Rigid Frame Systems: High Rise Building
Rigid Frame Systems: High Rise Building
Rigid Frame Systems: High Rise Building
What is a Rigid Frame system?
Applications of Rigid Frame system
Material Properties
How is Connect the Rigid Frame system?
Considerations of Rigid Frame Design
Behavior of rigid frames under Lateral loads
Methods of Rigid Frame Design
Advantages disadvantages
Environment and Health Safety
Case Study
A tall building boom in the late 1920s and early 1930s in urban centers
Chicago and New York .
In the 1960s and 1970s, Professor Egor Popov at the University of
California at Berkeley and other researchers began to perform cyclic
laboratory testing of steel moment framing.
As a result of the apparent high performance of these structures, the
building codes from the 1960s adopted preferential design criteria for
steel moment frames.
In the aftermath of the 1994
Northridge, California
earthquake, damage to steel
special rigid frame connections
, spawned concern about the
reliability of established design
and construction procedures.
Fig 1: Fracturing of the column at welded
beam-to-column connection in Northridge
Rigid frame systems, also called moment frame systems, are used in
steel and reinforced concrete buildings. This system consists of beams
and columns .
Reinforced concrete and steel in rigid frames are used In earlier high-rise
buildings, while concrete were under development, steel frames were
A rigid frame is an unbraced frame, that is capable of resisting both
vertical and lateral loads by the bending of beams and columns.
Stiffness of the rigid frame is provided mainly by the bending rigidity of
beams and columns that have rigid connections.
A rigid frame system are comment system using in high rise
building in this years on the world that has more stability and
less damage due to Natural disasters like earthquake and wind
A rigid-frame structure is a structure made up of linear
elements, typically beams and columns, that are connected to
one another at their ends with joints that do not allow any
relative rotation to happen between the ends of the members.
Fig 2 Rigid frame structure under construction
Some examples of tall buildings using the rigid frame system with steel
structural material include:
Fig 3 The 21-storey, 94m high Lever House Fig 4 The 12-storey, 55m high Home
(New York, 1952) Insurance Building (Chicago,1885)
Example of tall buildings using the rigid frame system with reinforced
concrete structural material include:
Joint Rigidity
Support Types
Beam behavior (Fig 8)
Beam-to-column connections
Column splices
Column bases
Earthquake loads increase according to the building weight, and wind loads increase according to the
building height. For this reason, wind loads, while they are generally an unimportant issue in the design
of structural systems for low- and mid-rise buildings, play a decisive role in that of tall buildings, and can
even be a cause of large lateral drift (sway) that is more critical than that from earthquake loads.
Fig 11: Differences between hinged frame and rigid frame structure.
Fig 12: Differences between post & beam structure and rigid-frame structure
• More drift
• Increase the axial load on
the column, gives large
cross section of column
• Increase the buckling at
in figure 15.
The added cost results from the use of heavier sections in the rigid
If, however, a rigid frame is combined with shear walls, the resulting structure
is very much stiffer so that its height probability may extend up to 50 stories or
Tall Buildings: structural systems and aerodynamic Form
Journal of Constructional Steel Research ( Earthquake resistance
frames with combination of rigid and semi-rigid connections )ACI
(2008). Building code requirements for structural concrete (ACI 318-
08) and commentary, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills.
AISC (2006). Seismic design manual, American Institute of Steel
Construction, Inc., Chicago, IL.
AISC (2005a), ANSI/AISC 341-05. Seismic provisions for structural
steel buildings, American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc., Chicago.
AISC (2006). Seismic design manual, American Institute of Steel
Construction, Inc., Chicago, IL.