Project Management

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1 Project Management

1 . Pr o je c t Ma nag e me nt: c o n c e pt s & k e y t e r m s, e v olu t io n o f i nt e g ra t e d pr oj e c t ma na g

e m e nt s y s t e m, a li g ni n g p r oj e ct s w it h or ga ni za t i on s tra t e g y, e ffe c t i ve p r oj e ct p or t fol i
o ma na g e m e n t s y st e m , p r oj e ct li fe c y cl e , fea s i bi lit i e s o f pr oj e c t s-di ffe r e nt for m s o f p
ro j e ct c o ntra c ti n g.

2 . Pr o je c t Sc o pe Ma n ag e me nt: d e fi ni n g p r oj e ct s c op e , c rea ti n g w ork br ea k d o w

n st ru c tu r e ( WB S) , pr oj e ct r oll u p , pr o c e s s br ea k d o w n s tru ctu r e , r e s p o n s ib i l
it y ma tr ix .

3 . Pr o je c t Sc he d ul ing : n e t w ork m o d el s , PE RT & C P M u si n g s o ft wa r e s , m ea su r

in g r i sk .

4 . Pr o je c t Ris k Ma n ag e me nt: c o nt i ng e n c y p la nn i ng , s c h edu li n g re s ou r c e s , r

edu c in g pr oj e ct du ra t i on .

5 . Pr o je c t Te a m M a n ag e me nt : bu il di n g hi g h -p er for ma n c e p ro je c t t e a m s , ma
na gi n g v irtu a l pr oj e c t t ea m s, pr oj e c t c o nt ro l p ro c e s s . Pe r for ma n c e m ea su r e
m e n t a nd eva lu a ti o n , pr oj e c t qu a li t y , p la n n in g , qu a li t y a s su ra n c e , qu a li t y a
u di t, pr oj e ct cl o su r e , p o s t c o m pl e ti o n a u dit .

Slide 1:


Slide 2:

2 Beijing olympic stadium

Sea link - USA:

3 Sea link - USA

CHAPTER - 1 What is a project ?:

“ A project is a temporary process, which has a clearly defined start and end time, a set of tasks, and a
budget, that is developed to solve a well-defined goal or objective. “

4 CHAPTER - 1 What is a project ?

What Defines a Project?:

• • • • • • • 5 What Defines a Project? How does a project differ from a program?

Project Management versus Process Management :

“Ultimately, the parallels between process and project management give way to a fundamental
difference: process management seeks to eliminate variability whereas project management must
accept variability because each project is unique.” Elton, J. & J. Roe. “Bringing Discipline to Project
Management” Harvard Business Review 6 Project Management versus Process Management

Project life cycle:

7 Project life cycle

What is Project Management?:

A method for organizing tasks A structured framework to help a group work productively Tools to aid in
task sequencing, dependency analysis, resource allocation, scheduling, etc. Tools to track progress
relative to plan 8 What is Project Management?


9 IMPORTANCE Compression of Product Life Cycle { refer next slide } shortening of product life cycle
from 10yrs to 7yrs an example. Global competition cheaper & better products  time, cost &
performance Knowledge explosion product complexity due to growth ex: Japanese technos

Corporate downsizing Manpower downsizing, outsourcing management Increased customer focus
Customer satisfaction Rapid development of third world economies To establish distribution channels
Small projects represent big problems Multi projects – inefficiency management . accountability,
flexibility, innovation, speed & continuous improvement. 10 IMPORTANCE

Slide 11:


Evolution of integrated project management system:

Piecemeal project priority system It fails to tie overall strategies of firm & fails to integrate throughout
the project life cycle { ie strategic plan & managing actual projects }. Integrated of projects with Strategic
plan External – oppurtunity, threats , Internal – strength, weakness Firm mission, goals, strategies –
customers, profit Integrate  together to form a whole project system Diagram -  next slide 12
Evolution of integrated project management system

Integration of Projects with Strategic Plan ( integrated mngt of projects ):

. 13 Integration of Projects with Strategic Plan ( integrated mngt of projects )

Integration within process of Managing Actual Projects :-:

Fig : 1.3 Pg-13 Chapter – 1 Technical (science }– includes formal, disciplined, pure logic parts ,, project
manager technically trained Sociocultural [ art ]– it combines talents of set of professionals ie
teamwork Hence science + art = successful project manager . 14 Integration within process of Managing
Actual Projects :-

Aligning projects with organization strategy:

15 Aligning projects with organization strategy What are we now What do we intend to be How are we
going to get there

Align – to bring into proper coordination Mission – purpose, basis for decision making Objective - where
firm is headed & when it is going to get there Goal – aim Strategy – what needs to be done to reach
objectives , consequently SWOT & target segment Portfolio – papers,drawings,photographs etc..
Strategic implementation – how strategie`s will be realized given available resources. 16 .

Effective project portfolio management system:

Importance:- Implementation gap- Participation from all levels of orgn & clear linkages between all
activities/depts Organization politics Politics – imp role project selection & individual aspirations . Hence
there is need to develop system for identifying & selecting projects that Reduces impact of internal
political & foster the selection of best projects for achieving the mission & strategy of the firm. 17
Effective project portfolio management system

Slide 18:

Resources Conflicts & Multitasking A process for evaluating & selecting projects that support high level
strategies & objectives [ allocate resources & supporting multitasking operations at various stages ] . 18

Refer questions papers from 2005 to till date .:

END OF CHAPTER - 1 19 Refer questions papers from 2005 to till date .


Its framework for launching & implementing project activities within a parent organization. Structure :-
Organising Projects within functional organisation – on existing hierarchy for simple management , this
is for functional area plays dominant role in completing the project. Figure – 3.1 , Pg -57, Chapter-3 –

Organising Projects within functional organisation :

21 Organising Projects within functional organisation

Organizing Projects as dedicated teams- independent project teams, functional depts will assist &
support project teams .:
22 Organizing Projects as dedicated teams- independent project teams, functional depts will assist &
support project teams .

Organizing projects within Matrix arragement:

23 Organizing projects within Matrix arragement

Organizing projects within Matrix arragement:

To optimum utilize resources – working on multiple projects along with normal functional duties. Project
A – design & expansion Project B – development of new product Project C – forecasting changing needs
of customers 24 Organizing projects within Matrix arragement

Organizing projects within Network Organization :-:

Here project manager is assigned by the bicycle firm to work with the inventor & other parties to
complete the project. Ex:= assemble line industries , NIKE . Fig : 3.5 Pg-68 Chapter – 3 25 Organizing
projects within Network Organization :-


26 DEFINING THE PROJECT SCOPE It sets the stage for developing a project plan. It states the end result
or mission of your project – a product or service for your client/customer or expectations for delivery to
clients. Project scope checklist :- Project objective – overall ie what, when & how much Deliverables-
expected outputs for project life Milestones- major segment of work & rough estimates of time, cost &
resources for the project.


Technical requirements :- to ensure proper performance Limits & exclusions = probable failures , to be
mentioned clearly Reviews with customer – customer expectations = actual deliverables ?????????? 27


Success = Fig : 4.1 Pg-103 Chapter – 4 Matrix  Fig : 4.2 Pg-105 Chapter – 4 – example Constrain- fixed
completion date, specifications & budget . Enhance-adding value to project ie reduce cost & shorten
time schedule Accept-to reduce performance or go over budget ie apart from fixed constraints. It clearly
establishing priorities with customers & top mngt to create shared expectations & to avoid
misunderstandings for planning process & adjustments can be made in the scope, schedule & budget


WBS – project work subdivided into smaller work elements through hierarchical process ( map ) &
integration of project with current organization Fig : 4.3 Pg-108 Chapter – 4 > as per hierarchical
breakdown of WBS. Work package – short duration tasks that have definite start & stop point, consume
resources & represent cost  complete on time, within budget & as per technical specifications. Fig : 4.4
Pg-109 Chapter – 4 – sample work breakdown structure 29 CREATING THE WORK BREAKDOWN


Here consolidate & integration of process in WBS & OBS for managing the project. Fig : 4.7 Pg-116
Chapter – 4 - sample project budget roll up Organization breakdown structure OBS– how firm organized
discharge work responsibility in hierarchical pattern , horizontally { management interest , work
packages work} Work breakdown structure WBS– units for performing the work in orgn, vertically
{ clients interest, subdeliverables responsibility } Intersection of both OBS & WBS = project control ie
work & responsibility, set of work packages necessary to complete the subdeliverables Specific budgets
expected for projects, but rearrange as per availability. 30 PROJECT ROLLUP


For design & build projects that have tangible outcomes . Fig : 4.8 Pg-117 Chapter – 4 Project organize in
phases to communicate what needs to be done to complete. 31 PROCESS BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE

Responsibility Matrices:

It summarizes the tasks to be acomplished & who is responsible for what on a project. It consists of
chart listing all the project acitivities & participants responsible for each acitivity. Fig : 4.9 Pg-118
Chapter – 4 32 Responsibility Matrices
Refer questions papers from 2005 to till date .:

33 Refer questions papers from 2005 to till date . END OF CHAPTER - 2


Importance :- Decision making Schedule work Determine project duration & its cost Project s worth
Develop cash flow needs Determine project progress Develop time phased budget & project baseline. 34

Slide 35:

Methods :- Macro approach  Consensus -- the experts ie senior/middle managers estimate the duration
& cost , discess, argue & ultimately reach a decision . Ratio -- used in the concept or need phase of a
project to get an initial duration & cost estimate for the project. Ex: - contractor use square feet for
calculation of house or renovations etc… Apportion -- 35


The network is developed from the information of Work Breakdown structure. A network depicts the
project activities the must be completed, the logical sequences, the interdependencies of the activities
to be completed. It is the framework for the project information system that will be used by the project
managers to make decisions concerning project time, cost & performance. Models - samples 36

Importance of network models:

Different employees/staff to be used for work packages & activities Work breadown structure is poorly
constructed & not ouput oriented – effectiveness project . Identify dependencies Sequencing- because
works are measurable Timing of activities How info used to develop a project network 37 Importance of
network models


. 38 . Constructing a Project Network Terminology Activity: an element of the project that requires time.
Merge activity: an activity that has two or more preceding activities on which it depends. Parallel
(concurrent) activities: Activities that can occur independently and, if desired, not at the same time. A C


. 39 . Constructing a Project Network (cont’d) Terminology Path: a sequence of connected, dependent

activities. Critical path: the longest path through the activity network that allows for the completion of
all project-related activities; the shortest expected time in which the entire project can be completed.
Delays on the critical path will delay completion of the entire project. D C A B (Assumes that minimum of
A + B > minimum of C in length of times to complete activities.)


. 40 . Terminology Event: a point in time when an activity is started or completed. It does not consume
time. Burst activity: an activity that has more than one activity immediately following it (more than one
dependency arrow flowing from it). Two Approaches Activity-on-Node (AON) Uses a node to depict an
activity Activity-on-Arrow (AOA) Uses an arrow to depict an activity B D A C Constructing a Project
Network (cont’d)


. 41 . Basic Rules to Follow in Developing Project Networks Networks typically flow from left to right. An
activity cannot begin until all of its activities are complete. Arrows indicate precedence and flow and can
cross over each other. Identify each activity with a unique number; this number must be greater than its
predecessors. Looping is not allowed. Conditional statements are not allowed. Use common start and
stop nodes.


. 42 . From Work Package to Network FIGURE 6.1 WBS/Work Packages to Network


. 43 . From Work Package to Network (cont’d) FIGURE 6.1 (cont’d) WBS/Work Packages to Network

It’s a type of network diagram method also known as precedence diagram method which is represented
by a node ( box ) . Basic relationships :- For graphic flow chart of the sequence & logical
interdependencies of project activities Predecessor Activities – to be completed immediately before this
{ Fig – A, B} Successor Activities – must immediately follow this { Fig – B } Concurrent or Parallel – can
occur while this activity taking place {Fig- B 44 ACTIVITY-ON-NODE FUNDAMENTALS


. 45 . Activity-on-Node Fundamentals – Contd……. FIGURE 6.2


. 46 . Activity-on-Node Fundamentals (cont’d) FIGURE 6.2 (cont’d)

Network Computation Process:

47 Network Computation Process Computation  calculation: the procedure of calculating; determining

something by mathematical or logical methods , calculation: problem solving that involves numbers or
quantities Types Forward Pass—Earliest Times ( here project begins with start time ie zero. How soon
can the activity start ? ( early start—ES ) How soon can the activity finish ? ( early finish—EF ) How soon
can the project finish ? ( expected time—ET )

Forward Pass—:

Here the project begins with start time ie zero Here the assumption is every activity will start instantly in
time the last of its predecessors is finished. LF – late finish under critical path ie total time that can be
consumed SL , LS – not applicable to forward pass because its pertaining to late completion criteria. 48
Forward Pass—

Network Information – sample for AON forward pass network:

49 Network Information – sample for AON forward pass network TABLE 6.2

Activity-on-Node Network – basic network to be constructed:

50 Activity-on-Node Network – basic network to be constructed FIGURE 6.5


. 51 . Activity-on-Node Network Forward Pass FIGURE 6.6

Backward Pass—Latest Times :

How late can the activity start ? (late start—LS) How late can the activity finish ? (late finish—LF) Which
activities represent the critical path- CP ? How long can it be delayed ? (slack or float—SL) 52 Backward
Pass—Latest Times


. 53 . Activity-on-Node Network Backward Pass FIGURE 6.7

Backward Pass Computation.:

. Subtract activity times along each path in the network (LF - Duration = LS). Carry the late start (LS) to
the next activity where it becomes its late finish (LF) unless... The next succeeding activity is a burst
activity, in which case the smallest LF of all preceding activities is selected. 54 Backward Pass

. Determining Slack (or Float):

. Free Slack (or Float) The amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying connected
successor activities Total Slack The amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the
entire project The critical path is the network path(s) that has (have) the least slack in common. It helps
project managers for close attention to the critical path activities to be sure they are not delayed. 55 .
Determining Slack (or Float)


. 56 . Activity-on-Node Network with Slack FIGURE 6.8

Refer questions papers from 2005 to till date .:

57 Refer questions papers from 2005 to till date . END OF CHAPTER - 3

Project Risk Management:

Risk means Inability to control chance events Anticipated consequences Price reduction Cost over in
materials Schedule slippage 58 Project Risk Management Positive Negative

Risk Management:

Attempts to recognize & Manage potential & unforeseen trouble spots what can go wrong What can be
done about the event before project begins & the contingency plans/funds to cover Risk event may
occur when the project is implemented. 59 Risk Management

Risk management process:

Pg:209 Identify project risk & deciding response before project begins is practice rather reactive Project
manager utility  Better control over the future improve chances of reaching project objective on time,
within budget & require technical environment 60 Risk management process

Slide 61:

Usually external risk will be excluded Ex: Inflation , Market acceptance exchange rates, Govt. regulations.
Fig: 7.2 pg 209 Step-1 Risk Identification Focus on events that could produce Consequences  poor
estimates, shipping delay adverse weather Identifying risk of Project Small- work Breakdown structure
Big-multiple risk teams 61

Step-2 Risk assessment:

We have to climinate inconsequential or with less relevant ones in terms of importance & need for
attention Analysis Scenario Probability 62 Step-2 Risk assessment

Scenario analysis:
To assess Undesirable event all the outcomes of the events occurrence Magnitude or severity of events
impact Chances/ probability of the event happening When the event might occur Interaction with other
parts of this or other projects Fig 7.4, pg 212 63 Scenario analysis

Probability Analysis(Statistical tools):

Here focus will be on completion of project on time & within budget Net present value(NPV)  Cash flow
risks, Correlation & S-curves. PERT- review activity & risks cost 64 Probability Analysis(Statistical tools)

Step-3 Risk response development:

Mitigating Risk:- To reduce the impact & the risk if it occurs. Ex: price fluctuations Avoiding Risk:- Some
changes in project plan. Ex: southwestern monsoon Transferring Risk: Fixed price contracts to
contractors insurance. Ex:general insurance Sharing Risk :- Allocate Risk in proportions to different
parties. Ex: contracts to share Retaining Risk:- Ex –Earthquake or floods not feasible , to transfer or
reduced risk of event changes of occurrence is less 65 Step-3 Risk response development

Slide 66:

To overcome this  budget reserve CONTINGENCY PLANNING = Project success :- Alternative plan for
feasible foreseen risk to reduce impact What When Where How much action will take place Fig: 7.7 pg
no: 218 66 Includes cost estimate & sources of funds

backhoes :


Botanical garden:

Design – plan for developing garden Layout & Scarify - To break up the surface of (topsoil or pavement).
Botanical garden

Management reserves:
Management reserves This is dependent on budget revenue identified & funds established. It covers
major unforeseen risks & hence applied to total project. This is controlled by owner & top management
of the company regulated by project manager Fig. 7.1 , pg no 224

Time buffer:

Against potential delay in the project. More time reserved for schedule is extra time – dependent on
uncertainty. Buffer- store time Time buffer


Risk response control: Executing risk response strategy, monitoring triggering events, initiating
contingency plans & watching for new risks. Step-4

Scheduling resource:

Scheduling resource Organization objective Available resources No delay, Loss Feasible Flexible (New
project) Realistic Scheduled & duration sequence

Types of project constraint:

The sequence in which project activities must occurs a) Technical or logical constraints Logic Types of
project constraint Start Frame Pour Roof End

Slide 78:

Technical End Test Code Design Start b) Physical constraints Based on contractual or environmental
conditions Ex: Renovation of ship compartment One person is enough due to space limitation

Slide 79:

C) Resource constraints Ensure availability in right quantities at right time Ex: many persons managing
wedding hall decoration simultaneously Purchase refreshments Decorate hall Reception Plan Hire band

Single person managing:

Single person managing Reception Purchase refreshment Decorate Hall Hire band Plan Resources
constraints People Materials Equipments Working capital

Resource allocation methods:

Time Assumptions Resource Resource allocation methods Time: If four on resource utilization . Here
preduce the peak requirement for the resource injcrease the utilization of the resource. Minimize to risk
of delaying the project Fig: 8.2 pg 246

Cash flow decisions:

Cash flow decisions To solve cash flow problems at future days. Price protection risks: Price risks should
be evaluated item by item rather on all the item & ensure control of average of contingency funds.

Funding risks:

Funding risks Budget cuts evaluation of funding policy. Ex: govt projects political agenda Contingency
funding & Time Buffers: When, where, how much money will be spent until risk event occurs: depended
on uncertainty inherent in the project.

Slide 84:

Budget revenue: For identified risks & based on its occurrence, funds will be utilized. Technical risks:
Need to develop methods to resolve technical uncertainities Ex: CAD programs

Slide 85:

Schedule risks: use of slack: completing activity on time is reducing schedule risk Imposed duration
dates: Completion of project by specific date. Compression of project schedules: Shorter the project

Slide 86:

Cost risks: Cost overruns  heavy consequences Time/cost dependency link Time dependent cost
Reducing project duration Real practice – project duration:

Politician Speech (unscientific) Increase project cost & inflexible Scientific Calculations Based on
constraints Reducing project duration Real practice – project duration


Options: Adding resources: i.e additional staff & equipments

Reducing project scope:

Reducing project scope Reduce of scale back scope of project Reduce functionality of project

Establish case reject team:

Dedicated case team of professionals avoid hidden cost of multitasking in which projects are forced to
meet the demands of multiple projects. Do it twice-fast & correctly First try building quick & dirty to
meet short term deadline & then go back to do it the right way. Establish case reject team

i) Fast tracking:

These rearrange the logic Outsourcing project work: To sub contractors  technology & expertise
Scheduling overtime Extra hours of work to avoid additional costs of condition & communication
encountered when new people are added So not just adding new projects but schedule overtime for
existing i) Fast tracking

Slide 92:

Big savings Time money Reduce scope  no compromise in specification Compromise quality: Reduce
quality- time Rarely acceptable Suitable for rethinking of project scope Customer needs Timings

Project network::

so that critical activities are done parallel rather sequentially Critical chain: Experimentation of small
project completion within short span of time EX: built a house in 4hrs Project network:
Slide 94:


Reducing project duration:

Project cost Duration graph: Logical method reducing project time &cost Sound, quick (only certain
activities can be modified) Direct & Indirect cost are considered. Pg:288 fig:9.1 Project cost duration
graph 95 Reducing project duration

Project indirect costs:

Overhead costs- supervision, administration, consultants & interest They vary based on time Direct
costs: Labour, materials, equipments, sub contraction etc. 96 Project indirect costs


Find total direct cost Find total indirect cost Find sum = direct cost + indirect cost Shortening an activity
= crashing time Time for deistically completion (compressed direction) Reducing time per unit of time
Direct cost for completing activity- crash cost Fig: 9.2 pg:290 97 Steps:

Slide 98:

Cost=Risk/Run =Crash cost-normal cost / Normal cost-crash cost = 800-400/10.5=$ 80 per unit of time

Chapter-5 Managing project teams:

Project management has to know/assess his subordinates 99 Chapter-5 Managing project teams

Features of Project team members:

A) Share & excuse of common purpose- objective of project B) team identifies individual talents &
expertise = project needs C) Roles are balanced/ shared D) team - problem solving E) encourage –
opinions freely F) earnings- risk hiking, creativity G) set standards of performance = objectives 100
Features of Project team members

Slide 101:

H) Identify & consider both professional & personal growth Team diligent mantel: Fig:11.1 pg: 345 101


Understand scope of project members Find out what are acceptable role, performance, relation
Storming: Control the group resolve conflicts lenders accepted group moves next 102 Forming:

Slide 103:

Close relationship develop Share responsibility Common set of expectations- how work together
Performing: Here fully functional & accepted Start accomplishing project goals 103


High wrapping up of project Some members Busy depressed Accomplishing over friendship Building high
performance Project teams: Fg: 11.3 pg:348 104 Adjourning:

Slide 105:

Project managers uses situation functions team Interactive management style development Recruit
project team members: Based on important of project Management structure (matrix, functional,
dedicator) Volunteers by experience project management Experience knowledge skill 105

Volunteers :

Problem solving ability Identify & solving skills Availability Commitment Technological expertise Specific
technology 106 Volunteers

Enhance team reputation Winners lends confidence Political connections: Already good working
relationship with that group Ambition, initiative ecology of team members in project 107 Credibility:

Conduct project meetings::

I. Preliminary, introductions. Overview of project Scope, objective, general schedule, method

procedures II. Team members Who how will are will I able I fit to 108 Conduct project meetings:

Establishing time identity:

Make team member- Tangible Effective use of meetings-forum for communicating project information
C0- location of team members-creation of project office with gantt charts, cost gragrthm: & other
documentation Creation of project team name- Appropriate name & logo & on stationary shirts, coffee
management etc 109 Establishing time identity

Establish ground risk:

How team will work Procedures Subsequent meetings Several kinds for completion of project Status
problem Audit report solving meeting meeting meeting 110 Establish ground risk

Creating shared vision::

Fig: 11.4 pg: 357 Its tangible aspects of project performance After completion how it look How work
together How customer accept Communicate- essential quality Strategic sense- challenging, redistic
Insiperotus - belive 111 Creating shared vision:

Passing: strong feeling, emotion, heat, love Build record system:- Encourage team performance extra
effort Letters of recommendation performance appraisals Public recognition for outstanding look
Announce in review meeting 112

Job assignments:

Good work= desirable job assignments Flexibility : Exception to rules Allow members to work at home
work at home when sick 113 Job assignments
Manage decision making::

114 Manage decision making: Stake holders Project managers Team members Decision making

Project managers will:

Consult teem members Solicit idea Determine optimum solutions Builds trust & commitment  to
decision taken Group decision making: Project manager will facilitate group decision making within the
group commences for solution 115 Project managers will

Problem identification:

Problem identify  any alternative available solutions Generating alternatives: Soil solutions is evaluating
ideas create as many alternatives as possible Reaching a decision: Project manager build consensus
among the group 116 Problem identification

Follow up: :

Decisions ---effectiveness--  solutions Manage conflicts: Conflicts are normal to happen Fig:11.5, pg:
363 117 Follow up: Support hinder/hamper Goals Conflicts

Encourage functional conflicts:

Shared goals Team harmony  members reluctant to voice objection Better solution Avoid mistakes 118
Encourage functional conflicts

Managing dysfunctional conflicts::

Highly talented professionals hate each other’s guts in heat of competition  irrational personality
clashes Identify conflict Mediate conflict Suggest alternatives 119 Managing dysfunctional conflicts:

Arbitrate conflicts::
Impose solutions resolution of disputes outside the courts fact b/w parties with a view to recouncile
differences Control the conflict: Reduce intensity of conflict Ex: 2 parties don’t have to work together.
Accept it: importance of conflict in projects 120 Arbitrate conflicts:

Eliminate the conflict::

Project manager remove the members involved in the conflict. Rejuvenating the project team: Act of
restoring to a more youthful condition or freshness being restored The project manager will institute
new ritudes like toy ‘roaches’ Bowling etc to a team. 121 Eliminate the conflict:

Slide 122:

Finally steps for remedying problem setting targets for Who will do what, when  self confidence more
respect for another capabilities greater commitment to team work. 122

Managing virtual project team::

123 Managing virtual project team: Challenge s Developing trust Effective communications Because
distant members- graphical separations

Trust :

Face to face meeting know personnel background, set clear roler for each members Reliabilities
Consistency Responsiveness Enthusiasm by project manager Communication: Advance & expensive
systems real time interaction to allocate problem in communication 124 Trust

Slide 125:

Face to face meet Keep team members informed on how the overall project is going don’t let team
members vanish establish code of conduct to avoid delays. Establish clear norms & protocols for
surprising consumptions & conflicts 125

Project control process:

Its process of comparing actual performance against plan to identify deviations, evaluate possible
alternative causes of action & take appropriate connective action 126 Project control process
Slide 127:

127 Setting a base line plan Measuring progress & performance Comparing plan against actual Taking

Setting a base line plan::

Measuring performance from cost & duration information from work breakdown structure from time
sequence date from network & resource scheduling decisions 128 Setting a base line plan:

Measuring progress & performance:

Quantitative Time Critical path, early start, slack Budget Compare actual versus budget Qualitative
Customer technical specifications Product functions 129 Measuring progress & performance

Comparing plan against control:

Through status of the project, compare actual versus expected plans  to detect variations from plan &
early correction of causes 130 Comparing plan against control

Taking action::

If thre is any duration, corrective action has to be taken to bring back project into original or revised
plan. Monitor time performance: Performance measurement & evaluations Gantt charts: Typical tools
used for communicating project schedule status . 131 Taking action:

Slide 132:

Its easy to understand is visual formats for communicating project schedule status Especially to top
management. Fig:13.1, pg: 414 132

Slide 133:

Control charts: another tool to monitor past project schedule performance, current performance & to
stimate future trends. Or difference b/w schedule time on critical parts & actual point on critical path. Its
useful for giving warning of potential problems so appropriate action can be taken. Here we can monitor
program Through milestones – major accomplishments, -major events Fig: 13.2, pg: 415 133

Project audit::

Importance: Forecasts date by using performance measures Check on organization structure & whether
it is being implemented. Project team functioning Reviews factors related to project & managing future
projects 134 Project audit:

Types of project audits:

Types of project audits In process audit Post project audit Early Corrective changes Project &
performance Detail & depth Complete Management of future projects Organization size Project type,
risks, size problems 135

Project audit process:

136 Project audit process Initiating & staffing Data collection & analysis Reporting

Initiating & staffing:

Depends on organization size & project size initiating In small organizations—initiating audit may be
informal & another staff meeting. In medium sized organization—( several projects simultaneously)
Initiating of audit – formal project review group i.e automatic In large size organizations – may be
planned for major accomplishments 137 Initiating & staffing


Auditor qualities Pro direct interest in project Respect of senior management Listening Independence &
authority Decision making & perception experience 138 staffing:

ii. Data collection & analysis:

Two perspectives A) Organization view: By small group not having direct interests in the project B)
Project team view: By team members group along with independent persons to evaluate objective. 139
ii. Data collection & analysis
Organization view::

Organization culture supportive? Seniour management supportive? Project = purpose? Risks =

identified / assessed? Right people = project? After completion of project Staff— assigned new
projects? 140 Organization view:

Project team view::

Project planning & control system = project? Budget & schedule = project? Communication 
stakeholders? After completion of project Project team = resources? 141 Project team view:

iii. Reporting:

Finished / current project lesson learned need changes to manage future projects A) classification of
project To be selective in use of audit report content by readers Project type - construction, marketing,
systems etc Size- monitory values 142 iii. Reporting

Number of staff::

Technology – low, medium, high, new B)Analysis: Project mission & objectives Procedures & system
used Organization resources used 143 Number of staff:

c) Recommendations::

Major corrective actions D) lesson learned Reminder of mistake E)Appendix: Data of analysis F)Summary
of booklet: Major lessons learned references from audit reports 144 c) Recommendations:

Project closure :

Audit recommendation is necessary Conditions Normal Completed project turnkey projects – building
new facilities hand over to owner Development projects- find design of production & new product
creation 145 Project closure

Slide 146:
2) Premature Early completion of projects Ex: new product development project 3) Perpetual Some
projects never seem to end because of delays in changes. Audit recommend for closure to wait of
resources. Interest with stake holders also ( perpetual –automatically) abounded 146

Slide 147:

4) Failed projects: New project fails Project has to be abandoned. 5) Changed priority: Continuous
revising project priorities have impact on project life cycle - crash 147

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