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The workbook covers topics related to place value, addition, subtraction, and money. It provides exercises for students in third grade.

The main topics covered include place value, comparing and ordering numbers, addition, subtraction, and money. Each chapter provides examples and exercises for students to practice different math skills.

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Grade 3

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 073 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07
UNIT 1: PLACE VALUE Chapter 5: Money
5.1 Count Bills and Coins .......................PW30
Chapter 1: Understand Place Value 5.2 Compare Money Amounts ..............PW31
1.1 Ways to Use Numbers ........................PW1 5.3 Problem Solving Workshop
1.2 Algebra: Patterns on a Strategy: Make a Table ....................PW32
Hundred Chart ...................................PW2 5.4 Model Making Change ....................PW33
1.3 Locate Points on a Number Line .......PW3
1.4 Place Value: 3 Digits ...........................PW4 UNIT 3: TIME, DATA, AND PATTERNS
1.5 Place Value: 4 Digits ...........................PW5
1.6 Place Value: 5 and 6 Digits ................PW6
Chapter 6: Time
1.7 Problem Solving Workshop
6.1 Understand Time ..............................PW34
Strategy: Use Logical Reasoning .......PW7
6.2 Time to the Minute ..........................PW35
Chapter 2: Compare, Order, and Round Numbers 6.3 Minutes and Seconds .......................PW36
2.1 Compare Numbers .............................PW8 6.4 A.M. and P.M. ...................................PW37
2.2 Order Numbers ...................................PW9 6.5 Problem Solving Workshop
2.3 Compare and Order Greater Skill: Too Much/Too Little
Numbers............................................PW10 Information ......................................PW38
2.4 Round to the Nearest Ten ...............PW11
Chapter 7: Data and Graphs
2.5 Round to the Nearest Hundred ......PW12
7.1 Collect Data ......................................PW39
2.6 Problem Solving Workshop
7.2 Read a Pictograph ............................PW40
Skill: Use a Number Line ..................PW13
7.3 Problem Solving Workshop
Strategy: Make a Graph ..................PW41
UNIT 2: ADDITION, SUBTRACTION, AND 7.4 Read a Bar Graph .............................PW42
MONEY 7.5 Make a Bar Graph ............................PW43
7.6 Take a Survey ....................................PW44
7.7 Classify Data .....................................PW45
Chapter 3: Addition
3.1 Algebra: Addition Properties ..........PW14 Chapter 8: Algebra: Patterns
3.2 Algebra: Missing Addends...............PW15 8.1 Patterns .............................................PW46
3.3 Estimate Sums ..................................PW16 8.2 Geometric Patterns ..........................PW47
3.4 Add 2-Digit Numbers .......................PW17 8.3 Number Patterns ..............................PW48
3.5 Model 3-Digit Addition ...................PW18 8.4 Extend Patterns ................................PW49
3.6 Add 3-Digit Numbers .......................PW19 8.5 Problem Solving Workshop
3.7 Problem Solving Workshop Strategy: Look for a Pattern............PW50
Strategy: Guess and Check ..............PW20
3.8 Choose a Method .............................PW21

Chapter 4: Subtraction
4.1 Algebra: Fact Families ......................PW22
4.2 Estimate Differences ........................PW23
4.3 Subtract 2-Digit Numbers ..................PW24
4.4 Model 3-Digit Subtraction.................PW25
4.5 Subtract 3-Digit Numbers................... PW26
4.6 Subtract Across Zeros .......................PW27
4.7 Choose a Method .............................PW28
4.8 Problem Solving Workshop
Skill: Choose the Operation ............PW29
FACTS 14.1 Divide by 2 and 5 .............................PW80
14.2 Divide by 3 and 4 .............................PW81
14.3 Division Rules for 1 and 0 ................PW82
Chapter 9: Understand Multiplication
14.4 Algebra: Practice the Facts ..............PW83
9.1 Algebra: Relate Addition to
14.5 Problem Solving Workshop
Multiplication ...................................PW51
Skill: Choose the Operation ............PW84
9.2 Algebra: Model with Arrays ............PW52
9.3 Multiply with 2 .................................PW53 Chapter 15: Facts through 12
9.4 Multiply with 4 .................................PW54 15.1 Divide by 6 ........................................PW85
9.5 Algebra: Multiply with 1 and 0 .......PW55 15.2 Divide by 7 and 8 .............................PW86
9.6 Problem Solving Workshop 15.3 Problem Solving Workshop
Strategy: Draw a Picture ..................PW56 Strategy: Work Backward ................PW87
15.4 Divide by 9 and 10 ...........................PW88
Chapter 10: Multiplication Facts
15.5 Divide by 11 and 12 .........................PW89
10.1 Multiply with 5 and 10 ....................PW57
15.6 Algebra: Practice the Facts ..............PW90
10.2 Multiply with 3 .................................PW58
10.3 Multiply with 6 .................................PW59
10.4 Algebra: Practice the Facts ..............PW60 UNIT 6: GEOMETRY
10.5 Problem Solving Workshop
Chapter 16: 2-Dimensional Figures
Strategy: Act It Out ..........................PW61
16.1 Line Segments and Angles ..............PW91
Chapter 11: Facts and Strategies 16.2 Types of Lines ...................................PW92
11.1 Multiply with 8 .................................PW62 16.3 Identify 2-Dimensional Figures .......PW93
11.2 Algebra: Patterns with 9 .................PW63 16.4 Triangles ............................................PW94
11.3 Multiply with 7 .................................PW64 16.5 Quadrilaterals ...................................PW95
11.4 Algebra: Practice the Facts ..............PW65 16.6 Circles ................................................PW96
11.5 Multiply with 11 and 12 ..................PW66 16.7 Compare 2-Dimensional Figures .....PW97
11.6 Problem Solving Workshop 16.8 Problem Solving Workshop
Strategy: Compare Strategies..........PW67 Strategy: Draw a Diagram ...............PW98

Chapter 12: Algebra: Facts and Properties Chapter 17: Congruence and Symmetry
12.1 Find a Rule ........................................PW68 17.1 Congruent Figures ...........................PW99
12.2 Missing Factors .................................PW69 17.2 Problem Solving Workshop
12.3 Multiply 3 Factors.............................PW70 Strategy: Make a Model ................PW100
12.4 Multiplication Properties .................PW71 17.3 Symmetry ........................................PW101
12.5 Problem Solving Workshop 17.4 Lines of Symmetry ..........................PW102
Skill: Multistep Problems .................PW72 17.5 Draw Symmetric Shapes ................PW103
12.6 Multiples on a Hundred Chart ........PW73
Chapter 18: 3-Dimensional Figures
18.1 Identify 3-Dimensional Figures .....PW104
UNIT 5: DIVISION CONCEPTS AND FACTS 18.2 Faces, Edges, and Vertices .............PW105
18.3 Problem Solving Workshop
Chapter 13: Understand Division Skill: Identify Relationships ...........PW106
13.1 Model Division .................................PW74 18.4 Compare 3-Dimensional Figures ...PW107
13.2 Relate Division and Subtraction ......PW75
13.3 Model with Arrays ...........................PW76
13.4 Algebra: Multiplication and
Division .............................................PW77
13.5 Algebra: Fact Families ......................PW78
13.6 Problem Solving Workshop
Strategy: Write a Number
Sentence ...........................................PW79
UNIT 7: MEASUREMENT Chapter 23: Multiply by 1 Digit
23.1 Arrays with Tens and Ones ............PW137
Chapter 19: Customary Measurement 23.2 Model 2-Digit Multiplication.........PW138
19.1 Compare Attributes .......................PW108 23.3 Multiply 2-Digit Numbers ..............PW139
19.2 Length .............................................PW109 23.4 Practice 2-Digit Multiplication ......PW140
19.3 Estimate and Measure Inches ........PW110 23.5 Problem Solving Workshop
19.4 Estimate and Measure Feet Strategy: Solve a Simpler Problem PW141
and Yards ........................................PW111 Chapter 24: Probability
19.5 Capacity ..........................................PW112 24.1 Probability: Likelihood of Events ..PW142
19.6 Weight ............................................PW113 24.2 Possible Outcomes .........................PW143
19.7 Problem Solving Workshop
24.3 Experiments ....................................PW144
Skill: Choose a Unit ........................PW114 24.4 Predict Future Events .....................PW145
19.8 Fahrenheit Temperature ................PW115 24.5 Problem Solving Workshop
19.9 Use a Thermometer .......................PW116 Strategy: Make an Organized List PW146
Chapter 20: Metric Measurement SPIRAL REVIEW
20.1 Length .............................................PW117 Week 1.......................................................... SR1
20.2 Centimeters and Decimeters .........PW118 Week 2.......................................................... SR2
20.3 Meters and Kilometers ..................PW119 Week 3.......................................................... SR3
20.4 Capacity ..........................................PW120 Week 4.......................................................... SR4
20.5 Mass ................................................PW121 Week 5.......................................................... SR5
20.6 Problem Solving Workshop Week 6.......................................................... SR6
Strategy: Compare Strategies........PW122 Week 7.......................................................... SR7
Chapter 21: Perimeter, Area, and Volume Week 8.......................................................... SR8
21.1 Perimeter ........................................PW123 Week 9.......................................................... SR9
21.2 Estimate and Measure Perimeter ..PW124 Week 10...................................................... SR10
21.3 Area of Plane Figures ....................PW125 Week 11...................................................... SR11
21.4 Find Area ........................................PW126 Week 12...................................................... SR12
21.5 Relate Perimeter and Area ............PW127 Week 13...................................................... SR13
21.6 Volume ............................................PW128 Week 14...................................................... SR14
21.7 Problem Solving Workshop Week 15...................................................... SR15
Skill: Use a Model ...........................PW129 Week 16...................................................... SR16
Week 17...................................................... SR17
Week 18...................................................... SR18
UNIT 8: FRACTIONS, MULTIPLICATION, Week 19...................................................... SR19
AND PROBABILITY Week 20...................................................... SR20
Week 21...................................................... SR21
Chapter 22: Understand Fractions Week 22...................................................... SR22
22.1 Model Part of a Whole ..................PW130 Week 23...................................................... SR23
22.2 Model Part of a Group ..................PW131 Week 24...................................................... SR24
22.3 Equivalent Fractions .......................PW132 Week 25...................................................... SR25
22.4 Simplest Form .................................PW133
22.5 Fractions on a Number Line ..........PW134
22.6 Compare Fractions .........................PW135
22.7 Problem Solving Workshop
Strategy: Compare Strategies........PW136
Week 26...................................................... SR26
Week 27...................................................... SR27
Week 28...................................................... SR28
Week 29...................................................... SR29
Week 30...................................................... SR30
Week 31...................................................... SR31
Week 32...................................................... SR32
Week 33...................................................... SR33
Week 34...................................................... SR34
Week 35...................................................... SR35
Week 36...................................................... SR36
Name Lesson 1.1

Ways to Use Numbers

Tell how each number is used. Write count, measure, label, or position.

1. 67th Street 2. 3.

15 marbles

4. Shanice placed 4th at the Texas 5. Robby has 75 hangers hanging in

state swim meet. his closet.

6. Drew is 5 feet tall. 7. Audrey’s locker number is #364.

8. The mall is located at 327 9. Meryl’s physical fitness scores put

Commerce Boulevard. her in the 95th percentile.

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

10. The state of Texas has the 2nd 11. Texas’s highest point is Guadalupe
highest population in the United Peak, which stands 8,749 feet tall.
States. How is 2nd used in this How is 8,749 used in this fact?

12. Which number is used to 13. Mr. Carlson lives at 418 Laurel
count? Lane in Dallas, Texas. How is 418
used here?
A 65 third graders F to count
B 2nd place winner G to label
C 100-pound pumpkin H to measure
D Office Suite J to position

PW1 Practice
Name Lesson 1.2

Algebra: Patterns on a Hundred Chart

Use the hundred chart. Find the next number in the pattern.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

1. 1, 3, 5, 7, 2. 6, 5, 4, 3,

3. 10, 15, 20, 25, 4. 15, 12, 9, 6,

5. 10, 20, 30, 40, 6. 65, 63, 61, 59,

Use the hundred chart. Tell whether each number is

odd or even.

7. 7 8. 36 9. 50 10. 77

11. 98 12. 90 13. 8 14. 24

15. 21 16. 33 17. 9 18. 85

PW2 Practice
Name Lesson 1.3

Locate Points on a Number Line

Find the number that point X stands for on the number line.
1. 2.
5 X 10 0 X 8 10

3. 4.
12 15 X 27 30 25 30 40 X 50

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

For 5–6, use the number line below.

70 S 90 X 110

5. Raul’s trivia score is shown by 6. Raul answered two more

point S. What is Raul’s score? questions correctly. His new
score is labeled point X. What is
Raul’s new score?

For 7–8, use the number line below.

3 6 R S T U 21 24

7. Which point represents the 8. Which number does point R

number 18 on the number line? represent?
A R F 9
B T G 12
C S H 15
D U J 25

PW3 Practice
Name Lesson 1.4

Place Value: 3 Digits

Write the value of the underlined digit.
1. 818 2. 191 3. 817 4. 902

5. 253 6. 704 7. 640 8. 397

Write each number in standard form.

9. 300 ⫹ 40 ⫹ 2 10. 500 ⫹ 60 ⫹ 1 11. 200 ⫹ 10 ⫹ 9

12. seven hundred three 13. four hundred ninety-nine

Write each number in expanded form.

14. 921 15. 650 16. two hundred fifty

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

17. Female elk can weigh up to six 18. Male mountain lions can weigh up
hundred pounds. In standard to one hundred sixty pounds. In a
form, how many digits that are not place value chart of this weight,
zeros does this weight contain? which digit would be positioned in
the hundreds place?

19. Which shows six hundred five 20. Which shows four hundred forty
written in expanded form? written in standard form?
A 605 C 600 ⫹ 5 F 400 H 444
B 650 D 600 ⫹ 50 G 440 J 400 ⫹ 40

PW4 Practice
Name Lesson 1.5

Place Value: 4 Digits

Write each number in standard form.
1. 9,000 ⫹ 8 2. six thousand, one hundred twelve

3. four thousand, two hundred two 4. 2,000 ⫹ 700 ⫹ 30 ⫹ 4

Write each number in expanded form.

5. 3,724 6. 5,209

7. 6,009 8. 9,638

9. seven thousand four 10. four hundred seventy-seven

Write the value of the underlined digit.

11. 9,876 12. 7,219 13. 3,147 14. 4,296

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

15. Write a 4-digit number that 16. Harry will eat 1,500 peanut butter
contains the digits 0, 1, 2, and 3. and jelly sandwiches before he
What is the value of the first digit in graduates from college. How would
your number? you write 1,500 in word form?

17. Which number shows five thousand 18. Which is the value of the
three hundred two? underlined digit in 7,318?
A 532 C 5,302 F 7 H 700
B 5,032 D 5,320 G 70 J 7,000

PW5 Practice
Name Lesson 1.6

Place Value: 5 and 6 Digits

Write the value of the underlined digit.

1. 34,219 2. 728,516 3. 156,327 4. 405,318

5. 211,007 6. 80,239 7. 44,920 8. 300,999

Write each number in standard form.

9. 70,000 ⫹ 8,000 ⫹ 300 ⫹ 5 10. forty-three thousand, eleven

11. 900,000 ⫹ 60,000 ⫹ 20 ⫹ 6 12. three hundred seventy-three

thousand, eight hundred sixty-one

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

13. Mauna Kea, an inactive volcano in 14. During the one-week period it was
Hawaii, stands 13,796 feet above held, 237,465 people attended the
sea level. What is the value of the state fair. How would you write
digit 1 in 13,796? 237,465 in word form?

15. Which number is the greatest? 16. Which is the value of the digit 9 in
A 24,030 F 9
B 24,300 G 900
C 24,330 H 9,000
D 24,000 J 900,000

PW6 Practice
Name Lesson 1.7

Problem Solving Workshop Strategy:

Use Logical Reasoning
Problem Solving Strategy Practice
Use logical reasoning to solve.
1. Mario’s locker number is between 2. In a spelling bee, Cal, Dawn, and
80 and 99. The sum of the digits is Amy were the top three finishers.
13. The tens digit is 3 more than Cal finished in second place.
the ones digit. What is Mario’s Dawn did not finish first. Who
locker number? finished first?

3. Eight students tried out for the 4. Earl answered 2 more math
band or the chorus. Five students questions correctly than Anna did.
tried out for the band, the rest Anna answered 3 fewer questions
tried out for the chorus. How correctly than Juanita did. Juanita
many students tried out for the answered 21 questions correctly.
chorus? How many questions did Earl
answer correctly?

Mixed Strategy Practice

5. Doug has 170 stamps in his 6. Mr. Burns ran 14 miles last week.
collection. His first book of stamps He only ran on Monday, Tuesday,
has 30 more stamps in it than his and Wednesday. If Mr. Burns ran
second book. How many stamps 3 miles on Tuesday and 5 miles on
are in each book? Wednesday, than how many miles
did he run on Monday?

7. Use Data Josie is 2 spans plus Unusual Measurements

3 ells tall. How many feet tall is 1 fathom ⫽ 6 feet
Josie? 2 spans ⫽ 3 feet
3 ells ⫽ 1 foot

PW7 Practice
Name Lesson 2.1

Compare Numbers
Compare the numbers. Use the <, >, or = signs.

1. 78 87 2. 100 99 3. 529 592 4. 84 84

5. 964 946 6. 624 642 7. 297 97 8. 173 317

Compare the numbers. Use the <, >, or = signs.

9. 321 312 10. 94 940 11. 724 724 12. 239 29

13. 870 87 14. 638 863 15. 574 745 16. 746 746

17. 404 374 18. 393 403 19. 632 632 20. 206 204

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

21. Fast Fact The tallest building in 22. A 3rd grade has 384 students.
Dallas is the Bank of America A 4th grade has 348 students.
Plaza. It stands 921 feet tall. The Compare the number of students
tallest building in Albuquerque is in each grade level.
Albuquerque Plaza. It stands 315
feet tall. Compare the heights of
these two buildings.

23. Which number is less than 952 24. Which number is greater than 786
but greater than 924? but less than 791?
A 925 F 678
B 952 G 768
C 955 H 786
D 1,000 J 790

PW8 Practice
Name Lesson 2.2

Order Numbers
Write the numbers in order from least to greatest.

1. 12, 92, 32 2. 37, 34, 39 3. 86, 88, 85

4. 500, 300, 400 5. 139, 142, 127 6. 587, 583, 582

Write the numbers in order from greatest to least.

7. 39, 27, 58 8. 82, 89, 91 9. 76, 74, 78

10. 218, 312, 199 11. 652, 671, 649 12. 437, 439, 436

13. 562, 526, 625 14. 987, 978, 998 15. 249, 429, 294

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

16. Fast Fact The Sabine River is 17. Reasoning I am a number that is
555 miles long. The Neches River greater than 81 but less than 95.
is 416 miles long. The Trinity River The sum of my digits is 15. What
is 508 miles long. Write the names number am I?
of the rivers in order from least to
greatest based on their length.

18. Which number is the greatest? 19. Which number is greater than 498
but less than 507?
A 536 C 653 F 497 H 507
B 635 D 563 G 499 J 510

PW9 Practice
Name Lesson 2.3

Compare and Order Larger Numbers

Write the numbers in order from least to greatest.
1. 587; 578; 5,087 2. 2,315; 2,135; 2,531 3. 3,721; 3,735; 3,719

4. 4,001; 4,100; 420 5. 5,718; 3,718; 1,718 6. 8,239; 8,199; 8,098

Write the numbers in order from greatest to least.

7. 913; 1,013; 1,031 8. 6,329; 6,239; 6,392 9. 7,428; 7,425; 7,429

10. 5,230; 3,250; 2,350 11. 9,909; 999; 9,099 12. 5,768; 5,876; 5,687

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

USE DATA For 13–14, use the table below.

13. Which player has the greatest

number of pass completions?
Football Hall of Fame
14. Write the number of pass Completions
completions from the table in Troy Aikman 2,742
order from least to greatest. Don Meredith 1,170

Sammy Baugh 1,754

15. Which number is the greatest? 16. Which number is less than 4,726
but greater than 3,998?
A 8,327 F 3,997
B 8,273 G 3,999
C 8,372 H 4,726
D 8,237 J 4,727

PW10 Practice
Name Lesson 2.4

Round to the Nearest Ten

Round the number to the nearest ten.
1. 52 2. 47 3. 95 4. 107 5. 423

6. 676 7. 209 8. 514 9. 673 10. 19

11. 478 12. 313 13. 627 14. 789 15. 204

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

USE DATA For 16–17, use the table below.
16. To the nearest ten, what was the
number of sea lions spotted on Sea Lions Spotted Off the Pier
Number of
Sea Lions Spotted

Friday 48
17. To the nearest ten, what was the
number of sea lions spotted in all? Saturday 53

Sunday 65

18. The number of stamps in Krissy’s 19. On a number line, the number
collection, rounded to the nearest labeled X is closer to 350 than
ten, is 670. How many stamps it is to 360. Which number could
could Krissy have? X be?
A 679 F 354
B 676 G 356
C 669 H 361
D 664 J 365

PW11 Practice
Name Lesson 2.5

Round to the Nearest Hundred

Round the number to the nearest hundred.
1. 349 2. 251 3. 765 4. 3,218 5. 6,552

6. 4,848 7. 5,298 8. 6,342 9. 7,112 10. 412

11. 901 12. 5,451 13. 2,982 14. 9,216 15. 1,543

Problem Solving and Test Prep

USE DATA For 16–17, use the table below.

16. To the nearest hundred, how

many feet is Texas’ highest
point? Texas Geography

Feature Size

17. To the nearest hundred, how Border with Mexico 1,001 miles
many miles is Texas’ border with
Highest Point 8,751 feet
Rio Grande 1,885 miles long

18. Which number does NOT round 19. On a number line, point P is
to 500, when rounded to the closer to 300 than to 200. Which
nearest hundred? number could point P stand for?
A 450 F 219
B 499 G 247
C 533 H 273
D 552 J 202

PW12 Practice
Name Lesson 2.6

Problem Solving Workshop Skill: Use a Number Line

Problem Solving Skill Practice
For 1–4, use the number line and the animal weight data.

400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600

The zoo has a lion that weighs 447 pounds, a zebra that weighs
498 pounds, and a grizzly bear that weighs 581 pounds.
1. Is the weight of the zebra closer 2. To the nearest hundred, what is
to 400, or 500, pounds? the weight of the lion?

3. To the nearest hundred, what is 4. To the nearest hundred, how

the weight of the grizzly bear? much do the animals weigh in all?

Mixed Applications
5. Charlie collected 5 marbles on 6. Patrick brought 4 pencils to school
Monday, 3 marbles on on Monday, 3 pencils to school on
Wednesday, and 2 marbles on Tuesday, and a bagged lunch to
Tuesday. How could you put the school on Wednesday. How many
numbers of marbles Charlie pencils did Patrick bring to school
collected in order based on the on Monday and Tuesday
days that they were collected from combined?
earliest to latest?

7. Luke put three numbers in order 8. Lana won two spelling bees last
from least to greatest. The total year. She told her mother that in
amount of digits in the numbers the number 1,020 the number in
he ordered is 4. Are any of the the hundreds place has a value
three numbers Luke put into order of 0. Is what Lana told her mother
made up of more than 2 digits? correct?

PW13 Practice
Name Lesson 3.1

Algebra: Addition Properties

Find each sum.

1. 4  7  2. 1  (8  5)  3. (3  9)  4 
74 (1  8)  5  3  (9  4) 

4. 4  (6  6)  5. 1  9  6. 5  (3  3) 
(4  6)  6  91 (5  3)  3 
Find each sum in two different ways. Use parenthesis to show which
numbers you added first.
7. 7  3  5  8. 9  4  2 

9. 62  18  5  10. 25  4  6 

Name the property shown.

11. 1  42  9  12. 0  16  16  13. 9  7  9 

14. 14  6  3  15. 50  6  30  16. 21  42  1 

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

17. On a nature walk, Sarah sees 18. On Monday Ramon saw 4 squirrels
3 squirrels, 5 chipmunks, and and 8 birds, in the park. On
8 birds. How many animals does Tuesday he saw 8 squirrels and
Sarah see in all? 4 birds, in the park. On Monday
and Tuesday, how many animals
did Ramon see in all?

19. Which is the sum? 20. Which property is shown in the

3  10  number sentence below?
8  (9  4)  (8  9)  4
A 0 C 13
F zero H identity
B 3 D 30
G commutative J associative

PW14 Practice
Name Lesson 3.2

Algebra: Missing Addends

Find the missing addend. You may want to use counters.
1. 3 ⫹ ⫽ 10 2. ⫹ 9 ⫽ 14 3. ⫹ 6 ⫽ 11 4. ⫹2⫽5

5. ⫹ 7 ⫽ 13 6. 2 ⫹ ⫽4 7. ⫹ 9 ⫽ 12 8. 9 ⫹ ⫽ 17

9. 6 ⫹ ⫽ 12 10. ⫹ 1 ⫽ 10 11. 3 ⫹ ⫽8 12. ⫹4⫽4

Find the missing number. You may want to use counters.

13. 9 ⫹ 9 ⫽ 14. 3 ⫹ ⫽ 12 15. 5 ⫹ 5 ⫽ 16. 7 ⫹ 0 ⫽

17. 6 ⫹ 8 ⫽ 18. 2 ⫹ ⫽ 10 19. ⫹ 5 ⫽ 12 20. ⫹0⫽3

21. 8 ⫹ ⫽ 12 22. 4 ⫹ 7 ⫽ 23. 6 ⫹ ⫽ 11 24. 2 ⫹ 7 ⫽

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

25. Fast Fact A squirrel can run 26. Sophia went to an amusement
12 miles per hour. A house mouse park. She went on 18 rides in all.
can run 8 miles per hour. How Seven of the rides Sophia went on
many miles per hour faster can a were roller coasters. How many
squirrel run than a house mouse rides that Sophia went on were
can run? not roller coasters?

27. Which is the missing number? 28. Which is the missing addend for
2⫹7⫽ 11 ⫹ ⫽ 15?
A 5 F 3
B 6 G 4
C 8 H 5
D 9 J 6

PW15 Practice
Name Lesson 3.3

Estimate Sums
Use rounding to estimate each sum.

1. 64 2. 45 3. 14 4. 423 5. 661
⫹ 29
_ ⫹
_ 21 ⫹
_ 37 ⫹
_ 17 ⫹
_ 32

6. 271 7. 535 8. 721 9. 183 10. 387

__349 ⫹
__183 ⫹ 248
__ ⫹
__134 ⫹
_ 97

Use compatible numbers to estimate each sum.

11. 48 12. 24 13. 17 14. 123 15. 572

_ 34 ⫹
_ 27 ⫹
_ 64 ⫹
_ 76 ⫹
_ 25

16. 624 17. 804 18. 217 19. 345 20. 638

__173 ⫹
__136 ⫹
__254 ⫹
__453 ⫹

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

USE DATA For 21–22, use the table below.
21. About how many different species Number of Bird Species
of parrots and raptors are there? Number of Different
Type of Bird
parrots 353
22. Which is greater, the estimated
raptors 307
sum of pigeon and raptor species
penguins 17
or the estimated sum of parrot and
penguin species? pigeons 309

23. A family drove 325 miles one day 24. While walking around a lake,
and 189 miles the next day. About Toby counted birds. He counted
how many miles did the family 23 herons and 45 ducks. About
drive in all? how many herons and ducks did
Toby count in all?
A 50 C 500 F 100 H 50
B 600 D 400 G 70 J 170

PW16 Practice
Name Lesson 3.4

Add 2-Digit Numbers

Estimate. Then find each sum using place value or mental math.

1. 19 2. 33 3. 63 4. 34 5. 65
_ 28  45
_  76
_ 48
 14  16

6. 75 7. 31 8. 47 9. 24 10. 47
_  86
_  25
_ 32 24
 18  52

11. 56  41  12. 83  15  13. 25  67  31 

14. 29  67  15. 37  21  16. 49  34  61 

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

17. Kara bought 13 green apples 18. Manuel and his brother picked
and some red apples. She apples. Manuel picked 62 apples.
bought a total of 40 apples. His brother picked 39 apples.
How many red apples did How many apples did Manuel
Kara buy? and his brother pick in all?

19. Which is the sum? 20. Which is the sum?

71  23  18  65  28 

A 89 C 102 F 83 H 93
B 94 D 112 G 92 J 98

PW17 Practice
Name Lesson 3.5

Model 3-Digit Addition

Use base-ten blocks to find each sum.

1. 128 ⫹ 356 ⫽ 2. 147 ⫹ 266 ⫽ 3. 594 ⫹ 245 ⫽

4. 649 ⫹ 248 ⫽ 5. 392 ⫹ 455 ⫽ 6. 288 ⫹ 477 ⫽

7. 388 ⫹ 256 ⫽ 8. 133 ⫹ 267 ⫽ 9. 818 ⫹ 103 ⫽

Find each sum.

10. 821 11. 765 12. 217 13. 291 14. 608
__ ⫹154
__ ⫹265
__ ⫹645
__ ⫹154

15. 309 16. 485 17. 789 18. 236 19. 167
__ ⫹180
__ ⫹101
__ ⫹319
__ ⫹418

20. 189 21. 248 22. 378 23. 320 24. 256
__ ⫹318
__ ⫹147
__ ⫹575
__ ⫹127

25. 444 26. 701 27. 225 28. 821 29. 765
__ ⫹199
__ ⫹387
__ ⫹143
__ ⫹154

30. 635 31. 528 32. 137 33. 412 34. 862
__ ⫹122
__ ⫹303
__ ⫹101
__ ⫹112

PW18 Practice
Name Lesson 3.6

Add 3-Digit Numbers

Estimate. Then find each sum.

1. 205 2. 725 3. 317 4. 377 5. 199

__ 237
__ 445
__ 429
__ 534

6. 627 7. 336 8. 743 9. 812 10. 476

__ 248
__ 185
__ 309
__ 358

11. 503 12. 883 13. 612 14. 975 15. 109
258 399 483 194 237
507 174 744 585 176

16. 832  415  17. 358  329  18. 212  688 

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

19. Margie drove 665 miles from her 20. Shawn has climbed 697 steps of
home in Lubbock to her aunt’s the Eiffel Tower. He has 974
home in Brownsville for a steps left to climb to reach the
vacation. She then drove the top. How many steps are on the
same distance to return home. Eiffel Tower?
How many miles did Margie drive
in all?

21. Which is the sum of 467 and 22. Which is the sum of 593 and
384? 252?
A 741 F 745
B 751 G 755
C 841 H 845
D 851 J 855

PW19 Practice
Name Lesson 3.7

Problem Solving Workshop Strategy: Guess and Check

Problem Solving Strategy Practice
1. There were 300 people at the 2. The gym coach ordered 56 total,
football game. There were basketballs and soccer balls for
60 more students than adults at next year. There were 10 fewer
the game. How many students basketballs ordered than soccer
were at the football game? balls ordered. How many of each
type of ball were ordered?

Mixed Strategy Practice

USE DATA For 3–4, use the table.
3. Sami and Juan had the same
Baseball Cards Collected
number of baseball cards. Then
Sami received some baseball Name Number of Cards

cards for his birthday. How many Sami 250

cards did Sami receive for his
Pete 150
Juan 200

4. Pete has 50 baseball cards of

players that are pitchers. He has
25 baseball cards of players that
are catchers. The rest of his
baseball cards are of players that
are outfielders. How many cards
are of players that are outfielders?

5. Tom spent $35 on a new helmet 6. Sarah, Jose, and Mike are sitting in
and kneepads. He spent $15 for a a row. If you face them, Mike is not
new football. At the end of the day sitting on the left. Sarah is sitting to
he had $5 left. How much money the right of Jose. Who is sitting in
did Tom have to begin with? the middle?

PW20 Practice
Name Lesson 3.8

Choose a Method
Find the sum. Tell which method you used.
1. 518 2. 422 3. 239 4. 679 5. 954
__ 315
__ 521
__ 295
__ 756

6. 726 7. 231 8. 923 9. 523 10. 402

__ 765
__ 855
__ 365
__ 509

11. 229 12. 904 13. 163 14. 239 15. 118
325 675 741
__ 761
__ 583
__ 243
__ 236

16. 632  345  17. 192  153  18. 244  328 

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

19. A farmer planted 510 corn plants 20. A farmer plants 615 tomato plants
and 481 potato plants in his fields. and 488 cucumber plants. How
How many corn and potato plants many plants does the farmer plant in
did the farmer plant in all? all? Is mental math the best method
to solve this problem? Explain.

21. Caroline’s family plants 275 acres 22. On Saturday, Jim, his father, and
of corn and 386 acres of lettuce. his two brothers harvested 304
How many acres total, does acres. On Sunday they harvested
Caroline’s family plant? 255 acres. How many acres did they
harvest on both days combined?
A 761
Explain which method you used.
B 661
C 561
D 551

PW21 Practice
Name Lesson 4.1

Algebra: Fact Families


1. 6  4  2, so 2  6 2. 3  8  11, so 11  3

3. 12  9  3, so 9   12 4. 7  6  13, so 6   13

5. 8  8  16, so 16  8 6. 17  9  8, so 8   17

Write the fact family for each set of numbers.

7. 7, 8, 15 8. 5, 3, 8 9. 9, 9, 18

10. 6, 7, 13 11. 3, 7, 10 12. 7, 7, 14

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

13. Kara is making muffins. She has 14. Reasoning How can you use
12 eggs. She uses 2 eggs to make 7  4  11 to find the missing
the muffins. How many eggs does number in 11   4?
Kara have left?

15. Which number sentence is in the 16. Which set of numbers can make a
same fact family as 6  5  11? fact family?
A 6  5  1 C 11  5  16 F 3, 4, 7 H 2, 3, 8
B 11  5  6 D 7  4  11 G 5, 7, 11 J 4, 6, 9

PW22 Practice
Name Lesson 4.2

Estimate Differences
Use rounding or compatible numbers to estimate each difference.
1. 74 2. 52 3. 47 4. 65
_ –26
_ –13
_ –32

5. 371 6. 974 7. 721 8. 283

_ –126
_ –358
_ –154

9. 978 10. 357 11. 787 12. 549

_ –197
_ –268
_ –324

ALGEBRA. Estimate to compare. Write <, >, or = for each .

13. 55 – 29 50 14. 593 – 129 300 15. 805 – 250 500

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

USE DATA For 16–17 use the table below.
16. About how much more is the weight of
Largest Freshwater Fish
the White Sturgeon than the combined
weight of the Gar and the Blue Catfish?
Type of Fish Weight in Pounds

Gar 279
17. About how much more did the White Nile Perch 213
Sturgeon weigh than the Nile Perch
Blue Catfish 111
White Sturgeon 468

18. Tammy estimated 923 ⫺ 452. She 19. Which is the estimated
rounded each number to the nearest difference? 659
hundred and then subtracted. Which ⫺382
was Tammy’s estimate?
A 300 C 500 F 300 H 500
B 400 D 600 G 400 J 600

PW23 Practice
Name Lesson 4.3

Subtract 2-Digit Numbers

Estimate. Then find each difference.
1. 79 2. 35 3. 63 4. 76 5. 55
⫺ 53
_ ⫺ 14
_ ⫺ 45
_ ⫺ 58
_ ⫺ 16

6. 82 7. 68 8. 47 9. 97 10. 63

_ 47 ⫺
_ 31 ⫺
_ 25 ⫺
_ 19 ⫺
_ 17

Find each difference. Use addition to check.

11. 56 ⫺ 41 ⫽ 12. 83 ⫺ 35 ⫽

13. 67 ⫺ 31 ⫽ 14. 36 ⫺ 19 ⫽

15. 66 ⫺ 15 ⫽ 16. 91 ⫺ 22 ⫽

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

17. A brown bear has an average 18. An adult polar bear has a height
height of 48 inches. An American of 63 inches. A polar bear cub
black bear has an average height has a height of 39 inches. What
of 33 inches. What is the is the difference of these
difference between these two heights?
bear’s average heights?

19. Which is the difference? 20. At a fair, a drink stand sold

45 glasses of lemonade and
72 ⫺ 48 ⫽ 29 glasses of tea. How many
more glasses of lemonade than
glasses of tea were sold?
A 24 C 34 F 26 H 16
B 26 D 36 G 24 J 14

PW24 Practice
Name Lesson 4.4

Model 3-Digit Subtraction

Use base-ten blocks to find each difference.
1. 494 ⫺ 271 ⫽ 2. 324 ⫺ 147 ⫽ 3. 549 ⫺ 255 ⫽

4. 311 ⫺ 205 ⫽ 5. 757 ⫺ 483 ⫽ 6. 623 ⫺ 197 ⫽

7. 388 ⫺ 265 ⫽ 8. 267 ⫺ 183 ⫽ 9. 706 ⫺ 258 ⫽

Find each difference.

10. 765 11. 821 12. 665 13. 821 14. 387
__ ⫺143
__ ⫺327
__ ⫺581
__ ⫺198

15. 309 16. 485 17. 784 18. 319 19. 418
__ ⫺276
__ ⫺359
__ ⫺236
__ ⫺276

20. 189 21. 548 22. 707 23. 845 24. 956
__ ⫺318
__ ⫺629
__ ⫺563
__ ⫺127

25. 752 26. 607 27. 387 28. 900 29. 765
__ ⫺199
__ ⫺225
__ ⫺459
__ ⫺150

30. 777 31. 228 32. 939 33. 442 34. 808
__ ⫺116
__ ⫺540
__ ⫺378
__ ⫺102

PW25 Practice
Name Lesson 4.5

Subtract 3-Digit Numbers

Estimate. Then find the difference.

1. 593 2. 377 3. 732 4. 654 5. 534

__ ⫺188
__ ⫺489
__ ⫺386
__ ⫺175

6. 657 7. 673 8. 820 9. 812 10. 976

__ ⫺583
__ ⫺649
__ ⫺309
__ ⫺267

11. 578 12. 738 13. 472 14. 872 15. 477
__ ⫺644
__ ⫺281
__ ⫺125
__ ⫺298

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

16. Fast Fact The Millennium Force 17. The roller coaster Kingda Ka’s
roller coaster is 310 feet tall. The steepest drop is 418 feet. The
Goliath roller coaster is 235 feet Goliath roller coaster’s steepest
tall. How many feet taller is the drop is 163 feet less steep than
Millennium Force roller coaster Kingda Ka’s drop. How steep is
than the Goliath roller coaster? Goliath’s steepest drop?

18. Which is the difference between 19. Which is the difference?

945 and 194? 852

_ 374

A 651 F 522
B 741 G 488
C 751 H 482
D 851 J 478

PW26 Practice
Name Lesson 4.6

Subtract Across Zeros

Estimate. Then find the difference.

1. 508 2. 400 3. 980 4. 806 5. 700

__ 329
__ 246
__ 493
__ 123

6. 608 7. 701 8. 408 9. 930 10. 500

__ 213
__ 184
__ 429
__ 379

Find each difference. Use addition to check.

11. 902  426  12. 800  424 

13. 600  431  14. 500  265 

15. 408  225  16. 830  315 

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

17. Juan plays arcade games and 18. Hannah plays arcade games and
wins some tickets. He needs 400 wins 243 tickets. She needs 700
tickets for a beach ball. He already tickets for a sweatshirt. How many
has 252 tickets. How many more more tickets does Hannah need?
tickets does Juan need?

19. Which is the difference? 20. Which is the difference?

600  328  806
A 272 F 478
B 282 G 568
C 372 H 578
D 382 J 668

PW27 Practice
Name Lesson 4.7

Choose a Method
Find the difference. Tell which method you used.
1. 518 2. 732 3. 925 4. 659 5. 945
__ ⫺315
__ ⫺521
__ ⫺292
__ ⫺467

6. 922 7. 675 8. 800 9. 635 10. 509

__ ⫺198
__ ⫺432
__ ⫺227
__ ⫺288

11. 909 12. 954 13. 632 14. 569 15. 418
__ ⫺843
__ ⫺212
__ ⫺347
__ ⫺236

16. 755 ⫺ 172 ⫽ 17. 218 ⫺ 125 ⫽ 18. 784 ⫺ 318 ⫽

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

19. A polar bear at the zoo weighs 20. A Cheetah can reach speeds
792 pounds. A giant panda at the of up to 66 miles per hour. A three-
zoo weighs 273 pounds. How toed sloth can reach speeds of up
many more pounds does the polar to 8 miles per hour. What
bear weigh than the giant panda is the difference of these two
weighs? Tell which method you speeds? Tell which method you
used to solve. used to solve.

21. An adult zebra weighs 22. A male cheetah weighs

725 pounds. An adult Siberian 142 pounds. A male panther
tiger weighs 562 pounds. How weighs 121 pounds. What is the
many more pounds does the difference in weight between the
zebra weigh than the Siberian cheetah and the panther?
tiger weighs?
A 163 pounds C 243 pounds F 121 pounds H 21 pounds
B 173 pounds D 263 pounds G 112 pounds J 12 pounds

PW28 Practice
Name Lesson 4.8

Problem Solving Workshop Skill: Choose the Operation

Problem Solving Skill Practice
Tell which operation you would use. Then solve the problem.
1. Julia read 128 pages in a book. 2. The library has 325 books about
She needs to read 175 more animals. Of these, 158 are checked
pages to finish the book. How out. How many books about
many pages total, are in the book? animals are still in the library?

3. Kara plans to put together a 4. Jeremy had 529 coins in his

puzzle. The puzzle contains collection. He collected 217 more
225 pieces. She has put together coins. How many coins are now in
137 pieces. How many more Jeremy’s collection?
pieces does Kara need to put
together to complete the puzzle?

Mixed Applications
USE DATA For 5–6, use the table below.
5. How many glasses of lemonade
were sold in all, from Monday to Glasses of Lemonade Sold
Friday? Will you need to use an Number of
estimate or an exact answer? Day
Glasses Sold
Monday 8
6. On Saturday, the lemonade stand Tuesday 11
sold 15 glasses of lemonade. How Wednesday 10
many more glasses were sold on
Thursday 7
Friday than were sold on
Wednesday? Friday 15

7. The library contains 217 magazines, and 60 videos, that students can
check out. Students have 109 magazines checked out. How many
magazines are now available at the library?

PW29 Practice
Name Lesson 5.1

Count Bills and Coins

Write the amount.
1. 2. 3. 4.

Find two equivalent sets for each. List the coins and bills.
5. $4.45 6. $1.58 7. 85¢

8. $3.25 9. 50¢ 10. $6.50

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

11. Reasoning Ana wants to buy a 12. Wil has three $1 bills, 2 quarters,
book for $3.95. List the fewest 3 dimes, a nickel, and 4 pennies.
types and amounts of bills and How much money does Wil have
coins Ana can use. in all?

13. Mike has two $1 bills, 3 quarters, 14. Mitch wants to buy a fruit salad.
and 2 nickels. Shelley has It costs $2.30. Which shows the
9 quarters, 3 dimes, and fewest number of bills and coins
11 pennies. How much more money Mitch can use?
does Mike have than Shelley has?
A 18 cents C 19 cents F 3 H 5
B 21 cents D 20 cents G 4 J 6

PW30 Practice
Name Lesson 5.2

Compare Money Amounts

Use <, >, or = to compare the amounts of money.
1. 2.

Which amount is greater?

3. $7.95 or 4. $2.10 or 5. 87¢ or 6. 2 dimes,
$7.89 9 quarters 18 nickels 6 pennies or
1 quarter

7. 2 dimes, 8. $2.25 or 9. 35 pennies or 10. $1.12 or

2 nickels or 5 half dollars 2 dimes, 11 dimes
1 quarter 2 nickels, and
2 pennies

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

11. Aidan has 7 quarters, 3 dimes, 12. Matt has 5 quarters, 6 dimes, and
3 nickels, and 4 pennies. Maria 4 nickels. Hal has $2.51. Who has
has 1 one-dollar bill, 1 half-dollar, more money, Matt or Hal? Explain.
1 quarter, 2 dimes, and 3 nickels.
Who has more money, Aidan or
Maria? Explain.

13. Becky has only dimes. She has 14. Danny has only quarters and dimes.
more than 60¢. Which amount He has at least 1 quarter and
could Becky have? 1 dime. He has more than 25¢.
Which amount could Danny have?
A 75¢ C 81¢ F 45¢ H 64¢
B 50¢ D 70¢ G 30¢ J 40¢

PW31 Practice
Name Lesson 5.3
Problem Solving Strategy Workshop Strategy:
Make a Table
Problem Solving Strategy Practice
Elena has the bills and coins shown. She wants to buy a card for $2.95. How
many different ways can Elena make $2.95?

Fill in the table to show equivalent sets of $2.95.

$1 Bills Quarters Dimes Nickels Pennies Total

1. 3 2 0 0 $2.95

2 2 4 2. 0 $2.95

2 3. 4 0 5 $2.95

1 7 2 0 4. $2.95

1 6 4 5. 0 $2.95

1 6. 4 0 5 $2.95

1 7 1 1 5 $2.95

Mixed Strategy Practice

Favorite Type of Book
7. What are the two most popular
Name Votes
types of books? How do you
Sports 7
Mystery 3
Fantasy 7
Science Fiction 4

PW32 Practice
Name Lesson 5.4

Model Making Change

Find the amount of change. Use play money and counting on to help.

1. Ali buys a collar for her dog for 2. Roger buys a banana for $0.49.
$4.69. She pays with a $10 bill. He pays with a $1 bill.

Find the amount of change. List the coins and bills.

3. Pay with a $10 bill. 4. Pay with a $5 bill.

.37 .7
$6 $2

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

5. Isaac buys sunglasses for $3.99. 6. Zoe wants to buy a clown wig that
He pays with two $10 bills. How costs $5.99 and face paint that
much change does he receive? costs $1.15. She has $6.10. Is this
List the coins and bills. enough money? If not, how much
more does Zoe need?

7. Sally buys a book that costs $3.54. 8. Lori wants to buy a CD that costs
She has $5.00. How much change $10.39. She has $7.50. How much
does Sally receive? more money does Lori need?
A $2.64 C $1.46 F $2.89 H $17.89
B $1.54 D $8.54 G $3.11 J $3.89

PW33 Practice
Name Lesson 6.1

Understand Time
Write the time. Then write two ways you can read the time.
1. 2. 3. 4.
1:45 10
11 12 1
2 10
11 12 1
2 10
11 12 1
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

For 5–18, write the letter of the clock that shows the time.

2:45 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
a. b. c. d.
10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

5. 25 minutes after 8 6. 11:40

7. 15 minutes before 3 8. 2:45

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

9. Tim told Mark to meet him at 10. At what times will Mary’s digital
exactly a quarter to ten. Mark clock display a one and three
arrived at 10:15. Did Mark meet zeros for the time?
Tim? If not, whose error was it?

11. Burt got up at quarter to seven. 12. Elena ate dinner at twenty minutes
Which is one way to write this before six. Which is one way to
time? write this time?
A 7:15 C 6:45 F 5:40 H 6:40
B 7:45 D 6:15 G 6:20 J 5:20

PW34 Practice
Name Lesson 6.2

Time to the Minute

Write the time. Write one way you can read the time.

1. 2. 3. 4.
10:42 10
11 12 1
2 10
11 12 1
2 10
11 12 1
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

5. Show and compare the times: 6. It’s 29 minutes after 6. Show this
quarter past twelve, and forty-five time on the clock below.
minutes before one.
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

7. Luis got up at twelve minutes 8. Which time is shown on this clock?

before eight. Which is one way to 11 12 1
write this time? 10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5
A 8:12
B 6:48 F 5:47 H 4:47
C 8:48 G 4:45 J 5:50
D 7:48

PW35 Practice
Name Lesson 6.3

Minutes and Seconds

Write the time. Then write how you would read the time.
1. 2. 3. 4.
4:42:18 10
11 12 1
2 10
11 12 1
2 10
11 12 1
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

For 5–8, write the letter of the clock that shows the time.
a. b. c. d.
11 12 1 11 12 1
11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

5. 1:11:16 6. 12:46:21
7. 9:13:49 8. 3:28:05

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

9. What is another way to write 10. It is 29 seconds after 8:05. Show
60 seconds after 2:10? the time on May’s clock.
11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

11. Which time is 60 seconds before 12. Which answer choice shows
3:00? 6 seconds after 4:43?
A 2:59:00 C 3:01:00 F 4:06:43 H 4:60:43
B 2:59:60 D 3:00:60 G 4:43:60 J 4:43:06

PW36 Practice
Name Lesson 6.4

A.M. and P.M.

Write the time for each activity. Use A.M. or P.M.
1. play basketball 2. eat lunch 3. go to the library 4. eat dinner
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10:30 9
10 2
3 9
10 2
3 9
10 2
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

Write the time by using numbers. Use A.M. or P.M.

5. eight twenty in the morning 6. five minutes after three in the

7. fifteen minutes before eleven at night 8. six forty-five in the morning

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

9. Martha plays soccer every 10. Debra also plays soccer on
Saturday morning at 10 o’clock. Sunday mornings at twenty
Write this time using a.m. or p.m. minutes to twelve. Write this time
using a.m. or p.m.

11. At which times shown are most 12. At which times shown are most
third graders awake? third graders asleep?
A 7:00 p.m. C 3:00 a.m. F 7:00 p.m. H 3:00 p.m.
B midnight D 11:00 p.m. G midnight J 11:00 a.m.

PW37 Practice
Lesson 1.3
Lesson 6.5

Problem Solving Workshop Skill:

Too Much/Too Little Information
Problem Solving Skill Practice
Tell whether there is too much, or too little, information.
Solve if there is enough information.
1. Rochelle went to dance class at 2. Jack has 3 bills, 2 quarters, and
8:00 A.M. Her teacher’s name is 1 dime in his pocket. He earned
Mrs. Hayes. What time did the money doing chores. Does
Rochelle’s dance class end? Jack have enough money to buy
a juice box that costs 55¢?

3. Caroline is in third grade. She arrives at the bus stop at 7:30 A.M. The bus
picks her up at 7:40 A.M. How long does Caroline have to wait for the bus?

Mixed Applications
4. Teddy’s soccer game starts at 5. Stacy has 35 markers. She forgets to
4:15 P.M. He is the goalie. He put the caps on 8 markers and they
makes 8 saves. His game lasts 45 dry up. How many usable markers
minutes. What time does Teddy’s does Stacy have left? Choose the
game end? operation needed to solve.

6. Use Data Aidan goes swimming

Camp Pine Activity Schedule
and then hiking for his morning
activities. How much time does he Activity Time Length
spend on activities in all? Swimming 10:00 A.M. 30 minutes

Hiking 11:00 A.M. 45 minutes

PW38 Practice
Name Lesson 7.1

Collect Data
For 1–4, use the Musical Instruments Students Play list.
1. Make a tally table to organize the data. Musical Instruments Students Play
Jen piano
Musical Instruments Students Play Lisa violin
Tarik clarinet
Instrument Tallies Randy piano
Jude violin
Leah guitar
Audry clarinet
Sue piano
Marty violin
Debra violin
2. How many students play the clarinet?

3. How many more students play the violin than play the guitar?

4. How many students, in all, play musical instruments?

For 5–6, use the table below.

5. How many students play baseball? After-School Activities
Activity Number of
6. How many more students are Baseball 7
involved in scouting than are Gymnastics 3
involved in gymnastics? Scouting 8

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

7. Seven students voted for vanilla 8. Four more students voted for
ice cream and 4 for strawberry soccer than voted for skating. If
ice cream. How many students, in 12 students voted for soccer, how
all, voted for vanilla or strawberry many students voted for skating?
ice cream?

9. Which of the following numbers 10. Which of the following is in order

represents ? from least to greatest?
A 4 C 15 F 4, , 6 H 4, 5,
B 13 D 16 G 6, , 4 J , 5, 6

PW39 Practice
Name Lesson 7.2

Read a Pictograph
For 1–3, use the pictograph below.
1. How many birds were sold on
Number of Birds Sold
Day Number


2. How many birds were sold from

Thursday through Sunday?

3. On which two days combined
were as many birds sold as on Key: Each ⫽ 3 birds

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

4. Sal visited 5 national parks last 5. Reasoning A pictograph shows
summer and 3 national parks this to represent 12 parks.
summer. How many national How many parks does
parks has Sal visited in the last represent?
two summers combined?

6. A pictograph uses the key 7. A pictograph uses the key

⫽ 5 cats. Which picture ⫽ 10 gallons of water. How
represents 15 cats? many gallons of water does
stand for?

A F 2

B G 10

C H 25

D J 50

PW40 Practice
Name Lesson 7.3

Problem Solving Workshop Strategy:

Make a Graph
Problem Solving Strategy Practice
Make a pictograph to solve.
1. A group of students voted for their favorite farm animal. The results are
shown below. Make a pictograph for the data. Let each picture stand for
4 votes.

Cow 8 votes Favorite Farm Animals

Chicken 12 votes
Horse 10 votes
Sheep 4 votes

Key: Each_______ = 4 votes

2. If the key is changed so that each picture stands for 2 votes, then how
many pictures should be used to represent the number of students who
voted for horse?

Mixed Strategy Practice

3. Chuch ate 2 pieces of watermelon before boarding the airplane. On the
airplane, Chuch ate 3 bananas and a piece of steak. Then Chuch watched
a movie. How many pieces of fruit did Chuch eat in all?

4. Betty has 19 dolls, she received one doll from her aunt last week and
4 dolls from other relatives within the past year. How many dolls did Betty
have at the beginning of the year?

PW41 Practice
Name Lesson 7.4

Read a Bar Graph

For 1–2, use the Time Spent Waiting in LINE graph below.
1. How long was the wait to Time Spent Waiting in Line
ride the bumper cars?

Time (minutes)
2. How much longer was the 15
wait to ride the roller 10
coaster than the wait to 0
Ferris Merry-go- Roller Bumper
ride the ferris wheel? Wheel round Coaster Cars

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

For 3–6, use the bar graph below.
3. Are more tickets needed Tickets for Each Ride
to ride the moon bounce
and the water ride or the Water Ride
alpine slide and the roller Roller Coaster

coaster? Moon Bounce

Alpine Slide
0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Number of Tickets
4. If each ticket costs $0.50,
how much money does it
cost to ride all four rides
one time?

5. Jpsie made a bar graph to show 6. Bertrand made a bar graph to

how many books her friends have. show how many activities were
Which book has the shortest bar? scheduled in the month of may.
A 8 novles Which activity has the shortest
B 2 sports books bar?
C 1 math book F 2 football games

D 5 cookbooks G 7 pep rallies

H 3 tennis matches
PW42 J 9 assemblies Practice
Name Lesson 7.5

Make a Bar Graph

For 1–11, use the pictograph below.
Students voted for their favorite cookie. The Favorite Cookie
resulting data is shown in the pictograph. Chocolate
1.–7. Use the data in the pictograph to make Ginger
a bar graph below. Snaps



Key: Each ⫽ 2 votes

2. ______________________
1. __________________


4. _______ 5. _______ 6. _______ 7. _______

3. _______________________

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

8. Which cookie received 1 vote 9. Reasoning If two of the votes for

more than ginger snaps but chocolate chip changed to peanut
1 less vote than oatmeal? butter, how would the total
number of votes change?

10. How many more votes did 11. How many more people voted
oatmeal receive than ginger for ginger snaps and oatmeal
snaps received? combined, than for chocolate chip?
A 1 more vote F 1 more person
B 2 more votes G 2 more people
C 4 more votes H 4 more people
D 8 more votes J 8 more people

PW43 Practice
Name Lesson 7.6

Take a Survey
For 1–4, use the tally table, pictograph, and bar graph below to answer
each question.
Favorite Yogurt Flavor Favorite Yogurt Flavor
Flavor Tallies Flavor Number

Plain Plain

Vanilla Vanilla

Cherry Cherry
Peach Peach

1. What is the title of the tally table, Key: Each ⫽ 3 students.

pictograph, and bar graph?

Favorite Yogurt Flavor

2. Which answers were collected for 9
the survey?
Number of Votes

3. How many students answered the 2
survey in all? 0
Plain Vanilla Cherry Peach

4. Which flavor was chosen the most? Which was chosen the least?

5. Think of a survey question and

write it down.

6. Write 4 possible answer choices

to your survey question.

7. Set up the tally table at the right to

record the results of your survey.

PW44 Practice
Name Lesson 7.7

Classify Data
For 1–5, use the table below.
1. How many small boxes are made Boxes
with thick cardboard? Thin Thick
Size Cardboard Cardboard
2. How many thin cardboard boxes are Small 5 2
medium? Medium 3 3
Large 2 1
3. How many boxes are large?
4. How many more boxes are small than are medium?
5. How many boxes are there in all?

For 6–12, use the geometric figures shown below.

6. Complete the table below to
classify the figures at the right.
Geometric Figures
White Gray

7. How many diamonds are there in all?

8. How many figures in all are gray?

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

9. What if a third row of 4 red squares 10. What if one gray circle were
were added to the 2 rows of figures changed to a white diamond?
above? How would the table look What would the classification of
then? figures be then?

11. Which shows two ways to classify a 12. Which shows one way to classify
group of shirts? a group of sports balls?
A girl and boy C damp and dry F size H smell
B quiet and loud D size and color G cost J time

PW45 Practice
Name Lesson 8.1

Name a pattern unit. Find the missing number or shape.
1. 2, 5, 9, 2, 5, 9, 2, 5, 9, 2, 5, 9, ,5
2. 5, 0, 9, 0, 5, 0, 9, 0, 5, 0, 9, 0, 5, ,9
3. 6, 1, 9, 2, 6, 1, 9, 2, 6, 1, 9, 2, 6, 1,
4. ,

Predict the next two numbers or shapes in each pattern.

5. 3, 7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 3, 7, ,
6. 2, 2, 8, 2, 2, 8, 2, 2, 8, 2, 2, 8, ,
7. 2, 17, 17, 2, 17, 17, 2, ,
8. 0, 1, 3, 0, 1, 3, 0, 1, 3, ,
9. 1, 9, 5, 7, 1, 9, 5, 7, 1, 9, 5, 7, 1, 9, 5, 7, ,
10. 1, 5, 2, 1, 1, 5, 2, 1, 1, 5, 2, 1, 1, 5, 2, 1, 1, 5, ,

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

13. Alyssa made a bead necklace. 14. Phil paints a border on a birdhouse.
Look at the pattern she used. Look at the pattern he uses.

Which shape is missing? What will the next three shapes be?

15. Which are the next two numbers 16. Which is a pattern unit in the
in the pattern below? pattern below?
9, 6, 1, 9, 6, 1, 9, 6, 1, 9, ,

A 1, 1 C 6, 1 F H
B 1, 9 D 9, 6 G J

PW46 Practice
Name Lesson 8.2

Geometric Patterns
Find the pattern unit or rule. Then name the next figure.
1. 2.

3. 4.

Draw the missing figure.

5. ?

6. ?

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

7. Sam drew this pattern. 8. Ayla drew this pattern.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Find the missing figure. Which figure is next?

9. 10.
Which figure is next?
Which figure is next?

PW47 Practice
Name Lesson 8.3

Number Patterns
Write a rule for each pattern. Then find the next number.
1. 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45 2. 99, 91, 83, 75, 67 3. 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22

4. 555, 530, 505, 480, 455, 430 5. 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31, 35, 40, 44

Find the missing numbers.

6. 5, 25, 24, 44, , 63, 62
7. 222, 218, 214, , , 202
8. 27, 44, 61, , 95, , 129
9. 33, 36, 46, 49, 59, , 72,
10. 11, 16, 12, 17, 13, , 14, 19, 15, , 16, , 17
11. 5, 10, 20, 25, 35, , 50, 55, , 70, 80
12. 11, 21, 16, 26, 21, 31, 26, , , 41, , 46
13. 8, 9, 11, 14, 18, 23, 29, 36, , 53, , 74

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

14. Deanna wrote this pattern: 15. Bob wrote this pattern:
10, 15, 13, 18, 16, 21, 19, 24. 17, 34, 51, 68, 85.
What rule did Deanna use? What will the next number in
Bob’s pattern be?

16. Maria wrote the following pattern. 17. Eli wrote the following pattern:
25, 28, 20, 23, , 18, , 13. 12, 23, 22, 33, 32, , , 53.
Which numbers are missing? Which numbers are missing?
A 25, 20 C 23, 18 F 43, 42 H 42, 52
B 18, 10 D 15, 10 G 53, 22 J 37, 39

PW48 Practice
Name Lesson 8.4

Extend Patterns
Name the rule or pattern unit. Find the next three numbers or shapes.
1. 2. 21, 27, 24, 30, 27, 33, 30, 36, 33

3. 98, 91, 84, 77, 70, 63 4.

Draw the next three shapes in the pattern.


pppp pppppppp
6. pp pppppp

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

7. Tara wrote a number pattern. She 8. Donald wrote the number pattern
started with the number 9 and below. Write the next three
used the rule add 6. Write the first numbers in the pattern.
five numbers of Tara’s pattern. 82, 74, 66, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26

9. Which are the next three shapes 10. Carlos made a shape pattern. The
in the pattern below? pattern unit is star, moon, circle,
cloud. Carlos drew 17 shapes and
began with star. Which is the 17th
A triangle, circle, circle F moon
B triangle, square, circle G star
C circle, circle, square H cloud
D square, circle, circle J circle

PW49 Practice
Name Lesson 8.5

Problem Solving Workshop Strategy:

Look for a Pattern
Problem Solving Strategy Practice
Look for a pattern to solve.
1. Max used stamps to make a pattern around the edge of a picture.
His pattern unit was 2 triangles, 3 circles, 2 squares. He stamped a
total of 28 figures and began with two triangles. Which shape was
the 14th figure?
2. Al used stamps to make a pattern around the edge of a painting.
His pattern unit was 3 triangles, 1 star, 1 square. He stamped
a total of 33 figures and began with a star. Which shape was
the 33rd figure?
3. Kya arranged shape cards to make a pattern. She turned two of the cards
face down. Which shapes are on the two cards Kya turned face down?

Mixed Strategy Practice

USE DATA For exercises 4–5, use the table.
4. Mara is saving money to buy a new hockey Week Savings
stick. She saved $2 the first week, $4 the 1 $2
second week, $6 the third week, and $8 the 2 $4
fourth week. If this pattern continues, how 3 $6
much will Mara save the fifth week?
4 $8

5. How much money in all, will Mara have saved during 5 weeks?

6. June has 6 stickers. Arnie has 7. Kyle has 4 packages of 6 napkins

11 stickers. How many more each. He puts the same number
stickers does Arnie have than of napkins on each of 8 tables.
June has? How many napkins does Kyle put
on each table?

PW50 Practice
Name Lesson 9.1

Relate Addition to Multiplication

Use counters to model. Then write an addition sentence and
a multiplication sentence for each.
1. 3 groups of 5 2. 4 groups of 7 3. 2 groups of 6 4. 4 groups of 6

Write a multiplication sentence for each.

5. 6. 7.

8. 5 ⫹ 5 ⫹ 5 ⫽ 15 9. 6 ⫹ 6 ⫹ 6 ⫽ 18 10. 7 ⫹ 7 ⫹ 7 ⫽ 21

11. 3 ⫹ 3 ⫹ 3 ⫹ 3 ⫽ 12 12. 8 ⫹ 8 ⫹ 8 ⫽ 24 13. 5 ⫹ 5 ⫹ 5 ⫹ 5 ⫽ 20

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

14. Mike is baking apple bread. He 15. Cynthia is making small pizzas.
uses 2 apples for every loaf of She puts 4 mushrooms on each
bread. He makes 4 loaves of pizza. How many mushrooms
bread. How many apples does does Cynthia use to make
Mike use in all? 3 pizzas?

16. Which is another way to show 17. Which is another way to show
3 ⫹ 3 ⫹ 3 ⫹ 3? 6 ⫹ 6 ⫹ 6?
A 4⫻3 F 6⫻4
B 4⫻4 G 3⫻3
C 3 ⫻ 12 H 3⫻6
D 3⫻3 J 6⫻6

PW51 Practice
Name Lesson 9.2

Model with Arrays

Write a multiplication sentence for each array.
1. 2.

3. 4.

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

5. Jerry put 30 cans of tomatoes in 6. Maya pulled 6 carrots each from
6 rows. How many cans were in 2 rows in her garden. She used
each row? 4 carrots to make soup. How
many carrots, from these that she
pulled, does Maya have left?

7. Kayla planted carrot seeds in 8. Chet stacked blocks to make a

5 rows. She planted 9 seeds in wall. He used 32 blocks. He put
each row. Which number sentence 8 blocks in each row. How many
shows how many seeds Kayla rows did Chet make?

A 9 ⫹ 5 ⫽ 14 C 5 ⫻ 5 ⫽ 25 F 4 H 9
B 5 ⫻ 9 ⫽ 45 D 9 ⫻ 9 ⫽ 81 G 6 J 12

PW52 Practice
Name Lesson 9.3

Multiply with 2
Write a multiplication sentence for each.
1. 2. 3. 4.

Find the product.

5. 2  7  ____ 6. 5  2  ____ 7. 2  4  ____ 8. 3  2  ____

9. 2 10. 5 11. 2 12. 2 13. 3 14. 2

_ 3 
_ 2 
_ 8 
_ 6 
_ 2 
_ 4

15. 6 16. 2 17. 2 18. 7 19. 4 20. 9

_ 2 
_ 7 
_ 2 
_ 2 
_ 2 
_ 2

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

21. Seven friends go for a swim. Each 22. Darius and Marvin each wear
pays $2 to use the town pool. 3 costumes in the school play.
How much money do the friends How many costumes do Darius
pay in all, to use the pool? and Marvin wear in all?

23. Savannah and George each wore 24. There are 2 rows, with 9 cans
4 costumes in the school play. in each row. Which number
Which number sentence shows sentence shows how many cans
Savannah and George’s total there are in all?
number of costumes worn?
A 248 F 9  2  11
B 326 G 9  3  21
C 527 H 2  9  11
D 426 J 2  9  18

PW53 Practice
Name Lesson 9.4

Multiply with 4
Find the product.

1. 2. 3.

4. 4 ⫻ 5 ⫽ 5. 4 ⫻ 4 ⫽ 6. 2 ⫻ 4 ⫽ 7. 3 ⫻ 4 ⫽

8. 4 9. 5 10. 4 11. 4 12. 7 13. 8

_ 3 ⫻
_ 4 ⫻
_ 6 ⫻
_ 9 ⫻
_ 4 ⫻
_ 4

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

14. Mary’s brother gave her some 15. Eli has 3 toy cars. Andy has 2 toy
toy cars. These toy cars have cars. Amanda has 4 toy cars. Each
36 wheels in all. Each car has toy car has 4 wheels. How many
4 wheels. How many toy cars wheels do their toy cars have
did Mary receive? in all?

16. Sasha has 7 toy cars. Each toy 17. There are 4 rows of 8 toy cars on
car has 4 wheels. How many a shelf. Which number sentence
wheels do Sasha’s toy cars shows how many toy cars there are
have in all? on the shelf in all?
A 11 C 24 F 8 ⫹ 4 ⫽ 12 H 4 ⫻ 8 ⫽ 32
B 21 D 28 G 8 ⫻ 4 ⫽ 36 J 4 ⫻ 7 ⫽ 28

PW54 Practice
Name Lesson 9.5

Multiply with 1 and 0

Find the product.
1. 6 ⫻ 1 ⫽ 2. 0 ⫻ 9 ⫽ 3. 1 ⫻ 4 ⫽ 4. 8 ⫻ 0 ⫽

5. 0 6. 9 7. 4 8. 5 9. 3 10. 1
_ ⫻1
_ ⫻0
_ ⫻1
_ ⫻0
_ ⫻8

11. 2 12. 1 13. 1 14. 0 15. 3 16. 1

_ 1 ⫻6
_ ⫻4
_ ⫻1
_ ⫻1
_ ⫻0

Write a multiplication sentence shown on each number line.

17. 18.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Find the missing number.

19. 5 ⫻ ⫽ 0 20. 1 ⫻ ⫽ 9 21. 7 ⫻ ⫽ 7 22. 0 ⫻ 52 ⫽

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

23. At a farm, Kaitlyn saw 9 rabbits. 24. Cody saw 8 calves on his visit to
Each rabbit was near its own a farm. None of the calves had
water bowl. How many water horns. How many horns did Cody
bowls did Kaitlyn see at the farm? see at the farm?

25. Chloe has 6 pockets. Each pocket 26. Len has 7 pockets. He has
contains 1 coin. Which number 0 coins in each pocket. Which
sentence shows how many coins number sentence shows how
Chloe has in all of her pockets many coins Len has in all of his
combined? pockets combined?
A 1⫹6⫽7 C 6⫻1⫽6 F 7⫻0⫽7 H 7⫻1⫽7
B 0⫻6⫽0 D 6⫻0⫽6 G 0⫻7⫽0 J 1⫹7⫽8

PW55 Practice
Name Lesson 9.6

Problem Solving Workshop Strategy: Draw a Picture

Problem Solving Strategy Practice
Draw a picture to solve.
1. Mr. Jardin has 8 tomato plants. On
each tomato plant there are 7 ripe
tomatoes. How many ripe tomatoes
does Mr. Jardin have in all?

2. In a marching band, there are 4 rows

of horn players. Each row has 9 horn
players. How many horn players are
there in the marching band?

3. Four students sitting at the same

table, have apple slices in their
lunches. If each student has
6 slices, how many apple slices
are at the table in all?

Mixed Strategy Practice

4. There are 8 drummers in a 5. Matthew is making a large pizza
marching band. Each drummer for his party. There are 8 people
has 2 drum sticks. How many at the party. Each person will eat
drum sticks do the drummers 1 slice. How many slices should
have in all? Matthew cut the pizza into?

6. At Adam’s lunch table, 7 students 7. Open-Ended Lea makes a

have peas and no one has spinach. necklace with 5 beads. She strings
How many servings of peas and a red bead first and last. The
spinach are at Adam’s lunch table second and fourth beads are
in all? Show your work. yellow. The middle bead is orange.
Describe the pattern of beads.

PW56 Practice
Name Lesson 10.1

Multiply with 5 and 10

Find the product.
1. 10 ⫻ 7 ⫽ 2. ⫽5⫻4 3. 8 ⫻ 10 ⫽ 4. ⫽5⫻7

5. 0 ⫻ 10 ⫽ 6. ⫽ 10 ⫻ 4 7. 5 ⫻ 1 ⫽ 8. ⫽ 10 ⫻ 3

9. 2 ⫻ 5 ⫽ 10. 0 ⫻ 10 ⫽ 11. 10 ⫻ 8 ⫽ 12. ⫽5⫻3

13. 3 14. 10 15. 5 16. 4 17. 5 18. 10

_ ⫻1
_ ⫻5
_ ⫻5
_ ⫻10
_ ⫻7

19. 10 20. 9 21. 7 22. 5 23. 5 24. 10

_ ⫻5
_ ⫻5
_ ⫻1
_ ⫻6
_ ⫻9

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

25. A car can carry up to 5 people. 26. The entire school choir is standing
There are 6 cars? What is the in 6 rows with 10 students in each
maximum number of people who row. How many students are in the
can ride in these cars at one time? school choir?

27. A tableware setting includes 28. A doctor can help 10 patients

5 pieces: 2 spoons, 2 forks, and each day. If an office employs
1 knife. How many pieces are 5 doctors, what is the maximum
included in 8 tableware settings? number of patients they can help
each day?
A 13 F 15
B 20 G 50
C 40 H 100
D 80 J 150

PW57 Practice
Name Lesson 10.2

Multiply with 3
Find the product.
1. 4 ⫻ 3 ⫽ 2. 7 ⫻ 3 ⫽ 3. ⫽3⫻9

4. ⫽5⫻3 5. ⫽3⫻3 6. 5 ⫻ 3 ⫽

7. ⫽3⫻8 8. 6 ⫻ 3 ⫽ 9. ⫽3⫻0

10. 6 11. 3 12. 4 13. 8

_ ⫻1
_ ⫻3
_ ⫻3

14. 7 15. 9 16. 0 17. 3

_ ⫻3
_ ⫻3
_ ⫻3

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

18. A design contains 5 triangles. 19. A boat can carry up to 3 people.
How many sides do 5 triangles What is the minimum number of
include? boats needed to carry 24 people?

20. There are 8 buns in each bag 21. A pint of ice cream serves
of hamburger buns. If you have 3 people. How many people
3 bags of hamburger buns, how are served by 5 pints of
many hamburger buns do you ice cream?
have in all?
A 8 F 3
B 11 G 5
C 16 H 15
D 24 J 30

PW58 Practice
Name Lesson 10.3

Multiply with 6
Find the product.
1. 9 ⫻ 6 ⫽ 2. ⫽6⫻8 3. 4 ⫻ 6 ⫽

4. ⫽6⫻7 5. 6 ⫻ 1 ⫽ 6. ⫽6⫻6

7. 6 ⫻ 0 ⫽ 8. ⫽5⫻6 9. 5 ⫻ 5 ⫽

10. 4 11. 9 12. 6 13. 6

_ ⫻6
_ ⫻
_8 ⫻1

14. 6 15. 6 16. 2 17. 6

_ ⫻7
_ ⫻6
_ ⫻6

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

18. A lecture room contains 9 rows, 19. Lila saw 6 ducks. Each duck has
with 6 chairs in each row. How 2 wings. How many wings do the
many chairs are in the lecture 6 ducks have?

20. Ken has 6 pages of stickers. Each 21. Heavy-duty pickup trucks hold
page contains 8 stickers. How 6 tires. How many tires do
many stickers does Ken have? 5 heavy-duty pickup trucks hold?
A 40 F 30
B 46 G 36
C 48 H 55
D 60 J 60

PW59 Practice
Name Lesson 10.4

Algebra: Practice the Facts

Find the product.
1. 10 ⫻ 8 ⫽ 2. 3 ⫻ 0 ⫽ 3. ⫽4⫻6

4. ⫽9⫻3 5. 6 ⫻ 5 ⫽ 6. ⫽2⫻8

7. ⫽1⫻5 8. 6 ⫻ 10 ⫽ 9. 5 ⫻ 3 ⫽

10. 3 11. 6 12. 9 13. 7

_ ⫻6
_ ⫻1
_ ⫻5

Show two different ways to find each product.

14. 3 ⫻ 7 ⫽ 15. ⫽5⫻2

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

16. A cow eats 2 bales of hay in one 17. Ryan has 21 baseballs. If he keeps
week. How many bales of hay them in 3 even rows, how many
does a cow eat in 6 weeks? baseballs are in each row?

18. Which multiplication fact does the 19. Glenn bought 5 packages of
picture below show? postcards. Each package included
10 postcards. How many
postcards did Glenn buy? Explain.

A 5 ⫻ 3 ⫽ 15 C 5 ⫻ 5 ⫽ 25
B 4 ⫻ 5 ⫽ 20 D 6 ⫻ 5 ⫽ 30

PW60 Practice
Name Lesson 10.5

Problem Solving Workshop Strategy: Act It Out

Problem Solving Strategy Practice
Act out the problem to solve.
1. Luis puts ice cubes into glasses 2. Rebecca hands out coupons.
for his friends’ drinks. He puts She gives 4 coupons to each
3 ice cubes into each glass. How customer. How many coupons
many ice cubes does Luis need if does Rebecca hand out if she
he has 9 friends? has 6 customers?

3. Four men are in a line. Fred is in 4. Vic is handing out colored pencils
front of Rex. Ken is behind Rex. for drawing. Each student receives
William is in front of Fred. Who is 5 colors. How many colored
first in line? pencils does Vic hand out if there
are 9 students?

Mixed Strategy Practice

5. Donald rolls sushi. It takes him 6. Tina has 4 dimes, 5 nickels, and
5 minutes to make each roll. 4 pennies. How much money
How many minutes would it take does Tina have in all?
Donald to make 7 rolls?

USE DATA For 7–8, use the table below.

7. Jenny bought 3 packages of T-shirts.
How many T-shirts did she buy in all?
Clothing Packages
Item Number in Package

Socks 6
8. Which contains more items, 3 packages
of socks or 3 packages of headbands? T-shirts 2

Headbands 4

PW61 Practice
Name Lesson 11.1

Multiply with 8
Find the product.

1. 8  3  2. 10  8  3. 1  8  4. 7  5 

5. 7  9  6. 8  4  7. 8  9  8. 4  4 

9. 8 10. 1 11. 3 12. 3 13. 6 14. 9

_ 7 
_ 8 
_ 7 
_ 8 
_ 3 
_ 8

15. 6 16. 4 17. 2 18. 8 19. 8 20. 5

_ 8 
_ 8 
_ 9 
_ 2 
_ 8 
_ 8

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

USE DATA For 21–22, use the table.
21. If Kaylie’s beanstalk grows the
same amount every week, how
Growth of Beanstalks in 1 Week
tall will it be after 6 weeks?
Student Height of Beanstalk
Kaylie 8 inches
22. If the beanstalks grow the same Bret 6 inches
amount each week, how much
Amy 4 inches
taller than Amy’s beanstalk will
Kaylie’s beanstalk be, after 8

23. At the dog park, there are 8 dogs. 24. There are 6 pieces of fruit in each
Each dog is given 3 bones. How bag. Sandra buys 8 bags. How
many bones are given out at the many pieces of fruit does
dog park? Sandra buy?
A 21 C 23 F 42 H 45
B 24 D 28 G 48 J 14

PW62 Practice
Name Lesson 11.2

Algebra: Patterns with 9

Find each product.

1. 93 2. 9  4  3. 98 4. 9  5 

5. 7  9  6. 34 7. 9  9  8. 54

9. 9 10. 9 11. 6 12. 9 13. 9 14. 9

_ 2
_ 3
_ 6
_ 7
_ 8

Compare. Write <, >, or = for each .

15. 5  8 67 16. 9  3 47 17. 3  6 28

18. 4  3 26 19. 9  4 66 20. 9  5 84

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

21. A model of the solar system 22. Bob has 4 plants. Ron has
includes 9 planets. How many 9 times as many plants as Bob
planets are in 8 models? has. How many plants does
Ron have?

23. A package of colored pencils 24. Ms. Lee took 9 children to the
contains 9 pencils. How many zoo. Each ticket cost $4. How
colored pencils are in much did it cost for the 9 children
3 packages? to go to the zoo?
A 6 F $4
B 9 G $9
C 18 H $13
D 27 J $36

PW63 Practice
Name Lesson 11.3

Multiply with 7
Find the product.
1. 7  3  2. 9  7  3. 7  8  4. 6  5 

5. 7  1  6. 4  7  7. 6  8  8. 5  7 

9. 8 10. 2 11. 6 12. 7 13. 9 14. 7

_ 5 
_ 7 
_ 7 
_ 7 
_ 7 
_ 5

15. 4 16. 7 17. 8 18. 9 19. 7 20. 7

_ 6 
_ 4 
_ 7 
_ 3 
_ 1 
_ 6

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

USE DATA For 21–22, use the table.
21. Molly is going to make snack mix
Snack Mix Recipe for 1 Batch
for Ben’s birthday party. She wants
Snack Number of Cups
to make 7 batches. How many
Wheat Cereal 4
cups of wheat cereal will Molly
need? Rice Crisps 2
Sesame Toasts 1

22. If Molly makes 7 batches of snack mix, how many cups of snacks will she
need in all?
23. Adriana is making muffins with a 24. A box holds 7 dog biscuits.
mold that holds 7 muffins. How Dan has 3 boxes of biscuits.
many muffins can Adriana make How many biscuits does
with 4 molds? Dan have?
A 14 F 14
B 21 G 21
C 28 H 28
D 35 J 35

PW64 Practice
Name Lesson 11.4

Algebra: Practice the Facts

Find the product.
1. 4  5  2. 89 3. 7  5  4. 66

5. 3  2  6. 67 7. 94 8. 5  8 

9. 4 10. 2 11. 8 12. 9 13. 5 14. 7

_ 9 
_ 7 
_ 8 
_ 3 
_ 8 
_ 6

Find the missing number.

15.  8  32 16. 7  8  17.  6  24

18. 5   45 19.  9  27 20. 6   48

Explain two different ways to find the product.

21. 99

22.  10  8

Compare. Write ⬍, ⬎, or ⫽ for each .

23. 3  8 46 24. 9  5 68 25. 4  7 93

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

26. Each basketball team has 27. Each tennis team has 9 players.
8 players. How many players How many players are on 3 tennis
are on 7 basketball teams? teams?

28. Which is the correct number 29. Which is greater than 9  4?

sentence for the array?
A 7  6  42 F 39
B 6  8  48 G 57
C 6  7  48 H 85
D 8  6  42 J 56

PW65 Practice
Name Lesson 11.5

Multiply with 11 and 12

Find the product.
1. 4  11  2. 12  3  3. 7  10  4.  12  8

5. 11  0  6. 57 7. 12  7  8. 9  10 

9. 7 10. 10 11. 12 12. 11 13. 12 14. 11

_ 6 
_ 5 
_ 6 
_ 7 
_ 5 
_ 9

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

USE DATA For 15–16, use the graph.
Miles from Home to School

15. The graph shows the number of 7

miles some students live from 6
school. How many miles will Zack

travel to and from school in 3
11 schooldays? 2
Zack Ron Carolyn
16. How many miles will Carolyn Student
travel to and from school in
12 schooldays?

17. Which is the product? 18. A carton of eggs holds 12 eggs.

5  11  How many eggs are in 5 cartons?
A 50 F 50
B 55 G 65
C 60 H 60
D 65 J 55

PW66 Practice
Name Lesson 11.6

Problem Solving Workshop Strategy: Compare Strategies

Problem Solving Strategy Practice
1. Bobcats can have a litter of 3 kittens.
What is the maximum amount of kittens that 7 bobcats could have?

Draw a picture to Make a table to solve.


2. June goes hiking 4 times each week.

How many times does June go hiking in 6 weeks?

Draw a picture to Make a table to solve.


Mixed Strategy Practice

3. William always sees 8 bats in his backyard at sundown. How many bats
will William see in 5 days? Show your work. Favorite Drinks

Drink Number of Votes

4. USE DATA How many students voted for Orange Juice 8

a favorite drink in all? Show your work. Milk 5

Water 3

PW67 Practice
Lesson 6.6
Lesson 12.1

Find a Rule
Write a rule for each table. Then complete the table.

1. 2.

Children 1 2 3 4 5 Games 2 3 4 5 6

Number of
5 10 Players 6 9

3. 4.

Maps 1 2 3 4 5 Maps 3 4 5 6 7

Cost $4 $8 Campers 6 8

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

USE DATA For 5–6, use the table below.
5. Write a rule for the information in Canoes 1 2 3 4
this table.
Campers 3 6 9

6. How many campers can fit into 4 canoes?

7. One rowboat holds 6 people. 8. Each camper needs 2 graham

How many people can fit into crackers to make s’mores. How
5 rowboats? many graham crackers do 5
campers need to make s’mores?
A 15 C 30 F 10 H 25
B 16 D 36 G 20 J 50

PW68 Practice
Name Lesson 12.2

Missing Factors
Find the missing factor.

1.  5  30 2.  7  28 3. 4   16

4.  9  27 5. 9   36 6.  8  56

7. 5   40 8. 6   48 9.  3  18

10. n  7  56 11. 5  k  45 12. 3  g  12

13. d  5  10  5 14. 4  t  8  3 15. a  7  30  2

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

16. Chloe went camping. She brought 17. Lisa is having a cookout. She wants
enough food for 18 meals. She ate to make 18 hot dogs. The buns she
3 meals a day. How many days’ is buying come in packages of 6.
worth of food did Chloe bring? How many packages of buns does
Lisa need to buy?

18. Which is the missing factor? 19. Todd wants to bring juice to a
picnic. There will be 24 people at
 4  36 the picnic. The juice comes in
packages of 6. How many
packages will Todd need to bring,
so that each person receives one
A 6 F 3
B 7 G 4
C 8 H 6
D 9 J 8

PW69 Practice
Name Lesson 12.3
Lesson 6.6
Multiply 3 Factors
Find the product.
1. (4 ⫻ 2) ⫻ 3 2. 7 ⫻ (2 ⫻ 4) 3. (5 ⫻ 1) ⫻ 9 4. (3 ⫻ 3) ⫻ 2

5. 6 ⫻ (2 ⫻ 2) 6. (4 ⫻ 1) ⫻ 4 7. (2 ⫻ 3) ⫻ 6 8. 7 ⫻ (2 ⫻ 2)

Use parentheses. Find the product.

9. 2 ⫻ 3 ⫻ 5 10. 1 ⫻ 7 ⫻ 6 11. 3 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 6 12. 4 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 7

13. 3 ⫻ 3 ⫻ 9 14. 6 ⫻ 4 ⫻ 2 15. 7 ⫻ 8 ⫻ 1 16. 9 ⫻ 3 ⫻ 2

Find the missing factor.

17. (3 ⫻ ) ⫻ 5 ⫽ 30 18. 7 ⫻ ( ⫻ 2) ⫽ 42 19. ( ⫻ 4) ⫻ 6 ⫽ 48

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

20. A roller coaster contains 2 trains. 21. A roller coaster contains 5 cars.
Each train contains 10 rows of Each car contains 2 rows of seats.
seats. Each row contains 2 seats. Each row contains 2 seats. How
How many seats are on the roller many seats are on the roller
coaster? coaster?

22. Which is the product. 23. A subway train contains 2 cabs.

Each cab contains 5 rows. Each
4⫻5⫻2⫽ . row contains 5 seats. How many
seats are on the subway train?
A 18 F 40
B 20 G 50
C 40 H 60
D 50 J 70

PW70 Practice
Name Lesson 12.4

Multiplication Properties
Find the product. Tell which property you used.
1. 4  3 2. 1  9 3. 7  0 

4. (2  3)  2 5. 4  9 6. 2  (3  3)

7. 8  1  8. 7  3 9. 0  5

10. 6  7  11. 4  (5  1) 12. 6  3

Find the missing factor.

13. 6   8  6 14. 7  0   7 15. (2  )  7  2  (2  7)

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

16. Holly bought 4 balls of yarn. Each 17. Alice wants to knit 3 hats. She
ball of yarn cost $7. How much needs 2 balls of yarn for each hat.
money did Holly spend? How many balls of yarn will Alice

18. Which is an example of the Zero 19. Which is an example of the

Property of Multiplication? Associative Property of
A 212 Multiplication?
B 2772 F 4664
C 200 G (2  2)  5  2  (2  5)
D 2  7 (2  4) 2  2)  4 H 070
J 818

PW71 Practice
Name Lesson 12.5

Problem Solving Workshop Skill: Multistep Problems

Problem Solving Skill Practice
1. Tickets for a movie cost $8 for adults and $6 for children. The Kim family
buys 5 tickets. They buy 2 adult tickets and 3 child tickets. How much
does it cost for the Kim family to go to the movie?

2. A summer camp rented 2 canoes and 3 paddleboats. Each canoe holds

3 people and each paddleboat holds 4 people. How many people, at one
time, can go out on the canoes and paddleboats this summer camp rented?

3. Stan is at the circus. He buys 4 drinks and 2 sandwiches. The drinks cost $3
each, and sandwiches cost $4 each. How much does Stan spend in all?

Mixed Applications
4. USE DATA Jane went shopping for school School Supplies
supplies. She bought 2 packages of pens Item Cost
and 3 erasers. How much did Jane spend Pens $3 per package
in all? Markers $6 per package
Erasers $1 each
Folders 50¢ each

5. David received a bicycle for his birthday. He rode his bike 7 miles the first
week he had it, and 10 miles the second week he had it. The third week
he had it, David rode his bike twice as many miles as he had ridden it the
first two weeks combined. How many miles did David ride his bike during
the third week that he had it?

PW72 Practice
Name Lesson 12.6
Lesson 6.6
Multiples on a Hundred Chart
Find and write the missing multiples.

1. Multiples of 10. 2. Multiples of 3. 3. Multiples of 9.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 69 90

4. Multiples of 4. 5. Multiples of 7. 6. Multiples of 6.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

7. In the 9s chart, what would be the next number shaded after 90?
8. In the 6s chart, what would be the next number shaded after 78?
9. In the 10s chart, what would be the next number shaded after 70?
10. In the 7s chart, what would be the next number shaded after 70?
11. In the 3s chart, what would be the next number shaded after 69?
12. In the 4s chart, what would be the next number shaded after 80?
13. Look at the 3s chart and the 7s chart. Which numbers are multiples of
both 3 and 7?
14. Look at the 4s chart and the 9s chart. Which numbers are multiples of
both 4 and 9?
15. Look at the 9s chart and the 6s chart. Which numbers are multiples of
both 9 and 6?

PW73 Practice
Name Lesson 13.1

Model Division
Complete the table. Use counters to help.

Counters Number of Equal Groups Number in Each Group

1. 4

2. 8

3. 7

4. 6

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

5. Gary has 45 stickers. He wants to 6. Alice has 18 shells. She wants to
put the same number of stickers put the same number of shells in
on each of 9 pages, in his sticker each of 3 jars. How many shells
book. How many stickers will be will be in each jar?
on each page?

7. Which is the missing factor? 8. Al has 16 coins. He puts 4 coins

in each of his boxes, using all
7⫻ ⫽ 21 16 coins. How many boxes does
Al have?
A 2 F 4
B 3 G 3
C 4 H 6
D 5 J 8

PW74 Practice
Name Lesson 13.2

Relate Division and Subtraction

Write a division sentence for each.

1. 2. 24 18 12 6
_ ⫺6
_ ⫺6
_ ⫺6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 18 12 6 0

Use a number line or repeated subtraction to solve.

3. 12 ⫼ 3 ⫽
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4. 20 ⫼ 4 ⫽
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

5. 21 ⫼ 3 ⫽
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

6. Olivia went apple picking. She 7. Randy has 72 photographs. He
picked 48 apples. She put 6 apples puts his photographs into 8 equal
in each of her baskets. How many piles. How many photographs are in
baskets did Olivia use? each pile?

8. Terri sets the table for 8 guests. 9. Hal has 24 flowers in a bunch. He
She uses 16 plates. How many puts 4 flowers in each of his vases.
plates will each guest have? How many vases does Hal use?
A 2 F 8
B 24 G 6
C 3 H 20
D 8 J 12

PW75 Practice
Name Lesson 13.3

Model with Arrays

Use square tiles to make an array. Solve.
1. How many groups of 5 are in 25? 2. How many groups of 9 are in 36?

3. How many groups of 3 are in 12? 4. How many groups of 7 are in 42?

5. How many groups of 4 are in 16? 6. How many groups of 6 are in 24?

7. How many groups of 3 are in 18? 8. How many groups of 5 are in 35?

9. How many groups of 2 are in 14? 10. How many groups of 6 are in 54?

11. How many groups of 7 are in 21? 12. How many groups of 5 are in 40?

13. How many groups of 2 are in 18? 14. How many groups of 8 are in 16?

Make an array. Write a division sentence for each one.

15. 18 tiles in 6 groups 16. 28 tiles in 7 groups

17. George made an array with 70 tiles. He placed 7 tiles in each row.
How many rows did George make?

PW76 Practice
Name Lesson 13.4

Algebra: Multiplication and Division

1. 2. 3.

6 rows of  18 2 rows of  12 7 rows of  28

18  6  12  2  28  7 
Complete each number sentence. Draw an array to help.
4. 3   24 5. 4   32
24  3  32  4 
6. 6   24 7. 9   36
24  6  36  9 
8. 3  3  18  9. 32  8  2 10.  1  35  7

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

11. Karen has 15 tickets. A hot dog 12. Molly is going to the movies with
costs 5 tickets. What is the her friends. She has $40. Each
maximum number of hot dogs ticket costs $8. What is the
Karen can buy? maximum number of tickets Molly
can buy?

13. Tina has 30 baseball cards. She 14. The big fish tank has 42 fish. The
wants to divide them evenly fish will soon be divided evenly
between her 5 friends. How many into 6 tanks. How many fish will be
cards will each friend receive? in each tank?

A 5 C 4 F 5 H 7
B 6 D 7 G 6 J 8

PW77 Practice
Name Lesson 13.5

Algebra: Fact Families

Write the fact family for each set of numbers.
1. 4, 6, 24

2. 2, 9, 18

3. 5, 7, 35

Write the fact family for each array.



Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

6. Al buys a pack of watercolor 7. There are 18 cookies on a dish.
paints that includes 12 colors. There are 6 cookies in each of
There are 2 colors in each of 3 rows on the dish. What is the
6 rows. What is the fact family fact family for the numbers 3, 6,
for the numbers 2, 6, and 12? and 18?

8. Which number sentence is NOT 9. Which division sentence describes

included in the same fact family the array?
as 7 ⫻ 3 ⫽ 21?

A 21 ⫼ 3 ⫽ 7 C 21 ⫼ 7 ⫽ 3 F 2⫼3⫽6 H 3⫼2⫽6
B 21 ⫻ 3 ⫽ 7 D 3 ⫻ 7 ⫽ 21 G 6⫼3⫽2 J 6⫼6⫽1

PW78 Practice
Name Lesson 13.6

Problem Solving Workshop Strategy:

Write a Number Sentence
Problem Solving Strategy Practice
Solve. Write a number sentence for each.
1. Matt has 5 T-shirts. Adam has 12 T-shirts.
How many more T-shirts does Adam have than Matt has?

2. Isabelle has 8 books in her desk. She brought 4 more books from home
and placed them in her desk. How many books does Isabelle have in her
desk in all?

3. A bag of marbles costs 60 cents. Each marble costs 10 cents.

How many marbles are in the bag?

4. There are 4 invitations in a box. Mrs. Hannah bought 8 boxes.

How many invitations did Mrs. Hannah buy?

Mixed Strategy Practice

5. Use Data Tyler spent $40 on Raffle Tickets
tickets. He bought 8 tickets of only Color Cost
one color. Which color were the Yellow $2
tickets that Tyler bought? Green $3
Blue $5

6. Mary spent $8 on a movie ticket, 7. Randall spent $75: of his, Marty’s,

$12 on presents, and $15 on and Jean’s money on tickets.
lunch. How much money did Mary Marty paid Randall $25 for tickets.
spend in all? Jean paid Randall $12. How much
money did Randall spend of his
own money on tickets?

PW79 Practice
Name Lesson 14.1

Divide by 2 and 5
Find each quotient.
1. 2. 3. 4.

6⫼2⫽ ⫽ 25 ⫼ 5 15 ⫼ 5 ⫽ ⫽8⫼2
5. 6. 7. 8.

14 5
45 2
2 5

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

9. Martin bought 40 packages of 10. Fast Fact A female hummingbird
birdseed. He bought birdseed in usually lays 2 eggs. If a researcher
5-package cases. How many finds 10 eggs in one area, how
cases of birdseed did Martin buy? many female hummingbirds are
most likely in the area?

11. Sarah sees the same number of 12. Greg has 5 bird feeders and a
birds at each of 2 bird feeders. 20-pound bag of bird food. He
She sees 12 birds in all. How puts the same amount of bird food
many birds does Sarah see at into each feeder. How many
each bird feeder? pounds of bird food does Greg
put into each feeder?
A 4 F 3
B 5 G 4
C 6 H 5
D 7 J 6

PW80 Practice
Name Lesson 14.2

Divide by 3 and 4
Find each quotient.
1. 2. 3. 4.

12  3   20  4 21  3  84

5. 6. 7. 8.

12  2 24  3 36  4 3 3

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

9. There are 24 students signed up 10. Twenty-one students form a study
for the relay race. Each team needs group. If they want to sit evenly at
4 students. How many teams will 3 tables then, how many students
there be in the relay race? will be at each table?

11. Jeremy has 36 crackers. He puts 12. Lea has 27 beads. She makes
4 crackers in each of his bags. 3 bracelets, each with the same
How many bags does Jeremy number of beads. How many
have? beads are on each bracelet?
A 6 F 9
B 7 G 8
C 8 H 7
D 9 J 6

PW81 Practice
Name Lesson

Divide Using 1 and 0

Find each quotient.
1. 2. 3. 4.

55 04 31 09

5. 6. 7. 8.

0 3
3 1
9 5

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

9. There are 7 stables at the Green 10. Trevor plans to give 3 grapes to
Pastures Horse Farm. There are each parrot in a store. There is
7 horses that live on the farm. 1 parrot in the store. How many
How many horses are in each grapes in all, does Trevor give to
stable, if there are an equal parrots in the store?
number of horses per stable?

11. Katherine has 5 birds. She only 12. Which is the quotient?
has 1 birdcage to keep them in. 4
How many birds are in that cage?
A 0 F 0
B 1 G 1
C 5 H 2
D 10 J 4

PW82 Practice
Name Lesson 14.4

Algebra: Practice the Facts

Write a division sentence for each.
1. 2. 3.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Find each missing factor and quotient.

4. 4   36 36  4  5. 3  0 03

Find each quotient.

6. 27  3  7. 18  3  8. 20  4  9.  32  4

10. 15  5  11. 2  2  12. 3 

21 13. 2 

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

14. A craft store sells beads in 15. Two brothers sell lemonade in their
packages of 4. Tara needs 24 neighborhood. They make
beads for a project. How many $6 on Saturday. How much money
packages of beads will Tara need should each brother receive if they
to buy? split this money evenly?

16. Which division sentence is related 17. Which division sentence is related
to 3  4  12? to 3  8  24?
A 24  2  12 F 24  3  8
B 422 G 24  2  12
C 12  6  2 H 24  6  4
D 12  3  4 J 24  4  6

PW83 Practice
Name Lesson 14.5

Problem Solving Workshop Skill: Choose the Operation

Problem Solving Skill Practice
Choose the operation. Write a number sentence. Then solve.
1. The Murphy family spent $36 for 2. There were 27 children and
4 tickets to the nature center. How 9 adults on the tour. How many
much did each ticket cost? people were on the tour in all?

3. The nature center has a petting 4. Drinks at the nature center cost
zoo with 5 areas. Each area has $7. Mr. Chin gave the clerk $20
the same number of animals. for 1 drink. How much change will
There are 25 animals in the Mr. Chin get back from the clerk?
petting zoo in all. How many
animals are in each area?

Mixed Applications
5. Use Data Martha only hikes Nature Trails
the Echo Trail. However she hikes Trail Name Distance
this trail 3 times each week. How Echo Trail 4 miles
many miles does Martha hike View Trail 12 miles
each week? Pine Trail 47 miles
Green Trail 15 miles
Steep Trail 23 miles

6. Cora, Sal, Marty, and Jane are 7. Anna needs 28 balloons. They
standing in line. Jane is first in line. come in packages of 4, 6, or 9
Marty is behind Cora. Cora is in balloons. How many of each
front of Sal. Sal is behind Marty. In package should she buy in order
what order are the four people to have the exact amount of
standing in line? balloons she needs?

PW84 Practice
Name Lesson 15.1

Divide by 6
Find each missing factor and quotient.

1. 6   42 2. 36  6  3. 6   24 4.  6  30
Find each quotient.

5. 72  6  6. 24  3 

7.  48  6 8.  12  6

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

9. Toni bought 24 hotdogs. They 10. Kara brought 36 muffins to a
come in packages of 6. How many picnic. Each package contains
packages of hotdogs did Toni buy? 6 muffins. How many packages
of muffins did Kara bring?

11. There are 42 books, divided 12. There are 30 peaches in a basket.
evenly among six shelves in the Frank separates the peaches
bookcase. How many books are evenly into 6 bags. How many
on each shelf? peaches are in each bag?
A 8 C 5 F 8 H 5
B 6 D 7 G 6 J 7

PW85 Practice
Name Lesson

Divide by 7 and 8
Find each missing factor and quotient.

1. 8   48 2. 21  7  3. 7   28 4.  8  40

Find each quotient.

5. 24  8  6. 14  7  7.  35  7 8.  16  2

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

9. The Williams family went camping 10. Juana bought juice boxes
at a lake. There are 56 members for a camping trip. She needed
in the Williams family. Each cabin 40 juice boxes. They come in
holds 8 people. How many cabins packages of 8. How many
did the Williams family rent? packages of juice boxes did
Juana buy?

11. There were 56 apples in a cart. 12. Eva has 24 flowers. She
Don emptied the cart and put arranges them into bunches
7 apples into each of his bags. of 8. How many bunches does
How many bags did Don fill? Eva arrange?
A 12 F 6
B 7 G 24
C 8 H 8
D 6 J 3

PW86 Practice
Name Lesson 15.3

Problem Solving Workshop Strategy: Work Backward

Problem Solving Strategy Practice
Work backward to solve.
1. Rachel spent $2.25 on a snack. 2. Abby cut a piece of construction
Then her mom gave her $4.00. paper into 2 equally long pieces.
Now, Rachel has $9.25. How She then cut off 5 inches in length
much money did Rachel have to from one piece. This piece is now
begin with? 4 inches long. What was the
length of the original piece of
construction paper?

Mixed Strategy Practice

USE DATA For 3–4 use the table.
3. Trent wants to buy a total of
T-Shirt Inventory
10 shirts of either blue or green
Number of
color. Are there enough shirts in Color
inventory for him to buy the shirts Blue 5
he wants? Show your work.
Green 4

Yellow 7
4. Frank bought 4 red T-shirts and Red 6
2 yellow T-shirts on Tuesday. If
Frank wants to buy 16 more
T-shirts on Wednesday, are there
enough left in inventory for him
to do go?

5. Greg collected $81 selling 6. Anna has 2 tambourines and

9 boxes of candy bars. How much 4 guitars. How many musical
did Greg charge for each box of instruments does Anna have in
candy bars? all? Show your work.

PW87 Practice
Name Lesson 15.4

Divide by 9 and 10
Find each quotient.
1. 2.

30  10 
36  9 
3. 4.

40  10 
27  9 

Complete each table.

5. 6.
 40 60 80 100  27 45 72 81

10 9

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

7. There are 54 fish, in 9 tanks, at an 8. A shark movie lasted for
aquarium. Each tank contains an 50 minutes. The movie spent
equal number of fish. How many 10 minutes featuring each shark.
fish are in each tank? How many sharks were featured
in the movie?

9. There are 40 people waiting in 10. Nine fish in a tank display a total
lines at an aquarium. There are of 36 stripes. If they each display
10 people in each line. How many an equal number of stripes, how
lines are there? many stripes does each fish
A 1 F 9
B 4 G 5
C 40 H 6
D 400 J 4

PW88 Practice
Name Lesson 15.5

Divide by 11 and 12
Find each missing factor and quotient.

1. 11   110 2. 12   108 3. 55  11  4. 96  12 

Find each quotient.

5. 11
132 6. 12
132 7. 10
120 8. 11

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

9. Liam has 55 model cars. He 10. Allen bought 24 model train cars.
places them evenly into 5 boxes. There are 12 model train cars in a
How many model cars are in each set. How many sets of model train
box? cars did Allen buy?

11. There are 72 tickets available 12. David has 44 bottles; 11 bottles
for a show. If each person buys will fit on each shelf. How many
12 tickets, how many people will it shelves does David need?
take to sell out the show?
A 6 F 2
B 7 G 3
C 8 H 4
D 9 J 5

PW89 Practice
Name Lesson 15.6

Practice the Facts

Write a division sentence for each.
1. 2. 3. 48 36 24 12
_ –12
_ –12
_ –12
36 24 12 0

Find each missing factor and quotient.

4. 8   40 40  8  5. 9   63 63  9 

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

6. Thomas hiked on a trail that 7. Carrie took 40 pictures on her
took 60 minutes to complete. nature walk. She took 4 pictures of
Each section of the trail took every flower that she saw. How
12 minutes to complete. How many flowers did Carrie see?
many sections does the trail here?

8. Hal walked 72 miles in 12 days. 9. Nancy bought 4 new flashlights.

He walked the same number of Each flashlight cost $6.00. How
miles each day. How many miles much money did Nancy spend?
did Hal walk each day?
A 3 F $18
B 4 G $24
C 5 H $30
D 6 J $10

PW90 Practice
Name Lesson 16.1

Line Segments and Angles

Tell whether each is a line, line segment, or ray.
1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Use the corner of a piece of paper to tell if each angle is right,

acute, or obtuse.
9. 10. 11. 12.

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

13. Bill wants to make a model of 14. Sally needs to be home at 3:00.
a stop sign, using toothpicks. What type of angle is formed by
How many line segments are in the two hands on a clock at 3:00?
a stop sign? Draw one here.

15. Which shows an obtuse angle? 16. Which shows a line segment?



PW91 Practice
Name Lesson 16.2

Types of Lines
Describe the lines. Write intersecting, perpendicular, or parallel.
1. 2. 3.

h h
4. 5. 6.

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

7. Marc wonders if every intersecting 8. Can parallel lines be
pair of lines is perpendicular. What perpendicular lines as well?
would you tell him? Why or why not?

9. Which of these pairs of lines are 10. Which of these pairs of lines are
parallel? perpendicular?





PW92 Practice
Name Lesson 16.3

Identify 2-Dimensional Figures

Name each figure. Tell how many sides.
1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.


For 9–11, use figures A–D.

9. Which of the figures have more than 3 sides?

10. Which figure is a triangle?

11. Which figure is a quadrilateral? B D

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

12. Which type of plane figure has 6 13. How many sides and vertices
sides and 6 vertices? does this plane figure have?

14. How many sides does a 15. Which of the following plane
quadrilateral have? figures is also a quadrilateral?
A 4 C 6 F H

B 5 D 8 G J

PW93 Practice
Name Lesson 16.4

Name each triangle. Write equilateral, isosceles, or scalene.

1. 2. 3. 4.
4 cm 6 cm 5 cm 5 cm 3 cm 4 cm 3 cm 3 cm

4 cm 5 cm 3 cm
2 cm

Name each triangle. Write right, obtuse, or acute.

5. 6. 6 cm 7. 8. 3 cm 4 cm
2 cm 2 cm 4 cm
8 cm 10 cm
5 cm 5 cm
4 cm

6 cm

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

9. A triangle has one side that is 10. Can a right triangle also be an
3 cm, one side that is 2 cm, and isosceles triangle? Explain.
one side that is 4 cm. Two of the
angles are acute and one angle is
obtuse. What kind of triangle is it?

11. Which correctly names this 12. Which correctly names this
triangle? triangle?

12 cm 4 cm 4 cm
9 cm
5 cm
9 cm
A scalene, obtuse F equilateral, acute
B scalene, right G scalene, obtuse
C isosceles, obtuse H isosceles, acute
D isosceles, right J isosceles, obtuse

PW94 Practice
Name Lesson 16.5

Write as many names for each quadrilateral as you can.
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

7. Reasoning A square is a 8. What type of quadrilateral has one
rectangle. Is a rectangle a square? pair of parallel sides but the sides
Explain. are not always the same length?

9. What type of quadrilateral is this 10. Here is a quadrilateral. What two

figure? terms can be used to describe it?

A trapezoid F rectangle, parallelogram

B rhombus G rhombus, parallelogram
C square H square, rectangle
D rectangle J rhombus, square

PW95 Practice
Name Lesson 16.6

Name the gray part in each circle.
1. 2. 3. 4.

Is this gray part a radius? Write yes or no.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

9. Randy said that “a circle is a 10. Dawn drew a circle and placed
closed plane figure made of points 2 gray points inside it. She said
that are the same distance from both points are centers, can this
the radius.“ What single word can be correct?
you replace in Randy’s statement
to make it true? What word should
you replace it with?

11. Which of the following shows a 12. Which of the following shows only
radius in gray? the center in gray and not a



PW96 Practice
Name Lesson 16.7

Compare 2-Dimensional Figures

For 1–3, compare the figures at the right. A
1. Which figures have only 3 sides?

2. Which figures have only 4 sides?


3. Which figures have parallel sides? E F

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

4. How are a octagan and a triangle 5. How are a square and a rectangle
alike? How are they different? alike? How are they different?

6. How are these figures alike? 7. How are these figures different?

A They both have 3 sides. F They have a different number

of sides.
B They both have at least one G They both have one acute
right angle. angle.
C They both have at least one H They both have at least one
obtuse angle. right angle.
D They both have 2 obtuse J They both have at least four
angles and one acute angle. obtuse angles.

PW97 Practice
Name Lesson 16.8
Problem Solving Workshop Strategy:
Draw a Diagram
Problem Solving Strategy Practice
Draw a diagram to help solve the following problems.

1. Lance wanted to classify the 2. Nineteen students take music

following shapes into 2 categories: classes. Three students take only
triangle, square, rhombus, the trumpet class. Six students
rectangle, trapezoid, and octagon. take only the piano class. Ten
He drew a Venn diagram and used students take both the trumpet
the following headings for the and the piano class. How many
2 cirlces: “Parallelograms” and students take the piano class
“Plane Figures.” Which figures in all?
should be in the overlapping
portion of his Venn Diagram?

Mixed Strategy Practice

3. USE DATA How many crew
Boats 2 3 4 5 6
members are on 6 boats?
Look for a pattern to solve. 8 12 16 20 ?

4. Lauren ate apples three days in a row. On Monday she ate 6 apples. On
Tuesday she ate 3 apples. On Wednesday she ate 1 apple. How many
apples did Lauren eat in all?

PW98 Practice
Name Lesson 17.1

Congruent Figures
Tell if the figures appear to be congruent. Write yes or no.
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

For 7–8, use the figures in the chart.

7. Katie drew a model of her school.
Which figure appears to be Figures
congruent to the model Katie

8. Michael goes to a different
school. He also drew a model.
Which figure appears to be
congruent to Michael’s model? C D

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

9. Jason drew the two figures below 10. Mary drew the two figures below
on a sheet of paper. Do the two on a sheet of paper. Do the two
figures appear to be congruent? figures appear to be congruent?

11. Which figure appears to be 12. Which item appears to show two
congruent to this figure? congruent figures?


PW99 Practice
Name Lesson 17.2

Problem Solving Workshop Strategy: Make a Model

Problem Solving Strategy Practice Pattern Blocks
Make a model to solve.


1. Karen used 2 pattern blocks to 2. John used 2 pattern blocks to

make a shape that appears to be make a parallelogram. Which
congruent to the one below. pattern blocks did he use?
Which pattern blocks did she use?

Mixed Strategy Practice

USE DATA For 3–4, use the table.
Mosaic Tile Kit
3. How many square-shaped and
Tile Shape Number in Kit
triangle shaped tiles are there in
all? Show your work. Square 80
Rectangle 74
Triangle 55
Trapezoid 32

4. The squares are either red or 5. Kyle made an array using

green. There is an equal number 15 square tiles. His array had
of each color. How many squares 3 columns. How many rows were
are red? in Kyle’s array?

PW100 Practice
Name Lesson 17.3

Tell if the dotted line appears to be a line of symmetry.
Write yes or no.
1. 2. 3. 4.

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

5. Reasoning Andrew wants to cut 6. Reasoning Does the
an apple in half. Explain how he figure at the right
can use the line of symmetry to appear to have a line
do this. of symmetry? Explain.

7. Which appears to show a line of 8. Which does NOT appear to show

symmetry? a line of symmetry?



PW101 Practice
Name Lesson 17.4

Lines of Symmetry
Draw the line or lines of symmetry for each figure.
1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Decide if each figure appears to have 0 lines, 1 line, or more than 1 line
of symmetry. Write 0, 1, or more than 1.
9. 10. 11. 12.

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

13. Reasoning 14. How many lines of
Nancy went to the symmetry does the
beach and found figure at the right
the sea star at the appear to have? Explain.
right. She decided that the sea
star does not have a line of
symmetry. Is Nancy’s decision
reasonable? Explain.

15. Which of the following letters 16. How many lines of

appears to have more than one symmetry does the
line of symmetry? figure on the right appear to have?
A R C A F 0 H more than 1

B K D X G 1 J 3

PW102 Practice
Name Lesson 17.5

Draw Symmetric Figures

Complete the design so each has a line of symmetry.

1. 2. 3.

For 4–5, use the equilateral triangles at the right.

4. How many lines of symmetry does an equilateral triangle have?
5. How many lines of symmetry does the
double triangle appear to have?

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

6. Taryn drew the lines of 7. Does this figure appear to have a
symmetry on the octagon below. line of symmetry? If so, draw it.
Did she draw them all? If not,
draw the one(s) you think
she missed.

8. Which figure appears to show a 9. Which figure appears to show a

line of symmetry? line of symmetry?



PW103 Practice
Name Lesson 18.1

Identify 3-Dimensional Figures

Name the solid figure that each object is shaped like.
1. 2. 3. 4.

3 2 PEAS
“del ic io u s ”

5. 6. 7. 8.

Name each solid figure.

9. 10. 11. 12.

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

13. Julia used 8 cylinders, 4 cones, 14. Roger used 4 cylinders, 3 cones,
25 cubes, and 3 triangular prisms 12 cubes, and 1 sphere to build a
to build a castle. How many more tower. Half the figures were blue
cylinders than triangular prisms and half were red. How many
did Julia use? figures were red?

15. Which solid figure is the tent 16. Which solid figure is the book
below shaped like? below shaped like?

A cone F cube
B cube G square pyramid
C square pyramid H rectangular prism
D rectangular prism J triangular prism

PW104 Practice
Name Lesson 18.2

Faces, Edges, and Vertices

Name the solid figure. Then tell how many faces, edges, and vertices.
1. 2. 3.

faces faces faces

edges edges edges
vertices vertices vertices
Name the solid figure that has the faces shown.
4. 5.

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

6. Rene made the birdfeeder 7. Gwynn makes a wooden model of
at the right from a plastic a tent. The tent is in the shape of a
box. How many faces square pyramid. How many faces
and how many does Gwynn’s model have?
vertices does the
birdfeeder have?

8. Which solid figure is shaped like 9. Which represents the number of

a drinking straw? edges that a small cube has?
A cone C cylinder F 8 H 4
B cube D sphere G 6 J 12

PW105 Practice
Name Lesson 18.3

Problem Solving Workshop Skill: Identify Relationships

Problem Solving Skill Practice

1. Skip used a sponge to make a border around

his paper. He had access to 3 different
sponges in the shape of a cube, a square
pyramid, and a cylinder. Which sponge did
Skip use to make the border at the right?

2. Julie used sponges to make a border around

her paper. She had access to 3 different
sponges in the shape of a cube, a square
pyramid, and a cylinder. Which sponges did
Julie use to make the border at the right?

Mixed Applications
USE DATA For 3–4, use the Store Price List below.
3. Alice is told to spend exactly $13 at the Store Price List
store on two items. What will the shape
of the two items be?
$1 7
9 /
5 6
4 -
2 3
1 +

$8 C

4. Cindy went to the movies on Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

and spent $8. She went to the store on

Monday and spent $8. What did Cindy $2
buy at the store?

5. Bobby collected 8 baseball cards and 2 basketball cards. He put the cards
evenly in each of 5 cylinder shaped canisters. How many cards were in
each canister? Show your work.

PW106 Practice
Name Lesson 18.4

Compare 3-Dimensional Figures

Compare the figures. Tell one way they are alike or different.
1. 2. 3.

For 4–6, identify each figure.

4. I have 5 faces. Four 5. Only two of my faces 6. I have 6 faces. All my
of my faces are are triangles, the rest faces are square
triangles. Which solid are of another shape. shaped. Which solid
figure am I? Which solid figure figure am I?
am I?

7. I am a solid figure with a curved surface. Which solid figure am I?

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

8. Pedro and June make clay 9. Mia and Sue make paper models.
models. Pedro’s model is shaped Mia’s model is shaped like a cube.
like a square pyramid. June’s Sue’s model is shaped like a
model is shaped like a cube. How rectangular prism. How are the
are the two figures alike? two figures alike?

10. How are a triangular prism and a 11. I have 5 faces. Which solid figure
square pyramid alike? am I?
A Both have 5 faces. F cylinder
B Both have 8 edges. G square pyramid
C Both have 6 vertices. H sphere
D Both have no faces. J cone

PW107 Practice
Name Lesson 19.1

Compare Attributes

1. Which is longer? 2. Which is shorter? 3. Which is lighter?

4. Which holds more? 5. Which is heavier? 6. Which holds less?

7. Draw an object that is heavier 8. Draw an object that is shorter than

than a book. Explain your choice. you. Explain your choice.

PW108 Practice
Name Lesson 19.2

Choose the unit you would use to measure each. Write inch, foot,
yard or mile.
1. 2. 3.

4. the length of a cereal 5. the length of a spoon 6. the length of the

box Mississippi River

7. the length of a tea 8. distance between 9. the length of an

kettle the north side of two automobile

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

10. Justin plans to hike for many 11. Alex saw an adult shark at the
hours through the mountains. aquarium. Which unit best
Which unit best describes how far describes the length of the shark?
Justin will hike?

12. Lilly wants to measure the length 13. Tyler wants to measure the length
of a bike. About how long is the of a book. About how long is the
bike? book?
A 5 inches F 9 inches
B 5 feet G 9 feet
C 5 yards H 9 yards
D 5 miles J 9 miles

PW109 Practice
Name Lesson 19.3

Estimate and Measure Inches

Measure the length to the nearest inch.
1. 2.

Measure the length to the nearest half-inch.

3. 4.

Use a ruler. Draw a line for each length.

5. 2 __ inches 6. 1 inch

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

7. Nina measures a marker that is 8. What is the length of the card
2 _12
inches long. Between which below to the nearest half-inch?
two inch-marks does the end of
the marker lie?

9. Which is the length of the string 10. Which is the length of the string
below to the nearest half-inch? below to the nearest half-inch?

A 1 inch C 2 inches F 2 inches H 3 inches

B 1 1_2 inches D 2 1_2 inches G 2 1_2 inches J 3 1_2 inches

PW110 Practice
Name Lesson 19.4

Estimate and Measure Feet and Yards

Choose the better unit of measure.

1. the length of a rug 2. the length of a puppy 3. the length of a soccer

8 feet or 8 yards 1 foot or 1 yard 100 feet or 100 yards

4. the length of a 5. the length of a sofa 6. the length of a tennis

pickup truck court
5 feet or 5 yards 6 feet or 6 yards 80 feet or 80 yards

Use the Table of Measures. Write the length in feet and inches or
in yards and feet.

7. 38 inches ⫽ feet inches

8. 14 feet ⫽ yards feet

Table of Measures
1 foot = 12 inches
9. 42 inches ⫽ yards inches
1 yard = 3 feet

10. 102 inches ⫽ feet inches 1 yard = 36 inches

11. 8 feet ⫽ yards feet

12. Jamie plans to knit a sweater. She needs 12 feet of yarn. She has 3 yards
of yarn. Does Jamie have enough yarn to knit the sweater? Explain.

PW111 Practice
Name Lesson

Choose the unit you would use to measure each. Write cup, pint, quart,
or gallon.
1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Tell how the units are related.

9. 10 cups = pints 10. 4 quarts = pints 11. quarts = 2 gallons

12. 4 gallons = cups 13. pints = 7 quarts 14. 12 cups = quarts

15. 14 pints = cups 16. quarts = 1 gallons 17. 10 gallons = quarts

18. Beth needs to bring a gallon of juice to a party. She bought 2 quarts of
juice. She has no other juice in her possession other than the juice she just
bought. Did Beth buy enough juice? Explain.

PW112 Practice
Name Lesson

Hands On: Weight

Choose the unit you would use to weigh each. Write ounce or pound.
1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Find two objects in the classroom to match each weight.

Draw them and label their weight.

9. about 5 pounds 10. about 4 ounces

11. Sam told his friend that his puppy weighs 2. He did not give the unit.
Which unit of weight should Sam have said after 2, ounces or pounds?

PW113 Practice
Name Lesson 19.7

Problem Solving Workshop Skill: Choose a Unit

Problem Solving Skill Practice
Solve by choosing the better unit of measure.

1. Mr. Brill wants to measure the 2. Allison makes juice for herself and
distance from each goal line to her 3 friends. Which customary
the half-field line of a soccer field. unit of capacity does Allison use
Which customary unit of length to measure the amount of juice
will Mr. Brill use? she makes?

3. George measures how much 4. Julie measures the length of her

water his kitchen sink holds. sister’s hair. Which customary unit
Which customary unit of capacity of length does Julie use?
does George use?

Mixed Applications
5. Pose a Problem George 6. Gracie bought 6 cans of cat food,
measures how much water his and 3 cat toys. Each can of cat
coffee mug holds. Which food cost $2. How much money
customary unit of capacity does did Gracie spend on cat food?
George use?

7. Patrick rode his bike 10 miles, 8. There were 26 students at the

then 4 more miles, and then ate park on Monday. Fourteen of
2 sandwiches. How many miles these students were girls. About
did Patrick ride his bike in all? how many students, at the park on
Monday were boys?

PW114 Practice
Name Lesson

Fahrenheit Temperature
Write each temperature in °F.
1. 2. 3. 4.
50 100 20 70

40 90 15 65

30 80 10 60

°F °F °F °F

Choose the better temperature for each activity.

5. 6. 7. 8.

28°F or 78°F 82°F or 32°F 65°F or 25°F 53°F or 93°F

9. It is 27°F outside. What is an activity Jeanne might be doing outside?

What clothes do you think Jeanne might wear for this activity?

PW115 Practice
Name Lesson 19.9

Use a Thermometer
Use the thermometers. Find the difference in temperatures.
1. 100
2. 60

90 50
60 40

80 40
50 30

°F °F °F °F

3. 100 70
4. 60 70

90 60 50 60

80 50 40 50

°F °F °F °F

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

For 5–6, use the thermometers below.
5. How much did the temperature 60 70

rise from 6 A.M. to noon?

50 60

40 50

6. The temperature at midnight was °F °F

6 A.M. Noon
12ºF cooler than it was at noon.
What was the temperature at

7. The temperature at 12:00 P.M. 8. The temperature at 6:00 A.M.

was 67ºF, which was 9ºF warmer was 34ºF, which was 11ºF cooler
than at 9:00 P.M. What was the than at 1:00 P.M. What was the
temperature at 9:00 P.M.? temperature at 1:00 P.M.?
A 57ºF C 67ºF F 23ºF H 44ºF
B 58ºF D 76ºF G 25ºF J 45ºF

PW116 Practice
Name Lesson 20.1

Choose the unit you would use to measure each.
Write cm, m, or km.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. distance between 8. width of a book 9. height of a building

two towns

10. length of a fire truck 11. distance to the moon 12. length of your hand

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

13. Sheila wants to measure the 14. Pedro hit a home run. Did the
distance between first and ball travel 90 cm, 90 dm, 90 m,
second base on a baseball field. or 90 km?
Which unit should Sheila use?

15. Which has a length of about 16. Which unit would you use to measure
1 decimeter? the length of your classroom?
A your arm F cm
B a crayon G dm
C a paper clip H m
D your big toe J km

PW117 Practice
Name Lesson 6.6
Lesson 20.2

Centimeters and Decimeters

Estimate the length in centimeters. Then use a centimeter ruler to
measure to the nearest centimeter.
1. 2.

3. 4.

Circle the better estimate.

5. 6.

16 cm or 16 dm 3 cm or 3 dm
Problem Solving and Taks Prep
7. Leo is 10 dm tall. Lauren is 98 cm 8. A tree in Miguel’s front yard is
tall. Who is taller? 80 dm tall. How many centimeters
tall is the tree?

9. Shirley measured the length of 10. Which object is about 1 dm tall?

her math book. Which could be
the length of the book?
A 600 cm C 26 cm F cat H lamp
B 16 dm D 46 dm G chicken J soup can

PW118 Practice
Name Lesson 20.3

Meters and Kilometers

Choose the unit you would use to measure each. Write m or km.
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

10. The world’s tallest mountain is 11. The tallest mountain in North
Mount Everest in the Himalayas in America is Mount McKinley in
Asia. It is about 8,708 meters tall. Alaska. It is about 96 meters taller
Is Mount Everest taller or shorter than 6 kilometers. About how
than 9 kilometers? By how many many meters tall is Mount
meters? McKinley?

12. If Mr. Smith takes 4 hours to drive 13. Which is about 1 meter long?
to Benton from home, and he
drives 100 km per hour. About
how any kilometers away from
Mr. Smith’s home is Benton?
A 4 C 400 F book H river
B 40 D 4,000 G pencil J umbrella

PW119 Practice
Name Lesson 20.4

Choose the unit you would use to measure the capacity of each.
Write mL or L.
1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

13. In the space at the right, draw and

label a picture of a container that
has a capacity less than 1 liter.

Find each missing number.

14. mL ⫽ 3 L 15. L ⫽ 6,000 mL 16. 9,000 mL ⫽ L

17. 10 L ⫽ mL 18. 20,000 mL ⫽ L 19. L ⫽ 13,000 mL

PW120 Practice
Name Lesson 20.5

Choose the unit you would use to find the mass of each. Write gram
or kilogram.
1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

13. In the space at the right, draw

and label an object that
has a mass greater than
1 kilogram.

Find each missing number.

14. g ⫽ 6 kg 15. 12,000 g ⫽ kg 16. 20 kg ⫽ g

PW121 Practice
Name Lesson 20.6

Problem Solving Workshop Strategy:

Compare Strategies
Problem Solving Strategy Practice
Make a table or act it out to solve.
1. Belinda found a horseshoe crab 2. Silas made a sand castle with a
on the beach. The horseshoe crab moat, or ditch, around it. He
measured 40 cm from the tip of its poured 3 L of seawater into the
tail to the top of its head. How moat. How many milliliters of
many decimeters long was the seawater did Silas pour into the
horseshoe crab? moat around his sand castle?

Mixed Strategy Practice

3. Lucia can carry 4,000 mL of 4. Together, Belinda and Silas collected
seawater in her pail. How many 40 seashells. Belinda collected
liters of seawater can Belinda 10 more seashells than Silas. How
carry in her pail? many seashells did each person
collect? Predict and test to solve.

For 5–6, use the graph.

Shells Found
5. Use Data If you also count the
number of oyster shells found, the
Number of Shells

total number of shells found was 23.
How many oyster shells were found?
6. Lucia wanted to save two kinds of 0
Scallop Clam Mussel Oyster
shells listed in the graph. What Shells Shells Shells Shells
combinations of shells could she Kind of Shell
choose to save?

PW122 Practice
Name Lesson 21.1

Find the perimeter of each figure.
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

PW123 Practice
Name Lesson 21.2

Estimate and Measure Perimeter

Estimate. Then use a centimeter ruler to find the perimeter.
1. 2.
1 cm
2 cm
2 cm
1 cm
3 cm

Estimate. Then use an inch ruler to find the perimeter.

3. 4.

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

5. John has a 5-inch by 7-inch 6. Brian has an 8-inch by 10-inch
picture frame and a 4-inch by picture frame. He wants to add
6-inch picture frame. Which 1 inch to both the width and
picture frame has a greater length. Find the perimeter of the
perimeter? new picture frame.

7. What is the perimeter of this 8. This figure has a perimeter of

triangle? 20 cm. How long is the fourth
side? 2 cm
3 cm 3 cm
8 cm ?

3 cm 2 cm
A 6 cm C 9 cm A 2 cm C 10 cm
B 8 cm D 12 cm B 8 cm D 12 cm

PW124 Practice
Name Lesson 21.3

Area of Plane Figures

Find the area of each figure. Write the answer in square units.
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

PW125 Practice
Lesson 6.6
Lesson 21.4

Find Area
Count on multiply to find the area of each figure. Write the answer in
square units.
1. 2. 3.

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

4. Leslie made a quilt that has 10 5. Which figure has the greater area?
rows with 8 blocks in each row.
What is the area of the quilt in
square units?

Figure A Figure B

6. Maria is making a table runner. 7. Paul is making a hot plate with red
She created her design below on and white tiles. He has 6 rows of
grid paper. What is the area of her tiles with 6 tiles in each row. What
design? is the area of Paul’s hot plate?

A 28 square units F 18 square units

B 32 square units G 20 square units
C 48 square units H 34 square units
D 52 square units J 36 square units

PW126 Practice
Name Lesson 21.5

Relate Perimeter and Area

For each pair, find the perimeter and the area.
Tell which figure has greater area.
1. 2.


3. 4.


Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

5. Leah is making a picture frame. 6. Luke’s garden has a perimeter of
The perimeter of her picture is 16 feet. Which design will give his
24 inches and the area is garden the largest area?
35 square inches. What are the
lengths of the sides?


7. Which figure has an area of 8. Which figure has a perimeter of

12 square units? 14 units?


PW127 Practice
Name Lesson 21.6

Estimate and Find Volume

Use cubes to make each solid. Then write the volume in cubic units.
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

7. Each layer of a rectangular prism 8. Teresa has 18 cubes to make a
is 4 cubic units. The volume is 8 solid figure with 6 cubes in each
cubic units. How many layers are layer. How many layers will the
in the prism? solid figure have?

9. What is the volume of this solid 10. What is the volume of this solid
figure? figure?

A 12 cubic units F 3 cubic units

B 18 cubic units G 6 cubic units

C 27 cubic units H 9 cubic units

D 30 cubic units J 12 cubic units

PW128 Practice
Name Lesson 21.7

Problem Solving Workshop Skill: Use a model

Problem Solving Skill Practice
Use a model to solve.
1. Lillian keeps her ornaments in
cubed-shaped boxes. She has
2 larger boxes of ornaments. She
is looking for a special ornament
that is in a box that holds
40 ornaments. In which box
should she look?
Box A Box B
2. What if Box B could hold only 3. What if Box A could hold 3 layers
1 layer of cube-shaped ornament of cube-shaped ornament boxes?
boxes? What would be the volume What would be the volume of Box
of Box B in cubic units? A in cubic units?

Mixed Applications
4. Tom has two cartons of golf balls. 5. Ella is buying a case of pears.
Carton A has 3 layers with 15 golf Each row has 10 pears and there
balls in each layer. Carton B has are 3 rows. If the cost of a pear is
4 layers with 12 golf balls in each $0.50, how much will the case of
layer. Which carton holds the pears cost in all?
greater amount of golf balls?

6. Wesley has 4 more hockey cards 7. I am a 2-digit number. My tens

than baseball cards. If he has digit is two more than my ones
28 cards in all, how many hockey digit. My ones digit is between
cards does he have? 4 and 6. What number am I?

PW129 Practice
Lesson 6.6
Lesson 22.1

Model Part of a Whole

Write a fraction in numbers and in words that names the shaded part.

1. 2. 3.

Draw a model of each. Then write the fraction using numbers.

4. two fifths 5. seven tenths 6. five out of eight

Problem Solving and Test Prep

7. Sam cut the apple pie into 6
pieces. He ate one slice of pie.
How much of the pie is left?

8. Sam gave Jenny 2 slices of pie.

Now how much of the pie is left?

9. What fraction of the pizza has 10. Kiera made a number line. What
been eaten? fraction will complete the number
1 2 4 5
5 5 5 5

0 1
A __ 2
C __ 2 1
2 3 A __ C __
5 3
B __ 1
D __ 3 3
3 4 B __ D __
3 5
PW130 Practice
Name Lesson 22.2

Model Part of a Group

Write a fraction that names the part of each group that is blue.
1. 2.

3. 4.

Draw each. Then write the fraction that names the shaded part.
5. Draw 5 squares. 6. Draw 8 circles. 7. Draw 4 diamonds.
Shade 2 squares. Shade 5 circles. Shade 3 diamonds.

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

USE DATA For 8–9, use the bar graph. Addy’s Marble Collection

8. The bar graph shows the marbles 66

in Addy’s collection. How many
marbles does she have?
9. What fraction of the marbles are 22
brown? 11
Red Brown Black Blue

10. What fraction of the coins are 11. Jack has 10 toy trucks. 1_5 of
dimes? them are red. How many trucks
A __ are red?
B __ F 2
4 G 5
C __
8 H 1
D __ J 10
PW131 Practice
Lesson 6.6
Lesson 22.3

Equivalent Fractions
Find an equivalent fraction. Use fraction bars.
1. 2. 3.

Find the missing numerator. Use fraction bars.

4. 5. 6.
2  ___
__ 1  ___
__ 3  ___
8 4 2 10 3 6

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

USE DATA For 7, use the table.
7. The bar graph shows the weights Bugs
of three different kinds of make- Type Weight
believe bugs. How many beetles 1
Beetle 8 gram
would it take to equal the weight
Grasshopper 1
of one dragonfly? 2 gram
Dragonfly 3
4 gram

8. Erin has 8 fish. Of these, 3 are 9. What is the missing numerator?

blue. What fraction of her fish are 4  __
blue? 12 3
A __ F 2
B __ G 4
C __ H 1
D __ J 6

PW132 Practice
Lesson 6.6
Lesson 22.4

Simplest Form
Write each fraction in simplest form. Use fraction bars or counters.
1. 2. 3.

__ 4
__ 5 
8 6 10

4. __
5. __  4 
6. ___
7. ___ 
8. __ 
9. ___ 
8 9 12 14 9 12

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

10. Trevor ate 2 out of 8 pieces of 11. Jen read 8 out of 12 pages of the
candy. What fraction of the candy chapter. What fraction of the
is left? Write the fraction in pages did she read? Write the
simplest form. fraction in simplest form.

12. What fraction is in simplest form? 3

13. What is __ in simplest form?
A __ 2
F __
2 3
B __ 1
G __
8 6
C ___ 1
H __
12 3
D __ 1
J __
6 9

PW133 Practice
Lesson 6.6
Lesson 22.5

Fractions on a Number Line

Write the missing fractions for each number line.
1. 2.
0 1 0 1
0 1 X 3 4 5 0 1 2 x 4 5 y 7 8
5 5 5 5 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Tell which point represents each fraction.

0 1
0 1 2 a 4 5 b 7 8 9 c 11 d
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

3. ___ 4. 1 5. 1
__ 6. 5
12 2 6

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

USE DATA For 7–8, use the number line.
7. The number line shows how far
0 1
Kate, Ryan, and Amy live from Home 0 1 Ryan Kate Amy 5 6 School
6 6 6 6
school. How far does Kate live?

8. How much farther does Amy live from school than Ryan?

9. Andy has 12 coins. He wants 10. Which point represents _25 on the
to put them into 3 equal number line?
groups. How many coins are in F a
each group? 0 1
G c 0 a b c 4 d
5 5
A 1 C 3 H b
B 4 D 2 J d

PW134 Practice
Lesson 6.6
Lesson 22.6

Compare and Order Fractions

Compare. Write <, >, or = for each.
1. 2. 3.
1 1 1 1 1
– 1 1 1
– – – – 2 – – –
8 8 8 8 4 4 4
– 1
– 1
– 1
– 1
– 1
– 1

3 3 6 6 6 5 5

__ 2
__ 1
__ 3
__ 3
__ 2
8 3 2 6 4 5

4. 5. 6.
__ 1
__ 2
__ 5
__ 4
__ 3
8 4 3 6 8 6

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

USE DATA For 7–8, use the table.
7. Whose house is closer to school,
Todd’s or Al’s? Dan’s


8. Dan walked from his house to 5 mile
school and then to Todd’s house. 3 mile
– –3 mile
Which distance is farther? Al’s 6 4 Todd’s
house house

9. I am greater than _28 and less 10. What fraction is greater than _35 ?
than _5 . My denominator is 2.
What fraction am I?
A __
C __
F __
H __
2 8 6 8
B __
D __
G __
J ___
2 2 4 10

PW135 Practice
Lesson 1.1
Lesson 22.7

Problem Solving Workshop Strategy:

Compare Strategies
Choose a strategy. Then solve.
1. Lisa and Michelle played a ring toss game at the carnival. Lisa tossed _23 of
the rings around the bottle. Michelle tossed 5_ of the rings around the
bottle. Who tossed more rings around the bottle?
2. Chris and his friends ordered ice cream sundaes at the food stand. Chris
ate _1 of his sundae. Hayden ate 3_ of his sundae and Jacob ate 2_ of his
3 5 8
sundae. Who ate the most of their sundae?

Mixed Strategy Practice

USE DATA For 3–4, use the table.

3. For the Balloon Pop game, players Balloon Pop Game

have 8 chances to pop balloons. Name of Player Fraction of
Balloons Popped
Who popped the greatest number Taylor
of balloons?
Sean 4
4. Who popped the fewest number 1
Roseanne 2
of balloons?

5. Eileen read __7 _

10 of the book for school. Shelly read 5 of the book and Kara
read 1_ of the book. Who read the most of the book?

6. Richard’s team took turns working the scoreboard at the game. Each
player worked the board for _1 of an hour. The game lasted for 2 hours.
How many players are on the team?

PW136 Practice
Lesson 6.6
Lesson 23.1

Arrays with Tens and Ones

Find the product.
1. 2. 3.

2  16  4  13  3  22 
4. 5. 6.

5  14  6  15  4  17 

Use base-ten blocks or grid paper to find

each product.
7. 5  25  8. 4  18 

9. 4  22  10. 3  19 

11. 4  27  12. 8  39 

13. 6  38  14. 4  12 

15. 7  31  16. 3  24 

17. 4  29  18. 9  15 

19. 8  16  20. 5  35 

PW137 Practice
Lesson 1.3
Lesson 23.2

Model 2-Digit Multiplication

Find the product. Use place value or regrouping.
1. 25 2. 16 3. 34

_ 2 
_ 4 
_ 3

Multiply. You may wish to use base-ten blocks to help you.

4. 22 5. 36 6. 43 7. 24

_ 7 
_ 3 
_ 5 
_ 6

8. 32 9. 18 10. 31 11. 16

_ 5 
_ 4 
_ 4 
_ 4

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

12. There are 300 brushes in each 13. There are 20 boxes of crayons in
pack. Ella bought 4 packs. How a case. If each box costs $3 how
many brushes did Ella buy? much does a case cost?

14. Carter’s class went on a picnic. 15. Eddie reads 2 hours a day. How
There were 13 students in each of many hours does Eddie read in 12
4 groups. How many students weeks?
went on the picnic?
A 48 F 14
B 52 G 7
C 56 H 168
D 60 J 100

PW138 Practice
Name Lesson 23.3

Multiply 2-Digit Numbers

Find each product.

1. 23 2. 78 3. 77 4. 15 5. 34

_ 4 
_ 6 
_ 6 
_ 9 
_ 7

6. 39 7. 92 8. 41 9. 84 10. 67

_ 7 
_ 3 
_ 7 
_ 2 
_ 3

11. 95  8  12. 57  6  13. 4  99  14. 6  73 

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

USE DATA For 15–16, use the graph.

15. What number times 3, minus 16, Cafeteria Lunches

equals the number of types of
lunches sold in all? 9
Number Sold

16. What number times 10 equals the 3
number of types of lunches sold in 1
all? Hot lunch Sandwich Snack Pak Salad
Type of Lunch

17. Vincent uses 48 inches of wood 18. Colleen listened to three CDs.
to make a frame. How many Each CD is 63 minutes long. How
inches of wood will Vincent need, many minutes did it take for
to make 9 frames? Colleen to listen to all three CDs?
A 475 inches F 146 minutes
B 540 inches G 169 minutes
C 432 inches H 189 minutes
D 480 inches J 378 minutes

PW139 Practice
Lesson 6.6
Lesson 23.4

Practice 2-Digit Multiplication

Multiply. Use partial products or regrouping.
1. 23 2. 78 3. 28 4. 53 5. 34

_ 7 
_ 3 
_ 2 
_ 4 
_ 7

6. 33 7. 67 8. 52 9. 82 10. 71

_ 2 
_ 5 
_ 9 
_ 3 
_ 5

11. 95  4  12. 57  5  13. 4  39  14. 2  77 

15. 32  5  16. 9  15  17. 3  21  18. 57  8 

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep School Lunch Menu

USE DATA For 19–20, use the pictures.
Hot lunch $2
19. Trevor buys a hot lunch at school
every day for 2 weeks. How much
does he spend altogether?
(1 school week  5 days) Sandwich $3

20. If Trevor buys hot lunches each

Snack Pak $5
day for 2 school weeks and
sandwiches each day for 2 school
weeks, how much money does he
spend on food in all?
Salad $4

21. Andrew collected 32 planks of wood 22. Colleen listened to 3 CDs. Each
to make a frame. If he uses the same CD is 63 minutes long. How long
number of planks to make each did it take Colleen to listen to all
frame, how many planks of wood will three CDs?
he need to make 8 frames? F 146 minutes
A 266 planks G 169 minutes
B 256 planks H 189 minutes
C 326 planks J 378 minutes
D 156 planks
PW140 Practice
Lesson 6.6
Lesson 23.5

Problem Solving Workshop Strategy:

Solve a Simpler Problem
Problem Solving Strategy Practice.
1. The music club gives a concert to 2. Brett uses toy houses to build his
raise money for new sheet music. model village. The toy houses
They receive $0.75 for each ticket come in packages of 65. If Brett
sold. The club sold 99 tickets. buys 4 packages, how many toy
How much money did they raise? houses will he have?

Mixed Strategy Practice

USE DATA For 3–4, use the table.
3. Some third grade classes collected Food Number of cans
canned goods for a food drive. The Peas 35
table shows the foods one of the Corn 27
classes collected. If 4 third grade Chicken 15
classes each collected the same Potatoes 22
number of cans of each type of Soup 13
food, what is the total number of
cans of peas and corn these
4 classes collected?

4. If the 4 third grade classes each collected the same number of each type of
food, how many more cans of potatoes did they collect than cans of chicken?

5. Heath volunteers at a library 6. A brown, a black, a white, and a

3 days a week every summer. He gray dog are in line at a training
reshelves 97 or more books each class. The black dog is not last.
day he volunteers. What is the The white dog in is front of the
least number of books Heath brown dog. The brown dog is
reshelves each week? second. Draw a picture to show
the order of the dogs.

PW141 Practice
Name Lesson 24.1

Probability: Likelihood of Events

For 1–6, use the bag of tiles. Each tile is the same size and shape.
Tell whether each event is likely, unlikely, certain, or impossible.
1. pulling a blue tile 2. pulling a red tile

3. pulling a white tile 4. pulling a yellow tile

5. pulling a tile 6. pulling a green, blue, B
yellow, or red tile Y Y
B is blue G is green
R is red Y is yellow
Problem Solving and TAKS Prep
USE DATA For 7–8, use the table. Ben pulls one prize from the bag
without looking. Each prize is the same size and shape.
7. Is it certain or impossible that Ben will pull a
stuffed toy? Prize Bag
Prizes Number
blue ball 3
8. Is it likely or unlikely that Ben will pull a red ball? red ball 5
green ball 1

9. Charles grabs a shirt to wear from 10. Sara is playing a game using a
his drawer without looking. Four of spinner. The spinner contains
his shirts are white, 1 is yellow, 8 sections of equal size: 1 green,
and 5 are blue. Which represents 3 blue, 2 white, and 2 red. Which
the likelihood that Charles grabs a color is Sara least likely to spin?
yellow shirt, if all of the shirts are
the same size?
A likely C certain F green H white
B unlikely D impossible G blue J red

PW142 Practice
Name Lesson 24.2

Possible Outcomes
For 1–6, list the possible outcomes for each.
1. Elizabeth will pull a marble from 2. Joe will use the spinner.
the bag.

R is red G is green
B is blue

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep

USE DATA For 7–8, use the spinner with equal sized sections below.

3. John is going to use the spinner. What are the Yellow Yellow
possible outcomes?
Orange Green

Green Green

4. If John spins the spinner one time, is it equally

likely that it will land on green or orange?

5. Which is NOT a possible outcome 6. Which are equally likely outcomes

of spinning a spinner with the for a spinner, with sections of
following colors one time: yellow, equal size, with these colored
green, blue? sections: 2 yellow sections, 3 red
sections, 4 white sections, 2 blue
A yellow E yellow and red
B white G yellow and white
C blue H yellow and blue
D green J red and white

PW143 Practice
Name Lesson 24.3

For 1–3, use the boxes of crayons. Each crayon is
the same size and shape.
1. In Box B, which outcomes are equally


2. Which color crayon is most likely to be Box A

pulled from Box A?

3. What are the possible outcomes for

Box A?

Box B
Problem Solving and TAKS Prep
4. A box of cookies, each of equal 5. Which outcomes are equally likely
size and shape, contains 4 raisin, for a bag of marbles, each of
4 oatmeal, and 6 ginger cookies. equal size, with 2 red, 3 green,
Which cookie is most likely to be and 2 yellow marbles?
pulled in one pull?

6. Which outcome is least likely for a 7. Which is the probability of pulling

bag of marbles, each of equal a green marble from a bag, with
size, with 4 red, 2 blue, 1 green, marbles of equal size, of 4 red,
and 3 yellow marbles? 2 blue, 1 green, and 3 yellow
A red C green F 1 out of 10 H 3 out of 10
B blue D yellow G 2 out of 10 J 4 out of 10

PW144 Practice
Name Lesson

Predict Future Events

1. The tally table below shows the 2. The tally table below shows the
results of 30 pulls from a bag of results of 25 spins of a spinner,
marbles, of equal size. Use the with equal sized sections. Use the
data in the tally table to predict data in the tally table to predict the
the color that will be pulled next. color the pointer will land on next.
Marble Results Spinner Results
Color Tallies Color Tallies
Yellow Red
Orange Green
Purple Blue

Problem Solving and TAKS Prep Tiles Pulled From a Bag

USE DATA For 3–4, use the graph.
3. The graph shows the results of 10

35 pulls from a bag of tiles. William 6
is going to pull a tile from the bag. 4
Predict the color he will pull. 0
Green Blue Orange Yellow

4. Joan thinks that the next tile pulled is likely to be blue. Does Joan’s
prediction make sense? Explain.

5. The tally table gives the results of 6. The tally table shows the results of
25 pulls from a bag of marbles. tossing a coin 30 times. Which is
Which outcome occurred most the best prediction for the next
often? Marble Results coin toss?
A red F Heads Side Number
Color Tallies
B blue Red G Tails Heads
C yellow Blue H Neither Tails
D green Yellow J Both are equally likely

PW145 Practice
Name Lesson 24.5

Problem Solving Workshop Strategy:

Make an Organized List
Problem Solving Strategy Practice
USE DATA For 1–2, use the table.
1. Peter wants to make a sandwich with Meat Cheese Bread
1 type of meat and 1 type of bread. roast beef swiss white
How many different meat and bread turkey cheddar wheat
combinations can Peter make?

2. Lizzy wants to make a sandwich with 1 type of bread and 1 type of

cheese. How many different bread and cheese combinations can Lizzy

Mixed Strategy Practice

3. Mara baked treats for a family 4. Frank has 15 pennies,
gathering. She baked sugar cookies, 6 dimes, and 5 nickels. How
oatmeal cookies, brownies, muffins, many different combinations of
and banana bread. She wants to five change can Frank make, so that
each of her 20 family members the he can buy a piece of gum that
same number of muffins. How many costs $0.23?
muffins will each family member

5. Use Data Jamal and his sister need

School Supplies
school supplies. They each need
8 pencils, 10 markers, 10 colored Type Number per Pack

pencils, and 2 folders. How many pencils 12

packs of each type of school supply
markers 8
do Jamal and his sister need to buy?
Draw a diagram to help solve. colored pencils 10

folders 4

PW146 Practice
Name Week 1

Spiral Review
For 1–5, write the value of For 8–9, a class takes a
the underlined digit. survey about pets. Write the
results as tally marks.
1. 9,420
8. 3 students have dogs.
2. 1,609

3. 2,093 9. 6 students have fish.

4. 3,826
10. Look at Absences
5. 7,824 the table
at the Day
For 6–7, read the thermometer. right.
Write the temperature. How Monday
6. 70 students
60 absent on
⬚F Monday? Wednesday


For 11–14, draw the next
shape in the pattern.
7. 40 11.



SR1 Spiral Review

Name Week 2

Spiral Review
For 1–5, write the value of For 11–13, use the graph
the underlined digit. to answer the questions.

1. 7,816 Insects Found


Number of Insects
2. 9,217 5
3. 6,422
4. 3,405 0
Cole Mark Tori Bev
5. 6,212 Children

For 6–10, give the time 11. Who found the most insects?
on the clock.
11 12 1
10 2 12. Who found the same amount of
9 3
8 4 insects?
7 6 5

7. 13. How many insects did mark find?

11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5
For 14–17, draw a line on
8. the figure to make the
11 12 1
10 2 given shape.
9 3
8 4
7 6 5 14. Make a triangle
and a trapezoid.
9. 11 12 1 15. Make two
10 2
9 3 triangles.
8 4
7 6 5 16. Make two
10. 11 12 1 17. Make a triangle
10 2
9 3
and a trapezoid.
8 4
7 6 5

SR2 Spiral Review

Name Week 3

Spiral Review
For 1–5, compare. Use <, >, For 9–11, a class takes a
or ⴝ for each ● . survey about their favorite
sports. Use the tally marks
1. 546 ● 748 to make a picture graph.
Let stand for 1 person.
2. 208 ● 200
Favorite Sport
3. 969 ● 996 Sport Students

4. 6,399 ● 6,399 Swimming

5. 3,000 ● 2,999 Karate

For 6–8, give the area of
the figure.
9. Swimming
square units 10. Karate

11. Soccer
square units For 12–15, write the
missing numbers in
the pattern.
8. 12. Skip count by twos:
16, 18, , , ,
square units
13. Skip count by threes:
31, 34, , , ,

14. Skip count by fives:

55, 60, , , ,

15. Skip count by tens:

49, 59, , , ,

SR3 Spiral Review

Name Week 4

Spiral Review
For 1–5, find each difference. For 10–12, use the pattern
Use addition to check. in the table to answer the
1. 536 2. 627
⫺159 ⫺548 number of
1 2 3 4 6

number of
8 16 24 40
3. 972 4. 840 legs
⫺601 ⫺588
10. How many legs do 4 spiders have?

5. 900
11. How many spiders have 40 legs?

For 6–9, shade the 12. How many legs do 6 spiders have?
given area.
6. 6 square
For 13–15, use the number
line to find the missing
7. 10 square units


8. 9 square units ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 6 (( ()


' ( ) * + , - 6 / 0 (' (( ()
9. 13 square units 15.

' ( 6 * + , - . / 0 (' (( ()

SR4 Spiral Review

Name Week 5

Spiral Review
For 1–5, round each For 9–11, a class takes a
number to the nearest survey about how they come to
hundred. school. Write the results as tally
1. 1,580
9. 7 students ride 10. 11 students
2. 2,094 bikes to school. ride the bus.

3. 6,527
11. Look at the
4. 9,099 table at the Spring Break
right. How Activity Students
5. 602 many students Stay
went on Home
vacation over Visit
Spring Break?

For 6–8, fill in the blank. For 12–15, write the next
A small paper clip is number in the pattern.
about 1 inch long.
12. 1, 2, 4, 7, 11,

6. 13. 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4,
This line is about inches
long. 14. 5, 8, 11, 14, 17,

15. 10, 20, 30, 20, 10, 20,

This line is about inches

This line is about inch

SR5 Spiral Review

Name Week 6

Spiral Review
For 1–5, use the models to For 9–11, use the graph to
find the difference. answer the questions.
1. 400 Beverage Served

2. 210


3. 316









4. 142 Key: 1 Glass = 2 Cups.

9. What was the most popular
beverage served?
5. 405
10. How many apple juices were

For 6–8, fill in the blank. 11. How many more lemonades
A marble is about 1 cm long. were served than milk?

[ Art: marble ] For 12–14, use the number

line to find the missing
This line is about cm long. 12.
' ( ) * + , - . / 0 (' (( 6
This line is about cm long. ' ( ) * 6 , - . / 0 (' (( ()
This line is about cm long. ' 6 ) * + , - . / 0 (' (( ()

SR6 Spiral Review

Name Week 7

Spiral Review
For 1–5, use rounding or For 8−10, a class takes a
compatible numbers to survey about recess. Write
estimate each sum. the results as tally marks.
1. 47 2. 28 8. 8 students play 9. 4 students
⫹52 ⫹23 basketball. catch bugs.

3. 576 4. 304 10. Look at the table below. How

⫹139 ⫹188 many students brought sack
lunches on Wednesday?

5. 146
⫹149 Sack Lunches Brought
Day Students

For 6–7, read the thermometer.
Write the temperature.
6. 90


80 For 11−13, predict the next
number in each pattern.

7. 11. 1, 2, 4, 8,

⬚F 25
12. 19, 23, 27, 31,


°F 13. 900, 800, 700, 600,

SR7 Spiral Review

Name Week 8

Spiral Review
For 1–3, write the amount. For 8–10, a class takes a
survey about the music
they listen to. Use the tally
marks to make a picture
graph. Let stand for
1 person.
What Music We Listen To
Music Students



8. Rap

9. Pop

10. Country

For 4−7, shade the given area.

4. 8 square units
For 11–13, use the number
line to find the missing

5. 15 square units 11.

' ) + - 6 (' () (+ (- (/ )'

6. 4 square units 12.

' ) + - / (' () (+ 6 (/ )'

' ) 6 - / (' () (+ (- (/ )'
7. 18 square units

SR8 Spiral Review

Name Week 9

Spiral Review
For 1−5, compare. For 11−12, a class takes a
Use <, >, or = for each . survey about favorite colors.
1. 1,558 1,558 Write the results as tally marks.
11. 13 students 12. 9 students
2. 7,094 7,904
chose red. chose blue.
3. 848 8846
4. 3,547 3,547
13. Look at the table below. How
5. 4,999 5,001 many more students wore white
shirts than green?
For 6−10, give the time on
the clock.
6. What Color Shirt?
11 12 1
10 2 Color Students Absent
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

7. 11 12 1 Orange
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5 Green

11 12 1
10 2 For 14–16, predict the
9 3 next number in each
8 4
7 6 5 pattern. Explain.

9. 14. 22, 26, 30, 34, 38,

11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5 15. 99, 88, 77, 66,

10. 11 12 1
10 2
9 3 16. 300, 350, 400, 450,
8 4
7 6 5

SR9 Spiral Review

Name Week 10

Spiral Review
For 1−5, find each sum. Use For 11−13, use the graph to
subtraction to check. answer the questions.
1. 567 2. 789 Points Scored
⫹207 ⫹116

3. 207 4. 836 12
⫹718 ⫹855 6

Vi an
H as

Au ia
Aa in
Sa n
M ter

5. 207





For 6−10, give the time on 11. What player scored the most
the clock. points?

6. 11 12 1
10 2
9 3 12. How many points did Nicholas
8 4
7 6 5 score?

7. 11 12 1
10 2 13. How many more points did Tyler
9 3 score than Sarah?
8 4
7 6 5

8. 11 12 1
10 2
For 14−16, use the number
9 3
8 4 line to find the missing numbers.
7 6 5
11 12 1
' ) + 6 / (' () (+ (- (/ )'
9. 10 2
9 3
8 4 15.
7 6 5 6 ) + - / (' () (+ (- (/ )'

10. 11 12 1
9 3 ' ) + - / (' () (+ 6 (/ )'
8 4
7 6 5

SR10 Spiral Review

Name Week 11

Spiral Review
For 1−5, use the models to For 9−11, a class takes a
find the difference. survey about their favorite
1. 290 subject. Use the tally marks to
⫺217 make a picture graph. Let
stand for 1 person.

2. 401 Favorite Subject

⫺158 Subject Students

3. 250

4. 202 Reading
⫺ 79

9. Math
5. 320
10. Science
11. Reading

For 6−8, draw the time on For 12–15, draw the next
the clock. shape in the pattern.
6. 11 12 1 12.
10 2

9:41 9
8 4

7 6 5 13.

7. 11 12 1
10 2 14.
10:38 9
8 4

7 6 5

8. 11 12 1
10 2
2:23 9
8 4

7 6 5

SR11 Spiral Review

Name Week 12

Spiral Review
For 1−5, round each number For 10−12, use the graph to
to the nearest hundred. answer the questions.
1. 6,581 Number of Pushups done in P.E. Class

2. 1,157 Michael

3. 8,502

4. 8,205 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32

5. 495 10. Which student did 16 pushups?

11. How many more pushups did

Connor do than Michael?
12. How many students did more
For 6−9, shade the given than 20 pushups?
6. 12 square units For 13−16, draw a line on
the figure to make the
given shape.
7. 14 square units 13. Make two trapezoids.

14. Make two triangles.

8. 7 square units

15. Make two squares.

9. 15 square units

16. Make two triangles.

SR12 Spiral Review

Name Week 13

Spiral Review
For 1−5, use the pictures to For 8−10, a class takes a
find the missing number. survey about their heroes.
Write the results as a tally mark.
1. ⫻ 5 ⫽ 10 8. 15 students 9. 9 students
chose Martin chose Eleanor
Luther King Jr. Roosevelt.

2. ⫻3⫽9
10. Look at Who is Your Hero?
the table Student
at the Choices
3. ⫻2⫽8 right. How Thomas
many Edison
4. ⫻9⫽9 Lincoln
Mother Mother
Teresa Teresa
For 5−7, fill in the blank.
A small paper clip is about
Thomas Edison?
1 in. long.
For 11−14, find the product.
5. 11.
' ( ) * + , - . / 0 ('
This string is about inch 2⫻5⫽
long. 12.
' ( ) * + , - . / 0 ('
This crayon is about inches
long. ' ) + - / (' () (+ (- (/ )'
7. 5⫻4⫽
This leaf is about inches ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 ('
SR13 Spiral Review
Name Week 14

Spiral Review
For 1−5, use rounding or For 9−11, use the graph to
compatible numbers to answer the questions.
estimate each sum.
1. 36 2. 61    
⫹19 ⫹85      

, - . / 0 (' ((
3. 306 4. 919 EldY\if]Hl\jk`fej8ejn\i\[
⫹294 ⫹237 @eZfii\Zkcp
9. What was the smallest number
5. 278 of incorrect answers?
10. How many people got
7 questions incorrect?

11. What is the largest number

of incorrect answers?
For 6−8, fill in the blank.
A small paper clip is about
For 12−15, draw a line on
1 in. long.
the figure to make the
given smaller figures.
12. Make two triangles.
This line is between and
inches long. 13. Make two rectangles.
This line is between and
14. Make two trapezoids.
inches long.
8. 15. Make one triangle
This line is between and and one trapezoid.
inches long.

SR14 Spiral Review

Name Week 15

Spiral Review
For 1−3, write the amount. For 8−9, a class takes a
1. survey about their favorite
movies. Write the results
as a tally mark.
8. 13 students 9. 7 students
liked cartoons. like drama.

10. Look at the table at the right.

How many more students prefer
puzzle Favorite Video Game
3. than
Type Students
video Action


For 4−7, name the shaded
4. For 11−13, find the product.
square units
' ) + - / (' () (+ (- (/ )'
5. 3⫻4⫽
square units
' ) + - / (' () (+ (- (/ )'
square units
' ) + - / (' () (+ (- (/ )'
7. 4⫻5⫽
square units 14.
' ) + - / (' () (+ (- (/ )'
SR15 Spiral Review
Name Week 16

Spiral Review
For 1−5, use the pictures For 7−9, use the graph to
to find the missing factor. answer the questions.
1. ⫻4⫽8 
2. ⫻ 4 ⫽ 12
D K N K_ = JX Jl
3. ⫻1⫽4
7. How many more smoothies sold
on Friday than Monday?
8. On what day were 4 smoothies
4. ⫻ 12 ⫽ 12 sold?
9. On what day was the store
probably closed?

For 5−6, read the thermometer. For 10−12, use the number
Write the temperature. line to find the missing numbers.
5. 10.
' ( ) * + , - . 6 0 (' (( () (* (+ (, (- (. (/ (0 )'


⬚F 11. ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 (' (( 6 (* (+ (, (- (. (/ (0 )'


50 12.
' ( ) * + , - . / 0 (' (( () (* (+ (, (- 6 (/ (0 )'




SR16 Spiral Review

Name Week 17

Spiral Review
For 1−5, write the numbers in For 9−13, change the
order from least to greatest. numbers to tally marks.
1. 707, 139, 610, 601
Rose Varieties Sold
Variety Number Tally
2. 475, 919, 199, 105
9. Belinda’s 7

3. 1,978; 2,559; 1,879; 1,421 10. Abraham 4


4. 2,228; 3,366; 3,334; 2,316 11. Fairy 11

12. Knockout 19

5. 7,845; 7,942; 7,930; 7,854 13. Joseph’s 5


For 6−8, draw the time on the For 14–17, use the arrays
clock. to find the product.
6. 14.
11 12 1

8:32 10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5 15.
11 12 1
12:27 10
8 4 9⫻3⫽
7 6 5

11 12 1 5⫻6⫽
1:54 10
8 4
7 6 5

SR17 Spiral Review

Name Week 18

Spiral Review
For 1−5, find each sum. For 10−12, use the graph
Use subtraction to check. to answer the questions.
1. 916 2. 507
Roller Coasters
⫹450 ⫹589
Six Flags Over

Amusement Park
Great America,
3. 954 4. 784 California
Kings’ Island,
⫹647 ⫹169 Ohio
Dorney Park,

0 4 8 12 16 20
5. 109 Number of Roller Coasters
10. How many more roller coasters
does King’s Island have
than Great America?
11. Which park has 9 coasters?

For 6–9, shade the 12. Which park has 4 more coasters
given area. than Great America?

6. 13 square
units For 13−16, name the
number of vertices.
7. 15 square Shape Vertices
units 13.

8. 8 square

9. 16 square 15.

SR18 Spiral Review

Name Week 19

Spiral Review
For 1–5, compare. For 9−13, a class takes a
Use ⬍, ⬎, or ⴝ for each . survey about their favorite
juices. Write the results as
1. 7,615 7,651 tally marks.

2. 4,507 4,507 Favorite Juice

Flavor Number Tally
3. 749 794 9. Grape 16
10. Orange 6
4. 3,518 3,509 11. Strawberry- 5
5. 2,450 2,405 12. Apple 3

13. Cranberry 10

For 6−8, fill in the blank.

A marble is about 1 centimeter

For 14−17, use the array

to find the product.

6. 14.

This string is between and 4⫻6⫽

centimeters long.

7. 15.

This crayon is between
and centimeters long. 16.

This leaf is between and
centimeters long.

SR19 Spiral Review

Name Week 20

Spiral Review
For 1−3, write a division For 7−9, use the graph to
sentence to solve. answer the questions.
Amusement Park Rides

Number of Rides











Amusement Park

7. How many parks have over

60 rides?
8. Which park has 62 rides?
For 4−6, fill in the blank.
A marble is about 1 centimeter 9. Which parks have the same
long. number of rides?

For 10−13, name the

4. number of vertices.
Shape Vertices
This line is between and
centimeters long.
This line is between and
centimeters long.

This line is between and 13.

centimeters long.

SR20 Spiral Review

Name Week 21

Spiral Review
For 1–3, write a division For 8–12, read the steps for
sentence to solve. making a pictograph. Then write
them in the correct order.
8. Show the correct A.
number of pictures
beside each field
trip choice.
9. Write a label for B.
2. each row.
10. Choose a key to C.
tell how many
each picture
stands for.
3. 11. Choose a title. D.

12. Decide how E.

many pictures
should be placed
For 4−7, name the shaded
next to each field
trip choice.
For 13–17, write the fact
square units family for each set
5. of numbers.
13. 7, 4, 28
square units
14. 5, 7, 35
square units
15. 8, 2, 16
16. 9, 3, 27
square units

17. 6, 6, 36

SR21 Spiral Review

Name Week 22

Spiral Review
For 1–5, find the product. For 8–10, use the graph to
answer the questions.
1. 26 2. 54
Number of National Parks
⫻8 ⫻6
New Jersey
New York
3. 71 4. 68
⫻9 ⫻3 Key: Each ⫽ 4 national parks

8. Which state has the least number

of National Parks?
5. 87
⫻2 9. How many more National Parks
does Pennsylvania have than
10. What state has 28 National
For 6–7, read the thermometer.
Write the temperature.
For 11−13, draw a line to
6. match the figure with the
shape of its face or faces.

90 11.

⬚F 80

7. 140



SR22 Spiral Review

Name Week 23

Spiral Review
For 1–5, find the product. For 9–11, a class takes a
survey about their favorite
1. 19 2. 34 president. Use the tally marks to
⫻7 ⫻8 make a picture graph. Let stand
for 2 people.
Favorite President
3. 65 4. 54 President Students
⫻4 ⫻6 Washington

5. 28
⫻5 9. Washington
10. Lincoln
11. Kennedy

For 6–8, draw the time For 12–14, use the pattern
on the clock. in the table to answer the
11 12 1
10 2 number of
1 2 3 4 6
11:27 9
8 4
3 cars
7 6 5
number of wheels 4 8 12 20

11 12 1 12. How many wheels do
10 2
4 cars have?
12:03 9
8 4

7 6 5 13. How many cars have

20 wheels?
11 12 1 14. How many wheels do
10 2
6 cars have?
4 : 41 9
8 4

7 6 5

SR23 Spiral Review

Name Week 24

Spiral Review
For 1–5, use the models For 10–12, use the graph to
to find the difference. answer the questions.
1. 300 Roller Coaster Speed
172 Top Thrill

2. 401 The Escape
243 0 50 100 150
Miles Per Hour

3. 327 10. About how fast does the Top

274 Thrill Dragster go?

4. 193
11. What is the slowest roller coaster?

5. 111 12. Which roller coaster is faster than

 49 Nitro but slower than Top Thrill

For 6–9, shade the given area.

6. 7 square units For 13–16, match the figure
to the name.
13. parallelogram
7. 8 square units

14. trapezoid
8. 9 square units

15. rhombus

9. 10 square units
16. rectangle

SR24 Spiral Review

Name Week 25

Spiral Review
For 1–3, write the amount. For 7–8, a class takes a
survey about their favorite
vacation spots. Write the
results as tally marks.
7. 11 students 8. 4 students
2. liked the like the
beach. mountains.

9. Look at the table below.

3. How many more students
prefer amusement parks
to mountains?
Favorite Vacation Spots
For 4–6, fill in the blank. Type Students
A marble is about 1 centimeter

Amusement Park

For 10–12, use the rule to

answer the questions.
This bee is between and
The electronics shop had a sale.
centimeters long.
Batteries 3 6 9
Money $5 $10 $15

This caterpillar is between 10. What is the rule for this table?
and centimeters long.
11. How much would it
cost to buy 15 batteries?
This praying mantis is between 12. How many batteries
can you buy with $30?
and centimeters long.

SR25 Spiral Review

Name Week 26

Spiral Review
For 1–5, round each number to For 9–11, use the graph to
the nearest hundred. answer the questions.

1. 7,467

2. 3,507

3. 9,291

4. 974

5. 3,074
9. What was the least favorite ride?
For 6–8, shade the
given area.
10. How many people chose the

6. 11 square Ferris wheel?

units 11. How many more people chose
the roller coaster than the
7. 13 square Ferris wheel?
For 12–15, draw a shape
congruent to the one shown.
8. 12 square
units 12.




SR26 Spiral Review

Name Week 27

Spiral Review
For 1–4, use the models to For 8–10, a business takes
find the missing factors. a survey about their customers.
Write the results as tally marks.
1. 1 × = 10
8. 8 customers 9. 6 customers
ordered on the ordered over
2. 3 × = 12 Internet. the phone.

3. 2 × = 12 10. Look at the

What Did Your
table at the Customers Order?
right. How Order Customers
4. 4 × =4 many
placed orders Book
For 5–7, fill in the blank. in all?
A small paper clip is about 1 in.
For 11–15, write the related
multiplication fact.
5. 11. 9 × 5 = 45

This pickle is about inches

long. 12. 8 × 4 = 32

13. 7 × 6 = 42
This green bean is about
inches long.
14. 9 × 3 = 27

15. 1 × 10 = 10
This pepper is about inch

SR27 Spiral Review

Name Week 28

Spiral Review
For 1−5, use rounding For 8−10, use the graph
or compatible numbers to answer the questions.
to estimate each sum.
Votes for Favorite Park Activity
1. 69 2. 52 Biking
⫹34 ⫹29 Hiking

3. 221 4. 431 Fishing
⫹670 ⫹369
Key: Each  10 votes.

5. 578
8. How many more people
chose biking than boating?

9. On which activity
For 6−7, read the did 15 people vote?
thermometer. Write
10. How many people chose
the temperature.
water-related activities?
For 11−14, draw a shape
with the given line of


180 12.



SR28 Spiral Review

Name Week 29

Spiral Review
For 1−5, find the For 9−11, a business takes
product. a survey about their work
schedule. Use the tally
1. 28 2. 19 marks to make a picture
⫻4 ⫻7 graph. Let stand for
2 people.
3. 48 4. 82 Schedule Choices
⫻3 ⫻8 Choices Responses
5 days a
5. 53 4 days a
⫻5 week
6 days a

For 6−8, choose the unit 9. 5 days a week

you would use to weigh 10. 4 days a week
each. Write ounce or pound.
11. 6 days a week

For 12−14, use the
pattern in the table to
answer the questions.
number of
1 2 3 4 6
stop signs
number of
8 16 24 40

12. How many sides do

4 stop signs have?

8. 13. How many stop signs

have 40 sides?

14. How many sides do

6 stop signs have?

SR29 Spiral Review

Name Week 30

Spiral Review
For 1−3, write a division For 8−10, use the graph to
sentence to solve. answer the questions.
1. Number of National Parks Visited
State Number
Arizona 5
Colorado 3
2. Kansas 2
Oregon 2
Key: Each = 5 state parks.

3. 8. How many National Parks

were visited in Arizona
and Kansas combined?
9. Which state has National Parks
that were visited 15 times?
For 4−7, match the object
with the best unit of measure.
10. If there were 20 visits to
4. distance between two cities yard National Parks in Oregon,
how many backpacks
5. length of a sports field inch would be on the graph?

For 11−14, draw the line of

6. width of butterfly wings mile symmetry on the figure.

foot 11.
7. height of a building




SR30 Spiral Review

Name Week 31

Spiral Review
For 1−5, write the numbers 8. Was the temperature cooler at
described by the words. 7:00 A.M. or 3:00 P.M.?
1. Nine thousand nine hundred
For 9−13, change the
2. One thousand seven hundred numbers to tally marks.
thirty five
Phone Calls Received
3. Five thousand nine hundred fifty in One Week
seven Type Number Tally
9. Wrong 2
4. Two thousand eight hundred fifty Number
seven 10. Sales 6
5. Eight thousand nine hundred
11. Call for 12
twenty seven Mom
12. Call for 9
For 6−8, use the thermometers. Dad
13.Call for 16
60 60 Kids

50 50

For 14–16, use the table to

40 40 answer the questions.
°F °F The bowling alley has a special rate!
7:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M.
Games 2 4 6
6. The temperature rose 6°F from Cost $10 $20 $30
7:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. What was
the temperature at 8:00 A.M.? 14. What is the rule for this table?

7. The temperature at 12:00 P.M. was 15. How much would it cost to bowl
5°F cooler than the temperature 8 games?
at 3:00 P.M. What was the
16. If you spent $50.00, how many
temperature at 12:00 P.M.?
games could you bowl?

SR31 Spiral Review

Name Week 32

Spiral Review
For 1–5, compare the fractions For 10–12, use the graph to
using the number lines. answer the questions.
' ( ) * + , - . /
/ / / / / / / / / Pages Read Last Week

Numbers of Pages
' ( ( 8
' ( ) * + 6
+ + + + + 5
' ( ( 3
' ( ) * + , 1
, , , , , , 0
Luke Maggie Max Olivia
' ( Children
4 2 10. Who read two fewer books than
1. __ __
8 4
__ 1
4 5 11. Who read fewer books than Kate?

__ 5
5 8
12. How many books did the students
__ 1
5 4 read in all?
__ 1
__ For 13−16, match the
8 5
figure with its name.
For 6–9, find the perimeter of 13. pentagon
each figure.
6. units
14. rectangle

7. units 15. octagon

8. units
16. hexagon
9. units

SR32 Spiral Review

Name Week 33

Spiral Review
For 1−3, shade the amount For 7−9, a library takes a
shown by the fraction. survey about people’s favorite
type of book. Use the tally
1. __
4 marks to make a picture graph.
Let stand for 3 person.

Favorite Type of Book

2. __ Type Responses

3. __
For 4−6, give the area of the
figure. 7. Fiction
4. 8. Non-Fiction
square units 9. Biography

For 10−12, use the pattern

in the table to answer the
square units
number of
1 2 3 4 6
number of
5 10 15 25
6. verses

square units 10. How many verses are in 4 songs?

11. How many songs have 25 verses?

12. How many verses are in 6 songs?

SR33 Spiral Review

Name Week 34

Spiral Review
For 1−4, name the For 9−11, use the graph to
fraction shown. answer the questions.
1. Number of Library Books Checked Out




Key: Each  2 books.


9. Who checked out the least

number of books?
10. How many books were checked

out altogether?
11. Who read four more books than
For 5−8, Choose the unit you
would use to measure each. Linda?
Write cup, pint, quart, or gallon.
For 12−15, draw a shape
5. congruent to the one shown.




SR34 Spiral Review

Name Week 35

Spiral Review
For 1–3, shade the equivalent For 7–10, complete the
fraction. Then write the sentences with the phrase less
equivalent fraction. likely than, more likely than, or
equally likely to.
2. 7. Pulling a black marble is
pulling a gray marble.
5 8. Pulling a gray marble is
6 pulling a white marble.
9. Pulling a white marble is
pulling a gray marble.
10. Pulling a penny is
pulling a cotton ball.
For 11–13, use the table to
For 4–6, Find the volume of answer the questions.
the solid figures. A landscape company has gardeners
2 planting trees every hour.
Gardeners 2 4 6
4. cubic units Trees 3 6 9

11. What is the rule for this table?

5. cubic units
12. How long would it take the two
gardeners to plant 15 trees?
6. cubic units 13. How long would it take
4 gardeners to plant 6 trees?

SR35 Spiral Review

Name Week 36

Spiral Review
For 1–5, compare the For 10−13, complete the
fractions using the sentences with the phrase
number lines. less likely than, more likely
' ( ) * + , - . / 0 than, or equally likely to.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

' (

' ( ) * + ,
, , , , , ,

' (

' ( ) * + , - . 10. The spinner landing on a gray

. . . . . . . .
section is
' ( landing on a white section.
11. The spinner landing on a black
1. 4 2 2. 1 1
section is
9 5 7 5
landing on a gray section.
3. 8 6 4. 3 4
12. The spinner landing on a white
9 7 5 7
section is
5. 2 3 landing on a gray section.
9 5
13. The spinner landing on a number
is landing
For 6−9, find the perimeter on a letter.
of each figure.
For 14−17, draw a
shape with the given
6. units
line of symmetry.
7. units

8. units

9. units

SR36 Spiral Review

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