rrf> (hall have their carcafs falieth fhall be unclean whether it be oven, or

carcaffes in abomination. ranges for pots, they iliall be broken down for they:

12 Whatfoever hath no fins nor icales in the waters, are unclean, and lhall be unclean unto you.
that shall be an abomination unto you. 36 Neverthelefs, a fountain or pit, t wherein there tHeb,«
13 \ And thefe are they which ye fhall have in is plenty of water, iliall be clean ; but that which f^^lr
waUrs '

abomination among the fowls they fhall not be eaten,

; toucheth their carcafs fhall be unclean.
they are an abomination The eagle, and the oflifrage,
: 37 And if any part of their carcafs fall upon any
and the ofprey, fowing feed which is to be fown, it shall be clean.
14 And the vulture, and the kite after his kind ; 38 Butifany water be putupon the feed, and any part
15 Every raven after his kind ; of their carcafs fall thereon, it shall beunclean unto you.
16 And the owl, and the nighthawk, and the 39 And if any beaft of which ye may eat die; he
cuckoo, and the hawk after his kind, that toucheth the carcafs thereof fhall be unclean until
17 And the little owl, and the cormorant, and the the even.
great owl, 40 And he that eateth of the carcafs of it fhall wafh
18 And the fwan, and the pelican, and the gier eagle, his clothes, and be unclean until the even he alfo

19 And the flork, the heron after her kind, and the that beareth the carcafs of it fhall wafh his clothes,
lapwing, and the bat. and be unclean until the even.
20 All fowls that creep, going upon all four, shall 41 And every creeping thing that creepeth upon the
be an abomination unto you. earth shall be an abomination it iliall not be eaten.

21 Yet thefe may ye eat, of every flying creeping 42 Whatfoever goeth upon the belly, and whatfoever
Heb. doth
thing that goeth upon all four, which have legs above goeth upon all four, or whatfoever f hath more feet fmultiply
their feet, to leap withal upon the earth ; among all creeping things that creep upon the earth, /«<*

22 Even thefe of them ye may eat The locuft after

: them ye fhall not eat ; for they are an abomination.
his kind, and the bald locuft after his kind, and the 43 Ye fhall not make f yourfelves abominable with tHeb u>A
beetle after his kind, and the grafshopper after his any creeping thing that creepeth, neither fhall ye make
kind. yourfelves unclean with them, that ye fhould be de-
23 But all other flying creeping things, which have filed thereby
four feet, shall be an abomination unto you. 44 For I am the Lord your God ye fhall therefore

24 And for thefe ye fhall be unclean : whofoever fan£tify yourfelves, and d ye fhall be holy for I am;
1, &20 7-
toucheth the carcafs of them fhall be unclean until the holy neither fhall ye defile yourfelves with any man-

even. ner of creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

25 And whofoever beareth aught of the carcafs of 45 For I am the Lord that bringeth you up out of
them fhall wafh his clothes, and be unclean until the the land of Egypt, to be your God ; ye fhall there-
even. fore be holy ; for I am holy.
26 The carcasses of every beaft which divideth the 46 This W the law of the beafts and of the fowl,
hoof, and is not cloven footed, nor cheweth the cud, and of every living creature that moveth in the waters,
are unclean unto you : every one that toucheth them and of every creature that creepeth upon the earth ;
iliall be unclean. 47 To make a difference between the unclean and
27 And whatfoever goeth upon his paws, among the clean, and between the beaft that may be eaten and
all manner of beafts that go on all four, thofe are un- the beaft that may not be eaten.
clean unto you whofo toucheth their carcafs fhall be

unclean until the even.

1 The purification of a woman after childbirth : 6 her
28 And he that beareth the carcafs of them fhall offerings for her purifying.
wafh his clothes, and be unclean until the even ; they
arc unclean unto you, AN D 2
the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
Speak unto the children of Ifrael, faying, Ef
a * woman
Laws and tokens for CHAP. xni. discerning the leprosy.

a a conceived feed, and borne a man

woman have 11 an old leprofy in the fkin of his flefh ; and Chciust
It is
the priefl fhall pronounce him unclean, and fhall not, 1490.
child, then fhe fhall be unclean feven days according ;

to the days of the feparation for her infirmity fhall fhe

fhut him up : for he is unclean.
be unclean. **'•- n •
12 And if a leprofy break out abroad in the fkin r
3 And in the b
eighth day, the flefh of his foreikin and the leprofy cover all the fkin of him that hath the
fhall be circumcifed.
plague, from his head even to his foot, wherefoever
. r *-,
4 And lhe fhall then continue
, , .
the blood of her the priefl looketh
purifying three and thirty days : fhe fhall touch no 13 Then the priefl fhall confider and, behold, if :

hallowed thing, nor come into the fanauary, until the the leprofy have covered all his flefh, he fhall pro-
days of her purifying be fulfilled. nounce him clean that hath the plague ; it is all turned
5 But if ihe bear a maid child, then lhe fhall be white he is clean.

unclean two weeks, as in her feparation and me :

14 But when raw flefh appear eth in him, he fhall
fhall continue in the blood of her purifying three fcore
be unclean.
and fix days.
15 And the priefl fhall fee the raw flefh, and pro-
6 If And when the days of her purifying are Fulfilled, nounce him to be unclean : for the raw flefh is un-
for a fon , or for a daughter, fhe fhall bring a lamb t
t freb. a j« of clean : it is a leprofy.
the firft year for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon, 16 Or if the raw flefh turn again, and be changed
unto white, he fhall come unto the priefl
or a turtle dove for a fin offering, unto the door of the
tabernacle of the congregation, unto the priefl 17 And the priefl ihallfee him and, behold, ifthe :

7 fhall offer it before the Lord, and make

Who plague be turned into white then the priefl fhall pro- ;

an atonement for her, and fhe fhall be cleanfed from nounce him clean that hath the plague he is clean. :

the iffue of her blood. This is the law for her that 18 II The flefh alfo in which, even in the fkin there-
hath borne a male or a female. of was a bile, and is healed
, ;

8 c And iff fhe be not able to bring a lamb, then
4 ' 19 And in the place of the bile there be a white
t H°b r C

young pigeons rifing, or a bright fpot, white, and fomewhat reddifli,

flie fa^ j^-jng two turtles, or two
kandjindnot :

mikttxc, *
one foi ^
bumt offer mg) and the othej. for a f
offering : and the priefl fhall
^ -

make an atonement for

m and it be fhewed to the priefl
20 And if, when the priefl feeth it, behold, it be in
her, and fhe lhall be clean. light lower than the fkin, and the hair thereof be
CHAP. XIII. turned white, the priefl lhall pronounce him unclean
the priest is to be guided it is a plague of leprofy broken out of the bile.
The lenvs and tokens whereby
in discerning the leprosy in man or woman, fcfc.
21 But ifthe priefl look on it, and, behold, there be
the o r d fpake unto Mofes and Aaron, faying,
a man fhall have in the fkin of his flefh,
no white hairs therein, and if it be not lower than the
fkin, but be fomewhat dark, then the priefl fhall fhut
r or.™/*- a ||
riling, a fcab, or bright fpot, and it be in the fkin him up feven clays.
of his flefh like the plague of leprofy thenhe fhall be;
22 And if fpread much abroad in the fkin, then

brought unto Aaron the priefl, or unto one of his fons the priefl fhall pronounce him unclean it is a plague :

the priefls
3 And

Dk on the plague
the priefl fhall 1c
the 1km
23 But ifthe bright fpotflay in his place, and fpread
not, it is a burning bile and the priefl fhall pronounce ;

of the flefh ; and when the hair in the plague is turned him clean.
white, and the plague in fight be deeper than the fkm 24 % Or any flefh, in the fkin whereof Heb
if there be
of his flefh, it is a plague of leprofy and the priefl : there is f ahotburning, and the quick/fe.j/6 that burnetii mg If fire""
fhall look on him, and pronounce him unclean. have a white bright fpot, fomewhat recldifli or white ;

4 If the bright lpotfo white in the fkin- of his flefh, 25 Then the priell fhall look upon it and, behold, :

and in fight be not deeper than the fkin, and the hair if the hair in the bright fpot be turned white, and it
thereof be not turned white ; then the priefl lhall fhut be in fight deeper than the fkin, it is a leprofy broken
up him that hath the plague feven days. out of the burning wherefore the priefl fhall pro-

5 And the priefl lhall look on him the feventh day nounce him unclean it is the plague of leprofy. :

and, behold, if the plague in his fight be at a flay, and 26 But if the priefl look on it, and, behold, there
the plague fpread not in the fkin then the priefl 1 nail
; be no white hair in the bright fpot, and it be no lower
fhut him up feven days more. than the other fkin, but be fomewhat dark then die ;

6 And the priefl lhall look on him again the leventh priefl fhallfhut him up feven days.
day and, behold, z/ the plague be fomewhat dark,
27 And the priefl fhall look upon him the feventh
and theplague fpread not in the fkin, the priefl fhall day and if it be fpread much abroad in the fkin, then

pronounce him clean ; it is but a fcab and he fhall : the priefl fhall pronounce him unclean it is the :

wafh his clothes, and be clean. plague of leprofy.

7 But if the fcab fpread much abroad m the fkin, 28 And ifthe bright fpot flay in his place , tf/z^fpread
after that he hath been feen of the priefl for his cleanf- not in the fkin, but it be fomewhat dark it is a rifmg ;

be feen of the priefl again.

ing, he fhall of the burning, and the priefl fhall pronounce him
//the priefl fee that, behold, the fcabfpread-
8 And clean for it is an inflammation of the burning.

eth in the fkin ; then the priefl fhall pronounce him 29 If If a man or woman have a plague upon the
unclean it is a leprofy. :
head or the beard ;
9 1 the plague of leprofy is in a man, then
When 30 Then the priefl fhall fee the plague and, be- :

he fhall be brought unto the priefl .

hold, \{\tbe in fight deeper than the fkin, and there
10 And the priefl fhall fee him : and, behold, z/the be in it a yellow thin hair then the priefl fhall pro- ;

t web a* riling be white in the fkin, and it have

turned the hair nounce him unclean it is a dry fcall, even a leprofy ;

f white, and there be quick raw flefh in the riling ; upon the head or beard.
Z%7X t
31 And
; ; ; ;

Laws and tokens LEVITICUS. to discern the leprosy.

31 And look on the plague of the fcall,

if the prieft 52 He fhall therefore burn that garment, whether <$ggr
and, behold, be not in fight deeper than the fkin, and
it warp or woof, in woollen or in linen, or any thing of v--^i w ,

that there is no black hair in it then the prieft fhall ihut ; fkin, wherein the plague is for it is a fretting leprofy

up him that hath the plague of the fcall feven days. it fhall be burnt in the fire.
32 And in the feventh day the prieft fhall look on 53 And if the prieft fhall look, and, behold, the
the plague and, behold, if the feall fpread not, and
: plague be not fpread in the garment, either in the
there be in it no yellow hair, and the fcall be not in warp, or in the woof, or in any thing of fkin ;

fight deeper than the fkin, 54 Then the prieft fhall command that they wafli
33 He fhall be fhaven, but the fcall fhall he not the thing wherein the plague is, and he fhall fhut it up
fhave and the prieft fhall fhut up him that hath the
: feven days more. _

fcall feven days more. 55 And the prieft fhall look on the plague after that
34 And in the feventh day the prieft fhall look on it is wafhed :and, behold, if the plague have not
the fcall and, behold, if the fcall be not fpread in the
: changed his colour, and the plague be not fpread, it is
fkin, nor be in light deeper than the fkin ; then the unclean ; thou fhalt bum it in the fire it is fret in-

prieft fhall pronounce him clean ; and he fhall wafh ward, t whether it be bare within or without. thSha-a
his clothes, and be clean. 56 And if the prieft look, and, behold, the plague be MaWntht
35 But if the fcall fpread much in the fkin after his fomewhat dark after the waffling of it then he fhall If, Jin vie
cleanfmg ;
rend it out of the garment, or out of the fkin, or out fi'/!
36 Then the prieft fhall look on him and, behold, : of the warp, or out of the woof.
if the fcallbe fpread in the fkin, the prieft fhall not feek 57 And if it appear ftill in the garment, either in the
for yellow hair : he is unclean. warp, or in the woof, or in any thing of fkin, it is a
3*7 But if the fcall be in his fight at a ftay,and that threading plague ; thGU fhalt burn that wherein the
there is black hair grown up therein ; the fcall is healed, plague is with fire.
he is clean ; and the prieft fhall pronounce him clean. 58 And the garment, either warp, or woof, or what-
38 If or a woman have in the fkin of
If a man alfo foever tiling of fkin it be, which thou fhalt warn if the ,

their fleih bright fpots, even white bright fpots plague be departed from them, then it fhall be wallied
39 Then the prieft fhall look and, behold, z/ the : the fecond time, and fhall be clean.
bright fpots in the fkin of their fief h be darkifh white ; 59 This is the law of the plague of leprofy in a gar-
it is a freckled fpot that groweth in the fkin he is clean. : ment of woollen or linen, either in the warp, or woof,
tHeb. head
i i pilled.
40 And the man whole t hair is fallen oft" his head, or any thing of fkins, to pronounce it clean, or to pro-
he is bald yet is he cleam ;
nounce it unclean.
41 And he that hath his hair fallen off from the
part of his head toward his face, he is forehead bald ;
yet is he clean,
2 The rites and sacrifices in cleansing the leper. 33 The
42 And if there be in the bald head, or bald fore- signs of leprosy in an house, 48 and of its cleansing.
head, a white reddifh fore, it is a leprofy fprung up in
his bald head, or his bald forehead ;
AND the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
2 II This fhall be the law of the leper in the day
43 Then the prieft fhall look upon it and, behold, : of his cleanfmg, He a fhall be brought unto the prieft: a Mat. 8 2.
Mark 40.
3 And the prieft fhall go forth out of the camp and

if the riling of the fore be white reddifh in his bald : Luke 5 12.

head, or in his bald forehead, as the leprofy appeareth the prieft fhall look, and, behold, if'the plague of lep-
in the fkin of the flefh, rofy be healed in the leper ;
44 He is a leprous man, he is unclean t the prieft 4 Then fhall the prieft command to take for him
Or, spar-
fhall pronounce him utterly unclean his plague is in ;
that is to be cleanfed two || birds alive arid clean, and B
his head. cedar wood, and fcarlet, and hyffop-
45 And the leper, in whom the plague is, his clothes 5 And the prieft fhall command that one of the birds
fhall be rent, and his head bare, and he fhall put a be killed in an earthen veffel over running water.
covering upon his upper lip,- and mall cry, Unclean, 6 As for the living bird, he fhall take it, and the
unclean. cedar wood, and the fcarlet, and the hyffop, and fhall
46 All the days wherein the plague shall be in him, dip them and the living bird in the blood of the bird
he fhall be defiled he is unclean, he fhall dwell alone
; ;
that iv as killed over the running water ;
;* 'Kumh. 5 1.
without the camp shall his habitation be. 7 And he fhall fprinkle upon him that is to be
2 Kings 155.
47 IF The garment alfo that the plague of leprofy is cleanfed from the leprofy feven times, and fhall pro-
in, whether it be a woollen garment or a linen garment nounce him clean, and fhall let the living bird loofe
48 Whether it be in the warp or woof, of linen or f into the open field. t Heb. upon
the face of
+ Heb. of woollen whether in a fkin, or in any f thing made
; 8 And he that is to be cleanfed fhall wafli his the field.
-itifrk cf.
of fkin clothes, and fhave off all his hair, and wafh himfelf in
49 And if the plague be greenifh or reddifh in the water, that he may be clean and after that he fliall

garment, or in the fkin, either in the warp, or in the come into the camp, and fliall tarry abroad out of his
t Heb. ves- woof, or in any f thing of fkin it is a plague of lep- ; tent feven days.
sel, or, in-
urnment. rofy, and lliall be fhewed unto the prieft. 9 But it lliall be on the feventh day that he fliall
50 And the prieft mail look upon the plague, and fhave all his hair off his head, and his beard, and his
fhut up it that hath the plague feven days. eyebrows, even all his hair he fliall fhave off: and he
51 And he fhall look on the plague on the feventh fliall wafli his clothes, alfo'he fliall wafh his flefh in
day if the plague be fpread in the garment, either in
: water, and he fliall be clean.
the warp, or in the woof, or in a fkin, or in any work 10 And on the eighth day he fliall take two he lambs
that is made of fkin, the plague is a fretting leprcfy ; without blemifh, and one ewe lamb t of the firft year t Heb. the
5.t is unclean. without blemifh, and three tenth deals of fine nour,/cr daughter
her year.

a meat
Rites, &c. in cleansing the leper. CHAP. XIV. The signs of leprosy in an house.
a meat offering, mingled with oil, and one log of oil. 29 And the reft of the oil that is in the prieft's hand,
11 And the prieft that maketh him clean ihall pre- he put upon the head of him that is to be cleanled,
fent the man that is to be made clean, andthofe things, to make an atonement for him before the Lord.
before the Lord, at the door of the tabernacle of the 30 And he lhall offer the one of the turtle doves, or
congregation :
of the young pigeons, fuch as he can get
12 And the prieft fhall take one he lamb, and offer 31 Even fuch as he is able to get, the one for a iin
him for a trefpafs offering, and the log of oil, and offering^ and the other for a burnt offering, with the
bExod.2924. wave them for a wave offering before the Lord.
meat offering and the prieft lhall make an atonement

13 And he fhall flay the lamb in the place where for him be cleanfed, before the Lord.
that is to
he fhall kill the fin offering, and the burnt offering, 32 This is the law of him in whom is the plague of
cchap. 7 7. in the holy place
for as the iin offering is the prieft's,
leprofy, whole hand is not able to get that which per-
so is the treipafs offering it is molt holy.
: taineth to his cleaniing.
14 And the prieft fhall take some of the blood of the 33 lAnd the Lord fpake unto Mofes and unto
trefpafs offering, and the prieft ihall put it upon the Aaron, faying,
tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleanled, and 34 Whenye be come into the land of Canaan which ,

upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great I give to you for a poileffion, and I put the plague of
toe of his right foot. leprofy in a houfe of the land of your poffeffron ;

15 And the prieft fhall take some of the log of oil, 35 And he that owncth the houfe fhall come and
and pour it into the palm of his own left hand : tell the prieft, faying, It feemeth to me there is as it

16 And the prieft fhall clip his right finger in the oil were a plague in the houfe :
that is in his left hand, and lhall fprinkle of the oil 36 Then the prieft lhall command that they empty ||
11 Or,.

}rt pare.
with his finger feven times before the Lord. the houfe, before the prieft go into it to fee the plague*,
17 And of the reft of the oil that is in his hand,
that all that is in the houfe be not made unclean ; and
fhall the prieft put upon the tip of the right ear of him afterward the prieft lhall go in to fee the houfe.
that is to be cleanled, and upon the thumb of his right 37 And he lhall look on the plague and, behold,:

hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon if the plague be in the walls of the houfe with hollow
the blood of the trefpafs offering. ltrakes, greeniih or reddifh, which in light are lower
18 And the remnant of the oil that is in the prieft's than the wall
hand, he fhall pour upon the head of him that is to be 38 Then the prieft ihall go out of the houfe to the
cleanled and the prieft fhall make an atonement for
door of the houfe, and ihut up the houfe feven days.
him before the Lord. 39 And the come again the feventh day,
prieft ihall
19 And the prieft fhall offer the fin offering, and make and fliall look and, behold, if the plague be fpread

an atonement for him that is to be cleanled from his un- in the walls of the houfe ;

cleannefs, and afterward he fhall kill the burnt offering. 40 Then the prieft J hall command that they take
20 And the prieft lhall offer the burnt offering and away the ftones in which the plague is, and they ihall
the meat offering upon the altar and the prieft lhall
; call them into an unclean place without the city.
make an atonement him, and he fhali be clean.
for 41 And he fhall caule the houfe to be fcraped within
1-Heb. his 21 And if he be poor, and t cannot get fo much round about, and they fhall pour out the dull that they
hand reach
not. then he fhall take one lamb for a trefpafs offering f to fcrape off without the city into an unclean place.
t Heb. fcr a
•waving. be waved, to make an atonement for him, and one 42 And they fhall take other ftones, and put them
tenth deal of line flour mingled with oil for a meat in the place of thofe ftones and he lhall take other

offering, and a log of oil. mortar, and ihall plafter the houfe.
22 And two turtle doves, or two young pigeons, 43 And if the plague come again, and break out in
fuch as he able to get and the one lhall be a lin
is ; the houfe, after that he hath taken away the ftones, and
offering, and the other a burnt offering. after he hath fcraped the houfe, and after it is plaftered ;

23 And he lhall bring them on the eighth day,, for 44 Then the prieft ihall come and look and, be- :

his clcanfing, unto the prieft, unto the door of the tab- hold, ?/ the plague be fpread in the houfe, it is a fretting
ernacle of the congregation, before the Lord. leprofy in the houfe it is unclean.

24 And the prieft lhall take the lamb of the trefpafs 45 And he ihall break clown the houfe, the ftones
offering, a. id the log of oil, and the prieft fhali wave of it, and the timber thereof, and all the mortar of the
them for a wave offering before the Lord. houfe and he lhall carry them forth out of the city

25 And he fhall kill the lamb of the trefpafs offering, into an unclean place.
and the prieft lhall take someoi the blood of the trefpafs 46 Moreover, he that goeth into the houfe all the
offering, and put it upon the tip of the right ear of him while that it is ihut up, lhall be unclean until the even.
that is to be cleanled, and upon the thumb of his right 47 And he that lieth in the houfe lhall waih his
hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot. clothes and he that eateth in the houfe ihall v, aih his

26 And the prieft fhali pour of the oil into the palm clothes.
of his own left hand. If And if the prieft f fliall come in, and look upon
48 + Heb. r'ft

coming in
27 And the prieft lhall fprinkle with his right finger it, and, behold, the plague hath not fpread in the houfe shall conic
in, ire.
some of the oil that is in his left hand feven times before after the houfe was plaftered then the prieft ihall pro-

the Lord. nounce the houfe clean, becaufe the plague is healed.
28 And the prieft fhall put of the oil that is in his 49 And he fliall take to cleanfe the houfe two birds,
hand upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be and cedar wood, and fcarlet, and hylfop :

cleanfed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, v.nd 50 And he lhall kill the one of the birds in an earthen
upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the place of veffel, oyer runn'iiig water :

the blood of the trefpafs offering. 51 And he lhall take the cedar wood, and the hyfifop,

mens uncleanness in their issues. LEVITICUS. Of women s uncleanness in their issues*

*e ° r
living bird, and dip them in fin offering, and the other for a burnt offering ; and c R sT
and the fcarlet, and the
the prieft fhall make an atonement for him before -the s^$~>mj
the blood of the flain bird, and in the running water,
and fprinkle the houfe feven times. ..,'.' Lord for his iffue.
16 And if any man's feed of copulation go out from

52 And he (hall cleanfe the houfe with the blood

with him, then he fhall wafh all his flefh in water, and be
of the bird, and with the running water, and
and with the cedar wood, and with unclean until the even.
the living bird,
the hyffop, and with the fcarlet.
17 And every garment, and every fkin, whereon
isthe feed of copulation, fhall be waf Led with water,
53 But he fhall let go the living bird out of the city
and be unclean until the even.
into the open fields, and make an atonement for the
houfe and it fhall be clean. 18 The woman alio with whom man fhall lie with

54 This is the law for all manner of plague of lep-

feed of copulation, they fhall both bache themselves m
d chap. 13 3°» rofy and d fcall.
water, and be unclean until the even.
55 And for the leprofy ofa garment, and of an houie,
19 If And if a woman have
an iffue, and her iffue
be blood, fhe fhall be f put apart feven 1™%%^
in her flefh
56 Andf6rarifing,andforafcab,andforabnghtfpot;
days, and whofoever toucheth her fhall be unclean *'«*
+ Heb. 57 To teach t when it is unclean, and when** is
in the day of
law of leprofy. until the even.
the undean, clean this is the
mi in the day 20 And every thing that fhe lieth upon in her fepa-
of the clean. CHAP. XV. ration fhall be unclean ; every thing alfo that fhe fit-
1 The uncleanness of men in their issues, and their teth upon, fhall be unclean.
cleansing. 19 The uncleanness of women, &c. and 21 And whofoever toucheth her bed fhall wafh his
their cleansing. clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean

AN D faying,
the Lord (pake unto Mofes, and to Aaron, until the even.
22 And whofoever toucheth any thing that fhe fat
2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and fay unto upon, fhall wafh his clothes, and bathe himself in
% Or, run-
r,in% of the
them, When any man hath a running iffue out of
|| water, and be unclean until the even.
reins. his flefh, because of his iffue he is unclean. 23 And if it be on her bed, or on any thing where-
3 And this fhall be his uncleannefs in his iffue :
on fhe fitteth, when he toucheth it, he fhall be unclean
V whether his flefh run with his iffue, or his flefh be until the even.
flopped from his iffue, it is his uncleannefs. 24 And if any man lie with her at all, and her flow-
4 Every bed whereon he lieth that hath the iffue, ers be upon him, he fhall be unclean feven days, and
t Heb. is:
nl. is unclean, and every f thing whereon he fitteth, fhall all the bed whereon he lieth fhall be unclean.
be unclean. 25 And if a woman have an iffue of her blood many
5 And whofoever toucheth his bed fhall warn his days out of the time of her feparation ; or if it run
clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean beyond the time of her feparation ; all the days of the
until the even. iffue of her uncleannefs fhall be as the days of her
6 And on any thing whereon he fat
he that fitteth feparation fhe shall be unclean.

that hath the iffue, fhall wafh his clothes, and bathe 26 Every bed whereon fhe lieth all the days of her
himself xx\ water, and be unclean until the even. iffue, fhall be unto her as the bed of her feparation :
7 And he that toucheth the flefh of him that hath and whatfoever fhe fitteth upon fhall be unclean, as
the iffue, fhailwafh his clothes, and bathe himself in the uncleannefs of her feparation.
water, and be unclean until the even. 27 And whofoever toucheth thofe things fhall be
8 And if he that hath the iffue, fpit upon him that is unclean, and fhall wafh his clothes, and bathe him-
clean then he fh all wafh his clothes, and bathe him-
; self'in water, and be unclean, until the even.
self \n water, and be unclean until the even. 28 But if fhe be cleanfed of her iffue then fhe ;

9 And what faddle foever he rideth upon that hath fhall number to herfelf feven days, and after that fhe
the iffue, fhall be unclean. fhall be clean.
10 And whofoever toucheth any thing that was un- 29 And on the eighth day fhe fhall take unto her two
der him, fhall be unclean until the even and he that : turtles, or two young pigeons, and bring them unto
beareth any o/thofe things fhailwafh his clothes, and the prieft, to the door of the tabernacle of the congre-
bathe himself m water, and be unclean until the even. gation.
11 And whomfoever he toucheth that hath the iffue, 30 And
the prieft fhall offer the one for a fin offer-
and hath not rinfed his hands in water, he fhall waili ing, and the other for a burnt offering : and the prieft
his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be un- fhall make an atonement for her before the Lord
clean until the even. the iffue of her uncleannefs.
a chap. 6 23. 12 And the a veffel of earth that he toucheth which 3 Thus fhall ye feparate the children of Ifrael from
hath the iffue, fhall be broken ; and every veffel of their uncleannefs ; that they die not in their unclean-
wood fhall be rinfed in water. my tabernacle that is amongthem.
nefs, when they defile
13 And when he that hath an iffue is cleanfed of 32 This is the law of him that hath an iffue, and
his iffue, then he fhall number to himfelf feven days of him^ whofe feed goeth from him, and is defiled
for his cleanfing, and wafh his clothes, and bathe his therewith ;

flefh in running water, and fhall be clean. 33 And of her that is fick of her flowers, and of him
14 And on
the eighth day he fhall take to him two thathath an iffue, of the man, and of the woman, and
turtle doves, ortwo young pigeons, and come before of him that lieth with her which is unclean.
the Lord, unto the door of the tabernacle of the con- CHAP. XVI.
gregation, and give them unto the prieft 1 How high priest must enter into the holy place.
15 And the prieft fhall offer them, the one for a 11 The sin offering for himself 15 The sin ofer-
T^tf «« offering for the people. G H A P. XVI, XVII. The scape goat, and yearly feast.
^o- for the people. 20 7/fe scape goat. 29 7#<? 18 And he fhall go out unto the altar that is before CHRIST
yearly feast of the expiations. the Lord, and make an atonement for it ; and lhall take
of the blood of the bullock, and of the blood of the goat,
a U:jp. 10-2.
AND death
Lord fpake unto Mofes, after a the
the two ions of Aaron, when they of-
and put it upon the horns of the altar round about.
19 And he fhall fprinkle of the blood upon it with
fered before the Lord, and died :

his finger feven times, and cleanfe it, and hallow it

2 And the Lord laid unto Mofes, Speak unto from the uncleannefs of the children of Ifrael.
t. H^ 9 3
7 . Aaron thy brother, that he come not at all times in- 20 If And when he hath made an end of reconciling
to the holy place, within the veil before the mercy
the holy place, and the tabernacle of the congregation,
feat, which is upon the ark, that he die not for I will :
and the altar, he fhall bring the live goat
appear in the cloud upon the mercy feat, 21 And Aaron fhall lay both his hands upon the
3 Thus (hall Aaron come into the holyplace ; with head of the live goat, and confefs over him all the ini-
a young bullock for a fin offering, and a ram for a quities of the children of Ifrael, and all their tranf-
burnt offering. greffions in all their fins, putting them upon the head
4 He fhall put on the holy linen coat, and he mail of the goat, and fhall fend him away by the hand of
have the linen breeches upon his flefh, and lhall be
t a fit man into the wildernefs. t Heb. a
girded with the linen girdle, and with the linen mitre mail of op*
22 And the goat fhall bear upon him all their ini- pertunity.
ihall he be attired : thefe are holy garments there- ;
quities unto a land f not inhabited : and he fhall let t HeW. of
fore fhall he wafh hisfleih in water, and so put them on. separation.
go the goat in the wildernefs.
5 And he fhall take of the congregation of the 23 And Aaron fhall come into the tabernacle of the
children of Ifrael two kids of the goats for a fin offer-
congregation, and fhall put off the linen garments,
ing, and one ram for a burnt offering.
which he put on when he went into the holy place,
6 And Aaron fhall offer his bullock of the fin offer-
and fhall leave them there
yt Hebr. 9 7. ing which is for himfelf, and
make an atonement for
24 And he fhall wafh his flefh with water in the holy
himfelf, and for his houfe.
and prefent place, and put on hisgarments,andcomeforth, and offer
7 And he fhall take the two goats,
his burnt offering, and the burnt offering of the people,
them before the Lord,
at the door of the tabernacle
and make an atonement for himfelf, and for the people,
of the congregation.
25 And the fat of the fin offering fhall he burn upon
8 And Aaron fhall call lots upon the two goats; one
the altar.
t Heb. lot for the Lord, and the other lot for the f fcape goat.
Azazel. 26 And he that let go the goat for the fcape goat,
9 And Aaron fhall bring the goat upon which the
and offer him for a fin offering. fhall wafh his clothes, and bathe his flefh in water,
'+ Heb. wsnt Lord's lot t fell,
and afterward come into the camp.
10 But the goat on which the lot fell to be the fcape
•27 * And the bullock for the fin offering, and the
goat, fhall be prefented alive before the Lord, to f^^ff
goat for the fin offering, whofe blood was brought in
make an atonement with him, and to let him go for a
to make atonement in the holy place, fhall one carry
fcape goat into the wildernefs.
forth without the camp ; and they fhall burn in the
11 If And Aaron fhall bring the bullock of the fin
fire their fkins, and their flefh, and their dung.
offering which is for himfelf, and fhall make an atone-
28 And he thatburneth them fhall wafh his clothes,
ment for himfelf, and for his houfe and fhall kill the ;

and bathe his flefh in water, and afterward he fhall

bullock of the fin offering which is for himfelf.
12 And he fhall take a cenfer full of burning coals
come into the camp.
29 H And this fhall be a flatute for ever unto you :
of fire from off the altar before the Lord, and his
that in the feventh month, on the tenth day of the
hands full offweetincenfe beaten fmall, and bring it
month, ye fhall afflict your fouls, and do no work <at
within the veil.
whether it be one of your own country, or a flran-
13 And he fhall put the incenfe upon the fire before
ger that fojourneth among you
the Lord, that the cloud of the incenfe may cover the

30 For on that day fhall the priest make an atone-

mercy feat that is upon the teflimony, that he die not.
ment for you, to cleanfe you, that ye may be clean
A Hebr. 9 3,
'& 10 4. 14 d And he fhall take of the blood of the bullock,

e Chap. 4 6. and e fprinkle it with his finger upon the mercy feat
from all your fins before the Lord.
and before the mercy feat fhall he fprinkle 31 it shall feafabbath of reft unto you, and ye
eaflward ;
fhall aflficl your fouls by a flatute for ever.
of the blood with his finger feven times.
32 And the priefl whom he fhall anoint, and whom
15 IT Then fhall he kill the goat of the fin offering
he fhall t confecrate to miniller in the priefl's office in
that is for the people, and bring his blood within the J,-"j*i£"
his father's ftead, fhall make the atonement, and lhall
veil, and do with that blood as he did with the blood
put on the linen clothes, 'even the holy garments.
of the bullock, and fprinkle it upon the mercy feat, and
33 And he fhall make an atonement for the holy
before the mercy feat.
fan<5luary, and he fhall make an atonement for the
16 And he fhall make an atonement for the holy
tabernacle of the congregation, and for the altar ; and
place, becaufe of the uncleannefs of the children of
he fhall make an atonement for the priefls, and for all
Ifrael, and becaufe of their tranfgreflions in all their
the people of the congregation.
and fo fhall he do for the tabernacle of the con-

34 And this fhall be an everlafling flatute unto you,

t Heb.
gregation that f remaineth among them in the midft
to make an atonement for the children of Ifrael, for
of their uncleannefs. h
all their fins, once a year. And he did as the Lord ^f^br'.^.
f Luke 1 io,
17 f And there fhall be no man in the tabernacle
of the congregation, when he goeth in to make an
commanded Mofes.
atonement in the holy place, until he come out, and CHAP. XVII.
have made an atonement for himfelf, and for his 1 The
blood of all slain beasts must be offered to the
houfehold, and for all the congregation of Ifrael. Lord at the door of the tabernacle ; ana no sacrifice
M to
1 7

Eating of blood forbidden &c. ^ LEVITICUS. Of unlazvful lusts.

to be i7i ade to devils. 10 All eating of blood is forbid- ND the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
den, 15 and of that which dieth of itself, or is torn. 2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and fay
unto them, I am the Lord your God.
AND the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
2 Speak unto Aaron, and unto his fons, and
unto all the children of Ifrael, and fay unto them, This
3 After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein
ye dwelt, fhall ye not do and after the doings of the
land of Canaan, whither I bring you, fhall ye not do

is the thing which the Lord hath commanded, faying,


neither fhall ye walk in their ordinances.

3 What man foever there be of the houfe of Ifrael,
that killeth an ox, or lamb, or goat, in the camp, or
4 Ye fhall do my judgments, and keep mine ordi-
nances, to walk therein : I am the Lord your God.
that killeth it out of the camp,
5 Ye fhall, therefore, keep my ftatutes and my
4 And bringeth it not unto the door of the taberna-
judgments ; a which if a man do he fhall live in a Ezek. 20
cle of the congregation, to offer an offering unto the 11. Rom. 10

Lord before the tabernacle of the Lord ; blood fhall them I am the Lord.
: 5. Gal. 3 12.

6 If None of you fhall approach to any that is f near t Heb. re-

be imputed unto that man he hath fhed blood and
; ; mainder of
that man fhall be cut off from among his people
ofkintohim, to uncover their nakednefs : I am the his flesh.

5 To the end that the children of Ifrael may bring

their facrifices which they offer in the open field, even
7 The nakednefs of thy father, or the nakednefs
of thy mother, ihalt thou not uncover fhe is thy
that they may bring them unto the Lord, unto the door :

mother thou fhalt not uncover her nakednefs.

of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto the prieft, ;

and offer them for peace offerings unto the Lord. 8 b

The nakednefs of thy father's wife fhalt thou b chap, »
not uncover it is thy father's nakednefs.
6 And the prieft fhall fprinkle the blood upon the :

9 The nakednefs of thy filter, the daughter of thy

altar of the Lord, at the door of the tabernacle of the
aExoA father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be bom
congregation, and a burn the fat for a fweet favour un-
18. Chai\ 4
at home or born abroad, even their nakednefs thou
to the Lord.
fhalt not uncover
7 Andthey fhall no more offer their facrifices unto

10 The nakednefs of thy fon's daughter, or of thy

devils, after whom they have gone a whoring. This
daughter's daughter, even their nakednefs thou fhalt
fhall be a ftatute for ever unto them throughout their
not uncover for theirs is thine own nakednefs.
11 The nakednefs of thy father's wife's daughter,
8 And thou (halt fay unto them, Whatfoever man
begotten of thy father, (fhe is thy filter,) thou fhalt
there beoi the houfe of Ifrael, or of the ftrangers which
not uncover her nakednefs.
fojourn among you, that oftereth a burnt offering or
12 c Thou fhalt not uncover the nakednefs of thy * c]»f- 20
father's filter fhe is thy father's near kinfwoman.
9 And bringeth it not unto the door of the taberna- :

13 Thou fhalt not uncover the nakednefs of thy mo-

cle of the congregation, to offer it unto the Lord, even
ther's filter for fhe if thy mother's near kinfwoman.
that man fhall be cut off from among his people. :

10 IT And whatfoever man there be of the houfe of 14 d Thou fhalt not uncover the nakednefs ofthy a chaP 20 .

2 °'

Ifrael, or of the ftrangers that fojourn among you,

father's brother thou lhalt not approach to his wife
; :

that eateth any manner of blood I will even fet my

fhe is thine aunt.

face againft that foul that eateth blood, and will cut 15 e Thou fhalt not uncover the nakednefs of thy echap.20
I2 '

him from among his people.

off daughter in law fhe is thy fon's wife thou lhalt

not uncover her nakednefs.

1 For the life of the flefh is in the blood and I
have given it to you upon the altar, to make an atone-
ment for your fouls for it is the blood that maketh

16 f Thou fhalt not uncover the nakednefs ofthy '

brother's wife it is thy brother's nakednefs.

an atonement for the foul. 1 Thou fhalt not uncover the nakednefs of a wo-
12 Therefore I faid unto the children of Ifrael, No man and her daughter, neither fhalt thou take her
foul of you fhall eat blood neither fhall any ftranger fon's daughter, or her daughter's daughter to unco-

that fojourneth among you,

eat blood. ver her nakednefs for they are her near kinfwo- ;

13 And whatfoever manthere be of the children of men it is wickednefs.


Ifrael, or of the ftrangers that fojourn among you,

18 Neither fhalt thou take a wife to her filter to Or, one
•wife to an-

t Heb. that vex her, to uncover her nakednefs, beiide the other «&*
hunt th any t which hunteth and catclieth any beaft or fowl that
hunting. may be eaten he fhall even pour out the blood
in her life time.
thereof, and cover it with dull. 19Tf g Alfo thou ihalt not approach unto a woman e chap. 20
k Gen. 9 4.
14 b For it is the life of all flefh the blood of it is to uncover her nakednefs, as long as fhe is put apart

for the life thereof therefore I faid unto the children for her uncleannefs.

of Ifrael, \ c fhall eat the blood of no manner of flefh :

20 Moreover, thou fhalt not lie carnally with thy
for the life of all flefh is the biood thereof ; whofoever neighbour's wife, to defile thyfelf with her.
eateth it fhall be cut off. 21 And thou ihalt not let any ofthy feed h pafs h Chap. 20
2. 2 Kings
I Heb. a car- 15 IT And
every foul that eateth t that which died through the fire to Molech neither thou pro-
; 23 10.

of itself, or that which was torn with beasts, whether it

fane the name ofthy God : I am the Lord. 1 Called,
Acts 7 A3,

he one of your own country, or a ftranger, he fhaJl 22 Thou fhalt not lie with mankind as with wo- Moloch'.

both wafh his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and mankind it is abomination.

b j 'andean until the even then fhall he be clean.

23 k Neither fhalt thou lie with any beaft to defile k cha P 20 .

5 "

16 B'it if he wafh them not, nor bathe his flefh, thyfelf therewith neither fhall any woman ftand be-

then he fhall bear his iniquity. fore a beaft to lie down thereto : it is confufion.
24 Defile not ye yourfelves in any of thefe things ;
CHAP. XVIII. for in all thefe the nations are defiled which I caft out
6 Of unlawful marriages. 19 Of unlawful lusts. before you.
2 25 And
A repetition of sundry CHAP. XIX, XX.
taws' and ordinances,

25 And the land is defiled therefore I do vifit the

** fore : heart thou fhalt in any wife rebuke thy neighbour,
c T
"£o! iniquity thereof upon it ; and the land itfelf vomiteth Hand not fuller fin upon him.
out her inhabitants. 18 IT Thou fhalt not avenge nor bear any grudge
26 Ye ihall, therefore, keep ftatutes and my my againft the children of thy people k
but thou fhalt love ;

judgments, and fhall not commit any of thefe abom- thy neighbour as thy f elf I am the Lord. :

inations ; neither any of your own nation, nor any 19 11 Ye fhall keep my ftatutes. Thou fhalt not let
Granger that fojourneth among you ; thy cattle gender with a diverfe kind Fhouftaltnbt jgfc«|?
27 (For all thefe abominations have the men of the fow thy field with mingled feed neither fhall a gar Gal 51;. ;
James 2 '$.

land done, which xvere before you ; and the land is ment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.
defiled ;)
20 IF And whofoever lieth carnally with a Woman
r mM
28 That the land fpue not you out alfo, when ye de- that is a bondmaid, f betrothed to an huiband, and j°/n^

not at all redeemed, nor freedom given her, tHeb.

file it, as it fpued out the nations that were before you. t fhe reproached ||

29 For whofoever fhall commit any of thefe abom- ihall be fcourged they fhall not be put to death, be- by,
or, for
inations, even the fouls that commit them lhall be cut caufe fhe was not free. H
Or, they.
t Heb. then
off from among their people. 21 And he bring his trefpafs offering unto the ihall be a
30 Therefore fhall ye keep mine ordinance, that ye Lord, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congre- scourgingi
commit not any one of thefe abominable cuftoms, gation, even a ram for a trefpafs offering.
which were committed before you, and that ye defile 22 And the prieft fhall make an atonement for him
not vourfelves therein I am the Lord your God.
: with the ram of the trefpafs offering before the Lord,
CHAP. XIX. for his fin which he hath done
hath done, fhall be forgiven him.
and the fin which he :

A repetition of sundry laws and ordinances. 23 IF And when ye fhall come into the land, and

a ch S p. d4 .
AND 1 the Lord fpake unto Moles, faying,
2 Speak unto ail the congregation of the children
of Ifrael, and fay unto them, Ye ihall be holy for I
fhall have planted all manner of trees for food, then ye
fhall count the fruit thereof as uncircumcifed three :

ii :

&£7 p et years ihall it be as uncircumcifed unto you it ihall


l R D your *God am holy. _


3 1 Ye (hall fear every man his mother and his father, not be eaten of.
and keep my fabbaths I am the Lord your God. :
24 But in the fourth year, all die fruit thereof fhall
4 Turn ye not unto idols, nor make to yourfelves be th°b/> to praifethe Lord withal. tHeb.
holiness of

molten gods: I am the Lord your God. 25 And in the fifth year fhall ye eat of the fruit praises to the
thereof, that it may yield unto you the increafe thereof
5 If And if ye offer a facrifice of peace offerings unto
1 am the Lord your God.
the Lord, ye fhall offer it at your own will.
6 It fhall be eaten the fame day ye offer it, and on 26 Ye fhall not eat any thing with the blood nei- ;

the morrow and if aught remain until the third day,

ther fhall ye ufe enchantment, nor obferve times.
it lhall be burnt in the fire.
27 IF Ye fhall not round the corners of your heads
cha P 21 $ ; 1 .

7 And if it be eaten at all on the third day, it is neither fhalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.
abominable it fhall not be accepted.
28 Ye fhall not m make any cuttings in your fiefh for mDeut. 14 1.

the dead, nor print any marksupon you I^wtheLoRD.


8 Therefore every one that eateth it fhall bear his :

iniquity, becaufe he hath profaned the hallowed thing 29 IF Do not t proftitute thy daughter, to caufe her l^
to be a whore left the land fall to whoredom, and the
of the L o r d and that foul fhall be cut off" from among

his people. land become full of wickednefs.

h chap. 23 «. 9 M And b when ye reap the harvefl of your land, 30 IT Ye fhall keep my fabbaths, and reverence my
thou fhalt not wholly reap the corners of thy field, nei- fancluary I am the Lord. :

ther fhalt thou gather the gleanings of thy harveft. 3 1 IF Regard not them that have familial- fpirits :
10 And thou fhalt not glean thy vineyard neither ;
neither feek after wizards to be defiled by them I am :

fhalt thou gather every grape cf thy vineyard thou ;

the Lord your God.
fhalt leave them for the poor and ftranger lam the :
32 IT Thou fhalt rife up before the hoary head, and
Lord your God. honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God I :

11 If Ye fhall not Ileal, neither deal falfely, neither am the Lord.

lieone to another. 33 IF And " if a ftranger fojourn with thee in your n Exodus vi
21, & 23 9.
12 IF And ye fhall not fwear by my name falfely land, ye ihall not vex him.
c Or, oppress.
7' || ||

DniT n ;

Mattkfjy. neither fhalt thou profane the name of thy God I am :

34 But the ftranger that dwelleth with you fhall 12Exodus
48 49.
James 5 12
the Lord. be unto you as one bom among you and thou fhalt ;

d Ecdus. 106. d
Thou fhalt not defraud thy neighbour, neither love him as thyfelf for ye were flrangers ill die land
1 ;

e Deut. 24 14
rob him: e the wages of him that is hired, fhall not of Egypt I amthc Lord your God.

Tob. 4 4.
15. 1

abide with thee all night, until the morning. 35 IF Ye lhall do no unrighteoufnefs in judgment, in
f Deut. 27 18.
14 IF Thou fhalt not curfe the deaf, f nor put a mete yard, in weight, or in meaiure.
Humbling block before the blind, but fhalt fear thy 36 p Juft balances, juft t weights, a juft ephali, and g*^"^
God : Iam the Lord. a juft hin, fhall ye have I am the Lord your God, 2°
Heb. stenci-. •

KExod. 233, which brought you out of the land of Egypt.

Deut. 1 17, &. 15 s Yc fhall do no
unrighteoufnefs in judgment
16 19. Prov.
thou fhalt not refpeel the perfon of the poor, nor hon- 37 Therefore fhall ye obferve all my ftatutes, and
24 23. James
2 9. our the perfon of the mighty but in righteoufnefs :
all my judgments, and do them I am the Lord. :

fhalt thou judge thy neighbour. CHAP. XX.

1 IF Thou fhalt not go up and down as a tale bearer 2 Of him that giveth of his seed to Molech. 4 Of him
among thy people neither fhalt thou Hand againft the
; that favoureth such an one. 6 Of going to wizards.
blood of thy neighbour I am the Lord. : 7 Of sanctification. 9 Of him that curseth his par-
hi john ii. 17 «|[ h Thou fhalt not hate thy brother in thine ents, &c.
; . . ; „ . : .

ivlng seed to Molech., LEVITICUS.. Of the priests holiness.

AN D the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,

2 a
Again, thou fhalt fay to the children of If-
hath uncovered his uncle's nakednefs they fhall bear
their fin j they fhall die childlefs
: 2I .
rae \ Whofoever he be of the children of Ifrael, or of
21. And if a man fhall take his brother's wife, it is
the ftrangers that fojourn in Ifrael,. that giveth any of f an unclean thing he hath uncovered his brother's
]epa ,

his feed unto Molech, he fhall furelybe put to death : nakednefs they fhall be childlefs.

the people of the land fhall fione him with Hones. 22HYe fhall, therefore, keep all my k ftatutes, and * ch;, P'

3 And I will fet my face againft that man, and will all my judgments^ and do them that the land, whither ;
r Chap. l8
cut him off from among his people becaufe he hath you fpue you not out. 1
; I bring to dwell therein,
given of his feed unto Molech to defile my fancluary, 23 And ye fhall not walk in the manners of the na-
and to profane my holy name. tions which I caft out before you ; for they committed
4 1 And if the people of the land do any ways hide all thefe things, and
m therefore I abhorred them. mDtut. 95.

their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his feed 24 But I have faid unto you, Ye fhall inherit their
unto Molech, and kill him not land, and I will give it unto you to poffefs it, a land
5 Then 1 will fet my face againft that man, and that noweth with milk and honey I am the Lo r d your :

againft' his family, and will cut him oft", and all that go God, which have feparated you from other people. nCliiip. 1;
a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with 25 IL Ye
fhall, therefore, put difference between clean 47. Dtut.
14 4.
Molech, from among their people.. beafts and unclean, and hetween unclean fowls and
6 IF And the foul that turneth. after fuch as have clean :. and ye fhall not make your fouls abominable
familiar lpirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after by beaft, or by fowl, or by any manner of living thing
them, I will even let my face againft that foul, and will that creepeth on the ground, which I have feparated movsth.

cut him oft' from among his people. from you as unclean.
Verse 7.
& 19
7 If b Sanctify yourfelves, therefore, and be ye holy,
26 And ye fhall be holy unto me :
° for I the Lor d Chap. 19 2.
T6. For I am the Lord your God. am holy, and have fevered you from
Pet. 16.
Peter j other people, that 1 1

8 And ye fhall keep my ftatutes, and do them I : ye fhould be mine. pDe'it. 18

am the Lord which fanclify you. 27 H p A man woman,
that hath a familiar
alfo, ..or 10 it. 1 Sara.1
28 r.
e Excd. 2, 9 TI c For every one that curfeth his father or his fpirit, or that is a wizard, fhall furely be put to death :

m. Math?" mother, fhall t>e furely put to death he hath cm fed ; they fhall ftone them with flones ; their blood shall be
>Y4- his father or his mother ; his blood shall: be upon him. upon them.
a Dcjt. 22 10 II d And the man that committeth adultery with CHAP. xxr.
32. jo 45-
ano:fDC}. mari ' S wife, even he that committeth adultery
Y'Of the priests' mourning 6 Of their holiness. 10 The
with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adul-
terefs fhall furelybe put to death..
high priest''s holiness. 7, 13 The priests' marriages:
88. 11. e And the man that lieth with his father's wife
16 'those who. have blemishes must not minister in the
~e Chap. 1

hath uncovered his father's nakednefs : both of them
mall fiirely be put to death ; their blood shall be upon
AND Lord faid unto Mofes, Speak unto the
thefons ofAaron,and fay unto them,There
12 And if a man lie with his daughter in law,, both fhall none be defiled for the dead among his people :

of them fhall jTurely be put to death

they have ;
2 But for his kin that is near unto him, that is, for

wrought confufion their blood shall be upon them.

his mother, and for his_ father, and for his fon, and for
f Chap. 18 22. 13 f If a man alfo lie with mankind as he lieth with his daughter, and for his brother,
a woman, both of them, have committed an abomina- 3: And for his fifter, a virgin, that is nigh unto him,

tion they fhall furelybe put to. death ; their, blood

: which hath had no hufband for her may he be defiled. ;

shall be upon them. 4 But he fhall not defile himfelf, being a chief man
\\ H Or, Ising
an husband
14 And if a man take a wife and her mother, it is among his people to profane himfelf. timing his
wickednefs they fhall be burnt with fire, both he
: 5 a They fhall not make baldnefs upon; their head, pmple, he
shall not dt*
and they that there be no wickednefs among you.
; neither fhall they fhave off the corner of their beard, file himself,
for his wife.>
e <5Uip.i8: 3 15 s And if a man lie with a beaft, he fhall fiirely
- nor make any cuttings in their flefh. &c.
a Chap. 1927.
be put to death and ye fhall flay the beaft.
: 6 II They fhall be holy unto their God and not pro-
\ ,

16 And if a woman approach unto any beaft, and fane the name of their God for the offerings of the :

lie down thereto, thou fhalt kill the woman and the Lord, made by fire, and the bread of their God, they
beaft they fhall furely be put to death ; their blood
: do offer therefore they fhall be holy.

shall be upon them. 7 HTheyftiall not take a wife that is a whore, or

h chap. t8o. 17 h And if a man fhall take his fifter, his father's profane; neither fhall they take a woman put* away
daughter, or his mother's daughter, and fee her naked- from her hufband for he is holy unto his God.

nefs, and ihe fee his nakednefs, it is a wicked thing ; 8 Thou fhalt fan&ify him, therefore ; for he offer-
and they fhall be cut off in the fight of their people : eth the bread of thy God he fhall be holy unto thee : •

he hath uncovered his filter's nakednefs he fhall : for I the Lord which fanclify you, am holy.
bear his iniquity. 9 'If And the daughter of any prieft, if fhe profane
i chap. »8 19. 18 And if a man fhall lie with a woman having
herfelf by playing the whore, fhe profaneth her father
her ficknefs, and fhall uncover her nakednefs he hath ; fhe fhall be burnt with fire.
t He!., madt t difcovered her fountain, and fhe hath uncovered 10 II And he that is the high prieft among his breth-
*«* the fountain of her blood ; and both of them fhall be ren, upon whofe head the anointing oil was poured,
cut oft' from among their people. and that is confecrated to put on the garments, fhall
19 And thou fhalt not uncover the nakednefs of thy not uncover his head, nor rend his clothes
mother's fifter, nor of thy father's fifter: for he un- 11 Neither fhall he go in to any dead body, nor
covereth his near kin they fhall bear their iniquity.
; defile himfelf for his father, or for his mother
20 And if a man fhall lie with his uncle's wife, he 12 Neither fhali he go out of the fan<5tuary, nor
The priests in. their unckanness CHAP, XXII. must abstain from the holy things,
profane the fan£tuary of his God; for the crown of the they bear fin for it, and die therefore, if they profane chiust
anointing oil of his God is upon him I am the Lord. : it : I the Lord do fanciify them. w^Nw
13 II And he fhall take a wife in her virginity. 10 Tl There fhall no ftranger eat of'the holy thing :
14 A
widow, or a divorced woman, or profane, or a fojourner of the prieft, or an hired fervant ihall not
an harlot,, thefe ihall he not take but he ihall take a
; eat of the holy thing.
virgin of his own people to wife. 11 But if the prieft buy any foul f with his money, -meb.iw/h
15 Neither fhall he profane his feed among his he fhall eat of it, and he that is born in his houfe ylf^mnsl
people : for I the Lo rd do nin6tify him. they fhall eat of his meat.
16 H And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 12 If the prieft's daughter alfo be married unto f a ™;£ a

17 Speak unto Aaron, laying, Whofoever be be of ftranger, f he may not eat of an offering of the holy *»*<>»**«
thy feed in their generations that hath any^ blemifh, let things.
8 or, food. |jini not approach to offer the bread of his God
II : 13 But if the prieft's daughter be a widow, or di-
18 For- whatfoever man be be that hath a blemifh, vorced, and have no child, and is returned unto her
he fhall not approach a blind man, or a lame, or he
; father's houfe, c as in her youth, fhe fhall eat of her cCb*r-
that hath a flat nofe, or any thing fuperfiuous, father's meat but there fhall no ftranger eat thereof.

22 23/
19 Oraman that is broken footed, or broken handed, 14 IF And if a man eat of'the holy thing unwittingly,
Or, too 20 Or crook backed, or a dwarf, or that hath a
|| then he ihall put the fifth part thereof unto it, and
blemifh in his eye,, or be fcurvy, or icabbed, or hath ihall give it unto the prieft with the holy thing.
his ftones broken : 1 And they ihall not profane the holy things of the
2 No
man that hath a blemifh of the feed of Aaron children of Ifrael, which they offer unto the Lord ;
the prieft r fhall come nigh to offer the-offerings of the 16 Or fuffer them to bear the iniquity of trefpafs, " ° r ;j*j
Lord made by fire he hath a blemifh he fhall not
; ; when they eat their holy things; for I the Lord do ™//a"&T
come nigh to offer the bread of his God. fanaifythem. K$£#
22 He fhall eat the bread of his God, both of-, the 17 H And the LoRDfpake-unto Mofes, faying,
moll holy, and of the holy ; 18 Speak unto Aaron, and to his fons, and unto all
23 Only he fhall not go in unto the veil, nor come the children of Ifrael, and fay unto them, Whatfoever
nigh unto the altar, becaufe he hath a blemifh that ; he be of the houfe of Ifrael, or of the ftrangers in Ifrael,
he profane not my fan£buaries for I the Lord do : that will offer his oblation for all his vows, and for all
fanctify them. his freewill offerings, which they will offer unto the
24 And Mofes told it unto Aaron,, and tohis fons, Lord for a burnt offering ;
and unto all the children of Ifrael. W
Ye sbail offer at your own will a male without
CHAP. XXII. blemifh, of the beeves, of the fheep, or of the goats.
20 d But whatfoever hath a blemifh, that fhall ye f,30

p The priests in their uneleanness mast abstain from not offer for it fhall not be acceptable for you.
the holy things; 10 who of the priest's bouse may 21 And whofoever offereth a facrifice of peace of-
eat of them. 17 The sacrifices must be without ferings unto the Lord to accompliih bis vow, or a
blemish. 26 The age oj"the sacrifice. 29 Of'eating freewill offering in beeves or fheep, it fhall be per- sor,^*

the sacrifice of thanksgiving. feci: to be accepted there fhall be no blemifh therein.


AND 1 the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,

2 Speak unto Aaron, and to his fons, that they
feparate themfelvesfrom the holy things of the children
22 Blind, or broken, or maimed, or having a wen,
or fcurvy, or fcabbed, ye fhall not offer thefe unto the
Lord, nor make an offering by fire of them upon the
of Ifrael, and that they profane not holy name inmy altar unto the Lord.
those things which they hallow untome I^wtheLoRD. : 23 Either a bullock,* or a lamb that hath any thing or,*«.
II u

3 Say unto them, Whofoever he be of all your feed,

fuperfltious or lacking in his parts, that mayeft thou eC^»-
among your generations, that goeth unto the holy offer for a freewill offering ; but for a vow it fhall not
things, which the children of Ifrael hallow unto the be accepted.
Lord, ^ving his uncleannefs upon him, that foul 24 "Ye fhall not offer unto the Lord that which is
fhall be cm
off from my
prefence : I am the Lord. bruifed, or crufhed, or broken, or cut ; neither fhall
4 What man foever of the feed of Aaron is a leper, ye make any offering thereof in. your land.
*akap. ii 5. or hath a a t running iflue, he fhall not eat of the holy 25 Neither from a ftranger 's hand ihall ye offer the
tinto/th? things until he be clean. And whofo toucheth any bread of your God of any of thefe ; becaufe their cor-
thing that is unclean by the dead, or a man whofe
"""' ruption is in them, and biemifhes be in them they :

feed goeth from him ; fhall not be accepted for you.

5 Or whofoever toucheth any creepingthing, where- 26 ~M And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
by he may be made unclean, or a man of whom he may 27 When a bullock, or a fheep, or a gout, is brought
take uncleannefs, whatfoever uncleannefs he hath ; forth, then it fhall be feven days under the dam and ;

6 The foul which hath touched any fuch, fhall be from the eighth day, and thenceforth, it fhall be ac-
unclean until even, and fhall not eat of the holy things cepted for an offering made by fire unto the Lord.
unlefs he wafh his flefh with water. 28 And whether it be cow or ewe, ye fhall not kill > °;; rA*

7 And when the fun is down, he fhall be clean., and it and her young both in one day. f''

fhall afterward eat of the holy tilings ; becaufe it is his 29 IF And when ye will offer a facrifice of thankf-
food. giving unto the Lord, offer it at your own will.
t.Exoa.22 >8 b That which dieth of itfelf, or is torn with beasts, 30 On the fame day it fhall be eaten up ye fhall :

« f? '
he fhall npteat, to defile himfelf therewith I am the : leave snone of it until the morrow lam the Lord, *f*|*^

Lord. 31 Therefore fhall ye keep my commandments

9 They .fhall, therefore, keep mine ordinance, left and do them ; I Gm the Lord.
32 Neither

; ;, , 1

The feast offBiiitecost. LEVITICUS. The feast of tabernacles,

lhall ye profane my holy name ; but
32 Neither I without blemifh of the firft year, and one young bul-
will be hallowed among the children of Ifrael I am : lock and two rams they fliall be for a burnt offering

hchap. to 3 .
the Lord which hallow you, unto the Lord, with their meat offering and their
33 That brought you out of the land of Egypt, to drink offering, even an offering made by fire of fweet
be your God I am the Lord. : favour unto the Lord.
XXIII. CHAP. 19 Then ye fliall facrifice one kid of the goats for
a fin offering, and two lambs of the firft year for a
1 The feasts of the Lord. 3 The sabbath. 4 The pass
facrifice of peace offerings.
over. 9 The sheaf of first fruits. 15 The feast of 20 And the prieft fliall wave them, with the bread
Pentecost. 22 Gleanings in the field to be left for the of the firft fruits, for a wave offering before the Lord
poor. 23 The feast of trumpets, lb The day of atone- with the two lambs they fliall be holy to the Lord

ment. 33 The feast of tabernacles. for the prieft.

AND 1 the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,

2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and lay unto
them, Concerning the feafts of the Lord, which ye
21 And ye
may be
fliall proclaim on the felf fame day, that
an holy convocation unto you ye fliall do
no fervile work therein : it shall be a ftatute for ever

fhall proclaim to be holy convocations, even thefe are in all your dwellings throughout your generations.
my feafts. 22 If And d when ye reap the harveft of your land, a chap. 19 »•
ex<hL ic 9 .
3 «j- a
gj x n ^ork be done but the feventh
t| ay S f[ia ; thou fhalt not make clean riddance of the comers of thy
Luke 4 % cky is the fabbath of reft, an holy convocation ye ;
field when thou reapeft e
neither fhalt thou gather any
; e Deut. 24 9 .

do no work therein ; it is the fabbath of the Lord

lhall gleaning of thy harveft thou fhalt leave them unto the

in all your dwellings. poor, and to the ftranger I am the Lord your God.

4 1( Thefe are the feafts of the Lord, even holy con- 23 If And the Lord fpake unto Moles, faying,
vocations, which ye lhall proclaim in their feafons. 24 Speak untothe children of Ifrael, faying, In the
m- xoi t3 ,8. 5 bjn t fc e fourteenth day
J of the firft month at even,
feventh month, in the firft day of the month fliall ye f Num. 29
P<iunb. 25 16. . ,T ™ ' 1.

is me Lord's pal lover. have a fabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets,

6 And on the fifteenth day of the fame month is the an holy convocation.
feaft of unleavened bread unto the Lord fevendays ; 25 Ye fliall do no fervile work therein ; but ye fliall
ye mull eat unleavened bread. offer an offering made by fire unto die Lord.
7 In the firft day ye fliall have an holy convocation 26 If And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
ye lhall do no fervile work therein. 27 g Aifo on the tenth day of this feventh month, gCha. 16 30-
Num. 29 7.
8 But ye lhall offer an offering made by fire unto there shall be a day of atonement it lhall be an holy :

the Lord feven days in the feventh day is, an holy : convocation unto you and ye fhall afRicl your fouls,

convocation ye fliall do no fervile work therein.

and offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord.
9 \ And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 28 And ye fhall do no Avork in that fame day for :

10 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and^ fay unto it is a day of atonement, to make an atonement for

them, When ye be come into the land which I give you before the Lord your God.
unto you, and lhall reap the harveft thereof, then ye 29 For whatfoever foul it be that fliall not be afflict-
K>r'h<,n3fu'. fliall bring a t iheaf of the firft fruits of your harveft
ed in that fame day, he fliall be cut off from among
t H?b. om.'r. n , •

unto the pneit his people :

11 And he lhall wave the fheaf before the Lord, 30 And whatfoever foul it be, that doeth any work
to be accepted for you on the morrow after the fab- : in that fame day, the fame foul will I deftroy from
bath the prieft lhall wave it. among his people.
12 And ye fliall offer that day, when ye wave the 31 Ye fliall do no manner of work it shall be a :

fheaf, an he lamb without blemilh, of the firft year, ftatute for ever throughout your generations, in all
for a burnt offering unto the Lord. your dwellings.
13 And the meat offering thereof shall be two tenth 32 It shall be unto you a fabbath of reft, and ye fliall
deals of fine flour mingled with oil, an offering made by afflict your fouls in the ninth day of the month at e ven

fire unto the Lor nfer a fweet favour ; and the drink of- from even unto even fhall ye t celebrate your fabbath. tHeb. rest.

fering thereof shall be of wine, the fourth part of an hin. 33 If And the Lord fpake unto Moles, faying,
14 And ye lhall eat neither bread, nor parched corn, 34 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, faying, h The vatm-aim
nor green ears, until the felf fame day that ye have fifteenth day of this feventh month, shall be the feaft
brought an offering unto your God it shall be a ftat- : of tabernacles for feven days unto the Lord.
ute for ever throughout your generations in all your 35 On the firft day shall be an holy convocation;,
dwellings. ye fliall do no fervile work therein.
eDeut. 16 o.
15 If And
ye fliall count unto you from the mor-
36 Seven days ye fliall offer an offering made by fire
row after the fabbath, from the day that ye brought the unto the Lord 'on the eighth day fliall be an holy
; ijohn 73 7.
fheaf of the wave offering; {even fabbaths fliall be convocation unto you, and ye fliall offer an offering
complete : made by fire unto the Lord it waf folemn affem- :
t^Ld^ M

16 Even unto the morrow after the feventh fabbath bly and ye fhall do no fervile work therein.

fliall ye number fifty days and ye fliall offer a new ; 57 Thefe are the feafts of the Lord, which ye fliall
meat offering unto the Lord. proclaim to be holy convocations, to offer an offering
17 Yc lhall bring out of your habitations two wave made by fire unto the Lord, a burnt offering, and a
loaves of two tenth deals they lhall be of fine Hour, : meatoffering, a facrifice, and drink offerings, every
they lhall be baken with leaven they are the firft ; thing upon his day ;

fruits unto the Lord. 58 Befide the fabbaths of the Lord, andbefide
13 And ye lhall offer with the bread feven lambs your gifts, and befide all your vows, and belide all
The law of blasphemy, CHAP. XXIV, XXV. The jubilee of the fiftieth year.
your freewill offerings, which ye give unto the Lord. he fhall furely be put to death, and all the congrega-
1490. 39 Alfo in the fifteenth day of the feventh month, tion fhall certainly ftone him as well the ftranger as


when ye have gathered in the fruit of the land, ye he that is bom

in the land, when he blafphemeth the
fhall keep a feaft unto the Lord feven days on the ;
name of the Lord, fhall be put to death.
f Exod. 51
firfl day shall be a fabbath, and on the eighth day 17 1f f And he that t kilieth any man fhall furely 12. Deal.
U) 11.
shall be a fabbath. be put to death. t Htb.
40 And ye fhall take you on the firfl day the f boughs 18 And he that kilieth a beaft •fhall make it good smitetha the
lift of inn:.
of goodly trees, branches of palm trees, and the boughs f beaft for beaft. t Heb. life
19 And if a man caufe a blemifh in his neighbour
for life.
of thick trees, and willows of the brook and ye fhall

gExo. 21 24.
rejoice before the Lord your God feven days. as s he hath done, fo fhall it be done unto him Deut. 19 2:.

41 And ye fhall keep it a feaft unto the Lord feven 20 Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth Mat. i 38. :

days in the year. It shall be a ftatute for ever in your as he hath caufed a blemifh in a man, fo fhall it be
generations ye fhall celebrate it in the feventh month.
done to him again.
42 Ye fhall dwell in booths, feven days all that are
: 21 And he that kilieth a beaft, he fhall reftore it :

Ifraelites born fhall dwell in booths and he that kilieth a man, he fhall be put to death.

43 That your generations may know, that I made 22 Ye fhall have h one manner of law, as well for h r 12 ^ ^ >-

the children of Ifrael to dwell in booths, when I the ftranger, as for one of your own country for I :

brought them out of the land of Egypt I am the : am the Lord your God.
Lord your God. 23 If And Mofes fpake
unto the children of Ifrael,
44 And Mofes declared unto the children of Ifrael that they fhould bring forth him that had curfed out
the feafts of the Lord. of the camp, and ftone him with ftones and the chil- :

CHAP. XXIV. dren of Ifrael did as the Lord commanded Mofes.

\The oilfor the lamps. STheshewbread. lOShelomitlfs CHAP. XXV.
son blasphemeth. 13 The law of blasphemy, 17 of 1 The sabbath of the seventh year. 8 The jubilee in the
murder, 18 of damage. 23 The blasphemer is stoned. fiftieth year. 14 Oppression forbidden.' 18 blessing A
AND Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
2 Command the children of Ifrael, that they
promised to obedience. 23 The redemption of land,
1$ of houses. 25 Compassion of'the poor. 39 The
bring unto thee pure oil olive beaten for the light, usage of bond servants. 47 The redemption of ser-
t to caufe the lamps to burn continually.
cause to
ascend. 3 Without the veil of the teftimony, in the taber-
nacle of the congregation, fhall Aaron order it from the
AN D the
nai, faying,
Lord fpake unto Mofes in mount Si- 1491.

evening unto the morning before the Lord contin- 2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and fay unto
ually : it shall be a ftatute for ever in your generations. them, When ye come into the land which I give you,
a Exodus
318. 4 He fhall order the lamps upon a the pure candle- then fhall the land f keep a fabbath unto the Lord. t Heb. rest.
aExo. 2310
flick before the Lord continually. 3 Six years thou fhalt fow thy field, and fix shears
5 II And thou ihalt take fine flour, and bake twelve thou fhalt prune thy vineyard, and gather in the fruit
b Exodus cakes thereof two tenth deals fhall be in one cake.
: thereof
35 30,
6 And thou lhalt fet them in two rows, fix on a 4 But in the feventh year fhall be a fabbath of reft
row, upon the pure table before the Lord. unto the land, a fabbath for the Lord thou malt ;

7 And thou fhalt put pure frankincenfe upon each neither fow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard.
row, that it may be on the bread for a memorial, 5 That which groweth of its own accord of thy
even an offering made by fire unto the Lord. harveft thou fhalt not reap, neither gather the grapes
8 Every fabbath he fhall fet it in order ^before the f of thy vine undreffed for it is a year of reft unto
t Heb. of
Lord continually, being taken from the children of the land. thy tepara
tion, or, con.
Ifrael by an everlafting covenant. 6 And
the fabbath of the land fhall be meat for secrathn

c Exodus 9 And c it fhall be Aaron's and his fons' and they ; you for thee and for thy fervant, and for thy maid,
29 33. Chap,
831. M;itth. fhall eat ii^n the holy place for it is mofl holy unto
: and for thy hired fervant, and for thy ftranger that
n 4.
him of thP offerings of the Lord made by fire, by a fojourneth with thee,
perpetual ftatute. 7 And for thy cattle, and for the beaft that are in
10 If And the fon of an Ifraelitifh woman, whofe thy land, fhall all the increafe thereof be meat.
father was an Egyptian, went out among the children 8 And thou fhalt number feven fabbaths of years
of Ifrael ; and this fon of the Ifraelitifh woman and a unto thee, feven times feven years and the fpace of

man of Ifrael, ftrove together in the camp ;

the feven fabbaths of years fhall be unto thee forty
1 And the Ifraelitifh woman's fon blafphemed the and nine years.
name of the Lord, and curfed. And they brought 9 Then fhalt thou caufe the trumpet f of the jubi- t Heb. lend
if sound-
him unto Mofes (and his mother's name was Shelo-
lee to found, on the tenth day of the feventh month ;
mith, the daughter of Dibri of the tribe of Dan ;) in the day of atonement fhall ye make the trumpet
U Numb. 12 And they d put him in ward f that the mind of found throughout all your land.
"5 34-
t Htrb. to ex the Lord might be fhewed them. 10 And ye fliall hallow the fiftieth year, and pro-
pound unto
them accord- 13 If And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, claim liberty throughout all the land unto all the in-
ing to the
mouth of the 14 Bring forth him that hath curfed without the habitants thereof it fliall be a jubilee unto you
: and ;
r Deut. 13 9,
camp, and let all that heard him e lay their hands upon ye fliall return every man unto his poffeilion, and ye
his head, and let all the congregation ftone him. fhall return every man unto his family.
15 And thou fhalt fpeak unto the children of Ifrael, 11 A
jubilee fhall that fiftieth year be unto you ye ;

faying, Whofoever curfeth his God fhall bear his fin. fliall not fow, neither reap that which groweth of itfelf
16 And he that blafphemeth the name of the Lord, in it, nor gather the grapes in it of thy vine undreffed.
12 For
^ : : ; ;

The redemption of land^ of houses LEV I TI C U S. and of'servants,

12 For it is thejubilee, it fhall be holy unto you ; 33 And if a man of the iJLevites, then

ye fhall eat the increafe thereof out of the field. die houfe that was fold, and the city of his poffefiion,
13 In the year of this jubilee ye fhall return every fhall go out in the _y ear of jubilee : for the houfes of .. Or, one of

man unto his poffefiion. the cities of the Levites.*/:* their poffefiion among the $«&vitesa£
them. i

14 *[ And if thou fell aught unto thy neighbour, or children of Iirael.

buyeftanght of thy neighbour's hand, ye fhall not op- ,34 But the field of the fuburbs of their cities may
prefs one another. not be fold : for it is their perpetual poUeflion.
15 According to the number of years after theju- 35 IF And if thy brother be waxen poor, and f fall- handfaileth.
+ Heb. hit
bilee thou fhalt buy of thy neighbour, and according en in decay with thee, then thou fhalt t relieve .him : tHeb.
unto the number of years of the fruits he fhall fell yea, though he he a ftranger, or a fojourner ; that he
unto thee.: may live with thee.
increafe: but b Exod M
16 According to the multitude of years thou fhalt 36 Take thou no ufmy of him or -

increafe the price thereof, and according to the few- fear thy God
that thy brother may live with thee.
; U'. proy!1I

nefs of years thou fhalt diminifh the price of it for : 37 Thoufhaltnot give him thy money upon ufury, sL'&wlt'*
according to the number of the years of the fruits doth nor lend him thy victuals for increafe.
he fell unto thee. 38 I am the Lord your God, which brought you
17 Ye fhall not therefore opprefs one another ; but forth out of the land of Egypt, to give you the land of
thou fhaltfear thy God for lam theLoRD your God.
: Canaan, and to be your God.
18 II Wherefore ye fhall do my ftatutes, and keep 39 11 And c if thy brotherthat divelkth by thee, be cexoah*.
my judgments, and do them ; and ye fhall dwell in waxen poor, and be fold unto thee ; thou fhalt not j£*&i"'
the land in fafety. f compelhim to ferve as a bond fervant ]^
lf '£?£
19 And the land fhall yield her fruit, and ye fhall 40 But as an hired fervant, and as a fojourner, he ix>*y "
eat your fill, and dwell therein in fafety. fhall be with thee, and fhall ferve thee unto the year
20 And if ye fhall fay, What fhall we eat thefey- of jubilee
cnth year ? behold, we mall not fow, nor gather in _
41 And then fhall he depart from thee, both he and
our increafe .: his children with him, and fhall return unto his own
21 Then I will command my blefiing upon you in family ; and unto the poffefiion of his fathers fhall he
the lixthyear, and it fhall bring forth fruit for three return.
years. 42 For they are my
fervants which I brought forth
22 And ye fhall fow the eighth year, and eat yet of out of the land of Egypt" v r : they' fhall not be fold t as
+ Heb '•"j*
sale *

, i
old fruit until the ninth year ; until iier fruits come in bondmen. w™«. 6
ye fhall eat of the 6ld store. 43 d Thou fhalt not rule over him with rigour, but cou"' *
f Or, tobe 23 H The land ihall not be fold t for ever for || ; fhalt fear thy God.
quite cut off.
+ Heb. for the land is mine for ye are ftrangers and fojourners
.; 44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which
cutting off.
with me. thou fhalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round
24 And in all the land of your poffefhon, ye fhall about you; of them fhall ye buy bondmen and bond-
grant a redemption for the land. maids.
25 If thy brother be waxen poor, and hath fold 45 Moreover, of the children of the ftrangers that
away some of his poffefiion, and it" any of his kin come do fojourn among you, of them fhall ye buy, and of
to redeem it, then fhall he redeem that which his their families that <zre with you, which they begat in
brother fold. your land ; and they fhall be your poffefiion
26 And if the man have none to redeem it, and 46 And ye fhall take them as an inheritance for
f himfelf be able to redeem it 3 your children after you, to inherit them for a poffef-
Heb. his

hand hath
attained, and 27 Then let him count the years of the fale thereof, iion tthey fhall be your bondmen for ever: but tHeb.^
found ittffic
and reftore the overplus unto the man to whom he over your brethren, the children of Ifrael, ye fhall f^J™
fold it, that he may return unto his poffefiion. not rule one over another with rigour. ™<"> *««-

28 But if he be not able to reftore it to him, then 47 II And if a fojourner or ftranger f v x rich by J neb.obtatei ^
that which is fold {hall remain in the hand of him that thee, and thy brother that dnvetteth by hirirwax poor, &c.
hath bought it, until the year of jubilee ; and in the and fell himfelf unto the ftranger or fojourner by thee,
jubilee it lhall go out, and he fhall return unto his j
or to the flock of the ftranger 's family ::

poffefiion. 48 After that he is fold, he may be redeemed again

29 IT And if a man fell a dwelling houfe in a walled one of his brethren may redeem him :

city, then he may redeem it within a Avhole year after 49 Either his uncle, or his uncle's fon may redeem
it is fold ; within a full year may he redeem it. him, or any that is nigh of kin unto him, of his fami-
30 And if it be not redeemed within the fpace of ly, may redeem him ; or, if he be able, he may redeem
a full year, then the houfe that is in the walled city himfelf.
fhall be eftablifhed for ever to him that bought it, 50 And he fhall reckon with him that bought him,
throughout his generations ; it fhall not go out in the from the year that he was fold to him, unto the year
jubilee. of jubilee and the price of his fale fhall be according

31 But the houfesof the villages, which have no unto the number of years according to the time of

walls round about them, fhall be counted as the fields an hired fervant fhall it be with him.
1-Heb. re- of the country ; t they may be redeemed, and they 51 If there be yet many years behind, according un-
t2g*S£ ihall go out in thejubilee. to them he fhall give again the price of his redemption,
32 Notwithftanding, the cities of the Levites, and out of the money that he was bought for.
the houfes of the cities of their poffefiion, may the 52 And if there remain but few years unto the year
Levites redeem at any time. of jubilee, then he fhall count with him, and accord-
A curse to those who break the commandments. CHAP. XXVI. God's promise to those who repent.

ing unto his years, fhall he give him again the price 18 And if ye willnot yetforall this hearken unto me,
of his redemption. then I will punifli you feven times more for your fins.
53 And as a yearly hired fervant fliall he be with 19 And I will break the pride of your power and I ;

him ; and the other fliall not rule with rigour over will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brafs.
•him in thy light. 20 And your ftrength fhall be fpent in vain for :

54 And if he be not redeemed in thefe years, then your land fhall not yield her increafe neither fliall ;

he fhall go out in the year of jubilee, both he and his the trees of the land yield their fruits.
children with him. 21 And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will
Or, at alt
55 For unto me the children of Ifrael are fervants ; not hearken unto me ; I will bring feven times more 'with me ;
and so
they are my fervants, whom I brought forth out of plagues upon you, according to your fins. Vcr. 24.

the land of Egypt I am the Lord your God*

22 I will alfo fend wild beafts among you, which
C P. XXVI. HA fliall rob you of your children, and dcftroy your cattle,

1 Against idolatry. 3 A
blessing promised to those xvho and make you few in number and your highways;

keep the commandments; 14 acurse to those 'who break lhall be deiblate.

them. 40 Godpromiseth to remember those who repent. 23 And if ye will not be reformed by me bj- thefe
a Exod. 20
4-"\jrE fhall make you no idols nor graven image, things, but will walk contrary unto me %
Bent. 5 8,
fcifi 12, X
neither rear you up a Handing image ; neither |)
24 Then will I alfo walk contrary unto you, and 2 Sam. 48'

27. PsaL iS

**. %u«r. fliall ye fet up any t image of ftone in your land, to

will punifli you yet feven times for your fms. 26.

feK^bow down unto it for I am the Lord your God.
25 And I will bring a fword upon you, that fliall
t«et>. a stme 2 b Ye fliall keep my fabbaths, and reverence my avenge the quarrel of my covenant and, when ye are :

bchap.79 3o.fancluarv I am the Lord* :

gathered together within your cities, I will fendthe
C Deut.28 1.
3 ^ c jf ye wa rfc my ftatutes, and keep m com- my peftilence among you ;arid ye fliall be delivered into
mandments, and do them die hand of the enemy.
4 Then I will give you rain in due feafon, and the 26 And when I have broken the ftaff of your bread,
land fhall yield her increafe, and the trees of the field ten women fliall bake your bread in one oven and ;

fhall yield their fruit* diey fhall deliver %jgu your bread again by weight
5 And your threfhings fhall reach unto the vintage, and ye fliall eat, and not be fatisfied.
and the vintage fhall reach unto the fowing time and : 27 And if ye will not for all this hearken tinto me,
d but walk contrary unto me
a job u j8.
ye fh a ii eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your ;

land fafely. 28 Then I will walk contrary unto you alfo in fury
e job ii 19. 6 And I will give peace in the land, and ye and I, even I, will chaftife you feven times for your fins.
fliall lie down, and none fhall make you afraid : and 29 m And ye fliall eat the flefli of your fons, and "D™'- 1*
tH<*.awM*>I will t rid evil beaflsout of the land ; neither fhall the the flefli of your daughters fliall ye eat.
fword go through your land. 30 And * I will deftroy your high places, and cut n 2 Chroit,
down your images, and caft your carcaffes upon the 34 3 4
7 And ye fhall chafe your enemies, and they fhall
fall before you by
the fword. carcafles ofyour idols, and my foul fhall abhor you.
fjoA, 23 *o.
g ^nd ffive f you fhall chafe an hundred, and. an 31 And I will make your cities waite, and bring
hundred of you fhall put ten thoufand to flight ; and your fancluaries unto defolation, and I will not fmcll
your enemies fhall fall before you by the fword. the favour ofyour fweet odours.
9 For I will have refpeci unto you, and make you 32 And I will bring the land into defolation and ;

fruitful, and multiply you, and eftablifh covenant my your enemies which dwell therein fliall be aftoniflied
with you. at it.

10 And ye fhall eat old ftore, and bring forth the 33And I will fcatter you among die heathen, and
old, becaufe of the new* will draw out a fword after you and your land fliall

gEKk.3726. 11 And g I will fet my tabernacle among you : and be defolate, and your cities wafte.
my foul fhall not abhor you-. 34 Then fhall the land enjoy her fabbaths as long
in cor. 6 16, 12 h And I will walk among you, and will be your as it lieth defolate, and ye be in your enemies' land ;
God and ye fliall be my people.
even then the land reft, and enjoy her fabbaths.

13 I am the Lord your God, which brought you 35 As long as it lieth defolate, it fliall reft becaufe •

forth out of the land of Egypt, that ye fhould not be it did not reft in your fabbaths when ye dwelt upon it.

(their bondmen ; and I have broken the bands of 36 And upon them that are left alive of you, I Mill
your yoke, and made you go upright. fend a faintnefs into their hearts in the lands of their
iDeut. is 15. 14 If But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will
* enemies; and the found of a t fhaken leaf fliall chafe J,."'*;

biDd! 'a%!
not do all thefe commandments ;
them ; and they fliall fiee, as fleeing from a fword;
15 And if ye fhall defpife my ftatutes, or if your and they fliall fall when none purfueth.
foul abhor my judgments, lb that ye will not do all 37 And they fliall fall one upon another, as it were
my commandments, my covenant but that ye break before a fword, when none purfueth and ye fliall :

16 unto you ; I will even appoint

I alfo will do this have no power to Hand before your enemies.
jreb. vpm f over you terror, confumption, and the burning ague, 38 And ye fliall perifh among the heathen and die ;

that fhall confume the eyes, and caufe forrow of heart land of your enemies fliall eat you up.
and ye fhall fow your feed in vain ; for your enemies 39 And they that are left of you, fhall pine away in
fliall eat it. their iniquity in your enemies' lands and alfo in the ;

17 And I will fet my face againft you, and ye fhall iniquities of their fathers fliall they pine away with
be flain before your enemies they that hate you fliall
: them.
kPm. as i-reign over you ; and k ye fhall flee when none purfueth 40 H If they fhall confefs their iniquity, and the ini-
you. quity of their fathers, with their trefpafs which they
N trelpaffed
j« If Of
: ; .

Of a beast given by vow. LEVITICUS. The tithe is holy^ &c.

trefpaffed againft me, and that alfo they have walked donotofferafacrifice unto the fhall Lord, then he
contrary unto me prefent the beaft before the priefl :

41 And that I alfo have walked contrary unto them, 12 And the priefl fhall value it whether it be good
and have brought them into the land of their enemies or bad ; t as thou valuefl it, who art the priefl, fo fhall t Heb.
if then their uncircumcifed hearts be humbled, and be.
it tothy esti-
they then accept of the punifliment of their iniquity ;
13 But if he will at all redeem it, then he fhall add priest, &a,
42 Then will I remember my covenant with Jacob, a thereof unto thy efiimation.
fifth part

and alfo my covenant with Ifaac and alio my cove- ;

14 II And when a man fhall fanclify his houfe to be
nant with Abraham will I remember;, and I will holy unto the Lord then the priefl ihall eftimate it,

remember the land. whether it be good or bad as the priefl fhall eflimate:

43 The land alfo fhall be left of them, and fhall enjoy it, fo fhall itilancL
her fabbaths, while fhe lieth defolate without them: 15 And it, will redeem his
if he that fanclified

and they fhall accept of the puniihment of their ini- houfe, then he ihall add the fifth part of the money of
quity ; becaufe, even becaufe they defpifed my judg- thy efiimation unto it and it fhall be his. ;

ments, and becaufe their foul abhorred my ftatutes. 16 IT And ifa man fhall fanfitify unto the Lord some
44 And yet for all that, when they be in the land of part of a field of his poffeffion ; then thy efiimation
ihall be according to the feed thereof H. an homer of or, the
•rDeut. 4
Bom. U

their enemies, ° I will not caft them away, neither will ; II

I abhor them, to deftroy them utterly , and to break barley feed shall be valued at fifty fhekels of filver.
^ )t^e°! £*

my covenant with them for I am the Lord their God.

17 If he fauclify his field from the year of jubilee,
45 But I will for their fakes remember the covenant according to thy efiimation it fhall ftand..
of their anceftors, whom I brought forth out of the 18 But if he fanclify his field after the jubilee, then
land of Egypt, in the light of the heathen, that I might the priefl fhall reckon unto him the money according
be their God: lam the Lord. to the years that remain, even unto the year of the
46 Theft are -the ftatutes, and judgments, and laws, jubilee, and
fhall be abated from thy efiimation.

which the Lord made between him and the children 19 And
he that fan<5tified the field, will in any

of Ifraelin mount Sinai, by the hand of Mofes. wife redeem it, then he ihall add the fifth part of the
money of thy efiimation unto it, and it fhall be allured
to Mm,
1 He that maketh a singular vow must be the Lord s :
And if he will not redeem the field, or if he
3 the estimation ofthe person ; 9 of a beast given by have fold the field to another man, it ihall not be
vow ; 14 of a house ; 16 of afield, and the redemp- redeemed any more.
tion thereof. 26 Of the Lord's firstlings. 28 No 21 But the field, when it goeth out in the jubilee,,
devoted thing may be redeemed. 30 The tithe is fhall be holy unto the Lord, as a field devoted ; the
holy and may not be changed. poffeffion thereof fhall be the priefl' s.

AN D 1

unto them,

fpake unto Mofes, faying,
2 Speak unto the children of
and fay
lingular vow,
fhall make a
22 And if a man fanctify unto the Lord a field
which he hath bought, which is not of the fields of
his poffeffion..
the perfon shall be for the Lord by thy efiimation. 23 Then the priefl fhall reckon unto him the worth
3 IT And thy eftimation fhall be of the male, from of thy efiimation, even unto the year of the jubilee ;
twenty years old even unto iixty years old, even thy and he fhall give thine efiimation in that day as a holy
efiimation fhall be fifty fhekels of iilver, after the thing unto the Lord.
fhekel of the fanctuary. 24 In the year of the jubilee the field fhall return
4 And if it be a female, then thy efiimation fhall be unto him of whom it was bought, even to him to
thirty fhekels. whom the poffeffion of the land did belong.
5 And if it be from five years old even unto twenty 25 And all thy eflimations fhall be according to the
years old, then thy efiimation fhall be of the male fhekel of the fanctuary : a twenty gerahs ihall be the a Exosl. 30
13. Numb;
twenty fhekels, and for the female ten fhekels. fhekel. 3 47. Ezefc.
6 And if it be from a month old even unto five 26 If Only the f firming of the beafts which fhould 45
t Heb. first-
years old, then thy efiimation mail be of the male five firflling, no man ihall fanclify it
born, ire.
be the Lord's whe- ;

ihekels of iilver ; and for the female thy efiimation ther it be ox or fheep, it is the Lord's.
shall be three fhekels of iilver. 27 And if it be of an unclean beaft, then he fhall
7 And if it be from iixty years old and above, if it redeem it according to thine efiimation, and fhall add
he a male, then thy eftimation fhall be fifteen ihekels, a fifth part of it thereto or if it be not redeemed,

and for the female ten fhekels. then it be fold according to thy efiimation.
8 But if he be poorer thaw thy efiimation, then he 28 U b Notwithftanding, no devoted thing that a man b 1°^ fi **
fhall prefent himfelf before the prieil and the priefl ; fhall devote unto the Lord, of all that he halh, both
fhall value him according to his ability that vowed,
; of man and beaft, and of the field of his poffeffion,
ihall the priefl value him. fhall be fold or redeemed every devoted tiling is :

9 If And if it be abeaft whereof men bring an offer- moll holy unto the Lord.
ing unto the Lord, all that any man giveth offuch 29 None devoted, which fhall be devoted of men,
unto the Lord fhall be holy. fhall be redeemed but fhall finely be put to death.

10 He fhall not alter it, nor change it, a good for a 30 IT And all the tithe of the land, ivhether of the
bad, or a bad for a good and if he ihall at all change
feed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the
beaft for beaft, then it, and the exchange thereof, Lord's it is holy unto the Lord.

ihall be holy. 31 And if a man will at all redeem aught of his

11 And if /V^ any unclean beaft, of which they tithes, he ihall add thereto the fifth part thereof.
2 32 And
The people numbered. CHAP. L Tbe number of every tribe.

32 And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the then both it and the change thereof fhali be holy
flock, even of whatfoever paffeth under the rod, the fhall not be redeemed.
tenth mall be holy unto the Lord. 34 Thefe are the commandments which the Lord
33 He fhall not fearch whether it be good or bad, commanded Mofes for the children of Ifrael in mount
neither fnall he change* it ; and if he change it at all, Sinai.

The Fourth Book of MOSES, called NUMBERS.

CHAP. I. number of the names, by their polls, every male
from twenty years old and upward, all that were able
1 God commandeih Moses to number the people. 5 The to go forth to war:
princes of the tribes. 17 The numbering of the people.
23 Thofe that were numbered of them, even of the
20, 22, &c. The number of each tribe. 47 The Le-
tribe of Simeon, were fifty and nine thoufand and three
vites are exempted for the service of the Lord.
AND the Lord fpakeunto Mofes in the wildermefs
of Sinai, in the tabernacle of the congregation,
24 1 Ofthe children of Gad, by their generations,
by the houfe of their fathers, ac-
after their families,
on the firft day of the fecond month, in the fecond year cordingto the number ofthe names, from twenty years
after they were come out of the land of Egypt, faying, old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war
a Exod. 30 2 a Take ye the fum of all the congregation of the 25 Thofe that were numbered of them, even ofthe
children of Ifrael, after their families, by the houfe of tribe of Gad, were forty and five thoufand fix hundred
their fadiers, with the number of their names, every and fifty.
male by their poll 26 1 Ofthe children of Judah, by their generations,
3 From twenty years old and upward, all that are after their families,by the houfe of their fathers, ac-
able to go forth to in Ifrael ; thou and Aaron fhall
war cording to the number ofthe names, from twenty years
number them by their armies. old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war :
4 And
with you there fhall be a man of every tribe 27 Thofe that were numbered of them, even of die
every one head of the houfe of his fathers. tribe of Judah, were threefcore and fourteen thou-
5 1 And
diefe are the names of the men that fliall fand and fix hundred.
ftand with you : Of the tribe of Reuben ; Elizur the 28 1 Ofthe children of Iffachar, by their genera-
fon of Shedeur tions, after their families, by the houfe of their fathers,
6 Of Simeon Shelumiel the fon of Zurifhaddai.
; according to the number of the names, from twenty
7 Of Judah Nahfhon the fon of Amminadab.
years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to
8Of Iffachar Nethaneel the fon of Zuar.
; war ;

9 Of Zebulun Eliab the fon of Helon.

; 29 Thofe that were numbered of them, even ofthe
10 Of the children of Jofeph: ofEphraim; Elifha- tribe of Iffachar, were fifty and four thoufand and four
ma the fon of Ammihud of Manaffeh Gamaliel die
: ; hundred.
fon of Pedalizur. 30 1 Ofthe children ofZebulun by their generations,

11 Of Benjamin Abidan the fon ofGideoni.

; after^ their families, by die houfe of their fathers, ac-
12 Of Dan Ahiezer the fon of Ammifhaddai.
; cording to the number ofthe names, from twenty years
13 OfAfher; Pagiel the fon of Ocran. old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war ;
14 Of Gad; Eliafaph the fon of Deuel. 31 Thofe that were numbered of them, even ofthe
15 OfNaphtali Anirathe fon of Enan.
; tribe of Zebulun, were fifty and feven thoufand and
16 Thefe were the renowned of the congregation, four hundred.
princes of the tribes of their fathers, heads of thou- 32 1 Of the children of Jofeph, namely, ofthe chil-
fands in Ifrael. dren of Ephraim, by their generations, after their
17 1 And Mofes and Aaron took thefe men, which families, by the houfe of their fathers, according to the
are expreffed by their names. number of the names, from twenty years old and
18 And
they affembled all the congregation toge- upward, all that were able to go forth to war
ther on the firft day of the fecond month and they de- ; 33 Thofe that were numbered of them, even ofthe
clared their pedigrees after their families, by the houfe tribe ofEphraim, w^/rforty thoufand and five hundred.
of their fathers, according to the number of the names, 34 1 Of the children of Manaffeh, by their gene-
from twenty years old and upward, by their polls. rations, after their families, by the houfe of their
19 As the Lord commanded Mofes fo he num- fathers, according to the number ofthe names, from
bered them in the wilderhefs of Sinai. twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go
20 1 And the children of Reuben Ifrael's elded , forth to war ;

fon, by theirgenerations, after their families, by the 35 Thofe that were numbered of them, even ofthe
houfe of their fathers, according to the number of the tribe of Manaffeh, were thirty and two thoufand and
names, bj r their polls, every male from twenty years two hundred.
old and upward, all that were able to go forth to 36 1 Of the children of Benjamin, by their gene-
war ; rations, after their families, by the houfe of their
21 Thofethat were numbered of them, even of the fathers, according to the number ofthe names, from
tribe of Reuben, were forty and fix thoufand and five twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go
hundred. war
forth to
22 1 Of the children of Simeon, by their genera- 37 Thofe that were numbered of them, even of die
tions, after their families, by the houfe of their lathers, tribe ofBenjamin, were thirty and five thoufand and
thofe that were numbered of them, according to the four hundred.
38 lOf
; ; ;; .

The Levites* service. NUMBERS. The order of the tribes, tsfc.

38 U Of the children of Dan, by their generations, fhallthey of the flandard of the camp of Judah pitch,
after their families, by the houfe of their fathers, ac- throughout their armies and Nahfhon the fon of.

cording to the number of the names, from twenty Amminci&db shall be captain of the children of Judah.
years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war
, 4 And his holt, and thofe that were numbered of
39 Thofe that were numbered of them, even of the them, were threefcore and fourteen thoufand and fix
tribe of Dan, were threefcore and two thoufand and hundred.
feven hundred. 5 And thofe that do pitch next untolaim shall be
40 IT Of the children of Afher, by their generations, the tribe of Iffachar :and Neihaneel the fon of Zuar
after their families, by the houfe of their fathers, ac- shall be captain of the children of Iffachar.
cording to the number of the names, from twenty years 6 And his hoft, and thofe that were numbered
old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war ;
thereof, were fifty and four thoufand and four hundred.
41 Thofe that were numbered of them, even of the 7 Then the tribe of Zebulun and Eliab the fon

tribe of Afher, were forty and one thoufand and five of Helon shaltire~ca.ptmn of the children of Zebulun.
hundred. And his hoft, and thofe that were numbered there-
42 II Of the children
of Naphtali, throughout their of, were fifty and feven thoufand and four hundred.
generations, after their families, by the houfe of their 9 All that were numbered in the camp of Judah,
fathers, according to the number of the names, from were an hundred thoufand, and fourfeore thoufand,
twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go and fix thoufand and four hundred, throughout their
forth to war armies thefe fhall firft fet forth.

43 Thofe that were numbered of them, even of the 10 TT On the fouth fide shall be the ftandard of the
tribe of Naphtali, were fifty and three thoufand and camp of Reuben, according to their armies and. the :

four hundred. captain of the children of Reuben shall be Elizur the

44 ff Thefe are thofe that were numbered, which fon of Shedeur.
Mofes and Aaron numbered, and the princes of Ifrael, 11 And his hoft, and thofe that were numbered
being twelve men each one was for the houfe of his
: thereof, were forty and fix thoufand and five hundred.
fathers. 12 And thofe which pitch by him shall be the tribe
45 So were all thofe that were numbered of the of Simeon and the captain ofthe children of Simeon

children of Ifrael, by the houfe of their fathers, from shall be Shelumiel the fon of Zurifhaddai.
twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go 13 And his hoft, and thofe that were numbered of
forth to war in Ifrael diem, were fifty and nine thoufand and three hundred.
46 Even all they that were numbered, were fix 14 Then the tribe of Gad : and the captain of the
hundred thoufand, and three thoufand, and five hun- fons of Gad shall be Eliafaph the fon of Reuel.
|| » D«
-Chap, i 14.
dred and fifty. 15 And his hoft, and thofe that were numbered of
47 If But the Levites, after the tribe of their fathers, them, were forty and five thoufand and fix hundred
were not numbered among them. and fifty.
48 For the Lord had fpok en unto Mofes, faying, 16 All that were numbered in the camp of Reuben
49 Only thou ihalt notnumberthe tribe ofLevi, nei- were an hundred thoufand and fifty and one thoufand'
ther take the fum of them among the children of Ifrael and four hundred and fifty, throughout their armies :
50 But thoufhalt appoint theLevites overthe taber- and they fliall fet forth in the fecond rank.
nacle of teftimony, and over all the veffels thereof, 17 If Then the tabernacle of the congregation fhall
and over all things that belong to it they fhall bear
: fetforward, with the camp of the Levites in the midft
the tabernacle, and all the veffels thereof; and they of the camp as they encamp, fo fhall they fet for-

lhall minifter unto it, and fhall encamp round about ward, every man in his place, by their ftandards.
the tabernacle. 18 If On the weft fide shall be the ftandard of the
51 And when the tabernacle fetteth forward, the camp of Ephraim, according to their armies : and
Levites fhall takeit down and when the tabernacle
: the captain of the fons of Ephraim shall be Elifhama
is to be pitched, the Levites fhall fet it up and the : the fon ofAmmihud.
ftranger that cometh nigh, fhall be put to death. 19 And his hoft, and thofe that were numbered of
52 And the children of Ifrael fhall pitch their tents, them, were forty thoufand and five hundred.
every man by his own camp, and every man by his 20 And by him shall be the tribe ofManaffeh : and
ownflandard, throughout their hofts. the captain of the children of Manaffeh shall be Ga-
53 But the Levites fhall pitch round aboutthe taber- maliel the fon of Pedahzur.
nacle of teftimony, that there be no wrath upon the 21 And his hoft, and thofe that were numbered of
congregation of the children of Ifrael and the Levites
: them, were thirty and two thoufand and two hundred.
(hall keep the charge of the tabernacle of teftimony. 22 Then the tribe of Benjamin and the captain of"

54 And the children of Ifrael did according to all thefons ofBenjamin^a/Z^Abidan the fon of Gideoni.
that the Lord commanded Mofes, fo did they. 23 And his hoft, and thofe that were numbered of
CHAP. II. them, were thirty and five thoufand and four hundred.
1 The order of the tribes in their tents : 3 their divisions. 24 All that were numbered of the camp of Eph-
AND the
Aaron, faying,
Lord fpake unto Mofes, and unto raim were an hundred thoufand and eight thoufand
and an hundred, throughout their armies and they :

2 Every man of the children of Ifrael fhall pitch by fhall go forward in the third rank.
his own flandard, with the enfign of their father's 25 If The ftandard of the camp of Dan shall be on
t Hel\ over
houfe t far off about the tabernacle of the congrega-
; the north fide, by their armies :and the captain of the"
tion fhall they pitch. children of Dan shall be Ahiezer the fon of Ammi-
3 If And on the eaft fide, toward the rifing of the fun, fhaddai-
26 And-
The Levites are given to the priests. CHAR III. They are numbered by their families.

26 And his hoft, and thofe that were numbered of 1 11 H And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,<$£&,
them, were threefcore and two thoufand and feven 12 And I, behold, I have taken the Levites from
among the children of Ifrael, inftead of all the firftborn
that openeth the matrix among the children of Ifrael
27 And thofe that encamp by him shall be the tribe
and the captain of the children of Alher therefore the Levites fhall be mine ;
of Aflier :
Pagiel the fon of Ocran. 13 Became all the firftborn are mine for on thee.ciap.s^e;

shall be
Levit. 2 ?«.
28 And his hoft, and thofe that were; numbered of day that I f'mote all the firftborn in the land of Egypt, Luke 2 23 '

them, were forty and one thoufand and five hundred. I hallowed unto me all the firftborn in Ifrael, both
29 Then the tribe of Naphtali and the captain of
man and beaft mine they fhall be I am the Lord.
; :

the children of Naphtali shall be Ahirathe fon of Enan. 14 TI And the Lord fpake unto Mofes in the wil-
30 And his hoft, and thofe that were numbered of demefs of Sinai, faying,

them, were fifty and three thoufand and four hundred. 15 Number the children of Levi, after the houfe
of their fathers, by their families every male from a
31 Ail they that were numbered in the camp of

Dan, were an hundred thoufand and fifty and feven month old and upward fhalt thou number them.
thoufand and fix hundred they fhall go hindmoft
16 And Mofes numbered them, according to the
as he was commanded. t Heb. mcutk'
with their ftandards. t word
32 If Thefe are thofe which were numbered of the 17 d And were the fons of Levi by th^lT
thefe Gen. 46 nt»
U1 ~" dF.xod. 6 16.
lames Gerfhon, ana
ijennon, and xs-ontun, and ivierari.
Kohath, iinu Merari. cha P 26 7 ? .

children of Ifrael by the houfe of their fathers : all

chron '

thofe that Avere numbered of the camps, throughout

18 And thefe are the names of the fons of Gerfhon '

their hofts, were fix hundred thoufand and three

by their families Libni and Shimei.

thoufand and five hundred and fifty. 19 And the fons of Kohath by their families Am--. ;

53 But the Levites were not numbered among the ram and Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel.
children of Ifrael as the LoRn commanded Mofes.
20 And the fons of Merari by their families Mahli ;

34 And the children of Ifrael did according to all and Mufhi thefe are the families of the Levites, ac-

that the Lord commanded Mofes fo they pitched

cording to the houfe of their fathers.
by their ftandards, and fo they fet forward, every one 21 it Of Gerfhon was the family of the Libnites and ,

the family of the Shimites thefe are the families of

after their families, according to the houfe of their

the Gerfhonites.
22 Thofe that were numbered of them, according
to the number of all the males, from a month old and
I The sons of Aaron. 5 The Levites are given to the upward, even thofe that were numbered of them, were
priests, for the service of the tabernacle , 11 instead feven thoufand and five hundred.
of the firstborn. 14 The Levites are numbered by 23 The families of the Gerfhonites fhall pitch be-
theirfamilies. 21 Thefamilies, number, and charge, hind the tabernacle weftward.
of the Gershonites, 27 of the Kohathites, 33 of the 24 And the chief of the houfe of the father of the'
Merarites. 38 The place and charge of Moses and Gerfhonites shall be Eliafaph the fon of Lael.
Aaron. 40 Thefirstborn arefreed by the Levites 25 And the charge of the fbris of Gerfhon, in the
44 The overplus are redeemed. tabernacle of the congregation, shall be the tabernacle,

fes, in tire
Mount Sinai.
are the generations of Aaron and Mo-
day that the Lord fpake w ith Mofes
and the tent, the covering thereof, and the hanging for
the door of the tabernacle of the congregation,
26 And the hangings of the court, and the curtain
2 And thefe are the names of the ions of Aaron; for the door of the court, which isby the tabernacle,
aExodis 23-Nadabthe a firftborn,andAbihu,Eleazar,andIthamar. and by the altar round about, and the cords of it, for
3 Thefe are the names of the fons of Aaron, the all the fervice thereof.
+ Heb. to fejepriefts which were anointed, f whom he confecrated 27' II And of Kohath was the family of the Am--
handhe filled.
tQ i n ift er jfl t^g p r e ft's office.
ramites, and the family of the Izharites, and the family
b Levit
Chap. 26 61. 4 b And Nadab and Abihu died before the Lord, of the Hebronites, and the family of the Uzzielites :

t Car en. 24 2 when' they offered ftrange fire before the Lord in thefe are the families of the Kohathites.
the wildemefs of Sinai ; and they had no children
: 28 In the number of all the males, from a month
and Eleazar and Ithamar miniftered in the prieft's old and upward, were eight.thoufand and fix hundred,
office, in the fight of Aaron their fatiier. keeping the charge of the fancluary.
5 IT And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 29 The families of the fons of Kohath fhall pitch
6 Bring the tribe of Levi near, and prefent them be- on the fide of the tabernacle fouthward.
fore Aaron the prieft, that they may minifter unto him. 30 And the chief of the houfe of the father of the
7 And they fhall keep his charge, and the charge of families of the Kohathites, shaltbe Elizaphan the fon
the whole congregation, before the tabernacle of the of Uzziel.
congregation, to do the fervice of the tabernacle. 31 And their_ charge shall be the ark, and the table,
8 And they fhall keep all the inftruments of the and the candleftick, and the altars, and the veffels of
tabernacle of the congregation, and the charge of the the fancluary wherewith they minifter, and the hang-
children of Ifrael, to do the fervice of the tabernacle. ing, and all the fervice thereof.
9 And thou fhalt give the Levites unto Aaron, and 32 And Eleazar the fon of Aaron die prieft, shall be
to his ions: they are wholly given unto him out of chief over the chief of the Levites, and have the over-
the children of Ifrael. fight of them that keep the charge of the fancluary.
10 And thou fhalt appoint Aaron and his fons, and 33 If Of Merari was the family of the Mahlites,
they fhall wait on their prieft's office and the ftranger
: and the family of the Muihites thefe are the families

that cometh nigh, fhall be put to death. of Merari.

34 And
1 ;

'The firstborn freed by the Levltes. NUMBERS. The Kohathites appointed to bear the Sanctuary,

34 And thofe that were numbered of them,accord- The charge ofEleazar. 17 The office of the priests.
ing to the of all the males, from a month old
number 21 The age, time of service\ and carriage of the
and upward, were fix thoufand and two hundred. Gershonites ; 29 and of the Merarites. 34 The
35 And the chief of the houfe of the father of the number of the Kohathites, 38 of the Gershonites,
families of Merari, was Zuriel the fon ofAbihail these 42 andof the Merarites.

1 hall pitch on the iide of the tabernacle northward.

the Lord fpake unto Mofes, and unto
36 And t under the cuftody and charge of the fons Aaron, faying,
fice of the
charge. of Merari, shall be the boards of the tabernacle, and 2 Take the fum of the fons of Kohath from among
the bars thereof, and the pillars thereof, and the the fons of Levi, after their families, by the houfe of
lockets thereof, and all the veffels thereof, and all that their fathers.
ferveth thereto. 3 From thirty years old and upward, even unto
37 And die pillars of the court round about, and fifty years old, all that enter into the hoft, to do the
their fockets, and their pins, and their cords. work in the tabernacle ofthe congregation.
38 If But thofe that encamp before the tabernacle 4 II This shall be the fervice ofthe fons of Kohath
toward the eaft, even before the tabernacle of the in the tabernacle ofthe congregation, about the moft
congregation eaftward, shall feMofes, and Aaron, and holy things.
his fons, keeping the charge of the fancluary for the 5 AD.d when the camp fetteth forward, Aaron fhall
charge of the children of Ifrael ; and the ftranger that come', and his fons, and they fhall take down the
cometh nigh, fhall be put to death. covering veil, and cover the ark of teftimony with it
39 All that were numbered of the Levites, which 6 And fhall put thereon the covering of badgers'
Mofes and Aaron numbered at the commandment of fkins, and fhall fpread over it a cloth wholly of blue,
the Lord, throughout their families, all the males, and fhall put in the ftaves thereof.
from a month old and upward, were twenty and two 7 And upon the a table of fhewbread, they fhall 30.

thoufand. fpread a cloth of blue, and put thereon die difhes,

Or, pour
40 II And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Number all and thefpoons, and the bowls, and covers to cover ||

out withal*

the firftbom of the. males of the children of Ifrael, withal and the continual bread fhall be thereon.

from a month old and upward, and take the number 8 And they lhall fpread upon them a cloth of fcarlet,
of their names. and cover the fame with a covering of badgers' fkins ;
4 And thou (halt take the Levites for me, (I am the and fhall put in the ftaves thereof.
Lord,) inftead of all the firftborn among the children 9 And they fhall take a cloth of blue, and cover
b Exod. 25
the b candleftick of the light,
of Ifrael and the cattle of the Levites, inftead of all
; _
and his lamps, and 3'-
c Exod, 25
the firftlings among the cattle of the children of Ifrael. his tongs, and his fnuff difhes, and all the oil veffels 37 38.
42 And Mofes numbered, as the Lord command- thereof, wherewith they minifter unto it.
ed him, all the firftborn among the children of Ifrael. 10 And they fliall put it, and all the veffels there-
43 And all the firftbom males, by the number of of, within a covering of badgers' fkins and fhall put ;

names, from a month old and upward, of thofe that it upon a bar.
were numbered of them, were twenty and two thou- 11 And upon the golden altar they fhall fpread a
fand two hundred and threefcore and thirteen. cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of badgers'
44 II And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, fkins ; and fliall put to the ftaves thereof.
45 Take the Levites inftead of all the firftborn 12 And they lhall take all the inftruments of minif-
among the children of Ifrael, and the cattle of die try, wherewith diey minifter in the fancluary, and put
Levites inftead of their cattle ; and the Levites fhall them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a cover-
be mine I am the Lord.
: ing of badgers' fkins, and fliall put them on a bar.
46 And for thofe that are to be redeemed of the 13 And they fliall take away the afhes from the
two hundred and threefcore and thirteen of the firft- altar, and fpread a purple cloth thereon :

born of the children of Ifrael, which are more than 14 And they fliall put upon it all the veffels thereof,
die Levites. wherewith they minifter about it, even the cenfers, the
47 Thou (halt even take five fhekels a piece by the flefh hooks, and the fhovels, and the bafons, all the
l° r '* <? "" 7 <*

poll ; after the fliekel of the fancluary (halt thou take veffels ofthe altar ; and they fliall fpread upon it a
e Exod. 30 them : (e the fliekel is twenty gerahs :) covering of badgers' fkins, and put to the ftaves
3. Levit. 27
48 And thou ftialt give the money, wherewith the

25. Chap. 18 of it.

15 And when Aaron and his fons have made an
odd number of them

45 12. is to be redeemed, unto Aaron,

and to his fons. end of covering the fancluary, and all the veffels of
49 And Mofes took the redemption money ofthem the fancluary, as the camp is to fet forward after ;

thatwere over and above them that were redeemed that the fons of Kdhath fliall come to bear it : but
by the Levites. they fhall not touch any holy thing, left they die.
50 Of the firftborn of the children of Ifrael took he Thefe things are the burden ofthe fons of Kohath in
the money; a thoufand three hundred and three- the tabernacle of the congregation.
fcore and five shekels, after the fliekel of the fancluary. 16 II And to the office of Eleazar, the fon of Aaron
51 And Mofes gave the money ofthem that were the prieft, pertaineth the oil for the light, and the
d d Exod -J°
redeemed, unto Aaron and to his fons, according to fweet incenfe, and the daily meat offering, and the 4
the word ofthe Lord, astheLoRD commandedMofes. e
anointing oil, tf^fheoverfightofall the tabernacle, «.£xod.j#

CHAP. IV. and of all that therein is, in the fancluary, and in the J
1 The age and time of the Levites'' service : 4 they veffels thereof.
are appointed to bear the sanctuary, audits vessels, 17 H And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, and unto
after the priests have taken down the tabernacle. 16 Aaron, faying,
18 Cut
The number of the Kohathites &c. ^ C H A P. V. The unclean to be removed out of the camp %

christ 18 Cllt y £ not off me tribe °? me fammes of me mandment of die Lord by the hand of Mofes. <££%&
^li^X^j m/
Kohathites from among the Levites : 38 If And thofe that were numbered of the fons of
s , ^£w
19 But thus do unto them, that they may live, and
Gerfhon, throughout their families, and by the houfe
not die, when they approach unto the moft holy things; of their fathers ;

Aaron and his fons mall go in and appoint them every 39 From
thirty years old and upward, even unto
one to his fervice, and to his burden. fifty years old, every one that entereth into the fer-

20 But diey mail not go in to fee when the holy vice for die work in the tabernacle of the congregation
things are covered, left they die. 40 Even thofe that were numbered of them, through-
21 If And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, out their families, by the houfe of their fathers, were
22 Take alfo the fum of the fons of Gerfhon , through- two thoufand and fix hundred and thirty.
out the houfes of their fathers, by their families ;
41 Thefe are they diat were numbered of die fam-
23 From thirty years old and upward, until fifty ilies of the fons of Gerfhon, of all that might do fervice

years old, fhalt thou number them ; all that enter in in the tabernacle of the congregation, whom Mofes
t0 perform the fervice, to do the work in the taber- and Aaron did number, according to the command-

nacle of the congregation. ment of the Lord.

24 This is the fen dee of the families of the Ger- 42 If And thofe that were numbered of the families
«or,«r- fhonites, to ferve, and for burdens.
of the fons of Merari, throughout their families, by the
2$ And they mall bear the curtains of the taber- houfe oftheir fathers ;

nacle, and the tabernacle of the congregation, his 43 From

thirty years old and upward, even unto
covering, and die covering of the badgers' fkins that fifty years old every one that entereth into the fervice,

is above upon it, and the hanging for the door of the for die work in the tabernacle of the congregation ;

tabernacle of the congregation, 44 Even

thofe that were numbered of them, after
26 And the hangings of the court, and the hanging their families, were three thoufand and two hundred.
for the door of the gate of the court, which is by the 45 Thefe be thofe that were numbered of the fami-
tabernacle, and by the altar round about, and their lies of the fons of Merari, whom
Mofes and Aaron
cords, and all the inftruments of their fervice, and all numbered, according to the word of the Lord by die
that is made for them fo fhall they ferve.
: hand of Mofes.
THeb. 27 At the t appointment of Aaron and his fons, 46 All thofe that were numbered of the Levites,
fhall all the fervice of the fons of the Gerfhonites,
be whom Mofes and Aaron, and the chief of Ifrael, num-
in their burdens, and in all their fervice
all and ye
: bered, after their families, and after the houfe of their
fhall appoint unto them in charge all their burdens. fadiers
28 This is the fervice of the families of the fons of 47 From
thirty years old and upward, even unto
Gerfhon in the tabernacle of the congregation and : fiftyyears old, every one that came to do the fervice
their charge shall be under the hand of Ithamar the of the miniftry, and the fervice of the burden in the
fon of Aaron the prieft. tabernacle of the congregation ;

29 If As for the fons of Merari, thou malt number 48 Even thofe that were numbered of them, were

them after dieir families, by the houfe of their fathers eight thoufand and five hundred and fourfcore.
30 From thirty years old and upward, even unto 49 According to the commandment of die Lord,
fifty years old, fhalt thou number them, every one that they were numbered by the hand of Mofes, every one
tH*. wr- entereth into the f fervice, to do the work of the taber- according to liis fervice, and according to his bur-
nacle of the congregation. den thus Mere they numbered of him, as the Lord

3 1 And this is the charge of their burden according

, commanded Mofes.

to all their fervice in die tabernacle of the congrega-
tion ; the boards of the tabernacle, and the bars there-
1 The wide an to be removed out of the camp. 5 Res-
of, and the pillars thereof, and fockets thereof,
32 And the pillars of the court round about, and titution to be made in cases of trespass. 11 The
their fockets, and their pins, and their cords, with all
trial ofjealousy.
their inftruments, and with all their fervice and by
name ye fhall reckon the inftruments of the charge of
AND2 Command
Lord the fpake unto Mofes, faying,
the children of Ifrael, that they put
their burden. out of the camp every a leper, and every one that hath ai**'»3*
33 This is the fervice of the families of the fons of an b ifliie, and whofoever is defiled by c the dead c£w« T

Merari, according to all their fervice in the taberna- 3 Both male and female fhall ye rAit out, without
cle of the congregation, under the hand of Ithamar, the camp fhall ye put them that they defile not then-

the fon of Aaron the prieft. camps, in the miclft whereof I dwell.
34 If And Mofes and Aaron, and the chief of the 4 And the children of Ifrael did fo, and put them
congregation, numbered the fons of the Kohathites, out without the camp as the Lord fpake unto

after their families, and after the houfe oftheir fathers Mofes, fo did the children of Ifrael.
25 From thirty years old and upward, even unto 5 If And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,,
fifty years old, every one that entereth into the fervice, 6 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, d When a man d Lcv.623-..
for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation : or woman fhall commit any fin that men commit, to do
36 And thofe that were numbered of them by their a trefpafsagainft the Lord, and that perfon be guilty
families, were two thoufand feven hundred and fifty. 7 Then they (hall confefs their fin which they have
37 Thefe were they diat were numbered of the done ; and he fhall recompenfe his trefpafs e with the e Ler. 6 »
families of the Kohathites, all that might do fervice principal thereof, and add unto it die fifth part there-
in the tabernacle of the congregation, which Mofes of, and give it unto him againft whom he hath tref-
and Aaron did number, according to the com- palfed.
8 But
: ; :

the trialofjealousy. NUMBERS The law of the Nazarite,

8 But Iftlie man have no kinfmaii to recompenfe the then it mall come to pafs, that if fhe be defiled, and
trefpafs unto, let the trefpafs be recompenfed unto the have done trefpafs againft her hufband, that the water
Lord, even to the prieft, beiide the rain of the atone - that caufeth the curie, fhall enter into her, and become
nient, whereby an atonement fhall be made for him. bitter, and her belly fhall fwell, and her thigh fhall rot
H Or, heave
9 II And every offering of all the holy things of
and the woman fhall be a curie among her people.
the children of Ifrael, which they bring unto the prieft, 28 And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean,,
mall be his. then fhe lhall be free, and fhall conceive feed.
10 And every man's hallowed thing fhall be his : 29 This is the law of jealoufies, when a wife goeth
whatfoever any man giveth the prieft, it fhall be his. afide to another, inftead of her hufband, and is defiled :

11 H And the Loud fpake unto Mofes, faying, 30 Or when the fpirit ofjealoufy cometh upon him,
12 Speak unto the children of Jfrael, and fay unto and he be jealous over his wife, and fhall fet the wo-
them, If any man's wife go alide, and commit a tref- man before the Lord, and the prieft fhall execute
pafs againft him, upon her all this law.
13 And a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid 31 Then lhall the man be guiltlefs from iniquity ;

from the eyes of her hufband, and be kept clofe, and and this woman fhall bear her iniquity.
fhe be defiled, and there be no witnefs againft her,
neither fhe be taken with the manner ;
14 And the fpirit of jealoufy come upon him, and
1 The law of the Nazarite in the days of his separa-
tion, IS and after those days. 22The form of bless-
he be jealous of his wife, and fhe be defiled or if the ;
ing the people.
fpirit of jealoufy come upon him, and he be jealous of
his wife, and fhe be not defiled :

15 Then mail the man bring his wife unto the prieft,
AN D the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
2 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and fay
and he fhall bring her offering for her, the tenth part unto them, When either man or woman fhall fepa"- t£r-g'M

of an ephah of barley meal he fhall pour no oil upon

: rate themselves to vow a vow of a Nazarite, to feparate HaZ\t£
it, nor put frankincenfe thereon for it is an offering of
; themselves unto the Lord ;
jealoufy, an offering of memorial, bringing iniquity to 3 He lhall feparate himself from wine and ftrong
remembrance. drink, and fhall drink no vinegar of wine, or vinegar
16 And the prieft fhall bring her near, and fet her of ftrong drink, neither fhall he drink any liquor of
before the Lord. grapes, nor eat moift grapes, or dried.
17 And the prieft mall take holy water in an earthen 4 All the days of his feparation fhall he eat nothing }t%;^axan"

veffel ; and of the duft that

in the floor of the taber-
is that is made of the t vine tree, from the kernels even i-hS'
efthe iuitk.
nacle, the prieft fhall take, and put it into the water. to the hulk.
18 And the prieft fhall fet the woman before the 5 All the days of the vow of his feparation, there
Lord, and uncover the woman's head, and put the fhall no razor come upon his head : until the days ajudg. 73 i,
Sam. l>. 1 !

offering of memorial in her hands, which is the jeal- be fulfilled, in the which he feparateth himself unto
oufy offering : and the prieft fhall have in his hand the Lord, he fliall be holy, and fliall let the locks of
the bitter water that caufeth the curfe. the hair of his head grow.
19 And the prieft lhall charge her by an oath, and 6 All the clays that he feparateth himself unto the
fay unto the woman, If no man have lain with thee, Lord, he lhall come at no dead body :

1 Or, being
inthe power
and if thou haft not gone alide to uncleannefs t with ||
7 He not make himfelf unclean for his father,
ofthyhus- another, inftead of thy hufband, be thou free from this or for his mother, for his brother, or for his iifter,
+ Heb. under bitter water that caufeth the curfe : when they die becaufe the f confecration of his God
; tHeb. sef*
thy uration.
20 But if thou haft gone alide to another, inftead of is upon his head.
thy hufband, and if thou be defiled, and fome man 8 All the days of his feparation he is holy unto the
have lain with thee befide thine hufband Lord.
21 Then the prieft fhall charge the woman with an 9 And if any man die very fuddenly by him, and
oath of curfing ; and the prieft fhall fay unto the he hath defiled the head of his confecration ; then he
woman, The Lord make thee a curfe and an oath fhall fhave his head in the day of his cleaniing ; on the
among thy people, when the Lord doth make thy feventh day fhall he fhave it.
tHeb. fan. thigh to f rot, and thy belly to fwell 10 And on the eighth day he lhall bring two turtles,
22 And this water that caufeth the curfe fhall go or two young pigeons, to the prieft, to the door of
into thy bowels, to make thy belly to fwell, and thy the tabernacle of the congregation :

thigh to rot. Ana the woman fhall fay, Amen, amen. 11 And the prieft fliall offer the one for a fin offer-
23 And the prieft fhal! write thefe curfes in a book, ing, and the other for a burnt offering, and make an
and he fhall blot them out with the bitter water : atonement for him, for that he finned by the dead, and
24 And he fhall caufe the woman to drink the bitter lhall hallow his head that fame day.
water that caufeth the curfe and the water that caufeth
; 12 And he fliall confecrate unto the Lord the days
the curfe, fhall enter into her, and become bitter. of his feparation, and fliall bring a lamb of the firft
25 Then the prieft fhall take the jealoufy offering- year for a trefpafs offering but the days that were be-

out of the woman's hand, and lhall wave the offering fore, fliall t be loft, becaufe his feparation was defiled, t Heb./«a
before the Lord, and offer it upon the altar. . 13 IF And this is the law of the Nazarite When the :

26 And the prieft fhall take an handful of the offer- days of his feparation are fulfilled, he fhall be brought
ing, even the memorial thereof, and burn it upon the unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation :
altar, and afterward fhall caufe the woman to drink the 14 And he fhall offer his offering unto the Lord,
water. one he lamb, of the firft year without blemilh, for a
27 And when he hath made her to drink the water, burnt offering, and one ewe lamb of the firft year
The offerings of the princes CHAP. VII. for the tabernacle and altar.

without blemifh for a fin offeringi, and one ram with 8 And four Waggons and eight oxen he gave unto CHRIST Before

out blemiih for peace offerings,

the fons of Merari, according unto their fervice, under
15 And a bafket of unleavened bread, cakes of fine the hand of Ithamar, the fon of Aaron the prieft.
flour mingled with oil, and wafers of unleavened 9 But unto the fons of Kohath he gave none ; be-
bread anointed with oil, and their meat offering, and caufe the fervice of the fancluary belonging unto them,
their drink offerings. was that they fhould bear upon then fhoulders.
16 And the prieft fhall bring them before the Lord, 10 If And the princes offered for dedicating of the
and fhall offer his fin offering, and his burnt offering. altar, in the day that it was anointed, even the prin-
17 And he fhall offer the ram for a facrifice of ces offered their offering before the altar.
peace offerings unto the Lord, with the bafket of 11 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, They fhall of-
unleavened bread the prielt fhall offer alfo his
: fer their offering, each prince on his day, for the ded-
meat offering and his drink offering. icating of the altar.
b ao» 21 4 18 b And the Nazarite fhall (have the head of his
- 12 II And he that offered his offering the firfl day,was
feparation at the door of the tabernacle of the con- Nahlhon the fon of Amminadab, of the tribe of Judah \
gregation and (hall take the hair of the head of his
; 13 And his offering %vas one filver charger, the
ieparation, and put it in the fire which is under the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one
fecrifice of the peace offerings. filver bowl of feventy fhekels, after the fhekei of the
19 And the prieft fhall take the fodden flioulder of fancluary both of them were full of fine flour, min-

the ram, and one unleavened cake out of the bafket, gled with oil, for a b meat offering : b Levit. 2 Li

and one unleavened wafer, and fhall put them upon 14 One fpoon of fen shekels of gold, full of incenfe :

the hands of the Nazarite, after the hair of his fepa- 15 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the
ration is fhaven. firfl year, for a burnt offering :

e Exod. 29 20 And the prieft fhall wave them c for a wave 16 One kid of the goats for c a fin offering :
t Levifi *

offering before the Lord this is holy for the prieft,

; 17 And for a facrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
with the wave breaft and heave fhoulder and after : five rams, fivehegoats,five lambs of the firfl year. This
that the Nazarite may drink wine. was the offering of Nahfhon the fon of Amminadab.
21 This is the law of the Nazarite who hath vow- 1.8 IF On the fecond day Nethaneel the fon of Zuar,
ed, and of his offering unto the Lord for his repara- prince of IfTachar, did offer i

tion, befides that that his hand fhalt get according : 19 He offered for his offering one filver charger,
to the vow which he vowed, fo he mufl do after the the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels
law of his feparation. one filver bowl of feventy fhekels, after the ihekel of
22 If And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, the fancluary both of them full of fine flour mingled

23 Speak unto Aaron, and unto his fons, faying, with oil, for a meat offering :

On this wife ye fhall blefs the children of Ifrael, lay- 20 One fpoon of gold often shekels, full of incenfe :
ing unto them, 21 One young bullock one ram, one lamb of the

24 The Lord blefs thee and keep thee : firfl year, for a burnt offering :

25 The Lord make his face fhine upon thee, and 22 One kid of the goats for a fin offering :

be gracious unto thee : 23 And for a facrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
26 The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the firfl year.
and give thee peace. This was the offering of Nethaneel the fon of Zuar.
27 And they fhall put my name upon the children 24 If On the third day Eliab the fon of Helon,
of Ifrael, and I will blefs them. prince of the children of Zebulon, did offer :
CHAP. VIL 25 His offering was one filver charger, the weight
1, 10 Thevfferings of the princesfor the tabernacle and whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one filver
altar. 89 God speakethto Moses from the mercy seat. bowl of feventy fhekels, after the fhekei of the fane*

Exoi 40
AN D it came to pals on the day that Mofes had
fully a fet up the tabernacle, and had anointed
tuary both of them full of fine flour mingied with

oil, for a meat offering :

it, and fanclified it, and all the inftruments thereof, 26 One golden fpoon often shekels, full of incenfe :
both the altar and all the veffels thereof, and had 27 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the
anointed them, and fanclified them, firfl year, for a burnt offering :

2 That the princes of Ifrael, heads of the houfe of 28 One kid of the goats for a fin offering :

their fathers, (who were the princes of the tribes, 29 And for a facrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
tHA who -j-
and ^ere over them that were numbered,) offered. five rams, five he goats, five lambs Of the firfl year.
3 And they brought their offering before the Lord, This was the offering of Eliab the fon of Helon.
fix covered waggons, and twelve oxen a waggon for
; 30 If On the fourth day Elizur the fon of Shedeur,
two of the princes, and for each one an ox and they ; prince of the children of Reuben, did offer
brought them before the tabernacle. 3 His offering was one filver charger of the weight
4 If And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, of an hundred and thirty shekels, one filver bowl of
5 Take it of them, that they may be to do the fer- feventy fliekels, after the fhekei of the fancluary ;_

vice of die tabernacle of the congregation and thou ; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil, for a
fhalt give them unto the Levites, to every man ac- meat offering :

cording to his fervice. 32 One golden fpoon often shekels, full of incenfe :
6 And Mofes took the waggons, and the oxen, and 33 One young bullock^ one ram, one lamb of the
gave them unto the Levites. firfl year, for a burnt offering
7 Two waggons and four oxen he gave unto the 34 One kid of the goats for a fin offering :

fons of Gerfhon, according to their fervice. 35 A!nd for a facrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
O fiyc
1 : ; ; : : :

The offering of the princes at the NUMBER dedication of the tabernacle and altar.
fiverams, five he goats, five lambs of the firft year. 62 One golden fpoon often shekels, full of incenfe :

This was the offering of Elizur the fori of Shedeur. 63 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the
36 If On the fifth day Shelumiel the fon of Zuri- firft year, for a burnt offering :

ihaddai, prince of the children of Simeon, did offer: 64 One kid of the goats for a fin offering :
37 His offering voas one filver charger, the weight 65 And for a facrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,,
whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one filver five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the firft year.
bowl of feA'enty fhekels, after the fhekel of the fanc- This was the offering of Abidan the fon of Gideoni.
ruary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil,
; 66 1 On the tenth day Ahiezer the fon of Ammi-
for a meat offering ;
fhaddai^ prince of the children of Dan, offered
58 One golden fpoon often shekels, full of inoenfe : 67 His offering was one filver charger, the weight
39 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one filver
fiifl year, for a burnt offering : bowl of feventy fhekels, after the fhekel of the fanc-
40 One kid of the goats for a fin offering :
tuary ; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil,
41 And
for a facrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, for a meat offering :

five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the firft 3-ear. This 68 One golden fpoon often shekels, full of incenfe :

-was the offering of Shelumiel the fon of Zurifhaddai. 69 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the
42 OnthelixthdayEliafaphthefonofDeuel, prince firftyear, for a burnt offering
of the children of Gad, offered: 70 One kid of the goats for a fin offering
43 His offering was one filver charger, of the 71 And for a facrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
weight of an hundred and thirty shekels, a filver bowl five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the firft year.
of feventy fhekels, after the fhekel of the fancluary; This was the offering of Ahiezar the fon of Ammi-
both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil, for a fhaddai.
meat offering : 72 IF On
the eleventh day Pagiel the fon of Ocran,
44 One golden fpoon often shekels, full of incenfe : prince of the children of Afher, offered:
45 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the 73 His offering was one filver charger, the weight
firft 5 r ear, for a burnt offering : whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one filver
46 One kid of the goats for a fin offering : bowl of feventy fhekels, after the 'fhekel of the fanc-
47 And for a facrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, tuary ; both of them full of fine flour mingled with
five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the firft year. oil, for a meat offering :

This was the offering of Eliafaph the fon of Deuel. 74 One golden fpoon often shekels full of incenfe :

48 IF On the feventh day Eliihama the fon of Am- 75 One young bullock, one ram,one lamb, of the
mihud, prince of the children of Ephraim, offered: firft year, for a burnt offering :

49 His offering was one filver charger, the weight 76 One kid of the goats for a fin offering :

whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one filver 77 And for a facrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
bowl of feventy fhekels, after the fhekel of the fanc- five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the firft year.
tuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with
This was the offering of Pagiel the fon of Ocran.*
oil, for a meat offering : 78 IF On the twelfth day Ahira the fon of Enan,
50 One golden fpoon of ten shekels, full of incenfe : prince of the children of Naphtali, offered:
5 One young bullock^ one ram, one lamb of the 79 His offering ivas one filver charger, the weight
firftyear, for a burnt offering : whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one filver
52 One kid of the goats for a fra offering : bowl of feventy fhekels, after the* fhekel of the fanc-
53 And for a facrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, tuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with

five rams, five he goats five lambs of the firft year. oil, for a meat offering :

This was the offering of Eliihama the fon of Ammihud. 80 One golden fpoon often shekels full of incenfe :

54 IF On the eighth day offered Gamaliel the fon of 81 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the
Pedahzur, prince cfthe children of Manaffeh : firftyear, for a burnt offering :

55 His offering was one filver charger of the weight 82 One kid of the goats for a fin offering
of an hundred and thirty shekels, one filver bowl of 83 And for a facrifice of peace offerings, two oxen,
feventy fhekels, after the fhekel of the fancluary ; five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the firft year!
both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil, for a This was the offering of Ahira the fon of Enan.
meat offering : 84 This was the dedication of the altar (in the day
55 One golden fpoon of ten shekels, full of incenfe : when it was anointed) by the princes of Ifrael twelve ;

57 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the chargers of filver, twelve filver bowls, twelve fpoons
firft year, for a burnt offering : of gold
58 One kid of the goats for a fin offering r 85 Each charger of filver weighing an hundred and
59 And for
a facrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, thirty shekels, each bowl feventy : all the filver veffels
five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the firft year. weighed two thoufand and four hundred shekels, af-
This was the offering of Gamaliel the fon of Pe- ter the fhekel of the fanctuary :
dahzur. 86 The golden fpoons were twelve, full of incenfe,
60 11 On the ninth day Abidan the fon of Gideoni, weighin g ten shekels apiece, after the fhekel of the
prince of the children of Benjamin, offered fanctuary all the gold of the fpoons was an hundred

6 His offering was one filver charger, the weight and twenty shekels.
whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one filver 87 All the oxen for the burnt offering were twelve
bowl of feventy fhekels, after the fhekel of the fanc- bullocks, the rams twelve, the lambs of the firft year
; both of them full of fine flour mingled with
; twelve, with their meat offering and the kids of the ;

soil, for a meat offering ; goats for fin offering, twelve ;

2 88 And
T'he consecration of the Levitts. CHAP. VIII, IX. A second passover allowed.
88 And the oxen, for the facrifice of the peace
19 And I have given the Levites ast a gift to Aa-
twenty and four bullocks, the rams ron, and to his ions, from among the children of Ifrael,
offerings, ivere
to do the fervice of the children of Ifrael in the taber- f Heb. giver.
lixty, die he goats fixty> the lambs of the firft year
nacle of the congregation, and to make an atonement
iixty. This was the dedication of the altar, after that
for the children of Ifrael ; that there be no plague
it was anointed.
89 If And when Mofes was gone into the tabernacle among the children of Ifrael, when the children of If-
him, then he rael come nigh unto the fanctuary.
of the congregation to 1'peak with ||
heard the voice of one fpeaking unto him from off the 20 And Mofes and Aaron, and all the congregation
of the children of Ifrael, did to the Levites according
mercy feat that was upon the ark of teftimony, from
unto all that the Lord commanded Mofes concerning
between the two cherubims and he fpake unto him. :

the Levites, fo did the children of Ifrael unto them.
21 And the Levites were purified, and they warned
1 The lighting of the lamps, 5 The consecration of their clothes and Aaron offered them as an offering

the Levites : 23 their age, and time of service. before the Lord ; and Aaron made an atonement for

a Exod. 25
1 the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
2 Speak unto Aaron, and fay unto him,
them to cleanfe them.
22 And after that went the Levites in to do their
thou a lighteft the lamps, the feven lamps mall give fervice in the tabernacle of the congregation before
light over againft the candleftick. Aaron, and before his fons as the Lord had com- :

3 And Aaron did fo he lighted the lamps thereof, manded Mofes concerning the Levites, fo did they

over againft the candleftick ; as the Lord command- unto them.

ed Mofes. 23 If And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
bExod. 253'. 4 b And this work of the candleftick was of beaten 24 This is it that bclongeth unto the Levites :
geld unto the fhaft thereof, unto the flowers thereof, From twenty and five years old and upward, they

C Exod. 2; ?. was
beaten work according unto the pattern which [hall go in f to wait upon the fervice of the taberna- t^.'.»™f.
the warfare.

the Lord had mewed Mofes, fo he made the candle- cle of the congregation
ftick. 25 And from the age of fifty years, they fhall
t Heb.
5 H And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, t ceafe waiting upon the fervice thereof, and lhall ferve return fi tun
the ivarfar*
6 Take the Levites from among the children of If- no more ; cftheier-i

rael, and cleanfe them. 26 But fhall minifter with their brethren in the tab- vice'.

7 And thus fhalt thou do unto diem to cleanfe ernacle of the congregation, to keep the charge, and
them Sprinkle water of purifying upon them, and fhall do no fervice. Thus fhalt thou do unto the Le-

f Hcfa. fei
t let them fhave all their fleih, and let them waih their vites touching their charge.
razor to pass clothes, and so make themfelves clean.
Over, &c.
8 Then let them take a young bullock with his 1 The passover is again commanded. 6 The case of
meat offering, even fine flour mingled with oil, and an- some who -were unclean. 9 second passover allowed A
other young bullock fhalt thou take for a fin offering. for such, and for the absent at the first. 15 The
9 And thou fhalt bring the Levites before the tab- cloud guide th the removals and encampments of the
ernacle of the congregation and thou fhalt gather the
; Israelites.
whole affembly of the children of Ifrael together.
10 And thou fhalt bring the Levites before the
the Lord fpake unto Mofes in the wildernefs
of Sinai, in the firft month of the fecond year af-
Lord, and the children of Ifrael fhall put their hands ter they Mere come out of the land of Egypt, faying,
upon the Levites :
2 Let the children of Ifrael alfo keep a the paffover a Exod. 12
tHeb. wave. 11 And Aaron fhall t offer the Levites before the at his appointed feafon.
1, fee.
Lev. 23 5.
la ve Lord, for an t offering of the children of IfraeL, that
8 16,
3 In the fourteenth day of this month t at even, ye DeS: if ,'i
t Heb. they t they may execute the fervice of the Lord. fhall keep it in his appointed feafon ; according to all Ziw^the
maybe to ex-
ecute &(•
12 And the Levites lhall lay dieir hands upon the the rites of it, and according to all the ceremonies twevmn»
heads of the bullocks and thou fhalt offer the one Jor thereof, fhall ye keep it.

a fin offering, °'d the other for a burnt offering, un- 4 And Mofes fpake unto the children of Ifrael, that
to the Lord, 1 make an atonement for the Levites. they fhould keep the paffover.
13 And thou fhalt fet the Levites before Aaron, 5 And they kept the paffover on the fourteenth day
and before his fons, and offer diem for an offering un- of the firft month at even, in the wildernefs of Sinai
to the Lord. according to all that the Lord commanded Mofes, fo
14 Thus fhalt thou feparate the Levites from among did the children of Ifrael.
i ciup. j .15. the children of Jfrael and the Levites fhall be d minc.
6 If And there were certain men who were defiled
15 And after that fhall the Levites go in to do the by die dead body of a man, that they could not keep
fervice of the tabernacle of the congregation and the paffover on that day and they came before Mo-

thou malt cleanfe them, and offer them for an offering. fes and before Aaron on that day :

16 For they arc wholly given unto me from among 7 And men faid unto him, We air defiled by
the children of Ifrael inftead of fuch as open every
; the dead body of a man wherefore are we kept back,

womb, even instead of the firftborn of all die .children that we may not offer an offering of the Lor d in his
of Ifrael, have I taken them unto me. appointed feafon among the children of Ifrael ?
e. Exod. 132. 17 e For all the firftborn of the children of Ifrael 8 And Mofes faid unto them, Stand ftill, and I w ill
3 13.
2 23.
are mine, both man and beaft on the day that I fmote :
hear what the Lord will command concerning you
every firftborn in the land of Egypt, I fanctified them 9 If And the Lor d fpake unto Mofes, faying,
for myfelf. 10 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, faying, If any
18 And I have taken die Levites for all die firft- I man of you, or of your pofterity, fhall be unclean by
born of the children of Ifrael. reafon
: 1

The use of the silver trumpets. NUMBERS. The Israelites* order of march.
reafon of a dead body, or be in a journey afar off, yet 3 And when they fhall blow with them, all the
he (hall keep the pafibver unto the Lord. aflembly lliall affemble themfelves to thee, at the door
11 The fourteenth day of the fecond month, at of the tabernacle of the congregation.
even they fliali keep it, and eat it with unleavened 4 And if they blow but with one trumpet, then the
bread and bitter herbs. princes, which are heads of the thoufands of Ifrael,
12 They fhall leave none of it unto the morning, lhall gather themfelves unto thee.
bi Exod. i b
nor break any bone of it according to all the ordi-
: 5 When ye blow an alarm, then the camps that lie
46. John 19
36. nances of the pafibver they ihall keep it. on the eaft parts ihall go forward.
13 But the man that is clean, and is not in a jour- 6 When ye blow an alarm the fecond time, then
ne5% and forbeareth to keep the pafibver, even the the camps that lie on the fouth lide, lliall take their
fame foul fhall be cut off from his people ; becaufe he journey : they fhall blow an alarm for their journeys.
h brought not the offering of the Lord in has appointed 7 But when the congregation is to be gathered to-
man lhall bear his fin.
feafon, that gether, ye fhall blow, but ye fliali not found an alarm.
14 And if a ftranger fliali fojourn among you, and 8 And the fons of Aaron the prieft lhall blow with
will' keep the pafibver unto the Lord according to
the trumpets and they lhall be to you for an ordi-

the ordinance of the pafibver, and according to the nance for ever throughout your generations.
cExod. 12 49- manner thereof, fo lhall he do c
ye fhall have one
: 9 And if ye go to war in your land againft the ene-
ordinance, both for the ftranger, and for him that was my that oppreffeth you, then ye ihall blow an alarm
born in the land. ^ with the trumpets ; and ye fhall be remembered be-
iExoa.4034- 15 IT And d on the day that the tabernacle was fore the Lord your God, and ye ihall be faved from
reared up, the cloud covered the tabernacle namely; ',
your enemies.
the tent of the teftimony and at even there was upon
: 10 Alfo in the day ofyourgladnefs, and in your
the tabernacle, as it were, the appearance of fire until folemn days, and in the beginnings of your months,
the morning. ye fhall blow with the trumpets over your burnt
16 So it was alway the cloud covered it by day,
: offerings, and over the facrifices of your peace offer-
and the appearance of fire by night. ings ; that they may be to you for a memorial before
17 And when the cloud was. taken up from the your God I am the Lord your God.

tabernacle, then, after that, the children of Ifrael 1 IT And it came to pafs on the twentieth day of
journeyed and in the place were the cloud abode,
; the fecond month, in the fecond year, that the cloud
there the children of Ifrael pitched their tents. was taken up from off the tabernacle of the teftimony.
18 At the commandment of the Lord, the chil- , 12 And the children of Ifrael took their journeys
dren of Ifrael journeyed, and at the commandment of out of the wildernefs of Sinai ; and the cloud refted
Ccr. 10 1. the Lord they pitched
e 1 :as long as the cloud abode in the wildernefs of Paran.
upon the tabernacle, they refted in their tents. 13 And they firft took their journey, according
tHeb. 19 And when the cloud t tarried long upon the to the commandment of the Lord by the hand of
tabernacle many days, then the children of Ifrael kept Mofes.
the charge of the Lord, and journeyed not. 14 IF In the firft place went the ftandard of the a Chap; 2 3.

20 And so it was, when the cloud was a few days camp of the children of Judah, according to their
upon the tabernacle : according to the commandment armies ; and over his hoft was b Nahfhon the fon of L Chap. 1 7*
of the Lord, they abode in their tents, and accord- Amminadab.
ing to the commandment of the Lord, they journeyed. 15 And over the hoft of the tribe of the children
t Hrt". to 21 And so it was, when the cloud f abode from of Ifiachar was Nethaneel the fon of Zuar.
even unto the morning, and that the cloud was taken 16 And over the hoft of the tribe of the children of
up in the morning, then they journeyed whether it : Zebulun %vas Eliab the fon of Helon.
was by day or by night, that the cloud was taken up 17 And the tabernacle was taken down and the

they journeyed. fons of Gerfhon and the fons of Merari fet forward,
22 Or whether it were two days or a month, or a bearing the tabernacle.
year, that the. cloud tarried upon the tabernacle, 18 1 And the ftandard of the camp of Reuben fet
f Exod remaining thereon, the children of Ifrael f abode in forward according to their armies ; and over his hoft
36 37-
their tents, and journeyed not but when it was
: was Elizur die fon of Shedeur.
taken up, they journeyed. 19 And over the hoft of the tribe of the children of
23 Atthe commandment of the Lord, they refted Simeon was Shelumiel the fon of Zuriihaddai.
in their tents, and at the commandment of the Lord 20 And over the hoft of the tribe of the children
they j ourneyed they kept the charge of the L r d at
, of Gad was Eliafaph the fon of Deuel.
the commandment of the Lord by the hand of Mofes. 21 And the Kohathites fet forward bearing the
CHAP. X. c
fane luary ; and the other did fet up the tabernacle c Chap. 4
That is Jlie

1 The use of the silver trumpets. 11 The Israelites againft they came.

remove from Sinai to Par an : 14, 18, 22, 25 the and the Me-
22 Tf And the ftandard of the camp'of the children rari tes. See
order of their march. 29 Hobab is entreated by of Ephraim fet forward according to their armies ; ver. 17.
Moses not to leave them. 33 Moses'' blessing at the and over his hoft was Elifhama the fon of Ammihud.
removing and resting of the ark. 23 And over the hoft of the tribe of the children of
AN D ] the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
2 Make thee two trumpets of filver ; of a whole
piece (halt thou make them ; that thou mayeft ufe
Manaffeh was Gamaliel the fon of Pedahzur.
24 And over the hoft of the tribe of the children
of Benjamin was Abidan the fon of Gideoni.
them for the calling of the aflembly, and for the 25 H And the ftandard of the camp of the children
journeying of the camps. of Dan fet forward, which was the rereward of afi
The people lust for flesh. CHAP. XL The seventy elders appointed,

camps throughout their hods and over his hoft

the ; their families, every man in the door of his tent ; c^rTst
was Ahiezer the fon of Ammifhaddai. and the anger of the Lord was kindled greatly; v J^2^ ->

26 And over the hoft of the tribe of the children of Mofes was difpleafed.
Afher was Pagiel the fon of Ocran. 1 And Mofes laid unto die Lord, Wherefore haft
27 And over the hoft of the tribe of the children of thou afflicted thy fervant ? and wherefore have I not
Naphtali was Ahira the fon of Enan. found favour in thy fight, that thou layeft the burden
tHeb.77;w. 28 f Thus were the journeyings of the children of of all this people upon me ?

Ifrael, according to theirarmies, when they fet forward. 12 Have I conceived all this people ? have I begot-
29 H And Mofesfaidunto Hobab, the fon of Raguel ten them, that thou fhouldeft fay unto me, Carry them
the Midianite, Mofes'father in law, arejourneying We in thy bofom (as a nurling father beareth the fucking
unto the place of which the Lord faid, I will give it child) unto the" land which thou fwareft unto their
you come thou with us, and we will do thee good ;
fathers ?

for the Lord hath fpoken good concerning Ifrael. 13 Whence mould I have fiefh to give unto all this
30 And he faid unto him, I will not go ; but I will people ? for they weep unto me, faying, Give usflefn,
depart to mine own land, and to my kindred. that we may eat.
31 And he faid, Leave us not, I pray thee ; foraf- 14 I am not able to
bear all this people alone, be-
much as thou know eft how we are to encamp in the caufe too heavy for me.
it is

wildernefs, and thou mayeft be to us inftead of eyes. 15 And if thou deal thus with me, kill me, I pray
32 And it fhall be, if thou go with us, yea, it fhall thee, oat of hand, If I have found favour in thy fight
be, that what goodnefs the Lord fhall do unto us, and let me not fee my wretchednefs.
the fame will we do unto thee. 16 IF And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Gather unto
33 IT And they departed from the mount of the me feventy men of the elders of Ifrael, whom thou
Lord three days' journey and the ark of the cove-
: knoweft to be the elders of the people, and officers
nant of the Lord went before them in the three days' over them ; and bring them unto the tabernacle of the
journey, to fearch out a relting place for them. congregation, that they may ftand there with thee :

54 And the cloud of the Lord was upon them by 17 And I will come down and talk with thee there :
day, when they went out of the camp. and I will take of the fpirit which is upon thee, and will
35 And it came to pafs, when the ark fet forward, put it upon them and they fhall bear the burden of

dPsaJ m68 that Mofes faid, Rife up, Lord, and let thine ene- the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyfelf alone.
mies be fcattered ; and let them that hate thee, flee 18 And fay thou unto the people, Sanctify yourielves
before thee. againft tomorrow, and ye fhall eat fiefh (for ye have :

36 And when it refted, he faid, Return, O Lord, wept in the ears of the Lo r d , faying, Who
fhall give us
t Heb. ten unto the t many thoufands of Ifrael. fiefh to eat ? for it was well with us in Egypt :) there-
thousands. CHAP. XL fore the Lord will give you fiefh, and ye fhall eat.
1 The burning at Taberah quenched by Moses'' prayer. 19 Ye fhall not eat one day, nor two days, nor five
4 The people lust for flesh, and loathe manna. 10 days, neither ten days, nor twenty days ;
Moses complaineth of his charge 16 Godpromiseth : 20 But even a f whole month, until it come out at y$*"f "*
* >s '

to divide his burden unto seventy elders, &c. 21 Mo- your noftrils, and it be loathfome unto you ; becaufe "
ses'' faith is staggered. 31 Quails are given in that ye have defpifed the Lord which is among j-ou,
wrath at Kibrothhattaavah. and have wept before him, faying, came we Why
Or, <were
t Heb. if -was
AN the Lord
when the people complained,! it difpleafed

and the Lord heard it ; and his

forth out of Egypt ?
21 HAndMofesfaid,Thepeople,amongAvhomI am,
evil in the
anger was kindled : and the fire of the Lord burnt are^ fix hundred thoufand footmen and thou haft faid,

aPsata78 2i.» among them, and confumed z&tw that were in the I will give them fiefh, that they may eat a whole month.
uttermoft parts of the camp. 22 Shall the flocks and the herds be flain for them,
2 And the people cried unto Mofes and when ; to fuffice them ? or fhall all the filh of the fea be
t Heb. sunk. Mofesprayed unto the Lord, the fire t was Quenched. gathered together for them, to fuffice them ?
JSSing. 3 And he called the name of the place Taberah || : 23 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, e Is the Lord's e I3 *' ah s»

becaufe the fire of the Lord burnt among them,

2j 59 1

hand waxed fhort ? thou fhalt fee now whether my

b As Exod.
2 g
4 1J And the b mixed multitude that was among word fhall come to pafs unto thee or not.
t Heb*. lusted them t fell a lulling and the children of ~ Ifrael alfo
: 24 IT And Mofes went out, and told the people the
+He£ retum. f wept again, and faid, c
Who fhall give usflefn to eat ? words of the Lord, and gathered the feventy men of
I'ScoZte. 5 We remember the fifh which we did eat in Egypt the elders of the people, and fet them round about
freely the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks,
; the tabernacle.
and the onions, and the garlic : 25 And the Lord came down in a cloud, and
6 But now our foul is dried away there is nothing ; fpake unto him, and took of the fpirit that was upon
at all, befides this manna, before our eyes. him, and gave it unto the feventy elders and it came :

a^Exoi 16
y Aj1Cj a thg. manna was as coriander feed, and the to pafs, that, when the fpirit refted upon them, they
t Heb.^ »/| colour thereof as the colour of bdellium, prophefied, and did not ceafe.
if" 8 And the people went about, and gathered it, and 26 But there remained two of the men in the camp,
ground it in mills, or beat it in a mortar, and baked the name of the one was Eldad, and the name of the
it in pans, and made cakes of it : And the tafte of it other Medad and the fpirit refted upon them, (and

was as the tafte of frefh oil. they were of them that were written, but went not out
9 And when the dew fell upon the camp in the , untathe tabernacle,) and they prophciied in the '"amp.
night, the manna fell upon it. 27 And there ran a young man, and told Moles,.
10 U Then Mofes heard tlie people weep throughout and laid, Eldad and Medad do prophefy in the camp.
28 And

Quails given in wrath. NUMBERS. The names of the spies :

23 And Jofhua the foil of Nun, the fervant of 12 Let her not be as one dead, of whom the flefli chIT/t
Moles, one of his young men, anfwered and faid, My is half confumed when he cometh out of his mother's j«»
lord Moles, forbid them. womb.
29 And Mofes faid unto him, Envieft thou for my 13 And Mofes cried unto the Lord, faying, Heal
fake ? Would God that all the Lord's people were her now, O
God, I befeech thee.
prophets,and that the Lord would put his Spirit 14 If And the Lord faid unto Mofes, If her father
upon them ! had but fpit in her face, fbould fhe not be alhamed
30 And Mofes gat him into the camp, he and the feven days ? let her be d ihutout from the camp feven *******
eiders of Ifrael. days, and after that let her be received in again.
i ^3-
SEta 2 "
3 1 1f And there went forth f a wind from the Lord, 15 And Miriam was fhut out from the camp feven
and brought quails from the fea, and Let them fall by days and the people journeyed not till Miriam was
.:»v the camp, t as it were a day's journey on this fide, brought in again.
^L^^and as it were a day's journey on the other fide, round 16 And afterward the people removed from Ha'ze-
about the camp, and as it were two cubits. high upon roth, and pitched in the wildernefs of Paran.
the face of the earth. C H A
32 And the people flood up all that day, and all
1 The names-ofthe men whowerescnt tosearch theiand:
that night, and all the next day, and they gathered
17 Their instructions .-21 their acts: 26 their relation.
the quails he that gathered lean" gathered tenhomers
AND2 Send Lordmen,

and they fpread than all abroad for themfelves round the fpake unto Mofes, faying,
about the camp. that they may fearch the land
f Psalm 78 23 Andwhile & the -flefh was yet between their of Canaan, which I give unto the children cf Ifrael
teeth, ere it was chewed, the wrath of the Lord was of every tribe of their fathers Ihall ye fend a man,
kindled againft the people .; and the Lord frnote the every one a ruler. among them.
people with a very great plague.
3. And Mofes, by the commandment of the Lord,
34 And he called the name of that place Kibroth- fent them from the wildernefs of Paran all thole men :
I That is,

"the gravis hattaayah : becaufe there they buried the people that •were heads of the children of Ifrael.
lulled. 4 And thefe were their names Of the tribe of
. :

35 And the people journeyed from Kibrothhatta- -Reuben, Shammua the.fon of Zaccur.
t Heb. they avah unto Hazeroth and f abode at Hazeroth.
: 5 Of the tribe of Simeon, Shaphatthe fon ofHori.
iv ere in, in CHAP. XIL 6 Of the tribe of Judah, Caleb the fon ofJephunneh.
1 Godrebuketh the sedition of Miriam and Aaron. 10 7 Of the tribe of IlTachar, Igal the fon of Jofeph.
Miriam''s leprosy ; Moses pray eth for her. 14 God 8 Ofthe tribe of Ephraim, Ofbea the fon of Nun.
commandeth her to be shutout ofthe camp seven days. 9 Of the tribe of Benjamin, Palti the fon of Raphu

11 Or,
AND Miriam and Aaron fpake againlt Mofes, be-
caufe of the U Ethiopian woman, whom he had
10 Of the tribe ofZebuIun,Gaddielthefonof Sodi.
11 Of the tribe of Jofeph, namely\ ofthe tribe of
married for he had f married an Ethiopian woman.
: Manaffeh, Gaddi the fon of Sufi.
t Heb. ttikctu

2 And they faid, Hath the Lord indeed fpoken 12' Of the tribe of Dan, Ammiei the fon of Gemalli.
only by Mofes? hath he not fpoken alio by us? and 13 Of the tribe of Allier, Sethur the ion of Michael.
the Lord heard it, Oft'hetribeofNaphtali,NahbithefonofVophii.
i. 3 (Now the man Mofes was very meek, a above
15 Ofthe tribe of Gad, Geuel the fon of Machi.
45 *•
all the men which were upon the face of the earth.) 16 Thefe are the names of the men which Mofes
4 And the Lord fpake fuddenly unto Mofes, and fent to fpy out the land, and Mofes called Oihea,
unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come out ye three the fon of Nun, Jehofhua.
unto the tabernacle of die congregation. And they 17 TI And Mofes fent them to fpy out the land of
three came out. Canaan, and faid unto_ them, Get you up this way
5 And the Lord came down in the pillar of the fouthward, and go up into the mountain ;
cloud., and flood in the door of the tabernacle, and 18 And fee the land, what it is, and the people that
called Aaron and Miriam

. and they both came forth. : dwelleth therein, whether they be llrong or weak, few
6 And he faid, Hear now my words if there be a ; or many ;

prophet among you, / the Lord will make myfelf 19 And what theiand is that they dwell in, whether
known unto him in a vilion, aw/, will .fpeak unto him it be gooct-or bad ; _
and what
they be that they
in a dream. dwell in, whether in tents, or in ftrong holds ;'
feiub. 3 2. 7 My
fervant Mofes is not fo, ^ who is .faithful in 20 And what the land is-, whether it be fat or lean,
all mine houfe. whether there be wood therein or not and be ye :

C EKod.23n. 8 With him will I fpeak c mouth to mouth, even of good courage, and bring of the fruit -of the land.
apparently, and not in dark fpeeches ; and the fimili- (Now the time was the time ofthe firflripe grapes.)
tude of the Lord fhall he behold wherefore then : 21 II So they went up, and fearchedthe land, from
were ye not afraid to fpeak againft my fervant Mofes ? the wildernefs of Zin unto Rehob, as men come to
9 And the auger of the Lord was kindled againft Hamath.
them and he departed.
; 22 And they afcended by the fouth, and came unto
10 If And the'cloud departed from off the taber- Hebron, were, Shefhai, and Talmai, the
nacle and behold, Miriam became leprous, whitens
; children of Anak were (now Hebron was built

[now and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and .behold,

: ieven years before Zoan in Eigypt.)
she was leprous. 23 a And tliey came unto the brook of Efhcol, and
11 And Aaron faid unto Mofes, Alas my lord, ! cut down from thence a branch with one clufler of
w "f*
I befeech thee, lay not the fin upon us, wherein we it between two upon a ftaff and
grapes, and they bare .;

jhiye done fooliihiy, and wherein we have finned. they brought ofthe pomegranates, and ofthe figs.
24 The
Their evil report of the land. CHAP. XIV. Moses intercedeth for the people.
24 The place was called the brook Efhcol, be-
11 11
8 If the Lord delight in us, then he will bring us
1490- ,caufe of the clutter of grapes which the children of into this land, and give it us ; a land which floweth
Ifrael cut down from thence. with milk and honey.
25 And they returned from fearching of the land 9 Only rebel not ye againft the Lord, neither fear
after forty days. ye the people of the land for they are bread for us

26 If And they went and came to Mofes, and to their f defence is departed from them, and the Lord shadiiu*
Aaron, and to all the congregation of the children of is with us fear them not.

Ifrael, unto the wildernefs of Paran to Kadeih and ; 10 But all the congregation bade ftone them with
brought back word unto them, and unto all the con- ftones. And the glory of the Lord appeared in. the
gregation, and fhewed them the fruit of the land. tabernacle of the congregation, befoi-e all the children
27 And they told him, and faid, We
came unto the of Ifrael.
land whither thou fenteft us, andfurely it floweth with 11 If And the Lord faid unto Mofes, How long-
bExcd. 35 3.
milk and honey ; and this is the fruit of it. will this people provoke me ? and how long will it be
28 Neverthelefs the people be ftrong that dwell in ere they believe me, for all the figns which I have
the land, and the cities are walled, an d very great fhewed among them ?

and, moreover, we faw the children of Anak there. 12 I will -finite them Avith
the peftilence, and difin-
29 The Amalekites dwell in the land of the fouth ;
heritthern ; and will make of thee a greater nation,
and the Hittites, and the Jebuiites, and the Amorites, and mightier than thev.
dwell in the mountains ; and the Canaanites dwell by 13 If And a Mofes faid unto the Lord, Then the aExsd,
32 12.
the fea, and by the coaft of Jordan. Egyptians fliall hear it ; (for thou broughteft up this
30 And Caleb ftilled the people before Mofes, and people in thy might from among them ;)
faid, Let us go up at once, and poffefs it ; for we are 14 And they will tell it to the inhabitants of this
well able to overcome it. land for they have heard that thou ,
: o r d , art amongL
31 But the men that went up with him faid, We this people;, that thou, Lord, art feen face to face ;
and that b thy cloud ftandeth over them and that thou bExod.
be not able to go up againft the people, for they are ;
13 21.
flronger than we. goeft before them, by day time in a pillar of a cloud,
32 And they brought up an evil report of the land and in a pillar of fire by night.
which they had fearched unto the children of Ifrael, 15 Now, if thou fhalt kill all this people as one
faying, The land T through which we have gone to man,, then the nations which have heard the fame of
fearch it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants there- thee, will fpeak, faying,
*/"*»"«. or>: ai1 ^ a^ me People that we faw in it, are t men of 16 Becaufe the Lord was not c able to bring this c Deut. 9 28.

a great ftature. people into the land which he fware unto them, there-
33 And there we faw the giants, the fons of Anak, fore he hath flain them in the wildernefs.
which come of the giants and we were in our own
: 17 And now, I befeech thee, let the power of my
fight as grafshoppers and fo we were in their light.
Lord be great, according as thou haft fpoken, faying,
18 The Lord is d long ftiffering, and of great mer-
cy, forgiving, iniquity and tranfgrefhon, and by no
d Exod. 34
103 8.

1 The people murmur at the news : 6 Joshua and Ca- means clearing the guilty ; e viliting the iniquity of e Exod. 20
& 34 7-
leb labour to pacify them. 11 God threatened) them.
the fathers upon the children unto the third and
13 Moses inter ceaeth withGod,andobtaiueth pardon. fourth generation.
26 The murmurers are excludedfrom entering into 19 Pardon, Ibefeech thee, the iniquity of this people,
the promised land. 36 The men v:ho raised the evil according unto the greatnefs of thy mercy, and as thou
report die by a plague. 40 The people that against haft forgiven this people from Egypt even until now. |i or. ;»•<;:-

the will of God would invade the land, are smitten by 20 And the Lord faid, I have pardoned according
the inhabitants of it. to thy word :•

AN D the congregation lifted up their voice,

and cried ; and the people wept that night.
21 But as truly as I live, all the earth fliall be filled
with the glory of die Lord.
2 And all the children of Ifrael murmured againft 22 Becaufe all thofe men which have feen my glory,
Mofes, and againft Aaron and the whole congrega-
: and my miracles which I did in Egypt, and* in the
tion laid unto them, Would God that we had died in wildernefs, have tempted me now thefe ten times, and
the land of Egypt or, Would God we had died in
have not hearkened to my voice
this wildernefs ! 23 f Surely they fhall not fee the land which I fware t Heh. Tf
thy see
3 And wherefore hath the Lord brought us unto unto their fathers, neither fhall any of them that pro- the luttd.

this land, to fall by the fword, that our wives and our voked me fee it .:

children fhould be a prey ? were it not better for us 24 But my fervant f Caleb, becaufe he had another fjosli. f4 6.

to return into Egypt ? fpirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I
4 And they faid one to another, Let us make a bring into the land whereinto he went and his feed ;

captain, and let us return into Egypt. fhall poffefs it,

5 Then Mofes and Aaron fell on their faces before 25 (Now the Amalekites and the Canaanites dwelt
all the affembly of the congregation of the children of in the valley.) Tomorrow turn ye, and get you into
Ifrael. the wildernefs, by the way of the Red Sea.
6 If And Jofhua the fon of Nun, and Caleb the fon 26 If And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, and unto
of Jephunneh, which xvere of them that fearched the Aaron, faying,
land, rent their clothes :
27 How long shall I bear with this evil congrega-
7- And they fpake unto all the company of the chil- tion, which murmur againft me ? I have heard the
dren of Ifrael, faying, The land, which we palled murmurings of the children of Ifrael, which they mur-
through to fearch it, is an exceeding good land. mur againft me.
28 Say

5"£<? /s"z^
of the meat offering. NUMBERS, The drink offering, fcf,</,

28 Say unto thera, s ^
truly &? I live, faith theLoRD, 3 And will make an offering by fire unto the L r d
a burnt offering, or a facrifice b in t performing a vow,

as ye have fpoken in mine ears, fo will I do to you :

X Chap. 26 29 Your carcaffes fliall fall in this wildernefs ; and or in a free will offering, or in your folemn feafts, to
65, & 32 II,
Deut. 1 35. all that were numbered of you, according to your make a c fweet favour unto the Lord, of the herd, or
h See Verse t Heb. icp.i.
2. Ghap. 26 whole number, from twenty years old and upward, of the flock ; rutin?.
which have murmured againft me, 4 Then fhall he that offereth his offering unto the c Exod. 29

30 Doubtlefs ye fliall not come into the land, con- Lord bring a meat offering of a tenth deal of Hour, d Levit. 1
i, S* 6 14.

Ip'my Hand, cerning which I fiware to make you dwell therein, lave mingled with the fourth part of an hin of oil.
Calebthe fon of Jephunneh, and Jofhua the fon of Nun. 5 And the fourth part of an hin of wine for a drink
31" But your little ones, which yefaid Ihould be a offering fliait thou prepare with the burnt offering or
prey, them will I bring in and they mall know the
facrifice, for one lamb.
land which ye have defpifed. 6 Or for a ram, thou fhalt prepare for a meat offer-
32 But asfor you, your carcaffes, they fliall fall in ing two tenth deals of Hour, mingled with the third
this wildernefs. part of an hin of oil.
23 And your children fhall Meander in the wilder- ||
7 And for a drink offering thou fhalt offer the third
nefs forty years, and bear your whoredoms, until your part o\of an hin of wine, for a fweet favour unto the
carcaffes be wafted in the wildernefs. Lord.
34 After the number of the days in which ye fearch- 8 And when thou prepared a bullock, for a burnt
i^ra^'o-ed the land, even l forty days, (each day for a year,) offering, or for a facrifice in performing a vow or
fliall ye bear vour iniquities, even forty years ; and peace offerings unto the Lord ;

Ifmyfurp^lW fhall know my-breach

|| of promife. 9 Then he bring with a bullock a meat offer-
35 I the Lord have faid, I will furely do it unto ing of three tenth deals of flour, mingled with half an
all this evil congregation, that are gathered together hin of oil.
againft : me
in this wildernefs they fliall be confumed, #
10 And thou fhalt bring for a drink offering half an
and there they fhall die. hin of wine, for an offering made by fire, of a fweet
36 If And themen which Moles fent to fearch the land, favour unto the Lord.
whoreturned, andmade all the congregation to murmur 11 Thus fliall it be done for one bullock, or for
againft him, by bringing up a flander upon the land one rarn, or for a lamb, or a kid.
37 Even thofe men that did bring up the evil report 12 According to the number that ye fliall prepare,
k 1 Cor.
upon the land k died by the plague before the Lord. fo fliall ye do to every one, according to their number.
Jude 5. 38 But Jofhua the fon of Nun, and Caleb the fon 13 All that are born of the country fhall do thefe
of Jephunneh, which were of themen that went to things after this manner, in offering an offering made
fearch the land, lived still. by fire, of a fweet favour unto the Lord.
39 And Moles
told thefe fayings unto all the chil- 14 IT And if a ftranger fojourn with you, or who-
dren of and the people mourned greatly.
Ifrael :
foever be among you in your generations, and will of-
40 If And they rofe up early in the morning, and fer an offering made by fire, of a fweet favour unto the
gat them up into the top of the mountain, faying, Lo, Lord ; as ye do, fo he fhall do.
1 Bent. 1 41. 1
we be here, and will go up unto the place which the 15 \ One ordinance shall be both for you of the con- e Exod. is
49. Chap, j
Lord hath promifed for we have linned.
gregation, and alfo for the ftranger that fojourneth 14.

41 And Mofes faid, Wherefore now do ye tranf- #

with you, an ordinance for ever in your generations :

grefs the commandment of the Lord ? but it fliall as ye are, fo fhall the ftranger be before the Lord.
not profper. . 16 One law, and one manner, fliall be for you, and
42 Go not up, for the Lord is not among you; for the ftranger that fojourneth with you.
that ye be not fmitten before your enemies. 17 If And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
43 For the Amalekites and the Canaanites are there 18 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and fay unto
before you, and ye fliall fail by the fword becaufe ye : them, When ye come into the land whither I bring you,
are turned away from the Lord, therefore the Lord 19 Then it fhall be, that when ye eat of the bread
will not be with you. of the land, ye fliall offer up an heave offering unto the
44 But they prefumed to go up unto the hill top ;
neverthelefs the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and 20 Ye fhall offer up a cake of the firft of your dough
Mofes, departed not out of the camp. for an heave offering : as ye do the heave offering of
45 Then the Amalekites came down, and the Ca- the threfhing floor, fo fhall ye heave it.
naanites which dwelt in that hill, and fmote them, and 21 Of the firft of your dough ye lhall give unto the
m Deut.M* m difcomfited them, even unto Hormah. Lord an heave offering in your generations.
CHAP. XV. 22 And if ye have erred, and not obferved all thefe
commandments, which the Lord hath fpoken unto
The law of the meat offering, and the drink offering,
1 Mofes,
with the sacrifices. 14, 29 The stranger is under the 23 Even all that the Lord hath commanded you
same law 1 7 The law of the first of the doughfor an
by the hand of Mofes, from the day that the Lord
heave offering. 22,27 The sacrifices for sins of igno- commanded Moses, and henceforward, among your
rance. 30 The punishment oj'presumption. 32 The generations \:
sabbath breaker is storied. 37 The law of fringes. 24 Then it fhall be, if aught be committed by ig-

a Le.vit.2J
* '
the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
2 a Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and fay
norance, t without the knowledge of the congrega-
tion, that all the congregation fhall offer one young
t Heb.
tlie eya.

unto them, When ye be come into the land of your

bullock for a burnt offering, for a fweet favour mi to
habitations Which I give unto you, the Lord, with his meat offering, and his drink
The rebellion of Korah, CHAP. XVI. Dathan, and Abiram.
offering, according to the manner, and one kid of
thefons ofEliab and On the fon of Peleth, fons of

the goats for aim offering. Reuben, took men

25 And die prieft fhall make an atonementfor all 2 And they rofe up before Mofes, with certain of
the congregation of die children of Ifrael, and it ihall the children of Ifrael, two hundred and fifty princes
be forgiven them ; for it is ignorance and they fhall ; of the affembly, b famous in the congregation, men bchap.169

bring their offering, a facrifice made by fire unto the of renown :

Lord, and their fin offering before the Lord, for 3 And they gathered themfelves together againft
their ignorance : Mofes, and againft Aaron, and faid unto them, f Ye t Heb. It is
26 And it ihall be forgiven all the congregation of take too much upon you, feeing all the congregation
the children of Ifrael, and the ilranger that fojourneth are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among
among them feeing all the people were in ignorance.
them wherefore then lift ye up yourfelves above the

f Levit. 4 2f. 27 If And f if any ibul fin through ignorance, then he congregation of the Lord ?
fhall bring a ihe goat of the firft year for a fin offering. 4 H And when Mofes heard it, he fell upon his face :

28 And the prieft fhall make an atonement for the 5 And he fpake unto Korah, and unto all his com-
foul that finneth ignorantly, when he finneth by igno- pany, faying, Even tomorrow the Lord will ihew
rance before the Lord, to make on atonement for who are his, and who is holy and will caufe him to

him and it fhall be forgiven him.

come near unto him even him whom he hath chofen

tHeb 29 Ye fhall have one law for him that t finneth will he caufe to come near unto him.
doth i

through ignorance, both for him that is born among 6 This do Take you cenfers, Korah and all his

the children of Ifrael, and for theilranger that fojourn- company ;

eth among them. 7And put fire therein, and put incenfe in them be-
tHeb.wirt 30 II foul that doeth aught t prefumptuoufly
But the Lord tomorrow and it fhall be, that the
fore the ;

aahishhani -
(whether he be born in the land, or a ilranger,") the man whom the Lord doth choofe, he shall be holy :

fame reproacheth the Lord ; and that foul fhall be ye take too much upon you, ye fons of Levi.
cut from among his people
off' : 8 And Moles faid unto Korah, Hear, I pray you,
3 Becaufe he hath defpifed the word of the Lord, ye fons of Levi
and hath broken his commandment, that foul fhall 9 Seemeth it but a fmall thing unto you, that the God
utterly be cut off his iniquity shall be upon him.
; of Ifrael hath feparated you from the congregation of
32 II And, while the children of Ifrael were in the Ifrael, to bring you near to himfelf, to do the fervice
wildemefs, they found a man that gathered flicks of the tabernacle of the Lord, and to fland before the
upon the fabbath day. congregation, to miniflerunto them ?
33 And they that found himgatheringfticks, brought 10 And he hath brought thee near to him, and all
him unto Mofes and Aaron, and unto all the congre- thy brethren the fons of Levi with thee ; and feek ye
gation. the priefthood alfo ?
gLevit, 2415. 34 And they put him s in ward, becaufe it was not 1 For which caufe both thou and all thy company
declared what ihould be done to him. are gathered together againft^ the Lord and what is :

35 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, The man fhall Aaron, that ye murmur againft him ?
be fureiy put to death ; all the congregation fhall flone 12 II And Mofes fent to call Dathan and Abiram,
him with flones without the camp. the fons ofEliab which faid,
; We
will not come up
36 And all the congregation brought him without 13 Is it a fmall thing that thou haft brought us up
the camp, and floned him with flones, and he died ; out cf a land that floweth with milk and honey, to
as the Lord commanded Mofes. kill us in the wildemefs, except thou make thyfelf al-
37 II And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, together a prince over us ?
UBeut. ri 12. 38 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and h bid them 14 Moreover, thou haft not brought us into a land
Matth. 23 5.
that they make them fringes in the borders of their that floweth with miik and honey, or given us inherit-
garments, throughout their generations, and that they ance of fields and vineyards wilt thou f put out the
bore out.
put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue. eyes of thefe men ? we will not come up.
39 And it fhall be unto you for a fringe, that ye 15 And Mofes was very wroth, and faid unto the
may look upon it, and remember all the command- Lord, c RefpecTl not thou their offering I have not : ccen. 44
ments of the Lord, and do them and that ye feek ; taken one afs from them, neither have I hurt one of
not after your own heart, and your own eyes, after them.
which ye ufe to go a whoring ; 16 H And Mofes faid unto Korah, Be thou and all
40 That ye may remember and do all my command- thy company before the Lord, thou, and they, and
ments, and be holy unto your God. Aaron tomorrow :

41 I am the Lord your God, which brought you 17 And take every man his cenfer, and put incenfe
out of the land of Egypt, to be your God : I am the in them, and bring ye before the Lord every man
Lord your God. his cenfer, two hundred and fifty cenfers thou alfo, ;

CHAP. XVI. and Aaron, each of you his cenfer.

18 And they took every man his cenfer, and put
1 The rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. 23
fire in them, and laid incenfe thereon, and flood in
Moses separateth the people from the rebels' tents.
the door of the tabernacle of the congregation with
31 The earth swaltowctb up Korah, &c. and afire
Mofes and Aaron.
from the Lord consume th others. 36 The censers
19 And Korah gathered all the congregation againft
reserved to an holy use, &>Y.
them unto the door of the tabernacle of the congrega-
cir. T47T.
a Chap. 37
F.cclrf,4S '8.
H*i II.
J- NOW 1
Korah the fon oflznar, the fon of Kohath,
the fon of Levi and Dathan and Abiram,
tion: and the glory of the Lord appeared unto all
the congregation.
20 H And
: :

The censers reserved to an holy use. NUM B E R S. Aaron s rodflourishcth,

20 If And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, and unto Aaron, faying, Ye have killed the people of the Lord.
Aaron, faying, 42 And it came to pafs, when the congregation
21 Separate yourfelves from among this congrega- was gathered againfl Mofes, and againfl Aaron, that
tion, that I may confume them in a moment. they looked toward the tabernacle of the congregation
22 And they fell upon their faces, andfaid, OGod, and, behold, the cloud covered it, and the glory of the
the God of the fpirits of all flefh, lhall one man fin, Lord appeared.
and wilt thou be wroth with all the congregation ? 43 And Mofes and Aaron came before the taber-
23 H And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, nacle of the congregation.
24 Speak unto the congregation, faying, Get ye up 44 Tf And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
from about the tabernacle of Koran, Dathan, and 45 Get you up from among this congregation, that
Abiram. I may confume them as in a moment. And they fell
25 And Mofes rofe up, and went unto Dathan and upon their faces.
Abiram and the elders of Ifrael followed him.
46 \ And Mofes faid unto Aaron, Take a cenfer,
26 And he fpake unto the congregation, faying. and put fire therein from off the altar, and put on
Depart, I pray you, from the tents of thefe wicked incenfe, and go quickly unto the congregation, and
men, and touch nothing of theirs, left ye be confumed make an atonement for them for there is wrath gone

in all their lins. out from the Lord the plague is begun.

27 up from the tabernacle of Korah,

So they gat 47 And Aaron took as Moles commanded, and ran.
Dathan and Abiram on every fide and Dathan and ; into the midft of the congregation and, behold, the ;

Abiram came out, and flood m the door of their tents, plague was begun among the people and he put on :

and their wives, and their fons, and their little children. incenfe,and made an atonement for the people.
28 And Moles faid, Hereby ye lhall know that the 48 And he flood between the dead and the living ;

Lord hath lent me to do all thefe works (for / have ;

and the plague was flayed.
not done them of mine own mind ;) 49 Now they that died in the plague were fourteen
t Heb. as
twery m«n
29 If thefe men die t the common death of all men, thoufand and feven hundred, beiides them that died
dicth. or if they be viiited after the vilitation of all men, then about the matter of Korah.
the Lord hath not lent me : 50 And Aaron returned unto Mofes, unto the door
|1 Heb. create
a creature.
30 But if the Lord fmake a new thing, and the of the tabernacle of the congregation: and the plague
earth open her mouth, and fwallow them up, with all was flayed.
that appertain unto them, and they go down quick
into the pit ; then ye lhall underftand that thefe men
1 The rods of tie tribes. 6 Aaron's rod only flourish-
have provoked the Lord.
d eth : 10 it is left for a monument against the rebels.
d Chap. 27 3 31 II And
to pafs, as he had made an end
it came
FsaimiofiW.of fpeaking all thefe words, that the ground clave
afunder that ivas under them :
AND the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
2 Speak unto the children of lirael, and take
32 And the earth opened her mouth, and fwallow- of every one of them a red, according to the houfe of
ed them up, and uheir houfes, and all the men that their fathers, of all their princes, according to the houfe
appertained unto Korah, and all their goods. of their fathers, twelve rods, write thou every man's
33 They, and all that appertained to them, went name upon his rod.
down alive into the pit, and the earth clofed upon them 3 And thou ffialt write
Aaron's name upon the rod
and they periihed from among the congregation. of Levi for one rod shall be for the head of the houfe

34 And all Ifrael that were round about them, fled of their fathers.
at the cry of them for they faid, Left the earth fwal-
: 4 And thou (halt lay them up in the tabernacle of
low us up also. the congregation, before the teflimony, a where I will, »£*¥&**
35 And there came out a fire from the Lord, and meet with you.
confumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered 5 Anditfhall come to pafs, that the man's rod
incenfe. whom I lhall choofe, lhall bloflbm and I will make :

36 IT And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, to ceafe from me the murmurings of the children of
37 Speak unto Eleazar the fon of Aaron the prieft, Ifrael, whereby they murmur againfl you.
that he take up the cenfers out of the burning, and 6 IT And Mofes fpake unto the children of Ifrael,
fcatter thou the fire yonder ; for they are hallowed. and every one of their princes, gave him f a rod t Heb.
38 The cenfers of thefe finners againli their own apiece, for each prince one, according to their fathers' ^"^c,
fouls, let them make them broad plates for a cover- houles, even twelve rods and the rod of Aaron was ""£
i • -. ctts prince*
ing of the altar ; for they offered them before the among their rods.
Lord, therefore they are hallowed ; and they lhall be 7 And Mofes laid up the rods before the Lord in
a fign unto the children of Ifrael. the tabernacle of witnefs.
39 And Eleazar the prieft took the brafen cenfers, 8 And it came to pafs, that on the morrow Mofes went
wherewith they that were burnt had offered and they ; into the tabernacle of witnefs ; and, behold, the rod
were made broad plates for a covering of the altar ; of Aaronforthe houfe of Levi was budded, and brought
40 To be a memorial unto the children of Ifrael, forth buds, and bloomed bloffoms, and yielded almonds.
that no ftranger, which is not of the feed of Aaron, 9 And Mofes brought out all the rods from before
come near to offer incenfe before the Lord, that he the Lord unto all the children of Ifrael and they :

be not as Korah, and as his company; as the Lord looked, and took every man his rod.
faid to him by the hand of Mofes. 10 IT And the Lord laid unto Mofes, Bring b Aa- bHebr. 9 4.
41 II But on the morrow all the congregation of the ron's rod again before die teflimony, to be kept for a f H eb.
children of Ifrael murmured againfl Mofes and againfl token againfl the t rebels ; and thou (halt quite take j£j$gj*
The priests' and Levites'' portion. CHAP. XVIII. The heave offering to the priests.

away their murmurings from me, that they die not. 1

Every thing that opencth the matrix in all fielh C1 , ^f
11 And Moles did so : as the Lord commanded which they bring unto the Lord, 'whether it be of men JJLV^C X

him, fo did he. or beafls, fhall be thine neverthelefs, the firttborn of ?Exod 3
: . ,

& 22 29.
man fhalt thou furely redeem, and the firftling of un- Levit.
12 And the children of Ifrael fpake unto Mofes, 27 26.
clean beafts fhalt thou redeem. Chap. 3 13-
Hiving, Behold we die, we periih, we all perifh.
13 Whoibever cometh any thing near unto the tab- 16 And thofe that are to be redeemed, from a month
ernacle of the Lord, (hall die : fhall we be confumed old fhalt thou redeem, according to thine eftimation,
with, dying ?
for the money of five fhekels, after the fhekel of the e Exod. 30
fanctuary, e which is twenty gerahs.
17 But the firftling of a cow, or the firftling of a
Ezek 45 ,3 '

2 The charge of the priests and Levites. 8 The priests fheep, or die firftling of a goat, thou fhalt not redeem
portion. 20 The Levites portion. 25 The heave of- ; they are holy thou fhalt fprinkle their blood upon the

fering of the portion of the Levites.

to the priests out altar, and fhalt burn their fat for an offering made by

A ] ND the Lord laid -unto Aaron, Thou and thy

fons, and thy father's houfe with thee, ihall bear
the iniquity of the fancluary and thou, and thy fops
fire for

a fweet favour tinto the Lord.
18 And the fieih of them fhall be thine, as the
wave breaft and as the right fhoulder are thine.
f Exod. 29

with thee, ihall bear the iniquity of your priefthood. 19 All the heave offerings of the holy things which
2 And thy brethren alfo of the tribe of Levi, the die children of Ifrael offer unto the Lord, have I
tribe of dry father, bring thou with thee, that they given thee, and thy fons, and thy daughters with thee,
may be joined unto thee, and minifter unto thee but : by a ftatute for ever it is a covenant of fait forever be-

thou and thy fons with thee, shall minister before the fore the Lord unto thee, and to thy feed with thee.
tabernacle of \titnefs. 20 11 And the Lord fpake unto Aaron, Thou fhalt
3 And they fhall keep thy charge, and the charge have no inheritance in their land, neither fhalt thou
B I am thy part and thine

of all the tabernacle only they fhall not come nigh

have any part among them. : %?£%
the veffels of the fan&uary and the altar, that neither inheritance among the children of Ifrael. l^K^i."
they nor ye alfo die. 21 And, behold, I have given the children of Levi 44 28.
4 And they fh all be joined unto thee, and keep the all the tenth in Ifrael for an inheritance, for their fer-

charge of the tabernacle of the congregation, for all vice which they ferve, even the fervice of the taberna-
the fervice of the tabernacle : and a ftranger fhall not cle of the congregation.
come nigh unto you. 22 Neither muft the children of Ifrael, henceforth,
5 And ye fhall keep the charge of the fan6tuary, come nigh die tabernacle of the congregation, left they + H<:b t0 d!e .

and the charge of the altar that there be no wrath; bear I'm, f and die.
any more upon the children of Ifrael. 23 But the Levites fhall do the fervice of the taber-

6 And I, behold I, have a taken your brethren, the nacle of the congregation, and they fhall bear their in-
Levites, from among the children of Ifrael to you ; iquity. 7> shall be a ftatute for ever throughout your

they are given as a gift for the Lord, to do the fer- generations, that among the children of Ifrael they
vice of the tabernacle of the congregation. have no inheritance.
7 Therefore thou, and thy fons with thee, fhall keep 24 But the tithes of the children of Ifrael, which
your prieft's office for every thing of the altar, and they offer as an heave offering unto the Lord, I have
within the veil and ye fhall ferve I have given your
; : given to the Levites to inherit therefore I have faid

priefVs office unto you as a fervice of gift and the ; unto them, Among the children of Ifrael, they fhall
Ilranger that cometh nigh, (hall be put to death. have no inheritance.
8 II And the Lord fpake unto Aaron, Behold, I alfo 25 H And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
have given thee tire charge of mine heave offerings, 26 Thus fpeak unto the Levites, and fay unto them,
of all the hallowed things of the children of Ifrael ;
When ye take of the children of Ifrael, the tithes,
unto thee have I given them, by reafon of the anoint- which Ihave given you from them for your inherit-
ing, and to thy fons, by an ordinance for ever. ance, then ye fhall offer up an heave offering of it for
9 This fhall be thine of the moft holy things reserv- the Lord, even a tenth part of the tithe.
ed from the fire Every oblation of theirs, every meat
: 27 And this your heave offering Ihall be reckoned
offering of theirs, and every fin offering of theirs, unto you, as though it were the corn of the threfhing
and every trefpafs offering of theirs, which they fhall floor, and as the fulnefs of the wine prefs.
render unto me, shall be moft holy for thee, and for 28 Thus ye alfo fhall offer an heave offering unto
thy foiis. the Lord, of all your tithes which ye receive of the
*10 In the moft holy place fhalt thou eat it every ; children of Ifrael and ye fhall give thereof the

male fhall eat it it fhall be holy unto thee.

: Lord's heave offering to Aaron the prieft.
11 And this is thine; the heave offering of their 29 Out of all your gifts, ye ihall offer every heave
gift, with all the wave offerings*of the children of If- offering of the Lord of all the t belt thereof, event Hcb JaU
rael : I have given them unto " thee, and to thy fons, the hallowed part thereof, out of it.
and to thy daughters with thee, by a ftatute for ever :
30 Therefore thou fhalt fay unto them, When ye
every one that is clean in thy houfe fhall eat of it. have heaved the beft thereof from it, then it fhall be
12 All die t belt of the oil, and all the belt of the counted unto the Levites, as the increafe of the threfh-
Mine, and of the wheat, the lirft fruits of them which ing floor, and as the increafe of the wine prefs.
they fhall offer unto the Lor d them have I given thee.
, 31 And ye fhall eat it in every place, ye and your
13 And vvhatfoever is firft ripe in die bid, which houfeholds for it is your reward for your fervice in

they Ihall bring unto the Lord, fhall bt me every '•'

; die tabernacle of the congregation.
one that is clean in thine houfe fhall eat o, it. 32 And ye ihall bear no fin by reafon of it, when
14 c Every thing devoted in Ifrael fhail be thine. ye
1 : ;; 1

The law ofpurification, NUMBERS. Water Cometh out of the rock,

chr°ist ye have heaved from it the beft of it neither fhall ye : 18 And a clean perfon fhall take hyffop, and dip it
j^j^, pollute the holy things of the children of Ifrael, leit in the water, and fprinkle it upon the tent, and upon
ve die. all the veffels, and upon the perfons that were there,
CHAP. XIX. and upon him that touched a bone, or one flain, or
1 The xvater of separation made of the ashes of a red one dead, or a grave :
heifer. 11 The law for the use of it in'purification 19 And the clean person fhall fprinkle upon the un-
clean on the third day, and on the feventh day ; and
of the unclean, 14 and also when one dieth in a tent.
on the feventh day he fhall purify himfelf, and wafh
AN D 1 the Lord fpake unto Mofes, and unto
Aaron, faying,
2 This is the ordinance of the law, which the Lord
his clothes, and bathe himfelf in water, and fhall be
clean at even.
20 But the man that fliall be unclean, and fhall not
bath commanded, faying, Speak unto the children of purify himfelf, that foul fhall be cut off from among
Ifrael, that they bring thee a red heifer without fpot,
the congregation, becaufe he hath defiled the fanc-
wherein is no blemiih, and upon which never came tuary of the Lord the water of feparation hath not

yoke. been fprinkled upon him ; he is unclean.

3 And ye fhall give her unto Eleazar the prieft, And it fhall be a perpetual ftatute unto them,
aHeb,I3n a
that he may bring her forth without the camp, and

that he that fprinkleth the water of feparation fhall

one fhall flay her before his face. wafh his clothes and he that toucheth the water of
4 And Eleazar the prieft fhall take of her blood,

feparation fhall be unclean until even.

b Heb. 9 13.
w -^ hjg fi n gerj an d b fpnnkie of her blood directly 22 And whatfoever the unclean person toucheth
before the tabernacle of the congregation, feven times.
cExod. 29 14. be unclean and the foul that toucheth it lhall
5 And one [hall burn the heifer in his light ; c her

Lev. 4 II 12. be unclean until even, -

[kin, and her flefh, and her blood, with her dung,
fhall he burn.
6 And the prieft fhall take cedar wood, and hyffop, 1 The children of Israel come to Zin, ivhere Miriam
and fcarlet, and call it into the midft of. the burning dieth : 2 they murmurfor want of water. 7 Moses
of the heifer. smiting the rock, water cometh forth. 12 God is dis-
7 Then the prieft fliall wafh his clothes, and he pleased with Moses and Aaron at Meribah. 14 Mo-
fhall bathe his flefh in water, and afterward he fhall ses, at Kadesh, desireth passage through Edom,

come into the camp, and the prieft fhall be unclean which is denied him. 22 At mount Hor, Aaron
until the even. resigneth his place to Eleazar, and dieth.
8 And he that burnetii her, fhall wafh his clothes
in water, and bathe his fieih in water, and fhall be un-
THEN came the children of Ifrael, even the whole
congregation, into the defert ofZin,inthe firft

clean until the even. month and the people abode in Kadefh ; and Mi-

9 And a man that is clean fhall gather up the afhes riam died there, and was buried there.
of the heifer, and lay them up without the camp, in a 2 H And there was no water for the congregation :
clean place ; and it fhall be kept for the congregation and they gathered themfelves together againft Mofes,
of the children of Ifrael, for a water of feparation it : and againft Aaron.
is a purification for fin. And the people a chode Avith Mofes, and fpake,
3 aExod-172
10 And he that gathereth the afhes of the heifer, faying, Would God that we had died b when our b cha P . u
fhall wafh his clothes, and be unclean until the even brethren died before the Lord !
and it fliall be unto the children of Ifrael, and unto 4 And why have ye brought up the congregation
the ftranger that fojourneth among them, for a ftatute of the Lord into this wildernefs, that we and our
for ever. cattle fhould die there ?
f HeK mil And wherefore
tf man-
1 H He that toucheth the dead body of any f man, 5 have ye made us to come up out
fhall be unclean feven days. of Egypt, to bring us in unto this evil place ? it is no
12 He fhall purify himfelfwithitonthethirdday, place of feed, or of figs, or of vines, or of pomegran-
and on the feventh day, he fhall be clean but if he : ates neither is there any water to drink.

purify not himfelf the third day, then the feventh day 6 And Mofes and Aaron went from the prefence
he fhall not be clean. of the affembly unto the door of the tabernacle of the
13 Whofoever toucheth the dead body of any man congregation and they fell upon their faces
; and the

that is dead, and purifieth not himfelf, defileth the glory of the Lord appeared unto them.
tabernacle of the Lord and that foul mail be cut off
; 7 "H And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
from Ifrael becaufe the water of feparation was not
: 8 Take the rod, and gather thou the affembly
fprinkled upon him, he fhall be unclean his unclean- ; together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and fpeak ye
nefs is yet upon him. unto the rock before their eyes ; and it fliall giveforth
14 11 This is the law, when a man dieth in a tent his water, and thou fhalt bring forth to them water
all that come into the tent, and all that is in the tent, out of the rock fo thou fhalt give the congregation

fhall be unclean feven days : and their beafts drink.

15 And every open veffel, which hath no covering 9 And Mofes took the rod from before the Lord,
bound upon it, is unclean. as he commanded him.
whofoever toucheth one that is flam with
16 10 And Mofes
and Aaron gathered the congrega-
a fvvord in the open fields, or a dead body, or a bone tion together before the rock and he faid unto them,

of a man, or a grave, fhall be unclean feven days. Hear now, ye rebels ; muft we fetch you water out
17 And for an unclean person, they fhall take of of this rock ?
tH*' tfi>lVthe t afhes of the burnt heifer, of purification for fin, 1 And Mofes lifted up his hand, and with his rod
a hali
t, z%U
and t running water fhall be put thereto in a veffel he foiote the rock twice ; and the water came out
Aaron restgnetb to Eleazar and dieth. C HA P. XXI. Sundry journeys of the Israelites.
abundantly ; and the congregation drank, and their
dwelt in the
ivben a
king Arad the Canaanite, which
fouth, heard tell that Ifrael came by ^
beafts also.
12 It And the Lord fpake unto Mofes and Aaron, the way of the fpies, then he fought againft Ifrael, and »<*»?• w
Becaufe ye believed me not, tofan£tify me in the eyesof took some of them prifoners.
the children of Ifrael, therefore ye ihall not bring this 2 And Ifrael vowed a vow unto the Lord, and faid,
congregation into the land which I have given them. If thou wilt indeed deliver this people into my hand,
c Psalm 106
13 c This is the water of Meribah becaufe the || : then I will utterly deftroy their cities.
32. ire.
( That »s, children of Ifrael ftrove with the Lord, and he was 3 And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Ifrael j
fanciified m
them. and delivered up the Canaanites ; and they utterly
14 If And Mofes fent melfengers from Kadeffi unto deftroyed them and their cities and he called the :

H That Js.

the king of Edom, Thus faith thy brother Ifrael, name of the place Hormah. [| Utter de-

t H&. found Thou knoweft all the travel that hath f befallen us ; 4 If And they journey ed from mount Hor, by the struction.
*f 15 How our fathers went down into Egypt, and we way of the Red fea, to compafs the land of Edom :

have dwelt in Egypt along time and the Egyptians ; and the foul of the people was much f difcouraged tHeb. 'iCr. zrie'eed.

vexed us, and our fathers. bacaufe of the way. shirtemd>

16 And when we cried unto the Lord, he heard 5 And the people fpake againft God, and againft
our voice, and fent an angel, and hath_ brought us Mofes, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt
forth out of Egypt and, behold, we are in Kadefh, a
; todie in the wildernefs ? for there is no bread, neither is

city in the uttermoft of thy border. there any water and b our foul loatheththislight bread.
; b Chap.
c Wis.l. 16
11 6.

17 Let us pafs, I pray thee, through thy country ; 6 And c

the Lord fent fiery ferpents among the 1 5. 1 Cov.
we will not pafs through the fields or through the people, and they bit the people ; and much people of 9.

vineyards, neither will we drink of the water of the Ifrael died.

wells ; we will go by the king's high way ; we will 7 If Therefore the people came to Mofes, and faid,
not turn to the right hand nor to the left, until we have We have finned for we have fpoken againft the

paffed thy borders. Lord, and againft thee pray unto the Lord, that :

18 And Edom faid unto him, Thou (halt not pafs he take away the ferpents from us. And Mofes pray-
by me, left I come out againft thee with the fword. ed for the people.
19 And the children of Ifrael faid unto him, We 8 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Make thee a
will go by the high way ; and if I and my cattle drink fiery ferpent, and fet it upon a pole : and it fhall come
of thy water, then I will pay for it I will only (with- : to pafs, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh
out doing any thing elseJ go through on rny feet. upon it, ihall live.
2 Kingr
20 And he faid, Thou fhaltnotgo through. And 9 And d Mofes made a feipent of brafs, and put it d
18 4.

Edom came out againft him with much people, and upon a pole and it came to pafs, that if a ferpent had
: J011" 3 «4

with a ftrong hand. bitten any man, when he beheld the ferpent of brafs,
2 1 Thus Edom refufed to give Ifrael paffage through he lived.
his border wherefore Ifrael turned away from him.
: 10If And the children of Ifrael fet forward, and
e Chap. M
22 If And the children of Ifrael, evenfaz whole con- e
pitched in Oboth. 43-
d clwI> 3337

gregation, journeyed from d Kadefh, and came unto 11 And they journeyed from Oboth, and pitched
mount Hor. at Ijeabarim, in the wildernefs "which is before Or, Heap.
of Aburir.

23 And the Lord fpake unto Mofes and Aaron in Moab, toward the fun rifing.
mount Hor, by the coaft of the land of Edom, faying, 12 From thence they removed, and pitched in the
24 Aaron ihall be gathered unto his people ; for valley of Zared.
he fnall not enter into the land which I have given 13 From thence they removed, and pitched on the
unto the children of Ifrael. becaufe ye rebelled againft other fide of Arnon, which is in the wildernefs that
my 1 worc| at tiie water of Meribah. cometh out of the coafts of the Amorites for Amon is ;

»ret?32 io?" 25 e Take Aaron and Eleazar his fon, and bring the border of Moab, between Moab and the Amorites.
them up unto mount Hor : 14 Wherefore it is faid in the book of the wars of
26 And ftrip Aaron of his garments, and put them the Lord, What he did in the Red fea, and in the Or,Svp'iah.

upon Eleazar his fon and Aaron ihall be gathered

: brooks of Arnon.
unto his people, and fhall die there. 15 And at the ftream of the brooks that goeth
27 And Mofes did as the Lord commanded ; and down to the dwelling of Ar, and f lieth upon the £ »;*;
they went up into mount Hor, in the light of all the border of Moab.
congregation. 16 And from thence they went to Beer that is the :

28 And Mofes ftripped Aaron of his garments, and well, whereof the Lord fpake unto Mofes, Gather
t Deur. 10 6, put them upon Eleazar his fon ; and f Aaron died the people together, and I will give them water.
k 3a So.
there in the top of the mount ; and Mofes and Eleazar 17 11 Then Ifrael fang this fong, f Spring up, e
\ O™
came down from the mount. well ; fing ye unto it
iior, ».
: fl

29 And when all the congregation faw that Aaron 18 The princes digged the well, the nobles of the
was dead, they mourned for Aaron thirty days, even people digged it, by the direction of the lawgiver, with
all the houfe of Ifrael. their ftaves. And from the wilderneis they went to
CHAP. XXI. Mattanah ;

1 Israel, 'with some

destroy the Canaanitcs at
loss, 19 And from Mattanah to Nahaliel ; and from
Hormah. 4 The people murmuring are plagued with Nahaliel toBamoth ;

fiery serpents : 7 repenting, they are healed by 20 And from Bamoth in the valley, that is in the t $*$'**
looking at a brasen serpent : 10 several of their t country of Moab, to the top
4 of Pilgah, which II
Or, the

journeys. 21 Sibon overcome, 33 and Og. looketh toward II Jelhimon. •wilderness.

21 If And
: ;

Israelites encamp in Moab. NUMBERS. An angel opposcth Balaam,

21 IT And Ifraelfent meffengers unto Sihon king
Balak the fon of Zippor was king of the Moabites at
of the Amorites, faying, that time.
22 Let me pals through thy land we will not : 5 a He fent meffengers, therefore, unto Balaam the
turn into the fields, or into the vineyards ; we will not fon of Beor, to Pethor, which is by the river of the
drink of the waters of the well but we will go along : land of the children of his people, to call him, faying,
by the king's high way, until we be paft thy borders. Behold, there is a people come out from Egypt be- :

% Deut. 297. 23 s And Sihon would not fuffer Ifrael to pafs hold, they cover the | face of the earth, and they abide + Hcb -'>

through his border but Sihon gathered allhispeople

; over againft me.
together, and went out againft Ifrael into the wilder- 6 Come now, therefore, I pray thee, curfe me this
nefs and he came to Jahaz, and fought againft Ifrael.
: people for they are too mighty for me peradventure
; :

h Joshua 1 1 2

Fsal. 135 10
24 And h Ifrael fmote him with the edge of the I fhall prevail', that we may fmite them, and that I
11. Amos 2 9 fvvord, and poffeffed his land from Anion unto Jab- may drive them out of the land for I wot that he :

bok, even unto the children of Ammon for the bor- : whom thou bleffeft is bleffed, and he whom thou
der of the children of Amnion was ftrong. curfeft is curfed.
25 And Ifrael took all thefe cities and Ifrael ; 7 And the elders of Moab, and the elders of Mi-
dwelt in all the cities cf the Amorites, in Heflibon, dian, departed with the rewards of divination in their
and in all the t villages thereof. hand and they came unto Balaam, and fpake unto

26 For Hefhbon was the city of Sihon the king of him the words of Balak.
the Amorites, who had fought againft the former king 8 And he faid unto them, Lodge here this night,
of Moab, and taken all his land out of his hand, even and I will bringyou word again, as the Lord fhall fpeak
unto Anion. unto me. Andtheprinces ofMoab abode with Balaam.
27 Wherefore they that fpeak in proverbs fay, 9 And God came unto Balaam, and laid, What
Come into Hefhbon, let the city of Sihon be built and men are thefe w ith thee ?

prepared : 10 And Balaam unto God, Balak the fon of

28 For there is a fire gone out of Heflibon, a flame Zippor, king of Moab, hath fent unto me, saying,
from the city of Sihon it hath confumed Arof Moab,
: 11 Behold, there is a people come out of Egypt,
and the lords of the high places of Arnon. which covereth the face of the earth : come now,
29 Woe to thee, Moab thou art undone, ! people O curfe me them ;
peradventure f I fhall be able to frleh.Iihall
prevail in

7 33-
1 Kings 11
of Chemofh
he hath given his fons that efcaped,
! overcome them, and drive them, out. fighting
against him.
and his daughters, into captirity unto Sihon king of 12 And God faid unto Balaam, thou fhalt not go
the Amorites. with them ; thou fhalt not curfe the people for they

30 We
have fliot at them Heflibon is perifhed ; are bleffed.
even untoDibon, and we have laid them walle even 13 And Balaam rofe up in the morning, and faid
unto Nophah, which reacheth unto Medeba. unto the princes of Balak, Get you into your land for :

3 1 II Thus Ifrael dwelt in the land of the Amorites. the Lord refufeth to give me leave to go with you.
32 And Mofes fent to fpy out Jaazer, and they 14 And the princes of Moab rofe up. and they went
took the villages thereof, and drove out the Amorites unto Balak, and faid, Balaam refufeth to come with us.
that were there. 15 TT And Balak lent yet again princes, more, and
Deut. 3 1, 33 IT k And they turned and went up by the way of more honourable than they.
29 7.
Bafhan and Og the king of Bafhan went out againft
: 16 And they came to Balaam, and faid to him,
t Heb. B:
them, he and all his people, to the battle at Edrei. Thus faith Balak the fon of Zippor, | Let nothing, I not thou let-
34 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Fear him not pray thee, hinder thee from coming unto me ttdfrvm,&c.

for I have delivered him into thy hand, and all his 17 For I will promote thee unto very great honour,
Psalm 135 people, and his land and thou fhalt do to him as
' and I will do whatsoever thou fayeft unto me come, :
10 11.
thou didft unto Sihon king of the Amorites, which therefore, I pray thee, curfe me this people.
dwelt at Heflibon. 18 And Balaam anfwered and laid unto the fervants
35 So they fmote him, and his fons, and all his of Balak, b If Balak would give me his houfe full of b clap 24

people, until there was none left him alive : and they lilver and gold, I cannot go beyond the word of the
poffeffed his land. Lord my God, to do lei's or more.
CHAP. XXII. 19 Now, therefore, I pray you, tarry ye alfo here
1 The Israelites encamp Moab.
2 Balafts first
in this night, that Imay know what the Lord will fay
message for Balaam is refused : 15 his second mes- unto me more.
sage prevaileth. 22 An angel opposeth Balaam, 20 And God came unto Balaam at night, and faid
and rep rove th him, but suffereth him to go on his unto him, If the men come to call thee, rife up, and go
journey. 36 Balak gocth to meet him. with them: but yet the word which I fliall fay unto
the children of Ifrael fet forward, and pitched
in the plains of Moab, on this iide Jordan by
thee, that fhalt thou do.
21 And Balaam rofe up in the morning, and faddled
Jericho. his afs, and went with the princes of Moab.
2 IT And Balak
the fon of Zippor faw all that Ifrael 22 TT And God's anger was kindled becaufe he went,
had done Amorites.
to the and the angel of the Lord flood in the way for an
3 And Moab was fore afraid of the people, becaufe adverfary againft him. (Now he was riding upon his
they were many and Moab was diftreffed, becaufe
; afs, and his two fervants were with him.)
Pet. 1 iS.
of the children of Ifrael. 23 And c the afs faw the angel of the Lord Handing p^f;

4 And Moab faid unto the elders of Midian, Nov 7

in the way, and his fwprd drawn in his hand and the :

fliall this company lick up all that are round about afs turned afide out of the way, and went into the field *,

us, as the ox licketh up the grafs of the field. And and Balaam fmote the afs, to turn her into the way.
24 But
Balalis sacrifices. CHAP XXIII. Balaam's parables*
24 But the angel of the Lord Hood in a path of the 2 And Balak did as Balaam had fpoken and Balak ;

vineyards, a wall being on this iide, and a wall on that and Balaam offered on every altar a bullock and a ram.
fide. 3 And Balaam faid unto Balak, Stand by thy burnt
25 And when
the afs faw the angel of the Lord, offering, and I will go peradventure the Lord will

{lie thruft herlelf untothe wad, and crufhed Balaam's come to meet me and whatfoever he fheweth me, I

foot againft the wall and he fmote her again.

will tell thee. And H he went to an high place. Or, he fl

•went solita-
26 And the angel of the Eord went further, and 4 And God met Balaam and he laid unto him, I

flood in a narrow place, where was no way to turn, have prepared feven altars, and I have offered upon
either to the right hand or to the left. every altar a bullock and a ram.
27 And when the afs faw the angel of the Lord, 5 And the Lord put a word in Balaam's mouth, and
fhe fell down under Balaam and Balaam's : anger was faid, Return unto Balak, and thus thou fhalt fpeak.
kindled, and he fmote the afs with a ftaff. 6 And he returned unto him, and, lo, he flood
28 And the Lord opened the mouth of the afs ; by his burnt facrifice, he, and all the princes of
and fhe faid unto Balaam, What have I done unto Moab.
thee, that thou haft fmittea me thefe three times ? _
7 IT And he took up his parable, and faid, Balak the
29 And Balaam faid unto the afs, Becaufe thou haft king of Moab hath brought me from Aram, out of the
mocked me I would there were a fuord in mine
: mountains of the eaft, saying, Come, curie me Jacob
hand, for now would I kill thee. and come, defy Ifrael.
30 And the afs laid untoBalaam, not I thine afs, Am 8 How fhall I curfe whom God hath not curfed ?
+ Heb. -who
ha;t ridd:n t upon which thou haft ridden ever lince Iivas thine ||
or how ihall I defy, whom the Lord hath not defied ?
:'p.n wc.
unto this day ? was I ever wont to do fo unto thee ? 9 For from the top of the rocks I fee him, and from
S Or, ever
since then.
wall, ire.
And he faid, Nay. the hills I behold him: lo, the people Ihall dwell alone,
31 Then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam, and and ihall not be reckoned among the nations.
he law the angel of the Lord Handing in the way, and 10 Who
can count the dull of Jacob, and the number
his fword drawn in his hand and he bowed down his: of the fourth part of Ifrael ? Let f me die the death t Heb. my
of the righteous, and let my lafl end be like his
o,-. bo- ied soid, or, »;y
himself. head, and fell flat on his face.
32 And the angel of theLoRD faid unto him, Where- 11 And Balak laid unto Balaam, What haft thou
fore haft thou fmitten thine afs thefe three times ? be- done unto me ? I took thee to curfe mine enemies,
t Heb. to be
/m adverser hold, I went out f to withftand thee, becaufe thy way and, behold, thou haft bleffed them altogether.
unto thee. '
perveife before me.
is 12 And he anfwered and faid, Muft I not take heed
And the afs law me, and turned from me thefe
33 to fpeak that which the Lord hath put in my mouth ?
three times unlefs fhe had turned from me, fureiy
: 13 And Balak faid unto him, Come, I pray thee,
now alfo I had flain thee, and fayed her alive. with me unto another place, from whence thou may-
34 And Balaam faid unto the angei of the Lord, eft fee them thou fhalt fee but the utmoft part of

jl have tinned ; for I knew not that thou flooded in them, and fhalt not fee them all ; and curfe me them
In thin- eyLxhft way againft me: now therefore, if itfdifpleafe r
from thence.
thee, I will get me back again. 14 IT And he brought him into the field of Zophim,
35 And the angel of the Lord faid unto Balaam, to the top of Pifgah, and built feven altars, and offer-
II s or, the
with the men but only the word that I ihall fpeak
: ed a bullock and a ram on every altar. hill.

unto thee, that thou fhalt fpeak. So Balaam went 15 And he faid untoBalak, Stand hereby thy burnt
with the princes of Balak. offering, while I meet the Lord yonder.
36 IT And when Balak heard that Balaam was come, 16 And theLoR d metBalaam,and 3 put a word in his Chafe,
he went out to meet him unto a city of Moab, which is mouth, and faid, Go again untaBalak, and fay thus. 22 35-'

in the border of Anion, which is in the utmoft coaft. 17 And when he came to him, behold, he flood by
37 And Balak faid unto Balaam, Did I not earneftly his burnt offering, and the princes of Moab with him.
fend unto thee to call thee ? wherefore cameft thou not And Balak faid unto him, What hath the Lor d Ipoken ?
unto me ? am I not able indeed to promote thee to 18 TT And he took up his parable, and faid, Rife
honour ? up, Balak, and hear hearken unto me, thou fon of

38 And Balaam faid untoBalak, Lo, I am come unto 2;ippor :

thee have I now any power at all to fay any thing ? the
: 19 God not a man, that he fhould lie ; neither
word that God putteth in my mouth, that mall I fpeak. the fon of man,
that he fhould repent hath he faid, :

39 And Balaam went with Balak, and they came and fhall he not do it ? or hath he fpoken and fhall he
Or, t city
tf HtiCtS.
unto Kirjathhuzoth.
not make it good ?
40 And Balak offered oxen and fheep, and fent to 20 Behold I have received commandment to blefs,
Balaam, and to the princes that were with him. and he hath bleffed, and I cannot reverie it.
41 And it came to pafs on the morrow, that Balak 21 He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither
took Balaam, and brought him up into the high places hath he feen perverfenefs in Ifrael the Lord his God

of Baal, that thence he might fee the utmoft part of is with him, and the ihout of a king is among them.
the people. 22 b God brought them out of Egypt he hath as it : b Chaps
XXIII.CHAP. were the ftrength of an unicorn. 24 8.

2, 14,28 Balak''s sacrifices. 7 ,18 Balaam's parables. 23 Surely there is no enchantment againft Jacob, II
Or, ft,
25 Balak is displeased with Balaam, 27 but erecteth neither is there any divination againft Ifrael accord- :

another altar. ing to this time it fhall be faid of Jacob and of Ifrael,
ND unto Balak, Build me here What hath God wrought
A' fevenBalaamand prepare faid
me here l«Yen oxen, and
altars, 24 Behold, the people fhall rife up as a great lion,
ieven rams and lift up himfelf as a young lion he fhall not lie

1 9 ;

Balaani s prophecy of IsraeV s happiness. NUMBERS. Pbinebas killeth Ztmri and Cozhi.
down until he eat of the prey, and drink the blood of 14 And now,
behold, I go unto my people come ;

,the flam. therefore, and I will advei tile thee what this people
25 II And Balak faid unto Balaam, Neither curfe fhall do to thy people in the latter days.
them at all, nor blefs them at all. _
15 If And he took up his parable, and faid, Balaam
26 ButBalaamanfwered, and faid unto Balak, Told the fon of Beor hath faid, and the man whofe eyes are
not I thee, faying, All that the Lord fpeaketh, that I open hath faid
muft do ? 16 He hath faid, which heard the words of God,
27 If And Balak faid unto Balaam, Come, I pray and knew the knowledge of the moil High, which faw
thee, I will bring thee unto another place peradven- ;
the vifiori of the Almighty, falling into a trance, but
ture it will pleafe God, that thou mayeft curfe me having his eyes open :

them from thence. 17 1 fhall fee him, but not now I fhall behold him, ;

28 AndBalak brought Balaam unto the top of but not nigh there fhall come a Star out of Jacob,

Peor, that looketh toward Jefhimon. and a Sceptre fhall rife out of Ifrael, and fhall fmite || II
29 And Balaam faid unto Balak, Build me here the corners of Moab, and deftroy all the children of
thrtugh the
feven altars, and prepare me here feven bullocks and Sheth. princes tf
feven rams. 18 And Edom
be a poffefiion, Seir
fhall alfo fhall
30 And Balak did as Balaam had faid, and offered be a poffeuion for his enemies and Ifrael ; fhall do
a bullock and a ram on every altar. valiantly.

Out ofJacob fhall come he that fhall have domin-
fhall deftroy him that remaineth of the city.
1 Balaam, leaving divinations, prophesieth the hap- 20 And when he looked on Amalek, he .took up his
piness of Israel : 10 Balak in anger dismisseth hhn. parable, and faid, Amalek was the iirft of the nations, Or,
15 Balaam prophesieth of the Star of acob , and J but his end shall be that he perifh for ever.
latter f]
the first of
the nations
the destruction of some nations. 21 And he looked on the Kenites, and took up his th.:tluarreS

3 15-
AN D pleafed the Lord
when Balaam faw that
to blefs Ifrael, he went not, as at other times,
it parable, and faid, Strong is thy dwelling place, and
thou putteft thy neft in a rock :
H Or,
shall be even
17 8.

to the t to feek for enchantments, but he fet his face toward _

22 Neverthelefs, f theKenite fhall bewailed, un- ]] to destruc-
meeting of
the wildernefs. til Asihur fhall carry thee away captive. tion.
enchant- t Heb. Kaitl.
ments. 2 And Balaam lifted up his eyes, and he faw Ifrael 23 And he took up his parable, and faid, Alas !
abiding in his tents according to their tribes ; and the who fhall live when God doeth this ? shall it be
ere Asshur
Spirit of God came upon him. 24 And fhips shall come from the coaft of Chittim, carry thee
b Chap.
S3 7 18. 3 b And he took up his parable,
and faid, Balaam and fhall afflict Asfhur, and fhall afflia Eber, and he a-wcy cap-
tive i
the fon of Beor hath faid, and the man t whofe eyes
luho had
alfo fhall perilh for ever.
his eyes
shut, but
are open hath faid ; _
25 And Balaam rofe up, and went and returned to
now open* 4 He hath faid, which heard the words of God, his place : and Balak alfo went his way.
which faw the vilion of the Almighty, falling into a
trance, but having his eyes open ;
5 How
goodly are thy tents, O
Jacob ! and thy tab- 1 Israel, at Shittim, commit whoredom and Idolatry.
ernacles, O Ifrael I
6 Phinehas killeth Zimri and Cozbi 10 God there- :

6 As the vallies
are they fpread forth, as gardens by fore givethhim an everlasting priesthood. 16 Mo-
ses commanded to vex the Midianites.
the river's fide, as the trees of lign aloes, which the
Lord hath planted, and as cedar trees befide the
AN D gan to
Ifrael abode in
commit whoredom with
Shittim, and the people be- aChaP-
the daughters of
33 49 '

7 He fhall pour the water out of his buckets, and Moab.

his feed shall be in many waters ; and his king fhall be 2 And they called the people unto the facrifices of
higher than Agag, and his kingdom fhall be exalted. their gods and the people did eat,
: and bowed down
x Chap,
8 c God brought him forth out of Egypt ; he hath
JJ 12. to their gods.
as it were the ftrength of an unicorn : he fhall eat up 3 And Ifrael joined himfeif 'unto Baalpeor : and
the nations his enemies, and fhall break their bones the anger of the Lord was kindled againft Ifrael.
and pierce them through with his arrows. 4 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, b Take all the bDeut
1 Gen. 9 d He couched, he lay down as a lion, and as a heads of the people, and hang them up before the j°**»
3 9-
great lion ; who fhall ftir him up ? Bleffed is he that Lord againft the fun, that the fierce anger of the " l7 '

bleffeth thee, and curfed is he that curfeth thee. Lord may be turned away from Ifrael.
10 If And
Balak 's anger was kindled againft Ba- 5 And Moles faid unto the judges of Ifrael, Slay ye
laam, and he fmote his hands together and Balak :
every one his men that were joined unto Baalpeor.
faid unto Balaam, I called thee to curfe mine enemies, 6 If And, behold, one of the children of Ifrael came,
and, behold, thou haft altogether bleffed them thefe and brought unto his brethren a Midianitifh woman,
three times. in the fight of Mofes, and in the fight of all the congre-
1 Therefore now flee thou to thy place I thought gation of the children of Ifrael, who were weeping be-

to promote thee unto great honour but, lo, the fore the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

Lord hath kept thee back from honour. 7 And c when Phinehas the fon of Eleazar, the fon c Psalm
12 And Balaam faid unto Balak, Spake I not alfo to of Aaron the prieft, faw it, he rofe up from among the 106 30.
1 Mac.
thy meffengers which thou fenteft unto me, faying, congregation, and took a javelin in his hand 2 54-
13 If Balak would give me his houfe full of filver 8 And he went after the man of Ifrael into the tent,
and gold, I cannot go beyond the commandment of and thruft both of them through, the man of Ifrael,
the Lord, to do either good or bad of mine own and the woman through her belly. So the plague
mind but what the Lord faith, that will I fpeak ?
; was ftayed from the children of Ifrael.
9 And
The sum of all Israel, C HAP. XXVl. taken in the plains of Moab.
9 And d thofe that died in the plague were twenty 11 Notwithstanding, the children ofKorah died not.
and four thoukmd. 12 II The fons of Simeon, after their families of, :

10 IT And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, Nemuel, the family of the Nemuelites of Jamin, :

11 e Phinehas the fon of Eleazar, the fon of Aaron the family of the Jaminites ofJachin, the 'family of

the prieft, hath turned my wrath away from the chil- the Jachinites :

dren of Ifraelj (white he was zealous for my fake 13 Of Zerah, the family of the Zarhites ofShaul, :

among them,) that I confumed not the children of the family of the Shaulites.
Ifrael in myjealoufy. 14 Thefe are the families of the Simeonites, twen-
12 Wherefore iky, f Behold, I -give unto him my ty and two thoufand and two hundred.
covenant of peace 15 1i The children of Gad, after their families of :

13 And he lhall have it, and his feed after him, Zcphon, the family of the Zephonites of Haggi, the :

even the covenant of an everb.fting prieilhood be- ;

family of the Haggites of Shuni, the family of the

caufe he was zealous for his God, and made an atone- Shunites :

ment for the children of Ifrael. 16 Of Ozni, the family of the Oznites of Eri, the :

14 Now the name of the Ifraelite that was flam, family of the Erites :

e veri that was (lain with the Midianitifh woman, was 17 Of Arod, the family of the Arodites of Areli, :

Zimri the fon of Salu. a prince of a t chief houfe the family of the Arelites.
among the Simeonites. 18 Thefe are the families of the children of Gad,
15 And the name of the Midianitifh woman that according to thofe that were numbered of them, forty
was flain, was Cozbi, the daughter ofZur; he was thoufand and five hundred.
eGen. 38
head over a people, and of a. chief houfe in Midian, 19 U e The fons of Judah were Er and Onan and &46 12. 3, :

16 If And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan.
ech-.p. 31 3. i
17 s Vex the Midianites, and fmite them ; 20 And the fons of Judah, after their families, were ;

18 For they vex you with their wiles, wherewith of Shelah, the family of the Shelanites cf Pharez, the :

they have beguiled you, in the matter of Peor, and family of the Pharzites of Zerah, the family of the

in the matter of Cozbi, the daughter of a prince of Zarhites.

.Midian, their fifter, which was flain in the day of the 21 And the fons of Pharez were of Hezron, the ;

plague for Poor's fake. family of the Hezronites of Havnul, the family of

CHAP. XXVL the Hamulites.

1 'The sum of all Israel is taken in the plains of Moab. 22 Thefe are the families of Judah, according to
5 The families of Reuben, ^c. 52 The law of divid- thofe that were numbered of them, threefcore and
ing among them the inheritance of the land. 57 The fixteen thoufand and five hundred.
families caul number of the Levites. 63 None were 23 T\ Of the fons of Ilfachar, after their families ;

left of them who were numbered at Sinai but Caleb of Tola, the family of the Tolaites of Pua, the fam- :

and Joshua. ily of the Punites :

AN D it came to pafs, after the plague, that the

Lord fpake unto Mofes, and unto Eleazar the
24 Of Jafhub, the family of the Jafhubites of
Shimron, the family of the Shimronites;

fon of Aaron the prieft, faying, 25 Thefe are the families of Iffachar, according to
2 Take the fum of all the congregation ofthechil- thofe that were numbered of them, threefcore and
1 chap. 13. dren of Ifrael, a from twenty years old and upward, four thoufand and three hundred.
throughout their fathers' houfe, all that are able to go 26 11(9/ the fons of Zebulun, after their families :

to war in Ifrael. ofSered, the family of the Sardites: ofElon, the fam-
3 And Mofes and Eleazar the prieft fpake with them ily of the Elonitcs : of Jahleel, the family of the Jah-
in the plains of Moab, by Jordan near Jericho, faying, ieelites.
4 Take the sum of the people, from twenty years 27 Thefe are the families of the Zebulunitcs, ac-
b Clmp. old and upward as the Lord b commanded Mofes
; cording to thofe that were numbered of them, three-
and the children of Ifrael, which went forth out of fcore thoufand and five hundred.
the land of Egypt> 28 If The fons of Jofeph, after their families, were
c Gen. 46 8. 5 If c Reuben, the el deft fon of Ifrael : the children Manaffeh and Ephraim.
KkikI. 14.
1 Cliroo. j 1 of Reuben; Hanoch, of whom cometh the family of 29 Ofthe Tons of Manafieh of f Machir, the fam- : fjosh.i 7 i.

the Hanochites of Pallu, the family of the Palluites

: : ilyoffhe Machirites and Machir begat Gilead of
; :

6 Of Hezron, the family of the Hezronites of : Gilead come the family of the Gileadites.
Carmi, the family of the Garmites. 30 Thefe are the fons of Gilead of Jeezer, the :

7 Thefe arc the families of the Reubenitcs and : family of the Jeezerites of Helek, the family of the

they that wo.r& numbered of them were forty and three Helekitcs
thoufand and feven hundred and thirty. 31 And o/Afriel, the family of the Afrielites: and •

8 And
the fons of Pallu Eiiab ; ; o/Shechcm, the family of the Shechemitcs :

9 And
the fons of Eliab Nemuel, and Dathan,
; 32 And o/"Shemida, the family of the Shemidaites ;

and Abiram. This is that Dathan and Abiram, which and of Hepher, the family of the Hepheritcs,
<ach 3 p.i6 2. were d famous in the congregation, who ftrove againlt 33 If And e Zelophchad, the fon of Hepher, had no echap.^ \.

Mofes and againft Aaron in the company ofKorah, fons, but daughters and the names of the daughters

when they ftrove againft the Lord : of Zelophchad were Mahlah, and Noah, PloglaJi,
10 And the earth opened her mouth, and fallow- Milcah, andTirzah.
ed them up together with Korah, when that com- 54 Thefe are the families of Manaffeh, and thofe
pany died, what time the fire devoured two hundred that were numbered of them, fifty and two thoufand
. and fifty men and thev became a iign.
: and feven hundred.
Q 35 If Thefe
: : 1 '

The families and number of the Levites* NUMBERS. The law of inheritances.
the Libnites, the family of the Hebronites, the Before
35 If Thefe ar<? the fons of Ephraim, after their CHRIST
families: of Shutheiah, the family ofthe Shuthalhites : family ofthe Mahlites, the family ofthe Mufhites, the
of Becher, the family of the Bachrites : of Tahan, family ofthe Korathites. And Kohath begat Amram.
the family of the Tahanites. 59 And the name of Amram's wife was Jochebed, '
1 Exod. 2 1

36 And thefe are the fons of Shuthelah of Eran : he daughter of Levi, whom her mother bare to Levi 2, it. 6 20.

the family of the Eranites. in Egypt and ihe bare unto Amram, Aaron and

37 Thefe are the families of the fons of Ephraim, Mofes, and Miriam their iifler.
according to thofe that were numbered of them, thirty 60 And un*o Aaron was born Nadab and Abihu,
and two thoufand and five hundred. Thefe are the Eleazar and Ithamar.
ions of Jofeph after their families. 6 And m Naclab and Abihu died, when they offered m Levit.
Chap. 3 4,
38 If The fons of Benjamin, after their families o : .range fire before the Lord. 1 Chron. 24
Bela, the family of die Belaites of Alhbel, the famii.
: 62 And thofe that were numbered of them were
of the Allibelites : of Ahiram, the family of thv wenty and three thoufand, all males from a month
Ahiramites : old and upward for they were not numbered among

39 Of Shupham, the family of the Shuphamites : he children of Ifrael, becauie there was no inherit-
of Hupham, the family of the Huphamites. ance given them among the children of Ifrael.
40 And the fons of Bela were Ard, and Naaman : 63 If Thefe are they that were numbered by Mofes
of Ard, the family of the Ardites and of Naaman, : and Eleazar the priefl, who numbered the children
the family of the Naamites. of Ifrael in the plains of Moab, by Jordan near Jericho.
41 Thefe are the fons of Benjamin, after their 64 But among thefe there was not a man of them
families and they that were numbered of them were
: whom Mofes and Aaron the priefl numbered, when
forty and five thoufand and iix hundred. they numbered the children of Ifrael in the wildernefs
42 If Thefe are the fons of Dan, after dieir families of Sinai :

of Shuham the family of the Shuhamites. Thefe are

, 65 For the Lord had faid of therm They "fhall a CHap. 14
28. Corsa.,
the families of Dan, after their families. finely die in the wildernefs. And there was not left 1

43 All the families of the Shuhamites, according a man of them, fave Caleb the fon of Jephunneh, and
to thofe that were numbered of them, were three- Jcfhua the fon of Nun.
score and four thoufand and four hundred. CHAP, xxvir.
44 If Of the children of Alher, after their families 1 The daughters_ of Zelophehad sue for an Inheritance,
of Jimna,the family ofthe Jimnites ofJefui, the family : 6 The law of inheritances. 12 Moses is told of his
of the Jefuites of Beriah, the family ofthe Beriites.
: death : 15 he sue th for a successor.
18 Joshua
45 Of the fons of Beriah of Heber, the family of
: is appointed to succeed him.

the Heberites
of Malchiel, the family of the Mal-
: THEN came the daughters of a Zelophehad the a ch.iP 2 &
fon of Hepher, the fon of Gilead, the fon of If*****

46 And the name ofthe daughter ofAfher was Sarah. Machir, the fon of Manaffeh, of the families of
47 Thefe are the families of the fons of Alher, Manaffeh the fon of Jofeph and thefe are the names

according to thofe that were numbered of them, who of his daughters, Mahiah, and Noah, and Hoglah, and
were fifty and three thoufand and four hundred. Milcah, and Tirzah.
48 IT Ofthe fons of Naphtali, after their families : 2 And they flood before Mofes, and before Eleazar
of Jahzeel, the family ofthe Jahzeelites of Guni, the : the_ priefl,. and before the princes and all the congre-
family ofthe Gunites gation, by the door ofthe tabernacle ofthe congrega-
49 Of Jezer, the family of the Jezerites t of Shil- tion, faying,
lem, the family ofthe Shillemites. 3 Our father b died in the wildernefs ; and he was tchap. •«
50 Thefe are the families ofNaphtali, according to not in the company of them that gathered themfelves l^t^'
their families : and they that were numbered of them together againfl the Lord in the company of Korah ;
were forty and five thoufand and four hundred. but died in his own fin, and had no fons.
51 Thefe were the numbered ofthe children of 4 Why mould the name of our father be f done %,%%£'
Ifrael, iix hundred thoufand, and a thoufand feven away from among his family, becaufe he hath no fon ?
hundred and thirty. Give unto us therefore a pofTeffion among the breth-
52 And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
*[f ren of our father.
53 Unto thefe the land ihall be divided for an in- 5 And Mofes brought their caufe before the Lord*
heritance, according to the number of names. 6 If And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
+ Heb.
33 54
54 h To many thou fhalt t give the more inherit- 7 The daughters of Zelophehad fpeak right thou :

tiply Ifis in- ance, and to few thou fhalt f give the lefs inherit- fhalt furely give them a pofTeffion of an inheritance
t Hd). ii- ance to every one ihall his inheritance be given,
: among their father's brethren ; and thou fhalt caufe
mlniih Hit
inheritance. according to thofe that were numbered of him. die inheritance of their father to pafs unto them :

? Chap. 23
jQ»h;ja i i
55 Notwithftanding, the land ihall be divided by '
8 And thou fhalt fpeak unto the children of Ifrael,
lot : according to the names of the tribes of their faying, If a man die, and have no fon, then ye mall
fathers they ihall inherit. caufe his inheritance to pafs unto his daughter.
> £*oi 56 According to the lot fhall the pofTeffion thereof 9 And if he have no daughter, then ye fhall give
be divided between many and few. his inheritance unto his brethren.
57 If \ And thefe are they that were numbered of 10 And he have no brethren, then ye fhall give
the Levites, after their families of Gerfhon, the : his inheritance unto his father's brethren.
family ofthe Gerfhonites of Kohath, the family ofthe
: 11 And if his father have no brethren, then ye fhall
Kohathites of Merari, the family ofthe Merarites.
: give his inheritance unto his kinfman that is next to
58 Thefe are the families of the Levites the family ; him of his family, andhe fhall poffefsit and it ihall

2 be
The continual burnt offering, CHAP. XXVIII, on the sabbath, the new moons, &c\
be unto the children of Ifrael, a ftatute of judgment offering thereof,thou flialt offer it, a facrifice made
as the Lord commanded Mofes. by of a fweet favour unto the Lord.

l Deut. 3? 49. 12 It And the Lord faid unto Mofes, c

Get thee 9 If And on the fabbath day, two lambs of the firft
up into this mount Abarim, and fee the land which year without fpot, and two tenth deals of flour for a
have given unto the children of Ifrael.
I meat offering, mingled with oil, and the drink offer-
13 And when thou haft feen it, thou alfo flialt be ing thereof.
dGhap.20 n. gathered unto thy people, as A Aaron thy brother was 10 This is the. burnt offering of every fabbath, behdes
gathered. the continual burnt offering, and his drink offering.
14 For ye e rebelled againfl commandment, inmy 1 If And in the beginnings of your months, ye fhall
M° 2+ 2

"the clefert "of Zin, in the ftrife of the congregation, to offer a burnt offering unto the Lord ; two young bul-
ianeVrfv me at the water before their eyes that is the : locks, and one ram, feven lambs of the firft year,
fExod. 177. f
water of Meribahjin Kadefh, in the wildernefs of Zin. without fpot
15 If And Mofes fpake unto the Lord, faying, 12 And three tenth deals of flour /or a meat offer-
16 Let the Lord, the God of the fpirits of allnefh, ing mingled with oil, for one bullock and two tenth ;

fet man over the congregation,

a deals of flour for a meat offering, mingled with oil,
17 Which may go out before them, and which may for one ram ;

go in before them, and which may lead them out, and _

13 And a feveral tenth deal of flour, mingled with
which may bring them in that the congregation of
; oil, for a meat offering unto one lamb, for a burnt of-

the Lord be not as fheep which have no ihepherd. fering of a fweet favour, a facrifice made by fire unto
18 If And the Lord laid unto Mofes, Take thee the Lord.
Jofhua the fon of Nun, a man in whom is the fpirit, 14And their drink offerings fhall be half an hin of
and lay thine hand upon him ;
wine unto a bullock, and the third part of an hin un-
19 And fet him before Eleazar the prieft, and be- to a ram, and a fourth part of an hin unto a lamb :

fore all the congregation and give him a charge in

; this is the burnt offering of every month, throughout
their fight. the months of the year.
20 And thou fhalt put some of thine honour upon 15 And one kid of the goats for a fin offering unto
him, that all the congregation of the children of If- the Lord, fhall be offered, beiides the continual burnt
rael may be obedient. offering, and his drink offering.
2 1 And he fhallftand before Eleazar the prieft, who 16 If d And in the fourteenth day of the firft month d Exod. r^
18. Lev. 2i£,
gExod.j8 30. fhall afk counsellor him, s after the judgment of Urim, is the paffover of the Lord.
before the Lord at his word fhall they go out, and
: 17 And in the fifteenth day of this month, is the
at his word they fhall come in, both he, and all the feaft feven days fhall unleavened bread be eaten.

children of Ifrael with him, even all the congregation. 18 In the e firft day shall be an holy convocation e Levit. 237,
22 And Mofes did as the Lord commanded him : ye fhall do no manner of fervile work therein :
and he took Joihua and fet him before Eleazar the 19 But ye fhall offer a facrifice made by fire, for a
prieft, and before all the congregation. burnt offering unto the Lord two young bullocks,

23 And he laid his hands upon him, and gave him and one ram, and feven lambs of the firft year they :

charge; astheLoRD commanded bv the hand of Mofes. fhall be unto you without blemiffi.
CHAP. XXVIII. 20 And their meat offering shall be of flour min-
1 The Lord's offerings to be observed. 5 The continual gled with oil three tenth deals fhall ye offer for a bul-

burnt offering : 9 the offering on the sabbath, 11 on lock, and two tenth deals for a ram ;
the nc%v moons, 16 at the passover, 26 in the day 21 A
feveral tenth deal ihalt thou offer for every
offirst fruits. lamb throughout the feven lambs


N D the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,

1 22 And one goat for a fin offering, to make an
2 Command the children of Ifrael, and fay un- atonement for you.
tothem, My offering and my bread for my facrificcs 23 Ye fhall offer thefe befide the burnt offering in
t Hob. a sa-
vour of my
made by fire, for f a fweet favour unto me, fhall ye the morning, which is for a continual burnt offering.
re,t. obferve to offer unto me in their due feafon. 24 After this manner ye fhall offer daily throughout
a Exod. 29
38. 3 If And thou fhalt fay unto them, a This is the of- the feven days, the meat of the facrifice made by fire,
fering made by fire, which ye fhall offer unto the of a fweet favour unto the Lord it fhall be offered
+ Heb. in a Lord two lambs of the firft year without fpot, t day befide the continual burnt offering, and his drink of-
by day for a continual burnt offering. fering.
4 The one lamb ihalt thou offer in the morning, 25 And on the feventh day ye fhall have an holy
tHeb. and the other lamb ihalt thou offer tat even ; convocation ye fhall do no fervile work.
bet-ween the
t-ivoevenings. 5 And a tenth part of an ephah of flour, for a b meat 26 If Alfo in the day of the firft fruits, when ye
b Levit. c
offering, mingled u ith the fourth part of an hin of
bring a hew meat offering unto the Lord, after your
c Exod. 29
40. beaten oil. weeks be out, ye fhall have an holy convocation ye
6 It is a continual burnt offering, which was ordain- fhalldo no fervile work :

ed in mount Sinai, for a fweet favour, a facrifice made 27 But ye fhall offer the burnt offering for a fweet
by fire unto the Lord. favour unto the Lord; two young bullocks, one ram,
7 And the drink offering thereof shall be the fourth ieven lambs of the firft year ;

part of an hin for the one Jamb in the holy place; 28 And their meat offering of flour mingled with
fhalt thou caufe the ftrong wine to be poured unto the oil, three tenth deals unto one bullock, two tenth
Lord, for a drink offering. deals unto one ram ;

8 And the other lamb ihalt thou offer at even as ; 29 A

feveral tenth deal unto one lamb, throughout
the meat offering of the morning, and as the drink the feyen lambs
*J0 And
; : ; : ; ; ; .

bunw J solemn feast^ NUMBERS. and their offerings,

30 And one kid ofthe goats, t< make an atonement ings, for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs,
101" YOU. shall be according to their number, after the manner
31 Ye (hall offer ?/&«« beflde the continual burnt 19 And one kid ofthe goats for a tin offering, be-
offering, and his meat offering, (they fhall be unto fide the continual burnt offering,., and the meat offer-
you without blemifh,) and their drink offerings. ing thereof, and tiieir drink offerings. -

20 If And on the third day elevenbullocks, .two rams,

C H A P. XXIX. fourteen lambs of the firft year , without blemifli :

1 The offering at the feast of trumpets, 7 on the day of 21 And their meat and their drink offer-
afflicting their souls, and 12, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29,. 52, ings, for the bullocks,.for the rams,. and for the lambs,
35, on the eight days of the feast of tabernacles. shall be according to their number, after the manner
in the feventh
ye fliall
month, on the firft day of the
have an holy convocation ye ;
22 And one goat for a fin offering, befide the con-
tinual burnt offering,, and his meat offering, and his

i hall do no fervile work : a it is a day Of blowing; the drink offering..

trumpets unto you. 23 If And on the fourth day ten bullocks, two-
2 And ye fliall offer a burnt offering for a fweet fa- rams, and fourteen lambs of the firft year, without
vour unto' the Lord; one young bullock, one ram, blemifh :.'

and feven lambs of the firft year, without blemifh : 24 Their meat offering, and their drink offerings,
3 And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, shall
with oil, three tenth deals for a bullock, and two be according to their number, after the manner ;
tenth deals for a ram ; 25 And
one kid ofthe goats for a fin offering, be-
4 And one tenth deal for one lamb, throughout the fide the continual burnt offering, his meat offering,
feven lambs r -
and his drink offering..
5 And one kid of the goats for a fin offering, to 26 If And on the fifth day nine bullocks, two rams,
make an atonement for you : and fourteen lambs of the firft year,, without fpot :

6 Befide the burnt offering of the month, and his 27 And their meat offering, and their drink offer-
meat offering,, and die daily burnt offering,, and his ings, for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs,
meat offering, and their drink offerings, according shall be according to their number, after the maimer ;-
unto their manner, for a fweet favour, a faerifice 28 Andone goat for a fin offering, befide the con-
made by fire unto the Lord. tinual burnt offering, and his meat offering, and his
b Levir. ifi
iy. &23 27
7 If And ye fhall have on the tenth day ©f this fev- drink offering..
enth month, an holy convocation and ye fhall afflicl ; 29-11 And on tliefizth day eight bullocks, two rams,
your fouls ye iliall not do any work therein :
: and fourteen lambs of the firft year, without blemifh ;
8 But ye lhall offer a burnt offering unto the Lord, 30 And their meat offering, and their drink offer-
for a fweet favour one young bullock, one ram, and
; rams, and for the lambs,
ings, for the bullocks, for the
feven lambs of the firft year they lhall be unto you ;; shall be according to their number, after the manner ;
without blemifh 31 And one goat/cr a iin offering, befide the con-
9 And their meat offemg shall be of flour mingled tinual burnt offering, fus meat offering, and his chink
with oil, three tenth deals to a bullock, and two tenth offering..
deals to one ram ; 32. If And on the feventh day feven bullocks, two-
10 A
ftveral tenth deal for one lamb,, throughout rams, aticl fourteen lambs of the firft- year, without
the feven lambs ; blemifli
11 One kid of the goats for a fin offering, befide 33 Andtheir meat offering, and their drink offer-
the iin offering of atonement, and the continual burnt ings, for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs,
offering, and the meat offering of it, and their drink shall be according to their number, after the manner ;.
offerings. 34 Andone goat for a fin offering, befide the con-
12 If And
on the fifteenth day ofthe feventh month, tinual burnt offering, his meatoffering, and his, drink
ye lhall have an holy convocation ye fliall do no fer- ; offering..
vile work, and ye lhall keep a feaft unto the Lord 35 If On the eighth day ye have a
folemn c °'/Levin;*.
fliall £
feven days. affembly ye fhall do no fervile work therein.

13 And ye fhall offer a burnt offering, a faerifice 36 But ye fhall offer a burnt offering, a facrifice
made by fire, of a fweet favour unto the Lord thir- ; made by fire, of a fweet favour unto the Lord one ;.

teen young bullocks,, two rams, and fourteen lambs bullock, one ram,, feven lambs ofthe fii ft year, with-
ofthe fiift year they fliall be without blemifh
; : out blemifli
14 And their meat offering shall be 0/ flour mingled 37 Their meatoffering, and their drink offerings,
with oil, three tenth deals unto every bullock of the for the bullock, for the ram, and for the lambs, shall
thirteen bullocks, two tenth deals to. each ram ofthe be according to their number, after the manner
two rams 33 And one goat for a I'm offering, befide the con-
15 And a feveral tenth deal to each lamb of the tinual burnt offering, and his meat offering, and his
fourteen lambs ; drink offering..
16 And one kid ofthe goats for a fm offering, be- 59 Thefe things ye fhall do' unto the Lord in or, ^r«
|| »

fide the continual burnt offering, his meat offering, your fet feafts, befides your vows, and your freewill
and his drink offering. offerings y for. your burnt offerings, and for your meat
17 If And on die iecond day ye shall offer twelve offerings, and for your drink offerings, and for your
young bullocks, two rams, fourteen lambs of the firft peace offerings.
year, without fpot : 40 And Mofes told the children of Tfrael, accord-
18 And their meat offering, and their drink offer- ing to all that the Lord commanded Mofes.
Vows not to he broken,- CHAP. XXX, XXXt The- MJianites spoiled.
C H A P. XXX. men alive, and order etb
' the warriors, with their cap-
I Vows are not to be broken. 3 The exceptions of a tives and spoil, to be purified. 21 The law ofpuri-
maupswwy6 of a wife's, 9 of a widow's, or her Wat fication. 25 The proportion whereby the prey is to
is divorced. be divided. 48 The voluntary oblation cf the officers
AN D Mofes ipake unto the heads of the tribes
concerning the children of Ifrael, faying, This
nnto the treasury of the Lord.
AND Avenge
Lord the ipake unto Mofes, faying,
is the thing which the Lord hath commanded. ±x. 2 a
the children of Ifrael of the Midi- a
Chip. 2j

2 If a man vow a vow unto the Lord, or fwear an anites ; afterward ihalt thou b
be gathered unto thy b ^'.hji>. .7
f Heb. pre-
jane. oath to bind his foul with a bond he lhall not t break ; people.
his word ; he ihall do according to all that proceedeth 3 And Mofes fpake unto the people, faying, Ann
out of his mouth- fome of yourfelvesunto the war, and let them go againft
3 If If a woman alfo vow a vow unto the Lord, and
the Midianites r and avenge the Lord of Midian.
tHcfc A
bind herself by a bond, being in her father's houfe in 4 f Of every tribe a thoufand, throughout all the thousand ofs
her youth tribes of Ifrael ,, fhall ye fend to the war. tribe, i

4 And her father hear her vow and her bond, 5 So there were delivered, out of the thoufands of tribe.

wherewith flie hath lx>und her foul, and her father fhall Ifrael, a thoufand of e very tribe, twelve thoufand aim-
hold his peace at her then all her vows lhall Hand,
: ed for war.
and everv bond wherewith ihe hath bound her foul, 6 And Mofes fent them to the war, a thoufand of
lhall Hand. every tribe, them and Phinehas the fon of Eleazar the
5 But if her father difallow her in the day that lie prieft, to the war,, with the holy initruments, and the-
heareth, not any of her vows, or of her bonds, where- tr umpets to blow in his hand.
with fhe hath bound her foul, fhall Hand- andtheLoRD 7 And they warred againft the Midianites-, as the
fhall forgive her, becaufe her father difallowed her.. Lord commanded Mofes and they flew all the males.

t Heb. her 6 If And if fhe had at all an hufband when j fhe 8 And they flew the kings of Midian, beiide the reft
vows were
upm her. vowed, or uttered aught out of her lips, wherewith fhe of them that were flain namely, c Evi, and Rekem, cjosii.-n

bound her foul ; and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five kings of Midian :
7 And her hufband heard it, and held Ins peace at Balaam alfo the fon of Beor they flew with the fword.
her in the day that he heard it ; then her vows fhall 9 And the children of Ifrael took all the women
ftand, and her bonds Avherewith fhe bound her foul, of Midian captives, and their little ones, and took the
ihall ftancL ipoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their"
8 But
her hufband difallowed her on the day that
if goods.
he heard their he fhall make her vow which ihe
it ; 10 And they burnt all their cities wherein they
vowed,, and that which file uttered with her lips, dwelt, and all their goodly- caftles, with fire.
wherewith fhe bound her foul,, of none effect and : 11 And they took all the fpoil, and all the prey 5

the Lord fhall forgive her. both of men and of beafts.

9 If But every vow of a widow, and of her that is
12 And they brought the captives, and the prey,
divorced, wherewith they have bound their fouls, and the fpoil, unto Mofes, and Eleazar the prieft, and
ihall ftand againft her.- unto the congregation of die children of Ifrael, unto
10 And if ihe vowed in her hufband's houfe, or the camp at the plains of Moab, which are by Jordan
bound her foul by abond with an oath ; near Jericho.
And her hufband heard it, and held his peace at
11 13 If And Mofes, and Eleazar the prieft, and all the
her,ami difallowed her not then all her vows fhall ; princes of the congregation, went forth to meet them
Hand, and every bond wherewith ihe bound her foul, without the camp.
ihall ftand. 14 And Moles was wroth with the officers of die
12 But if her hufband hath utterly made them void hoft, with the captains over thoufands, and captains
on the day he heard them ; ziwnvhatibever proceeded over hundreds, which came from the t battle. t"Heb. host

15 And Mofes faid unto them, Have ye faved all of
out of her lips concerning her vows, or concerning the
bond of her foul, fhall not ftand her hufband hath : the women alive ?

made them void and the Lord fhall forgive her.

; 16 Behold d thefe caufed the children of Ifrael, dChsp. :5 =J

13 Every voW^and every binding oath to afflict the through the e counfel of Balaam, to commit trefpafs £ 2 Pet. 2 1 5.

foul, her hufband may eftabliih it, or her hufband may againft the Lord in the matter of Peor, and there was
make it void. a plague" among the congregation of the Lord.
14 But if her hufband altogether hold his peace at 17 Now, therefore, f kill every male among the r a es -1
J *s
her from day to day then he eltabliiheth all her
; little ones, and kill every woman that hath known
vows, or all her bonds, which are upon her he con- : man by lying with t him.. ta.t'
firmeth them, beeaufe he held his peace at her in the 18 But all the women children, that have not known
day that he heard them. a man by lying with him, keep alive foryourielves.
15 But if he ihall any wife make them void after that 19 And do ye abide without the camp feven days :

he hath heard them ; then he lhall bear her iniquity. whofoever hath killed any perfon, and e whofoever ^ff'
16 Thefe are the ftatutes which the Lord com- hath touched any flain, purify both yourfelves and
manded Mofes, between a man and his wife, between your captives, on the third day, and on the ieventh
the father and his daughter, being yet in her youth in day.
her father's houfe. 20 And purify your raiment, and all t that is b
^; :„;'^
CHAP. XXXI. made of ikins, and all work of goats' hair, and all wj«/<./'
1 The Mididnites are spoiled, and Balaam slain. 1 things made ol wood.
Moses is wroth with the officers for saving the wo- 21 -If And Eleazar die prieft faid unto the men of

The proportion of the prey, NUM BERS, The officers' voluntary oblation
chrTst war, which went to the battle, This is the ordinance the tabernacle of the Lord : as the Lord command-
v- ^iw of the law which the Lord commanded Mofes ;
ed Mofes.
22 Only the gold and the filver, the brafs, the iron, 48 1" And the officers which were over thoufands of
the tin, and the lead, the hofl, the captains of thoufands, and captains of
23 Every thing that may abide the fire, ye fhall hundreds, came near unto Mofes ;

it go through the fire, and it ihall be clean : 49 And they faid unto Mofes, Thy fervants have
neverthelefs, it fhall be purified with the water of taken thefum of the men of war which are under our
reparation and all that abideth not the fire, ye fhall
f charge, and there lacketh not one man of us. t Heb. hani.
make go through the water. 50 We have, therefore, brought an oblation for the
24 And ye fhall wafh your clothes on the feventh Lord, what every man hath f gotten, ofjewels of gold, tHeb. found.
day, and ye fhall be clean, and afterward ye ihall chains, and bracelets, rings, earrings, and tablets, to
come into the camp. make an atonement for our fouls before the Lord.
25 If And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 51 And Mofes and Eleazar the priefl took the gold
V&M& "* 26 Take tne fam of the prey -J that was taken, both of them, even all wrought jewels.
of man and of beaft, thou, and Eleazar the priefl, and 52 And all the gold of the f offering that they offer- tHcb. heave
the chief fathers of the congregation : ed up to the Lord, of the captains of thoufands, and offering.

27 And divide the prey into two parts ; between of the captains of hundreds, was fixteen thoufand fev-
them that took the war upon them, who went out to en hundred and fifty fhekels.
battle, and between all the congregation : 53 f For the men of war had taken fpoil, every man
28 And levy a tribute unto the Lord of the men of for himfelf.)
war which went out to battle ; one foul of five 54 And Mofes and Eleazar the priefl took the gold
hundred, both of the perfons, and of the beeves, and of the captains of thoufands and of hundreds, and
of the affes, and of the fheep : brought it into the tabernacle of the congregation, for
29 Take it of their half, and give it unto Eleazar a memorial for the children of Ifrael before the Lord.
the priefl, for an heave offering of the Lord.
30 And of the children of Ifrael's half, thou fhalt
take one portion of fifty, of the perfons, of the beeves, 1 The Renbenites and the Gaditcs suefor their inherit-
6 or, m ts.
f the affes, and of the flocks, of all manner of
ance on the east of Jordan. 6 Moses reproveth them,
beafts, and give them unto the Levites, which keep
16 they offer him conditions : 20 he is content ; and
assigncth to them and the half of Manasseh, the
the charge of the tabernacle of the Lord.
land: 34 they build cities, £sfc.
31 And Mofes and Eleazar the priefl did as the
Lord commanded Mofes.
32 And the booty, being the reft of the prey which
the children of Reuben and the children of
had a very great multitude of cattle and :

the men of war had caught, was fix hundred thoufand when they faw the land of Jazer, and the land of Gilead,
and feventy thoufand and five thoufand fheep, that behold the place was a place for cattle
33 And threefcore and twelve thoufand beeves, 2 The children of Gad and the children of Reuben
34 And threefcore and one thoufand affes, came and fpake unto Mofes, and to Eleazar the priefl,
.,35 And thirty and two thoufand perfons in all, of and unto the princes of the congregation, faying,
women that had not known man, by lying with him. 3 Ataroth, and Dibon, and Jazer, and Nimrah, and
36 And the half, which was the portion of them that Hefhbon, and Elealeh, and Shebam, and Nebo, and
went out to war, was in number three hundred thou- Beon,
fand and feven and thirty thoufand and five hundred 4 Even the country which the Lord fmote before
fheep : the congregation of Ifrael, is a land for cattle, and thy
37 And the Lord's tribute of the fheep was fix fervants have cattle.

hundred and threefcore and fifteen. 5 Wherefore, faid they, if we have found grace in
38 And the beeves were thirty and fix thoufand, of thy fight, let this land be given unto thy fervants for a
which the Lord's tribute was threefcore and twelve. poffeffion, and bring us not over Jordan.
39 And the affes were thirty thoufand and five hun-

6 IT And Mofes faid unto the children of Gad and to
dred, of which the Lord's tribute was threefcore and the children of Reuben, Shall your brethren go to
one. war, and fhall ye fit here ?
40 And the perfons were fixteen thoufand, of which 7 And wherefore t difcourage ye the heart of the nub.^k,
the Lord's tribute was thirty and two perfons. children of Ifrael from going over into the land which
41 And Mofes
gave the tribute, which %vas the the Lord hath given them ?
Lord's heave offering, unto Eleazar the priefl; as 8 Thus did your fathers, when I fent them from
the Lord commanded Mofes. Kadefhbarnea to fee the land.
42 And of the children of Ifrael's half, which Mofes
9 For a when they went up unto the valley of Efhcol, aCha P J

divided from the men that warred, and faw the land, they difcouraged the heart of the 3 24 ' "

^ 43
(Now the half that pertained unto the congrega- children of Ifrael, that they fliould not go into the land
tion was three hundred thoufand, and thirty thoufand which the Lord had given them.
and feven thoufand and five hundred fheep, 10 And the Lord's anger was kindled the fiime
44 And thirty and fix thoufand beeves, time, and he fware, faying,
45 And thirty thoufand affes and five hundred, 11 Surely none of the. men that came up out of
46 And fixteen thoufand perfons,) Egypt, b from twenty years old and upward, fhall fee tchap. t+
47 Even of the children of Ifrael's half, Mofes took the land which I fware unto Abraham, unto Ifaac, " 8 29 '

one portion of fifty, both of man and of bealt, and and unto Jacob, becaufe they have not t wholly fol- +««*• w-
gave them unto the Levites, which kept the charge of lowed me; ' fi
£ daft~-

12 Save
The Reubenltes conditions to Moses. CHAP. XXXIII. Tloe journeys of the Israelites*
CHRIST 12 Save Caleb thefon of Jephunneh the Kenezite, dom of Sihon, king of the Amorites, and the king- C hr°st
and Joihua the fon of Nun for they have wholly : dom of Og, king of Balhan, the land, with the cities ^J££^j
>^ Y "^ followed the Lord. thereof in the coafts, even the cities of the country
13 And Lord's anger was kindled againft
the round about.
Ifrael, and he made them wander in the wildernefs 34 IT And the children of Gad built Dibon, and
forty years, until ali the generation that had done evil Ataroth, and Aroer,
in the light of theLord was confumed. 35 And Atroth, Shophan, and Jaazer, and Jogbehah,
14 And, behold, ye are rifen up in your father's 36 And Bethnirorah, and Bethharan, fenced cit-
Head, an increafe of iinful men, to augment yet the ies ;and folds for fheep.
fierce anger of the Lord toward Ifrael. 37 And the children of Reuben, built Hefhbon, and
15 For if ye turn away from after him, he will yet Elealeh, and Kirjathaim,
again leave them in the wiidemefs, and ye ihall deflroy 38 And Nebo, and Baalmeon, (their names being
all this people. changed,) and Shibmah and f gave other names tHeb. </,«>•

16 H Andthey came near unto him, and laid. We unto the cities which they builded. Z™d s Z
will build fheep folds here for our cattle, and cities for 39 And the children of f Machir the fon of Manaf- IhTlnL
our little ones : feh went to Gilead, and took it, and difpofTefl'ed the fGen-5° 2 3«
17 But we ourfelves will go ready armed before the Amorite which ivas in it.
children of Ifrael, until we have brought them unto 40 And Mofes gave Gilead unto Machir the fon of
their place and our little ones ihall dwell in the
: Manafleh and he dwelt therein.

fenced cities, becaufe of the inhabitants of the land. 41 And eJairthe fon of ManafTeh went and took s Deut -3'< 4
18 Wewillnot returnuntoourhoufes, until the chil- the fmall towns thereof, and called them Havothjair.
dren of Ifrael have inherited every man his inheritance ; 42 And Nobah went and took Kenath, and the vil-
19 For we will not inherit with them on yonder fide lages thereof, and called it Nobah, after his own name.
Jordan, or forward becaufe our inheritance is fallen
to us on this lide Jordan ealtward.
20 U And c Mofes faid unto them, If ye will do this 1 The two andforty journeys of the Israelites. 50 The
e josh. 1
thing, if }-e will go armed before the Lord to war,
Canaanites are to be destroyed.
21 And will go all of you armed OA'er Jordan before THESE are the journeys of the children of Ifrael,
the Lord, until he hath driven out his enemies from which went forth out of
the land of Egypt with
before him. their armies, under the hand of Mofes and Aaron.
22 And the land be fabdued before the Lord ;
2 And Mofes wrote their goings out according to
then afterward ye Ihall return, and be guiltlefs before theirjourneySjbythecommandmentoftheLoRD; and
the Lord, and before Ifrael and this land fhall be
; thefe are their journeys according to their goings out. ,

your poffeffion before the Lord. 3 And they a departed from Rainefes in the firfl Exo^» J
23 But if ye will not do fo, behold, ye have finned month, on the fifteenth day of the firft month: on the
againft the Lord : and be fure your lin will find you morrow after the paffover, the children of Ifrael went
out. out with an high hand in the fight of all the Egyptians.
24 Build ye ci'ties for your little ones, and folds for 4 (For the Egyptians buried all their firitborn,
your iheep and do that which hath proceeded out of which the Lord had fmitten among them
; upon :

your mouth. their gods alio the Lord executed judgments.)

25 And the children of Gad r and the children of 5 And thechildren of Ifrael removed from Ramefes,
Reuben, fpake unto Mofes, faying, Thy fervants will and pitched in Succoth.
do as my lord commandeth. 6 And they departed from b Succoth, and pitched !^ xoii:j
26 Our little ones, our wives, our flocks, and all in Etham, which is in the edge of the wildernefs.
our cattle, fliall be there in the cities of Gilead 7 And they removed from Etham, and turned

d josh. 4 u. 27 d But thy fervants will pafs over, every man arm- again unto Pihahiroth, which is before Baalzephon
ed for war, before the Lord to battle, as my LoRDfaith. and they pitched before Migdol.
28 So concerning them Mofes commanded Eleazar 8 And they departed from before Pihahiroth, and
the prieft, and Joihua the fon of Nun, and the chief c paffed through the midft of the fea into the wilder- cExod. 15
fathers of the tribes of the children of Ifrael nefs, and went three days' journey in the wildernefs
29 And Mofes faid unto them,. If the children of of Etham, and pitched in Marah,
Gad and the children of Reuben will pafs with you 9 And they removed from Marah, and d came unto d Exoil. 15
over Jordan, every man armed to battle before the Elim and'in FAimivere twelve fountains of water, and

Lord, and the land fliall be fubdued before you then threefcore and ten palm trees and they pitched there.
: ;

ye fhall give them the land of Gilead for a poilefiion 10' And they removed from Elim, and encamped

30 But if they will not pafs over with you armed, they by the Red fea.
fhall have poffeffions among you in the land of Canaan. 11 And they removed from the Red fea, and en-
31 And the children of Gad and the children of camped in the e wildernefs of Sin. eExod. 16 1,

Reuben anfwered ? faying, As the Lord hath faid unto 12 And they took their journey out of the wilder-
thy fervants, fo will we do : nefs of Sin, and encamped inDophkah.
32 We
will pafs over armed before the Lord into 13 And they departed from Dophkah, and en-
the land of Canaan, that the pofTeflion of our inherit- camped in Alufli.
ance on this fide Jordan may be ours. 14 And they removedfrom Alufli, and encamped at
»T>mt.3 ». 1
33 And e Mofes gave unto them, even to the chil- f Rephidim, where was no watcrfor the peopleto drink. fKsod;i 7I .

15 And they departed from Rephidim, andpitched

jmh.,38, idren of Gad, and to the children of Reuben, and unto 1490.

E Exc L '» *
half the tribe of ManafTeh the fon of Jofeph, the king- in the g wildernefs of Sinai. '

10 And
t ; ;

Journeys of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan. NUM BERS, borders ofthe land of Canaan.

16 And they removed from the defert of Sinai, and 47 And they removed from Almondiblathaim, and
pitched h at Kibrothhattaavah.
pitched in the mountains of Abarim, before Nebo.
h chap. ii a* 17 And the v departed from Kibrothhattaavah, and 48 And they departed from the mountains of
Thru the
is, "
t „,.l,

p.n;js ofhut. I encamped i

at riazerotn. Abarim, and pitched in the plains of Moab, by Jor-
Z&iij.. ti 35 .
jg ^ ut
| from Hazeroth, and pitched
t j ie j. c [ e p ar ted dan, near Jericho.
in Rithmah. 49 And they pitched by Jordan, from Bethjefimoth,
19 And they departed from Rithmah, and pitched even unto J| i Abelfhittim, in the plains of Moab. Or. the S

at Rimmonparez. 50 If And the Lor d fpake unto Mofes in the plains plains of
20 And they departed from Rimmonparez^ and of Moab, by Jordan near Jericho, faying, H Chap. 25

pitched in Libnah. 51 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and fay unto
21 And they removed from Libnah, and pitched them, x When ye are palled over Jordan into the land r Dent. 7
Joshua 3
at Riffah. of Canaan, '& II is.

22 And they journeyed from Riffah, and pitched in 52 Then ye fhall drive out all the inhabitants of the
Kehelathah. land from before you, and deflroy all their pictures.,
23 And they went from Kehelathah, and pitched in and deftroy all their molten images, and quite pluck
mount Shapher, down all their high places.
24 And they removed from mount Shapher, and 53 And ye fhall difpoffefs the inhabitants of the
-encamped in Haradah. land, and dwell therein for I have given you the

25 And they removed from Haradah, and pitched land to peffefs it.

in Makheloth. 54 And s ye fhall divide the land by lot, -for an in- s C'twp. 16 53,
26 And they removed from Makheloth, and en- heritance among your families and to the more ye

camped at Tahath, lhall t give the more inheritance ; and to the fewer ye tHeb. m ulti-
27 And they departed from Tahath, and pitched at fhall t give the lefs inheritance every man's Inherit- ftl£l in)"rm

Tarah. ancemsM be in the place where his lotfalleth; ac- \j*ffiffs

28 And they removed from Tarah, and pitched in cording to the tribes of your fathers ye fhall inherit. 'Inheritance.

Mithcah. 55 But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the

29 And they went from Mithcah, and pitched in land from before you ; then it fhall come to pais, that
Hafhmonah. thofe which ye let remain of them shall be * pricks in t josh. 23 r3 . 6.
30 2\nd they departed from Hafhmonah, and k en- your eyes, and thorns in your fides, and fhall vex you ,udscs 2 3>
camped at Moferoth. in the land wherein ye dwell.
31 And they departed from Moferoth, and pitched 56 Moreover, it fhall come to pafs, that I fhall do
in Benejaakan. unto you as I thought to do unto them.
32 And they removed from Benejaakan,, and en-
camped at Horhagidgad.
33 And they went from Horhagidgad, and pitched I The coasts and borders of the land of Canaan. 1 6 The
in Jotbathah.
names of the men which shall divide the land.
34 And they removed from Jotbathah, and encamp-
ed at Ebronah.
AN DCommand
the fpake unto Mofes, faying,
the children of Ifrael, and fay unto
35 And they departed from Ebronah, and encamp- them, When ye come into the land of Canaan, (this
Eziongaber- at is the land that fhall fall unto you for an inheritance,
36 And they removed from Eziongaber, and pitch- eve? 1 the land of Canaan, with the coafts thereof,)
a£q> jo .'
ed in the 1 wildernefs of Zin, which is Kadefh.
i. 3 Then a your fouth quarter fhall be from the wil- a Josh. 15

37 And they removed from m Kadefh, and pitched dernefs of Zin, along by the coaft of Edom, and your
in mount Hor, in the edge of the land of Edom. foudi border fhall be the outmoft coaft of the fait fea
,Dcut, 32 3^
38 And- Aaron the prieft went up into mount Hor
at the commandment of the Lord, and died there, in 4 And your border fhall turn from the fouth to the
the fortieth year after the children of Ifrael were come afcent of Akrabbim, and pafs on to Zin and the go- :

out of the land of Egypt, in the fir it day of the fifth ing forth thereof fhall be from the fouth to Kadefh-
month. barnea, and fhall go on to Hazaraddar, and pafs on
H$Z. 39 And Aaron was an hundred and twenty and to Azmon
three years old, when he died in mount Hor. 5 And the border fhall fetch a compafs from Azmon
o Chap, 2 40 And v king Arad the Canaanite which dwelt in
1 I
unto the river of Egypt, and the goings out of it fhall
the fouth, in the land of Canaan, heard of the coming be at the fea.
of the children of Ifrael. 6 And as for the weflern border, ye fhall even have
f chap. 2i4.
41 And they departed from mount p Hor, and pitch- the great fea for a border : this fhall be your weft
ed in Zalmonah. border.
42 And they departed from Zalmonah, and pitched 7 And this fhall be your north border from the:

in Punon. great fea ye fhall point out for you mount Hor.
43 And they departed from Punon, and pitched in 8 From mount Hor ye fhall point out your border
Oboth. unto the entrance of Hamath and the goings forth

44 And they departed from Oboth, and pitched in of the border fhall -be to Zedad :
lOr,heafl f\
Abarim- '
Ijeabarim, in the border of Moab. 9 And the border fhall go on to Ziphron, and the
45 And they departed from Iim, and pitched in goings out of it fhall be at Hazarenan this fhall be :

Dibdngad. your north border.

46 And they removed from Dibongad, and en- 10 And ye -fhall point out your eaft border .-from
camped in Almondiblathaim. Hazarenan to Shepham
11 And
The cities for the Levites. CHAP. XXXV. The laws of murder, &c.
11 And the coaft ihall go down from Shepham to the eaft fide two thoufand cubits, and on the fouth fide
Riblah, on the eaft fide of Ain ; and the border fhall two thoufand cubits, and on the weft fide two thou-
HebT,^l7-defcend, and ihall reach unto the t lide of die fea of fand cubits, and on the north fide two thoufand cubits;
Chinnereth eaftward. and the city shall be in the midft this fhall be to

12 And the border fhall go down to Jordan ; and diem the fuburbs of the cities.
the goings out of it fhall be at the fait fea this fhall : 6 And among the cities which ye fhallgive unto the
be your land, with the coaft thereof round about. Levites, there shall be b fix cities for refuge, which ye t) Dfut. 4.41V
Joshua 20 2,
13 And Mofes commanded the children of Ifrael, fhall appoint for the manflayer, that hemayfleediither &2 3.
1"Heb. above
faying, This is the land which ye Ihall inherit by lot, and f to them ye fhall add fortjr and two "cities. them ye ihall
which the Lord commanded to give unto the nine 7 So all the cities winch ye fhall give to the Levites
tribes, and to the half tribe : shall be forty and eight cities them shall ye give with

b Chap. 31
33, Joshua
14 b For the tribe of the children of Reuben, ac- their fuburbs.
2 i-

cording to the houfe of their fathers, and the tribe of 8 And

the cities which ye fhall give, shall be of the
the children of Gad, according to the houfe of their poffeflion of the children of Ifrael from them that :

fathers, have received their inheritance^ ; and half the have many, ye fhall give many ; but from them that
tribe of Manafleh have received their inheritance. have few, ye fhall give few : every one fhall give of
15 The two tribes and the half tribe have received his cities unto the Levites according to his inheritance
which t he t Heb.
their inheritance on this lide Jordan near Jericho
inheriteth. inherit.

eaftward, toward the fun rifing. 9 IT And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying,
16 H And the Lord fpake unto Mofes, faying, 10 Speak unto the children of Ifrael, and fay unto
17 Thefe are the names of the men which fhall them, c When ye be come over Jordan into the land c Deut. 19 1 J
Joeh. 20 2.
o Joshua 19 divide the land unto you ; c Eleazar the prieft, and of Canaan,
Jofhua the fon of Nun. 11 Then ye fhall appoint you cities to be cities of
18 And ye fhall take one prince of every tribe, to refuge for you ; that the flayer may flee thither which
divide the land by inheritance. killeth any perfon t at unawares. t Heb. by
19 And the names of the men are thefe : Of the 12 And they fhall be unto you cities for refuge
tribe of Judah, Caleb the fon of Jephunneh. from the avenger that the manflayer die not, until he

20 And cf the tribe of the children of Simeon, ftand before the congregation in judgment.
Shemuel the fon of Ammihud % 13 And of thefe cities which ye fhall give, fix cities
21 Of the tribe of Benjamin, Elidad the fon of fhall ye have for refuge.
Chifion. 14 Ye fliall give three cities on this fide Jordan,
22 And the prince of the tribe of the children of and three cities fhall ye give in the land of Canaan,
Dan, Bukki the fon of Jogli. xv hieb fliall be cities of refuge.
23 The prince of the children of Jofeph, for the tribe 15 Thefe fix cities fhall be a refuge, both for the
of the children of Manaffeh, Hanniel the fon ofEphod. children of Ifrael, and for the ftranger, and for the
24 And the prince of the tribe of the children of fojourner among them ; that every one that killeth
Ephraim, Kemuel the fon of Shiphtan. any perfon unawares may flee thither.
25 And the prince of the tribe of the children of 16 d And if he finite him with an inftrument of d Exod. Jt
Zebulun, Elizaphanthe fon of Parnach. iron, fo that he die, he is a murderer die murderer :

26 And the prince of the tribe of the children of fliall finely be put to death.

Iffachar, Paltiel the fon of Azzan. 17 And if he finite him f with throwing a ftone, t Heb. ri'itk
a ftone
27 And the prince of the tribe of the children of w herewith he may die, and he die, he is a murderer hand. of tin
Aiher, Ahihud the fon of Shelomi. the murderer Ihall finely be put to death.
28 And the prince of the tribe of the children of 18 Or i/lie finite him withan hand weapon of wood,
Naphtali, Pedahel the fon of Ammihud. wherewith he may die, and he die, he is a murderer :
29 Thefe are they whom the Lord commanded to the murderer fliall finely be put to death.
divide die inheritance unto the children of Ifrael in 19 The revenger of blood himfelf fhall flay the
the land of Canaan. murderer when he meetcth him, he fliall flay him.

CHAP. XXXV. 20 But e if he thruft him of hatred, or hurl at him eDeut. ijrii
1 Eight and forty cities for the Levites xvith their by laying of wait, that he die ;

suburbs, and the measure thereof ; 6 six of them are 21 Or in enmity finite him with his hand, that he
to be cities of refuge. 9 The laxvs of murder and die : he that fmote him, fhall finely be put to deadi
manslaughter. 31 No satisfaction for murder, 'tfc. for he is a murderer the revenger of blood fliall flay

ANMoab, D the Lord fpake unto Mofes in the plains of

by Jordan near Jericho, faying,
the murderer when he meeteth him.
22 But if he thruft him fuddenly f without cnmit.v, f Exod. 21
3 Jeehaasi 2. 2 a Command
the children of Ifrael, that they give or have eaft upon him any thing without laying of wait
unto the Levites, of the inheritance of their poffeflion, 23 Or with any ftone wherewith a man may die,
cities to dwell in; and ye fhall give also unto the feeing him not, and eaft it upon him that he die, and
Levites fuburbs for the cities round about them. was not his enemy, neither fought his harm ;

3 And the cities fhall they have to dwell in, and the 24 Then the congregation fhall judge between the
fuburbs of them fhall be for their cattle, and for their flayer and the revenger of blood, according to thefe
goods, and for all their beafts. judgments :

4 And the fuburbs of the cities, which ye fhall give 25 And the congregation fliall deliver the flayer out
unto the Levites, shall reach from the wall of the city of the hand of the revenger of blood, and thecongrega-
and outward a thoufand cubits round about. tion ihall reftore him to the city of his refuge, whither
5 And ye fhall meafure from without the city on he was fled : and he ihallabide in it unto the death of
, ; :

No satisfaction for murder, DEUTERONOMY. The law of daughters' inheritance.

the highprieft, which was anointed with the holy oil. Lord to give the- inheritance of Zelophehad our
26 But if the flayer ihall at any time come without brother unto his daughters^
the border of the city of his refuge, whither he was fled, 3 "And if they be married to any of the fons. of the
27 And the revenger of blood find him without the other tribes of the children of Ifrael, then fhall their
borders of the city of his refuge, and the revenger of inheritance be taken from the inheritance of our
blood kill the flayer : f he fhall not be guilty of blood : fathers, and fhall be put to the inheritance of the tribe
hiood shall
be to him. 28 Becaufe he fhould have remained in the city of t Avhereunto they are received :fo fhall it, be taken t ^* *g£ ,

his refuge until the death of the high prieft : but after from the lot of our inheritance. ThaiTu'^
the death of the highprieft, the flayer Ihall return into 4 And when the jubilee of the children of Ifrael
the land of hispoffeflion. fhall be, then ihall their inheritance be put unto the
29 Sothefe things fhall be for a ftatute of judg- inheritance of the tribe whereunto they are received. T -

ment unto you, throughout your generations, in all fo fhall their inheritance be taken away from the in-
your dwellings. heritance of the tribe of our fathers.
30 Whofo killeth any perfon, the murderer fhall be 5 H And Mofes commanded the children of Ifrael,
.|Deut.f7 6,
p Ut to death by the g mouth of witneffes ; butonewit- according to the word of the Lord, faying, The tribe
h 8 6 ne^'s ^hau not teftifyagainft any perfon tocausehim to die.
' of the fons of Jofeph hath faid well.
2Cor - i'
Hebr. 1028.
3 1 % Moreover, ye fhall take no fatisfaclion for the 6 This is. the thing which the Lord doth com-
n dh. ^"^life of a murderer, which is t guilty of death ; but he mand concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, faying,
ihall be furely put to death. Let them t marry to whom they think beil b only to * "*•**'

32 And ye fhall take no fatisfa£lion for him that is the family of the tribe of their father ihall they marry ; b Toi^t 9- 1

fled to the city of his refuge, that he fhould come 7 So ihall not the inheritance of the children of
again to dwell in the land, until the death of the high Ifrael remove from tribe to tribe for every one of
; .


prieft. the children of Ifrael fhall t keep himfelf to the in- tcleave to (fie*
33 So ye fhall not pollute the land wherein ye are ; heritance of the tribe of his fathers..
Unt'mex. *° r blood it defileth the land : and t the land cannot 8 And every daughter that poiieffetli an inheritance

^/"^'^becleanfed of the blood that is fhed therein, but by in any tribe of the children of Ifrael, fhall be wife unto
the blood of him that iTied it. one of the family of the tribe of her father, that the
34 Defile not, therefore, the land which ye fhall children of Ifrael may enjoy every man the inheritance
inhabit, wherein I dwell for I the Lor d dwell among
: of his fathers.
the children of Ifrael. 9 Neither fhallthe inheritance remove from one tribe
CHAP. XXXVI. to another tribe ; but every one of the tribes ofthe chil-
1 The inconvenience oj'the inheritance of daughters 5 is dren of Ifrael fhall keep himfelf to his own inheritance
remedied by marrying in their own tribes, 7 lest the 10 IT Even as the Lord commanded Mofes, fo did
inheritance should be removed from the tribe. 10 the daughters of Zelophehad :
The daughters of Zelophehad marry their fathers 11 c ForMahlah, Tirzati,andHoglah,andMilcah } «°**i!
brothers'' sons. and Noah, the daughters of Zelophehad, were mar-

A ND 1 the chief fathers of the families of the chil-

dren of Gilead, the fon of Machir, the fon of
Manafleh, of the families of the fons of Jofeph, came
ried unto their father's brothers' fons.
t Heb. fo
12 And they were married f into the families of the some that
fons of Manaffeh, the fon of Jofeph and their inherit- were of the
near and fpake before Mofes, and before the princes, ance remained in the tribe of the family of their father.
the chief fathers of the children of Ifrael 13 Thefe are the commandments and the judg-
&57 I.
2 And they faid, a The Lord commanded my lord ments which the Lord commanded by the hand of
>7 i- to give the land for an inheritance by lot to the chil- Mofes, unto the children of Ifrael, in the plains of
dren of Ifrael and my lord was commanded by the
: Moab by Jordan near Jericho.

The Fifth Book of MOSES, called DEUTERONOMY.

C H A P.. I. Bafhan, which dwelt at Aftaroth in Edrei r christ
1 Moses' speech at the end of the fortieth year, briefly 5 On this fide Jordan, in the land of Moab, began ^Ji^^
rehearsing the story, 6 of God's promise, 9 ofgiving Mofes to declare this law, faying,
them officers, 22 of sending the spi-es to search the 6 H The Lord our God fpake unto :iis in Horeb,
land ; 34 and of God's anger for their incredulity faying, Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount
and disobedience. 7 Turn you, and take your journey, and go to the
mount of the Amorites, and untof all the places nigh £"*;-|"
the words which Mofes fpake unto
on this fide Jordan in the wilder-
thereunto, in the plain, in the hills, and in the vale, *»**u
and in the fouth, and by the fea fide, to the land of the
\x>r,zuph. r.efs, in the plain over againil lithe Red sea, be-
Canaanites, and unto Lebanon, unto the great river,
tween Paran, and Tophel, and Laban, and Haze- the river Euphrates.
roth, and Dizahab.
8 Behold, I have f fet the land, before you : go in tHeb*i««fl
2 {There are eleven days' journey from Horeb, by and poffefs the land which the Lord fware unto your
the way of mount Seir ? unto Kadefhbarnea.)
fathers, b Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob, to give unto been. 15 18,
5 And it cametopafs,in the fortieth year, in the ele- & I7?8,
them, and to their feed after them.
venth month, on the firft day of the month, that Mofes
9 IT And I fpake unto you at that time, faying, I am
fpake unto the children of Ifrael, according unto all that
not able to bear you myfelf alone :

the Lord had given him in commandment unto thenl;

10 The Lo rd your God hath multiplied you ; and,be-
a Numb. 21 4 a After he had flain Sihon the king of the Amor-
hold, ye are this day as the ftars of heaven for multitude.
ites, which dwelt in Heihbon, and Og the king of
11 (The
Moses* speech at the CHAP. II. md of the fortieth year.
CHK.IST 11 (The Lord God of your fathers, make you a 31And in the wildemefs, where thou haft feen
thoufand times fo many more as ye are, and blefs how that theLoRD thy God bare thee, as a man doth
you, as he hath promifed you !) bear his fon in all the way that ye went, until ye came
12 How can 1 mylelf alone bear your cumbrance, into this place.
and your burden, and your ftrife ? 32 Yet in this thing ye did not believe the Lord
t Heb. Civet 13 t Take ye wife men, and underftanding, and your God,
known among your tribes, and I will 33 h Who went in the way before you, to fearch J Ej^
make them
rulers over you. you out a place to pitch your tents in, in fire by night,
•14 And ye anfwered me, and faid, The thing which to Ihew you by what way ye mould go, and in a cloud
thou haftfpoken, is good for us to do. by day.
15 So I took the chief of your tribes, wife men, and 34 If And the Lord heard the voice of your words,
T Keb. gave. known, and
f made them heads over you, captains and was wroth,, and fvvare, faying,
over thouiands, and captains over hundreds, and cap- 35 Surely there lhall not one of thefe men of this *.N™*'

tains over fifties, and captains over tens, and officers evil generation fee that good land, which I fware to
among your tribes. give unto your fathers,
16 And I charged your judges at that time, faying, 36 Save Caleb the fon of Jephunneh he fhall fee ;
c John 7 24.
Hear the causes between your brethren, and c judge- it, and to him will I give the land that he hath trodden
t Hcb.
righteoufly between every man and his brother, and upon, and to his children, becaufe he hath f wholly filled to g«

the ftranger that is with him. followed the Lord. after.

k k Numb.-
ilLevit. 1915.
Chap. 16 19,
17 d Ye (hall not trefpe&perfons in judgment but 37 Alfo the Lord was angry with me for your 20 12,
27 i+.
1 Sam. 16
mall hear the fraall as well as the great ye fhall
fakes, faying, Thou alfo fhalt not go in thither Chap. 3 26, :
yrov.24 23.
+ Heb. ac- not be afraid of the face of man, for the judgment is 38 Art Jofhua the fon of Nun, which ftandeth |*<2 £
gees. God's and the caufethat is too hard for you, bring before thee, he fhall go in thither encourage him
: : ;

it unto me, and I will hear it. for he fhall caufe Ifrael to inherit it.
18 And I commanded you at that time all the 39 Moreover, your little Ones, which ye faid fhould
things which ye mould do. be a prey, and your children, which in that day had
19 If And when we departed from Horeb, we went no knowledge between good and evil they fhall go in j

through all that great and terrible wildernefs, which thither, and unto them will I give it and they mall ;

ye faw by the way of the mountain of the Amorites, polfefs it.

as the Lor d our God commanded us and we came
; 40 But asfor you, turn ye, and take your journey
to Kadefhbarnea. into the wildernefs, by the way of the Red fea.
20 And I faid unto you, Ye are come unto the 41 Then ye anfwered and faid unto me, hare 14Nuriib,
We 1

mountain of the Amorites, which the Lord our God finned againft the Lord, we will go up and fight, ac-
doth give unto us, cording to all that the Lord our God commanded us.
21 Behold, the Lord thy God hath fet the land And when ye had girded on every man his weapons
before thee go up ««cfpoflefs it, as the Lord pod
: of war, ye were ready to go up into the hilh
of thy fathers hath faid unto thee ; fear not, neither 42 And the Lord faid unto me, Say unto them,
be difcouraged. Go not up, neither fight, for I am not among you ;

>49» 22 If And ye came near unto me every one of you, left ye be fmitten before your enemies.
and faid, We
will lend men before us, and they lhall 43 So I fpake unto you, and ye would not hear,
fearchus outthe land, and bring us word again, by what but rebelled againft the commandment of tke Lord,
t ifeh.yjn
way we mult go up, and into what cities we mall come. and t went prefumptuoufly up into the hill. nvere pre-
eNamb. 13 ;
23 And the Ikying pleafed me well and e I took

: 44 And the Amorites, which dwelt in that moun- andiv,ntsumptuous
twelve men of you, one of a tribe. tain, came out againft you, and chafed you, as bees
fN>imb,t3 2,i.
24 And' they turned, and went up into the mountain, do, and deltroyed you in Seir, even unto Hormah.
and came unto the valley of Efhcol,andfearched it out. 45 And ye returned and wept before the Lord ;

25 And they took of the fruit of the land in their but the Lord would not hearken to your voice, nor
hands, and brought it down unto us, and brought us give ear unto you,
word again, and faid. It is a good land which the 46 So ye abode in Kadedi many days, according
Lord our God doth give us. unto the days that ye abode there.
26 Notwithstanding, ye would not go up, but rebel-
led againftthe commandment of the Lord your God.
1 The story is continued, shewing that they were not to
27 And ye murmured in your tents, and faid, Be-
meddle with the Edomites, 9 nor with the Moabites,
caufethe Lord hated us, he hath brought us forth
out of the land of Egypt, to deliver us into the hand
16 nor with the Ammonites. 24 Sihon to be subdued.

of the Amorites, to deftroy us.
28 Whither lhall we go up ? our brethren have f
we turned, and took our journey into the
wildernefs, by the way of the Red fea, as the
difcouraged our heart, laying, The people is greater Lord fpake unto me and we compalfcd mount Seir

and taller than we the cities are great, and walled up many days.
; ,

to heaven, and, moreover, we have feen the fons of 2 And the Lord fpake unto me, faying,
gNamb, the & Anakims there. 3 Ye have compaffed this mountain long enough ;
11 28.
29 Then I faid unto you, Dread not, neither be turn you northward :

afraid of them. 4 And command thou the people, faying, Ye are to

30 The Lord your God which goeth before you, pals through the coaft of yoilr brethren the children of
he lhall fight for you, according to all that he did for Efau, which dwell in Seir, and they fhall be afraid
you in Egypt before your eyes. of you : take ye good heed unto yourfelves thereforfe.-
5 Meddle

With whom Israel may notjight. DEUTERONOMY. Sihon the Amorite subdued*

5 Meddle not with them
; for I wall not give
their land, t no, not lb much as a foot breadth
you of
25 This day will I begin to put the dread of thee, c r
and the fear of thee, upon the nations that are under j«i.
rHeb. ..:/. :o caufe I have given
i mount Seir unto Efau for a pof- the whole heaven, who fhall hear report of thee, and
treading r n\
[hail tremble., and be in anguim becaufe of thee.
tf the sole of lelilOn
the foot.
a Genesis 6 Ye fhall buy meat of them for money, that ye may 26 And I lent meflengers out of the wildernefs of
.i* 8.
eat ; and ye lhall alio buy water of them for money, Kedemothunto Sihon king ofHefhbon, with words
that ye may drink. of peace, faying,
7 For die Lord thy God hath bleffed thee in all the 27 d Let me pafs through thy land I will go along :
d n^km
works of thy hand he knoweth thy walking through : by the highway 1 will neither turn unto the right

this great wildernefs thefe forty years the Lord thy : hand nor to die left.
God hath been with thee thou hall lacked nothing. ;
28 Thou fhalt fell me meat for money, that I may
8 And when we palled by from our brethren, the chil- eat and give me water for money, that I may drink

dren of Efau which dwelt in Seir, through the way of only I will pafs through on my feet.
the plain from Elath, and from Eziongaber, we turn- 29 (As the children of Efau which dwell in Seir,
ed, and palled by the way of the wildernefs of Moab. and the Moabites which dwell in Ar, did unto me,)
Or, use
9 II And the Lord faid unto me,

no hostility Diitrefs not the || until I lhall pafs over Jordan, into the land which the
^""'^"^•Moabites, neither contend with them in battle; for Lord our God giveth us.
I will not give thee of their land for a poffefiion, be- 30 But Sihon king of Helhbon would not let us pafs
caufe I have given Ar unto the children of Lot for a by him for the Lord thy God hardened his fpirit,

poffefiion. and made his heart obflinate, that he might deliver

10 The Emims dwelt therein in times paft, a peo- him into thy hand, as appeareth this day.
ple great, and many, and tall as the Anakims ; 31 And the Lord laid unto me, Behold, I have
11 Which alfo were accounted giants, as the Ana- begun to give Sihon and his land before thee begin :

kims but the Moabites call them Emims.

; to poffefs, that thou mayeft inherit his land.
t> Gen. 36 20. 12 b The Horims alfo dwelt in Seir before time, 32 e Then Sihon came out againil us, he and all his e Numb. 11
t Heb. in- but the children of Efau f fucceeded them, when they people, to fight at Jahaz.
herited them
had deltroyed them from before them, and dwelt in 33 And the Lord our God delivered him before
1 Or, room. their ||
Head, as Ifrael did unto the land of his poffefiion, us, and wefmote him, and his fons, and all his people.
which the Lord gave unto them. 34 And we took all his cities at that time, and
Numb, 13 Now rife up, said I, and
you over c the get utterly deilroyed f the men, and the women, and the t Heb. every
I Or, alley. brook Zered and we went over
: brook Zered. little ones, of every city ; we left none to remain ; B'$t<Z£
14 And the fpace in which w e came from Kadelli- T
35 Only the cattle we took for a prey unto our- %f"ttic
barnea, until we were come over the brook Zered, felves, and the fpoil of the cities which w e took. r

%vas thirty and eight years ; until all the generation of 36 From Aroer, which is by the brink of the river
the men of war were walled out from among the holt, of Arnon, and from the city that is by the river, even
as the Lokd fware unto them. unto Gilead, there was not one city too ftrong for
15 For indeed the hand of the Lord was againft us the Lord our God delivered all unto us.

them, to deitroy them from among the holt, until they 37 Only unto the land of the children ofAmmon
were conliimed. thou carneft not, nor unto any place of the river Jab-
16 If So it came to pafs, when all the men of war bok, nor unto the cities in the mountains, nor unto
were confnmed and dead from among the people, whatfoever the Lord our God forbade us.
17 That the Lord fpake unto me, faying,
18 Thou art to pals over through Ar, the coaft of

Moab, this day :

1 The story of the co?iquest of Og king of Bashan.
12 The distribution of the conquered lands to the two
19 And when thou comelt nigh over againft the
tribes and half. 21 Moses'' exhortation to Joshua :
children of Amnion, diftrefs them not, nor meddle
with them for I will not give thee of the land of the
23 he prayeth to enter into the land ; but is only
permitted to see it.
children of Amnion any poffefiion, becaufe I have
given it unto the children of hot for a poffefiion.
20 (That alfo was accounted a land of giants :
and Og
turned, and went up the w ay toBafhan
the king of Baflian came out againft a Numb. 2*

giants dwelt therein in old time, and the Ammonites us, he and all his people to battle at Edrei. c&afss*
callthem Zamzummims ;
2 And the Lord faid unto me, Fear him not for :

21 A people great, and many, and tall as the Ana- I will deliver him, and all his people, and his land,
kims but the Lord deilroyed them before them,
into thy hand ; and thou lhalt do unto- him as thou
and they fucceeded them, and dwelt in their Head didft unto b Sihon king of the Amorites, ivhich dwelt *n.iu»k
22 As he did to the children of Efau which dwelt

atHefhbon. fc#
3l *

in Seir, v. hen he deilroyed the Horims from before 3 So the Lord our God delivered into our hands
them, and they fucceeded them, and dwell in their c
Og alfo the king ofBafhan, and all his people and ; c Numb.*
35 '
Head, even unto this day : we ihiote him, until none was left to him remaining.
23 And the Avims which dwelt in Hazerim, even 4 And we took all his cities at that time ; there was
unto Azzah, the Caphtorims, which came forth out not a city which we took not from them, threefcore
of Caphtor, deilroyed them, and dwelt in their Head.) cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in
24 TFRife ye up, take your journey, andpafs over Baftian.
the river Anionhave given into thine
: behold, I 5 All thefe cities -were fenced w'ithhigh walls, gates
hand Sihon the Amorite, kingofHelhbon,andhisland; and bars, belide umvalled towns a great many.
fc< "'
t fcgin if pollers it, and contend with him in battle.
6 And we utterly deilroyed them, as we did unto
The conquest o/Og : his land divided. CHAP. IV. An exhortation to obedience.

unto me, Let it fuffice thee ; fpeak no more unto me

Sihon king of Hefhbon, utterly deftroying the men.,
of this matter.
•women, and children of every city.
7 But all the cattle, and the fpoil of the cities, we
27 Get thee up into the top of H Pifgah, and lift up
thine eyes weilward, and northward, and fouthward,
took for a prey to ouifelves.
8 And we took at that time, out of the hand oi the
and eaftward, and behold it with thine eyes for thou :

ill alt not go over this Jordan.

two kings of the Amorites, the land that was on this
mount 28 But charge Joihua, and encourage him, and
fide Jordan, from the river of Anion unto
ftrengthen him for he ihall go over before this people,
Hermon ; .

9 (Which Hermon the Sidomans call binon ;

and and he ihall caufe them to inherit the land which thou
fhalt fee.
the Amorites call it Shenir ;)
10 All the cities of the plain, and Gilead, and all all 29 So we abode in the valley over againft Bethpeor.
the kingdom
Bafhan, unto Salcah and Edrei, cities of CHAP. IV.
of Og in Baihan :
, \ 1 An
exhortation to obedience, Csfc. 41 Moses appoint-
11 For only Og king of Baihan remained oi the
eth the three cities of refuge on the east side of Jordan.
remnant of giants ; behold, his bedftead was a bedftead
of iron : is it not in Rabbath of the children of Am-
nion ? nine cubits was the length thereof, and four
NO W, therefore, hearken, O Ifrael, unto the ftat-
and unto the judgments, which I teach you,
cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a man. for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and poifefs the
12 U And this land, which we poffeffed at that time, land which the Lord God of your fathers giveth you.
from Aroer, which is by the river Arnon, and half 2 a Ye ihall not add unto the word which I com- a cha P-

d Numb, mount Gilead, and d the cities thereof, gave I unto the mand you, neither ihall ye diminilh aught from it, that Tosh.
I'iov. 30
. 7-

ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your

32 33.
Joshua Reubenites, and to the Gadites. Revel. 22 1?.
&C I command you.
13 And the reft of Gilead, and all Baihan, being the
13 8,
God, Avhich
kingdom of Og, gave I unto the half tribe of Manaf- 3 Your eyes have ieen what the Lord did becaufe of
b Numb.
feh all the region of Argob, with all Baihan, which
Baalpeor for all the men that followed Baalpeor, the
2j 4, irt.
was called the land of giants. Lord thy God hath deftroyed them from among you.
14 Jair the fon of Manaffeh, took all the country of 4 But ye that did cleave unto the Lord your God
Argob, unto the coafts of Geihuri and Maachathi, are alive every one of you this day.
e Numb, and called them after his own name, Baihanhavoth-
5 Behold I have taught you ftatutes and judgments,

3* 4'-
jair, unto this day. even as the Lord my God commanded me, that ye
15 And I gave Gilead unto Machir. mould do fo in the land whither ye go to poifefs it.
16 And unto the Reubenites, and unto the Gadites, 6 Keep, therefore, and do them ; for this is your wif-
I gave from Gilead, even unto the river Arnon, half dom and your underftanding in the light of the nations,
the valley, and the border, even unto the river Jabbok, which ihall hear all thefe ftatutes, and fay, Surely this
which is the border of the children of Amnion ; great nation is a wife and underftanding people.
17 The plain alio, and Jordan, and the coaft thereof, 7 For what nation is there so great, who hathGod so
from Chinnereth, even unto the fea of the plain, even nigh unto them, as the Lord our God is in all things
1 or, under the fait fea, under Aihdothpifgah eaftward.
II that we call upon him for ?
%?%',"£, 18 U And I commanded you at thattime, faying, 8 And what nation is there so great, that hath ftat-
The Lord your God hath given you this land to pof- utes, and judgments so righteous as all this law, which
f Numb fefs it
ye ihall pafs over armed before your brethren,
: I fet before you this day ?
+ Heb. sons ,/the children of Ilrael, all that are 1" meet for the war. 9 Only take heed to thyfelf, and keep thy foul dili-
19 But your wives, and your little ones, and your gently, left thou forget the things which thine eyes
cattle, (for I know that ye have much cattle,) ihall have feen, and left they depart from thy heart all the
abide in your cities which I have given you, days of thy life ; but teach them thy ions, and thy
20 Until the Lord have given reil unto your breth- ions' ions ; >

ren, as well as unto you, and until diey alio poifefs the 10 Specially the day that thou ftoodeft before the
land which the Lord your God hath given them be- Lord thy Ged in Horeb, when the Lord laid unto
g Joshua
23 4.
yond Jordan and then ihall ye e return every man
; me, Gather me the people together, and I will make
unto his poffeflion, which I have given you. them hear my -words, that they may learn to fear me
h Numb. 21 it And h I commanded Joihua at that time, faying, all the days that they ihall live upon the earth, and that
87 »S
Thine eyes have feen all that the Lord your God they may teach their children.
hath done unto thefe two kings fo fhaU the Lord do : 1 And ye came near, and flood under the mountain,
unto all the kingdoms whither thou paffeft. and the c mountain burned Avith fire unto the t midft of f/fs 1 .'

22 Ye ihall not fear them for the Lord your God : heaven, with darknefs, clouds, and thick darknefs. tHeb, heart,

he ihall fight for you. 12 And the Lord ipake unto you out of the midft
23 1 And I befought the Lord at that time, faying, of the fire ye heard the voice of the words, but law

*24 O
Lord God, thou haft begun to ihew thy fer- no iimilitude f only ye heard a Voice.
; + Hcb. sa?i
for what 13 And he declared unto you his covenant, which a
vant thy greatnefs, and thy mighty hand

God is there in heaven or in earth, that can do accord- he commanded you to perform, even ten command-
ing to thy works, and according to thy might ? ments and he wrote them upon two tables of ftonc.

25 I pray thee let me go over and fee the good land 14 And the Lord commanded me at that time, to
that is beyond Jordan, that goodly mountain, and teach you ftatutes and judgments, that ye might do
Lebanon. them in the land whither ye go over to poflefs it.
i Numb. 26 But the' Lord was wroth with me for your
15 If Take ye, therefore, good heed unto yonr-
10 12.
fakes, and would not hear rue And the Lord faid : felvcs, (for ye fawno manner of Similitude on the
. : : :

The similitude ofany thing not to be made. DEUTERONOMY. Commemoration of the covenant.
day that the Lord fpake unto you in Horeb out of from the midft of another nation, by temptations, by
the midft of the fire ;) figns, and by wonders, and by war., and by a mighty
16 Left ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a grav- hand, and by aftretched out arm, and by great terrors,
en imagej the fimilitude of any figure, the likenefs of according to all that the Lord your God did for you
male or female ; in Egypt before your eyes ?
17 The likenefs of any bead that is on the earth, the 35 Unto thee it was fhe wed, that thou mighteft know
likenefs of any winged foul that flieth in the air, that the Lord he is God there z'snone eife belide him.

18 The likenefs of any thing that creepeth on the 36 Out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice
ground, the likenefs of any fifh that is in the waters that he might inftrucl thee and upon earth he fliew- :;

beneath the earth : edthee his great fire and thouheardeit his words

19 And left thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and out of the midft of the fire.
when thou feeft the fun, and the moon, and the ftars, 37 And .became he -loved thy fathers, therefore he
even all the hoft of heaven, ihouldeft be driven to chofe their feed after them, and brought thee out in
worfhip them, and fervethem, which the Lord thy his fight with his mighty power out of Egypt
Or, IH;. God hath divided unto all nations under the whole
38 To drive out nations from before thee, greater
heaven. and mightier than thou art, to bring thee in, to give
20 But the Lord hath taken you, and brought you thee their land for an inheritance, as it is this day.
forth out of the iron furnace, even out of Egypt, to be 39 Know, therefore, this day, and confider it in thirte
unto him a people of inheritance, as ye art this day. heart, that the Lord he is God in heaven above, and
21 Furthermore, the Lord was angry with me for upon the earth beneath there is none elfe. :

your fakes, and {'ware that I Ihould not go over Jordan, 40 Thou fhalt keep, therefore, his ftatutes, and his
and that I Ihould not go in unto that good land, which commandments, which I command thee this day, that
the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance : it may go well with thee, and with thy children after

22 But I muft die in this Land I muft not go over

; thee, and that thou mayeft prolong thy days upon the
Jordan but ye fhall go over, and poffefs that good
: earth, which the Lord thy God giveth thee, for ever.
land. 41 f[ Then Mofes fevered three cities on this fide
23 Take heed unto yourfelves, left ye forget the Jordan, toward the funriiing ;

covenant of the Lord your God, which he made 42. That the flayer might flee thither, which fhoukl

with you, and make you a graven image, or the like- kill his neighbour unawares, and hated him not in times
nefs of any thing, which the Lord thy God hath for- paft and that, fleeing unto one of thefe cities, he

bidden thee. might live :

d Chnp. 9 3.
Hebr. 12 29.
24 For a the Lord thy God is a confuming fire, 43 Namely, e
Bezer in the wildernefs, in the plaift ejosu.^ %
even a jealous God. country of the Reubenites and Ramoth in Gilead of ;

25 1f When thou ihalt-heget children, and children's the Gadites ; and Golan in Bafhan of the Manaflites.
children, and ye fhall have remained long in the land, 44 U And this is the law, which Mofes fet before the
and fhall corrupt yourselves, and make a graven image, children of Ifrael
or the likenefs of any thing, and fhall do evil in die fight 45 Thefe are the teftimonies, and the flatutes, and
of the Lord thy God, to provoke him to anger ; the judgments, which Mofes fpake unto the children
26 I call heaven and earth to witnefs againft you this .of Ifrael, after they came forth out of Egypt,
day, that ye fhall foon utterly perifh from off the land 46 On
this fide Jordan, hi the valley over againft
whereunto ye go over Jordan to poffefs it ; ye fhall not Bethpeor, in the land of Sihon king of the Ariiorites,
prolong your days upon it, but fhall utterly be deflroyed. who dwelt at Hefhbon, whom Mofes and the chil-
27 And the Lord fhall fcatter you among the na- dren of Ifrael f fmote, after they were come forth out f Num6.
21 24.
tions, and ye fhall few in number among the
be left of Egypt Chap, i
heathen, whither the Lob d fhall lead you. 47 And they poffeffed his land, and the land = of Og
,g Numb,
2i 33-
28 And there ye fhail ferve gods, the work of men's king of Bafhan, two kings of the Amorites, which Chap. 3 3.

hands, wood and ftone, which neither fee, nor hear, were on this fide Jordan, toward the funrifing :

nor eat, nor frnell. t

48 From Aroer, which is by the bank of the river
29 But if from thence thou fhalt feek the Lord :
Anion, even unto mount Sion, which is Hermon,
thy God, thou fhalt find him, if thou feek him with all 49 And all the plain on this fide Jordan eaftward; even
thy heart, and with all thy foul. unto the lea of the plain, under the h fprings of Pifgah. h ch*p. 3 r7 .

30 When thou art in tribulation, and all thefe

t Heb. have things t are come upon thee, even in the latter days,
f-.uni the \
if thou turn to the Lord thy God, and fhalt be obedi-
1 A commemoration of the covenant in Horeb. 6 The ten
ent unto his voice,
commandments ; the first table : 16 the second table.
31 (For the Lord thy God is a merciful God,") he 22 At the people's request, Moses receheth the law
will not forfake thee, neither deftroy thee, nor forget
from God.
the covenant of thy fathers, which he fware unto them.
32 If For afk now of the days that are pall, which
AN Hear,
D Mofescalled all Ifrael, and faid unto them,
Ifrael, the ftatutes and judgments which
were before thee, fince the day that God created man I fpeak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them,
upon the earth ; and. ask from the one fide of heaven and f keep and do them. tHefa. hep
to do them*
unto the other, whether there hath been any such thing 2 a The Lord our God made a covenant with us aExod.iy£.
as this great thing is, or hath been heard like it ? in Horeb.
33 Did ever people hear the voice of God fpeaking 3 The Lord made not this covenant with our fa-
out of the midft of the fire, as thou haft heard, and live ? thers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive
34 Or hath God allayed to go and take him a nation this day.
4 The
Afe/tt repcatcththe ten commandments, C H A P. VL An exhortation to obedience.

4 The Lord talked with you face to face in the great fire will confume us if we t hear the voice of

mount, out of the midft of the fire, the Lord our God any more, then we fhall die.
5 (I Hood- between the Lord and you at that time, 26 For who is there o/all flefh that hath heard the t HeL a a
'" hean

to fhew you the word of the Lord for ye were

voice of the living God, fpeaking out of the midft of
a [raid by reafon of the fire, and went not up into the the fire, as we have, and lived ?
27 Go thou near, and hear all that the Lord our

mount,)' ikying,
b Exod.
2b Z, &.:. 6 1[ b 1 am the Lord thy God, which brought thee God fhall fay ; and m fpeak thou unto us all that the m20 Exod.

Levit. 2<S <

Ps.4m 8 10
oiit of the land of Egypt, from the houle of f bon- Lord our God lhall fpeak unto thee, and we will hear
t1 Hib. ur-

dage.. it,and do it.

7 Thou fhalt have none other godehefore me. 28 And the Lord heard the voice of your words,
8 Thou fhalt not make thee any graven image, or when ye fpake unto me and the Lord faid unto me,

any likenefs of any thing that is in heaven above, or I have heard the voice of the words of this people,

that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the -waters which they have fpoken unto thee they have well :

beneath the earth : .

faid all that they have fpoken.

9 Thou lhalt not bow down thyfelf unto them, nor 29 that there were fuch an heart in them, that
fervethem fori the Lord thy God am a jealous
they would fear me, and keep all my commandments
*-.i- K '

God,. Minting the iniquity of the fathers- upon the always, that it might be well with them, and with
children,, unto the third and fourth generation of them their children for ever !
that hate me % - 30 Go fay to them, Get ye into your tents agaim
i8. 10,
And fhewing mercy unto thoufands of them 3 1 But as for thee, ftand thou here by me, and I
that love me, and keep my commandments. will fpeak unto thee all the commandments, and the
11 Thou lhalt not take the name of the Lord thy ftatutes, and the judgments, which thou fhalt teach
God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltlefs
them, that they may do them in the land which I give
that taketh his name in vain. them to poffefs it.
12 Keep the fabbath day to fanclify it, as the Lord 32 Ye fhail obferve to do 7 therefore, as the Lord-
thy God hath commanded thee. your God hath commanded you : ye fhall not turn
13 Six days thou lhalt labour, and do all thy work ;
hand or to' the left.
afide to the right
e Gen. 2
Mtbr. 4.4.

14 But the ftventh day is the e fabbath of the Lord 33 Ye lhall walk in ail the ways which the Lord
thy God in it thou fhalt not do any work, thou, nor
: your God hath commanded you, that ye 111 ay live,
thy fon, nor thy daughter, nor thy manfervant, nor and that it may be well with you, and that ye may pro-
thy maidfervant', nor thine ox, nor thine afs, nor any long your days in the land which ye fhall poflef^.
of thy cattle, nor thy Granger that is within thy gates ;
that thy manfervant and thy maidfervant may rell as
well as thou..
1 The end of the law is obedience : 3 an exhortation
15 And remember that thou waft a fervant in the

land of Egypt, and that the Lord thy God brought thefe are the commandments, the ftatutea,
thee out thence, through a mighty hand, and by a and the judgments, which the Lord your God
ftretched out arm ; therefore die Lord thy God com- commanded to teach you, that ye might do them in
manded thee to keep the fabbath day. the land whither ye f go to poflefs it t Heb. far
16 IT Honour thy father and thy mother, as the 2 That thou mighteft fear the Lord thy God, to over.

Lord thy God hath commanded thee ; that thy days keep all his ftatutes, and his commandments, which
may be prolonged, and" that it may go well with thee, I command thee thou, and thy fon, and thy fon's fon,

in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. all the days of thy life and that thy days may be pro-

f Matth. 5 ,21.
17 f
Thoufhalt not kill. longed.
g Luke 18 20.
18 s Neither fhalt thou commit adultery. 3 IF Hear, therefore, O-Ifrael, and obferve to do if;
h Rom. h Neither fhalt thou fleal. may be well with thee, and that ye may increafe
13 9.
19 that it
20 Neither fhalt thou bear falfe witnefs againfl thy mightily as the Lord God of thy fathers hath promis-

neighbour. ed thee, in the land that floweth'With milk and honey.

i Rom. 7 7- 21 Neither fhalt thou defire thy neighbour's wife,
4 Hear, Ifrael O
the Lord our God is one Lord
; :

neither fhalt thou covet thy neighbour's houfe, his 5 And a thou- fhalt love the Lord thy God with all a Chap.
10 12.
field, or his manfervant, or his maidfervant, his ox, thine heart, and with all thy foul, and with all thy Mat th. 2237,
or his afs, or any thing that is thy neighbour's.. might; Mark J 2 30.'
Luke 10 27-
22 H Thefe words the Lord fpake unto all your 6 And b thefe words which I command thee this bChap. n 18.
affembly in the mount, out of the midft of the fire of day, fhall be in thine heart.
the cloud, and of the thick darknefs, with a great 7 And thou fhalt t teach them diligently unto thy t Heb. ivhet,
or., sharp: «
voice and he added no more and he wrote them in
; : children, and fhalt talk of them when thou litteft in
two tables of flone, and delivered them unto me. thine houfe, and when thou walk eft by the way, and
23 And it came to pafs, when ye heard the voice whenthou lieft down, and when thou rife-it up.
out of the midft of the darknefs, (far the mountain did 8 And thou fhalt bind them for a iign upon thine
burn with fire,) that ye came near unto me, even all hand, and they fhall be as frontlets between thine eyes
the heads of your tribes, and your elders ; 9 And thou fhalt write them upon the pofts of thy
24 And ye faid,. Behold, the Lord our God hath houfe, and on thy gates.
E::od.ioio fhewed us his glory, and his greatnefs, and we have 10 And it fhall be, when the Lord thy God fhall have
heard his voice out of the midft o£the fire we havefeen : brought thee into the land which he fware unto thy
ichap. 4 33- this day that God doth talk with man and he liveth. '
fathers, to Abraham, to Ifaac, and to Jacob, to give
25 Now, therefore, why ihould we die ? for tliis thee great and goodly cities which thou buildcdft not.,
11 And
;; ; :

Communion with the Canaanites DEUTERONOMY. forbidden for fear of idolatry.

houfes full of all good things which thou
11 of die Lord be kindled againft you, and deftroy thee
and wells digged which diou diggedil not,
filledft not, fuddenly.
vineyards and olive trees which thou plantedft not 5 But dius fhall ye deal with them ; ye fhall de-
ftroy their altars, and break down their t images, and
p '

" c
whenthou malt have eaten and be full,
12 Then beware left thou forget the Lord, which cut down their groves, and burn their graven images
brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the with fire.
,!""?: houfe off bondage 6 II c For thou art an holy people unto the Lord c Chap. 142,
ilChap, iq ]2
ig Thou fhalt d fear the Lord thy God, and ferve thy God d the Lord thy God hath chofen thee to be
dExod. 195.
I. Pet. 2 9,
3o, & 134. him, and fhalt {'ware by his name. a fpecial people unto himfelf, above all people that are
14 Ye fhall not go after other gods, of the gods of upon the face of the earth.
the people which are round about you ;
7 The Lord did not fet his love upon you, nor
15 (For the Lord thy God is a jealous God among moofe you, becaufe ye were more in number than
you ;) left the anger of the Lord thy God be kindled any people (for ye were the feweft of all people ;)

againit thee, and deftroy thee from off the face of the 8 But becaufe the Lord loved you, and becaufe
earth. he would keep the oath which he haclfworn unto your
eMatth. 47.
f Exod. 172. 16 e Ye fhall not tempt the Lord your God, f as lathers, hath the Lord brought you out with a mighty
ye tempted him in Mallah. hand, and redeemed you out of die houfe of bond-
17 Ye fhall diligently keep the commandments of men, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
the Lord your God, and his teftimonies, and his ftat- 9 1 Know, therefore, that the Lord thy God, he
utes, which he hath commanded thee. is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant
18 And thou flialt do that which is right and good and mercy with them that love him, and keep his
in the fight of the Lord that it may be well with
; commandments, to athoufand generations ;

thee, and that thou maveil go in and poffefs the good 10 And repayeth them that hate him to their face,
land, which die Lord fware unto thy fathers ; to deftroy them he w ill not be flack to him that hat-

19 To caft out all thine enemies from before thee, eth him, he will repay him to his face.
as the Lord hath fpoken. 11 Thou flialt therefore keep the commandments,
+ H«b. tomcr
20 ^w/ when thy fon afketh thee fin time to
IT and the ftatutes, and the judgments, which I command
come, faying, What mean the teftimonies, andtheftat- thee this clay, to do them.
utes, and the judgments, which the Lord our God 12 II Wherefore it fhall come to pafs, f if ye heark^ tHehfc-
hathcommanded you ? en to thefe judgments, and keep and do them, that
21 Then thou fhalt fay unto thy fon, We were the Lord thy God fhall keep unto thee the covenant
Pharaoh's bondmen in Egypt, and the Lord brought and the mercy which he fware unto thy fathers
us out of Egypt with a mighty hand : 13 And he will love thee, and blefs thee, and mul-
22 And the Lord (lie wed figns and wonders, great tiply thee he will alfo blefs the fruit of thy womb,

t ha. evii. and t fore, upon Egypt, upon Pharaoh, and upon all and the fruit of dry land, thy corn, and thy wine, and
his houfehold, before our eyes : thine oil, the increafe of thy kine, and the flocks of thy
23 And he brought us out from thence, that he fheep in the land which he fware unto thy fathers to
might bring us in, to give us the land which he fware give thee.
unto our fathers. 14 Thou flialt be bleffed above all people :
there e Exod. »3
24 And the Lord commanded us to do all thefe fhall not be male or female barren among you, or 26, «Src.

ftatutes, to fear the Lord our God, forourgoodalways, among your cattle.
that he might preferve us alive, as it is at this day. 15 the Lord will take away from diee all
25 And it fhall be our righteoufnefs, ifweobferve ficknefs, and will put none of the f evil difeafes of f Exod, 914,'
to do all thefe commandments before the Lord our Egypt, which thou knoweft, upon thee but will lay & is 26. ;

God, as he hath commanded us. them upon all them that hate thee.
CHAP. VII. 16 And thou flialt confume all the people which
1 All communion with the Canaanites forbidden for the Lord thy God fhall deliver thee thine eye fhall ;

fear of idolatry, 6 and for the holiness of the peo- have no pity upon them neither fhalt thou ferve their

ple. 9 God's mercy and justice a mo the to obedience. gods for that will be s a fnare unto thee.
; g Exod 33
12 Blessings, &V. assured to them in return. 25 17 If thou flialt fay in thine heart, Thefe nations 33>
Images to be destroyed. are more than I, how can I difpoffefs them ?
*Utfp t3 .
3. -TXTTHEN the a LoRD thy God fhall bring thee into 18 Thou flialt not be afraid of them but fhalt well ;

VV the land whither thou goeft to poffefs it, and remember what the Lord thy God did unto Pharaoh
hath caft out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and unto all Egypt
and the Girgalhites, and the Amorites, and the Ca- 19 The great temptations which thine eyes faw,
naanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the and the figns, and the wonders, and the mighty hand,
Jebuliles, feven nations greater and mightierthan thou and the ftretched out arm, whereby the Lord thy
2 And when the Lord thy God fhall deliver diem God brought thee out fo fhall the Lord thy God

before thee, thou fhalt finite them, and utterly deftroy do unto all the people of whom thou art afraid.
bExo3.93 3 2,thfcm ; thou lhalt make no covenant with diem, nor 20 h Moreover, the Lord thy God will fend the Exoi. 23 )i

& 3t»«. lhew mercy unto them ;

hornet among them, until they that are left, and hide Josh. 24 12.
3 Neither flialt thou make marriages with them ; themfelves from thee, be deftroyed,
thy daughter thou fhalt not give unto his fon, nor his 21 Thou fhalt not be affrighted at them for the :

daughter fhalt thou take unto thy fon. Lord thy God is among you a mighty God and terrible.
4 For they will turn away thy fon from following 22 And the Lord thy God will t put out thofe na- tUsb. pluck off.
me, that they may ferve odier gods ; fo will the anger t

tions before thee, by little and little thou mayeft not ;

An exhortation to obedience* CHAP. VIII, IX. Moses rehearsethlsraets several rebellions,
confume them at once, left the beafts of the field in- 15 Wholed thee through that great and terrible
upon thee.
, creafe wildernefs, wherein were fiery ferpents, and fcorpions,
+ neb. before 23 But the Lord thy God fhall deliver them f and drought, where there was no water ; d who
"xyfa "-
unto thee, and fhall deftroy them with a mighty de^ brought thee forth water out of the rock of flint.
ftruclion until they be deftroyed. 16 Who fed thee in the wildernefs with e manna, e Exid. 16

24 And he fhall deliver their kings into thine hand, which thy fathers knew not, that he might humble '5'.

and thou fhalt deftroy their name from under heaven, thee, and that he might prove thee, to do thee good
there fhall no man be able to Hand before thee, until at thy latter end ;) «
thou have deftroyed them-. 17 And thou fay in thine heart, Mypower, and
{ jSjSV'a?; 25 If The graven images of their gods * fhall ye burn the might of mine hand, hath gotten me this wealth.
a Mac. m 4°. with fire thou k flialt not defire the filver or gold that 18 But thou fhalt remember the Lord thy God

is on them, nor take it unto thee, left thou be fnared for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that
theiein for it is an abomination to the Lord thy God.
: he may eftablifh his covenant which he fware unto
26 Neither fhalt thou bring an abomination into thy fathers, as it is this day.
thine houfe, left thou be a curfed thing like it but : 19 And it fhall be* if thou do at all forget the Lord
thou fhalt utterly deteft it and thou fhalt utterly abhor s
thy God, and walk after other gods, and ferve them,
csu ? . 13 17.
it j
for it is a curfed thing. and worlhip them, I teftify againft you this day, that
CHAP. VIII. ye fhall furely perifh.
20 As the nations which the Lord deftroyeth before
An exhortation to obedience, in regard of God's mercy
your face, fo fhall ye perifh becaufe ye would not

and goodness, in his dealings with Israel. be obedient unto the voice of the Lord your God.
J\ this day,
the commandments, which I command thee
ye obferve to do, that ye may live,
and multiply, and go in and poflefs the land which 1 Moses dissuadeth them from the opinion of their own
righteousness, 7 by rehearsing their several rebellions.
the Lord fware unto your fathers.
2 And thou fhalt remember all the way which the HEAR, O Thou art topafs over Jordan this
Ifrael ;

Lord thy God led thee thefe forty years in the wil- day, to go in to poffefs nations greater and migh-
dernefs, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know tierthan thyfelf, cities great, and fenced up to heaven
what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldeft keep 2 _
people great and tall, a the children of the Ana- a Nmnb. 3 i

kirns, whom thou knoweft* and vf&bdm thou haft

22 28,
commandments, or no.
3 And he humbled thee* and fuffered thee to hun- heard say$ Who
can ftand before the children of Anak?
ger, and fed thee with manna, which thou kneweft 3 Underftand, therefore* this day, that the Lord"
not, neither did thy fathers know ; that he might thy God is he which goeth over before thee as a
t^V 4*
ro^ke thee know that man doth a not live by bread
only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the
confuming fire, he fhall deftroy them, and he fhall *£?"* *-^
bring them down before thy face fo fhalt thou drive
Hc r '

mouth of the Lord, doth man live. them out, and deftroy them quickly, as the Lord
b Nek. 9 21. 4 b Thy raiment waxed not old upon thee, neither hath faid unto thee*
did thy foot fwell, thefe forty years. 4 Speak not thou in thine heart, after that the Lord
5 Thou fhalt alfo confider in thine heart, that, as a thy God hath caft them out from before thee, faying,
man chafteneth his fon, so the Lord thy God chaft- For my righteoufnefs the Lord hath brought me in to
eneth thee. poffefs this land butfor the wickednefs of thefe na-

6 Therefore thou flialt keep the commandments of tions the Lord doth drive them out from before thee.
the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways , and to fear him 5 Not for thy righteoufnefs or for the uprightnefs
7 For the Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good of thine heart, doft thou go to poffefs their land but;

land a land of brooks, of water, of fountains, and

: for the wickednefs of thefe nations the Lord thy God
depths that fpring out of vallies and hills ; doth drive them out from before thee, and that he
8 A landofwheat, andbarley, and vines, andfig trees, may perform the word which the Lord fware unto
tHebyi and pomegranates a land f of oil olive, and honey
; ;
thy fathers, Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob.
9 A
land wherein thou fhalt eat bread without
6 Underftand, therefore, that the Lord thy God
fcarcenefs thou fhalt not lack any thing in it a
; ; giveth thee not this good land to poffefs it for thy
land whofe ftones are iron, and out of whofe hills righteoufnefs ; for thou art a ftiff necked people.
thou maveft dig brafs. 7 U Remember, and forget not, how thou provok-
cci*p. in
10 c When thou haft eaten and art full, then thou edft the Lord thy God to wrath in the wildernefs :

fhalt blefs the Lord thy God for the good land which from the day that thou didft depart out of the land of
he hath given thee. Egypt, until ye came unto this place, ye have been
1 Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God, rebellious againft the LorD<
in not keeping his commandments, and hisjudgments, 8 Alfo in Horeb ye provoked the Lor d to wrath, fo
and his ftatutes, which I command thee this day : thattheLoRD was angry wi t h y o u to have deftroyed you
12 Left when thou haft eaten and art full, and haft 9 WhenI was gone up into the mount to receive
built goodly houfes, and dwelt therein ; the_ tables of ftone, even the tables of the covenant
13 And when thy herds and thy flocks multiply, which the Lord made with you, then c I abode in J^jS^'A,
and thy filver and thy gold is multiplied, and all that the mount forty days and forty nights I neither did

thou haft, is multiplied ;

eat bread nor drink water :

14 Then thine heart be lifted up, and thou forget 10 d And the Lord delivered unto me two tables dExod.ji
the Lord thy God, (which brought thee forth out of of ftone, written with the finger of God and on them

the land of Egypt, from the houfe of bondage ; was written according to all the words which the

Moses rehearseth IsraeVs several rebellions. DEUTERONOMY. His prayers for the eopk.
Lord fpake with you in the mount, out of the midit hated them, he hath brought them out to flay them in Before
of the fire, in-the day of the affembly. the wildernefs.
11 And it came to pafs, at the end of forty days 29 Yet they are thy people, and thine inheritance,
forty nights, that die Lord gave me the two
and which thou broughteft out by thy mighty power, and
tables of Hone, even the tables of the covenant.. by thy ftretched out arm.
eExod. 327-
12 And the Lord faid unto me, e Arife, get thee
down quickly from hence ; for thy people, which
1 Hoses proceedeth^ to relate God's mercy in restoring
thou halt brought forth out of Egypt, have corrupted the two tables, 6 in continuing the priesthood, 8 and
themselves : they are quickly turned afide out of" the
in separating the tribe of Levi. 12 An exhortation
way which I commanded them y they have made to obedience.
them a molten image.
13 Furthermore, the Lord fpake unto me, faying,
I have feen this people, and,behoid, it is a iliff necked
AT that time die Lord faid unto me ,
tables of ftone like unto the firft,
*He w thee two
and come up
34 1»

people :
unto me intothemount, and make thee an arkofwood.
14 Let me alone, that I may deftroy them, and blot 2 And Iwill write on the tables the words that were
out their name from under heaven and I will make
in the firft tables, which thou breakedft, and thou
of thee a nation mightier and greater than they. ihalt put them in the ark.
15 So I turned, and came down from the mount, 3 And I made
an ark of fhittim wood, and hewed
and the mount burned with fire and the two tables
two tables of ftone like unto the firft, and went up
of the covenant were in my two hands. into the mount, having the two tables in mine hand.
16 And Hooked, and, behold, ye had finned againft 4 And he wrote on the tables, according to the firft
the Lord your God, and had made you a molten writing, the ten t commandments, which the Lord tKeb.
calf ;ye had turned aiide quickly out of the way fpake unto you in the mount, out of the midft of the mords^

which the Lord had commanded you. fire, in the day of the affembly and the Lord gave:

17 And I took the two tables, and call them out of them unto me..
my two hands, and brake them before your eyes. 5 And I turned myfelf, and came down from the
18 And I fell down before the Lord, as at the firft, mount, and put the tables in the ark which I had made;
forty days and forty nights I did neither eat bread
and there they be as the Lord commanded me.
nor drink water, becaufe of all your fins which ye 6 If And the children of Ifrael took their journey
iinned, in doing wickedly in the light of the Lord, from Beeroth of the children of Jaakan to b Mofera :
b Numb. 33-

to provoke him to-anger. 'there Aaron died, and there he was buried and Elea- ;
c Numb. 2*
19 (For I was afraid of the anger and hot difpleaf- zar his fon miniftered in the prieft's office in his ftead. 28.

ure wherewith the Lord was wroth againft you to 7 From thence theyjourneyed unto Gudgodah and ;.

deftroy you.) But the Lord hearkened- unto me at fromGudgodah to Jotbadi, a land of rivers of waters.
that time alio. 8 ff At that time the Lord feparated the tribe of
20 And the Lord was very angry with Aaron to Levi, to bear the ark of the covenant of the Lord, to
have deftroyed him ; and I prayed for Aaron alfo the ftand before the Lord to minifter unto him, and to
fame time. blefs in his name, unto this day.
21 And I took your fin, the calf which ye had 9 d Wherefore Levi hath no part nor inheritance il Numb, if
made, and burnt it with fire, and ftamped it, and with his brethren the Lord is his inheritance

ground it, very fmall, even until it was asfmallas duft according as the Lord thy God promifed him.
and I calr the dull thereof into the brook that defcended 10 II And I ftayed in the mount, according to the
out of the mount. firft time, forty days and forty nights ; and the
Lord fl
Or, firmer
rita*. i* 22 And at f Taberah, and at s-Maflkh, and at h Ki- hearkened unto me at that time alfo, and the Lord

eExod. I? 7.brothhattaavah, ye provoked the Lord to wrath. would "not deftroy thee..
|Ntanb. ji
23 Like wife, when the Lord fentyou from Ka- 11 And the Lord faid unto me, Arife,
f take thy t Heb. go i*
deihbarnea, faying, Go up and poffefs the land which journey before the people, that they may go in and journey.
I have given you then ye rebelled againft the com- poffefs the land, which I fware unto their fathers
mandment of the Lord your God, and ye believed give unto them.
him not, nor hearkened to his voice. 12 1[ And now, Ifrael, what doth the Lord thy God
24 Ye have been rebellious againft the Lord, from require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk
the day that I knew you. in all his ways, and to love him, and to ferve theLoRD
25 Thus I fell down before the Lord forty days thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy foul,
and forty nights, as I fell down at the first; becaufe 13 To keep the commandments of the Lord, and
the Lord had laid he would deftroy you. hisftatutes,which I command theethisdayforthygood?
26 I prayed, therefore, unto the Lord, and faid, 14 Behold, the heaven,, and the heaven of heavens',
O Lord God, deftroy not thy people, and thine is the Lord's thy God,
the earth also, with all that ep»to» 4 ,j
inheritance, which thou haft redeemed through thy therein is.

greatnefe, which thou haft brought forth out of Egypt 15 Only the Lord had a delight in thy fathers to
with a mighty hand. love them ; and he chafe their feed after them, even
27 Remember thy fervants, Abraham, Ifaac, and you above all people, as it is this day.
Jacob look not unto the ftubbornnefs of this people,
: 16 Circumcife, therefore, the forefkin of your
{ 2 Chron.
nor to their wickednefs, nor to their fin ; heart, and be no more ftiff necked. 10 7. Job
28 Left the land whence thou broughteft us out Jay 17 For the Lord your God is God of gods, and 34^ ly. Adts 10
Rom. 2.
i Numb. 14 Becaufe the Lord was notable to bring them into
L P.R ? pf lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, Ei>h.Gal.6 9.2 6. 1 1.

the land which he promiieU them, and becaufe he

which f regardeth not perfons nor taketh reward. 001.325.
Peter it. 1

2 18 He
Promises to the obedient. CHAP. XL The blessing and curse set before thenf.

18 He doth execute the judgment of the fatherlefs diligently unto my commandments which I command
and widow, and loveth the ftranger, in giving him you this day, to love the Lord your God, and to ferve"
food and raiment. him with all your heart, and with all your foul,
19 Love ye, therefore, the ftranger for ye were : 14 That I will give you the rain of your land in his
{hangers in the land of Egypt. due feafon, the nrft rain, and the latter rain, that thou
gChip. 613.
Matth. 4 1 0. 20 * Thou (halt fear the Lord thy God him {halt

; mayeft gather in thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil.
15 And I will t fend grafs in thy fields for thy cattle, + Heb *'"
Luke 4
13 4.
thou ferve, and to him {halt thou h cleave, and {'wear '

by his name. that thou mayeft eat and be full.

21 He is thy praife, and he is thy God, that hath 16 Take heed to yourfelves, that your heart be not
done for thee thefe great and terrible things, which deceived, and ye turn aiide, and ferve other gods, and
thine eyes have feen. worfhip them ;

Gen. 46 27.
1 5.
22 Thy fathers went down into Egypt with three- ;
17 And then the Lord's wrath be kindled againft
fcore and ten perfons and now the Lord thy God
you, and he fhut up the heaven that there be no rain,
kGen.15 5- hath made thee k as the {tars of heaven for multitude. and that the land yield not her fruit and lest ye ;

perifli quickly from oft" die good land which the Lord
giveth you.
1 Moses cont'mueth his exhortation to obedience, from 18 % Therefore fliall ye lay up thefe my words in
the people-'s personal'experience of God's great works. your heart, and in your foul, and b bind them for a bGiaP- 68-
10 The character of the land. 18 careful study of A fign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets
God's words required of them, and instruction of between your eyes.
their children therein. 26 The blessing and curse 19 c And ye lhall teach them your children, fpeak- ch 4 1= '

g_ 6 *f
set before them. ing of them when thou fitteft in thine houfe, and when
THEREFORE thou {halt love the Lord thyandGod, thou waikeft by the way, when thou lieft down, and
when thou
and keep his charge, and his ftatutes,
his rifeft up.
judgments, and his commandments, alway. 20 And thou
them upon the door pofts
fhalt write
2 And know ye this day for I speak not with your : of thine houfe, and upon thy gates ;

children which have not known, and which have not 21 That your days may be multiplied, and the
feen the chaftifement of the Lord your God, hisgreat- days of your children, in the land which the Lord
nefs, his mighty hand, and his ftretched out arm, fware unto your fathers to give them, as the days of
3 And his miracles, and his acls, which he did in heaven upon the earth.
the midft of Egypt unto Pharaoh the king of Egypt, 22 H For if ye lhall diligently keep all thefe com-
and unto all his land ;
mandments which I command you, to do them, to
4 And what he did unto the army of Egypt, unto love the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, and
their horfes, and to their chariots how he made the ; to cleave unto him ;

water of the Red fea to overflow them as they purfu- 23 Then will the Lord drive out all thefe nations
ed after you and how the Lord hath deftroyed them
from before you, and ye fliall poflefs greater nations,
unto this day and mightier than yourfelves.
5 And what he did unto you in the wildernefs, . 24 d Every place whereon the foles of your feet a josh. 1 3,

from the wildernefs and H 9;

until ye came into this place ; fliall tread, lhall be yours :

aNumb. 16 6 And a what he did unto Dathan and Abiram, the Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even
Jsaun io<?'i7.fons of Eliab, the fon of Reuben ; how the earth unto the uttermoft fea, fliall your coaft be.
opened her mouth, and fwallowed them up, and their 25 There fliall no man be able to Hand before you :

ng houfeholds, and their tents, and all the fubftance that !| for the Lord your God lhall lay the fear of you, and
Which /a/W-f was in their pofleflion,in the midft of all Ifrael. the dread of you, upon all the land that ye lhall tread
% Keb.%u 7 But vour eyes have feen all the great acts of the upon, as he hath faid unto you.
« their fitt. Lq R D which he did> 26 U Behold, I fet before you this day a blefling
8 Therefore {hall ye keep all the commandments and a curie ;

which I command you this day, that ye may be ftrong, 27 e

A blefling, if ye obey the •commandments of e chap. 28 2.

and go in and poflefs the land whither ye go to pof- the Lord your God, which I command you this day;
fefs it 28 And' f a curfe, if ye will not obey the command- fcb.ap.281j,
9 And may
prolong your days hi the land,
that ye ments of the Lord your God, but turn aiide out of
which the Lord fware unto your fathers to give unto the way which I command you this day, to go after
them, and to their feed, a land that floweth with milk oilier gods, which ye have not known.
and honey. 29 And it fliall come to pafs, when the Lord thy
10 H For the land whither thou goeft in to poflefs God hath brought thee in unto the land whither thou
it, is not as the land of Egypt, from whence ye came goeft to poflefs it, that thou flialt put * the blefling g chap,
out, where thou fowedft thy feed, and wateredft it upon mount Gerizim, and the curfe upon mount Ebal. josn" 8 33.
with thy foot, as a garden of herbs : 30 Are they not on the other fide Jordan, by the
11 But the land, whither ye go to poflefs it, is a way where the fun goeth down, in the land of the Ca-
land of hills and vallies, and drinketn water of the naanites, which dwell in the champaign over againft
rain of heaven ;
Gilgal, befide the plains of Moreb ?

12 A
land which the Lord thy God t carcth for : 31 For ye fliall pafs over Jordan, to go in to poflefs
the eyes of the Lord thy God are always upon it, the land which the Lord your God giveth you, and
from the beginning of the year even unto the end of ye fliall poflefs it, and dwell therein.
the 5 ear. 32 And ye lhall obferve h to do all the ftatutes and hc&»]
13 Ti And it {hall come to pafs, if ye fliall hearken judgments which I fet before you tliis day.
: ; 1

Eating of bloodforbidden* DEUTERONOMY. Enticers to idolatry must be stoned to death.

™& CHAP. XII. vows which thou voweft, nor thy freewill offerings,
4 The or heave offering of thine hand
1 Monuments of idolatry must be destroyed.


place of God's service must be attended. 16, 23 Blood 18 But thou rauft eat them before the Lord thy God
in the place which the Lord thy God fhall choofe,
is forbidden. 17, 20, 26 Holy things must be eaten in
thou, and thy fon, and thy daughter, and thy manfer-
the holy place. 19 The Levite is not to be forsaken.
vant, and thy maidfervant, and the Levite that is with-
29 Idolatrous practices not to be inquired after.
in thy gates : and thou fhalt rejoice before the Lord
are the ftatutes and judgments which ye thy God in all that thou putteft thine hands unto.
do in the land, which the Lord
lhall obferve to
19 H f Take heed to thyfelf that thou forfake not fchap.
God of thy fathers giveth thee to poffefs it, all the days the Levite t as long as thou liveft upon the earth. Eccius.7 31.
that ye live upon the earth, 20 If When theLoRD thy God fhall enlarge thy bor- l?ty
aohap. 7 5- 2 a Ye fhall utterly deftroy all the places wherein the
der, * as he hath promifed thee, and thou fhalt fay, I i£™;f9 '£
or, inherit, nations which ye fliall poflefs ferved their gods, upon
II ||
will eat flefh, (becaufe thy foul longeth to eat flefh,)
the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under thou mayeft eat flefh, whatfoever thy foul lufteth after.
every green tree, 2 If the place which the Lord thy God hath chofen
t febflreJ" 3 And b ye fhall f overthrow their altars, and break to put his name there, be too far from thee, then thou
their pillars, and burn their groves with lire ; and ye
fhalt kill of thy herd, and of thy flock, which the Lord
fhall hew down the graven images of their gods, and
hath given thee, as I have commanded thee, and thou
deftroy the names of them out of that place. fhalt eat in thy gates whatfoever thy foul lufteth after.
4 ifYe lhall not do fo unto the Lord your God. 22 Even as the roebuck and the hart is eaten, fo
5 But unto the place which the Lord your God thou fhalt eat them ; the unclean and the clean mail
fhall c choofe out of" all your tribes to put his name
§ eat of them alike.
sew 7 n. there, even unto his habitation fhall ye leek, and 23 Only f be fure that thou eat not the blood : for + Hjk
thither thou fhalt come. the blood is the life ; and thou mayeft not eat the life
6 And thither ye fliall bring your burnt offerings, with the flefh.
and your facrifices, and your tithes, and heave offerings 24 Thou fhalt not eat it ; thou fhalt pour it upon
of your hand, and your vows, and your freewill offer- the earth as water.
ings, and the firftlings of your herds, and of your
25 Thou fhalt not eat it that it may go well with
flocks :
thee, and with thy children after thee, when thou
7 And there ye fhall eat before the Lord your God (halt do that which is right in the fight of the Lord.
and ye fliall rejoice in all that ye put your hand unto, 26 Only thy holy things which thou haft, and thy
ye and your houfeholds, wherein the Lord thy God vows, thou malt take and go unto the place which
hath bieifed thee. the Lord lhall choofe.
8 Ye fhall not do after all the things that we do here 27 And thou fhalt thy burnt offerings, the
this day, every man whatfoever is right in his own eyes.
flefhand the blood, upon the altar of the Lord thy
9 For ye are not as yet come to the reft, and to the God and the blood of thy facrifices fhall be poured

inheritance, which the Lord your God giveth you.

out upon the altar of the Lord thy God, and thou
10 But when ye go over Jordan, and dwell in the fhalt eat the flefh.
land which the Lord your God giveth you to inherit, 28 Obferve and hear all thefe words which I com-
and when he giveth you reft from all your enemies mand thee, that it may go
well with thee, and with thy
round about, fo that ye dwell in fafety ;
children after thee for ever, when thou doeft that which
11 Then there fliall be a place which the Lord is good and right in the fight of the Lord thy God.
your God fliall choofe to caufe his name to dwell there, 29 H When the Lord thy God fhall cut off the
thither ihall ye bring all that I command you your ;
nations from before thee, whither thou goeft to pof-
burnt offerings, and your facrifices, your tithes, and fefs them, and thou t fucceedeft them, and dwelleftin i-mb. inker-
t Heb. the
choice ef you;-
the heave offering of your hand, and all t your choice
i •
vows which ye vow unto xl-
i j.
vow. the .Lord.
30 Take heed to thyfelf, that thou be not fnared
12 And ye fhall rejoice before the Lord your God,
f by following them, after that they be deftroyed from ]££' aftir
ye, and your fons, and your daughters, and your men-
before thee ; and that thou inquire not after their
fervants, and your maidfervants, and the Levite that
d gods, faying, How did thefe nations ferve their gods ?
dchap. io 9.
j s within your gates for as much as he hath no part
even fo will I do likewife.
nor inheritance with you.
31 Thou fhalt not do fo unto the Lord thy God :
13 Take heed to thyfelf, that thou offer not thy
for every f abomination to the Lord, which he tHeb. alemi
burnt offerings in every place that thou feeft inaticn cf
hateth, have they done unto their gods ; for even the.
14 But in the place which the Lord fhall choofe in
their fons and their daughters they have burnt in the
one of thy tribes, there thou fhalt offer thy burnt offer-
fire to their gods.
ings, and there thou fhalt do all that I command thee.
32 What thing foever I command you, obferve to do
15 Notwithstanding, thou mayeft kill and eat flefh h h Chap. 41.
it ; thou ihalt not add thereto, nor diminifh from it.
in all thy gates, whatfoever thy foul lufteth after, ac- Joshua 7.

cording to the blefling of the Lord thy God which CHAP. XIII. Prov. 30 6.
Kevet, « it.

he hath given thee the unclean and the clean may

: 1 Enticers to idolatry must be stoned to death, 6 with-
eat thereof, as of the roebuck, and as of the hart. out regard to nearness of relation. 12 Idolatrous
t chap. 15 53. 16 e Only ye fhall not eat the blood ; ye fliall pour cities must be utterly destroyed.
upon the earth as water. there arife among you a prophet, or a dreamer
17 H Thou mayeft not eat within thy gates the tithe
IF of dreams, and giveth thee a fign or a wonder t
of thy corn, or of thy wine, or-of thy oil, or the firft- 2 And the fign or the wonder come to pafs, whereof
lings of thy herds, or of thy flock, uor any of thy he fpake unto thee, faying, Let us go after other gods,
Idolatrous cities must be destroyed, CHAP. XIV. Meats clean and unclean*
which thou haft not known, and let us ferve them ; CHAP. XIV. <**&.
3 Thou fhalt not hearken unto the words of that pro- The Israelites are not
phet, or that dreamer of dreams for the Lord your
mourning. 3 What may,
to disfigure themselves in
and what may not, be
God proveth you, to know whether ye love the Lord eaten. 4 of beasts, 9 offishes, 11 of fowls. 21 That
your God, with all your heart, and with all your foul. which dieth of itself must not be eaten. 22 Tithing
4 Ye (hall walk after the Lord your God, and fear to be truly performed. 23 Tithes and firstlings of
him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice cattle to be eaten before the Lord 28 The third
a yearns tithe of alms and charity.
a«».and ye fhall ferve him, and cleave unto him.

5 And that prophet,
fhall be put to death
or that dreamer of dreams,
; becaufe he hath f fpoken to turn
YE are the children of the Lord your God. a Ye u^»
fhall not cut yourfelves, nor make any baldnefs
l9 *

y OU away from the Lord your God, which brought between your eyes for the dead
the lord. :

you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out 2 b For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy t chap. 7 *;

of the houfe of bondage, to thruft thee out of the way God and the Lord hath chofen thee to be a peculiar &25 18

which the Lord thy God commanded thee to walk people unto himfelf, above all the nations that are
in: fo fhalt thou put the evil away from the midft of upon the earth.
thee. 3 If Thou
fhalt not eat any abominable thing.
6 If If thy brother, the fon of thy mother, or thy 4 c Theie are the beafts which ye fhall eat XUv u "
2, ire.
fon, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bofom, or thy ox, the fheep, and the goat,
friend which is as thine own foul, entice thee fecretly, 5 The hart, and the roebuck, and the fallow deer.
faying, Let us go and ferve other gods, which thou and the wild goat, and the t pygarg, and the wild lor, mm.

haft not known, thou, nor thy fathers ; ox, and the chamois. dkh%
7 Namely, oi the gods of the people which are round 6 And every beaft that parteth the hoof, and cleav-
about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from eth the cleft into two claws, and chewcth the cud
the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the among the beafts, that ye ihall eat.
earth ;
7 Neverfhelefe, thefe ye fhall not eat, of them that
8 Thou fhalt not confent unto him, nor hearken chew the cud, or of them that divide the cloven hoof;
unto him neither fhall thine eye pity him, neither
; as the camel, and the hare, and the coney for they :

fhalt thou fpare, neither fhalt thou conceal him ; chew the cud, but divide not the hoof therefore they;

* chap. 17 7
. 9 But b thou fhalt furely kill him thine hand fhall
: are unclean unto you.
be firft upon him to put him to death, and afterwards 8 And the fwine, becaufe it divideth the hoof, yet
the hand of all the people. cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you ye fhall :

10 And thou fhalt ftone him with ftones, that he not eat of their fiefh, nor touch their dead carcafs.
die ; becaufe he hath fought to thruft thee away from 9 If d Thefe ye fhall eat of all that are in the waters : a Levit. A 3,
the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the AH that have fins and fcales fhall ye eat
tneb. bmd- land of Egypt, from the houfe of f bondage. 10 And whatfoever hath not fins and fcales, ye may
Tchap. 17 1* 11 And c all Ifrael fhall hear, and fear, and fhall do not eat ; it is unclean unto you.
no more any fuch wickednefs as this is among you. 11 If Of a\l clean birds ye fhall eat.
12 II If thou fhalt hear say in one of thy cities, 12 e But thefe are they of which ye fhall not eat eLev: *- :

which the Lord thy God hath given thee to dwell The eagle, and the oflifrage, and the ofpray, " 3- '

there, faying, 13 x\nd the glede, and the kite, and the vulture
\ot, naughty 13 Certain men the children of Belial, are gone
|| after his kind,
out from among you, and have withdrawn the inhab- 14And every raven after his kind,
itants of their city, faying, Let us go and ferve other 15 And the owl, and the night hawk, and the cue-
gods, which ye have not known ; koo, and the hawk after his kind,
14 Then (halt thou inquire, and make fearch, and 16 The little owl, and the great owl, and the fwan,
afk diligently ; and, behold, if it be truth, and the 17 And the pelican, and the gier eagle, and the cor-
thing certain, that fuch abomination is wrought among morant,
you 18 And the ftork, and the heron after her kind, and
15 Thou fhalt furely finite the inhabitants of that the lapwing, and the bat.
citywith the edge of the fword, deftroying it utterly, 19 And every creeping thing that flieth, is unclean
and all that is therein, and the cattle thereof, with the unto you : they fhall not be eaten,
edge of the fword. 20 But of all clean fowls ye may eat.
16 And thou fhalt gather all the fpoil of it into the 21 If Ye fhall not eat o/any thing that dieth of itfelf
midft of the ftreet thereof, and fhall -bum with fire the thou fhalt give it unto the ftranger that is in thy gates,
city, and all the fpoil thereof every whit, for the Lord that he may eat it or thou mayeft fell it unto an alien :

thy God : and it fhall be an heap for ever ; it ihall not for thou art an holy people unto the Lor d thy God.
be built again. f
Thou fhalt not feethe a kid in his mother's milk fExo*^:,,
i or, dented. 17 And there fhall cleave nought of the ||curfed 22 If Thou fhalt truly tithe all the increafe of thy & 3+24 "

thing to thine hand ; that the Lord may turn from feed, that the field bringeth forth year by year.
the fiercenefsof his anger, andfhew thee mercy, and 23 If And thou fhalt eat before the Lord thy God,
have companion upon thee, and multiply thee, as he in the place which he fhall choofe to place his name
hath fworn unto thy fathers : there, the tithe of thy com, of thy wine, and of thine oil,
18 When thou fhalt hearken to the voice of the and the firfllings of thy herds, and of thy flocks ; that
Lord thy God, to keep all his commandments which thou mayeft learn to fear the Lord thy "God always.
I command thee this day, to do that which is right in 24 If And if the way be too long for thee, fo that thou
the eyes of the Lord thy God, art not able to carry it ; or if the place be too far from

The year of release* DEUTERONOMY. The feast oftbefiassover, and of -weeks

thee, which the Lord God fliall choofe tofethis
thy in all thy works, and in all that thou putteft thine hand
name there, when the Lord thy God hath bleffed unto.
thee ;
11 For the poor fhall never ceafe out of the land :
25 Then thou turn it into money, and bind
flialt therefore I command thee, faying, Thou fhalt open
up the money in thine hand, and flialt go unto the thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and
place which the Lord thy God fliall choofe : to thy needy, in thy land.
26 And thou flialt beftow that money for whatfoever 12 H And d if thy brother, an Hebrew man, or an n
thy foul lufteth after, for oxen, or for flieep, or for wine Hebrew woman, be fold unto thee, and ferve thee fix 34 'T"
tHeb.a;*- or for ftrong drink, or for whatfoever thy foul fdefireth years ; then in the feventh year thou flialt let him go
eth of thee
and thou malt eat there before the Lord thy God ;
free from thee.
and thou flialt rejoice, thou and thine houfehold ;
13 And when thou fendeft him out free from thee,
Z Chap. 12 27 And E the Levite that is within thy gates thou thou fhalt not let him go away empty :

flialt not forfake him for he hath no part nor inher-

: 14 Thou fhalt furnifh him liberally out of thy flock,
itance with thee. and out of thy floor, and out of thy wine prefs of that :

28 If At the end of three years thou fhalt bring forth wherewith the Lord thy God hath bleffed thee, thou
allthe tithe of thine increafe the fame year, and fhalt fhalt give unto him.
lay it up within thy gates. 15 And thou fhalt remember that thou waft a bond-
29 And the Levite, (becaufe he hath no part nor man in the land of Egypt, and the Lord thy God
inheritance with thee,) and the ftranger, and the fa- redeemed thee : therefore I command thee this thing
therlefs, and the widow, which are within thy gates, today.
fhall come, and fliall eat and be fatisfied that the ; 16 And it fhall be, e
he fay unto thee, I will not
e Exod.
21 6.
Lord thy God may blefs thee in all the work of thine go away from thee (becaufe he loveth thee and thine

hand which thou doeft. houfe, becaufe he is well with thee ;)

CHAP. XV. 17 Then thou fhalt take an awl, and thrufl it
through his ear unto the door, and he fhall be thy
1 The seventh year a year of release for the poor : 7 it fervant for ever and alfo unto thy maidfervant thou

must be no let of lending or giving. 12 An Hebrexv flialt do likewife.

servant, except he refuse to depart, must in the sev- 18 not feem hard unto thee when thou
It fhall
enth year go forth free and well furnished. 19 All him away
free from thee
fendeft for he hath been ;
firstling males of the cattle to be sanctified unto the worth a double hired fervant to thee, in ferving thee
Lord. fix years and the Lord thy God fliall blefs thee in

a Levit.25
2 4. AT the end of a every feven years, thou fhalt
a releafe.
make all that thou doefl.
19 1 f All the firftling males that come of thy herd,

2 And the manner of the releafe

this is Every :
and of thy flock, thou flialt fanclify unto the Lord
•Y Heb. mas-
t creditor that lendeth aught unto his neighbour fliall thy God :• thou flialt do no work with the firftling of
ter of the
lending of releafe it ; he fhall not exacl it of his neighbour or of thy bullock, nor fhear the firftling of thy fneep :
His hand.
his brother, becaufe it is called the Lord's releafe. 20 Thou flialt eat it before the Lord thy God year
3 Of a foreigner thou mayefl exacl: it again : but by year, in the place which the Lord fhall choofe,
that which is thine with thy brother, thine hand fliall thou and thy houfehold.
releafe'; 21 s And if there be any blemifh therein, as if it be f
Or, r« the
.4 Save when there fhall be no poor among you :
lame, or blind, or have any ill blemifh, thou fhalt not 3i '-•
end that there ||

be no poor for the Lord fliall greatly blefs thee in the land which facrifice it unto the Lord thy God.
among you.
the Lord thy. God giveth thee for an inheritance to 22 Thou fhalt eat it within thy gates the unclean :

poffefs it :
and, the clean person shall eat it alike, as the roebuck,

5 Only if thou carefully hearken unto the voice of and as the hart.
the Lord thy God, to obferve to do all thefe com- 23 h Only thou flialt not eat the blood thereof, thou l^'

mandments which I command thee this day. flialt pour it upon the ground as water.

h Chap. 2?
6 For the Lord thy God, as he prom -
ifed thee and b thou flialt lend unto many nations,
but thou ihalt not borrow ; and thou flialt reign over
1 The feast of the passover, 9 of weeks, 13 of taberna-
cles. 16 Every male must offer at these threefeasts.
many nations, but they fliall not reign over thee.
18 Ofjudges and justice. 21 Groves and images
7 11 If there be among you a poor man of one of
thy brethren, within any of thy gates, in thy land which
the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou ihalt not harden BSERVE the a month of Abib, and keep the f,i*cod -' 2
thine heart nor flint thine hand, from thy poor brother
, paffover urito the Lord thy God: for b in the b Exod.
c Mntth. ; 13 4-
Luke 6 3^.
8 c But thou ihalt ope 1 thine hand wide unto him,- month of Abib, the Lord thy God brought thee forth
and fhalt furely lend him funicient for his need, in that out of Egypt by night.
which, he wanteth. 2 Thou ihalt therefore facrifice the paffover unto the
t Heb. word.
t Hub. Belial
9 Beware that there be not a f thought in thy t wick- Lord thy God of the flock and the herd, in the c place c Chap. 2 5. 1

ed heart, faying, The feventh year, the year of releafe, which the Lord fhall choofe to place his name there.
3 d Thou fhalt eat no leavened bread with it feven dExod,
is at hand and thine eye be evil againft thy poor
; :

brother, and thou give]J. urn nous it, and he cry unto days flialt thou eat unleavened bread therewith, even
the Lord againit thee, and i be fin unto thee. :
: the bread of affliction ; (for thou cameft forth out of
10 Thou flialt furely give him, and thine heart fhall the land of Egypt in hafte ;) that thou mayefl remem-
not be grieved when thou giveft unto him becaufe : ber the day when thou cameft forth out of the land of
that fortius thing the Lord thy God fhall blefs thee Egypt all the days of thy life.
4 e
Every male must offer at these threefeasts. C H A P. XVII. The punishment of idolatry.
4 e And there fhall be no leavened bread feen with near unto the altar of the Lord thy God, which thou
thee in all thy coafls feven days ; neither ihall there lhalt make thee.
any thing of the neih, which thou facrificedft the firft 22 k Neither fhalt thou fet thee up any || image,
day at even, remain all night until the morning.^ which the Lord thy God hateth.
I Or, kill, 5 Thou mayeft not facrifice thepaffover within any

of thy gates, which the Lord thy God giveth thee :

1 The things offered in sacrifice must be sound. 2 Idol-
6 But at the place which the Lord thy God Ihall aters must be put to death. 8 Hard controversies
choofe to place his name in, there thou (halt facrifice
must be determined by the priests andjudges ; 12 the
the paffover at even, at the going down of the fun, at contemner of whose determination must be put to
the feafon that thou cameft forth out of Egypt. death. 14 The election and duty of a king.
7 And thou (halt roaft and eat it in the place which
the Lord thy God fhall choofe and thou lhalt turn
: IiOU fhalt not facrifice unto the Lord thy God
in the morning, and go unto thy tents. any bullock or || fheep wherein is blemiih, or Or, goat.

8 Six days thou fhalt eat unleavened bread, and on any evil favourednefs : for that is an abomination unto the feventh day shall be a f folemn affembly to the the Lord thy God.
Lord thy God thou (halt do no work therein.
2 If be found among you, within any of thy
If there
f Levit. 23
9 If f Seven weeks fhalt thou number unto thee : gateswhich the Lord thy God giveth thee, man or
begin to number the feven weeks from such time as Avoman that hath wrought wickednefs in the fight of
thou beginneft to put the fickle to the corn. the Lord thy God in tranfgreffing his covenant,
10 And thou fhalt keep the feait of weeks unto the 3 And hath gone and ferved other gods, and wor-
1! Or, suf-
Lord thy God with a tribute of a freewill offering
fhipped them, either the fun, or moon, or any of the
of thine hand, which thou fhalt give unto the L ord thy
holi of heaven, which I have not commanded ;
God according as the Lord thy God hath bieffed 4 And it be told thee, and thou haft heard of it,
thee. and inquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and
11 thou fhalt rejoice before the Lord thy
And the thing certain, that fuch abomination is wrought in
God, thou, and thy fon, and thy daughter, and thy Ifrael :

manfervant, and thy maidfervant, and the Levite that Then fhalt thou bring forth
5 that man, or that,
is within thy gates, and the ftranger, and the father- woman, which have committed that wicked thing,
lefs, and the widow, that are among you, in the place unto thy gates, even that man, or that woman, and
which the Lord thy God hath chofen to place his fhalt ftone them with ftones till they die.
name there. 6 a
At the mouth of two witneffes, or three wit- sNurab. 35
30. Chap. 19

12 And thou fhalt remember that thou waft a bond- neffes, fhall he that worthy of death, be put to
is 1c. Matth.
18 1 6. John
man in Egypt : and thou fhalt obferve and do thefe death but at
; the mouth of one witnefs, he fhall not 8 17- 2 Cor.
13 1. Ilebr.
ftatutes. be put to death. 10 28.

13 If Thou fhalt obferve the feaft of tabernacles 7 The hands of the witneffes fhall be firft upon
+ Heb.jfoor feven days, after that thou haft gathered in thy f corn him, to put him to death, and afterward the hands of
w;'n« press. and thy wine. all the people : fo thou fhalt put the evil away from
14 And thou fhalt rejoice in thy feaft, thou, and thy among you.
fon, and thy daughter, and thy manfervant, and thy 8 ff If there arife a matter too hard for thee in
maidfervant, and the Levite, the ftranger, and the judgment, between blood and blood, between plea
fatherlefs, and the widow, that are within thy gates. and plea, and between ftroke and ftroke, being mat-
15 Seven days fhalt thou keep a folemn feaft unto ters of controverfy within thy gates : then fhalt thou
the Lord thy God in the place which the Lord fhall arife and get thee up into the place which the Lord
choofe ; becaufe the Lord thy God fhall blefs thee in thy God ihall choofe :

all thine increafe, and in all the works of thine hands; 9 And thou fhalt come unto the priefts the Le-
therefore thou fhalt furely rejoice. vites, and unto the judge that fhall be In thofe days,
gExod. 23 16 If E Three times in a year fhall all thy males ap- and inquire ; and they fhall fliew thee the fentenee
& 34 23
pear before the Lord thy God in the place which he
of judgment.
mall choofe in the feaft of unleavened bread, and in
; 10 And thou fhalt do according to the fentenee
the feaft of weeks, and in the feall of tabernacles : and which they of that place which the Lord ihall choofe,
h they fhall
h Ecdus. not appear before the Lord empty. fhall fhew thee and thou ihalt obierve to do accord-
T Heb. ac- 17 Every man shall give + as he is able, according ing to all that they inform thee ;
cording to
the lift of to the bl effing of the Lord thy God which he hath 11 According to the fentenee of the law which they
his hand.
given thee. fhall teach thee, and according to the judgment which
18 If Judges and officers fhalt thou make thee in they fhall tell thee, thou ihalt do thou ihalt not de- :

all thy gates which the Lord thy God giveth thee, cline from the fentenee which they ihall fhew thee, to
throughout thy tribes and they fhall judge the peo-
: the right hand nor
the left. to
ple with juft judgment. 12 If And the man
that will do prefumptuoufly,
19 Thou fhalt not wreft judgment thou fhalt not ;
f and will not hearken unto the prieft that ftandeth t HcKnsf
to hearken.
iExoJ.:3 8. refpect perfons, 'neither take a gift for a gift doth
: to minifter there before the Lord thy God, or unto
||Or, matters blind the eyes of the wife, and pervert the H words of the judge, even that man ihall die : and thou fhalt put
the righteous. away the evil from Ifrael.
20 f That which altogether juft fhalt thou follow,
is 13 And all the people fhall hear, and fear, and do
that thou mayeft live,
and inherit the land which the no more prefumptuoufly.
Lord thy God giveth thee. 14 If When thou art come unto the land w hich the
21 H Thou fhalt not plant thee a grove of any trees Lord thy God giveth thee, and fhalt poffefs it, and
' 3 ; .

The priest's due. 'The Levites portion. DEUTERONOM Y. A prophet to arise like unto Moses,
lhalt dwell therein, and fhalt fay, I will fet a king over fire, or that ufeth divination, or an obferver of times,
me, like as all the nations that are about me : or an enchanter, or a witch,
15 Thou fhalt any wife
him king over thee,
in fet 11 d Or a charmer, or a confulter with familiar di*
whom the Lord thy God fhall choofe one from among ;
fpirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer* e° s^n.
28 7
12 For all that do thefe things, are an abomination

thy brethren fhalt thou fet king over thee thou may- :

eft not fet a ftranger over thee, which is not thy brother. unto the Lord and becaule of thefe abominations the

16 But he fhall not multiply horfes to himfelf, nor Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee :

I Ot, up.
caufe the people to return to Egypt, to the end that he 1 Tliou fhalt be perfect with the Lord thy God right,
J| or,

fhould multiply horfes forafmuch as the Lord hath

: 14 For thefe nations, which thou fhalt U poffefs, sincere.
3 Or, inker:.

faid unto you, Ye fhall henceforth return no more hearkened unto obfervers of times, and unto diviners:
that way, but as for thee, the Lord thy God hath not fuffered
17 Neither fhall he multiply wives to himfelf, that thee fo to do,
his heart turn not away neither fhall he greatly mul-
; 15 \\ f The Lord thy God will raife -up unto thee AJas 3 Mfk
tiply to himfelf filver and gold. a Prophet from the midft of thee > of thy brethren, like 7 37 '

18 And
it fhall be, when he fitteth upon the throne unto me ; unto him ye ihall hearken ;
of his kingdom, that he fhall write him a copy of this 16 According to all that thou dehredft of the Lord
law in a book, out of that which is before the priefts thy God in Horeb, in the day of the affembly, faying,
the Levites :
e Let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my Ex i
f I <^

19And it fhall be with him, and he fhall read therein God, neither let me fee this great fire any more, that
all the days of his life that he may learn to fear the
; I die not.
Lord his God, to keep all the words of this law, and 17 And the Lord faid unto me, They have well
thefe ftatutes, to do them : spoken that which they have fpoken.
20 That his heart be not lifted up above his breth- 18 h I will raife them up a Prophet from among aS^U^
ren, and that he turn not afide from the command- their brethren like unto thee, and will put my words & 7 37

ment, to the right hand nor to the left ; to the end that in his mouth ; and he fhall fpeak unto them all that I
he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he, and his fhallcommand him.
children, iu the midft of Ifraeh 19 And it fhall come to pafs, that whofoever will
CHAP. XVIII. not hearken unto my words which he fhall fpeak in
my name, I will require it of him.
1 The Lord the inheritance of the priests and the
20 H But the prophet which fhall prefume to fpeak
Levites. 3 The priest's due. 6 The Levites'' portion.
a word in my name, which I have not commanded him
9 The abominations of the Canaanitcs to be avoided. to fpeak, or that fhall fpeak in the name of other gods,
15 A
prophet to arise like unto Moses, who must be even that prophet fhall die.
hearkened unto. 20 The presumptuous prophet 21 IT And if thou fay in thine heart, How fhall wc
must be put to death. know the word which the Lord hath not fpoken ?
s. Nan*
priefts the Levites,
fnaii have no part nor inheritance with
and all the tribe of Levi,
Ifrael :
22 When a prophet fpeaketh in the name of the
Lord, it the thing follow not, nor come to pafs, that
18 20.
Lord made by is the tiling which the Lord hath not fpoken, but the
rhay. :o 9. they fhall eat the offerings of the
b i cor. 9 13. '
gj.^ an(j n ^ s inheritance. prophet hath fpoken it prefumptuoufly ; thou fhalt
2 Therefore mail they have no inheritance among not be afraid of him.
then- brethren ; the Lord is their inheritance, as
hath faid unto them.
1 The of refuge : 4 the privilege thereof allowed
Ti And this fhal] be the prieft's due from the geo-
to the manslayer, 1 1 but not to him that is guilty of
ple, from them that offer a facrifice, whether it be ox
wilful murder. 14 The land mark is not to be re-
or fheep and they (hall give unto the prieft the fhoul-
moved 15 Two witnesses at the least required to

der, and the two cheeks, and the maw.

4 The flrft fruit also of thy corn, of thy wine, and prove a criminal fact. 16 The punishment of a
false witness.
of thine oil, and the firft of the fleece of thy fhe'ep,
fhaltthou give him.
5 For the Lord thy God hath chofen him out of aij
WHEN tions,
the Lord
whofe land
thy God a hath cut off the na-
the Lord thy God giveth
a chap,
,2 29 '

thy tribes, to ftand to minifter in the name of tht hee, and thou f fucceedeft them, and dwelleft in their tHefe. in-
herited, or,
Lord, him and his fons for ever. cities, and in
their houfes possessest.

6 Ti And if a Levite come from any of thy gates out 2 b Thou fhalt feparate three cities for thee in the bExod.
21 13.
of all Ifrael, where he fojourned, and come with all the nidft of thy land, which the Lord
thy God giveth Numb.
35 10.
defire of his mind unto the place which the Lorl thee to poffefs it. Joshua 20 2-
fhall choofe ; 3 Thou fhalt prepare thee a way, and divide the
7 Then he fhall minider in the name of the Lord coafts of thy land, which the Lord thy God giveth
his God, as all his brethren the Levites do, which :hee to inherit, into three parts, that every flayer may
ftand there before the Lord. flee thither.
+ Heb. his
sale! by the
8 They fhall have like portions to eat, befides f that 4 If And
this is the cafe of the flayer which fhall
fathen. which cometh of the fale of his patrimony. flee thither, that he may live Whofo killeth his neigh*

9 U When thou art come into the land which the bour ignorantiy, whom he hated not t in time paft tHeh. friK
Lord thy God
giveth thee, thou fhalt not learn to ck
after the abominations of thofe nations.
As when a man goeth into the wood with his
neighbour to hew wood, and his handfetchemaftroke

SS "

t Heb. iron.
10 There fhall not be found among you any one that with the axe to cut down the tree, and die f head t Heb. -woti.
eLeviuiB2i.m.aketh his fen or his daughter c to pafs through the ilippeth from the f helve, and f lighteth upon his
^ Heb.
The priest's exhortation before the battle. CHAP. XX. Tree's goodfor food not to be destroyed.
neighbour that he die he : fhall flee unto one of thofe 2 And
it fhall be, when ye are come nigh unto the
cities, and live : battle, that the prieft fhall approach, and fpeak unto
6 Left the avenger of the blood purfue the flayer, the people,
while his heart is hot, and overtake him, becaufe the 3 And fhall fay unto them, Hear, Ifrael ; Ye O
t weh. smite way is long, and t flay him whereas he was not wor-
; approach this day unto battle againft your enemies ;
t'He". from thy ofdeath, inafmuch as he hatedhim not f intimepaft. let not your hearts t faint, fear not, and do not f trem- + Heb. b;
yesterday the tender.
third day. 7 Wherefore, I command thee, faying, Thou ihalt ble ; neither be ye terrified becaufe of them ; 1-Heb; mii^
feparate three cities for thee. 4 For the Lord your God is he that goeth with haste.

CChap. 12 20.
8 And if the Lord thy God c
enlarge thy coaft, as you, to fight for you againft your enemies, to fave you.
he hath unto thv fathers, and give thee all the 5 ^f And the officers fhall fpeak unto the people,
land, which he promifed to give unto thy fathers faying, What man is there that hath built a new houfe,
9 If thou fhalt keep all thefe commandments to do and hath not dedicated it ? let him go and return to his
them, whichlcommandtheethisday,tolove theLoRD houfe, left he die in the battle, and another man dedi-
djosh«2 07 d then fhalt
t hy God, and to walk ever in his ways ; cate it.

thou add three cities more for thee, beiides thefe three 6 And what man is he that hath planted a vineyard,
10 That innocent blood be not fhed in thy land, and hath not i/etj eaten of it ? let him also go and t Heb. made
it common.
which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inherit- return unto his houfe, left he die in the battle, and See Lev.
ance and so blood be upon thee.
another man eat of it.
11 If But if any man hate his neighbour, and lie in 7 a And what man is there that hath betrodied a aCha P-24v

wait for him, and rife up againft him, and fmite him wife, and hath not taken her ? let him go and return
tHeb.«, tifi-
f mortally, that he die, and fleethintooneofthefe cities ; unto his houfe, left he die in the battle, and another
12 Then the elders of his city (hall fend and fetch man take her.
him thence, and deliver him into the hand of the 8 And the officers fhall fpeak further unto the peo-
avenger of blood, that he may die. ple, and they fhall fay, b What man is there that is b Judges

15 Thine eye fhall not pity him ; but thou fhalt fearful and faint hearted ? let him go and return unto
put guilt o/innocent blood from Ifrael, that his houfe, left his brethren's heart t faint aswellas his t Heb. melt.

it may go well with thee. heart.

14 If Thou fhalt not remove thy neighbour's land- 9 And it fhall be, when the officers have made an
mark, which they of old time have fet in thine inherit- end of fpeaking unto the people, that they fhall make
ance, which thou fhalt inherit in the land that the captains of the armies \ to lead the people^ t Heb. to be
in the head
Lord thy God giveth thee to pqffefs it. 10 If When
thou comeft nigh unto a city to fight ofthepecple.
e Numb.
35 30.
15 If e One witnefs fhall not rife up againft a man againft it, then proclaim peace unto it.
Chap. 176.
for any iniquity, or for any fin, in any fin diat he fin- 11 And it fhall be, if it make thee anfwer of peace,
John 8 17.
neth at the mouth of two witneffes, or at the mouth and open unto diee, then it fhall be, that all the people
Hcbr. 1028. of three witneffes, fhall the matter be eftablifhed. that is found therein, fhall be tributaries unto thee,
16 If If a falfe witnefs rife up againft any man, to and they fhall ferve thee.
\% a 'y
teftify againft him U that which is wrong ; 12 And if it will make no peace with thee, but will
17 Then both the men, between whom the contro- make war againft thee, then thou fhalt beliege it.
verfy is, fhall ftand before the Lord, before the priefts 13 And when the Lord thy God hath delivered it
and the judges which fhall be in thofe days ; into thine hands, thou fhalt fmite every male thereof
18 And the judges fhall make diligent inquifition : with the edge of the fword.
and, behold, z/the witnefs be a falfe witnefs, atidhaih. 14 But the women, and the little ones, and c the c Joshua 8 ;.'

teftified falfely againft his brother cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the fpoil there-
f Prow. 1059.
Daniel 6 24.
19 f
fhall ye do unto him as he had thought
Then of, fhalt thou f take unto thyfelf and thou fhalt eat
: t Heb. .<-

to have done unto Ins brother fo {halt thou put the

: the fpoil of thine enemies, which the Lord thy God
evil away from among you. hath given thee.
20 And thofe winch remain fhall hear, and fear, 15 Thus fhalt thou do unto all the cities which are
and fhall henceforth commit no more any fuch evil very far off from diee, which are not of the cities of
among you, thefe nations.
lx^lYt 21 And thine eye fhall not pity but* life shall go
: 16 If But of the cities of thefe people, which the' for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, Lord thy God doth give thee /or an inheritance, thou
foot for foot. lhalt fave alive nothing that breatheth ;

CHAP. XX. 17 But thou fhalt utterly deftroy them ; namely,

the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and
1 The priest's exhortation before the battle. 5 The
the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebufites as the ;

officers' proclamation, signifying who are to be dis-

Lord thy God hath commanded thee :

missed from the war. 10 How the cities that accept

18 That thej' teach you not to do after all their
or refuse the proclamation ofpeace are to be treated. abominations, which they have done unto their gods :
1G The cities of the seven nations de-noted to destruc- fo ihould ye fin againft the Lord your God.
tion. 19 Trees good for food must not be destroyed 19 If When thou fhalt beliege a city a long time,
in the siege. in making war againft it to take it, thou fhalt not

WHEN thou goeft out to battle againft thine ene-

mies, and feeft horfes and chariots, and a peo-
deftroy the trees thereof, by forcing an axe againft
them for thou mayeft eat of them, and thou fhalt not

if the field
the tree

ple more than thou, be not afraid of them for the : cut them down (II for the tree of the field is. man's lifeJ is to be
ployed in the

Lord thy God is with thee, which brought thee up t to employ them in the fiege : sifr.c.
t Heb. to to
out of the land of Egvpt. 20 Only the trees which thou knoweft that they frcm before

T be thee.
1 : :

The firstborn not to be disinherited. DEUTERONOMY. Every house must have battlements.

must be not trees for meat, thou (halt deftroy, and cut them 17 But he fhall acknowledge the fon of the hated
down and thou fhalt build bulwarks againft the city
for the firftborn, by giving him a double portion of all
t Heb. it co ethat maketh war with thee, until t it be fubdued. f that he hath for he is the beginning of hisftrength
CHAP. XXI. the right of the firftborn is his.
18 II If a man have a ftubborn and rebellious fon,
1 The expiation of a murder when the slayer is not which will not obey the voice of his father, or the
known. 10 The usage of a captive taken to wife. voice of his mother, and that, when they have chaft-
15 The firstborn is not to be disinherited upon ened him, will not hearken unto them
private affection. 1 8 A stubborn son must be stoned
19 Then mall his father and his mother lay hold on
to death. 22 The malefactor must not hang all aim, and bring him out unto the elders of his city,
night on a tree.
and unto the gate of his place :
Fone be found ilain in the land which the Lord 20 And they fhall fay unto the elders of his city,
thy God giveth thee to poffefs it, lying in the field, This our fon is ftubborn and rebellious ; he will not
and it be not known who hath ilain him ;
obey our voice ; he is a glutton and a drunkard.
2 Then thy elders and thy judges fhall come forth, 21 And all the men of his city fhall ftone him with
and they fhall meafure unto the cities which are round ftones, that he die fo fhalt thou put evil away from

about him that is ilain : among you ; and

hear and fear.
all Ifrael fhall
3 And it fhall be, that the city which is next unto 22 If And if a man
have committed a fin worthy of
the Haiti man, even the elders of that city, fhall take death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang
an heifer which hath not been wrought with, and him on a tree ;
which 'hath not drawn in the yoke ;
23 His body fhall not remain all -night upon the
4 And the elders ofthat city fhall bring down the heifer tree, but thou fhalt in any wife bury him that day ;
unto a rough valley, which is neither eared nor fowri, ( for he that is hanged is t accurfed of God that ^^'tll 3' ;

and fhall mike offthe heifer's neck there in the valley. thy land be not defiled, which the Lord thy God cwse'ofctd.
And the prieftsthe fons of Levi lhall come near
5 ; giveth thee for an inheritance.
(forthem the Lord thy God hath chofen to minifter CHAP. XXIL
unto him, unci to blefs in the name of the Lord ;)
t'Heb.i«wi/A. and by their f word fhall every contra verfy and every 1 Of humanity towards brethren. 5 The sex is to be
itroke be tried.
distinguished by apparel. 6 The dam not to be
taken with her young ones. 8 Every house must
6 And all the elders of that city, that arc next unto
the flain man, fhall wafli their hands over the heifer
have battlements. 9 Three sorts of confusion to be
avoided. 12 Fringes to be worn upon the vesture.
that is beheaded in the valley :

13 The punishment of him that slander eth his wife,

7 And they lhall anfwer and fay, Our hands have
not fhed this blood, neither have our eyes feen it :
£s?c. 22 Adultery to be punished with death. 25
8 Be merciful, O Lord, unto thy people Ifrael, Of rape ; 28 offornication. 30 Incest forbidden.
t Heb.
in the
whom thou halt redeemed, and lay not innocent blood
t unto thy people of Ifrael's charge. And the blood
be forgiven them.
T HOU go
fhalt not fee
and hide thyfelf from them
thy brother's ox or his fheep

fhalt in any cafe bring them again unto thy brother.

thou ;
a ExodV

9 So fhalt thou put away the guilt of innocent blood 2 And if thy brother be not nigh unto thee, or if
from among you, when thou ihalt do that which is thou know him not, then thou fhalt bring it unto thine
right in the fight of the Lord. own houfe, and it fhall be with thee until thy brother
10 If When thou goeft forth to war againft thine feek after it, and thou fhalt reftore it to him again.
enemies, and the Lord thy God hath delivered them 3 In like manner fhalt thou do with his afs. and fo
into thine hands, and thou haft taken them captive. fhalt thou do with his raiment and with all loft things

1 And feeft among the captives a beautiful woman, of thy brother's, which he hath loft, and thou haft found,
and haft a detire unto her, that thou wouldeft have fhalt thou do likewife thou mayeft not hide thyfelf.

her to thy wife ;

4 Thou Ihalt not fee thy brother's afs or his ox fall
12 Then thou fhalt bring her home to thine houfe, down by the way, and hide thyfelf from them thou ;
* u and fhe fhall fhave her head, and f pare her nails. ||
fhalt furely help him to lift them up again.
t Heb. make, 13 And he fhall put the raiment of her captivity 5 ff The woman fhall not wear that which pertaineth
from oft* her, and lhall remain in thine houfe, and unto a man, neither fhall a man put on a woman's
bewail her father and her mother a full month and : garment for all that do fo, are abomination unto the

after that thou fhalt go in unto her, and be her huf- Lord thy God.
band, and fhe fhall be thy wife. 6 If If a bird 's neft chance to be before thee in the way
14 And it fhall be, if thou have no delight in her, in any tree or on the ground whether they bey oung ones
, ,

then thou fhalt let her go whither fhe will ; but thou or eggs, and the dam fitting upon the young or upon
Ihalt not fell her at all for money, thou fhalt not make the eggs, thou fhalt not take the dam with the young
merchandife of her, becaufe thou haft humbled her. 7 But thou fhalt in any wife let the dam go, and
15 II If a man have two wives, one beloved, and take the young to thee ; that it may be well with thee,
another hated, and they have borne him children, both and that thou mayeft prolong thy days.
the beloved and the hated and if the firftborn fon
: 8 If When thou buildeft a new houfe, then thou fhalt
be her-s that was hated ; make a battlement for thy roof, that thou bring not
16 Then it lhall be, when he maketh his fons to blood upon thine houfe, if any man fall from thence.
inherit that which he hath, that he may not make the 9 Thou ihalt not fow thy vineyard with diverie
fon of the beloved firftborn before the fon cf the hated, feeds ; left the t fruit of thy feed,* which thou hail tHeb.
fullness »/
•which is indeed the firftborn : fown, and the fruit of thy vineyard, be defiled. th\ seti.
10 Thou
Divers laws and ordinances. CHAP. XXIII. Of the fugitive servant, whoredom^c.
chrbt 10 Tnou ^ alt not P Iou S n with an ox and * .. -as to- 30 IF
A man fliali not take his father's wife, nor
gether. difcover his father's fkirt.
11 b Thou fhalt not wear a garment cf divers forts,
as of woollen and linen together.
t Levit. IB 8.

cNmnb. 12 If Thou flialt make thee « fringes upon the four

1 What persons may not enter into the congregation.
10 Unclcanness to beavoided in the host. 15 Of the
tHib.-winS s.
I quarters of thy vefture, wherewith thou covereft
fugitive servant. 17 Whoredom and sodomy forbid-
13 If any man take a wife, and go in unto her, and
den. 18 Of abominable sacrifices : 19 of usury :
21 of vows :24 of trespasses.
hate her,
14 And give occafions of fpeech againft her, and
bring up an evil name upon her, and fay, I took this wo-
HEmember that is wounded in the ftones, or hath
cut off,
his privy
mall not enter into the congre-
man, and when I came to her, I found her not a maid : gation of the Lord.
15 Then fhall the father of the damfel and her 2 A
baftard lhall not enter into the congregation of
mother, take and bring forth the tokens of the damfel's the Lord ; even to his tenth generation lhall he not
virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate : enter into the congregation of the Lord.
16 And the damfel's father lhall fay unto the elders, 3 IF a An Ammonite or Moabite lhall not enter into a Neiicra.
13 I.

I gave my daughter unto this man to wife, and he the congregation of the Lord even to their tenth ;

hateth her ;
generation fliali they not enter into the congregation
17 And,lo,he hath given occafions of fpeech against of the Lord for ever ;

her, faying, I found not thy daughter a maid and yet ; 4 Becaufe they met you not with bread and with
thefe are the tokens of ray daughter's virginity. And water in the way, when ye came forth out of Egypt
they fhall fpread the cloth before the elders of the city. and b becaufe they hired againft thee, Balaam the fon of h Nurr>,
18 And the elders of that city (hall take that man Beor, of Pethor of Mefopotamia, to curfe thee.
and chaflife him ;
5 Neverthelefs, the Lord thy God would not heark-
19 And they lhall amerce him in an hundred shekels en unto Balaam but the Lord thy God turned the

of iilver, and give them unto the father of the damfel, curfe into a bleffing unto thee, becaufe the Lord thy
becaufe he hath brought up an evil name upon a vir- God loved thee.
gin of Ifrael, and fhe fhall be his wife he may not ; 6 Thou flialt not feek their peace, nor their f prof- t Heb. good.

put her away all his days. perity, all thy days for ever.
20 But if this thing be true, and the tokens of vir- 7 IF Thou flialt not abhor an Edomite for he is thy ;

ginity be not found for the damfel brother thou lhalt not abhor an Egyptian becaufe

21 Then they fhall bring out the damfel to the door thou waft a ftranger in his land.
of her father's houfe, and the men of her city fhall 8 The children thatare begotten of them, fliali en-
ftone her with Hones that fhe die becaufe fhe hadi ; ter into the congregation of the Lord in their third
wrought folly in Ifrael, to play the whore in her fa- generation.
ther's houfe fo (halt thou put evil away from among
: 9 IF When tlie hoft goeth forth againft thine ene-
y° u- mies, then keep thee from every wicked thing.
a Lev-it. io io. 22 IF d If a man be found lying with a woman mar- 10 IF If there be among you any man that is not
ried to an hufband, then they lhall both of them die, clean, by reafon of uncleannefs thatchanceth him by-
both the man that lay with the woman, and the wo- night, then lhall he go abroad out of the camp; he
man fo lhalt thou put away evil from Ifrael.
: fliali not come within the camp :

23 IF If a damfel that is a virgin be betrothed unto 11 But it fliali be, when evening f cometh on, he tHeb. turn.
an hufband, and a man find her in the city, and lie lhall wafli himself with water and when the fun is eth toward.

with her ;
down, he fliali come into the camp again.
24 Then ye fhall bring them bodi out unto the gate 12 If Thou flialt have a place alfo without the camp,
of that city, and ye mail ftone them with ftone s that whither thou lhalt go forth abroad.
they die ; the damfel, becaufe fhe cried not, being in 13 And thou fhalt have a paddle upon thy weapon ;

the city ; and the man, becaufe he hath humbled his and it fhall be, when thou f wilt eafe thyfelf abroad, + Heb. sitteit
neighbour's wife fo thou fhalt put away evil from
: thou fhalt dig therewith, and flialt turn back, and <fcu.'«.
among you. cover that which cometh from thee^
25 IF But if a man
find a betrothed damfel in the 14 For the Lord thy God walketh in the midft of
Or, take field, and the man
force her, and lie with her ; then
|[ thy camp, to deliver thee, and to give up thine enemies
Urcnjr held
CJ' her. the man only that lay with her lhall die : before thee therefore fhall thy camp be holy that he
: ;

26 But unto the damfel thou lhalt do nothing there ; fee no t unclean thing in thee, and turn away from thee. + Hcb. nak-
15 IF Thou fhalt not deliver unto his mafter, the thing. of any
is in the damfel no fin worthy of death for as when :

a man rifeth againft his neighbour, and flayeth him, fervant which is efcaped from his mafter unto thee :

even matter
fo is this : 16 He fhall dwell with thee, even among you, in
27 For he found her in the field, and the betrothed that place which he fliali choofe, in one of thy gates,
damfel cried, and there was none to fave her. where it f liketh him belt thou fhalt not opprefs him. good
t Heli. is
Jcr him.
eExod. « .6. 28 IF e If a man find a damfel that is a virgin, which 17 If There fliali be no whore of the daughters of Or, scdom-
|| li

is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, Ifrael, nor a fodomite of the fons of Ifrael.
and they be found ; 18 IF Thou flialt not bring the hire of a whore, or
29 Then the man that lay with her, fliali give unto the price of a dog, into the houfe of the Lord thy God
the damfel's father fifty shekels of filvcr, and flic fliali for any vow for even both thefe are abomination
c Exod.
be his wife becaufe he hath humbled her, he may
; unto the Lord thy God. 22 25.
not put her away all his days. 19 IF c Thou fhalt not lend upon ufury to thy bro- levit.
H. ?<;
i', ',.

ther ;
5 1 1

The laws of divorce, pledges, £sV. DEUTERONOMY. Of raising up seed to a brother.

ther ; ufury of money, ufury of victuals, ufury of any 11 Thou fhalt fland abroad, and the man to whom
thing that is lent upon ufury. thou doft lend ihall bring out the pledge abroad unto
20 Unto a ftranger thou mayeft, lend upon ufury ; thee.
but unto thy brother thou ihalt not lend upon ufury ; _
12 And if the man be poor, thou fhalt not fleep with
that the Lord thy God may blefs thee in all that thou his pledge :

fetteft thine hand to, in the land whither thou goeft

13 In any cafe, thou fhalt deliver him the pledge
topoffefs it.
again when the fun goeth down, that he may fleep in
d Ecciss. 5 4.
21 d When thou fhalt vow a vow unto the Lord his own raiment, and blefs thee and it fhall be right-

thy God, thou fhalt not flack to pay it for the Lord ;
eoufnefs unto thee before the Lord thy God.
thy God will finely require it of thee; and it would 14 If Thou fhalt not opprefs an hired fervant that is
be fin in thee. poor and needy, whether he be of thy brethren, or of
22 But if thou fhalt forbear to vow, it fhall be no thy ftrangers that are in thy land within thy gates :
fin in thee. 15 At his day e thou fhalt give him his hire, neither e Levit.

23 That which is gone out of thy lips, thou fhalt fhall the fun go down upon it ; for he is poor, and toi>. 4 14.

keep and perform even a freewill offering, according ; t fetteth his heart upon it left he cry againft thee
: t Heb.
etlt his
as thou haft vowed unto the Lord thy God, which unto. the Lord, and it be fin unto thee. unto it.
f 2 Kings
thou haft promifed with thy mouth. 16 H f The fathers fhall not be put to death for the 14 6.
24 II When thou comeft into thy neighbour's vine- children, neither ihall the children be put to death for 2J4-
yard, then thou mayeft eat grapes thy fill, at thine own the fathers every man fhall be put to death for his

pleafure but thou ihalt not put any in thy veffel.
own fin.

25 When thou comeft into the ftanding corn of thy 17 H Thou fhalt not pervert the judgment of die
i2i. neighbour,
then thou mayeft pluck the ears with ftranger, nor of the fatherlefs, nor take the widow's
Mirk 223 raiment to pledge :
Ixkc 6 thine
hand but thou ihalt not move a fickle unto thy

neighbour's ftanding corn. 18 But thou ihalt remember that thou waft a bond-
C H A P. XXIV. man in Egypt, and the Lord thy God redeemed thee
thence therefore I command thee to do this thing.

1 Of divorce 5 of a new married man's exempt lorn :

19 H s When thou cutteft down thine harveft in thy L r ,
6, 10 of pledges : 7 of man stealers z 8 of leprosy.
ft ££ i

field, and haft forgot a fheafe in the field, thou fhalt not
14 The hire is to be given. 16 Every man must go again to fetch it it fhall be for the ftranger, for the

answer for his own sin. 17 Ofjustice to the friend- fatherlefs, and for the widow ; that the Lord thy God
less : 19 of charity. may blefs thee in all the work of thine hands.
5 3 8t 9
Mark 104.
r , 1 7-
her, and
a g man hath taken a wife, and married
it come to pafs that fhe find no favour
20 When thou beateft thine olive tree, t thou fhalt
not go over the boughs again it fhall be for the
L"^ "
bough it aftet

t Heb. matter in his eyes, becaufe he hath found f-fome uncleannefs ftranger, fos the fatherlefs, and for the widow.
flf nakedncs'.
+-Hebs cuttir.g
in her ; then let him write her a bill of f divorcement, 21 When thou gathereft the grapes of thy vineyard,
etf. and give it in her hand, and fend her out of his houfe. thou fhalt not glean it t afterward it fhall be for the ;
i Heb.ttfiif
2 And when fhe is departed out of his houfe, fhe ftranger,. for the fatherlefs and for the widow,
may go and be another man's wife. 22 And thou fhalt remember that thou waft a bond-
3 And if the latter hufband hate her, and write her man in the land ojf Egypt : therefore 1 command thee
a bill of divorcement, and giveth it in her hand, and to do this thing.
fendeth her out of his houfe ; or if the latter hufband
die, which took her to be his wife ;
4 Her former hufband, which fent her away,, may I Stripes must not exceed forty. 4 The ox not to Be muz-
zled. 5 The law of 'raising seed unto a deceasedbrother:
not take her again to be his wife after that fhe is
1 1 of immodesty in a woman : 15 of unjust weights,
defiled for that is abomination before the Lord:

and thou fhalt not caufe the land to fin, which the &fc. 17 The memory qfAmalek to be blotted out.

Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance. IF there be a controverfy between men,, and they
Chap 20 7.
5 H b When a man hath taken a new wife, he fhall come unto judgment, that the judges may judge
r>,not go out to war, t neither fhall he be charged with them ; then they fhall juftify the righteous, and con-
any bufmefs but he ihall be free at home one year,
: demn the wicked.
and fhall cheer up his wife which he hath taken. 2 And it fhall be, if the wicked man be worthy to
6 \ No man fhall take the nether or the upper mill- be beaten, that the judge fhall caufe him to lie down,
ftone to pledge for he taketh a man's life to pledge.
: and to be beaten before his face, according to his fault,
7 H If a man be found ftealing any of his brethren by a certain number.
of the children of Ifrael, and maketh merchandife of 3 a Forty ftripeshe may give h\m y andnot exceed ; »ic*r,.n2*
him, or felleth him, then that thief fhall die \ and thou left if he fhould exceed, and beat him above thefe with
ihalt put away evil from among you. many ftripes, then thy brother fhould feem vile unto
r Levit.
&I4 2-
8 "f Take heed in c the plague of leprofy, that thou
obferve diligently, and do according to all that the 4 b
Thou fhalt not muzzle the ox when he t tread- b i Cor. 9 »,
lTim-i 1 8.
priefts the Levites fhall teach you : as I commanded eth out the corn. t Heb.
them , so ye ihall obferve to do. 5 TI c If brethren dwell together, and one ofthem die, c Matth.
J Numb. 9 Remember what the Lord thy God did d unto and have no child, the wife of the dead fhall not mar-
22 24.
Mark 12 10,'
xi 10.
1490. Miriam by the way, after that ye were come forth out ry without unto a ftranger her hufband's brother
: ||
Luke 20
I]Or, next

of Egypt. ihall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife, and kinsman.

10 ^ Wnen Aou doft t lend thy brother any thing, perform the duty of an hufband's brother unto her.
tvng u.<trc. thou fhalt not go into his houfe to fetch his pledge.
6 And it fhall be, that the firftborn that fhe bear-
Of offering the firstfruits, CHAP. XXVI, XXVII. Covcna?it between God and the people,

eth, ihall fucceedin the name of his brother which is he went down into Egypt, and fojourned there with
dead, that his name be not put out of Ifrael. a few, and became there a nation, great, mighty, and
7 And if the man like not to take his brother's ||
populous :

wife, then let his brother's wife go up to the gate unto 6 And the Egyptians evil entreated us, and afflict-
the elders and fay,
My hufband's brother refufeth ed us, and laid upon us hard bondage :

to raife up unto his brother a name in Ifrael he will ; 7 And when we cried unto the Lord God of our
perform the duty of my hufband's brother. fathers, the Lord heard our voice, and looked on our
affliction, and our labour, and our oppreffton
8 Then the elders of his city Ihall call him, and :

fpeak unto him r and if he Hand to it, and (ay, I like 8 And the Lord brou ght us forth out of Egypt with •

not to take her ,* a mighty hand, and with an outftretched arm, and with
9 Then fhall his brother's wife come unto him m great terriblenefs, and with figns and with wonders :

9- And he hath brought us into this place, and hath

the prefence of the elders, and loofe his fhoe from off
his foot,, and fpit in his face, and fhall anfwer and fay, given us this land, even a land that fiowcth with milk
So fhall it be done unto that man that will not build and honey.
up his brother's houfe. 10 And now, behold, I have brought the firft fruits

And his name fhall be called in Ifrael,

10 The of the land, which thou, Lord, haft given me.
houfe of him that hath hisfhoe loofed. And thou malt fet it before the Lord thy God, and
1 11 When men flrive together one with another i
worfhip before the Lord thy God.
and the "wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her 11 And thou fhalt rejoice in every good thing
hufband out of the hand of him that fmiteth him,, and which the Lord- thy God hath given unto thee, and
putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the fecrets ;
unto thine houfe r thou and the Levi te, and the ftran-
12 Then thou fhalt cut off her hand,, thine eye ger that is among you ,.

{hall not pity her. 12 IT When thou haft made an end of tithing all the
13 f Thou fhalt not have in thy bag. % diverfe
- tithes of thine increafe the third year, which is the achap.14
weights, a great and a fmall. year of tithing r and haft given it unto the Levite, the
14 Thou fhalt not have in thine houfe f diverfe flranger,. the fatherlefs, and the widow, that they
meafures, a great and a fmall may eat within thy gates r and be filled ;-

15 But thou fhalt have a perfect and juft weight, 13 Then thou fhalt fay before the Lord- thy God,
a perfect and juft meafure fhalt thou have that thy •;- I have brought away the hallowed things out of mine
days may be lengthened in the land which the Lord houfe, and alfo have given them unto the Levite, and
thy God giveth thee. unto the flranger, to the fatherlefs, and to the widow,.
16 Forallthatdo fuch things, a Wall that dbunright- according to all thy commandments which thou haft
eoufly, arezn abomination unto the Lord thy God. commanded me I have not tranfgrefled thy com-

17 1 e Remember what Amalek did unto thee by mandments, neither have I forgotten them :
the way, when ye were come forth out of Egypt 14 I have not eaten thereof in my mourning, nei-
18 How he met thee by the way, and fmote the hind- ther have I taken away aught thereof for any unclean
moft of thee, even all that were feeble behind thee, when use, nor given aught- thereof for the dead but I have

thou wast faint and weary ; and he feared not God. hearkened to the voice of the Lord my God, and have
19 Therefore it fhall be, when the Lord thy God done according to all that thou haft commanded me :

hath given thee reft from all thine enemies round 15 b Look clown from thy holy habitation, from ^aUhs?
about, in the land which the Lord thy God giveth heaven,, and blefs thy people Ifrael, and the land which
thee for an inheritance to poffefs it, that thou fhalt thou haft given us, as thou iwareft unto our fathers,-
blot out the remembrance of Amalek from, under a land that floweth with milk and honey..
heaven ; thou fhalt not forget it~ 16 If This day the Lord thy God hath commanded
C H A P. xxvr. thee to do thefe ftatutes and judgments r thou fhalt-

I The confession of him that offer eth the basket offirst therefore keep and do them with all thine heart, and
fruits. 12 The prayer of him that giveth his third with all thy foul.
year's tithes. 16 The covenant between God and 17 Thou haft avouched the Lord this day to be
the people. thy God,, and to walk in his ways, and to keep his

AN D it fhall be, when thou art eome in unto the


land which the Lord thy God giveth thee for

an inheritance, and poffefleft it, and dwelleft therein,
ftatutes, and his commandments, and his judgments,,
and to hearken unto his voice 1
18 And'the Lord hath avouched thee this day cchajtr*-
to be his peculiar people,, as he hath promifed thee,
2 That thou fhalt take of the firft of all the fruit
and that thou fhoulcleft keep all his commandments ;
of the earth, which thou fhalt bring of thy land that
19 And to make thee high above all nations which
the Lord thy God giveth thee, and fhalt put it in a
he hath made, in praife, and in name, and in honour
bafket, and fhalt go unto the place which the Lord :

and that thou mayeft be an holy people unto the Lord

thy God fhall choofe to place his name there.
thy God, as he hath fpoken.
3 And thou fhalt go unto the prieft that fhall be in
thofe days, and fay unto him, I profefs this day unto CHAP. XXVII.
the Lord thy God, that I am come unto the country 1 Unpeople commanded towritc the lawuponstones, and
which the Lord fware unto our fathers for to give us. to build an altar of whole stones. 9 Obedience to the

4 And the prieft fhall take the bafket out of thine law enjoined. 1 1 The tribes to be divided on Gerizim
hand, and fet it down before the altar of the Lord and Lbal. 14 The curses pronounced on mount Ebal,
thy God.
5 And thou fhalt fpeak and fay before the Lord thy
AND Mofes, with the ciders of Ifrael, commanded
the people, faying, Keep all the commandments
God, A
Syrian ready to pe-rifh was my father and ; which I command you this day.
2 And
: ::

curses pronounced on mount Ebal. DEUTERONOMY. The curses for disobedience.

2 And it on the day when ye fhall pafs
fhall be, nocent perfon and all the people fhall fay, Amen.

over Jordan unto the land which the Lord thy God 26 e
Curfed be he that confirmed! not all the words
a Josh. 4. I. giveth thee, that thou fhalt fet thee up great ftones, of this law to do them: and all the people fhall fay, e Gal. ^ 10.

and plafter them with plafter. Amen.

3 And thou fhalt write upon them all the words of CHAP. XXVIII.
this law, when thou art palled over, that thou maj'-eft 1 The
blessings for obedience. 15 The curses for dis-
go in unto the land which the Lord thy God giveth obedience.
thee, a land that floweth with milk and honey
Lord God of thy fathers hath promifed thee.
as the ;
AND it fhall come to pafs,
if thou fhalt hearken aiev:!6 3
diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God,
4 Therefore it fhall be, when ye be gone over Jor- to obferve and to do all his commandments, which
dan, that ye fhall fet up thefe ftones, which I "com- I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will
mand you this day, in mount Ebal, and thou fhalt fet thee on high aboveall nations of the earth.
plafter them with plafter. 2 And thefe bleffings ihall come on thee, and
5 And there ihalt thou build an altar unto the overtake thee, if thou fhalt hearken unto the voice of
-5. Josh.
Lord thy God, an altar of ftones ; b thou fhalt not the Lord thy God.
lift up any iron tool upon them : 3 Bleffed shah thou be in the city, and bleffed shah
6 Thou ihalt build the altar of the Lord thy God thou be in the field.
of whole ftones; and thou Ihalt offer burnt offerings 4 Bleffed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit
thereon unto the Lord thy God : of thy ground, and the fruit of thy cattle, the increafe
7 And thou fhalt offer peace offerings, and fhalt eat of thy kine, and the flocks of thy iheep.
there, and rejoice before the Lord thy God.
Or, icught
5 Bleffed shall be thy bafket and thy ftore. || or, knsading
8 And thou fhalt write upon the ftones all the words 6 Bleffed shah thou be when thou comeft in, and '""*''

of this law very plainly. bleffed shah thou be when thou goeft out.
9 H And Mofes, and the priefts the Levites, fpake 7 The Lord ihall caufe thine enemies that rife up
unto all Jfrael, faying, Take heed and hearken, If- O againft thee, to be fmitten before thy face they fhall

rael This day thou art become the people of the

: come out againft thee one way, and flee before thee
Lord thy God. feven ways.
10 Thou fhalt therefore obey the voice of the Lord 8 The Lord fhall command the bleffing upon thee
thy God, and do his commandments and his ftatutes, in thy ftorehoufes, and in all that thou fetteft thine Or, barm.

which I command thee this day. hand unto ; and he ihall blefs thee in the land which
11 TT And Mofes charged the people the fame day, the Lord thy God giveth thee.
faying, 9 The Lord fhall eftablifh thee an holy people unto
12. Thefe fhall ftand upon mount Gerizim to blefsthe himfelf, as he hath fwornunto thee, if thou fhalt keep
people, when ye are come over Jordan Simeon, and : the commandments of the Lord thy God, and walk
Levi, and Judah, and Iffachar, and Jofeph, and Ben- in his ways.
jamin. 10 And all people of the earth fhall fee that thou
+ Heb. for
13 And thefe fhall ftand upon mount Ebal t to art called by the name of the Lord ; and they fhall
curfe Reuben, Gad, and Afher, and Zebulun, Dan,
; be afraid of thee.
and Naphtali. 11 And b the Lord fhall make thee plenteous in \o^m° 9 ||

C 'Bm. 9 I
14 If And c the Levites fhall fpeak, and fay unto goods, in the fi-uit of thy t body, and in the fruit of zcc h bell £
all the men of Ifrael, with a loud voice, thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy ground, in the land
15 Curfed be the man that makethtf7zy graven ormol- which the Lord fvvare unto thy fathers to give thee.
ten image, an abomination unto the Lord, the work 12 The Lord ihall open unto thee his good treafure,
of the hands of the craftfman, andfjutteth it in a fecret the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his feafon,
place : and all the people fhall anfwer and fay, Amen. and to blefs all the work of thine hand and c thou fhalt c chap, n 6

16 Curfed be he that fetteth light by his father or lend unto many nations, and thou fhalt not borrow.
his mother and all the people fhall fay, Amen.
: 13 And the Lord fhall make thee the head, and
17 Curfed be he that removeth his neighbour's not the tail and thou fhalt be above only, and thou

landmark and all the people fhall fay, Amen.

: fhalt not be beneath ; if that thou hearken unto the
18 Curfed be he that maketh the blind to wander commandments of the Lord thy God, which I com-
out of the way and all the people fhall fay, Amen.
: mand thee this day, to obferve and to do them :
19 Curfed be he that perverteth the judgment- of 14 And thou ihalt not go afide from any of the
the ftranger, fatherlefs, and widow and all the people : words which I command thee this day, to the right
ihall fay, Amen. hand, or to the left, to go after other gods to ferve them.
20 Curfed be he that lieth with his father's wife, 15 IF But it fhall come to pafs, d if thou wilt not dLam. Lev. 25 14.
2 17.
becaufe he uncovereth his father's fkirt and all the : hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to ob- Mai. 2 2.
Bar. 20. 1
people fhall fay, Amen. ferve to do all his commandments and his ftatutes,

21 Curfed be he that lieth with any manner of beaft which I command thee this day, that all thefe curfes
and all the people ihall fay, Amen. fhall come upon thee, and overtake thee.
22 Curfed be he that lieth with his filter, the daugh- 16 Curfed shah thou be in the city, and curfed shah
ter of his father, or the daughter of his mother and : thou be in the field.
all the people ihall fay, Amen. 17 Curfed shall be thy bafket and thy ftore.
23 Curfed be he that lieth with his mother in law : 18 Curfed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the
and all the people mall fay, Amen. fruit of thy land, the increafe of thy kine, and the
24 Curled be he that iimiteth his neighbour fecretly flocks of thy fheep.
and all the people fhall fay, Amen. 19 Curfed shah thou be when thou comeft in, and
dEzsk. 22 25 * Curfed be he that taketh reward to flay an in-
12. curfed shah thou be when thou goeft out.
20 The
Disobedience threatened CHAP. XXVIII. 'with divers plagues.

B ore 20 The Lord fliall fend upon thee curling, vexa- but fhall neither drink of the wine, nor gather the
c ^
?«^ tionand rebuke, in all that thou fetteft thine hand grapes : for the worms fhall eat them.
tii£C*S* unto t for to do, until thou be deftroyed, and until 40 Thou fhalt have olive trees throughout all thy
rto« ---•'*"'
tnou perifh quickly becaufe of the wickednefs of thy
coafls but thou fhalt not anoint thyself with the oil

doings, whereby thou halt forfaken me. for thine olive fliall caft his fruit.
t Heb. they
21 The Lord fliall make the peftilence cleave unto 41 Thou fhalt beget fons and daughters, but t thou shall not be
thee, until he have confirmed thee from off the laud, fhalt not enjoy them : for they fhall go into captivity.
whither thou goeft to pofiefs it. 42 All thy trees, and fruit of thy land, fliall the
'Or, pcuai.
c Levu. 2 6 16. 22 e The Lord fhall finite thee with a confumption, locuft II confume.
and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with 43 The ftranger that is within thee fhall get up above
tor.droutht. an extreme burning, and with the H fword, and with thee very high and thou fhalt come down very low.

blafting, and with mildew ; and they fhall purfue thee 44 He fliall lend to thee, and thou fhalt not lend to
until thou perifh. him he fhall be the head, and thou fhalt be the tail.

23 And the heaven that zs over thy head mail be 45 Moreover, all thefe curies fliall come upon thee,
brafs, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron. and fhall purfue thee, and overtake thee, till thou be
24 The Lord fhall make the rain of thy land pow- deftroyed becaufe thou hearkenedft not unto the

der and dull from heaven fhall it come down upon

voice of the Lord thy God, to keep his command-
thee, until thou be deftroyed. ments and his ftatutes which he commanded thee.
25 The Lord fhall caufe thee to be fmitten before 46 And they fhall be upon thee for a iign, and for a
thine enemies thou fhalt go out one way againft
wonder, and upon thy feed for ever.
them, and flee feven ways before them ; and fhalt be 47 Becaufe thou fervedft not the Lord thy God
tHeb./ r a removed into all the kingdoms of the earth. with joyfulnefs, and with gladnefs of heart, for the
re-vmg. |
26 And ^
carets fhall be meat unto all fowls of
the air, and unto the beafts of the earth, and no man
abundance of all things ;
48 Therefore fhalt thou ferve thine enemies, which
fhall frav them awav. the Lord fliall fend againft thee, in hunger, and in
27 The Lord will fmite thee with the botch of thirft, and in nakednefs, and in want of all things
Egypt, and with the emerods, and with the fcab, and and he fhall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until
with the itch, whereof thou canft not be healed. he have deftroyed thee.
28 The Lord fhall fmite thee with madnefs, and 49 The Lord fhall bring a nation againft thee from
blindnefs, and aftonifhment of heart : from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth
1 Heb. hear.
29 And thou fhalt grope at noonday, as the blind a nation whofe tongue thou fhalt not f underftand
gropeth in darknefs and thou fhalt not profper in thy;
50 A
nation + of fierce countenance, which fhall not + "5 bj( "',«

ways and thou fhalt be only oppreffed and fpoiled

regard the perfon of the old, nor fhew favour to the
evermore, and no man fhall fave thee. young.
30 Thou fhalt betroth a wife, and another man fhall 51 And he fliall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and the
lie with her thou fhalt build an houfe, and thou fhalt
: fruit of thy land, until thou be deftroyed which also

t chap, jo 6. n ot dwell therein thou fhalt plant a vineyard, and
: fhall not leave thee either corn, wine, or oil, or the
**- (halt not t gather the grapes thereof. increafe of thy kine, or flocks of thy iheep, until he
fan;, or, kss
it a j c rirun 31 Thine ox shall be flain before thine eyes, and have deftroyed thee.
thou fhalt not eat thereof thine afs shall be violently
: 52 And he lhall befiege thee in all thy gates, until
tHeb. thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou
n-t return
taken away from before thy face, and t fhall not be
reftored to thee thy fheep shall be given unto thine
: truftedft, throughout all thy land and he fliall be-

enemies, and thou fhalt have none to refcue them. fiege thee in all thy gates, throughout all thy land,
32 Thy fons and thy daughters shall be given unto which the Lord thy God hath given thee.
another people, and thine eyes fhall look, and fail with 53 And thou fhalt eat the fruit of thine own
• i Levit.
26 29.
longing for thtm all the day long and there shall be:
t body, the nefh of thy fons and of thy daughters, 2 Kings 6 28,
Lam. 4 10.
no might in thine hand. which the Lord thy God hath given thee, in the liege, B.\r. 2 9.
t Heb. belly.
33 The fruit of thy land, and all thy labours, fliall and in the ftraightnefs wherewith thine enemies fliall
a nation which thou knowefl not eat up and thou ; diftrefs thee :

fhalt be only oppreffed and crufhed alway : 54 So t bat the man that is tender among you, and
34 So that thou fhalt be mad for the fight of thine very delicate, his eye fhall be evil toward his brother,
eyes which thou fhalt fee. and toward the wife of his bofom, and toward the
35 The Lord lhall fmite thee in the knees, and in
remnant of his children which he fhall leave :

the legs, with a fore botch that cannot be healed, from 55 So that he will not give to any of them of the
the fole of thy foot unto the top of thy head. flelh of his children whom he fhall eat becaufe he

36 The Lord fliall bring thee, and thy king which hath nothing left him in the fiege, and in the ftraight-
thou fhalt fet over thee, unto a nation which neither nefs, wherewith thine enemies fhall diftrefs thee in all
thou nor thy fathers have known and there fhalt ; thy gates.
thou ferve other gods, wood and ftone. 56 The tender and delicate woman among you,
I »i Kines •
37 And thou fhalt become * an aftonifhment, a which would not adventure to fet the fole of her foot
IB 9- proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither upon the ground for delicatenefs and tendernefs, her
the Lord fhall lead thee. eye fhall be evil toward the hufband of her bofom,
38 h Thou fhalt carry much feed out into the field, and toward her fon, and toward her daughter.
toZ. t 6.

and fhalt gather but little in for the lccufl fhall con-
: 57 And toward her \ young one that cometh out tHd.tftct
fume it. from between her feet, and toward her children which
39 Thou fhalt plant vineyards, and drefs them ; fhe fliall bear for flic fhall eat them for want of all

: ; ; ; : '

Moses exhorteth the people, DEUTERONOMY. They are presented before the Lord.
things fecretly in the fiege and ftraightnefs wherewith .your clothes are not waxen old upon you, and thy
thine enemy iliall diffrels thee in thy gates. ihoe is not waxen old upon thy foot.
58 If thou wilt not obferve to do all the words of 6 Ye have not eaten bread, neither have ye drunk
this law that are written in this book, that thou mayeft wine @r ftrong drink
: that ye might know that I am

fear this glorious and fearful name, THE LORD the Lord your God.

THY GOD ; 7 And when ye came unto this place, Sihon the
.59 Then the Lord will make thy plagues wonder- king of Fiefhbon, and Og the king of Baflian, came
ful, and the plagues of thy feed, .even great plagues, out againft us unto battle, and we fmete them :

and of long continuance, and fore iickneifes, and of 8 And we took their land, and gave it for an inherit-
long continuance. ance unto the Reubemtes, and to the Gadites, and to
60 Moreover, he will bring upon thee all die dif- the half tribe of Manaffeh,
eafes of Egypt, which thou waft afraid of; and they V b Keep, therefore, the words of this covenant, bChap. 4 6.
fhall cleave unto thee
: and do them, that ye may prolper in all that ye do. Kings 2 3, .1
I 7.

61 Alfo every ficknefs, and every plague, which is 10 Ye Hand this day all of you before the Lord
not written in the book of this law, them will the your God your captains of your tribes, your elders,

t«eb. cause Lord f bring upon thee, until thou be destroyed. and your officers, with all the men of Ifrael,
62 And ye ihall be left few in number, whereas ye 11 Your little ones, your wives, and thy ftranger
k chap. io 22. were* as the ftars of heaven for multitude ; becaufe thai is in thy camp, from the hewer of thy wood unto
thou wouldelt not obey the voice of the Lord thy God. the drawer of thy water :

63 And itfliall come to pafs, thuts& the Lord re- 12 That thou fhouldeit t enter into covenant with + h*.*^
joiced over you to do you good., and to multiply you the Loud thyGod, and into his oath, which the Lord

fo the Lord will rejoice over you to deflroy you, and thy God maketh with thee this day :

to bring you to nought: and ye iliall be plucked from IS That he may eftablifh thee today for a people
off the land whither thou goeft to pofiefs it unto himfelf, and that he may be unto thee a God, as
64 And theLoR© fhall fcatter thee among all people, he hath laid unto thee, and as he hath fworn unto thy
from the one end of the -earth, even unto the other and fathers, to Abraham, to Ifaac, and to Jacob.

there thou fhalt ferve other gods, which neither thou 14 Neither with you only do I make this covenant
nor thy fathers have known, even wood and Hone. and this oath;
65 And among thefe nations (halt thou find no eafe, 15 But with him that ftandeth here with, us this day
neither fhall the fbie of thy foot have reft : but the before the Lord our God, and alfo with &im that is
Lord fhall give thee there a trembling heart, and not here with us this day
failing of eyes, and forrow of mind 16 (For ye know how we have dw elt in the land of

66 And thy life fhall hang in doubt before thee Egypt, and how we came through the nations which

and thou fhalt fear day and night, and (halt have none ye palled by
affurance of thy life. 17 And ye have feen their abominations, and their
67 In the morning thou fhalt fay, Would God it f idols, wood and ftone, filver and gold, which were
were even I and at even thou fhalt fay, Would God it among them :)
were morning for the fear of thine heart wherewith
! 18 Left there fhouldbe among you man, or woman,
thou fhalt fear, and for the fight of thine eyes wMch or family, or tribe, whofe heart turneth away this day
thou fhalt fee. from the Lord eur God, to go and ferve the gods of
68 And the Lord fhall bring thee into Egypt again thefe nations left there fhould be among you a root

with fhips, by the way whereof I fpake unto thee, that beareth t gall and Avormwood.
|| Or, a pet- I

Thou fhalt fee it no more again and there ye fhall

.: 19 And it come to pafs, Avhen he heareth the Avords Tn^'/ltk
be fold unto your enemies for bondmen and bond- of this curfe, that he blefs himfelf in his heart, faying,
women, and no man fhall buy you, I fhall have peace, though I Avalk in the imagination Or, stub-

of mine heart, to add t drunkennefs to thirft bornness.

€ P. XXIX.
20 The Lord will not fpare him; but then the
tHeb. the
drunken to
2 Moses exhortcth the people to obedience, by the mem- anger of the Lord and his jealoufy fhall fmoke againft the tlarstp.
ory of the works they had seen, 10 They are all that man, and all the curfes that are written in
presented before the jLord to enter into covenant with book mall lie upon him, and the Lorjs fhall blot out
him, and warned of the 'danger of flattering them-
his name from under heaven.
selves in wickedness. 29 Secret things belong unto
21 And the Lord fhall feparate him unto evil out
God; what is revealed belongs unto men. of all the tribes of Ifrael, according to all the curfes of
THESE are the words of the covenant wMch the
Lord commanded Mofes to make with the chil-
the covenant that \ are Avritten in this book of the law t Heb. n
22 So that the generation to come of your children •written.
dren of Ifrael in the land of Moab, beiides the cov- that fhall rife up after you; and the ftranger that fhall
enant which he made -with them in Horeb. come from a far land, fhall fay, Avhen they fee the
2 IT And Mofes called unto all Ifrael, and faid unto plagues of that land, and the lickneiles t which the tBefc.
»Zxox «> 4 them, a Ye havefeen all
that the Lord did before your Lord hath laid upon it "wherewith
the LORD
eyes m the land of Egypt unto Pharaoh, and unto all 23 And that the Avhole land thereof is brimftone, '^>£ made
sick- '

his fervants, and unto all his land ; and fait, and burning that
; it is notfoAvn, nor beareth,
3 The great temptations which thine eyes have feen, nor any grafs groweth therein, c like the OA'erthrow e Genesis
the figns, and thofe great miracles : of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim, 9 34 35. 1

4 Yet the Lord hath not given you an heart to per- Avhich the Lord overthrew in his anger, and in his
ceive, and eyes to fee, and ears to hear, unto this day. wrath ;

5 And I have led you forty years in the wildernefs ; 24 Even all nations fhall fay, d Wherefore hath the J'b*^
Jer.'S 1 *
: ; ;

Great mercies promised to the penitent. CHAP. XXX, XXXI. Moses encourageth the people.
r Sp?-r Lord done
thus unto this land ? what meaneth the 12 c It is not in heaven, that thou fhouldeft fay,
ii^>p(/ heat of mis great anger r v\ ho fhall go up for us to heaven, and bring it
a ! 25 Then men fliall fay, d Becaufe they have forfaken
Ki ng s 9 8. us, that we may hear it, and do it ?
jer. a ^
e covenant of the Lord God of their fathers, which
13 Neither is it beyond the fea, that thou fhouldeft
he made with them when he brought them forth out fay, Who fliall go over the lea for us, and bring it
of the land of Egypt unto us, that we may hear it, and do it ?
Or/who had
26 For they went and ferved other gods,, and wor- 14 But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy
^mippedthem, gods whom they knew not, and whom
not givi r.
,| mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayeft do it.
them any
portion, he had not t given unto them. 15 Ii See, I have fet before thee this day, life and
t Heb.
27 And the anger of the Lord was kindled againft good, and death and evil
this land, to bring upon it all the curfes that are writ- 16 In that I command thee this day to love the
ten in this book. Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his
28 And the Lord rooted them out of their land in commandments, and his ftatutes, and his judgments,
anger, and in wrath, and in great indignation, and call that thou mayeft live and multiply and the Lord thy

them into another land, as it is this day. God fliall blefs thee in the land whither thou goeft to
29 The fecret things belong unto the Lord our poffefs it.
God; but thofe things which are revealed, belong 17 But if thine heart turn away, fo that thou wilt
u. to us, and to our children for ever, that we may do not hear, but fhalt be drawn away, and worfhip other
all the words of this law„ gods, and ferve them ;
C HA P. XXX. 18 I denounce unto you this day, that ye fliall furely
periih and that yefhafi notprolongyoardays upon the
1 Great mercies promised unto the penitent. 11 The ;

land whither thou paffeft over Jordan to go to poffefs it.

commandment is of obvious interpretation. 15 Death
and life are set before the people, 19 d I call heaven and earth to record this day a chap. 426
againft you, that I haAe let before you life and death,


it fhall come to pafs, when all thefe things
come upon thee, the bleffing and the curie
have fet before thee, and thou (halt call them
bleffing and curling therefore choofe life, that both
thou and thy feed may live ;

20 That thou mayeft love the Lord thy God, and

to mind among all the nations whither the Lord thy that thou mayeft obey his voice, and that thou mayeft
God hath driven thee. cleave unto him (for he is thy life, and the length
2 And lhalt return unto the Lord thy God, and

of thy days ;) that thou mayeft dwell in the land

fhalt obey his voice, according to all that I command which the Lord fware unto thy fathers, to Abraham,
thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thine to Ifaac, and to Jacob, to give them.
heart, and with all thy foul
3 That then the Lord thy God will turn thy cap- CHAP. XXXI.
tivity, and have compaflion upon thee, and will return 1 Moses encourageth the people a?id Joshua : 9 he
and gather thee from all the nations whither the Lord delivereth the law unto the priests, to read it every
thy God hath fcattered thee. seventh year to the people. 14 Moses and Joshua
Net. i 9- 4 % \iany of thine be driven out unto the outmoft appear before God. 16 God shevjeth Moses the
parts of heaven, from thence will the Lord thy God people'sfuture apostacy, andgiveth him a song to tes-
gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee. tify against them. 23 Joshua receiveth a charge.
5 And the Lord thy God will bring thee into the 24 Moses delivereth the book of the law to the Levites
land which thy fathers poflelfed, and thou fhalt poffefs to keep, and calleth together the elders and officers.
it ; and he will do thee good, and multiply thee above
thy fathers.
AND Mofes wait and fpake thefe words unto all
6 And the Lord thy God will circumcife thine 2 Andhe faid unto them, I am an hundred and
heart, and the heart of thy feed, to love the Lord thy twenty years old this day I can no more go out and

God with all thine heart, and with all thy foul, that come in alfo the Lord hath faid unto me, a Thou
: a Numb'.
20 12.
thou mayeft live. lhalt not go over this Jordan. Chap. 3 27.
7 And the Lord thy God will put all thefe curfes 3 The Lord thy God, he will go over before thee,
upon thine enemies, and on them that hate thee, andht will deftroy thefe nations from before thee,. and
which perfecuted thee. thou fhalt poflefs them and Jofhua, he fhall go over

8 And thou fhalt return, and obey the voice of the before thee, b as the Lord hath faid. b Chap. 3 28,
Lord, and do all his commandments which I com- 4 And the Lord fliall do unto them, as he did to
mand thee this day. Sihon and to Og, kings of the Amorites, and unto the
bthap.23 ii. 9 b And theLoRDthy God will make thee plenteous land of them whom he deftroyed.
in every work of thine hand, in the fruit of thy body, 5 And c the Lord fliall give them up before your c Chap. 7 ».

and in the fruit of thy cattle, and

in the fruit of thy face, that ye may do unto them according unto all the
land, for good for the : Lord
will again rejoice over commandments which I have commanded you..
thee for good, as he rejoiced over thy fathers ; 6 Be ftrong, and of a good courage fear not, nor ;

10 malt hearken unto the voice of the Lord

If thou be afraid of them for the Lord thy God, he it is

thy God, to keep his commandments and his ftatntes, tliat doth go with thee ; he will not fail thee, nor lbr-
which are written in this book of the law, and if thou fake thee.
turn unto the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and 7 If And Mofes called unto Jofhua, and faid unto
with all thy foul. him in the light of all Ifrael, Be Itrong, and of a good
11 If For this commandment, which I command courage ; for thou muft go with this people unto the
thee this day, it is not hidden from thee, neither is it land which the Lord hath fworn unto their fathers to
fcroff; give them ; and thou fhalt caufe them to inherit it.
U 8 And
1 :

Joshua receiveth a charge. DEUTERONOMY. The Lord's song, given to Moses,

8 And the Lord,
he it is that doth go before thee ;
fhalt bring the children of Ifrael into the land which
he willbe with thee, he will not fail thee, neither for- I fware unto them and I will be with thee.

fake thee fear not, neither be clifmayed.

24 IF And it came -to pafs, when Mofes had made
9 IF And Moles wrote this law, and delivered it an end of writing the words of this law in a book,
unto the priefts thefonsof Levi, which bare the ark until they were finifhed,
of the covenant of the Lord, and unto all the elders 25 That Mofes commanded the Levites, which
of Ifrael. bare the ark of the covenant of the Lord, faying,
10 And Mofes commanded them, faying, At the 26 Take this book of the law, and put it in the 'fide
dchaP d of the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, that
. '5 !•
end of every feven years, in the folemnity of the year
of releafe, in the of tabernacles,
feaft it may be there for a witnefs againft thee.

1 When all Ifrael is come to appear before the 27 For I know thy rebellion, and thy ftiff neck
Lord thy God, in the place which he mall choofe, thou behold, while I am yet alive with you this day, ye have
ihalt read this law before all Ifrael in their hearing. been rebellious againft the Lord and how much ;

12 Gather the people together, men, and women, more after my death ?
and children, and thy ftranger that is within thy gates, 28 Gather unto me all the elders of your tribes, and
that they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear your officers, that I may fpeak thefe words in their
the Lord your God, and obferve to do all the words ears, and call heaven and earth to record againft them.
of this law ;
29 For I know that after my death, ye will utterly
13 And that their children, which have not known corrupt yourselves, and turn afide from the way which
any thing, may hear, and learn to fear the Lord your I have commanded you ; and evil will befal you in
God, as long as ye live in the land whither ye go over the latter days ; becaufe ye will do evil in the light of
Jordan to poffefs it. the Lord, to provoke him to anger through the work
14 II And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Behold, thy of your hands.
days approach that thou mull die call Jolhua, and :
30 And Mofes fpake in the ears of all the congrega-
prefent yourfelves in the tabernacle of the congrega- tion ofIfrael the words ofthis fong.until they were ended.
tion, that I may give him a charge. And Mofes and CHAP. XXXII.
Jofhua went, and prefented themfelves in the taber- 1 The Lord'''s song, given to Moses, which setteth forth
nacle of the congregation. his mercy and vengeance. 44 Moses exhorteth the
15 And the Lord appeared in the tabernacle in a people to set their hearts unto all the words of the
pillar of a cloud and the pillar of the cloud Hood over
: law. 48 God sendeth him up to mount Nebo, to see
the door of the tabernacle. the promised land, and die.
16 11 And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Behold, thou GIVE O ye heavens, and
hear, O earth,
ear, I will fpeak ; and
t Heb. lie flialt f lleep, with thy fathers ; and this people will the words of my mouth.
rife up, and go a whoring after the gods of the ftran- 2 My doctrine lhall drop as the rain, my fpeech
gers of the land whither they go to be among them, fhall diftil as the dew
as the fmall rain upon the

and will forfake me, and break my covenant which I tender herb, and as the ihowers upon the grafs :

have made with them. 3 Becaufe I will publifh the name of the Lord ;
17 Then my anger mail be kindled againft them in afcribe ye greatnefs unto our God.
that day, and I will forfake them, and I will hide my 4 He is the Rock, his work is perfect ; for all his
face from them and they fhall be devoured^ and
ways are judgment : a God of truth, and without

t neb.find many evils and troubles fhall t befal them ; fo that iniquity ; juft and right is he.
^gy Vv-}n fay j n th a day, Are not thefe evils come
t: 5 f They have corrupted themfelves ; their fpot t Heb. he-

hath CCr-
upon us, becauie our God is not among us ? is not the spot of his children they are a perverfe and rtipted

18 And I will furely hide my face in that day, for crooked generation. himself.
| Or, that
all the evils which they fhall have wrought, in that 6 Do ye thus requite the Lord ? Ofoolifh people they are tut
his children,
they are turned unto other gods. and unwife ! is not he thy father that hath bought that iSj their
19 Now, therefore, write ye this fong for you, and thee ? hath he not made thee, and eftablifhed thee ? blot.
teach it the children of Ifrael: put it in their mouths, 7 IF Remember the days of old, confider the years
that this fong may be a witnefs for me againft the of | many generations : afk thy father, and he will t Heb. gene-
ration and
children of Ifrael. fliew thee ; thy elders, and they will tell thee ; generation.

20 For when I fhall have brought them into the 8 Whenthe molt High divided to the nations their
land which I fware unto their fethers, that floweth inheritance, when he feparated the fons of Adam, he
with milk and honey, and they fhall have eaten, and let the bounds of the people according to the number
filled themfelves, and waxen fat ; then will they turn of the children of Ifrael.
unto other gods, and ferve them, and provoke me, 9 For the Lord's portion is his people ; Jacob is
and break my covenant. the t lot of his inheritance. t Heb. cori.
21 And it fhall come to pafs, when many evils and 10 He found him in a defert land, and in the wafte
troubles are befallen them, that this fong fhall teftify howling wildernefs ; he H led him about, he inftrucled Or, com- U
passed him
t Heb. beforsA againft them as a witnefs ; for it fhall not be forgot- him, he kept him as the apple of his eye. about.
ten out of the mouths of their feed for I know their : 11 As an eagle ftirreth up her neft, fluttereth over
t Heb. do. imagination which they f go about, even now, before her young, fpreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them,
I have brought them into the land which I fware. beareth them on her wings ;
22 IF Mofes, therefore, wrote this fong the fame day, 12 So the Lord alone did lead him, and there was
and taught it the children of Ifrael. no ftrange God with him.
23 IF And he gave Jofhua the fon of Nun a charge, 13 He made him ride on the high places of the
e josbua 6, and laid,
1 Be ftrong, and of a good, courage ; for thou earth, that he might eat the increafe of the fields ; and
! 1

God' s displeasure and vengeance. CHAP. XXXIII. Moses admonisheth the people.

he made him to fuck honey out of the rock, and oil calamity is at hand, and the things that fhall come
out of the flinty rock.; upon them make hafte.
14 Butter of kine, and milk of fheep, with fat of 36 For the Lord fhall judge his people, d and Mac. 7 6.

lambs, and rams of the breed of Bafhan, and goats, repent himfelf for his fervants, when hefeeth that their
with the fat of kidneys of wheat and thou didft drink
; t power is gone, and there is none fhut up, or left. t Heb. hand.

the pure blood of the grape. 37 And he fhall fay, Where are their gods, their
15 Tf But Jefhurun waxed fat, and kicked thou art ; rock in whom they trufted ;

waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered 38 Which did eatthefat of their facrifices, and
with fatness : then he forfook God which made him, drank the wine of their drink offerings ? let them rife
and lightly efteemed the Reck of his falvation. up and help you, and be f your protection. t Heb. an
hiding for
16 They provoked him to jealoufy with ftrange gods, 39 See now that I, even I am he, and there is no god you.
e 1 Sam. 2 6,

with abominations provoked they him to anger. with me and I make alive I wound, and I
I kill, ; Tobit 13 2.
Wisd. 1613.
Or, which
17 They facrificed unto devils, not to God to || : heal neither is there any that can deliver out ofmy hand.
40 For I lift up my hand to heaven, and fay, I live
net Goi.
gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came
newly up, whom your fathers feared not. for ever.
18" Of the Rock that begat thee, thou art unmind- 41 If I whet my glittering fword, and mine hand
ful,and haft forgotten God that formed thee. take hold on judgment, I will render vengeance to
Or, ie-
19 11 And when the Lord faw it he abhorred them, \\ mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me.
becaufe of the provoking of his fons and of his daugh- 42 I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and
ters. my fword fhall devour flefh and that with the blood

20 And he faid, I will hide my face from them, I of the flain, and of the captives, from the beginning
will fee what their end shall be : for they are a very of revenges upon the enemy.
froward generation, children in whom is no faith. 43 f Rejoice,
ye nations, with his people for ; I!
Or, Praise
his people, ye
21 They have moved me to jealoufy with that he will avenge the blood of his fervants, and will ren- nations : or,
which is not God they have provoked me to anger
; der vengeance to his adverfaries, and will be merciful f Rom. 1510.
a Rom. 10 with their vanities and a I will move them to jealoufy
: unto his land, and to his people.
with those which are not a people I will provoke ; 44 ff And Mofes came and fpake all the words of
them to anger with a foolifh nation. this fong in the ears of the people, he, and || Hofhea \
Or, Juhva.

II Or, hath 22 For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and || fhall the fbn of Nun.
Or, hath burn unto the loweft hell, and (hall confume the|| 45 And Mofes made an end of fpeaking all thefe
earth with her increafe, and fet on fire the foundations words to all Ifrael.
of the mountains. 46 And he faid unto them, g fet your hearts unto all e o«p- 6

23 I will heap mifchiefs upon them ; I will fpend the words which I teftify among you this day, which
mine arrows upon them. ye fhall command your children to obferve to do, all
24 They shall be burnt with hunger, and devoured the words of this law.
t Heb. burn- with f burning heat, and with bitter deftrucTtion I : 47 For it is not a vain thing for you becaufe it is ;
ing coals.
will alfo fend the teeth of beafts upon them, with the your life and through this thing ye fhall prolong your

poifon offerpents of the duft. days in the land whither ye go over Jordan to poffefs it.
+ Htb./rom 25 The fword without, and terror t within, fhall 48 If h And the Lord fpake unto Mofes that felf J

t deftroy both the young man and the virgin, the fuck-
the chambers.
t Heb. fc. fame day, faying,
ling also, with the man of gray hairs. 49 Get thee up into this mountain Abarim, unto
26 I faid, Iwould fcatter them into corners, I would mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab,that is over
make the remembrance of them to ceafe from among againft Jericho, and behold the land of Canaan, which
men : I give unto the children of Ifrael for a poffeflion ;

27 Were not that I feared the wrath of the ene-

it 50 And die in the mount whither thou goeft up,
my, left their adverfaries fhould behave themfelves and be gathered unto thy people as Aaron thy ;

21 28, 8c
Or, Our
[I ftrangely, and left they fhould fay, Our hand is high,
|| brother died in mount Hor, and w as gathered unto his r
33 3?
nigh hand.
and not the and the Lord hath not done all this. people :

LORD, hath k
den; all this. 28 For they are a nation void of counfel, neither is 51 Becaufe ye trefpafled againft me among the k Numb.
20 12 13,
there any underftanding in them. children of Ifrael at the waters of Meribahkadefh, &aV 14. ||

29 Oh that they were wife, that they underftood in the wildernefs of Zin ; becaufe ye fanclified me not l t°Kii»^
this, that they would confider their latter end in the midft of the children of Ifrael.
h Josh. 23
30 How fhould b one chafe athoufand, and two put 52 Yet thou f halt fee the land before thee ; but thou
ten thoufand to flight, except their Rock had fold fhalt not go thither unto the land which I give the
them, and the Lord had fhut them up ? children of Ifrael.
31 For their rock is not as our Rock, even our
enemies themfelves being judges.
Or, is
32 For their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and
1 Moses scttethforththemajesty of God. 6Theblessings
worse than ||

the vine of of the fields of Gomorrah their grapes are grapes of

of the tribes of Israel. 26 The excellency of Israel.
Sodom, 4?c-
gall, their chillers are bitter :

33 Their wine is the poifon of dragons, and the ANmanD this

of God
is the blefling wherewith Mofes the
bleffed the children of Ifrael before
cruel venom of afps. his death.
34 Is not this laid up in ftore with rne, and fealed 2 And he faid, The Lord came from Sinai, and
up among my
treafures ? rofe up from Seir unto them he fhined forth from ;

c Ecelu6.
18 1. Rom.
35 c To
me belong cth vengeance and recompenfe ;
mount Paran, and he came with ten thoufands of fHehafirt
\i 10. Heir, their foot {hall Aide in due time for the day of their
: faints from his right hand went f a fiery law for them.
: <>/ il-w"
to 30.
3 Yea,

The blessings of the tribes of Israel. DEUTERONOMY. Moses dieth^ and Is buried,
3 Yea, he loved the people all his faints are in thy ; 23 If And of Naphtali
he faid, Naphtali, fatisfied O
hand and they fat down at thy feet ; every one fhall
: with favour, and full with the bleffing of the Lord,
receive of thy words. poffefs thou the weir and the fouth.
4 Moles commanded us a law, eve n the inheritance 24 IT And of Ailier he faid, Let Afher be bleffed
of the congregation of Jacob. with children let him be acceptable to his brethren,

5 And he was king in Jefhurun, whenthe heads ofthe and let him dip his foot in oil,
people, and the tribes of Ifrael were gathered together. 25 Thy ihots shall be iron and brafs; and as thy plunder

thy shoes
6 II Let Reuben live, and not die and let not his ; days, so shall thy ftrength Jv. shall be inn.
men be few. 26 is none like unto the God of Jefhurun,
IT There
7 U And this is the blessing of Judah and he faid, : who upon the heaven in thy help, and in his
Hear, Lord, the voice of Judah, and bring him unto excellency on the iky.
his people let his hands be fumcient for him ; and
: ,27 The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath
be thou an help to him from his enemies. are the everlafting arms : and he lhall thruft out the
aExod.3830. 8 H And of Levi he faid, a Let thy Thummim and enemy from before thee, and lhall fay, Deftroy them.
thy Urim be with thy holy one, whom thou didft prove _28
Ifrael then lhall dwell in fafety alone; the foun- d Jereru,
at Maffah, and with whom thou didft ftrive at the
tain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine :
waters of Meribah ; alio his heavens fhall drop down dew.
9 Who
faid unto his father and to his mother, I 29 Happy art thou, O Ifrael who z'slike unto thee,;

have not feen him neither did he acknowledge his

; people laved by the Lord, the fhield of thy help,
brethren, nor knew his own children for they have : and who is the fword of thy excellency and thine !

obferved thy word, and kept thy covenant. enemies H fhall be found liars unto thee, and thou i Or, shall
te subdued.
\ Or, Let
thdm teacht
10 They fhall teach Jacob thy judgments, and
|| lhalt tread upon their high places.

\henl put
Ifrael thy law they fhall put incenfe t before thee,
: ||

and whole burnt facrifice upon thine altar.

1 Moses from mount Nebo vieweth the land : 5 his
Tn"Cat thy 11 Blefs, Lord, his fubftance, and accept the work
mse. death and burial : 7 his age : 8 thirty days'* mourn-
f n } s hands fmite through the loins of them that

rife againft him,, and of them that hate him, that they
ing for him : 9 Joshua succeedcih him. 10 The
praise of Moses.
not again.
And of Benjamin he faid, The beloved of the
12 AND Mofes went up from
the plains of Moab
Lord fhall dwell in fafety by him and the Lor& ;
unto the mountain of Nebo, to the top of Pif- II

fhall cover him all the day long, and he fhall dwell gah, that is over againft Jericho : andtheLoRDfhewed
between his fhoulders. him a all the land of Gilead, unto Dan, a Chap. 3
2 Mac. 2 4.

b ce n 49 15-
13 «j[ And of Jofeph he faid,/ b BlefTed of the Lord 2 And all Naphtali, and the land of Ephraim, and
be his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the Manaffeh, and all the land of Judah, unto the utmoft
dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath. lea,
14 And for the precious fruits brought forth by the 3 And the fouth, and the plain of the valley of
tHeb. thmst fun, and for the precious things
f put forth by the Jericho, the city of palm trees, unto Zoar.

XHtzb.moms. f mOOn, 4 And the Lord faid unto him, b This is the land b
(Jen. 127,
15 And for the chief things of the ancient moun- which fware unto Abraham, unto Ifaac, and unto
tains, and for the precious things of the lafting hills, Jacob, faying, I will give it unto thy feed I have :

16 And for the precious things of the. earth and ful- caufed thee to fee it with thine eyes, but thou fhalt
nefs thereof, and for the good will of him that dwelt not go over thither.
r. cen. 49 26. i n the bufh let the blessing
come upon the head of 5 11 So Mofes the fervant of the Lord died there in
Jofeph, and upon the top of the head of him that was the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord.
feparated from his brethren. •6 And he buried him in a valley in the land of

17 His glory is like the firftling of his bullock, and Moab, over againft Bethpeor but no man knoweth :

his horns are like the horns of unicorns ; with them of his fepulchre unto this day.
he fhall puih the people together, to the ends of the 7 If And Mofes was an hundred and twenty years
earth and they are the ten thoufands of Ephraim,
: old when he died his eye was not dim, nor his t na-
: tHeb.
and they are the thoufands of Manaffeh. tural force f abated. t H&.fie i.
18 1 And of Zebulun he faid, Rejoice, Zebulun, 8 If And the children of Ifrael wept for Mofes in
in thy going out ; and Iffachar, in thy tents. the plains of Moab thirty days fothe days of weep- :

19 They fhall call the people unto the mountain ;

ing and mourning for Mofes were ended.
there they fhall offer facrifices of righteoufnefs for : 9 If And Jofhua the fun of Nun was- full of the
they fhall fuck of the abundance of the leas, and of fpirit of wifdom for Mofes had laid his hands upon

treasures hid in the fand. him and the children of Ifrael hearkened unto him,

20 H And of Gad he laid, Bleffed be he that enlarg- and did as the Lord commanded Mofes.
ed Gad he dwell eth as a lion, and teareth the arm
: 10 IT And there arofe not a prophet fince in Ifrael
with the crown of the head. like unto Mofes, whom the Lord knew face to face •

21 And he provided the fir ft partforhimfelf, becaufe 1 In all the figns and the wonders which the Lord
tHeb. titled, there, in a portion of the lawgiver, was he f feated
fent him to do in the land of Egypt, to Pharaoh, and
and he came with the heads of the people, he executed to all his fervants, and to all his land.
the juftice of the Lord, and his judgments with Ifrael. 12 And
in all that mighty hand, and in all the great
22 IT And of Dan he faid, Dan is a lion's whelp : terror which Mofes fhewed in the fight of all Ifrael.

he fhall leap from Bafhan.

1 ; ;;

The Book of JOSHUA.

CHAR I. 16 IF And they anfwered Jofhua, faying, All that
thou commandeft us, we will do, and whitherfoever
The Lord appointeth Joshua to succeed Moses. 3 The
extent of the promised land. 5Godpromiseth to assist
tiiou fendeft us, we will go.
Joshua, and giveth him instmction. 10 Joshua pre- 17 According as we hearkened unto Mofes in all
things, fo will we hearken unto thee only the Lord :
pareth the people to pass over Jordan : 12 he putteth
thy God be with thee, as he was with Mofes.
the two tribes and half in mind of their engagement
18 Whofoever he be that doth rebel againft thy
to Moses. 16 They promise him obedience*
commandment, and will not hearken unto thy words,
OW, after the death of Mofes, the fervant of the in all that thou commandeft him, he fhall be put to
N' Lord, it came to pafs, that the Lord fpake unto death ; only be ftrong and of a good courage.
aBeut. Joihua the fon of Nun, Mofes' a minifter, faying,
1 38.

2 Mofes my fervant is dead now therefore, arife, go ;

over this Jordan, thou, -and all this people, unto the land 1 Joshua sendeth men from Sbittim to view Jericho
which I do give to them, even to the children of Ifrael. Rahab receiveth ana conccaleth them : 8 she shew-
e dt
c° P ;+ y'
3 b Every place that the fole of your foot fhall tread eth her faith, and requireth a sign for her deliver-
upon, that have I given unto you, as I faid unto Mofes. ance. 23 The return of the spies and their re-
4 From the wildernefs, and this Lebanon, even unto port.
the great river, the river Euphrates, all die land of the
Hittites, and unto the great fea, toward the going AN D mentwo to fpy fecretly, faying,
fent out of Shittim
Jofhua the fon of
view the Go
down of the fun, fhall be your coafh land, even Jericho. And they went, and a came into a-Hebr.
5 There fhall not any man be able to ftand before ii 31-
an harlot's houfe, named Rahab, and \ lodged there. James 2 25;
thee all the da} r s of thy life. As I was with Mofes, so I 2 And it was told the king of Jericho, faying, Be- t Heb. lay.
cHebr. 13 5
wfli bde v/ith thee c I will not fail thee, nor forfake thee.
hold, there came men in hither to night of the chil-
23 6 Be ftrong, and of a good courage for unto this
; ||
dren of Ifrael to fearch out the country.
simii came people fhalt thou divide for an inheritance the land 3 And the king of Jericho fent unto Rahab, faying,
SnL^tjht" which I fware unto their fathers to give them* Bring forth the men that are come to thee, which are
land, &c.
7 Only be thou ftrong, and very courageous, that entered into thine houfe : for they be come to fearch
thou mayeft obferve to do according to all the law, out all the country.
eneut. 5
& 28 14. which Mofes my fervant commanded thee e turn not :
4 And the woman took the two men and hid them, to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayeft and laid thus, There came men unto me, but I wift
Or, do

profper v\ hitherfoever thou goeft.
not whence they were :
8 This book of the law fhall not depart out of thy 5 And it came to pafs, about the time of fhutting of
mouth but thou flialt meditate therein day and night,
the gate, when it was dark, that the men went out
that thou mayeft obferve to do according to all that is whither the men went, I wot not purfue after them :

written therein for then thou flialt make thy way

quickly for ye fhall overtake them.
I Or, do profperous, and then thou fhalt have good fuccefs.
6 But flie had brought them up to the roof of the
9 Have not I commanded thee ? Be ftrong, and of houfe,_and hid them with the ftalks of flax, which fhe
a good courage be not afraid, neither be thou dif-
had laid in order upon the roof
mayed for the Lord thy God is with thee whither-
7 And the men purfued after them the way to Jor-
foever thou goeft. dan unto the fords and, as foon as they which pur-
10 HThen Joihua commanded the officers of the fued after them were gone out, they fliut the gate.
people, faying,
8 TI And before they were laid down, flie came up
1 Pafs through the hoft, and command the people,
unto them upon the roof
faying, Prepare you victuals ; for within three days ye
9 And flie faid unto the men, I know that the
lhall pafs over this Jordan, to go in to poflefs the land
Lord hath given you the land, and that your terror is
which the Lord your God giveth you to poiTefs it fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land
12 If And to the Reubenitcs, and to the Gadites,
t faint becaufe of you. t Heb. mcli.
and to half the tribe of Manafieh, fpake, faying, 10 For we have heard how the Lord l dried up b Exod.
[ Numb. 13 Remember f the word which Mofes the fervant 14 21.
the water of the Red fea for you, when .ye came out Chap. 4 2.
3 J 29 -
of the Lord commanded you laying, The Lord your

of Egypt and what ye did unto the two kings of the

God hath given you reft, and hath given you this land. Amorites that were on the other fide Jordan, c Sihon c Numb.
14 Your wives, your little ones, and your cattle, and Og, whom ye utterly deftroyed.
fhall remain in the land which Mofes gave you on this
11 And as foon as we had heard these things our
fide Jordan but ye fhall pafs before your brethren
hearts did melt, neither f did there remain any more MU-b.
t armed, all the mighty men of valour, and help them,
rose up.
t Heb. mar
shalled by courage in any man becaufe of you ; for theLo r d your
15 Until the Lord have given your brethren reft, God he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath.
as he hath given you, and they alfo have pollened the
12 Now, therefore, I pray you, fwear unto me by
land which the Lord your God giveth them ; dien the Lord, fince I have fliewed you kindnefs, that yc
ye fhall return unto the land of your poffeflion, and will alfo fhew kindnefs unto my father's houfe and ;

enjoy it, which Mofes the Lord's fervant gave you on give me a true token :

this fide Jordan, toward the funrifing.

13 And that ye will fave alive my father, and my
: '

Joshua cometb to Jordan. )I

O S HU A. The waters of Jordan divided*
CHRIST mother, and my brethren, and my fillers, and all that up the ark of the covenant, and pafs over before the
they have, and deliver our lives from death. people. And they took up the ark of the covenant,
Heb.;instead 14 And the men anfwered her, Our life f for yours, and went before the people.
ifye utter not this our bufinefs. Anditfhallbe, when 7 IT And the Lord faid unto Jofhua, This day will
the Lord hath given us the land, that we will deal I begin to magnify thee in the fight of all Ifrael, that
kindly and truly with thee. they may know that as I was with Mofes, so I will bchap '

15 Then fhe let them down by a cord through the be with thee.
window for her houfe was upon the town wall, and
: 8 And thou fhalt command the priefts that bear the
fhe dwelt upon the wall. ark of the covenant, faying, When ye are come to
16 And fhe faid unto them, Get ye to the moun- the brink of the water of Jordan, ye fhail ftand ftill in
tain, left the purfuers meet you and hide yourfelves ; Jordan.
there three days, until the purfuers be returned and : 9 II And Jofhua faid unto the children of Ifrael, Come
afterward may ye go your way. hither, and hear the words of the Lord your God.
17 And the men faid unto her, will be blamelefs We 10 And Jofhua faid, Hereby ye fhall know that the
of this thine oath which thou haft made us fwear. living God is among you, and that he will without fail
18 Behold, when we come into the land, thou fhalt
drive out from before you the Canaanites, and the
bind this line of fcarlet thread in the window which Hittites, and the Hivites, and the Perizzites, and the
Web. gather, t
fo u cliclfllet us down by and thou fhalt f bring thy : Girgafhites, and the Amorites, and the Jebufites.
father, and thy mother, and thy brethren, and all thy 11 Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of
father's household, home unto thee. all the earth, paffeth over before you into Jordan.
19 And it lhail be, that whofoever fhall go out of 12 Now, therefore, take you twelve men out of the
the doors of thy houfe into the ftreet, his blood shall tribes of Ifrael, out ofevery tribe a man.
be upon his head, and we will be guiltlefs and whofo- ; 13 And it fhall come to pafs, as foon as the foles of
ever fhall be with thee in the houfe, his blood shall be the feet of the priefts that bear the ark of the Lord,
on our head, if any hand be upon him. the Lord of all the earth, fhall reft in the waters of
20 And if thou utter this our bufinefs, then we will Jordan, that the waters of Jordan fhall be cut offfrom
be quit of thine oath which thou haft made us to fwear. the waters that come down from above ; and they
21 And fhe faid, According unto your words fo be c
upon an heap.
fhall ftand c Psalm
'4 3-

it. And fhe lent them away, and they departed and : 14 If And it came to pafs, when the people removed
fhe bound the fcarlet line in the window. from their tents to pafs over Jordan, and the priefts
22 And they went, and came unto the mountain, bearing the d ark of the covenant before the people ;aA&sms.
and abode there three days, until the purfuers were 15 And as they that bare the ark were come unto
returned. And the purfuers fought them throughout Jordan, and the feet of the priefts that bare the ark
allthe way, but found them not. were dipped in the brim of the water, (for e Jordan "«*»»;
23 U So the two men returned, and defcended from overfloweth all his banks all the time of harveft,) eL-SsL
the mountain, and paffed over, and came to Jofhua 16 That the waters which came down from above, 24 '

the fon of Nun, and told him all things that befel ftood and rofc up upon an heap, very far from the city
them. Adam, that is befide Zaretan and thofe that came

24 And they faid unto Jofhua, Truly the Lord down toward the fea of the plain, even the fait fea, fail-
hath delivered into our hands all the land for even all ; ed, and were cut off; and the people paffed over right
t Het. melt.
the inhabitants of the country do f faint becaufe of us. againft Jericho.

17 And
the priefts that bare the ark of the covenant
of the Lord, ftood firm on dry ground in the midft of
1 Joshua cometh to Jordan. 2 The officers"* instructions Jordan and all the Ifraelites paffed over on dry ground,

to thepeople co?iccrning the passage. 5 Joshua giv- until all the people were paffed clean over Jordan.
eth them directions. 7 The Lord encourageth Joshua.
9 Joshua encourageth the people. 14 The waters of CHAP. IV.
Jordan arc divided. 1 Twelve men are appointed to take twelve stones for a

] Jofhua rofe early in the morning and they
removed from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he
all the. children of Ifrael, and lodged there before
memorial out of Jordan. 9 Twelve other stones are
set up in the midst of Jordan.
10 The people pass
14 God magnifietb Joshua. 19 The date of
they paffed over. the passage. _
20 Twelve stones from Jordan are
2 And pitched in Gilgal.
II it came
to pafs, after three days, that the
officers went through the hoft
3 And they commanded the people, faying, When AN D it came to pafs, when all the people were
clean paffed a over Jordan, that the Lord fpake a Deut. 27 3.
ye fee the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, unto Jofhua, faying,
and the priefts the Levites bearing it, then ye fhall 2 b Take you twelve men out of the people, out of bchlP- 3".
remove from your place, and go after it. every tribe a man ;
4 Yet there fhall be a fpace between you and it, 3 And command ye them, faying, Take you hence
about two thoufand cubits by meafure ; come not near out of the midft of Jordan, out of the place where the
unto it that ye may know the way by which ye muft
; priefts' feet ftood firm, twelve ftones ;and ye fhall
tHeb. since go for ye have not paffed this way f heretofore.
: carryMfiem over with you, and leave them in the
S3m&*£ 5 IT And Jofhua faid unto the people, a Sanaify Jodgingjjlace where ye fhall lodge this night.
vt^ifa. yourfelves for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders
: Then Jofhua called the twelve men, whom he
among you. had prepared of the children of Ifrael, out of every
6 And Jofhua fpake unto the priefts, faying, Take tribe a man :
5 And
1 ;

The people pass ever on dry ground. CHAP. V, The passover is kept at Gilgal.

5 And Jofhua faid unto them, Pafs over before the 24 That all the people of the earth might know the
ark of the Lord your God into the raidlt of Jordan, hand of the Lord, that it is mighty that ye might ;

and take ye up every man of you a ftone upon his fear the Lord your God t for ever.
fhoulder, according unto the number of the tribes of C H A P. V.
the children of Ifrael 1 The Canaanites are afraid. 2 Joshua reneweth
6 That this may be a fign among you, that when circumcision. 10 The passover is kept at Gilgal.
t Heb. tc your children afk their fathers f in time to come, fay- 12 Manna ceaseth, &c.
ing, What mean ye by thefe itones ?
7 Then ye fhall anfwer them, That the waters of
AN D came to pafs, when all the kings of the
Amorites, which were on the fide of Jordan
Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of weft ward-, and all the kings of the Canaanites, which
the Lord ; when it paffed over Jordan, the waters of were by the fea, heard that the Lord had dried up
Jordan were cut off and thefe ftones fhall be for a
: the waters of Jordan from before the children of Ifrael,
memorial unto the children of Ifrael for ever. until we were palled over, that their heart melted ;
8 And the children of Ifrael did fo as Jofhua com- neither was there fpirit in them any more, becaufe of
manded, and took up twelve ftones out of the midft the children of Ifrael.
of Jordan, as the Lord fpake unto Jofhua, according 2 If At that time the Lord faid unto Jofhua, Make
to the number of the tribes of the children of Ifrael, thee fharp knives, and circumcife again the chil- (/:::

and carried them over with them unto the place where dren of Ifrael the fecond time. a£xod.4?5.

they lodged, and laid them down there. 3 And Jofhua made him fharp knives, and circum-
Or. Gii f-
9 H And Jofhua fet up twelve ftones in the midft cifed the children of Ifrael at the hill of the forefkins. ahhaarateth,

of Jordan, in the place where the feet of the priefts 4 And this is the caufe why Jofhua did circumcife :

which bare the ark of the covenant flood ; and they All the people that came out of Egypt that were males,
are there unto this day. even all the men of war, died in the wildernefs by the
10 If For the priefts which bare the ark flood in the way, after they came out of Egypt.
midfl of Jordan, until every thing was finifhed that the 5 Now all the people that came out, were circum-
Lord commanded Jofhua to fpeak unto the people, cifed but all the people that were born in the wilder-

according to all that Mofes commanded Jofhua and : nefs by the way, as they came forth out of Egypt,
the people halted and paffed over. them they had not circumcifed.
1 And it came to pafs, when all the people were 6 For the children of Ifrael walked forty years in
clean paffed over, that the ark of the Lord paffed over, the wildernefs, till all the people that were men of war
and the priefts, in the pretence of the people. which came out of Egypt were confumed, becaufe they
: Numb. 32 12 And c the children of Reuben, and the children obeyed not the voice of the Lord unto whom the :

of Gad, and half the tribe of Manaffeh, paffed over Lord fware that b he would not fhew them the land £ Numb. 14
armed before the children of Ifrael, as Mofes fpake which the Lord fware unto their fathers that he would
unto them. give us, a land that floweth with milk and honey.
Or, rea<J[)r 13 About forty thoufand prepared for war paffed
|| 7 And their children, whom he raifed up in their
over before the Lord unto battle, to the plains of ftead, them Jofhua circumcifed : for they were uncir-
Jericho. cumcifed, becaufe they had not circumcifed them by
14 If On that day the Lord
magnified Jofhua in the way.
the light of all Ifrael and they feared him, as they
; 8 And it came topafs, f when they had done cir- + Heb. iuhm
the people
feared Mofes, all the days of his life. cumcifing all the people, that they abode in their had made
an md to be
15 If And the Lord fpake unto Jofhua, faying, places in the camp till they were whole. circumcised.
16 Command the priefts that bear the ark of the 9 And the Lord faid unto Jofhua, This day have
teftimony, that they come up out of Jordan. I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you :
17 Jofhua, therefore, commanded the priefls, fay- wherefore the name of the place is called Gilgal un- ||
That h.
ing, Come ye up out of Jordan. to this day.
18 And it came to pafs, when the priefls, that bare 10 If And the children of Ifrael encamped in Gilgal,
the ark of the covenant of the Lord, were come up and kept the paffover on the fourteenth day of Ihe
out of the midfl of Jordan, and the foles of the priefts' month at even in the plains of Jericho.
tHeb. pluck
i up.
feet were f lifted up unto the dry land, that the waters 11 And they did eat of the old corn of the land on

Hcb. TV! nt of Jordan returned unto their place, and t flowed over the morrow after the paffover, unleavened cakes and
all his batiks, as they did before. parched corn in the felf fame day.
19 If And the people came up out of Jordan on the 12 If And the manna ceafed on the morrow after
tenth day of the firft month, and encamped in Gilgal, they had eaten of the old corn of the land neither :

in the eaft border of Jericho. had the children of Ifrael manna any more but they ;

20 If And thofe twelve ftones, which they took out did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.
of Jordan, did Jofhua pitch in Gilgal. 13 If And it came to pafs, when Jolhua was by Jeri-
21 And he fpake unto the children of Ifrael, faying, cho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold,
When your children fhall afk their fathers t in time there flood c a man over againfl him with his fword C

to come, faying, What mean thefe ftones ? drawn hand and Jolhua went unto him, and
in his :

22 Then ye fhall let your children know, faying, faid unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adverfaries ?
Ifrael came over this Jordan on dry land. 14 And he faid, Nay but as captain of the hofl
; ||
23 For the Lord your God dried up the waters of of the Lord am I now come. And Jofhua fell on his
Jordan from before you, until ye were paffed over, as face to the earth, and did worfhip, and faid unto him,
the Lord your God did to the Red fea, d which he What faith my Lord unto his fervant ?

dried up from before us, until we were gone over ; 15 And the captain of the Lord's hofl faid unto Jo-

Jericho closely besieged. JOSHUA. Achan s trespass,

d the people, Shout Lord
fhua, Loofe thy fhoe from off thy foot ; for the place for the hath given you the
whereon thou ftandeft is holy. And Jofhua did fo. city.
If And the city fhall be
that are therein, to the Lord
accurfed, even it, and

only Rahab the


1 Jericho shut up. 2 God instructeth Joshua how to

harlot fliall live, fhe and all that are with her in the
besiege it. 8 The city is compassed six days ; 17 it houfe, becaufe a fhe hid the meffengers that we fent. a chap. 2 4.
is accursed. 20 The walls fall down. 22 Rahab is 18 And ye, in any wife keep yourselves from the
saved. 26 The builder again of Jericho is laid accurfed thing, left ye make yourselves accurfed when
under a curse. ye take of the accurfed thing, and make the camp of
t Heb. did
VTOW Jericho f was flraitly fhut up becaufe of the Ifrael a curfe,. and trouble it.
til "hut up. iAI children of Ifrael none went out, and none
: 19 But all the filver, and gold, and veffels of brafs
came in. and iron, are t confecrated unto the Lord they fliall tHeb.

2 And the Lord faid unto Jofhua, See, I have come into the treafury of the Lord.
given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, 20 If So the people fhouted when the priests blew
and the mighty men of valour. with the trumpets: and it came to pafs,. when the
3 And ye fhall compafs the city, all ye men of war, people heard the found of the trumpet, and the people
and go round about the city once. Thus fhalt thou fhouted with a great fhout, that b the wall fell down b Hebr,
do fix days. f fiat, fo that the people went up into the city, every tHeb.
under it.
4 And feven priefls fhall bear before the ark feven man ftraight before him, and they took the city.
trumpets of rams' horns and the feventh day ye fhall
21 And they utterly deflroyed all that was in the;
compafs the city feven times, and the priefls fhall blow city, both man and woman,, young and old, and ox,
with the trumpets. and fheep, and afs, with the edge of the fvvord.
5 And it fhall come to pafs, that when they make a 22 Tf But Jofhua had faid unto the two men that
long blast with the ram's horn, and when ye hear the had fpied out the country, Go into the harlot's houfe
found of the trumpet, all the people fhall lhout with and bring out thence the woman, and all that fhe hath,
a great fhout ; and the wall of the city fhall fall down as. ye fware unto her. c Chap. 2 14,

"f ^ at > an ^ ^
e P eoPl e fh^ afcend up , every man ftraight 23 And the young men that were fpies went in, 11 31.

before him. and brought out Rahab,, and her father, and her mo-
6 If And Jofhua the fon of Nun called the priefls, ther, and her brethren, and all that fhe had ; and they
and faid unto them, Take up the ark of the covenant, brought out all her t kindred, and left them without t *:H<

camp *"** .

and let feven priefls bear feven trumpets of rams' horns the of Ifrael.
before the ark of the Lord. 24 And they burnt the city with fire, and all that
7 And he faid unto the people, Pafs on, and com- was therein only the filver, and the gold, and the

pafs the city, and let him that is armed, pafs on before veffels of brafs and of iron, they put into the treafury
the ark of the Lord. of the houfe of the Lord.
8 If And it came to pafs, when Jofhua had fpoken 25 And Jofhua faved Rahab the harlot alive, and
unto the people, that the feven priefls, bearing the her father's houfehold, and all that fhe had ; and fhe
feven trumpets of rams' horns, palled on before the dwelleth in Ifrael even unto this day ; becaufe fhe hid
Lord, and blew with the trumpets : and the ark of the meffengers which Jofhua fent to fpy out Jericho.
the covenant of the Lord followed them. 26 If And Jofhua abjured them at that time, faying,
9 If And the armed men went before the priefls that Curfed A? the man before the Lord thatrifeth up ^ Ki -&

h' blew with the trumpets, and the f rereward came and buildeth this city Jericho he fliall lay the foun-

after the ark, the priests going on, and blowing with dation thereof in his firflborn, and in his youngefl son
the trumpets. fliall he fet up the gates of it.

10 And Jofhua had commanded the people, faying, 27 So die Lord was with Jofhua ; and his fame was
tHeb. make Ye fhall noiie with your
not fhout, nor t make any noised throughout all the country.
tThMdV° voice, neither fhall any word proceed out of your
mouth until the day I bidy ou fhout then fhall ye fhout.
, ;
1 Achan' s trespass. 2 The Israelites are smitten at Ai.
11 So the ark of the Lord compaffed the city,
and they came into the camp, 6 Joshua's complaint : 10 God instructeth him what
going about it once :

to do. 16 Achan is taken by lot .-19 his confession

and lodged in the camp.
12 If And Jofhua rofe early in the morning, and the
24 he and all that he had are destroyed in the valley
priefls took up the ark of the Lord.
of Achor.
13 And feven priefls, bearing feven trumpets of
ram's horns before the ark of the Lord, went on con-
BUT the children of
the accurfed thing :
for a
committed a trefpafs in
Achan the fon of Carmi, Va2on.Y£
tinually, and blew with the trumpets and the armed ; the fon of Zabdi, the fon of Zerah, of the tribe of
men went before them but the rereward came after ; Judah, took of the accurfed thing ; and the anger of
the ark ofthe Lord, the priests going on, and blowing the Lord was kindled againfl the children of Ifrael.
with the trumpets. 2 If And Jofhua fent men from Jericho to Ai, which
14 And the fecond day they compaffed the city is befide Bethaven, on the eafl fide of Bethel, and
once, and returned into the camp fo they did fix days. : fpake unto them, faying, Go up, and view the coun-
15 And it came to pafs on the feventh day, that they try. And the men went up and viewed Ai.
rofe early, about the dawning of the day, and com- 3 And they returned to Jofhua, and faid unto him,
paffed the city after the fame manner feven times : Let not all the people go up ; but let t about two or t ^- ah: -«

enly on that day they compaffed the city feven times. three thoufand men go up andfmite Ai, andmake not &<£&#?
16 And it came to pafs, at the feventh time, when all the people to labour thither ; for they are but few,

the priefls blew with the trumpets, Jofhua faid unto 4 So there went up thither of the people about three
; -

Achan confesseth his guilt. C H A P. VIII. The stratage?n for taking Ai.
thoufand men ; and they fled before the men of Ai. ifligarment, and two hundred fhekels of filver, and a
5 And the men of Ai fmote of them about thirty f wedge of gold, of fifty fhekels weight, then I coveted
and fix men for they chafed them from before the
them, and took them ; and, behold, they are hid in the
Or, i gate even unto Shebarim, and fmote them in the ||
earth, in the midft of my tent, and the filver under it.
going down wherefore the hearts of the people melt-
: 22 So Joihua fent meffengers, and they ran unto
ed, and became as water. the tent and, behold, it was hid in his tent, and the

6 H And Joihua rent his clothes, and fell to the earth filver under it.

upon his face before the ark of the Lord until the 23 And they took them out of the midft of the tent,
eventide, he and the elders of Ifrael, and put dull upon and brought them unto Jofhua, and unto all the chil-
their heads. dren of Ifrael, and f laid them out before the Lord. tHeb
7 And Joihua faid,Alas OLord God, wherefore
! 24 H And Jofhua, and all Ifrael with him, took
haft thou at all brought this people over Jordan, to Achan. the fon of Zerah, and the filver, and the gar-
deliver us into the hand of the Amorites, to deftroy ment, and the wedge of gold, and his fons, and his
us ? Would to God we had been content, and dwelt daughters, and his oxen, and his afles, and hisiheep,
on the other fide Jordan ! and his tent, and all that he had and they brought ;

8 OLord, what (hall I fay, when Ifrael turneth them unto the valley of Achor.
tHeb.««c*j. their t backs before their enemies ! 25 And Jofhua faid, Why haft thou troubled us ?
9 For the Canaanites and all the inhabitants of the the Lord fhall trouble thee this day. And all Ifrael
land, fhall hear of it, and fhall environ us round, and ftoned him with ftones, and burned them with fire,
cut off our name from the earth and what wilt thou : after they had ftoned them with ftones.
do unto thy great name ? 26 And they raifed over him a great heap of ftones
10 H And the Lord faid unto Joihua, Get thee up ; unto thisday. So the Lord turned from the fierce
tHeb. wherefore f heft thou thus upon thy face ? nefs of his anger ; wherefore, the name of that place
11 Ifrael hath finned, and they have alfo tranfgrefTed was called, The valley of Achor unto this day.
|| That is)
my covenant which I commanded them for they have :
even taken of the accurfed thing, and have alfo ftolen,
1 God encourageth Joshua. 3 The stratagem for tak-
and diffembled alfo, and they have put it even among
ing Ai. 14 Ai is taken, and the king thereofhanged.
their own fluff.
30 The altar is built in Ebal, the law written on
12 Therefore the children of Ifrael could not ftand
stones, and the blessings and curses pronounced, as
before their enemies, but turned their backs before
Moses had commanded.
their enemies, becaufe they were accurfed neither :

will I be with you any more, except ye deftroy the

accurfed from among you.
AND the Lord faid unto Jofhua, a Fear not, nei- *gy%,
ther be thou difmayed ; take all the people of
13 Up, fan&ify the people, and fay, San£lify your- war with thee, and arife, go up to Ai fee, I have :

felves againft tomorrow

for thus faith the
; Lord God given into thy hand the king of Ai, and his people,
of Ifrael, There is an accurfed thing in the midft of thee, and his city, and his land.
Ifrael ; thou canft not ftand before thine enemies, 2 And thou fhalt do to Ai and her king as thou didft
untilye take away the accurfed thing from among you. unto b Jericho and her king only c the fpoil thereof, bch 3P 6ji
: .

14 In the morning, therefore, ye fhall be brought and the cattle thereof, fhall ye take for a prey unto *° eut 10 '

according to your tribes : and it fhall be, that the tribe yourfelves. Lay thee an ambuf h for the city behind it.
which the Lord taketh fhall come according to the 3 H So Joihua arofe, and all the people of war, to go
families thereof; and the family which the Lord fhall up againft Ai and Jofhua chofe out thirty thoufand

take, fhall come by houfeholds ; and the houfehold mighty men of valour, and fent them away by night.
which the Lord fhall take, fhall come man by man. 4 And he commanded them, faying, Behold, ye
15 And it mall be, that he that is taken with the ac- fhall lie inwait againft the city, even behind the city ;
curfed thing fhail be burnt Avith fire, he and all that he go not very far from the city, but be ye all ready :

hath becaufe he hath tranfgrefTed the covenant of the

; 5 And I, and all the people that arc with me, will
| Or, viick Lord, and becaufe he hath wrought folly in Ifrael. || approach unto the city and it fhall come to pafs,

tine si.
16 II So Jofhua rofe up early in the morning, and when they come out againft us, as at the firfl, that we
brought Ifrael by their tribes ; and the tribe of Judah will flee before them,
was taken 6 (For they will come out after us,) till we have
17 And he brought the family of Judah and he ; t drawn them from the city for they will fay, They
; t «*<*•
therefore we will flee

took the family of the Zarhites and he brought the : flee before us, as at the firfl :

family of the Zarhites man by man ; and Zabdi was before them.
taken : 7 Then ye fhall rife up from the ambufh, and feize
18 And he brought his houfehold man by man and ; upon the city for the Lord your God will deliver it

Achan the fon of Carmi, the fon of Zabdi, the fon of into your hand.
Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, was taken. 8 And it fhall be, when ye have taken the city,
19 1 And Joihua faid unto Achan, fon, give, My that ye fhall fet the city on fire according to the com-

1 pray thee, glory to the Lord God of Ifrael, and mandment of the Lord fliall ye do. See, I have
make confeflion unto him and tell me now what : commanded you.
thou haft done ; hide it not from me. 9 II Jofhua, therefore, fent them forth arid they ;

20 And Achan anfwered Jofhua, and faid, Indeed went to lie in ambufh, and abode between Bethel and
I have finned againft the Lord God of Ifrael, and Ai, on the weft fide of Ai but Jofhua lodged that

thus and thus have I done : night among the people.

21 When I faw among the fpoils, a goodly Babylon- 10 And Jofhua rofe up early in the morning, and
X numbered
! ; 1 ; -

is taken > and the king thereof hanged. JOSHUA. The Gtbeonites by craft obtain a league:
"HRIST numbered the people, and went up, he and the elders 28 And Jofhua burnt Ai, and made it an heap for
of before the people to Ai.
Ifrael, ever, e ven a defolation unto this day.
11 And all the people, even the people of war that 29 And the king of Ai he hanged on a tree until
were with him, went up, and drew nigh, and came even tide :and as foon as the fun was down, Jofnua
before the city, and pitched on the north fide of Ai commanded that they fhould take his carcafs down
now there was a. valley between them and Ai. from the tree^ and caft it at the entering of the gate
12 And he took about five thoufandmen, and fet of the city, and * raife thereon a great heap of ftones ^* p '

them to lie in ambufh between Bethel and Ai, on that remaineth unto this day.
|l the weft fide of the city.
Or, of A:, j| 30 H Then Jofhua built an altar unto the Lord God
13 And when they had fet the people, evensil the of Ifrael in mount Ebal
tHeb. th' holt that iv as on the north of the city, and f their 3 As Mofes, the fervant of the Lord, commanded
bntmvait. liers
in wait on the weft of the eity, Jofhua went that the children of Ifrael, as it is written in the K book of E
!j c n°^;
25. Deut.
night into the midft of the valley. the law of Mofes, an altar of whole ftones, over 27 5>

14 H And it came to pafs, when the king of Ai faw which no man hath lifted up any iron ; and they of-
it, that they halted and rofe up early, and the men of fered thereon burnt offerings unto the Lord, and
the city went out againft Ifrael to battle, he and all facrificedpeace offerings.
his people, at a time appointed, before the plain but ; 32 And he wrote there upon the ftones a copy of
he wift not that there were liers in ambufh againft him the law of Mofes, which he wrote in the prefence of
behind the city.. the children of Ifrael.
15 And Jofhua and all Ifrael made as if they were 33 And all Ifrael, and their elders, and officers, and
beaten before them., and fled by the way of the wil- their judges, ftood on this fide the ark, and on that
dernefs. fide, before the priefts the Levites, which bare the ark
16 Andthe people that were in Ai were called
all of the covenant of the Lord, as well the ftranger as
together to purfue after them : and they purfued after he that was born among them half of them over

Jofhua, and were drawn away from the city. againft mount Gerizim, and half of them over againft
17 And there Avas not a man left in Ai or Bethel, mount Ebal ; * as Moles, the fervant of the Lord, iDeut. rr
29, 8127 12;
that went not out after Ifrael and they left the city : had commanded before, that they fhould blefs the
open, and purfued after Ifrael. people of Ifrael..
18 And the Lord laid unto Jofhua, Stretch out the 34 And afterward he read all the words of the law,
fpear that is in thy hand toward Ai for I will give ;
the bleffings and curlings, according to all that is
it into thine hand. And Jofhua ftretched out the fpear written in the book of the law.
that he had in his hand toward the city. 35 There was not a word of all that Mofes com-
19 And the ambufh arofe quickly out of their place, manded, which Jofhua read not before all the con-
k Deut. 1 j
and they ran as foon as he had ftretched out his hand : gregation of Ifrael, k with the women, and the little
and they entered into the city, and took it, and halted, ones, and the ftrangers that f were converfant among XSikU.
and the city on fire.
fet them..
20 And when the men of Ai looked behind them, CHA P. IX.
they faw and, behold, the fmoke of the city afcended
, 1 The kings of Canaan combine against Israel. 3 The
w&hani. up to heaven and they had no f power to flee this
; Gjbeonites by craft obtain a league. 1 7 The fraud is
way or that way and the people that fled to the wil-
: discovered. 22 Joshua adjudgeth them to perpetual
dernefs, turned back upon the purfuers. bondage,
21 And when Jofhua and all Ifrael faw that the am-
bufh had taken the city, and that the fmoke of the
AND it came to pafs, when all the kings which
ivere on this fide Jordan, in the hills, and in the
city afcended,, then they turned again and flew the vallies, and in all the coafts of the great fea over
men of Ai. againft Lebanon, the Hittite, and the Amorite, the
22 And the other iffued out of the city againft them ;
Canaanite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and die Jebufite,
fo they were in the midft of Ifrael, fome on this fide heard thereof,
and fome on that fide and they fmote them, fo that : 2 That they gathered themfelves together to fight
4Deut.7 2. they let none of them remain or efcape. with Joihua, and with. Ifrael, with one f accord. tHeb.
23 And.thekmg of Ai they took alive, and brought 3 H And when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what
him to Jofhua. Joihua had done unto Jericho and to Ai,
24 And it came to pafs, when Ifrael had made an 4 They did work wilily, and went and made as if
end of flayingthe inhabitants of Ai in the field, in
all they had been ambaffadors, and took old facks up-
the wiklernefs wherein they chafed them, and when on their affes, and wine bottles, old, and rent, and
they were all fallen on the edge of the fword until bound up ;

they were confumed, that all the Ifraelites returned 5 And' old flioes, and clouted upon their feet, and
unto Ai, and fmote it with the edge of the fword. old garments upon them and all the bread of their

25 And so-it was that all that fell that day, both of proviiion was dry and mouldy.
teen and women, were twelve thoufand, even all the 6 And they went to Jofhua unto the camp at Gil
men of Ai. gal, and faid unto him, and to the men of Ifrael, We
2.6 For Jofhua drew not his hand back wherewith be come from a far country now, therefore, make

he ftretched out the fpear, until he had utterly de- ye a league with us.
jfcroyed all the inhabitants of Ai. 7 And the men of Ifrael faid unto the Hivites, Per-
-*. Kuir.T). 3 27 £ Only the cattle and the fpoil of that city, Ifrael adventure ye dwell among us, and how fhailwe make
32 36.
took for a prey unto themfelves, according unto the a league with you ?
*Y«r. a.
word of tlbe Lore which he f commanded Jofhua. 8 And they faid unto Jofhua, We
are thy fervants.
1 And

but are condemned to perpetual bondage. CHAP. X. God encourageth Joshua.

And Jofhua faid unto them, Who are ye ? and from 27 And Jofhua made them that day hewers of wood
whence come ye ? and drawers of water for the congregation, and for the
9 And they faid unto him, From a very far country altar of the Lord, even unto this day, in the place
thy fervants are come, becaufe of the name of the which he fhould choofe.
Lord thy God for we have heard the fame of him,

and ail that he did in Egypt,

1 Five kings war against Gibeon. 6 The Gibeonites sue
10 And all that he did to the two kings of the Amor-
to Joshua, who rescueth it. 8 God encourageth Joshua,
ites that were beyond Jordan, to Sihon king of Hefh-
andfighteth against the e?iemy with hailstones. 12
bon, and to Og king of Bafhan, which tuas at Afhtaroth.
The sun and the moon stand still at the word of Josh-
11 Wherefore our elders, and all the inhabitants of
ua. 16 The five kings discovered in a cave : 22 they
t Heb. in our country, fpaketo us, faying, Take victuals f with
your hand. are brought forth, scornfidly used, and hanged. 28
you for the journey, and go to meet them, and fay un- Other seven kings conquered. 40 Joshua returneth
to them, We are your fervants therefore now make

to Gilgal.
ye a league with us.
12 This, our bread, we took hot for our provifion out
of our houfes on the day we came forth to go unto
NOW it came to pafs, when Adonizedek king of
Jerufalem had heard how Jofhua had taken Ai,
you but now, behold, it is dry, and it is mouldy
: and had utterly deftroyed it ; a as he had done to Jeri- a chaP 6::, .

13 And thefe bottles of wine which we filled, ivere cho and her king, fo he had done to b Ai and her king bchap. s 3. ;

new and, behold, they be rent and thefe our gar-

: and how the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace
ments and our fhoes are become old, by reafon of the with Ifrael, and were among them ;

very long journey. 2 That they feared greatly, becaufe Gibeon was a
nor, fmy 14 And the men took of their victuals, and aiked great city, as one of the f royal cities, and becaufe it LI h'"
>ng '

mi" itrw/winot counsel at the mouth of the Lord. was greater than Ai, and all the men thereof ivere dm"
15 ^ n( j fh ua made peace with them, and made a
jtfjjjrir v.v-
.| mighty.
league with them, to let them live ; and the princes 3 Wherefore, Adonizedek king of Jerufalem, fent
of the congregation fware unto them. unto Hoham king of Hebron, and unto Piram king of
16 II And it came to pafs, at the end of three days Jarmuth, and unto Japhia king of Lachifh, and unto
after they had made a league with them, that they Debir king of Eglon, faying,
heard that they were their neighbours, and that they 4 Come up unto me, and help me, that we may
dwelt among them. finite Gibeon for it hath made peace with Jolhua,

17 And the children of Ifrael journeyed, and came and with the children of Ifrael.
unto their cities on the third day. Now their cities 5 Therefore, the five kings of the Amorites, the

were Gibeon, and Chephirah, and Beeroth, and Kir- king of Jerufalem, the king of Hebron, the king of
jathjearim. Jarmuth, the king of Lachilh, the king of Eglon,
18 And the children of Ifrael fmote them not, be- gathered themfelves together, and went up, they and
caufe the princes of the congregation had fworn unto all their hofts, and encamped before Gibeon. and made
them by the Lord God of Ifrael and all the congre- : war againft it.
gation murmured againft the princes. And the men of Gibeon fent unto Jofhua to the
6 If

19 But all the princes faid unto all the congrega- camp to Gilgal, faying, Slack not thy hand from thy
tion, We
have fworn unto them by the Lord God of fervants ; come up to us quickly, and fave us, and
Ifrael now therefore we may not touch them.
: help us for all the kings of the Amorites that dwell

20 This we do to them we will even let them

will ; in the mountains, are gathered together againft us.
live, left wrath be upon us, becaufe of the oath which 7 So Jofhua afcendedfrom Gilgal, he, and all the peo-
we fware unto them. ple of war with him, and all the mighty men of valour.
21 And the princes faid unto them, Let them live 8 IT And the Lord faid unto Jofhua, fear them
(but be hewers of wood and drawers of water
let them not for I have delivered them into thine hand there
: ;

* vet. i5- unto all the congregation ;) as the princes had a prom- fhall not a man of them ftand before daee.
ifed them. 9 Jofhua, therefore, came unto them fuddenly, and
22 H And Jofhua called for them and he fpake unto ; went up from Gilgal all night.
them, faying, Wherefore have ye beguiled us, faying, 10 And the Lord difcomfited them before Ifrael,
We are very far from you, when ye dwell among us ? and flew them with a great flaughter at Gibeon and ;

23 Now, therefore, ye are curfed and there fhall ; chafed them along the way that goedi up to Bethho-
Ju"ff'Am* ^
none °^ y° u ^ e free(l from being bondmen, and ron and fmote them to Azekah,and unto Makkedah.

X hewers of wood and drawers of water for the houfe 11 And it came to pafs, as they fled from before
of my God. Ifrael, and were in the going clown to Bethhoron, that
24 And they anfwered Jofhua, and faid, Becaufe it the Lord call down great ftones from heaven upon
was certainly told thy fervants, how that the Lo r d thy them unto Azekah, and they died they were more

bDeut. 7
1 2. God
commanded his fervant Mofes to give you all which died with hailftones, than they whom the chil-
the land, and to deftroy all the inhabitants of the land dren of Ifrael flew with the fword.
from before you, therefore we were fore afraid of our 12 TI Then fpake Jofhua to the Lord, in the day
lives becaufe of you, and have done this thing. when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the
25 And now, behold, we are. in thine hand as it : children of Ifrael, and he faid in the fight of Ifrael,
feemeth good and right unto thee to do unto us, do. Sun, f ftand thou ftill upon Gibeon ; and thou,''ej«j»fc
26 And fo did he unto them, and delivered them Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. Ecciwit*
out of the hand of the children of Ifrael, that they flew 13 And the fun flood ftill, and the moon flayed, Jg£ hc
them not. until the people had avenged themfelves upon their
1 : :; : ;

Divers kings and cities JOSHUA. conquered by Joshua.

enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jaflier ? || of Ifrael, which took it on the fecond day, and fmote it
So the fun flood ftill in the midft of heaven, and hailed with the edge of the fword, and all the fouls that were
not to go down about a whole day. therein, according to all that he had done to Libnah.
And there was no day like that before it or after
14 33 II Then Horam king of Gezer came up to help
it,that the Lord hearkened unto the voice of a man Lachifh ; and Jofhua fmote him and his people, until
for the Lord fought for Ifrael. he had left him none remaining.
15 If And Jofhua returned, and all Ifrael with him, 34 And from Lachifh Jofhua paffed unto Eglon,.
unto the camp to Gilgal. and all Ifrael with him ; and they encamped againft
16 1f But thefe five kings fled, and hid themfelves it,and fought againft it
in a cave at Makkedah. 35 And they took it on that day^ and fmote it with
17 And it was told Jofhua, faying, The five kings the edge of the fword and all the fouls that were

are found hid in a cave at Makkedah. therein he utterly deflroyed that day, according to all
18 And Jofhua faid, Roll great Hones upon the that he had done to Lachifh.
mouth of the cave, and let men by it for to keep them 36 If And Jofhua went up from Eglon, and all Ifrael
ID And ftay ye not, topurfue after your enemies, with him, unto Hebron ; and they fought againft it
t Heb. cut
c$ the tail.
and t fmite the hindmofl of them fuffer them not to
; 37 And they took it and fmote it with the edge of the
enter into their cities : for the Lord your God hath fword, and the king thereof, and all the cities thereof,
delivered them into your hand. and all the fouls that were therein : he left none re-
20 Anclit cametopafs,whenJofhuaandthechildren maining, accordingtoall that he had done to Eglon, but
of Ifrael had made an end of flaying them with a very deflroyed it utterly, and all the fouls that were therein*
great flaughter, till they were confirmed, that the reft 38 If And Jofhua returned, and all Ifrael with him,
•which remained of them entered into fenced cities. to Debir, and fought againft it. _

21 And all the people returned to the camp to Joihua 39 And he took it, and the king thereof, and all the
at Makkedah in peace none moved his tongue againft
: cities thereof, and they fmote them with the edge of
any of the children of Ifrael. the fword, and utterly deflroyed all the fouls that were
22 If Then faid Joihua, Open the mouth of the therein he left none remaining as, he had done to
; :

cave, and bring out thofe five kings unto me out of the Hebron, fo he did to Debir, and to the king thereof,
cave. as he had done alfo to Libnah, and to her king.
23 And they did fo, and brought forth thofe five 40 If So Jofhua fmote all the country of the hills,
kings unto him out of the cave, the king of Jerufalem, and of thefouth, and of the vale, and of the fprings,
the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of and all their kings he left none remaining, but utterly

Lachifh, and the king of Eglon. deflroyed all that breathed, as the Lord God of Ifrael
24 And it came to pals, when they brought out f
commanded. f Deu*.
20 16 17,
thofe kings unto Jofhua, that Jofhua called for all the 41 And Jofhua fmote them from Kadefhbarnea
men of Ifrael, and faid unto the captains of the men of even unto Gaza, and all the country of Gofhen, even
war which went with him, Come near, put your feet unto Gibeon.
upon the necks of thefe kings. And they came near, 42 And all thefe kings, and their land, did Jofhua
and put their feet upon the necks of them. take at one time ; becaufe the Lord God of Ifrael
25 And Jofhua faid unto them, Fear not, nor be dif- fought for Ifrael.
mayed be flrong, and ofgood courage for thus fhall
; : 43 And
Jofhua returned, and all Ifrael with him,,
the Lord do to all your enemies againft whom ye fight. unto the camp to Gilgal.
26 And afterward Joihua fmote them, and flew CHAP. XL
them, and hanged them on five trees and they were
: 1 Divers other kings assemble at the ivaters of Merom.
hanging upon the trees until the evening. 10 Haz or taken and burnt. 16 All the country taken
27 And it came to pafs, at the time of the going by Joshua. 21 The Anakims cut off. 23 They rest
down of the fun, that Jofhua commanded, and they from war.
3' d
t0 °k them down off the trees, and cafl them into the
cave wherein they had been hid, and laid great flones
AN D it came to pafs, when Jabin king of Hazor
had heard those thi?igs, that he fent to Jobab king

in the cave's mouth, which remain until this very day. of Madon, and to the king of Shimron, and to the
28 If And that day Jofhua took Makkedah, and king of Achfhaph. - .

fmote it with the edgeofthe fword,and the king thereof, 2 And to the kings that were on the north of the
he utterly deflroyed them, and all the fouls that were mountains, and of the plains fouth of Chinneroth, and
therein he let none remain
; and he did to the king
: in the valley, and in the borders of Dor on the weft ;
« chap. 6 21.
f Makkedah, £ as he did unto the king of Jericho. 3 And to the Canaanite on the eaftand on the weft,
29 Then Jofhua paifed from Makkedah, and all
*il and to the Amorite, and the Hittite, and the Periz-
Ifrael with him, unto Libnah, and fought againft zite, and the Jebufite in the mountains, and to the
Libnah Hivite, under Hermon in the land of Mizpeh.
30 And the Lord delivered it alfo, and the king 4 And they went out, they and all their hofts with
thereof, into the hand of Ifrael and he fmote it with
; them, much people, even as the fand that is upon the
the edge of the fword, and aM the foulsthat wdr<? there- fea fhore in multitude, with horfes and chariots very
in he let none remain in it but did unto the king
: ; many.
he did unto the king of Jericho.
thereof, as 5 And when all thefe kings were t met together, tHeb.
3 t And Jofhua paffed from Libnah, and all Ifrael they came and pitched together at the waters of Me- assembled Sv
with him, unto Lachifh, and encamped againft it, and rom, to fight againft Ifrael.
fought againft it. 6 If And the Lord faid unto Jofhua,. Be not afraid
32 And the Lord delivered Lachifh into the hand becaufe of them for tomorrow, about this time, will

I deliver
1 71;
; ; ; ;,

The Anakims cut off. CHAP. XII. One and thirty kings smitten.

I deliver them up all flain before Ifrael : thou fhalt CHAP. XII.
hough their horfes, and burn their chariots with fire. 1 The two kings whose countries Moses took and dis-
7 So Jolhua came, and all the people of war with posed of. 7 The one and thirty kings on the west
him, againft them by the waters of* Merom fuddenly, side of Jordan, which Joshua smote.
and they fell upon therm
8 And the Lord delivered them into the hand of
NOW thefe are the kings of the land which the
children of Ifrael fmote, and poffeffed their land

Ifrael, who fmote them, and chafed them unto on the other fide Jordan toward the rifing of the fun
)|Or, Zidon- great ||

\oulht ptts. Zidon, and unto t Mifrephothmaim, and unto the from the river Arnon unto mount Hermon, and all
- —
1" Heb. burn- *»

ings of valley of Mizpeh eaflward ; and they fmote them, the plain on the eaft ;
until they left them none remaining. 2 a Sihon king of the Amorites, who dweltin Hefh- aNumW 21 24.
9 AndJofhua did unto them as the Lord bade bon, and ruled from Aroer, which is upon the bank Deut. 3 S»
him he houghed their horfes, and burnt their chari-
of the river Arnon, and from the middle of the river,
ots with fire. and from half Gilead, even unto the river Jabbok,
10 H And Jofhua at that time turned back and took which is the border of the children of Ammon :

Hazor, and fmote the king thereof with the fword for : 3 And from the plain to the fea of Chinneroth on
Hazor beforetime was the head of all thole kingdoms. the eaft, and unto the fea of the plain, eventhe fait fea
1 And they fmote all the fouls that were therein on the eaft, the way to Bethjefhimoth, and from tire Or, Temani
Or, the
|| H

with the edge of the fword, utterly deftroying them ; fouth, under b Aihdothpifgah :

|| springs of

4 And the coaft of Og king of Baflian, which was Pisg.ih,

tH>b. my there was not t any left to breathe and he burnt : the hill.
Hazor with fire. of c the remnant of the giants that dwelt at Afhtaroth, bDeut.
3 17, & 4 49-

12 And all the cities of thofe kings, and all the kings and at Edrei, cDeut. 3 11.
Chap. J 3 i2.
of them, did Jofhua take, and fmote them with the 5 And reigned in mount Hermon, and in Salcah,
edge of the fword and he utterly deftroyed them,
: and in all Balhan, unto the border of the Gefhurites,
a rJ'.imb. a
as Mofes the fervant of the Lord commanded. and the Maachathites, and half Gilead, the border of
33 i'-=-
Bfcttt. 7 2- 13 But as for the cities that flood flill t in their Sihon king of Hefhbon ;
t Heb. m
their he*£. flrength, Ifrael burned none of them, fave Hazor 6 Them did Mofes the fervant of the Lord and
only that did Jofhua burn.
the children of Ifrael finite and d Mofes the fervant d32Numb.
14 And all the fpoil of thefe cities, and the cattle, the of the Lord gave it for a poffeffion unto the Reuben- Deut. 3 It.
Chap. 138.
children of Ifrael took for a prey unto themfelves but ; ites, and the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manaffeh.
every man they fmote with the edge of the fword, un- 7 If And thefe are the kings of the country e which e Chap.
til they had deftroyed them r neither left they any to Jofhua and the children of Ifrael fmote on this fide

breathe. Jordan on the weft, from Baalgad in the valley of

bExod.34H 15 b As the Lord commanded Mofes his fervant, Lebanon even unto the mount Halak, that goeth up
fo did Mofes command Jofhua, and fo did Jofhua to Seir which Jofhua gave unto the tribes of Ifrael
t Deut. 7 2. : ;

f he left nothing undone of all that the Lord com- for a poffeffion, according to their diviiions r -
+ Heb. he
nothing. manded Mofes. 8 In the mountains, and in the vallies, and in the
16 Tf So Jofhua took all that land, the hills, and all plains, and in the fprings, and in the wildemefs, and
the fouth country, and all the land of Gofhen, and the in the fouth country the Hittites, the Amorites, and

valley, and the plain, and the mountain of Ifrael, and the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the
the valley of the fame ; Jebufites.
J Or, the 17 Even from the mount Halak,that goeth up to
|| 9 f
king of Jericho, one ; B the king of Ai, f Chap. 6 i.
g Ch;ip.B:9.
smo th miun-
tain. Seir, even unto Baalgad in the valley of Lebanon, which befide Bethel, one ;
is 145'-

under mount Hermon ; and all their kings he took, 10 h The king of Jerufklem, one ; the king of He- h Chap.
10 23.
and fmote them, and flew them. bron, one
I T;u 1445- 18 Jofhua made war a long time with all thofe
1 The king of Jarmuth, one ; the king of Lachifh
kings. one ;
19 There was not a city that made peace with the 12 The king of Eglon, one ;
the king of Gezer, i Chap. 10 53.
4 Chap. 9 3, children of Ifrael, fave the Hivites, the inhabitants one
of Gibeon ; all other they took in battle : 15 k The king of Debir, one; ;
k Chap.
20 For it was of the Lord to harden their hearts, 14 ThekingofHormahjOne; the king of'Arad, one ;

that they fhould come againft Ifrael in battle, that he 15 1 ThekingofLibnah,one; thekingofAduliam, 1 Chap. 101?.

might deflroy them utterly, and that they might have one ;

no favour, but that he might deflroy them ; as the 16 m The king of Makkedah, one ; the king of m Chip.
10 29.
Lord commanded Mofes. Bethel, one ;

21 H And at that time came Jolhua, and cut off the 1 The king of Tappuah one ; the k ing of Hepher, ,

Anakims from the mountains from Hebron, from ; one;

Debir, from Anab, and from all the mountains of 18 ThekingofAphek,one the king of ||Lafharon, ; H Or, Share*,

Judah, and from all the mountains of Ifrael Jofhua : one ;

deftroyed them utterly with their cities. 19 The king of Madon, one; n the king of Hazor, n Chap.
1) 10.
22 There was none of the Anakims left in the land one
of the children of Ifrael only in Gaza, in Gath, and
; 20 The king of Shimronmeron, one ; the king of I4jo.

in Afhdod, there remained. Achfhaph, one

23 H So Jofhua took the whole land, according to 21 The king of Taanach,one ; the king of Me-
all that the Lord faid unto Mofes, and Jolhua gave it giddo, one ;

for an inheritance unto Ifrael, according to their di- 22 The king of Kedefh, one ; the king of Jokneam
visions by their tribes* And the land refted from war, of Carmel, one j
23 The
; ; ; ;

The inheritance of the tribes and half. JOSHUA. The inheritance of the nine tribe: , fefo
23 The king of Dor, in the coaft of Dor, one ; the 18 And Jahaza, and Kedemoth, and Mephaath,
king of ° the nations of Gilgal, one ; 19 And Kirjathaim, and Sibmah, and Zarethfha-
o Gen. 14 r. 24 The king of Tirzah, one : all the kings thirty har in the mount of the valley. c Deut. 3 itv
and one. 20 And Bethpeor, and c Afhdbthpifgah, and ||
\ Or,
springs of
CHAP. XIII. Bethjefhimoth.
21 And all the cities of the plain, and all the king-
Pisrah, of.
the hill.
2 Those parts of the land not yet conquered, Joshua is
comma?ided to divide by lot, the two tribes and half dom of Sihon king of the Amorites, which reigned in
being excepted, and the tribe of Levi. 15 The in- Hefhbon, whom Mofes fmote d with the princes of Mi- d Numbers
3t 8.
heritance of Reuben. (22 Balaam slain J 24 The dian, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba,
inheritance of Gad, 29 and of the half tribe of which were dukes of Sihon, dwelling in the country.
Manasseh. 22 If Balaam alfo the fon of Beor, the foothfayer, || |.°.

did the children of Ifrael flay with the fword, among
Jofhua was old and ftricken in years and ;

the Lord faid unto him, Thou art old and

them that were flain by them.
ftricken in years, and there remaineth yet very much
23 And the border of the children of Reuben was
tHeb. to Jordan, and the border thereof. This was the inherit-
possess it. land f to be poffeffed.
2 This is the land that yet remaineth ; all the bor- ance of the children of Reuben after their families,
the cities and the villages thereof.
ders of the Philiftines, and all Gefhuri,
3 From Sihor, which is before Egypt, even unto 24 If And Mofes gave inheritance unto the tribe of
the borders of Ekron northward, which is counted Gad, even unto the children of Gad, according to
their families
to the Canaanite : five lords of the Philiftines ; the :

Gazathites, and the Afhdothites, the Efhkalonites,

25 And their coaft was Jazar, and all the cities of
the Gittites, and the Ekronites alfo the Avites :
Gilead, and half the land of the children of Ammon,

4 From the fouth, all the land of the Canaanites, and unto Aroer that is before Rabbah ;
Or, The 26 And from HefhbonuntoRamathmizpeh, and Be-
H Mearah, that is belide the Sidonians, unto Aphek,

to the borders of the Amorites ;
tonim and from Mahanaim unto the border of Debir

5 And the -land of the Giblites, and all Lebanon, 27 And in the valley, Betharam, and Bethnimrah,
toward the funriiihg, from Baalgad under mount Her-
and Succoth, andZaphon, the reft of the kingdom
of Sihon king of Helhbon, Jordan, and his border,
mon, unto the entering into Hamath ;
even unto the edge of the fea of Chinneroth, on the
6 All the inhabitants of the hill country, frpmJLeb-
other fide Jordan eaftward.
anon unto Mifrephothmaim, and a}F the Sidonia"n-s ;
them will I drive out from before^ the children of If- 28 This is the inheritance of the children of Gad
after their families, the cities and their villages.
rael only divide thou it by lotunto the Ifraelites for

an inheritance, as I have commanded thee ; 29 U And Mofes gave inheritance unto the half tribe
of Manaffeh and this was the possession of the half
7 Now, therefore, divide this land for an inheritance :

tribe of the children of Manaffeh, by their families.

unto the nine tribes, and the half tribe of Manaffeh.
8 With whom the Reubenites and the Gadites 30 And their coaft was from Mahanaim, all Bafhan,
ar>umb. 32 all the kingdom of Og king of Bafhan, and all the
33. Deut. 3 have received their inheritance, a which Mofes gave
towns of Jair, which are in Bafhan, threefcore cities
11 13. Chap.
them, beyond Jordan eaftward, even as Mofes the fer- ;
33 4,
vant of the Lord gave them
31 And half Gilead, and Afhtaroth, and- Edrei, cit-
ies of the kingdom of Og in Bafhan, were pertaining
9 From Aroer that is upon the bank of the river
unto the children of Machir the fon of Manaffeh,
Arnon, and the city that is in the midft. of the river,
even to the one half of the e children of Machir, by e Numbers
and all the plain of Medeba unto Dibon ;
their families. 32 39r
10 And all the cities of Sihon king of the Amorites,
which reigned in Hefhbon, unto the border of the 32 Thefe are the countries which Mofes did dis-
tribute for inheritance in the plains of Moab, on the
children of Amnion
other fide Jordan by Jericho, eaftward.
11 And Gilead, and the border of the Gefhurites f
and Maachathites, and all mount Hermon, and all 33_ But unto the tribe of Levi, Mofes gave not f Chap. 187.

Bafhan unto Salcah any inheritance; the Lord God of Ifrael was their
inheritance, sas he faid unto them. g Numbers
12 All the kingdom of Og in Bafhan, which reigned
b Deur. 3
II. Chap. in Afhtaroth, and in Edrei, who remained of b the CHAP. XIV.
18 20.

12 .'4.
remnant of the giants for thefe did Mofes fmite, and
1 The nine and an half are to have their inherit-
call them out. ance by 6 Caleb by privilege obtaineth Hebron.

13 Neverthelefs, the children of Ifrael expelled not

the Gefhurites, nor the Maachathites : but the Ge-
AN D thefe are the countries which the children of
Ifrael inherited in the land of Canaan, a which
a Numbers
ihurites and the Maachathites dwell among the Ifrael- Eleazar the prieft, and Jofhua the fon of Nun, and the 34 '7-

ites until this day. heads of the fathers of the tribes of the children of
14 Only unto the tribe of Levi he gave none inher- Ifrael, diftributed for inheritance to them.
itance the facrifices of the Lord God of Ifrael made
; 2 b
By lot was their inheritance, as the Lord com- b Numbers
by fire are their inheritance, as he faid unto them. manded by the hand of Mofes, for the nine tribes, and 26 55. 33 &
15 II And Mofes gave unto the tribe of the children
for the half tribe.
of Reuben inheritance according to their families :
3 For Mofes had given the inheritance of two tribes
16 And their coaft was from Aroer, that is on the and an half tribe on the other fide Jordan but unto ;

bank of the river Arnon, and the city that is in the the Levites he gave none inheritance among them.
B Or, The midft of the river, and all the plain by Medeba ; 4 For the children of Jofeph were two tribes, Ma-
ef'B.ial.and 17 Hefhbon, and all her cities that are in the *plain naffeh and Ephraim therefore they gave no part unto
house of Ba-
elmsotl. Dibon, and || Bamothbaal, and Bethbaalmeon, the Levites in the land, fave cities to dwell in, with

The borders of the land of Judah. CHAP. XV. Caleb's portion and conquest.
and for their fubftance.
their fuburbs, for their cattle, ter was from the bay of the fea, at the uttermoft part
5 c As the Lord commanded Mofes, fo the children of Jordan.
e Numb. 35 a
of Ifrael did, and they divided the land. 6 And the border went up to Bethhogla, and paffed
Chap. 31 1.
6 IF Then the children of Judah came unto Jofhua along by the north of Betharabah and the border

in Gilgal and Caleb the fon of Jephunneh the Kene-

went up to the ftone of Bohan the fon of Reuben.
zite laid unto him, Thou knoweft the thing that the 7 And the border went up toward Debir, from the
Lord faid unto Mofes the man of God, concerning valley of Achor, and fo northward, looking toward
me and thee, in Kadefhbarnea. Gilgal, that is before the going up to Adummim,
7 Forty years old was I when Mofes the fervant of which is on the fouth fide of the river and the border;

the Lord fent me from Kadefhbarnea to efpy out the paffed toward the waters of Enfhemefh, and the go-
land ; and I brought him word again as it was in mine ings out thereof were at c Enrogel. c 1 Kings

8 And the border went up by the valley of the fon

my brethren that went up Avith me
8 Neverthelefs, of Hinnom, unto the fouth fide of the Jebufite, the
made the heart of the people melt but I wholly ;
fame is Jerufalem ; and the border went up to the top
dNumb. d followed the Lord my God. of the mountain that lieth before the valley of Hin-
9 And Mofes fware on that day, faying, Surely the nom, weft ward, which is at the end of the valley of
land whereon thy feet have trodden, fhall be thine in- the giants northward.
heritance, and thy children's for ever becaufe thou : 9 And the border was drawn from the top of the

haft wholly followed the Lord my God. hill unto the fountain of the water of Nephtoah, and

10 And now, behold, the Lord hath kept me alive, went out to the cities of mount Ephron and the bor- ;

as he faid thefe forty and five years, even fince the der was drawn to Baalah, which is Kirjathjearim.
Lord fpake this word unto Mofes, while the children 10 And the border compaffed from Baalah weft-
tHeb. of Ifrael t wandered in the wildernefs ; and now, lo, ward unto mount Seir, and paffed along unto the fide
I am this day fourfcore and five years old. of mount Jearim, (which is Chefalon,) on the north
«Eccius. 46 9< 11 e As yet I am as ftrong this day as I ivas in the fide, and went down to Betihemefh, and paffed on to

day that Mofes fent me as ftrength ivas then,

: my Timnah.
even fo is my
flrength now, for war, both to go out, 1 And the border went out unto the fide of Ekron r
and to come in, northward ; and the border was drawn to Shicron,
12 Now, therefore, give me this mountain, where- and paffed along to mount Baalah, and went out unto
of the Lord fpake in that day (for thou heardeft in ;
Jabniel ; and the goings out of the border were at the
that day how the Anakims were there, and that the fea.

cities were great and fenced ;) if fo be the Lord will 12 And the weft border was to the great fea, and
be with me, then I fhall be able to drive them out, as the coaft thereof. This is the coaft of the children of
the Lord faid. Judah round abouL according to their families.
13 And Jofhua bleffed him, and gave unto Caleb 13 IF And unto Caleb the fon of Jephunneh, he gave
the fon of Jephunneh, Hebron for an inheritance. a part among the children of Judah, according to the
14 f Hebron therefore became the inheritance of commandment of the Lord to Jofhua, even d the d Chap.
I mk' 22"'<6

14 tj.

Caleb the fon of Jephunneh the Kenezite unto this city of Arba the father of Anak, which city is He- Or, Kir-

clay ; becaufe that he wholly followed the Lord God bron. jatharba.

of Ifrael. 14 And Caleb drove thence e the three fons of Anak , e judges . i»
gchap. 15 13. 15 And name of Hebron before was Kiijath-
g the Shefhai, and Ahiman, and Talmai, the children of
arba which Arba was a great man among the Ana-
kims. And the land had reft from war. 15 And he went up thence to the inhabitants of
Debir and the name of Debir before was Kirjath-
CHAP. XV. fepher.

1 The borders of the lot of Judah. 13 Caleb's portion 16 And Caleb faid,
IF HethatfmitethKirjathfepher,
and conquest. 16 Othniclfor his valour hath Ach- and taketh it, to him will I giveAchfah my daughter
sah, Caleb's daughter, to wife, who obtaineth a bless- to wife.
ing of her father. 21 The cities of Judah. 63 The 17 And Othniel the fon of Kenaz, the brother of :

Jebusitcs not conquered. Caleb, took it and he gave him Achlah his daughter

then was the lot of the tribe of the children to wife.
a Numb.34 3 of *-
Judah by their families, a even tothe border of 18 And it came
to pafs, as fhe came untolbim, that
bNumb. Edom the wildernefs of Zin, fouthward, was the
flie moved him toafk of her father a field and fhe :

33 3«-
uttermoft part of the fouth coaft. lighted off her afs ; and Caleb faid unto her, What
2 And their fouth border was from the fhore of the wouldeft'' thou ?
t Heb. tcngu;. fait fea, from the \ bay that looketh fouthward. 19 "Who anfwered, Give me a blefling for thou

up to Acrtb
3 And it went out to the fouth fide to Maaleh- || haft given me a fouth land, give me alfo fprings of
acrabbim, and patted along to Zin, and afcended up on water. And he gave her the upper fprings, and the
the fouth lide unto Kadefhbarnea, and paffed along nether fprings.
to Hezron, and went up to Adar, and fetched a com- 20 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the chil-
pafs to Karkaa. dren of Judah, according to their families.
4 From thence it paffed toward Azmon, and went 21 IF And the uttermoft cities of the tribe of the
out unto the river of Egypt ; and the goings out of that children of Judah, toward the coaft of Edom fouth-
coaft were at the fea. This fhall be your fouth coaft. ward, were Kabziel, and Eder, and Jagur,
"5 And the eaft border was the fait fea, even unto 22 And Kinah, and Dimonah, and Adadah,
the end of Jordan : and their border in the north quar- 23 And Kedefh, and Hazor, and Ithnan,
24 Ziph,
: ;

The several cities cfjudab. JOSHUA. The lot of Ma?iassch,

24 Ziph, and Telem, and Bealoth, CHAP. XVI.
25 AndHazor, Hadattah, and Kerioth, and Hez- 1 The general borders of Joseph's sons. 5 The border x

ron, which is Kazor, of the inheritance of Ephraim. 10 The Canaanites of'

26 Amam, and Shema, and Moladah, Gezer are not driven out, but made tributaries.
27 And Hazargaddah, and Hefhmon, and Beth- AN D the lot of the children of Jofeph f fell from + «heb
Jordan by Jericho^ unto the water of Jericho on f(
""' '

28 And Hazarlhual, and Beerfheba, and Bizjoth- the eaft, to the wildernefs that goeth up from Jericho,
jali, throughout mount Bethel.
29 Baalah, and Iim, and Azem, 2 And goeth out from Bethel to a Luz, and paffeth J a dges
J 36
30 And Eltolad, and Chefil, and Hormah, along unto the borders of Archi, to Ataroth,
31 And Ziklag, and Madmannah, and Sanfan- 3 And goeth down weftward to the coaft of Japh-
nah, leti, unto the coaft of Bethhoron the nether, and to

32 And Lebaoth, and Shilhim, and Ain, and Rim- Gezer ; and the goings out thereof are at the fea.
mon : all the cities are twenty and nine with their 4 So the children of Jofeph, Manaffeh and Ephraim,
villages. took their inheritance.
33 And in the valley, Efhtaol, and Zoreah, and 5 IT And the border of the children of Ephraim,
Afhnah, according to their families, was thus; even the border
34 And Zanoab, and Engannim, Tappuah, and of their inheritance on the eaft fide was Atarothaddar,
Enam, unto Bethhoron the upper.
35 Jarmuth, and Adullam, Socoh, and Azekah, 6 And the border went out toward the fea, to
36 And Sharaira, and Adithaim, and Gederah, Michmethah on the north fide and the border went

6 °r '
!| and Gederothaim fourteen cities with their villages.
: about eaftward unto Taanathfhiloh, andpaffed by it
37 Zenan, and Hadafhah, and MigdalgacL on the eaft to Janohah %
38 And Dilean, and Mizpeh, and Joktheel, 7 And it went down from Janohah to Ataroth, and to
39 Lachifh, and Bozkah, and Eglon, Naarath, and came to Jericho, and went out at Jordan.
40 And Cabbon, and Lahmam, and Kithlifh, 8 The border went out from Tappuah weftward
41 And Gederoth, Bethdagon and Naamah, and 3
unto the river Kanah and the goings out thereof

Makkedah : iixteen cities with their villages. were at the fea. This is the inheritance of the tribe
42 Libnah, and Ether, and Afhan, of the children of Ephraim by their families.
43 And Jiphtah, and Afhnah, and Nezib, 9 And the feparate cities for the children of Eph-
44 And Keilah, and Achzib, and Marefha
: nine raim were among the inheritance of the children of
with their villages.
cities Manaffeh, all the cities with their villages.
45 Ekron, with her towns and her villages. 10 If And they drave not out the Canaanites that
t Heb. by the
place of.
46 From Ekron even unto the fea, all that lay f near dwelt in Gezer but the Canaanites dwell among the

Afhdod, with their villages. Ephraimites unto this day, and ferve under tribute.
47 Afhdod with her towns and her villages, Gaza C HAP. XVII.
with her towns and her villages, unto the river of 1 The lot of Manasseh : 7 his coast distinguishedfrom
Egypt, and the great fea, and the border thereof. Ephraim''s. 12 The Canaanites could not be wholly
48 And in the mountains, Shamir, and Jattir, and driven out. 14 Josephs children obtain another lot.
49 And Dannah, and Kirjathfannah, which is, Debir,
THERE was alfo a lot for the tribe of Manaffeh,
(for he was the firftborn of Jofeph,) to wit,-for *Gei.. 4 p . i

50 And Anab, and Efhtemoh, and Anim, b

Machir, the firftborn of Manaffeh, the father oficS.^,*
51 And Gofhen, and Kolon, and Giloh : eleven
Gilead : becaufe he was a man of war, therefore he
cities with their villages. had Gilead and Bafhan.
52 Arab, and Dumah, and Efhean, 2 There was alfo a lot for c the reft of the children of c Numb.
53 And Manaffeh by their families ; for the children of Abi- 26 a5
J Or, Janus Janum, and Bethtapuah, and Aphe-

kah, ezer, and for the children of Helek, and for the chil-
fChap. 14 15 54 And Humtah, and/Kirjatharba, (which is He- dren of Afriel, and for the children of Shechem, and
bron,) and Zior :nine cities with their villages. for the children of Hepher, and for the children of
55 Maon, Carmel, and Ziph, and Juttah, Shemida thefe were the male children of Manaffeh

56 And Jezreel, and Jokdeam, and Zanoah, the fon of Jofeph, by their families.
57 Cam, Gibeah, and Timnah ten cities with : 3 H But d Zelophehad the fon of Hepher, the fon of a Numb.
their villages. Gilead, the fon of Machir, the fon of Manaffeh, had ??£&?
58 Halhul, Bethzur, and Gedor, no fons but daughters ; and thefe are the names of his
59 And Maarath, and Bethanoth, and Eltekon : daughters, Mahlah, and Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and
fix cities with their villages. Tirzah.
60 Kirjathbaal, (which is Kirjathjearim,) and Rab- 4 And they came near before Eleazar the prieft,
bah two cities with their villages.
: and before Jofhua the fon of Nun, and before the
61 In the wildernefs, Betharabah, Middin, and princes, faying, The Lord commanded Mofes to give
Secacah, us an inheritance among our brethren therefore, ac-

62 AndNibfhan, and the city of Salt, andEngedi cording to the^ commandment of the Lord, he gave
fix cities with their villages. them an inheritance among the brethren of their father.
63 HAs for the Jebulites, the inhabitants of Jeru- 5 And there fell ten portions to Manaffeh, befides
falem, the children of Judah could not drive them the land of Gilead and Bafhan, which were on the
out but the Jebuhtes dwell with the children of Ju-
: other fide Jordan
dah at Jemfalem unto this day. 6 Becaufe the daughters of Manaffeh had an inherit-

Tbe tabernacle is set up at Shiloh. CHAP. XVIII. The lot and border of Benjamin,
ritance among his fons and the reft of Manaffeh's
: 3 And Jofhua faid unto the children of Ifrael, How
fons had the land of Gilead. long are ye flack to go to poffefs the land which the
7 If And the coaft of Manaffeh was from Afher to Lord God of your fethers hath given you ?
Michmediah, that lieth before Shechem, and the bor- 4 Give out from among you three men for each
der went along on the right hand unto the inhabitants tribe ;and I will fend them, and they fhall rife and
of Entappuah. go through the land, and defcribe it according to the
8 Now Manaffeh had the land of Tappuah but ; inheritance of them and they fhall come again to me.

Tappuah on the border of Manaffeh belonged to the 5 And they fhall divide it into feven parts Judah :

children of Ephraim :
fhall abide in their coafts on the fouth, and the houfe
Or, Irtek of

rctiu 9 And the coail defcended unto the river Kanah, I! of Jofeph fhall abide in their coafts on the north.
fouthward of the river thefe cities of Ephraim are
: 6 Ye fhall, therefore, defcribe the land into feven
among the cities of Manaffeh ; the coaft of Manaffeh parts, and bring the description hither to me that I
alfo was on the north fide of the river, and the out- may caft lots for you here before the Lord our God.
goings of it were at the fea, 7 But die Levites have no part among you ; for the
10 Soiithward it was Ephrairn's, and northward it priefthoodof the Lord is their inheritance and Gad, :

was Manaffeh's, and the fea is his border ; and they and Reuben, and half the tribe of Manaffeh, have
met together in Afher on the north, and in Iffachar on received their inheritance beyond Jordan on the eaft,
die eaft. which Mofes the fervant of the Lord gave them.
1 And Manaffeh had in Iffachar, and in Afher, 8 If And the men arofe, and went away and Jofhua :

Bethfhean and her towns, and Ibleam and her towns, charged them that went to defcribe the land, faying,
and the inhabitants of Dor and her towns, and the Go, and walk through the land, and defcribe it, and
inhabitants of Endor and her towns, and the inhabit- come again to me, that I may here caft lots for you
ants of Taanach and her towns, and the inhabitants before the Lord in Shiloh.
of Megiddo and her towns, even three countries. 9 And the men went, and paffed through the land,
12 Yet the children of Manaffeh could not drive and defcribed it by cities into feven parts in a book,
out the inhabitants ofthote cities ; but the Canaanites and came again to Jofhua to the hoft at Shiloh.
would dwell in that land. 10 If And Jofhua caft lots for them in Shiloh before
13 Yet it came to pafs, when the children of Ifrael the Lord and there Jofhua divided the land unto

were waxen ftrong, that they put the Canaanites to the children of Ifrael, according to their divifions.
tribute but did not utterly drive them out.
; 11 If And the lot of the tribe of the children of Ben-
14 If And the children
of Jofeph fpake unto Jofhua, jamin came up according to their families and the :

faying, Why haft thou given me but one lot and one coaft of their lot came forth between the children of
portion to inherit, feeing I am a great people, foraf- Judah and the children of Jofeph.
much as the Lord hath bleffed me hitherto ? 12 And their border on the north fide was from
15 And Jofhua anfwered them, If thou be a great Jordan and the border went up to the fide of Jericho

people, then get thee to the wood country, and cut

up on the north fide, and went up through the mountains
down for thyfelf there, in the land of the rerizzites, weftward and the goings out thereof were at the

and of the giants, if mount Ephraim be too narrow
wildernefs of Bethaven.-
for thee. 13 And the border went over from thence toward
16 And the children of Jofeph laid, The hill is not Luz, to the fide ofLuz, (which is Bediel,) fouth ward,
enough for us ; and all the Canaanites that dwell in and the border defcended to Atarothadar, near the hill
the land of the valley have chariots of iron, both they that lieth on the fouth fide of the nether Bethhoron.
who are of Bethfhean and her towns, and they who 14 And the border was drawn thence, and compaffed
are of the valley of Jezreel. the corner of the fea fouthward, from the hill that lieth
17 And Jofhua fpake unto the houfe of Jofeph, even before Bethhoron, fouthward and the goings out

to Ephraim and to Manaffeh, faying, Thou art a great thereof were atKirjathbaal, (which is Kirjathjearim,)a
people, and haft great power thou fhalt not have one ; city of the children of Judah. This ivas the weft
lot only : quarter.
18 But the mountain fhall be thine for it is a wood, ; 15 And the fouth quarter was from die end of
and thou fhalt cut it down and the outgoings of it; Kirjathjearim, and the border went out on the weft,
ihall be thine for thou ihalt drive out the Canaan-
: and went out to the well of waters of Nephtoah ;
ites, though they have iron chariots, and though they 16 And the border came down to die *nd of the
be ftrong. mountain that lieth before the valley of the fon of Hin-
K CHAP. XVIII. nom, and which is in the valley of the giants on the
1 The tabernacle is set up at Shiloh. 2 Joshua causcth north, and defcended to the valley of Hinnom, to the
the remainder of the land not divided, to be described fide of Jebufi on the fouth, and defcended to Enrogel,
mtoscvenparts: 8 the description brought to Joshua: 17 And was drawn from the north, and went forth
10 he divided? it by lot. 1 1 The lot and border of to Enfhemefh, and went forth toward Geliloth, which
Benjamin .-21 their cities. is over againft the going up of Adummim, and de-

AN 1 D the whole congregation of the children of

Ifrael aflemblcd together at Shiloh, and fet up
the tabernacle of the congregation there and the land :
fcended to a the ftone of Bohan the fon of Reuben,

18 And paffed along toward the fide over againft
Arabah north ward, and went down unto Arabah ;
a Cliap.

I Or, the
1 56

was fubdued before them. 19 And the border paffed along to the fide of Beth-
2 HAnd there remained among the children of hoglah northward and the outgoings of the border

Ifrael feven tribes which had not yet received their were at die north t bay of die fait fea, at the fouth end t h«*.
inheritance. of Jordan. This was the fouth coaft.
20 And
; ; „

The lots of'Simeon, Zebulun, JOSHUA. Issachar^ Asher, Nafhtali^ and Dan.
20 And Jordan was the border of it on the eaft 17 H And'the fourth lot came out to Iflachar, for the
fide. This was the inheritance of the children of children of Iffachar, according to their families.
Benjamin, by the coafts thereof round about, accord- 18 And their border was toward Jezreel, and Che-
ing to their families. fulloth, and Shunem,
21 11 Now the cities of the tribe of the children of 19 And Haphraim, and Shihon, and Anaharath,
Benjamin, according to their families, were Jericho, 20 And Rabbith, and Kifhion, and Abez,
and Bethhoglah, and the valley of Keziz. 21 And Remeth, and Engannim, and Enhaddah,
22 And Betharabah, and Zemaraim, and Bethel, and Bethpazzez ;

23 And Avim, and Parah, and Ophrah, 22 And the coaft reacheth to Tabor, and Shahazi-
24 And Chepharhaammonai, and Ophni, and Ga- mah, and Bethlhemefh and the outgoings of their

fca twelve cities with their villages.

: border were at Jordan fixteen cities with their villages.

25 Gibeon, and Ramah, and Beeroth, 23 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the chil-
26 And Mizpeh, and Chephirah, and Mozah, dren of Iffachar, according to their families, the cities
27 And Rekem, and Irpeel, and Taralah, and their villages.
28 And Zelah, Eleph, and Jebufi, (which is Jeru- 24 If And the fifth lot came out for the tribe of the
falem,) Gibeath and Klrjath fourteen cities with their
: children of Afher, according to their families.
villages^ This is the inheritance of the children of 25 And their border was Helkath, and Hali", and
Benjamin according to their families. Beten, and Achfhaph,
CHAP. XIX. 26 And Alammelech, and Amad, and Mifheal and ;

reacheth to Carmel, weftward, and to Shihorlibnath,

1 The lot of Simeon, 10 of Zebulun, 17 of Issachar, 27 And turneth toward the funriiing, to Bethdagon,
24ofAsher, $Z of Napbtati, 40 of Dan. 49 The and reacheth to Zebulun, and to the valley of Jiph-
children of Israel give an inheritance to Joshua.
thahel, toward the north fide of Bethemek, and Neiel,

AND the fecond lot came forth to Simeon, even for


the tribe of the children of Simeon, according

to their families and their inheritance was within
and goeth out to Cabul on the left hand,
28 And Hebron, and Rehob, and
Kanah, even unto great Zidon ;
Hammon, and"

the inheritance of the children of Judah. 29 And then the coaft turneth to Ramah, and to the
2 And they had in their inheritance Beerfheba, flrong city t Tyre, and the coaft turneth to Hofah ;
t Heb. T&r
and Sheba, and Moladah, and the outgoings thereof are at the fea, from the coaft
3 And Hazarfhual, and Balah, and Azem, to Achzib ;
4 And Eltolad, and Bethul, and Hormah, 30 Ummah alfo, and Aphek, and Rehob twenty :

5 Anjd Ziklag, and Bethmarcaboth, and Hazarfufah, and two cities with their villages.
6 And Bethlebaoth, and Sharuhen thirteen cities : 31 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the chil-
and their villages. dren of Afher, according to their families, thefe cities
7 Ain, Remmon, and Ether, and Afhan four cit- : with their villages.
ies and their villages. 32 II The fixth lot came out to the children of
8 And all the villages that were round about thefe Naphtali, even for the children of Naphtali, according
cities to Baalathbeer, Ramath of the fouth. This is to their families.
the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Simeon, 33 And their coaft was from Heleph, from Allon
according to their families. to Zaanannim, and Adami, Nekeb, and Jabneel unto
9 Out of the portion of the children of Judah was Lakum and the outgoings thereof were at Jordan

the inheritance of the children of Simeon for the : 34 And then the coaft turneth weftward to Aznoth-
part of the Children of Judah was too much for them tabor, and goeth out from thence to Hukkok, and
therefore the children of Simeon had their inheritance reacheth to Zebulun on the fouth fide, and reacheth
within the inheritance of them. to Afher on the weft fide, and to Judah upon Jordan,
10 H And the third lot came up for the children of toward the fanrifmg.
Zebulun, according to their families ; and the border 35 And the fenced cities are Ziddim, Zer, and
of their inheritance was unto Sarid. Hammath, Rakkath, and Chinnereth,
11 And their border went up toward the fea, and 36 And Adamah, and Ramah, and Hazor,
Maralah, and reached to Dabbaiheth, and reached 37 And Kedefh, and Edrei, and Enhazor,
to the river that is before Jokneam, 38 And Iron, and Migdalel, Horem, and Beth-
12 And turned from Sarid eaftward, toward the anath, and Bethfhemelh : nineteen cities with their
funrifmg, unto the border of Chiflothtabor, and then villages.
goeth out to Daberath, and goeth up to Japhia, 39 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the chil-
13 And from thence pafieth on along on the eaft dren of Naphtali, according to their families, the cities
to Gktahhepher, to Ittahkazin, and goeth out to and their villages.
tor, vhich Remmon Methoar, to Neah If And the feventh lot came out for the tribe of
to Hannathon

^n(j b or(}er compaffeth it on the north fide
and the outgoings thereof are in the

the children of Dan, according to their families.

41 And the coaft of their inheritance was Zorah,
valley of Jiphthahel and Efhtaol, and Irfhemefh,
15 And Kattath, and Nahallal, and Shimron, and 42 And Shaalabbin, and Ajalon, and Jethlah,
Idalah, and Bethlehem twelve cities with their vil-
: 43 And Elon, and Thimnathah, and Ekron,
lages. 44 And Eltekeh, and Gibbethon, and Baalath,
16 This is the inheritance of the children of Zebu- 45 And Jehud, and Beneberak, and Gathrimmon, nor.*,*,
lun, according to their families, thefe cities with their 46 And Mejarkon, and Rakkon, with the border for?"'

villages. before Japho. Joppa

II ||
9 3*.
2 47 And
.; 1 ;

Six cities of refuge appointed. CHAP. XX, XXL Forty eight cities given by lot, &c.
47 And the coaft of the children of Dan went out
too little for them therefore the children of Dan went
THEN came near
Levites unto Eleazar
heads of the the fathers of the
the prieft, and unto Jofhua

up to fight againft Lefhem, and took it, and fmote it the fon of Nun, and unto the heads of the fathers of
with the edge of the fword, and poffeffed it, and dwelt the tribes of the children of Ifrael
a Judges
iS 29. therein, and called Lefhem, a Dan, after the name of 2 And they fpake unto them at Shiloh in the land
Dan their father. of Canaan, faying, a The Lord commanded by the aNumb,
48 Tins is the inheritance of the tribe of the chil- hand of Mofes to give us cities to dwell in, with the 35
dren of Dan, according to their families, thefe cities fuburbs thereof for our cattle.
with their villages. 3 And the children of Ifrael gave unto the Levites
49 If When they had made an end of dividing the out of their inheritance, at the commandment of the
land for inheritance by their coafts, the children of Lord, thefe cities and their fuburbs.
Ifrael gave an inheritance to Jofhua the fon of Nun 4 And the lot came out for the families of the Ko-
among them : hathites and the children of Aaron the prieft, which

50 According to the word ofthe L it d they gave him

, were of the Levites, had by lot out of the tribe of
b Chap. 24 }°- the city which he afked, even Timnathferah in mount Judah, and out of thetribe of Simeon, and out of the
Ephraim And he built the city, and dwelt therein.
: tribe of Benjamin, thirteen cities.
c Numb,
34 '7. 51 c Thefe are the inheritances which Eleazar the 5 And the reft of the children of Kohath had by
prieft,and Jofhua the fon of Nun, and the heads of the lot out of the families of the tribe of Ephraim, and
fathers of the tribes of the children of Ifrael, divided out of the tribe of Dan, and out of the half tribe of
for an inheritance by lot in Shiloh before the Lord, Manaffeh, ten cities.
at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. So 6 And the children of Gerfhon, hadby lot out of the
they made an end of dividing the country. families of the tribe of Iffachar, and out of the tribe of
CHAP. XX. Afher, and out of the tribe of Naphtali, and out of the
1 The Lord's commandment Joshua, that the chil-
to half tribe of Manaffeh in Bafhan, thirteen cities.
dren of Israel appoint six cities of refuge : 7 their 7 The children of Merari, by their families, had
names. out of the tribe of Reuben, and out of the tribe of Gad,
aEKod.21 13
THE Lord alfo fpake unto Jofhua, faying,
2 Speak to the children of Ifrael, faying, a Ap-
and out of the tribe of Zebulun, twelve cities.
8 And the children of Ifrael gave by lot unto the
33 6 11 14.
Dctt. 19 2. point out for you cities of refuge, whereof I fpake Levites thefe cities with their fuburbs, as the Lord
unto you by the hand of Mofes ;
commanded by the hand of Mofes.
3 That the flayer that killeth any perfon unawares, 9 IT And they gave out of the tribe of the children
xmd unwittingly, may flee thither ; and they fhall be of Judah, and out of the tribe of the children of
your refuge from the avenger of blood. Simeon, thefe cities which are here t mentioned by tWeb.
4 And when he that doth flee unto one of thofe name. called.

cities, fhall ftand at the entering of the gate of the city, 10 Which the children of Aaron, being of the fami-
and fhall declare his caufe in the ears of the elders of lies of the Kohathites, who were of the children of
that city ;they fhall take him into the city unto them, Levi, had (for theirs was the firft lot :)

and give him a place, that he may dwell among them. 1 And they gave them the city of Arba, the father Or, Kir-

5 And if the avenger of blood purfue after him, then of Anak, (which city is Hebron,) in the hill country *"*£**
they fhall not deliver the flayer up into his hand of Judah, with the fuburbs thereof round about it.
becaufe he fmote his neighbour unwittingly, and hated 12 But b the fields of the city, and the villages bchaP .

him not beforetime. thereof, gave they to Caleb the fon of Jephunneh for IVhU.
6 And he fhall dwell in that city, b until he ftand

35'2- his poffeflion. <> s°-

before the congregation for judgment, and until the 13 Thus they gave _
to the children of Aaron the
death of the high prieft that fhall be in thofe days : prieft, Hebron with her fuburbs, to be a city of refuge
then fhall the flayer return, and come unto his own for the flayer, and Libnah with her fuburbs,
city, and unto his own houfe, unto the city from 14 And Jattir with her fuburbs, and Efhtemoawith
whence he fled. her fuburbs,
t Heb.
7 If And they f appointed Kedefh in Galilee, in 15 And Holon with her fuburbs, and Debir with
mount Naphtali, and Shechem in mount Ephraim and her fuburbs,
Kirjatharba (which is Hebron) in the mountain ofJ udah 16 And Ain with her fuburbs, and Juttah with her
8 And on the other fide Jordan, by Jericho eaft- fuburbs, and Bethihemefh with her fuburbs nine :

.c D;ut. 4 43. ward, they afligned c Bezer in the wildernefs upon the cities out of thofe two tribes.
Chxon. 6 78.
plain out of the tribe of Reuben, and Ramoth in
17 And out of the tribe of Benjamin, Gibeon with
Gilead out of the tribe of Gad, and Golan in Bafhan her fuburbs, Geba with her fuburbs,
out of the tribe of Manaffeh. 18 Anathoth with her fuburbs, and Almon with
9 Thefe were the cities appointed for all the chil- her fuburbs four cities.

dren of Ifrael, and for the ftranger that fojourneth 19 All the cities ofthe children of Aaron, the priefts,
among them, that whofoever killeth any perfon at were thirteen cities with their fuburbs.
unawares might flee thither, and not die by tke hand 20 And the families of the children of Kohath,
of the avenger of blood, until he flood before the con- the Levites, which remained of the children of Ko-
gregation. hath, even they had the cities of their lot out of the
CHAP. XXI. tribe of Ephraim.
1 Eight and forty given by lot out of the other
cities 21 For they gave them Shechem with her fuburbs
tribes unto the Levites. 9 The priests' cities. 43 God's in mount Ephraim, to be a city of refuge for the flayer :

promise fulfilled in giving the land and rest to Israel. and Gezer with her fuburbs,
22 And
God \r promise fulfilled &c. > JOSH U A. The Israelites offended^

22 And Kibzaim with her fuburbs, and Bethhoron .journey. 11 The other tribes are offended thereat.
J^2l, with her fuburbs : four cities. >21 They vindicate their conduct. 30 The deputies
23 And out of the tribe of Dan, Eltekeh with her are satisfied.
fuburbs, Gibbethon with her fuburbs,
24 Aijalon with her fuburbs, Gathrimmon with her
THEN and
called the Reubenites, and the
the half tribe of Manaffeh,
fuburbs four cities.
2 And faid unto them,Ye have kept all that Mofes
25 And out of the half tribe of Manaffeh, Taanach the fervant of the Lord commanded you, and have
with her fuburbs, and Gathrimmon with her fuburbs :
obeyed my voice in all that I commanded you :
two cities. 3 Ye have not left your brethren thefe many days
26 All the cities were ten, with their fuburbs, for
unto this day, but have kept the charge of the com-
the families of the children of Kohath that remained. mandment of the Lord your God.
27 If And unto the children of Gerihon, of the fam- 4 And now the Lord your God hath given reft un-
ilies of the Levites, out of the other half tribe of Ma- to j- our brethren, as he promifed them therefore, now

naffeh, they gave Golan in Bafhan with her fuburbs, return ye, and get ye unto your tents, and unto the
to be a city of refuge for the flayer ; and Beefhterah land of your poffeffion, a which Mofes the fervant of a Numb.
with her fuburbs two cities. :
the Lord gave you on the other iide Jordan.
3 ? 33> »
Cliay. 138.
28 And out of the tribe of Iffachar, Kifhon with 5 But take diligent heed to do the commandment,
her fuburbs, Dabareh with her fuburbs, and the law which Mofes the fervant of the Lord
29 Jarmuth with her fuburbs, Engannim with her charged you, b to love the Lord your God, and to bDent 10 12.
fuburbs four cities.
walk in all his ways, and to keep his commandments,
30 And out of the tribe of Afher, Mifhal with her and to cleave unto him, and to ferve him with all
fuburbs, Abdon with her fuburbs, your heart, and with all your foul.
31 Helcath with her fuburbs, and Rehob with her 6 So Jofhua bleffed them, and fent them away :
fuburbs four cities.
and they went unto their tents.
32 And out of the tribe ofNaphtali, Kedefh in Gali- 7 Now to the one half of the tribe of Manaffeh
lee with her fuburbs, to be a city of refuge for the flay- Mofes had given possession in Bafhan but unto the

er, and Hamothdor with her fuburbs, and Kartan other half thereof gave Jofhua among their brethren,
with her fuburbs three cities.:
on this fide Jordan weftward. And when Jofhua fent
33 All the cities of the Gerfhonites, according to them away alfo unto their tents, then he bleffed
their families, were thirteen cities with their fuburbs. them ;
34 If And unto the families of the children of Me- 8 And, he fpake unto them, faying, Return with
rari, the reft of the Levites, out of the tribe of Zebu - much riches unto your tents, and with very much
lun, Jokneam with her fuburbs, and Kartah with her cattle, with filver, and with gold, and with brafs, and
fuburbs, with iron, and with very much raiment : divide the
35 Dimnah with her fuburbs, Nahalal with her fpoil of your enemies with your brethren.
fuburbs four cities.
9 And the children of Reuben, and the children of
36 And out of the tribe of Reuben, Bezer with her Gad, and the half tribe of Manaffeh, returned, and
fuburbs, and Jahazah with her fuburbs, departed from the children of Ifrael out of Shiloh,
37 Kedemoth with her fuburbs, and Mephaath which is in the land of Canaan, to go unto the country
with her fuburbs four cities.
of Gilead, to the land of their poffeffion, whereof they
38 And out of the tribe of Gad, Ramoth Gilead m were poffeffed, according to the word of the Lord
with her fuburbs, to be a city of refuge for the flayer ;
by the hand of Mofes.
and Mahanaim with her fuburbs, 10 If And when they came unto the borders of Jor-
39 Hefhbon with her fuburbs, Jazer with her fub- dan, that are in the land of Canaan, the children of
urbs :four cities in all. Reuben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe
40 So all the cities for the children of Merari, by of Manaffeh, built there an altar by Jordan, a great
their families, which were remaining of the families altar to fee to.
of the Levites, were, by their lot, twelve cities. 11 If And the children of Ifrael heard fay, Behold,
41 All the cities of the Levites, within the poffef- the children of Reuben, and the children of Gad, and
fion of the children of Ifrael, were forty and eight the half tribe of Manaffeh, have built an altar over
cities with their fuburbs.
againft the land of Canaan, in the borders of Jordan,
42 Thefe cities were every one with their fuburbs at the paffage of the children of Ifrael.
round about them thus were all thefe cities.
12 And when the children of Ifrael heard of it, the
43 If And the Lord gave unto Ifrael all the land whole congregation of the children of Ifrael gathered
which he fware to give unto their fathers ; and they themfelves together at Shiloh, to go up to war againft
poffeffed it, and dwelt therein.
44 And the Lord gave them reft round about, ac- 13 And the children of Ifrael lent unto the children
cording to all that he fware unto their fathers and there :
of Reuben, and to the children of Gad, and to the
flood not a man of all their enemies before them the ;
half tribe of Manaffeh, into the land of Gilead, Phi-
Lord delivered all their enemies into their hand. nehas the fon of Eleazar the prieft,
e chap. 53 > 4

45 c There failed not aught of any good thing which
14 And with him ten princes, of each + chief houfe t Heb. hatst
the Lord had fpoken unto the houfe of Ifrael; ali of the /»•
a prince, throughout all the tribes of Ifrael ; and each ther.
came to pafs.
one was an head of the houfe of their fathers among
CHAP. XXII. the thoufands of Ifrael.
1 Joshua dismisseth the two tribes and half with a 15 And they came unto the children of Reuben, and
blessing : 10 they build the altar of testimony in their to the children of Gad, and to the half tribe of Ma-
1 : ;

The Reubenites vindicate their conduit, CHAP. XXIII. Joshua s exhortation before his death.
B-fere BefcI
CHRIST naffeh, unto the land of Giiead, and they fpake with children of Reuben, and the children of Gad. and the CHRIST
^^^ 0l
them, faying,
16 the whole congregation of the Lord,
Thus faith
children of Manaffeh fpake, f it pleafed them.
3 1 And Phinehas the fon of Eleazar the prieft faid
tH*. ,7
What trefpafs is tliis that ye have committed againft unto the children of Reuben, nd to the children of Ih^r^L"
the God of Ifrael, to turn away this day from follow- Gad, and to the children of Manaffeh, This day we
ing the Lord, in that ye have builded you an altar, perceive that the Lord is among us, becaufe ye have
that ye might rebel this day againft the Lord I not committed this trefpafs againft the Lord f now :
tHeh- thni
tNaeb.254. 17* Js the iniquity c of Peor too little for us, from ye have delivered the children of Ifrael out of the
which we are not cleanfed until this day, (although hand of the Lord.
there was a plague in the congregation of the Lord,) 32 U And Phinehas the fon of Eleazar the prieft,
18 But that ye rauft turn away this day from fol- and the princes, returned from the children of Reu-
lowing the Lord? and it will be, seeing ye rebel today ben, and from the children of Gad, out of the land of
againft the Lord, that tomorrow he will be wroth Gilead, unto the land of Canaan, to the children of
with the whole congregation of Ilrael. Ifrael, and brought them word again.
19 Notwimftanding, if the land of your poffeffion be 33 And the thing pleafed the children of Ifrael and ;

unclean, then pafs ye over unto the land of the poffef- the children of Ilrael bleffed God, and did not intend
fion of the Lord, wherein the Lord's tabernacle to go up againft diem in battle, to deftroy the land
dwelled!, and take poffeffion among us but rebel not
: wherein the children of Reuben and Gad dwelt.
againft the Lord, nor rebel againft us, in building you 34 And the children of Reuben, and die children
an altar befides the altar of the Lord our God. of Gad, called the altar Ed: for it shall be a witnefs
tThat is,

*eHap 7 20 d
Did not Achan the fon of Zerah commit a tref- between us, that the Lord is God.
pafs in the accurfed thing, and wrath fell on all the CHAP. XXIII.
congregation of Ifrael r and that man periihed not 1 Joshua's exhortation before his death, byformer ben-
alone in his iniquity. efits x 5 by future blessings, 12 and by threatenings.
21 If Then the children of Reuben, and the chil-
dren of Gad, and the half tribe of Manaffeh, anfwered,
D it came to pafs, a long time after that the **
had given reftunto Ifrael from all their

and faid unto the heads of the thoufands of Ifrael, enemies round about, that Jofhua waxed old and
22 The Lord God of gods, the Lord God of gods, t ftriken in age.
+ Heb.fwi«
ir,:o Ayi.

he knoweth, and Ifrael he fhall know, if it he in re- 2 And Jolhua called for all Ifrael, and for their
bellion, or if in tranigreflion againft the Lord, (fave elders, and for their heads, and for their judges, and
us not this day,) for their officers, and faid unto them. I arnold and
23 That we have built us an altar to turn from fol- ftricken hi age ;
lowing the Lord, or if to offer thereon burnt offering, 3 And ye have feen all that the Lord your God
or meat offering, or if to offer peace offerings thereon, hath done unto all thefe nations becaufe of you for die ;

let the Lord himfelf require it

Lord your God is he that hath fought for you. aEx-d.
24 And if we have not rather done it for fear of this _
4 Behold, I have divided unto you by lot thefe na- 14 14-
tH<*.TV thing, faying, f I n tune to come your children might tions that remain, to be an inheritance for your tribes,
fpeak unto our children, faying, What have ye to do from Jordan, with all the nations that I have cut off,
with the Lord God of Ifrael ? even unto the great fea f weftward. + Heb. ct
25 For the Lord hath made Jordan a border be- 5 If And the Lord your God, he fhall expel them
tween us and you ; ye children of Reuben, and chil- from before you, and drive them from out of your
dren of Gad, ye have no part in the Lord fo fhall: fight ; and ye fhall poffefs their land, as die Lord
your children make our children ceafe from fearing your God hath promifed unto you.
the Lord. 6 Be ye, therefore, very courageous to keep and to
26 Therefore we faid, Let us now prepare to build do all diat is written in die book of the law of Moles,
us an altar, not for burnt offering, nor for facrifice : that ye turn not alide therefrom to the right hand or bve*.s&.
e Genesis
27 But that it may be e a witnefs between us and you, to the -
left r * 28 1+-
3> 48-
Oiap. 24 27.
Verse 34.
and our generations after us, that we might do the fer- 7 That ye come not among thefe nations, thefe
vice of the Lord before him with our burnt offerings, that remain among you, neither c make mention of the « fs)^a t6 *
and with our facrifices, and with our peace offerings name of tiieir gods, nor caufe to fwear by them, nei-
that your children may not fay to our children in time ther ferve them, nor bow yourfelves unto them :

to come, Ye have no part in the Lord. 8 But cleave unto the Lord your God, as ye have for, rr

28 Therefore, faid we, when they

that it fhall be, done unto this day. c&J£T*r.
fhould so fay to us, or to our generations in time to 9 For the Lord hath driven out from before you, a or, rs«

come, that we may fay again, Behold the pattern of great nations and ftrong but as for you, no man "hath %hiLdri£.

the altar of the Lord, which our fathers made, not been able to ftand before you unto this day.
for burnt offerings, nor for facrifices but it is a wit-
; 10 d One man of you fhall chafe a thou (and for the ii***-**-

nefs between us and you. Lord your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he iJeiJ 3 J°* "

29 God forbid that we fhould rebel againft the hath promifed you.
Lord, and turn this day from following the Lord, 11 Take good heed therefore, unto t yourfelves, tab**:
to build an altar for burnt offerings, for meat offerings, diat ye love the Lord your God.
or for facrifices, befides the altar of the Lord our 12 If Elfe, if ye do in any wife go back, and cleave
God that is before his tabernacle. unto the remnant of thefe nations, even thefe that re-
50 If And when Phinehas the prieft, and the princes main among you, and fhall make marriages with diem,
of the congregation, and heads of the thoufands of and go in unto them, and they to you ;

Ifrael which* wr? with him, heard the words that the 13 Know for a certainty > that the Lord your God
1 ;

Joshua assembleth the tribes at Shechem. JOS H U A. A stone se.t up to witness the covenant.

Jhrist willno more drive out any of thefe nations from before he bleffed you ftill fo I delivered you out of his hand. chrTst

s^J^^j you
but they fhall be fnares and traps unto you, and
1 And ye went over Jordan, and came unfo Jeri-
eEKod. 23 33- fcourges in your fides, and thorns in your eyes, until cho and the men of Jericho fought againft you, the

t>eut.*7i6* 'ye peril h from off* this good land which the Lord Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites,
your God hath given you. and the Hittites, and the Girgafhkes, the Hivites, and
14 And, behold, this day I am going the way of all the Jebufites, and I delivered them into your hand.
the earth and ye know in all your hearts, and in all
: 12 And I fent the hornet before you, which drave ^ E ^d
' -

fchap. 21 45. your fouls, that f not one thing hath failed of all the them out from before you, even the two kings of the ocut.V 2»;
good things which the Lord your God fpake con- Amorites but not with thy fword, nor with thy bow.

cerning you all are come to pafs unto you, and not
13 And I have given you a land for which ye did
one thing hath failed thereof. not labour, and cities which ye built not, and ye dwell
15 Therefore, it fhall come to pafs, that as all good in them of the vineyards and oliveyards which ye

tilings are come upon you, which the Lord your God" planted not, do ye eat.
promifed you fo fhall the Lord bring upon you all
14 If Now, therefore, fear the Lord, and ferve him
evil things, until he have deftroyed you from off this in fincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which
good land which the Lord your God hath given you. your fathers ferved on the other fide of the flood, and
16 When ye have tranlgreffed the covenant of the in Egypt, and ferve ye the Lord.
Lord your God, which he commanded you, and have 15 And if itfeem evil unto you to ferve the Lord,
gone and ferved other gods, and bowed yourfelves to choofe you this day whom ye will ferve whether the ;

them then fhall the anger of the Lord be kindled

; gods which your fathers ferved, that were on the other
againft you, and ye fhall perifh quickly from off the fide of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whofe
good land which he hath given unto you. land ye dwell but as for me and my houfe, we will

CHAP. XXIV. ferve the

And the people anfwered and faid, God forbid
1 Joshua assembleth the tribes at}>hechem, 2 andgiveth thatwe fhould forfake the Lord, to ferve other gods
them a brief history of'God's benefits from the days 17 For the Lord our God, he it is that brought us
ofTerah : 14 he rene-weth the covenant between God up and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, from the
mid the?n. 26 stone is set up to witness the cove- houfe of bondage, and which did thofe great figns in
nant. IS) Joshua's age, death, and burial. 32 Joseph''s our fight, and preferved us in all the way wherein we
bones are buried. 33 Eleazar dieth,-andis buried. went, and among all the people through whom we

AN D ] Jolhua gathered all the tribes of Ifrael to She-

chem, and called for the elders of Ifrael, and for
their heads, and for their judges, and for their offi-

And the Lord drave out from before us all the

people, even the Amorites which dwelt in the land :
cers and they prefented themfelves before God.
; thereforewill we alfo ferve theLoRD ; for he is our God.
2 1[ And Jofhua faid unto all the people, Thus faith 19 And Jofhua faid unto the people, Ye cannot ferve
"<> '^ Lord God of Ifrael, the Lord for he is an holy God ; heis a jealous God
G v a
ju duh 7
Your fathers dwelt on the :

other fide of the flood in old time, even Terah, the he will not forgive your tranfgreffions nor your fins.
father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor and : 20 If ye forfake the Lord, and ferve ftrange gods, .

they ferved other gods. m then he will turn and do you hurt, and confume maw*.
3 And I took your father Abraham from the other, you, he hath done you good. 23 5'

after that
fide of the flood, and led him throughout all the land of 21 And
the people faid unto Jofhua, Nay ; but we
hcen. 21 2. Canaan, and multiplied his feed,
and b gave him Ifaac. will ferve the Lord.
c Gen. 25 26. 4 And I gave unto Ifaac c Jacob and Efau and I : 22 And Jofhua faid unto the people, Ye are witneffes
tain. 46 6. Save unto Efau mount Seir, to poffefs it £ but Ja- : againft yourfelves that ye have chofen you the Lord,
cob and his children went down into Egypt. to ferve him. And they faid, are witneffes. We
f Excd. 3 ip. 5 f J fen t Mofes alio and Aaron, and I plagued 23 Now, therefore, put awaj T /said heJ the ftrange
Egypt, according to that which I did among them ;
gods which are among you, and incline your heart
and afterward I brought you out. unto the Lord God of IfraeL
gExod.1237. 6 And I s brought your fathers out of Egypt and : 24 And the people faid unto Jofhua, the Lord our
tExod. 149- ye came unto the fea h
and the Egyptians purfued
; God will we ferve, and his voice will we obey.
after your fathers with chariots and horfemen unto 25 So Jofhua made a covenant with the people that
the Red fea. day, and fet them a ftatute and an ordinance in She-
7 And when they cried unto the L r d he put dark- ,
nefs between you and the Egyptians, and brought the 26 IT And Jofhua wrote thefe words in the book of
feaupon them, and covered them and your eyes ; the law of God, and took a great ftone, and fet it up
have feen what I have done in Egypt and ye dwelt : there under an oak that was by the fanctuary of the
in the wildernefs a long feafon. Lord.
8 And I brought you into the land of the Amorites, 27 And Jofhua faid unto all the people, Behold, this
i Numb. which dwelt on the other fide Jordan ; s and they fought ftone fhall be a vvitnefs unto us for it hath heard all

with you and I gave them into your hand, that ye

: the words of the Lord which he fpake unto us it fhall :

might poffefs their land ; and I deftroyed them from be therefore a witnefs unto you, left ye deny your God.
before you. 28 So Jofhua let the people depart every man unto
9 Then Balak the ion of Zippor, king of Moab, his inheritance.
kNamb.225. arofe and warred againft Ifrael, and k fent and called 29 IT And it came to pafs after thefe things, that
cut. 23 4.
g a| aam tk e fon f B eor to curfe V0U- Jofhua the fon of Nun, the fervant of the Lord, died,
10 But I would not hearken unto Balaam ; therefore being an hundred and ten years old.
30 And

Othniel taktth Debir, CHAP. I. Of Manasseh^ Zebulun, Asher, &c.

christ 30 And they buried him in the border of his in- of Ifrael brought up out of Egypt, buried they in She-
*2^, heritance in n Timnathferah which is in mount Eph-
, chem, in a parcel of ground which Jacob bought of,
p the fons of Hamor, the father of Shechem, for an
n chap.. y 50. raim, on the north fide of the hill of Gaafh.
Judges 2 9.
31 And Ifrael ferved the Lord all the days of hundred pieces of filver and it became the inherit-
|| ;

t Heb. pro*
Jofhua, and all the days of the elders that f overlived ance of the children of Jofeph.
longed their
days after Jofhua, and which had known all the works of the 33 If And Eleazar the fon of Aaron died; and they eit ,*Wi -

Lord, that he had done for Ifrael buried him in a hill that pertained to Phinehas his
oGen. jo 2j. 32 % And the ° bones of Jofeph, which the children fon, which was given him in mount Ephraim.

The Book of JUDGES.

CHAP. I. of water. And Caleb gave her the upper fprings and
Judah and Simeon carry on the war, and defeat the nether fprings.
Adonibezek. 8 Jerusalem taken. 10 Hebron taken. 16 If And the children of the Kenite, Mofes' father
1 1 Othniel taketh Debir. 16 The Kenites dwell in in law, went up out of the city of palm trees with the
Judah. ye. children of Judah into the wildernefs of Judah, which

( after the death of Jofhua, it came to pafs,
that the children of Ifrael afked the Lord, fay-
Who fhall go up for us againft the Canaanites
lieth in the fouth of Arad
among the people.
and they went and dwelt

17 If And Judah went with Simeon his brother, and

to fight againft them ?
firft, they flew the Canaanites that inhabited Zephath, and
2 And the Lord faid, Judah fhall go up behold, : utterly deftroyed it (and the name of the city was

I have delivered the land into his hand. called c

Hormah ;)
c Numb.
21 a,
3 And Judah faid unto Simeon his brother, Come 18 Alfo Judah took Gaza with the coaft thereof,,
up with me into my
lot, that we may fight againft the and Afkelon with the coaft thereof, and Ekron with
Canaanites ; and I likewife will go with thee into thy the coaft thereof.
lot. So Simeon went with him. 19 And the Lord was with Judah, and hedrave Or, heposf-
|| I

4 And Judah went up and the Lord delivered the

; out the inhabitants of the mountain ; but could not mountain.
Canaanites and the Perizzites into their hand and : drive out the inhabitants of the valley, becaufe they
they flew of them in Bezek ten thoufand men. had chariots of iron.
5 And they found Adonibezek in Bezek and ,• 20 d And they gave Hebron unto Caleb, as Mofes dNunuv
they fought againft him, and they flew the Canaanites faid : and he expelled thence the three fons of Anak. Joshua 1*.
and the Perizzites. 21 If And the children of Benjamin did not drive 13
* ' '

6 But Adonibezek fled and they purfued after ; out the Jebufites that inhabited Jerufalem but the ;

him, and caught him, and cut off his thumbs and his Jebufites dwell with the children of Benjamin in Je-
great toes. rufalem unto this day.
7^ And Adonibezek faid, Threefcore and ten kings 22 If And the houfe of Jofeph, they alfo went up
ffttb. the
thumbs of having f their thumbs and their great toes cut off, againft Bethel : and the Lord was with them.
H gathered their meat under my table 23 And the houfe of Jofeph fent to defcry Bethel
their hands
and of their
as I have done, :

ior, f w. , fo God hath requited me. And they brought him to (now the name of the city before was e Luz.) « Genes*
Jerufalenij and there he died> 24 And the fpies faw a man come forth out of the "*'

8 If Now the children of Judah had fought againft city, and they faid unto him, Shew us, we pray thee, the
Jerufalem, and had taken it, and fmitten it with the entrance into the city, and f we will fhew thee mercy. f J° sh»*
a v
edge of the fword, and fet the city on fire. 25 And when he fhewed them the entrance into the "*
9 And a afterward the children of Judah went down city, they fmote the city with the edge of the fword :
to fight againft the Canaanites that dwelt in the moun- but they let go the man and all his family.
tain, and in the fouth, and in the H valley. 26 And the man went Into the land of the Hittites,
10 1 And Judah went againft the Canaanites that and built a city, and called the name thereof Luz :
dwelt in Hebron (now the name of Hebron before
; which is the name thereof unto this day.
k Joshua
15 ?•
ivas b Kirjatharba ;) and they flew Shefhai, and Ahi- 27 If g Neither did Manaffeh drive out the inhabitants g Joshua
17 11 12.
man, and Talmai." o/Bethfhean and her towns, nor Taanach and her
11 If And from thence he went againft the inhabit- towns, nor the inhabitants of Dor and her towns, nor
ants of Debir (and the name of Debir before was
; the inhabitants of Ibleam and her towns, nor the in-
Kirjathfepher ;) habitants of Megiddo and her towns : but the Ca-
12 And Caleb faid, He thatfmiteth Kirjathfepher, naanites would dwell in that land.
and taketh it, to him will I give Achfah my daughter 28 And it came to pafs, when Ifrael was ftrong, that
to wife. they put the Canaanites to tribute, and did not utterly
13 And Othniel the fon of Kenaz, Caleb's younger drive them out.
brother, took it : and he gave him Achfah his daugh- 29 1 h Neither did Ephraim drive out the Canaan- b Joshua
ter to wife. >J
ites that dwelt in Gezer but the Canaanites dwelt in

14 And
came to pafs, when fhe came to him, that
it Gezer among them.
fhe moved him to afk of her father a field and fhe : 30 If Neither did Zebulun drive out the inhabitants
lighted from off her afs ; and Caleb faid unto her, jfKitron, nor the inhabitants of Nahalol But the Ca-

What wilt thou ? naanites dwelt among them, and became tributaries.
15 And fhe faid unto him, Give me a blefiing for ; 31 II Neither did Afher drive out the inhabitants of
thou haft given me 4 fouth land, give me alfo (brings Accho, nor the inhabitants of Zidon, nor of Ahlab, nor
: ; '

The wickedness of the Israelites. J U D G E S. The nations left to prove Israel.

of Achzib, nor of Helbah, norof Aphek, nor of Rehob Ifrael,and he delivered them into the hands of fpoilers
52 ButtheAfheritesdweltamongdieCanaanites,the that fpoiled them, and e he fold them into the hands of
inhabitants of the land for they did not drive them out.
; their enemies round about, fo that they could not any
53 If Neither did Naphtali drive out the inhabitants longer ftand before their enemies.
of Bethfhemefh, nor the inhabitants of Bethanath but ; 15 Whitherfoever they went out, the hand of the
he dwelt among the Canaanites, the inhabitants of the Lord was againftthem for evil, as the Lord hadfaid,
land neverthelefs, the inhabitants of Bethfhemefh
: and f as the Lord had fworn unto them and they :
f Lev. *
Deut. 2S.
and of Bethanath became tributaries unto them. were greatly diftreffed.
34 If And the Amorites forced the children of Dan 16 If Neverthelefs, the Lord raifed up judges,
into the mountain for they would not fuffer them
; which f delivered them out of the hand of thofe that t Heb-
to come down to the valley : fpoiled them.
55 But the Amorites would dwell in mount Heres 17 And yet they would not hearken unto their
in Aijalon, and in Shaalbim yet the hand of the hquie
: judges but they went a whoring after other gods, and

t bowed themfelves unto them

H<rb. ivas
of Jofeph t prevailed, fo that they became tributaries. they turned quickly

56 And the coaftof the Amorites was from the if out of the way which their fathers walked in, obeying
going up to Akrabbim, from the rock and upward. the commandments of the Lord; but they did not fo.
18 And when the Lord raifed them up judges,
then the Lord was with the judge, and delivered
1 An angel rebuketh the people at Bochim. 6 During
them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of
the life of Joshua, &c. the people serve the Lord :
the judge ; (for it repented the Lord becaufe of their
10 The next generation fall away to grievous idola- groanings, by reafon of them that oppreffed them, and
try. 14 God's anger against them : 16 yet he shew-
vexed them.)
ed) them pity in distress, &c. 20 The Canaanites
19 And it eame to pafs, s when the judge was dead, g Chap. 311,
Or, -were
left to prove Israel. ||

that they returned, and corrupted themselves more corrupt.


E Or, messer.' an || angel of the Lord

came up from Gilgal than their fathers in following other gods, to ferve
to and faid, I made you to go up out them, aad to bow down unto them ; f they ceafed not tletHeb. they
of Egypt, and have brought you unto the land which from their own doings, nor from their itubborn way. fall of their.
I fware unto your fathers and I faid, I will never
; 20 If And the anger of the Lord was hot againft
break my covenant with you. Ifrael ; and he faid, Becaufe that this people hath
aDeut. 7 2.
2 And a ye fhall make no league with the inhabitants tranfgreffed my covenant which I commanded their
bDeut. 12 3,
of this land ye fhall throw down their altars : but
; fathers, and have not hearkened unto my voice,
ye have not obeyed my voice ; why have ye done this ? 211 alfo will not henceforth drive out any from before
5 Wherefore I alfo faid, I will not drive them out them of the nations which Jofhua left when he died ;
c Joshua
23 '3-
from before you but they fhall be c as thorns in your
: 22 That through them I may prove Ifrael, whether
dExod. fides, and their gods fhall be a mare unto you. they will keep the way of the Lord, to walk therein,
33 33. & 3+ 4 And it came to pafs, when the angel of the Lord
12. as their fathers did keep it, or not.
fpake thefe words unto all the children of Ifrael, that 25 Therefore the Lord J left thofe nations, with- Or, II

the people lifted up their voice, and wept out driving them out haftily ; neither delivered he
That is, 5 And they called the name of that place Bochim ||
: them into the hand of Jofhua.
and they facrificed there unto the Lord.
cir. 1444. 6 If And when Jofhua had let the people go, the
children of Ifrael went every man unto his inheritance 1 The nations which were left to prove Israel
: 5 by

to poffefs the land. communion with them they are seduced to idolatry.
7 And the people ferved the Lord all the days of 8 Othniel delivereth them from Chushanrishathaim,
•> Heb. pro- Jofhua, and all the days of the elders that t outlived 12 Ehudfrom Eglon, 51 and Shamgar from the
longed days Philistines.
Jofhua, who had feen all the great works of the Lord
after Joshua


that he did for Ifrael. thefe are the nations which the Lord left
8 And Jolhua the fon of Nun, the fervant of the to prove Ifrael by them ; {even as many of Israel
Lord, died, being an hundred and ten years old. as had not known all the wars of Canaan
Sir. 1426. 9 And they buried him in the border of his inherit- 2 Only that the generations of the children of
ance in Timnathheres, in the mount of Ephraim, on Ifrael might know to teach them war, at the leaft fuch
the north fide of the hill Gaafh. as before knew nothing thereof;)
10 If And alfo all that generation were gathered 5 Namely, five lords of the Philiftines, and all the
unto their fathers and there arofe another generation
; Canaanites, and the Sidonians, and the Hivites that
after them which knew not the Lord, nor yet the dwelt in mount Lebanon, from mount Baalhermon
works which he had done for Ifrael. unto the entering in of Hamath.
11 And
the children of Ifrael did evil in the fight 4 And they were to prove Ifrael by them, to know
of the Lord, and ferved Baalim. whether they would hearken unto the commandments
tir. 1406. 12 And diey forfook the Lord God of their fathers, of the Lord, which he commanded their fathers by
which brought them out of the land of Egypt, and the hand of Mofes.
followed other gods, of the gods of the people that 5 If And the children of Ifrael dwelt among the
were round about them, and bowed themfelves unto Canaanites, Hittites, and Amorites, and Perizzites,
them, and provoked the Lord to anger. and Hivites, and Jebufites :

15 And they forfook the Lord, and ferved Baal 6 And they took their daughters to be their wives,
and Afhtaroth. and gave their daughters to their fons, and ferved
14 If And the anger of the Lord was hot againft their gods. _^ *• 7 And
Ehud killeth Eglon, CHAP. IV. Deborah and Barak deliver Israel.

7 And the children of Ifrael did evil in the fight of the children of Ifrael went down with him from the
the Lord, and forgat the Lord their God, and ferved mount, and he before them.
Baalim and the groves. 28 And he faid unto them, Follow after me for ;

8 Therefore, the anger of the Lord was hot aga'mit the Lord hath delivered your enemies the Moabites
Ifrael, and he fold them into the hand of Chufhan- into your hand. And they went down after him, and
t Heb. rifhathaim king of | Mefopotamia and the children : took the fords of Jordan toward Moab, and fufttred not
raim. of Ifrael ferved Chufhanriihathaim eight years, a man to pafs over.
t«. 1394. 9 And when the children of Ifrael cried unto the <
29 And they flew of Moab at that time about ten
t Heb. Lord, the Lord raifed up a f deliverer to the chil- thoufand men, all t lufty, and all men of valour, and t Heb./a f

dren of Ifrael, who delivered them, even Othniel the there efcaped not a man.
ion of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother. 30 So Moab was fubdued that day under the hand
t Heb. was. 10 And the Spirit of the Lord t came upon him, of Ifrael. And the land had reft fourfcore years.
and he judged Ifrael, and went out to war and the : 31 II And after him was Shamgarthe fon of Anath,
t Heb, Aram. Lord delivered Chufhanrifhathaim king of t Mefo- which flew of the Philiftines fix hundred men with
potamia into his hand ; and his hand prevailed againft an ox goad and he alfo delivered Ifrael.

Chumanrifhathaim. CHAP. IV.

11 And the land had reft forty years : and Othniel 1 Israel is oppressed by Jabin and Sisera. 4 Deborah
the fon of Kenaz died. stirreth up Barak to their deliver ance. 19 Sisera
cir. 1354. 12 If And the children of Iirael did evil again in the fleeth to Jael, &fc.
fight of the Lord and the Lord ftrengthened Eglon

the king of Moab againft Ifrael, becaufe they had

AN D the children of Ifraelagain did evil in the
fight of the Lord when Ehud was dead.
cir. 1316.

done evil in the light of the Lord. 2 And the Lord fold them into the hand of Jabin
13 And he gathered unto him the children of Am- king of Canaan, that reigned in Hazor ; the captain
mon and Amalek, and went and fmote Ifrael, and of whofe holt was Sifera, which dwelt in Haroiheth
palm trees.
pofleffed the city of of the Gentiles.
14 So the children of Ifrael ferved Eglon the king 3 And the children of Ifrael cried unto the Lord :
of Moab eighteen years. for he had nine hundred chariots of iron ; and twenty
cir. 1336. 15 But when the children of Ifrael cried unto the years he mightily oppreffed the children of Ifrael.
Lord, the Lord raifed them up a deliverer, Ehud 4 H
And Deborah, a prophetefs, the wife of Lapi-
\ ox, the son the fon of Gera, a Benjamite, a man f left handed ;
doth, f he judged Ifrael at that time.
t Heb. shut and by him the children of Ifrael fent a prefent unto 5 Andfhe dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah,
of his right
hand. Eglon the king of Moab. between Ramah and Bethel in mount Ephraim ; and
16 But Ehud made him a dagger which had two the children of Ifrael came up to her for judgment.
edges, of a cubit length ; and he did gird it under his 6 And fhe fent and called Barak the fon of Abino- cir. 12361

raiment upon his right thigh. am out of Kedefhnaphtali, and faid unto him, Hath
17 And he brought the prefent unto Eglon king of not the Lord God of Ifrael commanded, say ifig, Go,
Moab and Eglon was a very fat man.
; and draw toward mount Tabor, and take with thee
18 And, when he had made an end to offer the pref- ten thoufand men of the children of Naphtali, and of
ent, he fent away the people that bare the prefent. the children of Zebulun ?
I Or, graven 19 But he himfelf turned again from the quarries, || 7 And I will draw unto thee, to the a river Kifhon, aPs dm
images. 83 9
that were by Gilgal, and laid, I have a fecret errand Sifera, the captain of Jabin's army, with his chariotsand
unto thee, O
king who faid, Keep lilence. And all
: his multitude and I will deliver him into thine hand.

that flood by him, went out from him. 8 And Barak faid unto her, If thou wilt go with
20 And Ehud came unto him and he was fitting ; me, then I will go but if thou wilt not go with me,

r Heb. par- in a t fummer parlour, which he had for himfelf then I will not go.
Uur of cooling.
alone and Ehud faid, I have a meflage from God
: 9 And fhe faid, I will furely go with thee ; notwith-
unto thee. And he arofe out of his feat. ftanding the journey that thou takeft fhall not be for
21 And Ehud put forth his left hand, and took the thine honour ; for the Lord fhall fell Sifera into the
dagger from his right thigh, and thruft it into his belly. hand of a woman. And Deborah arole, and went
22 And the haft alio went in after the blade ; and with Barak to Kedefh.
the fat clofed upon the blade, fo that he could not draw 10 If And Barak called Zebulun and Naphtali to
11 or.ifwmethe dagger out of his belly ; and the dirt came out. || Kedefh and he went up with ten thoufand men at his
%£& 23 Then Ehud wentforththrough the porch, andfhut feet and Deborah went up with him.

the doors of the parlour upon him, and locked them. 11 Now Heber the Kenite, which was of the chil-
24 When he was gone out, his fervants came ; and dren of b Hobab, the father in law of Mofes, had fev- b Numb.
10 n).
when they faw that, behold, the doors of the parlour ered himfelf from the Kenites, and pitched his tent
H or, dcethhiswe re locked, they laid, Surely he covereth his feet || unto the plain of Zaanaim, which is by Kedelh.
in h}s fummer chamber. 12 And they Ihewed Sifera, that Barak th& fon of
25 And they tarried till they were afhamed, and, Abinoam was gone up to mount Tabor.
behold, he opened not the doors of the parlour there- ; 13 And Sifera f gathered together all his chariots, tHcb.;j»* :
cred by cry,
fore they took a key, and opened them ; and, behold, even rime, hundred chariots of iron, and all the people or, f>rc\ld-
their lord was fallen down dead on the earth. that were with him, from Harofheth of the Gentiles,
26 And Ehud efcaped while they tarried, and paffed unto the river of Kilhon.
beyond the quarries, and elcaped unto Seirath. 14 And Deborah faid unto Barak, Up; for this is
27 And it came to pafs, when he was come, that the day in which the Lord hath delivered Sifera into
he blew a trum0t in the mountain of Ephraim, and thine hand is not the Lord gone out before thee ?

1 : ;

The song of JUD G E S. Deborah and Barak,

So Barak went down from mount Tabor, and ten offered themfelves willingly among the people. Blefs
thoufand men after him. ye the Lord.
15 And c the Lord difcomfited Sifera, and all his 10 Speak, ye that ride on white
II affes, ye that fit

chariots, and all bis hoft, with the edge of the fword in judgment, and walk by the way.
before Barak ; fothat Sifera lighted down off his char- ,11 They that are delivered from the noife of archers
iot,and fled away on his feet. in the places of drawing water, there fhall they re-
hearfe the f righteous acls of the Lord, even the t Hob.

16 But Barak purfued after the chariots, and after

the hoft, unto Harofheth of the Gentiles and all the : righteous acls toward the inhabitants of his villages in nesses of tht
holt of Sifera fell upon the edge of the fword and ;
Ifrael then fhall the people of the Lord go down to LORD.

+ Utb.itnto there was not f a man left. the gates.

17 If Howbeit, Sifera fled away on his feet to the 12 Awake, awake, Deborah ; awake, awake ;
tent of Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite : for there utter a fong arife, Barak, and lead thy captivity cap-

was peace between Jabin the king of Hazor, and the tive, thou fon of Abinoam.
houfe of Heber the Kenite, 13 Then he made him that remaineth, have do-
18 And Jael went out to meet Sifera, and faid unto
minion over the nobles among the people the Lord :

him, Turn in, my lord, turn in to me fear not. And ; made me have dominion over the mighty.
when he had turned in unto her into the tent, ihe 14 Out of Ephraim was there a root of them againft
I Or.,-:, or, covered him with a mantle. ||
Amalek after thee, Benjamin, among thy people ;
19 And he faid unto her, Give me, I pray thee, a out of Machir came down governors, and out of Zeb-
little water to drink for lam thirfty and Ihe opened
; : ulun they that t handle the pen of the writer. t Heb.
•d Chap. 5 35. d draw <v>it%
abottle of milk, and gave him drink, and covered him.

15 And the princes of Iffachar were with Deborah the pen, ire.

20 Again he faid unto her, Stand in the door of even Iffachar, and alfo Barak he was fent on f foot : t Heb. his

the tent and itfhall be, when any man doth come
; into the valley. For the divifions of
|| Reuben there
|| On, In the
and inquire of thee, and fay, Is there any man here ? were great t thoughts of heart. divisions,
that thou (halt fay, No. 16 Why
abodeft thou among the fheep folds, to pressiens.
+ Heb. »*«.

21 Then Jael, Heber's wife, took a nail of the tent, hear the bleatings of the flocks ? For the divifions of B Or, in,

t ueb.put. and f took an hammer in her hand, and went foftly Reuben there were great fearchings of heart.
unto him, and fmote the nail into his temples, and 1 7 Gilead abode beyond Jordan
and why did Dan :

faltened it into the ground : (for he was fait afleep and remain in fliips ? Aiher continued on the lea fhore, Or, pert. || U

weary :) fo he died : and abode in his breaches. || U Or, creektt

22 And, behold, as Barak purfued Sifera, Jael came .18 Zebulun and Naphtali were a people that t tHeb.
out to meet him, and faid unto him, Come, and I jeoparded their lives unto the death in the high places exposed

will fhew thee the man whom thou feekeft. And of the field.
when he came into her tent, behold, Sifera lay dead, _
19 The kings came and fought ; then fought the
and the nail was in his temples. kings of Canaan in Taanach by the waters of Megid-
23 So God fubdued on that day Jabin the king of do they took no gain of money..

Canaan before the children of Ifrael. 20 They fought from heaven, the ftars in their
t Heb. going 24 And the hand of the children of Ifrael f profper- t ccurfes fought againft Sifera. tHeb.^ffa,
•went, and
if as hard' ed, and prevailed againft Jabin the king of Canaan, 21 The river of Kifhon fwept them away, that
until they had deftroyed Jabin king of Canaan. ancient river,, the river Kifhoru my foul, thou haft O
CHAP. trodden down ftrength.
V. 22 Then were the horfe hoofs broken by the means
Deborah and Barak's song of thanksgiving. of the ||
prancings,. the prancings of their mighty ones. Or, tramp*


lings, or,
fang Deborah, and Barak the fon of Abi- 23 Curfe ye Meroz, (faid the angel of the Lord,) plungingu
noam, on that day, faying, curfe ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof; becaufe they
Praife ye the Lord for the avenging of Ifrael,
2 came not to the help of the Lord, to the help of the
when the people willingly offered themfelves. Lord againft the mighty.
3 Hear, O
ye kings give ear, ye princes I,
O : 24 Blefled above women mall Jael the wife of Heber
even I, will ring unto the Lord ; I will fing praise to the Kenite be ; bleffed fhall me be above women in
the Lord God of Ifrael. the tent.
aPevit 332.
when thou wen teft out of Seir, when
4 Lord, 25 He afked water, and flie gave him milk ; fhe
thou marchedft out of the field of Edom, the earth brought forth butter in a lordly difh*
trembled, and the heavens dropped, the clouds alfo 26 She put her hand to the nail, and her right hand
dropped water. to the workman's hammer and f with the hammer
t Heb. sHf
VPsalm 97 5 b The mountains t melted from before the Lord,
5- fhe fmote Sifera, fhe fmote off his head, when flie had
II^cl^s" einen
that Sinai from before the Lord God of ifrael. pierced and ftricken through his temples.
dchap. 33.. 6 In die days of d Shamgar the fon of Anath, in the 27 f At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay down ; at tHeb.
e chap. 4 7 days of e Jael, the high ways were unoccupied, and
. her feet he bowed, he fell where he bowed, there he Between.

t H-b. the f travellers walked f through byways. fell down t dead. tHeb.
^Men »/ destroyed
y The inhabitants of the, villages ceafed, ihev ceafed 28 The mother of Sifera looked out at a window,
rsi&.cwktdfa jfrael, until that I Deborah arofe, that I arofe a and cried through the lattice, Why
is his chariot so
mother in Ifrael. long in coming ? why tarry the wheels of his chariots ?
8 They chofe new gods then was war in the gates
29 Her wife ladies anfwered her, yea, flie returned
was there a fhield or fpear feen among forty thoufand f anfwer to herfelf, t Heh. he
in Ifrael ? 30 Have they not fped ? have they not divided the •words.
t Heb. to tHt
9 My heart is toward the governors of Ifrael, that prey ? t to every man a damfel or two,; to Sifera a prey head
of a

2 of
;: ;

Gideon sent to deliver Israel. CHAP. VI. He tbrowcth down the altar of Baal.
of divers colours, a prey of divers colours of needle- 16 And the Lord faid unto him, Surely I will be
work, of divers colours of needlework on both fides, with thee, and thou fhalt finite the Midianites as one
Wteet for the necks of them that take the fpoil ? man.
31 So let all thine enemies perifh, O Lord hvXlet : 17 IF And he faid unto him, If now I have found
them that love him, be as the fun when he goeth forth grace in thy fight, then fliew me a fign that thou
in his might. And the land had reft forty years. .
talkeft with me.
C P. VI. HA 18 Depart not hence, I pray thee, until I come unto
1 The Israelites oppressed by Midian : 7 theij cry to thee, and bring forth my prefent, and fet it before||
\ Or, meit
God : 11 an angel sendeth Gideon to deliver them. thee. And he faid, I will tarry until thou come again.
17 Gideon asketb a sign : 25 he destroyeth Baal's 19 And Gideon went in, and made ready t a kid, and tHcb. a Hi
of the goats.
altar, and sacrificeth unto the Lord: 33 his army : unleavened cakes of an ephah of flour the flefh he put :

36 his signs. in a bafket, and he put the broth in a pot, and brought
oir. I2i6.

AN D Lord the children of Ifrael did evil in the fight of

the; and the Lord delivered them into
it out unto him under the oak, and prefented it.
20 And the angel of God faid unto him, Take the
the hand of Midian feven years. flefh and the unleavened cakes, and lay them upon
t Heb. -viai
itrtng. 2 And the hand of Midian '[ prevailed againft If- this rock, and pour out the broth. And he did fo.
rael and becaufe of the Midianites the children of
": 21 1 Then the angel of the Lord put forth the end
Ifrael made them the dens which are in the moun- of the ftaff that was in his hand, and touched the flefh
tains, and caves, and ftrong holds. and the unleavened cakes ; and there rofe up fire out
3 And so it was, when Ifrael had fown, that the of the rock, and confumed the flefh. and the unleav-
Midianites came up, and the Amalekites^ and the ened cakes. Then the angel of the Lord departed
children of the eaft, even they came up againft them ; out of his fight.
4 And they encamped againft them, and deftroyed 22 And when Gideon perceived that he was an
the increafe of the earth, till thou come unto Gaza, angel of the LoRD,Gideon faid, Alas, OLord God !
lOr.goat. c
and left no fuftenance for Ifrael, neither fheep, nor ||
for becaufe I have feen an angel of the Lord face cEr.oi
33 20.
ox, nor afs. to face. Chap. 13 2t.

5 For they Came Up with their cattle, and their 23 And the Lord
faid unto him, Peace be unto
tents, and they came as grafshoppers for multitude ; thee ; thou fhalt not die.
fear not :

for both they and their camels were without number 24 Then Gideon built an altar there unto the Lord,
and they entered into the land to deftroy it. and called it Jehovahfhalom unto this day it is yet :
That is,
6 And Ifrael was greatly impoveriihed becaufe of in Ophrah of the Abiezrites. send peace.

the Midianites and the children of Ifrael cried unto

-; 25 If And it came to pafs the fame night, that the
the Lord. Lord faid unto him, Take thy father's young bullock,
7 \ And it came to
oir. 1249.
pafs, when the children of Ifrael II
even the fecond bullock of feven years old, and || ana".

cried unto the Lord becaufe of the Midianites, throw down the altar of Baal that thy father hath, and
+ Heb. man
a prophet.
8 That the Lord fent t a prophet unto the children cut down the grove that is by it
of Ifrael, which faid unto them, Thus faith the Lord 26 And build an altar unto the Lord thy God upon
God of Ifrael, I brought you up from Egypt, and the top of this t rock, in the ordered place, and take
|| t Heb.
strctip place.'
brought you forth out of the houfe of bondage ; the fecond bullock, and offer a burnt facrifice with the ||
Or,"»: an

9 And I delivered you out of the hand of the Egyp- wood of the grove which thou fhalt cut down. orderly man-
tians, and out of the hand of all that oppreffed you, 27 Then Gideon took ten men of his fervants, and
and drave them out from before you, and gave you did as the Lord had faid unto him and so it was, :

their land •; becaufe he feared his father's houfehold, and the men
10 And
I faid unto you, I am the Lord your God of the city, that he could not do it by day, that he did
a 2 Kings a
17 35 37- whole land ye
fear not the gods of the Amorites, in it by night.
Jer. is 2.
but ye have not obeyed my voice.
dwell : 28 IT And when the men of the city arofe early in the
11 U And there came an angel of the Lord, and morning, behold, the altar of Baal was call down, and
^ fat under an oak which was
in Ophrah, that pertained the grove was cut down that was by it. and the fecond
c"jedo]d««. unto Joafh the Abiezrite
. and his fon b Gideon ; bullock was offered upon the altar that ivas built.
threihed wheat by the wine prefs, f to hide it from 29 And they faid one to another, Who hath clone
the Midianites. this thing ? And when they inquired and afked, they
12 And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him, faid, Gideon the fon of Joafh hath clone this thing.
and faid unto him, The Lord is with thee, thou • 30 Then the men of the city laid unto Joafh, Bring
mighty man of valour. out thy fon that he may die becaufe he hath call ;

And Gideon faid unto him, Oh, my Lord, if the

13 down the altar of Baal, and becaufe he hath cut down
Lord be with us, why then is all this befallen us and ? the grove that was by it.

where be his miracles which our fathers toM us of,

all 31 And Joafh faid unto all that flood againft him,
laying, Did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt ? Will ye plead for Baal ? will ye fave him ? He that
but now the Lord hath forfaken us, and delivered us will plead for him, let him be put to death, whilft it is
into the hands of the Midianites. yet morning if he be a god, let him plead for himfelf,

14 And the Lord looked upon him, and faid, Go becaufe one hath caft down his altar.
in this thy might, and thou fhalt fave Ifrael from the 32 Therefore on that day he called him Jerubbaal,

hand of the Midianites have not I fent thee ?

: faying, Let Baal plead againft him, becaufe he hath
15 And he faid unto him, Oh, my Lord, wherewith thrown down his altar.
tHtb. w fhall I fave Ifrael ? behold, t my family is poor in 33 H Then all the Midianites and the Amalekites,
ttemlanut. Manafleh, and I am the leaft in my father's hou/e. and the children of the eaft, were gathered together,

Gideon s army reduced : J UD G E S. he divideth his army into three companies,

ramsT and went over, and pitched in the valley of Jezreel. 8 So the people took victuals in their hand, and
v^^^S^, 54 But the Spirit of the Lord t came upon Gideon, their trumpets and he fent all the rest o/'Ifrael, every

t «eb. an d he d blew a trumpet ; and Abiezer f was gathered man unto his tent, and retained thofe three hundred
ds-iunb. to 3 alter him.
men. And the hoft of Midian was beneath him in
tHrt.™ 3 5 And he fent meffengers throughout all Manaffeh the valley.
c l dafter
££ who alfo was gathered after him and he fent meffen-
: 9 IF And it came to pafs the fame night, that the
gers unto Afher, and unto Zebulun, and unto Naph- Lord faid unto him, Arife, get thee down unto the _

tali and they came up to meet them.

hoft ; for I have delivered it into thine hand.
36 If And Gideon faid unto God, If thou wilt fave 10 But if thou fear to go down, go thou with Phurah
Ifrael by mine hand, as thou haft faid, thy fervant down to the hoft :

37 Behold, I will put a fleece of wool in the floor; 11 And thou fhalt hear what they fay and after- ;

and if the dew be on the fleece only, and it be dry upon ward {hall thine hands beftrengthenedto go down unto
all the eartii beside, then fhali I know that thou wilt the hoft. Then went he down with Phurah his fervant
fave Ifrael by mine hand, as thou haft faid. unto the outfide of the H armed men that were in the Or, ran%t

by Jive.
38 And it was fo for he rofe up early on the mor-
: hoft.
row, and thruft the fleece together, and wringed the 12 And the Midianites, and the Amalekites, and
dew out of the fleece, a bowl full of water. the children of the eaft, lay along in the valley like b Chap, i 33.

i3 32
39 And Gideon faid unto God, e Let not thine anger grafshoppers for multitude ; and their camels were with-
be hot againft me, and I will fpeak but this once Let : out number, as the fand by the fea fide for multitude.
me prove, I pray thee, but this once with the fleece ; 13 And when Gideon was come, behold, there was
let it now be dry only upon the fleece, and upon all a man that told a dream unto his fellow, and faid,
the ground let there be dew. Behold, I dreamed a dream, andlo, a cake of barley
40 And God did fo that night for it was dry upon
: bread tumbled into the hoft of Midian, and, came unto
the fleece only, and there was dew on all the ground. a tent, and fmote it that it fell, and overturned it, that

the tent lay along.
14 And his fellow anfwered and faid,This is nothing
1 Gideon' s army of two and thirty thousandreduced to

elfe fave the fword of Gideon the fon of Joafh, a man

three hundred : 9 he is encouraged by hearing a
of Ifrael for into his hand hath God delivered Mi-

dream, and the interpretation : 16 he dimdeth his dian, and all the hoft.
army into three companies, with trumpets, andlamps 15 And it was so, when Gideon heard the telling
in pitchers. 24 The Ephraimites take Oreb and of the dream, and f the interpretation thereof, that he \^i^
Zeeb, and put them to death. worfhipped, and returned into the hoft of Ifrael, and *>>W-

T •HEN Jerubbaal, (who is Gideon,) and all the

people that were with him, rofe up early, and
pitched befide the well of Harod fo that the "holt of
faid, Arife ; for the Lord hath delivered into your
hand the hoft of Midian.
16 IF And he divided the three hundred men into
the Midianites were on the north lide of them, by the three companies, and he put f a trumpet in every
hill of Moreh, in the valley. man's hand, with empty pitchers, and || lamps within '*f*J"i?
all of them.
2 And the Lord faid unto Gideon, The people that the pitchers. ||
Or, fire-

are with thee, are too many for me to give the Midi- 17 And he faid unto them, Look on me, and do brands, or,

anites into their hands, left Ifrael vaunt themfelves likewife : and, behold, when I come to the outfide of
againft me, faying, Mine own hand hath faved me. the camp, it fhall be, that as I do, fo fhall ye do.
3 Now therefore, go to, proclaim in the ears of the 18 When I blow with a trumpet, I and all that are
a with me, then blow ye the trumpets alfo, on every
aDeufc 20 8. people, faying, Whofoever is fearful and afraid, let
3 '

him return, and depart early from mount Gilead : fide of all the camp, and fay, The sword 01 the Lord,
and there returned of the people twenty and two thou- and of Gideon.
sand, and there remained ten thoufand. 19 IF So Gideon, and the hundred men that were.
4 And the Lord faid unto Gideon, The people with him, came unto the outfide of the camp in the
are yet too many ; bring them down unto the water, beginning of the middle watch and they had but;

and I will try them for thee there and it fliall be,
: newly fet the watch and they blew the trumpets, and

thai of whom I fay unto thee, This fhall go with thee, brake the pitchers that were in their hands.
the fame fhall go with thee ; arid of whomfoever I fay 20 And the three companies blew the trumpets,
unto thee, This lhall not go with thee, the fame lliall and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left
not go. hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow
5 So he brought down the people unto the water : withal: and they cried, The fword of the Lord, and
and the Lord faid unto Gideon, Every one that lap of Gideon.
peth of the water with his tongue, as a dog lappeth, 21 And they flood every man in his place round
him fhalt thou fet by himfelf ; like wife every one that about the camp and all the hoft ran, and cried, and

boweth down upon his knees to drink. fled.

6 And the number of them that lapped, putting 22 And the three hundred blew the trumpets, and
their hand to their mouth, were three hundred men :
the Lord fet every man's fword againft his fellow, clsa ah '
9 *•

but all the reft of the people bowed down upon their even throughout the hoft ; and the hoft fled to
knees to drink water. Bethfhittah || in Zererath, and to the f border of J

7 Arid the Lord faid unto Gideon, By the three Abelmeholah, unto Tabbath. t Heb. lip.

hundred men that lapped, will I fave you, and deliver 23 And the men of Ifrael gathered themfelves
the Midianites into thine hand ; and let all the other together out of Naphtali, and out of Afher, and out of
people go every man unto his place. all Manaffeh, and purfued after the Midianites.

24 IF And

Zebah and Zalmunna taken, ana

CHAP. VIII. put to death : Midian subdued.
24 If And Gideon fent meffengers throughout all 14 And caught a young man of the men of Suc-
mount Ephraim, faying, Come down againlt the Mi- coth, and inquired of him and he f defcribed unto :

dianites,and take before them the waters unto Beth- him the princes of Succoth, and the elders thereof,
barah and Jordan. Then all the men of Ephraim even threefcore and feventeen men.
gathered themfelves together, and took the waters
unto Bethbarah and Jordan.
i n he came unto the men of Succoth, and faid,
Zebah and Zalmunna, with whom ye did
d 'Psalm 25 And they took d two princes of the Midianites, upbraid me, faying, Are the hands of Zebah and Zal-
Oreb, and Zeeb and they flew Oreb upon the rock
: munna now in thine hand, that we fhould give bread
Oreb» and Zee!) they flew at the wine pref's of Zeeb ;
unto thy men that are weary ?
and purfued Midian, and brought the heads of Oreb 16 And he took the elders of the city, and thorns
and Zeeb to Gideon on the other fide Jordan. of the wildernefs and briers, and with them he

CHAP. VIII. t taught the men of Succoth.

17 And he beat down the tower of a Penuel, and Zt"
t Heb.

1 G'ldcon pacificth the Ephraimites. 4 Succotb and new the men of the city. J„ 5
me3 ,

Penuel refuse to relieve Gideon's army. 10 Zebah 8 ^ Then liiid he unto Zebah and Zalmunna,
and Zalmiaina are taken. 13 Succotb and Penuel
What manner of men were they whom ye flew at Ta-
are destroyed. 18 Gideon revengeth his brethren''s bor ? And they anfwered, As thou art, fo were they
death on Zebah and Zalmunna : 22 he refuseth the each one f refembled the children of a king. t Heb. ac
government, but of the earrings of the prey maketb 19 And he faid, They were my brethren, even the Vff%£
an ephod, the cause of idolatry. 28 Midian subdued. ions of my mother as the Lord liveth, if ye had **
29 Gideon'' s children : 32 his death, and the Israel- laved them alive, I would not flay you.
ites' idolatry and ingratitude.
20 And he faid unto Jether his firflborn, Up, and
is thisthou
hast done
AN D the men of Ephraim faid unto him, t Why
haft thou ferved us thus, that thou calledft us
flay them. But the youth drew not his fword for
he feared, becaufe he %vas yet a youth.

unto in f not when thou wenteft to fight with the Midianites ? 21 Then Zebah and Zalmunna faid, Rife thou, and
+ Heb.
strongly. And they did chide with him f fharply. fallupon us for as the man is, so is his ftrength. And

2 And he faid unto them, What

have I done now Gideon arofe, and flew Zebah and Zalmunna, and took
in comparifon of you ? Is not the gleaning of the grapes away the H ornaments that were on their camels' necks. Or, orns- II

of Ephraim better than the vintage of Abiezer ? 22 If Then the men of Ifrael faid unto Gideon, Rule msntslilte

3 God hath delivered into your hands the princes thou over us, both thou and thy fon, and thy fon's fon
of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb and what was I able to
: alfo; forthou haft delivered us from the hand
of Midian.
t Heb. do in comparifon of you ? Then their f anger was 23 And Gideon faid unto them, I will not rule over
abated toward him when he had faid that. you, neither fhall my fon rule over you : the Lord
4 If And Gideon came to Jordan, and paffed over, ihall rule over you.
he, and the three hundred men that were with him, 24 And Gideon faid unto them, I would defire a
faint, yet purfuing them. requeft of you, that ye would give me every man the
5 And he faid unto the men of Succoth, Give, I earrings of his prey (for they had golden earrings,

pray you, loaves of bread unto the people that follow becaufe they were Ifhmaelites.)
me ; for they be faint, and I am purfuing after Zebah 25 And they anfwered, We
will willingly give them.
and Zalmunna, kings of Midian. And they fpread a garment, and did eaft therein every
6 And the princes of Succoth faid, A re the hands of man the earrings of his prey.
Zebah and Zalmunna now in thine hand, that we 26 And the weight of the golden earrings that he
fhould give bread unto thine army ? requefted, was a thoufand and feven hundred shekels
7 And Gideon faid, Therefore when the Lord hath of gold, befide ornaments, and collars, and purple
|| br, svleii
delivered Zebah and Zalmunna into mine hand, then raiment, that was on the kings of Midian, and befide jemli -
t Heb. I will t tcaryour nefh with the thorns of the wilder- the chains that were about their camels' necks.
nefs, and with briers. _
27 And Gideon made an ephod thereof, and put it
8 And he went up thence to Penuel, and fpake un- in his city, even in Ophrah and all Ifrael went thither

to them likewife and the men of Penuel anfwered

: a whoring after it : which thing became a fnare unto
him as the men of Succoth had anfwered him. Gideon, and to his houfe.
9 And he fpake alfo unto the men of Penuel, faying, 28 If Thus was Midian fubdued before the chil-
When I come again in peace, I will break down this dren of Ifrael, fo that they lifted up their heads no
tower. more and the country was in quietnefs forty years

10 If Now Zebah and Zalmunna were in Karkor, in the days of Gideon.

and their hofls with them, about fifteen thoufand men, 29 If And Jerubbaal the fon of Joafh went and dwelt
all that were left of all the hofts of the children of the in his own houfe.
« Or. en eaft ; for there fell an hundred and twenty thoufand
jj 30 And Gideon had threefcore and ten fons f of his t Heb. going
hundred and
twenty Ihnu- men that drew fword. body begotten for he had many wives.
; '
cut of his
t:nd, every
ene drawing 11 And Gideon went up by the way of them that 31 And his concubine that was in Shechem, flie alfo
a sitiord.
dwelt in tents on the eaft of Nobah arid Jogbchah, and bare him a fon, whofe name he f called Abimelech. t Heb. set.
fmote the hoft for the hoft was fecure.
: 32 If And Gideon the fon of Joafh died in a good
12 And when Zebah. and Zalmunna fled, he pur- old age, and was buried in the fepulchre of Joafh his
furd after them, and took the two kings of Midian, father, in Ophrah of the Abiezrites.
t Heb. Zebah, and Zalmunna, and t difcomfked all the hoft. 33 And it came to pafs, as foon as Gideon was dead,
13 If And Gideon the (on of Joafh returned from that the children of Ifrael turned again, and went a
battle before the fun was up. whoring after Baalim, and made Baalbcrith their god.
34 And
1 ;:

Abimelech, by conspiracy, J is made king. U D G E S, Gaal consplrdh Against Abimelech

remembered not the truft in ray fliadow and if not, let fire come out of CHH1ST
34 And the children of ;
the bramble, and devour the cedars of Lebanon.
,Lord their God, who had delivered them out of the
16 Now, therefore, if "ye have done truly and fin*
hands of all their enemies on every fide :

cerely in that ye have made Abimelech king, and if he

35 Neither ihewed they kindnefs to the home ot
have dealt well with Jerubbaal and his houfe, and have
Jerubbaal, namely Gideon, according to all the good-
done unto him according to the deferving of his hands ;
nefs which he had fhewed unto Ifrael. tHeb. ca.)
17 (For my father fought for you, and f adventured his life.
IX. his life far, and delivered you out of thehandof Midian
1 Abimelech conspireih with the Shecbemites, mufder- 18 And ye are rifen up again!!: my father's houfe
eth his brethren, and is made king. 7 Jotham by a this day, and have {lain his fons, threefcore and ten
parable rebuketh them, andforetelleth their ruin. 22 perfons, upon one ftone, and have made Abimelech,
The Shecbemites conspire with Gaal against Abime- the fon of his maiclfervant, king over the men of She-
lech : 30 Zebul revealetb it. 34 Abimelech over- chem, becaufe he is your brother.;)
cometh them, and sowetb the city with salt : 46 he 19 If ye then have dealt truly and fincerely with
bumeth the hold of the god Berith : 50 he is slain Jerubbaal and with his houfe this day, then rejoice ye
at Thcbez by a piece of a millstone. 56 Jotham's in Abimelech, and let him alfo rejoice in you :

curse is fulfilled. 20 But if not, let fire come out from Abimelech, and
cir. no?; A ND Abimelech the fon of Jerubbaal went to devour the men of Shechem, and the houfe of Millo
jt\ Shechem, unto his mother's brethren, and com- and let fire come out from the men of Shechem, and
muned with them, and with all the family of the houfe from the houfe of Millo, and devour Abimelech.
of his mother's father, faying,
21 And Jotham ran away, and fled, and wenttoBeer,
2 Speak, I pray you, in the ears of all the men of and dwelt there, for fear of Abimelech his brother.
tneb. what Shechem, t Whether is better for you, either that
all 22 11 When Abimelech had reigned three years cir. uMfc

of Jerubbaal, which arc threefcore and ten over Ifrael,

£&&;,**. the fons
perfons, reign over you, or that one reign over you ?
23 Then God fent an evil fpirit between Abimelech
remember alfo that I am your bone and your fief h. and the men of Shechem and the men of Shechem ;

his mother's brethren fpake of him in the dealt treacheroufly with Abimelech
3 And :

ears of all the men of Shechem ail thefe words and :

24 That the cruelty done to the threefcore and ten
to follow Abimelech ; for they fons of Jerubbaal might come, and their blood be laid
tneb. aftir. their hearts inclined f
He is our brother. upon Abimelech their brother, which flew them and ;
faid, ;

4 And they gave him threefcore and ten pieces ot upon the men of Shechem, which f aided him in the ' t
;,^ j
i pi'
*tv ^i l
out of the houfe of Baalberkh; wherewkh Abim-
killing of his brethren. his hands
filver hl
elech hired vain and light perfons, which followed him.
25 And the men
of Shechem fet liers in wait for

5 And he went unto his father's houfe at Ophrah,

him in the top of the mountains, and they robbed all
that came along that way by them ; and it was told
and flew his brethren the fons of Jerubbaal, being
threefcore and ten perfons upon one ftone notwith- :
standing, yet Jotham the youngeft fon of Jerubbaal
26 And Gaal the fon of Ebed came with his breth-
ren, and went over to Shechem and the men of She-
was left for he hid himfelf.

6 And all the men of Shechem gathered together, chem put their confidence in him.
and all the houfe ofMilio, and went and made Abim- 27 And they went out into the fields, and gathered
their vineyards, and trode the grapes, and made
t-Heh. or, hy e lech king, t by the plain of the pillar that was in She-
<*ie oak of the
pillar : See
merry and went into the houfe of their god, and did
|| , fl
°*> *»*.-•
eat and drink, and curfed Abimelech.
joshua 22 20.
7 ^ ^
ft^y told it to Jotham, he went and
nc| ,
28 And Gaal the fon of Ebed faid, Who is Abime-
flood in the top of mount Gerizim, and lifted up his
lech, and who is Shechem, that we fhould ferve him ?
voice and cried, and faid unto them, Hearken unto me,
is not he the fon of Jerubbaal ? and Zebul his officer ?
ye men of Shechem, that God may hearken unto you.
8 The trees went forth on a time to anoint a king
Serve the men of Hamorthe father of Shechem for ;

over them ; and they faid unto the olive tree, Reign why fhould we ferve him ?

thou over us. 29 And would to God this people were under my
9 But the olive tree faid unto them, Should I leave hand! then would I remove Abimelech. And he faid
to Abimelech, Increafe thine army, and come out.
my fatnefs wherewith by me they honour God and
tHA. go U f man, and f go to be promoted over the trees ? 30 % And when Zebul, the ruler of the city, heard
10 And the trees faid to the fig tree, Come thou, the w ords of Gaal the fon of Ebed, his anger w as
r r

o t hefX/r
Or, h«u
kindled. |
and reign over us. ||

11 But the fig tree faid unto them, Should I for- 3 And he fent meffengers unto Abimelech f privily^ t Heb. craft-
ily, or, K
fake my fweetnefs, and my good fruit, and go to be faying, Behold, Gaal the fon of Ebed, snd his bre- Tarmah.

promoted over the trees ? thren, be come to Shechem ; and, behold, they fortify
12 Then faid the trees unto the vine, Come thou, the city againft thee.
and reign over us. 32 Now, therefore up by night, thou and the people
, ,

13 And the vine faid unto them, Should 1 leave that is with thee, and lie in wait in the field :
my wine, which cheereth God and man, and go to be 33 And it fhall be, that'm. the morning, as foon as
promoted over the trees ?

the fun is up, thou fhalt rife early, and fet upon the
14 Tnen %ic* al1 tne trees unt0 tlie N bramble, Come city : and b^no\d,whe?i he and the people thatw with
8 or, Msiu.
thou, and reign over us.
' him come out againft thee, then may eft thou do to
15 And the bramble faid unto the trees, If in truth them f as thou fhalt find occafion. t Heb. ti
thise han4

ye anoint me king over you, then come, and^wt your 34 If And Abimelech rofe up, and all the people that '»&« /wS

Abimelech slain at Tbebez. CHAP. X. Israel oppressed by the Philistines*

were with him, by night, and they laid wait againft and flay me, that men fay not of me, A woman flew
Shechem in four companies. him. And his young man thruft him through and he
35 And Gaal the ion of Ebed went out, and flood died.
in the entering of the gate of the city and Abime- : 55 And when the men of Ifrael faw that Abimelech
lech rofe up, and the people that were with him, from was dead, they departed every man unto his place.
lying in wait, 56 Thus God rendered the wickednefs of Abime-

36 And when Gaal faw the people, he faid to Zebul, lech, which he did unto his father, in flaying his fev-
Behold, there come people down from the top of the enty brethren :

mountains. And Zebul faid unto him, Thou feeft the 57 And all men of Shechem did God
the evil of the
fhadow of the mountains as if they were men. render upon their heads and upon them came the :

37 And Gaal fpake again, and faid, See, there come cuife of Jotham the fon of Jerubbaal.
tH*b.n a «/.people down by the f middle of the land, and another
J Or, the company come along by the plain of Meonenim. ||
regarders 1 Tola judgcth Israel, 3 and after him Jair a Gileadite.
38 Then faid Zebul unto him, Where is now thy

the times.

mouth, wherewith thou faidft, Who is Abimelech, that

6 The children of Israel a/l again into idolatry, and
are distressed by the Philistines and Ammonites : 10
we ihould ferve him ? Is not this the people that thou they cry unto God, and arc sent to their false gods ;
haft defpifed ? Go out, I pray now, and fight with them.
15 but upon their repentance, God pitietb them, &fc.
39 And Gaal went out before the men of Shechem,
and fought with Abimelech.
40 And Abimelech dialed him,, and he Med before
AND Abimelech there arofe to f defend ipr.feii ucr.
Tola the fon of Puah the fon of Dodo, a
tHeb " |i

him ; and many were overthrown and wounded, even man of IfTachar and he dwelt in Shamir in mount

unto the entering of the gate.

41 And Abimelech dwelt at Arumah and Zebul : 2 And he judged Ifrael twenty and three years, cir. n8S
thruft out Gaal and his brethren T that they Ihould not and died, and was buried in Shamir.
dwell in Shechem. 3 IF And after him arofe Jair a Gileadite, and judged
42 And it came to pafs on the morrow, that the peo- Ifrael twenty and two years.

ple went out into the field and they told Abimelech.
4 And he had thirty Ions that rode on thirty afs colts,
43 And he took the people, and divided them into and they had thirty cities, which are called Havoth- iior,r/.c ||

three companies, and laid wait in the field, and looked, jair unto this day, which are in the land of Gilead. ?!$"
and, behold, the people ivere come forth out of the 5 And Jair died,, and was buried in Camon. cir n6l
and he rofe up againft them, and fmote them.
city ;
6 IF And a the childrenof Ifrael did evil again in the >a*^"i
44 And Abimelech, and the company that was. with fight of the Lord, and b ferved Baalim, and Afhtaroth, ^6,,
him, ruined forward, and flood in the entering of the and the gods of Syria, and the gods of Zidon, and the tcL^i n,
gate of the city and the two other companies ran upon
gods of Moab, and the gods of the children of Am-
all the people that ivere in the fields and flew them. nion, and the gods of the Philiftines, and foriook the
45 And Abimelech fought againft the city all that Lord, and ferved not him..
clay and he took the city, and flew the people that was
7 And the anger of the Lord was hot againft Ifrael,
therein, and beat down "the city, and fcwedit with fait. and he fold them into the hands of the Philiftines, and
46 If And when all the men of the tower of She- into the hands of the children of Amnion.
chem heard that, they entered into an hold of the 8 And that year they vexed and f oppreffed the chil- t Heb.
houfe of the god Berith.. dren of Ifrael eighteen years, all the children of Ifrael,
; '

47 And it was tokl Abimelech, that all the men of that were on the other fide Jordan, in the land of the
the tower of Shechem were gathered together. Amorites, which is in Gilead.
48 And Abimelech gat him up to mount Zalmon, 9 (Moreover, the children of Ammon paued over
he and all the people that were with him and Abime- ;
Jordan to fight alfo againft Judah, and againft Benja-
lech took an axe in his hand, and cut down a bough min, and againft the houfe of Ephraim fo that Ifrael ;

from the trees, and took it, and laid it on hisfhoulder, was fore diftreffed.)
and faid unto the people that were with him, What ye 10 IF And the children of Ifrael cried unto the Lord,
t HtB.
thaxt have feen t me do, make hafte, and do as I have done. faying, We
have finned againft thee, both becaufe we
49 And all the people likewife cut down every man have fbrfaken our God, and alfo ferved Baalim.
his bough, and followed Abimelech, and put them to 11 And the Lord faid unto the children of Ifrael,
the hold, and fet the hold on fire upon them ; fo that Did not I deliver you from the Egyptians, and from
all the men of the tower of Shechem died alfo, about the Amorites, from the children of Ammon, and from
a thoufand men and women. the Philiftines ?

50 It Then went Abimelech to Thebez, and en- 12 The Zidon ians alfo, and the Amalekites, and
camped againft Thebez, and took it. the Maonites, did opprefs you and ye cried to me, ;

51 But there was a ftrong tower within the city, and I delivered you out of their hand.
and thither fled all the men and women, and all they 13 Yet c ye have forfaken me, and ferved other cDeM.s*»s
J "' 3 3 ' *

of the city, and fhut it to them, and gat them up to gods wherefore I will deliver you no more.

the top of the tower- 14 Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chofen ;
52 And Abimelech came unto the tower, and let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation.
fought againft it, and went hard unto the door of the 15 And the children of Ifrael laid unto the Lord,
tower to burn it with fire. We have fumed do thou unto us whatfoever t feemeth £*£ im
; ;-; ,

a i Sam 53 And a certain woman a call a piece of a millftone good unto thee deliver us only, we pray thee, this day.
II 31.
upon Abimelech's head, and all to break his ikull. 16 And they put away the f ftrange gods from V)?,;,?"?,'
54 Then he called haftily unto the young man his among them, and ferved the Lord and his foul f was : fiKf
armour bearer, and faid unto him, Draw thy fword, grieved for the mifery of Ifrael.
17 II Then
3 : 1

fephthaVs fruitless embassy to the king of JUDGES. Amman; he overcometh the Ammonites,
17 If Then the children of Amnion were t gathered ed through the wildernefs unto the Red fea, and came
together, and in Gilead
encamped and the children
: to Kadeih ;
of Ifrael affembled themfelves together, and encamped 17 Then meffengers unto the king of
Ifrael fent
in Mizpeh. Edom, faying, Let me,
pray thee, pafs through thy
18 And the. people and princes of Gilead faid one to land butthe king of Edom would not hearken thereto.

another, What man is he that will begin to fight And in like manner they fent unto the king of Moab ;
dchap. n 6. againft the children of Aramon ? he fliall d be head but he would not consent : and Ifrael abode in Kadefh.
over all the inhabitants of Gilead. 18 Then they went along through the wildernefs,
CHAP. XL and compaffed the land of Edom, and the land of
/ c Moab,and came by the eaft fide of the land of Moab,
j'ephthah the son of Gilead thrust out by his brethren. e
and pitched on the other fide of Arnon, but came not e J^umb.
4 The Gileadites sue to kirn for help, and covenant to 21 13, U 22
within the border of Moab : for Arnon was the bor- 36.
make him their head: 12 bisfruitless embassy to the der of Moab.
king of Amnion .-29 his vow : 32 he over come th the 19 And f Ifrael fent meffengers unto Sihon king of f Deut. 2 2*,
Ammonites : 34 his daughter meeting him, he doeth the Amorites, the king of Hefhbon and Ifrael faid ;
according to his vow. unto him, Let us pafs, we pray thee, through thy land
n 32,
OW Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty man
unto my place.
t H-'fa. a
of valour, and he was the fon off an harlot : 20 But Sihon trailed not Ifrael to pafs through his
•woman, an and Gilead begat Jephthah. coaft but Sihon gathered all his people together, and
2 And Gilead's wife bare him fons and his wife's
; pitched in Jahaz, and fought againft Ifrael.
fons grew up, and they thruil out Jephthah, and faid 21 And the Lord God of Ifrael delivered Sihon
unto him, Thou lhalt not inherit in our father's houfe ; and all his people into the hand of Ifrael, and they
for thou art the fon of a ftrange woman. fmote them fo Ifrael poffeffed all the land of the

t Heb. th
face of.
3 Then Jephthah fled from f his brethren, and Amorites, the inhabitants of that country.
dwelt in the land of Tob and there were gathered
; 22 And they poffeffed s all the coafts of the Amor- g Deut. 2 36.

vain men to Jephthah, and went out with him. ites, from Arnon even unto Jabbok, and from the
t Heb.
after 4 If And it came to pais, in f procefs of time, that wildernefs even unto Jordan.
the children of Amnion made war againft Ifrael. 23 So now, the Lord God of Ifrael hath difpoffeff-
-5 And it was fo, that when the children of Ammon ed the Amorites from before his people Ifrael, and
made war againft Ifrael, the elders of Gilead went to fhouldeft thou poffefs it ?
fetch Jephthah out of the land of Tob : 24 Wilt not thou poffefs that which Chemofh thy
6 And they faid unto Jephthah, Come, and be our god giveth thee to poffefs ? fo whomfoever the Lord
captain, that we may fight with the children of Ammon. our God ill all drive out from before us, them will we
7 And Jephthah faid unto the elders of Gilead, Did poffefs.
not ye hate me, and expel me out of my father's h
25 And now art thou any thing better than Baiak ft Numbr.
11 1.

houfe ? and why'are ye come unto me now when ye the fon of Zippor, king of Moab ? did he ever ftrive Deut. 23 4.
Joshua 240.
are in diftrefs ? againft Ifrael, or did he ever fight againft them,
8 And the elders of Gilead faid unto Jephthah, 26 While Ifrael dwelt in Hefhbon and her towns,
Therefore we turn again to thee now, that thou mayeft and in Aroer and her towns, and in all the cities that be
go with us, and fight againft the children of Ammon, along by the coafts of Arnon, three hundred years ?
and be our head over all the inhabitants of Gilead. why therefore did ye not recover them within that time ?
9 And Jephthah faid unto the elders of Gilead, If 27 Wherefore, I have not finned againft thee, but
ye bring me home again to fight againft the children thou doeftme wrong to war againft me the Lord :

of Ammon, and the Lord deliver them before me, the Judge, be judge this day between the children of
fhall I be your head ? Ifrael and the children of Ammon.
And the elders of Gilead faid unto Jephthah,
10 28 Howbeit, the king of the children of Ammon
t neb. be the The Lord t be witnefs between us, if we do not fo hearkened not unto the words of Jephthah which he
linns' according to thy words. fent him.
11 Then Jephthah went with the elders of Gilead, 29 If Then the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jeph-
and the people made him head and captain over them thah, and he paffed over Gilead, and Manaffeh, and
and Jephthah uttered all his words before the Lord paffed over Mizpeh of Gilead, and from Mizpeh of
in Mizpeh. Gilead, he paffed over tin to the children of Ammon.
tin 1 1 43. 12
*if And Jephthah fent meffengers unto the king 30 And Jephthah vowecba vow unto the Lord, and
of the children of Ammon, faying, What haft thou to faid, If thou fhalt without fail deliver the children of
do with me, that thou art come againft me to fight in Ammon into mine hands,
my land ? 3 Then it fhall be, that t whatfoever cometh forth +tliat
1 And the king of the children of Ammon
anfwer- of the doors of my
houfe to meet me, when F return cometh
a Numb. ed unto the meffengers of Jephthah, b Becaufe Ifrael in peace from the children of Ammon, fhall furely be shall come
a 2425 26.
took away my land when they came up out of Egypt, the Lord's, and I will offer it up for a burnt offering. forth.
|| Ot, J will (

from Anion even unto Jabbok, and unto Jordan : 32 If So Jephthah paffed over unto the children of offer it, ire.
now, therefore, reftore thofe lands again peaceably. Ammon to fight againft them ; and the Lord deliv-
14 And Jephthah fent meffengers again unto the ered them into his hands.
king of the children of Ammon. 33 And he fmote them from Aroer, even till thou
c Oeut, 2 9. 15 And faid unto him, Thus faith Jephthah, Ifrael come to Minnith, even twenty cities, and unto the j|
Or, Abel,

took not away the land of Moab, nor the land of the plain of the vineyards, with a very great flaughter.
children of Ammon : Thus the children of Ammon
were iubdued before
16 But when Ifrael came up from Egypt, and walk- the children of Ifrael.
34 If And
. ;

Jephthah dieth. CHAP, XII, XIII. An angel appear eth to Ma float's wife.
If And after him Ibzan of riethlehe m judged Ifrael
qjI^Ix 34 H And Jephthah came to Mizpeh unto his houfe, 8 CfUUSU
*Ji*?^, and, behold, his daughter came out to meet him with 9 And he had thirty l'ons and thirty daughters, whotn
timbrels and with dances and fhe was his only child ; : he fent abroad, and took in thirty daughters from
notlfhis owi t b elide her he had neither fon nor daughter.
abroad for his fons and he judged Ifrael ieven years.

"" ^5 ^n^ i tcame to P a fe, when he faw her, that he 10 Then died Ibzan, and was buried at Bethlehem.
tHib/e/ rent his clothes, and laid, Alas, daughter thou my ! 11 II And after him Elon a Zebulonite judged If-
^^ jjj-Qygi^
me ver y \ ow ancj th 0]1 art one of them ^
rael and he judged Ifrael ten years.

that trouble me for I have opened : mouth unto my 12 And Elon the Zebulonite died, and was buried
the Lord, and I cannot go back. in Aijalon, in the country of Zebulun.
36 And flie faid unto him, father, if thou haft My 13 IT And after him, Abdon the fon of Hillel a Pira-
opened thy mouth unto the Lord, do to me according thonite judged Ifrael.
to that which hath proceeded out of thy mouth ; for- 14 And he had forty fons and thirty f nephews, that t Heb.

afmuch as the Lord hath taken vengeance for thee of rode on threefcore and ten afs colts ; and he judged
thine enemies, even of the children of Amnion. Ifrael eight years.
37 And Hie faid unto her father, Let this thing be m
15 And Abdon the fon of Hillel the Pirathonite
done for me let me alone two months, that I may
: died, and was buried in Pirathon, in the land of
^ SO up anfl down upon the mountains, and bewail my Ephraim, in the mount of the Amalekites.
and my fellows.
virginity, I
38 And he faid, Go. And he fent her away for two
1 Israel serveth the Philistines forty years. 2 an- An
months and fhe went with her companions, and be-
gel appeareth to Manoah* s wife who was barren.
upon the mountains.
wailed her virginity 8 The angel appeareth to Mario ah. 15 Manoah s
itcame to pal's, at the end of two months,
39 sacrifice whereby the angel is discovered. 24 Sam-
that fhe returned unto her father, who did with her son is born.
to his vow which he had vowed
i or, crdi-
*»«* ,
knew no man. And it was a
and fhe
cuftom in Ifrael, ||

AND the children of Ifrael f a did evil again

light of the Lord ; and the Lord delivered them
cir. n6:.
the tHeb. added

yeJn y/aT 40 That the daughters of Ifrael went f yearly to &c.

sor, to talk
into the hand of the Philiftines forty years. a Chap. 2 II,
j ament t ie c| aU ghter of Jephthah the Gileadite four days &37.&-1T.

2 If And there was a certain man of Zorah, of the &6 I, Scot.

in a year. family of the Danites, whofe name iixsw Manoah ; and

his wife was barren, and bare not.

1 The Ephrahnites quarrelling with Jephthah, and 3 And the angel of the Lord appeared unto the
discerned by the word Shibboleth, are slain by the woman, and faid unto her,Behold now, thou artbavren,
Gileadites. 7 Jephthah dieth. 8 Ibzan.who had thir- and beareftnot: but thoufhak conceive, and bear afon.
ty sons and thirty daughters, judgeth Israel, Wand 4 Now, therefore, beware, I pray thee, and b drink
b Numb. 6

after him Elcn, 13 and Abdon, who had forty sons not winenorftrongdrink, andeat notany unclean thing:
and thirty nephews. 5 For, lo, thou fhalt conceive, and bear a fon ; and
* Beb> 'vert
AND the men of Ephraim f gathered themfelves
together, and went northward, and faid unto Jeph-
no razor fhall come on his head for the child fhall be c Numb,
a Nazarite unto God from the womb ; and he fhall be-
Sam. u.
6 5.
1 1

thah, Wherefore paffeft thou over to light againft the gin to deliver Ifrael out of the hand of the Philiftines.
children of Amnion, and didft not call us to go with 6 If Then the woman came, and told her hufband,
thee ? we will burn thine houfe upon thee with fire. faying, A
man of God came unto me, and his counte-
2 And Jephthah faid unto them, I and ms people r nance was like the countenance of an angel of God,
were at great ftrife with the children of Amnion and ;
very terrible but I afked him not whence he was,

whenl called you, ye deliveredme not out of their hands neither told he me his name.
3 And when I faw that yc delivered me not, I put 7 But, he faid unto me, Behold, thou fhalt conceive,
my life in my hands, and palled
over againft the chil- and bear a fon ancr now drink no wine nor ftrong

dren of Amnion, and the Lord delivered them into drink, neither eat any unclean thing : for the child
my hand wherefore then are ye come up unto me
: fhall be a Nazarite to God, from the womb to the day
this day, to fight againft me ? of his death.
4 Then Jephthah gathered together all the men of 8 If Then Manoah entreated the Lord, and faid, O
Gilead, and fought with Ephraim and the men of : my Lord, let the man of God which thou didft fend,
Gilead fmote Ephraim, becaufe they laid, Ye Gilead- come again unto us, and teach us what we fhall do
ites are fugitives of Ephraim among the Ephraimites, unto the child that fhall be born.
and among the Manaffites. 9 And God hearkened to the voice of Manoah and ;

5 And the Gileadites took the pafiages of Jordan the angel of God came again unto the woman as flie lat
before the Ephraimites and it was so, that whenthofe
; in the field but Manoah her hufband was not with her.

Ephraimites which were efcaped, faid, Let me go 10 And the woman made hafte, and ran, and fliewed
over ; that the men of Gilead faid unto him, Art thou her hufband, and faid unto him, Behold, the man hath
an Ephraimite ? If he faid, Nay ; appeared unto me that came unto me the other day.
10r. 6 Then faid they unto him, Say now Shibboleth || ;
11 And Manoah arofe, and went after his wife, and
ji stream,
>r,jlooi. and he faid, Sibboleth for he could not frame to : came to the man, and faid unto him, Art thou the man
pronounce it right. Then they took him, and flew that fpakeft unto the woman ? And he faid, I am.
him at the paffages of Jordan and there fell at that : 12 And Manoah' faid, Now let thy words come to Heb.
shall he the

time of the Ephraimites forty and two thoufand. pafs t how fhall we order the child ? and
f how ||
maimer of
the, &c.
u 37.
7 U And Jephthah judged Ifrael fix years then lhail we do unto him ?
: U Or. what
Shall he do.
died Jephthah the Gileadite, and was buried in one of 13 And the angel of the Lord faid unto Manoah, tHeb. what
shall be hi,
the cities of Gilead. Of all that I faid unto the woman, let her beware. •work .'"

2A 14 She

Samson desiretha wife of the Philistines ; JUDGES. He spoileth thirty Philistines.

14 She may not eat of any thing that cometh of the 6 And the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon
,vine, neither let her drink wine or ftrong drink, nor him, and he rent him as he would have rent a kid,
eat any unclean thing : all that I commanded her, let and he hod nothing in his hand but he told not his :

her obferve. father or his mother what he had done.

15 If And Manoah faid unto the angel of the Lord, 7 And he went clown and talked with the woman ;
I pray thee, let us detain thee until we fhall have and flie pleafed Samfon well.
eb ' iefore
ma de ready a kid f for thee. 8 If And after a time he returned to take her and ;

16 And the angel of the Lord faid unto Manoah, he turned afide to fee the carcafs of the lion and, :

Though thou detain me, I will not eat of thy bread ;

behold, there was a fwarm of bees and honey in the
and if thou wilt offer a burnt offering, thou mud offer carcafs of the lion.
it unto the Lou d for Manoah knew not that he was
: 9 And he
took thereof in his hands, and went on
an angel of the Lord. eating, and came to his father and mother, and he
17 And Manoah faid unto the angel of the Lord, gave them, and they did eat but he told not them that

What is thy name, that, when thy fayings come to he had taken the honey out of the carcafs of the lion.
pafs, we may do thee honour ? 10 If So his father went down unto the woman, and
18 And the angel of the Lord faid unto him, Why Samfon made there a feaft ; for fo ufed the young
f Or. -o:k-
afkeft thou thus after my name,
feeing it is fecret ? ||
men to do.
19 So Manoah took a kid with a meat offering, and 11 And it came to pafs, when they faw him, that
offered it upon a rock unto the Lord and the angel : they brought thirty companions to be with him.
did wonderoufly ; and Manoah and his wife looked on. 12 If And Samfon faid unto them, I will now put
20 For it came to pafs, when the flame went up to- forth a riddle unto you
if 5 e can certainly declare

ward heaven from off the altar, that the angel of the it me within the feven days of the feaft, and find it

Lord afcended in the flame of the altar and Manoah : out, then I will give you thirty iheets, and thirty || |Or» tftirH'.

and his "wife looked on ?V, and fell on their faces to change of garments :

the ground. _
13 But if ye cannot declare it me, then fhall ye
21 (But the angel of the Lord did no more appear give me thirty Iheets, and thirty change of garments.
to Manoah and to his wife.) Then Manoah knew that And they faid unto him, Put forth thy riddle, that we
he was an angel of the Lord. may hear it.
d Exod.
zr Clip.
22 And Manoah faid unto his wife, d fliall fure- We 14 And he faid unto them, Out of the eater came
ly die, becaufe we have feen God. forth meat, and out of the ftrong came forth fweetneis,.
23 But his wife faid unto him, If the Lord were And they could not in three days expound the riddle.
pleafed to kill us, he would not have received a burnt 15 And it came to pafs on. the feventh day, that
offering and a meat offering at our hands ; neither they faid unto Samfon's wife, Entice thy hufband, that
would he have fhewed us all thefe things ; nor would he may declare unto us the riddle, left we burn thee
as at this time have told us such things as thefe. and thy father's houfe with fire have ye called us t to : t Heb. to
possess us t
24 If And the woman bare a fon, and called his name take that we have is it not so ?
: or, to impov-
erish Ui ;
Samfon ; and the child grew, and theLoR d bleffed him. 16 And Samfon's wife wept before him, and faid,
25 And the Spirit of the Lord began to move him at
Thou cloft but hate me, and loveft me not thou haft :

times in the camp of Dan, between Zorah and Efhtaol. put forth a riddle unto the children of my people,
CHAP. XIV. and haft not told it me. And he faid unto her, Be-
hold, I have not told it my father nor my mother, and
1 9amson desireth a wife of the Philistines
: 5 in his
fliall I tell it thee i
journey he killeth a lion : 8 in a second journey he
findeth honey in the carcass. 10Sa?nson s marriage , 17 And flic wept before him the feven days while |f
Or, the
rest of the
their feaft lafted ; and it came to pafs on the feventh seven days,
feast : 12 his riddle made known by his wife : 19 ire.

he spoileth thirty Philistines : 20 his wife is married day, that he told her, becaufe fhe lay fore upon him ;
to another. and (lie told the riddle to the children of her people.
18 And the men of the city faid unto him on the
eir. 1141. A ND Samfon went down to Timnath, and faw feventh day before the fun went down, What is* fweet-
±\ a woman in Timnath of the daughters of the
er than honey ? and what is ftronger than a lion ? And
hefaid unto them, If ye had not ploughed with my
2 And he came up, and told his father and his
heifer, ye had not found out my riddle.
mother, and faid, I have feen a woman in Timnath of
19 "ff And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him,
the daughters of the Philiftines; now, therefore, get
and he went down to Afhkelon, and flew thirty men
her for me to wife.
of them, and took their fpoil, and gave change of gar- I)
3 Then his father and his mother faid unto him,
ments unto them which expounded the riddle and his :
Is there never a woman among the daughters of thy
anger was kindled, and he went up tohisfather's houfe.
brethren, or among all my people, that thou goell to
take a wife of the uncircumcifed Philiftines ? and
20 But Samfon's wife was ghenlo his companion,
whom he had ufed as his friend.
lhht'in»?L Samfon faid unto his father, Get her for me, for f Ihe
??« pleafeth me well. CHAP. XV.
4 But his father and his mother knew not that it 1 Samson is : 3 he burneth the Philis-
denied his wife
was of the Lord that he fought an occaiion againft the tines' cornwith foxes and fire bra?ids, and his xvife
Philiftines for at that time the Philiftines had do-
: and her father are burnt by the Philistines. 7 Sam-
minion over Ifrael. son smiteth them, andretireth to the rock Etam : 9 he
5 If Then went Samfon down, and his father and his is bound by the men of Judah, and delivered to the
mother, to Timnath, and came to the vineyards ofTim- Philistines : 14 he killeth them with a jawbone. 18 .

m"/!v/,'; .,;. nath and, behold, a young lion roared t againft him.
: God openeth a fountain in Lchi to relieve his thirst.

Samson slayeth a thousand Philistines. CHAR XVI. Delilah entlceth Samson.

jaw, and there came water thereout ; and when 11C
1 \.\o.
BUT came
of wheat
it to pafs within a while after, in the time
harveit, that Samfon viiitedhis wife with had drunk, his fpirit came again, and he revived
a kid ; and he faid, I will go in to wife into the my wherefore he called the name thereof Enhakkore, »Thatis. ||

chamber but her father would not fuffer him to go in.

which is in Lehi unto this day. HfhfmhLt
2 her father laid, I verily thought that thou
And <
20 And he judged Ifrael in the days of the Philif- c $± '

hadft utterly hated her ;

gave her to thy
therefore I tines twenty years.
companion is not her younger lifter fairer than fhe ?
f take her, I pray thee, inftead of
1 Samson escapethfrom Gaza, andcarrieth away the
3 If And Samfon faid concerning them, Now fhall ||

gates of the city. 4 Delilah, corrupted by the Phi-

I be more blamelefs than the Philiftines, though I do
listines, enticeth Samson, and is thrice deceived
them a difpleaftfrfe.
15 at last she overcometh him, end the Philistines
4 caught three hundred
And Samfon went and take him, and put out his eyes : 23 they hold a feast
lor/to^ foxes, and took firebrands, and turned tail to tail,,
to Dagon. 26 Samson pulleth down the house upon
and put a firebrand in the midft between two tails. the Philistines, and dieth.
5 And when he had fet the brands on fire, he let
them go into the {landing corn of the Philiftines, and THEN went Samfon to Gaza, and faw there f an
harlot, and went in unto her.
t H?b.
1 1


burnt up both the fhocks and alio the {landing corn,, an harlot.
2 And it was told the Gazites, faying, Samfon is

with the vineyards and olives.

G Then the Philiftines laid-, Who hath done this ? come hither. And they compaffed him in, and laid
And they anfwered, Samfon, the fon in law of the wait for him all night in the gate of the city, and were
Timnite, becaufe he had taken his wife, and given f quiet all the night, faying, In the morning, when it silent.

her to his companion. And the Philiftines came up is day, we fhall kill him.

and burnt her and her father with fire. 3 And Samfon lay till midnight, and arofe at mid-

7 H And Samfon faid unto them, Though ye have night, and took the doors of the gate of the city, and
t Heb. -with
done this, yet will I be avenged of you, and after that the two polls, and went away with them, f bar and the bar.

I will ceai'e. all, and put them upon his fhoulders, and carried them

8 And he fmote them hip and thigh with a great up to the top of an hill that is before Hebron.
{laughter and he went down and dwelt in the top of
4 H And it came to pafs afterward, that he loved a
the rock Etam. woman in the valley of Sorek ,whole name was Delilah.
I Or, By
the braok>
9 *il Then the Philiftines went up, and pitched in 5 And the lords of the Philiftines came up unto her,
Juclah, and fpread themfelves in Lehi. and faid unto her, Entice him, and fee wherein his
10 And the men of Judah faid, are ye come Why great ftrength lieth, and by what means we may pre-
Or, Jiitm-
up againft us ? And they anfwered, bind Samfon To vail againft him, that we may bind him to afflict, him ||


are we come up, to do to him as he hath done to us. and we will give thee, eveiy one of us, eleven hun-
t Heb. -joent 11 Then three thoufand men of Judah t went to dred pieces of iilver.
the top of the rock Etam, and ikid to Samfon, Knoweft 6 And Delilah faid to Samfon, Tell me, I pray thee,
thou not that the Philiftines are rulers over us ? what wherein thy great ftrength lieth, and wherewith thou
is this that thou haft done unto us ? And he laid unto mighteft be bound to afflicl thee.
them, As they did unto me, fo have I done unto them. 7 And Samfon faid unto her, If they bind me with
12 And they laid unto him, We
are come down to feven f green withs that were never dried, then fhall
U Or,n£'oj
bind thee, that wc may deliver thee into the hand of I be weak, and be as f another man. moist.

the Philiftines. And Samfon faid unto them, Swear 8 Then the lords of the Philiftines brought up to t Heb. one.

unto me, that ye will not fall upon me yourfelves. her feven green withs which had not been dried, and
13 And they fpake unto him, faying, No but we ; fne bound him with them.
v. ill bind thee iaft, and deliver thee into their hand but ; 9 (Now there were men lying ill wait abiding with
iurelywe will not kill thee. And they bound him with her in the chamber.) And ihe laid unto him, The
two new cords, and brought him up from the rock. Philiftines be upon thee, Samfon. And lie brake the
14 H And when he came unto Lehi, the Philiftines withs as a thread of tow is broken when it t toucheth smellcth.
fhouted againft him and the Spirit of the Lord
: the fire fo his ftrength was not known.

came mightily upon him and the cords that were

; 10 And Delilah laid unto Samfon, Behold, thou
upon his arms became as flax that was burnt with haft mocked me, and told me lies now tell me, I pray

and his bands f loofed from off his hands.
fire, thee, wherewith thou mighteft be bound.
t'ueb.'moist. 15 And he found a t new jawbone of an afs, and 11 And he laid unto her. If they bind me fall with
put forth, his hand and took it, and flew a thoufand new ropes f that never were occupied, then fhall I be t Heb.
men therewith. weak, and be as another man. 'work hath
not been done.
16 And Samfon faid, With the jawbone of an afs, 12 Delilah, therefore, took new ropes, and bound
t Heb. an
heap, iiuo f heaps upon heaps, with the jaw of an afs have I flain him therewith, and faid unto him, The Philiftines be
hcapi. a thoufand men. upon thee, Samfon. (And there were liers in wait
17 And it came to pafs, when he had made an end abiding in the chamber.) And he brake them from
of fpeaking, that he call away the jawbone out of his off his arms like a thread.
'he lifting
hand, and calied that place Ramathlehi. || 13 And Delilah faid unto Samfon, Hitherto thou
lupoftheju-w 18 If And he was fore athirft, and called on the haft mocked me, and told me lies : tell me wherewith
%" ™»jT'Lord, and faid, Thou haft given this great deliverance thou mighteft be bound. And he faid unto her, If thou
[n[ t iie hand of thy fcrvant and now fhall I die for : weaveft the feven locks of my head with the web.,
thirft, and fall into the hand of the uncircumcifcd ? 14 And fhe fattened it with the pin, and faid unto
19 But God clave an hollow place that was in the II him, The Philiftines be upon thee, Samfon. And he
Samson avenged of the Philistines. J U D G ES, The Danites send men to seek an inheritance,
awaked out of his fleep, and went away with the pin came down, and took him, and brought him up,
of the beam, and with the web. and buried him between Zorah and Efhtaol, in the
15 1T And fhe faid unto him, How canft thou fay, Burying place of Manoah his father : and he judged
I love thee, when thine heart is not with me ? thou twenty years.
haft mocked me thefe three times, and haft not told CHAP. XVII.
me wherein thy great ftrength lleth. 1 Of the money that Micah had stolen, and afterward
16 And it came to pafs, when fhe preffed him daily restored, his mother maketh images. 5 Micah's
with her words, and urged him, so that his foul was idolatry : 7 he hireth a Levite to be his priest.
* H<=b.
| vexed unto death,
17 That he told her all his heart, and faid unto her,
D there was a man of mount Ephraim, whofe
was Micah.
cir. 14«6,

There hath not come a razor upon mine head for I have ; 2 And he faid unto his mother, The eleven hundred
been a Nazarite unto God from my mother's womb : shekels of filver that were taken from thee, about
if I be fhaven, then my ftrength will go from me, and which thou curfedft, and fpakefl of alfo in mine ears,
I fhall become weak, and be like any other man. behold, the filver is with me ; I took it. And his
18 And when Delilah faw that he had told her all his mother faid, Blefled be thou of the Lord, my fon.
heart, fhe fent and
called for the lords of the Philif- 3 And when he had reftored the eleven hundred
tines, faying, Come up this
once ; for he hath fhewed shekels of filver to his mother, his mother faid, I had
me all his heart. Then the lords of the Philiftines wholly dedicated the filver unto the Lord from my
came up unto her, and brought money in their hand. hand, for my fon to make a graven image and a molten
19 And ilie made him fleep upon herdmees ; and image now, therefore, I will reftore it unto thee.

fhe called for a man, and fhe caufed him to fhave off 4 Yet he reftored the money unto his mother and
_ ;

the feven locks of his head ; and fhe began to afflicl his mother took two hundred shekels of filver, and
him, and his ftrength went from him. gave them to the founder, who made thereof a graven
20 And fhe faid, The Philiftines be upon thee, Sam- image and a molten image and they were in the :

fon. And he awoke out of his fleep, and faid, I will go houfe of Micah.
out, as at other times before, and fhake myfelf. And 5 TI And the man Micah had an houfe of gods, and
he will not that the Lord was departed from him. made an a ephod, and b teraphim, and f confecrated »chaP.8 2 7 .

f Heb.
tared cut
2 But the Philiftines took him and t put outhis eyes,
one of his fons, who became his prieft. Kft*'
and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with 6 c In thofe days there was no king in Ifrael but *tthA. :

fetters of brafs ; and he did grind in the prifon houfe. every man did that which was right in his own eyes. c- GhaI, l8, » •

& 21 25.
22 Howbeit, the hair of his head began to grow 7 IF And there was a young man out of Bethlehem
Or, as

when lie again || after he was fhaven. judah, of the family of Judah, who was aLevite, and
• sluvau
23Then the lords of the Philiftines gathered them
If he fojourned there.
together for to offer a great facrifice unto Dagon their 8 And the man departed out of the city from Beth-
god, and to rejoice : for they faid, our god hath de- lehemjudah, to fojourn where he could find a place :
livered Samfon our enemy into our hand. and he came to mount Ephraim, to the houfe of Mi-
24 And when the people faw him, they praifed cah, fas he journeyed. t Heb.
making kii

god for they faid, Our god hath delivered into

their ; 9 And Micah faid unto him, Whence comeft thou ? ™>'*
our hands our enemy, and the deftroyer of our coun- And he faid unto him, lama Levite of Bethlehem-
t Heb. and
whomuMpu. try, f which flew many of us. judah, and I go to fojourn where I may find a place.
£5 ^nd it came to pafs, when their hearts were 10 And Micah faid unto him, Dwell with me, and
merry, that they faid, Call for Samfon, that he may be unto me a father and a prieft, and I will give thee
make us fport. And they called for Samfon out of ten shekels of filver by the year, and t a fuit of ap- Or,
a double

fo^th /m. the prifon houfe and he made t them fport and
; :
parel, and thy victuals. So the Levite went in. suit, ire.
t Heb,
they fet him between the pillars. 11 And the Levite was contentto dwell with the man; order ofangaf*
26 IT And Samfon faid unto the lad that held him by and the young man was unto him as one of his fons. ments.
the hand, Suffer me that I may feel the pillars where- 12 And Micah confecrated the Levite; and the young
upon the houfe ftandeth, that I may lean upon them. man became his prieft, and was in the houfe of Micah.
27 Now
the houfe was full of men and women ; 13 Then faid Micah, Now know I that the Lord
and all the lords of the Philiftines were there : and will do me good, feeing I have a Levite to my prieft.
there were upon the roof, about three thoufand men m
and women, that beheld while Samfon made fport. 1 The Danites sendfive men to seek out an inheritance
28 And Samfon called unto the Lord, and laid, O 3 at the house of Micah they consult with Jonathan,
Lord God, remember me, I pray thee, and ftrengthen are encouraged in their way : 7 they search
me, I pray thee, only this once, God, that I may be O Laisb, and bring back news of good hope. 11 Six
at once avenged of the Philiftines for my two eyes. hundred men are sent to surprise it : 14 on the way
29 And Samfon took hold of the two middle pil- they rob Micah of his priest and his consecrated
\imthlm* Iars V! P on which the houfe flood, and on which it ||
things : 27 they win Laish, andcall it Dan. 30 Idol-
borne up, of the one with his right hand, and of atry is set up at Dan, where Jonathan and his sons
the other with his left. have the priesthood.
+ Tcb. my
uui. t
£0 And Samfon faid, Let me f die with the Fhilif- a
thofe days there was no king in Ifrael and in :
cir. mp6.
a Chap. 17
tinejs. And he bowed himfelf with all his might ; and thofe days the tribes of the Danites fought them MsfV***
the houfe fell upon the lords, and upon all the people an inheritance to dwell in for unto that day all their

that ivere therein fb the dead which he flew at his

: inheritance had not fallen unto them among the tribes
death, were more than they which he flew in his life. of Ifrael.
31 Then his brethren, and all the houfe of his father, i
2 And the children of Dan fent of their family five
Six hundred men rob Micah of his images. CHAP. XIX. A Levite goeth to Bethlehem for his concubine.
men from their coafts, t men of valour, from Zorah, thine hand upon thy mouth, and go with us, and be
and from Efhtaol, to fpy out the land, and to fearch to us a father and a prieft : is it better for thee to be
ha. »«j. it ; and they faid unto them
• Go, fearch the land
: : a priefl unto the houfe of one man, or that thou be a
who, when they came to mount Ephraim, to the houfe prieft unto a tribe and a family in lfrael ?
of Micah, they lodged there. 20 And the priefl's heart was glad ; and he took the
3 When they were by the houfe of Micah, they ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image, and
knew the voice of the young man the Levite and : went in the midfl of the people.
they turned in thither, and faid unto him, Who 21 So they turned and departed, and put the little
brought thee hither ? and what makeft thou in this ones, and the cattle, and the carriage, before them.
place ? and what haft thou here ? 22 If And when they were a good way from the
4 And he faid unto them, Thus and thus dealeth houfe of Micah, the men that were in the houfes near
Micah with me, andhathhired me, and I am his prieft. to Micah's houfe, were gathered together, and over-
5 And they faid unto him, Afk counfel, we pray took the children of Dan.
thee, of God, that we may know whether our way 23 And they cried unto the children of Dan : and
which we go, fhall be profperous. they turned their faces,and faid unto Micah, What
6 And the prieft faid unto them, Go in peace : aileth thee, t that thou
comeft with fuch a company ? t Heb. thul

before the Lord is your way wherein ye go. 24 And he faid, Ye have taken away my gods which gathered
7 II Then the five men departed, and came to Laifh, I made, and the prieft, and ye are gone away and ;

and faw the people that were therein, how they dwelt what have I more ? and what is this, that ye fay unto
carelefs, after the manner of the Zidonians, quiet, and me, What aileth thee ?
t HeB.
possessor, fecure ; and there was no t magiftrate in the land, that 25 And the children of Dan faid unto him, Let not
or, heir of t Hcb.
restraint. might put them to lhame in any thing and they were ; thy voice be heard among us, left f angry fellows run of irJ.

far from the Zidonians, and had no bufinefs with any upon thee, and thou lofe thy life, with the lives of thy
man. houfehold.
8 And they came unto their brethren to Zorah and 26 And the children of Dan went their way and ;

Eihtaol and their brethren faid unto them, What

; when Micah faw that they were too flrong for him, he
say ye ? turned, and went back unto his houfe.
9 And they faid, Arife, that we may go up againft 27 TF And they took the things which Micah had
them for we have feen the land, and, behold, it is
: made, and the prieft which he had, and came unto
very good ; and are ye ftill ? be not ilothful to go, Laifh, unto a people that were at quiet, and fecure
and to enter to poffefs the land. and they fmote them with the edge of the fword, and
10 When ye go, ye fhall comeunto a people fecure, burnt the city with fire.
and to a large land for God hath given it into your
: 28 And there was no deliverer, becaufe it was far
hands ; a place where there is no want of any thing from Zidon, and they had no bufmefs with any man :

that is in the earth. and it was

in the valley that lieth by Bethrehob : and
11 H And there went from thence of the family of they built a city, and dwelt therein.
I' Heb.
the Danites, out of Zorah, and out of Efhtaol, fix 29 And they called the name of the city b Dan, after b Jo/hua
firdci. hundred men t appointed with weapons of war. the name of Dan their father, who was born unto lfrael: 19 4T .

12 And they went up, and pitched in Kirjathjearim, howbeit, the name of the city was Laifh at the firft.
in Judah wherefore they called that place Mahaneh-
: 30 H And the children of Dan fet up the graven im-
dan unto this day ; behold, it is behind Kirjathjea- age : and Jonathan the fon of Gerfhom, the fon of
rim. Manaffeh, he and his fons were priells to the tribe of
13 And they paffed thence unto mount Ephraim, Dan until the day of the captivity of the land.
and came unto the houfe of Micah. 31 And they fet them up Micah's graven image,
14 H Then anfwered the frre men that went to fpy which he made, all the time that the houfe of God
out the country of Laifh, and faid unto their brethren, in Shiloh.
Do ye know that there is in thefe houfes an ephod, C H A P. XIX.
and teraphim, and a graven image, and a molten im-
age ? now, therefore, conlider what ye have to do. 1 A Levite goeth to Bethlehem to fetch home his concu-
15 And they turned thitherward, and came to the bine: 16 an old man at Gibeah enter taineth him. 22
houfe of the young man the Levite, even unto the The Qibeathites abuse his concubine to death, £sV.
t Hcb. asked
him office,
houfe of Micah, and f faluted him.
xg And the fix hundred men appointed with their
was no
came it to pals, in thole days, a when there i^-'l^'
king in lfrael, that there was a certain 21 25.''
weapons of war, which were of the children of Dan, Levite fojourning on the fide of mount Ephraim, who
flood by the entering of the gate. took to him f a concubine out of Bethlehemjudah. t neb. a
17 And the five men that went to fpy out the land 2 And his concubine played the whore againft him, ToSnlor,
went up, and came in thither, and took the graven and went away from him unto her father's houfe to 1J/&" ""'
image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten Bethlehemjudah, and was there f four whole months. Qr a year
y ,

image and the priefl ftood in the entering of the

: 3 And her hufband arofe, and went after her, to ^,{"! r
gate, with the fix hundred men that were appointed fpeak f friendly unto her, and to bring her again, hav- W';; 1

'; ,,:',/>>

with weapons of war. ing his fervant with him, and a couple of affes and fhe tuSkn'fir

18 And thefe went into Micah's houfe, and fetched

brought him into her father's houfe and when the fa-

the carved image, the ephod, and the teraphim, and ther of the dam (el faw him, he rejoiced to meet him.
the molten image. Then faid the prieft unto them, 4 And his father in law, the damfel's father, retain-
What do ye ? ed him and he abode with him three days
; fo they

19 And they faid unto him, Hold thy peace, lay did eat and drink, and lodged there.
5 And
The Levite entertained at Gibeah* JUDGES. The Levite s complaint.
5 And it came on the fourth day, when they
to pafs ry, behold, the men of the city* certain fons of Belial, c HRi |T r

arofe early in the morning, that he rofe up to depart befet the houfe round about, and beat at the door, f^^j
and the damfel's father faid unto his fon in law, and fpake to the mailer of the houfe, the old man,
t Comfort thine heart with a morfel of bread, and faying, Bring forth the man that came into thine
afterward go your way. houfe, that we may know him.
23 And b the man, the mailer of the houfe, went bG * Bes
6 And they fat down, and did eat and drink both of
them together for the damfel's father had faid unto
: out unto them, and faid unto them, Nay, breth- my
the man, Be content, I pray thee, and tarry all night, ren, nay, I pray you, do not so wickedly ; feeing that
and let thine heart be merry. this man is come into mine houfe, do not this folly.
7 And when the man rofe up to depart, his father 24 Behold, here is my
daughter, a maiden, and his
in law urged him therefore he lodged there again.
; concubine, them I will bring out now, and humble
8 And he arofe early in the morning on the fifth ye them, and do with them what feemeth good unto
but unto this man do not t fo vile a• thing. K« b
f Htb. till the
day declined.
day to depart and the damfel's father laid, Comfort

thine heart, I pray thee. And they tarried f until

l ii ii
25 But the men would not heafKen to him to the
i~i l

mutter cf
tku fin*
- '*/

afternoon, and they did eat both of them. man took his concubine, and brought her forth unto
9 And when the man rofe up to depart, he, and them ; and they knew her, and abufed her all the
his concubine, and. his fervant, his father in law the night until the morning and when the day began to

damfel's father faid unto him, Behold, now the day fpring, they let her go.
t Heb.
t draweth toward evening, I pray you tarry all night 26 Then came the woman, in the dawning of the
f Heb. it is
the pitching behold, t the day groweth to an end, lodge here, that day, and fell down at the door of the man's houfe,
time of the
thine heart may be merry ; and tomorrow get you where her lord was, till it was light.
+ Heb. n thy early on your way, that thou mayefr go f home.
27 And her lord rofe up in the morning, arid open-
10 But the man would not tarry that night, but he ed the doors of the houfe, and went out to go his
wrr °fe.u P an d departed, and came over againfl Jebus, way : and, behold, the woman, his concubine, was
o£j;i:iV!°° f
(which is Jerufalem,) and there were with him two fallen down at the door of the houfe, and her hands
aifes faddled ; his concubine alfo was with him. were upon the threfhold.
11 And when they were by Jebus, the day was far 28 And he faid unto her, Up, and let us be going
fpent and the fervant faid unto his mailer, Come, I
; but none anfwered. Then the man took her up up-
pray thee, and let us turn in unto this city of the on an afs, and the man rofe up, and gat him unto his
Jebufites, and lodge in it. place.
12 And his mailer faid unto him, will not turn We 29 If And, when he was come into his houfe, he
afide hither into the city of a flranger, that is not of took a knife, and laid hold on his concubine, and
the children of Ifrael ; we will pafs over to Gibeah. divided her, together with her bones, into twelve
13 And he faid unto his fervant, Come, and let us pieces, and lent her into all the coafls of Ifrael.
draw near to one of thefe places to lodge all night, in 30 And it was fo, that all that faw it, faid, There
Gibeah, or in Ramah. was no fuch deed done nor feen, from the day that
14 And they palled on, and went their way, and the children of Ifrael came up out of the land of
the fun went down upon them, vohen they were by Egypt unto this day confider of it, take advice, and
Gibeah, which hclongeth to Benjamin. fpeak your minds.
15 And_ they turned afide thither, to go in and to CHAP, XT
lodge in Gibeah : and, when he went in, he fat him 1 Israel assemble at Mizpeh. before whom the Levite
down in a ftreet of the city ; for there was no man declareth his wrong. 8 The resolution of the assem-
that took them into his houie to lodging. bly. 12 The Benjamites, being required to deliver
16 IT And, behold, there came an old man from his the offenders, make head against the Israelites. 18
work out of the field at even, which was alfo of mount The Israelites in two battles lose forty thousand : 29
Ephraim and he fojourned in Gibeah but the men
; : they by a stratagem, destroy all the Benjamites ex-
of the place were Benjamites. cept six hundred.
17 And when he had lifted up his eyes, he faw a way- HEN
all the children of Ifrael went out, and the
faring man in the ftreet of the city and the old man: congregation was gathered together as one man,
laid, Whither goeil thou ? and whence comefl thou ? from Dan even to Beeriheba, with the land of Gilead,
18 And he faid unto him, We
are palling from unto the Lord in Mizneh.
Bethlehemjudah toward the tide of mount Ephraim ;
2 And the chief of all the people, even of all the
from thence am I and I went to Bethlehemjudah,
: tribes of Ifrael, prefented themfelves in the affembly
but I am now going to the houfe of the Lord and ; of the people of God, four hundred thouland footmen
+HA.gafc there
j s no man t jiat
i rece i Ye th me to houfe. that drew fword.
19 Yet there is both llraw and provender for our 3 (Now the children of Benjamin heard that the
affes and there is bread and wine alfo for me, and
; children of Ifrael were gone up to Mizpeh.) Then faid
for thine handmaid, and for the young man which is the children of Ifrael Tell usthow was this wickednefs ?
with thy fervants there is no want of any thing.
: 4 And f the Levite, the hufband of the woman that t Heb. the
20 And the old man faid, Peace be with thee : was anfwered and faid, I came into Gibeah that
man the
howfoever, let all thy wants lie upon me only lodge ; belongeth to Benjamin, I and my concubine, to lodge :
not in the ilreet. 5 And the men of Gibeah rofe againil me, and
21 So he brought him into his houfe, and gave Oefet the houfe round about upon me by night, and
provender unto the affes and they warned their feet,
: -hought to have flain me and my concubine have

and did eat and drink. they f forced, that (he is dead. t Heb.
22 If Now, as they were making their hearts mer- 6 And I took my concubine and cut her in pieces, *«mw«*
: :

The Israelites lose forty thousand men. CHAP. XX. The Benjamites cut off by stratagem*

and fent her throughout all the country of the inherit- 26 U Then all the children of Ifrael, and all the
ance of Ifrael for they have committed lewdnefs and
; people, went up, and came unto the houfe of God,
folly in Ifrael. and wept, and fat there before the Lord, and fafted
7 Behold, ye are all children of Ifrael ;
give here that day until even, and offered burnt offerings and
your advice and eounfel. peace offerings before the Lord.
8 If And the people arofe as one man, faying,
all 27 And the children of Ifrael inquired of the L o r d ,

We will not any ofus go to his tent, neither will we (for the ark of the covenant of God, was there in thofe
any ofus turn into his houfe : days ;

9 But now, this shall be the thing which we will do 28 And Phinehas the fon of Eleazar, the fon of
to Gibeah, we will go up by lot againfl it Aaron,, flood before it in thofe days,) faying, Shall I
10 And we will take ten men of an hundred through- yet again go out to battle againft the children of Benja-
out all the tribes of Ifrael, and an hundred of a thou- min my brother, or fhall I ceafe ? And the Lord
fand, and a thoufand out of ten thoufand, to fetch faid,, Go- up; for tomorrow I will deliver them into
victual for the people, that they may do, when they thine hand.
come to Gibeah of Benjamin, according to all the 29 H And Ifrael fet liers in wait round about Gibeah.
folly that they have wrought in Ifrael. 30 And the children of Ifrael went up againft the
11 So all the men of Ifrael were gathered againd the children of Benjamin on the third day, and put them-
1* Web. city, f knit together as one man. felves in array againft Gibeah, as at other times.
12 And the tribes of Ifrael fent men through all the 3 1 And the children of Benjamin went cut againft
tribe of Benjamin T faying, What
wickednefs is this the people, and were drawn away from the city and ;

that is done among you I they began f to finite of the people, andklll, as at other t Heb. '0
smite cf
13 Now, therefore, deliver us the men, the children times, in the high ways, of which one goeth up. to the people

of Belial, which are in Gibeah, that we may put them nondad

|| the houfe of God, and the other to Gibeah in the as at, &c.
away evil from Ifrael. But the chil-
to death, and put field, about thirty men of Ifrael. I Or, Beth*

dren of Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of 32 And the children of Benjamin find, They are
their brethren the children of Ifrael. fmitten down before us as at the firlt. But the chil-
14 But the children of Benjamin gathered fhem- dren of Ifrael faid, Let us flee, and. draw them from
felves together out of the cities unto Gibeah, to
go out the city unto the highways.
to battle againfl the children of Ifrael. 33 And all the men of Ifrael rofe up out of their
15 And the children of Benjamin were numberedat place, and put themfelves in array at Baaltamar and :

that time, out of the cities.twenty and fix thoufand men the liers in wait of Ifrael came forth outof their places,
that drew fword, befide the inhabitants of Gibeah, even out of the meadows of Gibeah.
which were numbered leren hundred chofen men. 34 And there came againft Gibeah ten thoufand
16 Among all this people there were feven hundred chofen men out of all Ifrael ; and the battle was fore :
achap.3 15. choien men a left handed every one could fling (tones
: but they knew not that evil was near them.
at an hair breadth, and not mils. 35 And the Lord fmote Benjamin before Ifrael
17 And the men of Ifrael, befide Benjamin, were and the children of Ifrael deftroyed of the Benjamites
numbered four hundred thoufand men that drew that day twenty and five thoufand and an hundred
fword : were men of war.
all thefe men all thefe drew the fword.

18 If And
the children of Ilrael arofe, and went up 36 So the children of Benjamin faw that they were
to the houfe of God, and alked eounfel of God, and fmitten for the men of Ifrael gave place to the Ben-

laid, Which ofus fhall go up firlt to the battle againd jamites, becaufe they traded unto the liers in wait
the children of Benjamin I And the Lord laid, Judah which they had fet befide Gibeah.
shall go up nrft. 37 And the liers in wait haded, and ruflied upon
19 And up in the morn-
the children of Ifrael rofe Gibeah and the liers in wait drew themselves along, Or, made
; ||

a long sound

ing, and encamped againft Gibeah. and imote all the city with the edge of the fword. with the
20 And the men of Ifrael went out to battle againft 38 Now
there was an appointed lign between the trampcts.
|| Or, time. I!

Benjamin and the men of Ifrael put themfelves in

; men of Ifrael t and the liers in wait, that they fliould t Heb. with.
array to fight againft them at Gibeah. make a great t flame with fmoke to rife up out of the t Heb.
2i And the children of Benjamin came forth out city.
of Gibeah, and deftroyed down to the ground of the 39 And when the men of Ifrael retired in the battle,
Ifraelites that day twenty and two thoufand men. Benjamin began f to fmite andk'ill of the men of Ilrael t Heb.
smite the

22 IF And the people, the men of Ifrael, encouraged about thirty perfons for they faid, Surely they are
; wounded-
themfelves, and let their battle again in array, in the fmitten down before us, as in the fird battle.
place where they put themfelves in array the firft day. 40 But when "the flame began to iirife up outof the
23 (And the children of Ifrael went up, and wept city with a pillar of fmoke, the Benjamites looked
before the Lord until even, and afked counfelof the behind them, and, behold, f the flame of the city t Heb. the
wliole con-
Lord, faying, Shall I go up again to battle againft the afcended up to heaven. sumption.
children of Benjamin my brother ? And the Lord 41 And when the men of Ifrael turned again, the
laid, Go up againft them.) men of Benjamin were amazed for they law that evil

24 And the children of Ifrael came near againft the t was come upon them. t Urb.
children of Benjamin the fecond day. 42 Therefore they turned their backs before the Hum.
25 And Benjamin went forth againft them out of men of Ifrael unto the way of the wildernefs but the ;

Gibeah the fecond day, and deftroyed clown to the battle overtook them :and them which came out of
ground of the children of Ifrael again eighteen thou- the cities, they deftroyed in the midd of them.
fand men all thefe drew the fword.
: 43 Thus they enclofcd the Benjamites round about,
The people bewail the desolation of Benjamin. J U D < E S. The Benjamites surprise the virgins at Shiloh,
faying, Go and finite the inhabitants of Jabefhgilead
and chafed them, and trode them down
Before with eafe, 11
toward the funriiing. with the edge of the fword, with the women and the
dir. i%oS. t over againft Gibeah
44 And there fell of Benjamin eighteen thouland 11 And this is the thing that ye fhall do, a Ye fhall
men: all were men
thefe of valour.
wilder- utterly deftroy every male, and every woman that
45 And they turned and fled toward tne

t hath lain by man.

nefs unto the rock of Rimmon and they gleaned
thoufand men and puriued 12 And they found among the inhabitants of Ja-
them in the highways five ;

thouland befhgilead four hundred t young virgins, that had

hard after them unto Gidom, and flew two known no man by lying with any male and they £" :

men of them. , „_.

brought them unto the camp to Shiloh, which is in
46 So that all which fell that day of Benjamin the land of Canaan.
twenty and five thoufand men that drew the iword :

13 And the whole congregation fent some t to fpeak tHeb.«*J

all thefe were men of valour.
spake and

lied to the to the children of Benjamin that were in the rock cclhd.
b Chap- 21 13'
47 b
But fix hundred men turned, and
wildernefs unto the rock Rimmon, and abode
the m Rimmon, and to peaceably unto them.
|| call J
Or, pro-
claim peace.
14 And Benjamin came again at that time and
rock Rimmon four months.
they gave them wives which they had faved alive of
48 And the men of Ifrael turned again upon the the women of Jabefhgilead and yet fo they fufficed
children of Benjamin, and fmote them with the
edge :

them not.
of the fword, as well the men of every city as the
15 And the people repented them for Benjamin,
tHeb. was and an that t came to hand alfo they fet on fire all

becaufe that the Lord had made a breach in the tribes

t Het. -were the cities that t they came to.
of Ifrael.
CHAP. XXI. 16 H Then the elders of the congregation faid, How
1 The people bewail the 8 By
desolation of Benjamin. fhall we do for wives for them that remain, feeing the
the destruction of Jabeshgilead
they provide wives women are deftroy ed out of Benjamin ?
for four hundred. 16 The elders consult, and advise 17 And they faid, There must be an inheritance for
the remainder to surprise the virgins that danced at them that be efcaped of Benjamin, that a tribe be not
Shiloh. deftroyed out of Ifrael.

NOW faying,
men of Ifrael had fworn in Mizpeh,
fhall not any of us give his daugh-
18 Howbeit, we may not give them wives of our
daughters ; for the children of Ifrael have fworn, fay-
ing, Curfed be he tiiat giveth a wife to Benjamin.
ter unto Benjamin to wife.
19 Then they faid, Behold, there is a feaft of the
2 And the people came to the home of God, and
abode there till even before God, and lifted up their Lord in Shiloh f yearly, in a place which is on the rear fHeb.frem
to year.
north fide of Bethel, on the eaft fide of the high- Or, tmuari
voices, and wept fore
|| || 'I
; . . the sunris-

3 And faid, O Lord God of Ifrael, why is this way that goeth up from Bethel to Shechem, and on ing.
Or, oft.

come to pafs in Ifrael, that there fhould be today one

the fouth of Lebonah. ||

tribe lacking in Ifrael ?

20 Therefore they commanded the children of Ben-
4 And it came to pafs on the morrow, that the jamin, faying, Go and lie in wait in the vineyards ;

people rofe early, and built there an altar, and offered 21 And fee, and, behold, if the daughters of Shiloh
burnt offerings," and peace offerings. come out to dance in dances, then come ye out of the
Who vineyards, and catch you every man his wife of the
5 And the children of Ifrael faid, is there
daughters of Shiloh, and go to the land of Benja-
among all the tribes of Ifrael that came not up with
the congregation unto the Lord ? for they had made
a great oath concerning him that came not up to the 22 And it fhall be, when their fathers or their
brethren come unto us to complain, that we will fay
Lord to Mizpeh, faying, He fhall furely be put to
unto them, Be favourable unto them for our fakes
Or, Grail ; 1
6 And the children of Ifrael repented them for becaufe we referved not to each man his wife in the fth£L
Benjamin their brother, and faid, There is one tribe war for ye did not give unto them at this time, that

cut off from Ifrael this day : ye fhould be guilty.

7 How fhall we do for wives for them that remain, 23 And the children of Benjamin did fo, and took
feeing we have fworn by the Lord, that we will not them wives, according to their number, of them that
give them of our daughters to wives ? danced, whom they caught, and they went and re-
8 H And they faid, What one is there of the tribes turned unto their inheritance, and repaired the cities,
of Ifrael that came not up to Mizpeh to the Lord ? and dwelt in them.
and, behold, there came none to the camp from Ja- 24 And the children of Ifrael departed thence at that
befhgilead to the affembly. time, every man to his tribe, and to his family, and
9 For the people were numbered, and, behold, there they went out from thence every man to his inherit-
were none of the inhabitants of Jabefhgilead there. ance.
10 And the congregation fent thither twelve thou- 25 b
In thofe days there was no king m Ifrael : bChap. 17S,
& 19 *•

land men of the valiajiteft, and commanded them, every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

; : 1

The Book of RUTH.

. C HA P. I. 17 Where thou dieft, will I die, and there will I be
buried the Lord do fo to me, and more alio, if

Elimelech, driven by famine into Moab, dieth there, aught but death part thee and me.
as do also bis sons Mahlon and Chilian, who bad 18 When fhe law that flie t was ftedfaftly minded strengrhettiti
t Heb.
married wives of Moab. 6 Naomi, preparing to go to go with her, then fhe left {peaking unto her. herself-

home, dissuadetb her daughters in law from going 19 H So they two went until they came to Bethle-
with her ; Orpah leaveth her, but Ruth, with great hem. And it came to pafs, when they were come to
constancy, accompaniethher : 19 they two come to Bethlehem, that all the city was moved about them ;
Bethlehem, and arc gladly received. and they faid, Is this Naomi ?
NOW it came to pafs, in the days when the judges

t ruled, that there was a famine in the land ; and'

20 And flie faid unto them, Call me not Naomi, U£*„f
call me

Mara for the Almighty hath dealt veiy ]™* is'

|| :

a certain man of Bethlehem) udah went to fojourn in bitterly with me.

the country of Moab, he, and his wife, and his two 211 went out full, and the Lord hath brought me
fons. home again empty : why then call ye me Naomi, fee-
2 And the name of the man was Elimelech, and ing the Lord hath teflified againft me, and the Al-
the name of his wife Naomi, and the name of his two mighty hath afflicled me ?

fons Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of Bethlehem- 22 So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitefs^
judah and they came into the country of Moab, and
: her daughter in law, with her, which returned out of
1 continued there. the country of Moab and they came to Bethlehem

3 And Elimelech, Naomi's hufband, died ; and fhe in the beginning of barley harveft.
was left, and her two fons.
4 And they took them wives of the women of

Moab the name of the one was Orpah, and the

1 Ruth gleanetb of Boaz : 4 Boaz taketb
in the fields

name of the other Ruth and they dwelled there about

knowledge ofher, and sheweth her great favour : 1 ?
ten years. she returneth with what she had gleaned to her
5 And Mahlon and Chilion died alfo both of them, mother in law.

Cir. 1312
and the woman was left of her two fons and her hufband.
6 If Then fhe arofe with her daughters in law, that
AN D Naomi
had a kinfman of her hufband's, a
of wealth, of the family of Elime-
flie might return from the country of Moab
le<i '
for fhe : lech and his name was Boaz.
; || B™i

had heard in the country of Moab, how that the Lord 2 And Ruth the Moabitefs faid unto Naomi, Let Matt * -


had vifited his people in giving them bread. me now go to the field, and glean ears of corn after
7 Wherefore fhe went forth out of the place where him in whofe fight I fhall find grace. And fhe faid
flie Was, and her two daughters in law with her and : unto her, Go, my daughter.
they went on the way to return unto the land of Judah. 3 And fhe went, and came and gleaned in the field
8 And Naomi faid unto her two daughters in law, after the reapers and her t hap was to light on a part J5^|*

Go, return each to her mother's houfe the Lord : of the field belonging unto Boaz, who was of the kind-
deal kindly with you, as ye have dealt with the dead red of Elimelech.
and with me. 4 H And, behold, Boaz came from Bethlehem, and
9 The Lord grant you that ye may find reft, each faid unto the reapers, The Lord be with you. And
of you in the houie of her hufband. Then flie kiffed they anfwered him, The Lord blefs thee.
them : and they lifted up their voice, and wept. 5 Then faid Boaz unto his fervant that was fet over
10 And they faid unto her, Surely we will return the reapers, Whofe damfel is this ?
with thee unto thy people. 6 And the fervant that was fet over the reapers
11 And Naomi faid, Turn again, my daughters : anfwered and faid, ItMtheMoabitifh damfel that came
why will ye go with me ? are there yet any more fons back with Naomi out of the country of Moab :

in my womb, that they may be your hufbands ? 7 And fhe faid, I pray you, let me glean and gather
12 Turn again, my daughters go your way ; for ; after the reapers among the fheaves: fo flie came, and
I am too old to have an hufband. If I fhould fay, I hath continued even from the morning until now, that
I Or, il I have hope, if I fhould have an hufband alfo to night,
fhe tarried a little in the houfe.
were -with an
hiuband. and fhould alio bear fons 8 Then faid Boaz unto Ruth, Heareft thou not, my
t Heb. hop;. 13 Would ye f tarry for them till they were grown ? daughter ? Go not to glean in another field, neither go
would ye flay for them from having hufbands ? nay, from hence, but abide here faft by my maidens.
y daughters for f it grieveth me much for your
:• 9 Let thine eyes be on the field that they do reap,
S. '
fakes, that the hand of the Lord is gone out againft me.
and go thou after them have I not charged the young

14 And they lifted up their voice, and wept again : men that they fhall not touch thee ? and when thou
and Orpah killed her mother in law but Ruth clave ; art athirfl, go unto the veffcls, and drink of that which
unto her. the young men have drawn.
15 And flie faid, Behold, thy filler in law is gone 10 Then fhe fell on her face, and bowed herfelf to
back unto her people, and unto her gods return thou : the ground, and faid unto him, Why
have I found
after thy filler in law. grace in thine eyes, that thou ihouldefl take know-
11or. ne not 16 And Ruth faid, entreat me not to leave thee, or ||
ledge of me, feeing I am a ftranger ?

to return from following after thee

for whither thou : 1 And Boaz anfwered and faid unto her, It hath
goeft, I will go and where thou lodgefl, I will lodge
; : fully been fhewed me all that thou haft done unto
thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God thy mother in law fince the death of thine hufband ;

2 B and
Naomi glveth Ruth Instructions, RUTH. Boaz calleth the nearest kinsman.

and bow thou haft left thy father and thy mother, and go in, and uncover his feet, and lay thee down and
|| ;

the land of thy nativity, and art come unto a people he will tell thee what thou fhalt do.
which thou kneweft not heretofore. 5 And lhe faid unto her, All that thou fayeft unto
The Lord recompenfe thy work, and a full re-
12 me, I will do.
ward be given thee of the Lord God of Ifrael, under 6 H And lhe went down unto the floor, and did ac-
whofe wings thou to trull.
art come cording to all that her mother in law bade her.
Or, I find

favour. 13 Then fhe faid, [| Let me

find favour in thy fight, 7 And when Boaz had eaten and drunk, and his
t Heb. to
my lord ; for that thou hall comforted me, and for that heart was merry, he went to lie down at the end of
the heart. thou haft fpoken t friendly unto thine handmaid, the heap of corn and flie came foftly, and uncovered

though I be not like unto one of thine handmaidens. his feet, and laid her down.
14 And Boaz faid unto her, At meal time come thou 8 "fl And it came to pafs at midnight, that the man
hither, and eat of the bread, and dip thy morfel in the was afraid, and turned himfelf; and, behold, a wo-
Or, tool!
hold on.
vinegar. And fhe fat befide the reapers and he : man lay at his feet.
reached her parched com, and fhe did eat, and was 9 And he laid, Who art thou And flie anfwered, I ?

funiced, and left. am Ruth thine handmaid fpread, therefore, thy Ikirt

H Or, one
15 And when fhe was rifen up to glean, Boaz com- over thine handmaid for thou art a near kinfman.
; || that hath

+ Heb. shame
manded his young men, faying, Let her glean even 10 And he faid, Bleffed be thou of the Lord, my rig ht to
her not. among the fheaves, and f reproach her not daughter for thou haft fhewed more kindnefs in the

16 And let fall alfo some of the handfuls of purpofe latter end than at the beginning, inafmuch as thou fol-
for her, and leave them, that fhe may glean them, and io wedft not young men, whether poor or rich.
rebuke her not. 11 And now, my daughter,, fear not, I will do to
t Heb. %att°
17 So lhe gleaned in the field until even, and beat thee all that thou requireft for all the \ city of my

out that lhe had gleaned ; and it was about an ephah people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman.
of barley. 12 And now it is true that I am thy near kinfman :
18 H And flie took it up, and went into the city ; howbeit, there is a kinfman nearer than I.
and her mother in law faw what fhe had gleaned and ; 13 Tarry this night, and it fhall be in the mornings
flie brought forth, and gave to her that lhe had referved that if he will perform unto thee the part of a kinf-
after fhe was funiced. man, well let him do the kinfman's part but if he
: :

19 And her mother in law faid unto her, Where haft will not do the part of a kinfman to thee, then will I
thou gleaned today ? and where wroughteft thou ? do the part of a kinfman to thee,, as the Lord liveth ;
Bleffed be he that did take knowledge of thee. And lie down until the morning.
fhe Ihewed her mother in law with whom fhe had 14 U Andihe lay at his feet until the morning: and flie
wrought, and faid, The man's name with whom I rofe up before one could know another. And he faid,
wrought today, is Boaz. Let it not be known that a woman came into the floor.
Or, sheet,
20 And Naomi faid unto her daughter in law, Bleff- 15 Alfo he faid, Bring the veil that thou hast upon

or, a-pron,
ed be he of the Lord, who hath not left off his kind- thee, and hold it. And when flie held it, he meafured
nefs to the living and to the dead. And Naomi laid fix measures of barley, and laid it on her and fhe :

$ Or, one unto her, The man is near of kin unto us, one of || went into the city.
that hath
right to our next kinfmen. 16 And when fhe came to her mother in law, flie
21 And Ruth the Moabitefs faid, He faid unto me faid, Who art thou, my daughter And flie ? told her
alfo, Thou fhalt keep fall by my young men, until all that the man had done to her.
they have ended all my harveft. 17 And flie faid, Thefe fix measures of barley gave
22 And Naomi unto Ruth her daughter in
faid he me for he faid to me, Go not empty unto thy

law, It is good, my daughter, that thou go out with mother in law.

18 Then faid flie, Sit ftill, my daughter, until thou
Or, fall

up'jn thee.
his maidens, that they meet thee not in any other

field. know how the matter will fall for the man will not

2.3 Sokept fall by the maidens of Boaz to glean

flie be in reft, until he have finilhed the thing this day.
unto the end of barley harveft, and of wheat harveft
and dwelt with her mother in law.
1 Boaz calleth the nearest kinsman before the elders .*

P. CIII. HA 6 he refuseth the redemption according to the manner

1 By Naomi' 's instructions, 6 Ruthlieth at the feet of
in Israel. 9 Boaz buyeth the inheritance. 13 Ruth
Boaz ; 8 who acknowledged the duty of a kinsman, beareth Obed.
but tclleth her of a nearer kinsman.
present to Naomi.
14 Boaz his
THEN went Boaz up to the gate, and fat him down
there and, behold, the kinfman of whom Boaz

HP HEN Naomi
her mother in law faid unto her, fpake, came by unto whom he faid, Ho, fuch a one 1

.1- My
daughter, fhall I not leek reft for thee, that it turn aiide, fit down here. And he turned afide, and
may be well with thee ? fatdown.
2 And now is not Boaz of our kindred, with whofe 2 And he took ten men of the elders of the city,
maidens thou waft ? behold, he winnoweth barley to and faid, fit ye down here. And they fat down.
night in the threlbing floor. 3 And he faid unto the kinfman, Naomi, that is
3 Wain thyfelf, therefore, and anoint thee, and come again out of the country of Moab, felleth a par-
put thy raiment upon thee, and get thee down to the cel of land, which was our brother Elimelech's :

floor but make not thyfelf known unto the man, un-
: 4 And 1 1 thought to advertife thee, faying, Buy tHeb. I laid
til he fhall have done eating and drinking. it before the inhabitants, and before the elders of my I iv ill re-
veal in thine
4 And it fhall be, when" he lieth down that thou people. thou wilt redeem it, redeem it ; but if
If ear.

fhalt mark the place where he fhall lie, and thou fhalt thou wilt not redeem //, then tell me, that I may know
2 for
; '

Bannah, in grief, pray eth far a child. CHAP. I. God rememhtreth Hannah,
for there is none to redeem it bende thee, and I am and do thou worthily in Ephratah, and f be famous

after thee. And he faid, I will redeem it. in Bethlehem :

5 Then faid Boaz, What day thou buyeft

the field 12 And let thy houfe be like the houfe of Pharez,
C whom Tamar bare unto Judah,) of the feed which
of the hand of Naomi, thou mufl buy it alfoofRuth
the Moabitefs, the wife of the dead, to raife up the the Lord fhall give thee of this young woman.
name of the dead upon his inheritance. 13 Tf So Boaz took Ruth, and fhe was his wife :

6 II And the kinfman laid, I cannot redeem it for and, when he went in unto her, the Lord gave her
myfelf, left I mar mine own inheritance redeem thou : conception, and fhe bare a fon.
my right to thyfelf for I cannot redeem it.
14 And the women faid unto Naomi, Blefled be the t Heb. caus-
aDeut. 2;rc 7 a Now this was the manner in former time in If- Lord, which hath not f left thee this day without a ed tocea>e
tiiito thee.
rael, concerning redeeming, and concerning changing, ||
kinfman, that his name may be famous in Ifrael ; II
Or. re-
for to confirm ail things a man plucked offhis ihoe.
15 And he fhall be unto thee a reftorer of thy life,
and gave it to his neighbour and this was a teftimo-
: and f a nourifher of t thine old age for thy daugh-
t Heb. thy
ny in Ifrael. ter in law, which loveth thee, which is better to thee gray luirs.
8 Therefore the kinfman faid unto Boaz, Buy it for
than feven fons, hath borne him.
thee fo he drew offhis fhoe.
16 And Naomi took the child, and laid it in her
9 if And Boaz faid unto the elders, and nnto all the bofom, and became nurfe unto it.
people, Ye arc witnefles this day, that I have bought 17 And the women her neighbours gave it a name,
all that was Elimelech's, and all that was Chilion's, faying, There is a fon born to Naomi and they called

and Mahlon's, of the hand of Naomi. his name Obed he is the father of Jeffe, the father of

10 Moreover, Ruth the Moabitefs, the wife of Mah- David.

Ion, have Ipurchafed to be my wife, to raife up the 18 IT Now thefe .are the generations of Pharez :
c c lChro.24,
name of the dead upon his inheritance, that the name Pharez begat Hezron, Matth. 1 3.

of the dead be not cut off from among his brethren, and 19 And Hezron begat Ram, and Ram begat Am-
from the gate of his place ye are witnefles this day.
: minadab,
11 And all the people that were in the gate, and 20 And Amminadab begat Nahfhon, and Nahfhon
the elders, faid, We are witnefles.
The Lord make begat Salmon, ||

the woman that is come into thine houfe like Rachel 21 And Salmon begat Boaz, and Boaz begat Obed,
and like Leah, which two did build the houfe of Ifrael; 22 And Obed begat Jeffe, and Jeffe begat David.

The First Book of SAMUEL, otherwise called,

The First Book of the KINGS.
10 And
flie was t in bitternefs of foul, and prayed
unto the Lord, and wept fore.
chrIst * Elkanah a Levite, having two wives, worshippeth 11 Andfhevoweda vow, and faid, OLoRDof hofts,
cir^HTi. yearly at Shiloh: 4 he cherishcth Hannah, though bar- if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine hand-
ren, and provoked by Peninnah. 9 Hannah, in grief, maid, and remember me, and not forget thine hand-
pray ethfor achild. 19 God remember eth Hannah $$c. maid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid f a man child,«rf

OW there was a certain man of Rimathaimzo- then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his
of vxr.i.

N' phim, of mount Ephraim, and his name was life,

and there fhall no razor come upon his head.
12 II And it came to pals, as fhe t continued pray-
bN'umS. 6
t Heb.

Elkanah, the fon of Jeroham, the fon of Elihu, the fon multiplied

of Tohu, the fon of Zuph, an Ephrathite. ing before the Lord, that Eli marked her mouth, to prjy.

2 And he had two wives the name of the one

; w^ 13 Now Hannah, fhe fpake in her heart only her ;

Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah and ; lips moved, bCft her voice was not heard therefore

Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children. Eli thought Hie had been drunken.
4 And this man went up out of his city a f yearly, 14 And Eli faid unto her, How long wilt thou be
+ Heb. fram
year to year. to worlhip and to facrifice unto the Lord of hofts in drunken ? put away thy wine from thee.
Shiloh and the two fons of Eli, Hophni and Phine-
: 15 And Hannah anfwered and faid, No, my lord ;

has, the priefls of the Lord, were there. I am a woman t of a forrow fill fpirit I have drunk
: tHel.. hard

4 If And when the time was that Elkanah offered, neither wine nor ftrong drink, but have poured out of ipirit.

he gave to Peninnah his wife, and to all her fons and my foul before the Lord.
her daughters, portions. 16 Count not thine handmaid for a daughter of
5 But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion for || ; Belial for out of the abundance of my
: complaint
Or, med-
he loved Hannah but the Lord had fhut up her womb.
: and grief have I fpoken hitherto.
+ Heb. anger 6 And her adverfary alio f provoked her fore, for to 17 Then Eli anfwered and faid, Go in peace and :
ci her.
makeherfret,becaufethe Lord had fhut up her womb. the God of Ifrael grant thee thy petition that thou haft
$ Or, from 7 And as he did fo year by year, f when fhe went ||
afked of him.
the time that
the, &c. up to the houfe of the Lord, fo (lie provoked her 18 And fhe faid, Let thine handmaid find grace in
+ Heb. from
her going up.
therefore fhe wept, and did not eat. thy fight. So the woman went her way, and did eat,
8 Then faid Elkanah her hufband to her, Hannah, and her countenance was no more sad.
why weepeft thou ? and why eateft thou not ? and why is 19 If And they rofe up in the morning, early, and
thy heart grieved? am not I better to thee than ten fons ? worshipped before the Lord, and returned, and came
9 If So Hannah rofe up after they had eaten in Shi- to their houfe to Ramah and Elkanah knew Hannah

loh, and after they had drunk (now Eli the prieftfat
: his wife and the Lord remembered her.
t Heh.

upon a feat by a poft of the temple of the Lord :) 20 Wherefore it came to pafs, t when the time cfiicyi.

Hannah''s song. I. SAM UEL A prophecy against Elis Borne.
was come about, after Hannah had conceived, that 11 AndElkanah wenttoRamah to his houfe and the ;

the bare a fon, and called his name Samuel, saying, ||

child didminifter unto the Lord before Eli the priefl.
Becaufe I have afked him of the Lord. 12 If Now
the tons of Eli were fans of Belial ; they
21 And the manElkanah, and all his houfe, went up knew not the Lord.
to offer unto the Lord the yearly facrifice and his vow. , 13 And the priefl's cuftom with the people was,
22 But Hannah went not up unto her ; for fhe faid that when any man offered facrifice, the priefl's fer-
hufband, Iwiff not go up until the child be weaned* vant came, while the flefh was in feething, with a
and then I will bring him, that he may appear before fiefhhook of three teeth in his hand ;
the Lord, and there abide for ever. 14 And he flruck it into the pan, or kettle, or cal-
23 And Elkanah her hufband faid unto her, Do dron, or pot : all that the fiefhhook brought up, the
what feemeth thee good tarry until thou have weaned ; priefl took for himfehv So they did in Shiloh unto
him only the Lord eftablifh liis word. So the woman
all the Ifraelites that came thither.
abode, and gave her fon luck until fhe weaned him. 15 Alfo, before they burnt the fat,, the priefl's fer-
24 If And when fhe had weaned him, fhe took him vant came, and faid to the man that facrifked, Give
up with her, with three bullocks, and one ephah of flour, flefh to roafl for the priefl for he will not have fod-

and a bottle of wine, and brought him unto the houfe den flefh of thee, but raw.
of the Lord in Shiloh and the child was young.
: 16 And if any man faid unto him, Let them not
cir. 116.5 25 And they flew a bullock, and brought the child fail to burn the fat t prefently, and then take as much t Heb. as en
the day.
to Eli. as thy foul defireth ; then he would anfwer him, Nay,
26 And fhe faid, Oh, my lord ! as thy foul liveth, but thou fhalt give it me now and if not, I will take

my lord, I am the woman that Hood by thee here, it by force

praying unto the Lord. 17 Wherefore the fin of the young men was very
27 For this child I prayed ; and the Lord hath great before the Lord ; for men abhorred the offer-
given me my petition which I afked of him :
ing of the Lord.
or.retum- 28 Therefore alfo I have lent him to the Lord || ;
18 If But Samuel miniflered before the Lord, being
he liveth,
ihJwJtafa-as long as he fhall be lent to the Lord. ||
a child d girded with a linen ephod. dExod.284.-

:fZ?oKD. And he worfhipped the Lord there. 19 Moreover, his mother made him a little coat,
and brought it to him from year to year, when fhe
-vhtm I have
obtained by
1 n
came up with her hufband to offer the yearly facrifice,
* Hannah'' s son S m

thankfulness to God. 12 The sin of

i 1 s~i 7 rr*i •

20 If And Eli bleffed Elkanah and his wife, and

Eli's sons. 18 Samuel'-'s ministry. 20 Eli blesseth faid, The Lord give thee feed of this woman for the
Elkanah and Hannah ; she becometh more fruitful. loan which is lent to the Lord. And they went -which Or, petition II

22 Eli reproveth his sons. 27 A prophecy against

unto their own home. asked, &c~
Eli's house. 21 And the Lord vifited Hannah, fo that fhe con-


eth in the
; my mouth
prayed, and faid,
; mine horn
is enlarged over mine enemies
My heart rejoic-
is exalted in the
ceived and bare three fons and two daughters.
the child Samuel grew before the Lord.
22 II Now
Eli was very old, and heard all that his

becaufe I rejoice in thy falvation. fons did unto all Ifrael and how they lay with the

2 There is none holy as the Lord for there is none : women

_ _
that t affembled

at tH f,b
the door of the tabernacle sembled
belide thee ; neither is there any rock like our God. of the congregation. troops.

tH«b.auNi. 3 Talk no more fo exceeding proudly : let not f ar- 23 And he faid unto them,. Why
do ye fuch things I
rogancy come out of your mouth for the Lord is °,r *¥%

a God of knowledge, and by him aclions are weighed.

: for I hear of your evil dealings by all this people.
n d \t
24 Nay,
f 1 • • evil -words of
for it is no good report that I y>»-
it |] '

4 The bows of the mighty men are broken, and hear ; ye make the Lord's people to tranfgrefs. J Or, to era

they that Humbled are girded with ftrength. 25 If one man fin againfl another, the judge fhall
5 They that were full, have hired out themfelves judge him : but if a man fin againfl the Lord, who
for bread and they that were hungry, ceafed fo that
; : fhall entreat for him ? Notwithstanding they heark-
the barren hath borne feven and fhe that hath many ; ened not unto the voice of their father, becaufe the
' children is waxed feeble. Lord would flay them.
*.BeM. 3239.
Tobjt 132,
6 a
The Lord killeth, and maketh alive he bring- : 26 And the child Samuel grew on, and was in fa-
Wisdom eth down to the grave, and bringeth up. vour both with the Lord, and alfowith men.
it 13.
7 The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich he : 27 If And there came a man of God unto Eli, and
bringeth low, and lifteth up. faidunto him, Thus faith the Lord, Did I plainly
brsaim 1137. 8 b Ke raifeth up the poor out of the duft, andllfteth appear unto the houfe of thy father, when they were
up the beggar from the dunghill, to fet them among in Egypt in Pharaoh's houfe ?
princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory 28 And did I choofe him out of all the tribes of
ibr the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and he Ifrael to be my priefl, to offer upon mine altar, to
hath fet the world upon them. burn incenfe, to wear an ephod before me ? and e did e Levitt
to 14.
9 He will keep the feet of his faints, and the wick- I give unto the houfe of thy father all the offerings
ed fhall be filcnt in darknefs for by ftrength fhall no ; made by fire of the children of Ifrael ?
man prevail. 29 Wherefore kick ye at my facrifice, and at mine
10 The adverfarics of the Lord fhall be broken to offering, which I have commanded in my habitation ;
e chap. 1 10. pieces out of heaven fhall he thunder upon them
; : and honourefl thy fons above me, to make yourfelves
the Lord fhall judge the ends of the earth ; and he fat with the chiefeft of all the offerings of Ifrael my
fhall give ftrength unto his king, and exalt the horn of people ?

his anointed. 30 Wherefore the Lord God of Ifrael faith, I faid


The word of the Lord revealed to Samuel. CHAP. Ill, IV. The ark brought into the camp.
indeed, that thy houfe, and the houfe of thy father, do a thing in Ifrael, at which both the ears of e-wrxr
e\eiy christ
fhould walk bsfore me for ever but now the Lord : one that heareth it, fhall tingle. cir. 1 14 1.

faith, Be it far from me for them that honour me, I ; 12 In that day I will perform againfl Eli all things ;* *- n s*
will honour ; and they that defpife me, fhall be lightly which I have fpoken concerning his houfe f when I : t »*.*««».
efleemed. begin, I will alfo make an end. S3LJ*
31 Behold the days come, that I will cut off thine, 13 b
Fori have told him, that I will judge his 1%'^f 1

arm, and the arm of thy father's houfe, that there houfe for ever, for the iniquity which he knoweth {|'£k*t :

fhall not be an old man in thine houfe. becaufe his fons made themfelves vile, and he f |j
l°of'J£;rs .
9 Or, the t
32 And thou (halt fee an enemy in my habitation, ||
reflrained them not. ed.


m all the wealth which God fhall give Ifrael and there ; 14 And therefore have fworn unto 'the houfe oIaIwsw
Eli. that the iniquity of" Eli's houfe fhall not be purged upan th!m
fhall not be an old man in thine houfe for ever.

voiidhai 33 And the man of thine, whom I fhall not cut off with facrifice nor offering for ever.
from mine altar, shall be to confume thine eyes, and 15 H And Samuel lay until the morning, and opened
to grieve thine heart and all the mcreafe of thine
: the doors of the houle of the Lord. And Samuel
t H«b. men. houfe fhall die t in the flower of their age. feared to fhe w
Eli the vifion.
34 And this shall be a iign unto thee, that fhall 16 Then Eli called Samuel, and faid, Samuel, my
come upon thy two fons, on Hophni and Phinehas ;
fon. And he anfwered, Here am I.
in one day they fhall die both of them. 17 And he faid, What is the thing that the LORD
35 And I will raife me up a faithful prieft, that fhall hath faid unto thee ? I not from me
pray thee hide it :

do according to that which is in mine heart, and in God do fo to thee, and f more alfo, if thou hide any *dd.Heb. io

my mind and I will build him a fure houfe and he

: ; thing from me, of all the things that he faid unto thee
Or, rje'd. . »

fhall walk before mine Anointed for ever. 18 And Samuel told him t every whit, and hid ]£%£*,
36 And it fhall come to pafs, that every one that is nothing from him. And he faid, It is the Lord; let or> »"•*
left in thine houfe, fhall come and crouch to him for a him do what feemeth him good.
piece of filver, and a morfel of bread, and fhall fay, 19 If And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with
f Heb. Join.
one of the priefts' offices,
Or, scme-
t Put me, I pray thee, into |] him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground.
ivhat about
the priest-
that I may eat a piece of bread. 20 And all Ifrael, from Dan even to Beerfheba, Or,
C H knew that Samuel was eflablifhed to be a prophet of H
AJgtJII. the Lord.

1 How word of
the the Lord was first 7'evealed to
21 And the Lord appeared again in Shiloh for :

Samuel. 11 God sheweth to Santuel the destruction

the Lord revealed himfelfto Samuel in Shiloh, by
of Eli's house. 15 Samuel, adjured by Eli, telle tb the word of the Lord.
him the 'vision. 19 Samuel acknowledged for a
prophet in Israel. CHAP.
sir. 1141.

AN D the child Samuel miniftered unto the Lord

before Eli. And the word of the Lord^ was
precious in thofe days there was no open vifion. ;
1 The Israelites are smitten by the Philistines at
Ebenezcr ;
their enemies,
3 they fetch the ark, to the terror of
10 but are smitten again; the ark
taken ; Hophni and Phinehas are slain. 12 Eli at
2 And it came to pafs at that time, when Eli was
the tidings falleth backward, and his neck breaketh.
laid down in his place, and his eyes began to wax
dim, that he could not fee ; 19 The wife of Phinehas through grief travailcth,
is delivered of lchabod, and dieth.
3 And ere the lamp of God went out in the temple
of the Lord, where the ark of God was, and Samuel
was laid down to sleep ;
D the t came to all Ifrael. °/j"
word of Samuel J|
Ifrael went out againfl the Philiflines to t Hen.


4 That tl*e Lord called Samuel and he anfwered, : battle, and pitched befide Ebenezer and the Phil- :

Here am I. iflines pitched in Aphek.

5 And he ran unto Eli, and laid, Here am I for ; 2 And the Philiflines put themfelves in array
thou calledft me. And he laid, I called not lie down ; againfl Ifrael and when t they joined battle, Ifrael XfuuwH

again. And he went and lay down. was fmitten before the Philiflines ; and they flew of rcad i <' -

6 And Lord
called vet again, Samuel.
the And t the army in the field about four thoufand men. \**£ thi
Samuel aroie, and went to Eli, and faid, Here am I 3 IT And when the people were come into the camp, „4t ^ .

for thou diclit call me. And

he anfwered, I called not, the elders of Ifrael faid, Wherefore hath the Lord
my fon lie down again.

fmitten us to day before the Philiflines ? Let us t fetch cb /"* e ™

8 Or, Thus
did Samuel, 7 Now Samuel did not yet know
the Lord, nei- the ark of the covenant of the Lord out of Shiloh
before he
kneiu the
was the word of the Lord yet revealed unto him.
ther unto us, that, when it comedi among us, it may fave
LORD, and 8 And the Lord called Samuel again the third us out of the hand of our enemies.
before the
•word of the time. Andhearofe, and went to Eli, and faid, Here 4 So the people fent to Shiloh, that they might
LORD -was
revealed unto am I for thou didft call me. And Eli perceived that
; bring from thence the ark of the covenant of the Lord
the Lord had called the child. of hofts, which dwelleth between the cherubims and :

9 Therefore Eli faid unto Samuel, Go, lie down ; the two fons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were there
and it iliall be, if he call thee, that thou fhalt fay, with the ark of the covenant of God.
Speak, Lord for thy fervant heareth. So Samuel
; 5 And when the ark of the covenant of the Lord
,.. cnt and lay down in his place. came into the camp, all Ifrael fhouted with a great
10 And the Lord came, and flood, and called as at fhout, fo that the earth rang again.
other times, Samuel, Samuel Then Samuel anfwer- ! 6 And when the Philiflines heard the noife of the
ed, Speak ; for thy fervant heareth. fhout, they faid, What meancth the noife of this great
11 '[And the Lord faid to Samuel, Behold, I will fhout in the camp of the Hebrews? and they under-
Ichabod is born. I. SAMUEL. 'fhe Philistines send back the ark.
CHRISTflood that the ark of the Lord was come into the camp.
7 And the Philiftines were afraid ; for they faid,
AND the Philiftines took the ark of
brought from Ebenezer unto Afhdod.
God, and
God is come into the camp. And they faid, unto Woe 2 When the Philiftines took the ark of God, they
dZ^taZthT' us f° r there hath not been fuch a thing t heretofore.
' brought it into the houfe of Dagon, and fet it by Dagon.
third Jay.
3 Woe
unto us who fhall deliver us out of the hand
! 3 If And when they of Afhdod arofe early on the
of thefe mighty Gods ? thefe are the Gods that fmote morrow, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to
the Egyptians with all the plagues in the wildernefs. the earth before the ark of the rd L
And they took

9 Be ftrong, and quit yourfelves like men, ye O Dagon, and fet him in his place again.
Philiftines ! that ye be not fervants unto the Hebrews, 4 And when they arofe early on the morrow morn-
a ing, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the
rntb.Zmen. as they have been to you ; t quit yourfelves like
men, and fight. ground before the ark of the Lord ; and the head of

10 If And
the Philiftines fought, and Ifrael was Dagon, and both the palms of his hands were cut off
fmitten, and they fled every man into his tent : and upon the threfhold ; only the stump of Dagon was
11 nor, the
Hsh> *arU
there was a very great flaughter ; for there fell of Ifrael left to him.
thirty thoufand footmen. 5 Therefore, neither the priefts of Dagon, nor any
11 And the ark of God was taken ; and the two that come into Dagon's houfe, tread on the threfhold
tueb. died, fonsof Eli, Hophni and Phinehas,
t were {lain. of Dagon in Afhdod unto this day.
12 If And there ran a man of Benjamin out of the 6 IfBut the hand oftheLoRD was heavy upon them
army, and came to Shiloh the fame day with his of Afhdod, and he deftroyed them, and fmote them
clothes rent, and with earth upon his head. with a emerods, even Afhdod, and the coafts thereof. a Psalm
78 66.
13 And when he came, lo, Eli fat upon a feat by 7 And when the men of Afhdod faw that it was fo,
the way fide watching for his heart trembled for the
: they faid, The ark of the God of Ifrael fhall not abide
ark of God. And when the man came into the city with us ; for his hand is fore upon us, and upon Dagon
and told it, all the city cried out. our God.
.14 And when Eli heard the noife of the crying, he 8 1 They fent, therefore, and gathered all the lords
faid, What meancth the noife of this tumult ? And of the Philiftines unto them, and faid, What fhall we
the man came in haftily, and told Eli. do with the ark of the God of Ifrael ? And they an-
15 Now
Eli was ninety and eight years old ; and fwered, Let the ark of the God of Ifrael be carried
faChap. 3 i b
t Heb. stood,
his eyes \ were dim, that he could not fee. about unto Gath. And they carried the ark of the
16 And the man faid unto Eli, I am he that came God of Ifrael about thither.
out of the army, and I fled to day out of the army. 9 And it was so, thatafter they had carried it about,
eb '' 5 "" And he faid, What
f is there done, fon ? my the hand of the Lord was tigainit the city with a very
17 And the meffenger anfwered and faid, Ifrael is great deflrutSlion and he fmote the men of the city,

fled before the Philiftines ? and there hath been alfo a both fmall and great, and they had emerods in their
great flaughter among the people ; and thy two fons fecret parts.
alfo, Hophni and Phinehas, are dead ; and the ark of 10 If Therefore, they fent me ark of God to Ekron.
God is taken. And it came to pafs, as the ark of God came to Ekron,
Cir. 1141.
18 And it came to pafs, when he made mention of that the Ekronites cried out, faying, They have
the ark of God, that he fell from off the feat backward, brought about the ark of the God of Ifrael to us, to
by the fide of the gate, and his neck brake, and he flay us and our people.
died for he was an old man, and heavy and he had
; : 1 So they fent and gathered together all the lords
judged Ifrael forty years. of the Philiftines, and faid, Send away the ark of the
19 II And his daughter in law, Phinehas' wife, was God of Ifrael, and let it go again to his own place, that
H Or, to cry with child, near to be delivered
and when flie : it flay us not, and our people for there was a deadly
heard the tidings that the ark of God was taken, and deftruclion throughout all the city ; the hand of God
that her father in law and her huiband were dead, fhe was very heavy there.
tneb.vere bowed herfelf, and travailed ; for her pains f came 12 And the men that died not, were fmitten with
tunsd -
upon her. the emerods and the cry of the citv went up to heaven.

20 And about the time of her death, the women CHAP. VL

that flood by her faid unto her, Fear not for thou ; 1 After seven months, the Philistines take counsel how
t Heb.
her heart.
m not baft borne a fon. But fhe anfwered not, f neither did to send back the ark : 10 They bring it on a new
fhe regard it. cart, with an offering, unto Bethshemesh. 19 The
is the
21 And fhe named the child ||
Ichabod, faying, Bethshemites are smitten for looking bito the ark :
glory ? or. The glory is departed from Ifrael (becaufe the ark : 21 they send to the inhabit ants of Kirjathjearim to
There is no
epry. of God was taken, and becaufe of her father in law, fetch it.
and her hufband :)
22 And the faid, The glory is departed from Ifrael
AN D the ark of Jthe Lord was in the country of
the Philiftines feven months. cir. 1140.

for the ark of God is taken. 2 And the

Philiftines called for the priefts and the
y. CHAP. diviners, faying, What
fhall we do to the ark of the
1 The Philistines bring the ark into the house of Da- Lord ? tell us wherewith we fhall fend it to his place.
gen at Ashdod. 3 Dagon is smitten down, and brok- 3 And
they faid, If ye fend away the ark of the God
en in pieces before the ark. 6 The men of Ashdod of Ifrael, not empty
fend it but in any wife return

are smitten with emerods. 8 The ark being brought him a trefpafs offering then ye fhall be healed, and

to Gath, the men of Gath are smitten with the same it fhall be known to you why his hand is not removed

plague ; 10 as also the men of Ekron, when it was from you.

brought thither. 4 Then faid they, What shall be the trefpafs offering
: :

The Bethshemites smitten. CHAP. VII. The Philistines subdued,

which we fhall return to him ? They anfwered, Five 1

to (land before this holy Lord God ? and to whom
golden emerods, and five golden mice, according to fhall he go up from us ?
the number of the lords of the Philiftines for one :
21 If And they fent meffengers to the inhabitants of
Kirjathjearim, faying, The Philiftines have brought
t Heb. them. plague was on t you ail, and on your lords.
again the ark of the Lord come ye down, and fetch
5 Wherefore, ye fhall make images of your eme- ;

it up to you.
rods, and images of your mice that mar the land and ;

ye fhall give glory unto the God of Ifrael peradven- :

1 The ark brought into the house of Abinadab at Kir-
ture he will lighten his hand from off you, and irom
your gods, and from off your land. jathjearim, and Eleazar his son is sanctified to keep
3 After twenty years, the Israelites, at the ex-
6 Wherefore then do ye harden your hearts, as the

hortation of Samuel, solemnly repent at Mizpeh. 7

Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their hearts I when
J Or, re-
he had wrought wonderfully among them, did they
The Philistines go up against Israel. 9 While Sam-
uel pray eth and sacrifice ih, the Lord discernfiteth
aExod 12 31 not let t the people go, and they departed ?
the Philistines by thunder at Ebenezer. 13 The
7 Now, therefore, make a new cart, and take two
t Heb. them-
Philistines are subdued. 15 Samuel peaceably and
milch kine, on which there hath come no yoke, and
tie the kine to the cart, and bring their calves
home religiously judgeth Israel.

from them :

8 And take the ark of the Lord, and lay it upon

AN D the men of Kirjathjearim came, and fetched
up the ark of the Lord, and brought it into the
houfe of Abinadab in the hill, and fanclified Eleazar
the cart and put the jewels of gold, which ye return

his fon to keep the ark of the Lord.

him for a trefpafs offering, in a coffer by the fide
thereof and fend it away, that it may go.
2 And it came to pafs, while the ark abode in Kirjath-
jearim, that the time was long ; for it was twenty years
9 And fee, if it goeth up by the way of his own coalt
and all the houfe of Ifrael lamented after the Lord.
1 Or, it, to Bethfhemefh, then he hath done us this great evil

3 H And Samuel fpake unto all the houfe of Ifrael,

but if not, then we iliall know that it is not his hand
faying, If ye do return unto the Lord with all your
that fmote us ; it was a chance that happened to us.
hearts, then a put away the flrange gods and b Afhta- a Joshua
10 If And the men did fo ; and took two milch 24 '4 »3«
roth from among you, and prepare your hearts unto b Judges
kine, and tied them to the cart, and fhut up their
the Lord, and c
ferve him only, and he will deliver cDcut. 6 13.
2 '3-
calves at home :
Matth. 4 10.
11 And they laid the ark of the Lord upon the you out of the hand of the Philiftines. Luke 4 8.
and the coffer with the mice of gold, and the 4 Then the children of Ifrael did put away d Baalim d Judges
cart, 2 u.

images of their emerods.

and Afhtaroth, and ferved the Lord only.
5 And Samuel faid, Gather all Ifrael to Mizpeh,
12 And the kine took the ftraight way to the way of
Bethfhemefh, and went along the highway, lowing as and I will pray for you unto the Lord.
6 And they gathered together to Mizpeh, and drew
they went, and turned not afide to the right hand or to
and the lords of the Philiftines went after water, and poured it out before the Lord, and failed
the left ;

them unto the border of Bethfhemefh. on that day, and faid there, We have finned againft
13 And they of Bethfhemefh were reaping their
the Lord. And Samuel judged the children of
and they lifted up their Ifrael in Mizpeh..
wheat harveft in the valley :

eyes, and faw the ark, and rejoiced to fee it. 7 H And when the Philiftines heard that the chil-
14 And the cart came into the field of Jofhua a dren of Ifrael were gathered together to Mizpeh, the
Bethfhemite, and flood there, where there was a great lords of the Philiftines went up againft Ifrael and:

flone and they clave the wood of the cart, and offer-
when the children of Ifrael heard it, they were afraid
ed the kine a burnt offering unto the Lord. of the Philiftines.
15 And the Levitestook down the ark of the Lord, 8 And the children of Ifrael faid to Samuel, f Ceafe t Heb. Be
and the coffer that was with it, wherein the jewels of not to cry unto the Lord our God for us, that he will from not silent
us frem

gold were, and put them on the great flone and the :
fave us out of the hand of the Philiftines. crying.

men of Bethfhemefh offered burnt offerings, and 9 H And Samuel took a fucking lamb, and offered
it for a burnt offering wholly unto the Lord and
facrificed facrifices. the fame day unto the Lord. ;

16 And when the five lords of the Philiftines had Samuel cried unto the Lord for Ifrael and the Lord

feen it, they returned to Ekron the fame day. ||

heard him. ' |iOr, tin-

10 And as Samuel was offering up the burnt offer-

17 And thefe are the golden emerods, which the
Philiftines returned for a trefpafs offering unto the ing, the Philiftines drew near to battle againft Ifrael :

Lord for Afhdod one, for Gaza one, for Afkelon

but the Lord thundered with a great thunder on that
one, for Gath one, for Ekron one :
day upon the Philiftines, and diicomfited them and ;

18 And the golden mice, according to the number they were fmitten before Ifrael.
of all the cities of the Philiftines belonging to the five 11 And the men of Ifrael went out of Mizpeh, and
lords, loth of fenced cities and of country villages, purfued the Philiftines, and fmote them, until they
Or, rrtat
even unto the I great stone of Abel, whereon they came under Bethcar.
let down the ark of the Lord which stone remaincth
12 Then Samuel took a flone, and fet it between
unto this day in the field of Jofhua the Bethfhemite. Mizpeh and Shen, and called the name of it Eben- || That i«,

The stone of
19 H And he fmote the men of Bethfhemifh, becaufe ezer, faying, Hitherto hath the Lord helped us. help.

they had looked into the ark of the Lord, even he 13 If So the Philiftines were fubdued, and they came
fmote of the people fifty thoufand and threefcore and no more into the coaft of Ifrael and the hand of the

ten men. And the people lamented, becaufe the Lord Lord was againft the Philiftines all the days of Samuel.
had fmitten many of the people with a great (laughter. 14 And the cities which the Philiftines had taken
And the men of Bethlhemefh faid, Who able from Ifrael were reftored to Ifrael, from Ekron even
I 20 is
i 5 ;; .

Samuel sheweth the manner of a king. I. S A M UEL Saul sent t& seek his father s asses,
Ifrael deliver 18 And ye fhall cry out in that day, becaufe of your CHRIST
cmusT unto Gath; and the coaft thereof did <

king which ye fhall have chofen you ; and the Lord cir. 100;.
out f ie mn(:is of the
ciV. ,,20.
t} Philiftines. And there was
^^ ^"' peace i

between Ifrael and the Amorites. will not hear you in that day.

And Samuel judged Ifrael all the days of his hie. 19 H Neverthelefs, the people refufedto obey the
15 If
16 And he went from year to year t in circuit to voice of Samuel : and they faid, Nay but we will;
Bethel, and Gilgaf, and Mizpeh, and judged Ifrael in
have a king over us,
all thofe places.
20 That we alfo may be like all the nations, and
17 And his return was to Kamah ; for there was that our king may judge us, and go out before us,
his houfe and there he judged Ifrael ; and there he
and fight our battles.
built an altar unto the Lord.
21 And Samuel heard all the words of the people,
and he rehearfed them in the ears of the Lord.
VIII. 22 And the Lord faid to Samuel, Hearken unto
1 By occasion of the ill government of Samuel's sons their voice, and make them a king. And Samuel faid
the Israelites ask a king. 6 Samuel is displeased, unto the men of Ifrael, Go ye every man unto his city.
and pray eth ; he is comforted by God: 10 he sheweth CHAP. IX.
the manner of a king. 19 They continue their im- .

portunity, and God directeth Samuel to yield to the 1 Saul being sent to seek his father's asses, is advised
people. by his servant to go to Samuel. 15 God having told
Samuel both of his coming and his appointment to
C ir. ma. A N D it came to pafs, when Samuel was old, that
the kingdom, he enter taineth Saul at a feast. -25
J\. he made his fons judges over Ifrael. Samuel, after secret communication, bringeth Saul
2 Now the name of his firftbom was Joel, and the on his way.
name of his fecond Abiah they were judges in Beer-

was a man of Benjamin, whole name
3 And his fons walked not in his ways, but turned
was a
Kifh, the fon of Abiel, the fon of Zeror,
the fon of Bechorafh, the fon of Aphiah, a Benja-
® 33-

aSffit. re S -
olide after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted ||

judgment. mite, a mighty man of power.

t |,
1 Or, the ssi

1.095- 4 Then all the elders of Ifrael gathered themielves 2 And he had a fon whole name was Saul, a choice ?««/*£"

together, and came to Samuel unto Ramah,

young man, and a goodly ; and there was not among hwe."*'

5 And faid unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy the children of Ifrael a goodlier perfon than he from :

now b make us a king to his fhoulders and upward, he was higher than any of
Acts 13 31. fons walk not in thy ways :

the people.
"t"Heb. ioas judge us, like all the nations.
evil in the 3 And the affes of Kifh, Saul's father were loft
eyes of Sam- 6 II But the thing t difpleafed Samuel, when they
faid, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel pray- and Kifh faid to Saul hisfon, Take now one of the
Lord. fervants with thee, and arife, go feek the affes.
ed unto the
7 And the Lord faid unto Samuel, Hearken unto 4 And he paffed through mount Ephraim, and
paffed through the land of Shalifha, but they found
the voice of the people in all that they fay unto thee :

for they have not rejected thee, but they have reject-
them not : then they paffed through the land of Sba-
lim, and there they were not ; and he paffed through
ed me, that I fhould not reign over them.
the land of the Benjamites, but they found them not.
8 According to all the works which they have done
fince the day that I brought them up out of Egypt,
5 they were come to the landofZuph,
even unto this day, wherewith they have forfaken me, Saul faid to his fervant that was with him, Come, and
let us return ; left my father leave caring for the affes,
and ferved other gods 10 do they alfo unto thee.

Or, obey.
9 Now, therefore, hearken unto their voice how- : 11
and take thought for us.
6 And he faid unto him, Behold now, there is in
Or, not-
beit yet proteft folemnly unto them, and fhew them

ing, -when this city a man of God, and he is an honourable man
thou hast sol- the manner of the king that fhall reign over them.
all that he faith, cometh furely to pafs : now, let us
10 II And Samuel told all the words of the Lord
emnly protest'
til against
them, then
unto the people that alked of him a king. go thither ; peradventure he can fhew us our way,
thou shalt
that we fhould go.
sheiv, &c 11 And he faid, This will be the manner of the king
that fhall reign over you He will take your fons, and
7 Then faid Saul to his fervant, But, behold, if we
appoint them for himfelf, for his chariots, and to be his go, what fhall we bring the man ? for the bread t is tHet,. ,-,

horfemen and some fhall run before his chariots. Ipent in our veffels, and there is not a prefent to bring &"f "" 'r

12 And he will appoint him captains over thoufands, to the man of God what f have we ?
"x " us?
8 And the fervant anfwered Saul again, and faid,

and captains over fifties, and and will set them to ear
his ground, and to reap his harveft, and to make his Behold, f I have here at hand the fourth part of a tHekifen
of iilver ; that will I give to the man of God, my hand.
found 5 i

inftruments of war, and inftruments of his chariots. fliekel

13 And he will take your daughters to be confec- to tell us our way.
tionaries, and to be cooks, and to be bakers. 9 (Beforetime in Ifrael, when a man went to in-
14 And he will take your fields, and your vine- quire of God, thus he fpake, Come, and let us. go to
yards, and your oliveyards, coeniht. beft of them, and the feer for he that is now called a Prophet, was be-

give them to his fervants. foretime called a Seer.)

1 And he will take the tenth of your feed, and of your 10 Then faid Saul to his fervant, t Well faid t Heb. r;.
come, let us go. So they went unto the city where
^ rda ^*\ ; ;,

t Het>. ex- vine-yards, and give to his t officers, and to his fervants.
the man of God was.
16 And he will take your menfervants, and your
maidfervants, and your goodliefl young men, and 11 If And2& they went up f the hill to the city tHeh.
• :'ic
ascent oftfie

your alios, and put them to his work. they found young maidens going out to draw water
17 He will take the tenth, of your fheep and ye ;
and faid unto them, Is the feer here ?
(hall be his fervants. 12 And they anfwered them, and faid, He is be- ;

1 ;

Saul cometb to Samuel, CHAP. X. Saul p

hold, he is before you : make hafte now, for he came eth the matter of the kingdom from his uncle
today to the city ; for there is a facrifice of the peo-
Saul is chosen king.
I Or, feast. ple today in the high place.
13 As foon as ye be come into the city, ye (hall
Samuel took a
his head,
vial of oil, and poured
and khTed him, and laid, Is
flraightway find him, before he go up to the high place not becaufe the Lord hath anointed thee to fo captain.
to eat for the people will not eat until he come, be-
over his inheritance ?
caufe he doth blefs the facrifice and afterwards they
2 When thou art departed from me today, then
eat that be bidden. Now, therefore, get you up ; for thou lhalt find two men by a Rachel's fepulchre, in the a Genesis
35 20.
t Heb. today. about t this time ye fhail find him. border of Benjamin, atZelzah and they will fay unto

14 And they went up into the city andvibsxv they :

thee, The affes which thou wentelt to feek, are found:
were come into the city, behold, Samuel came out and, lo, thy father hath left f the care of the affes, and
tH«b. the
againft them, for to go up to the high place. forroweth for you, faying, What fhall I do for my fon ?
b Chap. I J r
Alts 1321. 15 U b Now, the Lord had f told Samuel in his 3 Then lhalt thou go on forward from thence, and
vealcd the
ear a day before Saul came, faying, thou lhalt come to the plain of Tabor, and there fhall
ear of 16 Tomorrow about this time, I will fend thee a meet thee three men going up to God to Bethel, one
man out of the land of Benjamin, and thou fhalt anoint carrying three kids, and another carrying three loaves
him to be captain over my people Ifrael, that he may of bread, and another carrying a bottle of wine :

lave my people out of the hand of the Philiftines ; for 4 And they will ffalute thee, and give thee twoloaves t Heb. ask
I have looked upon my people, becaufe their cry is of bread ; which thou lhalt receive of their hands.
thee tf
come unto me. 5 After that thou lhalt come to the hill of God, where
17 And when Samuel faw Saul, the Lord faid un-
is the garrifon of the Philiftines and it fhall come to

Behold the man whom I fpake to thee of!

to him, pafs, when thou art come thither to the city, that thou
fhall \ reign over my people.
t Heb.
restrain in. this fame lhalt meet a company of prophets coming down from
18 Then Saul drew near to Samuel in the gate, and the high place with a pfaltery, and a tabret, and a pipe,
faid, Tell me, I pray thee, where the feer's houfe is. and a harp, before them ; and they fhall prophefy.
19 And Samuel anfwered Saul, and faid, I am the 6 And the Spirit of the Lord will come upon thee,
feer go up before me unto the high place for ye
: ;
and thou lhalt prophefy with them, and lhalt be turn-
fhall eat with me today and tomorrow I will let
ed into another man.
thee go, and will tell thee all that is in thine heart. 7 And f let it be, when thefe figns are come unto shallcomt
t Heb. it
tHeb. to day
three days. 20 And as for thine affes, that were loll t three days thee, t that thou do as occalion lhall ferve thee for to tiass, th.T.

ago, fet not thy mind on them for they are found.
God is with thee. iL'hrn these
signs, lire.
And on whom is all the defire of Ifrael ? is it not on 8 And thou lhalt go down before me to Gilgal for t Heb. da
thee, and on all thy father's houfe ? ancl behold, I will come down unto thee, to offer at thine
21 And Saul anfwered and faid, Am not I a Benja- hind shall
burnt offerings, and to facrifice facrifices of peace of- find.
mite, of the fmalleft of the tribes of Ifrael ? and my ferings : b feven days lhalt thou tarry, till I come to ^cl8,aP
family the leaft of all the families of the tribe of Ben- thee, and fhew thee what thou fhalt do.
cccordinz to jamin ? wherefore, then, fpeakeft thou t fo to me ? 9 If And it was so, that when he had turned his f t Heb.
this -word !
22 And Samuel took Saul and his fervant, and back to go from Samuel, God f gave him another t Heb.

brought them into the parlour, and made them fit in heart and all thofe figns came to pafs that day.

the chiefcft place among them that were bidden, 10 Ancl when they came thither to the hill, behold,
which were about thirty perfons. a company of prophets met him and the Spirit of God

23 And Samuel faid unto the cook, Bring the por- came upon him, and he prophefied among them.
tion which I gave thee, of which I faid unto thee, Set 1 And it came to pafs, when all that knew him
it by thee.
beforetime faw, that, behold, he prophefied among
24 And the cook took up the fhoulder, and that the prophets, then the people laid f one to another, t Keb.s
which was upon it, and let it before Saul. And Sam- man to hit
What is this that is come unto the fon of Kifli ? c is neighbour.
I Or,
uel faid, Behold that which is left fet it before thee,
|| !
Saul alio among the prophets ? c Chap.
'9 24.
and eat for unto this time hath it been kept for thee
12 And one f of the fame place anfwered and faid, t Heb. from.
lince I faid, I have invited the people. So Saul did But who is their father ? Therefore it became a prov-

eat with Samuel that day. erb, Is Saul alfo among the prophets ?
25 If And when they were come down from the 13 And when he had made an end of prophefy ing,
high place into the city, Samuel communed with Saul lie came to the high place.
upon the top of the houfe. 14 If And Saul's uncle faid unto him, and to his
26 And they arofe early and it came to pafs abouf
fervant, Whither went ye ? And he faid, To feek the
the fpring of the day, that Samuel called Saul to the affes and when we faw that they were no where, we
top of the houfe, faying, Up, that I may fend thee came to Samuel.
away. And Saul arofe, and they went out both of 15 And Saul's uncle faid, Tell me, I pray thee,
them, he and Samuel, abroad. what Samuel faid unto you.
27 And, as they were going down to the end of the 16 Ancl Saul faid unto his uncle, He told us plain'y
city,Samuel faid to Saul, Bid the fervant pafs on be- that the affes were found. But of the matter of the
tHeb. today fore us, (and he paffed on,) but Hand thou Hill f a
kingdom, whereof Samuel fpake, he told him not.
while, that I may fhew thee the word of God.
17 Tf And Samuel called the people together unto
CHAP. X. the Lord to Mizpeh,
1 Samuel ano'mteth Saul, and gheth him three signs in 18 And faid unto the children of Ifrael, Thus faith
confirmation of what he had told him. 9 Saul's the Lord God of Ifrael, I brought up Ifrael out of
heart is changed, and he prophesieth : 14 he conceal- Egypt, and delivered you out of the hand of the
2C Egyptians,
1 ,

Saul's anger against Nahasb. I. SAMUEL. Samuel reproveth the people.

Egyptians, and out of the hand of all kingdoms, and 8 And when he numbered 'them in Bezek, the
of them that oppreffed you : children of Ifrael were three hundred thoufand, and
19 And ye have this day rejected your God, who the men of Judah thirty thoufand.
himfelf faved you out of all your adverfities, and your 9 And they faid unto the meffengers that came,
tribulations ; and ye have faid unto him, Nay, but fet a Thus lhall ye fay unto the men of Jabefhgilead, To-
king over us. Now, therefore, prefent yourielves be- morrow, by that time the fun be hot, ye fhall have
fore the Lord by your tribes, and by your thoufands. ||
help. And the meffengers came, and fhewed it to erance.
»° dth'v«
20 And when Samuel had caufed ail the tribes of the men of Jabefh ; and they were glad.
Ifrael to come near, the tribe of Benjamin was taken. 10 Therefore the men of Jabefh faid, Tomorrow
21 When he had caufed the tribe of Benjamin to we will come out unto you, and ye fhall do with us
come near by their families, the family of Matri was allthat feemeth good unto you.
taken, and Saul the fon of Kifh was taken and when : 1 And it was so on the morrow, that Saul put the
they fought him, he could not be found. people in three companies ; and they came into the
22 Therefore they inquired of the Lord further, midft of the hofl in the morning watch, and flew the
if the man fhould yet come thither. And theLoR d an- Ammonites until the heat of the day : and it came to
fwered, Behold, he hath hid himfelf among the fluff. pats, that they which remained were fcattered, fo that
23 And they ran and fetched him thence and when : two of them were not left together.
he Hood among the people, he was higher than any of 12 IF And the people faid unto Samuel, is he Who
the people from his fhoulders and upward. that faid, Shall Saul reign over us ? bring the men,
24 And Samuel faid to all the people, See ye him that we may put them to death.
whom the Lord hath chofen, that there is none like 13 And Saul faid, There fhall not a man be put to
him among all the people ? And all the people fhout- death this day: for today the Lord hath wrought
]£t:noL. ed, and faid, f God fave the king. falvation in Ifrael.
25 Then Samuel told the people the manner of the 14 IF Then faid Samuel to the people, Come, and
kingdom, and wrote it in a book, and laid it up be- let us go to Gilgal, and renew the kingdom there.
fore the Lord. And Samuel fent all the people 15 And all the people went to Gilgal and there ;

away, every man to his houfe. they made Saul king before the Lor d in Gilgal : and
26 IFAnd Saul alfo went home to Gibeah and ; there they facrificed facrifices of peace offerings before
there went with him a band of men, whole hearts the Lord ; and there Saul and all the men of Ifrael
God had touched. rejoiced greatly.
27 But the children of Belial faid, How fhall this CHAP. XII.
or he
man ^tVe us ^- nc tne y defpifed him, and brought
ai though he him no prefents but he held his peace.
1 SamuePs integrity acknowledged: 6 the people charge

had ban deaf. edwith ingratitude .-18 they are terrified with thun-
CHAP.XI. der in harvest time. 20 Samuel comforteth them, &c.
1 Nahash the Ammonite malting war against Jabesh-
gilead, proposeth a reproachful condition : 4 they
AND Samuel faid unto all Ifrael, Behold, I have
hearkened unto your voice in all that ye faid
send messengers to Saul, and by him are delivered. unto me, and have made a king over you.
14 Saul is thereby confirmed, and his kingdom re- 2 And now, behold, the king walketh before you :
newed at Gilgal. and I am old and gray headed ; and, behold, my fons
I^HEN Nahafh the Ammonite came up, and en- are with you and I have walked before you from
my childhood unto this day.

camped againft Jabefhgilead

. and all the men :

of Jabelh laid unto Nahaih, Make a covenant with us 3 Behold, a here I am : witnefs againft me before a- Eccto.
and we will ferve thee. the Lord, and before his anointed whofe ox have I

2 And Nahafh the Ammonite anfwered them, On taken ? or whofe afs have I taken I or whom have I
this condition will I make a covenant with you, that I defrauded ? whom have I oppreffed or of whofe
may thruft out all your right eyes, and lay it for a hand have I received any f bribe to blind mine || t Heb. ran-
reproach upon all Ifrael. eyes therewjfth ? and I will reftore it you. H Or, that I

tar'«/°'" 3 Ancl me elders of Jabefh faid unto him, f Give 4 And they faid, Thou haft not defrauded us, nor should hide
mine eyes
us (even days' refpite, that we may fend meffengers oppreffed us, neither haft thou taken aught of any at him.

unto all the coafts of Ifrael and then, if there be no

: man's hand.
man to fave us, we will come out to thee. 5 And he faid unto them, The Lord is witnefs
4 IF Then carne the meffengers to Gibeah of Saul, againft you, and his anointed is witnefs this day, that
and told the tidings in the ears of the people and all : ye have not found aught in my hand. And they an-
the people lifted up their voices, and wept. fwered, He is witnefs.
5 And, behokl, Saul came after the herd out of the 6 IF And Samuel faid
unto the people, It is the
field and Saul faid, What aileth the people that they
; Lord advanced Mofes and Aaron, and that H°r''"«^'
that ||

weep ? And they told him the tidings of the men of brought your fathers up out of the land of Egypt.
Jabefh. 7 Now, therefore, ftand ftill, that I may reafbn with
6 And the Spirit of God came upon Saul when he you before the Lord of all the t righteous acls of the t Heb. right.
heard thofe tidings, and his anger was kindled greatly. Lord, which he did f to you, and to your fathers. or, benefits.

7 And he took a yoke of oxen, and hewed them in 8 b When Jacob was come into Egypt, and your t Heb. -with,
b Genesis
pieces, and fent them throughout all the coafts of If- fathers cried unto the Lord, then 46 5 6.
the Lord
fent cExod.416, c

rael by the hands of meffengers, faying, Whofoever Mofes and Aaron, which brought forth your fathers
cometh not forth after Saul and after Samuel, fo fhail out of Egypt, and made them dwell in this place.
it be done unto his oxen. And the fear of the Lord 9 And
when they forgat the their God, d he djudg es4*«
tHA aione
£j| on ^
p e0 pi ejairj t h e y came out t with one confent.
fold them into the hand of Sifera, captain of the hoft
: ;

Samuel comforteth the people. CHAP. XIII. He rcproveth Saul.

christ of Hazor, and into the hand of the Philiftines, and in- of spoilers. 19 The policy of the Philistines in suf-

2^,^ to the hand of the king of Moab ;and they fought fering no smith in Israel.
againft them.
10 And they cried unto the Lord, and faid, We SAUL t reigned one year and,
reigned two years over Ifrael,
; when he had
have iinned, becaufe we have forfaken the, Lord, 2 Saul chofe him three thoufand men of Ifrael ;

and have ferved Baalim and Aihtaroth but now de-

whereof two thoufand were with Saul in Michmafh.
liver us out of the hand of our enemies, and we will and in mount Bethel, and a thoufand were with Jona-
ferve thee. than in Gibeah of Benjamin and the reft of the peo-

11 And the Lord fent Jerubbaal, and Bedan, and ple he fent every man to his tent.
fudges i
i. e
Jephthah, and Samuel, and delivered you out of the 3 IT And Jonathan fmote the garrifon_ of the Philif- _
hand of your enemies on every fide, and ye dwelled fafe. tines that was in Geba and the Philiftines heard ml'
|| ;

12 And when ye faw that Nahafh the king of the ofW. And Saul blew the trumpet throughout all the
children of Ammon came againft you, ye faid unto land, faying, Let the Hebrews hear.
me, Nay but a king fhall reign over us when the
; :
4 And all Ifrael heard fay, that Saul had fmitten +H( b(M ,

Lord your God was your king. a garrifon of the Philiftines, and that Ifrael alfo f was hm.'
13 Now, therefore, behold the king whom ye have had in abomination with the Philiftines. And the
chofen, ana whom ye have defired

and, behold, the

people were called together after Saul to Gilgal.
Lord hath fet a king over you. 5 1 And the Philiftines gathered themfelves togeth-
14 If .ye will fear the Lord, and ferve him, and er to fight with Ifrael, thirty thoufand chariots, and
tHeb.moart.obey his voice, and not rebel againft the f command- fix thoufand horfemen, and people as the fand which
ment of the Lord, then fhall both ye, and alfo the is on the fea fhore in multitude : and they came up
tjng that reigneth over you, f Continue following the and pitched in Michmafh, eaftward from Bethaven.
Lord your God. 6 If When the men of Ifrael faw that they Avere in
15 But if ye will not obey the voice of the Lord, a ftrait, (for the people were diftreffed,) then the peo-
but rebel againft the commandment of the Lord ;
ple did hide themfelves in caves, and in thickets, and
then fhall the hand of the Lord be againft you, as it in rocks, and in high places, and in pits.
'was againft your fathers. 7 And some of the Hebrews went over Jordan to
16 Now, therefore, ftand and fee this great thing, the land of Gad and Gilead as for Saul, he was yet

which the Lord will do before your eyes. tHeb

in Gilgal, and all the people f followed him trembling. trembled
17 Is it not wheat harveft today ? I will call unto 8 IT And he tarried feven days, according to the fet ^chap.'io
the Lord, and he fhall fend thunder and rain ; that time that Samuel bad appointed : but Samuel came
ye may perceive and fee that your wickednefs is great not to Gilgal : and the people were fcattered from him.
which ye have done in the light of the Lord, inafking 9 And Saul faid, Bring hither a burnt offering to me,
you a king. and peace offerings. And he offered the burnt offering.
18 1 So Samuel called unto the Lord ; and the 10 And it came to pafs, that as foon as he had made
Lord fent thunder and rain that day and all the peo-
an end of offering the burnt offering, Behold, Samuel
ple greatly feared the Lord and Samuel. came ; and Saul went out to meet him, that he might
19 And all the people faid unto Samuel, Pray for t Heb. bleti
f falute him.
thy fervants unto the Lord thy God, that we die not And Samuel
11 IT faid, What haft thou done?
for we have added unto all our fms this evil, to afk us a
And Saul Becaufe I faw that the people were
fcattered from me, and that thou cameft not within
20 II And Samuel faid unto the people, Fear not the days appointed, and that the Philiftines gathered
(ye have done all this wickednefs, yet turn not afide themfelves together at Michmafh
from following the Lord, but ferve the Lord with all 12 Therefore, faid I, The Philiftines will come
your heart down now upon me tHeb.
to Gilgal, and I have not f made
21 And turn ye not afide for then should ye go after
fupplication unto the Lord
i>">fa « °f
I forced myfelf, there-

vain thi?igs, which cannot profit nor deliver ; for they

fore, and offered a burnt offering.
are vain :)
13 And Samuel faid to Saul, Thou haft done
22 For the Lord will not forfake his people for his foolilhly thou haft not kept the commandment of

great name's fake ; becaule it hath pleafed the Lord

the Lord thy God which he commanded thee ; for
to make you his people.
now would the Lord have eftabliihed thy kingdom
23 Moreover, as for me, God forbid that I fliould
t Heb. from fin againft the Lord
upon Ifrael for ever.
ceaiing. t in ceaiing to pray for you but :
14 But now thy kingdom fhall not continue the :
I will teach you the good and the right way.
Lord hath fought him a man after his own heart,
24 Only fear the Lord, and ferve him in truth, and the Lord hath commanded him to be captain
J Or, "what a with all your heart
great thing,
for coniider
: how great things
over his people, becaufe thou haft not kept that which
&c. he hath done for you. the Lord commanded thee.
25 But if ye fhall ftill do wickedly, ye fhall be
15 And Samuel arofe, and gat him up from Gil-
confumed, both ve and your king.
gal unto Gibeah of Benjamin. And Saul numbered
CHAP. XIII. the people that were | prefent with him, about fix tHeb.
1 Saul's select band. 3 Jonathan smiteth the Philis- hundred men.
tines' garrison, whereupon the people arc called to
16 And Saul, and Jonathan his fori, and the people
Gilgal. 5 The Philistines gather a great host. 6 The that were prefent with them, abode in Gibeah of Ben-
distress of the Israelites. 8 Saul weary of'staying for jamin but the Philiftines encamped in Michmafh.;

Samuel, offer eth a burnt offering : 11 Samuel reprov- 17 If And the fpoilers came out of the camp of the
ed him. 17 The Philistines send out three bands Philiftines in three companies one company turned


Jonathan sm'iteth the Philistines. I. SAM U E L. Saul's adjuration hindereth the viclory.
unto the way that leadeth to Ophrah, unto the land 10 But if they fay thus, Come up unto us then CHRIS? Before,

of Shual we will go up for c the Lord hath delivered them Cir. io'<7.

18 And another company turned the way to Beth- into our hand and this shall be a fign unto us.

horon and another company turned to the way of

: 11 And both of them difcovere'd themfelves unto 3a -

the border that looketh to the valley of Zeboiim, to- the garrifon of the Philiftines and the Philiftines faid,

ward the wildernefs. Behold, the Hebrews come forth out of the holes
19 II Now there was no fmith found throughout all where they had hid themfelves.
the land of Ifrael : (for the Philiftines faid, Left the 12 And the men of the garrifon anfwered Jonathan
Hebrews make them fwords or fpears ) : and his armour bearer, and faid, Come up to us and
20 But all the Ifraelites went down to the Philif- we will fhew you a thing. And Jonathan faid unto
tines to fharpenevery man his fhare, and his coulter, his armour bearer, Come up after me for the Lord ;

and his axe, and his mattock. hath delivered them into the hand of Ifrael.
^Heb.e file
with mouths- 21 Yet they had f a file for the mattocks, and for 13 And Jonathan climbed up upon his hands and
the coulters, and for the forks, and for the axes, and upon his feet, and his armour bearer after him and :

tt set.
t to fharpen the goads. they fell before Jonathan and his armour bearer Hew

22 So it came to pafs, in the day of battle, that there after him.

was neither fword nor fpear found in the hand of any 14And that firft {laughter which Jonathan and his
of the people that were with Saul and Jonathan : but armour bearer made, was about twenty men, within
with Saul, and with Jonathan his fon, was there found. as it were an half acre of land, which a yoke of oxen
]\Or, half
a furrow of
O.-, itnni- 23 And the garrifon of the Philiftines went out to
might plough. an acre of
ni camp. lard.
the paffages of Michmafh. 15 IF And there was trembling in the hoft, in the
CHAP. XIV. field, and among all the people ; the garrifon, and the
1 Jonathan, without the knowledge of his father or of fpoilers, they alfo trembled and the earth quaked; :

the people, goeth and miraculously smiteth the Phi- fo it was t a very great trembling. tHeb.«
15 A divine terror maketh them 16 And the watchmen of Saul in Gibeah of Benja- trembling
listines 1 garrison. of God.
beat down one another. 17 Said inquire th of God, but min looked and, behold, the multitude melted away,

not waiting the priests' answer, setteth on them; and

and they went on beating down one another.
the captivated Hebrews and the hidden Israelitesjoin >
17 IF Then faid Saul unto the people that were with
against them. 24 Saul's unadvised adjuration hin- him, Number now, and fee who is gone from us.
dered) the victory. 31 The people being faint are And when they had numbered, Behold, Jonathan and
hardly restrainedfrom eating blood. 35 Saul build- his armour bearer were not there.
eth an attar. 38 Jonathan saved by the people. 18 And Saul faid unto Ahiah, Bring hither the ark
47 Said's strength andfamily. of God (for the ark of God was at that time with

was a
clr. 1

Or, there

NOW it came to pais upon a day, that Jonathan

the fon of Saul faid unto the young man that

the children of Ifrael.)
19 And it came to pafs, while Saul talked unto the
bare his armour, Come, and let us go over to the prieft, that the
noife that was in the hoft of the
|| SOr,
Philiftines' garrifon that is on the other fide. But he Philiftines went on and increafed ; and Saul faid unto
told not his father.
the prieft, Withdraw thine hand.
2 And Saul tarried in the uttermoft part of Gibeah, 20 And Saul and all the people that were with him
under a pomegranate tree, which is in Migron : and the t affembled themfelves, and they came to the battle : tHeb.
people that were with him were about fix hundred men. and, behold, d every man's fword was againft his fel- •were cried
a Chap. 4 3 And Ahiah the fon
of Ahitub, a Ichabod's broth- low, and there was a very great difcomfiture. d Judge* 7
22. 2Chro.
er, the fon of Phinehas, the fon of Eli, the Lord's 21 Moreover, the Hebrews that were with the 29 23.

prieft in Shiloh, wearing an ephod. And the people Philiftines before that time, which went up with them
knew not that Jonathan was gone. into the camp from the country round about, even
4 IF And between the paffages by which Jonathan they alfo turned to be with the Ifraelites that were
fought to go over unto the Philiftines' garrifon, there with Saul and Jonathan.
was a lharp rock on the one fide, and a fharp rock 22 Likewife all the^ men of Ifrael which had hid
on the other fide and the name of the one was
: themfelves in mount Ephraim, when they heard that
Bozez, and the name of the other Seneh. the Philiftines fled, even they alfo followed hard after
tHeb.t M »/ ; . 5 The t forefront of the one was fituate northward them in the battle.
over againft Michmafh, and the other fouthward over 23 So the Lord faved Ifrael that day : and the
againft Gibeah. battle paffed over unto Bethaven.
6 And Jonathan faid to the young man that bare his 24 IF And the men of Ifrael were diftreffed that
armour, Come, and let us go over unto the garrifon day for Saul had adjured the people, faying, Curfed

of thefe uncircumcifed it may be that the Lord will

; be the man that eateth any food until evening, that
1 Cliron.
work for us for there is no reftraint to the Lord b to
: I may be avenged on mine enemies. So none of the
fave by many or by few. people tailed any food.
7 And his armour bearer faid unto him, Do all that 25 And all they o/the land came to a wood ; and
is in thine heart : turn thee ; behold, I am with thee there was honey upon the ground.
according to thy heart. 26 And when the people were come into the wood,
8 Then faid Jonathan, Behold, we will pafs over unto behold, the honey dropped; but no man put his hand
thesejnen, and we will difcover ourfelves unto them. to his mouth for the people feared the oath.

t H^b. B 9 If they fay thus unto us, f Tarry until we come

27 But Jonathan heard not when his father charg-
to you ; then we will ftand ftill in our place, and will ed the people with the oath wherefore he put forth :

not go up unto them. the end of the rod that wai in his hand, and dipped it


Jonathan raved by the people, C H A P. XV. Saul's disobedience displeaseth the Lord.
in an honey comb, and put his hand to his mouth ;
46 Then Saul went up from following the Philif-
and his eyes were enlightened. tines and the Philiftines went to their own place.

28 Then anfwered one of the people, and faid, Thy 47 If So Saul took the kingdom over Ifrael, and
father ftraitly charged the people with an oath, faying, fought againft all his enemies on every fide, againft
Curfed be the man that eateth any food this day. Moab, and againft the children of Ammoa, and
j or, war),.
^nd th e people were faint. 11
againft Edom, and againft the kings of Zobah, and
29 Then faid Jonathan, My
father Hath troubled the againft the Philiftines and whitherfoever he turned

land : pray you, how mine eyes have been en-

fee, I himfelf, he vexed them.
lightened, becaufe I tailed a little of this honey ;
48 IT And he gathered an hoft, and fmote the
30 How much more, if haply the people had eaten Amalekites, and delivered Ifrael out of the hands of mightily

freely today of the fpoil of their enemies which they them that fpoiled them.
found ? for had there not been now a much greater 49 If Now the fons of Saul Were Jonathan and
{laughter among
the Philiftines ? Ifhui, and Melchifhua and the names of his two

31 fl And they fmote

the Philiftines that day from daughters were these ; the name of the firftborn Me-
Michmafh to Aijalon : and the people were very faint. rab, and the name of the younger Michal :

32 And the people flew upon the fpoil, and took 50 And the name of Saul's wife was Ahinoam, the
fheep, and oxen, and calves, and flew them on the daughter of Ahimaaz and the name of the captain

t htvlt.
7 26, & 19 it
ground : and the people did eat them e with the blood. of his hoft was Abner the fon of Ner, Saul's uncle.
Scat. 12 16. 33 Then they told Saul, faying^ Behold, the people 51 And Kifh was the father of Saul ; and Ner the
fin againft the Lord, in that they eat with the blood. father of Abner was
the fon of Abiel.
I Or, dealt
And he faid, Ye have tranfgreiled roll a great ftone
: 52 And there
was-fore war againft the Philiftines,
Wily, unto me this day. all the days of Saul and when Saul faw any ftrong

34 And Saul faid, Difperfe yourfelves among the man, or any valiant man, he took him unto him.
people, and fay unto them, Bring me hither every CHAP. XV.
man his ox, and every man his iheep, and flay them Saul sent destroy Amalek : 6 he favoureth the
1 to
here, and eat ; and fin not againft the Lord in eating
Kenites : 7 he smiteth the Amalekites, but spareth
with the blood. And all the peopie brought every
t ha. in his man his ox t with him that night, and flew them there.
Agag, &c. 10 his disobedience displeaseth the Lord.
hcnd- 12 Samuel sheweth him God's rejection of him. 32
t Heb.fAor 35 II And Saul built an altar unto the Lord : f the
a/rar fie Samuel slayeth Agag, &c.
fcjatl to lame was the firft altar that he built unto the Lord.
build unt»
the LORD. 36 And Saul faid, Let us go down after the Philif- SAMUEL unto Saul, a The Lord fent me
alfo faid cir.-icjg.
a Chip,
tines by night, and fpoil them until the morning light, to anoint thee be king over his people, over
to 9 16.

and let us not leave a man of them. And they faid, Ifrael now, therefore, hearken thou unto the voice

whatfoever feemeth good unto thee. Then faid of the words of the Lord.
the prieft, Let us draw near hither unto God. 2 Thus faith the Lord of bolls, I remember that
37 And Saul afked counfel of God, Shall I go down which Amalek did to Ifrael, b how he laid wait for b
after the Philiftines ? wilt thou deliver them into the him in the way when he came up from Egypt. Numb.
3 Now go and finite Amalek, and utterly deftroy
24 so-
hand of Ifrael ? But he anfwered him not that day.
38 If And Saul faid, Draw ye near hither all the all that they have, and fpare them not ; but flay both
t Heb.
corners. \ chief of the people ; and know and fee wherein this man and woman, infant and fuckling, ox and Iheep,
Judges 20 2 camel and
finhath been this day : afs.
39 For as the Lord liveth, which faveth Ifrael, 4 And Saul gathered the people together, and num-
though it be hi Jonathan my fon, he fhall furely die. bered them in Telaim, two hundred thoufand foot-
But there was not a man among all the people that men, and ten thoufand men of Judah.
anfwered him. 5 And Saul came to a city of Amalek, and laid ||
40 Then faid he unto all Ifrael, Be ye on one fide, wait in the valley.
and I and Jonathan my fon will be on the other fide. 6 If And Saul faid unto the Kenites, Go, depart, get
And the people faid unto Saul, Do what feemeth ye down from among the Amalekites, left I deftroy
good unto thee. you with them for ye fhewed kindnefs to all the

41 Therefore Saul faid unto the Lord God of If- children of Ifrael when they came up out of Egypt.
thTinn'cZ. rael, Give a perfect lot. And Saul and Jonathan
So the Kenites departed from among the Amalekites.

/«r »A
b' w '" were ta^ en but the people f efcaped.
*» 7 If And Saul fmote the Amalekites from Havilah
42 And Saul faid, Call lots between me and Jona- until thou comeft to Shur, that is over againft Egypt.
than my fon. And Jonathan was taken. 8 And he took Agag the king of the Amalekites
43 Then Saul faid to Jonathan, Tell me what thou alive, and utterly deftroyed all the people with the
haft done. And Jonathan told him, and faid, I did but edge of the fword.
taile a little honey with the end of the rod that was 9 But Saul and the people fpared Agag, and the
in mine hand, and, lo, I muft die ! beft of the fheep, and of the oxen, and of the fat- || 11
Or, of the

44 And Saul anfwered, God do fo, and more alfo : lings, and the lambs, and all that xvas good, and would
second sort.

for thou fhalt furely die, Jonathan. not utterly deftroy tnem but every thing that was

4>5 And the people faid unto Saul, Shafl Jonathan vile and refufe, that they deftroyed utterly.
die, who hath wrought this great falvation in Ifrael ? 10 If Then came the word of the Lord unto Sam-
God forbid : as the Lord liveth, there fhall not one uel, faying,
hair of his head fall to the ground for he hath ; 11 It repenteth me that I have fet up Saul to be king
wrought with God this day. So the people refcued forhe is turned back from following me, and hath # #

Jonathan, that he died not. not performed my commandments. And it grieved


SauFs humiliation, I. SAMUEL. David is sent for\ approved, and anointed,

Samuel ; and he cried unto the Lord all night. 31 So Samuel turned again after Saul; and Saul
12 And when Samuel rofe early to meet Saul in worshipped the Lord.
the morning, it was told Samuel, faying, Saul carrfe to 32 II Then faid Samuel, Bring ye hither to me
Carmel, and, behold, he let him up a place, and is Agag, the king of the Amalekites. And Agag came
gone about, and paffed on, and gone down to Gilgal. unto him delicately. And Agag faid, Surely the bit-
13 And Samuel came to Saul and Saul faid unto
; ternefs of death is paft.
him, Bleffed be thou of the Lord I have performed 33 And Samuel faid, & As thy fword hath made E
the commandment of the Lord.

women childlefs, fo fliall thy mother be childlefs f,m«. ^^

14 And Samuel faid, What meancth then this bleat- among women. And Samuel hewed Agag in pieces
ing of the fheep in mine ears, and the lowing of the before the Lord in Gilgal.
oxen which I hear ? 34 IT Then Samuel went to Ramah and Saul went ;

15 And Saul faid, They have brought them from up to his houfe to Gibeah of Saul.
the Amalekites for the people fpared the bell of the
: 35 And Samuel came no more to fee Saul until the
fheep and of the oxen to facrifice unto the Lord thy day of his death neverthelefs, Samuel mourned for

God and the reft we have utterly deftroyed.

; Saul : and the Lord repented that he had made Saul
16 Then Samuel faid unto Saul. Stay, and I will king over Ifrael.
tell thee what the Lord hath faid to me this night. CHAP. XVI.
And he faid unto him, Say on. 1 Samuel, by God? s direction, goeth to Bethlehem. 6
17 And Samuel faid, When thou wast little in Jesse's seven sons pass before him, but are not ap-
thine own fight, wast thou not .made the head of the proved by God. 1 1 David is sent for, approved and
tribes of Ifrael, and the Lord anointed thee king over anointed. 14 An evil spirit trouble th Saul ; he
Ifrael I sendeth for David, &c.
18 And the Lord fentthee on a journey, and faid,
Go, and utterly deftroy the finners the Amalekites,
AND the Lord faid unto Samuel, long wilt
thou mourn for Saul, feeing I have rejected him
How ck.xocs.

f Heb. they from reigning over Ifrael ? Fill thine horn with oil,
consume. and fight againft them until f they be confumed.
19 Wherefore then didit thou not obey the voice of and go, I will fend thee to Jeffe the Bethlehemite : for
the Lord, but didft fly upon the fpoil, and didft evil I have provided me a king among his fons.
in the fight of the Lord ? 2 And Samuel faid, How can I go ? if Saul hear it, he
20 And Saul faid unto Samuel, Yea, I have obey- will killme, And the Lord faid, Take an heifer with t Heb. in
f thine hand'
ed the voice of the Lord, and have gone the way thee, and fay, I am come to facrifice
to the Lord :

which the Lord fent me, and have brought Agag 3 And call Jeffe to the facrifice, and I will fhew
the king of Amalek, and have utterly deftroyed the thee what thou fhalt do : and thou ihalt anoint unto
Amalekites. me him whom
I name unto thee.
21 But the people took of the fpoil, fheep and oxen, 4 And Samuel did that which the Lord fpake, and
the chief of the things which fhould have been utterly came to Bethlehem : and the elders of the town trem-
deftroyed, to facrifice unto the Lord thy God in bled at his t coming, and faid, Cornell thou peaceably ? tHeb. meet'
Gilgal. 5 And he faid, Peaceably ; I am come to facrifice
22 And Samuel
faid, Hath the Lord as great de- unto the Lord ; fanclify yourfelves, and come with
burnt offerings and facrifices as in obeying the
light in me to the facrifice. And he fanclified Jeffe and his
5 ''voice of the Lord ? Behold, c to obey is better than
Matth.9.13, facrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams,
fons, and called them to the facrifice.
6 II And it came to pafs, when they were come,
t mb!'dhin> 23 For rebellion is as the fin of t witchcraft, and that he looked on Eliab, and faid, Surely the Lord's
Itubbomnefs is as iniquity and idolatry becaufe thou : anointed is before him.
"haft rejected the word of the Lord, he hath alfo re- 7 But the Lord faid unto Samuel, Look not on his
jected thee from being king. countenance, or on the height of his ftature becaufe ;

24 H And Saul faid unto Samuel, I have finned : I have refufed him for the : LORD
sceth not as man
for I have tranfgreffed the commandment of the Lo r d ,
feeth ; for man looketh on the f outward appearance, + Heb <?"• -

and thy words; becaufe I feared the people, and but the Lord looketh on the a heart. 5.p2taV£
obeyed their voice. 8 Then Jeffe called Abinadab, and made him pafs &£&
25 Now, therefore, I pray thee, pardon my fin, and before Samuel. And he faid, Neither hath die Lord 2 ° 12 -

turn again with me, that I may worfhip the Lord. chofen this.
26 And Samuel faid unto Saul, I will not return 9 Then Jeffe made Shammah to pafs by. And he
with thee for thou haft rejected the word of the
: faid, Neither hath the chofen this. Lord
Lord, and the Lord hath rejected thee from being 10 Again Jeffe made feven of his fons to pafs be-
king over Ifrael. fore Samuel. And Samuel faid unto Jeffe, the Lord
27 And as Samuel turned about to go away, he laid hath not chofen thefe.
hold upon the fkirt of his mantle, and it rent. 11 IT And Samuel faid unto Jeffe, Are here all thy
28 And Samuel faid unto him, The Lord hath rent children ? And he faid, There remaineth yet the
the kingdom of Ifrael from thee this day, and hath giv- youngeft, and, behold, he keepeth the fheep. And
en it to a neighbour of thine, that is better than thou. Samuel faid unto Jeffe, b Send and fetch him for we b 2 Sam. 78. :
Psalm 78 70.
l Or. Eterni 29 And alfo the Strength of Ifrael will not lie nor
II will not fit f down till he come hither. t Heb.round.
iy, or, victO'
repent for he is not a man that he fhould repent.
: 12 And he fent, and brought him in. Now he was
30 Then he faid, I have finned ; yet honour me ruddy, and whithal f of a beautiful countenance, and ™t' fair °f .

now, I pray thee, before the elders of my people, and goodly to look to. And the Lord faid, Arife, anoint
before Ifrael, and turn again with me, that I may wor- him : for this is he.
ship the Lord thy God. 13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed
1 ;

Goliatti7 proud challenge. CHAP. XVII. David expressetb indignation thereat,

christ him in the midft of his brethren : and the Spirit of battle in array ? Am
not I a Philifline, and ye fervants
^i^. the Lord came upon David from thatday forward. to Saul ? choofe you a man for you, and let him come
So Samuel rofe up, and went to Ramah. down to me.
14 IT But the Spirit of the Lord departed from 9 If he be able to fight with me, and to kill me, then
floofcrr/jirrf.Saul, and an evil fpiritfrom the Lord troubled him. ||
will we be your fervants but if I prevail againft him

15 AndSaul's fervantsfaid unto him, Behold now, and kill him then fhall ye be our fervants, and ferve us.

an evil fpirit from God troubleth thee. 10 And the Philifline faid, I defy the armies of Ifrael
16 Let our lord now command thy fervants 'which this clay me a man that we may fight together.
; give
are .before thee, to feek out a man who is a cunning 1 When
Saul and all Ifrael heard thofe words of
player on an harp and it (hall come to pais, when the
the Philifline, they were difmayed, and greatly afraid.
evil fpirit from God is upon thee, that he fhall play 12-11 Now David was a the fon of that Ephrathite ach&

with his hand, and thou fhalt be well. of Bethlehemjudah, whofe name was Jeffe and he ;

17 And Saul laid unto his fervants, Provide me had eight fons and the man went among
for an mm
now a man that can play well, and bring him to me. old man in the days of Saul.
18 Then anfweredone of the fervants, and faid, 13 And the three eldefl fons ofJeffe went and follow-
Behold, I have feen afon of Jeffethe Bethlehemite, ed Saul to the battle : and the names of his three fons
that is cunning in playing, and a mighty valiant man, that went to the battle were Eliab the firftborn, and
i Or, speech. and a man of war, and prudent in matters, and a ||
next unto him Abinadab, and the third Shammah.
comely perfon, and the Lord is with him. 14 And David was the youngefl and the three :

19 If Wherefore Saul lent meffengers unto Jeffe, and eldefl followed Saul.
faid ySend me David thy fon, which is with the fheep. >
15 But David went, and returned from Saul to feed
20 And Jeffe took an afs laden witii bread, and a his father's fheep at Bethlehem.
bottle of wine, and a kid, and fent them by David his 16 And the Philifline drew near morning and even-
fon unto Saul. ing, and prefented himfelf forty days,
21 And David came to Saul, and flood before him : 17 And
Jeffe faid unto David his fon, Take now
and he loved him greatly and he became his ar-
for thy brethren an ephah of this parched corn, and
mour bearer. thefe ten loaves, and run to the camp to thy brethren
22 And Saul fent to Jeffe, faying, Let David, I 18 And carry thefe ten f cheefes unto the t captain tHeb.
pray thee, Hand before me for he hath found favour
; of their thoufand,. and look how thy brethren fare, ^""^
in my light. and take their pledge. ca
23 And it came
to pafs, when the evil fpirit from 19 Now Saul, and they, and all the men of Ifreal, timunt.
God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and were in the valley of Elah, fighting with the Philiflines.
played with, his hand fo Saul was refrefhed, and was
:. 20 H And David rofe up early in the morning, and
well, and the evil fpirit departed from him. left the fheep with a keeper, and took, and went, as
C H A P. XVII. Jeffe had commanded him and he came to the trench ; || « or, pi,ace
The armies of the Israelites and Philistines being as the hoft was going forth to the fight, and fhouted
1 ||
drawn out to battle, 4 Goliath cometh proudly forth for the battle. iior. batfc

•with 12 David, sent by his father to

a challenge. 21 For and the Philiflines had put the battle T^'oP
iH "'
brethren, beareth the challenge) and ex-
visit his in array, army
army. againft
presseth indignation thereat. 28 Eliab chideth him. 22 And Divid left f his carriage in the hand of the tHeb. the
30 David is brought to Saul : 32 he sheweth the rea- keeper of the carriage, and ran into the army, and Vplnufm™
son of his confidence .-38 with a sling and a stone he came and t faluted his brethren.. tulrltV™
slayeth the giant. 55 Said take th notice of David. 23 And as he talked with them, behold, there came ifj>w«*.

the Pljtiliftines gathered together their ar- up the champion (the Philifline of Gath, Goliath by
mies to battle, and were gathered together at name) out of the armies of the Philiflines, and fpake
Shochoh, which belongcth to Judah, and pitched be- according to the fame words and David heard them. :

or, tAsv^-ttween Shochoh and Azekah, in Ephefdammim.
II 24 And all the men of Ifreal, when they faw the
cfDammim. % ^nd Saul and the men of Ifrael were gathered to- man, fled f from him, and were fore afraid. + Heb./™»i
tHcb.™^- gether, and pitched by the valley of Elan, and f fet 25 And the men of Ifrael faid, Have you feen this »«/««
tithttattfe. t]ie battle in array againft the Philiflines.
man that is come up finely to defy Ifrael is he come

3 And the Philiflines flood on a mountain on the up and it fhall be^that the man who killeth him, the

one fide, and Ifrael flood on a mountain on the other king will enrich him with great riches, and b will give bjothua
tide : and there was a valley between them. him his daughter, and make his father's houfe free in I5 6 ' *

4 If And there went out a champion out of the Ifrael..

camp of the Philiflines, named Goliath of Gath, whofe 26 And David fpake to the men that flood by him,
height was fix cubits and a fpan. faying, What fhall be done to the man that killeth
5 And he had an helmet of brafs upon his head, and this Philifline, and taketh away the reproach from
he %v as i armed with a coat of mail, and the weight Ifrael Ifor who is this uncircumcifed Philifline, that
t Hcb.
clothed. of the coalxvas five thoufand fhekels of brafs. he fliould defy the armies of the living God ? .

6 And he had greaves of brafs upon his legs r and a 27 And the people anfwered him after this manner,
tHeb.£M-f«f. f target of brafs between his fhoulders. laying, So fhall it be done to the man that killeth him.
7 And the flaffof his fpear w<zslike a weaver's beam, 28 If And Eliafe his eldefl brother heard when he
and his fpcar's head weighed fix hundred lhekels of fpake unto the men; and Eliab's anger was kindled
iron and one bearing a ihield went before him.
: againft David and he faid, Why cameft thou down

8 And he flood and cried unto the armies of Ifrael, hither ? and with whom halt thou left thofe lew fheep
and laid unto them, Why are ye come out to fet your ill the wildernefc ? I know thy pride, and the naugh-
1 '

David cpposeth Goliath. I. SAMUEL. David's wise conduct*

tinefsof thine heart for thou art ; come down that faveth not with fword and fpear : for the battle is the
thou mighteit fee the battle. Lord's, and he will give you into our hands.
29 And David faid, What have I now done ? Is 48 And it came to pafs,when the Philiftine arofe, and
there not a caufe ? came and drew nigh to meet David, that David hailed,
30 1f And he turned from him toward another, and and ran toward the army to meet the Philiftine.
t Heb.word. fpake after the fame + manner and the people anfwer-
: 49 And David put his hand in his bag, and took
ed him again after the former manner. thence a ftone, and Hang it, and fmote the Philiftine
3 And when the words were heard which David in his forehead, that the ftone funk into his forehead ;
tHeb. fpake, they rehearfed them before Saul ; and he | fent and he fell upon his face to the earth.
took him.
for him. 50 So c David prevailed over the Philiftine with a cEccius. 47
lMac * 4
32 And David faid to Saul, Let no man's heart fling and with a ftone, and fmote the Philiftine, and |;,

fail becaufe of him ; thy fervant will go and fight with flew him ; but there was nofword in the hand of David.
this Philiftine. _
51 Therefore David ran, and Hood upon the Philil-
33 And Saul faid to David, Thou art not able to tine, and took his fword, and drew it out of the fheath
go againft with him for thou
this Philiftine to fight ; thereof, and flew him, and cut off his head therewith.
art but a youth, and he a man
of war from his youth. And when the Philiftines faw their champion was
34 And David faid unto Saul, Thy fervant kept dead, they fled.
his father's fheep, and there came a lion and a bear, 52 1 And
the men of Ifrael and of Judah arofe, and
dor, kid. and took a lamb out of the flock ;
|| fhouted, and purfued the Philiftines, until thou come
35 And j went out after him, and fmote him, and to the valley, and to the gates of Ekron and the :

delivered it out of his mouth and, when he arofe : wounded of the Philiftines fell down by the way to
againft me, I caught him by his beard, and fmote him, Shaaraim, even unto Gath, and unto Ekron.
and flew him. 53 And the children of Ifrael returned; from chafing
36 Thy fervant flew both the lion and the bear ; and after the Philiftines, and they fpoiled their tents.
this uncircumcifed Philiftine fhall be as one of them, 54 If And David took the head of the Philiftine,
feeing he hath defied the armies of the living God. and brought it to Jerufalem but he put his armour

37 David faid moreover, The Loud that delivered in his tent.

me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of 55 If And when Saul faw David go forth againft
the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this the Philiftine, he faid unto Abner, the captain of the
Philiftine. And Saul faid unto David, Go, and the holt, Abner, whole fon is this youth ? And Abner laid,
Lord be with thee. As thy foul liveth, O
king, I cannot tell.
tHeb. clothed
David "with
38 II And Saul f armed David with his armour, 56 And the king faid, Inquire thou whole fon the
his clothes. and he put an helmet of brafs upon his head ; alfo he ftriplingw.
armed him with a coat of mail. 57 And, as David returned from the flaughter of the
39 And David girded his fword upon his armour, Philiftine,Abner took him, and brought him before
and he allayed to go for he had not proved it. And
; Saul, with the head of the Philiftine in his hand.
David faid unto Saul, I cannot go with thefe ; for I 58 And Saul faid to him, Whofe fon art thou, thou
have not proved them. And David put them off him. young man ? And David anfwered, lam the fon of thy
40 And he took his ftaff in his hand, andchofe him fervant JefTe the Bethlehemite.
locality, five fmooth ftones out of the brook, and put them in

tHeb. -.««/. a Ihepherd's t bag which he had, even in a fcrip, and

his fling was in his hand ; and he drew near to the
1 Jonathan /oveth David 5 David's ivise conduct.

6 the women's song exciteth Saul's envy, 10 who in
his fury seeheth to kill David. 12 Saidfeareth Da-
41 And the Philiftine came on, and drew near unto
vid for his good success: 17 he proposed) to give him
David and the man that bare the fhield, ivent before
his eldest daughter. 22 David, persuaded to be the
king's son in lavj, bringeth two hundredforeskins of
42_ And when the Philiftine looked about, and faw
David, he difdained him ; for he was but a youth, and the Philistines, and hath Michal to wife. 28 Saul's
ruddy, and of a fair countenance. hatred increaseth but David's glory.
43 And the Philiftine faid unto David, Am I a dog,
that thou comeft to me with Haves ? And the Philif-
AND it came to pafs, when he had made an end

of fpeaking unto Saul, that the foul of Jonathan

tine curfed David by his gods. was knit with the foul of David, and Jonathan loved
44 And the Philiftine laid to David, Come to me, him as his own foul.
and I will give thv flefh unto the fowls of the air, and 2 And Saul took him that day, and would let him
to the beafts of the field. go no more home to his father's houfe.
45 Then faid David to the Philiftine, Thou comeft to 3 Then made a covenant, be-
Jonathan and David
me with a fword, and with afpear, and with a fhield ; caufe he loved as his own foul.
but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hofts, 4 And Jonathan ftripped himfelf of the robe that was
the God of the armies of Ifrael, whom thou haft defied. upon him, and gave it unto David, and his garments,
t Meb. shut
thee up.
46 This day will the Lord \ deliver thee into mine even to his fword, and to his bow, and to his girdle. •

hand ; and I will finite thee, and take thine head from 5 If And David went out witherfoever Saulfent him,
thee; and I will give the carcaffes of the holt of the and behaved himfelf wifely and Saul fet him over or,

Philiftines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the men of war and he was accepted in the light of *™/*«*

the wild beafts of the earth that all the earth may
; all the people, and alfo in the fight of Saul's ftrvants.
know that there is a God in Ifrael. 6 If And it came to pafs, as they came, when David
47 And all this affembly fhall know that the Lord was returned from the flaughter of the Philiftine, \°Jii!tinL

1 : .

Davt dpersuaded to be the kings son in law, CHAP. XIX. SauPs Messengers come to slay David,
CHRIST that the women came out of all the cities of Ifrael, 27 Wherefore David arofe, and went, he and his
finging and dancing, to meet king Saul, with tabrets, men, and flew of the Philiftines two hundred men and ;

with joy, and with fmllruments of mufiC. David brought their forefkins, and they gave them in
7 And the women anfwered one another as they full tale to the king, that he might be the king's fon in
played, and {aid, a Saul hath flain his thoufands, and law. And Saul gave him Michal his daughter to wife.
David his ten thoufands. 28 IT And Saul faw and knew that the Lord was
+ Heb. ivas 8 And Saul was very wroth, and the faying fdif- with David, and that Michal, Saul's daughter, loved
evil in his
pleafed him and he faid, They have afcribed unto
; him.
David ten thoufands } and to me they have afcribed 29 And Saul was yet the more afraid of David and ;

but thoufands and what can he have more but the

: Saul became David's enemy continually.
kingdom ? 30 Then the princes of the Philiftines Went forth :
And Saul eyed David from that day and forward.
9 and it came to pafs, after they went forth, that David
10 IT And it came to pafs on the morrow, that the behaved himfelf more wifely than all the fervants of
evil fpirit from God came upon Saul, and he prophe- Saul ; fo that his name was much t fet by. t Heb.
precious. )

of the houfe and David played with

lied in the midft
his hand as at other times and there was a javelin in
Saul's hand.
1 Jonathan discloseth to David his father"'s purpose
to kid him ; 4 he persuadeth his father to a recon-
1 And Saul call the javelin for he faid, I will unite ;

©avid even to the wall with it. And David avoided ciliation <8 Said, jealous of David's good success >
out of his prefence twice. again seeketh to kill him. 1 1 Saul's jnesscngers come
to slay David, Michal favour eth his escape* 18
12 IT And Saul was afraid of David, becaufe the '

Lord was with him, and was departed from Saul. David cometh to Samuel in Naioth, &c.
13 Therefore Saul removed him from him* and
made him his captain over a thoufand and he went ;
AN D Saul fpake to Jonathan his fon, and to all
his fervants > that they fhould kill David.
out and came in before the people. >
2 But Jonathan, Saul's fon, delighted much in Da-
eii. 14 And David behaved hirmelf wifely in all his
vid ; and Jonathan told David, faying, Saul father my
ways and the Lord was with him.
feeketh to kill thee now, therefore, I pray thee, take

15 Wherefore when Saul faw that he behaved him- heed to thyfelf until the morning, and abide in a fe-
felf very wifely, he was afraid of him. cret place, and hide thyfelf
16 But all Ifrael and Judah loved David> becaufe 3 And
I will go out and ftand befide father in my
he went out and came in before them. the field where thou art, and I will coirimune with my
17 IT And Saul faid to David, Behold, my elder father of thee > and what I fee, that I will tell thee.
daughter Merab, her will I give thee to wife only ; 4 ^ And Jonathan fpake good of David unto Saul
+ Keb. a son m

of valour. be thou t valiant forme, and fight the Lord's battles :

his father, and faid unto him.
_ Let not the king fill
for Saul faid, Let not mine hand be upon him, but let againft his feryant, againft David becaufe he hath ;

the hand of the Philiftines be upon him. not finned againft thee, and becaule his works have
18 And David faid unto Saul, am I ? and Who been to thee ward very good.
what is my life, or my father's family in Ifrael, that 5 For he did put his a life in his hand, and flew the ^W9>*
I fhould be fon in law to the king t Philiftine, and the Lord wrought a great falvation Chap. 282;.
Plalnl 119
19 But it came to pafs, at the time when Merab, for all Ifrael thou faweft it-, and clidft rejoice where- 103.

Saul's daughter, fhould have been given to David,that fore then wilt thou fin againft innocent bloody to flay
fhe was given unto Adriel the Meholathite to wife. David without a caufe ?
20 IT And Michal Saul's daughter, loved David
>, : 6 And Saul hearkened unto the voice of Jonathan :
4Hcfe. iu« and they told Saul, and the thing f pleafed him. and Saul fware, As the Lord liveth, he fhal I not be flain
right Am
21 And Saul faid, I will give him her^ that fhe maybe 7 And Jonathan called DaVid, and Jonathan fhewed

a fnare to him, and that the hand of the Philiftines may him all thofe things and Jonathan brought David to

be againft him. Wherefore Saul faid to David, Thou Saul, and he was in his prefence as \ in times paft.
fhalt this day be my fbn in law in the one of the twain. 8 IT And there Yvas war again and David went out °g? Io62

22 IT And Saul commanded his fervants, saying, and fought with the Philiftines, and flew them with a
Commune with David fecretly, and fay, Behold, the great flaughter ; and they fled from f him. tHeb. his
king hath delight in thee, and all his fervants love 9 And the evil fpirit from the Lord was upon Saul
thee now, therefore, be the king's fon in law.
: as he fat in his houfe with his javelin in his hand ;
23 And Saul's fervants fpake thole words in the ears and David played with his hand.
of David. And David faid, Seemeth it to you a light 10 And Saul fought to finite David, even to the
thing to be a king's fon in law, feeing that I am a poor wall with the javelin but he flipped away out of Saul's

man, and lightly efteemed ? prefence, and he fmote the javelin into the wall and :

t,TAth.acc.<ir&- 24 And the fervants of Saul told him, faying, \ On David fled, and efcaped that night.
this manner fpake David. Ill Saul
alfo font lncflengers unto David's houfe
25 And Saul faid, Thus fhall ye fay to David, The
to watch him, and. to flay him in the morning and :

king defireth not any dowry, but an hundred forefkins Michal, David's wile, told him, faying, If thou fave
of the Philiftines, to be avenged of the king's ene- not thy life tonight, tomorrow thou fhalt be flain.
mies. But Saul thought to make David fall by the 12 IT So Michal let David down through a win-
hand of the Philiftines. dow and he went) and Hed, and efcaped.

26 And when his fervants told David thefe words, 13 And Michal took an image, and laid it in the
itpleafed David well to be the king's fon in law : and bed, and -put a pillow of goats' hair for his bolfter,
tithi. the days were not f expired. and covered it with a cloth.
2 D 14 And
. ; ;;

David consult eth with Jonathan for safety. I. SAMUEL. Saul misseih David at the table.
14And when Saul fent mefiengers to take David, peace but if he be very wroth, then be i'ure that evil

flie faid, He is lick. is determined by him.

15 And Saul fent the mefiengers again to fee Da- 8 Therefore thou fhalt deal kindly with thy fervant
vid, faying, Bring him up to me in the bed, that I may for a thou haft brought thy fervant into a covenant of.->chaP .i8 3 .

&23 18
the Lord with thee

ilay him. notwithftanding, if there be in


16 And when the mefiengers were come in, be- me iniquity, flay me thyfelf ; for why fhouldeft thou
hold, there was an image in the bed, with a pillow of bring me to thy father ?
goats' hair for his bolfter. 9 And Jonathan faid, Far be it from thee for if I :

17 And Saul laid unto Michal, haft thou de- Why knew certainly that evil were determined by fa- my
ceived me fo, and fent away mine enemy, that he is ther to come upon thee, then would not I tell it thee ?
efcaped ? And Michal anfwered Saul, He faid unto 10 Then faid David to Jonathan, fhall tell Who
me, Let me go why fhould I kill thee ?
; me ? or what if thy father anfwer thee roughly ?
18 IF So David fled, and efcaped, and came to Sam- 11 IT And Jonathan faid unto David, Come, and let
uel to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to us go out into the field. And they went out both of
him and he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth.
; them into the field.
19 And it was told Saul, faying, Behold, David is 12 And
Jonathan faid unto David, Lord God O
at Naioth in Ramah. of Ilrael, I have f founded my father about to- ]£*-hei
when ^

20 And Saul lent mefiengers to take David and : morrow any time, or the third day, and, behold, if
when they faw the company of the prophets prophe- there be good toward David, and I then fend not unto
iying, and Samuel Handing as appointed over them, thee, and f fhew it thee ;
tHeb. »»«».
th "Ktar-
the Spirit of God was upon the mefiengers of Saul, 13 The Lord do fo, and much more to Jonathan " :

and they alio prophefied. but if it pleaie my father to do thee evil, then I will
21 And when it was told Saul, he fent other mefien- fhew it thee, and fend thee away, that thou mayeft
gers, and they prophefied like wife. And Saul fent mef- go in peace and the Lord be with thee, as he hath

iengers again the third time, and they prophefied alfo. been with my father.
22 Then went he alfo to Ramah, and came to a 14 And thou fhalt not only, while yet I live, fhew
great well that is in Sechu and he aiked and faid,
: me the kindnefs of the Lord, that I die not
Where are Samuel and David I and one faid, Behold, 15 But also thou fhalt not cut off thy kindnefs from
zhey be at Naioth in Ramah. my houfe for ever no, not when the Lord hath cut

23 If And he went thither to Naioth in Ramah and : off the enemies of David, every one from the face of
the Spirit of God was upon him alfo, and he went on the earth.
and prophefied until he came to Naioth in Ramah. 16 So Jonathan \ made a covenant with the houfe tHeb. cut.
24 And he ilripped off* his clothes alfo, and prophe- of David, saying, Let the Lord even require it at the
t Heb. fell. fied before Samuel in like manner, and t lay down hand of David's enemies.
naked all that day and all that night. Wherefore they 17 And Jonathan caufed David to fwear again, be- or,t> his || \\

bchap.ioi'.fa^ b tov,ari]
Is Saul among the prophets \ caufe he loved him for he loved him as he loved his %%,

CHAP. XX. own foul.

1 Daniel consulteth with Jonathan for his safety. 11 18 If Then Jonathan faid to David, Tomorrow is

Jonathan and David renew their covenant by oath. the new moon and thou fhalt be miffed, becaufe thy

feat will bef empty.

18 Jonathan's token to David. 24 Saul missing
David at the tabic, sceketh to kill Jonathan. 35 19 And when thou haft flayed three days, then thou
Jonathan informeth David of his danger. 41 fhalt go down f quickly, and come to the place where or, dm-

They take a loving leave of each other. thou didft hide thyfelf t when the bufinefs was in %%&.

A ND 1 David fled from Naioth in Ramah, and came

and faid before Jonathan, What have I done ?
what is mine iniquity, and what is my fin before thy
hand, and fhalt remain by the ftone Ezel. XmZ'in the
20 And I will fhoot three arrows on the fide there- %%£** *"'
of, as though I fhot at a mark.

\htm>eth tht
father, that he feeketh my life. 21 And, behold, I will fend a lad, saying, Go, find wy.
2 And he faid unto him, God forbid ; thou fhalt out the arrows. If 1 exprefsly fay unto the lad, Be-
not die: behold, my father will do nothing, either great hold, the arrows are on this fide of thee, take them ;

V^r cT
v' or fr*1 ^
but that he will ffhew it me and why fhould
my father hide this thing from me ? it is not so.
then come thou for there is peace to thee, and f no * He ''•*<*
hurt as the Lord liveth.
any thing.

3 And David fware moreover, and faid, Thy father 22 But if I fay thus unto the young man, Behold,
certainly knoweth that I have found grace in thine the arrows are beyond thee go thy way for the Lord;

eyes and he faith, Let not Jonathan know this, left he

hath fent thee away.
be grieved but truly, as tht Lord liveth, and as thy
23 And as touching the matter which thou and I have
foul liveth, there is but a ftep between me and death. fpoken of, behold, the Lord be between thee and me
l? th
m^nl ^ Then laid Jonathan unto David, ||
Whatfoever for ever.
'ana f-miiido, thy foul t defireth, I will even do it for thee. 24 IF So David hid himfelf in the field and when the :

?Heb. speak- 5 And David faid unto Jonathan, Behold, tomor- new moon was come the king fat him down to eat meat.
ol '""" k
'ro\v is the new moon, and I fhould not fail tofit with 25 And the king fat upon his feat, as at other times
the king at meat but let me go, that I may hide my-
even upon a feat by the wall; and Jonathan arofe, and
felf in the field unto the third day at even. Abner fat by Saul's fide, and David's place was empty.
6 If thy father at all mifs me, thenfay,David earneftly 26 Never thelefs, Saulfpake not any thing that day
afked leave of me, that he might run to Bethlehem his for he thought, Something hath befallen him, he is
c or, feast, city; for there isa yearlyjifacrificethereforallthe family. not clean furely he is not clean

7 If he fay thus, It is well ; thy fervant fhall have 27 And it came to pafs on the morrow, which was
2 the
; : : °

David cometh to Nob. CHAP. XXI, XXII. He /eigne th himself mad,

was 2 And David faid to Ahimelech the prieft, The
the fecondday of the month, that David's place
king hath commanded me a bufuiefs, and hath faid
empty and Saul faid unto Jonathan his fon. Where-

fore cometh not the fon of Jeffe to meat, neither yef-

unto me, Let no man know any thing of the buiinefs
terdav nor today :
whereabout I fend thee, and what I have commanded
and I have appointed my fervants to fuch and

28 "And Jonathan anfwered Saul, David earneitly thee :

alked leave of me to go to Bethlehem :

fuch a place.
29 And he faid, Let me go, I pray thee for our ;
3 Now, therefore, what is under thine hand ? give
family hath a facrifice in the city, and my brother, he me five loaves of bread in mine hand, or what there is
t Htb. found.
hath commanded me to be there : and now, if I have t prefent.
found favour in thine eyes, let me get away, I pray 4 And the prieft anfwered David, and faid, There is
thee, and fee my brethren therefore he cometh not:
no common bread under mine hand but there is ;

unto the king's table.

hallowed bread, if the young men have kept them- ^* •

?> ?0 •

from women.
felves at leaft Matth.i2 4 .

30 Then Saul's anger was kindled againft Jonathan,

and he faid unto him, t Thou fon of the perverfe re- 5 And David anfwered the prieft, and faid unto him,
o or, rum li

bellious woman, do not I know that thou haft chofen Of a truth women have been kept from us about thefe
r thine own confufion, and unto the three days, fince I came out, and the veffeis of the
V^-sTr ! tfke fon of Jeffe to
beiiim. confufion of thy mother's nakednefs ? young men are holy, and the bread is in a manner
31 For as long as the fon of Jeffe liveth upon the common, yea, though it were fanctified this day in 1%'Jtff'

the veffel. this day there

ground, thou lhalt not be eftablifhed, nor thy king- is other sanc-

dom wherefore now fend and fetch him unto me

: ;
6 So the prieft gave him hallowed bread: for there tified in the

tHeb. is the for he t fhall furely die. was no bread there but the fhewbread that was taken
"" cf dca,h-
32 Jonathan anfwered Saul his father, and
And from before the Lord, to put hot bread in the day
him, Wherefore fhall he be ilain ? what
faid unto when it was taken away.
hath he done ? 7 Now a certain man of the fervants of Saul was
33 And Saul call a javelin at him to fmite him there that day, detained before the Lord ; and his
whereby Jonathan knew that it was determined of name was Doeg, an Edomite, the chiefeft of the herd-
his father to flay David. men that belonged to Saul.
34 So Jonathan arofe from the table in fierce anger, 8 If And David faid unto Ahimelech, And is there
and did eat no meat the fecond day of the month :
not here under thine hand fpear or fword ? for I have
for he was grieved for David, becaufe his father had neither brought fword nor myweapons with me, my
done him fhame. becaufe the king's bufinefs required hafte.
35 1 And it came to pafs, in the morning, that Jon- 9 And the prieft faid, the fword of Goliath the Phi-
liftine, whom thou fleweft in the valley of Elah, be- ?
b b &**> 3-
athan went out into the field, at the time appointed
with David, and a little lad with him. hold, it is here wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod
if thou wilt take that, take it ; for there is no other
36 And he faid unto his lad, Run, find out now the
arrows which I fhoot. Arid, as the lad ran, he fhot fave that here. And David faid, There is none like
an arrow t beyond him. that ; give it me.
* H,b to tan
ever him. 37 And when the lad was come to the place of the 10 If And David arofe,
and fled that day for fear of
arrow which Jonathan had lhot, Jonathan cried after Saul, and went to Achifh the king of Gath.
the lad, and faid, Is not the arrow beyond thee ? 11 And the fervants of Achiih faid unto him, Is
58 And Jonathan cried after die lad, Make fpeed, not this David the king of the land ? did they not ling
haile, Hay not. And Jonathan's lad gathered up the one to another of him in dances, faying, c Saul hath c ch ap . ig 7 ,

ftain his thoufands, and David his ten thoufands ?

arrows, and came to his mafter. 47 6.

39 But the lad knew not any thing ; only Jonathan 12 And David laid up thefe words in his heart, and
and David knew the matter. was fore afraid of Achiih the king of Gath.
+ Heb. 40 And Jonathan gave his f artillery unto this lad, 13 And he changed his behaviour before them, and
-Tlleb. that and faid unto him, Go, carry them to the city. feigned himfelf mad in their hands, and fcrabblcd II
« r
was his.
41 If And as foon as the lad was gone, David arofe on the doors of the gate, and let his fpittle fall down
upon his beard.
out of a place toward the fouth, and fell on his face
to the ground, and bowed himfelf three times and ;
14 Then laid Achiih unto his fervants, Lo, ye fee
they killed one another, and wept one with another, the man is mad || wherefore then have ye brought
: |!
Or, play 'th
th: madman
until David exceeded. him to me
\ Or, the 42 And Jonathan faid to David, Go in peace, for- 15 Have I need of madmen, that ye have brought
madman m my
LORD be this fellow to play the prelence ? fhall
WltnCtt of afmuch as we have fworn both of us in the name of the
thar •v.<hi:h.
Lord, faying, The Lord be between me and thee, this fellow come into my houfe ?

and between my feed and thy feed for ever. And he C II A P. XXII.
arofe and departed and Jonathan went into the city.
: 1 David's kindred and others resort unto him at Adul-
lam : 3 at Mizpeh he commendeth his parents unto
the king of Moab : 5 admonished by Gad, he cometh
1 David cometh to Nob, and obtaincth of Ahimelech to Hareth. 6 Saul going to pursue him, complainctb
hallowed bread ; Docg is present. & David take th of his servants' unfaithfulness. 9 Docg accuseth
Goliath's sword. 10 David at Gcuh, to save his Ahimelech. 1 1 Ahimelech is sent for, and doomed
life, feigncth himself mad. to die. 17 The footmen refusing to kill the priests,
THEN came David to Nob to Ahimelech the Doeg cxecuteth it. 20 Abiathar escapcth.
prieft :and Ahimelech was afraid at the meet- DAVID, therefore, departed thence, and cfcaptd
ing of David, and faid unto him, Why «;7thou alone, to the cave Adullam and when his brethren,:

and no man with thee ? and

. 1 ) .

Said's cruelty to the priests, I. 5AMUE h. Godshewetb David of the coming of Sau!.
upon the priefts, And Doeg the Edomite turned, and
and all his father's houfe, heard z>, they went down
thither to him. he fell upon the priefts, and flew on that day fourfcore
2 And every one that was in diftrefs, and every one and five perfons that did wear admen ephod.
t Heh. had a that t was in. debt, and every one that was f difcontent.
19 And Nob, the city of the priefts, frnote he with
creditor. the edge of the fword, both men and women, children
f Heb. bitter ed, gathered themfelves unto him, and he became
«/ sml.
captain over them and there were with him about
and fucklings, and oxen, and affes, and fheep, with
four hundred men. the edge of the fword..
3 II And David went thence to Mizpeh of Moab :
20 H And one of thefonsof Ahimelech, thefon of Ahi-
and he faid unto the king of Moab, Let my father and tub, named Abiathar, efcaped, and fled after David,
my mother, I pray thee, come forth,, and be with 21 And Abiathar ihewed David that Saul had flaw
you, till I know what God will do for me.
the Lord's priefts..
4 And he brought them before the king of Moab ;
22 And David faid unto Abiathar, I knew it that
and they dwelt with him all the while that David was day, when Doeg the Edomite was there, that he would
in the hold. furelytell Saul I have occafioned the death of all the

5 H And the prophet Gad faid unto David, Abide perfons of thy father's houfe.
not in the hold ; depart, and get thee into the land of 23 Abide thou with me, fear not for he that feek.

Judah. Then David departed, and came into the eth my life, feeketh thy life ; but with me thou shah
foreft of Hareth. be in fafeguard..
6 11 When Saul heard that David was difcovered, CHAP. XXIII.
and the men that were with him, (now Saul abode in 1 The'Philistines fight, against Keilah ; David, in-
.?«>/*»'" Gib eah under a ||
tree in Ramah, having his fpear in quiring of the Lord by Abiathar ,*eaveth it. 9 God-
his hand, and all his fervants were Handing about him; shew eth him of the coming of Saul, and the treache-
7 Then Saul Slid unto his fervants that Hood about ry of the Keilites : 13 he escapeth to Ziph, whither
him, Hear now, ye Benjamites Will the fon of Jeffe
; Jonathan cometh and comforteth him. 1.9 The Ziph-
give every one of you fields and vineyards, and make ites discovereth him to Saul, who pursueth him to
you all captains of thoufands, and captains of hun- Maon. 27 Saul is called off by an invasion of the
;• Philistines.. 29 David dwelleth at Enge-di.
8 That all of youhaveconfpiredagainftme, and there
+H«b. uncov-'h. none that ffheweth me that my fon hath made a
THEN they told David, faying, Behold, the Phi-
liftines fight againft Keilah, and they rob the
eresh mine ear.
jj^g^g with the fon of Jeffe and there is none of you
threfhing floors..
that is ferry for me, or fheweth unto me that my fon 2 Therefore David inquired of the Lord, faying,.
hath ftirred" up my fervant againft me, to lie in wait, as Shall I go and finite thefe Philiftines ? And the Lord
at this, day I faid unto David,. Go and finite the Philiftines, and
9 II Then anfwered Doeg the Edomite, which was fave Keilah.
fet over the fervants of Saul, and faid, I faw the fon of 3 And David's, men faid unto him, Behold, we be
Jeffe coming to Nob, to Ahimelech the fon of Ahitub. afraid here in Judah, how much more then if we come
10 And he inquired of the Lord for him and ; to Keilah againft the armies of the Philiftines ?:
gave him victuals, and gave him the fword of Goliath 4 Then David inquired of the Lord yet again. And
the Philiftine. the Lord anfwered him, and faid, Arife, go down to
1 II Then the king fent to call Ahimelech the prieft, Keilah: for I will deliver the Philiftines into thine hand.
the ion of Ahitub, and all his father's houfe, the priefts 5 So David and his men went to Keilah, and fought
that were in Nob: and they cameallofthemtotheking. with the Philiftines, and brought away their cattle,
12 And Saul laid, Hear now thou fon of Ahitub.
and fmote them with a great flaughter. So David fav-
tHeb.B^ow And he anfwered, t Here I am my lord. ed the inhabitants of Keilah..
13 And Saul faid unto him,. Why
have ye con- 6 And it came to pafs ? when Abiathar the fon of
fpired againft me, thou and the fon of Jeffe, in that Ahimelech a fled to David to Keilah, that he, came aChap ,

thou haft given him bread, and a fword, and haft in- down with an ephod in his hand. ao -

quired of God for him,, that he lhould rife againft me, 7 II And it was told Saul that David was come to io6i>
to lie in wait as at this day ? Keilah. And Said laid, God hath delivered him in-
14 Then Ahimelech anfwered the king and faid, to mine hand ; for he is fhut in, by entering into a
And who is. so faithful among all thy fervants. as David, town that hath gates and bars,
which is the king's fon in law, and goeth at thy bid- 8 And Saul called all the people together to war, to
ding, and is honourable in thine houfe ? go down to Keilah, to befiege David and his men.
15 Did I then begin to inquire of God for him ? be 911 And David knew that Saul feeretlypra£lifed
it far from me. Let not the king impute any thing un- mifchief againft him ; and he faid to- Abiathar the
to his fervant, nor to all the houfe of my lather for; prieft, Bring hither the ephod..
+Heb. uttit thy fervant knew nothing of all this, i lefs or more.
"*""* 10 Then laid David, O Lord God of Ifrael,.thy
16 And the king faid, Thou ihalt furely die, Ahi- fervant hath certainly heard that Saul feeketh to come
melech, thou and all thy father's houfe. to Keilah, to deftroy the city for fake. my
I Or, ?\taii, 17 II And the kihg fakl unto the f footmen that
|| 11 Will the men of Keilah deliver me up into his
-MIrb. run-
flood about him, Turn, and flay the priefts of the hand ? will Saul come down, as thy fervant hath heard?
Lord becaufe their hand alfo is with David, and be-
O Lord dud of Ifrael, I befeeeb. thee, tell thy fer-
caufe they knew when he fled, and did not mew it to vant. And the Lord faid. He will come down.
me. But the fervants of the king would not put forth 12 Then faid David, Will the men of Keilah t de- + Heb *"* -

their hand to fall upon the priefts of the Lord. my '

liver me and men into the hand of Saul ? And the

18. And the king faid to Doeg, Turn thou, ami fall Lord faid, They will- deliver thee up.
13 H Then

Saul goeth against the Philistines*. CHAP. XXIV. Saul acknowledged his fault*
13 \ Then David and his men, which were about
hundred, arofe and departed out of Keilah, and
AN D it came to pafs, when Saul was returnedfrom

t following the Philiftines, that it was told him,

went whitherfoever they could go. And it was told faying, Behold, David is in the wildernels of Engedi.
Saul that David, was. efcaped from Keilah; and he 2 Then Saul took three thoufand chofen men out
forbare to go forth. of all Ifrael, and went to feek David and his men upon
1.4 And David
abode in the wildernerfs in ftrong the rocks of the wild goats.
holds,and remained in a mountain in the wildernels 3 And he came to the iheep cotes by the way, where
of Ziph and Saul fought him every day but God
:. ; was a cave and Saul went in to cover his feet and
; :

delivered him not into

his hand. David and his men remained in the fides of the cave.
15 And David law that Saul was come out to feek 4 And the men of David faid unto him, Behold the
his life : and David vjas in the wildernefs of Ziph in a day of which the Lord faid unto thee, Behold, I will
wood. deliver thine enemy into thine hand, that thou may eft
16 And Jonathan, Saul's fon, arofe, and went to do to him as it fhall feem good unto thee. Then David
arofe, and cut offthe fkirt off Saul's robe privily. + Heb. the
David into the wood, and itrengthened his hand in robe luhich
God. 5 And it came to pafs afterward, that David's heart was Saul'si

17 And he faid unto him, Fear not ; for the hand fmote him becaufe he had cut off Saul's Ikirt.
of Saul my father fhall not find thee and thou fhalt: 6 And he laid unto his men, The Lord forbid that
be king over Ifrael, and I mall be next unto thee ;
Ifhoulddo this thing unto my mailer, the Lord's
and that alfo Saul my father knoweth. anointed, toftretch forth mine hand againft him, fee-
18 And they two made a covenant before the Lord, ing he is the anointed of the Lord.
And David abode in the wood, and Jonathan went to 7 So David f flayed his fervants with thefe words, THek.
c (

his houfe. and fuffered them not to rife againft Saul. But Saul
19 IT Then came up the Ziphites to Saul to Gibeah, rofe up out of the cave, and went on his way.
faying. Doth not David hide himfelf with us in ftrong 8 If David alio arofe afterward, and went out of the
holds in the wood, in the hill of Hachilah, which is cave, and cried after Saul, faying, My
lord the king I •

#£&™_*i* t on the fouth of Jefhimon ?.

right hand:
And, when Saul looked behind him, David (looped
I'Or, the 20 Now, therefore, O. king come down, according with his face to the earth, and bowed himfelf.
to all the defire of thy foul to come down ; and our 9 And David faid to Saul, Wherefore heareft thou
part shall be to deliver him into the king's hand. men's words, faying, Behold, David feeketh thy hurt?.
21. And Saul faid, Bleffed be ye of the Lord ; for 10 Behold, this day thine eyes have feen how that
ye have compaflion on me. the Lord had delivered thee today into mine hand in
22 Go, I pray you, prepare yet, and know and fee the cave :and some bade me kill thee but mine eye ;

THek/ottf his place where his t haunt is, and who hath feen him fpared thee >. and I faid, I will not put forth mine hand
shall be.
there for it is told me that he dealeth very fubtilely.
: againft .my lord ; for he is the Lord's anointed.
23 See, therefore, and take knowledge of all the 11 Moreover, my father, fee yea, fee the fkirt of ;

lurking places where he hideth himfelf, and come ye thy robe in my hand for in that I cut offthe fkirt of.

again to me with the certainty, and I will go with you thy robe, and killed thee not, know thou and fee that
and it fhall come to pafs, if he be in the land, that there is neither evil nor tranfgreffion in mine hand,
I will fearch him out throughout all the thoufands of and I have not finned againft thee; yet thou hunteft
Judah. my foul to take it.
24 And they arofe, and went to Ziph before Saul The Lord judge between me and thee,. and the
but David and his men were in the wildernefs ofMaon, Lord avenge me of. thee but mine hand fhall not be

in the plain on the fouth of Jefhimon, upon thee..

25 Saul alfo and his men went to feek him. And 13 As faith the proverb of the ancients,Wickednefs
they told David : wherefore he came down into a rock, proceedeth from the wicked but mine hand fhall

and abode in the wildernefs of Maon and when Saul : not be upon thee.
heard that, he purfued after David in the wildernefs 14 After whom is the king of Ifrael come out ?
of Maon. after whom doft thou purfue ? after a dead dog, after
26 And Saul went on this fide of the mountain, and a flea.
David and his men on that lide of the mountain : 15 The Lord therefore be judge, and judge be-
and David made hafte to get away for fear of Saul tween me and thee, and fee, and plead my cauie, and
for Saul and his men compaffed David and his men f deliver me out of thine hand.. •f Heb./*f£«.

round about to take them. 16 If And it came to pafs, when David had made an
27 If But there came ameffenger unto Saul, faying, end of fpeaking thefe words unto Saul, that Saul laid,
'-'£1 "'' Hafte thee, and come ; for the Philiftines have
t in- Is this thy voice,, my fon David ? and Saul lifted up
upsr., &c. vaded the land. his voice and wept.
28 Wherefore Saul returned from purfuing after 17 And he laid to David, Thou art more righteous
David, and went againll the Philiftines therefore they : than I ; for thou haft rewarded me good, whereas I
!i That is. called that place Selahammahlekoth.
|| have rewarded thee evil.
The rock of
divisions. 29 IT And David went up from thence, and dwelt 18 Andthou haft fhewed this day how that thou
in ftrong holds at Engedi. with me forafmuch as when the Lord
haft dealt well :

CHAP. XXIV. had f delivered me into thine hand, thou killed!! me i/iut uj>.
1 David in a cave
Engedi cutteth off Said s skirt,
but spare th his life: 8 hcurgeth this as a proof of 19 For if a man find his enemy, will he let him go
his innocency. 16 Saul acknowledged his fault, well away? wherefore Lord reward
the thee good,
taketh an oath of David, and deparwth, tor that thou hall done unto mc this day,
20 And

NabaVs churlishness. I. SAMUEL. Abigail by her wisdom pacifieth David.

20 And now, behold, I know well that thou fhalt wildernefs to falute our mafter ; and he f railed on
furely be king, and ihat the kingdom of Ifraei fhall them :

be eftablifhed in thine hand : 15 But the men were very good unto us, and we
21 Swear now, therefore, unto me by the Lord, that were not f hurt, neither miffed we any thing, as long
thou wilt not cut off my
feed after me, and that thou as we were converfant with them, when we were in
wilt not deftroy my
name out of my
father's houfe. the fields :

22AndBavidfwareuntoSaul. And Saul went home 16 They were a wall unto us both by night and day-
but David and his men gat them up unto the hold. all the while we were with them keeping the lheep.
CHAP. XXV. 17 Now, therefore, know and confider what thou
1 Samuel dieth
; David goeth Par an. 4David send-
to wilt do for evil is determined againft our mafter, and

eth a message to Nabal. 10 Provoked by Nabafrs againft all his houfehold for he is such a fon of Beli-

churlish answer, he mindeth to destroy him. 14 Abi- al, that a man cannot fpeak to him.
gail, being informed thereof 18 meeteth David with 18 IT Then Abigail made hafte ; and took two hun-.
a present, and by her wisdom pacifieth him. 36 dred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five fheep
Nabal, stricken with the relation, dieth. 59 David ready dreffed, and five meafures of parched corn, and
taketh Abigail and Ahinoam to be his wives. 44 Mi- an hundred clufters of raifms, and two hundred
Or, tumfs*

chal is given to PhaJti. cakes of fig c and laid them on affes.


elr. T060.
a Chap. 28 3 AN D a
Samuel died ; and all the Israelites were
gathered together, and lamented him, and buried me
19 And ihe laid unto her fervants, on before
behold, I come after you. But ihe told not her
him in his houfe at Ramah. And David arofe, and hufband Nabal.
went down to the wildernefs of Paran. 20 And it was so, asftiz rode on the afs,that fhe came
l or, buiiniis. 2 U And there was a man in Maon, whofe poffef- || down by the covert of the hill, and, behold, David and
fions were in Carmel ; and the man was very great, and his men came down againft her and fhe met them. ;

he had three thoufand fheep, and a thoufand goats : 21 (Now David had faid. Surely in vain have I
and he was fhearing his fheep in Carmel. kept all that this fellow hath in the wildernefs, fo that
3 Now the name of the man was Nabal, and the nothing was miffed of all that pertained unto him ;

name of his wife Abigail ; and she was a woman of and he hath requited me evil for good.
good underftanding, and of a beautiful countenance ; 22 So and more alfo do God unto tlie enemies of
but the man was churlifh, and evil in his doings ; and David, if I leave of all that pertain to him, by the
he was of the houfe of Caleb. morning light, any thatpiffeth againft the wall.)
4 II And David heard in the wildernefs, that Nabal 23 And when Abigail faw David, fhe hafted, and
did fhear his fheep. lighted off the afs, and fell before David on her face,
5 And David fent out ten young men ; and David and bowed herfelf to the ground,
faid unto the young men, Get ye up to Carmel, and 24 And fell at his feet, and faid, Upon me, my lord,
tHeb. ask
him in my
go to Nabal, and t greet him in my
name. upon me, let this iniquity be; and let thine handmaid,
name ofpeace. 6 And thus fhall ye fay to him that liveth in pros- I pray thee, fpeak in thine f audience, and hear the t Heb. ears;

perity, Peace be both to thee, and peace be to thine words of thine handmaid.
houfe, and peace be unto all that thou haft. 25 Let not my lord, I pray thee, t regard this man t Heb. lay it
to his heart.
7 And now I have heard that thou haft fhearers : of Belial, even Nabal for as his name is, fo is he

t Heb.
now, thy fhepherds which were with us we t hurt Nabal is his name, and folly is with him but I thine :

them not, neither was there aught miffing unto them, handmaid faw not the young men of my lord, whom
all the while they were in Carmel. thou didft fend.
8 Afk thy young men, and they will fhew thee : 26 Now, therefore, my lord, as the Lord liveth,
wherefore let the young men find favour in thine and as thy foul liveth, feeing the Lord hath withhold-
eyes; (for we come in a good day ;) give, I pray thee, en thee from coming to shed blood, and from t aveng- t Heb. sav-
ins thyself.
whatsoever cometh to thine hand unto thy fervants, ing thyfelf with thine own hand, now let thine enemies,
and to thy fon David. and they that feek evil to my lord, be as Nabal.
9 And, when David's young men came, they fpake 27 And now this blefling, which thine handmaid
Or, present.

to Nabal according to all thofe words in the name of hath brought unto my lord, let it even be given unto
*Heb. rested.
David, and f ceafed theyoung men that t follow my lord. t Heb. •mattt
at the feet of,
1.0 UAnd Nabal anfwered David's fervants, and 28 I pray thee, forgive the trefpafs of thine hand- ire.

faid,Who is David?? and who w the fonofJeffe? maid for the Lord will certainly make my lord a

There be many fervants now a days that break away fure houfe ; becaufe my lord fighteth the battles of the
every man from his mafter. Lord, and evilhath not been found in "
^.ealltby days.
11 Shall I then take my bread and my water, and 29 Yet a man purfue thee, and to feek
is rifen to
f Heb. I have killed for my fhearers, and give
my t flelh that thy foul but the foul of my lord fhall be bound in the
unto men whom I know not whence they be ?
it bundle of life with the Lord thy God and the fouls ;

12 So David's young men turned their way, and of thine enemies, them fhall he fling out, f as out of 1 Heb. in the
midst of the
went again, and came and told him all thofe fayings. the middle of a fling. benv of »
13 And David faid unto his men, Gird ye on every 30 And it fhall come to pafs, when the Lord fhall
man his fword. And they girded on every man his have done to my lord according to all the good that
fword, and David alfo girded on his fword and there
: he hath fpoken concerning thee, and fhall have ap-
went up after David about four hundred men, and pointed thee ruler over Ifraei,
t Htb. no
two hundred abode by the ftuff. 31 That this fhall be t no grief unto thee, nor of- staggerin/r,

14 11 But one of the young men told Abigail, Nabal 's fence of heart unto my lord, either that thou haft fhed or, stum-
wife, faying, Behold, David fent meffengers out of the blood caufelefs, or that my lord hath avenged him-
i : . : ,

Saul cometb against David to Hachilah. CHAP. XXVI. David reproveth Abner, and exborteth Saul,
felf : but when the Lord
fhall have dealt well with 5 IT And David arofe and came to the place where C h1Tst
ray lord, then remember
thine handmaid.
32 IF And David faid to Abigail Bleffed be the L o r d
Saul had pitched ; and David beheld the place where
Saul lay, b and Abner the fon of Ner, the captain of
bow +_

God of Ifrael, which fent thee this day to meet me : his holt and Saul lay in the trench, and the people
; ||
°f h'
33 And bleffed be thy advice, and bleffed be thou, pitched round about him. a

which halt kept me this day from coming to shed 6 Then anfwered David, and faid to Ahimelech the
blood, and from avenging mylelf with mine own hand. Hittite, and to Abifhai the fon of Zeruiah, brother to
34 For in very deed, as the Lord God of Ifrael Joab, faying, Who
will go down with me to Saul to
liveth, which hath kept me back from hurting thee, the camp ? And Abifhai laid, I will go down with thee.

except thou hadft halted and come to meet me,.furely _

7 So David and Abilhai came to the people by
there had not been left unto Nabal, by the morning- night and, behold,,Saul lay lleeping within the trench,

light, any that piffeth againft the wall. and his fpear ftuck in the ground at his bolfter but :

35 So David received of her hand that which flie Abner and the people lay round about him.
had brought him, and faid unto her,. Go up in peace 8 Then faid Abifhai to David, God hath t deliver- t ffeifc
shut up.
to thine houfe : fee, I have hearkened to thy voice, ed thine enemy into thine hand this day now, there- :

and have accepted thy perfon. fore, let me fmite him, I pray thee, with the fpear even
36 IT And Abigail came to- Nabal and, behold, he ; to the earth at once, and I will not smite him the
held a houfe like the feaft of a king and
feaft in his ;
fecond time.
Nabal 's heart was merry within him, for he %vas very 9 And David faid to Abifhai,. Deftroy him not
drunken wherefore fhe told him nothing, lefs or
for who can ftretch forth his hand againft the Lord's
more, morning light.
until the anointed, and be guiltlefs ?
37 But it came to pafs in the morning, when the 10 David faid furthermore, As the Lord liveth,
wine was gone out of Nabal, and his wife had told the Lord fhall fmite him ; or his day fhall come to
him thefe things, that his heart died within him r and die ; or he fhall defcend into battle and perifh.
he became as a ftone. 11 The Lord forbid that I fhould ftretch forth
38 And it came to pafs r about ten days afterr that mine hand againft the Lord's anointed : but, I pray
the Lord fmote Nabal, that he died. thee, take thou now the fpear that is at his bolfter,.
39 IF And when David heard that Nabal was dead, and the crufe of water, and let us go.
he faid, Bleffed be the Lord, that hath pleaded the 12 So David took the fpear and the crufe of water
caufe of my reproach from the hand of Nabal, and from Saul's bolfter ; and they gat them away,, and no
hath kept his fervant from evil for the Lord hath : man faw it, nor knew it, neither awaked for they :"

returned the wickednefs of Nabal upon his own head. were all afleep : becaufe a deep fleep from the Lord
And David fent and communed with x^bigail, to take was fallen upon them.
her to himto wife. 13 IF Then David went
over to the other fide, and
40 And when the fen-ants of David were come to flood on the top of an hill afar off (a great fpace being ;

Abigail to Carmel, they fpake unto her, faying, David between them ;.)
fent us unto thee, to take thee to him to wife. 14 And David cried to the people, and to Abner
41 And (lie arofe,, and bowed herfelf on her face to the fon of Ner, faying, Anfwereft thou not, Abner I
the earth, and faid, behold, let thine handmaid be a Then Abner anfwered and faid, Who art thou that
fervant to wafh the feet of the fervants of lord. my crieit to the king I

42 And Abigail halted, and arofe, and rode upon And David faid to Abner, Art not
15 thou a val-
eb ath<r
an afej ^ nve damfels of her's that went t after her iant man and who is like to thee in Ifrael
? ?wherefore
and fhe went after the meffengers of David, and be- then haft thou not kept thy lord the king ? for there
came his wife. came one of the people in to deftroy the king thy lord.
b Josh. $ 56. 43 David alfo took Ahinoam b of Jezreel ; and they 16 This thing is not good that thou haft clone. As
were alfo both of them his wives. the Lord liveth, ye are f worthy to die, becaufe ye +»«* the
c 1 Sam.
44 TFBut Saulhad given c Michalhisdaughter, David's have not kept your matter, the Lord's anointed. scnicfdi* ih;
3 '4 >£•
wife, to Phalti, the fon of Laifh, which was of Gallim. And now fee where the king's fpear is, and the crufe
CHAP. XXVI. of water that was at his bolfter !

1 Saul, informed by the Ziphites ofDavid 7s abode, com- 17 And Saul knew David's voice, and faid, Is this
etb against him to Hachilah. 5 David, coming to the thy voice, my fon David ? And David faid, It is my
trench, stayeth Abishai from killing Saul, but tak- voice, my lord, O king.
ethbis spear and cruse. 13 David reproveth Abner, 18 And he laid, Wherefore doth my lord thus
andexbortethSaul. 2 1 Saulacknowledgeth his sin,&c. purfue after his fervant ? for what have I done ? or
AND the Ziphites came unto Saul to Gibeah, fay-
ing, a Doth not David hide himfelf in the hill of
evil is in

mine hand
therefore, I pray thee, let

lord the my
Hachilah, which is before Jefhimon ? king hear the words of his fervant. If the Lord
2 Then Saul arofe, and went clown to the wildernefs have ftirred thee up againit me, let him f accept an tHth. Smea.
of Ziph, having three thoufand chofen men of Ifrael offering but if they be the children of men, curled be

with him, to feek David in the wildernefs of Ziph. they before the Lord ; for they have driven me out
3 And Saul pitched in the hill of Hachilah, which this day from f abiding in the inheritance of the t Ucb.
zs before Jefhimon, by the way but David abode in
: Lord, faying, Go, ferve other gods.
the wildernefs and he law that Saul came after him
; 20 Now, therefore, let not my blood fall to the
into the wildernefs. earth before the face of the Lord for the king of ;

4 David, therefore, fent out fpies, and underltood Ifrael is come out to feek a flea, as when one doth
that Saul was come in very deed. hunt a partridge in the mountains.

21 IT Then
1 :

David destroy eth the Geshurites, &c. I. SAMUEL. Saul persuadeth a witch to raise Samuel
21 If Then faid Saul, I have iinned ; return, my fon made his people Ifrael f utterly to abhor him .; there- egg*,
David for I will no more do thee harm, becauie my
: fore hefhall be my
fervant for ever. p>. ">s8.
foul was precious in thine eyes this day Behold, I :
P. XXVIII. + £"»
have played the and have erred exceedingly.
22 And David anfwered and faid, Behold the I Achish putteth confidence in David. 3 Said having
destroyed the workers with familiar spirits, 4 afraid
king's fpear and let one of the young men come over

and fetch it. of the Philistines, andforsaken of God, 7 sceketh to a

witch at Endor, whom he persuadeth to raise Sam-
23 The Lord render to every man his righteouf-
uel. 15 Saul, hearing of his approaching ruin,
neis, and his faithfulnefs for the Lord delivered :

fainteth. 21 The wo?nan with -his servants prevail

thee into my hand today, but I would not ftretch
forth mine hand.againft the Lord's anointed.
#n him to take some. food.
24 And, behold, as thy life was much fet by this
day in mine eyes, fo let my life be much fet by in the
AND it came
to.pafsin thofe days, that the Phi-
gathered their armies together for war.

eyes of the Lord, and let him deliver me out of all fare to light with Ifrael: and Achifli faid unto David,
tribulation. Know thou affuredly, that thou (halt go out with me
25 Then Saul faid to David, Bleffed be thou, my to battle, thou and thy men.
fon David thou (halt both do great things, and alio
2 And David faid to Achifli, Surely thou fhalt know
ihalt ilill prevail. -So David went on his way, and what thy fervant can do. And Achifh faid to David,
Saul returned to his place. Therefore will I make thee keeper of mine head for
C HAP. XXVII. ever.
3 H Now a Samuel was dead, and all Ifrael had la- a Chap. 25 !.
1 Said bearing .David was. fled to Gath, seekeihno mented him, and buried him in Ramah, even in his
more for him. 5 David beggeth Ziklag of Achish : own city and Saul had .put away thofe that had fa-
8 he, invading some other countries, persuaded miliar fpirits, and the wizards, out of the land.
Achish that he warred against judah. 4 II And the Philiftines gathered themfelves togeth-
A^ "^ David faid in his heart, I (hall now f perifh
.,/jL one day by the hand of Saul .: there is nothing
er, and came and pitched in Shunem and Saul gath-

ered all Ifrael together, and they pitched in Gilboa.

better for me than that I fhould fpeedily efcape into 5 And when Saul faw the hoft of the Philiftines, he
the land of the Philiftines ; and Saul fhall defpair of was afraid, and his heart greatly trembled.
me, to ieek me any more in any cooit of Ifrael..: fo 6 And when Saul inquired of the Lord, the Lord
iliall I efcape cut of his hand. anfwered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim,
2 And David arofe, andhe paffed over with the fix nor by prophets.
hundred men that were with him unto Achifh, the 7 II Then faid Saul unto his fervants, Seek me a wo-
ion of Maoch, king of Gath. man that hath a familiar fpirit, that I may go to her,
And David dwelt Avith Achifh at Gath, he and
3 and inquire of her. And his fervants laid to him,
hismen, every man with his houlehold, even David Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar fpirit at
with his two wives, Ahinoam the Jezreelitefs, and Endor.
Abigail the Carmelitefs, Nabal's wife. _
8 And Saul difguifed himfelf, and put on other rai-
4 And it was told Saul that David was fled to ment, and he went, and two men with him, and they
Gath and he fought no -more again for him.
; came to the woman by night ; and he laid, I pray
5 If AndDavid faid unto Achifh, If Ihave now found thee, divine unto me by the familiar fpirit, and bring
grace in thine eyes, let them give me a place inibme me him up whom I fhall name unto thee.
town in the country, that I may dwell there for why .: 9 And the woman faid unto him, Behold, thou
ihould thy fervant dwell in the royal city with thee ? knoweft what Saul hath done, how he hath cut off
6 Then Achifh gave him Ziklag that day ; where- thofe that have familiar fpirits, and the wizards, out
fore Ziklag pertaineth unto the kings of Judah unto of the land wherefore then layeft thou a fnare for my

this day. life, to caufe me to die ?

t se>.. the
number of
7 And
f the time that David dwelt in the country of 10 And Saul fware to her by the Lord, faying, As
H nur
e Philiftines was t a full year and four months. the Lord liveth, there fhall no puniihment happen

1f d%* 8 II And David and his men went up and invaded to thee for this thing,
theGefhurites, and the Gezrites, and the Amalekites I!
11 Then faid the woman, Whom
fhall I bring up
for thofe nations were of old the inhabitants of the land, unto thee ? And he faid, Bring me up Samuel.
as thou goeft to Shur, even unto the land of Egypt. 12 And when the woman faw Samuel, fhe cried with
9 And David fmote the land, and left neither man a loud voice and the woman fpake to Saul, faying,

nor woman alive, and took away the lheep, and the Why haft thou deceived me ? for thou art Saul.
oxen, and the affes, and the camels, and the apparel, 13 And the king faid unto her, Be not afraid : for
and returned, and came to Achifh. what fa weft thou ? And the woman' faid unto Saul,
o bm >«
l: '-•

10 And Achifh faid Whither have ye made a road
, || I faw gods afcending out of the earth.
nad!%- c." today ? And David faid, Againft the fouth of Judah, 14 And he faid unto her, t What form is he of ?
and againfl the fouth of the Jerahmeelites, and againft And flie faid, An old man cometh up ; and he is cov-

the fouth of the Kenites. _

ered with a mantle. And Saul perceived that it was
1 And David laved neither man nor woman alive Samuel, and he ftooped with his face to the ground,
to bring tidings to Gath, faying, Left they fhould tell and bowed himfelf.
on us, laying, So did David, and fo will be his manner 15 IT And Samuel faid to Saul, Why
haft thou dif-
all the while he dwelleth in the country of the Philif- quieted me, to bring me up ? And Saul anfwered, I am
tines. fore diftreffed for the Philiftines make war againft

12 And Achifli believed David, faying, He hath me, and God is departed from me, and anfwereth me
58 , . : : 1

The princes displeased with David. CHAP. XXIX, XXX. He setteth forward against the Amalekites.
no more, neither f by prophets nor by dreams : there- 6 H Then Achifh David, and faid unto him, CHKIST
fore I have called thee, that thou may eft make known Surely, as the Lord thou haft been upright, cir. \oro.
unto me what I fliall do. and thy going out and thy coming in with me in the
16 Thenfaid Samuel, Whercforethendoftthouafk hoft, is good in my fight ; for I have not found evil
of me, feeing the Lord is departed from thee, and is in thee fince the day of thy corning unto me unto this
become thine enemy ? day neverthelefs, the f lords favour thee not.
art not goc£
Or, for
And the Lord hath done to him b as he fpake by
17 II 7 Wherefore now return, and go in peace, that in the eyes
f me for the Lord hath rent the kingdom out of thine thou f difpleafe not the lords of the Philiftines.'
b Chap. 1
t Heb. do
28. not evil in
f Heb. minehand, and given it to thy neighbour, even to David : 8 And David faid unto Achifh, But what have I the eyes of
18 Becaufe thou obeyedft not the voice of theLoRD, done ? and what haft thou found in thy fervant, fo long the lords.
nor executedll his fierce wrath upon Amalek, therefore as I have been f with thee unto this day, that I may ttine,
Heb. befori

hath the Lord done this thing unto thee this day. not go fight againft the enemies of my lord the king ?
19 Moreover, the Lord will alfo deliver Ifrael with 9 And Achilh. anfwered and faid to David, I know
thee into the hand of the Philiftines and tomorrow ; that thou art good in my fight, as an angel of God :

shalt thou and thy fons &? with me the Lord alfo fliall : notwithftanding, the princes of the Philiftines have
deliverthe hoft of Ifrael into the hand of the Philiftines. faid, He fliall not go up with us to the battle.
t Heb. warfi
haste and fell 20 Then Saul f fell ftraitway all along on the earth, 10 Wherefore now rife up early in the morning
with thy mailer's fervants that are come with thee :

tut Jhefui- and was fore afraid, becaufe of the words of Samuel
'<»«. " and there was no ftrength in him for he had eaten ; and as foon as ye be up early in the morning, and have
no bread all the day, nor all the night. light, depart.
21 If And the woman came unto Saul, and faw 1 So David and his men rofe up early to depart in
that he was fore troubled, and faid unto him, Behold, the morning, to return into the land of the Philiftines..
thine handmaid hath obeyed thy voice, and 1 have . And the Philiftines went up to Jezreel,
put my life in my hand, and have hearkened unto thy
words which thou fpakeft unto me.
22 Now, therefore, I pray thee, hearken thou alfo
1 The Amalekites spoil Ziklag. 3 David distressed,
unto the voice of thine handmaid, and let me fet a mor-
and asking counsel of God, is encouraged to pursue
them : 9 he setteth forward, and by means of an
fel of bread before thee and eat, that thou mayeft
Egyptian receiveth intelligence of the enemy : 16 he
have ftrength when thou goeft on thy way.
smiteth them, and recovereth all the spoil. 22 Da-
23 But he refufed, and faid, I will not eat. But his
vid's law to divide the spoil equally : 26 he sendeth
fervants, together with the woman, compelled him ;
prese7its to his friends.
and he hearkened unto their voice. So he arofe from
the earth, and fat upon the bed.
24 And the woman had a fat calf in the houfe and
fhe hailed and killed it, and took flour, and kneaded
AND 1it came to pafs, when David and his men
were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the
Amalekites had invaded the fouth, and Ziklag, and
it, and did bake unleavened bread thereof
fmitten Ziklag, and burned it with fire ;

25 And llie brought it before Saul, and before his 2 And had taken the women captives that were
fervants and they did eat. Then they rofe up, and
therein : they flew not any, either great or fmall, but
carried them away, and went on their wa3>

went away that night. .

CHAP. XXIX. 3 II So David and his men came to the city, and,
behold, it was burned with fire and their wives, and

1 David marching with the Philistines, their princes

their fons, and their daughters, were taken captives.
are offended therewith. 6 Achish dismisseth him, 4 Then David and the people that were with him,
•with commendations of his fidelity
lifted up their voice and wept, until they had no more

NOW armies to
the Philiftines gathered together all their
Aphek and the Iiraelites pitched by
power to weep.
5 And David's two wives were taken captives.
a fountain which in Jezreel.
is Ahinoam the Jezreelitefs, and Abigail the wife of
2 And on by hun-
the lords of the Philiftines paffed Nabal the Carmelite.
dreds and by thoufands but David and his men
: 6 And David was greatly diftreffed for the peo-

paffed on in the rere ward with Achifh. ple fpake of Honing him, becaufe the foul of all the
+ Heir.
3 Then faid the princes of the Philiftines, What people was f grieved, every man for his fons and for bitter-

do thefe Hebrews here ? And Achilh faid unto the his daughters :- but David encouraged himfelf in the
princes of the Philiftines, Is not this David, the fer- Lord his God.
vant of Saul the king of Ifrael, which hath been with 7 And David faid to Abiathar the prieft, Ahimei
me thefe days, or thefe years, and I have found no lech's ion, I pray thee, bring me hither the ephod.
fault in him iince he fell unto me unto this day ? And Abiathar brought thither the ephod to David.
.4 And the princes of the Philiftines were wroth 8 And David inquired at the Lord, faying, Shall
with him and the princes of the Philiftines faid unto
; I purfue after this troop ? fliall I overtake them ? And
z iXhron.
12 191 him, a Make this fellow return, that he may go again he anfwered him, Purfue ; for thou fhalt furely over-
to his place which thou haft appointed him, and let take them, and without fail recover all.
him not go down with us to battle, left in the battle he 9 II So David went, he and the fix hundred men
be an adverfaiy to us for wherewith fhould he recon-
: that were with him, and came to the brook Beibr^
cile himfelf unto his mailer ? should it not be with the where thofe that were left behind, ftayed.
heads of thefe men ? 10- But David, purfued, he and four hundred men :
5 Is not this David, of whom they fang one to an- (for two hundred abode behind, which were fo faint
b Cliap
other in dances, faying, b Saul flew his thoufands, and brook Befor.)

%, & 2i II. that they could not go over the

David his ten thoufands ? 11 And they found an Egyptian in the field, and
2E brought
; ; :

David zendcth presents to his friends, I. SAMUEL, The bones of Saul and Jonathan buried.

cjntrar brought him to David, and gave him bread, and he 27 To them^ which were in Bethel, and to them
y^^y did eat ; and they made him drink water which w<?n? in fouth Ramoth, and to them which were
12 And they gave him a piece of a cake of figs, and in Jattir,
two clutters of raifins and when he had eaten, his
: 28 And to them which were in Aroer, and to them
fpirit came again to him for he had eaten no bread,
which were in Siphmoth, and to them which were in
nor drunk any water, three days and three nights. Efhtemoa>
13 And David faid unto him, To whom belongest 29 And to them which were in Rachal, and to them
thou ? and whence a/7 thou ? And he faid, I am a young which were in the cities of the Jerahmeelites, and to
man of Egypt, fervant to an Amalekite and my ; them which were in the cities of the Kenites,
mailer left me, becaufe three days agone I fell fick. 30 And to them which were in Hormah, and to
14 We made an invafion upon the fouth of the Che- them which were in Chorafhan, and to them which
rethites, and upon the coast which belongeth to Judah, were in Athach,
and upon the fouth of Caleb and we burned Zikiag
; 31 And to them which were in Hebron, and to all
with fire. the places where David himfelf and his men were
15 And David faid to him, Canft thou bring me wont to haunt.
down to this company ? And he faid, Swear unto me CHAP. XXXI.
by God, that thou wilt neither kill me, nor_ deliver I Said having lost his army, and his sons slain, he and
me into the hands of my mailer, and I will bring thee his armour bearer kill themselves. 7 The Philistines
down to this company. take possession of the towns deserted by the Israelites :
16 H And when he had brought him down, behold, 8 they triumph over the dead bodies of Saul and his-
they were fpread abroad upon all the earth, eating, and sons 11 The men of Jabeshgilead recover the dead
drinking, and dancing, becaufe of all the great fpoil bodies by night, burn them, and mournfully bury
that they had taken out of the land of the Philiitines, their bones at Jabesh.
and out of the land of Judah.
17 And David fmote thern from the twilight even
the Philiftines fought againil Ifrael ; and
of Ifrael fled from before the Philiitines,
t Heb. their unto the evening of f the next day and there efcap-
: and fell down flain in mount Gilboa.
|| H Or.
e d n0 £ a man of them, fave four hundred young men 2 And
the Philiftines followed hard upon Saul and
which rode upon camels, and fled. upon his fons ; and the Philiftines flew Jonathan, and
18 And David recovered all that the Amalekites Abinadab, and Melehiihua, Saul's fons.
had carried away and David refcued his two wives.
: 3 And the battle went fore againfl Saul, and the
t Keb. shoot~
19 And there was nothing lacking to them, neither f archers \ hit him and he was fore wounded of the

fmall nor great, neither fons nor daughters, neither archers. t Heb. found
fpoil, nor any thing that they had taken to them : 4 Then faid Saul unto his armour bearer, Draw thy
David recovered all. fword, and thruft me through therewith, left thefe un-
20 And David took all the flocks and the herds, circumcifed come and thruft me through, and abufe ||
Or, mock
which they drave before thofe other cattle, and faid, me._ But his armour bearer would not for he was fore ;

This is David's fpoil. afraid, Therefore Saul took a fword, and fell upon it.
21 And David came to the two hundred men, 5 And when his armour bearer faw that Saul was
which were fo faint that they could not follow David, dead, he fell likewiie upon his fword, and died with
whom they had made alfo to abide at the brook Be- him.
for and they went forth to meet David, and to meet
: 6 So Saul died, and his three fons, and his armour
the people that were with him and when David came : bearer, and all his men, that fame day together.
a or, a&a near to the people, he faluted them.
|| 7 IF And when men
of Ifrael that were- on the
them hoiu
they did. 22 If Then anfwered all the wicked men, and men other fide of the valley, and they that were on the oth-
t Heb. men. of Belial, of \ thofe that went with David, and faid, er fide Jordan, faw that the men of Ifrael fled, and that
Becaufe they went not with us, we will not give them Saul and his fons were dead, they forfook the cities
aught of the fpoil that we have recovered, fave to ev- and fled ; and the Philiftines came and dwelt in them.
ery man his wife and his children, that they may lead 8 And it came to pafs on the morrow, when the
them away and depart. Philiftines came to ftrip the flain, that they found
23 Then faid David, Ye fhall not do fo, my breth- Saul and his three fons fallen in mount Gilboa.
ren, with that which the Lord hath given us, who 9 And they cut off his head, and flapped off his
hath preferved us, and delivered the company that armour, and lent into the land of the Philiftines round
came againil us into our hand. about, to publifh it in the houfe of their idols, and
24 For who will hearken unto you in this matter ? among the people.
but as his part is that goeth down to the battle, fo 10 AndtheyputhisannourinthehoufeofAfhtaroth
shall his part be that tarrieth by the fluff they fhall : and they fattened his body to the wall of Bethfhan.
part alike, 11 IF A nd when the inhabitants of Jabefhgilead heard
t'H-b. end
25 And it was so, from day f forward, that he
that II
of that which the Philiftines had done to Saul [Or,«K-
ternihg hm>
made it a flatute and an ordinance for Ifrael unto this 12 All the valiant men arofe, and went all night,
day. and took the body of Saul, and the bodies of his fons,
26 II And when David came to Zikiag, he fent of from the wall of Bethfhan, and came to Jabefh, and
the fpoil unto the elders of Judah, even to his friends, burnt them there. bjer- 34 S-
\ Heb. Hi
faying, Behold a f prefent for you of the fpoil of the 13 And they took dieir bones, and c buried them e 1 Sara. 2 4>

enemies of the Lop.d & under a tree at Jabefh, and fatted kyQii days.


The Second Book of SAMUE L, otherwise called,

The Second Book of the KING S,

CHAP. I. 19
The beauty of Ifrael is flain upon
how are the mighty fallen
thy high
1 An Amaiekite, who informed David of the Israelites' : !

and accused himself of Saul's death, is slain. 20 e Tell it not in Gath, publifh it not in" the ftreets e Kicahi ia»
of Afkelon ; left the daughters of the Philiftines re-
17 David's lamentation over Saul and Jonathan.
joice, left the daughters of the uncircumcifed triumph.
ai Sam.
J« it-

NOW it came to pafs after the death of Saul, when
21 Ye mountains of Gilboa, let there be no dew,
David, was returned from the (laughter of the neither let there be rain upon you, nor fields of offer-
Amalekites, and David had abode two days in Ziklag ings: for there the fhield of the mighty is vilely call
2 It came even to pafs on the third day, that, be- away, the ihield of Saul, as though he had not been
hold, a man came out of the camp from Saul, with anointed with oil.
his clothes rent, and earth upon his head : and so it 22 From the blood of the flain, from the fat of the
was, when he came to David, that he fell to the earth, mighty, the bow of Jonathan turned not back, and the
and did obeifance. fword of Saul returned not empty.
3 And David faid unto him, From whence corned 23 Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleafant in B Or, i-aich

thou ? And he faid unto him, Out of the camp of their lives, and in their death they were not divided :
Ifrael am I efcaped. they were fwifter than eagles, they were ftronger than
tHeb. What 4 And David laid unto him, f How went the mat- lions.
ter ? I pray thee, tell me* And he anfwered, That 24 Ye daughters of Ifrael, weep over Saul, who
the people are fled from the battle, and many of the clothed you in fcarlet, with other delights, who put
people alfo are fallen and dead, and Saul and Jonathan on ornaments of gold upon your apparel.
his fon are dead alfo. 25 How are the mighty fallen in the midft of the bat-
5 And David laid unto the young man that told tle ! O Jonathan, thou wast flain in thine high places.
him, How knoweft thou that Saul and Jonathan his 26 I am diftreffed for thee my brother Jonathan :

fon be dead ? .
very pleafant haft thou been unto me thy love to me

6 And the young man that told him, faid, As I was wonderful, palling the love of women.
happened by chance upon mount Gilboa, behold, 27 How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of
Saul leaned upon his (pear ; and, lo, the chariots and war perilhed !

horfemen followed hard after_ him. C HA

P. II.
7 And when he looked behind him, he faw me, and
tHeh. called unto me. And I anfwered, f Here am I.
1 David, by God's direction, with his company goeth
Bzho'i vie.
8 And he faid unto me, Who art thou ? And I up to Hebron, where he is made king of Judah : 5 he
anfwered him, I am an Amaiekite. commendeth the men of Jabeshgileadfor their kind-
ness to Saul. 8 Abner maketh Ishbosheth king over
9 He laid unto me again, Stand, I pray thee, upon
flOr, my coat me, and flay me for
: || anguifh is come upon me, IsraeL 12 A
mortal skirmish between twelve ofAb-
'mail, or,
embroider- becaufe my life is yet whole in me. ner 's men and twelve of Joab's men. 18 Asahel is
eA coat, hin- slain. 25 At Abner' s motion Joab soundeth a retreat.
dereth me, 10 So lilood upon him and fiew him, becaufe I was
that my, &c.
fure that he could not live after that he was fallen :
32 Asahel' s burial.
and I took the crown that was upon his head, and the
bracelet that was on his arm, and have brought them
AN D it came to pafs, after this, that David in-
quired of the Lord, faying, Shall I go up into
hither unto my lord. any of the cities of Judah ? And the Lord faid unto
bChap. 3 31,
11 If Then David took hold on his clothes, and b
rent him, Go up. And David laid, Whither i hall I go
& 1331.
them, and likewife all the men that were with him. up ? And he faid, unto Hebron.
12 And they mourned and wept, and failed until 2 So David went up thither, and his two wives
even, for Saul, and for Jonathan his fon, and for the alfo, Ahinoam the Jezreelitefs, and Abigail, Nabal's
people of the Lord, and for the houfe of Ifrael ; be- wife the Carmelite.
caufe they were fallen by the fword. 3 And his men that ivere with him did David bring
13 If And David faid Unto the young man that told up, every man with his houfehold and they dwelt :

him, Whence art thou ? And he anfwered, I am the in the cities of Hebron.
fon of a ftranger, an Amaiekite. 4_ And the men of Judah came, and there they *
4 Psalm
105 ij.
14 And David laid unto him, How waft thou not anointed David king over the houfe of Judah. And

afraid to ftretch forth thine hand to deitroy the Lord's they told David, faying, That b the men of Jabefh- cir. biSam. 31 13.
anointed ? gilead were they that buried Saul.
15 And David called one of the young men, and 5 *ffAnd David fent meffengers unto the men of Ja-
faid, Go near, andMl upon him. And he fmote him befhgilead, and faid unto them, Blefled be ye of the
that he died. Lord, that ye have fhcwed this kindnefs unto your
16 And David faid unto him, Thy blood be upon lord, even unto Saul, and have buried him.
thy head for thy mouth hath teftified againft thee,
; 6 And now the Lord fhew kindnefs and truth
faying, I have flain the Lord's anointed. unto you and I alfo will requite you this kindnefs,

17 II And David lamented with this lamentation becaufe ye have done this thing.
over Saul, and over Jonathan his fon : 7 Therefore now let your hands be ftrengthened and tHeb. h:>:

18 (Alfo he bade them teach the children of Judah t be ye valiant for your maftcr Saul is dead, and alfo ^hTtmtof

d Josli. 10 3. the use ofxht bow : behold, it is written in the book the houfe of Judah have anointed me king over them. raeL'the
upright. II
of Jafher ;) 3 If But Abner the fon of Ner, captain off Saul's %&%$%
1 11

Abner slayeth Asahel. II. SAMUEL. Abner rcvolicth to David.

hoft, took Ifhbofheth the foil of Saul, and brought ||
gone up every one from following his brother.
him over Mahanaim
to ; 28 So Joab blew a trumpet, and all the people flood
9 And he made him king over Gilead, and over the ftill, and purfued after Ifrael no more, neither fought

Afhurites, and over Jezreel, and over Ephraim, and they any more.
over Benjamin, and over ail Ifrael. 29 And Abner and his men walked all that night
10 Ifnbofheth, Saui's fon, was forty years old through the plain, and paffed.over Jordan, and went
when he began to reign over Ifrael, and reigned two through ail Bithron, and they came to Mahanaim.
years but the houfe of Judah followed David.
: 30 If And Joab returned from following Abner and :

1 (And the t time that David was king in Hebron when he had gathered all the people together, there
over the houfe of Judah, was feven years and fix lacked of David's fervants nineteen men, and Afahel.
months. 3 But the fervants of David had fmitten of Benja-
tn. 1053. 12 IF And Abner the fon of Ner, and the fervants min, and of Abner's men, so that three hundred and
of Ifnbofheth the fon of Saul, went out from Mahan- threefcore men died.
aim to Gibeon. 32 If And they took up
Afahel, and buried him in
13 And Joab the fon of Zeruiah and the fervants of the fepulchre of his father, which was in Bethlehem.
m David wen out, and met t together by the pool of And Joab and his men went all night, and they came
Gibeon and they fat down, the one on the one fide of
: to Hebron at break of day.
the pool, and the other on the other fide of the pool. CHAP. III.
14 And Abner faid to Joab, Let the young men now 1 During the war David still waxeth stronger : 2 six
arife and play before us. And Joab faid, Let them arife. sons born to him in Hebron. 6 Abner displeased with
15 Then there arofe and went over by number Ishbosheth, threateneth to revolt to David. 13 David
twelve of Benjamin, which pertained to ifhbofheth requireth a condition to bring him his wife Michal.
the fon of Saul, and twelve of the fervants of David. 17 Abner having communed with the Israelites, is
16 And they caught every one his fellow by the feasted by David, and sent away in peace. 22 Joab,
head, and thrust his fword in his fellow's fide fo they ; returning from battle, is displeased with the king,
fell down wherefore that place was called
together : andkilleth Abner. 28 David curseth Joab, 31 and
J That is,
Heikathhazzurim, which is in Gibeon. mourneth for Abner.
the field of
itrong men.

17 And there was a very fore battle that day and

Abner was beaten, and the men of Ifrael, before the
NOW there was long war between the houfe of
Saul and the houfe of David but David waxed :

fervants of David. ftronger and flronger, and the houfe of Saul waxed
18 If And there were three fons of Zeruiah there, weaker and weaker.
Joab, and Abifhai, and Afahei and Afahel was as : 2 If And unto David were fons bom in Hebron and
_ :
jHeb. of his
iight f of foot f as a wiIdroe> his firflborn was Amnon, of Ahinoam the Jezreelitefs;
lftS'r"eV 19 And Afahel purfued after Abner and in going
; 3 And his fecond, Chileab, of Abigail the wife of
thath in the h e turned not to the right hand nor to the left
f from Nabal the Carmelite and the third, Abfalom, the fon

+ Ke'b. fro,,, following Abner. of Maacah, the daughter of Talmai king of Gefhur ;
after Abner.
20 Then Abner looked behind him, and faid, Art 4 And the fourth, Adonijah, the fon of Haggith ;
thou Afahel ? And
he anfwered, I am. and the fifth, Shephatiah, the fon of Abital ;

21 And Abner faid to him, Turn thee afide to thy 5 And the fixth, Ithream, by Eglah, David's wife.
right hand or to thy left, and lay thee hold on one of Thefe were born to David in Hebron.
I Or, spui?
the young men, and take thee his 6 IfAnd it came to pafs, while there was war between
armour. But ||

Afahel would not turn afide from following of him. the houfe of Saul and the houfe of David, that Abner
22 And Abner faid again to Afahel, Turn thee made himfelf flrong for the houfe of Saul.
'fide from following me wherefore fhould I finite
: 7 And Saul had a concubine, whofe name was a Riz- a Chap:
21 8 jo.
thee to the ground ? How then fhould I hold up my pah, the daughter of Aiah and Ishbosheth fkid to

face to Joab thy brother ? Abner, wherefore haft thou gone in unto my father's
23 Howbeit, he refufed to turn afide wherefore : concubine ?

Abner with the hinder end of the fpear fmote him un- 8 Then was Abner very wroth for the words of Ifh-
der the fifth rib, that the fpear came out behind him ;
bofheth, and faid, Am
I a dog's head, which againft
and he fell down there, and died in the fame place : Judah do fhew kindnefs this day unto the houfe of
and it came to pafs, that as many as came to the place Saul thy father, to his brethren, and to his friends,
where Afahel fell down and died, flood ftill. and have not delivered thee into the hand of 1J avid,
24 Joab aifo and Abifhai purfued after Abner and : that thou chargeft me today with a fault concerning
the fun went down when they were come to the hill this woman ?

of Ammah, that lleth before Giah, by the way of the 9 So do God to Abner, and more alfo, except as
wildernefs of Gibeon. the Lord hath fworn to David, even fo I do to him ;

25 If And the children of Benjamin gathered them - 10 To tranflate the kingdom from the houfe of
felves together after Abner, and became one troop, Saul, and to fet upon the throne of David over Ifrael
and flood on the top of an hill. and over Judah, from Dan even to Beeriheba.
26 Then Abner called to Joab, and faid, Shall the 1 And he could not anfwer Abner a word again,
fword devour for ever ? knoweft thou not that it will becaufe he feared him.
be bitternefs in the latter end ? how long fhall it be 12 If And Abner fent meffengers to David on his 1048.
then ere thou bid the people return from following behalf, faying, Whofe is the land ? faying also, Make
their brethren ? thy league with me, and, behold, my hand shall be
27 And Joab faid, As God liveth, unlefs thou hadft with thee, to bring about all Ifrael unto thee.
thfmmiH- fpokeri, fiirely then + in the morning the people had 13 If And he faid, Well I will make a league with

thee :
; ,

David curseih Joab. CHAP. IV. Ishbosheth slain by Rechab and Baanah.
thee : but one thing I require of thee, f that is, Thou 32 And they buried Abner in 'Hebron and the :

{halt not fee my face, except thou firft bring Michal, king lifted up his voice, and wept at the grave of Ab-
I- aeb. «;/».. Saul's daughter, when thou comeft to fee my face. ner and all the people wept.

14 And David fent

meffengers to Ifhbofheth, Saul's 33 And the king lamented over Abner, and faid,
Ton, faying, Deliver me my wife Michal, which I efpouf- Died Abner as a fool dieth ?
b Sam. 34 Thy hands were net bound, nor thy feet put in-

»3 ii.2-, ed to me b for an hundred forefkins of the Philiftines. Heb. chiU

15 And Ifhboflieth fent, and took her from her to fetters : as aman falleth before j wicked men, so :n oftif

t. Sam.
hufband, even from Phaltiel the fon of Laifli. felleft thou. And all the people wept again over him iqliilj.

25 44-
Phalti. 16 And her hufband went with her f along weep- 35 And when all the people came to caufe David to
t Heb. going
and "weeping ing behind her to Bahurim. Then faid Abner unto eatmeat while it was yet day, David fware, faying',
him, Go, return. And he returned. So do God to me, and more alfo, if I tafte bread or

17 II And Abner had communication with the el- aught elfe,"till the fun be down.
+ Heb. bc.k
ders of Ifrael, faying, Ye fought for David t in times 36 And all the people took notice of it, and it t Heb. 1U.IJ
iter day and

p aft f fa king over VOU. f pleafed them as whatfoever the king did, pleafed good their

18 Now then do it; for the Lord hath fpoken of all the people.

David, faying, By the hand of my fervant David I will 37 For all the people, and all Ifrael, underftood that
fave my people Ifrael out of the hand of the Philif- day, that it was not of the king to flay Abner the fon
tines, and out of the hand of all their enemies. of Ner.
19 And Abner alfo fpake in the ears of Benjamin :
38 And the king faid unto his fervants, Know ye
and Abner went alio to fpeak in the ears of David in not that there is a prince and a great man fallen this
Hebron all that feemed good to Ifrael, and that teem- day in Ifrael ?
ed good to the whole houfe of Benjamin. 39 And I am this day f weak, though anointed tHeb. tender;
20 So Abner came to David to Hebron, and twen- king ; and thefe men the fons of Zeruiah be too hard
ty men with him. And David made Abner, and the for me the Lord fhall reward the deer of evil ac-

men that were with him, afeaft._ cording to his wickednefs.

21 And Abner faid unto David, I will arife and go, CHAP. IV.
and will gather all Ifrael unto my lord the king, that 2
1 The Israelites are troubled at the death of Abner.
they may make a league with thee, and that thou
maye.ft reign over all that thine heart defireth. And Baanah and Rechab slay Ishbosheth, and bring his
head to David to Hebron. 9 David causeth them to
David fent Abner away and he went in peace. ;
be put to death, and Ishbosheth''s head to be buried.
22 \ And, behold, the fervants of David and Joab
came from pursuing a, troop, and brought in a great fpoil
with them but Abner was not with David in Hebron
AN D when Saul's fon heard that Abner was dead
Hebron, his hands were feeble, and all the
for he had fent him away, and he was gone in peace. Israelites were troubled.
23 When Joab and all the hofl that was with him 2 IT And Saul's fon had two men that were captains
were come, they told Joab, faying, Abner the fon of of bands the name of the one was Baanah, and the

Ner came to the king, and he hath fent him away, name of the f other Rechab, the fons of Rimmon a tHeb. **«»,*.

gone in peace.
and he is Beerothite, of the children of Benjamin (forBeeroth :

24 Then Joab came to the king, and faid, What haft alfo was reckoned to Benjamin :

thou done ? behold Abner came unto thee ; why is it 3 And the Beerothites fled to Gittaim, and were
that thou haft fent him away, and he is quite gone ? fojourners there until this day :)
25 Thou knoweit Abner the fon of Ner, that he 4 And Jonathan, Saul's fon, had a fon that was lame
came to deceive^ thee, and to know thy going out, of his feet. He was five years old when the tidings
and thy coming in, and to know all that thou doeft. came of Saul and Jonathan out of Jezreel, and his
26 And when Joab was come out from David, he nurfe took him up and fled and it came to pafs, as

fent meffengers after Abner, which brought him again fhe made hafte to flee, that he fell, and became lame.
from the well of Sirah but David knew it not. : And his name was Mephibofheth.
27 And when Abner was returned to Hebron, Joab 5 And the fons of Rimmon the Beerothite, Rechab
d ttings 2 5. d took

pea J
afjde }-,i
m m
t ne g a e to fpeak with him quiet- ||
and Baanah, went and came about the heat of the
\?y.' ly, and
fmote him there under the fifth rib, that he day to the houfe of Ifhboflieth, who lay on a bed at
echap. 2 23. di ec] for the blood of c Afahel his brother. noon.

28 H And afterward, when David heard it, he faid, 6 And they came thither into the midft of the houfe,
land my kingdom are guiltlefs before the Lord for as though they would have fetched wheat and they ;

tHeb. bhods. ever from the f blood of Abner the fon of Ner : fmote him under the fifth rib : and Rechab and Baanah
29 Let it reft on the head of Joab, and on all his his brother efcaped.
+ Heb. father's houfe and let there not f fail from the houfe
; 7 For when they came into the houfe, he lay on his
it cut off.
of Joab one that hath an iffue, or that is a leper, or bed in his bed chamber, and they fmote him, and
that leaneth on a fluff, or that falleth on the fword, or flew him, and beheaded him, and took his head, and
that lacketh bread. gat them away through the plain all night.
30 So Joab and Abifhai his brother flew Abner, 8 And they brought the head of Ifhbofheth unto
f Cliap. 2 :

becaufe he had flain their brother f Afahel at Gibeon David to Hebron, and faid to the king, Behold the
in the battle. head of Ifhbofheth the fon of Saul, thine enemy which ,

31 Tf And David faid to Joab, and to all the people fought thy life and the Lord hath avenged my lord

that were with him, Rend your clothes, and gird you the king this day of Saul, and of his feed.
with fack cloth, and mourn before Abner, And king 9 1 And David anfwered Rechab and Baanah Ins
frHeb,j«f. David himself followed the t bie*> 1
brother, the fons of Rimmon the Beerothite, and faid

STiram sendeth to David. II. SAMUEL. David bringeth the ark.

(Srot unto them, ^
the Lord liveth, who hath redeemed 14 And * thefe be filenames of thofe that were born
a chap.
my foul out of all adverfity,
io When a one told me, faying, Behold, Saul is
unto him in Jerufalem Shammuah, and Shobab,
and Nathan, and Solomon,

g Chroiw[
3 5.

t HeVki'-wat dead, (f thinking to have brought good tidings ,) I took 15 Ibharalfo, and Elifhua and Nepheg, and Japhia,
Vyi)Va hold of him, and flew him in Ziklag, who thought J|
16 And Elifhama, and Eliada, and Eliphalet. 1047-
^ringer, &c.
jOr, -which that I would have given him a reward for his tidings : 17 1T h But when the Phiiiflines heard that they had h
1 CKro*.
was the re-
tuard I gave
11 How much more, when wicked men have flain anointed David king over Ifrael, all the Phiiiflines
him for hit a righteous perfon in his own houfe, upon his bed ? came up to feek David and David heard of it, and
fhall I not therefore now require his blood of your
went down to the hold.
hand, and take you away from the earth ? 18 The Phiiiflines alfo came and fpread themfelves
12 And David commanded his young men, and in the valley ofRephaim.
they flew them, and cut off their hands and their feet, 19 And .David inquired of the Lord, faying, Shall
and hanged them up over the pool in Hebron. But _
I go up to the Phiiiflines wilt thou deliver them into

they took the head of Ifhbofheth, and buried it in the mine hand ? And the Lord faid untoDavid, Go up; for
Mb* 3 32. b fe p U i c h re of Abner in Hebron. I will doubtlefs deliver the Phiiiflines into thine hand.
C H A P. V. And David came to 'Baalperazim, and David iIsaiah28 '
20 : '

fmote them there, and faid, The Lord hath broken

1 The tribes come to Hebron to anoint David king over forth upon mine enemies before me, as the breach of
Israel. 4 David's age : 6 he taketh Z ion from the waters. Therefore he called the name of that place
Jebusites, and dwelleth in it. 11 Hiram sendeth to
IIBaalperazim. CThatis.
David. 13 Eleven sons are born to David in Jeru- 21 And there they left their images, and David and *£££*

salem. 17 David, directed by God, smiteth the his men k burnt them. k Chron. 1

Philistines at Baalperazim, 22 and again at the 22 And the 14 12.

IFPhiiiflines came up yet again, and Or, took
mulberry trees. fpread themfelves in the valley of Rephaim.

than a-asy,
it I.
HEN came all the tribes of Ifrael to David un-
23 And when David inquired of the Lord, he faid,
Hebron, and fpake, faying, Behold, we are
to Thou ihalt not go up; tofetchacompafs behind them,
thy bone and thy flefh. and come upon them over againfl the mulberry trees.
2 Alfo in time pall, when Saul was king^ over us, 24 And let it be, when thou hearefl the found of a
thou waft he that leddeft out and broughcefl in Ifrael going in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then thoir
r> Psalm
and the Lor d faid to thee, b Thou ihalt feed my peo- ihalt beflir thyielf.: for then fhall the Lord go out
ple Ifrael, and thou (halt be a captain over Ifrael. before thee, to finite the hoft of the Phiiiflines.
3 So all the elders of Ifrael came to the king to 25 And David did fo, as the Lord had command-
Hebron and king David made a league with them
; ed him and fmote the Phiiiflines from Geba until

in Hebron before the Lord and they anointed Da-

: thou come to Gazer.
jyid king over Ifrael.
4 IF David was thirty years old when he began to
reign, and he reigned forty years.
1 Davidfeicheth the ark from Kirjathjearim : 6 Uz-
zah, for taking hold of it, is smitten dead ; the ark is
5 chap. 211. 5 In Hebron he reigned over Judah c feven years
carried into the house of Obededom. Y2. David bring-
and fix months and in Jerufalem he reigned thirty

eth the ark into Zion, sacrificing and dancing before

and three years over all Ifrael and Judah.
it ; Michal despise th him : 17 he placeth it in a
6 IF And the king and his men went to Jerufalem
tabernacle with great joy. 20 Michal, for reproving
unto the Jebufites, the inhabitants of the land which :

fpake unto David, faying, Except thou take away the

David, is childless to her death.
blind and the lame,* thou fhalt not come in hither :
AGAIN David gathered together all the chofen 104;.

m, trc
thinking, David cannot come in hitiier.
men of thoufand,
Ifrael, thirty
7 Neverthelefs, David took the ftrong hold of Zion : 2 And a David arofe, and went with all the people a Chron. 1

13 5 6.
the fame is the city of David. that were with him from Baale of Judah, to bring up
8 And David faid on that day, Whofoever getteth from thence the ark of God, whofe name is called or, at
|j n

up to the gutter, and fmiteth the Jebufites, and the by the name of The Lord cf Hofts, that dwelleth ™S?e™ even
the name of
lame and the blind that are hated of David's foul, between the cherubims.
^ 3 And they f fet the ark of God upon a new cart, *°|&'a"w
C n & Wherefore they faid,
?,' 6
he shall be chief and captain. ||

^7;; / The blind and
the lame ihall not come into the houle. and brought it out of the houfe of Abinadab that was tHeh. ««£
V^tnthtUini 9 So David dwelt in the fort, and called it, The in Gibeah : and Uzzah and Ahio, the fons of Abin- \\oi%hnr

MfaZtfiZ city of David. And David built round about, from adab, drave the new cart.
gE^^Miflo and inward. 4 And they brought it out of b the houfe of Abina- b Sa;n 7 '• ' '

lofng'ZT' 10 Anci David | went on, and grew great ; and the dab, which was at Gibeah, f accompanying the ark tHeb. w ««A,
grmajng. Lord God of hofts was with him. of God and Ahio went before the ark.

«T'chr™. 11 TT And e Hiram king of Tyre fent meffengers to 5 And David and all the houfe of Ifrael played be-
inlLhs-wers David, and cedar trees, and carpenters, and | mafons fore the Lord on all manner of instruments made of
*{/^/r and they built David an houfe. fir wood, even on harps, and on pfalteries, and on tim-
12 And David perceived that the Lord had eflab- brels, and on cornets, and on cymbals.
lifhed him king ever Ifrael, and that he had exalted 6 IF And, when they came to Nachon's threfhing \\ 13 £

his kingdom for his people Ilrael's fake. floor, Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God,
12 Tf And f David took him more concubines and and took hold of it ; for the oxen fhook it. ||
wives out of Jerufalem, after he was come from He- 7 And the anger of the Lord was kindled againfl
bron and there were yet fons and daughters bom to
: Uzzah and God frnote him there
; for his ||
error ; J^wi*
David. and there he died by the ark of God.
8 And

David placeth the ark in a tabernacle CHAP, VII. his prayer and thanksgiving.

christ 8 And David was difpleafed, becaufe the Lord 2 That the king faid unto Nathan the prophet, See
now, I dwell in an houfe of cedar, but the ark of God

had t made a breach upon Uzzah

In +'?. and he called the :

He* *«*««. name of the olace Perezuzzah to this day. I!

dwelleth, within curtains.
•k'Sw 9 And David was afraid of the Loud that day, and 3 And Nathan faid to the king, Go, do all that is in
sxxah. *
jj ow ||ia y, tne ar ^ f tiie Lord come to me ? thine heart for the Lord is with thee.

4 T\ And it came to pais that night, that the word of

* 10 So David would not remove the ark of the L o r p
unto him into the city of David but David carried it :
the Lord came unto Nathan, laying,
to my
aude into the houfe of Obededom the Gittite. 5 Goand tell f my
fervant David, Thus faith the tHeb.
servant to

11 And the ark of the Lord continued in the houfe


Lord, Shalt thou build me an houfe for me to dwell in ? Duxid,-

of Obededom the Gittite three months and the : 6 Whereas I have not dwelt in any houfe fmce the
Lord Obededom, and all his houfehold.
blefled time that I brought up the children of Ifrael out of
12 IT And it was told king David, laying', The Egypt even to this day, but have walked in a tent
Lord hath blelfed the houfe of Obededom, and all and in a tabernacle.
that pertaineth unto him, becaufe of the ark of God. 7 In all the placeswherem I have walked with all the
di chrcn. i
5 ^So David went and brought up the ark of God from children of Ifrael, fpakel a word with b any of thetribes i Chrers. 'i
6. anyoftkt-
the houfe of Obededom into the city of David with of Ifrael, whom I commanded to feed my people Ifrael, judge;.

gladnefs. laying' , Why

build ye not me an houfe of cedar ?
13And it was so, that, when they that bare the ark 8 Now, therefore, fo ihalt thou fay unto my fervant
of the Lord had gone fix paces, he facrificed oxen and David, Thus faith the Lord of hofts, c I took thee c T Sam. IS
1 1 . Psalm
fadings. from the fheepcote, f from following the fheep, to be 7876.
t etn
14 And David danced before the Lord with all his ruler over my people, over Ifrael : after.

might and David was girded with a linen ephod.

9 And T was with thee whitherfoever thou wenteft,
15" So David and ail the houfe of Ifrael brought up and have cut off all thine enemies t out of thy fight, t Heb. from
the ark of the Lord with fhcuting,. and' with the found and have made thee a great name, like unto the name
of the trumpet. of the great men that are in the earth.
16 And as the ark of the Lord, came into the city 10 (Moreover, I will appoint a place for my people
of David, Michal, Saul's daughter, looked through a Ifrael, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a
window, and faw king David leaping and. dancing be- place of their own, and move no more : neither ihall
fore the Lord and fhe defpifed him in her heart,
the children of wickednefs afflict them any more, as
17 If And they brought in the ark of the Lord, and beforetime.
fet it in his place, in the midil of the tabernacle that 11 And as fmce 'the time that I commanded judges
f Heb. David had f pitched for it and David offered burnt : to be over my
people Ifrael, and have caufed thee to
stretched. offerings and peace offerings before the Lord.. reft from all thine enemies.) Alfo the Lord telletli
18 And as foon as David had made an end of offer- thee, that he will make thee an houfe.
e chron. 16 ing bunut offerings and
peace offerings, e hebleffed 12 KAnd
d when thy
days be fulfilled, and thou d I Kings I

* the people in the name of the Lord of hofts. ihalt ileep'wiih thy fathers, I will fet up thy feed after
19 And he dealt among all the people, even among thee, which ihall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will
the whole multitude of Ifrael, as well to the women as eftablifh his kingdom.
men, to every one a cake of bread, and a good piece of 13 e
He ihall build an houfe for my name, and I will
1 Kings
& 6 ia?

flesh, and a flagon of wine. So all the people departed ftablilh the throne of his kingdom for ever. 1
Chron.' 22

every one to his houfe. 14 f I will be his father, and he ihail be. my fon. s If fHeb. i(.
g Psalm 89
20 U Then David returned to blefs his houfehold. he commit iniquity, I will chaften him with the rod 30 31 33.
And Michal, the daughter of Saul, came out to meet of men, and with the ftripes of the children of men :

David, and faid, How glorious was the king, of Ifrael 15 But my mercy ihall not depart away from him,
today, who uncovered himfelf today in the eyes of the as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee.
handmaids of his fervants, as one of the vain fellows 16 And thine houfe, and thy kingdomj ihall be
I or, opmiy.
ihamelefiiiy uncovereth himfelf
! eftabliihed for ever before thee : thy throne ihall be
21 And David faid unto Michal, it was before the eftabliihed for ever.
Lord, which chofe me before thy father, and before 17_ According to all thefe words, and according to
all his houfe, to appoint me ruler over the people of ail this virion, io did Nathan fpeak unto David.
the Lord, over Ifrael therefore will I play before : 18 *[\ Then went king David in, and fat before the
the Lord. Lord, and he faid, Who am I, O Lord God ? and
22 And I will yet be more vile than thus, and will be what is my houfe,
that thou hail brought hitherto ? me
Lndmfid^cf bale in mine own fight and of the maid fervants which
: . || 19 And this was yet a fmall thing in thy light, O
«ny servant*.
t }10(1 ipoken of, of them ihall I be had in honour.
hall Lord God ; but thou hail fpoken alfo of thy fervant's
23 Therefore, Michal the daughter of Saul, had no houfe for a great while to come : and is this the f man- t Hefc /jvi
child until the day of her death. ner of man, O Lord God ?

CHAP. VII. 20 And what can David fay more unto tiiee ? for
1 Nathan first approving David's purpose to build thou, Lord God, knoweft thy fervant.
God an house, 4 afterward, by the word of God, 21 For thy word's lake, and according to thine own.
forbiddeth him. 12 God promiseth David benefits thou done all thefe great things, to make
heart, haft
and blessings in his seed. 18 David's prayer and thy fervant know them.
thanksgiving. 22 Wherefore, thou art great, O Lord God for : A ND it to pafs, a when the king fat in his

came there is none like thee, neither is there any God befide
** Xjl houfe, and the Lord had given him reft round thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears.
about from all his- enemies,. 23 And what one nation in the earth is like thy h Deut. 6*.
: 1 ; !

Toi sendeih his son with presents to David, II. SAMUEL. David's kindness to Mephiboshetb,
people, even like Ifrael, whom God went to redeem
B( (ore
CHRIST with him yeffels of filver, and veffels of gold, and vef-
i^w ibra people to himfelf, and to make him 'a name, fels of brafs ; ,

and to do for yea great things and terrible, for thy 1 Which alfo king David did dedicate unto the
land, before thy people, which thou redeemeft to Lord, with the filver and gold that he had dedicated
thee from Egypt; from the nations and their gods ? of all nations which he fubdued :

24 For thou haft confirmed to thyfelf thy people 12 Of Syria, and of Moab, and of the children of
Ifrael, to be a people unto thee for ever : and thou, Amnion, and of the Philiftines, and of Amalek, and of

Lord, become their God.

art .the fpoil of Hadadezer, fon of Rehob, king of Zobah.
25 And now, OLord God, the word that thou halt 13 And David gat feaname when he returned
fpoken concerning thy fervant, and concerning his from tfmiting of the Syrians in the valley of Salt, !ui
houfe, eflablilli it for ever, and do as thou hall laid. being eighteen thoufand men.
26 And let thy name be magnified forever, faying, M
If And he put garrifons in Edom ; throughout
The Lord of hofts is the God over Ifrael and let the : all Edom put he garrifons and all they of Edom

houfe of thy fervant David be eflablifhed before thee- became David's fervants. And the Lord preferved
27 For thou, O
Lord of hofts, God of Ifrael, haft David whitherfoever he went.
p' ned ^ revealed to thy fervant, laying, I will build thee an 15 If And David reigned over all Ifrael ; and David
houfe therefore hath thy fervant found in his heart
; executed judgment andjuftice unto all his people.
to pray this prayer unto thee. 16 And Joab the fon of Zeruiah was over the hoft ;
28 And now, O
Lord God, thou art that God, and Jehofhaphat the fon of Ahilud was recorder || ;
Or, re-
membrc nceri
i john 17 1>. and thy words be true, and thou haft promifed this
17 And Zadok the fon of Ahitub, and Ahimelech or, "writer
goodnels unto thy fervant the fon of Abiathar, were the priefls ; and Seraiah was
JSSffl" 29 Therefore now f let it pleafe thee to blefs the the || fcribe I Or,
fya. houfe of thy fervant, that it may continue for ever 18 c And Benaiah the fon of Jehoiada was over both c 1 Chrons
before thee for thou, : O
Lord God, haft fpoken it, the Cherethites and the Pelethites ; and David's fons
18 17.

and with thy bleffing let the houfe of thy fervant be were chief rulers.
|| '

bleiTed for ever. C
P. IX. H A
CHAP. VIII. 1 David, upon inquiry, informed by Ziba of Mephi--
1 David siibdueth the Philistines, and maketh the bosheth : 7 for Jonathan's sake he entertaineth him
Moabites tributary : 3 He smiteth Hadadezer and at his table, and restoreth him all that was Saul's : 9
the Syrians. 9 'Toi sendeth his son with presents to he appointeth Ziba and his sons to till the land.
bless David, who dedicateth the presents and the
spoil to God: 14 he putteth garrisons in Edom : 15
AND David faid, Is there yet any that is left of the*
houfe of Saul, that I may iliew him kindnefs for
his good reign, &c. Jonathan's fake ?
cir. 1040.
1 Ch.10. i8

Or. the bri-
AN D a
after this it came to pafs, that David fmote
the Philiftines, and fubdued them and David :
2 And there was of the houfe of Saul a fervant,
whofe name was Ziba and, when they had called

dle of Am-
took II Methegammah out of the hand of the Philif- him unto David, the king faid unto him, Art thou
tines. Ziba ? And he faid, Thy fervant is he.
2 And
he fmote Moab, and meafured them with 3 And the king faid, Is there not yet any of the
a line, calling them down to the ground even with ; houfe of Saul, that I may fhew the kindnefs of God
two lines meafured he, to put to death, and with one unto him ? And Ziba faid unto the king, Jonathan
full line, to keep alive. And so the Moabites became hath yet a fon, which is a lame on his feet. a Chap. 4 4;

David's fervants, and brought gifts. 4 And the king faid unto him, Where is he ? And
3 If David fmote alfo Hadadezer, the fon of Rehob, Ziba faid unto the king, Behold, he is in the houfe
S lm60 ' king of b Zobah, as he went to recover his border at of Machir, the fon of Ammiel, in Lodebar.
titi e!

the rrv er Euphrates. 5 If Then king David fent-and fetched him out of the
f his. 4And David took from him a thoufand chari-
|| || houfe of Machir, the fon of Ammiel, from Lodebar.
6 Now, when Mephibofheth, the fon of Jonathan,

chr'on.184. ots,and feven hundred horfemen, and twenty thoufand

footmen and David houghed all the chariot horses,
: the fon of Saul, was come unto David, he fell on his
but referved of them for an hundred chariots, face, and did reverence. And David faid, Mephibo-
5 And when the Syrians of Damafcus came to fuc- fheth And he anfwered, Behold thy fervant

cour Hadadezer king of Zobah, David ilewT of the 7 If And David faid unto him, Fear not for I will :

Syrians two and twenty thoufand men. furely fhew thee kindnefs for Jonathan thy father's fake,
6 Then David put garrifons in Syria of Damafcus ;
and will reftore thee all the land of Saul thy father j
and the Syrians became fervants to David, and and thou malt eat bread at my table continually.
brought gifts. And the Lord preserved David whith- 8 And he bowed himfelf, and faid, What is thy fer-
erfoever he went. vant, that thou fhouldeft look upon fuch a dead dog
7 AndDavidtookthe fhieldsof gold that were on the as I am f
fervants of Hadadezer, and brought them to Jerusalem. 9 If Then the king called to Ziba, Saul's fervant,
8 And from Betah, and from Berothai, cities of and faid unto him, I have given unto thy mailer's fon
Hadadezer, king David took exceeding much brafs. all that pertained to Saul, and to all his houfe.
9 If When Toi king of Hamath heard that David 10 Thou, therefore, and thy fons, and thy fervants,
had fmitten all the holt of Hadadezer, mail till the land for him, and thou fhalt bring in the
t Hsb. ask 10 Then Toi fent Joram his fon unto king David fruits that thy mailer's fon may have food to eat : but
t h2v"i7" to falute him, and to blefs him, becaufe
f he had Mephibofheth thy mailer's fon fliall eat bread alway
fought againft Hadadezer, and fmitten him : (for at my table. Now Ziba had fifteen fons and twenty
l.!n?J;''' Hadadezer f had wars with Toi :) and Joram tbrought fervants.
11 Then
_ :

The Ammonites overcome. C H A P. X, XI. Dav'ufs transgression with Bathsbeba.

11 Then faid Ziba unto the king, According- to all and entered into the city. So Joab returned from the
that my lord the king hath commanded his Tenant, lb children of Ammon, and came to Jerufalem.

fhall thy fervant do. As for Mephibofheth, said the 15 IT And when the Syrians faw that they were fmit-
king, he fliali eat at my table, as one of the king's ions. ten before Ifrael, they gathered themfelves together.
12 And Mephibofheth had a young fon, whole _
16 And Hadarezer fent, and brought out the Sy-
name was Micah and all that dwelt in the houfe of
: rians that were beyond the river and they came to

Ziba were fervants unto Mephibofheth. Helam and Shobach, the captain of the hofl of Ha-

13 So Mephibofheth dwelt in Jerufalem for he : darezer, went before them.

did eat continually at the king's table and was lame
; 17 And when it was told David, he gathered all

on both his feet. Ifrael together^ and pafled over Jordan, and came to
CHAP. X. Helam and the Syrians fet themfelves in array

David, and fought with him.

1 David's messengers sent to comfort Hanun the son of againfl
Nahash, are disgracefully treated. 6 The Ammon- 18 And the Syrians fled before Ifrael and David ;

ites, strengthened by the Syrians, are overcome by

flew the men o/Teven hundred chariots of the Syrians,
joab and Abishai. 1 5 Radarezer, sending a new ar- and forty thoufand horfemen, and fnaote Shobach, the
my of Syrians under Shrub ach, is defeated by David. captain of their hofl, who died there.
19 And when all the kings that were fervants to Ha-
i Chron.
t, &c. AN D it came
the children of
to pafs, after this, that the a
Ammon died, and Hanun
king of
darezer faw that they were fmitten before Ifrael, they
made peace with Ifrael, and ferveel them. So the Sy-
fon reigned in his ftead.
2 Then faidDavid, I will fhew kindnefs unto Ha-
rians feared to help the children of Ammon
any more.
nun the fon of Nahafh, as his father fhe wed kindnefs CHAP.
unto me. And David fent to comfort him by the 1 While Joab besiegeth Rabbah, 2 David committeth
hand of his fervants for his father^ And David's fer- adulten/ with Uriah's wife. 5 Bathsheba conceiv-
vants came into the land of the children of Ammon. eth ; David sendeth for Uriah, who cometh to him,
3 And the princes of the children of Ammon faid but refuseth to go to his house. 14 He carrieth to
rHeb. in unto Hanun their lord, f Thinkeft thou that David Joab a letter requiring his. death. 18 Joab sendeth
thins eyes
JsthDa-JJ. doth honour thy father, that he hath fent comforters the news thereof to David. 26 David taketh Bath-
unto thee ? hath not David rather, fent his fervants sheba to -wife.

unto thee to fearch the city, and to fpy it out and to

overthrow it ?
it came to pafs, f after the year was expir-
ed, at the time when kings go forth to battle,
cir. 10}^.
tHeb. at the
return of tho
4 Wherefore Hanun took David's fervants, and that a David fent Joab, and his fervants with him, and a i Chron.
20 1.
fhaved off the one half of their beards, and cut off all Ifrael and they dellroyed the children of Amnion,

their garments in the middle, even to their buttocks, and befieged Rabbah but David tarried flilf at Jeru-

and fent them away. falem.

5 When they told it unto David, he fent to meet 2 11 And it came to pafs in an evening tide, that
them, becaufe the men were greatly afhamed and : David arofe from off his bed, and walked upon the
the king faid, Tarry at Jericho until your beards be roof of the king's houfe and from the roof he law

grown, and then return. a woman wafhing heifelf ; and the woman was very
6 If And when the children of Ammon faw that they beautiful to look upon.
(tank before David, the children of Ammon fent and 3 And David
fent and inquired after the woman.
hired the Syrians of Bethrehob, and the Syrians of And one faid. Is not this Bathfheba, the daughter of
Zoba, twenty thoufand footmen, and of king Maacah Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite ?
a thoufand men, and of Iihtob twelve thoufand men. 4 And David fent meffengers and took her and :

7 And when David heard of it, he fent Joab, and fhecame in unto him, and he lay with her (j| for fhe ;
Or, and

•when she had

all the hoft of the mighty men. was b purified from her uncleannefs ;) and fhe return- purified her-

8 And the children of Ammon came out, and put

self, ire. she
ed unto her houfe. returned.
b Levit. ?
the battle in array at the entering in of the gate and : 5 IT And
woman conceived, and fent and told &
the 19, iS .J.

the Syrians of Zoba, and of Rehob, and Iihtob, and David, and faid, I am with child.
Maacah, were by themfelves in the field. 6 And David fent to Joab, saying, Send me Uriah
9 When Joab faw that the front of the battle was the Hittite. And Joab fent Uriah to David.
againfl him before and behind, he chofe of all the choice 7 And when Uriah was come unto him, David de-
men ofIfrael,andput them in array againfl the Syrians manded of him f how Joab did, and how the people tHeb. of the
10 And the refl of the people he delivered into the did, and how the war profpered.
peace of, or.

hand of Abifhai his brother, that he might put them 8 And David faid to Uriah, Go down to thy houfe
in array againfl the children of Ammon. and wafh thy feet. And Uriah departed out of the
11 And he faid, if the Syrians be too flrong for me, king's houfe, and there f followed him. a mefs of meat ( Hcb •uient
then thou fhalt help me but if the children of Ammon
; from the king. out- after him.

be too flrong for thee, then I will come and help thee. 9 But Uriah flept at the door of the king's houfe
12 Be of good courage, and let us play the men for with all the fervants of his lord, and went not down
our people, and for the cities of our God ; and the to his houfe.
Lord do that which fecmeth him good. 10 And when they had told David, faying, Uriah
13 And Joab drew nigh, and the people that were went not down unto his houfe, David faid unto Uriah,
with him , unto the battle againfl the Syrians and : Camefl thou not from thy journey ? why then didft
they fled before him. thou not go down unto thine houfe ?
14 And when the children of Ammon faw that the 11 And Uriah faid unto David, The ark, and If-
Syrians were fled, then fled they alfo before Abifhai, rael, and Judah, abide in tents and my lord Joab, and

2F the
An account of Uriah's death. II. SAMUEL. David confesseth
his sin, and is pardoned,
the fervants of my lord are encamped in the open two men in one city, the one rich, and the other poor.
fields : fhall I then go into mine houfe to eat, and to 2 The rich man had exceeding many flocks and
drink, and to lie with my wife ? As_ thou liveft, and as herds ;

thy foul liveth, I will not do this thing. 3 But the poor man had nothing fa ve one little ewe
12 And David faid to Uriah, Tarry here today lamb, which he had bought, and nourifhed up and it ;

and tomorrow I will let thee depart. So Uriah

alfo, grew up together with him, and with his children it :

abode in Jerufalem that day, and the morrow. did eat of his own f meat, and drank of his own cup,
iH A««r«ft
13 And when David had called him, he did eat and lay in his bofom,. and was unto him as a daughter.
and drink before him and he made him drunk and; : 4 And there came a traveller unto the rich man ;
at even he went out to lie on his bed with the fervants and he fpared to take of his own flock, and of hi&
of his lord, but went not down to his houfe. own herd, to drefs for the wayfaring man that was
14 ff And it came to pafs in the morning, that David come unto him but took the poor man's lamb and

wrote a letter to Joab, and fent it by the hand of Uriah. dreffed it for the man that was come to him..
15 And he wrote in the letter, faying, Set ye Uriah 5 And David's anger was greatly kindled againft,
tHeh. strcnz.'m the forefront of the f hotteft battle, and retire ye the man and he faid to. Nathan, As the Lord liveth,

t.Heb. from
f from him, that he maybe fmitten, and die. the man that hath done this thing fhall furely die i'd*ft««*
|| :
^ nc| ^ came to pafS) when j oab obferved the 6 And he fhall reftore the lamb a fourfold, became £&££&,.
city, that lie afiigned Uriah unto a place where he he did this thing, and becaufe he had no pity.
knew that valiant men were. ^ 7 If
And Nathan faid to David^ Thou art the man-
17 And the men of the city went out, and fought Thus faith the Lord God of Ifrael, I b anointed thee bisanns
with Joab and there fell some of the people of the
: king over Ifrael, and I delivered thee out of the hand 3 ' '

fervants of David and Uriah the Hittite died alfo..

; of Saul ;:.

18 11 Then Joab fent and told David all the things 8 And I gave thee thy mafter's houfe, and thy maf-
concerning the war ;
ter's wives into thy bofom, and gave thee the houfe
19 And charged the meffenger, faying, When thou of Ifrael and of Judah and if that had been too little,

haft made an end of telling the matters of the war I would moreover have given unto thee fitch and fuch,
unto the king, things-
20 And if fo be that the king's wrath arife, and he 9 Wherefore haft thou defpifed the commandment
fay unto thee, Wherefore approaehed ye fo nigh unto of the Lord,
to do evil in his fight ? thou haft killed
the city when ye did fight ? knew ye not that they Uriah the Hittite with the fword, and haft taken his
would fhoot from the wall ? wife to be thy wife, and haft flam him with the fword
c judge? 9 5 j- 21 Who
fmote c Abimelech the fon of Jerubbe- of the children of Ammon.
flieth ? did-not a woman call a piece of a millflone 10 Now,therefore,the fword fhall never depart from
upon him from the wall, that he died in Thebez ? thine houfe ; becaufe thou haft defpifed me, and haft
why went ye nigh the wall ? then fay thou, Thy fer- taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife.
vant Uriah the Hittite is dead alfo. . 11 Thus faith the Lord, Behold, I will raife up
22 If So the meffenger went, and came and fhewed evil againft thee out of thine own houfe ; and I will
David all that Joab had fent him for. c
take thy wives before thine eyes, and give them unto cSS'M'lf'
23 And the meffenger faid unto David, Surely the thy neighbour, and he ihall lie with thy wives in the
men prevailed againft us, and came out unto us into fight of this fun.
the field, and we were upon them even unto the en- 12 For thou fecretly
didft but I will, do- this
it :.

tering of the gate. thing before and before the fum

all Ifrael,

24 And the fhooters fhot from off the wall upon 13 And David faid unto Nathan,. I have finned
thy fervants and some of the king's fervants be dead,
; againft the Lord. And Nathan faid unto David, d The ^^f"
and thy fervant Uriah the Hittite is dead alfo. Lord alfo hath put away thy fin thou fhalt not die.

25 Then David faid unto the meffenger, Thus 14 Howbeit, becaufe by this deed thou haft given
-Heb.^r^fhalt thou fay unto Joab, Let not this thing fdif- great occafion to the enemies of the Lord to blaf-
+ H*bf.?«».« pleafe thee for the fword devoureth t one as well as
pheme, the child alfo that is born unto, thee fhall
another make thy battle more ffrong againft the city,
: furely die.
and overthrow it and encourage thou him.
; 151T And Nathan departed unto his houfe and :

26 If And when the wife of Uriah heard that Uriah the Lord itruck the child that Uriah's wife bare
her hufband was dead, fhe mourned for her hufband. unto David, and it was very fick-
27 And when the mourning was paft, David fent 16 David, therefore befought God for the child ;

and fetched her to his houfe, and ihe became his and David t failed and went in and lay all night upon tHeb./«„*j
wife, and bare him a fon but the thing that David
: the earth. a fait.

Y !!cb. iuns had done, t diipleafed the Lord. 17 And the

elders of his houfe arofe, and went to
4Vil in the
tya of.

him to raife him up from

the earth but he would:

\ Nathalies parable of the ewe lamb causeth David to not, neither did he eat bread with them.
pass sentence on himself. 7 Nathan applieth the par- 18 And it came to pafs on the feventh day, that the
able toDavid,%vho confessctb his sin, and is pardoned. child died. And the fervants of David feared to tell
15 David mourneth and praijeth for the child while him that the child was dead ; for they faid, Behold,
living , but taketb comfortjxfter he is dead. 24 Solo-
while the child was yet alive, we fpake unto him,and he
mon is born, and named fedidiah, 26 David taketb would not hearken unto our voice ; how will he then
Rabbah, fcfc.
t vex himfelf, if we tell him that the child is dead ?
:034- A N D the Lord fent Nathan unto David and he
19 But when David faw that his fervants whifpered, i-Jt.'

m \ came unto him, and faid unto him, There were David perceived that the child was dead therefore :

2 David
; 5 ,

Amnon in love 'with Tamar. CHAP. XIIL Absalom entertaineth Tamar.

David faid unto his fervants, Is the child dead ? And 5 And Jonadab faid unto him, Lay thee down on thy
they faid, He is dead. bed, and make thyfelf fick : and when thy father com-
20 Then David arofe from the earth, and waihed, eth to fee thee, fay unto him, I pray thee, let lifter my
and anointed himself, and changed his apparel, and Tamar come, and give me meat, and drefs the meat
came into the houfe of the Lord, and worfhipped ;
in my fight, that I may fee it, and eat it at her hand.
then he came to his own houfe and, when he re- ;
6 If So Amnon lay down, and made himfelf fick :
quired, they fet bread before him, and he did eat. and when the king was come to fee him, Amnon faid
"21 Then faid his fervants unto him, What thing is unto the king, I pray thee, let Tamar my
filler come,
this that thou hail done ? thou didft fall and weep for and make me a couple of cakes in my
fight, that i
the child while it was alive but when the child was
may cat at her hand.
dead, thou didft rife and eat bread. 7 Then David fent home to Tamar, faying, Go now
22 And he faid, While the child was yet alive, I to thy brother Amnon's houfe, and drefs him meat.
failed and wept: for I faid, Who can tell, whether 8 SoTamarwenttoher brother Amnon's houfe, and
God will be gracious to me, that the child may live ? he was laid down. And fhe took flour, and kneaded it,
|| i

23 But now he is dead, wherefore lhould I fall ? and made cakes in his light, and did bake the cakes :

can I bring him back -again? I fhall go to him, but _

9 And fhe took a pan, and poured them out before
he fhall not return to me. him ; but he refufedto eat. And Amnon faid, Have
24 1f And David comforted Bathfheba his wife, out all men from me. And they went out every man
e Mattli. i 6. and went in unto her, and lay with her and e ihe : from him.
f i Chron.
32 9, bare a fon, and f he called his name Solomon; and 10 And Amnon faid unto Tamar, Bring the meat
the Lord loved him. into the chamber, that I may eat of thine hand. And
-25 And he fent by the hand of Nathan the prophet Tamar took the cakes which Ihe had made, and
« That is, so and he called his name Jedidiah, becaufe of the
II brought them into the chamber to Amnon her brother.
k ved of the
LORD, Lord-. 11 And when fhe had brought them unto him to
26 If And Joab fought againft Rabbah of the chil- eat, he took hold of her, and faid unto her, Come,
dren of Ammon, and took the royal city. lie with me, my filler.
27 And Joab fent meffengers to David, and faid, 12 And ihe anfwered him, Nay, my brother, do
I have fought againft Rabbah, and have taken the not f force me ; for a t no fuch thing ought to be clone 1- Heb,
humble me.
city of waters, in Ifrael do not thou this folly.
; a Lev. 8 1
t Hel>.
28 Now, therefore, gather the reft of the people 13 And I, whither fhall I caufe my fhame to go ? it ought not
be done-
together, and encamp againft the city, and take it and as for thee, thou fhalt be as one of the fools in so to

name be called
! .left I take the city, and t it be called after name. my Ifrael. Now,
therefore, I pray thee, fpeak unto the
upen it. 29 And David gathered all the people together, and king :he will not withhold me from thee.
went to Rabbah, and fought againft it, and took it. 14 Ho wbeit he would not hearken unto her voice but ,

1 Chron
30 s And he took their king's crown from oft' his head, being ftronger than fhe, forced her, and lay with her.
(the weight whereof was a talent of gold with the prec- 1 If Then Amnon hated her t exceedingly ; fo that t Heb. with
ious ftones,) and it was set on David's head and he : the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater than greatly.

brought forth the fpoil of the city t in great abundance. the love wherewith he had loved her and Amnon :
31 And he brought forth the people that were faid unto her, arife, begone.
therein, and put them under faws, and under harrows 16 And flie faid unto him, There is no caufe this ;

of iron, and under axes of iron, and made them pafs evil in fending me away
greater than the other that
through the brickkiln and thus did he unto all the
: thou didft unto me. But he would not hearken unto her.
cities of the children of Ammon. So David and all 17 Then he called his fervant that miniftered unto
the people returned unto Jerufalem. him, and faid, Put now this woman out from me, and
A P. XIII. bolt the door after her.
1 Amnon in love with Tamar, by Jonadafrs counsel 18 And she had 9. garment of divers colours upon
feig?iing himself sick, defileth her : 15 hehateth her, her for with fuch robes were the king's daughters that

and tu r net h her out of his house. 19 Absalom enter- were virgins apparelled. Then his fervant brought
taineth her, and concealeth his purpose: 23 at a sheep her out, and bolted the door after her.
shearing, among all the hinges sons, he killeth Am- 19 If And Tamar put allies on her head, and rent
non. 50 David grieving at bad tidings, is comfort- her garment of divers colours that was on her, and
ed by Jonadab. 37 Absalom flieth to Talmai at Ge- laid her hand on her head, and went on crying.
shur ; David longeth after hint. 20 And Abfalom her brother laid unto her, Hath
ejr. 1033.
AND it came to pafs after this,
that Abfalom the
fon of David had a fair filler, whofe name was
Amnon thy brother been with thee ? but hold now
thy peace, my filler he is thy brother f regard not
: : t Heb. set

Tamar and Amnon the fon of David loved her.

; this thing. So Tamar remained t defolate in her ?.c* thine
2 And Amnon was fo vexed, that he fell fick for his brother Abfalom's houfe. tllrl-.™.'

'Sw/ZmT cr Tamar1 ^f° r m e %[!as a virgin

and t Amnon : 21 If But when king David heard of all thefe things

md"}' n thought it hard for him to do any thing to her. he was very wroth.
Mmm! 3 But Amnon had a friend, whofe name was Jon- 22 And Abfalom fpake unto his brother Amnon
adab, the fon of Shimeah, David's brother and Jon- : neither good nor bad for Abfalom hated Amnon,

adab was a very fubtile man. becaufe he had forced his lifter Tamar.
4 And he faid unto him, art thou, being the Why 23 If And it came to pafs, after two full years, that
tH*.rtf«. king's fon, | lean f from day to day ? wilt thou not Abfalom had fheep fhcarers in Baalhazor, which is be-
i^by'morn'. tell me ? And Amnon faid unto him, I love Tamar, fidc Ephraim and Abfalom invited all the king^s fons.

** •

my brother Abfalom's lifter. 24 -And Abfalom came tothc king, and faid. Behold,

Joab instruct eth a 'widow ofTekoah II. SAMUEL. by d parable.

now, thy fervant hath fheep fhearers let the king, : woman that had a long time mourned for the dead ;
I befeech thee, and his fervants, go with thy fervant. 3 And come to the king, and fpeak on this manner
25 And the king faid to Abfalom, Nay, my fon, unto him. So Joab put the words in her mouth.
let us not all now go, left we be chargeable unto thee. 4 If And when the woman of Tekoah fpake to
And he preffed him howbeit, he would not go, but
: king, fhe fell on her face to the ground, and did obei-
bleffed him. fance, and faid, f Help, king O ! t Heb. Saw.
Abfalom, If not, I pray thee, let my
26 Then faid 5 And the king laid unto her, What aileth thee ?
brother Amnon go with us. And the king faid unto And fhe anfwered, I am indeed a widow woman, and
him, Why fhould he go with thee ? mine hufband is dead.
27 But Abfalom preffed him, that he let Amnon 6 And thy handmaid had two fons, and they two
and all the king's fons go with him. ftrove together in the field, and there was t none to t Heb. no it-
liverer be-
28 1j Now Abfalom had commanded his fervants, part them, but the onefmote the other, and flew him. tween them*
Saying, Mark ye now when Aranon's heart is merry 7 And, behold, the whole family is rifen againfl
with wine and when I fay unto you, Smite Amnon,
; thine handmaid ; and they faid. Deliver him that
Or, qsitl then kill him, fear not have not I commanded you ? : ||
fmote his brother, that we may kill him, for the life of
yoxi xit, lines
4 have com- be courageous, and f be valiant. his brother, whom
he flew ; and we will deftroy the
manded yen ?
t Heb. sons of 29 And the fervants of Abfalom did unto Amnon as heir alfo and fo they fhall quench
: coal which is my
Abfalom had commanded then all the king 's fons arofe : left, and fhall not leave to my
hufband neither name
tHcb. rods. and every man f gat him up upon his mule, and fled. nor remainder f upon the earth. t Heb. upy%
the face of
30 H And it came to pafs, while they were in the way, 8 And the king faid unto the woman, Go
to thine the earth.
that tidings came to David, faying, Abfalom hath flain houfe, and I will give charge concerning thee.
all the king's fons, and there is not one of them left. 9 And the woman ofTekoah faid unto the king, My
31 Then the king arofe, and tare his garments, and lord, O
king, the iniquity be on me, and on fath- my
lay on the earth and all his fervants flood by with
; er's houfe ; andthe king and his throne be guiltlefs.
their clothes rent. 10 And the king faid, Whofoever faith aught unto
32 11 And Jonadab the fon of Shimeah, David's bro- thee, bring him to me, and he fhall not touch thee
anfwered and faid, Let not my lord fuppofe that
ther, any more.
they have flain all the young men the king's fons ; for 11 Then faid fhe, I pray thee, let the king remem-
+ Heb. mouth. Amnon only is dead for by the f appointment of : ber the Lord thy God, f that thou wouldeft not fuf- t Heb. that
the revenger
or, Jx/ei Abfalom this hath been determined, from the day ||
fer the revengers of blood to deftroy any more, left they ofblood'.do
not multiply
that he forced his filler Tamar. deftroy my fon. And he faid, As the Lord liveth, to destroy.

33 Now, therefore, let not my lord the king take there fhall not one hair of thy fon fall to the earth.
the thing to his heart, to think that all the king's fons 12 Then the woman faid, Let thine handmaid, I
are dead ; for Amnon only is dead. pray thee, fpeak one word unto my lord the king. And
34 But Abfalom fled. And the young man that he faid, Say on.
kept the watch, lifted up his eyes and looked, and, 13 And the woman faid, Wherefore then haft thou
behold, there came much people by the way of the thought fuch a thing againfl the people of God ? for the
hill fide behind him. king doth fpeak this thing as one which is faulty, in
35 Andfaid unto the king, behold, the
Jonadab that the king doth not fetch home again his banifhed.
]n^ the
a rd '
king's fons come !
f as thy fervant faid, fo it is. 14 For we muft needs die, and are as water fpilt on
nc^ ^ came to Pafe, as foon as he had made an
end of fpeaking, that, behold, the king's fons came,
the ground, which cannot be gathered up again
ther doth God refpe£t any perfon
yet doth he devife
: || H Or, because
Cod hath not
taken atugy
his life, he
and lif.ecl up their voice and wept : and the king alfo means, that his banifhed be not expelled from him. hath also de-
t ueb.ivitha and all his fervants wept t very lore. 15 Now, therefore, that I am come to fpeak of this vised meansr
%%T y :V g
37 11 But Abfalom fled, and went to Talmai, the fon thing unto my lord the king, it is becaufe the people
lZ .
of Ammihud, king of Gelhur : and David mourned
have made me afraid and thy handmaid faid, I will

for his fon every day. now fpeak unto the king ; it may be that the king will
38 So Abfalom fled, and went to Gefhur, and was perform the requeft of his handmaid.
there three years. 16 For the king will hear, to deliver his handmaid
r '™ ai " K *
L° 3 9 And the soul of king David longed to go forth ||
out of the hand of the man that woidd deftroy me and
unto Abfalom : he was comforted concerning
for my fon together out of the inheritance of God.
Amnon, feeing he was dead. 17 Then thine handmaid faid, The word of my lord
the king fhall now be t comfortable
CHAP. XIV. for as an angel
of God, fo is my lord the king t to difcem good and
Heb. fir

Heb. to
1 Joab instructeth a widow of'Tekoah by a parable to bad therefore the Lord thy God will be with thee.

incline the Hag's heart to fetch home Absalom : 4 she 18 Then the king anfwered and faid unto the wo-
enter taincth the king .-21 Joab is sent to bring Absalom man, Hide not from me, I pray thee, the thing that I
to Jerusalem : 25 his beauty : 27 his children. 28 _ fhall afk thee. And the woman faid, Let my lord the
After two years Absalom is admitted to the king's king now fpeak.
presence. 19 And the king faid, Is not the hand of Joab with

OW Joab the fon of Zeruiah perceived that the thee in all this ? And the woman anfwered and faid,
king's heart was toward Abfalom. As thy foul liveth, my lord the king, none can turn to
2 And Joab fent to Tekoah, and fetched thence a the right hand or to the left from aught that my lord
wile woman, and faid unto her, I pray thee feign thy- the king hath fpoken for thy fervant Joab he bade

felf to be a mourner, and put on now mourning ap- me, and he put all thefe words in the mouth of thine
parel, and anoint not thyfelf with oil, but be as a handmaid :

20 To
'Absalom stealeth the hearts of Israel. CHA P. XV. David, informed ofAbsalom s conspiracy, flceth
20 To fetch about this form of fpeech hath thy fer- ment, then Abfalom called unto him, and faid, Of
vant Joab clone this thing and my lord is wife, ac-
what city art thou ? And he faid, Thy fervant is of
cording to the wifdom of an angel of God, to know one of the tribes of Ifrael.
all things that are in the earth. 3 And Abfalom faid unto him, See, thy matters are
21 If And the king faid unto Joab, Behold, now I good and right but ;there is wo man deputed of the $£»!

have done this thing go, therefore, bring the young

king to hear thee. thee/rop

man Abfalom again. 4 Abfalomfaidmoreover, Oh that I -were made judge dowiwwd.

22 And Joab fell to the ground on his face, and in the land, that every man which hath any fait or caufe
tH?b. thssed. bowed himfelf, and and thanked the king and Joab
-j; : might come unto me, and I would do him juftice !

faid, Today thy fervant knoweth that I have found 5 And it was so, that when any man came nigh to
grace in thy fight, my lord, O king, in that the king him to do him obeifance, he put forth his hand, and
J Or, thy. hath fulfilled the requeft of II his fervant. took him, and kiffed him.
23 So Joab arofe and went to Gefliur, and brought 6 And on this manner did Abfalom to all Ifrael that
Abfalom to Jerufalem. _
came to the king for judgment. So Abfalom itoie
24 And the king faid, Let him turn to his own the hearts of the men of Ifrael.
houfe, and let him not fee my face. So Abfalom re- 7 II And it came to pafs after forty years, that imS*.

turned to his own houfe, and faw not the king's face. Abfalom faid unto the king, I pray thee jet megafe^
and pay my vow, which I have vowed unto the Lord 'Was anointed
25 11 1 But in all Ifrael there Avas none to be fo much
Web. And as
Absalom kin«.
there ivas not praifed as Abfalom for his beauty from the fole of : inHebron.
a beautiful
man in all his foot, even to the crown of his head, there was no 8 For thy fervant vowed a vow while I abode at
Iirjel to
praise great'
blemifli in him. Gefhur in Syria, faying, If the Lord fhall bring me
26 And when he polled his head, (for it was at every again indeed to Jerufalem, then I will ferve the Lord.
year's end that he polled it ; becaufe the hair was heavy 9 And the king faid unto him, Go in peace, e o
on him, therefore he polled it,) he weighed the hair of he arofe, and went to Hebron.
his head at two hundred fhekels, after the king'sweight. 10 HBut Abfalom fent fpies throughout all the tribes
27 II And unto Abfalom there were born three fons, of Ifrael, faying, As foon as ye hear the found of the
and one daughter, whofe name was Tamar fhe was :
trumpet, then ye fhall fay, Abfalom reigneth inHebron.
a woman countenance.
of a fair 11 And with Abfalom went two hundred men out
28 U So Abfalom dwelt two full years in Jerufalem, of Jerufalem that were called and they went in their

and law not the king's face. funphcity, and they knew not any thing.
29 Therefore Abfalom lent for Joab, to have fent him 12 And Abfalom fent for Ahithophel the Gilonite,
to the king but he would not come to him and when
; :
David's counfellor, from his city, even from Giloh,
he fent again the lecond time, he would not come. while he offered facrifices ; and the confpiracy was
30 Therefore he faid unto hisfervants, See, Joab's ltrong ; for the people increafed continually with
•J-Hcb. near field is f near mine, and he hath barley there go and : Abfalom.
my place. fet it on fire. And Abfalom's fervants fet the field on
^And there came a meffenger to David, faying,
fire. Ine hearts of the men of Ifrael are after Abfalom.
31 Then Joab arofe, and came to Abfalom unto his 14 And David faid unto all his fervants that were
houfe, and faid unto him, Wherefore have thy fer- with him at Jerufalem, Arife, and let us flee for we

vants fet my field on lire ? fhall not else efcape from Abfalom make : fpeed to de-
32 And Abfalom anfwered Joab, Behold, I fent unto part, left he overtake usfuddenlv, and bring
t evil up- Heb. thrust,
thee, faying, Come hither, that I may fend thee to the on us, and finite the city with the edge of the fword. •f
king, to fay, Wherefore am I come from Gefliur I it 5 And the king's fervants faid unto the king, Be-
u }
had been good for me to have been there ftill now,
hold, thy fervants are ready to do whatfoever my lord
therefore, let me fee the king's face ; and if there be the king fhall f appoint.
f rich, cheese.
any iniquity in me, let him kill me. 16 And the king went forth, and all his houfehold
33 So Joab came to the king and told him and : T after him and the king left ten women, which were tHeb.

when he had called for Abfalom, he came to the king, concubines, to keep the houfe. at his feet.

and bowed himfelf on his face to the ground before 17 And the king went forth, and all the people after
the king and the king kiffed Abfalom.
him and tarried in a place that was far off.

u ?
nd aU nis fervants palled on befide him and
all the Cherethites, and all the Pelethites,

and all the

1 Absalom, by fair speeches and courtesies, stealeth the Gittites, fix hundred men which came after him
hearts of Israel : 7 under pretence of a vow, he ob- from
Gath, palled on before the king.
taineth leave to goto Hebron ; 10 where he for me th 19 II Then laid the king to Ittai the Gittite, Where-
a dangerous conspiracy. 13 David being informed, fore goeft thou alfo with us ? Return to thv place,
flceth from Jerusalem. 19 Ittai will not leave him. and
abide with the king : for thou art a ftranger, and alfb
24 Zadok and Abiathar are sent back with the ark. an exile.
30 David and his company go up mount Olivet 20 Whereas thou cameft but yeftcrday, fhould I
weeping .-31 hepraycth God defeat Ahithophel's
to this day f make thee go up and down with
counsel, tfc. 32 Hushai us ? See- t Hrb. mahc
thce ™ nitr
sent back. ing 1 go whither I may, return thou, and take
back ""'""
AN D it came to pafs after this, that Abfalom pre-
pared him chariots and horfes, and fifty men to
thy brethren mercy and truth be with thee.

21 And Ittai anfwered the king, and faid, As the

run before him. Lord liveth, and as my lord the kingliveth, Purely in
2 And Abfalom rofe up early, and flood befide the what place my lord the king fhall be, whether in death
way of the gate : and it was.w, that when any man or life, even there alfo will thy fervant be.
m mm that had a controyerfy \ came to the king for judg- 22 And David laid to Ittai, Go, and pafs over. And
. : , :;

Hushai smt back. II. S A M U E L. He insinuateth himself into Ahsdlonis council

CHRIST Ittai the Gittite .paffed over, and all his men, and all met him with a couple of affes faddled, and upon
the ones that were with him.
little them two hundred loaves of bread, and an hundred
23 And all the country wept with a loud voice, and bunches of raifins, and an hundred of iummer fruits,
all the people palled over the king alfo himielf paffed
: and a bottle of wine.
over the brook Kidron, and all the people paffed
2 And the king faid unto Ziba, What meaneft thou
Cedrm over, toward the way of the wildernefs. by thefe ? And Ziba faid, The affes be for the kings
24 HAnd, lo, Zadok alio, and all the Levites -were. houfehold to ride on; and the bread and iummer
with him, bearing the ark of the covenant of God : fruit for the young men to eat and the wine, that ;

and they fet down the ark of God and Abiathar ;

fuch as be faint in the wildernefs may drink,
went up until all the people had done pafiing-out of 3 And the king faid, And where is thy mafter'sfon ?
the city. And Ziba faid unto the king, Behold he abideth at
25 And the king faid unto Zadok, Garry back the Jerufalem for he laid, Today fhall the houfe of Ifrael

ark of God into the city If I lhall find favour in the

reftore me the kingdom of my father.
eyes of the Lord, he will bring me .again, and fhew 4 Then faid the king to Ziba, Behold, thine are all
me both it and his habitation :
that pertained unto Mephibofheth. And Ziba faid,
26 But if he thus fay, I have no delight in thee : 1 1 humbly befeech thee, that I may find grace in thy
behold, here am I,. let .him do to me as feemeth good fight, my lord, O king-

unto him. 5 ff And when king David came to Bahurim, Toe-

27 The king faid alfo unto Zadok the
Art prieft, hold, thence came out a man of the family of the
a 1 sam. 9 9. not thou a a feer ;? Return into the city in peace, and houfe of Saul, whofe name -was Shimei, the fon of
your two ions with you, Ahimaaz, thy fon, and Jon- Gera :he came forth, and curled ftilias he came.
|| B Or, he Still
came forth
athan the fon of Abiathar. 6 And he caft flones at David, and at- ail the fer- and cursed.

28 See, I will tarry in the plain of the wildernefs, vants of king David and all the people, and all the

until there come word from you to certify me. mighty men, were on his right hand and on his left.
.29 Zadok, therefore, and Abiathar, carried the ark 7 And thus faid Shimei when he curfed,Come out,
of God again to Jerufalem ; and they tarried there. come out, thout bloody man, :and thou, man of Belial t Heb. man of
30 IT And David went up by
the afcent of mount 8 The Lord hath returned upon thee all the blood
+ Heb. gitng Olivet, t and wept as he went up, and had his head of the houfe of Saul, in whofe ftead thou haft reigned
up "Meep
covered and he went barefoot and all the people
; ;
and the Lord hath delivered the .kingdom into the
that was with him covered every man his head, and hand of Abfalom thy fon and, t behold, thou art .: tHeb. behold
thee in thy
they went up, weeping as they went up. taken in thy mifchief, becaufe thou art a bloody man. evil.

31 H And one told David, faying, Ahithophel is 9 *[ Then faid Abifhai the fon of Zeruiah unto the
among the confpirators with Abfalom. And David king, Why fhould this a dead dog curfe my lord the a 1

Sam. 24
Chap. 9 8.
king ? let me goover, I praythee, and take off his head.

faid, QLord, I pray thee, turn the counfel of Ahi-

thophel into fooliihnefs. 10 And the king faid, What .have I to do with you, ye
32 If And it came to pafs, that when David was fons of Zeruiah i fo let him curfe, becaufe the Lord
come to the top of the mount, where he worihipped hath faid unto him, Curfe David. Who fhall then
"God, behold, Hulhai the Archite came to meet him fay, wherefore haft thou done fo ?
with his coat rent, and earth upon his head :
11 And David faid to Abifhai, and to all his fer-
33 Unto whom David faid, If thou paffeft on with vants, Behold, my fon, which came forth of my bow-
.me, then thou fhalt be a burden unto me els, feeketh my life : how much more now mat/ this
34 But if thou return to the city, and fay unto Ab- Benjamite do it ? Let him alone, and let .him curfe
falom, I will be thy fervant, O king as I have been ;
for the Lord hath bidden him.
thy father's fervant, hitherto, fo will I now alfo be thy 12 It may be that the Lord will look on mine f ||


fervant then mayeft thou for me defeat the counfel

affiiclion, and that the Lord will requite me good for

of Ahithophel his curfing this day.

35 And hast thou not there with thee Zadok and 13 And as David and his men went "by the way,
Abiathar the priefts ? therefore it fhall be, that what Shimei went along on the hill's fide over againft him,
thing foever thou fhalt hear out of the king's houfe, and curfed as he went, and threw ftones at him, and
thou fhalt tell it to Zadok and Abiathar the priefts. t caft dull. t Heb.

36 Behold, they have there with them their two 14 And the king and all the people that were with dust.
fons, Ahimaaz Zadok' s son,jand Jonathan Abiathar's him, came weary, and refrefhed themfelves there.
son ; and by them ye fhall fend unto me every thing 15 H And Abfalom, and all the people, the men of
that ye can hear. Ifrael, came to Jerufalem, and Ahithophel with him.
37 So Hufhai, David's friend, came into the city, 16 And it came to pafs, when Hufhai the Archite,
•and Abfalom came into Jerufalem. David's friend, was come unto Abfalom, that Hufhai
faid unto Abfalom, f God fave the king, God fave the' Heb. Let
€ HA P. XVI.
the king live*

1 Ziba by presents, and false suggestions, ohaineth

17 And Abfalom faid to Hufhai, Is this thy kindnefs
his master's inheritance. 5 At Bahurim Shimei
? why wenteft thou not with thy friend ?
to thy friend

curseth David. 9 David with patience abstain-

18 And Hufhai faid unto Abfalom, Nay but whom ;
ed, and restraineth others from revenge. 15 Hush- the Lord, and this people, and all the men of Ifrael,
ai insinuateth himself into Absalom's council. 20 him will
choofe, his will I be, and with I abide.
Ahithophel's counsel, &fc.
19 And again, whom fhould I ferve ? should /not

A N D when
David was a of the
behold, Ziba, the fervant of Mephibofheth,
paft the top serve in the prefence of his fon ? As I have ferved in
thy father's prefence, fo will, I be in thy prefence.
20 If Then
3 ;

Ahithophel' s counsel is overthrown. CHAP. XVII. David is furnished with provisions.

20 H Then faid Abfalom to Ahithophel, Give the river, until there be not one fmallftone found there. C hrTst
counfel among you what we fhall do. 14 And Abfalom and all the men of Ifrael faid,
The counfel of Hufhai the Archite is better than the
21 Ahithophel faid unto Abfalom, Go in unto
thy father's concubines, which he hath left to keep counfel of Ahithophel for the Lord had f appointed + H f^ ,,m

unded. )

the houfe and all Ifrael fhall hear that thou art ab-
to defeat the good counfel of Ahithophel, to the in-
horred of thy father then fhall the hands of all that
: tent that the Lord might bring evil upon Abfalom;
are with thee be ftrong. 15 If Then faid Hufhai unto Zadok and to Abiathar
22 So they fpread Abfalom a tent upon the top of the prlefts, Thus and thus did Ahithophel counfel
the houfe and Abfalom went in unto his father's
Abfalom and the elders of Ifrael ; and thus and thus
concubines in the fight of all Ifrael. have I ccunfelled,
23 And the counfel of Ahithophel, which he coun- 16 Now, therefore, fend quickly, and tell David,
felled in thofe days, was as if a man had inquired at faying, Lodge not this night in the plains of the wil-
tHeb.-uwi. the t oracle of God fo was all the counfel of Ahi-
: derneis, but ipeedily pafs over left the king be fwal-

thophel both with David and with Abfalom. lowed up, and all the people that are with him.
CHAP. XVII. 17 Now
Jonathan and Ahimaaz ftayed by Enro-
gel ;(for they might not be feen to come into the city ;)
r .

1 Ahithophel' s counsel is overthrown by Hushai s, ae- and a wench went and told them and they went and :

cording-fp God's appointment. 15 Hushai sendeth se- told king David.

cretly to David. 23 Ahithophel hangeth himself. 25 18 Neverthelefs, a lad faw them, and told Abfalom :

Amasaismadc captainoj'Absalom'-'s host. 27 David's but they went both of them away quickly, and came
friends at Mahanaim furnish him with provisions, to. a man's houfe in Bahurim, which had a well in his

MOREOVER Ahithophel faid unto Abfalom, court, whither they went down.
19 And the woman took and fpread a covering over
Let me now
choofe out twelve thoufand men,
and I will arife and purfue after David this night : the well's mouth, and fpread ground corn thereon
2 And I Mill come upon him while he is weary and and the thing was not known.
weak handed, and will make him afraid and all the : 20 And when Abfalom 's fervantscame to the woman
people that' are with him fhall flee and I will fmite : Where is Ahimaaz and Jona-
to the houfe, they faid,
the king only.. than I And the woman faid unto them, They be gone
3 And I will bring back all the people unto thee ;
over the brook of water. And when they had fought,
the man w hom thou feekeft, is as if all returned
so : and could not find them, they returned to Jerufalem.
all the people fhall be in peace. 22: And it came to pafs, after they were departed,
right in the
4 And the faying f pleafed Abfalom well, and all that they came up out of the well, and went and told
ttye$ of, <jv- the elders of Ifrael'. king David, and faid unto David, Arife, and pafs
5 Then faid Abfalom^ Call now Hufhai the Archite quickly over the water for thus hath Ahithophel

tHeb. alfo, and let us hear likewife f what he faith. counfelled againft you.
what is in'
his mouth. 6 And when Hufhai was come to Abfalom, Abfa- 22 Then David arofe, and all the people that were
lom fbake unto him, faying, Ahithophel hath fpoken with him, and they paffed over Jordan by the morn- :.

tHeb. after this manner fhall we do after his | faying

: if ? ing light there lacked not one of them that was not
ivord ?
not, fpeak thou. gone over Jordan.
7 And Hufhai faid unto Abfalom, The counfel that 23- IT And when Ahithophel faw that his counfel
tHeb. Ahithophel hath t given is not good at this time. was not t followed, he faddled his afs, and arofe, and t Heb,'
8 For (faid Hufhai) thou knoweft thy father and gat him home to his houfe, to his city, and' f put his tHeb.

t Heb. bitter his men, that they be mighty men,and they be t chaf- houfehold in order, and hanged himfelf, and died, and
£*? r* r
if soul.
ed in their minds, as a bear robbed of her whelps in was buried in the fepulchre of his father. Ms hum.
the field and thy father is a man of war, and will not
: 24 Then David came to Mahanaim : and Abfalom
lodge with the people, paffed over Jordan,. he and all the men of Ifrael with
9. Behold, he is hid now in fome pit, or in fome him..
at her place and it will come to pafs, when fome of
: 25 If And Abfalom made Amafa captain of the h oft'
tHVb them be f overthrown at the firft, that whofoever inftead of Joab which Amafa was a man's fon whole
heareth it will fay, There is a fiaughter among the name was Ithra an Ifraelite, that went in to Abigail
people that follow Abfalom. the daughter of Nahafh, filler to Zeruiah, Joab's
10 And he alfo that z> valiant, whofe heart zVasthe mother.
heart of. a lion, fhall utterly melt for all Ifrael know- : 26 So Ifrael and Abfalom pitched in the land of
eth that thy father is a mighty man, and they which Gilead.
be with him are valiant men, 27 II And it came to pafs, when David was come to
11 Therefore I counfel, that all Ifrael be generally Mahanaim, that Shobi the fon of Nahafh ofRabbah
gathered unto thee, from Dan even to Beerfheba, as of the children of Amnion, and Machir the fon of
tHeb. that the fand that is by the fea for multitude, and f that Ammiel of Lodebar, and Barzillai- the Gileadite of
thy face, or, thou go to battle in thine own perfon.
fresenct go, Rogelim,
&c. 12 So fhall we come upon him in fome place where i
28 Brought beds, and bafons, and earthen vcflels, lor,™^

he fhall be found, and we will light upon him as the and wheat, and barley, and flour, and parched corn,
dew falleth on the ground and of him, and of all tin-
; and beans, and lentiles, and parched pulse,
men that are with him, there fhall not be left fo much 29 And honey, and butter, and fheep, and chcefe
as one. of kine, for David, and for the people that were with
1 Moreover, if he be gotten into a city, then fhall all him, to eat for they faid, The people is hungry, and

Ifrael bring ropes to that city, ^nd wc will draw it into weary, and thirfty, in the wildernefs.

1 ;:

Absalom hanging in an oak is slain by Joab. II. SAMUEL David'' s lamentation for his son.
CHRIST CHAP. XVIII. 16 And Joab blew the trumpet, and the people re-
David having mustered his
three prin- army under turned from purfuing after Ifrael for Joab held back

cipal leaders, chargeth them not to hurt Absalo?n. the people.

6 The Israelites are smitten in the wood of Ephraim. 17 And they took Abfalom, and cafi him into a great
9 Absalom, hanging in an oak, is slain by Joab, and pit in thewood, and laid a very great heap of ftones
cast into a pit. 18 Absalom''s place. 19 Ahimaaz
upon him and ail Ifrael fled, every one to his tent.

and Cushi bring tidings to David. 33 David 18 H Now Abfalom in his lifetime had taken and
moarneth for Absalom. reared up for himfelf a pillar, which is in 3 the king's a Gen. 14

A ND David 17-
1 numbered the people that were with dale for he faid, I have no fon to keep my name in

him, and fet captains of thoufands and captains remembrance and he called the pillar after his own

of hundreds over them. name and it is called unto this day, Abfalom's place.

2 And David fent forth a third part of the people 19 H Then faid Ahimaaz the fon of Zadok, Let me
under the hand of Joab and a third part under the
; now run and bear the king tidings, how that the Lord
t Heb.
hand of Abifhai the fon of Zeruiah, Joab's brother ;
hath t avenged him of his enemies. judged him
and a third part under the hand of Ittai the Gittite :
20 And unto him, Thou fhalt not f bear
Joab faid from the
hand, ire.
and the king faid unto the people, I will furely go tidings this day, but thou fhalt bear tidings another t Heb. be
a man of
forth with you myfelf alio. day but this day thou fhalt bear no tidings, becaufe
; tidings.

3 But the people anfwered, Thou (halt not go forth the king's fon is dead.
4 Heb- set for if w e flee away, they will not f care for us ; neither
21 Then faid Joab to Cuflii, Go, tell the king what
their hearts
if half of us die, will they care for us but now thou art : thou haft feen. And Cuflii bowed himfelf unto Joab,
luut'nilfu, t
worth ten thoufand of us therefore, now it is better ; and ran.
+ Heb.4e/ that thou ffuccour us out of the city. 22 Then faid Ahimaaz the fon of Zadok yet again to
4 And the king unto them, What feemeth you
laid Joab, But, f howfoever, let me, I pray thee, alio run
what may.
bell, I will do. And the king ftood by the gate lide, and after Culhi. And Joab faid, Wherefore wilt thou
all the people came out by hundreds and by thoufands. run, my fon, feeing that thou haft no tidings ready ? ||
Or, con-
venient ?
5 And the king commanded Joab, and Abilhai, 23 But howfoever, said he, let me run. And he
and Ittai, fa5'ing, Deal gently, for my fake, with the faid unto him, Run. Then Ahimaaz ran by the way
young man, even with Abfalom. And ail the people of the plain, and overran Cuflii.
heard when the king gave all the captains charge con- 24 And David fat between the two gates and the :

cerning Abfalom. watchman went up to the roof over the gate unto the
6 H So the people went out into the field againft wall, and lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold
Ifrael and the battle was in the wood of Ephraim,
: a man running alone.
7 Where the people of Ifrael were ilain before the 25 And the watchman cried, and told the king.
fervants of David ; and there was there a great {laugh- And the king faid, If he be alone, there is tidings in his
ter that day of twenty thoufand men. mouth. And he came apace, and drew near.
8 For the battle was there Icattered over the face of 26 And the watchman faw another man running ;
t Heb. ik h/. all the country and the wood f devoured more people
: and the watchman called unto the porter, and faid,
tiplied to
devour. that day than the fword devoured. Behold, another man running alone. And the king
9 H And Abfalom met the fervants of David. And faid, He alfo bringeth tidings.
Abfalom rode upon a mule, and the mule went under 27 And the watchman laid, f Me
thinketh the tHeb./ie?
the running
the thick boughs of a great oak, and his head caught running of the foremoft is like the running of Ahi-
hold of the oak, and he was taken up between the maaz the fon of Zadok. And the king faid, He is a
heaven and the earth ; and the mule that was under good man, and cometh with good tidings.
him went away. 28 And Ahimaaz called, and faid unto the king,
10 And a certain man faw it, and told Joab, and faid, ||| All is well. And he fell down to the earth upon ||
Or, Peace
be to thee.
Behold, I faw Abfalom hanged in an oak. his face before the king, and faid, Bleffed be the Lord tHeb.
1 And Joab laid unto the man that told him, And, thy God, which hath f delivered up the men that lift- t Heb.
ed up their hand againft my lord the king.
shut up.
behold, thou laweft him ; and why didft thou not fmite
him there to the ground ? and I would have given thee 29 And the king faick. t Is the young man Abfalom t Heb. Is
there peace?
ten shekels of lilver, and a girdle. fafe ? And Ahimaaz anfwered, When Joab fent the
12 And the man laid unto Joab, Though I fhould king's fervant, and me thy fervent, I faw a great tu-
t Heb.
iveigh upon t receive a thoufand shekels of iilver in mine hand, yet mult, but I knew not what it was.
mine hand. would I not put forth mine hand againft the king's fon 30 And the king faid unto him, Turn afide, and
for in our hearing the king charged thee, and Abifhai, Hand here. And he turned afide, and ftood ftill.
tHeb. Be- and + Heb.
Ittai, faying, f Beware that none touch the young 31 And, behold, Cufhi came; and Cuflii faid, tTid- Tidings 1

be of, ire.
man Abfalom. ings my lord the king : for the Lord hath avenged thee brought.

13 Otherwife I fhould have wrought falfehood this day of all them that rofe up againft thee.
againft mine own life : for there is no matter hid from 32 And the king faid unto Cuflii, Is the young man
the king, and thou thyfelf wouldeft have fet thyfelf Abfalom fafe ? And Cuflii anfwered, The enemies of
againft me. my lord the king, and all that rife againft thee to do
tHeb. be- 14 Then faid Joab, I may not tarry thus f with thee. thee hurt, be as that young man is.
fore thee.
And he took three darts in his hand, and thruft them 33 II And the king was much moved, and went up
through the heart of Abfalom, while he was yet alive to the chamber over the gate, and wept and, as he ;

in the t midit of the oak. went, thus he faid, O my
fon Abfalom fon, my ! my
15 And ten young men that bare Joab's armour fon Abfalom ! would God I had died for thee, Ab- O
compaffed about, and fmote Abfalom, and flew him. falom, fon, my fon ! my
: :; ;

Davids message to the priests* CHAP. XIX. Barzillai honourably dismissed.

CHAP. XIX. 17 And there were a thoufand men of Benjamin
joab by threats causeth David to cease mourning. with him, and b Ziba the lervant of the houfe of Saul,
9 The Israelites are earnest to bring the king back. and his fifteen fons and his twenty fervants with him ; b ch n>. ,6 L,

11 David sendeth to the priests to incite the men of and they went over Jordan before the king.
judah. 16 Shimei is pardoned. 24 Msphibosheth 18 And there went over a ferry boat to carry over
is excused ; 51 Barzillai honourably dismissed, and the king's household, and to do f what he thought * ha ««
n : ''
Chimham his son is taken into the king''s family: 41 good. And Shimei the fon of Gera fell down before fj«.'
The Israelites expostulate with judah for bringing the king as he was come over Jordan ;

home the king without them. 19 And faid unto the king, Let not my lord impute

* Heb. iaiva
tior., or, de-
AN 1 D it was told Joab, Behold, the king weepeth
and mourneth for Abfalom.
2 And the f victory that day was turned mto mourn-
iniquity unto me, neither do thou remember c that
which thy fervant did perverfely the day that my lord
the king went out of Jerufalem, that the king ihould
cGiup. 16 5.

liverance. ing unto all the people : for the people heard fay that take it to his heart.
day how the king was grieved for his fon. 20 For thy fervant doth know that I have finned :

3 And the people gat them by ftealth that day in- therefore, behold, I am come the fir it this day of all the
to the city, as people, being afhamed ileal away when houfe of Jofeph, to go down to meet mylord the king.
they flee in battle.
21 But Abiihai the fon of Zeruiah anfwered and
4 But the king covered his face, and the king cried faid, Shall not Shimei be put to death for this, becaufe

with a loud voice, my fon Abfalom Q Abfalom, ! O he curfed the Lord's anointed ?
my fon, nvy fon !
22 And David faid, What have I to do with you,
5 And Joab came into the houfe to the king, and ye fons of Zeruiah, that ye fhould this day be adver-
faid, Thou haft fhamed this day the faces of all thy saries unto me ? Shall there any man be put to death
fervants, which this day have faved thy life, and the this day in Ifrael ? for do not I know that I am this
lives of thy fons, and of thy daughters, and the lives day king over Ifrael ?
of thy wives, and the lives of thy concubines ;
23 Therefore the king faid unto Shimei, Thou
t Helv By /oil6 f In that thou loveft thine enemies, and hateft fhalt not die and the king fware unto him.

«'«?, ire.
T Keb. that thy friends for thou haft declared this day, f that
24 1f And Mephiboiheth the fon of Saul came down
%Z"'Js £t
ou regardeft neither princes nor fervants for this :
to meet the king, and had neither dreffed his feet, nor
to thee.
Q[ ay I perceive, that if Abfalom had lived, and all we trimmed his beard, nor wafhed his clothes, from the day
had died this day, then it had pleafed thee well. the king departed until the day he came again in peace.
i Heb.i„ the 7 Now, dierefore, arife, go forth, and fpeak t com- 25 And it came to pafs, when he was come to Je-
fortably unto thy fervants for I fwear by the Lord, rufalem to meet the king, that the king faid unto
ufv'wL :

if thou go not forth, there will not tarry one with thee him, Wherefore wenteft not thou with me, Mephi-
this night and that will be worfe unto thee than all
boiheth ?
the evil that befel thee from thy youth until now. 26 And he anfwered, My lord, O king, my fervant
8 Then the king arofe, and fat in the gate. And deceived me for thy fervant faid, I will faddle me

they told unto all the people, faying, Behold, the king an afs, that I may ride thereon, and go to the king
doth lit in the gate. And all the people came before becaufe thy fervant is lame.
the king for Ifrael had fled every man to his tent.
27 And d he hath fiandered thy fervant unto my d ah* P > 16 3

9 tT And all the people were at ftrife throughout lord the king ; but my lord the king is as an angel of
all the tribes of Ifrael, laying, The king faved us out God do therefore what is good in thine eyes.

of the hand of our enemies, and he delivered us out 28 For all of my father's houfe were but f dead t neb. mm of
of the hand of the Philiftines, and now he is fled out men before my
lord the king ; yet didit thou fet thy
of the land for Abfalom. fervant among them that did eat at thine own table
10 And Abfalom, whom we anointed over us, is what right, therefore have I yet to cry any more unto
TMeb. are k dead in battle now, therefore, why f fpeak ye not a
the king.
vicr.t ?
word of bringing the king back ? 29 And the king faid unto him, Why fpeakeft thou
11 IF And king David fent to Zadok and to Abia- any more of thy matters ? I have laid, thou and Ziba
thar the priefts, faying, Speak unto the elders of Ju- divide the land.
dah, faying, Why are ye the laft to bring the king 30 And Mephibofheth faid unto the king, Yea, let
back to his houfe ? feeing the fpeech of all Ifrael is him take all, forafmuch as mylord the king is come
come to the king, even to his houfe. again in peace unto his own houfe.
12 Ye are my
brethren ye a re bones and
flefh my my 31 11 And Barzillai the Gileadite came down from
wherefore then are ye the laft to bring back the king ? Rogelim, and went over Jordan with the king, to con-
13 And fay ye to Amafa, Art thou not of bone, my duel him over Jordan.
and of myflefli ? God do fo to me, and more alfo, 32 Now
Barzillai was a very aged man, even four-
if thou be not captain of the hoft before me contin- fcore years old : and e he had pn aided the king of echapfwa.
ually in the room of Joab. fullenance while he lay at Mahanaim ; for he was a
14 And he bowed the heart of all the men of Judah, very great man.
oven as the heart of one man ; fo that they fent this 33 And the king faid unto Barzillai, Come thou
word unto the king, Return thou, and all thy fervants. over with me, and I will feed thee with me in Jerufalem.
15 So the king returned, and came to Jordan. And 34 And Barzillai laid unto the king, f How long t Hfb hm .

have I to live, that I fhould go up with the king unto ;;;f %,,
Judah came to Gilgal to go to meet the king, to con- ; ;!

°fmyl *-
duel: the king over Jordan. Jerufalem? _ ...
a i KinF 2 8, 16 IT And Shimei the fon of Gera, a Benjamite,
a 35 I am this day fourfcore years old and cm I dif-

which was of Bahurim, halted and came down with cern between good and evil ? can thy fervant tafte
what I eat or what I drink can I hear any more the
the men of Judah to meet king David. ,


Amasa made captain over yudah, II. SAMUEL. A wise woman saveth the city,

voice of fmging men and fmging women ? wherefore the n thou thy lord's fervants, and purfue after him, left he
fhould thy fervant be yet a burden unto my lord the king? get him fenced cities, and f efcape us.
56 Thy fervant will go a little, way over Jordanwith 7 And there went out after him Joab's men, and +^J#*"
the king and why fhould the king recompenfe it me the b Cherethites, and the Pelethites, and all the /«*«'.*>«.
: Chap. a i*.
with fuch a reward ? mighty men and they went out of Jerufalem to pur.

37 Let thy fervant, I pray thee, turnback again, that lue after Sheba the fon of Bichri.
I may die in mine own city, and be buried by the grave 8 When they were at the great ftone which is in
of my father and of my mother. But behold thy fer- Gibeon, Amafa went before them. And Joab's gar-
vant Chimham, let him go over with my lord the
ment that he had put on, was girded unto him, and
king and do to him what feem good unto thee.
ihall upon it a girdle with a fword fattened upon his loins

Chimham in the fheath thereof and as he went forth it fell out.

38 And the king ihall go over
anfwered, ;

9 And Joab laid to Amafa, Art thou in health, my

with me, and I will do to him that which fhall feem
t Heb. choose, good unto thee and whatfoever thou fhalt t require
brother ? and Joab took Amafa by the beard with the
do thee. right hand, to kifs him-
of me, that will I
39 And all the people went over Jordan. And, 10 But Amafa took no heed to the fword that was
in Joab's hand fo he fmote him therewith in the
when the king -was come over, the king killed Barzil- :

fifth rib, and fhed out his bowels to the ground, and
lai, and bleffed him andhe returned unto his own place.

40 Then the king went on to Giigal, and Chimham | ftruck him not again, and he died. So Joab and f f ^;f^f 3t

went on with him and all the people of Judah con-

Abifhai his brother purfued after Sheba the fon of" .

dueled the king, and alfo half the people of Ifrael.
41 If And, behold, all the men of Ifrael came to the 11 And one of Joab's men flood by him, and faid,

king, and faid unto the king, Why have our brethren
He that favoureth Joab, and he that is for David, let
the men of Judah ftolen thee away, and have brought
him go after Joab.
12 And Amafa wallowed in blood in the midft of
the king and his houfehold, and all David's men with
the highway. And when the man law that all the peo-
him, over Jordan ?
ple ftood ftill, he removed Amafa out of the highway
42 And all the men of Judah anfwered the men of
where- into the field, and caft a cloth upon him, when he faw
Ifrael, Became the king is near of kin to us :

that every one that came by him, ftood ftill.

fore then be ye angry for this matter ? have we eaten
13 When he was removed out of die highway, all
at all of the king's cost ? or hath he given us any gift ?
the people went on after Joab, to purfue after Sheba
43 And the men of Ifrael anfwered the men of Ju-
dah, and laid, We
have ten parts in the king, and we the fon of Bichri.
14 If And he went through all the tribes of Ifrael unto
have alfo more right in David than ye why then :

Abel, and to Bethmaachah, and all the Berites and

t Heb. set us did ye f defpife us, that our advice fhould not be firft

they were gathered together, and went alfo after him.
«t ,,-ght.
^ad n bringing back our king ? and the words of the
15 And they came and befieged him in Abel of
men of Judah were fiercer than the words of the
Bethmaacha, and they caft up a bank againft the city,
men of Ifrael.
CHAP. XX. and it ftood in the trench : and all the people that or, u stood

were with Joab f battered the wall to throw it down. ^'Zau ut


1 Sheba revolteth with the men of Israel. 3 David on _

16 If Then cried a wife woman out of the *- fltv
llv + Heb. mar-
re d to throw ?
his return to Jerusalem shutteth up his ten concu- Hear, hear; fay, I pray you, unto Joab, Come near down.
bines. 4 Amasa, made captain oner Judah, is slain hither, that I may fpeak with thee.
by Joab. 14 Joab pursueth Sheba to Abel. 16 A 17 And when he was come near unto her, the
wise woman savcth the city by Sheba's head. 23 woman faid, Art thou Joab ? And he anfwered, I am
David's officers. he. Then fhe faid unto him, Hear the words of thine
N D there
happened to be there a man of Belial, handmaid. And he anfwered, I do hear.
whofe name was Sheba, the fon of Bichri, a 18 Then fhe fpake, faying, They were wont tOiior,r;«>>

Benjamite and he blew a trumpet, and faid,

; have We fpeak in old time, faying, They fliall furely afk coun- tfolt han-
no part in David, neither have we inheritance in the sel at Abel and fo they ended the matter.
fon of Jeffe ; every man to his tents, O Ifrael. 19 I am one of them that are peaceable and faithful T^l a Jf
l aS k

2 So every man of Ifrael went up from after David, m Ifrael thou feekeft to deftroy a city and a mother make an end.

and followed Sheba the fon of Bichri but the men : ih Ifrael why wilt thou fwallow up the inheritance
of Judah clave unto their king, from Jordan even to Je- of the Lord ?
rufalem. 20 And Joab anfwered and faid, Far be it, far be it
3 II And David came to his houfe at Jerufalem ; from me, that I ihould fwallow up or deftroy.
aCha-. 6 22.
and the king took the ten women his a concubines, 21 The matter is not fo but a man of mount

whom he had left to keep the houfe, and put them in Ephraim, (Sheba the fon of Bichri t by name,) hath *" f *£- by hii
^^"'I'ward, and fed them, but went not in unto them fo : lifted up his hand againft the king, even againft David ;

f Heb. i rf.they were t fhut up unto the day of their death,! liv-
del'ver him only, and I will depart from the city.
+ n n widowhood.
"w"///fe^ £
And the woman faid unto Joab, Behold, his head
tHeb.cV " 4 UThen faid the king to Amafa, fAffemble me the fhall be thrown to thee over the wall.
men ofJudah within three days, and be thou hereprefent. 22 Then the woman went unto all the people in her
5 So Amafa went to affemble the men of Judah ; wifdom and they cut off the head of Sheba the fon of

but he tarried longer than the fet time which he had Bichri, and caft it out to Joab and he blew a trumpet,

appointed him. and they f retired from the city, every man to his tent tHfb.-ui{«
6 And David faid to Abifhai, Now fliall Sheba the
and Joab returned to Jerufalem unto the king.
fon of Bichri do us more liar than cfo/Abfalom, take m : 23 If Now I Joab was over all the hoft of Ifrael*. :

2 and
. ,

Seven of Saul's kindred put to death. CHAP. XXI, XXII, David V psalm ofthanksgivings &r>.
and Benaiah the fon of Jehoiada was over the Che- of Bethfhan where the Philiftines had hanged them,
rethites, and over the Pelethites : when the Philiftines had (lainSaul in Gilboa :
24 And Adoram was over the tribute and Jeho- ; 13 And he brought up from thence the bones of a.s«n.
IO '
and they 3

fhaphat the ion of Ahilud was recorder ; ||

Saul, and the bones of Jonathan his fon ;

25 And Sheva was fcribe and Zadok and Abia-

; gathered the bones of them that were hanged.
Or, a
thar were the priefts ; _
14 And the bones of Saul and Jonathan his lbn bu-
fringe. 26 And Ira alfo the Jairite was a chief ruler about
ried they in the country of Benjamin in Zelah, in the
David. fepulchre of Kifli his father and they performed all :

CHAP. XXI. that the king commanded and after that God was :

1 The three years offamine on account of the Gibeon- entreated for the land.
ites cease,upon hanging seven of Saul's sons. 10 15 II Moreover, the Philiftines had yet war again 1018,-

Rizpah' s care for their dead bodies. 12 David buri- with Ifrael ; and David went down, and his fervants
eth their bones with the bones of Saul and Jonathan with him, and fought againft the Philiftines ; and Da-
in the sepulchre of Kkh. 1 5 Four battles against the vid waxed faint.
Philistines, wherein four of David's mighty men .
16 And Ifhbibenob, which was of the fons of the |°£„. ||

slay four giants. giant, (the weight of whofe t fyear weighed three hun- *^*-l

+ Meb
THEN there was afaminein the days ofDavid three
years, year after year and David f inquired of
dred shekels ofbrafs in weight,) he, being girded with "Itheheat.
a new sword, thought to have (lain David.
the Lord. And the Lord anfwered, It isiox Saul, and 17 But Abifhai the fon of Zeruiah fuccoured him,
for his bloody houfe, becaufe he flew the Gibeonites. and fmote the Philiftine, and killed him. Then the
2 And the king called the Gibeonites, and faid un- men of David fware unto him, faying, Thou (halt go
to them, (now the Gibeonites were not of the chil- no more out with us to battle, that thou quench not
a Josh. 9 3
i<5 17.
dren of Ifrael, but a of die remnant of the Amorites ; the flight of Ifrael. +«&„, ,

and the children of Ifrael had fworn unto them and ; 18 e And it came to pafs after this, that there was eTchron.
Saul fought to flay them in his zeal to the children of again a battle with the Philiftines at Gob then Sib- 204. :

Ifraeland Judah :") bechai the Huihathite (lew Saph, which was of the
S Wherefore David faid unto the Gibeonites, What fons of the giant.

mall I do for you ? and wherewith ihall I make the 19 And there was again a battle in Gob with the
atonement, that ye may blefs the inheritance of the Philiftines, where Elhanan, the fon of Jaareoregim,

Or, It is
Lord ?
4 And the Gibeonites faid unto him, will have We
a Bethlehemite, flew f A
brother of Goliath the Git- f^.eheron
tite, the ftaff of whofe (pear w<z?like a weaver's beam. 205.
not silver ||

nor gold tJiat

tue have to
no diver nor gold of Saul, nor of his houfe; neither 20 And there was yet a battle in Gath, where was
do "with Saul
or his house,
for us {halt thou kill any man in Ifrael. And he faid, a man of great ftature, that had on every hand fix
neither per-
tains it to us
What ye Ihall fay, that will I do for you. fingers, and on every foot fix toes, four and twenty
t» kill, 6-c. 5 And they anfwered the king, The man that con- in number ; and he alfo was born to the giant. Or,
Raphis, ||

I Or, cut
vt off. fumed us, and that devifed againft us that we fhould
|| 21 And when he defied Ifrael, Jonathan the fon proached.
Or, re. I

be deftroyed from remaining in any of the coafts of of s Shimeah, the brother of David, dew him. g Sam. 1

Ifrael 22 Thefe four w ere born to the giant in Gath, and skammak.

6 Let feven men of his fons be delivered unto us, fell by the hand of David, and by the hand of his
and we will hang them up unto the Lord in Gibeah fervants.
II Or,
chosen of
the LORD.
of Saul, j|
the Lord did choofe. And the king
whom CHAP. XXII.
faid I will give them. David's psalm of thanksgiving for God's mighty de-
7 But the king fpared Mephibofheth, the fon of liverances.
hioS 42.
i Sam. 8 1
Jonathan, the fon of Saul, becaufe of b the Lord's
oath that was between them, between David and Jon-
AND David this long,
fpake unto the Lord the words of
in the day that the Lord had delivered

athan the fon of Saul. him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the
8 But the king took the two fons of Rizpah the hand of Saul :

a Psalm
daughter of Aiah, whom (he bare unto Saul, Armoni 2 And he faid, a The Lord is my rock, and my 18 :, &c.
) Or, JtfiVA-
al's sister.
t Heb. Aire
and Mephibofheth, and the five fons of ichal the || M fortrefs, and my deliverer ;

<» Adriel. daughter of Saul, whom (lie f brought up for Adriel, 3 The God of my rock ; in him will Itruft : he is my
1019. the fon of Barziilai the Meholathite : fhield,and the horn of my falvation,my high tower, and
9 And he delivered them into the hands of the my refuge, my faviour thou iaveft me from violence.;

Gibeonites, and they hanged them in the hill before 4 I will call on the Lord, who is worthy to be
the Lord and they fell all feven together, and were
; praifed fo (hall I be faved from mine enemies.

put to death in the days of harveft, in the firfl days, 5 When the waves of death compaffed me, the
Or, pan[ i.

in the beginning of barley harveft. floods off ungodly men made me afraid ;
6 The forrows of hell compaffed me about the
S 3 7.
10 "H And c Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took fack ||
; n
or, <«-,**

cloth, and fpread it for her upon the rock, from the be- (hares of death prevented me.
ginning of harveft until water dropped upon them out 7 In my diftrefs I called upon the Lord and cried
of heaven, and differed neither the birds of the air to to my God and he did hear my voice out of his

reft on them by day, nor the beads of the field by night. temple, and my cry did enter into his cars.
11 And it was told David what Rizpah the daugh- 8 Then the earth (hook and trembled the foun- ;

ter of Aiah, the concubine of Saul, had done. dations of heaven moved and (hook, becaufe he was
12 11 And David went, and took the bones of Saul, wroth.
and the bones of Jonathan his fon, from the men of 9 There went up a fmoke f out of hisnoftrils, and fire t neb.*#

Jabefhgilead, which had ftolenthem from the ftreet out of his mouth devoured coals were kindled by it. :

10 He
11 ;- : :

David's psalm of thanksgiving. II. S A MUEL He professeth his faith in God's word.
10 He bowed the heavens alfo and came clown ;
40 For thou haft girded me with ftrength to battle :

and darknefs was under his feet. them that rofe up againft me haft thou t lubdued un-
1 And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly and ; der me.
he was leen upon the wings of the wind. 41 Thou haft alfo given me the necks of mine ene-
12 And he made darknefs pavilions round about mies, that I might deflroy them that hate me.
binding of him, f dark waters, and thick clouds of the Ikies. 42 They looked, but there ivas none to fave ; even.
13 Through the brightnefs before him Avere coals unto the Lord, but he anfwered them not.
of fire kindled. 43 Then did I beat them as fmall as the duft of the
14 The Lord thundered from heaven, and the earth I did ftamp them as the mire of the ftreet,. and

Moft High uttered his voice. did fpread them abroad.

15 And he fent out arrows, and fcattered them ; 44 Thou alfo haft delivered me from the ftrivings
lightning, and difcomfited them. of my people thou haft kept me to be head of the hea-

16 And the channels

of the fea appeared, the foun- then a people which I knew not, fhall ferve me.

dations of the world were difcovercd, at the rebuking 45 f Strangers fhall \ fubmit themfelves unto me of
t Heb. Ssn;
the stray>
of the Lord, at the blaft of the breath of his noftrils. as foon as they hear, they fhall be obedient unto me. ger.
Or, yield-
17 He fent from above, he took me ; he drew me

46 Strangers fhall fade away, and they fhall be feigned obe-

t Or, great. dience.
out of many waters !| : afraid out of their clofe places. t Heb. lit.
18 He delivered me from my flrong enemy, and'from 47 The Lord liveth, and blelTed be my Rock ; and
them that hated me ; for they were too ftrong for me. exalted be the God of the Rock of my falvation.
19 They prevented me in the day of my calamity : 48 It is God that f avengeth me, and that bringeth £"eab,;i£:
but the Lord was my Hay. down the people under me, mem forme.
20 He brought me forth alfo into a large place ;
49 And that bringeth me forth from mine enemies :

he delivered me, becaufe he delighted in me. thou alfo haft lifted me up on high above them that
21 The Lord rewarded me according to my right- rofe up againft me thou haft delivered me from the

eoufnefs according to the cleannefs of my hands

: violent man.
hath he recompenfed me. 50 Therefore,
I will give thanks unto thee, Lord, O
22 For I have kept the ways of the Lord, and have among the heathen, and I will ling praifes unto thy bRom.
I59 '
not wickedly departed from my God. name.
23_ For all his judgments were before me axid-as : 51 He is the tower of falvation for his king and ;

for his ftatutes, I did not depart from them. fheweth mercy to his anointed, unto David, and c to c Chaj.
7 12.
Sm>.tahim. 24 I was alfo upright -\ before him, and have kept his feed for evermore.
myfelf from mine iniquity. C HA
25 Therefore the Lord hath recompenfed me ac- 1 David's last words, setting forth the happiness and
cording to my righteoufnefs according to my clean ; confidence of the just man, and the different state of
f Keb. be- nel's t in his eye light. the wicked. 8 A catalogue of David's mighty men.
foul, is eyes,
26 With the merciful thou wilt fhew thyfelf merci-
ful, c*id with the upright man thou wilt fhew thyfelf
NOW thefe be the laft words of David. David the
fon of Jeffe faid, and the man who was raifed up
upright. on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the
27 With the pure thou wilt fhew thyfelf pure; and fweet pfalmift of Ifrael, faid,
IsaLTs % c
: with the froward thou wilt fhew thyfelf unfavoury. ||
2 The Spirit of theLoRDfpakebyme,and his word
28 And the afflicted people thou wilt fave but : was in my tongue.
thine eyes are upon the haughty, that thou mayeft 3 The God of Ifrael faid, the Rock of Ifrael fpake
bring them down. to me, He that ruleth over men must be juft, ruling
|| II
Or, Be
I Or, candle. 29 For thou art my lllamp, Lord; and the O in the fear of God :
thou rultfi

Lord will lighten my darknefs. 4 And he shall be as the light of the morning, when
B Or, 30 For by thee I have run through a troop || ; by the fun rifeth, even a morning without clouds as the ;
broken a
troop. my God have I leaped over a wall. tender grafs springing out of the earth by clear fhining
3 AsforGod ,hi s way is perfe cl; the word ofthe Lord after rain.
I Or,
refitvd. is || he is a buckler to all them that truft in him.
tried : 5 Although my houfe be not fo with God, yet he
32 For who is God, fave the Lord I and who is a hath made with me an everlafting covenant, ordered
rock, fave our God ? in all things, and fare for this wall my falvation, and

+ Heb.
riddeth, 33 God wray ftrength and power and he f maketh ; all nip delire, although he make it not to grow.
or, Icoseth
my way perfect. 6 But the sons of Belial shall be all of them as thorns
t Heb.
34 tie | maketh my feet like hinds' feet ; and fetteth thruft away, becaufe they cannot be taken with hands
me upon my high places. 7 But the man that fhall touch themmuft be f fenced \fcf-
t 35 He teacheth my hands f to war ; fo that a bow with iron and the ftaff of a fpear and they fhall be ut-;
ih. war.
of flee] is broken by mine arms. terly burnt with fire in the same place.
36 Thou haft alfo given me the fhield of thy falva- 8 *ff Thefe be the names of the mighty men whom
t Heb. multi
plied me. tion and thy gentlenefs hath t made me great.
; David had H the Tachmonite that fat in the feat, 1°*$*^

37 Thou haft enlarged my fteps under me fo that ; chief among the captains (the fame wets Adino the sskAw***,

t Heb. ancles. my f feet did not flip. Eznite ;) he lifted up his spear againft eight hundred,
38 Ihavepurliiedmine enemies, and deftroyed them f whom he flew at one time.

and turned not again until I had confumed them. 9 And after him Was "Eleazar the fon of Dodo the ^fc^f*
39 And I have confumed them and wounded thern, , Ahohite,o7z<?ofthe three mighty men with David, when » «•
that they could not ariie ;
yea, they are fallen under they defied the Philiftines that were there gathered to-
my feet. gether to battle, and the men of Ifrael were gone away.
10 He
i catalogue of David's mighty men, C H A P. XXIV. Three plagues proposed to David.
10 He arofe, and fmote the Philiftines until his 34 Eliphelet the fon of Ahafbai, the fon of the Maa-
hand was weary, and his hand clave unto the fword ; chahite, E-iiam the fon of Ahithophel the Gilonite,
and the Lord wrought a great victory that day and ; 55 Hezrai the Cannelite, Paarai the Arbite,
the people returned after him only to fpoil. 36 Igal the fon of Nathan of Zobah, Bani the Gadite,
h I Chron.
11 And after him was b Shammah the fon of Agee 37 Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai the Beerothite,
Or, for
the Hararite. And the Philiftines were gathered to- armour bearer to Joab the fon of Zeruiah,
foraging. gether into a troop, where was a piece of ground full
38 Ira an Ithrite, Gareb an Ithrite,
of lentiles and the people fled from the Philiftines.
; 39 Uriah the Hittite thirty and feven in all.

12 But he ftood in the midft of the ground, and de-

fended it, and flew the Philiftines and the Lord :
1 Dayidforceth Joab to number the people. 5 The cap-
wrought a great victory.
tarns bring the number to the king. 10 David repent-
S Or, the
three cap' 13 And three of the thirty chief went down, and
eth, and, having three plagues proposed by Gad, be-
taint over
came to David in the harreft time unto the cave of
the thirty. ing obliged to choose one,fixeth on three days' pesti-
Adullam ; and the troop of the Philiftines pitched in
lence. 15 After the death of seventy thousand in Is-
the valley of Rephaim.
David's humble suit, Jerusalem is saved.
rael, at
14 And David was then in an hold, and the garri- _

18 David, by Gad's direction, purchaseth Arxiu-

fon of the Philiftines was then in Bethlehem.
nab's threshing floor,
15 And David longed, and faid, that one would Oh £s?c.

give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem,

which es by the gate S
AND again the anger of the
againft Ifrael, and
Lord was
he moved David againft letfchna*
kindled m*
16 And the three mighty men brake through the them to fay, Go, number Ifrael and Judah. 2I »•

hoft of the Philiftines, and drew water out of the well 2 For the king faid to Joab the captain of the hoft,
of Bethlehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and which was with him, Go now through all the tribes
l!Q r»«».$»*

brought it to David nevertheless, he would not drink

: of Ifrael, from Dan even toBeeriheba, and number ye
thereof, but poured it out unto the Lord : the people, that I may know the number of the peo-
17 And he faid, Be it far from me, Lord, that O ple.
Ifhould do this is not this the brood of the men that
: 3 And Joab faid unto the king, Now the Lord thy
went in jeopardy of their lives ? therefore he would not God add unto the people (how many foever they be)
drink it. Thefe things did thefe three mighty men. an hundred fold, and that the eyes of my lord the

Chron. 18 And c Abifhai the brother of Joab, the fon of
king may fee h : but why doth my lord the king de-
Zeruiah, was chief among three and he lifted up his : light in this thing ?
tHeb. shi •
fpear againfl three hundred, j and Hew them, and had 4 Notwithstanding, the king's word prevailed againft
the name among three. Joab, and againft the captains of the hoft and Joab :

19 Was
he not moft honourable of three? there- and the captains of the hoft went out from the pref-
fore he was their captain : howbeit, he attained not ence of the king to number the people of Ifrael.
unto the first three. 5 IT And they paffed over Jordan, and pitched in
20 And Benaiah the fon of Jehoiada, the fon of a Aroer, on the right iide of the city that lieth in the
•fHeb. rrei « valiant man of Kabzeel, f who had done many acts, he midft of the river of Gad, and toward Jazer.
(I 0r »««*• K «
#Hcb./»«jJ flew two t hon like men of Moab he went down alfo, : 6 Then they came to Gilead, and to the fend of ™tl || I
if God.
and flew a lion in the midft of a pit in time of fnow. Tahtimhodihi ; and they came to Danjaan, and about MuS^
21 And ne Aew an Egyptian t a goodly man : and the
, to Zidon,
Egyptian had a fpear in his hand but he went down ; 7 And came to the ftrong hold of Tyre, and to ail
"cteo" n to him with a ftaff, and plucked the fpear out of the the cities of the Hivites, and of the Canaanites and ;

p^taSrf Egyptian's hand, and flew him with his own fpear. they went out to the fouth of Judah, even to Beerlheba,
22 Thefe things did Benaiah the fon of Jehoiada, 8 So when they had gone through all the land, they
and had the name among three mighty men. came to Jerufalein at the end of nine months and
Ibu'amonT 23 He was more honourable than the thirty, but
|| twenty days.
ti„ thiny.
ne attained not to the first three and David fet him : 9 And Joab gave up the fum of the number of the
J?/;b"^-over his t guard. ||
people unto the king r and there were in Ifrael eight
dChap. 2 iP.
24 d Afahel the brother of Joab was one of the thir- hundred thoufand valiant men that drew the fword ;
ty Elhanan the fon of Dodo of Bethlehem,
; and the men of Judah were five hundred thoufand
25 Shammah the Harodite, Elika the Harodite, men.
1 Chror.
26 Helez the e Paltite, Ira the fon of Ikkelh the 10 IT And David's heart fmote him after that he
Tekoite, had numbered the people. And David unto the
27 Abiezer the Anethothite, Mebunnai the Huflia- Lord, I have finned greatly in that I have done and :

thite, now, befeech thee,

Lo-rd, take away the iniquity
28 ZalmontheAhohitCjMaharai cheNetophathite, of thy fervant for 1 have done very foolifhly.

29 Heleb the fon of Baanah aNetophathite, Ittai the 11 For when David was up in the morning, the
fon of Ribai,out ofGibeah of the children of Benjamin. word of the Lord came unto the prophet Gad, Da-
| Or, vallifl,
30 Benaiah the Pirathonite, Hiddai of the brooks || vid's feer, laying,
of Gaafh, 12 Goand fay unto David, Thus faith the Lord,
31 Abialbon the Arbathitc, Azmaveth the Barhu- I offer thee three things; choofe thee one of them,
mite, that I may do it unto thee.
32 Eliahba the Shaalbonite ; of the fons of Jafhcn, 13 So Gad came to David, and told him, and faid
Jonathan, unto him, Shall feven years of famine come unto thee
33 Shammah the Hararite, Ahiam the fon of Sliarar in thy land ? or wilt thort flee three months before
the HararitCj thine enemies, while they pvrfuc thee or that there .


David chooseth the pestilence. I. KINGS. He buildeth an altar.

be three days' peftilence in thy land ? now advife, and 20 And Araunah looked, and faw the king and his
fee what anfwer I fhall return to him that fent me. fervantscoming on toward him and Araunah went

14 AncJ David faid unto Gad, I am in a great ftrait out and bowed himfelf before the king on his face
let us fail now into the hand of the Lord, (for his upon the ground.
lQT,many. mercies are great,) and let me not fall into the hand
.21 And Araunah faid, Wherefore is my lord the
of man. king come to his fervant and David faid, To buy

15 If So the Lord fent a peftilence uponlfrael, from the thre filing floor of thee, to build an altar unto the
the morning even to the time appointed and there : Lord, that the plague may be flayed from the people.
died of the people, from Dan even to Beerflieba, fev- 22 And Araunah faid unto David, Let my lord the
enty thoufand men. king take and offer up what secmeth good unto him :
16 And when the angel ftretched out his hand upon behold, here be oxen, for burnt facrifice, and threfh-
i SJtn,
Jerufalem to deftroy it, the Lord repented him of ing inftruments, and other inftruments of the oxen,
the evil, and faid to the angel that deftroyed the peo- forwood.
ple, It is enough ; ftay now thine hand. And the an- 23 All thefe things did Araunah, as a king, give
gel of the Lord was by the threfhing place of Arau- unto the king and Araunah laid unto the king, The

nah the Jebuiite. Lord thy God accept thee.

17 -And David fpake unto the Lord, when he faw 24 And the king faid unto Araunah, Nay but I ;

the angel that fmote the people, and faid, Lo, I have will finely buy it of thee at a price neither will I:

finned, and I have done wickedly but thefe fheep,

; offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God, of that
what have they done ? Let thine hand, I pray thee, be which doth coft me nothing. ^So David bought the
againft me, and againft my father's houfe. threfhing floor and the oxen fornTty fhekels of lilver.
18 II And Gad came that day to David, and faid 25 And David built ^here an altar unto the Lord,
unto him, Go up, rear an altar unto the Lord in the and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. So
threfhing floor of Araunah the Jebufite. the Lord was entreated for the land, and the plague
19 And David, according to die faying of Gad, was flayed from Ifrael.
went up, as the Lord commanded.

The First Book of the KINGS, commonly called^

The Third Book of the KING S.

CHAP. I. hoiada, and Nathan the prophet, and Shimei, andRei, Berorr
Abishag cherisheth David in his extreme age. 5 Ad- and the mighty men which belonged to David, were
o?iijah having gained over Joab, &c. usurpetb the not with Adonijah.
kingdom. 11 By the counsel of Nathan, 15 Bathshe- 9 And Adonijah flew fheep, and oxen, and fat cat-
ba moveth the king concerning Solomon, 22 and is tle, by the ftone of Zoheleth, which is by Enrogel, Qr. the
|| I

seconded by Nathan. 28 David rencwcth his oath to and called all his brethren the king's fons, and all the <lvellRo
Bathsheba. 38 Solomon, by David'' s appointment is men of Judah the king's fervants :

anointed king by Zadok and Nathan ; the people 10 But Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, and the
rejoice. 41 Adonijah and his guests being informed mighty men, and Solomon his brother, he called not.
thereof, betake themselves to flight. 50 Adonijah, 11 If Wherefore Nathan fpake unto Bathiheba the
laying hold on the horns of the altar, on condition of mother of Solomon, faying, Haft thou not heard that
good behaviour, is dismissed by Solomon in peace. Adonijah the fon of a Haggith doth reign, and David 2 Sam- 3 4»

i Heb. enter- king David was old and f ftricken in years our lord knoweth it not ?
ed into days.
and they covered him with clothes, but he gat 12 Now, therefore, come, let me, I pray thee, give
no heat. thee counfel, that thou mayeft lave thine own life, and
t Heb. Let 2 Wherefore his fervants faid unto him, f Let there the life of thy fon Solomon.
them seek.
1* Heb. a dam
be fought for my lord the king f a young virgin and 13 Go, and get thee in unto king David, and fay
set, a virgin.
T Heb. be a let her ftand before the king, and let her j cherifh
unto hiin, Didft not thou, my lord, king, fwear un- Q
unto him. him, and let her lie in thy bofom, that my lord the to thine handmaid, faying, Affu redly Solomon thy fon
king may get heat. fhall reign after me, and he fhall fit upon my throne ?
3 So they fought for a fair damfel throughout all why then doth Adonijah reign ?
the coafts of Ifrael, and found Abiihag a Shunam- 14 Behold, while thou yet talk eft there with the king,
mite, and brought her to the king. I alfo will come in after thee, and t confirm thy words. Web. fill up;
4 And the damfel was very fair, and cherifhed the 15 II And Bathfheba went in unto the king into the
king, andminiftered to him but the king knew her not.
: chamber and the king was very old and Abiihag
: :

5 TI Then Adonijah the fon of Haggith exalted him- the Shunammite miniftered unto the king.
fe\^ faying, I will f be king and he prepared him cha-
: 1.6 And Bathfheba bowed, and did obeifance unto
riots and horfemen, and fifty men to run before him. the king. And the king faid, f What wouldeft thou ? tHeb. IVhtt
t Heb. from
his days.
6 And his father had not difpleafed him t at any 17 And fhe faid unto him, My
lord, thoufwareft "

time in faying,Why haft thou done fo ? and he alfo by the Lord thy God unto thine handmaid, faying,
was a very goodly man : and his mother bare him AfTurecUy Solomon thy fon fhall reign after me, and
after Abfalom. he fhall fit upon my throne.
t Heb. his
•words -were
7 And t he conferred with Joab the fon of Zeruiah, 18 And now, behold, Adonijah reigneth and now, ;

nuithjoab- and with Abiathar the prieft and: they, f following my lord the king, thou knoweft it not.
t Heb. helped
after Adoni- Adonijah, helped hint. 19 And he hath flain oxen, and fat cattle, and fheep
8 But Zadok the prieft, and Benaiah the fon of Je- in abundance, and hath called all the fons of the king,

Solomon anointed king, CHAP. II. He dismissetb Adoniiah,

CHRIST and Abiathar the priefl, and Joab the captain of the the trumpet ; and all the people faid, God fave king
hofl but Solomon thy feryant hath he not called.
•* Solomon.
20 And thou, my lord, O
king, the eyes of all Ifrael 40 And all the people came up after him ; and the
are upon thee, that thou ihoukleit tell them who ihall
people piped with pipes, and rejoiced with great joy,

fit on the throne of my lord the king after him. lb that the earth rent with the found of them.
21 Otherwife it lhall come to pafs, when my lord .
4 1 If And Adonijah and all the guefts that were with;

the king (hall fleep with his fathers, that I and my fon him, heard it, as they had made an end of eating. And
tHeb. Solomon fhall be counted f offenders. when Joab heard the found of the trumpet, he faid,
22 11 And, lo, while ihe yet talked with the king, Wherefore is this noife of the city being in an uproar ?
Nathan the. prophet alio came in, 42. And while he yet [pake, behold, Jonathan the
23 And they told the king,, faying, Behold Nathan fon of Abiathar the priefl came : and Adonijah faid

the prophet. And when he was. come in before the unto him, Come in for thou art a valiant man, and

king, he bowed himfelf before the king with his face bringefl good tidings*
to the ground. 43 And Jonathan anfwered and faid to Adonijah,
24 And Nathan faid. lord, My
king, hall thou O Verily our lord king David hath made Solomon king.
faid, Adonijah fhall reign after me, and he fhalj. fit 44 And the king hath fent with him Zadok the
upon my throne ? priefl, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the fon-
25 For he is gone down this day, and hath flain o;*en, of Jehoiada, and the Cherethites, and the Pelethites,
and fat Cattle, and fheep in abundance, and hath called and they have eaufed him to ride upon the king's
all the king's fons, ,and the captains of the hoft, and mule :

Abiathar the priefl and, behold, they eat and drink

; 45 And Zadok the priefl and Nathan the prophet
tHeb. Let
king Adoni-
before him, and fay, t God lave king Adonijah. have anointed him king in Gihon ; and they are come
teh live. 26 But me, even me thy fervant, and Zadok the up from thence rejoicing, fo that the city rang again.
prieft, and Benaiah the fon of Jehoiada, and thy fer- This is the noife that. ye have heard.
vant Solomon, hath- he not called. 46 And alfo Solomon iittech on the throne of the
27 Is this thing done by my lord the king, and thou kingdom.
haft not fhewed it unto thy fervant, who fhould fit on 47 And, moreover, the king's fervants came to blefs-
the throne of my lord the king after him ? our lord king David, faying, God make the name of
28 IT Then king David anfwered and find, Call me Solomon better than thy name, and make his throne
the king-
and ihe came t into the king's prefence,
: greater than thy throne and the king bowed himfelf

and flood before the king. upon the bed..

29 And the king fware, and faid, As the Lord liv- 48 And alfo thus faid the king, Bleffed be the Lor d
eth,. that hath redeemed my foul out. of all diflrefs, God of. Ifrael, which hath given one to fit on my
30 Even as I fware unto thee by the Lord God of throne this day, mine eyes even feeing it.
Ifrael, faying, Affuredly Solomon thy fon fhall reign 49 And all the guefts that luew with Adonijah were
after me, and he fliall fit upon my throne in my ftead afraid, and rofe iips and went every man his way.
even fo will I certainly do this day. 50 If And Adonijah feared becaufe of Solomon, and
31 Then Bathfheba bowed with her face to the arofe, and went, and caught hold on the horns of the
earth, and did reverence to the king, and faid, Let altar.
my lord king David live for ever. 51 And it was told Solomon, faying, Behold, Ado-
32 If And king David faid,, Call me Zadok the priefl, nijah feareth king Solomon ; for, lo, he hath caught
and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah. the fon of Je- hold on the horns of the altar, faying, Let king Solo-
hoiada. And they came before the king. mon fwear unto me today, that he will not flay his
33 The king alfo faid unto them ,/Take with you the fervant with the fword.
fervants of your lord, and caufe Solomon my fon to ride 52 And Solomon faid, If he will fhew himfelf a-
+ Heb. which upon f mine own mule, and bring him down toGihon worthy man, there fliall not an hair of him fall to the
bt-longeth to
me.- 34 And let Zadok the priefl and Nathan the prophet earth but if wickednefs fliall be found in him, he

anoint him there king over Ifrael and blow ye with

; fhall die.
the trumpet, and fay, God fave king Solomon. 53 So king Solomon and they brought him
35 Then ye fhall come up after him, that he may down from the altar. And he came and bowed him-
come and lit upon my throne for he fhall be king in
; felf to king Solomon : and Solomon faid unto him,
my flead :have appointed him to be ruler over
and I Go to thine houfe,
Ifrael and over Judah. CHAP. II.
36 And Benaiah the fon of Jehoiada anfwered the 1 David's charge Solomon ; he dirccteth him concern-
king, and faid, Amen the Lord God of my lord
: ing Joab, the sons ofBarzillai, andShimci. 10 Da-
the king fay fo too. vid?s death. 12 Solomon succcedeth him. 13 Adoni-
37 As the Loud hath been with my lord the king, jah, moving Bathsheba to sue unto Solomon for Abi-
even be he with Solomon, and make his throne
fo shag, is put to death by Solomon's command. 26
greater than the throne of my lord king' David. Abiathar hath his life spared, but is removedfrom
38 If So Zadok the priefl, and Nathan the prophet, the priesthood. 28 Joab, having fled to the horns of
and Benaiah the fon of Jehoiada, and the Cherethites, the altar, is there slain. 35 Benaiah is put in Joab's
and the Pelethites, went down, and eaufed Solomon room, and Zadok in Abiathar's. 36 Shimci is con-
to ride upon king David's mule, and brought him to fined to Jcrusalem, but going to Gath, contrary to
Gihon. Solomon''s command, is put to death.
39 And Zadok the priefl took an horn of oil out of
the tabernacle, and anointed Solomon. And they blew
NOW the days of David drew nigh that he fhqultf
die ; and he charged Solomon his fon, faying,
2 I go
Adonijah seeketb Abishag as his wife. I. K I

Do Adonijah and Abiathar slain,

2 I go the way of all the earth : be thou ftrong my mother for I will not fay thee nay.
,fk on, ;
therefore, and fhew thyfelf a man. 21 And ihefaid, Let Abifhag the Shunammite be
3 And keep the charge of the Lord thy God, to given to Adonijah thy brother to wife.
walk in his ways, to keep Ii-i-s fiatutes, and his com- 22 And king Solomon anfwered, and faid unto his
mandments, and his judgments, and his teilimonies, mother, And why doit thou alk Abifhag the Shunam-
as it is written in the law of Mofes, that thou mayeft mite for Adonijah ? afk for him the kingdom alfo ;
slOeut. $9 9 a
Jifhuai profper in ah that thou doeH, and whitherfoever
7. i|
(for lie is mine elder brother ;) even for him, and for
thou turneft thyfelf
Abiathar the prieft, and for Joab the fon of Zeruiah.
4 That the Lord may continue his word, which he 23 Then king Solomon fware by the Lord, faying,
fpake concerning me. faying, If thy children take heed God do ib to me, and more alfo, if Adonijah have not
to their way, to walk before me in truth, with" all their fpoken tills word againft his own life.
b !5am 7 12 heart, and with all their foul, b there fliall not
•rHel>. be cut f fail 24 Now, Lord liveth, which hath
therefore, as the
offfiramihce thee (faid he) a man on the throne of Ifrael. eftablifhed me
on the throne of David my
me, and fet
5 Moreover, thou knoweft alio what Joab the fon father, and who hath made me an houfe, as he prom- 1 l *'•Sam..
12 13.
of Zeruiah did to me, and what he did to the two ifed, Adonijah fhall be put to death this day.
c Sam 3
captains of the holts of Ifrael, unto c x\bner the fon of

25 And king Solomon fent by the hand of Benaiah
«1 2
20 10. Ner, and unto d Amafa the ion of Jether, whom he the fon of Jehoiada and he fell upon him that he died.

t Heb. flew, and | fhed the blood of war in peace, and put
26 II And unto Abiathar the prieft faid the king, Get
the blood of war upon his girdle that was about his thee to Anathoth, unto thine own fields j for thou art
loins, and in his flioes that were on his feet. f worthy of death but I will not at this time put thee
; t Heb.« mc »
o/ui " /;:
6 Do, therefore, according to thy wifdom, and let to death, becaufe thou bareft the ark of the Lord -

not his hoar head go down to the grave in peace. God before David my father, and becaufe thou halt
e2Sam.i93i. 7 But (hew kindnefs unto the fons of e Barzillai the been afflicted in all wherein my father was afflicled.
Gileadite, and let them be of thofe that eat at thy 27 So Solomon thru ft out Abiathar from being
for lb they came to me when I fled becaufe of
table : prieft unto the Lord ; that he might m fulfil the word "j,^,
Abfalom thy brother. of the Lord which he fpake concerning the houfe of
f 2 Sam. 16 5.
8 And, behold, thou hast with thee f Shimei the fon Eli in Shiloh.
of Gera, aBenjamite ofBahurim, which curfed me 28 If Then tidings came to Joab (for Joab had turn- ;

t Heji. strmg. with a f grievous curfe in the day when I went to ed after Adonijah, though he turned not after Abfa-
Mahanaim but lie came down to meet me at Jordan,
: lom ;) and Joab fled unto the tabernacle of the Lord,
g 2 Sam, and s I fvvare to him by the Lord, faying, I will not and caught hold on the horns of the altar.
«9 S3-
put thee to death with the fword. 29 And it was told king Solomon that Joab was
9 Now, therefore, hold him not guiltlefs for thou ; fled unto the tabernacle of the Lord and, behold, ;

art a wife man, and knoweft what thou oughteft to do he is by the altar then Solomon fent Benaiah the fon

unto him but his hoar head bring thou down to the
: Go, fall upon him.
Jehoiada, faying,
grave with blood. 30 And Benaiah came to the tabernacle of the
feAfls 2 29 10 II So b David flept with his fathers, and was Lord, and faid unto him, Thus faith the king, Come
buried in the city of David. forth. And he faid, Nay ; but I will die here. And
s 2Sam. 54.
1 Chron.
1 And the days that David i reigned over Ifrael Benaiah brought the king word again, faying, Thus
20 26 27. were forty years feven years reigned he in Hebron,
: faid Joab, and thus he anfwered me.
and thirty and three years reigned he in Jerufalem. 31 And the king faid unto him, do as he hath faid,
k 1 Chron.
12 If k Then fat Solomon upon the throne of David and fall upon him, and bury him that thou mayeft ;
39 23.
and his kingdom was eftablifhed greatly.
his father ; take aw ay the innocent blood which Joab fhed from

1014. 13 If And Adonijah the fon of Haggith came to me, and from the houfe of my father.
Bathfheba the mother of Solomon and fhe faid, : 32 And the Lord fhall return his blood upon his
Cornell thou peaceably ? And he faid, Peaceably. own head, who fell upon two men more righteous and
14 He faid, moreover, I have fomewhat to fay unto better than he, and flew them with the fword, my fa-
thee. And fhe faid, Say on. ther David not knowing thereof, to wit, " Abner the n »$•*•*"»
15 And he faid, Thou knoweft that the kingdom was fon of Ner, captain of the hoft of Ifrael, and ° Amafa mfZ*"
mine, and that all Ifrael fet their faces on me, that I the fon of Jether, captain of the hoft Judah.
fhould reign howbeitthe kingdom isturned about, and
: 33 Their blood fliall therefore return upon the head
is become my brother's for it was his from theLoRD.; of Joab, and upon the head of his feed for ever but :

f turn
not aivay my
16 And now I afk one petition of thee, f deny me upon David, and upon his feed, and upon his houie,
face.. not. And fhe faid unto him, Say on. and upon his throne, fhall there be peace for ever
17 And he faid, Speak, I pray thee, unto Solomon from the Lord.
the king, (for he will not fay thee nay,) that he give 34 So Benaiah the fon ofJehoiada went up, and fell
me Abifhag the Shunammite to wife. upon him, and flew him and he was buried in his

18 And Bathfheba faid, Well I will fpeak for ; own houfe in the wildernefs.
thee unto the king. 35 U And the king put Benaiah the fon of Jehoiada
19 iTBathfheba, therefore, went untokingSolomon, in his room over the hoft and Zadok the prieft did

to fpeak unto him for Adonijah. And the king rofe the king put in the room of Abiathar.
up to meet her, and bowed himfelf unto her, and fat 36 II And the king fent and called for Shimei, and
down on his throne, and caufed a feat to be fet for the faid unto him, Build thee an houfe in Jerufalem, and
king's mother and fhe fat on his right hand.
; dwell there, and go not forth thence any whither.
20 Then lhe faid, I defire one fmall petition of thee 37 For it fhall be, that on the day thou goeft out,
Jpray thee, fay me not nay, And the king faid unto and paffeft ove$ the brook Kidron, thou fhalt know

Cjti g re/'feci, /// • /</ ///e.j •m///



.f.r.ior. LVXl, VCl'fe 12.

CH/LRLESTOWJV.- pHAS&tcm/hxTs) Cmushed nv S. £TH£RLDG.E

: ;

God affiareth to Solomon in a dream C H A P. III. his judgment between two harlots.

for certain that thou fhalt furely die thy blood : fhall 8 Andthy fervant is in the midft of thy people,
be upon thine own head. which thou haft chofen, a great people, that cannot
38 And Shimei faid unto the king, The Hiving is be numbered nor counted for multitude.
good as my lord the king hath faid, fo will thy fer-
9 b Give, therefore, thy fervant an f un lerftan ding b? Chron.
10. I

vant do. And Shimei dwelt in Jerufalem many days.. heart to judge thy people, that I may difcern between + lieb. /nor-
39 And it came to pafs, at the end of three years, good and bad: for who is able to judge this thy fo
that two of the fervants of Shimei ran away unto great a people ?
Achifh, fon of Maachah king of Gath and they told : 10 And the fpeech pleafed the Lord, that Solo-
Shimei, faying, Behold, thy fervants be in Gath. mon had afked this thing.
40 And Shimei arofe, and faddled his afs, and went 11 And God faid unto him, Becaufe thou haft afk-
to Gath, to Achifh, to feek his fervants and Shimei : ed this_ thing, and haft not afked for thyfelf f long + Hefc,ma»>
went and brought his fervants from Gath. life, neither haft afked riches for thyfelf, nor haft afk-

41 And it was told Solomon that Shimei had gone ed the life of thine enemies but haft afked for thyfelf

t Heb.M
from Jerufalem to Gath, and was come again. underftanding f to difcern judgment hear-
42 And the king fent and called for Shimei, and faid 12 Behold, I have done according to thy words :

unto him, Did I not make thee to fwear by the Lord, lo, I have given thee a wife and an underftanding

and protefted unto thee, faying, Know for a certain, heart fo that there was none like thee before thee,

that on the day thou goeft out, and walkeft abroad any neither after thee fhall any arife like unto thee.
whither, that thcfci fhalt furely die f And thou faidft 13 And I have alfo c given thee that which thou haft cWisJ. 7 it •

Matth. 6
unto me, The word that I have heard, is good not afked, both riches and honour; fo that there fhall Or, hath33


43 Why then haft thou not kept the oadi of the not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days. not been.
Lord, and the commandment that I have charged 14 And if thou wilt walk in my ways, .to keep my
thee with ? ftatutes and my commandments,
as thy father d
Da- d Chap. 1 5 S>

44 The king faid moreover to Shimei, Thou know- vid did walk, then I will lengthen thy days.
eft all the wickednefs which thine heart is privy to, that 15 And Solomon awoke ; and, behold, it was a
thou didft to David my father therefore the Lord ; dream and he came to Jerufalem, and flood before

fhall return thy wickednefs upon thine own head : the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and offered up
45 And king Solomon shall be bleifed and the throne , burnt offerings, and offered peace offerings, and made
of David fhall be eftablifhed before the Lord for ever. a feaft to all his fervantsv
46 So the king commanded Benaiah the fon of Je- 16If Then came therfe two women, that were har-

hoiada which went out, and fell upon him, that he

; lots, unto the king, and flood before him.
pichron.1 1. died : and the p kingdom was eftablifhed in the hand 17 And the one woman faid, O my lord, I and
of Solomon. this woman dwell in one houfe and I was delivered ;

CHAP. III. of a child with her in the houfe.

1 Solomon marrieth Pharaoh's daughter. 2 High pla- 18 And it came to pafs, the third day after that
ces being in use, he sacrificeth at Gibcon. 5 God ap- I was delivered, that this woman was delivered alfo ;

pearctb to him there in a dream, and leaveth to his and we were together there was no ftranger with us

choice what to ask; he askctb wisdom, and obtaineth in the houfe, fave we two in the houfe.
with it, riches and honour. 16 Solomon''s judgment 19 And this woman's child died in die night ; be-
between the two harlots maheth his wisdom renowned. caufe fhe overlaid it.
cT 4
8 A ND a
Solomon made affinity with Pharaoh king 20 And fhe arofe at midnight, and took my fon
±\. of Egypt, and took Pharaoh's daughter, and from befide me, while thine handmaid flcpt, and laid
brought her into the city of David, until he had made it in her bofom, and laid her dead child in my bofom.
an end of building his own houfe, and the houfe of 21 And when I arofe in the morning to give my
the Lord, and the wall of Jerufalem round about. child fuck behold, it was dead
but when I had con- :

2 \ Only the people facrificed in high places, be- fidered it in the morning, behold, it was not my fon
caufe there was no houfe built unto the name of the which I did bear.
Lor'd, until thofe days. 22 And the other woman faid, Nay but the living ;

3 And Solomon loved the Lord, walking in the is my fon, and the dead is thy fon. And this faid,
ftatutes of David his father only he facrificed and
: No ; but the dead is thy fon, and the living is my fon.
burned incenfe in high places. Thus they fpake before the king.
4 And the king went to Gibeon to facrifice there : 23 Then faid the king, The one faith, This is my fon
for that was the great high place a thoufand burnt : that liveth, and thy fon is the dead and the other faith, :

offerings did Solomon offer upon that altar. Nay ; but thy fon is the dead, and my fon is the living.
5 1 In Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a 24 And the king faid, Bring me a fword. And
dream by night : and God faid, Afk what I fhall give they brought a fword before the king.
thee. 25 And the king faid, Divide the living child in
6 And Solomon faid, Thou
(hewed unto thy haft two, and give half to the one, and half to the othen
nor, bcAiy.
fcrvan t David my father
mercy, according as
great || 26 Then fpake the woman whofe the living child
he walked before thee in truth, and in righteou fuels, was, unto the king, (for her bowels f yearned upon her tftefi. -..

and in uprightnefs of heart with thee and thou haft ; fon,) and fhe faid, O
my lord, give her the living child,
kept for him this great kindnefs, that thou haft given and in no wife flay it but the other faid, Let it be

him a fon to fit on his throne, as it is this day. neither mine nor thine, but divide it.
7 And now, O
Lord my God, thou haft made thy 27 Then the king anfwered and faid, Give her the
fervant king inftcad of David my father and I am but ; living child, and in no wife flay it ; fhe is the mother
a little child I know not how to go out or come in.
: thereof.
2 H 28 And
; :; 1

Prosperity and grandeur of Solomons kingdom. I, KINGS. Hiram blesscth Godfor Solomons wisdom,
28 And ail Ifrael heard of the judgment which the the kings on this fide the river and he had peace on :

king had judged, andthey feared the king for they faw : all round about him.
t He's, in the
that the w iillom of God was | in him to do j udgment. 25 And Judah and Ifrael dwelt t fafely, every man t Htb. confi.
midst of him-
CHAP. IV. under his vine, and under his fig tree, from Dan even
to Beerlheba, all the days of Solomon.
1 Solomon's princes: 7 his twelve officers for provision
26 If And c Solomon had forty thoufand ftalls of
20, 24 the prosperity and grandeur of his kingdom : c 1 Chrcn,
9 25.
horfes for his chariots, and twelve thoufand horfemen.
22 his daily provision : 26 his stables : 29 bis %vis-
dom. 27 And thofe officers provided victual for king
Solomon, and for all that came unto king Solomon's
O king Solomon was king over all Ifrael. man month
2 And thefe were the princes which he had
y*ji*«?w Azariah the fon of Zadok the prieft
table, every
28 Barley
in his : they lacked nothing.
and ftraw for the horfes and drom-
alfo || 9
Or, muleti
edaries brought they unto the place where the officers beasts.
3 Elihoreph and Ahiah the fons of Shifha, fcribes
or, remem- Jehofhaphat the fon of Ahilud the
, ||
were, every man according to his charge.
J ||
29 IF And d God gave Solomon wifdom and under- d Ecclus. 47
4 And Benaiah the fon of Jehoiada was over the ftanding exceeding much, and largenefs of heart, even
1415 16.

hoft and Zadok and Abiathar were the priefts ;

as the fand that is on the fea fhore.
5 And Azariah the fon of Nathan was over the
30 And Solomon's wifdom excelled the wifdom of
officers and Zabud the fon of Nathan was principal
all the children of the eaft country, and all the wifdom

officer, and the king's friend ;

of Egypt.
a Chap. 5 14. 6 And Ahifhar was over the houfehold and a Ado-
1 Or, levy.
3 For he was wifer than all men ; than Ethan the
niram the fon of Abda was over the tribute. ||
Ezrahite, andHeman, andChalcol, andDarda, thefons
7 11 And Solomon had twelve officers over all Ifrael,
of Mahol and his fame was in all nations round about..

which provided vicluals for the king and his houfe- 32 And he fpake three thoufand proverbs and ;
hold each man his month in a year made provifion.
his fongs were a thoufand and five.
8 or, Benhur. g And thefe are their names The fon of Hur in: ||
33 And he fpake of trees, from the cedar tree that
Or, Binds
mount Ephraim. is in Lebanon, even unto the hyffop that fpringeth out

kar. 9 ||The fon of Dekar in Makaz and in Shaalbim, of the wall ; he fpake alfo of beafts, and of fowl, and
and Befhfhemefh, and Elonbethhanan. of creeping things, and of fifhes.
Or, Billhe-
10 The fon of Hefed in Aruboth to him pertain-
|| ;
34 And there came of all people to hear the wif-
ed Sochoh, and all the land of Hepher. dom of Solomon, from ail kings of the earth, which
Or, Bcn.ibi

nadab. 11 The fon of Abinadab in all the region of Dor,

had heard of his wifdom.
which had Taphath the daughter of Solomon to wife.
12 Baana the fon of Ahilud to him pertained Taa-
P. V.
nach, and Megiddo, and all Bethfhean, which is by 1 Hiram, sending congratulate Solomon, is certified

Zartanah, beneath Jefreel, from Bethfliean to Abel- of his purpose to build the temple, and desired tofur-
meholah, even unto the place that is beyond Jokneam. 7iisb him voith timber for that purpose. 7 Hiram,
f Or, Em'S- 13 The fon ofGeber in Ramothgilead to him ;
blessing Godfor Solomon''s wisdom, and requesting

pertained the towns of Jair the fon of Manaffeh, which foodfor his household, fumisheth him with timberfor
him also pertained the region of the work: 10 their mutual services. 13 The num-
are in Gilead ; to
Argob, which is in Bafhan, threefcore great cities ber of Solomon'' s workmen,

Or, to Ma-
with walls and brafen bars.
14 Ahinadab the fon of Iddo had Mahanaim.
15 Ahimaaz was in Naphtali he alfo took Baf- ;
A ND Hiram king of Tyre fent his fervants unto
Solomon ; (for he had heard that they had
anointed him king in the room of his father ;) for
math the daughter of Solomon to wife. Hiram was ever a lover of David.
16 Baanah the fon of Hufhai was in Afher and in 2 And a Solomon fent to Hiram, faying, a 2 Giro. 2 3,

Aloth. 3 Thou knoweft how that David my father could

17 Jehofhaphat the fon of Paruah in Iffachar. not build an houfe unto the name of the Lord his
18 Shimei the fon of Elah in Benjamin. God, for the wars which were about him on every fide,
19 Geber the fon of Uri was in the country of Gil- until the Lord put them under the foles of his feet.
ead, in the country of Sihon king of the Amorites, 4 But now the Lord my
God hath given me reft
and of Og king of Bafhan ; and he was the only offi- on every fide, so that there is neither adverfary nor
cer which was in the land. evil occurrent.
20 II Judah and Ifrael were many, as the fand which 5 And, behold, 1 1 purpofe to build an houfe unto t'Heb. say.

the name of the Lord my God, as the Lord fpake

is by the fea in multitude, eating and drinking, and
making merry. unto David my father, laying, Thy fon, whom I will \ a .

47 1- 21 And b Solomon reigned over all kingdoms, from fet upon thy throne in thy room, he mall build an
the river unto the land of the Philiftines, and unto the houfe unto my name.
border of Egypt they brought prefents, and ferved
: 6 Now, therefore, command thou, that they hew me
Solomon all the days of his life. cedar trees out of Lebanon and my fervants fhall be

f fad-
22 IF And Solomon's f provifion for one day was with thy fervants and unto thee will I give hire for.

? Heb. cars. thirty f meafures of fine flour, and threefcore meaf- thy fervants, according to all that thou fhalt t ap- tKc
ures of meal, point for thou knoweft that there is not among us any

23 Ten fat oxen, and twenty oxen out of the paf- that can fkill to hew timber like unto the Sidonians.
tures, and an hundred fneep, befide harts, and roe- 7 IF And it came to pafs, when Hiram heard the
bucks, and fallow deer, and fatted fowl. words of Solomon, that he rejoiced greatly, and faid,
24 For he had dominion over all the region on this Bleffed be the Lord this day, which hath given unto
fide the river, from Tiphfah even to Azza, over all David a wife fon over this great people,
8 And

The building of the temple begun. CHAP. VI. The chamber, deling, ornaments, EsV.

8 And Hiram fent to Solomon, faying, I have the beams fhould not be fattened in the walls of the Before

f confidered die things which thou fenteft

to me for : houfe.
Heb. heard. and I will do all thy defire concerning timber of ce- 7 And the houfe, when it was in building, was built
dar, and concerning timber of fir. of ftone made ready before it was brought thither :

9 My fervants fhall bring them down from Leba- fo that there was neither hammar, nor axe, nor any

non unto the fea and I will convey them by fea in

tool of iron, heard in the houfe while it was in building".
t net. und.
floats unt0 t jle p j ace that t 10U fiiait f appoint me, } _
8 The door for the middle chamber was in the
and will caufe them to be difcharged there, and diou right t fide of the houfe and they went up with : f Heb.
fhalt receive them : and thou ftialt accomplilh my de- winding Hairs into the middle chamber, and out of the
fire in giving food for my houfehold. middle into the third.
10 IT So Hiram gave Solomon cedar trees, and fir 9 So he built the houfe, and finifhed it and cover- ; 1005.

trees, according to all his defire. ed the houfe with beams and boards of cedar.
f Or,.'/:f
fault be^rr.L.
11 And Solomon gave Hiram twenty thoufand 10 And then he built chambers againft all the houfe, end theeieU
ings ivifh
f H*. con.
t meafures of wheat for food to his houfehold, and five cubits high and they refted on the houfe with
: cedar.

twenty meafures of pure oil thus gave Solomon to :

timber of cedar.
Hiram year by year. 1 If And the word of the Lord came to Solomon,

12 And the Lord gave Solomon wifdom, as he

I Chap. 3 12. faying,
promifed him and there was peace between Hiram
12 Concerning this houfe which thou art inbuilding,
and Solomon and they two made a league together.
if thou wilt walk in my ftatutes, and execute my
t Heb.
tribute of 13 If And king Solomon raifed a tlevy out of all judgments, and keep all my commandments to walk
men. Ifrael and the levy was thirty thoufand men.
; in them then will I perform my word with thee,

14 And he fent them to Lebanon, ten thoufand a which I fpake unto David thy father. b
2 Sam. 7
month by courfes a month they were in Lebanon,
13 And I will dwell among the children of Ifrael,

dchap. 4 <5.
tf;/^ two months at home and d Adoniram was over : and will not forfake my people Ifrael.
the levy. 14 If So Solomon built the houfe, and finifhed it.
15 And Solomon had threefcore and ten thoufand 15 And he built the walls of the houfe within with
that bare burdens, and fourfcore thoufand hewers in boards of cedar, both the floor of the houfe, and the
|| |i
Or, frem
the floor of
the mountains : walls of the cieling and he covered them on the in-
: the house vn-
to the -malls,
16 Befide the chief of Solomon's officers which fidewith wood, and covered the floor of the houfe tirc.andso
with planks of fir. verse 16.
were over the work, three thoufand and three hundred,
which ruled over the people that wrought in the work. 16 And he built twenty cubits on the fides of the
17 And the king commanded, and they brought houfe, both the floor and the walls with boards of
great Hones, coftly ftones, and hewed ftones, to lay cedar he even built them for it within, even for the

the foundation of the houfe. oracle, even for the moft holy place.
18 And Solomon's builders and Hiram's builders 17 And the houfe, that is, the temple before it, was
ls£zekf %%'. ^d
hew the m, and the flone fquarers lb they pre- || : forty cubits long.
pared timber and ftones to build the houfe.
18 And the cedar of the houfe within was carved
CHAP. VI. with knops and t open flowers all was cedar diere
|| : ; \
t Heb.
Or, gourd*

1 Thebuilding of the temple begun : 5 The chambers was no ftone feen. openings

thereof. 11 God''s promise concerning the house : 14 19 If And the oracle he prepared in the houfe within, efflwersi

the deling and ornaments of it : 23 the cherubims : to fet there the ark of the covenant of the Lord.
3 1 the doors .-36 the court : 37 the time of building it. 20 And the oracle in the forepart was twenty cu-
a 2 Cliro. 3 t
AN D a
it came to pafs, in the four hundred and

eightieth year after the children of Ifrael were

bits in length, and twenty cubits in breadth, and
twenty cubits in the height thereof; and he t overlaid t Heb.
shut vpi
come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of it widi pure gold ; and so covered the altar which was

Solomon's reign over Ifrael, in the month Zif, which of cedar.

t Keb.htilt. is the fecond month, that he t began to build the 21 So Solomon overlaid the houfe within with pure
houfe of the Lord. gold and he made a partition by the chains of gold

2 II And the houfe which king Solomon built for before the oracle, and he overlaid it with gold.
the Lord, the length thereof was threefcore cubits, 22 And the whole houfe he overlaid with gold,
and the breadth thereof twenty cubits, and the height until he had finifhed all the houfe alfo the whole :

thereof thirty cubits. altar that was by the oracle he overlaid with gold.
3 And the porch before the temple of the houfe, 23 If And within the oracle he made two cheru-
twenty cubits ivas the length thereof, according to bims of\\ f olive tree, each ten cubits high. Or, wVj |l

+ Heb.
the breadth of the houfe ; arid ten cubits was the 24 And five cubits was the one wing of the cherub, trees of oil.
breadth thereof before the houfe. and five cubits the other wing of the cherub from :

J° ;
*,. ^ Tf And for the houfe he made windows of nar- || the uttermoft part of the one wing unto the utter-
bread within TOW lights. moil part of the other were ten cubits.
Tahouunr, 5If And againft the wall of the houfe he built
|| 25 And the other cherub was ten cubits both the :
, A
t hHd?™ t chambers round about, against the walls of the houfe cherubims were of one meafure and one fize.
roundabout, both of the temple and of the oracle and ; 26 The height of the one cherub was ten cubits,
ne ma(te t chambers round about. and fo was it of the other cherub.
iiubUt '

6 The nethermoft chamber was five cubits broad, 27 And he fet the cherubims within the inner cExod.5*
• and the middle was fix cubits broad, and the third houfe and c they ilretched forth the wings of the
: || I
Or, the
rheruhim t
ftarwWffjt, was feven cubits broad for without in the wcdl of the
: cherubims, fo that the wing of the one touched the StrclchiJ
fr.rih their
Z'mf' houfe he made t narrowed reus round about, that one wall, and the wing of the other cherub touched •minis.
d :

The building of Solomon's bouse, &V. I. KINGS. The molten sea, &V.
the other wall ; and their wings touched one another coping, and won the outfide toward the great court.
in the midft of the houfe. 10 Andtheioundationwflso/coftly ftones, «><?« great
28 And he overlaid the cherubims with gold. ftones, ftones often cubits, and ftones of eight cubits
29 And he carved all the walls of the houfe round 11 And above were coftly ftones (after the meafures
about with carved figures of cherubims, and palm 01 hewed ftones; and cedars.
t Heb.
opening s of trees, and f open flowers, within and without. 12 And the great court round about was with three
30 And the floor of the houfe he overlaid with rows of hewed ftones, and a row of cedar beams both
gold within and without. for die inner court of the houfe of the Lord
and for
31 H And for the entering of the oracle he made the porch of the houfe.
J Or, five
square. doors of olive tree the lintel and tide polls were a
13 II And king Solomon fent, and fetched Hiram
fifth part of the wall. out of Tyre.
P Or, leaves
if the doors.
32 The two doors alfo were of olive tree : and he
14 He was f a widow's fon of the tribe of Nanhtali, f Heb. the
carved upon them carvings of cherubims, and palm and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker in brafs •
son of a •viii.
cw iveman t
openings of trees, and f open flowers, and overlaid them with gold, and he was filled with wifdom and underftanding, and
and fpread gold upon the cherubims, and upon the cunning to work all works in brafs and he came to

palm trees. king Solomon, and wrought all his work.

33 So alfo made he for the door of the temple polls 15 IT For he f call two pillars of brafs, of eighteen tHeb.
",Or, four
square. of olive tree, a fourth part of the wall.
|| cubits high apiece and a line of twelve cubits did

34 And the two doors were of fir tree : the two compafs either of them about.
leaves of the one door were folding, and the two 16 And he made two chapiters of molten brafs, to
leaves of the other door were folding. fet upon the tops of the pillars the height of the one

35 And he carved thereon cherubims, and palm chapiter was five cubits, and the height of the other
trees, and open flowers ; and covered them with gold chapiter was five cubits :
"fitted upon the carved work. 1 7 And nets of checker work, and wreaths of chain
36 II And he built the inner court with three rows work, for the chapiters which were upon the top of
of hewed ftone, and a row of cedar beams. the pillars ; feven for the one chapiter, and feven for
37 IF In the fourth year was the foundation of the the other chapiter.
houfe of the Lord laid, in the month Zif 18 And he made the pillars and two rows round
38 Andintheeleventhyear,inthemonthBul,(which about upon the one net work, to cover the chapiters
H Or,iui/A isthe eighth month,) was the houfe finifhed through- || that were upon the top, with pomegranates and fo:
all the ap-
perttnances out all the parts thereof, and according to all the fafh- did he for the other chapiter.
thereof and
ivith all the ion of it. So was he feven years in building it. 19 And the chapiters, that were upon the top of the
pillars, were of lily work in the porch, four cubits.
20 And the chapiters upon the two pillars had pom-
1 The building of Solomon's house : 2 of the house of
egranates alfo above, over againft the belly, which was
the forest of Lebanon : 8 of the house for Pharaoh's
by the net work : and the pomegranates %ve re two hun-
daughter. 15 The work of the two pillars, 23 of dred, in rows round about upon the other chapiter.
the molten sea, &fc.
21 c And he fet up the pillars in the porch of the c 1 Chrofc
* ch, P . <,
T>UT his own houfe a thir.
Solomon was building temple and he fet up the right pillar, and called the 3

JD teen years, and he finifhed all his houfe. name thereof Jachin ; and he fet up the left pillar, That a,
|| 11

2 II He built alfo the houfe of the forefl of Leba- and called the name thereof Boaz. || «LS.
non ; the length thereof was an hundred cubits, and 22 And upon the top of the pillars was lily work : j^L"'
therbreadth thereof fifty cubits, and the height there- fo was the work of the pillars finifhed. strength.

of thirty cubits, upon four rows of cedar pillars, with 23 H And he made a molten fea, ten cubits t from f££-/™*
cedar beams upon the pillars. the one brim to the other ; it was round all about, hiUrim."
3 And it was covered with cedar above upon the and his height was five cubits ; and a line of thirty
t Heb. ribs. t beams, that lay on forty five pillars, fifteen in a row. cubits did compafs it round about.
4 And there were windows in three rows, and 24 And under the brim of it round about there were
-f Heb. sight
against sight. t light was againft light in three ranks. knops compafling it, ten in a cubit, d compafling the d*chr»E.
5 And all the doors and polls were Square with the the knops were caft in two rows 3
4 *
Or, spaces
end pillars II fea round about :

were square windows and light was againft light in three ranks.
: when it was caft.
i npr osfeci.
6 II And
he made a porch of pillars the length ; 25 It floodupon twelve oxen, three looking toward
thereof was fifty cubits, and the breadth thereof thirty the north, and three looking toward the weft, and
\ P
r te-

ar ding to
cubits and the porch was before them and the
: || ; three looking toward the fouth, and three looking to-
them. other pillars and the thick beam were before them. || ward the eaft : and the fea was^ set above upon them,
I Or, ac-
cording to 7 Then he made a porch for the throne, where
*[F and all their hinder parts were inwards
he might judge, even the porch of judgment and it ; 26 And it was an hand breadth, thick, and the
t neb. from
JJser to floor. was covered with cedar t from one fide of the floor to brim thereof was wrought like the brim of a cup, with
the other. flowers of lilies : it contained two thoufand baths.

8 II And his houfe where he dwelt ha another court 27 TT And he made ten bafes of brafs : four cubits
within the porch, which was of the like work. Solo- was the length of one bafe, and four cubits the breadth
mon made alfo an houfe for Pharaoh's daughter, thereof, and three cubits the height of it.
( whom he had taken to wife
3 i.

like unto this porch. 28 II And the work of the bales was on this man-
9 All thefe were of coftly ftones (according to the ner : they had borders, and the borders were between
meafures of hewed ftones, fawed with faws) within the ledges :

and without, even from the foundation unto the 29 And on the borders that were between the ledges
; : .

The fevers^ and the vessels. CHAP. VIII. Solomons blessing.

were oxen, and cherubims and upon the ledges

lions, : and the fpoons, and the cenfers of pure gold ; and

there was a bafe above; and beneath the lions and the hinges of gold, both for the doors of the inner
oxen were certain additions made of thin work. houfe, the molt holy place, and for the doors of the
30 And every bafe had four brafen wheels, and houfe, to wit, of the temple.
plates of brafs and the four corners thereof had un-
; 51 So was ended all the work that king Solomon
derfetters under the laver were underfetters molten,
: made for the houfe of the Lor d. And Solomon brought
at the fide of every addition. in the f things which David his father had dedicat-
+ Heb. fto/y

31 And the mouth of it, within the chapiter and ed even the iilver and the gold, and the veffels did he
?s of

above, was a cubit but the mouth thereof was round,

; put among the treafures of the houfe of die Lord. e 2 Chron. $ I

after the work of the bale, a cubit and an half ; and CHAP. VIII.
alfo upon the mouth of it were gravings with their
1 The feast of the dedication of the temple; the ark
borders, four fquare, not round.
brought into the holy place. 12, 55 Solomon's bless-
32 And under the borders were four wheels; and the
f Hcb. in
ing. 22 Solomon's prayer : 62 his sacrifice of
axletrees of the wheels were \ joined to the bafe; and
peace offerings.
the height of a wheel was a cubit and half a cubit.
33 And the work of the wheels was like the work THEN a
Solomon affembled the elders of Ifrael, and
the heads of the tribes, the tchief of the fathers 5 '•

of a chariot wheel ; their axletrees and their naves, all

and their felloes, and their fpokes were all molten. of the children of Ifrael, unto king Solomon in Jerufa- *5*-
34 And there were four underfetters to the four lem, that they might bring up the ark of the covenant,
comers of one bafe and the underfetters were of the
of the Lord out of the city of David, which wZion.
very bafe itfelf. 2 And all the men of Ifrael affembled themfelves
35 And in the top of the bafe was there a round com- unto king Solomon at the feaft in the month Etha-
pafs of half a cubit high and on the top of the bafe, the
nim, which is the feventh month.
ledges thereof, and the borders thereof, were of the fame. 3 And all the elders of Ifrael came, and the priefts
36 For on the plates of the ledges thereof, and on took up the ark.
the borders thereof, he graved cherubims, lions, and 4 And they brought up the ark of the Lord, and
palm trees, according to the f proportion of every one, the tabernacle of the congregation, and all the holy
and additions round about. veffels that were in the tabernacle, even thofe did the
37 After this manner he made the tenbafes all of :
priefts and the Levites bring up.
them had one calling, one meafure, and one fize. 5 And king Solomon, and all the congregation of
38 U Then made he ten la vers of brafs one laver : Ifrael, that were affembled unto him, were with him
contained forty baths and every laver was four cubits
; before the ark, facrificing fheep and oxen, that could
and upon every one of the ten bafes one laver. not be told nor numbered for multitude.
tHeb. 39 And he put five bafes on the right t fide of the 6 And the priefts brought in the ark of the cove-
houfe, and five on the left fide of the houfe and he ; nant of the Lord unto his place, into the oracle of the
fet the fea on the right fide of the houfe eaftward, houfe, to the moll holy place, even under the wings
over againll the fouth. of the cherubims.
40 II And f Hiram made the lavers, and the fhovels, 7 For the cherubims fpread forth their two wings
and the bafons fb Hiram made an end of doing all
: over the place of the ark, and the cherubims covered
the work that he made king Solomon for the houfe the ark and the Haves thereof above.
of the Lord ; 8 And they drew out the Haves, that the f ends of t »*.*«*:
41 The two pillars, and the two bowls of the chap- the Haves were feen out in the holy place before the

iters that were on the top of the two pillars ; and the oracle, and they were not feen without: and there \okZ\Z
two net works to cover the two bowls of the chapiters they are unto this day.
which were upon the top of the pillars ; 9 There was nothing in the ark b lave the two ta- bDeut. e j. i

42 And four hundred pomegranates for the two net bles of Hone, which Mofes put there at Horeb, when »or, •»*!».

works, even two rows of pomegranates for one net the Lord made a covenant with the children of Ifrael,
work, to cover the two bowls of the chapiters that when they came out of the land of Egypt.
t He b. upon were t upon the pillars
10 1 And it came to pafs, when the priefts were
the face of
the pill jrs. 43 And the ten bafes, and ten lavers on the bafes ;
come out of the holy place, that the cloud c filled the cExod. 4 o^,
44 And one fea, and twelve oxen under the fea houfe of the Lord,
45 And the pots, and the fhovels, and the bafons, and 11 So that the priefts could not ftand to minifter
all thefe veffels, which Hiram made to king Solomon, becaufe of the cloud : for the glory of the Lord had
tw™?.' or me houfe of the Lord, were ofi bright brafs.
filled the houfe of the Lord.
scoured. '
46 I n the plain of Jordan did the king call them, 12 II Then fpake Solomon, d The Lord laid, that «;,chrwi
thkt'Js"'/' tin the clay ground between Succoth and Zarthan. he would dwell in the thick darknefs.
the ground. 47 And Solomon left all the velfels nnweighed, 13 I have furelv built thee an houfe to dwell in, a
\he %{°edin g t
becaufe they were exceeding many neither was : fettled place for thee to abide in for ever.
+ Hcb.
the weight of the brafs found f out. 14 And the king turned his face about, and bleffed
icarch<d, 48 11 And Solomon made all the veffels that pertained all the congregation of Ifrael (and all the congrega-

u nto the houfe of the o r d the altar of gold , and the
: tion of Ifrael ftood :)
table of gold, whereupon the Ihewbread was. 15 And he laid, Bleffed be the Lord God of Ifrael
49 And the candlefticks of pure gold, five on the
which fpake with his mouth unto David my father,
right side, and five on the left, before the oracle, with and hath with his hand fulfilled it, faying,
the flowers, and the lamps, and the tongs of gold ; 16 Since the day that I brought forth my people
50 And the bowls, and the fnuffers, and the bafons, Ifrael out of .Egypt, I chofe no city out of all the tribes
> : : : ;:

Solomon s prayer at the I. KINGS. dedication of the tetnpte,

of Ifraeltobuildanhoufe,thatmynamemightbe there- of thy people Ifrael, and bring them again unto the
in ; but I chofe David to be over my people Ifrael. land which thou gavefl unto their fathers.

e 2 Sam. 7 8. 17 And it was in the heart of David my father to 35 II When heaven is fhut up, and there is no rain,
build an houfe for the name of the Lord God of Ifrael. becaufe they have finned againft thee if they pray ;

18 And the Lord faid unto David my father, toward this place, and confefs thy name, and turn
Whereas it was in thine heart to build an houfe unto from their fin, when thou afflicleft them :

my name, thou didft well that it was in thine heart 36 Then hear thou in heaven, and forgive the fin
19 Neverthelefs, thou flialt not build the houfe ;
of thy fervants, and of thy people Ifrael, that thou
but thy fon, that fhall come forth out of thy loins, he teach them the good way wherein they fhould walk,
fhall build the houfe unto my name. and give rain upon thy land, which thou haft given to
20 And the Lord hath performed his word that thy people for an inheritance.
he fpake and I am rifen up in the room of David my
; 57 IT If there be in the land famine, if there be pefti-
father, and fit on the throne of Ifrael, as the Lord lence, blafting, mildew, locuft, or if there be caterpil-
promifed, and have built an houfe for the name of the lar ; if their enemy beliege them in the land of their
Lord God of Ifrael. IIcities whatfoever plague whatfoe ver f icknefs there be ;
, , Or, jurJii
21 And I have fet there a place for the ark, wherein 38 What prayer and fupplication foe ver be made dictitn.

is the covenant of the Lord, which he made with our by any man, or by all thy people Ifrael, which fhall
fathers, when he brought them out of the land of Egypt. know every man the plague of his own heart, and
f 2 Chron.
22 II And Solomon Itood before f the altar of the fpread forth his hands toward this houfe :

6 12. Lord, in the prefence of all the congregation of Ifrael, 39 Then hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place,
and fpread forth his hands toward heaven : and forgive, and do, and give to every man according
g 2 Mac. 2 8. 23 And he faid, g Lord God of Ifrael, there is no to his ways, whole heart thou knoweft ; (for thou,
God like thee, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, even thou only, knoweft the hearts of all the children
who keepelt covenant and mercy with thy fervants of men :)
that walk before thee with all their heart 40 That they may fear thee all the days that they
24 Who
haft kept with thy fervant David my fa- live in the land which thou gaveft unto our fathers.
ther that thou promifedft him thou fpakeft alfo with : 41 H Moreover, concerning a ftranger, that is not
thy mouth, and haft fulfilled it with thine hand, as it of thy people Ifrael, but cometh out of a far country
is this day. for thy name fake :

25 Therefore now, Lord God of Ifrael, keep with 42 (For they of thy great name, and of
fhall hear
thy fervant David my father that thou promifedft him, thy ftrong hand, and of thy ftretched out arm ;) when
hi sam. 7 12. faying, h t There fhall not fail thee a man in my light he fhall come and pray toward this houfe :
h + 43 Hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place, and
+ H?i>: to fit on the throne of Ifrael t fo that thy children take ;

VctZ fut'U heed to their way, that they walk before me, as thou do according to all that the ftranger calleth to thee for:
that all people of the earth may know thy name, to
%L my nau walked beforeme.
a e "


*"feb m & o i
And now, O God ^ of Ifrael, let thy word, I pray fear thee, as do thy people Ifrael and that they may

know that t this houfe which I have builded, is call- + Heb.<^

thee,be verified, which thou fpakeft unto thy fervant
David my father. ed by thy name. »«»»« '» eait.

27 But will God indeed dwell on the earth Behold, ! 44 1 If thy people go outtobattle againft their enemy, hw£"
the heaven, and heaven of heavens, cannot contain whitherfoever thou flialt fend them, and fhall pray unto
thee ; how much lefs this houfe that I have builded ? the Lord f toward the city which thou haft chofen, t He b. ««
28 Yet have thou refpecl unto the prayer of thy and toward the, houfe that I have built for thy name "*>«">/'*« :

fervant, and to his fupplication, O Lord my God, 45 Then hear thou in heaven their prayer and their
to hearken unto the cry and to the prayer which thy fupplication, and maintain their caufe. ||
or, right. i

fervant prayeth before thee today : 46 II If they fin againft thee, ( k for there is no man k 2 chron.
29 That thine eyes may be open toward this houfe that finneth not,) and thou be angry with them, and Hck. Clus. 7 20.

night and day, even toward the place of which thou deliver them to the enemy, fo that they carry them g{°|in
iDeat. 12 H. haft faid, i

name fhall be there that thou mayeft : away captives unto the land of the enemy, far or near
hearken unto the prayer which thy fervant fhall make 47 Tet if they fhall t bethink themfelves in the land 1^%$
Or, in this II
toward this place. whither they were carried captives, and repent, and heart.
And hearken thou to the fupplication of thy fer-
30 make fupplication unto thee in the land of them that
and of thy people Ifrael, when they fhall pray
vant, carried them captives, faying, We
have finned, and
toward this place and hear thou in heaven thy dwell-
: have done perverfely we have committed wickednefs

ing place and, when thou heareft,_ forgive.

48 And so return unto thee with all their heart, and
t Heb. and 31 ^y If any man trefpafs againft his neighbour, t and with all their foul, in the land of their enemies which
%ih Jfhim" an oath be laid upon him to caufe him to fwear, and led them away captive, and pray unto thee toward
the oath come before thine altar in this houfe : their land which thou gaveft unto their fathers, the
32 Then hear thou in heaven^ and do, and judge city which thou haft chofen, and the houfe which I
thy fervants, condemning the wicked to bring his have built for thy name :

way upon his head and juftifying the righteous, to ; 49 Then hear thou their prayer and their fupplication
give him according to his righteoufnefs. in heaven thy dwelling place, and maintain their caufe, ||
Or, right,
33 11 When thy people Ifrael be fmitten down before 50 And forgive thy people that have finned againft
the enemy, becaufe they have finned againft thee, and thee, and all their tranfgreffions wherein they have
fhall turn again to thee, and confefs thy name, and _
tranfgreffed againft thee, and give them companion
pray, and make fupplication unto thee in this houfe
II : before them who carried them captive, that they may
sir, ttvard.
34 Then hear thou in heaven, and forgive the fin

have compaffion on them

51 For

Solomofis prayer for the people : CHAP. IX. he buildeth several cities.

51 For they be thy people, and thine inheritance, to more honourable offices. 24 Pharaoh" s daughter 1

which thou broughteft_ forth out of Egypt, from the removeth to her house. 25 Solomon's yearly sac-
miclft of the furnace of iron : rifice : 26 his navy, &c.
52 That thine eyes may be open unto the ampli-
cation of thy fervant, and unto the fupplication of thy
it came to pafs, when Solomon had
the building of the houfe of the Lord, and the

people Ifrael, to hearken unto them in all that they king's houfe, and all Solomon's defire, which he was
call for unto thee. pleafed to do,
53 For thou didft feparate them from among all the
2 That the Lord appeared to Solomon the fecond
b Chap. 3
>£.vxii9 5- people of the earth, to be thine inheritance, as thou
time, b as he had appeared unto him at Gibeon. 5.

fpakeft by the hand of Mofes thy fervant, when thou 3 And the Lord laid unto him, I have heard thy
broughteft our fathers out of Egypt, Lord God. O prayer and thy fupplication that thou haft made be-
54 IT And it was so, that when Solomon had made fore me : I have hallowed this houfe which thou haft
an end of praying all this prayer and fupplication unto built, c
to put my name there for ever and mine eyes
c Chap. 8 29.

the Lord, he arofe from before the altar of the Lord, and mine heart lhall be there pexpetually.
from kneeling on his knees with his hands fpread up 4 And if thou wilt walk before me, as David thy
to heaven. father walked, in integrity of heart, and in upright -
55 And
he Hood, and bleffed all the congregation nefs, to do according to all that I have commanded
of with a loud voice, faying,
Ifrael thee, and will keep my ftatutes and my judgments :

56 Bleffed be the Lord, that hath given reft unto 5 Then

I will eftablifh the throne of thy kingdom
his people Ifrael, according to all that he promifed : upon Ifrael for .ever, d as I promifed to David thy d 2 Sanr.
s-Heb. fallen.
t } iere hat h not failed one word of all his good promife,
-j- father, faying, There fhall not fail thee a man upon Chron.- 1

10. 22
which he promifed by the hand of Moles his fervant. the throne of Ifrael.
57 The Lord our God be with iT§|Pas he was with 6 But if ye fhall at all turn from following me, ye
our fathers let him not leave us, nor forfake us
; ;
or your children, and will not keep command- my
58 That he may incline our hearts unto him, to ments and my ftatutes, which I have fet before you,
walk in all his ways, and to keep his commandments, but go and ferve other gods, and worfhip them :

and his ftatutes, and his judgments, which he com- 7 Then will I cut oftTfrael out of the land which I
manded our fathers. have given them ; and this houfe, which I have hallow-
59 And let thefe my words, wherewith I have made ed e for my name, will I call out of my light ; and Ifrael e Jcren:,
7 H-
fupplication before the Lord, be nigh unto the Lord fhall be a proverb and a byword among all people :
our God day and night, that he maintain the caufe of 8 And at this houfe which is high, every one that
Ju^J'^dav his fervant, and the caufe of his people Ifrael f at all paffeth by it, fhall be aftonilned, and fhall hifs and ;

in hn day. times, as the matter fhall require : they fhall fay, f Why
hath the Lord done thus unto
f Dent.
2<; 24.

60 That all the people of the earth may know that this land, and to
this houfe l Jer. 2:8.

theLord is God, and that there is none elfe. 9 And they fhall anfwer, Becaufe they forfook the
61 Let your heart, therefore, be perfect with the Lord their God, who brought forth their fathers out
Lord our God, to walk in his ftatutes, and to keep of the land of Egypt, and have taken hold upon other
his commandments, as at this day. gods, and have worlhipped them, and ferved them ;
m 1 Chron. 62 % i\.nd m the king, and all Ifrael with him, offer- therefore hath the Lord brought upon them all this
ed facrifice before the Lord. evil.
63 And Solomon offered a facrifice of peace offer- 10 IT And
came to pafs, at the end of twenty
? it jr

1 Chron.

ings which he offered unto the Lord, two and twenty years, when Solomon had built the two houfes, the
thoufand oxen, and an hundred and twenty thoufand houfe of the Lord, and the king's houfe,
ftieep; So the king and all the children of Ifrael dedi- 1 (Now Hiram the king of Tyre had furnifhed
cated the houfe of the Lord. Solomon with cedar trees, and fir trees, and with gold,

Chron 64 n The feme day did the king hallow the middle according to all his defire,) that then king Solomon
of the court that was before the houfe of the Lord : gave Hiram twenty cities in the land of Galilee.
for there he offered burnt offerings, and meat offerings, 12 And Hiram came out from Tyre to fee the cit-
tHeb. TDff«
and the fat of the peace offerings becaufe the brafen
; ies which Solomon had given him and they f pleafed ; )!)/right in.

altar that was before the Lord was too little to receive him not, his eyes.

the burnt offerings, and meat offerings, and the fat of 13 And he faid, What cities are thefe which thou
the peace offerings. haft given me, my brother ? And he called them the
65 If And at that time Solomon held a feaft, and land of || Cabul unto this day. B That is,
all Ifrael with him, a great congregation, from the 14 And Hiram fent tothe kingfixfcoretalenis of gold. or, dirty.

entering in of Hamath unto the river of Egypt, before 15 IT And this is the reafon of the levy which king
the Lord our God, feven days and feven days, emeu Solomon raifed, for to build the houfe of the Lord,
fourteen days. and his own houfe, and Millo, and the wall of Jerufa-
66 On the eighth day he fent the people away and : lem, and Hazor, and Megiddo, and Gezer.
JOr, they bleffed the king, and went unto their tents joy-
16 For Pharaoh king of Egypt had gone up and
ful and glad of heart, for all the goodnefs that the Lord taken Gezer, and burnt it with fire, and flain the Ca-
had done for David his fervant, and for Ifrael his people. naanites that dwelt in the city, and given it for a pref-
P. IX. ent unto his daughter, Solomon's wife.
1 God, in a second vision, maketh a covenant with 17 And Solomon built Gezer, and Bethhoron the
Solomon. 10 Solomon and Hiram's mutual presents. nether,.
15 Solomon buildeth several cities. 20 The Canaan- 18 And Baalath, anclTadmor in the wildernefs, in
tics subjected to bond service the Israelites promoted
the land.
19 And

The queen ofSheba admlreth Solomon s I. KINGS. wisdom^ his grandeur and magnificence.
19 And all the cities of {tore that Solomon had, and which Hand continually before thee, and that hear thy
cities for his chariots, and cities for his horfemen, and wifdom.
Heb. the
f that which Solomon dellred to build in Jerufalem, 9 Bleffed be the Lord thy God which delighted in
iv Wsch he
and in Lebanon, and in all the land of his dominion. thee, to let thee on the throne of Ifrael becaufe the ;

djjircd. _
20 II AnddXl the people that ivere left of the Arao- Lord loved Ifrael for ever, therefore made he thee
rites, Hittites, Perizzites, Mivites, and Jebufites, king, to do judgment and jultice.
which were not of the children of Ifrael, •

10 IT And fhe gave the king anhundred and twenty

21 Their children that were left after them in the talents of gold, and of fpices very great ftore, and pre-
land, whom the children of Ifrael alio were not able cious ftones there came no more fuch abundance of

utterly to deftroy, upon thefe did Solomon levy a fpices as thefe which the queen of Sheba gave to king
tribute of bond fervice unto this day. Solomon.
h Levit. 22 But of the children of Ifrael did Solomon h make 11 And the navy alfo of Hiram, that brotight gold
*5 39-
no bondmen: but they ivere men of war, and his from Ophir, brought^ in from Ophir great plenty of
fervants, and his princes, and his captains, and rulers
almug trees, and precious ftones.
of his chariots, and his horfemen. 12 And the king made of the almug trees f pillars [|
Or, railk
THeb.a prof.
23 Thefe ivere the chief of the officers that ivere for the houfe of the Lord, and for the king's houfe ;
over Solomon's work, five hundred and fifty, which harps alfo, and pfalteries for fingers there came no

bare rule over the people that wrought in the work.

fuch b almug trees, nor were feen, unto this day. b 2 Chroa.

2 Chron.
3 I.
24 II But Pharaoh's daughter came up out of the
13 And king Solomon gave unto the queen of Sheba 9l °'

8 u. city of David unto her houfe which Solomon had built all her defire, whatfoever The afked, beiide that which
for her then did he build Millo.
: Solomon gave her f of his royal bounty. So fhe turned, t Heb.
according t6
25 IT And three times in a year did Solomon offer and went to her own country, fhe and her fervants. the hand of
burnt offerings and peace offerings upon the altar 14 IT Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon king Solt'
which he built unto the Lord, and he burnt incenfe in one year was fix hundred three fcore and fix talents

T Heb. t upon the altar that ivas before the Lord : lb he of gold.
upon it. finiihed the houfe. 15 Befide that he had of the merchantmen, and of
26 H And king Solomon made a navy of fhips in the traffick of the fpice merchants, and of all the kings
:m>.np. Eziongeber, which is beiide Eloth, on the f fhore of of Arabia, and of the governors of the country.
|| tOr,,
the Red fea, in the land of Edom. 16 "H And king Solomon made two hundred targets capta ""-

27 And Hiram
fent in the navy his fervants, fhip- of beaten gold fix hundred shekels of gold went to

men had knowledge of the fea, with the fervants

that one target.
of Solomon. 17 And he made three hundred fhields of beaten
28 And they came to Ophir, and fetched from gold ; three pound of gold went to one fhield and the :

thence gold, four hundred and twenty talents, and king put them in the c houfe of the foreft of Lebanon, cchap. 7 a.

brought it to king Solomon. 18 IT Moreover, the king made a great throne of

C H A P. X. ivory, and overlaid it with the belt gold.
1 The queen of Sheba admircth the ivisdom of Solo- 19 The throne had fix fteps, and the top of the
mon. 14 Solomon''s yearly revenue: 16 his targets throne ivas round f behind and there ivere t flays
: +Heb.««
18 his throne of ivory : 21 his vessels: 24 his pres- on either lide on the place of the feat, and two lions %m%t
ents : 26 his chariots and horsemen : 27 his silver : flood befide the flays.
28 his tribute. 20 And twelve lions ftood there on the one fide and
a i Chron.

Matth. 1242,
Lake n 31.
AN D when the
of Solomon concerning the name of the Lord,
queen of Sheba heard of the fame on the other upon the fix Heps there was not f the t Heb. w
like made in any kingdom.
: .

flie came to prove him with hard queftions. 21 IT And all king Solomon's drinking veffels were
2 And fhe came to Jerufalem with a very great of gold, and all the veffels of the houfe of the foreft of
train, with camels that bare fpices, and very much Lebanon ivere of pure gold, none ivere of filver it Or, t>ere
)| ; II

was no .

gold, and precious Hones : and, when fhe was come was nothing accounted of in the days of Solomon. silver in

to Solomon, fhe communed with him of all that was 22 For the king had at fea a navy of Tharfhifh with them.
in her heart. the navy of \ Hiram: once in three years came the
tRA^rt. 3 And Solomon told her all her f queftions: there was navy of* Tharfhifh, bringing gold, and filver r
ivory, l? h aMs
: ||
not any thing hid from the king, which he told her not. and apes, and peacocks. teeth.

4 TI And when the queen of Sheba had feen all 23 So king Solomon exceeded all the kings of the
Solomon's wifdom, and the houfe that he had built, earth for riches and for wifdom.
5 And the meat of his table, and[ the fitting of his 24 IT And all the earth t fought to Solomon, to hear t Heh.
***• fervants, and the f attendance of his minifters, and his wifdom, which God had put in his heart. fTcf'lf!"
lor, filers, their apparel, and his cupbearers, and his afcent by |1 25 And they brought every man his prefent, vefTels
which he went up unto the houfe of the Lord ; there of filver, and veffels of gold, and garments, and armour,
was no more fpirit in her. and fpices, horfes, and mules, a rate year by year.
t Heb. vord. 6 And fhe laid to the king, It was a true f report 26 II d And Solomon gathered together chariots and A \ chron '

ior,iffy,» f (.that I heard in mine own land of thy a£ts, and of || horfemen and he had a thoufand and four hundred

thy wifdoim chariots, and twelve thoufand horfemen, whom he

7 Howbeit, I believed not the words, until I came, beftowed in the cities for chariots, and with the king
and mine eyes had feen it ; and, behold, the half was at Jerufalem.

not to c* me ^ tny w ifdo and profperity exceedeth
' : m 27 H And the king f made filver to* be in Jerufalem tHeb.r<»*
wm« Ud the fame which I heard. as ftones, and cedars made he to be as the fycamore
iZ-flmi." 8 Happy are thy men, happy are thefe thy fervants, trees that arc in the vale, for abundance.
28 If An4

Solomon jindeth adversaries CHAP. XL in Hadad y

Rezori, &V,

28 II c f And Solomon had horfes brought out of and Joab the captain of the hoft was gone up to bury
Egypt, and linen yarn the king's merchants received
: the ilain, after he had fmitten every male in Edom.
the linen yarn at a price. 16 (For fix months did Joab remain there with all
29 And a chariot came up and went out of Egypt Ifrael, until he had cut off every male in Edom,)
for fix hundred shekels of lilver, and an horfe for an _
7 That Hadad fled, he, and certain Edomites of

hundred and fifty and fo for all the king's of the Hit-
his father's fervants with him, to go into Egypt Ha- ;

mon's. titesj and for the kings of Syria, did they bring them dad being yet a little child.
t ,f\' w out f by their means.
18 And they arofe out of Midiaiij and came to Pa-

ran and th<;y took men with them out of Paran, and

1 Solomon's wives and concubines age seduce

in his old they came to Egypt, unto Pharaoh king of Egypt
him to idolatry. 9 God threatencth him. 14 Solo- which gave him an houfe, and appointed him victuals,
mon findeth adversaries in Hadad the Edomites who and gave him land.
had been entertained in Egypt: 23 in Rezon,who 19 And Hadad found great favour in the fight of
reigned in Damascus ; 26 and in Jeroboam, to Pharaoh, fo that he gave him to wife the lifter of his
whom Ahijah had prophesied the kingdom should be own Tahpenes the queen.
wife, the filter of
translated. 41 Solomon's acts, reign, and death; _
20 And the of Tahpenes bare him Genubath
43 Rehoboam succeedeth him% his fon, whom Tahpenes weaned in Pharaoh's houle :

nr. 992.
aDeut. 17 17-
UT king Solomon a
loved many ftrange women and Genubath was in Pharaoh's houfehold among the
(|| together with the daughter of Pharaoh,) women fons of Pharaoh.
Ecclus. 47 19.
f. Or, beside.

of ihe MoabiteSj Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, And when Hadad heard in Egypt that David
and Hittites ; with his fathers, and that Joab the captain of the
2 Of the nations concerning which the Lord faid hoft was deadj Hadad faid to Pharaoh, f Let me de- f Web.
b Exoa. 3+ 6Vn./ me
unt0 tbe children of Ifrael, b Ye ftiafffiot go in to them, part, that I may go to mine own country. aiuay.

neither (hall they come in unto you for furely they ;

22 Then Pharaoh faid unto him, But what haft thou
will turn away your heart after their gods Solomon : lacked with me* that, beholdj thou feekeft to go to
clave unto thefe in love. thine own country ? And he aniwered, f Nothing f Heb. Xoti

3 And he had feven hundred wives, princeffes, and howbeitj let me go in any wife.
three hundred concubines and his wives turned
: 23 IF And God ftirred him up another adverfary,
away his heart* Rezon the fon of Eliadah, which fled from his lord
eir. 9R4,'
4 For it caine to pafs^ when Solomon was old, that Hadadezer king of Zobah;
his wives turned away his heart after other gods :
24 And he gathered men unto him, and became
and his heart was not perfect, with the Lord his God, captain over a band, h when David flew them of Zo-*
&1 ° l8,
as was the heart of David his father. bah : and they went to Damafcus, and dwelt therein,
c Judges
2'3- 5 For Solomon went after ' Afhtoreth the goddefs and reigned in Damafcus.
of the Zidonians ; and after Milcom, the abomination 25 And he was an adverfary to Ifrael all the days
of the Ammonites. of Solomon, befide the mifchief that Hadad did : and
6 And Solomon did evil in the fight of the Lord, he abhorred Xfraeb and reigned over Syria.
t Heb.
r -
'filled not
andt went not fully after the Lord, as did David his 26 11 And Jeroboam the fon of Nebat, an Ephra-
Chron.' i 2

Father. thite of Zereda, Solomon's fervant, (whofe mother's 13&

7 Then did Solomon build an high place for Che- name was Zeruah, a widow woman,) even he lifted
mofh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is up his hand againit the king;
before Jerufulem and for Molechj the abomination
; 27 And this was the caufe that he lifted up his hand
of the children of Amnion; againft the king Solomon built Millo, and J repaired t HeK.
8 And likewife did he for all his ftrange wives, the breaches of the city of David his lather.
which burned incenfe, and facrificed unto their gods. 28 And the man Jeroboam was a mighty man of
9 U And the Lord was angry with Solomon, be- valour and Solomon feeing the young man that he

caufe his heart was turned from the Lord God of f was induftrious^ lie made him ruler over all the tHeb.
~hu.-;;, d did work.
Ifrael, which had appeared unto him twice, f charge of the houfe of Joieplu Heb.
cChap, 6 :: 10 e And had commanded him concerning this 29 And it came
to pafs at that time, when Jero- burden.
it coe-

thing, that he fliould not go after other gods but he : boam went out of Jerufalem, that the prophet Ahijah
kept not that which the Lord commanded. the Shilonite found him in the way and he had clad

11 Wherefore the Lord faid unto Solomon, For- himfelf with a new garment ; and "they two were alone
T V>-b.
•with thee
as this f is done of thee, and thou haft not in the field.
kept my covenant, and my ftatutes, which I have com- 30 And Ahijah caught the new garment that was
fc.hap.i: li-nianded
thee, f I will furely rend the kingdom from on him, and rent it in twelve pieces;
thee, and will give it to thy fervant; 31 And he faid to Jeroboam, Take thee ten pieces :

12 Notwithftanding in thy days I will not do it for for thus faith the Lord, the God of Ifrael, Behold, I
David thy father's fake but I will rend it out of the
: will rend the kingdom out of the hand of Solomon,
hand of thy fon. and will give ten tribes to thee :

13 Howbeit, Inot rend away all the kingdom

will ;
32 (But he fhall have one tribe for fervant my
but will give one tribe to thy fon, for David my fervant'S David's fake, and for Jerufalem's fake, the city which
fake, and for Jerufalem's lake, which I have chofen. I have chofen out of all the tribes of Ifrael :)
14 U And the Lord ftirred up an adverfary unto 33 Becaufe that they have forfaken me, and have
Solomon, Hadad the Edomite he was of the king's ; worf hipped Afhtoreth, the goddefs of the Zidonians ;
feed in Edom. Chemofh, the god of the Moabites and Milcom, the;

1 7 Sam. 1 14<
15 * For it came to pafs, when David was in Edom, god of the children of Amnion and have not walked

2 I in
. :

Rehoboam made king •

I. K I N G S. he raiseth an army,
in my ways, to do that which is right in mine
eyes, 8 But he forfook
the counfel of the old men, which
and to keep my ftatutes and my judgments, as did they had given him, and confulted with the young
David his father. men that were grown up with him, and which ftood
34 Howbeit, I will not take the whole kingdom out before him :
of his hand but I will make him prince all the days
: 9 And he faid unto them, What counfel give ye,
of his life for David my fervant's fake, whom I chofe, that we may anfwer this people, who have fpoken to
beeaufe he kept my commandments and my ftatutes : me, faying, Make the yoke which thy father did put
k Chap. 12 [6.
35 But I will take the kingdom out of his fon's
upon us lighter I

hand, and will give it unto thee, even ten tribes. 10 And the young men that were grown up with
36 And unto his fon will I give one tribe, that him, fpake unto him, faying, Thus lhalt thou fpeak.
Heb. lamp,
David my fervant may have a t light alway before me

or, candle. unto this people that fpake unto thee, laying, Thy
in Jerufalem, the city which I have chofen me to put father made our yoke heavy, but make thou it lighter
my name there. unto us thus fhalt thou fay unto them, My little

37 And I will take thee, and thou (halt reign ac- finger ihall be thicker than my father's loins.
cording to all that thy foul deiireth, and fhalt be king 1 L And now, whereas my father did lade you with
over Ifrael. a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke ray father hath :

38 And it (hall
be, if thou wilt hearken unto all that chaitifed you with whips, but I will chaftife you with
I command thee, and wilt walk in my ways, and do fcorpions.
that is right in light, to keep my ftatutes, and my my 12 *i[ So Jeroboam and
all the people came to Re-
commandments, as David my
fervant did, that I will hoboam the third day, as the king had appointed, fay-
be with thee, and build thee a fure houfe, as I built for ing, Come to me again the third day.
David, and will give Ifrael unto thee. 13 And the king anfwered the people f roughly, t HeK
39 And I will for thisafflia the feed of David, but and forfook the olefmen's counfel that they gave him hardly.
not for ever. 14 And fpake to them after the counfel of the young
40 Solomon fought thereforeto kill Jeroboam. And men, faying, My
father made your yoke heavy, and I
Jerobomarofe, and fiedinto Egypt, unto Shifliak king will add to your yoke my father also chaftiied you

of Egypt, and was in Egypt untiithe death of Solomon. with whips, but I will chaftife you with fcorpions.
J Or, •words,
or, things. 41 If And the reft of the ac/ts of Solomon, and all II
15 Wherefore the king hearkened not unto the peo-
that he did, and his wildom, are they not written in the ple : for the caufe was from the Lord, that he might
book of the acls of Solomon ? perform his faying, which the Lord d fpake by Ahijah n ^**'
Heb. days.
42 And the f time that Solomon reigned in Jerufa- the Shilonite unto Jeroboam the fon of Nebat.
\ 2
lem over all Ifrael was forty years. 1
16 IF So when all Ifrael faw that the king hearkened
cir. 975.
m Match."
43 And Solomon flept with his fathers, and was not unto them, the people anfwered the king, laying,
and m Reho-
1 -,,

called, buried in the city of David his father : What portion have we in David ? neither have we
boam his fon reigned in his ftead. inheritance in the fon of Jeffe to your tents, Ifrael.
: O
CHAP. XII. Now, fee to thine own houfe, David. So Ifrael de-
1 The Israelites assemble at Shechem to make Rehobo- parted unto their tents.
am king, and sue for a release of their burdens. 6 17 But as for the children of Ifrael which dwelt in
Rehoboam refusing the old men's counsel, by the the cities of Judah, Rehoboam reigned over them.
advice of the young men answereth them roughly. 18 Then king Rehoboam fent Adoram, who was
16 Ten tribes revolt. 21 Rehoboam raising an army, over the tribute and all Ifrael ftoned him with ftones,
is forbidden by Shemaiah. 25 Jeroboam buildetb that he died therefore king Rehoboam f made fpeed
Shechem.. &C. 26 and setteth up two golden calves. to gethim up to his chariot, to flee to Jerufalem. ened him-

AND Rehoboam went, to Shechem for all Ifrael

were come to Shechem to make him king.

; 19 So Ifrael rebelled againft the houfe of David
unto this day.
Or, fell

2 And it came to pafs, when Jeroboam the fon of 20 H And it came to pafs, when all Ifrael heard that
bChap. 1 140.
Nebat, who was yet in b Egypt, heard of it, (for he Jeroboam was come again, that they lent and called
was tied from the prefence of king Solomon, and Je- him unto the congregation, and made him king over
roboam dwelt in Egypt ;) all Ifrael there was none that followed the houfe of

3 That they fent and called him and Jeroboam : David but the tribe of Judah e only. e Chap,

and all the congregation of Ifrael came, and fpake unto 21 H And when Rehoboam was come to Jerufalem, n 14.
Rehoboam, faying, he aifembled ail the houfe of Judah, with the tribe of
c Bhap. 47.
4 Thy father made our c yoke grievous now, : Benjamin, an hundred and fourfcore thoufand chofen
therefore, make thou the grievous fervice of thy father, men, which were warriors, to fight againft the houfe
and his heavy yoke which he put upon us, lighter, of Ifrael, to bring the kingdom again to Rehoboam the
and we will ferve thee. fon of Solomon.
5 And he faid unto them, Depart yetfor three days, 22 But f the word of God came unto Shemaiah f 2 Chron.
then come again to me. the people departed. And the man of God, faying,
6 H And king Rehoboam confulted with the old 23 Speak unto Rehoboam the fon of Solomon, king
men, that ftood before Solomon his father while he yet of Judah, and unto all the houfe of Judah and Benja-
lived, and faid, How do ye advife, that I may anfwer min, and to the remnant of the people, laying,
this people ? 24 Thus faith the Lord, Ye fhall not go up, nor
7 And they fpake unto him, faying, If thou wilt be fight againft your brethren the children of Ifrael return :

a fervant unto this people this day, and wilt ferve them, every man to his houfe; for this thing isfromme. They
and anfwer them, and fpeak good words to them, then hearkened, therefore, to the word of the Lord, and re-
they will be thy fervants for eyer, turned to depart, according to the word of the Lord.
2 25 T[ Then
; 1

yeroho ant's hand withereth, CHAP. XIII. The prophet of Judah is slain by a Urn.
25 IF Then Jeroboam built Shcchcm in mount and pray for me, that my hand may be reftored me
^t^-, again. And the man of God befought fthe Lord, and

Ephraim d dwelt therein and went out from

*-^" N^^ thence, andarbuilt ,


the king's hand was reftored him again, and became

26 IT And Jeroboam laid in his heart, Now fhall as it was before.
the kingdom return to the houfe of David : 7 11 And the king faid unto the man of God, Come
27 If this people go up to do facrifice in the houfe home with me and refrefh thyfelf, and I will give thee
of the Lord at Jerufalem, then fhall the heart of this a reward.
people turn again unto their lord, even unto Reho- 8 And the man of God faid unto the king, If thou
boam king of Judah, and they fhall kill me, and go wilt give me half thine houfe, I wili not go in with thee,
again to Rehoboam king of Judah. neither will I eat bread nor drink water in this place :
28 Whereupon the king took counfel, and made two 9 For fo was it charged me by the word of the
calves o/gold, and faid unto them, It is too much for Lord, faying, Eat no bread, nor drink water, nor
gExoii. 3*s.y
0U to g0 up t0 Jerufalem g behold thy gods, : If- O turn again by the fame way that thou cameft.
rael, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. 10 So he went another way, and returned not by
29 And he fet the one in Bethel, and the other put the way that he came to Bethel.
he in Dan. 1 IF Nowthere dwelt an old prophet in Bethel ;
50 And this thing became a fin for the people : and his fons came and told him all the works that the
went to worship before the one, even unto Dan. man of God had done that day in Bethel the words :

31 And he made an houfe of high places, and made which he had fpoken unto the king, them they told
priefts of the lowed of the people, which were not of alfo to their father.
the fons of Levi. And their father faid unto them, What way went
32 And Jeroboam ordained a feaft in the eighth he For his fons had feen what way the man of God

month, on the fifteenth day of the month, like unto went, which came from Judah.
Or, -went the feaft that is in Judah, and he offered upon the al- ||
13 And he faid unto his fons, Saddle me the afs-.
up to the
altar, &c. tar, (fo did he in Bethel,) unto the calves
facrificing So they faddled him the afs, and he rode thereon,

that he had made and he placed in Bethel the
: 14 And went after the man of God, and found him
priefts of the high places which he had made. fitting under an oak : and he faid unto him, Art thou

tip to
Or, went
33 So he offered upon the altar which he had made
the man of God that cameft from Judah ? And he
altar, &c, in Bethel, the fifteenth day of the eighth month, even faid, I am.
in the month which he had devifed of his own heart 15 faid unto him, Come home with me,
Then he
and ordained a feaft unto the children of Ifrael and : and eat bread.
t Heb. to he offered upon the altar, and burnt incenfe.
|| 16 And he faid, I may not return with thee, nor go
burn incense.
in with thee neither will I eat bread nor drink water

with thee in this place :

1 A prophecy against the altar in Bethel. 4 Jerobo- 17 For f it was faid to me by the word of the L r d f Heb. a ,
am's hand withereth, but at the prayer of the prophet Thou fhalt eat no bread nor drink water there, nor •word wi*s.
is restored. 7 The prophet refusing the king's enter- turn again to go by the way that thou cameft.
tainment, departethfrom Bethel .-11 an old prophet 18 He faid unto him, I am a prophet alfo as thou
seduce th him, and bring eth him back, 20 who de- art ; and an angel fpake unto me by the word of the
nounceth God's judgment against him : 23 he is slain Lord, faying, Bring him back with thee into thine
by a lion, 26 and buried by the old prophet,- who houfe, that he may eat bread and drink water. But
confirmeth his prophecy. he lied unto him.
behold, there came a man of God out of Ju-
dah, by the word of the Lord unto Bethel and :
19 So he went back with him, and did eat bread in

his houfe, and drank water.

K Or, to Jeroboam flood by the altar to burn incenfe. || 20 IF And it came to pafs, as they fat at the table, that
2 And he cried againft the altar in the word of the the word of the Lord came unto the prophet that
Lord, and faid, O altar, altar thus faith the Lord, ! brought him back :

behold, a child lhall be born unto the houfe of David, 21 And he cried unto the man of God that came
a 2 Kings a Jofiah by name, and upon thee fhallhe offer the priefts
from Judah, faying, Thus faith the Lord, Forafmuch
of the high places that burn incenfe upon thee, and as thou haft difobeyed the mouth of the Lord, and
men's bones fhall be burnt upon thee. haft not kept the commandment which the Lord thy
3 And he gave a fign the fame day, faying, This is God commanded thee,
the fign which the Lord hath fpoken Behold, the ; 22 But cameft back, and haft eaten bread and drunk
altar lhall be rent, and the allies that are upon it fhall water in the place of the which the LORD
did fay to
be poured out. thee, Eat no bread and drink no water thy carcafs ;

4 IF And it came to pafs, when king Jeroboam heard lhall not come unto the fepulchre of thy fathers.
the faying of the man of God, which had cried againft 23 IF And it came to pafs, after he had eaten bread,
the altar in Bethel, that he put forth his hand from and after he had drunk, that he faddled for him the afs,
the altar, faying, Lay hold on him. And his hand to wit, for the prophet whom he had brought back.
which he put forth againft him, dried up, fo that he 24 And when he was gone, a lion met him by the way,
could not pull it in again to him. and flew him and his carcafs was caft in the way,

5 The altar was rent, and the afhes poured out

alfo and the afs flood by it, the lion alfo flood by the carcafs.
from the altar, according to the fign which the man of 25 And, behold, men paffed by, and law the carcafs
God had given by the word of the Lord. caft in the way, and the lion Handing by the carcafs :

6 And the king anfwered, and faid unto the man of and they came and told it in the city where the old
God, Entreat now the face of the Lord thy God, prophet dwelt.
26 IF And
31 ;

Ahljah denounceth God? s judgments. I. K I N G S. Rehoboam s wicked reign,

chuist 2<5 ^ ^ n ^ when the prophet that brought him back people, and made thee prince over people Ifrael, my
ot£- from the way, heard thereof, he laid, It is the man of 8 And rent the kingdom away from the houfe of.
God, who was difobedient unto the word of the Lord; David, and gave it thee and yet thou haft not been ;

therefore the Lord hath delivered

the lion, him unto as my fervant David, who kept my commandments,
J Heb.
which hath f torn him, and flain him, according to and who followed me with all his heart, to do that
the word of the Lord, which he fpake unto him. only which was right in mine eyes ;
27 And he fpake to his fons, faying, Saddle me the 9 But haft done evil above all that were before thee :
afs. And they faddled him. for thou haft gone and made thee other gods, and
28 And he went, and found his carcafs call in the molten images, to provoke me to anger, and haft call
way, and the afs and the lion Handing by the carcafs : me behind thy back :

* Heb.
10 Therefore, behold, b l will bring evil upon the
the lion had not eaten the carcafs, nor f torn the afs. ^chap.ts
2 '

29 And the prophet took up the carcafs of the man houfe of Jeroboam, and will cut off from Jeroboam
of God, and laid it upon the afs, and brought it back :
him that piffeth againft the wall, and him that is fhut \^%£L
and the old prophet came to the city to mourn, and up and left in Ifrael, and will take away the remnant 9 s.
to bury him. of the houfe of Jeroboam,, as a mantaketh away dung,
30 And he laid his carcafs in his own grave and ;
be all gone.
till it

they mourned over him, saying, Alas, my brother ! 1 Him that dieth of Jeroboam in the city, fhall the
31 And it came
to pafs, after he had buried him, dogs eat : and him that dieth in the field fhall the fowls
that he When I am dead,
fpake to his fons, faying, of the air eat for the Lord hath fpoken it.

then bury me in the fepulchre wherein the mail of 12 Arife thou, therefore, get thee to thine own
God is buried lay my bones befide his bones
; : houfe and'when thy feet enter into the city, the child

32 For the faying which he cried by the word of the fliall die.
Lord againft the altar in Bethel, and againft all the 1 And all Ifraer fhail mourn for him, and bury him
houfes^ of the high places which arc in the cities of for he only of Jeroboam fhall come to the grave, be~
Samaria, fliall finely come to pafs. caufe in him there is found some good thing toward
33 IT After this thing Jeroboam returned not from the Lord God of Ifrael in the houfe of Jeroboam.
t Heb.
his evil way, but f made again of the loweft of the peo- 14 Moreover, the Lord fhall raife him up a king
and mjdf. ple, priefts of the high places whofoever would, he
: over Ifrael, who fliall cut off the houfe of Jeroboam

t confecrated him, and he became one of the priefts of that day but, what ? even now.

the high places. 15 For the Lord fliall finite Ifrael, as a reed is
34 And this thing became fin unto the houfe of fliaken in the water, and he fliall root up Ifrael out of
Jeroboam, even to cut it off, and to deftroy it from this good land, which he gave to their fathers, and
off the face of the earth. fliall fcatter them bej/ond the river, becaufe they have

CHAP. XIV. made their groves, provoking the Lord to anger.

16 And he fliall give Ifrael up, becaufe of the fins
1 Abijah, Jeroboam'' s son, being sick, Jeroboamsendeth
of Jeroboam who did fin, and who made Ifrael to fin.
his wife, disguised, with presents to the prophet Abi-
17 If And Jeroboam's wife arofe, and departed,, and
jah. 5 Abijah, forewarned by God, denounceth God's came to Tirzah and when fhe came to the threihold

judgments. 17 Abijah dieth and is buried. 19 Jero- of the door, the child died ;
boam and Nadab succeedeth. 21 Rehoboam 's
18 And they buried him and all Ifrael mourned for :

25 Shishak spoileth Jerusalem. 29

wicked reign. him, according to the word of the Lord, which he
Abijam succeedeth Rehoboam. fpake by the hand of his fervant Ahijah the prophet.
955. A T that time Abijah the fon of Jeroboam fell fick. 19 If And the reft of the acts of Jeroboam, how he
-ZjL 2 And Jeroboam faid to his wife, Arife, I pray warred, and how he reigned, behold, they are written
thee, and difguife thyfelf, that thou be not known to be in the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Ifrael.
the wife of Jeroboam, and get thee to Shiloh : behold, 20 And the days which Jeroboam reigned were two
achap.u t h ere is Ahijah the prophet, which told me that a 7 and twenty years and he f with his fathers ;
: t Heb. lay
should be king over this people. and Nadab his fon reigned in his ftead.
3 And take f with thee ten loaves, and cracknels, || 21 If And Rehoboam the fon of Solomon reigned in 954.
ftor.cakel and a cruife of honey, and go to him he fhalltell
\\ : Judah. d Rehoboam was forty and one years old when d 2 chron.
tor, torn*.
thee what fhall become of the chikl he began to reign and he reigned feventeen years in

4 And Jeroboam's wile did fo, and arofe, and went Jerufalem the city which the Lord did choofe out
to Shiloh, and came to the houfe of Ahijah : but Ahi- of all the tribes of Ifrael, to put his name there and :

ftmffirhis jah" could not fee ; for his eyes

f were fet by reafon of his mother's name -was Naamah, an Ammonitefs.
J^g age< 22 And Judah did evil in the light of the Lord, 972.
5 If And the
unto Ahijah, Behold, the
faid and they provoked him to jealoufy with their fins,
wife of Jeroboam cometh to afk a thing of thee for which they had committed, above all that their fathers
her fon, for he is fick thus and thus fhalt thou fay
: had done.
unto her for it fhall be, when (lie cometh in, that lhe
; 23 For they alfo built them high places, and im- I Or, stand-

ih all feign herfelf to be another woman. ages, and groves, on every high hill, and under every ing image s t
or, statuii.
6 And it was so, when Ahijah heard the found of her green tree.
feet, as fhe came in at the door, that he faid, Come 24 And there were alfo Sodomites in the land ; and
in, thou wife of Jeroboam why feigned thou thyfelf
; they did according to allthe abominations of the na-
t Heb. hard.
t0 fa another ? for I am fent to thee with heavy tidings. tions which the Lord caft out before the children of
7 Go, tell Jeroboam, Thus faith the Lord God of Ifrael.
Ifrael, Forafxnuch as I exalted thee from among the 25 1 And it came to pafs, in the fifth year of king 971.
1 :

Asa s good reign* CHAP. XV. Nadab s 1

wicked reign* He is slain by Baasha*
Rehoboam, ?Z>^ Shifhak king of Egypt came up idol in a grove :and Afa f deftroyed her idol, and
againft Jerufalem : burnt it by the brook Kidron.
26 And he took away the treafures of the honfe of 14 But the high places were not removed never- :

the Lord, and the treafures of the king's houfe he ;

thekfs, Afa's heart was perfect with the Lord all his
even took away all and he took away all the Ihields
: days.
»Chap. 10 17
of gold e which Solomon had made. 15 And he brought in the f things which his fa-
27 And king Rehoboam- made in their Head brafen ther had dedicated, and the things which himfelf had
fbiekls, and committed them unto the hands of the dedicated, into the houfeoftheLoRD, filver, and gold,
tHeb. chief of the f guard, which kept the door of the king's and vefiels..
houfe. _
16 H And there was war between Afa and Baafha
28 And it was sa, when the king went into the houfe king of Ifrael all their days.
of the Lord, that the guard bare them, and brought 17 And f Baafha king of Ifrael went up againft Ju- f 2 Chron.'.
16 i, &(•.-
them back into the guard chamber. dah, and built Ramah, that he might not fuffer any
29 If Now the reft of the acf s of Rehoboam, and to go out or come in to Afa king of Judah..
all that he did, arc they not written in the book of the 18 Then Afa- took all the filver and the gold that
Chronicles of the kings of Judah ? were left in the treafures ofthe houfe ofthe Lord, and
30 And there was war between.. Rehoboam, and the treafures of the king's houfe,. and delivered them
Jeroboam all their days. into the hand of his lervants and king Afa fent them

W8. 31 And Rehoboam flept with his fathers, and was to s Benhadad the fon of Tabrimon, the fon of He- 16 2.
buried with his fathers in the city of David and his ; zion, king of Syria, that dwelt at Damafcus, faying,
mother's name was Naamah an Ammonitefs : and 19 There is a league between me and thee, and be-
Abijam his fon reigned in his Head. tween my father and thy father : behold, I have fent
CHAP. XV"..* unto thee a prefent of filver and gold come and break

1 Abij ant's -wicked reign: 7 he dicth ; Asa suceeedbth thy league with Baafha king of Ifrael, that he may
him. 9 Asa's good reign : 16 by reason of the war f depart from me.

between him and Baasha, he make th a league with 20 So Benhadad hearkened unto king Afa, and
Benhadad king of Syria. 23 Asa dicth, and is fent the captains of the hofts which he had againft:
succeeded by Jeboshaphat. 25 Nadab' s' wicked the cities of Ifrael, and fmote Ijon, and Dan, and
reign .-27 he. is slain by Baasha,. who succeedcth him r Abelbethmaachah, and all Cinneroth, with all the
andexecutcth Ahijah' s prophecy against Jeroboani's land of NaphtalL
house. 32 Baasha s wicked reign. 1
21 And it came to pafs, when Baafha heard thereof
ihcon NOW, in the eighteenth year of. king z Jeroboam
the fon of Nebat, reigned Abijam over Judah.
that he left oif building of Ramah, and dwelt in Tirzah.
22 Then king Afa made a proclamation through-
2 Three years reigned he in Jerufalem and his mo- : out all Judah, (none was t exempted ;) and they took
ther'sname was Maachah, the daughter of Abifhalom. away the ftones of Ramah, and the timber thereof,
3 And he walked in all the fins of his father, which wherewith Baafha had builded and king Afa built

he had done before him and his heart was not per-
: with them Geba of Benjamin, and Mizpah.
fecl with. the Lord his God, as the heart of David 23 If The reft of all the ads of Afa, and all his
his father. might, and all that he did, and the cities which he
4 Neverthekfs, for David's Mike, did the Lord his built, are they not written in the book of the Chron-
I Of) Cdndte. God give a him
lamp in Jerufalem,. to fet up his Ion
|| icles of the kings of Judah ? Neverthelefs, in the
after him, and to t ftablilh Jerufalem ; time of his old age, he was difeafed in his feet.
5 Bccaufc David did that which was right in the 24 And Afa flept with his fathers, and was buried
eyes of the Lord; and turned not aiide from any with his fathers in the city of David his father and :

h Jehofhaphat his fon reigned h M^th. £,.

thing that he commanded him all the days of his life, in his ftead. called Jojii--

& . 3 3.
fave only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite. 25 11 And Nadab the fon. of Jeroboam f began to that.
6 And there was war between Rehoboam and Je- reign over Ifrael in die fecond year of Afa king of reiyned.
roboam all the days of his life.. Judah, and reigned over Ifrael two years.
7 II Now
the reft of the a£ls of Abijam, and all that 26 And he did evil in the fight of the Lord, and
a Chron.
he did, are they not written in the ° book of the Chron- walked in the way of his father, and in his fin where-
icles of the kings of Judah ? And there was war be- with he made Ifrael to fin.
tween Abijam and Jeroboam. 27 If And Baafha the fon of Ahijah, ofthe houfe of'
»55- 8 And Abijam flept with his fathers and they ; Iffachar, confpired agamft him. and Baafha fmote

d? Chrgn.
buried him in the city of David and d Ala his fon : him at Gibbethon, which belonged to the Philiftines ;
reigned in his ftead. (forNadab and all Ifrael laid fiege to Gibbethon ;)
9 If And in the twentieth year of Jeroboam king of 28 Even in the third year of Afa king of Judah,.
Ifrael reigned Afa over Judah. did Baafha flay him, and reigned in hisflead..
10 And forty and one years reigned he in Jerufalem 29 And it came to pafs, when he reigned, that he
That and his mother's name was Maachah, the daughter
|| fmote all the houfe of Jeroboam he left not to Jero-

tr's. of Abiilialom. boam any that breathed, until he had deftroyed him,
1 And Afa did that which was right in the eyes of according unto ''the faying of the Lord, which he >ch»p.»*ia;
the Lord, as did David his father. fpake by his fervant Ahijah the Shilonite :

clr. 951.
12 And he took away the Sodomites out ofthe land, 30 Becaufe of the fins of Jeroboam which he finned,
and removed all the idols that his fathers had made. and which he made Ifrael fin, by his provocation where-
e 2 Chi on.
JJ 10.
13 And alfo e Maachah his mother, even her he with he provoked the Lord God of Ifrael to anger.
removed from king queen, bccaufc (he hud made an 31 Now the reft ofthe acta of Nadab, and all that
Zimri executeth Jehus prophecy. I. KINGS. Ahatfs excessive wickedness.
he did, are they not written in the book of the Chron- 14 Now the reft of the acls of Elah, and all that
icles of the kings of Ifrael ? he did, are they not written in the book of the Chron-
32 *ff And there was war between Afa and Baafha of the kings of Ifrael ?
king of Ifrael all their days. IT In the twenty and feventh year of Afa, king of
33 In the third year of Afa king of Judah began Judah did Zimri reign feven days in Tirzah and :

Baafha the fon of Ahij ah to reign over all Ifrael in the people were encamped againft Gibbethon, which
Tirzah, twenty and four years. belonged to the Philiftines.
34 And he did evil in the fight of the Lord, and 16 And the people that were encamped heard fay,
walked in the way of Jeroboam, and in his iin where- Zimri hath confpired, and hath alfo ftain the king :
with he made Ifrael to fin. wherefore all Ifrael made Omri, the captain of the hoft,
CHAP. XVI. king over Ifrael that day in the camp.
1 Jehu's prophecy against the house of Baasha : 5 17 And Omri went up from Gibbethon, and alLIf-
Baas ha dieth, and Elah succeedeth him. 8 Zimri rael with him, and they befieged Tirzah. 9*9.

slayeth Elah, and succeedeth him .-11 he executeth

18 And it came to pais, when Zimri faw that the
Jehu's prophecy against Baasha? s house. 15 Omri city was taken, that he went into the palace of the
made king by the army, forceth Zimri in despair king's houfe, and burnt the king's horde over him
to burn himself. 21 The kingdom being divided, with fire, and died.
Omri prevaileth against Tibni. 23 Omri buildeth 19 For his fins which he finned in doing evil in the
Samaria ; 25 his wicked reign : 27 he dieth ; and is fight of the Lord, in' walking in the way of Jeroboam,
succeeded by Ahab. 29 Aihab's excessive wickedness, and in his fin which he did, to make Ifrael to fin.
34 Joshua's curse fidfillcd upon Hiel the builder of 20 Now the reft of the acts of Zimri, and his trea-
Jericho. fon that he wrought, are they not written in the book
THEN the word of the Lord eame to Jehu the
fon of Hanani, againft Baafha, faying,
of the Chronicles of the kings of Ifrael ?
21 If Then were the people of Ifrael divided into
2 Forafmuch as I exalted thee out of the dull, and two parts half of the people followed Tibni the fon.

made thee prince over my people Ifrael, and thou haft of Ginath, to make him king, and half followed Omri.
walked in the way ofJeroboam, and haft made my peo- 22 But the people that followed Omri prevailed
ple Ifrael to fin, to provoke me to anger with their fins ;
againft the people that followed Tibni the fon of Gi-
3 Behold, I will take away the pofterity of Baafha, nath fo Tibni died, and Omri reigned.

and the pofterity of his houfe and will make thy ; 23 If In the thirty and firft year of Afa king of Judah
e Chap- '5 2f houfe like a the houfe of Jeroboam the fon ofNebat. began Omri to reign over Ifrael twelve years fix :
bCliap. 14 11,
4 b Him that dieth of Baafha in the city fhall the years reigned he in Tirzah.
dogs eat and him that dieth of his in the fields fhall
; 24 And he bought the hill Samaria of Sliemer for
the fowls of the air eat. two talents of filver, and built on the hill, and called
5 "If Now the reft of the acts of Baafha, and what he the name of the city which he built, after the name
did, and his might, are they not written in the book of Shemer, owner of the hill, f Samaria. + Heb.

of the Chronicles of the kings of Ifrael ? 25 If But Omri wrought evil in the eyes of the
6 So Baafha flept with his fathers, and was buried Lord, and did worfethan all that were before him.
in Tirzah and Elah his Ion reigned in his ftead.
: 26 For he walked in all the way of Jeroboam the
7 And alfo by the hand of the prophet Jehu, the fon ofNebat, and in his fin wherewith he made Ifrael
fon of Hanani, came the word of the Lord againft to fin, to provoke the Lord God of Ifrael to anger
Baalha, and againft his houfe, even for all the evil with their vanities.
that he did in the fight of the Lord, in provoking him 27 If Now the reft of the a£ts of Omri which he did,
to anger with the work of his hands, in being like and his might that he fhewed, are they not written in
the houfe of Jeroboam, and becaufe he killed him. the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Ifrael?
8 If In the twenty and fixth year of Afa king of 28 So Omri flept with his fathers, and was buried
Judah began Elah the fon of Baafha to reign over in Samaria and Ahab his fon reigned in his ftead.

Ifrael in Tirzah two years. 29 If And in the thirty and eighth year of Afa king 91S.
9 And his fervant Zimri(captain of half his chariots) of Judah began Ahab the fon of Omri to reign over
confpired againft him as he was in Tirzah, drinking Ifrael and Ahab the fon of Omri reigned over Ifrael

1^** himfelf drunk in the houfe of Arza f fteward of his in Samaria twenty and two j 7 ears.
y 2 y. houfe in Tirzah. 30 And Ahab the fon of Omri did evil in the fight
10 And Zimri went in and fmote him, and killed of the Lord above all that werc^ before him.
him, in the twenty and feventh year of Afa king of t
31 And it came to pais, t as if it had been a light t m&.*u
Judah, and reigned in his ftead. thing for him to walk in the fins of Jeroboam the fon t/&&&c.
11 If And it came to pais, when he began to reign, of Nebat, that he took to wife Jezebei the daughter
as ibonas he fat on his throne, that he flew all the houfe ofEthbaal king of the Zidonians, and went andferv-
of Baafha_ he left him not one that piffeth againft a
: ed Baal, and worfhipped him.
Or, both
kinmen wall, ^neither of his kinsfolks, nor of his friends. 32 And he reared up an altar for Baal in the houfe
and his
12 Thus did Zimri deftroy all the houfe of Baafha, of Baal, which he had built in Samaria.
+ Heb.
according to the word of the Lord, which he (pake 53 And Ahab made a grove and Ahab did more

by the hand againft Baafha f by Jehu the prophet. to provoke the Lord God of Ifrael to anger than all
13 For all the fins of Baafha, and the fins of Elah the kings of Ifrael that were before him.
his fon, by which they finned, and by which they made 34 ff In his days did Hid the Bethelite build Jer-
Ifrael to fin, in provoking the Lord God of Ifrael to icho :he laid the foundation thereof in Abiram his
anger with their vanities. . . firftborn and fet up the gates thereof in his youngeft
1 , ; )

The widow's son dieth, CHAP. XVII, XVIII. Obadiah bringeth Ahab to Elijah.

son Segub, according to the word of the

e Lord, took him out of her bofom, and earned him up into
which he fpake by Jolhua the fon of Nun. a loft where he abode, and laid him upon his own bed.
C josh. 6 26.

20 And he cried unto the Lord, and faid, Lord O
my God, haft thou alio brought evil upon the widow
1 Elijah, having prophesied against Abab, is sent to with whom I fojourn, by flaying her fon ?
Cherith, where the ravens feed him : 8 he is after- : 21 And he t ftretched himfelf upon the child three + Heb. we«j-
ured. •

ward sent to a widow of Zarephath .-17 the widow''s times, and cried unto the Lord, and faid, Lord O
son dieth, and is restored to life by Elijah's prayer, my God, I pray thee, let this child's foul come f into fHeb.into
the woman believeth, &c. him again. his inward.'

cir. oio.

Lake a 25.
AN D | Elijah the Tifhbite, who was of the inhab-
of Gilead, faid unto Ahab, As the Lord
22 And the Lord heard the voice of Elijah and the
foul of the child came into him again, and he revived.

he is called, God of Ifrael liveth, before whom I ftand, there fhall 23 And Elijah took the child, and brought him
aEcclus. 48 not be dew nor rain thefe years, but according to ray down out of the chamber into the houfe, and deliver-
3, James 517
word. ed him unto his mother and Elijah faid, See, thy fon

2 And the word of the Lord came unto him, faying, liveth !

3 Get thee hence, and turn thee eaftward, and hide 24 And the woman faid to Elijah, by this I Now
thyfelf by the brook Cherith, that w before Jordan. know that thou art a man of God, and that the word
4 And it fhall be, that thou fhalt drink of the brook ;
of the Lord in thy mouth is truth.
and have commanded the ravens to feed thee there.
5 So he went, and did according unto the word of
1 In the extremity of the famine Elijah is sent to meet
the Lord for he went and dwelt by the brook Che-

Ahab. 7 Elijah meeteth Obadiah ; who bringeth

before Jordan.
rith, that is
the ravens brought him bread and flefh in
Ahab to Elijah. 18 Elijah having rep-roved Ahab,
the morning, and bread andfiefh in the evening ; and
by fire from heaven, convincetb the people : be slay -
eth BaaPs prophets. 41 Elijah giveth Ahab notice
he drank of the brook.
tHeb. at the 7 And it came to pafs f after a while that the brook of rain which he obtaineth by prayer, fc?c
end of days.
dried up, becaufe there had been no rain in the land.
8 % And the word of the L o r d came unto him faying ,
it came to
of the
many days, that the cir. 9©$,
pafs, after
Lord came
to Elijah in the third
b Luke 4 9 Arife, get thee to b Zarephath, which belongeth to
26*. year, faying, Go, fhew thyfelf unto Ahab and I will ;
Sarepta. Zidon, and dwell there behold, I have commanded ;
fend rain upon the earth.
a widow woman there to fuftain thee. 2 And Elijah went to fhew' himfelf unto Ahab and :

10 So he arofe, and went to Zarephath : and when there was a fore famine in Samaria.
he came to the gate of the city, beholft, the widow wo- 3 If And Ahab called t Obadiah, which was f the tHeb.
man was there gathering of fticks and he called to : governor of his houfe (nowObadiah feared the Lord t Heb. over.

his house.
her, and faid, Fetch me, I pray thee, a little water in greatly
a veffel, that I may drink. 4 For it was so, when f Jezebel cut off the prophets tHeb.
1 And as Hie was going to fetch it, he called to her, of the Lord, that Obadiah took an hundred pro-
and faid, Bring me, I pray thee, a morfel of bread in phets and hid them by fifty in a cave, and fed them
thine hand. with bread and water :

12 And flie faid, As the Lord thy God liveth, I 5 And Ahab faid unto Obadiah, Go into the land
have not a cake, but an handful of meal in a barrel, unto all fountains of water, and unto all brooks perad- ;

and a little oil in a cruife and, behold, I am gather-

: venture we may find grafs to lave the horfes and mules
ing two Iticks, that I may go in and chefs it for me alive, t that we lofe not all the beads. tHei.. that

and my fon, that we may eat it and die. 6 So they divided the land between them, to pafs ^™lZ' cS
13 And Elijah faid unto her, Fear not ; go and do throughout it ; Ahab went one way by himfelf, and £*m f t

as thou haft faid but make me thereof a little cake

: Obadiah went another way by himfelf.
firft, and bring it unto me, and after make for thee 7 U And as Obadiah was in the way, behold, Eli-
and for thy fon : jah met him and he knew him, and fell on his face,

14 For thus faith the Lord God of Ifrael, The bar- and faid, Art thou that my lord Elijah.
rel of meal lhall not walte, neither fhall the cruife of 8 And he anfwered him, I am : go, tell thy lord,
f Heb. oil fail, until the day that the Lord f ftndeth rain Behold, Elijah is here.
upon the earth. 9 And he faid, What havel fmned,that thou wouldeft
15 And
Ihe went, and did according to the faying deliver thy fervant into the hand of Ahab, to flay me.
of Elijah : and flie, and he, and her houfe, did eat 10 As the Lord thy God liveth, there is no nation
Or, a full H many days. or kingdom whither my lord hath notfent to feek thee ;
16 And the barrel of meal wafted not, neither did and when they faid, He is not there, he took an oath
the cruife of oil fail, according to the word of the of the kingdom and nation, that they found thee not.
t Heb. by the Lord, which he fpake f by Elijah. 11 And now thou fayeft, Go, tell thy lord, Behold,
hand of. 17 If And it came to pafs, after thefe things, that Elijah is here,
the fon of the woman, the miftrefs of the houfe, fell 12 And it fhall come to pafs, as soon as I am gone
lick ; and his lickneis was fo fore that there was no from thee, that the fpirit of the Lord fhall carry thee
breath left in him. whither I know not and so, when I come and tell

18 And (lie faid unto Elijah, What have I to do with Ahab, and he cannot find thee, he lhall flay me but :

thee, O
thou man of God ? art thou come unto me I thy fervant fear the Lord from my youth.
to call my lin to remembrance, and to flay my Ion ? 13 Was it not told my lord what I did, when Jeze-
19 And he faid unto* her, Give me thy fon. And he belflew the prophets of the Lord, how I hid an hun-
: ; .

Elijah prepareth an altar* I. RINGS, He is threatened by Jezebel.

cHiuTr dred men
of the Lord's prophets by fifty in a cave, 32 And with the ftones he built an altar in the name
C£v>^ Q ll-d fed them with bread and water? of the Lord and he made a trench about the altar,

14 And now thou fayeft, Go, tell thy lord, Behold, as great as would contain twomealures of feed.
Elijah is here : and he fhall flay me. 33 And he put the wood in order, and cut the bul-
15 And Elijah faid, As the Lord of hofts liveth, lock in pieces, and laid him on the wood and laic!, ;

before whom I Hand, I will furely ihew myfelf unto Fill four barrels with water, and pour it on the burnt
him today. facrifice, and on the wood,
16 So Obadiah went to meet Ahab, and told him ; 34 And he faid, Do it the fecond time. And they
and Ahab went to meet Elijah. did it the fecond time And he faid, Do it the third

17 And it came to pals, when Ahab faw Elijah, time. And they did it the third time.
that Ahab faid unto him, Art thou he that troubleth 35 And the water f ran round about the altar and ;
Ifrael? he filled the trench alio with water.
18 *fr And he anfwered, I have not troubled Ifrael 36 And it came to pafs, at the time of the offering
but thou and thy lather's houfe, in that ye have for- of the evening facrifice, that Elijah the prophet came
faken the commandments of the Lord, and thou haft near, and faid, Lord God of Abraham, Ifaac, and of
followed Baalim, Ifrael, let itbe known this day that thou art God in
19 Now, therefore, fend, and gather to me all Ifrael Ifrael, and that I am thy fervant, and that I have done
unto mount 'Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four all thefe things at thy word.
hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four 37 Hear me, Q Lord, hear me; that this people
hundred, which eat at Jezebel's table. may know that thou art the Lord God, and thai
20 So Ahab lent unto all the children of Ifrael, and thou haft turned their heart back again,
gathered the prophets together unto mount Carmel. 3 8 Then the Jire of the L o r d fell and cenfumed the

21 IF And Elijah came unto all the people, and faid, burnt facrifice, and the wood, antl the ftones, and the
bmghtu How long halt ye between two opinions ? if the || dull, and licked up the water that was in the trench..
Lord be God, follow him but if Baal, then follow : 39 And when all the people faw it, they fell on
him. And the people anfwered him not a word. their -faces and they faid, The Lord, he is the God ;

22 Then faid Elijah unto the people, I, even I only, the Lord, he is the God.
remain a prophet of the Lord but Baal's prophets ; 40 And Elijah faid unto them, Take the prophets Hor,^»
of Baal, let not one of them efcape. And they took

are four hundred and fifty men.

23 Let them, therefore, give us two bullocks and ; them and Elijah brought them down to the brook

let them choofe one bullock for themfelves, and cut Kifhon, and flew them there.
it in pieces, and lay it on wood, and put no, fire under ; 41 If And Elijah faid unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat
and I will drefs the other bullock, and lay it on wood, and drink for were is a found of abundance of rain. HOr, a
; 1] ssiir.i

and put no fire under 42 So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. And Eli- of a noiie of
24 And call ye on the name of your gods, and I will jah went up to the top of Carmel and
; he call himfelf
call on the name of the Lord and the God that an- ; down upon the earth, andputhis face between his knees,
fwereth by fire, let him be God. And all the people 43 And faid to his fervant, Go up now, look to-
THeb.r/i* anfwered and faid,
f It is well fpoken. ward the fea. And he went up, and looked, and faid,

leocd. 25 H And Elijah faid unto the^. prophets of Baal, There is nothing. And he laid, go again feven times.
Choofe ye one bullock for yourfelves, and drefs it 44 And it came to pafs, at the feventli time, that he
firft ; for ye are many and call on the name of your
: faid, Behold, there arifeth a little cloud out of the fea,
gods, but put no fire under. like a man's hand. And he faid, Go up, fay unto
26 And they took the bullock which was given them, Ahab, t Prepare thy chariot, and get thee down, that t HA.
Tie, or,
and they dreffed it, and called on the name of Baal the rain flop thee not* Bind.
E° r '««™"--from morning even until noon, faying,
tor, heard.
Baal, hear O || 45 And it came to pafs, in the mean while, that the
us ^^x. there was no voice, nor any that
anfwered. || heaven was black with clouds and wind, and there was
t^Indloln And they leaped upon the altar which was made.
|| a great rain. And Ahab rode, and went to Jezreel.
a t the aitar.
£7 And it came to pafs at noon, that Elijah mocked 46 And the hand of the Lord was on Elijah and ;

t Heh, iiv/ft them, and faid, Cry

a great voice. ,, , ...
.' ' f aloud cfor he is a god
i ,


i • •
: he girded up his loins, and ran before Ahab f to the + Heb. till
thou come to
6 med~
" 1S taking, or he f is punuing, or he is in a jour- entrance of Jezreel. Jezreei.

Tueb : hath a ney, or peradventure heileepcth, andmuftbe awaked.

28 And they cried aloud, and cut themfelves after
1 Elijah, threatened by Jezebel, jleeth to Beersheba:
their manner, with knives and lancets, till the blood
4 in the wilderness, being weary o£his life, he is com-
Id S?«£T t gufhed out upon them.
upon them. 29 And it came to pafs, when midday was paft, and forted by an angel : 9 at Horeb "God appeareth unto
tHeb. they prophefied until the time of the f offering of the him, andsendetb him to anoint Hazael, Jehu, and
«scen ing. Elisha. 19 Elisha taketh leave of his friends, and
cmnm g facrifice, that there was neither voice, nor any
followeth Elijah.
£.£*• f tten- to anfwer, nor any f that regarded.
30 If And Elijah faid unto all the people, Come near
unto me. And all the people came near unto him.
AN D Ahab and withal,
told Jezebel all that Elijah
how he had flain all the
had done*
And he repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken with the fvvord.
down. 2 Then Jezebel fent a meffenger unto Elijah, faying,
31 And Elijah took twelve according toftones, So let the gods do to me, and more alfo, if I make not

the number of the tribes of the fons of Jacob, unto thy life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about
preen. 32 whom the word of the Lord came, faying, a
Ifrael this time.
g^ziop {hall be thy name 3 And when he faw that, he ai#fe, and went for
1 ; :

El'isha by God's appointment\followeth Elijah. CHAP. XX. The Syrian s are smitten.

his life, and came to Beerfheba, which belongeth to 21 And he returned back from him, and took a yoke
Judah, and left his fervant there. of oxen, and flew them, and boiled their flelh with the
4 HBut he himfelfwent a day's journey into the inftruments of the oxen, and gave unto the people,
wildemefs, and came and fat down under a juniper and they did eat then he aroie, and went after Eli-

tree :and he requefled f for himfelf that he might jah and miniftered unto him.
his lift.
die ; and faid, It is enough ; now, O
Lord, take XX. CHAP.
away my life ; for I am not better than my fathers. 1 Benhadad, not content with Abab's homage, besieg-
5 And as he lay and flept under a juniper tree, be- eth Samaria. 13 By the direction of a prophet, we
hold, then an angel toucheddiim, and laid unto him, Syrians are smitten. 22 As the prophetforewarned
Arife and eat. Ahab, the Syrians next year come against him in
6 And he looked, and, behold, there was a cake Aphek. 28 By the word of a prophet and God's
+ H,'b. baken on the coals and a cruife of water at his f head judgment, the Syrians are again defeated with a
and he did eat and drink, and laid him dawn again. great slaughter. 3 1 The Syrians submitting them-
7 And the angel of the Lord came again the fec- selves, Ahab sendeth Benhadad away with a cove-
ond time, and touched him, and faid, Arife a?ideat nant of peace. 35 A
prophet, under a parable,
becaufe the journey is too great for thee. having brought Ahab to condemn himself, denounceth
8 And he arofe, and did eat and drink, and went God's judgment against him.
in the llrength of that meat forty days and forty nights,
unto Horeb the mount of God.
Benhadad the king of Syria gathered all his
hoft together, and there were thirty and two

9 If And he came thither unto a cave, and lodged kings with him, and horfes and chariots and he went ;

there and, behold, the word of the Lord came to him,

; up and beiieged Samaria, and warred againft it.
and he faid unto him, What doeft thou here, Elijah ? 2 And he fent meflengers to Ahab king of Ifrael, in-
10 And he faid, I have been very jealous for the to the city, and faid unto him, Thus faith Benhadad,
Lord God of hofls for the children of Ifrael have
: 3 Thy filver and thy gold is mine ; thy wives alfo
forfaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and and thy children, even the goodlieft, are mine.
aKom. ii J. a
flain thy prophets with the fword and I, even I only,
; 4 And the king of Ifrael anfwered and faid, My
am left, and they feek my life to take it away. lord, O
king, according to thy faying, I am thine, and
1 1 And he faid, Go forth, and fland upon the mount all that I have.
beforethe Lord. And, behold, the Lord paffed by, 5 And the meflengers came again, and faid, Thus
and a great and ftrong wind rent the mountains, and fpeaketh Benhadad, laying, Although I have fent unto
brake in pieces the rocks, before the Lord ; but the thee, faying, Thou lhalt deliver me thy lilver and thy
Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an gold, and thy wives, and thy children ;

earthquake but the Lord was not^n the earthquake

; 6 Yet I will fend my fervants unto thee tomorrow
12 And after the earthquake a fire ; but the Lord about this time, and they fhall fearch thine houfe, and
ivas not in the fire and after the fire a flill fmall voice.
: the houfes of thy fervants ; and it fhall be, that what-
13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he soever is f pleafant in thine eyes, they fhall put it in iirablc.
wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and their hand, and take it away.
flood in the entering in of the cave and, behold,
: 7 Then the king of Ifrael called all the elders of the
there came a voice unto him, and faid, What doeft land, and faid, Mark, I pray you, and fee how this
thou here, Elijah ? man feeketh mifchief for he fent unto me for my

14 And he faid, I have been very jealous for the wives and for my children, and for my lilver, and for
Lord God of holts becaufe the children of Ifrael my gold, and f I denied him not.
n back >t

have forfaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, 8 And all the elders, and all the people faid unto from him.
and flain thy prophets with the l'word and I, even I him» Hearken not unto him, nor content.

only, am left, and they feek my life, to take it away. 9 Wherefore he laid unto the meflengers of Ben-
15 And the Lord faid unto him. Go, return on hadad, Tell my lord the king, All that thou didft fend
thy way to the wildernefs of Damalcus and, when : for to thy fervant at the firft, I will do but this thing ;

thou comeft, anoint Hazael to be king over Syria I may not do.
And the meflengers departed, and
b J Kings 9
16 b And Jehu the fon of Nimfhi lhalt thou anoint brought him word again.
c Luke 4 27,
to be king over Ifrael
and Elilha the fon of Shaphat
; 10 And Benhadad fent unto him, and faid, The gods
called, £/«'- of Abelmeholah fhalt thou anoint to be prophet in thy do fo unto me, andmore alfo, if the dull of Samaria lhall
room. fuince forhandfuls for all the people that t follow me. at + Heh. are
my fit-
17 And it (hall come to pafs, that him that efcapcth 11 And the king of Ifrael anfwered and faid, Tell
the fword of Hazael, fhall Jehu ilay and him that him, Let not him that girdeth on his harness boaft

efcapeth from the fword of Jehu, fhall Elilha Hay. himfelf, as he that putteth it off. 4, 18 d Yet I have left me feven thouiand in Ifrael, all
|| 12 And it came to pafs, when Benhadad heard this
Or, I 'Will + Hcb.
leave. the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every t meffage (as he was drinking, he and the kings, in IVord.
mouth which hath not killed him. the pavilions,) that he faid unto his fervants,
Set Or, tents.
Or, Place

19 H So he departed thence, and found Elifha the yourselves in array : and they fet themselves in array the engines -

and they
fon of Shaphat, who was ploughing with twelve yoke againft the city. placed en-
of oxen before him, and he with the twelfth and Eli- : 13 H And, behold, there tcame a prophet unto T Hen. ap-
jah paffed by him, and caft his mantle upon him. Ahab king of Ifrael, faying, Thus faith the Lord, proached.
20 And he left the oxen, and ran after Elijah, and Haft thou feen all this great multitude ? behold, I will
laid, Let me, I pray thee, kifs my father and my moth- deliver it into thine hand this day and thou fhalt ;

er, and then I will follow thee. And he laid unto him, know that I am the Lord.
+ Meb. Cto t Go back again : for what have I done to thee ? 14 And Ahab faid, By whom ? And he Hud, Thus
2K latth
; ,

The Syrians submit themselves. I. KINGS. Nab o-th refuseth Ahab his vineyard.
faith the Lord, Even by die young men of the || ropes on their heads, and came to the king of Ifrael, and
princes of the provinces. Then he faid, lhall Who faid, Thy fervant Benhadad faith, I pray thee, let me
t order the battle ? And he anfwered, Thou. live. And he faid, Is he yet alive lie is my brother. ?

15 Then he numbered the young men of the princes 33 Now the men did diligently obferve whether any
of the provinces, and they were two hundred and thir- thing 'would come from him, and did haftily catch it:
ty two and after them he numbered all the people,
: and they faid,Thy brother Benhadad. Then he faid,
even all the children of Ifrael, being feven thoufand. Go ye, bring him. Then Benhadad came forth to
16 And they went out at noon but Benhadad was :. him and he caufed him to come up into the chariot.

drinking himfelf drunk in the pavilions, he and the 34 And Benhadad faid unto him,, The cities which
kings, the thirty and two kings that helped him. my father took from thy father, I will reftore ; and
17 And the young men of the princes of the prov- thou (halt make ftreets for thee in Damafcus as my
inces went out firft and Benhadad fent out,, and they
: father made in Samaria. Then said Ahab, I will fend
told him, faying, There are men come out of Samaria. thee away with this covenant. So he made a cove-
18 And he faid,. Whether they be come out for nant with him. and fent him away-
peace, take them alive or whether they be come out
; 35IT And a certain man of the fons of the prophets

for war, take them alive. faid untohis neighbour in the word of the Lord, Smite
19 So thefe young men of the princes of the prov- me, I pray thee. And the man refufed to fmite him.
inces came out of the city, and the army which fol- 36 Then faid he unto him, Becaufe thou haft not
lowed them. obeyed the voice of the Lord, Behold, as foon as
20 And they flew every one his man and the Syri- ;. thou art departed from me, a lion ihall flay thee. And
ans fled, and Ifrael purfued them and Benhadad the : as foon as he was departed from him, a lion found him
king of Syria efcaped on an horfe with the horfemen. and flew him.
21 And the king of Ifrael went out and fmote the 57 Then he found another man, and faid, Smite
horfes and chariots, and flew the Syrians with a great me, I pray thee. And the man fmote him, f fo that i Heb. smlt'
ing and
Daughter. in linking he wounded him. •woimctinfe-

22 11 And
the prophet came to the king of Ifrael, 38 So the prophet departed, and waited for the
and faidunto him, Go, ftrengthen thyfelf, and mark, king by the way, and difguifed himfelf with allies
and fee what thou doeft for at the return of the year
: upon his face.
the king of Syria will come up againft. thee. 39 And as the king paffed by, he cried unto the
23 And the fervants of the king of Syria faid unto king and he faid, Thy fervant went out into the

him, Their gods ore gods of the hills, therefore they


midft of the battle ; and behold, a man turned afide,

were ftronger than we but let us fight againft them
:. and brought a man unto me, and faid, Keep this man :

in the plain, and furely we lhall be ftronger than they. if by any means he be miffing, then lhall thy life be
24 And do this thing, Take the kings away, every for his life, or elfe thou lhalt f pay a talent of lilver. tHeb,
man out of his place, and put captains in their rooms ;
40 And as thy fervant was bufy here and there, f he T Heb. he
was nut.
JHeb. that
ivas fallen.
25 And number thee an army like the army f that was gone. And the king of Ifrael faid unto him, So
thou haft loft, horfe for horfe,. and chariot for chariot shall thy judgment be ; thyfelf haft decided it.
and w e will fight againft. them in the plain, a?id furely
41 And he hailed and took the away from his
we lhall be ftronger than they. And he hearkened face and the king of Ifrael difcerned him that, he was

unto their voice, and didfo.. of the prophets.

a Chap f
900. 26 And it came to pafs, at the return of the year, 42 And he laid unto him, Thus faith the Lord, be- 2237.
that Benhadad numbered the Syrians, and went up to caufe thou haft let go out of thy hand a I man whom
-fr Heb. to
the itiar •with
Aphek, t to fight againft JfraeL appointed to utter deftru6lion, therefore thy life lhall
Israel. 27 And the children of Ifrael were numbered,, and go for his life,, and thy people for his people-
C Or, -were
victualled- I!were ail prefent, and went againft them and the : 43 And the king of Ifrael went to his houfe heavy
children of Ifrael pitched before them like two little and difpleafed, and came to Samaria.
nocks of kids
28 If
; but the Syrians filled the country.
there came a man of God, and fpake un-
to the king of Ifrael, and faid, Thus faith the Lord, 1 Ahab is sore distressed at being refused Naboth'' s vine-
Becaufe the Syrians have faid, The Lord is God of yard. 5 Jezebelcomforteth him, and by lettersprocur-
cth Naboth to be stoned: 15 She sendeth Ahab to take
the hiils, but he is not God of the vallies ; therefore
possession ofthe vineyard. 1 7 Elijah denouncethjudg'
will I deliver all this great multitude into thine hand,
and ye lhall know that I am- the Lord. ments against Ahab and Jezebel, 27 Ahab repent-
29 And they pitched one over againft the other feven ing, GoddeferretJj the punishment to bis son's days.
days; _and so it was, that in the leventh day the battle
was joined \ and the children of Ifrael flew of the
AND it came to pafs, after thefe things that Naboth

the Jezreelite had a vineyard, which wasya. Jez-


Syrians an hundred thoufand footmen in- one day.. reel hard by the palace of Ahab king of Samaria.
30 But the reft lied to Aphek, into the city ; and 2 And Ahab ipake unto Naboth, faying, Give me
there a wall fell upon twenty and feven thoufand of thy vineyard, that I may have it for a garden of herbs,
the men that were left. And Benhadad Sed, and becaufe it is near unto my
houfe and I will give thee

] Or, from
chamber to
came into the city, f into an inner chamber.
|| for it a better vineyard than it or, if it t feem good +He b,

31 U And his fervants faid unto him. Behold now, to thee, I will give thee the worth of it in money- ^17^1
a chamber we have heard that the kings of the hou'fe of Ifrael are 3 And Naboth faid to Ahab, The Lord forbid it
let us, we pray thee, putfackcloth on me, that I Ihould give the inheritance of my fathers

chamber. merciful kings :

our and ropes upon our heads, and.gooutto

loins, unto thee.
the king of Ifrael peradventure he will fave thy life.
; 4 And Ahab came into his houfe heavy and dif-
32 So they girded fackcloth on their loins, andpwf pleafed, becaufe of the word which Naboth the Jez-
2 reelite

judgments denounced against Ahah : CHAP. XXII. He is seducedby false prophets,

reelite had fpoken to him for he had ; faid, I will not \ the fon of Ahijah, for the provocation wherewith thou
give thee the inheritance of my fathers and he laid : haft provoked me to anger, and made Ifrael to fin.
him down upon his bed, and turned away his face, 23 And of f Jezebel alfo fpake the Lord, laying, l\f>*&
9 3°-
and would eat no bread. The dogs fhall eat Jezebel by the wall of Jczreel. tar, ditch.

5 II But Jezebel his wife came to him, and faid unto 24 Him that dieth of Ahab in the city the dogs i hall
him, Why is thy fpirit fo fad, that thou eateil no bread ? eat ; and him that dieth in the field fhall the fowls of
6 And he faid unto her, Became I fpake unto Na- the air eat.
both the Jezreelite, and faid unto him, Give me thy 25 (But there was none like unto Ahab, which did
vineyard for money \ or elfe, if it pleafe thee, I will fell himfelf to work wickednefs in the fight of the
f Or,
give thee another vineyard for it and he anfwered, I
; Lord, whom Jezebel his wife ftirred up. || ir.:it:i.

will not give thee my vineyard. 26 And he did very abominably in following idols,
7 And Jezebel his wife faid unto him, Doll thou according to all thi?igs as did the Amorites, whom the
now govern the kingdom of Ifrael ? arife, and eat Lord call out before the children of Ifrael.)
bread, and let thine heart be merry I will give thee
: 27 If And it came to pafs, when Ahab heard thofe
the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite. words, that he rent his clothes, and put fackcloth upon
8 So fhe wrote letters in Ahab'sname, and fealed them his fielh and failed, and lay in fackcloth, and went foftly.

with his leal, andfentthe letters unto the elders, and to 28 And the word of the Lord came to Elijah the
the nobles, that werein his city dwelling with Naboth. Tiihbite, faying,
9 And lhe wrote in the letters, faying, Proclaim a 29 Seeft thou how Ahab humbleth himfelf before
1 Heb. in
the top of faft, and fet Naboth f on high among the people : me ? becaufe he humbleth himfelf before me, I will
the people.
10 And fet two men, fons of Belial, before him, to not bring the evil in his days ; but in his fon's days
bear witnefs againft him, faying, Thou didft blafpheme will I bring the evil upon his houfe.
God and the king and then carry him out, and ftone
him, that hemay die. 1 Ahab seducedby false prophets, according to the word
11 And the men of his city, evett the elders and the of. Micaiah, is slain at Ramothgilead : 37 the dogs
nobles, who were the inhabitants in his city, did as lick up his blood ; Ahaziah succeedetb him. 41 Je-
Jezebel had fent unto them, and as it was written in hoshaphaV s good reign: 50 Jehoram succeedeth him.
the letters which fhe had fent unto them
12 They proclaimed a faft, and fet Naboth on high
AN D they continued three years without war be-
tween Syria and Ifrael.

the people. 2 And it came to pafs in the third year, that a Je- a > Chron.
18 1, &.c.
13 And
there came in two men, children of Belial, hofhaphat the king of Judah came down to the king
and fat before him and the men of Belial witneffed
: of Ifrael.
againft him, even againft Naboth, in the prelence of 3 And the king of Ifrael faid unto his fervants, Know
the people, faying, Naboth did blafpheme God and the ye that Ramoth in Gilead is ours, and we be t ftill, and t Heb.
king. Then they carried him forth out of the city, take it not out of the hand of the king of Syria ? SS$!"
and ftoned him with ftones that he died. 4 And he faid unto Jehofhaphat, Wilt thou go with
14 Then they fent to Jezebel, faying, Naboth is me to battle to Ramothgilead ? And Jehofhaphat faid
ftoned, and is dead. to the king of Ifrael, b I am as thou art, my people as b, Km gB
15 If And it came to pafs, when Jezebel heard that thy people, my horfes as thy horfes.
Naboth was ftoned, and was dead, that Jezebel faid 5 If And Jehofhaphat faid unto the king of Ifrael In - ,

to Ahab, Arife, take poffeifion of the vineyard of Na- quire, I pray thee, at the word of the Lord today.
both the Jezreelite, which he refufed to give thee for 6 Then the king of Ifrael gathered the prophets to-
money for Naboth is not alive, but dead.
: gether, about four hundred men, and faid unto them.
16 And it came to pafs when Ahab heard that Naboth
, Shall I go againft Ramothgilead to battle, or fhall I
was dead, that Ahab rofe up to go down to the vine- forbear ? And they faid, Go up for the Lord fhall

yard of Naboth the Jezreelite, to take poffeffion of it. deliver it into the hand of the king.
17 If And the word of the Lord came to Elijah the 7 If And Jehofhaphat laid, Is there not here a prophet
Tiihbite, faying, of the Lord befide, that we might inquire of him ?
18 Arife, go down to meet Ahab king of Ifrael, 8 And the king of Ifrael faid unto Jehofhaphat, There
which is in Samaria behold, he is in the vineyard of
: is yet one man (Micaiah the fon of Imlah) by whom

Naboth, whither he is gone down to pollefs it. we may inquire of the Lord but I hate him for he
: ;

19 And thou fhalt fpeak unto him, faying, Thus doth not prophefy good concerning me, but evil, And
faith the killed, and alfo taken pof-
Lord, Haft thou Jehofhaphat faid. Let not the king fay fo.
feffion ? And
thou fhalt fpeak unto him, faying, Thus 9 Then the king of Ifrael called an officer, and i°r'. ||

faith the Lord, In the place where dogs licked the faid, Haften hither Micaiah the fon of Imlah.
blood of Naboth, fhall dogs lick thy blood, even thine. 10 And the king of Ifrael, and Jehofhaphat the king
• 20 And Ahab faid to Elijah, Haft thou found me, of Judah, fat each on his throne, having put on their
O mine enemy ? And he anfwered, I have found thee. robes in a f void place in the entrance of the gate of tHebjiwK
Becaufe thou haft fold thyfelf to work evil in the light Samaria and all the prophets propheiied before them.

of the Lord, 11 And Zedekiah the fon of Chenaanah made him

a Chip. 14 to 21 Behold, I will bring evil upon thee, and will horns of iron and he faid, Thus faith the Lord,
J Kings 9 8.
take away thy pofterity, and will cut off from Ahab With thele fhalt thou pufh the Syrians, until thou
b I Sam. b
him that pifleth againft the wall, and c him that is fhut have confumed them.
cchap.14io.up and left in Ifrael 12 And all the prophets prophefied fo, faying, Go
ic.hap.15 jo. 22 And will make thine houfe like the houfe of d Je- up to Ramothgilead, and profper for the Lord fhall :

tch»p. 16 3 .
roboam the ton of Nebat, and like the houfe of [ Baalha deliver it into the king's hand.
13 And

Ahab is slain at Ramothgilead I. KINGS. Jehoshaphat is buried, AhaziahV evil reign,

13 And was gone to call Mica-
the meffenger that 33 And it came
to pafs, when the captains of the
iah fpake unto him, faying, Behold now, the words chariots perceived that it was not the king of Ifrael,
of the prophets declare good unto the king with one that they turned back from purfuing him.
mouth let thy word, I pray thee, be like the word
: 34 If And a certain man drew a bow f at a venture, f Heb. in his
of one of them, and fpeak that which is good. and fmote the king of Ifrael between the f joints of "it*?1"
14 And Micaiah faid, As the Lord liveth, what the harnefs : wherefore he faid unto the driver of his %!fbrt2ft.
the Lord faith unto me, that will I fpeak. chariot, Turn thine hand, and carry me out of the plttUi -

15 11 So he came to the king. And the king faid hoft ;- for I am

t wounded. t Heb -««<fc
unto him, Micaiah, fhall we go againit Ramothgilead 35 And the battle f increafed that day and the tHeb. :

to battle, or fhall we forbear ? And he anfwered him, king was flayed up in his chariot againft the Syrians, aicendcdt
Go and profper : for the Lord fhall deliver it into the and died at even : and the blood ran out of the wound
hand of the king. into the midft of the chariot. iHehr
16 And the king faid unto him, How many times 36 And there went a proclamation throughout the bo " m -

fhall I adjure thee that thou tell me nothing but that hofl, about the going down of the fun, faying, Every
-which is true in the name of the Lord ? man to his city, and every man to his own country.
And he faid, I faw all Ifrael fcattered upon the
17 37 If So the king died, and f was brought to Sama- tHeb,
hills,asiheep thathavenotafhepherd and the Lord : ria, and they buried the king in Samaria. ctme.

faid, Thefe have no mafter ; let them return every 38 And one wafhed the chariot in the pool of Sama-
man to his houfe in peace. ria and the dogs licked up his blood, (and they wafh-

18 And the king of Ifrael faid unto Jehofhaphat, ed his armour,) according d unto the word of the Lord dChap.
Did I not tell thee that he would prophefy no good which he fpake. 21 19.

concerning me, but evil ? 39 If Now the reft of the acls of Ahab, and all that
19 And he faid, Hear thou, therefore, the word of he did, and the ivory houfe which he made, and all
the Lord I faw the Lord fitting on his throne, and
: the cities that he built, are they not written in the
all the hoft of heaven {landing by him, on his right book of the Chronicles of the kings of Ifrael ?
hand and on his left. m
40 So Ahab jflept with his fathers and Ahaziah ;
f Or, deed vi
20 And the Lord faid, Who fhall ||
perfuade Ahab his fon reigned in his flead.
that he may go up and fall at Ramothgilead ? And one 41 If And e Jehofhaphat the fon of Afa began to reign Began to
faid on this manner, and another faid on that maimer. over Judah in the fourth year of Ahab king of Ifrael. reign alonr.

21 And there came forth a fpirit, and ftood before 42 Jehofhaphat was thirty and five years old when "Q»
20 3l *
the Lord, and faid, I will perfuade him. be began to reign ; and he reigned twenty and five
22 And the Lord faid unto him, Wherewith ? And years in Jeryfalem ; and his mother's name was Azu-
he faid, I will go forth, and I will be a lying fpirit in the bah, the daughter of Shilhi.
mouth of all his prophets. And he faid, Thou (halt 43 And he walked in all the ways of Afa his father
perfuade him, and prevail alfo go forth, and do fo. : he turned not afide from it, doing that which was right
23 Now, therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a in the eyes of the Lord neverthelefs, the high places

lying fpirit in the mouth of all thefe thy prophets, and were not taken away ; for the people offered a burnt
the Lord hath fpoken evil concerning thee. incenfe yet in the high places.
c i Chron.
24 But Zedekiah thefonof Chenaanah went near, and 44 And Jehofhaphat made peace with the king of
1823. frnoteMicaiah on the cheek, and faid, c Which way went Ifrael.
the Spirit of the Lord from me to fpeak unto thee ? 45 Now the reft of the acls of Jehofhaphat, and
25 And Micaiah faid, Behold, thou (halt fee in that his might that he fhewed, and how he warred, are
Or, from

chamber to day, when thou fhalt go into f an inner chamber to

they not written in the book of the Chronicles of the
hide thyfelf. kings of Judah ?
a chamber.
26 And the king of Ifrael faid, Take Micaiah, and 46 And the remnant of the Sodomites, which remain-
carry him back unto Anion the governor of the city, ed in the days of his father Afa, he took out of the land.
and to Joafh the king's fon ; 47 There was then no king in Edom a deputy :

27 And Thus faith the king, Put this fello%v in

fay, was king.
the prifon, and feed him with bread of affliction, and 48 Jehofhaphat made fhips of Tharfhifh to go to

with water of affliction, until I come in peace. Ophir for gold but they went not for the fhips temhipi.
: ;

28 And Micaiah faid, If thou return at all in peace, were broken at Eziongeber.
the Lor d hath not fpoken by me. And he faid, Heark- 49 Then faid Ahaziah the fon of Ahab unto Jeho-
en, O
people, every one of you. fhaphat, Let my fervants go with thy fervants in the
If So the king of Ifrael, and Jehofhaphat the fhips but Jehofhaphat would not.

Or, 'when
king of Judah, went up to Ramothgilead. 50 If And Jehofhaphat flept with his fathers, and

ke nuai to 30 And the king of Ifrael faid unto Jehofhaphat, I || was buried with his fathers in the city of David his
him self and
will difguife myfelf, and enter into the battle, but put father and Jehoram his fon reigned in his flead.
crfcr into the
thou on thy ro bes. And the king of Ifrael difguifed 51 Tf Ahaziah the fon of Ahab began to reign over NowW
himfelf, and went into the battle. Ifrael in Samaria the feventeenth year of Jehofhaphat ^f^J^.
31 If But the king of Syria commanded his thirty king of Judah, and reigned two years over Ifrael.
and two captains, that had rule over his chariots, fay- 52 And he did evil in the fight of the Lord, and
ing, Fight neither with fmall nor great, fave only with walked in the way of his father, and in the way of
the king of Ifrael. his mother, and in the way of Jeroboam the fon of
32 And
came to pafs, when the captains of the
it Nebat, who made Ifrael to fin :

chariots faw Jehofhaphat, that they faid, Surely it is 53 For he ferved Baal, and worfhipped him, and
the king of Ifrael. And they turned afide to fight provoked to anger the Lord God of Ifrael, according
againft him ; and Jehofhaphat cried out. to all that his father had done.
The Second Book of the KXNG S, commonly called*

The Fourth Book of the KING S.

and burnt up the two captains of the former fifties
with their fifties therefore let my life now be prec-
cir. 896.

Ahaziah sending to Baalzebub hath his sentence of ious in thy light.

death from the Lord by Elijah. 5 Elijah twice 15 And the angel of the Lord faid unto Elijah,
bringeth fire from heaven upon them whom Ahaziah Go down with him be not afraid of him. And he

sent to apprehend him : 13 he is moved by the third arofe, and went down with him unto the king.
captain's suit, &c. 16 And he faid unto him, Thus faith the Lord,
a Chap. 3 5.
death of Ahab.
rebelled againft Ifrael,
after the Forafmuch as thou haft fent meffengers to inquire
of Baalzebub the god of Ekron, is it not becaufe
2 And Ahaziah fell down through a latice in his there is no God in Ifrael to inquire of his word ? )
upper chamber that was in Samaria, and was lick :
therefore thou fhalt not come down off that bed on
and he fent meffengers, and faid unto them, Go, in- which thou art gone up, but ihalt furely die.
quire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron, whether I ihall 17 If So he died, according to the word of the Lo r d The sec-
ond year
recover of this dileafe. which Elijah had fpoken ; and Jehoram reigned in that
3 But the angel of the Lord faid to Elijah the his ftead, in the fecond year of Jehoram the fon of
Tilhbite, Arife, go up to meet the meffengers of the Jehofhaphat king of Judah ; becaufe he had no fon. iteS^
teenth of
king of Samaria, and fay unto them, Is it not becaufe 18 Now the reft of the a6ts of Ahaziah which he Jehosha-
there is not a God in Ifrael, that ye go to inquire of did, are they not written in the book of the Chroni- phat.
3 >•
Baalzebub the God of Ekron I cles of the kings of Ifrael ?
ted "whither
4 Now, therefore, thus faith the Lord, f Thou CHAP. II.
fhalt not come down from that bed on which thou art
F°"j;Es< Elijah in vain persuadeth Elisha to leave him, with
£?f«»i"J<£n gone up, but fhalt furely die. And Elijah departed. 1
from it.
5 If And when the meffengers turned back unto his mantle divideth Jordan. 9 Elijah conditionally
him, he faid unto them, Why
are ye now turned back ? granting Elisha his request, is taken up by a fiery
6 And they faid unto him, There came a man up to chariot into heaven. 12 Elisha, dividing Jordan
meet us, and faid unto us, Go, turn again unto the with Elijah's mantle, is acknowledged his successor.
king that fent you, and fay unto him. Thus faith the 16 The young prophets with difficulty obtain leave of
Lord, Is it not becaufe there is not a God in Ifrael, him to seek Elijah. 19 Elisha with sail healeth the
that thou fendeft to inquire of Baalzebub the god of unwholesome waters. 23 Two she bears destroy the
Ekron ? therefore thou fhalt not come down from that children that mocked him.

bed on which thou art gone up, but fhalt furely die.
7 And he faid unto them, t What manner of man
AN D it came to pafs, when the Lord would take

up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind, that

She manner ivas he which came up to meet you, and told you Elijah went with Elifha from Gilgal.
of the man.
thefe words ? 2 And Elijah faid unto Elifha, Tarry here, I pray
8 And they anfwered him, He ivas an hairy man, thee; for the Lord hath fent me to Bethel. And
and girt with a girdle of leather about his loins. And Elifha faid unto him, As the Lord liveth, and as thy
he faid, It is Elijah the Tifhbite. foul liveth, I will not leave thee, So they went down
9 Then the king fent unto him a captain of fifty, to Bethel.
with his fifty r and he went up to him (and, behold,; 3 And the fons of the prophets that were at Bethel
he fat on the top of an hill;) and he fpake unto came forth to Elifha, and faid unto him, Knoweftdiou
him, Thou man of God r the king hath faid, Come that the Lord will take away thy mafter from thy
down. head today ? And he faid, Yea, I know it ; hold ye
10 And Elijah anfwered and faid to the captain of your peace.
fifty, If I be a man of God, then let fire come down 4 And Elijah faid unto him, Elifha tarry here, I
from heaven, and confume thee and thy fifty. And pray thee ; Lord hath fent me to Jericho. And
for the
there came down fire from heaven, and confumed he faid, As the Lord liveth, and as thy foul liveth, I
him and his fifty. will not leave thee. So they came to Jericho.
11 Again alfohe fent unto him another captain of 5 And
the fons of the prophets that were at Jericho
fifty with his fifty and he anfwered^ and faid unto
: came to Elifha, and faid unto him, Knowefl thou that
him, O man of God, thus hath the king faid, Come the Lord will take away thy mafler from thy head
down quickly. to day ? And he anfwered, Yea, I know it ; hold ye
12And Elijah anfwered and faid unto him, If I be your peace.
a man of God, let fire come down from heaven, and 6 And Elijah faid unto him, Tarry, I pray thee,
confume thee and thy fifty. And the fire of God here for the Lord hath fent me to Jordan. And he

came down from heaven, and confumed him and his faid, As the Lord liveth, and as thy foul liveth, I
fifty. will not leave thee. And they two went on.
13 If And he fent again a captain of the third fifty 7 And fifty men of the fons of the prophets went, and
with his fifty and the third captain of fifty went up, + Iltb.
: flood f to view afar off: and they two flood by Jordan. insight,
tHeb. and came and f fell on his knees before Elijah, and 8 And Elijah took his mantle, and wrapped it to- ot, over
befought him, and faid unto him, man of God. IO gether, and fmote the waters, and they were divided
pray thee, let my life, and the life of thefe fifty thy hither and thither fo that they two went over on dry

fervants, be precious in thy fight. ground.

14 Behold, there came lire down from heaven, 9 If And it came to pafs, when they were gone over,
; ;

Elisha by salt healeth the waters. II. KINGS. Be promts eth water •, and an assurance ofvictory.
that Elijah faid unto Elifha, Afk what I fhall do for Elisha promiseth water; and an assurance of victo-
thee before I be taken away from thee. And Eliiha ry. 20 The Moabites taking water for blood, and
faid, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy fpirit be coming to spoil are overcome. 26 The king of Moab
upon me: sacrificeth his eldest son, andraiseth the siege.

10 And he
nevertheless, if thou fee
faid, f Thou haft afked a hard thing
me when I am taken from thee,
NO W Jehoram the fon of Ahab began to reign over
Ifrael in Samaria the eighteenth year of Jehofha-
it fhall be fo unto thee but if not, it fhall not be fo. phat king of Judah, and reigned twelve years.

11 And it came
to pafs, as they frill went on and 2 And he wrought evil in the fight of the Lor d but ,

talked, that, behold, there appeared & chariot of fire, not like his father, and like his mother for he put ;

and horfes of fire, and parted them both afunder away the t image of Baal that his father had made. +Heb.
aEcclus. 4S
p. i Mac. 2 i£.
and a Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. 3 Neverthelefs he cleaved unto the fins of Jeroboam

b Chap. 1314. And Eliiha law it ; and he cried, b

12 U father, My the fon of Nebat which made Ifrael to fin he de- ;

my father the chariot of Ifrael, and the horfemen

! parted not therefrom.
thereof. And he faw him no more : and he took hold 4 And Mefha king of Moab was a fheepmafter, and
of his own clothes, and rent them in two pieces. rendered unto the king of Ifrael an hundred thoufand
13 He took up alfo the mantle of Elijah that fell lambs, and an hundred thoufand rams, with the woo^
i Keb. lip.
from him, and went back, and flood by the f bank of 5 But it came to pafs, when a Ahab was dead, that achap. i.<
Jordan : the king of Mpab rebelled againft the king of Ifrael.
14 And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from
_ 6 H And king Jehoram went out of Samaria the
him, and fmote the waters, and faid, Where is the fame time, and numbered all Ifrael.
Lord God of Elijah ? And when he alfo had fmitten 7 And he went and fent to Jehofhaphat the king of «95-

the waters, they parted hither and thither ; and Eliiha Judah, faying, The king of Moab hath rebelled againft
went over. me wilt thou go with me againft Moab to battle ?

15 And when the fons of the prophets, which were And he faid, I will go up a I am as thou art, my peo-
; b i Kings
Verse 22 4.
and my horfes
c 7. e
to view at Jericho, faw him, they faid, The fpirit of ple as thy people, as thy horfes.
Elijah doth reft on Eliiha. And they came to meet 8 And he laid, Which way fhall wc_go up ? And he
him, and bowed themfelves-to the ground before him. anfwered, The way through the wildernefs of Edom.
16 H And they faid unto him, Behold now, there 9 So the king of Ifrael went, and the king of Judah,
f Heb.
of strength.
be with thy fervants fifty f ftrong men, let them go, and the king of Edom and they fetched a compafs

pray thee, and leek thy mailer left peradventure ;
offeven days' journey and there was no water for

the Spirit of the Lord hath taken him up, and caft the hoft, and for the cattle f that followed them. tHeb. at
their feet.
ItemwJL mrn u P° n t fome mountain, or into fome valley. And
10 And the king of Ifrael faid, Alas, that the Lord
he faid, Ye fhall not fend. hath called thefe three kings together, to deliver them
17 And when they urged him till he was afhamed, into the hand of Moab !

he faid, Send. They fent therefore fifty men ; and 11 But Jehofhaphat faid, Is there not here a pro-
they fought three days, but found him not. phet of the Lord, that we may inquiue of the Lord
18 And when they came again to him, (for he tar- by him ? And one of the king of lfrael's fervants an-
ried at Jericho,) he laid unto them, Did I not fay unto fwered, and faid, Here is Eliiha the fon of Shaphat,
you, Go not? which poured water on the hands of Elijah.
19 1 And the men of the city faid unto Elifha, Be- 12 And Jehofhaphat faid, The word of the Lord is
hold, I pray thee, the fituation of this city is pleafant, with him. So the king of Ifrael, and Jehofhaphat, and
as my lord feeth but the water is naught, and the
the king of Edom went down to him.
}«*?• ««5. .-* ground

f barren. 13 And Eliiha faid unto the king of Ifrael, What

20 And he faid, Bring me a new cruife, and put fait have I to do with thee ? get thee to the prophets of
therein and they brought it to him.
: thy father, and to the prophets of thy mother. And
21 And he went forth unto the fpring of the waters, the king of Ifrael faid unto him, Nay for the Lord ;

and there, and faid, Thus faith the

caft the fait in hath called thefe three kings together, to deliver them
Lord, I have healed thefe waters ; there fhall not be into the hand of Moab.
from thence any more death or barren land. 14 And Elifha faid, As the Lord of hofts liveth,
22 So the waters were healed unto this day, accord-, before whom I ftand, furely were it not that I regard
ing to the faying of Eliiha, which he fpake. the prefence of Jehofhaphat the king of Judah, I would
23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel" and, : not look toward thee, nor fee thee.
as he was going up by the way, there came forth little 15 But now bring me a minftrel. And it came to
children out of the city, and mocked him, and faid pafs, when the minftrel played, that the hand of the
unto him, Go up thou bald head ;
go up thou bald Lord came upon him.
head. 16 And he faid, Thus faith the Lord, Make this
24 And he turned back and looked on them, and valley full of ditches :

curfcd them in the name of the Lord and there ; 17 For thus faith the Lord, Ye fhall not fee wind,
came forth, two fhe bears out of the wood, and tare

neither fhall } e fee rain yet that valley fhall be filled

forty and two children^ of them. with water, that ye may drink, both ye and your cat-
25 And he went flora, thence to mount Carmel tle, and your beafts.
and from thence he Returned to Samaria. 18 And this is but a light tiling in the fight of the
HI. Lord : he will deliver the Moabites alfo into your
1 Jehoranfs evil reign, 4 Mcsha king of Moab rebel- hand.
leth. 6 Jehoram with Jchoshaphat, and the king of 19 And ye fhall finite every fenced city, and every
Edom, going against him, are in want of wqter ; choice city, and fhall fell every good tree, and ftop
Elisha multiplleth the widow s oil. CHAR IV. She gocth to him, to Carmel.

all wells of water, and f mar every good piece of land 8 Tl And f it fell on a day, that Eliiha patted to Shu-
with ftones. nem, where was a great woman and fhe f conflrain-

20 1 And it came to pafs in the morning, when the ed him to eat bread. And so it was, that, as oft as he
meat offering was offered, that, behold, there came paffed by, he turned in thither to eat bread.
water by the way of Edom, and the country was filled 9 And fhe faid unto her hufband, Behold now, I
with water. perceive that this is an holy man of God, which pafT-
21 And when all the Moabites heard that the kings eth by us continually.
tuers cri- were come up to fight againft them, they t gathered 10 Let us make a little chamber, I pray thee, on the
ed together.
THco. all that were able to f put on armour, and upward, wall and let us fet for him there a bed, and a table,

gird himself
and flood in the border. and aftool, and a candleflick and it fhall be, when he
•with a girdle.
22 And they role up early in the morning, and the cometh to us, that he fhall turn in thither.
fun fhone upon the water, and the Moabites faw the 11 And it fell on a day, that he came thither, and
water on the other fide as red as blood. he turned into the chamber, and lay there.
23 And they faid, This is blood the kings are ; 12 And he faid to Gehazi his fervant, Call this
VHeb. finely t flain, and they have fmitten one another now, : Shunammite. And, when he had called her, fhe flood
therefore, Moab, to-fhefpoil. before him.
24 And, when they came to the camp of Ifrael, the 13 And he faid unto him, Say now unto her, Be-
Ifraelites rofe up and fmote the Moabites, fo that they hold, thou haft been careful for us with all this care ;
fled before them but they went forward fmiting
; i|
what is to be done for thee ? wouldeft thou be fpoken
they smote the Moabites, even in their country. for to the king, or to the captain of the hofl ? And fhe
in it even
smiting. 25 And they beat down the cities, and on every anfwered, I dwell among mine own people.
good piece of land call: every man his ilone, and filled 14 And lie faid, What then is to be done for her ?
it and they flopped all the wells of water, and felled
; And Gehazi anfwered, Verily fhe hath no child, and
tHeb. all the good trees f only in Kirharaieth left they the
: her hufband is old.
until he left
the stones ftones thereof; howbeit, the flingers went about it, 15 And he faid, Caliber. i\nd, when he had called
thereof in
Kirhitmseth. and fmote it. her, fhe flood in the door.
26 M And when the king of Moab faw that the bat- 16 And he faid, a About this f feafon, according to a Gen,
r8 io.
tle was too fore for him, he took with him feven hun- the time of life, thou fhalt embrace a fon. And fhe tHeb.
faid, Nay, my lord, thou man of God, do not lie unto
dred men that drew fwords, to break through even it."

unto the king of Edom but they could not. : thine handmaid.
27 Then he took his eldeft fon, that ihouid have 17 And the woman conceived, and bare a fon at
reigned in his ftead, and offered him for a burnt of- that feafon that Elifha had faid unto her, according to
fering upon the wall. And there was great indigna-[[ the time of life.
Iirad iv a s
icrs irievid.
tion againfl Ifrael and they departed from
: and Mm, 18 IF And, when the child was grown, it fell on a
returned to their own land. day, that he went out to his father to the reapers.
CHAP. IV. 19 And he faid unto his father, head, Myhead I my
1 Elisha multiplieth the widow's oil: 8 he is hospita- And he faid to a lad, Carry him to his mother.
bly entertained by a great woman at Shunem, who 20 And when he had taken him, and brought him
is requited by the promise of a son : 18 he by pray- to his mother r he fat on her knees till noon, and then
er raiselhher dead son to life : 33 at Gilgal be heal- died.
eth the deadly pottage : 42 he satisfieih an hundred 21 And fhe went up, and laid him on the bed of the
men iinth twenty loaves. man of God, and fhut the door upon him, and went out.
NOW there cried a certain woman of the wives of
the fons of the prophets unto Elifha, faying, Thy
22 And fhe called unto her hufband, and faid, Send
me, I pray thee, one of the young men, and one of the
fervant, myhufband, is dead ; and thou knoweflthat affes, that I may run to the man of God, andcome again.
thy fen-ant did fear the Lord and the creditor is : 23 And he faid, Wherefore wilt thou go to him to
come to take unto him my
two fons to be bondmen. day ? it is neither new moon nor fabbath. And fhe
2 And Eliflia faid unto her, What fhall I do for faid, It fhall be f well. tHcb.
thee ? tell me what haft thou in the houfe ? and fhe
: 24 Then fhe faddled an afs, and faid to her fervant, peace.

faid, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the houfe Drive and go forward f flack not thy riding for me,
; •f
faye a pot of oil. except bid thee.
I net forme

3 T
hen he faid Go borrow thee veffels abroad of all
, , 25 So flie went, and came unto the man of God to to ride.

J Or, thy neighbours, even empty veffels; borrownota few. || mount Carmel. And it came to pafs, when the man
iCHnl Kit.
4 And when thou art come in, thou fhait fhut the of God faw her afar off, that he faid to Gehazi his
door upon thee, and upon thy fons, and (halt pour fervant, Behold, yonder is that Shunammite :

out into all thofe veffels, and thou fhalt fet aude that 26 Run now, I pray thee, to meet her and fay unto' ;

which is full. her, Is it well with thee ? is it well with thy hufband ]
5 So Ihe went from him, and fhut the door upon is it well with the child ? And fhe anfwered, It is well.
her and upon her fons, who brought the vessels to her, 27 And when fhe came to the man of God, to the
and fhe poured out. hill, flie caught him f by the feet but Gehazi came
: t Hcb.
6 Andit came to pafs when the veffels were full, that near to thruft her away. And the man of God faid, hit feet.

fhe faid unto her fon, Bring me yet a veffel. And he faid Let her alone, for her foul is f vexed within her : and f Hell.
unto her, There is not a veffel more. And the oil flayed. the Lord hath hid ?7from me, and hath not told me.
7 Then fhe came and told the man of God and : 28 Then flie faid, Did I defire a fon of my lord I
JOT, he faid, Go, fell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live ||
did I not fay, Do not deceive me ?
thouand thy children of the reft. 29 Then he faid to Gehazi, Gird up thy loins, and

deadly pottage healed. II. KINGS. Naaman acknowledged the true Cod,
takemy ftaff* in thine hand, and go thy way if thou : ||f honourable ; becaufe by him the Lord had given Before
meet any man, falute him not and if any falute thee, ; II
deliverance unto Syria : he was alfo a mighty man cir.fio4.

anfwer him not again and lay my ftaff upon the face
: in valour but he ivas a leper.
; ior.
of the child. 2 And the Syrians had gone out by companies, and THcb.
30 And
the mother of the child faid, As the Lord had brought away captive out of the land of Ifrael, a lifted up,
or, acceptei
liveth, and as thy foul liveth, I will not leave thee. little maid ; and fhe t waited on Naaman 's wife. in counte-
And he arofe, and followed her. 3 And lhe faid unto her miftrefs, Would God my |1
•aicti ry.
3 And Gehazi palled on before them, and laid the lord were t with the prophet that is in Samaria for he ! t l\cb.
•mas before-
ftaff upon the face of the child ; but there was neither would f recover him of his leprofy.. tHeb.
voice nor f hearing : wherefore he went again to meet 4 And one went in and told his lord, faying, Thus before.
+ Heb.
him, and told him, faying, The child is not awaked. and thus faid the maid that is of the land of Ifrael. gather in',

32 And when Eliiha was come into the houfe, be- 5 And the king of Syria laid, Go to, go, and I will
hold the child was dead, and laid upon his bed. fend a letter unto the king of Ifrael. And he departed,
33 Hewent in, therefore, and fhut the door upon and took t with him ten talents of lilver, andfix thou- tHeb.
in hii hand,
them twain, and prayed unto the Lord. fand pieces of gold, and ten changes of raiment.
34 And he went up, and lay upon the child, and put 6 And he brought the letter to the king of Ifrael,
his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, faying, Nowwhen this letter is come unto thee, be-
and his hands upon his hands ; and he ft retched himfelf hold, I have therewith lent Naaman my fervant to thee,
upon the child, and the flefh of the child waxed warm. that thou mayeft recover him of his leprofy.
once hither
35 Then he returned, and walked in the houfe f to 7 And it came to pafs, when the king of Ifrael had
and ones
and fro and went up, and ftretched himfelf upon him:
read the letter, that he rent his clothes, and faid, I Am
and die child fneezed feven times, and the child open- God, to kill and to make alive, that this man doth fend
ed his eyes. unto me to recover a man of his leprofy? wherefore
36 And he called Gehazi, and faid, Call this Shu- confider, I pray you, and fee how he feeketh a quarrel
nammite. So he called her and when fhe was come : againft me.
in unto him, he laid, Take up thy fon \ 8 H was so, when Eliiha the man of God had
37 Then fhe went in, and fell at his feet, and bowed heard that the king of Ifrael had rent his clothes, that
herfelf to the ground, and took up her fon, and went out. he fent to the king, faying, Wherefore haft thou rent
CIS. 891.
38 11 And .Eliiha came again to Gilgal and there : thy clothes ? let him come now to me, and he fhall
was a dearth in the land and the fons of the prophets
know that there is a prophet in Ifrael.
were fitting before him and he faid unto his fervant,
: 9 So Naaman came with his horfes, and with his
Set on the great pot, and feeth pottage for the fons of chariot, and ftpod at the door of the houfe of Eliiha.
the prophets. 10 And Eliiha fent a meffenger unto him, faying,
39 And one went out into the field to gather herbs, Go and wafh in Jordan feven times, and thy flefh fhall
and found a "wild vine, and gathered thereof wild come again unto thee, and thou fhalt be clean.
goards his lap full, and came and lhred them into the 11 But Naaman was wroth, and went away, and
pot of pottage for they knew them not.
faid, Behold, f I thought, He will furely come out to
f Hefe.
I said.
40 So they poured out for the men to eat and it :
me, and Hand, and call on the name of the Lord his II
I said
came to pals, as they were eating of the pottage, that God, and t ftrjke his hand over the place, and recover •with my~

they cried out, and faid, G

thou man of God, there the leper. self, He -will
surely ccme

is death in the pot and they could not eat thereof.

: 12 Are not ||
Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damaf-
out. tec.
41 But he faid, Then bring meal and he call it in- :
cus, better than all the waters of Ifrael ? may I not wafh move up
to the pot and he laid, Pour out for the people that
in them and be clean ? So he turned, and went away li
f Heb. evil
they may eat and there was no f harm in the pot.
in a rage.
42 If And there came a man from Baallhalilha, 13 And hisfervants came near, and fpake unto him,
and brought the man of God bread of the firft fruits, and faid, My
father, if the prophet had bid thee do
J Or, in his twenty loaves of barley, and full ears of corn in the ||
some great thing, wouldeft thou not have done it ? how
1/crip, or,
garment. hulk thereof: and he laid, Give unto the people, that much rather then, when he faith to thee, Wafh, and
they may eat. be clean ?
43 And his fervitor faid, What fhould I fet this be- ! 14 Then went he down, and dipped himfelf feven
fore an hundred men ? He faid again, Give the peo- times in Jordan, according to the faying of the man of
fcJohn<5 ::. ple, that they may eat for thus faith the Lord, They
b God and his fleih came again like unto the flefh of a

fhall eat, and lhali leave thereof, little and a he was clean,
child, aLuke4 = r
44 So he fet it before them, and they did eat, and 15 II And he returned to.the man of God, he and all
left thereof, according to the word of the Lord. his company, and came and flood before him and he :

faid, Behold, now I know that there is no God in all
the earth but in Ifrael ; now, therefore, I pray thee,
1 Naaman, on the report of a captive maid, is sent to take a blefting of thy fervant.
Samaria to be cured of his leprosy. 8 Elisha sonde th 16 But he faid, As the Lord liveth, before whom I
him to iv ash in Jordan, whereby he is healed. 15 Hand, I will receive none. And he urged him to take
Naaman acknowledged the true God ; Elisha ivill it ;but he refufed.
vot accept of his presents, but sendeth him away in
17 And Naaman faid, Shall there not then, I pray
peace. 20 Gehazi by a lie, obtaineth a present from thee, be given to thy lervant, two mules burden of
Naaman, and is smitten with leprosy. earth ? for thy fervant will henceforth offer neither

+K&, before*
NOW Syria,
captain of the hoft of the king o^
a great man t with his rnafter, and
burnt offering nor facrifice unto other gods, but i&to
the Lord.
18 In

Elisha causetb iron to swim. CHAP. VI. The Syrians smitten with blindness.

christ 18 * n ^'IS tnm S the Lord pardon thy feryant, that 7 Therefore, faid he, Take it up to thee And he
8? » when my mailer goeth into the houfe of Rimmon to put out his hand and took it.
worfhip there, and he leanethon my hand, and I bow 8 If Then the king of Syria warred againil Ifrael,
myfelf mthe houfe of Rimmon when I bow down ;
and took counfel with his fervants, faying, In fuch and
myfelf in the houfe of Rimmon, the Lord pardon thy fuch a place shall be my camp. l| Or, en- I

fervant in this thing. 9 And the man of God fent unto the king of Ifrael, campixg.
19 And he faid unto him, Go in peace. So he de- faying, Beware that thou pafs no.t fuch a place for ;

tHei , a little parted from him t a little way. thither the Syrians are come down.
piece uf
greund. 20 If the fervant of Elifha the man of
But Gehazi, 10 And the king of Ifrael fent to the place which
God, faid,Behold, my mailer hath f pared Naaman the man of God told him, and warned him of, and
this Syrian, in not receiving at his hands that which laved himfelf there, not once nor twice.
he brought but, as the Lord liveth,.I will run after
11 If Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was
him, and take feme what of him. fore troubled for this thing ; and he called his fervants,
21 So Gehazi followed Naaman : and when
after and faid unto th'enu Will ye not ihew me which of us
Naaman faw him running him, he lighted down
after is for the king of Ifrael I
tHeb. Is from the chariot to meet him, and faid, f Is all well I 12 And one of his fervants faid, fNone, my lord,
22 And he faid, All is well. My mailer hath fent
there peace ?
king; but Elifha the prophet, that is in Ifrael, tell-
me, faying, Behold, even now there be come to me eth the king of Ifrael the words that thou fpeakeil in
from mount Ephraim two young men of the fons of thy bed chamber.
the prophets give diem, I pray thee, a talent of filver,
13 And he faid, Go and fpy where he is, that I may
and two changes of garments. fend and fetch him. And it was told him, laying, Be-
23 And Naaman faid, Be content, take two talents. hold, he is in Dothan.
And he urged him, and bound two talents of filver in 14 Therefore fent he thither horfes, and chariots,
two bags, with two changes of garments, and laid them and a f great hofl and they came by night, and com- +£*

upon two of his fervants ; and they bare them before paffed the city about..
him. _
15 If And when the fervant of the man of God was
H Or,
24 And when he came to the tower, he took them ||
rifen early, and gone forth,
behold an hofl compaffed the,

from their hand, and bellowed them in the houfe and : city, both with horfes and chariots and his fervant :

he let the men go, and they departed. faid unto him, Alas, my mailer ! how fhall we do ?

25 But he went in, and flood before his mailer and : 16 And he anfwered, Fear not : for
they! that be l?^ *"
Elilha faid unto him, Whence comest thou, Gehazi ? with us, are more, than they that be with them.
hither or
And he faid, Thy fervant went + no wither. 17 And Eliiha prayed, andfaid, Lord, I pray thee,
thither. 26 And he faid unto him, Went not mine heart with open his eyes, that he may fee. And the Lord open-
thee, when the man turned again from his chariot to ed the eyes of the young man ; and he faw, and, be-
meet thee ? Is it a time to receive money, and to re- hold, the mountain was full of horfes and chariots of
ceive garments, and oliveyards, and vineyards, and fireround about Eliiha.
fheep, and oxen, and menfervants, and maidfervants ? 18 If And when they came down to him, Elifha
27 The leprofy, therefore, of Naaman ihall cleave prayed unto the Lord, and faid,. Smite this people,
unto thee, and unto thy feed forever. And he went 1 pray thee, with blindnefs. And. he fmote them with
out from his prefence a leper as white as fnow. blindnefs, according to the word of. Elifha.
CHAP. VI. 19 And Eliiha faid unto them, This is not the way,
1 Elisha gheth leave to the sorts of the prophets to en- neither is this the city : f follow me, and I will bring t^tf-TJ
large their dwellings.; he causetb iron to swim : 8 he you to the man whom ye ieek. But he led them to
disclose th the king of Syria's counsel, and disappoint- Samaria.
ed him, 1 1 who sencleth an army to Dot ban to appre- 20 And it came to pafs,. when they were come into
hend him. 18 At Elisha' s prayer they are smitten
Samaria, that Eliiha faid, Lord, open the eyes of
with blindness; but ucing brought into Samaria, they thefe men, that they may fee. And the Lord opened
are dismissed in peace. 24 Benhadad besiegeth Sa- their eyes, and they law and, behold they were in

maria. 26 Women eat their own children. 30 The the midfl of Samaria.
king sendeth to slay Elisha. 21 And the king of Ifrael faid unto Elifha, when he
cir. 893. AND the fons of the prophets faid unto Elifha,
Behold now, the place where we dwell with
faw them,
them ?
father, fhall I finite them ? ihall I finite

thee, is too flrait for us. 22 And he anfwered, Thou fhalt not finite them ?
2 Let us go, we pray thee, unto Jordan, and take wouldeil thou finite thole whom thou haft taken cap-
thence every man a beam, and let us make us a place tive with thy fword and with thy bow ? Set bread and
there, where we may dwell. And he anfwered, Go ye. water before them, that they may eat and drink, and
3 And one faid, Be content, I pray thee, and go with goto their mailer.
thy fervants.. And he anfwered, I will go. 23 he prepared great provifion for them and
And :

4 So he went with them. And when they came when they had eaten and drunk, he fent them away,
to Jordan, they cut down wood. and they went to their maiter. So the bands of Syria
t Hel. iron.
5_ But as one was felling a beam, the t axe head came no more into the land of Ifrael.
to pafs after this, that Benhadad
fell into the water and he cried, and faid, Alas,
: 24 If And it came cir.

maiter for ft was borrowed.

king of Syria gathered all his hofl, and went up, and
6 And the man of God faid, Where fell it ? And he befieged Samaria..
(hewed him the place. And he cut down ailick, and 25 And there was a great famine in Samaria and, :

call it in thither, and the iron did fwim. behold, they bciicged it, until an afs's head was sold.

2L for

; : ,

Elisha prophesieth incredible plenty. II. KINGS. The unbelieving lord trodden to death.

for fouricore pieces of filver, and the fourth part of a 6 For the Lord had made
the hoft of the Syrians
cab of cloves' clung for five pieces of iiiver. to hear a noife of chariots, and a noife of horfes, even
26 H And, as the king of Ifrael was palling by upon the noife of a great hoft: and they faid one to another,
the wall, there cried a woman unto him, faying, Help, Lo, the king of Ifrael hath hired againit us the kings
Or, Let
my lord, O
king ! of the Hittites, and the kings of the Egyptians, to

not the 27 he laid, If the Lord do not help thee,

And jj come upon us.
LORD whence (hall I help thee out of the barn floor, or out 7 Wherefore they arofe, and fled in the twilight,
...i; lh:e.
of the wine prefs ? and left their tents, and their horfes, and their affes,
28 And the king faid unto her, What aileth thee ? even the camp as it was, and fled for their life.
And fhe anfwered, This woman faid unto me, Give 8 And when thefe lepers came to the uttermoft
thy fon, that we may eat him today, and we will eat part of the camp, they went into one tent, and did eat
b Dent.
my fon tomorrow. and drink, and carried thence filver, and gold, and
28. 53. 29 So we boiled my fon, and did eat him and I
: raiment, and went and hid it ; and came again, and
t Heb
other,-- faidunto her on the t next day, Give thy fon, that we entered into another tent, and carried thence also, and
may eat him and fhe hath hid her fon.
: went and hid it.

30 Tf And it came to pafs, when the king heard th, 9 Then

they faid one to another, do not well We
words of the woman, that he rent his clothes and he ; this day is a. day of good tidings, and we hold our
paflecl by upon the wall, and the people looked, and, peace if we tarry till the morning light f fome mif- t Heb. ipt
shell find
behold, he had fackcloth within upon his flefh. chief will come upon us now, therefore, come, that puniihiptnt.

31 Then he faid, God do fo, and more alfo to. me, we may go and tell the king's houfehold.
if the head of Elifha the fon of Shaphat fhall ftand on 10 So they came and called, unto the porter of the
him this day. city and they told him, faying,
: came to the We
32 But Elifha fat in his houfe, and the elders fat camp of the Syrians, and, behold, there was no man
with him and the king fent a man from before him
; ;
there, neither voice of man, but horfes tied, and affes
but ere the meffenger came to him, he faid to the el- tied, and the tents as they were.
ders, See ye how this fon of a murderer hath fent to 11 And he called the porters, and they told it to
take away mine head ? Look, when the meffenger the king's houfe within.
cometh, fhut the door, and hold him faft at the door _
12 H And the king arofe in the night, and faid unto
is not the found of his mailer's feet behind him ? his fervants, Iwillnow (hew you whatthe Syrians have
33 And while he yet talked with them, behold, the clone to us they know that we be hungry, therefore

meffenger came down unto him and he faid, -behold, ; are they gone out of the camp to hide themfelves in
this evil is of the Lord, what fhould I wait for the the field, faying, When they come out of the city, we
Lord any longer? catch them alive, and get into the city.
13 And one of his fervants anfwered and faid, Let
some take, I pray thee, five of the horfes that remain^/
1 Elisha prophesieth incredible plenty in Samaria, and which are left f in the city , (behold, they are as all the t Heb. /«?*
sheweth an unbelieving lord his doom. 3 Four lepers,
multitude of Ifrael that are left in it behold, I say, ;
venturing into the camp of the Syrians, bring the
they are even as all the multitude of the Ifraelites that
tidings of their hasty flight. 12 The king fearing a
are confumed,) and let us fend and fee.
stratagem, sendeth out spies, andfinding the report
14 They took, therefore, two chariot horfes ; and
true, spoileth the Syrians' tents. 17 The unbelieving
the king fent after the hoil of the Syrians, faying, Go
lord hath the charge of the gate, and being trodden
and fee.
to death, verifieth the prediction.
15 And they went after them unto Jordan ; and,
Elifha faid,
faith the Lord, Tomorrow about this
Hear ye the word of the Lord : lo, all way
W3\yfull of garments and veffels, which
the Syrians had call away in their hafte : and the
time shall a meafure of fine flour be sold for a fhekel, meffengers returned and told the king.
and two meafures of barley for a fliekel, in the gate of 16 And the people went out .and fpoiled the tents
Samaria. of the Syrians. So a meafure of fine flour was sold
t ITek 2 Then f a lord on whofe hand the king leaned, for a fhekel, and two meafures of barley for a fliekel,
c /ord
•which anfwered the man of God, and faid, Behold, if the according to the word of the Lord.
to the Lord would make windows in heaven, might this 17 If And the king appointed the lord, on whofe •

in* upon
thing be ? And he faid, Behold, thou fhalt fee it with hand he leaned, to have the charge of the gate and :

iv's thine eyes, but fhalt not eat thereof. the people trode upon him in the gate, and he died, as
3 TI And there were four leprous men at the enter- the man of God had faid, who fpake when the king-
ing in of the gate and they faid one to another,
: Whv came clown to him.
fit we here until we die ? 18 And it came to pafs, as the man of God had
4_ If we fay, we
will enter into the city, then the fpoken to the king, faying, Two meafures of barley for
famine is in the city, and we fhall die there ; and if a fliekel, and a meafure of fine flour for a fhekel, fhall
we fit ftill here, we die alfo. Now, therefore, be tomorrow about this time in the gate of Samaria :
come, and let us unto the hoft of the Syrians if
fall : 19 And that lord anfwered the man of God, and
they fave us alive, we mall live and if they kill us,
: faid, Now, behold, if the Lord fhould make windows
we fhall but die. in heaven, might iuch a thing be ? And he faid, Be-
5 And^ they rofe up in the twilight, to go unto the hold, thou fhalt fee it with thine eyes, but fhalt not
camp of the Syrians and when they were come to the
: eat thereof.
uttermoft part of the camp of Syria, behold, there was 20 foAnd it fell out unto him for the people trode

no man there. upon him in the gate, and he died,


Hazael killeth his master Benhadad. CHAP. VIII, IX. Ahaziah* s wicked reign.
C HA P. VIII. 15 And it came to pafs on the morrow, that he took
The Shunammite, by Elisha's advice, having left a thick cloth, and dipped it in water, andfpread it on his
her country seven years to avoid the famine, sueth face, fo that he died and Hazael reigned in his ftead.

to the king, and hath her land restored. 7 Hazael 16 If And in the fifth year of Joram, the fon of Ahab

being sent with a present by Benhadad to Elisha, king of Ifrael, Jehoihaphat being then king of Judah,
b b 1
hearing of his own destination to the kingdom, at Jehoram the fon of Jehofhaphat king of Judah t began \ H

his return killeth his master, and sitcceedeth him. to reign. ;;. i.

16 Jehoram'' s wicked reign in Jadah. 20 Edom 17 Thirty and two years old was he when he began
and Libnah revolt. 23 Ahaziah succeedeth Jeho- to reign ; and he reigned eight years in Jerufalem.
ram. 25 Ahazialfs wicked reign, &c. 18 And he walked in the way of the kings of Ifrael,
*35- THEN fpake Eliflia unto the woman, a whole fon
he had reftored to life, faying, Arife, and go thou
as did the houfe of Ahab \ for the daughter of Ahab
was bis wife and he did evil in the fight of the Lord.

and thine houfehold, and fojoum wherefoever thou Lord would not deflroy Judah for
19 Yet the
carat fojourn : for the Lord hath called for a famine
David his fervant's fake, c as he promifed him to give C 2 Si!K.

and it fhall alfo come upon the land feven years. him alway a flight, and to his children. t H?b.
2 And the woman arofe, and did after the faying of 20 If In his days Edom revolted from under the ;.»tf.
the man of God and fhe went with her houfehold, and hand of Judah, and made a king over themfelves.

fojourned in the land of the Philiftines feven years. 21 So Joram went over to Zair, and all the chariots
3 And it came to pafs at the feven years' end, that with him and he rofe by night, and fmote the Edom-

the woman returned out of the land of the Philiftines ltes which compaffed him about, and the captains of
and (lie went forth to cry unto the king, for her houfe, the chariots and the people fled into their tents.

and for her land. 22 Yet Edom revolted from under the hand of Judah
4 And the king talked with Gehazi, the fervant of unto this day. Then Libnah revolted at the fame time.
the man of God, faying, Tell me, I pray thee, all the 23 IF And the red of the a&s of Joram, and all that
great things that Eliflia hath done. he did, are they not written in the book of die Chroni-
5 And it came to pafs, as he was telling the king cles of the kings of Judah ?
how he had reftorecl a dead body to life, that, behold, 24 And Joram flept with his fathers, and was buried
the woman, whofe fon he had reftored to life, cried to with his fathers in the city of David and d Ahaziah :
d 2 Chr»j

the king for her houfe, and for her land. And Gehazi lus fon reigned in his ftead.
faid, My lord, O king, this is the woman, and this is 25 If In the twelfth year of Joram, the fon of Ahab
her fon, whom Eliiha reftored to life. king of Ifrael, did Ahaziah the fon of Jehoram king of
6 And when the king afked the woman, fhe told Judah begin to reign.
I Or, him. So the king appointed unto her a certain officer, II26 Two and twenty years old was Ahaziah when
ying, Reftore all that was her's, and all the fruits of the he began to reign ; and he reigned one vear in Jerufa-
held, fince the day that fhe left the land even until now. lem y and his mother's name was Athaliah, die daugh-
7 IT And Eliflia came to Damafcus and Benhadad, ter of Omri king of Ifrael.

the king of Syria was fick and it was told him, fay-
: 27 And he walked in the way of the houfe of Ahab,
ing, The man of God is come hither. and did evil in the fight of the Lord, as did the houfe
And the king faid unto Hazael, Take a prefent of Ahab for he was the fon in law of die houfe of
8 ;

in thine hand, and go meet the man of God, and in- Ahab. 83;,-.

quire of the Lord by him, faying, Shall I recover of 28 If And he went with Joram, the fon of Ahab, to
this difeafe ? the war againft Hazael king of Syria, in Ramoth-
9 So Hazael went to meet him, and took a prefent gilead ; and the Syrians wounded Joram.
T Heb. t with him even of every good thing of Damafcus,
, 29 And king Joram went back to be healed in
in his forty camels' burden, and came and flood before him, Jezreel, of the wounds | which the Syrians had given t Hcb.
and faid, Thy fon Benhadad king of Syria hath fent him at Ramah when he fought againft Hazael king n•aith
h rt-
me to thee, laying, Shall I recover of this difeafe ? of Syria: and Ahaziah, the fon of Jehoram king of Syrii >;>

10 And Eliiha faid unto him, Go, fay unto him, Judah, went down, to fee Joram the fon of Ahab in ii

t Heb.
Thou mayefl certainly recover : Howbeit the Lord Jezreel, becaufe he was fick. f
f Heb.
hath fliewed me that he fhall furely die.
11 And he fettled his countenance f ftedfaftly, until
Elisha sendeth a young prophet to Ramothgilead to
end set it. 1
he was afhamed and the man of God wept.
: anoint Jehu. 4 The prophet having performed his
12 And Hazael faid, Why
weepeth my lord ? And commission, fleeth. 11 Jehu being made king, going
he anfwered, Became I know the evil that thou wilt to Jezreel killeth Joram, who is cast into the
do unto the children of Ifrael their flrong holds wilt
: of Nabotb. 27 Ahaziah is slain at Gar, and buried
thou fet on fire, and their young men wilt thou flay at Jerusalem. 30 Jezebel is thrown down out
of a
with the (word, and wilt dafh their children, and rip window, and eaten by dogs, according to Elijah's
up their women with child. prediction.
13 And Hazael faid, But what is thy fervant a dog,
that he fhould do -this great thing? And Eliiha an-
AND Eliflia the prophet called one of the children
of the prophets, and faid unto him, Gird up thy

fvyered, The Lord hath iliewcd me that \houshalt be loins, and take this box of oil in thine hand, and go to
king over Syria. Ramothgilead :

14 So he departed from Eliflia, and came to his 2 And, when thou comeft thither, look out there
mailer who laid to him, What faid Eliflia to thee ?
; Jehu the fon of Jehofhaphat, the fonof Nimfhi, and
And he anfwered, He told mc that thou lhoukkit go in, and make him arife up from among his brethren,
t 1Kb.

furely recover. and carry him to f an inner chamber. in a cluim.


3 Then
: ;

jfebu anointed king ; /&£ goeth to Jes&reeL II. K I N G S. JezebeVs death.

3 Then take the box of oil, and pour it on his is likethe driving of Jehu the fon of Nimfhi ; for he
head, and fay, Thus faith the Lord, I have anointed driveth f furioufly.
thee king over Ifrael then open the door and flee,
: 21 And Joram faid, f Make ready. And his ctfar-
and tarry not. iot was made ready. And Joram king of Ifrael, and
4 1[ So the young man, even the young man the Ahaziah king of Judah went out, each in his chariot,
prophet, went to Ramothgilead. and they went out againft Jehu, and t met him in the i?*-
5 And when he came, behold, the captains of the

portion of Naboth the Jezreelite.

hoil were fitting and he faid, I have an errand to
; 22 And it came topafs, when Joram faw Jehu, that
thee, O
captain. And Jehu faid, Unto which of all he faid, Is it peace, Jehu ? And he anfwered, What
us ? And he faid, To thee, O captain. peace, fo long as the A-vhoredoms of thy mother Jeze-
6 And he arofe, and went into the houfe and he ; bel, and her witchcrafts, are so many ?
poured the oil on his head, and faid unto him, Thus 23 And Joram turned his hands, and fled, and faid
iaith the Lord God of Ifrael, I have anointed thee toAhaziah, There is treachery, O Ahaziah !

king over the people of the Lord, even over Ifrael. 24 And Jehu t drew a bow with his full ftrength, ^,f d !
: ,;
7 And thou lhalt fmite the houfe of Ahab thy

and fmote Jehoram between his arms, and the airow ™?thah\v.
mailer, that I may avenge the blood of my fervants went out at his heart, and he f funk down in his t Heb.
the prophets, and the blood of all the fervants of the chariot.
i Kings
Lord, * at the hand of Jezebel. 25 Then faid Jehu to Bidkar his captain, Take up,
8 For the whole houfe of Ahab fliall perifh and : and call him in the portion of the field of Naboth the
c Kings 14 c
I will cut off from Ahab him that piffeth againft the for remember how that, when I and thou

10, St 21 21. Jezreelite :

wall, and him that is fhut up and left in Ifrael. rode together after Ahab his father, * the Lord laid f I


9 And I will make the houfe of Ahab like the this burden upon him ;
-A 1 Kings 14
10, &
21 2-2.
houfe of d Jeroboam the fon of Nebat, and like the 26 Surely I have teen yefterday the f blood of Na- + «*•
e Kings
houfe of e Baafha the fon of Ahijah. both, and the blood of his fons, faith the Lord ; and
10 And the dogs ihall eat Jezebel in the portion of I will requite thee in this |j
plat, faith the Lord. Now, portion- I

Jezreel, and there shall be none to bury her. And he therefore, take andcaii him into the plat of ground,
opened the door and fled. according to the word of the Lord.
11 IF Then Jehu came forth to the fervants of his 27 IF But when Ahaziah the king of Judah faw this,
lord :and one faid unto him, Is all well ? wherefore hefted by the way of the garden houfe ; and Jehu fol-
came this mad fellow to thee ? And he faid unto them, lowed after him, and faid, Smite him alfo in the chariot.
Ye know the man, and his communication. And they did so at the going up to Gur, which is by
12 And they faid, It is falfe tell us now. And he
; Ibleam ; and he fled to Megiddo, and died there.
faid, Thus and thus fpake he to me, faying, Thus faith 28 And his fervants carried him in a chariot to
the Lord, I have anointed thee king over Ifrael. Jerufalem, and buried him in his fepulchre with his
13 Then they hailed, and took every man his gar- fathers in the city of David.
ment, and put it under him on the top of the Hairs, 29 And in the eleventh year of Joram the fon of 886.
Then he ba-
and blew with trumpets, faying^ Jehu t is king. Ahab, began Ahaziah to reign over Judah. gan toreign
14 So Jehu the Son of Jehoihaphat, the fon of 30 IT And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel to his father
as viceroy

Nimihi, confpired againft Joram (now Joram had : heard of it ; and fne t painted her face, and tired her in his sick-
ness. 1 Chr.
kept Ramothgilead, he and all Ifrael, becaufe of head, and looked out at a window. 2t 18 19.
but in
Hazael king of Syria 31 And as Jehu entered in at the gate, fhe faid, ram's Jo- 12th
f Chap. 8
15 But € king f Joram was returned to be healed in Had Zimri peace, who flew his mailer „ ? year he be-
gan to reign
fehoram* Jezreel, of the wounds which the Syrians t had given 32 And he lifted up his face to the window, and faid, |°n£ g ,

t Heb.
Y Heb. let
him, Avhen he fought with Hazael king of Syria;) Who is on my fide ? who ? And there looked out to cir.'ss 4

no escaper and Jehu faid, If it be your minds, then f let none go him two or three eunuchs.
|| hcr%'e s1n
£i, &c.
forth nor efcape out of the city, to go to tell it in 33 And he faid, Throw her down. So they threw f^!W m
Jezreel. her down and some of her IMood was fprinkled on the *«•'«'»-''

16 IF So Jehu rode in a chariot, and went to Jezreel wall* and on the horfes and he trode her under foot.

(for Joram lay there ;) and Ahaziah king of Judah was 34 And when he was come in, he did eat and
come down to fee Joram. drink, and faid, Go, fee now this curfed woman, and
17 And
there flood a watchman on the tower in bury her for fhe is a king's daughter.

Jezreel, and he fpied theeompany of Jehu as he came, 35 And they went to bury her but they found no :

and faid, I fee a company. And Joram faid, Take an more of her than the fcull, and the feet, and the palms
horfeman, and fend to meet them, and let him fay, of her hands.
Is it peace •? 36 Wherefore they came again, and told him and ;

18 So there went one on horfeback to meet him, he faid, This is the word of the Lord, which he fpake
and faid, Thus faith the king, Is it peace ? And Jehu t by his fervant Elijah the Tilhbite, faying, In the }^f-h ,
faid, What hall thou to do with peace ? turn thee be- portion of Jezreel ihall dogs eat the flefh of Jezebel : hi King*
hind me. And the watchman told, faying, The mef- 37 And the carcafs of Jezebel ihall be as dung upon **

fenger came to them, but he cometh not again. the face of the field in the portion -of Jezreel ; so that
19 Then he fent out a fecond on horfeback, which they fliall not fay, This is Jezebel.
came to them, and laid, Thus faith the king, Is it C H A P. X.
peace ? And Jehu anfwered, What haft thou to do
1 Jehu, by his fetters, causeth Abaft s seventy sons to be
with peace ? turn thee behind me,
20 And the watchman told, faying, He came even beheaded: 8 heexcuscth the fact by the prophecy of
12 In bis way to Samaria he slayeth two
unto them, and cometh not again : And the driving
»° r HiaJp.
', . ||
Ahaziah'' s brethren slain. CHAP. X. Hazael oppresseth IsraeL
andforty of Ahaziah'' s brethren : 15 he taketh Jeho- And he gave him his hand ; and he took him up to
nadab 18 by subtilty he destroy eth
into his chariot : him into the chariot.
all the worshippers of Baal, and breaketh down his 16 And he faid, Come
with me, and fee my zeal
images and his house. 29 Jehu followeth Jeroboam's Lord. So they made him ride in his chariot.
for the
> sins. 32 Hazael oppresseth Israel. 34 Jehu dieth ; 17 And when he came to Samaria, he flew all that
his son Jehoahaz succeedeth. remained unto Ahab in Samaria, till he had deftroyed

Ahab had feventy fons in Samaria. And
Jehu wrote letters, and fent to Samaria, unto
him according
fpake to Elijah.
to the faying of the Lord, which he

the rulers of Jezreel, to the elders, and to t them 18 II And Jehu gathered all the people together,
that brought up Ahab's children, faying, and faid unto them, Ahab ferved Baal a little, but Jehu
2 Now, as foon as this letter cometh to you, feeing fhall ferve him much.
your matters fons an? with you, and there are with you 19 Now,
dierefore, call unto me
all the prophet j

chariots and horfes, a fenced city alfo, and armour, of Baal, his fervants, and all his priefls, let none

3 Look even out the beft and meetefl of your maf- be wanting for I have a great facrifice to do to Baal :

ter's fons, and fet him on his fadier's throne, and fight whofoever be wanting he fliall not live. But Jehu
for your matter's houfe. did it in fubtilty, to the intent that he might defbroy
4 But they were exceedingly afraid, and faid, Be- the worfhippers of Baal.
hold, two kings flood not before him ; how then fliall 20 And Jehu faid, f Proclaim a folemn affembly s"*V>,
we fland ? for Baal. And they proclaimed it.
5 And he that was over the houfe, and he that was 21 And Jehu fent dirough all Ifrael,; and all the wor-
over the city, the elders alfo, and the bringers up of fhippers of Baal came, fo that there was not a man
the children, fent to Jehu, faying, We
are thy fervanf s, that came not and they came into the houfe of
and will do all that thou {halt bid us ; we will not make
Baal ;

and the houfe of Baal was full from one end

^ 'there-
any king do thou that which is good in thine eyes.
: to another. st0<xi
to mouth*
6 Then he wrote a letter the fecond time to them, 22 And he faid unto him that was over the veilry,
t Heb. faying, If ye be \ mine, and if ye will hearken unto Bring forth veftments for all the worfhippers of Baal.
fur me.
my voice, take ye the heads of the men your mafter^s And he brought them forth veftments.
fons, and come to me to Jezreel by tomorrow this 23 And Jehu went, and Jehonadab the fon of
time. (Nowthe king's fons, being feventy perfons, were Rechab, into the houfe of Baal, and faid unto the
withthe great men ofthe city, which broughtthemup .) worfhippers of Baal, Search, and look that dierebe
7 And it came to pafs, when the letter came to here with you none of the fervants of the Lord, but
them, that they took the king's fons, and flew feventy die worfhippers of Baal only.
perfons, and put their heads in bafkets, and fent him 24 And when they went in to offer facrifices and
ihem to Jezreel. burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourfcore men with-
8 H And there came a meffenger, and told him, out, and faid, if my
ofthe men whom I have brought
They have brought the heads ofthe king's fons,
faying, into your hands efcape, he that letteth him go, his life
And he faid, Lay ye them in two heaps at the enter- shall be for the life of him.
ing in ofthe gate until the morning, 25 And it came to pafs, as foon as he had made an
9 And it came to pafs in the morning, that he went end of offering the burnt offering, that Jehu faid to the
out, and flood, and faid to all the people, Ye be righ- guard, and to the captains, Go in, and flay them let :

teous behold, I confpired againft my mailer, and

: none come forth. And they fmote them with t the edge tHeb.
the mmitlh
flew him but who flew all thefe ?
; of the fword ; and the guard and the captains cafl
10 Know now, that there fhall fall unto the earth them out, and went to the city ofthe houfe of Baal.
nothing of the word ofthe Lord, which the Lord 26 And they brought forth the t images out of the **'% .

fpake concerning the houfe of Ahab for the Lord : houfe of Baal, and burned them.
c lngs
natn done that which he fpake a f by his fervant Elijah, 27 And they brake down the image of Baal, and
t Heb. by the 1 1 So Jehu flew all that remained of the houfe brake down the houfe of Baal, and made it a draught
of Ahab in Jezreel, and all his great men, and his houfe unto this day.
l^Mintance. II
kinsfolks, and his priefts, until he left him none 28 Thus Jehu deftroyed Baal out of Ifrael.
remaining. 29 If Howbeit, from the fins of Jeroboam the fon
12 H And he arofe and departed, and came to Sama- of Nebat, who made Ifrael to fin, Jehu departed not
+ Heb. ria was at the f fhearing houie in the way,
: and, as he from after them, to wit, die golden calves that were
typiSdt 13 Jehu f met with the brethren of Ahaziah king in Bethel, and that were in Dan.'
of Judah, and faid, Who
are ye ? And they anfwered, 30 And the Lord faid unto Jehu, Becaufethou haft
are the brethren of Ahaziah and we go down ; done well in executing that which is right in mine
t«*/"'" f to falute the children of the king, °' and the children eyes, and haft done unto the houfe of Ahab accord-
peace of tic.
r ' .

ol the queen. ing to all diat was in mine heart, thy children of the
14 And he faid, Take them alive. And they took fourth generation fliall fit on the throne of Ifrael.
them alive, and flew them at the pit of the fhearing 31 But Jehu f took no heed to walk in the law of + ^^ •

houfe, even two and forty men neither left he any ; the Lord God of Ifrael with all his heart for he de-

of them. patted not from the fins of Jeroboam, which made

tHeb. fcund. 15 1i And, when he was departed thence, he f light- Ifrael to fin.
ed on Jehonadab the fon of Rechab coming to meet 32 In thofe days the Lord began f to cut Ifrael *™\«

+ HA.Heisrd- him and he ffaluted him, and faid to him, Is thine

; fliort:and Hazaelfmote them in all thecoaflsof Ifrael. 'Kg**
heart right, as my heart is with thy heart ? And Jeho- 33 From Jordan feaflward, all the land ofGilead, tHeb.
nadab anfwered, It is. If it be, give me thine hand. the Gadites, and die Reubenitcs, and the Manaffites, %g%%%
from "" i!
: : ;

Jehoash anointed king II. KINGS. he relgneth 'well.

from Aroer, (which is by the river Anion,) even ||

guard, and of the people, fhe came to the people into
Gilead and Bafhan. the temple of the Lord.
34 IT Now the reft of the acls of Jehu, and all that 14 And, when fhe looked, behold, the king flood
he did, and all his might, are they not written in the by a pillar, as the manner was, and the princes and
book of the Chronicles of the kings of Ifrael ? the trumpeters by the king and all the people of the

35 And Jehu flept Avith his fathers and they bu- ; land rejoiced, and blew with trumpets. And Atha-
ried him in Samaria and Jehoahaz his fon reigned
: liah rent her clothes, and cried, Treafon, treafon !
in his Head. 15 But Jehoiada the prieft commanded the captains
were. 36 And thet time that Jehu reigned over Ifrael in of the hundreds, the officers of the hoft, and faid unto
Samaria was twenty and eight years. them Have her forth without the ranges and him that
, ;

followeth her kill w ith the fword. For the prieft had

faid, Let her not be flain in the houfe of the Lord.

1 Jehoash, saved by Jehosheba his aunt, from Atha- 16 And they laid hands on her and fhe went by
massacre of the royal family ofjudah, is hid
liah' s the way by the which the horfes came into the king's
six years in the house of God. 4 Jehoiada, giving houfe ; and there was fhe flain.
order to the captains, in the seventh year anointeth 17 II And Jehoiada made a covenant between the
him king. 13 Athaliah is slain. VI Jehoiada restor- Lord and the king and the people, that they fhould be
eth the worship of God. theLoRD'speople; between the king alfoandthe people.
a 2. Cliron
22 10.
ND when a
Athaliah, the mother of Ahaziah, faw 18 And all the people of the land went into the
thai her fon was dead, (he arofe, and deftroyed houfe of Baal, and break it down; his altars and his
images brake they in pieces thoroughly, and flew Mat-
2 ButjJehofheba, the daughter of king Joram, filter tan the prieft of Baal before the altars and the prieft:

of Ahaziah, took Joafh the fon of Ahaziah, and Hole appointed t officers over the houfe of the Lord. t Heb. offices.
him from among the king's fons which were (lain and ; 19 And he took the rulers over hundreds, and the
they hid him, even him and his nurfe, in the bed captains, and the guard, and all the people of the land
chamber, from Athaliah, fo that he was not flain. and they brought down the king from the houfe of the
3 And he was with her hid in the houfe of the Lord, and came by the way of the gate of the guard
Lord fix years : and Athaliah did reign over the to the king's houfe and he fat on the throne of the

S 7 8.
land. kings.
iiaChro. 23 1
4 U And b the feventh year Jehoiada lent and fetch- 20 And all the people of the land rejoiced, and the
ed the rulers over hundreds, with the captains and the city was in quiet and they flew Athaliah with the

guard, and brought them to him into the houfe of the fword beside the king's houfe.
Lord, and made a covenant with them, and took an 21 Seven years old was Jehoafli when he began to
oath of them in the houfe of the Lord, and fhewed reign.
thern the king's fon. CHAP. XII.
5 And he commanded them, faying, This is the 1 Jehoash reigneth well all the days of Jehoiada ; 4
thing that ye lhail do ; A
third part of you that enter he giveth order for the repair of-the house of the
in on the fabbath fhall even be keepers of the watch ford. 17 Hazael is diverted from his design
of the king's houfe ; against Jerusalem by a present of the hallowed
6 And a third part shall be at the gate of Sur ; and a treasures. 19 Jchoash being slain by his servants,
third part at the gate behind the guard fo fhall ye keep: Amaziah succeedeth him.
| .Or, from the watch of the houfe, that it be not broken down
N the feventh year of Jehu, a Jehoafli began to 24 a 2 Chron.
•breaking up.
Or, compa-
7 And two f parts of all you that go forth on the
reign ; and forty years reigned he in Jerufalem :
res. fabbath, even they fhall keep the watch of the houfe and his mother's name was Zibiah of Beerfheba.
f Heb.J<w!ffr.
of the Lokd about the king. 2 And Jehoafh did that which was right in the fight
8 And ye fhall compafs the king round about, eve- of the Lord all his days, wherein Jehoiada the prieft
ry man with his weapons in his hand and he that com- ; inftrucled him.
eth within the ranges, let him be flain and be ye with : 3 But the high places were not taken away ; the peo-
the king as he goeth out, and as he cometh in. ple ftill facrificed and burnt incenfe in the high places.
9 And the captains over the hundreds did accord- 4 1[ And Jehoafli faid to the priefts, All the money
ing to all things that Jehoiada the prielt commanded : of the ||
i Or, holy
f dedicated things that is brought into the things.
and they took every man his men that were to come houfe of the Lord, even the money of every onethat t Heb. hofi-
in on the fabbath, with them that fhould go out on paffeth the account, f the money that every man is fet t Heb. the
money of the
the fabbath, and came to Jehoiada the prielt. at, and all the money that f cometh into any man's souls of his
10 And to the captains over hundreds did the prielt
heart to bring into the houfe of the Lord, estimation.
give king David's fpears and fhields, that were in the 5 Let the priefts take it to them, every man of his t Heb. ascen-
deth upon the
temple of the Lord. acquaintance : and let them repair the breaches of. heart of a
li And the guard flood, every man with his weap- the houfe, wherefoever any breach flial 1 be found.
ons in his hand, round about the king, from the right t Heb. in tlie
6 But it was so, that, f in the three and twentieth twentieth
tHeb. suui- f corner of the temple to the left comer of the temple, year of king Jehoafh, the priefts had not repaired the year and
<kr ' third year.
along by the altar and the temple. breaches of me houfe.
12 And he brought forth the king's fon, and put the 7 Then king Jehoafli called for Jehoiada the prieft,
crown upon him, and gave him the teftimony and ; and the other priefts, and faid unto them, Why
they made him king, and. anointed him and they ; ye not the breaches of the houfe ? Now, therefore,
+ neb. Let
clapped their hands, and faid, f God fave the king. receive no more money of your acquaintance, but de-
the aw tive 13 «{[ And when Athaliah heard the noife of the liver it for the breaches of the houfe,
8 And

jfehoafrazs wicked reign, CHAP. XIII. 'Elisha dying, prophesieth Syria s overthrow.
8 And the prieits conferred to receive no more Lord, and t followed the fins- of Jeroboam the fon cwrI^t
money of the people, neither to repair the breaches of of Nebat, which made Ifrael to fin he departed not ^i^f-

the home, therefrom. ,

9 But Jehoiada the prieft took a cheft, and bored a 3 IT And the anger of the Lord was kindled againft wa/fei
hole in the lid of it, and fet it beiide the altar, on the Ifrael :and he delivered them into the hand of Hazael '{If.^,
right fide, as one cometh into the houfe of the Lord ; king of Syria, and into the hand of Benhadad the fon
tHeb. and the priefts that kept the f door put therein ail the of Hazael, all their days.
money that, was brought into the houfe of the Lord. 4 And Jehoahaz beibughtthe Lord, and the Lord ,843

10 And it was so, when they fa w that tberewasmuch hearkened unto him for he faw the oppreffion of

I Or,
money in the cheft, that the king's fcribe and the high ||
Ifrael, becaufe the king of Syria oppreffeci them.
t Heb. prieft came up, and they f put up in bags, and told the 5 (And die Lord gave Ifrael a faviour, lb that they
money that was found in the houfe of the Lord. went out from under the hand of the Syrians and the :
t Heb. as
11 And they gave the money, being told, into the children of Ifrael dwelt in their tents fas beforetime. }e',l<~rday
and third
hands of them that did the work, that had the over- 6 Neverthelefs, they departed not from the fins of day.
fight of the houfe of the Lord and they t laid it out: the houfe of Jeroboam, who made Ifrael fin, but
firth. to the carpenters and builders, that wrought upon the t walked therein and there t remained the grove t Heb. fie
houfe of the Lord, alfo in Samaria.) t Heb.
12 And to mafons, and hewers of flone, and to buy 7 Neither did he leave of the people to Jehoahaz
timber arvl'hewed ftone, to repair the breaches of the but fifty horfemen, and ten chariots, and ten thoufand
w «!/
l10U fe of the Lord, and for all that f was laid out for

home to repair


footmen ; for the king of Sj-ria had deftroyed them,
and had made them like the duft by threfhing.
13 Howbeit, there were not made for the houfe of 8 IT Now
the reft of the acts ofJehoahaz, and all that
the Lord bowls of hlver, fnuffers, bafons, trumpets, he did, and his might, are they not written in the book
any veffels of gold, or veffels of filver, of the money of the Chronicles of the kings of Ifrael ?
that was brought into the houle of the Lord : 9 And Jehoahaz flept with his fathers; andtheyburied 839-
14 But they gave that to the workmen, and repaired him in Samaria and Joafh his fon reigned in his ftead.* * Alone.

therewith the houfe of the Lord. 10 tT In the thirty and feventh year of Joalh king of 841.
15 Moreover, they reckoned not with the men into Judah began Jehoafh the fon of Jehoahaz to reign In comort
|| |!

wirh bis fa-

whofe hand they delivered the money to be bellowed over Ifrael in Samaria, and reigned fixteen years. ther. Chap.
on workmen for they dealt faithfully.
: 11 And he did that which was evil in the fight of h*
16 The trefpafs money, and fin money, was not the Lord he departed not from all die fins of Jero-

brought into the houfe of the Lord it was the prieits. : boam the fon of Nebat, who made Ifrael fin, but he
•ir. 840.
17 II Then Hazael king of Syria went up, and fought walked therein.
againft Gath, and took it and Hazael let his face to
: . 12 And thereft of the acts of Joafh, and that all
go up to Jeruialem. he did, and his might wherewith he fought againft
18 And Jehoafh king ofJudah took all the hallowed Amaziah king of Judah, are diey not written in the
things, that Jehofhaphat, and Jehoram, and Ahaziah, book of the Chronicles of the kings of Ifrael ?
his lathers, kings of Judah, had dedicated, and his 13 And Joalb. flept with his fathers and Jeroboam ;

own hallowed things^nd all the gold that was found fat upon his throne and Joafli was buried in Samaria

in the treafures of thchoufe of the Lord, and in the with the kings of Ifrael.
king's houfe, and fent it to Hazael king of Syria and : 14 If Now Eliffia was fallen fick, of his ficknefs cir. 839,

t Heb. he f went away from Jerufalem. whereof he died. And Joalh the king of Ifrael came
vent up-
19 IF And the reft of the acts of Jehoafh, and all down unto him, and wept over his face, and faid, O
that he did, are they not written in the book of the my father, my father the chariot of Ifrael, and the

Chronicles of the kings of Judah ? horfemen thereof

20 And his fervants arofe, and made a confpiracy, 15 And Eliflia faid unto him, Take bow and ar-
I Or, Beth- and flew Jehoafh in ||
the houfe of Millo, which goeth rows. And he took unto him bow and arrows.
down to Silla. 16 And he faid to the king of Ifrael, f Put thine t Heb.
Make thine
21 For Jozachar the fon of Shimeath, and Jehoza- hand upon the bow. And he put his hand upon it : hand tariic.

badthe fon of Shomer, his fervants, fmote him, and he and Elifha put his hands upon the king's hands.
died and they buried him with his fathers in the city
: 17 And he faid, Open the window eaftward and he :

of David; and Amaziah his fon reigned in his Head, opened it. Then Elifha faid, Shoot and he fhot. And :

CHAP. XIII. he faid, The arrow of the Lord's deliverance, and the
arrow of deliverance from Syria for thou fhalt fmite

1 Jehoahaz reigneth wickedly. 3 Israel oppressed by the Syrians in Aphek, till thou have confumed wem.
Hazael, is relieved at the prayer of Jehoahaz: 8 he 18 And he faid, Take the arrows and he took them. :

dying, Joash snccecdcth him : 10 his wicked reign ;

And he faid unto the king of Ifrael, Smite upon the
Jeroboam succeedeth him. 14 Elisha dying, he ground and he fmote thriec, and flayed.

prophesieth to Joash three victories over the Syrians.

19 And the man of God was wroth with him, and
20 Elisha dieth : a dead man being cast into his faid, Thou fliouldeft have fmitten five or fix times,
grave, is raised to life. 22 Hazael dying, Joash get-
then hadft thou fmitten Syria till thou hadft confumed
tcth three victories over Bcnhadad.
it ; whereas now thou fhalt fmite Syria but thrice.
fthe three and twentieth year of Joafl), the fon 20 IT And Elifha died, and they buried him. And **:

the IN of Ahaziah king of Judah, Jehoahaz the fon foi of the bands of the Moabites invaded the land at the
Mr/yeir. Jehu began to reign over Ifrael in Samaria, and reign- coming in of the year.
^/leventeen years. 21 And it came to pafs, as they were burying a man,
2 And he did that whi ch was evil in the fight of the that, behold, they fpied a band of men; and they caft

dmazialjs vain challenge to Jehoash. II. KINGS. Jeroboam's wicked reign,

the man into the fepulchre of Elifha and when the; 12 And Judah t was put to the worfe before Ifrael,
man f was let down and touched the bones of Elifha, and they fled every man to their tents.
he revived, and flood up on his feet. 13 And Jehoafh king of Ifrael took Amaziah king t Heb.
22 IT But Hazael king of Syria oppreffed Ifrael all of Judah, the fon of Jehoafh, the fon of Ahaziah, at
the days of Jehoahaz, Bethfhemefh, and came to Jerufalem, and brake down i
23 And the Lord was gracious unto them , and had the wall of Jerufalem, from the gate of Ephraim unto
compaflion on them, and had refpe£l unto them, be- the corner gate, four hundred cubits.
caufe of his covenant with Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob, 14 And he took all the gold and filver, and all the
and would not deftroy them, neither caft he th-m veffeis that were found in the houfe of the Lord, and
t Hebiface. from his t prefence as yet. in the treafures of the king's houfe,. and hoftages, and
cir. 839. 24. So Hazael king of Syria died and Benhadad; returned to Samaria.
his fon reigned in his Head.. 15 II Now the reft of the afils of Jehoafli which he
did, and his might, and how he fought with Amazi-
t Heb. 25 And Jehoafh the fon of Jehoahaz f took again
and took. out of the hand of Benhadad the fon of Hazael, the ah king of Judah, are they not written in the book of
cities which he had taken out of the hand of Jehoahaz the Chronicles of the kings of Ifrael I
. 836. his father by war three times did Joafh beat him,
: 16 And Jehoafh flept with his fathers, and was bu-
and recovered the cities of Ifrael. ried in Samaria with the kings of Ifrael ; and Jerobo-
CHAP. XIV. am his fon reigned in his Head.
17 If And Amaziah,. the fon of Joafh king of Judah,
1 Amaziah'' s good reign: 5 his justice on the murder-
ers of bis father : 1 his victory over Edom. 8 Ama- lived after the death of Jehoafh fon of Jehoahaz king
ziab provoking Jehoash, is overcome and spoiled. 16 of Ifrael fifteen years.
Jeroboam succeedeth Jehoash. 17 Amaziah slain by 18 And the reft of the acls of Amaziah, are they-
a conspiracy. 21 His son Azariah succeedeth him. not written in the book of the Chronicles of the kings
23 Jeroboam's "wicked reign: 28 Zachariah suc- of Judah ?
ceedeth him. 19 Now d they made a confpiracy againft him in Je- d2527.
2 Chtoa,

the fecond year of Joafh, fon of Jehoahaz. king of rufalem and he fled to Lachifh but they fent after

, a 1

IN a
Ifrael, reigned Amaziah the fon of Joafh king of

him to Lachifh, and flew him there..

25 i-
Judah. 20 And they brought him on horfes and he was bu-

2 He was twenty and five years old when he began to ried at Jerufalem with his fathers in the city of David.
e 2 Chron.
21 II And all the people of Judah took e Azariah, 26 he is
reign and reigned twenty and nine years in Jerufalem

and his mother's name w^j Jehoaddan of Jerufalem.

3 And he did that which was right in the fight of

which was fixteen years old, and made him king in- c
ftead of his father Amaziah.
> ^1.
Uz '

the Lord, yet not like David his father : he did ac- 22 He built Elath, and reftored it to Judah, after
cording to all things as Joafh his father did. that the king flept with his fathers.
4 Howbeit the high places were not taken away :
23 II In the fifteenth year of Amaziah the fon of
as yet the people did facrifice and burnt incenfe on the Joafh king of Judah, Jeroboam the fon of Joafh king 8951
New he
high places, of Ifrael began to reign in Samaria, and reigned forty begins to
reign alone.
5 II And it came to pafs, as foon as the kingdom and one years.
was confirmed in his hand, that he flew his fervants 24 And he did that which %vas evil in the fight of
J? Chap,
which had flain the king his father. the Lord ;he departed not from all the fins of Jero-
p-i 20.
6 But the children of the murderers he flew not boam the fon of Nebat, who made Ifrael to fin.
according unto that which is written in the book of the 25 He reftored the coaft of Ifrael, from the entering
law of Mofes, wherein the Lord commanded, faying, ofHamath unto the fea of the plain, according to the
~*t. Rent. 24 c
The fathers fhall not be put to death for the chil- word of the Lord God of Ifrael, which he fpake by
fp Ezek. f Matth. VI
the hand of his fervant Jonah, the fon of Amittai, the f30 40. called

w a8 20.
dren, nor the children be put to death for the fathers :

but every man fhall be put to death for his own fin. prophet which was of Gathhepher. Jonas-
cir. 827. 7 "if He flew of Edom in the valley of Salt, ten thou- 26 For the Lord faw the affliction of Ifrael, that it
fan<^ anc* t0 °k Selah by war, and called the name of was very bitter for there was not any fhut up, nor

"QS: il

it Joktheel unto this day.

any left, nor any helper for Ifrael.
sir. 826. g «fl Then Amaziah fent meffengers to Jehoafh the 27 And the Lord faidnot that he would blot out
fon of Jehoahaz, fon of Jehu,king of Ifrael, faying, the name of Ifrael from under heaven but he faved

Come, let us look one another in the face. themhy the hand of Jeroboam the fon of Joafh.
9 And Jehoafli the king of Ifrael, fent to Amaziah 28 H Now the reft of the acts of Jeroboam, and all
king of Judah, faying, The thiftle that was in Lebanon that he did, and his might, how he warred, and how
fent to the cedar that was in Lebanon, faying, Give he recovered Damafcus and Hamath, which belonged
thy daughter to my
fon to wife : and there paffed by to Judah, for Ifrael, are they not written in the book
a wild beaft that was in Lebanon, and trode down the of the Chronicles of the kings of Ifrael ?
thiftle. 29 And Jeroboam flept with his fathers, even with * After an
Thou haft indeed fmitten Edom, and thine heart
10 the kings of Ifrael ; and * Zachariah his fon reigned interregnum
of eleven
hath lifted thee up glory of this, and tarry f at home
in his ftead. years. Chap.
illy AoiUf.

for why fhouldelt thou meddle to thy hurt, that thou


CHAP. XV. 15

fhouldeft even thou and Judah with thee I

fall, 1 Azariah'-'s good reign : 5 he is smitten with leprosy ;
11 But Amaziah would not hear therefore Jeho- : Jotham governeth, and succeedeth him. 8 Zachari-
afh king of Ifrael wentup and he and Amaziah king
; ah, the last of Jehu's generation, reigning ill, is slain
of Judah looked one another in the face at Bethfhe- by Sballum. 13 Sballum reigneth a month. 16 Me-
meih, which belongeth to Judah, nahem strengthcneth himself by Pul ; 21 Pekahiah

Menahem strength eneth himself hy Pul. CHAP. XV, XVI. Pekah slain by Hoshea.
succeedeth him. 23 i. jhiah slain by Pekah. 27 even of all the mighty men
of wealth, of each man
Pckah oppressed by Tiglathpileser, and slain by fifty king of Affyria.
fhekels. of filver, to give to the
Hos/iea, is'c. So the king of Affyria turned back, and flayed not
and feventh year of Jeroboam king
INofthe twenty
began Azariah, fon of Amaziah king of
there in the land.
2 1 I And the reft of the A&s
of Menahem, and all
Judah, to reign, that he did, are they not written in the book of the
2 Sixteen years old was he when he began to reign Chronicles of the kings of Ifrael ?
and he reigned two and fifty years in Jerufalem : and 22 And Menahem flept with his fathers, and Pe-
his mother's name ivas Jecholiah of Jerufalem. kahiah his fon reigned in his ftead.
3 And he did that which was right in the figlu of 23 lln the fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah, 76u

the Lord, according to all that his father Amaziah Pekahiah the fon of Menahem began to reign over
had done ;
Ifrael in Samaria, and reigned two years.
4 Save that the high places were not removed fhepeo- ; 24 And he did that which was evil in the fight of
ple facrificed and burnt incenfe ftill on the high places. the Lord he departed notfrOm the fins of Jeroboam

5 TT And the Lord fmote the king, fo that he was the fon of Nebat, who made Ifrael to fin.
a leper unto the day of his death, and dwelt in a fev- 25 But Pekah the fon of Remaliah, a captain of

eral houfe and Jothara the king's fon ivas over the
: his, confpired againft him, and fmote him in Sama-
houfe. judging the people of the land. ria, in the palace of the king's houfe, with Argob and

6 And the reft of the acls of Azariah, and all that Arieh, and with him fifty men of the Gileadites and :

he did, are they not written in the book of the Chron- he killed him, and reigned in his room.
icles of the kings of Judah ? 26 And the reft of the acts of Pekahiah, and all
Tj8. 7 So Azariah fleptwith his fathers ; and they bu- that he did, behold, they are written in the book of
ried him with his fathers in the city of David : and the Chronicles of the kings of Ifrael.
Jotham his fon reigned in his {lead. 27 If In the two and fiftieth year of Azariah king
77 3 8 1 In the thirty and eighth year of Azariah king
. of Judah. Pekah the fon of Remaliah began to reign
iJ£ beenm °f Judah, did Zechariah, the fon of Jeroboam, reign over Ifrael in Samaria, and reigned twenty years.
c m over Ifra^l in Samaria fix months. 28 And he did that which was evil in the fight of
for v cTS
years. 9 And he did that which was evil in the fight of the Lord ; he departed not from the fins of Jeroboam
the Lord, had done he departed not
as his fathers : the fon of Nebat, who made Ifrael to fin.
from the fins of Jeroboam the fon of Nebat, who 29_HIn the days of Pekah king of Ifrael, came Tig- 74»-

made Ifrael to fin. lathpilefer king of Affyria, and took Ijon, and Abel-

* As prophe-
71-i- 10 And Shallumthe fon of Jabefh confpired againft bethmaachah, and Janoah, and Kedefh, and Hazor,
sied, Amos him, and * fmote him before the people, and Hew him, and Gilead, and Galilee, all the land of Naphtali, and
7 9-
and reigned in his Head. carried them captive to Affyria.
11 And the reft of the acls of Zechariah, behold, 30 IF And Hofhea the fon of Elah made a confpiracy 73»-
they are written in the book of the Chronicles of the againft Pekah the fon of Remaliah, and fmote him,
kLigs of Ifrael. and flew him, and reigned in his ftead, *in the twen- * After an
• Chap.
12 This was * the word of the Lord which he tieth year of Jotham the fon of
Uzziah. f SE^SX
fpake unto Jehu, ikying, Thy fons fhall fit on the 31 And the reft of the acts of Pekah, and all that gE^y*
throne of Ifrael unto the fourth generation. And fo he did, behold, they are written in the book of the s/^
it came to pafs. Chronicles of the kings of Ifrael. tio&e
77*. 13 IT Shallum the fon of Jabefh began to reign in 32 11 In the fecond year of Pekah, the fon of Re- tfi&g
b Matth.
189, the nine and thirtieth year of b Uzziah king of Judah maliahking of Ifrael, began d Jotham the fon of Uz- eth^?rf.
called, Ozias,
tHeb. and he reigned f a full month in Samaria. ziah king of Judah to reign. ter Tothani
had begun
a month of
14 For Menahem the fon of Gadi went up from 33 Five and twenty years old was he when he began to reign.
Tirzah, and came to Samaria, and fmote Shallum the to reign; andhereignedfixteenyearsin Jerufalem; and d i Chron.
27 I.
fon of Jabefh in Samaria, and flew him, and reigned his mother's name was Jerufha, the daughter of Zadok.
in his ftead. 34 And he did that which was right in the fight of
15 And the reft of the a£ts of Shallum, and his the Lord he did according to all that his father Uz-.

confpiracy which he made, behold, they are written ziah had done.
in the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Ifrael. 35 Howbeitthe high places were not removed the :

16 11 Then Menahem fmote Tiphfah and all that were

, people facrificed and burnt incenfe ftill in the high
therein, and the coafts thereof from Tirzah becaufe : places. Hebuiltthehighergate of the houfe oftheLoRD.
they opened not to him, therefore he fmote it; andatt 36 1 Now the reft of the acls of Jotham, and all
the women therein that were with child, he ripped up. that Ire did, are they not written in the book of the
m- 17 f In the nine and thirtieth year of Azariah king Chronicles of the kings of Judah ?
of Judah, began Menahem the fon of Gadi to reign 37 (Inthofe days the Lord began to fend againft 745-
At the end
Judah, Rezin the king of Syria, and Pekah the fon ofjotlujii'g
over Ifrael, and reigned ten years in Samaria.
18 And he did that which was evil in thought of the of Remaliah.) re«gu.

Lord he departed not all his days from the fins of

38 And Jotham flept with his fathers, and was bu-
Jeroboam the fon of Nebat, who made Ifrael to fin. ried with his fathers in the city of David his father :
e 1 Ch.-oii.
19 1 And* Pul the king of Affyriacame againft the and Ahaz his fon reigned in his ftead.
i 26.
land and Menahem gave Pul a thoufand talents of
filver, that his hand might be with him, to confirm 1 Ahaz reigneth wickedly. 5 Rezin and Pckah make
caused to
the kingdom in his hand. War against him : 7 he hireth Tiglathpileser against
ctmeftrth. 20 And Menahem t exacted the money of Ifrael, them. 10 Ahaz sendeth a pattern of an altar to Da-
2M mascus

Ahaz spoikth the temple. IT. KINGS. The sins of Samaria,

mascus to Urijah, setting aside the bvasen altar for down the fea from off the brafen oxen that were un-
bis own use: 11 he spoiletb the temple. 19 Hezekiah der it, and put it upon a pavement of ftones ;

succeedeth him. 18 And the covert for the fabbath that they had
the feventeenth year ofPekah the foil of Re-
IN maliah, Ahaz the fon of Jotham king of Judah be-
built in the houfe, and the king's entry without, turned
he from the houfe of the Lord lor the king of Affyria.
gan to reign. 19 IF Now the reft of the acls of Ahaz which he

2 Twenty years old was Ahaz when he began to did, are they not written in the book of the Chroni-
reign, and reigned iixteen years in Jerufalem, and did cles of the kings of Judah ?
not that which was right in the fight of the Lord his 20 And Ahaz flept with his fathers, and was buried r25 *
God, like David his father. with his fathers in the city-of David and Hezekiah

3 But he walked in the way of the kings of Ifrael ;

his fon reigned in his ftead.
yea, and made his fon to pafs through the fire, accord-
ing to the abominations of the heathen, whom the CHAP. XVII.
Lord caft out from before the children of Ifrael. 1 Hoshea^s wicked reign: 3 becoming tributary to Shal-
4 And he facrificed and burnt incenfe in the high manescr, he afterwards conspire th against him with
places, and on the hills, and under every green tree. So king of Egypt. 5 Samaria, for their sins, is cap-
b Isaiah 5 IP Then Rezin king of Syria, and Pekah fon of tivated^ 24 The strange nations which were sent into
Remaliah king of Ifrael, came up to Jerufalem to war Samaria are plagued with lions ; idolatry mixed
and they befieged Ahaz, but could not overcome him. with God's worship.
6 At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath the twelfth year of Ahaz, king of Judah, began
to Syria, and drave the Jews from Elath : and the
IN*Hofhea, the fon of Elah, to reign in Samaria
# Ag£-'

Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there unto this day. over lirael nine years.
740. 7 IT So Ahaz fent meffengers to Tiglathpilefer king 2 And he did that which was evil in the fight of the
of Affyria, laying, I am thy fervant, and thy ion : Loud, but not as the kings of Ifrael that were be-
come up, and fave me out of the hand of the king of fore him.
Syria, and out of the hand of the king of Ifrael, which 3 If Againft him came up Shalmanefer king of
rife up againft me. Affyria ; and Holhea became his fervant» and f gave ^};ei '

8 And Ahaz took the filverandgold thatwas found in him prefents.

4 And the king of Affyria found confpiracy in
the houfe of the Lord, and in the treafures of the king's
honfe, and fent it for a prefent to the king of Affyria. Hofhea for he had fent meffengers to So king of

9 And the king of Affyria hearkened unto him ;

Egypt, and brought no prefent to the king of Affyria,
tHeb. for the king of Affyria went up againft f Damafcus, as he had done year by year therefore the king of
and took it, and carried the people qf it captive to Kir, Affyria fhut him up, and bound him in prifon.
and flew Rezin. 5 TI Then the king of Affyria came up throughout 754.

10 If And king Ahaz went to Damafcus, to meet all the land, and went up to Samaria, and befieged it
Tiglathpilefer king of Affyria, and faw an altar that three years.
was at Damafcus and king Ahaz fent to Urijahthe
: 6 a In the ninth year of Hoihea, the king of Affyria 7*t.

prieft the fafliion of the altar, and the pattern of it, ac- took Samaria, and carried Ifrael away into Affyria, \^t?'-
cording to all the workman! hip thereof. and placed them in Halah, and in Habor by the river
11 And Urijah the prieft built an altar, according of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes.
to all that king Ahaz had fent from Damafcus fo : 7 For so it was, that the children of Ifrael had finned
Urijah the prieft made it againft king Ahaz came from againft the Lord their God, which had brought them
Damafcus. up out of the land of Egypt, from under the hand of
12 And when the king was come from Damafcus, Pharaoh king of Egypt, and had feared other gods,
the king faw the altar : and the king approached to 8 And walked in the ftatutes of the heathen, (whom
the altar, and offered thereon. the Lord caft out from before the children of Ifrael,)
13 And he burnt his burnt offering and his meat and of the kings of Ifrael, which they had made.
offering, and poured his drink offering, and fprinkled 9 And the children of Ifrael did fecretly those things
t Heb. the blood off his peace offerings, upon the altar. that were not right againft the Lord their God, and
were his- 14 And he brought alfo the brafen altar, which was they built them high places in all their cities, from the
before the Lord, from
the forefront of the houfe, tower of the watchmen to the fenced city.
from between the altar and the houfe of the Lord> 10 And they fet them up f images and groves in t Heb.
and put it on the north fide of the altar. every high hill, and under every green tree :
15 And king Ahaz commanded Urijah the prieft, 11 And there they burnt incenfe in all the high
faying, Upon the great altar burn the morning burnt places, as did the heathen whom the Lord carried
offering, and the evening meat offering, and the king's away before them ; and wrought wicked things to
burnt facrifice, and his meat offering, with the burnt provoke the Lord to anger :
offering of all the people of the land, and their meat 12 For they ferved idols, whereof the Lord had
offering,and their drink offerings and fprinkle upon
; faid unto them, Ye fhall not do this thing. b p«&

the bipod of the burnt offering, and all the blood

it all 13 Yet the Lord teftified againft Ifrael, and againft
of the facrifice : and the brafen altar ihall be for me Judah, f by all the prophets, and by all the feers, fay- $/«//?
to inquire by. ing, c Turn ye from your evil ways, and keep my ,Vnf&
16 Thus did Urijah the prieft, according to all that commandments, and my ftatutes, according to all the \ ss {'^*
king Ahaz had commanded. law which I commanded your fathers, and which I
7'fr 17 If And king Ahaz cut off the borders of the ba- fent to you by my fervants the prophets.
fes, and removed the laverfrom off them; and took 14 Notwithftanding they would not hear, but d har- 3 °^;-
; ; :

Mixture of religion introduced in Samaria. CHAP. XVIII. HezekiaJjs good r eign.

CHRIST dened their necks, like to the neck of their fathers, melech and Anammelech, the gods of Sephanaim.
, that did not believe in the Lord their God. 32 So they feared the Lord, and made unto them-
15 And they rejecled his ftatutes, and his covenant felves of the loweft of them priefts of the high places,
that he made with their fathers, and his tefti monies which facrificed for them in the houfes of the high
which he teltified againit them and they followed van-
; places.
ity, and became vain, and went after the heathen that 33 f They feared the Lord, and ferved their own ^ e Ph

mr^i'ound about them, concerning whom the Lord gods, after the manner of the nations whom they j|
ivho carriei
had charged them, that they iliould not do like them. carried away from thence. them aivay
from thenci.
16 And they left all the commandments of the 34 Unto this day they do after the former manners
c Exod. e
Lord their God, and made them molten images, they fear not the Lord, neither do they after their
1 Kings
tt j8.
even two calves, and made a grove, and worfhipped ftatutes, or after their ordinances, or after the law
all the holt of heaven, and feryed Baal. and commandment which the Lord commanded the
17 And they caufed their ions and their daughters children of Jacob, E whom he named Ifrael g Genesis
to pafs through the fire, and ufed divination and en- 35 With whom the Lord had made a covenant, 1 Kings
18 31.
. chantments, and fold themfelves to do evil in the fight and charged them, faying, * Ye fhall not fear other h Judges
6 10.
of the Lord to provoke him to anger. gods, nor bow yourfelves to them, nor ferve them,
18 Therefore the Lord was very angry with Ifrael, nor facrifice to them.
and removed them out of his light there was none : 36 But the Lord, who brought-you up out of the
left but the tribe of Judah only. land of Egypt with great power, and a ftretched out
19 Alfo Judah kept not the commandments of the arm, him fhall ye fear, and him fhall ye worfhip, and
Lord their God, -but walked in the ftatutes of Ifrael to him fhall ye do facrifice.
which they made. 37 And the ftatutes, and the ordinances, and the
20 And the Lord rejected all the feed of Ifrael, law, and the commandment, which he wrote for you,
and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand ye fhall obferve to do for evermore and ye fhall not :

of fpoilers, until he had call them out of his fight. fear other gods.
21 For he rent.Ifrael from the houfe of David ; and 38And the covenant that I have made with you ye
they made Jeroboam the fon of Nebat king and Jer- : fhall not forget ; neither fhall ye fear other gods.
oboam drave Ifrael from following the Lord, and 39 But the Lord your God ye fhall fear; and he
made them fin a great fin : fhall deliver you out of the hand of all your enemies.
22 For the children of Ifrael walked in all the fins of 40 How beit, they did not hearken, but they did

Jerrjboam which he did they departed not from them, after their former manner.

23 Until the Lord removed Ifrael out of his fight, 41 So thefe nations feared the Lord, and ferved their
as he had faid by all his fervants the prophets. So graven images, both their children, and their children's
was Ifrael carried away out of their own land to Af- children: as did their fathers, fo do they unto this day.
gfir. 6?8.
fyria unto this day.
24 1i And the king of Affyria brought men from
•Babylon, and from Cuthah, and from Ava, and from
1 Hezekiah^ good reign: A- he destroy eth idolatry and ,

prosper eth. 9 In his time Samaria is carried captive

Hamath, and from Sepharvaim, and placed them in
for their sins. 13 Sennacherib invadeth Judah, and
the cities of Samaria, inftead-of the children of Ifrael
receive th the appointed tribute from Hezekiah. 17
and they pollened Samaria, -and dwelt in the cities
Rabshakeh, sent again by Sennacherib, revileth
Hezekiah, 28 and, by blasphemous persuasions, so~
25 And so was, at thebeginning of their dwelling
liciteth the people to revolt,
there, that they feared not the Lord; therefore the
Lord fent lions among them, which {lew some of them.
26 Wherefore they Ipake to the king of Afiyria,
NOW it came to
pafs, in the third year of Hofhea cir. t3.6.

fon of Elah king of Ifrael, that a Hezekiah the

faying, The nations which thou haft removed, and fon of Ahaz king of Judah began to reign. Segued
placed in the cities of Samaria, know not the manner 2 Twenty and five years old was he when he be- ****"**•
of the God of the land therefore he hath fent lions
: gan to reign ; and he reigned twenty and nine years
among them, and, behold, they Clay them, becaufe inJerufalem his mother's name alfo was Abi, the

they know not the manner of the God of the land. daughter of Zechariah.
27 Then the king of Affyria commanded, faying, 3 And he did that which was right in the fight of
Carry thither one of the priefts whom ye brought from the Lord, according to all that David his father did.
thence, and let them go and dwell there, and let him 4 IT He removed the high places, and brake the
teach them the manner of the God of the land. t images, and cut down the groves, and brake in + IW >-

28 Then one of the priefts whom they had carried pieces the b brazen ferpent that Moles had made for "ViwL ;
2Iy "

away from Samaria, came and dwelt in Bethel, and unto thole days the children of Ifrael did burn incenfe
taught them how they fhquld fear the Lord. to it-; and he* called it || Nehuihtan. V^U
29 Howbeit, every nation made gods of their own, 5 He in the Lord God of Ifrael ; fo that iw""'
tr ufted
and put them in the houfes of the high places which after him Was none like him among all the kings of
the Samaritans had made, every nation in their cities Judah, nor any that were before him.
wherein they dwelt. 6 For he clave to the Lojid , and departed not f from t Heb. rr m
30 And the men of Babylon made Succothbenoth, °fttrhim '
following him, but kept his commandments, which
and the men of Cuth made Nergal, and the men of the Lord commanded Mofes.
Hamath made Afhima, 7 And the Lord was with him, and he profpered ««*•»»*

31 And the Avitesmade Nibhaz and Tartak, and whitherfoever he went forth and he rebelled againlt

tlie Sepharvites burnt their cluldren in fire to Adram- the king of Affyria, and ferved him not.
8 He
; ;

Rabsbakeh revlleth Hezekiah n. KINGS. be in deep affliclion sendeth to halah*

8 He fmote the Philiftines dw/z unto f Gaza, and this place to deftroy it ? The Lord faid to me, Go CHRIST
the borders thereof, from the tower of the watchmen up againft this land and deftroy it.
to the fenced city. 26 Then faid Eliakim the fon of Hilkiah, and
9 % And c it came to pafs in the fourth year of king Shebna, and Joah, unto Rabfhakeh, Speak, I pray
Hezekiah, which was the feventh year of Hofhea fon thee, to thy fervants in the Syrian language (for we ;

ofElah king. of Ifrael, that Shalmanefer king of Af- underftand it ;) and talk not with us in the Jews' Ian-
fyria came up againft Samaria, and befieged it. guage, in the ears of the people that are on the wall.
10 And at the end of three years they took it ; even 27 But Rabfhakeh faid unto them, Hath my maf.
d Chap.
n 6.
in the fixth year of Hezekiah, (that is, the ninth year ter fent me
to thy mafter, and to thee, to fpeak thefe
of Hofhea king of Ifrael,) Samaria was taken.. words ? hath he not sent me to the men- which fit 011.
11. And the king of Affyria did carry away Ifrael the walk that they may eat their own dung, and drink
unto Affyria, and put them in Halah, and in Habor t their own pifs with you I XS&fr?
by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes 28 II. Then Rabfhakeh flood, and cried With a loud a*** 6
12 Becaufe they obeyed not the voice of the Lord voice in the Jews' language,, and fpake, faying, Hear
iheir God, but tranfgreffed his covenant, anda\\ that the word of the great king, the king of Affyria :

Mofes the fervant of the Lord, commanded,, and 29 Thus faith the king, Let not Hezekiah deceive
would not hear them nor do them. you : for he fhall not be able to deliver you, out of his.
c i Chron. 13 If Now, e in the fourteenth year of king Hezekiah hand :

32 >
Isaiah 36 1.
did f Sennacherib king of Affyria come up againft all 30 Neither let Hezekiah make you truft in the
Ecclus. the fenced cities of Judah, and took them. Lord, faying, The Lord will furely deliver us, and
48 itf.
-t-Heb. 14 And Hezekiah king of Judah fent to- the king, of this city fhall not be delivered into the hand of the
Affyria to Lachifh, faying, I have offended return ;. king of Affyria..
from me : that which thou. putteft on me, will I bear. 3.1 Hearken not unto Hezekiah :: for thus faith the

And the king of Affyria appointed unto Hezekiah king of Affyria,! f Make an. agreement•with me by a l°}'JfS.
king of Judah, three hundred talents of filver,.and prefent, and come out to me,r and then, eat Jye every
J •with me a
-', . „ .

man 01 his own vine,, and every one ofr his ng tree, bussing.
. , .

thirty talents of gold,

15 And Hezekiah gave him all the filver that was and drink ye every one the waters of his ciftern, \or,pn. ||

found in the houfe of the Lord., and in the treafures 32. Until I come and take you away to a land like
of the king's houfe. your own land, a land of corn and wine, a land of
16 At that time did Hezekiah cut ofttlie gold from bread and vineyards, a land of oil olive and of honey,
the doors of the temple of the Lord, and /row the that ye may live, and not die and hearken not unto

pillars which Hezekiah king of Judah had overlaid, and. Hezekiah, when he ||
perfuadeth you, faying, The dor,
gave t it to the king of Affyria* Lord will deliver us.
cir. 710. 17 TT And the king of Affyria fent Tartan, and Rab- 33 Hath any of the gods of the nations delivered at
farisand Rabfhakeh, from Lachifhto king Hezekiah,. allhis land out of the hand of the king of Affyria V ,
t Heb. with a t great hoft againft Jerufalem and they went : 34 Where are the gods of Hamath,and of Arpad ?
up, and came to Jerulalem. And when they were where are the gods of Sepharvaim, Hena, and Ivah 1
come up, they came and flood by the conduit of the have they delivered Samaria out of mine hand ?
upper pool, which is in the highway of the fullers' field., 35 Who arethey among all the gods of the countries
18 And, when they had called to the king, there that havedelivered their country out of mine hand, that
came out to them Eliakim the fon of Hilkiah, which the Lord fhould deliver Jerufalem out of mine hand ?
f.Or, •was over the houfehold, and Shehna the fcribe, and || 36 But the people held their peace, and anfwered
Joali the fon ofAfaph the recorder. him not a word for the king's commandment was,

19 And Rabfhakeh faid unto them, Speak ye now to faying, Anfwer hirn not.
Hezekiah, Thus
faith the great king, the king of Af- 37 Then came Ellakimme fon ofHilkiah, .which was
fyria, What confidence is this wherein thou trufteft ? over the houfehold, and Shebna the fcribe, and Joah
• Or, 20 Thou fayeft, (but they are but. t vain words,)
|| the fon of Afaph the recorder,, to Hezekiah, with their
tHeb. ||I have counfel and ftrength for the war. Now, on clothes rent, and told him the words of Rabfhakeh.
iuor</ 0/
whom dolt thou truft, that thou rebeEeft againft. me ? CHAP. XIX.
Or, 6«t
counsel ar.i
21 Now, behold, thou t trufteft upon the ftaff of 1 Hezekiah, in deep affliction, sendeth to Isaiah to pray
Strength are this bruifed reed, even upon Egypt, on which if a for them. 6 Isaiah returneth an answer ofGomfort. 8'
j»r the war.
t Heb. rrHjf- man lean, it will go into his hand and pierce it fo is : Sennacherib, being called to oppose Tirhahah, sendeth
a; thee-
Pharaoh king of Egypt unto all that truft on him. a blasphemous letter to Hezekiah. 14 Hezekiah rs
22 But if ye fay unto me, We
truft in the Lord our prayer. 20 Isaiah''s prophecy concerning the pride
God is not that he, whole high places and whofe
: and destruction- of Sennacherib, and the prosperity of
altars Hezekiah hath taken away ; and hath faid to Zion, 35 An angel slayeth the Assyrian army, and
Judah and Jerufalem, Ye fhall worfhip before this Sennacherib is slain at Nineveh by his own so?is.

altar in Jerufalem ?
23 Now, therefore, I pray thee give pledges to ||
it came to pafs, when king Hezekiah heard a IsaiaK

it, that he rent his clothes, and covered himfelf

37 '*
my lord the king of Affyria., and I will deliver thee with fackcloth, and went into the houfe of the Lord.
two thoufand horfes, if thou be able on thy part to fet 2 And he fent Eliakim, which was over the houfe-
riders upon them. hokl, and Shebna the fcribe, and the elders of the
How then wilt thou turn away the face of
24 one b
priefts, covered with fackcloth, to Ifaiah the prophet, cim z

captain of the teaft of my matter's fervants, and put the fon of Amoz. ,

thy truft on Egypt for chariots and fo*- horfemen ? 3 And they faid unto him* Thus faith Hezekiah,
25 Am
I now come up without the Lord againft This day is a day of trouble, and of rebuke, and
U blafphemy

Isaiah propbesietb Sennacherib's overthrow. CHAP. XX. He is slain at Nineveh by his sons.
blafphemy for the children are come to the birth,
|| ;
liftedup thine eyes on high ? even againll the holy
and there is not ftrength to bring forth. One of Ilrael.
4 It maybe the Lord thy God will hear all the 23 f By thy meffengers thou halt reproached the
words of Rabfhakeh, whom the king of Affyria his Lord, and haft faid, With the multitude of my char-
mailer hath fent to reproach the living God and will
reprove the words which the Lord thy God hath
^r am Come up to ^
nei sht of me mountains, to
thehdes of Lebanon, and will cut down the tall

f t neb: the,
heard r wherefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant cedar trees thereof, and the choice fir trees thereof; tailne "- &"
t Hffc.
that are f left. and 1 will enter into the lodgings of his borders, and
5 TT So the fervants of kingHezekiah came to Ifaiah. into the forelt of his Carmel. ||
6 II And Ifaiah faid unto- them, Thus fhall ye fay to 24 1- have digged and drunk itrange waters, and /£%"£-*
your mailer, Thus faith the Lord, Be not afraid of with the fole of my feet have I dried up all the rivers fi

the words which thou hall heard, with which the fer- of befieged places. I!
Or, II

vants of the king of Affyria have blafphemed me. 25 Halt thou not heard long ago, how Ihave done fenced*
_ || Or, Half II

thou not
7 Behold, I will fend a blafl upon him, and he fhall it, and of ancient times that I have formed it ? now heard howi"
hear a rumour, and fhall return tohis o^yn land and have I brought it to pais, that thou fhouldeft be to lay it lcn%muds
I will caufehim to fall by the fword in his own land. vvalte fenced cities into ruinous heaps. GV.d formed

it of ancient

8 So Rabfhakeh returned, and found the king of 26 Therefore their inhabitants were fof fmall times ?
Affyria warring againlt Libnah for he had heard
power, they were difmayed and confounded; they should bring
to be it
laid ivaste,
that he was departed from Lachifh. were as the grafs of the field, -and as the green herb, andfene'ed
9 And when he heard fay of Tirhakah king of Ethi- as the grafs on the houfe tops, and as com blafted be- cities ruinous
to be

opia, Behold, he is come out to fight againft thee ;4ie fore it be grown up. heaps f
t Hi-b. short
fent meffengers again unto Hezekiah, faying, 27 But I know thy abode, and thy going out, arid »/ w.

10- Thus fhall ye fpeak to Hezekiah king of Judah, thy coming in, and thy rage againlt me. l
faying,- Let not thy God in whom thou trulleil, de- 28 Becaufe thy rage againll me,- and thy tumult,

ceive thee, faying, Jerufalem fhall not be delivered is come up into mine ears, therefore I will put my

into the hand of the king of Affyria. hook ,

thynofe, and my bridle in thy lips, and I
11 Behold, thou hall heard what the kings of Affy- will turn thee back by the way by which thou ;

ria have done to all lands, by dellroying them utterly cameft,

and lhalt thou be delivered ?
29 And this shall be a fign unto thee, Ye fhall eat

12 Have the gods of the nations delivered them tnis year fuch things as grow of themfelves, and in the
which my fathers have dellroyed as Gozan, and fecond year that which fpringeth of the fame and in
; ;

Haran, and Rezeph, and the children of -Eden which the third year fow ye and reap, and plant vineyards, 1

were in Thelafar ? and eat the fruits thereof.


13 Where is the king of Hamath, and the king of

Ar pad, and the king of the city of Sepharvaim, of of
30 And | the remnant that is efcaped of the houfe
Judah, fhall yet again take root downward, and bear M^Se'if
b fh
n L ^ -

Henaand Ivah ? fruit upward,- *£g*fr

14 If And Hezekiah received the letter of the hand of 3L lor out of Jerufalem fhall go forth a remnant,
the meffengers, and read it: and Hezekiah went up into and t they that efcape out of mount Zion the zeal of f gfe thc :
P K '' '

the houfe of the Lord, andfpread it before the Lord. the Lord of hosts fhall do this,
15 And Hezekiah prayed before the Lord, and 32 Therefore, thus faith the Lor d concerning-.the

faid, O Lord God of Ifrael, which dwelleil bet-ween king of Affyria, He fhall not come into this city, nor
the cherubims, thou art the God,' even thou alone, of fhoot an arrow there, nor come before it with fhiekl,
all the kingdoms of the earth j thou hall- made heav- nor call a bank againlt rt.
en and earth. 33 By the way that he came, by the fame fhall he
16* L©RD,bowdownthineearandhear; open, Lord, return, and ihaUnot come into this city, faith the Lo r d.
thine eyes, and fee and hear the words of Sennache-
34 For I will defend this city to fave it, for mine
rib, which hath fent him to reproach the living God. own fake, -and for my fervant David's fake.
IT OFa truth, Lord, the kings of Affyria have de- 35- TT And c it came to nafs that night, that the an- crsaMi*?
L " h,s
gel of the Lord went out,' and fmotc in the camp of'fs 2

llroyed the nations and their lands ;

HA. 18 And have f call their gods into the lire for;they the Affyrians an hundred fourfcore and live thbufand \ $j£f ?£ :

were no gods, but the work of men's hands, wood and when they arofe early in the morning, behold,
and Hone therefore they have dellroyed them.
- they were all dead corpfes.
19 Now, therefore, O
Lord our God, I befeech 36 So Sennacherib king of Affyria departed, and
thee, -fave thou us out of his hand, that all the king- went and returned, and dwelt at Nineveh. 709;

doms of the earth may know that thou art the Lord 37- And it came to pafs, as he was worfhipping in
God, even thou only. thc houfe of Nifroch his god, that Adrammelech anct
20 II Then Ifaiah the fon of A'moz fent to Hezeki- Sharezer, d his fons, fmote him with the fword ; and d Tofnt 21. I

ah^ laying, Thus faith the Lord God of Ifrael, That

which thou hall prayed to me againll Sennacherib
they efcaped into the land of f Armenia
haddon his fon reigned in his flead.
and Efar- f :
king of Airy ria, I have heard. C P. XX. HA
21 This is the word that the Lord hath fpoken 1 Hezekiah warned by Isaiah to prepare for death, by
concerning him The virgin, the daughter of Zion,
; prayer hath his life lengthened ; 8 in confirmation
hath defpifed thee, and laughed thee to fcorn the
: whereof the shadow gotth ten degrees backward. 12
daughter of Jerufalem hath lhaken her head at dice. Berodachbaladan, scnd'mg to congratulate Hezekiah
22 Whom hall thou reproached and blafphemed ? on his recovery hath notice ofhis treasures. 1 4 Isaiah,

and againll whom haft thou exalted thy voice, and under standing thereof foretelleth the Babylonian
3 , ; ; . ,

Isaiah foretelleth the Babylonian captivity. II. K I& G S» Manassetts 'Wicked reign-, bringeth evil on Judah
captivity. 20 Hezekiah* s acts anddeaih ; Manasseh which thou flialt beget, fliall they take away and :

succeedcth Hezekiah. they fhall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of

thole days was Hezekiah Tick unto death and Babylon.
3« '-'4-
2 uhron.
IN the prophet Ifaiah the ion of Amoz came to him-,

19 Then faid Hezekiah unto Ifaiah, Good is the

38 ..
+ Heb. Give and laid unto him, Thus faith the Lord, f Set thine word of the Lord which thou hall fpoken. And he
chargz con-
cerning thine
houle in order ; for thou flialt die, and not live. faid, ||
not good, if peace and truth
Is it ?be in my days II
house. 2 Then he turned his face to the wall, and prayed •20 And
the reft of the afits^of Hezekiah, "and all
If there not

unto the Lord, faying^ his might, and how he made a pool, and a conduit, and *'
nnd truth,
3 I beieech thee, O
Lord, remember now how I brought water into the city, are they not written in t£rc-
have walked before thee in truth, and with a perfect the book of the Chronicles of the kings- ofJudah ?
heart, and have done that which is good in thy light. 21 And Heaekiah flept with his fathers and Ma- ;

T Heb. -with
And Hezekiah wept naffeh his fon reigned in his Head.
f fore.
a great
4 And it came to pafs afore Ifaiah was gone out CHAP. XXL
Or, city.
into the middle court, that the word of the Lord
|| 1 Manasseh^s wicked reign and great idolatry. lO.Pro-
came to him, faying, phecies uttered against Judah, because of his %vick-
5 Turn again, and tell Hezekiah, the captain of my edness ; 17 he atsth.; Anion succcedetk him. 19
people, Thus faith the Lord, the God of David thy Amorts wicked reign: 23 he is slain by his ser-
lather, I have heard thy prayer, I have feen thy tears : vants: the people slay the murderers, and make
behold, I will heal thee ; on the third day thou fhalt Josiah. king.25 Amon's acts, fcfc.
-go up unto -the houfe of the Lord. MANASSEH a
was twelve years old when he be- a 2
6 And add unto thy days fifteen -years and
I will ; gan to reign and reigned fifty and five years in
; 33' '
I \\ ill deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the Jerufalem and his mother's name was Hephzibah.

king of Alfyria and I will defend this cky for mine

; 2 And he did -that which was evil in the fight of the
own fake, and for my fervant David's fake. Lord after the abominations of the heathen, whom
7 And Iiaiah laid, Take a lump of figs : and. they the Lord call-out before the children of Ifrael.
took and laid it on the boil, and berecovered. 3_ For he built up again the high places
which He- b184.
8 If And Hezekiah laid unto Ifaiah, What shall be zekiah his father had cleftr-oyed; and he. reared up altars
the fign that theLord will heal me, and that I ihall for Baal, and made a grove, as did Ahab king of Ifrael
go upinto £he -houfe -of the Lord
the third day ? and worshipped all the holt of heaven, and ferved them.
9 And Ifaiah Taid, This iign ihalt thou have of the 4 And he built altars in the houfe of the Lord, of jet-em. <=

-Lord, that the Lord will do the thing that he hath which the Lord faid d In Jerufalem will I put my name. aVsam.
Jpoken fliall the thadow go forward ten degrees, or
; 5,And he built altars for all the hoft of heaven in 7 3 ' "

go back ten degrees ? the two courts of the houfe of the Lors.
10 And Hezekiah tmfwered, It is alight thing for § And Jie made his ion pafs through the fire, and
the fhadow to go down ten degrees nay, but let the ; obferved times, and ufed enchantments, and dealt with
ihadow return backward ten degrees. familiar fpirits and wizards: he wroughtmuch wicked-
11 And Ifaiau the -prophet cried unto the Lord ;
nefs in the fight of the Lord, to provoke him to anger.
t> Tsaiah and b he brought the -Ihadow ten degrees backward, 7 And he fet a graven image of the grove that he
38 «.
Ecdas. by which it had gone down in the f dial of Ahaz. had made in the houfe of which the Lord faid to
48 23.
12 If c At that time Berodachbaladan, the fon of David and to Solomon his. fon, e In this houfe, and I" 11 8*

+ Heb.
7! 2.

Baladan, king of Babylon, fent letters and a -prefent in Jerufalem, which I havechofen out of all the tribes ««•
c Isaiah. unto Hezekiah-; .for lie had heard that Hezekiah had of Ifrael, will I put my name for ever. 9 3.
been lick. 8 Neither will I make theieet of Ifrael move any
1 And Hezekiah hearkened unto them and fhew - , more out of the land which I gave their fathers only ;

Or. ed them all the houfe of his precious things^ the if they will ohferve to do according to all that I have
filver, .and the gold, and the fpices, and the precious commanded them, and according to all the law that
ointment, and all the houfe of his. f armour, and all II my lervant Mofes commanded them.
that was found in his treafures :_ there-was nothing in 9 But they hearkened not ; and Manaffeh feduced
his houfe, nor in ail his dominion, that Hezekiah them to do more evil than did the nations whom the
ihewed them not. Lord deflroyed before the children of Ifrael.
14 IT Then came Ifaiah the prophet unto king Hez- 10 And die Lord fpake by his fervants the
ekiah, and faid unto him, What laid thele men ? and prophets, faying,
{from whence came they unto thee ? And Hezekiah 11 f Becaufe Manaffeh king of Judah Tiath done f Tereiru
faid, They are come from a far country, ~men from thefe abominations, and hath done wickedly above all
Babylon. that the Amorites did, which were before him, and
15 And he faid, What have they feen in thine hath made Judah alfo to fm with his idols
houfe ? And Hezekiah anfwered, All the things that 12 Therefore thus faith the Lord God of Ifrael, Be-
are in mine houfe have they feen there is nothing : hold, lambring'mgsitch evilupon Jerufalem and Judah,
among my treafures that I have not fhewed them. that whofoever heareth of it, both e his ears fhall tingle. g 1 Sara.
16 And Iiaiah faid unto Hezekiah, Hear the word 13 And I will flretch over Jerufalem the line of
of the Lord. Samaria, and the plummit of the houfe of Ahab and :

17 Behold, the days come that all that is in thine I will wipe Jerufalem, as a man wipeth a difh, t wiping t Heb. hi
houfe, and that which thy fathers have -laid up in flore it, and turning hi upfide down.
ana turn-
.!Chip. unto this day, <MTmll be carried into Babylon.: nothing 14 Andi will forfake the remnant of mine inheritance, etii it u ten
24 13. & fliall be left, faith the Lord.
the face
25 13. and deliver them into the hand of their enemies, and thereof,
Jerem. 1*8 And of thy ions that lb all uTue from thee. they fhall become a prey and a fpoil to all their enemies
;;7 22.

15 Becaufe
5 :

yosiatis good reign. C H A P.

XXII r XXIII. Prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem*
1 Becaufe they have done that which wasevil in my 8 If And Hiikiah the high priefl faid unto Shaphan
fight, and have provoked me to anger,
fmce the day their the fcribe, I have found the book of the law in the
lathers came forth out of Egypt, even unto this day. houfe of the Lord. And Hiikiah gave the book to
16 Moreover, Manaffeh lhed innocent blood very Shaphan, and he read it.
tHrb. much, till lie had filled Jerufalem f from one end to 9 And Shaphan the fcribe came to the king, and
tncuth another, befide his fin wherewith he made Juclah to fin, brought the king word again, and faid, Thy fervants
in doing that which was evil in the fight of the Lord. have t gathered the money that was found in the tHcb.
17 If Now the reft of the aas of Manaffeh, and all houfe, and have delivered it into the hand of them
that he did, and hisfin that he mined, arc they not written that do the work, that have the overfight of the houfe
in the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Juclah ? of the Lord.
h ?Chron,
18 i\nd h Manaffeh flept with his fathers, and was 10 And Shaphan the fcribe fhewed the king, faying,
buried in the garden of his own houfe, in the garden Hiikiah the priefl hath delivered me a book * and :

643' of Uzza and Amon his ion reigned in his ftead.

Shaphan read before the king,

19 If Amon was twenty and two years old when he 11 And it came to pafs, when the king had heard the
began to reign and he reigned two years in Jerufa-
words of the book of the law,- that he rent his clothes.
lem : and his mother's name was Melhullemeth, the 12 And the king commanded Hiikiah the priefl,
daughter of Haru z of Jotbah. '
and Ahikam the fon of Shaphan, and Achbor the fon.
20 And he did that which was evil in the fight of of Micaiah, and Shaphan the fcribe, and Afahiah a
the Lord, as- his father Manaifeh did, fervant of the king's, faying,
21 And he walked in all the ways that his father 13 Go ye, inquire of the Lord for me, and for the
walked inland ferved the idols that his father ferved, people, and for all Judah, concerning the words of this
and worihipped them : book that is found for great is the- wrath of the Lord

22 And he forfookthe Lord God of his fathers, and that is kindled againft us, becaufe- our fathers have
walked not in the way of the Lord. not hearkened unto the words of this book, to do ac-
23 If And the fervants of Amon confpired againft cording unto all that which is written concerning us.
him, and flew the king in his own houfe. 14 So Hiikiah the priefl, and Ahikam, and Ach-
24 And the people of the land flew all them that had bor, and Shaphan, and Afahiah, went unto Hulclah
confpired againft king Amon and the people of the
the prophetefs, the wife of Shallum the fon of Tikvah,
land made
Jofiah his Ton king in his ftead". the fon of Harhas, keeper^ of the f wardrobe ; (now t Heb.
25 If Now
the reft of the acts of which he Amon f he dwelt in Jerufalem in the college ) and they
_ if ;
did, are they not written in the book of the Chronicles communed with her.- in tits
of the kings of Judahr ? 15 If And f he faid unto-them, Thus faith the Lord P~Tt.

26 And he was buried in his fepulchre, in the garden God of Ifrael, Tell the man that fent you to me,
» Matth.
1 ]o.
of Uzza : and '"Jofiah his fon reigned in his ftead, 16 Thus faith the Lord, Behold, I will bring evil
Jesiai. CHAP, xxir, upon this place, and upon the inhabitants thereof,
even all the words of the book which the king of Ju-
1 Josiafrs good reign 3 heprovidethfor the repair of

dah hath read

the temple. 8 Hiikiah having found the book of the
alarmed, and sendeth to Hulclah to 17 Becaufe they have forfaken me, and have burnt
law, Josiah is
incenfe unto other gods, that they might provoke me
inquire of the L ord. 1 5 Hulclah prophesicth the de-
to anger with all the_ works of their hands therefore,
struction of erusalem, but a respite thereof till J0- my wrath fliall be kindled againft this place, and fliall

siah's death.-
641. not be quenched.
a 3 Cliron.
JOSIAH a was eight years old when he began to
18 But to the king of Judah, which: fent you to in-
and he reigned thirty and one years in Jeru-
reign ;.
quire of the Lord, thus fliall ye fay to him, Thus
falem and his mother's name was Jedidah, the
iaith the Lord God ofllrael, As touching the words
daughter of Adaiah of Bofcath. which thou haft heard
2 And he did that which was right in the fight of the

1-9Becaufe thine heart was tender, and thou haft

Lord, and walked in all the way of David his father, humbled thy felf before the Lord, when thou heardeft
and turned not afide to the right hand or to the left. what I fpake againft this place, and againft the inhab-
cir. 524.
3 If And it came to pafs, in the eighteenth year of itants thereof, that they iliould become a defolation
king Jofiah, that the king fent Shaphan the fon of and a curfe, and haft rent thy clothes, and wept before
Azaliah, the fon of Mefhullam, the fcribe, to the me,. I alfo have heard thee, faith the Lord.
houfe of the Lord, faying, _ 20 Behold, therefore, I will gather thee unto thy
4 Go up to Hiikiah the high priefl, that he may fum fathers, and thou flialt be gathered into thy grave in
the filver which is brought into the houfe of the peace and thine eyes fliall not fee all the evil which
tH<*. Lord, which the keepers of the f door have gathered
threshold. I will bring upon this place. And they brought the
of the people. king word again.
5 And let them deliver it into the hand of the doers
of the work, that have the overfight of the houfe of CHAP. XXIII.
the Lord and let them give it to the doers of the
I Josiah cause th the book to be read in a solemn assem-
work which is in the houfe of the Lord, to repair the bly : 3 he reneweth the covenant of the Lord : 4 he
breaches of the houfe. destroy eth idolatry : 15 he burnetii nidi's bones upon
6 Unto carpenters, and builders, and mafons, and the altar at Bethel, according to the prophecy : 21
to buy timber and hewn ftone to repair the houfe. he causcth a solemn passovcr to be kept : 24 heput-
7 Howbeit, there was no reckoning made with teth away witches, and all abominations. 26 God's
them of the money that was delivered into their hand, determined wrath against Judah. 28 Josiah's acts :
becaufe they dealt faithfully. 29 Provoking Pharaohncchoh, he is slain at iklegid.

jfosiah destroyeth idolatry. II. KING*. Cod''s final -wrath against Judah,
31 Jehoahaz succcedeth him ; be is imprisoned
do. and for Chemofh, the abomination of the Moabites <$$£? ;

by Pbaraobnechoh, &?c? and for Mjlcom, the abomination of the children of .J^Jv
Ammon, did the king defile.
D a the king fent, and they gathered unto him
all the elders of Judah and of Jerufalem.
14 And he brake in pieces
the t images, and cut + Heb.
the groves, and filled their places with the bones
2 And the king went up into the houfe of the Lord,
and all the men of Judah, and all the inhabitants of of men.
Jerufalem with him, and the priefts, and the prophets, 15 11 Moreover, the altar that was at Bethel, and
the high place which Jeroboam the fon of Nebat, who
*J!,ih£r anc a ^ me P e °pl e t both fmall and great and he read
l 5 ;

wojprttt- in their ears all the words of the book of the cove- made Ifrael to fin, had made, both that altar and the
nant, which was found in the houfe of the Lord. high place he brake down, and burnt the high place,
3 11 And the king Hood by a pillar, and made a and ftamped it fmall to powder, and burnt the grove.
•covenant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord, 16 And as Jofiah turned himfelf, he fpied the fe-
.and to keep his commandments, and his teftimonies, puichres that were there in the mount, and fent, and
and his ftatutes, with all their heart, and all their took the bones out of the fepulehrea, and burnt them
foul, to perform the words of this covenant that were upon the altar, and polluted it, according to the e word e 1

13 2.

written in this book and all the people flood to the

of the Lord, wThich the man of God proclaimed, who
.covenant. proclaimed thefe words.
4 If And
the king commanded Hilkiah the high 17 Then he faid, What title is that, that Ifee ? And
prieft, and the
priefts of the fecond order, and the keep- the men of the city told him, // is the fepuichre of the
ers of the door, to bring forth out of the temple of the man of God which came from Judah,. and proclaimed
Lord, all the veffels that were made for Baal, and for thefe things that thou haft done againft the altar of
the grove, and for all the holt of heaven : and he burnt Bethel.
them without Jerufalem, in the fields of Kidron, and 18 And he faid. Let him alone; let rto man move
carried the of them unto Bethel. his bones. So they let his bones + alone, with the tHeb, escape.
tHeb.^ww 5 n d h e 1 p U t down the f idolatrous priefts whom
^ bones of die prophet that came out of Samaria.
to cease.
t Heli. die- the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incenfe in the 19 If And all the houfes alfo of the high places that
high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places were in the cities of Samaria, which the kings of Ifrael
round about Jerufalem them alfo that burnt incenfe
had made to provoke ./i?<? 1.0 RD
to anger, Joiiah
unto Baal, to the fun, and to the moon, and to the took away, and did to them according to all the acl:s
planets, and to all the hoft of heaven. that he had done in Bethel.
20 And lie flew all the priefts of the high places i**> «&%
. II

.6 And he brought out the

1>Ciup. 21 7.
grove from the houfe of ||

the Lord, without Jerufalem unto the brook Kidron, that were there upon the altars, and burnt men's bones '

and'burnt it at the brook Kidron, andftamped it fmall upon them, and returned to Jerufalem.
to powder, and call the powder thereof upon the graves 21 If And the king commanded all the people,
of the children .of the people. faying, f Keep the paffover unto the Lord your God, {fymim,
s as it is written in the book of this covenant.
7 And he brake down the houfes of the Sodomites, g Exod.
that were by the houfe of the Lord, where the wo- 22Surely there was not holden fuch a paffover,from Deut.
12 3- ,
6 5. 1

T Heb. men wove f hangings for the grove. the days of the judges that judged Ifrael, nor in all the his eigh-
teenth year
8 And he brought all the priefts out of the cities of days of the kings of Ifrael, nor of the kings of Judah ending. :

Judah, and defiled the high places where the priefts had 23 But inthe eighteenth year ofking Joiiah, wherein
burnt incenfe, from Geba to "Beerftieba, and brake this paffover was holden to the Lord in Jerufalem.
down the high places of the gates that were in the 24 If Moreover, the workers with familiar fpirits,
tet *'
entering in of the gate of Jofhiia, the governor of the and the wizards, and the images, and the idols, and fih
all the abominations that were fpied in the land of «•*•
city, which wcrp on a man's lefthand at the gate of
the city. Judah, and in Jerufalem, did Joiiah put away, that he
9 Neyerthelefs, the priefts of the high places came might perform the words of h the law, which were hLevit. M
27. Deuter,

not up to the altar of the Lord in Jerufalem, but they written in the book that Hilkiah the prieft found in it 11.
did eat of the unleavened bread among their brethren. the houfe of the Lord.
10 And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of

25 And like unto him was there no king before him,
the children of Hinnom, that no man might make his that turned to the Lord with all his heart, and with all
ion or his daughter to pafs through the fire to Molech. his foul, and with all his might, according to all the law
11 And he took away the horfes that the kings of of Mofes ; neither after him arofe there any like him.
Judah had given to the fun, at the entering in of the 26 If Notwithftanding the Lord turned not from
houfe of the Lord, by the chamber of Nathanme- the fiercenefs of his great wrath, wherewith his anger
»-°^™' c7, 'lech the chamberlain, which was in the fuburbs, and
was kindled againft Judah, becaufe of all the f provo- taniers.
Heb. .

burnt the chariots of the fun with fire. cations that Manaffeh had provoked him withal.
12 And the altars that were on the top of the upper 27 And the Lord faid, I will remove Judah alfo
chamber of Ahaz, which thekings of Judah had made, out of my
fight, as I have removed Ifrael, and will
Chip. and the altars which c Manaffeh had made in the two caft off" this city Jerufalem, which I have chofen, and
31- 5-
courts of the houfe of the Lord, did the king beat the houfe of which I faid,
name fhall be there. i
1 Kings 8
& 9 3-
(1 Or, ran
from thep.ce.
down, and brake_ them down from thence, and caft
28 If Now
the reft of the acls of Jofiah, and all that Chap.
21 47,

the duft of them into the brook Kidron. he did, are they not written in the book of the Ohroni.
13 And the high places that were before Jerufalem, icles of the kings of Judah ?
k 2 Chroa,
.5 That is, which were on the right hand of the mount of Cor-
29 If k In his days Pharaohnechoh king of Egypt 35 20.
the mount
of Olives,
ruption, which Solomon the king of Ifrael had build- went up againft the king of Affyria to the river Eu-
phrates ; and kjng Jofiah went againft him ; and
si 1

ed for Afhtoreth, the abomination of the Zidonians
1 ; ;

Jehoiachin made king. CHAP. XXIV, XXV. Jerusalem taken and spoiled.
he flew him at Megiddo, when he had feen him. 8 If Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he
30 And his fervants carried him in a chariot dead began to reign and he reigned in Jerufalem three

from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerufalem, and months and his mother's name was Nehufhta, the

1 5 Chron, buried him in his own fepulchre and the people of

1 daughter of Elnathan of Jerufalem.
36 1.
the land took Jehoahaz the fon of Jofiah, and anointed 9 And he did that which was evil in the fight of the
him, and made him king in his father's Head. Lord, according to all that his father had done.
3 If Jehoahaz was twenty and three years ol&when
10 If b At that time the fervants of Nebuchadnezzar b Daniel

he began to reign and he reigned three months in

king of Babylon came up againft Jerufalem, and the
Jerufalem and his mother's name ivas Hamutal, the
city t was befieged. tHeb.
came int$

daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 11 And Nebuchadnezzar

king of Babylon came 7u&
32 And he did that which was evil in the fight of the againft the city, and his fervants did beiiege it.
Lord, according to all that his fathers had done. 12 And Jehoiachin the king of Judah went out to
33 And Pharaohnechoh put him in bands at Rib- the king of Babylon, he, and his mother, and his fer-
I) Or, iah, in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign
vants, and his princes, and his officers and the king or,
|| ; n
in Jerufalem ; and f put the land to a tribute of an of Babylon took him in the eighth year of his reign.

a mulct
r» t/«
hundred talents of filver, and a talent of gold.
34 And Pharaohnechoh made Eliakim the fon of
13 And he carried out thence all the treafures of c2

the houfe of the Lord, and the treafures of the king's »aai
Jofiah king in the room of Jofiah his father, and turn- houfe, and cut in pieces ail the veffels of gold which
m Matth. ed his name to m Jehoiakim, and took Jehoahaz away ;
Solomon king of Ifrael had made in the temple of the
1 >ii
called and he came to Egypt, and died there. Lord, Lord had laid.
as the
35 IF And Jehoiakim gave the filver and the gold to 14 And
he carried away all Jerufalem, and all the
Pharaoh but he taxed the land to give the money,
princes, and all the mighty men of valour, even ten
according to the commandment of Pharaoh he ex- :
thoufand captives, and all the craftfmen and fmiths :

acted the filver and the gold of the people of the land, none remained, lave the pooreft fort of the people of
of every one according to his taxation, to give it un- the land.
toPharaohnechoh. 15 And d he
carried away Jehoiachin to Babylon, d 1 Chron,

36 If Jehoiakim was twenty and five years old when and the king's mother, and the king's wives, and his Esther

he began to reign and he reigned eleven years in IIofficers, and the mighty of the land; those carried
jj& rj
Jerufalem and his mother's name was Zebudah, the
he into captivity from Jerufalem to Babylon. eunuchs.

ghter of Pedaiah of Rumah. 16 And all the men of might, even feven thoufand,
37 And he did that which was evil in the fight of and craftfmen and fmiths a thoufand all that were ;

the Lord, according to all that his fathers had done. ftrong and apt for war, even them the king of Baby-

CHAP. XXIV. lon brought captive to Babylon.

17 If And e the king of Babylon made Mattaniah,
1 J'choiakim, first submitting to Nebuchadnezzar, and .

his father's brother, king in his Head, and changed his

then rebelling against Mm, procureth his own ruin.
5 jehoiakim dietb ; Jehoiac/iin sncceedeth him. 7
name to Zedekiah.
18 f Zedekiah was twenty and one years old when f Jerem;
The king of Egypt is vanquished by the king of ji 1.
he began to reign and he reigned eleven years in
Babylon. 8 Jehoiachin'' s wicked reign. 10 Jerusa-
Jerufalem and his mother's name ivas Hamutal, the
lem is taken, and carried captive into Babylon. 17
daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah.
Zedekiah is made king, reigneth wickedly, andrebel-
19 And he did that which was evil in the fight of
leth, to the utter destruction
the Lord, according to all that Jehoiakim had done.
607. 606 Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came
his days
603. 600. IN up, and Jehoiakim became his fervant three years
20_ For through the anger of the Lord it came to
pais in Jerufalem and Judah, until he had call them
then he turned, and rebelled againft him. out from his prefence, that Zedekiah rebelled againft
2 And the Lord fent againft him bands of the the king of Babylon.
Chaldees, and bands of the Syrians, and bands of the
Moabitcs, and bands of the children of Amnion, and CHAP. XXV.
a Chap. fent them againft Judah to deftroy it, a according to 1 Jerusalem besieged. 4 Zedekiah taken, and his eyes
20 17, &
23 27. the word of the Lord, which he (pake f by his fer- put out. 8 Nebuzaradan defaceth the city, carricth
by the vants the prophets. the remnant into captivity, 13 and all the valuable
hand of.
3 Surely at the commandment of the Lord came things of the temple. 18 The nobles slain at Riblah.
//??>upon Judah, to remove them out of his light, for 22 Gedaliah, who was set over them that remained,
the fins of Manaffeh, according to all that he did being slain, the rest flee into Egypt. 27 Evilmero-
4 And alfo for the innocent blood that he fhed, (for dach sheweth kindness to Jehoiachin.
he filled Jerufalem with innocent blood,) which the
Lord would not pardon.
AND itcame to pals :t
in the ninth year of his
reign, in the tenth month, in the tenth day of the
a Jerem.
39 '.St
5 li'Now the reft of the acls of Jehoiakim, and all j2 4.
month, that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came,
that he did, are they not written in the book of the he, and all his hoft, againft Jerufalem, and pitched
Chronicles of the kings of Judah ? againft it and they built forts againft it round about.

6 So Jehoiakim fleet with his fathers ; and Jehoia-. 2 And the city was befieged unto the eleventh year
chin his fon reigned in his Head. of king Zedekiah.
«9- 7 If And the king of Egypt came not againany more 3 And on the ninth clay of the b fourth month, the sds:
b Jerri]).
out of his land for the king of Babylon had taken,
: famine prevailed in the city, and there was no bread 526.
from the river of Egypt unto the river Euphrates, all for the people of the land.
that pertained to the king of Egypt. 4 If And the city was broken up, and all the men
2N of
: -

Nebuzaradan spoileth the temple, I. CHRONICLES, Evilmerodaeb''/ Mndness to yehoiachin,

of war by night, by the way of the gate between
fled the chief prieft, and Zephaniah the fecond prieft, and
two walls, which is by the king's garden (now the ;
the three keepers of the f door.
Chaldees were agaiuft the city round about ;) and the 19 And out of the city he took an officer that was He
\ \
king went the way toward the plain. fet over the men of war, and five men of them that I p?,
5 And the army of the Chaldees purfued after the
f were in the king's prefence, which were found in the $§££"
king, and overtook him in the plains of Jericho and : city, and the principal fcribeof the holt, which muf- 5y,"J'"
" s
all army were {battered from him.
his tered the people of the land, and threefcore men of #
6 So they took the king, and brought him up to the people of the land that were found in the city scribe of

+ Heh. the king of Babylon to Riblah ; and they t gave judg- 20 And Nebuzaradan captain of the guard took the cap-
tain of the
judgment ment upon him. thefe, and brought them to the king of Babylon to host.
•with him.
7 And
they flew the fons of Zedekiah before his Riblah :

t Heb. and f put out the eyes of Zedekiah, and bound

e\ T es, 21 And the king of Babylon fmote them, and flew
blind. him with fetters of brafs, and carried him to Babylon. them at Riblah, in the land of Hamath. So Judah
8 H And in the fifth month, on the feventh day of was carried away out of their land.
the month, (which is the nineteenth year of king 22 1 e And as for the people that remained in the e m '

Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon,) came Nebuzar- land of Judah, whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Baby-
I Or adan captain of the guard, a fervant of the king of
lon had left, even over them he made Gedaliah the
arsliaL Babylon, unto Jerufalem : ion of Ahikam, the fon of Shaphan, ruler.
9 And he burnt the houfe of the Lord and the ;
23 And when all the f captains of the armies, they f ere
J £c
king's houfe, and all the houfes of Jerufalem, and and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had 4
every great marts houfe, burnt he with fire. made Gedaliah governor, there came to Gedaliah to
10 And all the army of the Chaldees, that were Mizpah, even Ilhmael the fon of Nethaniah, and Jo-
with the captain of the guard, brake down the wails of hanan the fon of Careah, and Seraiah the fon of Tan
Jerufalem round about. humeth the Netophathite, and Jaazaniah the fon of a
11 Now the reft of the people that were left in the Maachathite, they and their men.
!- Heb
city, and the f fugitives that fell away to the king of 24 And Gedaliah fware to them, and to their men,
Babylon, with the remnant of the multitude, did Ne- and laid unto them, Fear not to be the fervants of the
buzaradan the captain of the guard carry away. Chaldees dwell in the land, and ferve the king of

12 But the captain of the guard left of the poor of Babylon, and it fhall be w ell with you.

the land, to be vinedreffers and huihandmen. 25 But it came to pafs in the feventh month, that 588.

c Chap. 13 If And c the pillars of brafs that were in the houfe Ifhmael the fon of Nethaniah, the fon of Elifliama
20 17. t
of the Lord, and the bafes and thebrafen fea, that of the feed t royal, came, and ten men with him, and Hel».
of the
was in the houfe of the Lord, did the Chaldees e fmote Gedaliah that he died, and
the Jews and the kingdum*
g Jerem.
break in pieces, and carried the brafs of them to Chaldees that were with him at Mizpah. 4' ', 2-

Babylon. 26 And all the people, both fmaii and great, and
14 And the pots, and the (hovels, and the fnuffers, the captains of the armies, arofe, and came to Egypt :

and thefpoons, and all the veffels of brafs, wherewith for they were afraid of the Chaldees.
they miniftered, took they away. 27 TT And it came to pafs, in the feven and thirtieth 5<>3.

15 And the firepans, and the bowls, and fuch year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in
things as were of gold, in gold, and of lilver, in lilver, the twelfth month, on the feven and twentieth day of
the captain of the guard took away. the month, that Evilmerodach king of Babylon, in
t Heb. 16 The two pillars, t oue fea an0> tne bafes, which
the year thathe began to reign, did lift up the head of
the one sea.
Solomon had made for the houfe of the Lord; the Jehoiachin king of Judah out of prifon ;

brafs of all thefe veffels was without weight. 28 And he fpake f kindly to him, and fet his throne + Heb.
d 1 King 17 d The height of the one pillar was eighteen above the throne of the kings that were with him in things
v 14- •with liia.
J;rem. cubits, and the chapiter upon it %vas brafs and the : Babylon;
52 2:.
height of the chapiter three cubits and the wreathen ;
29 And changed his prifon garments and he did eat :

work, and pomegranates upon the chapiter round bread continually before him ail the days of his life.
about, all of brafs and like unto thefe had the fecond
: _
30 And his allowance was a continual allowance
pillar with wreathen work. given him of the king, a daily rate for every day, all
18 II And the captain of the guard took Seraiah the days of his life.

The Firft Book of the CHRONICLES.

li C
P. I.A 6 And the fons of Gomer ; Afhchenaz, and Ri- ||

1 5 The sons ofJapheth. 8 The sons

Adam" sl'me to Noah. phath, and Togarmah.
of Ham. 17 ThesonsofShem. 24 Sheni'sline to Abra- 7 And the fons of Javan ; Eliihah, and Tarfhifh,
ham. 29 Ishmael'ssons. 32 The sons ofKeturaAM The Kittim, and Dodanim.

posterity of Abrahamby Esau. 38 ThesonsofSeir^c. 8 'il The fons of ; Ham

Cufn, and Mizraim, Put,
a Gen. 5 A DAM, a
Shefh, Ehofti, and Canaan.
3 <)
= 3+7- ^1 2 Kenan, Mdhalaleel, Jered, 9 And the fons of Cufii; S<.ba, and Havilah, and
Sabta, and Raamali, and Sabteclia, And the ions of
h Gtti.
10 2. Henoch, Methufelah, Lamcch,
4 Noah. Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Raamah; Sheba, and Dedan.
5 II b The fons of Japheth Gomer, and Magog and
; ,_ 10 And Cuili c begat Nimrod ; he began to be
Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, andMeihech, andTiras. mighty upon the earth.
9, 11 And

of Abraham by Esau.
posterity CHAP. II. Tbe children ofjesse,
11 And Mizraim begat Ludim, and Anamim, and dren of Ifrael Bela the fon of Beor and the name ; :

Lehabim, and Naphtuhim, of his city was Dinhabah.

12 AndPathruiim, and Cafluhim, (of whom came 44 And when Bela was dead, Jobab the fon of Ze-
d rah of Bozrah reigned in his Head.
the Philiftines,) and Caphthorim.
13 And Canaan begat Zidon his firftborn, and Heth, 45 And when Jobab was dead, Hufliam of the land
14 The Jebufite alfo, and the Amorite, and the of the Temanites reigned in his ftead.
Girgafhite, 46 And when Huiham was dead, Hadad the fon of
15 And the Hivite, and the Arkite, and the Sinite, I
Bedad (whichfmote Midianinthe fieldofMoab) reign-
16 And the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the ed in his Head and the name of his city was Avith.

Hamathite. 47 And when Hadad was dead, Samlah of Mafre-

z Gen. 10 22,
&. 11 10,
Shem Elam, and Asfhur, and
17 \[ The fons of e ; kah reigned in his Head.
2247. Arphaxad, andLud, and Aram, and Uz, and Hnl, 48 q And when Samlah was dead, Shaul of Reho- p Genesis
36 37.
| Or, Mash.
Genesis and Gether, and Meihech. ||
both by the river, reigned in his ftead.
1023. 18 And Arphaxad begat Shelah, and Shelah begat 49 And when Shaul was dead, Baalhanan the fon
Eber.. of Achbor reigned in his ftead.
19 unto Eber were born two fons
And the name : 50 And when Baalhanan was dead, Hadad reign- HadaT.Or,


of the one voas Peleg, (becaufe in his days the earth
ed in his ftead and the name of his city was Pai
\\ ;
3 6 39-
was divided,) and his brother's name was Joktan. and his wife's name was Mehetabel, the daughter of Or, Pav,

t Genesis
in 26.
20 And f Joktan begat Aimodad, and Sheleph, and Matred, the daughter of Mezahab. S^ 39-

Hazarmaveth, and Jerah, 51 11" Hadad died alfo. And the r dukes of Edom cir.
r Gen.

21 Hadoram alfo, and Uzal, and Diklah, were duke Timnah, duke Aliah, duke Jetheth,

22 And Ebal, and Abimael, and Sheba, 52 Duke Aholibamah, duke Elah, duke Pinon,
25 And Ophir, and Havilah, and Jobab. Allthefe 53 Duke Kenaz, duke Teman, duke Mibzar,
were the fons of Joktan, 54 Duke Magdiel, duke Iram. Thefe are the dukes
pLuke 24 TisShem, Arphaxad, Shelah, of Edom.
3 36
25 h Eber, Peleg, Reu, CHAP.
- .

h Genesis
Ji 15-
26 Serug, Nahor, Terah,
1 The sons of Israel. 3 The posteritij of Judah by Ta-
Gen. 17
5. 27 Abram, the fame is Abraham

mar. 13 The children of Jesse. 18 The posterity of

51 2 3- 28 The fons of Abraham k Ifaac, and Ifhmael. ;

Caleb the son of Hezron. 21 Hezron's posterity by

29 II Thefe are their generations The m firftborn
1Gen. 16 II.
in Gen. 25 :

13— '7- the daughter of Machir. 25 JerahmeePs posterity.

oflfhmael, Nebaioth thenKedar, and Adbeel, and ;
2>4<Sbcsbari s posterity. 42 Another branch of Caleb's

posterity. 50 The posterity of Caleb the son of
30 Mifhma, and Dumah, Malik, I!
Hadad, and
Badar. Hur.
Genesis Tema,
2 5 i>

cir. 1853, 3 Jetur, Naphifh, and Kedemah. Thefe are the THESE are the fons of
Levi, and Judah,
Reuben, Simeon,
and Zebulun,
Ifrael ;


fons of Ijhmael. Iffachar, a Gen.

32 UNow the fons of Keturah, Abraham's con- 2 Dan, Jofeph, and Benjamin, Naphtali, Gad, and 2932, fc
30 5, &
cubine fhe bare Zimran, and Jokihan, and Medan,
: Alher. 35.8 22.
& 46 s, &c
and Midian, and L'hbak, and Shua. And the fons 3 U The fons of b ;
Judah Er, and Onan, and She- ; bGen.
of Jokfhan Sheba, and Dedan. ; lah ; which three were bom unto him of the daughter 383- & .
46 < 12.

33 And the fons of Midian Ephah, andEpher, ; of c Shuah the Canaanitefs. And Er, the firftborn c Gen.
and Henoch, andAbida, and Eldaah. All thefe are of Judah, was evil in the light of the Lord, and he
the fons of Keturah. (lev/ him.
34 M And Abraham begat Ifaac. The fons of Ifaac ;
4 And d Tamar, his daughter in k /, bare him Pha- A Gen. 33
Efau and Ifrael. rez, and Zerah. All the fons of Judah were five. 29 So-
Mat. 3. 1

n Genesis 35 The fons of n Efau Eliphaz, Reuel, and Jeufh, ; 5 The fons of Pharez Hezron, and Hamul.
369 10.
and Jaalam, and Korah. 6 And the fons of Zerah Zimri, f and Ethan, and ; || J Or,
J Or,
36 The fons of Eliphaz Teman, and Omar, Ze- ; ||
Heman, and Calcol, and Dara five of them in all. || : Jolh. 7 1.
Genesis phi, andGatam, Kenaz, and Tirana, and Amaiek. 7 And the fons of Carmi Achar, the troubler ; |j


37 The fons of Reuel Nahath, Zerah, Shammah, ; of Ifrael, who tranfgreffed in the thing s accurled. I| <Jr,
'Dar da.
and Mizzah. 8 And the fons of Ethan ; Azariah. II
38 If And the fons of Seir Lotan, and Shobal, and ; 9 The fons alfo of Hezron, that were born unto g Jolh. 5
him Jerahmecl, and Ram, and ||Chelubai. IS, & 7 l.
Zibeon, and Anah, and Dilhon, and Ezar, and Di- ; ||

fhan. 10 And Ram h
begat Amminadab, and Ammina- jJrdirt,
Matih. 1 3.
hemalt, 39 And the Ions of Lotan Hori, and Homam ; II : dab begat Nahflion, prince of the children of Judah ;
Or, Caleb,

36 22. and Timna was Lotan 's filler. 11 And Nahihon begat Salma, and Salma begat h Rulii
I Or,
40 The fons of Shobal Alian, and Manahath, ; || Boaz,
and Ebal, Shephi, and Onam, and the fons of Zi-
12 And Boaz begat Obed, and Obed begat Jeffe.
fiOr. beon Aiah and Anah.
; 13 \\ And Jeffe begat his firllborn Eliab, and
i 1 Sim.
Genesis 41 The fons of Anah ° Dilhon. And the fons of ; Abinadab the fecond, and ||Shimma the third, 16 9.
oGen, Dilhon Amram, and Elhban, and Ithran, and
; ||
14 Nethaneel the fourth, Raddai the fifth, Shammahi
15 Ozemthefixth, David the feventh

Cheran. I : i6<;.

dtn, Gen. 42 The fons of Ezer Bilhan, and Zavan, and ; 16 Whole lifters wereZemhh and Abigail. And the
36 26.
I Or, ||
The fons of Difhan Uz, and Aran.
Jakan. ; fons of Zeruiah Abifhai, andJoab, and Aland, three.

Gen. 36 27. 43 Now thefe are the p kings that reigned in the
"if 17 And Abigail bare Amafa and the father of :

36 ?'
land of Edom, before any king reigned over the chil- Amafa was Jether the Ifhmeelite.
K <
cir. 1070. 18 1 And

The posterity of Caleb the son of Hezron. I. CHRONICLES. The successors ofJeconiah.
18 If And Caleb thefon of Hezron begat children 48 Maachah, Caleb's concubine, bare Sheber, and
of Azubah his wife, and of Jerioth her fons are thefe Tirhanah.

Jefher, and Shobab, and Ardon. 49 She bare alfo Shaaph the father of Madmannah,
19 And when Azubah was dead, Caleb took unto Sheva the father of Machbenah, and the father of
him Ephrath, which bare him Hur. Gibeah and the daughter of Caleb was n Achfa.
; n Jofhua
Jc Exod. 20 And Hur begat Uri, and Uri begat k Bezaleel. 50 If Thefe were the fons of Caleb the fon of Hur, 1517.
31 2.
21 If AndafierwardHezron went in to the daughter of the firftborn ofEphratah; Shobal the father of Kir-
+ Heb. Machir, the father of Gilead, whom he \ married when jathjearim,
he was threefcore years old, and fhe bare him Segub. 51 Salma the father of Bethlehem, Hareph the
22 And Segub begat Jair, who had three and twen- father of Bethgader.
1 Numb.
ty cities in the land of Gilead. 52 And Shobel the father of Kirjathjearim had
23 And he took Gelhur, and Aram, with the towns
fons ; Haroeh, and half of the Manahethites,
|| II

3 '4- of Jair, from them, with Kenath, and the toAvns there- 53 And the families of Kirjathjearim ; the Ithrites,
^So- of, even threefcore cities all thefe belonged to the fons
: and the Puhites, and the Shumathites, and the Miih- XSjuSg*
of Machir, the father of Gilead. raites of them came the Zareathites, and the Efh- Hatsiham-
chites, or,

24 And after that Hezron was dead in Calebephra- taulites. menuchoth.

tah, then Abiah, Hezron's wife, bare him Afhur the 54 The fons of Salma; Bethlehem, and the Ne-
father of Tekoah. tophathites, Ataroth, the houfe of Joab, and half of L°&«,

25 1 And the fons of Jerahmeel, the iirftborn of the Manahethites, the Zorites. or, croivns
«f the house
Hezron, were Ram the firftborn, and Bunah, and 55 And the families of the fcribes which dwelt at of Joab.
Oren, and Ozena, and Ahijah. Jabez ; the Tirathites, the Shimeathites, and Sucha-
26 Jerahmeel had alfo another wife, whole name thites. Thefe are the ° Kenites that came of Hemath, 1 Judges
was Atarah fhe was the mother of Onam.
; the father of the houfe of p Rechab. P Jerem.
27 And the fons of Ram, the firftborn of Jerah- CHAP. III.
35 2.

meel, were Maaz, and Jamin, and Eker. I The sons of David: 10 his line to Zedekiah. 17 The
28 And the fons of Onam were Shammai, and Jada. successors of Jeconiah.
And the fons of Shammai Nadab, and Abilhur. ; OW
thefe were die ions of David, which were fl'l^x:
29 And the name of the wife of Abifhur was Abi- born unto him in Hebron the firftborn, a tjoihua : Am-
hail, and fhe bare him Ahban, and Molid. non, of Ahinoam the b Jezreelitefs ; thefecond, Dan- '5Or, || II

30 And the fons of Nadab Seled, and Appaim ; ;

iel, of Abigail the Carmelitefs ;
2 Sam. 3 3.
but Seled died without children. 2 The third, Abfalomj the fon of Maachah, the
31 And the fons of Appaim ; Iflii. And the fons of daughter of Talmai king of Gefhur ; the fourth, c 2 Sam. 3
Ifhi Shefhan. And the children of Shefhan
; Ahlai. ;
Aclonijah the fon of Haggith ; d 2 Sam. 3< [«
32 And the fons of Jada the brother of Shammai Je- 3 The fifth, Shephatiah of Abital ; the fix th, Ith-

; Shammua*
2 Sam. 5 i 4 .
ther, and Jonathan and Jether died without children.
: ream by c Eglah his wife. [Or,
33 And the fons of Jonathan; Peleth, and Zaza. 4 These fix were born unto him in Hebron and ;
2 Sam. n 3.
Thefe were the fons of Jerahmeel. there he reigned feven years and fix months and in :
34 "If Now Shefhan had no fons, but daughters _
: Jerufalem he reigned thirty and three years. 2 Sam. 11 5.
and Shefhan had a fervant, an Egyptian, whofe name 5 d And thefe were born unto him in Jerufalem

; EUshua.
2 Sam. 3c c.
nv as Jarha. Shiraea, and Shobab, and Nathan, and Solomon,

35 And Shefhan gave his daughter to Jarha his four, of Bathfhuaj the daughter of Ammiel
i| || :
Chap. 147.
fervant to wife, and fhe bare him Attai. 6 Ibhar alfo, and Elifhama, and Eliphelet,
e 2 Sam.
36 And Attai begat Nathan, and Nathan begat 7 AndNogah, andNepheg, and Japhia, f Kmgs
la Chap. m Zabad, t& 8 And Elilhama, and Eiiada, and Eliphelet, nine.
I 43, &
|| 150.
11 41,
37 AndZabad begatEphlal, and Ephlal begat Obed, 9 These were all the fons of David, befide the fons II

38 And Obed begat Jehu, and Jehu begat Azariah, of the concubines, and Tamar their filter. 1 Kings
39 And Azariah begat Helez, and Helez begat 10 If And Solomon's fon was f Rehoboam ; || Abia iOr,
Eleafah, his fon, Afa
his fon, Jehofhaphat his fon, 2 Chron.
40 And Eleafah begat Sifamai, and Sifamai begat 11 Joram his fon, Ahaziah his fon Joafh his fon,

Shallum. 12 Amaziah his fon, Azariah his fon, Jotham his

2 Kings
41 And Shallum begat Jekamiah, and Jekamiah fon, J5

begat Elilhama. 13 Ahaz his fon, Hezekiah his fon, Manaffeh his Jihoahaz,
2 Kings
tir. i47>:
42 If Now the fons of Caleb, the brother of Jerah- fon,
meel, were Mefha his firftborn, which was the fa- Amon his fon, Jofiah his fon
14 Or,

ther of Ziph : and the fons of Marefhah the father of 15 And the fons of Jofiah were, the firftborn Jo- [|
23 34-

Hebron. hanan, the fecond Jehoiakim, the third Zedekiah,

|| |j
S Or, Mat-
43 And the fons of Hebron Koran, and Tappuah, ; the fourth Shallum. 2 Kings
and Rekem, and Shema. 16 And the fons of s Jehoiakim Jeconiah his fon, ; ||
g Mattfa.
44 And Shema begat Raham, the father of Jor- Zedekiah h his fon, j

Or, Je-
koam and Rekem begat Shammai.
: 17 IT And the fons of Jeconiah, Affir ; t Salathiel hotachin,
2 Kings
45 And thefon of Shammai was Maon and Maon ;
his fon, 24 6, or,
was the father of Bethzur. 18 Malchiram alfo, and Pedaiah, and Shenazar, Jerem.
22 24.
46 And Ephah, Caleb's concubine, bare Haran, Jecamiah, Hofhama, and Nedabiah. h 2 Kingi
and Moza, and Gazez and Haran begat Gazez.
: 19 And the fons of Pedaiah were Zerubbabel, and 24.17-
being his
47 And the fons of Jahdai Regem, and Jotham, ; Shimei and the fons of Zerubbabel Mefhullam and uncle,

: ;
t Heb.
and Ge'ihan, and Pelet, and Ephah, and Shaaph. Hananiah, and Shelomith their lifter Sheattiel.

20 And
1 ;;

posterity of Caleb the son of Hur. CHAP. IV. The posterity of Simeon.
20 And Hafhubah, and Ohel, and Berechiah, and 18 And his wife ||
Jehudijah bare Jered the father of
Hafadiah, Jufhabhefed, five. Gedor, and Heber the father of Socho, and Jekuthiel,
And thefe are the fons of Bi-

21 And the fons of Hananiah Pelatiah, and Je- ;

the father of Zanoah.
faiah; the fons ofRephaiah, the ions of Arnan, the thiah the daughter of Pharaoh, which Mered took.
ions of Obadiah, the fons of Shechaniah. 19 And the fons oi' his wife Hodiah, the filter of ||

22 And the fons of Shechaniah Shemaiah and ; :

Naham, the father of Keiiah the Garmite, and Elh-
the fons of Shemaiah Hattuih, and Igeai, and Ba-
temoa the Maachathite.
$ Including
riah, and Neariah, and Shaphat, fix. II
20 And the fons of Shimon were Amnon, and
supposed to 23 And the fons of Neariah Elioenai, and f Hez- ;
Rinnah, Benhanan, and Tiion. And the fons of Ifhi
be a natural
son of She- ekiah, and Azrikam, three. were Zoheth, and Benzoheth. ;
c Gen.
24 And the fons of Eiioenai were Hodaiah, and 21 If The fons of Shelah c the fon of Judah were 38l£.
t Heb.
Eliafhib, and Pelaiah, and Akkub, and Jchanan, and Er the father of Lecah, and Laadah the father of Ma-
Dalaiah, and Anani, feven. refhah, and the families of the houfe of them that
wrought fine linen, of the houfe of Afhbea,
22 And Jokim, and the men of Chozeba, and J oath,
1, 11 The posterity of Judah by Caleb the son of Hur: and Saraph, who had the dominion in Moab, and
5 of Ashur the posthumous son ofHezron : 9 of Ja- Jafhubilehem. And these are ancient things.
bez, and his prayer. 21 The posterity of Shelah. 23 Thefe were the potters, and thofe that dwelt
24 The posterity and cities of Simeon .-39 Their among plants and hedges there they dwelt with the ;

conquest of Gedor, h?c. king for his work.

a Gen. 3829,
Or, Che-
1 2.
THE fons of Judah,.
mi, and Hur, and Shobah-
Pharez, Hezron, and Car- ||
24 11 The fons of Simeon were Nemuel, and Ja-
min, Jarib, Zerah, and Shaul ;
Gen. 46
Exod. 6
lubai, Chap. 2 And Reaiah the fon of Shobal begat Jahath, and
25 Shallum his fon, Mibfam his fon, Mifhma his fon.
2 9, or, Ca-
leb, Chap. Jahath begat Ahumai, and Lahad. Thefe are the 26 And the fons of Mifhma Hamuelhis fon, Zac- ;

218. chur his fon, Shimei his fon.

I Or,
families of the Zorathites.
3 And thefe were of the father of Etam Jezreel, ; 27 And Shimei had fixteen fons and fix daughters
Chap. 2 J2.
and Ifhma, and Idbafh and- the name of their lifter
: but his brethren had not many children, neither did all
t Heb.
was Hazelelponi :
their family multiply f like to the children of Judah. unto,

4 And Penuel the father of Gedor, and Ezer the 28 And they dwelt at d Beeriheba, and Moladah, d Josh.
19 2.

father of Hufhah. Thefe are the fons of Hur,- the ?! Tl M i~l 171 T I ill 1 1

firftborn of Ephratah, the father of Bethlehem. 29 And at Biihah, and at Ezem, and at Tolad,
|| ||

2 24.
5 *ff And b Afhur the father of Tekoa had two 30 And atBethuel, and at Hormah, and at Ziklag, Josh. 193.

wives, Helah, and Na rah. 31 Bethmarcaboth, and Hazarfufim, and

at ||
Josh. 194.
6 And Naaraii bare him Ahuzam, and Hepher, at Bethbirei, and at Shaaraim. Thefe were their "II
Ho -
and Temeni, and Haahafhtari. Thefe were the fons cities unto the reign of David. Josh. 1 9 ^.

of Naarah.- 32 And their villages were Etam, and Ain, Rim- ||

I Or, Ether,
Josh. 19 7.

7 And the fons of Helah were Zereth, and Jezoar, mon, and Tochen, and Afhan, five cities ;

and Ethnan. 33 And all their villages that were round about the
Or, Ba-
8 And Coz begat Anub, and Zobebah, and the fame cities, unto Baal. Thefe were their habitations,

Josh. 9 8.
families of Aharhel the fon of Harum. and their genealogy. i

Or, as

9 If And Jabez was more honourable than his 34 And Meihobab, and Jamlech, and Jofhah the they divided
I That is,
brethren ; and his mother called his name Jabez, ||
fon of Amaziah, by nations
among them.
faying, Becaufe I bare him with forrow. 35 And Joel, and Jehu the fon of Jolibiah, the fon
10 And Jabez called on the God of Ifrael, faying, of Seraiah, the fon of Afiel,
| Oh that thou wouldeft blefs indeed, and enlarge me 36 And Elioenai, and Jaakobah, and Jefliohaiah,
If thou
•wilt, &c. my coaft, and that thine hand might be with me, and and Afaiah, and Adiel, and Jefimiel, and Bcnaiah,
+ Heb. that thou wouldeft f keep me from evil, that it may 37 And Ziza the fon of Shiphi, the fon of Allon, the
not grieve me And God granted him that which he
! fon of Jedaiah, the fon of Shimri, the fon of Shemaiah ;
rcquefted. 38 Thefe f mentioned by their names were princes t Heb.
11 If And Chelub brother of SLuah begat
the in their families ; and the houfe of their fathers in-
Mehir, which was the father of Efhton. creafed greatly.
12 And Eihton begat Bethrapha, and Pafeah, and 39 If And they went to the entrance of Gedor, even Cir.715.

% Or, tht
city of
Tehinnah, the father of Irnahafh. Thefe arc the
unto the eaft fide of the valley, to feek pafture for
Nahush. menofRechah. their flocks.
13 And the fons of Kenaz ; Othniel, and Seraiah : 40 And they found fat pafture and good, and the
J Or, Ha-
thatli an 1
and the fons of Othniel Hathath. ; ||
land was wide, and quiet, and peaceable for they of :

who begat,
14 And Meonothai begat Ophrah : and Seraiah Ham had dwelt there of old.
begat Joab, the father of the valley of ||; ||
Charalhim 41 And thefe written by name came in the days of
J Or, in-
habitants 0/ for they were craftfmen. Hezekiah king of Judah, and fmote their tents, and
the valley.
That is, 15 And the fons of Caleb the fon of Jephunneh Iru, ; the habitations that were found there, and deltroyed
craftsmen. Elah, and Naam and the fons of Elah, even Kenaz.
: || them utterly unto this day, and dwelt in their rooms
11 Or,

16 And the fons of Jehaleleel Ziph, and Ziphah, ; becaufe there was pafture there for their flocks.
Tiria, and Afareel. 42 And some of them, even of the fons of Simeon,
17 And the fons of Ezra wm? Jether, and Mered, five hundred men, went to mount Seir, having for
and Epher, and Jalon and fhe bare Miriam, and
: their captains Pelatiah, and Neariah, and Rephaiah,
Shammai, and Iihbah the father of Eihtemoa, and Uzziel the fons of Ifhi,
43 And
1 = I

number and conquests of Reuben, I, CHRONICLES, The Um of the priests ic the captivity
43 And they fmote the reft of the Amalekites, that Hagarites were delivered into their hand, and all that
were efcaped, and dwelt there unto this day. •were with diem for they cried to God in the battle,

CHAP. V. and he was entreated of them becaufe they put their

truft in him.

1 The line of Reuben fwho lost his birthright J unto

21 And they f took away their cattle of their tJWMtd
the captivity ; and conquest of the
their habitation j

camels fifty thoufand, and of ftieep two hundred and a Hive.

Hagarites. 1 1 The chief men and habitations oj
fifty thoufand, and of affes two thoufand, and + Web. son!
Gad. 18 The number and conquests of Reuben, oft men
an hundred thoufand. Numb,
Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh ; 23 the hab- 3' ~ii-
22 For there fell down many (lain, becaufe the war
itations and chief men of that half tribe: 25 their
was of God. And they dwelt in their fteads until the
captivity for their sins.
N"OW he
the Tons of Reuben, the
was the
(for firftborn ; but, forafmuch as he
firftborn of Ifrael, 23 II
dwelt in the land
the children of the half tribe of Manafieh
they increafed from Baihan unto

a Gen. 35 a
defiled his father's bed, his birthright was given unto Baaihermon and Senir, and unto mount Hermon.
uo., &41; 4.
the fons of Jofeph the fon of Ifrael and the genealogy : 24 And thefe were the heads of the houfe of their
is not to be reckoned after the birthright. fathers, even Epher, and lilii, and EUei, and Azriei,
b Gen. 49
8 10.
2 For b Judah prevailed above his brethren, and of and Jeremiah, and Hodaviah, and Jahdiel, mighty
c Mic.ih 5 2. him came the c chief ruler ; but the birthright was
|| men of valour, f famous men, and heads of the houie tHeb.w«
M^t. 2 6.
|| Or, prince. Jofeph 's ;) of their fathers. -

dGen 46 9. 3 The fons, I say, of d Reuben the firftborn of If- 25 IT And they tranfgreffed againft the God of their
Kxocl. 6 14.
Numb. 26 3. rael, were Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi. fathers, and went a k whoring after the gods of the k 2 K;ner»
17 J.
4 The fons of Joel ; Shernaiahhis fon, Gog his fon, people of the land, whom Goddellroyed before them
Shimei his fon, 26 And the God of Ifrael ftirred up the fpirit of cir. wi.
J Or, Tig-
5 Micah his fon, Reaia his fon, Baal his fon, 'Pul king of Afiyria, and the fpirit of Tilgathpiinefer 2 Kings J

-j Kings 15
6 Beerah his fon, whom Tilgathpiinefer king of
|| king ofAfiyria, and he carried them away, (even the 15

29, & 16 7. Afiyria earned away captive : he was prince of the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the half tribe of
Reubenites. Manaffeh,) and brought them unto m Balah, andHa- c ir, 74<v
m a Kings
7 And his brethren by their families, (when the bor, and Hara, and to the river Gozan, unto this day. 17 C-.

genealogy of their generations was reckoned,) were the

chief, Jeiel, and Zechariah,
J Or, S/if-
inaiaiij 8 And Bela the fon of Azaz, the fon of Shema, ||
1 The sons of Levi. 4 The line of the priestsunto the
e Josh. 13
the fon of Joel, who dwelt in e Aroer, even unto Nebo, captivity. 16 Thefamilies of Gershom, Kohath, and
and Baalmeon Merari. 49 The office of Aaron, and his line unto

9 Andeaftward he inhabited unto the entering in Ahimaaz. 54 The cities of the priests and Levites.
of the wiklernefs from the river Euphrates becaufe
their cattle were multiplied in the land of Gilead.
THE2 And fons of Levi iGerfhon,Kohath, and Merari. figfiftu

the fons of Kohath; Amram, Izhar, f^" 6ic-

10 And in the days of Saul they made war with and Hebron, and Uzziel. GershotUt
Ver, id.
the Hagarites, who fell by their hand and they dwelt : 3 children of Amram ; Aaron, and Mo-
And the
t Hch. upon
nil the face in their tents throughout all the eaft land of Gilead.
fes, and Miriam. The fons alfb of b Aaron ; Nadab h l.evit«
of the east.
1 If And the children of Gad dwelt over againft and Abihu, Elcazar and Ithamar. \a u
f Joshua
13 XI. them, in the land of f Balhan, unto Salcah : 4 II Eleazarlbegat Pfiinehas,Phinehas begat Abiftma,
12 Joel the chief, and Shapham the next, and 5 And Abifhua begatBukki, and Bukki begat Uzai,
Jaanai, and Shaphat in Balhan. 6 And Uzzi .begat Zerahiah, and Zerahiah begat
13 And their brethren, of the houfe of their fathers, Meraioth,
were Michael, and Mefhullam, andSheba, andJorai, 7 Meraioth begat Amariah, and Amariah begat
and Jachan, and Zia, and Heber, feven Ahitub,
14 Thefe are the children of Abihail the fon of 8 And Ahitub begat Zadok, and c Zaclok begat « 5 Sunn
Huri, the fon of Jaroah, the fon of Gilead, the fon of Ahimaaz,
Michael, the fon of Jelhilhai, the fon of Jahdo, the 9 And Ahimaaz begat Azariah, and Azariah begat
fon of Buz ;
15 Ahi the fon of Abdiel, the fon of Guni, chief of 10 And Johanan begatAzariah, (he it is that exe-
the houfe of their fathers. cuted the priefl's office fin the d temple that Solomon tHeb.i's
the house.
g Chap. 27 29
16 And they dwelt in Gilead, in Baihan, and in her built in Jerufalem,) d 1 Kings 5i

T Heu. fAeir
goings forth.
towns, and in all the fuburbs of s Sharon, upon t their 11 And Azariah begat Amariah, and Amariah be- s Chi-on. 3.

borders. gat Ahitub,

h 1 Kings 17 AH thefe were reckoned by genealogies in the 12 And Ahitub begat Zadok, and Zadok begat
Ji 5 32. days of h Jotham king of Judah, and in the days of ||
Jeroboam king of Ifrael. 13 And Shalium begat Hilkiah, and Hilkiah begat
j^ 9 ,

t Heb. sons
18 II The fons of Reuben, and the Gadites, and half Azariah,
»f valour. the tribe of Manafieh, t of valiant men, men able to 14 And Azariah begat 8 Seraiah, and Seraiah begat eNohem.
bear buckler and fvvord, and to (hoot with bow, and Jehozadak,
fkiiful in war, were four and forty thoufand feven 15 And Jehozadak went into captivity f when the fs Kingj
hundred and threefcore, that went out to the Avar. Lord carried away Judah and Jerufalem by the hand 23 *tt.

i Genesis
1 And they made war with the Hagarites, with of Nebuchadnezzar,
2515- 1
Jetur, and Nephiih, and Noc-ab. 16 Tl The fons of Levi ; « Gerihom, Kohath, and

20 And they were helped againft them, and the

Merari;, Gershm
17 And Vw - '<
Thefamilies of Gershorn, Kohath and Merari. CHAP. VI. The cities of the priests and Levites,
7 And thefe be the names of the fons of Gerfhom
] 47 The ;
fon of Mahli, the fon of Mufhi, the fon of
Libni and Shimei. Merari, fon of Levi
tlie :

18 And the ions of Kohath were Amram and Izhar, 48 Their brethren alfo the Levites were appointed
and Hebron, and Uzziel. unto all manner of fervice of the tabernacle of the
19 The fons of Merari Mahli and Mufhi, And
houfe of God.
thefe are the families of the Levites, according to their 49 If But Aaron and his fons offered 1" upon the al- m1444,

fadiers. tar of the burnt offering, and" on the altar of incenfe, 9- 1

n Exod.
20 If Of Gerfhom ; Libni his fon, Jahath his fon, and were appointed'for all the work of the place mofl
h Ver. 42. h Zimmah his fon. holy, and to make an atonement for Ifrael, according
«Or, 21 Joah his fon,
|| || Iddo his fon, Zerah his fon, to all that Mofes the fervant of God had commanded.
Ver. 42. Jeaterai his fon. 50 And thefe are the fons of Aaron ; Eleazar his
Ad at ah 1 22 1 The fons cf Kohath ; || Amminadab his /on, fon, Phinehashisfon, Abifhua his fon,
Ver. 41.
[Or, Korah his fon, Affir his fon. 51 Bukki his fon, Uzzi his fon, Zerahiah his fon,
Ver. 2 18. 23 Elkanah his fon, and Ebiafaph his fon, and Affir 52 Meraiothhisfon, Amariahhisfon, Ahitubhis fon f
his fon. 53 Zadok his fon, Ahimaaz his fon.
24 Tahath his fon, Uriel his fon, Uzziah his fon, 54 If Now thefe are their dwelling places, through-
and Shaul his fon. out their caftles in their coafts, of the fons of Aaron,
25 And the fons of Elkanah: Amafai andAhimoth.
' of the families of the Kohathites ; for theirs was the
fOr, 26 As for Elkanah the fons of Elkanah
: Zcphai ; ||
i Sam. I I. his fon, and Nahath his fon, 55 And they gave them Hebron in the land of Ju-
27 Eliabhisfon, Jerohamhisfon, Elkanah his fon. dab, and the fuburbs thereof round about it.
28 And the fons of Samuel the firftborn Vafli- 56 But the fields of the city, and the villages there-

also Joel, ; ||

Ver-. 32.
1 Sam. 8 2. ni, and Abiah. of, they gave to Caleb the fon of Jephunneh.
29 1 The fons of Merari Mahli Libni his fon,
: ; 57 And to the fons of Aaron they gave the cities of
Shimei his fon, Uzzah his fon, Judah, namely, Hebron the city of refuge, and Lib-
30 Shimea his fon, Haggiah his fon, Afaiah his nah with her fuburbs, and Jattir and Efhtemoa with
fon. their fuburbs,
cir. 1280. 31 If And thefe are they whom
David fet over the 58 And Hilen with her fuburbs, Debir with her
|| II
HoUm r
fervice of fong in the houfe of the Lord, after that fuburbs, loshua
k Chap.
J<5 I. the ark k had reft. _
59 And Afhan with her fuburbs, and Bethfhe-
21 15.
Or, Allh

32 And they miniftered before the dwelling place mefh with her fuburbs :
21 16.
of the tabernacle of the congregation with ringing, un- 60 And out of the tribe of Benjamin Geba with ;

til Solomon had built the houfe of the Lord in Jeru- her fuburbs, and Alemeth with her fuburbs, and
|| j or
falem; and then they waited on their office according Anathoth with her fuburbs. All their cities, through- i'"l
to their order. Out their families, were thirteen cities. 1 18.

t Heb.
stood- 33 And thefe arc they that t waited, with their chil- 6 1 And unto the fons of Kohath, which were left of
dren : ofthe fons of the Kohathites ; Heman a finger, the family of that tribe, were cities given out of the
the fon of Joel, the fon of Shemuel, half tribe, namely out of'the half tribe of Manaffeh, ° by o f^shui

34 The fon of Elkanah, the fon of Jeroham, the lot,ten cities. 215.

fonofEIiel, the fon ofToah, 62 And to the fons of Gerfhom, throughout their
35 The fon of Zuph, the fon of Elkanah, the fon families, out of the tribe of Iffachar, and out of the
of Mahath, the fon of Amafai, tribe of Afher, and out of the tribe of Naphtali, and
36 The fon of Elkanah, the fon of Joel, the fon of out of the tribe of Manaffeh in Bafhan, thirteen cities.
Azariah, die fon of Zephaniah; 63 Unto the fons of Merari were given by lot,,
57 The fon of Tahath, the fon of Affir, the fon of throughout their families, out of the tribe of Reuben,

Exod. 1
Ebiafeph, the fon of Korah, and out of the tribe of Gad, and out of the tribe of
58 The fon of Izhar, the fon of Kohath, the fon of Zebulun, v twelve cities,
P Joshua
Levi, the fon of Ifrael. 64 And the children of Ifrael gave to the Levites 21 7 34-

39 And his brother Afaph, (who flood on his right these cities, with their fuburbs.
hand,) even Afaph the fon ofBerachiah, the fon of 65 And they gave by lot, out ofthe tribe of the chil-
Shimea. dren of Judah, and out ofthe tribe of the children of
40 The fon of Michael, the fon ofBaafeiah, the fon Simeon, and out ofthe tribe of the children of Ben-
OfMalchia, jamin, thefe cities which are called by their names.
41 The fon of Ethni, the fon of Zerah, the fon of 66 And the mi^tfofthefamiliesofthefonsof Kohath
Adaiah. had cities of their coafts out ofthe tribe of Ephraim.
42 The fon of Ethan, the fon of Zimmah, the fon 67 q And they gave unto them, of the cities cf re- q Jnshua
of Shimei, fuge, Shechcm in mount Ephraim with her fuburbs; 21 ji.

43 The fon of Jahath, the fon of Gerfhom, the fon they gave alio Gezcr with her fuburbs,
of Levi. 68 And Jokmeam with her fuburbs, and Bethho-
44 And their brethren, the fons of Merari, stood on ron with her fuburbs,
[Or, the left hand: Ethan the fon of Kiihi, the fon of|| 69 And Aijalon with her fuburbs, n\v\ Gathrim-
Ab li, the fon ofMalluch, mon with her fuburbs :

45 ThefonofHafhabiah, the fon of Amaziah, the 70 And out of the half tribe of Manaffeh; Aner
fon ofHilkiah, with her fuburbs, and Bileam with her fuburbs, i

46 The fon of Amzi, the fon of Bani, the fon of tlW'm:': remnant ofthe fons of Kohath.
Shamer, 71 Unto the fons of Gerfhom were given, out ofthe

The sans oflssacbar, Benjamin, Naphtali, I. CHRONICLES. Manasseh Ephraim, and Asher. %

family of the half tribe of Manaffeh, Golan in Bafhan 11 All thefe the fons of Jediael, by the heads of
with her fuburbs, and Afhtaroth with her fuburbs : their fathers, mighty men of valour, were feventeen
72 And out of the tribe of If'iachar Kedefli with ; thoufand and two hundred soldiers, fit to go out for
her fuburbs, Daberath with her fuburbs, war and battle.
73 And Ramoth with her fuburbs, and Anem with 12 Shuppim alfo, and Huppim, the children of Ir, |j !l Or, Jri.

her fuburbs andHuihim, the fons of Aher. ||

er. 7.
74 And out of the tribe of Aflier Mafhal with her 13 If The fons of Naphtali; Jahziel, and Guni, and

; II

N -..nib.
fuburbs, and Abdon with her fuburbs, Jezer, and Shallum, the Ions of Bilhah.
75 And Hukok with her fuburbs, and Rehob with 14 If The fons of Manaffeh Afhriel, whom fhe ;

her fuburbs : bare ;(but his concubine the Aramitefs bare Machir
76 And out of the tribe of Naphtali ; Kedefli in Gal- the father of Gilead.
ilee with her fuburbs, and Haramon with her fuburbs, 15 And Machir took to wife the sister of Huppim
and Kirjathaim with her fuburbs, and Shuppim, whofe filler's namewi Maachah ;)
77 Unto the reft of the children of Merari were and the name of the fecond was Zelophehad ; and
given, out of the tribe of Zebulun, Rimmon with her Zelophehad had daughters.
fuburbs, Tabor with her fuburbs. 16 And Maachah the wife of Machir bare a fon and ,

78_ And on the other fide Jordan by Jericho, on the fhe called his name Perefh and the name of his broth-

eaftiide of Jordan, were given them, out of the tribe er was Sherefh, and his fons were Ulam and Rakim.
of Reuben, Bezer in the wildernefs with her fuburbs, 17 And the fons of Ulam d Bedan. Thefe were the
; d 1 Sam.
12 11,
and Jahzah with her fuburbs, fons of Gilead, the fon of Machir, the fon of Manaffeh.
IS) Kedemoth alfo Math her fuburbs, and Mephaath 18 And his filler Hammoleketh bare Ifhod, and
with her fuburbs •
Abiezer, and Mahalah.
80 And out of the tribe of Gad Ramoth in Gilead ; 19 And the fons of Shemida were Ahian, and She-
with her fuburbs, and Mahanaim with her fuburbs : chem, and Likhi, and Aniam.
81 And Hefhbon with her fuburbs, and Jaza with 20 IT And the fons of Ephraim Shuthelah, and Be- ;

her fuburbs. red his fon, and Tahath his fon, and Eladah his fon,
CHAP. VIL and Tahath his fon,
21 And Zabad his fon, and Shuthelah his fon, and
1 The sons oflssachar, 6 of Benjamin, 13 of Naphtali, Ezer, and Elead, whom the men of Gath that were
14 0/ Manasseh,20, 23 and of Ephraim, 28 The
born in that land flew, becaufe they came down to
calamity of Ephraim by the men of Gath, £sfc.
take away their cattle.
1400., &c. "QW the fons of Iffachar we're a
Tola and Puah, 22 And Ephraim their father mourned many days,
a Genesis
46 13.
Jafhub and Shimron, four. and his brethren came to comfort him.
2 And the fons of Tola;
Uzzi, and Rephaiali, and 23 II And when he went in to his wife, (lie con-
Jeriel, and Jahmai, and Jibfam, and Shemuel, heads ceived and bare a fon, and he called his name Beriah,
of their father's houfe, to wit, of Tola they were val- : becaufe it went evil with his houfe.
b 2 Sara. iant men of might in their generations b
whofe num- ; 24 (And his daughter was Sherah, who built Beth-
24 1 2,
ber was in the days of David two and twenty thou- horon the nether, and the upper, andUzzenfherah.)
sand and fix hundred, 25 And Rephah was his fon, alfo Reilieph ; and
3 And the fons of Uzzi Izrahiah and the fons of
; : Telah his fon, and Tahan his fon.
Izrahiah Michael, and Obadiah, and Joel, Ifhiah,
; 26 Laadan his fon, Ammihud his fon, Elifhama
five : all of them chief men. his fon,
4 And with
them, by their generations, after the 27 Non his fon, Jehofhua his fon.

Or, N,,;!.

houfe of their fathers, were bands of folcliers for war, 28 II And their polfeflions and habitations xu^r^Bethel 38.
e Joshua
fix and thirty thoufand men : for they had many wives and the towns thereof, and eaftward e Naaran, and weft- 167.
and fons. ward Gezer with the t towns thereof, Shechem alfo and Naarath.
5 And their brethren, among all the families of Iffa- the towns thereof, unto Gaza and the towns thereof;
char, were valiant men of might, reckoned in all, by 29 And by the borders of the children of f Manaffeh,

1 Mac.
their genealogies, fourfcore and feven thoufand. Bethfhean and her towns, Taanach and herjtowns,
6 H The sons of c Benjamin Bela, and Becher, and g Megiddo and her towns, Dor and her towns In thefe *>* hua

Jediael, three. dwelt the children of Jofeph the fon of Ifrael. g Joshua
17 11.
7 And the fons of Bela ; Ezbon, and Uzzi, andUz- 30 *H h The fons of Afher Imnah, and Ifuah, and
46 17.
ziel, and Jerimoth, and Iri, live; heads of the houfe of Ifhuai, and Beriah, andSerah their fifter.
their fathers, mighty men of valour, and were reckon- 31 And the fons of Beriah Heber, and Malchiel,

ed by their genealogies twenty and two thoufand and who is the father of Birzavith.
thirty and four. 32 And Heber begat Japhlet, and Shomer, and Ho-
8 And the fons of Becher Zemira, and Joafh, and
; tham, and Shuah their fifter.
Eliezer, and Eiioenai, and Oniri, and Jerimoth, and 33 And the fons of Japhlet Pafach, and Bimhal, ;

Abiah, and Anathoth, and Alameth. All thefe are the and Afhvath thefe are the children of Japhlet.

fons of Becher. 34 And the fons of Shamer ; Ahi, and Rohgah,

9 And the number of them, after their genealogy Jehubbah, and Aram.
by their generations, heads of the houfe of their fa- 35 And the fons of his brother Helem Zophah, :

thers, mighty men of valour, was twenty thoufand and Imna, and Shelefh, and Amal.
and two hundred. 36 The fons of Zophah Suah, and Harnepher,

10 The fons alfo of Jediael Bilhan and the fons : and Shual, and Beri, and Imrah,
of Bilhan Jeufli, and Benjamin, and Ehud, and Che-
; 37 Bezer, and Hod, and Shamma, and Shilfhah,
naanah, andZethan, and Thadhifh, and Ahifhahar. and Ithran, and Beera.
38 And
. ; ; ;
; ; ; ; f

softs and chief men of Benjamin, CHAP. VIII, IX. Those who dwelt in Jerusalem*

38 And the fonsof Jether Jephunneh, and Pifpah, and Saul begat
; Jonathan, and, and Abi-
nadab, and Efhbaal. ||

39 And the fonsof Ulla; Arah, and Haniel, andRezia. 34 And the fon of Jonathan was Meribbaal and || ;

40 All thefe were the children of Afher, heads of Meribbaal begat Micah.
their father's houfe, choice and mighty men of valour, 35 And the fons of Micah were Pithon, and Me-
chief of the princes. And the number, throughout lech, and Tarca, and Ahaz.

the genealogy of them that were apt to the war and 36 And Ahaz begat Jehoadah and Jehoadah be- ;

to battle, was twenty and fix thoufand men. gat Alemeth, and Azmaveth, and Zimri ; and Zimri
begat Moza
37 And Moza
begat Binea: Rapha was his fon,
1 The sons and chief men of Benjamin. 33 The stock
Eleafah his fon, Azel his fon.
of Said and Jonathan. 38 And Azel had fix fons, whofe names arc thefe,
2 Cenesis
a(> 2
sS 33.
I NOW Benjamin begat a Bela his firflborn, Afhbel
the fecond, and Aharah the third.
Azrikam, Bocheru, and lihmael, and Sheariah, and
Obadiah, and Hanan. All thefe were the fons of Azel.
2 Nohah the fourth, and Rapha the fifth. 39 And the fonsof Efhek his brother were Ulam his
f Cr.Ard, 3 And the fons of Bela were Addar, and Gera, |]
firflborn, Jehufh the fecond, and Eliphelet the third.
46 21,
and Abihud, 40 And the fons of Ulam were mighty men of valour,
4 And Abifhua, and Naaman, and Ahoah, archers, andhad many fons, and fons' fons, an hundred
1 Or, 5 And Gera, and Shephuphan, and Huram.
and fifty. All thefe arc of the fons of Benjamin.
6 And thefe arc the fons of Ehud thefe are the
26 39.
heads of the fathers of the inhabitants of Geba, and

fa Chap.
they removed them to Manahath :
1 The originalof'Israel and JndaJf's genealogies. 2 The
Israelites,JO the priests, lAandthe Levites, with thcNe-
2 52.
7 And Naaman, and Ahiah, and Gera, he removed
them, and begat Uzza and Abihud. thinims, which dwelt in Jerusalem. 27 The charge of
8 And Shaharaim begat children in the country of certain Lcvitcs. 35 The stock of Saul and Jonathan,
Moab, after he had fent them away Huihim and ;
SO all Ifrael were reckoned by genealogies and, ; 1200, &&
Baara we're his wives. behold, they were written in the book of the
9 And he begat of Hodefli his wife, Jobab, and kings of Ifrael and Judah, who were carried away to
Zibia, and Media, and Malcham, Babylon for their tranfgreffion.
10 And Jeuz, and Shachia, and Mirma. Thefe 2 Now the firft inhabitants, that dwelt in their

<weYe his fons, heads of the fathers. poffeflions in their cities, were the Ifraelites, the
11 And of Huihim he begat Ahitub and Elpaal. priefls, Levites, and the Nethinims.
12 The fons of Elpaal Eber, and Mifham, and
; 3 IF And in a Jerufalem dwelt of the children of Ju- I


Shamed, who built Ono, and Lod, with the towns dah, and of the children of Benjamin, and of the
thereof: children of Ephraim and Manaffeh :

13 Beriah alfo, and Shema, who were heads of the 4 Uthai the fon of Ammihud, the fon of Omri, the
fathers of the inhabitants of Aijalon, who drove away fon of Imri, the fon of Bani, of the children of Pharez
the inhabitants of Gath. the fon of Judah.
14 And Ahio, Shafhak, and Jeremoth, 5 And of the Shilonites Afaiah the firflborn and

15 And Zebadiah, and Arad, and Adcr, his fons.

16 And Michael, and Ifpah, and Joha, the fons ol 6 And Jeuel and their bre-
of the fons of Zerah ;

Beriah ;
thren, fixhundred and ninety.
17 And Zebadiah, and Mefhullam, and Hezeki, 7 And of the fons of Benjamin Sallu the fon of Me-

and Heber, fhullam, the fon of Hodaviah, the fon of Hafenuah,

18 Ifhmerai alfo, and Jezliah, and Jobab the fons 8 And Ibneiah the fon of Jeroham, and Elah the fon
of Elpaal of Uzzi, the fon of Michri and Mefhullam the fon

19 And Jakim, and Zichri, and Zabdi, of Shepbatiah, the fon ofReuel, the fon of Ibnijah ;
20 And Elienai, and Zilthai, and Elicl, 9 And their brethren, according to their genera-
21 And Adaiah, and Beraiah, and Shimrath, the tions, nine hundred and fifty and fix. All thefe men
Or, Shimhi were chief of the fathers in the houfe of their fathers.
fons of ||

Vcr. 13. 22 And Iflipan, and Heber, and Eliel, 10 II And of the priefls; Jedaiah, and Jehoiarib,
23 And Abdon, and Zichri, and Hanan, and Jachin,
24 And Hananiah, and Elam, and Antothijah, 11 And Azariah the fon of Hilkiah, the fon of Me-
25 And Iphedeiah, and Penuel, the fons of Shafhak fhullam, the fon of Zadok, the fon of Mcraioth, the
26 And Shamfherai, and Shehariah, and Athaliah, fon of Ahitub, the ruler of the houfe of God ;

27 And Jarefiah, and Eliah, and Zichri, the fons of 12 And Adaiah the fon of Jeroham, the fon of Pa-
Jeroham. fhur, the fon of Malchijah, and Maafiai the fon of
I Called, 28 Thefe were heads of the fathers, by their gene- Adiel, the fon of Jahzcrah, the fon of Mefhullam, the
rations, chief men. Thefe dwelt in Jerufalem. fon of Mefhillemith, the fon of Immer,
29 And at Gibcon dwelt the father of Gibeon ||
13 And their brethren, heads of the houfe of their
c Chap.
(whofe c wife's name was Maachah.) fathers, a thoufand and feven hundred and threefcore
Zecha- 30 And his firflborn fon Abdon, and Zur, and t very able men for the work of the fervice of the t He!'-
fiah. might
Chap. Kifli, and Baal, and Nadab, houfe of God. m .! I

31 And Gedor, and Ahio, and Zacher. ||

14 H And of the Levites : Shemaiah the fon of Haf- valcw<
I Or, Shi-
meant, 32 And Mikloth begat Shimeah. Andthefe alfo dwelt
fhub the fon of Azrikam, the fon of Halhabiah, of the
9 3«- with their brethren in Jerufalem, over againft them. fons of Merari
d Sam.
33 If And Ner begat Kiih, and Kifh begat Saul, 15 AndBakbakkar, Hercfh and Gala!, andMattaniah

2 O the
; 1

Divers officers about the temple. I. CHRONICLES, SauFs overthrow and death.
the fon of Micah, the fon of Zichri, the fon of Afaph 38 And Mikioth begat Shimeam : and they alfo «gg»»T
16 And Obadiah the fon of Shemaiah, the fon of dwelt with their brethren at Jerufalem over againft- !

Galal, the fon of Jeduthun ; and Berechiah the fon their brethren.
of Afa, the fon of Elkanah, that dwelt in the villages 39 d And Ner begat Kifh and Kifh begat Saul $™w
; ;

of the Netophathites. and Saul begat Jonathan, and Malchifhua, and Abin-
17 And the porters were Shallum and Akkub, and adab, and Eihbaal.
Talmon, and Ahiman and their brethren : Shallum 40 And the fon of Jonathan was Meribbaal : and
was the chief; Meribbaal begat Micah.
18 (Who
hitherto waked in the king'sgate eaft- 41 And the fons of Micah were Pithon, and Melech,.
ward they were porters in the companies of the
and Tahrea, e and Ahaz. e Chap.
children of Levi. 42 And Ahaz begat Jarah; and Jarah begat Alemeth, 3* .

19 And Shallum the fon of Kore, the fon of Ebi- and Azmaveth,andZimri: and Zimri begat Moza ;
afaph, the fon of Korah, and his brethren, of the 43 And Moza begat Binea and Rephaiah his fon,

houfe of his father, the Korahite.s, were over the work Eleafah his fon, Azel his fon..
t Heb.
of the fervice, keepers of the f gates of the tabernacle : 44 And Azel had fix fons,. whofe names are thefe ;
and their fathers, being over the hoft of the Lord, Azrikam, Bocheru, and Ifhmael, and Sheariah, and
were keepers of the entry. Obadiah, and Hanan 1 thefe were the fons of Azel.
20 And Phinehas the fon of Eleazar was the ruler CHAP. X.
over them in time pad, and the Lord was with him. I Said's overthrow and death. 8 The Philistines tri-
2 1 And Zechariah the fon of Mel helemiah was por- umph over Saul. 1 1 The kindness shewn by the men
ter of the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. of'Jabeshgilead toward Saul and his sons. 13 Saul's,
22 All thefe, which were chofen to be porters in the sin, for which the kingdom was translated from him
gates, wcr<?two hundred and twelve. Thefe were reck- to David.

f Heb.
oned by their genealogy in their villages, whom David
and Samuel the feer t did ordain in their fet office. ||
NOWmen a
the Philiftines fought againft Ifrael and a Sam.

of Ifrael fled from before the Philiftines, 31 2.


Or, 23 So they and their children had the overfight of and fell down flain in mount Gilboa..
|| •wounded*

the gates of the houfe of the Lord, namely, the houfe 2 And the Philiftines followed hard after Saul, and
of the tabernacle, by wards. after his fons ; and the Philiftines flew Jonathan, and
I Or,
24 In four quarters were the porters, toward the IIAbinadab, and Malchiihua, the fons of Saul. hhui.
north, and fouth.
eaft, weft, 3 And the battle went fore againft Saul, and the Sam. 1

14 49.
25 And their brethren, which were in their villages, t archers t hit him, and he was wounded of thearchers. tHcb. shunters
were to come after feven days from time to time with 4 Then faid Saul to his armour bearer, Draw thy •with
them. fword, and thruft me through therewith, left thefe un tboius. Heb.
26 For thefe Levites, the four chief porters, were circumcifed come and abufe me. But his armour fh ]'^

11 Or, in their fet office, and were over the

chambers and ||
bearer would not ; for he was fore afraid. So Saul Or, It

trust. mock me.

II Or, treafuries of the houfe of God. took a fword, and fell upon it.
houses 27 U And they lodged round about the houfe of 5 And when his armour bearer faw that Saul Was
God, becaufe the charge was upon them, and the dead, he fell likewife on the fword, and died.
opening thereof every morning pertained to them. 6 So Saul died, and his three fons, and all his houfe

28 And certain of them had the charge of the died together.

miniftering veffels, that they lhould f bring them in 7 And when all the men of Ifrael that were in the
them in and out by tale. valley faw that they fled, and that Saul and his fons
by tale,
oni carry 29 Some of them alfo were appointed to overfee the were dead, then they forfook their cities and fled ;:

them out
by tale. veffels, and inftruments of the fanftuary, and
all the ||
and the Philiftines came and dwelt in them.
the fine flour, and the wine, and the oil, and the 8 \ And it came to pafs on the morrow, when the
frankincenfe, and' the fpices. Philiftines came to ftrip the flain, that they found Saul
bExod. •
30 And some of the fons of the priefts made b the and his fons fallen in mount Gilboa.
30 23-
ointment of the fpices. 9 And, when they had ftripped him, they took his
31 And Mattithiah, one of the Levites, (who was

head, and his armour, and fent into the land of the
I Or, the firftborn of Shallum the Korahite,) had the fet ||
Philiftines round about to carry tidings unto their
II Or, on office over the tilings that were made in the pans. It idols, and
to the people.
*or, s'ices. 32 And other of their brethren, of the fons of the 10 And
they put his armour in the houfe of their
bread of Kohathites, were over the t fhewbread, to prepare it gods, and faftened his head in the temple of Dagon.
ordering •

every fabbath. 1 IT And

when all Jabefhgilead heard all that the
33 And thefe are. the fingers, chief of the fathers Philiftines had done to Saul,
of the Levites, who remaining in the chambers were 12 They arofe, all the valiant men, and took away
t Heb.. free for f they were employed in that work day and
: the body of Saul, and the bodies of his fons, and
them. night. brought them to Jabefh, and buried their bones under
34 Thefe chief fathers of the Levites were chief the oak in Jabeth, and failed feven days.
throughout their generations: thefe dwelt at Jerufalem. 13 II So Saul died for his tranfgrefiion which he
35 If And in Gibeon dwelt the father of Gibeon, b
t committed againft the Lord, even againft the word tHeb.
Jehiel, whofe wife's name was c Maachah ; of the Lord, which he kept not, and alfo for afking grlZ'd.
36 And his firftborn fon Abdon, then Zur, and I) 1

counsel of one that had a familiar fpirit, c to inquire of it; 15 2 3-

c Sam.
Kiili, and Baal, and Ner, and Nadab, 14 And inquired not of the Lord l->«=>
therefon lle 287.

37 And Gedor,. and Ahio. and Zechariah, and flew him, and turned the kingdom unto David the fon + " eb
Mikioth, offJeffe.

David ivinneth the castle at Zion* CHAP. XI, XII. A catalogue of David's mighty men.
C P. XI. HA this thing. Shall I drink the blood of thefe t that men
David, by a general consent, is made king at Heb- have put their lives in jeopardy ? for with the jeopardy
ron, 4 he ivinneth the castle of Zi on from the febu- of their lives they brought it therefore he would not

sites by foot's valour. 10 A catalogue of David's drink it. Thefe things did thefe three mightieft.
mighty men. 20 And Abiihai the brother of Joab, he was chief
a 2 Sam.
all Ifrael gathered themfelves to David
unto Hebron, faying, Behold we are thy bone
of the three for lifting up his fpear againft three hun-

dred, he flew them, and had a name among the three.

and thy flefh. 21 f Of the three he was more honourable than the fiS3tn.\
23 9, &ci 1

t Heb. both
2 And, moreover, t in time pad, even when Saul two, for he was their captain howbeit he attained
and the was king, thou wast he that leddeft out and broughteft not to the first three.
third day.
in Ifrael and the Lord thy God faid unto thee, Thou
22 Benaiah the fon of Jehoiada, the fon of a valiant
I Or,
ihalt feed my people Ifrael, and tliou fhalt be ruler
man of Kabzeel, f who had done many a£ts he flew tofHeb. :

over my people Ifrael. two lion like men of Moab alfo he went down and

3 Therefore came all the elders of Ifrael to the flew a lion in a pit in a fiiowy day.
king to Hebron and David made a covenant with
; 23 And lie flew an Egyptian, f a man of great flat- ***-tf
them in Hebron before the Lord and they anointed : ure, five cubits high : and in the Egyptian's hand was *«»"«
David king over Ifrael, according to the word of the a fpear like a weaver's beam and he went down to

the hand
Heb. by
L r d f by b Samuel. him with a ftaff, and plucked the fpear out of the
h : Sam. 4 U And David
and all Ifrael c went to Jerufalem, Egyptian's hand, and flew him with his own fpear.
16 13.
c 2 Sam. 5 6. which Jebus, where the Jebufites were, the inhabit-
is 24 Thefe things did Benaiah, the fon of Jehoiada,
ants of the land, and had a name among the three mighties.
5 And the inhabitants of Jebus faid to David, Thou 25 Behold, he was honourable among the thirty,
fhalt not come hither. Neverthelefs David took the but attained not to the first three and David fet him:

<caftle of Zion, which is the city of David. over his guard.

6 And David faid, Whofoever fmiteth the Jebufites 26 Alfo the valiant men of the armies were Afahel

head. firft fhall be t chief and captain. So Joab the fon of the brother of Joab, Elhanan the fon of Dodo of Beth-
Zeruiah went firft up, and was chief. lehem.
7 And David dwelt in the caftle ; therefore they call- 27 Shammoth the Harorite, Helez the Pelonite,
|| J Or, Heroi:
ite, 2 Sam.
J That is,
'Ziur,, 2 Sam.
ed it, The city of David.
28 Ira the fon of Ikkefh the Tekoite, Abiezer the 232-5.

5 7- 8 And he built the <;ity round about, even from Millo Antothife,
revived. round about and Joab f repaired the reft of the city.
: 29 Sibbecai the Hufhathite, Ilai the Ahohite,
+ Heb. went
in going and
9 So David f waKed greater and greater for the : 30 Maharai the Netophathite, Heled the fon of
d 2 Sam.
Lord of hofts was with him. Baanah the Netophathite, _

238. 10 TI d Thefe alfo are the chief of the mighty men 31 Ithai the fon of Ribai of Gibeah, that pertained
U Or,
whom David had, who ftrengthened themfelves with || to the children of Benjamin, Benaiah the Pirathonite,
lvith him.
him in his kingdom, and with all Ifrael, to make him 32 Huraiofthe brooks ofGaalh, Abiel the Arbathite,
king, according to the word of the Lord concerning 33 Azmaveth the Baharumite, Eliahba the Shaal-
Ifrael. bonite,
1 And this is the number of the mighty men whom 34 The fons of Hafhemthe Gizonite, Jonathan the
^ Or,
,. David had Jafhobeam an Hachmonite, the chief of
; || fon of Shage the Hararite,
the captains he lifted up his fpear againft three hun-
; 35 Ahiam the ion of Sacar the Hararite, Eliphal
dred flain by him -21 one time. the fon of Ur,
12 And after him was Eleazaf the fon of Dodo the 36 Hepher the Mecherathite, Ahijah the Pelonite,
Ahohite, who was one of the three mighties. 37 Hezrothe Carmelite, Naarai the fon ofEzbai,
Or, E/>/ies-
13 He was with David at Pafdammim, and there j| 38 Joel the brother of Nathan, Mibhar the fon of por,^ ||

1 Sam. 17 ••
the Philiftines were gathered together to battle, where Haggeri, **»«*
was a parcel of ground full of barley and the people ; 39 Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai the Berothite,
from before the Philiftines ;
fled the armour bearer of Joab the fon of Zeruiah,
I Or,
SV'Od. 14 And they fet themfelves in the rnidft of that || 40 Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite,
parcel, and delivered it, and flew the Philiftines and ; 41 Uriah the Hittite, Zabad the fon of Ahlai,
H Or, sa/-
•yafiott. the Lord faved them by a great deliverance. || 42 Adina the fon of Shiza the Reubenite, a captain
H Or, rhr«
captains over
15 Now three of the thirty € captains went down
|| of the Reubenites, and thirty with him.
the thirty. to the rock to David, into the cave of Adullam and ; 43 Hananthefon of Maachah, and Jofhaphat the
r. 2 Sam.
3313. the hoft of the Philiftines encamped in the valley of Mithnite,
Rephaim. 44 Uzzia the Afhterathite, Shama and Jehiel the
16 And David Was
then in the hold, and the Phi- fons of Hothan the Aroerite,
liftines' garrifon ivas then at Bethlehem. 45 Jediael the fon of Shimri, and Joha his brother,
|| 11 or,

17 And David longed, and faid, Oh that one would the Tizite, s/"'"" ; '-"'

give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem 46 Eliel the Mahavite, and Jeribai and Jofhaviah,
that 'is at the gate ! the fons of Elnaam, and lthmah the Moabite,
18 And the three brake through the hoft of the Phi- 47 Eliel, and Obcd, and Jafielthe Mefobaite.
liftines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem CHAP. XII.
that was by the gate, and took it, and brought it to 1 The companies that came to David at Ziklag 23 c
a Sam.
David : but David would not drink of it, but poured the armed men that came to him at Hebron. 27


it out to the Lord, 8

thefe are they that came to David to Zik- +^'; rf
•19 And faid, My God forbid it me, that I fhould do lag, t while he yet kept himfelf clofe becaufe >''«'»^
; -;

The companies that came to David at Ziklag. I. CHRONICLES, Davidfetcheth the ark from Kirjathjearim*
of Saul the fon of Kifh and they were among the
; that were ready armed to the war, and came to David
mighty men, helpers of the war. to Hebron, to turn the kingdom of Saul to him, ac-
2 They were armed with bows, and could ufe both cording to the word of the Lord.
the right hand and the left in burling itones, and shoot- 24 The children of Judah, that bare fhield and
ing arrows out of a bow, even of Saul's brethren of fpear, were fix thoufand and eight hundred, ready
Benjamin. Or.
|| armed to the war. I
pi epartoi

li.ismaah. 3 Thechiefw(wAhiezer,thenJoafh,thefonsof She- || 25 Of the children of Simeon,mighty men of

maah the Gibeathite and Jeziel, and Pelet,the fons of
; valour for the war, feven thoufand and one hundred.
Azmaveth and Berachah, and Jehu the Antothite,
; 26 Of the children of Levi, four thoufand and fix
4 And Ifmaiah the Gibeonite, a mighty man among hundred.
the thirty, and over the thirty and Jeremiah, and Ja-
; 27 And_ Jehoiada was the leader of the Aaronites,
haziel, and Johanan, and Jofabad the Gederathite, and with him werz three thoufand and feven hundred ;
5 Eluzai, and Jerimoth, and Bealiah, and Shema- 28 And Zadok, a young man mighty of valour, and
riah, and Shephatiah the Haruphite, of his father's houfe twenty and two captains.
6 Elkanah, andJefiah, and Azareel, and Joezer, 29 And of the children of Benjamin, the f kindred brethren'
and Jafhobeam, the Korhites, t Heb. a
of Saul, three thoufand for hitherto 1" the greateft
7 And Joelah, and Zebadiah, the fons of Jeroham part of them had kept the ward of the houfe of Saul. of them.

ofGedor. 30 And of the children of Ephraim, twenty thou-

t Heb. m etc
8 And of the Gadites there feparated rhemfelves fand and eight hundred,, mighty men of valour,, f fa- of names*
unto David, into the hold to the wildernefs, men of mous throughout the houfe of their lathers.
t Heb. of
the host.
might, and men t of war Jit for the battle, that could 31 And of the half tribe of Manaffeh, eighteen
handle fhield and buckler, whofe faces were like the thouland, which were exprciicd by name, to come and
and were t as fwift as the roes upon the make David king,
mountains to
make liaste.
mountains 32 And of the children of Iffachar, which vjere men
9 Ezerthefn-ft, Obadiahthefecond, Eiiabthe third, that had underftanding of the times, to know what If-
10 Mifhmannah the fourth, Jeremiah the fifth,. rael ought to do the heads, of them were two hundred

11 Attai the fixth, Eliel the feventh, ^ and all their brethren were at their commandment.
12 Johanan the eighth, Elzabad the ninth, 33_Of Zebulun,. 1'uch as went forth to battle, ex- ||
Or, ran-
gers ofbut-
13 Jeremiah the tenth, Machbanai the eleventh. pert in war, with all inftruments of war, fifty thou- tle, or, r<?ȣ-
ed inbattlo.
14 Thefe were of the fons of Gad, captains of the fand, which could keep rank they were f not of
(1 : ifo . set
the battle
f Or, One
iiiat -was
no fj; : one of the lead was over an hundred, and the
double heart. in array.
ieaitj could greateft over a thoufand. 31 And of Naphtali a thoufand captains, and with t Heb.
iviiluut a
resist an
hundred, am 15 Thefe are they that went over Jordan in the them, with fhieldand fpear, thirty and feven thoufand. heart and
a heartm
the greatest
a thousand. firft month, when it had y overflown all his
banks r -
35 And of the Danites, expert in war, twenty and

t Heb. and they put to flight all them of the rallies, both to- eight thoufand and fix hundred.
filled over.
1 Or, keeiP
b josh. 315. ward the eaft and toward the well. 36^ And of Alher, fuchas wentforth to battle, ex- || ing their
16 And there came of the children of Benjamin pert in war, forty thouland. rank.

and Judah to the hold unto David. 37 And on the other tide of Jordan, of the Reuben
tH'eb. he-
fore them.
17 And David went out f to meet them, and an- ites, and the Gadites, and of the half tribe of Manaf-
fwered and laid unto them, If ye be come peaceably leh, with- all manner of inftruments of war for the
be one. unto me to help me, mine heart fhall t be knit unto battle, an hundred and twenty thoufand.
you but if ye be come to betray me to mine enemies^
: 38 Ail thefe men of war that could keep rank,
feeing there is no wrong in mine hands, the God of came with a perfect heart to Hebron, to make David

liiohncc. ||

our fathers look thereon, and rebuke iu king over all Ifrael and all the reftalfo of Ifrael were

t Heb. the th d
18 Then f the fpirit came upon Amafai, who was of one heart to make David king.
chief of the captains, and he said, Thine are we, Da- 39 And there they were with Daviel three days eat-
vid, and on thy fide, thou fon of Jeffe : Peace, peace ing and drinking for their brethren had prepared for

be unto thee, and peace be to thine helpers for thy ; them..

God helpeth thee. Then David received them, and 40 Moreover, they that were nigh them, even unto
made them captains of the band. Iffachar, and Zebulun, and Naphtali, brought bread
ClT. IOjC.
19 And there fell some ofManaffeh to David, when on affes, and on camels, and on mules, and on oxen,
Or, -yr>
he came with the Philiftines againft Saul to battle, and meat, meal,, cakes of figs, and bunches ofraifms,
mat tjf

but they helped them not for the lords of the Phi-
; and wine, and oil, and oxen, and fheep abundantly ; vi sal.

e Sam.
20 4.
liftines, upon advifement, fent him away, faying,
He for there was'yyj in IfraeL
Tfleb. rK
cur lauds.
will fall to hismailer Saul, f to the jeopardy of'our heads.
20 As he went to Ziklag, there fell to him of Ma-
1 Davidfetcheth the ark with great solemnity from
naffeh, Adnah, and Jozabad, and Jediael, and Mi-
chael, and Jozabad, and Elihu, and Zilthai, captains
Kirjathjearinu 9 Uzza being smitten, the ark is
left at the house ofObededom*
of the thoulands that were ofManaffeh. "Hi-
Or, with
a band. 21 And they helped David
rovers ; for they were all mighty men
|| againft the band of the
of valour, and
AN D David confulted with the captains of thou-
fands and hundreds, an d with every leader.
were captains in the holt. 2 And Daviel faid unto all the congregation of t Heb. let

V Or,
22 For at that time, day by day, there came to
David to help him, until it was a great holt, like the
seem good unto you, and that it be of the
Ifrael, lilt
Lord our God, t let us fend abroad unto our brethren
^S i
+ H ; b ,. H
or, men. holt of God. every where, that are left in all the land of Ifrael, and §'£*'"£?
head*. 23 II And thefe are the numbers of the | bands || with them also to the prielts and Levites %vhich are t in w?f. 4
1 ,

David* s posterity: his additional whes^&c. CHAP. XIV, XV. He bringeth the ark from Obededom.
their cities r/;;c/ fuburbs, that they may gather them- 1 So they came up to Baalperazim and David ;

felves unto us : fmote them there. Then David faid, God hath brok-
3 And let us | bring again the ark of our God to en in upon mine enemies by mine hand, like the
us ; for we inquired not at it in the days of Saul. breaking forth of waters therefore, they called the

4 And all the congregation laid that they would do name of that place Baalperazim.||
That i-.

fo ; for the thing was right in the eyes of all the people. 12 And when they had left their gods there, David £&££.
a I Sam. 7 r. 5 So a David gathered all Ifrael together, from Shi- gave a commandment., and they were burnt with fire.
Sam. 1.
hor of Egypt, even unto the entering ofHemath, to 13 And the Philiftines yet again fpread themfelves-
bring the ark of God from Kirjathjearim. abroad in the valley.
6 Joshua b
o 'J-
6 And David went up, and all Ifrael, to Baalah, that 14 Therefore^ David inquired again of God and :

is, to Kirjathjearim, which belonged to Judah, to bring God faid unto him, Go not up after them ; turn away
up thence the ark of God the Lord, that-dwelleth front them c and come upon them over againft the c i Sam.

5 23«
bet-ween the cherubims, whole name is called on it. mulberry trees-
f Heb. 7 And they f carried the ark of God in a new cart 15 And it fliall be, when thou fhait hear a found of
made the
ark to ride. out of the houfe of Abinaclab ; and Uzza and Ahio going in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then thou
drave the cart. ffialt go out to battle for God is gone forth before

8 And David and all Ifrael played before God with thee, to finite the hoft of the Philiftines.
t Heb. all their might, and with t linging, and with harps, 16 David, therefore, did as God commanded him :
and with pfalteries, and with timbrels, and with cym- and they fmote the hoft of the Philiftines from Gibeon
bals, and with trumpets. even to Gazer.
9 K And when they came unto the threfhlng floor 17 And the fame of David went out into all lands ;
i Called
of Chidon, Uzza put forth his. hand to hold the ark ; and the Lord brought the fear of him upon all nations.
1 Sam. 6 6.

for the oxen t Humbled. CHAP. XV..

jfccei if.
c Numb.
10 And the anger of the Lord was kindled againfl 1 David, having prepared a placefor the ark, ordereth
4 15. Uzza, and he fmote him,, c becaufe he put his hand the priests and Levites to bring it from the house of
to the ark and there he died before GocL
: Obededom. 25 The solemnity is attended by David
11 And David was difpleafed, becaufe the Lord and all Israel with great joy. 29 Michal despiseth
had made a breach upon Uzza i wherefore that place him.
77ie breach
is, is called Perezuzza to this day.-

12 And David was afraid of God that day, faying,

David made him houfes in the city of David,
prepared a place for the ark of God, and
042. 1

of Uxxa.
How f hall I bring the ark of God home to me ? pitched for it a tent..
•ffleb. 13 So David t brought not the ark home to himfelf 2 Then David faid r f None ought to carry the a ark t Hcl\, It
of God but the Levites for them hath the Lord not tothe
to the city of David, but carried itaiide into the houfe : 1

of Obededom the Gittite.- chofen to carry the ark of God, and to minifter unto Zf}i%
14 And the ark of God remained with the family of him for ever.-
And David gathered all
Obededom in his houfe three months. And the Lord 3 Ifrael together to Jerufa-
d As Chap.
15 25.
bleffed the d houfe of Obededom, and all that he had. lem, to bring up the ark of the Lord unto his piace,.
C P. XIV. HA which he had prepared for it.
1 Hiram sendeth timber and builders to David. 2 Da- 4 And David affembled the children of Aaron, and
vid's prosperity in his kingdom : 3 his additional the Levites..
wives and children: 8 his two victories over the 5 Of the fons of Kohath ; Uriel the chief, and his
Philistines. brethren, an hundred and twenty. or,

j| 11


cir. 1043.
2 Sam.
Hiram king of Tyre fent meffengers- to 6 Of the fons of Merari ;. Afaiahthe chief, and his
5 11, fcc. David, and timber of cedars, with mafons and brethren, two hundred and twenty.
carpenters, to build him an houfe. 7 Ofthefonsof Gerfhom ; Joel the chief, and his
2 IT And David perceived that the_ Lord had con- brethren, an hundred and thirty.
firmed him king over Ifrael for his kingdom. w as
8 Of the fons of Elizaphan ; Shemaiah the chief,
lifted up on high;, becaufe of his people Ifrael. and his brethren,, two hundred.
f Heb.^r. 3 % And David took t more wives at Jerufalem : 9 Of the fons of Hebron ; Eiiel the chief, arid his
and David begat more fons and daughters. brethren, fourfcore.
4 Now thefe are the names of his children which 10 Ofthefonsof Uz-ziel ; Amminadab the chief,
he had in Jerufalem ; Shammua, and Shobab, Nathan, and his brethren, an hundred and twelve.
and Solomon, 11 And David
called for Zadok and Abiathar the
5 And Ibhar, and Elifhua, and Elpalet, priefls, and for the Levites; for Uriel, Afaiah, and
6 And Nogah, and Nepheg ?< and Japhia,, Joel, Shemaiah, and Eliel, and Amminadab,
Ehada- 7 And Elifhama, and Beeliada, and Eliphalet,
12. And faid unto them. Ye are the chief of the fa-
1 Sam. 5
b 2 Sam.
8 II And when the Philiftines heard that * David thers of the Levites fancHfy yourielves both ye and

d'7. was anointed king over all Ifrael, all the Philiftines your brethren, that ye may bring up the ark of the
went up to feek David ; and David heard of it, and Lord God of Ifrael unto the place that I have prepar-
went out againft them.. ed for it..
J»47- 9 And
the Philiftines came and fpread themfelves 13 For becaufe ye did it not at the firft, the Lord
in the valley of Rephaim. our God made a breach upon us, for that we fought
10 And David
inquired of God, faying, Shall I go him not after the due order.
up the Philiftines ? and wilt thou deliver them
againft. 14 So the priefts and the Levites fanclificd them -

into mine hand ? And the Lord faid unto him, Go felves to bring up the ark of the Lord God of ifrael.
up ; for I will deliver them into thine hand. 15 And the children of the Levites bare the ark
: :

David* s festival sacrifice. I. CHRONICLES. His psalm of thanksgivings

of God upon their fhoulders, with the ftaves thereon, 3 And he dealt
to every one of Ifrael, both man and Before
as b Mofes commanded, according to the word of the woman, to every
one a loaf of bread, and a good piece 1042.

Lord. of fleih, and a flagon of wine.

16 And David fpake to the chief of the Levites, to 4 H And he appointed certain of the Levites to min-
appoint their brethren to be the fingers with inftru- ifter before the ark of the Lord, and to record, and to
mentsof mufic, pfalteries, and harps, and cymbals, thank and praife the Lord God of Ifrael.
founding, by lifting up the voice with joy. 5 Afaph the chief; and next to him Zechariah, and
c Chap.
6 33. 17 So the Levites appointed c Heman the fon of Jo- Jeiel, and Shemiramoth, and Jehiel, and Mattithiah,
d Chap.
el and of his brethren, d Afaph the fon of Berechi-
; and Eliab, and Benaiah, and Obededom and Jeiel ;

e Chap.
•ah and of the fons of Merari their brethren, e Ethan
; fwith pfalteries and with harps but Afaph made a :
t Heb. ivitK
the fon of Kufhaiah : found with cymbals ;
of psalteriei
and harps.
18 And with them their brethren of the fecond de- 6 Benaiah alfo and Jahaziel the prieft with trumpets
gree, Zechariah, Ben, and Jaaziel,andShemiramoth, continually before the ark of the covenant of God.
and Jehiel, and Unni, Eliab, and Benaiah, and Maa- 7 If Then on that day David delivered fir-ft this
ieiah and Mattithiah, and Elipheleh, and Mikneiah ; psalm, to thank the Lord, into the hand of Afaph and
and Obededom, and Jeiel, the porters. his brethren.
19 So the fingers, Heman, Afaph, and Ethan, were 8 Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon his name, b Psalm
105 l, &ci-
appointed to found with cymbals of brafs ;
make known his deeds among the people.
20 And Zechariah, andAziel, and Shemjrarribth, 9 Sing unto him, fmg pfalms unto him, talk ye of
and Jehiel, and Unni, and Eliab, and Maafeiah, and all his wondrous works.
Benaiah, with pfalteries on Alamoth ;
10 Glory ye in his holy name let the heart of them

21 And Mattithiah, and Elipheleh, and Mikneiah, rejoice that feek the Lord.
and Obededom, and Jeiel, and Azaziah, with harps 11 Seek the Lord and his ftrength, feek his face
(1 Or, ok

the eighth Jl
on the Sheminith, to excel. continually.
to oversee.
Or, was
22 And Chenaniah, chief of the Levites, was for || 12 Remember his marvellous works that he hath
f fong he inftructed about the long, becaufe he was done, his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth

f,ir the car- ; ;

riage : he
instructed fkilful. 13 O
ye feed of Ifrael his fervant, ye children of
about the
carriage. 23 And Berechiah and Elkanah were doorkeepers Jacob his chofen ones.
t Heb. for the ark, 14 He is theLoRD our God his judgments are in
lifting u p-
24 And Shebaniah, and Jehofhaphat, and Netha- all the earth.

neel, and Amafai, and Zechariah, and Benaiah, and 15 Be ye mindful always of his covenant the word ;

Eliezer, the priefls, did blow with the trumpets be- which he commanded to a thoufand generations ;

fore the ark of God and Obededom and Jehiah

16 Even ofthe c covenant which he made with Abra- c Gen. Tr t;
& 76 3, &
were door keepers for the ark. ham, and of his oath unto Ifaac ; 28 13.

25 If So f David and the elders of Ifrael, and the 17 And hath confirmed die fame to Jacob for a law,
12 13, &c.
captains ofefthoufands, went to bring up the ark of and to Ifrael for an everlafting covenant,
the covenant of the Lord out of the houie of Obed- 18 Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan,
t Heb.
edom with joy. t the lot of your inheritance. the cord*

26 And it came to pafs, when God

helped the Le- 19 When ye were but f few, d even a few, and t Heb. men
number. of
vites that bare the ark of the covenant of the Lord, flrangers in it, dGen.
34 3 °*
that they offered feven bullocks and feven rams. _
20 And when they went from nation to nation, and
27 And
David was clothed with a robe of fine linen, from one kingdom to another people,
and all the Levites that bare the ark, and the fingers, 21 Hefuffered no man to do them wrong yea, he ;
reproved kings for their fakes, G
ftOr, and Chenaniah the matter of the fong with the fing-
? &*5 ,
ers David alio had upon him an ephod of linen. 22 Saying, f Touch notmine anointed, and do my maim*
lo ^ s '

28 Thus all Ifrael brought up the ark of the cove- prophets no harm.
nant of the Lord with fh outing and with found of the 23 Sing unto the Lord all the
B earth fhew forth gpsa^n ;

cornet, and with trumpets, and with cymbals, mak- from day to day his falvation.
ing a noife with pfalteries and harps. 24 Declare his glory among the heathen ; his mar-
29 it came to pafs, as the ark of the cove-
HAnd vellous works among all nations.
nant of the Lord came to the city of David, that 25 For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praifed,
Michal the daughter of Saul, looking out at a win- he alfo is to be feared above all gods.
dow, fawking David dancing and playing : and ihe 26 For all the gods h of the people are idols but :
defpifed him in her heart. the Lord made the heavens.
CHAP. XVI. 27 Glory and honour are in his prefence, ftrength
1. David's festival sacrifice j 4 he appointed a choir and gladnefsarf In his place.
andmusick to praise the Lord: 7 his psalm ofthanks- 28 Give unto the Lord, ye kindreds of the people,
givmg: 37 he appointeth ministers, porters, priests, give unto the Lord glory and ftrength
and musicians, to attend continually on the ark. 29 Give unto the L r d the glory due unto his name
bring an offering, and come before him ; worfhip the
T042, a
they brought the ark of God, and fetit in the
midft of the tent that David had pitched for it: Lor d in the beauty of holinefs.
and they offered burnt facrifices and peace offerings 30 Fear before him, all the earth the world alfo :

before God. .
fliail be ftable, that it be not moved.

2 And when David had made an end of offering the 31 Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth re-
burnt offerings and the peace offerings, he bleffed the joice and let men fay among the nations, The Lord

people in the name of the Lord. reigneth,

b „„ T
32 Let
: . ; :

Nath^«'j* message to David. CHAP. XVII, XVIII. David' s prayer and thanksgiving.
CHRIST 32 Let the fea roar, and the fulnefs thereof ; let 9 Alfo I will ordain a place for my people Ifrael, chbjst
the fields rejoice, and all that is therein. and will plant them, and they fhall dwell in their place, ^J2£^
33 Then fhall the trees of the wood ling outat thepref- and fhall be moved no more neither fhall the chil- ;

ence ofthe L rd
hecaufe he cometh to j udge the earth
dren ofwickednefs wafte them anymore, as at the
i Psalm
34 '
give thanks unto the Lord for he is good ; :
>, & for his mercy endureth for ever. 10 And
fince the time that I commanded judges
136 1. 35 And fay ye, Save us, O
God of our falvation, to be over my
people Ifrael moreover, I will fubdue :

and gather us together, and deliver us from the all thine enemies. Furthermore I tell thee that the
heathen, that we may give thanks to thy holy name, Lord will build thee an houfe.
and glory in thy praife„ 11 II And it fhall come to pafs, when thy days be
36 Bleffed^theLo r d God of Ifraelforeverandever. expired, that thou mull go to be with thy fathers, that
k Deut. And all k the people faid, Amen, and praifed the Lord. I will raife up thy feed after thee,, which fhall be of

37 If So he left there, before the ark of the covenant thy fons and I will eftablilh his kingdom.

Qf the Lord, Afaph and his brethren, to rninifter be- 12 He fhall build me an houfe, and I will ftablifh
fore the ark continually, as every day's work required. his throne for ever.
38 And Obededom with their brethren, threefcore 13 b I will be his father, and he my fon ; b 2 Sami

and eight Obededom alfo the fon of Jeduthun and

and I will not take my mercy away from him, as I 714.

Hofah to be porters took it from him that was before thee

39 And Zadok the prieft, and his brethren the 14 But I will fettle him in mine houfe and in my

priefts, before the tabernacle of the Lord-, in the kingdom for ever ; and his throne fhall be eftablifhed
high- place that was at Gibeon, for evermore.
40 To oifer burnt offerings unto the Lord upon the 15 According to all thefe words, and according to
fHeb. altar of the burnt offering continually f morning and all this vifion, fo did Nathan fpeak unto David.
in the-
morning, evening, and to do according to all that is written in 16 If And David the king came and fat before the
in the
the law of the Lord, which he commanded Ifrael ;
Lord, and faid, Who am I, O Lord God, and what
41 And with them Heman and Jeduthun, and the is that thou haft brought me hitherto ?
mine houfe,
reft that were chofen, who were expreffed by name, 17 And yet this was a fmall thing in thine eyes, O
to give thanks to the Lord, becaufe his mercy en- God for thou haft also fpoken of thy fervant's houfe

dureth for ever. for a great while to come, and haft regarded me ac-
42 And with them Heman and Jliduthun, with cording to the eftate of a man of high degree, Lor d O
trumpets and cymbals for thofe that fhould make a God.
found, and with mufical inftruments of God. And 18 What can David speak'more to thee for the hon-
t Heb. for the fons of Juduthun were \ porters., our of thy fervant ? for thou knoweft thy fervant.
19 O Lord, for thy fervant's fake, and according
the gate.
43 And all the people departed every man to his
houfe and David returned to blefs his houfe.
: to thine own heart, haft thou done all this greatnefs r
CHAP. XVII. inmaking known all these f great things. + Heb.
1 Nathan approving David''s purpose to build
first 20 O Lord, there is'.none like thee, neither is there r
i f°Jl
God an house, 3 after, by the word of the Lord, for- any god be fide thee, according to all that we have
biddeth him, with assurance of favour, 11 and a heard with our ears..
promise of especial blessings in his seed. 16 Da- 21" And what one nation in the earth is like thy
vid'spray>er and thanksgiving,.. people Ifrael, whom God went to redeem to be his own
8 1,

NOW that
it came to
pafs, as David fat in his houfe,
to Nathan the prophet, Lo, I
David laid
people, to make thee a name of greatnefs and terrible-
nefs, by driving out nations from before thy people,
dwell in an houfe of cedars, but the ark of the cove- whom thou halt redeemed out of Egypt ?
nant of the Lord remaineth under curtains. 22 For thy people Ifrael didft thou make thine own
2 Then Nathan faid unto David, all that win Do people for ever and thou Lo r d becameft their God
; , , :

thine heart for God is with thee.

; 23 Therefore now, Lord, let the thing that thou
3 If And it came to pafs the fame night, that the haft fpoken concerning thy fervant, and concerning
word of God came to Nathan, faying, his houfe, be eftablifhed for ever,, and do as thou halt
4 Go and tell David my fervant,. Thus faith the faid.
Lord, Thou an houfe to dwell in
fhalt not build me :
24 Let it even be eftablifhed, that thy name may be
5 For I have not dwelt in an houfe fince the day magnified for ever, faying,. The Lord of hofts is the
tHeb. that I brought up Ifrael unto this day but t have gone ;
God of Ifrael, even a God to Ifrael and let. the houfe :

iiive been.
from tent to tent, and from one tabernacle to another. of David thy fervant be eftablifhed before thee.
6 Wherefoever I have walked with all Ifrael, fpakc 25 For thou, O
my God, f haft told thy fervant, tHfh.
I a word to any of the judges of Ifrael, whom I com- that thou wilt build him an houfe ; therefore thy fer- hast re.
manded to feed my people, faying, Why have ye nol vant hath found in bis heart to pray before thee. the .ir
of thy

built me an houfe of cedars ? 26 And now, Lord, thou art God, and haft prom- want*
7 Now, therefore, thus fhalt thou fay unto my fer- ifed this goodnefs unto thy fervant
vant David, Thus faith the Lord of hofts, I took thee 27 Now, therefore, let it pleafe thee to blefs the |o^
/row fl/«r, from the fheep cote, even ffrom following the fheep, houfe of thy fervant, that it may be before thee for £/<w
that thou fhouldeft be ruler over my people Ifrael ;
ever for thou bleffeft,
: O
Lord, and it shall be blcff- thesi
8 And I have been with thee whitherfoev( r thou ed for ever,
haft walked, and have cut off all thine enemies from
before thee, and have made thee a name like the
1 David subdueth the Philistines, and make th the Mo-
name of the great men that are in the earth ; abites tributary : 3 he smitcih Haddrezer and the
Syi ians.


David subdueth the Philistines. CHRONICLES.

I. The Ammonites^ &c. overcome by Joab, &c<
Syrians. 9 Tou sendeth Hadoram with presents to T OW p
it came to pafs after this, that Nahafh the
bless David : the presents spoil David dedi-
and the king of the children of Amnion died ; and his
catethtoGod: 13 he putteth garrisons in Edom. 14 Ion reigned in his Head,
David? s officers. 2 And David faid, I will (hew kindnefs unto H
a 2 Sam. 3
NOW after this a
came to pafs,
David fmote
the Philiftines, and i'ubdued them and took
the fon of Nahafh, becaufe his father fliewed kindnefs
to me. And David fent meffengers to comfort hint
concerning his father. So the fen-ants of David came
Gath and her towns out of the hand of the Philiflines.
into the land of the children of Ammon to Hanun, to
2 And he fmote Moab and the Moabites became ;
comfort him.
David's fervants, and brought gifts.
3 But the princes of the children of Ammon faid
Or. 3 % And David fmote Hadarezer king of Zobah
71 dadczsr, to Hanun, f Thinkeft thou that David doth honour tHeb.
- Sam. untoHamath, as he went to ftablifh his dominion by In thine ry:
thy father, that he hath fent comforters unto thee ? doth Daiid;
the river Euphrates. ire.
are not his fervants come unto thee for to fearch, and
4 And David took from him a thousand chariots,
to overthrow, and to fpy out the land
and feven thoufand horfemen, and twenty thoufand :

footmen David alfo houghed all the chariot horses,

4 Wherefore Hanun took David's fervants, and
fliaved them, and cut off their, garments in the midft,
but rtferved of them an hundred chariots.
hard by their buttocks s and fent them away.
t Heb. 5 And when the Syrians off Damafcus came to help
Hadarezer king of Zobah, David flew of the Syrians 5 Then there went certain, and told David how the
two and twenty thoufand men.
men were ferved and he fent to meet them (for the

6 Then David put garrisons in Syriadamafcus; and

men were greatl}' afhamed ;) and the king £ rid, Tarry
the Syrians became David's fervants, and brought
at Jerichountil your beards be grown, and then return.
6 IF And when the children of Amnion faw that
gifts. Thus the Lord preferved David whitherfoever
they had made themfehes t odious to David, Hanun tKci.
hewent. t. > ;:";::•

and the children of Ammon fent a thoufand talents of

7 And David took the ihields of gold that were on
filver to hire them chariots and horfemen out of Mefo-
the fervants of Hadarezer, and brought them to Je-
potamia, and out of Syriamaachah, and out of Zobah.
7 So they hired thirty and two thoufand chariots,
Called in 8 Likewife from Tibhath, and from Chun, cities

the book of and the king of Maachah and his people ; who came
Samuel, of Hadarezer, brought David very much brafs, where-
Betah and and pitched before Medeba. And the children of
with b Solomon made the brafen fea, and the pillars,
b i Kings
and the veffels of brafs.
Ammon gathered themfelves together from their cities,
7 ^3- and came to battle.
2 Chror.. 9 % Now, when Tou, king of Hamath, heard how

David had fmitten all the holt of Hadarezer king of 8 And when David heard of it he fent Joab, and all
f Or, fa/,
q Sam. the hoft of the mighty men.
10 Hefent Hadoram his fon to king David, to in-
9 And the children of Ammon
came out, and put
fcram, ||

2Sam. quire of his welfare, and to f congratulate him, becaufe

the battle in array before the gate of the city and the ;

8 10. kings that were come ivere by themfelves in the field.

Or, he had fought againft Hadarezer, and fmitten him

t Heb. (for Hadarezer f had war with Tou ;) and with him
10 Now
when Joab faw that t the battle was fet tHeb.
the face of
Btej. againft him before and behind, he chofe out of all the the battli
t Heb. all manner of veffels of gold, and filver, and brafs. tvas.
H choice oflfrael, and put them in array againft the
•was the man 11 Them alfo king David dedicated unto the Lord, J Or,
gfwar:. Syrians.
with the filver and the gold that he brought from all
11 And the reft of the people he delivered unto
these nations from Edom, and from Moab, and from
the hand off Abifhai his brother, and they fet tfiem-
the children of Amnion, and from the Philiftines, and 'Heb.
selves in array againft the children of Ammon. Abshai
from Amalek.
12 And he faid, If the Syrians be too ftrong for me,
12 Moreover, Abifhai the fon of Zeruiah flew of
then thou fhalt help me : but if the children of Am-
the Edomites in the valley of Salt eighteen thoufand.
13 If And he put garriibns in Edom and all the
mon be too ftrong for thee, then I will help thee.
13 Be of good courage, and let us behave ourfelves
Edomites became David's fervents. Thus the Lord
valiantly for our people, and for the cities of our God ;
preferved David whitherfoever he went.
and let the Lord do that which is good in his fight.
14 II So David reigned over all Ifrael, and execut-
14 So Joab, and the people that ivere with him,
ed judgment and juftice among all his people.
drew nigh before the Syrians unto the battle ; and
15 And Joab the fon of Zeruiah was over the hod,
they fled before him.
»Or, and Jehofhaphat the fon of Ahilud recorder
cer. 16 And Zadok the fon of Ahitub, and Abimelech

15 And when the children of Ammon
faw that the
Called Syrians, were fled, they likewife fled before Abifhai
Ahimelech, the fon of Abiathar, were thepriefts and Shavfha ;

2 Sam*
%vas fcribe

his brother, and entered into the city. Then Joab

C Called 17 And Eenaiah the fon of Jehoiada ivas over the came to Jerufalem.
S '.:;.:..,
n Sam. Cherethites and the Pelethites ; and the fons of David
16 If And when the Syrians faw that they were put cir. 1036*

S17. to the worfe before Ifrael, they fent meffengers, and

and Shisha* ivere chief t about the king.
drew forth the Syrians that were beyond the river ;
1 Kings

4 3.
the hand
CHAP. XIX. and Shophach, the captain of the hoft of Hadarezer,
I That

cf the king. 1 David's messengers sent to comfort Hanun for his went before them. 15Or,
father's death, are disgracefully treated. 6 The 17 And it was told David
and he gathered all If-
; 1 Sam.
Ammonites, strengthened by the Syrians, are over- rael* and paffed over Jordan, and came upon them,
come by Joab and Abishai. 16 Hadarezer, sending and fet the battle in array_ againft them. So when Da-
a new army under Shophach, is defeated by David, vid had put the battle in array againft the Syrians,
pnd their general slain, &c. thev fought with him.
18 But
1 ;;

David tempted by Satan^ EsV. C H A P. XX, XXI. Davidpurchaseth Ortians threshuigf.oor,

18 But the Syrians and David
fled before Ifrael ; Joab :
wherefore Joab departed, and went through- CHRIST
flew of the Syrians feven thoufand men whichfought in out all Ifrael, and came to Jerufalem.
chariots, and forty thoufand footmen, and killed Sho- 5 II And Joab gave the fum of the number of the
phach the captain of the hoft. people unto David. And all t/iey o/Ifrael were a thou-
19 And when the fervants of Hadarezer faw that they iand thoufand and an hundred thoufand men that drew
were put to the worfe before Ifrael, they made peace fword : and Judah was four hundred threefcore and
with David, and became his fervants neither would : ten thoufand men that drew fword.
the Syrians help the children of Amnion any more. 6 But Levi and Benjamin counted he not among
CHAP. XX. them for the king's word was abominable to Joab.

1 Ro.bbah is besieged by Joab, spoiled by David,_ and 7 ff f And God was difplcafed with this thing ;
t Heb. M£
it luas evil
the people thereof tortured. 4 Three giants slain. therefore he fmote Ifrael. in Die eyes of


cir. 1055.
2 Sam.
AN D a
it came to pafs, that f after the year was
expired, at the time that kings go out to battle,
8 And David faid unto God, b I have finned greatly,
becaufe I have done this thing but now, I befeech:
the LORD
this thing-
h 2 Sam.
Heb. of
Joab led forth the power of the army, and wafted the thee, do away the iniquity of thy fervant for I have ;

country of the children of Ammon, and came and done very fooliilily.
befieged Rabbah ; (but David tarried at Jertifalem ;) 9 f And the Lord fpake unto Gad David'sfeer,faying, ,

err. T033. and Joab fmote Rabbah, and deftroyed it. 10 Go and tell David, faying, Thus faith the Lord,
b 2 Sam.
12 30.
2 And David b took the crown of their king from 1 1 offer thee three things > choofe thee one of them, t Hel...

t Heb. the off his head, and found it t to weigh a talent of gold, that I may do it unto thee strcicll car-

•weight of.
and there were precious ftones in it and it was fet ; 1 So Gad came to David, and faid unto him, Thus
upon David's head and he brought alfo exceeding
: faith theLord, f Choofe thee t Heb. Taki
t0 "' ee
much fpoil out of the city. 12 Either three years' famine; or three months to be
3 And he brought out the people that were in it, deftroyed before thy foes, while that the fword of
and cut them with faws, and with harrows of iron, thine enemies overtaketh thee ; or elfe three days the
and with axes even fo dealt David with all the cities
: fword of the Lord, even the peftilence, in the land,
of the children of Ammon. And David and all the and the angel of the Lord deftroying throughout all
people returned to Jerufalem. the coafts of Ifrael. Now, therefore, advife thyfelf

cir. 101B.
1 Sam.
4 IF And
came to pafs after this, c that there
it what word I fhall bring again to him that fent me.
21 18.
|]f arofe war at Gezer with the Philiftines at which
|| ; 13 And David faid unto Gad, I am in a great ftrait i
Or, con-
let me fall now into the hand of the Lord ; for very

tinued. time Sibbechai the Hulhathite flew Sippai, that was of

t Hel>.
stood. the children of the giant ; and they were fubdued.
|| ||
great are his mercies ; but let me not fall into the II
Or, Gob. many.

HOr, 5 And there was war again with the Philiftines and ; hand of man.
1 Called also
Elhanan the fon of Jair flew Lahmi. the brother of
14 II So the Lord fent peftilence upon Ifrael : and
Jaareuregimt Goliath theGittite, whole fpear's flaff was like a weav- there of Ifrael feventy thoufand men.
2 Sam.
21 19. er's beam. 15 And God fent an e angel unto Jerufalem to de- c 1 Sam.
yet again A there was war at Gath, where ftroy it; and, as he was deftroying, the Lord beheld, 24
id 2 16.
21 20. 6 And
t Heb.rt
vian of
was f man
of great ftature, whole fingers and toes
a and he repented him of the evil, and faid to the angel
measure. w\j re four and twenty, fix on each hand, and fix on that deftroyed, It is enough flay now thine hand.

t Heb. born
to the giant,
each foot : and he alfo was t the fon of the giant. And the angel of the Lord flood by the threfhing
or, Ra~plia.
B Or, re-
7 But when he defied Ifrael, Jonathan the fon of
floor of Oman the Jebufite.
|| Or,
roach ed. ||Shimea, David's brother flew him. 16 IT And David lifted up his eyes, and faw the angel fi""lf
f Or, Sham*
8 Thefe were born unto the giant in Gath and of the Lord Hand between the earth and the heaven, 2 * lB -
mahf ;

I Sam. 16 9.
they fell by the hand of David, and by the hand of his having a drawn fword in his hand ftretched out over
fervants. Jerufalem then David and the elders of Israel, who

CHAP. XXI. were clothed in fackcloth, fell upon their faces.

1 David, tempted by Satan, for ceth Joab
to number the 17 And David faid unto God, Is it not I that com-
people. 5 returned. 7 God is displeas-
The number manded the people to be numbered ? even I it is that
ed ; David achnowledgeth his fault. 9 David, hav- have finned and done evil indeed but as for thefe ;

ing t/irce plagues propounded by God, chooseth the fheep, whathavethey clone? Letthinehand, Ipray thee,
pestilence. Y^After the death of seventy thousand, 16 O Lord my God, be on me, and on my father's houfe
David, on sight of the angel, inter cedeth for the peo- but not on thy people, that they fhould be plagued.
ple. 18 David, by Gad^s direction, purchascth Or- 18 If Then d the angel of the Lord commanded d2Chron;
narts threshing floor\ where having built an altar, Gad to fay to David, that David fhould go up, and 3 '*
Godgiveth a sign of his favour, &?c. fet up an altar unto the Lord in the threfhing floor

> tic.
Satan flood up again ft Ifrael, and provoked
David to number Ifrael.
of Oman the Jebufite.
19 And David went up at the faying of Gad, which
2 And David faid to Joab, and to the rulers of the he fpake in the name of the Lord.
people, Go, number Ifrael, from Beerlheba even to 20 And Oman turned back, and faw the angel
|| Or, mat II

Dan ; and bring the number of them to me, that I Oman turn-
and his four fons with him hid themfelves. Now Or- ed back, and
may know it. nan was threfhing wheat. sail) the tin.
geli then lie
3 And Joab anfwered, The Lord make his people 2 1 And as David came to Oman Oman looked and sons and his four
an hundred times fo many more as they be : but, faw David, and went out of the threfhing floor, and *&»*$
my lord the king, are they not all my lord's fervants ? bowed himfclf to David with his face to the ground.
why then doth my lord require this thing ? why will 22 Then David faid to Oman, f Grant me the place ygj*
he be a caufe of trefpafs to Ifrael ? of this threfhing floor, that I may build an altar there-
4 Ncverthelefs, the king's word prevailed againft in unto the Lord thou flialt grant it me for the full

2P price j
; ;

David instruBeth Solomon in God's promises, I. CHRONICLES,. The family of the Gershonitcs,
price that the plague may be flayed from the people.
; 10 c
He fhall buildan houfe for my name, and he Before
23 And Oman
laid unto David, Take it to thee, and fhall be my fon, and I willbchis father; and I will eftab-
let my
Loud, the king do that 'which is. good in his lifh. the throne of his kingdom over Ifrael for ever. Sam.
eyes lo, I give thee the oxen also for burnt offerings,
: 11 Now, my the Lord be with thee
fon, and ;

and the threihing inftruments for wood, and the profper thou, and build the houfe of the Lord thy
wheat for the meat offering I give it all. ; God, as he hath faid of thee.
24 And Oman, Nay but I will
king David faid to ; 12 Only the Lord give thee wifdom and under-
verily buy it for the full price ; for I will not take ftanding, and give thee charge concerning Ifrael, that
that which is thine for the Lord, nor offer burnt thou mayeft keep the law of the Lord thy God.
offerings without coil. 13 Then fhalt thou profper., if thou takeft heed
C2 Sam. 25 So e David gave to Oman
for the place fix hun- to fulfil the ftatutes- and judgments which the Lord
8424. dred fhekels of gold by weight. charged Mofes with concerning Ifrael be flrong, and :

26 And David built there an altar unto the Lord, of good courage dread-not, nor be difmayed.

and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings, and 14 Now, behold, in my trouble I have prepared myOr,

called upon the Lord and he anfwered him from

; for the houfe of the -Lord an hundred thoufand tal-
heaven by fire upon the altar of burnt offering. ents of gold, and a thoufand thoufand t alents of filver
27 And the Lord commanded the angel and he ; and of brafs and iron d without weight (for it is in dAs :
Ver. 3.
put up his fword again into the Iheath thereof. abundance timber alfo and ilone have I prepared

28 II At that time, when David law that the Lord and thou mayeft add thereto.
had anfwered him in the threihing floor of Oman the 15 Moreover, there arc workmen with thee in abun-
Jebufite, then he facriiiced there. dance, hewers and workers of ilone and timber, and
|j ||
That i-,
masons and
29 (For the tabernacle of the Lord, which Mofes all manner of cunning men for every manner of work. carpenter St
made in the wildernefs, and the altar of the burnt of- 16 Of the gold, the lilver, and the brafs, and the
Fi Kings fering, mere at that feafon in the high place at Gibeon. iron, there is no number. Arife, therefore, and be_
3 4-
Chap. 30 But David could not go before it to inquire of doing, and the Lord be with thee.
2 Cliron. God for he was afraid, becaufe of the fword of the
: 1 7 If David alio commanded all the princes of Ifrael
angel of the Lord.) to help Solomon his fon, saying,
CHAP. XXIL 18 Is not the Lord your God with you ? and hath
1 David, foreknowing the place of the temple, maketh he not given you reft on every fide ? for he hath given
large preparations for we building of it : 6 he in- the inhabitants of the land into mine hand ; and the
structeth Solomon in God's promises made to him, land is fubdued before the Lord,, and before his
and his duty in building the house : 17 his charge people.
to the princes. 19 Now
fet your heart and your foul to feek the

THEN David
God, and
this is
This the houfe of the Lord
the altar of the burnt offering
Lord your God :. arife, therefore, and build ye the
fanctuary of the Lord God, to bring the ark of the
for Ifrael. covenant of the Lord, and the holy veffels of God,
2 And David commanded to gather together the into the houfe that is to be built to the name of the
grangers that mere in the land of Ifrael ; and he fet ma- Lord.
fons to ftones to build the houfe of God.
hew wrought CHAP. XXIII.
3 And David prepared iron in abundance for the 1 David age maketh Solomon king. 2 The
in his old
nails for the doors of the gates, and for the joinings, number and distribution of the Levites. 7 The fam-
and brafs in abundance without weight ilies of the Gershonites. 12 The sons of Kohath. 21
4 Alio cedar trees in ^abundance for the Zido- : The sons'of Merari. 24 The office of the Levites.
nians, and they of Tyre, brought much cedar wood to O when David was old and full of days, he made
a Chap,
1 01 5.

David. Solomon his fon king over Ifrael.

a Chap.
5 And David faid, a Solomon my fon is young and 2 H And he gathered together all the princes of
tender, and the houfe that is to be builded for the Ifrael, with the priefts and the Levites.
Lord must be exceeding magnificat, of fame and of 3 Now the Levites were numbered from the age of
b bNumb.
glory throughout all -countries I will therefore now : thirty years and upward and their number by their 43-

make preparation for it. So David prepared abun- polls, man by man, was* thirty and eight thoufand. cir. 1045.

dantly before his death. 4 Of which twenty and four thoufand mere to to Or, oversee.

6 If Then he called for Solomon his fon, and charg- fet forward the work of the houfe of the Lord and ;

ed him to build an houfe for the Lord God of Ifrael. fix thoufand mere officers and judges.
7 And David faid to Solomon, My fon, as forme, 5 Moreover four thoufand mere porters and four ;

it was in my mind to build an houfe unto the name of thoufand praifed the Lord
the inftruments with
the Lord my God : which I made, (saidDavidJ topraife therewith,
c Exod.
8 But the word of the Lord came to me faying, 6 And c David divided them into t courfes among 6 16.
b Chap.
the fons of Levi, namely, Gerfhon, Kohath, and Me-
h Chap.
283. Thou hail fhed blood abundantly, and hail made 6 1, fee.
great wars ; thou fhalt not build an houfe unto my rari. 2 Chron.
name, becaufe thou haft fhed much blood upon the 7 H Of the d Gerfhonitcs mere Laadan and Shimei. ||
21) 25.
earth in my light. 8 The fons of Laadan ; the chief was Jehiel, and diviii^ns.
d Chap.
9 Behold, a fon fhall be born to thee, who (hall Zetham, and Joel, three. 2621.
be a man of reft; and I will give him reft from all 9 The fons of Shimei; Shelomith, and Haziel, anel «Or,

That is. his enemies round about for his name fhall be Sol-
: || Haran, three. Thefewre the chief of the fathers of chap
d 17.
omon and I will give peace and quietnefs unto Ifrael
; Laadan. Or,
in his days. 10 And the fons of Shimei were Jah-ath, Zina, and || Ver. 11.

2 Jeufhj
1 ; ; ; : :

The office of the Levitts. CHAP XXIV. The Kohathites and Merarites divided by lot,
Jeufh, and Beriah. Thefe four were the ions of twenty orders. 20 The Kohathites,
ihimei. Merarites, divided by lot.

+ Heb.
1 And
Jahath was the chief, and Zizah the fec-
ond but Jeuih and Beriah t had not many fons
OW these are the divilions of the fons of Aaron-
did not ;
The fons of Aaron ; Nadab and Abihu, Elea- a Levit.
10 6.
therefore they were in one reckoning, according to

nns. zar andlthamar.

their father's houfe. b
2 But Nadab and Abihu died before their father, b Numb.
12 H The fons of Kohath
3 .1,

; Amram, Izhar, He- and had no children therefore Eleazar and Ithamar
bron, and Uzziel, four. executed the prieft's office.
e Exod.
rt 20.
13 The fons 01
Amram ; Aaron and Mofes : and 3 And David diftribn ted them, both Zadok of the
f Exod.
Aaron wasfeparated, that he fhould fanclify the molt fons of Eleazar, and Ahimelech of the fons of Itha-
Jieor. holy things, he and his fons for, ever, to burn incenfe mar, according to their offices in their fervice.
5 4-
before the Lord, to minifter unto him, and to blefs "
4 And there were more chief men found of the
in his name for ever. fons of Eleazar than of the fons of Ithamar and thus ;

14 Now, concerning Mofes the man of God, his were they divided. Among the fons of Eleazar there
fons were named of the tribe of Levi. were iixteen chief men of the houfe of their fathers,
g Exod.
2 22, & 15 s The fons of Mofes were Gerlhomand Eliezer. and eight among the fons of Ithamar, according to the
J834. 16 Of the fons of Gerfhom, Shebuel was the chief. houfe of their fathers.
h Chap.
25 21. 17 And the fons of Eliezer were h Rehabiah the ||
5 Thus were they divided by lot, one fort with
the first. chief. And Eliezer had none other fons; but the another for the governors of the fanciuary, and gov-
~t ncu. fons of Rehabiah f were very many. ernors of the house of God, were of the fons of Elea-
18 Of the fons of Izhar Shelomith the chief.
zar, and of the fons of Ithamar.
plied. 19 Of the fons of Hebron; Jeriah the firft, Ama- 6 And Shemaiah the ion of Nethaneel the fcribe,
riah the fecond, jahazielthe third, and Jekameam the one of the Levites, wrote them before the king, and
fourth. the princes, and Zadok theprieil, and Ahimelech the
20 Of the fons of Uzziel ; Micah the firft, and Je- fon of Abiathar, and before the chief of the fathers
iiah the fecond. of the prielts and Levites one f principal houfehold
: tHeb.
21 IF The fons of Merari ; Mahli and Mufhi. The being taken for Eleazar, and one taken for Ithamar.
the hous:
of the
fons of Mahli ; Eleazar and Kifh. 7 Now, the firft lot came forth to Jehoiarib, the father.

22 And Eleazar died, and had no fons but daugh- fecond to Jedaiah,
flOr, ters and their
: brethren the fons of Kifh took them.
8 The third to Harim, the fourth to Seorim,
23 The fons of MufhL; Mahli, and Eder, and Je- 9 The fifth to Malchijah, the lixth to Mijamin,
rimoth, three. 10 The feventh to Hakkoz, the eighth to c Abijah, c Liike
i Nttmb.
10 17 21.
24 "if Thefe were the fons of l Levi after the houfe of 11 The ninth to Jelhuah, the tenth to Shecaniah,

their fathers ; even the chief of the fathers, as they 12 The eleventh to Eliaihib, the twelfth to Jakim,
were counted by number of names by their polls, that 13 The thirteenth to Huppah, the fourteenth to
did the work for the fervice of the houfe of the Lord, Jeihebeab,
5c Numb. from the age of k twenty years and upward. 14 The fifteenth to Bilgah, the fixteenth to Immer,
25 For David laid, The Lord God of Ifrael hath 15 The feventeenth to Hezer, the eighteenth to
Or, and given reft unto his people, || that they may dwell in Aphfes,
he d-xvell-
et/i in Je- Jerufalem for ever. 16 The nineteenth to Pethahiah, the twentieth to
&C. 26 And alio unto the Levites; they fhall no more Jehezekel,
carry the tabernacle, nor anyveifels of it fortheler- 17 The one and twentieth to Jachin, the two and
vice thereof. twentieth to Gamul,
cur. 1015. 27 For, by the laft words of David, the Levites were 18 The three and twentieth to Delaiah, the four
t Heb.
numbers. t numbered from twenty years old and above and twentieth to Maaziah.
their sta-
28 Becaufe f their office was to wait on the fons of 19 Thefe were the orderings of them in their fer-
tion was Aaron, for the fervice of the houfe of the Lord, in vice to come into the houfe of the Lord, according
hand of the courts, and in the chambers, and in the purifying to their manner, under Aaron their father, as the
the sins of
Aaron. of all holy things, and the work of the fervice of the Lord God of Ifrael had commanded him.
houfe of God; 20 If And the reft of the fons of Levi ivere these :
6 20.
Levit. 29 Both for the Ihewbread, and for the fine fiour 3

Of the fons of Amram ; Shubacl of the fons of Shu- :

Chap. for meat offering, and for the unleavened cakes, and bael ; Jehdeiah.
t Or, flat for that which is baked in the ||.pan, and for that which 21 Concerning Rehabiah ; of the fons of Rehabiah,
is fried, and for ail manner of meafure and fize the firft was Isfhiah.
30 And to Hand every morning to thank and praife 22 Of the Izharites Shelomoth of the fons of
; :

the Lord, and iikewife at even Shelomoth ; Jahath.

31 And to oiTer all burnt facrinces unto the Lord 23 And the fons of ^ Hebron; Jeriah thefirst, Amariah <icimp.
in the iabbaths, in the new moons, and on the fet 19,
the fecond, Jahaziel the third, Jekameam the fourth. 2.631.
f calls, by number, according to the order command-
24 Of the fons of Uzziel ; Michah of the fons of :

ed unto them continually before the Lord ;

Michah Shamir.

32 And that they fhould keep the charge of the 25 The brother of Michah was Isfhiah of the fons :

tabernacle of the congregation, and the charge of the of isfhiah Zechariah.

holy place, and the charge of the fons of Aaron their 26 II Tiie fons of Merari were Mahli and Mufhi
brethren, in the fervice of the houfe of the Lord. the fons of Jaaziah Beno. ;

CHAP. XXIV. 27 The fons of Merari by Jaaziah Beno, and ;

1 The divisions of the sons of Aaron by lot into four and Shoham, and Zaccur, and Ibri.
28 Of
1 : : :: ,

The singers divided by lot. I. CHRONICLES. The divisions of the porters.

CHRIST 28 Of Mahli came Eleazar, who had no fons. 19 The twelfth to Hafhabiah, he, his fons and his
29 Concerning Kiih. the fon of Kiih was Jerahmeel. ; brethren were twelve :

30 The fons alfo of Mufhi Mahli, and Eder, and ; 20 The thirteenth to Shubael, he, his fons and his
Jerimoth. Thefe were the fons of the Levites, after brethren were twelve
the houfe of their fathers. 21 The fourteenth to Mattithiah, he, his fons and
3 Thefe likewife call lots over againft their breth- his brethren were twelve :

ren the fons of Aaron, in the prefence of David the 22 The fifteenth to Jerimoth, he, his fons and his
king, and Zadok and Ahimelech, and the chief of the brethren -were twelve :

fathers of the pritfts and Levites, even the principal 23 The fixteenth to Hananiah, he, his fons and his
fathers over againft their younger brethren. brethren were twelve :

CHAP. XXV. 24 The feventeenth to Jofhbekafhah, he, his fons

and his brethren were twelve
1 The number and offices ofthe singers: 8 their dhision :

by lot into four and twenty orders. 25 The eighteenth to Hanani, he, his fons and his
brethren were twelve
MOREOVER, David, and the captains of the
26 The nineteenth to Malothi, he, his fons and his
holt, feparated to the fervice of the fons of
brethren were twelve :
Afaph, and of Heman, and of Jeduthun, who fliould
27 The twentieth to Eliathah, he, his fons and his
prophefy with harps, with pfalteries, and with cym-
brethren were twelve
bals and the number of the workmen, according to
28 The one and twentieth to Hothir, he, his fons
their fervice, was :
and his brethren were twelve
2 Of
the fons of Afaph ; Zaccur, and Jofeph, and
29 The two and twentieth to Giddalti, he, his fons

I Othgr- Nethaniah, and Afarelah, the fons of Afaph, under

wise call-
and his brethren were twelve :
ed Jesha- the hands of Afaph, which prophelied t according to
retail* 30 The three and twentieth to Mahazioth, he, his
Ver. 4. the order of the king.
t Heb.
fons and his brethren were twelve
3 Of Jeduthun the fons of Jeduthun ; Gedaliah,

by the :
3 1 The four and twentieth to Romamtiezer, he y
and Zeri, and Jeihaiah, Hafhabiah, and Mattithiah,
his fons and his brethren were twelve :
King. fix, under the hands of their father Jeduthun, who


prophelied with a harp, to give thanks, and to praife CHAP. XXVI.

the Lord. t 1 The divisions of the porters. 13 The gates assigned
|1 s

4 Of Heman: the fons of Heman; Bukkiah, Mat- by lot. 20 The Levites that had charge of the treas-
ed, Ver. 17. taniah, Uzziel, Shebuel, and Jerimoth, Hananiah, ures, £s?r.
|| ||
0r '

1 a
Hanani, Eliathah, Giddalti, and Romamtiezer, Jof h- ONCERNING the divifions of the porters Of :

«Or, bekafhah, Mallothi, Hothir, and Mahazioth the Korhites was Meihelemiah the fon of Kore,
|| i!
Or, S/ia*
Ver. 20. 5 All thefe -were the fons of Heman the king's feer, of the fons of Afaph. j|
Ver. 14.
in the words of God, to lift up the horn.
|| And God 2 And the fons ofMefhelemiah were Zechariah the H Or, Ebic*
gave to Heman fourteen fons and three daughters. firftborn, Jediael the fecond, Zebadiah the third, Jath- Chap.
6 37, St
6 All thefe were under the hands of their father niel the fourth, 919.
for fong in the houfe of the Lord, with cymbals, 3 Elam the fifth, Jehohanan the fixth, Elioenai the
pfalterks, and harps, for the fervice of the houfe of feventh.
t Heb. God, | according to the king's order, to Afaph, Je- 4 Moreover, the fons of Obededom were Shemaiah
by the
hands duthun, and Heman. the firftborn, Jehozabad the fecond, Joah the third,
7 So the number of them, with their brethren that and Sacar the fourth, and Nethaneel the fifth,
were inftrucled in the fongs, of the Lord, even all that 5 Ammiel the fixth, Iffachar the feventh, Peulthai
were cunning, was two hundred fourfcore and eight. the eighth for God bleffed him.
: |]
That fe,
8 If And they call lots, ward againft ward, as well 6 Alfo unto Shemaiah his fon were fons born, that edom, as
the fmall as the great, the teacher as the fcholar. ruled throughout the houfe of their father for they :
9 Now, the firft lot came forth for Afaph to Jo- were mighty men of valour.
feph ; the fecond to Gedaliah, who with his brethren 7 The fons of Shemaiah ; Othni, and Rephael, and
and fons were twelve : Obed, Elzabad, whofe brethren were ftrong men,
10 The third to Zaccur, he, his fons and his breth- Elihu, and Shemachiah.
ren were twelve 8 All thefe of the fons of Obededom ; they, and
11 The fourth to Izri, he, his fons and his brethren their fons, and their brethren, able men for ftrength for
ivere twelve : the fervice, %vere threefcore and two of Obededom.
12 The fifth to Nethaniah, he, his fons and his 9 And Meihelemiah had fons and brethren, ftrong
brethren were twelve : men, eighteen.
13 The fixth to Bukkiah, he, his fons and his 10 Alfo Hofah, of the children of Merari, had fons ;
brethren were twelve, Simri the chief, (for though he was not the firftborn,
14 The feventh to Jefharelah, he, his fons and his yet his father made him the chief;)
^brethren were twelve : 11 Hilkiah the fecond, Tebaliah the third, Zecha-
15 The eighth to Jefhaiah, he, his fons and his riah the fourth all the fons and brethren of Hofah

brethren were twelve : were thirteen.

16 The ninth to Mattaniah, he, his fons and his 12 Among thefe were the divifions of the porters,
brethren were twelve : even among the chief men, having wards one againft
17 The tenth to Shimei, he, his fons and his another, to minifter in the houfe of the Lord. I Or,
as ivcll
brethren were twelve : 13 i And they caft lots, as well the fmall as the
for the
small as.
18 The eleventh to Azareel, he } his fons and his
brethren were twelve : gate.
great, according to the houfe of their fathers, for every JoTihe

14 And
; 1 : :: 1

officers andjudges. CHAP. XXVII. The princes of the twelve tribes.

14 And the lot eaftward

fell to ; ||
Shelemiah then NOVV the children of Ifrael after their number, to
wit, the chief fathers and captains of thoufands
forZechariah his fon (a wife counfellor) they call
lots, and his lot came out northward. and hundreds, and their officers that ferved the king-
15 ToObededom fouthward; and to his fons the in any matter of the courfes, which came in and went
houfe oftAfuppim. out month by month, throughout all the months of
16 To Shuppim and Kofah the lot came forth welt- the year, of every courfe were twenty and four thou-
ward, with the gateShallecheth, by the caufewayof fand.
ISee the going up, ward againft ward.
2 Over the firft courfe, for the firft month, was
1 Kings
17 Eaftward were fix Levites, northward four a Jafhobeam the fon of Zabdiel and in his courfe were
2 Chroa.
day, fouthward four a day, and toward Afuppim two twenty and four thoufand.
and two. 3 Of the children of Perez was the chief of all the
18 At Parbar weft ward, four at the caufeway, and captains of the hoft for the firft month.
two at Parbar. 4 And over the courfe of the fecond month was
19 Thefe arc the divifions of the porters among the f Dodai an Aliohite,_ and of his courfe was Mikloth Dodo,
1 Sam.
ons of Kore, and among the fons of Merari. alio the ruler in his courfe likewife were twenty
20 IF And of the Levites, Ahijahiufw over the treaf- and foui thoufand.
ures of the houfe of God, and over the treafures of 5 The third captain of the hoft, for the third month,
t Htb. holy the t dedicated things. wtfs Benaiah the fon of Jehoiada, a chief prieft and
|| ;
Or,. ,
|!Or, Libni. .21 As concerning the fons of Laadan ; the fons of
in his courfe were twenty and four thoufand. officer.
a 2 Sam.
Chap. 6 17-
the Gerihonite Laadan, chief fathers, even of Laadan 6 This is that Kenaiah who was a mighty among the 23 2022 23.
Chap. 1
I Or, the Gerihonite, were Jehieli.
thirty, and above the thirty and in his courfe was
; 22, &c.
Chap. 22 The fons of Jehieli; Zetham, and Joel his broth- Ammizabad his fon.
33 8.
er, which were over the treafures of the houfe of the 7 The fourth captain, for the fourth month, was
Lord. Afahel the brother of Joab, andZebadiah his fon after
23 Of the Amramites, and the Izharites, the He- him; and in his courfe were twenty and four thoufand.
bronites, and the Uzzielites 8 The fifth captain, for the fifth month, Was Sham-
24 And Shebuel the fon of Gerfhom, the fon of huth the Izrahite ; and in his courfe were twenty and
Mofes, was ruler of the treafures. four thoufand.
25 And his brethren by Eliezer Rehabiah his fon, ; 9 The fixth captain, for the fix th month, was Ira
and Jelhaiah his fon, and Joram his fon, and Zichri the fon of Ikkefh the Tekoite ; and in his courfe were
his fon, and Shelomith his fon : twenty and four thoufand.
26 Which Shelomith and his brethren were over 10 The feventh captain, for the feventh month, was

all the treafures of the dedicated things, which Da- Helez the Pelonite of the children of Ephraim ; and
vid the king, and the chief fathers, the captains over in his courfe were twenty and four thoufand.
thoufands and hundreds, and the captains of the hoft, 11 The eighth captain, for the eighth month, was _

had dedicated. Sibbecai the Hufhathite, of the Zarhites and in his :

tSeb. 27 f Out of the fpoils won in battles did they dedi- courfe were twenty and four thoufand.
Oat of the
battles cate to maintain the houfe of the Lord. 12 The ninth captain, for the ninth month, was
end spoils.
28 And all that Samuel the feer, and Saul the fon Abiezer the Anetothite, of the Benjamites : and in
of K.ifh, and Abner the fon of Ner, and Joab the fon his courfe were twenty and four thoufand.
of Zeruiah, had dedicated, and whofocver had dedi- 13 The tenth captain, for the tenth month, ivas
cated any thing, it was under the hand of Shelomith, Maharai the Netophathite, of the Zarhites and in :

and of his brethren. his courfe were twenty and four thoufand.
29 IF Of the Izharites, Chenaniah and his fons were 14 The eleventh captain, for the eleventh month, was
for the outward bufmefs over Ifrael, for officers and Benaiah the Pirathonite, of the children of Ephraim ;
judges. and in his courfe were twenty and four thoufand.
30 And of the Hebronites, Hafhabiah and hisbreth- 15 The twelfth captain, for the twelfth month, was
ren men of valour, a thou land and feven hundred, ||Heldai the Netophathite, of Othnicl and in his : II
tHfb. were f officers among them of Ifrael on this fide Jor- courfe were twenty and four thoufand. Chap.
txier tlie
charge. dan weftward, in all the bufmefs of the Lord, and in 16 IF Furthermore, over the tribes of Ifrael the ;
11 3».

the fervice of the king. ruler of the Reubenites was Eliezer the fon of Zichri
31 Among the Hebronites was Jerijah the chief, of the Simeonites, Sephatiah the fon of Maachah :
even among the Hebronites, according to the gener- 17 Of the Levites, Hafhabiah the fon of Kemuel :
ations of his fathers. In the fortieth year of the of the Aaronites, Zadok :

reign of David they were fought for, and there were 18 Of Judah, Elihu, cwofthe brethren cf David
found among them mighty men of valour at Jazer of Omri the fon of Michael
of Iffachar,
Gilead. 19 OfZebulun, Ifhmaiah the fon of Obadiah : of
32 And his brethren, men of valour, were two Naphtali, Jerimoth the fon of Azriel :

thoufand and feven hundred chief fathers, whom king 20 Of the children of Ephraim, Hofhea the fon of
David made rulers over the Reubenites, the Gadites, Azaziah of the half tribe of Manaffeh, Joel the fon

and the half tribe of Manaffeh, for every matter per- of Pedaiah :

tHcb. taining to God, and f affairs of the king.

2 Of the half tribe of Manaffeh in Gilead, Iddo the
C H A P. XXVII. fon of Zechariah of Benjamin Jafielthe fon of Abner:

1 The twelve captains for every several month. 16 The 22 Of Dan, Azarccl the fon of Jcroham. Thefe
princes of the twelve tribes. 23 The numbering oj were the princes of the tribes of Ifrael.
the people is hindered, 25 David's several officers. 23 IF But David took not the number of them from
: 1

David declareth God's favour to Solomon. I. CHRONICLES. David encouragcth vtm.

twenty years old and under; becaufe the Lord had {'aid 6 And he faid unto me, d
Solomon thy fon,he ihall
he would increafe Ifrael like to the liars of the heavens. build my houfe and my courts for I have : chofen him
24 Joab the ion of Zeruiah began to number, but to be my fon, and I will be his father.
he finifhed not, becaufe b there fell wrath for it againit 7 Moreover, I will eftablifh his kingdom for ever,
Ifrael neither f w as the number put in the account
; ifhe be f conftant to do my commandments, and my
of the Chronicles of king David. judgments, as at this day.
25 If And oyer the king's treafures was .Azmaveth 8 Now, therefore, in the fight of all Ifrael, the con-
the fon of Adiel : and over the ftorehoufes in the gregation of the Lord, and in the audience of our
fields, in the cities, and in the villages, and in the God, keep and feek for all the commandments of
caftles, was Jehonathan the fon of Uzziah : the Lord your -God, that ye may poffefs this good
26 And over them that did the work of the field, for land, and leave it for an inheritance for your children
tillage of the ground, was Ezri the fon of Chelub : after you for ever.
27 And over the vineyards was Shimei the Rama- 9 "if And
thou, Solomon my fon, know thou the
t Heb. over thite t over the increafe of the vineyards, for the
: God of thy father, and ferve him with a perfecl heart,
that •which
WHS Of the wine cellars, was Zabdi the Shiphmite : and with a willing mind for e the Lord fearcheth all e Sam. 1O7;
; 1

28 And over the olive trees and the fycamore trees hearts, and underllandeth all the imaginations of the & 139 2.79,
Jerem. 11
that were in the low plains was Baalhanan the Geder- thoughts if thou feek him, he will be found of thee
20, &. 17 10, ;

ite : and over the cellars of oil was Joafh : but if thou forfake him, he will caft thee 01F for ever. &c 20 2. 1

29 And over the herds that fed in Sharon •jy^yShi- 10_ Take heed now for the Lord hath chofen thee

trai the Sharonite and over the herds that were in

: to build an houfe for the fancluary be llrong, and do it. :

the vallies was Shaphat the fon of Acllai : 1 If Then David gave to Solomon his fon the pat-

30 Over the camels alfo was Obii the Ifhmaelite : tern of the porch, and of the iioufes thereof, and of
and over the affes was Jehcieiah the Meronothite : the treafuries thereof, and of the upper chambers
3 1 And over the flocks was Jaziz the Hagerite. All thereof, and of the inner parlours thereof, and of the
thefe were the rulers of the fubftance which was king- place of the mercy feat,
David's. 12 And the pattern \ of all that he had by the Spirit, t Heb. 0/
all thatvtai
32 Alfo Jonathan, David's uncle, aj^a.counfellor, t
of the courts of the houfe of the Lord, and of all the •with him.

Or, secre-
a wife man, ami a fcribe andJehiel the fon of
|| : ||
chambers round about, of the treafuries of the houfe
4 Or, Hack- Hachmoni was with the king's fons :.
of God, and of the treafuries of the dedicated things :
33 And Ahithophel was the king's Counfellor, and 13 Alio, for the courfes of the priefts and the Le-

Hufhai the Architect;*?.? the king's companion : vites, and for all the work of the fervice of the houfe
34 And after Ahithophel was Jehoiada the fon of of the Lord, and for all the veffels of fervice in the
Benaiah and Abiathar and die general of the king's
houfe of the Lord,
army was Joab. 14 He gave of gold by weight for things of gold,
C HA P. XXVIII. for all mflruments of all manner of fervice silver also ;

1 David, having declared God's favour to htm, and for all inftruments of filver by weight, for all inftru-
promises made to his son Solomon, exhorteth all to ments of every kind of fervice :

fear God : 9 his particular charge to Solomon to fear 15 Even the weight for the candlefticks of gold v
the Lord, and to build the temple : Whe giveth him and for their lamps of gold by weight for every
the patterns, and gold and silver for the materials. candleftick, and for the lamps thereof and for the :

20 David encouragcth Solomon. candlefticks of filver by weight, both for the candle-

AN D David affembled all the princes of Ifrael, the

princes of the tribes, and the captains of the
Hick, and also for the lamps thereof, according to the
ufe of every candleftick.
to the king by courfe, and
companies that miniftered 16 And by weight he gave gold for the tables of
the captains over the thoufands, and captains over Ihewbread, for every table ; and likewise filver for
the hundreds, and the ftewards over all the fubftance the tables of filver ;
{Or, cattle. and poffeffion of the king, and of his fons, with 'the
17 Alfo pure gold for the fiefh hooks, anel the
Or, officers, and with the mighty men, and with all the
bowls, and the cups and for the golden bafons he
valiant men unto Jerufalem. gave gold by weight for every bafon and likewise ;

2 Then David the king flood up upon his feet, and silver by weight for every bafon of lilver :

faid,Hear me, my brethren, and my people As forme, : 18 And for the altar of ineenfe refined gold by
I had in mine heart to build an houfe of reft for the weight and golel for the pattern of the chariot of

ark of the covenant -of the Lord, and for the footftool the f cherubims, that fpread out their wings, and f 1Sam. 4 t,
Kings 6
covered the ark of the covenant of the Lord.

of our God, and had made ready for the building : 23, &c.

a 2 Sam. 3 But God faid unto me, a Thou fhalt not build an 19 All this, said David, the Lord made me under-
3 5.'3-
3 Kings 5 3. houfe for my name, becaufe thou hast been a man of iland in writing, by his hand upon me, even all the
Chap. 22 8.
war, and hail fhed t blood. works of this pattern.
+ Heb. Hoods.
4 Howbeit, the Lord God of Ifrael chofe me be- 20 If And David faid to Solomon his fon, Be ftrong,
fore all the houfe of my father to be king over Ifrael and of good courage, anel elo it : fear not, nor be
feCcn. 40 8.
for ever for he hath chofen b Judah to be the ruler
: ;
difmayed for the Lord God, even my God, will be
1 Sam. 16 13.
Psalm 78 6b. and of the houfe of Judah the houfe of my father ;
with thee he will not fail thee, nor forfake thee, un-

and among the fons of my father he liked me, to make til thou haft finifheel all the work for the fervice of

me king over all Ifrael the houfe of the Lord.

f CUt -
23 '•
5 c And of all my fons, (for the Lorj> hath given me 21 And, behold, the courfes of the priefts and the
many fons,) he hath chofen Solomon my fon toiitupon lu£\'\tes, even they shall be with thee for all the fervice of

the throne of the kingdom of the Lord over Ifrael. the houfe of God and there shall be with thee, for all


David's thanksgiving and prayer. CHAP. XXIX. His reign and death.
manner of workmanfhip, every willing fkilful man, for 13 Now, God, we thank thee, and
therefore, our CHRIST
any manner of fervice alfo the princes and ail the
praife thy glorious name.
people will be wholly at thy commandment. 14 But who am I, and what is my people, that we
iliould f be able to offer fo willingly after this fort ?
G HA P. XXIX. for all things come of thee, and f of thine own have we
retain, or,
1 David, by his example and exhortation, 6 inciteth given thee. strength.
tHeb. cf
the princes and people to ojf'er willingly. 10 David's 15 For d vve are ftrangers before thee, and fojourn- thine hand.
d Psalm
thanksgiving and prayer. 20 The people having ers, as were ail our fathers
our days on the earth 39!=-

blessed God, and sacrificed, make Solomon king the are as a ihadow, and there is none f abiding.
Heor. 11 13.
Pet. 1

second time. 23 Solomon's prosperity. 26 David's 16 O

Lord our God, all this ftore, that we have ^.alm
reign and death, prepared to build thee an houfe for thine holy name, tHeb.**
FURTHERMOPyE, David the king laid unto all cometh of thine hand,. and is all thine own..
the congregation, Solomon my fon,. whom alone
17 I know alio, my God, that thou trieft the heart, Sam

a Char* God hath chofen, is yet a young and tender, and the and haft pleafure in uprightnefs. for me, in the As chap. 289.
22 5.
work is great for the palace is. not for man, but for uprightnefs of mine heart I have willingly offered all

the Lord God. thefe things : and now have I feen with joy thy people
2 Now, I have prepared with all my might for the which are prefent here, to offer willingly unto thee
|| : Or, ffund-

houfe of my God, the gold for things to be. made of 18 OLord

God of Abraham, Ifaac, and_ of Ifrael,
gold, and the filver for things of filver, and the brafs for our fathers, keep this for ever in the imagination of
things of brafs, the iron for things of iron, and wood the thoughts of the heart of thy people, and prepare ||.
P Or,
for things of wood ; onyx ftones, and stones to be let, their heart unto thee :
gliftering ftones, and of divers colours, and all manner 19 And give unto Solomon my
fon a perfect heart,-
of precious ftones, and marble Hones in abundance. to keep thy commandments, thy teftimonies, and thy
3 Moreover, becaufe I have fet my affection to the ftatutes, and to do all these things, and to build the
houfe of my God, I have of mine own proper good, palace, for the which I have made provifion.
of gold and filver. which I have given to the houfe of 20 *i\ And David faid to all the congregation, Now
my God, over and above all that I have prepared for blefs the Lord your God. And all the congregation

the holy houfe, bleffed the Lord God of their fathers, and bowed down
4 Even three thoufand talents of gold, of the gold their heads, and worfhipped the Lord and the king.
b King9
of b Ophir, and (even thoufand talents of refined filver, 21 And they facrifieed facrifices unto the Lord, and
to overlay the walls of the houfes withal. offered burnt offerings unto the Lord on the morrow
5 The gold for things of gold, and the. filver for after that day, even a thoufand bullocks, a thoufand
things of lilver, and for all manner of work to be made rams, and a thoufand lambs, with their drink offerings,
by the hands of artificers. And who then is willing and facrifices in abundance for all Ifrael
THeb. to f to confecrate his fervice this day unto the Lord ? 22 did eat and drink before the Lord on -that
fill his hand-
6 If Then the chief of the fathers, and princes of the day with great gladnefs and they made Solomon the

tribes of Ifrael, and the captains of thoufands and of fon of David king the fecond time, and s anointed him pr 1 Kings
1 39.
hundreds, with the rulers over the king's work, offer- unto the Lord to be the chief governor, and Zadok to
ed willingly, be prieft.
7 And
gave for the fervice of -the houfe of God, of 23 If fat on the throne of the Lord
Then Solomon
gold, five thoufand talents, and ten thoufand drams ;
as king inftead of David his father, and profpered ;

and of filver, ten thoufand talents and of brafs, eigh- ; and all Ifrael obeyed him.
teen thoufand talents and one hundred thoufand tal-
; 24 And all the princes, and the mighty men, and
ents of iron. all the Ions like wife of king David, f fubmitted them- r Heb.
? the
8 And they with whom precious ftones were found,
felves unto Solomon the king. land under
gave them to the treafure of the-houfe of the Lord, by 25 And the Lord magnified Solomon exceedingly Solc""" u

the hand of Jehiel the Gerfhonite. in the fight of all Ifrael, and bellowed upon him such b 1 Kings
9 Then the people rejoiced, for that they offered royal majefty as had not been on any king before him 2 Citron.

willingly, becaufe with perfect heart they offered will- in Ifrael. 1 12.
Ectles. 2 9.
ingly to the Lord and David the king alfo rejoiced
: 26 If Thus David the fon of Jeffe reigned over all
with great joy. Ifrael.
10 IT Wherefore, David blefled the Lord before all 27. And the time that he reigned over Ifrael was
the congregation and David laid, Bleffed be thou,
: forty years feven years reigned he in Hebron, and

Lord God of Ifrael our father, for ever and ever. thirty and three years reigned he in Jerufalem.
c Matth.
11 c Thine, O
Lord, is the greatnefs, and the 28 And he died in a good old age, full of days, riches.,

Rev. 5.13.
I 17.
power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majefty : and honour and Solomon his fon reigned in his Head.

for all that is in the heaven, and in the earth, is tinm : 29 Now
the acts of David the king, firft and laft,
thine is the kingdom, O
Lord, and thou art exalted behold, they are written in the f book of Samuel the Or,

as head above ail, leer, :xnd m

the book of Nathan the prophet, and in
t Heb.

12 Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou the book of Gad the feer, words.
reigneft over all ; and in thine hand is power and 30 With all his reign and his might, and the times
might ; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to that went over him, and over Ifrael, and over all the
give ftrength unto all. kingdoms of the countries.
: : 1

The Second Book of the CHRONICLES,

C H A P. I. ! Egypt, a chariot for fix hundred shekels 0/ filver, and Befofp
1 The solemn offering of Solomon at Gibeon. 7 God ap- I
an horfe for an hundred and fifty and 'io brought they

pear eth to Solomon; his choice ofwisdom is blessed by out horses for all the kings of the Hittites, and for the
God. 13 Solomon's strength and opulence. kings of Syria, f by their means. t Heb. by
their hani.
2 46.
i Kings
ND a
Solomon the fon of David was ftrengthen- CHAP. II.
ed in his kingdom, and die Lord his God was 1, 17 Solomon 's labourers for the building of the tem-
with him, and magnified him exceedingly. ple : 3 he sendeth to Huram for skilful workmen, and
2 Then Solomon fpake unto all Ifrael, to the cap- timber for the work. 11 Hurami's friendly answer.
tains of thoufands and of hundreds, and to the judges,
and to every governor in all Ifrael, the chief of the
AND Solomon determined to build an houfe for the
name of the Lord, and an houfe for his kingdom.
fathers. 2 And Solomon told out threefeore and ten thou-
3 So Solomon, and all the congregation with him, fand men to bear burdens, and fburfcore thoufand to
b I Kings went to the high place that Was at b Gibeon for there ; hew in the mountain, and three thoufand and fix hun-
3 4-
I Chron. was the tabernacle of the congregation of God, which dred to overfee them.
16 39, &
"21 29. Mofes, the fervant of the Lord, had made in the 3 II And Solomon fent to Huram the king of Tyre,
lOr, Hiram,
1 Kings $
faying, As thou didft deal with David my father, and
2 Sara.
2 17.
4 c But the ark of God had David brought up from clidft fend him cedars to build him an houfe to dwell
1045. Kirjathjearim to the place which David had prepared therein, even so deal with me.
for it for he had pitched a tent for it at Jerufalem.
: 4 Behold, I build an houfe to the name of the Lord
d Exod. 38 r,
5 Moreover, d the brafen altar that Bezaleel the fon my God, to dedicate^ to him, and to burn before

was there.
of Uri, the fon of Hur, had made, he put before the || him t fweet incenfe,-and for the continual lliewbread, tHeb.
incense of
tabernacle of the Lord ; and Solomon and the con- and for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on spices.
gregation fought unto it. the fabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the folemn
6 And Solomon went up thither to the brafen altar feafts of the Lord our God. This is an ordinance for
before the Lord, which was at the tabernacle of the ever to Ifrael.
congregation, and offered a thou land burnt offerings 5 And the houfe which I build is great ; for great
upon it. is our God above all gods.
7 II In that night did God appear unto Solomon, 6 a But who t is able to build him an houfe, feeing a 1 Kings
8 27.
and faid unto him, Afk what I fhall give thee. the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain him ? Chap. 6 18.

8 And Solomon faid unto God, Thou haft fhewed whom am I then, that I ihould build him an houfe, \Keb.hath
retain' d, or,
great mercy unto David my father, and haft made me fave only to burn facrifice before him ? obtained
e \ Chron. e
to reign in his ftead. 7 Send me now, therefore, a man cunning to work
9 Now, OLord God, letthy promife unto David in gold, and in filver, and in brafs, and in iron, and in
f 1 Kin^s 3 7 my father be eftabliihed ;
for thou haft made me king purple and crimfon, and blue, and that can fkill f to t Heb.
f Heb. much
ts the dint
over a people f like the cluft of the earth in multitude. grave with the cunning men that are with me in Judah to grave
the eanh. '
10 g Give me now wifdom and knowledge, that I and in Jerufalem, whom David my father did provide.
!?' may h go out and come in before this people for who : 8 Send me alfo cedar trees, fir trees, and algum
can judge this thy people that is so great trees out of Lebanon : (for I know that thy fervants I Kings

11 And God faid to Solomon, Becaufe this was in can fkill to cut timber in Lebanon :) and, behold, my
thine heart, and thou haft not afked riches, wealth, or fervants shall be with thy fervants,
honour, nor the life of thine enemies, neither yet haft 9 Even to prepare me timber in abundance for :

afked long life ; but haft afked wifdom and knowledge the houfe which I am about to build shall be % won- tHeb.
for thyftlf, that thou mayeft judge my people, over
great and
derful great. •wonderful.
whom I have made thee king : 10 And, behokh I will give to thy fervants, the
12 Wifdom and knowledge is granted unto thee ;
hewers that cut timber, twenty thoufand meafures of
and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honour, beaten wheat, and twenty thouiand meafures of barley,
t Chron.

29 25. fuch as none of the kings have had that have beenbe-
and twenty thoufand baths of wine, and twenty thou-
Chap. 9 22.
Eccles. 2 9.
fore thee, neither fhall there any after thee have the like. fand baths of oil.
13 TI Then Solomon came /rem his journey to the 1 TThen Huram the king of Tyre anfwered in writ-
high place that was at Gibeon to Jerufalem, from be- ing, which he fent to Solomon; Becaufe the Lord hadi
fore the tabernacle of the congregation, and reigned loved his people, he hath made thee king over them.
over Ifrael. 12 Huram faid moreover, Bleffed be the Lord God
1 Kings 4
& 10 26,
14 k And Solomon gathered chariots and horfemen of Ifrael, that made heaven and earth, who hath given
and he had a thoufand and four hundred chariots, and to the king a wife fon, f endued with prudence
David tHeb. know-
ing prudence
twelve thouiand horfemen, which he placed in the and underftanding, that might build an houfe for the and under'

chariot cities, and with the king at Jerufalem. Lord, and an houfe for his kingdom. standing.

15 And the king f made filver and gold at Jerufalem 13 And now I have fent a cunning man, endued
1 1
10 27.
with underftanding, of Huram my father's
Chap. 9 27.
+ Heb. gave. as plenteous as ftones, and cedar trees made he as the ;

m Kings
fycamore trees that are in the vale for abundance. 14 The fon of a woman of the daughters of Dan,
16 m And f Solomon had horfes brought out of

10 28.
Chap. 9 28.
and his father was a man of Tyre, fldlful to work in
t Heb. the Egypt, and linen yarn the king's merchants received
: gold, and in filver, in brafs, in iron, in ftone, and in
going forth
of the horses the linen yarn at a price. timber, in purple, in blue, and in fine linen, and in
which was
Solomon's. 17 And they fetched up, and brought forth out of crimfon j alfo to grave any manner of graving, and
; 1 ;

The dimensions of the most holy house. CHAP Ill, IV. The vessels and instruments of brass.
to find out every device which fhall be put to him, 13 The wings of thefe cherubims fpread themfelves
with thy cunning men, and with the cunning men of forth twenty cubits and they Hood on their feet, and

my lord David thy father. their faces were inward. ||

15 Now, therefore, the wheat, and the barley, the 14 If And he made the e veil of blue, and purple,
oil, and the wine, which my lord hath fpoken of, let and crimfon, and fine linen, and \ wrought cherubims
him fend unto his fervants : thereon.
^ Heb. accord
inr to all thy
16 And we will cut wood out of Lebanon, t as 15 Tf Alfo he made before the houfe f two pillars of
need. much as thou fhalt need ; and we will bring it to thee thirty and five cubits f high, and the chapiter that was
tHeb. 7^. in floats by lea to f Joppa, and thou fhalt carry it up to on the top of each of them was five cubits.
Jerufhlem. 16 And he made chains, as in the oracle, and put
+ Heb.
17 ^f b And Solomon numbered all f the flrangers them on the heads of the pillars and made an hun- ;

the men the that iverc in the land of Ifrael, after the numbering dred pomegranates, and put them on the chains. King*

17 And he g reared up the pillars before the temple,

wherewith David his father had numbered them and ;
7 2r.
That is s
they were found an hundred and fifty thoufand, and one on the right hand, and the other on the left and ; He shall
three thoufand and fix hundred. called the name of that on the right hand Jachin and || ; ||
That is.

e As it is 18 And he fet c threefcore and ten thoufand of them the name of that on the left Boaz. ||
it is

Verse 2.
to be bearers of burdens, and fourfcore iboufand to be C HA P. IV.
hewers in the mountain, and three thoufand and fix 1 The altar of brass. 2 The molten sea supported by
hundred overfeers to fet the people a work. twelve oxen. 6 The ten lavers, candlesticks, and ta-
CHAP. III. bles. 9 The two courts. 11 The vessels and instru-
1 The place and time of building the t emple 3 The ments of brass. 19 The vessels, furniture, and in-
dimensions and ornaments of the house 8 Thedi- struments of gold.
mensions ofthe most holy house UT
ue veil, 15 and MOREOVER he made an altar of brafs, twenty
pillars. cubits the length thereof, and twenty cubits the
a I

6 i,&c.
Kings THEN
Solomon began a
houfe of
mount Moriah, where
at Jerufalem, in
to build the
the breadth thereof, and ten cubits the height thereof.
2 ff a Alfo he made a molten fea, of ten cubits t from a I Kings
N Or, -which
-was seen of
David his
the LORD appeared unto David his father, in the brim to brim, round in compafs, and five cubits the t Heb. /rum
his brim to
father. place that David had prepared in the threfhing floor height thereof; and aline of thirty cubits did compafs his brim.
A-auttahy of ||
Oman the Jebufite.^ it round about.
1 Sam. 24 1° 2 And he began to build in the fecond day of the 3 b And under it was the fimiiitude of oxen, which b Kings

b Chiou.

si 18. fecond month, in the fourth year of his reign. did compafs it round about ten in a cubit, compaffing


Kings 3 If Now thefe are the things wherein Solomon was
the fea round about. Two
rows of oxen were call
t Heb.
f inftructed for the building of the houle of God The : when was caft.

length by cubits, after the firft meaiure, was threefcore 4 It Hood upon twelve oxen, three looking toward
cubits, and the breadth twenty cubits. the north, and three looking toward the weft, and
d 1 King3 4 And the d porch that was in the front of the house, three looking toward the fouth, and three looking
6 3.
the length of it was according to the breadth of the toward the eaft ; and the fea was set above upon them,
houfe, twenty cubits, and the height was an hundred and all their hinder parts were inward.
and twenty and he overlaid it within with pure gold.
: 5 And the thicknefs of it was an handbreaclth, and
5 And the greater houfe he ceiled with fir tree, the brim of it like the work of the brim of a cup, with ||
Or, like a

which lie overlaid with fine gold, and fet thereon palm flowers of lilies ; and it received and held three thou-
trees and chains. fand baths.
t Heb. 6 And he f garnifhed the houfe with precious ftones 6 "if He made alfo ten lavers, and put five on the right
itvstedt t Heb. the
for beauty and the gold was gold of Parvaim.
; hand, and five on the left, to wafli in them: ffuch things •work of burnt

7 He overlaid alfo the houfe, the beams, the pofts, as they offered for the burnt offering they wafhed in offering.

and the walls thereof, and the doors thereof, with gold them but the fea was for the priefts to wafli in.

and graved cherubims on the walls. 7 And he made ten candlefticks of gold, according
8 If And he made the moil holy houfe, the length to their form, and fet them in the temple, five on the
whereof was according to the breadth of the houle, right hand, and five on the left.
twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof twenty cubits, 8 He made alfo ten tables, and placed them in the
and he overlaid it with fine gold, amounting to fix temple, five on the right fide, and five on the left and :

hundred talents. he made an hundred bafons of gold. || I

Or, bowls.

And the weight of the nails was fifty fhekels of

9 9 IT Furthermore, he made the court of the priefts,
gold. And he overlaid the upper chambers with gold. and the great court, and doors for the court, and over-
10 And in the moll holy houfe he made two cheru-
• laid the doors of them with brafs.
some think)
bims of image work, and overlaid them with gold.
|| 10 And he fet the fea on the right fide of the eafl
of moveable
11 And
the wings of the cherubims were twenty end, over againfl the fouth.
cubits long one wing of the one cherub was five cu-
: 1 If And Huram made the pots, and the fhovels, and
bits, reaching to the wall of die houfe ; and the other the bafons. And Huram f finilhed the work that he
||Or, bovU,
t Heb.
wing was likewise five cubits, reaching to the wing of was to make for king Solomon for the houfe of God finished to
the other cherub. 12 To wit, the two pillars, and the pommels, and
12 And one wing of the other cherub was five cu-
the chapiters which were on the top of the two pillars,
bits, reaching to the wall of the houfe and the other ; and the two wreaths to cover the two pommels of the
wing xvas five cubits also, joining to the wing of the chapiters which were on the top of the pillars ;
other cherub. 13 And four hundred pomegranates on the two
2Q wreaths
; : : : :

The ark placed in the oracle. II. CHRONICLES. Solomon blesseth the people.
wreaths ; two rows of pomegranates on each wreath, 10 There was nothing in the ark fave the two tables C hr°ist
to cover the two pommels of the chapiters which were which Moles c put therein at Horeb, when the Lord ^J^K^j

t upon the pillars. made a covenant with the children of Ifrael, when they <= Deut -

14 He made alfo bafes, and || layers made he upon came out of Egypt. i°o*;W«;
the bafes ;
1 1 II And it came to pafs, when the priefts were come
15 One fea, and twelve oxen under it out of the holy p lace : (for all the priefts that were f pref- tHeb. /«»*.

16 The pots alfo, and the fhovels, and the flefh ent were fanclified, and did not then wait by courfe ;

hooks, and all their inflruments, did Huram his father 12 Alfo the Levites, which were the lingers, all of
<* « chron.

make to king Solomon, for the houfe of the Lord, of them of Afaph, of He man, of Jeduthun, with their ^ '"

t Heb. made
hright, or, f bright brafs. fons and their brethren, being arrayed in white linen,
17 In the plain of Jordan did the king call them, in having cymbals, and pfalteries, and harps, flood at the
+ Heb. thick- the f clay ground between Succoth and Zeredathah. eaft end of the altar, and with them an hundred and
"round. 18 Thus Solomon made all thefe veffels in great twenty priefts founding with trumpets ;)
abundance for the weight of the brafs could not be
: 13 It came even to pafs, as the trumpeters and
found out. lingers were as one, to make one found to be heard in
19 If And Solomon made all the veffels that ivere prailing and thanking the Lord, and when they lifted
for the houfe of God, the golden altar alfo, and the up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals, and in-
tables whereon the fhew bread was set ; ftruments of mufick, and praifed the Lord, saying,
20 Moreover, the candlefticks with their lamps, e
For he wgood, for his mercy endureth for ever that ;
e Psnlni
136 I.
that they fhould burn after the manner before the ora- then the houfe was filled with a cloud, even the houfe
cle, of pure gold of the Lord ;

21 And the flowers, and the lamps, and the tongs, 14 So that the priefts could not fland to minifter by
l^ufid" made he o/gold, £//<:/ that t perfecl gold ;
reafon of the cloud ; for the glory of the Lord had
n or, bu-mh. 22 And the fnuffers, and the bafons, and the fpoons,
filled the houfe of God.
and the cenfers, of pure gold and the entry of the :

houfe, the inner doors thei'eof for the moft holy place,
1 Solomon blesseth the people, and praiseth God: 12 his
and the doors of the houfe of the temple, were o/'gold. prayer upon the brasen scaffold at the consecration of
CHAP. V. the temple : 40 his invocation of God's presence, &c.
1 The temple finished ; the dedicated treasures placed
therein. 2 The solemn induction of the ark into the THEN
he would dwell
in the
The Lord
thick darknefs.
hath faid that l\f'
t f&vit.

oracle. 11 While the priests, &fc. are praising God 2 But I have built an houfe of habitation for thee,
l62 '

a cloud filleth the house. and a place for thy dwelling for ever.
a 1
THUS all the work that Solomon made for the houfe
of the Lord was finifhed a and Solomon brought
3 And the king turned his face, and bleffed the whole
congregation of Ifrael (and all the congregation of
7 51-
in all the things that David his father had dedicated ; Ifrael flood :)
and the filver, and the gold, and all the inflruments., 4 And he faid, Bleffed be the Lord God of Ifrael,
put he among the treafures of the houfe of God. who hath with his hands fulfilled that which he fpake
b 1
2 If b Then Solomon affembled the elders of Ifrael, with his mouth to my
father David, faying,
and all the heads of the tribes, the chief of the fathers 5 Since the day that I brought forth my people out
of the children of Ifrael, unto Jerufalem, to bring up of the land of Egypt, I chofe no city among all the
the ark of the covenant of the Lord out of the city of tribes of Ifrael to build an houfe in, that name my
David, which is Zion. might be there ; neither chofe I any man to be a ruler
3 Wherefore all the men of Ifrael affembled them- over my people Ifrael
felves unto the king in the feaft which was in the fev- 6 But I have chofen Jerufalem, that my name might
enth month. be there and have chofen David to be over my peo-

4 And all the elders of Ifrael came ; and the Levites ple Ifrael.
took up the ark. 7 Now, c it was in the heart of David my father to cs sam.
5 And they brought up the ark and the tabernacle build an houfe for the name of the Lord God of Ifrael. \chron.
of the congregation and all the holy veffels that were
; 8 But the Lord faid to David my father, Forafmuch 282,

and the Levites

in the tabernacle, thefe did the priefls as it was in thine heart to build an houfe for name, my
bring up. thou didft well in that it was in thine heart
6 Alio king Solomon, and all the congregation of 9 Notwithftanding thou fhalt not build the houfe ;
Ifrael that were affembled unto him before the ark, but thy fon, which fhall come forth out of thy loins,
facrificed fheep and oxen, which could not be told nor he fhall build the houfe for my name.
numbered for multitude. 10 The Lord therefore, hath performed his word
7 And the priefts brought in the ark of the covenant that he hath fpoken for I am rifen up in the room of

of the Lord unto his place, to the oracle of the houfe, David my father, and am fet on the throne of Ifrael, as
into the moft holy place, even under the wings of the the Lord promifed, and have built the houfe for the
cherubims : name of the Lord God of Ifrael
8 For the cherubims fpread forth their wings over 11 And in it have I put the ark, wherein is the cov-
the place of the ark, and the cherubims covered the enant of the Lord, that he made with the children of
ark and the flaves thereof above. Ifrael.
9 And they drew out the ftaves of the ark, that the 12 If And he flood before the altar of the Lord, in
ends of the ftaves were feen from the ark before the the prefence of all the congregation of Ifrael, and fpread
Or, ihey <"•« oracle, but they were
there, as
not feen without. And there || forth his hands,
i j^gss s. it is unto this day. 13 (For Solomon had made a brafen fcafFold of
2 five
: ;: : ;

Solomon s prayer at the dedication CHAP. VII. of the temple : he witnesseth God' s presence,
five cubits f long, and five cubits broad, and three citiesof their land ; whatfoever fore, or whatfoever
cubits high, and had let it in the midfl: of the court licknefs there be ;
and upon it he ftood, and kneeled down upon his knees 29 Then what prayer or what fupplication foever
before all the congregation of Ifrael, and fpread forth fliallbe made of any man, or of all thy people_ Ifrael,
his hands toward heaven,) when every one lliall fore, and his own
know his own
14 And faid, O
Lord God of Ifrael, d there is no and
grief, hands in this houfe
lhall fpread forth his
E Or, lo-

rd this
god like thee in the heaven, nor in the earth ; which 30 Then hear thou from heaven thy dwelling place,
keepeft covenant, and shewest mercy unto thy fer- and forgive, and render unto every man according
walk before thee with all their hearts ;
vants, that unto all his ways, whofe heart thou knowtft; (for thou
15 Thou which haft kept with thy fervant David only k knoweft the hearts of the children of men ;) k 1 Chron,
28 q.
my father that which thou haft promifed him ; and 31 That they may fear thee, to walk in thy ways
fpakelt with thy mouth, and hath fulfilled it with thine t fo long as they live f in the land which thou gaveft tHeb.
all the
hand, as it is this day. unto our fathers. days

16 Now, therefore, O
Lord God of Ifrael, keep 32 If Moreover, concerning the ftranger, which is not 1
t Hel>.

with thy fervant David my father that which thou of thy people Ifrael, but is come from a far country for l, e
}f"e Jj
e 2 Sam. haft promifed him, faying, f There fliall not fail thee thy great name's fake, and thy mighty hand, and thy fj ^ x
ld -

I Kings a man in my light to fit upon the throne of Ifrael ftretchedout arm ifthey come and pray in this houfe
; : '2 20.
24, &
(1 12.
yet fo that thy children take heed to their way, to 33 Then hear thou from the heavens, even from thy
t Heb.
walk in my law, as thou haft walked before me. dwelling place, and do according to all that the ftran-
shall not
a wan be
17 Now then, O
Lord God of Ifrael, let thy word ger calleth to thee for ; that all people of the earth
cut off. be verified, which thou haft fpoken unto thy fervant may know thy name, and fear thee, as doth thy
i Psalm
132 12. David, people Ifrael, and may know that f this houfe, which +thy "<*•
T 1 "1 1 11 II 1

18 (But will God in very deed dwell with men on 1 have built, is called by thy name. is called

gChap. upon tliii

1 6. the earth s Behold, heaven, and the heaven of hea-
! 34 H If thy people go out to war againft their ene- house.
66 1
vens, cannot contain thee how much lefs this houle
; mies by the way that thou (halt fend them, and they
3 49- which I have built ?) pray unto thee toward this city which thou haft chof-
19 Have refpecl, therefore, to the prayer of thy fer- en, and the houfe which I have built for thy name :
vant, and to his fupplication, O
Lord my God, to 35 Then hear thou from the heavens their prayer
hearken unto the cry and the prayer which thy fer- and their fupplication, and maintain their caufe. Or,

vant prayeth before thee 36 \ If they fin againft thee, (for there is m no man in Prov. -

20 That thine eyes may be open upon this houfe day which linneth not,) and thou be angry with them, and Eccles.
7 20.
and night, upon the place whereof thou haft faid, that deliver them over before their enemies, and f they James
thou wouldeft put thy name there to hearken unto the
; carry them away captives unto a land far off or near John 1

((Or, prayer which thy fervant prayeth toward this place.

|| 37 Yet z/ they f bethink themfelves in the land whi- t Heb.
in this
place. 21 Hearken, therefore, unto the fupplications of ther they are carried captive, and turn and pray unto they that
thy fervant, and of thy people Ifrael, which they fliall thee in the land of their captivity, faying,
take them
have captives We
T Heb.
pray. f make toward this place. Hear thou from thy finned, we have done amifs, and have dealt wickedly ; carrythem
dwelling place, even from heaven and, when thou ; 38 If they return to thee with all their heart, and «™g£'
heareft, forgive. with all their foul, in the land of their captivity, whi- mhs
back te
t Heb.
and he
22 If If a man fin againft his neighbour, t and an ther they have carried them captives, and pray toward their
require oath be laid upon him to make him fwear, and the their land, which thou gaveft unto their fathers, and
an oath
tffyim. oath come before thine altar in this houfe : toward the city which thou haft chofen, and toward
23 Then hear thou from heaven, and do, and judge the houfe which I have built for thy name
thyfervants, by requiting the wicked, byrecompenling 39 Then hear thou from the heavens, even from
his way upon his own head; andbyjultifying the right- thy dwelling place, their prayer and their fupplications,
eous, by giving him according to his righteoufnefs. and maintain their cauie, and forgive thy people or.

ns '"'
Or, be
24 H And if thy people Ifrael be put to the worfe
which have tinned againft thee.
before the enemy, becaule they have finned againft 40 Tf Now, my
God, let, I befeech thee, thine eyes
thee ; and fliall return and confefs thy name, and pray, be open, and let thine ears be attent f unto the prayer t Heb
to the
Or, and make fupplication before thee in this houfe || : that is made in this place. prayer
25 Then hear thou from the heavens, and forgive 41 Now, "therefore, arife, O ofthis
Lord God, into thy place.
n Psalm
the fin of thy people Ifrael, and bring them again un- refting place, thou, and the ark of thy ftrength let
'32 y.

to the land which thou gaveft to them; and to their thy priells, O Lord God, be clothed with falvation,
fathers. and let thy faints rejoice in goodnefs.

1 King9
26 If When the h heaven is fhut up, and there is no 42 O Lord God, turn not away the face of thine an-
rain, becaufe they have finned againft thee yet if ointed : remember the mercies of David thy fervant.

they pray toward this place, and confefs thy name, VII.
and turn from their fin, when thou doft afllicl them : 1 God testifieth his acceptance of Solomon''s prayer btj
27 Then hear thou from heaven, and forgive the firefrom heaven ; the glory which filled the temple ;
fin of thy fervants, and of thy people Ifrael, when thou the people worship. 4 Solomon^s solemn sacrifice. 8
haft taught them the good way wherein they fhoulcl Solomon, having kept the feast of tabernacles and
walk and fend rain upon thy land, which thou haft
; of the dedication of the altar seven days, the people
i Chap. given unto thy people for an inheritance. are sent joyfully home. 12 God appear eth again to
20 9. 28 If If there be dearth in the land, if there be

t Heb. 11 Solomon, and givcth him promises, &c. a 1 Killji

the land peftilence, if there be blafting, or mildew, locults, or O W, a

when Solomon had made an end of pray- a.vt.
of their
gates- caterpillars ; if their enemies beficge them t in the N' ing, the fire came clown from heaven, and con-

b Lev.

God appeareth to Solomon. II. CHRONICLES. The Canaanltes made tributaries*

fumed the burnt offering and the facrifices ; and the according as I have covenanted with David thy father,
glory of the Lord filled the houfe. faying, » t There fhall not fail thee a man to be ruler
2 And the prieits could not enter into the houfe of in Ifrael.
the Lord, becaufe the glory of the Lord had filled 19 k But if ye turn away, and forfake my ftatutes
the Lord's houfe. and my commandments, which I have let before you, V^Ii
3 And when all the children of Ifrael faw how the and fhall go and ferve other gods, and worfhip them; %?&$
fire came down, and the glory of the Lord, upon the 20 Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of ev* ^
houfe, they bowed themfelves with their faces to the my land which I have given them; and this houfe, o^t
which I have fanclified for my name, will I call out '*
ground upon the pavement, and worfhipped, and
praifed the Lord, saying , for he is good ; for his mer- of my light, and will make it to be a proverb and a
cy endureth for ever. byword among all nations.
4 If Then the king and all the people offered facri- 21 And which is high, fhall be anafton-
this houfe,
fices before the Lord. ifhment to every one that paffeth by it ; fo that he
5 And king Solomon offered a facrifice of twenty lhall fay, * Why hath the Lord done thus unto this * D ™~.
21. 1!)
and two thouiand oxen, and an hundred and twenty land, and unto this houfe ? Jereui»
22 8 9.
thoufand fheep. So the king and all the people dedi- 22 And it fhall be anfwered, Becaufe they forfook
cated the houfe of God. the Lord God of their fathers, which brought them
C Chron.
i 6 c And the priefts waited on their offices the Le- ; forth out of the land of Egypt, and laid hold on other
15 16,
vitesalfo with inflruments of mulick of the Lord, gods, and worfhipped them, and ferved them there- ;

which David the king had made to praife the Lord, lore hath he brought all this evil upon them.

+ Heb.
becaufe his mercy endureth for ever, when David
praifed t by their miniihy and the priefts founded
by their
1 The cities which Solomon built. 7 The Canaanites
hand. trumpets before them, and all Ifrael flood. _ land are made subject to tribute ; but the
left in the
7 Moreover, Solomon hallowed the middle of the Israelites to honourable employments. 1 1 Pharaolfs
court that was before the houfe of the Lord for :
daughter removeth to her house. 12 Solomon' s daily
there he offered burnt offerings, and the fat of the and festival sacrifices : 14 he appointeth the priests
peace offerings, becaufe the brafen altar which Solo- and Levites to their charges : 17 his navy fetchetb
mon had made was not able to receive the burnt of- goldfrom Ophir.
ferings, and the meat offerings, and the fat.
8 If Alfo at the fame time Solomon kept the feaft ND
it came to pafs, at the end of twenty years,
cir. 993.

wherein Solomon had built the houfe of the 9 10, &c

feven days, and all Ifrael with him, a very great con
d Josh. gregation from the entering in of Hamath unto the
d Lord, and his own houfe,
»3 3-
river of Egypt. 2 That the cities which Huram had reftored to Sol-
tHeb. 9 And in the eighth day they made f a folemn omon, Solomon built them, and caufed the children
affembly for they kept the dedication of the altar
of Ifrael to dwell there.
feven days, and the fealt feven days. 3 And Solomon went to Hamathzobah, and pre-
10 And on the three and twentieth day of the fev- vailed again fc it.

enth month, he fent the people away into their tents, 4 And he Tadmor in the wildernefs, and all
glad and merry in heart, for the goodnefs that the the flore citieswhich he built in Hamath.
Lord had fhewed unto David, and to Solomon, and 5 Alfo he built Bethhoron the upper, and Bethhoron
to Ifrael his people. the nether, fenced cities, with walls, gates, and bars;
e 1 King 1 Thus e Solomon finifhed the houfe of the Lord, 6 And Baalath, and all the ftore cities that Solo-
and the king's houfe ; and all that came into Solomon's mon had, and all the chariot cities, and the cities of
heart to make in the houfe of the Lord, and in his the horfemen, and f all that Solomon defired to build tHeb.
own houfe, he profperoufly effected. in Jerusalem, and in Lebanon, and throughout all the %sUv
12 If And the Lor d appeared to Solomon by night, land of his dominion. ™S*«
J' Dear, and laid unto him, I have heard thy prayer, f and have 7 HAs for all the people that -were left of the Hit- £**»
chofen this place to myfelf for an houfe of facrifice. tites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the

13 If I fhut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I Hivites, and the Jebufrtes, which were not of Ifrael, _

command the locufts to devour the land, or if I fend 8 But of their children who were left after them in
peftilence among my
people ;
the land, whom the children of Ifrael confirmed not,
14 If my people f which are called by name, my them did Solomon make to pay tribute until this day.
tHeb. fhall humble themfelves, and pray, and feek my
face, 9 But of the children of Ifrael did Solomon make
*v)hom vty and turn from their wicked ways ; then will I hear no fervants for his work but they were men of -war,

Jw?:!.1 is
calkd. from heaven, and will forgive their fin, and will heal and chief of his captains, and captains of his chariots
their land. and horfemen.
T Chap. 15 Now e mine eyes fhall be open, and mine ears 10 And thefe were the chief of king Solomon's
officers, even two hundred and fifty, that bare rule
"t Heb. attent t unto the prayer that is made in this place.
*s the
16 For now have h I chofen and fan£\ified this over the people.
of this houfe, that my
name may be there for ever and mine:
11 If Arid Solomon brought up the daughter of "'^
n Chap. eyes and mine heart lhall be there perpetually. Pharaoh out of the city of David unto the houfe that ? 8 -

6 6.
17 And as for thee, if thou wilt walk before me, he had built for her for he faid, ; wife fhall not My
as David thy father walked, and do according to all dwell in the houfe of David king of Ifrael, becaufe
that I have commanded thee, and fhalt obferve my the places are t holy, whereunto the ark of the Lord £»**
ftatutes and my judgments ;
hath come.
18 Then will I eftablifh the throne of thy kingdom. 12 TI Then Solomon offered burnt offerings, unto
61 :

Solomon s wisdom admired. CHAP. IX. His gold) targets and throne of Ivory.

the Lord on the altar of the Lord, which he had 9 And

fhe gave the king an hundred and twenty
built before the porch ; and of fpices great abundance, and
talents of gold,
13 Even after a certain rate c
every day, offering precious ftones neither was there any fuch fpice as

according- to the commandment of Mofes, on the fab- the queen of Sheba gave king Solomon.
baths, and on the new moons, and on the folemn 10 And the fervants alfo of Huram, and the fer-
d vants of Solomon, which brought gold from Ophir,
dDeut. feafts, three times in the year, even in the feaft pi
unleavened bread, and in the feaft of weeks, and in orought algum trees and precious ftones.
the feaft of tabernacles. 1 And the king made of the algumtrees f terraces j]
t Heb.
14 IF And he appointed, according to the order of io the houfe ofthe Lord, and to the king's palace, and highways,
t Chron.
David his father, the e courfes of the priefts to their harps, and pfalteries for lingers and there were none

fervice, and the Levites to their charges, to praife and fuch feen before in the land of Judah.
minifter before the priefts, as the duty of every day 12 And king Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba
f Chron.
required the f porters alfo by their courfes at every
all her defire, whatfoever fhe alked, beiide that which
THeb. gate for f fo had David the man of God commanded.
fhe had brought unto the king. So fhe turned, and
so v,-as the
command- 15 And they departed not from the commandment went away to her own land, fhe and her fervants.
ment of Da-
vid the maji of
the king unto the priefts and Levites, concerning 13 IT Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon
v/God. any matter, or concerning the treafures. in one year w as fix hundred and threefcore and fix

16 If Now
all the work of Solomon was prepared talents of gold ;
unto the day of the foundation of the houfe of the 14 Befide that which chapmen and merchants
Lord, and until it was nnifhed : so the houfe of the brought and all the kings of Arabia, and governors
: ||
Lord was perfected. ofthe country, brought gold and filver to Solomon.
17 If Then went Solomon to Eziongeber, and to 15 If And king Solomon made two hundred targets
tOr, Eloth, at the fea fide, in the land of Edom. of beaten gold : fix hundred shekels of beaten- gold
Deut. 18 And Huram fent him, by the hands of hisfer- went to one target.
vants, ihips, and fervants that had knowledge of the 1 And three hundred fliields made he o/beaten gold
fea; and they went with the feryantsof Solomon to threehundred shekelsof goldwenttoonefhield and the :

Ophir, and took thence four hundred and fifty talents king put them in the houfe of the foreit of Lebanon.
of gold, and brought them to king Solomon. 17 If Moreover, the king made a great throne of
C P. IX. HA ivory, and overlaid it with pure gold.
1 The queen ofSheba''s visit to Solomon; her admiration 18 And there were fix fteps to the throne, with a
of his wisdom. 13 Solomon'' s yearly revenue in gold : footftool of gold, which were faftened to the throne,
15 his targets: 17 bis throne of ivory: 20 hisvessels : t Heb.
and t flays on each fide ofthe fitting place, and two hands.
23 his presents: 25 his chariots and horses : 26 his lions Handing by the flays.
wealth and dominion : 29 his reign and death : Re- 19 And twelve lions "flood there on the one fide and
hoboam succecdetb him. on the other upon the fix fleps : there was not the
a 1 Kings
10 1.
when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame
of Solomon, fhe came to prove Solomon with
like made in any kingdom.
20 If And all the drinking veflels of king Solomon
1242. hard queftions at Jerufalem, with a very great com- were of gold, and all the veflels of the houfe of the
11 Si- pany, and camels that bare fpices, and gold in abun- foreft of Lebanon were of \ pure gold none were of t Heb
: ||

dance, and precious ftones and, when fhe was come

; filver it was not any thing accounted of in the days I**
thtre was
to Solomon, fhe communed with him of all that was of Solomon. no silver.
in her heart. 21 For the king's fhips went to Tarfhifh with the in them.
2 And Solomon told her all her queftions and there ; fervants of Huram every three years once came

was nothing hid from .Solomon which he told her not. the fhips of Tirfhifh, bringing gold, and iilver, ivory, elephants' ||

3 And when the queen of Sheba had feen the wif- and apes, and peacocks. tee:h.

dom of Solomon, and the houfe that he had built, 22 And king Solomon paffed all the kings of the
4 And the meat of his table, and the fitting of his earth in riches and wifdom.
fervants, and the attendance of his minifters, and their 23 If And all the kings of the earth fought the pref-

apparel his cupbearers alfo, and their apparel and
; ]| ; ence of Solomon, to hear his wifdom that God had
his afeent by which he went up into the houfe of the put in his heart.
Lord there was no more fpirit in her.
; 24 And they brought every man his prcfent, vcffels
tHtb. 5 And fhe faid to the king, It was a true f report of filver, and veffels of gold, and raiment, harnefs, and
I Or, which I heard in mine own land of thine acls, and ||
fpices, horfes, and mules, a rate year bv year.
of thy wifciom :

6 Howbeit, I believed not their words until I came,

25 If And Solomon b had four thoufand flails for \
horfes and chariots, and twelve thoufand horfemen,
and mine eyes had feen it ; and, behold, the one half whom he bellowed in the chariot cities, and with the
of the greatnefs of thy wifdom was not told me for : king at Jerufalem.
thou exceedeft the fame that I heard. 26 And he reigned over all the kings, c from the 1?Vb ,5 18.
7 Happy are thy men, and happy are thefe thy IIriver even unto the land of the Philiflincs, and to the is.
|l 1 li it

fervants, which ftand continually before thee, and border of Egypt.

hear thy wifdom. 27 And the king fmade filver in Jerufalem as ftones,
8 Bleffcd be the Lord thy God, which delighted and cedar trees made he as the fycamore trees that
in thee, to fet thee on his throne, to be king for the are in the low plains in abundance. UST
Lord thy God: becaufe thy God loved Ifrael, to 28 d And they brought unto Solomon horfes out of ^-
cftablifh them for ever, therefore made he thee king Egypt, and out of all lands. ...

over them, to do judgment and juftice. 29 V

Now the reft ofthe ads of Solomon, firft and

Rehoboam answereth the Israelites roughly. II. CHRONICLES. The priests and Levites resort to Jerusalem.
laft,are they not written in the -\ book of Nathan the not hearken unto them, the people anfwered the king,
prophet, and in the prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite, faying, What portion have we in David ? and we have
and in the vifions of f Iddo the feer, againft Jeroboam none inheritance in the fon of Jeffe every man to ;

the fon of Nebat ? your tents, IfraelOand now, David, fee to thine

30 And Solomon reigned in Jerufalem over all If- own houfe. So all Ifrael Went to their tents.
rael forty years. 17 But as for the children of Ifrael that dwelt in the

31 And Solomon flept with his fathers ; and he was cities of Judah, Rehoboam reigned over them.
buried in the city of David his father : and Rehoboam 18 Then king Rehoboam fent Hadoram, that was
his fon reigned in his ftead. over the tribute and the children of Ifrael floned him

CHAP. X. with ftones that he died: but king Rehoboam f made tHeb.
1 The Israelites, assembled at Skechem to make Reho- fpeed to get him up to his chariot, to flee to Jerufalem. Tihimlln,
boam lung, by Jeroboam make a suit for ease of their 19 And Ifrael rebelled againft the houfe of David
servitude. 6 Rehoboam, refusing the old men's coun- unto this day.
sel, by the advice of the young men, 12 answereth CHAP. XI.
them roughly, £fV. Rehoboam an army to subdue Israel, but is


a Kings
Rehoboam went to Shechem for to She- : forbidden to proceed by the prophet Shemaiab : 5 he

chem were all Ifrael come to make him king. buildethfenced cities, and fortifieth the strong holds.
2 And it came to pais, when Jeroboam the fon of 13 The priests and Levites, cast off by Jeroboam,
Nebat (who was in Egypt, whither he had fled from and others who feared God, resort to Jerusalem. 18
the prefence of Solomon the king) heard it, that Jero- Rehoboam 's vjives and children.
returned out of Egypt.
Andthey fent and called him fo Jeroboam and
when Rehoboam was come to Jerufalem, he
gathered of the houfe of Judah and Benjamin
a » Kings

all Ifrael came and fpake to Rehoboam, faying, an hundred and fourfcore thoufand chofen men, which
4 Thy father made our yoke grievous now, there- : were warriors, to fight againft Ifrael, that he might
fore, eafe thou fomewhat the grievous fervitude of bring thekingdom again to Rehoboam.
thy father, and his heavy yoke that he put upon us, 2 But the word of the Lord came to Shemaiah
and we will ferve thee. the man of God, faying,
5And he faid unto them, Come a^ain unto me after 3 Speak unto Rehoboam the fon of Solomon king of
three days. And the people departed. Judah, and to all Ifrael in Judah and Benjamin, faying,
6 IF And king Rehoboam took counfel with the old 4 Thus faith the Lord, Ye fhall not go up nor fight
men that had flood before Solomon his father while againft your brethren: return every man to
his houfe ;
he yet lived, faying What counfel give ye me, to re- for this thing is done of me. Andthey obeyed the
turn anfwer to this people ? words of the Lord, and returned from going againft
7 And they fpake unto him, faying, If thou be kind Jeroboam.
to this people, and pleafe them, and fpeak good words 5 IF And Rehoboam dwelt in Jerufalem, and built
to them, they will be thy fervants for ever. cities for defence in Judah.
8 But he forfook the counfel which the old men 6 He built even Bethlehem, and Etam, and Tekoa,
gave him, and took counfel with the young men that 7 And Bethzur, and Shoco, and Adullam,
M'ere brought up with him, that flood before him. 8 And Gath, and Marefhah, and Ziph,
9 And he faid unto them, What advice give ye, 9 And Adoraim, and Lachifh, and Azekah,
that we may return anfwer to this people, which have 10 And Zorah, and Aijalon, and Hebron, which
l'poken to me, faying, Eafe fomewhat the yoke that are in Judah, and in Benjamin fenced cities.
thy father did put upon us ? 11 And he fortified the ftrong holds, and put cap-
10 And the young men that were brought up with tains in them, and ftore of victual, and of oil and
him fpake unto him, faying, Thus fhaltthou anfwer wine.
the people that fpake unto thee, faying, Thy father 12 And in
every feveral city he put fhields, and
made our yoke heavy, but make thou it fomewhat fpears, and made them exceeding ftrong> having Ju-
lighter for us thus fhalt thou fay unto them,
; lit- My dah and Benjamin on his fide.
tle finger fhali be thicker than my father's loins. 13 IF And the priefts, and the Levites that were in all
t Heb. 11 For whereas my father t put a heavy yoke upon Ifrael f reforted to him out of all their coafts. ^ 974-
you, I will put more to your yoke my father chaflifed
: 14 (-For the Levites left their fuburbs, and their presented
you with whips, but I will chastise you with fcorpions. pofTeffion, and came to Judah and Jerufalem for b Je- to him. :

12 IF So Jeroboam and all the people came to Re- roboam and hisfons had caftthem off from executing b3chfp -

hoboam on the third day, as the king bade, faying, the prieft's office unto the Lord.
Come again to me on the third day* 15 And he ordained him priefts for the high places,
13 And the king anfwered them roughly ; and king and for the devils, and for the calves, which he had
Rehoboam forfook the counfel of the old men, made.)
14 And anfwered them after the advice of the young 16 And after them, out of all the tribes of Ifrael,
men, faying, My
father made your yoke heavy, but fuch as fet their hearts to feek theLord God of Ifrael,
I will add thereto my father chaflifed you with whips,
: came to Jerufalem, to facrifice unto the Lord God
but I will chastise you with fcorpions. of their fathers.
15 So the king hearkened not unto the people for ; 17 So they ftrengthened the kingdom of Judah, and
the caufe was of God, that the Lord might perform made Rehoboam the fon of Solomon ftrong, three
b ! Kings his word, which he fpake by the b hand of Ahijah the years for three years they walked in the way of Da-

II 2?-
Shilonite to Jeroboam the fon of Nebat. vid and Solomon.
16 IF And when all Ifrael saw that the king would 18 IF Andflehoboamtook him Mahalath,thedaugh-
Rehoboam, &?<:. repenting^ are delivered. CHAP, XII, XIII. Abijah declareth the right of his cause.
David, to wife,
ter of Jerimoth the fon of and Abihail 12 And when he humbled himfelf, the wrath of the
the daughter of Eliab, the fon of Jeffe : Lord turned from him, that he would not deftroy him
19 Which bare him children ; Jeufh, and Shama- altogether : and alfo in Judah things went well.

riah, and Zaham. 13 Tf So king Rehoboam ftrengthened himfelf in

C I Kings
20 And after her he took c Maachah the daughter Jerufalem, and reigned for c Rehoboam was one and

of Abialom, which bare him Abijah, and Attai, and forty years old when he began
to reign, and he reigned
Ziza, and Shelomith. feventeen years in Jerufalem, the city which the Lord
21 And Rehoboam loved Maachah the daughter had chofen out of all the tribes of Ifrael to put his
of Abfalom above all his wives and his concubines ;
name there and his mother's name was Naamali an

(for he took eighteen wives and threefcore concu- Ammonitefs.

bines, and begat twenty and eight fons, and threefcore 14 And he did evil, becaufe he prepared not his B Or,

daughters.) heart to feek the Lord.
22 And Rehoboam made Abijah the fon of Maa- 15 Nowthe a6ls of Rehoboam, firft and laft, are
chah the chief, to be ruler among his brethren for he : they not written in the t book of Shemaiah the t Heb.
thought to make him king. prophet, and of Iddo the feer, concerning genealogies ? •words.
23 And he dealt wifely, and difperfed of all his chil- I
And there were wars between Rehoboam and Jerobo-
dren throughout all the countries of Judah and Ben- am continually., unto every fenced city and he gave them ; 16 And Rehoboam flept with his fathers, and was
abundance and he t many wives. buried in the city of David : and Abijah his fon
tltude of
victual in : defired
CHAP. XIL reigned in his ftead.

1 Rehoboam, forsaking the Lord, is punished by Shi- CHAP. XIII.

shak^s invasion 5 he and the princes, repenting at
: 1 Abijah, succeeding Rehoboam, maketh war against
the preaching of Shemaiah, are delivered from Jeroboam : 4 he declareth the right of his cause :
destruction, but not from spoil. 13 The reign and 13 trusting in God he overcometh Jeroboam. 21
death of Rehoboam, &c. The wives and children of Abijah.
972, AN D
lifhed the
to pafs, when Rehoboam had eftab-
kingdom, and had ftrengthened him-
he forfook the law of the Lord> and all Ifrael
N OW a
in the eighteenth year of king Jeroboam
began Abijah to reign over Judah.
2 He reigned three years in Jerufalem (his mo- :
1. &c.

with him. ther's name alfo was Michaiah, the daughter of Uriel

2 And it came to pafs, that, in the fifth year of king of Gibeah r) and there was war between Abijah and
Rehoboam, Shifhak king of Egypt came up againft Jeroboam.
a i Kings Jerufalem,
becaufe they had tranfgreffed againft the 3 And Abijah f fet the battle in array, with an army t Heb. hound
14 24 23.
Lord, of valiant men of war, even four hundred thoufand t0£ ether

3 With twelve hundred chariots, and threefcore chofen men Jeroboam alfo fet the battle in array

thoufand horfemen and the people were without

; againft him with eight hundred thoufand chofen men,
number that came with him out of Egypt the ; being mighty men of valour.
Lubims, the Sukkiims, and the Ethiopians. 4 11 And Abijah flood up upon mount Zemaraim,
4 And he took the fenced cities which pertained to which is in mount Ephraim, and faid, Hear me, thou
Judah, and came to Jerufalem. Jeroboam, and all Ifrael ;

5 Vrhen came Shemaiah the prophet to Rehoboam, 5Ought ye not to know that the Lord God of
and to the princes of Judah, that were gathered together Ifrael gave the kingdom over Ifrael, to David for ever,
to Jerufalem becaufe of Shifhak, and faid unto them, even to him and to his fons by a covenant of fait ?
Thus faith the Lord, Ye haveforfakenme, and there- 6 Yet Jeroboam the fon of Nebat, the fervant of
you in the hand of Shifhak.
fore have I alfo left Solomon the fon of David, is rifen up, and hath b re- I' 1 Kings

6 Whereupon, the princes of Ifrael and the king hum- belled againft his lord.
bled themfelvcs, and they faid, The Lord ^righteous. 7 And there are gathered unto him vain men, the
7 And when the Lord faw that they humbled them- children of Belial, and have ftrengthened themfelves
felves, the word of the Lord came to Shemaiah, againft Rehoboam the fon of Solomon, when Rehobo-
laying, They have humbled themfelves, therefore I am was young and tender hearted, and could not
or. a Htm will not deftroy them, but I will grant them fome || withftand them.
deliverance and my wrath fhall not be poured out
; 8 And now ye think to withftand the kingdom of
upon Jerufalem by the hand of Shifhak. the Lord in the hand of the fons of David and ye ;

8 Ncverthelefs, they fhall be his fervants ; that they be a great multitude, and there are with you golden
may know my
fervice, and the fervice of the king- calves, which Jeroboam c made you for gods. c Kings
12 28.

doms of the countries. 9 d Have ye not caft out the priefts of the Lord, Chap. il

9 So Shifhak king of Egypt came up againft Jeru-

II 14.
the fons of Aaron, and the Levites, and have made
falem, and took away the treafures of the houfe of you priefts after the manner of the nations of other
the Lord, and the treafures of the king's houfe ; he lands ? fo that whofoever cometh t to confecrate him- t Heb. Infill
liit luind.

took all : he carried away alfo the lhields of gold felf with a young bullock and feven rams, the same

b Chap. which Solomon had b made. may be a prieft of them that are no gods.
9 '5> 10 Inftead of which king Rehoboam made fhields 10 But as for us, the Lord is our God, and we have
of brafs, and committed them to the hands of the chief not forfaken him and the priefts which minifter unto

of the guard, that kept the entrance of the king's houfe. the Lord, are the fons of Aaron, and the Levites
11 And when the king entered into the houfe of wait upon their bufinefs :

the Lord, the guard came and fetched them, and 11 e And they burn unto the Lord, every morning Chip, i

2 4.
brought them again into the guard chamber. and every evening, burnt facriiices and fweet incenfe :

- : ;,

Asa strengthened his kingdom, II. CHRONICLES He putteth away idolatry.

lhewbread alfo set they in order upon the pure
the 8 11 |
And Afa had
an army of men that bare targets
., table and the candleftick of gold, with the lamps there
5 and fpears out of Judah three hundred thouland, and ;

I Levit. zi of, lo burn every evening ; for we keep the charge of

;. out of Benjamin* that bare fhields and drew bows,
the Lord our God but ye have forfaken him.
: two hundred and fourfcore thouland all thefe were :

12 And, behold, God himfelf is with us for our cap- mighty men of valour,
tain, and his priefts with founding trumpets to cry alarm 9 \ And there came out againft them Zerah the
^ b Chap.
againft you. O
children of Ifrael, fight ye not againft Ethiopian, with an hoft of a thouland thouland, and 16 3.

the Lo r d God of your fathers forye fhall not profper. ; three hundred chariots, and came unto Mareihah.
13 II But Jeroboam caufed an ambufhment to come 10 Then Afa went out againft him, and they fet the
about behind them fo they were before Judah, and
: battle in array in the valley of Zephathah at Mareihah.
the ambufhment was behind them. 11 And Afa cried unto the L o r d his God and faid ,

14 And when Judah looked back, behold the battle Lord, it is* nothing with thee to help, whether with <=

w« .ybefore and behind and they cried unto the Lord, many, or with them that have no power help us,
: : O 14 6.

and the priefts founded with the trumpets. Lord our God ; for we reft on thee, and in thy name
15 Then the men of Judah gave a fhout and, as we go againft this multitude. : Lord, thou art our O
the men of Judah fhouted, it came to pais, that God God ; let not man prevail againft thee. || D On, mor-
fmote Jeroboam and all Ifrael before Abijah and Judah. 12 So the Lord fmote the Ethiopians before Afa, tal

16 And the children of Ifrael fled before Judah and before Judah and the Ethiopians fled.
; ;

and God delivered them into their hand. 13 And Afa, and the people that were with him, pur-
17 And Abijah and his people flew them with fued them unto Gerar and the Ethiopians were over- ;

a great daughter ; fo there fell down fiain of Ifrael thrown, that they could not recover themfelves for ;

live hundred thouland chofen men. they were f deftroyed before the Lord, and before t Heb.
18 Thus the children of Ifrael were brought under his hoft and they carried away very much fpoil. :

at that time, and the children cf Judah prevailed, be- 14 And they fmote all the cities round about Gerar
caufe they relied upon the Lord God of their fathers. for the fear of the Lord came upon them and they :

ssi- 19 And Abijah pnrfued after Jeroboam, and took fpoiled all the cities ; for there was exceeding much
cities from him Bethel with the towns thereof, and fpoil in them.

Jeihanah with the towns thereof, and Ephraim with 15 They fmote alfo the tents of cattle, and carried
the towns thereof. away fheep and camels in abundance, and returned
20 Neither did Jeroboam recover ftrength again to Jerufalem.
in the days of Abijah and the Lord ftruck him, and
he died.
21 II But Abijah waxed mighty, and married four- 1 The prophecy of Azariah the son of Oded. 8 Asa,
hearing putteth away idolatry ; he and the peo-
teen wives, and begat twenty and two fons, and fix-
ple make a covenant with God: \&he removeth Maa-
teen daughters.
chah his mother from be'mg queen for her idolatry.
22 And the reft of the a£ls of Abijah, and his ways,
Or, com-

g Chap.
his fayings, arc written in the
s Iddo.
ftory of the ||
AN D fon of
the Spirit of
Oded :
God came upon Azariah the

i£ 2 And he went out f to meet Afa, and faid unto

CHAP. XIV. him, Hear ye me, Afa, and all Judah and Benjamin ;
t Heb.
before Asa'.

Abijah dieth ; Asa succeeding, destroy cth idolatry ;

1 The Lord is with you, while ye be with him; and
6 having peace, he strengthened his kingdom with if ye feek him, he will be found of j'ou ; but if ye
forts: 8 his army. 9 Attacked by Zerah the Ethio- forfake him, he will forfake you.
pian, he calleth upon God, and smiting the Ethio- 3 Now for a long feafon Ifrael hath been without
pians Bring cth away much spoil. the true God, and without a teaching prieft, and
955- O Abijah flept with his fathers, and they buried without law
ai Kings i j him in the city of David ; and a Afa his fon reigned 4 But when they in their trouble did turn unto the
in his ftead. In his days the land was quiet ten years. Lord God of Ifrael, and fought him, he was found
2 And Afa did that which was good and right in of them.
the eyes of the Lord his God : 5 And in thofe times there was no peace to him that
3 For he took away the altars of the ftrange gods, went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexa-
t Heb.
and the high places, and brake down the \ images, tions were upon all the inhabitants of the countries.
and cut down the groves ; 6 And was f deftroyed of nation, and city
nation tHeb. beat*
en in pieces.
4 And commanded Judah to feek the Lord God of of city for God did vex them with all adverfity.

their fathers, and to do the law and the commandment. 7 Be ye ftrong, therefore, and let not your hands
5 Alfo he took away, out of all the cities of Judah, be weak for your work fhall be rewarded.

X Heb. suit- the high places and the \ images and the kingdom : 8 H And when Afa heard thefe words, and the pro-
was quiet before him. phecy of Oded the prophet, he took courage, and put
6 II And he built fenced cities in Judah for the : away the t abominable idols out of all the land of tH*b.«foro
land had reft, and he had no war in thole years be- : Judah and Benjamin and out of the cities which he had

caufe the Lord had given him reft. taken from mount Ephraim, and renewed the altar
7 Therefore he laid unto Judah, Let us build thefe of the Lord that tvas before the porch of the Lord.
cities, and make about them walls, and towers, gates, 9 And he gathered all Judah and Benjamin, and the
and bars, while the land is yet before us ; becaufe we ftrangers with them out of Ephraim and Manaffeh,
have fought the Lord our God, we have fought him, and out of Simeon (for they fell to him out of Ifrael

and he hath given us reft on every fide fo they built : inabundance, when they faw that the Lord his God
and profpered. was with him :)
10 So
: ;

Asa reproved by Hanani. G H A P. XVI, XVII. Jehoshapbat


s overawed by God.
10 So they gathered themfelves together at Jerufa- yet, becaufe thou did ft rely on the Lord, he delivered
lem in the third month, in the fifteenth year of the them into thine hand.
reign of Afa. 9 For the eyes of the Lord fun to and fro through-
11 And they offered unto the Lord f the fame time out the whole earth, to ihew himfelf ftrong in the

of the fpoil which they had brought, feven hundred behalf of them whofe heart is perfecl. toward him.
oxen and feven thoufand fheep. Herein thou haft clone foolifhly therefore from hence- ;

12 And they entered into a covenant to feek the forth thou fhalt have wars.
Lord God of their fathers with all their heart, and 10 Then Ala was wroth with the feer, and put him
with all their foul ;
in a prifon houfe for he was in a rage with him be-

13 That whofoever would not feek the Lord God caufe of this thing. And Ala f oppreffed some of the crushed-
a Deut. of Ifrael a fhould be put to death, whether fmall or people the fame time.
>3 5 9-
great, whether man or woman. 11 IT And, behold, the aas of Afa, firft and laft, lo,
14 And they fware unto the Lord with a loud voice, they are written in the book of the kings of Judah and
and with fhouting, and with trumpets, and with cornets. Ifrael.
15 And all Judah rejoiced at the oath for they had ; 12 And
Afa, in the thirty and ninth year of his
fvvorn with all their heart, and fought him with their reign, difeafed in his feet, until his difeafe was
whole defire and he was found of them and the
; : exceeding great : yet in his difeafe he fought not to
Lord gave them reft round about. the Lord, but to the phylicians.
b Kings

15 '3-
16 H And alfo concerning b Maachah the mother ofAfa 13 II And Afa flept with his fathers, and died in the 9M-
the king, he removed her from being queen, becaufe fhe one and fortieth year of his reign.
tHeb.7iwror.had made an f idol in a grove and Afa cut down her : 14 And
they buried him in his own fepulchre, which
idol, and ftamped it, and burnt it at the brook Kidron. he had f rnade for himfelf in the city of David, and £.]££
17 But the high places were not taken away out of laid him in the bed which was filled withfweet odours,
Ifrael neverthelefs, the heart of Afa was perfecl all
: and divers kinds of spices prepared by the apothecaries'
his days. art and they made a very great burning for him.

18 IT And
he brought into the houfe of God the CHAP. XVII.
things that his father had dedicated, and that he him-
felf had dedicated, filver, and gold, and veffels.
1 Jehoshaphat succeeding Asa, reigneth well, andpros-
percth: 7 he sendeth Levites with his princes to teach
19 And there Avas no more war unto the five and
the law in Judah: 10 his enemies, being overawed by
thirtieth year of the reign of Afa.
God, dare not disturb bun : the Philistines and Ara-
CHAP. XVI. bians bring him presents: 12 his greatness, captains,
1 Asa mahcth a league with Benhadad against Baa- and armies.
sba, by which he leavetb the building of Ramah: 7
he is reproved by Hanani the seer, for applying to
the Syrians for aid. 11 Asa in his sickness seeketb
A ND 1
Jehofhaphat his fon reigned in his ftead,
and ftrengthened himfelf againft Ifrael.
2 And he placed forces in all the fenced cities of
1 Kings

not to God, but to the physicians : 13 his death and Judah, and fet garrifonsin the land of Judah, and in the
burial. cities of Ephraim, which Afa his father had taken.
940, VII.
3 And the Lord was with Jehofhaphat, becaufe he
From the
rending of
IN Baafha
the fix and thirtieth year of the reign of Afa,
king of came up againft Judah, and
Ifrael walked in the firft ways of his father David, and
the ten tribes
From Judah, Ramah, to the intent that he might let none go
built fought not unto Baalim
over which
Asa was now out or come in to Afa king of Judah. 4 But fought to the LORD
God of his father, and
a Kings
2 Then Afa brought out filver and gold out of the walked in his commandments, and not after the doings
J5'7- treafures of the houfe of the Lord, and of the king's of Ifrael
houfe, and fent to Benhadad king of Syria, that dwelt 5 Therefore the Lord ftablifhed the kingdom in
Varmesck. at f Damafcus, faying,' his hand and all Judah t brought to Jehofhaphat pres-

a league between me and thee, as there

3 There is ents and he had riches and honour in abundance.

was between my father and thy father behold, I have : 6 And his heart was lifted up in the ways of the
That is,
•was encoitr.
fent thee filver and gold go, break thy league with
Lord moreover, he took away the high places and

Baafha king of Ifrael, that he may depart from me. groves out of Judah.
4 And Benhadad hearkened unto king Afa, and 7 If Alfo, in the third year of his reign, he fent to

y ha. -which fent the captains of t his armies againft the cities of his princes, even to Benhail, and to Obadiah, and to
Ifrael and they fmote Ijon, and Dan, and Abelmaim,
; Zechariah, and to Nathaneel, and to Michaiah, to
and all the ftore cities of Naphtali. teach inthecities of Judah.
5 And it came to pafs, when Baafha heard it, that 8 And with them he sent Levites, even Shemaiah,
he left off building of Ramah, and let his work ceafe. and Nethaniah, and Zebadiah, and Afahel, and She-
6 Then Afa the king took all Judah and they car-
[ ; miramoth, and Jehonathan, and Adonijah, and Tobi-
ried away the ftones of Ramah, and the timber thereof, jah, and Tobadonijah, Levites; and with them Eli-
wherewith Baafha was building ; and he built there- fhama and Jehoram, priefts.
with Geba and Mizpah. 9 And
they taught in Judah, and had the book of the
7 If And at that time Hanani the feer came to Afa law of the Lord with them, and went about through-
king of Judah, and faid unto him, Becaufe thou haft out all the cities of Judah, and taught the people.
relied on the king of Syria, and not relied on the Lord 10 If And the fear of the Lord t fell upon all the t Heb
thy God, therefore is the hoft of the king of Syria kingdoms of the lands that were round about Judah,
efcaped out of thine hand, fo that they made no war againft Jehofhaphat.
b chap.
8 w
tre not b the Ethiopians and the Lubims f a 1 1 Alfo some of the Philiflines brought Jehofhaphat

' lu S' e ^°^» vv * m
ver y manv chariots and horfemen ? prefents, and tribute filver ; and the Arabians brought
2R him

Ababy seduced by false prophets , II. CHRONICLES. goeth uf against Ramothgilead.

flocks, feven thoafancl and feven hundred rams, With thefe thou ihalt pufti Syria until \ they be con-
and feven thoufand and feven hundred he goats. fumed.
12 f[ And Jehofhaphat waxed great exceedingly ;
11 And all the prophets prophefied fo, faying, Go
an:j ie built in Judah caftles, and cities of ftore.
i || up to Ramothgilead, and profper for the Lord fhall ;

13 And he had much bufinefs in the cities of Judah deliver hand of the lung.
it into the
and the men of war, mighty men of valour, were in 12 And the mefllnger that went to call Micaiah
Jerufalem. fpake to him, faying, Behold, the words of the proph-
14 And thefe are the numbers of them, according ets declare good to the king f with one affent let thy :
t Heb. tvitk
(tie mouth-
to the houfe of their fathers : Of Judah, the captains word, therefore, I pray thee, be like one of theirs, and
ofthoufands, Adnah the chief, and with him mighty fpeak thou good.
men of valour, three hundred thoufand. 13 And Micaiah faid, As the Lord liveth, even
+ Heb. at
his hand.
15 And f next to him was Jehohanan the captain, what my God faith, that will I fpeak.
and with him two hundred and fourfcore thoufand. 14 And when he was come to the king, the king
16 And next him was Amafiah the fon of Zichri, faid unto him, Micaiah, fhall we go to Ramothgilead
who willingly offered himfelfunto the Lord ; and with to battle, or fhall I forbear ? And he faid, Go ye up,
him two hundred thoufand mighty men of valour. and profper, and they fhall be delivered into your hand.
17 And of Benjamin Eliada a mighty man of val-
; 15 IF And the king faid to him, How many times
our, and with him armed men with bow and fhielcl, fhall I adjure thee, that thou fay nothing but the truth
two hundred thoufand. to me, in the name of the Lord. ?
18 And next him was Jehozabad, and with him 16 Then he faid, I did fee all Ifrael fcattered upon
an hundred and fourfcore thoufand ready prepared for the mountains, as fheep tiiat have no lhepherd and :

the war. the Lord faid, Thefe have no mafter let them re- ;

19_ Thefe waited on the king, befide those whom turn therefore every man to his houfe in peace.
the king put in the fenced cities throughout all Judah. 17 And the king of Ifrael faid to Jeholhaphat, Did
I not tell thee, that he would not prophefy good unto
me, but evil I
Or, but

fir evil..
1 Jehoshaphat persuaded to go with Abab against
18 Again he faid, Therefore hear the word of the
Ramothgilead : 4 he proposeth to inquire of God: Lord I faw the Lord fitting upon his throne, and

Abaft s false prophets assure him of success. 6 At all the hoft of heaven flanding on his right hand and on
Jehoshaphat''s request, Micaiah is sentfor, 15 who his left.
forctellcth Abaft s death. 19 And the Lord faid, fhall entice Ahab Who
897- TO WJehofhaphat had riches and honour in abun-
dance, and joined affinity with Ahab.
king of Ifrael, that he may go up and fall at Ramoth-
gilead ? And one fpake, faying after this manner, and
a Kings
2 a And t after certain years he went down to Ahab

22 2. another, faying after that manner.

InTofyLfs" to Samaria and Ahab killed fheep and oxen for him
: 20 Then there came out b a fpirit, and flood before b Job J C.

in abundance, and for the people that he had with lnm, the Lord, and faid, I will entice him. And the Lord
and perfuaded him to go up with him to Ramothgilead. faid unto him, Wherewith ?
3 And Abab king of Ifrael faid unto Jehofhaphat 21 And he faid, I will go out, and be a lying fpirit
king of Judah, Wilt thou go with me to Ramoth- in the mouth of allhis prophets. And the LORD
gilead ? And he anfweredhim, I am as thou art, and faid, Thou flialt entice him, and thou ihalt alio pre-
my people as thy people and we will be with thee in
; vail : go out, and do even fo.
the war. 22 Now, therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a
4 If And Jehofhaphat faid unto the king of Ifrael, In- lying fpirit in the mouth of thefe thy prophets, and the
quire, I pray thee, at the word of the Lord today. Lord hath fpoken evil againfl thee.
5 Therefore the king of Ifrael gathered together of 23 H Then Zedekiah the fon of Chenaanah came
prophets four hundred men, and faid unto them, Shall near,and fmote Micaiah upon the cheek, and faid,
we go to Ramothgilead to battle, or fhall I forbear ? Which way went the Spirit of the Lord from me to
And they faid, Go
up for God will deliver it into the
; fpeak unto thee ?

king's hand. 24 And Micaiah faid, Behold, thou fhalt fee on that
6 Tl But Jehofhaphat faid Is there not here a prophet
, day when thou ihalt go || into f an inner chamber to \\
Or, from
chamber to

Heb. yet, of the Lord t belide, that we might inquire of him ? hide thyfelf. chamber.
n; more. t Heb a
7 And the king of Ifrael faid unto Jehofhaphat, 25 Then the king of Ifrael faid, Take ye Micaiah, chamber in
There is yet one man, by whom we may inquire of and carry him back to Amon the governor of the city, a chamber.

the Lord but I hate him ; for he never prophefied

: and to Joafh the king's fon ;

good unto me, but always evil the fame is Micaiah : 26 And fay, thus faith the king, Pat this fellow in
the fon of Imla. And Jehofhaphat faid, Let not the the prifon, and feed him with bread of affliction, and
king lay fo. with water of affliclion, until I return in peace.
$Or, eunuclts 8 And the king of Ifrael called for one of his officers, || 27 And Micaiah faid, If thou certainly return in
VH.-b. and faid, t Fetch quickly Micaiah the fon of Imla. peace, then hath not the Lord fpoken by me. And
9 And the king of Ifrael, and Jehofhaphat king of he faid, Hearken,
ye people. all
Judah, fat either of them on his throne, clothed in 28 So the king of Ifrael, and Jehofhaphat the king
jl <3r, floor. their robes, and thej' fat in a void place at the enter-
|| of Judah, went up to Ramothgilead.
ing in of the gate of Samaria ; and all tlie prophets 29 And the king of Ifrael faid unto Jehofhaphat, I
prophefied before them. will difguife myfelf, and will go to the battle but put :

10 And Zedekiah the fon of Chenaanah had made thou on thy robes. So the king of Ifrael difguifed
Mm horns of iron, and faid, Thus faith the Lord, himfelf ; and thay went to the battle.
2 30 Now
, 3 ;

Jehoshaphat instrucleth the judges, EsV. CHAP XIX, XX. The prophecy of JahaxieL
30 Now the king of Syria had commanded the oflfhmael, the ruler of the houfe of Judah, for all
captains of the chariots that were with him, laying, the king's matters alfo the Levites shall be officers

Fight ye not with fmall or great, fave only with the before you. f Deal courageouily, and the Lord (hall
king of Ifrael. be with the good.
3L And it came to pafs, when the captains of the

chariots faw Jehofhaphat, that they faid, It is the king

1 Jehoshaphat, invaded by the Moabites and others, in
of Ifrael ; therefore they compaffed about him to his fear proclaimcth a fast : 5 his prayer. 14 "The
fight: but Jehoihaphat cried out, and the Lord prophecy of Jahaziel. 20 Jehoshaphat exhorteth
helped him ; and God moved them to depart from the people, and appointeth singers to praise the Lord.
him. 22 The great overthrow of the enemies. 26 The peo-
32 For it came to pafs, that, when the captains of ple bless God at Berachah, and return in triumph.
the chariots perceived that it was not the king of If- 31 Jehoshaphaf s good reign: 35 his ships sent
t HeK rael, they turned back again f from purfuing him. to Tarshish are broken, according to Eliezer' s pro-

from «fter
him. 33 IT And a certain man drew a bow t at a venture, phecy.
tHeh. and fmote the king of Ifrael f between the joints of
in his sini'
plicily. the harnefs therefore he faid to his chariot man,
ITMoab, to pafs after this alio, that the children of
+ Heb. auel the children of Amrnon, and with
bitiuetn Turn thine hand, that thou mayeft carry me out of
them other befide the Ammonites, came againft Je-
the hoil ; for I am t wounded.
the joints
and be-
hofhaphat to battle.
tween the
34 And the battle increafed that day howbeit, the :
2 Then there came fome that told Jehofhaphat,
plate. king of Ifrael flayed himself'up in his chariot againft
t Heb.
made sick. the Syrians until the even and about the time of the
faying, There cometh a great multitude againft thee
fun going down, he died.
from beyond the fea on this fide Syria ; and, behold,
they be in Hazazontamar, which is Engedi.
C HA P. XIX. 3 Anel Jehofhaphat feared, and fet f himfelf to feek t

1 Jehoshaphat is reproved by Jehufor haying joined the Lord, and proclaimed throughout all Judah.
a fail
in alliance with Ahab : 4 he visiteth his kingdom : 4 And Judah gathered themfelves together to afk
5 his instructions to the judges, 8 and to the priests help of the Lord even out of all the cities of Judah

and Levites. they came to feek the Lord.

396. A ND Jehoihaphat the king of Judah returned to 5 11 Anel Jehofhaphat flood in the congregation of
jl\. his houfe in peace to Jerufalem. Judah and Jerufalem, in the houfe of the Lord before
2 And Jehu the fon of Hanani the feer went out the new court,
to meet him, and faid to king Jehoihaphat, Shouldeft 6 And faid, O
Lord God of our fathers, art not
thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the thou God in heaven ? and ruleft not thou over all the
Lord ? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the kingdoms of the heathen ? and in thine hand is there
Lord. not power and might, fo that none is able to withlland
A Chap, 3 Neverthelefs, there are a good things found in thee, thee ?
in that thou haft taken away the groves out of the 7 Art not thou our God, f who didft drive out the tHeb,
land, and haft prepared thine heart to feek God. inhabitants of this land before thy people Ifrael, and
t Heb. 4 IF And Jehoihaphat dwelt at Jerufalem and f he : gaveft it to the feed of Abraham thy friend for ever ?
went out again through the people, from Beerlheba 8 And they dwelt therein, and have built thee a
went o»t.
to mount Ephraim, and brought them back unto the fanctuary therein for thy name, faying,
Lord God of their fathers. 9 a If when evil cometh upon us, as thefword, judg- aiKi ng »
5 IT And he fet judges in the land, throughout all ment, or peftilence, or famine, we ftand before this cha'p-
628 *
the fenced cities of Judah, city by city; houfe, and in thy prefenee, (for thy name is in this
6 And faid to the judges, Take heed what ye do ;
houfe,) and cry unto thee in our affliclion, then thou
for ye judge not for man, but for the Lord, who is wilt hear and help.
in the
with you t in the judgment. 10 And now, behold, the children of Ammon,
mitter 7 Wherefore now let the fear of the Lord be up- and Moab, and mount Seir, whom thou b woukleft bDeut.a
ofjudg. 4 ; '
mt nt. on you ; take heed and do it : for there is no iniquity not let Ifrael invade when they came out of the land '

b Ueut,
10 17. with the Lord our God, nor b refpecl: of perfons, nor of Egypt, but they turned from them, and deltroyeel
jo^34 9. taking of gifts. them not
8 1l Moreover, in Jerufalem did Jehofhaphat fet of 11 Behold, I say, how they reward us, to come to
the Levites, and of the priefts, and of the chief of call us out of thy poffefiion, which thou haft given
69. the fathers of Ifrael, for the judgment of the Lord, us to inherit.
anf j for controverfies, when they returned to Jeru- 12 O
our God, wilt thou not judge them ? for we
£** falem. have no might againft this great company that cometh
9 And he charged them, faying, Thus (hall ye do againft us neither know we what to do
; but our :

in the fear of the Lord, faithfully, and with a perfect eyes are upon thee.
heart. 1 Anel all Judah flood before the Lord, with their
10 And what caufe foevcr fhall come to you of your little ones, their wives, anel their children.
brethren that dwell in their cities, between blood and 14 If Then upon Jahaziel the fon of Zechariah, the
blood, between law and commandment, flatu'es and fon of Benaiah, the fon of Jeiel, the fon of Mattaniab,
judgments, ye fhall even warn them that they trefpafs a Lcvitc of the ions of Afaph, came the Spirit of the
notagainilthe Lord, wrath come upon you and
Lor d in the midil of the congregation ;

upon your brethren this do, and ye fhall not trefpafs.

: 15 And he faid, Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye in-
11 And, behold, Amariah the chief prieft is over habitants of Jerufalem, and thou king Jehofhaphat;
you in all matters of the Lord andZebadiah the fon
; Thus faith the Lord unto you, Be not afraid ner

£ people bless God, at Berachah, II. CHRONICLES. yeboram his wicked reign,
difmayed by reafon of this great multitude for the ; 32 And he walked in the way of Afa his father,
battle is not yours, but God's. and departed not from it, doing that which was right
16 Tomorrow go ye down againft them behold, ; in the fight of the Lord.
they come up by the t cliff of Ziz and ye fhall find; 33 Howbeit, the high places were not taken away ;

them at the end of the brook, before the wildernefs

|| for as yet the people had not prepared their hearts
of Jeruel. unto the God of their fathers.
17 Ye fhall not need to fight in this battle ; fet your- 34 Now the reft of the a6ls of Jehofhaphat, firft
felves, Hand ye still, and fee the falvation of the Lord and laft, behold, they are written in the f book of t Heb
with you, O Judah and Jerufalem fear not, nor be : Jehu the fon of Hanani, e who \ is mentioned in the
e 1 Kings
difmayed tomorrow go out againft them for the
; book of the kings of Ifrael. [6

Lord will be with you. 35 IT And after this did Jehofhaphat king of Judah luas made
to ascend.
1 And Jeholhaphat bowed his head with bis face join himfelf with Ahaziah king of Ifrael, who did
to the ground and all Judah and the inhabitants of
: very wickedly.
jerufalem before the LoRD,worfhipping theLoRD.
fell 36 * And he joined himfelf with him to make fhips * At first
19 And the Levites, of the children of the Koha- to go to Tarfhifh and they made the fhips in Ezion-
: phat was
thites, and of the children of the Korhites, Hood up to gaber. 1 Kings
praife the Lord God oflfrael with a loud voice on high. 37 Then Eliezer the fon of Dodavah of Marefhah,
20 TI And they rofe early in the morning, and went prophefied againft Jehofhaphat, faying, Becaufe thou
forth into the wildernefs of Tekoa and, as they went
: haft joined thyfelf with Ahaziah, the Lord hath
forth, Jehofhaphat flood and faid, Hear me, Ju- O broken thy works. And the fhips were broken, that
c Isaiah
dah, and ye inhabitants of Jerufalem ; c Believe in the they were not able to go to Tarfhifh.
7 9-
Lord your God, fo fhall ye be eftablifhed ; believe CHAP. XXI.
his prophets, fo fhall ye profper.
21 And, when he had confulted with the people, he 1 Jehoshaphafs death ; Jehoram succeedeth him, and
tHeb. appointed fingers unto the Lord, and f that fhould slayeth his brethren 5 his wicked reign. 8 Edom
praife the beauty of holinefs, as they went out before
and Libnah 12 Elijah's written prophecy

the army, and to fay, Praife the Lord ; for his mercy against him. 16 The Philistines and Arabians
endureth for ever. grievously oppress him: 18 his incurable disease,
t Heb. 22 II | And when they began t to fmg and to praife, loathsome death, and burial.
And in
time that
they, ire.
t Heb.
the Lord fet ambufhments againft the children of
Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come
Jehofhaphat flept with his fathers, and
was buried with his fathers in the city of David ;
a Kings

22 50.
hi singing
and praise. againft Judah and they were fmitten.
; ||
and Jehoram his fon reigned in his ftead.
[| H Alone.
Or, they
smote one
23 For the children of Ammon and Moab flood 2 And he had brethren, the fons of Jehofhaphat,
another. up againft the inhabitants of mount Seir, utterly to Azariah, and Jehiel, and Zechariah, and Azariah,
flay and deftroy themand when they had made an
: and Michael, and Shephatiah all thefe were the fons

f Heb. end of the inhabitants of Seir, every one helped f to of Jehofhaphat king oflfrael.
for the
destruc- deftroy another. 3 And their father gave them gifts of filver,
24 And when Judah came toward the watch tower and of gold, and of precious things, with fenced
in the wildernefs, they looked unto the multitude, cities in Judah but the kingdom gave he to Jeho- Jeho.
: || II

ram m.ide
and, behold, they were dead bodies fallen to the earth, ram, becaufe he was the firftborn. partner of
t Heb.
there was
and t none efcaped. 4 Now, when Jehoram was rifen up to the king- dom the king-
nit an
25 And when Jehofhaphat and his people came to dom of his father, he ftrengthened himfelf, and flew 2 Kings
his father,

take the fpoil of them, they found among them

away all his brethren with the fword, and divers alfo of the 816.
in abundance both riches with the dead bodies, and princes oflfrael.
precious jewels, (which theyflripped off forthemfelves,) 5 II b Jehoram was thirty and two years old, when b in con-
more than they could carry away and they were : he began to reign and he reigned eight years in 2 Kings

three days in gathering of the fpoil, it was fo much. Jerufalem.
26 H And on the fourth day they affembled them- 6 And he walked in the way of the kings of Ifrael,
Tlint is,

HiciSlKS. felves in the valley of Berachah ||

for there they bleff-
; like as did the houfe of Ahab for he had the daugh-

ed the Lord therefore the name of the fame place

: ter of Ahab to wife
and he wrought that ivbicb was c Chap.

22 2.
was called, The valley of Berachah, unto this day. evil in the eyes of the Lord.
27 Then they returned, every man of Judah and 7 Howbeit, the Lord would not deftroy the houfe
of David, becaufe of the covenant that he had made
Jerufalem, and Jehofhaphat in the f forefront of them,
to go again to Jerufalem with joy for the Lord had
: with David, and as he promifed to give a | light to tHeb.
to his d fons for ever.
laipp, or,
made thern to rejoice over their enemies. him and candle.
28 And they came to Jerufalem withpfalteries, and 8 II In his days the Edomites revolted from under d 2 Sam.
harps, and trumpets, unto the houfe of the Lord. the t dominion of Judah, and made a king. iKm :

11 36.
29 And the fear of God was on all the kingdoms 9 Then Jehoram went e forth with his princes, and 2 Kings
8 19.
of those countries, when they had heard that the Lord all his chariots with him and he rofe up by night, Psalm

fought againft the enemies of Ifrael. and fmote the Edomites which compaffed him in, 132 11,
30 So the realm of Jehofhaphat was quiet ; for and the captains of the chariots. t Heb.
his God gave him reft round about. 10 So the Edomites revolted from under the hand e 2 Kings
d AndJehofhaphatreignedover 821.
31 H Judah. Hewas of Judah unto this day. The fame time also did
i„ 41, &.C.
thirty and five years old when he began to reign and ; Libnah revolt from under his hand becaufe he had ;

he reigned twenty and five years in Jerufalem and : forfaken the Lord God of his fathers.
his mother's name was Azubah, thedaughterofShilhi, 11 Moreover, he made high places in the mountains
, ;

Ahaziah reigneth wickedly, £sV. CHAP. XXII, XXIII. yeboiada maketh jfoash king.
of Judah, and carried the inhabitants of Jerufalem to And Azariah
|| Jehoram king of Judah
the fon of
commit fornication, and compelled Judah thereto. went clown to Jehoram the fon of Ahab at Jez-
12 H And there came a * writing to him from Eli- reel, becaufe he was fick.
jah the prophet, faying, Thus faith the Lord God of 7 And the f deftruclion of Ahaziah was of God, by
David thy father, Becaufe thou haft not walked in coming to Joram for, when he was come, he went

the ways of Jehofhaphat thy father, nor in the ways out with Jehoram againft Jehu the fon of Nimflii,
of Afa k ing of Judah
whom the Lord had anointed to cut oft" the houfe
13 But haft walked in the way of the kings oflf- of Ahab.

rael, and hafl: made Judah and the inhabitants of Je- 8 And it came to pafs, that when Jehu was exe-
rufalem to go a whoring, like to the whoredoms of the cuting; judgment upon the houfe of Ahab, and found
houfe of Ahab, and alio haft flain thy brethren of thy the princes of Judah, and the fons of the brethren
father's houfe, which were better than thyfelf of Ahaziah, that miniftered to Ahaziah, he flew
+ Heb. a
peat stroke.
14 Behold, with f a great plague will the Lord them.
finite thy people, and thy children, and thy wives, and 9 e Andiie fought Ahaziah and they caught him,
« \*'m &
9 27.
all thy goods. (for he was hid in Samaria,) and brought him to Jehu
15 And thou shah have great ficknefs by difeafe of and when they had flain him they buried him be- ;

thy bowels, until thy bowels fall out, by reafon of the cauietlaid they) he is the fon of Jehofhaphat, who
ficknefs day by day. fought the Lord with all his heart. So the houfe of
16 H Moreover, the Lord ftirred up againft Jeho- Ahaziah had no power to keep ftill the kingdom.
ram theof the Philiftines, and of the Arabians,
fpirit 10 II f But when Athaliah, the mother of Ahaziah, f 2 Kin..

that were near the Ethiopians : faw that her fon was dead, fhe arofe and deftroyed all &c.

17 And they came up into Judah, and brake into the feed royal of the houfe of Judah.
+ Heb. carri- it, and f carried away all the fubftance that was found 11 But Jehofhabeath, the daughter of the king,
ed captive.
in the king's houfe, and his fons alfo, and his wives ;
took Joafh the fon of Ahaziah, and ftole him from
H Or, Aha- fo that there was never a fon left him, fave II Jehoa- among the king's fons that were flain, and put him
Chap. 22 I, haz, the youngeft of his fons. and his nurfe in a bed chamber. So Jehofhabeath,
or, Azariah,
Chap. 22 6.
18 U And after all this the Lord fmote him in his
the daughter of king Jehoram, the wife of Jehoiada
887. bowels with an incurable difeafe. the prielt, (for fhe was the lifter of Ahaziah,) hid him
His sou
19 And it came to pafs, that, in procefs of time,

Ahaziah from Athaliah, fo that fhe flew him not.

2 Kings after the end of two years, his bowels fell out by rea- 12 And he was with them hid in the houfe of God
9 *9>'
soon after. fon of his ficknefs; fohe died of fore difeafes and his : fix years and Athaliah reigned over the land.

people made no burning for him like the burning of
his fathers.
1 Jehoiada having taken measures for the security of
20 Thirty and two years old was he when he began
to reign and he reigned in Jerufalem eight years, Joash, maketh him king. 12 Athaliah is slain. 16

tHeb. and departed t without being defired howbeit, they :

Jehoiada restoreth God's worship, and settleth the
a desire. buried him in the city of David, but not in the fepul- king on the throne. t

chres of the kings. AND a

in the feventh year Jehoiada ftrengthened
2 King*
Ai &.C.

XXII. himfelf, and took the captains of hundreds,
Azariah the fon of Jehoram, and Ifhmael the fon of
1 Ahaziab Jehoram ; his wicked reign :
Jehohanan, and Azariah the fon of Obed, and Maa-
5 his confederacy with Jehoram the son of Ahab, with feiah the fon of Adaiah, and Elifhaphat the fon of
whom he is slain by Jehu. 10 Athaliah, having de- Zichri, into covenant with him.
stroyed all the seed royal of Judah, save Joash who 2 And they went about in Judah, and gathered the
was hid by Jehoshabeath his aunt, usurpeth the Levites out of all the cities of Judah, and the chief
885. of the fathers of Ifrael, and they came to Jerufalem.
a 2
b 24, &c.
AND the inhabitants of Jerufalem
his youngeft fon king in his (lead for the band
made a Ahaziah
3 And all the congregation made a covenant with
the king in the houfe of God :and he faid unto them,
of men that came with the Arabians to the camp had Behold, the king's fon fhall reign, as the Lord hath
b Chap. 87R.
b b
21 17- flainall the eldeft. So Ahaziah the fon of Jehoram faid of the fons of David. b 2 Sam.
king of Judah reigned. 4 This is the thing that ye fhall do : A 7 9.
third part Kiiiirs. 1

2 Forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he of you entering on the fabbath, of the priefts and of 2 4. &
began to reign and he reigned one year in Jerufa- the Levites, shall be porters of the t doors
6 i6, &
c Chap.
21 6.
lem his mother's name alfo was c Athaliah the daugh-
: , 5 And a third part shall be at the king's houfe and 718. ;

ter of Omri. a third part at the gate of the foundation and all the tthresholds-

3 He
alfo walked in the \vi\fs of the houfe of Ahab: people shall be in the courts of the houfe of the Lord.
for his mother was his counfeilor to do wickedly. 6 But let none come into the houfe of the Lord,
4 Wherefore he did evil in the fight of the Lord, fave the priefts, and they that minifter of the Levites ;

like the houfe of Ahal> for they were his counfellors,

; they fhall go in, for they are holy but all the people

after the death of his father, to his deftruclion. lhall keep the watch of the Lord.
5 II He
walked alfo after their counfel, and went 7 And the Levites fhall compafs the king round
with Jehoram the fon of Ahab king of Ifrael, to war about, every man with his weapons in his hand and;

againftHazael king of Syria, at Ramothgilead and : whofoever else cometh into the houfe, he lhall be put
the Syrians fmote Joram. to death :but be ye with the king when he cometh
6 And he returned to be healed in Jezreel, be- in, and when he goeth out.
•wherewith caufe of the wwunc Is f which were given him at Ra- 8 So the Levites, and all Judah, did accordinsto all
they -mound-
ed him. man, when he fought with Hazael king of Syii.i, things that Jehoiada the prieft had commanded, and

Jehoiada restoreth GocTs worship. II. CHRONICLES. His death and burial.
took every man his men that were to come in on the JOASH a
feven years old when he began to
, fabbath, with thern that were to go out on the fabbath, reign and he reigned forty years in Jerufalem
; :

for Jehoiada the prieft difmifled not the couifes. his mother's name alfo was Zibiah of Beeriheba.
9 Moreover, Jehoiada the prieit delivered to the cap- 2 And Joafh did that which was right in the fight
tains cf hundreds, fpears, and bucklers, and fhields, of the Lord all the days of Jehoiada the prieft.
that had been king David's, which were in thehoufe 3 And Jehoiada took for him two wives ; and he
of God. begat fons and daughters.
10 And the people, (every man having
he fet all •4 II And it came to pafs after this, that Joafh was
t Heb.
his weapon from the right f hde of the
in his hand,) minded f to repair the houfe of the Lord. tHeb.
t Heb. t temple to the left fide of the temple, along by the 5 And he gathered together the priefts and the
altar and the temple, by the king round about. Levites, and faid to them, Go out unto the cities of
11 Then they brought out the king's fon, and put Judah, and gather of all Ifrael money to repair the
c Dent.
17 18.
upon him the crown, and c gave him the tefiimony, houfe of your God from year to year, and fee that
and made him king and Jehoiada and his fons an-
: ye haften the matter howbeit, the Levites haftened

tHeb. ointed him, and faid, f God lave the king. it not.
Let the
king live. 12 II Now, when Athaliah heard the noife of the :
6 And
the king called for Jehoiada the chief, and
people running and praiiing the king, fhe came to faid unto him, Why
haft thou not required of the
the people into the houfe of the Lord. Levites to bring in, out of Judah, and out of Jerufa-
13 And fhe looked, and, behold, the king flood at
lem, the collection, according to the commandment of
b b Exod. 3*
his pillar at the entering in, and the princes and the Mofes,^ the fervant of the Lord, and of the congre- 12 13 14.
trumpets by the king and all the people of the land
: gation of Ifrael, for the tabernacle of witnefs ?
rejoiced, and founded with trumpets alfo the fingers ; 7 For the fons of Athaliah, that wicked woman,
with instruments of mufick, and fuch as taught to had broken up the houfe of God and alfo all the

ling praife. Then Athaliah rent her clothes, and laid, dedicated things of the houfe of the Lord did they
t Heb. Con.
t Treafon, treafon ! beftow upon Baalim.

14 Then Jehoiada the prieft brought out the cap- -8 And at the king's commandment they madeacheft,
tains of hundreds that were fet over the holt, and faid and fet it without at the gate of the houfeof the Lord.
unto them, Have her forth cf the ranges and whofo : 9 And they made f a proclamation through Judah tHeb.
a voice
folio weth her, let him be flain with the {'word. For and Jerufalem, to bring in to the Lord the collection
the prieft faid, flay her not in the houfe of the Lord. that Mofes, the fervant of God, laid upon Ifrael in
15 So they laid hands on her ; and when fhe was the wildernefs.
come to the entering of the horfe gate, by the king's 10 And all the princes and all the people rejoiced,
houfe, they flew her there. and brought in, and call into the cheft, until they had
16 II And Jehoiada made a covenant between him, made an end.
and between the people, and between the king,
all 11 Now it came to pafs, that at what time the cheft

that they fhould be the Lord's people. was brought unto the king's office by the hand of the
17 Then all the people went to the houfe of Baal, Levites, and when they faw that there was much
and brake it down, and brake his altars and his im- money, the king's fcribe, and the high prieft's officer,
dDeut, ages in pieces, and d flew Mattan the prieft of Baal be- came and emptied the cheft, and took it, and carried
13 9-
fore the altars. it to his place again. Thus they did day by day, and
18 Alfo Jehoiada appointed the officers of the houfe gathered money in abundance.
of the Lord by the hand ofthepriefts the Levites, 12 And the king and Jehoiada gave it to fuch as
e 1 Chron.
24 1.
whom David had e diftributed in the houfe of the did the work of the fervice of the houfe of the Lord,
Lord., to offer the burnt offerings of the Lord, as _
and hired mafons and carpenters to repair the houfe
f Numb.
28 2.
it is written in the
law of Mofes, with rejoicing and of the Lord, and alfo fuch as wrought iron and brafs,
t Heb. by with finging, as it was ordained -\ by David. to mend the houfe of the Lord.
the hands of
David. 19 And he fet the B porters at the gates of the 13 So the workmen wrought, and f the work was tHeb./fcr
% Chron. healing
houfe of the Lord, that none which was unclean in perfected by them, and they fet the houfe of God in •went up up-

26 1, &c.
on the work.
any thing, fhould enter in. his ftate, and ftrengthened it.
20 And he took the captains of hundreds, and the 14 And when they had finifhed it, they brought
nobles, and the governors of the people, and all the the reft of the money before the king and Jehoiada,
people of the land, and brought down the king from whereof were made veflels for the houfeof the Lord,
the houfe of the Lord and they came through the
: even veffels to minifter, and to offer withal, and pestils.

high gate into the king's houfe, and fet the king upon fpoons, and veffels of gold and filve.r; and they of-
the throne of the kingdom. fered burnt offerings in the houfe of the Lord con-
21 And all the people of the land rejoiced and the : tinually, all the days of Jehoiada.
city was quiet, after that they had {lain Athaliah with 15 II But Jehoiada waxed old, and was full of days cir. 85c;
the fword. when he died ; an hundred and thirty years old was
CHAP. XXIV. he when he died.
1 Joash reigne lb well all the days of jehoiada : 4 his 16 And they buried him in the city of David
care and orders for the repairs of the temple. 15 among the kings, becaufe he had done good in Ifrael,
Jehoiada'' s death and honourable burial. 17 Joash, both toward God and toward his houfe.
sedu+ed to idolatry, slayeth Zcchariah the son of Je- 17 ^1 Now, after the death of Jehoiada came the cir. 84s,
hoiada. 23 Joash is spoiled by the Syrians, and slain princes of Judah, and made obeifance to the king :

by a conspiracy of his servants. 27 Amaziah suc- then the king hearkened unto them.
.ceedeib hhn. 18 And they left the houfe of the Lord God of
Amaziah beginneth to reign well ,<
G HA P. XXV. he provoketh Joash to his overthrow.
their fathers, ancTferved groves and idols and wrath commanded, faying, The fathers fliall not die for the

came upon Judah and Jerufalem for this their trefpafs. children, neither fhall the children die for the fathers ;

19 Yet he lent prophets to them, to bring them but every man fhall die for his own fin.
again unto the Lord, and they teftified againft them 5 Tf Moreover, Amaziah gathered Judah together,

but they would not give ear. and made them captains over thoufands, and captains iS'iiio?*
20 And the Spirit of God t came upon Zechariah over hundreds, according to the houfes of their
the fon of Jehoiada the prieft, which flood above the fathers, throughout all Judah and Benjamin 1 and he-
people, and faid unto them, Thus faith God, Why numbered them from twenty years old and above, and
trani'grefs ye the commandments of the Lord, that found them three hundred thoufand choice men, able
ye cannot profper ? becaufe ye have forfaken the to go forth to Avar, that could handle fpear and ihield.
Lord, he hath alfo forfaken you. 6 He hired alfo an hundred thoufand mighty men
21 And they confpired againft him, and ftoned of valour out of Ifrael, for an hundred talents of lilver.
him with ftones, at the commandment of the king, 7 But there came a man of God to him, faying,
; O
in the court of the houfe of the Lord. king, let not the army of Ifrael go with thee for the :

22 Thus Joaih the king remembered not the kind- Lord is not with Ifrael, to wit, with all the children
840. nefs which Jehoiada his lather had done to him, but of Ephraim.
flew his fon and, when he died, he faid, The Lord
: 8 But if thou wilt go, do it; be ftrong for the bat-
look upon it and require it. tle ; God fliall make thee fall before the enemy for ;

t Heb. in the
23 If And it came to pafs f at the end of the year, God hath power to help, and to call down.
revolution of that the hoft of Syria came up againft him and they 9 And Amaziah faid to the man of God, But what

the year.
came to Judah and Jerufalem, and deftroyed all the fliall we do for the hundred talents which I have given
princes of the people from among the people, and to the f army of Ifrael ? And the man of God anfwered, + eb -

+ Heb. lent all the fpoil of them unto the king of f Damafcus. The Lord is able to give thee much more than this. ^ /

24 For the army of the Syrians came with a fmall 10 Then Amaziah feparated them, to wit, the army
company of men, and the Lord delivered a very that was come to him out of Ephraim, to go f home H? b. t0 \

great hoft into their hand becaufe they had forfaken again
; wherefore their anger was greatly kindled lheir P1*"-

the Lord God of their fathers fo they executed

: againft Judah, and they returned home f in great anger. t Heb. in
judgment againft Joafh. \\\ And Amaziah ftrengthened himfelf, and led
heat of anger.
cir. 827.

25 And when they were departed from him, (for forth his people, and went to the valley of Salt, and
they left him in great difeafes,) his own fervants con- fmote of the children of Seir ten thoufand.
fpired againft him) for the blood of the fons of Je- 12 And other ten thoufand left alive did the children
hoiada the prieft, and flew him on his bed, and he of Judah carry away captive, and brought them unto
died and they buried him in the city of David, but
the top of the rock, and caft them down from the top
they buried him not in the fepulchres of the kings. of the rock, that they all were broken in pieces.
26 And thcfe are they that confpired againft him, 13 1 But f the foldiers of the army which Amaziah t Heb. the
son of the
J Or, iiZabad the fon of Shimeath, an Ammonitefs, and fent back, that they flioukl not go with him to battle, Kind.

jox ichar,
1 Kings i's ,.
Jr. Jehczabad the fon of Shimrith a Moabitefs.
fell upon the cities of Judah, from Samaria even unto
(Or, Simmer
27 Ii Now, concerning his fons, and the greatnefs of Bethhoron, and fmote three thoufand of them, and
lleb the burdens /^/V/upon him, and the t repairing of the took much fpoil.
IOi, com- houfc of God, behold, they are written in the ftory ||
14 H Now it came to pafs, after that Amaziah was
of the book of the kings and Amaziah his fon reigned
: come from the flaughier of the Edomites, that he
in his ftcad, brought the gods of the children of Seir, and fet them
C HAP. XXV. up to be his gods^ and bowed down himfelf before
1 Amaziah beginneth to reign well ; 3 his justice in them, and burnt incenfe unto them.
punishing the murderers of his father : 5 hearmeth 15 Wherefore, the anger of the Lord was kindled
Judah, and hircth an army of Israelites against againft Amaziah, and he fent unto him a prophet,
the Edomites, for an hundred talents of silver, but which faid unto him, Why haft thou fought after the
at the word of a prophet, he loseth the silver, and gods of the people, which could not deliver their own
dismisscth them : 11 he smitcth the Edomites. 13 people out of thine hand ?
The offended Israelites on their return spoil the cities 16 And it came to pafs, as he talked with him, that
of Judah. 14 Amaziah serveth the gods of Edom, the king faid unto him, Art thou made of the king's
and despiseth the admonitions of a prophet : 17 his counfel ? forbear ;why fhouldeft thou be fmitten ?
challenge to- Joash, which endeth in his overthrow : Then the prophet forbare, and faid, I know that God
25 the remainder of his reign : 27 he is slain by a hath | determined to deftroy thee, becaufe thou haft t II b. a.
ronshiracy. done this, and haft not hearkened unto my counfel. ulltd.

a 1 Kings
was twenty and five years old when 17 If Then c Amaziah king of Judah took advice, c
14 8 ».
14 >'
he began to reign; and he reigned twenty and and fent to Joafh the fon of Jehoahaz, the fon of
nine years in Jerufalem and his mother's name was
: Jehu king of Ifrael, faying, Come, let us fee one
Jchor.dclan of Jerufalem. another in the ficc.
2 And he did that which was right in the fight of 18 And Joafh king of Ifrael fent to Amaziah king of
the Lord, but not with a perfect heart. Jirdah, faying, The ||thiftle that was in Lebanon fent to Ov, firzi
3 If Now it came to pafs, when "the kingdom wag

the cedar that was in Lebanon, faying, Give thy daugh-

\ thorn.
t Heb.
fi-med up.n
t eftablifhedto him, that he flew his fervants that had ter to my Ton to wifeand there paffed by t a wild beaft
: + IK-b.

killed the king his father : that was in Lebanon, and trode down the tluftle. In ffe/rfi
4 But he flew not their chfl fren; but r//V/as it /.? writ- 19 Thou fayeft, Lo, thou haft fmitten the Edomites,
ten in the law in the book of Mofes, where the Lord and thine heart lifteth thee up to boafl : abide now at
home ;
Uzziah made king : invading the priest's II. CHRONICLES, office, he is smitten with leprosy : he dietb.
home fhouideft thou meddle to thine hurt, that
; why country and the plains m
hufbandmen also, and ;

thou fhouideft fall, even thou, and Judah with thee ? vine dreffers in the mountains, and in Carmel for || :

20 But Amaziah would not hear; for it came of God, he loved f hufbandry.
that he might deliver them into the hand of their ene- 11 IT Moreover, Uzziah had an hoft of fighting men,
mies, becaufe they fought after the gods of Edom. that went put to war by bands, according to the num- r"'"" / '

21 So Joafh the king of Ifraei went up and they ; ber of their account, by the hand of Jeiel the fcribe,
faw one another in the face, both he and Amaziah king and Maafeiah the ruler, under the hand of Hananiah,
of Judah, at Bethfhemefh, which belongeth to Judah. one of the king's captains.
t Heb. smit- 22 And Judah was t P ut to l lie worfe before Ifraei, .
12 The whole number of the chief of the fathers
and they fled every man to his tent. of the mighty men of valour, were two thoufand and
And Joafh the king of Ifraei took Amaziah king
23 fix hundred.
of Judah, the fon of Joafh, the fon of Jehoahaz, at 13 And under their hand was f an army, three t Heb. the
poiver of an
Bethfhemefh, and brought him to Jerufalem, and hundred thoufand, and feven thoufand and five hun- army.

brake down the wall of Jerufalem, from the gate of dred, that made war with mighty power, to help the
t Heb. the
Ephraim to t die corner gate, four hundred cubits. king againft the enemy.
Zateofit tha ,
hoketh, 24 And he took all the gold and the filver, and all 14 And Uzziah prepared for them, throughout all
the veffels that were found in the houfe of God with the hoft, fhields, and fpears, and helmets, and haber-
Obededom, and the treafures of the king's houfe, the geons, and bows, and f flings to cast ftones. + Heb. stones
of slings.
hoftages alfo, to Samaria.
and returned 15 And he made in Jerufalem engines, invented by
25 If And Amaziah, the fon of Joafh, king of Judah, cunning men, to be on the towers, and upon the bul-
lived after the death of Joafh, fon of Jehoahaz king of warks, to fhoot arrows and great ftones withal and :

Ifraei, fifteen years. his name t fpread far abroad for he was marvelloufly ;
t Heb. tucnt
26 Now
the reft of the acls of Amaziah, firft and helped till he was ftrong.
laft, behold, are they not written in the book of the 16 II But when he was ftrong, his heart was lifted up cir. 7(15

kings of Judah and Ifraei ? to his deftruclion for he tranfgreffed againft the

27 f Now after the time that Amaziah did turn away

cir. 8.0. Lord his God, and went into the temple of the Lord,
?' from
t from following the Lord, they f made a confpiracy to burn incenfe upon the altar of incenfe.
t Heb. cm- againft him in Jerufalem and he fled to Lachifh but ; : 17 And Azariah the prieft went in after him, and
spired a an
spiracy. they fent to Lachifh after him, and flew him there.
with him fourfcore priefts of the Lord, that were
U the
city «f Davit,
28 And they brought him upon horfes, and buried valiant men ;

it is,
Kings 1420. him with his fathers in the city of ||
Judah. 18 And they withftood Uzziah the king, and faid
unto him, It b appertained not unto thee, Uzziah, td bNun*
CHAP. XXVI. 187.
burn incenfe unto the Lord, but to the c priefts the c Exod. 30 7;
1 Uzziah succcecleth Amaziah, and, reigning well in fons of Aaron, that are confecrated to burn incenfe :

the days of Zecbariah the seer, prospereth : 9 his go out of the fane/luary, for thou haft trefpaffed neither ;

buildings : 1 1 his host, and engines of war : 16 shall it be for thine honour from the Lord God.
waxing proud, he invadeth the priest'''s office, and is 19 Then Uzziah was wroth, and bad a cenfer in his
smitten with leprosy : 22 he dietb : Jotham suc- hand to burn incenfe ; and, Avhile he was wroth with
ceeded him. the priefts, the leprofy even rofe up in his forehead
a 2 Kings 14
21, & 1 j 1.
who was
the people of Judah took
all H Uzziah,

fixteen years old, and made him king

before the priefts in the houfe of the Lord, from
befide the incenfe altar.
in the room of his father Amaziah. 20 And Azariah the chief prieft, and all the priefts,


2 He built Eloth, and reftored it to Judah, after looked upon him, and, behold, he was leprous in his
that the king flept with his fathers. forehead, and they thruft him out from thence ; yea,
3 Sixteen years old was Uzziah when he_ began to himfelf d. hailed alfo to go out, becaufe the Lord had iEsther
Kith! ' 6 u.
r . .

reign ; and he reigned fifty and two years in Jerufa- f mitten him.
lem his mother's name alfo w^Jecoliah of Jerufalem.
: 21 e And Uzziah the king was a leper unto the day */5 "

4 And he did that ivhich was right in the fight of the of his death, and dwelt in a f f feveral houfe, being f1346.
Lord, according to all that his father Amaziah did. a leper for he was cut off from the houfe of the t Heb./r«.

And he fought God in the days of Zechariah, who

5 Lord and Jotham his fon was over the king's houfe,

tHeb. t in the vifions of God and as long

'™/Go*'as he fought the Lord,
the had underftanding

God made him to profper.^

judging the people of. the land.
22 Tl Now the reft of the acls of Uzziah, firft and
6 And he went forth and warred againft the Philif- laft, did Ifaiah the prophet, the fon of Amoz, write.
tines,and brake down the wall of Gath, and the Avail 23 So Uzziah flept with his fathers, and they buried
of Jabneh, and the wall of Afhdod, and built cities him with his fathers in the field of the burial which
Or, in the ||
about Afhdod, and among the Philiftines. belonged to the kings for they faid, He is a leper ; :
country of
Ashdod. 7 And God helped him againft the Philiftines, and and Jotham his fon reigned in his ftead.
cir. 800.
againft the Arabians that dwelt in Gurbaal, and the
8 And the Ammonites gave gifts to Uzziah and :_
1 Jotham reigning well, prospereth : 5 he siibdueth
name the Ammonites : 7 his reign and death. 9 Abaz
t Heb, his f fpread abroad even to the entering in of
Egypt for he ftrengthened himself exceedingly.
succeedeth him.
9 f Moreover, Uzziah built towers in Jerufalem, JOTHAM a
was twenty and five years old when he 758-
a 2 Kings
at the corner gate, and at the valley gate, and at the began to reign and he reigneel fixteen years in
; u
or, turning of the wall, and fortified them. || Jerufalem his mother's name alfo was Jerufhah, the

or"tt out 10 Alfo he built towers in the defert, and digged || daughter of Zadok.
many dstems.
many wefl s for he had much cattle, both in the low
2 And he did that which was right in the fight of
_ •

The Israelites send home the captives ofjudah. CHAP, XXVIII. The idolatry i and death of Aha%.
the Loud, according to all that his father Uzziah did : of Judah and Jerufalem for bondmen and bondwomen C hr°ist
howbeit, he entered not into the temple of the Lord. unto you but are there not with you, even with you,
And the people did yet corruptly. fins againft the Lord your God ?

3 II He built the high gate of the houfe of the Lord, 11 Now

hear me, therefore, and eleliver the cap-
1!Or, the
and on the wall of Ophel he built much.
tives again, which ye have taken captive of your breth-
4 Moreover, he built cities in the mountains of Ju- ren for the fierce wrath of the Lord is upon you.

dah and in the foreft he built Caftles and towers.

12 Then certain of the heads of the children of
5 If He fought alio with the king of the Ammonites, Ephraim, Azariah the fon of Johanan, Berechiah the
and prevailed againft them-. And the children of Am- fon of Meihiliemoth, and Jehizkiah the fon of Shal-
nion gave him the fame year an hundred talents of fil- lum, and Amafa the fon of Hadlai, flood up againft
ver, and ten thoufand meafures of wheat, and ten thou- them that came from die war.
tHeb.r/nj. fand of barley, f So much did the children of Am- 13 And faid unto them, Ye fhail not bring in the
nion pay unto him, both the fecond j'car and the third. captives hither for whereas we have offended againft

t Or, estab-
6 So Jotham became mighty, becaufe he prepared the Lord already, ye intend to add more to our fins
lished. ||

his ways before the Lord his God. and to our trefpafs for our trefpafs is great, and there

7 If Now the reft of the a£ts of Jotham, and all his is fierce wrath againft Ifrael.
wars, and his ways, lo they are written in the book of 14 So the armed men left the captives and the fpoil
the kings of Ifrael and Judah. before the princes and all the congregation.
8 He was five and twenty years old when he began 15 And the men which were expreffed by name
to reigu and reigned fixteen years in Jerufalem.
; rofe up, and took the captives, and with the fpoil
9 If And Jotham flept with his fathers and they ;
clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed
buried him in the city of David and Ahaz his fon : them, and fhod them, and gave them to eat and to
reigued in his ftead. drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of
CHAP. XXVIII. them upon affes, and brought them to Jericho, c the cDe «' 343-
1 Ahaz, feigning vert/ wickedly\is smitten by the city of palm trees, to their brethren then they re- :

kings of Syria and Israel. 8 The Israelites send turned to Samaria.

home the captives of Jndah by the counsel of Oded 16 If At that time did king Ahaz fend unto the 74'

the prophet. 16 Ahaz sending for aid to Assyria, kings of Affyria to help him.
isnot helped thereby ; 22 in his distress he becometh 17 For again the Edomites had come and fmitten
stitt more &Y.
idolatrous, Judah, and carried away f captives. t Heb. a.

a 2 Kings
74 1.

2. A

twenty years old when he began to
iv as
and he reigned fixteen years in Jerufa-
but he did not that which was right in the fight
18 The Philiftines alfo had invaded the cities of the
low country, and of the fouth of Judah, and had taken
Bethfhemefh, and Ajalon, andGederoth, and Shocho

of the Lord, like David his father. with the villages thereof, and Timnah with the villages
2 For he walked in the ways of the kings of Ifrael, thereof, Gimzo alfo, and the villages thereof and they :

and made alfo molten images for Baalim. dwelt there.

I or, nferei 3 Moreover, he burnt incenfe in the valley of the
|| 19 For the Lord brought Judah low, becaufe of
bLe'v.Ts ii, fon of Hinnom, and burnt his children in the fire, Ahaz king of Ifrael for he made Judah naked, and

after theabominations of the heathen, whom the Lord tranfgreffed fore againft the Lord.
had caft out before the children of Ifrael. 20 And Tilgathpilnefer king of Affyria came unto 740.

4 He facrificed alfo, and burnt incenfe in the high him, and diftreffed him, but ftrengthened him not.
places, and on the hills, and under every green tree. 21 For Ahaz took away a portion out of the houfe
V+i. 5 Wherefore the Lord his God delivered him into of the Lord, and out of the houfe of the king, and of
the hand of the king of Syria and they fmote him,; the princes, and gave it unto the king of Affyria but :

and carried away a great multitude of them captives, he helped him not.
tHeb. Dar- and brought them to t Damafcus and he was alio de- ; 22 ^T And in the time of his diftrefs did he trefpafs
livered into the hand of the king of Ifrael, who fmote yetmore againft the Lord this is that king Ahaz.

him witli a great flaughter. 23 For he facrificed unto the gods of f Damafcus +j£*- Daf

6 For Pekah the fon of Remaliah flew in Judah an which fmote him and he faid, Becaufe the gods of

hundred aud twenty thoufand in one day, which were the kings of Syria help them, therefore will I facrifice
- h. .. ii o/all f valiant men becaufe they had forfaken the Lord
; to them that they may help me : but they were the
God of their fathers. ruin of him, and of all Ifrael.
7 And Zichri, a mighty man of Ephraim, flew 24 And Ahaz gathered together the veffels of the
Maafeiah the king's fqn, and Azrikam the governor houfe of God, and cut in peices the veffels of the houfe
With, the of the houfe, and Elkanah that was t next to the king. of God, and fhut up the doors of the houfe of the Lord,
• - .' tothe
kinz- 8 If x\nd the children of Ifrael carried away captive and lie made him altars in every corner of Jerufalem.
of their brethren two hundred thoufand, women, fons, 25 And in every feveral city of Judah he made high
and daughters, and took alfo away much fpoil from places to burn incenfe unto other gods, and provok-

Or, to of-

them, and brought the fpoil to Samaria. ed to anger the Lord God of his fathers.
9 But a prophet of the Lord was there, whofe name 26 If Now
the reft of his a£ts, and of all his ways,
was Oded and he went out before the holt that came
; firft and laft, behold, they are written, in the book of
to Samaria, and faid unto them, Behold, becaufe the the kings of Judah and Ifrael.
Lord God of your fathers was wroth with Judah, he >
27 And Ahaz flept with his fathers, and they bu-
hath delivered them into your hand, and ye have flain ried him in the city, even in Jerufalem but they ;

them in a rage that reacheth up unto heaven. brought him not into the fepulchrcs of the kings of
10 And now ye propofe to keep under the children Ifrael and Hczckiah his fon reigned in his ftead.

2$ CHAP,
: .

The Levites sanctified. II. CHRONICLES. Hezekiah'' s solemn sacrifice.

CHAP. XXIX. fied thehoufe of the Lord in eight days and in the
fixteenth day of the firft month, they made an end.

Hezekiah's good reign : 3 he restoreth religion, and 18 Then they went in to Hezekiah the king, and
Lxhorteth the Levites to cleanse the house of God .-12 faid, We have cleanfedall the houfe of the Lord, and
they sanctify themselves, and cleanse the house. 20 the altar of burnt offering, with all the veffels thereof,
Hezeltiah offereth solemn sacrifices, •wherein the Le- and the fliew bread table, with all the veffels thereof.
vites shew a more forward zeal than the priests.
19 Moreover, all the veffels, which king Ahaz in
3 J
began to reign when he was five

his reign did eaft away in his tranfgreifion, have we

io I. and twenty years old and he reigned nine and
; prepared and fanclified, and, behold, they are before
twenty years in Jerusalem and his mother's name
: the altar of the Lord.
was Abijah, tbe (laughter of Zechariah. 20 If Then Hezekiah
the kingrofe early, and gath-
2 And he did that which was right in the fight of the ered the rulers of the city, and went up to the houfe
Lord, according to all that David his father had done. of the Lord.
3 If He, in the firft year of his reign, in the firft 21 And they brought feven bullocks, and feven
month, opened the doors of the houfe of the Lord, rams, and feven lambs, and feven he goats,, for a
and repaired them. kingdom, and for the fancluary,
fin offering for the c Levit<
4 14.
4 And he brought in the priefts and the Levites, and Judah and he commanded the priefts, the
for :

and gathered them together into the eaft ftreet. fons of Aaron, to offer them on the altar of the Lord.
5 And faid unto them, Hear me, ye Levites fanc- ; 22 So they killed the bullocks, and the priefts
tify now yourfelves, and fanctify the houfe of the Lord received the blood, and d fprinkled zVon the altar like- ;
" 1-5-

God of your fathers, and carry forth the fiithinefs out wife, when they had killed the rams they fprinkled HebT^i;

of the holy j5/tfc<?. the blood upon the altar they killed alio the Iambs,

6 For our fathers have trefpaffed, anddone that which and they fprinkled the blood upon the altar.
was evil in the eyes of the Lord our God, and have 23 And they brought \ forth the he goats for the t Heb..»«ari

forfaken him, and have turned away their faces from fin offering before the king and the congregation and ;
e Levit.
the habitation of the Lord, and f turned their backs. they laid their e hands upon them. 4 H-
the neck.
Heb. given 7 Alfo they have fhut up the doors of the porch, 24 And the priefts killed them, and they made rec-
and put out the lamps, and have not burnt incenfe, onciliation with their blood upon the altar, to make
nor offered burnt offerings in the holy place, unto the an atonement for all Ifrael for the king commanded

God of Ifrael. that the burnt offering and the fin offering should be
8 Wherefore the wrath of the Lord was upon Ju- made for all Lsrael.
dah and Jerufalem, and he hath delivered them to 25 f
he fet the Levites in the houfe of the Lo r d f6 4,Chron.
& 2 j S.

t Heb. com-
t trouble, to aftonifhment, and to hiffing, as ye fee with cymbals, with pfalteries, and with harps, accord-
moti ui •
with your eyes. ing to the commandment of David, and of Gad the
9 For, lo, our fathers have fallen by the fword and ; king's feer, and Nathan the prophet for so was the

our fons, and our daughters, and our wives, are in commandment f of the Lord f by his prophets. • ttheHeb. hand of

captivity for this. 26 And the Levites flood with the inftruments of
10 Now it is in mine heart to make a covenant David, and the priefts with the trumpets. thcldnlof.

with the Lord God of Ifrael, that his fierce wrath 'ill And Hezekiah commanded to offer the burnt
tHeb. in
may turn away from us offering upon the altar and t when the burnt offering the lime

Or, be not
7ioiu deceiv~
11 My fons, be not now negligent for the Lord
|| : began, the fong of the Lord began also with the tofHeb. bands

cd- hath b chofen you to ftand before him, toferve him, and trumpets, and with the t inftruments ordained by Da- ments.
bNum. 8
& 18 2 6.
that ye fhould miniiler unto him, and burn incenfe. || vid king of Ifrael.
off. r sac
12 If Then the Levites arofe, Mahath the fon of 28 And all the congregation worfhipped, and the
Amafai, and Joel the fon of Azariah, of the fons of f fingers fang, and the trumpeters founded and all t Heb. song.

the Kohathites and of the fons of Merari Kifh the

: : this continued until the burnt offering was finifhed.
fon of Abdi, and Azariah the fon of Jehalelel and : 29 And when they had made an end of offering,
of the Gerfhonites Joah the fon of Zimmah, and Eden
; the king and all that were f prefent with him, bowed found.
the fon of Joah : themfelves, and worfhipped.
13 And of the fons of Elizaphan Shimri, and Jeiel ; 30 Moreover, Hezekiah the king, and the princes,
and of the fons of Afaph Zechariah, and Mattaniah
; : commanded the Levites to fing praife unto the Lord
14 And of the fons of Heman Jehiel, and Shimei ; with the words of David, and of Afaph the feer and :

and of the fons of Jeduthun Shemaiah, and Uzziel. ; they fang praifes with gladnefs, and they bowed their
15 And they gathered their brethren, and fancli- heads and worfhipped.
fied themfelves, and came, according to the com- 31 Then Hezekiah anfwered and faid, Now ye
H Or, in the mandment of the king, by the words of the Lord,
|| have confecrated yourfelves unto the Lord, come \whllt

b .pinessuf
litsLORD. to cleanfe the houfe of the Lord, near, and bring facrifices and thank offerings into the
16 And the priefts went into the inner part of the houfe of the Lord. And the congregation brought
houfe of the Lord, to cleanfe it, and brought out all in facrifices and thank offerings and, as many as were

the uncleannefs that they found in the temple of the of a free heart, burnt offerings.
Lor d into the court of the houfe of the Lord. And 32 And the number of the burnt offerings, which
the Levites took it to carry it out abroad into the the congregation brought, was threefcore and ten
brook Kidron. bullocks, an hundred tarns, and two hundred lambs ;
17 Now they began on the firft day of the firft all thefe Were for a burnt offering to th# Lord.
month to fanclify, and on the eighth day of the month 33 And the confecrated things were fix hundred
came they to the porch of the Lord fo they fancli- : oxen, and three thoufand fheep.
o 34 But

'The passover proclaimed CHAP XXX. is kept fourteen days.

34 But the priefts were too few, fo that they could 12 Alfo in Judah the hand of God was to give them
not flay all the burnt offerings : wherefore their breth- one heart to do the commandment of the king and of
t >leb. ren the Levites f did help them, till the work was the princes, by the word of the Lord.
ed them. ended, and until the other priefts had fan6tified them- 13 TI And there affembled at Jerufalem much people
felves for the Levites were more upright in heart to
to keep the feaft of unleavened bread in the fecond
fanfitify themfelves than the priefts. month, a very great congregation.
35 And alfo the burnt offerings were in abundance, 14 And they aroie, and took away the c altars that c Chap,
28 24.
with the fat of the peace offerings, and the drink of- were in Jerufalem, -and all the altars for incenfe took
ferings for every burnt offering. So the fervice of the they away, and caft them into the brook Kidron.
houfe of the Lord was fet in order. 15 Then they killed the paffover on the fourteenth
36 And Hezekiah rejoiced, and all the people, that day of the fecond month and the priefts and the Levites

God had prepared the people for the thing was done
were afhamed, and fanttified themfelves, and brought
fuddenly. in theburnt offerings into the houfe of the Lord.
CHAP. XXX. 16 And they flood in f their place, after their man- tHeb. their
ner, according to the law of Mofes the man of God :

I Hezekiah proclaimeth a solemn passover on the sec- the priefts fprinkledthe blood, which they received of
ond month for Judab and Israel. 13 The assembly, the hand of the Levites :

having destroyed the altars of idolatry keep thefeast ,

17 For there were many in the congregation that
fourteen days. were not fanclifred therefore the Levites had the

A ] fent to all Ifrael and Judah, and
wrote letters alfo to Ephraim and Manaffeh, that
they fhould come to the houfe of the Lord at Jerufa-
charge of the killing of the paffovers for every one
that was not clean, to fan6tify them unto the Lord.
18 For a multitude of the people, even many of
lem, to keep the paffover unto the Lord God of Ifrael. Ephraim, and Manaffeh, Iffachar, and Zebulun, had
2 For the king had taken counfel, and his princes not cleanfed themfelves, yet did they eat the paffover
and all the congregation in Jerufalem, to keep the paff- otherwife than it was written but Hezekiah prayed

10 n.
over in the a fecond month, for them, faying, The good Lord pardon every one \
3 For they could not keep it at that time, becaufe 19 That prepareth his heart to feek God, the Lord
the priefts had not fanctified themfelves fufficiently, God of his fathers, though he be not cleansed accord-
neither had the people gathered themfelves together ing to the purification of the fancluary.
to Jerufalem. 20 And the Lord hearkened to Hezekiah, and
+ Heb. «i 4 And the thing
I pleafed the king and all the con- healed the people.
right in the
eyfs oj the
gregation. 21 And the children of Ifrael, that were f prefent t Heb. frnni,
5 So they eftablifhed a decree to make proclamation at Jerufalem, kept the feaft of unleavened bread feven
throughout ail Ifrael, from Beerfheba even to Dan, days with great gladnefs and the Levites and the

that they fhould come

keep the paffover unto the
to priefts praifed the Lord day by day, singing with
Lord God of Ifrael at Jerufalem for they had not :
t loud inftruments unto the Lord. tHeb.
done it of a long time in such sort as it was written. 22 And Hezekiah fpake f comfortably unto all the of strength.
r Heb. from 6 So the polls went with the letters f from the king Levites, that taught the good knowledge of the Lord : to the heart
She hand of. &c.
and his princes throughout all Ifrael and Judah, and and they did eat throughout the feaft feven days, offer- of all,

according to the commandment of the king, faying, ing peace offerings, and making confeffion to the Lord
Ye children of Ifrael, turn again unto the Lord God God of their fathers.
of Abraham, Ifaac, and Ifrael, and he will return to the 23 And the whole affembly took counfel to keep other
remnant of you that are efcaped out of the hand of the feven days and they kept otherfeven days with gladnefs.

kings of Affyria. 24 For Hezekiah king of Judah f did give to the t Heb.
7 And be not ye like your fathers, and like your congregation a-thoufand bullocks, and feven thoufand lifted up,
or, offered.

brethren, which trefpalfed againft the Lord God of Iheep and the princes gave to the congregation a

their fathers, who, therefore, gave them up to defla- thoufand bullocks, and ten thoufand iheep and a :

tion, as ye lee. great number of priefts fanclified themfelves.

Vi^u rZ'!k'i
f l

. 8 Now, fbe yc not ftiff necked, as your fathers 25 And all the congregation of Judah, with the priefts
were, but t yield yourfelves unto the Lord, and enter and the Levites, and all the congregation that came out
into his fancluary, which he hath fanned for ever of Ifrael, and the ftrangers that came out of the land

and Terve the Lord your God, that the fiercenefs of of Ifrael, and that dwelt in Judah, rejoiced.
his wrath may turn away from you. 26 So there was great joy in Jerufalem for fince ;

9 For if ye turn again unto the Lord, your breth the time of Solomon, the fon of David king of Ifrael,
ren, and your children, shall find eompaflion before there ivas not the like in Jerufalem.
them that lead them captive, lb that they fhall come 27 HThenthe priefts theLevites arofe and bleffed the
«zxod.34<=- again into his land for the Lord your God is * grac-
: people; and their voice was heard, and their prayer t Heb. the
ious and merciful, and will not turn away his face came up to f his holv dwelling place, even unto heaven. habitation «f

from you, if ye return unto him. CHAP. XXXI.

his holiness.

10 So the pofts pailed from city to city, through 1 The peopled zeal in destroying idolatry in the cities
the country of Ephraim and Manaffeh, even unto Zeb- of Judah. 2 Hezekiah ordereth the courses of the
ulun : but diey laughed them to fcorn, and mockec priests and Levites, and maketh provision for the
them. sacrifices, and their maintenance. 5 The people's
11 Neverthelefs, divers of Afher, and ManafTeh, forwardness in offerings and tithes. 1 1 Hezekiah
and of Zebulun, humbled themfelves, and came to appointcth officers to dispose of those offerings. 20
Jerufalem. Hczekialfs sincerity of heart.
Hezekiah ordereth the courses of the priests. II. CHRONICLES. He fortijieth Jerusalem.
OW, when all this was finifhed, all Ifrael that to the houfe of the Lord, his daily portion for their
were f prefent, went out to the cities of Judah, fervice in their charges, according to their courfes ;
t Heb. found. brake the f images in pieces, and- cat down the
and 17 Both to the genealogy of the priefts by the houfe
n 2 Kings
184. groves, and threw down the high places and the altars of their fathers, and the Levites, from twenty years
nieb statues
out of all Judah and Benjamin, in Ephraim alfo and
old and upward, in their charges by their courfes ;
l^T/^Manaffeh, t until they had utterly deftroyed them all. 18 And to the genealogy of all their little ones,
Then all the children of Ifrael returned, every man to their wives, and their fons, and their daughters,
his poffefnon into their own cities. through all the congregation for in their fet office :
|| IJ Or, trmlj
2 H And Hezekiah
appointed the courfes of the they fanclified themfelves in holinefs :
priefts, and the Levitcs after their courfes, every man 19 Alfo of the fons of Aaron the priefts, which were
. according to his fervice, the priefts and Levites for in the fields of the fuburbs of their cities, in every feve-
burnt offerings, and for peace offerings, to minifter, ral city, the men that were expreffed by name, to give
and to give thanks, and to praife in the gates of the portions toall the males among the priefts, and to all
tents of the Lord. thatwere reckoned by genealogies among the Levites.
3 He appointed alfo the king's portion of his fub- 20 IT And thus did Hezekiah throughout all Judah,
ftance for the burnt offerings, to wit, for the morning and wrought that which was good, and right, and
and evening burnt offerings, and the burnt offerings truth, before the Lord his God.

for the fabbaths, and for the new moons, and for the 21 And
in every work that he began in the fervice
a8, &. 29 fet feafts, as it is written in the Maw
of the Lord. of the houfe of God, and in the law, and in the com-
4 Moreover, he commanded the people that dwelt mandments, to feek his God, he did it with all his
in Jerufalem to give the portion of the priefts and the heart, and prospered.
Levites, that they might be encouraged in the law of
the Lord.
1 Sennacherib invading Judah, Hezekiah fortijieth
t Heb. 5 IF And as foon as the commandment f came
brake forth, Jerusalem, andencourageth his people. 9 Sennache-
abroad, the children of Ifrael brought in abundance
rib'-'s blasphemous message and letters. 20 Hezekiah
(1 Or, dates. the firft fruits of corn, wine, and oil, and honey, and ||

of all the increafe of the field ; and the tithe of ail

and Isaiah cry to heaven : an angel destroy eth the
Assyrian army, and their king is slain by their own
things brought they in abundantly.
sons. 24 Hezekiah praying in his sickness, is mirac-
6 And concerning the children of Ifrael and Judah,
ulously recovered : but %vaxing proud, is humbled by
that dwelt in the cities of Judah, they alfo brought in
God: 27 and works: 31 his error in rela-
his riches
c Lev. 27 30. the tithe of oxen and fheep, and the c tithe of holy
Deut. 14 28. Babylonish ambassadors : 32 he dieth ;
tion to the
things, which were confecrated unto the Lord their
tHeb. Manasseh succcedeth him.
God, and laid them t by heaps.
heaps heap;
7 In the third month they began to lay the foundation FTER a
thefe things, and the eftablifhment there- 713-
a 2 Kings

of the heaps, and finifhed them in the feventh month. Sennacherib king of Affyriacame, and en-
of, 18 13, &c.
Is?.. 36 1, Sec.

8 And when Hezekiah and the princes came and law tered into Judah, and encamped againft the fenced
the heaps, they bleffed the Lord, and his people Ifrael. cities, and thought f to win them for himfelf. t He6. to
break them
9 Then Hezekiah queftioned with the priefts and 2 And when Hezekiah faw that Sennacherib was up.

the Levites concerning the heaps. come, and that f he was purpofed to fight againft Je- t Heb. his
face was to
10 And Azariah the chief prieft, of the houfe of rufalem,
Zadok, anfwered him, and faid, Since the people began 3 He took
cou'nfel with his princes and his mighty
to bring the offerings into the houfe of the Lord, we men, to ftop the waters of the fountains which were
have had enough to eat, and have left plenty for the : without the city, and they did help him.
Lord hath bleffed his people, and that which is left is 4 So there was gathered much people together,
this great ftore. who flopped all the fountains, and the brook that f ran
through the midft of the land, faying, fhould the Why ^fu r ,

ilorehouses 11 Then Hezekiah commanded to prepare cham-

Tf ||

bers in the houfe of the Lord; and they prepared them, kings of Affyria come and find much water ?
12 And brbught in the offerings, and the tithes, and 5 Alfo he'ftrengthened himfelf, and built up all the
the dedicated things, faithfully over which Cononiah
: wall that was broken, and raifed it up to the towers, and
the Levite was ruler, and Shimei his brother was the another wall without, and repaired Millo in the city of
Or, s-wordi
next. David, and made darts and fhields in abundance.

or, "weapons.

13 And Jehiel, and Azaziah, and Nahath, and Afa- 6 And he fet captains of war over the people, and
hel,and Jerimoth, and Jozabad, and Eliel, and Ifma- gathered them together to him in the ftreet of the gate
of the city, and f fpake comfortably to them, faying,
t Heb. spake
chiah, and Mahath, and Benaiah, were overfeers, to their
V Heb. at
•he lu.n.i.
t under the hand of Cononiah, and Shimei his brother, 7 Be ftrongand courageous, be not afraid nordifmay- heart.

at the commandment of Hezekiah the king, and Aza- ed for the king of Affyria, nor for all the multitude that
riah the ruler of the houfe of God. is with him : for there be more with us than with him.
14 And Kore the fon of Imnah the Levite, the por- 8 With him is an arm of flefh but with us is the
; b ier. I7 >
ter toward the eaft, was over the freewill offerings of Lord our God
to help us, and to fight our battles.
God, to diftribute the oblations of the Lord, and the And the people f refted themfelves upon the words of t
moil holy things. Hezekiah king of Judah.
t Heb. at
15 And t next him were Eden, and Miniamin, and 9 c
After this did Sennacherib king of Affyria fend ££&

his hand. If c 2
,8 7-
his fervants to Jerufalem, (but he himself laid siege
Or, trust.
Jefhua, and Shemaiah, Amariah, and Shechaniah, in the
cities of the priefts, in their fet office, to give to their
|| againft Lachifh, and all his t power with him,) unto
brethren by courfes, as well to the great as to the fmall. Hezekiah king of Judah, and unto all Judah that were
16 Befide their genealogy of males, from three years at Jerufalem, faying, _

old and upward even unto every one that enliereth in-
10 Thus faith Sennacherib king of Affyria, Where-
Hezekiah is humbled by God. CHAP. XXXIII. Manas set? s wicked reign, and idolatry.
on do ye truft, that ye abide in thefiege in Jerufalem ?
|| 27 II And Hezekiah had exceeding much riches and
11 Doth not Hezekiah perfuade ycu to give over honour and he made himfelf treafuiies for filver, and

yourfelves to die by famine and by thirft, faying, The for gold, and for precious ttones, and for fpices, and
Lord our God fhall deliver us out of the hand of for fhields, and for all manner of f pleafant jewels

the king of Alfyria ? 28 Storehoufes alfo for the increafe of corn, and
12 Hath not the fame Hezekiah taken away his
wine, and oil ; and flails for all manner of beafts, and
high places and his altars, and commanded Judah cotes for flocks.
and Jerufalem r faying, Ye fhall worfhip before one 29 Moreover, he provided him cities, and poffef-
altar,and burn incenfe upon it ? fions of flocks and herds in abundance ; for God had
13 Know ye not what I and my fathers have done given him fubftance very much.
unto all the people of other lands ? were the gods of 30 This fame Hezekiah alfo flopped the upper
the nations of thofe lands any ways able to deliver water courfe of Gihon, and brought itftraight down
their lands out of mine hand ? to the weft fide of the city of David. And Hezekiah
14 Who was there among all the gods of thofe profpered in all his works.
nations that my fathers utterly deftroyed, that could 31 Howbeit, in the business o/the f ambaffadors of
1[ t'Heb.iW*

deliver his people out of mine hand, that your God the princes of Babylon, who f lent unto him to inquire terpreters.
f 2 Kings
fhould be able to deliver you out of mine hand ? of the wonder that was done in the land, God left him to 20 12.
15 Now, therefore, let not Hezekiah deceive, you, try him, that he mightknow all that was in his heart.
nor perfuade you on this manner, neither yet believe m
32 IF Now,
the reft of the a£ts of Hezekiah, and
him for no god of any nation or kingdom was able
: his tgoodnefs, behold, they are written in the vifion tHeb.
to deliver his people out of mine hand, and out of the of Ifaiah the prophet, the fon of Amoz, and'in the kindnesse

hand of my fathers ; how much lefs fhall your God book of the kings of Judah and Ifrael.
deliver you out of mine hand I 33 And Hezekiah flept with his fathers,, and they
16 And his fervants fpake yet more againft the buried him. in the chiefeft of the fepulchres of the
Lord God, and againft his fervant Hezekiah. fons of David and all Judah and the inhabitants of

17 He wrote alfo letters to rail on the Lord God Jerufalem did him honour at his death and Ma- :

of Ifrael, and to fpeak againft him, faying, As the naffeh his fon reigned in his Head..
gods of the natrons of other lands have not delivered CHAP.
their people out of mine hand, fo Ihall not the God 1 Manas self s wicked reign and great idola try. 10 Re-
of Hezekiah deliver his people out of mine hand. jecting God's admonitions, he is carried cap the into-
18 Then they cried with a loud voice, in the Jews' Babylon* where he humblcth himself before God, and
fpeech, unto the people of Jerufalem that were on the is delivered: 14 his works; heputteth down idolatry :
wall, to affright them, and to trouble them, that they 18 his acts : 20 he dieth ; Amon succeedeth him. 21
might take the city. Anion reign'mg wickedly is slain by his servants ;

19 And they fpake of Jerufalem as

againft the God 25 the people slay the murderers, and make Josiab
againft the gods of the people of the earth, which king.
were the work of the hands of man.
20 11 And for this cause Hezekiah the king, and the
MANASSEH *was twelve years old when he be- a2i2 i,&c.

gan to reign ; and he reigned fifty and five years

prophet Ifaiah the fon of Amoz, prayed and cried to in Jerufalem :

heaven. 2 But did thatwhichwas evil in the fight of the Lord,.

4.? Kings 21 f And the Lord fent an angel, which cutoff all like unto the b abominations of the heathen, whom the b Deut,
»9 35- 189.
the mighty men of valour, and the leaders and cap- Lord had call out before the children of Ifrael.-
tains,, in the camp of the king of Alfyria fo he re- : 3 For f he built again the high places, which Hez- + Heb. he
turned with fhame of face to his own land. And, ekiah his father had c broken down, and he reared up returned
and built.
when he was come into the houfe of his god, they altars for Baalim, and made groves, and worfhipped c 1 Kings
tHeb. that came forth of his own bowels f flew him there all the hoft of heaven, and ferved them.
made Kim
with the fvvord. 4 Alfo he built altars in the houfe of the Lord,
22 Thus the Lord faved Hezekiah, and the inhab- whereof the Lord hadfaid, d In Jerufalem fhall my f^f*-
itants of Jerufalem, from the hand of Sennacherib name be for ever.

the king of Affyria, and from the hand of all other, 5 And he built altars for all the hoft of heaven in cu.?P .
6, &7 16-
and guided them on every fide. the two courts of the houfe of the Lord.

23 And many brought gifts unto the Lord to Je- 6 And he earned his children to pais through the
tHeb. rulaiem, and f prefents to Hezekiah king of Judah : fire in the valley of the fon of Hinnom alfo he ob- :

fo that he was magnified in the fight of all nations ferved times, and ufed enchantments, and ufed witch-
from thenceforth. craft, and dealt with a familiar fpirit, and with wiz-
t 2 Kings 24 II 'In thofe days Hezekiah wasfick to the death, ards : he wrought much evil in the fight of the Lord,
20 I.

jSJ. 38 I.
and prayed, unto the Lord and he fpake unto him,
: to provoke him to anger.
and he gave him a fign.
7 And he fet a carved image (the idol which he had
wrought. 25 But Hezekiah rendered not again, according to made) in the houfe of God, of which God had faid
m miracle the benefit done unto him for his heart was lifted up
; : to David, and to Solomon his fon, In e this houfe, e Psalm
for him. 13214.
therefore there was wrath upon him, and upon Judah and in Jerufalem, which I have chofen before all the
and Jerufalem. tribes of Ifrael, will I put my name for ever :

f 2 Sam.
26 Notwithftanding, Hezekiah humbled himfelf for 8 f Neither will I any more remove the foot of If- 7 10.

t Heb. the f the pride of his heart, (both he and the inhabitants rael from out of the land which I have appointed for
lifting up.
of Jerufalem,) fo that the wrath of the Lord came not your fathers fo that they will take heed to do all

upon them in the days of Hezekiah. that I have commanded them, according to the whole

Anion reigneth wickedly. II. CHRONICLES. The book of the law found,
law, and the ftatules, and the ordinances, by the structionof Jerusalem, but not in Josialfs days. 29
handofMofes. Josiah caaseth the booh to be read in a solemn assem-
9 So ManaiTch made Judah and the inhabitants of bly, &c.
Jerufalem to err, and to do worfe than the heathen, JOSIAH a
u'^eightyearsoldwhenhe beganto reign;
whom the Lord had deftroyed before the children and he reigned in Jerufalem one and thirty years.
of Ifrael. 2 And he did that which -was right in the light of the
10 II And the Lord fpake to Manaffeh, and to his Lord, and walked in the ways of David his father,
people but they would not hearken.
and declined neither to the right hand nor to the left.
11 Wherefore the Lord brought upon them the 3 H For in the eighth year cf his reign, while he was 634,
t Heb. captains ofthehoft fof the king of Affyria, which yet young, he began to feek after -the God of David
•which were
!h; king's. took Manaffeh among the thorns, and bound ham his father and in the twelfth year he began to b purge
1 Kings

with fetters, and carried him to Babylon.
II Judah and Jerufalem from the high places, and the
12 And when he was in affliction, he befought the groves, and the carved images, and the molten
Lord his God, and humbled himfelf greatly before images.
the God of his fathers, 4 c
they brake down the altars of Baalim in his 26 30.
c Levit.

13 And prayed unto him and he was entreated of

; preJence and the images that were on high above iunOr,imagiit
; ||

him, and heard his fupplication, and brought him them he cut down and the groves, and the carved

again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manaffeh images, and the molten images, he brake in pieces,
knew that the Lord he was God. and made duft of them, and ftrowed it upon the
14 IT Now after this he built a wall without the city

f graves of them that had facrificed unto them.

face ofthf
of David, on the weft fide of Gihon, in the valley, 5 And he burnt the bones of the priefts upon their r«^ "e

even to the entering in at the fifh gate, and compafs- altars, and cleanfed Judah and Jerufalem.
Or, the

fewer. ed about Ophel, and railed it up a very great height,

II 6 And so did he in the cities of Manaffeh, and
and put captains of war in all the fenced cities of Judah. Ephraim, and Simeon, even unto Naphtali, with
15 And he took away the Grange gods, and the idol their mattocks round about.
out of the houfe of the Lord, and all the altars that 7 And when he had broken down the altars and
he had built in the mount of the houfe of the Lord, the groves, and had beaten the graven images t into ^" 3 *V
and in jerufalem, and caft them out of the city. powder, and cut down all the idols throughout all the ^™ der -

16 And he repaired the altar of the Lord, and fac- land of Ifrael, he returned to Jerufalem.
rificed thereon peace offerings, and thank offerings, &4
8 II Now, in the eighteenth year of his reign, when

and commanded Judah to fervethe Lord God of Ifrael. he had purged the land, and the houfe, he fent Sha-
17 Neverthelefs,, the people did facrince ftill in the phan the fon of Azaliah, and Maafeiah the governor
high places, yet unto the Lord their God only. of the city, and Joah the fon of Joahaz the recorder,
18 TTNow the reft of the a£ts of Manaffeh, and to repair the houfe of the Lord his God.
his prayer unto his God, and the words of the feers 9 And when they came to Hilkiah the high prieft,
that fpake to him in the name of the Lord God of they delivered die money that %vas brought into the
Ifrael, behold, they arc written in the book of the houfe of God, which the Levites that kept the doors
kings of Ifrael j had gathered of the hand of Manaffeh and Ephraim,
19 His prayer alfo, and how God was entreated of and of all the remnant of Ifrael, and of all Judah and
him, and all his fins, and his trefpafs, and the places Benjamin, and they returned to Jerufalem.
wherein he built high places, and fet up groves and 10 And they put it in the hand of the workmen
graven images, before he was humbled, behold, they that had the overfight of the houfe of the Lord, and
[Or, are written among the fayings of the feers. j| they gave it to the workmen that wrought in the houfe
20 II So Manaffeh flept with his fathers, and they of the Lord, to repair and amend the houfe ;

buried him in his own houfe and Anion his fon

1 Even to the artificers and builders gave they it,
reigned in his ftead. to buy hewn ftone, and timber for couplings, and
fc 1 Kings
21 19, ire.
21 H g Amon was two and twenty years old when he ||to floor the houfes which the kings of Judah had II
to mftert
began to reign and reigned two years in Jerufalem
; :
22 But he did that which was evil in the fight of the 12 And the men did the work faithfully and the :

Lord, as did Manaffeh his father for Amon facrifi- :

overfeers of them were Jahath and Obediah, the Le-
ced unto all the carved images which Manaffeh his vites, of the fons of Merari and Zechariah and Me-;

father had made, and ferved them ; fliullum, of the fons of the Kohathites, to fet it for-
23 And humbled not himfelf before the Lord, as ward ; and other of'the Levites, all that could fkill of
Manaffeh his father had humbled himfelf: but Amon inftruments of mufic.
f trefpaffed more and more, 13 Alfo they were over the bearers of burdens,
trespass. _
24 And
his fervants confpired againft him, and flew and were overfeers of all that wrought the work in
him in his
houfe. own any manner of fervice and of the Levites there were

25 If But the people of the land flew all them that fcribes, and and porters.
had confpired againft king ; Amon
and the people of 14 % And when they brought out the money that
the land made Jofiah his fon king in his ftead. was brought into the houfe of the Lord, Hilkiah the
CHAP. XXXIV. prieft
d 2 Kings
found a book of the law of the Lord given 22 8, i*rc.
} Jo slab's good reign: 3 hedestroyeth idolatry both in f by Mofes. by the
Judah and Israel : 8 he provideth for the repairs of 15 And Hilkiah anfwered and faid to Shaphan the &*Sfo
the temple. 14 Hilkiah having found the book of the fcribe, I have found the book of the law in the houfe
law, Josiah is alarmed, and sendeth to Huldah to of the Lord. And Hilkiah delivered the book to
inquire of the Lord. 23, Huldahprophesieth the de- Shaphan.
16 And
yos'iah causeth the book to be read. CHAR XXXV. He keepeth a solemn passover,

16 And Shaphan carried the book to the king, and foul, to perfortn the words of the covenant which are
brought the king word back again, faying, All that written in this book.
was committed t to thy fervants, they do it. 32 And he caufed all that were f prefent in Jerufa-
17 And they have f gathered together the mcney lem and Benjamin to Hand to it. And the inhabitants
thatvjas found in the houfe of the Lord, and have of Jerufalem did according to the covenant of God,
delivered it into the hand of the overfeers, and to the the God of their fathers.
hand of the workmen-. 33 And Jofiah took away all the abominations out
18 Then Shaphan the fcribe told the king, faying, of all the countries that pertained io the children of
Hilkiah the priefthath given me a book. And Sha- Ifrael, and made all that ivere prefent in Ifrael to ferve
t Heb.
phan read f it before the king. even to ferve the Lord their God. And all his days
in it.

19 And it came to pafs, when the king had heard they departed not f from following the Lord, the + Heb,
the words of the law, that he rent his clothes. God of their fathers. after.

20 And the king commanded Hilkiah, and Ahikam CHAP. XXXV.
Achhor, the fon of Shaphan, and Abclon the fon of Micah,
1 Josiah causeth a solemn passover to be kept: 20 he go-
2 Kings eth to fight ivitb Pharaohnecho, and is slain at Me-
5212, and Shaphan the fcribe, and Afaiah a fervant of the
king, faying,. giddo: 25 the lamentations made for him: 26 his acts.
21 Go, inquire of the Lord for me, and for them OREOVER, a Jolkih kept a paffover unto the a
cir. foy.
1 Kings!

that are left in Ifrael, and in Judah, concerning the Lord in Jerufalem and they killed the paff-
; 23 21 22.
b Exod.
words of the book that is found for great is the
: over on the b fourteenth day of the firft month. 12 6.

wrath of the Lord that is poured out upon us, becaufe 2 And he fet the priefts in their charges, and encour-
our fathers have not kept the word of the Lord, to aged them to the fervice of the houfe of the Lord ;
do after all that is written in this book. 3 And faid unto the Levites that taught all Ifrael,
22 And Hilkiah, md'tbey that the king bad appoint- which were holy unto the Lord, Put the holy ark in the
ed, went to Huldah the prophetefs, the wife of Shai- houfe which Solomon the fon of David king of Ifrael
COf, lum, the fon of Tikvath, the fon of Hafrah, keeper
did build; it shall not be a burden
upon y<?z/rfhoulders:
2 Kings of the t wardrobe ;
(now fhe dwelt in Jerufalem in||
ferve now the Lord your God, and his people Ifrael y
22 14.
t Heb. the college ;) and they fpake to her to that effect. 4 And prepare yourselves by the c houfes of your "^; chton /
9 IC.
23 II And flie anfwered them, Thus faith the fathers, after your courfes, according to the d writing d Cliron. 1

Or, in
Lord God of Ifrael, Tell ye the man that fent you

the school, of David king of Ifrael, and according to the e writing 23,
& 25, it 26.
or, in the
seccnd part: to me, of Solomon his fon ;
e Chap.
8 14.

24 Thus faith the Lord, Behold, I will bring evil 5 And ftand in the holy place, according to the
upon this place, and upon the inhabitants thereof, even divifions of t the families of the fathers of your t Heb.
the house.
all the curies that are written in the book which they brethren t the people, and after the divifion of the fam- of the fath-
have read before the king of Judah : ilies of the Levites -;
t Heb.
25 Becaufe they have forfaken me, and have burned
incenfe unto other gods, that they might provoke me
6 So kill the paffover, and fancStify yourfelves, and the
11 1 1
prepare your brethren, that they may do according
1 ™'/
to anger with all the works of their hands therefore,
; to the word of the Lord by the hand of Moles.
my wrath fhall be poured out upon this place, and 7 And Jofiah f gave to the people, of the flock, lambs offered.

fhall not be quenched. and kids, all for the paffover offerings for all that were
26 And as for the king of Judah, who fent you to prefent, to the number of thirty thoufand and three
inquire of the Lord,fo fhall ye fay unto him, Thus thoufand bullocks thefe were of the king's fubftance.

faith the Lord God of Ifrael, concerning the words 8 And his princes f gave willingly unto the people, t Heb.
which thou haft heard ;
to the priefts, and to the Levites; Hilkiah, and Zecha- offered
27 Becaufe thine heart was tender, and thou didft riah, and Jehiel, rulers of the houfe of God, gave un-
humble thyfelf before God, when thou heardeft his to the priefts, for the paffover offerings, two thoufand
words againft this place, and againft the inhabitants and fix hundred small cattle, and three hundred oxen.
thereof, and humbledft thyfelf before me, and didft 9 Conaniah alfo, and_ Shemaiah and Nethaneeh
rend thy clothes, and weep before me, I have even his brethren, and Hafhabiah andJeiel, and Jozabad,
heard thee alfo, faith the Lord. chief of the Levites, f gave unto the Levites, for tHeb.
28 Behold, I will gather thee to thy fathers, and pafibver offerings, five thoufand small cattle, and five
thou lhalt be gathered to thy grave in peace, neither hundred oxen.
.ihall thine eyes fee all the evil that I will bring upon 10 So the fervice was prepared, and the priefts
this place, and upon the inhabitants of the fame. So flood in their place, and the Levites in their courfes
they brought the king word again. according to the king's commandment.
e 2 Kings
29 II e Then the king fent and gathered together all 11 And they killed the paffover, and the priefls
the elders of Judah and Jerufalem. fprinkled the blood from their hands, and the Levites
30 And the king went up into the houfe of the flayed them. f See Chajp.

Lord, and all the men of Judah and the inhabitants 12 And they removed the burnt offerings, that they 29 34.

of Jerufalem, and the priefts, and the Levites, and all might give according to the divifions of the families
+ Heb. the people, f great and fmall and he read in their ears
; of the people, to offer unto the Lord, as it is written
from great
*v?n to all the words of the book of the covenant that was in the book of Mofes and fo did they with the oxen.

found in the houfe of the Lord. 13 And they c roaftcd the paffover with fire, accord- p Exod.
31 And the king flood in his place and made a ing to the ordinance but the other holy offerings fod

t Heb.
covenant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord, they in pots, and in caldrons, and in pans, and t di- mt

and to keep his commandments, and his teftimonies, vided them ipeedily among all the people. that run..

and his ftatutes, with all his heart, and with all his 14 And afterward they made ready for themfelves,

yoslah is slain at Megiddo. II. CHRONICLES. The sins of the priests and people*
and becaufe the priefts the_ fons of
for the priefts : 14 Jerusalem, for the sins of the priests and people,
Aaron were burnt offerings and
busied in offering of is wholly destroyed. 22 Cyrus'' proclamation.
the fat until night therefore the Levites prepared for

themfelves, and for the priefts the fons of Aaron.

the people of the land took Jehoahaz the
fon of Jofiah, and made him king in his father's
15 And the fingers, the fons of Afaph, ivere in their ftead in Jerufalem.
f Keystation.
| place, according to the commandment of David, 2 Jehoahaz was twenty and three years old when
&£"' and Afaph, and Heman, and Jeduthun the king's feer he began to reign ; and he reigned three months in
an( tne P orters waited at every gate they might not Jerufalem.
i'i7^8 &
-^ '

26 14, &e. depart from their fervice for their brethren the Le-
; 3 And the king of Egypt f put him down at Jerufa- removed
t He*.
vites prepared for them. lem, and f condemned the land in an hundred talents tHeb.
16 So all the fervice of the Lord was prepared the of filver, and a talent of gold.
fame day, to keep the paffover, and to offer burnt of- 4 And the king of Egypt made Eliakim his brother
ferings upon the altar of the Lord, according to the king over Judah and Jerufalem, and turned his name
commandment of king Jonah. to Jehoiakim. And Necho took Jehoahaz his brother,
T Heb. found. 17 And the children of Ifrael that were f prefent, and carried him to Egypt.
kept the paffover at that time, and the feaft of unleav- 5 II Jehoiakim was twenty and five years old when GiO.
ened bread, feven days. he began to reign ; and he reigned eleven years in Je-
18 And there was no paffover like to that kept in rufalem and he did that which was evil in the light

Ifrael, from the days of Samuel the prophet neither ; of the Lord his God.
did all the kings of Ifrael keep fuch a paffover as Jonah 6 Againft him came up Nebuchadnezzar king of 607-.

kept, and the priefts, and the Levites, and all Judah Babylon, and bound him in fetters, to carry him to Or, chains!

and Ifrael that were prefent, and the inhabitants of Je- Babylon. 606.

19 In the eighteenth year of the reign of Jonah was
this paffover kept.
7 b
the houfe of theLord to Babylon,
temple at Babylon.
alfo carried off the veffels of
and put them in his S
b 2 Kings

1 .

610. 20 II k After all this, wlien Jofiah had prepared the 8 Now the reft of the acts of Jehoiakim and his
Jc 2 Kings
•23 29. t temple, Necho king of Egypt came up to fight againft abominations which he did, and that which was found
t Hefa. house.
Carchemifh by Euphrates z and Joiiah went out againft in him, behold, they are written in the book of the
him. kings of Ifrael and Judah and Jehoiachin his fon
: ||
21 But he font ambaffadors to him, faying, What reigned in his ftead. Chron.3 i6„
or, Coniah,

have I to do with thee, thou king of Judah? I come 9 TI C Jehoiachin was eight years old when he began Jerem. 22 24.
cir. 599.
f Heb. rte not againft thee this day, but againft f the houfe where- to reign and he reigned three months and ten days c 2 Kings
house of my
tjar. with I have war ; for God commanded me to make in Jerufalem and he did that ivhicb %vas evil
: in the 248.

hafte forbear thee from meddling with God, who is

: fight of the Lord.
with me, that he deftroy thee not. 10 And f when the year was expired, king Nebu- *e™%%tff
22 Neverthelefs, Joiiah would not turn his face from chadnezzar fent and brought him to Babylon, with 'year"
him, but difguifed himfelf that he might fight with the f goodly veffels of the houfe of the Lord, and tKtb.muas
him, and hearkened not unto the words of Necho from made d Zedekiah his brother, king
over Judah and Jo"'"'.
T„„..J*„1„.~-. Mattaniah,
the mouth of God, and came to fight in the valley of Jeruialem. s Kings

Megiddo. 11 H e
Zedekiah was one and twenty years old when j^j; ,,

23 And the archers fhot at king Jofiah and the ; he began to reign ; and reigned eleven years in Jeru- e 2 18. Kings
king faid to his fervants, Have me away for I am ; falem, Jer. 52 i,&c
rands sick.
fore f wounded. 12 And he did that which was evil in the fight of
24 His fervants, therefore took hirn out of that char- the Lord his God, and humbled not himfelf before
iot, and put him in the fecond chariot that he had ; Jeremiah the prophet, speaking from the mouth of the
and they brought him to Jerufalcm, and he died, and Lord.
H Or, amon?. was buried in one of the fepulchres of his fathers
|| : 13 And he king Nebuchadnez-
alfo rebelled againft 59J-

SzecTwT"' and all Judah and Jerufalem mourned for Jofiah.

zar, who had made him fwear by God but he ftiff- :

25 If And Jeremiah lamented for Jofiah and all the : ened his neck, and hardened his heart, from turning
finging men and the finging women fpake of Jofiah in unto the Lord God of Ifrael.
their lamentations to this day, and made them an or- 14 IT Moreover, all the chief of the priefts and the
dinance in Ifrael ; and, behold, they are written in the people tranfgreffed very much, after all the abomina-
Lamentations. tions of the heathen; and polluted the houfe of the
26 IT Now, the reft of the ac~ls of Jofiah, and his Lord, which he had hallowed in Jerufalem*
kindnesses. f goodnefs, according to that which was written in the 15 f And the Lord God of their fathers fent to fjer. J5 34>
&35 >5-
law of the Lord, them t by his meffengers, rifing up betimes, and t Heb. by the

hand of his
27 And his deeds, firft and laft, behold, they are fending becaufe he had companion on his people, and messengers.

That is,
written in the book of the kings of Ifrael and Judah. on his dwelling place :

C HAP. (
XXXVI. 16 But they mocked the meilengers of God, and ""f^™
y '

1 Jehoahaz succeeding Josi ah, is deposed by Pharaoh- defpifed his words, and mifufed his prophets, until the "
necho,and carried into Egypt; 4 Jehoiakim is made wrath of the Lord arofe againft his people, till there
was no t remedy. tHeb.
king : 5 he reigning wickedly, is carried bound into
Babylon. 9 Jehoiachin succeeding, and reigning 17 g Therefore he brought upon them the king of g^ngs &c.
25 I,

wickedly, is also carried into Babylon. 1 1 Zedekiah the Chaldees, who flew their young men with the 590.

succeeding, rcigneth ill, despiseth the admonitions of fword in the houfe of their fancluary, and had no
Jeremiah, and rebclleth against Nebuchadnezzar. companion upon young man. or maiden, old man, or
4 ,

^Jerusalem is destroyed. CHAP. XXXVI. The proclamation of Cyrus.

him that flooped for age he gave them all into his of Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed her fab- l

hand. baths for as long as ihe lay defolate, f he kept fab-


18 And all the veffels of the houfe of God, great bath, to fulfil threefcore and ten years.
and fmall, and the treafures of the houfe of the Lord, 22 11 k Now, in the firft year of Cyrus king of Per-
and the treafures of the king, and of his princes ; all fia, (that the word of the Lord, spoken by the mouth

these he brought to Babylon. of 'Jeremiah, might be accomplished,) the Lord ftir-

19 And they burnt the houfe of God, and brake red up the fpirit of Cyrus king of Perfia, that he made
down the* wall of Jerufalem, and burnt all the palaces a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put
thereof with fire, and deftroyed all the goodly veffels it alfo in writing, faying,,
thereof. 23 Thus
faith Cyrus king of Perfia, All the king-
t Heb. the
remainder 20 And f them that had efcaped from the fword doms of the earth hath the Lord God of heaven
carried he away to Babylon, where they were fer- given me and he hath charged me to build him an

vants to him and his fons, until the reign of the king- houfe in Jerufalem, which is in Judah who is there :

dom of Perfia ;
among you of all his people ? the Lord his God be
21 To fulfil the word of the Lord by the mouth with him, and let him go up.

1 The proclamation ofCyrusfor the building of the tem- The number that returned of the people, 36 of the
ple. 5 The people provide for their return. 7 Cijrus priests, 40 of the Levites, 43 oftheNcthinims, 55 of
restoreth the vessels of the temple to Sbeshbazzar. the children of Solomon's servants, 61 of the priests

a 2 Chron.
NOW, in the firft year of
(that the word of the
Cyrus king of
Lord a by the mouth of
Perfia, iv hocould not shew their pedigree: 64 the whole num-
ber of them /68 their oblations for the building of
36 22.
Jerem. Jeremiah might be fulfilled,) the Lord ftirred up the the temple, Es?c.
25 12.&
20 IO.
t Heb.
of Cyrus king of Perfia, that he f made a procla-
fpirit OW a
thefe are the children of the province that a Neheim
76, &c.
caused a
mation throughout all his kingdom, and put it alfo went up out of the captivity, of thofe which had
iciee t» in writing, laying, been carrieel away, whom Nebuchaeinezzar the king
2 Thus faith Cyrus king of Perfia, the Lord God of Babylon had carried away unto Babylon, and came
of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the again unto Jerufalem and "Judah, every one unto his
b Isaiah earth and he hath b charged me to build him an
; city ;
44 23, &c
*i 1 13-
houfe at Jerufalem, which is in Judah : 2 Which came with Zerubbabel Jefhua, Nehe- ;

3 Who among you of all his people ? his

is there miah, Seraiah,Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilfhan, Mizpar,
God be with him, and let him go up to Jerufalem, Bigvai, Rehum, Baanah. The number of the men of Neh. r t'
which ism Judah, and build the houfe of the Lord the people of Ifrael :

God of Ifrael (he is the God) which is in Jerufalem. 3 The children of Parofh, two thoufand an hun-
4 And whofoever remaineth in any place where he dred feventy and two.
fojourneth, let the men of his place f help him with 4 The children of Shephatiah, three hundred feven-
filver, and with gold, and with goods, and with beafts, ty and two.
befide the freewill offering for the houfe of God that 5 The children of Arab., feven hundred feventy
is in Jerufalem. and five.
5 If Then rofe up the chief of the fathers of Judah The children of b Pahathmoab, of the children of
6 h Nche'*;
and Benjamin, and the priefts, and the Levites, with Jefhua and Joab, two thoufand eight hundred and 7 11.

all them whole God had

fpirit go up to build
raifed, to twelve.
the houfe of the Lord which
Jerufalem. is in 7 The children of Elam, a thoufand two hundred
6 And all they that were about them ftrengthened || fifty and four.
their hands with veffels of filver, with gold, with 8 The children of Zattu, nine hundred forty antlfive.
Is, and with beafts, and with precious things, be- 9 The children of Zaccai, feven hundred and three-
fide all that was willingly offered. fcore.
7 11 Alio Cyrus the king brought forth the veffels of 10 The children of ||Bani,fix hundred forty and two. II
c 2 Kings the houfe of the Lord, c which Nebuchadnezzar had 11 The children of Bebai, fix hundred twenty and
2.1 13.
Ncli. 7 I'-

•1 Chron. brought forth out of Jerufalem, and had put them in three.
the houfe of his gods ; 12 The children of Azgad, a thoufand two hundred
8 Even thofeclid Cyrus king of Perfia bring forth twenty and two.
by the hand of Mithfedath the treafurer, and number- 13 The children of Adonikam, fix hundred fixty
ttSee Chap, ed them unto d Sheihbazzar, the prince of Judah. and fix.
5 <4-
9 And this is the number of them thirty chargers : 1 The children of Bigvai two thoufand fifty and fix.

of gold, a thoufand chargers of filver, nine and twen- 15 The children of Adin, four hundred fifty andfour.
ty knives, 16 The children of Ater, ofHezekiah, ninety and
10 Thirty bafons of gold, filver bafons of a fecond eight.
sort four hundred and ten, and other veffels a thoufand. 17 The children of Bezai, three hundred twenty
11 All the veffels of gold and of filver were five and three.
thoufand and four hundred. All these did She! lbaz- ! 18 The children of Jorah, an hundred and twelve.
zar bring up with them of't the captivity, that were

t Heb. the 19 The children of Hafhum, two hundred twenty I

Neh. 7 'i
tathlt. brought up from Babylon unto Jerufalem. and three.
2T 20 The
1 ,

number of the people EZRA. that returned out of Babylon.

20 The children of Gibbar, ninety and five.
|| dren of Sotai, the children of Sophereth, the chil-
21 The children of Bethlehem, an hundred twenty dren of Peruda, ||

and three. 56 The children of Jaalah, the children of Darkon,

22 The men of Netophah, fifty and fix. the children of Giddel,
23 The men of Anathoth, an hundred twenty and 57 The children of Shephatiah, the children of
eight. Hattil, the children of Pochereth of Zebaim, the chil-
Or, Bcth-
azmaveth, 24 The- children of Azmaveth, forty and two.
|| dren of Ami. ||
Or, J
Neh, 7 28. 25 The children of Kirjatharim, Chephirah, and 58 All the h Nethinims, and the children of Solo- %*%&& ;

Beeroth, feven hundred and forty and three. mon's fervants, were three hundred ninety and two. 9 21 77.
26 The children of Ramah and Gaba, lix hundred 59 And thefe were they which went up from Tel- 9 Chron. 2


twenty and one. melah, Telharfa, Cherub, Addan, and Immer ; but 9 21. Kings 1 1

27 The men of Michmas, an hundred twenty and they could not fhew their father's houfe and their
two. feed, whether they were of Ifrael
Or, :. |
28 The men of Bethel and Ai, two hundred twen- 60 The children of Delaiah the children of Tobiah,,

ty and three. the children of Nekoda, lix hundred fifty and two.
29 The children of Nebo, fifty and two. 61 T[ And of the children of the priefts the children :

30 The children of Magbiih, anhundred fifty and fix. of Habaiah, the children of Koz, the children of Bar-
Verse 7. 3 The children of the other c Elam a thoufand two , zillai, (which took a wife of the daughters of k Bar- k 2 Sam*
hundred fifty and four. zillaithe Gileadite, and was called after their name ;)
32 The children of Harim, three hundred and 62 Thefe fought their regifter among thofe that
twenty. were reckoned by the genealogy, but they were not
Or, Ha-

rid, as it-is 33 The children of Lod, Hadid, and Ono, feven ||

found : therefore \ were they, as polluted, put from tHeb.
in some they "were
Copies. hundred twenty and five. the priefthood. polluted-

34 The children of Jericho, three hundred forty 63 And the Tirfhatha faid unto them, that they 'tZthU

and five. °r
fhould not eat of the moft holy things till there ftood £overr.or.

35 The children of Senaah, three thoufand and up a prieft with ' Urim and with Thummim. Exod. I

fix hundred and thirty. 64 If The whole congregation together was forty
si 1 Chron. 36 If The priefts: the children of d Jedaiah, of the and two thoufand three hundred and threefcore*
24 7.
houfe of Jefhua, nine hundred feventy and three. 65 Befide their fervants and their maids, of whom
* Chron.
24 14-

37 The children of e Immer, a thoufandfifty and two. there were feven thoufand three hundred thirty and

38 The children of f Pafhur, a thoufand two hun- feven : and there were among them two hundred
dred forty and feven. linging men and linging women.
g 1 Chron.

248. 39 The children of g Harim, a thoufand and fev- 66 Their horfes were feven hundred thirty and fix;
enteen. their mules, two hundred forty and five ;.

40 "\ The Levites

the children of Jefhua, and Kad-
: 67 Their camels, four hundred thirty and five j
« Or. micl, of the children of Hodaviah, feventy and four.
their affes, fix thoufand fevenhundred and twenty.
Chap 3 9. 41 The fingers the children of Afaph, an hun-
: 68 IF And
some of the chief of the fathers, when
called also
Hodevah, dred twenty and eight. they came to the houfe of the Lori> which is at Je-
Neh. 7 43.
42 The children of the porters : the children of rufalem, offered freely for the houfe of God, to fet
Shallum, the children of Ater, the children of Taimon, itup in his place :

the children of Akkub, the children of Hatita, the 69 They gave after their ability, unto the m treaf- f < chr??.

children of Shobai, in all an hundred thirty and nine. ure of the work, threefcore and one thoufand drams
43 *SI The Nethinims the children of Ziha, the : of gold, and five thoufand pound of filver, and one
children of Hafupha, the children of Tabbaoth, hundred priefts' garments.
44 The children of Keros, the children of Siaha, 70 So the priefts, and the Levites, and some of the
the children of Padon people, and the fingers, and the porters,_ and the Ne-
45 The children of Lebanah, the children of Ha- thinims, dwelt in the ircities, and all Ifrael in their cities.
gabah, the children of Akkub,
46 The children of Hagab, the children of Shal-
mai, the children of Hanan,

1 The altar is set up. 4 The daily burnt offerings re-

newed. 7 Workmen employed. 8 The foundation
47 The children of Giddel, the children of Gahar,
the children of Reaiah, of the temple laid amidst the joy of some, and the
48 The children of Rezin, the children of Nekoda, weeping of others.
the children of Gazzam,
49 The children of Uzza, the children of Pafeah,
AND when the feventh month was come, and the
children of Ifrael were in the cities, the people
the children of Befai. gathered themfelves together as one man to Jerufalem.
50 The children of Afnah, the children of Mehu- 2 Then ftood up Jefhua the fon of Jozadak, and his
nim, the children of Nephulim, brethren the priefts, and Zerubbabel the fon of She-
f^ d e
' -

51 The children of Bakbuk, the children of Ha- altiel, and his brethren, and builded the altar of the 2°™*^-,
kupha,. the children of Harhur, God of Ifrael, to offer burnt offerings thereon, as it iX-^.
a "h-
«Or, 52 The children of Bazluth, the children of Me-
I] is
written in the law of Mofes the man of God. r"
"lNeh.754. hkla, the children of Karfha, 3 And they fet thealtaruponhisbafes; (for fear was J^ieVsi
53 The children of Barkos, the children of Sifera, upon them becaufe of the people of thofe countries lath
;) b Oeut.

the children of Thamah, and they offered burnt offerings thereon unto the 12 5.

54 The children of Neziah, the children ofHatipha, Lord, even burnt offerings morning and evening. C Exod,
55 1j The children of Solomon's fervants the cliil- : 4 *H They kept alfo the feaft of tabernacles _
as it 23 16.

2 is
& ; ; ; :

offer of the adversaries refused. CHAP. IV. Their letter', and the answer of Artaxerxes.
is written, and offered the daily burnt offerings by
d God but we ourfelves together will build
; unto the
number, according to the cuftom, f as the duty of Lord God of Ifrael, as king Cyrus the king of Perfia
every day required hath commanded us.
5 And'afterward ofered the continual burnt offering, 4 Then weakened the hands of
the people of the land
both of the new moons, and of all the fet feafts of the the people of Judah, and troubled them in building,
Lord that w<ere confe crated, and of every one that 5 And hired counfellors againft them, to fruftrate
willingly offered a freewill offering unto the Lord. their purpofe, all the days of Cyrus king ofPeriia,
6 From the firft day of the feventh month began even until the reign of Darius king of Perfia.
+ Heb. they to offer burnt offerings unto the Lord but t the
6 And in the reign of f Ahafuerus, in the begin- tHeb*
the temple
foundation of the temple of the Lord was not yet laid. ning of his reign, wrote they unto him an accufation rosh.
of the 522.
7 If They gave money aifo unto the mafons, and to againft the inhabitants of Judah and Jerufalem. not
yet founds the carpenters ; and meat, and drink, and oil, unto 7 If And in the days of Artaxerxes wrote Bifhlam, f.Or, ||

in pcacri
Or, them of Ziclon, and to them of Tyre, to bring cedar Mithredath, Tabeel, and the reft of their | compan- t Heb.
•workmen. societies.
e Aits
trees from Lebanon to the fea of Joppa; according ions, unto Artaxerxes king of Perfia ; and the writ-
9 3<*.
to the grant that they had of Cyrus king of Perfia. ing of the letter was written in the Syrian tongue, and
S3S- 8 If Now, in the fecond year of their coming unto interpreted in the Syrian tongue.
|| declared.

the houfe of God at Jerufalem, in the fecond month, 8 Rehum the chancellor, and Shimfhai the fcribe, secretary.
HOr, ||

began Zerubbabel the fon of Shealtiel, and Jefhua the wrote a letter againft Jerufalem to Artaxerxes the
fon of Jozadak, and the remnant of their brethren the king, in this fort
priefts and the Levites, and all they that were come 9 Then wrote Rehum the chancellor, and Shimfhai
out of the captivity unto Jerufalem, and appointed the fcribe, and the reft of their t companions ; the tsocieties,
the Levites, from twenty years old and upward, to fet Dinaites, the Apharfathchites, the Tarpelites, the
forward the work of the houfe of the Lord. Apharfites, the Archevites, the Babylonians, the
9 Then ftood, with his fons and his breth- Sufanchites, the Dehavites, and the Elamites,
i Or. Ho-
ren, Kadmiel and his fons, the fons of Judah, t to-
10 And the reft of the nations whom the great and
Chan. 2 40. gether, to fet forward the workmen in the houfe of noble Afnapper brought over, and fet in the cities of
t Heb. God the fons of Henadad, with their fons and their
Samaria, and the reft that are on this fide the river,
as one.
brethren the Levites. and f at fuch a time.
10 And when the builders laid the foundation of 11 If This is the copy of the letter that they fent
the temple of the Lord, they fet the priefts in their unto him, even unto Artaxerxes the king ; Thy fer-
apparel with trumpets, and the Levites, the fons of vants, the men on this fide the river, and at fuch a time.
Afaph, with cymbals, to praife the Lord, after the 12 Be it known unto the king, that the Jews which
f Chron.
ordinance of David king of Ifrael. came up from thee to us are come unto Jerufalem,
;6 7, & 11 And they fang together by courfe, in praifing building the rebellious and the bad city, and have fet POr, ||
251. and giving thanks unto the Lord ; becaufe he is good, up the walls thereof, and f joined the foundations. t Chald.
sewed to*
for his mercy endureth for ever toward Ifrael. And 13 Be it known now unto the king, that if this city gether.
all the people f houted with a great fliout when they be builded, and the walls fet up again, then will they
praifed the Lord, becaufe the foundation of the houfe not t pay toll, tribute and cuftom, and so thou (halt t Chald.
of the Lord was laid. endamage the revenue of the kings.
|| Or, B

12 But many of the priefts and Levites, and chief 14 Now, becaufe t we have maintenance from the strength. t Chald.
hinges palace, and it was not meet for us to fee the ive are
of the fathers, who were ancient men, that had feen salted

the firft houfe, when the foundation of this houfe was king's difhonour, therefore have we fent and certified ivitli the
salt of the
laid before their eyes, wept with a loud voice, and the king palace.

many fhouted aloud for joy 15 That fearch maybe made in the book of the
13 So that the people could not difcern the noife records of thy fathers fo fhalt thou find in the book

of the fliout of joy from the noife of the weeping of of the records, and know that this city is a rebellious
the people for the people fhouted with a loud fliout,
city, and hurtful unto kings and provinces, and that
and the noife was heard afar off. they have f moved fedition | within the fame of old tmade. Chald.

time ; for which caufe was this city deftroyed.

16 We
t Chald.
in the
certify the king, that if this city be builded midst
1 The adversaries of the Jews, offering to join in build-
again, and the walls thereof fet up, by this means thou thereof.
ing of the temple, mid not being accepted, endeavour
fhalt have no portion on this fide the river.
to hinder the work : 7 they write to Artaxerxes. 17
17 If Then fent the king an anfwer unto Rehum the
Artaxerxes' answer and his decree. 23 The build-
chancellor, and to Shimfhai the fcribe, and to the reft
ing is hindered.
of their t companions that dwell in Samaria, and unto

t Heb.
NOW when the adverfaries of Judah and Benja- the reft beyond the river, Peace, and at fuch a time.
min heard that f the children of the captivity 18 The letter which ye fent unto us hath been
t Child:

of the builded the temple unto the Lord God of Ifrael. plainly read before me.
tation. 2 Then they came to Zerubbabel, and to the chief 19 And f I commanded, and fearch hath been f C.balife
of the fathers, and laid unto them, Let us build with made, and it is found that this city of old time hath by me a
n Is ,: •

you ; for we fcek your God, as ye do ; and we do fac-

t madeinfurreclion againft kings, and that rebellion t C.'luld.

cir. 67 rifice unto him lince the days of Efarhaddon king of and fedition have been made therein. lifted up
Affur, which brought us up hither. 20 There have been mighty kings alfo over Jerufa-

3 But Zerubbabel, and Jefhua, and the reft of the lem, which have ruled over all countries beyond the ri-
chief of the fathers of Ifrael, faid unto them, Ye have ver and toll, tribute, and cuftom, was paid unto th< m. t CT,..|„-.

nothing to do with us to build an houfe unto our Mikt *

21 f Give ye now commandment to^caufe thefe decree,
; .

Tatnai s letter to Darius : EZRA. he maketh a new decree.

.CHRIST men and that this city be not builded, until
to ceafe, the temple that was in Jerufalem, and brought them
, another commandment fhall be given from me. into the temple of Babylon, thofe did Cyrus the king
22 Take heed now that ye fail not to do this why : take out of the temple of Babylon, and they were
fhould damage grow to the hurt of the kings ? delivered unto one whofe name was Shefhbazzar,
23 IT Now, when the copy of king Artaxerxes' whom he had made governor
|| BO.
letter was read before Rehum, and Shimfhai thefcribe, 15 And faid unto him, Take thefe deputy*
veffels, go, carry
and their companions, they went up in halle to Jeru- them into the temple that is in Jerufalem, and let the
t Chald.
Iklem unto the Jews, and made them to ceafe t by
by arm houfe of God be builded in his place.
and force and power. 16 Then came the fame Shefhbazzar, and laid
24 Then ceafed the work of the houfe of God the foundation of the houfe of God, which is in Jeru-
which is at Jerufalem. _
So it ceafed unto the fecond falem. And fmce that time, even until now, hath it
520. year of the reign of Darius king of Perfia. been in building, and yet it is not fmifhed.
CHAP. V. 17 Now, therefore, if it seem good to the king,
let there be fearch made in the king's treafure houfe,
1 Zerubbabel and Jeshua by Haggai and Ze-
chariah, begin again to build in the reign of Darius. which is there at Babylon, whether it be so, that a de-
3 Tatnai and Shetharboznai are not able to prevent cree was made of Cyrus the king to build this houfe
them. of God at Jerufalem, and let the king fend his pleas-

b Zech.
1. THEN b
the prophets, a Haggai the prophet, and
the fon of Iddo, prophefied unto
ure to us concerning this matter.
the Jews that were in Judah and Jerufalem, in the 1 Darius, finding the decree of Cyras, maketh a new
name of the God of Ifrael, even unto them. decree for the advancement of the building. 13 Tat-
2 Then rofe up Zerubbabel the fon of Shealtiel, nai and Shetharboznai assisting, according to the
and Jefhua the fon of Jozadak, and began to build king's decree, the temple is finished. 16 The feast
the houfe of God which is at Jerufalem and with : of the dedication is kept, and the passover, with
them were the prophets of God helping them. great joy.
3 If At the fame time came to them Tatnai, governor
on this iide the river, and Shetharboznai and their com-
THEN Darius die king made a decree, and fearch
was made in the houfe of the f rolls, where the books.

panions, and faid thus unto them, Who

hath command- treafures were f laid up in Babylon. t Chald.
made to
ed you to build this houfe, and to make up this wall ? 2 And there was found at Achmetha, in the palace £1"™!

4 Then faid we unto them after this manner. What that is in the province of the Medes, a roll, and there- I5IW
t Chald. are the names of the men t that make this building ? in was a record thus written :
that build °J^*
tins build- 5 But the eye of their God was upon the elders of 3 In the firft year of Cyrus the king, the same
the Jews, that they could not caufe them to ceafe, Cyrus the king made a decree concerning the houfe of
till the matter came to Darius and then they re-
: God at Jerufalem, Let the houfe be builded, the place
turned anfvver by letter concerning this matter. where they offered facrifices, and let the foundations
&9- 6 If The copy of the letter that Tatnai, governor thereof be ftrongly laid the height thereof threefcore

on this fide the river, and Shetharboznai, and his cubits, and the breadth thereof threefcore cubits ;

companions the Apharfachites, which were on this 4 With three rows of great ftones, and a row of
iide the river, fent unto Darius the king :
new timber and let the expenfes be given out of
t Chald.
in the 7 They fent a letter unto him, t wherein was writ- the king's houfe.
ten thus ; Unto Darius the king, all peace. 5 And alfo let the golden and filver veffels of the
8 Be it known unto the king, that we went into the houfe of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took forth out
province of Judea, to the houfe of the great God, of the temple which is at Jerufalem, and brought unto
Y Chald.
which is builded with f great Hones, and timber is Babylon, be reftored, and f brought again unto the tchsid.
stjnes of °'
railing. laid in the Avails and this work goeth fall on, and
; temple which is at Jerufalem, every one to his place, s
profpereth in their hands. and place them in the houfe of God.
9 Thenafkedwe thole elders, and faid unto them 6 Now-, therefore, Tatnai, governor beyond the
thus, Who commanded you to build this houfe, and river, Shetharboznai, and f your companions the t Chald.
to make up thefe walls ? Apharfachites, which are beyond the river, be ye far riatic}.st-
10 We afked their names alfo, to certify thee, that from thence :

we might write the names of the men that were the 7 Let the work of this houfe of God alone let the

chief of them. governor of the Jews, and the elders of the Jews, build
11 And thus they returned us anfwer, faying, We this houfe of God in his place.
are the fervants of the God of heaven and earth, and 8 Moreover, f I make a decree what ye fliall do tchaw.
build the houfe that was builded thefe many years ago, to the elders of thefe Jews for the building of this l™eh
f Kings made.

which a great king of Ifrael builded, c and fet up. houfe of God; thatof the king's goods, even of the
12 But after that our fathers had provoked the God tribute beyond the river, forthwith expenfes be given
of heaven unto wrath, he gave them into the hand of unto thefe men, that they be not f hindered. t Chatf
d made to
d 2 Kings
Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, the Chal- 9 And that which they have need of, both young
242 &
^8. dean, who deftroyed this houfe, and carried the peo- bullocks, and rams, and lambs, for the burnt offerings
ple away into Babylon. of the Godof heaven, wheat, fait, wine, and oil, accord-
e Chaj.. 13 But in the firft year of e Cyrus the king of ing to the appointment of the priefts which are at Je-
I i.
Babylon, the name king Cyrus made a decree to build rufalem, let it be given them day by day without fail
this houfe of God. 10 That they may offer facrifices t of fweet favours \ C haw.
f Chap. 1
14 And f the veffels alfo of gold and filver of the unto the God of heaven ; and pray for the life of the °f reit >

houfe of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took out of king, and of his fons.
1.1 Alfo
Ezra j pedigree from Aaron, CHAP. VII. Artaxerxes commission to Ezra.
11 AlfoI have made a decree, that whofoever fhall 6 This Ezra went up from Babylon and he -was C huTst ;

word, let timber be pulled down from his a ready fcribe in the law of Mofes, which the Lord
alter this v_-^J^,
houfe, and, being fet up, t i et mm be hanged there- God of Ifrael had given and the king granted him

on and let his houfe be made a dunghill for this. all his requeft, according to the hand of the Lord

12 And the God that hath caufed his name to dwell his God upon him.
there, deftroy all kings and people that fhall put to 7 And there went up some of the children of
their hand to alter and to deftroy this houfe of God Ifrael, and of the priefts, and the Levites, and the
which is at Jerufaiem. I Darius have made a decree ; lingers, and the porters, and the Nethinims, unto
let it be done with fpeed. Jerufaiem, in the feventh year of Artaxerxes the king.
13 IfThenTatnai governor on this fide the river, 8 And he came to Jerufaiem in the fifth month,
Shetharboznai, and their companions, according to which was in the feventh year of the king.
that which Dariusthe king had fent, fothey didfpeedily. 9 For upon the firft day of the firft month t began ^S%
14 And the elders of the Jews builded, and they _
he to go up from Babylon, and on the firft day of the {?"/;'"'*
prospered through the prophefying of Haggai the fifth month came he to Jerufaiem, according to the g<»«e«p-

prophet, and Zechariah the fon of Iddo : and they good hand of his God upon him.
builded, and finifhed it according to the command- 10 For Ezra had prepared his heart to feek the
ment of the God of Ifrael, and according to the f com- law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach in Ifrael
da ..

mandment of Cyrus, and Darius, and Artaxerxes ftatutes and judments.

king of Perfia. 11 11 Now this is the copy of the letter that the
15 And this houfe was finifhed on the third day of king Artaxerxes gave unto Ezra the prieft, the fcribe,
the month Adar, which was in thelixth year of the even a fcribe of the words of the commandments of
reign of Darius the king. the Lord, and of his ftatutes to Ifrael.
16 H And the children of Ifrael, theprieils and the 12 Artaxerxes, king of kings Unto Ezra the ft Ezra
; ||

t Ch:M. Levites, and the reft off the children of the captivity, prieft, a fcribe of the law of the God of heaven, per- the priest,
a perfect
the trani- kept the dedication of this houfe of God with joy ; fect: peace, and at fuch a time. scribe of
the law of
17 And offered at the dedication of this houfe of 13 I make they of the people of the G id of
a decree, that all
Ifrael, and of his priefts and Levites, in my realm, peace, ire-
God an hundred bullocks, two hundred rams, four
hundred lambs and, for a fin offering for all Ifrael,
which are minded of their own free will to go up to
twelve he goats, according to the number of the Jerufaiem, go with thee.
tribes of Ifrael. 14 Forafmuch as uhou art fent f of the king, and of t
from befort
18 And they fet the priefts in their diyifions, and his a feven counfellors, to inquire concerning Judah llie king.
the Levites in their courfes, for the fervice of God and Jerufaiem, according to the law of thy God which a Estliev
'4- 1

+ (Said. which is at Jerufaiem ; t a as it is written in the book is in thine hand ;

? i

ofMofes. 15 And to carry the filver and gold, which the king
3 k, £*<S 9.
19 And the children of the captivity kept the paff- and his counfellors have freely offered unto the Gocl
over upon the fourteenth day of the firft month. of Ifrael, whofe habitation is in Jerufaiem ;

20 For the priefts and the Levites were purified 16 b And all the filver and gold that thou canft find jj^f*
together all of them were pure, and killed the paffover
; in all the province of Babylon, with the freewill offer-
for all the children of the captivity, and for their breth- ing of the people, and of the priefts, offering willingly
ren the priefts, and for themfelves. for the houfe of their God which is in Jerufaiem ;

21 And the children of Ifrael, which were come 17 That thou mayeft buy fpeedily with this money
again out of captivity, and aiifuchas had feparated buflocks; ramsj lambs, with their meat offerings and
themfelves unto them from the filthinefs of the heath- their drink ofterings, and offer them upon the altar
en of the land, to feek the Lord God of Ifrael, of the houfe of your God which is in Jerufaiem.
did 18 And whatfoever fhall feem good to thee, and to
22 And kept the feaft of unleavened bread feven thy brethren, to do with the reft of the filver and the
days with joy for the Lord had made them joyful,
: gold, that do after the will of your God.
Lurned the heart of the king of Affyria unto them, _
19 The veffeisalfo that are given thec, for the fer-
to ftrengthen their hands in the work of the houfe of vice of the houfe of thy God, those deliver thou before
God, the God of Ifrael. the God of Jerufaiem.
CHAP. VII. 20 And whatfoever more fhall be needful for the
houfe of thy God, which thou lhalt have occafionfo
1 Ezra's pedigree from Aaron; he goeth up to Jeru- beftow, beftow it out of the king's treafure houfe.
salem. 11 The gracious commission of Artaxerxes
21 And I, even I Artaxerxes the king, do make
to Ezra. 27 Ezra blcsseth Godfor this favour. a decree to all the treai'urers which are beyond the
NOW after thefe things, in the reign of Artaxerxes
king of Perfia, Ezra the fon of Seraiah, the fon
river, that whatfoever Ezra the prieft, the fcribe of
the law of the God of heaven, fhall require of you,
of Azariah, the fon of Hilkiah, it be done fpeedily ;

2 The fon of Shallum, the fon of Zadok, the fon 22 Unto an hundred talents of filver, and to an
of Ahitub, hundred f mcallires of wheat, and to an hundred baths t C.TinlJ.

3 The fon of Amariah, the fon of Azariah, the fon of wine, and to an hundred baths of oil, and fait cors.

of Meraioth, without pre fcril )ing how much.

4 The fon of Zcrahiah, the fon of Uzzi, the fon 23 f Whatfoever is commanded by the God of
ofBukki, heaven, be diligently done for the houfo of
let it
5 The fon of Abifhua, the fon of Phinehaz, the fon God of heaven for why fliould there be

pf Elcazar, the fon of Aaron the chief pricft : againftthe realm of the king and his fons.
24 Alfo
; ; ;

Ezras companions return* EZRA. The treasure is weighed in the temple,

24 Alfo we certify you, that touching any of the for Nathan, and for Zechariah, and for Mefhullam, »«*{*
priefls, and Levites, fingers, porters, Nethinims, or chief men ; alfo for Joiarib, and for Einathan, men of w-

miniflers of this houfe of God, it fhall not be lawful underflanding. y- irv ^

to impofe toll, tribute, or cuftom, upon them. 17 And them with commandment unto Iddo
I fent
25 And thou, Ezra, after the wifdom of thy God the chief, at the place Cafiphia, and f I told them what * Heb 7 -

that is in thine hand, fet magiftrates and judges, they fhould fay unto Iddo, and to his brethren the £«**
which may judge all the people that are beyond the Nethinims, at the place Cafiphia, that they fhould """*""

river, all fucli as know the laws of thy God and ; bring unto us miniflers for the houfe of our God.
teach ye them that know them not. 18 And, by the good hand of our God upon us,
26 And whofoever will not do the law of thy they brought us a man of underflanding, of the fons
God, and the law of the king, let judgment be exe- of Mahli, the fon of Levi, the fon of Ifrael ; and
cuted fpeedily upon him, whether it be unto death, or Sherebiah, with his fons and his brethren, eighteen ;
to rooting
t to banifhment, or to confifcation of goods, or to 19 And Hamabiah, and with him Jeihaiah of the
imprisonment. fons of Merari, his brethren and their fons, twenty;
27 U Bleffed be the Lord God of our fathers, which 20 a Alfo of the Nethinims, whom David and the ?.?
hath put such a thing as this inthe king's heart, to beau- princes had appointed for the fervice of the Levites, 42-
tify the houfe of the Lord which is in Jerufalem ;
two hundred and twenty Nethinims all of them were-:

28 And hath extended mercy unto me before the expreffed by name.

king, and his counfellors, and before all the king's 21 1T Then I proclaimed a fall there, at the river
mighty princes : and I wasftrengthened as the hand of of Ahava, that we might afflict ourfelves before our
the Lord my God was upon me ; and I gathered to- God, to feek of him a right way for us, and for our
gether out of Ifrael chief men to go up with me. little ones, and for all our fubflance.
CHAP. VIII. 22 For I was afhamed to require of the king a band
1 The companions of Ezra, who returnedfrom Baby- of foldiers and horfemen to help us againft the enemy
lon: 15 he sendeth to Iddofor ministersfor the temple: in the way becaufe we had fpoken unto the king,

21 he keepeth a fast : 24 he commute th the treasures faying, The hand of our God is upon all them for
to the custody of the priests. 31 From Ahava they good that feek him but his power and his wrath is

come to Jerusalem. 33 The treasure is weighed in againft all them that forfake him.
the temple. 23 So we failed, and befought our God for this ;
THESE are now the chief of their fathers, and this and he was entreated of us.
Then I feparated twelve of the chief of the
the genealogy of them
is that went up with me 24 II
from Babylon, in the reign of Artaxerxes the king. Sherebiah, Halhabiah, and ten of their breth-
2 Of the fons of Phinehas Gerfliom of the fons
; : ren with them,
of Ithamar Daniel: of the fons of David; Hattuih.
; 25 And weighed unto them the filver, and the gold,
3 Of the fons of Shechaniah, of the ions of Pharofli and the veffels, even the offering of the houfe of our
Zechariah and with him were reckoned, by genealo-
: God, which the king and his counfellors, and his
gy of the males, an hundred and fifty. lords, and all Ifrael there prefent, had offered ;

4 Of Pahathmoab Elihoenai the fon

the fons of ; 26 even weighed unto their hand fix hundred and
of Zerahiah, and with him two hundred males. fifty talents of iilver, and fiiver veffels an hundred tal-
5 Of the fons of Shechaniah the fon of Jahaziel,
; ents, and of gold an hundred talents
and with him three hundred males. 27 Alfo twenty bafons of gold of a thoufand drams,
6 Of the fons alfo of Adin Ebed the fon of Jona-
; and two veffels of' f fine copper, f precious as gold. tHeb.
than, and with him fifty males. 28 And I faid unto them, Ye are holy unto the yelloyi, OXj
7 And
of the_ fons of Elam Jefhaiah the fon of
; Lord the veffels are holy alfo and the filver and
; ; brass.
Athaliah, and with him feventy males. the gold are a freewill offering unto the Lord God desirable
8 And of the fons of Shephatiah Zebadiah the ; of your fathers.
fon of Michael, and with him fburfcore males. 29 Watch ye, and keep them, until ye weigh them
9 Of the fons of Joab Obadiah the fon of Jehiel,
; before the chief of the priefls and the Levites, and
and with him two hundred and eighteen males. chief of the fathers of Ifrael, at Jerufalem, in the
10 And of the fons of Shelomith the fon of Jofi- ; chambers of the houfe of the Lord.
phiah, and with him an hundred and threefcore males. 30 So took the priefls and the Levites the weight
11 And of the fons of Bebai ; Zechariah the fon of of the filver, and the gold, and the veffels to bring
Bebai, and with him twenty and eight males. them to Jerufalem, unto the houfe of our God.
Or, the
12 And of the fons of Azgad Johanan the fon of ; ||
31 H Then we departed from the river of Ahava on
sen- Hakkatan, and with him an hundred and ten males. the twelfth day of the firft month, to go unto Jeru-
13 And of the laftfons of Adonikam, whofe names

falem and the hand of our God was upon us, and he

are thefe, Eliphelet, Jeiel, and Shemaiah, and with delivered us from the hand of the enemy, and of fuch
them threefcore males. as lay in wait by the way.
ior, 14 Of the fons alfo of Bigvai Uthai, and Zabbud,
; || 32 And we came to Jerufalem, and abode there
as some- and with them feventy males. three days.

15 If And I gathered them together to the river that 33 II Now
on the fourth day was the filver, and the

runneth to Ahava ; and there abode we in tents three
|| gold, and the veffels, weighed in the houfe of our God,
days and I viewed the people, and the priefls, and
: by the hand of Meremoth the fon of Uriah the prieft
found there none of the fons of Levi. and with him was Eleazar the fon of Phinehas and ;

16 Then fent I for Eliezer, for Ariel, for Shemaiah, with them was Jozabad the fon of Jefhua, and Noa-
and for Einathan, and for Jarib, and for Einathan, and diah the fon of Binnui, Levites j
34 By
1 .

'as confession and prayer. C H A P. IX, X. He reformeth the strange marriages.

34 By number andhy weight of every one and all : 12 Now, therefore, give not your daughters unto
a re
oJRj s T
the weight was written at that time. their fons, neither take their daughters unto your fons, v^r^i^
35 Also the children of thofe that had been carried nor feek their peace or their wealth for ever ; that * E x°&

away, which were come out of the captivity, offered ye may be ftrong, and eat the good of the land, and palter
7 3-
burnt offerings unto the God of Ifrael, twelve bullocks leave an inheritance to your children for ever.
it for
for all Ifrael, ninety and fix rams, feventy and feven 13 And after all that is come upon us for our evil
lambs, twelve he goats for a fin offering all this was : deeds, and for our great trefpafs, feeing that thou our
a burnt offering unto the Lord. God f haft punifhed us lefs than our iniquities deserve, tHeb.
hast -with-
36 IT And they delivered the king's commiffions and haft given us such deliverance as this ;
held be-
neath our
unto the king's lieutenants, and to the governors on 14 Should we again break thy commandments, iniquities*

this iide the river and they furthered the people, and
and join in affinity with the people of thefe abomi-
the houfe of God. nations, wouldeft not thou be angry with us till thou
CHAP. IX. hadft confumed us, fo that there should be no remnant
nor efcaping ?
I Ezra moiirneth for the affinity of the people with
strangers : 5 heprayeth unto Cod with confession of
15 O
Lord God of Ifrael, thou art righteous for ;

we remain yet efcaped, as it is this day behold, we :

are before thee in our trefpaffes ; for we cannot ftand

^TOW when thefe things were done, the princes
before thee becaufe of this.
came faying, The people of Ifrael, and
to me,

the priefts and the Levites, have not feparated them- CHAP. X.
felves from the people of the lands, doing according to _
1 Shechaniah encourageth Ezra to reform the abuse
their abominations, even of the Canaanites, the Hit- of the strange marriages. 6 Ezra mourning, as-
tites, the Perizzites, the Jebufites, the Ammonites, sembled the people. 9 The people repent, and prom-
the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites. ise amendment, ts>c.
2 For they have taken of their daughters for
themfelves, and for their fons fo that the holy feed
NOW when Ezra had pra

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