Open DSS Simulations of Power Fluctuations Induced by Rooftop PV Generator On A Building LV Electrical Grid

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Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)

ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 3 Issue 11, November - 2016

Open DSS simulations of power fluctuations

induced by rooftop PV generator on a building
LV electrical grid
N.Tyutyundzhiev, K. Lovchinov, Н. Nichev, M.Petrov
Central Laboratory of Solar Energy and New Energy Sources - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
72 Tzarigtadsko chaussee Blvd., 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract— The high penetration of photovoltaic managed smoothly in the grid in order to deliver power
(PV) installations in urban areas raises the with sufficiently high quality.
problem of power quality and voltage stability Recent smart energy systems look beyond the
during external atmospheric fluctuations. Densely already traditional solar or wind energy. More
populated PV installations, connected in a remote frequently they use several energy sources in one
node of the grid may degrade power quality or system which means – new Hybrids and higher energy
multiply power fluctuations if not properly efficiency. However, energy hybridization in urban area
designed. Computer simulation of power flows in is still a challenge and good practices are expected.
bidirectional grid can reveal weak points of the We present here small hybrid energy system utilizing
grid. It can imply measures for mitigation of solar and wind energy, battery energy storage and
fluctuations and creation of algorithms for energy grid-connection technologies.
management of future “smart grids”.
This report gives and overview of bilateral
impact between decentralized generator and LV AcadPV rooftop is a 10kWp PV electricity
grid. Daily profiles of electrical load in a building generating facility connected to LV grid at the main
and generated power are extracted from grid power distribution box of the 1-floor Laboratory
monitoring devices. Based on experimental data building. The PV modules are Isofoton I – 165 Wp,
software simulations are performed in Open DSS mono-Si and ASE 100Wp, poly-Si separated in 3 PV
environment - an open-source simulation tool. strings. The PV strings are connected to 3x3 kW
single-phase SunPower string inverters. The peak AC
load do not exceeds 15 kW during work hours. The
minimum daytime load is about 2.0 kW.
Keywords— Photovoltaic systems; PV power
generation; Impact on grid stability; Smart grids; During summertime, the PV system power output
exceeds the load and it happened to reverse the
I. INTRODUCTION power flow toward the nearest LV/MV substation.
In the context of a smart grid and smart office Thus, the PV penetration level defined as total
environment, renewable energy resources are getting installed power divided by max load would be above
immensely popular as many homeowners are now 100 %.
opting for renewable energy systems at their
residence. This paper addresses the question of RE
generators integration at building level by proposing a
method to allow integration in an incentive-based
office/home energy management (EM) system.
Development of EU Smart Grid Platform requires
development of new simulation tools which can
correctly describe the Decentralized Power Generation
(DG). Integrating the PV plants to grid may reverse
power flow direction and at certain moment to send
upstream to power line [1]. A high PV penetration may
result in voltage drops out of acceptable voltage range.
The effect of a drop in solar generation due to passing
cloud also has to be taken into account. Individual
monitoring unit of grid stability in any inverter have to
be adjusted to withstand short interruptions because Fig.1. 10kWp PV rooftop - general view
they may cause a consequence of switch-off of several
inverters and thus, bigger voltage instability of the grid.
These technical challenges should be predicted and
JMESTN42351884 5989
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 3 Issue 11, November - 2016

solar and wind energy, battery energy storage and

grid-connection technologies.
The electrical measurements carried out are
addressed to observe voltage variations and power
quality. The Eac energy from PV is injected to the
building main distribution box. A PQ-analyzer collects
data for active and reactive power, grid events, THD,
PF, etc. The impact on power quality has been
investigated at the distribution box in 10 sec resolution
Fig.2. Diagram of power electrical circuit by switching–on/off every inverter in phases L1, L2
and L3 successively at full power and disconnecting
the 10 kW PV generator from the grid. At noon the AC
The inverters are linked separately to L1, L2 and current injection per phase is above 8 A, which
L3 grid phases and they are operating independently. corresponds to approx. 2kW of AC power sudden
Inverter morning start-up and evening shut-down interruption.
sequences performs at solar irradiation level of about
The form of voltage response (in blue color) has an
40 W/m2. The Laboratory building and the PV rooftop
edge (width below 1 sec) with slow increase due to
system are situated 150 m far from MV substation and
they are supplied independently from other customers compensating current flow coming from the grid.
by underground LV cabling. No other DG is located on Obviously, the PV power injection causes voltage drop
this feeder. of almost 0.7 Vac. The effect is similar in switch–on
and switch-off direction. Additional harmonics
Recent smart energy systems look beyond the measurements indicate THD harmonics produced by
already traditional solar or wind energy. More inverters are non-uniform in L1, L2, L3 but exhibits low
frequently they use several energy sources in one level of distortions VTHD < 3%, ITHD < 5% with
system which means – new Hybrids and higher energy waveform close to a sine wave.
efficiency. However, energy hybridization in urban area
is still a challenge and good practices are expected.
We present here small hybrid energy system utilizing

Fig.3. AC injection switch-on effect
JMESTN42351884 5990
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 3 Issue 11, November - 2016

Fif.4. AC injection switch-off effect

The coincidence of solar irradiation daily variation

III. SIMULATION and respective PV generated power can be seen at
Grid behavior simulation needs input parameters as Fig.5. During afternoon, the variation in solar radiation
peak demand forecast, layout of the grid, equipment due to clouds is a sudden drop from 900 to 400
specifications. Controlling active and reactive voltages W/m2.This dramatic change has immediately lead to
and powers on each steady-state node, the possible PV power decease from 2.0 to 0.5 kW. Obviously, in
overloads can be identified. The grid node simulation small power ranges, small string inverters are highly
tool Open DSS solves the circuit by using an sensitive to DC input power and AC power injection
follows strictly the input power.
impedance matrix with a particular current injection
method [2]. The advantage of Open DSS software The Daily profiles are based on measurement of
engine is combination of real PV generator parameters Solar GHI, Tmodule, Tenvironment at 06 of August 2013 and
(Solar Irradiation, PV power, Inverter Power) together imported in the simulation as data points CSV files.
with detailed modeling of grid parameter (MV grid Different PV generation/Load Demand situations have
source, MV/LV transformers, feeders, AC loads). been simulated by changing AC load from 0 kW to10
Faults and interruptions as well as calculation of cloud kW.
passing effects are based on assumption of electricity
generation falls down for a seconds and then resumes
according to a slope of just a few seconds. If the slope Source and Load Profiles Definition
of generation variation is known then the voltage drop
on the line can be determined. PV System base kv=20.0 base freq=50
Loadshape. My Irrad npts=288 minterval=5
Tshape.MyTemp npts=288 minterval=5
Loadshape.MyLoad npts=288 minterval=5
Transformer.TR1 Buses=[L1bus, L1subbus]
Conns=[Delta Wye] kVs= [20 0.38] kVAs=[630 630]
PVSystem.PV phases=3 bus1=PVsubbus
kV=0.38 kVA= 10 irrad=1.0 Pmpp=9.6 %cutin=0.1
Load.LOAD Bus1=L2subbus enabled=yes
kV=0.38 kW=4 PF=.98 Daily=MyLoad

Fig.5. Solar Irradiation and PV generated power daily

JMESTN42351884 5991
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 3 Issue 11, November - 2016

from all horizontal directions, but also the advantages

of low threshold starting wind-speed, high wind power
efficiency, etc. These advantages are most important
factors for urban, highly populated areas with dense
buildings where the wind direction is changing
frequently and the noise should be strongly reduced.
Intelligent charge controller: Two different type
controllers and charging algorithms are combined in
one device to charge a battery bank. It main function is
to protect the generators and the batteries from
malfunctions – overvoltage, short-circuit events, high
wind speed limit, overcharging or deep discharging
Grid-connected inverter: A 1000 W DC/AC inverter
Fig.6. Modeling of PV and Load Impact on LV grid voltage
provides AC power to the building LV grid. It is a high-
The simulation reveals LV voltage fluctuations ΔV quality battery, but grid-connected inverter. It fulfills all
due to variation and time shifting between AC load grid requirements for island protection, true-sine
peak and PV power peak. waveform, synchronized to grid parameters –
frequency, amplitudes, active and reactive power.
The prototype system is equipped with 720 Wp PV
generators, 600W vertical-axes wind generator along
with a battery bank of 2.4 kWh (100Ah, 24Vdc).
PV generator: The generator is configured to
supply DC power to intelligent charge controller and to
charge 24 VDC voltage battery block. It consists of 3
standard PV modules (240Wp, c-Si) connected in
parallel and protected using additional power diodes.
Maglev Wind Turbine: Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
(VAWT) combines magnetic levitation AC motor with
S-type of Savonius rotor and 3 air-foil Darrieus blades
to maximize the electrical output performance. A
boosting type wind energy MPPT charger is used to
convert AC energy of the rotating motor to DC energy.
Maglev generators use magnetic suspension
technology based on NdFeB magnets. It creates
frictionless, efficient, far-out-sounding motors which
provide excellent rotational stability, eliminating
Fig.7. General view of hybrid (solar and wind) system for
vibration, typical wobble, shaking and noise.
building application
Unsymmetrical airflows around the rotor are producing
the lateral thrust to the turbine blades. It not only has
the advantages of traditional VAWT to accept the wind

CASE STUDY: Three case studies were conducted to determine the effect of amount of battery power drawn
during typical sunny day, windy day and cloudy day to determine a suitable amount of battery power for real
case studies.

Into the grid

Averages Averages Wind
Case (from 9.00 to
PV prod. prod.
Case 1: (high solar, no wind)
PV and batteries are connected to the system. The demand limit occurs
3.6 kW 448 W/h 2 W/h
for 3 hours from 17:00 to 20:00. To keep the total consumption below
demand limit, the EM algorithm has reduced non-critical loads.
Case 2: (low solar, small wind)
PV and batteries are connected to the system but the battery is not
2.0 kW 226 W/h 24 W/h
charging. The inverter still injects into the grid. The use of RE system in
this case resulted in lower amount of load reduction for shorter periods.
Case 3: (no solar, middle wind)
PV, Wind turbine and batteries are connected to the system but the
battery is not charging. The inverter still injects into the grid. The use of 1.2 kW 20 W/h 128 W/h
RE system in this case resulted in lower amount of load reduction for very
short periods.
JMESTN42351884 5992
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 3 Issue 11, November - 2016

CONCLUSION kW PV generator do not saturate the local grid

conditions but is capable to reverse the power flow. A
The experimental measurements reveal that 3 x 2 small energy storage unit would be preferable for grid
kW PV power injection in LV grid of a building can stability.
induce voltage drop of 0.7 V per phase. THD
harmonics produced by inverters exhibits low level of The proposed RE supply system uses solar and
distortion V thd < 3%, I thd < 5%. Daily behavior of PV wind energy to deliver additional “free” electrical
generator can be modeled by an open source energy to office building at “midday peak hours” or it
simulation tool. utilizes the battery bank when PV output and Wind
At morning and mid-day hours, the load is rather output are not sufficient or not available. This type
low, the PV power is dominating and the grid voltage is system provides good stability and constancy of the
increasing slowly. However, at “peak load” hours the electrical grid.
PV generation is not enough to compensate higher AC REFERENCES
loads and voltage goes down.
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JMESTN42351884 5993

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