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Review Article

S i l v e r a m a l g a m : A   c l i n i c i a n’ s
Treville Pereira
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Microbiology, School of Dentistry, D. Y. Patil University, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Address for correspondence: Dr. Treville Pereira, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Microbiology, School of Dentistry, D. Y. Patil University, Sector 7, Nerul,
Navi Mumbai ‑ 400 706, Maharashtra, India. E‑mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT Caries persists throughout the world, and patients have multiple restorations that are likely to need
replacement throughout the remainder of their lives. The selection of the best restorative material that can
be used in the oral cavity is a challenging job for both the dentist and the manufacturer. While material
properties and clinical performance are critically important, local economies, health care systems, will
be important determinants of whether and where new materials can be easily adopted. Challenges
exist not only in specifying how the material should be manipulated and perform clinically but also in
understanding and incorporating implications of the skill of the operator placing the restoration. Many
restorative materials currently exist like amalgam, composites, glass ionomers, and resin ionomers. It
is important that the dentist must make the selection of the material with great care because, in future
years, those restorations needing replacement will result in the loss of increasing amounts of tooth
structure. Amalgam has a lot of disadvantages such as lack of adhesion, toxicity, poor esthetics, and
marginal leakage; however, the advantages score better over other materials.

Keywords: Amalgam, clinician, operative dentistry, restoration

INTRODUCTION of tooth extractions. It was in 1896 that G.V. Black

developed a standard for cavity preparation and
Operative dentistry has been considered to be the experimented with various mixtures of amalgam thus
entirety of the clinical practice of dentistry, however, contributing immensely to the dental profession. Black’s
today many of the past subject areas in operative son, Authur Black (1870–1937) continued the legacy of
dentistry have become specialty areas. Operative his father through dental research.[2]
dentistry has been recognized as the foundation of
dentistry and the base from which most other aspects In recent times, there has been astonishing progress
of dentistry evolved.[1] in materials and methods of restoring teeth. Dental
materials, as ever before, are available in a great number
Dentistry originated in the United States in the and variety to the dental profession. Faced with a surfeit
17th century when several “barber‑dentists” were sent of choices, a dental surgeon must necessarily know what
from England. The practice then consisted mainly to choose and how to choose it.

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10.4103/2321-4619.181000 How to cite this article: Pereira T. Silver amalgam: A clinician's
perspective. J Res Dent 2016;4:25-30.

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Pereira: Silver amalgam: A clinician’s perspective

Intense environmental concerns recently have prompted A BRIEF REVIEW OF CURRENTLY

dentists to evaluate the performance and environmental AVAILABLE MATERIALS
impact of existing restoration materials. Doing so
entices us to explore the “what if?” innovation in Four classes of direct‑placement restorative materials
materials science to create the best restorative material. currently exist amalgam, composites, glass ionomers,
Articulating a specification for the design and evaluation and resin ionomers.[3] Advantages and disadvantages
methods is proving to be more complicated than of each class are summarized in Table 1. Together, they
originally anticipated. Challenges exist not only in present interesting choices.
specifying how the material should be manipulated
and perform clinically but also in understanding and SELECTION OF A DENTAL RESTORATIVE
incorporating implications of the skill of the operator MATERIAL
placing the restoration, economic considerations,
expectations patients have for their investment, The selection of the type of dental restorative material
cost‑effectiveness, influences of the health care system is dependent on many factors, among them the
on how and for whom restorations are to be placed, characteristics of the tooth itself, the patient, the
and global challenges that limit the types of materials dentist, and the material. The dentist must make this
available in different areas of the world. The quandary is selection with great care because, in future years, those
to find ways to focus on future directions on the creation restorations needing replacement will result in the loss
of more ideal restorative materials that can be available of increasing amounts of tooth structure. This sets up a
throughout the world. cycle where the increasing cavity size limits the selection
of the materials that may be used effectively. There are
The “Holy Grail” for dentistry is to eliminate dental numerous factors to consider when restoring a tooth,
caries entirely. Unfortunately, caries remains ubiquitous. for example, the extent of the lesion, the strength of
A major proportion of the population needs or already the remaining tooth structure, the preference of the
has restorations. Once restorations are placed, their dentist in using the material, and the financial cost of
lifetimes are influenced by an array of factors and vary the procedure, both out‑of‑pocket costs borne directly
enormously. To decide which material is the best, one by the patient and those covered by insurance.[4] In
must know the properties of different materials available. considering the characteristics of an ideal restorative

Table 1: Direct placement restorative materials ‑ brief overview

Factor Amalgam Glass ionomers Resin ionomers Composites
Cavity preparation Sound tooth structure to Adhesive bonding allows Adhesive bonding allows Adhesive bonding
be removed for material removal of less tooth removal of less tooth allows removal of less
manipulation structure structure tooth structure
Restoration use Especially posterior teeth Nonload bearing areas Nonload bearing areas Esthetic zone
Clinical conditions Wide range tolerance Well controlled field of Well controlled field of Well controlled field of
operation operation operation
Resistance to fracture Brittle, chips at the edge Low Low to moderate Moderate
Durability Good to excellent Good in nonload bearing, Moderate to good in Good in small to
poor in load bearing nonload bearing moderate restorations
Wear resistance High Low on occlusal surfaces Low on occlusal surfaces Moderate
Moisture tolerance during Moderate Very low Very low Very low
Leakage Moderate Low Low with proper bonding Low with proper bonding
Recurrent decay Similar to other materials Similar to other materials Similar to other materials Dependant on
tooth‑material bond
Esthetics Poor Good Good Excellent
Fluoride release No Yes Yes No
Placement time compared to 1X 2X 2X 2X
Material cost compared to 1X 30% more approximately 30% more approximately 30% more
amalgam approximately
Failure rate (%) 2.2 7.6 3.1 3.5
Approx. life of restoration (years) 10 4 2 7
Potential environmental impact Yes Not known Not known Not known
Operator skill Material predictable Material unforgiving, Material unforgiving, Material unforgiving,
and forgiving, dentist dentists experience dentists experience dentists experience
comfortable with usage required while using required while using required while using

26 • Journal of Restorative Dentistry / Vol ‑ 4 / Issue ‑ 2 / May‑Aug 2016

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Pereira: Silver amalgam: A clinician’s perspective

material, it is apparent that no single material can fulfill recurrent caries, ever‑changing oral environment, and
all of the clinical needs. loading. In vitro laboratory testing, while important, is
also vulnerable to differences in results based on the
Factors which govern the success of a restoration are operator, research design, materials tested, interfaces,
diagrammatically represented in Figure 1. environment, and specimen geometry.[5]

FACTORS WHICH INFLUENCE THE Assessing clinical outcomes is even more challenging.
PERFORMANCE OF A MATERIAL Here, 5 interacting categories of factors complicate the
understanding and ability to predict outcomes:
These include: • The operator (his/her skill – not judgment)
• Physical properties (thermal, electrical, optical, and • Design  (operator judgments relative to cavity
mass properties) preparation features for the restorative material
• Chemical properties  (water adsorption, chemical being evaluated)
corrosion, and biodegradation) • Material (laboratory properties)
• Mechanical properties  (toughness, fracture • Intra‑oral location  (variations in saliva, stress,
resistance, fatigue resistance) temperature, and other effects relating to anterior
• Biological properties  (especially existence of any vs. posterior, maxillary vs. mandibular arches, and
ingredients worrisome for adverse patient reactions primary vs. permanent tooth) and
or environmental impact) • Patient factors (caries risk, fluoride history, diet, bites
• Clinical manipulation  (minimum isolation, bulk force, etc.).[6]
placement, bulk cure, low shrinkage, minimal
recycling, minimal waste, minimal packaging, Interestingly, the operator is considered to have the
operator skill) most influence on clinical performance (at least 50% of
• Clinical properties (no recurrent caries, good wear the risk for outcomes). The material itself contributes
resistance, fracture resistance, and retention). the least to risk. A skilled operator can make even
a poor material work relatively well. An unskilled
Three items on this long list are most influential in defining operator cannot make even the best material work
the performance of the material/restoration: Crack well. [7] Thus, operator skill is critically important.
tolerance, ease of delivery, and clinical performance.[5] Consequently, an ideal material should be as simple
to use as possible!
PERFORMANCE PROPERTIES OF A Restorative filling materials are used to “fill the hole”
MATERIAL that is left in a tooth after your dentist removes decay
from the tooth. Silver amalgam, composite resins, and
In vitro laboratory research, while important, has not yet glass ionomers are commonly used. They are usually
been shown to correlate highly with short‑term (2–5 years) placed in one visit.
or long‑term (10–20 years) clinical   performance. There
are numerous reasons for this.    In vitro laboratory Dental amalgam was probably first introduced
tests tend to evaluate a single property representing by  Monsieur Travaux  of Paris in the year 1826. At that
physical, chemical, mechanical, or biological properties time, dental amalgam was usually made by triturating
and generally are unable to account for variables that fillings from silver coins, with mercury. Dr. G.V.
influence clinical performance, such as dentist skill, Black of the USA is credited with the introduction of
a dental amalgam alloy in the year 1895, with a silver
tin composition which is the precursor of modern
day dental alloys. This is in the form of fine particles,
which when mixed with a specific amount of pure
mercury, forms a plastic mass in its initial stage of
the reaction, and gradually hardens, as the reaction
progresses. Because of its initial plastic behavior, the
amalgam at this stage, can be molded to any form and
allowed to harden. In dentistry, amalgam is extensively
used to restore tooth structures destroyed by dental
caries. In the hands of a competent clinician, it is still
the cheapest, most durable and satisfactory material,
Figure 1: Factors influencing the success of a restoration even today.[8]

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Pereira: Silver amalgam: A clinician’s perspective

WHAT IS DENTAL AMALGAM? Dental amalgam is not inert and small amounts of
mercury vapor are released during the functional life
Dental amalgam is a dental filling material used to fill of the restoration. Mercury vapor is released in greater
cavities caused by tooth decay. It has been used for more amounts when the restoration is mixed and placed
than 150 years in hundreds of millions of patients. Dental or replaced. Such things as number of filled teeth, the
amalgam is a mixture of metals, consisting of liquid number of surfaces per filling, eating habits including
mercury and a powdered alloy composed of silver, tin, gum chewing, tooth brushing, oral breathing habits,
and copper. Approximately, 50% of dental amalgam and bruxism can influence the amount of mercury
is elemental mercury by weight. Dental amalgam released. The World Health Organization and World
fillings are also known as “silver fillings” because of Dental Federation state, “No controlled studies have
their silver‑like appearance.[9] In deciding, what filling been published demonstrating systemic adverse health
material can be used to treat dental decay, a choice must effects from amalgam restorations.” The World Health
be made by the patient and the dentist. Organization issued this consensus statement in March
1997 that dental amalgam is considered to be “safe and
However, the following points should be kept in mind: effective.”[12]

Allergic reactions to the mercury in amalgam are very

Potential benefits rare. Fewer than 100 cases have ever been reported. Mild
Dental amalgam fillings are strong and long‑lasting, so
symptoms of the allergic reaction, similar to typical skin
they are less likely to break than some other types of
allergies, usually disappear in 2–3 weeks.[13]
fillings. It is the least expensive type of filling material.
Approximately, half of a dental amalgam filling is liquid
Potential risks mercury, and the other half is a powdered alloy of
Dental amalgam contains elemental mercury. It releases silver, tin, and copper. Mercury is used to bind the alloy
low levels of mercury vapor that can be inhaled. High particles together into a strong, durable, and solid filling.
levels of mercury vapor exposure are associated with Mercury’s unique properties (it is the only metal that is
adverse effects in the brain and the kidneys. Food and a liquid at room temperature and that bonds well with
Drug Administration (FDA) has reviewed the best the powdered alloy) make it an important component
available scientific evidence to determine whether the of dental amalgam that contributes to its durability.[14,15]
low levels of mercury vapor associated with dental
amalgam fillings are a cause for concern. Based on There are several different chemical forms of
this evidence, FDA considers dental amalgam fillings mercury: Elemental mercury, inorganic mercury, and
safe for adults and children ages 6 and above. Even in methylmercury. The form of mercury associated with
adults and children ages 6 and above who have fifteen dental amalgam is elemental mercury, which releases
or more amalgam surfaces, mercury exposure due to mercury vapor. The form of mercury found in fish is
dental amalgam fillings has been found to be far below methylmercury, a type of organic mercury. Mercury
the lowest levels associated with  harm.[10,11] vapor is mainly absorbed by the lungs. Methylmercury
is mainly absorbed through the digestive tract. The
There is limited clinical information about the potential body processes these forms of mercury differently and
effects of dental amalgam fillings on pregnant women has different levels of tolerance for mercury vapor and
and their developing fetuses, and on children under methylmercury. It is more toxic than mercury vapor.
the age of 6, including breastfed infants. However, the
estimated amount of mercury in breast milk attributable If the fillings are in good condition, and there is no decay
to dental amalgam is low and falls well below general beneath the filling, FDA does not recommend that the
levels for an oral intake that the Environmental amalgam fillings be removed or replaced. Removing
Protection Agency (EPA) considers safe.   FDA concludes sound amalgam fillings results in unnecessary loss of
that the existing data support a finding that infants are healthy tooth structure, and exposes the patient and the
not at risk for adverse health effects from the breast dentist to additional mercury vapor released during the
milk of women exposed to mercury vapor from dental removal process.[12,16‑19]
amalgam. The estimated daily dose of mercury vapor
in children under age 6 with dental amalgams is also INDICATIONS FOR SILVER AMALGAM
expected to be at or below levels that the EPA and the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consider It seems sensible to restrict the use of amalgam to clinical
safe.[12] situations that justify its use.

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Pereira: Silver amalgam: A clinician’s perspective


• Large Class I and Class II cavities, involving more
than the middle 3rd of the occlusal surface of the • Inexpensive
posterior teeth, where indirect restorations are • Easy to use
contraindicated • Strength under occlusal load and durability
• Class II cavities where the cervical margin of the box • The only restorative material existing nowadays
finishes subgingivally and is composed entirely of in which the marginal seal improves with time
dentin due to formation of corrosion products at the
• Extensive cores, where the majority of coronal tooth tooth‑amalgam interface
structure is missing • Quick to place
• Where definite restorations must be placed but care • Stable: Dental amalgam is still considered to be
or moisture cannot be controlled the best direct restorative material for posterior
• Where cost is a major patient concern and restorations in permanent teeth subject to high
esthetic  unimportant.[20,21] occlusal load.[23]


It is tempting to assume that treatment decisions are
• Anterior teeth and clearly visible surfaces of a relatively straightforward decision‑making process
posterior teeth between dentists and patients. However, the health
• Remaining tooth structure requires support or would care system in any given situation may have a profound
require extensive preparation to accommodate influence on whether, when, how, and how quickly
amalgam alternative restorative materials can be introduced. The
• T r e a t m e n t o f i n c i p i e n t o r e a r l y p r i m a r y pressure to lower costs will always be there; however,
fissure  caries.[20,21] the pressures may fall in different places, depending on
the health care system, and this may determine whether
a new material is adopted. This is likely to be a critical
factor in the determination of how novel materials are
For the patient who is willing to pay, there is no issue.
• Lack of adhesion to the tooth structure: Since However, in a global sense, a costly material or technique
amalgam does not bond to the tooth structure, will exclude large sections of the population, raising a
microleakage immediately following the insertion question of equity around the availability of very routine
of the restoration is inevitable; whereas the tooth dental care.[24] Put simply, a costly technique or material
colored restorative materials have micromechanical may eliminate large sections of the global population
bond from simple dental care.
• Esthetics: The appearance of amalgam is considered
to be a drawback hence its use is limited to the CAN A SINGLE MATERIAL “DO IT ALL”?
posterior teeth
• Toxicity: The seemingly constant pronouncements The answer to this question is complicated. As a first
about the toxic effects of mercury and the suggested priority, the exquisite need for care in underdeveloped
link between dental amalgam and disease have and poor countries and areas that lack infrastructure
confused and frightened public. While there is no must be addressed with any material that is available in
scientific evidence whatsoever to support these that area. At the other extreme, existing materials, when
claims they continue to flame the “Antiamalgam properly used, are seemingly adequate in developed,
fires” affluent areas served by highly skilled dentists. Notably,
• Marginal deterioration: The “ditching” around though, the general perception is that amalgam is still the
amalgam restorations are considered to be a stress/ “best” material, and that is not likely to remain a choice
corrosion dependent defect occurring in areas in many settings. Hence, a compelling question remains:
subject to occlusal loading. The magnitude and Should the objective be to define one over‑engineered
extent of ditching are directly proportional to creep material that is highly fracture resistant; extremely
properties. Secondary caries is one of the most forgiving, permitting relatively unskilled operators to
important factors leading to the replacement of place it quickly; and that seals  (perhaps even heals)
amalgam  restoration.[22] the remaining tooth structure, eliminating concern for

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Pereira: Silver amalgam: A clinician’s perspective

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