Edu214 Lessonplan

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Subject General Goals
Introduction to Students will use various programs to build a Power Point presentation
Computer showing how technology can help them with everyday life. Using search
Exploration engines, the student will look up the information to complete a table on a
Materials Required
Prepared By topic of their choice. For example, MS Word can be used to create a table
- Computer
that tracks a person’s everyday calorie intake. Students will use MS
Kathleen - Internet access
Power Point to insert this information in a step by step explanation with
aiding graphics. Finally, students will successfully present their PPT to
Grade Level Additional Resources
the class.
7th - MS Power Point
- MS Word
Step by step procedures Objectives - Google search

Lead In First class session: Introduce 1. Explore the basic use of

Students follow along basic functions and tools in the software such as MS Word, PPT, Assessment Based on
on their computer as Microsoft programs Word, and and a Google search. Objectives
instructor projects PPT. Perform a basic search in The project will show they
procedures on smart any web browser. understand the software used
board to create, and present the
Independent Give visual examples of how they 2. Discuss ways software can be project. Also, they have the
Practice would use these programs to integrated in everyday life guide of the rubric if they need
Students can work on create their project and present it additional instructions. The
projects at home or in PPT. open class discussion, and the
before/after school in length of time given to
computer lab
complete this project is
Reflect on Lead In Second- fourth Class session: 3. Create a Power Point designed to achieve the
It was more of a group Allow students to work on the presentation of topic choice. maximum outcome.
Step by step procedures Objectives
activity that the project and ask questions with the
students could actively instruction of the teacher.
get involved with the
teacher’s previous
knowledge of the
Possible connection Fifth class session: Students 4. Present project in front of the
to other subjects present PPT projects. class
English, and History
classes will expect
students to know how
to navigate the MS
Word, and PPT for
many assignments.
Accommodations I will have the student sit at the The student with special needs will
For my student with computer next to the one I use to be able to create the project
mild hearing project the lesson from, so they because it is very inclusive.
impairment, I will may see everything. By doing this Equipped with the additional
print out a pictorial of the student will hear me as clear instructions, and the time I will be
the lesson with very
as possible, and easily ask me available before/after school the
detailed written
questions. I will go over how to student have the same opportunity
instructions. I will
add the audio file to the to excel at this project.
allow the student to
add audio file to their presentation, which is also outline
PPT presentation. in the detailed instructions

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