Course Outline - FIN 427 BRAC University BBA

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BBA Program
Course Outline for SPRING 2016

[“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”]
― Benjamin Franklin

Course Title: CORPORATE FINANCE II (FIN 427) Section: 02

Instructor: Riyashad Ahmed

Assistant Professor of Finance &
Executive MBA (EMBA) Program Coordinator

Consulting Hours:
Day Time
Sunday 12.30 PM – 3.30 PM
Monday 2.00 PM – 5.00 PM
Tuesday DAY OFF
Wednesday 2.00 PM – 5.00 PM
Thursday 3.30 PM – 6.30 PM
Friday 10.00 AM – 12.30 PM
Saturday 2.00 PM – 3.30 PM
Class Schedule:

Section Day Time Venue

002 MW 11.00 PM – 12.20 PM UB 20702

Office Room: UB 20710

E-mail: [email protected]

Course Overview

This is the second course of corporate finance which covers topics in financial planning
and control, working capital management, corporate short-term and long-term financing
including lease.

Riyashad Ahmed, Assistant Professor, BRAC Business School. Page 1

Course Content

This course is designed for finance majors who are interested in careers in corporate
finance as members of the finance departments of an industrial corporation or the
corporate finance group of an investment bank. The course extends the core theory
introduced in Financial Analysis by emphasizing its practical applications to the strategic
financial decision areas of a firm. The overall goal is to obtain a comprehensive and in-
depth perspective of the area of Corporate Finance. Major topics include financial analysis,
planning and control, efficient management of current assets; i.e. cash, receivables, and
inventory, lease financing, managing funds for short term and long term financing needs.
Special emphasis is given on integration of the concepts of financial management into a
total systems approach to business decision-making. 

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students are expected to learn about:

 Planning for forecasting financing needs and use of leverage to monitor progress of
financing plans.
 The tools and techniques for efficient management of short-term assets, i.e., cash,
receivables and inventory.
 Managing funds for short-term and long-term financing needs.

Course Texts

Core Textbook:

Author Title Edition & Year Publisher ISBN

Scott Besley
& 14th Edition, THOMSON ISBN-13: 978-0-
Eugene F. Brigham Essentials of 2008 SOUTH- 324-65216-1
Managerial Finance WESTERN

Supplementary References:

Author Title Edition & Year Publisher ISBN

Eugene F. Brigham
& Intermediate Financial 5th Edition, Fort Worth ISBN-10:
Louis C. Gapinsky Management 1996 Dryden 0030754828

Riyashad Ahmed, Assistant Professor, BRAC Business School. Page 2

Exams & Grading Policy

Exams will contain multiple choices, short theoretical questions and problems solving. The
date for each examination will be announced one week before the exam. There is
absolutely no provision for make-up quizzes. Make-up exams can be arranged only in
exceptional circumstances with adequate proof. The format and the difficulty level of the
makeup midterm will be much harder than the regular exam. BBS rules will be applied
regarding using unfair and unethical means (including cheating, plagiarism) in the exams,
quizzes and assignments. Cell phones must be switched off during exams. Following
grading scale will be strictly followed:

Marks (%) Grades

90% and above A
85 - 89.99 A-
80 – 84.99 B+
75 – 79.99 B
70 – 74.99 B-
65 – 69.99 C+
60 – 64.99 C
57 – 59.99 C-
55 – 56.99 D+
52 – 54.99 D
50 – 51.99 D-
Less than 50 F

Marks Allocation

Class attendance………………5%
Quizzes……………………….. 15%
Term Paper…………………….20%
Final Exam.…………………….40%
Total 100%

Riyashad Ahmed, Assistant Professor, BRAC Business School. Page 3

Teaching Strategies

Class Attendance

Student attendance is absolutely mandatory as exams will be based on the materials

covered in the class. Attendance will be taken in each lecture session which will contribute
to the 5% of your total grade. Please turn off your cell phone before the class starts. You
are strongly encouraged to actively participate in class discussion.


All quizzes will be announced. There will be a total of 4 quizzes. The best 3 will be used for
grading purpose.

Term Paper

There will be a group term paper needs to be completed. Each group (consisting of 4 to 5
members) has to submit the term paper in due time. The topic of term paper, formation of
group and the detail guideline for the completion of term paper will be discussed
thoroughly in the class.

Mid-term Examination

The mid-term examination will include descriptive questions, MCQ, short notes and
problem solving. This examination will test your knowledge of materials discussed in class
and the readings until the time of the mid-term examination. The precise format and the
marks distribution in the different sections of mid-term exam will be discussed in the class
on advance.

Final Examination

As per the university rule, the final exam will be comprehensive in nature. The exam will
have both descriptive and problem solving parts which will be integrated in nature and will
test your overall understanding of the concepts of finance that you have learned in the
entire term. The precise format and the marks distribution in the different sections of final
exam will be discussed in the class on advance as well.

Academic Integrity

Each student in this course is expected to abide by the BRAC University Code of
Academic Integrity. Any work submitted by a student in this course for academic credit
must be the student's own work. If copying occurs, both the student who copied work from
another student and the student who gave material to be copied will both automatically
receive a zero for the assignment. Penalty for violation of this Code can also be extended
to include failure of the course and University disciplinary action. The same rules and

Riyashad Ahmed, Assistant Professor, BRAC Business School. Page 4

regulations are also applicable in the Mid-Terms and Final examinations. Cell phones are
absolutely prohibited in exam sessions.
Course Contents & Tentative Class Schedule

Lecture Topic Assigned Readings

Introduction with students and in-detail discussion of
course outline

1. Financial Planning and Control Chapter 17

2. Lease Financing Chapter 18

3. Working Capital Policy Chapter 14

4. Capital Structure Chapter 17

5. Financial Markets, Common Stock and the Chapter 3

Investment Banking Process

(Date, Time & Venue will be announced in the class)

6. Management of Cash Chapter 15

7. Management of Inventory Chapter 15

8. Management of Receivables Chapter 15

9. Managing Short-Term Liabilities (Financing) Chapter 16

Comprehensive Final Exam

Note: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus if necessary.

Riyashad Ahmed, Assistant Professor, BRAC Business School. Page 5

** Good Luck and Have a Wonderful Term**

Riyashad Ahmed, Assistant Professor, BRAC Business School. Page 6

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