The Experiences of Nurse Educators in Implementing PDF
The Experiences of Nurse Educators in Implementing PDF
The Experiences of Nurse Educators in Implementing PDF
Authors: Background: Nurse educators have a vital role to mentor student nurses in relation to
Gloria N. Mthiyane
developing evidence-based practice (EBP) skills, accessing research products and
Debbie S. Habedi
participating in research projects. This requires more innovative teaching approaches that
Affiliation: promote active participation, creativity and critical thinking in students such as online
Department of Health teaching and learning, accessing electronic resources, video conferencing and research-
Studies, University of South
based teaching and learning.
Africa, South Africa
Aim: To determine the nurse educators’ experiences in implementing EBP in teaching and
Corresponding author:
Debbie Habedi learning, and to describe the importance and benefits of EBP teaching and learning to the
[email protected] nursing profession, especially for nurse educators and student nurses.
Dates: Setting: Two chosen campuses from Umgungundlovu Health District under the KwaZulu-
Received: 26 Apr. 2018 Natal College of Nursing (KZNCN) and offering a 4-year R425 training programme.
Accepted: 03 Sept. 2018
Published: 29 Nov. 2018 Methods: Qualitative research design and methods were followed in conducting the study. A
non-probability purposive sampling technique was used to access the sample of 12 nurse
How to cite this article: educators. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews, the interview guide, and the
Mthiyane, G.N. & Habedi,
D.S., 2018, ‘The experiences digital voice recorder.
of nurse educators in
Results: Data were analysed manually, following a content thematic approach and two themes
implementing evidence-
based practice in teaching emerged as challenges experienced by nurse educators with the implementation of EBP in
and learning’, Health SA teaching and learning and benefits and value of EBP in teaching and learning. Findings
Gesondheid 23(0), a1177. revealed that, although most of the nurse educators are supportive and displayed a positive
attitude towards implementing EBP in teaching and learning, the level of knowledge and
skills was questionable. This was coupled with a lack of motivation and commitment towards
Copyright: research.
© 2018. The Authors.
Licensee: AOSIS. This work Conclusions: Evidence-based practice has an essential potential role to play through
is licensed under the incorporating more practice-based evidence of nurse educators in teaching and learning
Creative Commons implementation. The nurse educators should use EBP to ensure that student nurses receive
Attribution License.
high-quality nursing education.
Evidenced-based practice (EBP) is described by Melnyk et al. (2012:410) as a problem-solving
approach to clinical decision-making in health care. Evidence-based practice integrates the best
evidence from well-designed studies with the clinicians’ expertise, including internal evidence
from patient assessments and practice data, and patients’ preferences and values. Melnyk et al.
(2012:410) further revealed that implementation of EBP leads to a higher quality of care, improved
patient outcomes, and decreased health care costs.
Evidence-based practice teaching and learning has become an important function for nursing
education. Research is used as an instrument in developing new teaching and learning strategies.
Nurse educators are guided by evidence-based practice in teaching and on research reports.
Evidence-based practice in learning is also based on research, meaning that students learn by
using research findings. Research-based teaching and learning encourages and stimulates critical
thinking for students (Felicilda-Reynaldo & Utley 2015:91).
Read online: Although EBP is known to improve health care quality, decreasing costs and empowering nurses,
Scan this QR the challenge is the way in which it ensures successful implementation by the nurses (Levin et al.
code with your
smart phone or 2011:21). The implementation of successful EBP education serves the function of developing
mobile device practitioners who value EBP and have the knowledge and skills to implement such practice
to read online.
(Lehane et al. 2017:8).
teaching and learning. They include time constraints, components and also allocate time for self-directed learning so
lack of and poor access to relevant resources, the use of that it comes in as part of the curriculum, like a prescribed kind
traditional teaching approaches which are still dominant, of thing, like for example saying that the students must have so
nurse educators’ lack of or poor knowledge and skills, and many assignments, must have so much library time.’ (Participant
3, Senior, 50 years old)
the quality of nursing students. Emmanuel et al. (2011:22) in
their study on developing EBP among student nurses in the
A study conducted by Malik et al. (2015b:50) on nurse
United Kingdom identified similar challenges that prevented
educators and clinical nurse coaches and specialists regarding
the nurses from successfully using EBP, which included poor
their perceived knowledge, skills, attitudes and contextual
access to facilities and information, lack of experience and
factors affecting EBP, revealed that insufficient time prevented
little confidence in using computers.
appraisal of literature on a regular basis and the searching of
research reports. There is no time to find and read research
Schoonees, Rohwer and Young (2017:11) reported that the
articles. Again, in circumstances where shortages of staff
challenges experienced by lecturers at a sub-Saharan African
exist, allowing staff adequate time to complete the requisite
academic institution were a lack of time by the programme to
reading to update their clinical or EBP knowledge or to
dedicate to evidence-based health care, lack of evidence
attend continuing nursing education is not always possible
related to a specific field, lack of student motivation and the
(Boswell & Cannon 2017:20).
students’ schooling background.
Category 1.1: Time constraints Category 1.2: Lack of and poor access to relevant resources
It is clear that for the nurse educators to implement EBP in
This study indicated that, for the nurse educators to
teaching and learning, special resources must be available
successfully implement EBP in teaching and learning, more
time is required in the library to search for information, for and accessible to both nurse educators and student nurses for
reading the literature, and for preparation and presentation successful implementation. Evidence is available in various
of the content. This applied to both the nurse educators and forms, such as books, videos, journals, and articles. Access to
student nurses. This statement is supported in the study evidence comes through the libraries, computer laboratories
conducted by Emmanuel et al. (2011:22), which indicated that with Internet access and mobile technology.
the use of EBP by the professionals requires accessing and
integrating a number of different resources which could be Participants responded this way when asked about their
time consuming. Lack of time was also mentioned as a major resources:
barrier when trying to access and review any of the evidence ‘For instance, if you look at the in-house, what you need to
(Emmanuel et al. 2011:22). make your teaching learning process smarter, is sometimes not
available.’ (Participant 11, Senior, 48 years old)
Nurse educators indicated that time is not allocated or ‘It could be available but you cannot access it easily.’
distributed fairly between library, theory and practice. The (Participant 8, Junior, 53 years old)
prescribed time in the curriculum does not provide sufficient ‘No not easily especially with the IT, we are limited for resources;
time for students to visit the library to search for information. I would have to go to the library to use it.’ (Participant 10, Senior,
The location of the library also contributed to time limits, 59 years old)
neither campus under study having a library on site. On ‘Eh I don’t think especially with our college, I do not think that
one campus, the library is 8 km away from the campus. At we do not, I mean we have enough resources, like for instance
the other campus, the library is within the hospital premises we need to have enough resources, the most recent textbooks
and not on the campus. These are both medical libraries, you know, even the library should make sure that it is well
which means that they are accessed by all hospital staff. The equipped with most recent textbooks, we have the computers
following statements were reported by the participants so that they have access to the internet which is the problem that
with regard to time allocation, prescribed time, and we are experiencing that we don’t have with our campus.’
preparation time: (Participant 4, HOD, 56 years old)
ability to access evidence from various sources. It has been like more workshops on evidence-based and the importance of
discovered that when nurses are provided with the necessary using evidence-based, which is the challenge at the present
tools such as smart phones and computers inter alia, they are moment because it is not everybody that is well tuned with
much more likely to access relevant information and best evidence-based that is the challenge.’ (Participant 4, HOD,
56 years old)
practice guidelines (Mackey & Bassendowski 2016:53).
‘Research is very good, it is good and as much as this off the topic
you know we hate research, nurses hate research but I think they
Category 1.3: Current teaching approaches
should be encouraged so we have more EBP and you know
The study revealed that, currently, traditional teaching encourage the students.’ (Participant 6, Senior, 56 years old)
approaches are still dominant in nursing education. The
participants identified the following current teaching Although various studies indicate that nurse educators have
strategies used for teaching and learning: facilitation, group
a positive attitude towards EBP, it has been reported that a
discussion, simulation, assignments, role play, case study,
positive attitude is increased with advanced educational
clinical debates, lecture, self-activities, demonstrations, peer
level, higher academic ranking, years of experience, and a
group teaching, problem-solving, group presentations,
teaching and research role (Hussein & Hussein 2013:609).
games, case-based research, videos, reflective journals,
Therefore, findings suggest that continuing education for
portfolio of evidence, and learning package. Most of these
nurse educators on the EBP process is necessary to enhance
approaches lead to technical skills mastery but they do not
their knowledge and skills in acquiring appropriate research
stimulate the development of critical-thinking skills, as one
and analytic skills relevant to their teaching specialties
participant stated that:
(Hussein & Hussein 2013:617).
‘They promote psychomotor skills; the students get technical
skills to do the procedures and more.’ (Participant 9, HOD, 59
In an Australian study on integration of EBP into the
years old)
curriculum, Malik et al. (2015a:158) mention that there is lack
of clarity on EBP content and process. Clarity is frequently
Felicilda-Reynaldo and Utley (2015:94) recommended a
blurred with research processes and outcomes, which often
change in educational technology for nurse academics,
results in continuation of traditional nursing research courses
which include the teaching approaches that facilitate
in the hope of preparing EBP practitioners. Leufer and
critical thinking and provide opportunities for practising
Clearly-Holdforth (2015:11) state that if optimal patient
evidence-based patient care. The study by Leufer and
outcomes are to be maximised, practitioners’ skills and
Clearly-Holdforth (2015:6) mentions that the continuous
knowledge base must be fostered and enhanced through
assessment element of the module comprising an EBP
project and the lectures must provide ongoing support to ongoing education, training and support.
student nurses throughout the research module as they
develop their project. Tailored teaching and assessment Category 1.5: Student characteristics
methods must be implemented within the academy to Nurse educators had a challenge with students’ attitude and
foster a culture of EBP at undergraduate level and beyond perceptions towards EBP, and their lack of computer skills.
(Leufer & Clearly-Holdforth 2015:7). Teaching of student According to participants, students appear to have
nurses must be based on the best available evidence to preconceived ideas about research in general. These
recognise and deliver high-quality patient care (Emmanuel perceptions are negative and overwhelming for students.
et al. 2011:21). A negative attitude develops among the student
nurses, because students do not understand the
Category 1.4: Lack of knowledge and skills by nurse educators importance of EBP. Nurse educators felt that students’ lack
Other challenges experienced by nurse educators on EBP of confidence, motivation, and commitment to perform and
implementation in teaching and learning were expressed by use research contributed to misperception and their resultant
some of the participants as lack of confidence, lack of negative attitude. The nursing programme R425 is perceived
motivation, and lack of relevant knowledge and skills about as being full, overwhelming, with competing priorities of
EBP teaching. The following quotes were stated: research, clinical, and theoretical workloads.
‘I think educators need to know how to use EBP research, I ‘Students feel that it is an added responsibility.’ (Participant 7,
think that research for educators is something very important. Junior, 49 years old)
I am not really completely involved with research, I think they
‘Students that we are teaching, they look at this research as a
got to understand research, they got to practice research
monster.’ (Participant 12, Senior, 60 years old)
and then, we can bring it to the students.’ (Participant 8, Junior,
53 years old) ‘So, the experience that I am coming across when I teach is that
these students they do not like it.’ (Participant 12, Senior, 60
‘Maybe the in-service or the education of the staff themselves,
years old)
the information that they have regarding what problem-based
practice or research is all about. They need to be in serviced as ‘These students, they think that no eh eh we are overloading
well.’ (Participant 10, Senior, 59 years old) them.’ (Participant 5, Junior, 50 years old)
‘The first challenges will be the lack of motivation if they have ‘Yah there are challenges because at times the learners are lazy,
not been motivated that’s a challenge, because there need to be they do not want to do work.’ (Participant 11, Senior, 48 years old)
Students’ attitudes and perceptions can influence EBP the right attitude for functioning as independent health care
learning either positively or negatively. Should students’ providers (Young et al. 2015:354). Nursing education
roles be clearly defined early during training, so that they institutions (NEIs) have a responsibility to provide support
understand the importance of EBP, a positive attitude to student nurses in the development of relevant IT skills.
develops within them. According to Malik et al. (2015a:158), This calls for services of the librarian to provide skills to
the role that is played by EBP in the practical lives of nursing student nurses in searching electronic databases for evidence.
students depends on the degree to which it is promoted by Clinical librarians in health services have to promote
academics, the extent to which it is incorporated into course information literacy in the workplace. Health-related degree
objectives, content and assessments; and its application to programmes need to adopt and incorporate EBP methods
clinical practice. into their curricula to prepare practitioners in training for
their future professional roles and responsibilities (Spring &
In a study by Hickman, Kelly and Phillips (2014:603) on McCuskey 2010:249).
exploring ways to optimise the uptake of EBP to
undergraduate nurses, findings indicated that students were The recommendations that were made by the participants
initially hesitant and reluctant towards the subject of research. concerning student nurses were about creating good
However, as they advanced with the subject their perceptions networking between the clinical practitioners and nurse
and beliefs changed to understanding the relevance of the educators to support the student nurses, providing students
research subject and its importance in improving patient with basic computer skills so that they can work
outcomes. independently, and introducing a reward system as
motivation for student nurses who are doing well.
Students’ lack of computer skills is another challenge that
nurse educators encountered. Students are fully dependent Theme 2: Benefits and value of evidence-based
on them for these skills and more time is needed to orientate practice in teaching and learning
students on how to use the computers. The use of EBP Although some studies indicated that the main barrier to EBP
requires searching of information from the Internet. To is lack of value for EBP (Melnyk et al. 2012:415), this study
accomplish this one must be able to use computers to search revealed that participants also believed that integration of
for information. These are the quotes from participants: EBP in teaching and learning as the best way to follow. It
‘When you ask students for instance, initially we had challenges showed ways in which EBP teaching and learning could
with them not knowing, because you find that at school they benefit the nurse educator, the nursing education discipline,
never did anything that has to do with computers, like any student nurses, patients, and the employer or institution.
classes and now when they come here they have to sit in front of Evidence-based practice is associated with critical-thinking
the computer, they do not even know what the mouse is, you skills which must be developed among the student nurses,
know.’ (Participant 3, Senior, 50 years old) and lifelong learning for nurses, to expand their knowledge
‘So, I would love to see in the initial stage of training, this newly and quality of care related to patient and health care facilities
employed student nurses to have a basic course in computer (Felicilda-Reynaldo & Utley 2015:91-92). The following
literacy so that when we send them to fish information or categories of information offer the benefits that come with
explore they have the skills on how to like do internet surfing, implementation of EBP in teaching and learning.
go through the specific web, SANC web and etc., so that we
are offload with them relying on us with computer skills.’
(Participant 9, HOD, 59 years old) Category 2.1: Keeping up to date with current information
Participants believed that EBP empowers and enriches the
Increasing competence in information literacy is the nurse educators and student nurses with up-to-date
foundation for EBP; this provides nurses with the skills to information, thus keeping their knowledge current. They
be literate consumers of information in an electronic also believe that EBP is based on researched international
environment (Emanuel et al. 2011:22). According to studies, and grounded on expert knowledge. These remarks
Emmanuel et al. (2011:23), advances in IT have had a radical were made by participants:
impact on health care delivery and nurse education. The use ‘I think it is the best way to do your teaching and learning
of sophisticated equipment and electronic assessment care because you have evidence to base your information on.’
packages requires nurses to be competent in IT skills. (Participant 1, Junior, 40 years old)
‘The other thing, you will find that you do not have to waste
For students to be ready for EBP learning, they need to have more time trying to give information to the students because
good basic computer skills and to develop the right attitude everything is there.’ (Participant 1, Junior, 40 years old)
towards learning using EBP. Their learning styles must ‘Again, that are not going to be having people that would be
support the inculcation of EBP. Fostering a culture of EBP in having something that is outdated, again when we actually
student nurses is essential to delivering effective health care engage in that we also update ourselves as lecturers.’ (Participant
(Leufer & Clearly-Holdforth 2007:4) and it is also important 12, Senior, 60 years old)
that student nurses be equipped with EBP knowledge and
skills to encourage evidence-informed decision-making after Nurse educators displayed a positive attitude and appeared
graduation (Schoonees et al. 2017:1). Students should have to be very supportive of EBP teaching and learning.
Reinforcing this statement, Mehrdad et al. (2012:507) reported ‘Research helps in the improvement in the quality of care and in
that nurses’ knowledge and attitude towards EBP contribute how quick the patient recovers or how long he stays ill in the ward.’
to its implementation in health care. Therefore, nurse (Participant 3, Senior, 50 years old)
educators and nursing students need to keep up to date with ‘I think the benefits, the benefits are, because EBP is more patient
current evidence for use in practice. Current practices centered I think and therefore it is beneficial and also sometimes
relied on by senior nurses and nurse educators are frequently it becomes meaningful, you can even individualize the care to
based on personal experience, tradition, intuition, and the patient based on that EBP and the outcome of that so I think
organisational policies or protocols, rather than on evidence it is beneficial in that way but eh those are the benefits I think and
(Malik et al. 2015b:47). also improvement, improvement in patient care.’ (Participant 8,
Junior, 53 years old)
Lack of resources was one of the challenges mentioned by Relevant adequate resources should be made available and
most of the nurse educators, mainly the physical resources accessible to nurse educators and nursing students. Access
like lack of or poor access to computers and libraries. Non- to sufficient clinical facilities that are appropriate for the
availability of Internet access, current books, journals, and achievement of the outcomes of the programme should also
articles also contributed to poor access to relevant evidence be considered.
needed for successful implementation of EBP teaching and
Nurse educators should be supported through in-service
training, workshops and affiliation to journal clubs to improve
From the list of teaching strategies identified by nurse
their knowledge and skills regarding EBP competencies.
educators, it was clear that traditional teaching strategies are
still dominant in nursing education. Such strategies do not
promote or stimulate critical-thinking skills and EBP Conclusion
competencies to student nurses. A teaching method is The findings revealed both the challenges and benefits that
understood to be a particular technique a teacher uses to help come with the use of EBP in teaching and learning skills
learners gain the knowledge which they need and to achieve for the nursing education discipline, thus paving the way
a desired outcome. A desired outcome in this context is the for the implementation of the suggested recommendations.
development of critical thinking, problem-solving and good Evidence-based practice has an essential potential role to
decision-making skills for student nurses, which can be play through incorporating more practice-based evidence of
achieved by the use of EBP in teaching and learning as one of nurse educators in teaching and learning implementation.
the innovative teaching strategies.
Therefore, nurse educators should use EBP to ensure that
student nurses receive high-quality nursing education.
Though it transpired that most nurse educators were
supportive and had a positive attitude towards the
implementation of EBP in teaching and learning, their level Acknowledgements
of knowledge and skills was questionable; there was Thanks to Dr D.K.S. Habedi for her assistance and supervision
uncertainty in understanding the use of EBP in teaching and in writing this article. I am also thankful to the participants
learning; and a lack of motivation and commitment towards for their willingness to contribute in the study.
research was evident. Malik et al. (2015b:46), in a tertiary
health care facility in Victoria, Australia, investigated the
perceptions of nurse educators on factors promoting EBP and Competing interests
perceived barriers to facilitating EBP in a clinical setting The authors declare that there are no competing interests
before developing an educational programme. The findings with regard to the writing of this article.
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G.N.M. is the author of the article and conducted the research. practice through close collaboration model’, Nursing Administration Quarterly
35(1), 21–33.
D.S.K.H. provided guidance and assisted with the writing of
Mackey, A. & Bassendowski, S., 2016, ‘The history of evidence-based practice in
the manuscript. nursing education and practice’, Journal of Professional Nursing 33(1), 51–55.
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