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Assignment of soft computing

Name – Utkrisht
Subject – GCS/1730957
Class- GCS 16 (AB)
Q1. What is Neuro-Fuzzy system?
A neuro-fuzzy system is a fuzzy system that uses a learning algorithm derived from or
inspired by neural network theory to determine its parameters (fuzzy sets and fuzzy rules)
by processing data samples.

Modern neuro-fuzzy systems are usually represented as special multilayer feedforward

neural networks .However, fuzzifications of other neural network architectures are also
considered, for example self-organizing feature maps [2, 10]. In those neuro--fuzzy
networks, connection weights and propagation and activation functions differ from
common neural networks. Although there are a lot of different approaches [3, 4, 7, 8], we
usually use the term neuro--fuzzy system for approaches which display the following

A neuro-fuzzy system is based on a fuzzy system which is trained by a learning algorithm

derived from neural network theory. The (heuristical) learning procedure operates on
local information, and causes only local modifications in the underlying fuzzy system.
A neuro-fuzzy system can be viewed as a 3-layer feedforward neural network. The first
layer represents input variables, the middle (hidden) layer represents fuzzy rules and the
third layer represents output variables. Fuzzy sets are encoded as (fuzzy) connection
weights. It is not necessary to represent a fuzzy system like this to apply a learning
algorithm to it. However, it can be convenient, because it represents the data flow of
input processing and learning within the model.
Remark: Sometimes a 5-layer architecture is used, where the fuzzy sets are represented in
the units of the second and fourth layer.
A neuro-fuzzy system can be always (i.e.\ before, during and after learning) interpreted as
a system of fuzzy rules. It is also possible to create the system out of training data from
scratch, as it is possible to initialize it by prior knowledge in form of fuzzy rules.
Remark: Not all neuro-fuzzy models specifiy learning procedures for fuzzy rule creation.
The learning procedure of a neuro-fuzzy system takes the semantical properties of the
underlying fuzzy system into account. This results in constraints on the possible
modifications applicable to the system parameters.
Remark: Not all neuro-fuzzy approaches have this property.
A neuro-fuzzy system approximates an $n$-dimensional (unknown) function that is
partially defined by the training data. The fuzzy rules encoded within the system
represent vague samples, and can be viewed as prototypes of the training data. A neuro-
fuzzy system should not be seen as a kind of (fuzzy) expert system, and it has nothing to
do with fuzzy logic in the narrow sense.
Q2. Discuss models of NFS?
Cooperative Fuzzy Neural Network

Different cooperative fuzzy neural networks

In the case of cooperative neural fuzzy systems, both artificial neural network and fuzzy system
work independently from each other. The ANN tries to learn the parameters from the fuzzy
system. This can be either performed offline or online while the fuzzy system is applied.
Figure 2 depicts four different kinds of cooperative fuzzy neural networks.
The upper left fuzzy neural network learns fuzzy set from given training data. This is usually
performed by fitting membership functions with a neural network. The fuzzy sets are then
determined offline. They are then utilized to form the fuzzy system by fuzzy rules that are given
(not learned) as well.

The upper right neuro-fuzzy system determines fuzzy rules from training data by a neural
network. Here as well, the neural networks learns offline before the fuzzy system is initialized.
The rule learning usually done by clustering on self-organizing feature maps (Bezdek et al., 1992;
Vuorimaa, 1994). It is also possible to apply fuzzy clustering methods to obtain rules.
In the lower left neuro-fuzzy model, the system learns all membership function parameters
online, i.e., while the fuzzy system is applied. Thus initially fuzzy rules and membership functions
must be defined beforehand. Moreover, the error has to be measured in order to improve and
guide the learning step.

The lower right one determines rule weights for all fuzzy rules by a neural network. This can be
done online and offline. A rule weight is interpreted as the influence of a rule (Kosko, 1992).
They are multiplied with the rule output. In (Nauck et al., 1997) the authors argue that the
semantics of rule weights are not clearly defined. They could be replaced by modified
membership functions. However, this could destroy the interpretation of fuzzy sets. Moreover,
identical linguistic values might be represented differently in dissimilar rules.
Hybrid Fuzzy Neural Network

A hybrid fuzzy neural network

Hybrid neuro-fuzzy systems are homogeneous and usually resemble neural networks. Here, the
fuzzy system is interpreted as special kind of neural network. The advantage of such hybrid NFS is its
architecture since both fuzzy system and neural network do not have to communicate any more
with each other. They are one fully fused entity. These systems can learn online and offline.
Figure 3 shows such a hybrid FNN.

The rule base of a fuzzy system is interpreted as a neural network. Fuzzy sets can be regarded as
weights whereas the input and output variables and the rules are modeled as neurons. Neurons can
be included or deleted in the learning step. Finally, the neurons of the network represent the fuzzy
knowledge base. Obviously, the major drawbacks of both underlying systems are thus overcome.

In order to build a fuzzy controller, membership functions which express the linguistic terms of the
inference rules have to be defined. In fuzzy set theory, there does not exist any formal approach to
define these functions. Any shape (e.g., triangular, Gaussian) can be considered as membership
function with an arbitrary set of parameters. Thus the optimization of these functions in terms of
generalizing the data is very important for fuzzy systems. Neural networks can be used to solve this

By fixing a distinct shape of the membership functions, say triangular, the neural network must
optimize their parameters by gradient descent (Nomura et al., 1992). Thus, aside information about
the shape of the membership functions, training data must be available as well.

• Fuzzy sets must stay normal and convex.

• Fuzzy sets must not exchange their relative positions (they must not pass each other).
• Fuzzy sets must always overlap.
Additionally, there do exist some optional constraints like the following:

• Fuzzy sets must stay symmetric.

• The membership degrees must sum up to 1.

An important hybrid fuzzy neural network has been introduced in (Berenji, 1992). The ARIC
(approximate reasoning-based intelligent control) is presented as a neural network where a prior
defined rule base is tuned by updating the network's prediction. Thus the advantages of fuzzy
systems and neural networks are easily combined.

Q3. What are the applications of NFS?

A Fuzzy Pre-processing Module for Optimizing the Access Network Selection in Wireless Networks
proposed by Kaleem et al (2013). The main objective of this paper was to presents the
implementation and design of a fuzzy multi principles based on Vertical Handoff Necessity
Estimation (VHONE) pattern which determines the appropriate time for VHO, however considering
the quality and continuity of the currently developed service and the end user’s satisfaction also.
This scheme was proposed to regulate the proper time for an upcoming handoff in order to preserve
the quality and the continuity of the current session. Numerous parallel fuzzy logic controls were
exploited with multiple constraints measured from the modern Point of Attachment to determine
the necessity of vertical handoffs. A Soft Computing Approach to Crack Detection and Impact Source
Identification (CDISI) with Field Programmable Gate Array Implementation proposed by Dixit and
Singh (2012). The objective of this paper was to report on determinations to develop a computerized
CDISI procedure and to communicate a technique such that proposed technique can be certainly
implemented on a chip. The CDISI fuzzy implication system is developed by using toolbox of fuzzy
logic MATLAB. A VLSI circuit for CDISI is industrialized on basis of fuzzy logic prototype using Verilog,
a hardware description language. The Xilinx ISE WebPACK9.1i is used for design, implementation,
synthesis, and verification. The Crack Detection and Impact Source Identification (CDISI) field
programmable gate array (FPGA) execution is done by using Xilinx’s Spartan 3 FPGA. Analysis of
Adaptive Fuzzy Technique for Multiple Crack Diagnosis of Faulty Beam Using Vibration Signatures is
proposed by Dash (2013). The main objective of this paper was to discuss the multi crack detection
of the configuration using fuzzy Gaussian technique.

Q4. Evolutionary design of NFS

In recent years, the use of hybrid Soft Computing methods has shown that in various applications
the synergism of several techniques is superior to a single technique. For example, the use of a
neural fuzzy system and an evolutionary fuzzy system hybridises the approximate reasoning
mechanism of fuzzy systems with the learning capabilities of neural networks and evolutionary
algorithms. Evolutionary neural systems hybridise the neurocomputing approach with the
solution-searching ability of evolutionary computing. Such hybrid methodologies retain limitations
that can be overcome with full integration of the three basic Soft Computing paradigms, and this
leads to evolutionary neural fuzzy systems. The objective of this chapter is to provide an account
of hybrid Soft Computing systems, with special attention to the combined use of evolutionary
algorithms and neural networks in order to endow fuzzy systems with learning and adaptive
capabilities. After an introduction to basic Soft Computing paradigms, the various forms of
hybridisation are considered, which results in evolutionary neural fuzzy systems. The chapter also
describes a particular approach that jointly uses neural learning and genetic optimisation to learn
a fuzzy model from the given data and to optimise it for accuracy and interpretability.

Q4. What is neuro fuzzy control?

A neuro-fuzzy controller is used in robots in order to obtain the desired movements on
them, that is, reaching a final position getting from an initial position. Figure 1 is a block
diagram of the neuro-fuzzy controller proposed. It is based on trigonometric series [4] and
an interface to communicate the robot with the processing system. In fact, a collaborative
work has to be in a real-time-based processing. Then, trigonometric artificial neural
networks [4] are implemented because their training phase only requires one epoch. In
addition, this controller allows obstacles avoidance and adaptation of parameters according
to interactions between the robot and its environment.

The robot is a MIMO system in which we have to control the rotation of the two wheels via two
digital pulses coming from the microcontroller. So, it can be divided in two neuro-fuzzy controllers to
simplify the designing of the fuzzy controller part: one that avoids collision against obstacles, and
one to control the position through the motion in the servos, considering a position as the set point.

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