Gold Nanoparticles:A Boon To Drug Delivery System: December 2015
Gold Nanoparticles:A Boon To Drug Delivery System: December 2015
Gold Nanoparticles:A Boon To Drug Delivery System: December 2015
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2 authors, including:
Touseef Hussain
Aligarh Muslim University
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Deptartment of Life Science, Uttarakh and Technical University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248003, India
*Corresponding authors:
Touseef Hussain
E-mail: [email protected]
Article History: Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are currently playing a significant role for human
Received 9 October 2015 welfare in the field of clinical diagnosis as well as several biomedical applications.
Revised 22 November 2015 More and more research shows that AuNPs-based technologies are becoming
Accepted 8 December 2015 promising approaches in diabetes, cancer research, chemotherapy, AIDS treat-
Published 28 December 2015 mentetc.AuNPs can be easily synthesized, functionalized, and are biocompatible.
The tenability of theAuNP monolayer allows for complete control of surface prop-
erties for targeting and stability/release using these nanocarriers.Nanoplatforms
Keywords: have been developed to manufacture of nanomedicines in preclinical and clinical
Gold nanoparticles studies for the administration of small molecules, genes, and peptides with im-
AuNPs provement of given in vivo behaviour. Similarly, NPs emerge as the future of drug
Nano carriers delivery technology as they might be future crucial diagnostic and therapeutic
Gene delivery tools. Of these, gold nanoparticles with their unique chemical and physical prop-
erties have emerge as promising carrier for delivery of various molecules with
therapeutic properties.This review will discuss several delivery strategies utilizing
approximately US$33 billion with an annual growth tained or pulsatile drug release. Sustained release is
of 15 % (based on global product revenue). The rea- used to achieve a constant release of a drug over an
sons for this increasing interest in drug delivery are extended period of time. For example, many drugs
due to the increasing need of safe drugs, capable of have an optimum range of concentrations that if
reaching the target and with minimal side effects. the concentration of the drug is above or below this
In fact the main problems associated with system- range, the drug is toxic or has no therapeutic effect,
ic drug administration are essentially related to the respectively (Fig.1).
bio-distribution of pharmaceuticals throughout the
body. This indiscriminate distribution means that, Development of nonocarriers is a novel area of
to achieve a required therapeutic concentration the science thatprovides, with a new hope, the tools and
drug has to be administered in large quantities, the technology to work at atomic, molecular and supra-
major part of which is just wasted in normal tissues. molecular levels leading to creation of devices and
Ideally, a ‘‘perfect’’ drug should exert its pharmaco- delivery systems with fundamentally new proper-
logical activity only at the target site, using the lowest ties and functions. These carriers offer a number of
concentration possible and without negative effects advantages making it an ideal drug delivery vehi-
on non-target compartments (Pierige et al., 2005). cle.Drug release and transport are major factors for
in tumor tissue and intracellular glutathione haveled Their stability, tunable monolayers, functional flexi-
to the rapid release of DOX from the functionalized- bility, low toxicity, and ability to control the release
gold nanoparticles. Here, enhanced efficacy on tumor of drugs offer manypossibilities for further devel-
growth inhibition and fluorescent imaging wasreal- opment of DDSs. Additional investigations of these
ized simultaneously. The gold nanoparticles with- systemswill be required to fully understand their
stimulus responsive drug release property showed a pharmacokinetics, interactions with the immunesys-
promising smart theranostic application for concur- tem, and the extent of cytotoxicity due to surface and
rentcancer diagnosis and therapy (Chen et al., 2013). size of the AuNPs. Continuedresearch into these na-
noscale delivery vehicles will expand the understand-
5. Drug delivery strategies using gold nanoparticle ing of theinteractions of these materials with biologi-
platforms cal systems, and promoting the development ofmore
Drug release and transport are major factors for cre- effective DDSs.
ating an efficient DDS. Nano carriers can be loaded Conflict of interest statement
with drugs through non-covalent interactions or by
covalent conjugation (Torchilin 2001) using a pro- We declare that we have no conflict of interest.
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