Ebook-16 v6 PDF
Ebook-16 v6 PDF
Ebook-16 v6 PDF
Social Media
Success for
Small Businesses
Establishing a social media So, don’t worry: we’ve done the hard
marketing program is time- work for you. We’ve compiled our top
consuming. And when you’re tips and tricks for getting your social
building a business, you’re juggling program up and running so you can
a lot already. use it as a powerful mechanism to
help reach your business’s goals.
The internet is flooded with advice
to help you with every social media Keep reading to learn how to put
business topic under the sun. But the fundamental pieces of your
knowing which sources are accurate company’s social media marketing
and what to spend your valuable program together and get started
time researching can add hours to engaging your target audiences.
your workload.
Secrets to Social Media Success for Small Businesses 2
Table of
02 Establishing a community 14
04 Repurposing content 21
Take note of the data that sticks out to you. Are you surprised
at how many times a video of your CEO’s keynote speech was
viewed? Maybe you weren’t aware of how young your audience
is, or that a large number of your followers is from a certain
country. This information will come in handy when you start
defining your social media goals, which we’ll dive into soon.
While there are exceptions to every rule, you can use the guide
below to understand which channels are likely to be a good fit
for your business.
Facebook is great for B2C and some B2B With more than 260 million users logging into
businesses that can dedicate some dollars to a LinkedIn each month, 40 percent of whom use
social advertising budget. While Facebook has the platform daily³, LinkedIn offers brands a lot
2.37 billion monthly active users1, its algorithm of opportunity to drive website traffic, promote
heavily favors paid business content over company culture and share thought leadership
organic, making driving an organic strategy on content. In fact, according to one study4, LinkedIn
this channel tough. was shown to drive well over half of all visits from
social media to corporate websites.
Best for B2B and B2C
¹ http://bit.ly/ebook-instagram-users
If your brand is B2C and you aim to connect with Pinterest is also a great platform for brands with
influencers in retail, health and wellness, or beauty, products to show off and can be an excellent
Instagram could be a goldmine for your business. driver of traffic to your business’s website. By
While it can also be a great tool for B2B brands creating boards that reflect your brand and
(especially those that use it for recruitment), the pinning content to those boards that links back
visual nature of this platform plays into the hands to your website, Pinterest can help improve your
of B2C businesses with products to share. business’s SERP (search engine results page)
Engagement Clicks
Reach Followers
You shouldn’t feel you have to set your entire strategy for the year ahead.
Instead, you can start with a few focused goals and then add more to the
mix once you’ve gained momentum.
This is where the results of your content audit really come into play. For
example, if the audit revealed that your Instagram followers engaged most
with posts about your brand’s products, you might want to consider using that
channel to debut a new product or line.
Let’s say you’ve identified that one of your goals for Facebook is to use the
platform to establish your company as a thought leader in its space. A tactic
you might use to meet that goal is to publish a monthly Q&A series featuring
employees in your organization discussing topics pertinent to your industry.
Do answer questions people have about your business
Don’t be tone deaf when responding to customer
Establishing a community
Secrets to Social Media Success for Small Businesses 15
Be proactive.
With the right tools, you can scan
the channels you’re on to discover
people talking about your brand
and industry. (We’ll discuss tools
in more depth later.) This allows
you to proactively jump into those
Establishing a community
Secrets to Social Media Success for Small Businesses 16
Embrace user-generated content. Have a strategy for dealing with
negative comments.
There are so many creatives and
thought leaders active on social Of course, part of building
who would be more than happy for relationships with your online
your brand to share their photos, community includes being receptive
videos and testimonials, among to feedback, criticism and problems
other `types of content. related to your company’s products
or services. While there may be
To get started sharing user- plenty of people online who will sing
generated content (UGC), make praises about your business, there
sure you’ve defined who your will undoubtedly be those who are
brand’s ideal content contributors not happy with something about your
are and what kind of content you’d brand. This can be intimidating, but it’s
like them to contribute. Being very actually a huge opportunity.
clear about what kind of UGC
you want to share on your social People expect brands to provide
channels will help to ensure the support via social media. In fact,
quality of your content remains high 42 percent of consumers expect a
and suits your brand. response from a brand within an hour
of contacting them through social.7
Don’t forget to give credit to the
creators! This helps build goodwill
between your audience and brand 7
Establishing a community
Secrets to Social Media Success for Small Businesses 17
When it comes to dealing with negative comments on social, don’t overthink
it. Consumers want to feel like they’re engaging with real people on the other
side of their screens. If you receive a complaint, respond to the customer as
you would if they were approaching you with their problem in person:
Establishing a community
Secrets to Social Media Success for Small Businesses 18
Choosing the right tools
Your business may be on the small side but its presence on social doesn’t
have to be. Investing in the right tools to help you execute on your social
strategy is key to making sure it’s not. Luckily, these tools don’t have to cost
your business an arm and a leg. Here are some of the ways they can help
your business out on social.
Turn quotes into visuals.
“ If you’ve interviewed someone for a blog post or case study,
why not take their most powerful quotes and create a series of
graphics to share on social? Research has consistently shown
that social media posts with visuals get as much as 2.3 times the
engagement than posts without visuals.8
Repurposing content
Secrets to Social Media Success for Small Businesses 22
Convert a blog post into a webinar.
Take your best-performing blog posts and turn them into
webinars. Blog posts can make excellent webinars since they
tend to narrow in on one topic in particular, covering it from
multiple angles. You can even invite other brands to co-host
and co-promote a webinar with you.
Repurposing content
Secrets to Social Media Success for Small Businesses 23
Building brand
awareness +
Whether it’s an explicit goal of
yours or not, being on social is
an opportunity to build brand
awareness. But being present on
social typically isn’t enough on its
own. Here are some ways you can
help your brand stand out as a
credible leader in its field.
These are the most common format These do a brilliant job of helping
on Facebook and Instagram. They e-commerce businesses showcase
consist of a single file, an image with products from their websites. You
less than 20 percent text, one landing can add up to 10 photos or videos
page and a call-to-action. Single- in a single post, which is handy
image ads also require descriptive for businesses that might want to
text, which includes a title, description, highlight different product variations
link description and display link. or prices.12 This ad type is perfect
for launches of new product lines,
step-by-step instructions on how
to use your products and customer
testimonials that relate to your brand.
Some businesses haven’t discovered the potential of social media, but many
others have—potentially even your top competitors. We hope this guide is a
launching pad for your business’s success on social media.
Remember: no matter the size of your business, your industry or your target
audience, social media can be valuable and impact your company’s sales and
bottom line. By focusing on the basics, you can create a strong foundation to
establish your brand, build meaningful relationships with your customers and
prospective customers, and meet your company’s marketing and customer
service goals.
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partnered to bring
you this ebook.