ENPHO Journal V1 I1
ENPHO Journal V1 I1
ENPHO Journal V1 I1
Dr. Laxman Joshi
Mr. Bhushan Tuladhar
Mr. Rajendra Shrestha
Mr. Prashanna Man Pradhan
Ms. Pramina Nakarmi
Ms. Rosy Singh
Language Editors
Laura MacDonald
Lena Bunzenmeyer
Rebecca McAllister
Cover Photo
-Art by Kushal Dhakal, Grade 9 student of Everest English School, Byasi, Bhaktapur and Winner of the
Inter School Drawing Competition organized by Paschim Paaila and ENPHO on the occasion of World
Water Day 2017.
-The art is based on “Wastewater”- the theme for World Water Day 2017
The views and opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
views, official policy or position of ENPHO or the editors. Authors are responsible for their citing of
sources and the accuracy of their references. ENPHO and the editors will not be responsible for any lack
or possible violation of third party rights.
Copyright©2017 ENPHO
This publication is Copyright © by ENPHO, all rights reserved. Article/s in this publication may be
freely shared among individuals, but cannot be republished in any medium without written consent from
the author/s and written notification to ENPHO Editorial Team.
Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO)
G.P.O Box 4102; 110/25 Aadarsha Marg 1
New Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: 977-1-4468641, 4467151 | Fax: 977-1-4491376 | Email: [email protected]
Website: www.enpho.org
It gives us immense pleasure to share with you this “Journal of Environment and Public Health”, a
collection of research papers from the WASH sector. ENPHO is one of the prominent organizations
contributing in the areas of safe Water, sustainable Sanitation, better Hygiene (WASH), environment and
public health. It combines research and action to develop, demonstrate and disseminate sustainable and
appropriate WASH technologies and approaches. This publication aims to disseminate research findings
and information on WASH. The papers included in this publication resonate with the theme of World
Water Day 2017 i.e. “Wastewater”.
Furthermore, we intend to give continuity to this publication as a yearly publication, publishing on the
occasion of World Water Day.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the authors/contributors for their papers and support
in making this publication successful. We highly anticipate constructive feedback and suggestions from
readers to make further improvement in coming days.
Co-treatment of faecal sludge with wastewater treatment systems: A systematic review 51-58
Dangol, B.
Faecal sludge treatment and reuse system in Mahalaxmi Municipality, Nepal 59-64
Rajbhandari, R. and Dangol, B.
Shrestha, P., Shrestha, R., & Dangol, B. (2017). Status of wastewater generation and management in urban Nepal. Journal of Environment and Public Health, 1(1), pp. 1-6. Published by ENPHO, Kathmandu, Nepal.
2 Journal of Environment and Public Health
There are no specifically written evident about
20 the ancient practices of wastewater management
15 13.9 in Nepal. The Hiti system, established as water
5 6.4
supply technologies since the Licchavi period
0 (300 AD – 879 AD) in Kathmandu Valley,
1981 1991 2001 2011 2014 2015
can be found integrated with the wastewater
management. The Hiti is ancient water supply
Figure 1: Urbanization trend of Nepal system with an underground water conveyance
and stone spout of water serving as a tap. The
According to the census 2011 in urban areas, system uses shallow aquifers. Hities are located
30 percent households are connected to either next to the aquifer or are connected to the
sewerage systems, 60 percent households have far away the aquifer using burnt clay or wooden
on site sanitation systems such as septic tank channels with gravity flow. Normally wastewater
and pit latrine and about 9 percent households from the Hities are drained out the settlement
do not have access to latrines (CBS, 2012). The through underground Dhon, the drainage. In
Government of Nepal has plan to connect the some cases, this water is collected in a pond
entire urban household with sewerage system and utilized for agricultural products washing,
by 2030 (NPC, 2016). The baseline data and duck farming. Similarly during Malla dynasty
target for wastewater treatment is, however, (1200-1768) the sewers in the major settlements
missing in the plan. The recent data on of Kathmandu valley were built as a combined
wastewater management including production sewer for domestic sewage, basically grey water
and treatment in urban areas of Nepal is very and surface drainage. The sewage was thrown
limited. freely in open fields with the outfalls located in
open fields. The collected water was used for
The objective of the paper is to present current irrigation purposes. Rana dynasty (1898-1950)
status of wastewater management in urban had further developed the sewerage system of
Nepal and to estimate the current wastewater core area of Kathmandu Valley. The main sewers
generation. made of bricks were circular or oval in section
with diameter of 600 mm. Absence of toilets with
flushing facilities in Valley during Rana dynasty
Methodology led the construction of sewers only for storm
The data on wastewater production and water drainage and after 1950, was changed
management were collected by intensive literature into combined sewer system with feeding
review of published and web-based online sources. unauthorized sanitary sewers from houses and
The census reports were reviewed to compile industries (Nyachhyon, 2006). The development
population, household data that were further of modern sewer system in the country started
used for estimation of wastewater generation. towards 1920s that include 55 km long brick
Several reports and documents published by the channel to collect and dispose combined sewer
government and non-government agencies were and rainwater runoff in Kathmandu and Patan
studied to understand and document status of (Nyachhyon, 2006 cited in Shukla et al., 2012).
wastewater management in Nepal. Sustainable management of wastewater is one
of the traditional practices since Malla period
Journal of Environment and Public Health 3
in Kathmandu Valley which can be seen in urban areas of Nepal is 867 MLD.
the historical Newar settlements yet. The old
aged tradition comprises systematic collection, Based on the data 30 percent of urban household
conveyance, storage (treatment) and safe disposal are connected to sewer network, 288 MLD of
of domestic wastewater which is further reused wastewater of total estimated volume is conveyed
mainly in agriculture. through the sewer network. The calculation
showed that only 7 percent i.e. 20 MLD out of
288 MLD is being treated through the existing
Current scenario of wastewater functional centralized and decentralized wastewater
management in Nepal treatment plants in Nepal. The remaining 93
percent wastewater that is not connected to
Wastewater production and sewer sewer, is disposed into the nearby rivers without
system in Nepal treatment. There are five major centralized system
installed in Kathmandu valley out of which only
The source of wastewater in Nepal are mostly one system at Gujeshowri is currently functioning
domestic and commercial (washing and other and it contributes to about 86.1 percent of
sanitary activities) with addition of industrial wastewater treatment. The remaining 13.9 percent
wastewater in urban areas. Approximately 93 of wastewater is treated by 22 decentralized systems
percent of the total wastewater generated in the that are functioning properly (Figure 2). Due to
cities is domestic and remaining 7 percent is higher volume of wastewater disposal in nearby
industrial wastewater (KUKL, 2013). The census rivers, the receiving rivers are being polluted and
data shows that 70% of wastewater production their protection has also been a challenge.
particularly faecal sludge has been managed
by using on-site sanitation system whereas the Wastewater treatment in Nepal
remaining (30%) of wastewater production is
collected by existing sewer network (CBS, 2012). In 1975, modern technologies of wastewater
The projected population of the country in 2016 is treatment system was introduced for first
28.3 million with the growth rate of 1.35 percent time in Nepal with the establishment of
per annum out of which 12 million has been wastewater treatment plant at Hanumaghat. In
projected as urban population based on census of early 1980s wastewater treatment wastewater
2011. With the consideration of water demand of treatment plants were established at Kodku and
100 lpcd for urban areas and 80 percent of total Dhobighat, and Sallaghari (KUKL, 2013). To
water use is turned into wastewater, the theoretical avoid the pollution in Bagmati river along the
calculation of domestic wastewater production in religious area of Pashupati Nath, High Power
Unsafe Disposal
Sewer Network 93% without treatment =
30% (Wastewater) =
267.9 MLD
Domestic WW 288 MLD 7%
generation = 867 MLD On-site Sanitation
70% Treated Wastewater = Centralized WWTP
(Faecal Sludge) = 579 86%
20.1 MLD = 17.3 MLD
DEWATS = 2.8
Figure 2 : Domestic wastewater flow diagram of urban areas in Nepal
4 Journal of Environment and Public Health
The Kathmandu Valley Wastewater Management Figure 3 : Existing operational status of DEWATS
Project implemented by KUKL/PID with the (Source: ENPHO, 2017)
support from ADB has set target to treat 90.5
MLD and 382.1 MLD of wastewater by 2020 Conclusion
and 2030 respectively in Kathmandu valley
(KUKL, 2013). This paper reviews the existing trend of
wastewater production and the status of its
In 1997, decentralized wastewater treatment management. Urbanization is taking place
system (DEWATS) was introduced in Nepal as rapidly and uncontrollably and the trend is
constructed wetland technology in Dhulikhel more significant in last few years. As a result,
hospital (Shrestha et al., 2001) observed more wastewater production is abruptly increasing and
than 95 percent of major pollutants had been lack of proper wastewater management is posing
removed during time interval of 1997-2000 significant threats to human health, well-being
(Jha and Bajracharya, 2014). After its successful and economic activity.
operation, more than 60 DEWATS have been
established at community, municipality and The theoretical estimate of the wastewater
institutional scale throughout the country. From generation is 867 MLD in urban areas where
the latest study conducted by ENPHO (2017), 70% is collected in on-site sanitation system
22 out of 60 DEWATS was found to be in and 30% is collected by sewer. Nearly 7%
operation and most of them are managed by of wastewater is treated out of which 86% is
institution and community (Figure 3). Bagmati contributed by centralized wastewater treatment
Action Plan (2009-2014) has also recommended system and 14% by DEWATS. The Government
DEWATS as a new approach to manage of Nepal has plan to manage wastewater in
wastewater in peri-urban and rural areas in Kathmandu Valley by establishing centralized
Kathmandu valley (GoN/NTNC, 2009). and decentralized wastewater treatment systems.
KUKL (2008). Annual Report on Condition Shukla, A., Timilsina, U. & Jha, B. (2012).
and Operation of the Service System 1 Wastewater production, treatment and
Falgun 2064-31 Asadh 2065. Available at: Use in Nepal. Kathmandu. doi: 10.1016/j.
http://www.kathmanduwater.org/reports/ watres.2014.11.002.
Annual Report (Condition & Operations) UN-HABITAT (2008). Water Movements in
(FY64_65).pdf. Patan with Reference to Traditional Stone
Massoud, M. A., Tarhini, A. & Nasr, J. A. Spouts. UN-HABITAT Water for Asian
(2008). Decentralized approaches to Cities Programme Nepal, Kathmandu.
wastewater treatment and management: United Nations (2015). Sustainable
Applicability in developing countries. Development Goals 17 Goals to
Journal of Environmental Management, Transform Our World. Available at: http://
90(1), pp. 652–59. doi: 10.1016/j. www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/
jenvman.2008.07.001. water-and-sanitation/ (Accessed: 20
Population Reference Bureau (2016). 2016 February 2017).
World Population Data Sheet. 2015 WWAP (World Water Assessment Programme)
World Population Data Sheet, p. 23. doi: (2012). World Water Development
10.2307/1972177. Report Volume 4: Managing Water under
Shrestha, J. (2011). Traditional Practices Uncertainty and Risk, Water demand:
and knowledge System in integrated What drives consumption? doi: 10.1608/
Wastewater Management in Kathmandu FRJ-3.1.2.
Valley: Case Study of Khokana VDC.
M.Sc. thesis, Pokhara University, Nepal
Journal of Environment and Public Health 7
Dhakal, I., & Nakarmi, P. (2017). Characterization of wastewater in Nepal. Journal of Environment and Public Health, 1(1), pp. 7-12. Published by ENPHO, Kathmandu, Nepal.
8 Journal of Environment and Public Health
Based on the sources, wastewaters were categorized as domestic, industrial or hospital wastewater for further interpretation.
Journal of Environment and Public Health 9
The overall mean value of BOD and COD
Figure 1: % of Wastewater Samples with Respect to Different
Sources of Generation
was found to be 377 mg/L and 638 mg/L
respectively (Table 3). Differences were observed
The composition of typical domestic, industrial among COD values of all sources; the highest
and hospital wastewater is shown in Table 2. was observed in industrial sources, followed by
domestic and then hospital wastewater. In the
Table 2: No. of Samples Analyzed for Different Parameters case of BOD, the mean value was found to be
Based on Sources of Generation highest in domestic wastewater. TSS values were
Type Domestic Hospital Industrial Grand Total found to be highest in industrial wastewater and
pH 51 10 6 67 lowest in hospital wastewater. Conversely, pH
TSS 138 10 6 154 was found to be highest in hospital wastewater
BOD 50 14 25 89
and lowest in industrial wastewater. Oil and
COD 200 14 32 246
Ammonia 19 10 2 31 grease was found to be highest in industrial
DO 8 13 - 21 wastewater and lowest in domestic wastewater
TP 64 - 2 66 (Table 3).
TKN 11 9 - 20
Nitrate 45 10 - 55
Oil & Grease 21 10 10 41
Table 3: Mean, Maximum and Minimum Values of Tested Parameters Among Different Sources of Wastewater
Parameters Domestic Industrial Hospital
Mean Minimum Maximum Mean Minimum Maximum Mean Minimum Maximum
pH 7.04 (± 0.92) 4 9 6.67 (± 1.51) 5 9 7.1 (± 0.32) 7 8
TSS (mg/L) 356 (± 704.89) 3 6150 429 (± 767.85) 16 1984 195 (± 362.66) 6 1144
DO (mg/L) 1 (± 1.31) 0 3 - - - 4 (± 3) 0 8
BOD (mg/L) 420 (± 732.01) 8 5050 411 (± 509.07) 10 2275 166 (± 233.56) 3 652
COD (mg/L) 640 (± 1002.07) 16 10032 766 (± 1372.09) 0 7488 329 (± 467.9) 6 1373
118 (± 106.46) 24 370 17 (± 23.33) 1 34 48 (± 51.25) 19 183
Nitrate (mg/L) 6 (± 6.14) 0 34 - - - 4 (± 3.14) 1 10
TKN (mg/L) 385 (± 294.66) 65 846 - - - 44 (± 36.02) 17 112
TP (mg/L) 16 (± 18.83) 0 98 2 (± 2.12) 0 3 - - -
Oil & Grease
18 (± 27.83) 0 121 37 (± 55.06) 0 159 2 (± 2.23) 0 6
10 Journal of Environment and Public Health
Of the tested parameters, only TKN and DO In the case of industrial wastewater, TSS,
were found to be significantly different among COD and oil & grease were found to be the
the sources (p-values < 0.05). Statistically, BOD highest and BOD was found to be similar to
was found to be significantly correlated with domestic wastewater. The high COD may be
COD, TKN and TSS. Similarly, COD was due to the high concentration of inorganic
found to be significantly correlated with TSS, oxygen demanding wastes from different
BOD, ammonia and TKN (p-values < 0.01) industries like paper mills and dye industries,
(Table 4). which cause lowering of DO levels in water.
The oil & grease layer reduces biological
activity in the treatment processes and also
Discussion causes clogging of pipes in treatment units,
The study indicates that the characteristics of thus leading to high cleaning and maintenance
wastewater vary among sources. Mean values costs (El-gawad, 2014). TSS was found to be
for BOD, ammonia, organic nitrate and total positively and significantly correlated with
phosphorus were found to be higher in domestic BOD and COD (Table 4). The correlation of
wastewater compared to other sources. The TSS, BOD and COD indicates that removal
high value of BOD in domestic wastewater of suspended particles through settlement only
reflects the high organic matter content from – a simple wastewater treatment component –
carbohydrates, fats and protein in the waste. can remove much of the BOD and COD from
Sukumaran et al., (2008) stated that when wastewater.
wastewaters with high BOD enter water bodies,
assimilation of organic matters by microbial Though the mean values of the studied
activity, and hence the oxygen consumption, parameters are comparatively lower in hospital
leads to hypoxic conditions in water bodies with wastewater, it is important to understand that
consequent adverse effects on aquatic biota and the main constituents of hospital wastewater
aesthetics of water (Noorjahan, 2014). Similarly, are different than household or industrial
high levels of nitrate and phosphorus can lead to wastewaters. Hospital waste can comprise of
eutrophication which increases algal growth and infectious liquids, antibiotics, estrogens and
ultimately reduces dissolved oxygen in the water. metals such as mercury or platinum, used in
Algal blooms not only disrupt the aesthetics of a different medication procedures (Pauwels &
water body but can also hinder water treatment Verstraete, 2006).
processes such as filtration, coagulation,
sedimentation and chlorination.
Table 5: BOD/COD for Different Sources of Wastewater As Government of Nepal has not set the standard
for domestic wastewater, therefore the results
Medium Strength
Municipal Wastewater obtained were compared with the effluent
(Henze & Comeau, 2008) standard for industrial wastewater (GoN 2012).
BOD/COD 0.66 0.54 0.50 0.4
COD/TKN 1.66 - 7.56 8 to 12 Table 7: % of Samples Not Within the National Effluent
BOD/TKN 1.09 - 3.81 4 to 6 Standard
COD/TP 39.51 510.63 - 35 to 45
BOD/TP 25.94 274.11 - 15 to 20
Sherpa, M., Manandhar, A., Thapa, B., & Lüthi, C. (2017). Situational assessment tools for citywide sanitation planning. Journal of Environment and Public Health, 1(1), pp. 13-20. Published by ENPHO, Kathmandu, Nepal.
14 Journal of Environment and Public Health
Figure 1: Situational analysis of toilet access in Tikapur - left and analysis of containment systems found in Tikapur -right
Source: Eawag/500B Solutions
Journal of Environment and Public Health 17
double pits (7%). Likewise, a significant number be essential even for the current “safely” handled
of households have toilets connected to a biogas sludge (i.e. contained, but not emptied).
digester (12%). Baseline survey results and FGDs
showed that FSM, storm water and solid waste The practice of transferring the sludge into an
management were the top three priority areas alternative pit, even though it is the safest option
requiring immediate attention. in absence of formalized emptying services, has not
been considered as a satisfactory treatment option.
Shit Flow Diagram This decision was based on the lack of information
The Shit Flow Diagram (SFD) was produced as on how these alternative pits were built and also to
part of the CSP using data on sanitation practices not send a wrong message to Tikapur’s residents.
at ward level (Figure 2). Despite the absence of However, in Tikapur’s rural areas, this option
some information, an evidencebased SFD was might still be the best option for managing faecal
developed based on the collected data. sludge if sufficient land is available and the risk of
groundwater contamination is low. Overall, there
is a lack of awareness on how to safely operate and
maintain sanitation systems.
The results of Sanipath rapid assessment tool are
presented in what is called “people plots” which
represent two important values: (i) the proportion
of the population that is exposed to a pathway of
infection (percentage exposed) and (ii) the level of
contamination of this pathway (dose).
Figure 2: SFD for Tikapur differentiating between safe and Results of the rapid assessment in Tikapur
unsafe disposal of human waste in Tikapur. Municipality showed that a large proportion
Source: Eawag/500B Solutions of the surveyed population, both adults and
children, were exposed to all the three studied
Formalised FSM management is absent in pathways: pumped drinking water, surface water
Tikapur. Like many other small towns in Nepal, and flood and field water (Figure 3).
there is a high toilet coverage, due to the successful
ODF campaigns in the past decade. Faecal sludge Water quality tests on hand pumps showed
was found either not emptied or was directly that contamination was more localized and
disposed into the local environment, resulting in site specific, as determined by some cases of
very unhygienic urban environmental conditions. medium to high contamination. Unsurprisingly,
community hand pumps which were often
The SFD of Tikapur shows that 30% of the sludge leaking and are located near open drains and
is currently safely handled. This was due to the private pumps located close to pit latrines were
large portion of containment technologies that most prone to contamination. Surface and flood
have either never been emptied or are connected to and field water had high contamination and one
a biogas digester and single pit latrines in the rural of the main reasons could be the unimproved
areas. At some point, the sludge must be emptied faecal sludge disposal system.
and the existence of treatment infrastructures will
18 Journal of Environment and Public Health
A brief analysis of the different assessment tools discussed above is provided in Table 1. Each of the six
tools that were validated in Tikapur has its merits, but not all were as accessible or easily applied.
Journal of Environment and Public Health 19
Table 1: Pros and Cons of Different Assessment Tools Used for the CSP in Tikapur
SN Assessment tools Pros Cons
1 Google Base Maps Provides up-to-date satellite image of the Normally, updated maps of the settlement
settlement are not available, needs manual verification
Helpful to draw system boundaries, identification of and updates
landmarks and other specific areas of interest
Helpful in visualizing and planning
2 GIS Provides a strong framework for managing spatial Adequate knowledge and skills required to
information with full transaction support and use the applications
reporting tools
Provides a visual framework for conceptualizing,
understanding and prescribing action in a distinct
spatial setting
Allows for better decision making
3 KOBO Toolbox for Free application to conduct household surveys Translating questionnaire into the local
household surveys Easily uploaded into a smart phone language, uploading and getting the system
Easy steps to prepare required set of questionnaire configured takes additional time
for survey Requires good internet connection to transfer
Conveniently used by people who have hands-on data into the central online platform
experience in using smart phones
Data transferred to a central online platform for
further processing and analysis
4 Stakeholder analysis Helps to map out the range of stakeholders who Requires good support from the local
could be useful for the planning process and to roll community and authority to understand the
out the interventions context and collaboration potentials – often
not easy to obtain
5 Shit Flow Diagram Provides a clear analysis of the excreta flow Needs a reliable and adequate data set to
pathways along the sanitation chain produce a good SFD
Easy to follow and understand
A good sensitization tool for non-experts
6 Sanipath Provides quantitative results to show pathways of Assured budget is required for water analysis
faecal contamination from different pathways, which is not always
Provides strong evidence to take corrective possible
measures/actions to cut specific routes of Difficult to transport samples to laboratory
contamination unless a field lab is available
Convincing donors to integrate such
sophisticated tools into a tight planning
process is a challenge
Shrestha, J., & Kalu, S. (2017). Performance of DEWATS in Nepal. Journal of Environment and Public Health, 1(1), pp. 21-26. Published by ENPHO, Kathmandu, Nepal.
22 Journal of Environment and Public Health
both technical and non-technical aspects for • To explore the overall physical conditions
sustainable operation. Technical aspects contain of DEWATS under different management
simple, non-energy consuming, easily operational sectors
and maintainable technological units/modules • To explore influences of management practices
which are also capable of reuse/recovery of and physical conditions on the performance
energy and resources. Non-technical aspects of DEWATS for treating wastewater under
include the decentralization of responsibility and different management sectors
capacity which would be effective and efficient
only through good governance (Fladerer, 2010).
Moreover, the sustainable operation of DEWATS
is influenced by several factors including For the purpose of study, DEWATS in Nepal
the levels of motivation of the management were first categorized as private, community or
committee, financial sources to cover major municipal systems. Interaction was carried out
repairs, concern for performance of DEWATS with management committee members to explore
and external technical support (WSP, 2013). existing management practices. Managerial aspects,
provision of caretakers and their knowledge,
In the context of Nepal, DEWATS have been operation and maintenance (O&M) mechanisms
promoted and constructed by governmental and and financial arrangements were discussed. In
non-governmental organizations working towards addition, direct field observation was carried out
environmental conservation in support of national at 30 DEWATS to explore the overall physical
and international donor agencies. In addition, the conditions. The performance status of DEWATS
private sector has also been engaged in designing was studied based on secondary sources (ENPHO
and constructing DEWATS. The major benefit 2010). Finally, a qualitative comparison was
of DEWATS is its low cost of operation and performed amongst the three categorizations of
maintenance. However, lack of maintenance DEWATS based on management aspects, physical
may degrade the physical status of different condition and performance.
modules. This may hinder the performance of
the DEWATS and in the long run may lead to
collapse of the system (WSP, 2013). For efficient
operation and maintenance of DEWATS, apart Existing Management Practices
from simple technological combinations, there is a DEWATS installed and operated in private
need for good management practices and effective sectors, such as in schools and hotels, were
financial mechanisms. Therefore, it is assumed constructed mainly as private entities in response
that despite the simple and efficient technology, to the nuisance created in surrounding areas due to
management practices may have a greater influence unmanaged wastewater. The possibility of reusing
over the status and performance of DEWATS. treated wastewater for gardening or toilet flushing
has also attracted many private sector companies
Objectives to install these kinds of systems. Private systems
are generally managed by an owner or head of an
This study was carried out with the broad institute. Gardeners, guards or technicians without
objective of exploring the performance of any knowledge or experience in wastewater
DEWATS installed and managed by different management are responsible for regular O&M
sectors in Nepal. These can be split into the with limited guidance from the designer of the
following specific objectives: system or through direct supervision of the owner.
• To explore the existing management practices In most of these systems, all financial expenses for
of DEWATS managed by different sectors
Journal of Environment and Public Health 23
regular O&M were covered by the owner with areas from direct discharge of influents from
some exceptional cases in systems supported by sewers. These systems were constructed through
donor agencies. a partnership between central- and local-level
government bodies with financial support from
Community level DEWATS are often installed international development agencies. They were
with the support of international or national handed over to the municipality (local-level
non-government organizations working in the government) after completion of the system.
sector of environmental conservation, health Overall management of these systems and
and hygiene. These systems are mainly installed performance of regular O&M was executed
to demonstrate DEWATS as an alternative through the Environmental and Social Unit
wastewater treatment system to conventional or Urban Planning Unit of the municipality.
centralized wastewater treatment systems at In some systems, a caretaker was appointed
the community level. Reuse or recycling of for regular O&M while in others local labors
wastewater and resource recovery (e.g. biogas were hired as needed. Financial sustainability
production) have been integral parts of such of the system under the local governance act
systems. In most of these systems, users was accomplished by the municipality initiating
committees were formed prior to construction. collection of a wastewater service tax and a one-
They were engaged during the planning phase, time connection fee from users.
to coordinate with users, to select appropriate
sites and during construction of the system. Physical Conditions of Systems
Cash or in-kind contributions have been Physical conditions of DEWATS managed by
managed by the users. It was observed that users the private sector were generally well maintained.
committees were trained to execute regular The unique features of systems in this category
managerial and basic operational activities after were the arrangement of modules according to site
the construction phase. For regular operation conditions and land availability. In many systems
and maintenance, one member from the users modules were designed as part of a garden, which
committee was appointed as a caretaker and adds aesthetic value to the premises. Desludging of
given basic O&M training in order to execute septic compartments, cutting of reeds in constructed
daily operational activities of the system. A wetlands and general cleaning of systems were
well-documented operational plan was prepared observed as being carried out regularly. However,
to sustain the system, including basic O&M maintenance work requiring technical knowledge,
guidelines and means of collecting service such as maintaining the position of feeding buckets,
fees from users and visitors. However, it was swivel pipes and other pipe networks for feeding
observed in some systems that users have no wastewater into constructed wetlands, were not
willingness to pay the service fees. Thus there properly maintained.
was lack of sufficient financial means to execute
regular operational activities and maintenance An attempt had been made in many community
of the system. This lack of financial means led sector systems to protect physical infrastructures
to a decline in the motivation and enthusiasm of systems by constructing fences around them.
of members of user committees and their In general, direct visible components of various
participation in management of the system. modules of systems were well maintained, such
as cleaning of manual screens, installation of
Most municipal level DEWATS were initiated manhole covers for settling compartments and
in 2009AD through a government-supported regular removal of decayed reeds and weeds.
program to conserve water sources in urban
24 Journal of Environment and Public Health
However, it was found that accumulated shelter for the caretaker, physical conditions were
scum and sludge were not removed regularly, not satisfactory in most of these systems. The most
cracked connecting pipes were not replaced common problem was higher influent diverted
and the position of swivel pipes in constructed away due to silt and sand deposition at the inlet
wetlands were misplaced. In addition, excessive channel. Further, a lack of regular cleaning and
or scattered and uneven planting of reeds in cutting of reeds in wetlands was observed. Also,
constructed wetlands were common. Channelized the practice of regular removal of scum and
flow in constructed wetlands and clogging of desludging of the septic compartment was not
filter media were the most common problems observed despite the installation of a sludge drying
observed in systems. In a few systems, significant bed in all such systems.
rehabilitation of major modules was urgently
required. In some systems where biogas digesters Performance Evaluation of Effluents
were installed, biogas was still generated despite in Different Systems from Different
other consecutive modules being completely Sectors
nonfunctional or only partially functional. It was observed that the removal efficiency
of private (after 10 years of operation) and
It was observed that municipal DEWATS community (after 4 years of operation) sector
constituted preliminary treatment modules such DEWATS were found to be similar in terms of
as screens with manual cleaning, grit chambers BOD and COD removal (>90%). However,
and grease and oil traps. Primary treatment removal efficiency of municipal DEWATS (after
modules were based on anaerobic reactors, such as 2 years of operation) was lower (72%-73%)
septic tanks followed by anaerobic filters in a few compared to those of the private and community
systems. Finally, constructed wetlands had been sectors (Figure 1). It can be concluded that the
incorporated for final treatment before discharging performance of private DEWATS is higher than
effluent. In general these systems were protected that of community sector, followed by that of
by fencing, and caretakers were provided on-site municipal sector.
shelter in some systems. Despite the provision of
Pri va te Communi ty Muni ci pa l
Conclusions References
The management committee of DEWATS within APHA (2012). Standard Methods For the
the private sector tends to be highly motivated in Examination of Water and Wastewater,
comparison to that of community and municipal American Public Health Association,
sectors. This leads to more efficient O&M American Water Workds Association,
activities, which in turn leads to good physical Water Environment Federation.
condition of DEWATS and sustainable long- BORDA (2009). Decentralised Wastewater
term performance. For community managed Treatment Systems (DEWATS) and
systems, motivation levels are much lower due to Sanitation in Developing Countries,
financial constraints and lack of enthusiasm of Water, Engineering and Development
the community members and users committees. Center in association with Bremen
Lack of coordination and information sharing Overseas Research and Development
among different units of local authority towards Association.
the management of wastewater treatment systems Fladerer, F. (2010). Mainstreaming DEWATS
has hindered the performance of DEWATS and the Subsequent Need to Introduce
within the municipal sector. a Quality Management System. Water
Practice and Technology, 5.
It is recommended that despite well documented Jha, A. K. & Bajracharya T. R. (2014).
operational plans and management committees Wastewater Treatment Technologies in
in place, reliable financial resources must be Nepal. IOE Graduate Conference.
identified. Thus for financial sustainability, a Kurniawan, A., Kwon, S., Shin, J.-H., Hur, J. &
business model should be developed. At the Cho, J. (2016). Acid Fermentation Process
municipal level, a strong coordination between Combined with Post Denitrification for
the technical unit and social unit must be the Treatment of Primary Sludge and
developed in order to promptly address any Wastewater with High Strength Nitrate.
problems that arise. Water, 8, 117.
Sasse, L. (1998). DEWATS - Decentralized
Wastewater Treatment in Developing
Acknowledgements Countries, BORDA.
We would like to thank all members of WSP (2013). Review of Community-Managed
wastewater management committees for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment
cooperating and sharing their experiences on the Systems inIndonesia, Water and Sanitation
management and operation of DEWATS. Also, Program.
we are thankful to the caretakers of all systems ENPHO (2010). DEWATS in Nepal -
for assistance during observation of systems. We Performance Assessment Report,
also appreciate Mr. Rajendra Shrestha, Director Environment and Public Health
of Outreach Division at ENPHO for valuable Organization.
Journal of Environment and Public Health 27
Shrestha, R. (2017). Decentralized integrated wastewater and solid waste management. Journal of Environment and Public Health, 1(1), pp. 27-31. Published by ENPHO, Kathmandu, Nepal.
28 Journal of Environment and Public Health
these household systems are connected to toilets, organic waste requiring less digestion time. In
whereas institutional biogas plants are typically DEWATS at Shrikhandapur, owing to small
designed to manage feacal sludge, kitchen waste, inlet of the system designed for cow dung and
and slaughter house waste (AEPC, 2017). wastewater, solid waste feeding is not being
Case study
Solid waste and wastewater treatment systems Needles to mention organically rich material
with combination of different technologies, produces more biogas. Separate sewer system
wastes and users are considered in this study. The (SSS), therefore, is best as it conveys concentrated
following plants were selected for case studies: wastewater comparative to combined sewer
• Community DEWATS with Biogas Plant, system (CSS). CSS enforces to bigger sized biogas
Shrikhandapur plants because of higher volume wastewater
• Biogas Plant, Barahi Hotel, Pokhara resulting higher investment and more land
• Biogas Plant, Schechen Monastry, consumption as well as higher operation &
Kathmandu maintenance cost.
• Community Biogas Plant, Lankhu,
Bharatpur Centralized treatment systems (composting
• Amaghar Children's home, Godavari, plant, landfill, traditional wastewater treatment)
Kathmandu are not reliable and sustainable methods of
• Bajra Academy, Lalitpur waste management as it dissipates methane
gas into environment, consumes large areas,
Data collection makes nuisance to surrounding, requires highly
skilled manpower and needs higher investment,
A questionnaire is prepared and used with
operation and maintenance cost. DISWATS
different key actors like operators, biogas users
could be a sustainable solution that overcomes
and owners. In the questionnaire, following three
drawbacks mentioned above, recycles nutrients
aspects were taken into consideration.
and produces energy.
• Technical Aspect
• Financial Aspect
As it requires large amount of water, biogas plant
• Managerial Aspect
is not feasible in water scarce areas. Integrated
solid waste and wastewater system, therefore,
Findings and discussion could be a good technological alternative since
wastewater replaces amount of water required for
Technical Aspect
biogas plant. Likewise solid waste maintains C/N
Most of the designs of the community / ratio (20-30:1) mostly in the case of black water
institutional biogas plants of Nepal are enlarged that generated from public toilet/institutions may
version of GGC 2047 model (BSP, 2017). In contain comparatively higher nitrogen.
fact this model is specially designed assuming
that the feedstock as cow dung. From the study Waste and wastewater management system
it was found that design of biogas plant should should be aesthetically attractive or designed to
be modified as per the nature of designated suit the landscape or beautification of nature that
waste so that it performs with good efficiency. makes easy to convince people. Otherwise most
If the organic waste that requires more time of people rejects such system because of smell,
for the anaerobic digestion, then the design of unpleasant looking.
the digesters should be larger compared to the
30 Journal of Environment and Public Health
in 2005. The partially functional treatment plant treats domestic wastewater Nepal Engineering College
from 100 households and the effluent of the treatment plant mixes with Bhaktapur, Nepal
a surface drain and finally drains to Karmanasa River. The wastewater
treatment plant is being operated and maintained by the community. This
paper mainly reflects upon the local perception of the wastewater treatment
plant focussing on finding out the potential for wastewater use in agriculture
in terms of technical and financial aspects only. Wastewater quality and
quantity analyses were conducted to assess the technical aspects; participatory
tools such as questionnaire survey, key informant interview and observation
were carried out to assess local perception, environmental benefits and
financial aspects of the treatment plant. Two different aspects were studied
regarding the wastewater use in agriculture i. use of treated effluent and ii.
use of treated effluent mixed with the surface drain. The survey showed great
acceptance for the wastewater treatment plant as the improvements are visible
in the surrounding environment. The quantity, accessibility and reliability
factors indicate the possibility of combined treated and diluted wastewater
use in agriculture. The potential for treated wastewater use alone is very low
whereas the potential for the use of combined treated and diluted wastewater
is very high. The potential for use of wastewater effluent is directly associated
with the quality of treated wastewater, which is questionable at the moment.
Reconstruction of the reed bed and proper and timely maintenance of the
wastewater treatment plant is required to achieve its goal of wastewater use in
agriculture or for the safe disposal in the water bodies.
Dongol, R., & Vaidya, M. (2017). Potential of wastewater use in irrigated agriculture: Case of Harisiddhi wastewater treatment plant, Nepal. Journal of Environment and Public Health, 1(1), pp. 32-39. Published by ENPHO, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Journal of Environment and Public Health 33
has limited the quantity of water available for (DWSS, 2014). However, most of the wastewater
agriculture. The 2011 national census provided collected is disposed directly to nearby surface
an annual population growth figure of 1.3 %; the water sources without any treatment. Wastewater
increase in food production led by population in Nepal is primarily organic in nature. According
growth threatens water security for agriculture. to international practices, wastewater can be used
Sufficient quantity of quality water for agriculture for agriculture after primary treatment. This would
has been threatened by changing climatic patterns lead to a solution for both issues; safe disposal of
and competition of water use among its users for wastewater and the provision of irrigation water
different purposes; Irrigation is prioritized second for agriculture in water scarce areas.
after drinking water by the Water Resources Act
(GoN, 1992). Hence, alternative sources for
irrigation, along with freshwater irrigation, need
Study Area
to be evaluated for water security for agriculture. Harisiddhi Wastewater Treatment Plant is the first of
Although wastewater has a direct impact upon its type in the country. To address the arising problem
humans and the environment, it has been set as of safe wastewater disposal and maintain sanitary
a second priority in the national projects, termed conditions in the area, people of Harisiddhi demand
as P2 projects as indicated in the red book by the a wastewater treatment plant whose effluent could
National Planning Commission (DWSS, 2014). also be fed into their agricultural land (Figure 1). This
This eventually has led to less budget provision idea of wastewater use originated from the centuries
for wastewater treatment across the country. long local initiative where the inhabitants in the urban
Wastewater Policy and Strategy (draft) recognizes fringe of Kathmandu Valley use human waste in
wastewater as a renewable and reusable resource agriculture.
irrigation by wastewater application in agriculture Diverse responses were obtained about the
and the cost of current practices of irrigation. benefits of the wastewater treatment plant. The
Likert scale was used to assess the local perception main benefit of the treatment plant identified by
of the wastewater treatment plant. the households was the reduction of wastewater
disposal cost; 25 % of respondents did not know
the benefits of the treatment plant and 2.5 %
Results and Discussion of the respondents thought that there is no
Local perception towards wastewater benefit of such treatment plant. The details of the
treatment plant respondents view about the perceived benefits of
Before the construction of Harisidhhi wastewater the wastewater treatment plant are presented in
treatment plant, only 65 % out of surveyed 80 Figure 3.
households had toilets connected to septic tanks,
3% 5%
the remaining 35 % used community toilets.
Separate toilets where available for male and
female users however they were in an unhygienic
condition with scattered human waste around the
VDC giving unpleasant aesthetics, awful odour 38%
disposed to the sewer line. Two respondents Use of sanitary toilets Low cost for WW disposal
(2.5%) responded that their wastewater is Health benefits Good quality water for irrigation
disposed to a septic tank due to technical Privacy Safe, easy
the respondents, 67 households (83.75 %) know Figure 3: Perceived Benefits of Wastewater Treatment Plant
the purpose of the treatment plant. However, the
real implementation of effluent into agriculture Before the construction of the treatment plant, the
is still lagging in the VDC. The effluent from locals used to empty their septic tanks for Rs 2000
the treatment plant combines with the surface to Rs 5000 in frequencies of between 3 months
drain which ultimately disposes to the Karmanasa to 3 years, depending on the number of family
River. 68 households (85 %) stated that they members. The charge was depends upon the
knew where the effluent is disposed of, while bargaining capabilities of the household through
the remaining 12 respondents are unaware of a series of negotiations with the tanker owners.
the fate of treated effluent. Of the mentioned 68 The households stated that this was a tedious
respondents, 29 (36.25%) stated that the effluent process and depends on the monopoly of tankers.
is disposed to the surface drain and finally to the Therefore, the disposal charge associated with the
river. 35 households (43.75%) stated that the treatment plant was proven to be a desirable and
effluent is disposed to the river and 4 respondents cheap solution for the people. Support for the
stated that the effluent is disposed to the surface treatment plant was present from its planning
drain and finally to agricultural land. However, and implementation phase. It was assessed that
during field visit it was observed that during dry no conflicts regarding the construction of the
season, the water from the drain was collected treatment plant took place based on the responses
to an artificial ditch and pumped by a nearby of 73 respondents (91.25%). The land where
private brick kiln for brick production. Therefore, the treatment plant is located is public land and
no water from this drain discharges to the river.
36 Journal of Environment and Public Health
was previously the location of the community permissible value. The turbidity, total nitrogen
toilet. Local people are aware of the benefits of and potassium values could not be compared as
wastewater use in agriculture. The beneficial none of the guidelines and standards prescribe
factors associated with the use of wastewater in a limiting value. The details of comparison is
agriculture as mentioned by the local people were presented in Table 1.
water security and fertilizer value.
The quality of the diluted effluent was also
considered as the effluent is mixed with the surface
Technical aspects of Harisiddhi drain prior to its use in agriculture. The seasonal
wastewater treatment plant flows are considerably different in our context.
There are a small number of wastewater With both the earlier considerations, the diluted
treatment plants in the country and even fewer water sample was collected on 24th March 2016
are functional. Experts also accept this fact and and surface drain sample was collected on 22nd July
that with the exception of some small local 2016 for analysis. A sample of wastewater effluent
level treatment plants, none of them are totally could not be collected due to site conditions. Some
functional. The state of the functional treatment additional parameters like Total Dissolved Solids
plants is also not satisfactory. This is supported by (TDS), Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) and
their operational status and effluent quality. Suspended Solids (SS) were considered during the
second water quality analysis.
The sample analyses showed that the majority
From the wastewater analysis data, it is clear of parameters do not meet any of the standards
that majority of the parameters analysed considered. For the diluted sample collected on
were not removed to meet any of the referred 24th March, only pH and electrical conductivity
standards and guidelines. Only pH and electrical meet the standards. However, it is observed
conductivity meet the guideline values and that due to heavy dilution during rainy season,
standards whereas all other parameters, including BOD, COD, SS and TDS are also well within
BOD, COD and faecal coliform, exceed the the limits. Total Nitrogen and phosphate has
index/100 mL)
coliform (MPN
Total Nitrogen
BOD5 (mg/L)
COD (mg/L)
SAR (mg/L)
TDS (mg/L)
pH at 210C
SS (mg/L)
Wastewater treatment
7.4 42 1170 101.1 9.16 14.17 600 181.2 1100+ - - -
Wastewater quality
of surface drain (24 7.3 28 965 57.17 4.88 9.21 440 163.2 1100+ - - -
March 2016)
Wastewater quality of
surface drain (22 July 6.9 73 456 13.3 1.74 14.15 50 14.15 1100+ 5.1 297 180
Nepal WQ Guideline 6.5-
- 4000 - - - - - 1 2 40 50
for Irrigation water 8.5
Generic Standards
5.5-9 - - - - - 250 50 - - - 50
Part III
FAO standards - - 700-3000 - 5-30 - - - <=1000 3-6 450-2000 -
Journal of Environment and Public Health 37
been reduced by more than 200 % but turbidity and do not belong to the catchment of the
has increased by around 300 %. As per FAO wastewater treatment plant.
guidelines, for SAR 3-6 and EC 300-1200,
infiltration is slight to moderate, which means Reliability
there is a chance of infiltration of this diluted The effluent is a reliable source of water with little
water to pollute groundwater. TDS was measured deviation in its discharge during a period of one
at less than 400 mg/l, salinity is none which month measured at different times and occasions.
means there are no chances of salt deposition in This discharge is available throughout the year.
soil when irrigated by this mixed effluent. The discharge data for the effluent in wet season
could not be calculated as the drain from the
Quantity treatment plant laid beneath the high flow level
The reliability of wastewater in terms of quantity in surface drain during the month of heavy
was also checked by calculating the effluent rainfall in June. Comparing the discharge data
discharge on site. The time taken to fill up of the surface drain in wet and dry seasons, the
a known volume was recorded and used to discharge in wet season is approximately 20 times
calculate the wastewater discharge. The calculated the discharge in dry season due to monsoon.
discharge was 0.048 l/s indicating low flow which
is also substantiated by the responses of the
respondents. The discharge of the surface drain
Financial status of wastewater
was calculated to be 0.228 l/s during dry season, treatment plant and wastewater
whereas the discharge is almost 20 times higher use in agriculture
during wet season. During the observation, it was
found out that 68.75 % of the respondents own The financial resource for construction was
land downstream of the treatment plant. The managed by the government with 20 %
combined discharge available in the surface drain, contribution from the community, both in cash
which is approximately 6 times the discharge and kind. The user’s committee collected Rs
of the effluent, is sufficient to irrigate the land 2,500 from each household for contribution
accessible by the drain. This land cannot be solely and also contributed labour for excavation and
irrigated by the effluent. site clearance. The main source of finance for
operation and maintenance of the treatment plant
Accessibility and associated infrastructures is a monthly tariff
It was observed that 51 out of 55 (92.73 %) collection of NRs 50 per household. Among the
respondents who own the land downstream nine members of the sewer subcommittee under
of the treatment plant use the surface drain the Water Users’ committee, five members are
water for irrigating their land both during dry engaged in tariff collection. The tariff is collected
and wet season. The drain water is applied in a once every three months; this is currently on hold
cascade system, from higher land to lower land due to the devastating earthquake. The tariff is
and between land holders turn by turn. The used to pay cleaning staff and buy different tools
remaining 7.27 % of land owners do not have and equipment to clean the treatment plant and
access to the surface drain water and are totally sewer line. The cleaning staff is paid Rs 2,000 per
rain-fed. Hence, the treatment plant effluent, month. A conservative calculation estimates that a
diluted with the surface drain, is accessible to net saving of NRs. 18,000 occurs.
the majority of respondents. During extremely
dry seasons, land holders having land adjoining The treated effluent from the wastewater
to the river pump water from the river. treatment plant combines with the surface drain
However, this is a small number of farmers at a similar level to that of the drain. In dry
38 Journal of Environment and Public Health
season, the invert level of the sewer carrying the agriculture or disposing to surface water source.
treatment plant effluent is just above the level The diluted effluent mixed with surface drain
of the dry season flow of the surface drain. In also does not meet the standards and cannot be
the wet season the drain is totally submerged by used for agriculture or disposal to river during
the surface runoff. It is not possible to construct dry season but can be used for agriculture and
a new channel parallel to the existing one due disposal to the stream during rainy season.
to the limited space. It is therefore necessary to The quantity of effluent is not sufficient to
construct a crossing across the drain to irrigate irrigate the agricultural land downstream of the
agriculture land solely from the effluent. treatment plant. The combined discharge from
the surface drain and the effluent is sufficient
The adjacent land on other side of the effluent to irrigate the land both in dry and wet season.
sewer, parallel to the drain, is low with a rising The surface drain combined with the effluent
elevation totalling approximately 2 m. This is accessible to the agricultural land and the
makes the construction of a separate system more effluent is highly reliable with little deviation in
difficult. Hence, it is mandatory to construct discharge. However, the reliability of the diluted
a piped system under pressure or pumping effluent is dependent upon the season with high
mechanism to carry the effluent to the agricultural discharge in wet season and low discharge in
land. Owing to the huge investment associated dry season. The surrounding households have
with the construction of a sole wastewater effluent good knowledge of the benefits and adverse
supply and its minimum discharge, it is highly impacts of wastewater use in agriculture. The
infeasible to construct a separate effluent drain to acceptability was high for use of wastewater in
use in agriculture. The analysis of wastewater use agriculture. There is no possibility of the sole
in agriculture is hence carried out for combined use of the effluent to supply the surrounding
discharge from the wastewater treatment plant agricultural land. The use of effluent diluted
and the surface drain. All the respondents who by the surface drain water is highly possible
have land downstream of the treatment plant and is currently practiced. There is no change
and whose land is accessible to surface drain in the cost of irrigation due to there being
water use the water for irrigation. They pose an no changes to any existing infrastructures.
obstruction in the drain to irrigate their lands. All Farmers are aware of the wastewater quality
the respondents stated that one day of labour was and are among those who prefer it the least
sufficient to irrigate their land. One day of labour due to the associated impacts. The potential
costs approximately Rs 600 - Rs 800 for women for treated wastewater use alone is very low
and Rs 700 - Rs 1000 for men. The possible and the potential for combined treated and
mechanism for the diluted wastewater use in diluted wastewater use is very high. It potential
agricultural land will remain the same and the cost use is directly associated with the quality of
for irrigation will also be same as there is no other treated wastewater. Reconstruction of the reed
viable possibility for irrigation of land and this beds is essential to maintain quality of treated
condition is strictly site specific. wastewater alongside the proper and timely
maintenance of other components to achieve
maximum removal efficiency. If possible, and
Conclusion depending upon the financial budget, the user
Harisiddhi wastewater treatment plant has committee should recruit a full time technician
significantly contributed in providing aesthetic for regular operation and maintenance, revision
look to the VDC. However, the quality of tariff is necessary.
of effluent is not good enough for use in
Journal of Environment and Public Health 39
Shakya, S., Shrestha, J., & Kansakar, L. K. (2017). Productive reuse of organic waste in rooftop farming: A case study from Kathmandu Metropolitan City. Journal of Environment and Public Health, 1(1), pp. 40-44. Published by ENPHO, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Journal of Environment and Public Health 41
Calculation 1: Available Roof top Area for RTF compost manure in RTF is 63.3 tons per day as
Total Residential Area: 24 sq. km. shown in calculation 3.
Roof top area =34% of 24= 8.16 sq. km.
Cultivable Roof Top Farming area=5.7 sq. km.
Calculation 3: Total demand of compost
Estimation of Demand and Supply of Compost: manure for RTF per day
1 hectare of cultivation area requires 10 tons of compost,
Since use of compost generated from household i. e. 10000 sq. m. = 10 tons of compost per season [1 season
organic wastes and greywater is embedded in is equivalent to 3 months]
the concept of RTF, this section assesses the which implies, 5.7 sq. km. = 5,700,000 sq. m of cultivated
production of compost from organic waste in area demands
KMC and its utilization in RTF. = 5,700 tons of compost per season
= 63.3 tons per day
According to a study carried out by Asian This shows the current demand of compost
Development Bank in 2013, it was estimated manure, 63.3 tons per day for RTF, is only 40%
that 504 tons of solid waste is generated per day of estimated total potential compost production
in KMC. Out of this, 63.22% is organic waste of 160 tons per day (calculation 2).
which can be decomposed to produce manure
(ADB, 2013). Under suitable conditions and Estimation of grey water utilization:
adequate decomposition, this volume of organic Approximately 68.92 MLD (Million liters per
waste can produce 160 tons of compost per day day) of wastewater is generated in Kathmandu
as shown in calculation 2. Valley (Shukla, Timilsina and Jha, 2012) which
is approximately equivalent to 344 liters per day
Calculation 2: Compost produced per day in per household. In general, the volume of grey
KMC water accounts for 50% to 80% of the domestic
Total Solid Waste generated = 504 tons per day
Composition of organic waste = 63.22% of total waste household water uses and thus the wastewater
= 318.63 tons per day generated (Al-Mashaqbeh, Ghrair and Megdal,
Compost manure generated = 50% of organic waste 2012). Thus, 45 MLD, 65% of water use, was
(Since organic waste generally consists of 40-60% of moisture, assumed to be grey water which is discharged into
for the calculation, 50% loss as moisture during composting nearby drainage.
process has been assumed)
= half of organic waste produced
=160 tons per day Besides reusing organic solid waste as compost,
RTF also provides an opportunity to reuse
The total demand for compost was estimated grey water produced at household level.
based on the above mentioned cultivable roof top Water demand for crops may vary according
area and available secondary data on the manure to their types which is presented in Table 1
required for the cultivation of crops. As per the below (National Committee on Plasticulture
Agricultural Information and Communication Application in horticulture, n.d.). Water demand
Center, the requirement of compost varies from for crops was calculated at a household level so as
5 to 15 tons per hectare for different crops. The to reuse grey water generated at household level.
study also revealed that 10 tons per hectare of
compost produced maximum yield of rice grain According to Table 1: crop water demand
(Plaza and Oilseed, 2010). Thus, 10 t/ha was for crops for total cultivable RTF, crop water
assumed the required compost amount for crop required is 3.17 MLI to 15.66 MLI in initial
cultivation in RTF. Hence, total demand for phase and 6.3 MLI to 28.6 MLI in peak phase
Journal of Environment and Public Health 43
Table 1: Crop Water Demand for Crops for Total Cultivable RTF
Initial Phase crop Water Water
Peak Phase crop Number of plant
water demand (Liter Cropping area requirement requirement
Crops water demand ( Cultivable area/
per Irrigation per Plant per plant (cm )
Initial Phase Peak Phase
(L/I/P) cropping area)
(L/I/P)) (MLI) (MLI)
Tomato 0.45 1.15 75*60 12693333 5.71 14.6
Cauliflower 0.74 1.35 45*60 21155556 15.66 28.6
Beans* 0.25 0.5 45*45 46628571 11.66 23.3
Garlic* 0.05 0.1 5*5 2284800000 114.24 228.5
Strawberry* 0.05 0.1 30*30 63466666 3.17 6.3
*: Crop water demand calculated based on experience shared by local farmer
Table 2: Crop Water Demand as Crops per Household (230 sq. ft.)
No. of plants Crop water demand
Crop water Monthly crop water Monthly crop
RTF area (HHs) = RTF Initial Phase= No of
Crops demand Peak demand (Initial water demand
(HHS cm2) Area / No. of plant* initial water
Phase Phase) LI (Peak Phase) LI
plants demand (Liter/irrigation)
Tomato 230000 51 23 59 138 353
Cauliflower 85 63 115 378 691
Beans* 188 47 94 282 563
Garlic* 9200 460 920 2760 5520
Strawberry* 256 13 26 77 153
*: Crop water demand calculated based on experience shared by local farmer
Nakarmi, P., Shakya, S., Dhakal, I., & Kansakar, L. K. (2017). Human urine application in rice and potato production. Journal of Environment and Public Health, 1(1), pp. 45-50. Published by ENPHO, Kathmandu, Nepal.
46 Journal of Environment and Public Health
water used for toilet flushing which can account This study evaluated the effect of human urine
for 30% of average direct daily water use. A family application (and its application method) on rice and
of four could save around 80 litres of water per day potato production, the first and the fourth most
with such system(Larsen et al., 2001). This in turn important crops of Nepal respectively (Joshi et al.,
can reduce wastewater load along with nutrients and 2003). Crop yields from urine application, chemical
can significantly decrease the energy requirement fertilizers and farmer’s common practice (urea and
for wastewater treatment (Wilsenach and Van animal manure) were compared.
Loosdrecht, 2003).
The chemical fertilizers used were urea (46% N), Table 3: Attributes of urine
di-ammonium phosphate (18% N and 46% P) and Parameter
murate of potash (60% K). The fertilizer dose for 2009 2010 2011
rice was 80:30:30 and for potato 150:100:30. Urine Total Nitrogen (mg/L) 2926 5391 7117
Total Phosphorus (mg/L) 308 178 314
dose for the crops were calculated to be 20 litres Potassium (mg/L) 874 1711 1797
(Richert et al., 2010) each for both, rice and potato Sodium (mg/L) - 2774 3526
per season. The analysis of urine used for the study
was carried out at Environment and Public Health
Organization (ENPHO) laboratory (Table 3). Results and Discussion
Soil quality
Table 2: Treatment details
Treatment Application Method
The pH value of soil slightly increased (range 7.2
to 7.9) after first application in all treatments
Half volume (1/2 dose) of calculated dose of urine
split urine
T2: Three-split T1: Two-
(1/3 dose) after planting. organic matter content of the soil increased in
all treatments with the highest increase seen in
was applied at the time of planting along with T3 during and after the experiment. EC value
T3: Urine
EC (µs/cm)
7.2 400 Initial
7.0 2009
2011 2009
6.8 200
6.6 2011
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 0
Treatment T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
OM (mg/L)
2.0 Initial
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Table 4: Yield of rice and potato production under different with that of the third year, the increase in yield is
treatments in different years least (12%) under T1 and highest (106%) under
Rice Yield (kg/ha) Tuber Yield (t/ha) farmer’s common practice. This could be due
Treatment 2009 2010 2011 2009 2010 2011 to the increase in fertility of the soil for potato
T1 6915 7191 4902 10.1 10.9 11.4 production because of the treatment methods
T2 6775 6519 6162 10.3 11.1 17.0 applied or the farming.
T3 8362 7336 7838 14.9 17.4 22.8
T4 7064 7183 6545 14.3 13.8 19.1
T5 6838 6800 5557 12.0 17.2 24.8
(Research Assistant, ENPHO) for their support Pradhan, S. K., Nerg, A. M., Sjoblom, A.,
in reviewing this paper and for the valuable Holopainen, J. K., & Heinonen-Tanski,
comments in preparation of this paper. H. (2007). Use of human urine fertilizer in
cultivation of cabbage (Brassica oleracea) -
Impacts on chemical, microbial, and flavor
References quality. Journal of Agricultural and Food
Beal, C., Gardner, T., Ahmed, W., Walton, Chemistry, 55(21), 8657–8663. https://doi.
C., & Hamlyn-Harris, D. (2008). Urine org/10.1021/jf0717891
separation and reuse trial. Water, 35(1), Richert, A., Gensch, R., Jönsson, H., Stenström,
pp. 66–69. Retrieved from http://www. T.-A., & Dagerskog, L. (2010). Practical
scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0- Guidance on the Use of Urine in Crop
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52 Journal of Environment and Public Health
inhabited low-income areas where people, Center for Environmental Publications (https://
particularly children, are at the greatest risk of www.epa.gov/nscep), and Google Scholar (https://
exposure to hygienically unsafe excreta (Strauss scholar.google.com) using the following keywords:
and Montangero, 2002). “Faecal Sludge” AND “Co-treatment”; “Septage”
AND “Co-Treatment”; “Faecal Sludge” AND
There are major problems and challenges associated “Wastewater Treatment Plants”; “Septage” AND
with each of the components of FSM, including pit/ “Wastewater Treatment Plants”. The systematic
vault emptying, haulage, storage or treatment, and review mainly focused on identifying data and
reuse or disposal (Strauss and Montangero, 2002). information on type and design capacity of
Although much effort and many resources have WWTPs; co-treatment processes; characteristics
been invested in developing both low- and high-cost and volume of FS added; impacts of FS addition;
wastewater treatment technologies over the past and procedures to reduce these impacts.
decades, very limited field research, technological
development and testing have been carried out
on sustainable FS treatment and management
Results and Discussions
(Ingallinella et al., 2002). FS co-treatment in conventional WWTPs
has been practiced in high-income countries,
The practice of disposing FS at centralized including the United States, and in some middle-
wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is income countries. Based on monitoring results,
seen as a feasible option to help to stabilize the US EPA (1984) pointed out that the ability
the sludge from an environmental perspective of WWTPs to accommodate the addition of FS
(Andreadakis, 1992; Heinss and Strauss, 1999; depends on the plant type, layout & location;
Harrison and Moffe, 2003; Lake, 2010). design capacity; wastewater flow; effluent
However, the characteristics of FS and septage limitations; FS pre-treatment facilities; and sludge
can affect the performance and operation of the handling facilities. The quantity of FS that can be
receiving sewage treatment plants since they are added to the WWTP depends on the quantity &
more concentrated than typical sewage flows characteristics of the FS; nature of flow (slug load
(Andreadakis, 1992; Harrison and Moffe, 2003). or continuous loadings); and aeration capacity, in
The objective of this paper is to present the the case of aeration based WWTP.
review of co-treatment of FS with centralized
WWTPs and the issues with co-treatment Co-treatment in activated sludge
that should be addressed to avoid failures. The wastewater treatment plant
findings from the review of the FS co-treatment The co-treatment of FS in an activated sludge
with activated sludge plants, trickling filters, WWTP can be achieved in two ways: addition in
rotating biological contactors, waste stabilization the liquid stream - before bar screening, before
ponds, aerated lagoons, and anaerobic systems are primary clarifier and before the aeration tank or
presented and discussed in this paper. trickling filter, and addition in the solid stream
- in the sludge thickener, in the sludge digester
Methods and in the dewatering facility (US EPA, 1984).
FS addition to the WWTP is recommended only
Data were collected by reviewing the existing after pre-treatment (e.g. screening, degritting and
scientific literature, books and reports related equalization) (US EPA, 1984). Pre-treatment is
to FS co-treatment with WWTPs. To find the required to prevent possible shocks to the plant’s
relevant documents, the search was done on hydraulic and organic load-carrying capacity.
the websites of United States Environmental This is further supported by the results of the
Protection Agency (US EPA), National Service study conducted by Eikum (1983) in Norway. If
Journal of Environment and Public Health 53
pre-treatment is not possible, the US EPA (1984) Dangol (2013) carried out mathematical
suggests discharging fecal sludge into a controlled modelling of different volumes and strengths of
manhole upstream of the plant headworks digested and fresh FS combined with wastewater
allowing it to get diluted by the wastewater before to assess the potential impact on the efficiency of
entering the plant. However, the addition of FS a 100,000 Population Equivalent (P.E.) activated
during low flows is not recommended, since that sludge WWTP receiving medium strength
can exert shock loading, leading to operational wastewater. This simulation study highlighted the
problems. The US EPA (1984) recommends detrimental effects of adding FS to an activated
evaluating the impact of FS addition to the sludge WWTP. The aeration capacity of the
activated WWTP units, with a focus on such key system was rapidly insufficient and nitrification
considerations as: increased hydraulic loading stopped due to the high TSS, COD and N
on primary and secondary clarifiers; increased loading. Further, it found that for low and
loading on sludge treatment or handling units; medium-strength digested sludge, only a small
increased sludge volume in clarifiers; increased quantity of the total influent flow (max. 0.6 and
organic loading to the biological process units; 0.5% respectively) could be added. For fresh FS,
scum build up in treatment units; odour and less than 1 promille was acceptable to the plant.
foaming problems in aeration units; and toxic The results demonstrated that co-treatment of
substances present in FS causing inhibition to faecal sludge is a feasible option only for limited
biological processes and effluent limitations. amounts of low and medium-strength digested
faecal sludge. Before discharging faecal sludge
Segall et al., (1979) reported that a constant to a WWTP, one must be know whether one is
addition of 2% of FS almost doubles the dealing with fresh or digested sludge.
organic input to an aeration basin and doubles
the solids loading on a primary clarifier in a Similarly, a field-based study on two activated
conventional activated sludge WWTP. It is sludge WWTPs in South Africa found serious
possible for conventional activated WWTPs operational problems caused by high loads of
to operate successfully with continuous FS organics, nitrogen compounds and suspended
additions (ahead of primary units) of less than solids after adding low volumes of FS into the
5% of flow volume at loadings of 0.33 to 1.1kg systems (Wilson and Harrison, 2012). A complete
BOD5/kg MLVSS/d and COD loadings of up cessation of nitrification process was observed
to 3kg COD/kg MLVSS/d (US EPA,1984). A in one of the plants, and excessive overloading
field study conducted at the full scale WWTP of the solids was found in another system (Still
at Marlborough, Massachusetts concluded that and Foxon, 2012). Still and Foxon (2012)
the plant is in operation at a loading of 0.42kg concluded that FS co-treatment in activated
BOD5/kg MLVSS/d without FS addition, which sludge WWTPs is not sustainable due to severe
increased to 0.45 and 0.54kg BOD5/kg technical and operational problems. Another
MLVSS/d for respective FS addition rates study conducted for co-treatment of septic tank
of 1.25 and 2.14 percent of wastewater flow sludge in an activated sludge WWTP on Saint
(Segall et al., 1979). The same study indicated Marten, Netherlands Antiles concluded that the
that the FS addition to WWTPs has an average plant could handle FS volumes of no more than
oxygen requirement of 0.7kg O2/kg of BOD 2.8% of the influent (Lake et al., 2011). The FS
in FS added. The FS added to these plants was discharged to this system contained high loads of
pre-treated, and operation & management non-biodegradable particulate organic matter and
requirements were carefully planned before non-biodegradable soluble organic nitrogen, which
the FS addition, which is key for the successful hindered compliance with the effluent limits after
operation of these plants. co-treatment.
54 Journal of Environment and Public Health
In Manila, Philippines, an activated sludge plant a low-rate trickling filter would produce about
was found to be able to treat up to 814 m3/day 0.24 kg sludge/m3 of flow; this would increase to
of FS, mainly because the total volume handled 0.3 kg sludge/ m3 for high-rate trickling filters.
by the plant was only about 40-50% of its Therefore, besides a requirement for primary
design capacity, allowing room for FS addition treatment, the hydraulic & organic loadings and
(Robbins et al.,. 2012). In addition, there was handling of increased sludge production are the
adequate operator capacity and competence, and major considerations for FS addition to trickling
an appropriate management scheme was being filters (US EPA 1984).
implemented for the system.
Co-treatment in Rotating Biological
Germany has developed guidelines for the Contactors:
addition of FS in sewer mains and liquid streams Rotating biological contactors (RBCs) consist
connected to centralized WWTPs (ATV- of rotating discs where microbial biomass
Regelwerk, 1974). These guidelines include the can attach and grow and organic matter
following key suggestions: is aerobically broken down. RBC systems
are largely used in centralized WWTPs in
Table 1: Guidelines for FS addition in sewer mains and in
liquid stream developed countries. There are, however,
FS addition in liquid stream very few examples of combined treatment of
FS addition in sewer mains FS and wastewater in systems with RBCs.
The treatment plant must The treatment plant must Combined treatment of FS and wastewater at
have a biological step with have a biological step with the Ellsworth, Maine RBC treatment plant
adequate capacity to treat an adequate capacity to treat an was not very successful, as the addition of less
additional load of FS designed additional load of FS designed
for a minimum of 30,000 for a minimum of 10,000
than 1% of FS to a wastewater flow of 2,460
persons. persons. m3/d caused several operation problems (US
At the point of discharge, the At the point of discharge, the EPA, 1984). These problems included clogging
FS must be diluted at least FS must be diluted at least of roto strainers and high concentrations of
10 times with municipal 20 times with municipal BOD & TSS in the final effluent due to high
wastewater. wastewater. organic and solid contents in FS. Therefore,
FS must only be added at the FS must be added upstream
point specifically set aside for from the plant screen.
the organic loading rate is an important factor
FS addition. to be considered if FS co-treatment is to be
done in an RBC.
Co-treatment in Trickling filters:
Data on the performance and design of The US EPA (1983) reported that first stage
trickling filters for combined treatment of FS organic loadings of 2.7 kg total BOD5/d/1,000
and wastewater is very limited. Rezek et al., ft2 resulted in an increased frequency of process
(1980) found that the trickling filter plant at and mechanical problems at 24 facilities with
Huntington, New York with a capacity of 83.1 RBCs. These problems included excessive
L/S treated 1.3 L/S of FS with BOD reductions biofilm thickness, nuisance organism growth,
of 85 to 90%. As high concentrations of and deterioration of process removal efficiency.
suspended solids (1 to 3 %) could cause plugging As high influent H2S concentrations can impede
of the filter media in trickling filter units, it is RBC performance and accelerate nuisance
highly recommended that the mixture of FS & growths, control of excessive biological growth is
wastewater first go through primary treatment. very important when FS is added to RBC plants
For an FS addition of 1% of wastewater flow, (US EPA 1983).
Journal of Environment and Public Health 55
Figure 1: Allowable rates of equalized FS addition in different wastewater treatment systems (Rezek et al., 1980)
Germany has developed guidelines using WWTP designed for 75,000 persons, if the
the chart seen in Figure 2, which shows the annual wastewater flow was 50% & 80% then
recommended volume of FS addition to the only 37.5 m3/d and 15 m3/d of FS could be
WWTP (Figure: 2). As per this chart, a WWTP added into this system, respectively. Compared
designed for 100,000 persons with wastewater to the previous chart, this guideline recommends
flow of 50% can accommodate only 5 m3/day a relatively low volume of FS addition to the
of FS addition. Taking the case of Guheshwori WWTP.
Figure 2: Allowable FS volume to be added to WWTP per German Guidelines (ATV-Regelwerk, 1985)
Journal of Environment and Public Health 57
Metcalf & Eddy (2003). Wastewater engineering: Segall, B.A., C.R. Ott, & W.B. Moeller
Treatment and reuse, New York, McGraw- (1979). Monitoring Septage Addition to
Hill. Wastewater Treatment Plants. Volume I:
Robbins, D., Strande, L., Doczi, J. (2012). Addition to the Liquid Stream. U.S. EPA
Sludge management in developing Report No. 600/2-79-132, NTIS No. PB
countries: experiences from the 80-143613, November 1979.
Philippines. Water 21. December 2012. Water Research Commission (2011). What
Rezek , J.W. and I.A. Cooper (1980). Septage happens when pit is full? Development
Management. U.S. EPA Report, NO. in on-site Faecal Sludge Management.
600/8-80-032, NTIS No. PB 81-142481, FSM Seminar, 14-15 March, 2011
August 1980. Durban, South Africa. Water Information
Strauss, M., Larmie, S.A., Heinss, U., Network - South Africa; Water Research
Montangero, A. (2000). Treating faecal Commission.
sludges in ponds. Water Science and Wilson, D., Harrison, J. (2012). Thekwini pit
Technology, 42(10), 283-290. latrine program emptying program -
Strauss, M. & Montangero, A. (2002). FS The contract, the pitfalls and solutions.
Management - Review of Practices, International Faecal Management
Problems and Initiatives. Switzerland: Conference. October 29-31st, 2012.
Eawag/Sandec. Durban, South Africa.
Still, D., Foxon, K. (2012). Tackling the U.S. EPA (1983). Design Information on
challenges of full pit latrines. Vol. 1: Rotating Biological Contactors, MERL.
Understanding sludge accumulation in U.S. EPA (1984). Handbook – Septage
VIPs and strategies for emptying full pits. Treatment and Disposal. U.S. EPA Report
Water Research Commission Report No. No. 625/6-84-009, October 1984.
1745/1/12. ISBN 978-1-4312-0291-1.
Journal of Environment and Public Health 59
Rajbhandari, R., & Dangol, B. (2017). Faecal sludge treatment and reuse system in Mahalaxmi Municipality, Nepal. Journal of Environment and Public Health, 1(1), pp. 59-64. Published by ENPHO, Kathmandu, Nepal.
60 Journal of Environment and Public Health
temporary emergency latrines were established to and to discuss possibility of replication in the
improve the sanitation and safeguard the health context of Nepal.
conditions of people residing in the relief camps.
Lubhu situated in recently Open Defecation
Free (ODF) declared Mahalaxmi Municipality of
Kathmandu Valley where 10 small relief camps Questionnaire Survey
were set for 500 occupants. The intensive use A structured questionnaire for the caretaker of
of emergency latrines in the camp setup and the treatment plant was designed to understand
settlements resulted the problem of overflowing the major O&M requirements and overall
black water from the pits. The unsafe disposal perception of caretaker towards FSTP. A
of faecal sludge (FS) after the desludging, due questionnaire was also prepared for private tanker
to lack of appropriate FS treatment system in collecting sludge to understand the emptying
Kathmandu Valley, was preeminent problem practices, frequency of pit emptying, difficulties
during the emergency situation. during haulage and desludging and protective
measures used during emptying of the tank.
Environment and Public Health Organization
(ENPHO) with support from the Municipality, Sampling and Analysis of FS
Bremen Overseas Research and Development
With an aim to understand the performance
Association Organization (BORDA) and The
of treatment plant samples were collected by
Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination (CDD)
following grab methodology from different
Society established the Faecal Sludge Treatment
treatment units. Table 1 shows sampling location
Plant (FSTP) in March 2016, primarily to treat
and volume of sample collected.
FS generated from the camp sites and earthquake
affected households. The pre-fabricated treatment
Each sample was collected in a sterilized 1L and
plant was constructed within 45 days in 300 m2
250 ml plastic bottle and 500 ml acidified bottle
land area provided by the local NGO, Saligram
(for sample preservation) provided by the ENPHO
Orphanage. FSTP with design capacity of 6 m3
laboratory using personal protecting equipment.
per week is based on gravity flow system and have
Bottles were properly labeled in the site to prevent
reuse potential in the existing vegetable farmland.
any kind of errors and brought on the same day
Besides FS from emergency latrines, the treatment
to ENPHO laboratory for analysis. pH, electrical
plant also received FS from the households. The
conductivity, total solids, total volatile solids, total
research team have performed regular monitoring,
alkalinity as CaCO3, ammonia-nitrogen, nitrate,
performance evaluation, sampling and laboratory
total phosphorus, total nitrogen, total kjeldahl
analysis to understand the one-year of performance
nitrogen (TKN), chemical oxygen demand (COD),
and efficiency of FSTP. The objective of this paper
potassium, helminths, total coliform and E. Coli
is to present the status of treatment plant in terms
were analyzed following prescribed Standard
of performance, acceptability and sustainability
Table 1: Sampling Location and Amount of Sample Collected
Treatment units Exact point of sample collection
Feeding tank (FT) Inlet of Feeding Tank
Biogas digester (BGD) 1 Expansion chamber of BGD1
Biogas digester (BGD) 2 Expansion chamber of BGD2
Stabilization tank (ST) Final chamber of ST
Anaerobic baffle reactor (ABR) Final chamber of ABR
Anaerobic filter (AF) Final chamber of AF
Planted gravel filter (PGF) Outlet of PGF
Journal of Environment and Public Health 61
Table 3: Removal Efficiency of Treatment Plant During Pre-monsoon, Monsoon and Post-monsoon
After 152 days of After 271 days of
After 76 days of operation
operation operation
Parameters Unit Post- monsoon
Pre-monsoon (June) Monsoon (August)
Removal Efficiency (%) Removal Efficiency (%) Removal Efficiency (%)
Electrical Conductivity µS/cm 55.41% 69% 22%
Total Solids mg/L 71.37% 78% 50%
Volatile Solid mg/L 75.70% 85% 70%
Total Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L 40.43% 91% 26%
Nitrogen-Ammonia mg/L 53.87% 71% 42%
Nitrate mg/L NA 90% 96%
Total Phosphorus mg/L 72.90% 80% 71%
Total Nitrogen mg/L 55.78% 73% 56%
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) mg/L 55.78% 73% 56%
Organic Dry Matter mg/L 75.70% 85% 70%
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/L 90.62% 91% 86%
Potassium (K) mg/L 33.11% 65% -68%
Helminths Absent Absent Absent
TNTC: Too Numerous To Count
units increased undesired volume of sludge in each confirm if the efficiency of FSTP improved
unit of wastewater treatment system. As a result, after fixing the problems. No helminths were
the efficiency of FSTP in removing nutrient, solid found in the effluent. The majority of houses
and organic matters slightly decreased during post- are served by on-site sanitation systems such as
monsoon season (Figure 1). septic tanks and unsewered toilets. The faecal
sludges (FS) revealed that the bulk of helminths
After these results and field observations, the eggs contained in wastewater or in faecal sludge
problems observed in FSTP have been fixed. end up in the bio solids generated in treatment
The next round of sampling and analysis will schemes (Ingallinella et al., 2002). Thus, bio-
Nutrient Removal Efficiency of the Treatment Solids and Organic Removal Efficiency of the
Plant Treatment Plant
90% 100% 85% 91% 91% 86%
80% 78%
80% 73% 73% 71% 76% 70%
71% 80%
56% 56% 60% 50%
50% 76 days old 40%
40% 152 days old 20%
30% 0%
271 days old
20% Tota l Sol i ds Vol a ti l e Sol i d Chemi ca l Oxygen
10% Dema nd (COD)
Tota l Phos phorus Tota l Ni trogen 76 days old 152 days old 271 days old
solids that would be obtained from the treatment services at local level. The local stakeholders at
plant needs to be examined and verified with Lubhu provided their support in identifying the
the proposed guideline value (3-8 eggs/g TS) for land to establish FSTP and the municipality
bio-solids by Xanthoulis and Strauss (1991). E. office has been providing salary to the caretaker of
coli count was found very high in all the time. this system. These commitments showed by the
It indicates the need of hygienic reuse of treated local stakeholders is promising for sustainability
wastewater and sludge. The instructions on of this FSTP. In addition, the local stakeholders
hygienic use of treated wastewater and sludge was are proud to showcase this demonstration project
provided to the caretaker. which is a good platform for sector learning.
Altogether 91 trips of FS, about 320 m3 of FS According to Niwagaba and Mbéguéré (2014),
have been fed into FSTP, producing around 180 the rate of biological degradation increase
m3 of treated wastewater, which is being used by with warmer temperatures. Thus FSTP can be
Saligram orphanage in the farm land. Following largely replicated in the Hilly and Terai regions
the theoretical calculation method used by Lier of Nepal, where temperature is relatively high
et al. (2011), nearly 507 m3 biogas has been and the practices of onsite sanitation systems
produced from the system. Nevertheless, the actual is growing. The targeted populations at those
recorded data showed that 254 m3 of biogas have regions can be benefitted by the productive use of
been used for cooking by the caretaker’s family. biogas, treated wastewater and sludge.
Bhandari, B., Joshi, L., Shrestha, P., & Nakarmi, P. (2017). Water quality of Bagmati river in Kathmandu valley: 2011-2014. Journal of Environment and Public Health, 1(1), pp. 65-73. Published by ENPHO, Kathmandu, Nepal.
66 Journal of Environment and Public Health
large amounts of untreated sewage, garbage water resources, sanitation facilities and waste
and waste (Davis, 1977). Not only household disposal.
waste, but most of industrial waste inside
Kathmandu valley is discharged untreated The on-going “Bagmati River Clean-up”
into Bagmati River that flows through the campaign, a joint initiative of various government
valley (ADB/ICIMOD, 2006). The industrial and non-government organizations started in May
effluent in general contains high levels of 2013. It is a collaborative effort to clean Bagmati
detergents, non-biodegradable materials and River by removing solid waste from the river
toxic chemicals hazardous to human health. The banks every Saturday (government holiday) and
tributaries Hanumante, Dhobi, Tukucha and discouraging waste dumping in the river. More
Bishnumati that pass through core city areas than 140 groups are involved in the campaign.
are the most polluted (Kannel et al., 2007). A
report by Stanley International et al. (1994)
concludes that water from Bagmati River within
the Kathmandu valley is not fit for drinking, Water samples from Bagmati River were collected
recreation and irrigation. The water quality has from the seven sample sites for three seasons: pre-
further deteriorated since then. monsoon (Mar-Apr), monsoon (Jul-Aug) and
post monsoon (Oct-Nov) for four years (2011 to
Over the last few decades, Kathmandu valley 2014) to determine the seasonal and spatial impact
has seen an unprecedented growth in human of human and other activities within Kathmandu
population. The combined population of three valley. Seven sample sites (Table 1, Figure 1) along
districts (Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur) the river within the valley were selected to represent
of Kathmandu valley nearly tripled from 1981 changing population density and landscape.
to 2011, a 30-year period (from 766,345 in
1981 to 2,517,023 in 2011 (Countrymeters, The average rainfall (1981-2010) for Kathmandu
2015) with a population growth of 4.63% per valley is 1455 mm per year (https://en.wikipedia.
annum. The population density of Kathmandu org/wiki/Kathmandu#cite_ref-DHM_28-0),
district in 2011 reached 4416 persons per km2; with nearly 78% of annual rainfall falling within
while the average for the whole valley was 2800 four months (Jun-Sep). The heavy downpour
persons per km2 (derived from CBS, 2011). during the monsoon season increases river flow
The actual figures are probably much higher that dilutes contamination in the river.
(unofficial estimate is over 4 million people)
due to a large number of floating population. Collected samples were kept in acid washed bottles
The high population and density in the valley for physico-chemical parameters and in sterilized
is exerting immense pressure on existing glass bottles for bacteriological parameters. All
Figure 1: Map of Kathmandu valley with sampling points along Bagmati River
samples were stored in insulated cooler containing tests. The tested parameters, their units and test
ice (to maintain temperature at 4°C as suggested methods are provided in Table 2. The tested
by Kazi et al. (2009) and delivered on the same parameters include key indicator parameters to
day to ENPHO that has a government accredited quantify water pollution caused by human and
laboratory for bacteriological and physico-chemical industrial effluent.
Figure 4: Seasonal means of BOD and COD Figure 5: Seasonal means of Phosphorous and Nitrate
be an indication of positive change in river water water samples, indicating unsuitability of water
quality due to weekly cleaning efforts made under for irrigation. High TSS value indicates sewage
the “Bagmati River Clean-up” campaign that and other biological contamination.
started in May 2013.
Presence of phosphorous in water at the stretch
of the river indicates water contamination most
Discussion and conclusion likely due to animal waste (sewage), industrial
Many studies in the past have analyzed the physical waste, soil erosion, and fertilizers that may
makeup and biological indicators of the Bagmati lead to eutrophication and negative impact on
River. Over 68 factories and nearly 2 million people aquaculture. The COD and BOD values of
pour industrial effluent and human waste directly water samples from site C (Pashupati) and below
into the Bagmati River which has religious, cultural far exceed the guideline values of 40 mg/L for
and social values ( Pandey, 2006). aquaculture. This is a strong evidence of heavy
contamination from industrial effluent and
With rapid urbanization and lack of control of organic waste making the river water unsuitable
river pollution, water of Bagmati River has been even for aquaculture (BBWMSIP, 1994).
deteriorating for many years. The rapid increase Desirable BOD level for drinking is 4mg/L and
of pollutants, as indicated by this study, provide 10mg/L for bathing and agriculture. Except for
good evidence of the intensity of contamination site A (Sundarijal), BOD values of all other sites
as the river flows through Kathmandu valley. were much higher.
Similar findings have been reported by (Moog
and Sharma, 2005; Kaprimo, 2007; Milner et al., Chloride values of all water samples remained below
2015). A range of human activities contribute the guideline specified range between 100-700
to river contamination. The direct dumping of mg/L for irrigation and 600 mg/L for aquaculture.
untreated human and industrial waste into the Presence of chloride indicates contamination
river, throwing remains from funeral pyres and from sewage from other waste. EC guideline
ashes into the river, bathing and washing, illegal limit for chloride is 40 mS/m for irrigation. The
sewage dumping along the river stretch are some high chloride values indicate that the water from
primary causes of river pollution. lower half of the river, starting from site D, i.e.
Minbhawan, is unsuitable even for irrigation.
Nepal Water Quality Guideline (CBS, 2008)
states a pH range of 6.5-8.5 for drinking and The biological contamination is a major indicator
irrigation; pH values of water samples fall within of water quality for human consumption. Only
this range. Likewise, the nitrate value of sampled two samples from site A (Sundarijal) were
water all fall within the maximum 50 mg/L limit. free of faecal coliforms. Water samples from
However, all ammonia values, except for samples lower stretches had very high levels of faecal
from site A (Sundarijal) are above the specified contamination. Kannel et al., (2007) concluded
limit. Ammonia value above 0.23 mg/L indicates that the Bagmati River water quality in the rural
possible contamination with decaying organic areas was increasingly affected from untreated
matter, excreta of humans and animals, fertilizers; human sewage and chemical fertilizers. Results of
this may also affect aquatic ecosystem. the current study concur with earlier studies and
provide an alarming load of faecal contamination
Nepal Water Quality Guideline (CBS, 2008) in Bagmati River with major risk to human
also specifies a maximum TSS value of 50 mg/L health. Likewise, high levels of EC, TSS, Cl–,
in water used for irrigation. Except for site A NH3 (aq), NO3–, Phosphorous, BOD and COD
(Sundarijal), TSS level was much higher in all clearly indicate extremely poor status of water in
72 Journal of Environment and Public Health
Bagmati River within Kathmandu valley. valuable contributions and support during
The Government and Nepal and general public the study and preparing this report. We also
in Kathmandu are well aware of the deteriorating appreciate the various comments/suggestions of
quality of river water. Rules and regulations the anonymous reviewers.
(such as the Water Resources Act 2049, Aquatic
Animal Protection Act 2017, Environment
Protection Act 1996) have been developed to
curb pollution of Bagmati River. Enforcement of ADB/ICIMOD (2006). Environment
the rules and regulations is poor and ineffective. Assessment of Nepal: Emerging Issues and
Overall, the present study of spatial and temporal BBWMSIP (1994). Bagmati basin water
variation of quality of water in Bagmati River in management strategy and investment
Kathmandu provided convincing evidence of the programme, Final report. His Majesty’s
poor state of the sacred Bagmati River. The lower Government, Ministry of Housing and
stretches of the river are worse that indicates Physical Planning/JICA/The World Bank.
heavy contamination within Kathmandu valley CBS (2008). Environment Statistics of Nepal
due to poor waste management. 2008, Government of Nepal, National
Planning Commission Secretariat, Central
Bureau of Statistics, Kathmandu: 194 pp.
Recommendations CBS (2012). National Population and Housing
The study clearly shows rapidly increasing Census 2011 (National Report).
contamination of water in Bagmati River as it Government of Nepal, National Planning
flows downstream. A multitude of causes exist Commission Secretariat.264 pp.
and impact of each cause may vary with site. A Countrymeters (2015). Nepal population 2015.
targeted yet coordinated approach to controlling Retrieved from http://countrymeters.info/
river pollution will be required to identify and en/Nepal
address the root causes of pollution at source. Pandey, S. (2006). Water pollution and health.
Regular cleaning of regular and campaigns Kathmandu University Medical Journal
alone will not suffice. Effective enforcement of (KUMJ), 4(1), 128–34. Retrieved
rules and regulations will be required to prevent from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
dumping of solid and liquid waste into the river. pubmed/24838129
Davis, J. A. (1977). Water Quality Standards
A number of organizations have collected data on for the Bagmati River. Journal (Water
water quality in Kathmandu. The data collection Pollution Control Federation), vol. 49 (2):
appears to be uncoordinated and irregular; pp. 227–234.
sample sites, sampling frequency are inconsistent Gautam, R., Shrestha, J. K., Kumar, G., &
and often unavailable; and data from multiple Shrestha, C. (2013). Assessment of
studies incomparable. There is an urgent need River Water Intrusion at the Periphery
to standardize test methods to allow comparison of Bagmati River in Kathmandu Valley.
between different studies and to co-ordinate Nepal Journal of Science and Technology,
regular monitoring system for its restoration. 14(1), 137–146.
Kannel, P.R., Lee, S., Lee, Kanel, S.R., Khan,
S.P. & Lee, Y. (2007). Spatial–temporal
Acknowledgements variation and comparative assessment of
The authors wish to thank Bipin Dangol, Isha water qualities of urban river system: a case
Dhakal and Subin Kalu of ENPHO for their study of the river Bagmati .
Journal of Environment and Public Health 73
KAPRIMO (2007). Kathmandu Participatory Pandey, S. (2006). Water pollution and health.
River Monitoring- A Model for South Kathmandu University Medical Journal
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Kazi T.G., Arain M.B., Jamali M.K., Jalbani F. (2010). Evaluation of groundwater
N., Afridi H.I., Sarfraz R.A., Baig J.A. & environment of Kathmandu Valley.
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quality of polluted lake using multivariate Sharma S. & Moog O. (2005). Biological
statistical techniques: A case study. Ecotox. rapid assessment of water quality in the
Environ. Safe. 72(20): 301-309. Bagmatiriver and its tributaries.
Milner, C. Basnet, H., Gurung, S., Maharjan, R., Stanley International Ltd., Mott MacDonald Ltd.
Neupane, T, Shah, D.N., Shakya B.M., & East Consult (P) Ltd., (1994): Bagmati
Tachamo Shah, R.D, & Vaidya, S. (2015). Basin Water Management Strategy and
Bagmati River Expedition 2015: A baseline Investment Program, Final Report, His
study along the length of the Bagmati Majesty’s Government, Ministry of
River in Nepal to gather data on physical, Housing and Physical Planning/JICA/The
chemical, and biological indicators of World Bank.
water quality and pollution; and document
human-river interaction. Nepal River
Conservation Trust and Biosphere
Association, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Environment and Public Health Organization
110/25-Adarsha Marg, New Baneshwor
P.O. Box 4102, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel +977-1-4467151, 4468641 • Fax +977-1-4491376
Email [email protected] • Web www.enpho.org