Unit-7 (Functions) PDF
Unit-7 (Functions) PDF
Unit-7 (Functions) PDF
A function is a self contained sub program that is meant to be some specific, well defined
task. A C-program consists of one or more functions. If a program has only one function then it
must be the main( ) function.
Advantages of using function
1. Functions increases code reusability by avoiding rewriting of same code over and over.
2. If a program is divided into multiple functions, then each function can be
independently developed. So program development will be easier.
3. Program development will be faster.
4. Program debugging will be easier.
5. Function reduces program complexity.
6. Easier to understand logic involved in the program.
7. Recursive call is possible through function.
C programs have two types of functions-
i. Library Functions
ii. User defined Functions
i. Library function
Library functions are supplied with every C compiler. The source code of the library
functions is not given to the user. These functions are precompiled and the user gets only
the object code. This object code is linked to the object code of your program by the linker.
Different categories of library functions are grouped together in separate library files.
When we call a library function in our program, the linker selects the code of that function
from the library file and adds it to the program.
To use library function in our program we should know-
i. Name of the function and its purpose
ii. Type and number of arguments it accepts
iii. Type of the value it returns
iv. Name of the header file to be included
We can define any function of our own with the same name as that of any function in the C
library. If we do so then the function that we have defined will take precedence over the library
function with the same name.
Users can create their own functions for performing any specific task of the program. These types of
functions are called user defined functions. To create and use these functions, we should know about
these three things-
1. Function definition
2. Function declaration
3. Function call
Lets take an example of function to add two numbers.
void sum(int,int); //function declaration
void main()
int a,b;
printf("Enter two numbers\n");
sum(a,b); //function call
1. Function Definition
The function definition consists of the whole description and code of a function. It tells
what the function is doing and that are its inputs and outputs. A function definition consists
of two parts - a function header and a function body. The general syntax of a function
definition is-
return_type func_name(type1 arg1, type2 arg2, ………….)
local variables declarations;
The first line in the function definition is known as the function header and after this the
body of the function is written enclosed in curly braces.
The return_type denotes the type of the value that will returned by the function. The
return_type is optional and if omitted, it is assumed to be int by default. A function can
return either one value or no value. If a function does not return any value then void should
be written in place of return_type.
func_name specifies the name of the function and it can be any valid C identifier. After
function name, the argument declarations are given in parentheses, which mention the type
and name of the arguments. These are known as formal arguments and used to accept
values. A function can take any number of left empty or void can be written inside the
The body of function is a compound statement (or block), which consists of declarations
variables, and C statements followed by an optional return statement. The variables declared
inside the function are known as local variables, since they are local to that function only, i.e.
they have existence only in the function in which they are declared, and they cannot be used
anywhere else in the program. There can be any number of valid C statements inside a function
body. The return statement is optional. It may be absent if the function does not return any
3. Function call
A function is called by simply writing its name followed by the argument list inside the
Return statement
The return statement is used in a function to return a value to the calling function. It may also be
used for immediate exit from the called function to the calling function without returning a value.
This statement can appear anywhere inside the body of the function. There are two ways in
which it can be used-
return (expression);
Here return is a keyword. The first form of return statement is used to terminate the function
without returning any value. The second form of return statement is used to terminate a function
and return a value to the calling function.
Function arguments
The calling function sends some values to the called function for communication; these values
are called arguments or parameters.
Actual argument
The arguments which are mentioned in the function call are known as actual arguments, since
these are the values which are actually sent to the called function. Actual arguments can be
written in the form of variables, constants or expressions or any function call that returns a value.
Formal argument
The name of the arguments, which are mentioned in the function definition are called formal or
dummy arguments since they are used just to hold the values that are sent by the calling function.
These formal arguments are simply like other local variables of the function which are created
when the function call starts and are destroyed when the function ends.
The order, number and type of actual arguments in the function call should match with the order, number
and type of formal arguments in the function definition.
Types of user defined Functions:
The functions can be classified into four categories on the basis of the arguments and
return value;
1. Function with no arguments and no return value.
2. Function with no argument and return value.
3. Function with argument and no return value.
4. Function with argument and return value.
1. Function with no arguments and no return value.
Program to add two numbers.
void sum();
void main()
void sum()
int x,y,s;
printf("Enter two numbers\n");
printf("Sum =%d",s);
2. Function with no argument and a return value.
Program to add two numbers.
int sum();
void main()
int c;
int sum()
int x,y,s;
printf("Enter two numbers\n");
3. Function with argument and no return value
Program to add two numbers.
void sum(int,int);
void main()
int a,b;
printf("Enter two numbers\n");
int s;
Difference between library function and user defined function
main ( )
Execution of every C program always begin with the function main( ). Each function is called
directly or indirectly in main( ) and after all functions have done their operations, control returns
back to main( ). There can be only one main( ) function in a program.
The main( ) function is a user defined function but the name, number and type of arguments are
predefined in the language. The operating system calls the main function and main( ) returns a
value of integer type to the operating system. If the value returned in zero, it implies that the
function has terminated successively and any non zero returns value indicates an error. If no
return value is specified in main( ) then any garbage value will be returned automatically. Calling
the function exit( ) with an integer value is equivalent to returning that value from main( ). The
function main( ) can also take arguments, which will be discussed in further chapters.
The definition, declaration and call of main( ) function-
function declaration - by the C compiler
function definition - by the programmer
function call - by the operating system
Recursion is a powerful technique of writing a complicated algorithm in an easy way. According
to this technique a problem is defined in terms of itself. The problem is solved by dividing it into
smaller problems, which are similar in nature to the original problem. These smaller problems
are solved and their solutions are applied to get the final solution of our original problem.
A function will be recursive, if it contain following features:
i. Function should call itself.
ii. Function should have a stopping condition (base criteria) and every time the function
calls itself it must be closer to base criteria.
1. Write a program to calculate factorial of any given number using recursive function.
long int factorial(int);
void main()
int num,fact;
printf("Enter a number\n");
printf("Factorial of %d = %d",num,fact);
Local variables
The variables that are defined within the body of a function or a block, are local variables. For
int a,b;
Here a and b are local variables which are defined within the body of the function func(). Local
variables can be used only in those functions or blocks, in which they are declared. The same
variable name may be used in different functions. For example-
int a=2,b=4;
int a=15,b=20;
Here values of a=2 , b=4 are local to the function func1() and a=15, b=20 are local to the
function func2().
Global variables
The variables that are defined outside any function are called global variables. All functions in
the program can access and modify global variables. It is useful to declare a variable global if it
is to be used by many functions in the program. Global variables are automatically initialized to
0 at the time of declaration.
int a,b=5; //global variables
void func1();
void func2();
void main()
printf("Inside main() a=%d and b=%d\n",a,b);
void func1()
printf("Inside func1() a=%d and b=%d\n",a,b);
void func2()
printf("Inside func2() a=%d and b=%d",a,b);
void change(int);
void main()
int a=15;
printf("Before calling function, a=%d\n",a);
printf("After calling function, a=%d",a);
void change(int x)
Before calling function, a=15
After calling function, a=15
Before calling function, a=15
After calling function, a=20
Use of Array in function
Passing single dimensional array to a function
void func(int[]);
void main()
int arr[5]={5,8,12,45,9};
void func(int a[])
int i;