Structural Analysis and Design of Steel Connections Using Component Based Finite Element Model

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Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 9 (2015)

doi: 10.17265/1934-7359/2015.010.000

Structural Analysis and Design of Steel Connections

Using Component Based Finite Element Model

Lubomír Šabatka1, František Wald2, Jaromír Kabeláč3, Drahoslav Kolaja1 and Martin Pospíšil1
1. , IDEA RS, s.r.o., Brno 644 00, Czech Republic
2. , Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague CZ 166 29, Czech Republic
3. , Hypatia Solutions s.r.o., Brno 623 00, Czech Republic

Abstract: This paper introduces CBFEM (component based finite element model) which is a new method to analyze and design
connections of steel structures. Design focused CM (component model) is compared to FEM (finite elements models). Procedure for
composition of a model based on usual production process is used in CBFEM. Its results are compared to those obtained by component
method for portal frame eaves moment connection with good agreement. Design of moment resistant column base is demonstrated by a
case loaded by two directional bending moments and normal force. Interaction of several connections in one complex joint is explained
in the last example. This paper aims to provide structural engineers with a new tool to effectively analyze and design various joints of
steel structures.

Key words: Steel structures, structural connections, finite element model, component model, analytical model, design model.

1. Introduction 2. Component and Finite Element Models of

One of the key parts of structural analysis and design
of a steel structure is calculation of joints. Structural Component model of connections builds up on
engineers have plenty of calculation tools for members standard procedures of evaluation of internal forces in
and their cross-sections. Despite that majority of connections and their checking. Zoetemeijer [1] was
construction defects are caused by a bad structural the first who equipped this model with prediction of
design of a joint, tools for their analysis, calculation stiffness and deformation capacity. The elastic
and design are much less widespread and their stiffness was improved in the work of Steenhius et al.
functionality is limited to several types of joints. [2]. Basic description of components behavior in major
Many authors aim to resolve this issue by structural steel connections was used by Jaspart [3] for
introducing a new method that is: beam to column connections and by Wald et al. [4] for
y general so that it is useable for most of joints, column bases. The model was generalized by Da Silva
anchors and details used in building practice; [5]. Method implemented in the current European
y simple and fast so that it provides results in time structural standard for steel and composite connections
comparable with currently existing methods and tools; [6, 7] and can be applied in majority of software for
y comprehensible so that structural engineer gets structural steel used in Europe. Procedure starts with
clear information about joint behavior, stress, strain decomposition of a joint to components (Fig. 1),
and reserves of individual components and about followed by their description in terms of normal/shear
overall safety and reliability. force deformation behavior. After that, components are
grouped to examine joint moment-rotational behavior
Corresponding author: Lubomír Šabatka, Ph.D., research and classification/representation in a spring/shear
fields: structural engineering and design, and FEA (finite
element analysis). E-mail: [email protected]. model and application in global analyses (Fig. 1).
2 Structural Analysis and Design of Steel Connections Using Component Based
Finite Element Model

Advantage of the component model is integration of application is still to be done [10]. Material model for
current experimental and analytical knowledge of FEM uses true strain stress-strain diagram (Fig. 2).
connections components behavior (bolts, welds and Strain is recommended to be limited to 5% [11].
plates). This provides very accurate prediction of Implementation of safety into advanced design models
behavior in elastic and ultimate level of loading. under ultimate limit state design is summarized in
Verification of the model is possible using simplified Ref. [11]. Standard procedure with partial safety
calculation. Disadvantage of component model is that factors for material/connections may be applied. More
experimental evaluation of internal forces distribution advanced and accurate solution, which takes into
can be done only for limited number of joint consideration the accuracy of model and material
configurations. In temporary scientific papers, separately, gives more accurate and economical
description of atypical components is either not present solution of structural connections.
or has low validity and description of background
3. Composition of CBFEM Model
materials. Models of hollow section connections are
described in Chapter 7 of EN1993-1-8 [6] by curve CBFEM (component based finite element model) is
fitting procedures: their compatibility with component based on decomposition of the whole joint into
model is unreliable. The CMs (component models) are separated components—steel plates, welds, bolts,
rather complex for hand calculation, resulting in a need anchors and concrete block. Each component has its
to use tools/design tables. own analysis model:
FEM (finite element models) for connections are y 2D plate/wall finite elements for steel plates of
used from the 1970s and they are research-oriented. stubs of hot/cold formed cross section;
Their ability to express real behavior of connections is y force interpolation constrains for welds;
making them a valid alternative to testing—standard y nonlinear springs for bolts and anchors;
and expensive source of knowledge of connection’s y contact elements between plates in connections;
behavior. Native process of computer-based design is y Winkler/Pasternak subsoil for concrete blocks.
VaV (validation and verification) of models [8]. First step in creating of the model is preparation of
Application of VaV to steel connections design is its geometry. Structural engineer creates the structural
limited to a few published benchmark studies [9]. joint by applying manufacturing operations using these
Comparison of VaV to different engineering components (Fig. 3). Meshing of the

Fig. 1 Component model of symmetrical beam to column connection with end plates (1—column web in shear, 2—column
web in compression, 3—beam flange and web in compression, 4—column flange in bending, 5—bolts in tension, 6—end plate
in bending, 7—column web in tension).
Structural Analysis and Design of Steel Connections Using Component Based 3
Finite Element Model

Fig. 2 Material models of steel for research and design oriented methods.

Fig. 3 Manufacturing operations applicable to the structural joint.

components is automatically done by software. each compressed plate.

The plates connected by welds are modeled
4. Case Studies
separately. They are connected by weld component
only, which is characterized by weld in plane and out of 4.1 Welded Portal Frame Eaves Moment Connection
plane tensile stiffness and resistance. The bolts are
The CBFEM model of the portal frame eaves
modeled as two fans of interpolation links with its
moment connection with parallel stiffeners was
tensile and shear trilinear stiffness and adequate
verified by the CM. Results show a good agreement
resistance. Slender compressed plates are checked for
between two models. After that, sensitivity study was
local buckling. Possible post buckling behavior of
performed. Beam IPE cross-section size is variable
thin-walled sections is introduced by effective stress of
4 Structural Analysis and Design of Steel Connections Using Component Based
Finite Element Model

parameter shown on horizontal axis (Fig. 4). Column only in uncommon cases, e.g., column HEB 260, beam
HEB 260 was considered. The resistance shown on IPE 500. To cover the CBFEM model uncertainty,
vertical axis represents force couple of bending factor α1 will be determined according to sensitivity
moment in plane My and vertical shear force Vz for studies [11].
which the ultimate limit state was reached. It is Study of the moment connection in the corner of
assumed that bending moment and shear force values portal frame is visualized in Fig. 5. Design resistance
are equal. Resistance of the connection was governed and distribution of internal stresses are shown for three
by two components, column panel in shear and beam types of a joint with unstiffened beam web, parallel
flange in compression. Comparison of critical stiffeners and inclined stiffener in compressed part of
component for both CBFEM and CM models was column web. These models were verified against CM
made. The same component was critical in both models with good accuracy. However, reaching this results
for all parameters. Results of both models are very using CM to the joint with inclined stiffener is very
similar and differences in resistance are up to 7% and time consuming and with limited optimization features.


Resistance My/Vz (kNm/kN)

CM model


120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520
Beam cross-section IPE
Fig. 4 Sensitivity study (Column HEB 260), variable parameter is beam cross-section size.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 5 Influence of the shear stiffener to rotational capacity of eaves moment connection: (a) Mu = 46.5 KNm; (b) Mu = 61.3
KNm; (c) Mu = 73.0 KNm. numbers below diagram indicates different capacity of the joint based on various location of
stiffeners. The biggest capacity is in the case c) where two stiffeners (one inclined) are used. Maximal stress is red, minimal
Structural Analysis and Design of Steel Connections Using Component Based 5
Finite Element Model


4.2 Column Base with Base Plate CBFEM model, directly performing calculation under
general loading, allows engineers to optimize stiffeners
Nowadays, tools using CM support column base
and plate.
with base plate design with or without stiffeners. The
example is calculated with loading in two 5. Analysis of a Complex Steel Joint
perpendicular principal directions. In case of loading
Interaction of several connections in one joint is
by bending moments in general plane, the result is
very hard to solve using CM. Analytical CM needs to
obtained by interaction, see cl. EN 1993-1-8. The
be created manually for every type of the joint. On
accuracy of interaction is limited to linear behavior and
the other hand, there are no limitations for typology
may result in 30% overestimation. The CBFEM
and number of members used in CBFEM method.
method was validated with good accuracy using
General effectiveness of the method is shown in an
experiments both from literature and carried out
example of a frame joint. There are following
specifically for this purpose by the authors. The
members in the joint: connection on bolted end-plate
verification of cases loaded by moment in major/minor
with ribs, connection on shifted end-plate with
axes performed against CM gives good results. The

(a) (b)
Fig. 6 Contact stress in concrete loaded by general moment: (a) unstiffened plate 35 mm; (b) stiffened plate 22 mm.

(a) (b)
Fig. 7 Base plate loaded by normal force and two bending moments: (a) deformed shape; (b) stress in contact area.
6 Structural Analysis and Design of Steel Connections Using Component Based
Finite Element Model

Fig. 7 Complex frame joint—interaction of more connections.

Fig. 8 Stresses and plastic zones in complex steel joint.

stiffener, connection of skewed beam on short practice is limited to certain types of connections and
end-plate, rectangular hole in the web and several their loading. On the other hand, sophisticated 3D
stiffeners. All these members can be solved separately volume finite element models are too complex for use
by CM but the overall capacity of the joint is also in daily practice for structural engineers.
defined by their interactions—true capacity of a given Authors of this paper developed new method called
connection cannot be defined without analysis of a CBFEM. It can be used for majority of joints,
connection located next to it. anchoring, and details of various topology, give results
Presentation of calculated results is very important in time comparable with existing simplified methods
for clear understanding of CBFEM method. Fig. 8 and provide clear information about behavior of the
shows stresses in steel plates and developing of joint. CBFEM method enables structural engineers to
plastic zones in different parts of the joint. accurately analyze joints that had to be simplified or
estimated so far.
6. Conclusions
Structural engineers often face a challenging task
when analyzing, calculating and designing joints of This article further develops the paper of Sabatka L.,
steel structures. Commonly used CM is laborious for Wald F., Kabeláč J., Gödrich L., Navrátil J., published
calculation and its application by design tools in during Steel, Space and Composite Structures
Structural Analysis and Design of Steel Connections Using Component Based 7
Finite Element Model

Conference, held in Praque in May 2014: component 2006. EN1993-1-8, Eurocode 3, Design of Steel
Structures, Part 1-8, Design of Joints. Brussels: CEN.
based finite element model of structural connections.
[7] CEN. 2010. EN1994-1-1, Eurocode 4, Design of
The described method was created under R&D project Composite Steel and Concrete Structures, Part 1-1,
MERLION supported by Technology Agency of the General Rules and Rules for Buildings. Brussels: CEN.
Czech Republic (project No. TA02010159). [8] Wald, F., Kwasniewski, L., Gödrichn, L., and Kurejková,
M. 2014. “Validation and Verification Procedures for
References Connection Design in Steel Structures.” In Proceedings
Steel, Space and Composite Structures. (in printing)
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