Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Suneeta Kercood, Janice A. Grskovic, Devender Banda, Jasmine Begeske

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Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (2014) 1316–1332

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Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

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Working memory and autism: A review of literature

Suneeta Kercood a,*, Janice A. Grskovic b, Devender Banda c, Jasmine Begeske d
Butler University, United States
Indiana University Northwest, United States
Texas Tech University, United States
Purdue University, United States


Article history: Research studies that evaluated working memory with students with autism and other
Received 28 February 2014 disorders were reviewed and summarized. Results suggest that persons with autism score
Received in revised form 21 June 2014 lower on measures of working memory than do typical controls especially on tasks that
Accepted 24 June 2014
require cognitive flexibility, planning, greater working memory load, and spatial working
Available online 27 July 2014
memory, and with increasing task complexity and in dual task conditions. Lower scores in
verbal working memory were associated with greater problems in adaptive behavior and
more restrictive and repetitive behavior. Children with autism were as likely as typical
Autism spectrum disorders
Working memory children to employ articulatory rehearsal (verbal WM). The format of WM tasks may
Auditory working memory determine whether or not performance is impaired. Implications for educational practice
Visiospatial working memory and future research are discussed.
ß 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1316
2. Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1317
2.1. Participants and setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1317
2.2. Tasks and procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1318
3. Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1318
4. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1326
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1330

1. Introduction

Current definitions of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), as those first described by Kanner (1943), include students who
Exhibit (1) social/communication deficits, and (2) fixated interests and repetitive behaviors (American Psychiatric
Association, 2013). Additionally, in their textbook description of children with Autism, Scott, Clark, and Brady (2000)
included challenges in cognitive and executive abilities. Numerous investigations have focused on social, language, and
behavioral characteristics of children with autism. Fewer studies have explored the cognitive functions and executive

* Corresponding author at: College of Education, Butler University, 4600 Sunset Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46208, United States. Tel.: +1 3179408429.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Kercood).
1750-9467/ß 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Kercood et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (2014) 1316–1332 1317

abilities of this group. Working memory is a cognitive function/executive ability that has implications for social, behavioral,
and academic performance; it is an important component of numerous educational tasks.
Working memory (WM) has been defined as the process by which information is stored and processed mentally
(Baddeley, 1986). The most frequently used model of WM was presented by Baddeley who stated that WM consists of
multiple components: (a) the phonological loop, which is responsible for maintaining speech-based information; (b) the
visuo-spatial sketchpad, that functions in storing material by its visual or spatial features (Gathercole, Pickering, Ambridge, &
Wearing, 2004); and (c) the attention component, that allows maintenance of task relevant focus, processing capabilities, and
self regulation in the presence of external or internal distractions (Wolf & Bell, 2007). These components of WM that provide
the ability to mentally hold and process information have been considered essential for daily activities such as planning,
organization, cognitive flexibility (for reviews see Baddeley, 1986, 1992), and the learning of skills such as reading (Bayliss,
Jarrold, Gunn, & Baddeley, 2003), comprehension (Friedman & Miyake, 2004), arithmetic (DeStefano & LeFevre, 2004), and
problem solving (Beilock & DeCaro, 2007).
A recent review of the implications of WM deficits stated that the majority of children with poor WM are slow to learn in
the areas of reading, math, and science, across both primary and secondary school years. These students have difficulties in
following instructions, with learning activities that require both storage and processing, with place-keeping, and appear to
be inattentive, to have short attention spans, and to be distractible (Gathercole, 2008). Thus, deficits in WM are closely
associated with learning deficits observed in daily classroom activities. To this end, researchers have suggested that without
early intervention, these deficits cannot be overcome and will continue to reduce the likelihood of academic success
(Alloway & Gathercole, 2006).
WM deficits in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) appear to result in numerous problems associated with
behavior regulation, cognitive flexibility, abstract thinking, and focusing and sustaining attention (Hughes, Russell, &
Robbins, 1994; Ozonoff & McEvoy, 1994; Ozonoff, Pennington, & Rogers, 1991). However, previous research has been
inconsistent and inconclusive on identifying the factors that influence WM performance or its academic implications for
individuals with ASD. This is possibly due to the large variation in the characteristics of individuals with ASD and the
implications of these characteristics on the WM assessment procedures.
Primarily, there are two subgroups of individuals with ASD, those that coexist with intellectual disability, and those with
average or above average intellectual functioning. Individuals with ASD with average or above average functioning include
those who are diagnosed with High Functioning Autism (HFA) or those with Asperger’s (ASP), and their characteristics vary
in terms of social, linguistic, and cognitive abilities from individuals with ASD who have intellectual disability. Koyama,
Tachimori, Osada, Takeda, and Kurita (2007) compared the performances of individuals with ASP with higher (mean full-
scale IQ, 98.3) and participants with HFA with lower (mean full-scale IQ, 94.6) intellectual functioning on the Wechsler
Intelligence Scales and autism rating scales, and found that, consistent with previous studies, their participants with ASP had
higher verbal IQ and scored significantly higher than participants with HFA on verbal subtests of Vocabulary and
Comprehension, although neither group of participants in this study had below average IQ.
Although we have glimpses of the cognitive performances of children with ASD from these intelligence tests, many
questions remain unanswered. Without fully understanding the cognitive challenges faced by individuals with Autism
Spectrum Disorders (ASD) we are challenged in developing educational interventions. How do students with ASD perform on
WM? How does their performance compare to children with other disabilities that also show difficulties in WM, such as
those with ADHD, Tourette Syndrome, and intellectual disability? The information about WM is important for researchers to
develop interventions that can better target the challenges for this population. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to
evaluate existing WM research on individuals with ASD within the context of individual existing characteristics with
linguistic and cognitive challenges.

2. Method

To search for articles for this review, we accessed the databases Academic Search Premier, ERIC, and Psych Info. We
utilized the search words ‘‘Autism,’’ ‘‘Asperger’s,’’ ‘‘Pervasive Developmental Disorders,’’ ‘‘High Functioning Autism,’’
‘‘Working memory,’’ ‘‘spatial working memory,’’ and ‘‘auditory working memory.’’ Research studies were included in this
review if they were (a) published in peer-reviewed journals in English, (b) included individuals with ASD, Asperger’s
Syndrome, or High Functioning Autism, and (c) included experimental or quasi experimental methodologies that evaluated
WM. We also included articles that had test results from the working memory subtests from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale
for Children (WISC-III and IV). Both computer and hand searches were conducted to locate articles that met these criteria. We
excluded studies that exclusively evaluated working memory using medical procedures, such as fMRI scans.
This search produced 24 studies that evaluated WM performance for individuals with ASD. The articles were obtained
from 11 different journals and were published between 1996 and 2013. Twenty of the studies assessed child and teenaged
populations. Four studies assessed adult populations and one study assessed both child and adult populations.

2.1. Participants and setting

The 24 studies that evaluated WM with individuals with ASD classified their participants into three main categories –
HFA, ASP, and autism. The participants were diagnosed based on their ratings on one of the following instruments: the
1318 S. Kercood et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (2014) 1316–1332

Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised (ADI-R; Lord, Rutter & LeCouteur, 1994), the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
(ADOS; Lord et al., 1989), the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule – Generic (ADOS-G; Goldberg et al., 2005; Goldstein,
Beers, Siegel, & Minshew, 2001; Lord et al., 2000), clinical diagnosis in a hospital setting using DSM-IV criteria (Gilotty,
Kenworthy, Sirian, Black, & Wagner, 2002), or the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children for DSM-IV, parent version
(PDISC-IV; Geurts, Verte, Oosterlaan, Roeyers, & Sergeant, 2004). See Table 1 for more information on the participants of each
The number of participants in these studies ranged from 20 to 520, with sample sizes varying in each study. In each of
these WM studies, participants were selected because their intellectual functioning was 66 or higher (range 90–132) as
measured on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) or the Wechsler Intelligence scale for Children (WISC).
The studies classified the participants as having autism (AUT) or Asperger’s (ASP), or High Functioning Autism (HFA) and
compared their performances to typical comparisons, students with learning disabilities (LD), those with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorders (ADHD), Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), or Tourette
Syndrome (TS). None of the studies compared the three groups with AUT, ASP, and HFA simultaneously.
The majority of reviewed studies assessed their participants across multiple sessions in undefined settings but some
identified their settings as a university lab (3) or a hospital setting (6). During these sessions, the investigators administered
various tests to the participants either through standard testing procedures or computer programs.

2.2. Tasks and procedures

The studies evaluated WM in spatial working memory by using the Spatial Working Memory Span Test (Ozonoff &
Strayer, 2001), the Stockings of Cambridge task, the Intra-Dimensional/Extra-Dimensional set-shifting task, and the Spatial
working memory computerized task from the Cambridge Automated Neuropsychological Test and Battery (CANTAB),
(Cambridge Cognition, 1996; Goldberg et al., 2005; Steele, Minshew, Luna, & Sweeney, 2007), the Behavior Rating Inventory
of executive functioning completed by parents (Gilotty et al., 2002), word span, block span, the Tower of London (Joseph,
McGrath, & Tager-Flusburg, 2005), problem solving and set shifting using the Wisconsin Card Sorting test (WCST; Geurts
et al., 2004), and WAIS-R profile (Goldstein et al., 2001).

3. Results

In the studies reviewed, comparisons were made between the performances of individuals with Autism Spectrum
Disorders to those of typical comparisons and to those with other disorders. In comparisons with typical children, most
studies reported lower performances in WM for persons with autism compared to typical controls. Individuals with HFA
consistently made more errors, used fewer strategies, and showed poorer performance than typical children on tasks that
involved cognitive flexibility, planning, higher working memory load, and spatial working memory, especially with
increasing task complexity (Guerts, Verte, Oosterlaan, Roeyers, & Sergeant, 2004; Goldberg et al., 2005; Landa & Goldberg,
2005). Similarly, individuals with ASP also performed lower than comparisons on dual task conditions compared to single
task conditions (Garcia-Villamistar & Sala, 2002) and scored lower on the WM-Math component of IQ tests, such as digit
symbol (Nakahachi et al., 2006). Additionally, based on parent ratings on the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (Sparrow,
Balla, & Cichetti, 1984) and the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning-Parent Rating Questionnaire (BRIEF:
Gioia, Isquith, Guy, & Kenworthy, 2000), one of the studies indicated that, for persons with ASP and HFA, WM performance
was negatively correlated with problems in adaptive behavior, communication, and socialization (Gilotty et al., 2002). That
is, the lower the scores in working memory (especially verbal working memory) the higher the problems in adaptive
behavior. This finding is supported by Lopez, Lincoln, Ozonoff, and Lai (2005) who compared the performances of 17 average
functioning adults with autism to an equal number of typical controls on a new executive function battery (i.e., Delis-Kaplin
Executive Function Scales), the Wisconsin Card Sorting test, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), and behavioral ratings
from the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised, Gilliam Autism Rating Scale, and
the Aberrant Behavior Checklist. They found that the executive processes (i.e., cognitive flexibility, working memory, and
response inhibition) were highly related to the level of restrictive and repetitive behaviors engaged in by participants with
autism. However, there were no group differences in working memory, but this was attributed to the lack of sufficient power
to detect a medium-sized effect.
In comparisons of the WM performances of individuals with HFA and those with specific learning disabilities (LD),
similarities were found. Goldstein et al. (2001) compared the performances of 35 adults with HFA and 102 adults with LD on
the WAIS and the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) and concluded that the cognitive profile of individuals with HFA
was similar to that of individuals with LD who were not significantly impaired in reading but who had academic difficulties
in other areas, such as mathematics.
In two studies with children (6–12 years), Russell, Jarrold, and Henry (1996) assessed WM through the use of articulatory
rehearsal (i.e., repeating back pairs of long and short words), and the capacity of WM through computerized variations of
counting and computational tasks. Comparisons were made between typical students, those with autism, and those with
moderate learning difficulties. The authors reported that the participants with autism were as likely as typical children to
employ articulatory rehearsal (verbal WM) and they had spans superior to those of participants with moderate learning
difficulties, but they performed lower than students with moderate learning difficulties in their total capacity of WM.
Table 1

Authors Participants Diagnosis criteria Assessments Main results

Benetto, ASD: n = 19 DSM-III-R criteria for Autism orWorking Memory (WM) Measures Students with ASD performed significantly lower than
Pennington, Age: M = 15.95 yrs PDD Sentence Span. comparisons on measures of temporal order memory,
and Rogers FSIQ: M = 88.89 Counting Span source memory, supra-span, free recall, working
(1996) Childhood Autism Rating Scale WISC-included subtest of working memory such as Digit spanmemory, and EF, but not on short- and long-term
Clinical Comparisons: Measures of Executive Functioning recognition, cued recall, or new learning ability.
n = 19 (including those with learning andWISC-R Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). Tower of Hanoi Significant correlation in the scores of Digit Span
attention disorders) Memory Measures Forward (from WISC) and other WM subtests: Counting
Age: M = 15.23 yrs Stanford Binet Test of Temporal order versus recognition Span, and Sentence Span.
FSIQ: M = 91.74 Intelligence Memory
California Verbal Learning Test
Sample recruited for the research project

S. Kercood et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (2014) 1316–1332

Bodner, ASD: n = 14 (71% male) Diagnostic interviews, DSM-IV Participants attended two testing sessions over the course of aIndividuals with ASD performed more poorly than
Beversdorf, Age: M = 18.9 yrs, Mean FSIQ = 103.9 criteria, Autism Diagnostic week. controls in the working memory condition (BX trials).
Saklayen and Of these, 7 met criteria for Autistic Interview – Revised; Each participant received 40 mg of propranolol The ASD group performed significantly better in the
Christ (2012) disorder and 7 met criteria for Asperger’sWechsler (norepinephrine) upon arrival at one testing session and a propranolol condition than the placebo condition.
disorder. Abbreviated Scale of placebo (sugar) pill at the other session, with the order of drugWorking memory performance of the control group was
Intelligence (WASI) administration counterbalanced within each group. Followingunaffected by propranolol/placebo administration.
NC: n = 13 (69% male) a 60-min delay (to allow for complete absorption and
Age: M = 19.2 yrs maximization of plasma levels), participants completed the AX-
Mean FSIQ = 108.7 Continuous Performance Test (CPT).

Participants were receiving clinical

services in an academic medical center
specializing in diagnosis and treatment of

Cui et al. ASP: n = 12 Clinical diagnosis using DSM-IVVerbal Storage-Only Tasks Children with ASP performed better than controls in
(2010) Age: M = 7.46 yrs criteria Digit recall and word list recall examining the phonological digit and word recall tasks (consistent with the view that
FSIQ: M = 100.03 loop they had better rote memory skills), but worse in a block
Boys: girls 11:1 WISC – Chinese version Complex Memory Span Tasks recall task and variant-visual-patterns test, suggestive of
backward digit recall and counting recall involving both thedeficits in representing visual and spatial information. In
Controls: n = 29 function of central executive (for processing) and that of n-back test, ASP group had similar accuracy as controls
Age: M = 7.37 yrs phonological loop (for storing) but took longer and showed larger effects of task load.
FSIQ: M = 108.31 Visuospatial Storage Tasks
Boys: girls 23: 6 Block recall and variant-visual-pattern test measuring the
visuospatial sketchpad; n-back tests
Participants were outpatients in a child
developmental behavior center.

Gabig (2008) ASD: n = 15 Clinical diagnosis using DSM-IVVerbal WM with Increasing Complexity Nonword repetition ASD group scored significantly below controls on NWR,
(13 boys, 2 girls,) criteria. (NWR) required encoding the phonological representation ofMD, and SI and hierarchy of memory task complexity
Age: M = 6 yrs 6 m. Autism Diagnostic Interview – a nonsense word and repeating it. Memory for digits span influenced performance outcomes for the ASD group
NVIQ: M = 95 Revised (ADI–R); NV (MD) required encoding phonological and semantic only.
intelligence – Differential representations and storing and recalling a series of numbers
TD (Control): n = 10 Ability Scale (DAS) in sequence. ASD group performed better on NWR than on MD or SI,
Age: M = 6 yrs 8 m. Peabody Picture Vocabulary Sentence imitation (SI) required encoding phonological and consistent with previous research on verbal WM
NVIQ: M = 106 Test; semantic representations of words and constructing phrasesfunction in autism with the a pattern of escalating
Word Articulation subtest of and clause structures to aid in the organization, temporary memory deficits with increasing task complexity
Participants recruited from a larger, the Test of Language storage, and recall of a sentence. reported in older children and adults with autism.
ongoing study of language and cognitive-Development – Primary; Social
linguistic processing ability in verbal Communication Questionnaire
children with autism.

Table 1 (Continued )

Authors Participants Diagnosis criteria Assessments Main results

Garcia-Villamistar ASD: n = 16; Clinical diagnosis using DSM-IVSingle-task Conditions For the digit span and tracking tasks, no significant
and Sala (2002) Age: M = 23.50 yrs, NC: n = 16; criteria Digit Recall: Present with lists of digits for 2 min then assessdifferences between groups in single task conditions.
Age: M = 21.19 yrs, Total Score of Childhood percentage of sequences correctly recalled. Participants with ASD showed poorer dual-task
Autism Rating Scale >30 The Tracking Task: Cross out as many of the 80 1-square-cmperformance than the control group.
8 males,8 females in each group boxes on sheets of white paper as possible with 2 min All executive function tests contributed to correctly
Dual-task: Perform the digit recall task and the tracking taskpredict participant’s group (control or ASD)
IQ: Required to score above the 35th simultaneously.
percentile point on the Standard The Dysexecutive Questionnaire completed by a relative
Progressive Matrices Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
Verbal fluency Test

Gilotty et al. HFA: n = 35 DSM IV criteria and hospital Vinland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS); Significant relationship between scores on VABS-

S. Kercood et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (2014) 1316–1332

(2002) Age: M = 10.49 yrs, based diagnosis Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function-parent communication and socialization, and working memory
(SD = 3.04) rating version (BRIEF) – utilizes verbal working memory subscales of the BRIEF.
Boys = 30, Girls = 5 descriptors.
FSIQ: M = 103.94 yrs
(SD = 16.62)
Hospital-based setting

Goldberg HFA: n = 17 Autism Diagnostic Interview – Stroop Color and Word Test (inhibition) Administered in 3 No group differences on the response inhibition,
et al. (2005) Age range: 8–12 yrs Revised; sheets of laminated paper, each with 5 columns of 20 items,planning, or set-shifting tasks. On the SWM task,
Age: M = 10.3 yrs, SD = 1.8 Autism Diagnostic Observationeach timed for 45 s. children with HFA made significantly more between-
FSIQ: M = 96.5, Schedule; Diagnostic InterviewSOC, ID/ED, and SWM tasks from the CANTAB (planning, set-search errors than controls on both the most difficult
SD = 15.9 for Children and Adolescents shifting, and working memory) problems (8-box) and on the mid-difficulty problems (6-
Conner’s Parents and Teacher Administered on a PC with a touch screen placed within arms’box);
ADHD: n = 21 Rating Scales – Revised. reach. An examiner read the instructions for each task
Age: M = 9.8 yrs, SD = 1.3 DSM-IV Criteria, clinical verbatim from the CANTAB_ manual and encouraged Conclusions suggest that spatial working memory is
FSIQ: M = 113.8, diagnosis participants by using the prompts. Participants responded byimpaired in both ADHD and HFA, and more severely in
SD = 10.3 touching the screen. the latter.

NC: n = 32
Age: M = 10.4 yrs, SD = 1.5
FSIQ: M = 112.6,
SD = 12.1

Guerts and HFA: n = 23 including 16 ASP, 2 autism, 1Social Responsiveness Scale – Working Memory – Visuo-spatial WM-Spatial Span (forwardElderly with HFA had more problems with visio-spatial
Vissers PDD-NOS, 4 ASD; Dutch version problems) from the Wechsler Memory Scale-III WM, sustained attention, and fluency than controls;
(2012) Diagnosis by an Autism The Dutch Adult Reading Test (DART) other cognitive domains were intact. In previous studies,
NC: n = 23 specialist The Sustained Attention to Response Test (SART); Digit children and adults with autism demonstrated deficits
Age range 51–83 yrs Symbol-copy from WAIS (Processing speed); Modified Card in planning and cognitive flexibility. In this study, with
Sorting Test (Cog. Flexibility); Tower of London (Planning) the elderly with autism, these deficits did not seem to be
Controlled Word Association Task (Fluency); Visual present, suggesting that the deficits disappear with
Reproduction of the WMS-III (Visual Memory); The Dutch aging.
version of the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Task (RAVLT)
(Verbal Memory)
Guerts HFA: n = 41 Autism Diagnostic Interview – Self-Ordered Pointing task (Visual working memory); Circle Children with HFA demonstrated deficits in all executive
et al. (2004) Age: M = 9.4 yrs Revised (ADI-R); Child Drawing Task (inhibition); Opposite Worlds of the Test of functioning domains, except working memory. The HFA
FSIQ: M = 98.3 Communication Checklist Everyday Attention for Children (TEA-Ch); Tower of London group showed more difficulties than the ADHD group
(CCC); Disruptive Behavior (planning); Wisconsin Card Sorting Test – Change task with planning and cognitive flexibility.
ADHD: n = 54 Disorder rating scale (DBD); (cognitive flexibility, verbal fluency); Corsi Block Tapping Test
Age: M = 9.3 yrs Diagnostic Interview Schedule (Short term memory)
FSIQ: M = 99.5 for Children for DSM-IV, parent
version (PDISC-IV);
NC: n = 41 WISC-R: 4 subtests used for
Age: M = 9.1 yrs FSIQ – Vocabulary, Arithmetic,
FSIQ: M = 111.5 Picture Arrangement, and Block

S. Kercood et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (2014) 1316–1332

Joseph ASD: n = 37 DSM IV criteria, Autism Word Span Forward and Backward; Block Span Forward andFindings suggest that executive dysfunction in autism is
et al. (2005) Boys = 35, girls = 2 Diagnostic Interview–Revised, Backward; working memory and inhibitory control not directly related to language impairment per se, but
Age: M = 7.11 yrs, Autism Diagnostic ObservationNEPSY Knock-Tap, and planning (NEPSY Tower). rather involves an executive failure to use language for
SD = 1.9 Schedule, self-regulation and working memory tasks.
Verbal IQ: M = 87, Differential Ability Scales,
SD = 19 (Range 61–133) Peabody Picture Vocabulary ASD group performed lower than the NC group in all
Nonverbal IQ: M = 91, SD = 22 (Range 49–Test tests.
NC: n = 31
Age: M = 8.3 yrs
VIQ: M = 88 (Range: 64–122)
Non-verbal IQ: M = 91, SD 17 (Range 51–

Kaufmann ASP: n = 10 DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000) Various subtests of the PC-administered Cambridge Participants with ASP somewhat slower than controls in
et al. (2013) Age: M = 14.7 yrs Autism Diagnostic ObservationNeuropsychological Test all but the SWM task. Participants with ASP solved the
FSIQ: M = 102.3 Scale (ADOS) Automated Battery (CANTAB), including Spatial WM- SWM task somewhat quicker but at the same time they
Boys = 8, girls = 2 Autistic Diagnostic Interview- requiring participants to find a token in each of a series of committed numerically, but not statistically, more
Revised boxes located within a rectangle (stimulus duration being errors than controls.
Verbal IQ = 107.6 (ADI-R) response bound) and use them to fill up an empty column on
Performance IQ = 95.8 the right side of the screen. Task difficulty increased steadily
Boys = 8, girls = 2 (number of boxes 3, 4, 6, 8 indicating working memory load).
At each level, participants were required to solve at least four
NC: n = 10 trials.
Age: M = 13.8 yrs
FSIQ: M = 109.5
Verbal IQ: M = 114.0
Performance IQ: M = 106

Table 1 (Continued )

Authors Participants Diagnosis criteria Assessments Main results

Landa and HFA: n = 19 Autism Diagnostic Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery VIQ correlated significantly with all the language
Goldberg Age: M = 11.01 yrs, SD = 2.89 Interview-Revised, Autism (CANTAB; Cambridge Cognition, 1996) to probe spatial assessment measures for the HFA group
(2005) FSIQ: M = 109.7, SD = 15.80 Diagnostic Observation working memory (SWM), planning (Stockings of Cambridge,SWM deficits found for the HFA group on the tasks
Schedule, or the Autism hereafter SOC), and flexibility (set-shifting, using the intra- imposing the greatest WM load, and included
NC: n = 19 Diagnostic Observation dimensional/extra-dimensional preservation, and poorer search strategies compared to
Age: M = 11 yrs, Schedule-Generic Shift Task, ID/ED Shift task) – Computerized test controls.
SD = 2.85
FSIQ: M = 113.4, Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-Revised HFA participants solved fewer problems in the min
SD = 14.34 number of moves, regardless of task difficulty.

Research Lab

S. Kercood et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (2014) 1316–1332

Lopez et al. AUT: n = 17 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Delis-Kaplin Executive Function Scales The following subtestsSeveral executive processes (i.e., cognitive flexibility,
(2005) Age: M = 29 yrs Scale-Third edition. were used- working memory, and response inhibition) were highly
(range 19–42) Diagnosis of autism by a (a) California Verbal Fluency Test with 6 conditions, one a related to the restrictive, repetitive symptoms of autism;
VIQ: M = 73, SD = 16 licensed psychologist, board switching condition. Individual required to generate as manywhereas, other executive process (i.e., planning and
FS IQ: M = 77, SD = 15 certified child adolescent novel words to the letters F, A, and S. fluency) were not found to be significantly correlated
psychiatrist, pediatrician, or(b) California Design Fluency Test with 3 conditions that with restricted, repetitive symptoms.
NC: n = 17 neurologist. required participants to make unique designs by connecting
Age: M = 29 yrs, dots with straight lines.
(range 18–29) Autism Diagnostic Interview – (c) California Stroop Test required reading words of colors to
VIQ: M = 92, SD = 15 Revised Autism Diagnostic name the dissonant ink color.
FSIQ: M = 89, SD = 13 Observation Schedule (d) Tower of California test (spatial planning and cognitive
Gilliam Autism Rating Scale flexibility)
(e) California Trails Test consists of five conditions that assess
visual-motor sequencing, visual scanning, number-letter
switching, and motor speed.

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test requires sorting stimulus cards

based on 3 principles (color, form, number). Must ascertain
the correct principle based on feedback about card sorting

Mayes and HFA: n = 54 DSM-IV criteria Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-2nd edition (WIAT-II)HFA had above normal scores on the WISC-IV Perceptual
Calhoun (2008) Age: M = 8.2 yrs Checklist for Autism in Young Word Reading, Reading Comprehension, Numerical Reasoning and Verbal Comprehension Indexes and
(Range = 6–14 yrs) Children; Child interview and Operations, and Written Expression subtests and 12 Wechslerbelow normal scores on the Working Memory and
FSIQ: M = 101 Self report scale; clinical Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth edition (WISC-IV) Processing Speed Indexes norm.
observations during testing; subtests comprising the 4 indexes, including working
review of the child’s memory (WMI), Perceptual Reasoning (PRI), Verbal
developmental History; school Comprehension (VCI) and Processing Speed (PCI); and FSIQ,
transcripts and General Ability Index

Nakahachi ASP: n = 16 DSM-IV Advanced Trail Making Test (ATMT) (Kajimoto, computerizedDiscrepancy of scores among working memory-related
et al. (2006) Male: n = 12, Wechsler Intelligence Scale – version). Requires visuomotor coordination, visual scanning tasks was demonstrated in ASP. The normal digit span
Female: n = 4 Revised (WAIS-R) as in the digit symbol test, to quantitatively estimate workingand WMR in ATMT and lower score only in digit symbol
Age: M = 28.0 yrs (Range = 20–42) memory for the ASP group suggests normal ability in retaining
FSIQ: M = 101 Random (R) task short-term information. Poor performance in the Digit
Range:75–132) When a correct numbered button was pushed, the other symbol task may be due to the vagueness of task
buttons were rearranged randomly. working memory requirement and delay of task
NC: n = 28 performance.
Male: n = 12, Fixed (F) task
Female: n = 7 When a correct numbered button was pushed, the location of
Age: M = 28.3 yrs (Range = 19–42) the other buttons remained fixed. Reaction time could be
FSIQ: M = 103 (Range: 80–130) shortened compared with task R by using working memory of
subsequent buttons.
Oliveras-Rentas, Total Sample: n = 56 Neuropsychological battery, WISC-IV which included the Working Memory Index The Processing Speed Index (PSI) showed the greatest
Kenworthy, HFA: n = 22 Autism Diagnostic Interview Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale, Second edition: Survey relative and normative weakness in the ASD group.
Roberson, ASP: n = 22 (ADI) and the Autism Interview Form No significant deficits were noted in WM.
Martin, & PDD-NOS: n = 12 Diagnostic Observation Adaptive communication abilities (Vineland) were
Wallace Schedule (ADOS) significantly positively correlated with the WISC-IV
(2012) Age: M = 9.11 yrs (6–15) including WM.
Boys = 46 (82%)
FSIQ: M = 97.55

Ozonoff and Autism: n = 25 DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for Working memory tasks were performed on a computer with aNo group differences were found across three tasks and
Strayer (2001) Age: M = 12.9, SD = 3.1 Autism touch screen. five dependent measures of working memory.
Males = 21, Females = 4 Performance was significantly correlated with both age

S. Kercood et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (2014) 1316–1332

FSIQ: M = 96.3, SD = 17.8 Autism Diagnostic ObservationRunning Memory Task: Match colored shapes from one or twoand IQ. Authors concluded that working memory was
Schedule-Generic (ADOS-G) screens back. not one of the executive functions seriously impaired in
TS: n = 15 Spatial Memory-Span Task: Match locations of 1, 3, or 5 coloredautism. The authors also suggested that the format of
Age: M = 13.4 yrs, SD = 2.5 TS was diagnosed by a clinician.shapes from previous screen; administration of working memory tasks may be
Males = 11, Females = 4 Box Search Task: Search and remember which boxes out of 6important in determining whether or not performance
FSIQ: M = 99.0, SD = 11.4 had treasure behind them. Participants could only select newfalls in the impaired range.
boxes if a box did not have treasure. If participants selected a
NC: n = 15 box that had been checked before, a preservative error was
Age: M = 9.5 yrs, SD = 3.2 counted.
Males = 9, Females = 6
FSIQ: M = 107.1, SD = 10.5
Experimental Setting – University –

Russell et al. STUDY 1 DSM-III STUDY 1: All participants completed a short term memory STUDY1: Participants with Autism were at least as likely
(1996) AUT: n = 33 PPVT- to calculate verbal task with both short and long syllables recalled aloud or by as controls to employ articulatory rehearsal (verbal
Age: M = 12.25 yrs, mental age (VMA) pointing (verbal vs non-verbal). All tasks were presented on aworking memory), and had superior spans than that of
SD = 3.0 Macintosh computer using Hypercard. participants with moderate learning difficulties.
VMA: M = 6yrs 3mths
STUDY 2: Participants completed a capacity task that requiredSTUDY 2: The performance of participants with Autism
Moderate LD: n = 33 the concurrent storage of information and performance of a was inferior to that of control participants, but similar to
Age: M = 10.75 yrs, relevant cognitive task. All participants were given the simplethose with moderate learning difficulties.
SD = 2.0 and complex versions of three tasks (a) counting (b) odd-man
VMA: M = 6yrs out and (c) sums.

NC: n = 33
Age: M = 6.3 yrs, SD = 1.3

AUT: n = 22
Age: M = 12.5 yrs, SD = 2.8
VMA: M = 7 yrs
Moderate LD: n = 22
Age: M = 11.1 yrs, SD = 2.0
VMA: M = 7yrs

NC: n = 22
Age: M = 6.8, yrs, SD = 0.5
VMA: M = 7 yrs

Table 1 (Continued )

Authors Participants Diagnosis criteria Assessments Main results

Scheirs and Total sample: n = 115 DSM-IV-T Diagnostic criteria Dutch version of the WISC-III Scores on all subtests including digit span (working
Timmers This test consists of 13 subtests, the results of which can bememory)- PDD-NOS group attained the highest scores,
(2009) PPD-NOS: n = 55 (75%) boys combined into FIQ, VIQ (subtests Information, Arithmetic, whereas the scores of the ADHD and combined diagnosis
Age: M = 10.1 yrs Similarities, Vocabulary, Comprehension and Digit Span), PIQgroups were lower and highly similar to one another
FSIQ: 66–136 range (subtests Picture Completion, Substitution, Picture
Arrangement, Block Design, Object Assembly, Symbol Search
ADHD: n = 40 (80% boys) and Mazes), and the factor or index scores Verbal

S. Kercood et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (2014) 1316–1332

Age: M = 9.6 yrs Comprehension Index (VCI), Perceptual Organization Index
FSIQ: 76–123 range (POI) and Processing Speed Index (PSI)

PPD-NOS  ADHD: Subtests: Digit span is considered a measure of Working

n = 20 (90% boys) memory
Age: M = 11.2 yrs
FSIQ: 76–116 range

Archival outpatient mental health data from

the Netherlands

Sinzig, Morsch, ASD and ADHD (ASD) DSM-IV-TR criteria; Autism- Battery of executive functioning tasks assessing inhibition, SWM – ADHD group made significantly more errors than
Brunning, n = 19 boys, 1 girl, included HFA – 5, ASP –Diagnostic Interview-Revised flexibility, spatial working memory (SWM), and planning the NC group and needed more strategies than children
Schmidt, & 15 (ADI-R); Autism Diagnostic Obs in the ASD+ group. ASD group made more errors than
Lehmkuhl Age: M = 10.9 yrs Scale (ADOS); Diagnostic the NC group.
(2008) Checklist for Pervasive ASD+ and the ADHD group needed longer to perform the
ASD w/out ADHD (ASD ) n = 20 (16 boys, 4 Developmental Disorders (DCL- whole task compared to the ASD group
girls) included HFA – 5, ASP – 15 TES); Diagnostic Checklist for
Age: M = 14.3 yrs Oppositional Defiant or Participants with ASD were impaired in planning and
Conduct disorders (DCL-SSV); flexibility. The ASD+ group, when compared to the ASD
ADHD The Diagnostic Checklist for group, showed more problems in inhibitory
n = 20 (19 boys, 1 girl) Hyperkinetic performance but not in the working memory task.
Age: M = 12.2 yrs Disorders/ADHD (DCL-HKS).
n = 20 (14 boys, 6 girls)
Age: M = 13.1 yrs

Recruited from the in and outpatient dept.

of child and adolescent psychiatry
Steele HFA: n = 29, DSM IV criteria Spatial working memory task from CANTAB presented on HFA participants consistently made more errors than
et al. (2007) Age: M = 14.83 yrs, SD = 5.4 Autism Diagnostic Interview computer monitor. control;
(Range: 8–29 yrs) HFA increased their error rates at mid-level drastically,
FSIQ: M = 107.7, SD = 10.9 whereas controls increased error rates steadily.
(3) HFA failed to effectively use the sequential search
NC: n = 29 strategy.
Age: M = 16.93 yrs,
SD = 5.47
(Range: 8–29 years)
FSIQ:M = 110.7, SD = 9.9

Williams Adults w/ASD: Wechsler Intelligence Scales Verbal working memory tasks The children, adolescents, and adults with autism

S. Kercood et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (2014) 1316–1332

et al. (2005) n = 31, FSIQ: M = 109; (WISC-III), Kaufman Test of N-back letter task: Keep track of the target letter on presentperformed at similar levels relative to the cognitive and
Age: M = 26.6 yrs, SD = 8.68 Educational Achievement, screen, 1 letter back, or 2 letters back. age-matched controls on the working memory tasks that
Autism Diagnostic observation Wechsler Memory Scale involved the articulatory loop (verbal working memory)
Adult Controls Schedule, Autism Diagnostic Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning (WRAML) and performed poorer than the controls on the tasks that
n = 25, FSIQ: M = 110 Interview – Revised (equivalent to WMS-III Number Letter Sequencing. involved the visuospatial sketchpad (SWM).
Age: M = 26.7 yrs, Spatial working memory tasks
SD = 9.1 WMS-III Spatial Span Subtest (adults)
WRAML Finger Windows Subtest (children)
Children w/ASD:
n = 24, FSIQ: M = 110
Age: M = 11.8 yrs,
SD = 2.4

Children Controls
n = 44, FSIQ: M = 110
Age: M = 12.4 yrs,
SD = 2.2

Yerys, Wallace, HFA: n = 28 DSM-IV criteria Consonant Trigrams Test (CTT, verbal working memory): CTT performance lower in children with ASD than in
Jankowski, Age: M = 10.9 yrs, Autism Diagnostic Interview When presented with three consonant letters followed by a controls suggesting divided attention as a relative
Bollich and SD = 1.5 (ADI) or Autism Diagnostic number, must count backwards from that number during a weakness for children with HFA. Significant correlation
Kenworthy Including Interview – Revised (ADI-R): variable delay (0, 3, 9, or 18 s), then state the letters. between CTT performance and ratings of everyday
(2011) ASD: n = 11; Autism Diagnostic observation ADHD Rating Scale-Parent Edition and the Behavior Rating working memory. Large variability in the performance of
ASP: n = 12; Schedule (ADOS) Inventory of Executive Function-Parent Form–a test of those with ASD.
PDD-NOS: n = 5 everyday working memory

NC: n = 18
Age: M = 11.1, SD = 1.3

1326 S. Kercood et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (2014) 1316–1332

The performances of children with HFA (mean age 9 years) were also compared to those of children with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) on measures of planning, cognitive flexibility, and other cognitive tasks (Geurts et al., 2004).
Results indicated that participants with HFA showed more difficulties with working memory tasks of planning and cognitive
flexibility than those in the ADHD group.
In a comparison of 25 participants with ASD (ages 7–18), 15 typical comparisons (ages 8–19 yrs), and 15 students with
Tourette Syndrome (ages 8–17 years), Ozonoff and Strayer (2001) reported that although performance was significantly
correlated with both age and IQ, there were no significant differences between the experimental groups on working memory,
and suggested that the format of administration of WM tasks may be important in determining whether or not performance
falls in the impaired range. In this study, they used three computerized WM tasks, (a) a running memory task that asked
participants to match colored shapes from a previous screen (one-back) or penultimate screen (two-back), (b) a spatial
working memory-span task that required participants to match the locations of 1, 3, or 5 colored shapes from a previous
screen, and (c) a box search task that asked students to search and remember which boxes (out of 6) had treasures behind
In summary, results suggest that persons with autism score lower on measures of working memory than do typical
controls. They make more errors, use fewer strategies, and demonstrate lower performances on tasks that require cognitive
flexibility, planning, greater working memory load, and spatial working memory, especially with increasing task complexity
and in dual task conditions. They also score lower on the WM-Math component of IQ tests, such as digit symbol. Lower scores
in working memory (especially verbal working memory) were associated with greater problems in adaptive behavior and
more restrictive and repetitive behavior.
Similarities were found in the WM performances of individuals with autism and those with specific learning disabilities
(LD) in mathematics. Children with autism were as likely as typical children to employ articulatory rehearsal (verbal WM)
and they had spans superior to those of participants with moderate learning difficulties, but they performed lower than
students with moderate learning difficulties in their total capacity of WM. Children with autism showed more difficulties
with working memory tasks of planning and cognitive flexibility than children with ADHD. One study found no differences in
the working memory of participants with ASD, Tourette Syndrome, and typical comparisons but scores were significantly
correlated with both age and IQ.

4. Discussion

The purpose of this study was to review existing WM literature for individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) to
identify characteristics and challenges that would provide implications for academic assessment and intervention. We
located and reviewed 24 studies and found that WM was mainly evaluated using clinical or neuropsychological test batteries
and parent/teacher rating scales. Some of the assessments were presented in a computerized format, such as the Cambridge
Automated Neuropsychological Test and Battery (Goldberg et al., 2005; Landa & Goldberg, 2005; Steele et al., 2007), running
memory and spatial working memory tasks (Ozonoff & Strayer, 2001), and language and computational tasks, and that
participants were required to either give verbal responses or type in their answers using a keyboard.
Though most of the reviewed studies reported challenges in WM for participants with ASD, there were differences in the
components of WM that were related to difficulties. Though traditionally, individuals with ASD have been reported to have
language impairments, authors in this review reported that verbal WM did not present a challenge, and that participants
with ASD had similar articulatory rehearsal, or articulatory loop strategies (that require verbal working memory) to that of
typically functioning comparisons (Russell et al., 1996; Williams, Goldstein, Carpenter, & Minshew, 2005). This finding may
be due to the level of impairment of the participants with ASD or high functioning autism (HFA) in these studies, most of
whom had average intellectual functioning, and had language or verbal IQs slightly lower than average, but not significantly
impaired. This linguistic ability has previously been supported by prior studies that reported that individuals with Aspergers
demonstrated milder impairment and their communicative competence was higher than in other variants of autism,
including those with HFA (Frith, 1998).
However, linguistic abilities were a critical factor in debating the presence of spatial working memory deficits. Most
authors suggested lower performance by participants diagnosed as ASD or HFA in spatial working memory tasks than
participants without ASD. The authors suggested that there were similarities in spatial working memory performance of
individuals with ASD and those with moderate learning difficulties. These deficits in spatial working memory resulted in
poor performance on dual tasks and tasks that required higher cognitive load and flexibility (Goldberg et al., 2005; Landa &
Goldberg, 2005). Even though a spatial working memory deficit was not found in one study (Ozonoff & Strayer, 2001), the
authors suggested that the format of working memory assessment tasks may affect our ability to detect deficits. This was
supported by Williams et al. (2005) who concluded that when spatial WM was assessed without verbal responses and coding
(i.e., the use of the phonological loop requirement of WM), and used the visio-spatial sketchpad instead, it was more likely to
reveal existing deficits for individuals with HFA. This report may be important because it contradicts prior research that
reported heightened or superior visio-spatial abilities in individuals with ASD (Caron, Mottron, Rainville & Chouinard, 2004;
Mitchell & Ropar, 2004).
Thus, the presence of verbal responses in the assessment of WM may be a confounding variable and should be considered
in future research. This is especially relevant with the varied language abilities within the autism spectrum. Previous findings
demonstrated that even the higher functioning groups, such as HFA and ASP, struggled with the functional use of language.
S. Kercood et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (2014) 1316–1332 1327

For example, they had difficulty explaining their correct answers, suggesting that they were not always aware of how they
derived answers from context (LouKusa et al., 2007) and tended to use past tense significantly more frequently in their
narratives (Seung, 2007). None of the studies reviewed compared the implications of linguistic abilities between the groups.
None of the studies in this review compared the WM performances of various groups of individuals with ASD (i.e., HFA,
ASP, lower functioning students with Autism), and there were no developmental evaluations between the groups. Although
the purpose of this study was not to assess developmental changes in ASD, one finding did emerge. Guerts and Vissers (2012)
reported that elderly individuals with HFA had more problems with visio-spatial WM, sustained attention, and fluency than
controls but deficits in planning and cognitive flexibility were not found, suggesting that these deficits disappear with aging.
In auditory/verbal WM, children, adolescents and adults perform similarly, and seem to have problems with visio-spatial
WM that continue into adulthood. In a review of neurodevelopment and executive functioning in autism, O’Hearn, Asato,
Ordaz, and Luna (2008) concluded that some aspects of executive functions are impaired at different ages in autism but that
‘‘its developmental trajectory is not well defined, and it is not clear whether the development of executive function is
delayed, persistently low, or truncated’’ (p. 1111). More studies will need to be conducted to verify if adults with autism
improve with training in cognitive flexibility and planning. It is not clear if this normalization in cognitive flexibility and
planning in adulthood is due to educational activities or to higher levels of intellectual functioning within the sample
For educators, the implications of these findings are relevant if they affect educational performance. Unfortunately, few of
the reviewed studies evaluated working memory with educational tasks. One study assessed counting abilities. Future
research should provide clearer descriptions of the participants’ characteristics within the context of school-based
populations and use educational tasks to assess working memory. WM has implications for academic areas such as problem
solving, listening and reading comprehension, mental math, and learning to spell. A list of the most commonly used tests of
WM and possible educational implications are included (see Table 2). A student that struggles with auditory/verbal WM at a
younger age may benefit from instruction that includes both auditory and written components. Children with WM deficits in
planning and flexibility with environmental changes may have difficulty with time management, planning for an activity or
assignment, sequencing or re-ordering a schedule due to changes, reacting to other children or adults, especially if
something new happens, working through emergency situations such as drills, minor or major disasters, or asking questions.
Future researchers may want to identify developmental differences and investigate comparisons with individuals within
other special populations, such as those with learning disabilities (LD). If there are similarities in WM performance in
students with ASD and those with LD, there is a potential for numerous investigative opportunities that evaluate the
feasibility of existing LD interventions to teach students with ASD within the school environment with implications for
improving academic performance, language skills, and cognitive and behavioral flexibility.
This study identified WM characteristics and challenges for individuals with ASD with the implication that deficits can be
remediated. Morrison and Chein (2011) published a review of intervention studies and answered the question, ‘‘Does
working memory training work?’’ They concluded that increases in WM have been successfully demonstrated across a wide
range of populations but there are differences in outcomes based on the training techniques employed. Core WM training
seems to produce more far-reaching generalization effects than domain-specific strategies. Morrison and Chein’s review
included a variety of adult and child populations including those who experienced strokes and children with ADHD. Their
review did not include the results of training WM in students with autism.
For students with ADHD, Klingberg et al. (2005) found treatment effects from computerized, systematic practice of WM
tasks at post-intervention and follow-up using a span-board task (a visuospatial WM task). They reported secondary effects
for response inhibition, and complex reasoning. Parent ratings showed significant reduction in symptoms of inattention and
hyperactivity/impulsivity. Similarly, Beck, Hanson, Puffenberger, Benninger, and Benninger (2010) reported treatment
effects from five weeks of intensive WM training for children with ADHD. They found significant improvements in parent
ratings of inattention, ADHD symptoms, initiation, planning/organization, and working memory. Teacher ratings
approached significance.
In another study, Van der Molen, Van Luit, Van der Moldn, Klugkist, and Jongmans (2010) attempted to train the WM of
adolescents with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities using a computerized WM training. They found that verbal short-
term memory improved significantly from pre- to post-testing and was maintained at follow-up. They concluded that WM
can be effectively trained in adolescents with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities.
A limited number of studies have evaluated WM training in students with ASD. Baltruschat et al. (2011), reported results
from three different single subject multiple baseline studies on students with Autism aged 6–9 years, demonstrating the
positive effects of reinforcement, such as highly preferred tangible items (video game, candy, movie, drawing material,
stickers) or edible food, on working memory performance in the tests of Counting span, in which participants were required
to count quantities of circles mixed up with squares in a series of visual arrays, state the amount of time an array was
presented and, then, recall each quantity in the correct order in which they were presented, Complex span, in which a
sequence of visual stimuli are presented to the participant who is asked to provide a classification response that identifies a
function of the object (e.g., Can you eat it?). At the conclusion of the sequence, the participants were asked to list the stimuli
in the order in which they were initially presented, and Digit span backwards, in which, the participants had to memorize a
series of numbers that were presented auditorally and then recall them backwards (Baltruschat et al., 2012).
Broadbent and Stokes (2013) reported improved performance in WCST, a test of visiospatial working memory, through
the use of positive feedback. The WCST consists of four stimulus cards and 128 response cards that depict various symbols
1328 S. Kercood et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (2014) 1316–1332

Table 2
Commonly used tests of working memory and possible academic implications of test results.

Test Description of the test Academic implications

Advanced Trail Making Test (ATMT) Computerized version. Both parts A and B Speed of performance on a
consist of a single sheet of paper with a sample visual task, drawing,
Measure: Visiospatial working memory printed on the front side and the test on the sequencing numbers from
back. Circles are distributed and each encloses low to high
Reference: Kajimoto O. Technique for assessment of a number and/or letter. Connect the circles in
degree of fatigue. Igaku no Ayumi 2003; 204: sequence with a penciled line. Score is number
377–380 (in Japanese). Reitan, R. M. (1971). of seconds for completion.
Trail making test results for normal and
brain-damaged children. Perceptual and motor skills,
33(2), 575–581

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test View four key cards on a computer screen. A Organizing, categorizing,
single stimulus card that shares attributes problem solving,
Measure: Visiospatial working memory with some or all of the key cards is presented. matching shapes, colors,
A test of flexibility of thinking and complex problem-solving Match the stimulus card and the one key card etc., switching between
that matches. Feedback is given from the various tasks (cognitive
Reference: Chelune, G. J., Talley, J. L., Kay, G. G., & computer about whether the sort was correct flexibility).
Curtiss, G. (1993). Wisconsin card sorting test manual. or incorrect. Using this feedback, they must
Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources determine the correct sorting rule. After they
make a specified number of correct sorts using
the first rule, the rule for sorting the cards
changes without warning. They must then
identify a new sorting rule and apply it
consistently until the rule changes again.

Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery Begins with a number of colored boxes on the Geometry
(CANTAB) screen. Using a process of elimination, find
one blue token in boxes and use them to fill an
Measure: Visiospatial working memory empty column on the right. The number of
boxes is gradually increased, until it is
Reference: Cambridge Cognition (1996). CANTAB. Cambridge, necessary to search 8 boxes. The color and
England: Cambridge Cognition Limited position of the boxes are changed to
discourage the use of stereotyped search

Continuous Performance Test A long sequence of letters appears on a Differentiation between

computer screen. Hit the space bar only when letters, spelling words etc.
Measure: Visiospatial working memory a letter appears that is not X. Rate varies. presented visually, speed
Omissions and commissions count as errors. of reading, response time.
Reference: Conners, C. (2000). Conners’ Continuous Also records reaction times. All CPT scores
Performance Test II: Technical guide. Toronto, Canada: represent T-scores normed on a large sample.
Multi-Health Systems

Visuo-spatial WM – Spatial Span (forward problems) from A visual analog of the digit span test, the Identifying geometrical
the Wechsler Memory Scale-III spatial span test requires participants to patterns
Measure: Spatial working memory watch the examiner tap increasingly longer
sequences of raised, blue blocks positioned
Reference: Wechsler, D. (1945/1997) Wechsler Memory Scale1 – arbitrarily on a white board. Participants tap
Third edition (WMS-III). San Antonio, TX: Harcourt Assessment. the blocks in the same order they witnessed
(forwards span) or in the reverse order
(backwards span).

Self-Ordered Pointing task Pictures of familiar objects or abstract designs Organizing, categorizing,
are arranged in a grid and presented in a problem solving,
Measure: Visual working memory different arrangement on each trial. The matching shapes, colors,
participant points to a picture as requested. etc., switching between
Reference: Petrides, M., & Milner, B. (1982). Deficits on subject The test requires executive abilities in order to various tasks (cognitive
ordered tasks after frontal- and temporal-lobe lesions in man. organize and carry out a sequence of flexibility).
Neuropsychologia, 20, (3), 249–262 responses and retain and constantly monitor
responses made.

WMS-III Spatial Span Subtest (Adults) Forward and backward span conditions. 10 Organizing visual
cubes in fixed locations are presented and the materials presented
Measure: Spatial working memory examiner taps the cubes in a specified sequentially, such as
sequence starting with a 2-block sequence, shapes, sizes, figures, etc.
Reference: Wechsler, D. (1997b). Wechsler Memory gradually increasing to a 9-block sequence.
Scale-III: Administration and scoring manual. Two trials of different combinations are given
San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation. at each level. The participant is asked to repeat
Williams, D. L., Goldstein, G., Carpenter, P. A., & the sequence forward and backward.
Minshew, N. J. (2005). Verbal and spatial working
memory in autism. Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 35(6), 747–756.
S. Kercood et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (2014) 1316–1332 1329

Table 2 (Continued )

Test Description of the test Academic implications

WRAML Finger Windows Subtest (children) A card with window-like openings is Organizing visual
presented. The examiner puts a pencil into a materials presented
Measure: Spatial working memory sequence of these windows and the sequentially, such as
participant is asked to use his or her finger to shapes, sizes, figures, etc.
Reference: Sheslow, D., & Adams, W. (1990). WRAML: repeat the sequences.
Wide range assessment of memory and learning.
Wilmington, DE: Jastak Assessment Systems

Letter-Number Sequencing (LNS) – One of the A series of intermixed letters and single digits Spelling, listening
ubtests of the Wechsler’s Working Memory Index are read aloud at one item per second. The comprehension, verbal
participant verbally reports the numbers in learning of math facts
Measure: Auditory/Verbal working memory numerical order, followed by letters in
alphabetical order. Sequences begin with
Reference: Wechsler, D. (1997). Wechsler Memory three items (two letters and one number or
Scale (3rd ed.). San Antonio, TX: The Psychological two numbers and one letter) and become
Corporation increasingly longer until the participant fails
all three trials of a given sequence length.

N-back test of working memory A series of digits appear on a computer screen. Spelling, matching
Task is to signal when a digit is identical to the visually presented
Measure: Verbal working memory digit that came immediately before it (1- numbers, number
back), and then 2-back or 3-back. For example, patterns
Reference: Kirchner, W. K. (1958), Age differences in if the following sequence appeared during a 3-
short-term retention of rapidly changing information. back trial (2, 4, 5, 2, 6, 5, 9, 3, 0, 9), the
Journal of Experimental Psychology, 55(4), 352–358 participant should respond affirmatively after
seeing the second 2, the second 5, and the
second 9 in the sequence.

Nonword repetition (NWR) Subtest from the Requires encoding the phonological Listening/comprehension,
Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing representation of a nonsense word and listening and learning
repeating it. alphabets, spelling,
Measure: Auditory/Verbal working memory sentences,

Reference: Wagner, R. K., Torgensen, J. K., & Rashotte,

C. A. (1999). Comprehensive test of phonological processing.
Austin, TX: Pro-Ed Gathercole, S. E., Willis, C. S., Baddeley,
A. D., & Emslie, H. (1994). The children’s test of nonword
repetition: A test of phonological working memory.
Memory, 2(2), 103–127.

PASAT Participants hear a sequence of single digit Mental math calculation

numbers. They add adjacent digits together and problem solving
Measure: Auditory/Verbal working memory and verbally report the sum. While calculating
the sum, they must also remember the last
Reference: Gronwall, D. M. & Sampson, H. (1974). The digit heard in order to add it to the next
Psychological Effects of Concussion. Auckland, number presented. Example: if the participant
New Zealand: Aukland Universithy Press hears 3, 5, 6, 2, 8, during part of a trial, correct
responses would be 8 (3 + 5), 11 (5 + 6), 8
(6 + 2) and 10 (2 + 8). The digits occur 3 s apart
during the first trial and 1.2 s apart during the
second trial.

WISC – Digit Span – One of the Subtests of the Wechsler’s Presents participants with increasingly longer Remembering formulae in
Working Memory Index sequences of single digit numbers. mathematics, reciting/
Participants first repeat the sequence out loud sequencing of numbers
Measure: Verbal Working Memory in order of presentation. Then, they recite the either n order or possible
sequence in reverse. pattern of numbers (such
Reference: Wechsler, D. (2004). The Wechsler intelligence as even/odd/prime
scale for children – fourth edition. London: numbers)
Pearson Assessment.

Working Memory Span Test – Counting Span In the children’s version of this test, orally Counting, sequencing,
counted (and point their finger at) the green reading through
Measure: Verbal working memory dots presented against a white background. distractions
Yellow dots, interleaved with the green dots,
Reference: Case, R., Kurland, M. D., & Goldberg, J. (1982). disrupted the visual patterns of the green dots
Operational efficiency and the growth of short-term (Case et al. did not report a range of values for
memory span. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, the number of green or yellow dots
33, 386–404 presented). The task presented three items of
each size from one to five, in ascending order
1330 S. Kercood et al. / Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (2014) 1316–1332

Table 2 (Continued )

Test Description of the test Academic implications

Working Memory Span Test – Operation Span Solve mathematical operations while trying to Math problem solving,
remember words. There were 84 mental math
Measure: Verbal working memory mathematical operation strings in Turner and
Engle’s (1989) first operation span task. Each
Reference: Turner, M. L., & Engle, R. W. (1989). Is working string consisted of a mathematical equation
memory capacity task dependent? Journal of Memory & with two arithmetic operations on one side of
Language, 28, 127–154 the equation and a stated solution on the other
side of the equation. The first operation was a
simple multiplication or division problem and
was followed by a simple addition or
subtraction operation. The stated solution was
correct on half of the trials.

Working Memory Span Test – Reading Span Read aloud sentences while remembering the Reading and reading
last word of each sentence for later recall in comprehension
Measure: Verbal working memory the order in which they were presented.
Increasing number of sentences presented in
Reference: Daneman, M., & Carpenter, P. A. (1983). Individual ascending order. Items presented until the
differences in integrating information between and within subject fails to recall all 3 items of a given size.
sentences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning,
Memory, & Cognition, 9, 561–584

Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function – parent The BRIEF-P consists of a single rating form Parent perception of
rating version (BRIEF) – utilizes verbal working memory with 63 items in 5 scales: inhibition (to stop working memory
descriptors. own behavior), shifting (to make a transition
Measure: Parental perception of verbal working memory and change focus from one mindset to
another), emotional control (to modulate
Reference: Roth, R. M., Isquith, P. K., & Gioia, G. A. (2005). emotional responses), working memory (to
BRIEF-A: Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function – hold information in mind for the purpose of
adult Version: Professional Manual. Psychological completing a task), and planning/organization
Assessment Resources. (to manage current and future-oriented task
demands within the situational context).

(crosses, circles, triangles, or stars), in different colors (red, blue, yellow, or green) and numbers of figures displayed (one,
two, three, or four). Participants are required to sort/categorize the cards according to six predetermined sorting principles in
the order of color, form, number, color, form, number. In the traditional administration of the WCST, participants’ are given
feedback using ‘‘right’’ or ‘‘wrong’’ commands. In this study, 50 high functioning individuals with Asperger’s (aged 14–70
years) and matched typically developing peers were placed in the traditional format of the WCST as well as the modified
format of feedback, where they were given only ‘‘right’’ feedback. Result showed that individuals with Aspergers, who
received only the positive feedback, had better performance and were similar to the typically developing peers than the
traditional format (which included negative feedback).
Additional studies on working memory assessments and interventions, especially that have implications for academic
and behavior activities, need to be conducted.


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