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Development of Temperature Process Control Method Using Smith Predictor

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E3S Web of Conferences 111, 0 6016 (2019) https://doi.org/10.

1051/e3sconf/2019111060 16
CLIMA 2019

Development of Temperature Process Control Method Using

Smith Predictor
Nikolajs Bogdanovs1*, Romualds Beļinskis2, Ernests Petersons2, Andris Krūmiņš1,4 and Artūrs Brahmanis3
Lafivents Ltd, BMS Department, Riga, Latvia
Riga Technical University, Department of Transport Electronics and Telematics, Riga, Latvia
Lafivents Ltd, HVAC Department, Riga, Latvia
Faculty of civil engineering, Institute of heat, gas and water technology, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia

Abstract. The analysis of a problem of development of control systems for objects with big time delay is
carried out in this work. For such objects it is difficult to provide high-quality control, because the control is
carried on the last status of object’s output. The main setup methods of PID regulators have been examined.
Based on this analysis the technique of complete synthesis of the regulator of higher level is given in order
to regulate building’s heating system. This work offers a new method of object’s control with distributed
delay. As the test bed for the offered structure of control the valve of hot water supply in a heat-node is
used. Using the test bed the stability of the system with time delay have been studied, which is controlled by
the PID-regulator assisted by Smith Predictor used to compensate the dead time.

1 Introduction requires higher-level control system comparing to

temperature regulation with deadbands, but gives
Energy saving in the field of building’s heating is possibility to calculate optimal air supply parameters,
important task, considering both the criteria of market which requires minimum energy consumption.
capacity and the aspect of status of engineering systems. The management with prediction models in
In the European Union, buildings are responsible for microclimate control algorithm allows increasing the
40% of total energy consumption including effectiveness of HVAC system in buildings.
approximately 20% absorbed in heating which can be There is a problem of the correct setup of the
effectively used in the demand side management (DSM) heating equipment as excessive increase in temperature
strategy as a shift able load. on the heating element leads to overheating of rooms,
Energy saving in heating systems from control which results in excessive consumption of thermal
point of view is characterized by the need of stable resource and decreased comfort level. At the same time
maintenance of air temperature for building’s premises it is necessary to consider that the greatest saving of
at adjusted comfort level in the presence of external thermal energy in heating systems of buildings is
perturbations affecting the building. Today, considering reached by using intellectual automation. It is explained
the development of automation equipment and large- by the fact that automatic control allows to save heat due
scale implementation of individual thermal points, to accounting of those factors, which can't be considered
implementation of more effective heat controlling by calculation methods, such as:
algorithms became possible [6]. Thermo-hydraulic - influence of solar radiation;
processes in the building have big momentum; have non- - accounting of fluctuations in outside air
linear or variable linear dynamic behaviour and temperature;
distributed nature, subjected to vast number of the - heat release from people and equipment;
influencing factors, which direct measurements are - chaotic operating time of ventilation.
extremely difficult in practice. Thus, the development of intellectual management
The main task is analysis of heating units operating systems for heating systems is a relevant task. The
conditions and energy efficiency. Known necessary adjustment method based on prediction is offered in this
parameters of air supply flow and calculated physical work.
energy with the program allows choosing the correct Predictive control is not a single strategy, but a set
configuration of the heating units operating parameters. of control methods with predictive model of the process
Coincidences from parameter settings of the airflow expressed in specific order to obtain a control signal by
supply on the heating units configuration and control minimizing objective’s function subjection to some
system should be investigated further. Necessary supply constraints. In building’s control, one would aim to
airflow can be adjusted in area to insure comfortable optimize delivered energy subjecting to constraints. One
conditions. Regulation according to comfort zone
Corresponding author: [email protected]

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
E3S Web of Conferences 111, 0 6016 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/2019111060 16
CLIMA 2019

of advantage of this method is Smith Predictor time through PID regulator [6]. Described AHU are found on
delay is effective taken outside the control loop in the outdated HVAC systems and also in specialized systems
transfer function relating the process output to setpoint. of production, professional kitchens, etc.
This method introduces extreme instability into the In a commonly used shunt group scheme the
variable control system. circulation pump (4) is operating constantly, ensuring
The Smith Predictor is a popular and effective long freeze prevention and a steady water temperature
compensator for stable processes. One of advantage of regulation with control valve (3). See in Figure 1.
this method is Smith Predictor time delay is effective In a commonly used shunt group scheme circulation
taken outside the control loop in the transfer function pump (4) is operating constantly, ensuring freeze
relating the process output to setpoint. This method protection and a steady water temperature regulation
introduces extreme instability into the variable control with control valve (3), see in Figure 1.
system. Where:
1 - Shut off valve; 2 – Strainer; 3 - Three-way valve with
actuator; 4 - Circulation Pump; 5,6 - Check valves; 7 –
2 Related works Thermometer; 8 – Manometer; 9 - Water/Air Heat
Basnayake in his work offers to replace PLC controllers exchanger; 10,13 - Balancing valves.
of building’s automatics with new controllers designed By launching such system, in order not to overcool
based on artificial intelligence. These controllers use inlet air, the triple running valve is usually completely
intellectual identification of users [1]. opened, providing the maximum flow of heat carrier g
Amit Badlani’s work describes smart home and respectively the heat power Q.
systems that decrease energy consumption by studying The problem is that inlet air temperature undergoes
human behaviour pattern [2]. strong fluctuations while the PID regulator finds the
Roengruen proposed in paper simulation methods necessary valve position for heating the air from outside
for the temperature control systems. Work results shown temperature to the one that is set. It negatively reflects
success usability of test model to use this regulation on thermal comfort of people indoors and also it can
method in PLC controller for temperature control in influence technological processes.
buildings [3].
Wolfgang book author describes regulation
principles of process control and regulation methods in
variable processes in building heating systems. This
book discusses different approaches for regulation loops.
It also shows the applying of Smith Predictor model in
process control [4].
Srinivas mentions the disadvantages of the
applying the classical PID controller regulation and
tuning. The paper shows examples how to improve
system regulation with Smith Predictor. This control
method allows avoids decreasing of regulator gain factor
as result the system regulation performance increases
Despite the large number of valuable research
work describing different types of management, there is
no management system, which could increase the
effectiveness in existing buildings by using predictions.
Control algorithms are developed for such research,
described below, based on Smith's predictor, which are
designed and used in building management system.

3 Formulation of the problem

In automation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning
(HVAC) systems the PID regulators are used
everywhere. They allow regulating motorized air
dampers and hydraulic valves, frequency converters of
pumps, fans and compressors are regulated. The problem
of controlling inlet air temperature by direct-flow air
handling unit (AHU) with water heater is considered in
this publication. In cases when such AHU is equipped
with simple ON/Off ventilator without frequency
converter or EC-regulator fan, the maintenance of stable Fig. 1. A typical AHU shunt group hydraulic scheme.
set inlet air temperature is carried out by motorized valve

E3S Web of Conferences 111, 0 6016 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/2019111060 16
CLIMA 2019

Since heat-node’s temperature regulation is carried

Heating energy trnsfered to the airflow by heating out by means of PID regulator according to temperature
coil can be calculated using formula: of outside air (especially in case of sharp temperature
drop), systems form the delay of automatic control. As
Q = g ⋅ p ⋅ c cw (Tin − Tout ) (1) each link of the heat-node has its own response time
bringing the negative phase displacement, it is capable to
Where: result in loss of stability in regulatory system [10,11]. It
is necessary to apply the ratio between delay value and
Q - heating output, kW, the object’s time constant, described by the following
g - heating fluid flow, m3/s,
ρ - heating fluid density, kg/m3, τ
> (0,2...0,5) (2)
τ +T
ccw - heating fluid specifies heat, kJ/(kg*°C),
T - object’s time constant.
Tin, Tout - supply and return flow temperatures, °C.
Where τ - heating valve delays, depend on weather and
In three-position regulators the actuator can hold three thermo hydraulic processes in the building.
positions: completely open, normal (average) or Time of transport delay is calculated by formula:
completely closed [7.8] L
τ = ε  (3)
υ 
L - the distance from the sensor to the executing
mechanism, м;
υ - movement speed of the substance м/с;
To determine dynamic characteristic ε of c the control
object it is necessary to reveal the regularity in practice
as it was done in this work, see Figure 3

Fig. 2. Characteristics of three-position regulator.

The value of hysteresis H affects the accuracy

temperature adjustment. Reduction the value of
hysteresis zone not only increases the accuracy of
adjustment, but also the frequency of opening the valve
that leads to a fast wear of commutation elements.

4 Enhanced Smith predictor for heating

Buildings’ modern heat-nodes regulating heat
consuming by the use of valves and pumps which
regulate heat supply to the building in compliance with a Fig. 3. Dynamic characteristics of time delay of outside
desirable temperature for locations. According to the
temperature diagram and weather conditions further The dynamic characteristics ε was determined
regulation of the consumed thermal energy takes place, experimentally. The best coefficient was defined at the
thus, providing comfortable conditions taking into temperature of 8 in point A and -23 in point B. A linear
account the temperature of outside air. Microprocessor dependence was obtained after this. The linear
controller serves as a central device, which controls dependence for each heating system is separate and it
operation of valves and pumps. It allows regulating heat needs to be defined experimentally. The controller
carrier’s temperature according to temperature of outside parameters could not the results had been achieved by
air; to automatically reduce temperature and to control just tuning (applies a correction based on proportional,
circulation pumps [9]. Heat carrier’s temperature control integral, and derivative terms) them without adding the
is carried out by means of the PID regulator. Using PID Smith predictor because τ is dynamics parameters
control for Building Management System (BMS) is not
which depending on outdoor temperature.
effective method to control the heating system. Thus, a
The purpose of Smith’s predictor – to foretell the
considerable change in set point occurs. Integral terms
signal strength at the object exit before it actually
cause an overshooting error during the rise.

E3S Web of Conferences 111, 0 6016 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/2019111060 16
CLIMA 2019

appears there. Due to this prediction the delay factor is Simulation and laboratory conditions can differ highly,
excluded from the model, which allows predicting the therefore, we have to try this adjustment method in
behaviour of an object before the moment when signal practice and a real object was used for this, PLC
appears at the exit. controller is shown in Figure 5.
Further, to make a prediction, it is necessary to use The predicted value τ goes to Q(c), controller,
the model of object’s control that consists of fractional which adjusts the controlling influence of AO.
− sτ
rational part M 0 and delay e . Here, the R –
− sτ
common PID regulator, P0 e - additional
characteristic of the control objects (see Figure 3).

Fig. 4. Control system with Smith's predictor.

We will assume that the model is absolutely exact.

Then the difference between signals on model’s outputs
and the object will be equal to zero (ε = 0) [12]. But in Fig. 5. PLC Controller for AHU heater.
that case, directly from the diagram of Figure 4, it is
possible to obtain: This heater of the ventilation system is controlled with
ALERTON controller in which software is written to
 R   P R − sτ  control the valve of water heater [16]. The controller by
y = P0 e − sτ  r =  0 e r (4) means of BACnet protocol is connected to the server
 1 + RM 0   1 + RP0  where archiving of data and monitoring of the system is
carried out. The water heater valve is a one analog
output system [17].
 P0 R 
In this expression the member   represents a
 1 + RP0 
transfer function of a system without delay. And it
means that the link with the time delay is not included in
the circuit of feedback and doesn't affect the stability and
high-speed performance of the system, which means that
there is adjustment in the circuit with the model without
delay, and the transport delay is added to receive result
[13]. Due to this prediction the delay value is excluded
from the model, which allows predicting of object’s
behavior until the signal appears at the outlet. Fig. 6. Experimental results for valve heating control from PID
Smith's predictor imitates a difference between the with outdoor temperature -2°C.
process model with no sensitivity zone and a real object.
This adjusting signal is added to the measured output
signal to foretell what signal would be at the exit if there
were no delay [14,15].
The transfer function in (4) models the way a change
in the voltage (0-10 Volt) driving the water valve
opening affects the heater temperature.

5 Practical implementation of the

enhanced Smith Predictor for heating
Simulations of the regulator in simulators based on
Smith Predictor is labor-consuming, as the dynamic
characteristics of ε is stochastic and separate for each Fig. 7. Experimental results for valve heating control with
building’s heater and it is also hardly predictable. enhanced Smith Predictor for outdoor temperature -2°.

E3S Web of Conferences 111, 0 6016 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/2019111060 16
CLIMA 2019

predictor are built in PLC Alerton microcontroller. By

Figure 6 shows that by using standard PID regulator the comparison with traditional PID regulator, the
precise adjustment of the heating valve is not reached experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the
and based on this a new method of adjustment system proposed methods towards the heating valve delays and
with great delay was studied. system uncertainties integrated in the building heating
The Figure 7 shows the result with enhanced Smith control system. A consistency of Smith predictor control
Predictor. signals of all possible time delays can be generated in
The Figure 8 shows the experimental (with outdoor advance and the actual delays will be compensated. This
temperature from 8°C to -25°C) result, received with control method is mathematically simple implemented in
Smith's predictor The structure of this predictor is also PLC Alerton microcontroller with reduce resources.
given in this Figure 4. The temperature control system based on the Smith
Predictor controller can precisely control the temperature
inside the instrument. Therefore, it is able to provide the
best temperature for enzymatic detection to ensure the
accuracy of results.

7 Future works
In future work is planned to address all above-mentioned
problems within the framework of research by providing
following solutions:
Matlab machine learning toolbox could solve the
problem of optimizing the Building Management System
algorithm by analyzing weather forecast for the next day
and sing Finite Difference Method in self-learning
model. The automation of the home or the building has a
Fig. 7. Average results for valve heating control with outdoor
great potential in reducing the cost and energy
temperature -8°C from PID regulator and PID with Smith's
consumption using, machine learning for intelligent
It is necessary to study new class of regulators,
It is important that comparing to the PID, the curve
which are based on indistinct logic, genetic algorithms
of adjustment is approximately by 25% less. The time of
and neural networks.
adjustments also decreased. Such effect was obtained by
Next research of our control model will include a
using Smith Predictor.
human occupancy in the building. New control methods
Table 1. Comparison of responses using machine learning and buildings new data will
upgrade our model results.
Model Max. Acknowledgements
Rise Peak Settling
time(s) time(s) time(s)
(%) The research received funding from the ERAF
PID 25 420 480 840 Post-doctoral Research Support Program project Nr. Research application “Wireless sensor
PID networks for a building’s energy efficiency evaluation
Smith's 2 118 32 360 and data exchange with the building’s management
predictor systems” Nr.

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