Chairs: Kathleen Stanton, American Cleaning Institute, USA and Tyler Smith, Lightbox Laboratories, LLC, USA

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S&D 1: Fabric Care Performance Boosters and New Benefits

Chairs: Kathleen Stanton, American Cleaning Institute, USA; and Tyler Smith, Lightbox
Laboratories, LLC, USA
Rational Design of Lipases: A Case Study. Jakob detergent formulations protease may negatively
Skjold-Jørgensen*, Novozymes A/S, Denmark impact the cellulase activity over time, resulting in
When it comes to caring for their clothes, loss of fabric care properties. Therefore, an
consumers want to save time and money with a improvement of the storage stability properties of
high expectation on performance. With an cellulase is required. DuPont has applied molecular
increasing number of consumers using the “Quick modelling software and structure function analysis
wash” cycle to save time, water and energy costs, to generate hypotheses about regions of the
concerns with incomplete stain removal also arise. enzyme that may be susceptible to instability.
Average wash temperatures have been falling Functional studies identified the cleavage sites
driven by appliance manufacturers designing where we could influence the properties of
machines to meet Energy Star requirements. improved performance and stability. These
Colder wash cycles address key consumer needs of improved properties of the new cellulase were
fabric care and preservation, but cleaning confirmed in application studies under North
efficiency is lower than with warm water. This talk American wash conditions, as well as storage
demonstrates how catalytic enzymes enable better stability trials in typical US liquid detergents
cleaning with shorter wash cycles and colder wash comprising protease.
Breakthrough Solution for Odor Reduction in
Engineering an Improved Cellulase for Fabric Care Cleaning Products. Anita Augustyniak, and Yvon G.
in Liquid Detergents. Christian Adams*1, Andre Durant*,Itaconix, USA
Krouwer2, and Arjen J. Hoekstra2,1DuPont Industrial Odor management is a core component of
Biosciences, USA; 2DuPont Industrial Biosciences, cleaning functions. Odor in various textiles, such as
The Netherlands laundry, sport equipment, upholstery and carpets
A global fabric care study carried out by DuPont are assaulted by combinations of odors ranging
highlighted considerable consumer dissatisfaction from pet urine to bodily fluids to food waste. Odor
with pilling and color fading on garments after management in cleaning products is often a
using most detergents. In general, liquid detergents combination of detergency (odor extraction to
provide better fabric care properties than laundry solution), oxidation and masking. However, some
powders, and in most mature markets, including odors are persistent even after oxidation and recur
North America; liquids have become the dominant once masking has dissipated. This is due to the high
product format. Cellulase is known for providing susceptibility of the human nose to a set of odors
multi cycle fabric care benefits such as pilling that we culturally associate as unwanted. Thiol and
prevention and color maintenance. However, liquid amine derivatives are some of the most persistent
detergents provide a challenge to the product molecules that can be detected by our noses at sub
formulator for delivering robust fabric care ppb level. A breakthrough strategy is to add
performance with cellulase, especially in the molecules that have the ability to complex
presence of proteolytic enzymes. In liquid malodorants into non-volatile molecules.


Complexes of Zinc-polyitaconate have the property prevent transfer of bacteria from bio-film to
of maintaining zinc ions in solution across a wide clothes during washing. As a result, we found a
range of pH, in complex aqueous matrices, while specific enzyme itself and further the combination
drying to a non-oily residue. The zinc atom is able of the enzyme with some detergent components
to coordinate with thiols or amines, to create Lewis are effective for the purpose.
acid-base complexes that are non-volatile, while
remaining in solution. Formulated products Laundry Detergency of Solid Non-particulate Soil
containing these neutralizing metal-organic or Waxy Solids: Relation to Oily Soil Removal
complexes are offering novel performance in odor Above the Melting Point. David A. Sabatini*1, John
reduction, while eliminating unwanted residues on Scamehorn1, Jarussri Chanwattanakit2, and
fabric. Sumaeth Chavadej2, 1University of Oklahoma, USA;
2Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Study on Bacterial Control During Washing with In this work, methyl palmitate or palmitic acid
Laundry Detergent. Nanami Sasaki*, Keisuke Mori, methyl ester, a monoglyceride, was used as both a
Takahiro Hayashi, Misa Nakagawa, Masayoshi model solid fat below the melting point and as an
Oishi, Hiroaki Shindo, Hiroyuki Masui, and Takahiro oily soil above the melting point. An anionic
Okamoto, Lion Corporation, Japan extended surfactant [branched alcohol propoxylate
In recent times, awareness on personal hygiene sulfate sodium salt (C123-(PO)4-SO4Na)] was used
has been increased year by year, especially, to remove methyl palmitate from cotton and from
consumer needs on odor care in daily life has polyester. Above the melting point (~30ºC) of
become higher. In response to this needs, many methyl palmitate, the maximum oily soil removal
kinds of study on odor care have been conducted was found to correspond to the lowest dynamic
in the fabric care field.So far, most of studies have interfacial tension (IFT), as is common with liquid
been done focusing on 1) removing sebum soil, soils. Below the melting point, the lower the
nutrition for bacteria, from fabric, or 2) preventing contact angle of the wash solution against the soil
bacteria growth on fabric as a counter-measure for (indicating higher wettability), the higher the solid
bacteria generating malodor. In this study we fat soil detergency. The removed methyl palmitate
focused on the effect of bacteria present in was found to be mostly in unsolubilized droplets or
washing tubs to reduce fabric malodor. First, we particles with a small fraction of micellar
studied bacteria flora of bio-film on washing tub solubilization for both solid and liquid forms. The
surfaces in 14 houses by using gene-sequences presence of surfactant can prevent the
homology comparison. From this data, we found agglomeration of detached methyl palmitate
that some kind of bacteria detected commonly in particles in both liquid and solid forms, reducing
most houses have clear relation with malodor of redeposition and enhancing detergency. Below the
washing tubs. These bacteria grew up and formed melting point, the surfactant aids the solution
bio-film to stick firmly to the surface. These wetting the surfaces, then penetrating the waxy
bacteria transferred to clothes during washing solid, causing detachment as small particles, and
process then it became a cause of clothes malodor. dispersion of these particles. Unlike particulate soil
Next, we tried to reduce the effect of bacteria on detergency, electrostatic forces are not an
washing tub surface by approaching 1) to remove important factor in fatty soil detergency.
bio-film or to inhibit bio-film forming, and 2) to

Polymers and Detergency—A Complex Game of Protect and Care—Silicone Effects for Perceivable
Interactions. Keith E. Gutowski1, and Dieter Benefits. John H. Richards*,Wacker Chemical
Boeckh*2,1BASF Corporation, USA; 2BASF SE, Corporation, USA
Germany Consumers are continually seeking ways to
Liquid laundry detergents are formulations maintain, refresh and enhance garment properties.
predominantly based on surfactants. Polymers are Silicones utilized as rinse cycle additives generate
added at much lower levels serving a variety of many perceivable consumer benefits. Color
purposes like hardness- and rheology- fastness and shape retention are two such effects
management, soil-dispersion or the prevention of that can be defined and quantified via application
redeposition of soils or dyes. Primary and testing. An overview of novel silicone chemistries
secondary detergency are areas that can be that protect fabrics will be provided, along with
significantly relevant for the application of relevant practical test results. Performance
polymers. While initially, when polymers were characteristics of treated garments are highlighted
introduced to laundry detergents, the focus was on along with product recommendations for achieving
anionic polymers, the scope of polymers applied the desired effects.
today has widened and includes functional
polymers with cationic character as well as
nonionic amphiphilic structures. The variability and
characteristics of functional polymers allows
choices how the polymer can interact with the
complex colloidal and interfacial situation found in
a liquid detergent and during laundry. Charge, size
and polarity as well as distribution of functionality
determine if and how polymers associate with
surfactants, interfaces and hardness ions. A study
of the colloidal chemistry of selected polymers in
mixed polymer-surfactant systems is presented.
The influence of the selected surfactant system as
well as of water hardness on association
concentrations and phase behavior is studied.
Examples show how modeling can help understand
the solution behavior of these polymers and how
they are affected by the presence of surfactant and
hardness ions. The influence of observed
properties and association phenomena on
detergency are discussed and examples are shown
that were obtained in model experiments.


S&D 1.1: New Technologies in Industry

Chairs: Eric Theiner, Evonik Corporation, USA; and Hongwei Shen, Colgate Palmolive Co., USA
Surface Restoration Achieved Using STEPOSOL® surfactant triethanolamine-based esterquat (TEQ)
CITRI-MET via Partial Softening and Cure of as ingredients of softener. We found that the
Existing Polymer Coatings Ron A. Masters*, Stepan addition of a non-adsorbed polymer which cannot
Company, USA interact with the vesicle membrane is effective in
STEPOSOL® CITRI-MET is a concentrated, this system by utilizing the techniques of
natural-oil-based cleaning blend that contains rheological measurements, differential scanning
Nobel Prize winning metathesis and Stepan calorimetry and dynamic light scattering. Thus, we
commercial amidation chemistry. Launched considered that the main factor of structural
September 2015, this product serves multiple viscosity is depletion flocculation induced by the
applications, depending on dilution, from heavy coexistence of the two different particle sizes
oilfield equipment cleaning to household all- represented by the surfactant vesicles and by non-
purpose cleaning. At a ten to twenty-fold dilution adsorbed polymers. To understand the flocculation
range, a unique restorative effect is observed for behavior of this system more clearly, we examined
many surfaces. Originally thought to be a deeper, the effect of the particle size, concentration of
more effective cleaning than traditional cleaners, vesicles and non-adsorbed polymers on the
further development has revealed that this is a viscoelastic behavior. As a result, the flocculation
new technology where existing surface coatings are force calculated from viscoelastic property became
slightly softened and mobilized, and when spread strong with increasing size and concentration of
and left to dry, provides a restoration effect, as if the non-adsorbed polymer. It can be deduced that
the original coating were reapplied. This the flocculation mechanism is based on the theory
presentation will include the technical basis for the of depletion interaction.
effect, visual examples, and a live demonstration.
Potential of Biosurfactants as New Performance
Viscosity Control for a Vesicle Suspension System Ingredients in Liquid Laundry Alexander Schulz*
with Non-adsorbed Polymer Ryo Inoue*1, Asami and Michael Dreja, Henkel AG & Co. KGaA,
Miyajima1, Taku Ogura1, Otto Glatter2, and Norio Germany
Tobori1, 1Lion Corporation, Japan; 2University of The main target for a detergent from a
Graz, Austria consumer viewpoint is the removal of soil and
Consumers’ need of long-lasting fragrance for stains. Since the invention of modern detergents,
the fabric-care category has been steadily the consumer goods industry is working to fulfil
increasing in recent years. Therefore, a number of those needs. More recently, growing
liquid laundry products containing encapsulated environmental awareness of industry, regulators
fragrance have been launched. In order to satisfy and customers leads to additional requirements
both the prevention of floating capsule particles which can be met today via innovations in
and easy pouring in liquid products, it is necessary sustainability. Modern detergents have to work
to have a structural viscosity as a solution property. well at low temperatures during the wash, and its
In this study, we attempted to control structural ingredients have to be well biodegradable.
viscosity for vesicle suspensions formed by cationic Surfactants can be derived from sustainable natural


sources, among them biosurfactants produced by Development of a Spherulite Structured Liquid

microorganisms. Integrating biosurfactants into Cleanser at Reduced Surfactant Concentrations
market-relevant detergent formulations remains Peter R. Hilliard*, Colgate Palmolive Co., USA
challenging, due to their availability, performance Delivering moisturizing benefits to the skin’s
profile and since the vast majority of consumers surface from a body cleansing liquid presents
are reluctant to pay extra for “green” claims. several challenges. One particular challenge is the
Indeed, not all biosurfactants are in general more need to deliver significant amounts of oil to the
sustainable when e.g. land use, energy skin while maintaining formula stability and
consumption and biodegradability are considered. foaming properties. Spherulite based structured
Due to these complex requirements, we use surfactant systems can be used to develop
several methods to assess the use of biosurfactants cleansing liquids capable of suspending and
for liquid laundry applications. We start with the delivering significant concentrations of oil to the
evaluation of physico-chemical parameters like the skin. However, these formulations tend to contain
critical micellar concentration of the pure significant concentrations of surfactants in order to
surfactant, but also of blends with other maintain the spherulite structures and suspension
surfactants. At the same time, we evaluate what properties. We will discuss chemistries and
the end consumer can perceive by assessing processes that produce structure at lower
compatibility, stability and performance, via spherulite based surfactant concentrations. These
washing trials with suitable sets of stains. Especially low spherulite concentration structured formulas
on various fatty stains like lard, sebum, and oil, are significantly more effective delivering oils to
biosurfactants show unique properties, and the skin than normal high concentration spherulite
understanding these properties is important for the formulas. In addition, a low concentration
creation of future detergents. Correlating these spherulite system is much more effective than a
results with the physico-chemical parameters standard oil/water emulsion in delivering oils to
enables us to understand underlying interactions the skin’s surface during washing procedures. The
and to make predictions about the best detergent hypothesized mode of action is based on formation
formulations to fulfil consumer needs. of a unique “honey comb” ordering of the
spheruiltes leading to structure at much lower
Elucidation of Softening Mechanism in Rinse Cycle surfactant concentrations. This is very different
Fabric Softeners Takako Igarashi*, Koichi from that observed in a normal spherulitic system
Nakamura, Masato Hoshi, Teruyuki Hara, Hironori based on volume exclusion and tight packing of the
Kojima, Masatsugu Itou, Reiko Ikeda, and spherulite structures. The oil is dispersed within
Yoshimasa Okamoto, Kao Corporation, Japan the “honey comb” formations, is released during a
In our previous study, we proposed that the catastrophic breakdown of the structure upon
inhibition of the formation of hydrogen bonding dilution, and potentially presenting a high localized
network between single fibers made of bound concentration of the oil to the skin. In addition,
water was important. Based on this proposal, we since less surfactant is required to produce a
have continued to get a deeper-insight about the structured formula capable of suspending the oil
reason why and how the comfortable softening is phase, it is hypothesized that less of the oil will be
realized with the point of adsorption status of emulsified during washing and resulting in a further
cationic vesicles to the yarns. increase in the amount of oil deposited on the skin.

Examples of experiments supporting this Hydrotroping Properties of Naturally-derived

hypothesis will be discussed. Surfactants in Alkaline Formulations Robert J.
Coots*, and Dennis Abbeduto, Colonial Chemical,
Noverite™ Polymers for Window and Bathroom Inc., USA
Cleaners: Improved Anti-fog, Reduced Hard Water Surfactant chemicals that are classified as
Spotting, and Easier Soap Scum Removal Jobiah J. hydrotropes serve an important function in
Sabelko*, Chris Cypcar, and Eve De Maesschalck, formulating cleaning products for many different
Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc., USA applications. The ability of a water insoluble
Consumers have increasingly busy lifestyles and detergent ingredient to be solubilized into an
desire cleaning products that make the cleaning aqueous alkaline solution, is an important
process easier and more effective. Product requirement when formulating such products. In
differentiation is also critical to success in this the last few years, we have seen a shift in attitude
crowded marketplace and typically requires of both consumer and industrial consumers toward
providing innovative functionality to traditional using ingredients that are from natural, renewable
products. In response to these market needs, sources. This has given rise to several new products
Lubrizol has developed Noverite™ 301, 310 and that are derived from natural feedstocks designed
311 polymers, novel functional additives for to compete in this area of surfactant chemistry.
window and bathroom cleaners with long-lasting This talk will give detailed information about
effects. These high performance surface- hydrotropes that are derived from natural sources
substantive polymers have shown excellent and their performance compared to traditional
capability to provide hydrophilic properties to hard hydrotropes, that are derived from petroleum-
surfaces. The resulting water sheeting effect based feedstocks.
inhibits fogging on glass, reduces the formation of
hard water spots, and provides easier removal of
soap scum on bathroom surfaces. The Noverite™
polymers are water soluble, easy to use liquid
additives that are effective at low dosage levels.
They are compatible with a wide range of
surfactants and over a broad pH range thereby
providing great formulating flexibility and are also
suitable for products that demand high clarity.
Noverite™ polymers allow for the development of
cost-effective cleaners that prevent fogging, hard
water spotting and soap scum build up, making the
cleaning process easier and less time-consuming.


S&D 2: New Trends in Cleaning: Hard Surface, Detergency, Hand Dish, and Autodish
Chairs: Paul Sharko, Shell Global Solutions, Inc., USA; and Masaki Tsumadori, Senior Advisor,
R&D, Kao Corporation, Japan
Improving Hand Dishwashing Liquid Cleaning the wash up and still add to the foam mileage of the
Performance with Enzymes Lotte J. Jensen-Holm1 and hand dishwashing liquid. In hard surface cleaning short
Thomas J. Burns*2, 1Novozymes A/S, Denmark; chain exhibit superior wetting performance. Their
Novozymes North America, Inc., USA excellent lime scale removal power combined with
Hand-dishwashing (HDW) product formulations excellent compatibility with all kind of surfaces,
have historically focused on continuous optimization of especially sensitive plastic materials makes them the
the surfactant and fragrance systems. Innovation is now ideal solution for bath cleaners. In addition, Glucamides
increasingly dependent on more-novel ingredients such leave low residue and streaks on the cleaned surfaces,
as enzymes. To benefit from the well-known ability and maintaining their shiny appearance. Finally members of
speed of enzymes to quickly break down starch and the Glucamide family are also excellent rinse surfactant
protein, HDW formulations require state-of-the-art for automatic dishwashing as they reduce spots and
technology to ensure formulation compatibility as well films significantly.
as stability. We evaluated the ability of enzymes to
enhance performance by dismantling complex burnt-on Novel Dishwashing Process Converting Fatty Soil into
and dried-in food-soils. In addition to those results, the Surfactant Mariko Kagaya*, and Takaya Sakai, Kao
presentation will focus on how to overcome the Corporation, Japan
technical formulation challenges to ensure this Sodium poly (oxyethylene) alkyl ether carboxylate
improved performance in hand dishwashing solutions. (EC) is known as a low irritated anionic surfactant and
has been applied to many kinds of detergents and
Glucamides - Versatile Sugar Surfactants for industrial chemical products. Recently we found that EC
Sustainable Cleaning of Hard Surfaces Carsten Cohrs*, performs excellent detergency for fatty soil. In order to
Florian Schinle, Gabi Ohlendorf, and Christine Müller, reveal the mechanism for it, we investigated the
Clariant, Germany triangle phase diagram of EC, a component of fatty soil
To meet the trend of renewable based and and water by means of microscopic observation, small
environmentally safe surfactants we investigated angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and DSC measurement. As
Glucamides or N-Methyl-N-Acyl Glucamines as a new a result, EC aqueous solution and oleic acid, which is
type of highly renewable, non-ionic sugar surfactants. one of the components of fatty soil, form lamellar liquid
They are readily biodegradable and are safe for the crystal (LLC) in very broad composition and
aquatic environment. Depending on the hydrophobic concentration range in the phase diagram. The
moiety of the molecule wetting ability, foam cleansing mechanism for fatty soil is thought to be that
performance and cleaning effect can be modulated to EC solution penetrates into fatty soil and forms LLC with
cover a broad field of applications. Therefore we oleic acid. In this LLC, fatty acid, which is soil, also works
assumed them to be an ideal new product group for as a surfactant and it becomes high concentrated
hard surface applications. In the homecare segment surfactant solution. As high concentrated surfactant
they may be used for a variety of applications. In hand solution (LLC) is formed inner soil itself, the other soil
dishwashing liquids, green hand dishwashing liquids can components can be removed by liquid crystal
formulated without loss in performance against emulsification with much less power than the normal
standard products. Highly concentrated liquids are emulsification. In fact, it is confirmed that EC solution
accessible without volatile organic solvents. The liquids removes the whole fatty soil without rubbing. From
have a very low impact on the environment. Selected above, EC performs not only high detergency but also
Glucamides can deliver caring benefits to hands after spontaneous dishwashing for fatty soil converting soil

into surfactant. It might lead sustainable process regions, phosphonates. Cleaning: the palette of
decreasing the amount of surfactant. Moreover this chemistry the ADW formulator can chose range across
cleansing can provide consumer low mechanical power bleach for beverage removal, enzymes (protease for
cleansing with mildness to the skin. protein soils such as meat and egg and amylases for
starch related pasta and rice), alkalinity for hydration of
Increasing the Performance of Automatic Dishwashing burnt soils and surfactant for grease removal. Shine:
with Enzymes Roberta Mustacchi1, Lotte J. Jensen- combinations of polymers, builders and crystal growth
Holm*1, and Thomas J. Burns2, 1Novozymes A/S, inhibitors are available to deliver shine across the full
Denmark; 2Novozymes North America, Inc., USA range of consumer relevant substrate. Yet the top
In this presentation we will focus on showing the unmet consumer need continues to be on tough baked
ability of enzymes to save time and effort in the wash on soil removal. Delivering against this consumer need
process and we will prove how enzymes can will become even more challenging as the industry and
significantly increase the overall wash performance on consumers will try to save energy behind lower
hard to remove complex soils. We will also illustrate the temperatures and with shorter wash cycles, which pose
novel methodology used for evaluating performance new technical challenges such as dissolution of tablets,
and the materials available for reproducing such results grease cleaning, organic film formation, and need for
in any laboratory. higher levels of enzymes/efficient enzymes under these
conditions. In addition there are space constraints
Cracking the Code for Spotless Dishes Peter Miller* and within the unit dose form to be compatible with
Keith E. Gutowski, BASF Corporation, USA machine dispenser drawers. The ADW formulator will
In 2010, a post-phosphate landscape created some need look to increasingly sophisticated chemistries in
major challenges for automatic dishwashing detergent order to balance these challenges and, in the process,
formulators, and many consumers were left with dirty continue to demonstrate good product stewardship in
dishes. Six years later, formulators have come up with the area of human and environmental safety. The
inventive ways to replace and even exceed the partnership of the Dishwashing Appliance Industry is a
performance gaps left by the removal of phosphate. requisite to achieve these goals.
One of the largest gaps has been the spotting and
filming performance, largely influenced by the level of In Situ Monitoring of Soil Removal Processes from
minerals in the wash water and the degree to which Hard Surfaces Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance
these minerals can be sequestered in the wash. Technique Yu Kanasaki*1, Yasuyuki Kobayashi2, and
Formulating with the chelating agent sodium Keiko Gotoh3, 1Nara Women's University, Japan; 2Osaka
methylglycine diacetate (MGDA), in combination with Municipal Technical Research Institute, Japan; 3National
other sequestrants, can virtually eliminate spotting and Institute of Technology, Nara College, Japan
filming without major concessions on cost or other The trace-level surface contaminants significantly
performance criteria. impact on the quality of the products such as hard disk,
silicon wafer and semi-conductor, and therefore their
Future Trends in Auto-dish Wash Detergents Mike removal by cleaning should be necessary. To improve
Orr*, Nilgun Aksoy, Rob Roggeband, and Graham A. the removal efficiency of the contaminants, the
Sorrie, The Procter & Gamble Co., UK mechanism of the removal process should be revealed.
Consumers continue to demand outstanding In this study, to investigate removal behavior of trace-
cleaning and shine performance from auto-dish level contaminants from various hard surfaces in
detergents. To delight the consumer, The ADW aqueous solutions, we performed in-situ monitoring of
innovator has to deliver top class cleaning performance contamination removal process using a quartz crystal
through a skilled integration of a diverse palette of microbalance (QCM). The QCM electrodes consist of
chemistries that does not require phosphate or, in some carbon, silica, and gold, which were used as model hard

surface substrates. For comparison, a polymer film, was Methane Sulfonic Acid and Methylglycinediacetic Acid
prepared on the QCM. Stearic acid (SA) was deposited Benefits in Acidic Bathroom Cleaning Formulations
as trace-level contaminants onto the QCM by the Kevin M. Salmon*, and Stephen F. Gross, BASF
Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique. Immediately after Corporation, USA
immersion of the QCM in the aqueous solution In this presentation, a performance synergy is
containing sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or alkyl sulfate explored between a combination of methane sulfonic
(AS), the QCM frequency was recorded. The apparent acid (MSA) and methylglycinediacetic acid (MGDA) in an
equilibrium removal efficiency and the rate constant of acidic bathroom cleaning formulation. For home care
the SA-LB film were determined from the frequency vs. applications, MSA must be partially neutralized to an
time curve. In the NaOH solution, the SA-LB film was acceptable pH (>2.3). Buffering of strong acid solutions
efficiently removed from all substrates due to to higher pH normally results in loss of primary cleaning
neutralization. On the other hand, in the AS solution, performance, due to acid neutralization and acid salt
the removal efficiencies of the SA-LB film from the formation. Surprisingly, a significant increase in primary
carbon, gold and polymer substrates were small. It cleaning performance vs. calcium stearate is observed
seems that the SA-LB film deposited on the substrate in when the pH is adjusted using MGDA as opposed to
contact with its hydrophobic part is difficult to remove NaOH. Further development work was performed to
by the penetration of the surfactant. As expected, the generate a formulation with improved performance to
SA-LB film deposited on the silica substrate in contact market products at a greatly reduced activity. Market
with its hydrophilic part was rapidly removed. trends in Hard Surface (specifically bathroom care), test
formulations and performance data will be presented.
Silicone-free Rubber and Plastic Dressing for Enhanced
Carwashing Danielle Goodwin1 and Dave McCall2*, Spontaneously-generated Peeling of Keratin Grime
Madonna University, USA; 2USA from Hard Surfaces by the Effects of Permeation,
Unlike most detergent processes, successful Chelation, and Swelling Yosuke Watanabe*, Asako
washing of an automobile involves more than just soil Kawasaki, Yukihiro Kaneko, and Ryoji Yasue, Lion
removal. Once clean, the various surfaces of the vehicle Corporation, Japan
are expected to have a high gloss. Achieving sufficient In a bathroom, various grime stick and accumulate
shine usually requires the application of an additional to the hard surfaces easily and strongly by repeating
product. Rubber and plastic surfaces are generally dipping and drying with soiled bathtub and showering
treated with a silicone blend, which produces a very water. In this study, we report a new mechanism of
high gloss. However, the silicone film is wet and tends bath cleaning whereby the detergent can wash out the
to sling off the surface when the car is in motion and is grime from hard surfaces without a great deal of time
prone to quick resoiling when dirt impacts the wet film. and effort. For easy cleaning, we focused on the binding
A new rubber and plastic dressing product has been state between the bath grime and the hard surfaces,
formulated which produces a durable, glossy film on and tried to weaken the bond strength by permeating
treated surfaces in the form of a dry film. The film is a and chelate effects of detergents. We confirmed that a
blend of polymers and waxes and includes an exclusive main component of the bathtub grime is a complex of
gloss agent specifically synthesized for this application. calcium and a keratin protein derived from human skin
Since the film is dry, it remains in place after by using FT-IR and EDS-SEM measurements, and keratin
application, resists soil, and survives multiple cleaning grime is remarkably swollen with water by depriving it
cycles. of calcium ion with chelating agents by using ICP and FT-
IR measurements. Further, we found that the swelling
rate is increased by permeating effect of anionic
surfactants and glycol solvent by using dynamic surface
tension measurement and the advanced swelling

induces spontaneously-generated peeling of keratin

grime from the hard surfaces by using video microscope
measurement. The results demonstrate that the binding
state between the bath grime and the hard surfaces can
be weakened by permeating effect of surfactants /
glycol solvent and swelling effect of chelating agents.

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S&D 2.1: General Surfactants

Chairs: Sanja Natali, USA; and Phillip Vinson, The Procter & Gamble Co., USA
A New Approach to Developing Surfactants photo-transition in 5 days post-fertilization (dpf)
Soluble in Highly Alkaline Systems Renae Bennett, larvae. Larval zebrafish are exposed to test
Eric Theiner*, Khalil Yacoub, Brian Smith, and Larry materials beginning at 5 dpf and locomotor activity
Meyers, Evonik Corporation, USA assessed using video tracking. Locomotor activity is
Cleaning systems with high levels of actives stimulated using alternating 3 minute light/dark
allow more economical distribution of periods and activity recorded for 8 light/dark
concentrated products as well as the benefit of cycles. Narcotic potency is determined as the
bringing high performance products to bear in concentration at which locomotor activity is
difficult soil removal systems such as those found reduced by 50% (IC50). A variety of test materials
in food and beverage plants. To date, there have have been evaluated including linear alcohols and
not been many materials that provide a high surfactants. The narcotic potency of linear alcohols
degree of solubility in heavily built alkaline systems (C2 to C12) was observed to increase with carbon
while maintaining the performance that results number. Ethoxylation (EO) of alcohols to produce
from good surface and kinetic action. This alcohol ethoxylate (AE) surfactants altered narcotic
presentation will discuss a new approach to the potency in a biphasic manner, increasing narcotic
problem and the resulting surfactants that are potency at low EO but decreasing narcotic potency
unique to the industry. at high EO. Anionic surfactants (alkyl ethoxy
sulfates, linear alkylbenzene sulfonates) were an
Assessment of Narcotic-like Effects of Surfactants order magnitude less potent narcotic agents in
Using a Larval Zebrafish Neurobehavioral Assay comparison to AEs. These studies collectively
Harry W. Broening*1, Lisa Truong2, Jane K. La Du2, demonstrate the utility of the larval zebrafish
Greg J. Carr1, J. F. Nash1, George P. Daston1, and model to detect and characterize narcotic agents.
Robert L. Tanguay2, 1The Procter & Gamble Co.,
USA; 2Oregon State University, USA Counterion Binding on Coacervation of Dioctyl
The intoxicating (narcotic) potential of Sulfosuccinate in Aqueous Sodium Chloride
ingredients used in consumer products can result in Shengbo Wang, Changlong Chen*, Ben Shiau, and
adverse outcomes following accidental exposures. Jeffrey Harwell, University of Oklahoma, USA
These effects are often characterized as Large amounts of surfactant coacervation work
drowsiness, lethargy, or non-responsiveness in focused on complex coacervation, such as mixture
emergency treatment situations. Thus, it is of surfactant and polymer, or mixture of different
important to identify ingredients with narcotic species of surfactants, seldom on the simple
potential in order to assess the likelihood that a coacervation of single conventional surfactant in
formulation may produce symptoms of narcosis aqueous phase. This study aims to investigate
following accidental ingestion. To rapidly screen evolution of dioctyl sulfosuccinate (AOT) /sodium
and evaluate the narcotic-like effects of chemicals, chloride coavervation in aqueous solution
a neurobehavioral assay was developed using early associated with change in counterion binding
life-stage zebrafish. The assay is based on degree. In this work, coacervation phase boundary
locomotor responses stimulated by a light-to-dark of AOT in the presence of sodium chloride was

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obtained by spectrophotometer in terms of selecting the suitable surfactants. The objective of

turbidity measurement. The activity of counterion this research is to investigate the salt-viscosity
was measured by sodium ion electrode probe. response of alcohol ethoxylate sulfate anionic
Electro kinetic parameters such as Zeta potential surfactants, alcohol ethoxylate nonionic surfactants
and hydrodynamic aggregate size were and mixtures of the two. These surfactants are also
investigated by dynamic lighting scattering (DLS). tested in different laundry detergent formulations
Also, the formation of coacervate, an for their viscosity performance. Parameters
electrostatically-driven phase separation, is affecting the salt-viscosity response to be studied
mathematically illustrated through DLVO theory, include the degree of ethoxylation, the
essentially a balance between electrostatic hydrophobe structure of the surfactants and the
repulsion and van der waals attraction for colloid anionic/nonionic surfactant ratio. The viscosity is
system. A monotonic decreasing AOT coacervate measured using a Brookfield viscosmeter at room
boundary was observed with increase in NaCl temperature. The stability of the laundry detergent
concentration. The degree of counterion binding, formulas is evaluated visually based on the
calculated by modified Corrin-Harkins equations, formulation clarity and homogeneity at 4 and 40oC.
revealed a 3-segment behavior of AOT in salt As different formulations require different
solution. Colloid size distribution was conducted viscosities, the finding of this study will provide
with DLS, where a micelle-vesicle-coavervation guidance for screening potential alcohol ethoxylate
process was observed in according with a sharp sulfate/alcohol ethoxylate surfactants individually
change in zeta potential. Electron microscopy also or in combination for a new formulation as well as
verified the evolution of coacervation in aspect of selecting a drop-in replacement of each surfactant
morphology. DLVO theory calculation shed lights or surfactant combination in an existing
on how to promote or avoid coacervate. formulation to achieve the desirable formula
Counterion binding degree plays an important role viscosity.
in the formation of surfactant aggregates. A further
study of binding degree facilitates to understand Synthesis, Characterisation, and Surface Activity
coacervation. of Purified Sodium Lauroyl Isethionate.
Mohammed I. Jeraal*, David Harbottle, and Kevin
Strategies for Drop-in Replacements for Active Roberts, University of Leeds, UK
Ingredients in Existing Liquid Laundry Detergent In recent decades, synthetic detergents such
Formulations Thu Nguyen, Christian Jones*, and as sodium cocoyl isethionate (SCI) have become a
Tamra Weemes, Sasol Performance Chemicals, USA popular alternative to saponified soaps as a result
Viscosity control plays an important role in of their comparatively higher stability in hard water
creating a liquid laundry detergent product that and increased mildness. Despite widespread
meets consumer needs. Beside the reason for the adoption by the personal care industry, there is a
appearance of the liquid detergent, high viscosity notable lack of knowledge with respect to their
can cause liquid flow and stability problem while fundamental chemical and physical properties. In
low viscosity can cause mechanical loss of the the current study, a compositional analysis was
detergent during the machine washing process. executed on a hydrolysed coconut oil blend
Therefore, it is important to formulate a liquid typically used to synthesise SCI. The most abundant
laundry detergent with reasonable viscosity by lauryl constituent was subsequently synthesised at
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the 1L scale. The crude isethionate product was phenyl linear alkylbenzenes and 2-phenyl linear
purified by repeat recrystallisation in methanol and alkylbenzene sulfonates. A series of 2-PhLAS were
any incremental increase in purity was measured synthesized with chain lengths ranging from 10 to
by titration with benzethonium chloride. The 16 carbons. These isomerically pure 2-PhLAS
chemical identity of the resulting surfactant was compounds were independently tested to
verified by FTIR, NMR and LC-MS. A combined TGA- determine if enhanced detergency performance
DSC thermal analysis was used to determine the was achieved when compared to commercial LAS.
solid-liquid phase behaviour of the pure Results from the detergency tests will be included
isethionate species. Sodium lauroyl isethionate was in this presentation.
isolated to a purity of 97% by LC MS. The thermal
analyses indicated a melting temperature range of The Effect of Regular Surface Patterning on
223-225°C with significant decomposition beyond Surfactant Adsorption Brian P. Grady* and Joshua
300°C. A critical micellar concentration of 5.4 mM J. Hamon, University of Oklahoma, USA
at 18°C was determined by tensiometric analysis, Using e-beam lithography and reactive ion
thus confirming the surface activity of the etching, we have created surfaces that we have
isethionate ester derivative. Commercial termed pillars (a relatively flat surface with
isethionate esters typically range between 70 and nanoscale size) and troughs (a relatively flat surface
85% so this research provides an insight into the with nanoscale size with walls on either side). Using
preparation and performance of isethionate esters atomic force microscopy, we have examined these
of a higher purity. Future research aims to blend surfaces in water after surfactant adsorption and
different purified isethionates to determine the compared those to the same surfaces with no
effect of varying chain length distributions on the confinement. Results in terms of the thickness of
phase behaviour of naturally derived synthetic the layers will be presented, and molecular
detergents. dynamic simulations under similar confinement will
also be presented.

Synthesis of Isomerically Pure 2-Phenyl Linear Rheology Modifications for Functional Markets
Alkyl Benzene Sulfonates Richard L. Pederson*, David R. Allen, Aaron W. Sanders*, Elodie Shaw,
Materia Inc., USA Ginger Wren, Dawn Friesen, Eric Weber, and Kelly
Linear alkylbenzenes are primary surfactants Buchek, Stepan Company, USA
used in household cleaners and detergents. The The use of rheology modifiers is widespread in
demand for linear alkyl benzene sulfonates the functional additives markets. Surfactant based
continues to grow because of their low cost, strong solutions can offer alternatives to the traditional
performance, and biodegradability. One of the polymeric based systems. In the oilfield viscoelastic
"holy grails" of the detergent industry is more surfactant formulations and foamed fluids have
concentrated cleaning power. Industrial experts found several niche applications, including
have described the superior cleaning performance hydraulic fracturing, gas well deliquification, and
of the 2-phenyl linear alkyl benzene sulfonate (2- EOR. Viscoelastic surfactants form a self healing
PhLAS) isomer over the other LAS isomers (e.g., the “pseudo polymer” that can be easily broken down
1-, 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-PhLAS). This presentation will when required. Foams create a novel shear
describe the synthesis of isomerically pure 2- thinning or thickening fluid, that can modify the
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density of a liquid making it easier to lift, but also The Effect of Small Molecules on Cetylpyridinium
can slow the propagation of gas in porous media. In Chloride’s Behavior in Solution and at Interface
the agrochemical area, formation of nano-sized Hongwei Shen*, Chi-Yuan Cheng, Kevin Chi,
vesicles through a self-assembly process using at Donghui Wu, Venda P. Maloney, and Ravi
least two surfactants can provide liquids which are Subramanyam, Colgate Palmolive Co., USA
both shear thinning and have high elasticity. These Cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) has been widely
properties are the basis for strong suspensive used in many consumer products as emulsifier,
systems which can be utilized in agrochemical antibacterial agent, and / or preservative.
suspension concentrate or suspoemulsion delivery Understanding how small molecules in the
systems. This talk discusses some of the recent formulations impact CPC’s behavior and activity is
advances in the rheology of surfactant systems and critical for developing efficacious new products for
foams in the functional products area. consumers. In this study, the effects of two small
molecules, sodium benzoate and benzyl alcohol on
Development and Characterization of a New Class CPC’s behavior in solution and at interfaces were
of Castor Oil Ethoxylates Cornell Stanciu*, Jorge M. investigated by NMR, dynamic light scattering
Fernandez, and Ning Xie, Sasol North America, USA (DLS), and surface/interfacial tension (SFT/IFT)
A new class of castor oil ethoxylates with techniques. It was found that sodium benzoate
significantly improved efficacy has been developed significantly altered the size and dynamics of CPC
using a narrow range catalyst. The unique structure aggregates, while benzyl alcohol had minimum
of the castor oil tricglyceride allows for the effect. In an effort to understand the observed CPC
formation of highly effective surfactants especially behavior change, the interaction of these small
when saponification can be mitigated through the molecules and CPC at molecular level was
use of a very selective catalyst. These products investigated by Nuclear Overhauser Effect NMR
display distinct features compared to other Spectroscopy (NOESY). NOESY results suggest that
traditionally base-catalyzed analogs on the market, the aromatic ring of negatively charged sodium
making them particularly suitable for agricultural benzoate strongly interacted with CPC while benzyl
and oilfield applications. This paper describes the alcohol did not. It is believed that electro-static
thorough analytical characterization (NMR, wet interaction dominates the effect of small molecules
chemistry, HPLC, MALDI-TOF) we pursued in order on CPC in aqueous formulations and results in
to understand the noticeable differences in observed behavior change.
behavior compared to similar products
manufactured via alternative catalytic methods. It
also shows the main surfactant characterization
methods (ST, IFT) utilized for the product. A report
on the performance of these molecules in
agricultural and oilfield markets with the new
applications developed is also presented.

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S&D 3: Journal of Surfactants and Detergents—20th Volume Celebration Honoring Milton

Chairs: Dennis Murphy, Stepan Company, USA; and Arun Ramchandran, University of Toronto,
Gemini Surfactants Based on Linear Alkylbenzene salt. Detergent properties are also superior to LAS
Sulfonate for Use in Liquid Laundry Detergents on a variety of soil types. The presentation will
George A. Smith*, Huntsman Corporation, USA discuss the physiochemical and performance
Linear Alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) is the properties of gemini and oligomeric surfactants
largest production volume anionic surfactant in the based on LAS.
world. It has a clean bill of health in terms of
environmental and ecotoxicity and is the main Silicone Surfactants in Oil Based Systems Tony
frame surfactant in most laundry powder O'Lenick*, Siltech LLC, USA
formulations. LAS suffers from some deficiencies Over the years Dr. Rosen has examined,
including poor hard water tolerance and limited characterized, and evaluated many different types
solubility in aqueous solution because of it of surfactants and their ability to function for very
propensity to form lamellar phases. With the shift specialized applications. His in approach to the in
from powders to liquids in many countries, the depth studies that provide structure/ function
demand for LAS has decreased. To obtain better insights into surfactants in which traditional fatty
performance in liquid formulations, Huntsman has surfactants are placed into water has inspired
been investigating the use of gemini and oligomer expansion into non-traditional systems. Professor
surfactants based on LAS. A gemini surfactant is Rosen’s approach to evaluating standard
two has two hydrophilic headgroups and two surfactants has been expanded into looking non-
hydrophobic tails chemically connected by a spacer traditional surfactant systems. Such systems are
group close to the headgroups. In general, gemini those in which silicone / hydrocarbon surfactants
surfactants have very low critical micelle are added to oil based systems. Our laboratory has
concentrations (CMC), have better foaming, become increasingly interested in understanding
wetting and emulsification properties than the function of such surfactants in anhydrous
conventional single chain surfactants. Huntsman systems. These systems take advantage of the fact
has been looking at using electrostatic interactions that hydrocarbon and silicone are immiscible in
rather than covalent bonds to form gemini each other and have surface activity. These
surfactant structures for use in liquid formulations. surfactants, when properly chosen will lower
A number of different commercial bola-type surface tension, provide wetting, foam and
connecting molecules can be used to form gemini- function that are directly analogous to what fatty
like surfactants. Ethyleneamines and surfactants do in aqueous systems. It is perfectly
multifunctional polyetheramines are very effective legitimate to ask what is the CMC of cetyl
at forming gemini and oligomeric surfactant dimethicone in mineral oil or in olive oil. Using the
structures in aqueous solution by simple mixing. techniques that have allowed us to understand
These structures have much reduced CMC, foaming traditional surfactants it is possible to understand
properties and can build viscosity in low active the function of non-traditional systems that are
detergent formulations without the need for added already in use in several industries. This paper will
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discuss the properties of silicone surfactants used Microemulsions, and Detergency David A.
in oil based anhydrous systems and compare them Sabatini*, University of Oklahoma, USA
to standard surfactants in aqueous systems. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents – 20th
Volume Celebration (in honor of Milt Rosen)
Synergism and Interaction of Surfactants in Surfactant mixtures have the potential to achieve
Enhancing Performance in Personal Care and ultra-low CMC values, greatly enhance
Industrial Formulations Manilal Dahanayake*, solubilization, produce middle phase
Surfactant Solution Experts LLC, USA microemulsions, and corresponding ultra-low IFTs,
The interfacial and colloidal properties of a and thus enhance system performance in a range
solution of two or more surfactants may be quite of applications. This presentation will summarize
different from those of the individual surfactants in research published in JSD that focused on
solution. Mixtures of surfactants can exhibit surfactant mixtures to achieve these objectives,
synergy if the surfactants attract each other including anionic-cationic surfactant mixtures as
sufficiently, either through mutual electrostatic well as other mixtures. The role of surfactant
attraction of oppositely charged hydrophilic groups mixtures in detergency will discussed as well.
or through van der Waals attraction of their
hydrophobes. The interactions between Surfactant-polymer Interaction Yun-Peng Zhu*,
surfactants can be measured and quantified by the Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc., USA
so called "beta"parameters related to their activity Polymers are widely used together with
coefficients in the mixture. Mixing different charge surfactants in many applications. To understand
types of surfactant that exhibit synergism is an the interaction of surfactants and polymers is of
important method in enhancing performance great significance to developing the beneficial
properties. Synergism in surfactant mixtures leads properties while avoiding unwanted problems.
to less surfactant utilized to obtain the same level Here, a study to investigate the interaction of
of performance, with consequent economic and common surfactants with polymers was carried out
environmental benefits as well as enhancing and the properties including rheology control,
surface activity, spreading, wetting, foaming, viscosity enhancement, and water solubility
detergency and many other phenomena. Recent improvement were discussed in terms of the
advances in design of surfactants to optimize interaction between surfactant-polymer.
interactions and synergism in surfactant Furthermore, a brief introduction of the application
mixtures has further led to several new and novel of polymer with surfactants to detergents was
opportunities in practical applications. Some of provided.
these developments such as mitigating the irritancy
in personal care formulations, use of bio-enhanced Improve Low Tension Formulation Robustness in
surfactant-adjuvants to reduce usage levels of Enhanced Oil Recovery with Properly Optimized
many highly toxic agrochemicals and enhanced Surfactant Mixture Jean-Louis Salager*, and Ana
recovery of oil and gas (EOR) by the use of M. Forgiarini, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela
viscoelastic surfactants will be highlighted in this Enhanced Oil Recovery requires the attainment
talk. of ultra low interfacial tension between crude oil
and the injected aqueous phase. It is known that
Surfactant Mixtures: Synergism in Solubilization, the lower the minimum tension is, the narrower
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the range of formulation over which it would take optimal salinity. We have observed large changes
place. Consequently, the general rule is that the in optimal salinity when varying the cation of an
lower the tension, the more accurate should be the added salt. Results with potassium, calcium,
surfactant formula, and the worse will be the magnesium, cesium, rubidium and lithium chloride
robustness. This is a very serious problem since the salts are presented. The observed shifts in optimal
injected formulation is likely to be altered as the salinity are consistent with the Hofmeister series;
surfactant slug progresses through the petroleum for example, potassium, the weakest chaotrope,
reservoir. However, there are two ways to avoid it. reduces the optimal salinity, while lithium, the
The first one is to use an injected formula as strongest kosmotrope, increases the optimal
insensitive as possible from the variable likely to be salinity. These results suggest additional strategies
altered like the salinity, temperature, or surfactant for formulators in a variety of application areas
mixture characteristics. This can be attained in from enhanced oil recovery, to cleaning systems, to
some cases with complex surfactant mixtures drug delivery. We present suggested adjustments
whose components partitioning may be used to to the calculation of the optimal salinity in the HLD
counteract the spontaneous change. The second equation to account for these effects.
way to improve robustness is to use an artifact in
which the spontaneous alteration will result in a Use of High Throughput Technologies to
transition followed by the opposite retrograde Accelerate Formulation Development Christopher
transition, thus producing two optimum J. Tucker*, Michael Tate, and John Ell, The Dow
formulation zones taking place one after the other. Chemical Company, USA
It is shown that such an extended low tension zone Colloid and interface science is a
may be attained to compensate a spontaneous multidisciplinary field at the intersection of
change in aqueous pH, in brine salinity, and in chemistry and physics. Many of the most
surfactant originally injected composition. interesting aspects of the field occur in multiphase
materials or systems at or near phase transitions.
Accounting for Ion Specific Effects in the We have utilized fundamental studies of the
Hydrophilic/Lipophilic Difference (HLD) Equation properties and phase behavior of complex systems
Brock A. Trotter, Mohannad Kadhum, Ben Shiau, such as emulsions, microemulsions and surfactant
and Jeffrey Harwell*, University of Oklahoma, USA blends with polymers and other materials to
The Hydrophilic/Lipophilic Difference (HLD) impact performance of formulated products in
Equation correlates the phase behavior of multiple applications. In order to facilitate these
surfactant/oil/water systems with temperature, studies, we have developed a range of high
electrolyte concentration, oil type, and surfactant throughput formulation and characterization
selection. A Winsor Type III microemulsion is a methods that have reduced the experimental time
separate, surfactant-rich phase that forms in required to study structure property relationships
equilibrium with excess oil and water. Varying the and generate complex phase diagrams. The
amount of an added simple electrolyte can induce effectiveness of these tools and methods can be
the formation of a Type III microemulsion from an maximized if they are combined with experimental
oil/water/surfactant system. The concentration of design approaches to generate predictive models
sodium chloride at which equal volumes of oil and to optimize performance in different applications.
water partition into the middle phase is called the The products impacted are diverse and include
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consumer and personal care products, paints and

coatings, food additives, drug and Agricultural
products, and microelectronic device fabrication.

Samuel Rosen, Milton Rosen, and Visions of a

Future Honoring a Legacy Charles E. Hammond*,
Flotek Chemistry, USA
"Surfactants and Interfacial Phenomena", 4th
Edition, was published by Wiley in 2012. The book
includes many tables that painstaking tabulated
references of data. As the number of surfactant
publications per year continues to grow, how will
similar data be collated and tabulated in the
future? This presentation will briefly discuss how
the world of surfactant oil water systems may be
augmented by "big data".

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S&D 3.1: New Encapsulation and Delivery Systems

Chairs: Sam Adamy, Church & Dwight Co. Inc., USA; and Michael Miguez, Shell Global Solutions, Inc., USA
HLD-based Method to Customize Lecithin-linker Study of Fragrance Bloom, Release, and Retention
SMEDS Delivery Systems Mehdi Nouraei*, and on Substrate from Surfactant-rich Cosmetics
Edgar Acosta, University of Toronto, Canada Martin S. Vethamuthu*, Sergio Lira, Edward
Lecithin-linker microemulsions have been used DiAntonio, and Hani Fares, Ashland Specialty
as platform for designing fully dilutable self- Ingredients G.P., USA
microemulsifying delivery systems (SMEDS). A Objective: This study discusses a new and
platform SMEDS formulation composed of ethyl effective in vivo method to study fragrance bloom
caprate (oil), lecithin (surfactant), glycerol and release kinetics from formulations containing
monooleate (lipophilic linker, LL) and polyglycerol neat and encapsulated fragrance oils in surfactant
caprylate (hydrophilic linker, HL) displayed a fully rich cosmetics. Method: The instrument used to
dilutable path suitable in the absence of active screen cosmetic compositions for improved
ingredient. Introducing ibuprofen as a model active fragrance retention components is an Agilent
ingredient resulted in a phase separation along the HP7890B GC/5977C MSD with GERSTEL MPS
dilution line. To address this issue, the Hydrophilic robotic sampler, equipped with a DB-624 capillary
Lipophilic Difference (HLD) framework was used to column (30m, 250 mm and 1.40µm film thickness).
quantify the effect of ibuprofen on the An area of 18cm2 of the inside arm was washed
lipophilicity/hydrophilicity of the formulation. with 3.3 mg/cm2 of a shower gel formulation and
Using this methodology, the SMEDS-drug rinsed with tap water for 30 seconds and dried.
interaction was quantified by calculating the shift Subsequently the area of the arm was exposed to
in optimum salinity for loaded and unloaded the twister bar or SPME fiber for 15 minutes, this
systems over a phase scan. It was determined that step is repeated at intervals of 1 hour for a total
introducing ibuprofen produces a positive HLD time of four hours, after extraction the twister bar
shift. The HLD framework was then used to predict / fiber is removed and placed into a clean glass
the required type of hydrophilic linker and the thermal desorption tube for GCMS analysis.
proportions of LL: Lecithin: HL to restore (recover) Results: The technology screening process helps
the fully dilutable path. Implementing the identify fragrance encapsulates and polymeric
proposed changes resulted in a fully dilutable deposition aids that capture, interact and retain
SMEDS loaded with ibuprofen upon exposure to fragrance ingredients on skin during the wash
simulated intestinal fluid (SIF). The results of this process. Discussion and Conclusion: The headspace
study suggest that the HLD is a useful tool to GC instrumentation coupled with the appropriate
quantify the impact of active-formulation SPME fiber or twister bar is capable of monitoring
interaction and prescribe the necessary changes to the time dependent release/ retention profiles of
restore the formulation. Although the active in this fragrance ingredients from the substrate. The
formulation was a drug, the concept could also be results from this study show polymeric deposition
used in the delivery of nutraceuticals, technology when combined with micro-
cosmeceuticals, and active ingredients for encapsulation routes provides the best approach to
agrochemicals. significantly improve fragrance delivery from rinse-
off cosmetics.

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Microencapsulation Robert S. Bobnock*, Encapsys, elastomers as delivery medium, and various Si

USA specific encapsulation routes will also be discussed.
Microencapsulation can be defined in a myriad
of ways usually closely related to the core, wall Delivery Systems in Detergent Products Johan
material and/or release mechanism being utilized. Smets*, The Procter & Gamble Co., USA
The technology has been around for many decades The freshness experience from fabrics
and it continues to experience new advances during/after the laundry process is of outermost
followed by patent protection as more and more importance of the appreciation of the detergent
companies and their researchers test the products being used for the laundry process. The
boundaries of encapsulation chemistry and physics. detergent industry is one of the biggest customers
Microcapsules are common in many of the major of the perfume business. The optimal use of
markets including but not limited to consumer perfume materials is of outermost importance in
products, pharmaceutical, paper, agrochemical, the strive for efficient material use and can be
food, microorganisms and many others. This effectively done via several approaches as
review will explore wall materials, core materials, evidenced by the huge amount of patent activity in
release mechanisms, and the reality of using this domain since the late ‘80s. In the strive for
microencapsulation for a new benefit with the optimal use of perfume materials in the detergent
possibility of creating a competitive advantage. business, multiple factors are into play, for most i)
bring the signal perfume materials to places where
Waterborne Silicone Delivery Brett L. it matters and ii) release at the appropriate time in
Zimmerman*1, and Leon Marteaux2, 1Dow the appropriate amounts. We will present a
Performance Silicones, USA; 2Dow Performance showcase on a perfume delivery technology being
Silicones, Belgium used in detergent business. We will describe the
The targeted delivery of actives has generated various aspects that were important to the
significant interest globally, largely driven by ever commercialization path of the perfume delivery
changing and demanding consumer perceived technology, what was important for deposition,
needs. Whether from environment concerns and for headspace release in combination with the
(solvent and waste minimization) or just perfume material choice. The perfume delivery
application performance optimization, the technology is based upon the use cationic polymers
waterborne delivery of silicone and other high with substantivity to specific perfume raw
value actives are becoming prominent fixtures in materials. It has been evidenced that the approach
academic and industrial project lists. The can enhance dramatically perfume deposition and
purposeful use of surfactants to stabilize droplets, the head space release above dry fabrics can be
to direct actives to surfaces, and to provide a significantly increased by the technology approach.
template for interfacial polymerization once only We have also been researching the impact of the
prevalent in applications like beauty care are now rheological parameters of the technology versus
finding utility in textiles, construction, and even the efficiency of the technology. We will present
electronics. Silicone emulsions, water based how these rheology aspects of the technology
elastomers, and encapsulation in general will be represented a huge challenge that was turned into
covered. The inherent properties of silicones and an opportunity. Furthermore, we will cover how
how they are delivered, possible use of silicone scale up and process challenges were overcome to
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implement the technology for a wide range of coverage of traditional encapsulated fragrance and
businesses. the malodor elimination of a physico-chemical
absorber. Malodor coverage efficacy is quantified
Dual Action Malodor Benefit Capsules for using ratings of malodor reduction reported by
Enhanced Freshness Evan Beach*, Ron Gabbard, trained sensory panelists and application relevant
Yabin Lei, Sean Wetterer, and Li Xu, International standardized malodor mixtures. Elimination
Flavors & Fragrances Inc., USA efficacy against a series of malodor molecules of
Superior, long-lasting fabric freshness is interest is demonstrated using instrumental
increasingly demanded by modern consumers of testing. The resulting combination results in an
laundry detergents. Often, delivering this benefit is enhancement of freshness over standard detergent
dependent on covering or reducing undesirable or benchmarks in application testing that simulates a
unpleasant odors – malodors - that may arise as a full laundry cycle. Secondary benefits of the new
result of washing practices, the environment, or technology include a long-lasting fragrance delivery
wear. To that end, innovative scent and delivery profile and the potential for activated release of
technologies have been developed to ensure a fragrance during periods of motion or exertion,
preferred sensorial experience in this technically which may precede malodor development.
challenging application. In this presentation, we
report on the additional malodor reduction
benefits of a novel capsule system that combines
two proven modes of action: the perceptual

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S&D 4: Chemicals and Surfactants in Enhanced Oil Recovery

Chairs: Upali Weerasooriya, University of Texas, Harcros Chemicals & Ultimate EOR Services,
USA; and Ben Shiau, University of Oklahoma, USA
Enhanced Oil Recovery via Targeted Emulsified Highly Branched Heavy Guerbet Alkoxylate
Solvent Injection (TESI) Aurelio Stammitti*, and Sulfates as EOR Surfactants and Crude Oil IFT
Edgar Acosta, University of Toronto, Canada Reduction Thu Nguyen*1, Christian Jones1, and
Based on 2013 Canadian oil production Greg Trahan2, 1Sasol Performance Chemicals, USA;
statistics, surface mining and steam injection are 2Sasol North America, USA

the two main recovery methods from oil sands. The This study focuses on evaluating the performance
former is used up to 70m depth, and the latter for of highly branched heavy Guerbet alkoxylate
depths greater than 150m. However, no method is sulfates as EOR surfactants and finding a new
implemented to recover heavy oil within 70 to effective method of selecting appropriate
150m in depth. In this work, emulsified-solvent surfactant systems for crude oil IFT reduction.
formulations near the phase inversion point or PIP Therefore, this research has two objectives. The
(exhibiting ultralow interfacial tension) were first objective is to compare the IFT reducing
injected into a column packed with bitumen-coated capability of highly branched heavy Guerbet
sand. Five emulsified-solvent formulations around alkoxylate sulfates to that of conventional light
the PIP having a water-to-solvent volumetric ratio alkoxylate sulfates. The second objective is to
of 10 were injected into artificial oil-sand packed develop a method for identifying an effective
columns at 9.2 m/day. The effluent was collected in surfactant system for a new crude oil based on its
a fraction collector and the overall recovery was SARA (saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes)
determined by mass balance in each experiment. analysis. Our previous study showed that heavy
Our preliminary results showed that at least 90% of Guerbet alkoxylate sulfates have higher
the original oil in place can be recovered using solubilization capacity for oils than light alkoxylate
surfactant concentrations below 1% and salinities sulfates. This study further demonstrates that
close to 1% NaCl. The proximity to the PIP (as highly branched Guerbet alkoxylates with proper
determined via the Hydrophilic-Lipophilic- PO/EO ratios can lower the IFT for crude oils as
Difference or HLD framework) influenced not only much as light alkoxylate sulfates. A number of
the fraction of oil recovery, but also the pressure crude oils were also studied and characterized into
drop observed in the process. The results will be two groups based on their SARA analysis. The
discussed in light of dimensionless number, crude oils that have the ratios of each of light
particularly the capillary number that relates the hydrocarbon (<C15), saturates, resins and
hydrodynamic shear to the interfacial forces aromatics content to asphaltenes content (referred
retaining the oil in the porous media. to as composition ratios) of less than 10 are
considered as heavy crudes due to the high content
of asphaltenes. For the crude oils with composition
ratios that are 2-3 orders of magnitude higher, they
are considered as light crudes. It was found that
the IFT for all crude oils with composition ratios of

- 22 -

less than 10 was similar by the same surfactant Oil-induced Formation of Wormlike Micelles and
system. Their Use in Nanoparticle Stabilization Francis
Choi*, and Edgar Acosta, University of Toronto,
A Novel Approach to Determine HLD Parameters
Demonstrated with Internal Olefin Sulfonates
Controlled nanoparticle synthesis using self-
Chien-Yuan Su1, Ben Shiau2, and Jeffrey Harwell2,
1Institute of Applied Surfactant Research, University
assembled structures produced with surfactants
and microemulsions have been widely used due to
of Oklahoma, USA; 2University of Oklahoma, USA
their consistency in structure, and tunability.
The hydrophilic-lipophilic difference (HLD)
Though effective in synthesis, the stability of the
equation has shown utility in guiding surfactant
resulting suspensions is relatively poor. The ease in
formulations for Winsor I, II and III microemulsions
modifying the structures of lyotropic liquid crystals
in various applications. A major limitation,
into wormlike micelles (WLMs) through
however, is the difficulty of obtaining the head
composition, however, provides flexibility in
group constant (K), the characteristic curvature
nanoparticle stabilization after synthesis. We have
(Cc), and the temperature dependence (αT) of the
studied the formation of WLMs in microemulsions
surfactants. This paper illustrates the facile
and their application in nanoparticle stability.
determination of these parameters using a
WLMs have typically been produced using systems
reference surfactant with a series of internal olefin
of surfactant, water, and salt. Recently, we found
sulfonates (IOS). IOS surfactants are a
the addition of a fatty acid ester to an extended
multicomponent mixture of hydroxyalkane
anionic surfactant-water-NaCl system containing
sulfonate, alkene sulfonate, and di-sulfonate
spherical micelles, induces the formation of oil-
molecules with twin-tailed structures, which are
swollen WLMs and liquid crystals. The construction
unable to form middle-phase microemulsions
of phase diagrams show WLM formation requires
without introducing alcohols at ambient
two conditions: a low oil content, and surfactant-
temperature. In this work, the IOS surfactants were
oil-water systems with a hydrophilic-lipophilic-
blended with a reference surfactant, an alkyl
difference (HLD) value equal or greater than zero.
propoxysulfate, C10-(PO)4-SO4Na, to aid in the
Rheological measurements also indicate a large
formation of middle-phase microemulsions with a
increase in the storage modulus (G’) from liquid-
series of alkanes at room temperature. From these
like to solid-like behavior when these conditions
studies the K and Cc values of the IOS surfactants
are satisfied. Sedimentation tests for iron oxide
were individually determined by the plots of
and titanium dioxide suspensions show that the
optimal salinity against alkane carbon number
stability occurs in regions of the phase diagram
(ACN) combined assuming the applicability of a
containing WLMs. The G’ of these suspensions
liner mixing rule. In addition, the determination of
increase upon the addition of particles, suggesting
the temperature constant (αT) of one IOS
the particles act as junctions in networks of
surfactant was shown using this novel approach.
entangled WLMs that further increase the
Finally, the practical application of the HLD
viscoelasticity to achieve exceptional stability. This
parameters combined with the HLD equation was
phenomenon offers the possibility of formulating
demonstrated for guiding the optimal
wormlike micelles from a variety of surfactant-
microemulsion formulation at high temperature.
water systems previously incapable of producing
The accuracy of the HLD parameters determined in
this work was thus demonstrated.
- 23 -

these phases, leading to an increased flexibility in Enhancing Foam Stability in Porous Media by
the formulation of nanoparticle suspensions. Applying Nanoparticles Shengbo Wang*,
Changlong Chen, Mohannad Kadhum, Ben Shiau,
Interaction of Alkalis with Acidic Crude Oils and Jeffrey Harwell, University of Oklahoma, USA
Himanshu Sharma*1, Krishna Panthi1, Jun Lu2, Upali The utilization of nanoparticles dispersions
Weerasooriya3, Gary A. Pope1, and Kishore K. in foam flooding has become an attractive chemical
Mohanty1, 1University of Texas, Austin, USA; EOR technique as compared to the conventional
2University of Tulsa, USA; 3University of Texas, surfactant only foaming system. This study is to
Harcros Chemicals & Ultimate EOR Services , USA expand our understanding of utilizing multi wall
A large amount of oil is left unrecovered after carbon nanotube (MWNT) on foam stability in
primary and secondary floods due to high capillary porous media. We developed several foaming
forces. Low IFT surfactants can recover this trapped agent formulations (surfactant and polymer) in the
presence of MWNT in 3% salinity (NaCl, 2.4wt%,
oil by lowering the interfacial tension. An alkali is
CaCl2, 0.6wt %). The dispersion stability of the
added with surfactants to lower their adsorption
MWNT and the viscosity of the solutions were
on the rock surface and generate in-situ soap with
measured. Foam was generated in-situ, one-
acidic crude oils. The objective of this study is to dimensional flow-through tests were performed by
investigate the interactions of alkalis with acidic co-injecting air and foaming solution containing
crude oils (NH3, NaOH, Na2CO3, and NaBO2). Alkali either the foaming agents-only or the foaming
scans with acidic crude oils were performed, with agents in the presence of MWNT. During each
and without adding cosolvents, and low IFT regions experiment, the pressure drop (Δp) and the
were identified. An organic alkali was studied, in nanoparticles recovered across the sand-pack were
addition to conventional alkalis, for performing ACP monitored. Injection rate, gas fraction and the
floods. The type and amount of soap formed with effect of MWNT stabilized foams in porous media
different alkalis were investigated. The effect of were investigated. The results reveal that foams
cosolvent type was studied. Oil recovery corefloods stabilized by nanoparticles are able to generate
stronger foams leading to apparent higher ∆p by
were performed to compare ACP floods with ASP
introducing MWNT total concentration as low as
floods for the same oil. ACP formulations
60ppm. ∆p profile varies with gas fraction which
developed using ammonia and sodium hydroxide largely affects the foam texture. Also, our data
were found to be similar; showing low IFT at lower indicate the viscosity of foaming agent solutions
salinities. An incremental addition of calcium ions influences ∆p values. Adding MWNT to the foaming
resulted in gradually transforming the phase agent solutions appears beneficial to the flooding
behavior towards Winsor type II. Favorable ACP as surfactants adsorb to nanoparticles which
phase behaviors were obtained on adding a more facilitates surfactants partitioning to the G/L
hydrophilic cosolvent. Good oil recoveries were interface. Thus, addition of nanoparticles in the
observed during ACP corefloods in sandstone developed surfactant-polymer foam formulations
cores. The results of ACP floods were found to be can lead to formation of stronger high-quality
as good as those of the ASP corefloods in some foams in porous media, which improves the sweep
cases. The interaction of alkalis with acidic crude efficiency and increases the oil recovery.
oils is not well understood. This study is aimed at
improving that understanding so that ACP and ASP
floods can be designed effectively.

- 24 -

New Surfactants and Cosolvents for Chemical EOR synergistically with traditionally used surfactants,
Processes Pinaki Ghosh, Krishna Panthi, Himanshu give ultralow IFT ASP/SP/ACP formulations and
Sharma, Upali P. Weerasooriya, and Kishore K. show enhanced foam stability in high-
Mohanty, University of Texas, Austin, USA temperature/high-salinity environment.
A large amount of oil is left unrecovered
from oil reservoirs after primary and secondary Solid-Liquid-Liquid Wettability and Its Prediction
floods due to various reasons. Among these with Surface Free Energy Models Aurelio
factors, high capillary forces (between oil and Stammitti*, and Edgar Acosta, University of
water) and poor sweep efficiency are largely Toronto, Canada
responsible for trapping of oil in the porous media. Understanding wettability of immersed solids is
Surfactants that can lower the interfacial tension important for applications such as enhanced oil
with oil have traditionally been studied to improve recovery, multiphase flow in pipes and porous
the oil recovery. Studies have shown that a media, oil-water separation, and bacterial
significant improvement in oil recovery can be attachment. Significant research efforts have been
achieved by injecting suitable surfactants in the undertaken to characterize wettability of low-
reservoir. However, traditionally used surfactants energy surfaces like polymers and coatings exposed
suffer from severe limitations due to their limited to air, and to a lower extent under immersed
applicability in a high salinity/hardness and a high- conditions. Furthermore, wettability alteration
temperature environment. These surfactants tend through structured/functionalized surfaces has
to be unstable (not soluble) under these conditions been the focus of recent experimental
and therefore cannot be used for improving the oil development. However, little attention has been
recovery. Novel surfactants that are stable under a paid to immersed high-energy surfaces and no
high salinity/hardness/temperature environment models are available to predict their wetting
would expand the applicability of surfactant EOR to behavior. In this work, the solid-liquid-liquid
such reservoirs. In addition to an ultralow wettability of glass, mica, stainless steel, PTFE and
interfacial tension, a favorable microemulsion PMMA immersed in isopropyl alcohol (IPA)
rheology is critical in lowering the surfactant aqueous solutions equilibrated with toluene was
requirement. Cosolvents have shown to lower the determined via the contact angle (θ) of toluene
microemulsion viscosity, lower surfactant retention drops (measured through the toluene phase)
and improve the oil recovery. Alkali cosolvent deposited using the inverted sessile drop method.
polymer (ACP) floods have been developed The Geometric Mean and Neumann’s Equation-of-
recently for acidic crude oils, employing in-situ State (EQS) models were assessed for the
generated Naphthenic soap as the surfactant. prediction of θ using a fitted or assigned solid-
Improved cosolvents are critical to the success of aqueous phase interfacial energy (γSW). Results
the above-mentioned processes. In this study, new plotted as IFT·cosθ vs. IFT show a smooth wetting
surfactants and cosolvents for chemical EOR were transition from hydrophilic to hydrophobic with
developed and their applicability in chemical EOR decreasing IFT for stainless steel and glass. Mica
processes such as ASP/SP floods, ACP floods, and remained hydrophilic, while PTFE and PMMA
foam floods was investigated. Promising results hydrophobic running parallel to the θ=0° line,
were obtained using these new surfactants and consistent with literature data. Neumann’s EQS
cosolvents. They were found to interact was able to describe the trends for glass, stainless
steel and mica, suggesting that probably γSW is
- 25 -

approximately constant for these systems. Medium Sachin Goel*1, Samson Ng2, and Arun
Neumann’s EQS offers a promising simple Ramchandran3, 1Dept. of Chemical Engineering and
prediction tool for immersed high-energy surfaces. Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, Canada;
2Syncrude Canada Limited, Canada; 3University of
Static Adsorption Study of Alcohol Propoxy
Toronto, Canada
Sulfate Surfactants onto Crushed Berea Sandstone
It is well known that the dissolution rate and
Daniel F. Wilson*, Laurie A. Poindexter, and Greg
solubility of drops of one liquid emulsified in a
Trahan, Sasol North America, USA
second, immiscible liquid phase can be enhanced
For chemical enhanced oil recovery (CEOR)
significantly by the presence of surfactants in the
applications, surfactant adsorption in porous media
continuous phase. While methods for measuring
is one of the major criteria which determine both
solubility abound in the literature, measurement
the technical and economic viability of surfactant
techniques for the dissolution rate are rare. In this
based flooding applications. In this study, static
study, we present a new, robust microfluidic
adsorption measurements were carried out with
platform for determining the dissolution dynamics
several representatives of anionic alcohol propoxy
of an individual drop in an immiscible suspending
sulfate surfactants onto crushed Berea sandstone.
medium. We demonstrate this technique for
Although there are other studies in the literature
emulsions of water in bitumen, which contains
that independently evaluate the strong roles that
natural surfactants that enhance water
mineralogy, temperature, pH, inclusion of other
solubilization. This is a difficult system for
chemicals, and brine salinity play on the adsorption
dissolution measurements due to the opacity of
capacity of surfactant on a solid surface, these
bitumen, but our shallow microfluidic channels
parameters were maintained as constants for this
allow us to clearly image the water-bitumen
work. The focus for this study was instead placed
interface. We show that depending on the bitumen
solely on the surfactants being evaluated with
composition, water chemistry, and flow conditions,
regard to alcohol structure, length of the
the time for water dissolution in bitumen is
hydrophobe, neutralization process, and variable
governed either by interfacial phenomena or by
PO extensions available. Chemical-flooding
mass transfer between the bulk bitumen phase and
schemes for recovering residual crude oil
the water-bitumen interface. In the latter case, we
saturation from reservoirs have often struggled
can also calculate the solubility of water in
due to loss of chemicals by adsorption to the
bitumen, provided an independent measure of the
reservoir rock. An increased understanding on how
size of the water-carrying species is available.
various surfactant parameters may affect
Water-in-bitumen emulsions are extremely stable,
surfactant adsorption are helping lead to
and any sub-micron emulsified water droplets,
enhancements in manufacturing, minimizing
which are difficult to remove even by
surfactant loss, and improving the overall
ultracentrifugation, are also counted as solubilized
economic efficiency of surfactant based CEOR
water in traditional solubility measurements. Our
processes in the field.
single drop dissolution technique avoids this
complication. Lastly, our microscale results can also
A Novel Microfluidic Platform to Measure the
predict the time required to completely solubilize a
Dissolution Rate of Drops Emulsified in an
spherical drop in a suspending medium at the
Immiscible, Surfactant-containing Suspending
- 26 -

BIO 4.1 / S&D 4.1: Biosurfactants, Bio-derived Surfactants, and Biodetergents

Chairs: Heather Byrne, Huntsman Performance Products, USA; Douglas G. Hayes, University of
Tennessee, USA; and Daniel Solaiman, USDA, ARS, ERRC, USA
Tailoring of Mannosylerythritol Lipids by biosurfactants in sufficient amounts and desired
Pseudozyma Species Using Different Renewable performance available, we are developing scalable
Feedstocks Susanne Zibek*, Fraunhofer IGB production processes (fermentation and
Institute for Interfacial Engineering and downstream processing) for several glycolipids.
Biotechnology , Germany Our current optimized fermentation processes
Currently, sustainable surfactant products with deliver product concentrations more than 120 g/L
decreased carbon footprint and complete for mannosylerythritol lipids.
biodegradability are highly demanded. This
requires the introduction of new compounds and Integrated Bioprocess Design for the Production
production processes based on renewable of Tailor-made Glycolipids Using Starmerella
resources. Microbial biosurfactants meets organic bombicola: Promising Results from Application
criteria and shows also a broad spectrum of Testing Lisa Van Renterghem1*, S. Roelants1,2, N.
molecule diversity. Mannosylerythritol lipids (MEL), Baccile3, K. De Schamphelaere4, M. Höfte5, Q.
produced by fungi of the genus Pseudozyma and Christiaens1, M. Hartmann1, S. Verweire1, and W.
Ustilago, are among the most promising microbial Soetaert1,2,1Ghent University, Centre for Industrial
biosurfactants with application potential in Biotechnology and Biocatalysis, Ghent, Belgium,
personal care, technical uses and pharmaceuticals. 2Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant, Ghent, Belgium,

MEL can be composed of a group of four variants 3Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Laboratoire de

(A to D), which are classified by the degree of Chimie de la Matière Condensée, Paris, France,
acetylation, which affects the polarity of the 4Ghent University, Environmental Toxicology Unit,

biosurfactant and by that, their spectrum of Ghent, Belgium, 5Ghent University, Phytopathology
application. Depending on the strain and feedstock Unit, Ghent, Belgium
(fatty acid chain length, unsaturation), unique MEL
Biosurfactants are an emerging class of
mixtures can be produced. Therefore, we
surfactants produced by microorganisms, offering a
evaluated the effect of different feedstocks on the more environmentally friendly alternative
production of MEL by various Pseudozyma strains. compared to traditional surfactants. One type of
The results are used to develop strategies for glycolipid biosurfactants are sophorolipids (SLs),
structure-tailoring of the surfactants by enzymatic, naturally produced by the non-pathogenic yeasts
process engineering or metabolic engineering from the Starmerella clade in high amounts (> 200
methods. This way a portfolio of MEL-derivatives g/L), explaining its large industrial interest. Due to
with enhanced hydrophilicity or hydrophobicity unique expertise gathered at, Starmerella
was generated. The created portfolio of MEL- bombicola can be genetically engineered to alter
derivatives ranges from diacylated and acetylated the production towards one specific sophorolipid
molecules with hydrophobic properties especially or novel glycolipid, transforming S. bombicola into
suitable as emulsifier and cosmetic ingredients to a real platform organism.
This research focuses on developing an
monoacylated hydrophilic MEL for applications in
integrated bioprocess design (IBPD) strategy for
aqueous solution. In order to make more types of
the production of new-to-nature glycolipids using
- 27 -

genetically engineered S. bombicola strains. In this few products can actually be found on the market
strategy, the entire innovation chain is considered: today. Dedicated and valorization oriented
from genetic engineering to medium optimization, research at Universities on the other hand has
fermentation and downstream processing, to final enabled the generation of potent microbial strains,
application testing. ready to move ahead in the innovation chain. In
The application testing is very important to this paper, we will use an example to show how
define possible applications of the tailor-made
the integration of process (fermentation and
molecules. Since biosurfactants can be employed in
purification) development, optimization, scale up
so many fields of industry, this is a complicated
task, and therefore a multidisciplinary and application testing has been key for
collaboration was set up. Different possible biosurfactant technologies to move further ahead
applications of tailor-made glycolipids were in the innovation chain. The production of a new
assessed and some very interesting leads were type of sophorolipid, by a strain with lower
found, showing that there are real opportunities in inherent productivities compared to the wild type
various markets/applications. For example, a new sophorolipid producing organism, was optimized by
method to encapsulate iron oxide nanoparticles process development and scale up. This resulted in
into liposomes was discovered. Antimicrobial a substantial (x4) increase of the productivity and
characteristics were assessed for various tailor- thus a significant reduction of the production price.
made glycolipid molecules for selected bacteria Moreover, scaling up the process enabled us to
and fungi. An ecotoxicological evaluation of the
generate large samples for dedicated application
novel-made glycolipids display much higher (or
testing and perform both a techno economic
even not-determinable) EC50 concentrations
analysis (TEA) as a life cycle assessment (LCA),
compared to traditional surfactants, making them
very promising alternatives. sometimes resulting in surprising findings.
This portfolio of tailor-made sophorolipid Sensitivity analysis of the TEA and LCA studies
biosurfactants with varying characteristics and enabled us to identify hotspots for price and
properties will lead to an improved market impact reduction respectively. The combination of
penetration of biosurfactants in the future. the described efforts and strain engineering is
expected to result in a real commercial
Microbial Biosurfactants, from Lab to Market: breakthrough of microbial biosurfactant the
Hurdles and How to Take Them Sophie LKW coming years.
Roelants*1, Bernd Everaert1, Emile Redant1, Brecht
Vanlerberghe1, and Wim Soetaert2, 1Bio Base Sophorolipids in Hard Surface Cleaning
Europe Pilot Plant, Belgium; 2Centre for Industrial Applications Zheng Xue*, Dennis Parrish, Jeff
Biotechnology and Biocatalysis (, Ghent Davidson, Samuel Christry, Andras Nagy, Miyako
University, Belgium Hisamoto, and Terrence Everson, Evonik
Microbial biosurfactants have been holding the Corporation, USA
promise as thé environmental friendly alternative Microbial biosurfactants produced by
for petrochemical derived surfactants for many fermentation exhibit favorable properties such as
years. The real lift off of this technology is still low toxicity, skin mildness, and biodegradability. In
expected, but some important recent particular, there is significant commercial interest
developments were done. On one hand, large in sophorolipids, owing to the nonpathogenic
companies are investing in this technology and a character of the production host and the high
- 28 -

yields. Sophorolipids are glycolipids biosurfactants cell lysis; S. mutans (at SL=130 μg/ml) showed
consisting of a sophorose sugar head and a extensive lesions on cell surface but no lysis. SL (at
hydrophobic fatty acid tail. The carboxylic end of Lactococci, as shown by increased cell-doubling
this fatty acid can be free, forming the acidic time (Td) and decreased final cell density (by
structure, or internally esterified at the 4 position A600nm) in concentration-dependent manner. SL at
of the sophorose head, forming the lactone Streptococci, as evidenced by a prolonged lag-time
structure. The lactone form is only stable at neutral of growth curves in a concentration-dependent
or slightly acidic conditions due to the hydrolysis of manner but no differences in Td and the final
ester bond at high alkalinity. The narrow pH range A600nm. Standard Minimal Inhibitory Concentration
for stability against hydrolysis poses significant (MIC) test was also performed towards a broad
challenges for utilizing sophorolipids in hard array of oral and skin bacteria. Superior
surface cleaning formulations, which are usually antibacterial properties were achieved against 3
formulated at alkaline conditions of pH ≥ 10 to oral Streptococci species tested (MIC < 4ppm).
saponify fatty deposits. Sophorolipids formulation Good antibacterial properties (MIC=19-39 ppm)
at neutral pH with cleaning performance were also achieved towards some Gram-positive
comparable to conventional high pH cleaners were skin bacteria such as S. haemolyticus, C. striatus
developed, through tuning the hydrophilic- and pathogenic S. aureus. However, its efficacy
lipophilic balance of the formulation to obtain towards Gram-negative E. coli is only moderate
strong emulsification. The effects of sophorolipids (MIC=312-625 ppm). In conclusion, the results
on detergency are investigated using interfacial presented demonstrated the high value of SL as
rheology and interfacial tension measurements. antimicrobials for applications in oral and skin care
Formulation procedures and comparative results industries.
will be discussed.
A Journey to Standardisation of Bio-based
Sophorolipid Biosurfactant Against Bacteria Surfactants in Europe Juergen G. Tropsch*1,
Relevant to Tooth Caries and Skin Hygiene Daniel Christophe Sené2, Thierry Beaudouin2, Stephen
K.Y.Solaiman*1, Richard D. Ashby1, Joseph Uknalis2, Mudge3, and Horacio Hormazabal4, 1BASF SE,
Aixing Fan3, and Laurence Du-Thumm3, 1USDA, ARS, Germany; 2Stepan, France; 3BSI, UK; 4AFNOR,
ERRC, USA; 2USDA, ARS, ERRCA, USA; 3Colgate France
Palmolive Co., USA The European Commission has decided in 2011
Sophorolipid (SL) is glycolipid biosurfactant to become the first bio-based economy. In the
produced by yeast. Its general antimicrobial activity following, the EU issued a mandate to CEN to
was previously reported. In this paper, we present develop a standard on bio-based surfactants
the antimicrobial activity of SL specifically against among other product groups. A new working group
oral and skin bacteria. Using a microplate to within CEN was created to deal with the
continuously monitor cell growth, we found standardization process (CEN/TC-276 WG3). The
complete inhibition of cell growth at SL working group issued the technical specification
concentrations ≥1 mg/ml (1,000 ppm) for oral CEN/TS 17035 which will be published in April
Lactobacilli tested and ≥50 μg/ml (50 ppm) for the 2017. The CEN/TS 17035 specifies the thresholds
oral Streptococci. SEM study of SL-treated L. on the biomass content (5%, 50% and 95%) and the
acidophilus (overnight; 1 mg/ml) suffered extensive naming as well as the methods to determine the
- 29 -

thresholds (e.g. radiocarbon method according to products. Our clinical studies demonstrated
EN 16640). The reasoning for the thresholds als oleosomes are hypoallergenic and emollient with
well as our approach on the environmental and high water resistance. When applied for sun
societal criteria will also be explained. Further work protection products, where active ingredients are
of the working group will include the finalization of oil soluble UV filters, oleosomes resulted in great
a European Norm (EN) and a Technical Report (TR) emulsion stability and outstanding functionality,
in 2017. There is planed also an ISO standard on specifically boosting sun protection factor (SPF)
bio-based surfactants. The standard might be used significantly. This outcome was delivered by
in European ecolabels and in public procurement. diminishing the use of the aggressive UV filters by
up to 9 - 10 folds, achieving the same levels of SPF
Oil Seed-extracted Oleosome Emulsifiers for Sun as market-leading products.
Protection Products Soo In Yang*1, Shuanghui Liu1,
Geoffrey Brooks1, Yves Lanctot1, and James V. The Antibacterial Property of Fatty Acyl Glutamic
Gruber2, 1Botaneco Inc., Canada; 2Botaneco Inc., Acid and Proposed Mechanism Buddhi Lamsal, and
USA Kangzi Ren*, Iowa State University, USA
As a repository of new life energy source in oil Fatty acyl Glutamic acid (FA-Glu), a highly
seeds, oil bodies or oleosomes are structurally water-soluble acyl lipoprotein biosurfactant
unique due to their uniformly embedded protein produced by bacterial fermentation, was studied as
stabilizers into the phospholipid-surrounded an antibacterial agent against foodborne-
triacylglycerol core. This naturally-engineered pathogens. The objective of this study was to
structure provides a foundation for the determine the how the FA-Glu interacted with
biochemically programed collapse and release of bacterial cell membrane to achieve bactericidal
oil from the oleosomes in a tightly controlled effect. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of
manner. The oil in the oleosomes are dispersed in FA-Glu and other bio-based surfactants against
the aqueous phase of the cells with the help of the E.coli O157:H7, Salmonella enteria and Listeria
physically stabilized structure by the surface monocytogenes were determined and compared.
proteins. This structural benefit yields a protective The mechanism of FA-Glu antibacterial property
mechanism against coalescence of oil droplets; was studied. Cell content leakage test by
thus, also increasing the surface area. These spectrometry indicated FA-Glu caused significant
physico-chemical barriers provide steric and leakage of cytoplasmic protein and DNA. The
electrostatic stabilization to the oleosomes, leading differential scanning calorimetry study of FA-Glu
to a stable emulsion system. Oleosome itself is an interaction with artificial cell membrane revealed
oil-in-water emulsion, but it also possesses an that FA-Glu disrupted the cooperativity of
excellent surface active characteristic, thus phospholipid bilayer structure by interacting with
suggesting its great potential as an emulsifier. We the hydrocarbon chain, reducing phase transition
extracted oleosomes using a patented non-solvent- temperature and enthalpy change. The interaction
based aqueous extraction process. The purified with different types of phospholipids indicated that
mixture of oleosome-containing liquid fraction in bio-based surfactant were more effective against
water with D-glucono-1,5-Lactone, sodium Gram-positive bacteria compared to Gram-
benzoate, and citric acid, has been studied for its negative ones. The major phospholipid (DPPE) in
potential use as an emulsifier for sun protection Gram-negative E.coli O157:H7 is harder to disturb
- 30 -

than the major phospholipid (DMPG) in Gram- such as agriculture, metal working and personal
positive Listeria monocytogenes. Composition of care. The main technology available on the market
various proteins (from cytoplasma, cell membrane uses direct ethoxylation on castor oil to obtain this
and cell wall) of FA-Glu treated and control vegetable based surfactant. Although the older
bacteria will be examined by SDS-PAGE to technology is still used today, in the more recent
determine whether FA-Glu interacted with a years, it was found that you could obtain castor oil
specific protein or show the detergent ethoxylates by scrambling ethoxylated glycerin and
solubilization effect. The study will provide castor oil triglycerides. Compared to the old
information on possible development of technology, this new route helps to keep both the
disinfectant formulation using this novel bio-based hydroxyl group intact and the levels of 1,4-dioxane
surfactant. low. Investigations showed benefits to these newer
castor oil ethoxylates which in turn led to further
Triglyceride Derived Surfactants and experimentation in order to see if we could derive
Interesterification: Synthesis and Performance an estolide with this generation of COE. Once able
Properties Heather E. Byrne*1, George A. Smith2, to synthesize the interester of the castor oil
and Angela Garibay-Lewis2, 1Huntsman ethoxylate, several performance tests were run to
Performance Products, USA; 2Huntsman see what benefits, if any, were seen. This data
Corporation, USA along with other comparison data will be discussed
Castor oil ethoxylates (COEs) have been widely in depth.
used for emulsification properties in industries

- 31 -

S&D 5: Foam Boosting and Control

Chairs: Warren Schmidt, Consultant, USA; and Martin Severance, Dow Corning Corporation,
Mechanism of Action of Silicone-based Foam this in mind, BASF has evaluated several low
Control Agents Jacqueline L'hostis*, Chamee Chao, foaming nonionic surfactants for use in HE laundry
and Stéphanie Lobry, Dow Corning, Belgium detergents. Both structure-property trends with
In recent years, the “High-Efficiency” (HE) home respect to defoaming will be explored and
washing machines have increased in usage in North synergistic combinations of defoamers will be
America. This design of the machine (horizontal reported.
drum), combined with more concentrated and
anionic-rich detergent formulations is leading to High Performance Surfactant Blends with High
increased foaming conditions. This high foam Bio-based Content Scott Jaynes*, Croda, Inc., USA
ability needs to be efficiently controlled to avoid Domestic production of bio-based ethylene
interference with the cleaning action, and even an oxide (EO) made from corn ethanol will begin in
undesirable overflow of the washing liquor out of late 2017 at Croda’s Delaware manufacturing site.
the machines. The mechanism of action of Silicone- This renewable EO will be utilized on-site to
based foam control agents will be discussed, produce ethoxylated surfactants with high levels of
explaining their ability to control foam at very low bio-based content. The availability of these plant-
dosage in an extremely large scope of detergent based surfactants will allow home care product
concentrations, formulations and foaming formulators to more easily meet the rising demand
conditions due to their inherent silicone properties. from their customers for products made with bio-
This specific foam control mechanism, different based materials. As an example of products
from soap, makes silicones extremely attractive available with increased bio-based content, a
especially when formulation space is needed such family of high performance surfactant blends will
as in highly concentrated detergent formulations. be presented. These surfactant blends have been
carefully designed to give optimal performance in
Nonionic Surfactant Foam Control Technology for specific application areas, saving time for
HE Laundry Michael D. Capracotta*, Shakera formulators who would otherwise need to prepare
Thamanna, Kevin M. Salmon, and Stephen F. Gross, and test numerous blends of individual surfactants.
BASF Corporation, USA “Blend NC” is a blend of nonionic alcohol
Foam control in machine washing applications ethoxylates and a cationic surfactant, delivering a
has long been important in enabling optimal highly effective grease cutting product for
cleaning, but is even more important in modern household or I&I degreasers. “Blend CS” is a blend
appliances that apply “smart” technology during of an alkylpolyglucoside (APG) with an alcohol
cleaning cycles. For example, HE laundry machines ethoxylate that has the high caustic compatibility
can detect foam present in the drum and will of an APG, but with the added cleaning power of
continue to rinse until the foam is dissipated. As a an ethoxylate. Lastly, a new “Blend CIP” will be
result, foam control technology in detergent introduced for application in Clean-in-Place (CIP)
formulations is a key factor in minimizing rinsing and other I&I areas, with excellent caustic stability
times, impacting both water and energy use. With and very low foaming. All of these products will
- 32 -

have bio-based content of >60% when Croda’s bio- selection for a given foam profile.
based EO manufacturing plant comes on line in late
2017. Foam Optimization Strategies in Various
Consumer Relevant Applications Shui P. Zhu*, and
Driving Foam Performance with Surfactant Sangeeta Ganguly-Mink, Stepan Company, USA
Interactions Eric Theiner* and Renae Bennett, It is well established that each distinct
Evonik Corporation, USA application formulation or product needs a suitable
It is common to report foaming properties for foam profile. Some need high and sustainable foam
neat surfactants in dilute solutions, but it is less such as hand dish washing detergents and
common to report foaming characteristics for shampoos, and some need low and fast-collapsing
combined surfactant systems. Unfortunately, foam such as auto dishwasher detergents and
surfactant systems are rarely used as neat swimming pool disinfectants. This presentation
materials. The presented study presents a large introduces some basic foam optimization
body of data developed from High Throughput principles, technologies and formulations with
Experimentation to determine foam behavior for a ingredients such as anionic, nonionic, amphoteric,
base set of combined surfactants. Also to be and cationic surfactants, cosurfactants,
presented is the analysis undertaken in an attempt specific/multivalent counterions etc.
to develop a set of rules to guide surfactant

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S&D 5.1: Sustainability in Surfactants, Polymers, and Detergent Chemicals

Chairs: Keith Genco, Arkema Inc., USA; and Troy Graham, Lightbox Laboratories, LLC, USA

The Unbeatable Beet: The Power of cleaners MCF has the capability to suspend
Microcellulosic Fibers Unraveled Robert Nolles*, particles, preventing sedimentation in the bottle.
Cosun Biobased Products, USA
Co-valorisation of Palm Oil Processing By-products
Royal Cosun invested in an integrated cascading
as Soaps Teerasak Punvichai*, Prince of Songkla
biorefinery to refine sugar beet pulp and isolate
University, Thailand
high-value components. The patented
The palm oil refining industry generates spent
microcellulosic fibers (MCF) obtained from this
bleaching clay (SBC) and palm fatty acid distillate
biorefinery is a particulate cellulose material
(PFAD) as by-products. Both containing fatty acids
containing at least 60% cellulose, 0.5-10% pectin
and/or acylglycerols (22.4% of waste oil in SBC), the
and 1-15% hemicellulose, and has typical particle
study concerns the co-valorization through the
dimensions within the range of 25-75 µm. This
manufacture of soap. The analysis showed free
parenchymal cellulose based material, which
fatty acid content and saponification value of
comprise cell wall derived networks of cellulose
60.5% and 182 mg KOH/g, and 88.4% and 204.5 mg
based fibers and nanofibrils, can be used to
KOH/g respectively. This data was used for
structure liquids and for stabilization of suspended
computing the stoichiometric amount of NaOH to
particles. In an aqueous environment MCF forms a
be used for producing soap at 40ºC with a varying
particle gel and creates a physical 3D network that
proportion of water introduced through the basic
shows superior particle carrying properties. This
solution. From SBC the maximum soap content
physical network tends to be stronger than
43.9% (dry weight) was obtained by reacting it with
chemical networks being built by nano-fibers.
13% w/w of NaOH (based on waste oil content)
Hence, the yield point of MCF exceeds the yield
and using 30% w/w of water (both forming the
point of well-known viscosifiers like CMC, xanthan
basic reacting solution). With PFAD the maximum
gum and acrylics. More importantly, the properties
soap content 89.2% was obtained with 14.6% of
of the network built are maintained under a broad
NaOH and 15% w/w of water. In the case of
pH range, at elevated temperature levels and are
mixtures of both by-products, the maximum yield
virtually unaffected by electrolytes known to
92.5% was obtained for a SBC:PFAD ratio of 1:5
disrupt chemical networks. Introduced in liquid
w/w and with 14.3% of NaOH and 35% of water,
compositions MCF delivers high zero shear viscosity
and it was found that the maximum yield required
and strong shear thinning behavior. MCF is suitable
an increasing amount of water when decreasing
to structure laundry detergents, fabric softeners,
the SBC:PFAD ratio. Soaps with maximum content
abrasive cleaners and personal care products like
were tested for cleaning efficiency. PFAD and
shampoos and body washes. In laundry detergent
waste oil soaps gave the lowest reduction of
MCF will enable effective suspension of
microbial count after hand washing (37 and 30%
encapsulated fragrances. In toilet bowl cleaners,
respectively), while it was improved to 49% in the
strong shear thinning behavior allows easy
case of SBC-soap. The best score, 74%, was
application using a spray bottle and high zero shear
measured when using soaps made from SBC and
viscosity supports vertical cling. In abrasive
- 34 -

PFAD mixtures. This synergy could be due to biodegradable builders to choose from. Narrowing
abrasive or absorption effect of the clay combined the field of choices prior to formulation
to the high soap content. development is an important 1st step in the
process. Besides safety and regulatory implications,
Sustainable Suds Manufacturing Kaj A. Johnson*, and ‘green’ and biobased certifications, several
People Against Dirty (Method/Ecover), USA important physical / chemical properties to
Most of us spend our days working hard to consider are strength of binding with Ca and other
select the very best ingredients, mix and rigorously metal ions as well as Ca chelation value, if a solid or
test them. We strive to make awesome products liquid / gel is needed, solubility of the builder at a
that delight our consumers, families, and friends. specific pH and other considerations. A review of
We do all of this using years of experience with the attributes and properties of ‘green’ commercial
ingredients, with input from suppliers and builders – including citrate, MGDA, GLDA, IDS,
partners, and innovation from conferences just like EDDS and polyitaconic acid will be presented.
this. We consider where these ingredients come Acceptance and use of these products in
from, how they will be used, and what happens to commercial formulations is growing rapidly with
them after they are finished. We want to be certain their specific usage tending to fall into specific
that we are making valuable & high performance cleaning products and applications – such as gel
products that are truly sustainable. With all this and solid ADW products, I&I cleaning and water
focus on optimizing our products, it’s easy to softening.
neglect the role that manufacturing plays in
sustainability. A couple of years ago, People How to Improve the Long Term Performance of
Against Dirty (Method & Ecover Brands) had the Autodish Washer Formulations Yvon G. Durant*1
opportunity to build a sustainable manufacturing and David A. Pears2, 1Itaconix, USA; 2Revolymer, UK
plant from the ground up. This opened the Itaconic acid polymers have been used in
opportunity to start from scratch- what ideas make recent years as a cost effective and sustainable
sense? how do we do them? And, most alternative solution to amino carboxylate based
importantly, how can we drive benefits as a B- builders. We have recently improved these
Corp? We wanted to drive practices that reflect our polymeric chelants through the copolymerization
company philosophy to make a positive impact on of itaconic acid with sodium styrene sulfonate for
the environment and consumers. We certainly optimal performance in ADW formulas. We have
made a few mistakes along the way but we also previously presented in-formula performance
learned a lot. Here is a fun look at some things we results. These new copolymers are showing a
would like to share with you today about our South significant advantage regarding metal erosion.
Side Soap Box, our sustainable factory. Polyitaconate have high binding constants for
calcium, but relatively low binding for metals such
Readily Biodegradable Builders—Selecting the as iron, aluminum, nickel, copper and gold. We
Right One(s) Patrick Kincaid*, Butch Dery, James N. have conducted a study of these metals in the
LePage, Kuntal Chatterjee, and Jeanne-Marie presence of chelants relevant to ADW
McVeigh, AkzoNobel, USA formulations. Upon extended exposure of glasses
Today’s cleaning formulators are fortunate to and dinnerware with metal decorations, we
have a wide range of safe and readily recorded significant reduction in metal erosion.
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The use of polyitaconate chelants in ADW provided exceptional spot reducing performance
practically eliminates the long term performance on glassware and stainless steel, regardless of
concerns associated with some amino carboxylate other changes made to the formulation (dispersant
builders. type/loading, surfactant type/loading). This novel
benefit would allow formulators to achieve
Dispersants for Reduction of Spotting in maximum shine utilizing a dispersant alone, while
Automatic Dishwashing Paul P. Mercando1, Eric P. optimizing the surfactant system for primary
Wasserman1, Severine S. Ferrieux2, and Scott A. cleaning and other benefits. Best performance was
Backer*1, 1The Dow Chemical Company, USA; 2The obtained from mixtures of the terpolymer with a
Dow Chemical Company, France second specialty dispersant.
Dow Home Institutional and Personal Care has
been developing and evaluating a series of acrylic
polymers to act as next generation dispersants for
Advancing Sustainable Chemistry: Chemical
automatic dishwashing formulations. The
Footprint Reduction at GOJO Antonio Quinones-
performance requirements for dispersants have
Rivera*, GOJO Industries, USA
changed significantly as classical phosphate-based
In 2015, at the 10th Annual BizNGO Chemical
formulations are being phased out due to
Footprint Project Conference in Boston, GOJO
environmental regulations in Western Europe.
announced its commitment to reduce its Chemical
Currently, no single performance replacement for
Footprint by 50% by the year 2020. In this
phosphates has been identified, and new materials
presentation we will discuss the definition of
and formulations are currently being developed at
Chemical Footprint, share some of the strategies
all levels of the market in order to meet this need.
we have implemented to determine and reduce
A series of terpolymers containing acrylic acid,
our Chemical Footprint, and describe some of the
AMPS, and a dicarboxylic vinyl monomer (maleic
tools we have developed to communicate our
acid, itaconic acid) at specific ratios was prepared
progress in reducing our Chemical Footprint.
and tested in several ADW formulations under
various conditions (temperature, water hardness,
machine model). Several of the tested terpolymers

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EAT 5 / S&D 5.2: Interfacial Phenomena in Complex Food Systems

Chairs: Nitin Nitin, University of California, Davis, USA; and Ozan Ciftci, University of Nebraska-
Lincoln, USA
Effect of Membrane-associated Peptide on the the oil-water interface, which can strongly impact
Dynamics of Bicontinuous Microemulsions via Quasi- emulsion kinetic stability against coalescence and phase
elastic Neutron Scattering and Neutron Spin-echo separation, functionality and rheology. This
Douglas G. Hayes*1, Veerendra K. Sharma2, Volker S. presentation outlines some of the factors that govern
Urban2, Hugh M. O'Neill2, S. Venkatesh Pingali2, Michael interfacial crystallization, notably emulsion dispersed
E. Ohl2, Eugene Mamatov2, and Madhusudan Tyagi3, phase volume fraction, lipid surface activity and liquid-
University of Tennessee, USA; 2Oak Ridge National solid phase transition temperature as well as molecular
Laboratory, USA; 3National Institute of Standards and complementarity between the crystallizing lipid and
Technology, USA interfacially-bound emulsifier. Specific examples of the
A grand challenge for the soft matter scientific impact of interfacial crystallization discussed include the
community is to obtain a deeper understanding of ability of crystalline shells to transform water-in-oil
dynamics at several different length and time scales. emulsions into reservoirs for the controlled release of
This paper will describe the short- and long-range aqueous compounds as well as their capacity to protect
dynamics of bicontinuous microemulsions (BMEs), a oil cargos during in vitro digestion of oil-in-water
potentially useful biomembrane mimetic system, by emulsions.
quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS)and neutron spin
echo (NSE), respectively. The investigation focuses upon The Effect of Interfaces in Nanodroplets Loaded With
the effect of melittin on BMEs formed by water/sodium Nutraceuticals on Their Release from Drinks to Human
dodecyl sulfate (SDS)/1-pentanol/dedecane. Melittin is System Nissim Garti*, Hebrew University, Israel
an antimicrobial peptide (AMP) with potential utility as Dilutable microemulsions (DME) are nanodroplets
an agent against antibiotic-resistant microorganism and composed of oil phase, surfactants, cosurfactants and
cancer, among others, and penetrates within the cosolvents (no water) and other ingredients that
surfactant monolayers of the BMEs. (BMEs may be a facilitate formation of concentrates with the capability
potentially valuable delivery system for AMPs.) QENS of being diluted with any amount of water and inverting
analysis indicated two distinct motions of the BME from W/O to bicontinuous and to O/W nano structures.
surfactant monolayers, namely (i) lateral motion of the The phase diagrams describing these formulations are
surfactant on the surface of the oil channels and (ii) termed "U-typephase diagrams" and the structures are
internal motion of the surfactants. It is found that termed "umbrella type droplets". The concentrates are
melittin hindered both the lateral and the internal loaded (solubilized) with bioactives (guest molecules)
motion, thereby acting as a stiffening agent. NSE that are lipophilic and insoluble in water. The systems
analysis indicated that melittin has a slight, lesser, are transparent, Newtonian and thermodynamically
impact on the long-range dynamics. stable. The bioactives are, in most cases, located at the
interface of the structures along any dilution stage. The
Structuring Food Emulsions Through Lipid loaded nutraceuticals are, upon dilution, forming soft
Crystallization at the Oil-Water Interface Dérick drinks. The structures are consisting also of additional
Rousseau*, Ryerson University, Canada ingredients allowing the bioactives to 'survive' the acidic
Incorporation of emulsions into processed foods conditions of the human stomach and are aimed to be
offers significant possibilities in regards to texture released from the guts jejunum membrane "on
improvement, cost reduction, and health enhancement. demand" to the blood stream. We will bring few such
In both oil-in-water and water-in-oil emulsions, an examples including CBD (the non narcotic fraction of
emerging tool is the use of direct lipid crystallization at Cannabis) and other antioxidants and nutraceuticals.
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The formulations are derived from Monte Carlo Thermodynamics and Adsorption Mechanisms for
Dynamic Simulations calculations, and advanced Hydrophobic Food Surfactants at Interfaces Stephanie
analytical tools, to determine the location of the R. Dungan*, University of California, Davis, USA
solubilized nutraceuticals at any stage of its dilution and Lipid amphiphiles are found widely in foods and
across the guts membrane. other biological materials. Their tendency to
accumulate and lower the energy of interfaces plays a
In situ Observation of Template Effects of Emulsifiers critical role in food processing and ing metabolic actions
with Different Fatty Acid Moieties Chinami Ishibashi*1, such as digestion and cellular transport. Interpretation
Hondoh Hironori2, and Satoru Ueno2, 1Hiroshima of interfacial phenomena is often based on studies of
University, Japan; 2Graduate School of Biosphere water-soluble molecules, whose behavior is heavily
Science, Hiroshima University, Japan influenced by the hydrophobic effect. Instead, in this
Template effect is the promotion of fat presentation, the behavior of water-insoluble
crystallization by crystallized emulsifiers that were surfactants at oil/air, oil/water and air/water interfaces
nucleated prior to fat. Although an impurity effect also will be discussed. Equilibrium surface tension (oil/vapor)
promotes a nucleation of fat crystals on the surface of measurements of various triacylglycerol or free fatty
an emulsifier, the crystallization mechanism is different acid molecules as a function of temperature were used
between template and impurity effects. Many previous to assess surface excess internal energy and entropy.
studies reported that the similarity in fatty acid Length of the acyl chain is the main feature to influence
composition between a fat and an emulsifier should be surface excess energy, in contrast to degree of
important for the template effect. An emulsifier crystal saturation or triacyl or monoacyl character. These
having similar fatty acid packing to a fat crystal would findings clarify the very subtle effects of composition on
provide a favorable spot for fat crystal nucleation. The surface tension of food oil mixtures. Our understanding
molecular interaction at the fat-emulsifier interface will of the behavior of lipid phases alone can then be
promote the orientation of fat crystals. However, there extended to oil/water mixtures, where lipid amphiphiles
are few reports about the fat crystal orientation have a much more pronounced and complex effect on
promoted by the template effect, and the difference interfacial tension. Dynamic interfacial and surface
between template and impurity effects are not tensions were also probed, using drop profile
concerned so much. The purpose of this study is in situ tensiometry, for caprylic acid, monocaprylin and
observation of crystallization behavior of fat crystals on phosphatidylcholine. When the amphiphile is dissolved
an emulsifier crystal in order to reveal the difference as individual molecules in a triglyceride or water phase,
between the template and the impurity effects. We transport to the interface is driven by diffusive
used palm-mid-fraction (PMF) as an oil phase and mechanisms. Phospholipid transport kinetics are more
sorbitan tripalmitate (STP), sorbitan tristearate (STS) complex, as these molecules are nearly soluble in both
and sorbitan tribehenate (STB) as an emulsifier. The triglyceride and water. Their adsorption kinetics are
results were as follows; (i) When fatty acid moiety of much slower, and heavily dependent on the structure of
emulsifier were similar to those of fat, PMF crystals the vesicle dispersion.
oriented along the STP or STS crystals, suggesting
template effect. (ii) When fatty acid moiety of An In-depth Look at Bakery Applications of a
emulsifier did not show the similarity to those of fat, Structured Monoglyceride Gel Alejandro G.
PMF randomly crystallized around STB crystals, Marangoni1, and Kaustuv Bhattacharya*2, 1University of
suggesting impurity effect. Guelph, Canada; 2DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences ApS,
After successfully addressing the use of trans fat in
the food industry the focus is now on reduction of
saturated fats and in certain parts of the world palm oil
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and its derivatives due to sustainable issues. The cleaners. Additionally these naturally derived cellulosic
primary approach has been replacing fats rich in polymers build rheology, improve skin feel, and
saturated fatty acids with structured liquid oils using mildness of cleansing compositions in which they are
different ingredients and techniques. But not all incorporated. Research will be presented to validate
solutions are food approved or have wide range equivalent foamability at reduced surfactant
acceptable application opportunities. The present work concentration. The data to confirm the foam enhancing
is based on oleogel emulsion technology using an properties of a multifunctional naturally derived
emulsion structured by crystalline multi-layers of modified hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose polymer.
monoglyceride interspersed with water in presence of
anionic co-emulsifiers in the alpha polymorphic form. Interfacial Interaction and Emulsification Behaviour of
This technology is appropriate for manufacturers of oils Lentil Protein Isolate and Fenugreek Gum Complexes
and fats, bakery products, and others, who want to Supratim Ghosh* and Natalie Longmore, University of
improve the sustainability footprint and health benefits Saskatchewan, Canada
of their existing products. By using this technology, The aim of this work was to improve solubility and
‘palm free’, zero trans and reduced saturated fats can emulsification behaviour of lentil protein isolates (LPI)
be claimed. The solution is oil source independent by their interaction with fenugreek gum (FG). Complex
providing freedom of choice for the manufacturer. A formation between the protein and polysaccharide
diverse range of bakery applications including analytical molecules was studied as a function of pH (7 to 1.5),
data on the emulsion oleogel and dough containing and mixing ratios (1:3 to 3:1). The soluble complexes at
such using NMR, Confocal laser imaging and Rheology pH 2 and 7 were further used to investigate the
will also be highlighted. interfacial and emulsification behaviour. At a total
biopolymer concentration of 0.1 wt% significant
Improve Foam Properties—Multifunctional Cellulose decrease in oil/water interfacial tension was observed.
Polymer Terry Crutcher*1 and Bert Kroon2, 1Ashland From 23.9 mN/m for pure oil/water interface, it
Specialty Ingredients G.P., USA; 2Ashland Specialty decreased to ~17 and ~13 mN/m, at pH 2 and 7,
Ingredients, The Netherlands respectively. No significant change in interfacial tension
Many household and personal care wash between the LPI-FG complex and pure LPI was
applications exhibit trade mark foamability and observed. In contrast, presence of FG significantly
rheological aesthetics that consumers have come to decreased interfacial storage modulus and the values
expect and enjoy. The foam profile of a consumer were higher at pH 2 compared to pH 7, which was
product may serve as an indicator of its performance in ascribed to strong –ve charge on both the biopolymers
the minds of many end users. It is becoming more of a at pH 7 leading to a weaker interfacial interaction. The
challenge to deliver cost efficient and robust foam mixed biopolymer solutions were used to prepare 1
performance as traditional foaming ingredients like wt% oil-in-water emulsions using multiple passes
alkanolamides and alkyl sulfates are of toxicological through a high pressure homogenizer at pH 2 and 7.
concern. Today there is a need for better more efficient Stable emulsions were generated at both pHs where the
eco-friendly foaming technologies that satisfy finished average droplet diameters were less 500 nm. Results
goods manufacturers’ desire for more sustainable high showed that presence of FG significantly improved
performance products with reduced emulsification behaviour of LPI due to improved
surfactant/chemical content in the effluent. It has been solubility, and lowering of the interfacial modulus of the
found that a modified polysaccharide derivative reduces complex. Interfacial complexation between LPI and FG
the surface tension at the air liquid interface sufficiently could be a novel way to utilize natural ingredients in the
to boost and stabilize foaming in care compositions like development of food emulsions for beverage
hand dish detergent, hand soap, and hard surface application.

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S&D-P: Surfactants and Detergents Poster Session

Chair: Mike Wint, Amway Corporation, USA
1. Studies on Dispersion of Various Size of Ethyl were prepared by acid-catalyzed condensation of
Cellulose in Colloidal Solution and Their Foam diethyl tartrate with fatty ketones, followed by a
Ability Hongche Noh*,Hanyang University, South reaction with mono-dispersed polyethylene glycol.
Korea We confirmed that they have good surface-active
Foam has been studied in various fields, such as properties. The emulsion stability of these
household goods and foods, in addition to surfactants was similar to that of typical
surfactants. In this paper, the stability and surfactants. The biodegradabilities of these
structure of foam were studied using cleavable surfactants after 28 days are more than
nanoparticles. Ethyl cellulose (EC) colloidal solution 60 % according to guideline OECD 301C with
with high dispersibility was prepared by anti- activated sludge. Their detergency on artificially
solvent precipitation. Especially, the particle size soiled cotton cloth was better than the reference
was controlled by changing the concentration and detergent according to the Japan Industrial
temperature. This EC colloidal solution was mixed Standard Method. The reference detergent
with sodium dodecyl sulfate to study the stability consisted of sodium n-dodecylbenzenesulfonate,
and structure of foam. EC was measured by which is a popular component in commercial
dynamic light scattering (DLS), zeta potential and detergents. The new surfactants do not require any
scanning electron microscope (SEM). Foam ability expensive reagents or special equipments for their
was analyzed by dynamic foam analyzer. preparation and might improve the efficiency of
waste water treatment and of polymer purification
2. Chemocleavable Nonionic Surfactants Bearing in the emulsion polymerization process.
Mono-dispersed Polyethylene Glycol Derived from
Diethyl Tartrate Daisuke Ono*1, Makoto 3. Thermogravimetric and Rheological Evaluation
Okumura2, Shintaro Kawano1, Hirofumi Sato1, of Mucilage Flax with Potential Application in
Motohiro Shizuma1, and Araki Masuyama2,1Osaka Microencapsulation of Bioactives Substances
Municipal Technical Research Institute, Japan; Jaime Reyes Hernandez*, Concepción Lopez
2Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan Padilla, Josefina Gallegos Martinez, and Paola
It has become of special interest to develop the Algara Suarez, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis
"chemocleavable" surfactants which are designed Potosí, Mexico
to be decomposed into nonsurface-active species The goal of this study was evaluated rheological
under mild conditions after fulfilling their original (G´), termogravimetric parameters (weight loss)
functions such as emulsification, detergency, and pH sensibility of mucilage flaxseed for
micellar catalytic activity, and so on. We have been application in microencapsulation. Methods:
investigating the preparation and properties of a Thermogravimetric analysis (weight loss) of
series of acid- and alkali-cleavable surfactants and mucilage flax (MF) was performed in a TGA TA-
reported that they were applicable as detergent Q500, Samples (~5mg) were heated from 35°C to
and emulsifier of emulsion polymerization. In this 600ºC at 10ºC/min in N2 atmosphere. The gelation
work, one-chain and double-chain chemocleavable of systems with MF was developed with ramp 80°C
nonionic surfactants bearing a 1,3-dioxolane ring to 25°C at 1°C/min. Rheological analysis was

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developed in mechanical spectrometer MCR 101 secondary alkane sulfonates (SAS) provide limited
with parallel-plate geometry (PP-50) under static Ross-Miles foaming performance but show good
conditions at 25°C and 37°C. Gel sensibility to pH chlorine bleach stability, Draves wetting, and
was developed at pH of 2 and 7. Results: surface tension reduction performance. By
Thermogravimetric analysis of mucilage flax modifying a secondary alkane sulfonate, a high
showed two important weight loss; the first was at foaming, chlorine bleach stable surfactant was
temperature of 255.7°C and was associated to created. This product retains chlorine bleach
breakdown and weight loss of monosaccharide and stability equal to LAO and has improved Ross-Miles
disaccharides. The second weight loss was foaming, Draves wetting and surface tension
observed at 297°C, these temperatures can be reduction performance over LAO at both room
associated to different composition of proteins temperature and at reduced temperature. When
present in MF. Storage module values (G´) formulated at equal actives to LAO it exhibits
increased as the concentration of MF increased, improved performance and equal performance at
however G´ values was considerably higher at 2 75% of LAO active. The modified secondary alkane
and 3% of MF (G´≈ 500 MPa) than 1% (G´≈ 5 MPa). sulfonate product provides the opportunity for
The higher resistance structural of gel was manufacturers of cleaning and detergent products
observed at pH 2 than pH 7. Conclusions: to either enhance the performance of existing LAO
Concentrations higher of 2% suggested the containing formulations and/or reduce the overall
possibility of developing gels with good viscoelastic surfactant loading (cost) in cleaning formulations.
properties and higher resistance to pH 2 for be
used in microencapsulation of bioactives 7. Selective Synthesis of Sugar Mono Fatty Acid
substances. Knowledge of these mechanisms may Ester Using Ion-exchange Resin as Catalyst
be helpful for the understanding of these Tomone Sasayama*1, Yuto Kamikanda2, and Naomi
phenomena and improving the control of the Shibasaki-Kitakawa3, 1Dept. of Chemical
viscoelastic properties and therefore their Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan; 2Tohoku
functionality. University, Japan; 3Graduate School of Engineering,
Tohoku University, Japan
5. High Foaming, Bleach Stable Surfactant Sugar fatty acid ester has been received much
Alternative to Laurylamine Oxide Benjamin J. attention as a bio-based surfactant. It is industrially
Markovitz, Ryan C. Vikan, Tenu A. Adeosun, William produced by transesterification of sucrose and
B. Hehemann, and Philip C. Benes*, Nease Co., USA fatty acid methyl ester using homogeneous alkali
This poster for the surfactants and detergent catalyst such as Na2CO3. However, reduced
division, foam boosting and control session, will pressure condition for removing by-product,
focus on a high foaming, bleach stable alternative methanol, is required to shift the equilibrium
to laurylamine oxide (LAO). LAO has been a toward the product and a complicated operation
workhorse surfactant in the field of chlorine bleach for removing the catalyst from the product is also
stable foaming cleaners. However, while LAO offers necessary. These cause an increase in the
good bleach stability and Ross-Miles foaming production cost. We have proposed that the
performance, it only provides somewhat limited porous type anion-exchange resin has a high
Draves wetting and surface tension reduction catalytic activity for transesterification of
performance in cleaning formulations. In contrast, acylglycerols under mild condition. In this research,
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sugar ester is synthesized using the resin catalyst at 9. Manufacturing of Detergent Tablet Rohan S.
60°C under atmospheric pressure. Sucrose and Mestri*, Institute of Chemical Technology, India
methyl oleate are used as model feedstocks, A soap or detergent is a material which when
dimethyl sulfoxide, as solvent. In the batch dissolved in water, aids the removal of dirt or
experiments, we find that sugar ester is rapidly foreign matter from surface. The tablet form of the
produced under the specific condition that the detergent powder is one of the new formats of the
resin is first added to the sucrose solution and then detergent. It is the compact form of detergent
methyl oleate is added to the solution. In the powder with highly active ingredients. The
continuous experiments using the reactor packed tabulated form of detergent will reduce the volume
with the resin, sucrose solution is first supplied to of the powder due to compact format it affects the
the reactor for saturation and then the mixed transportation and packing cost. The detergent
solution of sucrose and methyl oleate is fed to the formulation content the Linear alkyl Benzene
reactor for ester synthesis. At steady state, the Sulphonate (LABSA), Sodium Tripolyphophate
conversion of 50% is obtained at the residence (STPP), Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), Sodium Silicate,
time of 1.5 h and mono ester is selectively Sodium Sulphate. The tablet form of the detergent
produced (>95wt%). powder is comparatively new. It is the compact
form of detergent powder with highly active
8. Synthesis of Mild Natural Micro Beads Face ingredients. The tabulated form of detergent is
Scrubber Rohan S. Mestri*, Harshada S. Patil, and expected to reduce the volume of powder due to
Amit P. Pratap, Institute of Chemical Technology, compactness. The detergent formulation contains
India Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonate (LABSA), Sodium
Daily cleansing does not remove dead epithelial Tripolyphophate (STPP), Sodium hydroxide (NaOH),
cells and impurities which are trapped in pores of Sodium Silicate, sodium sulphate etc. Detergent
skin. These dead cells and impurities affect the skin powder is mixed with various disintegrating agents
life if it is trapped in pores of skin, resulting in the like corn starch, sodium carboxy methyl cellulose
less life of skin, problems of acne and blackheads. (Sodium CMC). Detergent tablet is instantly
Solution of these problems is use of face scrubbers disintegrated when contacted with water. It is less
ones or twice a week which is exfoliating, mild and or no hydroscopic in nature and one or two tablets
contains natural traditional ingredients. The mild are enough for the washing instead of one scoop.
micro beads face scrubber contains Gram flour,
11. Salt-thickening Effect in the Quaternary
aloe vera, sugar, starch, milk, skin care oil etc. in
Ammonium/Carboxylate Surfactants Mixtures by
this scrubber-beads are outer cover with Gram
Forming Entangled Wormlike Micelles Liming
flour and inside is oil. When we massage with this
Zhang*, Wanli Kang, Derong Xu, Meng Yang, Qiong
beads outer layer are exfoliate dead skin and black
Zhou, Jiatong Jiang, and Hairong Wu, China
heads and inside oils is spread on skin which will
University of Petroleum (Beijing), China
help to growth of new fresh cells. The result is ever
Surfactants impact a lot on fracturing fluids
youthful and fresh look.
which play a critical role in the effect of the
hydraulic fracturing. However, formation fluids
contain large quantities of inorganic salts. When
the fracturing fluids are injected into the
formations, precipitation appears, leading to a loss
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to the fracturing effect and damages to the micelles. It provides guidance for the application to
formations. Thus, compatibility with the formation EOR as well as other industries.
fluids is essential to EOR. The rheological behaviors
of the mixtures are measured by the mechanical 12. Turkish Demographic Profile, Homecare
Rheometer, and the morphologies of the Detergent Market Volumes and Customer
aggregates in the solutions are observed with Cryo- Expectations Kutluay Kabaday*, Saruhan kimya,
transmission electron microscopy (Cryo-TEM) and Turkey
Freeze-fracture transmission electron microscopy Turkish demographic profile, specifications,
(FF-TEM). The results show that viscosities of the population, median ages, houswife profiles, house
mixed solutions are quite low when the total mass profile and economical data, GDP per capita values
concentrations are lower than 3.0%. They behave among years and forecasted values also
like Newtonian fluids. After adding NaCl and CaCl2, comparison to some other countries. Turkish retail
there is an obvious increase in viscosity and prospect , market types , market share details,
viscoelasticity. Moreover, the salt-thickening effect product groups, tonnages , incomes and strategies,
becomes better with the increasing inorganic salt yearly chancing market share values. Discount
to some extent. NaCl has an outstanding viscosity- market types, numbers. Total Turkish homecare
thickening ability than that of CaCl2. Importantly, detergent sector economical values and product
no precipitation appears until the NaCl groups .Homecare detergents as laundry,
concentration reaches 25%. In addition, dishwashing, surface group and softener volumes,
micrographs exhibit that transformation occurs annual growing rates, forecasts for each group as
from spherical micelles to the wormlike micelles. income and tonnages, customer expectation in
The larger of the inorganic salt concentration, the homecare detergent business, marketing
closer of the entangled wormlike micelles pack. strategies. Also there are a detailed customer
The microstructures are in accordance with the profile survey analyzes of customer purchasing
salt-thickening effect in theory, indicating a good behaviours.
compatibility with the formation fluids. This work
has extended the understanding of salt-thickening
effect which is related to the forming of wormlike

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