CTJV801 A Practical Public Key Encryption Scheme Based On Learning Parity With Noise
CTJV801 A Practical Public Key Encryption Scheme Based On Learning Parity With Noise
CTJV801 A Practical Public Key Encryption Scheme Based On Learning Parity With Noise
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2840119, IEEE
This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant
Nos. 61672270, 61602216, 61702236), the Changzhou Applied Basic Research Guidance Project
(2016365), the Changzhou Science and Technology Program (CJ20179027) and the State Key
Laboratory of Cryptology, China.
Abstract To protect cyber security and privacy, it is critical to design security and practical public key
encryption schemes. Today, big data and cloud computing bring not only unprecedented opportunities
but also fundamental security challenges. Big data faces many security risks in the collection, storage
and use of data and brings serious problems regarding the disclosure of private user data. It is
challenging to achieve security and privacy protection in the big data environment. Thus, to meet the
growing demand of public key encryption in this environment, we proposed a single-bit public key
encryption scheme based on a variant of LPN (Learning Parity with Noise) and extended it to a
multi-bit public key encryption scheme. We proved the correctness and CPA (Chosen Plaintext Attack)
security of the proposed method. Our schemes solved encoding error rate problems of the existing
public key schemes based on LPN, and the encoding error rate in our schemes is negligible.
INDEX TERMS CPA, Encoding error ratio, Encryption, LPN, Public key encryption
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2840119, IEEE
(Learning parity with noise) problem. An instead of a constant defined in a standard LPN
problem. Subsequently, Damgård et al.
attacker can get a sample set (a, a, s e) ,
proposed not only a public key encryption
where e Ber . Ber represents the scheme based on decisional LPN problem but
Bernoulli distribution that is discrete 0, 1 also a public-key encryption scheme based on a
probability distribution, and the probability of ring-LPN problem [38]. Damgård et al. proved
an occurrence of 1 is 0 1 . The parameter the security of these schemes. Meanwhile, these
in the standard LPN problem is 0 0.5 , schemes are practical. Damgård et al. compared
which is essentially the noise rate. On this basis, some practical public key encryption algorithms
if the attacker is able to distinguish between the such as RSA for computational efficiency,
sampling element and the random element public key size and ciphertext. Although the
RSA algorithm does not have an anti-quantum
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1 4 1 2 . Meanwhile, Damgård chose a paper and present the definition of the LPN
problem [39].
condition. Obviously, if is too small, the We will completely work in the field GF2 .
attacker will crack the scheme easily. For a vector u k2 ,the i -th entry of column
Our contributions include the following:
Firstly, we reduce the DLPN variety problem vector u will be denoted by ui . The i -th
column vector of matrix U will be denoted
with S Bernn to the normal DLPN by ui . x D means that x is drawn from
problem. So, our schemes are under the normal distribution D . Assuming A be n order
DLPN assumption. Secondly, we construct a matrix, A denotes the transpose of A and
new single-bit public key encryption algorithm A 1 denotes the inverse matrix of A . A
in which a plaintext bit will be converted to a probability (n) is said to be negligible if
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(n) 1 p(n) for an arbitrarily large enough III. Public Key Encryption Scheme Based on
integer n . A Bernoulli distribution with DLPN
In this section, we first give a single-bit public
parameter will be denoted by Ber . Berk
key encryption scheme based DLPN, and then
we prove the correctness and security of the
denotes the distribution of vectors a k2
scheme. Second, we extend a single-bit
where each entry of the vector is drawn scheme to the multi-bit public key encryption
scheme and prove its correctness and security.
independently from Ber . Binn , denotes the
binomial distribution with n trials, each with A. Single-Bit Public Key Encryption Scheme
that X is drawn from distribution Binn , . includes three PPT algorithms (KeyGen, Enc,
Dec) following these steps:
(1) The key generation algorithm
For a vector a k2 , its hamming weight is
KeyGen( 1 , ) takes as input an integer n
(1 / n ) and randomly selected matrix takes as input the public key pk and message
m Z2 . Compute
A n2n , S n2 n . An attacker can obtain a c1 = rT A e1T ,c 2 = rT B eT2 m . It returns a
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1 (1 2 )
2 n
. Lastly, because eT2 Bern , h(rT E e1T S eT2 ) when the plaintext m 0 .
2 2
we can reach the following conclusions:
Mathematical expectation of h(d) when m 0 .
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generality, if we assume A11 n2 n , then (R, rT R eT ) and (S, r T S eT ) , where
DLPN problem.
and noise rate . Choose matrix A n2n
Theorem 6 (Security). Under the DLPN
assumption, the single-bit public key scheme is
randomly and choose S Bern n ,
secure against a chosen plaintext attack.
Proof: Suppose the single-bit public key
E Bern n . Compute B = AS + E . It returns
scheme defined in section 3.1.1 has parameters
n, and public key pk ( A, B) . Let a public key pk ( A, B) and private key
sk = (S) .
ai , j 1 i n,1 j n
R n22 n be ri , j . (2) The encryption algorithm Enc( pk , m )
bi , j 1 i n, n j 2n
takes as input the public key pk and message
Obviously, R has the same distribution as
m n2 . First, convert m to a square matrix
pk ( A, B) .
If plaintext is m 0 , the ciphertext is
M n2 n , if mi 0 , each entry of the i th
r T
A e1T ,rT B eT2 , which can be written as
column of M are 0, and vice versa, each
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2 2
and E Bern 2 n . (S, R S E ) and
When each entry of the column vector m i is
(S, R ) can also not be distinguished, in
zero, the hamming weight h(di ) is at most
inverse operation on eT2i ; if the plaintext is 0, simply makes a negated operation to (e2 ) i T .
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Scheme Size of public key (bit) Size of ciphertext (bit) Encoding error
We compare the performance of our RSA and the decryption in our scheme is faster
multi-bit scheme with RSA(not padding) and than in RSA. We get the opposite result when
Damgård’s scheme in implementation for compared with Damgård’s multi-bit scheme.
various security levels as shown in Table 3. The limitation of our approach is that it
The implementation was written in C++ and does not meet the stronger CCA security.
made use of the NTL library for some Overcoming this shortcoming is one of our
mathematical operations. We can see that the future research directions.
encryption in our scheme is slower than in
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designing public key cryptography that Separation of MIMO FIR Mixtures,” IEEE Access, no.99,
satisfies CCA security is also one of our future pp. 1-1. 2017.
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