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What to expect when

migrating finance from

10 “must-know” changes to ensure a
seamless transition

Presented by Winshuttle and ERP Fixers

©2019 Winshuttle, LLC. All rights reserved. 11/19

Table of contents

Executive summary 03

Introduction 04

Chapter 1: General SAP ECC system preparation for a finance

migration to SAP S/4HANA

Chapter 2: Data preparation for a finance migration from SAP


Chapter 3: Financial master data preparation and changes 17

Chapter 4: Preparing for the Universal Journal – ACDOCA 22

Chapter 5: Activating the material ledger 26

Chapter 6: Controlling and preparing for the changes in

profitability analysis

Chapter 7: Customization, preparation, and migration of

asset accounting

Chapter 8: Data migration preparation and process 39

Chapter 9: Challenges and opportunities for improving data

migration processes

Chapter 10: Post-migration system tests and checks 55

Conclusion 58

Appendix A 59

Appendix B 62


Executive Summary

SAP has announced that they will no longer support ECC ERP systems beginning in 2025
and from that date, will only offer and support SAP S/4HANA ERP systems. In the ensuing
years, the majority of companies will need to migrate from their soon-to-be-obsolete ECC
systems to S/4HANA, and this includes transitioning their finance operations. Successful
migration of finance from one to the other requires careful planning, a clear understanding
of the journey your data takes before, during, and after migration and knowledge of the
tools and resources that are available from SAP and other vendors that can make your
transition from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA easier.

This paper is intended to provide a transition team with an idea of the scope of the
migration task and highlights some areas where we have seen customers and clients
struggle during the process. In it, we help identify areas that might need extra attention,

• Some of the critical preparation tasks that need to be considered and planned for
around data cleansing and archiving.

• Highlights of preparing financial master data and some of the changes you will need
to make throughout the migration.

• Key considerations when preparing to implement Universal Journal (ACDOCA)

• What the mandatory implementation of Material Ledger in SAP S/4HANA means for
your business and how to prepare for it whether you have implemented it in SAP ECC
or are waiting until you move to SAP S/4HANA.

• The changes that are coming in CO-PA and how it will affect your accounting and

While SAP has worked hard to provide a comprehensive set of tools that you can use to
migrate from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA, there are still processes that they do not cover.
In this paper, we point out specific areas where Winshuttle software and solutions can
automate and streamline particular data management and cleansing activities.

Also, you will have many options for how you choose to execute the transition. These
include using in-house experts on your SAP team, hiring an outside systems integrator
who oversees all aspects of the migration, or possibly a combination of both. Whatever
path you choose, the experts at ERPfixers can help you determine the best route to make
your migration from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA as smooth, sustainable, and cost-effective
as possible.



Migrating from SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) to SAP S/4HANA is one of the most
complex challenges facing many businesses and their finance organizations in the coming
years. Though many companies have already completed this journey, the vast majority
Winshuttle offers two solutions for of large enterprises have only recently begun the process of planning and preparing their
automating SAP ERP processes organizations for the migration to the new system.
before, during and after your
migration: This white paper is intended to help those responsible for planning and managing the
finance migration from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA understand the challenges and choices
WINSHUTTLE STUDIO involved in making the finance transition as smooth as possible. To help organizations
Upload/download data to SAP
through the journey, ERPfixers and Winshuttle have teamed up to provide expert views on
fast, using Excel.
the tools, tricks, and processes that can help companies efficiently and effectively migrate
Build powerful SAP-enabled Excel their finance data and operations from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA.
workbooks that enable business
teams to get work done faster.
From streamlining invoicing, sales About Winshuttle
orders, and other transactional
processes to support migration to Winshuttle has been automating SAP ERP processes for over 16 years, helping companies
SAP S/4HANA, Winshuttle Studio around the world improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their SAP processes.
empowers the business to make Winshuttle’s software solutions offer significant benefits over manual data processes and
more of an impact with tools they can help improve the speed, accuracy, and quality of migrations from SAP ECC to SAP
already know. S/4HANA while allowing organizations to maintain compliance with internal and external
policies and procedures. Given the complexities and changes these migrations require,
WINSHUTTLE FOUNDATION it is imperative that organizations put in place rigorous governance and clear approval
Digitize and streamline workflows to document every step of the migration process. Nowhere is this truer than
business processes with a with an organization’s financial data. In addition to Winshuttle Studio software helping
powerful workflow solution
to automate many SAP migration preparation and data cleansing steps, Winshuttle
built for SAP.
Foundation platform also enables teams to use forms for managing their data preparation
Add server-based functionality and migration as well as delivering auditable review and approval processes.
to Studio and empower business
teams to build solutions to
reduce cycle times and improve
data quality across your SAP About ERPfixers
landscape—without sacrificing
ERPfixers connects SAP users worldwide with immediate access to highly-skilled
security or centralized control.
independent consultants across all SAP solution areas. Our mission is to offer reliable,
tailored, and cost-effective SAP support, ranging from solving single-system questions to
longer-term, bespoke business support, offered both on- or off-site, short- or long-term. In
addition, ERPfixers offers strategically valuable SAP optimization assessments, including
for SAP S/4HANA migrations. We strive to pass our SAP knowledge on to business users
and to empower them to feel confident within the SAP system.


Chapter 1
General SAP ECC system preparation for a finance
migration to SAP S/4HANA

The first step in the migration from SAP ECC to SAP One of the options for migrating to SAP S/4HANA
S/4HANA Finance is to prepare the general SAP ECC is through the Greenfield approach, which means
system for the migration. But before diving in, it would that the system is set up from “scratch” and is the
be helpful to provide an introduction to what an SAP equivalent of a brand-new SAP implementation.
S/4HANA migration means and what it entails. Some SAP customers should use this approach if
their current SAP ECC landscape is heavily customized
SAP S/4HANA Migration - Introduction
(meaning that the company uses its programs as
Migrating to SAP S/4HANA is generally a non-disruptive opposed to the standard SAP program). In such cases,
process to a company’s current SAP setup, but the it would typically be easier to start all over than to
migration can cause significant business disruptions untangle the current setup to make it compatible with
if it is not carefully planned and executed. However, SAP S/4HANA.
it is essential to construct an effective roadmap to
Another option is the Brownfield approach, which is
ensure that the project is completed successfully and
where the current setup on the SAP ECC landscape
on time. Specifically, there are both functional and
is converted to SAP S/4HANA. This approach is
technical considerations that are necessary to build
not as straightforward as the Greenfield approach
a viable business case for an SAP S/4HANA migration.
because the existing structure and data will need
Also, SAP has announced that SAP ECC will no longer
to be converted to the SAP S/4HANA tables. This
be supported from 2025 onward, so it is imperative for
can get complicated depending on the amount of
SAP customers to begin thinking about their migration
customization that has been done. To its advantage, a

Figure 1: Preparing for a migration to SAP S/4HANA Current/Future S/4HANA



Any DB 1 step system conversion: HANA 2 HANA 2
Software Update Manager with Database Migration
Full Suite Full Suite
1809 releases Future releases

Brownfield conversion can be undertaken at any point to the SAP S/4HANA system, which is on the SAP HANA
in time during the year. It also does not necessarily database. The current release of SAP S/4HANA (at the
need to coincide with the year-end — as is the case time of writing1) is version 1809. When considering
with implementing the SAP General Ledger, which a move to SAP S/4HANA, the following factors need
was previously known as the “new general ledger to be accounted for: time factor evaluation, available
(G/L).” As shown in Figure 1, there is a one-step system migration tools, and prerequisite checks.
conversion from the SAP ECC system on any database


1. Time Factor Evaluation

Before initiating a migration project, SAP customers from these third-party systems flows correctly into
need to understand the project life cycle as well as the new tables in SAP S/4HANA. For example, the
the associated milestones in order to plan the change latest version of the Winshuttle Function Module
management aspects — this is an important area is SAP-certified and compatible with migrations to
that is sometimes overlooked during SAP projects SAP S/4HANA.
— including the readiness of internal stakeholders to
c. The level of user customization: In the SAP industry,
facilitate the business transition to the new system.
it is frequently the case that the older a system is,
The duration of an SAP S/4HANA migration also
the more customization has been done to it by the
understandably depends on the complexity of the
company over time. This is because, in the early
project. An SAP S/4HANA implementation project
days of SAP software, certain functionalities did not
generally falls into one of three categories: complex,
exist as they do today. Therefore, companies had to
moderate, or simple. The complexity depends on
program their ad hoc solutions within the system.
several factors, including:
These were not part of SAP’s standard program.
• The IT infrastructure and landscape Any custom programs will undoubtedly require
a compatibility check with SAP S/4HANA, and
• The level of customization
any necessary remediation will need to be done
• The number of years the company has been ahead of the migration. The higher the number of
using SAP software (which typically reflects the customized programs that exist in the system (such
amount of data to be converted) as business add-ins (BADIs), queries, report painter
programs, “Z” programs, user exits, etc.), the more
These factors are discussed in additional detail
complex the SAP S/4HANA project will be, and the
below, with a specific focus on SAP S/4HANA Finance
migration process will, therefore, be longer.
(acknowledging that other SAP functionality is
migrated to SAP S/4HANA, as well). Before your final d. The number of landscapes and clients: A
migration we recommend that several test migrations customer with the three standard landscapes
be done in a Sandbox system. The number of testing (that is, development, quality assurance (QA), and
cycles and errors encountered will also factor into the production) will require less time to migrate than
duration of the project, as will the following: a customer with additional systems, such as pre-
production, production support, training, user
a. The number of company codes and controlling
acceptance, and special projects.
areas: Company codes and controlling areas are two
of the central organization units that are relevant e. The number of years of financial data: A customer
in an SAP financial system. A higher number of with a relatively stable system that has more
company codes and controlling areas will usually than 15-18 years of financial data has a higher
lead to a more complex implementation, due probability of data-related inconsistencies with
purely to the amount of data that exists in the the SAP database tables, such as the BSEG
company codes and controlling areas, as well as table and associated index-based tables. These
the configuration that has been set up in these inconsistencies may include data irregularities,
organization units. reconciliation differences between line items and
balances, reconciliation of document headers
b. Third-party applications: Third-party systems
(BKPF) against line items (BSEG), and totals tables.
(these refer to the value-added software that an
In these cases, there will need to be several testing
SAP customer may use in conjunction with SAP
cycles — in a Sandbox system — to ensure that the
software) may contain unique and nuanced data
data is consistent.
flows into the SAP system. It is essential to ensure
that these systems are compatible with SAP f. Industry-related functionalities: A customer that
S/4HANA. There will also need to be a significant uses an industry-specific SAP system (such as for
amount of testing involved to ensure that the data


oil and gas, insurance, retail, etc.) may require an factors. To reiterate, it is recommended that several
extra amount of time to test the industry-specific test migrations are done in a Sandbox system. The
functionality. number of testing cycles and errors encountered will
also factor into the duration of the project.
g. SAP ECC core functionality: A customer that utilizes
the core SAP functionality for financials (FI), 2. Available Migration Tools
controlling (CO), materials management (MM), sales SAP offers two standard tools that are available to help
and distribution (SD), production planning (PP), and with the migration process:
human capital management (HCM) should have a
relatively more straightforward implementation SAP Transformation Navigator helps customers
(requiring less time) than customers with the simplify their transition to the SAP product portfolio.
less commonly used functionality for warehouse It consists of the following: Business Guide, Technical
management (WM), quality management (QM), and Guide, and Transformation Guide. SAP Transformation
project systems (PS). Navigator helps companies chart their digital
transformation to SAP S/4HANA by analyzing the
h. Enhancement package (EHP) levels: A customer products and capabilities that are currently used and
with higher enhancement package will require less recommending best-suited products in SAP S/4HANA.
effort and time than a customer that is on a lower It requires a company to answer a few questions —
enhancement package. This is because the higher such as industry type, preferred product from SAP’s
enhancement packages (such as EHP 7 or 8) are portfolio, cloud preference, and top value drivers
more aligned with the SAP S/4HANA functionality (for example, reducing finance or audit costs) —
than the lower packages. and subsequently lists results with recommended
products, type of transition, and enabled capabilities.
i. The SAP Business Planning and Consolidation
(SAP BPC) application: If a customer uses this The Business Scenario Recommendations (BSR)
application, which is housed in a different system, for SAP S/4HANA report uses the current SAP ECC
and if this customer does not plan to utilize the usage information to help identify the most valuable
embedded version of SAP BPC (which is integrated digitized business scenarios for the enterprise.
in the SAP S/4HANA system), then additional effort Customers can receive individual guidance and a
will be needed to ensure the streamlining of data personalized report for their lines of business to review
from SAP S/4HANA to the SAP Business Warehouse the business scenario details and benefits. For every
(SAP BW) and SAP BPC systems. recommended business scenario, the BSR report
explains the improved transactions, the simplification
The average project time estimate for a a simple
and innovation offered, the business context and
migration is 6–9 months, a moderate migration can
drivers, the values and challenges addressed, and the
take 8–12 months, and a complex migration will vary
SAP S/4HANA and SAP Fiori innovations.
between 12–18 months, depending on the above


While SAP offers a comprehensive set of tools that are designed to make the migration from SAP ECC
to SAP S/4HANA as smooth as possible, there are still many areas and steps that require manual data
management. In many of these cases, Winshuttle delivers a solution that helps to automate these
processes and reduce the risk of human errors. Throughout this paper, we will indicate steps and
processes where Winshuttle’s SAP automation capabilities can significantly improve the efficiency
and effectiveness of migrations.


3. Prerequisite Checks Additional Miscellaneous Preparation Steps

There are some prerequisite checks that are done to There are also some miscellaneous steps that need
ensure that the current SAP system is compatible with to be completed to prepare for the SAP S/4HANA
an SAP S/4HANA conversion. These are: migration. These steps involve:

a. SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP Reviewing redundant company codes: SAP
(SAP NetWeaver AS for ABAP): The current SAP S/4HANA conversions take the entire system into
ECC system needs to be an “AS ABAP” system only. account. However, if company codes are obsolete
If the existing system is on a dual-stack (AS for and no longer in use, there is no point in spending
ABAP and AS for Java), it is not supported by SAP any effort on these company codes. We recommend
and will need to be split before migration. you fully archive the company code data before
conversion, or mark a company code as a “Template
b. Core data services (CDS) views: If the existing
Company Code.” 
custom codes need to be adapted during the
conversion, it is required to create or edit a Deleting sample company codes: It is good practice
CDS view. The “Simplification Item” and the to delete all existing sample companies/templates
“S/4HANA-specific code Inspector” checks can before the preparation phase of an SAP S/4HANA
be used to analyze the custom codes and work conversion to avoid future errors with them. You can
on remediating any issues. use Winshuttle to help you automate the extraction
and cleansing of this data.
c. Adobe Document Service: The Adobe Document
Service, which is used for some functionalities Deleting unwanted clients: Companies tend to
such as credit management, is checked for have more than one multiple of the same client in
compatibility. their development or QA systems. Clients are typically
copied for multiple reasons, such as the testing of
d. Interoperability: The SAP NetWeaver systems
new functionalities with production data or the initial
connected to SAP S/4HANA have to be on a release
implementation of other SAP products for prototyping
that is greater or equal to release 7.31.
purposes. It is recommended to delete these multiple

e. Upgrade to SAP ECC 6.0: The source system entries for clients before the conversion to ensure a

needs to be at a minimum on SAP ECC 6.0. There smooth and error-free environment. Every new client

is no restriction on the EHP version within SAP with a different set of data will lead to extra time on

ECC 6.0 as it can be anything from version 1 to eliminating errors that could arise.

version 8. This is because the customer/vendor

Planning the extension ledger settings: We
integration, which is required with SAP S/4HANA,
recommend you plan the extension ledger settings
is not supported below release SAP ECC 6.0.
that the company may need in the future based on any

f. Unicode: As a prerequisite for the conversion, expansion or future organization requirements. Since

the system needs to be on a Unicode system. SAP the extension ledger is created as a layer on top of

S/4HANA is a Unicode system, and the Software an underlying ledger, all postings from the underlying

Update Manager (SUM) process does not include ledger will apply to the extension ledger and can be

a “Non-Unicode to Unicode” conversion. If the easily used, for example, to modify financial data to

source environment is not on release SAP ECC other accounting standards such as IFRS.

6.0, then the Unicode and SAP ECC upgrade can

Eliminating the “Storage Location MRP” view:
be done simultaneously by doing a Combined
The “Storage Location MRP” view is not supported in
Upgrade and Unicode Conversion (CU and UC).
SAP S/4HANA. Companies need to look to alternatives,
More information about this can be derived
such as planning on the “MRP area” level instead.
from SAP Note 928729.


There are conversion pre-checks that can help to discover any errors. Companies can
execute Report MRP_AREA_STORAGE_LOC_MIGRATION if the pre-checks detect that a
”Storage Location MRP” view is used. The report checks prerequisites, such as MRP types,
lot-sizing procedures, and MRP areas in customizing. If all the requirements are fulfilled,
then the report generates material master records for planning on the “MRP area” level
using the storage location’s material records.

Executing a table dump: It is good practice to execute a table dump of the critical tables
to address any inconsistencies after the project goes live. Some of the key tables are COEP,

Reviewing SAP Fiori apps: With the release of 1809, SAP has introduced several
dashboard apps that provide a view of a company’s financial data in a single screen. These
include General Ledger Overview, Asset Accounting Overview, Accounts Payable/Accounts
Receivable Overview, and Order-to-Cash Performance Monitor. A company should review
these apps and prepare a list of apps that are needed.

Chapter Summary
There are many factors to be aware in planning for an SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA Finance
migration. You must:

• Plan for what the migration project life cycle will look like in your organization

• Know the factors that will affect this process the most

• Understand the extent of your SAP system landscape including third-party applications

• Familiarize yourself with the standard SAP migration tools and where other applications,
like Winshuttle solutions, can fill any gaps that might exist

• Conduct any prerequisite checks to ensure compatibility

• Catalog all the steps necessary for a successful migration in your roadmap


Chapter 2
Data Preparation for a Finance Migration from

With the explosive growth of data in businesses in recent years, more resources are
required to scale up the storage of this ever-increasing data. However, merely adding
more database resources to keep up with this requirement is not the solution. Instead, a
company needs to implement an effective data management strategy by analyzing the
usefulness of old data, the frequency of accessing this data, and the cost of storage. A
data management strategy should be in place in order to satisfy the requirements of data
accessibility, performance, and cost.

Before migrating to an SAP S/4HANA system, a company must decide what to do with
obsolete data. If there is a significant amount of obsolete data that is migrated to the SAP
S/4HANA system, then this will likely degrade the performance of the system. A process
called “data aging,” which involves shifting appropriate data within a database to gain
more working memory, can address these inefficiencies. Data aging segregates the data
that needs to be stored into the below categories:

• Hot data refers to the data that is operationally relevant.

• Warm data is either never accessed or rarely accessed. This data does not need to
be permanently stored in the main memory of the database.

• Cold data is no longer accessed during normal operations. This type of data is usually
only accessed for historical referencing purposes.

The “temperature” of data (see Figure 2) decides the strategy of storing the data. It can be
used to horizontally partition the tables - moving data between the different partitions
from “hot” to “cold” for optimizing resource consumption and performance. Hot data is
stored within SAP S/4HANA’s main memory, while cold data stays primarily stored on
disk, but remains accessible via SQL on request. Organizations implicitly understand the
usefulness of data and depending upon its value; the data should be segregated to fit into
the different temperature categories. SAP recommends that companies should classify
10% as hot data, which is between 0 to 4 years old, 30% as recent data, which is between
5 to 10 years, and 60% as historical data over 10 years old.

Figure 2: Data aging Accessed very frequently for reporting or by Data Warehouse processes.
segregates data EXAMPLES:

• Queries on InfoCubes
by temperature as • DataStore objects
hot, warm, and cold • Data activation in standard DataStore objects
(Source: Agilitywork)
Either never accessed or accessed very rarely. Does not have to be permanently stored in the main memory.

EXAMPLES: • Write-Optimized DataStore objects of corporate memories

• Persistent Staging Areas
• Write-Optimized DataStore objects of the data acquisition layer

No longer needed in the BW system. Only accessed sporadically, does not have to be saved in tehe SAP HANA
database. Instead it can be saved using near-line storage (NLS).


The concept of data aging (see Figure 3) was introduced in the SAP Business Suite on
SAP HANA (“Suite on HANA”) and SAP S/4HANA applications. This is a tailor-made data
management concept for reducing the SAP S/4HANA memory footprint, based on a
framework for data aging provided by “SAP NetWeaver for ABAP.” It is worth mentioning
that data aging is only possible for customers undergoing an SAP S/4HANA database
migration from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA, or for customers with a lower SAP S/4HANA
version (such as 1511) that are migrating to latest version (such as 1809).

Business Suite S/4HANA

Data Solution / Storage Possible
Business Value
Temperature Feature Technology Actions
On-Premise Cloud
Edition Edition

Optimizing HANA data foootprint

Data Aging SAP HANA
1 Active/operationally-relevant data stored
Write, Read,
Hot/Current in-memory
within HANA memory. Hot data is frequently
Update, Delete
accessed and has higher performance

Optimizing HANA data footprint

Data Aging Cold/Historical
SAP HANA Write, Read,
on disc X 1
Data which is closed/cleared and is moved
to cold partitions on disk

HANA Enabler & Data Volume

Archived Write, Read,
Seperate WORM, Data which is read only/infrequently Destruction
Data (ADK)
disk or DB file- 2 2 accessed (histroical) is moved to ADK function
based storage files (enriched with retention time) on a available using
SAP ILM RM secure long-term storage (important before SAP ILM
migrating to SAP Business Suite on HANA or

Generally available X Not available Different solution approach

Available for selected basis objects only
Figure 3: A data aging framework for migrating
In e.g SAP S/4HANA Finance only partially available SAP data to SAP S/4HANA (Source: SAP)


Data Cleansing
One of the essential steps that should be performed before migrating from the SAP ECC
system to SAP S/4HANA is the cleansing of the data. This preparatory activity is frequently
HOW WINSHUTTLE CAN overlooked, which tends to cause a lot of preventable issues and inefficiencies going
forward. Over time, and despite available, suitable system controls, an SAP system is likely
to accumulate many data inconsistencies, for several reasons, including:
By leveraging Winshuttle
software’s ability to extract • Existing data that does not have a consistent format as it is derived from various
data from SAP systems into a sources
user-friendly Microsoft Excel • A decentralized master data management team
template, it is possible to identify
• Changes in compliance rules and regulations leading to new sets of data — such
data discrepancies, correct and
as a country moving from value-added tax (VAT) to goods and services tax (GST),
reload the data records to the
which renders much of the old tax code and related settings (e.g., account keys and
SAP system without having to
mapping rules) redundant
manually manage or compare
records one at a time through the • Changes in the data-keeping format — such as good manufacturing practices (GMP)
SAP graphical user interface (GUI). compliance for pharmaceutical industries
Winshuttle software enables
functional experts who are not
traditionally SAP users to manage
significant parts of the data Duplicates The same data entity (fixed asset, vendor, customer, etc.) that is
cleanup effort. created multiple times in the same system

Winshuttle also offers users a Obsolete or Inactive Data that is not up to date or is no longer active (e.g., vendors
forms and workflow solution that Records that are no longer purchased from)
enables companies to follow
established rules and procedures Incorrect Data Inconsistencies related to typing or data entry errors — such as
during the migration. spelling errors and reference inconsistencies (e.g., 2nd Street vs.
Second Street, or Inc. vs. Corporation)

Incomplete Records Missing data in the current legacy system

The following data cleanup activities should be taken before the data migration:

• Data duplication: Identify all the duplicates in the SAP system.

• Data verification: Verify and validate that all contacts are still valid for email and
direct mail marketing.

• Data normalization: Normalize and standardize fields into the new data scheme if
any format changes have been made.

• Append data: Add or edit fields to complete records with missing data.

• Data governance: Establish data governance rules for the SAP S/4HANA or third-
party system to minimize the need for data cleansing in the future.


Evaluation and Analysis

Before carrying out data cleansing activities, a company should evaluate and analyze
which data in the current system is invalid and, therefore, should be included in a data
cleansing exercise. SAP provides the following options for duplicate recognition and the
creation of data cleansing cases:

• Data profiling with SAP Data Services, which is implemented over the Data Services
Designer developer tool

• User-defined programs

• Interface by business address services (BAS) tables

• Third-party vendor applications such as Winshuttle



Asset Accounting Fixed Assets Master & Balances. This also includes Capital and Operational Leases

Accounts Receivable (AR) Customer Master

Cash Management Bank/ Bank Accounts

Cost Control/Controlling Cost Centers

Cost Control/Controlling Internal Orders

Grants Management Sponsor

Grants Management Sponsored Programs

Grants Management Open Grant

Purchasing & SRM/MM/FI Vendor Master

General Ledger (G/L) General Ledger Account

Accounts Payable (AP) Vendor Master

FSCM Business Partner

Tax Codes Sales/Purchase/Withholding taxes, Excise Master Data correction

Housebank Bank Master Data

MM Material Master


Data archiving
Before migrating to SAP S/4HANA, it is best to clean up the SAP database and archive any
outdated transactional data. SAP recommends the deployment of a data archiving solution
to decrease the volume of transactional data that is migrated to the new system. Reducing
the amount of data that is migrated from SAP ECC to the new SAP S/4HANA system can
deliver significant benefits, including:

• Shorter timeline for the migration and future upgrade projects

• A less complex data migration

• Substantially less production downtime and associated risk

The Decision Tree shown in Figure 4 highlights a typical decision process involved in data

Is the data still Can the data be Summarize
required? summarized? the data


Can the data be deleted?

the creation of Delete
the data data!

Can the data be archived?


remains in the
Figure 4: A data archiving decision tree
(Source: SAP)


Managing Data Volume

Data that is static in nature or that is no longer needed from a business standpoint can
be archived easily. The archived data can be accessible in the “Suite on HANA” (when the
SAP ECC system is housed in an SAP HANA database) and SAP S/4HANA systems, via the
standard SAP tools and interfaces, such as the Archive Information System. Customers can
also delete data using the data destruction functionality of the SAP Information Lifecycle
Management solution.

Archiving and aging are similar concepts with the same end goal, reducing the data load
on the live SAP HANA database, to increase data efficiency and reduce cost. However, it
must be ensured that the aging and deletion of archived material documents does not
happen in parallel.

Using Compliant-Based Archiving

Using a compliant-based archiving tool is essential for managing regulatory requirements

and data privacy standards, such as GDPR-compliant data management. This kind of
compliance solution is necessary for regulated and litigious industries such as the financial
services, healthcare and life sciences, and public sector industries. There are several third-
party tools available to meet these regulatory requirements, such as Iternity and Smarsh.

Removing Unstructured Content from the Database

It is essential for companies to consider their unstructured content. If the storage location
of ‘Generic Object Services (GOS)’* attachments is not configured, all unstructured content
that users have added via GOS over time will have been recorded in the database and will
add to the overall volume. Companies can check the size of the SOFFCONT1 table in this
context, or they can check the Control Table DRAO for SAP DMS (Document Management
System) as well.

* GOS = This is the icon commonly in the top-left of an SAP GUI screen, which provides
different functions such as adding attachments, creating document links, displaying
workflows, and so on.

The data archiving procedure can be carried out in three phases (see Figure 5):

1. Creating an archive file: The “write” program writes the data to be archived from the
SAP database to archive the files.

2. Deleting data: The deletion program first reads the data in the archive file and then
deletes the corresponding data records from the database.

3. Moving the archive files to a separate storage medium: As an optional step, the archive
files can be securely stored in another storage medium.

Refer to SAP Note 2545209 for information on accessing archived FI data after upgrading









Figure 5: The three phases of the SAP data archiving procedure (Source: Mouritech)

Chapter Summary
As you prepare your financial data for migration from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA, it is
important to consider the following:

• The age and “temperature” of your data to determine what should be archived versus

• The best approach to cleansing the data you intend to migrate

• The extent of the cleansing effort ahead of you

• The most efficient tools and processes for cleansing your data

• The amount and value of the data you need to archive

• The preparation of financial master data to match the changed functions in SAP
S/4HANA Finance


Chapter 3
Financial master data preparation and changes

In preparing data for migrating financial operations from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA, there
are minimum activities that occur during the pre-conversion phase for period closing,
reconciliation checks, and transactional data checks. It is also important for a company
to prepare for the migration of financial operations by modifying its existing master data
to meet the changed functions in SAP S/4HANA, as well as to prepare their transactional
data changes to minimize migration errors. The activities that can be carried out to prepare
the transactional and master data for migration, are explained below.

Transactional Data Preparation

The activities to prepare the transactional data for migration is as follows:
Winshuttle Studio can often be
the best option for correcting 1. FI transactional data consistency check: FI consistency checks compare the G/L
any variances or errors that are accounts to identify any inconsistencies. This includes comparing open items and
uncovered during the transactional account balances.
data preparation step. Enabling the
functional users who understand 2. Comparison of documents and indexes: One of the important checks between

the accounting and variance documents and indexes is the checking of open items from secondary index tables

processes to make the necessary BSIS and BSAS and ensuring that they have the same XOPVW indicator as the account

changes, without needing to know master table SKB1.

the SAP GUI, frees up SAP experts

3. Cross-module reconciliation check: This is done against the G/L to ensure that
for other aspects of the migration.
the balance reconciles with the AP, AR, fixed assets, and MM data, in all ledgers and

By employing Winshuttle valuations.

Foundation for review and

4. Reconciliation of the document tables: Table BKPF is reconciled with the index
approval workflows, organizations
tables such as BSIS/BSAS, BSID/BSAD, and BSIK/BSAK.
can also rest assured that the
process steps put in place for the 5. Examination of missing document headers: Examine missing headers from table
data preparation and cleansing are BKPF.
being followed and are auditable.
6. Reconciliation of document headers: Reconcile table BKPF against line items

t 17

Financial Master Data Preparation

The Universal Journal being introduced in SAP S/4HANA (see chapter 4) has numerous
The implications of these changes implications for financial master data. A significant update and change to data in the G/L
mean that companies will need includes how master data is created: Depending on the business scenario and the line of
to create new G/L accounts for business, a company would likely need to create new G/L accounts before or during the
each secondary cost element in SAP S/4HANA conversion to meet these requirements:
SAP ECC. Winshuttle software’s
• Creation of Cost Elements for Account-Based CO-PA Assessment Cycle: After
ability to work in SAP ECC and
transitioning from costing-based to account-based CO-PA, a company will need to
SAP S/4HANA can help speed up
modify its assessment cycles. It will need to create additional cost elements that
the creation process by allowing
represent equally the value fields, which are assigned to the PA transfer structure.
users to reference existing SAP ECC
The number of G/L accounts created will depend on the number of value fields the
data, perform data conversion in
company is currently using in costing-based CO-PA.
Microsoft Excel, and then create the
new G/L accounts in SAP S/4HANA • Creation of Cost Elements for Internal Order Settlement to CO-PA: After transitioning
via transaction code FS00. to account-based CO-PA, modifications in the allocation structure will be required
to include new settlement cost elements that existed in the PA transfer structure.

Preparing for the Transition to Business Partner

The validation of complete data in the Customer Master and Vendor Master objects is
Winshuttle software can support critical to ensure that there is an error-free customer/vendor integration (CVI). A few
the various data checks outlined important central data checks that need to be conducted before embarking on conversion
to the right. By enabling users to are:
quickly and easily extract, check
Organization checks
and validate the data fields,
Winshuttle makes this portion of • The Industry field must exist (Table TB038)
migrations to Business Partner • The Legal Forms field must exist (Table TB019)
faster than having to conduct the • The Legal Entity field must exist (Table TB032)
checks manually.
Address checks

• Validation of bank data fields, such as Bank Key must be available

• Validation of address data, such as Title Forms of Address (Table TSAD3)
• E-mail fields must contain @

Tax number checks

• Tax type must exist in the Tax Number Categories (Table TFKTAXNUMTYPE)


Some of the errors that are encountered during the CVI process errorsare as follows:

HOW WINSHUTTLE CAN HELP • Existing account number not valid: Bank account number (KNBK-BANKN) is
Depending on system defined with a length that is different from the specified country’s settings.
configurations and how the
• Invalid bank control key: Bank control key (KNBK-BKONT) is in the wrong format.
bank account data is managed,
Winshuttle Studio may be able to • Bank key doesn’t exist: Bank key (KNBK-BANKL) specified for a customer/vendor
help you through the process of bank account doesn’t exist.
correcting errors and variances in
financial master data. • Account holder doesn’t exist for country: Account holder (KNBK-KOINH) is missing
in the Bank Details record.

• Customizing issues (missing or incomplete customizing): Tax number categories,

industries, address forms, departments, legal forms, and so on, are missing or

• Master data quality issues: The incorrect format is used for dates, tax codes, trading
partners, bank keys, bank account numbers, postal code, or bank control.

• Nonexistent/incorrect tax and VAT values or bank numbers. Value specified for
a customer/vendor tax or bank number doesn’t exist.

It is important to check for consistency in the customer and vendor master data, and fix
any issues accordingly so that these errors do not occur during the CVI process.


Example Errors
1. Tax number category does not exist: Tax numbers are sourced from the “Control
Data” tabs of the Customer (XD03) and Vendor (XK03) masters, where the country
code of the tax number category represents the country code of the business partner,
and the numerical sign represents the reference number of the tax number field
(see Figure 6). For example, “KE1” denotes the “Tax Number 1” field of the Chinese
customer or vendor. A “0” reference number always represents the “VAT Reg. No.” field.
When the code creates an error in the system, it means that the entry does not exist in
table TFKTAXNUMTYPE. This means that either an SAP Note needs to be implemented
or the tax category needs to be manually maintained and assigned to the checking
rules via table TFKTAXNUMTYPE and maintenance view V_TFKTAXNUMTYPE.

Figure 6: Error for tax number category that does not exist

2. Address xxx not designated for organizations. This error means that the business
address service needs to be maintained as a gender-specific title (see Figure 7).

Figure 7: Error for business address service not designed as gender-specific


3. Specify an industry. This error means that the industry that exists in the business
partner has not been maintained in the table (see Figure 8).

Figure 8: Error for industry not existing in the business partner master data

The following activities will need to be performed to ensure the completeness of the
business partner master data:

Attribute assignment for contact person

a. Activate Assignment of Contact Person

b. Assign Department Numbers for Contact Person
c. Assign Functions of Contact Person
d. Assign Authority of Contact Person
e. Assign VIP Indicator for Contact Person

Attribute assignment for customer

f. Assign Marital Status

g. Assign Legal Form to Legal Status
h. Assign Payment Cards
i. Assign Industries

Chapter Summary
Migrating financial master data from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA requires some significant
changes to the data structures in SAP ECC before the conversion can be successful. These
include understanding:

• The changes to how CO-PA costing elements are managed

• The changes that are coming with the shift from customer/vendor to business partner

• Expected errors and how to mitigate them during the CVI process


Chapter 4
Preparing for the Universal Journal (ACDOCA)

Conversion to SAP S/4HANA transforms the transactional data in the SAP ECC system
from the various financial systems (i.e., G/L accounting, asset accounting (AA), CO, CO-PA,
and the material ledger) to the new data model of the Universal Journal (ACDOCA). It
reads the data from the old database tables and transfers them to the new structures, as
shown in Figure 9. For example, AA line items are transferred (or converted) from the ANEK,
ANEP, ANEA, and ANLP tables to the ACDOCA table. The migration of balances ensures the
aggregated total amount in ACDOCA shows the same results as the total amounts in the
old tables. Below is a list of tables that have been removed (or replaced) in SAP S/4HANA:

• Index tables that have been removed or replaced: BSIS, BSAS, BSID, BSAD, BSIK,

• Aggregate tables that have been removed or replaced: GLT0, GLT3, FAGLFEXT,

• Line-item tables removed: FAGLFLEXA, COEP, ANEP, ANEA, ANLC, ANLP, and MLIT

• Material ledger tables now stored in the ACDOCA table: MLIT, MLPP, MLPPF,

General Ledger Accounting (G/L) Profitability Analysis (CO-PA)

Operating Market
Ledger Company Account Profit Amount 1 Amount 2 Amount 3 ... ...
Concern Segment

Universal Journal
Account/ Balancing Account
Market Customer
Ledger Company Cost Profit Amount 1 Amount 2 Amount 3 Asgmt. Asset Material ...
Segment Fields
Element Center Block

Controlling (CO) Asset Accounting Material Ledger

Controlling Cost
Amount 1 Amount 2 Asgmt. ... Company Asset ... Company Material ...
Area Element

Figure 9: The transactional data from the old database tables in SAP ERP Financials is transformed
to the new data model of the Universal Journal (ACDOCA) in SAP S/4HANA (Source: SAP Help)


Since the Universal Journal (ACDOCA) is a combination of multiple tables (see Figure 9),
it is very likely that any inconsistencies between the ledgers, tables, or structures, such as
BSEG and BSIS, can lead to a series of errors in ACDOCA.

As a part of the pre-migration checks, SAP has developed multiple tools and programs to
enable users to analyze these areas and report the errors in advance, before performing
the migration steps. However, even if all the pre-migration checks have been carried out,
and the integrity of the data has been validated sufficiently, errors are still bound to occur.
This is because the reports and programs for checking and validating can only be run in
the SAP ECC source system on the old data structures, and these do not show every error
that can come up during conversion to SAP S/4HANA. Most of these errors are encountered
during the migration phase and are typically triggered during these migration steps:

• R20: Analyze Transactional Data

• R21: Reconciliation of Transactional Data
• R24: Check Migration of Balances
• R23: Check Migration of Journal Entry
• R24: Check Migration of Balances
• R25: Check Initial Depreciation Calculation

Some of the prominent errors encountered due to data inconsistencies are:

• BKPF entry exists, but no BSEG entry

• BSEG entries without an equivalent entry in FAGLFLEXA
• Mismatch between the index table and the backup table
• Different amounts between the entry view and G/L view
• Item is in the BSEG table but missing in the index table
• Mismatched balance for ANLC or other assets-related table

The majority of these errors are due to the following:

• Data inconsistencies existing in the source system due to inconsistent updates that
have been made by custom-developed programs and interfaces
• Manual updates of the BSEG table
• Inconsistency between the BKPF and BSEG tables in the source system due to
incorrect prior updates to these tables
• Problems caused by incorrect archiving of the data in the above tables — such as and
error showing “BKPF entry exists, but no BSEG entry” could be triggered
• Improper customizing or master data changes — such as switching on or switching
off “Open item management” without following proper procedures
• Direct updates to standard tables — such as BSEG via a function code “SAP_EDIT”
in transaction SE16N
• If the classic G/L is used in the source system, and the new G/L functionality
is subsequently activated, there could be inconsistencies between the two


Steps Ahead of Migrating to ACDOCA
In general, companies may run into problems with inconsistent transactional data if they
have large volumes of data, an abundance of custom codes, or do not reconcile their
data during the year-end close process. Therefore, performing preparatory work for the
Inevitably the checks and migration of documents in the ACDOCA table is highly important in order to identify any
validation steps that SAP data quality issues well in advance of an SAP S/4HANA conversion. This critical step will
programs conduct will return help to ensure a smooth and error-free data migration. Some important recommendations:
errors that need to be corrected.
Winshuttle software enables a. Performing consistency checks across table indexes: This is done by comparing
functional teams to extract the documents to indexes, checking documents against transactional data for selected
records that need adjusting fiscal years, checking for any duplicate data and identifying missing document between
from the SAP system, make headers (BKPF), and line items (BSEG). RFINDEX_NACC is the standard program that
the necessary corrections, checks the consistency of the document views from the BSIS, BSAS, BSID, BSAD,
and reload the records — all BSIK, and BSAK tables with the line items in table BSEG. It also reconciles documents
without the need to manage the versus indexes, indexes versus documents, missing BKPF, missing BSEG, document/
changes through the SAP GUI. transaction figures, indexes/transaction figures, duplicate indexes, etc. SAP Note
The changes can be made in a 1835621 and SAP Note 1592904 can be used to deal with any findings in this program.
Winshuttle-enabled Microsoft
Excel template and then posted b. Reconciling the G/L and the AP/AR subledgers: The transaction FAGLF03 (Program
to the SAP system. TFC_COMPARE_VZ) reports the transaction-based difference between the G/L and
AP/AR. It also checks customizing for document types and number ranges. Before
Winshuttle offers software starting with the migration, the reports should be executed for the last fiscal year with
solutions that enable teams to the “Single Doc. Comparison” check flagged. Any findings should be resolved before
adhere to strict, established audit the start of the migration.
and compliance standards —
that are critical for successfully c. Reconciling the G/L with asset accounting: Programs RAABST02 and RAABST01 are
migrating financial data from SAP standard programs that can be used to reconcile the FI and AA data. These programs
ECC to SAP S/4HANA. reconcile the data for both the leading and non-leading ledgers (if any). However,
before executing these reports, the following activities should be performed in the AA
module to ensure that there are no errors:

• Fiscal Year Change (AJRW)

• Execute Depreciation (AFAB)
• Execute Year Closing (AJAB)
• APC Values Posting (ASKB)

Furthermore, since the classic AA module has been replaced with “New Asset Accounting”
in SAP S/4HANA (Note: New Asset Accounting is also available in release SAP ECC 6.0,
EHP8), it is a critical area that needs to be handled carefully in order to mitigate any risks
that may arise due to data inconsistencies.


d. Reconciling the G/L with materials management. Programs RM07MBST and

RM07MMFI ensure that the summary total in the G/L matches the total in the MM
subledgers. It is therefore important to run these programs for the current year as well
as the prior years. Any errors and inconsistencies should be resolved immediately. For
the most part, the differences can be resolved by carrying forward the balances in the
G/L. Also, program FAGL_MM_RECON needs to be executed to compare the inventory
G/L account balance with the inventory values in the material ledger. This program
reads the inventory values from the material ledger tables. If the material ledger is not
active, it reads the values from the MM tables. The SAP Notes below can be referred
to if there are any errors:

• SAP Note 968812 – MM/FI: Difference for material stocks

• SAP Note 520010 – FAQ: Inconsistencies in inventory management

e. Reconciling ledgers: Transaction code GCAC is used for the reconciliation of different
ledgers. If the new G/L is active, then all the records of the leading and non-leading
ledgers should be compared for each fiscal year. If the program finds any differences,
SAP Note 729433 (differences between the special ledger and the G/L for possible
causes and solutions) can be referred to.

f. Reconciling profit center accounting with the G/L: Transaction codes KE5T and
KE5U are used (the previously mentioned transaction GCAC can also be used) to
reconcile the profit center accounting module with the G/L. The program compares
the GLPCT table with the classic G/L table (GLT0). If there are any differences, the SAP
Note 81374 can be referred to for possible causes and solutions.

g. Customizing consistency checks: From SAP S/4HANA release 1809, the program /
can be used to check the consistency of Ledger, Company Code, and Controlling Area
settings to determine whether a migration to SAP S/4HANA Finance is feasible. The
program checks whether the currency settings of the company codes and ledgers are
consistent and compatible with the new table architecture.

Chapter Summary
Universal Journal (ACDOCA) represents a fundamental change in the way SAP S/4HANA
organizes, stores, and manages financial data. As a result, it is critical that you understand
the implications of these changes and how they will affect both your SAP environment as
well as your functional finance team. The things to be aware of include:

• The combining of multiple tables into a single “universal” table that includes all of
your financial and related information
• The changes to your financial data that are required for your migration to be
• The tools available for analyzing your current data structures in SAP ECC
• The tools available for making corrections, updates, and adjustments to the data in
preparation for SAP S/4HANA


Chapter 5
Activating the material ledger

In SAP S/4HANA, the material ledger is mandatory. In the SAP ECC system, the inventory
valuation tables xBEW(H) (tables EBEW, EBEWH, MBEW, MBEWH, OBEW, OBEWH, QBEW,
and QBEWH) were used to store transactional and master data attributes. However, with
SAP S/4HANA, even though these tables still exist, they are only used for storing MM data
attributes. The transactional data fields, such as LBKUM, SALK3, SALKV, and VKSAL, are
no longer updated in the inventory valuation tables mentioned above. Instead, they are
stored in Table ACDOCA and other material ledger tables. This is why it is mandatory to
activate the material ledger in SAP S/4HANA. The table below describes how the old tables
differ from the new ones.


MLHD, MLIT, MLPP, MLPPF, MLCR, MLCRF, MLDOC & MLDOC_EXTRACT These tables will be populated from material
CKMLPP, CKMLCR, MLCD, CKMLMV003, ledger transactional data updates and settlement.

MLKEPH, CKMLKEPH, (CKMLPRKEKO) MLDOCCCS & MLDOCCCS_ These tables will update the cost component split
EXTRACT in actual costing.

CKMLMV011 MLRUNLIST This table will contain the material and activity
type status from a costing run.

MKPF, MSEG MATDOC This table will hold the header and item data of a
material document.

MBEW, OBEW, QBEW, MBEWH, OBEWH, ACDOCCA This table will contain the inventory valuation
EBEWH transactional data.

During the migration to SAP S/4HANA, there are configuration conversion steps that are
needed to activate the material ledger automatically — even if the source system did not
have material ledger active. While it is mandatory to activate the material ledger in SAP
S/4HANA, customers are not obligated to activate actual costing (which is typically the
most common functionality used with the material ledger, to date).

Along with the significant architecture-level changes, the activation of the material ledger
has its benefits. The contents of most of the old material ledger tables (such as MLIT,
MLPP, MLPPF, MLCR, MLCRF, MLCD, CKMI1, and BSIM) are stored in the ACDOCA table.
The material ledger table (MLHD) data is stored in the accounting document header table


There are numerous functional benefits for companies using actual costing with the
material ledger in SAP S/4HANA. For example, price changes during the period are
now possible without using the Late Price Change (LTPC) functionality. With the new
material ledger, there is no longer a distinction between single- and multi-level variances.
Furthermore, material ledger’s monthly closing process is significantly faster now, as
process steps (single-level settlement, multi-level settlement, revaluation of consumption,
and work-in-process (WIP) revaluation) are merged into one step called “Settlement.”

Recommendations for Companies NOT Currently

Using the Material Ledger
For companies that are not currently using the material ledger, there are no specific sets
of activities that need to be taken before migration as part of the preparation for a SAP
HOW WINSHUTTLE CAN HELP S/4HANA conversion, except for executing the standard step, “Preparations and Migration
While Winshuttle software of Customizing for Material Ledger” shown below:
may not be best suited to help
archive records from MLWERE or
MM_EKKO, it is very well suited
to support the closing, clearing,
updating, and configuration
However, to ensure that the existing data is successfully transitioned to SAP S/4HANA —
activities in SAP ECC prior to
with minimal errors — it is recommended to take the following steps where pertinent:
activating the material ledger.
• Archive purchase order (PO) history records (table MLWERE) and obsolete POs (MM_

• Close open production orders (transaction COHV).

• Clear any goods-receipt/invoice-receipt (GR/IR) account differences (transaction


• Update the exchange rates for the currencies of the company code(s).

• Ensure that all G/L accounts configured as inventory accounts (transaction key BSX)
have been created.

There are two main schools of thought regarding whether it is better to implement the
material ledger before the migration process or during the migration process to SAP

The first school of thought, that it is better to implement the material ledger beforehand,
emphasizes several benefits, including:

• Users have time to become accustomed to the material ledger functionality and

• The material ledger requires discipline for its functionality to work correctly.
Implementing it beforehand allows the users to adopt these practices early on.

• SAP S/4HANA comes with a variety of new functionalities that will change the way
the system is used. A migration beforehand reduces the overall learning curve when
one of the features is already implemented.


Some companies do not currently use the material ledger (in SAP ECC) but may consider
activating it in SAP ECC, prior to migration, to use its actual costing functionality for
business-related reasons such as:

• Operating in multiple countries and multiple currencies

• Operating a worldwide supply chain, which requires intercompany transfer

pricing between different legal entities in different countries, thereby requiring the
elimination of any intercompany profit within affiliated entities by having a “Group
View” of inventory data

• Capturing exchange rate differences that relate to material valuation

• Capturing the inflationary impact on the inventory values due to high inflation rates,
thereby necessitating the recording of inventory in a more stable currency like USD

Such companies may understand the need to implement the material Ledger, but have
been holding back the implementation decision due to anticipated challenges, such
as system performance, complex configurations, additional period-end activities, and
operational discipline, etc. These companies can implement the material ledger in SAP
ECC in order to familiarize themselves with the calculation logic and processes, and
migrate to a significantly improved version in SAP S/4HANA, which offers the streamlined
steps in the actual costing cockpit, the speed of the SAP HANA database, and the seamless
integration with the Universal Journal (which eliminates period-end reconciliation).

The second school of thought is to delay the material ledger implementation until the
SAP S/4HANA migration. In this case, if a company can wait until it migrates its existing
SAP ECC system to SAP S/4HANA, it can reap the following benefits:

• The perceived challenges can be avoided because the month-end process is

comparatively faster

• System performance is much faster than SAP ECC

HOW WINSHUTTLE CAN HELP • The aforementioned price change restriction has now been removed
When preparing for the
Additionally, by waiting until the migration to SAP S/4HANA, there will be no confusion
implementation of the material
as to the process changes between the actual process in SAP ECC and SAP S/4HANA. The
ledger in SAP S/4HANA,
users will only need to learn the new process in SAP S/4HANA.
Winshuttle Studio is an excellent
tool for helping manage and Another important benefit of delaying the material ledger implementation will be an overall
prepare the data that will be smoother and faster migration process. The errors that can occur during the conversion
migrated. Winshuttle Studio can of the material ledger from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA, including “SAP S/4HANA Material
help with cleansing, updating, Ledger Migration (Actual Costing)” can be avoided. These include:
and modifying data records so
• Statistical exchange rate differences
that the data is compatible with
the material ledger fields in the • SAP S/4HANA Material Ledger Migration
Universal Journal. • Exception CX_SY_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW

• Runtime Error: S/4HANA Migration Material Ledger Performance during INITIAL_LOAD


Recommendations for Companies Using the Material

Ledger in SAP ECC
For customers already using the material ledger in the SAP ECC system, there are a few
proactive measures that need to be taken to ensure that the migration to SAP S/4HANA
goes smoothly. As part of the pre-migration activities, customers should ensure:
Winshuttle software can
• The material ledger costing runs for actual costing (CKMLCP) and alternative valuation
significantly help speed up the
(CKMLCPAVR) are successfully executed and that all the month-end processes are
data cleansing activities needed
completed with no errors.
before archiving or migrating the
information in these tables. This • There are no materials that are still in an “open” status as it is not possible to reprocess
includes changes to material an existing actual costing run once the SAP S/4HANA migration is complete.
master data, as well as updates • Any custom programs that relate to the material ledger should be reviewed and
and corrections users identify remediated, as there are no compatibility views (i.e., table views in SAP S/4HANA that
in other master data that is replicate the obsolete tables in SAP ECC) for material ledger tables in SAP S/4HANA.
migrating to SAP S/4HANA. Material ledger reports that are customized will no longer work as they would
Moreover, with Winshuttle be based on the old material ledger data structure.
software, users can manage the
• If a company has been using the material ledger for a long time and has large
governance and compliance
amounts of data, it is recommended to execute the Material Ledger Consistency
requirements laid out as part of
Check report, (which is part of the Material Ledger Help Desk program) in order to
their migration roadmap.
find any inconsistencies in the material ledger tables. The transaction code for this
report is FCMLHELP. Refer to the SAP Note 2433733 for further details.

It is also recommended to minimize the amount of data that is to be migrated by archiving

or deleting any data that is no longer needed. This will decrease the migration downtime.
The relevant tables are as follows:

• Inventory valuation tables: MBEWH, EBEWH, QBEWH, and OBEWH

• Material ledger inventory tables: CKMLPP and CKMLCR

• PO history tables: EKBE, EKBEH, EKBZ, and EKBZH

• Production order history tables: MLAUFCR and MLAUFCRH

Using the Non-Zero Downtime Approach to Migrate

from the Material Ledger in SAP ECC
For companies using the “Non-Zero Downtime” (NZDT) migration approach, the following
measures should be taken in advance to avoid errors:

• The currency exchange rates should not be maintained between the initial and the
delta (NZDT) migration. Otherwise, this could lead to an error in the migration step
“M20: Check Material Ledger Master Data.” SAP Note 2661870 can be referred to, or
implemented, in advance to avoid any issues.

• During the execution of the step “M10: Migrate Material Ledger Master Data,” there
could be an unusual balance on the G/L accounts, especially for entries in table
ACDOCA. It is recommended to apply SAP Note 2718814 SAP Note 2675774 to avoid
the error.


Other important points for companies already using the material ledger to be aware of are:

• There is no default “0000” material ledger type anymore. Therefore, a separate

configuration of the material ledger type (using transactions OMX2 and OMX3) is a
mandatory requirement.

• It is mandatory to define the currency types that are relevant for the material ledger
explicitly as the user can no longer default the currency types from FI or CO (as was
the case in the SAP ECC system).

• Although the deactivation of the “Statistical Moving Average Price” is not mandatory
in SAP S/4HANA, SAP recommends taking this step to achieve a significant increase
of transactional data throughput for goods movements.

• It is not possible to create the costing run for the previous period after the system has
been converted to SAP S/4HANA.

• It is not possible to change any material ledger costing runs or to execute the steps
of material ledger costing runs during the process of system conversion.

• It is not possible to activate or deactivate the material ledger’s actual costing

functionality during the process of system conversion.

• It is mandatory to execute the program FCML4H_STARTUP after the migration to

post documents on plants that had actual costing active (before the SAP S/4HANA

Migrating the Material Ledger from SAP ECC to SAP

Material ledger migration is mandatory in SAP S/4HANA even if the material ledger
functionality is not being used in the SAP ECC system. It activates the material ledger for
all valuation areas, and the relevant master data is created in all material ledger currencies
from the 12th period of the last fiscal year until the period of migration. If the actual costing
functionality is active in the source system, data related to actual costing will be transferred
to the new data structures in SAP S/4HANA for the following tables:

• ML Document Table MLDOC

• ML Document Cost Component Split Table MLDOCCCS

• Extract of ML Document Table MLDOC_EXTRACT

• Extract of ML Document Cost Component Split Table MLDOCCCS_EXTRACT

• Object List for Costing Run Table MLRUNLIST

If the material ledger is not active in the source system, it converts all existing PO history
table records in tables EKBE, EKBEH, EKBZ, and EKBZH and all existing production
order history table records in tables MLAUFCR and MLAUFCRH into the material ledger
currencies. It also performs checks to ensure that all PO history and production order
history records have been converted properly into the material ledger currencies.


Chapter Summary
Material ledger being mandatory in SAP S/4HANA has multiple implications for SAP
and finance teams going through the migration process. For teams that have already
implemented the material ledger in SAP ECC, the migration is relatively straight forward.
However, for finance organizations that have not implemented it, there are several things
to look out for and consider as you go through the planning and implementation phases
of your SAP S/4HANA migration. These include:

• Analyzing your current SAP ECC finance implementation to determine what data-
related activities you need to undertake before the migration, such as defining
currency types

• Cleansing old data if you have had the material ledger active for a long time

• Understanding the effect on your migration schedule depending on whether you

choose to implement the material ledger in SAP ECC, before migration, or wait and
make it part of your migration.


Chapter 6
Controlling and preparing for the changes in
profitability analysis

With SAP S/4HANA, SAP recommends the use of account-based CO-PA as this is the version
of CO-PA that is integrated with the Universal Journal. In SAP ECC, most SAP customers
utilize the costing-based CO-PA because it has more functionalities than account-based
CO-PA. However, one of the main issues with costing-based CO-PA is that it is difficult to
reconcile it to the G/L. In SAP S/4HANA, now that account-based CO-PA is integrated with
the Universal Journal (and hence the G/L) reconciliation is no longer an issue. Also, the
three main functionalities that were only available in costing-based CO-PA in SAP ECC
have now been added to account-based CO-PA in SAP S/4HANA. These functionalities
are as follows:

• Splitting the COGS account into multiple G/L accounts per cost component

• Splitting the production variance account into multiple G/L accounts per variance

• Enabling sales quantities in multiple units of measure

SAP has removed the major impediment in traditional account-based CO-PA. Also, the
underlying SAP HANA platform and table-level restructuring provide the immediate benefit
of speed as well as tremendous performance improvements.

Recommendations for Companies Using Costing-

Based CO-PA
Companies that are currently using costing-based CO-PA will need to activate account-
based CO-PA as part of the SAP S/4HANA conversion process. However, they can continue
to use costing-based CO-PA in parallel. Note, however, that that there will be no further
innovations in costing-based CO-PA.

To transition from costing-based to account-based CO-PA requires a detailed analysis

of the current SAP design processes and transactions before moving to SAP S/4HANA.
Following are some recommendations for preparing to move to account-based CO-PA

a. Statistical condition type: Costing-based CO-PA facilitates the use of statistical

condition types, which allow a user to post values, such as accruals (via sales condition
types) into CO-PA without affecting the G/L. Before the release of SAP S/4HANA 1809
(which was released in September 2018), statistical condition types were not able to be
posted to account-based CO-PA. However, with the 1809 version, this can be achieved


through the extension ledger functionality. Companies need to plan for these changes
by extracting all the statistical condition types that are currently used and mapping
them to the relevant G/L accounts (which will be posted to the extension ledger).

b. General condition type: As part of the transitioning process from costing-based to

account-based CO-PA, companies will need to evaluate all of their SD condition types
to determine which ones are mapped to a single G/L account but to multiple CO-PA
value fields. In account-based CO-PA, additional G/L accounts need to be created to
have a one-to-one match with the value fields that are reported in costing-based CO-

c. CO-PA user exit (i.e., custom program) COPA0005: If customers use CO-PA user
exit COPA0005 (FM: EXIT_SAPLKEII_001) to calculate the quantity in an alternative
unit of measure, this will no longer be possible in SAP S/4HANA as account-based
CO-PA does not support it. Instead, the way to define additional units of measure
will be done by going through the standard configuration menu path called “Define
Additional Quantity Fields.”

d. CO-PA user exit COPA0002: If customers use a valuation strategy with a user exit
COPA0002 to post additional values in costing-based CO-PA that do not impact the
G/L, they will need to use an alternative solution. For example, a customer can do an
analysis based on actual values or use an SD pricing procedure to perform a user exit-
related calculation and then post the entries to the G/L.

e. Valuation using costing sheets: If customers use the CO-PA costing sheet
functionality to calculate specific values (e.g., freight/handling charges as a percentage
of the standard cost estimate) during a billing document posting and update the results
in costing-based CO-PA, they will need to use an alternative option or change the
business process.

f. Assessment cycle: Account-based CO-PA and costing-based CO-PA can use the same
assessment cycles for allocating costs from cost centers to CO-PA. However, when
account-based CO-PA is activated, the company will need to plan and evaluate all the
assessment cycles that currently exist to ensure that a single assessment cost element
is not utilized in the assessment cycle. Since account-based CO-PA is based on cost
elements and not value fields, using a single assessment cost element will lose the
granularity of allocated costs that are present in costing-based CO-PA. The company
will need to make sure that the assessment cost elements represent the separate value
fields that existed in costing-based CO-PA.

g. Top-down distribution: Companies that use the top-down distribution (TDD)

functionality in costing-based CO-PA will need to recreate the TDD templates using the
same transaction code (KE28) but instead choose the option for account-based CO-PA.

h. CO-PA adjustments: Costing-based CO-PA allows direct postings to CO-PA either

for data correction purposes or further allocation of data by using transaction code
KE21N. This transaction, however, does not post to the G/L. In the same light, reversing
(transaction KE4S00) or reposting (transactions KE4S, KE4SMM, and KE4SFI) a costing-


based CO-PA document was possible without reversing the original G/L documents.
Companies will need to plan in advance and make the changes in business processes
as these features are not available in account-based CO-PA. Account-based CO-PA
needs to be directly aligned with the G/L.

i. Historical data: An SAP S/4HANA conversion does not migrate the historical
information in costing-based CO-PA to account-based CO-PA. Therefore, companies
need to evaluate if the historical data from costing-based CO-PA is required for future
references or analysis and determine the number of years of historical data needed in
account-based CO-PA in SAP S/4HANA. We recommend you undertake the migration
of CO-PA data as a separate project to smoothly transition to SAP S/4HANA. You should
also consider defining a separate document type to segregate the CO-PA migration
postings from other postings for easy identification and analysis or troubleshooting
if required.

j. Update of profitability segment in sales orders: In most organizations with

account-based CO-PA, the profitability segment is determined at the time a sales order
is created. If the functionality to transfer a sales order to costing-based CO-PA is not
active, then we advise you execute transaction code KE4F to update sales orders with
the profitability segment.


In preparation to move to account-based COPA, there are many areas (mentioned above) where Winshuttle software can help.
Specifically, Winshuttle Studio can be used to:

• Updating general condition types to account for all of the value fields

• Recreating the TDD templates for account-based COPA using the KE28 transaction code

• Changing the business process for using COPA adjustments and reposting via KE4XX transactions

• Segregating COPA migration postings


Recommendations for Companies Already Using

Account-Based CO-PA
Companies that already use account-based CO-PA are not required to modify any user
exits or SD-based conditions. However, you should perform a Delta upload to SAP BW for
all account-based CO-PA data sources for which the Delta method is being used.

The key activities that need to be performed as part of the controlling migration to an SAP
S/4HANA system are shown and explained below:

a. Execute the SAP BW Delta extraction for account-based profitability analysis:

If a company uses account-based CO-PA and SAP BW, this step is required because
account-based CO-PA line items that are not extracted before the migration may be
ignored after the migration when the next Delta posting is loaded.

b. Adapt settings for profitability segment characteristics: In this activity, the

settings for profitability segment characteristics (segment level) are deleted, as
profitability segments already contain all the available characteristics in SAP S/4HANA.
A summarization of the operating concern characteristics is no longer possible or

c. Maintain operating concern: In this activity, the operating concern is activated for
account-based CO-PA if the company is not already using this feature.

d. Activate account-based profitability analysis: If a company uses costing-based

CO-PA, then account-based CO-PA should be activated as well. The company can then
either continue to use both options or deactivate costing-based CO-PA and only use
account-based CO-PA in the future. Only account-based CO-PA entries will be updated
in the Universal Journal.

e. Transport operating concern: Transaction KE3I is used to transport the definition

of the operating concerns.


Chapter Summary
For many companies, the shift from cost-based COPA to account-based COPA represents a
fundamental change in the way they calculate and account for profitability. As you prepare
for the migration from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA, it is essential to take a number of factors
into consideration, including:

• Changes in data structures required for account-based COPA such as the statistical
condition type and general condition type

• Updates to the top-down distribution functionality to account-based COPA

• Migration of historical data (if required)

• Updating the profitability segment in sales orders using transaction code KE4F (when


Chapter 7
Customization, preparation, and migration of
asset accounting

New Asset Accounting is not really “new” as it was For companies that have the new G/L in SAP ERP, New
introduced by SAP in 2013 on SAP ECC 6 EHP 7. It Asset Accounting can be implemented by activating
includes several new additions to the asset accounting the business function FIN_AA_PARALLEL_VAL.
functionality such as: However, this functionality is optional in SAP ERP. In
SAP S/4HANA, New Asset Accounting is mandatory
• Recording the leading valuation of asset
for customers that use the Asset Accounting module.
accounting in any depreciation area of new asset
accounting, therefore, no longer needing to use An SAP S/4HANA migration includes performing
depreciation area 01 for this pre-checks for using New Asset Accounting. It does
this by carrying out the following activities: checking
• Posting both the actual values of the leading
Accounting Principle and Ledger Group settings;
valuation and the values of parallel valuation in
assigning the accounting principle to the ledger
real time and thereby no longer needing Delta
group, making any additional manual changes in the
depreciation areas
Customizing for New Asset Accounting setting, and
• Simplifying the chart of depreciation
checking the prerequisites for activating New Asset
• Having different fiscal year variants for each Accounting. The configuration path is shown in the
valuation (as long as the start date and end date menu below:
of the fiscal year variant are the same)


Migrating to New Asset Accounting

The different steps for migrating to New Asset • Specify revenue distribution for asset
Accounting are as follows: retirements.
• Post net book value instead of gain/loss.
a. Migrate the charts of depreciation: A company
• Check transaction types to make sure they are
that uses the classic Asset Accounting module
not restricted for some depreciation areas.
will need to migrate to the New Asset Accounting
• Change definitions of depreciation areas.
module. The first activity for migrating to New
• Specify transfer of acquisition and production
Asset Accounting is the migration of the charts
cost values.
of depreciation (COD). The COD can either be
• Specify transfer of depreciation terms.
migrated automatically using the migration
program FAA_CHECK_ MIG2SFIN or manually, in c. Check prerequisites for activating New Asset
the following cases: Accounting: After migrating the COD, assigning
the relevant company codes and adding any
• Where the COD cannot be migrated during the
manual customizing settings, the prerequisites
automatic migration because the migration
for activating New Asset Accounting can be made.
program does not recognize the starting
Transaction FAA_CHECK_ACTIVATION is used to
situation defined in the system.
check if all prerequisites are met for activating the
• When the COD is assigned to a deactivated
business function PARALLEL_VAL and if all periodic
company code, and because the deactivated
postings have been successfully completed.
company code’s data has not yet been archived.
In this case, the company code must be d. Activate New Asset Accounting: This customizing
migrated with the document migration. step changes the New Asset Accounting setup
from the “in preparation” stage to the “active”
b. Customize prior to activating New Asset
stage. However, to avoid any errors, it is advisable
Accounting: After the migration of the COD, and
to check if all the active CODs have been migrated
before executing the prerequisite checks for
and assigned to the company code.
the activation of New Asset Accounting, a few
customization steps are required: e. Adjust parameters in the COD: This configuration
• Define the depreciation area for a quantity step adjusts the parameters for the COD with the
update. following adjustment:
• Define the technical clearing account for • Assign the accounting principle.
integrated asset acquisition. • Change the posting indicator for the
• Specify an alternative document type for depreciation areas.
accounting principle-specific documents.

Chapter Summary
The changes to the AA module in SAP S/4HANA are significant, but the migration is relatively straightforward.
When preparing for this step, you may want to keep in mind the following:

• Identify the best option for your organization regarding migrating the COD.

• Be aware of the customizations that need to be made before activating New Asset Accounting.


Chapter 8
Data Migration Preparation and Process

As was discussed in previous chapters, data migration involves the movement of

transactional as well as master data to the new tables in SAP S/4HANA. Transactional
data is transformed into the new data model of the Universal Journal, while some types
of master data undergo structural changes — such as secondary cost element data being
merged to the G/L account master data — customer and vendor master data are converted
into business partners, and house bank accounts are migrated to the “new” bank account
master data.

It is crucial that the financial data migration receives proper attention during the planning
phase of an SAP S/4HANA conversion. Below is a list of the preparation activities that
should be undertaken for the data migration:

a. Complete period-end closing activities: The penultimate period should be closed

as normal, and the results should be documented. The list of activities to be performed
at period-end closing are:

• Close periodic asset postings using the program RAPERB2000.

• Execute the periodic depreciation posting run using the program RAPOST2000.
• Close the current and previous periods in the MM module (optional).
• Carry out the Foreign Currency Valuation transaction.

b. Complete year-end closing: The prior fiscal year’s closing should be completed in the
SAP ECC system before the conversion begins. Below are the activities to be performed
for the year-end closing:

• In the AA module, close the previous fiscal year, and keep the current fiscal year
open using the program RAJABS00.
• Carry forward the balances to the current fiscal year as follows:

o Use transaction FAGLGVTR (if the new G/L accounting is used).

o Use transaction AJRW (for AA).
o Use transaction F.07 (for AP and AR).

c. Perform cutover preparation tasks: Cutover preparation includes the following


• Execute all scheduled jobs, and do not schedule any new jobs.
• Lock the periods for financial accounting (program SAPL0F00) and controlling
(program SAPMKCSP).
• Post or delete all “Held” documents. To delete “Held” documents, use program
RFTMPBLD, and use transaction code FB50 to post any “Held” documents.


• Lock all users in the system who do not have any tasks associated with the
installation or the migration.
• Execute the program RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK to make sure that the prerequisites
for AA have been met.
• Execute the program /SDF/RC_START_CHECK.

d. Exclude data from the migration: Companies should aim to minimize data as much as
possible by archiving old or unwanted data. If any company code is obsolete, it can also
be archived or marked as a “template” company code to avoid the pre-check activities.

e. Document the data posted: To verify the posted data and reconcile the reports before
and after the migration, it is important to document all of the reports highlighted
below. Also, create a program variant while preparing the reports during the pre-
migration phase in order to have the exact selection parameters when executing the
report after the migration (for reconciliation purposes). Aside from the standard reports
provided by SAP, a company should also download any customer-specific reports that
are used during the period-end closing:

• The Financial Statements (program RFBILA00)

• The Totals Report for Cost Centers (transaction S_ALR_87013611)

• The “Order: Actual/Plan/Variance” Report (transaction S_ALR_87012993)

• The G/L Account Balance List (program RFSSLD00)

• The General Ledger Line Items List (program RFSOPO00)

• The Compact Document Journal (program RFBELJ00)

• The Asset History Sheet (program RAGITT_ALV01)

• The Depreciation Run for Planned Depreciation (RAHAFA_ALV01)

• The Vendor Sales Report (program RFKUML00)

• The Vendor Open Items List (program RFKEPL00)

• The Customer Sales Report (program RFDUML00)

• The Customer Open Items List (program RFDEPL00)

• The Customer Recurring Entry Original Documents (program RFDAUB00)

f. Run the CVI tool: The “Business Partner” will be used to centrally manage the master
data for business partners, customers, and vendors. It is the single point of entry to
create, edit, and display these master data items.

• The CVI tool is used to synchronize “synchronization objects” in the SAP ECC system.
The synchronization objects are Business Partner, Customer, and Vendor.

• While the CVI tool manages the conversion process, it is important to complete
data cleanup and error correction prior to launching. Winshuttle can help with this.


g. Carry out the asset accounting preparedness check: The prerequisite check for using
New Asset Accounting in SAP S/4HANA is carried out with the report “RASFIN_MIGR_
PRECHECK.” Refer to SAP Note 1939592 and SAP Note 2333236. The following checks
are performed:

• The new G/L is active (this is only a warning, as it is not a requirement).

• Lease Accounting Engine (LAE) is not active.
• Classic Real Estate (Classic RE) is not active.
• No requests (with reference to assets) are used in the “Public Sector Management
– Fund Management” (PSM-FM module).
• All periodic postings are posted successfully (no “Update Terminations” exist).
• All relevant depreciation areas for parallel currencies exist.

h. Check the consistency of G/L accounts and cost elements: A consistency check is
performed by executing the program FINS_MIG_PRECHECK_CUST_SETTNGS (using
transaction SA38). Any inconsistencies should be resolved so that the G/L account
master records will have the correct account types after the migration.

Preparation for the Conversion

The preparation phase of the conversion verifies the readiness of the current SAP ECC
system for an upgrade to S/4HANA. Figure 10 shows the overview of the technical
process steps for an SAP S/4HANA system conversion. To help prepare the system for the
conversion, SAP provides a number of helpful programs that perform automated checks
on the system, such as SAP Maintenance Planner and the Simplification Item Catalog. This
section will detail these system checks.

SAP S/4HANA system conversion

Overview of technical process steps

Uninstall ABAP add-ons Simplification item SUM 2.0, incl.

during system update checks prerequisite check

Planning phase Preparation phase Realization phase

Transformation System Maintenance Pre Custom code Software update
sprecific follow-up
navigator requirements planner checks preparation manager (SUM)
Unicode Database migration
Roadmap viewer Cross-application & application specific
preparation activities Software update

Data conversion

**) incl. migration of FI
readiness check
customizing and data

Simplification item *) incl. preparation of Remote scans with

catalog financial data ABAP test cockpit

Figure 10: Technical process steps for an SAP S/4HANA system conversion (Source: SAP)


SAP Maintenance Planner in an SAP S/4HANA conversion checks whether it is possible to

carry out a system conversion to SAP S/4HANA. The validation that the program performs
checks the source system for the supported business functions and add-ons to ensure
they are compatible with SAP S/4HANA. Specifically, it carries out the following activities:

• If the SAP ERP solution cannot be converted, then SAP Maintenance Planner provides
the information explaining why the system cannot be converted. In these cases SAP
recommends performing a greenfield implementation of SAP S/4HANA.

• If the SAP ERP solution can be converted, then SAP Maintenance Planner generates
the stack file, which is needed by the Software Update Manager 2.0 (SUM) tool to carry
out the actual system conversion.

• The downloaded stack XML file needs to be copied to the software download directory
so that the SUM process can read it. Other solutions, such as a front-end server or
Java adapter, can be planned using SAP Maintenance Planner.

The series of checks is based on:

• Add-ons (SAP and non-SAP) in the current source system as well as whether they will
be supported in SAP S/4HANA

• Active business functions in the current source system and whether they are
supported in SAP S/4HANA

• Industry business functions active in the current source system and whether they are
supported in SAP S/4HANA

The Maintenance Planner also pre-checks any add-ons that are not supported and provides
options to uninstall or retrofit them to the target system, if possible. If the unsupported
add-ons cannot be uninstalled, the client cannot continue with the conversion planning

Simplification Item Catalog is the central place where SAP maintains a complete (and
searchable) collection of simplification items online. Before converting the existing SAP
ECC system to SAP S/4HANA, it is necessary to identify all the “simplifications” that apply
to the source SAP system and to analyze their impact. The checks are implemented on
the source release, but the relevancy is determined by the desired target release. At higher
levels, it checks whether the customizing settings can be automatically migrated to the
new SAP S/4HANA customizing tables. From release 1809 onward, the checks that are
done with the program RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK are included in the Simplification Item
(SI) check framework (see Figure 11).

Customer-specific simplification list
S-Item Title Area Relevancy Business Impact Note
Simplification Item-Check COST ELEMENTS FIN - Controlling 2270419
The SI-check framework is delivered Simplification Currencies in FIN - General 2344012
via SAP Note and all coded pre-check Universal Journal
Item-Check Report
classes are delivered with TCI Note Business Partner Master Data 2265093
(Transport-Based Correction Instructions) Approach
... ... ...

Figure 11: The Simplification Item check framework (Source: SAP)


There are two types of checks performed by this program:

• A relevance check determines whether an item is relevant to the system or not.

The relevance is based on rules maintained in the Simplification Item Catalog. If
no rule is maintained, or the rule cannot be used, then the item will be marked as
“Probably Relevant.”

• A consistency check determines whether the system is in a consistent state and,

if not, what the client needs to do before the conversion to bring the system to a
consistent state. Only the items that are relevant to the system will be included in
a consistency check. All remaining inconsistencies need to be solved before SUM
enters the downtime phase.

The SI checks technically consists of three parts:

1. The check framework (delivered via SAP Note 2399707)

2. Application-specific check classes (delivered via SAP Note 2502552 and other sets of
notes that are prerequisites for SAP Note 2502552)

3. The check content from the Simplification Item Catalog. The check framework will
download the content automatically from the SAP servers.

The SI checks are executed with the report “/SDF/RC_START_CHECK.” From release 1709,
this has replaced report “R_S/4HANA_PRE_TRANSITION_CHECKS”. By default, this report
downloads the most recent Simplification Item Catalog content from the SAP servers. To
implement the SI checks, refer to SAP Note 2399707 and SAP Note 2502552.

The output of the SI checks is a list of relevant (and irrelevant) simplification items. Each
simplification item describes changed or removed SAP objects and refers to a dedicated
SAP Note that describes the impact of the change. Some simplification items have a
consistency check. The consistency check identifies inconsistencies in the system that
would cause issues during the SUM process (which is used during the data migration). It
also provides additional information on how to fix the issue. Some of the simplification
items do not have a consistency check but are still relevant. From a technical perspective,
a conversion will still be possible without any action taken. However, there could still be
an impact on the overall migration, and therefore these should be investigated.

To minimize the number of SAP Notes that customers have to implement for the SI checks,
the individual application-specific check classes are not delivered as individual SAP Notes.
Instead, they are delivered as a new type of SAP Note/Correction called “Transport-Based
Correction Instruction” (TCI). This is a new channel that contains ABAP programming
corrections with SAP Notes. TCI enablement needs to be done in every system before a
TCI can be implemented. This also applies to systems where the TCI gets implemented
via a transport request.

Please refer to SAP Note 2187425 for TCI implementation. When implementing a TCI, the
Support Package Manager (SPAM) will create a backup transport of the objects within the
TCI. This requires that the SAP Transport Management System (STMS) is properly set up


in the system, thereby making the creation and release of workbench requests possible.
Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that a proper STMS setup is done before implementing
TCI; otherwise, the TCI implementation will fail.

Custom Code Migration checks are based on the SI concept. With SAP S/4HANA, business
processes have been changed and simplified and, in some cases, they have been changed
in a non-compatible way. Before converting to SAP S/4HANA 1809, it is required to check
the custom code against the SAP S/4HANA simplifications in an SAP S/4HANA 1809 system.
In the context of this system conversion, any custom ABAP programming code will need
to be adapted (see Figure 12).

SAP S/4HANA system conversion

Custom code related process

Preparation phase Realization phase

System Maintenance Simplification Custom code Software update Application specific

requirements planner Item Check preparation manager (SUM) follow-up activities

Custom code SAP S/4HANA Functional Performance

evaluation checks application tuning

Find more about the Custom Remove obsolete Check SAP S/4HANA Adapt custom code to SAP Tune performance
Code Adaptation process in code based on Usage related changes HANA and SAP S/4HANA of critical database
the SAP community Procedure Log (Simplification DB) related changes queries
Check SAP HANA related Adapt modifications in

Figure 12: Custom Code Migration checks will check custom code against the SAP S/4HANA simplifications (Source: SAP)

The SAP ECC system will (over time) tend to accumulate vast amounts of custom
development objects (Z-Objects, enhancements, and modifications), some of which are
in use, and others of which are obsolete. You should also eliminate any unused/obsolete
objects as part of the housekeeping activities. The ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON) or Usage
Procedure Log (UPL) can be used to detect any custom ABAP objects that are used within
the regular running of business processes. During the preparation phase, the ABAP team
needs to highlight any unused custom code and analyze the custom ABAP code with the
simplification database. Also, the specific functional team should find out which objects
need to be changed and adapted to SAP S/4HANA.


The technical infrastructure for the custom code analysis are as follows:

• Custom code analysis with ABAP Test Cockpit (ATC)

• Functional adaptation in ABAP Development Tools (ADT) in Eclipse

• Custom Code Migration app

• Automatic code adaptations (quick fixes)

Preparation for the Migration of Customizing Tasks

Preparation for the migration of customizing tasks includes the execution of a standard
series of activities in sequential order, as follows:

1. Run transaction FINSC_CO_CD_TEMPLATE to turn off the checks on the template codes.

2. Check customizing settings prior to the migration (as shown below)

The key customizing steps below that need to be performed to migrate to the new G/L are
part of the overall SAP S/4HANA migration:

a. Check and adopt fiscal year variants: The migration to the ACDOCA table requires
the same fiscal year variant to be used in both the FI and CO modules. This activity
compares the fiscal year variants between controlling areas and their assigned
company codes. The report lists all the CO areas and company codes that need to be
changed, as well as the number of the posting periods and special periods.

b. Establish currency settings for the migration: In this activity, the currency settings
are established so that the ACDOCA table captures “Amount” information for all
currency types, including the ones that were only available in the CO module before the
migration to SAP S/4HANA. In SAP S/4HANA, unlike in SAP ECC, statistical postings in
the CO module require postings in the local currency as well. Therefore, it is mandatory
to define an exchange rate type for CO-related transactions that can be migrated along


with a local currency amount, using the exchange rate type and the posting date. If the
exchange rate type setting is not defined, then the affected transactions are migrated
with an amount of zero.

c. Migrate G/L customizations: In this activity, all of the ledgers are migrated to the
new configuration, using transaction FINS_MIG_LEDGER_CUST. The settings that are
migrated are Company Code Assignments, Currency Settings, Fiscal Year Variant, Open
Period Variant, and the settings for real-time integration of CO and FI.

d. Define settings for ledger types: In this activity, Standard Ledger and Extension
Ledger settings are defined. During the conversion, it is not recommended to
add or use a new standard ledger. However, the extension ledger can be created
depending on the company’s needs. It is advisable to create two extension ledgers:
one for consolidation-related modifications, and another for any future needs. The
extension ledger takes the base values from the standard edger and combines the
specific extension ledger postings. This helps to reduce multiple data footprints and
significantly reduces data redundancies because the journal entries do not need to
be posted to both the extension and the standard ledger. Any adjustments will need
to be posted only to the extension ledger.

e. Define settings for currency types: In this activity, currency types and currency
conversion settings that are used in accounting are maintained along with the
corresponding ledger settings, as well as the assignment of accounting principles for
ledgers and company codes.

f. Review the assignment of ledger and company codes to accounting principles:

In this activity, an evaluation is carried out of the accounting principles assigned to the
combination of ledgers and company codes.

g. Define a ledger for controlling version: In this activity, a ledger is defined in which
all actual data that is relevant to the CO module is posted to, by assigning “Version
0” to the relevant ledger. The version is assigned at the company code level, and the
same ledger will need to be used for all company codes.

h. Define document type for controlling: In this activity, new document types for
CO-related postings are defined. For document types used in the CO module, the
“G/L Account” indicator under the “Account Types Allowed” section must be selected.

i. Define document type mapping for controlling business transaction: In this

activity, a variant for mapping CO business transactions to document types is defined.

j. Check and default value for posting in controlling: In this activity, default values
for posting CO-related business transactions are defined in cases where the user
cannot enter the document type manually. If a default ledger group is not specified
in this customizing activity, all CO-related transactions are posted to all the ledgers


k. Define offsetting account determination type: In this activity, the “Offsetting

Account Determination” setting for all applications is defined. SAP recommends that
the option “As Case 2, but Including Line Items Generated Automatically “ is selected,
as it always displays the offsetting account with the highest amount, along with the
line items that are generated automatically.

l. Define source ledger for migration of balance: In this activity, the source ledger
and the source database table of the G/L account balances (from which opening
balances are transferred) is defined. If a company previously used the classic G/L and
subsequently migrated to new G/L, then a minimum of two line items will need to be
defined. One of the line items is for the year from which the classic G/L “00” was the
source, and the second line item is for the year from which the new G/L “0L” was the

m. Check and define settings for substitution of cost of sales accounting: This
configuration is only relevant when functional areas are being used for cost of sales
accounting. In such cases, substitution rules will need to be defined.

n. Check and define settings for controlling area: In this activity, the existing
controlling area settings are validated.

o. Execute consistency check of G/L settings: The program FINS_MIG_PRECHECK_

CUST_SETTINGS is executed again to reconfirm all the configuration necessary for an
SAP S/4HANA migration.


Throughout every step and check in the conversion process, it is possible that errors will occur. At any point in the process,
Winshuttle software can help make these corrections to anything ranging from individual records to entire tables that need to
be edited or modified. In addition, companies can use our software to provide a flexible customization layer in SAP S/4HANA,
meaning you don’t need to recreate customizations you were using in your old SAP ECC system


Start and Monitor Data Migration

The main activity of the SAP S/4HANA Finance migration is the “Start and Monitor Data
Migration” step. This is an activity that is carried out after installing SAP S/4HANA. The
steps for the individual activities are combined in data migration runs. The steps included
in the data migration are included in Figure 13 . This section will detail some of the main
steps and what they entail.

Figure 13: The steps of the main activity of an SAP S/4HANA Finance migration

Enrich Transactional Data

This step enriches transaction data and documents with the necessary fields and migrates
them to SAP S/4HANA. The main activities performed here are:

1. Fill table BSEG fields from table BKPF.

2. Fill table COEP fields from the COBK and OBJNR tables.
3. Fill profit center fields into CO line items.
4. Fill company code data into old CO line items.
5. Fill company code data into old CO totals.
6. Fill table BSEG_ADD fields from table FAGLBSIS/AS.
7. Fill the COSP_BAK-BUKRS and COSS_BAK-BUKRS tables.


It’s important to execute this step before moving to the subsequent steps (of migrating line
items and balances) to ensure that all the fields that are used in the next migration steps
exist in ACDOCA for error-free data population, hence verifying the migrated documents.
The following documents are checked for inconsistencies related to FI, CO, and any specific
ledger-related postings:

• G/L document: Crosscheck fields replicated from the BKPF and BSEG tables.
• Application index for ledger-specific clearing: Fields are replicated from application
indexes to table BSEG_ADD.
• CO document and balances: All fields derived from the object number (table OBJNR)
are correctly filled; crosscheck fields that are replicated from the COBK and COEP
• Derived fields: For example, the PRCTR and BUKRS fields which are derived from
other fields such as Material and Plant.

Following are the steps that are executed as part of the Technical Check of the Transaction
Data section:

• Enrich Transactional Data

• Display Status of “Enrichment of Transactional Data”
• Check of the Migrated Document
• Display Status of “Check of Migrated Documents”

Data Migration Into Unified Journal: Line Items

This step migrates documents and line items from tables BSEG, FAGLFLEXA, and COEP to
the new data structure – ACDOCA. It populates the Universal Journal entries by combining
the transactional data of the modules FI, G/L, CO, and FI-AA along with the characteristics
of account-based CO-PA that are assigned to a profitability segment. It also executes a
reconciliation step after the migration of line items of the different applications into
table ACDOCA. For the new G/L, CO, and AA line items, the compatibility view, which
reproduces the original line-item table, is compared to the original values. For table BSEG,
no compatibility view exists, and the check is executed directly. This is a very important
step as the future balances will be calculated from the line items.

The steps executed as part of the Technical Check of the Transaction Data section are:

• Migrate Accounting Documents to Universal Journal Entry Structure

• Display Status of “Document Migration to Universal Journal Entry”
• Check Migration of Accounting Documents to Universal Journal Entry
• Display Status of “Check of Accounting Document Migration”
• Migrate General Ledger Allocations

Data Migration Into Unified Journal: Balances

After migrating line items, balances are migrated. All of the delta G/L totals and line-item
balances, and the delta CO totals and line-item balances are migrated to table ACDOCA. The
entries are made with a special document number starting with a letter and do not show


up in line-item reports. This step also includes a reconciliation check after the balances
for applications such as G/L, CO, FI-AA, and the material ledger to ensure they have been
successfully migrated into table ACDOCA and other related tables. For every former table
containing aggregated information, there is a compatibility view that reproduces it. The
program carries out some additional checks and reconciles the balances and values for
all fields. The steps included are as follows:

• Check Migration of Balance

• Calculation of Depreciation and Total Value
• Calculate Initial Depreciation Value
• Check Initial Depreciation and Total Value

Initial Depreciation Calculation

Once New Asset Accounting is activated, and the G/L and AA transactional data have
been migrated, the calculation of the initial depreciation value is executed to build the
planned depreciation values for assets. This step also reconciles the total value with the
depreciation value and includes the following activities:

• Calculate Initial Depreciation Values

• Display Status of “Calculate Initial Depreciation Values”
• Check Initial Depreciation and Total Values
• Display Status of “Check Initial Depreciation and Total Values”

Chapter Summary
The migration of financial data in SAP S/4HANA involves a sequence of steps and status
updates of data that is to be migrated into the Universal Journal (table ACDOCA). These
steps include the following:

• Migrating cost elements

• Performing technical checks of transactional data

• Migrating the material ledger

• Enriching data

• Migrating line items

• Migrating balances

• Calculating depreciation and total values

At each step, errors could occur, which requires investigation and correction. It is important
to ensure that all steps are completed successfully before completing the migration.


Chapter 9
Challenges and Opportunities for Improving Data
Migration Processes

One of the main challenges to a clean data migration process is the risk of data loss. As
a result, there needs to be meticulous reconciliation during each step of the migration.
During the transfer of data from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA, a risk exists that the data
available in the SAP ECC system may not be available in the target system after the
migration, or that the data migrated is incomplete and missing specific fields. Although
SAP has built reconciliation steps into each of the migration processes to help ensure
data is mirrored in the old table and new data structures, there, unfortunately, remain
some gaps in the process. For example, during the “Transactional Data Check” step, AA
and material ledger-related checks do not exist in the “Analyze Transaction Data” step

Figure 14 shows errors that could occur in the migration process.

Figure 14: Examples of errors that could occur in a migration to

SAP S/4HANA Finance


Opportunity: Reconciliation
Apart from the SAP Standard Reconciliation program, there should be a multi-faceted
reconciliation in place, such as:

• Count reconciliation: Comparing the total number of records between the SAP
ECC and ACDOCA tables to get a fair assessment of the number of records lost during
the migration
• Key column figure reconciliation: Summation of key figure columns (such as total
amount in doc currency, company code currency, and closing balance, for example)
• Primary index-based reconciliation: Reconciling the Universal Journal data based
on primary index fields.

Aside from the standard consistency checks, SAP recommends the following checks:

• The “WAERS” field of the document header is filled.

• Line items exist for each header (depending on the document type) and vice versa.
• Every document has a zero balance.
• New G/L line items exist in table FAGLFLEXA for table BSEG and vice versa.
• The most important fields (BUKRS, BELNR, GJAHR, BUZEI, BUDAT, BLDAT, DMBTR,
• SAKNR, HKONT, LIFNR, and KUNNR) are equal for AP, AR, and the G/L.
• A checkbox stating whether the corresponding document of an application index
entry is already archived (XARCH) is set correctly.
• Aggregates and line items are reconciled.
• Asset Accounting is reconciled in separate reports.

Semantic data challenge: Companies dealing with multiple currencies often tend to
report differences in summation of other currency totals. There can be multiple reasons for
this, including previous manual changes in configuration in the source system, or amounts
getting populated in incorrect units of currency types during the migration. Occasionally,
the decimal places also lead to differences in total amounts between the source and the
SAP S/4HANA system. Figure 15 shows a couple examples of potential error messages
that could appear.

Figure 15: Examples of error messages as a result of currency challenges


Opportunity: Feasibility Study and Pre-Check

Feasibility studies by users or consultants should be conducted to detect any changes to
the configuration of currencies to understand the probable impact early in the project.
Tools should be in place to manually compare objects present in the source and SAP
S/4HANA systems by going through all relevant tables and identifying any differences.

Configuration change during the conversion challenge: This kind of challenge appears
in large organizations working in dynamic environments and undertaking Brownfield
projects, which usually range between one and two years. It is difficult to freeze the
development environment for an extended time and only allow minimum mandatory
changes. In data migrations, therefore, it is often challenging to have the same data in all
the environments, with the same errors encountered during testing in the Sandbox system.
In such situations, interference risks may arise. This places emphasis on a proper project
management and process governance structure.

Opportunity: Management Control

This must be managed at the organizational level only and should be part of the discussion
at the time of project planning. One option is to plan multiple mock runs before the final
go-live, involving all stakeholders, and also to plan for a dry-run in the pre-production
environment and involving all stakeholders.

Data integrity challenge: During migration, redundant or duplicated data that exists in
the Universal Journal is common, which can render line items meaningless. This is a critical
issue for table ACDOCA concerning duplicate entries, as table ACDOCA is not delivered with
a primary key. Further, zero balances for documents with line items from the G/L need to
be validated as the CO module (which is integrated with the Universal Journal) does not
guarantee zero balance. Data inconsistency in the source system is another important
reason for the lack of data Integrity.

Opportunity: Data Validation

Validation of each line item between SAP ECC and SAP S/4HANA is the best methodology
to use to avoid data corruption. Below are few data validation methodologies that can
be used:

1. Sample data validation takes a random selection of records from the SAP ECC system
and compares them with the SAP S/4HANA system.

2. Subsets of data validation is where a random sample records is selected for

verification or a subset of records based on row numbers, such as the first thousand
records or ten thousand to fifty thousand records.

3. Complete data set validation compares every record in the target system.


Chapter Summary
For many enterprises, moving from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA is one of the most significant
IT projects they will ever undertake. While it represents a potentially significant change to
how you manage and run your business, it also presents many opportunities for you to
make changes and updates in the way you manage your SAP data. These include:

• Improving financial data management processes to maximize the benefits of the

Universal Journal

• Cleaning up and streamlining the data in your SAP system, which is especially relevant
if you have been using SAP ECC for many years and have not undertaken previous
system-wide data archiving

• Implementing new governance and controls


Chapter 10
Post-Migration System Tests and Checks

It is crucial to test and confirm the following steps before the go-live:

1. Reconcile and compare migrated data.

2. Set migration to complete.

3. Validate business processes to ensure successful migration.

4. Transfer application indexes.

5. Fill in due dates in FI documents.

6. Fill in the fields in the offsetting account of FI documents.

This chapter will detail how to perform these steps.

1. Reconcile and Compare Migrated Data

The following comparisons and reconciliations for the migrated data and ledgers should
be performed to ensure that the migration has been done successfully and correctly:

1. Reconcile source ledger 0 with leading ledger 0L using transaction GCAC (ledger

2. If no leading ledger is in use, reconcile ledgers with the leading ledger 0L using
transaction GCAC.

3. Compare the data and key figures after the migration with the data before the migration
by running the following programs and transactions:

• Program RFBILA00: Financial Statements

• Program RAGITT_ALV01: Asset History Sheet
• Program RAHAFA_ALV01: Depreciation Run for the Planned Depreciations
• Transaction S_ALR_87013611: Totals Report for Cost Centers
• Program RKKBSELL: Sales Order Selection
• Program RFSSLD00: G/L Account Balance List
• Program RFSOPO00: G/L Line Items List
• Program RFBELJ00: Compact Document Journal
• Program RFKUML00: Vendor Sales
• Program RFKEPL00: Vendor Open Item List
• Program RFKUML00: Customer Sales
• Program RFDEPL00: Customer Open Item List
• Program RFDAUB00: Customer Recurring Entry Original Documents


2. Set Migration to Complete

When the pre-migration and post-migration reconciliation reports have been matched
successfully, the migration status can be set as “Complete.” After the settings for the
migration are completed, postings in the system can be made.

3. Validate Business Process to Ensure Successful

All the important transactions and key business processes are executed to ensure the
proper functioning of the new SAP S/4HANA system and validation of the master data and
transaction data. Some of the key business processes to validate are:

• Journal entries and accruals postings

• The account determination logic in the GR/IR account
• Invoice and inventory-related postings
• Asset-related postings, such as asset acquisition, retirement, and the depreciation run
• Order-to-cash and procure-to-pay cycles
• Period-end closing activities
• FI reports and balances related to profit centers, cost centers, CO-PA, and financial

4. Transfer Application Indexes

This step transfers application indexes to the database “cold area” during the data aging
process when business function DAAG_DATA_AGING is active. Transaction FINS_MIG_
INIT_COLD can be used to start moving the indexes into the “cold’ area of the database.
Application indexes of archived documents stored in tables BSIS_BCK, BSAS_BCK,
transferred into the “cold” area of the database.

5. Fill in the Due Dates in FI Documents

This step is executed to fill in the new Due Date field in the financial documents for
customer and vendor line items. This must also be done for G/L account line items for
which the Baseline Date field is part of the line-item posting. The following fields are filled:

• Field SK1DT (Due date for Discount 1)

• Field SK2DT (Due date for Discount 2)
• Field NETDT (Net due date)

6. Fill in the Fields in the Offsetting Account of

Financial Documents
The following fields in the offsetting account of FI documents are filled:

• Field GKONT (Offsetting account number)

• Field GKART (Offsetting account type)
• Field GHKON (G/L offsetting account in the G/L)


Chapter Summary
Once you have made the migration from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA, it is imperative that
you conduct system checks to ensure that your business is using historically consistent
data. You do this by:

• Comparing data and results before and after migration

• Validating financial business processes and results

• Checking that all dates are valid and set properly



As this paper has demonstrated, the process of • How to create a realistic migration roadmap with
migrating your financial data from SAP ECC to SAP timelines that match your business needs
S/4HANA is a complex and, at times, a tedious one. For many of these migration processes to be
However, with careful planning and a thorough successful, you need to review, correct, and update
knowledge of the tools and resources available to much your SAP ECC system data. Some of these
you, it is possible to efficiently and effectively make changes can be accomplished with SAP applications,
the move. but many of them require either managing data
manually or implementing a solution like Winshuttle.
SAP has worked hard to provide a set of tools that
Winshuttle software not only helps automate many
address many of the most significant migration
of the data update processes but also offers solutions
challenges with regards to data conversion from the
that enable you to comply with established rules for
table and field structure in SAP ECC to the new ones in
data handling during your migration.
SAP S/4HANA. Winshuttle provides a set of solutions
that helps automate and simplify many of the ancillary This process of data cleansing, management, and
tasks that are required for a smooth migration. planning significantly increases the chance that the
migration of your financial operations from SAP ECC to
As you begin the journey from SAP ECC to SAP
SAP S/4HANA will be a successful one. If you need help
S/4HANA, it is important to understand what is
with any of these steps and are looking for expertise
changing in the new system and how best to approach
in this area, ERPfixers offers the largest network of
the migration for your finance department. Some of
independent SAP consultants in the world who can
the key things to consider include:
help answer any questions or offer assistance with
• The implications of the Universal Journal your migration.
(ACDOCA) on your finance organization and how
to prepare your SAP ECC data for the change For more information about migrating your
• Mandatory implementation of the material ledger finance organization from SAP ECC to SAP
in SAP S/4HANA and the steps necessary for your S/4HANA:
current data if you have not implemented the Winshuttle
material ledger in SAP ECC www.winshuttle .com/s4hana
• What effects the CO-PA change to account-based
ERP Fixers
profitability analysis has on your accounting
team and how to most effectively manage the
transition for your accounting teams


Appendix A

This table lists all of the SAP applications and programs that are available for making the migration from SAP ECC
to SAP S/4HANA. Each application and program includes a brief description as well as what stage of the migration
it is used and whether it is used in SAP ECC, SAP S/4HANA, or both.


Program RFBILA00 The financial statements report Preparation Phase Both
Transaction S_ALR_87013611 The actual/plan/variance report for Preparation Phase Both
cost centers
Transaction S_ALR_87012993 The actual/plan/variance report for Preparation Phase Both
internal orders
Program RFSSLD00 The G/L account balance list Preparation Phase Both
Program RFSOPO00 The G/L line-items list Preparation Phase Both
Program RFBELJ00 The compact document journal for Preparation Phase Both
G/L transactions
Program RAGITT_ALV01 The asset history sheet Preparation Phase Both
Program RAHAFA_ALV01 The depreciation run for planned Preparation Phase Both
Program RFKUML00 The vendor sales report Preparation Phase Both
Program RFKEPL00 The Vendor Open Items list Preparation Phase Both
Program RFDUML00 The customer sales report Preparation Phase Both
Program RFDEPL00 The customer open-items list Preparation Phase Both
Program RFDAUB00 The customer recurring entry Preparation Phase Both
original documents
/SDF/RC_START_CHECK Pre-transition checks for financials Preparation Phase Both
TFC_COMPARE_VZ Reconciles the new G/L and the AR Preparation Phase Both
and AP subledgers
RAABST02 Reconciles the G/L with AA for Preparation Phase ECC
the leading valuation and parallel
RAABST01 Reconciles the G/L with AA for Preparation Phase ECC
the leading valuation and parallel
RGUCOMP4 Compares ledgers with the new G/L Preparation Phase Both
RM07MBST, RM07MMFI Reconciles MM with the G/L Preparation Phase Both
FAA_GL_RECON Reconciles the G/L with New Asset Preparation Phase Both


FBV3/ Program RFTMPBLD. Posts or deletes all “Held” Preparation Phase ECC
RMMMPERI Closes material master period Preparation Phase ECC
RAPERB2000 Closes periodic assets posting Preparation Phase ECC
FAGLGVTR G/L balance carry forward program Preparation Phase ECC
AJRW Fixed assets balance carry forward Preparation Phase ECC
F.07 AR/AP carry forward program Preparation Phase ECC
RAPOST2000 Executes periodic depreciation Preparation Phase ECC
posting run
CVI_FS_CHECK_CUSTOMIZING Checks CVI customizing errors Preparation Phase ECC
PRECHECK_UPGRADATION_ Pre-upgrade check for CVI Preparation Phase ECC
MFLE_CLS4H_CHECKS_CC Extends Material Number field Preparation Phase ECC
MRP_AREA_STORAGE_LOC_ Checks MRP storage location Preparation Phase ECC
FINS_MIG_PRECHECK_CUST_ Pre-conversion check of G/L Preparation Phase ECC
SETTNGS customizing
RFINDEX_NACC Table inconsistency check Preparation Phase ECC
FAGL_FC_VALUATION Foreign currency valuation Preparation Phase ECC
RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK, AA pre migration check Preparation Phase ECC
Maintenance Planner Checks for add-ons and business Preparation Phase ECC
SI Check Checks for simplification items Preparation Phase ECC

FINS_RECON_RC0 Analyzes transactional data Migration Phase S/4

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC0 Displays status of transactional data Migration Phase S/4
GCC Check Consistency of G/L Checks G/L accounts and cost Migration Phase S/4
Accounts and Cost Elements elements are consistent before
GCM G/L Account and Cost Element Merges the cost elements into GL Migration Phase S/4
Merge account master data
DAA Default Assignment of Cost Transfers default assignments in Migration Phase S/4
Elements the former cost element master
table (CSKB) to the default account
R20 Reconciliation of Transactional Checks that FI documents are Migration Phase S/4
Data consistent and ready to be migrated
ENR Enrich Transactional Data The "data enrichment" program, Migration Phase S/4
which is required due to the merge
of FI and CO documents
R22 Check enrichment of Corrects any errors (from above) Migration Phase S/4
transactional data that are displayed

MUJ Data Migration into Unified Migrates line items from BSEG or Migration Phase S/4
R23 Check Migration of Journal Shows the results (any errors Migration Phase S/4
Entry must be corrected and migration
M10 Migrate Material Ledger Master Ensures that the material ledger is Migration Phase S/4
Data activated for all valuation areas
M20 Check Material Ledger master Checks results from previous step Migration Phase S/4
M11 Migrate Material Ledger Order Ensures that all existing PO records Migration Phase S/4
History are converted into the material
ledger currencies (If material ledger
was not active in any valuation
area before the SAP S/4HANA
M21 Migrate Check ML Production Checks results of previous step Migration Phase S/4
Order and Purchase Order History
DLT Data Migration into Unified Aggregates Deltas (i.e. documents Migration Phase S/4
Journal not originally in the FI tables) into
the Universal Journal
R24 Check Migration of Balances Checks the results from previous Migration Phase S/4
step and display errors
AFA Initial Depreciation Calculation Builds the initial depreciation Migration Phase S/4
values for AA
R25 Check Initial Depreciation Checks results from previous step Migration Phase S/4

Transaction FINS_MIG_INIT_COLD Transfers application indexes Post Migration S/4

Transaction FINS_MIG_DUE Fills due dates in FI documents Post Migration S/4
Transaction FINS_MIG_GKONT Fills offsetting account in FI Post Migration S/4
FINS_MIG_MONITOR_GKO Displays the status of filling Post Migration S/4
offsetting account in FI documents
PRC_MIG_POST_PROCESSING Processes post-conversion post Post Migration S/4
FINS_CUST_CONSISTENCY_CHECK Reconciles and compares migrated Post Migration S/4
Enrichment of Balance Carry Optional steps, which can be Post Migration S/4
Forward executed anytime after balance

Founded in 2003, Winshuttle is a global company with sales and support offices
worldwide. For more information about Winshuttle solutions or to contact a
representative near you, please visit

Appendix B

Introducing Winshuttle’s solutions

Winshuttle offers two solutions for automating SAP ERP processes:

Desktop-based automation solution for SAP ERP Adds the functionality of server-based user
processes. governance and workflow automation to the SAP-
specific RPA capabilities of Studio.
• Create automation scripts to exchange data with
SAP using Winshuttle Transaction, Query, and • Create role-based web forms
Direct functionality. • Create advanced workflows
• Map scripts and embed business rules into Excel
• Map scripts and embed business rules to Excel
workbooks or web forms
• Schedule data exchange tasks
• Set data exchange policies
• Get process analytics
• Get information for auditing
• Manage user access and Winshuttle licenses

In addition to automating the posting of data into SAP, Winshuttle Studio also enables you to extract data from SAP through our Winshuttle
Query capabilities. Like Winshuttle Transaction, Query is designed for business users and doesn’t require SAP technical skills like SQVI.
Often Winshuttle customers use Query and Transaction in sequence as part of what we refer to as a “round trip.”

Winshuttle Studio also includes Winshuttle Direct, functionality that enables data exchange with SAP through using BAPIs and remote-
enabled function modules. Direct avoids many of the problems that can occur in general-purpose bots caused by changes in the SAP
system, especially with upgrades of the SAP GUI.

Founded in 2003, Winshuttle is a global company with sales and support offices
worldwide. For more information about Winshuttle solutions or to contact a
representative near you, please visit


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