Human Anatomy
Human Anatomy
Human Anatomy
Anatomists take two general approaches to the study of the body’s structures: regional
and systemic. Regional anatomy is the study of the interrelationships of all of the
structures in a specific body region, such as the abdomen. Studying regional anatomy
helps us appreciate the interrelationships of body structures, such as how muscles,
nerves, blood vessels, and other structures work together to serve a particular body
region. In contrast, systemic anatomy is the study of the structures that make up a
discrete body system—that is, a group of structures that work together to perform a
unique body function. For example, a systemic anatomical study of the muscular
system would consider all of the skeletal muscles of the body.
Form is closely related to function in all living things. For example, the thin flap of
your eyelid can snap down to clear away dust particles and almost instantaneously
slide back up to allow you to see again. At the microscopic level, the arrangement and
function of the nerves and muscles that serve the eyelid allow for its quick action and
retreat. At a smaller level of analysis, the function of these nerves and muscles
likewise relies on the interactions of specific molecules and ions. Even the three-
dimensional structure of certain molecules is essential to their function.
Your study of anatomy and physiology will make more sense if you continually relate
the form of the structures you are studying to their function. In fact, it can be
somewhat frustrating to attempt to study anatomy without an understanding of the
physiology that a body structure supports. Imagine, for example, trying to appreciate
the unique arrangement of the bones of the human hand if you had no conception of
the function of the hand. Fortunately, your understanding of how the human hand
manipulates tools—from pens to cell phones—helps you appreciate the unique
alignment of the thumb in opposition to the four fingers, making your hand a structure
that allows you to pinch and grasp objects and type text messages.
Human anatomy is the scientific study of the body’s structures. In the past, anatomy has
primarily been studied via observing injuries, and later by the dissection of anatomical structures
of cadavers, but in the past century, computer-assisted imaging techniques have allowed
clinicians to look inside the living body. Human physiology is the scientific study of the
chemistry and physics of the structures of the body. Physiology explains how the structures of
the body work together to maintain life. It is difficult to study structure (anatomy) without
knowledge of function (physiology). The two disciplines are typically studied together because
form and function are closely related in all living things.
Review Questions
1. Which of the following specialties might focus on studying all of the structures of the ankle
and foot?
A. microscopic anatomy
B. muscle anatomy
C. regional anatomy
D. systemic anatomy
2. A scientist wants to study how the body uses foods and fluids during a marathon run. This
scientist is most likely a(n) ________.
A. exercise physiologist
B. microscopic anatomist
C. regional physiologist
D. systemic anatomist
2. For whom would an appreciation of the structural characteristics of the human heart come
more easily: an alien who lands on Earth, abducts a human, and dissects his heart, or an anatomy
and physiology student performing a dissection of the heart on her very first day of class? Why?
science that studies the form and composition of the body’s structures
gross anatomy
study of the larger structures of the body, typically with the unaided eye; also referred to
macroscopic anatomy
steady state of body systems that living organisms maintain
microscopic anatomy
study of very small structures of the body using magnification
science that studies the chemistry, biochemistry, and physics of the body’s functions
regional anatomy
study of the structures that contribute to specific body regions
systemic anatomy
study of the structures that contribute to specific body systems