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Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 112 (2012) 115e125

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Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ecss

Assessment of fish assemblages in coastal lagoon habitats: Effect of sampling

A. Franco a, *, A. Pérez-Ruzafa b, H. Drouineau c, P. Franzoi a, E.T. Koutrakis d, M. Lepage c,
D. Verdiell-Cubedo e, M. Bouchoucha f, A. López-Capel b, F. Riccato a, A. Sapounidis d, C. Marcos b,
F.J. Oliva-Paterna e, M. Torralva-Forero e, P. Torricelli a
Universita’ Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, Dip. Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica, Campo Della Celestia Castello, Venice, Italy
Universidad de Murcia, Dpto. Ecología y Hidrología, Murcia, Spain
Cemagref, France
Fisheries Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Foundation, Greece
Universidad de Murcia, Dpto. de Zoología y Antropología Física, Spain
Ifremer, Laboratoire Environnement Ressources Provence Azur Corse, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The structure of fish assemblages accounted for by different sampling methods (namely fyke net, seine
Received 8 April 2011 nets, visual census) applied to vegetated and unvegetated lagoon habitats was investigated in terms of
Accepted 10 August 2011 species composition, functional groups (ecological and trophic guilds), and fish size distribution.
Available online 18 August 2011
Significant differences were detected among methods, even among similar ones (seine nets). Visual
census and fyke net detected more easily pelagic species, allowing the sampling of larger fish, whereas
seine nets targeted more efficiently benthic-demersal species, with a dominance of 2e10 cm size classes
Water Framework Directive
in the fish catches. Differences were detected also among habitats, reflecting the different fish assem-
fish sampling gear
ecological guilds
blages associated to vegetated and unvegetated habitats in coastal lagoons and transitional waters.
trophic guilds However a different ability of discriminating between habitat-associated fish assemblages was recorded
shallow water habitats for the sampling methods. The different selectivity and functioning of the tested sampling methods
Mediterranean lagoon confirm the importance of considering the targeted scale at which the research is being carried out, as
well as the method that will be used to assess the ecological status of lagoon fish assemblages when
choosing the most appropriate sampling method. A cross-validation of fish sampling methodologies in
transitional waters is necessary to cope with the mandatory of the Water Framework Directive of
standardization and comparability of monitoring methods.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction program, it is also important to consider which sampling technique

may provide the most accurate information on the target assem-
Not even the simplest of the ecosystems can be known in its blage, given also the final aim of the research (Watson et al., 2010).
totality, with all its individuals and species, their distribution and Fish assemblages comprise many different groups representing
their relationships. Therefore, the knowledge of an ecosystem different niches, hence the capture of all components of a fish
depends on taking a number of samples, and from them to infer the assemblage requires different complementary methods (Elliott and
characteristics of the whole community. Sampling design for the Hemingway, 2002). Most of the commonly used methods in coastal
study of animal assemblages relies on a series of decisions which and transitional environments are based on traditional fishing
regard for example the number and location of samples, the number gears (trap nets, trammel nets, gill nets, long lines, trawling or seine
of replicates, the sampling strategy for the distribution of the stations nets and traps). Other methods have been developed, such as
(random, systematic, stratified, hierarchical) according to the distri- underwater visual censuses, or video recording, as they are rela-
bution and mobility of species (Andrew and Mapstone, 1987; Gaston tively quick, non-destructive, repeatable and cost effective, though
and McArdle, 1994). Furthermore, when designing a sampling needing clear waters to effectively operate (St. John et al., 1990;
Watson et al., 1995; Thompson and Mapstone, 1997; García-
* Corresponding author. Charton et al., 2000). Most of the fish sampling methods are
E-mail address: A.Franco@hull.ac.uk (A. Franco). semi-quantitative methodologies which need the catch data to be

0272-7714/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
116 A. Franco et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 112 (2012) 115e125

standardized over a sampling effort unit, measured either by coasts (Fig. 1). More than twenty cataclinal watercourses are
sampling area (e.g. for seine nets and visual census) or by other present in its watershed, most of them discharging into the
parameters such as number of boats, tonnage, horsepower of the southern basin of the lagoon with a sporadic and torrential rainfall
engines, number of fishermen per boat, length of nets, number of regime. An exception is the El Albujon watercourse, the main
traps deployed, number of hooks, the time spent fishing, etc. These collector in the drainage basin, which, due to changes in agricul-
effort measures have a nonlinear relationship with absolute density tural practises and related phreatic rising (Pérez-Ruzafa and
or abundance, because numerous factors affect catch rates, such as Aragón, 2002), maintains a regular but low flux of water of
for example changes in species distribution (e.g. hyperaggregation) around 0.02 m3 s1 rising in short peaks during storm events to
or in gear effectiveness (Xia and Boonstra, 1992; Gaston and 10.5 m3 s1 (Garcia-Pintado et al., 2007). The nutrient inputs
McArdle, 1994; Harley et al., 2001; Maunder et al., 2006). There- associated to this influx (Pérez-Ruzafa et al., 2002; Velasco et al.,
fore, these techniques provide only indirect estimates of abun- 2006; Garcia-Pintado et al., 2007) have promoted important
dance, making difficult the comparison between different studies, changes in the trophic webs in the lagoon with jellyfish prolifera-
and measures of variability can be seriously biased (Gaston and tion (Pérez-Ruzafa et al., 2002) with consequences in water quality
McArdle, 1994; Maunder et al., 2006). in some areas. Water temperature shows a regular seasonal cycle,
The European Community established the Water Framework with maximum records registered in August (30.0  C) and
Directive (WFD) (Directive, 2000/60/EC) to protect surface waters minimum in February (11.2  C). Salinity shows heterogeneous
(including inland, transitional and coastal waters) and groundwater spatial and temporal distribution depending on season, rainfall,
and it aims at achieving a good ecological quality status for all water runoff and Mediterranean influence through the main inlets, with
bodies by 2015 (European Union, 2000). The evaluation of the a minimum of 38.1 and a maximum of 51 (Pérez-Ruzafa et al.,
ecological quality status is based upon biological, hydro- 2005a). In general, hydrographical conditions permit to differen-
morphological and physico-chemical quality elements, and fishes tiate three different zones or sub-basins (Pérez-Ruzafa et al.,
are one of the biological quality elements which need to be 2005a,b) that are also supported by biological assemblages struc-
assessed in transitional waters. Member States have to monitor fish ture and species composition (Pérez-Ruzafa et al., 2004, 2007). The
communities on a systematic and comparable basis throughout the lagoon has a mean depth of 3.6 m, with maximum of 6 m at the
community using standardized methods of monitoring, sampling centre of the basin and shallow areas at the borders. Muddy
and analysis. All fish sampling methods are selective to some bottoms characterize the central area, with dense macroalagal
degree (e.g. with respect to fish size or species, morphological type coverage of Caulerpa prolifera (Forsskål). Muddy sheltered shallow
or life stage, habitat type or place in the water column) (see Elliott areas house patches of the seagrass Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna)
and Hemingway, 2002 for a review). Hence, a cross-validation of Grande. Along the lagoon margins, sandy bottoms are present with
methods is necessary to cope with the mandatory of the WFD of
standardization and comparability of monitoring methods.
Thus, by all of the above, this work aims to perform a compar-
ison of the main sampling methods used in the study of fish
assemblages in European coastal lagoons, by investigating the
structure of fish assemblages accounted for by the different
methods in terms of species composition, ecological and trophic
guilds, and fish size distribution. To fulfil this aim, a simultaneous
sampling exercise was developed in the same localities and
communities in different habitats of the Mar Menor lagoon, Spain.
The methods assessed include fishing gears such as fyke nets and
beach seine nets. Different gear settings were also considered as
regards seine nets, in order to account for the variability of the
method in coastal lagoons, depending on the lagoon and research
groups using the net. In addition, the water conditions in the study
site allowed applying also visual census techniques, which are
usually restricted to coral reefs lagoons and some oligotrophic
lagoons (Pérez-Ruzafa, 1989; Pérez-Ruzafa et al., 2006). This
method has been included in the study besides its limited appli-
cability in Mediterranean coastal lagoons, as the general compar-
ison among sampling methods is considered of wider value to fish
ecology studies. Several works have critically compared different
techniques before, most of them focussing on either different
fishing gears (Rozas and Minello, 1997) or different visual census
techniques (De Martini and Roberts, 1982; Harmelin-Vivien et al.,
1985; Bortone et al., 1986, 1989, 1991). However, very few works
compared sampling gears such as fyke net versus seine nets or
different fishing gears and visual census (Connell et al., 1998; Willis
et al., 2000), especially in coastal lagoons.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Study site

The Mar Menor is a large coastal lagoon (135 km2), located in

a semi-arid region of the SW Mediterranean, along the Spanish Fig. 1. Habitat distribution and sampling sites in Mar Menor, SE Spain.
A. Franco et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 112 (2012) 115e125 117

sparse patches of Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Asch (Pérez-Ruzafa functional group is present, and On when the abundance is evenly
et al., 1989, 2008) (Fig. 1). distributed among n functional groups composing the fish
The lagoon maintains a diverse fish community and supports assemblage.
important commercial fisheries, primarily of Anguillidae (Anguilla Data were analysed by a factorial design with habitat and
anguilla), Sparidae (Sparus aurata and Diplodus spp.), Mugilidae sampling method as fixed factors through the distance-based
(Mugil cephalus and Liza spp.) and Atherinidae (Atherina boyeri) pseudo-F statistics, Permanova (9999 permutations, using Bonfer-
(Pérez-Ruzafa et al., 2005a; Andreu-Soler et al., 2006). Moreover, roni’s correction for multiple comparisons). The interaction
shallow littoral areas of the lagoon are highly productive and serve between the two factors was tested first, and, if interactions exist
as nursery and feeding grounds for numerous fish species (Oliva- then comparisons among methods were performed for each
Paterna et al., 2006; Verdiell-Cubedo, 2009). habitat level, and those between habitats were carried out for each
method. In case of no significant interactions, we considered the
2.2. Sampling methodologies main effects of the two factors overall (Underwood, 1997). Such
a procedure was applied for both multivariate and univariate
Sampling was carried out in 7 stations located in the shallow analyses, by using BrayeCurtis similarity and Euclidean distance
waters along the lagoon’s shore (Fig. 1). Sandy bottoms charac- matrices, respectively.
terized all sites with the presence of patches of seagrass vegeta- Multivariate analysis was performed on the fish assemblage
tion, except for sites 4 and 6, located at the mouth of El Beal and El species composition (presence-absence) and structure (% abun-
Albujon watercourses, respectively. Stations 4 and 6 have muddy dance), on the functional group structure (% number of taxa and %
bottoms and small patches of R. cirrhosa were present in site 4. In abundance per guild), and on the body size structure(% of fish
each station fish were sampled in two habitats, vegetated by abundance per size class).
seagrass (when available) and unvegetated, and using three Univariate analysis was performed i) on the total number of
sampling methodologies: visual census (VC), fyke net (FN) and taxa, ii) on the total CPUE (FN excluded, given the different effort
seine nets (SN). The details on the sampling methodologies measure), iii) on the ecological and trophic balance, iv) on indi-
(including three types of seine nets differing both on net structure vidual functional groups, both in terms of % number of taxa and %
and on the way the net was hauled) are provided in Table 1. Water abundance, and v) on % abundance of size classes. Regarding the
depth was also recorded at each sampling occasion. total number of taxa, its relationship with sampling area and
water depth was explored by linear regression analysis, for seine
2.3. Data analysis nets and visual census. As sampling area and water depth are two
sources of variability which might affect the results of tests on
Fish were identified and their abundance standardized as catch method and habitat differences, these tests were also carried out
per unit effort (CPUE), i.e. number of individuals per 100 m2 by introducing sampling area and water depth, both log-
sampling area for visual census and seine nets, and number of transformed, as covariates in the Permanova analysis, excluding
individuals per trap per day for fyke nets. fyke net samples. Simper analysis was also carried out on multi-
Fishes were allocated to 8 different size classes according to variate matrices to help identifying the taxa characterizing the
their body size: <1 cm, 1e2 cm, 2e3 cm, 3e5 cm, 5e10 cm, catches from different habitats and of different sampling
10e20 cm, 20e50 cm, >50 cm. Fish species were also allocated to methods, and principal coordinate analysis (PCO) on similarity
functional groups according to their habitat use and feeding matrices was conducted to visualize Permanova and Simper
modes, following the classification of Franco et al. (2008). The significant results.
balance among relative abundance of the habitat use and feeding These analyses were done using the Primer 6 software
groups in the fish assemblage (namely, ecological and trophic package (Clarke and Warwick, 2001). Data will be presented as
balance) was calculated following the method proposed by Jordan means, and standard deviation will be used as a measure of data
and Vaas (2000), varying in theory between 1, when only one dispersion.

Table 1
Main characteristics of the sampling methodologies applied in Mar Menor lagoon.

Method Code Method characteristics Deployment/sampling Sampling stations

VC Visual census 2 scuba divers  2 replicated transects All available habitats (vegetated, unvegetated) in
Transect method (1 m width  50e75 m length, all sites
depending on vegetated patch size) except for sites 4 and 6 (due to high water
FN Fyke net Net deployed perpendicularly to the shore Site 3 (vegetated habitat)
One trap, lead net of 18 m length, two 8 m long 2 replicates (min 75 m apart) Sites 5 and 6 (unvegetated habitat)
folded wings forming the first chamber of the trap Sampling duration 21e24 h Site 1 (vegetated and unvegetated habitat,
Mesh size: 6 mm (stretch mesh) 1 replicate per habitat)
SN1 Seine net, trawl shaped Net fastened on the shore All available habitats (vegetated, unvegetated)
12 m length  2 m height 2 replicate hauls parallel to the shore in all sites
Mesh size: 6 mm on the wings, Sampling area 120e400 m2 except for site 4 (unvegetated habitat only was
2 mm on the central bag sampled)
SN2 Seine net, bag-like type Net not completely stretched during All available habitats (vegetated, unvegetated)
12 m length  2 m height the hauling (forming a bag in the centre) in all sites except
Mesh size: 2 mm Net fastened in the water, on the habitat for vegetated habitat in site 4 (1 haul only, due to
2 replicate hauls parallel to the shore low vegetation coverage)
Sampling area 63e140 m2
SN3 Seine net Net fastened towards the shore, where the All available habitats (vegetated, unvegetated)
10 m length  2 m height catches are retrieved 2 replicate hauls in all sites
Mesh size: 2 mm parallel to the shore
Sampling area 160 m2
118 A. Franco et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 112 (2012) 115e125

3. Results p < 0.001) and water depth (n ¼ 115, beta ¼ 0.44, F ¼ 27.42,
p < 0.001).
3.1. Overall analysis As regards sampling area, a significant interaction between
habitat and sampling method occurred (pseudo-F ¼ 2.67, p < 0.05),
A total of 38 taxa were sampled in Mar Menor shallow habitats, hence the method effect was explored in the two habitats. Signif-
with a minimum of 16 (VC), and a maximum of 24 (FN) (Table 2). icant differences were detected in both habitats (Vegetated:
Fish were identified at the species level in most of cases, except for pseudo-F ¼ 48.04, p < 0.001; Unvegetated: pseudo-F ¼ 140.6,
all the grey mullets recorded by visual census and some of those p < 0.001), with VC showing the lowest sampling area (62.5 m2 in
sampled with fyke nets (indicated as Mugilidae n.i.). Due to this both vegetated and unvegetated habitat), and SN3 the highest
difference in the taxonomical classification level allowed by the (160 m2 in both vegetated and unvegetated habitat). Habitat
different sampling methods, all the analyses based on taxonomical differences were detected only for SN2 (pseudo-F ¼ 3.01, p < 0.01),
identities were performed by grouping together all mugilids with sampling area higher in unvegetated than in vegetated habitat
(Mugilidae). (136.9 and 108.3 m2, respectively). As regards water depth, the
method effect only resulted significant (pseudo-F ¼ 41.48,
3.2. Fish assemblage taxonomic richness and composition p < 0.001), with the highest mean value in VC (97.5 cm) and the
lowest one in SN3 (50.2 cm). When including sampling area and
The mean number of taxa in the samples increased significantly water depth as covariates in the analysis of total number of taxa
from VC (mean 3.2  1.7 S.D.) to FN (8.4  2.4), with intermediate (excluding FN samples, as no area and depth measures were
values in seine net samples (pseudo-F ¼ 22.71, p < 0.001) (Fig. 2). A available for this case), no sensible changes were detected for the
significant main effect was also observed between habitats pattern among sampling methods (pseudo-F ¼ 8.64, p < 0.001) and
(pseudo-F ¼ 7.21, p < 0.01), with a higher mean number of taxa between habitats (pseudo-F ¼ 29.64, p < 0.001).
recorded in vegetated than in unvegetated habitat (5.6  1.9 and As regards species assemblage composition, the sampling
4.4  2.5, respectively). For all SN types and VC, the total number of method effect was highly significant (pseudo-F ¼ 5.18, p < 0.001),
taxa was related to sampling area (n ¼ 114, beta ¼ 0.40, F ¼ 21.66, with Mugilidae and Sarpa salpa distinguishing the records of VC

Table 2
Species sampled in unvegetated (U) and vegetated habitat (V) by using the different sampling methods (visual census, VC; fyke net, FN; three types of seine nets, SN1, SN2 and
SN3). Species allocation to habitat use and feeding mode functional groups is also indicated (residents, R; marine migrants, MM; marine stragglers, MS; strictly benthivores, Bv;
detritivores, DV; herbivores, HV; planktivores, PL; hyperbenthos-zooplancton feeders, HZ; hyperbenthos-fish feeders, HP; fish showing an ontogenetic change in feeding
preference from HZ to HP, HZ-HP, or from microbenthos to HP, Bmi-HP; omnivores, Ov).

Family Species Habitat use Feeding modes VC SN1 SN2 SN3 FN

Anguillidae Anguilla anguilla MM HP X X
Apogonidae Apogon imberbis MS e X
Atherinidae Atherina boyeri R HZ X X X X X X X X X X
Blenniidae Lipophrys dalmatinus R OV X X X X X X X
Salaria pavo R OV X X X X X X X X X X
Callionymidae Callionymus pusillus R Bv X X X
Callionymus risso R Bv X X X X X
Carangidae Trachinotus ovatus MS e X
Clupeidae Sardina pilchardus MM PL X X
Cyprinodontidae Aphanius iberus R Bv X X X X X
Engraulidae Engraulis encrasicolus MM PL X X X X X X X
Gobiidae Gobius cobitis R Bmi, HP X X X X X
Gobius niger R Bmi, HP X X X X X X X X X X
Pomatoschistus marmoratus R Bv X X X X X X X X X X
Labridae Symphodus cinereus R Bv X X X X X X X
Symphodus ocellatus R Bv X
Moronidae Dicentrarchus labrax MM HZ, HP X X
Dicentrarchus punctatus MM HZ, HP X
Mugilidae Liza aurata MM DV X X X
Liza ramada MM DV X X X X X X
Liza saliens MM DV X X X X X X X
Mugil cephalus MM DV X X X X X X X X
Mugilidae n.i. MM DV X X X
Mullidae Mullus barbatus MM Bv X X X
Mullus surmuletus MM Bv X X X X
Poeciliidae Gambusia holbrooki R OV X
Pomatomidae Pomatomus saltatrix MS e X X
Soleidae Pegusa impar R Bv X
Solea senegalensis MM Bv X X X
Solea solea MM Bv X
Sparidae Diplodus annularis MM OV X
Diplodus puntazzo MM OV X X X X X X
Lithognathus mormyrus MM Bv X X
Sarpa salpa MM HV X X X
Sparus aurata MM Bv X X
Syngnathidae Syngnathus abaster R Bv X X X X X X X X X
Syngnathus acus R Bv X
Syngnathus typhle R HZ X X X
A. Franco et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 112 (2012) 115e125 119

11 3.3. Fish assemblage taxonomic CPUE and structure

10 Given the different measure of sampling effort for FN (number

of traps and deployment time) with respect to the other methods
(sampling area), total CPUE values were expressed with different
Total number of taxa

8 measurement units (Table 3). Hence comparisons on the mean total
catches were carried out excluding data from FN sampling. No
7 significant interaction or habitat effect, were detected on the mean
bc total CPUE. In turn, a significant difference among methods
6 bc
occurred (pseudo-F ¼ 4.05, p < 0.01), with VC showing lower fish
5 b abundance than seine nets, particularly SN2 and SN3 (Table 3).
Fish assemblage taxonomical structure (based on species %
4 abundance) showed a significant interaction between habitat and
method factors (pseudo-F ¼ 1.95, p < 0.05). In the vegetated habitat
a significant difference among methods was detected (pseudo-
2 F ¼ 5.34, p < 0.001), with VC differing from all the other methods
VC SN1 SN2 SN3 FN for the higher contribution of G. niger, S. salpa and Muglidae (the
Fig. 2. Mean number of taxa sampled by the different methods (visual census, VC; fyke
latter with respect to seine nets only) to the overall catches, and the
net, FN; three types of seine nets, SN1, SN2 and SN3). Vertical bars denote 0.95 lower relative abundance of S. abaster (Fig. 4). A significant differ-
confidence intervals; results of pair-wise comparisons are reported by using letters. ence resulted also between SN1 and SN3, with higher relative
abundance of S. pavo, G. niger and Mugilidae in SN1, and of S. abaster
and A. boyeri in SN3 (Fig. 4). In turn, no differences were detected in
the unvegetated habitat. When considering habitat differences,
highly significant results (p < 0.001) were obtained for VC and all
SN types, with higher relative abundance of G. niger, S. pavo,
PCO2 (25.9% of total variation)

A. boyeri S. abaster and S. salpa in the vegetated habitat, and of Mugilidae and
P. marmoratus S. cinereus P. marmoratus in the unvegetated one. No habitat difference was
S. abaster
S. pavo detected in FN samples.

G. niger
3.4. Habitat use functional group structure
S. salpa
Method Three functional groups were identified according to species
VC habitat use: residents (R), including those species spawning in the
-50 Mugilidae SN1 lagoon, where they maintain stable populations; marine migrants
(MM), including marine euhaline species (i.e. spawning at sea)
FN entering the lagoon on a regular basis mainly for feeding and
shelter; marine stragglers (MS), including marine stenohaline
-50 0 50
species entering the lagoon on an occasional basis.
PCO1 (40.6% of total variation)
Most of taxa (>50%) were resident in the lagoon (e.g. A. boyeri,
Fig. 3. Principal coordinates ordination plot of the samples, according to their species G. niger, S. abaster, P. marmoratus), whereas very few taxa were
assemblage composition. Symbols distinguish sampling methods (visual census, VC; marine straggles (<4%; Apogon imberbis, Trachinotus ovatus, Poma-
fyke net, FN; three types of seine nets, SN1, SN2 and SN3), while large circles distin- tomus saltatrix) (Fig. 5a). No differences among sampling methods
guish habitats (vegetated and unvegetated). Vectors represent the main species
were detected, whereas a significant habitat effect was observed
affecting the observed differences, according to SIMPER analysis.
(pseudo-F ¼ 5.88, p < 0.05), mainly ascribed to the lower contri-
bution of marine taxa (either migrants and stragglers, p < 0.05)
and the higher contribution of residents (p < 0.05) to the total
from the catches of SN, where A. boyeri, Syngnathus abaster, species richness in vegetated than in unvegetated habitat (Fig. 5a).
Pomatoschistus marmoratus, Salaria pavo and Symphodus cinereus Habitat effect was highly significant also when considering the
were more frequent (Fig. 3). Also the habitat effect was significant functional groups % abundance (pseudo-F ¼ 12.72, p < 0.001),
(pseudo-F ¼ 13.42, p < 0.001), with S. pavo, Gobius niger, S. abaster mainly due to the higher values of % abundance of residents and the
and S. cinereus characterizing the fish samples from vegetated lower values for marine migrants in vegetated than unvegetated
habitat, and P. marmoratus and Mugilidae typifying assemblages habitat (p < 0.001 for both groups) (Fig. 5b). Functional structure
from unvegetated habitat (Fig. 3). differed significantly also among sampling methods (pseudo-

Table 3
Mean CPUE (S.D.) of catches from different sampling methods (visual census, VC; fyke net, FN; three types of seine nets, SN1, SN2 and SN3) and habitats (vegetated and
unvegetated). The number of sampling replicates (n) is reported in brackets.

Method Measurement unit Unvegetated Vegetated Total mean

VC no. indiv 100 m2 22.7  23.9 (n ¼ 20) 54.9  44.6 (n ¼ 20) 38.8  38.9 (n ¼ 40)
SN1 no. indiv 100 m2 108  173 (n ¼ 10) 40  20.1 (n ¼ 14) 79.7  135.1 (n ¼ 24)
SN2 no. indiv 100 m2 73.2  79.9 (n ¼ 11) 131.8  66.5 (n ¼ 14) 99  78.6 (n ¼ 25)
SN3 no. indiv 100 m2 115.4  147.3 (n ¼ 12) 101.3  50.9 (n ¼ 14) 108.9  111.7 (n ¼ 26)
FN no. indiv trap1 day1 1888.8  2958.5 (n ¼ 4) 571  782.9 (n ¼ 6) 1394.6  2375.3 (n ¼ 10)
120 A. Franco et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 112 (2012) 115e125

60 Benthivorous (Bv) and hyperbenthivorous species (either HZ,

Method HP, HZ-HP or Bmi-HP) were dominant in the fish assemblage in
VC terms of both species number (71%) and abundance (65%) (Fig. 6).
SN1 Highly significant differences were detected in the assemblage
40 SN2
composition between habitats (pseudo-F ¼ 7.07, p < 0.001) and
PCO2 (22% of total variation)

Mugilidae S. salpa among sampling methods (pseudo-F ¼ 2.71, p < 0.01). The habitat
20 effect was mainly ascribed to the lower contribution of detritivores
(p < 0.01) and benthivores (particularly for VC samples, p < 0.01),
A. boyeri and the higher contribution of benthos, hyperbenthos and fish
G. niger feeders (p < 0.01) and of omnivores (particularly for VC and SN1
catches, p < 0.001) to the overall species richness in vegetated than
in unvegetated habitat (Fig. 6a). Differences among sampling
S. pavo
methods, in turn, were mainly ascribed to planctivores (more
represented in FN catches than in SN2 ones, p < 0.05), to benthi-
vores (particularly in vegetated habitat, where this group was less
S. abaster
represented in VC records, p < 0.05), to hyperbenthos-fish feeders
-40 (more represented in FN samples, p < 0.05), and to omnivores
(more represented in SN3 than in VC records, p < 0.05) (Fig. 6a).
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
As regards the trophic functional structure of fish assemblages,
PCO1 (30.9% of total variation)
a highly significant interaction was detected between habitat and
Fig. 4. Principal coordinates ordination plot of the samples taken in vegetated habitat, sampling method factors (pseudo-F ¼ 2.95, p < 0.001). Habitat
according to their species assemblage structure. Symbols distinguish sampling differences were observed for all sampling methods, except for FN.
methods (visual census, VC; fyke net, FN; three types of seine nets, SN1, SN2 and SN3) Such differences were mainly ascribed to detritivores (more rep-
and vectors represent the main species affecting the observed differences, according to
resented in unvegetated than vegetated habitat, p < 0.05), strictly
SIMPER analysis.
benthivores (more represented in unvegetated habitat for VC
records, p < 0.01, and in vegetated habitat in SN3 and SN2 catches,
p < 0.001), benthivores to hyperbenthos-fish feeders and omni-
F ¼ 2.63, p < 0.05), particularly between SN2 and FN, due
vores (both more represented in vegetated habitat for VC, SN2 and
to the lower % abundance of resident species in FN catches (Fig. 5b).
SN1 samples, p < 0.05) (Fig. 6b). Differences among sampling
No significant differences were detected in terms of ecological
methods were detected in vegetated habitat only (pseudo-F ¼ 4.90,
balance either between habitats or among methods, with an overall
p < 0.001), and were mainly ascribed to strictly benthivores (more
mean value of this variable of 1.17  0.14, the theoretical range of
represented in SN2 and SN3 catches than in other methods,
variability of this parameter being 1e1.7.
p < 0.001), benthivores to hyperbenthos-fish feeders (with lower
relative abundance in SN3 (4%) than in VC and SN2 samples (33 and
20% respectively), p < 0.01) and omnivores (more represented in
3.5. Feeding mode functional group structure SN1 (33%) than in VC and SN3 samples (9 and 7% respectively),
p < 0.01) (Fig. 6b).
Nine groups were identified according to the feeding prefer- As regards trophic balance, significant differences were detected
ences of the resident and migrant species only: detritivores both between habitats (pseudo-F ¼ 17.82, p < 0.001) and among
(Dv); herbivores (Hv); planktivores (PL, feeding mainly on sampling methods (pseudo-F ¼ 5.17, p < 0.001). A higher trophic
zooplankton); strictly benthivores (Bv), grouping together micro- balance resulted in vegetated (1.74  0.21) than in unvegetated
and macro-benthivores; hyperbenthos-zooplancton feeders (HZ); habitat (1.50  0.28), and in SN2 (1.74  0.21) and SN3 catches
hyperbenthos-fish feeders (HP); fish showing an ontogenetic (1.60  0.20) than in VC records (1.48  0.32), where the minimum
change in feeding preference, from HZ to HP (HZ-HP) or from balance was observed, the theoretical range of variability of this
microbenthos to HP (Bmi-HP); omnivores (Ov). parameter being 1e3.

a b

Fig. 5. Functional composition (average % number of taxa) (a) and structure (average % abundance) (b) in terms of habitat use functional groups (R, residents; MM, marine migrants;
MS, marine stragglers) in catches from different habitats and sampling methods. X axis reports sampling method (visual census, VC; fyke net, FN; three types of seine nets, SN1, SN2
and SN3) by habitat (vegetated, Veg; unvegetated, Unveg).
A. Franco et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 112 (2012) 115e125 121

a b

Fig. 6. Functional composition (average % number of taxa) (a) and structure (average % abundance) (b) in terms of feeding mode functional groups in catches from different habitats
and sampling methods (DV, detritivores; HV, herbivores; PL, planctivores; Bv, benthivores; HZ, hyperbenthivores-zooplanctivores; HP, hyperbenthivores-piscivores; OV, omnivores).
X axis reports sampling methods (visual census, VC; fyke net, FN; three types of seine nets, SN1, SN2 and SN3) by habitat (vegetated, Veg; unvegetated, Unveg).

3.6. Size structure the other methods, all <15%; iv) 10e20 cm (p < 0.001), more
represented in VC records, with an average value of 28%, than in the
Intermediate-higher size classes (from 2 to 20 cm) dominate fish other catches, where average values were lower than 5%. Also larger
assemblages in the samples (over 80%), with significant differences size classes, 20e50 cm and >50 cm, contributed to differentiate
in the overall size structures observed between habitats (pseudo- sampling methods and habitats, due to their presence in FN (both
F ¼ 8.53, p < 0.001) and among sampling methods (pseudo- classes) and VC samples (20e50 cm size class only), and their
F ¼ 6.20, p < 0.001). Habitat differences were mainly ascribed to the higher % abundance in unvegetated habitat (Fig. 7).
higher average % abundance of smaller size classes in unvegetated
habitat, namely classes 1e2 cm (p < 0.01 in SN3 catches only) and 4. Discussion
2e3 cm (p < 0.01), and of size class 5e10 cm in vegetated habitat
(p < 0.05 for all sampling methods except for FN catches, where no The choice of the sampling method is one of the most important
differences between habitats were detected) (Fig. 7). steps to be undertaken when planning a study on nekton assem-
Differences among sampling methods were ascribed to four size blages in coastal and transitional environments (Elliott and
classes: i) 1e2 cm in unvegetated habitat (p < 0.01), where the Hemingway, 2002). The importance of the sampling method
highest average % abundance, around 35%, was detected in SN3 consists in acquiring as accurate and precise information as
catches, and the lowest, <2%, in SN2 catches, whereas the other possible on the species assemblage (Rozas and Minello, 1997).
methods showed intermediate values; ii) 3e5 cm, with a higher % The selection of a fish sampling method is also critical in coastal
abundance, around 50% on average, in SN2 catches (p < 0.001); iii) and transitional environments, as these ecosystems are dynamic
5e10 cm in vegetated habitat (p < 0.05), where SN1 and FN showed and complex due to the interaction of marine and freshwater. In
the highest % abundances, 57% and 55%, and SN3 the lowest values, these environments, shallow water habitat provides spawning and/
about 13%, and in unvegetated habitat (p < 0.001), where FN or nursery area, foraging opportunities and facilities and refuge
catches showed the highest average % abundance, around 50%, than from predation for fish species (Deegan et al., 2000; Elliott and

Fig. 7. Size structure (% abundance by size class, measured in cm) of fish assemblages sampled in different habitats (vegetated, Veg; unvegetated, Unveg) and by different sampling
methods (visual census, VC; fyke net, FN; three types of seine nets, SN1, SN2 and SN3).
122 A. Franco et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 112 (2012) 115e125

Hemingway, 2002). Several habitats can be identified in coastal and The observed structural differences among habitats seem to
transitional environments, each one of them being characterized by reflect the different fish assemblages associated to vegetated and
peculiar biotic and abiotic features, and supporting also function- unvegetated habitats in coastal lagoons and transitional waters
ally different fish assemblages (Mathieson et al., 2000; Elliott and (Mathieson et al., 2000; Franco et al., 2006, 2008; Franzoi et al.,
Hemingway, 2002; Franco et al., 2006, 2008). 2010). Different habitats support also functionally different
All fish sampling methods used in coastal and transitional assemblages. Seagrass vegetation provides a relatively stable
environments are selective in some degree, and the catch efficiency habitat for highly specialized residents (e.g. pipefish) and a feeding
of any sampling gear changes in response to several factors, such as ground for strictly benthivorous fishes (e.g. S. abaster, S. cinereus) as
the species present in the area, their behaviour and body size, and well as for hyperbenthos-zooplankton (e.g. Syngnathus typhle) and
the habitat type. In particular, a single sampling gear cannot be fish feeders (e.g. G. niger). Unvegetated shallow areas provide
used in all the habitats present in these ecosystems, and, even if it a habitat suitable to smaller sized fishes, either juveniles or small
can be used in different habitats, its catch efficiency changes sized species, better supporting nursery for marine migrants and
significantly with the habitat type (Elliott and Hemingway, 2002). providing important benthic and detritus food sources (Franco
Hence, the choice of the sampling methodology must take into et al., 2009). However, fyke net seems not to catch this habitat
account the aims of the study, as well as the characteristics of the variability, since no habitat differences for this method in terms of
habitat being surveyed. taxonomical, trophic or size structure were observed, and not
Structural and functional attributes of fish community have surprisingly, given the functioning of such sampling method. It is
been widely employed to monitor the ecological quality of estua- designed to catch high efficiency moving fishes, as migrants, thus
rine or transitional water ecosystems (Deegan et al., 1997; integrating the assemblages of a wider area and is not strictly
Whitfield and Elliott, 2002; Harrison and Whitfield, 2004, 2006; representative of the habitat where the fyke net was deployed.
Breine et al., 2007; Coates et al., 2007; Delpech et al., 2010). Most Moreover because the fyke nets were deployed for 24 h the catch is
of fish based methods employed to assess the ecological status of representing day and night fish activity. However, the wider scale at
coastal and transitional water ecosystems relies on an array of which this net operates with respect to visual census and seine nets
metrics, as species richness and diversity measures, fish abun- makes this gear a good sampling method for assessing the lagoon as
dance, composition or structure of the fish assemblage in ecological a whole, but without considering habitat differences. Seine nets
or trophic guilds (Bilkovic et al., 2004; Harrison and Whitfield, and visual census techniques, in turn, allow investigating fish
2004; Franco et al., 2009). The choice of sampling method should assemblages at a finer spatial scale, hence distinguishing habitats,
then be aimed at providing a proper measuring of these metrics. but giving site specific results leading to a major difficulty in
Furthermore, the optimal sampling method should allow to relate catching the overall wider picture.
catches to a measurable sampling area (or equivalent sampling Underwater visual census methods (VC) include different
effort), should be easy to use and have a low variability in catch sampling techniques (transects, point counts, rapid visual censuses,
efficiency (Elliott and Hemingway, 2002). In particular, the timed counts) (Harvey et al., 2004), and all can be referred to
sampling gear should have comparable catch efficiency in the main a sampling area. VC is mainly used in coral reefs (Barans and
habitat types present in coastal and transitional environments. Bortone, 1983; Bohnsack and Bannerot, 1986; Kingsford, 1998),
Although several studies on transitional water fish assemblages but is widely used also in the Mediterranean coasts (Harmelin-
have employed different sampling methods, few of them compared Vivien et al., 1985; Francour, 1997; García-Charton et al., 2000;
different methodologies (Elliott and Hemingway, 2002). In partic- García-Charton and Pérez-Ruzafa, 2001). As already underlined in
ular, no comparative studies have been carried out before in reef habitats (García-Charton et al., 2000), VC is a highly site and
Mediterranean coastal or transitional water environments. In the habitat specific technique which has the advantage of being non
present study five different sampling methods (underwater visual extractive, thus reducing the “environmental costs” (in terms of fish
census, fyke nets and three different types of seine nets) were used killed) and being particularly desirable in protected areas.
for sampling fish assemblages in Mar Menor lagoon. Furthermore, Contrarily to the other sampling methods tested in this work, VC is
each of these methods was used in two shallow water habitats with the only one that can provide information on fish assemblages also
depths lower than 2 m, either non vegetated (sand or mixed mud- from hard bottom habitats (e.g. rocky bottoms, oyster and/or
sand bottom) and vegetated (bottom covered by seagrass mussel bed, dams or breakwaters) and at depths higher than 2 m. In
meadows, mainly Cymodocea). These are among the most frequent addition, VC allows integrating observations at different spatial
and common habitats in Mediterranean coastal lagoon environ- scales (micro-, meso- and macrohabitat) (Elliott and Hemingway,
ments (Franco et al., 2008). 2002). VC is also cost effective in terms of both money and time
Significant differences were detected among methods, both saving, in that it requires limited equipment and personnel
regarding taxonomical and functional aspects. Visual census and compared to other methods, and it is also low time consuming in
fyke nets detected more easily pelagic species, whereas seine nets the post-processing of the samples as identification of species and
targeted more efficiently benthic-demersal species. Differences in body size recording are performed at the same sampling time.
fish body size were also detected, with visual census and fyke nets However, VC also has limitations and several sources of bias and
allowing the sampling of larger fish (>5 cm), whereas seine nets error (Harmelin-Vivien et al., 1985; Harvey et al., 2002). In coastal
catches were dominated by 2e10 cm size classes. Differences were lagoons, visual census techniques are difficult to apply at very
detected also among habitats, with fish size structure skewed shallow areas (lower than 0.5 m) where some species reach higher
towards larger size classes in vegetated habitat with respect to densities. Furthermore, VC is highly dependent on water quality
unvegetated one. This could be the result of the abundance of and has limitations with cryptic species (mainly Syngnathids and in
pipefish (characterized by an elongated body shape) in seagrass very dense vegetated areas). When visibility is reduced, the
habitat, particularly for seine net catches, and of the lower visibility detection of fish requires very short distance between the diver and
of smaller fish in the vegetation as regards visual census record. the fish, giving it the opportunity to escape before being detected.
However, this is not valid for the 2 top-high size classes (>20 cm), At the same time, with low species richness and fish density, large
recorded only in fyke net and visual census catches (i.e. A. anguilla, sampling areas are required to cope with the organisms’ spatial
Dicentrarchus labrax), with higher abundance in unvegetated variability. From the point of view of size structure, VC shows the
habitat. most balanced distribution being relatively more effective than the
A. Franco et al. / Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 112 (2012) 115e125 123

nets in detect very small fishes (<1 cm), which can escape through basins. Hence, it is anticipated that the use of fyke net sampling will
the mesh as well as larger fishes (20e50 cm) that can avoid seine be more suitable particularly whereas the whole lagoon basin has
nets. Very large fishes are however underestimated due to their been assigned a single water body, as for example French lagoons.
scarcity and sampling area limitations. Also medium-low sized In these cases, the assessment is carried out at an integrative, larger
fishes appear underestimated by this method with respect to seine scale, either temporal or spatial (Delpech et al., 2010). In turn, seine
net catches, particularly when considering those nets with netting and visual census (where allowed by turbidity conditions)
a smaller mesh size (SN2 e SN3), hence suggesting that the are anticipated as more suitable sampling methods for the
apparent most balanced size distribution of the catches in visual ecological status assessment of coastal lagoons whereas water
census records might not be representative of the effective size bodies have been identified at a smaller spatial scale than the whole
distribution of the lagoon fish assemblage. VC seems also to have lagoon basin, including different water body types. This is the case,
underestimated fish species richness and total fish abundance, for example, of the Venice lagoon, Italy, with its 5 water body types
particularly with respect to the fry beach seines, SN2 and SN3, and 14 water bodies. Given fish mobility across different water
whereas the comparison with fyke net is not possible in this case. bodies within the lagoon, the use of fishing gear operating across
Furthermore, VC did not allow the identification of certain taxa at large spatial scales, as fyke nets, may not allow measurement of fish
the species level (e.g. Mugilidae). This limit, though not having an metrics specific to a single water body. Furthermore, the uneven
effect on the sampled assemblage functional structure, as the distribution of seagrass vegetation among water bodies, even of
different mugilid species belong to the same ecological (marine a same type, might bias the use of a single type-specific reference
migrants) and trophic groups (detritivores), influences the species condition and assessment tool, hence the utility of habitat specific
richness and the number of taxa of the analysed functional groups. sampling methods and assessment tools (like those proposed by
In addition, the different species of Mugilidae are characterized by Franco et al., 2009).
different tolerances and preferences towards abiotic conditions Unlike other biological quality elements, the ecological quality
(temperature, salinity, granulometry), which affect their distribu- assessment methods based on fish fauna highly rely on specific
tion in coastal and transitional environments (Lasserre and Gallis, sampling methodologies, which may vary locally, particularly
1975; Cardona, 2000; Koutrakis, 2004; Maio et al., 2004; among different Mediterranean lagoon areas. Different assessment
Mickovi c et al., 2010). tools are applied (e.g. Franco et al., 2009; Uriarte and Borja, 2009;
Beach seine net is considered to be a very effective technique for Delpech et al., 2010), which account for the shortcomings of the
sampling in shallow waters, especially in lagoon ecosystems (Pierce different sampling methodologies, although not avoiding

et al., 1990; Ríha et al., 2008). The efficiency of seine nets has been completely the related potential bias in the assessment of fish
studied by various authors who ascribed it to the species and size assemblages. The use of different tools, combined with the different
composition of a fish community, and to the environmental management designs applied by Member States highlighted above,
conditions of the littoral area (Lyons, 1986; Parsley et al., 1989; leads to the need of harmonising the ecological status assessment
Pierce et al., 1990; Allen et al., 1992; Holland-Bartels and Dewey, in the area. The present study represents a first step in this inter-
1997; Bayley and Herendeen, 2000). Moreover, it is also pointed out calibration process in Mediterranean lagoons, which, far from
that seine technique and design affects the efficacy of this method relying on the sharing of existing databases, like for some other

(Lyons, 1986). Ríha et al. (2008) pointed out that the main disad- biological quality elements (e.g. benthos), will need the application
vantage of the seine net is that the use of seining requires specific of an approach similar to that one undertaken in this study (i.e. the
conditions such as a bottom surface with a slight slope but without simultaneous application of different sampling and assessment
obstructions like extensive amounts of mud or submerged macro- methods to a same water body), like it was undertaken for inter-
phytes. The seine nets, if compared with visual census and fyke net, calibration of North East Atlantic region fish indices in estuaries.
resulted particularly efficient in sampling the fraction of lagoon fish
assemblages made up of small lagoon resident species (i.e. A. boyeri, Acknowledgements
P. marmoratus, Aphanius iberus, S. abaster, S. pavo) and juvenile
marine migrants. In turn, the catch efficiency of these nets is very This study was made with the support of OOCMUR project
low when size classes >10 cm are considered, if compared with the founded by the Spanish Ministry of Ciencia e Innovación and the
other methods. Significant differences were also detected among Regional Gobernment of Murcia (Consejería de Universidades,
different seine nets. Although fish abundance (CPUE) did not Empresa e Investigación) and PEPLAN project of the Regional
differed among beach seines overall, lower abundance could be Gobernment of Murcia (Consejería de Universidades, Empresa e
detected in SN1 catches in vegetated habitat. This seine net also Investigación): "Sistema de Monitorización Costera para el Mar
resulted to be the least selective towards fish body sizes <10 cm, Menor" (Plan de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia 2007-
whereas no differences between seines could be observed in terms 2010). We would also like to thank the ONEMA (French National
of average species number. Moreover, differences observed in size Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments) and the WISER
structure among seine nets may be related to differences in water project for their support.
depth hauling, since catches of smaller size classes (1e2 cm) were
higher in SN3 than in the other seine nets. This pattern could be References
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