Starting and Shutting Down The T2000: About This Chapter
Starting and Shutting Down The T2000: About This Chapter
Starting and Shutting Down The T2000: About This Chapter
This chapter describes how to start and shut down the T2000.
l The computer where the T2000 is installed must be started correctly.
l The operating system of the T2000 server must be running correctly.
l The T2000 License must be in the server directory.
Step 1 Double-click the T2000 Server icon on the desktop of the T2000 server. The Login dialogue
box will be displayed in a few seconds.
Step 3 Click Login to display the System Monitor window. Wait a few minutes until the Ems
Server, Schedulesrv Server, Security Server, Syslog Agent, Topo Server, Database Server
Process, and Toolkit Server are all in Running status. Now the T2000 server is started
successfully. If you want to manage the NG WDM equipment or the RTN equipment, make sure
that the WebLCT Server is in the Running status.
Step 4 Optional: When needed, you can also start the Northbound Interface Module(iPASSAgent)
Process, Northbound Interface Module(SNMP) Process, Naming Service, and Notify
Service processes manually.
If the System Monitor client application is started, you can restart the T2000 server on the System Monitor
client. Perform the following steps:
Choose System > Start Server on the Main Menu of the System Monitor client. When the Ems Server,
Security Server, Topo Server, Schedulesrv Server and Syslog Agent processes are all in the Running
state, the T2000 server is started properly.
The T2000 server must be started correctly.
Step 1 On the computer of the T2000 client, double-click the T2000 Client icon on the desktop.
l By default, the initial user name is admin, and the password is T2000. To protect the T2000 from illegal
logins, you need to instantly change this password and keep the new one.
l The administrator needs to create new T2000 users and assign them to certain authority groups.
l The Mode has two options including Common and Security(SSL). When you choose the
Security(SSL) mode, the communication between the client and the server is encrypted.
l The communication mode of the client must be consistent with that of the server. Otherwise, the
client cannot log in to the server. To view the communication mode of the server, choose
System > Communication Security Setting on the Main Menu of the System Monitor client.
l The Port number does not need to be entered by the user. After the Mode is specified, the system
selects a Port number automatically.
4. Click OK to complete adding a server.
5. Click OK to complete the server settings.
Step 4 Select a server and click Login to enter the Main View of T2000.
Table 1-1 describes the functions of processes in the software structure of the T2000.
Ems Server The primary process of the T2000 server. It realizes the core
management functions including fault, performance, and
Mdp Server The message distribution process. Distributes all messages between
the T2000 server processes, as well as between the T2000 server and
Northbound Interface Reports alarms to the NMS/OSS through the SNMP interface.
Module (SNMP)
Naming Service The naming service. Publicizes all objects provided by the CORBA
interface, in the form of object names.
Before the upper layer NMS/OSS obtains CORBA objects, the NMS/
OSS must obtain object references from the naming serivce.
Notify Service The notification service. Reports all alarms and events (including
configuration change events, for example, adding a board) in the
T2000 to all monitoring NMS/OSS.
Syslog Agent Forwards the T2000 system log to the Syslog server.
Topo Server The topo server. Manages the view information and the coordinates
information for topological objects, such as NEs and subnets.
Database Server The database management software adopted for the T2000. On
Process Windows, the database software is SQL Server. On UNIX, the
database software is Sybase.
Northbound Interface Module (SNMP) process, Security server, Topo server, Schedulesrv
server, Naming Service, Notify Service, Syslog Agent, Toolkit Server and database server.
On UNIX platfrom, run the following command to view the status of the T2000 processes by command
# /T2000/server/bin/showt2000server
If there is one ID for each process displayed, the T2000 processes are normal.
Step 1 Start and log in to the System Monitor.
Step 2 Click the Process tab. View the status of the processes.
The T2000 client must be started normally.
Step 1 Select File > Exit from the Main Menu.
All the T2000 clients connected to the T2000 server must be shut down.
l Shut down T2000 server only.
1. From the Main Menu of System Monitor, choose System > Stop Server to close all
processes of T2000 server.
2. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box. Wait for a moment until the EMS Server,
Security Server, Syslog Agent, Topo Server and Schedulesrv Server are all in
Stopped status. Now the T2000 server is shut down successfully.
Now you cannot shut down the MDP process or initialize the database.
l Shut down T2000 server and System Monitor.
1. From the Main Menu of System Monitor, choose System > Shutdown System to
close the T2000 Server and System Monitor.
After all the T2000 processes are finished, you can initialize the database.