2016 Week12 LabWorkshop NMR CHEM321L

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Organic Chemistry 321

Workshop: Spectroscopy
NMR-IR Problem Set

1. Draw an NMR spectrum for each of the following compounds. Indicate each peak by a single vertical line
(for example, a quartet would be shown as 4 vertical lines whose heights are 1:3:3:1). Estimate approximate
shift positions using your handout or text.

a. CH3CH2Cl

b. (CH3)2CHBr

c. (CH3)3CCH2Br

d. cycloheptane

e. CH3(C=O)OCH2CH3

f. p-xylene (1,4-dimethylbenzene)

2. Listed on the next page are proton NMR absorption peaks for several compounds. In some cases
characteristic infrared absorptions are given as well. Propose a structure consistent with each set of data.

Here is a procedure for interpreting proton nmr spectra. It is not comprehensive, but it may be a good start.

a. Use the molecular formula to compute the Index of Hydrogen Deficiency (IHD, also known as DU). Note that each
separate benzene ring (individual, not fused to another benzene ring) accounts for 4 "IHD units". Presence of ordinary
(i.e. not benzene) double bonds is demonstrated by absorption of Br2 or H2. Benzene does not react with either of
these. Remember that "IHD units" may result from any combination of rings, double bonds, or triple bonds.

b. Is there a signal between 6.5-9 ppm? If so there is at least one benzene ring. Subtract the #H for that signal from 6
to get the number of substituents attached to the ring. You get # of H from info about peak areas. (This does not tell
you where on the ring they are located, but the 13C spectrum may help – see below).

c. Before you worry about splitting, find the # of H for each signal. It may be given directly or you may have to
estimate peak areas relative to each other. The ratios will be small whole numbers. If peaks are very narrow you can
use relative peak heights to estimate "area" ratios. Knowing the # of H atoms that cause each signal, plus the
molecular formula, allows you to guess at the kind and number of H-bearing fragments of the molecule. Fragments
must be structurally reasonable. For example, you could not have a single C with more than 3 H. Explicitly write
each fragment down and show the number of "empty" bonds (every C must have 4 bonds, O must have 2 bonds, N
must have 3 bonds). Examples (not an exhaustive list and some empty bonds not shown):

1H: CH (has 3 empty bonds) or -OH or =NH

2H: -CH2- or -NH2 or two CH that are in very similar environments [if on alkene sp2 C,  is > 4.5]
3H: -CH3
4H: is  < 6 ppm? Write two separate -CH2- groups
is  > 6 ppm? Write a benzene ring with two "empty bonds"
6 H : two identical -CH3 (write two separate -CH3 groups)

d. Write any other fragments needed by comparing the molecular formula to fragments written thus far (other
fragments might be halogen atom, C without any H [alkyl/alkenyl/alkynyl/aromatic], carbonyl C, double bonded O,
trisubstituted N or triple-bonded N). The complete collection of fragments that you write will help you to assemble the

e. Consider structural implications offered by chemical shift () values:

<3 ppm: ordinary alkyl
3 - 5: the C bearing this H also has attached halogen or O
4.5 - 6.9: vinylic CH (internal or terminal)
6.5 - 9: aromatic CH (benzene ring) – typically wide "singlet" or multiplet
8 – 10 (if very sharp or clean multiplet): aldehyde CH
>9: carboxylic acid OH – always a singlet

f. Splitting patterns reveal # of H of a different class on a neighboring C. Keep in mind the symmetry of simple splits
and how splitting trees caused by many different neighbors mess up the symmetry.

g. If IR or 13C spectra are available, glean what you can from these (O-H stretch? N-H stretch? C=O stretch? # of
unique C?)

h. Assemble fragments ("empty" bonds of fragments act like Velcro patches that can stick to other Velcro patches –
you can "stick" fragments together in various ways). Connect fragments so that signal splitting, chemical shift and #
of H for each signal predicted from your structure ALL match those in the spectrum. Make sure that you connect
ALL fragments into a single molecule. 13C spectra normally reveal all unique carbon atoms (there are rare exceptions)
and can help you decide where to connect multiple substituents on benzene rings (ortho, meta or para).
Compound NMR Spectrum IR Spectrum IHD proposed structure

a. C7H8O singlet, 2.43 (1H) broad peak

singlet, 4.58 (2H) 3200-3550 cm-1
multiplet, 7.28 (5H)

b. C15H14O singlet, 2.40 (3H) strong peak

singlet, 5.08 (1H) 1720 cm-1
multiplet, 7.25 (10H)

c. C4H10O2 singlet, 3.25 (6H)

singlet, 3.45 (4H)

d. C8H9Br doublet, 2.00 (3H)

quartet, 5.15 (1H)
multiplet, 7.35 (5H)

e. C3H5Cl3 singlet, 2.20 (3H)

singlet, 4.02 (2H)

f. C4H9Br doublet, 1.04 (6H)

multiplet, 1.95 (1H)
doublet, 3.33 (2H)

g. C10H12 multiplet, 0.65 (2H)

**Is this an multiplet, 0.81 (2H)
alkene or not? singlet, 1.37 (3H)
Note  values! multiplet, 7.17 (5H)

h. C9H11Br messy quintet, 2.15 (2H)

triplet, 2.75 (2H)
triplet, 3.38 (2H)
multiplet, 7.22 (5H)
3. Give a molecular structure for C10H14 that is consistent with the IR, 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectra below.
Hints: start with the 1H spectrum. Since no numbers of H are associated with peaks, you have to estimate.
Begin with the smallest signal, which is probably caused by one H. If all of its little spikes were piled one on top
of the other, about how high would the resulting single line be? By what factor is the neighboring singlet
higher? How many H does it represent? Continue this procedure to estimate the number of H causing each
signal. Don't forget that you know the molecular formula (above). Many of the other spectra in this exercise
can be approached the same way. The 13C spectrum can be used to guess connectivity to benzene rings –
compare number of unique carbons in your structure to the number of lines in the 13C spectrum. Consider each
mark as a single line unless specifically noted otherwise.



4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 500
Wavenumbers (cm-1)
(The 13C spectrum below has 7 lines.)
4. How many peaks would you expect to find in the proton NMR spectrum of caffeine (structure



5. When dissolved in CDCl3, a compound whose molecular formula is C4H8O2 gives a proton NMR spectrum
that consists of a doublet at 1.35, a singlet at 2.15, a broad singlet at 3.75 (1H), and a quartet at 4.25 (1H).
When D2O is added, the compound gives a similar proton spectrum except that the signal at 3.75 has
disappeared. The infrared spectrum of the compound shows a strong absorption peak near 1720 cm-1. Propose a
structure for the compound and explain why the signal at 3.75 disappears upon addition of D2O.

6. Propose a structure for a compound with molecular formula C9H10 which decolorizes bromine in carbon
tetrachloride and whose proton NMR spectrum consists of the following peaks:

doublet 3.1 (2H)

multiplet 4.8
multiplet 5.1
multiplet 5.8
multiplet 7.1 (5H)

7. After catalytic hydrogenation, a compound whose molecular formula is C5H8 gave a dimethylcyclopropane as
the sole product.

a) Four structures are possible for the compound (ignoring enantiomers). What are they?

b) The hydrogenated product was found to be exclusively cis-1,2-dimethylcyclopropane. The 1H-NMR

spectrum of the compound shows signals at 1.04 and 2.22 which integrate to a ratio of 1 to 3.
Which of the possible structures is consistent with all of the above information?
8. The 1H-NMR spectrum of bromocyclohexane shows a downfield multiplet (1H) at 4.16. At -75C, this
multiplet separates into two multiplets of unequal area that together integrate to 1H. The multiplets are at 3.97
and 4.64 in the ratio 4.6 to 1.0 relative to each other.

a) How do you account for the separation of the multiplets when temperature is lowered?

b. Which conformation of the molecule predominates at -75C, and what percentage of all the molecules
are in this conformation at a given instant? (hint: use the ratios)

9. Show the structures of the compounds with the following spectra.

a) C3H6O2 (13C has 3 lines)



0 500
4000 3000 2000 1500 1000
Wavenumbers (cm-1)
b) C6H12O (13C has 4 lines)
H spectrum has a singlet (a) at about 1 ppm and
another singlet (b) at about 3.3 ppm. Area ratio of
(a)/(b) = 3.



4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 500
Wavenumbers (cm-1)

c. C3H6O2 (13C has 3 lines)

d. C9H11NO2 (13C has 7 lines)

Typical of p-
disubstituted Note
benzenes extra


4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 500
Wavenumbers (cm-1)

e. C14H14S

2 lines
5 lines total

One line
f. C4H9Br

3 lines

g. C9H12 (13C has)

6 lines total

2 lines here



4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 500
Wavenumbers (cm-1)
h. C8H10O

6 lines overlap of 2
total lines here



4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 500
Wavenumbers (cm-1)

i. C8H10O (13C has 8 lines)




4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 500
Wavenumbers (cm-1)
j. C9H8O

These two
3 lines here signals not

7 lines

k. C5H7NO2 (hint: an important clue is in the IR spectrum)

5 lines



0 l. C8H9NO (13C has 8 lines)

4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 500
Wavenumbers (cm-1)
l. C8H9NO (13C has 8 lines)




m. C10H10O
4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 500
Wavenumbers (cm-1)

m. C10H10O

8 lines total
2 lines here t



0 Finish this packet if unable to
4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 500 do so in lab.
Pre-lab question is below.
Wavenumbers (cm-1)

1. A H-NMR spectrum of a compound shows splitting/coupling, shift, # of peaks, and integration

of peaks. What does each of these tell you about the compound’s identity?

Splitting/coupling of a peak tells you:

Shifting of a peak tells you:

Number of peaks tells you:

Integration of a peak tells you:

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