Innovative Concept of Unfoldable Wheel With An Act
Innovative Concept of Unfoldable Wheel With An Act
Innovative Concept of Unfoldable Wheel With An Act
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3 authors:
Nathanael Jarrasse
French National Centre for Scientific Research
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All content following this page was uploaded by Philippe Bidaud on 03 June 2014.
Fig. 5. Configuration where the pivot points of all the scissor-pair lie on a
Fig. 2. Multiple scissor-like elements with straight rods or angulated rods III. Wheel expansion mechanism design
One important index of an expandable wheel is the ex-
Space frames can be formed by closed loops of these el- pansion coefficient which is basically defined as the ratio
ements. Figure 3 shows an example of a mechanism which between the wheel diameter in expanded configuration and
was adopted in the edge beam of the Hoop-Column An- the one in compact form. The second point is the ability of
tenna [6] and built with half-scissor mechanisms. This the wheel to adapt both the tread geometry and its elastic
kind of structure must have an even number of equal-length mechanical properties and so the compliant behavior of the
hinged segments with a rotational joint at each extremity complete wheel. Thus, the mechanisms which had been de-
whose axis is orthogonal to the segment. Here, the joints sign for creating a deployable wheel can be decomposed in
of 2 consecutive segments are not collinear but form an an- 2 subsystems:
gle in the plane perpendicular to the symmetry axis of the - a mechanism for the radial expansion of the rim of the
structure. It can be checked that due to its particular geo- wheel,
metric properties, the mobility of this mechanism is equal - a mechanism for deformation of the contact surface ge-
to 1. ometry.
Hoberman has also created numbers of pantograph In this paper, a previous designed wheel is briefly pre-
mechanisms that operate in two and three dimensions. A sented and then a new mechanism is proposed which im-
”N -gon” as shown in figure 4 can expand out in a symmet- prove the total expansion coefficient. The second concept
ric manner by ”actuating” only one of its members [7]. was optimized through a parametric analysis of rod dimen-
When scissors-pairs are connected in closed-loop via an- sion parameters.
gulated elements in such way that the normal lines that are The expansion coefficient λ is the index that describe the
perpendicular to the axis of the joined terminal pivot of deployment capacity of the wheel. It is defined as the ra-
12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon, June 18-21, 2007
λ = Dmax /Dmin
A. Preliminary concept
The first concept[8] was initially proposed in the aim
to have shape for the wheel similar to the one of the
Marshokod robot [9]. The expansion of the rim is based
on the use of a set of identical planar mechanisms disposed
radially which play the role of spokes. Each of these mech-
anism can be seen as a parallel mechanism whose limbs are
imbricated 4-bar mechanisms (see figure 6).
IV. Contact surface adaptation system In this section, we analyse the interaction parameters
The dynamic behavior of mobile robot during its motion based on Bekker model. Then we develop the mechanical
on outdoor terrain is strongly influenced by the nature of principle and the model used for the design of elastic tread
wheel-ground interactions. The wheel-ground contacts are elements.
12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon, June 18-21, 2007
A. Terramechanics model So, it is very convenient to have a low rigidity in the com-
In quasi-static motion, the wheel-ground interaction pliant tread to improve the traction performance. Indeed,
forces could be described using the Bekker theory [10], the surface contact will be larger and the maximum wheel-
[11]. In this model, the resulting force between the wheel soil shear ratio will be higher.
and the soil depends on kinematic and geometrical parame- This analysis has shown that the modification of tread
ters which are the wheel slippage i and the soil compaction shape and tread rigidity is an interesting way to improve
z. the global wheel performance. A simple strategy consists
to choose a more rigid configuration for steering and a
Tread beams N more compliant one for traction. With on line adaptation
Wheel w and monitoring system embedded in a planetary rover, this
v wheel property could be very useful to improve the rover
radius traversability.
B. Principle of the compliance adaptation mechanism
Schematically, the factors affecting the contact stiffness
T are the shape (and material) of the carcass-element and
its support (the deployment mechanism). To increase the
carcass deformation, an alternative design for the carcass-
Fig. 13. Wheel ground interaction forces element using an arched beam have been explored (see
Figure 12). A smooth deformation between a geometry
The contact force under each wheel expressed in the of the carcass corresponding to a well-inflated tire and
wheel sagittal plane and decomposed in normal and tangen- a poorly-inflated tire can be controlled by the contact-
tial force. The normal force N is due to vertical load and variation mechanism described above.
DP = T − R is the tangential force applied on the wheel
where T is thrust force, R is the rolling resistance. We use
classical Bekker’s equations for rigid wheel to express the
rolling resistance[10]:
z n+1
R = b (kc /b + kφ )
where b is the wheel width, z is the wheel-ground sinkage
and (kc , kφ , n) are soil parameters.
The wheel-ground sinkage z depends on the pressure ex-
erted on the soil and its compaction parameters. This pres-
sure is function of the normal load applied on the wheel
and its pressure for an inflated tire. In our case, the com-
pliant behavior of the tread can then be used to compensate
this rolling resistant effect. Notably, this effect is important
when the wheel is steering.
The traction force exerted by the wheel on the soil in-
volve a shear stress state that can not exceed the maxi- Fig. 14. Elastic deformation of a arc-shaped beam
mum Mohr-Coulomb shear stress (τmax = c + σn tan φ).
This value depend on the soil cohesion c, the normal pres- In this configuration, the beam shape is controlled by
sure σn and the friction angle φ. The shear state at any changing the position of joint B as shown in figure 14.
contact point is obtained with the Janosi equation : τ = Changing the shape of the beam affect its initial pre-stress
τmax (1 − exp(−j/K)) where j is the wheel-soil relative state. Thus, the relation between vertical load and vertical
displacement and K is the soil shear coefficient. deformation in the center of the beam is modified.
Then, the total traction force is obtained by integrating Finite element analysis shows for linear elastic material
the Janosi’s equation along the wheel ground contact sur- that the compliant behavior of such a single beam is also
face : linear (it is a relation similar to the elastic spring) :
K −il
T = (A c + N tan φ) 1 − 1 − exp( ) 1
il K dy = P
where i is the slippage ratio; A is the wheel-soil contact
area and l the contact length. where k is the compliance constant of the beam. This pa-
12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon, June 18-21, 2007
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point of view. We will evaluate the influence of the pre-
stress state in the tread elements on the global traction per-
formance and the rolling resistance. In-lab facilities will be
used to conduct experiments on the wheel shown in figure
This research is supported by the International Associa-
tion for the Promotion of Co-operation with Scientists from
the New Independent States (NIS) of the Former Soviet
Union (INTAS) under grant number 4063.
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