Super T L30m
Super T L30m
Super T L30m
1. General Information
• Total of length L= 30.00 m
• Effective span length Ls = 29.30 m
• Total width of deck B= 12.00 m
• Width of wearing surface on the deck W= 10.00 m
• Height of girder H= 1750.00 mm
• Distance between center of girders S= 2400.00 mm
• Average thickness of C.I.P slab hs = 200.00 mm
• Thickness of wearing surface hw = 70.00 mm
2. Material
• Unit weight of asphant concrete, or wearing concrete γc = 22.25 kN/m
• Unit weight of reinforcement γc = 24.50 kN/m
a. Slab Concrete
• Concrete strength at 28 days f'cs = 35.00 Mpa
• Stress block factor β= 0.80
• Elastic modulus of concrete at 28 days Ecs = 31750.32 Mpa
b. Girder concrete
• Compressive strength of concrete at 28 days f'c = 50.00 Mpa
• Tensile strength of concrete at 28 days fr = 4.45 Mpa
• Elastic modulus of concrete at 28 days Ec = 37948.89 Mpa
• Ratio of elastic modulus between slab and girder n= 0.84 Mpa
• Compressive strength of concrete at jack release f'ci ≥ 0.80f'c = 40.00 Mpa
• Modulus of elasticity of concrete at jack release Ec = 33942.52 Mpa
2.1.1.Stress Limit
• Compressive stress before all losses f'c = 0.60f'ci = 24.00 Mpa
• Tensile stress before all losses f'ct = 0.5f'ci = 3.16 Mpa
• Compressive stress at service limit state f'c = 0.45f'c= 22.50 Mpa
• Tensile stress at service limit state f'ct = 0.5f'c = 3.54 Mpa
• Tensile stress at service limit state (debonding) f'c = 0.00 Mpa
2.1.2.Poission ratio and modulus of rupture
• Poission ratio n= 0.20 Mpa
• Modulus of rupture Gc = E/(2.(n+1)) = 15812.04 Mpa
• Strand 15.2 mm, low relaxation strand which complies with : ASTM A416, Grade 270
• Cross section area of strand Atps = 140.00 mm
• Unit weight W ps = 1.10 kg/m
• Tensile Strength fpu = 1860.00 Mpa
• Yield Strength fpy = 0.9fpu = 1674.00 Mpa
• Stress Limit before all of losses fpi ≤ 0.75 fpu , fpi ≤ 1395.00 Mpa
• Stress Limit at service limit state fpe ≤ 0.80 fpy , fpe ≤ 1339.20 Mpa
• Modulus of elasticity of strand Eps = 197000.00 Mpa
• Complying with TCVN
• Yield strength fy = 400.00 Mpa
• Modulus of elasticity Es = 200000.00 Mpa
1.Distribution factor of moment
• Spacing of girders S= 2400.00 mm
• Depth of girder d= 1750.00 mm
• Effective length of span L= 29300.00 mm
• Number of girder Nb = 5 girders
1.1. Interior girder
Strength limit state, service limit state
1.1.1. For one design lane loaded
0.35 2 0.25
Gi = ( S / 910 ) ( S.d / L ) Gi = 0.371
1.1.2. Two or more design lanes loaded
Gi = ( S / 1900 )0.6 ( S.d / L2 ) 0.125 Gi = 0.592
• Conclusion : ( use larger value of 1.1.1 & 1.1.2 ) Gi = 0.592
For fatigue limit state
GF = Gi / 1.2 GF = 0.309
1.2. Exterior girder
1.2.1. For one design lane loaded ( lever rule )
Ge= 1.2(0.5+(S -1800)/2S) Gi = 0.750
1.2.2. Two or more design lanes loaded
• Distance from the ex-web of ex-girder to in-edge of curb de = 374.00 mm
Ge = e.Gi = ( 0.97 + de/8700 ).Gi Ge = 0.599
• Conclusion : ( use larger value of 1.2.1 & 1.2.2 ) Gi = 0.750
2.Distribution factor of shear force
2.1. Interior girder
Strength limit state, service limit state
2.1.1. For one design lane loaded
Gi = ( S / 3050 )0.6 ( d / L ) 0.1 Gi = 0.653
2.1.2. Two or more design lanes loaded
Gi = ( S / 2250 )0.8 ( d / L ) 0.1 Gi = 0.794
• Conclusion : ( use larger value of 2.1.1 & 2.1.2 ) Gi = 0.794
For fatigue limit state
GF = Gi / 1.2 GF = 0.544
2.2. Exterior girder
2.2.1. For one design lane loaded ( lever rule )
Ge= 1.2(0.5+(S -1800)/2S) Gi = 0.750
2.2.2. Two or more design lanes loaded
Ge = e.Gi = ( 0.8 + de/3050 ).Gi Ge = 0.733
• Conclusion : ( use larger value of 2.2.1 & 2.2.2 ) Gi = 0.750
• Position of check section
0 1/ 1/ 1/2 X
3.1.Properties of girder
3.1.Dynamic load allowance IM
• Joint and slab IM = 75.00 %
•Other part
Fatigue and Fracture limit state IM = 15.00 %
Other states IM = 25.00 %
M = 0.5q.x.( L - x ) kNm
V = q.( 0.5L - x ) kN
L = 29.30 m
0 1/8 1/4 1/2 X
4.3 m 4.3 ~ 9 m
P1 P2 P2
• In the below table, caculation for one design lane loaded, is not composed of distribution factor
• With HL-93 : Vz =(145.(L-x)+ 145.(L-x-4.3) + 35(L-x-8.6))/L
• With lane load : Vz =9.3(L-x)2/(2L)
• If x ≥ 4.3 m : My =(145.(L-x)x + 145.(L-x-4.3).x + 35(x-4.3).(L-x))/L
• if x < 4.3 m : My =(145.(L-x)x + 145.(L-x-4.3).x + 35(L-x-8.6).x)/L
• In fatigue My =(145.(L-x)x + 145.(L-x-9).x + 35(x-4.3).(L-x))/L
1. General concept
• All limit states shall be considered of equal
η∑ ( γi.Qi ) ≤ ϕ.Rn = Rr
• In which
η = ηD.ηR.ηI ≥ 0.95
State Strength Extreme Service Fatigue
ηD 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
ηR 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
ηI 1.00 1.05 1.00 1.00
η 1.00 1.05 1.00 1.00
• There are three loaded stages of Super-T girder
• Stage 1: Prestress and self weight
• Stage 2: Self weight , Prestress, Live load and other action ( wearing,etc … )
• Stage 3: All action of stage 2 and temperature action
2. Moment and shear force ( due to DC, DW )
• Moment and shear force due to Self weight of girder are calculated in appendix 1(on page 9)
• Self weight of stay-in-placed concrete formwork (plank) W sg= 0.93 kN/m
• Permanent Weight of deck and weight on the deck are taked as distribution of each girder
if it satifies follow requirements
The width of deck is constant OK
Number of girder Nb= 5 OK
Girder are paralle and approximate rigid OK
The width of lane in overhang part ( mm ) de = 374 OK
Curvature in horizontal plan α= 0 OK
Type of transverse section Loại = c OK
• Weight of deck W s= 11.76 kN/m
• Weight of wearing surface W w= 3.12 kN/m
• Weight of parapet W rp1= 8.90 kN/m
• Weight of other Item W rp2= 7.63 kN/m
• Weight of parapet and other Item act on this girder W rp= 7.48 kN/m
• Caculated Equation
M = 0.5q.x.( L - x ) kNm
V = q.( 0.5L - x ) kN x
L = 29.30 m X
Section DC DW ( DC + DW )
x(m) Girder Slab Wearing+Parapet Total
V ( kN ) M ( kNm ) V ( kN ) M ( kNm ) V ( kN ) M ( kNm ) V ( kN ) M ( kNm )
0.00 321.028 0.000 172.284 0.000 155.206 0.000 648.517 0.000
2.00 252.692 603.842 148.764 321.048 134.017 289.223 535.473 1214.113
3.00 236.010 848.193 137.004 463.932 123.423 417.943 496.437 1730.068
4.00 219.329 1075.863 125.244 595.056 112.829 536.069 457.402 2206.988
5.00 202.648 1286.851 113.484 714.420 102.234 643.600 418.366 2644.872
6.00 185.966 1481.158 101.724 822.024 91.640 740.538 379.330 3043.720
7.00 153.533 1813.078 89.964 917.868 81.046 826.881 324.543 3557.827
7.33 144.032 1898.164 86.142 946.485 77.603 852.661 307.777 3697.310
14.65 -2.010 2520.689 0.000 1261.980 0.000 1136.881 -2.010 4919.551
b1 b2 b3 b4 b4 b5 b2 b1
p1 p2 F F F p2 p1
X L = 29.30 m
• Length of head block b1 = 0.80 m
• Length of next solid block b2 = 1.20 m
• Width of deck b3 = 6.00 m
• Width of wearing on the deck b4 = 6.65 m
• Hight of girder b5 = 6.00 m
• Uniform force p1 = 21.62 kN/m
• Uniform force p2 = 40.12 kN/m
• Uniform force p3 = 15.75 kN/m
• concentric force F= 4.02 kN
b.Equation to calculate
• Vertical Reaction Force A= 270.720 kN
• if x< =b1 then
Mx = Ax-p1.x /2
Vx = A - p1.b1 - p2.(x-b1)
• if b1 < x <= b1+b2 then
Mx = Ax-p1.b1(x-b1/2)-p2.(x-b1) /2
Vx = A - p1.b1 - p2.(x-b1)
• if b1+b2 < x <= b1+b2+b3 then
Mx = Ax-p1.b1(x-b1/2)-p2.b2.(x-b1-b2/2)-p3.(x-b1-b2) /2
Vx = A - p1.b1 - p2.(b1+b2)-p3.(x-b1-b2)
• if b1+b2+b3 < x <= b1+b2+b3+b4 then
Mx = Ax-p1.b1(x-b1/2)-p2.b2.(x-b1-b2/2)-p3.(x-b1-b2) /2-F.(x-b1-b2-b3)
Vx = A - p1.b1 - p2.(b1+b2) - p3.(x-b1-b2) - F
• if x = b1+b2+b3+b4 then
Mx = Ax-p1.b1(x-b1/2)-p2.b2.(x-b1-b2/2)-p3.(x-b1-b2) /2-F.(x-b1-b2-b3)-F(x-b1-b2-b3-b4)
Vx = A - p1.b1 - p2.(b1+b2) - p3.(x-b1-b2) - 2F
x Vx (kN) Mx(kNm)
0.00 307.403 0.000
2.00 240.927 578.4533
3.00 225.176 811.50491
4.00 209.425 1028.8051
5.00 193.673 1230.3539
6.00 177.922 1416.1513
7.00 146.419 1740.4919
7.33 137.220 1823.3145
14.65 -2.010 2420.89
1. General concept
• Load combinations are taked as:
Q = η∑ ( γi.Qi )
• In which
η - Load modifier; a factor relating to ductivity, redundancy, and operational importance
γi - Load factor
2. Load combinations
• Service I : For Checking of compressive stress in prestressed concrete components under service
limit state
Q =1.00( DC + DW ) + 1.00( LL + IM )
• Service III : For Checking of tensile stress and crack control in prestressed concrete components
under service limit state
Q =1.00( DC + DW ) + 0.80( LL + IM )
• Strength I : For checking of resistance and stability of components under strength limit state
Q =0.90(DC) + 0.65(DW) + 1.75( LL + IM )
• Fratigue : For checking of stress due to liveload and impact under fatigue limit state
Q =0.75( LL+IM )
1. Loss of prestress
• Total final loss
∆fpT =∆fpES+∆fpSR+∆fpCR+∆fpR2 Mpa
• Where
∆fpES - Loss due to elastic shortening
∆fpSR - Loss due to shrinkage
∆fpCR - Loss due to creep of concrete
∆fpR2 - loss due to relaxation of steel after transfer
1.1.Loss due to elastic shortening
∆fpES = Ep / Eci . fcpg Mpa
• Where
fcpg - Sum of concrete stresses at the center of gravity of prestressing tendons due to the prestressing
force at transfer and the self-weight of the member at the sections of maximum moment
fcgp - be assumed to be 0.75fpu for low-relaxation strands 0.75fpu = 1395 Mpa
pretension force after allowing for the initial losses P= 195.3 kN
Assuming loss of stress after release Loss = 7.977 %
• concrete stresses at the center of gravity of the prestressing steel fpi = 1283.7209 Mpa
fcpg = Pi / A + Pi.ec2 / I - / I
• Number of tendon n= 38 bó
• pretension force after allowing for the initial losses Ppi = 6829.395 kN
• Moment due to self weight of girder Mg = 2520.6894 kNm
• Average eccentricity of tendon ec = 0.729 m
• Area of girder section A= 0.643 m
• Moment of inertia of girder Ix = 0.252 m4
• fcpg - Sum of concrete stresses at the center of gravity of tendons fcpg = 17.74 Mpa
• Modulus of elasticity of concrete at jack release Eci = 33942.52 Mpa
• Modulus of elasticity of strand Ep = 197000.00 Mpa
∆fpES = 102.95 Mpa
1.2.Loss due to shrinkage
∆fpSR = 117 - 1.03H Mpa
• the average annual ambient relative humidity H= 85.000 %
∆fpSR = 29.45 Mpa
1.3.Loss due to creep of concrete
∆fpCR = 12fcpg - 7∆fcdp ≥0 Mpa
• Where
∆fcdp - change of stresses at the center of gravity of the prestressing steel due to
permanent loads except the dead load present at the time the prestress force is applied
• Moment due to weight of slab Ms= 1261.98 kNm
• Moment due to weight of wearing and parapete Mw+u = 1136.88 kNm
• Average eccentricity of prestress tendon ec = 1.171 m
• Moment of inertia of composite section Ix = 0.7350 m4
∆fcdp = 5.46 Mpa
∆fpCR = 174.63 Mpa
1.4.Loss due to relaxation of steel after transfer
∆fpR2 =30%(138 - 0.4∆fpES+0.2(∆fpSR+∆fpCR))
• loss due to relaxation after transfer ∆fpR2 = 16.80 Mpa
• Initial loss ∆finitial = 111.35 Mpa
Sum of loss stress
∆fpT =∆fpES+∆fpSR+∆fpCR+∆fpR2 ∆fpT = 323.82 Mpa
Initial Prestress loss Loss = 7.982 %
Different from assume and cacualtion of initial loss ∆= -0.061 N.G
• Effective initial prestress fpi = 1283.65 Mpa
Check: fpi = 1283.65 ≤ 1395.00 OK
• Effective pretension force after allowing for the initial losses Ppi = 6829.04 kN
• Effective final prestress after all of losses fpe = 959.83 Mpa
Check: fpi = 959.83 ≤ 1339.20 OK
• Total prestressing force after all losses Ppe = 5106.29 kN
31.79% ∆fpSR
53.93% 9.09%
• For top fiber
ft = Pi/A - Pi.e/St + Mg/St + ftop
ftop = p/A + / St ; p - prestress after initial loss of 2 tendons on top fiber
x n A Pi e St Mg ftop ft Check
2 3
(m) strands m kN m m kNm Mpa Mpa
2.00 26.00 1.64 4672.50 0.859 0.581 603.84 0.220 -2.798 OK
3.00 28.00 0.64 5031.92 0.733 0.284 848.19 0.559 -1.631 OK
4.00 30.00 0.64 5391.34 0.737 0.284 1075.86 0.559 -1.277 OK
5.00 32.00 0.64 5750.77 0.741 0.284 1286.85 0.559 -0.983 OK
6.00 34.00 0.64 6110.19 0.741 0.284 1481.16 0.559 -0.683 OK
7.00 38.00 0.64 6829.04 0.739 0.284 1813.08 0.559 -0.221 OK
7.33 38.00 0.64 6829.04 0.739 0.284 1898.16 0.559 0.079 OK
14.65 38.00 0.64 6829.04 0.739 0.284 2520.69 0.559 2.274 OK
e t : Eccentricity of tendons on top with neutral axis, e : Eccentricity of tendons on bottom with neutral axis
• For bottom fiber
fb= Pi/A + Pi.e/Sb - Mg/Sb - fbtop
fbtop=p/A + / Sb ; p - prestress after initial loss of 2 tendons on top fiber
x n A Pi e Sb Mg fbtop fb Check
(m) strands m2 kN m m3 kNm Mpa Mpa
2.00 26.00 1.64 4672.50 0.859 0.452 603.84 -0.220 10.176 OK
3.00 28.00 0.64 5031.92 0.733 0.293 848.19 -0.559 16.961 OK
4.00 30.00 0.64 5391.34 0.737 0.293 1075.86 -0.559 17.719 OK
5.00 32.00 0.64 5750.77 0.741 0.293 1286.85 -0.559 18.534 OK
6.00 34.00 0.64 6110.19 0.741 0.293 1481.16 -0.559 19.344 OK
7.00 38.00 0.64 6829.04 0.739 0.293 1813.08 -0.559 21.097 OK
7.33 38.00 0.64 6829.04 0.739 0.293 1898.16 -0.559 20.807 OK
14.65 38.00 0.64 6829.04 0.739 0.293 2520.69 -0.559 18.683 OK
e t : Eccentricity of tendons on top with neutral axis, e : Eccentricity of tendons on bottom with neutral axis
3. Check compressive stress at service limit state I
• Due to effecive prestress and permanent loads
ft = Ppe/A - Ppe.e/St + (Mg+Ms)/St + MSDL/Stc ≤ 0.45 f'c
• Area of girder section A= 0.64 m2
• Check stress of top fiber
x n Ppe e St Stc Mg+Ms MSDL MLT+MLL ft Check
(m) strands kN m m3 1/m3 kNm kNm kNm Mpa
2.00 26.00 3493.78 0.859 0.581 1.157 924.89 289.22 551.44 -1.11 OK
3.00 28.00 3762.53 0.733 0.284 0.955 1312.13 417.94 794.30 1.15 OK
4.00 30.00 4031.28 0.737 0.284 0.955 1670.92 536.07 1015.25 2.19 OK
5.00 32.00 4300.03 0.741 0.284 0.955 2001.27 643.60 1159.97 3.13 OK
6.00 34.00 4568.78 0.741 0.284 0.955 2303.18 740.54 1348.50 3.99 OK
7.00 38.00 5106.29 0.739 0.284 0.955 2730.95 826.88 1515.12 5.06 OK
7.33 38.00 5106.29 0.739 0.284 0.955 2844.65 852.66 1564.55 5.48 OK
14.65 38.00 5106.29 0.739 0.284 0.955 3782.67 1136.88 2064.87 9.06 OK
• Due to 1/2.( effecive prestress + permanent loads) and transient loads
ft =0.5(Ppe/A - Ppe.e/St + (Mg+Ms)/St + MSDL.Stc) + (MLL+MLT)Stc ≤ 0.40 f'c
• Check stress of the top fiber
x n Ppe e St Stc Mg+Ms MSDL MLT+MLL ft Check
(m) strands kN m m3 1/m3 kNm kNm kNm Mpa
2.00 26.00 3493.78 0.859 0.581 1.157 924.89 289.22 551.44 0.08 OK
3.00 28.00 3762.53 0.733 0.284 0.955 1312.13 417.94 794.30 1.99 OK
4.00 30.00 4031.28 0.737 0.284 0.955 1670.92 536.07 1015.25 2.74 OK
5.00 32.00 4300.03 0.741 0.284 0.955 2001.27 643.60 1159.97 3.37 OK
6.00 34.00 4568.78 0.741 0.284 0.955 2303.18 740.54 1348.50 4.00 OK
7.00 38.00 5106.29 0.739 0.284 0.955 2730.95 826.88 1515.12 4.71 OK
7.33 38.00 5106.29 0.739 0.284 0.955 2844.65 852.66 1564.55 4.98 OK
14.65 38.00 5106.29 0.739 0.284 0.955 3782.67 1136.88 2064.87 7.30 OK
• Due to effecive prestress and permanent loads and transient loads
ft =Ppe/A - Ppe.e/St + (Mg+Ms)/St + MSDL.Stc + (MLL+MLT)Stc ≤ 0.40 f'c
• Check stress of the top fiber
x n Ppe e St Stc Mg+Ms MSDL MLT+MLL ft Check
3 3
(m) strands kN m m 1/m kNm kNm kNm Mpa
2.00 26.00 3493.78 0.859 0.581 1.157 924.89 289.22 551.44 2.83 OK
3.00 28.00 3762.53 0.733 0.284 0.955 1312.13 417.94 794.30 1.91 OK
4.00 30.00 4031.28 0.737 0.284 0.955 1670.92 536.07 1015.25 3.16 OK
5.00 32.00 4300.03 0.741 0.284 0.955 2001.27 643.60 1159.97 4.23 OK
6.00 34.00 4568.78 0.741 0.284 0.955 2303.18 740.54 1348.50 5.28 OK
7.00 38.00 5106.29 0.739 0.284 0.955 2730.95 826.88 1515.12 6.50 OK
7.33 38.00 5106.29 0.739 0.284 0.955 2844.65 852.66 1564.55 6.98 OK
14.65 38.00 5106.29 0.739 0.284 0.955 3782.67 1136.88 2064.87 11.03 OK
6.00 34 1570.80 5629.73 4760.00 367.38 0.280 123.41 98.73 200.00 R
7.00 38 1570.80 5629.73 5320.00 367.38 0.280 140.77 112.62 200.00 R
7.33 38 1570.80 5629.73 5320.00 367.38 0.280 140.77 112.62 200.00 R
14.65 38 1570.80 5629.73 5320.00 367.38 0.280 140.77 112.62 200.00 R
7.33 367.38 796.32 1260.0 402.12 150.0 746 600.0 80.86 OK OK
14.65 367.38 272.91 1260.0 402.12 300.0 746 600.0 161.71 OK OK
• Check : Vu ≤ ϕ.Vn
x As Aps M u Nu θ Vu Vs A B Check
(m) mm kNm kN Deg kN kN kN kN
2.00 1570.80 3640.0 -189.1 3493.8 27.00 1194.2 2651.8 7294.59 1598.7 OK
3.00 1570.80 3920.0 1270.8 3762.5 27.00 1122.2 2651.8 7796.21 2734.8 OK
4.00 1570.80 4200.0 2172.8 4031.3 33.46 1050.7 2044.5 8296.28 3959.8 OK
5.00 1570.80 4480.0 2854.3 4300.0 36.46 979.6 1828.4 8794.79 4651.1 OK
6.00 1570.80 4760.0 3594.9 4568.8 39.38 908.9 1645.9 9291.8 5365.2 OK
7.00 1570.80 5320.0 4241.4 5106.3 40.20 823.1 1598.9 10281.1 6055.6 OK
7.33 1570.80 5320.0 4531.9 5106.3 41.31 796.3 1537.2 10281.1 6282.1 OK
• Distance from reinforcment to slab dv= 1.552 m
• Shear force act on 1m in length Vh= 769.22 kN / m
• Check : Vh ≤ ϕ.Vn ⇔ 769.22 ≤ 1331.35 kN OK
14.1.At Jack Release
14.1.1. Camber
• Prestress load for one tendon after jack release ppe= 179.72 kN
• Moment of inertia of girder section Ix = 0.252 m4
• Effective span length Ls= 29.300 m
• Elastic modulus of concrete at jack release Ec = 33942.519 Mpa
14.1.2. Defelection
• Self weight of girder W g= 18.24 kN/m
• Deflection due to self weight of girder De=5W g.Ls4/(384.E.Ix) De = -0.020 m ↓
14.1.3. Camber at release
• Camber at release Δ = C - De Δ= 0.052 m ↑
14.1.4. Camber at erection due to creep and shrinkage effect
• Long term deflection Δ = 1.7C - 1.75De Δ= 0.088 m ↑
• Deflection due to live load is:
ΔLL=( Δlane + Δtruck).DFM = 0.008 m↓
• Limited Deflection due to live load is: ΔLimit = 0.037 m
Check : 0.008 ≤ 0.037 m OK