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La MADE EASY India’s Best Institute for IES, GATE & PSUs PAU Ee SR gt UPSC ENGINEERING SERVICES EXAMINAT Engineering Test 4 : Design of Concrete and Masonry Structure Strength of Materials-1 ‘Transportation Engineering-2 + Surveying and Geology-2 Name: Sachin KOTO nn alelt[s] Test Centres z Student's Signature Panic] Bhopal} Noida] laure” indore) | G0 eRe at Peaeciercosn yer Hyderdbod koma roto: [ClEL 1] e[m|t[a[? Instructians for Candidates QuestionNo, | Marks Obtained Do fish the appropriate details inthe 5 i answer sheet (a, Name Rolo po, er ar 2. Anse mist be writen in Engh any. : = * Q2 32. Use ny tHackoivepen a3 I 4, The space tit for every part of the | as aa | question is sperifiedin this Question Carn Answer Booklet. Candidate should write the answverin the space provided. 5. Any gage or aottionof the nage leftblenk In the Question Cum Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off 6. Last two pages of this booklet are 3 - ‘ provided for rough work, Strike off 7 4) vA these two pages after completion of the Total Maries ‘ a 2 Obtained 4 Sa al Signature of Evaluator Cross Checked by et Se. examination. ?© | MADE EASY auestion cum Answer Booklet —_ | Page tof 86 [ten Q.1 (@)} Determine the shear stress in a 25 cm * 40 cm effective depth rectangular section shear force is 10 KN and torsional moment is 4 kNm at factored loads. Assume M2( and 0.25% tension steel at the given section. State whether torsional reinforcement and side reinforcement are required or not. Also find minimum shear reinforcement that must be provided in the beam. [Take 1, =0.36 N/mm] [12 marks] 2 9] 5-350 4n cdctiftn to ax iste iL be gararatol CM Ad y : Aopen cheortoce Ye IC fen a= 40 - Tosonalmomont T= +h shoon foe nddutonol | Toston aad, mowant aaon Foe “61 joi ahwon frce Vues Vat 6 te jo + Vox Vue = Vie = IBN V t Vue. SS/6r1° we ee | shaon STs Con istencing to € ue ie eee Tre = 6-356 N [we ee Slew Thon the shoe qurunatedl shoo Sos : l 5 ce TORS ON (66 Bina ) ge fey bach om section ) my % ! ( no ned & Toon all 1S uur few 40 eo oy foctna CoUuL Rath forceront Vv algo Jotul dtbih 40440 = move chan 50 mM SO Also NO ato WO we aint will not nad 4 side face = heinfrcemmt +MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet — | Page 2 of 86 De nat wen emargn 210) Minimum shcor Rein for erront Few 5 SM hSe OOry ‘Te, dog qed a mn VI O* oy "f 2 =a os O-DPX WS A50% § Sq Se BBE TG Mt go Provide Bem gd @ 350. te poate, shaor Reinforcement” (A b) A rectangular beam of size 150 mm x 300 mm (overall depth) is reinforced with 3.nos.-169 bars. The effective cover to reinforcement is 50. min, Assume, Cube strength of concrete to be used = 20 MPa and Yield stress of steel - 210 MPa. Determine the ultimate moment of resistance of rectangular beam using limit ctate method of design es —_ | [12 marks] 300 = penn —a-so4 5 Pb pH yyectme COvnr Ey sect depth = bf age = Aoo- 60 = aso mm M-16. Fe ¥ 10 Me we to find wofimete monet 9 Passislance, fs find the posthen 4 rentyal. ards willDonat Page of 86 [ae MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet ex o-sefckXub = 0-94 4 Act . 6 aT (eye O.BbX2OX Ly v ISD = 0.07 X 240% 3x v (Jo) | \ Wy = lore 04 nn | +0035 ———— i fS f \ Mealliin = & / Yuin e a ; a gysg x10 f| i ests. SEA J | develo mca, dealin why 0.0024 O09 de uly 2G Bsr Es rr ae 010085 = Oe} X2E 4 0-002 2 qos “3 6.834 © 29RD KID BeoHte 2 0516 x R50 (ae 2 V3OUS ve \ \ atu G sede | so secon ig under Retn forced Mu = reich (d= ota su] Oxbxr0 % (02104 x ISO {aso - atx au ya u | | Mus 22-93 \ Jy) jee eeMADE EASY Question cum answer Booklet | Page 4 of 86 Doret th margin Q1() 6) What are the circumstances in which splicing of reinforcement is done? (ii) Define lep splicing with schematic diagram. Sb Veing 4 eink carran “is U C cang hte arg gen pan CON not be S ff ona bon Fs # sblicing fobhig op tors wah 7 [12 marks] Ame, A “"\ (v mod by Sin @ can tatmne by wertMADE EASY Qtestion cum answer Booklet — | Page 5 of 86 me = Very hg hwr clin bon Can't be Gp licedt Thuy mou be wilde @> ms Jeb ie shicing lab chlieing w qonma Ac _— ig Calvo & beouy hoa bang - shoud be “ogg wed prep arly Ad shed Line OF acon TJonstle Cv corm resslve face willl Noy forge ee —= \ 2-5 ven hab Lengih ap, Songih ww herding Fansion | ss cloves “Taine \ aud = 20% WO Com TEA OF i lg, Q4 ¢ $99© MADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet — | Page 6 of 86 Donot thismargin Q.1(a)) List out the minimum requirements for reinforcement in concrete walls as per 1S 456:2000 Code. [22 marks] Minimum Rom -force ment 9 Concrete wey re. Rewortercer went tropic WYSD bars Ou] 4 qo antg nid te 5 Ox? ‘|. Verto Reuetnerent nysp bay ae ols ‘|. “ia gif 3 - aT a \<Devet @ | MADE EASY orestion cum Answer Booklet | Pane 7of a |" thimeon Q.1 (e)| A cylindrical concrete tank 40 m external diameter is to be prestressed circumferentially by means of a high strength steel wires (E,= 210 kN/iuu?) jacked ai 4 points, 90 degrees apart. I{ the minimum stress in the wires immediately after tensioning is to be 600 N/mm? and the coefficient of friction is 0.50, calculate (the maximum stress to be applied to the wires at the jack. (ii) the expected extension at the jack, considering average stress in the wires. 7 [12 marks] De= 40m E= go al eC yap ce loss dus to chon « fo Se Psume Y= 0-02 = MDP = TT (4d) = jom = M4 U parental & ew ow = ? g-urK BY + vie | . R Goo 03 ew oy fun’ bo é 58-04 Nba inant tas tobe apHiaal = 948-04 bopQ2 (a) MADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet —_| Page 8 of 86 A staircase is having a straight flight steps which are supported between two stringer beams along two sides. The effective span may be taken as 1.5m, riser of 15 em and tread of 27 cmis provided, Assume live load of 3.0 KN/m?, floor finish of (6 KN/m? and mild exposure conditions. Using Fe250 grade steel and M20 concrete, design a waist slab type staircase showing reinforcement details. [20 marks] Prorcase, IK AMphorted holon Hoo sting ur bean canbe f gach ed O'S sf ons ing Yer Gi dnd ra : (Sie 180 [ee] a PL= 3 tale + Fe 250 M20 thisDorat vet in Page 9 of a6 | wit | MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet Dssune Wek nes “fw cust Ajals 4o- BOM" pat m Heche Shawn $B x (eS = ERS atfectve Left ustake [sd mH “gece petsth Tote Aubhh - 13D ay paod doad on inclined Jepe = ASx1XIX 0-8 =, Bago: 14 Nosy Finltlh= o6 tb* a tena ota Roaal = (4.85 P06 a )Xes jen [m2 10.24 Ndi \O%e\ oH hoveontaQ (so ech we ® xfer | —a 08 Fara 24 ete veal e ee wordt a SeChOn heune fo omonet | Page 19 of a5 [ach MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet me 40 fer bd? Cee 3x0) O1NHX POX Vox A M- oxd> 8-148 K POX {60 naceto® Fis gs.007 wm | bur Trovit a= \50 ee hance sage, alge wador pancho, So cacchou tS ren 4 main SM wh A fe my am ‘ _———— | pet = Of Ja bd We " c fonpad my J one a GxrOxDBOORBS | TEC TARE SL Re at "at 8 2egp ME footing =) Lo)” x [ore gpoct = Bey” xe $8239 wan Cl, \syr PQ@ | MADE EASY atestion cum Answer Booklet | Page 11 of 86 Bonot wre thismargin Igo mm C(O Pani ch Spa cing = So Disdabuh ow Reinfocerwnt | oe aaa WD yy COWS Soc HON ¢ aa{ 9? 2 aati Oe. , (woo [RO = VSO se Ta) Shoung = (ayh« 1°?* = Speed \ a j ( ata, © co frovidy B mm @ 300 an cle, winds, Ram § @ BV mn = to wm ¢ @ ro mm c fe moun 4c: — young @ 260] Ww eleMADE EASY Question cum answerBooklet =| Page 120f 86 onot writen iis margin Q2(b) ‘Determine the anchorage length of bars at the simply supported end of reinforced concrete beam as shown below, if itis subjected toan ultimate shear force of 300 kN at the centre of support. Assume M20 grade concrete and steel of grade Fed15. [Take 4, = 1.92 N/mm’ [20 marks] coe oss SeCew moana] surstance 4 uproot ahuon Aece “M(- Y= ee / dow Ww) oman a Pusielunce wae f— vf fas} Find petra averDonot MADE EARSUY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Page 13 of 86 | ein 636 Th Lab = ony ays OX BOX AK BW = O.DEXYEK on |e 1S syn | Nutty < O49 d = oyp ¥ Soe SYD mM Ma
\eo pen dharing = 33:05 OM Me \ 3 shociny = 2940-5 Mm |EI i Page 4% MADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet | ie ‘age 48 of 86 Provide tome @ 350 win the, Spadng tie bans Langin «4 Te bo day el @pranr Length cuytua Toa x Patmos = : ok Ast As Taek = goo BE gl QOH “et ot 4 le yy 58 on show “1 is ere Sid dung Toru yenginey NE yan - 7K yes = ager om = 30 UM fed cy Te bene - 30 mm \ YY 7 a@ Donat MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Page S2of 66 |imie Q.5 (d)| Determine the maximum possible increase in moment of resistance of a square beam when bent about its diagonal by cutting its top and bottom edges as shown below: T — [12 marks] * &p? b & ole Teaxt | op 5 t w DeeC = bh XxX 4 be 5 a\3 7 . 3 4 Tax 7 es Bx (8) es la te ~ OxXr 36 c a
1DtoO a 2 as pa gheon shies én plore oy max ghgavr el us 6, 62 2 “ iso -°| ~~) ana ae Me fia | Ee j aMADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet — | Page 60 of 86 Dorot wre this margin Q.6 (b) The traffic flow in an urban area at right angle intersection of two major roads are given as below: [ApproachRoad | ‘Traffic volume (PCU/hr) [_ teftun | Sraighe 1 Rightiura North 400 660 250 East 285 550 260 South 360 410 20 West 390 20 310 Design and draw rotary intersection and check for its practical capacity. Assume : Fntry and exit width = 10 m, Ratio of length to width of weaving section =35 © [20 marks] 260 tan 200 Lf _ 550 <— @ ©8) a ge « : fo Top unbar ona Aig spud tus Rotary ye 30 tbe tnMADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet | Page st of 86 om Radie Ge “VW ret fe o4p fev 30 BY by R= _@y" 129 4 0N4 [Qe 1609 = loa ag $< an boy widih y= jon wedi 4) New wo Owing secon &= \om 5 j e+ ttt | 210m w what = sees 4 SONG schon a jouie 435 = Ia [se Bai (= Box [35 L= wHaS psume | t= 49 Lengin coy waowlng section ~ _W& tm Radius ) geet oe Ran ty 2x |o=2 32™ Rodis & central ashand = Ax Rony = Ae = && MeMADE EASY Question cum AnswerBooklet | Page 62 of 86 Now Cal adation vy muaouurig radio b Vena wg we owing Ar age Pia = gion FO 4u0) Predfit = (yoo 299) + (704020) (4on) + (5604 290) + Geof 2)F 310 = 0-404 Pare so 260) 4 boo + s}0) Cats G04 Abe) ooo ao) F 290 = 456 boys / OFM) F - Ge tay) Goo) + Cuie¢ 820) + @sot? 748) 420 = 01903 fon = G20 4 518) + \yo 4260) \s90) 4 Ge #319) 4 (ao 4 aes)4(gr0) = od =“ Donet wet in thismaghMADE ERS Question Cum Answer Booklet — | Page 63 of 86 Dorat ‘ten thie rargin maw Ws buirg nacho bes s OFS > capacrty avo wO4-8) C im Paige) ( jm oes AVX NS 4 ( *) 4 4919-48 ee yea pyr ge Se (| 7 ) > 3939/8 ( gy yoy. 2 sey vek| hwy se [oy ome vale |S _ TRE Ro cornmmrBation ] SeeMADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet Page 64 of 86 Donat ths marsh Q6 () 3 A beam of 20m span is hinged at each end. It carries a UDL of ae kN/m on left hand half of beam together with a 12 KN point load at 15 m from the left hand end. In addition to this, itis subjected to couples of 28.25 KNmin anticlockwise directionat left hand support and 41.75 kNm in the clockwise direction at right hand support. Find the reactionsat the ends and draw BM andi diagrams inserting principal values. al 20 marks| tu ee (eA f 1 - bs see ae yh Ay 6 ae anas (2e— V0 a pees fe— Ao m— ile hy Pas Rpg 186 ——O EM\_ =O gH2 4 Ryo) = ee xl0x5) 4 (2x18) tyag Rox 20 = 969-2 -22EDonot Page 65 of 86 Ferd MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet SED - an Aw, Forty by pac~ Bae Cu Fron #) af “=O Sy HAS Spe oN MS 4n Bc Yoshon S,2 Gu | Ske OHS dy ED Teshoy ~~ fem D boa = USS ten =e as le dus BMD eee i ee Portsoy Ca from ie My 2 2 AH = BBG — BO 9 Ma z =f) bm Mee 184 etnDo nat iin MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | rage ssof 06 [zn yy BC Portion Mx wv em PO Maze ese Qs) = Wes He > PeauR ghar = (ee 2 2ee0Or 46 Me. 1h Mac eas aw Poot Oo a ay CoE wy» hom d Ma = Wes — UE PS” Mp WAS G2 Kou@ MADE EASY auestion cum Answer Booklet | Page 67 of 86 Dorot thismaga Q7 (a) . an vette 4 stoped A vehicle applies brakes and skids through a distance of 35 m before colliding with another vehicle of 25% more weight. After collisicn, both the vehicles skid 12 m before coming to rest, Calculate the initial speed of colliding vehicle (in kmph) just before the application of brakes. Assume coefficient of friction as 0.6. [20 marks] Assume waight 3 rv velitle = mt Wx |eeO 2 Tso yotucle = VT wes] | \ VeV * 13 m a celtison both webitle , a spn CONIA wil be wl) rene qogetne i partecdly plashe” ager dull os 1 — ¥ Gayest P= FxCurret) gL ae Nie fax ispem ae Ne (ax 04X48] X 2 HDD rl}ace |@ | MADE EASY auestion cum Answer Booklet —_ | Page 66 of 86 Do not this margin in odpblying a momen tt) Cons sw orton bore ach afl sh colksion (my 40 = G4 [osm™) Vv We VY = 826 wx 08 gnitiad jad * calibra, Valve a if : pu oe calliseys as xe eeDonat sain Page 700f 86 [wer © | MADE EASY auestion cum answer Booklet Determine the longitudinal force P and stress p at all cross-section for the steel bar shown. Q7(b) below: 25kN Determine also the vertical displacements A of the cross-sections of the bar. Represent the result graphically by plotting, P, p and A diagrams. Take E = 2 * 1° N/mm2. Also, locate the section of zero displacements. [20 marks] fation mos a watt Beco = Veo t aS ka DE be = 5x0 « LE X10°% pax ro ©MADE ERSH Questioncum answer sookier | rare 71or 86 |p, Longitudinal foce in Po. 95 WA Changi Age TESS = 5 N = od a = ran) In, Fep Age ea <, =Z 2 95 ln v rl : | al ® a5 en as E a B | = if we $5 fon bon fm 3 ® Dag = QS5x]0 A 1S AIO ani baal 4 sox axios” Muybo not tein this agin MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Page 72 of 66 Beate ae 2 as lu Cou hrvasive - - a WW fi as xo" 5 _ LAR —ROND « = WO Sows ba - TE 30D pra vanhent dag haemo ge pon = pH OOS 1 13g wm Qownw ot ) Abwnga tion -| MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | ee hoiny | O cUsflaceraxt = Rh and [ort 0.606 yoo Sa af wM BROS yg cos Vag ha _ Jlrs O65 ie fe fad ye ie. gat AL fa = ong = \.orsm From 9 Ser Door Se Page 73 of 86 |i! his marginMADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet | eT Do nat vite in ‘his macgin Q7©| Calculate stresses at interior and edge regions of a cement concrete pavement-using, Westergaard’s stress Gquations, using the fullowing daid: Wheel load = 4100 kg, Modulus of elasticity of cement concrete = 3.1 x 10° kg/cm? Pavement thickness = 20 em Radius of contact area = 15cm Poisson's ratio of concrete, t = 0.15 Modulus of subgrade reaction, K = 20 kg/cm? [20 marks] 44 cow & = 6 y 4 oP |e Uy, + \-063] 42 tf , shifnes (= hoatws wubolwe ST ( y \ eh? “| 4@ | MADE EASY Question cum answer Booklet K_ rading &} srt sting seehon b= ee reat ht - 06 9h ye. {rs US Fas — (0.675 x 26) - 1S © L3H (4.0 Ge . IS < Hs ( Sp = O-bX Ayo 2 + fog, | (Sh 22. + }2064 (ay | Siang) ee ae. ad the nein /1@ ie Se > staP { als, | L(x 6. 369] i Sy S pee, 1 On SFA Cue 24 lea ( pS | & pan — Gy? a i HO 4. oA yp : |S se e884 isla | | Page 75 of 8 [ee
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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (789)
The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
From Everand
The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
Viet Thanh Nguyen
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (123)
A Man Called Ove: A Novel
From Everand
A Man Called Ove: A Novel
Fredrik Backman
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (4851)
Brooklyn: A Novel
From Everand
Brooklyn: A Novel
Colm Toibin
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2029)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
From Everand
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (2110)
The Woman in Cabin 10
From Everand
The Woman in Cabin 10
Ruth Ware
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2587)
Little Women
From Everand
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
From Everand
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (883)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
From Everand
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
From Everand
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (108)