Malnutrition Adime
Malnutrition Adime
Malnutrition Adime
Nutrition Assessment
Diagnosis: Diagnosed with Malnutrition.
Nutrition-related PMH, treatments, surgeries: Glossectomy, History of hypertension,
hyperlipidemia, family history of lung cancer, Peripheral vascular disease.
Age, gender: 68y/o male
Dietary intake: %PO intake, typical diet, appetite-mechanical soft, IV
Food preferences, allergies, intolerances: n/a
Exercise habits: none
Functional/behavioral factors: glossectomy/mastication
Resources for obtaining, preparing food: spouse.
Symptoms: fatigued/lack of energy to accomplish tasks.
Anthropometric measurements
Ht/wt: Ht: 185.42cm. Wt:70.9kg
BMI= 20.6kg/m2
IBW= 184#/83.6kg, %IBW:84% mild Malnutrition. %UBW: 70.9% moderate
% Weight change—29% weight change which is indicated as severe weight
Energy, protein and fluid needs --- use equations specified for each case study
o Total Energy= 2283 calories based on the Mifflin-st.-Jeor formula.
o Protein=1.25-1.5g/kg=88g-106g of protein.
o Fluid=1,950ml/day needed.
Nutrition Diagnosis
Inadequate calorie intake (N1–1.2) R/T partial glossectomy and decreased appetite AEB
meeting less than 50% of estimated needs for the last two years
Swallowing difficulty (NC-1.1) R/T partial glossectomy AEB meeting less than 50% of
estimated needs for the last two years.
Nutrition Intervention
1. Meals and snacks
a. Texture modified diet.
b. Oatmeal with sliced bananas and blueberries
c. Greek yogurt with sliced fruit
Prescription-2 times a day supplements in breakfast and dinner. 4oz supplement twice a
3. Referral to another provider- Speech pathologist.
4. Increase calories
1. Meeting greater than 75% of estimated needs
2. Normalizing lab values, normalizing fluid balance, stabilize weight gain 1-2
pounds a month
3. Increase appetite
Signature Date