90203-1104DE - Operation Manual PDF
90203-1104DE - Operation Manual PDF
90203-1104DE - Operation Manual PDF
Operation Manual
E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This manual describes operating instructions for the Kawasaki Robot Controller E series. This
manual should be read with careful review of the related manuals listed below. Once the contents
of all the manuals are thoroughly read and understood, the robot can be used.
1. Safety Manual
2. Installation and Connection Manual for Arm
3. Installation and Connection Manual for Controller
4. External I/O Manual (for connecting with peripheral devices)
5. Inspection and Maintenance Manual
The contents of this manual are described on condition that installation and connection of the robot
are done in accordance with the above listed manuals.
This manual provides as much detailed information as possible on the standard operating methods
for the Kawasaki robot. However, not every possible operation, condition or situation that should
be avoided can be described in full. Therefore, should any unexplained questions or problems
arise during robot operation, please contact Kawasaki. Refer to the contact information listed on
the rear cover of this manual for the nearest Kawasaki office.
The explanations in this manual include information on optional functions, but depending on the
specification of each unit, not every optional function detailed here may be included with the robot.
Also, note that figures given here may differ partially from actual screens.
1. This manual does not constitute a guarantee of the systems in which the robot is utilized.
Accordingly, Kawasaki is not responsible for any accidents, damage, and/or problems relating
to industrial property rights as a result of using the system.
2. It is recommended that all personnel assigned for activation of operation, teaching, maintenance
or inspection of the robot attend the necessary education/training course(s) prepared by
Kawasaki, before assuming their responsibilities.
3. Kawasaki reserves the right to change, revise, or update this manual without prior notice.
4. This manual may not, in whole or in part, be reprinted or copied without the prior written
consent of Kawasaki.
5. Store this manual with care and keep it available for use at any time. If the robot is reinstalled
or moved to a different side or sold off to a different use, attach this manual to the robot without
fail. In the event the manual is lost or damaged severely, contact Kawasaki.
Copyright © 2017 Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. All rights reserved.
E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The items that require special attention in this manual are designated with the following symbols.
Ensure proper and safe operation of the robot and prevent physical injury or property damage by
complying with the safety matters given in the boxes with these symbols.
[ NOTE ]
Denotes precautions regarding robot specification,
handling, teaching, operation and maintenance.
E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E series controller provides hardware keys and switches on the operation panel and the teach
pendant for various kinds of operations. In this manual the names of the hardware keys and
switches are enclosed with a square as follows. The terms key or switch which should follow
the relevant names are sometimes omitted for simpler expression. When pressing two or more
keys at the same time, the keys are indicated by + as shown in the example below.
E series controller provides software keys and switches which appear on the screen of the teach
pendant for various kinds of operations depending on specifications and situations. In this manual,
the names of software keys and switches are enclosed by < > parentheses. The terms key or
switch which should follow the relevant names are sometimes omitted for simpler expression.
<ENTER>: expresses an ENTER key that appears on the teach pendant screen.
<NEXT PAGE>: expresses a NEXT PAGE key on the teach pendant screen.
Very often an item must be selected from a menu or pull-down menu on the teach pendant screen.
In this manual the names of these menu items are enclosed in brackets [XXX].
[Auxiliary Function]: Expresses the item Auxiliary Function in a menu. To select it, move the
cursor to the relevant item by the arrow keys, and press the key. For
detailed description, this procedure should be described every time, but select
[XXX] item will be used instead for simpler expression.
E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
3.0 Procedures for Power ON/OFF and Stopping the Robot ................................................. 3-1
3.1 Power on Procedure ........................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Controller Power on Procedure ......................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Motor Power on Procedure ................................................................................................ 3-2
3.2 Power OFF Procedure........................................................................................................ 3-2
3.3 Method for Stopping the Robot ......................................................................................... 3-3
E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
13.0 Dedicated Instructions for Specific Fields of Robot Applications ................................. 13-1
13.1 Setting Data for Clamp Instructions ................................................................................ 13-1
13.2 Spot Welding Dedicated Signal ....................................................................................... 13-2
13.3 Teaching Spot Weld Dedicated Instructions ................................................................... 13-3
13.3. 1 Clamp Instruction............................................................................................................. 13-3
13.3. 2 Weld Schedule (WS) Instruction ..................................................................................... 13-3
13.3. 3 Clamp Condition (CC) Instruction .................................................................................. 13-3
13.3. 4 Gun Retract/ Extend (OC) Instruction ............................................................................ 13-3
13.4 Setting of Each Data ........................................................................................................ 13-4
13.4.1 Setting Data Per Clamp Condition Number.................................................................... 13-4
E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 1. General
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The E series controller is equipped with the latest electronic devices, computers and software to
make possible a wide variety of sophisticated robot control functions. All controllers have basic
control functions for positioning, speed, acceleration and I/O built in as standard specification.
Also, additional axes and control functions are available as options for specific applications.
E series controller (standard spec.) is provided depending on the region where the controller is
used and arm models to be connected.
1. Japan spec. controller (E10, E12, E13, E14, E20, E22, E23, E24, E73, E74, E94)
2. North America spec. controller (E30, E32, E33, E34, E76, E77, E97)
3. Europe spec. controller (E40, E42, E43, E44, E70, E71, E91)
4. Japan/ North America/ Europe standard spec. controller (E01, E02, E03, E04, E28, E51, E52,
E54, E58)
E Series Controller 1. General
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
North America and Europe specification robots comply with the following standards.
E Series Controller 1. General
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
For main specifications of E series controllers, refer to the standard specification sheet.
Robot arms from small to large-size can be connected to the E series controllers. The table
below shows rough arm-controller combinations. For further information, please refer to our
catalogues and standard specifications.
E70/73/ E71/74/7 E91/E94/ E10/20/ E12/22/ E13/23/ E14/24/ E28/58 E01/02
robot 03N
Small R series: Y series Y series BA series
Z series
MT series
Extra MX series MG series CP series
large MD series All series shown
robot left
E Series Controller 1. General
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This manual explains the standard functions common to all E series controller models (standard
spec.) and some of the additional functions available as options. For optional functions not
described in this manual, see the separate-volume option manuals.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This chapter describes overview of the controller, the various kinds of switches which are
equipped with this controller, and the hardware keys and the displays on the teach pendant
(hereinafter called TP).
The figure below shows the external front view of this controller. A controller power switch, an
accessory panel, an operation panel, etc. are equipped on the front side of the controller. Use the
TP by connecting the cable to the connector on the front side of the controller, and place it on the
hook of the controller when not in use.
Accessory panel
Operation panel
power switch
Hook TP connector
Coin lock
Teach pendant
Controller power switch Power ON/OFF switch for this controller
Provides the keys necessary for robot teaching and data editing, and
Teach pendant
a screen for displaying and operating various kinds of data.
USB port for external storage device and RS-232C port for PC
Accessory panel
connection are provided inside.
Operation panel Provides various kinds of switches necessary for operating the robot.
TP connector Connector to connect the TP
Hook Hook to hang TP cable on
Coin lock Lock for locking the controller door
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
If TP cable is removed and replaced by short circuit connector, and
then later reinserted into the connector, be sure to confirm operation of
the E-STOP switch on the TP without fail before using the robot.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This section describes switches and lamps equipped on the operation panel and optional operation
panel of the controller.
No. Switch and Lamp Function
1 TEACH/REPEAT Switches the mode to Teach* or Repeat**. (Japan spec.
(Teach/Repeat switch) and North America spec.: standard)
100%/TEACH/REPEAT Switches the mode to Fast check, Teach* or Repeat**.
(100%/Teach/Repeat switch) (Japan spec.: optional, North America spec.:
Operation panel
NOTE Condition in which the robot automatically works and executes a memorized program
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Operation panel
1 2 3 1 2 3
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
TP provides hardware keys and switches which are necessary for manual operation of robot and
data editing, and a screen for editing/displaying various kinds of data.
Emergency Operation
stop switch screen
Teach lock
Hardware keys
Teach lock stop switch
Hardware keys
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This teach pendant is compatible with most robot models and applications, except
explosion-proof painting applications. For arc welding applications, the hard key layout sheet
differs from that shown above.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Switches Function
Cut OFF the motor power and stops the robot. To release emergency stop,
turn this button to the right until the button returns to its original position.
Emergency stop
Turning ON this switch (in teach mode) enables manual and check motions.
Turning OFF this switch (in repeat mode) enables repeat operations.
Note: Make sure this switch is turned ON before starting teaching operation to
Teach lock
prevent robot from being operated in repeat mode erroneously.
This is the enable switch. Robot axes cannot operate manually without
pressing this switch. Motor power cuts OFF and robot stops if switch is fully
depressed to its third Deadman position, or if it is released completely.
Erases data in the input box, calls R code Captures a displayed screen image
input box, returns to the previous screen, and save it in USB memory as a
etc. The R codes list appears when graphics file (PNG).
pressing A HELP with the R code input
box displayed.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Sets speed level for manual and check Pressing this key after pressing KIn,
operations. R, etc., displays help information.
While in teach screen or interface
1 2 3 4 5 1
panel, press A + this key to display
Note: Default is slow speed (speed 2). (Not customer-created help screen.
1 for inching) While in auxiliary function, press A
+ this key to display help
information for that auxiliary
function. See Chapter 2.12 for
Selects the coordinate system for manual Selects the type of interpolation
operation. Press this key to switch among instruction. Press A + this key to
switch among interpolated motion
operation modes. modes:
Joint Base Tool Joint Joint Linear Lin(ear)2
This key is called COORD(INATES) key Cir(cular)1 Cir(cular)2
F Lin(ear) F Cir(cular)1
Note: Default is Joint coordinate system.
F Cir(cular)2 X Lin(ear) Joint.
Displays the step selection menu. Displays the program selection
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Increases robot motion speed in teach or Turns ON the motor power when the
check mode. motor power is OFF. Conversely,
Note: Effective only while being pressed. turns OFF the motor power when
the motor power is ON.
Note: Motor power cannot be turned
OFF during robot motion.
Sets how program is repeated in check Starts cycle operation in repeat
mode. Toggles between Once and mode.
Note: Turning OFF controller power
switches to Check Once mode.
Inserts new steps to a program.
Adds a new step following the current step. Overwrites the new step onto the
current step.
Switches the signal data for clamp 1 Switches both the signal data for
instruction: ON OFF ON. clamp 1 instruction and the actual
clamp 1 signal: ON OFF ON.
Switches the signal data for clamp 2 Switches both the signal data for
instruction: ON OFF ON. clamp 2 instruction and the actual
clamp 2 signal: ON OFF ON.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
.. -.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Shows/hides the interface panel screen. Calls up input screen for the CC
Other screens are not displayed when instruction data during block
pressing this key. Called teaching.
I/F Screen Change key hereinafter.
Changes the active screen each time it is Closes the currently activated
pressed. Called Screen Change monitor screen.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Puts the robot into hold (stop) state. Puts the robot into run (active) state.
A liquid crystal display is provided on the TP. The screen is divided into 3 areas: A, B and C.
A area
B area
C area
B and C areas have active and inactive states, and the functions inside active areas are operable.
The procedures below describe how to distinguish between active and inactive states and to
switch between the two states.
To distinguish which area is active or currently selected, windows and characters in the B and C
areas have different colors in teach and repeat modes. Refer to the table below.
B area C area
Teach mode Repeat mode Teach mode Repeat mode
Active Blue Green Blue
Inactive Gray
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Pressing Screen Change makes either the B or C area active. Pressing B area directly also
activates the B area.
[ NOTE ]
1. Switching of active areas or screens is not possible when error messages,
warnings and confirmation boxes are on screen.
2. The screens cannot be switched by an external signal.
This section describes operation keys 1-6 shown below. When pressing A, keys 4 and 6 change
as shown below right.
When pressing A
1 2 3
4 4
5 6 6
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
6 Selects the speed level for Selects the speed level for
manual operation. the check speed. Pressing
Pressing the key switches the key switches between
between levels (1 to 5, 1 for levels (1 to 5).
Note: Pressing JOG in
teach (manual) speed
1 or 2 moves robot in
teach speed 3.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The table below describes the function of the F keys (1-12) on teach mode screen for handling/
spot welding specification. When A is pressed, F keys change as shown on the right. Note
that different F keys appear on repeat mode screen. For more details, refer to Chapter 2.6.3.
The F keys for sealing specification, refer to Chapter 16.
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This section describes functions of operation keys displayed on repeat mode screen (labeled 1 and
2 in screen below). When A is pressed, key 2 changes as shown on the right.
NOTE* There are four (4) repeat conditions as shown in the table below. Pressing this key
displays keys for selecting Step Once/Continuous and Repeat Continuous/Once as shown
below. Press the key and set repeat conditions. The repeat conditions can also be set
by the method shown in Chapter
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Executes one step and then stops. The steps are executed continuously.
(Cycle operation stays ON.) Program execution stops when the last
NOTE* The step with either largest step number or END instruction
A and B areas of the TP screen are divided into nine areas (1-10) as shown below. This section
describes their names and their functions. Icons on the upper right screen change according to
the robot status.
1 2 3 4 6
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Pull-down menus are provided in the areas indicated by 2, 3, 6 and 9 in Chapter 2.7. The
pull-down menu functions of each area are explained below.
The pull-down menu in this area has nine functions. Refer to the figure below.
[ NOTE ]
1. The cursor is on [CALL PROGRAM] when the pull-down menu is displayed.
2. The pull-down menu closes when switching active areas or screens while the
menu is displayed.
Displays the name of the current program. When teaching a new program, nothing is
The desired program can be created or an existing program can be selected by inputting its
number if the program name consists of pg and a number. (Only the program number
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
without pg is displayed.) Display the pull-down menu, and specify it by the following
(1) Press NUMBER (0-9). (Specifies the program name.)
(2) Pressing displays the specified program name in the [NOW PROGRAM] and the
program/comment area.
[ NOTE ]
1. When inputting a wrong number, press R and re-enter.
2. This operation is possible only when the program name consists of pg
and numbers. Programs can have a max. of five digits in its name.
3. [Directory]
Displays a list of registered programs, and the desired program can be chosen from the list.
After displaying the pull-down menu, choose it by the following method.
(1) Move the cursor to [Directory] and press to display the program selection screen as
shown below. When the screen has more than one page, press <Next Page> or
<Prev. Page>.
(2) Move cursor to a desired program and press . Or, move cursor to <Input> and press
to display the keyboard screen, input the program name, and press or <ENTER> on
the keyboard screen*.
NOTE* Refer to Chapter 2.8 for more information about the keyboard screen.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
1. When inputting a wrong program number in step (2), press BS and re-enter.
2. Close this function by pressing R at the program selection screen.
4. [Copy]
Copies the content of the selected program. After displaying the pull-down menu, copy it by
the following method.
(1) Move the cursor to [Copy] and press to display the program copy screen as shown below.
(2) Select the program to copy and press to display the keyboard screen as shown below.
Input the program name for the copy destination and press <ENTER> on the keyboard
screen. (An error occurs when an existing program name is input.)
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
Close the copy function by pressing R at the program
selection screen.
5. [Delete]
Deletes a selected program. After displaying the pull-down menu, delete it by the following
(1) Move the cursor to [Delete] and press to display the delete screen as shown below.
Select the program to delete and press . Or, move cursor to <Input> and press to
display the keyboard screen, input the program name, and press or <ENTER> on the
keyboard screen*.
NOTE* Refer to Chapter 2.8 for more information about the keyboard screen.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(3) Selecting [Yes] deletes the selected program and redisplays the teach screen.
(4) Selecting [No] redisplays the teach screen without deleting the selected program.
[ NOTE ]
1. [No] is selected by default when confirmation dialog is displayed.
2. Close the delete function by pressing R at the program selection screen.
Inserts comments in the comment area of the selected program. After displaying the
pull-down menu, input the comment following the method below.
(1) Select the program to input a comment into. For the procedure for the program selection,
see 2. CALL PROGRAM or 3. Directory.
(2) Redisplay the pull-down menu, move cursor to [PG Comment Input] and press to
display the comment input screen as shown below
(3) Input a comment in the keyboard screen and press <ENTER> on the keyboard*.
NOTE* Refer to Chapter 2.8 for more information about the keyboard screen.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(4) Teach screen is redisplayed, and the input comment (up to 18 one-byte characters) is now
displayed for the selected program.
[ NOTE ]
Close this function by pressing R at the comment input screen.
7. [Cancel register]
Clears the program from the program/comment area. After displaying the pull-down menu,
cancel the program by the following procedure.
(1) Move the cursor to [Cancel register] and press to display the confirmation box as
shown below.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(2) Selecting [Yes] cancels the program registration. Program and comment area become
blank. Selecting [No] keeps the program.
[ NOTE ]
[No] is selected when the confirmation box is displayed.
8. [Rename]
Modifies the name of the specified program. After displaying the pull-down menu, rename the
program by the following procedure
(1) Move the cursor to [Rename] and press . Program selection screen as shown below
appears. When there are more than 1 page, switch between the pages using <Prev.
Page> and <Next Page>. Select the program to change the name and press .
Keyboard screen appears. Input the name of the program to select and press or
<ENTER> on the keyboard screen.*
NOTE Refer to 2.8 Keyboard Screen for operation procedures of the keyboard screen.
(2) Selecting the program displays the program input screen as shown below. Input the
new name for the program and press or <ENTER> on the keyboard screen.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
9. [Display contents]
Displays the specified program content. After displaying the pull-down menu, display the
contents by the following procedure
(1) Move the cursor to [Display contents] and press . Program selection screen as shown
below appears. When there are more than 1 page, switch between the pages using <Prev.
Page> and <Next Page>. Select the program to display the contents and press . Or,
move the cursor to <Input> and press . Keyboard screen appears. Input the name of the
program to select and press or <ENTER> on the keyboard screen.*
NOTE Refer to 2.8 Keyboard Screen for operation procedures of the keyboard
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Move the cursor to <Change> and press or switch between the contents using A
/ .*
For steps taught in AS language, the content displays do not switch. Steps
that do not fit in the screen can be displayed by moving the cursor to <Prev.
Page> or <Next Page> and pressing or by pressing A / . Moving the
cursor to <Close> and pressing or pressing R returns the display to the
program list display screen.
[ NOTE ]
Close this function by pressing R at the program selection screen.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
The cursor is on [CALL STEP] when the pull-down menu is displayed.
Displays the currently selected step number. When teaching a new program, nothing is
Selects a desired step by input of the step number. Display the pull-down menu, and specify
it by the following method.
(2) Pressing displays the specified program step in the [NOW STEP] and the step area.
[ NOTE ]
Displays the last step automatically when the input number
is larger than the last step number in the program.
3. [Bottom]
Selects the last step in the program. After displaying the pull-down menu, select the last step
by the following:
(2) Press to display the last step of the program in the [NOW STEP] and the step area.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The robot starts to move to the selected step from its stopped pose if the
cycle operation is started after the step has been changed. Ensure all
safety measures are in effect so that the robot, workpiece(s) and tool (s) do
not crash into or interfere with peripheral equipment and that all
personnel are clear of the work cell.
4. [Copy]
Copies the contents of selected steps. After displaying the pull-down menu, copy it by the
following method.
(1) Move the cursor to [Copy] and press to display the Transfer Data screen as shown
(2) Move the cursor to a desired item referring the table below, and input data.
Item Description
[Source Program] Specifies the program to transfer.
[Source Step Number] Specifies the first program step to transfer.
[Number of Transfer Steps] Specifies the number of steps to transfer.
[Destination Program] Specifies the destination program to which the specified steps
are transferred.
[Destination Step Number] Specifies the first program step to receive the transferred steps
data from. Specifying 0 transfers the steps after the last step of
the destination program.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(5) The specified steps will be copied and placed as consecutive steps from the step specified
as the destination step number.
5. [Delete]
Deletes selected step(s). After displaying the pull-down menu, delete by the following
(1) Move the cursor to [Delete] and press to display the step delete screen as shown below.
(2) Input the start step number to delete and press . Then, input the end step number to
delete and press .
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(4) Selecting [Yes] deletes the selected steps and returns to the teach screen.
(5) Selecting [No] returns to the teach screen without deleting the selected steps.
[ NOTE ]
1. [No] is selected by default when confirmation dialog is displayed.
2. Close the delete function by pressing R at the step delete screen.
6. [Input Comment]
Input comments in the comment area for the selected step. After displaying the pull-down
menu, input comment following the procedure below.
(1) Move cursor to [Input comment] and press to display the comment input screen as
shown below.
NOTE* Refer to Chapter 2.8 for more information about the keyboard screen.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(3) Pressing <ENTER> on the keyboard registers the comment input in step 2 (up to 30
one-byte characters) and returns to the teach screen. Press / to display the
[ NOTE ]
Close this function by pressing R at the comment input screen.
7. [Search Comment]
Searches the step where the comment data is registered. After displaying the pull-down menu,
execute search following the procedure below.
(1) Display the pull-down menu, move cursor to [Search Comment] and press to start
(2) The retrieved step number is displayed in the step area. When there are two or more
comments, the screen below is displayed. Select <To next> to continue or <Finish> to
end searching.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The pull-down menu, which is displayed by pressing this area, contains eight functions. See the
figure below.
NOTE* The numbers are red and the background is blue in repeat speeds 1 % to 99 %.
At 100 %, numbers are white and the background is red.
[ NOTE ]
1. Pressing Repeat Speed Display Area again or R closes the pull-down menu.
Displaying another pull-down menu will also close this menu.
2. Except when data is changed by [ +10 %] or [ -10 %], the pull-down menu
is closed after the setting.
3. The cursor is on [Specify] when pull-down menu is displayed.
1. [Specify]
Sets the repeat speed as a percentage of the maximum speed. Display the pull-down menu
and select by the following method.
(2) Press to set the repeat speed to the value input above.
[ NOTE ]
1. Standard input values are 1-100.
2. Speed setting of over 100 is acceptable as option.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
2. +10 %
Increases repeat speed in 10 % increments from the current value. Display the pull-down
menu and set by the following method.
3. -10 %
Decreases the repeat speed in 10 % increments from the current value. Display the
pull-down menu and set by the following method.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
4. [Repeat: Cont/Once]
Sets how to run the program, repeatedly or only once. Display the pull-down menu and
select by the following method.
(1) Select [Repeat: Cont/Once].
(2) Pressing toggles between: Repeat Cont Repeat Once Repeat Cont.
5. [Step: Cont/Once]
Sets how to execute the program steps, continuously or in one step increments. Display the
pull-down menu and select by the following method.
(2) Pressing toggles between: Step Cont Step Once Step Cont.
[ NOTE ]
When set to Step Once, robot does not move to the next step even if
CHECK GO is pressed.
6. [RPS: ON/OFF]
Enables or disables the RPS function during repeat mode. RPS allows switching to the
program specified by external signals. Display the pull-down menu and select by the
following method.
(2) Pressing toggles between: RPS ON RPS OFF RPS ON. RPS is displayed in
the status area when it is enabled.
[ NOTE ]
Set RPS conditions in Aux. 0502.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
7. [Dry Run]
To check the program contents or input/output signal condition without moving the robot,
select Dry Run ON. Display the pull-down menu and select by the following method.
(2) Pressing toggles between: Dry Run ON Dry Run OFF Dry Run ON. Dry
RUN is displayed in the status area when it is enabled.
Setting Dry Run OFF allows the robot to move during repeat
operation. Be aware when setting Dry Run ON and OFF.
Used in servo weld gun application. For more details, refer to the optional manual, a separate
This area contains a pull-down menu and displays the following eight screens as shown below.
To display the pull-down menu, activate B area and press MENU, or press the B area window
NOTE* [Upsize]/[Down size] is displayed on the pull-down menu when the teach screen is
displayed on B area. [Teach screen] is displayed on the pull-down menu when screens
other than the teach screen (Auxiliary function, I/F panel etc.) are displayed on B area.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Displays the teach screen by default in the B area. Use this screen to teach or edit a robot
program. Clamp instructions data is displayed on the next page and subsequent pages, as
shown in lower screen below. Pressing A + / changes pages. See Chapter 5 for
more details on this screen.
OC No.
information CC No.
WS No.
2. [Auxiliary function]
Displays the auxiliary function screen. Use this screen to set various kinds of robot data.
Refer to Chapter 8 for more details on this screen.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
3. [I/F panel]
Displays the I/F(Interface) panel screen. This screen provides the switches, lamps and
functions necessary for operating robots and peripheral equipment. The screen below is an
example. See Chapter 9 for more details on this screen.
4. [Data storage]
Displays the data storage screen. This screen displays data such as joint angle, speed,
deviation, I/O, etc. in graph form. The screen below is an example. Refer to a separate
option manual for more details on this screen.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
5. [Keyboard]
Displays the keyboard screen. Use this screen to input characters such as a program name,
the comments, etc. See Chapter 2.8 for more details on this screen.
Displays the KLogic ladder screen. The screen below is an example. Refer to a separate
option manual for more details on this screen.
7. [Monitor 1]
Displays the Monitor 1 menu screen. Select the information to be monitored by this screen.
C area displays the monitor screen with the selected information. See Chapter 2.9 for more
details on this screen.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
8. [Monitor 2]
Displays the Monitor 2 menu screen. Select the information to be monitored by this screen.
C area displays the monitor screen with the selected information. When selecting both
Monitor 1 and Monitor 2, both monitor screens are displayed side by side.
The keyboard screen display covers 78 columns and 15 rows. The section below describes how
to input characters.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Characters shown on left side of key are input by default. Pressing <SHIFT> allows input of
characters on the right side. Pressing <SHIFT> again returns keys to their defaults.
Lower case letters are input by default. Pressing <SHIFT> allows inputting upper case letters
(capitals). Pressing <SHIFT> again returns the keys to lower case.
(1) When the information is too large to fit on one screen, the display scrolls and stops when
the screen is full. To continue viewing the information, press <NEXT>.
(2) BS deletes characters one by one. Pressing / moves the cursor in the input area.
(3) Pressing <CTRL+L> recalls the last character string that was input. Up to nine previous
strings (lines) can be recalled. Pressing <SHIFT> + <CTRL+N> recalls the next string
(line). For example, after pressing <CTRL+L> six times, pressing <SHIFT> +
<CTRL+N> three times recalls the third previous character string that was entered (string
two previous to the last one.)
[ NOTE ]
Cursor is on <!> and key input is set to lower case when the
keyboard is displayed initially.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
For E series controller, USB keyboard is available while the keyboard screen is displayed on the
TP operation screen. To use the USB keyboard, connect it to the USB port inside the accessory
panel on the front side of the controller.
101 keyboard is usable as USB keyboard and has the following conditions of use.
1. Usable keys on USB keyboard are ones that are on the TP keyboard screen.
2. There is no NEXT key on USB keyboard. NEXT key is only available on the touch
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Up to two monitor screens (Monitor 1 and Monitor 2) can be displayed on the TP. Each of the
monitor displays accessed from this menu is updated in real time as the robot moves, as program is
executed, etc. Monitor screens are displayed in C area as shown on next page (or in center of
screen in other applications.). In the screen below, Axis data monitor and Output signal monitor
are displayed as Monitor 1 and Monitor 2, respectively. Some monitors can be displayed in the
combined area of both B and C areas.
Press B area directly or MENU as shown in the screen below, and select [Monitor 1] or
[Monitor 2] from the pull-down menu.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The list of available monitor screens displays as shown below. Selecting an item from the
list displays the monitor information for that item.
Press <Monitor 1> or <Monitor 2> on the bottom part of the screen. The list of monitor
screens is displayed as shown above. Select the monitor information to display.
The screens of the following monitor information can be enlarged and displayed in the combined
area of both B and C areas.
5. Input signal
6. Output signal
9. I/O name monitor
13. Dedicated input signal monitor
14. Dedicated output signal monitor
25. Internal signal monitor
Follow the procedure below to enlarge and restore the monitor screens.
1. Display the monitor screen following the procedure in Chapter 2.9.1. The C area of this
screen displays Input signal monitor and the I/O name monitor as Monitor 1 and Monitor 2,
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
2. Activate the monitor screen to enlarge. Display the pull-down menu by pressing the monitor
screen directly or pressing MENU.
3. Selecting [Upsize]* enlarges the monitor screen to B area. The other monitor screen closes.
NOTE* [Upsize] is not effective for the monitors which cannot be enlarged.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
4. To restore the screen, press B area directly or MENU, and display the pull-down menu.
F keys cannot be used when a monitor screen is displayed. Follow the procedure below to
display the F keys on the front screen.
1. Press MENU with the monitor screen displayed. The pull-down menu is displayed.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
2. Selecting [Function] from the pull-down menu displays the F keys on the front screen. The
monitor screen is now behind the F key screen.
NOTE* When a monitor screen is not behind, the pull-down menu will not be displayed even
if MENU is pressed.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
4. Selecting [Monitor] from the pull-down menu displays the monitor, which was behind the F
key screen, on the front screen.
(1) Select [Monitor 1] from the pull-down menu or press F key, <Monitor 1>, to display the
Monitor 1 menu.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(2) Select [2. Axis data monitor] from the Monitor 1 menu.
(1) Select [Monitor 2] from the pull-down menu or press F key, <Monitor 2>, to display the
Monitor 2 menu.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(1) Select [Monitor] from the pull-down menu on the F key screen.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
5. Closing Monitor 2
Activate Monitor 2 by pressing Screen Change, and press A + Close. Or, select [1. Monitor
OFF] from the Monitor 2 menu.
6. Closing Monitor 1
Activate Monitor 1 by pressing Screen Change, and press A + Close. Or, select [1. Monitor
OFF] from the Monitor 1 menu.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This section describes each monitor. Each of the monitor displays accessed from this menu is
updated in real time as the robot moves, program is executed, etc.
1. [Monitor OFF]
Monitor screen closes and function keys appear on C area.
5. [Input signal]
Displays the input signal status.
ON-signals are highlighted in yellow.
6. [Output signal]
Displays output signal status.
ON-signals are highlighted in yellow.
Signals can be forced to output using
this screen.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
10.2 [XYZOAT]
Displays the transformation values of
the tool coordinates relative to the base
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
When an error occurs during operation of the robot, an error screen is displayed as shown below.
Move the cursor to <RESET> and press to close the error screen, and the message Cleared
error state. appears in the system message area.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(1) Move the cursor to <CLOSE> and press to close the error screen. This displays the
content of the error and <Error Reset> in the system message area.
[ NOTE ]
1. The latest error is displayed. When several errors occur simultaneously, a
maximum of five errors can be displayed.
2. To redisplay the previous error screen, press the system message area without
pressing <Error Reset >.
3. Switching to other screens is not possible while the error screen is displayed.
4. If error state does not release even after pressing <Error Reset>, then the content
of the second error will be displayed.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
1. To reset,
(2) The warning screen closes and Cleared error state. appears in the system message area.
(2) The warning screen closes and the content of the warning and <Error Reset> appears in
the system message area.
(3) Press <Error Reset> to reset the warning. To redisplay the warning screen, press the
system message area without pressing <Error Reset>.
[ NOTE ]
Switching to other screens is not possible while warning screen is displayed.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
When the auxiliary function screen is displayed, pressing A+HELP displays the help screen on
auxiliary functions. When more than one page is available, scroll the screen by pressing
< >/< >.
When either the teach screen or interface panel screen is displayed, pressing A+HELP displays
the text files created by customers as a help screen.
E Series Controller 2. Switches, Keys and Displays
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(1) Create the help in a text file. Decorated characters such as boldface and italic face can
be displayed by adding the following tags at the head of the string. Several tags can be
Tag Function
<b> Displays the line with the tag in bold.
<i> Displays the line with the tag in italic.
<title> Displays the line in title format. (The line cannot be displayed in either
bold or italic.)
<number> Indents by the specified number of spaces. (Range: 1-99)
NOTE** 1. The first number indicates the page number, which corresponds to the page
number of the interface panel screen.
2. The second number indicates the created file number.
3. The final alpha character indicates the language. (J: Japanese, E: English)
(4) Insert the USB memory into the USB port on the main CPU board, and open Aux. 0203.
(5) Copy the file to robot memory (CF) from the USB memory. See Aux. 0203 in Chapter
8 for details.
E Series Controller 3. Procedures for Power ON/OFF and
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual Stopping the Robot
This chapter describes the power ON/OFF procedures for the robot controller and methods for
stopping the robot.
[ NOTE ]
This manual explains operation procedures assuming that the optional operation
panel is not used. When using the optional operation panel, both switches on
the TP and the optional operation panel can be used for turning ON/OFF motor
power and cycle operation start. However, for the robot activation (RUN),
robot will not activate unless both settings of the TP and optional operation panel
are RUN. That is, if the setting of the optional operation panel is HOLD, robot
cannot be activated even if A+RUN on the TP is pressed.
Ensure that all personnel are clear of the work cell, and that all safety devices are in place and
operational. Follow the steps below to turn ON the controller power first, and then the motor
When turning ON the controller power and motor power of the
robot controller, thorough attention should be taken to prevent
personnel from entering the motion range of the robot and the
peripheral equipment controlled by the robot controller. The
robot may move or operate accidentally when turning ON the
motor power, if the robot servo system is damaged.
2. Press the CONTROLLER POWER on the upper left portion of the controller front.
E Series Controller 3. Procedures for Power ON/OFF and
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual Stopping the Robot
1. Ensure that all personal are clear of the work cell, and that all safety devices are in place and
operational. (e.g.: door on safety fence is closed and safety plug is inserted, etc.)
2. Press A + MOTOR ON on the TP to turn ON. The motor power turns ON and the
<MOTOR> lamp on the top right of the TP screen illuminates at this time.*
NOTE* If motor power does not turn ON, read the contents displayed in the error screen and
system message area and restore the system accordingly, and then press
A + MOTOR ON again.
Before turning ON the controller power and the motor
power, ensure that all personnel are clear of the work cell and
that no interfering objects are around the robot(s).
Stop the robot and shut down the controller in the reverse order in which it was turned ON.
However, in the case of emergency, press the EMERGENCY STOP immediately to cut OFF the
motor power. Refer to Chapter 3.3 for more details about emergency stop.
1. Confirm the robot has completely stopped. Refer to Chapter 3.3 for more details.
3. Press the EMERGENCY STOP on the controller or the TP to cut OFF the motor power.*
NOTE* In repeat mode, turning the TEACH/REPEAT on the controller to TEACH also cuts
OFF the motor power.
4. After the <MOTOR> lamp on the TP screen turns OFF, shut OFF the power by turning OFF
the CONTROLLER POWER on the upper left portion of the controller front.
E Series Controller 3. Procedures for Power ON/OFF and
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual Stopping the Robot
1. Refer to the External I/O Manual, a separate volume, for
power OFF methods using external signals.
2. When shutting down the controller power, press the
EMERGENCY STOP to cut OFF the motor power first,
The methods for stopping the robot are different in teach mode and repeat mode.
1. In teach mode,
(2) Confirm that the robot has come to a complete stop, and press HOLD or A+<RUN> on
the TP.
2. In repeat mode,
(1) Set the [Step] to [Step Once], or repeat condition to [Repeat Once]. Refer to Chapter for more details.
(2) Confirm that the robot has come to a complete stop, and press HOLD or A+<RUN> on
the TP.
1. After robot has stopped, cut OFF power to the motors to disable
any further motion by pressing EMERGENCY STOP.
2. Once motor power has been cut OFF, take measures to prevent
personnel from accidentally turning ON the power supply (tag
and lock out power switches, etc.).
E Series Controller 3. Procedures for Power ON/OFF and
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual Stopping the Robot
3. In emergency stop,
When the robot works abnormally and there is a possibility of danger such as injury, press
immediately any EMERGENCY STOP wherever they are located, on the controller front,
TP, safety fence etc. to cut off the motor power.
Applying emergency stop may cause the error screen to pop up. To restart the robot from
this condition, reset errors before turning ON the motor power. Refer to Chapter 6.4 for
more details.
E Series Controller 4. Manual Operation of Robot
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This chapter describes methods for operating the robot manally, the names of operation axes, the
movement mode, etc.
This section describes the standard methods for operating the robot manually.
A robot is normally equipped with six axes as shown in figure below. These axes are called JT1,
JT6 in order of axis construction.
1. Turn ON the CONTROLLER POWER and confirm that the controller power lamp
2. On the operation panel of the controller, turn the TEACH/REPEAT to the TEACH position,
and press HOLD or A+<RUN> to put the robot into HOLD state.
E Series Controller 4. Manual Operation of Robot
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
Cycle operation cannot be executed if TEACH LOCK is OFF, even
though TEACH/REPEAT is set to TEACH.
4. Press COORD or <Coord> to set the manual operation mode: Joint, Base or Tool.
5. Set the manual speed by pressing TEACH SPEED or <MAN. SPEED>. To move only a
very small, specified distance, select speed 1 for inching.
6. When steps 1 to 5 are complete, turn ON the motor power by pressing A + MOTOR ON on
the TP.
8. While depressing DEADMAN on back of TP, move robot by pressing the AXIS (marked 1 -
6). The robot will continue to move as long as the keys are pressed.
The seventh axis (option) is an additional axis such as traverse axis, servo weld gun driving axis,
etc. Manual operation method is the same as when operating the standard six axes. While
depressing DEADMAN switch on TP, move axis by pressing the AXIS (marked 7).
E Series Controller 4. Manual Operation of Robot
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This controller can control a maximum of 18 axes. Manual operation of these axes is the same
as that for the seventh axis. To operate, first select either group JT8 to JT14 or JT15 to JT18 by
pressing Ext. Axis(Robot).
Press Ext. Axis(Robot) once to illuminate LED on bottom of this key. Then, operate JT8 to
JT14 by AXIS, the same as when operating axes JT1 to JT7.
Press Ext. Axis(Robot) twice to illuminate LED on top of this key. Then, operate JT15 to JT18
by AXIS, the same as when operating axes JT1 to JT4.
E Series Controller 4. Manual Operation of Robot
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Press COORD or <Coord> to change the mode display to manual operation based on joint
coordinates. When this mode is selected, the robot axes can be moved individually as shown in
the figure below. When pressing several AXIS at the same time, the robot axes can be moved
simultaneously in combination.
E Series Controller 4. Manual Operation of Robot
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
JT1: Left and right rotation of arm JT4: Rotation of wrist axis (1)
JT2: Back and forth motion of arm JT5: Rotation of wrist axis (2)
JT3: Up and down motion of arm JT6: Rotation of wrist axis (3)
E Series Controller 4. Manual Operation of Robot
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Press COORD or <Coord> to change the mode display to manual operation based on the base
coordinates. When this mode is selected, the robot axes can be moved based on the base
coordinate system. When pressing several AXIS at the same time, the robot axes can be moved
in combination.
Base coordinate operation will differ in motion direction depending on the coordinates
transformation to the null-base coordinates. The figures below show RS010N installed on the
floor and YF003N installed on the ceiling with X, Y, Z, O, A, T all at 0.
Base coordinates
E Series Controller 4. Manual Operation of Robot
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 4. Manual Operation of Robot
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 4. Manual Operation of Robot
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Press COORD or <Coord> to change the mode display to manual operation based on the tool
coordinates. When this mode is selected, the robot axes can be moved based on the tool
coordinate system.
Tool coordinate system is defined on the tool which is installed on JT6. The tool coordinates
change whenever the pose of the robot changes. Operations based on this tool coordinate
system will differ in motion direction depending on the coordinates transformation to the null-tool
coordinates. Tool coordinates also change when wrist orientation changes as shown in figures
below, even though only the forearm moves without moving wrist axes.
As shown in the figure above, moving only the upper arm without moving the wrist axis changes
the tool coordinates.
E Series Controller 4. Manual Operation of Robot
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
In Y series, the tool coordinates are the tool defined for the tool installed on Axis 4. Therefore
moving the robot does not change the direction of motion based on tool coordinates (see figure
E Series Controller 4. Manual Operation of Robot
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
When looking in the positive direction of each tool coordinate, clockwise rotation is positive. In
Y series, RX/ RY motions are not possible if it is installed on the ceiling and values of X, Y, Z, O,
A, T are all 0.
x: Motion of arm parallel to tool X rx: Rotation around tool X
coordinate (Wrist orientation is coordinate (- dir. toward viewer)
constant.) (TCP does not move.)
E Series Controller 4. Manual Operation of Robot
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Teaching is defined as programming the robot to do the required tasks. E series controller
enables you to create programs by various methods in the combination of following three
classification items.
In teaching in block (hereinafter simply called block teaching), a program is created by using
compound instructions, each of which is composed of element instructions (interpolation, speed,
accuracy, timer, I/O signals, etc.) which are necessary for each application field of robot (spot
weld, arc weld, sealing
application). Parameter values for each element instruction
(alphanumeric characters indicating quantity, condition and items to be selected) are recorded all
at once to each step of the program. The recorded data consists of position and orientation data
(called pose hereinafter) and auxiliary data or step status called in the sense that they indicate
the status of the parameters to be recorded to each step. To make data modification easier,
some auxiliary data of element instructions such as speed, accuracy, and timer are recorded
indirectly using numbers which represent the levels of the parameter values of the corresponding
element instructions. The actual amounts corresponding to each number are set by auxiliary
functions. For pose data, pressing REC automatically records the current robot pose as a
parameter value for the interpolation instruction at the step.
Auxiliary data to be recorded differs depending on the application field of the robot. The
following types of data are recorded as auxiliary data: robot motion conditions, input/output
control conditions, tool operation conditions when controlling operation of tools by the robot
controller (servo spot weld gun, servo torch for arc welding, etc.), and other special conditions.
Parameter values are selected and set via the TP using hardware keys and on-screen keys and
buttons. When an application such as spot welding requires a large number of auxiliary data,
and data setting is difficult using the hardware keys, the TP provides special setting screens.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
When pose data is taught off-line, data transformation is necessary to compensate the difference
of the robot-to-workpiece poses between in off-line and online teaching.
On the other hand, AS language programming is usually done by teaching AS instructions and
their parameter values are directly specified to each program step via the keyboard. AS
language programming can teach mono-function instructions not included in ordinary block
instructions. AS language may create and edit a program for new applications, but the
programming by block teaching may need to add new element instructions for new applications.
For AS language instructions, refer to the AS Language Reference Manual.
This manual explains how to create a program in block teaching using an actual robot and TP.
To ensure safety during teaching, follow the items below before starting operations.
2. Display signs stating clearly TEACHING IN PROGRESS in places where personnel can
see them.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Emergency stop buttons are used for stopping a moving robot immediately when there is a
possibility of danger such as injury. Before operating a robot, ensure the following items for all
emergency stop buttons: on the controller, the TP, and any other equipment.
1. Press the EMERGENCY STOP on the operation panel, the TP, the interface panel, etc.
Confirm that the motor power cuts off and the <MOTOR> lamp turns OFF when each of the
buttons is pressed.
2. After EMERGENCY STOP is pressed, reset the error and confirm that the motor power can
be turned ON.
[ NOTE ]
1. Emergency stop is possible at any time in either teach or repeat modes.
2. After EMERGENCY STOP is pressed, error messages are displayed on
the TP.
3. Motor power ON is not possible in error state. Release the error(s) by
error reset, etc. before attempting to restart the robot.
Display signs around the work area/cell indicating TEACHING IN PROGRESS to prevent
accidents caused by unauthorized personnel.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Turn ON the TEACH LOCK on the TP. The robot will not move once this switch is set to ON,
even if TEACH/REPEAT is carelessly set to repeat mode. Conversely, when the
TEACH LOCK is OFF, the robot cannot be operated manually in teach mode.
Specify the desired program and step numbers before starting teaching operation.
1. Press <PROGRAM> or A PROGRAM on
TP to display pull-down menu.
If a new program number is specified, 0 is displayed in the step area. The data is recorded to
the first step for a new program, or to the next to the last step in an existing program. To add
new step(s) to existing program, select the last step in the program by pressing <STEP>/ STEP.
[ NOTE ]
When selecting an existing program, maximum of 7 lines starting
from step 1 are displayed in program display area.
This section explains the element instructions and how to set their parameter values (auxiliary
data). Element instructions necessary for the robot in doing given work are preset and displayed
on the element instructions row, as shown in the following screen. Under each element
instruction, the parameter value for that instruction is displayed.
Some element instructions are not displayed on the element instructions row due to limited space,
although their parameters are displayed on the parameter row. For example, in spot weld
application with servo weld gun, gun status instruction is not displayed on element instructions
row, but the set parameter values for the instruction are displayed on the parameter row.
Also, some element instructions, such as comment instructions, etc., are not displayed even on the
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
parameter row, and these instructions require extra procedures to view/edit their contents.
The parameter values are selected/set using operation keys and F keys (function key).
Element instructions, and their related parameter values and keys used for setting, are
summarized in the table below for each application. The element instructions are shown in the
order they are displayed. Shaded element instructions are unique to that application.
Element instructions
Handling specification
Element J/E
Accu- WK
instruc- Interpolation Speed Timer Tool Clamp (jump Output Input
racy (Work)*
tion /End)
JOINT/LINEAR/LIN2/ 1-64 1-64
Parameter No disp., No disp.,
CIR1/CIR2/FLinear/ 0-9 0-4 0-9 1-9 J, E or or
values 1-2 C
FCIR1/FCIR2/XLIN 1-96 1-96
A A A CL 1 / A A J/E A A
Keys A INTERP or
SPD ACC TMR CL 2 Work or <J/E> OX WX
NOTE This instruction is optional.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
To set the interpolation mode (e.g. linear or joint) for the motion from the previous step to the
current step where this instruction is taught, press A + INTERP.
Mode Description
Robot moves to the target point so that the difference of each axis value between
the two taught points decreases at the same proportion in all axes. Select this
mode when priority is given to the time it takes to move between the two points,
rather than the path the robot takes.
TCP moves to the target point along linear path between the two taught points,
Linear while decreasing the difference in orientation of the tool coordinates (OAT)
between the two points at the same proportion as the distance to the target point.
TCP moves to the target point along linear path between the two taught points,
Linear2 while decreasing the difference of wrist axes (JT4, JT5, JT6) values between the
two points at the same proportion in all wrist axes.
Select this mode to specify a robot pose at the middle point between two points
(start and end points), when TCP moves along a circular path specified by these 3
Circular1 points. TCP moves along circular path, while robot moves changing the
orientation of the tool coordinates (OAT) in the same way as in linear interpolation
Select this mode to specify the pose robot takes at the end point, when TCP moves
along circular path specified by the 3 points. TCP moves along circular path
while the robot moves changing the orientation of the tool coordinates (OAT) in
the same way as in linear interpolation mode.
F Linear/ Select these modes to move a workpiece based on the fixed tool coordinates.
F Circular1/
F Circular2
Robot stops when sensing signal input during motion to the target point in linear
X Linear
interpolation mode. Select this mode to use sensing function.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Pressing A SPEED displays the screen below. Press NUMBER keys and enter the speed
number (0-9). Press to confirm the input number. This sets the motion speed level from the
previous step to the current step.
The actual speed represented by the speed number is set in <Aux.>/[Auxiliary Function]-[3.Aux.
Data Setting][1.Speed].
An absolute velocity/ traveling (moving) time can also be input, as shown below.
Input 10 as the speed number and press . An input box appears to enable entry of the motion
speed in unit of second or unit of mm/s using NUMBER keys. Press to confirm. The unit
of speed differs according to the interpolation mode being set.
For joint interpolation mode: motion speed between two taught points, in unit of second
For linear interpolation mode: speed of linear motion between taught points, in unit of mm/s
This function is enabled/ disabled by option setting
according to the specification.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Pressing A ACC displays the screen below. Input the desired accuracy number (0-4) via the
NUMBER keys. Press to confirm the input number. This sets the level of accuracy needed
for axis coincidence with the taught point in the current step.
For E controller, the axis coincidence is acknowledged when the command
values coincides with the target values for setting the accuracy level to 1. For
the controller before E, the axis coincidence is acknowledged when the current
values coincides with the target values for setting the accuracy level to 1 (1
mm) by default.
Pressing A TMR displays the screen below. Input the desired timer number (0-9) via the
NUMBER keys. Press to confirm the input number. This sets the time to wait after axis
coincidence with the taught point in the current step.
The actual waiting time represented by the timer number is set in <Aux.>/[Auxiliary
Function]-[3.Aux. Data Setting] [3.Timer].
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Pressing <Tool> or A TOOL displays the screen below. Input the desired tool number (1-9)
via the NUMBER keys. Press to confirm the input number. This sets the tool used when
moving to the taught point.
The tool data represented by the tool number is set in <Aux.>/[Auxiliary Function]-[3.Aux. Data
Setting] [4.Tool Coord].
Set the clamp instruction to be executed after axes coincidence in the taught step by specifying
ON/OFF as the parameter value. To select the parameter value (ON/ OFF) for clamp 1 or clamp
2, press CL1 or CL2. The parameter value switches ON OFF ON every time key(s) is
pressed. The display on parameter row changes: clamp instruction number (1 or 2) no display
clamp instruction number. For clamp 3 or higher (clamp-n), select ON/ OFF by CLn
NUMBER. The parameter value (ON/ OFF) for clamp-n instruction is displayed on the page
for clamp-n data. When teach screen is displayed, pressing A / displays the page for
clamp-n data.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Pressing <J/E> or A J/E toggles the parameter value: not set JUMP instruction END
instruction not set, and the display changes: no display J E no display. These
instructions determine how the program steps are executed after executing the step where these
instructions are taught. The instructions are processed as follows:
JUMP (J) instruction: Processing differs depending on whether RPS is disabled or enabled.
1. When RPS is disabled, JUMP instruction is ignored and the next step is executed.
2. When RPS is enabled, the program is executed as shown in the table below:
JUMPOFF signal
1. JUMP ON signal has precedence over JUMP OFF signal.
2. When JUMP ON signal is input, program selection signal is read and
JUMPON signal
END (E) instruction: Processing differs depending on whether RPS is disabled or enabled.
(1) Ignores END instruction and returns to the first step in program.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(1) When RPS ON signal is input, reads program selection signal and jumps to the program
specified by the signal.
(3) When a non-existing program is selected, error occurs and program execution stops. Motor
power turns OFF at the same time.
Pressing OX displays the screen for setting output signals. Enter the output signal number via
NUMBER keys and press . This sets which signal to output after axis coincidence with the
taught point.
[ NOTE ]
1. Signal numbers set randomly are displayed in ascending order by their absolute
value the next time they are displayed.
2. When setting more than one signal, place a period between the signal numbers.
3. To delete a signal number displayed on the dialog box, move the cursor to the right
of the signal number and press BS.
4. * are displayed on the parameter row for signals unable to be displayed due to
limited space. All signals set are output at program execution. (To check all
signals, open Recorded I/O Monitor screen.)
5. To specify the order of outputting the signals, record the signals in separate steps.
6. When OX.PREOUT is ON, the signal is output immediately after the robot starts its
motion to the taught step. When OX.PREOUT is OFF, the signal is output
immediately after axis coincidence with the taught step.
7. For the instruction that explicitly turns the specified signal OFF (with minus (-)
sign), use Multi function OXWX (option).
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
To name the output signal, open the Auxiliary function screen. Select [6.Input/Output Signal]
[6.Signal name]-[1.OX(Output)]. Pressing <Input> displays the character input screen.
Follow the procedures in Chapter 2.8 and input the desired name.
Pressing WX displays the screen for setting input signals. Enter the input signal number via
NUMBER keys and press . This sets the input signal that the robot will wait for, after axis
coincidence with the taught point.
[ NOTE ]
1. Signal numbers set randomly are displayed in ascending order by their absolute value
the next time they are displayed.
2. When setting more than one signal, place a period between the signal numbers.
3. To delete a signal number displayed on the dialog box, move the cursor to the right of
the signal number and press BS.
4. * are displayed on the parameter row for signals unable to be displayed due to limited
space. (To check all signals, open Recorded I/O Monitor screen.)
5. Input signal detection starts only after axis coincidence with taught step.
6. When switching output signal to ON or OFF in the same step, input signal is detected
after the execution of output signal.
7. In a step where more than one signal is recorded, all signals are detected under AND
condition. Detection cannot be done under OR condition or combination of both.
8. When more than one signal is set, robot waits for all taught signal conditions are
9. To specify the order in which the signals are input, record the signals in separate steps.
10. For the instruction that waits until the signal explicitly turns OFF (with minus (-)
sign), use Multi function OXWX (option).
To name the input signal, open the Auxiliary function screen. Select [6.Input/Output Signal]
[6.Signal Name] [2.WX(Input)]. Pressing <Input> displays the character input screen.
Follow the procedures in Chapter 2.8 and input the desired name.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
In teaching for spot welding, set the following four kinds of auxiliary data for each spot weld
instruction. : ON/OFF (Weld gun), WS (Weld Schedule) number, CC (Clamp Condition) number,
and O/C (retract/ extend) for 2 stroke retractable gun. To teach these data, follow the procedure
(1) Pressing CL1 (CL2) switches the teaching data for clamp1 (clamp2): ON OFF ON.
(2) Pressing A + CL1 (CL2) switches the teaching data and the actual output signal* for
clamp1 (clamp2): ON OFF ON.
(3) Pressing CLn + NUMBER (1-8) switches the teaching data for clamp-n: ON OFF
Example: Pressing CLn + 3 teaches ON/OFF for CL3 instruction.
(4) Pressing A + CLn + NUMBER (1-8) switches the teaching data and the actual output
signal* for clamp-n: ON OFF ON.
NOTE* A + CL operation activates actual devices connected with clamp signals. Be careful
when turning a clamp signal from ON to OFF or OFF to ON during teaching with a
workpiece grasped in handling specification, the hand will open and the workpiece
may fall.
Pressing A WS displays the screen below. Enter the WS number via NUMBER keys and
press .
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Pressing A CC displays the screen below. Enter the CC number via NUMBER keys and
press .
4. O/C of OC instruction
Parameter values for the four instructions above are displayed on the same page per clamp
instruction, as shown in example screen below. In this screen, the four kinds of auxiliary data
for CL1 instruction are set as follows in step 1: Clamp is ON, WS is 1, CC is 9 and O/C is C.
This section explains how to record pose and auxiliary data to a step, following the procedures in
earlier sections.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Pressing REC records the data to the step after the last step currently displayed in program.
Repeat the data setting procedures until program is complete. Step number increments by one
every time REC is pressed.
Move robot Set parameters for element instructions Record data to the step
Error occurs when the setting procedures explained in this chapter are
performed in program steps other than the last step of the program.
This section describes how to create a program in block teaching. This example teaches the four
points shown in the figure below.
Point 1 Point 4
Point 2 Point 3
Pose data at each point and basic auxiliary data are basically taught in block teaching. This
example does not cover the teaching of signals that are transmitted/received between the
controller and the peripheral devices.
Tool coordinates data must be registered before program teaching in
Aux.0304. These values define the pose (position and orientation) of the tool
mounted on the robot. If a program is taught without registering the tool
coordinates data and they are registered after program teaching, the robot
will not operate as taught. To register them, refer to Chapter 8.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Confirm the EMERGENCY STOP condition and set the other switches and keys before actual
(1) Press the EMERGENCY STOP on the TP and the controller, and confirm that motor power
is shut off and <MOTOR> lamp turns OFF.
(2) Reset the error and confirm that the motor power can be turned ON.
2. Setting switches
(1) Turn ON the CONTROLLER POWER on the controller. The CONTROL POWER
lamp illuminates.
(3) Press the A + Motor ON on the TP. The <MOTOR> lamp illuminates.
The following is a brief description of teaching procedures. Refer to Chapter 5.2 and the
following sections for more details.
The following operations are performed inside the safety fence.
Therefore, teaching must be conducted by two people, one who conducts
teaching operation and a supervisor, both of whom have completed
special education for teaching operation.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
1. Select a program on the TP. Refer to Chapter 5.2 for the setting procedure. In this example,
program No. 10 is selected. The teach screen is as follows.
2. The following instructions and their parameter values are taught in this example.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
4. Set the parameter values of speed instruction* and accuracy instruction** to 9 and 4
5. Set the other parameter values by the same method described above.
6. Press REC to store all data taught to step 1, including pose and auxiliary data. The teach
screen appears as shown below.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
9. Press REC to store all data taught to step 2, including pose and auxiliary data. The teach
screen appears as shown below.
11. Set the parameter values of interpolation instruction to Linear, speed instruction to 5, accuracy
instruction to 3 and tool instruction* to 2. To set parameter values of the speed, accuracy and
interpolation instructions, refer to the procedures described above.
12. Press REC to store all data taught to step 3, including pose and auxiliary data. The teach
screen appears as shown below.
14. Set the parameter values of interpolation instruction to Linear, speed instruction to 6 and
accuracy instruction to 3. To set parameter values, refer to the procedures described above.
15. Press REC to store all data taught to step 4, including pose and auxiliary data. The teach
screen appears as shown below.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
17. Set the parameter values of interpolation instruction to joint and speed instruction to 7.
To set parameter values, refer to the procedures described above.
18. Press REC to store all data taught to step 5, including pose and auxiliary data. The teach
screen appears as shown below.
This section describes how to create a new program or edit via specialized AS language, etc., on
the TP. For details on creating more complicated programs via PC, refer to the AS Language
Reference Manual, a separate volume.
AS language instructions for E series controller are divided into six categories according to
their functions, and registered as shown on the following pages. Refer to a separate manual,
AS Language Reference Manual for the meaning of each instruction and how to use.
(1) Select a program to create on the teach screen. For selecting a program, refer to Chapter
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(2) Press I to display the screen below, and select [AS Language Teach] from the pull-down
(3) As an example, teach TWAIT 1 in the first step. Press <IN/OUT> on the screen below.
Pre-registered AS
instruction group
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(5) Move cursor to TWAIT, press , and then press 1 to input as shown below.
(7) Teach JMOVE #POINT1 in the second step. As described in (3) above, display the
screen and press <MOTION INS> to display the screen below.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(8) Move cursor to JMOVE and then press to input as in screen below.
(9) Press <POS./VAR.> to display the list of registered pose variables. In the screen below,
as #POINT1 has not been entered yet, select <CHARACTER>.
(10) The keyboard screen is displayed as shown below. Input #POINT1 here.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
In the same way, input each step by selecting the AS language and/or registered variables to
create a new program.
2. Free programming
Input instructions and variables freely by the keyboard screen as follows. The example
procedure below demonstrates how to create a step which includes IF x<3 GOTO 10.
(1) Pressing <CHARACTER> on the AS language teach screen displays the screen below.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(2) Input x<3 goto 10 after IF via keyboard and press <ENTER> or to display the screen
This section describes how to add a new step to a program. As an example, add the LMOVE
#t4 instruction after the last step 3.
1. Select the last step. For details on selecting a last step, refer to Chapter
2. Display AS language instruction teaching screen by following step 1-(1) and (2) in Chapter
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
4. Move cursor to LMOVE and press . Input pose variable #t4 as shown in screen below by
following steps 1-(9) to (11) in Chapter 5.6.1.
5. Pressing adds instruction LMOVE #t4 as the last step 4 in the screen below.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This procedure is basically the same as Chapter 5.6.2 except for the following items.
1. In step 2. of the procedure, select the step to overwrite. For details on selecting steps, refer
to Chapter
2. In step 5. of the procedure, pressing A+O.WRITE overwrites the selected step with the new
To insert a step into a program, use I command. To delete, use DELETE command. For
details about these commands, refer to the AS Language Reference Manual, a separate volume.
1. Registration of AS language
Instructions which are frequently or occasionally used can be registered by Aux. 0307. (Up to
15) For more details, refer to Aux. 0307 in 8. Auxiliary Functions. To display the
registered AS items, select <USER DEF.> in the screen below.
To select the registered instructions and to input data, refer to Chapter 5.6.1 and follow the
same procedure as when selecting another instruction group.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
1. Select teach screen, and then select a desired program. To select teach screen, refer to Chapter, for programs, to Chapter
2. Press I and select [Pose Teach] from the pull-down menu to display the screen below.
4. Input the variable name of the pose to be taught. Move cursor to [Variable] by and press
to display the screen below.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
5. Input variable name #point1 via keyboard and press <ENTER> or to display the screen
6. Move robot to the desired pose and press REC to record the pose to variable #point1.
A confirmation is displayed in the system message area as shown below.
Basically, the teaching procedure is the same as in a variable teach, except that consecutive
variable names count up automatically every time REC is pressed. For example, if the variable
name is #point, the number of the variable name increments with each recording.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
A motion instruction and a pose variable are taught all at once. For example, to add motion
instruction JMOVE and pose variable name #t1 to the last step, follow below:
1. Execute steps 1. to 5. of Chapter 5.7. In step 1. of the procedure, select the last step. In
step 3. of the procedure, select the motion instruction JMOVE. In step 5., input #t1.
2. Move robot to the desired pose and press REC to add JMOVE #t1 to the last step.
When overwriting
1. Select teach screen, and then select a desired program. To select teach screen, refer to
Chapter, and to select a program, Chapter
2. Select the step to overwrite. For details on selecting a step, refer to Chapter
3. Execute steps 2. to 5. of Chapter 5.7. In step 3. of the procedure, select JMOVE. In step 5.
of the procedure, input #t1.
4. Move robot to the desired pose and press A + O.WRITE to overwrite the specified step with
JMOVE #t1.
Pressing KIn displays the screen below. Enter the KI instruction number via NUMBER and
press . Parameter values setting dialog box appears for the selected KI instruction. Input the
desired parameter values and press . Note that the KI instructions are not displayed in element
instructions row.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
When the optional function of "Teaching by Cursor Key" is set effective, the cursor key / is
available to select the parameter column of each element instruction composing of the compound
instruction as follows.
1. Select the parameter column of the desired element instruction by / . The background
color of the currently selected parameter column turns red.
2 Set the parameter value (auxiliary data) for each element instruction as follows. For element
instructions and their parameters, refer to 5.3.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
2) The parameter value for clamp 1 instruction (Clamp 1 signal) turns ON and 1 is
displayed on the parameter column of CLAMP.
3) Inputting 1 via NUMBER at the state of step 2) above turns the parameter value for
clamp 1 instruction to OFF and 1 on the parameter column of CLAMP disappears.
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 5. Teaching
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 6. Repeat Operation
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Repeat operation plays back the contents of a program that was taught to the robot. This chapter
describes how to run the robot in repeat operation.
Because the robot often moves at high speed during repeat operation, strictly observe the
precautions below before starting in repeat mode.
1. Ensure that all personal are outside the safety fence and clear of the
robot/system operating area.
2. Confirm that all EMERGENCY STOP work correctly.
3. Confirm that there are no abnormalities with the robot installation,
installed tools, and peripheral equipment such as controller, etc.
4. Confirm that the robot does not interfere with safety fences and
peripheral equipment.
5. Ensure that the robot is located at the home pose.
This section explains the basic method for starting the robot in repeat mode using the controller
operation panel and the TP. Refer to the External I/O Manual, a separate volume, for
procedures on starting repeat operation using external signals.
1. Turn ON the CONTROLLER POWER located on the controller front, and confirm that the
controller power lamp illuminates.
2. Press HOLD or A+<RUN> and confirm that the HOLD lamp illuminates on upper right of
TP screen. Turn the TEACH/REPEAT on the operation panel to REPEAT.
3. Select the program/steps to be run. Refer to Chapter and Chapter for more
4. Set the repeat conditions. Refer to Chapter for more details. Table below outlines
the actual repeat conditions that can be set.
E Series Controller 6. Repeat Operation
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
6. Press A+MOTOR ON, and confirm that the <MOTOR> lamp illuminates on the upper right
screen of the TP.
7. Press the A+CYCLE START, and confirm that the <CYCLE> lamp on the upper right
screen of the TP illuminates.
8. Press A+RUN or A+<HOLD>. Robot starts a repeat operation. Confirm that the
<CYCLE> operation lamp illuminates on upper right of TP screen.
[ NOTE ]
1. While the TEACH LOCK is ON, repeat operation is not possible.
2. Pressing A+CYCLE START starts from the step displayed on the TP, and
the robot moves to the next step in the program sequence after completing
that step. If the program needs to be started from a different step than the
one currently displayed, the step select function can be used to place the
program at the desired step.
E Series Controller 6. Repeat Operation
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
There are two ways to stop a robot during repeat operation, aborting the program or ending the
execution of the program.
[ NOTE ]
During cycle operation, it is possible to change the repeat speed, repeat
Cont/Once, or the step Cont/Once settings, but changing a program or step
is not possible.
[ NOTE ]
The EMERGENCY STOP (located on the TP, etc.) should be pressed anytime an
operator needs to stop robot motion immediately. However, this is not
recommended as a routine method for stopping robot motion. When
EMERGENCY STOP is pressed, power to the motors turns OFF immediately and
brakes are applied. However, normal deceleration of the robot does not occur in
an emergency stop, and the mechanical unit may be subjected to severe dynamic
shock loads. Accordingly, avoid using EMERGENCY STOP except in an
1. Press HOLD or A+<RUN>, or set repeat condition to [Step Once]. Refer to Chapter for more details.
2. When the robot has come to a complete stop, press one of the EMERGENCY STOP to cut
off the motor power. Or, turning the TEACH/REPEAT on the controller from REPEAT to
TEACH will also cut off the motor power.
E Series Controller 6. Repeat Operation
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
1. Set repeat condition to [Repeat Once]. Refer to Chapter for more details.
2. When the robot has come to a complete stop, press one of the EMERGENCY STOP to cut
off the motor power. Or, turning the TEACH/REPEAT on the controller from REPEAT to
TEACH also will cut off the motor power.
The procedure for restarting the repeat operation will be different depending on how the program
was stopped. Select the appropriate procedure from the subsections below.
If the CYCLE lamp on the TP is turned OFF, confirm that the tasks described in steps 2 to 5 in
Chapter 6.2 have been done correctly, and start from step 6. If the <CYCLE> lamp illuminates,
press A+RUN or A+<HOLD>. Robot restarts repeat operation.
When the EMERGENCY STOP has been pressed during automatic operation, follow the
procedure below to restart the repeat operation.
E Series Controller 6. Repeat Operation
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The waiting state shows that the robot is stopped and is waiting for receipt of the input signal
taught to that step before moving to the next step.
When a waiting state occurs, the waiting cancel screen below left appears automatically
depending on setting condition in Aux. 0502, or Waiting is displayed in the status area (screen
below right). When all of the waiting conditions are cancelled, the robot moves to the next step.
E Series Controller 6. Repeat Operation
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
1. If cycle start is stopped by an interruption (error, switching to teach mode, etc.) while
the waiting cancel screen is displayed, then the screen closes automatically and the
previous screen is displayed.
2. The waiting cancel screen can be displayed even in check mode if a step contains a
waiting condition. However, the waiting cancel screen will close automatically when
releasing the CHECK GO or CHECK BACK on the TP.
The waiting cancel screen appears automatically when system switch WAITREL_AUTO is
set to effective (ON) in Aux. 0502. When set to ineffective (OFF), [Waiting] and <Cancel
Waiting> are displayed in the screen without displaying the waiting cancel screen. In this
case, press A + <Cancel Waiting> as shown in screen below to display the cancel screen.
2. Cancel method
The waiting conditions can be cancelled in two ways depending on whether the wait signal is
taught by compound instruction in block teaching or by AS language instruction.
The waiting signals are displayed on the waiting cancel screen upon entering a waiting
state. In the screen below, I10, I15, and I20 must be input to cancel the waiting state.
Cancel signals individually or all at once as described below. Selecting [Close] returns to
the teach screen without canceling the waiting state. Refer to 1. Displaying waiting
cancel screen to redisplay the waiting cancel screen.
E Series Controller 6. Repeat Operation
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The screen below is displayed upon entering a waiting state. Selecting [AS] cancels all of
the waiting conditions and closes the waiting cancel screen. Selecting [Close] returns to
the teach screen without canceling the waiting state. Refer to 1. Displaying waiting
cancel screen to redisplay the waiting cancel screen.
E Series Controller 6. Repeat Operation
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
When using the following functions during the display of the waiting cancel
screen, the waiting screen closes and the selected function activates.
(1) Program selection
(2) Step selection
(3) Menu selection
(4) I selection
(5) Repeat condition setting
(6) Switch to the auxiliary function screen
(7) Switch to the interface panel
E Series Controller 7. Checking and Modifying Programs
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This section describes the procedure for checking and modifying a taught program. Before
checking robot movement in check mode, check the contents of taught program as shown below.
E Series Controller 7. Checking and Modifying Programs
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This section describes how to check a taught program in check mode by operating the robot.
Press <MAN. SPEED >/ TEACH SPEED to change the check speed level (1-5). The actual
speed corresponding to each check speed level (1-5) is set in <AUX>/ [Auxiliary Function] -
[4. Basic Setting] [1. Teach/Check Speed]. First, the procedure for checking the movement of
a robot arm is described.
1. Press <Program>/ A + PROGRAM, and select the desired program number. Then, press .
2. Press <Step>/ STEP, and select the desired step number. Then, press . If the specified
step does not exist, the last taught step of the program is displayed. If there are no recorded
steps, step 0 is selected.
NOTE* Turn ON motor power and release HOLD, etc. beforehand so that the robot can
NOTE Verify the mode as CHK once or CHK cont, displayed in the status area on
right side of TP screen.
[ NOTE ]
1. Check Back checks the program backwards. After checking the selected step, the
check procedure goes on to the step before the selected step. Check is executed in
the same manner at whichever step is chosen.
2. When checking a weld point, welding is executed at Weld ON, per the weld
condition taught to the step. There is a system switch to select weld ON/OFF.
3. Wear measurement by clamping without workpiece or Reference plate is executed
with Check Back. However, the data calculated from these measurements are not
reflected in the current wear data.
E Series Controller 7. Checking and Modifying Programs
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This section describes how to edit a recorded program data. Program data can be modified on
the program edit screen. For details, refer to Chapter 7.3.
Use the procedure below when modifying only the pose data without changing the auxiliary data.
1. Press <Program>/ A + PROGRAM, and select the desired program number. Then, press .
2. Press <Step>/ STEP, and select the desired step number. Then, press .
3. Select the manual operation speed level by pressing <MAN. SPEED>/ TEACH SPEED.
7. Confirmation message appears. If it is OK to modify the selected step, select [Yes] using the
arrow key and press .
[ NOTE ]
The same step is selected before and after this operation.
(The next step is not selected automatically.)
Use the procedure below when modifying only the auxiliary data without changing the pose data.
1. Press <Program>/ A + PROGRAM, and select the desired program number. Then, press .
E Series Controller 7. Checking and Modifying Programs
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
2. Press <Step>/ STEP, and select the desired step number. Then, press .
3. Change the auxiliary data to the desired value(s). Refer to Chapter 5 for setting each
auxiliary data.
5. Confirmation message appears. If it is OK to overwrite the selected step, select [Yes] using
the arrow key and press .
[ NOTE ]
The same step is selected before and after this operation.
(The next step is not selected automatically.)
This section describes how to edit both pose and auxiliary data simultaneously.
1. Press <Program>/ A + PROGRAM, and select the desired program number. Then, press .
2. Press <Step>/ STEP, and select the desired step number. Then, press .
3. Select the manual operation speed level by pressing <MAN. SPEED>/ TEACH SPEED.
6. Change the auxiliary data to the desired value(s). Refer to Chapter 5 for setting each
auxiliary data.
7. Press A O.WRITE.
E Series Controller 7. Checking and Modifying Programs
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
8. Confirmation message appears. If it is OK to overwrite the selected step, select [Yes] using
the arrow key and press .
[ NOTE ]
The same step is selected before and after this operation.
(The next step is not selected automatically.)
1. Press <Program>/ A + PROGRAM, and select the desired program number. Then, press .
2. Press <Step>/ STEP, and select the desired step number. Then, press .
3. Press A + DEL.
This section describes how to insert a program step in the taught program.
1. Press <Program>/ A + PROGRAM, and select the desired program number. Then, press .
2. Press <Step>/ STEP, and select the desired step number. Then, press .
E Series Controller 7. Checking and Modifying Programs
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
4. Change the auxiliary data to the desired value(s). Refer to Chapter 5 for setting each
auxiliary data.
[ NOTE ]
1. The step is inserted before the specified step.
2. The same step is displayed before and after the insertion.
3. When inserting several steps consecutively, for each step set the desired
conditions then insert the step. Perform operations in this order.
The program edit screen can also be used to edit a taught program. The program edit screen has
copy and paste functions enabling easy edit and modification of the program. In addition,
programs currently in repeat operation can also be edited. This section explains these functions.
E Series Controller 7. Checking and Modifying Programs
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
2. Program selection screen is displayed as shown below. Move the cursor to a desired
program and press . Or input a program name with a keyboard screen displayed by
pressing <Input>, and press <ENTER>.
[ NOTE ]
When following screens are displayed, pressing I is invalid.
1. Data setting screen of auxiliary functions
2. Error/warning/confirmation/inquiry screen
3. OX/WX signal setting screen
E Series Controller 7. Checking and Modifying Programs
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Pressing keys on the right of the program edit screen directly functions the pressed keys. Details
of keys are explained below.
1. Delete
(1) Select a step to delete by pressing / and press <Delete>. In addition select the last
step to delete by pressing / when deleting several steps.
(2) Pressing deletes selected steps. Press <Complete> to determine the edit.
[ NOTE ]
A confirmation message will be displayed if screen is closed without
pressing <Complete>. Select <Yes> to overwrite the data. Select
<No> to redisplay the previous screen without overwriting the data.
2. Copy range
(1) Select a start step to copy by pressing / and press <Copy range>. Select the last step
to copy by pressing / .
3. Copy
Move cursor to the step where the steps will be inserted by pressing / and press <Copy>.
Contents stored by <Copy range> will be copied as the consecutive steps from the specified
step. Press <Complete> to determine the edit.
[ NOTE ]
A confirmation message will be displayed if screen is closed without
pressing <Complete>. Select <Yes> to overwrite the data. Select
<No> to redisplay the previous screen without overwriting the data.
E Series Controller 7. Checking and Modifying Programs
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
4. Cancel
(1) Pressing <Cancel> ends the program edit without saving the edit.
(2) When the step is changed, a confirmation screen appears as shown below. Selecting
[Yes] saves the change and ends the program edit. Selecting [No] ends the program edit
without saving the change.
5. Complete
E Series Controller 7. Checking and Modifying Programs
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This section describes how to edit taught data (auxiliary and pose data) on the Edit screen.
3. Modify data by NUMBER. Methods of modifying data vary depending on the type of
parameter. See (1) and (2) below.
(1) Modifying data other than Output (O), Input (I) and Comment data.
E Series Controller 7. Checking and Modifying Programs
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
2) Setting screen for the item is displayed. Modify the values or comments. See
Chapter 5 for details.
Item Description
Output (O) Currently recorded status is displayed. Specify and modify this
Input (I) Currently recorded status is displayed. Specify and modify this
Comment Pressing displays the comment input screen.
E Series Controller 7. Checking and Modifying Programs
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This section describes how to edit taught data in the several steps at the same time on the Edit
1. Press A to display the <Specify range.> on the right side of the screen. Press <Specify
range.> to select range specification mode. In range specification mode, the background
color of the selected steps changes as shown below.
3. Select a desired column using / and modify auxiliary data or comments. Modifying
procedure is the same in 7.3.3.
E Series Controller 7. Checking and Modifying Programs
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
4. Pressing <Range Edit> displays the confirmation screen as shown below. Select <Yes> to
apply the modification in procedure 3 to all the other selected steps.
E Series Controller 7. Checking and Modifying Programs
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
While in repeat mode, this function enables a limited degree of program editing. However, not
all editing functions are available during repeat mode.
1. Registered programs
2. Programs registered as subroutines of the main program
1. How to edit
This screen has basically the same functions as those described in Chapter 7.3. However,
some data in a program undergoing online edit cannot be overwritten. For details, refer to 2.
Save As below.
2. Save As
To save changes made to the data in auxiliary, pose, comment, and clamp (only for servo weld
gun spec.) instructions, follow the procedures below to save the program under a new file
(1) After editing the data, press <Complete> to display the confirmation screen shown below.
E Series Controller 7. Checking and Modifying Programs
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(2) Select [Save as.] to display the program list as shown in the screen below. Press <Input>
and input a new program name. The changes to the data are saved in the new program.
(3) The edit screen for the new program is displayed. The screen below is for the program
named pg3.
E Series Controller 7. Checking and Modifying Programs
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This chapter describes how the auxiliary functions are used for displaying information about
robot operations and for setting the required data for those operations.
Auxiliary functions are hierarchically divided as shown in the screen in Chapter 8.3, and used for
the following purposes.
1. To display the main data that is used when operating the robot or editing a program:
Pose and speed information, Memory available, Dedicated input/output signals, etc.
In addition, auxiliary functions are divided into 4 hierarchies as shown in the list in 8.3.
Auxiliary functions are usually represented by a four-digit combination number for large and
middle classifications, such as Aux.XXXX, or by a six-digit number for small classifications.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
1. Press <Aux.> on operation screen to display the large classification screen. Or, activate B
area and press MENU to display the pull-down menu, and select [Auxiliary functions].
2. Refer to the list on next page and input the desired auxiliary function number (max. six-digit
number including small classification no.), then press . The first 0 of the large classification no.
can be omitted. Or, move cursor to the desired group by / , and press to open the function
list screen for that group. Then, select the desired auxiliary function. Moving cursor to any
on-screen item displays an explanation for that item on the bottom of the screen.
3. Input data. Input range is displayed on the bottom of the screen when moving cursor to the
desired item. Finally, press and setting is complete.
4. Press R to return to the previous page of the data setting screen. Press R several times or
select another screen from the pull-down menu on B area to close auxiliary function screen.
In addition to the procedure above, using an R code can also open the auxiliary function screen by
method 1 or 2 below.
1. Open teach screen and press R to display the R code input box, and input the desired R code
number. (R code number and auxiliary function number are the same.)
2. Open R code input box and press A HELP to display the R code list screen as shown in the
screen below. (Press < >/< > to scroll pages.) Select the desired R code, or input the R
code number (without R) into the box in the lower right corner.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
08 Signal Allocation
10 Input/Output Signals in Robot Arm
11 Number of I/O Signals
16 Signal Environment
20 KLogic Control 01 KLogic Ladder Display
23 Ext. Error Stop Signal Setting
07 Log Function 02 Error Logging 01 All
Display 02 Operation Error (P)
03 Mechanical/Control Warning (W)
04 Error (E)
05 Fatal Error (D)
06 Property of Logging
03 Operation 01 All
Logging Display 02 Operation Logging
03 Command Logging
05 Property of Logging
04 Maintenance 01 Maintenance Log Registration
Log 02 Maintenance Log Display
03 Maintenance Log Deletion
06 Operating Data Display
07 Maintenance 01 Maintenance Support Aux.
Support 02 Error List
08 Command 01 Setting 01 JT Angle
Storage 02 XYZOAT
03 JT Command
04 JT Deviation
05 JT Speed
06 Motor Cur. Value
07 Motor Speed
08 Motor Cur. Command
09 Tool Speed
10 I/O Signal
11 Combination
09 Motor Torque 01 Peak Current
Information 02 Duty
03 Failure Prediction Setting
04 Base Data
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function transfers program step(s) between different programs or to a specified step within
the same program.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
Designation of step No.:
When the number of transfer steps is set to 0, input error is returned.
When 0 is set for source step number, input error is returned.
When specified number of transfer steps is greater than that of the specified
program, up to the last step is transferred.
Start step No. 0 0 1 3
End step No. 0 5 0 1
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
This function is valid only for pose data taught by block teaching. The pose
data taught by AS program instruction cannot be transformed. This function
transforms based on the YZ plane of robots null base coordinates, not on the
base coordinates after base coordinates transformation. The YZ plane is
fixed as a reference plane for transformation and cannot be changed.
This function creates the data necessary for on-line robots, based on the data taught by off-line
robot or CAD (ROSET). In this function, reference points data is required to fix the pose
relationship between workpiece and robot. For more details about this function, refer to Chapter
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function shifts the pose data taught by block teaching along the X, Y and Z axes of the robot
base coordinates.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
See the NOTE in Aux. 0102 for specifying the start and end step numbers.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
See the NOTE in Aux. 0102 regarding specifying the start and end step numbers.
This function shifts the pose data taught by block teaching along the X, Y and Z axes of the robot
tool coordinates.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
See the NOTE in Aux. 0102 regarding specifying the start and end step numbers.
This function transfers the specified steps in [Source Program] to the specified range in
[Destination Program] in reverse order. This function works in the same manner as Aux. 0101
except program steps are copied in reverse order.
1. Press <Program> and select the
program name, then press .
Refer to Chapter for
details about selecting a program
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function basically works in the same manner as Aux. 0103. This function is effective when
higher accuracy is required. This function contains the following three sub functions. For
more details, refer to the optional manual Transformation Based on Four Reference Points
Manual, a separate volume.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function uniformly shifts the conveyor position by the specified distance.
If the conveyor origin shifts 1000 mm downstream after teaching current conveyor position of
1000 mm, the conveyor position can be shifted 1000 mm upstream by this function to
compensate for the conveyor origin shift and the conveyor position recorded in move instruction
of the program is overwritten as 2000 mm.
This function saves programs and other data in the controller memory to USB memory or
compact flash card (hereinafter called CF) in file unit. USB memory is inserted into the USB
port inside the accessory panel on the controller. CF is built in the controller and has capacity of
about 20 MB.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
All Data
Saves all programs and other data in controller memory to the USB/CF memory.
Program (*.pg)
Saves the specified program data to the file with the specified name* to USB/CF memory. If the
saved program calls other programs (subroutines), the called programs are also saved.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
NOTE* A file name (number) must be specified when storing data to USB/CF memory. Enter a
name (number) for file identification. File extension, such as AS, PG, AU, RB is
automatically added to the file name (number) according to the selected file type. (The
file extension does not need to be input.)
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
If a file is identified with the same file number, or name, as an existing file, a backup file is
automatically created. B is added to the extension of the original file name indicating a
backup file. (i.e..BAS) Only one backup file is created, if additional files of the same name are
specified, the backup file data is overwritten.
The settings for reading data from USB memory to the PC vary depending on PC. Be sure your
PC is installed with the appropriate USB memory-compatible driver.
[ NOTE ]
The error message below may appear when an error occurs while
writing data to a file, for example when USB memory is full.
Data write error. (USB/CF)
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function loads the data saved as files in the external memory device to the controller memory.
Use either a USB memory device or the CF as external memory device.
USB memory is inserted into USB port inside the accessory panel on controller. CF is built in
the controller and has capacity of about 20 MB.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Loads all programs and other data in the memory to the controller memory.
Program (*.pg)
Loads the specified program data to the file with the specified name* to controller memory. If
the program calls other programs (subroutines), the called programs are also loaded.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
NOTE* A file name (number) must be specified when loading data to controller memory.
Enter a name (number) for file identification. File extension, such as AS, PG, AU,
RB is automatically added to the file name (number) according to the selected file type.
(The file extension does not need to be input.)
This function executes copy, deletion, and renaming of the file or folder in the external memory
device. Use either a USB memory device or the CF as external memory device. USB memory
is inserted into USB port inside the accessory panel on controller. CF is built into the controller
and is approximately 20 MB.
1. Select the desired device. Move
cursor to [ USB] and press to
select USB memory, or to [ CF] and
press . USB memory is selected by
default when screen is displayed.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
1. Move cursor to the desired file or
folder name and press <Copy>.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
New Folder
Pressing <New Folder> displays keyboard screen. Input a folder name and press <ENTER>.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
1. Move cursor to the desired file or
folder and press <Rename>.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
1. Move cursor to the desired file or
folder and press A <Delete>.
This function automatically saves data stored in the controller to the specified device at the
specified timing. Three kinds of saving conditions are available. Also displays the autosave
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function sets the speed data for auxiliary data [Speed0] - [Speed9], for SPEED instructions
in block teaching.
All speed data are normally set as a percentage (%) of the maximum speed.
For joint interpolation: Percentage of the maximum speed for each axis
For linear/circular interpolation: Percentage of the maximum speed in interpolation motion
For the maximum speed of each axis and interpolation, refer to Installation and Connection
Manual for the robot arm, a separate volume.
When [ACCEL. AND DECEL.] is set to [Enable] in Aux. 0399, acceleration and deceleration can
be set. This function is useful for suppressing induced vibration on the tip of robot arm or to
make the tip move more smoothly by decreasing acceleration and deceleration.
All acceleration data are set as a percentage (%) of the max. acceleration.
All deceleration data are set as a percentage (%) of the max. deceleration.
When [ACCEL. AND DECEL.] is set to [Enable] in Aux. 0399, the AS language ACCEL or
DECEL instructions cannot affect the motion to points taught in block teaching.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
When [ACCEL. AND DECEL.] is set to [Disable] in Aux. 0399, the
acceleration/deceleration is equivalent to a 100 % setting when
[ACCEL. AND DECEL.] is set to [Enable].
This function sets the accuracy values for auxiliary data [Accuracy 0] - [Accuracy 4] of
ACCURACY instruction in block teaching.
[ NOTE ]
1. Robot may stop due to axis uncoincidence error if the accuracy value is set
too small. Set a value larger than the repeatability. However, an axis
uncoincidence error may still occur even if the value is taught larger than
the repeatability, because the accuracy value set here is the deviation
between teach and repeat points, which will change depending on
particular robot motion and load conditions.
2. If wait conditions (timer, WS, etc.) are taught at point B (see next page)
and the wait release conditions are not satisfied, the robot moves up to
point B even if accuracy value is set larger (500 mm, for example).
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Motion type 1
As soon as the current pose values for the robot enters the accuracy value range specified by
accuracy instruction (i.e. robot reaches point D), superposing of the command values for the
current and next motion paths begins. The robot will shift movement continuously toward the
next path according to these superposed command values. (see diagrams below.)
B Speed (v)
Trajectory per command Command value
Actual trajectory
(deviation due to delay)
The greater the range specified by ACCURACY, the superposing will begin earlier. However,
acceleration on next path does not begin before the point where the robot starts to decelerate
(point E), therefore it can be said that the effect of ACCURACY instruction is saturated at a
certain value, i.e. there is no effect in setting the accuracy value greater than the distance between
point B and point E. (see the diagram below.)
Speed (v)
Even if command value reaches the accuracy point at this time, acceleration
for next path will not start until deceleration begins at point E.
If the acceleration and the deceleration values for motion from/to the point B are set smaller, the
superposing begins earlier and the robot will move in a trajectory with larger radius, but the total
time it takes to reach C does not differ significantly.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Speed ( )
Even if only the deceleration for the current path is decreased, the compound speed will not
exceed the specified maximum speed, since the superposing does not begin until the robot
reaches point F (the point where acceleration starts). In other words, the completion time of
deceleration and acceleration is the same (point B).
Speed (v)
Time (t)
A F (B) C
Motion type 2
In Motion type 2, the concept of accuracy and velocity in linear, circular motion is different
from that of Motion type 1. Motion type 1 and Motion type 2 can use the same programs
without modifications, but the actual motion path and motion speed will change.
The motion path of the robot corresponding to the set accuracy value is shown in the
figure below. In this example the accuracy values at point B are 1 mm, 100 mm, and
200 mm. In the same way as Motion type 1, the robot starts to shortcut before reaching
point B, but does not necessarily turn at the point where it enters the range of the set
accuracy value. How close the robot approaches point B before turning is determined
by the value of each axis calculated proportionally to the set accuracy value. If setting
an accuracy value that is larger than the half distance of the next path, the robot starts to
shortcut when the remaining distance of the current path becomes half the distance of the
next path from B to C.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The motion trajectory of the robot corresponding to the set accuracy value is as shown
in the figure below. In this example the accuracy values at point B are 1 mm, 100 mm,
and 200 mm. The robot starts turning at the point where it enters the range of the set
accuracy value. The robot follows a circular trajectory within the circle of the set
accuracy value. If setting an accuracy value that is larger than half the distance of the
next path, the robot starts to shortcut when the remaining distance of the current path
becomes half the distance of the next path from B to C. The accuracy value can be
effectively set up to the value equal to half the distance of the second path.
By shortcutting, the cycle time can be shortened. However, when the following
conditions are set, the processing of the ACCURACY instruction will be the same as in
Motion type 1.
· When a waiting condition(timer, WX, etc.) is executed at point B
· When a workpiece/tool is changed at point B
· When the interpolation mode for the next point is changed to joint interpolation
· When the motion mode is changed at the taught point (ordinary mode motion
based on the fixed tool coordinates)
· When the processing is branched by condition judgment such as IF, etc.
Circular arc
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
In Motion type 2, if the accuracy value is set larger and the configuration of the robot
does not change between two defined poses, the specified speed is attained even if the
distance between the two poses is small.
Specified speed
Motion type 2
Motion type 1
Axis coincidence
(in Motion type 1)
However, when the following conditions are set, the speed characteristics will be the same as
in Motion type 1:
· When a waiting instruction (TWAIT, SWAIT, etc.) is executed at taught point
· When a workpiece/tool is changed at taught point
· When the motion mode is changed at taught point from ordinary mode (workpiece is fixed
and tool moves) to fixed tool dimensions
· When the interpolation mode for the next point is changed to joint interpolation
[ NOTE ]
When attempting to execute a program where the robot orientation changes
greatly within a short distance, the time it takes to change the orientation will
exceed the time it takes to move that distance at the specified speed. In this
case, the joint movements are given priority, thus the linear motion will not
reach the specified speed.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
In Motion type 2 the maximum speed is automatically set according to the robots capacity to
carry out proper circular interpolated motion.
In Motion type 2, the robot follows a circular trajectory within the circle of the set accuracy
value. The maximum speed of this trajectory is also set by the robots capacity.
This function sets the actual waiting time in auxiliary data [Timer 1] [Timer 9], for TIMER
instructions in block teaching.
This function records data specific to auxiliary data [Tool 1] - [Tool 9], for TOOL instructions in
block teaching.
1. Defines a reference point for positioning/trajectory control, and the moving direction of the
tool based on the tool coordinates.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
3. Used for controlling teach/check speed based on the position of the edge point of the tool.
This function is effective when the edge points of the tool are farther than the TCP from the
flange surface, or when considering the tool shape including the workpiece on the tool end.
To take full advantage of robot performance, these data must be set properly.
Zf Center of gravity (COG)
Mass of tool (+workpiece): M kg
Yf Coordinate value on flange
coordinates: (Xg, Yg, Zg)
Moment of inertia around
gravity center: (Ix, Iy, Iz)
X Flange coordinates XfYfZf and
coordinates Xf Yf Zf , defining the
Z Iz moments of inertia around the
Iy center of gravity, are parallel.
coordinates Y
Tool center point (TCP) Zt
Coordinates value on flange
coordinates: (Xtcp, Ytcp, Ztcp) Xt
Tool coordinates rotation based
on flange coordinates: (O, A, T) Yt
Approximate the shape of the tool as a cube, etc., and register the edge points (max. 8 points) of the
cube as shown below left. Or, register only one feature point as shown below right.
Edge point 1
(feature point)
Edge point 8
Edge point 7
Edge point 6
Edge point 4
Edge point 1
Edge point 3
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
1. Data defining the load mass, position of center of gravity and moments of inertia
about the center of gravity are used in robot motion controls for vibration
suppression, acceleration/deceleration and collision detection. Setting values for
these data, even approximately, is important for optimizing robot performance.
2. Approximate values for load mass and position of center of gravity can be obtained
by Aux. 0406.
3. If load mass is set to 0, calculations assume robot carries its rated load (both mass and
4. If all center of gravity positions (Xg, Yg, Zg) are set to 0, calculations assume robot
carries its rated load (both mass and torque).
5. If all moments of inertia (Ix, Iy, Iz) around center of gravity are set to 0, robot
operates at the max. allowed load of moment of inertia noted in specification sheet.
6. For safety, set 0 for the moments of inertia if Ix, Iy, Iz are unknown. In this case,
acceleration/deceleration is controlled at the max. allowed load of moment of inertia.
7. If load at end of robot arm is small enough to be considered a point mass, register a
small value for the moments of inertia, approx. 0.01. If setting 0, robot operates at
the max. allowed load of moments of inertia noted in specifications, and acceleration/
deceleration is constrained. In this case, setting a small value enables cycle time to
be shortened.
For more details about load condition registration, refer to Chapter 11.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
O rotation
Rotation amount of tool coordinates (around Z axis) (O).
A rotation
Rotation amount of tool coordinates (around Y axis after the above rotation) (A).
T rotation
Rotation amount of tool coordinates (around Z axis after the above rotation) (T).
Load Mass
Mass of tool to be mounted, including mass of workpiece grasped in handling applications.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function specifies transformation values of the fixed tool coordinates when the tool is not
mounted at robot wrist but is fixed in space and the robot holds the workpiece and moves based
on the fixed tool. Up to nine fixed tool coordinates can be set.
Fixed tool coordinates are set by transformation values that express the pose of the fixed tool
coordinates viewed from the base coordinate system.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
1. The setting covers 9 pages. All data in these pages are recorded together.
2. If only X, Y, and Z values are set and 0 is set for O, A, and T, the fixed tool
coordinates will have the same orientation and face in the same direction as the
base coordinates.
For more details, refer to the optional manual Motion Based on Fixed Tool Manual, a
separate volume.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3.
[ NOTE ]
1. Instructions are registered from No.1 in entry order.
2. To move the registered instruction into other number box, select the desired
number box and input again by following the procedures above. Drag and
drop functions, etc. are not available.
This function sets whether the acceleration/deceleration instruction is included in the compound
instructions used in block teaching. Setting [ACCEL. AND DECEL.] to [Enable] makes the
robot accelerate/decelerate at the values set to each block teaching speed (0 - 9) in Aux. 0301.
Setting [Disable] enables the acceleration/deceleration to be controlled by AS instructions of
ACCEL and DECEL. This function is also disabled when specifying the speeds directly.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function sets the speeds corresponding to the speed levels [Speed 1] to [Speed 5] for
teach/check motion.
Move cursor to each item and input
data. If the setting is correct, press
. Values are stored when Setting
complete. is displayed.
This function sets two home poses (Home Position 1 and 2) for robot operation. These pose
are useful when:
1. Returning the robot to a pre-set home pose, using HOME instruction of AS language.
2. Externally outputting a signal to indicate that the robot has reached the set home pose.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
Home Range should be set between 5 mm and 10 mm to ensure
that the home pose output signal is generated.
Curr. Pose.
Sets (records) the current robot pose as the home pose.
Key Entry
Set the home pose by entering numeric values for each axis.
Home Range
A home pose signal is output when the robot stays within the range of a circle whose center is
Home Position 1(2) and radius is Home Range.
The working space of the robot is parallel to the base coordinates and defined by setting upper
and lower corner positions located diagonally from each other in a rectangular solid. Nine
working spaces (1-9) can be set. Set the X, Y, Z values of the tool coordinates origin (TCP)
based on the robot base coordinates.
Signal turns ON when robot enters the working space and turns OFF when robot departs the
working space.
Signal turns OFF when the robot enters the working space and turns ON when the robot
departs the working space.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
1. The setting covers 9 pages. All the data in these pages are recorded together.
2. [Output Signal Number] is displayed on this screen, but its setting must be
made in Aux. 0602. When the signal is not dedicated, 0 appears in the signal
number column.
3. Whether or not the TCP is in the working space is determined based on the
command values of the robot.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function sets the load on the upper arm or on the arm base of the robot to optimally adjust
acceleration/deceleration, vibration characteristics, etc.
MU Load on upper arm
Mass: MU kg
Distance from JT3 center to
center of gravity: LU mm
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function calculates the tool coordinates data and automatically registers its data based on 4
taught poses of the robot that meet the given conditions. Tool must be attached to the robot arm
before registration. Set tool number and what kind of data to be calculated for that tool. For
more details, refer to Chapter 10.
This function calculates the load mass and center of gravity for the tool. Calculation is based on
results obtained after the program for load measurement is executed with the tool mounted at end
of robot. For more details, refer to Chapter 12.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function changes the number of rotations for JT6 in memory from the current value to the
value set within the input range, without moving JT6. This is available in robots installed with
spin control function where the motion range of JT6 is not limited.
For more details, refer to the optional manual Spin Control Function Manual, a separate
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function sets whether or not to check if axis stays within the Home Range for each axis
registered in Aux. 0402. Set [Enable] or [Disable] for each axis. Setting [Enable] executes the
check on that axis. For details regarding Home Range, refer to Aux. 0402.
Zeroing registers the encoder value at the zero displacement position (reference zero
position, typically when axis scribe marks align = 0 °/0 mm). Joints can also be zeroed even if
unaligned with their scribe marks by specifying [JT Angle set]. However, the values in
[SETTING] stored in the controller will be used as the encoder values that correspond to the zero
displacement position. To zero, it is necessary to consider the number of encoder rotations (see
Aux. 050103) and the position angle within one rotation (see Aux. 050102).
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
1. After replacing encoders or motors, do not fail to reset the rotation counter
for the encoder using function Aux. 050103, and then move robot in the joint
2. After step 1, set the axes to their zero scribe marks and reset the rotation
counter again.
3. Before replacing the main CPU board, note the zeroing and offset values
currently set in Aux. 050102. After replacement, input these values and
check whether zeroing pose is correct.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function displays current setting values. Inputting setting values for each joint directly is
also possible on this screen.
Avoid using this function in normal operation. Because this function is for the
maintenance purpose of fixing the mechanical origin of each axis, perform this function
only in the cases below:
1. To verify if the zeroing data has changed when the robot arm position is not proper.
2. To enter the correct value if changed.
Use caution when changing the setting values in ZEROING DATA SET as the values for
the current detected robot position also change. Accordingly, any changes will alter the
robot movement points and trajectory when playing back a program in repeat mode.
[ NOTE ]
1. After replacing encoders or motors, do not fail to reset the rotation counter for the encoder
using function Aux. 050103, and then move robot in the joint mode.
2. After step 1, set the axes to their zero scribe marks and reset the rotation counter again.
3. Before replacing the main CPU board, note the zeroing and offset values currently set in Aux.
050102. After replacement, input these values and check whether zeroing pose is correct.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function resets the counters used for storing the encoder rotation amount.
[ NOTE ]
1. After replacing encoders or motors, do not fail to reset the rotation counter for
the encoder using function Aux. 050103, and then move robot in the joint
2. After step 1, set the axes to their zero scribe marks and reset the rotation
counter again.
3. Before replacing the main CPU board, note the zeroing and offset values
currently set in Aux. 050102. After replacement, input these values and check
whether zeroing pose is correct.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function defines ON/OFF or effective/ineffective for system switches which set fundamental
system specifications. The system switches that are available vary depending on application or
software version. The following screens show typical system switches.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The system switches set to ON or effective appear with a . To change status, move cursor to
the desired switch and select ON/OFF by A / . If the setting is correct, press . Moving
cursor to a switch displays an explanation for that switch at the bottom of the screen.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
DEST_CIRINT ON The position that the DEST function returns becomes the start
point of cornering motion in motion type 2.
OFF The position that the DEST function returns becomes the
target point on the program.
EBMATCTRC ON Enables material circulation by pump1.
OFF Disables material circulation by pump1.
EB2MATCTRC ON Enables material circulation by pump2.
OFF Disables material circulation by pump2.
SINGULAR ON Enables function of singularity check function.
OFF Disables function of singularity check function.
DN_DISCON_ ON Displays device net disconnection error.
ERR OFF Does not display device net disconnection error.
JT5MTN ON Enables movement of 5th axis. Effective only for the robot
keeping the constant wrist direction, such as MD series.
OFF Disables movement of 5th axis. Effective only for the robot
keeping the constant wrist direction, such as MD series.
TPSPEED.RESET ON Enables automatic switching of slow teach/check speed.
OFF Disables automatic switching of slow teach/check speed.
OXZERO ON Enables collectively resetting OX (output signal).
OFF Disables collectively resetting OX (output signal).
IFAKEY ON Enables operating I/F panel while pressing A key.
OFF Enables operating I/F panel at all times.
DISP.EXESTEP ON Displays the step currently being executed.
OFF Displays the step where the robot is in motion.
NO_SJISCONV ON Does not convert character codes between SJIS and EUC
when executing save/load.
OFF Converts character codes between SJIS and EUC when
executing save/load.
NOPENABLE ON Enables NOP instruction.
OFF Disables NOP instruction.
SIGRSTCONF ON Resets the set signals if 0 is specified at the time of manual
outputting of signals.
OFF Resets the set signals available for block teaching if 0 is
specified at the time of manual outputting of signals.
WAITREL_AUTO ON Calls up the Wait Break (wait override) automatically.
OFF Does not call up the Wait Break (wait override) automatically.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
COINC_DISPONC ON In check mode, displays axis coincidence even when the step has
E_CHK proceeded to the next step at time of display.
OFF In check mode, does not displays axis coincidence if axis coincides
during display renewal time and proceeds to the next step at time of
USE_ISO8859_5 ON Displays ASCII8 bit display in Cyrillic font (ISO8859-5).
OFF Displays ASCII8 bit display in Latin font (ISO8859-1).
KANJI_DISPLAY ON When English is selected, displays Japanese characters correctly but
does not display other European fonts.
OFF When English is selected, displays European fonts correctly but does
not display Japanese characters.
PCENDMSG_MA ON Does not display message when PC program ends.
SK OFF Displays message when PC program ends.
The names of system switches and the default settings vary depending on specification.
indicates default settings.
This function sets an allowable position deviation range for each axis to check for position errors
when motor power is reapplied after emergency stop.
Position deviation = | (current joint value at restart) (joint value at the last E-stop) |
If 0.000 is entered, this error check is not performed. Take note that setting too small a value
causes an error even under normal conditions when restarting after Emergency stop.
The purpose of this function is to prevent the robot from interfering with peripheral equipment
(jigs, workpiece, etc.) when restarting after E-Stop.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function sets an encoder value difference to be treated as a deviation error when encoder
values at controller power ON and OFF are compared.
Encoder value difference = | (joint value when turning controller power ON) (joint value when
the last time controller power was turned OFF) |
Take notice that setting too small a value causes an error even in normal conditions when the
system is operating within design performance specifications.
The +Z direction of the base coordinate motion can be set perpendicular upwards during teaching,
once the actual installation posture is made to match the posture set in the controller.
The direction of robots base coordinates is set as shown in the figure below. However, the
value of the base coordinates must have O, A, and T set to 0 (zero) in Aux. 0506.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Floor Ceiling
Wall Wall2
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Sets new base coordinates of the robot. Specify the pose of the new base coordinates with
respect to the null base coordinates by inputting the origin position (X,Y,Z) and the orientation
(O,A,T) values of the new base coordinates.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function sets the upper and lower limits of robot motion range for all the axes, on the
This motion range limit is effective only on the software. Safety cannot be
ensured if only the software limits are used for restricting motion.
[ NOTE ]
These values are set to the maximum range for the robot
at factory shipment, if not specified beforehand.
Sets slow repeat speed as a percentage of the maximum repeat speed of the robot. [Duration of
Slow Repeat] sets duration of slow repeat from the time of restart in seconds. This setting is
effective only when system switch SLOW_START is ON and the mode is set to repeat mode or
Fast check (option).
Input data for each item. If 0 is set
in [Duration of Slow Repeat], slow
repeat is effective only for current
step. If the setting is correct, press
. Values are stored when Setting
complete. is displayed.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function enables the setting of devices, such as switches, lamps and so on for use on the
interface panel of the teach pendant screen. The types of devices and their positions for display
can be set by this function. For more details, refer to Chapter 9.
This function detects the crash or interference of the robot arm/tool with peripheral equipment
including workpiece, jig, etc. via software without using sensors. Upon reaching the set
threshold, Emergency Stop is applied.
This function consists of the following five sub functions. Data settings should be different for
teach and repeat modes. For more details, refer to the optional manual Collision Detection
Manual, a separate volume.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function sets the deviation limit from restart position for each axis when continuing
programmed operation.
Axis deviation at restart position = |(Current axis value at restart) (Axis value at the last stop by
cycle-start OFF)|
The purpose of this warning detection is to prevent a robot from interfering with peripheral
objects such as jigs and workpiece when returning the robot to the last stop pose.
[ NOTE ]
Setting too small values may cause an error at
restart even under normal operating conditions.
[ NOTE ]
The deviation from the last stop position is not
checked when restarting a robot by external signals.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function sets the upper and lower limits within the XYZ area of world coordinates, including
traverse axis, to control the robot motion based on the TCP. This function is valid only for
motion in repeat, check and teach modes. (The check is not executed when teaching and
changing/ registering pose data.) Moving from out of range to within the range is allowed.
[ NOTE ]
1. If the same values are set for the upper and lower limits, the
motion range check is not executed.
2. The area of XYZ including traverse axis is checked.
(Only in systems where robot cooperates with traverse axis.)
3. If the lower limit exceeds the upper limit, error occurs.
This function sets the dedicated input signals. Refer to the External I/O Manual, a separate
volume, for the function of each signal. The signals displayed on the screen vary depending
on software version and application.
Display example
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function sets the dedicated output signals. For the function of each signal, refer to the
External I/O Manual, a separate volume. The signals displayed on the screen vary depending
on software version and application.
Display example
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function displays the dedicated input and output signals that are currently set. The
setting is configured in Aux. 0601 and Aux. 0602.
Display example
Output types can be set for each OX signal using teach pendant. Set the length of pulse when
selecting [Pulse] as its [Type]. For more details, refer to Chapter 14.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function varies depending on application field. The screen below is for spot welding and
handling operations. For sealing specification, refer to Chapter 16.
This function consists of the following six sub-functions to set the specifications of the clamp
signals. For more details, refer to Chapter 13.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function enables naming input/output signals and internal signals to indicate their functions.
The maximum number of signals for naming is 64 for each signal type. When the signal
number is set to 0 or no name is input, nothing is registered.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function allocates signals for giving and receiving I/O signals through the arm ID board with
daughter board. For more details, refer to the optional manual Arm ID Board Instruction
Manual, a separate volume.
A field network can be constructed by connecting the robot controller with components within the
FA system via various types of Fieldbus. To build this network, assign communication
recipients and the signal numbers to be used via this function.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function consists of the six sub functions below. For more details, refer to the optional
manual General Fieldbus I/O Usage Manual, a separate volume.
Only for RS03 robot, this function specifies whether to enable user sensor input and built-in valve
output functions. For more details, refer to Internal I/O Signal for RS03 in the External I/O
Manual, a separate volume. For robots other than RS03 robot, set to [Disable].
This function sets the number of output signals, input signals, and internal signals used in
Fieldbus. For more details, refer to the optional manual General Fieldbus I/O Usage Manual,
a separate volume.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Cycle start operation via T/P Dedicated input signal Ext. Cycle start
Both Cycle start possible Cycle start possible
External Cycle start not possible Cycle start possible
Internal Cycle start possible Cycle start not possible
This function controls the sequence of tasks for the robot system via KLogic software built into
the controller. This requires no external control panel or installation of printed circuit boards for
that purpose. Selecting [1. KLogic Ladder Display] displays the ladder screen of the last or
currently executing KLogic basic operation part program (lsqpg). For more details, refer to the
optional manual KLogic / KLadder Operation Manual, a separate volume.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Conducts settings for signal that stops the robot externally at time of error.
Signal is allocated to [Ext. Error Stop] in Aux. 0601 Dedicated Input Signal.
This function is displayed when [Ext. Error Stop] is set to [Dedicated] in Aux. 0601 Dedicated
Input Signal.
Error code
Sets the error code of the error message to display when error is determined. Default setting is
0000. When in default setting, the following error message is displayed: (E1522) External error
stop signal 1 has turned off. The number displayed will be the set signal number (1 to number
of signals).
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function displays a history of the errors in chronological order with the most recent entry
first. These logs include data such as time of occurrence, the error code and the message. The
following six kinds of error logs are available.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function specifies which errors are omitted from the log. Also, it is possible to specify I/O
signals so that their ON/OFF statuses are stored in the log at time of error occurrence.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function displays a history of operations in order of most recent entry first.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function specifies the I/O signals whose ON/OFF status are to be stored in the log with the
operation history.
This function executes the registration/ display/ deletion of maintenance logs on the arm ID board.
For more details, refer to the optional manual Arm ID Board Instruction Manual, a separate
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function displays robot operation information: hour meter operation time, controller power
ON time, servo ON time, and the number of times of motor power ON, servoing ON and E-Stop.
Also, the total accumulated operation time and displacement for each axis is also logged.
This function contains the following two sub functions. For more details, refer to the
optional manual Maintenance Support Manual, a separate volume.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
For more details, refer to the optional manual Data Storage Function Manual, a separate
This function displays the peak current value to each axis motor of the robot. This screen
displays an additional sub-menu for the Reduction Gear Failure Prediction Function, if the
function is enabled. For more details, refer to the optional manual, Failure Prediction Function
for Reduction Gear, a separate volume.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function displays program, step, motor current value and load rate and the occurrence
date/time for each axis when the load to the reduction gear is at its maximum.
Pressing <Clear> clears all data.
If the percentage of load continue to be at 100.0 (%) of the motor current limit for a certain time,
the warning screen is displayed. (Robot will not stop.) The date, the axis number, the step,
current value, and countermeasure are displayed as shown in the following screen.
Selecting [Reset] resets the
warning and closes the warning
screen. Selecting [Close]
closes the warning screen
without resetting the warning.
This function displays motor duty. [Average] displays the average motor duty for the last
several tens of seconds. [Program] displays the motor duty for the section of the program
specified by the I2PG command.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function enables or disables the failure prediction function. This function automatically
monitors the load on the drive system of the robot, and detects possible failure of the reduction
unit before motor current becomes too high. When failure prediction function is enabled,
motor current values are automatically measured five times during the program execution.
An average of these values is stored as the standard value for detecting warnings at every
program execution thereafter. This standard value is called base data.
This function displays the result after completing the motor current measurement as shown in
the screen below.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function specifies the axis on which to reset the encoder rotation counter values.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The alarm is displayed if the encoder rotation counter values exceed the values set in this
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The alarm is displayed if current status exceeds any of the values set in the Lifetime Alarm
Setting screen.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function displays date and time of step execution in the program in reverse chronological
order. Each step is classified and displayed according to robot program, PC program 1 - 5 as
This function displays memory available for programming or recording variables. Available
memory is displayed in both bytes and percentage.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
A portion of the memory mounted in the robot controller is dedicated for
fundamental robot operations. You can use the amount of bytes displayed
on screen. Value in parentheses shows percentage of max. available amount.
This function prevents the taught program from being rewritten, and switches between accept/
inhibit of record program change and program edit to avoid modification of program by mistake.
Setting [Record] to [Inhibit] prohibits any attempt to teach and change the following:
pose data, parameters values for instructions, or data in auxiliary functions.
When [Program Edit] is set to [Inhibit], teaching via TP, commands such as EDIT command and
LOAD command, operation to program by program modification are prohibited.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function allows the user to clear sum check error (E0903) if set to [Enable], when a sum
check error occurs on the system data. While this function is enabled, if any sum check errors
remain in the data, the error cannot be cleared. In such case, instructions are displayed for
changing the data that includes the sum check error.
[ NOTE ]
This setting is automatically set to Disable when
turning the controller power OFF, then ON.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function sets whether or not to execute CALL, TIMER, JUMP/END, OX (output signal),
WX (input signal), clamp instructions, etc., when executing taught programs in check mode.
The difference between check forward and check backward in terms of motion is as follows.
However, some software versions are not equipped with these functions.
In automatic operation, servoing turns OFF automatically after the period of time set in this
function elapses, when robot is waiting for a WX signal.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Normally the robot operates with TP connected. Automatic operation is possible without TP
connected using the following procedures.
Procedures to set [Teach Pendant] to [Disconn.]:
[ NOTE ]
Set the TEACH/REPEAT to REPEAT without fail before setting to Disconn.
(disconnect). In teach mode, the setting automatically returns to Conn.
(connect) when TP is connected.
This function sets the current year, month, day and time for the clock built into the controller.
This time setting is used for the current time shown on the teach pendant and in the error log.
[ NOTE ]
The moment this function is selected will be the time displayed on
the screen. Therefore, if is pressed without updating the setting,
delayed time will be shown instead of the actual current time. Be
sure to press R if not changing the setting.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function contains the following six sub-functions and enables PC programs to be run or
held (stopped).
This function executes the designated PC program. The program number and starting step can
be selected.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function stops the currently running PC program after execution of the STOP instruction, or
when the final step of the program has been executed.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function restarts the PC program that is currently interrupted by PCABORT or PCEND.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function cancels the currently selected PC program, and the stack becomes empty.
This function displays status information for the currently executing PC program.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function sets the language displayed on TP screen. The selectable languages vary depending
on the shipping destination of the robot. Although the display language can be changed, not every
language or combination of languages can be chosen.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
After registering the change of the display language, the previous screen is shown
again. At this time, the screen is refreshed so that all menus and on-screen items
can be redisplayed in the new language. Also, some message displays, for errors,
etc., may not display correctly. However, the display will only show the selected
language after exiting from the current screen.
[ NOTE ]
Turn the controller power OFF and then ON after changing the
setting to make the new setting effective.
It is possible to treat the robot as a node on the information network when controller is connected
to Ethernet using the Ethernet port on main CPU board. This function sets the necessary IP
address, host name, subnet mask, gateway IP address, DNS server IP address, and domain name.
Network address is determined by bitwise AND of IP address and Subnet mask.
There are two Ethernet ports on main CPU board. The upper Ethernet port is Port 1 and the
lower one is Port 2. Both ports data can be set by this function.
1. To set data for Port 1, input data
for each item. For [Hostname]
and [Domain Name], move
cursor to each item and press
to display the keyboard screen,
and then input the name. If the
setting is correct, press .
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
101 and 106 keyboards are available as USB keyboard. This function specifies the type of USB
keyboard to be used. Specifying [0:Not selected] automatically selects a keyboard depending on
the display language. 106 keyboard is selected for Japanese and 101 keyboard is for the other
This fuction enables or disables HOLD/RUN, CYCLE START, MOTOR POWER switches on
TP. These switches become inoperative when they are set to Disable. The setting on this
function is effective to the switches only on the TP, not effective to those on the optional operation
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function sets a skill level and restricts access to individual auxiliary functions. Levels 1 to
3 are available. Setting a higher level indicates more skill is required for that function. To
define the skill level at which the auxiliary functions may be executed, specify in Aux. 0898.
Setting skill level 3 does not display the specified auxiliary functions. Setting skill levels 1 or 2
redisplays the specified functions.
This function specifies the operation level which allows/prohibits executable aux. functions,
based on the skill level set to each aux. function in Aux. 0897.
For example, specifying operation level 2 allows the execution of all auxiliary functions set to
skill level 1 and 2 in Aux. 0897. (Specifying operation level 1 enables executing only auxiliary
functions set to skill level 1 in Aux. 0897.)
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function contains the following four sub-functions and sets data for the simple palletizing
function. For more details, refer to the optional manual Simple Palletizing Function Manual,
a separate volume.
This function contains the following four sub-functions and sets data for conveyor synchronous
operation. For more details, refer to the optional manual Conveyor Synchronous Operation
Manual, a separate volume.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function sets data for the sensing function so that the workpiece can be detected by the
sensor on the robot. For more details, refer to the optional manual Sensing Function Manual,
a separate volume.
This function executes display, insertion and deletion of the data in program queue.
Input program number for each address
and press <Insertion> to insert the
program. Move cursor to the desired
program number and press <Delete> to
delete the program. Press <All
Delete> to delete all the programs
registered in the program queue.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
1. 100 programs can be registered in program queue.
2. Unfinished programs can be registered with numbers in program queue.
3. The same program number can be registered a number of times.
4. The program in a program queue is playbacked in the order of address number.
E Series Controller 8. Auxiliary Functions
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Typically, a operation panel, known as interlock panel, is required to operate the robot and
peripheral equipment together through a variety of hard switches and lamps. This controller
provides an interface panel screen on the TP and enables the setting of the switches and lamps,
changing arrangement of them etc. on the screen. This chapter describes this interface panel
[I/F Panel] can be displayed on the pull-down menu in B area as shown in the screen below (top).
Moving cursor to [I/F Panel] and pressing switches the B and C areas to the interface panel as
shown in the screen below (bottom). Or, activate the B area, and press I/F Screen Change on
the TP. I/F Screen Change switches between teach screen interface panel screen each time
the key is pressed.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Interface panel consists of several pages. Switch between interface panels by pressing [Next
Page] and [Prev Page] on the B area pull-down menu as shown in the screen below. The
number of pages of the interface panels can be set in Aux. 0808.
Each screen can have up to 28 devices (switches, lamps, etc.). Only devices that can be set in
Aux. 0509 are available for the I/F Panel.
Selecting Aux. 0509 displays the screen shown below. This screen also consists of the pages set
in Aux. 0808 with the page number displayed on the above right of the screen. Pressing <Next
Page> switches to the next screen. Pressing <All Clear> initializes interface panel setting data
in all pages.
Inputting a device type number 1 to 10, 13-16 or 21 under the device position number sets the
type of the device. Inputting 0 makes the device position blank on the interface panel. Once a
device type number is input, pressing <Set> displays the device setting screen corresponding to
its type.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This section describes the function and procedure for setting devices provided in this controller.
Inputting 1 in desired device position in the screen in Chapter 9.2, and pressing <Set> displays
the setting screen shown in the screen below. Figures on the next page show the lamps set in the
screen below.
A max. of ten characters can be input in each row of [Label 1 to 4]. Moving cursor to [Label 1
to 4] and pressing <Input> displays the keyboard screen to input the label name. The characters
lamp input in [Label 1] in the above screen are displayed on the top row as shown in the figure
on the next page. The characters input in [Label 2 to 4] are displayed on the second to fourth
rows under the [Label 1] characters.
Set the color of the characters in [Label Color], and the background color of the lamp in
[Background Color]. Via the above setting, the characters are black and the background is gray.
Refer to Chapter 9.3.16 for more details.
[Color (ON)/(OFF)] sets the lamp color when the signal set in [Signal Number (Lamp)] is ON
and OFF respectively.
The setting of the above screen turns the lamp red as shown in the figure on the next page (left)
when signal 2001 is ON, or blue as shown in the figure (middle) when signal 2001 is OFF. Or,
if setting [On] in the [Excl. Mark (1) in Sig OFF], an exclamation mark is displayed as shown in
the figure (right) when signal 2001 is OFF.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Characters of
Label 1
Red Blue
Inputting 2 in desired device position in the screen in Chapter 9.2, and pressing <Set> displays
the setting screen shown below. Figures shown on the next page show the push buttons, set in
the screen below.
A max. of ten characters can be input in each row of [Label 1 to 4]. Moving cursor to [Label 1
to 4] and pressing <Input> displays the keyboard screen to input the label name. The characters
switch input in [Label 1] in the above screen are displayed on the top row as shown in the
figures on the next page. The characters input in [Label 2 to 4] are displayed on the second to
fourth rows under the [Label 1] characters.
Set the color of the characters in [Label Color]. Via the above setting, the characters are black.
Refer to Chapter 9.3.16 for more details.
[Color (ON)/(OFF)] sets the color when this switch is pressed and released respectively.
Pressing this switch turns ON the signal set in [Signal Number (Switch)]. When the same signal
as the set signal on the switch is ON, it automatically turns OFF if;
1. Interface panel screen is displayed or switched to the other screen.
2. Interface panel screen in the current page is switched to that of the other page.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The setting in the above screen turns the switch red as shown in the figure below (left) when the
switch is pressed and signal 1 turns ON, or blue as shown in the figure (right) when the switch is
released and signal 1 turns OFF.
Red Blue
Setting [Operation cond] to [Enable] disables operation of this switch on the interface panel. To
make it operable, turn the <INH/ACCEPT> switch displayed on the upper right of the screen in
Chapter 9.2 to the ACCEPT position.
Inputting 3 in desired device position in the screen in Chapter 9.2, and pressing <Set> displays
the setting screen shown below. Figures shown on the next page show the push button with
lamp, set in the screen below.
A max. of ten characters can be input in each row of [Label 1 to 4]. Moving cursor to [Label 1
to 4] and pressing <Input> displays the keyboard screen to input the label name. The characters
button input in [Label 1] in the above screen are displayed on the top row as shown in the
figures on the next page. The characters input in [Label 2 to 4] are displayed on the second to
fourth rows under the [Label 1] characters.
Set the color of the characters in [Label Color]. Via the above setting, the characters are black.
Refer to Chapter 9.3.16 for more details.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[Color (ON)/(OFF)] sets the color when this switch is pressed and released respectively.
Pressing this switch turns ON the signal set in [Signal Number (Switch)].
When the signal set in [Signal Number (Lamp)] is ON, the switch is colored according to [Color
(ON)] regardless of the ON/OFF status of the switch. When the same signal as the set signal on
the switch is ON, it automatically turns OFF if;
1. Interface panel screen is displayed or is switched to the other screen.
2. Interface panel screen in the current page is switched to that of the other page.
When signal 2001 is OFF, the setting in the above screen turns the switch red as shown in the
figure below (left) when the switch is pressed and signal 2 turns ON, or blue as shown in the
figure (right) when the switch is released and signal 2 turns OFF.
When signal 2001 is ON, the switch is turned red as shown in the figure below (left) regardless of
whether or not the switch is pressed or released.
Red Blue
Setting [Operation cond] to [Enable] disables operation of this switch on the interface panel. To
make it operable, turn the <INH/ACCEPT> switch displayed on the upper right of the screen in
Chapter 9.2 to the ACCEPT position.
Inputting 4 in desired device position in the screen in Chapter 9.2, and pressing <Set> displays
the setting screen shown below. The figures shown on the next page show the 2-notch selector
switch, set in the screen below.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
A max. of ten characters can be input in each row of [Label 1 to 4]. Moving cursor to [Label 1
to 4] and pressing <Input> displays the keyboard screen to input the label name. The characters
2-switch input in [Label 1] in the screen on the previous page are displayed on the top row as
shown in the figures below. The characters input in [Label 2 to 4] are displayed on the second to
fourth rows under the [Label 1] characters.
Set the color of the characters in [Label Color]. Via the setting on the previous page, the
characters are black. Refer to Chapter 9.3.16 for more details.
Two types of switching are available for 2-notch switch. Select either [Up Down] or [Rotation]
in [Display Type].
[Color] sets the color of the switch when the switch is turned (Left) and (Right) or (Up) and
When turned (Left) and (Right) or (Up) and (Down), the signal set in [Signal Number (Left),
(Right) or (Up), (Down)] turns ON.
For [Rotation] type, the setting in the screen on the previous page turns the switch red as shown in
the figure below (left) when the switch is turned (Left) and signal 3 turns ON, or blue as shown in
the figure (right) when the switch is turned (Right) and signal 4 turns ON.
Red Blue
For [Up Down] type, the switch turns red as shown in the figure below (left) when pressed to the
(Up) position and signal 3 turns ON, or blue as shown in the figure (right) when pressed to
(Down) position and signal 4 turns ON.
Setting [Operation cond] to [Enable] disables operation of this switch on the interface panel. To
make it operable, turn the <INH/ACCEPT> switch displayed on the upper right of the screen in
Chapter 9.2 to the ACCEPT position.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Inputting 5 in desired device position in the screen in Chapter 9.2, and pressing <Set> displays
the setting screen shown below. Figures shown on the next page show the 3-notch selector
switch, set in the screen below.
A max. of ten characters can be input in each row of [Label 1 to 4]. Moving cursor to [Label 1
to 4] and pressing <Input> displays the keyboard screen to input the label name. The characters
3-switch input in [Label 1] in the above screen are displayed on the top row as shown in the
figures on the next page. The characters input in [Label 2 to 4] are displayed on the second to
fourth rows under the [Label 1] characters.
Set the color of the characters in [Label Color]. Via the above setting the characters are black.
Refer to Chapter 9.3.16 for more details.
Two types of switching are available for 3-notch switch. Select either [Up Down] or [Rotation]
in [Display Type].
[Color] sets the color of the switch when the switch is turned (Left), (Middle), and (Right) or (Up),
(Middle), and (Down).
When turned (Left), (Middle) and (Right) or (Up), (Middle) and (Down), the signal set in [Signal
Number (Left), (Middle), (Right) or (UP), (Middle), (Down)] turns ON.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
For [Rotation] type, the setting in the above screen turns the switch red as shown in the figure
below (left) when the switch is turned (Left) and signal 5 turns ON, or yellow as shown in the
figure below (middle) when the switch is turned (Middle) and signal 6 turns ON, or blue as
shown in the figure (right) when switch is turned (Right) and signal 7 turns ON.
For [Up Down] type, the switch turns red as shown in the figure below (left) when set to the (Up)
position and signal 5 turns ON, or yellow as shown in the figure (middle) when set to (Middle)
and signal 6 turns ON, or blue as shown in the figure (right) when set to (Down) and signal 7
turns ON.
Setting [Operation cond] to [Enable] disables operation for this switch on the interface panel. To
make it operable, turn the <INH/ACCEPT> switch displayed on the upper right of the screen in
Chapter 9.2 to the ACCEPT position.
Inputting 6 in desired device position in the screen in Chapter 9.2, and pressing <Set> displays
the setting screen shown below. The figure on the next page shows the digital switch, set in the
screen below.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
A max. of ten characters can be input in each row of [Label 1 or 2]. Moving cursor to [Label 1
or 2] and pressing <Input> displays the keyboard screen to input the label name. The characters
digital input in [Label 1] in the screen on the previous page are displayed on the top row as
shown below. The characters input in [Label 2] are displayed on the second row.
Set the color of the characters in [Label Color], and the background color of the switch in
[Background Color]. Via the setting on the previous page, the characters are black and the
background is gray. Refer to Chapter 9.3.16 for more details.
[Figures (2-5)] sets how many digits can be displayed on the digital switch.
[Input Type] sets how to input numbers on the digital switch, by ten key or by pushing the switch.
When selecting [Ten Keys], pressing the switch displays the Digital SW Input screen, then input
NUMBER (0-9). When selecting [Push Switch], the number only increases by pressing the
[Data Limit] sets a restriction on the range of allowable input data. If the limit is set ON, it is
necessary to specify both upper limit and lower limit.
The number set in [Top Signal No.] becomes the first channel of the signal output from the digital
switch. [Number of Signals Used] corresponds to the bit number of the output data.
[Signal Type] sets how the input number is output either by BCD or binary.
In [Minus Value], set [On] if there are two types of input data, using plus or minus signs.
The screen on the previous page sets [Top Signal No.] 2001, [Number of Signals Used] 8, [Signal
Type] [Binary], and [Minus Value] [Off]. Therefore, setting 60 in the digital switch in the figure
below outputs as follows.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
When setting [Signal Type] [BCD] in the screen on the previous page, setting 60 in the digital
switch in the above figure outputs as follows.
Setting [Operation cond] to [Enable] disables operation of this switch on the interface panel. To
make it operable, turn the <INH/ACCEPT> switch displayed on the upper right of the screen in
Chapter 9.2 to the ACCEPT position.
Inputting 7 in desired device position in the screen in Chapter 9.2, and pressing <Set> displays
the setting screen shown in the screen below. The figure on the next page shows the digital
display, set in the screen below.
A max. of ten characters can be input in each row of [Label 1 or 2]. Moving cursor to [Label 1
or 2] and pressing <Input> displays the keyboard screen to input the label name. The characters
display input in [Label 1] in the above screen are displayed on the top row as shown in the
figure on the next page. The characters input in [Label 2] are displayed on the second row.
Set the color of the characters in [Label Color], and the background color of the display in
[Background Color]. Via the above setting, the characters are black and the background is gray.
Refer to Chapter 9.3.16 for more details.
[Figures (2-5)] sets how many digits can be displayed on the digital display.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The number in [Top Signal No.] sets which input signal becomes the least significant bit.
[Number of Signals Used] corresponds to the bit number of the input data.
[Signal Type] sets how the input number is displayed either by BCD or binary.
In [Minus Value], set [On] if there are two types of input data, using plus or minus signs.
The screen on the previous page sets [Top Signal No.] 2001, [Number of Signals Used] 8, [Signal
Type] [Binary], and [Minus Value] [Off]. Therefore, when input signal is as follows, the digital
display displays as in the figure below.
Inputting 8 in desired device position in the screen in Chapter 9.2, and pressing <Set> displays
the setting screen shown below. The figure on the next page shows the data display, set in the
screen below.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
A max. of ten characters can be input in each row of [Label 1 or 2]. Moving cursor to [Label 1
or 2] and pressing <Input> displays the keyboard screen to input the label name. The characters
data dis input in [Label 1] in the above screen are displayed on the top row as shown in the
figure below. The characters input in [Label 2] are displayed on the second row.
Set the color of the characters in [Label Color], and the background color of the display in
[Background Color]. Via the setting on the previous page, the characters are black and the
background is gray. Refer to Chapter 9.3.16 for more details.
[Figures (2-5)] sets how many digits can be displayed on the variable data display.
In [Data Type], set how to display the data, by real numbers or integers.
The screen on the previous page sets [Figures (2-5)] 4, [Variable] a, and [Data Type] [Int.].
Therefore, the data displayed when a=135 is as in the figure below.
Setting [Operation cond] to [Enable] disables display of data on this indicator on the interface
panel. To change the data, turn the <INH/ACCEPT> switch displayed in upper right of screen in
Chapter 9.2 to the ACCEPT position.
Inputting 9 in desired device position in the screen in Chapter 9.2, and pressing <Set> displays
the setting screen shown below.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
In [Window Number], input a number (1-8). Up to eight string display windows can be set per
interface panel.
Inputting 1 in [Window Size] specifies the window to have the standard width, inputting 2
doubles the width, and inputting 3 triples the width.
Set the color of the window display in [Default Background Color]. Via the setting on the
previous page, the color of the window display is gray. Refer to Chapter 9.3.16 for more details.
Inputting IFPWPRINT 1,1,1,0,10=kawasaki on the keyboard screen displays the figure below*.
NOTE* For the procedure for inputting the string, refer to the IFPWPRINT command or
instruction in 5. Monitor Commands or 6. Program Instruction in AS Language
Reference Manual, a separate volume.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Inputting 10 in desired device position in the screen in Chapter 9.2, and pressing <Set> displays
the setting screen shown below. The figures below show the monitor command button set in the
screen below.
A maximum of ten characters can be input in each row of [Label 1 to 4]. Moving cursor to
[Label 1 to 4] and pressing <Input> displays the keyboard screen to input the label name. The
characters monitor input in [Label 1] in the above screen are displayed on the top row as shown
in the figures below. The characters input in [Label 2 to 4] are displayed on the second to fourth
rows under the [Label 1] characters.
Set the color of the characters in [Label Color]. Via the setting on the previous page, the
characters are black. Refer to Chapter 9.3.16 for more details.
[Color (ON)/(OFF)] sets the color when this switch is pressed and released respectively.
In [Command String No.] and [Command String], input the command to be executed. First,
allocate the command string number to [Command String No.]. The same number cannot be
specified to the buttons of different commands. Then, input the command to be executed in
[Command String]. Moving cursor to [Command String] and pressing <Input> displays the
keyboard to input the string. Up to 75 characters can be input.
The setting of the above screen turns the switch red as shown in the figure below (left) and
executes do home, i.e. the robot returns to the home pose, when this switch is pressed, or blue
as shown in the figure (right) when the switch is released.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Red Blue
Setting [Operation cond] to [Enable] disables operation of this switch on the interface panel. To
make it operable, turn the <INH/ACCEPT> switch displayed on the upper right of the screen in
Chapter 9.2 to the ACCEPT position.
Inputting 13 in desired device position in the screen in Chapter 9.2, and pressing <Set> displays
the setting screen shown below. Figures shown on the next page show the palletize icon, set in
the screen below.
A max. of ten characters can be input in each row of [Label 1 to 4]. Moving cursor to [Label 1
to 4] and pressing <Input> displays the keyboard screen to input the label name. The characters
palletize input in [Label 1] in the above screen are displayed on the top row as shown in the
figures on the next page. The characters input in [Label 2 to 4] are displayed on the second to
fourth rows under the [Label 1] characters.
Set the color of the characters in [Label Color]. Via the above setting, the characters are black.
Refer to Chapter 9.3.16 for more details.
[Color [1]/[2]] sets the color of the palletize icon. The color in [1] sets the blue parts of the icon,
shown on right half of the setting screen, and the color in [2] sets the white part of the icon.
Pressing this switch turns ON the signal set in [Signal Number (Switch)].
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Twelve kinds of [Work No.] can be specified by inputting a number (1 to 12). For [Pattern No.],
several patterns, which correspond to the work No., are available for the icon. Setting both
[Work No.] and [Pattern No.] displays a sample icon on the right side of the screen.
To display a frame around the icon, set [On] for [Frame on/off].
When signal 2001 is OFF, the settings in the above screen display the icon as shown in the figure
below (left). When signal 2001 is ON, the colors [1] and [2] of the switch invert as shown in the
figure below (right).
Pressing the palletize icon turns ON signal 1 and releasing the icon turns OFF the signal 1. The
color of the icon does not change regardless of whether or not the switch is pressed or released.
Inputting 14 in desired device position in the screen in Chapter 9.2, and pressing <Set> displays
the setting screen shown below. The figure shown on the next page shows the string data
display, set in the screen below.
A max. of ten characters can be input in each row of [Label 1 or 2]. Moving cursor to [Label 1
or 2] and pressing <Input> displays the keyboard screen to input the label name. The characters
str data input in [Label 1] in the above screen are displayed on the top row as shown on the next
page. The characters input in [Label 2] are displayed on the second row.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Set the color of the characters in [Label Color], and the background color of the device in
[Background Color]. Via the above setting, the characters are black and the background is gray.
Refer to Chapter 9.3.16 for more details.
In [Variable], input the string data to display. In this setting, $a is set in [Variable]. Therefore,
the figure below will be displayed if $a is kawasaki.
Setting [Operation cond] to [Enable] disables display of this icon on the interface panel. To
enable display of this icon, turn the <INH/ACCEPT> switch displayed on upper right of screen in
Chapter 9.2 to the ACCEPT position.
Inputting 15 in desired device position in the screen in Chapter 9.2, and pressing <Set> displays
the setting screen shown below. The figures shown on the next page show the 2-selector switch
with lamp, set in the screen below.
A max. of ten characters can be input in each row of [Label 1 to 4]. Moving cursor to [Label 1
to 4] and pressing <Input> displays the keyboard screen to input the label name. The characters
lamp 2-sw input in [Label 1] in the above screen are displayed on the top row as shown in the
figures on the next page. The characters input in [Label 2 to 4] are displayed on the second to
fourth rows under the [Label 1] characters.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Set the color of the characters in [Label Color]. Via the above setting, the characters are black.
Refer to Chapter 9.3.16 for more details.
Two types of switching are available for 2-selector switch. Select either [Up Down] or
[Rotation] in [Display Type].
[Color (ON)/(OFF)] sets the colors of the lamp when the signal set in [Signal Number (Lamp)] is
ON and OFF respectively.
When the switch is turned (Left) and (Right) or (Up) and (Down), the signal set in [Signal
Number (Left), (Right) or (Up), (Down)] turns ON.
The setting of the screen on the previous page turns the switch red when signal 2001 is ON or
blue when the signal 2001 is OFF as shown below.
Signal 1 turns ON when the switch is turned (Left), and signal 2 turns ON when it is turned
(Right). The color of the switch does not change even if the switch is turned (Left)/(Right).
Red Blue
Setting [Operation cond] to [Enable] disables operation of this switch on the interface panel. To
make it operable, turn the <INH/ACCEPT> switch displayed on the upper right of the screen in
Chapter 9.2 to the ACCEPT position.
Inputting 16 in desired device position in the screen in Chapter 9.2, and pressing <Set> displays
the setting screen shown below. Figures shown on the next page show the 3-selector switch, set
in the screen below.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
A max. of ten characters can be input in each row of [Label 1 to 4]. Moving cursor to [Label 1
to 4] and pressing <Input> displays the keyboard screen to input the label name. The characters
lamp 3-sw input in [Label 1] in the screen on the previous page are displayed on the top row as
shown in the figures below. The characters input in [Label 2 to 4] are displayed on the second to
fourth rows under the [Label 1] characters.
Set the color of the characters in [Label Color]. Via the setting on the previous page, the
characters are black. Refer to Chapter 9.3.16 for more details.
Two types of switching are available for 3-selector switch. Select either [Up Down] or
[Rotation] in [Display Type].
[Color (ON)/(OFF)] sets the colors of the lamp when the signal set in [Signal Number (Lamp)] is
ON and OFF respectively.
When the switch is turned (Left), (Middle) and (Right) or (Up), (Middle) and (Down), the signal
set in [Signal Number (Left), (Middle), (Right) or (Up), (Middle), (Down)] turns ON.
The setting of the screen on the previous page turns the switch red when signal 2001 is ON or
blue when signal 2001 is OFF as shown below.
Signal 1 turns ON when the switch is turned (Left), signal 2 turns ON when it is turned (Middle),
and signal 3 turns On when it is turned (Right). The color of the switch does not change even if
the switch is turned (Left)/(Middle)/(Right).
Red Blue
Setting [Operation cond] to [Enable] disables operation of this switch on the interface panel. To
make it operable, turn the <INH/ACCEPT> switch displayed on the upper right of the screen in
Chapter 9.2 to the ACCEPT position.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Inputting 21 in desired device position in the screen in Chapter 9.2, and pressing <Set> displays
the setting screen shown below. The figures on the next page show the servo dispenser, set in
the screen below.
In [Parts], specify one of the parts shown in the right half of the screen with a number (1-11).
The part corresponding to the number will be displayed.
A max. of ten characters can be input in each row of [Label 1 to 4]. Moving cursor to [Label 1
to 4] and pressing <Input> displays the keyboard screen to input the label name. The characters
damper input in [Label 1] in the above screen are displayed on the top row as shown in the
screen on the next page. The characters input in [Label 2 to 4] are displayed on the second to
fourth rows under the [Label 1] characters.
The servo dispenser icon changes when the signal set in [Signal Number] switches between ON
and OFF. However, the pump and pipe icons do not change even if the signal set in [Signal
Number] switches ON or OFF.
The setting of the above screen displays the damper as shown in the screen on the next page (top)
when signal 2001 is ON. The damper shown in screen on next page (bottom) is displayed when
signal 2001 is OFF.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The following 15 colors are available. Specify the color by the number 0 to 15.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
On the interface panel screen, it is possible to set a title for each screen. To set the title, set [Page
Title] to [Enable] in the screen in Chapter 9.2 and press <Input>. For example, inputting the title
as shown below displays the screen on the bottom of this page.
When [Page Title] is set to [Disable] or when a title is not input, Interface Panel, the default title,
will be displayed even if [Page Title] is set to [Enable].
A max. of 60 characters can be input in [Page Title]. Moving cursor to [Page Title] and pressing
<Input> displays the keyboard screen to input the title.
E Series Controller 9. Interface Panel
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 10. Automatic Tool (Coordinates Data) Registration
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This chapter describes operation procedures for automatic registration of tool coordinates values
by using the TP.
A variety of tools of different shapes (gun, hand, etc.) can be mounted on the wrist flange at the
end of the arm when operating the robot. If the tool data is not measured correctly at this time,
the robot motion trajectory may deviate from the taught path and any errors or malfunctions may
enlarge through the off-line data transformation.
In other words, the tool data is essential for operating the robot correctly. In general, the tool
data are input by numeric values and registered, but measurement of the position and orientation
of the tool coordinates may not be accurate, or require a long time.
This function makes it possible to automatically register the tool transformation values by
teaching several points in space without having to enter tool data values by numeric keys.
When using the automatic tool registration function, the following set of pose data is stored
according to the condition of the tool data. The pose data measurement is taken by aiming at
one teaching point from 4 or 6 different tool poses, as described below.
Teaching pose consists of six base poses, A1, A2, A3, A4, B and C.
E Series Controller 10. Automatic Tool (Coordinates Data) Registration
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
As shown in figure below, teach the 4 Base Poses (A1, A2, A3, A4) with the same position data
but with different orientation data, aiming at the same tip point on a measuring jig. Ensure that
the angles between each orientation are within the range 45 - 90 . The wrist flange face should
have a different plane for each base orientation. Teach each base pose so that the tool
coordinates and measuring jig origins are in contact with each other.
A2 A3
Measuring jig
For Base Pose B, teach so that contact is made between the Measuring Jigs Origin and a position
100 mm or more away from the TCP (tool center point) in the desired -Z direction of the tool as
shown below.
Base pose B
100 mm or more
Tool Z direction
Measuring jig
E Series Controller 10. Automatic Tool (Coordinates Data) Registration
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
For Base Pose C, teach so that contact is made between the Measuring Jigs Origin and a position
100 mm or more away from the TCP in the desired +Y direction of the tool as shown below.
Base pose C
100 mm or more
The purpose of the automatic tool registration function is to automate registration of the tool
coordinates data by using the robot. Pay attention to the items below when using this function
during teaching. Failure to do so may enlarge errors/deviations in the tool coordinates data.
1. The angle between tool Z axes at Base Poses A1, A2, A3, and A4 should be within the range
of 45 -90 as shown in the figure in Chapter 10.2.1.
2. The distance between the jig origin and tool coordinates origin at Base Poses B and C should
be 100 mm or more as shown in the figure in Chapter 10.2.2 and Chapter 10.2.3.
3. Base Poses B and C should not be set at the same position as the jig origin. (Doing so results
in error.)
4. When teaching Base Poses A1, A2, A3, A4, B, C, take note that if the position data for 2 or
more poses is the same, an error may occur.
E Series Controller 10. Automatic Tool (Coordinates Data) Registration
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
As an example, the figure below shows one method for teaching poses B and C.
((( Point C
A2 A3
A1 X
Point B
Measuring jig
Teach pose A4 so that the tool Z axis runs parallel with the base
coordinates X axis.
1. Select [Aux. Function] from pull-down menu in B area to display the auxiliary function
3. Input necessary information to [Tool Name], [Tool Type] and [Program Save] (Option) in the
screen on the next page.
Selecting the tool names 1 to 9 corresponds to tools 1 to 9 in Aux. 0304. Also, optional
names may be entered for the tools by <Variable> and registered as variable names or system
E Series Controller 10. Automatic Tool (Coordinates Data) Registration
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
To save the registered pose to program set [Enable] for [Program Save].
Refer to 10.4.3 Program Save (OPTION)10.4.3 Program Save (OPTION)00 Program
Save (Option) for details on saving in programs.
Register the base poses data in the Record Base Postures screen. The display will be different in
some parts when [Program Save] in tool registration screen is set to Enable.(Refer to10.4.3
Program Save)
E Series Controller 10. Automatic Tool (Coordinates Data) Registration
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
d d
In teaching the 4 base poses (A1-A4), set
each angle for d within the range of 45°-90°.
When selecting [X, Y, Z, O, A, T], data for A1 to A4, B and C are registered and X, Y, Z, O,
A and T values are displayed as tool coordinates data as in the figure on the left.
E Series Controller 10. Automatic Tool (Coordinates Data) Registration
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Selecting enable for <Program Save> saves the coordinates data used in automatic tool
registration to a program. Also, loads the coordinates data saved in the program and displays
them in automatic tool registration screen.
The name of the program to be saved is shown on the right hand side of the screen.
For coordinates data, tool coordinates, current pose, recorded pose are displayed.
Programs can be saved/ loaded via the function buttons on the screen
[PGSAVE] Saves the registered coordinates to a program
[PGLOAD] Loads the registered coordinates from programs
[PGSELECT] Registers the saved program to robot program
[STEPMOVE] Move the robot program step to the coordinates indicated by the cursor
1. Register the robot pose data referring to
10.4.2 Registering Robot Pose Data
for Base Posture. All ? should
disappear when set correctly.
E Series Controller 10. Automatic Tool (Coordinates Data) Registration
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
1. Pressing <PGLOAD> displays the
confirmation message screen so select
E Series Controller 10. Automatic Tool (Coordinates Data) Registration
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
1. Pressing [PG SELECT] displays the
confirmation message screen so select
Pressing <STEPMOVE> moves the
robot program step to the step where
the cursor is currently at. Check
operation moves the robot to the
saved coordinates allowing
confirmation of the base poses.
E Series Controller 10. Automatic Tool (Coordinates Data) Registration
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
When a program is executed, the external axes too will
move to the saved poses, so be careful.
E Series Controller 11. Robot Motion Parameter Values Settings
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
In the E series controller, the moment of inertia and gravity load are calculated per axis, and robot
motion is controlled based on these calculation results to elicit optimal performance for cycle time,
trajectory accuracy, etc. Therefore, parameters such as tool mass, torque and robot installation
posture must be set properly.
Follow the procedures described in this section to set tool mass/torque and robot installation
posture, these settings are essential to elicit high motion performance.
E Series Controller 11. Robot Motion Parameter Values Settings
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The flowchart below shows an overview of the steps required for optimizing robot motion from
robot introduction to start of robot operations.
Introducing robot
Installing robot
Setting installation posture Refer to Chapter 11.3. Set installation posture by Aux. 0505.
Setting load information on Refer to Chapter 11.5. Set the mass and position of incidental
arm device mounted on upper arm or arm base. Set by Aux. 0404.
Setting for collision detection To use collision detection effectively, enable it before starting
in teach mode (option) teaching (option).
Checking operations
Robot operation
E Series Controller 11. Robot Motion Parameter Values Settings
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The moment of inertia and gravity load are calculated per axis, and robot motion is controlled
based on these calculation results to achieve a shorter cycle time, accurate trajectory, etc. To
make the robot run at maximum capability, follow the procedures below to properly set the
parameter values for tool mass, torque and robot installation posture. Functions affected by
robot motion parameters are described below.
This function automatically sets the most suitable acceleration/deceleration according to the robot
arm pose and load mass. This function effectively shortens robot cycle time (Not available in
some robot models.).
Acceleration/deceleration is optimized
based on the load/pose
This function controls motions based on the dynamic condition of the robot. Therefore, all of
the following affect motion control: Installation posture, Load data of the tool (mass, center of
gravity, moment of inertia around center of gravity), Load on Arm (mass and mounting position).
To optimize robot cycle time, each of these parameter values must be set properly.
E Series Controller 11. Robot Motion Parameter Values Settings
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The E series controller constantly calculates and controls real-time changes in the moment of
inertia, rigidity and gravity load of each axis to prevent vibration on the tip of robot arm. In
order to minimize robot vibration and achieve maximum motion performance, the tool load
information, installation posture, etc. must be set properly.
This function compares the torque and installation posture data registered as the standard
operating conditions for the robot with the data detected during actual motion. To maximize
performance of the collision detection function, ensure tool load information, installation posture,
etc. are set correctly.
E Series Controller 11. Robot Motion Parameter Values Settings
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Install each robot referring to the Installation and Connection Manual. Register the installation
posture that matches the actual installation posture. This setting fixes the gravity direction so
that acceleration/deceleration is properly controlled and so robot can be taught with the +Z base
coordinate vertically up, as shown below. Note when setting base coordinates via Aux. 0506,
the values for O, A, T must be set 0 (zero). Robot installation posture is set in Aux. 0505.
Floor Ceiling
Wall Wall 2
E Series Controller 11. Robot Motion Parameter Values Settings
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Tool load information consists of mass, center of gravity and the moment of inertia around the
center of gravity of the tool fixed on the wrist flange. This information is set by Aux. 0304 or by
the AS language WEIGHT instruction/command. To optimize robot performance in terms of
cycle time and service life, tool load information must be set properly.
Zf Center of gravity (COG)
Mass of tool (+workpiece): M kg
Yf Coordinate value on flange
coordinates: (Xg, Yg, Zg)
Moment of inertia around
gravity center: (Ix, Iy, Iz)
X Flange coordinates XfYfZf and
coordinates Xf Yf Zf , defining the
Z Iz moments of inertia around the
Iy center of gravity, are parallel.
coordinates Y
Tool center point (TCP) Zt
Coordinates value on flange
coordinates: (Xtcp, Ytcp, Ztcp) Xt
Tool coordinates rotation based
on flange coordinates: (O, A, T) Yt
E Series Controller 11. Robot Motion Parameter Values Settings
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 11. Robot Motion Parameter Values Settings
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Moment of inertia about the tool center of gravity should be calculated precisely. However, for
practical use, approximate values are acceptable. Moments of inertia can be approximated in
two ways: by judging the general shape of the tool as either a rectangular solid or as a cylinder.
Moreover, if tool outside dimensions are small enough, it is possible to approximate as a point
M 2 2
(b +c )
IZ c M 2 2
IY Iy (c +a )
Yf 12
M (a2+b2)
IX 12
M 2 2
Ix Iy (3a +h )
IZ 12
Yf M 2
Iz a
IX 2
E Series Controller 11. Robot Motion Parameter Values Settings
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 11. Robot Motion Parameter Values Settings
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
1. Data defining the load mass, position of center of gravity and moments of inertia
around the center of gravity are used in robot motions for controlling vibration,
acceleration/deceleration and collision detection. Setting values for these data,
even approximately, is important for optimizing robot performance.
2. Approximate values for load mass and position of center of gravity can be
obtained by Aux.0406.
3. If load mass is set 0, calculations assume robot is carrying its rated load (both
mass and torque).
4. If all center of gravity positions (Xg, Yg, Zg) are set 0, calculations assume
robot is carrying its rated load (both mass and torque).
5. If all moments of inertia (Ix, Iy, Iz) around center of gravity are set 0, robot
operates at the max. allowed load moment of inertia noted in specification sheet.
6. For safety, set 0 for the moments of inertia if Ix, Iy, Iz are unknown. In this
case, acceleration/deceleration is controlled at the max. allowed load of moment
of inertia.
7. If load at end of robot arm is small enough to be considered a point mass,
register a small value for the moments of inertia, approx. 0.01. If set 0, robot
operates at the max. allowed load of moments of inertia noted in specifications,
and acceleration/deceleration is constrained. In this case, setting a small value
enables cycle time to be shortened.
E Series Controller 11. Robot Motion Parameter Values Settings
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
For larger robots such as ZX series, if mounting device on the upper arm or the arm base, set
appropriate values for the mass and center of gravity for that device in Aux. 0404. This enables
the robot to optimize control of its motion, acceleration, deceleration, etc.
MU Load on upper arm
Mass: MU kg
Distance from JT3 center to
center of gravity: LU mm
E Series Controller 11. Robot Motion Parameter Values Settings
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 12. Auto Load Measurement
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This chapter describes the operation procedures for the auto load measurement function.
This function is used to automatically measure and calculate the mass, center of gravity, and the
load moment with the actual load (tool + workpiece) mounted at end of robot arm by moving
axes JT3, 4, 5, and 6.
The following flowchart describes the procedures for measuring the load automatically by using
this function.
E Series Controller 12. Auto Load Measurement
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This section describes the positioning procedure for auto load measurement.
1 Make sure that the tool is mounted on the robot flange firmly.
2 As shown in figure below, guide the robot to a pose that provides enough clearance for the
arm to move without interfering with surrounding objects (devices, etc.) and sufficient
gravitational torque to each axis of the arm.
3 Press HOLD*, and A+Motor ON to turn the motor power OFF**. Then, set
NOTE* For controller with option operation panel, turn HOLD/RUN on the option operation
panel to HOLD.
NOTE** For controller with option operation panel, press MOTOR POWER on the option
operation panel to turn OFF.
Do not fail to fix the equipment firmly for safety and for
acquiring accurate measurement.
E Series Controller 12. Auto Load Measurement
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This section describes how to display the screen for auto load measurement.
1 Call up Auxiliary Function screen and select [4. Basic setting]. For more details about
selecting auxiliary functions, refer to Chapter 8.2.
2 Selecting [6. Auto Load Measurement] displays the screen as shown in Chapter 12.2.3.
In this section, set the tool number to be measured and registered. This tool number corresponds
to the tool number in Aux. 0304.
[ NOTE ]
E Series Controller 12. Auto Load Measurement
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
In order to set the necessary data for this auto measurement function, robot
motion must be stopped before proceeding to next step. When message as
shown below is displayed at bottom of screen, follow the instructions.
[ NOTE ]
1. If message shown below is displayed at bottom of screen, robot cannot move inside the
operational area set in Chapter 12.2.4 for auto load measurement. Check the current
robot pose and the data settings for the operational area.
2. Upper limit of input range displayed on screen in Chapter 12.2.4 is the value registered
in Aux. 0507. Lower limit is determined by the conditions of the minimum motion
range required for measurement. If after the operational area is set and the motion
range is reset to smaller value than the operational area in Aux. 0507, the message in
the following screen is displayed. In this case, correct the set values.
E Series Controller 12. Auto Load Measurement
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
In this section, set the operational area for auto load measurement. During measurement, JT3 to
JT6 moves within the operational area set here only in the plus direction from the current pose
and not to minus direction. Set the data making sure that robot does not interfere with the
peripheral equipment.
[ NOTE ]
Message Input numeric is out of range. is displayed at bottom of
screen as shown below when attempting to set a value outside the
range. See the screen below. Check the setting and correct it.
E Series Controller 12. Auto Load Measurement
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
1. If any settings other than the operational area settings are incorrect, the reason is
displayed. Refer to the following screens.
2. Even if all conditions are correct, proceeding to the next step is not possible if
robot is currently running.
3. If all settings are correct, proceed to Chapter 12.2.5.
E Series Controller 12. Auto Load Measurement
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This section describes how to check the operational area for auto load measurement in low speed.
E Series Controller 12. Auto Load Measurement
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
1. If robot stops for some reason while checking the operational area, the error
message Robot stopped. Checking operational area stopped. is displayed at
bottom of screen as shown below.
2. Selecting [Reset] in screen below displays confirmation screen indicating Failed
in auto load measurement. shown in the screen below. Select [Close] and retry
after removing the cause of error.
3. Selecting [Close] in screen below displays confirmation screen indicating Failed
in auto load measurement. without resetting the error. Reset error and retry
after removing the cause of error. For details about error reset after selecting
[Close], refer to 2. Procedure for error reset-2 in Chapter 2.10.
E Series Controller 12. Auto Load Measurement
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
After confirming the safety of the operational area for auto load measurement and no problem is
found, execute auto load measurement.
[ NOTE ]
Pressing <Cancel> before cycle start in step 2 above displays the confirmation
screen. Pressing <Close> returns to the last step in Chapter 12.2.5.
E Series Controller 12. Auto Load Measurement
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
1. If robot stops for some reason while measuring, the error message Motor power
OFF. Measurement stopped. is displayed as shown in top screen below.
2. Selecting [Reset] in top figure below displays confirmation screen indicating
Failed in auto load measurement. shown in bottom screen below. Press
<Close> and retry after removing the cause of error.
3. Selecting [Close] in top screen below displays confirmation screen indicating
Failed in auto load measurement. without resetting the error. Reset error and
retry after removing the cause of error. For details about error reset after
selecting [Close], refer to 2. Procedure for error reset-2 in Chapter 2.10.
E Series Controller 12. Auto Load Measurement
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
When measurement process completes with no problem, the results are displayed. Results can be
edited at this time by inputting numbers directly.
1. The results are displayed.
[ NOTE ]
E Series Controller 12. Auto Load Measurement
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 13. Dedicated Instructions for Specific Fields
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual of Robot Applications
When using a robot in a specific field, it is necessary to specialize clamp instructions according
to the application and to use dedicated instructions for that application. This chapter describes
how to specialize the clamp instruction and the dedicated instructions used in spot welding
and handling operations.
NOTE* This manual describes pneumatic spot weld guns. For details about servo spot weld
guns, refer to the optional manual for Servo Weld Gun, a separate volume.
As shown in table below, the required setting items and contents of clamp instructions vary
depending on the application field of the robot. A max. of eight clamp instructions (Clamp 1
8) can be used. Follow the sections below to set the data of clamp instructions for spot
welding or handling operation.
Setting procedure
1. Display Aux. 0605 screen. For details on calling up the screen, refer to Chapter 8.2.
E Series Controller 13. Dedicated Instructions for Specific Fields
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual of Robot Applications
3. Input the application field for each clamp instruction. Set 0 to the instructions that will
not be used. Screen below sets Clamp 1 to spot welding, clamp 2 to handling, Clamp 3
8 to not used.
When executing spot welding operation, first set 1 to [Application] to specify spot welding as
the application field in Aux. 060501.
Furthermore, dedicated signals for spot welding are used in addition to the regular I/O signals.
Figure below outlines these signals. The following subsections describe how to set the
dedicated signals for spot welding. For more details about I/O signals, see the External I/O
Manual, a separate volume.
Weld schedule (Max. 6 bit)
Robot controller Welding
Weld start output controller
Stroke switching
(single solenoid/ double solenoid)
Weld Gun
2-stroke retractable gun retract position
input signal
2-stroke retractable gun extend position
input signal
E Series Controller 13. Dedicated Instructions for Specific Fields
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual of Robot Applications
For spot welding operation, WS, CC and OC instructions and their parameter values are
required to be taught in addition to clamp instructions.
A max. of eight clamp instructions can be used. Record ON (close)/ OFF (open) of the gun as
the parameter value in steps where the clamp instruction for spot welding is taught. For
details about teaching ON/OFF, refer to Chapter 5.3.11.
Specify weld schedule number as the parameter value. For details about teaching weld
schedules, refer to Chapter 5.3.11. Weld schedule is effective only when the gun is set to ON
Specify clamp condition number as the parameter value. The data for the clamp condition
numbers are set in Aux. 060502. For setting procedure, refer to Chapter 13.4.1. For
teaching clamp condition instructions, refer to Chapter 5.3.11.
Setting a clamp condition to 0 at the step where the gun is set to ON (close) executes a
To use a 2-stroke retractable gun, set O or C as the parameter value to specify whether the gun
should be retracted (O) or extended (C) in the taught step. For details about teaching OC
instructions, refer to Chapter 5.3.11.
This setting is ignored by assuming as a single stroke gun in steps where the clamp condition is
set to 0.
E Series Controller 13. Dedicated Instructions for Specific Fields
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual of Robot Applications
This section describes how to set parameter values for the dedicated instructions in Chapter
13.3 and the other data used for spot welding operations.
Set each data corresponding to the clamp condition (CC) number in the taught data.*
NOTE* This setting is effective only when spot welding or handling is specified in 060501.
Setting procedure
1. Call up Aux. 0605 screen. For details on calling up the screen, refer to Chapter 8.2.
2. Selecting [2. Clamp Condition] displays the screen below. (Default settings are shown
3. Set data for the items below for each CC number by pressing <Prev page>/<Next Page>.
Item Contents
Anticipation Sets how early the gun clamp signal is output to the weld gun before robot
of Clamp reaches a taught point. Corresponds to T1 in Figure in Chapter 13.5.
Output (Default is 0 sec.)
Motion Start Sets how long robot waits before moving to the next taught step after it has
Delay after received weld completion signal from welding controller. Corresponds to
Weld T2 and T6 in Figure in Chapter 13.5. (Default is 0.3 sec.)
Gun No. Sets eight kinds of guns available for spot welding. Set the data
corresponding to each gun No. in Chapter 13.4.4. Setting 0 disables the gun
data settings and executes preset clamp subroutine.
4. If the setting is correct, press .
E Series Controller 13. Dedicated Instructions for Specific Fields
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual of Robot Applications
Sets data for I/O signals or 2-stroke retractable guns to clamp Nos. 1 to 8 used for spot welding
Setting procedure
1. Call up Aux. 0605 screen. For details on calling up the screen, refer to Chapter 8.2.
2. Selecting [10. Spot Weld Clamp Definition] displays the screen below.
3. Inputting clamp number and pressing displays the screen below. The screen below
shows the settings for Clamp 1. (The setting below is default.)
E Series Controller 13. Dedicated Instructions for Specific Fields
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual of Robot Applications
4. Set data for these items in each clamp instruction. Table below describes each item.
Item Contents
Weld Control Sets welding controller numbers (1-8) which are used for spot
Number welding.
Gun Clamp Sets the Gun Clamp Command Output number to be used. Setting
Command Output 0 does not output this signal.
Extend Output Sets the Extend Output Signal number that makes 2-stroke
Signal* retractable gun extended. Setting 0 does not output this signal.
Retract Output Sets the Retract Output Signal number that makes 2-stroke
Signal* retractable gun retracted. Setting 0 does not output this signal.
Extend Position Sets input signal number confirming 2-stroke retractable gun is
Input Signal* extended. When this signal is set, robot will not move after
pressurizing and reaching its extend position until this signal is
input. Setting 0 does not detect extending.
Retract Position Sets input signal number confirming 2-stroke retractable gun is
Input Signal* retracted. When this signal is set, robot will not move after
pressurizing and reaching its retract position until this signal is
input. Setting 0 does not detect retracting.
Regarding extend position input signal and retract position input signal, also refer to extend
monitor and retract monitor in Chapter 13.4.4.
E Series Controller 13. Dedicated Instructions for Specific Fields
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual of Robot Applications
Sets I/O signal specifications for the spot welding controller that is specified in Chapter 13.4.2.
This setting is effective only when 1 is set to [Application] in Aux. 060501.
1. Call up Aux. 0605 screen. For details on calling up the screen, refer to Chapter 8.2.
2. Selecting [11. Spot Weld Gun Definition] displays the screen below.
3. Inputting spot welding controller number and pressing displays the screen below. The
screen below displays the settings for weld control 1. (Default settings are shown below.)
4. Set data for each item. Table below describes each item.
E Series Controller 13. Dedicated Instructions for Specific Fields
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual of Robot Applications
If the taught data of WS instruction is 3, the ON/OFF States for weld schedule output signals
will be as shown below because [Output Format] is set to [Binary].
Output signal 20 19 18 17
When [Output Format] is set to [each], the third weld schedule output signal will be ON as
shown below.
Output signal 20 19 18 17
NOTE** When setting 0, the program executes the next step without waiting for input of weld
completion. Except in special cases, do not fail to set a number for the Weld Comp.
Input Signal.
E Series Controller 13. Dedicated Instructions for Specific Fields
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual of Robot Applications
Sets the gun type and specifications for the 2-stroke retractable spot welding gun. The gun
number here corresponds to [Gun No.] (1 8) in Aux. 060502. (See Chapter 13.4.1)
Setting procedure
1. Call up Aux. 0605 screen. For details on calling up the screen, refer to Chapter 8.2.
2. Selecting [12. Spot Weld Gun Definition] displays the screen below.
3. Inputting gun number and pressing displays the screen below. In the screen below, the
setting is for Gun No. 1. (Default settings are shown below.)
4. Set data for each item. Table below describes each item.
E Series Controller 13. Dedicated Instructions for Specific Fields
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual of Robot Applications
Item Contents
Gun Type Sets type of gun to use.
Single: single gun
X-ret: 2-stroke retractable X gun
C-ret: 2-stroke retractable C gun
Weld Delay on Sets time required for switching 2-stroke gun from retracted position to
Retract extended position and delays outputting Weld Start Output signal by the
Extend set time. Corresponds to T3 in Chapter 13.3.3. (Default is 0.5 sec.)
Motion Delay Sets time required for returning the 2-stroke gun from extended position
Extend to retracted position after welding and before moving to the next taught
Retract point. (Default is 1.0 sec.)
Retract Monitor Selecting [monitor] enables continuous checking of the Retract Position
Input Signal during robot motion. If this signal is not input in retracted
state, error occurs and robot stops. Selecting [not] stops monitoring of
the input signal.
Extend Monitor Selecting [monitor] enables continuous checking of the Extend Position
Input Signal during robot motion with the gun at extended position. If
this signal is not input in extended state, error occurs and robot stops.
Selecting [not] stops monitoring of the input signal.
Extend Signal Delays outputting the Extend Output Signal by the set time, for switching
Output Delay the stopper type of 2-stroke retractable gun from retracted position to
extended position. Corresponds to T4 in Chapter 13.5. (Default is 0.5
Retract Signal Delays outputting the Retract Output Signal by the set time, for switching
Output Delay the stopper type of 2-stroke retractable gun from extended position to
retracted position. Corresponds to T5 in Chapter 13.5. (Default is 0.2
E Series Controller 13. Dedicated Instructions for Specific Fields
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual of Robot Applications
The figure below is a sample of the timing for each I/O signal in spot welding operation.
T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T6 T1 T6
Gun clamp
signal output
Stroke switching
By double
cylinder T4 T5
By stopper
T3 T3
E Series Controller 13. Dedicated Instructions for Specific Fields
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual of Robot Applications
When using this instruction to open/close the hand(s), set 2 to [Application] in Aux. 060501.
For the setting procedure, refer to Chapter 13.1.
Furthermore, in order to set more detailed conditions for the handling application, it is
necessary to set the properties of the handling clamp signal.
Refer to the External I/O Manual, a separate volume, for more details about input/output
Set output signals corresponding to each Clamp instruction that controls the valves that
open/close the hand(s), etc. Selecting [20. Handling Clamp Signal Definition] in Aux. 0605
displays the screen below.
E Series Controller 13. Dedicated Instructions for Specific Fields
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual of Robot Applications
Consider actual wiring and hand mechanism, and define the clamp signal output either for
ON or OFF. A specified clamp signal for ON is output when the clamp instruction
becomes ON. Conversely, a specified clamp signal for OFF is output when clamp
instruction becomes OFF.
For example, if signal number 10 is set to [Output Signal for ON] in [Clamp 1], system
outputs OX10 when clamp1 instruction is ON, and the electric potential of OX10 becomes
If signal number 11 is set to [Output Signal for OFF] in [Clamp 1], system outputs OX11
when clamp1 instruction is OFF, and the electric potential of OX11 becomes high.
Unlike single solenoid valves, define two signal numbers for each clamp instruction.
For example, if setting signal number 20 to [Output Signal for ON] in [Clamp 2], system
outputs OX20 when clamp2 instruction is ON, and the electric potential of OX20 becomes
System outputs OX21 when clamp2 instruction is OFF and the electric potential of OX21
becomes high.
The figure below is a time chart for a clamp signal taught for handling specification. At the
time of memory change to a step taught with ON for a clamp instruction, the clamp signal turns
ON and remains ON until the memory change to a step taught with OFF for the clamp
Clamp signal
E Series Controller 13. Dedicated Instructions for Specific Fields
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual of Robot Applications
E Series Controller 14. Multi Function OX/WX Specifications (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The following four types of OX signals can be set by Aux. 0604 (option) .
The specifications for each are described below. For output timing of each signal, refer to
Chapter 14.3.
This is the standard type, teaching this OX instruction outputs a signal in step increments. After
robot reaches axis coincidence at a step, the memory changes, movement begins toward the next
step where OX is taught, and the OX signal turns ON. When the memory changes to a step
where OX is not taught, the signal turns OFF. To use Step Type, input 0 to [Type] in Aux. 0604
The timing for turning ON the signal is the same as Step type, but Keep type signals remain ON
until the signals are turned OFF at an OFF taught step. To use Keep Type, input 1 to [Type] in
Aux. 0604 (option).
E Series Controller 14. Multi Function OX/WX Specifications (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
A pair of signals of this type turns one signal ON and the other OFF, or vice versa. To use
Double Type, input 2 to [Type] in Aux. 0604 (option).
For Double Type (XOR), it should be noted that the combination of signals is restricted. The
combination of OX1 and OX2, or OX3 and OX4 are possible, but combinations of OX2 and
OX3, or OX4 and OX5 are not allowed.
This type of signal remains ON for the specified length of the pulse after the robot reaches axis
coincidence. To use Pulse Type, input 3 to [Type] and the length of pulse to [Pulse] in Aux.
0604 (option). Pulse length can be 0 to 9.9 sec, set in 0.1 sec increments. Even if setting 0, 0.4
seconds of pulse is output.
In Step Type and Keep Type OX signals, it is possible to change the output timing to output after
axis coincidence. Set OFF in [OX.PREOUT] in Aux. 0502 as shown below.
Double Type (XOR) and Pulse Type output after axis coincidence regardless of this setting.
There are two ways of detecting WX signals, when the signal turns OFF ON, or ON OFF.
In teaching, a signal number with minus (-) sign in front indicates detection at ON OFF,
otherwise signal is detected at OFF ON.
E Series Controller 14. Multi Function OX/WX Specifications (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Output timing of each type is illustrated in the figure below. As stated above, the memory
change occurs at every step change. (See also Chapter 14.1.1.)
Step Type
Step Type
Keep Type
Keep Type
Double Type
Pulse Type
E Series Controller 14. Multi Function OX/WX Specifications (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This chapter describes procedures for transforming the pose data created in offline teaching into
data which online robots can use.
There are two ways of teaching work contents to the robot: online and offline teaching.
Because online teaching uses a robot installed on the production line (online robot), motion
programs can be taught only when the line is not operating.
Offline teaching, on the other hand, does not use a robot on the production line, but instead uses
an offline robot or CAD (Robot simulator) system. Therefore, teaching is possible regardless of
the state of the production line.
Data transformation is a function that transforms the pose data taught with an offline robot or
CAD system into data that can be used by an online robot in actual operation.
In this function, the position data of four reference (base) points located on the workpiece is
essential for fixing the pose relation between workpiece and robot.
The time needed to teach motion programs in the actual production system takes far longer time
than the time for this data transformation operation. Therefore, this function can raise the
operating rate of the robot.
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
When Aux. 0802 is set to [Inhibit], the original teaching data is not rewritten
by the gravity compensation and data transformation functions. Set it to
[Accept] to rewrite.
During execution of data transformation function, teaching data cannot be input nor output from/to
external device. (USB memory operation is not necessary.)
If any of the above data was saved to a USB memory, load the data from the USB memory.
Refer to Aux. 0202 for more details.
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
1. The tool coordinates data which is measured by the automatic tool measuring
function is valid only during the data transformation. The values set by Aux.
0304 in the robot controller are not changed.
2. Data of tool coordinates registered in this function are also valid only during the
data transformation. The data return to the values set by Aux. 0304 after
termination of the data transformation function.
3. The most recent position and pose data of tool coordinates (X, Y, Z, O, A, T)
which were used for data transformation are shown on screen.
Six kinds of tools can be used in data transformation function (each tool is specified with a
number 1- 6.)
For Tools 1 to 3, the position (X, Y, Z) and orientation (O, A, T) of the tool coordinates, with
respect to the null tool coordinates, must be set in Aux. 0304 before executing the data
transformation function.
For tools 4 to 6, the position (X, Y, Z) and orientation (O, A, T) of the tool coordinates, with
respect to the null tool coordinates, can be set using the data registered in this function on the
display. The initial values are set in Aux. 0304.
For Tools 1 to 6, each tool coordinates position data, with respect to the null tool coordinates, can
also be set automatically by the automatic tool measuring function in this data transformation
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Both the translation amount (mm) of the tool coordinates with respect to the null tool coordinates,
and the rotation angles ( ) O, A, T, are registered as tool coordinates data. The figure below
shows the relations between the orientation of the tool coordinates (x,y,z) with respect to the null
tool coordinates (X,Y,Z) and Eulers OAT angles.
As shown in the figure above, the three angles can be defined as follows.
[ NOTE ]
Sets O, A, and T as values from 180 to +180 deg. The value of
rotation is expressed as shown below depending on the direction:
Right : Positive value
Left : Negative value
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The null tool coordinates (X, Y, Z) coincides with the tool coordinates (x, y, z) when it rotates in
the following order, according to the definition above.
1. O : rotation of the null tool coordinates XYZ around Z axis. (This moves XYZ to X Y Z.)
2. A : rotation of X Y Z around Y axis. (This moves X Y Z to X Y z.)
3. T : rotation of X Y z around z axis. (This moves X Y z to xyz.)
The setting procedures for X, Y, Z, O, A, T according to the actual gun shapes are as follows:
X When registering the gun shown in the left figure as tool 1:
X, Y, Z, O, A, T 0, 50, 300, 0, 0, 0
(X axis faces down, vertical against this plane.)
Fixed 300
point y
When registering the gun shown in the left figure as tool 2:
50 X, Y, Z, O, A, T 0, 250, 50, 90, 90, 90
(X axis faces down, vertical against this plane.)
(O,A,T)=(0.0.0) (O,A,T)=(90.0.0) (O,A,T)=(90.90.0) (O,A,T)=(90.90.90)
Fixed Y
point Z X y
O=90 A Y A=90
X x
Y Z z
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
NOTE* Gravity compensation is necessary only when the offline teaching data is created by CAD.
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Finish mounting tools and workpieces before executing data transformation function. Then,
load the program for data transformation. For more details, refer to Aux. 0202.
Set up the measuring jig for the tool, and teach the robots pose data corresponding to four tool
poses for automatic tool measurement.
The angle between each pose should be within 45 - 90 as shown in the figure below. Follow
this guideline when recording, poses out of this range will enlarge errors during data
In creating teaching data, move the robot by using AXIS, and position the distance between tool
coordinates origin and the jig origin within 1 mm as shown in the figure below.
Tool pose 2
Tool pose 3
Tool pose 1
Refer to Chapter 10 for more details about how to create the teaching data for automatic tool
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Teach the position data for four reference points on the workpiece using the online robot. Set
these points close to each corner so that all the teaching points in the program can be inside the
area that they define.
The position data of the four reference points are necessary for fixing the pose relation between
the workpiece and the online (or offline) robot. Select four points (A, B, C, and D) on
workpiece, teach them with online (or offline) robot, and record their step numbers
corresponding to point A, B, C, and D.
Z axis
Y axis
X axis Reference
point A Reference
Reference point C
point B Reference
point D
Line direction
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The procedure for teaching the four reference points for online data is as follows. Create
data in point order, A B C D.
1. Select the program name. Refer to Chapter for more details about selecting a program
2. Move the robot to the four reference points by pressing AXIS, and press REC at each point to
record the pose information.
This function performs gravity compensation on the teaching data obtained by automatic
measurement, for the position (X,Y,Z) of the tool coordinates origin. This compensation is
necessary only when the offline data was created with CAD.
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
When specifying step numbers:
Only the first step number is executed when the end step is set to 0.
Setting 0 for the first step number results in an input error.
If the end step number is set larger than the last step, all the program steps are
Example of input:
Start step number 0 0 1 3
End step number 0 5 0 3
[ NOTE ]
1. For [Load Position](X,Y,Z), input the center of gravity of the load in coordinate values
on null tool coordinate system.
2. When load mass value is negative, data with a load is transformed into data without load.
(This transformation is necessary when measuring robot data is used.) When load mass
value is positive, data without a load is transformed into data for robots with a load.
(This transformation is necessary when CAD data is used.)
3. If the load mass is set to 0 kg, the data created by CAD is transformed into data for
robots without load. If -1 kg is set, the data set for the robot with a load is transformed
into one for CAD.
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This procedure automatically calculates tool coordinates data for online robot. This operation
can be repeated any number of times. The last calculation result is valid.
NOTE* Inputting a program name in [A] copies the same program name into [B] to [D].
Inputting a program name in [B] to [D] does not copy the name to other fields.
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
1. When the four step numbers are all set to 0, position data of this tool is
not calculated nor overwritten.
2. Position data for several tools can be calculated and overwritten at the
same time.
After verifying the tool coordinates data that is obtained from automatic measurement with
online robot, be sure to note down the X, Y, and Z values.* The values will be input and
registered in the following steps.
NOTE* The tool coordinates data obtained in Chapter is deleted after completion of data
transformation. Be sure to note the X, Y, and Z values for tool 1.
[ NOTE ]
1. When the tool coordinates data is automatically measured, the tool
coordinates position is obtained as a calculated result.
2. When the tool data is not automatically measured, the tool data indicates the
set values (for Tool 1- 3) in Aux. 0304 and values (for Tool 4- 6) registered
in Aux. 010302.
This function registers the tool coordinates data that is obtained in automatic tool measurement.
Take note that because only X, Y, and Z can be calculated by automatic tool measurement, input
the values for O, A, and T by NUMBER.
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function performs gravity compensation on the four reference points data measured by
online robot. This compensation is only necessary when offline teaching data is created by
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function sets the position (X, Y, Z) and orientation (O, A, T) of each tool coordinates for tool
numbers 4 to 6 on the offline robot.
1. Select [Aux. 010302.Register
Tool Coordinates].
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Verify if tool data for the online and offline robot is the same as the values set in Aux. 0304.
Set the tool number of the tool which is used when teaching the four reference points by using
offline and online robots, and the program and the step numbers where the four base reference
points are taught.
1. Press <Next Page> in Aux.
010301 screen.
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
[ NOTE ]
1. [Tool clearance distance] shifts the data in each axis direction of the base
coordinates by a set amount, after transformation based on four reference
points data for online robot. In this example, the data is transformed to a
position 10 mm above the workpiece (distance from tool-tip to taught-point=
dz= 10).
2. Set this data to move the tool away from the workpiece during the first repeat
operation to reduce risk of interference, etc. Set 0 in normal operation.
Next screen displays the deviation between the transformation position of point D obtained by the
calculation in Chapter and the point D position measured by online robot. Deviations
are displayed as dx, dy, and dz distances.
If values dx, dy, and dz are not within the range of 3.0 mm, the
procedures up to this point can be thought as causing the error.
Remove the error causes and execute once again.
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This function performs data transformation based on offline data (program: pg7, for example).
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Performs gravity compensation on the data to be used online (program pg7 for example).
This compensation is valid only when the offline teaching data is created by CAD. When
offline teaching data was created with an actual online robot, do not perform gravity
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Execute a program (pg6, for example) which contains data transformed from offline data to
confirm if the data transformation has been performed correctly.
Taught point
(step: N)
X axis
1. Select the desired program. Refer to Chapter for more details about selecting a
program name.
2. Confirm that the first step is selected. Refer to Chapter for more details about
selecting a program name.
4. Press A Motor ON on the TP to turn the motor power ON. Then, press A RUN or A
<HOLD> to enable the robot to move.
5. Press CHECK GO with DEADMAN engaged. The robot executes the first step and then
6. Repeat this operation to confirm each teaching point, and re-teach points with large deviation.
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
When online operations are not performed correctly, transformation of the data for the online
robot will not be executed accurately, even though the offline teaching data is correct.
Data transformation errors caused by tool orientation difference do not occur if there is no error
in the tool data that is used when processing the offline and online data. However, errors
inevitably exist within the tool data, and data transformation error will occur and will be
affected by differences in the tool orientations for the four online reference points (A, B, C, and
D) and for actual teaching points. When setting tool orientation for the four online reference
points, the four offline reference points (A, B, C, and D), and those of the actual teaching
points to be the same, the error becomes relatively smaller. When tool orientations for the
four online reference points (A, B, C, and D), or those at the actual teaching points do not
match, the error becomes relatively larger. Aspects of this error are described with actual
examples below:
Above graph describes transformation error with an error of 0.5 mm against reference points X, Y, Z.
Remarks at operation
Note the following in order to make data transformation error smaller:
1. As much as possible, teach each of the four reference points for online robot to have
almost the same orientation, and teach so that their orientations also match those of the
actual teaching points for repeat operation.
2. When tool orientations at repeat mode differ dramatically at each point, group similar
orientations, teach four reference points for each group, and perform data transformation.
This makes data transformation errors smaller.
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
An error message may appear when some defect occurs during data transformation. In this case,
normally taught data is not rewritten, however, be advised that it may be rewritten for specific
errors. The following is a list of error messages.
Step No. (XX) movement range Calculated result exceeds joint motion range.
over. (Press <CONTINUE> for
rewrite.) Selecting [CONTINUE] on the confirmation box
rewrites the teaching data to be within motion range and
continues the processing.
Step No. (XX) interference range Calculated result exceeds joint interference range.
over. (Press <CONTINUE> for
rewrite.) Selecting [CONTINUE] on the confirmation box
rewrites the teaching data and continues the processing.
Step No. (XX) JT. 4, 5, 6 has Axis value difference between before and after
changed over 45 deg. (Press transformation is more than 45 in any axis of wrist.
<CONTINUE> for rewrite.) (Normally there is no problem if this error occurs.)
Check the set data and set the appropriate data again.
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Message Detail
E Series Controller 15. Data Transformation (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 16. Sealing Specification (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Sealing spec. robots have various control function necessary for sealing operations. This chapter
describes how to set the data for sealing control.
The flowchart below shows the sealing procedure for sealing spec. robots. Make the necessary
settings for sealing control on the screens in auxiliary function 060501 - 060530. Teaching and
the subsequent operations are the same as those in workpiece handling, etc.
Modify if necessary.
060502 Gun Condition
Check on teaching
Repeat operation
E Series Controller 16. Sealing Specification (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
To display the pull-down menu, activate B area on TP screen and press MENU, or press the B
area directly. Select [Aux Function] and input the auxiliary function number (605) directly with
NUMBER. Then, press to display the setting screen below.
To display each setting screen, move the cursor or input the function number directly and press .
NOTE* Refer to Chapter 16.2.2 for the gun condition setting procedure.
E Series Controller 16. Sealing Specification (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Sealing spec. robots can use up to 4 guns. The application fields of [Gun1] to [Gun4] are
specified here.
Select a gun from [GUN1] to [GUN4] using / and press after setting either 0, 2 or 3 for
each gun.
[ NOTE ]
1. For guns set to either [2: Handling] or [3: Painting Sealing], the gun
number will appear as the auxiliary data of the gun instruction on the
block teaching screen if it is taught ON. Nothing is displayed when it is
taught OFF.
2. For guns set to [3: Painting Sealing], the data specified in Aux. 060502
and Aux. 060530 becomes effective.
3. For guns set to [2: Handling], the data specified in Aux. 060502 becomes
E Series Controller 16. Sealing Specification (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Specify items shown in the screen below for each code of gun condition (CC) that is one of
auxiliary data of gun instruction. By setting [Gun Subroutine] to [Enable], the robot
automatically executes the set subroutine program after the gun ON/OFF signal has been output,
and then returns to the current step after the subroutine completes.
Range of setting: pg0 to pg999
Move cursor to each item using / , and make necessary settings by / and NUMBER.
Pressing <Next Page> displays the data for codes 2 to 9 and to enable setting for these codes.
Pressing registers the data set for codes 1 to 9 at the same time.
E Series Controller 16. Sealing Specification (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Sets the number of the output signal to be used to turn ON the gun (GUN1 - 4). This takes
effects only if that gun type number 3 (Painting Sealing) was specified for [Application] in Aux.
[ NOTE ]
1. In teach and check modes, pressing A+CL outputs the signal that turns
the Gun ON.
2. GS Gun Schedule value which controls Gun Spray ON/OFF timing is
enabled for the output signals assigned here.
3. These signals are output in the same timing as OX signals if the GS
value is set to 0.
E Series Controller 16. Sealing Specification (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
To switch to the gun instruction dedicated screen (Lower screen below), move the cursor to the
right of the Comment position by pressing A+ or by on the teach screen. Refer to
to display the teach screen.
Except for the auxiliary data of gun instruction, the configuration of the block teaching screen
and the auxiliary data of each instruction are the same as those displayed for handling
specification. Please refer to Chapter 5.3 for details.
On the gun instruction dedicated screen, three kinds of auxiliary data are set for each gun, from
left to right in the following order: ON/OFF, GS value, CC number (The fourth item is fixed to 0
in sealing applications.).
To teach/edit auxiliary data of gun instruction, turn ON TEACH LOCK and input numerical data
directly via NUMBER. Teach/edit the following auxiliary data for each gun (max. four guns).
E Series Controller 16. Sealing Specification (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
2. Setting of GS values
Pressing the F key of the desired gun number (<Gun1> or <Gun2>) displays the setting screen
for GS values. See the screens below.
Pressing after inputting the GS value (-999 to 999) prompts the setting of CC number (0-9).
3. Setting of CC number
Input CC number and press . When 3 or more guns are used, pressing A + changes
<Gun1>/<Gun2> to <Gun3>/<Gun4>.
To set the auxiliary data of the instructions other than gun instruction on block teaching screen,
refer to Chapter 5.3.
E Series Controller 16. Sealing Specification (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
The GS value sets the time for turning ON/OFF gun signals based on the taught value.
To advance ON/OFF timing: negative value (unit: mm)
To delay ON/OFF timing: positive value (unit: mm)
Specifying the GS value enables fine control of the ON/OFF timing.
(Example 1)
When GS100 and Gun1ON are taught at point B, the gun signal is output 100 mm after point
(Example 2)
100 mm
When GS-100 and Gun1ON are taught at point B, the gun signal is output 100 mm before
point A.
(Example 3)
100 mm 50 mm
To delay outputting the gun ON signal by 100 mm and advance output of the gun OFF signal by
50 mm as shown above, teach GS100 and Gun1ON at point B, and GS-50 and
Gun1OFF at point C.
(Example 4)
200 mm
To delay outputting the gun OFF signal by 200 mm as shown above, teach GS200 and
Gun1OFF at point C.
E Series Controller 16. Sealing Specification (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(Example 5)
The above figure shows the output when Gun1 is taught as shown below and GunON is taught to
a series of points B, C.
GS0 and Gun1OFF at point A
GS200 and Gun1ON at point B
GS100 and Gun1ON at point C
GS0 and Gun1OFF at point D
[ NOTE ]
The gun can be kept ON continuously if negative
distances are taught to a series of points.
[ NOTE ]
1. Pressing after inputting a GS value sets the value and redisplays the
gun instruction dedicated screen.
2. Pressing R before/after inputting the GS value displays the gun
instruction dedicated screen without setting the value.
E Series Controller 16. Sealing Specification (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
This selection is effective both in teach and repeat modes. When selecting [Enable], material
cannot be applied in teach mode unless gun ON signal is output manually. When selecting
[Disable], in repeat mode, robot motion can be checked without spraying from gun.
To select Spray Enable/Disable, activate B area and press MENU, or press the B area directly,
and display the pull-down menu. Select [Aux Function] and input the auxiliary function number
(12) directly with NUMBER. Then, press to display the screen below.
The screen below is displayed by pressing . Select either [Enable] or [Disable] and press to
register it.
E Series Controller 16. Sealing Specification (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Spray Enable/Disable can be selected via the pull-down menu in repeat speed display area, too.
To display the pull-down menu, press A + MENU, or press the repeat speed display area directly.
The gun signal can be output manually by pressing A+CL in teach mode.
If selecting [Disable], the gun ON signal cannot be output manually even if GunON is displayed.
E Series Controller 16. Sealing Specification (Option)
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller 17. Troubleshooting
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Press <RESET>.
Check the robot and
Error resolved? the surroundings, and End
restart the operation. Restarting is
Restarting is
Press EMERGENCY STOP unsuccessful.
to cut OFF the motor power.
E Series Controller 17. Troubleshooting
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Restarting is
to cut OFF the motor power.
[ NOTE ]
When contacting maintenance member or Kawasaki,
please provide all details, information, and operating
conditions at the time the error occurred.
E Series Controller 17. Troubleshooting
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
2-1. Connect the PC. Turn ON the power and activate the AS monitor software.
E Series Controller 17. Troubleshooting
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Initialization resets system data and auxiliary data, including system switch settings, to their
default settings, but not to the factory setting*. Also, note that user programs and variables
data are cleared, but data inherent to the robot are not affected. Execute following the
procedure below.
(1) When the screen in Chapter 17.2 is displayed, input 1 by keyboard screen on PC or TP.
(2) Confirmation message is displayed as shown below. Inputting 1 (Yes) executes the
initialization of the system.
NOTE* To return system data or auxiliary data to the factory setting, save the data in external
device before initialization, and after initialization load the data or input the data on
the E controller setting list included with the robot at time of factory shipment.
E Series Controller 17. Troubleshooting
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
Returns system data and auxiliary data, including data inherent to the robot and system switch
settings data, to their factory settings. But, user programs and variables data are cleared.
Execute following the procedure below.
(1) When the screen in Chapter 17.2 is displayed, input 2 by keyboard screen on PC or TP.
(2) Confirmation message is displayed as shown below. Inputting 1 (Yes) executes the
resetting to the factory shipment state.
NOTE* This operation is possible only when a file with the factory setting data has been set
and stored at time of factory setting. This file is typically stored when robot is
shipped from the factory per customer order and specification.
Resets the system data and auxiliary data, including data inherent to the robot and system
switch settings data, to their default settings. Also, user programs and variables data are
cleared. Follow the procedure below for the execution.
(1) When the screen in Chapter 17.2 is displayed, input 999 by keyboard screen on PC or TP.
E Series Controller 17. Troubleshooting
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
(2) Confirmation message is displayed as shown below. Inputting 1 (Yes) executes the
initialization of all the data.
Once initialized, all data must be reset, including robot model setting. In addition,
incompatibility error between the software and hardware/ robot arm may occur after initialization.
Therefore, to prevent inadvertent loss of data, save all data before executing initialization, and
then reload this data forcibly after initialization. After completion, turn the controller power
OFF then ON again.
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series Controller Appendix. Error Message List
Kawasaki Robot Operation Manual
E Series
Operation Manual