Sipri - Trends in World Military Expenditure, 2019
Sipri - Trends in World Military Expenditure, 2019
Sipri - Trends in World Military Expenditure, 2019
April 2020
w Military expenditure
increased in Europe (5.0 per
cent), Asia and Oceania (4.8 per
2 000
cent), the Americas (4.7 per
cent) and Africa (1.5 per cent).
The total military expenditure
(constant 2018 US$ billion)
1 500
of the countries in the Middle
Military expenditure
The top 15 military spenders in the world in 2019 were the same as those in
2018, but there were some significant changes in the rankings among the high-
est spenders (see table 1). Together, the top 15 countries spent $1553 billion in
2019, accounting for 81 per cent of global military expenditure.
All but three countries in the top 15 had higher military expenditure in
2019 than in 2010. The exceptions were the United States (–15 per cent),
the United Kingdom (–15 per cent) and Italy (–11 per cent). China’s increase
(85 per cent) was by far the largest among the top 15.
Among the top 15 military spenders in 2019, Japan had the lowest military
burden: it devoted only 0.9 per cent of its GDP to military expenditure. Saudi
Arabia had the highest, 8.0 per cent. Among the top 15, the military burdens
of Israel (5.3 per cent), Russia (3.9 per cent), the USA (3.4 per cent), South
Korea (2.7 per cent) and India (2.4 per cent) were also higher than the global
military burden.
With military expenditure of $732 billion, the USA remained by far the
largest spender in the world in 2019, accounting for 38 per cent of global
military spending. The USA spent almost as much on its military in 2019 as
the next 10 highest spenders combined (see figure 2).
US military expenditure was 5.3 per cent higher in 2019 than in 2018 (see
table 1). This is the second year of growth in US military spending following
seven years of continuous decline—between 2010 and 2017 spending fell by
22 per cent. The growth in the USA’s military spending between 2017 and
2019 can be attributed to an increase in personnel costs from the recruitment
of 16 000 additional military personnel and the ongoing modernization of its
conventional and nuclear weapon inventories. However, despite the recent
increases, US military expenditure in
2019 remained 15 per cent lower than
its peak in 2010 when the USA’s mili-
tary burden was 4.9 per cent of GDP.
China, the world’s second-largest
China, 14%
military spender, is estimated to have India, 3.7%
allocated $261 billion to the military
United States, 38% Russia, 3.4%
in 2019—equivalent to 14 per cent of
global military expenditure. Its mili- Saudi Arabia, 3.2%
tary spending in 2019 was 5.1 per cent
France, 2.6%
higher than in 2018 and 85 per cent
Germany, 2.6%
higher than in 2010. China’s military
expenditure has increased continu- United Kingdom, 2.5%
Others, 19% Japan, 2.5%
ously since 1994 (for 25 consecutive
South Korea, 2.3%
years). The growth in its military
spending has closely matched the Brazil, 1.4%
Italy, 1.4%
country’s economic growth. Between Australia, 1.4%
2010 and 2019, China’s military burden Canada, 1.2%
remained almost unchanged, at 1.9 per Israel, 1.1%
cent of its GDP.
The 6.8 per cent rise in India’s Figure 2. The share of world military expenditure of the 15 countries with
military spending in 2019 in combi the highest spending in 2019
nation with the significant fall in Saudi Source: SIPRI Military Expenditure Database, Apr. 2020.
4 sipri fact sheet
Change (%)
Spending ($ b.), World share (%),
Region and subregion 2019 2018–19 2010–19 2019
World 1 917 3.6 7.2 100
Africa a (41.2) 1.5 17 2.1
North Africa (23.5) 4.6 67 1.2
Sub-Saharan Africaa 17.7 –2.2 –15 0.9
Americas b 815 4.7 –13 43
Central America and the Caribbeanb 8.7 8.1 49 0.5
North America 754 5.1 –15 39
South America 52.8 0.2 8.9 2.8
Asia and Oceania c 523 4.8 51 27
Central Asiad 2.2 16 63 0.1
East Asiae 363 4.6 58 19
Oceania 29 3.5 25 1.5
South Asia 88.1 6.4 41 4.6
South East Asiaf 40.5 4.2 34 2.1
Europe 356 5.0 8.8 19
Central Europe 31.5 14 61 1.6
Eastern Europe 74.0 4.9 35 3.9
Western Europe 251 3.9 –0.6 13
Middle East g . . . . . . . .
. . = data not available or not applicable; ( ) = uncertain estimate.
a Figures exclude Djibouti, Eritrea and Somalia.
b Figures exclude Cuba.
c Figures exclude Myanmar, North Korea, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
d Figures exclude Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
e Figures exclude North Korea.
f Figures exclude Myanmar.
g No SIPRI estimate for the Middle East is available for 2015–19. A rough estimate for the Middle East (excluding Syria) is included
Arabia’s spending (–16 per cent) over the same period meant that India ranked
third in 2019 for the first time. Saudi Arabia’s decrease and the increase in
Russia’s spending (4.5 per cent) meant that Russia moved up one place in the
rankings, from fifth to fourth, while Saudi Arabia fell from third to fifth.
At $50.1 billion, France’s military spending in 2019 was the sixth highest in
the world and the highest among states in Western Europe.
Germany had the highest annual increase (10 per cent) in military spend-
ing among the top 15 spenders in 2019 and moved up two places in the rank-
ings, from ninth to seventh.
Six of the 15 highest spenders are members of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO): the USA, France, Germany, the UK, Italy and Canada.
Together, these six accounted for 48 per cent ($929 billion) of global military
expenditure. Total spending by all 29 NATO members was $1035 billion in
trends in world military expenditure, 2019 5
Table 3. The biggest relative increases and decreases in military expenditure, 2018–19
Spending figures are in US$, at current prices and exchange rates. Changes are in real terms, based on constant (2018) US$. Per
centages below 10 are rounded to 1 decimal place; those over 10 are rounded to whole numbers. Countries with military expenditure
in 2019 of less than $100 m. (or $50 m. in Africa) are excluded.
spending in 2019 had raised spending in 2018. This means that, overall, the
trend in changes by 21 of the 42 countries in the subregion for which relevant
data is available reversed in 2019.
Armed conflict is a major driver for the volatile nature of military spend-
ing in sub-Saharan Africa. For example, in the Sahel and Lake Chad region,
where there are several ongoing armed conflicts, military spending increased
in 2019 in Burkina Faso (22 per cent), Cameroon (1.4 per cent) and Mali
(3.6 per cent) but fell in Chad (–5.1 per cent), Niger (–20 per cent) and Nigeria
(–8.2 per cent). Among the Central African countries that were involved in
armed conflict, military spending rose in 2019 in the Central African Repub-
lic (8.7 per cent), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (16 per cent) and
Uganda (52 per cent) but fell in Burundi (–4.5 per cent). In the Horn of Africa,
military spending decreased in 2019 in Ethiopia (–1.6 per cent) and Kenya
(–1.7 per cent); however, their spending in 2019 remained well above that in
2010: Ethiopia’s was 12 per cent higher while Kenya’s was 25 per cent higher.
The Americas
an upward trend in military expenditure over the decade: between 2010 and
2019, spending grew by 8.9 per cent. In 2019 the three main contributors
to South American military spending were Brazil (51 per cent), Colombia
(19 per cent) and Chile (9.8 per cent). Together, they accounted for 80 per cent
of the subregion’s spending.
Brazilian military expenditure fell slightly in 2019, by 0.5 per cent, after
two consecutive years of growth, to reach $26.9 billion. Although the overall
level of military expenditure remained relatively unaltered in 2019, impor-
tant changes took place in spending categories. Personnel costs, for example,
showed the largest annual increase in over a decade, as part of a plan to boost
military salaries.
Total military expenditure by states in Central America and the Caribbean
was $8.7 billion in 2019. Military spending in the subregion increased by
8.1 per cent in 2019 and by 49 per cent over the decade 2010–19.
Mexico’s military spending accounted for 75 per cent of the subregional
total. At $6.5 billion, it was 7.9 per cent higher than in 2018. The growth was
largely due to the costs associated with the government’s strategy of using
the military to combat drug cartels.
Military spending in Asia and Oceania was $523 billion in 2019 and accounted
for 27 per cent of the global total (see table 2). Five of the top 15 global spend-
ers in 2019 are in Asia and Oceania: China (rank 2), India (rank 3), Japan
(rank 9), South Korea (rank 10) and Australia (rank 13).
The 4.8 per cent rise in the region’s military spending in 2019 continued an
uninterrupted upward trend dating back to at least 1989. Asia and Oceania
is the only region with continuous growth since 1989 and the growth of
51 per cent over the decade 2010–19 was by far the largest of any region. The
increase was due primarily to the rise in Chinese military spending, which
in 2019 accounted for 50 per cent of total spending in the region, up from
36 per cent in 2010.
There were substantial increases in all of Asia and Oceania’s subregions
between 2018 and 2019 and over the decade 2010–19 (see figure 3 and
table 2). Over both periods, the highest level of increase was in Central Asia
(63 per cent in 2010–19 and 16 per cent in 2018–19).
At $71.1 billion, India had the highest military spending in South Asia
in 2019. It was 6.8 per cent higher in 2019 than in 2018. India’s military
expenditure has risen significantly over the past few decades. It grew by
259 per cent over the 30-year period 1990–2019 and by 37 per cent over the
decade 2010–19. However, its military burden fell from 2.7 per cent of GDP in
2010 to 2.4 per cent in 2019.
India’s tensions and rivalry with China and Pakistan are among the major
drivers for its increased military spending. Pakistan’s own military expendi-
ture rose by 70 per cent over the decade 2010–19, to reach $10.3 billion. Its mili-
tary burden increased from 3.4 per cent of GDP in 2010 to 4.0 per cent in 2019.
In addition to China, Japan and South Korea are the largest military
spenders in East Asia. Military spending by Japan was $47.6 billion in
2019, 0.1 per cent lower than in 2018. Its spending increased by 2.0 per cent
between 2010 and 2019. In South Korea the upward trend in military
8 sipri fact sheet
Total military spending in Europe in 2019 was $356 billion, 5.0 per cent
higher than in 2018 and 8.8 per cent higher than in 2010. Europe accounted
for around 19 per cent of global military expenditure in 2019, making it the
third-largest spending region after the Americas and Asia and Oceania. Five
of the world’s 15 largest military spenders are in Europe: Russia (rank 4),
France (rank 6), Germany (rank 7), the UK (rank 8) and Italy (rank 12).
Box 1. Estimating military expenditure for Germany and the United Kingdom
There are differences in the definitions countries use for reporting on military expenditure. SIPRI has therefore adopted its own
definition as a guideline (see ‘The SIPRI Military Expenditure Database, sources and methods’). However, this means that there
can be differences between SIPRI’s estimates and the official data reported by countries. For example, SIPRI’s annual estimates
of military spending for Germany and the United Kingdom are significantly lower than the ‘defence expenditure’ figures that
they report to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The gap between the SIPRI estimates for these countries and
their NATO data has widened in recent years.
SIPRI’s estimate of German military expenditure in 2019 is $3.3 billion lower than the ‘defence expenditure’ figure Germany
reported to NATO for that year. This is explained by the fact that the SIPRI total only includes spending by the German Ministry
of Defence (MOD) and some minor spending on military activities by other ministries. In its ‘defence expenditure’ figure for
NATO, Germany also includes spending on non-military efforts linked to sustaining peace and security, such as humanitarian
and development aid in the context of crisis and peacebuilding and conflict resolution activities. However, the exact details of the
German submission to NATO are confidential and it is therefore impossible to assess how much of the $3.3 billion is accounted
for by these non-military activities and whether it covers other unidentified military activities that are not included in the SIPRI
United Kingdom
SIPRI’s estimate of the UK’s military expenditure in 2019 is $11.2 billion lower than the figure for ‘defence expenditure’ reported
to NATO by the UK. The SIPRI figure is based on public data on expenditure by the British MOD. Other sources, including an
assessment by the House of Commons covering 2017, indicate that between $3–4 billion of the NATO figure might be attributable
to military pension payments that are in addition to the reported expenditure by the MOD. These are not included in the SIPRI
estimate because consistent spending data for the pension scheme could not be traced back for the entire data series. Other
spending items that might be part of the UK’s submission to NATO include the UK’s contribution to United Nations peacekeeping
operations and the cost of military operations not covered by the MOD budget. However, these additional expenditure items do
not fully bridge the $11.2 billion gap. Questions thus remain about what the British Government reports to NATO on its military
trends in world military expenditure, 2019 9
SIPRI has not estimated total military expenditure in the Middle East since
2015 because of a lack of data for Qatar, Syria, the United Arab Emirates
(UAE) and Yemen. The combined total military expenditure in 2019 for the
11 countries for which data is available was $147 billion.1
Two of the top 15 global spenders in 2019 are in the Middle East: Saudi
Arabia (rank 5) and Israel (rank 15). Saudi Arabia is by far the largest military
spender in the region, with an estimated total of $61.9 billion in 2019. After
military spending peaked at an all-time high in 2015, when Saudi Arabia was
1 Countries included in the estimate are Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Leba
non, Oman, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
4 10
sipri fact sheet
DIRECTOR Civil defence and current expenditure on previous military activities, such as veter
ans’ benefits, demobilization, conversion, weapon destruction and military involve
Dan Smith (United Kingdom) ment in non-military activities (e.g. policing) are excluded.
The SIPRI military expenditure figures are presented on a calendar-year basis. The
only exception is the United States, for which statistics report data on a fiscal-year
basis. Calendar-year data is calculated on the assumption of an even rate of expendi
ture throughout the fiscal year.