SKF Sensor Bearings PDF
SKF Sensor Bearings PDF
SKF Sensor Bearings PDF
concentrate intelligence
in your motion control
3 Product data.............................................................. 16
General unit data .......................................................... 16
Product table................................................................. 18
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Design features Page …………12 Page ............16
+ =
Clear information on the status of trav- Compared with the initial concept of Number of
elling machine parts is decisive in separate components, the integration revolutions
many fields of engineering so as to of sensor, impulse ring and bearing,
enable reliable open-loop and closed- which was mainly driven by SKF
loop control of movements. Such infor- efforts, was an important step towards
mation becomes all the more import- higher quality in signal generation and m/s Speed
ant with the increasing necessity of transmission, more compact construc-
creating more light-weight and simpler tion and simpler design.
Basically, everything started with
the implementation of anti-lock braking Direction of
systems (ABS) in vehicles. “Intelligent rotation
bearings” were required to record the
variations of the circumferential speed Bearings with integral sensors are
of the wheel. From the very beginning no longer used only in vehicles, but
SKF was involved in the development have spread to many other fields of Relative position
and subsequent improvement of these application. These are in the first place
7 counting
6 8
bearings. Millions of these intelligent SKF Sensor-Bearing Units used for
bearings have been supplied by SKF recording
and operate reliably worldwide.
● the number of revolutions m/s 2 Acceleration or
● the speed deceleration
● the direction of rotation
● the relative position/counting 0
● acceleration or deceleration
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Design features Page …………12 Page ............16
What is an SKF Sensor- ... and how does it Why SKF Sensor-
Bearing Unit ... work? Bearing Unit?
SKF Sensor-Bearing Units are mecha- A magnetic impulse ring divided into Since the beginning of the 1980s SKF
tronic machine components covering a sequence of north and south poles has been intensively involved in sen-
the fields of both sensor and bearing is attached to the inner ring of the SKF sorised bearings and has had a decis-
engineering. They are virtually an ideal Sensor-Bearing Unit. The outer ring ive influence on their development.
combination of versatile deep groove carries a sensor body with embedded Today SKF Sensor-Bearing Units are
ball bearings with sensor units shield- Hall cells. technically advanced products which
ed from external influences. Sensor When the inner ring rotates, the have proved their superiority over
body, impulse ring and bearing are impulse ring moves past the stationary other solutions time and time again.
mechanically attached to each other, sensor ring, generating a magnetic Our Sensor-Bearing Units are based
forming an integral ready-to-mount field of changing polarity. The sensor on this wealth of application-specific
unit. outputs a pulse the frequency of which knowledge gathered over the past
depends on the number of polarity twenty years – yet another example
changes per second. Via the sensor of our expertise to your benefit. In fact
bearing connection cable, the sensor SKF Sensor-Bearing Units offer signifi-
output signal is transmitted to an elec- cant total cost reduction on both
tronic unit normally developed by the
user. This unit evaluates the signal ● existing solutions, due to less need
and provides application-specific infor- for adaptation
mation. ● new projects, due to simpler and
The sensor body contains two cells, more compact design.
the two output signals offset in phase
allowing determination of the direction
of rotation (➔ fig 1 ).
The output from the sensor is two
square pulse signals with a 90° phase
difference which allow determination
of the direction of rotation
Fig 1
anticlockwise A,B
clockwise B,A
sensor sensor
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Design features Page …………12 Page ............16
The SKF designed and patented The sensor body is attached to the Proven quality
Sensor-Bearing Unit is a simple, robust bearing outer ring by an SKF patented SKF Sensor- 1
and compact mechatronic machine solution. The sensor body has two Bearing Unit –
a construction of
element – a combination of proven, cells, enabling the direction of rotation proven, high quality
high quality mechanics and advanced to be determined. The two sensors are mechanics and
sensor technology. It consists of offset to each other in the sensor advanced sensor
body. In a small integrated circuit they technology
● an SKF deep groove ball bearing contain not only the Hall generator as
with one seal and an active element but also the elec-
● an SKF active sensor, consisting of tronics for signal amplification and
impulse ring and sensor body as conversion. The analogue sinusoidal
well as a connecting cable capable signal generated by the Hall generator
of measuring even zero movement. is amplified and converted into a
square-wave signal by a Schmitt trigger.
The SKF deep groove ball bearing The sensors require an external
Axial location
The single row SKF deep groove ball voltage supply. The bearing pro-
bearings are suitable for high speeds, SKF guarantees the signals, 100 % vides radial loads
robust in operation and do not require checked at the manufacturing process and locates the
any maintenance. They can accommo- level. shaft axially in both
date not only rather high radial loads, Their output signals are in phase directions
but also axial loads and serve as quadrature, the leading signal depend-
locating bearings guiding the shaft ing on the direction of rotation. Further-
axially in both directions. Furthermore more two sensors enable double the
they are noted for their high manufac- number of pulses. Instead of 64 pulses
turing accuracy, their low noise and per revolution in a standard bearing
friction levels, the efficient sealing and there are now 128 pulses per revolu-
the grease filling ensuring mainten- tion. When counting the rising and
ance-free operation for life. falling edges of the pulses a maximum
accuracy of 256 pulses per revolution
The SKF active sensor unit can be attained, which corresponds to
Well protected
The SKF Sensor-Bearing Unit incorpo- a resolution of 1,4 angular degrees. The bearing has
rates an active sensor designed to be The signal output is fed via an open a sheet steel re-
compact and robust, very close to an collector circuit. Speeds down to zero inforced seal made
incremental encoder function. It pro- can be recorded. of wear-resistant
vides accurate measuring down to zero The SKF Sensor-Bearing Unit is nitrile rubber
speed. Its main components are the suitable for operating temperatures of
impulse ring, the sensor body with the up to +120 °C.
sensors and the connecting cable.
The composite magnetised impulse
ring is attached to the bearing inner
ring. Depending on the bearing size,
it is divided into a certain number of
north and south poles. The number of
pulses per revolution normally ranges
between 32 and 80.
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Proven quality Page …………12 Page ............16
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Proven quality Page …………12 Page ............16
One decisive factor of satisfactory
operation of electronic systems is their
ability to operate in difficult industrial
environments without interfering with
each other.
Thanks to the specific SKF sensor
integration, the SKF Sensor-Bearing
Units can be used in systems function-
ing under most arduous electro-magnet-
ic environment such as described in
the European Standard EN 50082-2 or
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Application examples Page …………12 Page ............16
When quality and There is a large number of widely dif- Further applications are conceivable.
fering applications for the SKF Sensor- The application schemes described in
reliability count Bearing Unit, e.g. the following show how close co-oper-
High reliability, good signal quality, ation between SKF and the customer
minimal liability to interference, com- ● for control of electric motors, can solve special problems in practice
pact design, simple mounting, long ● for control of linear actuators, using SKF Sensor-Bearing Units.
service life, economical operation and ● for control of steering systems
low total costs are requirements that ● for speed synchronism,
must be met in many operations. ● for detection of speed and direction
of rotation, e.g. in electric vehicles,
packaging machines, papermaking
machines, textile machines, sorting
machines, etc.
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Application examples Page …………12 Page ............16
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Application examples Page …………12 Page ............16
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Application examples Page …………12 Page ............16
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............ 3 Unit arrangement Page ............ 16
Application of units
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............ 3 Axial location Page ............16
Axial location In the event of higher axial loads where it emerges from the sensor
The inner ring with tight fit is normally occurring we recommend location of unit. The distance sleeve covers the
located in the axial direction on both the bearing with an end cover bolted distance between the outer ring side
sides, e.g. by a shaft shoulder, a dis- to the housing via a snap ring in the face and the snap ring and must be
tance sleeve or a snap ring. The axial groove of the outer ring. In this case so wide that the snap ring, when
location of the outer ring depends on a recess must be provided as cable inserted into the annular groove,
the bearing size. duct in the cover (➔ fig 3 ). The abut- abuts the distance sleeve, but not 2
ment dimensions can be found in the the sensor ring (➔ fig 4 ).
● With bearings up to and including product table. With these bearing sizes the ring
a bore diameter of 25 mm the outer side face not covered by the sensor
ring is located axially on the side ● With bearings having a bore diam- body in most cases, however, is suf-
opposite to the sensor unit by a eter of 30 mm and more the outer ficiently wide to allow reliable loca-
shoulder in the housing bore. If the ring is fitted in such a way that the tion using an end cover bolted to the
bearing is only subjected to light side face opposite to the sensor unit housing. The cover abuts the outer
loads or not loaded at all in the abuts a housing shoulder. There are ring side face and must be provided
opposite direction, a snap ring two ways of axially locating the with a recess for the cable (➔ fig 5 ).
engaging a groove in the housing bearing on the sensor side: The abutment dimensions can be
bore is sufficient for axial location on A thin-walled distance sleeve found in the product table.
the sensor side. Between snap ring slotted in the axial direction is insert-
and sensor body an annular steel ed into the housing bore so that it If the SKF Sensor-Bearing Unit is used
sheet washer must be fitted, abut- abuts the bearing and location is as a non-locating bearing, which should
ting the sensor body over its entire provided by a snap ring. The sleeve only be considered in exceptional
width (➔ fig 2 ). A sufficiently dimen- inside diameter must match the out- cases, the outer ring must be free to
sioned recess must be provided in side diameter of the sensor unit, and move axially in both directions. Care
the housing for taking up the sensor its outside diameter must correspond must be taken that this axial displace-
unit connecting cable. to the housing bore diameter. The ment is not impeded by the connecting
width of the sleeve slot must be cable, while outer ring rotation should
determined in accordance with the be prevented.
dimensions of the connecting cable
Axial location of the outer ring of small Axial location of the outer ring of larger
bearings using a snap ring in the outer bearings using a distance sleeve and Axial location of the outer ring of larger
ring and an end cover a snap ring in the housing bore bearings using an end cover
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............ 3 Electrical interface data, mounting Page ............16
Fig 6 Mounting
I +V On mounting, SKF Sensor-Bearing
R Signal B Units must be handled with great care
II in order to avoid damage to the sen-
R < 20 mA Signal A sor unit and the connecting cable.
III First the bearing ring having a tight
< 20 mA fit, which is the inner ring in this case,
IV is pressed onto its seating surface.
0V The pressing-in force must be applied
only onto a mounting sleeve abutting
+V the inner ring side face, either by hand
or using a press (➔ fig 7 ). The press-
Signal A ing-in force must under no circum-
Table 2
Technical data Warning
Signal type Digital square When heating the bearing the con-
necting cable must not come into
Number of signals 2 contact with the hot plate (➔ fig 8 ).
Phase shift 90 degrees An induction heater must not be
used for heating SKF Sensor-Bearing
Duty cycle 50 % of a period Units as this would cause fatal dam-
age to the electronic components.
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............ 3 Mounting and maintenance Page ............ 16
Pressing of inner
ring onto the shaft
Fig 7 Lubrication and
seat using a
mounting sleeve
The SKF Sensor-Bearing Units from
the standard range are supplied as
sealed bearing units ready for mount-
ing. They are filled with a polyurea 2
grease suitable for the temperature
range of the sensor unit (between –40
and +120 °C), ensuring reliable lubri-
cation for the entire bearing life. The
grease fill is adapted to the bearing
sizes. Thus SKF Sensor-Bearing Units
are maintenance-free.
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............ 3 Page …………12 General data
Design On the one side the bearing is fitted The sensor body protecting two
An SKF Sensor-Bearing Unit (➔ fig 1 ) with a standard seal sealing against embedded Hall cells is attached to the
consists of the inner ring shoulder. On the oppo- outer ring – a patented SKF solution.
site side the impulse and sensor body The multiwire connecting cable
● a standard deep groove ball bearing form an effective labyrinth seal. extending in radial direction, which
with one seal and one snap ring The impulse ring is a composite connects the SKF Sensor-Bearing Unit
groove in the outside surface of the magnetised ring. The number of north and the signal processing electronics,
outer ring (a) and south poles (between 32 and 80) has a standard length of approximately
● the magnetised impulse ring (b) depends on the size of the bearing. 500 mm. In order to take into account
l the sensor body (c) The impulse ring is attached to the the different requirements to the inter-
l the connecting cable (d). bearing inner ring. face between the SKF Sensor-Bearing
Fig 1 Fig 2
a 1 2 3
Different versions of connecting cable
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............ 3 Page …………12 General data
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............3 Page …………12 Sensor-Bearing Units
d 15 – 45 mm
C 5,5
r2 6,5
min 0,5 r1
D2 d2 d d1 D1 D
1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ............3 Page …………12
D 2 +1 db da Da
Bore diameter of
end cover ≥ D2 + 1 (mm)
d d1 d2 D1 D2 b C r1,2 da db db Da ra
≈ ≈ min min min max max max
mm mm
Further SKF sensorised bearing
The SKF range of sensorised bearings Sensorised bearing The anti-lock braking system for
is not limited to deep groove ball bear- example significantly increased the
ings. In the course of the develop-
units for road vehicles active safety of a car, and the inte-
ment, the sensor concept was imple- Today pioneering developments in gration of the sensors into the bearing,
mented with other bearing types as engineering often start in vehicle con- which was achieved by SKF, made it
well. struction. The demand for constantly a top product. Less components, more
decreasing fuel consumption results in compact construction and simplified
the components becoming more and mounting are the OEM benefits. The
more compact and more and more user benefits are uniform and high
functions being integrated. With signal accuracy, minimum liability to
requirements of passive and active interference and long service life.
safety increasing this might present Today millions of SKF wheel bearing
a contradiction in terms. units with integral sensors are in use,
in cars as well as in trucks.
Sensorised bearing The SKF sensorised bearings for rail Sensorised bearing
vehicles meet these requirements.
units for rail vehicles They are compact, ready-to-mount and
units for traction
Operating conditions in rail vehicles easy-to-install systemised solutions, motors
are especially arduous. The bearings having a cylindrical roller bearing (CRU)
must not only tolerate vibration, impact or taper roller bearing (TBU) as basic Based on its many years of experi-
loads, high loads and extreme tempera- bearing. ence with sealed and greased for life
tures, but must ensure high distances Apart from these bearing units with bearing units as well as integral speed
driven with high operational reliability speed sensors, bearing units with tem- and temperature sensors SKF develop-
over great distances and with long perature sensors are also available ed Traction Motor Bearing Units
maintenance intervals. The same is true from SKF. They allow immediate and (TMBU).
of the integral sensors which control permanent monitoring of bearing tem- The version for the non-driven side
the braking system, ensure optimum perature, preventing hot-running axle- is a deep groove ball bearing with
frictional engagement of the driving boxes and bearing damage in opera- flanged outer ring for attachment to
wheels on starting-up and detect the tion. the motor case and, if required, with
direction of rotation. an inner ring flange for attachment to
the rotor shaft. These units can be
supplied with or without integral speed
and temperature sensors. Sealing of
the bearing unit and position and
attachment of the sensor are identical
with the axlebox bearings.
The version for the drive side has
a single row cylindrical roller bearing
combined with a four point contact ball
bearing as basic bearings.
The SKF Traction Motor Bearing
Concept combines in one unit all func-
tions important for the bearing arrange-
ment, also including the insulation, if
The SKF Group
– a worldwide corporation
SKF is an international industrial Group development has also played a vital
operating in some 130 countries and is role, resulting in many examples of
world leader in bearings. epoch-making innovations.
The company was founded in 1907 The business of the Group consists
following the invention of the self-align- of bearings, seals, special steel and
ing ball bearing by Sven Wingquist and, a comprehensive range of other high-
after only a few years, SKF began to tech industrial components. The experi-
expand all over the world. ence gained in these various fields
Today, SKF has some 40 000 em- provides SKF with the essential know-
ployees and around 80 manufacturing ledge and expertise required in order
facilities spread throughout the world. to provide the customers with the most
An international sales network includes advanced engineering products and
a large number of sales companies and efficient service.
some 7 000 distributors and retailers.
Worldwide availability of SKF products
is supported by a comprehensive
technical advisory service.
The key to success has been a con-
sistent emphasis on maintaining the
highest quality of its products and
services. Continuous invest-
ment in research and
The SKF Group is the first major bearing SKF has developed the Channel concept in
manufacturer to have been granted approval factories all over the world. This drastically
according to ISO 14001, the international reduces the lead time from raw material to
standard for environmental management end product as well as work in progress
systems. The certificate is the most com- and finished goods in stock. The concept
prehensive of its kind and covers more than enables faster and smoother information
60 SKF production units in 17 countries. The SKF Engineering & Research Centre flow, eliminates bottlenecks and bypasses
is situated just outside Utrecht in The unnecessary steps in production. The
Netherlands. In an area of 17 000 square Channel team members have the know-
metres (185 000 sq.ft) some 150 scientists, ledge and commitment needed to share the
engineers and support staff are engaged in responsibility for fulfilling objectives in areas
the further improvement of bearing perform- such as quality, delivery time, production
ance. They are developing technologies flow etc.
aimed at achieving better materials, better
designs, better lubricants and better seals
– together leading to an even better under-
standing of the operation of a bearing in its
application. This is also where the SKF Life
Theory was evolved, enabling the design
of bearings which are even more compact
and offer even longer operational life.