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2019 Chevrolet Infotainment System Guide 3.0

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23400430 D
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Audio Players . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
OnStar System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Voice Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Trademarks and License
Agreements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

2 Introduction
Introduction This manual describes features that
may or may not be on the vehicle Warning (Continued)
because of optional equipment that
was not purchased on the vehicle, cause a crash. You or others
model variants, country could be injured or killed. Do not
specifications, features/applications give extended attention to
that may not be available in your infotainment tasks while driving.
region, or changes subsequent to Limit your glances at the vehicle
the printing of this manual. displays and focus your attention
The names, logos, emblems, on driving. Use voice commands
Keep this manual with the owner’s
slogans, and vehicle body designs whenever possible.
manual in the vehicle, so it will be
appearing in this manual including, there if it is needed. If the vehicle is
but not limited to, GM, the GM logo, sold, leave this manual in the The infotainment system has built-in
CHEVROLET, the CHEVROLET vehicle. features intended to help avoid
Emblem, SILVERADO, CRUZE, distraction by disabling some
COLORADO, EQUINOX, MALIBU, Overview features when driving. These
VOLT, CAMARO, and BLAZER are features may gray out when they
registered trademarks of General Read the following pages to are unavailable. Many infotainment
Motors Corporation LLC, its become familiar with the features are also available through
subsidiaries, affiliates, or licensors. infotainment system features. the instrument cluster and steering
For vehicles first sold in Canada, wheel controls.
substitute the name General Motors { Warning Before driving:
of Canada Company for Chevrolet
Motor Division whenever it appears Taking your eyes off the road for . Become familiar with the
in this manual. too long or too often while using operation, controls on the center
any infotainment feature can stack, and infotainment display.
Litho in U.S.A.
Part No. 23400430 D Fourth Printing 2019 General Motors LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

Introduction 3
. Set up the audio by presetting
favorite stations, setting the
tone, and adjusting the
. Set up cell phone and mobile
device numbers in advance so
they can be called easily by
pressing a single control or by
using a single voice command.
See “Distracted Driving” in the
owner’s manual.
Infotainment System Colorado and Silverado Uplevel Radio
The infotainment system is
controlled by using the infotainment 1. O (Power) . When the power is on
display, controls on the center stack, and the system is not
. Press to turn the muted, a quick status
steering wheel controls, and voice power on.
recognition. pane will display when
. Press and hold to turn O is pressed. Pressing
the power off. O will mute the system
and trigger this pane to
. Press to mute/unmute show a long press is
the system when on. required to actually
power down the system.
. Turn to decrease or
increase the volume.
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

4 Introduction
2. 7 3. { 5. o BACK
. Radio: Press and . Press to go to the Home . Press to return to the
release to go to the Page. See “Home Page” previous display in
previous station or later in this section. a menu.
channel. Press and hold 4. 6 6. V
to fast seek the next
strongest previous . Radio: Press and . Turn to highlight a
station or channel. See release to go to the next feature. Press to
AM-FM Radio 0 17. station or channel. activate the highlighted
Press and hold to fast feature.
. USB/Bluetooth: Press to seek the next strongest
seek to the beginning of station or channel.
the current or previous
track. Press and hold to . USB/Bluetooth: Press to
quickly reverse through seek the next track.
a track. Release to Press and hold to fast
return to playing speed. forward through a track.
See USB Port 0 22 or Release to return to
Bluetooth Audio 0 25. playing speed. See USB
Port 0 22 or
Bluetooth Audio 0 25.
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

Introduction 5
3. O (Power)
. Press to turn the
power on.
. Press and hold to turn
the power off.
. Press to mute/unmute
the system when on.
. When the power is on
and the system is not
muted, a quick status
pane will display when
Colorado and Silverado Base Radio
O is pressed. Pressing
. USB/Bluetooth: Press to
O will mute the system
1. { (Home Page) and trigger this pane to
seek to the beginning of show a long press is
. Press to go to the Home the current or previous
Page. See “Home Page” required to actually
track. Press and hold to power down the system.
later in this section. quickly reverse through
2. 7 a track. Release to . Turn to decrease or
return to playing speed. increase the volume.
. Radio: Press and See USB Port 0 22 or
release to go to the Bluetooth Audio 0 25.
previous station or
channel. Press and hold
to fast seek the next
strongest previous
station or channel. See
AM-FM Radio 0 17.
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

6 Introduction
4. 6
. Radio: Press and
release to go to the next
station or channel.
Press and hold to fast
seek the next strongest
station or channel.
. USB/Bluetooth: Press to
seek the next track.
Press and hold to fast
forward through a track.
Release to return to Blazer, Camaro, Cruze, Equinox, Malibu, and Volt Uplevel Radio Shown.
playing speed. See USB Base Radio Similar
Port 0 22 or
Bluetooth Audio 0 25. .
1. { (Home Page) USB/Bluetooth: Press to
5. v seek to the beginning of
. Press to go to the Home the current or previous
. Press and release to Page. See “Home Page” track. Press and hold to
access the phone later in this section.
display or answer an quickly reverse through
incoming call. 2. 7 a track. Release to
return to playing speed.
. Radio: Press and See USB Port 0 22 or
release to go to the Bluetooth Audio 0 25.
previous station or
channel. Press and hold 3. O (Power)
to fast seek the next . Press to turn the
strongest previous power on.
station or channel. See
AM-FM Radio 0 17.
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

Introduction 7
. Press and hold to turn . USB/Bluetooth: Press to The Home Page can be set up to
the power off. seek the next track. have up to four pages with eight
. Press to mute/unmute Press and hold to fast icons per page.
the system when on. forward through a track. Swipe left or right across the display
Release to return to to access the pages of icons.
. When the power is on playing speed. See USB
and the system is not Port 0 22 or Managing Home Page Icons
muted, a quick status Bluetooth Audio 0 25.
pane will display when 1. Touch and hold any of the
O is pressed. Pressing 5. S BACK or 5 Home Page icons to enter
O will mute the system edit mode.
. Press S BACK to return
and trigger this pane to to the previous display 2. Continue holding the icon and
show a long press is in a menu. drag it to the desired position.
required to actually 3. Release your finger to drop the
power down the system. . Press 5 and release to
icon in the desired position.
. Turn to decrease or access the phone
display or answer an 4. To move an application to
increase the volume. another page, drag the icon to
incoming call.
4. 6 the edge of the display toward
Home Page the desired page.
. Radio: Press and
release to go to the next The Home Page is where vehicle 5. Continue dragging and
station or channel. application icons are accessed. dropping application icons as
Press and hold to fast Some applications are disabled desired.
seek the next strongest when the vehicle is moving.
station or channel.
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

8 Introduction
Steering Wheel Controls i : Press to decline an incoming 1. Favorite: When on a radio
call or end a current call. Press to source, press to select the next
(Colorado) or previous audio broadcast
mute or unmute the infotainment
system when not on a call. favorite. When listening to a
media device, press to select
o or p : Press the five-way control the next or previous track.
to go to the previous or next area of
a display in the instrument cluster. 2. Volume: Press to increase or
decrease the volume.
w or x : Press the five-way
control to go up or down in a list on
the instrument cluster.
Steering Wheel Controls
(Blazer and Silverado)
V : Press to select a highlighted
menu option.

If equipped, some audio controls

can be adjusted at the steering
g : Press to answer an incoming
call or start voice recognition. See
Bluetooth (Overview) 0 51 or
Bluetooth (Pairing and Using the
Phone) 0 52 or “OnStar Overview”
in the owner's manual. Press and
hold to activate Bluetooth Voice If equipped, some audio controls
Recognition/Siri Eyes Free. See can be adjusted at the steering
The favorites and volume switches
Voice Recognition 0 44. wheel.
are on the back of the steering
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

Introduction 9
g : Press to answer an incoming Steering Wheel Controls
call or start voice recognition. See (Cruze, Equinox, and
Bluetooth (Overview) 0 51 or
Bluetooth (Pairing and Using the Malibu)
Phone) 0 52.
i : Press to decline an incoming
call or end a current call. Press to
mute or unmute the infotainment
system when not on a call.
S or T : Press to move left or right
between the interactive display
zones in the cluster. Press the
The favorites and volume switches
thumbwheel to select.
are on the back of the steering
y or z : Use the thumbwheel to wheel.
scroll up or down in a list. Press the
1. Favorite: When on a radio
thumbwheel to select.
source, press to select the next
If equipped, some audio controls
or previous audio broadcast
can be adjusted at the steering
favorite. When listening to a
media device, press to select
the next or previous track. g : Press to answer an incoming
call or start voice recognition. See
2. Volume: Press to increase or
Bluetooth (Overview) 0 51 or
decrease the volume.
Bluetooth (Pairing and Using the
Phone) 0 52 or “OnStar Overview”
in the owner’s manual.
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

10 Introduction
c : Press to reject an incoming 1. Favorite: When on a radio
call or end a current call. Press to source, press to select the next
mute or unmute the infotainment or previous favorite. When on a
system when not on a call. media source, press to select
the next or previous track.
o or p : Press to go to the
previous or next menu on the 2. Volume: Press to increase or
instrument cluster. decrease the volume.
w or x : Press to go to the next or
previous list on the instrument
V : Press to select a highlighted
menu option. The favorite and volume switches
are on the back of the steering
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

Introduction 11
If equipped, some audio controls
Steering Wheel Controls (Camaro) can be adjusted at the steering
g (1) : Press to answer an incoming
call or start voice recognition. See
Bluetooth (Overview) 0 51 or
Bluetooth (Pairing and Using the
Phone) 0 52.
R (1) : Press to decline an
incoming call or end a current call.
Press to mute or unmute the
infotainment system when not on
a call.
x + or x − (2) : Press to increase or
decrease volume.
l FAV or FAV g (3) : Press to
display a list of favorites. Press
again to select the next or previous
favorite when listening to the radio.
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

12 Introduction
Steering Wheel o or p : Press the five-way control Using the System
Controls (Volt) to go to the previous or next menu
on the instrument cluster. Audio
w or x : Press the five-way Touch the Audio icon to display the
control to go up or down in a list on active audio source page. Examples
the instrument cluster. of available sources may include
AM, FM, SXM (if equipped),
V : Press to select a highlighted MyMedia, USB, AUX, and
menu option. Bluetooth.
l FAV or FAV g : Press to display Phone
a list of favorites. Press again to
select the next or previous favorite Touch the Phone icon to display the
when listening to the radio. Phone main page. See Bluetooth
(Overview) 0 51 or
Bluetooth (Pairing and Using the
Phone) 0 52.
If equipped, some audio controls
can be adjusted at the steering Nav
wheel. Touch the Nav icon to display the
g : Press to answer an incoming embedded navigation map. See
call or start voice recognition. See Using the Navigation System 0 29.
Bluetooth (Overview) 0 51 or
Bluetooth (Pairing and Using the Users
Phone) 0 52 or “OnStar Overview” If equipped, touch the Users icon to
in the owner’s manual. sign in or create a new user profile,
i : Press to decline an incoming and follow the on-screen
call or end a current call. Press to The volume switches are on the instructions.
mute or unmute the infotainment back of the steering wheel. Press to
system when not on a call. increase or decrease the volume.
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

Introduction 13
Only four user profiles can be active Apps or Shop (Chevrolet, Availability of apps and connectivity
at one time in the vehicle. It may be GMC, Buick), or Apps or varies by vehicle, conditions, and
necessary to remove a profile from Collection (Cadillac) location. Data plan rates apply.
the menu before creating or signing Features are subject to change. For
into an existing profile. The removed If equipped, in-vehicle apps are more information, see
profile can be logged into at a available for download. Touch the my.chevrolet.com/learn.
later time. Apps or Shop icon, or the Apps or
Collection (Cadillac only) icon, on OnStar Services
Settings the Home Page to begin. If equipped, touch the OnStar
Touch the Settings icon to display Downloading and using in-vehicle Services icon to display the OnStar
the Settings menu. See Settings apps requires Internet connectivity Services and Account pages. See
0 58. which can be accessed with a data “OnStar Overview” in the owner’s
plan through the vehicle’s built-in manual and OnStar System 0 27.
Apple CarPlay 4G LTE Wi-Fi hotspot, if equipped,
Touch the Apple CarPlay icon to or a compatible mobile device Rear Climate
activate Apple CarPlay (if equipped) hotspot. On most mobile devices, If equipped, touch the Rear Climate
after a supported device is activation of the Wi-Fi hotspot is in icon to display the Rear Climate
connected. See Apple CarPlay and the device’s Settings menu under main page. See “Rear Climate
Android Auto 0 56. Mobile Network Sharing, Personal Control System” in the owner’s
Hotspot, Mobile Hotspot, or similar. manual.
Android Auto
To purchase data for the in-vehicle Camera
Touch the Android Auto icon to Wi-Fi hotspot, if equipped, touch the
activate Android Auto (if equipped) myChevrolet icon on the Home If equipped, touch the Camera icon
after a supported device is Page or contact an OnStar Advisor. to access the camera application.
connected. See Apple CarPlay and The vehicle must have active See “Assistance Systems for
Android Auto 0 56. OnStar or connected service and a Parking or Backing” in the owner’s
payment method on file. manual.
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

14 Introduction
Shortcut Tray Touch/Tap Drag
The shortcut tray is near the bottom
of the display. It shows up to four
Infotainment Display Features
Infotainment display features show
on the display when available.
When a feature is unavailable, it
may gray out. When a feature is
touched, it may highlight. Touch/tap is used to select an icon Drag is used to move applications
Haptic Feedback or option, activate an application, on the Home Page, or to pan the
or change the location inside a map. map. To drag the item, it must be
If equipped, haptic feedback is a held and moved along the display to
pulse that occurs when an icon or Touch and Hold the new location. This can be done
option is touched on the display or up, down, right, or left. This feature
when controls on the center stack is only available when vehicle is
are pressed. parked and not in motion.
Infotainment Gestures
Use the following finger gestures to
control the infotainment system.

Touch and hold can be used to start

another gesture, or to move or
delete an application.
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

Introduction 15
Nudge placing a finger on the display then Pinch
moving it rapidly up and down or
right and left.

Nudge is used to move items a Pinch is used to zoom out on a

short distance on a list or a map. To map, certain images, or a web
nudge, hold and move the selected page. Place finger and thumb apart
item up or down to a new location. on the display, then move them
Spread is used to zoom in on a together.
Fling or Swipe map, certain images, or a web
page. Place finger and thumb Cleaning High Gloss Surfaces
together on the display, then move and Vehicle Information and
them apart. Radio Displays
For vehicles with high gloss
surfaces or vehicle displays, use a
microfiber cloth to wipe surfaces.
Before wiping the surface with the
microfiber cloth, use a soft bristle
brush to remove dirt that could
Fling or swipe is used to scroll scratch the surface. Then use the
through a list, pan the map, microfiber cloth by gently rubbing to
or change page views. Do this by clean. Never use window cleaners
or solvents. Periodically hand wash
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

16 Introduction
the microfiber cloth separately,
using mild soap. Do not use bleach
or fabric softener. Rinse thoroughly
and air dry before next use.

Software Updates
Over-the-Air Software Updates
See “Updates” under Settings 0 58
for details on software updates.
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

Radio 17
Radio Fade/Balance : Touch to adjust by the station or channel you want to
using the controls on the listen to. Touch H to save the
infotainment display or by tapping/ station or channel as a favorite.
AM-FM Radio dragging the crosshair.
If equipped, touch Update Station
Playing the Radio Finding a Station List to update the active stations in
From the Home Page, touch the your area.
Seeking a Station
Audio icon to display the active
Direct Tune
audio source page. Choose from the
three most recently used sources
listed at the left side of the display
or touch the More option to display
a list of available sources. Examples
of available sources may include
AM, FM, SXM (if equipped),
MyMedia, USB, AUX (if equipped),
and Bluetooth.
Infotainment System From the AM, FM, or SXM (if
Sound Menu equipped) option, press 6 or 7 on Access Direct Tune by touching the
the center stack to search for the Tune icon on the infotainment
From any of the audio source main previous or next strong station or display to bring up the keypad.
pages, touch Sound to display the channel. Navigate through all frequencies
following: using the arrows on the right side of
Equalizer : Touch to adjust Bass, Browsing Stations the Direct Tune display. Directly
Midrange, Treble, and Surround (if Touch the Browse option to list all enter a station or channel using the
equipped) using the options on the available stations or channels. keypad. When a new station or
infotainment display. Navigate up and down through all channel is entered, the information
stations by scrolling the list. Touch about that station or channel
displays on the right side. This
information will update with each
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

18 Radio
new valid frequency. Touch H to If equipped, HD Radio multicast for that category. Touching a station
save the station or channel as a stations cannot be tuned directly or channel from the list will tune the
favorite. through the Direct Tune feature. radio to that station or channel.
Only the analog or HD1 station can
The keypad will gray out entries that use that feature. Use the display Storing Radio Station Presets
do not contribute to a valid arrows to adjust to the multicast Favorites show in the area at the
frequency and will automatically stations. top of the display.
place a decimal point within the
frequency number. AM, FM, and SXM Categories AM, FM, SXM (if equipped), and
HD Radio Stations (if equipped) :
Touch (X) to delete one number at a Press and hold a preset to store the
time. Touch and hold (X) to delete current station or channel as a
all numbers. favorite. Touch a saved favorite to
A valid AM or FM station will recall a favorite station or channel.
automatically tune to the new Favorites can also be stored by
frequency but not close the Direct
Tune display. When listening to touching H in a station or channel
SXM (if equipped), touch Go after list. This will highlight indicating that
entering the channel. Touch the it is now saved as a favorite.
Back icon on the infotainment From the AM stations, if equipped The number of favorites displayed is
display or touch z to exit out of with HD Radio, FM, or SXM (if automatically adjusted by default,
Direct Tune. equipped) display, touch Categories but can be manually adjusted in
at the top of the Browse menu to Settings in the System tab under
The tune arrows on the right side of Favorites and then Set Number of
the Direct Tune display will tune access the categories list. The list
contains names associated with the Audio Favorites. It can also be
through the complete station or adjusted in Settings in the Apps tab
channel list one station step at a AM or FM stations, or SXM
channels. Touch a category name to under Audio and then Set Number
time per touch. A touch and hold of Audio Favorites.
advances through stations or display a list of stations or channels
channels quickly.
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

Radio 19
HD Radio Technology HD station, the HD logo will If the HD Radio signal loses
display and digital audio reception while listening to HD1, the
If equipped, HD Radio is a free will play. radio will go back to the analog
service with features such as digital version of the radio station.
quality sound, more stations 2. Touch the display arrows to
available on a single frequency such tune to the previous or next HD If the HD Radio signal loses
as HD2 and HD3, and display Radio station. reception while listening to stations
information such as artist and song There may be a delay before the HD2 to HD8, the radio mutes until
title. station starts playing. the signal can be recovered or until
the station is changed.
From the Now Playing display, touch The HD Radio station number is
the HD Radio icon to turn HD on indicated next to the HD logo. HD Radio reception can be disabled
or off. if driving in a weak signal area.
HD Radio stations can be saved as Touch HD Radio On/Off to toggle
Station Access favorites. HD Radio reception on and off.
To access HD Radio stations: For a list of all stations, see
1. Tune the radio to the station. www.hdradio.com. Radio Data System (RDS)
If HD Radio is turned on and HD Radio Troubleshooting If equipped, RDS features are
the station is broadcasting in available for use only on FM
HD Radio, the radio will Digital Audio Delay : Wait for the stations that broadcast RDS
automatically tune to the HD signal to process. This can take information. With RDS, the
several seconds. radio can:
version of the current channel
(HD1) after several seconds. Volume Change, Audio Skip, . Group stations by Category (i.e.,
The radio will also display Echo, Digital Audio Lost : Station Program Type) such as Rock,
icons representing additional signal strength may be weak, the Jazz, Classical, etc.
channels (HD2, ...HD8), that station is out of range, or the station
may be available. When the may be out of alignment. Verify . Display messages from radio
radio successfully tunes to a proper reception on another station. stations.
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

20 Radio
This system relies on receiving When SiriusXM is active, the lines interfere with radio reception.
specific information from these channel name, number, category When this happens, try reducing the
stations and only works when the name, song title, and artist appear treble on the radio.
information is available. It is on the display.
possible that a radio station could SiriusXM Satellite Radio
broadcast incorrect information that Radio Reception Service
causes the radio features to work If equipped, SiriusXM Satellite
improperly. If this happens, contact Unplug electronic devices from the
accessory power outlets if there is Radio Service provides digital radio
the radio station. reception. Tall buildings or hills can
interference or static in the radio.
When information is broadcast from interfere with satellite radio signals,
a RDS station, the station name or FM causing the sound to fade in and
call letters display on the audio out. In addition, traveling or standing
FM signals only reach about 16 to
screen. Radio text supporting the under heavy foliage, bridges,
65 km (10 to 40 mi). Although the
currently playing broadcast may garages, or tunnels may cause loss
radio has a built-in electronic circuit
also appear. of the SiriusXM signal for a period of
that automatically works to reduce
time. Some cellular services may
interference, some static can occur,
Satellite Radio interfere with SXM reception
especially around tall buildings or
causing loss of signal.
If equipped, vehicles with a valid hills, causing the sound to fade in
SiriusXM satellite radio subscription and out. Mobile Device Usage
can receive SiriusXM programming. AM Mobile device usage, such as
SiriusXM satellite radio has a wide making or receiving calls, charging,
The range for most AM stations is
variety of programming and or just having the mobile device on
greater than for FM, especially at
commercial-free music, coast to may cause static interference in the
night. The longer range can cause
coast, in digital-quality sound. In the radio. Unplug the mobile device or
station frequencies to interfere with
U.S. see www.siriusxm.com or call turn it off if this happens.
each other. Static can also occur
1-888-601-6296. In Canada see when things like storms and power
www.siriusxm.ca or call
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12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

Radio 21
Multi-Band Antenna
The roof antenna is for AM, FM,
SXM, OnStar, and GPS (Global
Positioning System). Keep clear of
obstructions for clear reception.
If the vehicle has a sunroof, and it is
open, reception can also be
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
12145781) - 2019 - CRC - 6/18/19

22 Audio Players
Audio Players USB Port albums with hard to pronounce
names, and nicknames to be used
Audio stored on a USB device may to play music through voice
Avoiding Untrusted Media be listened to. recognition, if equipped.
Devices This vehicle may be equipped with While indexing, infotainment
When using media devices such as two USB ports in the center console features may be available.
CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray Discs, SD and another two on the center
stack. These ports are for data and My Media Library
cards, USB devices, and mobile
devices, consider the source. charging. There may also be two MyMedia is only available when
Untrusted media devices could USB ports for charging only at the more than one indexed device is
contain files that affect system rear of the center console. connected. It allows access to
operation or performance. Avoid use Playing from a USB content from all indexed media
if the content or origin cannot be sources. MyMedia will show as an
trusted. A USB mass storage device can be available source in the
connected to the USB port. Source page.
Caution Audio extensions supported by the USB MP3 Player and USB Devices
USB may include:
To avoid vehicle damage, unplug The USB MP3 players and USB
. FLAC devices connected must comply
all accessories and disconnect all
accessory cables from the vehicle . MP3 with the USB Mass Storage Class
when not in use. Accessory specification (USB MSC).
cables left plugged into the To play a USB device:
vehicle, unconnected to a device, 1. Connect the USB.
could be damaged or cause an . 3GP
electrical short if the unconnected 2. Touch Audio from the
Gracenote Home Page.
end comes in contact with liquids
or another power source such as When plugging in a USB device, 3. Touch the More option and
the accessory power outlet. Gracenote service builds voice tags then touch the USB device.
for music. Voice tags allow artists,
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Audio Players 23
Use the following when playing an USB Browse Menu 2. Touch an artist name to view a
active USB source: When a list of songs, albums, list of all albums by the artist.
p : Touch to play the current media artists, or other types of media 3. To select a song, touch All
source. displays, the up and down arrows Songs or touch an album and
j : Touch to pause playback of the and A-Z appear on the left side. then touch a song from the list.
current media source. Select A-Z to view a display that will
show all letters of the alphabet and Songs:
7: select the letter to go to. 1. Touch to display a list of all
Touch the up and down arrows to songs on the USB.
. Touch to seek the beginning of
the current or previous track. move the list up and down. 2. To begin playback, touch a
Touch Browse and the following song from the list.
. Touch and hold to reverse
quickly through playback. may display: Albums:
Release to return to playing Playlists: 1. Touch to view the albums on
speed. Elapsed time displays. the USB.
1. Touch to view the playlists
6: stored on the USB. 2. Touch the album to view a list
2. Touch a playlist to view the list of all songs on the album.
. Touch to seek the next track.
of all songs in that playlist. 3. Touch a song from the list to
. Touch and hold to advance begin playback.
quickly through playback. 3. Touch a song from the list to
Release to return to playing begin playback. Genres:
speed. Elapsed time displays. Supported playlist extensions are 1. Touch to view the genres on
Shuffle : Touch the shuffle icon to m3u and pls. the USB.
play music in random order. Artists: 2. Touch a genre to view a list of
USB Sound Menu 1. Touch to view the list of artists artists.
See “Infotainment System Sound stored on the USB. 3. Touch an artist to view albums
Menu” under AM-FM Radio 0 17. by that artist.
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24 Audio Players
4. Touch an album to view songs Audiobooks: Storing and Recalling Media
on the album. 1. Touch to view the audiobooks Favorites
5. Touch a song to start playback. stored on the Apple device. To store media favorites, touch
Composers: 2. Touch an audiobook to get a Browse to display a list of media
list of chapters. types.
1. Touch to view the composers
on the USB. 3. Touch the chapter from the list Touch one of the following Browse
to begin playback. options to save a favorite:
2. Touch a Composer to view a
list of albums by that File System and Naming Playlists : Touch H next to any
composer. playlist to store the playlist as a
File systems supported by the USB
favorite. Touch a saved favorite to
3. Touch an album or All Songs to may include:
recall a favorite playlist. The first
view a list of songs. . FAT32 song in the playlist begins to play.
4. Touch a song from the list to . NTFS
begin playback. Artists : Touch H next to any artist
. HFS+ to store the artist as a favorite.
Folders: Touch a saved favorite to recall a
The songs, artists, albums, and
1. Touch to view the directories favorite artist. The first song in the
genres are taken from the file’s
on the USB. artist list begins to play.
song information and are only
2. Touch a folder to view a list of displayed if present. The radio Songs : Touch H next to any song
all files. displays the file name as the track to store the song as a favorite.
name if the song information is not Touch a saved favorite to recall a
3. Touch a file from the list to available.
begin playback. favorite song.
Podcasts : Touch to view the Supported Apple Devices Albums : Touch H next to any
podcasts on the connected Apple To view supported devices, see album to store the album as a
device and get a list of podcast my.chevrolet.com/learn. favorite. Touch a saved favorite to
episodes. recall a favorite album. The first
song in the album list begins to play.
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Audio Players 25
Genres : Touch H next to any Auxiliary Jack Bluetooth Audio
genre to store the genre as a If equipped, this vehicle has an Music may be played from a paired
favorite. Touch a saved favorite to auxiliary input jack in the center Bluetooth device. See Bluetooth
recall a favorite genre. The first console. Possible auxiliary audio (Overview) 0 51 or
song of the genre begins to play. sources include: Bluetooth (Pairing and Using the
Podcasts : Touch H next to any . Laptop computer Phone) 0 52 for help pairing a
podcast to store the podcast as a device.
. Audio music player
favorite. Touch a saved favorite to Volume and song selection may be
recall a favorite podcast. The This jack is not an audio output. Do controlled by using the infotainment
podcast begins to play. not plug headphones into the controls or the mobile device.
auxiliary input jack. Set up an If Bluetooth is selected and no
Audiobooks : Touch H next to auxiliary device while the vehicle is volume is present, check the
any audiobook to store the in P (Park). volume setting on both your mobile
audiobook as a favorite. Touch a device and the infotainment system.
saved favorite to recall a favorite Connect a 3.5 mm (1/8 in) cable
audiobook. The first chapter in the from the auxiliary device to the Music can be launched by touching
audiobook begins to play. auxiliary input jack. When a device Bluetooth from the recent sources
is connected, the system can play list on the left of the display or by
Media Playback and Mute audio from the device over the touching the More option and then
USB playback will be paused if the vehicle speakers. touching the Bluetooth device.
system is muted. If the steering If an auxiliary device has already To play music via Bluetooth:
wheel mute control is pressed been connected, but a different
again, playback will resume. source is currently active, touch 1. Power on the device, and pair
More and then touch AUX to make to connect the device.
If the source is changed while in
mute, playback resumes and audio the source active. 2. Once paired, touch Audio from
will unmute. Shuffle and Browse are not the Home Page, then touch
available in the AUX source menu. Bluetooth from the recent
sources list on the left of the
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26 Audio Players
Bluetooth Sound Menu Browse functionality will be provided
See “Infotainment System Sound where supported by the Bluetooth
Menu” under AM-FM Radio 0 17. device. This media content will not
be part of the MyMedia
Manage Bluetooth Devices source mode.
From the Home Page: Some smartphones support sending
1. Touch Audio. Bluetooth music information to
display on the radio. When the radio
2. Touch More. receives this information, it will
3. Touch Bluetooth. check to see if any is available and
display it. For more information
4. Touch Devices to add or delete about supported Bluetooth features,
devices. see my.chevrolet.com/learn.
When touching Bluetooth, the radio
may not be able to launch the audio
player on the connected device to
start playing. When the vehicle is
not moving, use the mobile device
to begin playback.
All devices launch audio differently.
When selecting Bluetooth as a
source, the radio may show as
paused on the display. Press play
on the device or touch p on the
display to begin playback.
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OnStar System 27
OnStar System be done using the app. To open the Advisor Call
app, touch the OnStar icon on the Selecting Advisor Call is the same
4G LTE Home Page. Features vary by
region and model. Features are as pressing Q or calling
If equipped with 4G LTE, up to subject to change. For more 1-888-4ONSTAR (1-888-466-7827).
seven devices, such as information on this feature, see The X option in the upper right
smartphones, tablets, and laptops, my.chevrolet.com/learn. corner of the screen does not end
can be connected to high-speed the call, but returns to the previous
Internet through the vehicle’s built-in Services screen.
Wi-Fi hotspot. The Services tab displays the Turn-by-Turn Directions
Call 1-888-4ONSTAR default view for the app. Use this
(1-888-466-7827) to connect to an page to launch the available OnStar With a connected plan, an OnStar
OnStar Advisor for assistance. See services. Touch a service to open its Advisor can download a destination
www.onstar.com for vehicle display. Touch Hands-Free Calling to the vehicle or its embedded
availability, details, and system (HFC) to launch the phone app. navigation system, if equipped.
limitations. Service and connectivity Touch Wi-Fi to launch the Select Turn-by-Turn Directions from
may vary by make, model, year, connections manager. Turn-by-Turn the main page of the OnStar app to
carrier, availability, and conditions. and Advisor Call are the other tiled call an Advisor or select a recent or
4G LTE service is available in select options. favorite destination. Touch the
markets. 4G LTE performance is navigation icons to select home,
Account address or place. A destination
based on industry averages and
vehicle systems design. Some The Account tab displays a transfer from OnStar will show the
services require a data plan. snapshot of the account linked with detail view of the destination when it
the vehicle. If there is no such is transferred from OnStar to the
The OnStar App account, this tab will show all values Navigation application. See
If equipped, the infotainment system as ——. The call advisor call icon www.onstar.com for a coverage
has OnStar controls in the will be active even if there is no map. Services vary by model. Map
embedded OnStar app on the Home active account. coverage is available in the United
Page. All OnStar functions that can States, Puerto Rico, and Canada.
be performed with the buttons can
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28 OnStar System
Wi-Fi Hotspot
Touch to display the Settings page,
which shows the configurations for
the vehicle hotspot and allows them
to be changed.
For more information, see
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Navigation 29
Navigation Predictive Navigation may learn After opening the Nav application
elements such as: for the first time, the application will
. Personalized routes based on always open in full map view
Using the Navigation displaying the vehicle’s current
preferred streets.
System location. When the vehicle is
. Search results that provide best stopped, the search bar will appear
Launch the Nav application by matches at the top of the list. along the top of the navigation map
touching the Nav icon on the Home
. Predictive traffic. view. Manually close the search bar
Page or on the shortcut tray near
the bottom of the infotainment . by touching z. When the vehicle is
Local map content updating.
display. moving, the } (Search) icon will
Predictive Navigation can also be
When the Nav application is replace the search bar to maximize
enabled or disabled at a later time
launched for the first time, a product the full map view.
by touching A (Options). While in
walkthrough is available. Use of the Set Up My Places
Options, touch Settings, then Map
feature requires the Terms and
and Navigation Settings, and then From the Nav application, set up
Conditions and the Privacy
Predictive Navigation. See Settings Home and Work addresses to
statement to be confirmed.
0 58. enable one-touch navigation. To set
If available and signed into a profile,
it is also suggested to enable and Navigation Map View up Home and Work addresses,
confirm Predictive Navigation. touch A and select Settings, then
Map and Navigation Settings, and
Predictive Navigation (If Equipped) then Set Up My Places. Show My
If Predictive Navigation is available Places on Map should be on by
and confirmed, this feature learns default. Select and enter Home and/
preferences by remembering where or Work address and save.
the vehicle has been. It uses the
locations and navigation history to Touch B (current vehicle position).
personalize routes and results. This symbol can also be used to set
up Home and Work addresses by
touching the bubbles above it.
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30 Navigation
Touch the pop-up message that Map and Navigation Settings . Navigation Voice Control
appears. The message will .
automatically close after 15 seconds Touch A while in the map view to Traffic Preferences
of inactivity. display options. The following may . Alert Preferences
. Manage History
. 3D Heading Up, 2D Heading Up,
. Predictive Navigation: See
2D North
“Predictive Navigation (If
. Show on Map Equipped)” previously in this
. Traffic Events (available with section.
OnStar Connected Navigation) . Map Updates
. Range Projection (available for . About
Electric Vehicles)
To exit a list, touch z in the top right
To turn off the My Places bubbles, . Settings corner to return to the main
switch Show My Places on Map . Edit Destination (if a route has map view.
to Off. been set) Make sure to set up preferences
If the vehicle’s system is not signed . Avoid on Route (if a route has before setting a destination and
into a customized profile, the current been set) starting active guidance.
location icon uses a generic symbol.
Once signed into a customized Touch Settings to view Map and Map Preferences
profile, the current location symbol Navigation Settings. The following
may display: Touch to choose between basic
will show a customized icon. See map feature configurations:
Navigation Symbols 0 33. . Set Up My Places. See “Set Up
My Places” previously in this Map Colors
Touch the drive To Home or drive To
Work pop-up to start either route. section. . Auto – Touch to automatically
Only one will show if the vehicle is . Map Preferences change modes based on lighting
already at Home or Work. conditions.
. Route Preferences
. Day (Light)
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Navigation 31
. Night (Dark) Route Preferences Range Projection (Electric
3D Landmark (Default is On) : Touch to access the Route Vehicles)
Touch On or Off. When turned on, Preferences. The choices are: Range Projection allows the
the system will display all 3D . Preferred Route – Choose from vehicle’s electric driving range to be
Landmarks on the map depending two different route options: checked at that moment.
on the zoom level. Fastest or Eco-Friendly. Touch the Range Projection icon to
3D Building (Default is Off) : ‐ Fastest would be the route display the map screen with a range
Touch On or Off. When turned on, with the shortest drive time. indicator.
the system will display all of the
possible 3D building shapes on the ‐ Eco-Friendly would be the Navigation Voice Control
map depending on the zoom level. most fuel-efficient route. Touch to access the voice control
. Avoid on Current Route – setting display.
Show Terrain in 3D (Default is
Off) : If equipped, touch On or Off. Choose any of the road features . Navigation Volume – To adjust
When turned on, the system will to avoid while on route: the volume level, touch the up
display terrain information on the ‐ Highways and down arrows. If the voice
map in 3D view. guidance prompt is being heard,
‐ Unpaved Roads volume can also be adjusted
Auto-Zoom (Default is On) : Touch
‐ Ferries using the knob on the center
On or Off. When turned on, the
stack or the volume switch on
system will automatically adjust the ‐ Carpool Lanes
zoom level when the vehicle is the steering wheel.
approaching a turn. After the turn is ‐ Toll Roads . Navigation Voice Prompt Level
completed, the system automatically ‐ Tunnels during a Call. Options
brings the zoom back to the ‐ Country Borders available are:
originally set level. If the vehicle is ‐ Full Prompt (Selected by
approaching a turn with the next default)
turn occurring shortly after, the
Auto-Zoom will remain on until both ‐ Tone Only
turns are completed. ‐ None
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32 Navigation
Traffic Events (If Equipped) . Never Search for Better Route – About
This feature provides a list of events The system will not check for a Touch to display software
that are on the route or nearby. better route until one of the information, such as:
above options is selected.
Touch A and then select Traffic . Telenav Terms and Conditions
Events. An OnStar connected Alert Preferences
. Telenav Privacy Statement
Navigation service plan is required. Set alerts on or off during both
inactive and active guidance views. . Navigation Version
Traffic Preferences (If Equipped)
The following alerts may be
While in Map View, touch A, then available: Maps
Settings and then Map and . Congestion Alerts – This alert The Nav application requires a map
Navigation Settings to access Traffic displays upcoming congestion. database to run. It is stored on an
Preferences. When Show Traffic on (Available for China only) SD card that is connected to the
Map is turned on, the feature infotainment system. If the map
provides an overview of the traffic . Road Safety Alerts – Touch to
database is not available, a missing
flow using different coded colors. display upcoming School Zones.
SD card error message will be
The following options are available . Traffic Camera Alerts displayed.
for rerouting:
Manage History SD Card Error Messages
. Auto Reroute to Better Route –
The system will automatically Touch Manage History to access the The SD card only works for one
reroute if the system detects History options: unique vehicle. The SD card must
there is a traffic issue ahead. . Clear Recent Destinations – pass authentication verification to
be used for that specific vehicle.
. Ask Before Rerouting (Default) – Touch \ to clear the recent Potential error scenarios and
If the system detects there is a destinations. messages include:
traffic issue ahead, it will display
a pop-up with details about the . Clear Search History – Touch \ . The SD card has initialized for
issue. Choose to reroute or to clear the search history. the first time: “Once initialized,
cancel the alert. this SD card can only be used
for navigation in this vehicle.”
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Navigation 33
. The SD card is not working
properly: “SD card is not
functioning properly.
(Error Code).”
. The SD card is not paired with
the existing system: “This SD
card is not valid in this vehicle This indicates the vehicle’s current The destination pin marks the
for navigation. See Owner’s location and direction on the map. location of the final destination.
Manual for more detail or visit Touch the pin to view the destination
your dealer. (Error Code).” address or to add it or remove it
. from the Favorites list. Hide the
The SD card has been removed
information by touching the pin one
from the slot: “SD card has been
more time. It will automatically time
removed. (Error Code).”
out if no action is taken.
Touch Continue to resume after the
initialization error message. For the This is the vehicle’s current location
other messages, touch OK to return icon during inactive guidance mode.
to the Home Page. Once a user profile is created, the
current location icon can be
Navigation Symbols customized.
Following are the most common This icon indicates the vehicle’s
symbols that may appear in the Nav current location and direction on If equipped, Smart Points of Interest
application. the map. (POIs) are places of interest for
parking and gas stations.
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34 Navigation
Destination Waypoints
Receiving Destination Directions Add up to five waypoints, which are
from Different Sources additional destinations, along the
route. To add an additional stop or
Destinations can be received or waypoint:
transferred from different sources to
The progress bar provides an the Nav application for route 1. From active guidance,
overview of the route progress and guidance. If equipped, some of touch }.
may show traffic and incidents along these sources may include: 2. Search for the destination
the way. As the route proceeds, the . Navigation from search results. using One-Box, Voice search,
vehicle icon moves up the bar. or the Quick Category icons.
. OnStar Advisor destination
Touch the icon to zoom out on the download. 3. Choose search results Along
map and view the entire route. Route, Nearby, or Near
Touch it again to return to the . An address from the
Contacts list. Destination.
previous view.
. 4. Choose the desired waypoint
View the drive time by touching the An application on the
and touch Add to Trip or
estimated time of arrival (ETA). smartphone such as
replace the current destination
myChevrolet (subscription
Current Location required) that can send by touching New Destination.
When the vehicle is parked and not destinations to the vehicle. Route options are not available for
in a Navigation session, the user . waypoints.
An application downloaded to
icon is centered on the map view, the vehicle such as OnStar Arriving at a Waypoint
highlighting the current location. AtYourService that can send
When approaching a waypoint, the
destinations to the navigation
system will display a Destination
Arrival view. To continue on to the
next destination touch the Drive to
message on the infotainment
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Navigation 35
If the vehicle passes the waypoint or will remove the address If the vehicle does not have an
gets out of the current route, the from the destinations list. applicable service plan, the map
system will automatically reroute Touch z on the top right database may not include data for
back to this waypoint. At the same corner so the system can newly constructed areas or map
time, it will show a Drive to icon recalculate the route. database corrections that are
along with the next waypoint completed after production. The
address so the current waypoint can If there is only one address navigation system provides full
be skipped and guidance can in the destinations list, the route guidance in the detailed map
resume to the next waypoint or system will disable the areas.
destination. move and delete functions.
The system will not allow Zoom Control
Editing a Waypoint the final destination to be The zoom control display is shown
When waypoints are added during deleted. on the map view. A few ways to
active guidance, the system allows Map Information zoom in or out are:
a stop to be deleted or the order to
Road network attributes are . Touch + or – to zoom in or out
be changed. To edit a waypoint:
contained in the map database for on the map.
1. Touch A. map information. Attributes include . Double tap with one finger to
2. Touch Edit Destinations. information such as street names, zoom in or single tap with two
street addresses, and turn fingers to zoom out on the map.
. Modify destination order by restrictions. A detailed area includes
touching and holding the . Use the index finger and thumb
all major highways, service roads,
arrow until it is highlighted. and residential roads. The detailed to zoom out by pinching and
Drag to move the waypoint areas include Places of Interest then zoom in by spreading those
up or down the list. (POIs) such as restaurants, airports, two fingers on the map.
. Delete a waypoint by banks, hospitals, police stations, Map Gestures and Map Scale
touching Y. A pop-up will gas stations, tourist attractions, and
historical monuments. Use the following gestures on the
appear to confirm waypoint infotainment display to adjust the
removal. Once the request map scale and display options.
is confirmed, the system
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36 Navigation
. Pinch to zoom in or out. Available settings are: Route View, the Recenter icon will
. Pan the map. . 3D Heading Up (Default): 3D appear in the middle of the display.
map with the vehicle pointing up. Touch either the Recenter icon or
. Use two fingers to tilt down and the traffic bar again to return to the
change from 2D to 3D. Tilt up to In this mode, the current location
icon will always head up and the previous view, either 2D or 3D.
change back to 2D.
map will rotate around it. Lane Guidance
. Rotate the map.
. 2D Heading Up: 2D map with The map will display the lane
See Using the System 0 12. the vehicle pointing up. In this information for the upcoming
mode, the current location icon maneuver if it is available.
will always head up and the map
When in active guidance, the audio will rotate around it. Junction View
prompts while using navigation can . 2D North Up: 2D map with North When a vehicle is on the highway
be muted. Touch the speaker icon and approaching the exit, an image
pointing up. In this mode, the
on the right side of the upper bar. displays the lane that the vehicle
current location icon will shift as
A slash will appear on the speaker must stay in to complete the next
the vehicle turns left and right.
to indicate voice guidance is muted. maneuver.
Touch the icon to change the map
Active Guidance View type. The icon and label will also Quick-Turn View
When a destination is chosen and a update accordingly.
navigation session is active, the Depending on the zoom level of the
navigation system enters into an 2D Heading Up and 3D Heading Up
Active Guidance View (AGV). maps, the system may automatically
Map Orientation switch to the 2D North Up map.
When in AGV, the entire route can
Touch A on the map to access be viewed in 2D North Up by
map orientation settings. Map touching the traffic bar. The map will
orientation is 3D Heading Up by zoom out and readjust to display the
default. full route. When in 2D North Up
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Navigation 37
When the vehicle is approaching a Editing the Route List Touch C to open the Exit list. This
turn with the next turn following in The Route List can be edited by icon displays next to the current
quick succession, a quick-turn list street name near the bottom of the
appears below the primary turn choosing y, which expands the list
to fill the display and enters the Edit display. The icon only appears when
indicator. An audio prompt will on a highway with defined exits.
announce the quick turn. Mode. While in Edit Mode, an
unwanted route segment can be While traveling on roads with
Auto-Zoom removed from the route by touching designated exits, an Exit list may be
When approaching a maneuver, the Y next to the segment. A pop-up available. The Exit list displays the
map will automatically zoom in to appears to confirm segment exit number, distance to the exit
show both the vehicle icon and the removal. from the current vehicle position,
upcoming maneuver to give a better When the route segment has been and convenience stops that may be
view of the maneuver. Once the removed, all segments are replaced available, such as gas, coffee, food,
maneuver is complete, the system by an activity indicator while the and lodging.
will zoom back to the previous zoom new route is recalculated. When the Next Maneuver Menu
level. Touch A on the map to recalculation is complete, the
activity indicator is replaced with the When in Active Guidance, the Next
access Settings, then touch Map Maneuver Turn Arrow, Street Name,
Preferences to access Auto-Zoom. new route segments.
and Maneuver Distance are shown
This feature can be enabled or Highway Exit Lists in the Next Maneuver at the top of
disabled. the display overlaying the map.
Route List ETA, Distance to Destination, and
Traffic Indicator are displayed in a
Touch the menu option next to the panel pinned on the right of the
next turn street name to display the display.
Route List.
The Route List displays the turns
and directions from the current
location to the final destination.
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38 Navigation
Navigation Next Turn Maneuver Incident Reports (If Equipped) Favorites
Alert Incident report icons, along with The navigation favorites can have
If the Navigation application is not traffic flow data, display on the map contacts, addresses, or POIs that
open when a near maneuver prompt during both active and inactive have been saved through the
is given, it is shown as an alert. guidance. favorite icon on the details view.
Touch the alert to go to the main
End Route Accessing Favorites
navigation view or touch z to
dismiss the alert. Touch Cancel at the top right corner In the Nav application, view the
to end active guidance and return to Favorites list by touching H in the
Repeat Voice Guidance inactive guidance. If active guidance search bar along the top of the Nav
is canceled before the destination map view. If the search bar is
has been reached, a pop-up option
to Resume Trip will appear. closed, touch } and select H.

Resume Trip Saving Favorites

The trip can be resumed if it was Favorites can be added from a
canceled by touching the Resume number of the system’s applications.
This symbol indicates the next Trip pop-up option. Touch the favorites icon to save
guidance maneuver. Touch it to content as a favorite.
If the system has determined that
repeat the last spoken guidance Renaming Navigation Favorites
the destination has been reached,
either because the arrival view 1. Touch the Settings icon on the
Incident Alert (If Equipped) displayed or the destination has Home Page and touch the
been passed, the Resume Trip System tab.
During active guidance, if the
option will not appear.
system determines that there is an 2. Touch Favorites to access the
incident ahead but there is not a Manage Favorites option.
better route, the system will play a
tone and show a Quick Notice. This
will only show once per incident.
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Navigation 39
3. Touch a saved Navigation deleted, it no longer appears in the . Left side: Name and address of
favorite to access the edit icon. Recents list, unless the vehicle is the POI.
Touch the edit icon to rename started at that location again.
the favorite. . Right side: E + ETE (Estimated
Show POI Icons Time Enroute.)
4. Touch Save to store the
renamed favorite. To see the POI categories, touch Smart Fuel Station Icons
Options, then touch Show on Map.
Recents Up to eight categories of icons can Fuel station prices are shown if
be selected. available for nearby stations when
Touch G to access a list of recent the vehicle is low on fuel.
destinations. Smart POI Icons on Map (If
Equipped) Smart Parking Icons
Recenter Position Icon When reaching a densely populated
Touch the Recenter Position arrow destination and the system
in the middle of the map view to determines that parking may be
reset the map to the current limited, the system will attempt to
location. display nearby parking destinations
with pricing information, if available.
Last Parked Location
Report an Issue Using POI Details
The Last Parked Location is the last
(If Equipped)
location the vehicle engine was
turned off. That location is displayed In the POI details page, a POI issue
in the first row of the Recents list. The smart POI icons such as fuel can be reported if the data is not
Touching the last Parked Location stations and parking may appear accurate or the address is incorrect.
shows the Address Details view to based on time, location, driver Touch Report an Issue near the
either save the address or drive to search behavior, driving conditions, bottom of the display to access the
it. The Last Parked Location can be and vehicle conditions. issue selection page. Touch one of
deleted by entering the Edit display. Touch a smart POI icon to open the the predefined issues on the
Once the Last Parked Location is corresponding details:
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40 Navigation
selection page, then touch Send. Search While in Motion with Front
The system will send the Seat Passenger Present
information for analysis. If the system detects that the front
Search seat passenger is present with both
driver and passenger seat belts
Touch Search on the infotainment buckled, touching the search icon
display to open the search display. will display an alert message that
It has a search field entry box, quick allows the passenger to search for a
category icon shortcuts, recents destination as if the vehicle were
icon, favorites icon, and keyboard. stopped. Touch OnStar Services on the
Auto Complete Home Page to access the OnStar
Connected Navigation menu. Touch Turn-by-Turn
Enter a partial location in the field Directions icon while on the
Connected Navigation is a
entry box on the search display. OnStar menu.
subscription service that enables
Auto complete will attempt to
certain capabilities within the Turn-by-Turn Navigation
complete the destination based on
navigation system, such as Traffic,
what is being entered. Touch the
Smart Search/Routing, and
suggested item to search.
Predictive Navigation capabilities.
Search While in Motion with No The system will show an alert when
Front Seat Passenger Present the subscription is expiring and will
The search display will not allow ask to renew the plan.
changes or text input with the
keyboard when the vehicle is in OnStar System
motion. As a result, a display With a connected plan, an OnStar
showing three rows of the most Advisor can download a destination
commonly used categories appears. After touching the Turn-by-Turn
to the vehicle or into the built-in
Touching the search box will Directions icon, select destinations
navigation system.
activate speech recognition. from Recents or Favorites. Recents
or Favorites will be empty if this is
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Navigation 41
the first use. To find new locations, Global Positioning For more information if the
touch OnStar Advisor, Home GPS is not functioning properly,
Directions, Place Voice Search,
System (GPS) see Problems with Route Guidance
or Address Voice Search. The position of the vehicle is 0 42 and
determined by using satellite If the System Needs Service 0 42.
Lane Guidance
signals, various vehicle signals, and
map data. Vehicle Positioning
At times, other interference such as At times, the position of the vehicle
the satellite condition, road on the map could be inaccurate due
configuration, condition of the to one or more of the following
vehicle, and/or other circumstances reasons:
can affect the navigation system's
. The road system has changed.
ability to determine the accurate
position of the vehicle. . The vehicle is driving on slippery
The GPS shows the current position road surfaces such as sand,
When available, the system will of the vehicle using signals sent by gravel, or snow.
show the best lane(s) to be in for GPS satellites. When the vehicle is . The vehicle is traveling on
the next maneuver. not receiving signals from the winding roads or long, straight
Cancel a Route satellites, a symbol appears in the roads.
status bar. . The vehicle is approaching a tall
If a route is in progress using either
the vehicle navigation system or the This system might not be available building or a large vehicle.
Turn-by-Turn route, and a new route or interference can occur if any of . The surface streets run parallel
is requested, the current route in the following are true: to a freeway.
progress will be canceled. . Signals are obstructed by tall . The vehicle has been transferred
buildings, trees, large trucks, by a vehicle carrier or a ferry.
or a tunnel.
. The current position calibration
. Satellites are being repaired or
is set incorrectly.
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42 Navigation
. The vehicle is traveling at high Problems with Route . The route prohibits the entry of a
speed. vehicle due to a regulation by
Guidance time or season or any other
. The vehicle changes directions
more than once, or the vehicle is Inappropriate route guidance can regulation which may be given.
turning on a turn table in a occur under one or more of the . Some routes might not be
parking lot. following conditions: searched.
. . The turn was not made on the .
The vehicle is entering and/or The route to the destination
exiting a parking lot, garage, or a road indicated. might not be shown if there are
lot with a roof. . Route guidance might not be new roads, if roads have
. The GPS signal is not received. available when using automatic recently changed, or if certain
rerouting for the next right or roads are not listed in the map
. A roof carrier is installed on the left turn. data. See Maps 0 32.
. The route might not be changed To recalibrate the vehicle's position
. Tire chains are installed on the when using automatic rerouting. on the map, park with the vehicle
vehicle. running for two to five minutes, until
. There is no route guidance when
. The tires are replaced or worn. the vehicle position updates. Make
turning at an intersection.
sure the vehicle is parked in a
. The tire pressure for the tires is . Plural names of places might be location that is safe and has a clear
incorrect. announced occasionally. view of the sky and away from large
. This is the first navigation use . It could take a long time to obstructions.
after the map data is updated. operate automatic rerouting
. The 12-volt battery has been during high-speed driving. If the System Needs
disconnected for several days. . Automatic rerouting might Service
. The vehicle is driving in heavy display a route returning to the If the navigation system needs
traffic where driving is at low set waypoint if heading for a service and the steps listed here
speeds, and the vehicle is destination without passing have been followed but there are
stopped and started repeatedly. through a set waypoint. still problems, see your dealer.
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Navigation 43
Map Data Updates home address on file. This See www.gmnavdisc.com for details
boundary will adjust over time on ordering, purchasing, and
The map data in the vehicle is the based on driving patterns. The installing a new or replacement SD
most up-to-date information vehicle uses a Cloud-connected card. Features are subject to
available when the vehicle was service to receive the date and change. For more information on
produced. The map data is updated downloads it to the system’s this feature, see my.chevrolet.com/
periodically, provided that the map onboard SD card, if equipped. learn.
information has changed and the A data plan or compatible mobile
vehicle has a relevant service plan. device hotspot is required. The SD Database Coverage
For questions about the operation of card is required for navigation
system function.
the navigation system or the update
process, call the GM Nav Disc Coverage areas vary with respect to
When a map update is available, a
Center at 1-877-NAV-DISC the level of map detail available for
prompt will appear on the
(1-877-628-3472) or see any given area. Some areas feature
infotainment display. Once the
www.gmnavdisc.com. If updates are greater levels of detail than others.
update is accepted, it will download
needed, call the GM Nav Disc If this happens, it does not mean
and run in the background without
Center or order online. there is a problem with the system.
interruption any infotainment
As the map data is updated, more
Over-the-Air-Vehicle Map functions. The download will carry
detail can become available for
over ignition cycles, stopping and
Updates areas that previously had limited
starting where it left off. The
If equipped, the infotainment system detail. See Map Data Updates 0 43.
updates can be set to download
can receive map updates over the automatically.
air. Map updates occur within a
161 km (100 mi) radius around the
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44 Voice Recognition
Voice Recognition In general there are flexible ways to Using Voice Recognition
speak commands for completing the
If equipped, voice recognition allows Voice recognition becomes available
for hands-free operation within the once the system has been
If your language supports it, try initialized. This begins when the
navigation, audio, and mobile
stating a One-Shot command, such ignition is turned on. Initialization
device applications. This feature
as “Directions to address <number, may take a few moments.
can be started by pressing g on the street, city, state/province>.” Do not
steering wheel or by touching g on include the ZIP code while stating 1. Press g on the steering wheel
the infotainment display with the the address during the command. controls to activate voice
navigation application. Another example of a One-Shot recognition.
Destination Entry command is, 2. The audio system mutes and
However, not all features within
“Directions to Place of Interest at the system plays a prompt.
these areas are supported by voice
<hotel>.” If these commands do not
commands. Generally, only complex 3. Clearly speak one of the
work, try saying, “Take me to Place
tasks that require multiple manual commands described in this
of Interest” or “Find address” and
interactions to complete are section.
the system will walk you through by
supported by voice commands.
asking additional questions. A voice recognition system
For example, tasks that take more prompt can be interrupted while
than one or two touches, such as a Hybrid Speech Recognition
it is playing by pressing g
song or artist to play from a media If equipped, this feature helps again.
device, would be supported by voice distinguish words by using
commands. Other tasks, like Internet-based information along Once voice recognition is started,
adjusting the volume or seeking up with the system’s voice recognition both the infotainment display and
or down, are audio features that are database. This allows you to speak instrument cluster show the
easily performed by touching one or more naturally when using voice selections and visual dialog content.
two options, and are not supported recognition. These displays can be turned on or
by voice commands. off in the Tutorial Mode under
Settings 0 58.
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Voice Recognition 45
There are three voice prompt modes speaking the number for the option . Press i on the steering wheel
supported: to select. Manual interaction in the controls to terminate the voice
. Informative verbal prompts: This voice recognition session is recognition session and show
type of prompt will provide more permitted. Interaction during a voice the display where voice
information regarding the session may be completed entirely recognition was initiated.
supported actions. using voice commands while some
manual commands may expedite a Natural Language Commands
. Short prompts: This type of task. If a selection is made using a Most languages do not support
prompt will provide simple manual control, the voice natural language commands in
instructions about what can be recognition dialog will progress in sentence form. For those
stated. the same way as if the selection languages, use direct commands
. Auto informative prompts: This were made using a voice command. like the examples shown on the
type of prompt plays during the Once the system completes the display.
first few speech sessions, then task, or the session is terminated,
automatically switches to the the voice recognition dialog stops. Helpful Hints for Speaking
short prompt after some An example of this type of manual Commands
experience has been gained intervention is touching an entry of a Voice recognition can understand
through using the system. displayed number list instead of commands that are naturally stated
If a command is not spoken, the speaking the number associated in sentence form or direct
voice recognition system says a with the entry desired. commands that state the application
help prompt. and the task.
Canceling Voice Recognition
Prompts and Infotainment For best results:
. Touch or say “Cancel” or “Exit”
Displays to terminate the voice . Listen for the prompt before
While a voice recognition session is recognition session and show saying a command or reply.
active, there may be corresponding the display where voice . Speak the command naturally,
options showing on the displays. recognition was initiated. not too fast, not too slow.
A selection can be made by
manually touching the option, or by
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46 Voice Recognition
. Use direct commands without a the country before saying the Using Voice Recognition for
lot of extra words. For example, rest of the address and/or List Options
“Call <name> at work,” “Play” intersection.
followed by the artist or song When a list is displayed, a voice
If POI is asked for, say “Change prompt will ask to confirm or select
name, or “Tune” followed by the Location,” then “Change
radio station number. an option from that list.
. Navigation destinations can be When a display contains a list, there
Direct commands might be more may be options that are available
made in a single command clearly understood by the system.
using keywords. A few examples but not displayed. The list on a
An example of a direct command voice recognition screen functions
are: “I want directions to an would be “Call <number>.”
address,” “I need to find a place the same as a list on other displays.
Examples of these direct commands Scrolling or flinging can be used to
of interest or (POI),” or “Find are displayed on most of the
contact.” help display other entries from
screens while a voice session is the list.
The system responds by active. If “Phone” or “Phone
requesting more details. For Commands,” is spoken, the system Manually scrolling or paging the list
other POIs, say the name of a understands that a phone call is on a display during a voice
category like “Restaurants,” requested and will respond with recognition session suspends the
“Shopping Malls,” or “Hospitals.” questions until enough details are current voice recognition event and
gathered to make a call. plays the prompt “Please select
. Navigating to a destination manually or touch the Back icon on
outside of the current country If a cell phone number has been the infotainment display to try
takes more than one command. saved with a name and a place, the again.”
The first command is to tell the direct command should include
system where the navigation will both, for example “Call <name> If manual selection takes more than
take place, such as an Address, at work.” 15 seconds, the session terminates
Intersection, POI, or Contact. and prompts that it has timed out.
If Address or Intersection is The display returns to the display
selected, the second command where voice recognition was
is to say, “Change Country.” initiated.
Once the system responds, say
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Voice Recognition 47
The Back Command “Switch to SXM” : Switch bands to “Tune to SXM <SXM channel
Say “Back” or touch the Back icon SiriusXM and tune to the last number>” : Tune to the SiriusXM
on the infotainment display to go to SiriusXM channel. radio station whose channel number
the previous menu. “Tune to <AM frequency> AM” : is identified in the command.

If in voice recognition, and “Back” is Tune to the radio station whose “Tune to SXM <SXM channel
spoken all the way back to the frequency is identified in the name>” : Tune to the SiriusXM
starting display, and then “Back” is command (like “nine fifty”). radio station whose channel name
spoken one more time, the voice “Tune to <FM frequency> FM” : is identified in the command.
recognition session will cancel. Tune to the radio station whose Voice Recognition for Audio
frequency is identified in the MyMedia
Help command (like “one oh one
Say “Help” on any voice recognition point one”). The available voice recognition
display and the help prompt for the commands for [browsing]
“Tune to <AM frequency> AM MyMedia are:
display is played. HD” : Tune to the HD Radio station
Voice Recognition for the whose frequency is identified in the “Play Artist” : Begin a dialog to
command. enter a specific artist name.
“Tune to <FM frequency> FM “Play Artist <artist name>” :
If browsing the audio sources when Begin playback of a specific artist.
voice is touched, the voice HD” : Tune to the HD Radio station
recognition commands for AM, FM, whose frequency is identified in the “Play Album” : Begin a dialog to
and SiriusXM (if equipped) are command. enter a specific album name.
available. “Tune to <FM frequency> FM HD “Play Album <album name>” :
“Switch to AM” : Switch bands to <HD channel number>” : Tune to Begin playback of a specific album.
AM and tune to the last AM radio the HD Radio station whose
frequency and HD channel are “Play Song” : Begin a dialog to
station. enter a specific song name.
identified in the command.
“Switch to FM” : Switch bands to “Play Song <song name>” : Begin
FM and tune to the last FM radio playback of a specific song,
station. if available.
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48 Voice Recognition
“Play Genre” : Begin a dialog to “Play Episode <episode . Files including other individual
enter a specific genre. name>” : Begin playback of a files of all media types such as
“Play Genre <genre name>” : specific episode. songs, audiobook chapters,
Begin playback of a specific genre. “Play Podcast” : Begin a dialog to podcast episodes, and videos.
enter a specific podcast. . Album type folders including
“Play Playlist” : Begin a dialog to
enter a specific playlist name. “Play Podcast <podcast types such as albums and
name>” : Begin playback of a audiobooks.
“Play Playlist <playlist name>” :
Begin playback of a specific playlist. specific podcast. There are no restrictions if the
“My Media” : Begin a dialog to number of files and albums is fewer
“Play <device name>” : Play than 12,000. When the number of
music from a specific device enter the desired media content.
files connected to the system is
identified by name. The device Handling Large Amounts of Media between 12,000 and 24,000, the
name is the name displayed on the Content content cannot be accessed directly
display when the device is first with one command like “Play
selected as an audio source. It is expected that large amounts of
media content will be brought into <song name>.”
“Play Chapter” : Begin a dialog to the vehicle. It may be necessary to The restriction is that the command
enter a specific name. handle large amounts of media “Play Song” must be spoken first;
“Play Chapter <chapter name>” : content in a different way than the system will then ask for the song
Begin playback of a specific smaller amounts of media. The name. The reply command would be
chapter. system may limit the options of to say the name of the song to play.
voice recognition by not allowing Similar limits exist for album
“Play Audiobook” : Begin a dialog selection of files by voice at the
to enter a specific audiobook. content. If there are more than
highest level if the number of files
12,000 albums, but fewer than
“Play Audiobook <audiobook exceeds the maximum limit. 24,000, the content cannot be
name>” : Begin playback of a Changes to voice commands due to accessed directly with one
specific audiobook. media content limits are: command like, “Play <album
“Play Episode” : Begin a dialog to name>.” The command “Play
enter a specific name. Album” must first be spoken; the
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Voice Recognition 49
system will then ask for the album Voice Recognition for “Navigate to Contact” : Begin a
name. The reply would be to say the Navigation dialog to enter a specific destination
name of the album to play. contact name.
“Navigation” : Begin a dialog to
Once the number of files has enter specific destination “Cancel Route” : End route
exceeded approximately 24,000, information. guidance.
there is no support for accessing the “Take Me Home” : Create a route
songs directly through voice “Navigation Commands” : Begin a
dialog to enter specific destination to a stored home location.
commands. There will still be
access to the media content by information. Voice Recognition for the
using commands for playlists, “Address” : Begin a dialog to enter Phone
artists, and genres. a specific destination address,
which includes the entire address “Call <contact name>” : Initiate a
The access commands for playlists, call to a stored contact. The
artists, and genres are prohibited consisting of the house number,
street name, city, state/province, command may include location if
after the number of this type of the contact has location numbers
media exceeds 12,000. and country. Do not include the
ZIP code. stored.
The system will provide feedback “Call <contact> At Home,” “At
the first time voice recognition is “Place of Interest” : Begin a dialog
to enter a destination Place of Work,” “On Mobile,” or “On
initiated if it has become apparent Other” : Initiate a call to a stored
that any of these limits are reached Interest category or major
brand name. contact and location at home, at
during a device initializing process. work, on mobile device, or on
Voice recognition performance will The name must be precisely another phone.
degrade to some extent based on spoken. Nicknames or short names
for the businesses will not likely be “Call <cell phone number>” :
many factors when adding large Initiate a call to a cell phone number
amounts of data to recognize. If this found. Lesser known businesses
might have to be located by of seven digits, 10 digits, or three
is the case, perhaps accessing digit emergency numbers.
songs through playlists or artist category, such as fast food, hotels,
name would work better. or banks.
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50 Voice Recognition
“Pair Phone” : Begin the Bluetooth Bluetooth voice recognition is not
pairing process. Follow the available during an active phone
instructions on the infotainment projection session, such as Apple
display. CarPlay or Android Auto.
“Redial” : Initiate a call to the last
dialed number.
“Switch Phone” : Select a different
connected cell phone for outgoing
“Voice Keypad” : Begin a dialog to
enter special numbers like
international numbers. The numbers
can be entered in groups of digits
with each group of digits being
repeated back by the system. If the
group of digits is not correct, the
command “Delete” will remove the
last group of digits and allow them
to be re-entered. Once the entire
number has been entered, the
command “Call” will start dialing the
Bluetooth Voice Recognition
Press and hold g on the steering
wheel controls for longer than
one second to access Bluetooth
Voice Recognition/Siri Eyes Free.
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Phone 51
Phone Pair mobile device(s) to the
vehicle. The system may not
Steering Wheel Controls

work with all mobile devices.

g : Press to answer incoming calls
Bluetooth (Overview) See “Pairing” later in this
and start voice recognition on your
connected Bluetooth mobile device.
The Bluetooth-capable system can section.
interact with many mobile devices, Vehicles with a Bluetooth system
i : Press to end a call, decline a
allowing: call, or cancel an operation. Press
can use a Bluetooth-capable mobile to mute or unmute the infotainment
. Placement and receipt of calls in device with a Hands-Free Profile to system when not on a call.
a hands-free mode. make and receive phone calls. The
infotainment system and voice Infotainment System Controls
. Sharing of the device’s address
recognition are used to control the For information about how to
book or contact list with the system. The system can be used
vehicle. navigate the menu system using the
while the ignition is on or in ACC/ infotainment controls, see Using the
To minimize driver distraction, ACCESSORY. The range of the System 0 12.
before driving, and with the vehicle Bluetooth system can be up to 9.1 m
parked: (30 ft). Not all mobile devices Audio System
. Become familiar with the support all functions and not all
When using the Bluetooth mobile
features of the mobile device. mobile devices work with the
device system, sound comes
Organize the phone book and Bluetooth system. See
through the vehicle's front audio
contact lists clearly and delete my.chevrolet.com for more
system speakers and overrides the
duplicate or rarely used entries. information about compatible mobile
audio system. The volume level
If possible, program speed dial devices.
while on a mobile device call can be
or other shortcuts. Controls adjusted by pressing the steering
. Review the controls and wheel controls or the volume control
Use the controls on the center stack on the center stack. The adjusted
operation of the infotainment and the steering wheel to operate
system. volume level remains in memory for
the Bluetooth system. later calls. The volume cannot be
lowered beyond a certain level.
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52 Phone
Bluetooth (Pairing and . The pairing process is disabled 3. Touch Phones at the top of the
when the vehicle is moving. infotainment display. There is
Using the Phone) also a Connect Phones option
. Pairing only needs to be
Pairing completed once, unless the in the middle of the Phone
pairing information on the cell display which will shortcut to
A Bluetooth-enabled mobile device the Phone List menu.
must be paired to the Bluetooth phone changes or the cell phone
system and then connected to the is deleted from the system. 4. Touch Add Phone.
vehicle before it can be used. See . If multiple paired cell phones are 5. Select the vehicle name shown
the mobile device manufacturer's within range of the system, the on the infotainment display
user guide for Bluetooth functions system connects to the paired from your cell phone’s
before pairing the device. cell phone that is set to First to Bluetooth Settings list.
Pairing Information Connect. If there is no cell 6. Follow the instructions on the
phone set to First to Connect, it cell phone to confirm the
. If no mobile device has been will link to the cell phone which
connected, the Phone main six-digit code showing on the
was used last. To link to a infotainment display and touch
page on the infotainment display different paired cell phone, see
will show the Connect Phone Pair. The code on the cell
“Linking to a Different Phone” phone and infotainment display
option. Touch this option to later in this section.
connect. Another way to connect will need to be acknowledged
is to touch the Phones tab at the Pairing a Phone for a successful pair.
top right of the display and then 1. Make sure Bluetooth has been 7. Start the pairing process on the
touch Add Phone. enabled on the cell phone cell phone to be paired to the
. A Bluetooth smartphone with before the pairing process is vehicle. See the cell phone
music capability can be paired to started. manufacturer's user guide for
the vehicle as a smartphone and information on this process.
2. Touch the Phone icon on the Once the cell phone is paired,
a music player at the same time. Home Page or the phone icon it will show under Connected.
. Up to 10 devices can be paired on the shortcut tray near the
to the Bluetooth system. bottom of the display.
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Phone 53
8. If the vehicle name does not Connect. To enable a paired cell Secondary Phone
appear on your cell phone, phone as the First to Connect A cell phone can be enabled as a
there are a few ways to start phone: Secondary Phone by touching the
the pairing process over: 1. Make sure the cell phone is information icon to the right of the
. Turn the cell phone off and turned on. paired cell phone name to open the
then back on. 2. Touch Settings, then touch phone settings menu. If a cell phone
. Go back to the beginning of System. is enabled as a Secondary Phone, it
the Phone menus on the can connect simultaneously
3. Touch Phones to access all alongside another Bluetooth mobile
infotainment display and paired and all connected cell
restart the pairing process. device. In doing so, the Secondary
phones and mobile devices. Phone will be labeled as Incoming
. Reset the cell phone, but Calls. This means the mobile device
4. Touch the information icon to
this step should be done as the right of the cell phone to can only receive calls. The Address
a last effort. open the cell phone’s Book of a Secondary Phone will not
9. If the cell phone prompts to settings menu. be available and hands-free
accept connection or allow outgoing calls cannot be placed
5. Touch the First to Connect using this cell phone.
phone book download, touch option, to enable the setting for
Always Accept and Allow. The that device. If needed, touch the Secondary
phone book may not be Phone while in the Phones list to
available if not accepted. Cell phones and mobile devices can swap it into the Outgoing and
be added, removed, connected, and Incoming role. This role makes it
10. Repeat Steps 1−8 to pair disconnected. A sub-menu will
additional cell phones. possible to place outgoing calls from
display whenever a request is made the Contacts and Recents list.
First to Connect Paired Phones to add or manage cell phones and
mobile devices.
If multiple paired cell phones are
within range of the system, the
system connects to the paired cell
phone that is set as First to
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54 Phone
Listing All Paired and Connected 3. Touch the information icon next Switching to Handset or
Phones to the connected cell phone to Handsfree Mode
1. Touch the Phone icon on the display the cell phone’s or
mobile device’s information To switch between handset or
Home Page or the phone icon handsfree mode:
on the shortcut tray near the display.
bottom of the display. . While the active call is
4. Touch Forget Device.
hands-free, touch the Handset
2. Touch Phones. Linking to a Different Phone option to switch to the
Disconnecting a Connected Phone To link to a different cell phone, the handset mode.
1. Touch the Phone icon on the new cell phone must be in the The mute icon will not be
Home Page. vehicle and paired to the Bluetooth available or functional while
system. Handset mode is active.
2. Touch Phones.
1. Touch the Phone icon on the . While the active call is on the
3. Touch the information icon next Home Page or the phone icon handset, touch the Handset
to the connected cell phone or on the shortcut tray near the option to switch to the
mobile device to show the cell bottom of the display. hands-free mode.
phone’s or mobile device’s
information display. 2. Touch Phones. Making a Call Using Contacts
4. Touch Disconnect. 3. Touch the new cell phone to and Recent Calls
link to from the not connected Calls can be made through the
Deleting a Paired Phone phone list. See “First to Bluetooth system using personal
1. Touch the Phone icon on the Connect Paired Phones” and cell phone contact information for all
Home Page or the phone icon “Secondary Phone” previously cell phones that support the Phone
on the shortcut tray near the in this section. Book feature. Become familiar with
bottom of the display. the cell phone settings and
2. Touch Phones. operation. Verify the cell phone
supports this feature.
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Phone 55
The Contacts menu accesses the Making a Call Using the Accepting or Declining a Call
phone book stored in the cell phone. Keypad When an incoming call is received,
The Recents menu accesses the To make a call by dialing the the infotainment system mutes and
recents call list from your cell numbers: a ring tone is heard in the vehicle.
1. Touch the Phone icon on the Accepting a Call
To make a call using the Home Page.
Contacts menu: There are two ways to accept a call:
2. Touch Keypad and enter a
1. Touch the Phone icon on the phone number. . Press g on the steering wheel
Home Page. controls.
3. Touch # on the infotainment .
2. Touch Contacts. Touch Answer on the
display to start dialing the
infotainment display.
3. The Contacts list can be number.
searched by using the first Declining a Call
character. Touch A-Z on the Searching Contacts Using the
Keypad There are two ways to decline
infotainment display to scroll
a call:
through the list of names. To search for contacts using the
Touch the name to call. keypad: . Press i on the steering wheel
4. Touch the desired contact 1. Touch the Phone icon on the
number to call. Home Page. . Touch Ignore on the infotainment
2. Touch Keypad and enter partial display.
To make a call using the
Recents menu: phone numbers or contact Call Waiting
names using the digits on the
1. Touch Phone on the keypad to search. Call waiting must be supported on
Home Page. the Bluetooth cell phone and
Results will show on the right enabled by the wireless service
2. Touch Recents. side of the display. Touch one carrier to work.
3. Touch the name or number to place a call.
to call.
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56 Phone
Accepting a Call 3. When the second call is active, icons will change from gray to color
touch the merge icon to on the Home Page of the
Press g to answer, then touch conference the three-way call infotainment display.
Switch on the infotainment display. together. To use Android Auto and/or Apple
Declining a Call Ending a Call CarPlay:
Press i to decline, then touch . Press i on the steering wheel
1. Download the Android Auto
Ignore on the infotainment display app to your smartphone from
the Google Play store. There is
Switching Between Calls (Call . Touch # on the infotainment no app required for Apple
Waiting Calls Only) CarPlay.
display, next to a call, to end
To switch between calls, touch only that call. 2. Connect your Android phone or
Phone on the Home Page to display Apple iPhone by using the
Call View. While in Call View, touch Dual Tone Multi-Frequency
factory-provided phone USB
the call information of the call on (DTMF) Tones cable and plugging into a USB
hold to change calls. The in-vehicle Bluetooth system can data port. For best
Three-Way Calling send numbers during a call. This is performance, it is highly
used when calling a menu-driven recommended to use the
Three-way calling must be phone system. Use the Keypad to device’s factory-provided USB
supported on the Bluetooth cell enter the number. cable. Aftermarket or
phone and enabled by the wireless third-party cables may
service carrier to work. Apple CarPlay and not work.
To start a three-way call while in a Android Auto
current call:
If equipped, Android Auto and/or
1. In the Call View, touch Add Call Apple CarPlay capability may be
to add another call. available through a compatible
2. Initiate the second call by smartphone. If available, the
selecting from Recents, Android Auto and Apple CarPlay
Contacts, or Keypad.
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Phone 57
3. When the phone is first touch the Android Auto or Apple or Google may change or suspend
connected to activate Apple Carplay icon on the Home Page to availability at any time. Android
CarPlay or Android Auto, the launch. Auto, Android, Google, Google Play,
message “Device Projection and other marks are trademarks of
Privacy Consent” will appear. Press { on the center stack to Google Inc.; Apple CarPlay is a
return to the Home Page. trademark of Apple Inc.
. Touch Continue to launch
Apple CarPlay or Features are subject to change. For
Press { on the center stack to exit
Android Auto. further information on how to set up
Android Auto and Apple CarPlay in Android Auto or Apple CarPlay. To
. Touch Disable to remove the vehicle, see my.chevrolet.com or enter back into Android Auto or
Apple CarPlay and Android “Customer Assistance” in the Apple CarPlay, press and hold { on
Auto capability from the owner’s manual. the center stack.
vehicle Settings menu.
Other functions may Android Auto is provided by Google Apple CarPlay and Android Auto
still work. and is subject to Google’s terms can be disabled from the
and privacy policy. Apple CarPlay is infotainment system. To do this,
The Android Auto and Apple provided by Apple and is subject to touch Home, Settings, and then
CarPlay icons on the Home Page Apple’s terms and privacy policy. touch the Apps tab along the top of
will illuminate depending on the Data plan rates apply. For Android the display. Use the On/Off toggled
smartphone. Android Auto and/or Auto support see https:// to turn off Apple CarPlay or
Apple CarPlay may automatically support.google.com/androidauto. Android Auto.
launch upon USB connection. If not, For Apple CarPlay support see
www.apple.com/ios/carplay/. Apple
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58 Settings
Settings To access the personalization
date. When this feature is on,
the time and date cannot be
Certain settings can be managed in manually set.
1. Touch Settings on the Home
the Owner Center sites when an .
Page on the infotainment Set Time: Touch to manually set
account is established, and may be
display. the time using the controls on
modified if other users have
2. Touch the desired category to the infotainment display.
accessed the vehicle or created
accounts. This may result in display a list of available . Set Date: Touch to manually set
changes to the security or options. the date using the controls on
functionality of the infotainment 3. Touch to select the desired the infotainment display.
system. Some settings may also be feature setting. . Automatic Time Zone (If
transferred to a new vehicle, Equipped): Touch Off or On to
if equipped. For instructions, in the 4. Touch the options on the
infotainment display to disable disable or enable automatic
U.S. see my.chevrolet.com or in update of the time zone based
Canada see mychevrolet.ca or or enable a feature.
on vehicle location. When this
monchevrolet.ca. 5. Touch z to go to the top level feature is on, the time zone
Refer to the User Terms and Privacy of the Settings menu. cannot be manually set.
Statement for important details. To . Select Time Zone: Touch to
view, touch the Settings icon on the System
manually set the time zone.
Home Page of the infotainment The menu may contain the Touch a time zone from the list.
display. following:
. 24-hour Format: Touch to specify
The settings menu may be Time / Date the clock format shown.
organized into four categories.
Select the desired category by Use the following features to set the Touch Off or On to disable or
touching System, Apps, Vehicle, clock: enable.
or Personal. . Automatic Time and Date: Touch
Off or On to enable or disable
automatic update of the time and
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Settings 59
Language Wi-Fi Hotspot Privacy
This will set the display language Touch and the following may Touch and the following may
used on the infotainment display. display: display:
It may also use the selected . Wi-Fi Services: This allows . Location Services: This setting
language for voice recognition and devices to use the vehicle enables or disables sharing of
audio feedback. Touch Language hotspot. vehicle location outside the
and touch the appropriate language. vehicle. Emergency services will
Touch the controls on the
Phones infotainment display to disable or not be affected when Off is
enable. selected.
Touch to connect to a different cell
phone or mobile device source, . . Data Services: This setting
Wi-Fi Name: Touch to change
disconnect a cell phone or media the vehicle Wi-Fi name. determines if data sharing can
device, or delete a cell phone or be used by features including
media device. . Wi-Fi Password: Touch to Wi-Fi, Hotspot, and applications.
change the vehicle Wi-Fi Touch Off to disable data
Wi-Fi Networks password. services. Emergency services
This will show connected and . Connected Devices: Touch to and phone calls, such as calls
available Wi-Fi networks. show connected devices. with OnStar Advisors or others,
will not be affected when Off is
If a 4G LTE data package is not . Share Hotspot Data: Touch On selected.
active on the vehicle, the to allow devices to use the
infotainment system can be vehicle hotspot and its data, . Voice Recognition Sharing: This
connected to an external protected or touch Off to allow devices to setting determines if voice
Wi-Fi network, such as a mobile only use the vehicle hotspot but commands can be shared with a
device or home hotspot, to utilize not its data. cloud-based voice recognition
connected services. system. Touch Off to prevent the
sharing and possible recording
of your voice commands with
this system. This may limit the
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60 Settings
system’s ability to understand the display to automatically . Audio Cues: This feature
your voice commands and may adjust based on bright/dark determines if sounds play when
disable some features. conditions. the infotainment system starts
. Types: This setting lists all Touch Auto, Day, or Night to up and shuts down. This feature
Android-defined as dangerous adjust the display. can be turned off or on.
permissions currently used by . . Set Audio Cue Volume: This
Calibrate Touchscreen: Touch to
the infotainment system, the calibrate the infotainment display setting controls the volume of
number of applications that have and follow the prompts. Audio Cues played on startup
requested this permission, and and shut down. Touch the
the number of applications that . Turn Display Off: Touch to turn controls on the infotainment
are allowed to use this the display off. Touch anywhere display to increase or decrease.
permission. on the infotainment display or
. Audible Touch Feedback: This
press any infotainment control
. Used By Applications: This setting determines if a sound
on the center stack again to turn
setting lists all applications that the display on. plays when touching the
are requested or are using infotainment display or radio
Android-defined as dangerous Sounds controls. This feature can be
permissions. Only requested and Touch and the following may turned off or on.
active permissions are shown. display: Voice
Display . Maximum Startup Volume: This Touch and the following may
Touch and the following may feature adjusts the maximum display:
display: volume of the infotainment
. Confirm More/Less: This setting
system when you start your
. Mode: This adjusts the specifies how often the voice
vehicle. To set the maximum
appearance of the navigation startup volume, touch the recognition system confirms
map view and any downloaded controls on the infotainment commands. Touch Confirm More
apps optimized for day or night display to increase or decrease. to have the system check with
time conditions. Set to Auto for you more often before acting on
your commands.
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Settings 61
. Prompt Length: This setting Speaking while the prompt is still Updates
specifies the amount of detail playing will immediately stop If equipped, the infotainment system
the voice recognition system playing the current prompt and can download and install select
provides when giving you recognize your command. software updates over a wireless
feedback. Touch Auto to have Background noise may cause connection. The system will prompt
the system automatically adjust accidental interruptions. Touch for certain updates to be
to your speech habits. Touch Off or On. downloaded and installed. There is
Informative, Short, or Auto. also an option to check for updates
. Audio Feedback Speed: Touch manually.
Slow, Medium, or Fast to adjust Touch and the following may
display: To manually check for updates,
how quickly the voice touch Settings on the Home Page,
recognition system speaks. . Manage Favorites: Touch to
followed by Software Information,
. Friendly Prompts: This setting display a list of Audio, Phone, and then System Update. Follow the
adjusts the formality of voice and Navigation favorites. on-screen prompts. The steps to
prompts. Touch Off for shorter Favorites can be moved, check for, download, and install
prompts. Touch On to hear renamed, or deleted. updates may vary by vehicle.
prompts with more personality. To move, touch and hold the Downloading Over-the-Air vehicle
Touch Auto to have the prompt favorite, and then drag up or software updates requires Internet
match your command style. down to rearrange the position. connectivity, which can be accessed
. Tutorial Mode: Touch Off or On . through the vehicle’s built-in 4G LTE
Set Number of Audio Favorites:
to provide tutorial feedback on Touch to select how many connection, if equipped and active.
the display. favorites pages can be viewed If required, data plans are provided
. Allow Prompt Interruptions: This from the audio application. The by a third party. Optionally, a secure
setting controls whether voice Auto setting will automatically Wi-Fi hotspot such as a compatible
commands can be spoken adjust this number based on the mobile device hotspot, home
before voice prompts finish. Turn number of favorites you have hotspot, or public hotspot can be
this on to speak commands saved. Touch Auto, 5, 10, 15, used. Applicable data rates may
without hearing the full prompt. 20, 25, 30, 35, or 40. apply.
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62 Settings
To connect the infotainment system About Touch Clear or Cancel.
to a secured mobile device hotspot, Touch to view the infotainment
home hotspot, or public hotspot, Apps
system software information.
touch Settings on the Home Page, The menu may contain the
select the System tab, followed by Running Applications following:
Wi-Fi Networks. Select the Touch to see a complete list of
appropriate Wi-Fi network, and Android Auto
applications that are currently
follow the on-screen prompts. running on the infotainment system. This feature allows you to interact
Download speeds may vary. directly with your mobile device on
Return to Factory Settings the infotainment display. See Apple
On most compatible mobile devices,
activation of the Wi-Fi hotspot is in Touch and the following may CarPlay and Android Auto 0 56.
the Settings menu under Mobile display: Touch the controls on the
Network Sharing, Personal Hotspot, . Reset Vehicle Settings: Resets infotainment display to disable or
Mobile Hotspot, or similar. all vehicle settings for the enable.
Availability of Over-the-Air software current user. Apple CarPlay
updates varies by vehicle and Touch Reset or Cancel.
country. Features are subject to This feature allows you to interact
change. For more information on . Erase Settings and Personal directly with your mobile device on
this feature, see my.chevrolet.com/ Data: Erases app data settings, the infotainment display. See Apple
learn. user profiles, and personal data CarPlay and Android Auto 0 56.
including navigation and mobile Touch the controls on the
Preferences device data. infotainment display to disable or
Touch the controls on the Touch Erase or Cancel. enable.
infotainment display to disable or
enable the download of new . Clear Default Applications:
updates in the background. Resets preferred applications
that have been set to open when
selecting a function. No
application data will be lost.
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Settings 63
Apps or Shop . Auto Volume: This feature number of favorites you have
Touch and the following may adjusts the volume based on the saved. Touch Auto, 5, 10, 15,
display: vehicle speed. 20, 25, 30, 35, or 40.
. Update Apps Automatically: This Touch Off, Low, Medium-Low, . RDS: This allows the Radio Data
allows downloaded applications Medium, Medium-High, or High. System (RDS) to be turned on
to be updated automatically. . Bose AudioPilot Noise or off.

Touch the controls on the Compensation Technology (If Touch the controls on the
infotainment display to disable or Equipped): This feature adjusts infotainment display to disable or
enable. the volume based on the noise enable.
in the vehicle and the speed. . HD Radio: This allows HD Radio
. About Apps or Shop: Touch to
view the versions of the shop Touch Off or On. reception to be turned on or off.
software. . Manage Favorites: Touch to Touch the controls on the
See Using the System 0 12. display a list of Audio, Mobile infotainment display to disable or
Devices, and Navigation enable.
Audio favorites. . Explicit Content Filter: This
Depending on the current audio Favorites can be moved, setting prevents access to
source, different options will be renamed, or deleted. explicit content SiriusXM
available. To move, touch and hold the channels.
Touch and the following may favorite, and then drag up or Touch Off or On.
display: down to rearrange the position. . Manage Phones: Select to
. Tone Settings: Touch to adjust . Set Number of Audio Favorites: connect to a different phone
Equalizer, Fade/Balance, Touch to select how many source, disconnect a phone,
or Sound Mode. See favorites pages can be viewed or delete a phone.
“Infotainment System Sound from the audio application. The
Menu” in AM-FM Radio 0 17. Auto setting will automatically
adjust this number based on the
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64 Settings
. Reset Music Index: This allows Touch the controls on the Touch the controls on the
the music index to be reset if infotainment display to disable or infotainment display to disable or
you are having difficulty enable. enable.
accessing all of the media . Auto Heated Seats: This setting
content on your device. Nav
automatically turns on and
Touch Yes or No. regulates the heated seats when Touch and the following may
the cabin temperature is cool. display:
Climate The auto heated seats can be . Set Up My Places
Touch and the following may turned off by using the heated . Map Preferences
display: seat controls on the center
stack. . Route Preferences
. Auto Fan Speed: This setting
specifies the amount of airflow Touch the controls on the . Navigation Voice Control
when the climate control fan infotainment display to disable or . Traffic Preferences
setting is Auto Fan. enable.
. Alert Preferences
Touch Low, Medium, or High. . Auto Defog: This setting
automatically turns the front . Manage History
. Air Quality Sensor: This setting
switches the system into defogger on when the vehicle . Predictive Navigation
Recirculation Mode based on the engine is started.
. About
quality of the outside air. Touch the controls on the
See Using the Navigation System
Touch Off, Low Sensitivity, infotainment display to disable or
0 29.
or High Sensitivity. enable.
. Auto Rear Defog: This setting Phone
. Auto Cooled Seats: This setting
automatically turns on and automatically turns the rear Touch and the following may
regulates the ventilated seats window defogger on when the display:
when the cabin temperature vehicle engine is started. . My Number: Displays the cell
is warm. phone number of the Bluetooth
connected device.
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Settings 65
. Active Call View: Shows active Vehicle Check your registered e-mail
call display when answering account for an activation e-mail to
This menu allows adjustment of
a call. complete the verification process.
different vehicle features. See
Touch the controls on the “Vehicle Personalization” in the Profile Picture
infotainment display to disable or owner’s manual.
enable. Touch to choose or change your
Personal profile picture.
. Privacy: Only show call alerts in
the instrument cluster. If equipped, this menu allows Profile Identifiers
adjustment of different user profile Touch to have the vehicle recognize
Touch Off or On. settings. See “Users” in Using the the identifier you choose.
. Sort Contacts: Touch to sort by System 0 12 for information on
first or last name. setting up user profiles. Touch Vehicle Key 1 and/or Vehicle
Key 2.
. Re-sync Device Contacts: The menu may contain the
following: If the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
This allows the device contacts transmitter is lost or stolen, see your
to re-sync if you are having Name dealer.
difficulty accessing all of the
Touch to edit your user name that Security
contacts on your cell phone.
will be displayed in the vehicle.
. Delete All Vehicle Contacts: Touch to have your profile secured
Touch to delete all vehicle stored Vehicle Account Information with a PIN.
contacts. Touch to view the vehicle account Touch No or Yes.
. OnStar Phone TTY Mode: This information and to change the
account password. Vehicle Name
enables OnStar cell phone
TTY mode. An “unverified user account” pop-up Touch to edit your vehicle name.
Touch Disable or Enable. will display until the account Vehicle Account
information verification process has
been completed on the Internet. Touch to view the vehicle account
information and to change the
account password.
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66 Settings
Delete Profile 2. Create a Personal Identification 2. For automatic transmissions,
Touch to remove the profile from the Number (PIN) by choosing a the vehicle must be in P (Park).
vehicle. four-digit PIN. Re-enter the PIN For manual transmissions, the
to confirm. To change the PIN, vehicle must be stopped with
Touch Remove or Cancel. touch Change PIN. the parking brake set.
The PIN is required to: 3. From the Settings menu, touch
Teen Driver Vehicle and then Teen Driver.
. Register or unregister keys.
If equipped, this allows multiple 4. Enter the PIN.
keys to be registered for beginner . Change Teen Driver settings.
drivers to encourage safe driving 5. Place the Remote Keyless
. Change or clear the Teen
habits. When the vehicle is started Entry (RKE) transmitter key
Driver PIN. you wish to register in the
with a Teen Driver key, it will
automatically activate certain safety . Access or delete Report transmitter pocket. The key
systems, allow setting of some Card data. does not need to be the one
features, and limit the use of others. that started the vehicle. See
Register keys to activate Teen
The Report Card will record vehicle “Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
Driver and assign restrictions to
data about driving behavior that can System Operation” in the
the key:
be viewed later. When the vehicle is owner's manual for transmitter
started with a registered key, the Any vehicle key can be registered, pocket location.
Driver Information Center (DIC) up to a maximum of eight keys.
6. From the Teen Driver menu,
displays a message that Teen Driver Label the key to tell it apart from the
touch Setup Keys.
is active. other keys.
. If the transmitter key has
To access: For a pushbutton start system: not previously been
1. Touch Settings on the Home 1. Start the engine. registered, the option to
Page, then touch Vehicle, and add the key displays. Touch
then Teen Driver. Setup and a confirmation
message displays. Teen
Driver restrictions will be
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Settings 67
applied whenever this key 2. For automatic transmissions, and the vehicle is started with a
is used to operate the the vehicle must be in P (Park). Teen Driver key, the DIC displays a
vehicle. For manual transmissions, the message that the top speed is
. If the transmitter key has vehicle must be stopped with limited.
already been registered, the the parking brake set. On certain vehicles, when the
option to remove the key 3. From the Settings menu, touch Speed Limiter is turned ON, the
displays. If Remove is Teen Driver. vehicle’s maximum acceleration will
touched, the transmitter key 4. Enter the PIN. be limited. The DIC will display a
is no longer registered. message that the acceleration is
A confirmation message 5. Touch Setup Keys. The system limited.
displays, and Teen Driver displays instructions for
registering or unregistering a Teen Driver Speed Warning :
restrictions will not be Allows the speed warning to be
applied if this transmitter key. A confirmation message
displays. turned on or off. Touch Set Teen
key is used to operate the Driver Speed Warning to set the
vehicle. Manage Settings warning speed.
In vehicles with a pushbutton start Audio Volume Limit : Allows the Set Teen Driver Speed Warning :
system, if a Teen Driver and a audio volume limit to be turned on Displays a warning in the DIC when
non-Teen Driver key are both or off. Touch Set Audio Volume Limit exceeding a selectable speed.
present at start up, the vehicle will to choose the maximum allowable Choose the desired speed warning
recognize the non-Teen Driver key audio volume level. level. The speed warning does not
to start the vehicle. The Teen Driver limit the speed of the vehicle.
settings will not be active. Set Audio Volume Limit : Allows a
maximum radio volume to be set. When Teen Driver is Active:
For a keyed ignition system: Use the arrows to choose the
. The radio will mute when the
1. Start the engine. maximum allowable level for the
audio volume. driver seat belt is not fastened,
and in some vehicles, when the
Teen Driver Speed Limiter : Limits front passenger seat belt is not
the maximum speed of the vehicle.
When the speed limiter is turned on
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68 Settings
fastened. The audio from any . When trying to change a safety . Distance Driven – the total
device paired to the vehicle will feature that is not configurable in distance driven.
also be muted. Teen Driver, the DIC displays a . Maximum Speed – the maximum
. Certain devices placed on the message indicating that Teen vehicle speed detected.
front passenger seat could Driver is active and the action is
not available. . Overspeed Warnings – the
cause the passenger sensing number of times the speed
system to falsely sense an . Super Cruise, if equipped, is not warning setting was exceeded.
unbuckled front passenger and available.
mute the radio. See “Passenger . Wide Open Throttle – the
. Enhanced Low Fuel Warning (if
Sensing System” in the owner's number of times the accelerator
equipped) – When the vehicle is pedal was pressed nearly all the
manual. low on fuel, the low fuel light on way down.
. Some safety systems, the instrument cluster flashes
if equipped and supported, and the DIC low fuel warning . Forward Collision Alerts – the
cannot be turned off. They may cannot be dismissed. number of times the driver was
include: Park Assist, Side Blind notified when approaching a
Zone Alert, Lane Change Alert, Report Card vehicle ahead too quickly and at
Rear Cross Traffic Alert, Forward The vehicle owner must secure the potential risk for a crash.
Collision Alert, Automatic driver’s consent to record certain . Forward Automatic Braking (if
Braking, Pedestrian Braking, vehicle data when the vehicle is equipped) – the number of times
Lane Departure Warning, Lane driven with a registered Teen Driver the vehicle detected that a
Keep Assist, Daytime Running key. There is one Report Card per forward collision was imminent
Lamps/Automatic Light Control, vehicle. Data is only recorded when and applied the brakes.
Traction Control, Stability a registered Teen Driver key is used
Control, and Antilock Brakes. to operate the vehicle. . Traction Control – the number of
times the Traction Control
. The gap setting for the Forward The Report Card data is collected System activated to reduce
Collision Alert and Adaptive from the time Teen Driver is wheel spin or loss of traction.
Cruise Control, if equipped, activated or the last time the Report
cannot be changed. Card was reset. The following items
may be recorded:
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Settings 69
. Stability Control – the number of . Touch Clear All Teen Keys and
events which required the use of PIN from the Teen Driver menu.
electronic stability control. This will also unregister any
. ABS Active – Also referred to as Teen Driver keys and delete
Antilock Brake System Active, the PIN.
the number of Antilock Brake Forgotten PIN
System activations.
See your dealer to reset the PIN.
. Tailgating Alerts – the number of
times the driver was alerted for
following a vehicle ahead too
Report Card Data
Cumulative Data is saved for all
trips until the Report Card is reset or
until the maximum count is
exceeded. If the maximum count is
exceeded for a Report Card line
item, that item will no longer be
updated in the Report Card until it is
reset. Each item will report a
maximum of 1,000 counts. The
distance driven will report a
maximum of 64,374 km (40,000 mi).
To delete Report Card data, do one
of the following:
. From the Report Card display,
touch Reset.
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70 Trademarks and License Agreements

Trademarks and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple
Inc., registered in the U.S. and other
Explicit Language Notice: Channels
with frequent explicit language are
License Agreements countries. indicated with an “XL” preceding the
channel name. Channel blocking is
FCC Information available for SiriusXM Satellite
See “Radio Frequency Statement” Radio receivers by notifying
in the owner’s manual. SiriusXM:
. USA Customers — See
www.siriusxm.com or call
Fees and Taxes: Subscription fee, . Canada Customers — See
taxes, one time activation fee, and www.siriusxm.ca or call
other fees may apply. Subscription 1-877-438-9677.
fee is consumer only. All fees and
"Made for iPod," and "Made for programming subject to change. It is prohibited to copy, decompile,
iPhone," mean that an electronic Subscriptions subject to Customer disassemble, reverse engineer,
accessory has been designed to Agreement available at hack, manipulate, or otherwise
connect specifically to iPod or www.siriusxm.com. SiriusXM make available any technology or
iPhone, respectively, and has been service is only available in the software incorporated in receivers
certified by the developer to meet 48 contiguous United States and compatible with the SiriusXM
Apple performance standards. Canada. Satellite Radio System or that
Apple is not responsible for the support the SiriusXM website, the
In Canada: Some deterioration of Online Service or any of its content.
operation of this device or its service may occur in extreme
compliance with safety and Furthermore, the AMBER voice
northern latitudes. This is beyond compression software included in
regulatory standards. Please note the control of SiriusXM Satellite
that the use of this accessory with this product is protected by
Radio. intellectual property rights including
iPod or iPhone may affect wireless
performance. iPhone, iPod, iPod patent rights, copyrights, and trade
classic, iPod nano, iPod shuffle, and secrets of Digital Voice
Systems, Inc.
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Trademarks and License Agreements 71

General Requirements: address www.immersion.com/ General Motors is under license.
1. A License Agreement from patent-marking.html and other Other trademarks and trade names
SiriusXM is required for any patents pending. are those of their respective owners.
product that incorporates Bose Java
SiriusXM Technology and/or for
use of any of the SiriusXM Bose AudioPilot and Bose Java is a registered trademark of
marks to be manufactured, Centerpoint surround are registered Oracle and/or its affiliates.
distributed, or marketed in the trademarks of Bose Corporation in
the U.S. and other countries. Schedule I: Gracenote EULA
SiriusXM Service Area.
2. For products to be distributed, HD Radio Technology
marketed, and/or sold in
Canada, a separate agreement
is required with Canadian
Satellite Radio Inc. (operating
as SiriusXM Canada).
Music recognition technology and
related data are provided by
HD Radio Technology manufactured Gracenote. Gracenote is the
under license from iBiquity Digital industry standard in music
Corporation. U.S. and Foreign recognition technology and related
patents. HD Radio and the HD, HD content delivery. For more
Radio, and “Arc” logos are information see
proprietary trademarks of iBiquity www.gracenote.com.
TouchSense Technology and Digital Corp.
TouchSense System 1000 Series Music-related data from Gracenote,
Licensed from Immersion Bluetooth Inc., copyright © 2000 to present
Corporation. TouchSense System The Bluetooth word mark and logos Gracenote. Gracenote Software,
1000 protected under one or more are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, copyright © 2000 to present
of the U.S. Patents at the following Inc. and any use of such marks by Gracenote. One or more patents
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
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72 Trademarks and License Agreements

owned by Gracenote may apply to Data only by means of the intended You agree that your non-exclusive
this product and service. See the End-User functions of this license to use the Gracenote Data,
Gracenote website for a application or device. the Gracenote Software, and
non-exhaustive list of applicable This application or device may Gracenote Servers will terminate if
Gracenote patents. Gracenote, contain content belonging to you violate these restrictions. If your
CDDB, MusicID, MediaVOCS, the Gracenote’s providers. If so, all of license terminates, you agree to
Gracenote logo and logotype, and the restrictions set forth herein with cease any and all use of the
the "Powered by Gracenote" logo respect to Gracenote Data shall Gracenote Data, the Gracenote
are either registered trademarks or also apply to such content and such Software, and Gracenote Servers.
trademarks of Gracenote in the content providers shall be entitled to Gracenote reserves all rights in
United States and/or other all of the benefits and protections Gracenote Data, the Gracenote
countries. set forth herein that are available to Software, and the Gracenote
Gracenote. Servers, including all ownership
Gracenote Terms of Use rights. Under no circumstances will
This application or device contains You agree that you will use Gracenote become liable for any
software from Gracenote, Inc. of Gracenote Data, the Gracenote payment to you for any information
Emeryville, California ("Gracenote"). Software, and Gracenote Servers that you provide. You agree that
The software from Gracenote (the for your own personal Gracenote may enforce its rights
"Gracenote Software") enables this non-commercial use only. You agree under this Agreement against you
application to do disc or file not to assign, copy, transfer or directly in its own name.
identification and obtain transmit the Gracenote Software or
any Gracenote Data to any third The Gracenote service uses a
music-related information, including unique identifier to track queries for
name, artist, track, and title party. YOU AGREE NOT TO USE
OR EXPLOIT GRACENOTE DATA, statistical purposes. The purpose of
information ("Gracenote Data") from a randomly assigned numeric
online servers or embedded THE GRACENOTE SOFTWARE,
OR GRACENOTE SERVERS, identifier is to allow the Gracenote
databases (collectively, "Gracenote service to count queries without
Servers") and to perform other EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY
PERMITTED HEREIN. knowing anything about who you
functions. You may use Gracenote are. For more information, see the
web page for the Gracenote Privacy
Policy for the Gracenote service.
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Trademarks and License Agreements 73

item of Gracenote Data are licensed WARRANT THE RESULTS THAT PROVIDE AVC VIDEO. NO
representations or warranties, USE OF THE GRACENOTE SHALL BE IMPLIED FOR ANY
express or implied, regarding the SOFTWARE OR ANY OTHER USE. ADDITIONAL
Gracenote reserves the right to CASE WILL GRACENOTE BE FROM MPEG LA, LLC. SEE
delete data from the Gracenote LIABLE FOR ANY HTTP://WWW.MPEGLA.COM.
Servers or to change data CONSEQUENTIAL OR
categories for any cause that INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OR FOR VC-1
warranty is made that the Gracenote REVENUES. UNDER THE VC-1 PATENT
Software or Gracenote Servers are © 2014. Gracenote, Inc. All Rights PORTFOLIO LICENSE FOR THE
error-free or that functioning of Reserved. PERSONAL AND
Gracenote Software or Gracenote NON-COMMERCIAL USE OF A
Servers will be uninterrupted. MPEG4–AVC (H.264) CONSUMER TO (i) ENCODE
provide you with new enhanced or UNDER THE AVC PATENT THE VC-1 STANDARD (“VC-1
additional data types or categories PORTFOLIO LICENSE FOR THE VIDEO”) AND/OR (ii) DECODE
that Gracenote may provide in the PERSONAL AND VC-1 VIDEO THAT WAS
future and is free to discontinue its NON-COMMERCIAL USE OF A ENCODED BY A CONSUMER
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
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74 Trademarks and License Agreements

MAY BE OBTAINED FROM Map End User License © United States Postal Service
MPEG LA, LLC. SEE Agreement 2013. Prices are not established,
HTTP://WWW.MPEGLA.COM. controlled, or approved by the
END USER TERMS United States Postal Service. The
MPEG4–Visual following trademarks and
The Map Data SD card (“Data”) is
USE OF THIS PRODUCT IN ANY provided for your personal, internal registrations are owned by the
MANNER THAT COMPLIES WITH use only and not for resale. It is USPS: United States Postal
THE MPEG-4 VISUAL STANDARD protected by copyright, and is Service, USPS, and ZIP+4.
IS PROHIBITED, EXCEPT FOR subject to the following terms (this
“End User License Agreement”) and
ENGAGING IN PERSONAL AND conditions which are agreed to by Personal Use Only: You agree to
NON-COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES. you, on the one hand, and HERE use this Data for the solely
North America, LLC (“HERE”) and personal, noncommercial purposes
MP3 for which you were licensed, and
its licensors (including their
MPEG Layer-3 audio coding licensors and suppliers) on the not for service bureau, timesharing
technology licensed from other hand. or other similar purposes. Except as
Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson. otherwise set forth herein, you
The Data for areas of Canada agree not to otherwise reproduce,
WMV/WMA includes information taken with copy, modify, decompile,
This product includes technology permission from Canadian disassemble or reverse engineer
owned by Microsoft Corporation and authorities, including: © Her Majesty any portion of this Data, and may
under a license from Microsoft the Queen in Right of Canada, © not transfer or distribute it in any
Licensing, GP. Use or distribution of Queen's Printer for Ontario, © form, for any purpose, except to the
such technology outside of this Canada Post Corporation, extent permitted by mandatory laws.
product is prohibited without a GeoBase®. You may transfer the Data and all
license from Microsoft Corporation HERE holds a nonexclusive license accompanying materials on a
and/or Microsoft Licensing, GP as from the United States Postal permanent basis if you retain no
applicable. Service® to publish and sell ZIP+4® copies and the recipient agrees to
information. the terms of this End User License
Agreement. Multi-disc sets may only
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
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Trademarks and License Agreements 75

be transferred or sold as a complete comprehensive geographic data, WARRANTIES OF
set as provided to you and not as a any of which may lead to incorrect NON-INFRINGEMENT,
subset thereof. results. MERCHANTABILITY,
Restrictions No Warranty ACCURACY, TITLE AND FITNESS
Except where you have been This Data is provided to you “as is,” FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
specifically licensed to do so by and you agree to use it at your own NO ORAL OR WRITTEN ADVICE
HERE and without limiting the risk. HERE and its licensors (and OR INFORMATION PROVIDED BY
preceding paragraph, you may not their licensors and suppliers) make HARMAN (OR ANY OF THEIR
(a) use this Data with any products, no guarantees, representations, LICENSORS, AGENTS,
systems, or applications installed or or warranties of any kind, express or EMPLOYEES, OR THIRD PARTY
otherwise connected to or in implied, arising by law or otherwise, PROVIDERS) SHALL CREATE A
communication with vehicles including but not limited to, content, WARRANTY, AND YOU ARE NOT
capable of vehicle navigation, quality, accuracy, completeness, ENTITLED TO RELY ON ANY
positioning, dispatch, real time route effectiveness, reliability, fitness for a SUCH ADVICE OR INFORMATION.
guidance, fleet management or particular purpose, usefulness, use THIS DISCLAIMER OF
similar applications; or (b) with, or in or results to be obtained from this WARRANTIES IS AN ESSENTIAL
communication with, including Data, or that the Data or server will CONDITION OF THIS
without limitation, cellular phones, be uninterrupted or error free. AGREEMENT.
palmtop and handheld computers,
pagers, and personal digital Disclaimer of Warranty Disclaimer of Liability
This Data may contain inaccurate or (AND THEIR LICENSORS AND LIABLE TO YOU IN RESPECT OF
incomplete information due to the SUPPLIERS) EXPRESSLY ANY CLAIM, DEMAND OR
circumstances, sources used, and WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR NATURE OF THE CAUSE OF THE
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76 Trademarks and License Agreements

OR DAMAGES, DIRECT OR product thereof except in Government End Users
INDIRECT, WHICH MAY RESULT compliance with, and with all If the Data is being acquired by or
FROM THE USE OR POSSESSION licenses and approvals required on behalf of the United States
OF THIS DATA; OR FOR ANY under, applicable export laws, rules government or any other entity
LOSS OF PROFIT, REVENUE, and regulations. Entire Agreement: seeking or applying rights similar to
CONTRACTS OR SAVINGS, OR These terms and conditions those customarily claimed by the
ANY OTHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, constitute the entire agreement United States government, this Data
INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR between HERE (and its licensors, is a “commercial item” as that term
CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES including their licensors and is defined at 48 C.F.R. (“FAR”)
ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OF suppliers) and you pertaining to the 2.101, is licensed in accordance
OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DATA, subject matter hereof, and with this End User License
ANY DEFECT IN THIS DATA, OR supersedes in their entirety any and Agreement, and each copy of Data
THE BREACH OF THESE TERMS all written or oral agreements delivered or otherwise furnished
OR CONDITIONS, WHETHER IN previously existing between us with shall be marked and embedded as
AN ACTION IN CONTRACT OR respect to such subject matter. appropriate with the following
TORT OR BASED ON A “Notice of Use,” and be treated in
accordance with such Notice:
ITS LICENSORS HAVE BEEN The above terms and conditions
ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY shall be governed by the laws of the
OF SUCH DAMAGES. Some State of Illinois, without giving effect
States, Territories, and Countries do to (i) its conflict of laws provisions,
not allow certain liability exclusions or (ii) the United Nations Convention
or damages limitations, so to that for Contracts for the International
extent the above may not apply Sale of Goods, which is explicitly
to you. excluded. You agree to submit to
the jurisdiction of the State of Illinois
Export Control for any and all disputes, claims, and
You agree not to export from actions arising from or in connection
anywhere any part of the Data with the Data provided to you
provided to you or any direct hereunder.
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
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Trademarks and License Agreements 77

NOTICE OF USE Unicode The product you have purchased
CONTRACTOR (MANUFACTURER/ Copyright © 1991-2010 Unicode, ("Product") contains Software
SUPPLIER) Inc. All rights reserved. Distributed (Runtime Configuration No. 505962;
under the Terms of Use in http:// "Software") which is distributed by
NAME: or on behalf of the Product
HERE North America, LLC manufacturer "Manufacturer") under
Free Type Project license from Software Systems Co.
CONTRACTOR (MANUFACTURER/ ("QSSC"). You may only use the
SUPPLIER) Portions of this software are
copyright © 2010 The FreeType Software in the Product and in
ADDRESS: Project (http://www.freetype.org). All compliance with the license terms
rights reserved. below.
425 West Randolph Street,
Chicago, IL 60606. Subject to the terms and conditions
Open Source SW
of this License, QSSC hereby
This Data is a commercial item as Further information concerning the grants you a limited, non-exclusive,
defined in FAR 2.101 and is subject OSS licenses is shown in the non-transferable license to use the
to the End User License Agreement infotainment display. Software in the Product for the
under which this Data was provided. purpose intended by the
© 2014 HERE North America, LLC. Manufacturer. If permitted by the
All rights reserved. Portions of this software are Manufacturer, or by applicable law,
copyright © 2008-2011, QNX you may make one backup copy of
If the Contracting Officer, federal
Software Systems. All rights the Software as part of the Product
government agency, or any federal
reserved. software. QSSC and its licensors
official refuses to use the legend
provided herein, the Contracting reserve all license+C31 rights not
Part C – EULA
Officer, federal government agency, expressly granted herein, and retain
Copyright © 2011, Software all right, title and interest in and to
or any federal official must notify
Systems GmbH & Co. KG. All all copies of the Software, including
HERE prior to seeking additional or
Rights Reserved. all intellectual property rights
alternative rights in the Data.
therein. Unless required by
applicable law you may not
reproduce, distribute or transfer,
Chevrolet Infotainment System (GMNA-Localizing-3.x-U.S./Canada-
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78 Trademarks and License Agreements

otherwise attempt to unbundle, FROM THIS LICENSE ARE TO DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF
reverse engineer, modify or create OFFERED BY THE GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE,
derivative works of, the Software. MANUFACTURER OR ITS PRODUCT FAILURE OR
You agree: (1) not to remove, cover DISTRIBUTOR(S) ALONE AND MALFUNCTION, OR ANY AND ALL
labels or marks in or on the OR THEIR LICENSORS. YOU OR LOSSES), EVEN IF QSSC, ITS
Software, and to ensure that all ASSUME ANY RISKS AFFILIATES OR THEIR
copies bear any notice contained on ASSOCIATED WITH YOUR USE LICENSORS HAVE BEEN
the original; and (2) not to export the OF THE SOFTWARE UNDER THIS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY
Product or the Software in LICENSE. OF SUCH DAMAGES.
contravention of applicable export EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT
control laws. WMA
EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT APPLICABLE LAW (SUCH AS IN This product is protected by certain
LICENSORS PROVIDE THE NO EVENT SHALL QSSC, ITS such technology outside of this
SOFTWARE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AFFILIATES OR THEIR product is prohibited without a
LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OTHERWISE, FOR DAMAGES, available source code) as well as
OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, INCLUDING ANY DIRECT, copyright attributions applicable to
NON-INFRINGEMENT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, the Runtime Configuration indicated
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Trademarks and License Agreements 79

Helvetica is a trademark of Linotype
Corp. registered in the U.S. Patent
and Trademark Office and may be
registered in certain other
jurisdictions in the name of Linotype
Corp. or its licensee
Linotype GmbH.
Usage in text form of each of the
Licensed Trademarks is:
The trademark attribution
requirements for the Licensed
Trademarks may be viewed at http://
The marks of companies displayed
by this product to indicate business
locations are the marks of their
respective owners. The use of such
marks in this product does not imply
any sponsorship, approval,
or endorsement by such companies
of this product.
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80 Index
Index 4
4G LTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 52
Bluetooth Audio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Accepting or Declining a Call . . . . 55
Bluetooth Voice Recognition . . . . . 50
Active Guidance View . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Agreements C
Trademarks and License . . . . . . . . 70 Call Waiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
AM-FM Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Canceling Voice Recognition . . . . 45
AM, FM, and SXM Categories . . . 18 Cleaning High Gloss Surfaces
Android Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 and Vehicle Information and
Antenna Radio Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Multi-band. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Connected Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Apple CarPlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Apple CarPlay and Steering Wheel . . 8, 9, 11, 12
Android Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Coverage Explanations . . . . . . . . . . 43
Apps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Apps or Shop (Chevrolet,
Database Coverage
GMC, Buick), or Apps or
Explanations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Collection (Cadillac) . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Destination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Audio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Bluetooth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Teen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Audio System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Dual Tone Multi-Frequency
Auxiliary Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
(DTMF) Tones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Avoiding Untrusted Media
Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 E
Ending a Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
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Index 81
Favorites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Making a Call Using Contacts OnStar Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Finding a Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 and Recent Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 OnStar System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 40
FM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Making a Call Using the Over-the-Air Software
Keypad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Map Data Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Over-the-Air-Vehicle Map
Global Positioning
Map End User License Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
System (GPS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Map Gestures and Map Scale . . . 35
Problems with the Route . . . . . . . . 42 P
Map Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Pairing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
H Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Personal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Haptic Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Media
Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
HD Radio Technology . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Avoiding Untrusted Devices . . . . . 22
Apple CarPlay and
Helpful Hints for Speaking Media Playback and Mute . . . . . . . 25
Android Auto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Mobile Device Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Bluetooth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 52
Hybrid Speech Recognition . . . . . . 44 Multi-band Antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Playing from a USB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
I Mute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Playing the Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
If the System Needs Service . . . . . 42 N Port
Infotainment Display Features . . . 14 Nav . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 USB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Infotainment Gestures . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Navigation Positioning
Infotainment System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Destination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Vehicle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Infotainment System Using the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Problems with Route
Sound Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Navigation Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Auxiliary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
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82 Index
R Storing and Recalling Media V
Radio Favorites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
HD Radio Technology . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Storing Radio Station Presets . . . 18 Vehicle Positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Radio Data System (RDS) . . . . . . . 19 Switching to Handset or Voice Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Radio Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Handsfree Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Voice Recognition for Audio
Radios Symbols MyMedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
AM-FM Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Navigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Voice Recognition for
Satellite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Rear Climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Global Positioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Voice Recognition for the
Recents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 OnStar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Recognition Voice Recognition for the
Voice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Teen Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
S The OnStar App . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 W
Satellite Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Three-Way Calling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Waypoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Schedule I: Gracenote EULA . . . . 71 Trademarks and License
Searching Contacts Using the Agreements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Zoom Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Keypad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Servicing System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Updates
Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58, 13 Map Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Shortcut Tray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Show POI Icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 USB Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
SiriusXM Satellite Radio Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Using the Navigation System . . . . 29
Software Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Using the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Steering Wheel Using Voice Recognition . . . . . . . . . 44
Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 9, 11, 12 Using Voice Recognition for
List Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
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