Betrayal Is One of The Most Devastating Events in Our Adult Lives 6c2b935fc4be 1 PDF
Betrayal Is One of The Most Devastating Events in Our Adult Lives 6c2b935fc4be 1 PDF
Betrayal Is One of The Most Devastating Events in Our Adult Lives 6c2b935fc4be 1 PDF
A Ennis Follow
Mar 10, 2017 · 31 min read
. . .
Most people after they have been betrayed are deeply affected,
and some never fully recover.
Humans really don’t want to look at the real truth about them,
especially when that truth destroys the paradigms that have
taken lifetimes to build to protect us, and keep us going every
day. To keep us from being afraid.
I propose that not only do you not need those belief systems any
longer, but that they are actually keeping you from forming deep
and intense connections with other people. They are keeping
your spirit asleep. They are keeping you in the “matrix”. The first
step out of the constructs that we have created for ourselves is
the painful process of digging , into ourselves for our truth.
People don’t want to look at things that hurt unless they have to.
Pain is that catalyst in our lives. That is the gift that pain gives
us. The more uncomfortable we become, the more willing we
are to change positions.
All at once , our egos are dying, and deep truths exposed , and
we dont know how to keep them hidden anymore. With our ego
on life support, we have nothing standing between us and parts
of ourselves our ego and vanity hid so well.
Only our selfishness hurts. Only our fear hurts. Only the death of
our arrogance , and vanity hurts.
That also means that they are never truly responsible for their
actions. They are so lost , that they will never understand that
other people are not in any way responsible for our emotional
well being or our actions in life. Or even our feelings.
Just like animals in the wild that often fluff out their wings and
bare their teeth to over emphasize the message they are sending,
humans over dramatize emotions that they don’t really have.
Some of us will reach a point in our lives when that stops making
sense. We sense a deeper meaning to life. Pain will catapult us
there, to the place that we are ready to consider that we are
ultimately responsible for every experience we live through.
Every feeling we have, and every thought that preceded it.
Most of them won’t want to admit that. But for any of them to
ever get better, they have to.
Till wounded adults, admit that they have to leave the past
behind by taking responsibility where they can, and becoming
familiar with their true selves , the things that they don’t want to
see, they will not be capable of operating outside of the
constructs of reward and punishment. Victim and villain. They
have to let go of the need to make someone wrong , and blaming
something or someone for their lives and their feelings, which
usually fall under fear, or shame based secondary emotions. Till
they are willing to let go of that paradigm, they wont ever be
free. They wont ever be able to distinguish the truth from the lie.
They will live in the dark.
Just the thinking that you are not capable of healing , is insane
and keeps you sick. The reality is that most people who have
been hurt are unwilling to let go of the role. Let go of the power
of being the hurt person. The control of being the hurt person.
The attention a hurt person receives.
. . .
I clicked on it.
Pretty much the same message society has sent out for centuries.
“You may beg to differ, but how can you put someone you truly
love in such a position? To make them doubt their self-worth? To
make them question everything they thought they knew about
you? To make them believe that their trust was completely
“Did I do something wrong?”
— are questions you’ll ask yourself over and over again when
you’ve been cheated on.
They won’t let just anyone in; and even when they do let someone in
eventually, they’ll always be guarded.
They’ll be paranoid, and you can’t blame them for it. Even if
they’re in a new happy relationship, they’ll carry the hurt and
the emotional baggage from the previous relationship into their
new relationship—whether it be conscious or not—and it can’t
be helped. They’ll always be suspicious, but don’t blame them for
it; they’re just afraid that the same thing will happen to them
again, and they can’t go through something as painful as that ever
. . .
When I read that , I laughed. Honestly.
Sure that article is right on the money if you just got cheated on
for the first time by someone you never would have thought
would do that to you. We feel all those things. Instantly.
Never trusting again? Believing that you are not worth love ?
Forever guarding your heart like it contains the secrets of the
That’s insane.
I should probably qualify myself , because let’s face it. You need
to earn the right to talk that much smack to people.
I was married. I was married to a guy and we were both in a 12
step program together . These people in programs become like
your family and I was really really close to my people. I went to
meetings all the time and loved my friends.
I had gone through a lot of shit with this guy and even though I
had, I always assumed he was faithful. I firmly believed that.
Like the sky is blue I believed that.
We each have a story about ourself. What we stand for and who
we are. We decorate ourselves with these personality constructs.
We try to make ourselves something,
I am honest—by nature.
I just am not a natural liar. When you’re a more honest person,
you’re just naturally more trusting.
Or seemed to be.
I hated it.
Partly because we had a very healthy sex life. We had sex pretty
much every day we were together and ontop of that we were
both very sexual people—so not only quantity but quality. Know
what I mean? We had a fearless sex life and I knew that I
satisfied him sexually. Completely.
I was constantly forgiving this guy, for being the biggest asshole.
He was constantly begging me to stay. It was just our pattern. He
was a Dick, I would leave , he would cry and beg and promise
me to stay and change and undying love and I would stay. I
languished in that appearance of control and indebted gratitude
I assumed he must have had. It made me feel more secure ,
So fast forward, this man, this guy who could never ever cheat
on me, who also I will have you know- talked so much shit about
cheaters! That was another reason. He seemed to really detest
cheating. other things you should know about him. ..
I even had women walk up to him while I was with him, and hit
on him. In front of me!
Or so I thought
So.. ok.
I list them for you now, because although most women won’t
admit it, they believe they’re own stories right along with me.
Isn’t that kind of the prevailing belief out there? Women keep
their men home. Keep their dicks in their pants. You only have to
re-read that first article I posted to see it all between the lines.
Most of the hurt that comes when someone cheats on you is the
realization that you’re everything that you thought you weren’t.
So fast forward ….
My friend told me I was crazy when I told her I was going home,
turning my car around.
“ I’m his wife, and we just made love this afternoon. Who are
It was true.
I don’t know why I said it like that. Still to this day, I have no idea
why I said it like that.
The break, the crack. The line in my life that made the chasm
between who I used to be and who I am now.
“ Oh, I know who you are. I’m Tina, and I have been fucking your
husband and we went to the beach together today. I knew
something was wrong, that’s why I’m here. I felt it today..”
She had one leg in her car. And she actually called out over the
hood of her car,
“No, he is just fucking me. He is madly in love with you. Oh. And
not just me. You happen to be married to the biggest slut in San
Diego! Me and every other newcomer !”
I smelled the huge cloud of perfume that wafted from her car
and for a moment couldn’t believe that anyone could seriously
wear that much perfume ,
and then she sat down in her shiny red car and sped off.
Now this is the really amazing part. I looked at him and I fell
down on my ass. Right there. Just fell.
I took a huge breath. And then I said ,
. . .
I found out eventually that he had had sex with 15 other women
while we were married. All of them in the 12 step program we
went to.
I ran into his other periodically. One time I went to a dance and
pot luck with some friends and one of the women I was with,
told me their story, innocently. She didn’t think I was the wife of
the “bad decision” she made for six months. It came up because I
was from the same town that her ex lover was from. She wanted
to talk about it. She had a weird sort of pride in being his other
woman. She must have thought she was the only one and they
shared something special.
The worst part about that interaction was the realization that
my daughter was named after her.
I loved her.
But it didn’t change the fact , that not one of my so called friends
told me anything when I needed to know.
By my husband.
What made it even more painful is that I always told. I was the
woman In Walmart. I have lost friends because I told. I would
never in a million years do that to anyone that I loved. I would
tell them in a heartbeat, and I always did.
The usual.
I had kids.
During that time I found out all the gory details of every
Ego CPR.
Humans don’t get that. We just don’t see how many insane
hoops we jump through to sustain our egos.
I was so scared to face the truth, the unknown, that lurked right
behind my eyes , in the shadows of me, I sensed it. It was like a
part of me sensed that I needed to hide, to run from something ,
the reality about my situation. I was so frightened to consider
that I might not know the first thing about life and love and
men, and I think really the thought that I ran from the most was
that whisper, in the back of my head, that just wouldn’t shut up,
it just kept on, and on,
I pretty quickly went insane, and more and more insane, the
more I ran from that voice. Which is exactly what will happen if
you refuse to adjust your sails when the direction of the wind
You know what I mean… when life takes you to new places and
you hold on to everything you used to know for dear life ,
because you don’t wanna know anything else. You’re terrified to
I knew I was on the edge on something painful, even more
painful. Something scary, something fucking terrifying ..
I didn’t know then, that it was only the loss of my ego and my
sexual vanity that was scaring me to death. I didnt want to lose
them. I didnt want to be nothing .. I was running away from
being everyone else.
When an ex addict gets to that place , shit hits the fan. Because I
can’t let myself get into too much pain. I will stick a needle in my
arm. Or put a gun in my mouth.
I sat down with as many men that would let me and I told them
all I was gonna die if they didn’t tell me the truth.
Because all of it was a fucking lie!!
Every part.
Every part of the love story I was told from birth. All the fairy
tales were bullshit. I wasn’t a princess and he wasn’t Prince
Charming. Everything I believed about women and men was
bullshit. Most importantly , about me. It was all bullshit. All of it
meant nothing.
Humans were not capable of being perfect . They were not worth
my trust .
I put my whole entire self worth into the lap of a man. My self
esteem. I sat it there and told him to take care of it. Most people
think that is normal , and they live with the belief that because
you do that, people hold the responsibility to take care of it.
They never realize that the entire request is completely insane to
begin with.
Other men I talked to said that some men don’t cheat , but those
are guys that if they aren’t deeply religious , they have learned
somehow that cheating hurts. Because they have been through it
already and grew up from that experience .
And almost all of the men told me that the men I would date ?
Would be cheaters. Because I pick alpha males. Because I want
the top dog. Because I want the man that everyone wants.
See how cool I am, that I got this guy to be totally in love with me?
It was all about me, every relationship I ever had. It was my
statement to myself and the world.
That meant that I came humbly to the table and became grateful
instead of demanding. I found my place, in relation to love. Love
is this powerful combination of many factors but when it is pure,
it is without any demands. It is without any expectations. It is
without any obligation, or guilt. It is without fear.
You allow people to be exactly who they are, and you in turn ,
are exactly who you are. When you do or say something, it is
completely autonomous . It is for free. When you give anything it
is because you want to. Not to get something back, or position
people. Not to set them up for a fall or trap. I began to see men
as people , and as gifts from the universe and my only purpose
really in relation to them was to make sure I sent them back
better than I found them.
It’s basically the most venerable you will ever feel and be in your
life. You’re hanging out naked with your balls flapping in the
wind, and anyone can walk up and kick you. Right in the nuts.
But the lie about Prince Charming was just to support the lie
about me- which was the most important one . The lie that I was
the beautiful princess who was so “great” that she earned her
It was because I was afraid that she would be “better” than me.
Better body, better in bed. Better house, better kids. Better
clothes. Better job. Better hair. Better.
When you finally realize that you’re not special , and there is
really no competition because you’ve already lost , that stops
being something to be afraid of and becomes a sort of
Might as well really enjoy me, for me. Might as well enjoy
everyone for exactly who they are. The diversity I began to really
appreciate.. the unique beings that stood out from the crowd.
The ones that celebrated who they were , with a devout
commitment to be themselves and never compromise on that. I
stopped looking at what people appeared to be. Stopped caring
about vapid things like looks, and cars and houses and jobs and
history.. I started looking for people’s hearts and souls. I started
listening to their words. Hearing their purpose for themselves
and in the world. I looked for their footprint. What did they
leave behind? A trail of bodies ? Or beauty ? Did they stimulate
my mind? Did I feel alive around them? Did they teach me
something ?
The real meat and potatoes is the unknown. It’s in what you
know after you think you know it all.
Life is about learning who you are, why you are who you are and
forgiving yourself , and loving yourself anyways. Welcoming
your humanity. Adoring your faults and weaknesses. Accepting
your true place in the world.
When you let go of your ego, your fear leaves. There is nothing
you need to protect anymore. No one can hurt you anymore.
The more afraid a person is, the more emotionally reactive they
are , the more egotistical.
Accepting yourself as you truly are, good and bad, and having an
honest idea about how you affect the world around you and not
basing your self worth on approval or rejection is true humility.
*side note*