Modes of Presentation of Acute Myocardial Infarction: Original Article

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IJCCM October-December 2003 Vol 7 Issue 4 Indian J Crit Care Med July-September 2005 Vol 9 Issue 3

Original Article

Modes of presentation of acute myocardial infarction

K. N. Chowta, P. D. Prijith, M. N. Chowta*

Aim: To study the various modes of presentation of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Methods: A total
number of 60 patients of AMI admitted in various teaching hospitals of Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore,
were studied. The following factors were evaluated: onset of symptoms, mode of presentation, site of
infarction, and hospital outcome. Results: Out of 60 patients, 12 (20%) presented with atypical symptoms.
The maximum incidence AMI with atypical symptoms was in the age group of 65–74 yr (30.7 %), followed
by the age group of 55–64 yr (25%). No patient presented with atypical symptoms below 30 yr. Patients
experiencing MI without chest pain tended to be older (mean age 61 vs 58 yr) and were women (35% vs
12.5%); 80% of patients presented with chest pain followed by dyspnea (28.3%) and vomiting (13.3%). The
in-hospital mortality of MI patients who presented with typical and atypical symptoms were 16.6% and
33.3%, respectively. In this study, anteroseptal infarction was most common (31.6%). Fifty percent of infe­
rior-wall MI patients presented with atypical symptoms. Conclusion: In this study, there was no significant
association between onset of MI and circadian pattern.

Key Words: Atypical symptoms, Chest pain, Myocardial infarction

Introduction presenting no chest pain has not been well character-

Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) continues to be a ized. Although it is widely known that patients with dia­
major public health problem in the industrialized world, betes mellitus may not have chest pain during AMI pos­
despite the impressive strides in the diagnosis and man- sibly secondary to autonomic dysfunction, other clinical
agement over the past three decades. Although the death features associated in patients who do not experience
rate from AMI has declined by approx 30% over the last chest pain remain largely undefined.
decade, its development is still a fatal event in approxi­
mately one-third of the patients.[1] Understanding the factors associated with atypical
presentation may help in the earliest identification and
It is well known that presentation of AMI may have treatment of these patients with MI.[1–3] Among the symp­
many variants. The classic syndrome of chest pain de- toms shown to be associated with unrecognized AMI
scribed by Henrick is by no means pathognomonic and are dyspnea, nonproductive cough, fatigue, abdominal
Henrick himself admitted that in some cases there might or epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, syncope, or palpi­
be no pain at all.[1–3] The population of the AMI patient tation.[4–6]

Identifying the symptoms and signs of acute AMI is
Department of Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore paramount for successful management and early treat­
*Department of Pharmacology, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore
ment. Patients must realize that their symptoms may be
consistent with cardiac disease and numerous reports
Dr. Nithyananda Chowta K, Department of Medicine, Kasturba Medical
College Hospital, Attavar, Mangalore-575001. E-mail: have shown that patients may delay seeking care if they

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Indian J Crit Care Med July-September 2005 Vol 9 Issue 3 IJCCM October-December 2003 Vol 7 Issue 4

do not know that their symptoms may be consistent with Table 3 shows the presenting symptoms of AMI. Eighty
MI. The problem is further compounded if patients be­ percent of patients presented with chest pain, followed
lieve that chest pain is a necessary hallmark feature of by dyspnea (28.3%), sweating (21.7%), and vomiting
acute MI.[7–9] (13.3%). Epigastric pain was the presenting symptom in
10% of patients. Three patients gave history of syncopal
In the studies confined to the local population, work attack as the presenting symptom. Three patients com­
done on the modes of presentation of AMI was insuffi­ plained palpitation. Only one patient with atypical symp­
cient. The present study has been undertaken to evalu­ tom had previous history of angina (8.33%) compared
ate various modes of presentation in patients with AMI with patients with typical symptoms with history of an­
and finds out whether there is a circadian pattern in the gina (20.83%). The in-hospital mortality of MI patients
onset of AMI. who presented with typical and atypical symptoms were
16.6% and 33.3%, respectively (Table 4). The
Materials and Methods anteroseptal infarction was most common (31.6%) and
Patients with AMI admitted in various teaching hospi­ mortality was high in anterior-wall MI. Among the infe­
tals of Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, were stud­ rior-wall MI patients 50% presented with atypical symp­
ied. The diagnosis was confirmed by electrocardiogram toms (Table 5).
(ECG) changes and/or enzyme abnormalities. A total of
60 cases were studied. Discussion
The criteria of ECG changes are as follows. Chest pain has been reported as the cardinal feature
1. Presence of pathological Q-wave. in patients with AMI. The WHO requires the presence of
2. Presence of hyperacute tall T-wave or inverted chest pain as one of the cornerstone feature for the di­
T-wave. agnosis of chest pain.[1]
3. Persistent sinus tachycardia segment elevation of
more than 2.5 mm. Table 2: Presentation according to gender
The following factors were considered: (1) onset of Gender Patients with chest pain Without chest pain
Male 35 (87.5%) 5 (12.5%)
symptoms, (2) modes of presentation, (3) site of infarc­ Female 13 (65%) 7 (35%)
tion, and (4) hospital outcome.
Table 3: Presenting symptoms of AMI
Results Presenting symptom No. %
Out of 60 patients 40 were males (66.66%) and 20 Chest pain 48 80
Dyspnoea 17 28.3
were females (33.33%). Mean age of the patients was Vomiting 8 13.3
59.5 years. Out of 60 patients, 12 (20%) presented with Syncope 3 5
Sweating 13 21.7
atypical symptoms. The maximum incidence AMI atypi­ Palpitation 3 5
cal symptoms was in the age group of 65–74 years Epigastric pain 6 10
(30.7%) (Table 1), followed by the age group of 55–64
years (25%). No patient presented with atypical symp­ Table 4: Mortality in patients with typical and atypical
toms below 30 years. Patients experienced myocardial presentation of MI
infarction MI without chest pain tended to be older (mean No. Mortality %
Atypical MI 12 4 33.3
age 61 vs 58 years) and were women (35% vs 12.5%) Typical MI 48 8 16.6
(Table 2).
Table 5: Mode of presentation and prognosis according
to site of infarction
Table 1: Presentation of AMI according to age
Site of infarction Total no. Atypical Mortality
Age Total no. of infarcts Atypical presentation % of cases presentation
<30 3 0 0 Anterior wall 8 1 (12.5%) 3 (37.5%)
30–44 4 1 25 Lateral wall 1 0 0
45–54 10 0 0 Inferior wall 14 7 (50%) 4 (28.6%)
55–64 24 6 25 Ant + Lat 10 2 (20%) 2 (20%)
65–74 13 4 30.7 Ant + Inf + Lat 4 1 (25%) 1 (25%)
>75 6 1 16.6 Ant+ Inf 4 0 0
χ = 3.64, P = 0.303, not significant. Ant+ Septal 19 1 (5.3%) 2 (10.5%)

IJCCM October-December 2003 Vol 7 Issue 4 Indian J Crit Care Med July-September 2005 Vol 9 Issue 3

In the present study, approx 20% of patients with AMI difference in the electrocardiographic location of the in­
presented without chest pain on initial clinical evalua­ farct between those with atypical and typical symptoms
tion. Patients experienced AMI without chest pain tended of MI. In the Framingham Study[8] also, the proportion of
to be older (mean age 61 vs 58 years) and were women atypical MI did not appear to vary with electrographic
(35% vs 12.5%). location of the infarct.

In the Reykjavik study,[1] approx 30% of MI patients Patients with atypical MI group showed a higher in­
presented with atypical symptoms. Results from other hospital mortality than did the typical MI group (33% vs
population studies have shown that 20–60% of all MI 16%), though statistically insignificant. When only the
are presented with atypical symptoms. According to age at MI, the most important determinant of mortality,
Canto and Shlipak,[2] patients presented with atypical was adjusted, the atypical MI had approx 16% higher
symptoms were older and were women. In the present mortality from all causes. In the Framinham study[8] also,
study, there is a slight increase in the incidence of pain­ age adjusted long-term mortality for all cases were
less infarction with increasing age. In the group between slightly worse among unrecognized MI case than among
55 and 64 years, 25% patients presented with atypical recognized MIs. This is in contrast with the Reykjavik
symptoms and 31% in 65–74 years age group. This is study,[1] in which the prognosis for the patients with atypi­
comparable with Kennel[3] and others, where the values cal MI is no better than that for patients with unrecog­
were 27% and 31%, respectively. In contrast to earlier nized MI.
studies in which patients who were 70 years or older
were more likely to present without chest pain, in this To conclude, only a comparative small number of pa­
study only one patient out of six presented with atypical tients had atypical presentation. Although there was a
symptoms. notable difference regarding age and sex, it was statis­
tically insignificant because of the limited sample popu­
An increase in the proportion of atypical MI with ad­
lation. Patients with inferior-wall MI presented more of­
vancing age was not statistically significant although it
ten with atypical symptoms. Mortality was higher in atypi­
is not commonly seen before the age of 55. A much
cal group, though statistically insignificant.
larger sample would be required to prove or disprove
the possibility. We have documented a pronounced gen­
der difference with females far outnumbering males in
1. Sigurdsson E, Thorgeirsson G, Sigvaldason H, Sigfusson N, et
the incidence of painless infarction.
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tory of angina presented with atypical symptoms of AMI, tern Med 1995;122:96–102.

showing a lower prevalence of angina among those with 2. Canto JG, Shlipak MG. Prevalence, clinical characteristics and

unrecognized MI group. This is in comparison with mortality among patients with myocardial infarction presenting

Framingham Study [8] and Honolulu Heart Program without chestpain. JAMA 2000;283:3223–9.

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pectoris among unrecognized MIs. In this study a higher dial infarction. N Eng J Med 1984;311:1144–7

percentage (50%) of inferior-wall MI patients presented 4. Spodick DH, Flessas AP, Johnson MM. Association of acute
with atypical symptoms, which is statistically significant. respiratory symptoms with onset of acute myocardial infarction.
The Honolulu Hawai Heart Program Study[7] also dem­ Am J Cardiol 1984;53:481–2.
onstrated a pronounced increase in painless infarction 5. Chadda KD. Bradycardia hypotension syndrome in acute myo­
with inferior-wall MI patients (51%). A higher proportion cardial infarction. Am J Med 1975;59:158–63.
of inferior-wall MI tends to cause atypical symptoms, 6. Ingram DA, Futton RA. Vomiting as a diagnostic aid in acute
such as epigastric pain or abdominal distress, which ischemic cardiac pain. BMJ 1980;281:636.
would be failed to be recognized as MI. However, the 7. Katsuhiko Y, Mac Lean CJ. The incidence and prognosis of un­
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Indian J Crit Care Med July-September 2005 Vol 9 Issue 3 IJCCM October-December 2003 Vol 7 Issue 4

program. Ann Intern Med 1989;149:1528–32. study). Am J Cadiol 1973;32:1–7.

8. Morgolis JR, Kannel WB. Clinical features of unrecognised myo­ 9. Bean WB. Masquerades of myocardial infarction. Lancet
cardial infarction. Silent and symptomatic (the Framingham 1977;1:1044–5




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