CVN 2019123 Eng PDF
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CVN 2019123 Eng PDF
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Summary of CV
This section describes briefly a summary of your career in science, academic and research; the
main scientific and technological achievements and goals in your line of research in the medium
-and long- term. It also includes other important aspects or peculiarities.
been Urban Anthropology and Urbanism and the departments of Psychology, Anthropology,
Sociology and Architecture and Urban Planning.
This section describes briefly the main quality indicators of scientific production (periods of
research activity, experience in supervising doctoral theses, total citations, articles in journals of
the first quartile, H index...). It also includes other important aspects or peculiarities.
His PhD stage of research was published with the title “Matar al Chino. Entre la Revolución
Urbanística y el asedio urbano en el barrio del Raval de Barcelona”. Many reviews have been
published in international journals, including Espaces et Sociétés or AIBR. The doctoral thesis
was finalist of the “Ciudad de Barcelona 2014” award and it has also been translated into
Italian (Red Star Press - Hellnation Libri, 2019). It is part of the required and recommended
bibliography of various courses in Urban Anthropology, Urbanism and Architecture or Legal
Sociology at many Universities around the world.
He received the highest rating by an international tribunal composed of Gary McDonogh
(Director of the Anhtropology Department at the Bryn Mawr College, Philadelphia, USA),
Monica Degen (Tenured professor at the Brunel University London, UK) and Nilton Santos
(Head of the Department of Anthropology at the Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil). To date, the thesis registers more than 53 citations in academic journals of
international impact. 120 downloads on ResearchGate (from a total of 658 readings) and 177
downloads at It has been the best-selling and most downloaded book (Creative
Commons license) of the Editorial Virus throughout its history.
In addition, this CV lists 35 academic publications. Among them, 17 papers are published in
indexed scientific journals and 5 of them in SSCI, Scopus and JCR (one are forthcoming). The
total number of citations is 98 with a h-index of 4.
-Articles in indexed journals in SCI/SSCI/ Scopus/SJR, JCR: 5
-Articles indexed in another academic database AHCI, ERIH, CARHUS, INRECS, etc...: 12
-Without evaluation: 2
-Books, chapters, prologues and book epilogues: 15
-Other publications: 1
Total: 35
Dr. Fernández is a Principal Investigator (With support and advice from Dr. Manuel Delgado,
professor at Anthropology Dep, UB) on two R&D projects funded through competitive calls of
public entities (2017RELIG00016UB & 2019 RICIP 00014 UB)
Finally, Dr. Fernández was invited as a keynote speaker at four international conferences in
the last three years.
Performed tasks: Lecturer Subject Degree, ECTS: 6 "Pensament Sociològic Contemporani" (Grau
en Sociologia) Lecturer Subject Degree, ECTS: 6 "Introducció a la Sociologia" (Grau en Antropologia
6 Employing entity: Institut d'Estudis Catalans Type of entity: Public Research Body
Professional category: Research Coordinator
Start-End date: 01/03/2007 - 30/09/2009 Duration: 2 years - 6 months
8 Employing entity: Centro de estudios de Temas Type of entity: Public Research Body
Contemporáneos de la Generalitat de Cataluña
Professional category: Researcher
Start-End date: 01/10/2007 - 31/10/2008 Duration: 1 year
University education
Language skills
Language Listening skills Reading skills Spoken interaction Speaking skills Writing skills
Italian B2 B2 B1 B1 A1
Portuguese B2 B2 B1 B1 B2
French C1 C1 A1 A1 A1
English C1 C1 C1 C1 C1
Catalan C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
Teaching experience
1 Project title: Movilizaciones enmarcadas. Etnografía sobre la Producción Discursiva de las Campañas
Autonómicas de las Plataformas de Afectados por la Hipoteca en Cataluña
Entity: Universitat de Barcelona Type of entity: University
Student: Luís Manuel Sanmartín Cava
Date of reading: 18/12/2019
2 Project title: Las rutas de ocio en los procesos de transformación urbana. Aproximación etnográfica al caso de la
calle Blai en el barrio de El Poble-sec barcelonés
Entity: Universitat de Barcelona Type of entity: University
Student: Albert Martín Pizarro
3 Project title: Procesos de configuración del territorio. La comunidad de Moravia reubicada en la ciudad de Nuevo
Occidente de Medellín
Entity: Universitat de Barcelona Type of entity: University
Student: Juan Camilo Vásquez Atehortúa
5 Project title: “Who is She?” Catalans' stereotypes and perceptions on Muslim women in Barcelona
Entity: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Type of entity: University
Student: Marialudovica Guzzi
1 Description of the activity: Member of the Doctoral Thesis Committee Tribunal Tiempografía en São Pedro da
Afurada Lecturas y prácticas interpretativas del habitar (Antigoni Geronta)
Organising entity: Departamento de Teoría e Historia Type of entity: University
de la Arquitectura y Técnicas de Comunicación ETSAB –
End date: 16/07/2019
2 Description of the activity: Member of the Doctoral Thesis Committee. Habitar el Casco Antiguo. El uso
residencial como modo de conservación contemporáneo (Andrea Ordóñez León)
Organising entity: Departamento de Urbanismo de la Type of entity: University
Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya
End date: 17/12/2018
3 Description of the activity: Formació en Innovació docent i formació per la docència (Actividades 1,2,3 i 5 (de 7)
Organising entity: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Type of entity: University
End date: 15/10/2017
4 Description of the activity: Member of the Doctoral Thesis Committee. La ciudad disputada: fronteras morales y
sociales en el espacio urbano a partir de las políticas de revitalización en áreas “problema” del centro de Curitiba,
PR (Carolina Balleti)
Organising entity: Universidade Federal do Paraná Type of entity: University
End date: 03/10/2017
5 Description of the activity: Member of the Doctoral Thesis Committee. Los impactos sociales de la
transformación urbanística del sector de la Vila Olímpica de Barcelona (Gabriela Navas Perrone)
Organising entity: Universitat de Barcelona Type of entity: University
End date: 28/09/2016
7 Description of the activity: Member of the Doctoral Thesis Committee Urbanitas y urbanismos. Recorridos
etnográficos para entender la interrelación entre entornos construidos y usuarios en el espacio público de
Barcelona (Raül García Ferrer)
Organising entity: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Type of entity: University
End date: 06/02/2015
8 Description of the activity: Member of the Doctoral Thesis Committee "A imagem Predatória da Cidade. Uma
etnografia Urbana do Medo (Ximena Rego)
Organising entity: Instituto Universitario de Lisboa Type of entity: University Research Institute
9 Description of the activity: Member of the Doctoral Thesis Committee "L'immagine della città del futuro nella
letteratura distopica della prima metà del '90" (Danielle Porreta)
Organising entity: Universitat de l’entitat de realització: Type of entity: University
Escuela Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona
End date: 04/07/2014
10 Description of the activity: Member of the Doctoral Thesis Committee Marocultura: violencia, representaciones
de “lo marero” y apropiación de contenidos entre jóvenes salvadoreños no pandilleros” (William Carballo)
1 Name of the project: La pau com a credo. La comprensió de les violències des de la religió
Identify key words: Sociology of religion; Urban sociology; Racial disturbance
Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: National
archaeological digs, etc)
Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium
Entity where project took place: Universitat Type of entity: University
City of entity: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Manuel Delgado Ruiz; Miquel Fernández González
Nº of researchers: 6 Nª people/year: 2
Funding entity or bodies:
Institut Català Internacional per la Pau
Type of participation: Principal investigator
Name of the programme: Concessió d’ajuts a treballs de recerca en l’àmbit de la pau (R-ICIP 2018–2019).
Code according to the funding entity: RICIP00014UB
Start-End date: 22/07/2019 - 11/07/2020 Duration: 1 year
Participating entity/entities: Generalitat de Catalunya
Total amount: 6.000 €
Dedication regime: Part time
Applicant's contribution: The research project, a continuation of "Religiositats Perifèriques", aims
to examine the relationship between the manifestations of violence and the socio-religious forms of
understanding, interpretation and channeling of them in stigmatized neighborhoods of Catalonia. We want
to compare two types of socio-religious organizations, Muslim and Pentecostal to two neighborhoods in
Catalonia, the Espronceda Polygon of Sabadell and those of Plaza Cataluña in Salt. To do this, unfold the
concept of violence in two: first, the violence of the 17-A attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils and in what
way community life has been altered, as has been interpreted and as expressed in relation to the same.
The questions here are, in what way has religion claimed itself as a peaceful expression, as affected by
interreligious dialogue, inter-community dialogue and that of administrations and public opinion with these
communities. The second approach contemplates the implicit violence on these two religious communities
as a result of a triple stigmatization: to the extent that they are practitioners of minority religions, inhabitants
of stigmatized neighborhoods and both "ethnically" associated with illegal activities such as small crime,
incivism or directly The terrorism. This done is interesting to reflect on the role of religious organizations and
expressions in the interpretation and social channeling of collective unrest. This interrogation is incorporated
into the growing international scientific literature on the increase in conflict in the suburbs of London or Paris
and the announced tendencies towards the radicalization of the young inhabitants of these stigmatized
suburbs. The last question is related to the way in which the traditional popular movements linked to urban
struggles are articulated with the new religious movements; It is a question of whether these collective
interactions adopt forms of cooperation, animosity, or functional substitution of the latter by the former. The
research is part of the emerging literature that emphasizes the importance of understanding the production
of urban space, stigmatization processes (both territorial and ethnic or religious) when managing inequality
and understanding expressions of discomfort, disaffection institutional or public response of the populations
of certain marginalized and/or stigmatized neighborhoods.
2 Name of the project: Religiositats perifèriques. Una anàlisi comparada de les formes religioses de
canalització del malestar social a barris estigmatitzats de Sant Adrià del Besós i Salt
Identify key words: Sociology of religion; Urban sociology; Racial disturbance
Type of project: Research and development, Geographical area: National
including transfer
Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium
Entity where project took place: Universitat Type of entity: University
City of entity: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Miquel Fernández González; Manuel Delgado Ruiz
Nº of researchers: 8 Nª people/year: 2
Funding entity or bodies:
L'Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Type of entity: State agency
Oficina d'Afers Religiosos Type of entity: State agency
Type of participation: Principal investigator
Name of the programme: RELIG 2017
Code according to the funding entity: 2017RELIG00016 UB
Start-End date: 11/07/2018 - 11/07/2019 Duration: 1 year
Participating entity/entities: Generalitat de Catalunya
Total amount: 6.800 €
Dedication regime: Part time
Applicant's contribution: The project aims to examine the relationship between religion, stigmatized
urban peripheries and social unrest. We want to compare two types of religious organizations, Muslim
and Pentecostal in two neighborhoods of Catalonia, the Espronceda Sabadell neighborhood and those of
Plaza Cataluña in Salt. . The research project is organized around three questions: The first is: are these
economic and social peripheries, spaces for the reception of the new population and for the allocation
of own resources of the religious field, but also of the social, cultural, labor or of housing? The will is to
understand what role religion plays in dealing with the material, cultural and symbolic precariousness
with which the inhabitants of these peripheries can be found, and especially those who have made a
migratory process. The second question reflects on the role of religious organizations and expressions
in the interpretation and social channeling of collective unrest. This interrogation is incorporated into the
growing international scientific literature on the increase in conflict in the suburbs of London or Paris and
the announced tendencies towards the radicalization of the young inhabitants of these stigmatized suburbs.
The last question is related to the way in which the traditional popular movements linked to urban struggles
are articulated with the new religious movements; It is a question of whether these collective interactions
adopt forms of cooperation, animosity, or functional substitution of the latter by the former. The research
is part of the emerging literature that emphasizes the importance of understanding the production of urban
space, stigmatization processes (both territorial and ethnic or religious) when managing inequality and
understanding expressions of discomfort, disaffection institutional or public response of the populations of
certain marginalized and / or stigmatized neighborhoods.
3 Name of the project: Del control disciplinario al control securitario en la España contemporánea
Type of project: Research and development, Geographical area: National
including transfer
Degree of contribution: Researcher
Entity where project took place: Universidad de Type of entity: University
Castilla-La Mancha
City of entity: Madrid,
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Pedro Oliver Olmo; Manuel Maroto Calatayud
Nº of researchers: 17 Nª people/year: 25
Type of participation: Team member
Name of the programme: Proyectos EXCELENCIA y Proyectos RETOS
Code according to the funding entity: HAR2016-75098-R
Start-End date: 10/09/2016 - 10/09/2018 Duration: 2 years
Participating entity/entities: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Universidades
Total amount: 55.000 €
Dedication regime: Part time
Applicant's contribution: Coordinació del Treball de camp a Barcelona
4 Name of the project: Expresiones religiosas en el espacio urbano en Madrid y Barcelona. Un estudio de
casos múltiple sobre la visibilidad de la diversidad religiosa en el espacio público
Type of project: Research and development, Geographical area: National
including transfer
Degree of contribution: Researcher
Entity where project took place: Universitat Type of entity: University
Autònoma de Barcelona
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Maria del Mar Griera i Llonch
Nº of researchers: 15 Nª people/year: 15
Type of participation: Team member
Name of the programme: Proyectos EXCELENCIA y Proyectos RETOS
Code according to the funding entity: CSO2015-66198
Start-End date: 10/09/2016 - 05/09/2018 Duration: 2 years
Participating entity/entities: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Universidades
Total amount: 59.000 €
Dedication regime: Part time
5 Name of the project: Mediation, leadership and representation in the context of religious diversity
Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: Regional
archaeological digs, etc)
Degree of contribution: Technician
Entity where project took place: Departament de Type of entity: Gestionado por AGAUR
Governació i Relacions Institucionals
City of entity: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Avi Astor; Miquel Fernández González
Nº of researchers: 6 Nª people/year: 2
Type of participation: Team member
Start-End date: 01/01/2016 - 31/10/2016 Duration: 1 year
Total amount: 6.000 €
Dedication regime: Part time
6 Name of the project: Expressions Religioses a l’Espai Urbà Negociacions, tensions i oportunitats entorn la
visibilitat de la diversitat religiosa a l’espai públic català
Degree of contribution: Technician
Entity where project took place: Agencia de gestió Type of entity: State agency
d'ajuts universitaris i de recerca
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Maria del Mar Griera Llonch; Manuel Delgado Ruiz; Miquel
Fernández González
Nº of researchers: 7
Type of participation: Team member
Start-End date: 01/09/2014 - 01/09/2016 Duration: 2 years
Total amount: 7.000 €
7 Name of the project: La ciudad del Buen Vivir. Espacio público, transformación social y participación
política popular
Type of project: Basic research (including Geographical area: Non EU International
archaeological digs, etc)
Degree of contribution: Coordinator of total project, network or consortium
Entity where project took place: Instituto de Altos Estudios de Ecuador/ Universidad Técnica del Norte
City of entity: Ibarra, Ecuador
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Miquel Fernández; Jorge Torres; Oswaldo Echevarría; José
Luis Román; Nury Rivera
Nº of researchers: 4
Funding entity or bodies:
Secretaria de Educación, Ciencia, Tecnologia e Type of entity: State agency
City funding entity: Quito, Ecuador
Type of participation: Principal investigator
Start-End date: 10/06/2014 - 29/07/2016
Total amount: 37.669 €
Dedication regime: Full time
8 Name of the project: Ocupacions insolents de l'espai públic. El civisme i les noves formesde participació
ciutadana a les manifestacions de protesta.
Entity where project took place: Institut Català Type of entity: University Research Institute
City of entity: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Miquel Fernández González; Manuel Delgado Ruiz; Andrés
Antevi; Giuseppe Aricó
Nº of researchers: 4
Start-End date: 01/09/2014 - 30/12/2015
Total amount: 7.500 €
Scientific production
1 Miquel Fernández González; Jorge Torres Vinueza. “No aman discutir con la gente”. Paradojas de la
institucionalización de la participación ciudadana en Imbabura, Ecuador (2008-2017). Diálogo Andino. Revista de
Historia, Geografía y Cultura Andina. 61 - 20, Forthcoming, 02/03/2020.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Scientific and technical document or report
Corresponding author: Yes
Relevant publication: Yes
2 Dafne Muntañola i Saura; Miquel Fernández González. The Place of Religious Brokerage: A mixed-methods
approach. Revista Española de Investigaciones sociológicas (REIS). 165 - ID REIS-2017-0190.R1, pp. 23 - 42.
Centro de Investigaciones Sociològicas, 10/01/2019. ISSN 02105233
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Degree of contribution: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee
Total no. authors: 2 Corresponding author: Yes
Impact source: ISI Category: Social Sciences Edition - SOCIOLOGY
Impact index in year of publication: 0.987 Journal in the top 25%: Yes
3 Miquel Fernández González. Revelar la violència, denunciar el mal. Crítica als fonaments morals de les
intervencions urbanístiques al Raval de Barcelona. Arxiu d'Etnografia de Catalunya. 2018 - 18, Universitat Rovira i
Virgili, 15/12/2018.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Position of signature: 1
Corresponding author: Yes
Impact source: CIRC: Clasificación Integrada de Category: Ciencias Sociales / Ciencias Humanas
Revistas Científicas
Impact index in year of publication: C
Relevant results: Spurred on by the notions of civic-mindedness and the public space, our institutions are
normalising intolerance to urban disorder, dirtiness, unpredictable phenomena or the most vulnerable segments
of the population. Paradoxically, this sort of “public-order” fundamentalism may be turning the neighbourhoods
most sought after by the developers into uninhabitable places characterised by ever increasing intolerance.
On the basis of some historical-anthropological research carried out on the district of the Raval in Barcelona,
this article illustrates the inherent and archetypal contradictions of projects described as “urban revitalisation”
or “regeneration” and discusses their moral implications and the implications that are a fundamental part of the
function of a social researcher.
Relevant publication: Yes
4 Miquel Fernández González; Maribel Cadenas Álvarez; Thomas Purcell. Urbanismo utópico, realidades distópicas.
Una etnografía (im)posible en Yachay, La Ciudad del Conocimiento. Etnografica. 2, pp. 335-360. Centro em Rede
de Investigacao em Antropologia - CRIA, 25/06/2018. ISSN 08736561
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Position of signature: 1 Degree of contribution: Author or co-author of article in
journal with external admissions assessment committee
Total no. authors: 3 Corresponding author: Yes
Impact source: ISI Category: Social Sciences Edition - CULTURAL
Impact index in year of publication: 0.23 Journal in the top 25%: Yes
5 Miquel Fernández González. Viejos problemas y nuevos vecinos. Consecuencias de una gran reforma urbana en
el barrio del Raval, Barcelona. AIBR. Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana. 11 - 2, (Spain): 02/09/2016. ISSN
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Degree of contribution: Author or co-author of article in journal with external admissions assessment committee
Total no. authors: 1 Corresponding author: Yes
Impact source: SCOPUS Category: Social Sciences Anthropology Cultural
Impact index in year of publication: 0.422 Journal in the top 25%: Yes
Position of publication: 5
Source of citations: WOS Citations: 5
Relevant results: 5 citacions,Journal Q2 Cultural Studies Q3 Antrhopology; Class.: 82 de 85 SSCI Impact
Factor 0.422. H Index 5. 5th Spanish Journal in Anhtropology The urban renewal of El Raval in Barcelona, a
neighbourhood previously known as the 5th District and associated to the mystified squalor and sordidness of
the Barrio Chino (one of the most notorious vice districts in Europe), is actually in its last phase, one that began
in 1988 closely following the election of Barcelona as the seat of the 1992 Olympic games. Having got off the
ground in the new millennium, a new urban intervention was implemented, in particular on the area under study,
known as the Illa Robador (block of housing of Robador). Until very recently, the street of Robador has been
— and probably still is — the new epicentre and perhaps the last bastion of the Barrio Chino. Myth and urban
renewal come together in the ethnography I here present. I have wanted to take minutes of the encounters and
collisions among “old-time residents” who have survived all types of mystifications and stigmatisations and the
“new residents” attracted by the possibility of living in a central place, in the new cultural district of Barcelona. I
interpret these conflicts in the light of what some authors refer to as a new urban colonialism"
Relevant publication: Yes
6 Miquel Fernández. La producción institucional del desorden. Una etnografía sobre los restos en y del «Barrio
493 (17), Geocrítica, 06/06/2014.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Corresponding author: Yes
Impact source: ISI Category: Social Sciences Edition - SOCIAL
Impact index in year of publication: 0.727 Journal in the top 25%: Yes
Source of citations: WOS Citations: 3
Relevant results: 3 citacions journal Q4 H Index 6 SSCI Impact Factor 0.727 Class. 74 de 84 Geography This
paper will present the results of ethnographic work with the interest of public administrations, in what we might
call "institutional production of disorder" is demonstrated. With this symbolic production-but-factual disorder,
governments would enable the groundwork for future town planning and supervisory interventions against large
sections of the population with special bitterness on the most undercapitalized groups. As imaginable, these
distorted images, they can also assist in the institutional charge of the area, avoid their responsibility to treat those
people as full subjects of law.
Relevant publication: Yes
7 Miquel Fernández. Revalorización urbanistica, prostitución callejera y corrupción administrativa. Primer análisi
etnográfico de la calle d'en Robador de Barcelona. Antropolítica: Revista Contemporânea de Antropologia. 1er
Semestre - 35, Río de Janeiro(Brazil): Universidade Federal Fluminense, 2014.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Corresponding author: Yes
Impact source:
Impact index in year of publication: 426 downloads
Source of citations: Google Scholar Citations: 4
Relevant publication: Yes
8 Miquel Fernández González. Una maldad desapasionada. Reflexiones etnográficas sobre dos requerimientos
de las prácticas violentas en sociedades modernas: distancia y legitimació. Ecos de la Academia.pp. 66 - 79.
Ibarra(Ecuador): Universidad Técnica del Norte, Equador, 07/03/2016.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Corresponding author: Yes
9 Miquel Fernández; Giuseppe Aricó. Desercions, contramoviments i mobilitats forçades a la ciutat contemporània.
Quaderms E del Institut d'Antropologia de Catalunya. 18 - 2, Polen, 20/11/2013. ISSN 1696-8298
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
10 Miquel Fernández; Giuseppe Aricó. Lluitar per la ciutat en l’era neoliberal. Envers una Antropologia del Conflicte
Urbà.Quaderns-e de l'Institut Català d'Antropologia. 8 - 2, Institut Català d'Antropologia, 2013.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Position of signature: 1 Degree of contribution: Author or co-author of article in
journal with external admissions assessment committee
Corresponding author: Yes
Source of citations: Google Scholar Citations: 9
Relevant results: What forms do conflicts take in nowadays cities tainted as they are by neoliberal logics that
seek to prescribe, limit or determine specific uses and practices of space? By tracing a theoretical framework
that brings together the main controversial conceptualizations social sciences have produced on social unrest,
this article calls for the need to approach the notion of conflict by adopting an interdisciplinary and comparative
perspective that focuses analysis on an urban local context. Within such a terrain, processes that deal with the
urban – and its declension in the social, cultural and political sphere- would entail a kind of struggle for recognition
within a wider global society that is deeply marked by the neoliberal imperatives that prescribe how to make
and live the city. Likewise, to analyse “urban conflict” means no more than to write ethnographies of its different
manifestations within space, not only as a mere form of resistance and opposition against “power”, but primarily as
an emergence, expression and tool of the urban.
11 Miquel Fernández. Asaltar el Raval. Control de población y producción de plusvalías en el barrio barcelonés.
URBS Revista de Estudios Urbanos y Ciencias Sociales. 1 - 2, 2012.
Type of production: Scientific paper
Corresponding author: Yes
Source of citations: Google Scholar Citations: 6
12 Miquel Fernández. Contra el bé, la civilització i el progrés. Apunts per una epistemologia de la moral relativa a les
intervencions urbanístiques al Raval. Astrolabio: revista internacional de filosofía.2012.
Type of production: Scientific paper
Corresponding author: Yes
13 Miquel Fernández. La invención del espacio público como territorio para la excepción. El caso del Barri Xino de
Barcelona”.Crítica Penal y Poder. Publicación electrónica del Observatorio del Sistema penal y los Derechos
Humanos de la Universitat de Barcelona. Septiembre - 3, 2012.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Corresponding author: Yes
14 Miquel Fernández. Usos de l‘estigma. El paper de la prostitució en la revalorització urbanística de la illa robador.
Quaderns- e del Institut Català d'Antropología. 16 - 1, 2012.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Corresponding author: Yes
15 Miquel Fernández. El asedio al Raval: Una aproximación al pasado y presente de las transformaciones
urbanísticas del barrio barcelonés. Oñati Socio-Legal Series. 1 - 2, Oñati, Bilbao2011.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Corresponding author: Yes
Impact source: SSRN Category:
Impact index in year of publication: 230 DOWNLOADS & 1,502 ABSTRACT VIEWS
Source of citations: Google Scholar Citations: 7
Relevant results: 590 downloads at
16 Miquel Fernández. Joves, vídeo digital i drogues. Butlletí prevenim.dro. PDS, Promoció i Desenvolupament Social.
Type of production: Scientific paper
Corresponding author: Yes
17 Miquel Fernández. Un caso paradigmático: la rehabilitación de las calles d'en Robador y Sant Ramon del barrio
del Raval de Barcelona. El oscuro antecedente de la Isla Negra.Sin Permiso. 2011.
Type of production: Scientific paper
Corresponding author: Yes
18 Miquel Fernández. La violència i -la seva normativizació. Revista d’estudis de la violència.1er trimestre - 8, 2009.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Corresponding author: Yes
19 Miquel Fernández; Eunice Romero. Treballadors invisibles. Ciutadans il·legals. Una esquerda en la Cohesió social
de Catalunya. IDEES. 31, 2008.
Type of production: Scientific paper
Corresponding author: Yes
23 Michael Sorkin; Miquel Fernández González; Maria Isabel Cadenas Álvarez; Thomas Purcell. The unthinkable City
(Forthcoming). The case of Yachay: Cities, Knowledge and Development. New York(United States of America):
Terreform UR / Urban Research /, 15/02/2020.
Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book
Corresponding author: Yes
Relevant publication: Yes
24 Miquel Fernández González; Maribel Cadenas Álvarez. De la Ville Radieuse a la smart city. Le Corbusier y
Barcelona. Marc Perelman's Le Corbusier. Una fría visión del mundo. pp. 249 - 279. Virus Editorial, 05/03/2018.
Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book
Corresponding author: Yes
Relevant results: 107 Reads at Researchgate
25 Miquel Fernández. Barcelona 1992, el porvenir de una ilusión. Conexoes Barcelona Rio. pp. 24 - 40. Rio de
Janeiro(Brazil): UFF, 08/02/2016.
Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book
Corresponding author: Yes
26 Miquel Fernández. La participación política popular en Barcelona. La derrota de la disensión ciudadana. IV Foro
Universitario. pp. 205 - 219. Editorial Centauro, Quito-Ecuador, 10/12/2014.
Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book
Corresponding author: Yes
27 Miquel Fernández. From fight against poverty to the fight against poor people. The new ways of managing poverty
beyond the national independence process. Poverty in Scotland 2014: The independence referendum and beyond.
pp. 244 - 249. Child Poverty Action Group / Glasgow Caledonian University/ Open University, 13/01/2014.
Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book
Corresponding author: Yes
28 Miquel Fernández; Maribel Cadenas. Killing the Chinatown Myth. Between urban planning revolution and urban
siege in the Barcelona Raval Neighbourhood. Recupero, Valorizzazione,Manutenzioni nei Centri Storici. Un tavolo
di confronto interdisciplinare. pp. 198 - 202. Lettera Ventidue Edizicioni, 12/03/2013.
Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book
Corresponding author: Yes
29 Miquel Fernández. Metamorfosis urbanas. Ciudades españolas en la dinámica global.El mito del Barri Xino de
Barcelona. De control de población descapitalizada a la mercantilización de la pobreza. Icària, 2013.
Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book
Corresponding author: Yes
30 Miquel Fernández González. Diálogos apreciativos. El socioconstruccionismo en acción. La cultura del tiempo
libre y "las culturas". 22, Dykinson (Colección Oñati: Derecho y Sociedad, vol. 22) 2008, 280 pp, 2008.
Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book
Corresponding author: Yes
31 Miquel Fernández. Els altres andalusos. La qüestió nacional.Immigrants per sempre?. L'Esfera dels Llibres, 2005.
Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book
Corresponding author: Yes
32 José Luis Molina; Beatriz González López- Valcárcel; Miquel Fernández. Redes de publicaciones científicas:
un análisis de la estructura de coautorías. GESTION DE LA INNOVACION Y DIFUSION DE TECNOLOGIA EN
SANIDAD. Masson, 2005.
Type of production: Book chapter
Corresponding author: No
33 Miquel Fernández González. Non è un quartiere per ricchi. Comme el raval ha frontegiato la especulazione e
afrontato l'espulsione de il suoi habitanti. Una storia esemplare. Roma(Italy): Redstar Press, 30/09/2019. ISBN
Type of production: Scientific book or monograph Format: Book
Corresponding author: Yes
Relevant publication: Yes
34 Miquel Fernández González. Matar al Chino. Entre la revolución urbanística y el asedio urbano en el barrio del
Raval de Barcelona. Virus Editorial, 05/11/2014. ISBN 9788492559589
Type of production: Scientific book or monograph Format: Book
Source of citations: Citations: 48
Relevant results: "The careful research carried out by Miquel Fernández helps us understand how the myth"
hunted "served the elites to justify policies of urban (and moral) discipline of the inhabitants of the Raval. The
right decision to divide the work into two large Blocks, one historiographic and the other ethnographic, is another
demonstration of the author's willingness to dignify a stigmatized and literally shattered street.Miquel Fernández
leads us through the cracks in Calle d 'En Robador only after having patiently traced the history of its destruction
physical and moral, in this way the reader enters a brilliant ethnography after having understood that the violent
practices of which they speak are not those of those who live on and off the street, but those of those who want to
expel them" Livia Motterle, AIBR
Reviews in journals: 4
Relevant publication: Yes
35 Pep Subirós; Miquel Fernández González; Pau Carratalà. Ser immigrant a Catalunya. El testimoni de vint-i-dos
protagonistes.Edicions 62, 2010.
Type of production: Scientific book or monograph Format: Book
Corresponding author: No
Source of citations: Google Scholar Citations: 9
Relevant results: Assessor de la recerca i elaboració de més de 15 entrevistes que es publiquen al llibre i
Relevant publication: Yes
37 Iñaki Rivera; Roberto Bergalli; Miquel Fernández. Filosofía del mal i memoria.Colaboración en tareas de edición.
Antrhopos Editorial, 2012.
Type of production: Scientific book or monograph Format: Book
Corresponding author: No
Relevant results: Transcripción de seminarios para su publicación
38 Miquel Fernández González; Pere López Sánchez. Memoria de la dignidad en acción en el menospreciado centro
1063, 25/02/2014. Available on-line at: <>. ISBN 978-84-92559-45-9
Type of production: Review Format: Journal
39 Miquel Fernández. Records del futur. Repensar Bon Pastor. Tejiendo historias urbanas de Barcelona desde el
umbral de las Casas Baratas. pp. 16 - 20. Col·lectiu Repensar Bon Pastor, 10/10/2016.
Type of production: Pròleg Format: Book
Corresponding author: Yes
1 Title of the work: Arqueología del futuro en el Raval. A propósito de tres inercias del urbanismo
tecnocrático y sus efectos imprevistos
Name of the conference: International Conference Virtual City and Territory
Type of event: Conference Geographical area: Non EU International
Type of participation: Participatory - oral Reasons for participation: Review before
communication acceptance
Corresponding author: Yes
City of event: Barcelona, Spain
Date of event: 02/10/2019
End date: 04/10/2019
Organising entity: Centro de Política del Suelo y Valoraciones (CPSV)
Publication in conference proceedings: Yes With external admission assessment committee:
Type of contribution: Scientific paper
Miquel Fernández González; Maribel Cadenas Álvarez. "Arqueología del futuro en el Raval. A propósito de
tres inercias del urbanismo tecnocrático y sus efectos imprevistos". En: Revista de Arquitectura, Ciudad y
Entorno. CTV, 18/11/2019.
2 Title of the work: Revealing violence, condemning the evil. A critique of the moral foundations of urban
interventions in the neighbourhood of Raval, Barcelona
Name of the conference: Toward an anthropological zemiology. A workshop on social harm and suffering
3 Title of the work: Lección Inaugural: Hacer justa la Fuerza. A propósito de la amoralidad de ciertas
Name of the conference: 2ones Converses de Pensament Crític de les terres de l'Ebre
Type of event: Workshop Geographical area: Regional
Type of participation: Participatory - Plenary Reasons for participation: Upon invitation
Corresponding author: Yes
City of event: Amposta,
Date of event: 07/09/2019
End date: 07/09/2019
Organising entity: Cercle de Pensament Crític de les terres de l'Ebre
City organizing entity: Sant Carles de la Ràpita,
With external admission assessment committee: Yes
En: Cercle de Pensament Crític de les terres de l'Ebre.
4 Title of the work: Nonnegotiable inertia. The role of urban plannig in social normalization and the
reproduction of capital
Name of the conference: Conference Arquitectonics Mind, Land And Society 2019. Freedom to design!
architecture as a bridge between nature and culture
Type of event: Conference Geographical area: Non EU International
Type of participation: Participatory - invited/keynote Reasons for participation: Upon invitation
Corresponding author: Yes
City of event: Barcelona,
Date of event: 31/05/2019
End date: 02/06/2019
Organising entity: Departament de Projectes Type of entity: University
Arquitectònics. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
With external admission assessment committee: Yes
Type of contribution: Scientific paper
Miquel Fernández González; Maribel Cadenas Álvarez. En: Departament de Projectes. Universitat
Politècnica de Catalunya.
5 Title of the work: Antropología urbana religiosa. Actualidad y capacidad heurística actual del área de
conocimiento para el análisis comparado de dos barrios estigmatizados de Catalunya
Name of the conference: Humanities in Transition
Geographical area: Non EU International
Type of participation: Participatory - oral Reasons for participation: Upon invitation
Corresponding author: Yes
7 Title of the work: Violència Muda. Abús de poder i repressió pels carrers de Barcelona
Name of the conference: Exposición 60dB / 16kHz. BCN. Sents la violència?
City of event: Barcelona,
Date of event: 06/10/2016
End date: 31/08/2016
Organising entity: Centre d'Art Santa Mònica
9 Title of the work: Distant heels. on the undesired interactions of Barcelona’s vice district
Name of the conference: 2nd AIBR International Conference of Anthropology Identity: Bridges, Thresholds,
and Barriers
Corresponding author: Yes
City of event: Barcelona,
Date of event: 06/09/2016
End date: 10/09/2016
Organising entity: Asociación de Antropólogos Type of entity: Associations and Groups
Iberoamericanos en Red
City organizing entity: Barcelona,
10 Title of the work: Yachay, ciudad del conocimiento o las paradojas de la revolución planificada
Name of the conference: 2nd AIBR International Conference of Anthropology . Identity: Bridges,
Thresholds, and Barriers.
Corresponding author: Yes
Date of event: 06/09/2016
End date: 10/09/2016
Organising entity: Asociación de Antropólogos Iberoamericanos en Red
11 Title of the work: O papel dos discursos sobre higiene e saúde no assentamento urbano
Name of the conference: Congresso Nacional de Adictologia. O tempo e As adiçoes. Ligando a Ciência, A
Clinica e a Politica
Type of participation: Participatory - invited/keynote Reasons for participation: Upon invitation
Corresponding author: Yes
City of event: Coimbra, Portugal
Date of event: 19/05/2016
End date: 20/05/2016
Organising entity: Associaçao portuguesa para o Type of entity: Associations and Groups
Estudio das Drogas e das Dependencias
Miquel Fernández González. "O papel dos discursos sobre higiene e saúde no assentamento urbano".
12 Title of the work: REVELAR LA VIOLENCIA, DENUNCIAR EL MAL Crítica a los fundamentos morales de
las intervenciones urbanísticas en el arrabal de Barcelona
Name of the conference: A “destruição social da realidade”: estratégias de controle urbano em territórios
Type of participation: Participatory - invited/keynote Reasons for participation: Upon invitation
Corresponding author: Yes
City of event: Porto, Portugal
Date of event: 17/05/2016
End date: 17/05/2016
Organising entity: Faculdade de Psicologia e de Type of entity: University Research Institute
Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto
Miquel Fernández. Available on-line at:
13 Title of the work: Urbanismo utópico, realidades distópicas. Las contradicciones espaciales y democráticas
de yachay, la ciudad del conocimiento
Name of the conference: XIV Coloquio Internacional de Geocrítica.Las utopías y la construcción de la
sociedad del futuro
City of event: Barcelona,
Date of event: 05/05/2016
End date: 10/05/2016
Organising entity: Geocrítica Type of entity: Associations and Groups
14 Title of the work: Barcelona 1992, hacia la totalización del orden urbano
Name of the conference: XI Reunión de Antropología del MERCOSUR
Corresponding author: Yes
City of event: Montevideo, Uruguay
Date of event: 30/11/2015
End date: 04/12/2015
Type of entity: Associations and Groups
16 Title of the work: Nouveaux habitants, anciens problèmes. anciens habitants, nouveaux problèmes. notes
ethnographiques sur l’opération illa robador dans le quartier du raval de barcelone
Name of the conference: La ville conflictuelle Oppositions – Frictions – Négociations
City of event: París, France
Date of event: 20/11/2014
Organising entity: Université Cergy-Pontoise Type of entity: University
City organizing entity: París, France
18 Title of the work: ¿Barcelona Ciudad Muerta? Grandes acontecimientos, neoextractivismo y luchas
urbanas 1992-2014
Name of the conference: II Jornadas Internacionais de Antropologia do Conflito Urbano: Conexões Rio-
City of event: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Date of event: 13/08/2014
Organising entity: Universidade do Estado do Type of entity: University Research Institute
Rio de Janeiro/UERJ Laboratório de Etnografia
City organizing entity: Rio de Janeiro,
Miquel Fernández González. "¿Barcelona Ciudad Muerta? Grandes acontecimientos, neoextractivismo y
luchas urbanas 1992-2014".
20 Title of the work: La producción institucional del desorden. Una etnografía sobre el «Barrio Chino» de
Name of the conference: XIII Coloquio Internacional de Geocrítica El control del espacio y los espacios de
City of event: Barcelona,
Date of event: 05/05/2014
End date: 05/05/2014
Organising entity: Geocrítica Type of entity: Associations and Groups
21 Title of the work: New neighbors, old problems. Old neighbors new problems. The case of Barcelona's
Chinatown urban regeneration
Name of the conference: Resourceful cities
City of event: Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Date of event: 29/08/2013
End date: 31/08/2013
Organising entity: Humboldt-University Berlin, Type of entity: University
Institute for Social Science, Dept. for Urban and
Regional Sociology
City organizing entity: Berlin, Berlin, Germany
22 Title of the work: Killing the Chinatown Myth. Between Urban planning Revolution and Urban Siege in the
Barcelona Raval Neighborhood
Name of the conference: International Symposium on Recovery, Valorisation and Maintenance in
Mediterranean Historical Centres
City of event: Siracusa, Sicilia, Italy
Date of event: 23/03/2013
End date: 23/03/2013
Organising entity: Università degli Studi di Catania Type of entity: University
City organizing entity: Catania, Sicilia, Italy
23 Title of the work: Usos de ayer y de hoy del mito del barrio Chino
Name of the conference: Espectacularización y precarización urbanas. Miradas glocalizadas
City of event: Valencia, Valencian Community, Spain
Date of event: 01/03/2012
End date: 03/03/2012
Organising entity: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Type of entity: University Department
Universidad de Valencia
City organizing entity: Valencia, Valencian Community, Spain
24 Title of the work: Contra el bé, la civilització i el progrés. Apunts per una epistemologia de la moral relativa
a les intervencions urbanístiques.
Name of the conference: VIII Jornadas Internacionales de Filosofía Política 2011. Figures de la Dominació.
City of event: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Date of event: 21/11/2011
End date: 25/11/2011
Organising entity: Seminari de Filosofia Política de Type of entity: University Department
la Universitat de Barcelona
City organizing entity: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
25 Title of the work: El Asalto al Raval. Una aproximación etnográfica a la calle d’en Robador de Barcelona.
Name of the conference: XII Congrés d'Antropologia. llocs, temps, memòries. L'antropologia ibèrica al
segle XXI
City of event: León, Castile and León, Spain
Date of event: 01/09/2011
Organising entity: Federación de Asociaciones de Type of entity: Associations and Groups
Antropología del Estado Español
City organizing entity: León, Castile and León, Spain
26 Title of the work: El papel de la ordenanza cívica” de 2005 en el proceso de terciarización, tematización y
gentrificación de Barcelona.
Name of the conference: Seminari paisaje ciudadano, delito y percepción de la inseguridad: investigación
interdisciplinar sobre delitos y conflictos en el medio urbano.
City of event: Oñati, Basque Country, Spain
Date of event: 14/05/2010
End date: 15/05/2010
Organising entity: Instituto Internacional de Type of entity: Instituto de sociología jurídica
Sociología Jurídica de Oñati
City organizing entity: Oñati, Basque Country, Spain
27 Title of the work: The public space assault: new frames of institutional violence in Barcelona
Name of the conference: The 10th international SIEF congress. People Make Places - ways of feeling the
City of event: Lisboa, Portugal
Date of event: 17/04/2010
End date: 21/04/2010
Organising entity: Societé Internationale d Type of entity: Associations and Groups
´Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF)
City organizing entity: Amsterdam, Holland
29 Title of the work: Critical mass and imagined audiences: the cultural production of contemporaries.
Name of the conference: International conference Transforming Audiences. Identity, creativity, everyday
City of event: Londres, United Kingdom
Organising entity: University of Westminster Type of entity: University Department
City organizing entity: Londres, United Kingdom
1 Committee title: Scientific Committee 35th Edition of International Society for the Sociology of Religion?, ?
Primary (UNESCO code): 630110 - Sociology of religion
Affiliation entity: International Society for the Type of entity: Public Research Body
Sociology of Religion?
City affiliation entity: London, United Kingdom
Start-End date: 09/07/2019 - 12/07/2019
2 Committee title: Coordinador general del Comité organizador del II Congreso AIBR
Affiliation entity: Asociación de Antropologos Iberoamericanos en Red
Start-End date: 06/09/2016 - 10/09/2016
5 Committee title: Comité organizador de las 1as Jornadas internacionales de Antropología del Conflicto
Primary (UNESCO code): 510300 - Social anthropology
Secondary (UNESCO code): 510100 - Cultural anthropology
Affiliation entity: Universitat de Barcelona Type of entity: University
City affiliation entity: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Start-End date: 07/11/2012 - 10/11/2012
9 Committee title: Consejo de Redacción de la revista The Portuguese Journal of Social Science
Primary (UNESCO code): 630000 - SOCIOLOGY
Secondary (UNESCO code): 720000 - PHILOSOPHY
Affiliation entity: Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Type of entity: University
City affiliation entity: Lisboa, Portugal
Start date: 10/06/2014
15 Committee title: Comité científico de las 1as Jornadas internacionales de Antropología del Conflicto
Primary (UNESCO code): 510300 - Social anthropology
Secondary (UNESCO code): 631010 - Social conflict and accommodation
Affiliation entity: Universitat de Barcelona Type of entity: University
City affiliation entity: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Start date: 01/02/2012
1 Title of the activity: Coordinación del Congreso de la Asociación de Antropologos Iberomaricanos en RED
Type of activity: Congreso Geographical area: Non EU International
Convening entity: Congreso de la Asociación de Antropologos Iberomaricanos en RED (AIBR)
City convening entity: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Start-End date: 06/09/2016 - 10/09/2016 Duration: 4 months
3 Title of the activity: Iers Jornades Internacionals d' Antropología del Conflicte urbà
Type of activity: Miembro del Comité organizador y Geographical area: Non EU International
del comité científico
Convening entity: Institut català d'Antropología Type of entity: Associations and Groups
City convening entity: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Start-End date: 07/11/2012 - 10/11/2012 Duration: 3 days
R&D management
2 Name of the activity: Assessor expert en migracions per al film Colin Suspect
Type of management: Management of organised events
Performed tasks: Assessor expert en migracions
Entity: Colis suspect. What lies behind the Europe Fortress
Start date: 15/04/2017
Other achievements
1 Entity: Centro de Ciências do Comportamento Desviante CCCD– Instituto de Sociologia (FLUP) (FPCEUP)
Faculty, institute or centre: Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto
City of entity: Porto, Portugal
Start-End date: 15/05/2016 - 17/05/2016 Duration: 2 days
Goals of the stay: Guest
Provable tasks: onferência/debate “A “destruição social da realidade”: estratégias de controle urbano em
territórios híper-estigmatizados