Bagmati Action Plan
Bagmati Action Plan
Bagmati Action Plan
Astra Development Network, Tripureshwor, Kathmandu
Geospatial Systems Private Limited, Pulchwok, Lalitpur
Innovative Solutions Private Limited, Chakupat, Lalitpur
Mahesh Banskota, PhD
Prof. Pramod K. Jha
Kishore Thapa
Deependra Joshi (Editor)
Ratna Raj Timsina
Mahesh Bahadur Basnet, Chairman, HPCIDBC
Krishna KC, Former Chairman, HPCIDBC
Anil Bhadra Khanal, Project Manager,HPCIDBC
Subrato Sinha, PhD (UNEP/ROAP)
Richard Luff (UNICEF Nepal)
Dipak Gyawali, Nepal Water Conservation Foundation, Kathmandu
Roshan Raj Shrestha, PhD, UN-Habitat, Nepal
Ngamindra Dahal, NTNC
EPLC/UNEP, South Korea
Local stakeholders and communities of Bagmati catchment area
Published by : High Powered Committee for Integrated Development of the Bagmati Civilization
and National Trust for Nature Conservation
Water for Asian Cities Programme
PO Box 107, Pulchowk Kathmandu
Tel: +977 1 5536699
Fax: +977 1 5539877
Bagmati Action Plan 2009-2014
I am glad to know that NTNC has developed the Five Year Action Plan with the aim to restore and conserve
Bagmati river and its tributaries. We all know that there is a limit to extraction of natural resources and
biodiversity to fulfil all the needs and wants of the human beings. We should be aware of the reality that
sustainable development, economic progress and ethical behaviour must be well balanced while utilising
the nature and natural resources. In this context, NTNC has made significant contribution towards biodiversity
conservation and management.
I wish all the success to NTNC to achieve the goal of Bagmati river conservation through publication and
implementation of the Bagmati Action Plan which has been prepared with the generous support of UNEP
and UN HABITAT. I am confident that conservation of the Bagmati river, and its religious and cultural
importance will be achieved through the Plan. I anticipate that the plan will draw the attention of wider
group of stakeholders in conservation of the river.
Lastly, I like to thank to all those who have directly or indirectly contributed for the development of the
Action Plan.
The Bagmati Action Plan (2009-2014) envisages a strong commitment to conserve the Bagmati river system. In-order to
address the present challenges, the Government of Nepal has given high priority for the conservation of the Bagmati river
However, it is clear that there remains a crucial task to revive the past glory of Bagmati. The scientific and articulated
internvention is a must. The roles and responsibilities of the key stakeholders are to be
defined. Coordinated effort of all stakeholders is essential to achieve the objectives. The Bagmati Action Plan is a milestone
in this direction.
I am confident that this plan will serve as a guide to all the stakeholders. I hope that this plan will be a basis for all the
concerned organizations and institutions to contribute to restore and conserve Bagmati. I would like to appreciate all those
involved in preparation of the Bagmati Action Plan for their effort to come up with the present form.
Now, it is the time for cooperation and collaboration. It is time to translate our hopes and energies into action, for the sake
of overall environmental improvement of Kathmandu valley. In this Juncture, I would like to call upon all the stakeholders to
join hand to make our dream come true.
Ever since the existence of humankind in the Kathmandu Valley, the Bagmati river has remained as the cradle of our
civilization. The life of Bagmati is intertwined with the lives of millions of the Kathmandu dwellers. It has functioned as the
main artery of the city, nourishing the Valley and providing immense environmental and ecological services.
However, with the rapid population growth and haphazard urbanisation of the Kathmandu Valley, the Bagmati River and its
tributaries suffered the most. At present, the Bagmati River system is highly polluted. The problem is further aggravated by
continuous dumping of solid wastes, domestic sewerage and industrial waste along its bank and in the river directly.
Restoring the Bagmati river is ambitious, but success is vital. The Bagmati Action Plan has prepared a framework of actions
by zoning the river into five areas and commits to clean, green and enliven the Bagmati river. This Plan presents clear
objectives to give new life to Bagmati and its tributaries.
Each chapter of the Bagmati Action Plan has addressed a topical issue to contribute to the vision of a clean, green and
healthy river system that is full of life and valued by all. The objective of the Plan is to conserve the terrestrial and aquatic
biodiversity; cultural and heritage sites; and to develop and promote eco-tourism in the Bagmati river. Our increasing
knowledge must now spur on efforts to conserve the Bagmati river system. I hope this Plan will stimulate discussion and
catalyse action on saving the Bagmati river.
The Government of Nepal would like to place on record its most sincere appreciation to the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) and UN-HABITAT for the generous support offered to the preparation of the Plan.
Finally, I must assert that the government is committed to continue restoration efforts in the belief that we can ensure a
living Bagmati for our generations to come.
It is obvious that success of the Plan depends on effective implementation on the ground. HPCIDBC is committed to play its
role as a lead implementing agency and will coordinate and work with all the partners and stakeholders to restore and
conserve the river system. The Plan has clearly identified the issues and major partners and stakeholders for successful
implementation. Thus, I strongly feel that this Plan will be a milestone to move ahead in successfully restoring and conserving
the Bagmati River system.
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to UNEP and UN-HABITAT for their valuable financial support for the development
of the plan and NTNC for taking the lead to develop the Plan. I also like to thank the study team and other stakeholders who
have provided their valuable inputs for the development of the plan.
Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Siddhartha B. Bajracharya, NTNC, Mr. Ram Chandra Devkota, Mr. Anil
Bhadra Khanal and all the staffs of HPCIDBC and NTNC for their valuable inputs to bring document in its present form.
The Bagmati River is the main cradle of the Kathmandu valley having very rich in cultural as well as aesthetic value. However,
unplanned urbanization as well as other anthropogenic activities adversely affected the physical condition of the river.
Realizing the deteriorating situation of the Bagamati and its tributaries, the Government of Nepal has setup an institution
namely "High Powered Committee for Integrated Development of Bagmati Civilization (HPCIDBC)" to overcome the existing
situation. The committee is the leading implementing agency. It is my pleasure to mention here that Government of Nepal
especially the Ministry of Physical Planning and Works is working to strengthen the committee with enforceable legal
At this important juncture, the Bagmati Action Plan has been developed. I am very pleased to see this highly scientific,
innovative and comprehensive document to restore and coserve the Bagmati river system. The zoning concept assured the
effective implementation of the plan. I highly appreciate this effective collaboration between HPCIDBC and the National
Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) to come up with the Plan. I wish this collaboration between HPCIDBC and NTNC will be
continued during the implementation of the Plan as well.
I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank to UNEP and UN-HABITAT for their support in the development of the plan.
I would also like to thank all the professionals involved in developing the Plan.
National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) has been working in the Terai and Mountain region since its establishment.
However NTNC presence in urban centre particularly in the Kathmandu valley is relatively low. The NTNC Board emphasized
our management to development programme for improving the urban environment. As we see that several organizations
are working in the Bagmati River, however due to lack of coordinated and effective intervention, the environmental
pollution in the Bagmati River is existed. Therefore we found that a comprehensive document is quite necessary to restore
and conserve this historically and culturally rich river.
This plan alone is nothing, but the effective implementation in an integrated approach is quite necessary to achieve the
vision of the Plan. A technical part is the main aspect of this plan therefore; the technical input from all concerned sides
should be consulted during the implementation of the Plan.
Lastly, I like to thank to Dr. Siddhartha B. Bajracharya for making a concluding end of preparation works of this precious
document. I also like to thank to the consultant team, editorial team and to all the stakeholders who have provide their
invaluable support and suggestions to prepare this document.
The Bagmati Action Plan (BAP) is prepared with arduous efforts Roshan Raj Shrestha, and the review team member who has
and contributions of several organizations and individuals. On contributed significantly in preparing the Bagmati Action Plan.
behalf of NTNC, we would like to extend gratitude to all of More precisely, Dr. Mahesh Banskota, Mr. Kishore Thapa, Prof.
them. NTNC would like to take this opportunity to thank the Dr. Promod Kumar Jha and Mr. Deependra Joshi.
United Nations Environment Programme Regional Office of Asia
and the Pacific (UNEP/ROAP), Bangkok and UN-HABITAT Water Mr Juddha Bahadur Gurung, Member Secretary, NTNC,
for Asian Cities Programme, Nairobi for their support to prepare encouraged the team during the entire period of preparation.
BAP. Mr. Surendra Shrestha, UNEP, Dr. Subrato Sinha, UNEP, Mr. I would also like to thank Mr. Ganga Jung Thapa, Executive
Andre Dzikus, UN-HABITAT, Dr. Roshan Raj Shrestha, UN-HABITAT, Officer, Mr. Jitendra R Onta, Director Finance, Mr. Deepak K Singh,
Dr. Yeong-Wan Seo, UNEP-EPLC deserve special gratefulness for Director Administration, Dr. Shanta R Jnawali, Director Terai
their respective contributions. Programme, Mr Ngamindra Dahal, Mr. Bidur P Pokharel and
the other NTNC staff for their cooperation. Mr. Ratna Raj Timsina,
Government of Nepal, the Ministry of Physical Planning and Programme Officer deserves special thanks for his untiring
Works, and the High Powered Committee for Bagmati support during the preparation of the Plan. I would also take
Civilization Integrated Development (HPCIDBC) deserve special this opportunity to thank Mr. Arup Rajouria, former Member
thanks for collaboration and coordination with the National Secretary of KMTNC for his initiative to start our intervention in
Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) to prepare this Action the urban environment.
Plan. NTNC would like to sincerely acknowledge the
Government of Nepal for expressing their serious commitment Finally, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the Bagmati
to restore and conserve the Bagmati River System by Action Plan team for the timely completion of the task with
endorsement and owning the Bagmati Action Plan. their zeal and professional team spirit. I would particularly like
to thank Ms. Sangeeta Singh, Dr. Bhushan Raj Shrestha, Dr.
Our conservation partners WWF, IUCN, UNDP and ICIMOD Kavita B. Shrestha, Dr. Suresh Das Shrestha, Dr. Bandana Pradhan,
extended their support and assistance right from the beginning Dr. Narendra Man Shakya, Mr. Padma Sunder Joshi, PhD, Mr.
of this work. They not only provided us with precious Prakash Darnal, Dr. Raj B. Shrestha, Dr. Keshab Shrestha,
information but also with valuable comments and suggestions Mr. Bhusan Tuladhar, Mr. Bipin Chitrakar, Mr. Binod Sharma, Mr.
on various issues pertinent to the Action Plan. The Trust would Amrit Man Shrestha, Ms. Shriju Pradhan, Ms. Mamata Sayami,
like to thank independent reviewers Mr. Deepak Gyawali, Dr. Ms. Sichu Shrestha, and other team members.
Population density in this zone is higher than Zone 1. It is sanitation is given higher priority at Zones 1 and 5. Managing
still being dominated by agricultural land. waste through managing faecal sludge is given high priority in
some areas. Similarly, afforestation program is given high priority
Zone 3 is the peri-urban zone of the Valley (113 sq km, i.e. in Zone 1.
15.8% of total targeted area), and is located between rural
and core urban city of the Kathmandu Valley. Many urbanizing Monitoring is very critical to fulfil vision, goals and objectives
VDCs are located in this zone. Population density here is of the action plan. Regular monitoring is very essential from
comparatively higher than Zone 2 and lesser than Zone 4. The the concerned authorities to identify how effectively and
river ecosystem is in Class III (critically polluted) category. Zone efficiently the proposed activities were implemented. It also
4 is the urban zone and is highly urbanized zone consisting of provides the adequate correction on the implementing
five municipalities of the Valley—Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, activities before it is too late. The monitoring plan clearly
Madhyapur Thimi and Kirtipur. Almost all major tributaries pass presents the activities of the respective zones and their means
through this zone and the confluences of the tributaries are of verification. It also identifies HPCIDBC as the key organization
located in the central part of this zone. Water quality of the responsible for carrying out the monitoring activities.
river is worst with Class IV (extremely polluted) category. Zone
5 is situated in the southern part of the Kathmandu Valley Budget
from Sundarighat to Katuwal daha. This zone is mainly
dominated by agricultural land with low population density. The total Plan outlay for five years is approximately NRs.
The Bagmati River drains out of the Valley through this zone. 15,000,000,000 (Fifteen billion only). The budget has been
Despite low population density in this zone, water quality in calculated considering all possible fixed and variable costs.
the river segment is extremely polluted. The projected budget also addresses the issues related to
empirical information, ground-based realities, population
Action Plan projection, and inflation rate. The cost of DEWATS and faecal
sludge management involves complex calculation which is
The Action Plan has set the overall vision for restoration and based on the population projected for specific area suitable
conservation of the Bagmati river system and defined goals, for DEWATS. Of the total budget, 20.19% of budget is
objectives and activities for each zone. Certain key activities which allocated for first year, 26.21% in the second year, 21.80%
are valid in all the zones are included as cross cutting activities. in the third year, 18.14% for fourth year and 13.63% for
These activities are either common for all zones or their outputs final year. Similarly, among the zones, major investment
help to build the capacity of HPCIDBC and other agencies working has been proposed for the Zone 4.
for the restoration and conservation of the Bagmati river and its
tributaries. Other activities identified for each zone are based on Successful implementation of the Action Plan could bring change
the key issues identified in corresponding zones. This action plan in the management paradigm in restoration and conservation
has given due recognition to the priority activities that have of the Bagmati river and its tributaries. The government must
been recommended by previous interventions. Action to be ensure that adequate resources are forthcoming and the Action
undertaken for managing waste is one of the most challenging Plan implementation process is smooth in reaching goals and
tasks in developing this plan. Conventional waste water ultimately the vision. Substantial efforts should be made to
management system recommended by previous projects is still strengthen HPCIDBC in terms of technical capacity, financial
valid for city core (Zone 4). Therefore, actions recommended for resources and legal back up. More importantly, the successful
managing waste water for these areas are mainly based on the implementation of the Action Plan not only brings the river
same technology with some modification in some cases. The back to life but also enhances the overall urban environment
action plan has recommended DEWATS as a new approach to of the Kathmandu valley. However, this demands serious political
manage waste water, especially for Zones 2 and 3. On-site commitment at the national level.
Table of Contents
MESSAGES ........................................................................................................................................................................... ii-vi
FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................................................................... vii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................................................................... viii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................................ ix
ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................................................................ xi
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................................................. xii
GMATI ITSS TRIBUTARIES ............................................................................................... 7
ISSUES BAAGMATI RIVER ...................................................................................................... 1 5
VALLEY YSTEM ...................................................................... 2 3
GISLATIVE ARRANGEMENTSS .......................................................................................................... 3 1
MONIT ORING PLAN .................................................................... 4 1
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................................................... 7 1
ANNEX ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 5
List of Tables
Table 1.1: Population projection of Kathmandu Valley for 30 years ................................................................................... 2
Table 2.1: Details of Bagmati river and its tributaries (length, elevation and origin) ....................................................... 8
Table 3.1: Water quality parameters .................................................................................................................................. 17
Table 3.2: Waste generation in five municipalities ............................................................................................................ 17
Table 7.1: Monitoring Plan (Zone 1) .................................................................................................................................... 44
Table 7.2: Monitoring Plan (Zone 2) .................................................................................................................................... 45
Table 7.3: Monitoring Plan (Zone 3) .................................................................................................................................... 46
Table 7.4: Monitoring Plan (Zone 4) .................................................................................................................................... 47
Table 7.5: Monitoring Plan (Zone 5) .................................................................................................................................... 49
Table 7.6: Monitoring Plan ................................................................................................................................................... 50
Table 8.1: Five years budget for BAP .................................................................................................................................. 53
Table 8.2: Budget for Bagmati Action Plan (Cross cutting activities) ............................................................................... 54
Table 8.3: Budget for Bagmati Action Plan (Zone 1) .......................................................................................................... 56
Table 8.4: Budget for Bagmati Action Plan (Zone 2) .......................................................................................................... 58
Table 8.5: Budget for Bagmati Action Plan (Zone 3) .......................................................................................................... 61
Table 8.6: Budget for Bagmati Action Plan (Zone 4) .......................................................................................................... 63
Table 8.7: Budget for Bagmati Action Plan (Zone 5) .......................................................................................................... 66
List of Figures
Figure 1.1: Trend of population growth in Kathmandu Valley ............................................................................................. 2
Figure 2.1: Average BOD level at different locations of Bagmati ...................................................................................... 9
Figure 2.2: Average BOD level at different locations of Bishnumati .................................................................................. 9
Figure 3.1: Average discharge at Sundarijal (m3/s) .......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 4.1: Visitors’ trend in Shivapuri National Park ........................................................................................................ 25
Figure 8.1: Sectoral allocation of budget for 2008—2009 ................................................................................................. 51
Figure 8.2: Distribution of five-year budget ....................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 8.3: Budget allocation for general and zone-wise plans ........................................................................................ 52
List of Maps
Map 1: Location map of Upper Bagmati Basin ................................................................................................................... 3
Map 2: River networks of the Kathmandu Valley ................................................................................................................ 4
Map 3: Village Development Committees and Municipalities of the Kathmandu valley ................................................ 13
Map 4: Land use map of the Kathmandu Valley ................................................................................................................ 14
Map 5: Catchment area of the major rivers of Kathmandu Valley ................................................................................... 26
Map 6: Zonation of the Kathmandu Valley ......................................................................................................................... 27
Map 7: River water quality and population density in different zones ............................................................................ 28
Map 8: Water quality and different zones .......................................................................................................................... 29
Map 9: Waste water treatment system and population density ...................................................................................... 30
Map 10: Waste water management plan for the Kathmandu Valley (with zones) ......................................................... 40
has forced certain sections of the society to use the polluted water 1991 1,000,000
from the Valley rivers, which might have escalated water-borne 1998 1,500,000
2004 2,000,000
2009 2,500,000
2012 3,000,000
In the absence of effective and coordinated conservation and 2016 3,800,000
management of the Bagmati river, environmental degradation
Source: ESPS 2003
and water pollution will continue unabated. There are several
organisations working in the conservation and management of
Fig.1.1. Trend of population growth in
Bagmati river (Annex 1). Besides, the government has allocated Kathmandu Valley
Rs. 11 million to clean rivers of the Kathmandu Valley and has
also included policies and programmes in the Three Year Interim Projection of Population in Kathmandu Valley (1991-2016)
Plan (2007/08-2009/10). The Plan has adopted policies related 4000000
with conservation, promotion and sustainable use of biodiversity. 3000000
v. Several community consultations and (Source: Nanjing Qinhuai River Rehabilitation Project)
interviews were organised with local
communities and stakeholders (Annex III);
vi. Several workshops, seminars and meetings were held by plan formulation process and its limitations. Chapter 2 deals with the
involving different groups relating to Bagmati river aimed at Bagmati river, its associated tributaries and sub-tributaries, and is
disseminating the process of developing action plan and receive aimed at providing status, problems and issues of each of the tributaries.
feedbacks. Chapter 3 identifies key issues of the Bagmati river, its implications on
vii. The draft BAP was shared and discussed in a series of meetings the river ecosystems and waste water; river side land use patterns,
held with the secretaries and high ranking officers of the socio-economic scenario, existing culture and heritage, and key
Government of Nepal at the PMs office, various ministries and challenges confronting the Bagmati river. Possible threats and
departments opportunities that rapid urbanisation and haphazard growth would
generate for the conservation of the Bagmati river and its sustainable
1.5. Limitations use are also identified and discussed. Chapter 4 discusses about the
strategic and systematic approach of zoning concept that classifies
The Action Plan has been developed based on the qualitative the Bagmati river into five zones which set the framework for the
approach requiring subjective judgment in some cases. Limited plan. Chapter 5 explains the existing legislative arrangements and
availability of database, decision support systems and knowledge their inter-relationship with the Bagmati river.
base also remained as a serious constraint in developing the plan.
Chapter 6 covers vision, goals, objectives and activities of the Action
1.6. Organisation of the Plan Plan. Chapter 7 discusses the implementation strategy and monitoring
plan with various indicators that help in tracking the achievements
The Bagmati Action Plan has been organised into eight chapters. and impacts based on the Plan's objectives. Chapter 8 provides the
Chapter 1 introduces the Bagmati river, the Kathmandu Valley and budget for the first five years with current budget allocation and
gives the rationale for the preparation of the Plan. It also highlights the proposed plan.
© Siddhartha/NTNC
2.1. Bagmati Chilaune and Mulkharka are situated close to the source of the
Bagmati river. Sanitation system in these settlements is very
The Bagmati river originates in Baghdwar of Shivapuri hills in the poor as open defecation is widely prevalent in these villages. A
north of the Kathmandu Valley (see photos below). The river is fed large volume of water is diverted for the city water supply by the
by numerous tributaries originating from the Mahabharat and Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited (KUKL) at Sundarijal.
Siwaliks range before it reaches the Terai at Karmaiya and to the Besides, water is also diverted into different locations for
Gangetic plain. The total catchment area of the Bagmati river is irrigation, industrial and household use.
about 157 sq km (Map 5) with the length of 44 km from its origin at
an elevation of 2732m to Katuwal daha, which lies at an elevation The quality of water at Sundarijal at the foothill is at the acceptable
of 1140m (Topography Map, Department of Survey, 1998). The level. The Dissolved Oxygen (DO) value at Sundarijal during monsoon
Bagmati Action Plan focuses only in that part of the Bagmati river period ranges between 6 to 10 mg/l. The 5mg/l DO value is
and its tributaries that lies within the Kathmandu Valley. Major assumed to be the threshold value of water, or higher the value of
tributaries of the Bagmati river in the Valley include Manahara, DO, better the quality of water. The maximum desirable BOD level
Dhobikhola, Tukucha, Bishnumati, Balkhu and Nakkhu. for drinking, aquatic life, bathing and agriculture is 4mg/l, 6mg/l
and 10mg/l respectively as recommended by BBWMSIP (1994).
In the northernmost origin of the Bagmati river, there are many
small and large wetlands that exist inside the Shivapuri National Direct disposal of untreated sewage has been prevalent in Jorpati,
Park and the surrounding hills such as dhap, Panimuhan, Taudaha Tilganga, Minbhawan, Sankhamul, Jwagal, Kupandole, Sanepa, Teku,
and Basantigaun ponds. Such wetlands contribute to recharging Balkhu, Sundarighat and Chobhar (Fig.2.1). Toilets in squatter
of the rivers. Syalmati and Nagmati streams join the Bagmati settlements are being directly discharged into the river. Heavily
near its source in the Shivapuri hills. Villages such as Okhreni, polluted tributaries such as Dhobikhola, Bishnumati and Tukucha
Bagmati Action Plan 2009-2014
Table. 2.1. Details of Bagmati River and its tributaries (length, elevation and origin)
Name Length (km) Elevation(m) Origin Name Length (km) Elevation (m) Origin
Bagmati 35.5 2732 Shivapuri Bagdwar Manamati 6.1 2000 Bhangari Danda
Bosan 6.1 1800 Pokhari Bhanjyang Matatirtha 5.0 2000 Matatirtha Danda
Dhobi Khola 18.2 2732 Shivapuri Danda Nagmati 7.9 2443 Shivapuri Danda
Godawari 14.8 2200 Phulchoki Danda Nakhu 17.6 2200 Bhardue Danda
Hanumante 23.5 2000 Mahadev Pokhari Samakhusi 6.4 1350 Dharampur East
Indrawati 16.8 1700 Dahachowk Danda Sangla 10.7 2000 Aale Danda
Indrayani 7.0 2000 Bhangari Danda Syalmati 4.8 2200 Shivapuri Danda
join the Bagmati as it flows towards the Chobhar gorge. River Narayantar, Jwagal, Thapathali, Balkhu and Chobhar (BASP 2008).
banks downstream is used as solid waste dumping sites of individual In Sundarijal, bamboo weirs have been constructed across the river
houses and municipalities. Private organisations collecting waste to trap sand. About 50 trucks of sand is excavated daily during
from households also dump wastes directly along the river banks at monsoon period from Sundarijal area alone.
locations such as Baneshwar, Gairigaun, Sinamangal, Jwagal and
Teku. Many important cultural and heritage sites/shrines such as
Sundarimai at Sundarijal, Uttar Bahini and Gokarneswor at Gokarna,
Both sides of river banks downstream from Gokarna have been Guheshwari and Pashupatinath temples at Pashupati, Sankhamul,
encroached for the collection of construction materials, cleaning, heritage sites along Thapathali—Teku stretch, and Chobhar Ganesh
dying and storing materials for small industries, workshops, roads, at Chobhar are situated along the river. Similarly, important ghats
squatter settlements, etc. Shantinagar, Bijaynagar, Jagritinagar, (cremation sites) Aryaghat, Chintamanighat, Sankhamulghat,
Gairigaun, Chandani Tole, Pragati Tole, Kalimati Dole, Kimal Phant, Kalmochanghat, Gokarneswar, Uttar Bahini and Sundarighats are
Bansighat, Kuriyagaun and Sankhamul are the major squatter also located along the river bank. Most of these sites are in
settlements along the river banks (Annex IV). deteriorating conditions simply because of inadequate management
Major sand mining areas include Sundarijal, Guheshwari, Gairigaun,
Tukucha, also known as Ichhumati, originates at Maharajgunj inside
2.2. Bishnumati the Valley. It is about 6.4 km long single channel without any tributary
(Pradhan, 1996). It joins the Bagmati at Kalmochan, Thapathali.
The total catchment area of Tukucha is about 8.94 sq km (Map 5).
Bishnumati river is a major tributary of the Bagmati river originating
It is the most polluted amongst all the tributaries. The BOD level
at Bishnudwar (2300m) at Shivapuri and flowing southward. The
measured at Thapathali (KAPRIMO, 2007) was 119.68 mg/l. At
length of the Bishnumati river is 17.3 km with the total catchment
present, Tukucha has become an open sewage drain.
area of 109.3 sq km (Map. 5). The Bishnumati river merges with
the Bagmati river at Teku Dovan. Its major tributaries are
The river sides have been extensively encroached by squatters,
Chharchhare, Ludi, Sangla, Mahadev, Samakhushi, Bhachakhushi
residential buildings and road construction. In some stretches such
and Manamati.
as Durbar Marg and Kamaladi, the river flows underneath the
buildings. The entire stretch of the river has been used for dumping
Large volume of water from Bishnumati is diverted for drinking
solid waste and waste water into the river. Bhatbhateni temple,
water and domestic use near the source close to the foothills (Annex
Nil Saraswati and Tudal Devi are important religious sites located
V). Diversion is also done from tributaries such as Sangla and
along this river and these sites are well preserved.
Mahadev Khola. In addition, pipes have been laid for pumping water
directly from the river to individual houses.
2.4. Dhobikhola (Rudramati)
Water sewer discharge through storm water drains are common
The Dhobikhola, also known as Rudramati river, originates from
in core areas such as Manamaiju, Nepaltar, Balaju, Mhepi, Khusibu,
the Shivapuri hills, and flows south to the heart of the city joining
Shobha Bhagwati, Dallu, Kankeswori and Kalimati. Squatter
the Bagmati river at Buddhanagar (Bijuli Bazar). Its length is 18.2
settlements in different locations along the river have toilet outlets
km (Pradhan, 1996) and the total catchment area is 31.2 sq km
directly into the river. Use of the river banks are almost similar to
(Map 5). Khahare Khola and Chakhuncha Khola are its tributaries.
the Bagmati river. Squatter settlements are located at Dhikure
Chauki, Kumaristhan, Buddhajyoti Marg, Balaju Jagriti Tole,
Sangam Tole and Ranibari in this river (Annex IV). The river banks Fig. 2.2. Average BOD level at different locations of
along the Gongabu Bus Park are being extensively used for Bishnumati
commercial purposes.
Most of the river banks are used for dumping solid wastes generated
from the city. Private organisations and municipalities are also 80
BOD levels as Bishnumati flows out of the core area of the city (Fig. 20
2.2). The level of DO (5.8 mg/l) at Thankot and Budhanilkantha 0
shows that the quality of water is at an acceptable level up to t tha tar iju ar ar llu u
r ko an a a kh az k
ha nil
k niy am ap
b Da Te
Budhanilkantha. T
d ha Ba M
c hh Na
Bu Ma
Bagmati Action Plan 2009-2014
The upstream section that passes through agricultural land has Catchment areas like Sankhu, Thali and Mulpani are covered by the
clear water, which is used for washing utensils, clothes and bathing agricultural land. According to Shrestha (2007), during the period
animals. The river is free from sewage along this stretch. The 1978—2002, forest area has reduced from 87% to only 17% while
discharge of raw sewage and solid waste dumping increases as it the cultivated land has increased to 77% and urban settlements
flows downstream from Kapan, Mandikatar, Maitidevi, Anamnagar have increased from 0.002% to 5%. Agricultural water pumps are
and the junction of Dhobikhola and Bagmati are common dumping seen at different locations. Riparain vegetation is still intact in
sites. Severely polluted stretches are from Chabahil to Siphal, upstream locations like Sankhu but has decreased downstream
Maitidevi to Baneswor, and from Anamnagar to Babarmahal. The (Bajracharya et. al., 2006).
level of BOD (KAPRIMO, (2007) at Buddhanagar was 108.23 mg/l in
February 2007. The ecological status and water quality of Manahara gradually
deteriorates from upstream to downstream (Shrestha, 2008).
Squatters have extensively encroached the river banks. Sukumbashi E.coli from sewer and solid waste (Barjacharya, 2006) is three
© BAP Study Team
Tole (settlement upstream of Gopi Krishna Hall at Chabahil and times higher at Sano Thimi compared to Sankhu. Sewage
Anamnagar) is at greater risk of flood hazards as it is a flood plain. connection lacking in upper reaches becomes prevalent
The river has been severely channelized by a newly constructed downstream. New sewer lines have been connected to discharge
road (Neupane, 2007). waste water directly into the rivers in newly urbanizing
locations. A small collection chamber has been constructed near
Limited sand mining occurs at Chunikhel but terrace mining is very Sano Thimi bridge to collect waste water from the Pepsicola
common along the river side. Large volume of sand is excavated Planning Area. Existing outlets of sewer along the river bank are
from the Baluwakhani and Adhikarigaon flood plains. Sand mining in very poor condition. The BOD level at Balkumari in Lalitpur
activities have exposed piers of the Chabahil Ring Road Bridge. district (KAPRIMO, 2007) was 30.09 mg/l . Dumping can be
observed at several locations along the Arniko Highway at
2.5. Manahara Jadibuti and Pepsicola Town Planning Area. Squatter settlements
are present near the bridge at Jadibuti and sand mining activities
Manahara river meets the Bagmati river at Chyasal. It originates are observed from Mulpani to Koteshwor. Bank erosion is also
from Manichaur danda in the north east and flows towards the common in some locations.
south-west. It is the longest tributary of the Bagmati, having a
length of 23.4 km (Pradhan, 1996). Total catchment area of the Culturally and historically important sites such as Bajrayogini,
Manahara river is 285.35 sq km (Map 5). The major tributaries are Salinadi Tirtha and Changunarayan are situated along the banks of
Hanumante, Salinadi, Godavari Khola, Kodku Khola and Ghatte Khola. this river and they are still in good condition.
© Siddhartha/NTNC
Pet Bottles are located along this stretch of the river. Foaming
substances floating on the river indicate the possibility of chemical
pollution in the river. The BOD level measured at Balkhu (KAPRIMO,
2007) was 27.14 mg/l.
Large dumps of solid waste is found accumulated near industrial River water being used for various purposes.
areas. River banks near Tinthana and Kalanki are used for dumping
solid waste by the Kathmandu Metropolitan City and Kirtipur Rato Machhindranath festival celebrated every twelve years
Municipality. Some squatter settlements are seen at the confluence (Barabarse Mela).
of the Thado Khola and the Balkhu river near Khasi Bazar. Important
religious sites are Ikkchha Brisheshwor Mahadev, Bishnu Devi and 2.8. Sub-tributaries
Bir Binayak temples.
There are also several important sub-tributaries. Five major sub-
2.7. Nakkhu tributaries considered to be important for the restoration of the
Bagmati river are Godavari, Kodku, Hanumante, Sangla and
Nakkhu Khola flows from the south and meets Bagmati near the Mahadev Khola.
Chobhar gorge. It originates from the ridge of Bhardeu and the
total catchment area of the watershed is 51.44 sq km (Map 5). 2.8.1. Godavari
Godavari river is the tributary of Manahara. It meets Hanumante at
Nallu and Lele Khola meet at Tikabhairab to form Nakkhu Khola. The Balkot, Bhaktapur. Freshwater fish recorded in the field survey
river water is diverted from the upstream of Nallu Khola at Basuki indicates good water quality in the river. Biodiversity and ecological
for drinking and irrigation. Rajkulo, an irrigation canal system conditions of the riverside are still close to their natural state. Various
constructed during the Malla Period (mid-1600s) and fed by Nallu birds and insects like dragon fly, butterfly, grass hopper and many
Khola is no more functional in many areas. Water is also diverted for bugs are indicators of high biodiversity in the surrounding riverside.
irrigation at Chhampi. A water treatment and distribution plant has
been constructed near the confluence of Nakkhu Khola and Bagmati. Water diversion for irrigation and drinking is seen in Godamchaur
and Godavari kunda. About 20-30 water tankers ferry drinking
Sewage pipes are directly discharging household waste at Tamang water daily to the city from the kunda alone. Local communities
Gaun. The condition of the sewer pipe is generally poor. The BOD charge Rs. 200 for a truck, 50% of which is used for local
level measured at Nakkhu (KAPRIMO, 2007) was 13.23 mg/l. Although development and remaining 50% goes for the development of
solid waste dumping is absent in the upstream areas, it has been kunda and surrounding temples. A portion of rajkulo still exists and
observed from Kusunti onwards. Industrial waste is relatively more drains water from the Godavari river to the adjoining areas.
than household waste. Some medium scale sand mining activity is
observed near the confluence of Bagmati and Nakkhu Khola. Sewer connections are rare but dumping of solid waste along the
river bank generates nuisance. Water turbidity is high due to marble
Culturally important temple of Tika Bhairab is located at the quarry at Godavari which is generating job opportunity for local
confluence of Nakkhu. Three day of festival (jatra) is celebrated on communities. Loss of natural vegetation in surrounding river sides
the occasion of Ram Navami. The Nakkhu river is also important for due to mining is clearly visible.
© Siddhartha/NTNC
of the cremation sites of Bhaktapur. The banks of the river are
treated as dumping site of the municipality. The waste is strewn
everywhere at crematory, bridges and besides river banks.
Map 4: Land use map of the Kathmandu Valley
© Siddhartha/NTNC
Many issues related to the Bagmati river have been identified and 3.4. Key challenges
analysed by previous studies and reports. The critical issues of the i. Integrating conventional planning with ecosystem
Bagmati river and its tributaries are primarily related to water management;
discharge, water quality, aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity, river ii. Demand management, payment for services and
side land use, preservation of culture and heritage, and related incentives for conservation; and
institutional arrangements. Based on the ground truthing of these iii. Enforcement, coordination and stakeholder participation
issues during field observations, the following four primary issues
have been identified as critical for immediate restoration and 3.1. River ecosystem and waste water
conservation of the Bagmati river:
Decrease in water discharge
3.1. River ecosystem and waste water Decrease in water discharge exerts enormous impact in the overall
i. Decrease in water discharge; river ecosystem by damaging the habitat for aquatic life, exposing
ii. Degradation of river water quality; the river banks and channeling of the flow. Discharge record from
iii. Degradation of catchment quality; the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) for 1975-
iv. Narrowing and deepening of water way; and 1999 at Sundarijal station reveals decreasing trend of water
v. Depletion of aquatic biodiversity discharge (Fig. 3.1). While there are frequent high discharges at the
3.2. River side land use and socio-economic conditions time of flood in the Bagmati river, the overall trend is decreasing.
i. Changes in riverside land use; and
ii. Eroding aesthetic values The tapping of water for drinking and irrigation purposes from
3.3. Culture and heritage main sources of rivers is a root cause of decreasing water discharge.
i. Deteriorating culture and heritage; and Sundarijal, upstream Bagmati (Fig. 3.2), Bishnudwar of Bishnumati,
ii. Eroding cultural values and norms Sangla river, Chapagaun of Nallu river, Godavari river, Mahadev
Bagmati Action Plan 2009-2014
Fig. 3.1. Average discharge at Sundarijal (m3/s) other potential projects for inter-basin transfer of water to increase
the flow in rivers of the Valley.
Initiatives have been undertaken by various government and non-
government organisations to recharge groundwater through
rainwater harvesting in the Valley such as the recharging of
1.3 Ranipokhari through rainwater harvesting. Similar initiatives should
be promoted and expanded at households and institutional levels.
Altogether, 34 ponds have been identified for rehabilitation and
there is also the possibility of promoting rainwater harvesting in
1 larger number of households in the Valley.
1975 - 1979 1980 - 1984 1985 - 1989 1990 - 1994 1995 - 1999
There are potential water recharge areas and wetlands such as the
dhap in the Shivapuri National Park. There is also the possibility of
increasing groundwater recharging capacity by afforestation and
construction of low check dams in the sources of rivulets in the
Valley. However, such initiatives have not been explored by
concerned agencies.
© Siddhartha/NTNC
hydro power schemes; (ii) suitability of water for aquatic life,
particularly snow trout; (iii) importance of water (such as water
temperature) in maintaining the micro-ecology of the area; and
(iv) aesthetic and religious importance.
Source: MWSP (2000)
Table 3.2: Waste generation in five municipalities (tons/day) a successful example of waste water management. This is an
Municipality Generation Collection Projected generation appropriate system for agricultural areas. Settlements in rural areas
(2004) (2004) (2015) are appropriate for the promotion of onsite sanitation. More
promotion and awareness raising activities are required.
Kathmandu 308.4 250 547.9
Lalitpur 75.1 52 135.4
Bhaktapur 25.5 19 46.2 Household, community and municipal levels of management of organic
Madhyapur Thimi 14.3 5 27.8 waste have to be promoted in the Valley. For this, NGOs, local clubs,
Kirtipur 11.6 4 18.1 committees and communities have an important role. Management
Total 434.9 330 775.4 of organic waste at the local level reduces pressures on landfill sites
Sources: KVO, 2006 and also prevents river pollution. This can also be a source of income
for local organisations. Carbon financing under the Clean Development
operational now. Various studies have proposed different interventions Mechanism of Kyoto Protocol can be used to address solid waste
but so far none have been implemented. These recommended designs disposal in the Valley. Organisations working on waste management
are conventional centralized system for addressing waste water should explore and develop CDM projects. The opportunity for developing
management for urban area and require significant funds for their CDM projects to attract investment to improved waste management
construction and operation. This type of technology is appropriate for infrastructure for each significant (Barton et al 2008). The Solid Waste
densely populated areas, but is not appropriate for scattered Management and Resource Mobilisation Centre, responsible for waste
settlements. There is a new approach known as Decentralized Waste and landfill site management in five municipalities of the Kathmandu
Water Treatment System (DEWATS) appropriate for small settlements Valley, is planning to establish sanitary landfill site at Okharpauwa
located away from the core city area. DEWATS has been recently with the support of JICA in addition to the existing landfill site in Sisdol.
introduced in the Valley and so far only one small plant installed for
250 households in Thimi is operational. Failure in operating WWTPs as well as the inefficiency of the only
operating the Guheswori WWTP emphasises the need to develop
In the past, the Kathmandu Metropolitan City used to collect waste from more effective and efficient management of treatment plants.
septic tanks and treat it before discharging into the river. This approach Public-private partnership has been recognised as a viable approach
of faecal sludge management is not used any more now. Such system for efficient operation of these plants. Strong regulatory
has to be reinitiated in areas which may not be served by the existing mechanism, community awareness and resource mobilisation are
WWTP and where other options may not be immediately feasible. other important factors for future considerations.
Unplanned construction of gabion structures along the bank, The collapse of bridge in Thapathali in 1991 was attributed to heavy
encroachment of river banks and extraction of huge volume of sand sand extraction from the river bed. Since then, the government has
from the river bed are major causes of narrowing and deepening of completely banned extraction of sand from the river bed but illegal
sand mining still goes on (Saudaula, 1993 ). Sand mining activities
also cause changes in river courses which generally lead to disputes
over land ownership (BBWMSIP, 1994).
Aquatic flora and fauna species such as benthic, macro and micro
invertebrates, fish, amphibians and reptiles and birds are indicators of
water pollution. They can be used to determine the river water quality
(ICIMOD, 2007). The reduction in aquatic biodiversity results in increasing
A landscape view of Shivapuri National Park. imbalance of ecosystem and the extinction of valuable species.
Vegetation along the riparian area has to be enhanced. It contributes Eroding aesthetic values
to increasing biodiversity. Eco-friendly measures should be Aesthetic values of river and its surroundings have great
promoted to protect river banks from erosion which also helps in importance. It could be a popular destination for the national
protecting biodiversity. In several segments of the river such as and international tourists. However, the aesthetic value of rivers
construction of dam at Gokarna and the weir under the bridge of and its surroundings is eroding rapidly due to changes in riverside
Thapathali, are unfriendly for aquatic animals. land use. In the hills and foothills surrounding the Valley, the
aesthetic values of the river is still fairly high. It starts
Community-based awareness campaign for the protection of decreasing as the rivers flow towards the city core. Loss of
Bagmati’s biological diversity is absolutely mandatory. Promoting riparian vegetation, improper management of ritual and
ecotourism, eco clubs in schools and seeking volunteers for cremation waste, hoarding boards along the river sides, solid
maintaining the biodiversity in the rivers should be encouraged. waste dumping, squatter settlements etc. are some factors
behind the decreasing aesthetic value of rivers and their
surrounding areas in the Kathmandu Valley.
Natural vegetation and trees can still be seen along the downstream
Chobhar gorge. However, these areas have also been highly polluted
by the municipal waste disposed upstream. Floating solid waste
and foul smell of polluted river water have significantly decreased
the aesthetic value of the river and its surroundings. Unmanaged
© Sarbendra Pachhai
Common hoopoe
in the urban area water has to be either bought or what is free Enforcement, coordination and stakeholder
is so polluted that it cannot be used. participation
Institutional failures have been widespread behind the sad story of
Restoring the health of the ecosystem is both a scientific as well as deterioration of the Bagmati river. Overlapping jurisdictions, lack of
social judgment. Social issues are evident in the demand for the congruence between planned activities and their budgets, and political
ecosystem services as well as in their management. Natural unwillingness to enforce key decisions have been outstanding
features do not submit easily for management along political institutional problems that have been left unresolved over the years.
boundaries, requiring different layers as well as different
organizations to support each other. Bioregional perspective is On a positive side, there has been a pro Bagmati Supreme Court
necessary for managing ecosystems by carefully understanding that has been pushing the government to come up with the
the different flows of resources and services. Inter-disciplinary necessary action and institutional structure. There are also several
issues need careful evaluation and consideration from different NGOs that have lent their enormous enthusiasm in raising
scientific and social groups so as to arrive at solutions that are awareness and supporting partial cleaning of Bagmati.
scientifically valid and socio economically acceptable.
Apart from these, there are the municipalities, structure of the
The Bagmati and its tributaries winds through a maze of rural and urban local government, various line agencies of the central government
zones, providing a rich variety of ecosystem services for the people. Its that have legal roles. In the past, there have been many duplication,
rich cultural heritage as well as biodiversity resources, although heavily wastages, abandoned projects simply because of inadequate
degraded at present offers encouraging potentials for the future if it is coordination between different interest groups.
carefully managed. The guiding principle for sustainable management
for the future is to have a sound plan that has a strong ownership for A major gap has been lack of an organization that have overall
implementation by all the stakeholders concerned. management responsibility for restoration and conservation of the
Bagamati river. The organization role is to plan, manage, regulate
Demand management, payment for services and monitor all the activities. Actual implementation of activities
and incentives for conservation should be encouraged to implement through other stake holders
Planning and management must be based on realistic assumptions such as municipalities, other local governmental organizations,
if the plan is to be successfully owned and implemented. Gone are academic institutions, NGOs and local communities. There is and
the days of mega-projects that are management nightmares, with opportunity to strengthen and legally empower HPCIDBC to fill the
budget overruns and a perpetual burden on the society. This is also present gap. HPCIDBC could act as a key organization with overall
true for the Bagmati where efforts to find solutions in terms of management authority. However, the present institutional set of as
new water projects are already facing severe problems. well as capacity of the organization needs a major reform. The role
of the coordinating agency would be to facilitate enforcement of
First issue is demand management. The massive increase in laws and guidelines, build capacity at the local level for decentralized
urban population has increased the supply and demand gap in and participatory implementation, organize research and monitoring
water supply. In the past, the approach taken has been to focus activities and time and again bring all the stakeholders together to
more on the supply side without managing the demand side. review the outcomes and formulate new strategies.
© Siddhartha/NTNC
Different management interventions for the restoration of the Class I: Non-polluted;
Bagmati river has been identified. As the issues are complex, Class II: Moderately polluted;
improvement of the river ecosystem is very challenging. Hence, a Class III: Heavily polluted; and
strategic and systematic approach is essential to develop and Class IV: Extremely polluted.
implement the Bagmati Action Plan.
It is clearly visible that the river water quality in the Shivapuri National
The data and information analysed in previous chapters reveal that all Park and its surrounding hills is still in good condition and gradually
issues do not have equal level of importance in all river segments. An deteriorates as it flows towards the urban area. The water quality
issue which is critical for upstream may not be critical for downstream. worsens mainly in central part of the Valley. The categorization of
The water discharge and terrestrial biodiversity are very important river as safe, unsafe and extremely unsafe (IUCN 1995) also indicates
issues for the conservation of the surrounding hills. Narrowing and that the river of the central part of the Valley is extremely unsafe.
deepening of river channels is a major issue in rural areas and the city
outskirts where intensive sand extraction exist. The quality of river The cross analysis of population density and the river water quality indicates
water due to haphazard sewage connection and dumping of solid there is an inverse relationship between river water quality and population
waste along the river banks is the major issue for rivers at the urban density. The upper stream of the Bagmati river, i.e. Shivapuri National
core. However, water pollution at the downstream is the result of Park and its surrounding hills are in good condition where the population
the lack of environmental-friendly activities in the upstream density is the lowest. As the river flows downstream, water quality worsens
settlements. with the increase of population density.
Thus, the river ecosystem of the Valley can be observed in various In order to address these issues at micro level according to their
situations at different areas. As mentioned earlier, the Bagmati relative importance, the rivers of the Kathmandu Valley have been
river has been classified into four standard water quality classes classified into five zones (Map 6) on the basis of the existing status
based on the Saprobic approach (Pradhan, 2005). These are: of the water quality in river segments and the population density of
Bagmati Action Plan 2009-2014
the area. With high population density, it becomes difficult to restore Major issues of this zone to be addressed in the action plan are:
the river ecosystem. Consequently, zonation of the rivers will help
in developing and implementing effective action plan at the zone decreasing river water discharge due to river diversion for
level. Maps 6, 7 and 8 present zone-wise situation of the rivers in drinking and irrigation purposes; tanker service for commercial
the Kathmandu Valley. benefits of VDCs and local settlements
narrowing and deepening of water way due to excessive sand
1. Natural Conservation Core Zone mining; construction of structures such as gabion walls, check
dams, etc. for the protection of land and road construction
Zone 1 is the natural conservation core zone (323 sq km, i.e. degrading water quality and aquatic biodiversity due to loss of
45.1% of targeted area) consisting of green hills surrounding riparian vegetation; untreated sewage disposal from households
the Valley such as Phulchowki (2,800m), Shivapuri (2,453m), and industrial effluents; dumping of waste, chemical fertilizers
Chandragiri (2,365m) and Nagarjun (2,100m). The Shivapuri and pesticides
National Park (144 sq km) lies in this zone on the northern changes in river side land use for agriculture; dyeing and cleaning
fringe of the Valley and Shivapuri watershed is the recharge materials for cottage industries; workshops; road construction
zone of the Bagmati river as well as of the ground water of the Eroding aesthetic values due to loss of riparian vegetation;
Valley. The origin of the Bagmati river and its tributaries: improper management of ritual and cremation waste;
Bishnumati, Manahara, Dhobikhola, Balkhu and Nakkhu are commercial hoarding boards; solid waste dumped along the
located in this zone. Wetlands with high recharging potentiality river banks; waste blocked by weirs in the river, etc.
are located in this zone. The population density is very low and deteriorating culture and heritage due to replacement of original
hence the river water quality is in natural condition. Majority of architecture; encroachment; alteration of use; and lack of
the river segments in this zone has Class I level of water quality. responsiveness from concerned authorities
Major issues of this zone to be addressed in the action plan are: 3. Peri-urban Zone
decreasing water discharge due to intensive water diversion Zone 3 is the peri-urban area of the Valley (113 sq km, i.e. 15.8% of
degrading terrestrial biodiversity due to increasing settlements; total targeted area), and is located between rural and core urban
trend of converting forest area into agricultural land; felling of city of the Kathmandu Valley. Many urbanizing VDCs are located in
trees and other forest resources for fuel wood, building this zone. Population density here is comparatively higher than
construction and other commercial activities; new constructions Zone 2 and lesser than Zone 4. The river ecosystem is in Class III
like monasteries, roads and other infrastructures; animal hunting (critically polluted) category. Restoration of river to Class I is
and use of pesticides for farming, etc. challenging in this zone. However, enhancement of the river
degrading water quality due to poor sanitation and unmanaged ecosystem to Class II can be achieved. Some important cultural
waste generated by households, tourists, picnickers and other and heritage sites and temples such as Asoka Chaitya, Mahalaxmi
recreational activities; use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides , Bishnudevi , Bajrabarahi, Karyabinayak and Harisiddhi temples
for farming; use of river household purposes are located in this zone.
deteriorating culture and heritage due to new construction;
encroachment; use alteration, etc. Major issues of this zone to be addressed in the action plan are:
Map 5: Catchment areas of the major rivers in Kathmandu Valley
Map 6: Zonation of the Kathmandu Valley
Map 7: River water quality and population density in different zones
Map 8: Water quality in different zones
Map 9: Waste water treatment system and population density
© Siddhartha/NTNC
Legislative arrangements are one of the key success factors for body for killing aquatic life. Study on the effects of
efficient and successful implementation of the programmes and development projects on fishery resources and
policies. Improving river ecosystems, especially in rapidly urbanizing implementation of mitigative measures has been made
centre such as the Kathmanudu Valley, must have very strong mandatory under this regulation including regulating
legislative arrangements. There are several useful acts which could fishing gears, size of the fish and season of fishing.
help in halting environmental degradation of the rivers in the Valley, 5.1.3. Building Act (1998): The Building Act is formulated to
if they are implemented effectively. These acts include issues form standards regarding the construction of buildings
related to land use, building codes, waste management, within the Kathmandu Valley and the municipalities. It is
conservation and protection of natural resources and cultural mainly related with structural, electrical, sanitary and
heritage. Some important acts identified during the process of plumbing design requirements. It also focused on the safety
developing the Action Plan are presented below: of occupant building during earthquake, fire and other
natural disasters.
5.1. Acts and policies 5.1.4. Environment Protection Act (1996): This Act mainly
focuses on the protection of environment with proper use
5.1.1. Ancient Monuments Protection Act (1992): This Act and management of natural resources, taking into
defines the "Ancient Monument" as Devalaya, Shivalaya, consideration that sustainable development could be
Math (religious houses), Gumba, etc. The Act defines rights achieved from the inseparable inter-relationship between
and duties of the government to make proper the economic development and environment protection.
arrangements for their protection by preventing any It also relates with legal provisions in order to maintain
misappropriation and misuse of such historically and clean and healthy environment by minimizing, as far as
archaeologically important places. possible, adverse impacts likely to be caused from
5.1.2. Aquatic Animal Protection Act (1961): This Act prohibits environmental degradation on human beings, wildlife,
the use of explosive and poisonous substances in any water plants and physical objects.
Bagmati Action Plan 2009-2014
5.1.5. Forest Act (1993): This act has been enacted to conserve establishment of an industry, which is deemed as likely to
and develop forest and properly utilise forest products. have an adverse impacts on the environment.
Policies regarding conservation, development and
extension of private forests by managing national forests 5.1. 12. National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act (1973):
in the form of government managed forest, protected This act is responsible for the management, protection and
forest, community forest, leasehold forest and religious development of the national parks, wildlife reserves,
forest are related with this act. Preparation of action plan conservation areas, hunting reserve and buffer zones. It
for the management and development of forest and provides for the conservation of protected areas and wildlife
handing over of forest to user groups or communities for and regulates the consumptive and non-consumptive use
the conservation, development, use and sale of forest of biodiversity to sustain the welfare of the people.
products is also emphasized by this act. The act empowers the government to develop site-specific
5.1.6. Guthi Sansthan Act (1977): The right to protect and and general regulatory mechanisms for their conservation,
maintain ancient monuments and heritage is governed by and provides special protection to 38 endangered species
this act. It also authorizes Guthi Sansthan to administer (26 species of mammals, 9 species of birds and 3 species
and maintain records of guthi land for the proper utilisation of reptiles). The act has duly incorporated the concept of
of guthi's property such as land and buildings. Under this buffer zones and to facilitate public participation in the
act, it needs to exercise authority in coordination with the conservation, design and management of these zones.
Department of the Land Revenue and Land Reforms This act is supplemented by several other acts such as the
5.1. 7. Land Act (1964): This act (related to ownership and
5.1.7. Aquatic Animal Protection Act (1961), Forest Act (1992) and
tenancy), was enacted to implement land reform Soil and Watershed Conservation Act (1982). International
programmes of the government. This act focuses on conventions like the Convention on International Trade in
removing stagnant property and population pressure and Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the
use it in other areas of economy so as to contribute to the Ramsar Convention for Wetlands Conservation and the World
economic development of the country. The act also Heritage Convention further strengthens biodiversity
emphasises to raise the living standards of land dependent conservation efforts in Nepal.
farmers through proper distribution of agricultural land and 5.1.13. National Trust for Nature Conservation Act (1983):
easy accessibility of related knowledge and equipments. Under this Act, the government has established the National
5.1.8. Land Acquisition Act (1977): This Act has been developed Trust for Nature Conservation. The NTNC is mandated as
to amend and harmonize the law of land acquisition. Laws an autonomous and non-profit organisation to work in the
related with substitution and acquiring land by giving them field of nature conservation. It has been managing two
compensation or for temporary use (return to owners after conservation area- Annapurna and Manaslu. The Act is
stipulated time) fall in this act. This act is empowered not supported by NTNC regulation 1984. This act provides to
only to acquire land but also building and forest, if necessary. conserve, promote and manage natural resources;
5.1.9. Land Revenue Act (1977): This act aims to increase undertake the development of national parks, wildlife
land revenue by land registration and management of reserves and carry out scientific studies and research on
overall lands including government, public and others. natural resources.
5.1.10. Local Self-Governance Act (1999): The act gives more 5.1. 14. Pashupati Area Development Trust Act (1987): This act
autonomy for the development of local bodies by providing particularly focuses on the development and conservation
responsibility and power at the local level to formulate of the Pashupati area. Pashupati Area Development Fund is
and carry out plans. The Village Development Committees formed under this act to manage, maintain and preserve
(VDCS), District Development Committees (DDCs) and the the natural and cultural heritage in the Pashupati area and
municipalities enjoy discretionary rights to formulate plans prohibit the registration of land within the area to any person
and policies for their sustainable development. The DDCs or organisation.
formulate, implement, operate, distribute and maintain 5.1.15. Pesticide Act (1992): The act has the provision of
projects. Municipalities prepare annual budgets, plans and appointing inspectors. It mainly focuses on the registration
programmes on urban planning, environment, sanitation of chemical pesticides and also guides to give the
and others. prerequisites regarding import, export, production and
5.1.11. Industrial Enterprises Act (1993): This act has been consumption of pesticides for which the government
promulgated to give due consideration to environmental approval is compulsory.
and pollution problems. It empowers the Ministry of 5.1.16. Plant Protection Act (1973): This act aims to protect
Industries and Supplies to withhold permission for the plants and plant products from entry, stay and spread of
The Ganga Action Plan (GAP) was a programme launched by the Government of India in April 1985 in order to reduce the pollution load on
the river Ganga. The programme was launched with much fanfare, but it failed to decrease the pollution level in the river, after spending over
2,000 crore rupees over a period of 15 years. Ganga runs its course of over 2500 km from Gangotri in the Himalayas to Ganga Sagar in the
Bay of Bengal through 52 cities and about 48 towns.
The Department of Environment, in December 1984, prepared an action plan for immediate reduction of pollution load on the river Ganga.
The cabinet approved the GAP in April 1985 as a 100 percent centrally sponsored scheme. The GAP I envisaged to intercept, divert and treat
882 mld (million litres per day) out of 1340 mld of wastewater, generated in 25 class I towns in 3 States of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West
Bengal. The National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD) had scheduled the GAP I for completion by March 1990, but extended it
progressively up to March 2000. While the GAP I was still in progress, the Central Ganga Authority decided in February 1991 to take up the
GAP II, covering the following pollution abatement works:
(a) On the tributaries of river Ganga, viz. Yamuna, Damodar and Gomati;
(b) In 25 class I towns left out in Phase I; and
(c) In the other polluting towns along the river.
The failure of the GAP is evident but corrective action is lacking. The plan itself was excellent. Had there been an honest implementation of
GAP, Ganga would have looked different. The enthusiasm waned with the passage of time and GAP became just one of the government
projects. One of the primary reasons for the failure of the GAP is the lack of realistic time-bound plans and commitment.
Source: as of july 2009.
© Siddhartha/NTNC
Several legislative arrangements exist to address issues related to land use, building construction standards, solid waste and waste water
management, and conservation of natural resources and cultural heritage. However, the existing arrangements are isolated and the
functions and jurisdictions are not clearly stated. A special Act with all legislative arrangements required in consolidated form should be
promulgated for the efficient implementation of the act. The HPCIDBC’s recently drafted Bagmati Sabhyata Ekikrit Bikash Parishad
(Bagmati Civilization Integrated Development Council) Act could fulfill the present gap.
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VISION projects is still valid for city core (Zone 4). Therefore, actions
recommended for managing waste water for these areas are
mainly based on the same technology with some modification
Clean, green and healthy river system that
in some cases. The action plan has recommended DEWATS as a
is full of life and valued by all. new approach to manage waste, especially for Zones 2 and 3.
On-site sanitation is given higher priority at Zones 1 and 5.
This chapter sets the overall vision for restoration and conservation Managing waste through managing fecal sludge is given high
of the Bagmati river and its tributaries. It has defined goals, priority in some areas. Maps 9 and 10 present the systems
objectives and activities for each zone which are based on the key recommended to manage waste water and their service areas
issues identified in corresponding zones. Many good initiatives have in different parts of the Kathmandu Valley with their
been undertaken in the past in reversing the environmental appropriateness.
degradation and restoring the river system in the Kathmandu Valley.
While a few of them have been implemented, many of them have 6.1. Natural Conservation Core Zone
either not been commenced or have been delayed and discontinued
for several reasons. Many works recommended by those initiatives 6.1.1. Goal
can still be implemented with some modifications. This action plan To maintain and enhance the upstream river ecosystem
has given due recognition to the priority activities that have been
recommended by previous interventions. 6.1.2. Objectives
i. To protect and enhance water resources and increase water
Actions to be undertaken for managing waste are one of the discharge into the river;
most challenging tasks in developing this plan. Conventional ii. To conserve terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity;
waste water management system recommended by previous iii . To maintain and enhance the river water quality
Bagmati Action Plan 2009-2014
iv. To renovate and conserve the cultural and heritage sites; and
v. To promote eco-tourism
6.1.3. Activities
Activity 1: Undertake various measures to protect and enhance
water resources and increase water discharge into the river;
i. Develop and implement regulatory mechanisms to minimize
Construct waste water treatment plants with best available Activity 5: To promote tourism
technology at two sites of Bagmati river and one site each of i. Rehabilitate public space along Teku—Thapathali stretch as
Bishnumati and Dhobikhola as demonstration plants recommended by the Teku Thapathali Research Group (1994)
xiii. Promote on-site sanitation at household and community levels and promote the area for tourism development
through measures such as septic tanks;
xiv. Establish fecal sludge management systems; and 6.5. Downstream Zone
xv. Establish a system for regular monitoring of river water quality
twice a year at 20 locations 6.5.1. Goal
Activity 2: Take measures to protect river side land, aquatic To restore healthy river ecosystem with the capacity for self-
biodiversity and aesthetic value of rivers and their surroundings purification
i . Prepare and implement landscape of riparian land to maintain
green corridor; 6.5.2. Objectives
ii . Carry out bank protection works (70 km) using bioengineering To improve river water quantity and quality through proper
technique; management of water and waste water;
iii. Construct access roads/foot trails along both the banks of ii. To improve the self-purification process of the river;
the rivers ensuring conservation of existing ghats and iii. To enhance riparian landscape for the conservation of terrestrial
heritage sites; habitat; and
iv. To conserve the cultural and heritage sites
Initiate plantation at riparian land at Sankhamul, Pachali Bhairab,
v. To promote eco-tourism
confluence of Bagmati—Bishnumati and Sundarighat; and
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i. Promote on-site sanitation including ecosan; Bagmati through multi purpose Melamchi Project
ii. Construct DEWATS at Sainbu; Activity 7: Prepare a water inventory GIS database including river
iii. Promote DEWATS at institutional levels such as army and police networks, water source area, with the level of vulnerability to low flow
barracks, government offices, schools, colleges, housing Activity 8: Develope a long term Bagmati Ecological Monitoring
colonies, monasteries and industries; System by involving national and international academic
iv. Rehabilitate existing ponds (Khokana 2 and Bungmati 5) for institutions
rainwater harvesting to recharge ground water; Activity 9: Establish municipal compost plants, explore and develop
v. Construct intercepting sewerage system at certain areas; and strategies to link with CDM to generate revenues
vi. Establish a system for regular monitoring of river water quality Activity 10: Ensure IEE/EIA studies for industries and other
at 4 locations construction activities in and around the rivers
To improve the self-purification process of the river Activity 11: Establish short and long term sanitary landfill sites
i. Design and implement weirs in the river bed to facilitate for waste disposal
aeration; and Activity 12: Promote household and community level waste
ii. Construct floating waste collection ponds downstream of management system including composting with the involvement
Chobhar gorge of private sector
Activity 3: Undertake various measures to protect river side land, Engage private sector for the management of solid
aquatic biodiversity and aesthetic value of rivers and their waste in Kathmandu Valley
surroundings Develop public-private-partnership for Faecal Sludge
i. Prepare and implement landscape plan of riparian land to Management System
maintain green corridor; Ensure the provision of waste water treatment system
ii. Carry out bank protection measures (70 km) using for all commercial buildings and housing colonies
bioengineering technique; and Plant and protect indigenous plant species along the
iii. Construct access roads/foot trails along both the banks of the river banks
river Build capacity of local communities, public sector
Maintain and renovate the cultural and heritage sites organisations and other stakeholders for implementation of BAP
i. Prepare an inventory of existing heritage sites; Initiate public awareness and advocacy campaigns
ii. Prepare restoration plans of existing heritage sites and for the conservation of natural resources and river ecosystem
associated cultural activities; and Support guthi traditions for maintenance and
iii. Conserve and regenerate temples in Jal Binayak and Katuwal daha conservation of heritage sites
Promote tourism and recreation Conduct regular research by involving academic
i. Construct trails for bird watching; institutions
ii. Develop and promote the area for recreation; and
iii. Construct picnic spots
Bagmati Action Plan 2009-2014
Map 10: Waste water management plan for the Kathmandu Valley (with zones)
© Siddhartha/NTNC
The Bagmati Action Plan is a holistic and integrated plan to restore, organisational structure of HPCIDBC to address the issues and
enhance and manage the Bagmati river and its tributaries with activities highlighted in the plan.
different agencies involved in the promotion of various components.
There are different governmental, non-governmental and civil society All the stakeholders and partners must take permission for any
organisations, and other stakeholders working in different zones. activity to be carried out in and around the Bagmati river and its
They must be involved in an integrated and coordinated fashion both tributaries aimed at maintaining consistency and avoiding
during planning and implementation of activities. A strong mechanism duplication of the activities, and to bring all the stakeholders
to establish coordination among these institutions has to be developed under one umbrella.
for efficient and sustainable management of the Bagmati river.
7.1. Establish HPCIDBC as a key 7.2. Partner agencies and their role
coordinating and leading agency
Roles of different agencies working for the improvement of
An institution with strong legislative power to control and regulate rivers in the Kathmandu Valley have to be clearly specified to
activities in the rivers of the Kathmandu Valley must own and avoid conflict and duplication of work and optimise resources.
implement this plan. The plan envisages the HPCIDBC as the most Agencies identified as potential stakeholders and their roles for
appropriate institution for planning, policy and decision-making implementation of the action plan are discussed below:
and also for controlling and regulating activities in the Bagmati
river and its tributaries. HPCIDBC should also be responsible for 7.2.1. User committees and community-based
monitoring activities taking place in and around the Bagmati river institutions
and its tributaries. However, strengthening of HPCIDBC is important Several user committees and clubs are working for the
to achieve this priority. The plan recommends to reform the existing improvement of the environmental status of the rivers at the
Activity 1: Undertake Develop and implement regulatory mechanisms to minimize water Water extraction formula worked out and agreed among stakeholders; regulatory
various measures to extraction by KUKL and commercial water vendors mechanism to minimize water extraction developed and implemented;
protect and enhance Protect and manage wetlands in areas such as Phulchowki and Wetland inventory of Bagmati watershed initiated; Important wetlands in areas such as
water resources and Shivapuri National Park Phulchowki and ShNP managed on a high priority basis jointly with local stakeholders
increase water
Construct embankments in dhap (Shivapuri National Park) to increase completion of embankment in Dhap
discharge into the river
water recharging capacity
Implement bioengineering works for recharging rivulets of ShNP Number of bioengineering works needed in rivulets of ShNP identified and completed
Activity 2: Undertake Carry out afforestation programmes in Shivapuri watershed and other Areas for afforestation identified and afforestation activities carried out
various measures to areas Community forestry user groups identified, their needs assessed along with
conserve catchment Strengthen community forest user groups; programmes to strengthen their role in protection and conservation of the Bagmati river
area and aquatic
Control deforestation and encroachment of the pubic lands from Location of deforestation and encroachment of pubic lands from grazing, agriculture,
grazing, agriculture, construction and other commercial activities; construction and other commercial activities identified and local stakeholders mobilised
Promote sustainable use of renewable energy resources; for corrective action
Prepare and implement landscape plan of riparian land to maintain Landscape plan prepared and area landscaped
green corridor
Update inventory of existing aquatic as well as terrestrial resources Inventory of aquatic resources prepared and updated along with the institutionalization
and protect biodiversity of a monitoring and feedback system
Provide income generating opportunities to local communities in Income generating opportunities provided to the local communities
reducing pressure on forest
Activity 3: To maintain Promote total sanitation (no open defecation), with best available Number of households using ecosan and bio-gas
and enhance the river technologies such as ecosan, bio-gas etc. starting from Sundarijal
water quality to other areas of Zone 1;
Prevent disposal of solid waste in and around water bodies; Monitor and mobilise concerned groups for safeguarding the quality of water
Prevent pollution of river system from excessive use of agro- Mobilise concerned groups for preventing disposal of solid waste in water bodies
chemicals; and encourage organic farming
Establish systems for regular monitoring of river water quality twice a Water quality monitoring systems at 8 locations established and operated
year at eight locations
Activity 4: To renovate Prepare restoration plans of existing culture and heritage sites and Restoration plans of existing heritage sites and associated cultural activities prepared,
and conserve the associated cultural activities; and organisations and bodies for their implementation identified after consultations with
cultural and heritage Renovate and conserve temples such as Shivadev Basaha, Buddha appropriate groups
sites sculpture and ghats in Sundarijal Number of temples renovated and heritage sites conserved
Activity 5: To promote Develop and enforce code of conduct; Code of conduct developed, awareness campaigns undertaken and enforced
Diversify eco-tourism products such as adventure sports, bird Number of eco-tourism sites identified, developed and promoted in partnership with
watching, sight seeing, etc.; and concerned groups
Designate trekking routes and develop tourism infrastructure along Trekking routes designated and tourism infrastructure developed
the routes.
Activity 1: Undertake Promote rain water harvesting at household and community level by Number of households with rainwater harvesting increased
various measures to constructing soak pits or through existing wells;
enhance water flow in Rehabilitate 17 existing ponds (Chapagaun 6, Chhampi 1, Sankhu 5, Number of ponds rehabilitated
the river Balambu 1, Dadhikot 1 and Tokha 3) to recharge groundwater through
rainwater harvesting; List of measures (incentives for conservation and payment systems for use)
Minimize water extraction with the support of local community; and undertaken to minimize water extraction after discussion with local stakeholders
Develop and implement land use plan to regulate urban growth and Encourage, facilitate and support local government to prepare land use plan for
industrial activities regulating urban growth and industrial activities
Activity 2: To prevent Promote on-site sanitation with best available technologies such as Number of households with toilet (ecosan) and facilitated with biogas increased
discharge of waste ecosan, bio-gas, safety tank etc. DEWATS demonstrated
water and solid waste
Construct community managed DEWATS demonstration site in Sankhu; Number of institutions adopting DEWATS increased by providing awareness and
into rivers
and training
Promote DEWATS in institutions such as army and police barracks,
government offices, schools, colleges, housing colonies, monasteries
and industries.
Activity 3: To conserve Prepare and implement landscape plan of riparian land to maintain Encourage and support the development of land use plan of riparian land; land
aquatic biodiversity and green corridor; use plan of riparian land prepared and area landscaped by appropriate units of
riparian landscape local governments
Carry out river bed restoration works such as check dams at Sundarijal—
Alapot Area, Changunarayan and Tokha;
Restoration work in selected locations carried out
Carry out bank protection works using bioengineering (61 km based on
River protection works in selected locations completed
Fish ladder at Gokarna barrage introduced and impact monitored by an
Introduce fish ladder at Gokarna barrage;
appropriate organisation
Construct access roads/foot trails along both the banks of the river
Access roads/foot trails constructed
Establish a system for regular monitoring of river water quality twice a
Water quality monitoring systems at 17 locations established, operated and
year at 17 locations; and
Create awareness by forming eco-clubs Eco club formed and awareness created
Activity 4: To renovate Prepare an inventory of existing heritage sites in the zone; Inventory of heritage sites prepared
and conserve the
Prepare restoration plans of important heritage sites and associated Restoration plans of existing heritage sites and associated cultural activities
cultural and heritage
cultural activities; and prepared jointly with concerned groups along with the facilitation of
Conserve and restore deteriorated temples (Tokha Chandeshwari and implementation
Gokarna Mahadev) Number of temples renovated, heritage sites conserved and monitored
Activity 5: Promote Promote organic farming Number of areas promoted with organic farming
sustainable agricultural
Promote scientific drainage system in order to redcue soil erosion from scientific drainage system promoted and reduction in soil erosion
the field
Discourage use of pesticides and chemical fertilizer Reduction in use of pesticides and chemical fertilizer
Introduce an integrated pest management system Integrated pest management system introduced and adopted
Encourage to recycle crop wastage and use livestocks manure Crop wastage recycled and used
Activity 6: Regulate Prepare and implement land use plan Land use plan prepared and implemented
urban growth and Discourage water polluting and water consuming industries Water polluting and water consuming industries discouraged
industrial activities IEE/EIA studies adopted for industries and other construction activities in and
Ensure IEE/EIA studies for industries and other construction activities in
and around the river around the river
Activity 1: To improve river Promote rain water harvesting at household and community levels by Number of household with rainwater harvesting
water quality and quantity constructing soak pits or through existing wells;
through proper Rehabilitate 6 existing ponds (Thecho 3, Chapagaon 5, Dhapakhel 1, Number of ponds rehabilitated
management of water Jharuwarasi 1 and Sunakothi 3) to recharge groundwater through rainwater
and waste water harvesting;
Promote onsite sanitation at household and community levels through Number of households with toilet increased
measures such as septic tanks, fecals sludge management and other
appropriate technologies;
Construct community managed DEWATS at various locations such as Number of households and area covered by DEWATS
Phutung, Sangla, Katunje and Satungal;
Promote DEWATS in institutions; such as army and police barrages, Number of institutions adopting DEWATS increased
government offices, schools, colleges, housing colonies, monastries
and industries
Construct intercepting sewerage system along both the banks Intercepting sewerage system constructed along both the banks of the rivers;
of the rivers; and
Construct septage treatment plants for faecal sludge management at Septage treatment plants constructed in the specified areas
locations such as Bhaktapur, Kirtipur, Harisiddhi and Bungamati
Introduce fish ladder underneath the Seshmati Khola bridge of Fish ladder at Seshmati Khola introduced
Activity 2: Undertake
Dharmasthali VDC;
various measures to
protect rvierside lands, Prepare and implement landscape of riparian land to maintain green Land use plan of riparian land prepared and area landscaped by appropriate local
aquatic biodiversity and corridor; agencies
aesthetic values of rivers Carry out bank protection works (80 km) using bioengineering technique; Locations along the river protected by appropriate local agencies
and its surroundings
Construct access roads/foot trails along both the banks of the rivers; and Access road/foot trails constructed along the banks of the river
Establish a system for regular monitoring of river water quality at 12 Water quality monitoring system established and operated by appropriate local
locations agencies
Activity 3: Control and Verification and relocation of all squatters from the river banks Number of squatter settlements verified and relocated from river banks
relocate squatter
Control the encroachment of the river banks by squatters and other River banks encroachment controlled
settlements from the river
Activity 4: Conserve and Prepare an inventory of existing heritage sites; Inventory of heritage sites prepared
regenerate cultural and
heritage sites Prepare restoration plans of important heritage sites and associated Restoration plans of existing heritage sites and associated cultural activities
cultural activities; and prepared
Conserve and restore deteriorated religious sites such as Mahalaxmi Number of temples renovated and heritage sites conserved
and Bishnudevi temples
Activity 1: To improve river Promote rain water harvesting at household level by constructing soak pits or Number of households with rainwater harvesting increased
water quantity and quality through existing wells;
through proper Number of ponds rehabilitated
Rehabilitate 32 existing ponds (Lalitpur 7, Kathmandu 7, Thimi 7, Bhaktapur 6
management of water
and Kirtipur 5) for rainwater harvesting to recharge groundwater;
and waste water.
Rehabilitate Kodku WWTP at Balkumari to cater to waste water from core Kodku Waste Water Treatment Plant rehabilitated
Lalitpur area and Baneshwar based on FSDED (2003);
Rehabilitate Hanumante WWTP ; Hanumante Waste Water Treatment Plan rehabilitated
Construct additional WWTP at Guheshwari and upgrade the existing WWTPs; Existing WWTP at Guheshwari improved and additional unit constructed
Construct septage treatment plant at HPCIDBC, Guheshwari, for fecal sludge Faecal sludge treatment plant at Guheshwari constructed
Construct DEWATS at Hanumante and Manahara confluence; DEWATS at Hanumante/Manhara confluence constructed
Rehabilitate Sallaghari WWTP; Sallaghari WWTP rehabilitated and upgraded
Rehabilitate and expand Dhobighat WWTP based on UN-Habitat (2008); Dhobighat WWTP rehabilitated
Construct DEWATS at Thimi and Kirtipur municipalities; DEWATS constructed at Thimi and Kirtipur municipalities
Promote DEWATS at institutional levels such as army and police barrack, Number of institutions adopting DEWATS increased
government offices, schools, colleges, housing colonies, monasteries and
Construct, repair and manage intercepting sewerage system along both the Intercepting sewerage system constructed and managed along both
banks of the rivers the banks of the river
Construct waste water treatment plants with best available technology at two Waste water treatment plant constructed in specified locations of
sites of Bagmati river and one site each of Bishnumati and Dhobikhola as Bagmati and Bishnumati river
demonstration plants
Promote on-site sanitation at household and community levels through measures Number of households with toilet increased
such as septic tanks;
Establish fecal sludge management systems; and Fecal sludge management system established
Establish a system for regular monitoring of river water Water quality monitoring system established and operated
quality twice a year at 20 locations
Activity 2: Take measures Prepare and implement landscape of riparian land to maintain green corridor; Land use plan of riparian land prepared and area landscaped
to protect river side land, Carry out bank protection works (70 km) using bioengineering technique;
Length of river protected
aquatic biodiversity and
Construct access roads/foot trails along both the banks of
aesthetic value of rivers Access roads/foot trails constructed along both banks of the river
and their surroundings the rivers ensuring conservation of existing ghats and heritage sites;
Initiate plantation at riparian land at Sankhamul, Pachali Bhairab, confluence of Specified area planted
Bagmati—Bishnumati and Sundarighat; and
Construct municipal composting plants targeted to Kalimati vegetable market Municipal composting plants constructed
and Teku fruit market
Table 7.4
Activity 3: Control and Verify and relocate the squatters from the river banks; Number of squatter settlements verified and relocated from the river banks
relocate squatter Control encroachment of the river banks by squatter and others River encroachment controlled
settlements from the river
Activity 4: Maintain and Update the inventory of existing heritage sites; Inventory of existing heritage sites updated
renovate heritage sites Prepare restoration plans of important heritage sites and associated cultural Restoration plans of existing heritage sites and associated cultural activities
activities; and prepared
Conserve and regenerate deteriorated temples (Bombir Bikateshwar, Bishnu Number of temples renovated and heritage sites conserved in those
Bikranta, Bhim Mukteshwar, Laxmiswar) and sattals and ghats in Sankhamul, specified locations
Teku, Dallu and Shobha Bhagwati.
Prepare the inventory of intangible heritage Inventory of heritage sites prepared
Activity 5: To promote Rehabilitate public space along Teku—Thapathali stretch as recommended by Public space along Teku to Thapathali stretch rehabilitated and promoted
tourism the Teku Thapathali Research Group (1994) and promote the area for tourism for tourism development
Activity 1: To improve Promote on-site sanitation including ecosan; Number of households with increased toilets
river water quantity and Construct DEWATS at Sainbu; DEWATS demonstration site for Sainbu area constructed
quality through proper
Promote DEWATS at institutional levels such as army and police Number of institutions adopting DEWATS increased
management of water
barracks, government offices, schools, colleges, housing colonies,
and waste water
monastries and industries;
Rehabilitate existing ponds (Khokana 2 and Bungmati 5) for Number of ponds rehabilitated
rainwater harvesting to recharge ground water;
Construct intercepting sewerage system at certain areas; and Intercepting sewerage system constructed
Establish a system for regular monitoring of river water quality at 4 Water quality monitoring system established and operated
Activity 2: To improve the Design and implement weirs in the river bed to facilitate aeration; Locations for engineering structures identified, designed and operated by
self-purification process appropriate agencies
of the river
Construct floating waste collection ponds downstream of Chobhar Floating waste removing system at downstream of Chobhar gorge designed and
gorge operated
Activity 3: Undertake Prepare and implement landscape plan of riparian land to maintain Land use plan of riparian land prepared and area landscaped
various measures to green corridor;
protect river side land, Carry out bank protection measures (70 km) using bioengineering locations along the river protected
aquatic biodiversity and technique; and
aesthetic value of rivers
and their surroundings Construct access roads/foot trails along both the banks of the river Access roads/foot trails constructed along both the banks of the river
Activity 4: Maintain and Prepare an inventory of existing heritage sites; Inventory of heritage sites prepared
renovate the cultural and Prepare restoration plans of existing heritage sites and associated Restoration plans of existing heritage sites and associated cultural activities
heritage sites cultural activities; and prepared
Conserve and regenerate temples in Jal Binayak and Katuwal daha Number of temples renovated and heritage sites conserved
Activity 5: Promte tourism Construct trails for bird watching; Length of trails for bird watching constructed
and recreation
Develope and promote the area for recreation; and Number of areas developed and promoted for recreation
Construct picnic spots Number of picnic spots constructed
Cross-cutting Activities
Activity 1: Restructure existing HPCIDBC to implement the Bagmati Action Plan HPCIDBC with new organization structure and successful implementation of BAP
Activity 2: Formulate policies, legislations and regulatory mechanisms required for Number of newly formulated policies, legislation and regulatory mechanisms
Activity 3: Revise Waste Management Act and Rules and amendments of existing Waste Management Act and Rules revised and existing waste management policy
waste management policy amended
Activity 4: Develop guidelines to prevent haphazard construction of local drains and Guideline prepared for local development support to prevent haphazard construction of
discharging of waste water into rivers local drains and discharging waste water into rivers
Activity 5: Demarcate river territories, water ways and flood plains (UN-Habitat 2008) River areas and water source areas demarcated
Activity 6: Explore and assess possibilities for increasing water discharge in the river such Possibility of increase in river water discharge in Bagmati explored
as interbasin transfer of water to Bagmati through multi purpose Melamchi Project
Activity 7: Prepare a water inventory GIS database including river networks, water Water inventory GIS database prepared
source area, with the level of vulnerability to low flow
Activity 8: Develop a long term Bagmati Ecological Monitoring System by involving A long term Bagmati Ecological Monitoring System developed
national and international academic institutions
Activity 9: Establish municipal compost plants, explore and develop strategies to link Number of municipal compost plant established, strategy prepared and revenue
with CDM to generate revenues generated
Activity 10: Ensure IEE/EIA studies for industries and other construction activities in and IEE or EIA study carried out
around the rivers
Activity 11: Establish short and long term sanitary landfill sites for waste disposal Sanitary landfill sites established and operated
Activity 12: Promote household and community level waste management system Decreasing percentage of organic solid waste at landfill site
including composting with the involvement of private sector
Activity 13: Engage private sector for the management of solid waste in Kathmandu Involvement of Private Sector for solid waste management of Kathmandu Valley
Activity 14: Develop public-private-partnership for Faecal Sludge Management System PPP Feacal Sludge Management System developed
Activity 15: Ensure the provision of waste water treatment system for all commercial Waste water treatment system ensured in all commercial buildings
buildings and housing colonies Number of monitoring carried out
Activity 16: Plant and protect indigenous plant species along the river banks Indigenous plant species planted and protected
Activity 17: Build capacity of local communities, public sector organisations and other Capacity of local communities, public sector organizations and other
stakeholders for implementation of BAP stakeholders build up
Activity 18: Initiate public awareness and advocacy campaigns for the conservation of Number of advocacy campaigns and public awareness programmes carried out
natural resources and river ecosystem
Activity 19: Support guthi traditions for maintenance and conservation of heritage sites Database of guthis related to cultural heritage along the river sides prepared,
guthis revived
Activity 20: Conduct regular research by involving academic institutions Regular research carried out through the involvement of academic institutions
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Waste water Riparian land
management management
8.1. Current government budget 52% 11%
incinerator, community mobilisation, training and capacity building The allocation of resources for Zone 3 and Zone 4 is comparatively
are other major activities under solid waste management. higher each year. The cross classification of total budget for five
years by the action plan is shown in Fig. 8.4. The detailed budgets
8.2. Proposed budget plan are presented in the following Table 8.2 up to Table 8.7.
The required total estimated budget for five years is Rs 15,028 Cross Cutting
million (Table 8.1). Of the total budget, the huge amount (25.68%) Zone 1
Zone 5 1.47% Zone 2 Zone 3
has been allocated for the second year and then third year (21.88%) 12.23% 6.45% 22.62%
as most of the works have to be carried out in these years. Similarly
19.33% of budget is allocated for first year, 19.33% for fourth year
and 14% for final year (Figure 8.2).
Cross Cutting 349,720,000 369,350,000 321,940,000 306,210,000 302,280,000 1,649,500,000
Activity 2: 2.1 Carry out afforestation 6,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 20,000,000 SNP/MOF, NTNC
Undertake programmes in Shivapuri
various watershed and other areas;
measures to
conserve 2.2 Strengthen community 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 20,000,000 SNP/MOF, NTNC
catchment forest user groups;
area and
aquatic 2.3 Control deforestation and 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000 Community Forest User Groups
biodiversity; encroachment of the pubic
lands from grazing,
agriculture, construction
and other commercial
2.4 Promote sustainable use of 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 12,500,000 VDCs/Local NGOs
renewable energy
2.5 Prepare and implement 7,000,000 7,000,000 7,000,000 7,000,000 7,000,000 35,000,000 SNP/MOF/ Local Communities
landscape plan of riparian
land to maintain green
2.6 Update inventory of existing 1,000,000 750,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 2,500,000 SNP/MOF
aquatic as well as terrestrial
resources and protect
biodiversity; and
2.7 Provide income generating 4,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 7,500,000 SNP/MOF
opportunities to local
communities in reducing
pressure on forest
Table 8.3
Activity 4: To 4.1 Prepare restoration plans 600,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 DOA/VDC
renovate and of existing culture and
conserve the heritage sites and
cultural and associated cultural
heritage sites activities; and
4.2 Renovate and conserve 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000 DOA/VDC
temples such as Shivadev
Basaha, Buddha sculpture
and ghats in Sundarijal
Activity 5: To 5.1 Develop and enforce code 1,000,000 1,000,000 VDCs, NTNC
promote of conduct for tourism.
5.2 Diversify eco-tourism 1,200,000 900,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 3,000,000 VDCs/ Local Communities/
products such as NTNC
adventure sports, bird
watching, sight seeing,
etc.; and
5.3 Designate trekking routes 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 6,000,000 NTNC/MoTCA
and develop tourism
infrastructure along the
TOTAL 53,380,000 55,330,000 50,230,000 31,930,000 28,930,000 219,800,000
Activity 3: To 3.1 Prepare and implement 11,000,000 11,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 25,000,000 VDC/local communities
conserve landscape plan of riparian
aquatic land to maintain green
biodiversity corridor;
and riparian
Table 8.4
3.3 Carry out bank protection 20,000,000 20,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 43,000,000 DWIDP/DDC/VDCs
works using
bioengineering (61 km
based on survey)
3.5 Construct access roads/ 10,000,000 150,000,000 150,000,000 150,000,000 150,000,000 610,000,000 DOR
foot trails along both the
banks of the river
3.6 Establish a system for 6,120,000 1,020,000 1,020,000 1,020,000 1,020,000 10,200,000 MOPE/NGOs
regular monitoring of river
water quality twice a year
at 17 locations; and
3.7 Create awareness by 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000 School, Local Organizations
forming eco-clubs
Activity 4: To 4.1 Prepare an inventory of 120,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 200,000 VDC/DOA
renovate and existing heritage sites in
conserve the the zone;
cultural and
4.2 Prepare restoration plans 600,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 DOA/VDC/Municipality
heritage sites
of important heritage sites
and associated cultural
activities; and
4.3 Conserve and restore 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 20,000,000 VDC/DOA
deteriorated temples
(Tokha Chandeshwari and
Gokarna Mahadev)
Activity 5: 5.1 Promote organic farming 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 800,000 5,500,000 DOA
5.2 Promote scientific 800,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 800,000 500,000 4,600,000 DOA, DOI
drainage system in order
to reduce soil erosion from
the field
Table 8.4
1.6 Construct intercepting 50,000,000 80,000,000 100,000,000 120,000,000 50,000,000 400,000,000 VDC
sewerage system along
both the banks of
the rivers; and
1.7 Promote household and 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 5,000,000 SWMRMC
community level waste
management system
1.8 Construct septage 3,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 3,000,000 22,000,000 NGO's, VDC's
treatment plants for faecal
sludge management at
locations such as
Bhaktapur, Kirtipur,
Harisiddhi and Bungamati
Bagmati Action Plan 2009-2014
Bagmati Action Plan 2009-2014
Table 8.5
1.3 Rehabilitate Kodku WWTP 61,340,000 153,350,000 30,670,000 30,670,000 30,670,000 306,700,000 KUKL/ Municipality
at Balkumari to cater to
waste water from core
Lalitpur area and
Baneshwar based on
FSDED (2003);
1.5 Construct additional WWTP 78,000,000 156,000,000 26,000,000 1,030,000 1,030,000 262,060,000 KUKL/Municipality
at Guheshwari and upgrade
the existing WWTPs;
1.6 Construct septage 2,060,000 5,150,000 1,030,000 400,000 400,000 9,040,000 KUKL/Municipality
treatment plant at
HPCIDBC, Guheshwari, for
fecal sludge management;
1.7 Construct DEWATS at 350,000,000 400,000,000 400,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000 1,550,000,000 NGO's, Municipalities
Hanumante and Manahara
1.8 Rehabilitate Sallaghari 800,000 2,000,000 400,000 45,000,000 45,000,000 93,200,000 KUKL/Municipality
1.9 Rehabilitate and expand 90,000,000 225,000,000 45,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 362,000,000 KUKL/ Municipality
Dhobighat WWTP based on
UN-Habitat (2008);
1.10 Construct DEWATS at Thimi 350,000,000 400,000,000 400,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000 1,550,000,000 NGO's, Municipalities
and Kirtipur municipalities;
1.12 Construct, repair and 100,000,000 100,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000 100,000,000 700,000,000 KUKL, Municipalities
manage intercepting
sewerage system a l o n g
both the banks of the rivers
1.13 Construct waste water 50,000,000 80,000,000 100,000,000 120,000,000 50,000,000 400,000,000 VDC/Municipalities
treatment plants with best
available technology at two
sites of Bagmati river and
one site each of Bishnumati
and Dhobikhola as
demonstration plants
1.14 Promote on-site sanitation 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 7,000,000 DWSS/ Municipalities/NGOs
at household and
community levels through
measures such as septic
1.15 Establish fecal sludge 30,000,000 50,000,000 80,000,000 80,000,000 30,000,000 270,000,000 VDC/Municipalities/NGO's
management systems; and
1.16 Establish a system for 7,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 12,000,000 MOEST/Municiapalities, NGO's
regular monitoring of river
water quality twice a year at
20 locations
Activity 2: Take 2.1 Prepare and implement 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 30,000,000 Municipality/local communities,
measures to landscape of riparian land NTNC
protect river to maintain green corridor;
side land,
2.2 Carry out bank protection 10,500,000 10,500,000 10,500,000 10,500,000 10,500,000 52,500,000 DDC/Municipality/DWIDP
works (70 km) using
bioengineering technique;
and aesthetic
value of rivers 2.3 Construct access roads/ 100,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000 100,000,000 800,000,000 DOR
and their foot trails along both the
surroundings banks of the rivers ensuring
conservation of existing
ghats and heritage sites;
Table 8.6 Contd...
Activity 3: 3.1 Verify and relocate the 74,160,000 98,880,000 37,080,000 24,720,000 12,360,000 247,200,000 DUDBC/Municipality/NGO
Control and squatters from the river
relocate banks;
squatter Control encroachment of 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000 MoH,Municipalities
settlements the river banks by squatter
from the river and others
Activity 4: 4.1 Update the inventory of 600,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 DoA/Municipalities
Maintain and existing heritage sites;
heritage sites 4.2 Prepare restoration plans of 1,800,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 3,000,000 DoA/Municipalities
important heritage sites and
associated cultural activities;
4.3 Conserve and regenerate 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 50,000,000 DoA/Municipalities
deteriorated temples
(Bombir Bikateshwar,
Bishnu Bikranta, Bhim
Mukteshwar, Laxmiswar)
and sattals and ghats in
Sankhamul, Teku, Dallu and
Shobha Bhagwati.
5.1 Rehabilitate public space 4,217,600 4,217,600 4,217,600 4,217,600 4,217,600 21,088,000 DoA/Municipalities
Activity 5: To
along Teku—Thapathali
stretch as recommended by
the Teku Thapathali
Research Group (1994) and
promote the area for tourism
1.4 Rehabilitate existing ponds 1,300,000 3,250,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 6,500,000 NGOs/VDCs/MPPW
(Khokana 2 and Bungmati
5) for rainwater harvesting
to recharge ground water;
1.5 Construct intercepting 100,000,000 100,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000 100,000,000 700,000,000 KUKL, Municipalities
sewerage system at certain
areas; and
1.6 Establish a system for 720,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 1,200,000 MoEST/VDCs/NGOs
regular monitoring of river
water quality at 4 locations
Activity 2: To 2.1 Design and implement weirs 510,000 1,190,000 1,700,000 DWIDP
improve the in the river bed to facilitate
self-purification aeration; and
process of the
river 2.2 Construct floating waste 300,000 700,000 1,000,000 DWIDP
collection ponds
downstream of Chobhar
Activity 3: Prepare and implement 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 30,000,000 VDCs/local communities
Undertake landscape plan of riparian
various land to maintain green
measures to corridor;
protect river
side land, 3.2 Carry out bank protection 43,800,000 43,800,000 43,800,000 43,800,000 43,800,000 219,000,000 DWIDP/DDC/VDCs
aquatic measures (70 km) using
biodiversity bioengineering technique;
and aesthetic and
value of rivers Construct access roads/ 100,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000 100,000,000 800,000,000 DoR
and their foot trails along both the
surroundings banks of the river
Table 8.7: Contd...
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Bagmati Action Plan 2009-2014
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64. Functional indicators of river ecosystem health –an interim guide for use in New Zealand by Ministry for the Environment - Sustainable
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Models reviewed
Yamuna Action Plan
Ganga Action Plan
Hood River Watershed Management Plan
Sammamish River Action Plan
Manistique River Management Plan
Yarra water shed management, Melbourne
Fraser River Action Plan
Carbunup River Action Plan
River front Development Master plan, City of Fargo
Om River Action Plan, Hungary
Mekong River Basin, AUSAID
Danube river basin, strategic action plan
Rhine river action plan
The Fu and Nan Rivers project, Chengdu, China
Annex 1 75
3. Bishnumati Sarokar Samiti Tamsipakha, Ward No. 18, Recently formed to coordinate activities along the
Kathmandu Bishnumati river. Clean-up campaigns from Balaju
to Teku Dovan
5. Damaichaghat Puspalal Tole Ward No. 19, Kathmandu Clean-up campaigns and tree plantation along the
Sudhar Samiti Bishnumati River
6. Development Centre (DC) Aditi Marg, Tinkune, Kathmandu Promoting ecological sanitation and solid waste
Nepal management in Mulpani, Gokarna, Bungamati and
7. Didi Bahini Anamnagar, Kathmandu Involved in a small Water and Sanitation project in
wards 7 and 8 (Dalit Basti) of Alapot VDC, funded
by Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Board
Jwagal, Lalitpur Recently implemented KAPRIMO project with
8. Environmental Camps for
Conservation Awareness support from EU. The project included:
(ECCA) y Legal analysis and recommendation concerning
environmental regulations/responsibilities
y River monitoring and GIS training
y Implementation of the river monitoring system in
two segments
y Awareness raising activities
y Create and develop a network and information
system on river quality
9. Environment and Public Health Adarsha Marg, Baneshwor, Monitoring river water quality
Organisation (ENPHO) Kathmandu Community based sanitation in peri urban
Training on household composting and solid waste
Promotion of decentralized waste water
Developing a project together with BORDA for
decentralized sanitation
10. Friends of Bagmati Hotel Dwarika’s Signed an agreement with BASP to manage 1 km
stretch of Bagmati below Jorpati bridge
12. Indrabinayak Club Ina Tole, Kathmandu Clean-up campaigns and tree plantation along the
Bishnumati river
13. Kathmandu Environmental Thamel, Kathmandu Involved in occasional education and clean up
Education Project (KEEP) campaigns
14. Kathmandu Tole Sudhar Samaj Ward No. 19, Kathmandu Clean-up campaigns
15. Khadgi Sewa Samaj Indrasabha Tole, kathmandu Recently constructed a large bio-gas plant, with
support from World Vision and Kathmandu
Metropolitan City, along the Bishnumati river to
process waste from slaughtering activities
17. Lumanti Tahachal, Kathmandu Working with slum and squatter communities,
many of which are located along the Bagmati,
Bishnumati and Manahara rivers
18. Narayan Pariwar Club Wande Involved in mobilising local youths for the
Ward No. 12, Kathmandu conservation of Bishnumati river
19. National Trust for Nature Jawalakhel, Lalitpur Involved in preparing Bagmati Action Plan and pilot
Conservation (NTNC) projects for conservation of Bagmati
20. Nepal Basobas Basti Sankhamul, Kathmandu Advocacy for welfare of squatter communities
Samrakchhan Samaj
21. Nepal Mahila Ekta Samaj Advocacy for welfare of squatter communities,
particularly women
22. Nepal Pollution Control and Ekantakuna, Lalitpur Collecting waste from about 12,000 households.
Environment Management Operating small scale compost plants in Ward 5
Centre (NEPCEMAC) Kathmandu and Central Zoo
Involved in promoting household composting and
vermi-composting, as well as regular clean-up
23. Nepal River Conservation Trust Thamel, Kathmandu Organised the annual Bagmati River Festival since
(NRCT) 2001; festival activities include clean-up
campaigns; sporting events (Dunga Daud, Bagmati
Eco-Challenge); exhibitions, heritage walks, music
concerts, award ceremony, etc.
24. Nepal Forum for Environmental Thapathali, Kathmandu Environmental programmes on Radio Sagarmatha
Journalists (NEFEJ)
Aankhi Jhyaal Television Programme
Hakahaki Magazine
Regular interaction programmes for journalists
25. NGO Forum for Urban Water Tripureshwor, Kathmandu Involved in lobbying for urban water and sanitation
and Sanitation issues
26. Nodan Club Basantapur, Kathmandu Organises cultural tours for youth as well as clean
up campaigns
27. Rotary Club of Yala Mangal Bazar, Lalitpur Contributing towards the conservation of
Shankhamul ghat
28. Sagarmatha Environment Ratopul, kathmandu Collecting waste from households; operating a
Development Centre (SEDC) small compost plant along the Dhobikhola river at
29. Urban Environment Saugal, Lalitpur Improvement of well and other traditional water
Management Society sources; promotion of household composting
30. Women Environment Group Kopundole, Lalitpur Waste collection from 300 households;
involved in river clean-up campaigns
31. Women Environment Kopundole, Lalitpur, Nepal Involved in solid waste management (waste
Preservation Committee collection from 1,000 households, composting, bio-
(WEPCO) gas generation and paper recycling). Also involved
in school education programmes in 43 schools and
other activities related to awareness campaigns.
Annex IV
Bagmati Action Plan 2009-2014
Annex VII
Bagmati Action Plan 2009-2014
Shivadev Basaha and Buddha Sculpture, Sattal beside VDC office is in poor state and another similar type is
Taglung in Budhanilkantha dismantled. Sattal along the ghat built by Bhimsen Thapa is
maintained and is in use whereas the ghats in front of the sattals are
Shivadev Basaha is located at Bishnu Budhanikantha VDC. It includes covered with vegetation. This area is not only important from cultural
the earliest inscription of Nepal, dating back to 4th/5th century. The point of view but also important from ritual perspective. Most of the
shivalinga is said to be built in the reign of King Mandev. At present, people visit this place during Father’s Day in memory of their late
the shivalinga is in vulnerable condition due to construction of new father.
houses in the premises. A traditional pati existed there before but
new construction made it extinct. Hence, there is urgent need of Changunarayan Temple along Manahara
attention and awareness. river
Budha Sculpture is located to the east of Budhanilkantha, in the It is one of the seven heritage sites of the Kathmandu Valley.
upstream of Dhobikhola. It lies in an open field, in isolation. Its Religiously and culturally significant temple, its structures and doors
history dates back to 5th/6th century. Immediate works for its are in dilapidated state. Hence, it should be preserved.
conservation is required.
Shankha Daha, south of Changu Narayan
Ghats in Sundarijal Temple
The ghats are symbols of culture. Today, with the change in lifestyle, It is one of the important components of Changunarayan premises.
the rituals associated with ghats are eroding fast and have been It is in ruined state at present because of landslide and sand mining
encroached and used for various other purposes. In Sundarijal, the in the Manahara river.
ghats have been covered with vegetation. New ghat is built slightly
downward and used by the people due to unfeasible to utilize the Mahalaxmi Temple, Balambu
previous ghat. Documentation of all the monuments and temples of
the area are necessary and steps should be taken to conserve the Ancient Shiva sculpture and pati are found in the temple complex.
ghats. The heritage site is deteriorating and is at risk. There is also a small
primary school located in the premises. Hence, the norms of the
Tokha Chandeswari Department of Architecture should be strictly followed to save this
historical temple. The pati near the temple is awaiting renovation.
Tokha Chandeswari is a historically important temple and is popular
in the Newar community. As the old temple was totally dismantled, Vishnudevi Temple, Tinthana
a new monument has been constructed. The confluence where the
temple is located is known as Sapan Tirtha. Festival occurs on 1st The shrine is placed at the confluence of Balkhu khola and a small
Baishak in this tirtha. stream. It consists of an open stone platform with patis and trees.
The open pit contains natural stone images of the Astamatrikas and
Temples, sattals and ghats near two carved stone images of Sinhini and Byagrihini. The images are
Gokarneswar Mahadev severely deteriorated. This holy shrine is now used a cremation site.
Some temples located near Gokarneshwar Mahadev temple in Mahadevsthan Naikap, a relatively new shrine, is built on the other
Gokarna are inaccessible, as surrounding lands have been encroached. side of Balkhu Khola. It contains an image of the Ichcha Brinkeshwar
The artefacts of these temples are either already lost or if remain is Mahadev, in the form of a four-faced linga dating back to the 6th
not in its original place. Most of the small artifacts are gather together century. Other stone images of Saraswati, Uma Maheshwar,
and kept at a corner. Another example is the temple being encroached shivalingas, stone lion, etc. are also present.
by new construction and used as a store.
Annex IX
Bagmati River Festivals
© Siddhartha/NTNC
tree plantation programme, heritage walk, rafting, dunga daud,
corporate challenge, poetry, drama, essay and photography
competition at school levels, Bagmati eco challenge, training on
waste management to several groups of women living along the
bank of the Bishnumati/Bagmati river, school student’s kayak race,
professional down river kayak race, Bagmati friendship float,
student’s theatre programme, technical workshop on Bagmati/ Celebration of the Bagmati River Festival
Bishnumati river, sharing scientific findings about the river, public
exhibition on various activities done by partner organisations,
Bagmati conservation campaigns and rallies, anti-plastic campaigns,
4th Bagmati River Festival: In association with over 50 co-
organisers, NRCT took the Bagmati river festival in 2004 to greater
women for Bagmati cycle rally, exhibition of environmental models
heights. From a one-day festival the previous three years to a three-
prepared by the students of high school, live music concerts, etc.
month long 4th Bagmati river festival was a big leap. Starting from
the World Environment Day on June 5, the festival ended with a
1st Bagmati River Festival: Nepal River Conservation Trust (NRCT),
kayak race and cultural programme on August 21, 2004. Over 50
in partnership with Friends of the Bagmati (FoB), organised the 1st
river guides and rafting enthusiasts, environmentalists, tourists,
Bagmati River Festival, a project that attempted to draw maximum
journalists, school, college, university students, corporate houses
public attention to the critically degraded condition of the Bagmati
and hundreds of local people participated in the festival creating the
river, and provide a platform for action.
much needed awareness about the dismal state of the Bagmati
2nd Bagmati River Festival: NRCT and FoB jointly organised the
2nd Bagmati River Festival 2002. The festival was supported by All
5th Bagmati River Festival: The World Environment Day was
Nepal River Guide Association, Bagmati Sewa Samiti and Rotary
the auspicious occasion chosen to inaugurate the 5th festival.
Club Yala and was promoted by Nepal Tourism Board (NTB). The
More than 100 participants from several schools, colleges, locals
festival was basically divided into three sessions: kayak race from
and journalists gave hands to whip up the rubbish from the
Sundarijal to Guheshwari; rafting from Tilganga to Shankamul; and
heavily polluted Bagmati river. The Bagmati clean-up campaign
environmental/schools/music programme at Shankamul.
was from the Aryaghat-Pashupatinath to the Tilganga Eye
Hospital stretch. Series of conservation programmes, clean-up
3rd Bagmati River Festival: NRCT in association with the Forum
campaigns, river rafting, kayaking, etc. were organised
for Management and Research Nepal (FERN), organised the 3rd
throughout the festival.
Bagmati river festival on August 23, 2003. Over 25 river guides and
more than 100 rafting enthusiasts, environmentalists, tourists,
6th Bagmati River Festival: NRCT, Sustainable Tourism Network
journalists and satirists donned face masks and traveled through a
(STN) and Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) jointly organised the festival
section of Bagmati river. The excursion was aimed at drawing the
awareness raising programmes. In 2006, NRCT added some new
attention of the river’s sorry state, and urged the community and
programmes like fund raising concerts and started its course from
government to take immediate actions.
2nd June 2006.
Siddhartha B. Bajracharya, PhD
National Trust for Nature Conservation
Astra Development Network, Tripureshwor, Kathmandu
Geospatial Systems Private Limited, Pulchwok, Lalitpur
Innovative Solutions Private Limited, Chakupat, Lalitpur
Mahesh Banskota, PhD
Prof. Pramod K. Jha
Kishore Thapa
Deependra Joshi (Editor)
Ratna Raj Timsina
Mahesh Bahadur Basnet, Chairman, HPCIDBC
Krishna KC, Former Chairman, HPCIDBC
Anil Bhadra Khanal, Project Manager,HPCIDBC
Subrato Sinha, PhD (UNEP/ROAP)
Richard Luff (UNICEF Nepal)
Dipak Gyawali, Nepal Water Conservation Foundation, Kathmandu
Roshan Raj Shrestha, PhD, UN-Habitat, Nepal
Ngamindra Dahal, NTNC
EPLC/UNEP, South Korea
Local stakeholders and communities of Bagmati catchment area
Published by : High Powered Committee for Integrated Development of the Bagmati Civilization
and National Trust for Nature Conservation